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Toua laa autraa axamplairaa originaux aont filmia an commandant par la pramiAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'impraaaion ou d'illuatration at an tarminant par la darnlAra page qui comporta una telle emprelnte. Un dea aymbolea auivanta apparahra aur la darniire image de chaque microfiche, aalon la caa: le aymbola — »> aignifie "A SUIVRE", la aymbole V aignifie "FIN". Lea cartea, planchaa, tableaux, etc., peuvent ttre filmia i dea taux de reduction diffirenta. Loraque le document eat trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un aeul clichi, il eat film6 k partir de I'engle aupirieur gauche, de gauche i droite. et de haut an baa, en prenant le nombre d'imagea niceaaaire. Lea diagrammea auivanta iiiuatrant la mithode. - 2 3 5 6 Miaocorv msoiutiom ibt cka«t 'ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2) ^ i^PR_IEDjM^1GE_Jnc ^g "- '65J Lqsi Mam Sfeel ;^^ ('16) 482 -0300 -Phone ^^^ (716) 268- 59S9 -ra. CIRCULAR No. 17 DOMINION OF CANADA DOMINION EXPERIMENTAL FARMS. J. H. GRI8DALE. B.Agr., D.Sc V, Director. W. T. MACOUN, Dominion Horticulturlit. EVERY GARDENER HIS OWN SEED GROWER. PART II. Home Grown Seed of Annual Vegetables. W. T. M^ In I'ait 1 i,t - /■; ri, iiiinh II' r II i^ n,, ns Spciiil (, irciihir >i(.. 1: I'ii-.iihir X(i. ]',. iiiihli-lii'd lilt iiilMriii.itiiiii w (■("'. r." uliii'li uMs issued in UMS 1- :::v,ii ,n p-,ir.i u, limwiiiff seed uf Mrr.its iMi-Miii-. ..nimi- ,iiul imI.I) 'I Willi, II till' s.-ivilig C'i' -led (if IT in till- year, dim-ti ige, and riii'l IHriniiiil V'';/i l:ii,!, s for S.,-,l," \ fi-f •.'iv( II fur the " Srhrii t|ji' i;ru\viiii;- ,,( li iIiIMKii \.;;ct:il.l.-. mu] it is tlni- h, II tiii- :-'v' iilar. inforiiinfi on IS i:iven II'. r iiUI; -I i|.ri| t(i intere-t 'I'l'i' <-(.st ..f the -ir.l ith tl ^il ;- ii(■■ J uf i ic'iaircil. I'll fur till- h.iiii. :;.,rd,.,,. | (1 Mir i-lii-lllu' and Mi.ik le rcadiiy lnnmlit, ii« Mciits. it may imt be W(jrtli at it i- S(j easy to ■liaiM i- |ir.i(iii,',ii at ii III-' a ri-id -cld'tion 'ircr it liaviiiij wluit i. ll IlKi-t \ani|jc- 1,1 M'i:(.t, ijiialiiy tliaii i- thu -n ,|. li iiili- i-an :;r"\i a at li. inu- tile I 1! tu rn-iir.' h 'e^t |ihint- railicr liiaii I' :!i. .:^ai(l(n niinsed. Iliiins. — V.iriciii-- III' UiMiis di. n,if, ;,- ;, riii if niic i- uriiwiiiir iiiiirc than lun -i,rt- tlie -ci d -f tl as Ui.iiij (,r lii'ltlT "- - i ^< ciJ it siiiaild be savi^d liappui to !,avi. !,.■(. II loft i;i tbe 01 the riw ir- seed, or, 1 disi a>e and du nut piik r, better -till, mark a f.u prud ■ I-,,-, V. iM-n 'j:\:.:\ n .; » ii ri main |iaM-, K •i" 'ly side, hence '■-■■rvc a fi w f. ct I" H, ireca beans jrian ili. m. \Vh, ini: lip plants in a dry place ula iv tl ic.;w' pi. N uiiich are free frmii " ''il"'- I tile plants or pick the arc itiy aiii| hard, ur muiiidinir until lia- ln-ai, Wild; diy. -hell and clean the i and !;( cp in .i dry place until -prin-. It i.. a re is a ii i,Mi..ii ut air -pread iiiit ],■.,:. fur ih, o prcvi-nt can-. piukiiiLi- uiit ai ■alllc ])lirp(i.