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Las cartas, pianchas, tabiaaux, ate, pauvant Atra fiimAs A das taux da reduction diffirants. Lorsqua la documant aat trop grand pour 4tra raproduit an un saul cliche, il ast film* i partir da I'angia supAriaur gaucha. da gaucha i droita. at da haut mn bas, •n pranant la nombra d'imagas nAcassaira. Las diagrammas suivants illuatrant ia mithoda. 1 2 3 1 ] 6 J ^ , ^ / ' ■ ^ '* » , '^t. ■V O' ♦■■ • % *^ gpHi ■■■■i WttttttM''^''- ''-"--' - HHI^I ■BBMBl Uligg - • c \ ■ .. \ )^.0)\ I » ' -* • • • * ' ' \ » '■ ' . • ^ ■ % ;• M..3S8 » :-/:7i' %. ^O K.V.. u s,ran,.r a„ n.„.„i,.„., i.U. of St. Joh„, .,,.1 ,h.. ,.,.... .,• i„„,..,, ,. ,,.. „„,,,,„„,,,,, • oftiu. ..„,, n.<,„„vs nn.lu.a vol..,.. of histo,,- ,„„•,. l,....k of s,a,is,i..s. It is o,.Iv .as,o,..„v' 1- on. ... s ,o .„.„., ,,,.„.,,f ..i„. ..o,.ks of „,., ,....,, ,,,,.„. ,„ , ,,,i,,.^. ,.,. ■„^.,,,, ^^,, ,_. ,;^ '"'■'■'^"' '""•'■-' -^i-.r ill fl„. lolloui,,. ,.;,.,.s, wilha,,,.,,.!,..,. .,r,„l,. ""■I'"''"' '" ""■ 'la-ili^alio.is aLva.ly .,.r„lio,n..l. Vv,n ff views \vlii■ l'"^-i''l'' sl|l|i,.l,.rli,„l '■'■" '""'"■ "'"' ""' ^''"i "- i'l"^"^"" ^<. .fnln. a.a.oo,| ,,|a,... to |,v ""-'" I" Im'x'cII Kv Ihos,. wli.w,. rj,,.|| 111, and a hlarc whirl. Ill ni-lai.,-.-. ,oii.|„.| tJH.iii I,, jiv,. Mancwh,..-,. ,.|s -..„. IMMa.l.vs wli..,v , wo,-|< i. soM ),y M.I,s,..-,p,io„, it. ,^ 1 ,,„ < ■^plal.l..,| ,n advainv. || is l^'licvr-l (|.;,| s..,|. ,-. |Ualitics a.-,. iiioiY' (hail mt.ris... ,,,„ „o, h..na,l,. i., n,sp,..,,,„,|.isv,.nti,.v. ''"""■'^''^'^"" — '— i.ak.. „.,. n.l.il n, a. l,.aM,.,„.al,o,h..,„.o.i„.,a.„las,l...; • the vit ho c'ouhl iin when ho VAX so slight sonu^ which nf haste for oncy, and of .,11 to whom ,vhi('h a ihuu y, nor IS it of riTV, FROM FORI HOWK. - 1 'C P . /I - was litliu^ily^"""""" "•'""' to east thrir lot on a w.M a. ,„,,„^,nt. to lay dr.y aiul su-u^ :[;..os,unlvpi.H....rswrnu,htthan it rstcnnrd an l>'Hi..r \Vliilc tlif 1'" . T,,,v ..anu. iVo.n a land of rWnly "' -'■'-• ''— r, '"■:^;' i ;■ V lit...- ..-.-ions 1... 1-'- -t j;;- 1 . .,,, ,l,anUvt!u. ixan.pl. ot tlu n <"ii . _ _.,.,.,„•„. ; wrnn-l>t than nyu.c ..-...,■■■ . tinu. i.rior to tlu'ir vali^t^ ...n. tlu. .ouna... oi tl.- ^;:^ ;^ ,,^ ,.,... ais..ov..n..l it on M. ''f , ; ^ , j „, ,.. . , ,,.,,„ ,,„„., :.s,. John- .as ,iv.n to , ,.■ ru-: > -^"M . ^^_^ ,^^^,,,„„. ,,,., .,ory ot ' ^ ' ,,. „,„, :"•'■''>■•''■ " , • ,,-- I vr.air lafilt lis tort on tlif w • -I ■ > wouM l.r ontM-U' oi 11a "M' of .lun... ir.nl. ana n, 1 'Z^'' "';.„„,.,, ,„„ ,o .l-al with .t .v.n Un..tl>, n'-uI ^___^^ ^^.,_^„^ „,„ ,,,, l,.,. ;:--i:r;:::;;p ;^: ;: : !;;;;;;;:r::r:;::! .^ -'-' -^- -'^ ' '. , 1 l>riii> 1 -.nlii<'«'t> nati r^''"" arm 111, sr\ i i.o i ■ ^. 1TS2 .„,,„„a was at lirst-a l^rislu s-> S,' John .as a port of ..n.ry ,:.„„,. th- Sonth Kna ana of Carl. on. :,„,,..„,.„. all. Tl... ' Th. original .•!,> nMs,...l ot f i;';^ l^ .,.,,... nnitM in l^^"'' ^'^ ':;!r ' ^^ . ^s ^as aisa,,.oin,iu, tZCu an. .1... SaUh, NorU. -^ 'uu vl>^ 'l"- '--"^ "-••>• ""'-' 'i"';' "';:: n 1 ' ^vhol. n,v, hnt only :;:;;;;\:::.,-:::l;;;\:;a.nn,iionao,i.^^ (•(■nlrt.s ot ri . ^,,.,„.tur..s of a nnuli •,l,lin-s an.l laisin..>s [hv .liniat.. is univiT- 'C t ,1 tor,' tluit 111*' (iral licuuty, l) >till wit'h'm .-i--'n;::,tr;:r,5,--;:tj;:: . mu.inuin, to tho .a>t.an >"r _ ,,„^, „,, al.-V- t!>y >- . K ■ ^ . . ^,„,,,,,, ,.,., ...n ,. ,.K. ,,,1...- ll.u.sllrsaiuoi.L'tl"' ""l''^ ' ■" • (.^^^^,„,,,vnvk.,.t Nvas tlu.Mmi. . ^^.^^^ ,,^^, ,„„, ::,';;:. ..rtw -iti^-- 'r ^r::±'z L^^ >■•.■. ^^-V'' •"" 'i:::- '--'>- ana ..,1., ..m ''^' =M'l"'"^'"'V/'" ; ,, „f .1 nark, Ik.nc srriuvc -■'^'"^'-'^'':'"''""':":^ h;Lu,;iiv'i.auiifu t„ llu' attrartivcu.;>^ *rt tiic ;;;:::;:;,:r,;:;4:.''v-::'';::-:\u::,:'''W ,a roails n.iNV U'^' lau'l-^ ii -cLiiu: Ih. the vicinity an 1 have alivaav .»< Vli'W- i^uii|><>-iii One way ,l,:,t ,m.l>^i==vi>=HvdMt From 4 1 Q I -> At M'y\>\ or INK SA( HH> llhA HI, MUIM !•! I \v*N|, si, JOHN, N n. -. t s-^ I- 1 t si' wil ihln lie Si. iKiu-la- Hvniur, w liii li i- ailiirii' .illi many lini' lin vatc n-i l.Mi.vs, the lir>t ■ t, r's chnivli, siluali m a 111 ixalc i""l' •rtv. Tl.is .Inlui aiT rracli ihr tiili', will''' ra-ily cxiilaini' tn niakr it- M 1,,,,-ur nnlir 1 1 1 i Ir n I ] .1 H " H 1,,.,1. 'I'li'V aiv uni'in. -1 I'atiiii--. r rorcci licran-i' I lir fall nia\ ini;i aliini: !„■ np rivn- m' ' l»,.UL;la< avi'iiur tlir rainnn s falls of th" river M- lownTivrr, acconiui^ liiiir to thi' tl«>w "r I 1)1) of i,;,ir lull'. "I- -1^"'^ ''■•'''■''■ the frail ,t Ivoat may 1-- them wi lliont lair'rr. 'Hh' iihciiomciioii i Tl,,' Kivi r .l,,lin, llowini: nrai Iv .")(>(• milf-^. ami ^a lurin- IVi'iii iriliutari rs on the way, IS forcfil „. I, ,,,..,. intii 111'' liarli'ir I liron;jil 1 a roi tlirivforr. \Ur VlVir l."ll .,f ll.r r.av of rumlv an lilii-iuni. limine: lin.' tlirou -h tlir ;:ai crra f, mi'il in to thr rivrr 1 tt- a fa rratiinj: a Uy rl,a-m aliout :i<'0 ir.l )v 11 aliont lifti'ii flit lii'-li. w tcr in ,1,.. At low w; ,,,,,, ^,, l,,.l, vvatrr Ihrstroiu the liarlior, tiili'> fl'NiV -,,. fall of i-i|\ia 1 liri-hl. At half li'h> tl"r.' is an •■'l'"' tl,, riintmnani it' whiili iiavi,- ition 1- mai ra-\ . Aero— thi- i|-i_'r an two niita lie hri' , 70 tr.'l alii'Vr till' 111 ■hn-r rllort- it wa- i ,h,-t tl-li'. 1' ^^■■'■^ "1' l„,,^ Thr fn-l. a iiia.lvvay Mi-j ,.;„.,! in is:.:!, anil wa^ th- pmi' iision lii'ii if th. 1-,., has a span " hit- W f (',10 fett, ami lli'iin K. KryiK'lds, hy ariLi ,1 to romlili'll'ill It i- now 111 nil |1,,,1 l,v thr |inivimial ;jo v( rniin'iit- 11 ir ill ntllrVrr luiil'^r roll iiitiin span o f 117 f.'t ai ,1 i^ a im (s the railway syM.«m > ,t snl-staiitial stVm'tnri if 11 If ca >t all' I wi-l, ami was op.ii. ,1 in ISS,-). Uhiisa ( 'ro—iiiL; thr -n-liill-l"ll hriilp'. 