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Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour itra raproduit an un saul clicha. il ast filma t psrtir da I'angla suptriaur gaucha. da gaucha k droita, at da haut an bas. an pranant la nombra d'imagaa nacassaira. Las diagrammss tuivsnis illustrant la mOthodo. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MKIOCOTY RESOIUTION TIST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHAflT No, 2| 1.0 i!PPyiD IIVMGE Inc .\^H^. H. R. H. The Duke of Cornwall and York. AUTHORIZED BY THE MAYOB, CITY COUNCIL, BOARD OF CONTROL AND RECEPTION COMMITTEE. ■V 3^/^ Pember's f 1. THE QAINSUOROUGH The LeadrriK Art Hair Goods House in Canada \o otluT Iniil has mkIi a si'It.'Cl assoiliiK'iit, or ^an triw as ivrficl satislaaiiMi In I'Vfiy iklail ^* j* j* Hair Dealer and Scalp Specialist 127 and 129 Yonge Street TORONTO II THE. W. (Q, D. DINEEN CO.. LIMITED -^ Royal Furs -^ A special Ui-.pliiy of j;arnienls, in Rojal ICrmine. Russian Sable, Seal and other rare ami tasty furs, has heeii arranj^ed ill honor of the Duke and Dm'- -s ul ^■ork's visit to Ontario. it is uortliv of the attention of visitors as well as others for we have spared no expen-.r or hihor to make it an historic e\- hihilion. We are the f^^reatesl fur contitry in the world. Our furs are hou^'lit direct, and manufactured from Taris, London, and New York desig^ns. Call and see the displa}'. Write for Catalogue. THE W. epen5ent ©r6cr of iforcsters THE BEST FRATERNAL BENEFIT SOCIETY IN EXISTENCE AS THE I.O.P. WAS IN 1881 M*mb«p«hlpiJuly lat) Asaet* 369 . • 4.000 Nona CHARACTERISTICS OF THK lO.P. LIBERAL POLICY EQUITABLE METHODS CAPABLE MANAGEMENT For further intormation re»|.«(mK the I, OF. »j»icm of Fra ORONHVATCKHA, MO. »y-.i«r «,,.*.», AS THE I.O.F. 18 IN 1901 ?*il^Mwr***'P ISept«m»»r lat) IH7.0CO *"«'■ ...•4.«SS?S PEATURBS OP THE I O.P. INSUBANCE AT COST NO DEATH ASSESSME' "S PROMPT SETTLEMENT OP CLAIMS ■nnl Asiurance, apply lo any Officer or Member o( the Order, JOHN «. HcttlLUVHAr, K.C. „.,.„ THE "OPHIR" THE ROYAI. YACHT, "OPHIR.'' P'it'atc ApartmentH at iht Duke i>l Cornwall aij Vork. INO Lady who*lmiatobtalnlnrthcb««reiuIti with the Itut amount of Ubor and vho love their homes seek to make them the brightest spots on earth. A snow- white table cloth laid with shining cups and saucers, and a bright clean fireside greet the bread-winner as he returns from his daily toil. A smiling welcome from a happy wife is his, and the chil !; m make music at his coming. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER is disorder allowed to rrign supreme. Alas, that every matron knows not that such a home may be hers. Some matrons are slaves of dirt, and their homes are t homes of squalor. Some are slaves to worry and their homes are in a per- petual turmoil of cleansing through the use of common soaps. Britons, never, never, never SHALL BE SLAVES is the music of that home where Sunlight Soap is used. Quietly, quickly, without worry, without confusion, the heaps of soiled clothes are purified with Sunlight Soap. The whole house is with one wash of Sunlight Soap made sweetly clean. There is no discomfort to anyone ; there is time for rest ; there is time for recrea- tion ; there is time to devote to other duties of the home. Slavery to dirt and to disorder, to work and to worry is abolished, and of such fre'edomand comfort THE SECRET IS Th.' "^«'^^re 'sB«L«in?so»p,juj.d! SUNLIGHT SOAP. HER MAJESTY QIIl.N ALEXANDRA. TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC .»„ . ?"; ""*"'' "^'S"^"' ""'"■-*'■ "h«=tor music. .„., — i—K—*"* >iiu r-ncillKM *BT1SIS' «ND TEACHEHS' ORADUAimo COUSSIS - srun. .V.:.V.' ' —"•' ■" »-«nM«. ,.™"i« «*r "«"l» »o« STu¥"°*V Ai.Ti'm'Sr'-™*'' "«"""I»S. Etc. NEW bALif^R^^aTvirA^'JsTREE ASSIHS.MKNT SVSTKM Canadian ^^Mon^e Circles !