^^VUS^ ^^^'"^'atioij )M FOR THE ^W' r^^«'»cement oi ^'''''' c« I -^^ > ■ * » • • • • • 1897 ^oRONTq ^©ETl^ SPECIAL Excursions I NIAQARA FALLS, CANADIAN SIDE Saturday, Aug. 21st (A) Niagara River, Niagara Falls, and Return* TliiH trii), iu favoui'able weather, is one ottlie inostclianuiiiK ill tlie world. Leaviiifi' Toronto l»y one ot tlie steamers ol tlie Niajiara Navigation Company, we reacli, after a (leliglitful sail otabont two lionrs on Lake Ontario, the town of Niagara-on-tlie-Lake. It is situated on the Canadian side of the Niagara lliver and just opposite tlie American Fort— the river forming the boundary line between Canada and the United States. The l)oat, after a short stay, proceeds up the river t<) Qneenston, opposite which, on the American side, is the village of Lewiston. A ferry runs between Qneenston and Lewistou. Here (me has a (;hoice of routes to the Falls, as electric rail- ways are laid on botli the Canadian and American sides of the river. To obtain a view of both sides take the Canadian road from Qneenston to the P'alls, crossing at the Falls to the American side, and returning from the Falls to Lewiston by the Gorge road : or vice versa. The Canadian road runs thrcnigh Qneenston to the top of Qneenston Heights, rising :<5() feet in a mile and a half. It then skirts, in some ))laces, the brink of tlie precipices whicli overlook the river, passes the Whirlpool and Rapids, and tin- ally reaches the Falls. The excursionists taking the Chippetva and Upper Hap ids Excursion will continm^ in the same cars, passing ahnig the great rapids above the Falls, and returning to Queen Victoria Park for luncheon. Que can then cross the bridge at the Falls and take the great Gorge Route back to Lewiston ; tins road being built clo.se to the waters' edge and giving <me an idea of the terrific power of tlie waters which boll forth from the foot of the Falls and tumble onwards In Mcethinjr rapids to Lake Ontario. Points of Interest* Canadian side. lirock's Momnneut on Queonston Heights an«l view from top ; Battlefield and spot where Brock fell, with tablet erected by the Prince of Wales ; The Gorge ; Wliirlp(»<d with rapids above and below; Falls; Queen Victoria Park; Uapids above Falls; Suspension Bridges; Chippewa. AMERICAN SIDE. Observation Tower in Pntspect Park; American Falls; Devil's Hole ; Whirlpool Rapids where Webb lost his life. Rates. 1.— To Niayara Falls vin Queenston and Niagara Falls Park and liiver Kailway, Canadian side, and re- turn same way, good for any boat sailing Saturday, August 2l8t, and return until Monday, August 23rd $1.50 Return same day 1.25 2.—Nia(iara Falls via Lewiston and Niagara Falls and Lewiston Electric Railway (G<)rge Route\ Ameri- can side, reUirniwj same way, good for any boat sailing Saturday, August 21st, and return until Monday, August 23rd 1.50 Return same day 1 .25 '.\.— Chippewa Upper JMpids via Queenston, Niagara Falls Park and River Railway, Canadian ride, to Chippewa, return to Falls across Upper Suspen- sion Bridge to tlie American side, Niagara Falls and Lewiston Electric Railway (Gorge Route) to Lewiston, good for any boat sailing Saturday, August 21 st, return same day or on Monday, August 23rd. Bridge toll included 1.75 One can also go to Niagara-ou-the-Lake or to Queen- ston on any Wednesday or Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. and return same evening for 75 Time Table. Boats leavt' on Saturday. Aug. 21sl. at 7, !', 11 a.m., 2. 4.45 l».m., rt'lnrning sanu' day : but if one wishes to. see the Falls the inoi'uing boats must be taken. Distances. Toronto to Niagara 36 miles, Niagara to Queen.ston 7 miles, Queenston to F.alls 7 miles. Saturday, Aug. 21st (B) Muskoka District and Return. Tlu; Journey to the Muskoka district is nuulc partly by rail jumI pai'tlj' by b<»jit. Leaving Toronto In tlio luornlng by the Gran«l Trunk Rail- way oiu' arrives at Muskoka Wbarf, <tn tbc soutlu-rly end of Lake Muskoka, In about tlin-e hours. Here the boats ot the 1^' .