111.' provin ■ ial hinaln- a-y Inm i- a lon^punoiw < ,l,,.,..t. Tothrw.'sfof ilisih* thriving; \illaL;i " Ihiv spill it i iowa( f i'airvilli', an I Invoml it the "Maho-ai \ roiK 1 „. jMople pronoiim-e I I "Manawaj. tiish " road an lav'', ai ,1 ■■ Mao^eiies roa< 1 ,m it USCil to he ^1" ^,;an7fTT.nTlvvTffr^^1^n07=4. ^ihu^'^i' l, v From tills rua.l. for^.-yera 11,., I l.y Iho-e Will) 1 miles, is a trii'i 1 to re.luee thesl^okell W ords • Uiar ami uiiinterniiiled view <> tl,,. Hay of I'uml^ To the e,i-l o f till- a-\ liini !"■'' l,amaster l|,.ii-hls, witlv fino views ol I f portions o f tlie I ity ami harhor, ai (TTi^ai lu ) feet, llixl It lliis II of it U the :li" roail art iktii wonln lU'il vii'W <)f T, uiiiTTroin II 4rT '««T. ro»T or Klliiii, |40D,aoo. - t G t b IH-I iti tl,,' -n-.m >f cuvriii H all sc all' 1 fall "f tl"' '' ,„oi,.. .--".—' :::-:;',t::ir">S ■a-ni'i ,f tllflU. VM'll fan.y l> l,Mat^ \vli'">'- '" ''"'" >t\ 1,. „f laiiM. ^ivr no i i-ilivi' a — iiraii''' " I' ^^a f,,,v (>\'' to 1 ill aiiv li ,,■ the MMUllU'l' I'5" 111 Us luul the raro casrs l„,r in till' w.'vl' arlioi lavf \-' ,,..1 I'V llio-cof otil cilu (hat w>iii<' o! IVdlll tlir solnl ro' K, ilir aiiiou 1 niai 1,. nvrf roll 1. :h, >l''t'l ) lui am I that ill -oiiH' .aM tlli'V ^Vlu•^ it 1^ !•< iiaxv a.Uially 1h'>'» ■mon t.a ava laV! isii sum Icwa an' \v< U a~ til'' '.•^'■' I ,,r lal'or .lour oil l,-.l t.. 1' ill. ail IVoni i-M to la -t call I"' 1 1„. partly naliv as \v. 11. ail i.lu..' ^vol• •nt k .'f a 1 icniiaii. 11 t cliara. •I.T, all. 1 th.' niiU'^ "P' \ of ■iv.viity.'aMV.TV . .; i.,j ,.f ivsnlial' ,ul,,nk.-.lalt.T, -nnii".-'^">' K 1 1 1 - -tr.'. I .Sl.'ll liii .r ail'. I ,,1... k i.av.aii. 1 Willi. 1' ,^^ ,hr .-iiv Tnaii .'a . .l„,xv tlial 111-' ' ai.\' l,a, ii,.l l.<'''n ••XI"'"' in nil 1,.(1 in vain. Icrt of ivsii It #' Tho ^t'> l,v a v.a-y •' ,;;...:. .■•■1-. ':':'' i::;:;u:;>.n.— ti--;*"; 4 +0 W sccll.ill 111.' <' 1,,,- til.' l.a.liM^ l.nt.'ls aii.l -""" M r.uiial < .1, i , ,l,.v..l.'.l t' ,f ,1,,. iiio-t iiiil"" han.l-oni.' l"'''''' st, lias a my a taut laisin WKl ws housi' Til.' .'ail.'vn division a I'tcr passinj (,. n'>i.l''n''' pivi.lini: ill'' *^^ rtions ih tho Kinji;* .lliai r^fnfrrflnT' -waia|J l.nl 11"^^' ■' ''*'■' Uv U.'aiilil'i' l>ai Willi W' 1 k.'P' 1""!^"'' '^' on. Icani'm:. ti-\ in; l.> I'.'-l" t.> sa\.' all \ >on-l ,1. u.)n- o (TiV^tTi thp »t,Uiii XLi '■1 ihr 111. '11 iWfi's, ^^ ,,i,h .'vrn tho vaj^ran tdo^-'^a™ llllH'll t lo Imv.1 Yoim^:. n '•> ilK l.ivali-t womni: .ill. V la Tliis i- 1 iVoni . Irowiiii An..th' r moimnifii ,t is u III' a st'i'ont l...rn.onoftliatroiin»^"ii.^_^ rh,. lii-ton<- was n . ... tl,.. nnliUlar tftHt ,..'t to the i"'!' 1 vvl..»h>st-l^'^l''''-J" 1 to th o luoniory < >> <'"' ^ u Just out , bathing al sketch n fear no ■(■r tVi'e/.cs i\,lic," the i^t. John MistriK'tfl u'ter routo [1„> modern nd. M'lny c rare cti^e^ rcnieiTihered a ,.s;:>^i''*' iost.hi^hfein ueinory ofth n each 8i.le of it and in the vicinity. _ , important part of St. John, as well as an h.stonc parts of the Bay of Fnn-ly. ' ,u,,,,nv'h\y business thoron.rhfare, on whi-li are located a nu,i.hor was brought fron. New York by the Loyalists. ^ ^^^^^.^^,^ ^^^^^,„^i,„^ ,,, ^hose of the Western AnMm.Mlu. nmny inu.osu.,' bud.hngs 9n the str e th^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^.^^^.^^^^^ ^^^^ the opposite corner Union Telegraph Con.pany, at t h. lV>ot o ^^f;;^ ' ,^ ™ ( ..np^ny , the <:ity Hall ; the Post-ottu-e; I^nk <.„ntainin" the oftices of the Canadian Pacific Raihvay ami 1. legrai A^ j ^^^ ^^^,1 ^^ost complete of all ;"iri^nnswicU; Bank of Nova Bc^ia and ^f^^^^roy^^Z^^ ^^^^- ^^^ l-^"^ ''^"^^^"^ '' "^^ tl... pnbli<^ buildings, having replaced he struciu e I ''^ '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ,,; . ,,,,,.ture can be made. ,,.ly very handsomely finished, but i« b^'^'-^lf^^^ l^^^^jl^l?: ,;^„,ou^ spot, the great resort of business men m ■^__l-_a ,, 44^^X:arucr>.u ea rt he rost ^ ftice, city haU and ^ _^ ^ ^ the morninjj;, and in po int (.f fi^<'t an^ut^WrWrc^afil^ excRimp The wharves of the Internati :;:rs;:;„:iVip s;,.,pany, at iw'» poi.., »» k„o«„ to travellers from all parts 18 lea* the rts'in St. (3 ruilway wholesale fn)iu all a luuiiher Point, Iho >,•(', hy the nher Ibr it 10 Western ito corner, ttce; Bank plete of all ling irt not ess men in m all parts IB • 1 C V '*i-l h tlif V'''M'''' '''''^''' ,vru.laUno.tsiiUTSt.':in.l>.'a to Ka^oi-t Tortlai ,1 .n,. v„.i - 'f "":::::::-: z r^ Is wf.rt' iiivt lit. ,1. 'I'luTi' was a >t(aiiu r In l'-;i~M -llMll t ;is lar iiack a> ti.nial « .Miipaiiy „l,;,s l.rrii niiiniiiu' 1 t-; lioats .-Mil 1S(')1, kciliini;- 1 iicr \V1 til lllf tllll'-. :l 11,1 uivmu a -wi ft. sail' am utrrna- l ill all \va\ s sati-rartoVV MTVlcr 'riir travfl hy this routi" coiitinut 1,1 inrvcar-c l'r,)iii \i'ar 1,) vrar .li-j'it'' al tlu' t'acilitifs wliuli • \i>t for Irav Near • 1 l,v rail !,v aiv tlir wliai-vi- o tlic I'.av of V'' 111! Iv Slrani-liii'<'""M'''">' -'"" .,,1, 11,11.1 ^.Tvirr am. till' liav to DiuUv.AiiiiiJl' lis am 1 th." l.aml of 1" \aiii;< iiur. Til'' 'I'M' '- 1,;, „,,,-! ,lcli;Jitriil that ran 1„. takni 1 II this )iiiitrv « M-rat I ,f atlvai-livi' <■>>' ui>ions. an li%1 of ijfra- urr a t a vr.rv siua 1 the SllIllimT ">"" 11 ro-t. ths SIT a ol t iii-laiit -ti-ram ,f trav-l hy thou-aii; Is who liml ^r akiii.ii oi .lohii is^,.inrtiinfs of tiir Star liiK' wi >uiii:m''' t ,Mllr,l thr X'rlirsioll s, thfir 1- oiU' so Wl 11 known t 1„, it n,r,l hr :mr,lv inriitioiu. 1. Thr U • r St. Uhin.' of..\nirn( aiM wlii'ii I""' wan 1^ t,t -rf „,,,■ "I' 111!' '"■■'" tl.'S ot 1 t, til., si. ■am. 1,1 ,,iv cv.Ty fa.ahty on i ts iv-ular tiMl'S thn-uul ,ut th.' «unim. 1-. ^iiun.'tiin.' th. ^t. .I.ihii i~ i>a vi.