• a Pralernal Society eilai ,sl,ed for the g PROTECTION OF THE HOME ® • Incorporated October iStb. 1886 ^ BOTH MEN AND WOMEN ARE ADMITTED TO MEMBERSHIP m Certificates are i„ued for $500. $,,000, $a,o„„ and $3,000 I Amount of Benefitt fS^'^^ne^it* over SI.50nnnii paidta..,ea„ ^Sf^^S^'^ "I^ For partkular^, addi JOHN S. DENCH, Suprtmr Lrader. TRENrON. ONT 0000 ORQANIZBRS WANTED J. M. FOSTER. B.A., Supreme Srcreiarj-. r.-*Wer:i!ion Life Blj^,. TOKONTO. ^iA^ikA. (-^Wtrr^tuon Life BUk.. TOKONTO. ^ LORD ROBERTS, COMMANDER-IN-CWEF OF; THE BRITISH ARMY. FINE ^^ anitary lO Plumbing HOT WATER & STEAM HEATING AND Ventilation W. Mashinter & Qo, 97 Adelaide Street West, TORONTO Telephone, MAIN 3064 ; ^eJAMI^E^ELLK CO., Limited ^ IT'S NOT ^ WHAT ^ That makes this store a good place to trade. We but quote the facts. It is what the people find here; what they have found here for the past half century. The evidence is here for you as plainly as for us. j» Specialties : j« IC\'*'2°"'^' Watches, Jewellery, Sterling U Silverware, Cabinet Goods WE SAY The JAMES £. ELLIS CO., Limited 3 King St. East, Toronto. HK EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL THE EARL OF MINTO TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, l.m.t.o /" afflluil,o„ !,.,H f/^ l-Hirrrii,, „/ T t Tea«,k«» , M,,, f:„. SCO,, S,„d for N'., C.lend.r '. Mitta Sara Hickell H. N. SHAW, Princlp.1. F-^r„r, ,. Ill, Jl,„ll.„.; u, o„ The Harry Webb Co^umuen, Caterers for Weddingi.Bani^uftx^ Receptions, and all dax. ses of entertainments -n town or country jijtjtjt Wedding Cakes ship ped to all parts of the Dominion jtjtjljtjtji 447 Yonge Street, Toronto. """"TlmBMi ■■! THK COUNTESS OF MINTO. -The- Constructing and Paving Company of Ontario, Limited General Contractors for Pavements Sewers 'tc Reflncrt and Dc«lcn . . in . . Trinidad Pitch Lalve Asplialt ■■pmnt J IT. PAT>icK srHaT, MoNniAL OFPICB Telephonv, Mniti lojo. i Toronlo Sii'eat. WORKS Teleplmnr, North 549. Price Strt^el, DOCK Teteohoiie, Main 1614. Jarvis Street. Toronto TRINIDAD AAPnSLT PAVINO OUR SPECIALTY JAS. PEARSON. PrMidenI a. W. OODSON, Manajer Attention is particularly directed to the las' ing ijuality of paving where PITCH LAKE TRINIDAD ASPHALT is used. *■ Land Asphalt " has none of the merits of PITCH LAKE ASPHALT, though, when it Is first put down, it is similar in appearance. PITCH LAKE ASPHALT Is uni- formly of good quality, and un- questionably the best. OLIVER A. HOLLAND, K.C, CM.G., MAYOR OF TORONTO. .:*-^ bS' c "(SlCn flliawr" W'^siocntlal ane Kag School foe Oirls Art, Music, Matriculation and General English Course. MISS VeALS, fill SPADINA AVENUE. TOBONTO. PRINCIPAL PATENTS PROVISIONAL PHTEITS, Clin ATS, ETC. PROMPTLY PROCURED h'OR INVENTORS In Canada. Vnitati Statat, Onat Britain and Foraign Counlriaa. DESIGNS. Trade Harks and Copyrights Registered. VALIDITY Searches, Abstracts of Titles, and Pre- liminary Examinations. INVESTIGATIONS and Reports on Novelty and Utility of Inventions. INVENTIONS worked out a„d Patented. DESIGNS and Drawings furnished for Special Ma- chinery and Tools. AUTOHATIC Machinery and Special Appliances de- vised to meet requirements. If n/y/lU H'Sfi'l'red Amrnay, "» l/#yi C//"^ Expart IKechaitloal Enginetr, Etc. 124 Victoria Street. TORONTO, CANADA. -^ N h .1 mmK^'-''-'^m \ 1 Stiam Motoh koh Locomohilk H. niXON Board of Control O. A. HowLANH. Esg., K.C., C.M.G., (Mavok) Cha Alderman Frame. Alderman Lamb. Al.UERMAN ShEPPAR1>. At.derman Hubbard. Combined Letter-Envelope MAUK IP KOK LETTERS, INVOICES AND STATEMENTS HKiHBNT TiKTIMUNIAI.S mo.M Ba.VKS AKI> MrRiH^NIS I WRITUS s LettBF. I MAKES an Envelope, I sii»iuiTANEOusLy ;r"!r.'.^- — j Envelope Address. I PILES the Letter with Date of Postmark. ■■ Pt'T IH THK WRONO e THE '5iH|"Lener-EnvelopeCo.. OFFICES AND FACTORY 43 ft 45 LOMBARD ST., - - TORONTO. Janes Building, 75 Yonge St., TORONTO W« »re prepared lo .11 l.giiimale de- Sr, ""'"r "J' 'J""'«"'°""'" Corporation,, Compan,e., Bank,, Merc.nlile Hou.e,, Altorney. or md,v,dual, ,„ any par, of Canada or ,he L-ni,ed workl'LTSS-L' '"" """"' °''"»''""' '*" ,.J^n^' L"''""!"!" »« i -on,i„en, wilh good p " ° I T'"» 'IS™':!' '!'