-c. HI '; t •ly free fruiii the d Isca-c kiiiiun a- ru- lu-c -niiuiiiL' (li-cas nch are fre Iiatcbes on tfie pnds. as thi dilc tl. have di-(a-ed phcTit- inpurlani tu -, le.-i pi., at- wl ■ anthr.ieiiu-... «,,:,. I, :, app.irent a-i ■"■■■'1 •ivcr »i;,:i r uii the beans and :n ne\l ,\ear. il'l.-.l Corn. — It i< qiiifo n cnititioiti pnicliii. in Cnniiil.i to .-uvu iwvvt lorsi fur sci-J, but ninny rnnrc piTMin.' niiiflit I hliiWH tlio iHillcii a roii>id('riililL> (li.-tiiiu'e uiul tin- [ifillen of V'nrictks of e'orii aro viry niiilily cro.,!!], ,n tlio winJ ilk of aiintlier fcrtilizi> tho tlowir!'. tt Ills cTisiiriti^ a <'ro' olio varii'ty l«'tW< fall fill' tv iiii; oil the varietirs. Tnlikr most other iilniit'i, tl tfiit of the cro^s «o far a.i tin' ap|)i'araiii'(> ■)f tin' Kra is ••omerncd i* hcoii the ;'aiii.' year, ^o that if a hla.r. varicfy, ,iich a« Bla.'k Mcxifaii. pollcni/i's n .vollow variety, liki' (lolili-n ll.uitaiii, tlurc may be both bla.k iinj yollovx ki-rncls on tlio same cur. or tlion- niiifht bo both amber roloiirp.! and y.'ilow kprn.U Bliould Karly Malcolm or , ithcr variety witli aiiibcrcolourid kiTii-U poUoni/u (lobieri Bantam. While thi-s rro-ini; mako-i the rar a Iltllc' I.'.s^f attnutivc than if thf kernel* were all the sunn- colour, it will U- fouml that the ipiality wil' not be mii -h affected unless it is cro>«cii with a liild corn, and seed can be <.ivid and ;;oo(l result- exi)ectcd the foUowinir >eaMin thoiiKh the variety would n .t lie pure and time tin re would probably be moro diffcrcnci' in the tinie of matiii:"' uid character of ear of each plant. The (lolden liantani has now bei-oiiie so popuLir that it i.s i.ften the only Tariety grown lud when thii i> the t\ jr any other sort is lirowii au.l th're are no other yarietiea nea.hy in other uiardcn.-. the Heed should bo fairly pure. When the corn boconips ready for table use. a few of the earliest and besldereloprd ears should bo ;narked to be left until ripe for seoil. To make sure that the ear is well tilled, the husk -nay bo opened somewhat a-id then closed and hcM totrether by a whit" string tied around the car, which would also indicate which ears were to be left, or if there were dnnt'e.- frciin birds, a little i.'a!i/e tieii aruiiiid tlw ears would protect them and ensure their ripeniiiLr. When ripe or when ihey li.iv.- to be irathored for fear of frost, the ears iire removed from the stalk and hunir up where they will dry and harden. There is great (lanffer of nii.uldini.' if -i v. im1 e;(rs ari' tied I'lo*,. toi;etlier. especially when com has to be harvested bi-fore it i- fullv matur.-. henee a ijood plan, when this is the case, is to hu^k the cars and stick each one |it dry the kernels may he left on the oars all winter, hut they ceihl be made safer from mice by shelliTis them ano puttinir the corn away in a iiair or Ijo.n. li, f,.re storiiis: it would bo desirable to pick the e(.rn over and keep only tlie host ken A number of persons in Canada now hav. each year foi* earlines*. leni.'th :iiid -h^pe of ear, pridie-tiviiies- desirable to have their own -e, d. for i)lantiuc. llieir own (.trains of ecirn which tlii'V select . and ft-..] it verv Cun(inbrrs.