-at.'.i ill nil i-winl.v, win. 11 .h,.sv- lliat th.' .Innat.' i^ m' t ^O ,--.'V. ^ ;it a .h-t:i^i.' writ. I th,' i'i.v.'r was hav.' l.''l 1»'"! 1 n..onl.' t.. h.'li<'V.'. in v.'-ar i| to this 1 lai I ,,! 1 h,' w..rl.l. "" "" ITlh .•!' :lannary ■ I-,, as soiuf ft-,'.' Ir.iii ?i.'.' t 1,,, ;iiu^'h..at nia'.l.'a tril>t..a| 'n-av.'M.'ri 1 V rai 1 t.> ami iV.'iii M .lohn ar.' familiar wil ijnt >i\li'fii ""' h th.' Inl' 1,., ti',.in th.' . ily- l,„iial .l.'hot, wh.'iv trains huiial aipl r^i'ia. li;,n ra.'ilHc arriv.' an. 1 .l.'part. H IS a 111.' huil.lin,-, w ithin an. /ithoiit, am ,f th,' Int. '!•.'.>- 1 is w.'ll worthy "f tlu- ap.;it railw ;|^.l>y l^ ,hi.lfft»is u- .1. Whil.; on th.' -ui.j. t of trav.l, it may h.. nniar k.'.l that- wjiil'- St,.I..Im ha. . lO I |l.tiii,tiv.'ly ^M'.'a t h.itvl, it lias • v.'ra 1 whi.li in 'I'V. tiling hilt iiiaiivi loth i.n.poi ti.Mis iiri' as ^1 ,1 as m , ,,,,1,„,,,',1. Th.'.vai'.'annini..'r. ,,„l,li,'\uv Ih.^K.'valMt 1,1.1, III.' trav. Iicr wil ,1 \ictoria, .'11 KiiiK str.'.'t. ol w 1 tin.l cimlo'-t, '.'"' ''"' "^' l,,„|in^r h.lUM'S l.Mi-. -I known to tlu- In a.l.liti.in t l,(,il,lin^;s.,f M..t.* nlr.'a.ly nam.'^ 1 tl„. sir.. 11. r ar.M ,11(1 l.iwn ill liu.l many itlii'i'' him. 'rh.'*i''n<'ra I'uhli.' ll..-l'ili>l. a.lmirahly U,vlorat...lonal.ni.isa.'..n-ia.'n.M, „ f,,,lun' Ir.-m many l..nii to intiTi'st ts of vii'W. 4M u i cJ i-lLXaor ad-plaiil hirt ill." intvri.ir nrra IILM iii.'iits arc 111 1,,„. whh th.'a.lvan..'oi m f th,. tim.'- Ill mi'. li.'al aii.l siirj; M.al -1 i.'ii..' >,rvii'.'S o 'I'h,. inMituti.>ii m w TT niTTiTapnifr ^^^^.ntit^ UMud ix ^t Lh u 'A l o r ii"';^: liiis allra. .|,.,1 aii.l .■..ntiiiii'-* '"'■"" 4 th f sonii-i (' nh hri._'ht.''i.iial,t..l4i.'.'a-twan 1 iathr favorite -Iriv.' known >s ih.' Mai-h r.ia l.withtlH-Riinil ('.'nieleryii." *!^-> •I' as soini' lary, IS'.KJ, lotvl, it lias i.r (if ('Xay is mu^lu..!, and l!.,U„..u- i. a V, vy l..au,.iul H---'-':'''-':;'"' ',,.... lin. sp-nnu.ns o," suUurl.an h.us.s, l.av. (ilir 111' tln' o\\\rt a licaiililul >tivt tlu' ^\iiinnrr ...a.nM.nlv'an.lullurs f..r tl,."n,l,n. ya.' l„.,.v,.ana >ari-ly tin' arli-lir m'Hm Tl,,. villa;;.' IS so easily u" ^""1111' ' • " • , , •, ,1 ,,, ..td-icM ir i'\t' ana >aii-i\ " ., u,U in »lu,l .".■— 1 f I-- ;""",', ,,..■.- iml. i..-.."v ,■ M,v,:,in >''7'' "''''7'^ , M^ A -uniiiirr (lutiiiu at UmIIi. -.i\ i> laniilii' „„„,„,,,,ll,vtlu..li-^lanrrasiflH. Lvrd n. ,,l„..,„.,.,at,.-aMKUtnftlu. -'■'-'•>■; '"''a ,,,l„.rialMiralrlv fnrinMu.l house l-'>_Uf^ iti/.ciis aiul their ■ til tin ,„1 ,,l,,aM.n- .il' inany wrll Uh-nm' '' iililarv i^ri.u ml-. '""""■-'■" ■" I .1 V ,,,,1 \, I li-miiir all annual Iratui.. -■■• |,,.,.J,ni.ni.u~a,vh,.l.l.verv v■a^o^.^v.^ 111 h -1 ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^. ^,^^, ^,„,,,,.^ ,,,.,, ,,,„,„t„. ,,, ,1,. , ilv ana it~ liniMin,^, Hi- laru-M "- -'/".' ,""' ' ..:;, '. .\ l,..,,,,,,,. an annual l-ature. Aroum ill,' -Imiv at llii-^ 1' It (.r III!' lial'l .1- Will, ii> ' l',\ 111 nll\^ lull !■ a- 111- il>Mlr to IMM"' lu.'linir. li- a lioulrxanl. lim-h. ,,vr till' I'lai''. it i" if till' n t (Ir-iralilr -jK'l ~ lur an attcnioou lUiri'. viMi, 11 lar ,r this luxu'V III h ami |i ir all \\ lillr ,11 till- I'ai 1 III' thr rilv liiivr l.uil.lin-- |iruiiiini niK in vnw ai llii I'rnli-tanI < m (tiphan Asvluin, tl Wiu-ii , Mair Oriiliaii In-IHnti.Mi ami tin 1 tl Mann.' ll--liital ,1 |,,r 111- n I 1 pii ' I M. .Iiilni ha- a mini ,1 (Mill 1- l.uiMin-s ill 111 r palinit-, III- sa \nv< h ini' -ar-' lanl.l.n^'. 'Ih- lall-r. an -nia (l.n.ial I'lihli- li'-jii'i Ic >lnii tur-, 1 ^ III) lon--r I li.r at lli< |„ r nf I'm- — h'"|i iinlilm^s, a ,| -iicrmirll 'il ^v liii'h i- —11 1" til,. \'iitnria •liool, Sillll 111 IS - a-s ar- 'I'lir Ma-nllii 'Tl niji juart-r- mi 111.) Ilr-I ll'i"!'. ( II iniain liil- thr - 111,. ( 'mt-nmal — H"' -Irt'-t. 1-^ an inil'"-iiii^ 1, I'.ni-— 1- sir— I, liiukiiiL: -tfu-tnn W inl-r -11' t M-Iiool. il aiMl llmil 11 -. ai-UM .\ the Ma-Mii •n„. I'nv I'nlili- lahrary has its 111 ivddilioii to the 'rali-rmU'. ni.nii |,,il.,,. n tli- Km-hls 'rnniilar |i;rnil-iiin-ly Inrm-li-l a rniiiiv . w 11 ill- III- a| TffT^-tTn aTr-. rm fW vt| ^ a- i l u u r l u i \ - ■"" -^'4; this ^.ulr II I' llaiiiiltiiii. Onlari ,,|.,li„ lit, of. the S'oltl' 1 h n„, (),M IMli.vvs Hall, riiioii tl,,. nl'ili r. milt. mi , tlir St. .hihii ^lamniar s( -trc-l, IS nil' honl. ,tli,T nTi.''t.mTmTip-; TTTTt t^ H4Htt^4u 111- a iia rtin-nls o-upHMl ny ,l„, Y,,,,,,.^ Mms (linstian A^su-mUoii 1,,,H itK huildiiin on <'hai' I is a v-rv poimlarinslitution. Ii.lti' -ir-i'l, an 24 ^^'*'^^''^=''™" ' '"' " ' ' ^' " U'tl, luul «)in(3 for ;(s, have ;o easily livc«l in uTy, l»it ^, lul tlu'ir • 1 the ()l< it-* lion to tlic 1,' S(i>tti-li (■(nHii>'«l t'y iii^titulion. 2& .i i,-j 1.1 iii y"* L ... ■jn ^m^^^^^BB^^ _* ifc -.M— Jl^... . ,..„„v- ' 1 ' !■■ ••'.?. ,;,,,, ,,1van.:..M.s an. odhva in tin- wav of .lass.s i,. various bnuidHs of useful kno^vlcHlp^ an.l .Ihmv .s a ^v.nnasnnn *;;;h .:;■!); I'nli-v t.,- ,>i,vsi..al .nuni..,. La,-,., an.l u.ll ii^l^.d readin.-n.on.s, parlo.. .1,.., are at th. s.rvu.e ot the „M.uilR'i-\in.l tlM-'onvrn^nrrs in ti,,. way (.fifths are of uveu-ysuprri(.r.'i.arart,.r . , , .„ „ ,, , „ Tin l-nion ClnU I I,tn.., ( i..rn,ain str...., ius a v.^V.^rareful ..xt.ri.n-, an.l ..tlnn ,s lnrn.>l,..l ..Ih all that .^an ,,,,,„,.|l,„l,, ,,,,!„. ,,,„nlnrt..f its nI.•n.lM■rs,an.n^-\^lHH,. an. many l..a.hn-rn. n. n.«.nt >..nx ^ ' Uv an.l .^h.'- ,rnn l,„>ki,^ l,nil.lin,-is ,1 n,v Conr, Iha,.., w U-h ...s '--p--' •;;'' ;\,;";,, Kn,.. Mn.:, n, a Ul.Tal .n f .h. t,.rn,, sin,-., i. rur..uUr^ -n hMan- , .h.. n,a,lwav. U h. , . « ; Iju.i., u "■'^ ,„ I n^.n.h, ,h.. ,M. t n, that ra.h,. n...... par, .f ,h,. f.vn .„nl,l ..hr hv havnj. a httl. ;'^-.