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Lse diegrammea suivants iNuatrant la mAttiode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I No. 1 Ward. m ; r Ko.on Uit. No. on Boll. 1 240 2 271 8 440 4 486 5 499 6 651 7 634 8 687 9 713 FIRST DIVISION. Jurara. J A»hworth John, t 16nBi*hiir)rt .. Attridge Jwnes, t 16»Yofk J AJwadion OhrirtiMi, t 14»Ki»g J Adams James, t 20 " J AUen renry,t 21 " J Adams dward, f 17 n King J Allen Oeorge, t b Dnnda*, Market Lane J Aahplant Hubert, t.. 14« IHuidaa .. Atkinion Joeeph, t and i 16 " ( 10 206 11 216 J 12 223 J 13 227 ■ • 11 278 J 16 301 J 16 342 17 343 , . 18 361 • • 19 391 J 20 408 . . 21 441 J 22 443 J 23 462 J 24 482 J 26 514 J 26 640 J 27 546 , , 28 647 , , 29 664 , , 30 661 J Bonser John, f 23, 24 n Bathurrt Brammet Reaben, f p 20 " Barnard Benjamin, t p 17 " Bond Thomas, t P 16 " Borne James, f 18 s York Berry Aaariah, t 26 " BaUey Thomas, t 21nYork Buti Angastns, t. . ^ 21 Bonser John, f 19 Brown Thomas M, t 12 " Barker Samtiel, i H ■ King BeatonJohn, t 1* BosweU Johnston, £ p 14, 15 " Borridge John, f 1* Bishop WiUiam, t 19 " Brown Wesley, t 26 " Bams James, t 19 n King Biokle John, t 18 " BUbyJohn, t'. 18 " BaUcnU William, f 16 " Brenton Thomas, t.... I® ,.t„. v;^';» ., J- ^«Diia i; I 't" .f' |f*^ fitt sir ' ,»r'< 48 210 « «17 *• «I7 49 2S8 M S68 « 2»1 OS 284 M 32S ■*4. ■ Hx ss m 56 M5 S42t 440 0» 40S « 478 61 464 « 607 (9 018 <(# M8 <* ■ 166 6« 870 67 871 68 676 6» 687 70 668 u u <( J Ouuiom OliarlM. f *. -^ .. c«»rtj.m-.t.:: -"^jj J OootoArohiUM t •• ..^16 J OoaklinjZTT, f — • ^* •• Ou»ChtalMA,i *•••'•••. ....U •Tor*;, .. OMtpbtUJohn, f ........12 •• .. OlnjrGwigi^t.... •* " .. Ow^brilJohB. f ' ••.aJuY^ .. o»iBWM»kOkittjJ'o ;•■' • •• • •« •« •• 0»mi>b«BJfe!uiif ••••••• ...10 •• .* OMilaJunM t ' ..18 •• J Growl jtBhuif;;;;" -. .....20 « •^ ^'•naomOMink. 4 ■■*" ••« " J Ooop^Bimiwaki .......20 •• J Co«iibtH*iiiT. f ..IS.Kiag 0«>mb«H«iir\ J f ** ^ Oro«kJoKf •*•*• ^* " 4 CMoiigk^iWy. t " *2 " J ObaawJoKt!. ' -U •• . OcMttmbi H«nrv f "••'•♦•..•....12 " " *••••••••••••....... ,..,,.12 « «:.-iV iiiS^'MJ' !ff^}^mm w:"«ii ^ ■;*\45 /«u n m S 78 m ** '^ m J n m « • n m *« mnxiit « ai m J tt m J M 711 »• M 7«» J «» TBI J «5 77J J »«;«•»,• »>'..i,. '^^ .. w m 3 98 447 97 m '■^m »» 467 mm . «» lift ,■ m SSI J W»ll M9 # 191? «•• ^ B«<**aiS!i^ -^r::;" ::::— •'*-— iJJ-^:-^'- .. wmm Ho. an Uat. No, on Boll. no 674 111 714 112 766 113 793 114 793 /^ WARD NO. 1. Juran. .. Dillon John M, i IS s DuncUit .. DixonJohnR,t 18 " .. DoffWiUwmT.i 10 ' I Dignam Johns, t... 20 " .. Darvill WiUiiun, f 20 " 115 356 • • 116 377 J 117 386 J 118 426 J 119 490 . , 120 679 J 121 604 J 122 606 J 123 630 124 698 J 125 732 J 126 764 .J Ellis Robert, t 20 n York Ellis William, £ 16 " Eaton Jamee, f 14 " Evans John, t 12 s King Emslie Alexander, t 20 " EUis William, i 1 1 n King Elliott Juhn B, t 11 s Dnnclas ^>"-*.t Charles H. t 11 yEmanuelT.t 12 " . idge Thomas C, t 16 " Elliott Joseph H, t 16 " EmeryAS, f 17 127 201 .. 128 286 J 129 288 J 130 288 J 131 292 J 132 330 J 1.33 334 , , 134 367 J 136 369 J 136 384 • • 137 430 J 133 494 • • 139 619 « « Foote Thomas, t 24 n Bathnrst Fowler Andrew, f p 18,19,20 s York Fergnson John, t 21 " Fei^son Alexander, t 21 " Fitzgerald William, f p 23 " Fairgraves John, t 24 " FenneU WUliam H, f 23 n York Fitzgibbon James, f 20 " Fox James, f 19 " Fraser John M, f 16 •• Finnemore Alfred, t 13 s King Flemming John, t 20 " Froman Henry, t 26 " M f in. on Mo. OB Lilt. Roll. 140 728 141 724 142 743 143 753 144 760 145 789 140 791 147 804 /J WABD NO. 1. Jnron. FrMer John H, t 15 • DiuuIm .. FrMer Mucwell D, t 15 •• .. Ford Hdiiry, i 17 •• .. Fitigendd Wm W, t and i 17 " .. FrM«rJobn, t 18 " J FlemminK ZaohdrMb, £ 2^ •• J Fall! WilliAm J, t and i 20 " Fergason James, i . . .Ooanty Building rk Bg ng rat rk trk ing 148 214 149 224 J 160 233 151 262 J 152 263 J 163 290 154 293 155 316 J 156 318 157 437 158 438 J 159 463 160 466 J 161 491 162 561 163 567 J 164 693 166 595 166 601 J 167 63.-; J 168 637 J 169 697 J 170 700 171 703 . , 172 711 , , 173 757 J 174 760 , , 175 801 , , 176 802 , . Oruinan William, f *. P 21 n Bathunt Oameaor Nelson, f p 17 " Gray George, t p 16,17,18 " Gamer Joseph S, t 13 ■ York Grigg Samuel, t 13 " Grannan William, f. ...p 22 •' Groves Henry, f 24 " Griffin Thomas, t 26n iatk Genrow Frederick, t 26 " Glass Michael, t 14 s King Gnest George, t 14 " Grannan William, f 16 " Galbraith Robert A, f 16 " Goodrich Edward, t ...20 " Glass William, f 16 n King Gibling Alfred, t 12 " Glass Graham, f 11 s Dnndas Gnnn Angus M,f 11 «• Gauld Alexander, t 11 •« George Robert, t 12 a Dandas, Market Lane Gilmour Wi?l:wn, t. . . 12 " " Griffiths John H, t 14 s Dnndas Glass Alfred W, t 16 " Graydon A B, i 15 " Greenlees Andrew, t 15 " Glenn James, f and i 18 " Glenn James, £ 18 " Glass William, i County Building Glass Samuel, i " WARD NO. 1. Mo. OB No.oa UM. RoiL 177 211 178 220 179 222 180 229 181 249 182 297 183314-316 184 320 185 361 186 398 187 401 188 414 . 180 416 190 427 191 429 192 431 193 507 194 509 196 545 19« 548 197 549 198 652 199 556 200 669 201 576 202 590 203 596 204 618 206 695 2U6 661 207 676 208 684 209 691 210 693 211 709 212 7.37 213 739 214 744 216 754 210 798 Juron. J Harria Wmi»in T, f p 21,22 n B«thant J Hunt Oharlea B, f and t 17 J Hunt John A, t 17 " .. Hodge William, t p 16 .. Hiicox Thomaa, f 13 " J Harvey Daniel B, t 26a York . . Heaman .fohn, t 26 n York .. Hodgina Edward, f 26 " .. Hanaon Edwin, t 20 " J Holman George, f H " J Howe John, t and i H " . . Bunt Charles B, t 11 a King .. HuntJohnA.t ....H " J Hawkina Jacob, t... 13 " J Heath William B, t 13 " J Hodgina Edward H, t 13 " .. Hardy JoaephN.t 22 " .. Hanaon Edwiii, « 22 " Haynea Jamoa, t 18 n King J Harford Thomaa, t 18 " J HayJamea, f 17 " J Hodgina Ralph, t 16 " J Hamilton Andrew M, t 16 " Howie James, t 12 " J Hoggl8aac,t 11 '♦ .. Henry E,t 12 " J Harding Francis, t 11a Dundaa . . Heron George, i 12 " J Harris George B, t 13 " .. Hamilton BW,i 13 " J Hargreaves John, t 14 ** J Haynea James, t 14' '• J Home v William, t 14 '• .. Hannah David, t 14 " .. Hollingsworth John, t 15 " .. Horton William, t 10 " .. Holmt 8 Calvin D, t 16 " .. Harris John, i 17 " J Halley William, t 17 " . . Hutchinson Charles, i County Buildinga 217 .349 .. Irving Andrew, t 20 n York 218 621 J Ingram Lemuel H, t 12 a Dundaa No. on Vo, on Uil. Roll. 210 260 220 281 221 308 222 388 223 617 224 665 225 799 WARD NO. 1. Jaron. J Johnaton Adam C, t and i \ . . 14 ■ York J Johnston Benjamin, t. p 10,20 " . . Johniton Alfred, t 26 n York J Jacobs Manrioe, t 13 " Johnston Alexander, f 12 a Dondaa Jeffery Joseph, i 18 " . . Jeffery Albert 0, i Connty Bnildings 226 348 . . Kavanagh Peter, t 20 n York 227 447 J Knapp Charles, t 15 s Kin^ 228 529 J Kincade John, t 20 n King 229 635 J Keenleyside Anthony, f and t 1)> " 230 582 J Kains Samnel, t 11 " 231 649 J Kelly Lewis, t 13 8Duudas 232 660 J Kelly John W, t 13 233 670 J Keast Samuel, t and i 13 " 234 202 J 235 250 J 236 270 J 237 321 , , 238 481 J 239 597 J 240 622 J 241 623 J 242 720 , , 243 722 J 244 741 J Lloyd Fergus B, f 24 n Bathnrst Leslie James, t 12 " Lennox James, t 14 s York Leech J W, t 25 n York Lindsay James, f 19 s King Laing George, t Us Dundaa Longan John M, t 12 " Long Henry E, t 12 " Lepsey William A, i... 15 •' Lennox James, t 15 '* Long Henry D, f 17 " WARD NO. 1. N& on No. on Ltot. Roll. J ait 245 762 , , 246 777 , 247 778 • • 248 779 , , 249 786 J 250 781 J 251 797 ^ , Leonard E, f 18 a Dnndas LewiB Robert, f 19 Love Francis, t. 2() Latimer Jrmes F, t 20 Lind William, t 20 Laidlaw , t 20 Lamb Joseph, i County Baildings 1 1 i ' s 252 232 253 233 J 254 265 J 255 283 J 256 304 , , 257 305 J 258 310 .1 269 312 J 260 313 i 261 338 J 262 360 J 263 419 J 264 433 J 265 454 J 266 468 J 267 471 J 268 487 , . 269 483 , . 270 517 271 520 272 626 J 273 527 J 274 534 J 276 536 J 276 569 J 277 672 J 278 610 J 279 631 , , 280 647 J 281 648 J Muirheafl James, t p 16, 17,18 n Bathurst Muirhead David, f p 16,17,18 Moore Ed M, f H s York MarshaU Thomas, t 20 " Maendlen William, t 26 " Moise William, f 26 " Munroe Robert, t 26 n York Molland James, t 26 " Matheson John, t 26 " Mitchell AW, t 22 " MUls Frank, t 19 " Martin Rulaud, t and i 12 8 Kmg Martin Richard, t 14 " Mapletoft John, t 16 " ' Martin James W, t 17 " Mustill John, t 17 " Murphy James, t 20 " Martin Robert, t .20 " Mercer James, t 26 " Morland William, t 26 nKiag Marshall George, t 20 " Marshall Robert, t 20 " Morrison Thomas, f 19 " Morrison Thomas, t 19 " Murray Robert S, f 12 " Moisae WUliam, t 11 " MarahHerbert T, t 12 s Dnndas Milman William H, t 12 " Mann James A, t 13 " Mann Austin F, t 13 " ^i No. ou Mo. on Lin. Boll. Jar 282 667 J 283 667 , , 284 692 , , 285 702 J 286 738 J 287 766 J 288 774 J 269 785 J 290 794 , , 291 803 • • WABO NO. 1. n. Mardon Willi«n, t ISiDonclM Maobeth George, i 13 Moore WUliftm M, t 14 Mnrray Chftrlee, i 15 Mitohell J»mei, t 16 Mortimore WilliMn, f 18 Morley Samnel, f 19 MaoCe Robert, t 20 MoyUnWilliun, f 25 Macbeth John, i.. County Bnildings 292 228 J 293 270 J 294 274 J 295 282 . . 296 286 J 297 290 , , 298 302 J 299 322 • • 300 328 J 301 379 J 302 389 . , 303 459 J 3i)4 488 J 305 499 J 306 613 J 307 523 J 908 543 , , 309 543 , , 316 586 J 311 594 J 312 598 J 31| 3ll 698 J 601 J 316 624 J 316 686 •i MoAuley John, f p 16 n Bathnret MoQarvey Edwaid, f 14 & 15 ■ York MoFee Donald, f 15 " MoHagh Patrick, t p 19 & 20 " McDonald Kenneth, f p21 " Molntyre Archibald, t p 22 " MoDonoagh Thonuw, t 26 " McDonald Jamea, t 25 n York McDonald Alexander, f t ... .25 " McNeeJohn,t 15 " McKenzie Andrew, t and i 13 " MoOili John, t and i 16 a King MoFarlane John, t 20 McFarlane John, f 21 " McFie Bobert, f p 24, 25 " MoNan^hton William, f 20 n King MoDowoU Samnel, t. 18 " McDowoU Jamea, t 18 *' MoCUry UUver, f 12 " McCann Peter, t 11 a Dundaa MoPherson Archibald, t 11 MoDonough William, f 11 " McKinnon John, f H " McDonald AUan J, t 12 li^cCann Philip, t Mark«t Lano 10 Ho. OB No. on 817 818 819 821 M6 6S3 «S0 688 738 733 734 734 770 WARD NO. 1. Joron, I J MoLwen Hagh, t 13 s DnndM J MoBroom Gteorge, t 13 .. MoDonald DutoAD C, i 13 J MoDoiudd James, t .13 J MoBean Alexuider, t 16 J MoBean Angni, t 16 J MoMartin Jamea, f 16 J MoMartin John, f 16 J MoLeod Robert, t 19 826 273 J 327 329 • •• 328 577 J 32» 875 J 880 787 J NioholBon John, f 16 i York Naigle Thomas, f 26 n Yori: Nattrass John, tandi 11 n King Noble William, t. 14 • Dnndaa Norria George, f 20 " 831 200 , . 382 238 J 838 366 J 834 443 J 836 460 , , 886 533 J 387 696 J 338 643 J 389 646 J 840 772 J 841 778 J 842 776 J O'Hagan Thomas, f 26 n Bathnnt O'Connor James, f 16 " Owens John, t 16 n York O'Connor, James, t p 14, 16 ■ JCing O'Neil John, t and i 16 " O'Neil John D 20n King Ormsby Nicholas, f 11 s Dondaa O'Mara John Mo, t 13 O'Callaghan Thomas B 13 O'Mara John Mc, f and t 19 O'Mara Martin, f and t 19 O'Mara Michael, f and t 19 I WABD NO. 1. 11 Haoa KaoD IM. lua. 348 219 844 245 345 246 346 248 347 269 348 260 349 263 360 267 351 292 8S2 295 368 311 354 408 365 408 366 416 367 417 368 441 369 446 360 463 361 468 362 616 363 624 364 634 366 662 366 663 367 699 3«8 699 369 632 370 640 371 061 372 662 373 699 374 704 375 786 J Ph«lMi MiehMl, f ..19n B»ibiink .. Pritohud Robert, f p 14, IS " J Pritohard John H, f p 14^ 18 " .. Pi^keU 0«org« E, t 18 " J Peer Jmdm N, t 12 s Yoik J Plewet Willuim, t 12 " J P»idAiUHni,f 13 " J PeerJMiiwN, t.. ; 14 " J PhiUipiJohii, t p28 " J Pe«non WiUum, t 25 " J PAoklutm WUluuB, t 26iiToik J Pearoe John 8, t 11 • King J Pickering Robert, t 11 " J PoweUOeoige,f andt 11 " J Powell George jim, f and t 11 " J PanneUJohn,! 14 " J PhiUipa George, £ 16 " .. Pageley William, t 16 " J Paridi George, f ...17 " .. Patton Jamei, t •'•26 " . . Peglar John, f 4 20 n King J Pearoe George, t 19 " J Parish George* t 16 n King J Payne William H, t 16 " J Priddie James, t Us Dnndaa J Priddis George, t 11 " .. Partridge Tl^jfias, t 12 " . . Phair Henry, t 12 Market Square J Pooook John W, t 13 s Dnndas J Pocock PhiUp, t IS J Paddioombe Robert W, f 15 " .. PlammerAE,'. 15 " J Peters Samuel, f 20 " 376 215 , , 377 336 J 378 347 J 379 360 J 380 366 J RUey Michael, t 20 n Bathnrst Rogers William, t 22 n York ReidJohn, £ 21, 21 s King Rogers Charles A, t 20 n York Rimmer Peter, t .17 " n p! It Naoi Roll. Na on IM. 881 486 382 629 888 5M 384 574 385 608 386 609 387 719 388 729 389 742 390 781 891 791 392 442 393 443 WARD KO. 1. Juran. 3 Room EdwMd, t 20 ■ Kiag J Rndd Charles B, f Mb King J Rog«raJohn, t 16 J RobiiMonJohnO, t.. H " J Bioknum 8, t " • Dond** J Bobiiuon Egerton R, t 11 " J RoeJohnA,i 16 " J RiddellJames D, t 16 " J Richardson Ch»rle«, f 17 " J Rutherford WUlism T, t .20 " J Rooks William H, £ 20 " J Regan Cornelias, t ,..H 16s King J Uegan DaniJ, t 14, 16 a King 394 218 J 396 231 J 396 239 , , 397 241 398 253 J 399 269 , , 400 280 J 401 283 J 402 288 J 403 291 J 404 294 J 405 296 J 406 298 , , 407 299 , , 408 300 J 409 317 ■ • 410 383 J 411 3^" J 412 3-. , , 418 366 J 414 378 J 416 384 , , 416 307 J 417 401 SooU Robert, f p 19^n BsMinnt Sammers Robert, f p 16 Seoord Abraham W, t 16 Strathdee William G, t 16 Smith Edwin, t 11 Stevenson John A, t and i 14 Smith Joseph, f p 18, 19 1 York Stevens—,! p20 " Slater James, f 21 ". Smith James, i p 22, 23 " Stevens Thomas, t 26 " Steinhoif Samuel H, t 26 " Stinson Alexander, t 26 " Stinson John, t 26 " Seale« James, f 26 '* Sutherland Alexander, t 26 n York Smith James, f 24 " Slater James, f 21 " Slater John M, i 21 " Sealee James, f 17 " Summers George, t 15 •< Sheppard Byron S, i " Smith Albert, t 11 " Smyth John B, f 11 •• UKiog J •Sing i ' i t|i ■'* > ■> ' ■''' ■ WARD NO. 1. 80 182 J Kennedy WUliMB, t and i 15nfl«rton 19 Ko. on No. on BolL Jann. ..] 13 ■ Gray iU Property <« 15 n Simooe 14 (1 13 <( 15 s Horton [5 << 15 << ' 18 << !1 li 15 a Horton 20 t( 20 t< 11 14 ■ Bathurat 81 3 82 16 88 52 84 86 J Lewie Pranoie, f.. p 12b Gray J Labatt John, f . ..p 13,14ftlS a Simooe J Lindeay Jamee, t pile Horton J Land Edmund K, f 17 " S8 n Horton 85 6 • • 86 14 J 87 16 • e 88 17 J 89 37-35 • t 90 51 J 91 78 k • 92 74 93 76 J 94 80 • • 96 82 • • 96 81 . , 97 90 • • 98 116 J 99 121 • • 100 176 J 101 176 • • 102 185 J Mnllen Dominiok, t 13 e^Gray MaionDennia, t 13 e Simooe Miller Robert, i p 13.14ft 16 " Marohant Henry, t Mill Property Mofiat Jamee, f and i p 14 ft 15 n Simooe Monark Felix, t pile Horton Moffat Jamee, f p 16 " Mntch G«orge, t .p 16 " Matheson Heman, t p 16 " Mofl&ktJamee,£ p 16 " Moffat Jamee, f 16 ft 17 '< Moffat Boden, t. . . p 16 " Murphy Andrew, £ p 27 " Marray Michael, t 16 nHorton Muirhead Jamee, t 16 " Montgomery James, t p 25 e Bathuret MeadowB William, t 26 •• Mawhinney Robert, f 25 " 103 46-47 J McCormiok Andrew, f p 11 n Simooe . 11. Is-- 90 WARD NO. 1. Na MI If o, on Utt Roll. Juron. 104 02 J MoOormick Andrew, f. lltHorton 105 M J MoArthurCbarlci,f p 12 '« 106 61 J MoDooald John, t pl4 " 107 62 J MoBroom Geoige, t 14 " 108 76 .. McKeongh Willum, f p 16 " 109 76 .. McKeoughJohii, f p 16 " 110 90 .. MoNorgan ThomM, t 27 n Horloa 111 95 J MoNunara ThomM A, f 26 " 112 100 J McCarthy Jeremiah, f 28 " 118112ftll3.. McKeough John, f 16 114 1124113. . McKeoagh WUliam, f 16 " 115 113 J MoOaUnm Neil, t 16 " 116 130 .. Molntoah Andrew, t H " 117 134 J MoLeodFinlay, t 11 «• 118 155 J MoLeod Bobert, t 15 ■ Bathant 119 172 J MoFieJohn, t p24 " 120 174 . . MoDonald Tohn, t .\ . .24 121 174 J MoFie Alexander, f 24 " 122 186 .. McNamara Thomas, f 26 " 123 164 Newcombe Alfred, t 22 ■ Bathnrst 124 157 J Omdorf Edward J, f 16 s Bathnrst 125 1 126 43 127 88 128 162 129 164 130 188 Payne Elijah, f n . Q^y Kggott Joseph, t pl2nSimope Pritohett Thomas, f 28 n Horton Poole Samuel, f p 20 a Bathunt Phair Henry, f p 22 " Pomeroy Geoi^e, t ... .26 " ^»9!*ri V '•^f?W*vw.?^'*r**" »■ ...11 iHorton .pl2 •1 pU Albert 125 948 126 968 , , 127 1026 J 128 1043 J 129 1056 , , 130 1086 131 1242 J 132 1316 J Ferguson John, i p 20 n Dondas Fleming John, f 24 " Flood William H, t 2, 3 e Ridont Foote James, t p 5 a Fullarton Fysh Daniel, f 1, 2 s Queen's Ave Flock James H, t and i lln Oarling Flood Robert M, t n Maple Ferguson William H, t 6, 7 w Talbot 133 817 .. Oillean Thomas, i p 11 n Dundas 134 821 J GrahamWmL.t •« .^ 135 834 .. Gibbons George C, t and i. " iHMIi WARD NO. 2. 29 No. on Naon LM. RolL 136 856 137 860 188 876 139 886 140 887 141 921 142 932 143 944 144 946 145 976 146 1031 147 1091 148 1172 149 1177 160 1198 151 1208 152 1219 153 1232 154 1234 159 1269 166 1318 157 1323 168 1323 159 1326 160 1329 161 1339 162 1346 163 1360 Juron. J Green William, t 13 n DnndM .. OreenJohn, f " .. Oillean James, f 14 " .. Olan David, t and i 15 " .. OUuw Chester, t and i 15 " Graydon Simpson H, t and i 18 " J Oouinlook John, t ...19 " J Green John, f 20 " J Green Thomas, f 20 " J Gmber George, t and i 9 n Carling J Gleason Patrick, t 1 s Fallarton J Gilohriat Frank, t and i u Qaeen's Ave J Gillean James, f and i 8s Maple J GamoJG,tandi 7,6 " J Gleason Michael J, t " J Green John, f e Ridont .. Glass Chester, f 9,10 " J Gouinlock John, t e Talbot J Gibbons John J, t " J Gore Henry H, f andt w Richmond . . Gordon William, f 6,7 w Talbot . . Griffin Gilbert, t 7 e Talbot .. GnnnWmA, f , 7 " J GunnGeorgeM,f 6 J Gaze James E,t 7 n Kent J Green Cornelius, t w Richmond .. GatlifiF Joseph, t . . Grant James, f p 11 s Albert p 11 n Dundas 164 860 . , 165 892 J 166 897 J 167 946 « , 168 963 , , 169 972 • • 170 973 a , 171 1000 , , 172 1002 J 173 1012 • . 174 1019 • • Hayes George W, t p 13 n Dondas Harvey John, t 14 " Hodgson Jonathan, t 16 " Hanson Edwin, i 20 " Hazard J 0,i 20 " Hyman Chas S, f and i 10 n Oarling Hyman J W, i 10 Harvey William, t 6 Harvey Alex, f 6 Hamilton James, f and i 2 w Ridout Harris Edward W, f 6 to 13 so No. on No. on Litt. Boll. 175 1021 176 1022 177 1034 178 1053 179 1067 180 1077 181 1081 182 1107 183 1127 184 1154 185 1175 186 1203 187 1204 188 1225 189 1264 190 1277 191 1296 192 1318 193 1368 194 1379 WARD NO. 1. Juron. J Hargreavea John H, t ; 1 e Ridoat J Hargreaves T, t 1 " J Harris John, f la Fallarton Holland Michael, t 7 b Qoeea'a Ave .. Hicks John, t 2,3 " Harris Edward W, t and i 11 n Oarling .. HaynesEdwH, i 11 " . . Harvey Alex, f e Talbot & a FaUarton .. Hughes D J, f 6 n Fallarton J Harper William F, t and i w Richmond Harper Alfred, f and i 7 • Maple . . Harris Edward, f e Ridont J Higby William, f . . Hillboume Charles, t w Talbot J Harwood Henry, t w Richmond .. Holmes Calvin D, f a Kent J Havercroft Thomas, t 1 " J Hammond Frederick, t 6,7 w Talbot J Hooper John, f 9 s Albert J Holman Qeorge, f 9 e Talbot 195 1106 Irwin William, t. .e Talbot 196 1056 • • 197 936 J 198 1132 J 199 1138 J 200 1162 ^ , 201 1168 , , 202 1203 , , 203 1235 J 204 1274 • • 205 1307 , , 206 1373 Jury William, t 1,2 s Queen's Ave Jeffries Arthur, f p 20 n Dundas Jackson George, t 9n Fallarton Jackson George, f 11 '« Jellett H St G, i w Richmond Jackson George, f 10,11 s Maple Johnston John, t e Ridout Joliff'e Lucius, t e Talbot Jarman Benjamin, f w Richmond Jeff'ery Joseph, f w Ridoat Johnston Patrick, t 10 e Talbot WARD NO. 2, 81 No. OB Na on UaL Roll. 207 812 208 864 209 865 210 934 211 934 212 1024 213 1027 214 1041 215 1066 216 1093 217 1113 218 1131 219 11G4 220 1222 221 1224 222 1259 223 1326 224 1327 226 1331 Jurora. J Kordes Htnm, t p 11 n DtindM J Kingtmill ThoniM F, f and t 13 " J Kingimiil Robert F, t 13 " J KeUy Willuun, f 20 J KeUy George, f 20 " Kitchen John, f 1 e Ridout J Kerby Miles R, t and i 2,3 " ... Knott William, t 4 8 Fallarton . . Kent Malcolm J, i U n Garling KiuKamill Thomaa F, f n Qaeen'a Ave . . Kingsmill Thomas F, f s Fallarton Kingsmill Thomas F, f 8 n Fallarton . . Kielly William T, f 9 w Richmond Kent John, £ n Maple .. Kent John, f w Talbot J Kemp John, t w Richmond J Kingston Charles A, t.... 6 e Talbot . . Kent Charles W, f 7 n Kent Kent Charles W,f.. 7, 8 n Kent 226 906 .. Leonard Lewis C, f pl7nDandas 227 911 .. Lawson Thomas E, t and i 18 " 228 917 J LoweFO, t 18 229 958 J LindWiUiam, t p 21, 22 230 962 J Latimer James F, t p 21, 22 " 231 983 .. Locke Silas O, i 8 n Carling 232 986 J LaingJohnB,f 6 233 988 .. LaingWimamT,i 6 " 234 994 .. Lings John H,i 4,3 " 236 1007 .. Loughrey Archibald, f. 2 " 236 1030 .. Leonard E, £.... 4 e Rido'at 237 1069 J Lombardo Joseph, t .. 4 s Queen's Ave 238 1096 J Larkin Jeremiah, t n Qaeen's Ave 289 1109 J Laskey Georsie A, t sFallaiton 240 1118 J Lindsay James, f 2, 3 n Fallarton 241 1174 .. Leonard Lewis 0, f 8 s Maple 242 1211 .. Locke William, t 9, lOeRidoat 243 1214 ... Lane OomeUas, t 9, 10 e Ridont 32 WARD NO. 2. No. on Mo. on Lilt. RoU. Jurors. 244 1262 J Lewis John, t w Richmond 246 1267 J LeighRslph, t 12 • Kent 246 1296 J Locke Walter, t 2 • Kent 247 1332 . . Lawless Lawrence, f 10 n Kent 248 1362 .. Lawrence Job, f Si Albert 249 816 J 260 836 . . 261 844 . 262 869 , 263 870 . . 264 872 266 873 J 256 875 • • 257 875 J 268 882 . . 259 882 J 260 892 261 902 J 262 903 , , 263 907 J 264 910 J 266 918 J 266 919 . , 267 920 268 923 . . 269 928 , , 270 929 . , 271 931 J 272 932 J 273 941 J 274 951 , . 275 1022 . . 276 1022 277 1033 J 278 1078 1 • 279 1112 J 280 1135 J 281 1136 J Murray Alex S, t p 11 n Dnndai Magee George O, f " Magee George G, f 12 " Mathewson Henry, f 14 '* Meredith John 0, f " Meredith John C, f " Murray Robert S, t " Murray Robert S, f " Murray John E, t " Mitchell Frederick H, t 16 " MitoheU B A, f " Meredith John 0, f 14 " Mitchell BoBBom A, f 16 " Mitchell John A, i 16 " Maauret Moses, f 17 " Milne James, f and i 17 " Marrs David, t 18 " Meredith Edmund, t and i 18 " Meredith Richard M, t and L 18 " Macbeth T, t and i 19 " Meredith WmR, t and i " Meredith Thos G, t and i " Marshall John, t •« Marshall John, f " Martin John, t 20 " Mortimer Thos T, i 20 " Macbeth T, f 1 e Ridoat Macbeth J, f 1 •« Matthews Philip T, f Is Fnllarton Magee James, t and i Hn Garling Millar John A, t a Fnllarton Morrison John, f 10 n Fnllarton Morrison William, f 10 " . w Richmond ■ ...12«Kent 2 a Kent ... 