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To the Editor of the Toronto Globe: Sir, — As I was the "British Canadian" who compiled the book describing the visit of the Prince of Wales to this country in i860* re- ference to which is made by "Observer" in your issue of Thursday last, I should feel obliged to be allowed space for a few words in reply. "Observer," as I make out, finds fault with the book for two reasons: — ist, with res|)ect to the character of the references made in the introduc- tion to the efforts of Mr. Norris to secure a visit from His Royal High- ness; 2nd, with respect to certain alleged exuberant expressions in the same portion of the book denoting the loyalty and devotion of the Can- adian people to the Queen and the Royal Family. As regards the references to Mr. Norris, I have only to say that the facts were taken from the public prints of the da/, and if "Observer" will turn to the files of the Toronto Leader and the Toronto Colonist for the year 1858 or thereabouts, he will, if he so desire, obtain ample cor- roboration of this statement. But "Observer" had only to refer to the book itself, where at page twelve, he would have found Sir E. B. Lytton's despatch to Sir E. W. Head, then Governor-General, in which Her Maj- esty's Government formally expressed regret that the petition, carried by Mr. Norris to Downing Street, had not been transmitted, according to usage, through the (iovernor of the province. Nevertheless, in the light of facts and circumstances which, in after years, came to my knowledge, I was convinced that Mr. Norris had not been generously treated by the press, and that, in consequence, he had been somewhat unfairly judged by the public. Acting upon this conviction, I then did what I could to make amends to him, in a suitable way, for my share in the general cru- sade against him, and I feel satisfied that he, at all events, cannot now have any cause of complaint against me. With this explanation, resjiecting a gentleman who is now an officer in the same service as myself, and which explanation I am very glad, even at this late day, to have an opportunity of making, I turn to "Observer's" other objection. He would not scoff", he says, at loyalty, even when the word is used to signify simply attachment to the person of the reigning sov- erign, but he thinks the references in the book to "Our Gracious and Be- loved Queen," and "Her Beloved Son," etc., "a little strong," and ven- tures the opinion that no one out a crank would at the present day print such sentences. To this I would simply answer that the book, such as it is, reflects the joyous and enthusiastic feeling of the time— and when a comparison is instituted between the language sneered at by "Obser- ver," and the tone and wording of many of the addresses sent from this country to Her Majesty on the occasion of Her jubilee, no further back than last year, there will, I venture to think, be found no need for *The Tour of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales through British America and the (Jutted States. By a British Canadian. Montreal: i860. 9^?'// t t a c ii c u d c ti ti V a P F t c tl P si ai ir w excuse for the sincere enthusiasm of so young a loyalist as I was at the time of publication of the ^Prince's Tour" and it may be added, that this enthusiasm is all the more justifiable when emanating from one who, while having a proper attachment for the Head of the State, was and is actuated by feelings of no less becoming pride in the greatness and destiny of his native Canada. Regarding the book as a whole, it was, in the opinion of competent critics, among whom may be mentioned the late Etienne Parent, the late Daniel Morrison, the late Chiet Justice Harrison and Charles Sangster, the poet, a truthful record of a most interesting event m Canadian his- tory, and was cordially recommend by them to the public as such, and as being the work of "a young British Canadian of good habits of appli- cation." The Toronto Leader, then an important organ of public opinion in I'pper Canada, spoke of the volume as being the best collected ac- count of the Prince's tour it had seen. The success of the book was unprecedented at that time, the entire edition, numbering 4,000, being disposed of within a few weeks. The joint committee of both Houses ot Pailiament, for the direction of the library of Parliament, of which the late Sir Allan McNab was chairman, purchaseo fifty copies, for dis- tribution to exchanges, and in their report to Parliament, referred to the work as "a careful com|)ilation which reflected credit on its youthful author." Hei Majesty the Queen, the late Prince Consort and the Prince of Wales did me thf honour to accept of presentation copies for which the royal thanks were returned in a despatch from the Duke of Newcastle. Copies were also accepted by the Duke of Newcastle, the Earl of St Germans and Cieneral Bruce, who had accompanied the Prince, and also by the then President of the United States, Mr. Buchanan, from all of whom I hold autograph letters speaking of the careful and judicious manner in which the book was executed. Until the appearance of "Observer's" strictures I never heard a word of com- plaint with respect to the book from any one, and it seems somewhat strange that it is only now, after the lajjse of nearly a generation, that anything like an attack is made. I can hardly think that such is offered in good faith, and with the honest instincts of a broad-minded, liberal writer. I am, Sir, Your obedieni servant. Ottawa, 28th July, 1888. Henry James Morgan.