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' ' .^ ■ r:' Im When the Withdrew liro bright TSr VISION. monarch of the day human sights And night had spread hier sable Veil And M 11^5^ #^^^ seized my closing eyeSj bs reposed, InoqI -witfi vast surprise "eetlyrose. eind |ow my body lay, slump of c|fty, le solemnly advanced j*T^ beif nciy corpse away, ie procession shaped* it»Vra;^i «p| from the crystal skiPsV |Si¥ift %hot away m angel fiirth. And stood be%>re mine eyes. \ A •• w "ii If * Swiftly he bore me by the hand Through the etheiriaji blue. Leaving the lesser orbs of light, And higher planets too. . / The e^rth, the clouds, the moon and sta ryii |The i In distant views 4ecay ;^ . » n^- Through liquid realms and starry plams^ He urged liis shining way. ■■■■■■■■',:■■ -r : ■ ■/.;■.■...... ••-. ■■,:'■,':■:■■■ -.■■■'r^ Curious, I asked my lovely g^i4fc{^-> ^ As tlirough the spheres we p^(lsa,.^;^t, Concerning aU those beautiousf iiftff^,- I4 Which by us fled so fest* -^-^fe^^ Silent he checkediny forward tongue, ,. Nor stood to make reply, ^1^-^^ j^ Still rising with angelick speed. To tread the upper sky, i . ■ -"S ■ ■■ ■ ■ I: ■' ' - . Nowall before n^ eyes A blooming garden rose. There ancient Eden's flowery walks Their endlciss green disclose. •; \ 't •'>'«■ l^^w^^- i?»«r^ .:> •VI810N. ft |Up a tcJl hin my footi^teps rise, I Which in the Untie swells ; [In every glade beneath the skies The flowers adorn the dells. idstarg;i> iThe waving trees vrtth pressing buds. Crowd into living groves. lains,^ ^ 77 C^ ^ W whose fair boughs with cheerflil songs iBie feathered nation roves. •*. '■.■?! /" tiwarda gill turned my sight, I Mwwip^iist surprise, lie slripil|^di>here Jerusalem Ajti^ J^i^iiig temple rise. 'en thousand beauties charmed my breast, ^ Whil#:«tai my eyes behold ie guttering walls and* fiery gates. And lofty towCTS of gold# 'he shining seraph led my way > > . Through the etherial Hue ; a *| ow iiear the iUustrioi^ door apffe!^i^at Stil^ glittering in^ my view, . /| :v •f: •« .\-. 6 DK. watts' And mounting up from sphere to sphere , With my angeUck guide. At length mc thought at distance I A monstrous shape espied. Stalking across the specious plain, _ Which lay at m^ right hand. To which I came, [while at the la^t. My lofty guide did stand. Sure 'tts the black infernal priii«it 'f V Thought I, to whom I saUr, j^^ -^ Proudest of rebels who did oni*^ ^ Heaven's mighty realms invade. ■■r> Thou monarch of malicious fiends^- And of tlie^it below, ^* . r r What does thou on these heavenly plAUip* And whither doest thou go. ,.: : v The proud alpostate strait replied. For sin surprizing red,^ Before the awful bar of God, Yotf U pibs€?)1^ be^^^h^ Whe Tl Who Tl Ther W lAn^ Tc VISION. v.. J • ?