10 n Kent ...8s Albert ..p 11 nOandM " ...12 " ....14 •• ...... •• •••... " (< << ...... " ...15 «• << 14 •• 16 «« ....16 '• 17 " 17 " ....18 «« 18 " ....18 " ....19 «• " (( << _ << ....20 " 20 " 1 e Ridoat 1 " ...Is Fallarton . . ..11 n Carling aFolIarton • lOnFallarton ..10 << WARD NO. 2. 88 jlo. on No. on ■ Lilt Roll. Jurora. 282 1137 .. Morrisou John, f lUnFullurton 283 1137 .. Morrison William, f p 10 " 284 1146 .. Meredith HV.i w Richmond 1286 1157 J Moran Jeremiah, t 1,2,3,4 " 286 1168 J Moran James, li 1,2,3,4 " 287 1188 J Marshall John, t 6 w Talbot 288 1205 J Mercer James, t e Ridoat 289 1224 J Manley Robert, t ,..w Talbot [290 1230 J MouleJohn jr, t ....eTalbot [291 12.36 .. Mitchell Frederick H, t " [292 1246 J Magee William, t and i n Maple 1293 1246 .. Magee George G, f " J294 1248 .. Murphy Hugh, t w Richmond 1 295 1270 J Morley Chas A, t " [296 1302 J Murray Robert S, f w Talbot 297 1313 .. Murray George, t w Ridoat 298 1.321 .. Meredith John C, f and i 9,10 w Talbot 1299 1.340 J MayhewJohn, t w Richmond 300 1348 J Montague Henry, t " |301 1363 J Meagher Thonws, t '. lOsAlbert 302 833 . , 303 835 . , 304 843 J 305 854 J 306 858 J 307 874 J 308 877 J 309 878 J 310 879 , , 311 879 , , 312 890 , , 313 890 , , 314 927 J 315 930 J 316 930 , , 317 938 J 318 940 J 319 942 J 320 943 .. McMahon Hugh, t and i lln Dundai McNab George, t and i " McDonough Thos J, f 12 " McMullen Alfred L, t 13 " McGloghlon Wm D, t '"' McGoeyThos, t 14 '« Mcliitosh Alex, f " Mcintosh John G, f " Mcintosh Alex, f " Mcintosh John G, f 15 Mcintosh Alex, f " Mcintosh John G, f " McKenzie Roderick, f » " McMillan James, t " McMillan Donald, f McMichael Archibald, t 20 " McKenzie Duncan, t -.20 " MoMichael Archibald, t.... 20 " McMillan Duncan, f 20 " JM VVAKD NO. 2. No. on No. on Lilt. Roll. Juron. 321 956 J McBoanAlex, t p 2 1 , 22 n Dundw :<22 956 J McBean AnguB, t p 21,22 823 1007 J McPheraou Robert, t 2 n Carling 324 1023 .. McBrido Samuel, f loRidout 325 1038 J Mc Bride Richard, t 3 ■ FuUarton 326 1041 .. McBride Samuel, f 3,4 " 327 1086 . . McMillan Duncan, t and i 1 1 n Carling 328 1103 J McBroomWm, t e Talbot 329 1108 . . McArthurs Alex, f s FuUarton 330 1 117 J McPheraou Robert, f 2.3 n FuUarton 331 1218 ,. McC!ormick James, t e Ridout 832 1221 J McMillan Alfred L, t n Maple 333 1266 J McGirdy Robert, f * Richmond 334 1269 .. McManus Thomas, f " 336 1270 .. McGirdy Thomas, f " 336 1289 J McCallum Cuthbert, t a Kent 337 1295 .. MoGuffinJW, f 2 " 338 1301 J MoCormiok Washington, t w Talbot a39 1319 ., MoKeoughW, f 8 " 840 1819 .. McKeoughJ, f 8 341 1322 J McGloghlon Wm U, f S e Talbot 342 1331 .. McAuley Evan, t . . . 8 n Kent 343 1335 J McDonald Lachlin, t 11 " 344 1361 J Mcintosh Malcolm, t w Richmond 346 1367 J McNeill George, t s Albert 346 1358 .. McBride William, f and i 347 1370 .. MoAlpin Dugald L, f 7 348 1376 J McCarty Patrick, t 10 c Talbot 349 906 . . Nelles Henry E, t and i pl7n Dundas 350 .939 .. Norris George, f 20 " 351 1353 J Norton Wilson, t w Richmond 352 363 963 J O'CaUaghan Thos E, f p 21 ,22 n IMndas 977 J Ottebraudt Frank, t 9 n Carling WARD NO. 2. No, on Lilt. No. on Roll. 3M 1128 356 1130 356 1160 357 1223 358 1291 359 1294 Juron. .. Oliver James jr, f On FalUrton . . Oliver James, f 7 " J O'Neill William, t 6w Richmond Onrrey Jamei, f and i w Talbot . O'Brien Thomas, f ■ Kent J O'Meara Stephen, f 3 " 360 816 J 361 823 , , 362 859 , . 363 915 J 364 1003 J 366 1024 J 366 1025 , , 367 1039 J 368 1045 J 369 1107 J 370 1110 , , 371 1114 J 372 1123 , , 373 1124 , , 374 1125 J 375 1144 , , 376 1151 , , 377 1162 J 378 1169 J 379 1172 , , 380 1188 , , 381 1190 , , 382 1191 J 383 1192 , , 384 1193 J 385 1198 J 386 1207 . , 387 1220 J 388 1228 , , 389 1244 J 390 127;i J 391 128S J 392 1290 , ^ Pratt Charles N, t p 11 n Dondaa Palmer Arthur, f Powell Ambrose B, t 13 " Perrin Daniel S, f 18 " Perrin Daniel S, f 3 n Carling Pearce George, t 1 e Ridout Peters William, f 2 " Prudholm John W, t 4 8 Fullarton Phillips Joseph, t and i 6 " Palidiuo Gamelo, t " Porte Thomas F, f " Plummer John, f 5, 6 e Bidout & 1 n Fullarton Pope William, f 6 " Pritchard Kobert, t 6 " Pritchard John H, t 6 " Piatt John, t 11, 12 w Richmond PiponJH, i " Peel John R, f and t 7, 8 Peters John, f 9, 10 s Maple Peters John, t 8 " Peters Samuel, f 1 to 6 w Talbot Pope William, f " Pearce John S, t " Peters Samuel, f •' Peters Samuel, f s Maple Pacey George, f " Phillips George, f e Ridout Piatt Frederick, t nMaple Partridge Thomas, f w Talbot Pavey Albert E, t nMaple Percival Joseph, t w Richmond PauU Edwin, t and i s Kent Peel Thomas, f . " 36 .11 II j No. «n List. No. on Roll. 393 1303 394 1314 395 1328 396 1344 397 1350 398 1357 399 1363 WARD NO. 2. Jurors. J Phillips George, f . . . . He Ridout J Phillips George, f w Ridout . . Pigott Joseph, f n Kent . . Peters John, f w Richmond . , Peters Frederick, f . . Peters John, f w Richmond & s Albert .. Pratt Edward, f .plO " 400 978 401 978 402 978 403 881 J 404 922 • < 405 961 J 406 965 , , 407 969 J 408 987 , , 409 993 , , 410 1099 • f 411 1101 J 412 1128 J 413 1189 , . 414 1196 J 415 1267 , , 416 1319 J 417 1330 , , 418 1342 J 419 1356 J 420 1364 , , 421 1369 ^ ^ Quiet Joseph, f 9> Carling Quiet John, f 9 Quiet Taylor, f 9 " Reid James, t p 15 n Dundas Rock Warren, t and i 19 " Rutherford William T, t p 21, 22 " Roth Ohifltopher, t 24 " Robinson John C, t p 10 and p 1 1 n Carling Rowat Gavin, i. . 5 " Reed William, i 4, 3 " Rowland Alfred, t e Talbot Ringsland George, t " Rossa Donato, t 6n FuUarton Raymond Edward, t w Talbot Reynolds Joel P, t s Maple Roddy Patrick, f w Richmond Ross David, t 8 w Talbot Ross James J, t 8 n Kent Ross James, t w Richmond Ross William, t s Albert Renwick General, f 10 " Rooks Wm H, f 8 '• No. on List. 422 No. on Roll. 836 423 424 837 842 425 426 847 853 427 428 429 876 887 933 430 431 937 943 432 433 981 986 434 435 1029 1061 436 437 438 1116 1122 1144 439 1148 440 1150 441 442 1167 1176 443 1184 444 1227 445 446 1240^ 1245 447 1262 448 449 450 1309 1345 1350 WARD NO. 2. Jurors. J Sutherland Geo D, t p 11 n Dnndas .. Smith Frank, f •.. " Swallow Charles H, i '• . . Stead Charles, f 12 " J Spittall Robert, t 13 " J Sharp Archibald, t 14 " .. Stevenson Hugh, £ 15 '• J Shafer Oscar F, t 20 " J Sara John, t 20 " J Shafer Oscar F, t 20 " . . Street W P R, f and i ,' 8 n Carling J Sutherland J B, f 5 " Sanborn Thomas, t 3e Ridout J Smith James, t lln Carling .» Stewart Alexander, f 2, 3 n Fnllarton J Sabine Joseph B, t and i 6 " J Smyth William, f 11, 12 w Richmond .. Sinclair H A, i •' .. Smith E, i. " J Stewart Samuel, f lis Maple J Sanagan Francis, t and i 7, 6 " .. Scatchard Ethel, t 2 w Talbot .. Starr Stephen, t J Stewart Alexander, t n Maple J Stewart John, t and i •' . . Simpson Alex, t w Richmond J Saunby Thomas, t w Ridout Smart Charles, t w Richmond J Smart Harry, t " 87 451 811 452 893 453 89'. 454 9)3 455 9A9 456 10J5 457 1011 458 1037 Taylor Ezra A, t .p 11 n Dundaa Thompson Thomas, f 16 " Thompson Wm H, t 16 " Thompson Richard, f 18 " ThompsonH W, i 20 " Tytler John, f 2 n Carling Traoey Thomas, f and i 1 w Ridout Tytler Alexander, t and i 3 s Fullarton Ko. on No. on Lilt. Roll. 469 1039 460 1060 461 1087 462 1098 463 1121 464 1161 465 1173 466 1195 467 1217 468' 1231 469 1247 470 1260 471 1290 472 1313 473 1365 474 1367 475 1369 476 912 477 1229 478 1241 WARD NO. 2. Juron. . . Thompson James, f 4 b Queen's Ave .. TMImpson Andrew K, f 5,6 " . . Taylor John, t and i 11 n Carling J Turner James W, t n Queen's Ave J Twohy James, t 5 n Fullarton Thompson Richard, f 6w Richmond J Turner Henry, t 88 Maple . . Thompson Wm J, f " ... Till George, t e Ridout Thompson Andrew K, t e Talbot J Thomas Edward, t w Richmond J Turner Samuel, t and i " J Thome Charles, t s Kent J Tanton Edmund, t w Ridout ... Tozer Henry, t 9s Albert . Tierney John, f 9 " J Tierney Edward, t 8 " . . Vivian Henry, t and i p 18 n Dundas . . Vennor Alfred, f e Talbot J Vivian John H, t , n Maple 479 814 J 480 826 , , 481 846 J 482 861 J 483 869 J 484 870 J 485 888 J 486 890 J 487 899 J 488 909 , , 489 926 , , 490 939 J Wyckoflf Charles, t p H n Duvdas Walker Byron E, i «' Wallace Robert, t 12 •' Wright James, t 13 «« Wilson Nicholas, t 1 ! «< Westlake William, t ^.14 " Waddell Robert, f and i 15 «' Wardrope Thomas, t 15 «• Watson James, t 16 «« Webb William, f 17 <• Wilson Malcolm, f J8,I9 " West Philip, t 20 '• 11 n Dupdas (1 «i II II t <« (1 > li 1 (1 ' II M» II ) i« No. OB No. on LUt. RoU. 491 960 492 995 493 1002 494 1009 495 1010 496 1013 497 1015 498 1133 499 1137 500 1178 501 1180 502 1181 503 1187 -04 1219 W; 1299 606 1306 507 1347 508 1374 WARD NO. 2. Juron. J Whiting Wm H E, t and i 21, p 22 n Dundas . - Wilkinson J D, i 4, 3 n Carling .. Webster Ecbert, t 6 " J Wilkinson Joseph D. t 1 w Ridout . . Wastie Thomas, f and i 1 " J WeldWm,t 3,4 " ... Waugh William E, t and i 3,4 *' J Wilkinson Leonard, t 9, 10 n Fullarton J Winters Michael, t 10 " J Willis Horace A, t. 7, 6 s Maple J Weekes gilaa H, t 7,6 " .. Westlake Francis, f 7,6 " J Watson James, t 5 w Talbot Watson George, t '.e Ridout J Wyatt Samuel, t e Talbot J Waddell Robert, f 16, 17, 18 e Ridout J Wilson John, t w Richmond J WalshRobert, t 10 e Talbot 88 509 1349 J Yerex Thomas, t w Richmond 40 WARD NO. 2. I. I No. on List. 1 2 No. on Roll. 1470 1492 3 1511 4 1518 5 1558 6 1611 7 1621 8 1622 9 10 11 1636 1637 1702 SECOND DIVISION. Jurors. J Anderson William, t s Litchfield J Anderson Geo A, t n " J Andrew John, t 3 8 John J Alley Henry B B, t 5 w Raglan . . Abbot \:ex S, f . ., . .' 2 s MiU J Arscott J "cCo, f 8, 9, 10 8 Ann J Arscott Sa f p9n " J Arscott Richrti J, f p8n " J Adcock Richard, f ,.p 14 w Richmond . . Adcock Richard, t 15, 1 6 " .. Anderson Peter, £ 22 " 12 1381 J 13 1385 14 1394 J 15 1406 , , 16 1418 J 17 1433 J 18 1438 J 19 1446 J 20 1454 J 21 1475 J 22 1479 J 23 1490 J 24 1520 , , 25 1531 J 26 1540 , , 27 1541 J 28 1543 , , 29 1559 J 30 1568 ., , 31 1576 , , 32 1578 , , 33 1580 , , 34 1585 , ^ Blackbura Josiah, f n Albert Bryan Robert, t w Talbot Bruce David, f 1 " Balderson Robert, t 5 8 Barton Blinn Hiram W, f and i 8, 7 e Talbot Brown John C, f 13 e Talbot Beddome Foskett B, f 2, 3 n Albert Bonthrom John, t and i 11 " Bostwick John, t 14 n Albert Bright Henry, t s Litchfield Bundy John, t «« Bremner Malcolm, t and i n Litchfield Bragg Frederick, t 8 8 John Baxter Hamilton A, f and i 12, 11 n John Bradford Thomas, f 4 •' Breeze Thomas, t 3 ' «« Bryan John, f 2 " Brough Richard R, t 3 s Mill Burke Edward, f p 9, 10 " Brennan Edward, f 13 " Billings Joseph, t 14 •' Blinn H W, f 14 n MiU Baskerville John, t 12 " WASH) NO. 2. 41 No. on No. on lilBt. Roll. Jurura. 35 1581) m 1589 37 1G02 38 1«28 .-{» l<)35 40 1647 41 1671 42 1672 43 1690 44 1690 45 1691 40 1695 47 1697 48 1705 Baskerville William, f and i 12, 11 n Mill Brown John J, t and i 11 " Beale J, f In Mill, 7 to 10 w Richmond, 11, 12 13, 1, 2 8 Ann Brenuau Joi.n, f 6n Ann Burn Andrew, t p 14 w Richmond Bissell William A, t p 3 a Mt Pleasant Bonsor Herbert, f p 17 ' Bonaor George, f pl7 " Brown Richard, t 7w Talbot Burwell Hannibal, f 7 Bell James, f and i 6 " Bonsor Alex, f . p 4, 3 " Brierly James, f p 2 " Brioklin Chas, f 19 w Richmond 49 1393 50 1414 51 1422 52 1428 53 1430 54 1444 55 1456 56 1512 57 1522 58 1523 59 1645 60 1549 61 1559 62 1562 63 1563 64 1572 »)5 1599 66 1612 67 1619 68 1627 69 1633 70 1642 71 1659 72 1668 Comfort Jessie, f w Talbot, e Ridout Carling John, f w Talbot, 12 o Talbot Claypole Arthur, f 4, 3, 2 e Talbot Caldwell Thomas, f e Talbot Crofts Benjamin, f p 2, 1 " Cowan James, f 10 n Albert Campbell Frank, f 14 Coombs Henry, t ; 3 s John Connor John, f 6 " Coombs Charles, f " Campbell John, t and i 1 w Richmond Collins Richard, t 4 " Carling Thomas, f 3 8 Mill CoUett Edward S, f r..6, 7 " Colcrick Henry, f p 8, 9 " Curry Michael, f p 10, 11 " Cummings David, f 2 n Mill Chapman John, f lis Ann Carling J, f..,l3, 14, 15 e Talbot, 14,13,12, p 11 n Ann Clarke Francis S, t 6 n Ann Carling Thomas, f 2, 1 " Collins George, f p 1 n Mt Pleasant Carling J, f 16, 17 e Talbot Collins Daniel, f 15 u Mt Pleasant 42 WA1!1) NO. -J. No. on No. on LiaU Roll. Juron. 73 1683 .. Campbell Donald, t 14 w Talbot 74 1684 .. Cox George, f 14 76 1687 .T CraickshankJohn.t 10 76 1692 .. Corp John, f p5 77 1093 J Crossin Edward, t 3 78 1693 .. Corp Albert, f 5 " 79 1709 ... Carling WiUiam, f w Talbot 80 1710 J Carling John, f 81 1711 J Carling ThoB H, f 82 1419 . , 83 1468 o 84 1476 J 83 1482 J 86 1493 J 87 1601 J 88 1639 J 89 1673 , , 90 1678 . , 91 1697 J 92 1698 • • 93 1629 J 94 1631 J 95 1704 J 96 1706 97 1712 , , Dalton J D, f 6, 6 e Talbot Dean Arthur, t 14 n Albert Delahook Edward, t and i s Litchfield Dowell Arthur, f n Litchfield Dundas John T, t " " Donglass Hugh M, t 2 w Richmond Dwyer JosepL, t 4n John Dixon Benjamin, t 12 a Mill Donoghne Timothy, f 14 " Daroy James, t 3 n Mill Dalton J D, £ 3 " Dromgole John, f and i 5 n Ann Dundaa William, t 3 " Dignan John, f 20 w Richmond Davidson George, t 18 " Dalton Joshua D, f w Talbot 98 1423 .1 Emery George, t 1 c Talbot 99 1458 .. Elliott Francis, f 14 n Albert 100 1605 J Egan William, t 4 w Richmond Nu, oil List. 101 102 Nu. un Roll. 1424 1431 103 104 1474 1529 105 15;i0 106 15.38 107 108 1574 1591 109 110 1596 164G 111 1668 WARD NO. i. Jurun. J Furneis Wm C, t and i e Talbot J Fraaer Alex, f and i 1 •* . . Fysh Daniel, f s Litchfield J Fisher Andrew, t 13 n John J Fanning James, f 12 " J f^inney John, t 6 " . . Flannery Edward, f 12 s Mill J Fitzpatrick Thos, t 9n Mill .. Fitzgerald Wm W, f 5,4 " Flannagan Patrick B, t p 2, 3 n Mt Pleasant J Flannagan Francis, t .15 " 48 112 1384 J 113 1412 • • ■ 114 1420 • • • 115 1494 J 116 1503 J 117 1528 J 118 1580 J 119 1594 , , 120 1632 J 121 1635 , , 122 1644 J 123 1648 , , 124 1646 , , 125 1066 J 12G 1682 J 127 1686 J 128 1696 J 129 1701 J 130 1707 J Gibson La-Tnreuce, f w Talbot Glass David, f 4, 5, 6 w Talbot, 16, 16 b Mill Gibbons George C, t 4 e Talbot Goldner Joseph, t n Litchfield Grant James J, t and i 3 w Richmond Galpin Alfred R, t 14, 13 n John Gray Henry, t 14 n Mill Grant Stephen, f . . ,. 7 " Graves Otto B, t 2 n Ann Green Henry C, f p 14 w Richmond Gillean John, t p 2 n Mt Pleasant Grant James, f 3 Grant Stephen, f p 2, 3 •• Green Robert, t and i 18, 17 w Talbot Gilmonr William, f 21 Gauld William, f and i ..12, 11 Grant Angus, f p3 " Glavin Michael, f 24, 23 w Richmond Galpin Edward, t 17 V 131 1.392 .. Hare Curtis, t and i e Ridout 1.32 1402 J Hayes George W, t 2 w Talbot ^. 44 No. on List. No. uii Roll. 133 1407 134 140!» 185 1442 130 144G 137 1454 138 I4G5 13!) 147S 140 14!)5 14) l.')07 142 1515 143 1527 144 154!» 14') 1551 14ii 155(>' 147 1557 148 1560 149 1565 150 1575 151 1600 152 1601 153 1610 154 1616 155 1623 156 1666 157 1671 WARD NO. 2. Jurora. .1 Harris fieorge H, f . . 12, 13 14 n Barton, 7, 8 w Talbot J Harris John, f ^ .1 Hazard J C, t. , . . , 8 n Allwrt . . Hiscox Thomas, f ' ' .. Hiscox Thomas, f 14 " .1 Humpidgo .lohn \V, t and i 1 w llichmonil .1 Hodges . uii No. UII Lilt Roll. 163 1383 \M 1398 165 1410 m> 1449 167 1462 168 1477 im 1479 170 1481 171 .1487 172 1495 173 1508 174 1517 175 1518 176 1524 177 1584 178 1593 179 1684 WARD NO. 2. .lurura. Kennedy Andrew, f w Talbot J Kent Thomas, f . . .6, 7, 8 8 Barton, 10, 11 n Litohlield . . Kidner John, t 10 a John J Keene Frederick, t 13 n Albert ... Kent Sextui, f 2 w Richmond . . Kent Charles W, f w Litchfield .. KcntSextuB, f " . . Kent SextuB, f " Kidner John, t n Litchfield .. Kent Charles W, f «« .1 Kent Charles W, f 1 to 6 w Richmond . . Kent Charles W, f 3 b John . . Kent Charles W, f 5 w Raglan J Kerr George, £...; b John ... Kent Charles W, f 13 n Mill J Keightly Robert, f 8 " Kavanagh Thomas, t 14 w Talbot 46 180 1396 J 181 1411 , , 182 1416 183 1423 184 1425 ,j 185 1447 J 186 1448 J 187 1468 J 188 1472 J 189 1536 190 162(> • • Laing John B, f 3 w Talbot Leonard Elijah, f 1, 2, 3 w Talbot Leonard E, f .*. 9 e Talbot Leonard E, f 1 " Lynn John G,t *' Loftus John B, t 12 n Albert Loftus James, t 12 " Laing George, t b Litchfield Logan James, f " Lester John W, f 6 n John Lewis Thomas, f 7n Ann 191 1382 . . Meredith Wm R, f n Albert 192 1386 . Meek Thomas, t w Tajbot 11;;, •M Ho. on Liat. Mo. on Roll. 19a 1440 IM 14(il 196 1483 190 1577 197 HUG 198 1(U9 ItH) l(i2<) 2. 7 n Albert J Morkin Thpinos, f and i. .14 n Albert, :t w Uichinoiid J Millman Wm H, f and i n riitchfield .1 Marshman ( Jeorge, t 14 8 Mill . . Morgan David, f i:< « Ann J Murdock Alex It, t l.'l, 14, 15 c Talbot 14,13,12, p II n Ann J Morrison John, t 7n Ann J Morkin Martin, f (J, 7 n Mt Pleasant Matheweon Heman, f p 2 w Talbot 202 1404 J 203 1408 , . 204 1424 • •■ 205 14.1 J 200 1439 J 207 1403 , , 208 1464 , , 209 1467 J 210 1469 J 211 1471 . . 212 1488 , , 213 1519 • • 214 1520 , , 215 1532 .1 216 1533 J 217 1558 , , 218 1598 J 219 1614 J 220 1630 , , 221 1638 J •222 1680 , , 223 1087 , , 224 17 . llonwick Ucnl, f I!» 8 Oxford 253 nm J KuMcU Janies, f '21 w llichmond I ••\ 254 1387 , , 255 1432 , , 256 1435 , , 267 1437 . , 258 1453 J 259 1456 J 200 1449 , , 261 1459 J 202 1473 J 263 1480 , , 261 1484 J 265 1497 J 206 1600 J 267 1625 J 268 1526 , , 269 1534 J 270 1547 J 271 1555 J 272 1561 J 273 1564 J 274 1609 J 275 1670 . , 276 1671 J 277 1579 J 278 1013 J 279 1618 , , 280 1028 J 281 1641 J 282 1656 J 283 1657 , . 284 1674 ^ , Smyth Charles, t w Talbot Smyth A 0, f .He Talbot Spencer WmM, f 11 " Smyth John B, f In Albert Sully William B, t 14 Slater John, t 14 Stevenson Hugh, f 12, 13 Slater William, t 14 Siebert Conrad, f s Litohtield Styles Thomas, f Smyth Alfred G, f and i n Litchfield Smith David, f and i " Sinclair Hugh, t 1 w Kichmond Sippi Charles A, f and i s John Sippi George B, i •• Shoveller Samuel, t and i 8 n John Stanton John S, t 2 w Richmond Stevens Joseph B, f Is Mill Sherlock George, f 5 " Steele John, f p 8 " Stewart Alex, t p 10, 1 1 " Stewart Duncan E M, i H •' Spry James, t 11 " Sprague Caleb C, t and i 14 n Mill Stamp Thomas, t 12 s Ann Scott William, f 14 " Shipp Thomas, t 6n Ann Sharp Henry E, f 15, 16 w Richmond Self James, f 12 n !Jt Pleasant Smyth Harry C, f 13 " Starr William, f.. is " No, on Lilt. No. on Roll. 28S 1391 286 1436 287 1471 288 1480 289 164U 200 1662 291 1567 292 1643 293 1643 WARD NO. 2, Juron. J Thornhill Thomas C, t e Kidout Thompion Andrew, f pile Talbot •T Thompson Frederick 8t George, t s Litchfield J Thompson Hector W, t '• J Trebleoook Thomas, f 1 w Richmond J Turner Samuel, t.. .'. 6 •• J Taylor Richard, t p 9, 10 « Mill J Treblecock George, t and i 1 n Mt Pleasant .. Trebleoook William, f 1 •• 294 1418 J 295 1421 J 296 1496 , , 297 1499 J 298 1510 J 299 1517 J 300 1543 J :mi 1544 • • • 302 1581 , , :m3 1584 304 1586 J 305 Kilo .1 30(5 1020 .1 m 1644 , , :m 1645 • • 1 309 1670 , , 310 1679 J 311 1685 J Wingfield John R, t e Talbot Wilson James, t and i 4 '\, Willianu Byron, f n Litchfield Wolaben Edward L, t 1 w Richmond Walker James A, t 3 s John White George, t Webb Henry, t 2 n John Walsh Edward, £ 1 " Whitworth Thomas, t 13 n Mill Walsh Michael J, t " Whitwoiiu Thomas, t 1 '-' " Wooley Thomas, t 13 a Ann Whitehead Benj.iaiin, f p 11, 10 n Ana Walsh Henry, f p 2 u Mt Pleasant Wright Thomas, t p 2, 3 WalshHenry, f 16 Walsh Patrick, f 17, p lo s Oxford Woodward Albert W, t 13 w Talbot twt the .bo.. li»t » » «»"'' "t election '"M"'"'""" *° in my office, at the oiy said list, ami No. 3 Ward. FIRST DIVISION. No. ( 2463 ■1 20 2466 J 21 2478 .1 22 2617 J 23 2520 J 24 2646 , , 25 2546 , , 2() 2552 J Brooks Samuel, t 10 n Bathurst Bowman William, t 2, 3 " Bownnan John, t 2, 3 " Bclton James H, f 3 s York Barker Samuel, f 10 " . Busbj- James, f ^ 5 n York Baruhart Stephen, t 5 " Belton James 11, f 3 Belton James H, f 3 n e York Bray Henry, t .4 " Bailey William, f 4 & e Kin,"; Belton James H, f 3 Broderick John W, t 3 Barnard Frederick, t and i [> 2, 3 s King Bawdeh (}corge, t 10s King Burns , t 10 Boyd Robert, t 10 Boyd John, t 10 " Bird Malachi, t. 10 ii King Na on UBt. 27 No. on Roll. 2602 28 2603 29 2621 30 2649 31 2658 32 33 2672 268S 34 35 2688 2698 36 37 38 2723 2758 2811 WARD NO. 3. Jurors. J Barnhart George, t •* n King J Brown Robert, f •* . . . Belton James H, f , * J Bawden Goorge, t 48c Dundas J Butcher William W, t 3 J Bilton ,loBP[,h, t ' « 1>""«1hr J Bartlett Samuel, t 3 .. Baker Hugh C, f 3 J Brown Alfred, t 'I J Bryce William, t '> " J Brown Jamea H, f 1)8,9 . . Boyle Patrick F, i 10 39 2358 J 40 2371 J 41 2372 J 42 2399 43 2401 J 44 2402 J 45 2422 46 2422 ,} 47 2428 J 18 2446 J 49 2454 J 50 2460 J 51 2489 , , 52 2491 J 53 2535 J 54 2549 J 55 2551 J 56 2587 J 57 2626 . , 58 2661 . , , 59 2667 J 60 2699 J 61 2715 J 62 2727 63 2759 J 64 2760 , , Cruickshank Charles G, f 10 s York Connor John, t 10 n York Chapman Harry, t 10 " Coppinger Thomas, t 3 " (iousins William, t 1 Cousins John A, f 1 " Cousins John, f Ine York Cousins Job, t 1 " Cole Abraham, t 2 " Cook PhUip, f 5 Cryer John W, f 5 Clarke William L, t 4 a e King Carlin" John, f 3 s King Co2(!u, John, t 4 " Cruickahank Charles G, t 10 " Campbell Frank, t lOn King Cooper Frank, t.. ; 10*^ '* Cohen Harris, t 6 '* Cousins John A, f Ine King Coote John, f 2s Doiidas Chapman William, t 1 " Charlton Hiram, t 4 " Clarke William L, t 5 Colwell Charles F, t 6 Cook Philip, t y '« Cook James B, t 9 •• mmmammmm mmmmmmmmmimmmmfflllt§ Mo. on No. on Litt. Roll. 65 2313 66 2362 67 2367 68 2376 ()-9 2394 70 2400 71 2449 72 2461 73 2493 74 2506 75 2507 76 2553 77 2565 78 2611 79 2643 80 2648 81 2667 82 2673 83 2705 84 2706 WARD NO. 3. •lurora. J Dubesm WiUimm, t 10 n Bathant J Dawson Melville D, f ]o n York Darch Robert, f.... lo " .. Donohue Joho, f 7 <• . . Dunbar James, f _ .4 «• ... Davis David, f 1 «« J Daly James, t Sue York Darville Robert J, f 48eKing J Dark James, t 4 s King J Dennis Roland, f (; g King J Dutton Richard, t (is King J Denton John M, t. 10 n King J Dunbar William, f (j *• ., Doe Thomas, t 2 •' J Dart Roger, t .5 s e Dundas J Dart Roger, f p 5, 4 " .. Davidson Alexander, f 3 " J Dyson William, f is Dundos Durand James, f 6 " J Durand William, f 5 " 68 85 2423 86 2521 87 2785 88 2790 89 2793 90 2896 Elliott William, f Ine York Edmunds P J, t 10 s King Emery Arthur S, t 10 s Dundas Evans E, t, 10 Edge W illiam T, f 10 Elson John, f 10 91 2375 J 92 2466 J 93 2511 , , 94 2559 ... 