>=» not work for rewards. d.vorce bu.ines. accepted. I'atronaVe respectfully solicited. Yours respectfully, ^ ALEX. F. NOBLE, Principal A. E. NOBLE, SUPT. TICCPHOMC. liaiN. 3t| A modern store of moderate prices, wl,e,e eoods are reia,l.,t ,t ™ ■ , where quick sales and hie quantities make „5lv!r ? ™l«tled at minrmized expense ; —SIMPSON™ RECEPTION COMMITTEE TORONTO CITY COUNQL. Al.t'HRMAN Lot TOM Warh " UHyiHARI Al.i)HRMA\ K. S. Cox, Chaiiniaii. 6. Ai!i!-.i;MW WOUII'^ -i. Ai.!'FRM.\N L\M> 7- " Starr ip, ■' Bikns 8. " Framk II, '■ Shkari> I '. " Rl SSFl.I, A . y>Hlet and lompartmeni* varvinir (rom Ih^ i.mall box. for ihow wikhinr to pre*.; ifcs fur fir a few paperi. acctdent. mmuii. ntiicNk. ii Jet.ell«rj and other v^luahlf. the Compan' '- '■- re rented at Inw rate., atid affon •" -—• ■— I--., hv fut, r..btMry o neeJs. Win. PIhi. J. W. LANaMUIR, Managing Director. Saf... ,nj;.,Ji„j Tin ll,„c,. (.hi^h a,. „ 2S':il"''A '""> '^^'""•^ '•" » •"■ ?" """"^ and iipwarda. aiouitlinif to lize anif Incalioi. Hoxea of KlatL-. Jeweirerv, etc.. or other oacfc aje. n,a, b. left fo, .,fe l,,.,,;; at .";«£;„; .'f,eroZfpJrto"i^;S'.'°rfheS,S„''''' ino VQuitnarf! warranlvd perfectly dry. A. D. LANOnuiR, Assistant Manager. -a8~ JAMES DAVEY, Secretary. Formation and Detail of Royal Procession. 1'hree Mounted Police. 1 3 Vardi. Two Troopers. . 50 Vardn. - Advancrd Guard of Eitcoit. One Sergeant. I 50 Yards. A Staff Officer. No. I Troop of Kscort. 50 VartI-. Carriages of Royal Suite. No. 3 Troop of Escort. 50 Vardii. A Staff Officer. Headquarter Staff, Canadian Militia. 50 Vards, Lieutenant The Duke of Roxburghe, M.V.O., R.H.C. Officer Second in Com- mand of the Esrort. Captain the Viscount Crichton, D.S.O., R.H.G Royal Carriage Officer Commanding the Escort. Trumpeter. No. 3 Troop of Escort. :- Yards. No, 4 Troop of Escort. 50 Yards. One Sergeant. \ 50 Yards. - Rear Guard of Kscort. Two Troopers. ) 2$ Yards. Three Mounted PoHee, rnto. w. SMITH ■ID. •MITH Fin Apparitus including Chemical En- gines, Hook and Ladder Trucks, Hose Waggons, Etc. SMITH BROS. Carriae^e and Waggon Works COR. DUKE AND PARLIAMENT 5TS. DELIVERS DISS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOII LORRIES m STREET SPRIKKLERS KODAK QUALITY and KODAK FILM QUALITY Have made Ihe Kodak wav llie sme way ill PKIure laking. A m„,',,Is perfectly made -freed from detail in operalion_il,e»e qualiiie. enable the ko- daker lo give hi> entire attention lo taking the picture. I(«d«k Cirlrldin arc low made for TWO, SIX, OR TWELVE EXPOSURES Kodak films l.ave all the good qualities of the best brand, of ijla,, platc,-and they don t break. KODAKS, Ss.oo to $35.00 CANADIAN KODAK CO., TORONTO, CAN. Limited CaUtotue free at ii,e dtaltra. or by mall. BEST SHOE POLISH LOW EARTH Formation and Detail of the Governor General's Procession Immediately following the Roy*l Ptoce»ion ^ Three Mounted Police. ii, ^'M^d«. Two Trooper . i so V«rJ«. Advance Guard of E»corl One Szrgeant. ) 50 Vardi. Sixteen Troopers. 50 \"«rds. A.D.C. Suhaiiern Governor General's Carriage. A.D.C. Captain Trumpeter. Fou teen Troop crs. 50 Yards. t»,ie Trooper. so Yards. R ear Guard of Kscort. Two Troopers. 35 Yards. Three Mounted P jlice THE HOME SAVINGS & LOAN COMPANY, UMTTED Authorized Capitil, $2,500,000 Siiliserlbad Cipital, $2,000,000 OFFICE: No. 78 aureh St., TORONTO EUGENE OTCEEFE, P«,d«. JOHN FOY, vi»p«m« D«po.jU Rk*Iv«I from Tw.nly C.nt. upwird., .nd int.rtit •llowtd thcrton it bist current rRte. Moiwy LMlMd on MortKaK. on Cily Property ; >m«ll and Urn lum. ; eaiy tcrma of repayment- No valuation fee charged. '^"* J'T^S?""'"*' S»«"'«y ol Bank and other Stock* and DobtnturM, OPFICB HOUn I ^"i";.;;r.-r-,„ ,.„ ,.„.. .„, „„ james mason, SaiurdAy ■vrnififr*, from 7.00 lill q.oo oclock. Manifer. i FINE TABLE K N I V E S CUTLERY DESSERT SETS FISH IIIIIVES LADLES FDUIT SETS StME CtRVERS CRUMB TRAITS ETC. r o B K S BERRY SPOOIS BREAD FORKS ROAST HOLDERS JAM SPOOKS CREESE SCOOPS CAKE KNIVES ETC. s p o o N s RICE LEWIS £ SON, LIMITED COR. KING AND VICTORIA STREETS- TORONTO Itil Route of Ro/al Procession. Th» Rout* of lh« Hoym\ rroi:»«<«ion lu ih« lily Mali will b« mm follawi t Pupont loHl ti»orm»i Hi. iirttrfcm lo Hloor i Rtoor lo J«fvl« i jMrvUloCsiltoa t Carltpn tu Yong> i Vokk* to Klnjf i Kinx rn Umy i Hay Id Ciiy Hall. Route fMm Statlea to Cky HaB. St«tk>h i ni'Pi> NT StaiaT S e V) J i *. ^^^ HitNiB SrmtiT c '/I e 1 Camitox Stricrt CiTV lUl. s A (A 1 t ■f ce KlN< St The route of the Roy^J Proce<.