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Les disgrammes suivants illustrent la mithoda. 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ENTERTAINMENT t6k CHILDREN, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ObiMrer)'s Fresb Air Fapd- ri;.--.. jjjji orij over TWelVe l4Ui|dred cKOdreii' WILL BE GIVEN A />7 FREe ENTERf^^INMENT ; CONSISTING, OF ;^^^ ^^jj ;■; . lUSn;, REFRE8HIERT8 AID A PAmAlIC EIUBITIM, , ^ .f^^> > . ON TUESDA Y E VENING, DECEMBER 2,f, iSSp, m SHAPTeSBURY HAUii ■ ^ ' H ^ SUBSCRIPTIONS to defray e3q>ense8 will be received by Mayor Clarke, City Hall. Donations of provisions, warm clothing, or toys,. may be sent to IMiss, I9e^, d6Hege Avenue Mission Hall; Mk. !Et>WARD Taylor, comer of Simcoe and Richmond Streets, or left at Sha;ft««bury Hall on Tuesday. ' ' -'^- " ' - J. J. KELSO, Sec.-Treta. A Gl^ildpen's Fpesl^ i« 100 Mr<. W. B»yl«y 6 0i> FrwI. Cwrk 2 00 Anonymous S 00 Three well-wiihers 4 00 A. J. Cloen 6 00 Prooeedi of garden party, pupils of Wei- lesley street school 80 60 Miss B. Kennedy 100 Mr.Knowlton 2 OO Mrs. Jbhnston 100 Mrs.8Diith OSS NellOurric 12 00 Mrs. W. J Henry 6 00 Mrs. G. C. Dft ton 2 0(> Mrs. Baldwin 2 00 MissMvKeniie 100 Friend 6 Oi MissCosens 6 1.0 KilgourBros 20 00 U.J.Matthews 6 00 Mrs. Boulton, John street 1 00 B. U. S., Brooklin, Out 2 00 O. W. Wlokstead. OtUwa 3 00 Sybil Wilson, 8t George street 2 00 In His name 3 nu O. M. F 10 00 MiM. Ogden 1 00 Mrs. J. Lavsm I 00 F.O... 1 00 Miss Kennedy 1 00 B. 8.F 6 00 Oity Ck>unflil, grant 60 liO Aid. RoBf I 00 Frlsna Friend, per MUi Multlebury Mrs. Kefly, Lo g Branch B. F. U Kow «nd Balmy Beaob 8u> day-school, (ler J. w . ixHiden jtolurday Higki subscribers ItobflttSeara • .„ Mrs. Jacques, Be\srley street W. H. tfeymour J. Adami. 4 a«>n, Wldm«)r street Dr. J. K. Trout K.*T.Jenkins Friend, per Miss Muttlebury Two children G. T. P., Owen 8ounrt 83.00 Brough A Caswell, prinnng ' 12 00 Stamm 60 PostaJCards 16 Kxpre-s Waggon 26 OhUd'sHat.. 50 Office sundries 66 Stiamer AstflAo/ 26 00 Stemps 86 D'.tpAtohboy O SO lU'.tribatiiig dodgers O'l Postal e*n& 26 Btai^Ni 026 ..yeiM, advertising 8 00 Taylor** Band , , Long Branch excursion tickets Provisions and messagss Childfsn's carfare and tea for adults. . . Hill * Weir, printing Advanee, advertfadug Express waggon .... J. D. Nasaiith, provisions Poole's Express Stamps _, Office assistant Incidental expenses .' Brough * Caswell Express waggon Globa, advertising J. D.tffsmith... , ifail, Suvertisiiig ..., r«{^^m, advertising H. Piper, Str. Aggie .'. O. T. R., exoursiov to High Park Typewriter copies of Report Printing tickets .ffinpjre, advertising 8eoretai>'s expenses For use of Humane Office a* d remunera' tionofderk .•18 00 . 86 861 . tdi '. 6 OO . 8 UV U ?6 .107 80 . 7Wl . 0t6 . 8 00 . 060 . 726 . 8 60 . 28 60 . 44.«» , 7 . 6 8 16 1 1 6 1 '60. 10 00 M 80 7ft 00 60 20 00 Total 0620 81 w»*;': V