95 2660 J Fitzgerald F A, f 8 n York Fitzgerald F A, f 2 s e King Fitzgerald — . f 8 s King Famoombe Thomas, f 9 n King Ferguson John, f 9 " lii'WP" ■PMPi ■^W?!fS!P!P" 54 No. on List. No. on Roll. 96 2561 97 2588 98 2595 99 2651 100 2664 101 2666 102 2692 103 2693 104 2711 105 2717 106 2776 107 2777 lOS 2778 WART) NO. 3. Jurora. J Fitzgerald Frederick A, f p 9, 8, 7 n King .. Flock John R,f ^ " J Fowler Joseph B, t '"» J Fraser Donald, f ■* « e Dnndas J Fletcher John, f -' .f Frank Thomas, t • 1 » Dundaa J Fesaenden Albert H, t '•.4 J Fesaenden W K, t 4 J Fury James, t. . .. '"> .i Freeland William J, t 5 J Fitzgerald Fiederiok A, f 10 J Ferguson William H, t 10 J Ferguson Martin H, t 10 109 2319 J no 2320 J 111 2321 J 112 2329 , , 113 2358 .1 114 2364 J 115 2377 .1 116 2383 .J 117 2428 . • 118 2427 , , 119 2429 J 120 2440 121 2466 122 2473 J 123 2504 , , 124 2537 J 125 2552 , . 126 2553 , . 127 2604 J 128 26a'> 129 2650 . , 1.^0 2672 . . 131 2686 J 132 2719 .1 ( U' on Henry C, f 6 n Bathurst (ireen Henry C, f ."» (ireen Thomas, f j' +, ."> " < iibson James, t I " (irigg Samuel, t 1 a ^'ol k Gould Martin, f . 10 n York ( Jilligan John, t 7 " Grundy .lohu, t (i " (toodacre Hdwin, f 'J ii c York (ireen Henrj' ( ', f ,.' " (loodacrc George, f _ " Gi-annon William, f ! " Green Henry (', f 2 s c King Gamble Jamta \V, t Is King Gauge James H, f () >• Golduer Joseph, t 10 n King Gunn Alexander, f 10 " Glass William, f 10 " Gurd William, f 8 Gurd John, f H " Grigg Samuel, f .S s e Dundas Glass Graham, f 1 a Dnndas (Jrant ^ oodward, t ;? " Glea.son F.dward, t 6 " ■MPI mmmmmmmfm WARD NO. 3. Mo. on No. on List Roll. Juron. 183 2741 J Gibbons John J, t 7 s DandM 134 2757 .. Gurd John, f and t 8 " 135 2757 J Gurd William, t : .8 " «6 13« 2315 .[ 137 2325 138 2340 .1 139 2367 J 140 2307 J 141 142 23()8 2379 .J 143 144 2377 2377 145 2385 .1 140 2387 147 2391 J 148 2429 J 149 2434 J 150 2471 J 151 2488 .J 152 2490 i;>3 2497 154 2501 155 2507 , , 150 2512 , , 157 25(J4 J 158 2593 J 159 259(i J 100 2628 .1 101 2052 102 2050 J 103 2703 J 104 2735 .1 105 2738 .J 100 2702 .1 107 2798 ^ , Hayes Francis, t 9 n Baihurat HillJames, f 3 " Hargreavea Edward E, t 2 8 York Hobbs Thomas, t 10 n York Hobbs WR, t 10 Hardy Aquilla, f 10 " Howe John, f " Howe John, f 7 " Howe Jeremiah, f. . 7 " Howe Jeremiah, t 1 5 " Hamilton — , t 5 " Hargreavea Edward E, t 4 " Hedford Henry, t 2ne York Hawkins Thomas, t 3 Haskett Henry, f I s e King Home John, t Ss King Htndrie William &. Co, t 5 " hobbs William, f « Hughes David, f Hughes Philip, f " Holmes Henry, f p 8, 9 Hiuton--, t 7 n King Hinton William, t 5 Uinton William, t 5 Hayden Thomas T, f 2 n e King Hodgins Thomas \), i 3 s Dundas Harding Francis, t 3 Harens Jacob, t 5 Hood Frederick J, t 6 Hawthorn William, t p 6i 7 Heal Charles P, t 9 Hill Albert W, i 10 06 No. on Na on List. Roll. Juron. 168 2393 WARD NO. 3. Ingrain John, f 6 n York f^ 169 2426 . . 170 2452 J 171 2456 , , 172 2510 J 173 2643 , , 174 2550 J 175 2681 J 176 2726 , , Jones Thomas, t 2 n e York Jasper Jamos, t 5 " JefEHes William, f 5 s e King Jarvis Andrew J, f 7 s King Jeffery Joseph, f lOn King JoliflTe Lucius G, t 10 " Jenkins William, f 2 8 Dundas Judson William L, t 6 " 177 2326 • * 178 2347 J 179 2381 J 180 2395 J 181 2457 • • 182 2458 J 183 2525 J 184 2543 J 185 2598 , , 186 2667 , , 187 2680 , , 188 2756 J Keast Hamuel, f 2n Bathurst Kains William K, t 3 8 York Kains Samuel, t 6 n York Keary John M, f 3 " Kitchen John, f 4se King Kitchen John, f 4 '« Kerr George, t 10 s King Kifner Henry L, t 10 n King KaluB Charles A, t 5 n King Kemoban James, f 1 s Dundas Kemohan James, f 2 " Kirkpatrick Robert, f 8 189 2392 .1 LeBel John 1), t 4 n York 190 2459 J Longan John M, t 4 s e King 191 2503 J LeviMax,t 6 s King 192 2513 .. LeysFrankB,f 9 " 193 2531 J Little John W, t 10 " « WARD NO. 3. Mo, on Mo. on ' Lin. Roll. Juron. 194 2608 J Lewis Albert, t 2 n King 195 2616 .. Loveleaa John, t 10 n King 196 2625 J Lloyd Thomas, f 1 n e King 197 2669 .. Lloyd Thomas, f 3 a e Dundaa 198 2680 J Lee Edwin, t 2 s Dundas 199 2696 J Luxton George, t 4 " 200 2714 J Logan James M, t 5 201 2733 J Lancaster H, t and i 6 202 2796 .. LevsFB, i 10 208 2816 J Locke Walter, t 10 67 ^jS r "* 204 2317 • • 205 2331 , , 206 2384 J 207 2456 , , 208 2475 J 209 2492 J 210 2500 • • 211 2618 J 212 2558 J 213 2564 . , 214 2686 J 215 2591 , , 216 2597 J 217 2621 , , 218 2622 J 219 2629 J 220 2632 J 221 2659 J 222 2662 J 223 2663 J 224 2697 J 225 2724 J 226 2722 J 227 2749 J 228 2782 J 229 2784 J Mercer John, t 7 n Bathurst Manning Peter, t 1 " Murphy Andrew, t . 5 n York Moore Charles G, t 5 s e King Marchant Joseph F, f la King Massey Archibald, t 4 " Murphy Enoch, t C " Moore William, t 10 " Moorhead William A, t - 10 n King MUls John, f 7 " Myers Maurice, t. . 6 " Moorhouse Walter H, t 5 '• Mayo William, t 5 =' Moore Charles S, t 1 " Millar William, t 1 " Mitchell BosBom A, f 3 n e King Mi'lar Thomas, t 5 Mayne Matthew, t 3 s e Dandaa Merritt George, t 2 " Moorhead George, t 2 " Manville Matthew W, t 4 s Dundas Moule John, t 6 " Martin Shadrachj t 6 " Marahall Jamea H, t 8 Morphy Andrew, t 10 " Mills John, t 10 68 WARD NO. 3. No. on No. on Liat. Roll. Jurora. 290 2789 .. Martin J ohn.t and i lOsDnndas 231 2778 .. Magee George 0, f 10 '• 232 2802 J Mountjoy Richard, t 10 233 2804 .. MothersillJoseph, t 10 " A 234 2349 J 236 2349 , , 236 2361 J 237 2372 , . 238 2382 . , 239 2399 , , 240 2446 . , 241 2450 , , 242 2468 J 243 2540 , , 244 2541 I ■ • 246 2542 , , 246 2554 J 247 2630 J 248 2650 J 249 2665 J 260 2683 J 251 2713 J 252 2715 , , 253 2755 J 254 2772 J 255 2773 J 256 2776 J 257 2786 J 258 2794 J 259 260 2815 2815 J McPhail Donald, t 4 s York McPhail Archibald, f 4 " MoCortnick Andrew, f 10 n York McKinnon , f 10 n York McNeil Neil, t 6 " McClary John, f 1 MoKenzie James, f 4 n e York McChesney Hamilton, f 5 " McDowell Oeorge, t Ise King McKenzie Kenneth, t 10 n King McKay Hugh, t 10 " McNee John, f 10 " McDonald John, t 10 Mcintosh John G, f p 3, 4 n e King McKellar Malcolm, f 4 s e Dnndas McCormick Thomas, f 1 " McKenzie James, t 3 s Dundaa McDermid Donald A, t 5 McDonough William, f 5 MoGirdy Thomas, t 8 McKenzie John C, t . . . ■ 10 McDonald John K, t 10 McKechnie Donald, t 10 McDonald Alex, t 10 MoBride Samuel, f < 10 McKenzie Roderick, t 10 MoBride William, t 10 \ » > ^:rr^ p ■:::^ WARD NO. 3. No. on No. on List. Roll. Juron. 2U1 9ii08 •! Naah Benjamin J, t 7 ■ King 2()2 2r)G({ J Neuberg JuliuB, t (> n King 2fi.'{ 2(i02 ... Nash Benjamin, f ...4 " 2(i4 2787 J Nelloa Henry H, t and i I» s Uundas 69 26.5 2.353 J O'Meara Martin, f. 6 ■ York 26(> 2366 J Osboume John, t 10 n York 267 2531 .. Ormsby Nicholas, f 10 s King 268 2676 J O'Brien William, t 2 8Dnndas 269 26S4 J O'Higgins Joseph, t 3 270 2732 J O'Connor J K, t and i 6 271 2801 . . O'CaUaghan Frank, f 10 272 2803 .. Oronhyatekha, t and i 10 273 2310 J 274 2334 . , 275 2379 J 270 2382 277 2389 278 2424 279 2455 280 2539 281. 2564 J 282 2594 J 283 2606 J 284 2607 , , 286 2617 J 286 2669 J 287 2668 J 288 2725 J 289 2728 J 290 2729 , , Pinch Thomas, t 10 n Batharst Powell Henry, t 1 " Pavey William, t 6 n York PeelJohnR, f 6 " Piatt William, f 5 " ' Paul Samuel, f 1 n e York Pearcs Charles H, f 5 s e King Phillips Wm H, t 10 n King Portwood — , t 7 " Portwood Joseph, t 5 " Paddicombe John, t 2 " Puddicombe Abraham, t 2 " Portwood Joseph, t 1 " Perkin Josiah. t Is Dundas Perkin James, t 1 " Pavey Albert E, t 6 Peters Frank, t and i 6 Peters Samuel, f and i 6 " 60 WARD NO. 3. Jo. on Uat. No. or Roll. 291 2737 292 2760 293 2761 294 2781 295 2788 290 2799 297 2800 Juron. J Plammer George E, t 6, 7 ■ DundM .. PeelThom»8,f 9 J Peel Thomas, f 9 '• J Palmer Edmund, t 10 " J Parker Thomas R, t 10 .. Park Ephraim J, t and i 10 " .. Purdom Thomas H, t and i ...10 " 298 2731 J Quinton George, t. 5 a Dundas 299 2318 300 2327 301 2352 , , 302 2369 J 303 2440 , , 304 2441 , , 305 2477 306 2495 J 307 2.501 J 308 2530 J 309 2583 . . 310 2585 J 311 2677 J 312 2678 J 313 2740 314 2743 J 315 2744 J 316 2746 J .317 2763 J 318 2764 J .319 2771 .1 320 2807 J Roach George, f 7n Bathnrst Robinson William, f 2 " Reid James, f 5s York Rowntree George, f 10 n York Reeves WiUiam, t 4 n e York Robinson Francis, £ 4 " Ross John, f Is King Rattery John, t 5 " Rombough James, t 6 " Robinson Georsre, t 10 " Ryan Charles F, t (> n King Rudd Charles W,t 6 " Ranahan John, t 2 s Dnndas Ranahan John, f 2 " Rooks William H, f 7 Reid Nathaniel, f ^ 7 Reid William J, f 7 " Rose John A, t 8 " Reid Robert jun, t 9 Reid George M, t 9 Regan Daniel, t 10 " Robinson William H, f . . . . , 10 " WARD NO. 3. No. on No. on Lilt. Roll. 821 2314 322 2316 323 2330 324 23.32 325 2333 320 2336 327 2344 328 2^1 329 2374 330 2431 331 2438 332 2445 3.33 2460 334 2467 385 2472 33G 2494 337 2496 338 2505 339 2509 310 2511 341 2520 342 2526 343 2544 344 2547 345 2561 346 2586 347 2590 348 2599 349 2601 350 2610 351 2611 35« 2616 353 2642 :^4 2661 355 2670 356 2674 357 2675 358 2677 359 2679 3«0 2687 361 2691 362 2708 363 2721 364 2721 365 2730 366 2740 Juron. J Hloan Jamea, t On Bathunt J Sloan Jamea, t 8 " . Smith Thomas, t 1 " . . Stone Jamea, 1. 1 1 " ... Soanlon John, f 1 •' . . Slater James, f : Is York J Saanby Joseph D, f ..2 '♦ J Slater Jamea, f 5 " J Smith CP.f 8 n York Selby George, t 3 n e York ... Skinner William, f 4 '• . . Skinner William, f 5 " J Struthors Robert C, t 4 s e King J Smith William, f 1 J Smith Alexander, f. 1 " J Scandrett John, f.. 48 King .. Strathy James B, f 5 " J Switzer David, t 6 " J Sage William, f 7 " .. Smith —, f 8 " J Stevens— ,t 10 '• J Stevely William, £ 10 " J Stevenaon John, t 10 n King J Smith Albert, t 10 " J Smith Charles P, f 9,8,7 " .. Shopland John, f 6 •' J Smith William, t 5 •' .. Smyth John W,f 5 " J Summers Thomas W, t 4 " . .' Stevenaon John, t 2 " .. Saundera Stephen, f 2 " . . Saunders Jamea, f 2 " J Stevens Walter, t 5 s o Dundaa .. Street William H, t 2 •' . . Slack Thomas, t ..1 a Dundas J Stockwell Caleb, f 1 " J Stockwell John W, f 1 " .. SaunbyJD, f 2 " J Smith Wil'lam, t 2 " J Saunders Stephen, t 3 " Scarrow William, t 4 '• J Southcott John J, t 5 " .1 Steeds George, t 6 " J Steeds James, t (! " J Soper Robert W, t 6 " J Seddon Samuel T, t 7 '* A2 Ho. on Uit. No. on Roll. 367 2738 368 2747 360 2755 370 2869 371 2775 372 2801 373 2809 WARD NO. 3. Juron. . . Stone Ashbel C, f p 6, 7 ■ DundM J Skifflngton Jamea J, t 8 " .. Short John, f 8 J SoMidrett John, f 9 " J Soandrett Leonard H, t 10 " J Smart Alfred, t 10 .. Smith John, i 10 " 374 2335 , , 375 2336 J 376 2464 J 377 2468 • • 378 2491 379 2611 J 380 2516 J 381 2620 J 382 2520 . , 383 2524 , , 384 2587 , , 385 2709 J 386 2710 , , 387 2736 . . 388 2745 J 389 2766 J 390 2795 J 391 2810 .. Taylor Charles, f In Bathurst Thornton William, t Is York Tanton John, f p 3, 2 s e King Tennent James H, f 1 " Tanton John, f 4 b King Tinoley Peter, t 8 '• Thompson William J, f 9 " Turner , t 10 " Trevail Edwin, f 10 " Trevail Edwin, f 10 " Taylor James, f 6 n King Talbot John, t 5 8 Diindas Traher William J, t 5 Trebiloock William, £ 6 " Tytler Alexander, t 8 " Tracey Thomas, t 9 " Taylor Henry, t and i 10 " Taylor George, i ...10 " ^ 392 2715 J Vivian John H, t 5 s Dundas 2323 J West William, t SnBathurst 394 2328 .. Weaver C|iarles, t 1 " WARD NO. X n Ko. on No. on Uit. Roll. Jun 306 2373 J 396 2389 J 397 2390 J 398 2398 . . 309 2451 J 400 2468 J 401 2477 J 402 2490 J 403 2504 J 404 2613 J 405 2522 , , 4('J 2523 , , 407 2627 J 408 2625 , , 409 2535 J 410 .2699 J 411 2b22 • • 412 2627 J 413 2632 J 414 2037 , , 41/ 2648 J ilR 2666 , , 417 2676 , , 418 2685 , , 419 2705 J 420 2705 , , 421 2736 J 422 2805 WmU Waiuun, f On York WoUb6n Edw»rd L, t 6 " Winnett Willi*m H, f. 6 " Woonwjott Robert, t 3 " WooUcott ThomM, t 6 n e York Wanlflu O D, t 6 • e King WoonMott Ueorge, t li King Willi* Horace A, t 4 " Whitoombe Walter, t 6 " Waterman Herman, t *. " WilliamaP.t 10 " Weatlake Francis J, t 10 " Weld William, f 10 " Wyatt William, f 10 " Wilion Alexander, t 10 " Williama Charles, t 5n King Willis WilUam, £ 1 " Wolfe John, f Ine King Wilson Moses, f 6 " Wilson Moses, f 5 " Ward John, t p 5 and 4 s o Dnndas Willis William, { Is Dnndas Wilson James H, f 2 Woodward , t 3 Wilkins James, t 6 Wright John, f 5 Ware David T, t 6 Ward William, t and i 10 423 2682 J Yealand Edmund, f 3 s Dnndas 424 2754 J Yeo Nicholas P, t 8 64 WARD NO. 3. No. on No. on List. Roll. 1 1745 2 1748 8 1749 4 1750 5 1781 6 1814 7 1848 8 1858 9 19ie 10 2019 11 2070 12 2091 13 2108 14 2184 15 2185 16 2217 17 2269 SECOND DIVISION. Jurors. J Allen John, f 2 s e South Anderson Charles J, f 1 " .. Anderson C J, f 1 " J Allen Robert, t 1 " Adams Isaac, f 2n South Adams William, t 3 s e Hill ... Appleby William, t In Hill . . Allison David, t 2 n e Hill J Allinson John, t 7n Gray . . Avey William, t Ss Siracoe Anderson Edward, f 3 n Simcoe Aiken Duncan, t 3ne Simcoe . . Anderson Joseph, t Sse Horton J Ander&in Edward, f 10 n Horton . . Andersou Levi, f 10 " J Andrews Andrew, f 3 " . . Abraham John, t , 1 s e Bathurst 18 1732 J 19 1747 , , 20 1^47 21 1760 J 22 1772 J 23 1781 • •■ 24 1782 J 25 1834 J 26 1844 J 27 1803 J 28 1892 , 29 1896 , 30 1921 J 31 1926 , , 32 1939 J Boyce Henry, f • 3 n Nelson Brown William, t Ise Sr>uth Bruce John, f 1 " Booth Patrick, f 4 " Belcher Isaac, t 3 n South Boyd William, t 2 " Blackwell Thomas, t , 2 " Booth George, f 6n Hill Brock Thomas, f 3 " Bryan John, f 4 n o Hill Bray Henry, f 3 s e Gray Baker Jesse, t 4 " Bailey Isaac, t f> n Gray Barke Edward, f 5 " BeggaJohn, t 1 •• It T v^ T'^p >' fo, on No. on LiM. RoU. 33 1945 34 1956 36 1996 36 1998 37 2001 38 2027 39 2038 40 2073 41 2073 42 2087 43 2106 44 2118 45 2119 46 2122 47 2127 48 2133 49 2151 50 2198 61 2200 52 2201 52 2205 53 2218 54 2219 56 2221 56 2231 57 2226 68 2240 59 2278 60 2279 61 2284 62 2284 WARD NO. 3. 05 Juron. J Bryanton James, t 1 a e Gny J Beamish Robert, t 3 " Barns John, t 3 8 Simcoe .. Brown Daniel, f 4 " . , Bryanton Robert, f 6 " J Boyd Henry, t 10 " J Bosk James, t 10 n Simcoe J Bawden George, t 2 " .. Burnip William, f 2 " J Babbington Thomas, t 2 n e Simcoe J Bell WiUiam C, t 6 " . . Barnfather William, f 4 s e Horton .. Brett George, f 4 '« J Burnip William, t... 3 " J Bemey John, f 2 " J BaUeyJohn,! 1 . . Burke Ulyce, t 4 8 Horton Bates Robert, t 7n Horton .. Bailey Thomas, t 7 " J Bradley John G, t. 7 .. Bennett Thomas, f 6 " J Bland Jolin,f 3 J Brock Robert, f 2 " .. Burridge John, f 2 " . . Burridge John, f 1 " J BrenerOttoE, t...i 1 " . . Bailey William, f 3ne Horton . . Bates William, t 3 s Bathurst .. Brown Alfred, t 3 " J Belton Thomas, t 6 " .. Eelt'.h James H, f 6 " 63 1738 J Conat David W, t 4, 6 n e Nelson, p 5 s e South Churcher Thom&i^ f 7 '* Catling Thomas W, t .4 n south Campbell Alex, t 1 " Cathro William, f 1 n e South Cathro. Francis, f 1 " 69 1816 J Chilcroft Frank, t 1 ■ e Hill 64 1766 J 65 1776 J 66 1784 .r 67 1789 J 68 1792 J No. or List. 70 71 No. on Roll. 1817 1829 72 73 74 75 1839 1840 1845 1876 76 77 78 79 1886 1915 1948 1956 80 196.7 81 82 83 84 85 1967 196S 1971 1976 2000 80 87 88 89 2002 2007 2005 2016 90 2008 91 92 2020 2074 93 94 2079 2098 95 2109 9f> 2110 97 2113 98 2116 99 2124 100 2130 101 2147 102 2149 103 2152 104 2164 105 2214 106 2220 107 2230 108 2235 J Oil 2236 110 2238 111 2274 112 2283 WARD NO. 3. Jurors. J Croden John, f Ise Hill . . Connor John, f and i ..6 8 Hill J Caraon William J, t 5 n Hill .. CryerJohnW.f , 5 " J Cousins Job, f 2 " J Crawford Robert B, t, , , 3 a e Hill J Crowley Jeremiah, t Is Gray . . Code Richard, f 9n Gray . . Coote Robert, f Ine Gray .. CookPhUip, f 3 " J Crouch Alfred, t 48e Simcoe .. Crouch Henry E, f. 4 " J Carney John, f and i 4 " J Clarke William, f 3 " J Clarke John, f 2 " . . Clarke Richard, t 5 s Simcoe Cottam Bartholomew, f 5 " Coombs William, t 5 " .. Clegg Robert 5 " .. CleggJohn,f 6 J Cozens John, t 6 " .. Chilcroft Arthur, t 8 " . . Coote Robert, t 1 n Simcoe J Campbell James, f 1 " Cromwell Alexander, t 3ne Simcoe . . Carruthers Elijah, t 5 s e Horton .. Cole Arthur, t 5 " J Carruthers Robert A, f and i 5 " .. Chambers William G, f 6 " .. Clarke James, t P 3, 2 " .. Campbell Thomas, t 1 . . Carruthers Elijah, f 3s Horto.: . . Carruthers George, f 3 " J Cheney George B, t 5 " J Clarke George, t 6 " Clarke William^ f 4n Forton J Chinuiok Charles, t 2 " Crook Samuel, t 1 " Carruthers Noble, f 1 u e Horton .. Clarke Charles, t 1 " . . Carruthers Arthur, f 1 " J Conden Daniel, t Is Bathurst .. CrookJohn.f 5 " ^r ^ v.. I;t WARD NO. 3. «7 ^7' ^ No. on laat No. on Roll. 113 1786 114 1803 115 1815 116 1859 117 1869 118 1880 119 1954 120 2088 121 2135 122 2146 123 2194 124 2196 125 2233 126 2265 127 2266 128 2271 129 2299 130 2305 •Jurors. Diprose Henry, f In South .1 Durkin James, f 4ae Hill J DrummondJames, t ..2 " Driimmond James, f 2 n e Hill ... Durkin Martin, f 5 " Durkin Martin, f 5 " Dalton John, t .'< n e ( 142 2259 J 143 144 2267 2269 J Evans George, t 1 s e South Evans George, t 4 s e Gray Evans Henry J, t 10 n Gray Erwin John, f 2 " Evans Williams, f 2 s e Simoe Ellis William, t Is Simcoo Eckley Henry, t 5 n Simcoo Evans Edward P, t 3 Evans John, f e Henry Ellis Patrick, t Is Horton Elliott John, f p 3, 4 u e Horton Elliott John, f 3, 4 • e Bathurst Evans Richard, t 1 Elliott John, f 1 H No. on No. on List: Roll. 145 1727 146 1774 147 1776 148 1856 149 1896 150 1903 151 1904 152 1908 153 1913 154 1995 155 2077 156 2101 157 2165 WARD NO. 3. Jurors. Fellew Charles, f Broken front s Nelson J Falahy James, f 5 n South Fleurent Louis, f P 4, 5 " J Ferguson Alexander, t lue Hill J Fox James, f '. 3, 4 s Gray . . Findlater James, f p8 " J Findlater James, t p 8 " . . Fraser Thomas, f 10 n Gray . . Flamming Andrew, f 9 " . . Farnsworth George, t 3 s Simcoe J Foreman Francis, t In Simcoe . . Foxton William, f 4 n e Simcoe J Fletcher Alexander, t ...6s Horton T 158 1722 ..* 159 1723 • • 160 1728 , , 161 1731 , , 162 1735 J 163 1822 , , 164 1824 J lt>5 1833 J 166 1837 J 167 1955 J 108 1978 J 169 2103 170 2107 J 171 2112 172 2117 J 173 2120 J 174 2149 J 175 2153 J 176 2152 > •• 177 2181 J 178 2188 , , 179 2214 J 180 2224 J 181 2234 , , 182 2238 J George James, t 5 n Nelson George James, f 5 ** George William, f 5 8 Nelson Green William, t 4n Nelson Gardner Thomas, f 1 n e Nelson Grasby William A, f 3 s Hill Guest George, f 4 " Groat Stillman P, f 6 n Hill Ganey Thomas, t 6 " Graham Simon P, t 3 u Gray Grove John W, t 1 s e Simcoe Green Henry C, f . 4 n e Simcoe Goodwin Michael F, f 5 " Graham Thomas, t 5 s e Horton Gray Thomas, t and i 4 " Geeson William, t 3 " Griffiths Frederick, t 3 s Horton Gee James J, t 5 " Gorman Henry, f 5 " Gammock Robert, f 10 '• Grannon William, f 10 n Horton Green Richard, t 5 " Gorman Edward, t 1 " ijraham James, f 1 n e Horton (•albraith William, t 1 " S- WARD NO. 3. No. on No. on Ltot. Roll. Jun 183 2242 J 184 2254 , , 185 2272 J 186 2277 , , 187 2281 J 188 2285 , , 189 2288 J 190 230(5 J 191 2300 , , Gilligan Miohael, t 3 n e Horton Or»y Robert, t p4, Sse B»thurst Gk>ald Martin, t Is Bftthunt Green Thomas, f 2 Green Henty 0, f 5 Gordon Angus, f (> Greer Benjamin, f 6 Garner Joseph 8, t 10 Griffin George J, t 9 S^ 192 1726 , . 193 1734 J 194 1768 . , 195 1785 J 196 1791 J 197 1806 J 198 1855 • • 199 1873 • • 200 1881 J 201 1884 • • 202 1887 « » 203 1897 J 204 1915 J 205 1931 J 206 1913 . , 207 1962 J 208 1982 J 209 2002 J 210 2022 J 211 2024 J 212 2026 J 213 2042 T 214 2103 215 2121 • • 216 2126 J 217 2136 J 218 2137 J 21f 2144 J , Hogg Isaac, f Broken front s Nelson Harrison Thomas, t In Nelson Hanter John, f 6 n Sonth Haggarth (Gordon D, t 1 " Herriok James, t 1 n e South Hobbins Patrick, f 5 s e Hill H%gKarth James, t 1 n e Hill Hill James, t 4, 5 s e Gray Hanter Daniel, f and i 2 " Halliday Charles, t 1 s Gray Howard Thomas, f 1 Henderson Thomas, t 4 " Hind Thomas, t On Gray Hammond Michael, t 3 " Halliwell William, f 1 n e Gray Hinton William, f 5 s e Simcoo Hanlon John, t 1 " Haystead David, t 5 s Simooe Hill Thomu, t 9 Harrison John, t 10 " Haggart Thomas, t 10 " Heron Robert, f 9 n Simcoe Hoskins Richard, t 4 u e Simcoe Hendrie Thomas, f 3 s e Horton Harding James, f. p 3, 2 " Hemmingway WiUiam, f Is Horton Holland Thomas, t . . 1 '< Hicks Richard, t 2 '< 70 Mo. on List. No. on Roll. 220 2157 221 2159 222 2151) 223 2180 224 2191 225 220.'> 22(> 2211 227 2221 22S 2223 229 2224 230 2227 231 2256 232 2280 233 2280 WARP NO, 3. - Jurors. J Heath William B, t .5 8 Hoiton .. Hisoox Thomas, f 5 " . . Hiscox George T, t 5 " J Hogg Isaac, f 10 " . Heavy George, t 10 n Horton J Hodgins Thomas (', t (> " ... Hughes David, £ 5 . . Hobbs Thomas, t 2 J Holmes Joseph, f 1 " .. Holman J, f 1 .. Hulse Joseph, t 1 " Hussey Henry, f 4 s e Bathur&t J Haggart William, f 4 8 liathurst J Haggart Thomas, f 4 " 234 1924 J Ingram John, f 5n Gray 2.35 2111 . . Ingram John, f 5 8 6 Horton 2.3(> 2249 .. Irvine William, f.. 5neHorton 237 1739 J 238 1779 J 239 1785 J 240 1840 J 241 1871 J 242 1877 J 243 1885 . . 244 1945 , , 245 2050 , . 