>.ioti from th^ Cily Hall to Government Houne will b* N« follow-, i (Jgeen lo \icu.ria i Victoria to Adelaide ; Adelaidr to Churcit : Chtiruh to Km^ \ Kiny '» (•ovefiitnr-ni Moiine. Route from Qty Hall to Govcramcnt House. GovtkHVKHT IIoi;kk The Koyal proceMion will pa«N prominent corners ai. follows , St- George and Bloor, 3.05; Bloor and Jurvia, a.15 ; Jarvis ami larlto!*. J.i8; CariMn and lonjte, ; Vonfce and King, 2.25 j Kinjr and Bav, r.30 Queen and Church, 3.00 ; Churth and King, 3.0"^. XLhc Empire's Strengtb In VliUdf is shown in its military organization. ■Ml IPCHCC it is siiown by tliose organizations whicli tend toward tlie materiai weifare of its people. lln CanabS tlie chief of these is the Canada Life Assurance Company. This great comp-uy since its inception has paid or credited its policyholders with nearly $6,000,000 more than it has received from them. tlbiS Splendid 1ReC0r5 has never been approached in this country, and the pros- pect for the future is that as in the past the best to be obtained in life assurance will be found in TLbc dana^a %itc Hssurance Company Programme of Review. The Parade will be formed in review order. Hii* Royal Hi);lineMs will in- spect (he troops, after which he will proceed (o fireNeni medalH to officers, non- commissioned officers and men entitled lo receive them. The troops will then march past the saluting point in the following^ order : GENERAL STAFF General Officer Commanding, Major-General R. H. <" Adjutant General, Colonel. The Ho .'•le Quarter Master General, Coi iv Haly,C.B.,D.S.O, ••le tMvi:l..'W A;,!*ner. W, H. Cot en. M ■..'lut .idjin ml ' General, [.;< Assistant Adjutant General, Major A. O. Pages, K. C. R. I. Deputy Assistant Adjutant General, Capt; Aide-de-Camp, Major K. H. T. Heward, R.L. Transport and Supply i ^'•'J*^ ^ " j Major H. J. Snelnrovf., 4"'" Reuiu.^.u Officers, ( Major T. R. Atkiiison, 39th Regiment -' .M f ' K. '-.. Nelles, R.O. K. D. Lafferty. R. C.K.I. Aide-de-C'amp, Lieut. K. Cockburn, SuflTolk Regiment. Villiers Sankey CAVALRY BRIGADE STAFF Brigadier, Colonel F. L. Lessard, C.B., A.P.C. Brigade Major, M;.jor R. Brown. P.I..1>.G. Orderly Officer, Major V. A. S. Williams, R.C.D. ROVAL CANAt>tAN OrAGHHNS, Major .N'elIeK, Commanding. Govkrnor-Gknkrai.'s Horn Giarii. Keginientat licadquarlera. Tornnlu. Lieutenant-Colonel C. A. Deniiion, Commanding. 1ST Hl'SSARK. Reirimental IIeaJt|iiarlers, Lcndiin. Lieutenant-Colonel .[. B. Stoihers, Commanding, 2NI) Dragoons. Rcfrimental JIi^<(J on Jii' w XLbc Bisbop Stracban Scbool ^ A Chiirch School for Girls M ■ VQi^ltebam feall COLLECE STREET, TORONTO. 11 Thirty-Fifth Year PRE5IDBNT ; The Right Rev. the Bishop of Toronto AM EXCELLKNT COURSE OP MANUAL THAtNlNli E.^z;';;:;'L;riX^s:r:^-^;!r""' '•--— l..n., . h„„|c ,„rf.. . „,„ h„„ p„„|„^ „„„ /„^ ", ^.^^ .^^^ j;;^^'' '•'«' "~- . ten,. „d ,.,„^„., For Cslandar apply to MISS ACRES, Principal. }por-^ I ^"^ XHnion ^rust (Tompanv I LIMITED ^ C. # Subsop I Pald-u V Supplui Subsoplbed Capital Paid-up Surplus 92,000,000 600,000 800,000 Okonhvatfkha, M.D. Hon. Ghorgk E, Fostek Hon, Ei-lioi 1 VicE'ri.ido,,, • Stkvknsi>n. Jnd VKV-PresiJcnt H«ad oace and Safety Vault. : TEMPLE BUILDING, TOROITTO DIRECTORS : His Honor Jiiu^f McttoicAL ,„, J*'"N A. Mi-GlLi.ivRAv, Esg., K.C. Col. John I. Davidikin •Matthiiw \Vii„s^>n, Esy., K.C. ACTS AS : Trustee, Executor, Administrator, Guardian, Receiver, Liquidator Assignee and General Financial Agent. ' f:"'-:,&Xo:,T,\^:^T'' -"'""'^-■'. -^i"-" and ,.„.re.ed. Drafts, Account.. Inlrre.t, Renl«, etc.. colietled. and ^:^r?