--; '^- • in,.| f,,riMMrrilv t.Mv.^n.t. TJi,. Cn.nt 1 1.M,M..Minlii .•..niparativcly n.^.n! -trill With Ihr -tvl.. ..!' an'tnU'ctun'. Th.'y cn.'nia.hf.l * ".>ii it- liiM-, aii'l -o Ihv iiiiMak.' wa-- <■. niinnll.'.l li,i,r, h 1.1 a I">r1ic., ainl slair^ at tts riitran.i', which wen. .(Hi-i- .. , , -ir 1 !:;;'„,'':„,:;,;,„ „,• farmarth..,, stn..., li..w,.v,.r, >.-, -h,. w.av takui awAv a,„l tli,. aH,..aran,.,. -I Hi,. hniMtn, .i,arn..l Inr all liiiir h\ Ih.. nr.-..'iit .■niiv.'iiiMil, hnt iiii-aiiil>, il -wax. , ,■ , ■,,■- r : „„;, th,. V.nr, li„n.., „n ,h.. Km, Mn... ..1... an. ,1... n.,iMrv .,lli.-, .pnl aial ,,.,lnv an Imu n.n,.. ..f „„.,ii . allL ivr ^,...ul nanark, r.r.,^ .h,. |,„li.-.. .>.h<-.., wlmh i~ a. a.k.anl l„„kiii, a. ih.y niak,. hml.lm.s an,- "'"■'■'■■ ,.■,„,, ,11 ,1,.-,. i. ,iH. nl,l hurial .na.ml, .1... n.^tiii, |,la,.,. ..f niaiiv .( .h. l,..vali-,. hnt ,i,., U...1 inr in...r- ni.nt^Mn.vlMS I , |. w, II k.|a an.l (h,. itnw, r h...i-a,l,l inu.h bMt- att n,,, i v,ai.-~- m 1 !:.■ Hininaa. ■ „ ,.|,unh.-...r M .h.hi! an. ., n,m,..na. a~ ,„ la...! a 1 k hv , h.ai.,.l v,-. '1 h.av an. ii,.arly hall a him- n;.!^ -■- .>..^.;.--i..i„an. , -:;-;;-'^;';-:'-::;:;r;;:' :;:;::■ J ~i h.i.'L huililmi,' r;,.nr...^ ( •arl..,..n, huih in IS-, aial ,1... n..M ts ,h.. St .hnn h, ,ai Carl, ton -t n.,! , h.nl. m l^.I, rTfti. , hur.tics ,,r til .k.M.MninatiMU an -e Oennain stn-et churrh was huWi \nW, hut i}.o^U. ^a.' \ ,„„„lin.^ St. Davi.rs, Si.ln.v stn.,, is also a strueture of tin.. .Uhu-mous an. at nulnv appcaiancc. u:;.iuuvlH.s are St. StepLenV, St. .lohn. Caivin, ^^'^''-'t-'n. and tlu. lU|..-nu^ "nslMer. u ^ .i.nnain stve.. Bap,i>t Hnuvh, tl.e H.st ,.f ti.at denon.inatn.n n. St. •'j'''^^^-/'''.'^;' „ '^;, ,,;, „, ,„,,,,„„. „,.. name is a l.andson,e editie., witl. a lar^e ..on.n.p.tH.n and^,^ontl .u^ ^l' 'M"'^ ; ; ^ ,:..,...n,.- Ti,e,v are ..uite a nnn.l-e,- of oti.e.- elnnvins of. Ba,„ifnt\'. I here are (HUH- .111. ■..■.". . ' 1 r ' ,,.l,,(,,i, , , ..,,V,,,,^l./p^n,■ipaledilie.'an.tl,o..,,fH^.sselsstn...tJ,..in>t..r..^.,.t,(^,hn^,s,^vt_and a^ ' T ntiu..v i^ . (•.n...v..alional.-inuvi.,a Tnitarian .i.unl,, and a van,.ly ot oti.ers, ne udu,,, tf^e Alu.an M,„„„di!; Kpi:;:d. .Mto^etlie.-, S,. ...m. l.. no ,aek of piaees of .o.inp, an.l .it n.ay l,e add.d ti,e people a. a ■ '•'"'■■ ^"■K:';;'::':;>;:'':.„ln> l. l nm. ...t,... to „ tslde wo,.ld as a sunnne.- ,-es..t, and ^ -;--;^- ^'^l^ H ,.„... o awav with tl. wi^h and the hop- that tla,- n>ay eon,e a.ain. Th.. -Innate o lers ^ ^ ^ ^ '^^ " ;, |,..i,.. i„M nd,ftn,.,l„. avi.ra^e idea of ..on.tort, that tew ,.la.-,.s ean ent.r n,to ...,n,p..t,t,on NvUh tin < ,t> r(-|irrt. aitnal I'X] :•- if Inr thr avrra-e Idea oi <-nrni..M, ,11,1. .... ,.. ,. , ;■ 11 „ .lU.;,,.,!,.,! hvthe n,„ .,!,, „„, „n...,.;.ous h..lH.f of stnu.,..,-. that tW, was prevalent n.os, ol tl... ton.., has h. .. -M- ' ^ ,.,,;.„„.„ „f ,li„nsan,ls who haw ren.aine.i ^.r w....Us an.l d.parte.l w,thon, havni, ..n '^^^ '^^ ^^f^'^ „ nrais.. for it, it is the i.l.'al .'ity for th.' tonnst in- s.^areli -.P l.eallli and pleasure, wimmTTrr. i anj:ht than pra (if the L'real husint'ss centres o f .New Hnjiland and the Middle States. 82 3 site was I fine sill'. s are the ied by .St: ■h as the *K('i'icbri)le as a ■ s who visit i-iietions, as ity iu lliat ^ ated hy the (lay (lurin-; •tuise to say ^ \ ■'•" tjl CHUB5'5 CORNER. ST JOHN. /- 35 *- 'if •CUTLCT MAINE V<^*1^^ ^TW^^oootwt-r 'f CAMPOHLLe-tSbANaKt^ 1^ I I H>. W lU.SAI I I li >i\ l ii4J44^— t-U,-»-M4-44-tJ»T Vuii-i-i-A^'Uir- I.A..! 1 ' U m . .VJ^^^--^-^ ) 1 1 1 1 , ■ . — 4; C: wu -Lkaii I'L i lSl; I •' ' ! ft '* r iW 'f ' I ^ \ Ml « " SI I I I I II \i 1 IK , ^ " ■ "' '"■ I <, 'i I ii m run 1 1 \mi \\ \ t i kim ii n 87 H. fi 11- 'il ^ «u /'- W ll"I.H«^l r ■ Hff ^it . Zhe mvev St. John. possihl,. ,.v..„ nrol,.,l,l,> tint tI,o rf I . < '-a , «on.|,l,moMtury an.l ,o,n,.,Tl,..„siv.. It is jvnr i„ ,.i.i,.,^ i,„.,,„„„ i„ ,,,.. „,„, „„„;„„„. „ ' .' » ■ ' ■ l"p.l..l.,„, „,. V,.,, ,„ l„, ,l„„.r,„i I. Y ■ l,v ■lu... wl.o l,av„ .,,i„v.,l l.|„. ,|,,i,j„. .. :^ ' ^^^" '" "■" '•"■'■'■ ''>■ "' ■-'■'■'■"""■ |H>rl..K... u, ,.li r«,^^, ll»«._wli,i Imvi. ..,,i„v,,l Hi„ ,|,.|i,,|„. „f ..j^ '- ^ ,^ ',.„ ^. "^■" ".' »" ■«"""<'nal |»irhiK„. uii.l In.li,., nroj^^,. - ^'^'^z:::2:'Vn::'!:z:::'r' T-f r- ■" '"■•■ ■-'- »'»-•■ > 41 H \M)(l| I'M A M VkKK ^ 1,1 \l.llll< \,mr XM, I.IMK. K'll.Ns, KANhuM'M, N. II. sucli n (listiUU'o, and withering voJuiiic. witli every milo of its course, lias its outlet through a rocky gorge less than live luunlred feet wide. Across this gorge are stretched the St. John hridges at a di/zy height above tin; flood. Reaching this outlet, the waters rush through it with terrific foH'e and form the most remarkable foils. When the (idois low in the harl)()r, the outflowing river has a fall of fifteen feet ; but when the tide is high, the sea flowing back into the river ri'verses this falk At such times no craft could live in this swirling cauldron. It is oidy at half-tide, or slack water, tliat navigation is j)o.-^silil(>, and tlien even an ordinary row boat may pass in safety. When or how tliis rocky pass was f(irmcle enough, tliat tlie course of tiie river was once through tiie valley now traversed liy tiie Intercolonial Kailwav from St. Jolm to tiic Kcnnebecasis, and tiiat tlie outlet was at Conrtenay, l'>ay, to tlu' northeast of the city. Hv some jnightv convulsion of nature the rock at the falls was rent asunder and the course of the river changed. "Siilit Rock," in its appearance, bears out this idea. The whole face of the clill's on both sides is suggestive of a violent disruption. The as<(nt of the river is usually made with Indiantown as the starting point. The Star Line Steamship Compaiiv gives an excellent daily service throughout the sea.