246 2079 , , 247 2l(i2 J 248 2178 J Jackson Edmund, f 5ao South Judd Hubert U, t 3 n South Jones John, f 1 " Johnstou John, t and i 5 n Hill Johns Alfred, t and i 4, 5 s e Gray Jones Thomas J,t 3 " Jarvis llobert, t 1 '* JuddHH, f 1 no Gray Jacobs Joseph, t On Simcoe Jones George P, t I " Johnston Edgar, t s Horton JonesEvan, t 10 t No. OB List No. on Roll. 249 1761 250 1763 261 1809 252 1831 253 1849 254 1850 255 1858 266 1939 257 1944 258 2018 . 259 2050 260 2095 261 2154 262 2161 263 2233 WARD NO. 3. Jurors. Kennedy John, f 5 ■ South Kennedy Jeremiah, f 6 " . . Kennedy John, t 3 8 6 Hill J Kennedy Michael, t 6 8 Hill Kennedy Jeremiah, f In Hill J Kennedy John, f 1 " . . Kennedy James, f .2 n o Hill Kennedy James, f In Gray J Kidner Robert, t 1 n e Gray ... Kelly William, t 8 8 Simcoe . . Kenny Patrick, f 7n Simcoe Keough Patrick, f e Henry . . Kern John W, f 5 8 Horton J Kern John W,f 6 " J Keenan James, t 1 n e Horton 71 264 1744 265 1764 J 266 1778 • . 267 1801 . , 268 1S32 J 269 1870 , . 270 1898 J 271 1951 J 272 2047 273 2065 J 274 2072 J 275 2082 J 276 2096 4 , 277 2174 J 278 2182 , , 279 2216 , , 280 2232 , , 281 2237 • ■• 282 2240 J 283 2247 J Love Franh, f .38 e South Lynch Michael, t Is South Ijove Francis, f and i 3n South Lewis Chriaman, f.^ 6 s e Hill Law John, f Os Hill Lennox John, t 4, 5 s e Gray Larking Joseph, f 4 a Gray Logan Robert, t 2 n Gray Loughead John, t 7 n Simcoe Laundry Richard, t 5 '* I.K)ckhart William, f 2 " Lacey Robert F, t 1 n e Simcoe Leadbeater Henry, f w Henry Land John B, t 8 s Horton Lindsay James, f 10 " Ltmis John, t 4 n Horton Ltochom Robert, f 1 n e Horton Long Samuel, t 1 " Law John, t 3 " Ledley George, t 5 " ■HP 72 Na on No. on LM. Roll. 284 1728 28S 1743 286 1746 287 175r 288 1843 289 1866 290 1778 291 1889 292 1892 293 1899 294 1916 296 1932 296 1947 297 1953 298 1986 299 1987 300 2003 301 2021 302 2029 303 2055 304 2067 30R 2059 306 2067 307 2068 308 2081 309 2123 310 2132 311 2138 312 2241 313 2143 314 2158 316 2166 316 2246 317 2270 WARD NO. 3. Juron. Maul Henry, t Broken front a NelfMn Morria John, t , . .4 ■ e South J Morris John, f 2 " . . Milne John, f Is South . . Mwshall William, f 3 n Hill Mkokey Henry, t 6 n e Hill Moriarty Eugene, t 3 s e Gray J Monnie William, t 2 s dray J Morris William, t 3 " .. Muoklin Michael, t 4 " .. Morrison James, t 8 " J Moore Robert, f 3 n Gray J Murray Patrick, f 1 n e Gray J Martin James, t 3 " J Mantel Joseph, t Is >Simcoe MunroeJohn, f 1 " J Mason Simpson, f and i 5 " J Miners Charles, t 9 " Meekison Andrew, f 10 " . . Miles John, t 6n Simcoe Maher Samuel, t 6 " .. Morgan Frederick, t 6 " J Marshall John, t 4 " .. Mahon John F, f 4 " J Moore William, t 1 n e Simcoe J Mann James A, f 3 s e Horton J Marshall Hugh, f 1 J Miller Thomas, t 1 s Horton J Marks George, t 1 " J Moylan WiUiam, f 1 " J Macklin Henry, t 6 " J Moorhouse Isaac, t 6 " . . Mason John, f 6 n e Horton . . Mason John, t Is Bathurst 318 1734 .. MoKinnon John, f 1 n Nelson 319 1756 J McDonald Donald, t 1 s South 320 1768 .. McDonald Robert, t 6 n South 321 1818 .. MoAvoyJohn, f 1 s HiU A .•^ No, on Lilt. 322 No. on Roll. 1826 323 324 325 1858 1867 1885 326 327 328 329 330 1912 1921 1950 1960 1961 331 332 1976 1990 333 1992 334 335 336 2010 2017 2028 337 338 2036 2040 339 2049 340 2062 341 2071 342 2083 343 2142 344 345 220J) 2226 346 2298 WARD NO. 3. 78 Juron. ... MoBrearty John, t 4 b Hill . . McClaiy John, f 1 n e Hill J MoTaggerfc Patrick, t and i 5 " . . Molnnea John, f 1 a e Gray J McKinney William, t 10 n Qray ... McLean John, f 6 " McCarthy Dennis, f 2 n e Gray . . McNeill Daniel, t 4, 5 " J Mclnnis Angus, f 5 s e Simcoe .. MoDougall Neil, f 2 " . . McCIennan Arthur, t Is Simcoe .. McFadden John, f 2 " J Mcllheron George, t 6 " J MoCormiok Andrew, f 7 " J McAuliflf Michael, t 10 . . . McCarthy Edward, t 10 n Simcoe .. McLellan John, f 9 " .. McNeil James, f 7 " J McCarthy John, t 5 " .. McFadden John, f 2 " J McDonald Allan J, t .■ 1 n e Simcoe .. Mcljelland George, f Is Horton J McPhail Duncan, f 6n Horton . . McKenzie Philip, f 1 " J McKay George, t 8 b Bathunt .347 1752 J Nolan Daniel, £ 1 s e South 348 1852 J Nichol Charles, t 1 n HUl 349 2038 .. Norris George, f lOnSimcoe 350 2058 .. Nichol Thomas, f 6 ,^i^i 351 1835 J O'DellJohn, t 6 n HUI 362 1926 J O'Dell George, t SnGray 353 1927 J OrangeJohn,f 5 " 74 WARD NO. 3. No. on No. on Lilt. Roll. Jurors. 364 1954 .. O'Byrno John P, f 3 n c Gray 366 1965 .. O'Byrne Bernard, f 3 " 366 1958 .. O'Byrne B,f 4 367 1957 J O'Byrne James, £ 4 368 1981 J O'Byrne John P, f 1 b e Siincoo 369 218(5 J O'Heam Daniel, f 10 n llorton 360 2178 .. O'Heam Daniel, f 10 s Horton 361 2276 J O'Flaherty Mathias, t la Bathurat .362 2301 ... O'Loughlin John, t 9 ^'1 t! 363 172G 364 1733 365 1780 366 1798 367 1842 368 1851 369 1853 370 1854 371 1888 372 1902 373 1917 374 1919 375 1942 376 1942 377 1958 378 1975 379 1983 380 1983 381 1984 382 1998 383 2016 384 2023 385 2027 386 2068 387 2066 388 2069 369 2075 390 2078 91 2100 J J J Potter Benjamin, t a .> elson Payne Thomas, f 2 u Nelson Pitman James, t 2 n South Percival Robert, f 5 ne South Peel John R, f 5 n Hill Parkinson Abraham, f 1 " Powell Walter, f 1 n e Hill Powell George, f 1 " Powers Patrick, t 2s Gray Park Ephraim J, f p 7, 8 " Payne Jacob, t 8n Gray Percival Samuel, f 7 " Price John, f 1 " Poole Charles, t 1 Patton Charles, t 4ne Gray Poynter William, f 2 s e Simcoe Powell Henry, t 1 s Simcoe Price John, f 1 " Pearce Thomas, t 1 " Pope John W, t 4 " Parks Thomas, t (i " Parkinson John, f 9 " Puddicombe Richard, f 10 " Pearan Henry, t ^ " Pringle John, f on Simcoe Porter James, « 3 " Parke Samuel, t 1 Penson Henry, t 1 " Pezet George, t 4ne Simcoe ?*t NO. on Lilt, No. on Roll. 392 2106 393 2126 394 2145 395 2168 396 2185 897 2189 398 2244 WARD NO. 3. Juron. iT Patton James, t 5ne Simooe J Phillips W H, t 2, 3 8 e Horton J Pink George, t 28 Horton J Payne , limes, t 6 *' J Perrin Finlay, t 10 '• Peter Francis, t 10 n Horton Porter Frederick W, t 4 n e Horton 70 V^* 399 1919 .. Quinton George, t 7 n Gray 400 1930 .. Qniuton George, f 4 " 401 2199 J Quick Isaac, t 7 n Horton 402 2239 .. Qiiance William, t 2 n e Horton 4 403 1744 J 404 1812 , , 405 1818 406 1820 , , 407 1894 J 408 1901 J 409 1907 , , 410 1934 J 411 1966 J 412 2031 ^ , 413 2034 , , 414 2039 , , 415 2046 , , 416 2071 J 417 2128 , , 418 21 '29 , , 419 21:j J 420 2198 • • • 421 2215 , , 422 2243 J Bemley Jacob, t 386 South Richardson Samuel, t 38e Hill Robertson Robert, t Is Hill Robertson John, t 1 " Ryan James, t 4 s Gray Regan Daniel, f .. 6 " Ridd Wi'liam, t 10 n Gray Roach John, f 3 " Routlcdge Thomas, f and i 4 s e Simcoe Robinson Edward, f 10 n Simcoe Robinson John, f 10 '♦ Robinson Edward, f 10 '• Rowntree James, t 7 " Robinson William, t 2 '* Roe John A, f 2 s e Horton Roe Edward, f 2 " Rndd Charles B, f 9 8 Horton Ramsey Edwin, f 7 n Horton Robertson Thomas, f 4 " Ross Donald, t 3 n e Horton 76 WARD NO. 3. Vo. on No. on List. Roll. Juron. 423 2264 .. Rioard Martin, f 2 a e Bathurst 424 2276 . . Robinson William, f Is Bathnrst 425 2305 .. Robertson John, t 9 426 1726 . . 427 1737 » , 428 1742 . , 429 1763 , . 430 1766 J 431 1772 , . 432 1787 , , 433 1826 J 434 1827 , . 436 1828 J 436 1836 J 437 1846 J 438 1860 , , 4.39 1862 , , 440 1874 • • 441 1878 J 442 1882 J 443 1883 444 1905 446 1923 446 1929 447 1937 J 448 1949 449 1962 460 1952 461 1991 452 2013 463 2039 464 2045 J 466 2044 J 456 2090 , , 457 2091 , , 468 2098 J 459 2099 J 460 2118 J 8eaton Robert, jun, t 6 n Nelson Shirley James, t 3 n e Nelson Stanley James, t 4 " •Sharp John, t 68 South Seaton Robert, f 6 " Seaton Robert, f 6 n South Scanlon John, f 1 " Stewart Angus C, f and i 4 a Hill Spettigue Francis J, f 5 '* Spettigue Joseph J, f 5 " State Patrick, t 6 n Hill Stansfield Isaac, f 2 •• Smith Petit, t 3 n e Hill Simpson Joseph B, t 4 " Stringer Samuel, f 4, 6 s e Oray Simple James, f 3 " Smale John, t 2 " Sanderson George II, t 1 *' Sydere Arthur H, f 9 8 Gray Sharpe Robert, t 5n Gray Steele Thomas, t 5 " Sweeney John, t 2 " Smith James, f 2ne Gray Shaver George F, t 2 " Shaver George A, f 2 " Sanagan Burt, t Is Simcoe Smith John, t 6 Smith John, t lOn Simcoe Shane John, f 8 Sammona Edwin, t 8 •' Stewart James, t 3 " Southcott James, f 3 n e Simcoe Southcott James, f 3 " Stewart James, f 3 n e Simcoe Scott Samuel, t .. .- 4 s e Horton 9 No. on Lilt. No. on Roll. 4U1 2147 462 2168 4(i3 2177 404 2196 465 2249 466 2255 467 2256 468 2263 46» 2292 470 230C WARD NO. 3. Jurora. J Soper Robert W, t 3 • Horton J Hpettigue Richard, t 6 " . . Samuels Matthew, t 10 • Horton J Stotheta David, t 10 n Horton J Hcott Vanllanselear, t S n e Horton . . Hheddon, f 6ae Bathnrat J Sanderson John (J, t. . 4 " ... Stanton Albert, t 2 " J Shears Christopher, f 7 s Batharst .. Smith Frank, f 10 " 77 Uf^ Jf 471 1730 . . 472 1731 , , 473 1743 474 1757 J 475 1799 J 476 1810 , , 477 1823 , , 478 1829 J 479 1830 J 480 1852 • • 481 1905 J 482 1922 J 483 1922 , , 484 1925 J 485 1940 J 486 1992 J 487 2009 J 488 2029 J 489 2030 , , 490 2035 , , 491 2131 , , 492 2134 J 493 2190 , , 494 2197 , , 495 2199 , , 496 2216 J 497 2229 4 • Tibbs \Villiam, f 4 n Nelson Tibbs Abraham, f 4 " Tambliug Thomas, f 486 South Tibbs William, t 28 South Thornton John, f 5ne South Tomlinson John, t 3 s e Hill Tucker Luke, f 3 s Hill Temple Peter, t and i 6 " Tucker George, t 6 " Taylor James, f In Hill Thompson James, t 9 s Gray Thompson James, t 6n Gray Taylor James, f 6 " Talbot John, f 5 " TumbuU John, t 1 " Templeton Andrew, t and i 2 8 Simcoe Thomas Harry, t 6 " Tesaerian Francis, t 10 " Thomas William, f 10 " Todd GUbert, f 10 n Simcoe Tucker John, f 1 s e Horton Trevail Edwin, f 1 '* Taylor John, t 10 n Horton Turner Charles, t 7 " Taylor James, f 7 " Tytler William, t 3 " Taylor" Charles, f 1 ♦• 78 WARD NO. 3. No. on No. on List. Roll. Jurors. 498 2245 .. Thorogood John, t. . . 499 2304 .. Thome William H, t. , . 5 n Horton . 9 a Bathurst 500 2299 ; Veitch William, t 8 s Bathurst 501 1736 502 1756 J 503 1773 , , 504 1810 • • 505 1814 • • 506 1819 J 507 1838 J 508 1S47 J 509 1848 . , 510 1861 J 511 1890 512 1895 J o\S 1904 , , 514 1909 , , 515 1912 , , 51G 1936 J 517 1944 518 1969 J 519 1970 • ■• 520 1991 J 521 1996 , , 522 2033 , , 523 2045 J 524 2052 . . 525 2053 , , 526 2084 J 527 2085 J 6es 2106 , , 529 2170 J Webb Thomas P, f 2 n e Nehon Woodward John, t Is South Walsh James, t 5n South Winder Henry, f 3se Hill Winder Edward, f 3 " Winder Edward jr, f Is Hill Wrigley John, f 5n Hill Winder Henry, f 1 " Whetter Richard, f 1 " Westlake George, f 4 n c Hill Wylie Daniel, t 2 s Gray Wright Franklin, t and i 4 " Watson John, f 8 '• Wilson Lauson, f 10 n Gray Wilson Ninian, f 10 " Waters John, t 2 " Woods William, f 1 o Gray Wardhaugh James, t 3 s e Si.ncoe Wiggins Thomas, f . 3 " Weston Amos, i Is Simcoc Weston Amos, f 3 " Williams Henry, t lOn Simcoe Welch Thoupas C, t H Walker Geoi ge, t , 6 " Woods Jostijh, f 6 " Wallace Jamos, t.. Ine Siincoo Winter, t 1 " Wallace Arthur, f T) " Watson Thomas, t 7s Horttn I *^'lf •fff WARD NO. 3. No. on No. on List. Roll. Jurors. 530 2195 J Walton Henry, fc 9 n Horton 531 2201 .. Watson George, f 7 " 532 2214 J Williams James L, f 5 " 533 2220 .. WardJemes, f 2 " 534 2231 J Woodward Henry, t 1 " 535 2241 J WyattHiigh, f 3 n e Horton .53(5 2242 .. Williams John, f 3 '* 537 22(57 . . Wilson Andrew, f 1 s e Bathurst 538 2275 J Wylic John, t 1 a Bathurst 639 2277 J H oodward Ha.nry, t 2 540 2285 J Woodworth Charles, t 6 79 541 1963 , . 542 19fi4 J 543 2154 J You Richard, f ."> s e Simcoa Yto .Joieph, f 5 *' Yara.l..)M,t 5 Y I, Alexander Samuel Abbotj', Clerk of the Municipality of the City of London, in the County of M iddleaex, do hereby certify that the above list is a correct roll of the 3rd Ward of the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly, and that a copy of such list was first posted in my office, at the City Hall, on the 29th day of August, and I hereby call upon electors to examine the said liat, and if any omissions or other errors are perceived therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 29th day of August, 1879. ALEX. S. ABBOTT, r'^^rk of the Municipality of the City of London. m No. 4 Ward. No. on No on LUt. Roll. 1 2872 2 2937 3 2942 4 2972 5 3012 P 3074 7 3094 8 3097 'J 3153 iO 3155 Jurors. J Angus Geo P, t p 7 n Dundas .. Armstrong William, t 2 " J Aston Thomas, f 2 " J Abbott Hodson G, f p 3, 4 n e Dundas Abbott Alex S, f and i p4o Queen's Ave J Atkinson Joseph, t 8n Queen's ave Ashton Alfred E, t ,p 5 n e Queen's Ave J Andras Ohas W, f p5 "'' . . Amott Dr, f p 17 e Wellington .. Anderson Peter, f p 17 " 11 2822 12 28.38 13 2845 14 '284G 15 2850 16 2851 17 2852 18 2867 19 2875 20 2886 21 2907 22 2919 23 2925 24 2926 25 2930 26 2977 27 298' 28 303, J J J J Bews William V, t , p 10 n Dundas Bremner Arch, I p 10 " Bryce William, t p 10 Bryoe Geo S T, i p 10 Brown Thos H, t p 10 " Brown William, t p 10 " Baker Hugh d, f p 10 Bradford Amos, t 8 " Brown John .J , t 7 " Beamer Jacob E, t 6 " Boyd Henry, t 6 " Bennett John C, t 3 " Beecher George M, t 3 Beecher Amos S, t 3 " Blood Anson, t 2 Bailey Walter, t ri n e Dundas Beecroft James, t p 4, 5 s Queen's Ave Brealey William A, i p 10 \ rf 82 No. on No. on List. Roll. 29 3041 30 3059 31 3062 32 3085 33 3130 34 3139 36 3140 36 3143 37 3149 38 3160 39 3181 40 3184 41 3189 42 3192 43 3206 WARD NO. 4. .Jurors. . . Betts Frederick P, t and i, p 10 s Queeu's Ave Blackburn Josiah, f p 10 " J Barns George, t w Clarence J Beltz Edmund, f p2, 3ne Queen's Ave . . Burton James, f p 6 w Waterloo ... Bissell Henry E, f p 16 " J BisseU Sidney L, t p 16 " J Belton Thomas, f p 16 " . . 'Bawden George, f p 17 e Wellington .. Blair James B, t p 16 " J Beach George, t and i 1, 2 e Richmcnd J Black well Robert, t 3n Piccadilly J Bailey William, t e Richmond J Burns Albert, t " J Burke John, t " .1 44 2833 .T 45 2834 ,T 46 2841 J 47 2853 , , 48 2876 49 2885 J 50 2C20 J 51 2920 , . 52 2944 J 53 2955 . . 54 2957 J 55 2972 , , 56 2987 , , 57 3002 58 3018 J 59 3018 J 60 3022 J 61 3024 J 62 3031 , . 63 3031 04 3036 , , 65 3039 , , (Cameron John, t p 10 n Dandaa Cameron William, t p 10 " Clarke Francis S, t and i p 10 " Cutten Edward L, t 9 Cream Thomas N, t and i 7 " Chapman Charlea, t.... ..p 6 " Cheater John E, t 3 " CookPhilip.f » 3 " Cooper Samuel, t .1 '* Craddock Georgp, t 1 *' Cliff.mlRH, t 1 neDundas Cook William R, t ....p3, 1 Clare John K, f p 2 u e Queen's Ave Campbell Clarence T, t and i p 2 s (iuoen's Ave Cooper John, f p4 Crawford Lemau, t .....p4 Crawford James ED, t p 7 Cockle John, t p7 Cowley Robert, f 9 Cowley John, f 9 {Cumberland D, i .p 10 Cronyu Verschoyle, t and i p 10 WARD NO. 4. 88 ence Ave tIoo C[ton No. on List 66 No. on Roll. .3063 67 3088 68 69 3101 3105 70 71 72 73 3114 3121 3129 3159 74 75 3170 3202 Jurors. J Cameron John, f , w Clarence J Collins Timothy, t p 3, 4 n e Queen's Ave J Cameron Ludwig, t p48eDu fferin Ave J Connolly Cornelius, t e Picton J Cordingley Arthur, t e Wellington . . . Crawford Samuel, f .21s DuflFerin Ave . . Coles Frank H, f p 5 w Waterloo . . Checkley Francis M, t.and i p 10 e Wellington J Clarke John W, t 5w Wellington . . Camelon David, t e Richmond lend lilly lond idas das i\.ve Lve 76 2821 J 77 2847 , , 78 2848 J 79 2849 , , 80 2849 , , 81 2864 ,, 82 2S6(i , , 83 290O J 84 2909 J 85 2909 J 86 29C3 J 87 29G5 J 88 2997 J 89 2999 , , 90 3010 , , 91 3080 J 92 3087 . •• 93 3117 , , 94 3131 t 9o 3i47 • • » o& 3151 J 97 ■>;'■(; b^^ 18^ , , Dundas William, t p 10 n Dundas Davis Henry, f p 10 *' Davis WH, f p 10 " Da is Henry, f p 10 " Davis Wm. H, f p 10 " Durand James, f • ., 8 " Durand James, f. 8 " Duu, t p5 " Dodd Donald, t p5 '• Dodd Richard, t p 5 " Dundas James F, f p 2 n e Dundas Duraud James, f p 2 " Durand James, f and t Is Queen's Ave Durand Andrew, t 1 *' Dambra Angelo, t p4 " Denton John M, f 10, 11, 12 n Queen's Ave Duff David, t and i p 3, 4 n o Queen's Ave Dodd John C, f 16 w Wellington Diggle Charles W, t 14 w Waterloo Driefer Conrad L, f p 17 Douglass Hugh, f p 17 e Wellington Dayton George, f 3, 2 s Oxford Oalton William, f 7 n Piccadilly 84 4 1 »o. on No. on Lift. Roll. 99 2882 100 2960 101 2961 102 3091 103 3126 104 3179 105 3179 WARD NO. 4. ivxon. . . Edleston George, t pfin Dundaa J Edy James N, t 1 n e Dundaa J Edy William D, t 1 «• . . Edleston George, f p 4, 5 n e Queen's Ave Evans Evan, t p5w Waterloo J Elwood William, t 4 e Richmond .. Elwood Henry, f 4 •« 106 2898 J 107 2912 J 108 2933 J 109 2975 J 110 3006 J 111 3197 , , 112 3210 J 113 2825 J 114 2832 • • 115 2843 J 116 2852 J 117 2878 « • 118 2895 J 119 2973 ♦ • 120 2979 J 121 3028 J 122 3029 J 123 3050 , , 124 3086 125 3094 f , 126 3104 .1 127 3120 , , 128 3163 J Finnemore Alfred, t p 5 n Dundas Fysh Hewitt, t 4 " Fryer John W, t 3 " Freeland William J, t 5 u e Dundas FoltoQ William D, t. p 3 s Queen's Ave Fenwick Alex G, f and i e Richmond Ferguson John, f s Dufferin Ave Groat Stillman P, t p 10 n Dundas Gunn Alex, f p 10 •♦ Gunn George M, f and i p 10 " Garliok Robert A, t p 10 " Greer Benjamin, t 7 " Graves Otto B, t . 5 " Going Henry, f and i p4ne Dundas Gunn Angus M, { pSse Queen's Ave Green William, t p 8 a Queen's Ave Gearey John, t p 8 •' Gordon William, i p 10 •• Gordon Joseph, t p 3, 4 n c (,^ueeu*H Ave Glass William, f , , p5 " Geoghegau John, f e Picton (liblM.iK George (!, f 18, 19, 20 w Wellington Gourlay John, t p 1, 2 •• i- ^ \\\ ~ifer» .iu"i- ' )j ' -t ^ f m ••C. I WARD NO. 4. No. on No. on Lilt Roll. Juron. 129 3164 .. Grant Angus, f p 1, 2 w Wellington 130 3168 .. Grant Angus, f 3,4 85 131 2866 J 132 2873 . , 133 2881 , . 134 2891 J 135 2893 , , 136 2897 J 137 2928 J 138 2928 J 139 2945 J 140 2950 J 141 2986 , , 142 2993 J 143 2993 • • > 144 3000 145 3007 J 146 3019 J 147 3025 148 3029 J 149 3044 J 150 3066 .1 151 3071 152 3125 . , 153 3150 J 154 3155 .1 155 3167 , . 156 3183 J 157 3185 J 158 3199 J 159 3212 ,T Hyman C S, t p 8 n Dundas Hiscox George T, t p7 " Hiscox Thomas, f 7 " Higgins Beniamiu, t P 6 " Higgins fienjamiu, f 6 " Heath Wm B, t p 5 " Haskett James, f 3 " llaskett Henry, f . . 3 " Harkness John VV, t 1 " Haney William, t 1 " Hart Daures W, f . «'. . 3 s e Queen's Ave Hancock John, t p 2, 1 " Hiscox Thomas, f pi " Hunter John, f p 2 s Queen's Ave Haney William, t, . ^ p 3 Hine Able, f p 4 Hiscox Thoma8,[f 7 Hodgins Thomas D, f 8 H'jmmond Frederick J, t and i. . .,p 10 Henderson Alex J G, t and i p2e Clarence Hobbs Robert, t ; pGn Queen's Ave Hood Frederick J, f p 5 w Waterloo Howard Thomas U, f p 17 e Wellington Halliday William, t and i p 17 Hughes , ohn, f 3 Heron G«orge, f 2n Piccadilly Hyman Walton, t.:."^ 4 Hourd Arthur E, t e Richmond Heard Thomas J, t " 86 Mo. ou No. on List. Roll. Juron. 160 3061 WARD NO, 4. Innes George M, t and i n Queen's Ave 161 2899 .. Jewell George F, t p 5 n Dundas 162 2901 .. Joanes William, t ..p5 " 163 3051 J Johnston Alexander, f p 10 s Queen's Ave 164 3122 .. Jeflfery Joseph, f 22 s Dufferin Ave 165 3167 J Jones Stewart, t 3 w Wellington 166 3180 .. Joliflfe Henry, t 3 e Richmond 167 3181 .. Johnston Henry, f 1,2 168 3182 . . Johnston Benjamin, f In Piccadilly 169 3185 .. Johnston John, f 3,4 170 3187 .. Johnston John, f « 171 2917 J 172 2951 J 173 3040 , , 174 3098 J 175 3105 , , 176 3172 ^ ^ King Stephen, t p3n Dundas Kernohan James, f 1 " Kew Michael, t and i p 10 8 Queeu'd Ave Keenleyside Anthony, f pSse Duflferin Ave Kirkpatrick Robert, f e Picton Kelly Michael, f 7 s Oxford .^< 177 2831 , . 178 2864 J 179 2916 180 2922 J 181 2967 J 182 2985 J 183 3052 • • 184 3053 , , Loughrey Archibald, t plOn Dundas Ley John H, t 8 Locke Beujamin, t 4 " ' Lothian James W, t 3 " Lawson Matthew, t p 3, 4 n e Dundas Lampkin Russell, f 48e Queen's Ave Lewis Robert, f p 10 s Queen's Ave Leonard Lewis 0, f p 1 " ^. WARD NO. 4. No. on No. on List. Roll. Jurora. 186 3069 . . Lanrrason Lawrence, f and i 6 n Queen's Are 186 3082 J Long Henry D,t 14,15 " 187 3152 J Logio WUliam, f p 17 e Wellington 188 3198 J LoweThosG, t e Richmond 97 189 2827 J 190 2828 J 191 2829 . . 192 2851 , , 193 2861 J 194 2862 J 195 2871 J 196 2888 J 197 2924 J 198 2941 J 199 2965 200 2970 J 201 2991 J 202 3001 J 203 3003 , , 204 3071 205 3076 . , 206 3089 J 207 3095 J 208 3112 J 209 3115 J 210 3134 , , 211 3137 J 212 3161 , , 213 3162 , . 214 3180 ' , , 215 3201 .. Mahon John F, t p )0n Dundas Mabon James A, t p 10 Morley Samuel, f p 10 Morley Samuel, f p 10 Merritt John C, t 8 Merritt Cleorge H, t 8 Millar John, t 7 Morris Christopher V, t 6 Murphy John B, f 3 Marshall George, t 2 . Morden Ralph J P, t and i 2 n e Dundas Maxwell David, t P 3, 4 " Mahon John A, t p 2, 1 s e Queen's Ave Morrison Thomas, f p 2 a Queen's Ave Morrison Thomas, f and i p 3 " Morehouse WH, f p6n Queen's Ave Morrison Thomas, f 8, 9 " Moorhead Thomas, f and i p4ne Queen's Ave Mann James A, f 5 " Morkin Edward, f and i e Wellington Moran Jeremiah, f " Marsh John W, f 14, 15 w Waterloo Merritt John C, t p 15, 14 e Wellington Mezyck Edward, t and i p 16 " Mezyck Alexander, i p 16 " Morley Charles A, f 3 e Richmond Milroy William, f e Richmond 216 2822 .. McDonough Wm, f p 10 n Dundas 217 2828 .. McKinnon John, f 10 " No, on List. No. un KoU. 218 2335 219 2841 220 2845 221 2849 222 2869 223 2870 224 2880 225 2906 226 2908 227 2914 228 2921 229 2927 230 2929 231 2946 232 2977 233 2980 234 2987 235 3021 236 3043 237 3063 238 3064 239 3067 240 3092 241 3165 242 3168 243 3171 244 3174 245 3198 246 3205 247 3207 248 3209 WARD NO. 4. Jurora. J Mcintosh William, t 10 n Dundas .. McKinuou John, f.. 10 " .. McClary Oliver, f 10 J McDonald Lachlan, t aud i 10 " J McMechau John, t 7 " J McMechan John H, t 7 J McPherson Duncan, t 7 " J McBride Alex, t 5 J Mcllheron Richard, t 5 " J McLeod Robert, t 4 •' J McLellan Kenneth J, t 3 " .. Mcintosh John (i, f 3 J McCormick Wm, t 2 J McDonald Jeremiah, t 1 " Mcintosh Alex, f 5 n e Dundas . . McCIary Peter, t pSse Queen's Ave J Mcintosh Alex. (i, t and i p2 J McGuire James, t p78 Queen's Ave McKenzie Philip, t and i p 10 " J McCallum Cuthbert, t p 10 McMahon Hugh, f . . . . w Clarence J McCormick Thos, f p 2, 3 e Clarence J Mcintosh John \V, t and i p 5 n e Queen's Ave J Mcintosh Alex G, f p 1, 2 w Wellington J McDonald Robert, t 4 " .. McNab George, f 6,7 " J McCallum Donald, f 5 8 Oxford . . McDonald John, f e Richmond J McCann Patrick, t " .. McCueJohn, f . , McMuUen Alfred L, f s Dufferiu Ave 249 2894 250 2894 251 2962 252 2966 253 2969 Nordheimer A, t p 5 n Dundas Nordheimer S, t p 5 " Nitschke John, f 1 n e Dundas Nelles John A, f and i p2 " Neill Richard, t p 3, 4 " WARD NO. 4. 