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A'trertLiinii upace inthU Pro(]rainitlt caiibe hail btt apptyina at Jamknon'tt Hook Store ur to F ti. WHliaim at the offlce of the Profince i^ablinhmg Co., U Broad St. PRICES. There (viU nol he any regular or cstahlishod nrieen for auractloiH that are hooked to appear at the Victoria Thkatrb. All tlie standard first-class drainatle aud operatic compauies that visit the Facllie coast will be here, and the prevail- ing prices will be Ha.lery 50 Orchestra Chairs 1 OO Orchestra Circle 75 Dress Circle 1 00 Prices wlU only bo advanced when absolutely necessary. Large and high salav'ed companies cannot be expected to play at usual prices. ' Head Thk I'RCiiRAMMK. and ta'.e it home with you and send it to your friends in the East. RULKS AND REGULATIONS, The evening performance will com- mence at s o clock, and the matinees at i o'clock. The doors will be open at 7.30 p.m. and for matinees at 1.30 p.m. Children in arms not admitted. Seats can be ordered by telephone Jamieson's theatre telephone— num- ber 63. Ushers arc prohibited from receiv- ing fees. Please report to the management B'ly Incivility on the iiart of the e:nployees. (Carriages may be ordered for the evening performance at 10.30 p. m., and 1^- tlie matinee at 4.30. i,ooo Each Performance iAZEDNESDT^Y, FEB. IQth. ANNUAI^ TOUR A Sears" Successor to Joseph Sears will occupy the old premises No. 114 Yates Street. MR. LOUIS JAMES nanagement of WAQENHALS & KEHPER. Shakespeare's Immortal Tragedy, OTHELLO IM SKVKN TABLEAUX. I. cb< u.di.i FOTOQRAFER NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD A. r. BURI.EiqH, R*c<lv«r. CALEN.7AR VlMC CARD THMO'JGH TRAINS I .ST-BuUfJ". % Traill .Nil. i The Atlon'.. "all— Dully I.KAVl riirtliUMl UA!i H.m Taconm 5.20| Seattle 4.20p.iii Monday TneHday W»Mlnt'Mtay Tiuir.'dtty Friday' Saturday Sunday Through- V&iK .Miiinea St. I'aul TlmrKd fyi a.m. H. . Op.m. p.m. 1 iHirKdt'L Kridayli yaturdav" Sunday V Mo.'iday K Tuetulay y, Wednthdajr ^ \ Vestibuled Pullman Palace Sleepers. v Pullman Tourist V Sleepers (uplioletered). ' And Free Colonist Sloepers Rum on :lie iiliove trains. Dining Cars are carried Day and Night on the above trains. Through Tickets to St, Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Fargo, Grand Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg, He- lena and Butte, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, New York, Boston and all Points East and South. PUCET SOUND STEAMERS Speed IVICTOUl A KOl'TE Tonn'Ke IH kniitslHS.rity <if KiiiKston 1117 8.:li!|ini|l,v.. Vii'toria. ..Ar 11.4-') pni I'orlTowns'nil 3.(»l.inil ....Seattle 4 45an)|Ar.. .Taeoma .Lv 4 30 pm 1 30 pm 10 1.1 am S.OOam "Kor Information, Time Cards, Maps and Tieket.s, call on or write to E. E. BLACKWOOD, Agent, Gdveriiment Street, VICTORIA. B.C. A. D. CHARLTON, A«8t. General Passenger ARent, { PORTLAND, Or. P. O. Itox 289. Tele. 121 Biscuit Manufacturers 57-59 FORT STREET, VICTORIA, B.C. Something New and Good. HOT CAKES ! Self-Ralsing Hot Cakes made from this combi- nation of meaisare deilcious and easiiy digested. Just try them. 