^on, to Fredericton and all intermediate points. 'I'wo line steamers are engaged in this service, connecting with the railway lines at the capital and with a. steamer for W'oodstoclwjind other points up the river. The .same comi)any also has a tri-weekly service on the Uelleisle route to Sprin^^lJ^f^^Kings Countw as well as a Sat\n'(lay and Monday service to and from Long Island. There is also a tri-weeklv service to Cole's Island, Wasliademoak Lake. Th(! steamer wharf is reached by tiie («lectric cars from all parts of St. .loiin, so that tiie ficilities for chea|) and convenient travel cannot well be surpa.ssed. Tiie fare by steamer from St. .lohn to Fredericton is only one rat of lunilH-r industri..s, l-nn- |.a-/Ml on tl.o Irl't. Tlu' krnn..lK.ras.s, a nycr of no mean iniportan... in itself, unites witli tlir St. Jolui a few n.ilrs ^,oyr Ww .-ily, an.l m this vHaiuty arc as hue yachtini; waters as can he fouml in tliis part of tiie world ^ ^ Ten tnih.s up is WeMliel.h a <-harnhn- |.lae.., nuu'li in favor witli, St. John families as a sunnner res,.rt. Its ,n-..xinhtv to the eitv an.l tl... .s.m. with whi.'h it i> reac^h...!, h.,th h.v railway an.l M..anur. hav <\nnr umrh U> m.avase its p-wmlaritv in r...',.ut vear-. It i< also nu..-h in fav..r a^ a pi.an.' p'.nn.l. Th.^ h.,t.l a.vonun.,.lati.ui ,s ...x.'elU.nt. Th,. NVn.pi^, .n. th.. ..a>t >i.l,. .,f th.. riwr is an..ll,.a- trihutary .>f th.' St. .h.hn. ra->in^^ thi~, th.' >t.'anH.r ent.Ts the Lon-K.'a.'h.a h.Hlv..f water sixt.'.n n.il.s l..n- an.l with a wi.lth ..f hx-ni ..n.. t.. three nul..>. At l'..rt.'Xs^ hui.lin.^lS nhl.'s (vnm \hr .-itv, is a n.'W siu.inu^r h..t..l an.l .^r.uni.U, kn..wn as -Th.' ('..lars, 1 lu' i.i.-ati.ai is a.lniirahlV h.>th as n.^anh th.' vi.^w an.l th.' Mimnin.lin-s, an.l as th.. hnu\ has h.vn run m tirst-..|a>s Myl.., th.' patn.na.u.. has h..,.n u-vy laru.-. Sin.v tl... lii-l ..■as.,n niu.h iia,^ h.vn >]nur to inipn.v.. th.' -nnin.ls, an.l there ..in l.c ^ n.) (louht of th.' .■outinii.'.l popularilv of "Til.' *'.'ilar< in th.. lutur.', i • • The U.'vir- r.a.k i^ th.' >trikinjr nam.' .)f a spur.'f th.' inin.ir Alle.uhany UHMintain .■ham whi.'hJs s.H'n in this vi.-iuitv. Th.' till.' i^ in Mrikin- .-.^ntrast !.• that ..f th,' MniiM.'rV Ka,'.', whi.h i~ t., h.' loun.l .)n th.. K^'ini..!..^ ea>is ri\-.r, not fir fr.mi li..lh.'sa\'. i \' t' I'a-iimOak IN.int.an ..l.l s.-ttl...! an.l still p..pular pla.'.- thr suinni.'r .'X.air-ions, t h.' st.'ani.'r iva.'li..s \ aiiwart >, ■;0 nhl.'s h'.Mu th.' .itv wh.'r.' a ......I .linn.'r aii.l oth.'r ivipuMl.' a.'.'.nniii.Mlat i.ui .an alwavs h.. ha.l hy th.' trav.'ll.'r. |',..tw,','n this an.lOak r.ant aiv at l.'ast two ohj.'.'ts .,f iut.'r.'M. On.' , .f I h.'^.' i-^ < ha.^v I-lau.l, finu'.l f'r tlu' n.^hni'ss ,.in.l ahun.laii.'.' of il- hav, an.l th.' .Jtli.'r is a .•iiri.-iis hliiid .■liann.l known as Th.' Mi-tak.'. .h,~t ah..v.' Th,. Mistak... ,.11 111.' w.'st. si.l.' ..f th,. riv,'r, is th,. alui..M hi.l.l.'ii .'Mlraii.v t.) l>„.|l..i>l,. Lay. I ins is , lin,. h,.,lv ..f ^vuuv, n.'arlv l,M,rt....n .nil,.s l.,n,u', wilh a wi.lth of on,, mile f.,r th,' eiitir.. .li^taii,-.'. It al1..r,ls ami;!.. r,„,m an,rsale na\ i;:al i. m lor all kin.ls .,f .'rah, an.l ils siirr,Min,liiif^s ,,f t r,','-,la.l hills iorm s..iii.' v.'ry attraeliv,' hits ,,f M-em.rv Kin-Lai, an oM hut v.'rv .pii.'t villa^', is |.H-al.'.l .a. a small slr.'ani whi.'h .mpd.'s ,nl.. tlm .ell...si^ 8|,non Islan d, hetween Vanwarfs an.l Hampstea.l, has a r..putati,.n on a.'.'..iiiit of th,' Mip.'rn.r .|ii-.lity^..l i^v^y ";;ranit(rwlu(1i lias In.'n ciuan'le.T Hier... ThTs .piarfV was'mjrTmlW nprniprt-m-tHrrrTW ^uT>pty vnnU^nn\ W^fcin^--^ towers of tin. St. .I.)lin .sus|H'nsi.>n hri.lp'. » .iff llainpstead is a fair an.l nourishing plaee, with good aeeoinm...lation.s' f..r visitors, an.l it is in the nu.lst ot a U 40 K. of water s, ii river as line a place of considerahle im]ioi-t a ucc, lieinu tiu'-shiretown of <^)ueen^ <-ount y, and the centre of a rich aiz'iMcultui'ai di~ti'i<'t. The scener\' a1 this jiart of (he ri\er, and theiice,^) l-'reilerii-ton is of low knnU in a hi^h state of culti\'al ion, which L:i\e aliundant e\idcnce of an industrious, |iro>perou-- and contented p<'ople. 'i'houuil de\'oitrikinL;' ellects to he found in the hill\' and limhered country, the land>cape ha< many chai'm--. and a very pretts' Jiictin'e i~ pi'esentcd h\- theurei'U tield^ and the white houses of the \illa,L;('~ alon;^ the hanks on either sidi'. Esi)eciall\' is this Moticeahle at Shelhcld. an old -etilement where the New l"aii:land conirreL;ationa lists were the earl\- settlers, and from which place iiave coiA' >ome ot' the men who lia\-e heen most prominent in the poiili<'al and other alfairs of the pro\ince. This |>art of the river lias heen called the (lardep of New ]5runswick, for nowhere che is found so laruc a tract of the rii-h alhuial soil. ^lauu'crxillc. 71 miles from St. Johiv, is the oldest Kniilish settlement on the ri\'er, having heen settled in 17(i:!, ' twenty year~ hefore the landin,Lr of the Loyalists. N'o less tlran one liundreeg, the Indians showed a keen ap[)reciat;ou of the heautiful in nature, for they ehosi; as fair spots as mortal man need d<'sire for a rostful life, where all ai'ouii. ,U..1Z "'"■"' '"''•^'- '■'^'^'■'•'^■- 5^7 ^'-^'^ ^'■'"^. ^. "-rHK HUM,. „K ..,„:.,ES. L.KM,MKV 1>R. u \, 1,1 KN-. r,_ ,,. , , .„,,....... DR. VV [, (j.