89 No. on No. oil List. Roll. Jurors. 254 3111 J Nodin William, f. 255 3194 ... Norris George, f . .■ Dnfferin .e Richmond 256 2884 .1 257 2910 J 258 2929 ... 259 2940 .. 260 2940 .. 261 2958 . . 262 2990 . . 263 3001 .. 264 3008 .. 265 3068 .. 266 3081 J 267 3093 J 268 3116 .. 269 3128 . . 270 3138 .. 271 3158 . . 272 3177 J 273 3196 . . Pitt George W, t and i pGa Dundas Percival William, f 4n " Forte Andrew M, f 2 n " Priddis James, f 2n " Priddis George, f 2 n " Phelan .James B, t and i ..Ine Dundas Payne Samuel R, t and i pise Queen's Ave Priestly John, f p 2 s Queen's Ave Percival James, f p4s Queen's Ave Philp John, t and i . .4 e Clarence Pringle John, f 13 n Queen's Ave Powell George jr, f pone Queen's Ave Parker John, f e Wellington Portwood Joseph, f p 5 w Waterloo Partridge Edward, f p 16w Waterloo Powell George, f p 16 e Wellington Prescott George, £ Is Oxford Phair Henry, f .e Richmond 274 2816 . . Rowland Frederick, f p 10 n Dundas 275 2863 .. Robinson Joseph H, f 8 276 2668 J Rowland Alfred, t 8 277 2892 J Romborigh.lokn, t p6 278 2915 .. Reeves Joseph t 4 279 2933 .. Ross Jo.. ., t ..3 280 2948 .. Ranahan Jdm, t 1 281 2974 J Rogers James, f and i p 4 n e Dundas 282 2981 J Ross John, f p 5 s e Queen's Ave ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3} fe ^>. 'ks // v*^ ^ •^^>^ ^J^' V 1.0 1.1 III ISl u 110 25 2.2 2.0 ■^ •)•■ u& ■1.25 1 1.4 U4 4« _ PhotQgrafJiic Sciences Corporation 23 WBT MAIN STREiT VVIBSTIII,N.Y. I45M (71«)t72-4S03 4^ 90 WARD NO. 4. No. oil No. on Lirt. Boll. 283 3023 284 axm 286 3049 286 3070 287 3076 288 309i> 289 3128 290 3166 291 3167 292 3178 293 3207 Jurors. J Reid Robert, t •...».. .....p 7 b Queen's Ave „. Robertson James, i ••....««..p 10 '* .. Richardson Alfred, i p 10 '* . . Reed Edmund B, f and i. 5 n Queen's Ave J Reid William J, t 9 " . , R«id Nathaniel, { p 5 s e Dufferin Ave J Robertson Alex, t. * ,. .p 5 w Waterloo J Rooks William H, f ...p 16 e Wellington .. RooksJohnW.f p 16 " . . Renwick General, f 7, 6, 5 e Richmond .. Ryan Thomas, t " «*i 204 2829 J 295 2859 .f 296 2663 J 297 2867 • * 298 2868 . , 299 2877 , , 300 2878 a , 301 2887 « • 302 2889 , , 303 2911 J 304 2918 J 305 2953 J 306 2968 J 307 2988 308 2994 , , , 309 3017 , , 310 3034 , 311 3047 , , 312 3072 J 313 3082 , , 314 3085 , , 315 3088 , . 316 3100 J 317 3103 , , 318 3108 J 319 3109 , , Htcwart Haniuel, t p 10 n Dundas Strong William T, t 9 " launders William, f 8 " HmithFtank, f 8 " Shoii iteuben, f 8 " Summers B, t •. 7 ** Summers K, t 7 " Salter John, t , p6 *• Sumerville William, t p 6 " Spry Abraham, f 4 " Saunders John, t 3 " Smyth John W, t. . . ,' 1 n e Dundas Steenbnrg William, t p 3,4 " Stone Ashbell C, f and i p2se Queen's Ave Smith John, t 1 *• Simmons Chas, t p4s Queen's Ave Skirving David S, t p 10 SmylieR W, i p 10 Soreaton Arch, t p 6 n Queen's Ave Smith William S, f 14, 15 Skeffington J, t p 2, 3 n e Queen's Ave Smith Frank, f p 3, 4 " Shopland John, f p4se Dufierin Ave Strong Henry, f e Picton Spittall Robert, f w Picton Smith Frank, f se Dufferin Ave '.A f «^ WARD NO. 4. No. on No. on Lilt Roll. .Turon. 320 3113 .T Symonds Harry C, t , e Wellin^n 321 .3118 .. Shopland John, f 17 w Wellin^n 322 3133 .. Smylie Robert W, t 15 w Waterloo 323 3134 ., 8ouni;;e John, t and i 15 " 324 3135 . . Shanly James, t and i p 16, 16 e Wellington 326 3168 J Smytii William J, t and i. ..... p 16, 16 " .326 3170 ., Southcott John J, f..,. 6w Wellington .327 3173 . Spence Nathaniel, t 680xford 328 .3173 .. Sinclair Dnncan, f 6 " .329 3176 J Strang Henry, f 4 " 330 3187 J Smith Joseph, t 6 n Piccadilly 331 3196 .. Slater Abraham, f. e Richmond 332 3200 J Smyth William H, t " 3.33 3201 ,. Shelton George, t " 3.34 2814 J 335 2832 J 336 2856 J 337 2858 J 338 2904 J .339 2905 J 340 2916 • •• 341 2941 .342 2964 343 3007 344 3062 346 3137 346 3162 347 3166 Tennent John, t p 10 n Dandas Tackaberry William, t...... p 10 " Thompson John R, i 9 " Turner James W, t 9 " Treblecock John C, t 6 *' Treblecock George T, t 5 " Thompson Richard, f 4 " Thomas Edward, f 2 Tibba John, f p2ne Dundas Tambling Thomas, f 3s Queen's Ave Thornton William, f w Clarence Thompson Richard, f p 15, 14 e Wellington Thompson Richard, f p 16 " Taylor James, t p 1, 2 w Wellington 348 2939 Vickers Frederick, t. . , p 2 n Dundav 91 WARD NO. 4. No. on Na on Uat. Roll. 349 2823 350 2826 351 2867 352 2864 363 2866 354 2879 355 2883 356 2890 357 2900 358 2913 359 2927 360 2931 361 2932 362 2943 363 2949 364 2962 365 2964 366 2996 367 2998 368 3001 369 3005 370 3027 371 3031 372 3072 373 3073 374 3077 375 3083 37fi 3090 . 377 3096 378 3127 379 3182 380 3186 381 3208 382 3213 Juron. J WebbWilliwm,t plOnDnudM J Westlwid William E, t p 10 " J WUson NinoMi, t ' 9 " .. Wright John, f 8 •• .. WrightJohn,f 8 •• J WignoreWmH.t ..7 " .. Wigmore William, t...^ 6 " J Wil8on.Mo8e«, t 6 " .. Wiman ,t 5 *' J Whiskard Thomas 6, t 4 " J Walker Henry, t 3 •* J Woodliff George W, t 2 " J WoHe Henry, t 2 ** .. Williama John, t I '* .. WhiteJohn,t 1 " J West Joahna, t . 1 n e Dandat J Weekea Cyrus H, t I J Wright John, f aitd t Is Queen's Ave J Wright Thomas, t 1 J Wheaton Adam, t p 2 '* J Williams George H, t p3 " .. WoodrnflF William, t and i p8 " J White John, t p9 " .. Webster Thomas J, f p6n Qaeen's Ave Webster George, f ,.7 '* .. Wilson Josiah G, t and i 10 " J . Walker John, f and i 1, p2ne Queen's Ave J Wyckoff Charles, f p4 •« Warner William, f p .5 " J Wilson Ninean, t p5w Waterloo J Webb Richard J, t In Piccadilly .. Wilson David, f 5 . . Walsh John, t i n Dufferin Ave J Weston Fete?;, f e Richmond ^ ^^'¥- y- I, Alexandkb Samubl Abbott, Clei^k of the Maoioipality . of the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, do hereby certify that the above list is a correct roll of the 4th Ward of the aaid Municipality, to be entitled to vote at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly, and that a copy of such list was first posted in my office, at the City Hall, on the 29th day of August, and I hereby call upon electors to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are perceived theiein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according io law. Dated this 29th day of August, 1879. ALEX. S. ABBOTT, Clerk of the Municipality of the City of London. .^^^-p h No. B Ward. No. on No. ou List. RoU. 1 4026 2 4030 3 4048 4 4103 5 4118 « 4147 7 4165 8 4169 9 4180 10 4234 11 4280 12 4280 13 4291 14 4308 FIRST DIVISION. Jurors. . . Allen Thomaa, f p 22 a e York J Ashby John, t and i p 21 ' Atkins William, t p 9 e Burwell J Atkins Samuel, t p 24 n e York .. VUenHugh, f p30 J Ashplant Hubert, t p 22 a e King . . Anderaor Richard, t p 16, 15 " J Atkina John, t p 5 e Burwell J Adama John, f and i p 11 a e King AUdia Jamea, t p 30 n e King J Alexander James, t. p 16 a e Dundas .. Abbott Hodaon G, f p 16 J Abbott Samuel W, f and t*. p 4, 5 J Allison Charlea, f p6 " 15 4006 , , 16 4018 J 17 4020 J 18 4029 J 19 4036 J 20 4065 J 21 4079 , , 22 4085 J 23 4094 J 24 4097 , , 25 4125 J , 26 4166 J Borland Jamea, t p 29 a e York Blackwell Edward, t .p 26 <' BrownHugh, t p25 " Bowman Daniel M, t and i .p 22 " Boyer John, t p 19 " Black Alexander, f pllne York Burnett Robert, t 17 " Beale Charles J, t p 19 " Bartley Charlea, t... ....22 " Broadley John, t p 23 '• Brown John, t p29ae King Brookes WiUiam, f p 15 " 96 So. on No. on Lirt. BolL 27 4172 28 4181 29 4190 30 4198 31 4206 32 4208 33 4209 34 4230 36 4243 36 424() 37 4264 38 4267 39 4282 40 4296 WARD NO. 5. ' Jurors. .. Baxter Hugh, t -P 6, 7 efinrwell .. Brown George, f p 6 n e King .. Byron Valentine, i ....p8 " J Bryoe William, f p 10 •• J Burdett George, f....... p 4 eBurwell J Brown JoaephR, tand i p4 " .. Boyle James B, f and i......... p 15ne King J Biggar John, f p 28 " J Barry Garret, t p 30 " J Bowman William, f 28 a e Dandaa J Bradford Amos, { p 20 *' J Broadbent .Joseph, f p 19 ** J Bridle Oliver J, I p 16 " J Baker David, t p 10 " 41 4017 J 42 4043 J 43 4047 J 44 4061 J 46 4063 J 46 4078 J 47 4108 ,, 48 4109 • • 49 4111 J 50 4120 J 61 4132 , , 62 4142 , . 63 4164 J 64 4171 J 66 4183 J 66 4186 J 67 4194 , , 68 4262 J 69 4?63 • • 60 4309 • • 61 4311 J Connor Peter, t p 26 s e York Cater Charles, t p 17 Cameron Alex D, t 15 " Cobbledick William, f p 9, 10 e Burwell Cameron Alex D, t p 10 " Cameron Alex D, t.. p 16 n e York Collinson John, f p 26 " Collinson , f p 26 " Constantino John, f and i p 27 " Crittle William, f 30 ■ e King Chapman William, f p27 " Connor Welli>.5(ton, f .p 24 " Chadwick Sidney, t p 16, 16 Crofts Robert, t p 6, 7 e Borwell Case William, t p6ne King Chapman Charles, f p6 " Cattermole James, f and i p 9, 10 " Crawford Samael, f p 24 s e Dundas Cairns William M, f p21 " Corrigan Christopher, t and i p 6 " Cannom Thomas, t and i p 6 " r- ^'^^rjl Ma on No. on Lirt. Roll. 62 4031 63 4032 64 4041 66 4060 66 4064 67 4067 68 4069 69 4076 70 4076 71 4088 72 4099 73 4150 74 4163 76 4161 76 4189 77 4190 78 4196 79 4202 80 4214 81 4216 82 4217 83 4218 84 4229 86 4235 86 4238 87 4247 88 4284 89 4287 90 4290 91 4304 92 4312 WARD NO. 6. 97 Juron. J Downes Duncan, f and i p 21 ■ e York Donald Henty, f and i p 20 " J Denham David, t ,17 " J Dobbin James, t p tf, 10 e Barwell Dingwell John, t p 10 ■ e York Duncan George, f ..p line York J Doyle John P, t and i p 12 " .. Douglass John, t p 16 " » .. Dark, William P, f p 16 "* J Denholm Andrew, f p20 " .. DafkWilliam,f p23 " J Daroh James F, f p 22, 21 s e King . . Donnelly Henry, f and i p 21 s e King . . Dulmage Richard D, f and i p 17 " Dixon Thomas, f 7 n e King J Dixon William, t p8 " J Denham David, f p 10 •' ., DavisHenry,! 13 " ,. Daroh John, f .18,19 " J Dawson Wilborforce, t 21 " Dawson Benjamin, i 21 " ... Darch John, f 21 " . Dickson William J, f p 28 " .. Dark James, f p 30 " .. Donnelly James, t p 20 " .. Darch Robert, f 27 s e Dnndas J Dixon Thomas A, t 1 e Burwell , . Drought Henry Pigott, f p 3 " J Dewar Robert, t p 3 s e Dnndas .. DaleNath«i,f p8 . . Darch Robert, f 27 n e King 93 399; J 94 3997 . . 95 4077 J 9d 4078 , . 97 4083 J 98 4096 J Edwards William D, t p 24 n e Bathurst Edwards Harry, f p 24 Elliott William J, t and i p 16 n e York Elliott John, f p 16 Elliott Alfred G, t and i p 18 EUiott William t p 23 0t6 WiVKP;^0. u. No. on No. on Lilt. Roll. Juron. 99 4112 .. Element William, f and i p 27 n e York 100 4140 .. English Peter, t .'...p 25 s e King * 101 4270 .. Edwards Eliphalat, t and i ..p 18 e Maitlaud 102 4090 , , 103 4103 ^^ 104 4167 J 105 4238 «• 106 4238 • • 107 4240 • • 108 4260 J 109 4276 J no 429U J Fogg William, f and i. , p20ne York Frayne Samuel, { p 24 '* Fryer John W, t , p 15 a e King Ferguson Martin H, f. . .. , .p 30 n e King Ferguson William H, f p 30 ** Freeland Samuel, t p 30 ** Ford Henry T, t p22se Dundaa B'erguson Martin H, t p 17 " Fairbaim Walter, t and i. p 10 ** 111 4025 J 112 4040 • • 113 4069 • • 114 4079 fl • 115 4220 « , 116 4227 J 117 4257 J 118 4275 • . 119 4279 J 120 4283 J Gartley William, t.... ...p 23 se York Greer Abraham, t ...pl8 " Glass Matthew, f p 12 n e York Graydon Simpson H, f 17 " Glass Graham, f p 23, 24 n e King Grayson Michael, f p 28 " Glass John H, t and i p 23 s e Dundas Gibson Samuel, f p 17 '* Garlick Robert A, t p 16 •• Green Thomas, f 1, 2w Burwell 121 4011 .. Hill Robert, f p 27 s e York 122 4019 J Hills Robert, f p 24 " ff Xo. on Litt. 123 124 N 4285 101 4203 WARD NO. 5. Juron. J Loxton William JH.t p28«eYork .. Leonard EUjah, f 6 to 10 "• J Leonard Frank E, t 6 to 10 «* J Leonard Gharlet W, t 6 to 10 *• ... Leonards, f ..(itolO ** . . Lester Daniel, f au *' Parker Joseph, t p 25, 2() '• Plummer Alfred, t p 30 " Porte Andrew W, ( p 16 s e Dundas Philipps Wm H, f p 16, 15 Pethick George, t 1 c Burwell Peters Samuel, ( p 5, 6 s e Dundaa 224 3998 J Rowland Fiederick, f 25, 26 n o Bathurst 225 4000 . . Rowland Frederick, f 25, 26 226 4003 . . Reid Nathaniel, f 30 s e York 227 4047 .. RaynorJohn, f 15 228 4053 ,. RaynorJohn, f p 10 e BurweJl 229 4067 J Ryan James, t pllne York 230 4081 .. Ross John, £ p 18 231 4091 .. Ruse Samuel, t p2l 232 4093 .. Rowland Alfred, f p 22 233 4102 J Russell George W, t ..,p24 234 4110 .. Reid Nathaniel, f p 26 235 4112 J Randell George, t p 27 236 4114 .. Robinson John S, f 28 237 4126 J Richards William, f p 29 s e King 238 4130 . . Richards William, f p 29, 28 239 4132 J Reid Henry S,t p 27 " 240 4143 . . Riddle John, f p 24 241 4148 J Riddle George, £ 22 242 4155 .. Riddle VY ill iam, f p 21 243 4165 .. Rooks William H, f p 16, 15 " ^ VVAUD NO. 5. Mo. on No. on List. Roll. Juron. 244 4203 .. Reid Robert;, t.... 14, 15 n e King 245 4219 .. Rowland Frederick, t p22, 23 " 246 4304 J Runciman William, t and i p8se Dundu 247 3999 J 248 4010 J 249 4016 , , 250 4017 251 4018 . • 252 4023 J 253 4025 254 4023 255 4080 , , 25G 4086 , , 257 4095 , . 268 4114 J 269 411^ J 260 4129 J 261 4134 J 2|S2 4139 J 2tJ3 4143 J 264 4144 . , 265 4170 J 206 4174 , , 267 4181 , , 208 4184 , , 209 4199 , , 270 420O , , 271 4213 272 4215 , , 273 4221 J 274 4231 I 275 4253 J 276 4255 , , 277 4262 J 278 4265 J 279 4300 .J Simmons John, t p 25, 26 n e Bathunt Short Job, f p 28 8 e York Short TWilliam, f p 27 " Short Reaben sea, f p 26 " Short Reuben jun, f p 26 " Short John, f 24 " Short John, f 23 Short WiUiam S, t ' 24 " Sci^gga Henry, f , p 18 n e York Shuff George, t and i p 19 " Shaw James H, t p 22 " Showier Henry, t 28 " Smith Charles, t p 30 " Scott Robert, t p 28 s e Kin^ Saunders Jacob, f p 27 " Sanborn Geo W, t .p25 " Stone James, t ' p 24 " Shaw Charles D, t p 23 Stacks Henry, t p 6, 7 o Burwell Smith Frank, f p 6, 7 Smith Patrick, t pllse King Smith Roger, f p n e King Stevenson Hugh, f p 10 " Strong William T, t Stewart Samuel, f p 17 " Smallman Thomas, f 20 " .Short WilUam, f p 25, 26 Sargent Isaac, f p 29 " Spencer Wm M, f p 24 s e Dundas Saunders Stephen, f. . p 23 " Stickel Benjamin S, f p 21 " Smallman Thomas, f p 20 * " Stevenson Hugh, f 10 104 No. on No. on Uit. Roll. 280 4027 281 4045 282 4091 283 4151 284 4163 285 4199 286 4226 287 4278 288 4298 WARD NO. 6. Jurors. J Tarton Robert, t and i p22seYork .. Tucker WUliam, f p 16 " .. Tiffin WR,f p21 " J Trick Walter, t p2l8eKing .. TiffinWR,f pl6 " .. Tonkin William, t plOne King .. Tilley George, f. p 26 " J Tiffany GeorgeS, t and i p 16 a e Dundaa J Tweed John, t p 10 " 289 4020 , , 290 4037 , . 291 4038 . ■ 292 4052 J 293 4066 , . 294 4068 , , 295 4089 J 296 4097 « , 297 4098 J 298 4102 J 299 4109 • • 300 4138 J 301 4154 J ;J02 4156 J 303 4186 304 4191 J 305 4201 , , 306 4223 , , 307 4232 • ■ 508 4233 . , 309 4237 J 310 4251 , , 311 4256 J 312 4273 , , 313 4274 , , 314 4290 J , 315 4310 .1 Weekes William, f p 25 s e York Wiley James, f p 19 " Wiley William, f and i p 19 " Weathersou John, t p 10 o Burwell Walmsley John, f and i pllne York Wellington Charles, f p 12 Webb John H, t p 20* " Weir John B, f p 23 Wolaben Edward, t p 23 " Wiley John, t p 24 " Williams Hugh, t p 25 " Whittaker James, f p 25 s o Kin(( WiUmore Oliff, t p 21 " Willis Alexander, f 20 " Whitchurch Thomas, f p6ne King Wright John, f p 8 " Wallace Arth, f and i . . p 10 e Golbome, 11, 12 n e King Willis William, f p 25, 26 " Wetcott Thomas, f p 29 " Westcott William, f p 29 '« Wallace Andrew, f and i p 30 " Wigmoie Richard, f and i 25 s e Dundas Wilson David, t p 23, 22 " Webster John, f p 17 w Maitland Webster Isaac, f p 17 s e Dundas Webb Thomas R, f 3 " Wellstead John J, t and i p 6 " V-.^. . r^jnm WARD NO. 6. 105 No. on No. on Liat. Roll. 1 3349 2 3369 3 3409 4 3429 5 3430 6 3454 7 3514 8 3544 9 3581 10 3591 11 3603 12 3606 13 3615 14 3627 15 3641 16 3653 17 3656 18 3677 19 3683 20 3707 21 3756 22 3759 23 3701 24 3790 25 3798 26 3811 27 3819 28 3909 29 3910 30 3933 SECOND DIVISION. Jurors. . . Atkinson Thos, f la Scsth Allen James, f . . . . 13 n e Sonth J Aikens James, t p24se Hil^ .. Adams William F, f p 26 e Colbonie .. Adams William, f p 26 " J Allen Daniel, f ..p6tie Hill . . Atter John, f p 26 n e Hill . . Adams James, f p22Be Gray J Angles Samuel, f p 7 " J Auld John, t p 8n e Gray Adams Robert, t p 10 " J AUingham William, t p 12 '• . . Atkins Moses, f 17 " Alexander John, t p 22 " Ainslie Henry, t p 25 " J Aylsworth Ebenezer, f p29 •' J Allan James, f p 27 s Hamilton Road Ackland Peter, f . . . : p 20 s e Simooe ... AUway James, t p 18 " .. Atkinson William, t p 14, 13 " J Adams Lewia, t 15, p 16 n o Simcoe .. Addison Alex, t p 17 *' J Arthur James, t p 17 " J Amos John, f and t p 29 u Hamilton Head . . Ardill James, f p 30 " Alley Henry B B, f p 24 s e Horton . . Alward Samuel, t p 18 " .. Ash James, t 21 n e Horton Alward George, t p 22 •' . . Allen Michael, t p 30 ■ e Bathtunt 31 3257 .. BaUey WiUiam, f 6sPhilip 32 3286 .. Butham John, f 20aN«lMo 106 WARD NO. No. 01 1 No. on Liat. Roll. 33 3337 34 3351 S5 3425 36 3426 37 3431 :« :M93 39 3503 40 3605 41 3506 42 3610 43 3515 44 3526 45 3532 46 3534 47 3547 48 a^9 49 3554 50 3658 51 3670 S:2 3584 53 3633 54 3652 55 3675 56 3689 57 3698 58 3725 69 3726 60 3727 61 3740 62 3753 63 3762 64 3776 66 3781 66 3786 67 3786 68 3788 69 3794 70 3799 71 3803 72 3833 73 3862 74 3843 76 3844 76 3846 77 3874 78 3914 Jorora. Breeze William, t p 15 a South . . Bruce Henry, f 4e Waterloo . . Brooks Philip, t 288e Hill Blackburn Thomas, t p 27 e Colboroe J Brown Matthew, f and i 35 J Bunn Joseph, t p 18 n e Hill .. Baxter Julius, t p 21, 22, 23 •' . . Brant David, t p 21, 22, 23 .. Burgess Alex, t p 21, 22, 23 J Buckingham John, f p 24 " J Beltz Henr>, t. . p 26 .. Brown Williaifa, t p 29 s e Gray .. BeUHenry.t p 26 .. Brierly Joseph, t p 26 " Brooks James, t p 21 " .. Borland John, t p 20 " Bradley James, f p 17 " . . Bradley Dennis, f pl6 " Boyle John, f 5 w Colborne J Blackwell William, f and i p 6 s e Gray •1 Brown James H, t p 24 n e Gray ... Brennan Patrick, t p 28 " . . Bryanton Robert, f p 21 s e Simcoe .. Branton John, f p 18 " .. Butler Cornelius, f p 16 " J Bailey John, t p7 ., Boyle John, f 7 .. Breden John, t ; 6 " J Bodkin John, f .p 10 u e Simcoe J Barron John L, t p 20 e Burwell Bell James, f 17 n e Simco« J Brown Thomas, f p 23, 24 " J Bryoe John, f 25 n Hamilton Boad J Barrett Frederick A, t p 27 " J Brown Thomas, f p 28 " J BeUHenry.t p 28 " .. Beverly John, f p 30 " .. Beattie John N, t p 30 " Brown Thomas H, f p 28 ■ e Horton o Brook William, f p 17 « Burwsll Blair James, f p 8 ■ 6 flortoo J Brodie Hugh, t p 12 " J BellThomasW.t p 12 " J BeUJohnE,t p 11 " J Brown George, f and i 21 a • Horton J BUokwellJohn, t p22 •* WARD NO. 5. No. on Na on Lilt Roll Jurors. 79 3939 .. fiunu JiuneB, f 27 a e Bathnnt 80 3962 .. Bryoe John, f p22 81 3971 .. BuckeAlmoD, t p 12 82 3983 J Burt .John L, f and i 7 83 .3987 . Bodggood Robert, f p9 ♦' 107 84 3226 , . 85 3254 . , 86 3264 87 3264 88 3307 • . 89 3325 J 90 3331 , . 91 .3389 J 92 3390 .T 93 3389 , , 94 3400 , • 95 3432 , , 96 3446 J 97 .3494 , . 98 3507 , 99 3517 J 100 3521 , 4 101 3538 J 102 3558 J 103 3578 , , 104 3589 T 105 3594 , , 106 3612 J 107 .3613 J 108 .3614 J 109 :1667 J no 3668 , , 111 3726 .1 112 3727 • m 113 3743 J 114 3754 .1 115 3771 , , 116 3780 , , Conroy Philip, f 26, 25 n Trafalgar Gavanagh Edward J, f Is Philip Cotter James, t 4n Philip Caldwell Moaes, f 4 " Caraon Thomaa, t : ... .28 a Soath Carty Robert, f 20 " Crane Greorge, t p 17, 16 " Coulter John, t 28 n e South Calder William, t 28 Clarke John G, f p 27 a e Hill Copeland Joseph, t p 27 " Cotman Henry A, f p 37 w Colbome Curran John, f.., 78e Hill Church Frank, f p 17 n e Hill Creighton James, f p 21, 22, 23 " Cole Thomas, t • .p 27 " Cowan laaac, t p 29 " Cannom Matthias, t p 24 a e Gray Carney Patrick, t p 16 " Carter Edmund, t p 8 " Chapman John, f p7Dc Gray Campbell George, t p8 *' Carswell Thomas, f p 16 " Crosbie Robert, t 17 " Coveny John, t 17 " Carter Joseph, t and i 23 a e Simcoe Cattermole James, f 23 " Chadwick William, t p 7 " Christie John, f 6 a « Simcoe Cain William, t p 11 " Chalmera Thomas, *; p 20 e Burwell Cooper William D, f 21 a • 8i'ncu e Clarke Alexander, f p 23, 24 " 108 No. on No. on Uat. Roll. 117 3800 118 3806 119 3811 120 3837 121 3854 122 3858 123 3884 124 3906 125 3966 126 3974 127 3976 128 3981 WARD NO, 5. Juron. ... Campbell George, t p .SO n Hamilton Road J Oonnor John, t p 27 ae Horton J Carty George, t p 24 . . Clifton John W, t p 19 e Burwell Comber Joseph, t p7Be Horton J Calandar Andrew, t p7 " J Clampitt Bartholomew, f 29, 28 e Colborno J Cox John, f p20n c Horton J Collett Charles, t and i p 13, 14 e Bnrwell J Cox Thomas, f and i p 12 s e Bathurst . . Clampitt Bartholomew, f 32, p 31 " .. (.!ole Abraham, f p6 " 129 .1238 1.30 32.39 LSI .328(i 1.S2 3318 J 133 3393 134 .3412 135 3441 136 3443 137 3444 138 3465 J 139 3528 140 3530 141 3539 142 3541 143 3576 144 3577 145 3624 J 146 3626 J 147 3642 . . 148 3655 . , 149 3721 J 160 3728 J 151 3766 . . 