—Otu- will contain etiiui;:li -ced the wants of the huine u-ardener. A specimen which i- typii'al in .-hape and eoLoir of t!:e variety ;.'ruwn. or is the shape and colour tijat the ;;rowcr wouhl lik.- to maintain, should bo left on the vine until it turns yellow, when if i- cut open and the sced. It is desii-al,le to lt.hv ,i variety ujreh n:]] stay preen on the vine the loiif-'est time, hence, where i)ossllile, it is well to mark si. on several vines and learn wiiieh stays green Ionire«t. specimens Eog rianl. al tl lore are many \ pl.iiit rii|uin^ a hriii.' anail i wlicre it- \'o doubt earlier ~train- ,1 he oh: warm se.ison in wliidi to niatiire ■ess is uncertain on this account. uy carctui sc ■W'.n- id if 1, leucious vcf-'ctal WCH' tl tlieir lirst ripe s|ioeimen eai-ii year for ovcrb o f th IS no doubt earlier strain- weiilii be found, the fruit seed purpose-. mature, tla'i rcrih'V. d ilr.\ tlic id ri'inain on tie- iinnl it i« Li Itucr. — .Soi .1 ii? if to Ik' used pr left uncut win I; tl 'tall" .! tnriii nitiice. rii.ii old bi tiiiiiii.'il ,.iit li' at ii ;- to pr.'.iuc a-t ^i\ lie ii' pr' oJ ui'c nioiL J tha 111 tie t'nl- i ill he till'.'iv , tr. he -IM-e u up. nl' li.' are sroun ipart. Ol! ant wil !»• do^iniMo t.. KTMV two ur llin. |„r ll,,. ,,.r,„.-,. 11,.- ...,1 ri,,. „.„ ,■ uii.-v,„U, iiti.l in order not to lo.o .inv ,.f it. v»r\, -lioul.l l.r |,i,.k.(l ,..•< it ,l„.«s «l,it... it Ummk iMf.'Miir.v to (lo ov.T llir pli.iiti uviTj- tow .Li.\.; iMit 1,,.- ,,t' .1 l;lt|.. -.•, ,1 it net iMiporLinf. It I. iM-l.T to Hiiit until a roiiMdiniMf ni.n,l..T ol' In .id, -liov «liit,.. «h.i, I I.- |. antt. i.r.- pulled roots an.l all. tl.r top. pii-li.-d int.. a p^.p.r 1,,,:: «l,i.-l. is tu.,1 and tl.o plants liunL' op in a dr.v plar,. l..v tl,o ro,.t-. Man.N o'' tho s... d- ii.t s,t n.Mturo will Ko on npunri;:. \\\wu tlio plant i- quite dr.v i|„. ^rd i,. ml.l.i-d ,.nt ..nd .l.anod und inly tho bost t|.(>'.i-y will p. t.. seed if tl..- pi;,iit. an- -t.,rr.-.l .■,.:;.. It is d.'.slr.,ble to thin the plant- p. ahout six in.-hes ap.rt. If they .1.. ii,,t -. ,,| tl,.- lir.f they will the next, if l^ept alive ov.-r winter. /Vpper»-.--'I'he pepper, lik.- th,- e;:;,' p!.,nt, r, iiuiie.- a lun-. u.iii,, se,,..,.ii a whieh t.. niatiiro. but. if started e.irly the Caveiro-. ri,i!i an.l f;.nl;i,.,l of th.- -i,ia:i. r p.-pp,.,-, und the Early Neap.ditan of the lai-e-e pepp.-rs. will matiir,- in n ;,in p.,,t.s ,,f (.'ana.i Seeds of the earlie-t npe pep;,, ,- -ii.,uU he ....n..|. an.i i,- ,„, ii„„, ^^,11 [,,, iJl„;J quite as sati.-fa.-t-.ry ..r m-ire .-,iii-i',iet..i-y than ir-in imi- ,ite.l .,,,1. l''a-i~.\ f.'W plailt> of poa.s l.-ft to nialun- ■.^,li t p..-i;:ii- ,,i,y ;;v..ii i„,i, .■,-,, m them will furnish oiiouirh seo.l for il... (lard. n n. \t y. .,r. If tli.- pi. mi- "an he i.-tt ir'iti'l ihe p.-as are c-u^te r:p.- the p,,ds may he pi.-ke.l froln ti:.- vine in the -ird.-n =h..l'..,| 'f nnee and thor-.a-hly -Iried by spr.