•*'; '■¥: t.i;'V:". ^' -^ ' i. "■^ .^ ECHO ROCK, lake: JOSEPH Muskoka Navigation Company are ready to transfer the pass- engers to any of the desirable points on the Lakes. One has a choice of many routes, and tlie three large lakes, Muskoka, liosseau and Joseph are prcvidiul with comfortable resting places with good accommodation. But perhaps tlie best trip for one who has J>ut a limited time at his disposal is from Muskokii Wharf, tliroiigh Lake Mnnkoka, and aloiiff tlu' Indiau River to Port Carliiij,', whicli lien at the entraiu'*' to Lake Ro.s.seau. Tlu'ii from Port CJarliuf? tliroufih Lake Rosweau to Port Sandtield, wliicli Ih at the Junction of Lake Rofsseau and Lake Joseph. Tlien tliroiif?h Lake Jo.seidi to Port Cock- hurn. Rates. From Toronto to any point on the Mu.skoka Lakes and return, K<>od going Satnnhiy, Aug. ilst, and return- ing M(mday, 23rd !$L<)& Time Table. Leave Toronto by <;.T.1{., Inimi Stiition, 1 1.2(( am., it-acliiug Muskoka Wharf at 'IShi \).ui. If \hv Luke Jo.seph route be taken, one arrives at Port CocKburn about sp.m. If th<- Lake Rosseau route be chosen, one readies liosseau about 7.:iO i».n\. Dinner is served on tlie Muskoka boats; charge .■)() cents. Distances. Toronto to Muskoka Wliarf, 112 miles. Muskoka Wliarf to Beaumaris, 13 miles. Muskoka Wharf to Bala, 20 miles. Beaumaris to Port Carling, 7 miles. :Mu.skoka Wharf to Rossean, 'S(\ miles. Muskoka Wharf to Port Cockburn, 2!) miles. Saturday, Aug. 21st. (C) Penetangfuishene and Return* Peuetaugiiisheue i8 situated oil Georgian Bay, aud its liarbour is one of the finest sheets ot water in Canada. The islands of the Georgian Bay, thousands in number, commence at the moutli of this harbour, and extend northwards for fifty miles. The run froru Toronto to Penetanguislieue is made in a few hours, and there is good acconmiodation at the Penetau- guishene Hotel. Points of Interest, Indian Reserve on Cliristian Island, Giant's Tomb, French Settlement, Martyr's Memorial Church of St. Josepli, Wye River. Rates» The railway fare from Toronto to Penetanguishene and return is $3.10, good from Saturday until Monday. The rate at the " Penetanguishene " is $2.00 per diem; and portions of a day proportionately. Time Table. Vov tills excursion (Saturday to Monday) the nu»st pU-asiint way is to leave Toronto by the morning train of the Grand Trunk, which departs from the Union Station at s.4.t a.m.. reaching Pent'tanguishene ubout noon. Distonce* From Toronto to Penetanguishene is 10'2 miles; time by rail, 354 hours. N.B. For this excursion, arrangements have been made by the proprietor of the Hotel to run the small steamer Voyagevr through the islands about Penetanguishene. A small sum will be charged each passenger in order to cover the expenses of the trip, which will take two or three hours. Saturday, Aug. 21st (D) Hamilton, Nia2:ara Falls, and Return, Instead of going across Lake Ontario to Niagara Falls, the clioice is left of going via Hamilton by rail. Or, if one de- sires to go by boat to Hamilton, there is an excellent line of steamers belonging to the Hamilton Steamboat Co., which runs between Toronto and Hamilton daily. Connections are made by the boats with all points wert of Hamilt»)n. Rates. To Niagara Falls, via Hamilton, all rail, good from Saturday, Angtist 21st, to Monday, August 2:ir(l, and to stop over in Hamilton $1-50 Return sfime day l--'' Toronto to Hamilton, by Macassa or Modjeska, and return, any day of the week 1-25 Toronto to Hamilton, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, leaving at 2 p.m., and return 0.50 Going by boat, returning C.P.R., Sat.-Mon.... 1.2.^> Going by boat, returning by boat, Sat.-Mon. . . 