■ iher6 * . ■ '■ ' 'i Where from the glorious inoutli Thy sentence will proceed, Whose peircing sound will make thy hearty ' Though hard as steel to bleed, ,|| ll^en thou'lbe bound both hand and foot, With adamantine chains. And then TU drag thee down to hell . To bear eternal pains. |This is tbajrea^on why I left I The iKPd shades of night. And to fliite fair celestialplains Did take my lofly flight. ,%■'■■■ He also said <3|ne Sabbath day, ^ Beliil^the fi(iin resigned The qmeioiisskjto sable n^ht. [You walked abrdiad ta sitch a house». With one that I did send, . ' 'o tempt you to pi^fane that day, " ' Which you did not intend* 8 DR. WATTS' That you I tempted oft/ you find. Against the mighty God; . Your bold rebellion now demands V His sin revenging rod. ■■ .' ■'■ ■■'■ ■-.-■■■ ■■" _ ^ .'- ■ m Whfle dreaming thus nay resfless mind, Was sorely pressed with these; My conscience smote me, and my guilt Did on my spirit seize. Then to that hatefiil pnnce o With trembling I repUed, 'Tis true I have provoked my But Jesus Christ has died»f- ^ To sa^e the hunible simple soiit Prf >m hell's incesisant pains ; ' And he wiU keep my sold a^^ X Ffomyouriniernal chains* ; " Then M the apostate stalk away Some distance firommy side. And towards thefiffoous dty, he, Witii ii«)nstrous feet^d gUde. '?Ki\' '- :^h^m. ■■■ ' •I/: f. v« •', VISION. And then the angi^l led me on. With looks surprising sweety Treadinff the^pure celestial pla^n. With his immortal fe^t, ^n^eii oW the blest immortal field, With swUfaiess hQ did pass. And reached the glorious city wall,^ ■^^ Which seemed like crystal glass. .■■^(. gates of precious pearls, A4iiMN^ beautious side, T?o liiii Itosporte^ I was led edesdal guide. of those resplendent pearls, tiimetd on rubies bright^ invitihg my approach, Xy^iwhetoied^^^i^ Ajnd then the angel led me on^ With his most tender hand^ And I6d me to an awM bsir. Near which th^ Judge did stand. / "ac 10 0E. WATTW J, I.: M Before a lofty shining thrdne Of bright celestial gold» On adamantine piilaTsraisedi Most|jlorious to behold. Oa this the blessed Jesus sat, TheFather's chief del^ Clothed with a long unspotted rob e, ■Like snow unsulUed white,. I |dsp saw ten ttwmsa^ faints -j^^^: ^ Around fl]^ Imrning throrie^^^ ^^^ And tunefultogels sounding lo#i^p; The victori^ he had won;^^^ )^ TPhe saints in spotless garments Did sing with joy jftipreme ; The Father, S(m, aiid Holy Gho?t» ,^ Was their eternal theme. V ir- The sacred anthems from their tongue^. Flowed to itiWar Saviour's praise;^^^^^^^^^^^ While I stood mute before the throne. Borne down with vast amaze* , * ''^, '■Jii^>a^4ii Such dismal terrour seized my soul, ^uch guilt spread o'er lAy face. That then I could not bear to sec ° The glory of that place. Then did the hoiy righteous Judge The cause of me inquiry ^hy I stood trembling at the bar* Andwhat I did deswre. Ij^edi. to hear my doom ed,r now appear; ^ with a gracious srtiile ituig^soul did cheer. ' ^a ppndrous book, file eternal pen, ions pages did contain of iwMial mem i \ He ^d unfold the numerous leaves With his immortal hand/ Befiwe the Mess'd melodious crowd - Whiciv round the throne did stand. 