>0[>H|V. 411 I'K. K, J, ^ IT/S|M\Tnvi;_ V M t paddle wheels at the sides, but the propulsion is by a wheel at the stern. Tlio greater portion of surh wbcola is out of the water, and presents a curious Bight to one who lias never seen sueli a device. Hy means of it, however, naviga- tion is easily aec6nii)lTsherouglit to a standstill. Tlie traveller will- be well rewarded liy taking one of these .steamers to ^\'oodstock. The scenery of tlit^ upper part of the river is somewhat dillerent from that of the lower part, but, in .some respects, even more attractive. The liroad stream tlows very rapidly in ])la<'es, and the liills along the shore ri.se l)oldly, tlie dark green of the waving forests contrasting sharply witii the clear sununer sky. Here and there are seen low islands, covered with lu.vuriant ""gnijj^-es, margined with thick i^hrulibery iim! vines, over which tower the tall and graci^ful elms and maples. The wiBp*«ays between the if^lands are, for the most ))art, narrowand intricate passes, demanding a high degree of skill and attention on the part of those to whom tl^' navigation of the steamer is entrusted. .Vccidwnts do not happen, however, and even should they, the passeiig/^ 60 r 'S 10 or 1,2,H, r,.H Tl ,■.,,11 f l!. hv, I » ■ '■'"•"■I -'•■ r,.c.t ,v„l,., l,.,w,.,.„ 1,1^1, n.-ky „,,ll», f„r„ ,L|„„., Uu. Hiii„.ri..i,- (Mialitv ..(■ its iron ,mv u1,1,.|, 1 • . r "'"''' ''*"' ''''" '"""' "'•"' ■> l'>'-'l on a.v.uMt of H»'vm't..s,. 0/ i, huv.'. n , r .Ml ; ' <• ."s r,..,h,...ss, is l.i,!. in (av...- with tl.. British ,ov..n,n...,.t- annor plat.s. ''< -""-"•at. .1 that ,. l.as „o nval ■„ .ts adaptability to naval usos in tlu- ..onstnu-tion nf st...! rHnti....!; s;.:i.::::;j'i,;';i:,:;::;::;;:::'^^^ :^'":" -/'" •"- •"- •''■■•>. '■• .'--.i ..„., wi,,. ,i... ,.iv...- in ,. an ^^^,...i..,Mvn..v.rt.. I. (■.:•!!.,,,',: ^ ^ -. t- tl,,- falls at fu... wl.on tl.ousan.ls ..f lo^s ar. passinK ov.t in • to oxa^;:;;:;::;!::;;;.!;'^^; t ;;::;';;..';r,;;;":;.:';;;::;::,'T t'' 't- "■ ^"" """--^ •-"■ ""•■ ^ '"^ Hul.li.no vi.w.v.r a ..vat vari-.v of s.-.. „ • ilk,- " ''"".;'• , '^''/' ■^"■?'^^-'- "'"" '^ '"•' <•' -I- ♦ '^ -ri.. .>f ln.ns..ir TIu^•iv.. ln.s^..au,i.. .1 "a,; t .;V; 'v '':^'^':'"7"" : „" ^ ^^'^''^ '" '"» '-" -' -.1 ,jn.I«.. f<>r »..ra.-.iv,. ..n.,n,l. ,.. all l.-v.... ..f ^ ,- ' S.; 7 m , n ' i i ! n "'7"l ''""' '""'^••"'*^' ''''''' '^ '"" '^-"' an.l n..v,.r .lisapp.,int tl... s,ran.,.,. ,n.l tl,„m I. •^; " I' "...y np an.l .l,.w., Ms wat.Ts nn.st aJwIfv. ploun,. nndson,h.wil!L . J ..J ■^V:' :';^'!'"'"''. '' .'"'^'-'' L"-:f"^^'ll>-l "■Wi.t..fMeill.^.,-, h H-n hi„e,j4LhiU-.- can uHord to miss tho uttni.li..iis nC tli.^ i{iv.T St. .J.>'lin pluusuro > #^ f 61 jfrcbcrktoii anb Dicfnlt^. I{i:i)Kl;i('T(l\ Ua-. 1„.,.ii ,l,.-.rril)(M| hy Mil AiiicricHi -iii'lr Look :i^ ■• prol.alily tho (|uictcM, place of its SI/..' iioiTh or III,. r,,t.)rnac rivrr." It i- cvlIciiI llial uliorvn- wn.'.. this misleadin-- drxTipt ion was '■itli'i- liiMliiiv,! I,x riivy of Ihr lair .aiMtal, or ha. I coin,, fn-h iVo,,, ihc iiiar p. ivhainv iVom mhiic -iicji c, nliv of ma, I acii\ ii\ ,i^ Maililchca.I. iMvdcrii'toii is, ""''■'■''■ ■' '■'',^' \vhciv ihc \ i-il.)!- mav liiid iv^l and p^,^^c, hu| ., , f,,- ;,. hu-iin-s indiiMi'v is concerned, '~" '"' ■'- '•'■I'll'-' t" 111'' Liawlv of -,Mial h fc, It ha- iiaii-hl of whicii to he _a-haiiicd. Af <■( rtaiii -cas,,n-, a< diiriii- ihe -c-,-i,,n of ihe Ic-idatniv. few |nla<-cs ,,f iis -i/,,. can siiVp!^- ii f,,,- ih,, ImimIc o| iHi-iiic-- Mild Ihc di^plav of energy, f\,r i iih- it i- Hic centre which claim- the atl.ail iop ,.f all '■'•■'-'■'"^ "I ■'" l'Hl~"llli'' jH'ovin.v, and tor in,)iv ihaii a linndrd year- it iia- Immii tiic >cat from which liave emanated tire law- which alii. I the mo-t iminc.liate intciv-t- of the people. '■'■'•''""""" '' '- '""- '"'111'' 111" :ill''elionate title of the Clc-tial Cilv, Th.' -Iian-.r wli,, \ i-ils i| i,, thesnm- .""''■ -'■■i^"ii- I" le.l.l- II- iH.nili, - an. I ,ai|oy- its peace, will not woiMlcr at ihe till,'. It is ;, (■mi- .p,,| ,,n ,,ne of the mo-t '""""'"' nv'T-..! Aim, n.. I. an. I uhnh m. traveller can alloni t,, p;,.- 1„ nn.l.r lli,. impn-i,.n tli.it th,r,. is """""- '" ^'' • '" '" I' nii'-i- ll 1- not onlv ,a heanldnl < ity, hnl an lii-|,,ric ,.n,- a- w.ll, and it -land- t,. th,. Ironl lo-,lay in m.nv than on,' ,i-p, , i ,,| priniar\ importan,','. ^'"' ""'.^ '- l'i"l'n'lon III.' .apilal .,| N.w I'.ruiiswi.k, I h,- f,-i,|,ai, ,■ ,,f ih,' M,,v,a-nor, the -..it ,,f lli,. h-i-lalinv ;','"' "' ""■ '■'" "'""■■ '"" II 1^ 111'' '^illH"lial . itv .,f Ih,' Chnivh ..f Kicilan.l in thn pn.vin.,. and th,. s,',.,,f the hi-li..p. ""' '■"'■ I'l-li'T"!' I'n'.l.ri. Ion. th,' Iji^hl ll.'v.r.'n.l .h.hn .M,'.|I,'V, u.i- al-, ihe M. I , .,p, ,| il. f ,dl Cana.la. II.. .Ii,,! •■ll 11 ii|"^ "I'l ■!-'■. ;i I'" \..ir- .'C'.c a patnar.'h am.,n- the hi-lmp- .if hi . . .?niniinion th.' worl.l .iv.r, li,,ii,>r..d an. I r.'V.'iv.l l,y all .'la-.'s an. I ,'r,',',|- ..f ll,,. i h, ,n-.in.l- wlm kn.w ,,f In- y. Ii -p. nt lilc 'I li'ii. too. f'r.'.l. li. t.Mi i- a nni\..r-il\ t,,wn. 'I'h.' rni\,.r-ilv ..f \,'u I !rii n-u i.K , ..-laMi li.'.l .'h Kin-'s ("oll..p>, has iva.h,.| the a-.' ,,| n.ailv | hi..' -. . ,r. y. ar- aii.l l.ii. and iN hist. , rv i- writ 1,1, in the li\ .'s la l)le i.f ih,' -.;|)i'(ts in wjiii'li I'^-i'dii-icidii is nolaMc, which will lie rrl'iriTil In (Viini limr ti> lililr ill the (ill lowing' |i:lL;r-. Niiirly tliri'i' liiiiiiln'(| vcirs a^n, in IdOl.tlic l''rcii(li cxplnrcr, Dr MdiiI^. xi-itnl tlii'-ilciif liic city, ami later, in Hi', Id, ill,' ('hc\ ilicr ilc X'illclil m. ( iii\ i rimr of Acidia, (■r(i--ci| iIh' Hay nf {■'uiid\- I'mm I'nrt- iloNal, and a~(/aiiich\\aait<, aiid lal( i', a l''reiie!i \illa,uc \\a- l(iiiiide(l at I'oinI ."