0.8.5 Time Table, Trains of G.T.K. and C.P.K. run to Hamilton tvery few liours during the day. Boats (Macassa and Jlodjeska) leave Toronto 7,;^0 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m. daily; returning same day, leave Hamilf'U 10.4.5 a.m. ; 2 p.m., 5.30 p.m. Distance* Toronto to Hamilton, 40 miles ; Niagara Falls, 82 miles. N.B. In connection witli this trip, the Science Association and Board of Trade of Hamilton are arranging a reception for the members of tlie Association, the details of which will be pub- lished before Aug. 18. Saturday, Aug. 21st. (X) Toronto to Peterboro', Rice Lake and Return* This excursiou lia-s beei) syocially arraugtMl for si'ctious O ami H, and will probably be couaucted by Mr. A. F. (^liamber- laiu, Dr. G. II. Needier and Mr David Boyle. Tlie trij) to Peterboro' in nuule by rail, either G.T.R. or O.P.R. : the latter being the shorter route. Steamer will then convey the visitors down tlie Otcnabee River to Rice Lake. At Peterboro' are the largetitt eleotrical works in Canada, belonging to tlie Canadian General Electric Co., covering a Hi)ace of 12 acres, and including tive large buildings devoted entirely to the nianufactur«; of electrical supplies. These buildings will be thrown open to the visitors. Rice Lake is of interest to all historians and anthropologists, and an opportunity will be given those taking this trip to visit the celebrated Serpent Mounds and the Indian village of Hia- watha. Peterboro' and Rice Lake canoe-s have become famcms all <)V«n" tlie continent. They are nuvnufactured by several large firms in Peterboro'. Rates. Toronto to Peterboro' and return ^l-"5 Peterboro' to Rice Lake and return (including Dinner and Supper) ^'^^ Hotel Expenses at Grand Central Hotel '2^-00 Total expense of journey $o.()0 Time Table. Leave Toronto any train Saturday, prefcnibly o.io p.m. or «» p.m. C.P.R. Stop at (irand Central Hotel. Peterboro', where the special rate of ^'1.00 lias btu'u arran.ged t(> cover expc-nses of stay. Breakfast at hotel Sunday morning 7-8. Leavo !!t 'i .i.ui. for Rice Lake by steamer Xotih 'Star, '•' utliiug tliere about noon. Dinner at Rice Lake Tiit- afternoon will then bo spent in visitiuiT i">i5,(.s or intert^st on the Lake, and su])per will be (Served 'ii llir fV(iiiii;i. Kttiini to I't'tcrlioro* suim- iiiuht, Tlio.sf iiol iiilt rested in electrical work iiiiiy leave Monday at 7.10 11. ni. Breakfast at hotel, Monday. Visit Electrical Works and Canoe Companies' wctrks froni d a.m. to 1 ji.m. Dinner at hotel. T,eave tor Toronto 1.10 p.m. Distance. Toronto to Pcterboro', C.P.li. direct line, 7(1 miles. Peterboro', down the Otonabce River to Rice Lake, 25 niihs. Mouth of Otonabee to Idyl Wyld in Rice Lake, !> miles. N.B.—Tlio8e desirous of nuikinj,' tliis excursion, and of also Koli>K to Niafxara on Saturday, can easily combine the two trips by leaviuK Tonmto for NiaK«ra at «'ither 7, 9, or 11 a.m. ; then returning to Toronto at 4.30 p.m. or 8.15 p.m. TheC.P.R. train can be taken for Peterboro' at 5.10 p.m. or 9 p.m. Monday, Aug. 23rd. Toronto to Don Valley and Return, This excursion is for tlie Geoloj?ical Section (C), and will be conducted by Dr. A. P. Coleman and Dr. .T. W. Spencer. It will probably take place in the mort-luj- al ii-ll, and is for the object of vi'nvinfe liie Interglacial deposits in the valley of the River Don. Details will be arranjfed on Friday, Aufjust 20. Monday, Aug. 23rd. Toronto to Scarboro^ Heigfhts and Return. This trip will start on Monday afternoon, at 1.20 o'clock, by G.T.R. for Markham Road, reaching there at 2 p.m Conveyances will then take the party to the Heights (»f Scarboro', and after a walk of about two miles, the conveyances will be taken to East Toronto. From here the jcmrney home will be made in electric cars. N.B.