'Write for price list. I'rill SAI^K I3Y ALL OROCBRS FRANK B. PETERSON 6t CO., 5AN FRANCISCO, COKST KCeNTS. \\ r ^iiMiMiiiiiiMiiiiMiiiiiiMiiiiiiMiiiniMitMiiniiMniiimiiinnnHinniMiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMtiiniiiiiiMMiMHiiitiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiMtitiiiiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiiinMiin Carpet Cleaning: by Machinery. I f _ 6 J^ ' - 9 The old-fashioned style of setting the dust out of carpels is now a thing of the past. Our ROTARY WHEEL '^ the best process yet Invented for this ■lurpose, and is used in all the large cities. It is not necessary to wait for fine weather. We can clean your Carpets or Rugs if it rains or shines, and very much better and safer than it can be done by hand. ^ Munn, I I'ri CoPtri^MT -r^^ Vu After the du5t. :L\*K3v:k\!i«iu:i\:iotxu:K3un!K]v:i\!i^v:L\>KJixL\'ki Complete House Furnishings j WEIIvER BROS. I I Factory, Humboldt Street. Showrooms, 51 to 5S Fort Street | qilllllllllllllllllHIIIIinilMlllliniMIMIMIIMIMIIIIIIIMMIIIinilllllllMiriMllllliniMllllllllilinilUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM SATURDAV. AUGUST 14. lS9S Vi^iiM II NK. tW «am fMNU 14 THE PROVINCE V OFFICES f^"""^, ' Vtncouvrr. B. C j CONTENTS , / ' Min ChJ Th.r^ Mining / ParkMMni r>d Bw Fnr* ».itf Furt>et»*» / / Th» Ub»wy Shwr Ztoiy >/ / Ediiofiii> PriM Puat* jT , / i bton .m) BuiMin Chnt v^ J^^jf ^ ♦ ^^ 10,000 PAPER NOVELS' at TEN CENTS EACH The ke( Now i: Su 25 S We are clearing out almost our entire line of Paper Novels, to make room for newer and better additions just ordered, tliey are "Selling Like Hot Cakes." If you want any sort of choice at above figure you will have to come at once. Imp( ROBERT JAMIESON, Books and Stationery. 61 Government Street. Pacillc Sauce and Vinegar Works tstab, 1885. Factory and Office 66-68 Blanchard St. Manufacturers and Packers uf the "Standard" Brands cf Worcester Sauce, Malt, Wine and otiier Vinegars, Piclties, 9 Tomato Ketcliup, Appie af.d Orange Ciders, Fiavoring Ex- H. J. BRADY & CO., Proprs. tracts, Fruit Syrups.lEtc, Etc. Illlllllllllllllllg I w a this SI Mr. and Mrs. Kosche I.MI'OIITEH.S OF FINE FRENCH HAIR GOODS Ladies' (JORDHN'S TV^INS) i (r=^ I ^ Munn, Holland & Co. or Rock Bay Wharf Price: $(i per ton delivered. Victoria,. Va^ncouvkr, (v|U'Ph(>m'43&. Tfl*i)lion«'l8l dJIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS I NEW LILY BULBS | Hair Dressers i . *' = I ORIENTAL BAZAAR | — S Mliniti Anratum S S Mliiiin SiDU'iosii.)) Utilprum = PrSCtiCfll i Kv(-ryth)iig('urioi)B = Ti Silk OnodH. Clu'iiiK'st 111 tho town. 5 Wig Making i A.wANiBE. f = BO DOUGLHS ST, = ^iiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiMiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir; Wigs forHirr 31 - GOVERNMENT - STREET VICTORIA, B.C. ! Victoria Transfer Company, carriages, livery, baggage WAGONS. Telephone 129. 21 and 23 BROUGHTON STREET. reet I lllllllllllllllllin: The Snow and Rain keep you indoors Now )£' the time to read Subscribe to the "M.K." SYSTETW PROGRAMME. ►>+«-• iilli w^ Nx.«li:l®:x^^ e line of :wer and Othello Ix>uie James lago Guy Lindaley Casaio Wm. Harris The nuke James Harrison Brabantie Harry Laiigdon Gratiano Wm. Hunt Roclerigo Thomas V. Cook Montano Wilfred North Lodovico Richard Waite Antonio George Powell Messenger Charles Pen ley Uesdemona Miss Alma Kruger Emilia Miss Florence Everett Hns Five Medals Awarded for Superior Photos. <iiiii: if: The Snow and Rain keep you indoors Now is the time to read Subscribe to the " M.K." SYSTETU^ <ilili^ Imperial Manufacturing CHAS.PHILUPS, Prop, f . ; bTa - - - i. Company 8 YATES STREFJ. M/VNUF>AOTUHHHS OF" HOME IVIADE KETCHUP, VINEGARS, SAUCE, WASHING SODA and FRUIT SYRUPS. TELEPHONE. 