152 ,3794 J 163 3801 J Davidson James, f pl7n Trafalgar Duncan Geoi-ge, f p 16 " Duncan Hodgins, t 20 n Nelson Depper Augustus, f p 24 s Sonth Depper Henry, f p 29 s e Hill Dunlop Samuel, t p22 " Durk in Michael, f 21 " Durkin Martin, £ p 8 '• Drury Thomas, f .p 8 " Durkin Michael, f p8ne Hill Dyer Edward, f p 29, 28 s e Gray Dalton William, f p 28 " Depper Charles, f p 24 " Denner Adam, t p 24 " Dilks William, f 8 " Dodd William, t 8 " Doidge John, t p 20 n « Qny Dogherty Thomas, f and i 21 " Drake Phineas, f p 25 " Durden Alex, f p 28 • Hamilton Road Dean Jonas, t p 9 s a Simcoe Donovan John, t p 6 ne Simao« Dodds John G, f p 20 " Day Sampson, t p 30 n Hamilton Road Dagg Richard, f p 30 " ^ WARD i;(). ». No. on No. on Lilt Boll. Juron. 164 3846 J Dobbie Thomas, t and i p 12 i e Horton 165 3886 .. Denton John M, f p line Horton 166 3951 J Depper Charles, f p 22 s e Bathurat 109 157 3297 . . 158 3376 , , 159 3460 , , 160 3476 J 161 3536 J 1G2 3537 , , 1G3 3566 J 164 3569 • ■ IGo 3573 , . 166 3598 J 167 3635 , , 168 3708 . , 169 3767 J 170 3793 J 171 3806 , , 172 3818 J 173 3889 J 174 3944 , , 176 3952 J 176 3960 J English Thomas B, f p 24 n Nelson Earl James, t 21, 22, 23 n e South English Richard, t p6ne Hill Ellis William, f 14 s Colbome Evans John, f p 26 s e Gray Evans Thomas, f p 25 " Ellis Thomas, f 10,0,8 " Ellis Thomas, f ..6 e Colbome Elliott John W, t p 2 s e Gray Ellison Joseph, f p 9 n e Gray English Wm, f p 24 " Elliott John B, f p 13 s e Simooe Edwards William D, t 21 n e Simcoe Eaton Thomas, t p 30 n Hamilton Road English Adam, f p 27 s e Horton Eckhart William D, t and i p 18 " Evans Richard, t p 12 n e Horton Ellis William, f p 26 s e Bathorst Eckhart David E, t p 22 " Evans William, t .....p20 " 177 3267 178 3317 179 3327 180 3421 181 3497 182 3623 Fordham John, t p 6 n Philip Fleming John, f p 24 ■ South Flack William, f 18 " Fitzhenry William, f p 16 s e Hill Fiddis James, t p 18 n e Hill Fitzgerald Gerald, t p 29 " no No. on Mo. on Lin. KoU. 183 3602 184 3607 185 3696 186 3710 187 3749 188 3821 189 3893 190 3899 191 3903 192 3927 193 3928 194 .3936 WARD NO. 5. Jnron. . . Fiddis Thomas, t p 10 n e Ony J Fftirbaim James, t and i p 12 " J Finch Henry, t p 17 s e Simooe J Fox William, t p 12 J Fleming John, f p 12n e Simooe J FreeUnd Edwin J, t p 17 a e Horton J Flock George R, t and i p 29 e Colbome J Fairbairn Walter, f P 16 e Burwell Fletcher Samuel, t p 17 n e Horton J ForestalJohn, t p28 .. ForestalJohn, f p 29 " J Forestal John, f 26 s e Bathurst ,/ 195 3284 J 196 3294 • • 197 3317 J 198 3323 199 3339 200 3340 201 3345 202 3348 203 3371 204 3398 205 3402 J 206 207 3405 3427 J 208 3497 209 .3487 J 210 3509 J 211 3525 • • t 212 3635 , , 213 3556 J 214 3572 J 216 3574 , , 216 3590 J 217 3597 J 218 3635 J 219 3646 , , 220 .3649 • • Godwin James, t 1 n Philip, 1 s Nelson Glynn Nicholas, f ." p 24 n Nelson Greaaon Christopher, t p 24 s South Grant William, t 21 Gale Enoch, f p U " Gale Shadrach, f p 14 " Grant Stephen, i City Hospital Geary Thos D, f 2 8 South Geary John, f p 14 n e South Green Henry C, f p 27 s e Hill Galpin Richard, t p 26 " Gray Mark, t p 26 " Goodier Frederick, f p 27 e Colbome Guest Charles, f p 18 n e Hill Gray Michael, f 14 " Godbold Abaolom, t p 24 " Gunn George M, f p 29 s e Gray Greer Benjamin, f 26 " Glasgow George, f p 17 " Granger Augustus, f 3 '* Gleason William, f 2 " Gowanlock Robert, t p 8 n e Gray Golding William, f and i p9 " Gilbert John B, t p 24 " Green Thomas, « p 26, 27 " Giles Thomas, t p 27 " No. OD Mo. on Lift. BolL Jar 221 3660 J 222 3082 223 3702 224 3712 J 226 3741 226 3745 227 3810 J 228 3842 229 3885 J 230 3902 231 3952 232 3955 J 233 3969 , , 234 3976 J 236 3982 J 236 3985 .. WARD NO. 5. Ill n. Ooald Rioluird, t p 26 ■ H«mllt«B Ko«d Onydon Alfred, t p 18 1 e Simooe OlMton John, t p 14 " Oidley Bartholomew, t p 12 " Oraham WUliam F, f p 10 n e Simooe Green Henry C, t p 12 " Oale Enoch, f p 24 s e Horton Oreenleee Andrew, t p 12 " Oildart Henry, f 27 e Colbome Qatteridge John, t p 17 n e Horton Oough Richard, f p228e Bathurat Ounn Alexander, t p 21 Oillett Lorenzo, t .p 20 Ounn John, t p 32, 31 Qoodacre Edwin, f p 6 Gibling , f p 9 237 3249 238 3267 239 3288 J 240 3305 241 3341 242 3363 243 3366 J 244 3388 246 3390 246 3397 J 247 3424 248 3433 249 3434 260 3436 J 261 3447 J 262 3460 J 263 3471 J 264 3477 , , 266 3482 J 266 3492 J 267 3563 J Hester Terraace, f 16 s'Nelson Hoskins William H, f 5 n Philip Hosie John, f > 21 n Nelaon Heuey John, t 29 " Hiltoa.jGreorge, f . .;•;_;.. .p 13 8 South HulburFWtniam^ f .77 ...p SSTeXrolConae Hnlbert James, f 33 n e South Hiscox GeorgeT, f 27 " Hisoox Thomas, f 28 " Housen John, f p 29, 28 s e Hill Hennesey John, f 29 " Hill James, t .p 37 w Colbome Hodaon Joseph, t p 26 " Harrison Thomas, { 24 " Higman Robert, f p 6 a e Hill Hennesey John, t p 6 " Hurkitt Caleb, f p 19, 18 n e Hill Hopperton Thomas, t 16 e Colbome Home John, f 12 n e Hill Halley William, f and t 17 Harter Joseph, f p 19, 18 s e Gray 112 Nd.on No. on Urt. BolL . luro 2S8 3601 J 2fi9 3610 • •• .260 3633 • ■■ 261 3638 J 262 3639 J 263 3643 , , 264 3662 , , 265 3662 ^ , 266 3665 J 267 3674 J 268 3677 , , 269 3684 , , 270 3685 J 271 3703 • ■ 272 3705 , . 273 3719 J 274 3768 J 276 3771 J 276 3777 J 277 3778 278 3779 J 279 3831 280 3866 J 281 3879 282 3891 283 3907 284 3907 J 285 3911 286 3914 287 3946 288 3954 289 3968 290 3968 291 3976 292 3979 J WARD NO. 6. Halpin John, t p 10 ne Gray Huuiftfin Timothy, f 16 HurriMD John, f p 24 Henderson Riohwd, t and i p 24 Holyoftke George, t p 25 H»rrie Jeremiah, t p 25 Henry Anthony, p28 Hindmarch John f p 25 s Hamilton Road Harrison John, f 24 a e Simooe Hookin Samuel, t , p 21 " Hagan Henry, t p 20 " Hobbina Dennis, t .' p 18 " Homsby Robert, t - ...pl8 Heaman John, f p 14 " Hunter John, t p 13, 14 " Hayes John, t p 10 " Ham James, t p21 " Hayhoe Edward J, t . . .p 21 " Hilson Henry, f p 22 " Hilson Richard, f p 22, 23 " Holmes John, t p 24 " Hawkins John C, f p 17 e Burwell Hayes Francis, t p 14, 15 n e Horton Hurdle John, f 24 Hockin William, t p 12 " Harper John, t • p 20, 21 •• Hawkins George, f p 20, 21 " Hoskina Jeremiah, f p 22 " Hoskins William H, f p 22 " Holgate William, f ..p 24 s e Bathurst Heaver Frederick, f p 22 " Haggarty John, t p 21 " Hookin WiUiam, t. p 12 " Hogarth Robert, t p 32, 31 " HaU Thomas A, f and i 5 293 :M74 J 294 3765 J 296 3988 J Ingram Charles, f 17 w Culbome Impett Stephen, f p 20 n e Simcoe Isherwood Thomas, f .p 10 s e Bathurst Ko. on No. on Liat. Roll. 296 3330 297 3332 298 3348 299 3379 300 3393 301 3399 302 3420 303 3436 304 3438 305 3469 306 3494 307 3512 308 3546 309 3560 310 3656 311 3657 312 3570 313 3586 314 3624 315 3641 316 3658 317 3714 318 3750 319 3809 320 3812 321 3943 WARD NO. 5. lis Joron. . . Jonet ThomM, f p 17, 16 • South ,. Jones William, f p 17, 16 " .. James Matthew, t 2 " . . Jones Thomas, t 21, 22, 23 n e 8ooth J Jean Philip T, t p29aeHiU ,. Jones , f p27 " J Johnston Noah, t p 17 " . . Jones William, f p 26 w Colborne J Jaokson Michael, f 23se Hill J Jones William, f 20 n e Hill Jamieson David, t p 17 n e Hill J Johnston William, f p 24 •' J Johnston Alex, f p22ae Orsy J Jones Henry, f '. p 20 *' '.. Johnston Albert, t p 17 " .. Jones John, f p 17 " J Johnston Henry, t. 6 w Colborne Jameson John, f p68e Oray . . Jones Henry, f p20ne Gray . . Jameson Joseph E, f p 25 " J Joy William, t 26, p 27 s Hamilton Road J Jarvis James, t pll se Simooe J Jury William, t p 19 6 Barwell Jenkins Thomas, f p 24 • e Horton J Johnston George, f p 23 •' Johnston Samuel, f . .p 26 s o Bnthunt 322 3272 323 3402 324 3423 325 3448 326 3459 .S27 3501 :i28 3657 329 3722 330 3739 331 3848 332 3865 Knox Robert, f 10 n Philip Keast Samuel, f p 26 s e Hill Kelly William, f 30 '• Kerchener Frank, t p 6 " King John, t p6ne Hill Kennegesser Otto, f p 21 *' King Terrence, t 26, p 27 " Kennedy Thomas, f ..p9se Simcoe Kelly John, f p 10 1. o Simcoe Kerns John W, f Use Horton King Charles, t p 7 " 114 WARD KO. S. No> OB Vo, on LM. BoU. Jaron. 8SS 8887 .. Kennedy Jeremiah, { pllneHorton SS4 3892 .. KenieJobnW.f p 12 886 3938 J Keown Jamei, t p 28 • e Belhont 336 3290 , « 337 3334 , , 338 3373 , , 330 3417 , , 340 3418 , , 341 3542 , , 342 3563 , , 343 3687 J 344 3630 • • ■ 345 3668 J 346 3750 , , 347 3839 J 348 3862 J 349 3882 J 350 3888 J 351 3978 , , LMmerton Willi«m, t 22 n Nelaon Leid June*, t p 16 b South Logan Robert, f 18 n e South Lee John, f p 18 a e Hill Logan Robert, f p 18 " Lament Allen, f p 24 s e Gray Lament John, t 14 " Loyd Offen, f p 6 n oUray Lawrence WiUiam. t p 22 " Lightheart Samuel, t 23 a e Simcoe Lunay Jamea, f p 19 e Burwell Lotteridge Samuel D, t p 12 a e Horton Laurance Thoa M, f 13 e Waterloo Lee Roger, t ..29e Colbome Lang Jamea, t p 12 n e Horton Leonard Elijah, f 31, 30, 1, 2, 3, 4 a e Bathurat 352 3316 353 3324 J 354 3326 J 355 356 3365 3377 J 357 3383 J 368 3411 J 369 3428 J 360 3481 J 36i 34S6 ^ 1 Mahon Lawrence, f p 24 a South Matthewa Anthony , t p 21 " Morehead William H, t 18 " Marahall Jamea H, t 6 n e South Muir John, t 21, 22, 23 ne South Miohelmore Thoa, t 24 " Maddiver John, t p 23 a e Hill Mortimore John, f p 27 e Oolbome Moran John, f 13 ne Hill MollenJohn f..., 13 " WARD NO. ft. ll» /^ No, on Ma on IM. RolL Jnn .362 3406 . . 36» 3602 . , .364 3522 .J .365 3528 - • .366 .3564 , , .367 :M88 J 368 .3619 .1 361) 3628 . , 370 .3660 • . .371 3660 .372 .3665 .1 373 3«72 J 374 3723 376 .37.39 376 .3744 377 3748 378 .3764 .379 3789 . ■ . 380 3792 . • 381 3803 J 382 3813 J .383 .3828 , a .384 .3831 J .386 3847 J 386 .3857 J .387 .3869 • • :Vi8 .388 " . . McNalley James, f p 17 e Burwell J McGregor Daniel, f p8se Horton J McKittrick WiUiam, f p 10 n " J McLellan John, f and i 20 w Colhorne J Mcliean William, t pl2ne Horton . . McFarland William, t p 25 429 3301 . . 4.30 3394 , 431 3.395 , , 4.32 3445 J 433 3537 J 434 3596 Norris George, f p 25 n Nelson Neabitt William J, f p 29 s e Hill Nesbitt James, f p 29 " Norman Charles, t 7 " Needham Charles F. t p 25 s e Gray Norris George, f S n e Gray WARD NO. 5. 117 im iill ray 1^ No. on No. 0)1 Liat. Roll. Jurors. 436 3830 .. Nicholson William, t..... p 17 e Burwell 436 3861 J NichoUs William, t p 6 s e Horton jrne Way load ncoe 437 3322 438 3435 ,J 439 3463 . . 440 3031 J 441 3654 J Osborne William, t 21 s South Oaborn John, t p 25 w Colborne Orange .John, f p 7 n e Hill Olmstead Lewis, t p 23 n e Gray Odell John, f p 28 a Hamilton Road ncoe Hoad Road )rton rwell jrton r>orne ortoa H 'kelson eHill 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 466 457 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 3291 3368 3386 3397 3403 3404 3405 3412 3416 3416 3408 3473 3476 3493 3514 3525 3599 3600 3622 3623 3634 3686 3701 3703 Procter Alex G, f p 23 n Nelson Prodgers John, f 31 n e South Pannell John, f 24, 25 Porter John J, t and i 28 a e Hill Phillip.«. William, f p 26 " Pollard Joseph, f p 25 " Pollard Nioholas, f p 25 " Pratt William, £ p 23, 22 " Porter Henry, t 20 " Pannell John, f 20 " FandergaHt John, f p 8 n e Hill Pondergast John, f pl6w Colborne Paokham Patrick, t 15 e Colborne Peveller Dickson, t p 17 n e Hill' Peveller James, t p 26 " Peace Stephen, t p 29 a e Gray Parr Samuel, i p 9 n e Gray Patterson William, f p 10 " Phillips William t p 20 Phillips Patrick, f p 20 Pritchard George, t p 24 " Petch James, t p 18 s e Simcoe Palmer Robert, t p 15 Primrose Edward, t p 14 " 118 WARD NO. 5. No, on Mo. on List. HoU. 466 3752 467 3791 468 3798 469 3825 470 383;-) 471 3837 472 3878 473 3892 474 3895 47/> 3919 476 3927 477 3957 478 3969 479 3990 Jnrora. ui Partridge George, t. . . p 20 e Barwell Peneoot John, t p 29 n Hamilton Road . . Payne Stephen, t p 30 " Parke John G, t 16 s e Horton Pheniz William, f p 18 e Burwell .. Parsons E,f p 19 . . Partridge John, t p 24 n e Horton .. Parker Thomas R, t and i p 12 " J Purdom Alex, f pl5, 16e Burwell ... Palmer Henry S, t p 25 n e Horton . . Powell Ambrose B, f p 28 J Press Alfred, t p 21 s e Bathurst .. Peters ,t p 12 .. Perry James E, t p 11 " 480 .S931 J Quick James, f 30 n o Horton VA 481 3223 482 3245 483 3271 484 3293 485 3296 486 3302 487 3309 488 3337 489 3360 J 490 3374 491 3375 • ■< 492 3386 J 493 3420 494 3422 J 495 3457 496 3465 Renwick Genl, f s Trafalgar Renwick Genl, f 12, 1 1, II , 12 u Trafalgar Rogersou David, f 9 n Philip Ridley Albert T, t 23 n Nelson Roots William H, f 24 " Richards John C, f 26, 27, p 28 " Rose George, f c p 27 s South Roots Henry, f p 15 " Reed Sedwick, f 38 n e South Rose Hugh, f 20 Ryan Michael, t. 21, 22, 23 " Rockett Robert S, t p 25 Reid John M, f ; 17 s e Hill Reid John, f 13 " Robs Willimu, t p 6n e Hill Roach James, t and i p8 " .*^1 WARD NO. 5. 119 Mo. on Lilt. No. on KolL 497 3620 498 3545 499 3548 500 3652 501 3565 502 3611 503 3632 504 3648 505 3651 506 3675 507 3678 508 3679 509 3724 510 3729 511 3730 512 3732 513 3770 514 3783 515 3788 510 3814 517 3816 518 3873 519 3841 520 3850 521 3858i 522 3859 523 3861 524 3869 625 3870 52G 3938 527 3989 Juron. . . RoBconnell David, f p 26, 27, 28 n e Hill J Rapley Henry P, f 23, p 22 8 e Gray J Rapley Henry F, f 21 " .. Rapley George W, f p 19, 18 " J Redden William, f 13 " J Ryder George, f p 16 n e Gray .. Rundle David, f p 23 " .. Regan CorneliuB, t 26, p 27 " .. Ryckman Wm J, t p 28 " J Rose William, t p 21 s e Simcoe J Reid James, f p 20 ... Reiti David, t p 20 Ronan John, f 8 " J Robinson Francis jun, t p 6 n e Simcoe ... Robinson Francis, f 6 " Rosier James, t p7 " J Riddle Frank, t... p 21 Uoss Andrew M, f p 27 n Hamilton Road .. Riddle George, f p 28 .1 Roots John W, f p 20 8 e Morton .. Roots Henry, £ p 20, 19 " .. Ross James, f.. p 17 *' J Roe John A, t p 12 " J Ross James, f 10 '* . . Robinson Francis, f H " .. Robinson William, i 6 " . . Robinson Francis, f 6 " J Richards Edwards, t 17 n e Horton J Robertson Thomas, f aad i 18 " ... Rontledge John, f p 28 ■ e Bathnrst .. RttBsell Samael, t p U " 528 3266 .. Shields Charles, t 5 n Philip 529 3280 .. Swan Joseph, t 7 s Nelson 530 329H .. Smith Richard, f p 24 n Nelson 531 3313 .. Scott , f p 25 s South 532 3334 .. Scott Charles, f 16 " 533 3347 .. Slade Benjamin, f 3 " 634 3350 .. Scott Thomaa, t 1 " 120 Mo. on LUt. 535 536 537 53d . 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 675 576 577 578 579 680 WARD NO. 5. No. on Roll. Juron. 3352 .. Shelton Thomas, t 5 e Waterloo 3352 .. Sussex John, f 5 " 3353 .. Slade William, f 6 •• 3382 J Small James, t 24 n e South 3384 J Smith Wmiam, t 25 3403 J Sallman Christopher, t p 26 s e Hill 3424 J Schwab WUliam, t 29 " 3453 ,. Steele Marmaduke, f p6 " 3461 J Stanley Robert, f and i p 6 n e Hill 3483 J Sherbrook Edwin, f 11 " .3484 J Sansome John, t 13 " 3510 .. Simpson Richard, t p 24 " 3512 .. Scott Adam, t p 24 " 3513 J Shannon Charles, f 25 " 3524 .. Staples Samuel, f p 29 " 3541 . . Scandrett John, f p 24 s e Gray 3552 J Smith Frank, t p 19, 18 " 3583 .. Stead Charles, t p 7 s e Gr»y 3607 .. Siccomb Richard, f p 12 n c Gray 3627 .. Scott Robert, f p 22 " 3632 J Scott Harrison, f and t. . 23 " .3636 J Simpson Joseph, t p 24 " 3644 .. Shields .Tohn, t p26, 27 " • 3648 .. Shaw Richard, f p26,27 " 3G51 .. Smith Charles, f p 28 •• 3658 . . Shaw Richard, f p 27, 26 s Hamilton Road 3660 .. Slater James, f p 25 " 3713 . . Syme James S, t Use Simcoe 3738 .. Sampson Robert, f p 9 n e Simcoe .3752 . . Siecombe Richard, f p 20 e Barwell .3755 J Smith Enos, t 15 p 16 n e Simoos 3760 J Stewart James, t p 17 " 3774 . . Steele Cain, f p 22 " 3775 J Seijohn Isaac, f p 22, 23 " 3792 J Sare David, t and i p 29 Hamilton Road 3795 .. St John Philip, t p 30 38.39 ... Smallman James, f pl2se Horton 3840 J Smallman James, t p 12 " 3845 . . Smallman Thomas, f p 12 ** 3864 . . Sherbrook Richard, f p 14, 15 n c Horton 3879 .. Sutherland Sinclair, t p 24 " 3887 J Stanley Thomas, t p 11 " 3897 . . Smithson James, t.. , p 15, 16 c Burwell 3(KH . . Sf rongman Wm J, t p 17 n e Horton 3921 .. Sidney George, t p 25 " 3922 J Smith George, t p 25 " WARD NO. 121 *^ No. on No. on Liat. Roll. 681 3941 582 3942 583 3944 584 3948 585 3960 586 3958 587 3984 588 3991 Jurors. . . Smith Charles W, t p 26 a e B»thunt .. Smith George W, t p 26 . . Sfcraagman William, t p 26 " J Sleightholm Wm, f p24 " J Shaw Richard, f .....20 .. Smith Robert, f p 21 " J Smithson Thomas W, f 8 " J Smith Samuel, f p 12 •• ay acoe ncoe well 01000 Road Norton It ti lorton 589 3319 590 3331 , , 591 3355 . . 592 3358 . , 593 3413 J 594 3533 , . 595 3575 J 596 3674 • • 697 3680 , . 598 3691 599 3698 , , 600 3704 , , 601 3707 . , 602 3714 J 603 3730 J 604 3747 .T 605 3748 , , 606 3751 J 607 3757 J 608 3764 , , 609 3821 ^ , 610 3851 J 611 .3853 J 612 3864 J 613 3871 J 614 3925 615 3956 J Taylor Nicholas, t 23 a South Tambling George, f p 17, 16 " Temple Samuel, i 6 n e South Terry Henry, f 40 " Thompson Richard, f p 22 a e Hill Tolhurst John W, t p 26 a e Gray Tamblin George, f '. 1 " Tambling Thomas, f p 21 s e Simcoe Tambling Thomas, f p 20 " Tambling Thomas, f p 17 " Taylor George W, t p 16 " Thrower William, t p 14, 13 •' Tambling Thomas, f p 14, 13 " Taylor Benjamin, f 11 " Trimble George, t p 6 n e Simcoe Taylor William, t p 12 " Tambling Thomas f p 12 " Trace George, f p 19, 20 e Burwell Tilt James, f p 16 n e Simcoe Tracey John, f 18 " Tolhurst Joseph, f p 17 a e Horton Tracey John, f 9 " TurnbuU Andrew, f p 8 Thomlinson Calvin 8, t p 14, 15 u e Horton Taylor William, f and i 19 " Tait Andrew, t p 27 '* Trenham William, t p 21 a e Bathurat 122 WARD NO. 5. No. on No. on Llat. Boll. Juron. 616 3470 .. Vetoher George, f 19 n e Hill 617 3638 .. Vmwomer John W, f p24neOr»y 618 3835 . . Vanderwou ver Ferdinknd, t pl8« Bsrwell 619 3222 . . Wilson John, f 29 tt Trafalgar 620 3253 J Worthington James, f. 13 to 17 b Nelson 621 327r) . . Watson George, f 27, 26, 25 622 3280 .. Wells Thomas, f 7 623 3284 . . Warner William, f la Nelson, 1 n Philip 624 3290 J Wells Thomas, f 22 n Nelson 625 3294 . Wells Thomas, f 23 " . 626 3305 . . Webb Thomas P, f p 28, 29 627 3308 .. Webb Thomas P, f 29, 28, p 27 s South 628 3314 . . Webb Thomas P, £ p 25, 26, 27 " 629 3316 J Wright Thomas, t p 24 " 630 3319 . . Winnett Edward, f 23 " 631 3320 J Winnett Edward, f 23 " 632 3324 .. Winnett Henry, f 21 " 633 3332 . . Wilkinson Thomas, t p 17, 16 " 634 3354 . . Woodward Charles, f 7, 8 e Waterloo 635 3378 J Winnett Richard, f. 21, 22, 23 n e South 636 3408 J White Thomas, t p 24 a e Hill 637 3419 .. Warren George, t p 17 " 638 3427 . . Williams Andrew, t p 27 e Colborne 639 3433 . . Wyatt Hugh, f p 37 w Colborne 640 3442 J Watson John, t p 8b e Hill 641 3455 .. Watson John, f p 6 n e Hill 642 3480 J Wyeth William, f 15 e Colborne 643 3499 ,. Walker Thomas, f p 20 n e Hill 644 3600 J Wilson William, f p20 " 645 3404 .. Ward Frederick, t p 21. 22, 23 " 646 3519 .. Woodall Thomas, t p 28 " 647 3620 .. Walker Francis, t p 28 " 648 3524 .. Westcott Thomaa, t p 29 " 649 3531 . . Wigmore William, f 27 s e Gray 660 3651 J Walpole Thomas, t p 19, 18 " <^51 3569 J Watson Joseph, f and i p 16 " 32 3664 .. Wyatt William, f. 14 " 6^3 3667 •. Winnett John, f 7 e Colborne wmm No. on Lilt No. on Roll. G64 3583 656 3604 656 3605 657 3605 658 3609 659 3617 660 3618 661 3619 662 3647 663 3662 664 3682 665 3689 666 3695 667 3699 668 3699 669 3746 670 3748 671 3768 672 3764 673 3783 674 3802 675 3807 676 3808 677 3822 678 3849 679 3856 680 3860 681 3865 682 3894 683 3905 684 3918 685 3926 686 3934 (i87 3950 688 3962 689 3963 090 3967 691 3972 692 3973 693 3985 WARD NO. 5. 128 Juron. .. Wallace Henry, £ p7seGray J Winnett William H, f p 11 n e Gray J Wrighton Thomas W, t pll " ., Winnett John, f p H " . . Winters George, f 14 " J Warner Henry, t p 18 " .. Wright Frank, t p 18 " J Williams James F, t p 18 " .. Wickes Skee, t p26, 27 " J Wright Samuel, t p 25 s Hamilton Road J Ward William, f p IP s e Simcoe .. WhelanJohn, t p 18 .. Wells Isaac, f p 17 .. Woodfork Henry, t p 16 " .. VVardJohn,f p 16 Wilson Thomas, f p 12 n ebimcoe . . Watson William, f p 12 J Whateley Thomas, f p 16 .. Whateley Jonathan, t p 18 " J Williams John, f p 26 n Hamilton Road . , Whyte William, i s e Horton J Winslow James, t 26,25 .. Winnett William H, f 25 '* J Walton Henry, f p 17 " . . Watts William, t p 10 " .. Wilson Edward, t p7 J Wrighton Robert, t p6 " J Wheaton Edwin T, t p 14, 15 n e Horton .r Wilson Joseph, f pl5e Burwall J Whitehall William, t p 17 n e Horton J Weir Samuel, f 24 " ... Winslow Robert A, t p 27 " Wyatt (xeorge, f. p .30 s e Rathurst .. Watson (ieorge, f p 23 " J Wilson Nicholas, f and i. . . .p 17, 16, 15 . . Wilson Nicholas, f p 17, 16, 15 J Webb Thomas P, f p 13, 14 e Burwell J Webb Thomas P, f p 12 s e Bathurst J Wiley Alexander, t and i p 12 " .1 Whindell Samuel, t p9 134 WARD NO, 6. No. on No. on List. Roll. Juron. «94 3407 J Young Jo«iah, t p24teHUl «96 3672 .. Yate« ThonuB, t p 22 s e Simooe 696 3736 J Young William, t p 8, 9 n e Simooe 697 3827 . . Yates Ernest L, t p 16 s e Norton 098 3872 J Yates William, t p 20 n e Horton cm 39fi3 J V irick .John, t p 17, 16, l.^i s e Bathurst I, Alexander Samuel Abbott, Clerk of the Municipality of the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, do hereby certify that the above list is a correct roll of the 5th Ward of the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly, and that a copy of such list was first posted in my office, at the City Hall, on the 20th day of August, and I hereby call upon electors to examine the said list, and if any ocuBsions or other errors are perceived theiein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 29th day of August, 1879. ALEX. S. ABBOTT, Clerk of the Municipality of the City of London. No. 6 Ward. J No. on ygt. 1 No. on Roll. 4325 2 3 4354 4362 4 5 4377 4385 7 8 4552 4553 4559 9 10 4578 4584 11 12 4591 4623 13 4714 14 4813 15 16 4814 4815 17 4848 18 4334 19 4343 20 4344 21 4371 22 4373 23 4376 24 4398 25 4433 26 4466 27 4468 28 4472 29 4486 30 4518 FIRST DIVISION. Jurora. J Adams Henry, t p6ne Dundas J Anderson John, t p 7 " J Aapden Thomas, f 43,23 " J Atwood Peter H, f and t . . . p 3, p 19 s e Qaeen's Ave J Arnold Henry, t 10 e Maitland J Anderson Jas, f. . p 64 n Dufferin Ave,p 67 w Gartwright J Anderson George, f ....p67 " J Ashton Charles J, f p 73 e Gartwright J Anderson James, t In Puflferin Ave . . Ayers Charles F, f 15 " J Anstey Frank, t 33 " J Angns Robert, f p 2, 3 e William .J Adams John H, f p 6 s Gt Market •J Anderson Robert, t. . 