— This trip will be free of charge to all geologists, and those desirous of making it will please notify Dv. A. P. Coleman, not later than Friday evening, August 20. Thursday. Aug. 26th. (E) Toronto to Ottawa and Montreal, vio Parry Sound, and througfh the Algfonquin Park. i»y ThlH trip, which hiiH Jh-imi Hpt-clally arrauK«'«l tlu- Canada Athmtlr and CJrand Trunk Hall. wayH, iH iiiadt' partly by boat and partly by rail. TIh' first portion of tlH> Journey is by rail from Toronto to PtMU'tan^ui- Hhone. Th(T«' tlu' stcauu'r is taken for Parry Sound, and the Jouruey.which takes four or five Iiours, Is made through the thousauils of Islands whieh lie scattered over tlu^ eastern sli(»re of (ieorgian Bay. From Parry Sound a run of three or tour hours brings us to the famous Algou<|uin Park, an areti covering iu;ali> 2,0((<) square miles, set apart by the Ontario Oovei*nnuMit as a game preserve, where no one is all(»wed to .'boot, and where it Is only possible to fi.sh by permission of the Oovernnu^nt. From this point tliere is a suceesslon of lakes and streams, .sonu' of which run along- side of the railway track, until we reach tlie city of Ottawa, the capital of the Dominion. PARLIAMENTARY LIBRARY, OTTAWA Ottawa 1m. next to (,iu«'i)t «•, tli« iiioHt pJctun'Hqut; city on the continent. Tlie T>;iiilan)<>nt HiilldinKH Hltuated on a blntf t<»vv«'rlnK altove tin* Ottawa Ulver, the (.'liaudiere FallM, anil the lonK line of the Laiirentlan Monnllans HtretuhiiiK away to I lie north, form a ])lctiire not easily for^'^tten. On reaching ottawJi, Frltiay, AujjruHt '27th, at 7 i>.ni., the exciii'HlonlHtM of thlH tri]) will 1m^ met by the (Mtl/.enH* (Com- mittee of Ottawa, who will preHent each excnrHlonlNt with a s«>uvenlr, and a ban(|uet will be, nlven In honour of the K'««'NtH at H p.m. On Saturday mornlnK the vlMitons will b(^ shown the city, ami a luneh at Uocklltte on the Ottawa Illver w 111 be Klven at noon. The train will leave for Montreal in the afternoon of August 'iWth. Montreal will hv. reached that evenliiK- ENTRANCE TO ROCK LAKE Rates. Toronto to Pen«'tangui8hene, Parry Sound. Ottawa, >[<»ntnal, return by G.T.R. to Toronto, goo<l from Thur.sday, August 2(>th to Wedne.sday, Sept. Ist. . . |9.00 Sleeping (Jar from Parry Sound to Monti'eal 2.50 Koom and Breakfast at Russell House 1.2.5 Time Table. Leave Toroiitct by .sixcial Iraiu Tlmrsday, AtiKi»«t 2(it]i, at '0.4') a.m.; arrive at Penetaujj;ui8lieiie 1.45 p.m. Lunch at PeiietauKiiislieue Hotel from 1.45 to 2.45 p.m., for which a cliarge of 75 ceiit.s will be made. thi.s, however, iiiehuliiifr traii.si)ortatioi» from train to liotel and back to boat. Leave by steamer (Jitt) of Toronto at a p.m.; dinner on b.)at, 75 cents ; arrive at Rose Point, Parry Sound Harbor, at 8 p.m. Here sleepers will be waiting for the excursionists, and the train will be dr.iwn out on the dock to «'nsure as mueli cool air as possible. Early next morninf; the train will move out, and at « a.m. will reach Rock Lake on the bonU'r line of Algonquin Park, where breakfast will be served under canvas froiu to 11 a.m. This breakfast is given by the Toronto Committee, and to it are invited all the lu-ominent citizens of Ottawa. Leave Rock Lake at I'Z.'.H) ; luneh at Madawaska, 1.80 p.m. to 1 p.m. ( 10 cents) ; reach Ottawa at 7 ]).m. Dinner at 8 p.m. at the Rns.sell House, which is a stone's throw from the O.A.R. station, sleep that niglit and lu-eakfast next morning at tlie Russell House. Tour through the city of Ottawa from !» a.m. to 12.80 p.m., Saturday. Lunch 12.30 to 2.80p.m. at Rocklitfe, given by city ot Ottawa. Leave Ottawa 8. 80 p.m.; reach Mon- treal 7 p.m. Return on any train of G.T.R. to Toronto on or before Wednesday, Sei)t. 1st. Distances. Toronto to Penetanguisheue, 102 miles ; Penetanguishene to Parry Sound, (i(i miles ; Parry Sound to Ottawa, 260 miles ; . Ottawa to Montreal, 119 miles; Mon- treal to Toronto, 383 miles. Mr. W. Keating, G.T.R., and Mr. J. E. Walsh, C.A.R., will con- duct this excursion, and as the number will be limited to 250, those desirous of going will please notify the above gentle- men in time. Thursday, Aug. 26th (F) Toronto to Kinp^'^ion and Return. This trip may be taV'in by rail or by boat. In coimection ■with it tlie tollo\viug invitation has been extended to the nienibers of the Britisli Association : " A committee of tlie citizens of Kingston invite the visiting Tuembers of the British Association for tlie Advancement of Science to