413. i i^^^as^i^^^ igSSSESSSSSSSSSgSiSi gl^^^it^ ive figure It Street. " Brands cf rs, Pickies, iavoring Ex- Don't You Believe It There's Nothing In It But the "Siiuou Pure'' oiit.s. Thiit talk iilxiut mill sweep- ings is all " high Biddy Martin " and n great big Helephant on TIIKIH bands. Try a 7 lb. sack of OUR ROLLED OATS and if yoii do not )in<l tbeni all right we will eat them our.selve.s — they are the eleaii Bourgoiit. We olfer this week a tin of Pe.iebes. Aprieot.'^ or Plums foi' ;i()cerits. Fresh Island Eggs. 25 cents. Kiigar has gone up l-cent pel' pound. m i I i m m DIXI H. ROSS St co- rn i I ^^^^I^^H^I^^Ifli^ii^^i^^Iliiillliiliiii^l^li^^P^ ssasssssss-ssss^ r f — A Pine Line of^ \ OEMS' FURNISIilNQS Has Just arrived. t Our l-iitest StyleH in . . . | AMERICAN NECKWEAR , , . Cuiinut III! lCi|iuUk'< (live Us a call and convinco yourself. W.N.GarnilcHael&Go. | 65 YftTES STREET. E COAL Our best double-screened Coal on Wharf at $5.00 per ton. Delivery, extra. TRY OUR NUT COAL ? Highly recommended for Furnaces and Kitchen Ranges. We are reliable ; and guarantee in every case 2,000 pounds to the ton. SPRATT & MACAULAY AI)i:i.I>lll lil.OCK. (iOVKRNMIM SI. TKHMS, r.ASll. Tulcphunc, 101. If you have a WATCH or CLOCK that needs REPAIRING take it to Chris. Moody WATCHMAKER 52 Governmciit Street. The Mi txGlianoe T lie rn.sicst, Clconcst and Clicnpcst Kcs. t anriint In Town. Mcnis ot all hours. I> liNoli; liriiiB Kcins uflol's.. GO TO THE Profrrnmnie — Continued. Ait I. — \ Street in Venice. Act II. — Tlie Senate Clianiber. AfT III. — \ Seaport in Cyiirees. Act. IV. — A Room in Otliello'p House. Act. v.— Scene ; -A Kooin in Othello's House. Scene L>— A .Street. Scene .S— A Port in Cypress. Act VI" — Room in Othello's Ilonse. NoTK — After Acts IV. and V. there will be no intermission. BueinesB Uepresentative ,1 . :M. 1 landley Advance Ajient I'ercy Sa^e 7VVUSIGKL- ^=ROCRK7VV7i'^E JI.Mtcii " Minute Man " OvHI!Ti;l!K OvEJlTtJKE Danse des .ratlin Selection " Vaiuleville Echoes " . . " I'oet anil, I'easaiil " Siippr . . . " Loves' rieil^e " haiiglei/ . . ." .lolly Kohhers " Snppe "Snltanes" Dnnieh Ifiiidleii Next A ttraction """^.U^lfJ^"^ DRIflRDBflR, First-Class in Every Respect. Theatre Curtain Bell at Rise of Curtain. nil! CIlNDl fRClflli! For the Finest Candies and the Choicest Fruit in the city. A Refreshing Brink of Arc- tic Soda, only 5 cents a glass. H.A. LILLEY [ los Douglas Street, Victoria, B.C. JNO. M. FINN 1 Springfield Ave. - - Victoria, B.C. P.O. Box ^. Music Rc-wrlttcn, MUSIC FURNISHED FOR ALL OCCASIONS. ■ .uiisposed. Arranged ond Composed for the Vplce, Piano or any Orders can be left at Jamicson's iloukgtorc. * Stubs' Vegetable Blood Purifier M: A True Nerve Toiiio. A Hellable Laxative anil Diuretic. This fnmnuB remedy never fails to give hHtindu ti >n. It cures IMIIoiisncss, Constipation, Kidney and Liver Complaints. Impure niood. Dyspepsia. Ilctidachc. Itud Circulation, Obstinate Humors, General and Ner- vous Debility. I'emule Comploints and all Irregularities of the system caused by bad blood or dNordered action of the .Stomach. I.ivcr, kidneys and Itowels. Indian Herbs for making Indian Vegetable Cough Syrup. A sure remedy for Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Chronic Itronchitis, Sore Throat. Weak l.nnKs, Hoarseness, The Grippe, Tonsilitis. Croup. Whooping Cou|4h, Consumption, Etc No poisonous or injurious nliiH-rtil druus m-e used in tliis iirepanUion. Nothing Itut the clioioest, (tun'.-^t iiuil most elli'c'live nerlis eVi'r ili.scovi'reil. ORDCP.S BY MAIL PROMPTLY FILLED. PKKl'AKEI) BY BENTLEY & McGregor, SOLE PROPRIETORS, Cor. Qovernment and|Bay Sts., Victoria, B.C. * ^