44 w Palace J Adams Wm R, t 44 " J Adamaon James, t 44 " J Angus William, f p 54 e Palace J Brown Jacob, t ...... , p 10 n e Dundas J Ballevant Josephus, t 3 " J Barnard Peter G, t and i 3 " J Baldwin Maurice, f 7a Queen's Ave J Berry George, f 13 n Charles J BuUen William F, f 1, 2, p 3 s e Qaeen's Ave . . Brown Samuel R, f and i p 10 " J Blackwell Thomas, t p 12 n e Queen's Ave J Baldwin Maurice, f 21 e William J Bartlett Walter, f and i 18 s e Dufferin Ave J Bennett Robert, f 22 e Peter . , Bell William, t and i 31, 32 w Maitland J Bond Thomas, t and i p9se Dufferin Ave 196 WARD NO. (i Ncoii Mo. on LiM. Koll. 31 4618 32 4522 33 4623 34 4625 35 4528 36 4536 37 4536 38 4537 39 4554 40 4580 41 4681 42 4585 43 4591 44 4599 45 4663 46 4679 47 4686 48 4686 49 4706 50 .732 51 4741 52 4754 53 4756 64 4764 56 4766 56 4773 57 4791 68 4795 58 4799 60 4804 61 4815 62 4816 63 4827 64 4833 65 4856 66 4872 67 4874 Jurora. Bigga James, f p 9 s o Dufferin Ave J B»ll George, t p 9 " .. Buckle William D, £ p9 " Blackburn Jolin, t and i 7 " J Benson William D, t and i 5 " Birrell George, f p 7 n e Dufferin Ave . . Birrell William, f p 7 J Bennett John 0, t p7 J Bieoher George M, t p 67 w Cartwright . . Bryoe William, t 1 n Dufiferin Ave .. Brown Robert, f 1 " .. Brown John C,f 16 " .. Bartlett John, f 33 " J Bird Michael, f 17, p 16 . . Baker John, t pOs Bond J Birmingham West T, i In Bond Barton Thomas M, t p 25, 26 n Hope .. Boyd Robert, f p 25, 26 " Barrett Patrick, f 4, 5, 6 9 Gt Market J Boyd Robert, f pllse Colborne .. Birmingham W T, f p 15 " . . Brophy Patrick, t p 18 w Cartwright J Blackwell BVeeman, t p 18 " . . Buckle William D, f p 22 e Cartwright . . Banning William, f p 23 .. Banning William, f p 25 " . . Breen Philip, t p 33 e Miiitland .. Burke John C,f . . . p 34 .. Braimd George, f p 37 " .. Beecher Henry, t p 39, 40 J Braund George, f p 43, 44 w Palace .. Buckle William D, f p 45 .. Buckle William D, f p 47 . . Buckle William D, f 49 e Palace J Bradley John, f p 1, 2 e William J Bourne Edwin, t 3 Adelaide . . Puckle William D, f p 5 68 4359 J Conover Charles A, f p 4 w William 69 4368 . . Cronyn Verschoyle, t 9, 10, 1 1 n Queen's Ave -<: No. UII Lilt. Nu. on Roll. JUM 70 431)8 •• 71 43U9 .. 72 4392 .1 73 4400 .J 74 4419 J 75 4425 J 70 4455 77 44()3 J 78 4464 • 4 • 79 4476 80 4481 J 81 4481 , . 82 4494 J 83 4500 • • • 84 4524 J 85 4528 8« 4540 J 87 4548 J 88 4564 , , H9 4565 • t 90 4584 J 91 4589 , , 92 4595 , , 93 4604 J 94 4612 , , 95 4672 J 9(5 4703 . . 97 4713 J 98 4716 , , 99 4718 100 4721 • • 101 4738 J 102 4752 J 103 4755 J 104 4760 , , 105 4768 , 106 4800 , , 107 4827 J 108 4888 , , 109 4844 , , 110 4862 , , 111 4874 J WARD NO. 6, tm •n. Cronyii Veraohoyle, f 26, 27, 28, 51 n e Dnadat 19to 22 n Ohsrlet Cronyu Versohoyle, f p 22 n Ghwlet Colville CharleH VV, f Hue Qaeen'i Ave ClaroJohn K, t p8 " Crowe John, t p 6 " Ohilds Henry, t an 2 Adelaide vca. ind ide 246 4509 J Knowles John, f p 11 s e DuflFerin Are 247 4571 .. Kieler William, t p 72 w Maitland 248 4573 7 Kelly John W, t p 71 249 4329 .. Lancaster Joseph J, f and i p 8 n e DondM 182 WARD NO. 6. i No. 9n Utt. No. on Roll. 250 4375 251 4382 262 4412 253 4431 254 4444 255 4476 256 4479 257 4495 258 4505 259 4536 260 4555 261 4557 262 4596 263 4673 264 469(> 265 4774 266 4806 267 4828 268 4861 Juron. . . Lewis James, f p 13 n GluuriM Lofifui James, f 20, 19 s e Queen's Ave .. Lacey Hewser, t p7 " . . Lewis Robert, f p 8, 9 " .. Lloyd Thomas, f 26 " . . Lindsay Joshua, f 12 s e Dnfferin Ave J Lucas William J, f 38, p 39 J LongJamea, f 455 " J Liddicott Samuel, t 12 " J Lavender William, t p 7 n e Dufferin Ave J Lynch John, t 72 e Cartwright J Land James, t 72 " Lamb William, f p 18 n Dufferin Ave . . Lovo Francis, f pin Bond J Lundy William T, t 18, 19, 20 w Colbome J Lenox Henry, t 20 e Cartwright J Lally Michael, f p 42 w Palace . . Lewis James, f p 48 o Palace J Leadbeater (leorge, f 68 w William 269 4352 270 4355 • t 271 4356 272 4358 , . i;3 4360 274 4381 • . 275 4384 276 4390 277 4415 278 4418 , , 279 4422 280 4426 281 4427 282 4430 • • 2SA 4435 , , 284 4437 285 4443 J 286 4449 .r 287 4459 288 4470 , , Magee William, f p 19, One Dundas Mapstone William, f 7 " Mayo William, t and i 8 " Magee William, f 5 w William Moore Samuel, t p4 " Magee James, t pl7se Queen's Ave Martin Benjamin, t 10 e Maitland Mardon William, t [) 1.^ 14 w Maitland Mahon John F, t p6se Queen's Ave Murray James A, t and i p 7 n e Queen's Ave Morphy Andrew, £ p 9 " Murray William E, t and i p 10 w Colbome Morrison Donald, t and i p 10 " Michie John, f pll ne Queen's Ave Maylard Philip, t 2 " Mathewson Henry, f 4 " Moore William M, f and i 25 . " Murray Charles, f 22, 23 " Munroe John, f 27 s e Dufferin Ave Moran J, f 10 •' WARD NO. «. 183 n So. OB Na on Uat BoU. Jun 289 4475 . . 290 4480 , , 291 4619 J 292 4630 J 293 4634 , , 294 4681 296 4596 J 296 4697 J 297 4598 J 298 4604 , , 299 4633 J 300 4649 J 301 4676 . , ^2 4677 ' >3 4687 , , 304 4690 J 306 4696 J 306 4704 J 307 4705 J 308 4707 J 309 4711 J 310 4720 J 311 4729 J 312 4735 J 313 4736 J 314 4753 , , 315 4762 , , 316 4779 317 4'::^; V • 318 • '; > 31(> ■;■> 320 "■i '■ ' 321 4861 •" 222 4805 j "^3 4879 , , Milligaa Wm J L, t p 13, 14 s e Dufferin Ave Martdn John, t 37 " Martin £u7«rd, t p9 " Muir Thomas, f 1, p 2, 4 e Waterloo Matthews Richard F, f... p7ne Dafferin Ave Millar Thomas, t In DnfiFerin Ave Melbourne Andrew, t and i p 18 " Maddook Thomas, t 17, p 16 " Monroe Christopher, t 17, p 16 " Mullen Joseph C, f p 14, 13 " Morden David, f 21 s Bond Mitchell John, f p 70 e Gartwright Moffat James, f 10, lis Hope Moffat James, f 7, p 6 n Bond Mulrooney Matthew, f 24 n Hope Macey Arthur, t 22, 21 •• Mimna William, t 18, 19, 20 w Colborne Moore Thomas D L, t and i p 3 '< Mulrooney Matthew, f p 3 " Morphy Andrew, t — 78 n Great Market Morgan Walter, f 8 Masnret Moses, t I e Waterloo MichieJohn, t 4 " Moore David, t 12 e Colborne Mills James, t p 13 " Murphy Daniel, f p 17 w Cartwright Mitchell John, f p 17 " Macbeth Thomas T, f 27 " Martin Shadraoh, f p 31 w Maitland Morrison William, f p 39, 40 e Maitland Morrison John, f p 39, 40 " Magee William, f 60, 61 w William Murphy William, t p 1, 2 e William Medhurst Geo, f 2 n Bond Mescoe Henry, t p 5, 4, 3 e William 325 4321 J McKenzie James, t p6ne Dundas 328 4330 J McDonough William J,f p8 337 4332 . . MoClary 0, f and i . . p 9 n e Dnnd as, p 9 s Queen's Ave B 134 Neon Mo. on Lin. Roll. Jnr 328 4338 329 4379 330 4403 331 4419 332 4504 333 4505 334 4514 335 4516 J 336 4538 337 4562 338 4570 338 4586 339 4637 340 4651 341 4658 J 342 4093 343 4748 344 4766 , , 345 4769 . . 34() 4782 347 4785 J 348 4797 349 48U3 , a 350 4839 .. WARD NO. 6. MoGUiry Oliver, f p 10 n e DnncUw McKenzie George, t and i p 17 b e Queen's Ave McDonough Wm J, f p8 " McCormick Thomaa, f p7. 8ne Queen's Ave McLaughlin Patrick, f p 12 s e Du£ferin Ave McLean Allen J, f 12 McLean John, f p 10 " McDonald Donald, f p 10 McCormick Thomas, f p7ne Duiferin Ave Molntosh Francis, f p 74 e Cartwright McLaren Hugh, f p 72 w Maitland McLeod Robert, f . .p 17 n Dufiferin Ave McEweu James, f 7, 6 s Bond McLeod Thomas, f p 70 e Carbwright McBride Alex, £ 63, p 64 e Colbome Mcintosh Francis, f and i 18, 19, 20 w Colbome McKenzie Donald, f p 16 " McCracken John, t p 23 e Cartwright MoGrory John, t p 23 McMillan Malcolm, f 29 w Maitland McMiUan Archibald, f 30, p 31 McDonald Alex, f 35 e Maitland McCormick Thomas, f p .39, 40 e Maitland McKeown John, t 52 e Palace 361 4339 , , 352 4370 J 353 4460 J 354 4608 J 356 4615 366 4765 , , 367 4757 J 368 4727 Niven James S, f and i p 10 n e Dundas Newman Joseph, f 12s Queen's Ave Nichol John, f p 27, 26 s e Dufferin Ave Nichol Thomas, f p 12 Adelaide North Henry, t p 8 sBond Nugent Thomaa, f p 18 w Cartwright Nash John W, f p 19 Noble William, f 5 e Waterloo 359 4322 J Oliver Jamea, t pOneDandaa 360 4386 .. Oronhyatekha Dr, t 9 e Maitlaad WARD NO. 6. No. on No. on List RolL Jurora. 361 4386 .. Ormsby Nicholas, f 9 e MaitUmd 362 4402 J Oliver James jun, t and i p 8 a e Queen's Ave 363 4526 ... O'Connor WilUam, t and i 7 364 4556 J O'Gorman Daniel, t 72 e Cartwright 365 4583 J O'Mara Hujh, t p 15 n Dufferin Ave 366 4849 . . Owens Wade, f and i 55, 56 w William m 367 4399 J 368 4405 , , 369 4413 370 4420 • • • 371 4435 , , 372 4467 . . 373 4473 J 374 4483 J 375 4487 J 376 •M98 J 377 4607 , , 378 4515 , , 379 4517 J 380 4562 J 381 4566 J 382 4600 , , 383 4569 , , 384 4653 :^5 4656 386 4691 J 387 4798 J 388 4834 J 389 4843 , , 390 4850 J 391 4860 , , 392 4869 Phillips Henry, f p 9 s e Queen's Ave PhippsWmS, f p8 " Powell Horace, t p7 " Porte Andrew W, f p 8 n e Queen's Ave Phillips ,t 2 Peters John, f 20, 19 s e Dnffenn Ave Peddie Robert L, f and i 10 w Peters Pratchett William, t and i 28, p 27 e Maitland Pearce Charles, t 33 w Maitland Polton Richard, t 443 s e Dufiferin Ave Phipps Paul, f p 11 " Phipps Paul, f p 10 Phipps Paul, f p 10 " Porte Andrew W, t p 74 e Cartwright Park John, t p 74 Pheppard Moses, f p 16 n Dufferin Ave Peel Thomas, f p 74 e Cartwright, p 73 w Maitland Purdom Thomas, f p 68 w Cartwright Price Oliver, t 62 e Colbome Pring John, t 22, 21 n Hope Proctor John, f 36 e Maitland Parkhouse Wm G H, f 50 e Palace Pratt Edward, £ 52 " Pratt Edward, f 57 w William Pope William, f p I. 2 e William Pearoe John, t p 4, 5 n Bond 4780 .. Qoinmeatriok, f UeCedUMme 186 No. on No. on IM. BolL 394 1333 395 4346 396 4326 397 4394 398 4445 399 4465 400 4474 401 4478. 402 4482 403 4507 404 4533 405 4569 406 4572 407 4690 408 4616 409 4670 410 4683 411 4736 412 4751 413 4756 414 4790 415 4816 416 4826 417 4830 418 4862 WAED NO. 6. Juron. J Robbins Lewis, t »nd i p 10 n e DnndM J Rose John A, t 12 w MaitUnd . . Rooks William H, f p 6 n e Dandas Riddell John, t 16 s e Qaeen's Ave Rock Warren, f 9, 8, 7 n e Qaeen's Ave Richardson J B, t and i 20 e William . . Rowland Edward, f 11 w Peters J Reed Charles C, t 38, p 39 s Dufferin Ave J Riddell William D, f and i 29 e Maitland J Ray Alfred, f p 11 s e Dufferin Ave Renwick Oenl, f p 6 n e Dufferin Ave . . Reeves William J, t p 73 w A![aitland .. Roberts Frederick, t p 72 J Russell John, f 34 n Dufferin Ave J Reid James, t 7 s Bond . . Renwick Genl, f 6 " J Ross John, f and i p 16, 17 w Colbomo Robinson James, f .p 13 e Colborne Robinson James, f .p 17 w Gartwright . . Robinson James, f p 18 " J Reid Chailes, f p 32 w Maitland J Robinson John 0, t p 45 w Palace .. Rankin Joseph, t p 47 " . . Ross George, t p 48 e Palace Robinson James, f p 1, 2 e William 419 4327 420 4331 • . 421 4346 • • 422 4348 , , 423 4357 J 424 4365 • • 425 4381 426 4391 J 427 4417 . , 428 4442 J 429 4447 J 430 4454 J Smith Frank, f p 7 n eDundas Saunders William, f p9 " SantoJohn,f 1,2,3 " Sully Richard, f 17 Shuff J G, t .p 8 Strathy James B, f and i. .24, 26 n e Dundas, 14 to 18 n Charles, 6, 8 s Queen Sully Richard, f 17 s e Queen's Ave Smart John, f p 13, 14 w Maitland Stevenson Hugh, f 6 s e Queen's Ave Sage Willard, f 34 n e Queen's Ave Spencer Willi«m,f. 21,24 wWill'm, 1,2,3 ne Queen's Av Sloan Robert, t p 28, 29 ■ e Dnffarin Ave fo. on Liat. No. on Roll. 431 4461 432 4484 433 44S6 434 4508 435 4526 436 4527 437 4538 438 4543 439 4546 440 4554 441 4560 442 4576 443 4577 444 4601 445 4(i0:{ 446 4605 447 4615 448 4622 44!) 4628 450 4629 451 4632 452 4631 453 4«)40 454 4644 455 4662 456 4682 457 4685 458 4706 45S) 4725 460 4727 461 4761 462 4771 463 4780 464 4789 465 4793 466 4811 467 4819 468 4819 469 4845 470 4846 471 4855 WARD NO. 6. 137 Jurors. J Scott Thomas, f p 26 s e Dufferin Ave J Saunders Stephen, t 28, p 27 e Maitland . . Scandrett John, f 31, 32 w Maitland Sutherland Donald F, f pllse Dufferin Ave Spry Abraham, f 7 " . . Siddons John, f (i " J Smith James D, t and i p 7 n e Dufferin Ave .. SmithJames, f pO " ... Scanlan Michael, f p 10 w Colborue Sutherland Donald F, f p 67 w Cartwright J Smith James, f and i p 74 e Cartwright . . Salter John, f 5, 4, 3 o Maitland J Salter Henry, f 2 " J Smith Henry T, f p 15 u Dufferin Ave J Scarlett William, t p 14 J Stanslield William, t p 14, 13 " J Smith Kobert A, f / . . ,p 8 s Bond Spearan John, t 1, p 2 e William . . Salter John, f 30, 29, 28, 27, 26 w William . . Salter John, f 25 s Bond .. Salter John, f p 22 " .. Salter John, f 0,8 " . . Salter John, f 20, 19, 18 e Salter . . Salter John, f 10, 11, 12, 13 w Salter Screaton Samuel, f 10, p 9 s Bond J Screaton John, f p 16, 15 w Colborne J Strong Frank, t p 26, 25 n Hope J Screaton Samuel, t 4, 5, 6 s (Ireat Market J Sunly George, t and i 6 e Waterloo SpenceJohn, t 5 " J Sanderson Stants, f p 22 e Cartwright . . Saunders Stephen, f p 23, 24 " . . Smith Archibald, t 28 w Maitland J Slater Samuel, f p 32 " J Stallard David, f p 33 e Maitland . . Slater Samuel, f p 42, 43 w Palace Stoneman Arthur, t p 46 •' Stoneman Henry, f p 46 " J Staples Samuel, f p 53 e Palace .. Sheppard , f p 53 " . . Scollick Jonathan, f .p 2 e William aasa 188 WARD NO. 6. No. on No. on Liat. Roll. Jurora. 472 4462 . . Taylor James, f and i p 25, 24 s e Dafiferin Ave 478 4470 .. Tiffany Frederick, t 1« 474 4488 J Tanton Thomaa, f 34 w Maitland 476 4513 . . Thornton William, f p 11, 12 ■ e Dnfferin Ave 47« 4692 J Tackaberry William, f 32 n 477 4603 .. Tennant David, t p 14 " 478 4687 J Tuck Allan, t 24 n Hope 479 4689 J Teet/*11 WilUam, t 23 " 480 4692 .J Thompson John P, t 18, 19, 20 w Colbome 481 4700 J Trotmon Samuel, f pi " 482 4744 , . Treblecock William, f plGe Colborne 483 4764 J Teale Christopher t p 22 o Cartwright 484 4784 J Turner John, t 30, p 31 w Maitland 485 4789 .. Teale Christopher, t p 32 " 486 4805 J Towo Edward, f 41 w Palace 487 4821 J Taylor Henry, t 47 488 4858 J Towe William J, t p 1 e William 489 4763 .. Tambling Thomas, f p 1, 2 490 4475 .. Vanalstine Andrew L, f p 13, 14 s e DufFerin Ave 491 4544 J Vining Wilbur K, f p 9, 10 n e DulTerin Ave 492 4650 J Vaines Job, f p 70 e Cartwright 493 4324 . 494 4324 J 495 4348 J 496 4349 497 4361 . , 498 4403 , , 499 4451 J 500 4457 . • 501 4502 J Wright John, f p 6 n e Dundas Wright James, t 6 " Waterman Herman, t 17 " Waterman Isaac, f, p 19 n e Dundas, p 18 s Qaeen's Ave Wooley William H, f 42 n e Dundas Westland (George P, t p 8 s e Queen's Ave White John W,t p 36, 35 " Wilkinson John, f p 28 s e Dnfferin Ave Whittaker Joseph, t 433 WARD NO. 6. No. on No. on Lilt RolL Juron. 502 4661 J Wilkins Samuel, t and i p 74 e Cartwright 003 4572 .. Wright John, f p 72 w Maitland 504 4609 J Wright Thomaa A, f p 12 Adelaide 506 4659 ... Whittaker Archibald, t and i 10 s Bond 506 4668 .. Wright Jnmei p7 " 507 4681 .. Williams John, f 2, p 3, 1 n Bond 508 4696 . . Williams John, f, 22, 21, 18, 19 n Hope, 20 w Colborne 509 4708 J WiUiams Byron, t 78 s Oreat Market 510 4710 .. WiUiams John, f 78 511 4718 J Wyatt William, t ,, 3 e Waterloo 512 4722 J Walker BE,t 7 513 4730 .. Wallace Charles, f.... 21 wdartwright, 10 e Colborne 514 4763 J Watson Thomas, t p 22 e Cartwright 515 4771 . . Wright John J, t p 23, 24 e Cartwright 516 4822 .. Walsh Edward, t 47 w Palace 517 4857 . . Wiles James, f 1 e William 518 4859 .. Ward James, f p 1, 2 " 519 4866 I Wilkinson WiUiam, f 3 n Bond 1|» ■H^H—M 140 WAKD NO. 6. SECOND DIVISION. No. on No. on List. Roll. Jurors. 1 4995 . . Armitage Amos, f pl5w William 2 5008 .T Archer James, f 3, 4 e Maitland 3 5023 J Adams Alfred, f 44 e MUes 4 50fi8 .. Angus Maxwell, t p 10, 9 e Maitland 5 508(; J Allen Thoophilus, f andi p 7 n Gt Market (> 5093 J Aikens John, t p 5 " 7 5100 J Adams SamlW.t 1 e Colborne 8 5105 J Arthurs James, t .7 w Colborne 9 5184 , . Anderson Wm, t \tj, 17, i8 e Colborne 10 4884 . , 11 4949 J . 12 4952 , , 13 4958 J 14 4972 J 15 4973 hi 4974 , , 17 5009 , . 18 5022 J 19 5025 20 5030 , . 21 5036 . , 22 -i03G , , 23 5038 J 24 5063 J 25 5075 , . 26 rmi J 27 5125 .1 28 5143 ,1 29 5158 •r 30 5162 J Brown Robert, t pG Adelaide Black Thomas, t p 10 e William Brown Arthur, t 8 Brown Edward, f pGw William Burr James, f plO " Burr William, f p 10 Bock Herman P, f p 10 " Bartram Wm H, f 5 e Maitland Bull George, t 46 e Miles Burr Alex, f 33 " Boss Silas, t 15 w Miles Burr Peter, t 35 " Belton James H, f 35, 33 " Brunstead .John, t 12 " Bruustead Henry, t p 9, 10 e Maitland Bartley .John, f p8 Bock Herman P, f p 7 n Gt Market Harrell Edwin, t p 1 1 w Maitland Brown Henry, f 27, 28 s (jueen Bailoy William, t IG, 17 n Queen Bailey John C, f 19,20 WARD NO. 6. 141 Mo. on No. on iiuii. AoU. Juron. 31 5166 .. Boyd John, f 32 6172 J Battenell Wm, f . .23 e Oolborae .1 n Piookdilly 33 4883 .. 34 4884 .. 35 4887 .. m 4914 J 37 4924 . . 38 4932 . . 39 4959 J 40 5020 .. 41 .-)026 . . 42 5049 I 43 5055 . . 44 5079 .T 45 5107 . . 46 5118 .. 47 .5121 . . 48 5122 . . 49 5123 . . 50 5137 . . 51 5138 . . 52 5141 ,. 53 5170 . . 54 5J77 .. 55 5188 . . 56 5194 .. 57 5196 . . 58 5200 J 59 5202 . , 00 5202 .. Crispin George, f p 6, 7 Adelaide Crispin William, f p 6 Cowan Edward, f p 10 Ohittiok George, f and i 16, 15 " Clare Samael, f 7 e William Cook John, f 27 n Piccadilly Crispin William, f p 6 w William Campbell Donald, f 64 e Miles Cunningham George, t " Coughlin Joseph, f 2 e Maitland Crosbie Alex, f and i p 11 " Cathro Thomas, f 7 " Cary William, t p 6, 7 e Waterloo Christie John, f p8 " Oarling William, f 10 Cameron Duflf, t 9, 10 e Colboiae Carling Thomas, f 10 Cumberlidge George, f 39 n Pall Mall Carling Thomas, f 38 Crombie .Tohn, f 26 s Queen Conron Daniel, f 4, 5 s FiooadiUy Campbell Frank, f 7 s Oxford Carling Thomas, f 11, 12 w Colbome Christie John, f p 14, 15 " Cox George, f 16, 17 w Colbome, 17 e Waterloo Christie John, f 15, p 14 Carling William, f 14, 13, 12, 11 Carling John, f 14, 13, 12, 11 61 4922 J Dwyer Charles, t and i 10, 9 s Oxford 62 4930 J Downie James, f 1 e William ?3 141 No. on Lilt. No. on Roll. Jun as 4046 J 64 4066 65 4066 66 4901 67 4994 68 5010 69 5032 7f) 5033 71 5071 71' 5071 73 '.084 74 5096 75 5097 76 509S 77 5113 78 5119 WARD NO. 6. Drew Alfred, f p 15 e William Delaney Michael, f .. p 6 " Dewan Patrick, f p 9 w William Dickena Roland, f p 15 " Devoy William, t p 15 " Dearnesa .John, f 6, 7 e Maitland Dicker Edwin, f 23 w Miles Daly John, t 29 " Davis lOdmund, f p 9 e Maitland Davis William, t p 9 " Donaldson Peter, f p S n (Jreat Market Doaohuo [>aniel, t p 3 e (!oll>orne Donaldson "William, t p 3 Dempsey Jeremiah, t '2 " Daly I'atiick, f . . . .p 6, 7 e Waterloo Deans Jam'-s S, t and i 9 " 79 4997 80 .5004 T 81 5012 J 82 5013 J 83 5035 .. • 84 5051 , , 85 5145 J Emsry & Thompson, f . . . 18 to 24 w William Elms 'I'homas, f 33 s Oxford Elms George, f 9, 10 n Piccadilly Elms Henry G, f 9, 10 Elms Charles, t . 35 w Miles Emery Arthur S, f p 13, 14 e Maitland Evan J William, t p 12, 13 w Maitland 86 4967 . Fsmung Edward, f p6wWilliam 87^4988 .. Ferns John, f ....pl4 " 88 6045 ... Mory Samuel, f and i ..p 7 e Maitland 89 6116 .. Finnegan James, f p 7 e Waterloo WARD NO. 6. 1«S No. on No. III! Lilt. Roll. Jurors. 00 6118 01 5166 Fergoaon Junen, t Fitxgibbona James, f . p 8 e Waterloo .'J2eColbonie 02 4885 U.S 4000 04 6010 0". 50*J.l m 5117 07 6123 08 5160 00 516(; 100 5167 101 5180 (lordon .lames, f 8 Adelaide ( Jamior .loshim, f 26, 27, 28 s Oxford < ireen Henry ( ', f CM e Miles. Goodhue Charles F, f poo (treat Market Gorblo .lames, f p 8 e Waterloo dray William H, t 0, 10 e Colborne Olj'nn William, t p 17 n Queen (Irafton Francis, t 22 e ( 'oioome Gollop William, f 1 e C&lbome Groves Richard, t 16, 17, 18 102 4804 io:i 4044 104 4063 105 4074 106 4070 107 4983 108 4084 10«.> 4906 .1 110 5037 J 111 5030 , , 112 5046 113 5047 , ( 114 5058 J 115 5001 , , 116 5106 , . 117 5100 J 118 5110 J 119 5132 • ■ Howard liohort, f p 13 Adelaide HillJamtB, f p 15 e William Harper .lohn, f p8w William Haugh Hichard, t p 10 " Hiscox Thomas, I p 1 1 " Hill Henry A, f p 13 Hill Frederick T, f p 13 Howie William, f p 15 " Higman James, f 14, 13 w Miles Hymers Hugh, f Us Piccadilly H)bbii Edward, f p 6 e Maitland Hobba Thomas, f p 5 " Howard Robert, f p 11 ' " Hooper James, t. . . p 6, 5 n Great Market Hunt Robert, f 6 wColbome Heaman Thomas, f and i p 6, 7 e Waterloo Harding William, f p6 " Hatton Peter, f p 11 w Mutland 144 Neon Utt. No. on RolL 120 5136 121 6138 122 6151 123 6176 124 6188 WARD NO. 6. Juron. J Hadflon William, f and i. ..29 s Queen, 41 n Pall Mall J Hart Richard, t .38 J Higginbotham Thomas, f p 12, 13 w Maitland Hawman Edward, f 4, 3 s Oxford J Howard William, t 11, 12wColbonie T 125 5069 . . Inwood Maurice, f p 10, 9 e Maitland 126 5074 .. Insell Thomas, t p8 " 127 5076 J Irvine William, t p8 128 6148 J Isaac John, t p 12 w Maitland 129 4898 J 130 '941 ■ ■• 131 *992 , , 132 5092 J 133 5171 J 134 5189 Judd Tho 4Adelaid3 Jacobs Albert, f p 15 e William Johnston James, t p 15 w William Johnston Joseph D, f p 6, 5 n Great Market Jackson James, t 2 n Piccauilly Jackson Wm B, t p 13 w Colborne 135 4969 J KippWUUam, t p 9 w William 136 4892 J 137 4d7U J 138 4979 • •• Lewis Samuel, f p 10 Adelaide Legg William, t p 10 w William Loveleas Sidney, t p 11 " No. on No. 00 LM). Boll. 139 6010 140 6014 141 6022 142 6038 143 5085 144 5103 145 6149 WARD NO. 6. Juron. Lawrence Joseph, f ... .6, 7 e Maitlimd Lyons William, t 11 n Piccadilly Lawrence Joseph, f 46 e Miles . . Luscombe Thomas, f 12 w Miles J Logan William, { and i pSn Great Market J Logan Edward H, t p 8 w Golborne J Lewis Thomas, f ..p 12, 13 w Maitland 146 146 4908 147 4969 148 5015 149 5056 J 150 5083 J 151 5126 J 152 5159 .. Millar Joseph, f p 15 Adelaide Mitchell Alfred (1, f p 9 w William Morgan , f 12, 13 n Piccadilly Manness Frederick, f pile Maitland Magee Chas G, t and i 9 n 6t Market Martin Henry, f p 11 w Maitland Mitchell David, f p 17 n Queen 153 4882 J 154 4883 J 155 4903 J 150 4!»05 157 4939 . 