an excursion among the Tliousand Islands of the St. Lawrence. "The steamer will leave Kingston on Thursday, August 2«th, at about 2.45 p.m., aiul will return about 10 p.m. Members wishing to avail tliemselves of this invitation will kindly register their names in the Secretary's Office at the earliest possible date. Information regarding the excursion may be obtained at the meeting from Prof. W. L. Goodwin, Chairman of the Kingston Committee." Rates* Toronto to Kingston and return by G.T.R., ^2.25. Thi.s rate will ))e obtainable only on the guarantee of 100 taking the excursutn. Time Table. To take advautaiic of the above excursion it will he luee.s- sary to leave Toronto by tlic Ci.T.K. at !i a.m.; this train rcaclic- Kiiisistoii at 1.5.") p. 111. Distance. From Torcmto to Kingston, 1()3 miles. Other Excursions, 1. Toronto to Ottawa aiid roturM, .ill ^.tii, (j.ir.ii ,*-, oo •2. Toronto to ()tt.t,\va and rt'turu, all rail, G.T.R,, via (!ot oaii Linnling -).(X) .i. T;>roiito to Ottawa, C.P.H., .steamer to Montreal, rail to Toronto, C. P. 11 ,'>!.00 On thi.s trip passeugers take the O.P.K. to Ottawa. The steamer K)ni)i'ess, whicli leaves Ottawa every morning at 7.30 a.m. (Queen's Wliarf), takes the pas-senger.s toGreuville, wliich i.s reached about 12..")0 p.m. Thence from Grenville hy the steamer Sovereujn, which reaches Montrccal at (l.HO p.m. N.B.— Delegates wishing to take this route to attend tlu' l)auf[uet f^nCL, ;i> Ottawa on Friday, August 27th, at 8 p.m., .should leave Toronto hy the C.P.R. eiliier liua^li^y ,;r 'j p.:ii., or on Friday at 9.10 am. 4. Torcmto to Kingston. G.T.K. or C.P.R., steanuT to Montreal, rail to Toronto ■ .fit.OO .5. Toronto to Brockville or Prescott, stean)er to Mon- treal, rail to Toronto, G.T.R 8.50 (). Toronto to Penetanguishene, steamer to Parry Sound, rail to Maple Lake, stage to Port Cockhurn, steanun- to Muskoka Wharf, rail to Toronto 4.50 Th«' above are all going August 2(ith, good to return up to September l.st. Toronto Electric Street Railway. Fare between any two points within city 5 cents. 8ix tickets -5 " From « to 7.30 a.m. and o to «.:«) p.m., elKlit tickets.... '2.') " Trips for Single Fare. 1. Around the Belt Line, wliich runs over King St., Spadina Ave., Bloor St., Sherbourne St., a distance of S'/^ miles in 45 minutes. Take Jielt Line car. 2. For Ccdlege Street West to Higli Park, take the Colleue St. car going west at any point. Distance, about 5 miles. 3. For King Si. Easi t«» Balmy Beach on Luke bIuih-, take King St. car, going east. Distance, about 5 miles. 4. For King St. West to Huml)er Bay on Lake shore, take Kino St. car, going west. Distance, 4 miles. N.B.— Bicycles are carried on all the street railways for (»ne extra fare each. Sunday car service stops at about 10 p.m. Suburban Trips. 1. Take Toronto Siieoi Kailw.iy to tue vVoodbiiie, Kniij St. East, transfer to Scarboro' Electric Railway, whicli goes to Victoria Park. Fare from Woodbine to Scarboro' 5 cents. 2. Take Street Railway to Sunnyside, Humber Bay. Trans- fer to Miniico Electric Road, which runs along the lake shore, close to the water's edge, al)out a mile and a half, and passes the Humber River, then Mimico, reaching Long Branch on the lake in about half an hour. Fare from Sunnyside to Mimico and return... 10 cents. «• «' Long Branch " ... 15 " 3. Take Street Railway to North Toronto, then Metropolitan Electric Road to Richmond Hill, a distance of 14 miles. Fare to Richmond Hill and return 25 cents. Trip to Toronto Island. FcrrleH run tnmi tin- whar*" i*. t lie foot of Voiijft' St. every twenty minutes tlirou^li '.a tlie day, Sundayw Included, until 10 p.m., to the r"'-,..ii opjMtsite Torcdito. Tiue to Island Park or Jlnnlan'n Point and rpturn 10 centn. To see the Lsland with its clilet features, passenj^ers .sliould take tlie Ferry to I.shmd Park ; then, walking to the lake shore and tiirninj,' westward, they will pass tlie Ujihthouse and Lakesi(h' Ilotue; and then turning- northward will itach