^ar "^erv^-r; ^eip:^:?:! -=^,„ — ' --P-V HON. OEORaE E. POSTER, Oenenl n.naier. TROOPS IN ROYAL REVIET-Coi.ttn«td. 3tT GlARKS HrAtlqiiartiTi.. Ottawa. Lieutenant Colonel A L. Jarviti, Commanding. 7T1( RKtllME.VT Fisit.ii.:Rs , . HenJyuarlers, London. Lientenant.Colonel A. .M. Smith. Commanding. loTtt KKt;iMENT Rl.VAt. Grknadikrs llradqiiarter,, loronlu. Lieutenant-Colonel J. Bruee, Commanding. 2IST RitClMKNT Esst.:x Ftslt.tERs ReKimrntal HeaJ.|iiarlcTv. Windsiir Lieutenant-Colonel J. Guillot, Commanding. 4STH HtGMI.ANIlRRs , . Hi-3dqiiarter™, Toroni... Lieulenant-Colonel W. c. Macdonald, Commanding. 2nd INFANTRY BRIGADE Br^af'^":iiSo?H:'i;SI'„,*;3!;rK^i:sS,«— ■ Orderly Officer, Lieutenant H. I.. Hagar.\,th if.gimint. 2NII REGTMBtlT l^| eEN\ Own Rin ES . ^ Hea.tq,„rter., T..ronlo. Lieutenant-Colonel H. .M. Pellatt, Commanding. UTH REtilMENT ^ORK RanceRS lieginienul Iteadquarlers. Aurora Lieutenant-Colonel T. H. Lloyd, Commanding. 13TH Regiment H«aditiiarlrr«. Ilamillon. Major J. Stoneman, Commanding. 36TH Peel Regiment IteRimenlal HeaJquarterK. Bramulon L.eutenant-Colonel G. T. Evans, Commanding. 37TH Regiment Halpimand , . , Re*rimcnlal Headquarlera. Vorlj. Lieutenant-Colonel A. T. Thompson, M.P., Commanding. Composite Regiment (t,TH and 44th Regiments). Lieutenant-Colonel Cruickshank. Commanding. 2iki infantry division. STAFF ... Commanding, Coionci L. Biicttan, C.iM.G A«i5 ant Adjulani General. Lieutenant-Colonel W. E. Hodgin, R O Aasialant Adjutant lieneral. Major C. F. Winter G G P™" ' "•"• Orderly Officer, Captain P. E. Thac'ker', R.C.R.L -37— IContinued c "Grand's," Consignments Solicited Walter Harland Smith Proprietor 53 to 59 ADELAIDE ST. W. TORONTO. Auction Sales of Horses, Car- riages, etc., every Tuesday, and Friday at 11 o'clock, and private sales every day. A very large stock New Carriages, Harness, Robes, Rugs, etc., con- stantly on hand for private sale. "Annex^'' 18 to 28 NELSON STREET, High Class Cobs, Matched Pairs, Carriage Horses, Sad- dle Horses, Family Horses and Drivers, trained for city use, all for private sale. Telephone Main 2861 W. E. DILLON 81 Church St. Toronto Manufactorer of and Contractor for ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK FOR BUILDINGS HAYES' PATENT SKY-LIGHTS, FIRE-PROOF WINDOW SHUTTERS, MILL PIPING, INDIRECT HEATING AND VENTILATING. WE CAN Supply Bvery TWII^OK. 2J3 Yonge Street, ^^^f^M^gi^j^ Thing an Officer Requires -38- TROOPS IN ROYAL REVIEW-Cootin««l. W WFANTRY BRIGADE . J"!'"''.'"' Li.iilenam-Colonel Jr„. Hugh,., 46lh R„im<-„1 Br^.dB Major, Li.ulm.m-Colon.l T. D. R ll.minj H r H Orderly Officer, Lieulenanl G. B. H,.gl,e,, F;.o "' "•'^■''■'■ 14TH Rkgimknt I'mNiFiss Of W«i,Ks Own Riii ts [Uaa,l„arlcr«. Kirir»t.,n Major J. Calloway, CornmandmK. 15TII REiilMBNT AniiVLK LlllMT l.\pivrav , . Headquarters. BellevilW, LieulenatilColonel J. K. H.lliwell, Con.n.andi„K. 4aNii Lanark and Rknkrew RftiiMKNT Ketrnnenlal Headuuarteri, Perlh Lieutenant-Colonel L, living, Coniniaiiding, 43HI> Recimunt Ottawa and Cahlhti.n Rules. ,, , Headnuartrrs. Ottawa. Major S. Maynard Rogers, CoiiimandinK. 4.STH Victoria REtiiMKNr r ■ Kcffiinenlai llradquartera. I.lnd„av Lieutenant-Colonel Sam Hunhes., MA\, Commanding. 4tjrH DiRiiAM Rkgimknt. Regimental Headquarlcr-i. Port lli Rrue Rkgiment. , Regimental llenJquartcni. Walkerlon Lieulenant-Colonel Adam Weir. Commanding. 3JRI> HiR IN Regim(-nt, . RcKtmental HeaJquarlerx. tiodcrich, Lieulenant-Colonel J. A. S. Vartoe, Commanding. ARMY MEDICAL CORPS Colonel J. H. Neitson, D.C. M.S. Surgeon Lieutenant-Colonel C. S. Ryerson, Staff Ocffier D ■ ■ . w '-'*"'*"*"' J- A. Roberts, A. M.S.. Orderly Officer ' Provincial MedK-al Officer (Artillery and Cavalry! Major WNa.tress A M Provincial Medical Officer (Infantry, Major C. W. Be k on AM. 