11 n ffi DR. WATTS ■■'■'■■ ^ ■•■•-■.. jflbcre lobserved whole pages wrc^^^ With never fb ding red. While over others I beheld, f^ Black characters were spread. Then said' the Judge, the scarlet lines Contain the names of those, JPor which I shed my deareat blobd, ' And whom my father cho^e. Before he made the darksome ni||^|i Or ever day did dawn, - ' Si And for that reason^here they sta^ In rosy scarlet drawn. N. i, ifi .>-i^' K And in this list of bless'd sotib» 1 also set thy name^ Before this hand spread/^oot tbe'sl^. Or formed earth's morning firame* I ^ Arid then he added with a smile^^ Which made my heart rejoice ; Could ought in thel^ commend thyself v As worthy of my choice. 1> Wi ^:.v ♦ '3 Th . i r 4 Aiu I Aiu ."■ ■ '^V '^WfW' VISIOK. Wh6n T did pass by other souls, ^lid set my love on thee : o^hiiJh transported I replied, Twas nothing Lord in n>e. ysoul was filled with boundless ioy. For then I called to mind, ^ IHow that I every day had read ^' ' Conceniing human kind* ."■■' ■ ' - '.■■•.- ■_ ■'■ "■ . ■ ■ ■ .■ ' X • ..:... ■..•■■-.<.;■ >■ . ■ '^ ■ . ht of Jesus was sons of men, him exalted high, ivorld began. '" ed^the glorious to speak, ver spake amiss, myr convoy turned to go, ma the saints, in bliss. And I, me thought,, wrapped up in joy. Did also turn aside. And join the blest harnidhiousthronff, Withiny celestialjpaide. :. ^ 1 I,. 14 DR. watts' i ■ -m"*<:M(' , f-' t_t*" .; _ • T'*:?* VISION* Then with a hidioiw voice he «aicl, , Your hope of grace 19 vain. For I will surely win your soul^ By tempting you agajp. m ■p:*-\ f ft|tlii^, t fear you not I^The prince of life hath said, Ttet his Abaaighiiy aoTer^gh grace ^"ShaJl surefyhe inyaid^ At jik^m^ tJ^ ^«»vy, spite «nd Ta|e^ ■^ ft* was swelled, - extended jawB lonster yeUed^^ lely o'ertjheplain/ raierside t0liiiiwhidi| m0m. ; \ iWib topelu^iis fery he * e up the tremming ground. And with his dismal cloven paws XMd throw the dods aioimdl \^j m ■^^' w 1 f J .-ti' »* /■i? + •' " • A ' '■ : rs ,'•';' ' '^■■■■hk-y i • 'A '•-•~#!tt.... •*^-'-»-' ■,.^:i.'~i~pT^r \ .:'..' '* *'' ' ■: i't ' ' ■ » . 'N , • . ,,. ■ ■>'•/ ' ■■!.'' \ ,::^''J'''"'' ■ -■'..'■ , '■'* ^X ■ / ■• '•'■■' ■'' ' ^' ' '•'''■ ,'■.>' . ■ . ' ' ■ \ ' '. '. , •• ^ :'■- ,r-^-",i, '■•■'.^"'' '■'■■". ■ ■ ■■■;, r - • ' \ ' ' ' 7 / -' * ■'■'. 1 ** " . ' /•.;■ ■:,/■.■::*■:■: ..r / * ' : I,. .■ m ' ■ / - . ■ • * ". ■■ ■ ■ " V-- ' ^'4 • / ■ "■•■■ ■ 1, '■' / ■■/■■ ■ . ■ " • . ^ •, . t ■ J 'i: / • . ' ' . ' ' * \ ' ' 1. ' V / -v; •;\:\ ;.■■■.., ||l| ■ • t ,•■■'*;*■ '^' y ' ' • t. / ' :"• ... ■ f •'^'"^itfiwrr ' 11 * / • ■ HHHF' ' ■ / ' / ^^Hr ■' • •■■■ ' . • ^/ ^r ■■.■■ I V ■ • ■■ .. ■ ."^''.. ■' / r /■ • . ■ • .■•■.,•■- ..'.'.■('■■ /■ A ^ i.'^ r .i^ r ■ ^H ^^^^^^^r '^ r "^^^B^ ^ ' mm '" ^ " '^^B L . Vt^ / '^^^^^H \ ./ A / ' i 1 / ^w^^^Kt, I ^^^' ' ' '.^^^^^1 /, ^ ^^^^^^^ii^^^^^^^H ^ - ■ \ -X. 1 1 i^Hki^ 1 -- 4^B '^^^^^^. ''' '^'' 1 4 -"^H 1 • -*^^^^m 1 **^^^^^^^ "^ ' ' .^^^^^^r ' ' 1 t ■**i4MHr ■.'■y :. ..-•/* ■ :•;:■,:■■■ / / • ^ ' Ik ■ . " " ■ . .'.-,-■"■*■ ■ ■ ' - I ■'..■ .-;'■•■""'■ '■.- ^'•:'"* --^ ■' / ; • . > < w •> . _ ^ ♦ ^ ■ . * ■'"" •;■" ■"""^', ■" "'"'■ ■■. f ^ ~~u ^ - - --T^T _^__..:: ,,; . d , ' > - ■■■ • • • ' / ■ ' M - ^ ^%^^ ■ » •■ ■*^ • 1 » , V