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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmAs d des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6. 11 est f ilm6 A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'Images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes sulvants lllustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 THE H J3 SPEECH O F T H E Lords Commissioners To both HOUSES of PARLIAMENT, On Tuefdajf the Twentieth Day of Juhe, 1758. LONDON: Printed by Thomas Baskett, Printer to the King's moft Excellent Ma- jeftyj 2iVidihy lh& Mxgm oi Robert Baikett. lys'i. I i m ■ a m ^ SPE to th \n gour, all the Hill fu] His has tak ducive } our A J^ raver not on] iions ai tugcs OJ His good il which Our K\-])tdIt iciiiiblc thcib K PoiVdlk divA rca] will i7io: 4 (3) J.J "- V THE SPEECH of the LORDS COMMISSIONERS to both HOUSES of Parliament, on Tuefday the Twentieth Day of yu?je^ 1758. Qj\4y Lords, and Gentlemen, ^^^]^i E have received the King's Cominands, upon SP ^^^^ Occafion, to alllire you. That His Ma- " t jelty has the deepeft Senfe of the Loyalty \ and good Affections demonltrated by His i[ Parliament, throughout the whole Courfe 1 1 of this Seflion. The Zeal which you have fhewn for His Majelty s Honour and real Intereft in all Parts; your Earneftiiefs to II furmount every Difficulty, and your Ardour to carry on the War with the utmoft Vi- gour, in order to a flife and honourable Peace, mult convince all the World, that the ancient Spirit of the Britijh Nation is Itill fubfifting in its full Force. His Majefty has alfo commanded us to acquaint you. That He has taken all fuch Meafures, as have appeared to be molt con- ducive to anfwer your Publick-fpirited Views and Wilhes. Thro' )'our Afliftance, and by the Blefling of God upon the Condud: and J^ravery of the Combined Army, His Majelty has been enabled, not only to deliver His Dominions in CVrw^w/ from the Oppref- lions and DL'valtations of the French, but to pulh our Advan- tages on this Side of the Rhine. His Majelty has cemented the Union between Him and His good Hrotlier the King of 'PrnJJla, by new Engagements, with which you have been already fully acquainted. Our Fleets and iVrniies are now actually employed In fuch FAjKditions, as appear'd likely to annoy the Enemy in the moit ieniible Manner ; to promote the Welfare and Profperlty ot" tiielc KinL>;doms; and particularly to prelerve our Rights and i-oileilions 'w\ Aiuenca, and to make h'lunce feel our jult Weight uiid real Strength in tliole Parts. His Majelty trults in the Di- vine Providence, that they may be blelled with fuchSuccefs, as will molt effectually tend to thefe great and delirable Ends. 4 Gentlemen — . f 4 ) . Genllemen of the Houfe of Commons y We arc particuhirly commanded by the King to return yoii His Thanks, for thofc ample Supplks^ which you have {6 freely and unaninioiifly given. His Mafelty grieves for the Burdens of His People ; bjt your Rcadinels in fappoKting the War is the nioft probable Means the fooner to deliver you from it. Vou may be allured, tiiat nothing will be wanting, on His Ma- jcftys Part, to fccurc the molt frugal iVlaniigcment. My Lords, and Gentlemen^ His iMajelty has diredled us to reix:at His Recommendation to yo.i, to promote Harmony and good Agreement amongft His faithful Subjeds ; and to make the Uprightnefs and Purity of His Intentions and Meafures rightly underftood. Exert yourlelves in maintaining the Peace and good Order of the Country, by enforcing Obedience to the Laws and lawful Au- thority ; and by making the People lenliblc, how much they hurt their own true Interelt by the contrary Praftice For their Sak;ss, the King has commanded us to prefs this upon you; for their true Interelt and Happinefs are His Majefty's great and conltant Object, Then a Commiflion for proroguing the Parliament was read. After which the Lord Keeper faid ; ]\4y Lords i and Gentlemen y 7> T litrlne of His Majefiys Commiffion under the Great Seal -^ to us ami other Lords dire&edy and now ready we do, in His Majejlys Name, and in Obedience to His Commands, prcro uc this 'I\irliament to Thurfday the Third 'Day ^/'Auguft 7iext, to he then here held ; aid this 'Parliament is accordingly prororiK'd to Thurlday the Third 'Day of Augalt next. FINIS. YOU !ely ens r is it. da- :ion igft rity Lcrt the Au- hey pon tys int 5uft