's Np. J Bkarkr Company, Major E. P. Echlin, Commanding. No. 4 Bearkr Company, Major J. T. Ftftheringham, Commanding. No. 6 Bearer CoMfANv, Captain A. T. Hobbs, Commanding. No. 7 Bearer Company, Mi.jor G. S. Rennie, Commanding. No. II FiELi> Hospital Company, Major R. H. Abbott. Commanding. No. !V Field Hospital Company, Major A. Y. Scoli, Cr nandii.g. No. VII Field Hospit. . Company, Major J. M. Cotton, Commanding. —39— w Canadian Lawyer A HANDY BOOK OF THE LAWS AND OF LEGAL INFORMATION PRI CE, $1 .50 It shows your Rights and will save many times its cost The Carswell Co., limited PUBLISHERS PRINTERS BOOKBINDERS Telephone, MAIN, 1379 Head Office: OESERONTO THE RATHBUN COMPANY 310 and 312 Front Street West TORONTO Wholeula and Retail Dealers In Pine and Hemlock Lumber, Doors, Sasti, Blinds, Lath. Shingles, Cedar Posts, Porous Terra totta Fire Proofing. SOLE SALES AOENTS FOR The Canadian Portland Cement Co., M.„„,«.„e: J RATHBUN'S STAR, '-'"'™ ( BEAVER, ENSION. RICHARD LOCKE, Vardi and Railway sidings : *«''«t. KOOT OF SPADINA AVENUE. Itinerary of Royal Party. 9- 30 a.m., J 6th Septem ber, arrive 'Quebec. 9 45 a.m., 18th " leave yuebec. aoo p.m., iSth arrive .Montreal. 900 a.m., aolh leave .Montreal. 11.45 a.m., 20th arrive Ottawa. ■ 3.JO p.m., 24ih leave Ottawa. ''..■^o a.m., a6th " arrive Winnipeg. 5-30 p.m., 26th leave Winnipeg. 11.30 a.m., 27th arrive Regina. 300 p.m., 27th leave Regina. 9.00 a.m., 28th arrive Calgary. 4- '5 p.m., 2Sth leave Calgary. 11.45 a.m., 30th " arrive Vancouver. 5.00 a.m., 1st October, leave Vancouver. 10.00 a.m., isi " arrive Victoria. '0.30 p.m., 2nd " leave Victoria. 9-00 a.m., 3rd " arrive Vancouver. 10.00 a.m., 3rd " leave Vancouver. 2 00 p.m., 10th arrive Toronto. 9 00 a.m., i2th leave Toronto, visit towns n western Ontario and arrive Niagara, n western 11.00 a.m., 14th liHve Niagara, visit towns Ontario and leave for Kingston. 11.00 a.m., 15th arrive Kingston. 2.00 p.m., 15th leave Kingston by steamer .sand Islands. lor Thou- 6.00 p.m., i5ih "' arrive Brockville. 6.3J p.m., 15th leave Brockville. 4.00 p.m., i6th arrive Sherbroolce. 430 p.m., 16th leave Sherbrooke. 12.00 noon, 17th •' arrive St. John. 9.00 a.m., 18th leave St. John. 10.00 a.m., 19th '• arrive Halifax. 5.00 a.m., 2ist " leave Halifax. m m rm The Mclnlosli Craniie and Marble Company LIMITED DEBiaNins AND MANUFACTURCRl Or HIQH QRADE Cemetery Memorials London & Canadian Loan & Agency Co. Gko. R. R. CiHKBiRN, M.A.. Presidenl. Thomas Lonii, Vice-PrfthiJeiit. S..bscMbed Capital $,,000,000 ■ . . ■ 210,000 MONEY TO LEND On Bonds, Stocks, LIfo Insurance Policies and Mort^atfes. Races on applioalion. V. B. WADSWORTH, Manage.-. H13 Bay Sireel, Toronto. m m STATUE OF QUEEN VICTORIA TO BE ERECTED BY ONTARIO GOVERNMENT. %i Coetunilno ano flDtlUner? % MDt. JOAN BISHOP MI55 ALEXANDER Phonr. M.iin .1077 Xm and 4UH NonuR Si G. Ha^rley | Walker YONCe STREET For Fashionable Tailoring' ?€€€€€€€€€€€€^ 'E invite inspection of our full stock of ! West of England * '. 'X'V^lj and Scotch Tweed Suitings and Over- coatings for Fail j> and Winter wear. ^ ALEX. MILLARD UMOERTAKER AND EMBALMER Tiliiikona, Main 679 359 W" STDEET TOROKTO PRIVATE MORTUARY In Aemorlam. (^AFFORD >DIATORS '-^:}x. Around the Empire there U an unbroKen chain o/ Safford Radiators airdlln, ,1,. Brhhl, Empire-Olrdll., the world. vol.„,«.. inllnoiiy of tb< >.lid «.nh .( the •• SAFFORD." I, ita- Md. of quiet borne, .od ire.t bolldl.,,, bere .od over tbe •e... .re tb. link, of tbi. ,r... cb.l., .„b . r.c.mme.d..l.. mil yo.,.rd to yoor co.!. Tb. world b.. experimented (or yo.. ud tbe SAFFORD" ibe world over. Tbere-. .11 tbe advice yo. .eed ,bo.l R.dl.lor.. We will be pleased to ,lve yo. any Inlo™.,,., ,„„ j„,„ ^eod for Iree booklet abo.t{. R.neraber we are tbe LARGEST RADIATOR MANUFACTURERS ..der tbe Brill.b Fla,- Ihaf. tbe recommeodallo. Ibe Britlsb Empire ,l»e. ibe • SAFFORD." ^'*'' '^'^ominion Radiator Compr.ny Toronto D Limited ^^^^ H. R. H. THE PRINCB OF WALES, VISITING C/NADA IN ISM, ^ py n^obcrtsor? "^nos. MANUFACXURKliS OK- Jnne (Jontcctionerv (Jocoas Si (Jbocolates Io;j-II3 QUEEN STl^EEX EAST o LIVER Typeivriters The only Free-Type Bar, Visible Writing Typewriter manufactured. THE BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES. Manufactured hy Linotype Co.. Montreal Toronto Branctk i 55 Victoria Street