-adini; out in a ,i,y pl,o-e. .S„„H.tlnie.s s„„,u of the peas are np.- and -„„,.- are not, an. I it h nie, n. .-,--,,o .,, ,,;,1| ,i,e plant- to m ,ko w,v ;'"■ '"'"'^" ■ '"■'■■'"-'• ■'•' »■■' "' -'ther. I: tl, - i- .l,.-:,,-, -eo th„t the i l..„N ..Ve ki-Pt in a h.inir ii|. m a diy ,,la.e until ti-.- lu-as ire vlry. If the vines "■'■ ^"- ' ■>■ -'"'"''• '"■■ """••'i fre.jUintly t,. pn-vent the p.-as „„ .,M|„,, o,- .-prontintj. peau are li. ■'1'" '" I'ii'l 'I"' a:i.| -tuiT tii.-m int.- ■■,,,, (,. Q the case of tne pi?a. l!.-. aiis.- of th. a- wi;n ni-i-t n p home-ji-row in hirjje .jUan the pardcri wl -.1 ..ft. n el'lii:::it.'.- nun .-Her th.i en .hlli-'-alt, t.. .-ni-,-. .\. ■-f .It m li;. lulling' ,ii; 1 ,1 -.1 vv ry :i-' -111 i n -Il ii I- il i.-n ;:rowii .litl'. If rci p:.- d. ■'''•n' varic li.- < as the mil irta^at in .iuanfitiei, n barve-f,.(| ,s are prowu year after plants a little in. .re room th: eharaeteristh-.a ef the of pi; iita h.iV'.iiLT otiii-r A'a./i. -tnJi.'.i -0 '• .-h:ir;e-t. fi-t;--s riiav . tiie . pt pu;e. tie: -see.l ^dividual -I •■<■ rn .-t pri>diu-ti m.l s.ived. ii;;'iii:.-il wi.i :i r. .li- 1-. maintain .i 1 f th.> ra.l'.-h.s an. -talks, but, 11* it i- i.f tlu- hi-f-l<...kii;Lr -p.-.'iin.-ii- wlu-n they a a few of tlie -111.. II. r !• av.'- .■' th nil-. i'e|.Iant..-d about -!\ in.-i,.- witii li:. preund. ■-:.--I l-i t.i ,,].' the b.-t i-.-.i.iy ii. ■attm. Ti, n accd. ■■•en li,in:v i,, .|,,,J I.- t.j puii ilj) .1 lew .if ti;.- to|i.s ex.- •;,( -il.l h, ■;ir. fill ■t..|. ■it .111 ;ii.-ii bei, Siiimifli. ilii« ill rii«ily uriiwii fri III "■■.•-I. Tlii., i|„. ,,|,,„,. „f ,r.,„.,,i.„„ ,|„.,„ to MX „„■(„* .,|mrt in thr row, .„ol iIm.v will ,„.„, uo to .,.,.1 if tl.. 1..,.. • ' . ,' i".±' ,,r::;i,.';':"'- ■" ■ -'■ "— - -i i'.:..''.:r:.:;:,:;;ri .,,.■:;::;;■t.i:;;;J-■T;;:^;^;;';:;;!,■::r;;;:::';„™■;:rt;;;;;;;'tJ•;;'• .■": ;i;r,';:: m:!;:;"""- ■:• : •'", •'■' ■"'■■««" i'- -t i :. ir.),» with til.. iiiii,|,,,r.| -,|ii,,,|i, Mor .lo... tli.. iKiiMpkiri. r. -,,.r,. „. . l,au^ or ,.„v..|o,,.. „, ml „....i .] iv FxV'r' ■"■'■' rV '""".""^ """"-' '' •■''"-< '" ""• •^•■""! l!.|. . of l" KX|M-riiii"ntiil hiiriii- |..i- |ii| (. ' "" \Vh»t will „.,,., i H'lirni-li Km. I ul VegfUlilc. Kri..iiifhS.i"|j tl,.. I M .III.. l S'■ !«- I'.T ti>,. f,.,.t .,/ ,.H„„„^ !■.«, ..r ..11." or iii-.rH ..him..-* |.«.| (..,_, , I'l'Oit wh..|i ^■u.n iii..r.r...iii l>U..l int.. r |/Kt..l., I ■ ••! Ij.»lm., . ... . .I|,!u„t., (,,z, ,..,., ,|i„„ . ' Mii»kiii..:..ii I 'i ... II ,., , ., . I p' ,', , ■ "■ «"' l»r hv.. I...t.,f r.,w ,. ' rei.ii.-r I , .. 1 I.- , S*'"*''.- Il'l.oi'. I .>/. t.,lt ..z. i..r|. ,„t 'il'l.. I Ml IK) to :1Kt l,l>lo J'.,llci(l I.IIIKI t.i 1,.Vhi '.O t.i l."lO 4,.".01K( :;iii. t.i MNi ■^.IDHI ti, In iiini rj."» r.t I*Ht iHi.uli - t.. O.!!!!.*.)!. 1 ..llhl'l.. ,1/1" olllict*. ( iiilliw. .iL'.illiu..*. \'.TV f.-w *I'..*U I oiiiiCh. '. ..iiri(H. 1 '. .. mil ... I ...111., V.iv f.w -..,|, 1 ...IT,.,-. Ml. it ,.|.(.|| i- I-, «oniiit' iii.ij \i.i\o t n.|.,l ii.iii 1= ii-ti. lur \.iri.j; liLx-i.^.-.ii;s bill a »i.....ii.l