158 4965 159 4970 . 160 4971 , 161 4975 , 162 5011 163 5054 J 164 6057 .1 165 5065 166 5066 .1 167 5108 J 168 5164 i 1 McCrae C, f p 6, 7 Adelaide McLellan William, t p 6, 7 " McKeuna David, f p 13 " McKenna William, f p 14 " McMillan William G, t p 15 e William McCadden William, f p 9 w William McDonough Thomas J , t p 10 " McKenna Arthur Frederick, f p 10 " McCarty Florence, t p 1 McCormick William, f 8n Picadilly McDona'd John, f pile Maitland McConnell John, f p 11 McKenna William, t p 10 McCrimmoa Malcolm, f plO " McCarty James, f p 6, 7 o Waterloo McDonald Roderick, f 24 e Colborne 10, WARD KO. 6. No. on No. on Lilt. Roll. Jurors. 169 4886 Ifugent Frank S, f 9 AdeJ^e 170 4948 • •• 171 4960 . J 172 5056 J 173 5059 • • 174 5203 .. O'Mara Michael, f .p 10 e William O'Sullivan Jeremiah, f p 7 w William O'Donoghue John, t pile MaitUnd O'Rielly CorneUus, f p 10, 9 O'Connor John, £ 6, 7 8 Piccadilly 175 4896 176 4900 177 4942 178 4971 179 4973 J 180 5021 181 5031 182 5050 183 5052 .^ 184 5072 185 5083 186 6089 J 187 5097 188 5099 189 5107 190 5125 191 5136 192 5114 193 6145 194 5154 J 196 5166 J 196 6158 , , Peters Samuel, f p !> 2 Adelaide Panton Edward, f and i. 5, fi, 7 " Panton Alfred, t , ^ 15 e William Pace William, t p 10 w William Parkins William, t p 10 Puggalina Luigi, f 52 e Miles Packh William, f 19 w MUes Pantou Edwin, f 1 e Maitland Perkins James, f p 12, 11 " Pendergast James, t p 9 " Pannell John, f 9n Great Market Pearce Henry, f p 6 " Peel Thomas, f 3 e Colbome Phipps Paul, f 2 " Percival Joseph, f . . . . p 6, 7 e Waterloo Perkins James, f p 11 w Maitland Pennington John, f 30 a Queen Pratt Henry, £ p 12, 13 w Maitland PoweU A B, f p 12, 13 " Penn William, t 15 Penn James, f 13, 14, 15, 10, 11 " Penn James, £ 8, 9 8 Piccadilly, 16, p 17 n Queen iles Ryan John, t 2e Colbornt^ Rider William, t p7e Waterloo Renwick Genl, f 8, 9, 10 w Maitland Rielly James, t p 1 1 " liichards John, t 37 n Pall Mall Raid John J, f 21 n Queen Rooks William H, f 16 e Waterloo Reid Thomas J, t 15, p 14 Robertson Alexander, t p 14, 13, 12, 11 217 4893 .. Smith Thomas F, t p 13 Adelaide 218 4899 .. Soper Thomas, t p4 " 219 4932 .. Saanden John, t 27 n Piooadilly p= No. on No. on Lilt. Roll. 220 4946 221 4953 222 4954 223 5009 224 5034 225 504:^ 226 r)044 227 5090 228 5100 229 5106 230 5114 231 5142 232 5148 233 5192 234 5192 235 5193 WARD NO. «>. Jurors. . . Salter John, f 11 to 14 e William J Shea Timothy, f p 10, 9, 8 " .1 Schreurer Augustus, t 7, p K " Sauuders John, t.. 5e Maitland Snowden William, t 33 w Miles J Summers John, f p 5, 6, 7 e Maitland .. Screech Charles, f ' 7 ■T Saunders John, t p H, 5 n Great Market Stanley Robert, f 1 e Golborne J Smyth John W, t (> w Colborne . . Sullivan Maurice, f p7e Waterloo J Storey George, f 26 s Queen . . Smyth Charles E, t p 13, 14 w Maitland . . Scarrow William, f p 13, 14 w Colborne . . Scarrow Maurice, f p 1.3, 14 " J Strong Henry, t p 1.3, 14 236 4926 237 4938 238 4943 239 4997 240 5019 241 5024 242 5027 243 5063 244 5064 246 5064 246 5005 247 5105 J 248 5139 J 249 5152 J 250 5179 J 251 5186 , , 252 6187 263 5187 , , Thompson William, f 5e William Templar Frederick, f p 16 Adelaide Thompson William, t 15 e William Thompson & Emery, f 18 to 24 w William Trimble Joseph, t , (ifi e Miles Turbit Samuel, f Taylor John, f 28 " Tiemey Patrick, f p 0, 10 e Maitland Treneman James, t p 10 " Tiemey James, f p 10 " Tiemey Patrick, f p 10 " Taylor John, f 8, 7 w Colborne Tapp Thomas, f 37 n Pall Mall Treneman James, f 12 w Maitland Thompson Richard, t 16, 17, IS o Colborne Thompson Isaac, t 16, 17, 18 Thompson James, t 16, 17, 18 " Thompson James, f 16, 17, 18 " ad WARD NO. 6, No. on No. on Liat. Roll. 254 6072 Jurors. Vallier William, f . .p 9 e Maitland 49 255 4894 . 25(> 4907 J 257 4931 258 4933 259 4986 2G0 4992 201 4994 2(i2 5033 263 rm] 204 5111 205 5119 200 5120 207 5121 208 5128 209 5131 270 5140 271 5190 272 5191 273 5192 274 5197 es Woolstou Walter, t p 13 Adelaide Woods John, t and i p 15 " Webster William, f 28 n Piccadilly Ward James, f 26 n Piccadilly Wetherston James, f p 13, 14 w William Williams John, f p 15 " Williams John, f p 15 ' Williams John, f 29 w Miles Woouton James W, t '. p 13, 14 e Maitland Walsh Michael, f p6e Waterloo Walsh Michael, f 9 " White Charles, t 10 " Walsh John, t 10 Williams John, f p 11 w Maitland WiUiams William, f 11 Williams Henry, f p 12, 13 Wyatt William, f p 13 w Colbome Wyatt George, f 13 Woodward Henry S, f 14 " West .John, t 16 e Waterloo ne all rne 275 50] 5 J Yerex William, t and i 12, 13 n Piccadilly 276 5001 .. Young John H,t p 10, 9 e Maitland 277 5079 J Yealland Frederick, t 7 278 5094 J Young Joseph, f p 3, 4 e Colborre m I, Alexander Samuel Abbott, (;ierk of the Municipality of the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, do hereby certify that the above list is a correct roll of the Oth Ward of the said Monicipality, to be entitled to vote at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly, and that a copy of such list was Hrst posted in my office, at the City Hall, on the '2()th day of August, and I hereby call upon electors to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are perceived tliotein, to take immediate X^roceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 29th day of August, 1870. A1,KX. S. ABBOTT, Clerk of the Municipality of the City of London. iV No. 7 Ward. No. on No. on Lilt. Roll. 1 5337 2 5425 3 5445 4 548U 5 5491 6 5606 7 5627 ■lurors. . . Andrews David, t 23 e Colbome . . Anthistle WiUiam, f. ..10, 11, 12 w Waterloo, e Wei- lington, &c J Ameroaux John, f and i p 6, 5, 4 8 Sydenham J Arscott Samuel, f 6n Oxford . . Allen Horatio A, f 6 s Sydenham J Atkinson George, t p5n Sydenham . . Anderson Albert, t. 4 n Oxford Terrace 8 5254 9 5266 10 5285 11 5287 12 5317 13 5321 14 5327 15 5331 16 5333 17 5340 18 5.345 19 5367 20 5391 21 5403 22 5439 23 5462 24 5463 25 6464 . . Buckle William D, f p 18, 19, 20 e William .J Brinchley William E, t , p 28 w William Bowles John, f p 23, 24 c M&itland .. Bremner Alex, f p 21 " ... Brett Ueorge, f .38, p 39 e Waterloo . . B/rne Patrick, f 11, 12 w Grafton Bugler lUchard, f 38, 37, 36, 35 w Maitland, p 34 e Colbome .. Barry Thomas, f 30 " J Bull William, t p 29, 28 . . Beaumont William, t p 18 w Colborne J Brook . Joshua, t.. 19 " .. Bugler Richard, f p 32 " Bott George, t p 24 e Waterloo J Burnett John, f p22, 21 J Beaton Henry, f 4n Oxford . . Brown John J, f. 12, 13 w Wellington, 14 to 18 B Orosvenor J Blair James, f and i 19, 20, p 21 e AloM J Balkwell WiUiam, f p21, 22 102 Ha on No. on Uit. Roll 26 5466 27 5467 28 5470 29 6473 30 5497 31 5510 32 5513 33 5516 34 5532 35 5537 36 5557 37 5662 38 5569 39 5577 40 5582 41 5582 42 5591 43 6596 44 561'^ 45 6622 46 6635 47 5643 WARD NO. 7. Juron. .. Brown John J, f . . .23 e Alma .. Bousfield Wm H, t ...24 " J Brailey Albert C, t p 29 e Richmond ... Balkwell WiUiam, f 31 J Boyle Patrick F, f in Sydenham J Barnwell James L, t 4, 5, (> w Richmond J Breen Thomas, t p 38 w Waterloo ... Brennan Thomas, f 40 " . . Barnes Mark, t p 43, 44, 45 w George Brown William, f .n Regent , . Briokliu Charles, f n Vicjtoria . . Bailey Adam, £ 36 e Richmond . . Brown John J, f 33 w Wellington . . Becher Henry 11, f p 29, 28 e Richmond . . Becher Henry C R, f, 23 to 37 w George and Cheap- side, 33 to 37 w Richmond, and 3 e George . . Bowihan George, t 31 e George .. Baker William, t 21 s College Ave . . Boomer Henry, i Huron College . . Boyer John, t p 2 a Sydenham . . Brennan Dennis, t 9e Talbot J Balkwell John A, t 12 n Oxford Terrace .. Blackball Samuel, t p 2, 1 48 5214 .. Comfort .Tesae, f 18 Adelaide 49 5236 .. Christie Johii, f ,S5 e William 50 5240 . . Carling William, f 28 to 82 Adelaide, u Vv illiani 51 5240 . . Carling John, f ; 28 to 32 Adelaide, e William 52 5207 .. Carter Robert, f 29 w William 53 5269 J Connolly Henry, f 31' 54 5276 . . Coleman George, f 32 e Maitland 55 5279 ,. Carter David, f 27,28 56 5281 .. Cook Samuel, f p 20 57 5284 J Chennell Thomas W, f p 23, 24 58 5307 . . Campbell Duncan, f 38 to 42 e Colborne 59 5318 . . Cahill Luke, f 8 e Waterloo, 16 w Grafton 60 6324 . . Coughtrey Henry, f p 38 w Colborne til 5326 . . Campbell , f p .39 to 42 " Mt«iv''i.t._^ Mo. on No. on LiM. Roll. 62 5330i 63 5345 64 6387 65 5407 66 5441 67 5448 68 5449 6!) 5450 70 6499 71 S556 72 5556 73 5667 74 5593 75 6609 76 5630 77 5634 78 5641 WASD NO. 7. 153 Juron. Christie John, f SleOolboni* Ohristie John, f 19 w Oolborne J Carter D»yid, f p 29, 28 eWaterloo J Crommey Patrick, f. 31 " Crawford Robert, t 6 n Oxford J Church Henry L, f 6, 5, 4 e Riohmond J Coyne William, t 3, 2, 1 " J ConnellJohn, t 3,2,1 " J CoBona George, f 3 n Sydnenhsm . . Clancy Michael, f t . .• Victoria Clanby James, f " J Croabie Robert, t n Victoria J Connor Michael, f p6, 6 e George Chapman Samnel, t P .3 n Sydenham J Cmickahank Chaa G, t 7 n Oxford Terrace J Cooper Arthur, t 11 " J Clarke Robert, t p 4, 3 n Oxford 79 6271 ... Donnelly John, f p 32 w William 80 5299 .. Deacon John, f p 28 w Maitland 81 5:W5 . . Dewan Patrick, f 38, 39, p 40 " 82 534(> . . Dinahan Richard, f 20 w Oolborne 83 5354 J Dawson Joseph, f p 23 " 84 5377 .. Dewan Patrick, f p 36, 37 " 85 5401 J Dampier Laurauce L, f p 22, 21 e \\^iterloo 86 6402 Davis Frederick, f p 22 " 87 6407 J Donohue Michael, t 31 " 88 540!» .. Dunkley Joseph, t p 19, 18 " 89 5411 J Drieffer Conrad L, t p 19, 18 " 90 5471 .. Danks Isaiah, f p29eRichmond 91 5475 J Danka Isaiah, f 33 to 41 " 92 5478 ... Danks Isaiah, f 36, 35 9 Grosvenor, 33/w Alma 93 5572 J Dickson William, f 36 w Wellington 94 5600 .. DyaBJohn,f 1, 2 e Talbot 95 5605 .. DinahyJohn, f p 4, 5 " 164 WARD NO. 7. No. on No. on Lilt. Roll. Juron. 96 6316 .. England Horatio, f 3, 4, 6 e Waterloo 97 6417 .. Evans Richard J, f 2, 3, 4, 6, 6 w Waterloo 98 6474 .. Evans Richard J, f 32 e Richmond 99 6483 .. Egan James, f 1 to 6 w Richmond 100 6660 J Edwards Philip, t ... .38 to 42 e George, w Richmond 101 6686 .. Ellis James, t. .... 8 w Richmond 102 6603 ... Evans Ephriam, f p 4, 6 e Talbot 103 5317 .J 104 £ 73 106 V.93 , , 106 5398 J 107 6399 , . 108 6444 •J 109 5616 J Ferguson Alex, t 38, p 39 e Waterloo Fitzpatriok William, f .38 w Colbome Footit James, f p 24 e Waterloo Ferguson James H, t p 22, 21 " Ferguson John, f p 22, 21 " Fawcett John, f p 6, 6, 4 s Sydenham Friendship Samuel, f.... Ss Sydenham 110 6211 HI 6212 112 5302 113 4.358 114 5359 115 .5.366 116 6378 117 5392 118 5440 119 5466 120 5484 121 5566 122 6626 Grant Charles 43 to 45 Adelaide, e William erant John A 43 to 45 Gordon Joseph, f 31, .32 w Maitland Griffiths Wainwright, t p 25, 26, 27 w Colbome Gilmont Chas B, t p 25, 26, 27 Guymer Frank, f p 32 " - Gray James, f p 37, 36 e Waterloo GoUop William, f p 24 Gillespie Atchison, t and i 5u Oxford Groves James, t 23 e Alma Galpin Thomas H, t In Oxford Gillooly Michael, t 33 e Richmond Griffiths Richard, f 2 n Oxford TernMse WARD NO. 7. IM No. on No. on tilit Roll. .luron. 123 2U26 .. GalmeiBter Frederick, t 3 Oxford TarrftBce ^^ 124 564R .. n»|pin Joseph, t , ...p2, I n Oxford 125 126 127 128 120 1.10 131 132 133 1.34 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 163 .'>222 5227 5252 5262 5300 5.30() 5.355 5375 .5383 5430 5438 5469 5469 5469 5470 5481 5484 .'>485 .5480 5503 5510 5516 5584 5598 5599 5607 5623 5636 5658 Howard ThontM, f 18, H) Adelaide Hughes David .T, f 23 to 27 Adelaide Hickey Edward, f p 22 e William Hodgkinson Levi, f p 26 w William Hill George, f 29 w Maitlaml Halley William, f p 40, 41, 42 Hance .John, f p 23 w Colborne Howard William, f p 36 Hall William H, t .•<2 e Waterloo Harris Geo B, f . .7,8,9 w Cromwell, .3,4,6 s Cheapside Hioks .Tames B, f and i 3 n Oxford Hill Joseph, f 10 w Wellington Heale Edward M, t 29 e Richmond Heale Hannibal M, f 29 " Heal Charles P, f p 2{) e Richmond Hardy Russell, t «, 7 " Harwood William, f 1, 2 n Oxford Hamilton Andrew M, t 2 " Hurst Sofraid L, t and i 3 " Hellmuth Isaac), f I to 6 s 8t .James Hanratty John J, f 4, 5, 6 w Richmond Hogan John, f 41 w Waterloo Henley .Tames, t 10 " Hayne Edward H, f I, 2, 3 s St James Hotson Alex, f p 3, 4, 5 s " Hall Joseph, f p 55 n Sydenham Harvey Alex, f 7, 8, 9, p 10 e Talbot Harvey Alex, f 1 to 12 n Oxford Terrace Hatohinson James, f 1 w Richmond IM WABD NO. 7. Mo. on No. on LM. Roll. Juron. 1S4 6476 J Johniton LMlie. f 87 ■ OratvtDor 165 6668 J Junes John, f :» to 42 w GrMt Talbot 166 5673 .. Johnston Jkmes, f 87 w Wellington * 157 5240 J Kemahan S«nuol, t 2S to .')2 Adelaide, e Wiliiftm 158 5278 .. Kernshui Hugh, t :iOeMAitI»nd 159 5.S77 . . Kelly Joseph, t . . . p 'M, .t? w ( 'ollmrne 160 3.381 J Kelly Jftmes,f p 33 e Wat rlcK) 161 5266 162 5394 163 5441 164 5460 185 5529 166 5661 167 6664 168 5565 169 5576 170 5678 171 6615 172 5619 J J J J Lynhun James A, f 28 w William Lee Hiram, f and i p 24, 23 e Waterloo Lawson Thomas E, t 5 n Oxford Lntman James, f 11 w Wellington Lancaster Frederick W, t 43, 44 w Richmond Lukin John, f 37 e Richmond Leathom John, t 35, p 34 " Longhnane John, f p 34 " Leonard Elijah, f . .'32,31 w Wcirtoo,p 29,28 e Rioh'd Leonard Frank E, f p 29, 28 n Orosvenor Logan John, f p 2 s Sydenham Lee James B, f p (! e Talbot Mo. on Ltot. Mo. on Roll. 178 6268 174 6390 17fl 5408 170 541() 177 6447 178 5467 17fl 549.S 180 6498 181 5501 182 5563 183 .;.><>4 184 5610 185 5630 I8<) 5664 WARD NO. 7. OH Juron. J MilUr Matthew, f 30 w Willitm .1 Mitchell Jamea, ( 27, 26 e Waterloo .1 M»rkb»m Hobert, t.. ..p 20, 19 e Waterloo Moore Matthew, t 4, o w Waterloo . . Maoheth John, f p 2, Is Sydenham* ... Meyers Adolphua, f . . 24 e Alma .r Mills William, f 4 s Hydenham .1 MulhoUand Flarvey, f 2n Hydenham . . Marshall George, f 5 " Mahon John f 35, p 34 e Richmond .. Mahon James, f .35, p 34 " Mason William, f p 3, 2 n Sydenham J Mills John, t 4, 3 n Oxford . . Macbeth Thomas T, f 28 to 29 e Ueorge, 25 to 27 n Orosvenor 187 5234 ... Mclnnes Donald, f. p .36 e William 188 5235 .. McGarvey Andrew," f p 36 " 189 6272 J McLaughlin Miles, t. ... 33 to 37 w William, 33 to .37 e Maitland 190 6,309 . . McLaughlin Thomap, f 43 w Colbome 191 6311 .. McLaughlin Peter, f 45 " 192 5344 .. McMuUen Robert, t 19 " 193 5357 J McTavish Duncan, t p 25, 26, 27 " 194 5363 .. McMuUen Archibald, f .30 " 195 5386 . . . McTaggart Patrick, f p 29 e Waterloo 196 5388 J McNeiU William, f !..,p29, 28 " 197 6418 . . MoKonzie Roderick, f 7, 8 w Waterloo 198 5444 J McKinnoD James, t p 6, 5, 4 s Sydenham 199 5490 J McGirdy John, f 6 n Oxford 200 5503 J McAdams Alex, t 1 to 6 s St James 201 6606 .. McKenzie Donald, f 22, 23 n St Jamea 202 5623 . . McLaughlin Peter, f p 41, 42 e Richmond 203 5669 J McGuire Owen, t 38 to 42 e Gt Talbot, w George Ifi8 No. on No. on JJn. Roll. Jurora. WARD NO. 7. 204 6637 .. McNeUI Robert, i p 10 e Talbot 206 6646 . . MoCarron Charles, t P 2, 1 n Oxford 206 5233 . , 207 5297 T 208 5507 J 209 5641 , , 210 5585 , , 211 5600 .. Nash Benjamin, f 37 e William NeiU WUUam, t 23 w Maitland North Ebenezer, f 1 w Richmond Norris George, f n Regent Norris George, f 10 w Richmond Nolan Patrick, f p 3 n Sydenham 212 5331 J 213 5312 , , 214 6372 J 216 6609 • • 216 6623 J 217 6567 J 213 6568 J 219 5569 J 220 5588 • • 221 5604 J 222 6628 , , 223 6629 J Oke Richard, f and t .. . : 37 Adelaide O'Meara John, f 45, 44, p 43 e Waterloo Oxley Michael, f and t 33, 34 w Colbome Oram James, f 3w Richmond O'Toole Anthony, t p 41, 42 e Richmond Oke William, t. 33 " Oke Richard T, t 33 O'Dwyer William, t. 33 Wellington Owen Charles, t 5 v Richmond Ormond Hugh, t p 4, 6 e Talbot Owen Gilbert, t 5 n Oxford Terrace Orrell Thomas, t 6 *' No. on List No. on Roll. 225 5258 226 5261 227 5282 228 5307 229 5316 LiO 5326 231 5329 232 5332 233 5362 234 5389 235 5458 236 5487 237 5502 238 5502 239 5508 240 5509 241 5568 242 5688 243 5591 244 5618 WARD NO. 7. Juron. J Peel Thomas, f 21, 22 w Williwu Partridge Thomas, f p23, 24, 25 " Partridge Thomai.. f p 23 to 27 e MaitUnd Partridge Thomas, f p 38 to 42 e Oolbome . . Parker Charles, f 6, 7 e Waterloo ... Partridge , f p 39 to 42 w Golbome . . Partridge T, f. . .p 34 w Maitland, p 34, 33 e Colbbme Powers Lawrence, f p 29, 28 e Colbome J Powers Lawrence, f p 28, 29 w Colbome J Pickett Daniel 8, t. . . , p 29, 28 e Waterloo J Peters Henry, f ,9 w Wellington . . Peel John R, f 3 n Oxford J Pickering Robert, f and i 6 n Sydenham .. Pierce ,f 6 " Powell Ambrose, f 2 w Ridimond .. Patrick William, f 3 " . . Panter George £, f 33 e Richmond J Parke William, f 5 w Richmond ... Pannell John, f 20, 21 s College Ave J ^owell James, f 5s Hydenham 159 246 5478 Quinn .John, t 33 w Alma 246 5221 . . Ross Alex J, f . . : e William 247 5274 . , Renwick General, £ 33 to 37 w William, 33 to 42 e MMtl%nd 248 5294 J Rollstou Thomas, t p 18, 19 w Mail^nd 249 5306 J Rawlings Richard, t p 40, 41, 42 260 6308 . , Renwick General, f 43 to 45 e Colbome 261 5346 J Reid Edward, t 20 w Colborne 255i 5367 . . Randall Benjamin, t p 32 w Colborne 263 5383 .. Reid WUliam J, f p 30 e Waterloo 264 6389 .. RoUaton John W, f p 29, 28 265 6396 .. Rayner John, f P 23 " 160 WARD NO. 7. No. on Li8t. No. on Roll. 256 6432 257 5436 258 5435 259 5468 260 5482 261 5492 262 5518 263 5519 264 5524 265 5533 266 5540 267 5559 268 5603 269 5611 270 5633 271 5638 Juron. . . Renwick General, f, 33 to 37 e Wellington, w Waterloo . . Renwick Wm T, f 18, 19, 22 e Wellington .. Renwick WmT, f 18 to 22 w Waterloo J Robinson George, f 28e Richmond , . Reid William, f 6, 7 " . . Ross William, f 5 s Sydenham J Reddick John, f 43 to 45 e Wellington . . Renwick General, f 38, 41, 42 " . . Renwick General, f 38, 39, 40, 41 w Wellington . . Rourke John, f 43 to 45 e Great Talbot . . Richards Albert, t n Regent Renwick General, f , 38 to 42 w Great Talbot, w George J Robinson Alfred, t p 4, 5 e Talbot J Rolfe William, f p 2 n Sydenham J Rollston John C, t and i lOn Oxford Terrace . . Richards Philip, f 5 n Oxford 272 5264 J Sweeney Henry, f p 28 w William 273 5293 .. Scott Richard, t 19, 18 e Maitland 274 5319 ., Spicer Henry, f 15, 14 w (irafton 275 5.S60 . . Smith James, t p 25, 26, 27 w Colbome 276 5379 J Sheriff William, t 35 e Waterloo 277 5380 J Shea Michati, f 34 278 5385 . . Shea Daniel, t p 30 '• 279 .5480 . . Sharman John 1 ), f p 8, 9, 10 w Richmond 280 .5496 J Slade Benjamin, f 3, 2, 1 s Sydenham 281 5535 . . Smith Henry, f p 43, 44, 4r) w Gt Talbot 282 5542 . . Sargent Samuel, f s Huron 283 .5548 . . Shanly James, f n Victoria 284 S.'jSO .. Shea Matthew, f s Victoria 285 5554 .. Saunby J D, f 286 5560 . . Strathy James B, f .... 38 to 42 e George, w Richmond 287 5573 J Snow James, t 37 w Wellington 288 5579 . . Street William P R, f. p 28, 29 n Grosvenor 289 5686 .. Strathy J B, f 8 w Richmond 290 5592 J Sudden John, f p 5, (5 e George 291 5613 J Sharpe James F, f 1 s Sydenham 292 5631 J Shoebotham Wm, t 8n Oxford Terrace 293 6649 . . Strathy J ames B, f 3, 4, U, 7, 9 w Richmond WARD NO. 7. Iftl No. on No. on List. Roll. Jurore. 294 4660 .. Strathy James B, f 14, 15, 16 n Louiaa 295 5652 . . Strathy J B, f . . 11, 12, 13 s Cheapsid e28, 29 e George 296 46()0 .. Sharman Wm J, f pSwRichmond 297 5294 • . 298 5295 J 299 5328 300 5339 J 301 5350 302 5365 303 5384 J 304 5410 , , 305 5413 J 306 5413 J 307 5437 J 308 5442 , , 30!) 5600 310 5501 J 311 5545 , , 312 5548 , , 313 5()42 , , 314 564}? J Thornton Samuel, f p 18, 19 w Maitland Thornton Jim, f p 18, 19 w Maitland Trudgeon William, f p 34 e Colborne Thornton Sam'l, f,22 to 18 o Colborne, 22 to 19 w Mait'd Taylor George, t p 24, 25, 23 w Colborne Taylor John, f.... p 32 " Thomas John, f p 30 e Waterloo Tamlyn WUliaui, f p 19, 18 Tackaberry Nathaniel, f p 19,il8 " TamJyn William, f p 19, 18 Taylor Ezra A, f 1, 2 n Oxford Thompson Richard, f 6 " Templeton Frederick, f 4 n Sydenham Taylor Robert, t 5 " Toobey Michael, f n Regent Toohey Patrick, t n Victoria Tanton John, t ; 2, 1 n Oxford Taylor Henry, f 2, 1 316 5632 Urlin Adolphus, t 9 n Oxford Terrace 316 5223 Vining (ieorge A, f 20 Adelaide 317 5224 V^allier Thomas, f 21 r 162 No. on Lilt. No. on Roll. Jut 318 5228 J 319 5239 J 320 5241 321 5284 322 5313 323 5330 324 5333 325 5361 326 5371 327 5373 328 5404 J 329 5432 J 330 5441 , , 331 5472 J 332 5479 . . 333 5488 334 5495 335 5509 336 5525 553(5 338 5563 339 5571 340 560(5 . , 341 5641 WARD NO. Walker William, f 33 to 36 Adelaide Walker John, f p 34, 33 e William Wallace Patrick, f 27 " • Westbrook John, t r. . . ,p 23 e Maitland Wells James, f i p 43 e Waterloo Wagner William, f 32 e Colborne Whitworth Thomas, f p 29, 28 Williams William T, f p 28, 29 w Colborne Walsh Michael, f 33 Williamson Robert, f p'35 " Ward Upsill, f p 21 e Waterloo Walker John, t. .. .33 to 37 e Wellington, w Waterloo Ward Upsill, f 5 n Oxford Wilson James H, f 30 e Richmond WyckoflF John, f .34 w Alma 'C^'illiams Charles, f 4 n Oxford Whately Edward, t 2 s Sydenham Williams William T, t and i . 3 w Richmond Walker Charles W, f 43 e Richmond White Thomas, f p 43, 44, 45 w Great Talbot Walkei John, t 35, 34 e Richmond Walker James, f .34, 35 w Wellington Williams Charles, f p5n Sydenham Whelpton \',''illiam, f 4, 3 n Oxford ^1 / I, Alexander Samuel Abbott, Clerk of the Mnnicipality of the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, do hereby certify that the above list is a correct roll of the 7th Ward of the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly, and that a copy of such list was first posted in my office, at the City Hall, on the 29th day of August, and I hereby call upon electors to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are perceived thetein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 29th day of August, 1879. ALEX. S. ABBOTT, Clerk of the Municipality of the City of London. V r >. (.-v_ ^ K '^ r "\ V.3 in