-^l. ,\iine, dii the wc^lerly Iciiik, 'idiis \\a> tlie I leuiiiniu.i; "f l'"i-ed( ri(|( m, which fur sdine \'eai'- alter the l'"reiieli hail udiie and I he JviiL^li-h were ma'-ter-, retained I he reei ird nl' I he aiicieiil |id->e--~idii, under I he nan le of St. Ann -. ll h,i> lieeii the capital nf New jlrnn-Wick ^iiice 17>'"i, The ehdiee (if a ia|iilal \\a- urdniiiled on -dund, |iraii|iial reaMHi--. ,\| th.it lime, wluii r,iilwa\-~ had nut heunn ('<» exi~t e\i n in di'eaiii^, and the i'i\er and the luLihwaN wi ic the smc indili-. df idinniun icil inn. llie Incalidii was 11 nl ral in re-jiecl In all |iarl-- nf i he |nd\ ince. 1 1 i- i(|Uall\ central Id dav , I hdUL;h I he IdiUdmc idiiriie\^. are nf I he |ia-l. Twd line'- df rallwav, Ihc ('aiiadian I'aeilie and the ('aiiada l!a~tirn, with thejr idiiiieel Iiil: line-, nnw ri\e s\\ill and ea-\ accc-- Irdin ihe nid-l r( nidle |idinl-. The rdiiin r nf ihi'-e rd.al- -ive- diiief cdiineelidii with Si. .IdUn and I he ii|i 1 1\ er cdiini ic-, w h I It I he lal li r. run whiil: ea-l w ar( 1 1\ ai ni-- llie cininlrvld M iiainii hi , l:i|i- the liilirculd- nial -y-leiii. ,\|iaii tVdin-thv heanlilul \d\aec hy the river, i'red( ricldn i- aii ea-\ |ilacc Id reach. , and ,i |il,ice wurtli seeiliL; W hell i MIC di m - icidi il , ^ 'l"he lir-l |idinl wilh a Ir.ivcller arrisiiiL; in a ci1\' is Id make -ni'e, iH' Lidiid ,iecdmmdd,il inn. There ,ire excellent hdlel- here. The le.idiiiL; lidii-e- .iii- ihe Harker ,ind the (^'iiiM II, lidjh df whi( h h,i\e ,1 wi'le iijiiilal idii, and are tiilly ' ei|ni|i|ie(l In cater Id e\ eiv w aiil df I hi' I iM\ ( 111 r ( )| Ik r p I hdleU, I III I dii I -m,dl( r -eale, ,ire the l,driie, Kdval, ( 'ity I Intel and ( 'dmiiii rii:fl I iini-e. Thr lra\ i Ih r can lake hi- i hnii e and he will -ir\ id a I all. \V ImiI Id -rr al'ler reai hiiiL: the i il\ i- ea-il\ an-wi nd < hie h,i- imK Id jndk ariMind and liiid allractive -i^lils ('\cry w here. ll i- a mailer dl l,i-le where the Imir dj in-|iee|idif shdiihl' I .i ;; in. The iiarli.inii 111 liulldiiii: may he tir-t taken. It has no saMir nl' aiilii|iiil\ ahmit It, having; hem built t<> re|)iai'e the -llllellllT' dc-ll-dVrd \'\ lire in I^T-*, ll i- dl a \er\' dillerelil -I \ le df ail llllei lure rnuu ihe did hllildillL', I If cd I led i (111 III' hl|l|(|i||j_r-i, cdii-l riK le(| dl' w Kill III a se\ ( li l\- -i III [lie -I \ le. The [il'i -i III ahdile I li' the le^ i - 1 a 1 1 1 fe i- (if iVce-loiie, w il h a hand-diiie fniiil in the ( '(>riiil hiaii sl\lc, || h.i- two slnlie- aid a ni.iii-ar(|, and ii -plendid \ iew irt t<)"tK^~lTnTl^(l'd|ir(tie eujHita, \V' ittTiirTlTr"tii"li Id 111)^^1^1 TiititlTTiTiTli i I he lei;i-TaTT\ e cTialiilinps, w liii ff aTeTTPilltePest to inii-t \isiid|'s, arc sdiiie old |)ainlini:s li\ masler haidjs, incliidiiiL; diir nl ( icdr;^e the rhird, hy Sir ,ld-huu Reyiioidst. .M c, wliich ml Inter, 1(1(m1 tlic I \ill;i,i;c lie year- |]i' iiaiiii' I idii w as •f <>\' (lie St. .Idlhii lltclTlilo- IC \Mlltll ■Mi'llrllt arc I'lilly ■, Ixoyal, \(' .-i';lils hllilt to illililillL', HIT' i~ III • \. n, ii. KKSII.KN.r „h ,)AMKS s. NUM. KKHlh Kl. 1 , ,N, N. 11. 87 Til llui library is (iiic of ili(> rarest nf famous works, Audobon's I'iiMs, ori^'iiially jircparcd liy lliat fanioiis naturalist for Louis riiilli|io of J''raiii('. ("liri.-t Cluiiili callicdral i-i a iMauliful and enduring nionunient of tlie zeal, perse vcrenco and gooc} tasto of llio lato Bishop IMcMJley. ]lo was tlie lir>t Angliraii bishop of liii.s dioeese, coming *ero in I'S-bt and laboring until he "fell on slei'p," full of years and honors, in ]S1)2. TIh3 building is a fuio speeimea of English Gothic architecture, with a spiro IT.S-ftrt liigh. Situated as tin! ched by ro\al charter. b'or nianv years only thoso./<<"no subscribe(l to tlu' ariiilcs of.jbe ( 'iinrch of Mngland could a\ail themselves of the ]iri\ilegt's of this institution, but it was linally ihi'own open to all denominations. l''rom the hill omwhich the college stiuids is one of the tinest possible viv\\s of l''i-cdcrie|oii and \iiinily and wfst end of the cily, and is surrotnidcd by spacious ;i,nc^iltracti\(' grounds. It was the ollicial resideixc of tln' governors midcr lmj)crial rule, and of all but the later go\-ernors since ( 'oiifederalion. Lis tenanis haxc iniludeie(l as a sleeping apartment' is preserved as it was when he left it. TIk* expenses of (lovernment J [oust; were borne by the province, and ii few years ago it was (.leeided that sueh an expendilure was unnccessai'v, whereupon tlie historic ollicial residence' wm closed. The .Military < ironmls, belwetgi (jueiii st r eet and the river, in the heart of tho city, tell oT tho glories of tho days when the- Imperial troop.s wei-e (piarten-d here, and the gay scarlet uniform met tho eye at every step. Sonio of the be-t blood of laiidaihl has ruu in the Veins (if oMiccrs slat icMied here, and some famous re;:imenls ha\-e innrelied < iiiituralist isto of iho : until li(( litecture, iittfiictivo wortliy of :;, tlio spot f llio city, lily iilxmt tliosc^'lio ion, but it st possible ivcrsiiy, it willistiuid 1 l)ouii;liis, irrouuilcd of 111! liut :; phu'c in oil tlie paradii firouiid. Tlio barrack l)uil(liiii;s liavo accomiiiodatioiis for inorojjfau a thousand men. The Royal Infantry Scliool now lias cliarj^HMif tlio grounds and liuilincss it is (|uite unnecessary to do aiL^tbing of the kind. Strolling along these icvei streets, one sees on evc^ry hand the evidence of enteri)rise and good taste, whether in public or semi-public buildings or in jirivate residences and grounds. The people seem to enjoy life in a healthful -way, and the air is so pure and invigorating that it is almost a sin-prise to find a hospital close to the old (lovcrnmcnt House grounds. Fredcricton managed to do witlutut such an institution for a century after it became the capital, but as in a jiopulatioii (if S.OOO |„.ople or so. sickne.