ontcith ||ouse ROS8EAU, -^ V^^ Mu»KOH» ^ ^1 Ontario's l[it[h1andfi : North America'* choicest Summer Kenort. In the miJii of the [>Mr HunUr's PsrMlfse. MONTBITH HOUSE i> in the brat location, and haa warm and comrortahlc rooms and firili-Jaii table. Competent OuidM and Boatmen. Dwr Hunting Scuoa, Nov. ist to iMh In- cluMvo. Dklly Mall. Tstofrapb Olflcc. JOHN MONTEITH, Pfoprietor. ARTHUR MONTOTH, Maiuger. gj. ad MUNIOPAL BUILDINGS, TORONTO. St. flDaraaret'8 College, tCoronto MRS. QEORae DICKSON. Lady Priacipal. A RESIDENTIAL AND DAY- SCHOOL FOR QIRLS A FULL ACADCMIC COURSC A FULL MUSICAL COURSE A FULL ART COURSC A FULL ELOCUTION COURSE A FULL DOMESTIC SCIENCE COURSE A FULL COURSE IN PHYSICAL CULTURE Special Facllltfet for the 5tudy of Music (Vo«al and Instruaiaatal} QBORQE DICKSON. Dlractsr. ESTABLieHED IBBB INCORPORATED 1900 Acanclei: WINNIPEG MONTREAL and VANCOUVER TORONTO OFFICE : 74 ADELAIDE ST. W. JOHN H. SHALES, AacNT. Person n« I : ANDREW LEITCH CECIL H. THOMP8CN WM. O. LEITCH WM. TURBAYNE JAMES TURNBULL CANADA ELEVATOR WORKS THE LEITCH & TURNBULL CO., limited KAKUrtCTUSlSS OF HIM GER AND f ELEVATORS Electrtc. Hydraulic, Steam and Hand. PASSENGER AND FACTORY ■"«""= Hoton and Controllers, Etc., Etc. HAMILTON, ONT, CANADA. TORONTO UNIVERSITY. ST. ANDREW'S COLLEGE TORONTO A Residential and Day School for Boys. '^ Boys prepared for the Universities and Royal Military College. Separate Residencp for Junio ■!. Boys admitted from eight years of age and up. Wrile (or information to REV. D. BRUCE MACDONALD, M.A., Principal. PHONC, MAIN, 2291 — The— McLachlJn Electric and Gasoline Motor Co., Limited Manufacturers of ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER APPARATUS, GASOLINE ENGINES FOR LAUNCHES AND HORSELESS CAR- RIAGES. Our SpiCllltjl ; PATENT NON-VIBRitTING ENGINES 1 1 S Bay St., TORONTO TCLCI.HONC, MAIN 1B3B W. H. Eaton SIGN WRITER and INTERIOR DECORATOR 74 Adelaide St. West TORONTO Adverting C|nMC Cotton, aiaw BriiM, Tin OIUllO Wood, Wire Price Tlcketi, Soaw Cirdi, Bunera, Wblte Eumcl Lellera, elc. MARBLEIZINQ A SPECIALTY ST. ANDREWS COLLEGE. ST.ANDREWS COLLEGE GROUNDS. T^ Ki Uwimi Om k PEMilEIT mUl ALL IFiRiS K H K It Cures you while you Work and Sleep. Avoid the danger from operation and save time involved thereby. 1 not only supply a perfect fitting truss, but MY WONDERFUL DEVELOPING LYMPHOL, which aids nature in forming a new growth of muscular tissue in the rupture opening. If it is impossible to call, the combined method can be sent by mail and PERFECT FIT is assured. Competent attendants in office from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. k mm luu A Complete Isine of Bandages and Supporters. Ob?. Wo So m tm. "r n mmt. it., T©M©MT©< R. H. O'GRADY HALY, C.B., D&O., MAJOR-GENERAL COMMANDING CANADIAN MILITIA. mm /fi •• V ^^g^r m©i Independent Order<><0dd-Fellows T>i Plwitr o( Ffittrml giiweliil Sicitiiti. iHtllitrt innrlci li HI 9. It had at the close of 1900 over 900,000 Lodge members 350,000 Rebekah members, and 150,000 Encampment members. Revenue for the year $10,000,000. Paid out in Sicl<, Funeral, and Wido >s' Benefits durini the year, nearly $4,000,000. Instituted I. Ogtarl. la l«M, the Order new hu 288 !«)(«. with UM member., .od pnld .r .11 pnrpOK. .1 relief in l" *'°"" '"i'""'^"-' I"""" '< <■" fill«.en f.,ll,ful to ,t. promis... Every young man .houltl be > m.mb.r .nd grow up under the whole- some influence the Older is ever exerting. 