Hanlan's Point. This walk is pleasant in cool weather, and takes about one hour Distance from Toront<» to fsland Park (»r Hanlan's Point is ai)out one mile. Ferries cross in 10 to 15 minutes. Trip to Trenton and Coe Hill Mines. A special trip for the Geoloj^ical Section is beinf;- arranj^cd, to fi,'o to Trenton via G.T.R., thence to tlu' Central Ontario Mines. The Central Ontario Railwaj' will give free trans- portation over their road, with lunch and dinner, and the citizens of Trenton have arranged to tender the delegates a reception and banc] net on the evening of their ari'ival. The date of this excursion will lie fixed at an early day, and those interested shouhl api)ly to Mr. .Tohii D. Evans, who will be present during the nu'Ctings. NOTES AS TO TICKETS. The Post Office and Telesraph Office are in the West Cor- ridor of the Main Hiiiidinn ofToronto University, rhc Reading and Writing Room adjoin tlie Post Office. Thos. Cook & Sons, tiie Genera! ICxcursion Agents of tlie Association, have their Ticket Office in the Reading Kooni, wliere information as to Tours in ail parts of Canada and the United States will be obtained. Railway Certificates for general travel in Canada will be ol)tained on presentation of Membership Tickets at the Ticket Office in the Reading Room. Railway Tickets and Sleeping Car Berths will be purchased at the Railway Offices : Grand Trunk Railway, No. i King St. West; Mr. W. Keating, Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway, No. i, King St. East; Mr. C. !•;. Mcpherson, Agent. Steamer Tickets will be obtained : Niagara River Line, 72 Yonge St. Hamilton Steamboat Co., Yonge St. Dock. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co., No. 2, King St. Ivast. Thousand Islands and St. Lawrence Co. (American Line), 72 Yonge St. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. Members are requested to fill up and leave their applica- tion form at the Reading Room as promptly as possible. Tickets so applied for, will, if desired, be delivered at the Ticket Office in tlie Reading Room. Tickets for the Special Excursions will be purchased for Saturday, August 21—23 • A. I, 2, 3, Niagara River Line Office, 72 Yonge St. B. C, Grand Trunk Railway, i King St. West. D., Canadian Pacific Railway, i King St- East. Grand Trunk Railway, i King St. West. X., Canadian Pacific Railway, i King St. East. Thursday, August 26 September 1 : E. F., Grand Trunk Railway, i King St. West. Other Excursions.— At office of the Railway which the mem- ber may select as his route. Facts About Toronto* ^p-IlK CITY OF TOKOXTOi.sMituatiMUiiHm the iiortlicni I .short' of Lake Ontario, on n idatcau gently asi-ending I " north for a distance ot three niih's, wiiere an altitude of alxnit 220 feet is reac^hed. It extends about eight nlile^s along the lake, and i.s generally tlat. The river Dom tiows through the eastern part of the City, and tlu^ river Huniber lies innnediately to the west of its western limit. The climate is not as extreme in winter as in .some of the eastern Canadian cities, and in summer the heat is tt-mpered by the grateful breezes which I)low from ott' the cool waters of the lake. The area within the City limits is 10,:«)1 acres, or l<).2 .s(iuare miles. Population 2()().0(K) Miles of Streets -joK " of Water Mains 248 of Sewers 228 of Gas Mains 22.") of Underground Electric Conduit 120 of Steam Railway Track 80 " of Electric Street Railway Track 85 Public School Attendance 28,000 Public School Teachers tiOO Attendance at Universities and CoHeges (i,000 Attendance at High Schools 1,000 High School Teachers ;i3 Churches in Toronto 182 Parks and Gardens, arcii 1,1 1.5 acres Attendance at Industrial Exhibition In 189() :](«,000 Postal Business, 1896. Xuinber of Letters Delivered ])y Carriers i(i,825,75() of Letters Posted at Toronto 15,()3!),."j72 of Post Cards Posted at Toronto 4,257,988 " (»f Books, etc., Posted at Tonmto !»,879,.50() PRINTED BY THE ARBUTHNOT BROS. COMPANY, LIMITED TORONTO.