-s must come and accidents will happen, the ^■ictoria Hospitat-^Tir" oj)encd in ISSS. It owes its origin to the ellorts of La cutcnant ■al gn\-('rn- ! mistaken I as for the •rictoii has iviiiter, llie ling of the 1 10 lli^hest 1 latitudes eyond the ■H S. Noill, THE LEStlE E. KEELEV .NSTHUTE, AT FREUERICTON. N. B. ei In one thing Fredericton is pleasantly conspicuous — the large number of deciduous trees, found alike on public and private grounds and lining the residential streets. The men of the past seem to have had a just apprecia-" tion of the value of these accessories, and their example is followed by their descendants. Thus one fiftds not only all kinds of foliage which can flourish in this climate, but trees of all ages as well. There are' the stately monarchs whose great girth and huge forked limbs tell of a truly green old age, and from them'in a descending scale to the Care^lly tended sfioot planted when the season was last at hand. To gain an idea of this wealth of foliage, one must view the city from the hill in the* roar, and having done so, he will understand that practical arboriculture is a subject on whifeh the citizens need no instruction. , - ' •/ ' , In the midst of the city, at one side of its busiest thoroughfare, is one of the most attractive of places. It is the Officers' Square, a part of the military grounds of which mention has already been made. The fine ofd Hreea which skirt its bordei-s make the broad and level sward doubly attractive, while one has only to cross this sward to leave the stir of business behind and find the contentment of solitude in the contemplation of the broad and peaceful river. Outside of the precincts of the city are ^^^alks and drives of a nature to satisfy the most exacting tastes among those who can appreciate the beauties of rural scenery. To the north, especially, is much to reward .the eye. The country is a rich farming land and the evidences ofthis are found everywhere a.s one proceedC^he land over which the road runs is more elevated than in the city, and thus there is revealed a glorious piinoramaftf river and, country scenery. A more beautiful drive on a summer day would be hard to find in any part of the province. The artist's pencil need not be idle on such a trip. There is much on the landscape to claim its attention. | ;, I' Springhill, a few miles above Fredericton, haTTa-^ide reputation by reason of the -^i^ky and quantity of apples and other fruit grown there. Some very remarkal)le results have been obtained hfimj^l^ngaged in the industry, proving tluit this is in truth a fruit growing country^. - *^'^ - ,, An excellent house of entertainment is found at Springhill, much in favor with driving parties ana44j(idividual pleasure seekers. ' '® * One mile from Fredericton is the Hermitage, a place of great natural beauty, 'which k 'not, decrtased by the '^'u-h time has wrought to the structures which were in their glory there more>^n three score years a^. The _are now the propt!rtv of the Catholic church, and are used for nicnic purposes. In their onrTv dnv ruin whi( grounds ; ■4Mnic. p^irposea...^ In their oarly day s thpy ^^ were owned by Hon. Thos. Bailey, who spent large sums of money in building a residence and laying out the groimds in a most artistic manner. It Was the scene of old-time lavish hospitality, where cost was the least of the consider- 02 i^-*^^'i»,'^^„* I. ■ ■■"i^.?^ : alike on t apprecia-'' i not only monarchs sale to the , one must ilt^ure is a It is the •eea which •d to leave eful river, tes among eye. The ver which d. country 'he artist's uantity of ed in the ) Iftdividual ea by- the ago. The dayjLthpj b: e grotfhds consider- ations, and princely entertainment was given there to the wealth and culture of the canit^l Wl»t is to be one of its beauty, is the Wilmofc Mr. Edward H. Wilmot, a 1894, Mr. Wilmot purchasi grassland, for the purposes „. the way of clearing up the la I'Ihe The buildings have long "" ""," "'^c iw iiiiK lue past wdin tlio present. t attractions of Frederieton, and is already in Wch form as to give some idea of m upperend of the city. It is the gift of a generous and public spirited citLen iiavabeen earned out under the direction of Mr. George E. Fenety. In Mav' M estate so.ne twenty acres of lanfl, in part beautifully Wooded and in part £ wX l^y^^^'- S^"^« '^W" '''''' """""^ "f ^^"'-k h-« t-^'i done in out xvalks, plantmg young trees M arranging for a fountain. More than 500 - youngdms C:^^^:tZ^:^r::^^ More than 50;; > avenues will be most attractive. Mr. Wiln" spent ov"; it mZI'^.^'^ZV''' *'" ^^" ^^^^"^ rapidly-the and has since donated flO.OOO more to t h "ky ~^^^^^^^ T ""^""l"^" ''^ ^''^"^y' the name and without its peer in the province ^ P^^^'''"' "' "''^'' *^^*^* ^J"' P*^^?'*^^ ^"^^ have a park well worthy of in lun.wTn?:ottr X'-etd^rw'Tr-^ of Marysville and Gibson, the scenes of the Gibson indu;tries caries the ti^c of the cJi^^^rJ^:^^t2^:^t:zj:::^^^ --.e river. Rivariines'of sleanl'ri.tweert .e^ I^^^^^^ X rt H,'""'''f'"T'r^ '^ '''' ^^"^f ' ^''^^^'^ the events in which evervbodv was intereSpd '^ • a ''"''''*'^' ''"*^ departures of the boats were man hastens by train. Therfmav 1"^^ ^^^^ .1'' •' "."' 1'''^'' T^^'' ^'^' '^' ^''''''' '''^''' ^^ilo th. busy nineteenth century. ' ^ "" '""'^ ^''^ "^ ^''''''^ "«^' but there is a great deal of the spirit of the ^rr^^:'^^ZZZ:SZLtZ^tMt^ '^ Fredericton\nd its envious on a ealm'evenin^^ air, while a gentle^reel is boi^^fu"^^^^ Ti"^ ^7^. ^'.'""^ '^'^ --*-" ^ills a softening haze fills rti^ by the riverside, quietly en owZpirtt of r.^t 3? T > f'.f ""' ""T """'^''"^•^ ''^' ''''''•^''^' °" *'- ^^'^g^ -«d come the sweet ll.. Tli!?:; ^ 'l-"^^- ^ ""' '" '"^" ''^'' ^'" P'"" ^'"""-'^ ^^ -^'" '-^^ ^^ ^"^^val^ of Z^rn^wlck "*'" " P"'"^^ ^^^^= ^"^ ^'^^ '^ ^« ""'^ b— "f --^tide in a busy city, th"^ 03 ^J^^i. /"■ y r « n «'