1874 I901 Odd-Fellows Relief Association OF CANADA. Larvest, Bent. Strangest Odd-Fellows* Inauranoe AsaoolntSon on tbe Continent. For Odd-Fellows and Rebekatia only. The Revenue in 1875 was $95J.oo. !n iqoo it was $168,226.40. The Jlembershlp — in 1875 ilie Relief Associalion h;id just 364 members. To- day it lias over 13,000. The Death Benefits -- Twenty-five years a^o there were no deaths and conse- quently 110 benefits paid. In 1900 the amount paid out Ibr death benefits was $104,000. The Death Claims- The a death claims by this Association in the twenty- seven years figures up to over nine hundred and eighty-seven thousand dollars (8987.000 nnl. HEAD OFFICE, - The Death List -Since the insiiitition of the Asso- ciation 765 death claims have been paid, and paid more promptly than in any similar institution in existence. The Funds— in 187^ there were " no funds." To- day the Association has a surplus of $140,000 over and above its liabilities ; the bulk of it being in municipal de- bentures. The only one of its kind — A quarter of a century ago the Relief Association was the only co-operative in- surance organization in Can- To-day it has a score or more of imitators and followers. U slill remains alone, however, in its own chosen field — that of a purely Odd- Fellows' insurance aKunristion, KIiroSTOir, ONT. COL. W. D. OTTER, Ca, COMMANDING MILITARY DISTRICT No. 2. ^» >l>l»>l>i>l>l>l>l>l>»»l>»l>l> i > » > t »l^)>)» »»l»J j The YorK County Loan and Saving^s Co. o (S ItHCORPORATCOl f TORONTO. CANADA JOCCrH PHILLIPS, Puia.d, «. T. HUNTCR. LL.».. Vioi. P.ii V. HOCIN. Tmaa. m. H. SANOERtON. auiLoiN* ■>■ HIAD OFFICK: CONFIDIRATION LIFE BUILDING TORONTO TORONTO WEST Cor, Qurrn and Dovercourl. HAIIFAX. N 5.. 39 Ssckville Street. Branch Ofllcasi HAMIirON. LONDON. WINNIPfG. OTTAWA. M BanhSlr«cl VANCOlJVtII, 6J7 HaMlna^Stret Dunda) and Clarence 5r« MONIHtAL. Canada IHr Kldg ST. JOHN. N.B., Jardine Block. 5 Ottawa BankBldfl. ' « €€C€€€C»♦>♦«»»»»>»»♦>««»,«»«» Founded A.D. 1710 THE BROWN BROS. THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE VfORLD ^ j» ^ j» ^ J CANADIAN BP^NCH I % 15 WeUintton St. Eiit, TORONTO. X II. M. ULACKEURN. Maoair'^r. ♦ GEO. M. niGiSBOIUAM , , .-. . « G. S. LYON \ Toronto City Arenii. i ACCOUNT BOOKS, Fall Hack all klrta, ar apaclal pillcraa BMd* ta ordtr. LEATHER OOODS, Flatil uka. Pinaa, PaHlallai, Ladlaa' Baia.Card.Pkalaaad DnailaiCam. PAPER and STATIONERY, All kladi, aatvcat llnaa filljr •'■^•la-datt.'* OFFICE and TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES, Evirylhias raqairad. BOOKBINDINQ. evaryi . kcil warkiui, food uUrial aad claafe pricfi. PRINTERS' and BINDERS' SUPPLIES, Every rcqilremait, Piper ill kinds, Head- iBgi. Ualbcra, Cloth, etc. DIARIES, OiriM »■< PKkft, ireat virtoty, SNTAHI.INHSn HALF A CINTUHV. ASKKTS FOB Arnold's and David* Ink. aic. -58- 51-53 Wellington St. West, TORONTO. THE ARMOURIES, TORONTO. r \ Council of the Corporation of the Qty of Toronto O. A. HOWLAND, KSQ., K.C. Mavok Ward 1 Richardson .. sriWART Aluehman Cox " FOSTKR Ward 2 AlDBUHAN LAMB " Ol.lVIR WarJ A,,DE««A» Loudon Alderman Sheard McMURRICH .. «„.„ Alderman Burns " Crane Ward 4 Alderman Huhkard " Urijuhart S Aldirhan Bell " Kraleioh Ward 5 Alderman Starr " Woods Ward 6 Alderman Graham Alderman Lynd HoDi;soN .. jv^^o H amilton Model WorKs Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Gas and Gasoline E.ns(ines Marine. Vehicle ., CE- John Jones, Esy, -63" A. O. U. W. PROSPCMOUS AND PROaRCsaiVC -THE- Ancient Order ofUnited Workmen Is the pioneer as welt as tlie strongest Fraternal Beneficiary Organization on the continent. OBJECTS To unite mankind in the bonds of Fraternal fellowship. The protection of the widowed and fatherless. To furnish LIFE INSURANCE A T COST. MEMBERSHIP In the United States 425,000 In Ontario 42,000 HtAo orricca. a. o. u. w. ESTABLISHED Inthe United States 1868 In Ontario 1877 AMOUNT OF BENEFICIARY PAID TO WIDOWS AND ORPHANS In the United States, $110,000,000. In Ontario, $7,000,000. INSURANCE IN FORCE In the United States, $800,000,000. In Ontario $70,000,000. Economical management ; protection for the home at cost ; prompt payment of claims ; absolute security combined, has placed the Association at the head of all Beneficiary Societies, FOH INFORMITIOM WRITE OS TO U M. D. CARDER, Grand RtcorJtr. Conttdtration Lite Building. TQRONTO.OST. T, M. CORNETT, Grand Matttt, GASANOQVE,OST. < HEAD0Fnce ORONTO Canada, SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL. $2,000,000 ASSETS, OVER 2,900,000 ANNUAL INCOME - 3.000,000 LOSSES PAID SINCE ORGANIZATION, OVER 30,000,000