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In the year One thousand Ri«;bt hundred and Seventy-Uiree, by JAMES Campbell* Son, In the Office of the Minister of Agriculture, ; t \---\ ?■ \\^\ V'..\ \ l^H**^>HY JAN 1 9 1943 PREFACE. 1 Rl*:ht [lllistM IN the preparation of this Book of Prayers, free use has been made of the copious materials with which the devotional literature of the church has been enriched, by writers both ancient ana modern. Simplicity, fulness, catholicity and adaptation to the varied wants of families have been aimed at ; and it is hoped that these prayers may be found helpful, not only in connection with the observance of family worship, but also in connection with the visitation of the sick, and the exercises of secret communion with God. The Editor begs to thank friends for their valu- able contributions and assistance rendered to him while the work was ^'n progress. His obligations are also due to the owners of copyrights for permis- sion given for the use of their works, and especially to Messrs. Longmans,Green & Co., Paternoster Row, London, for selections from " Family Prayers " col- lected by the late Baron Bunsen, published by thein ; also to Messrs. Cassell, Better & Galpin, Ludgato Hill, London, for selections from their " Family Prayer Book"; to Messrs. Seeley & Co., Fleet Street, London, for selections from their " Prayers Ancient and Modem" ; and to Mr. W. P. Nimmo, Edinburgh, for selections from his " Book of Family Prayers for Five Weeks." CONTENTS. PRAYERS FOR FAMILY WORSHIP. JtrBt U)eek. PAOB Sabbath Morning I Sabbath Evening 3 Monday Morning 5 Monday Evening 7 Tuesday Morning 9 Tuesday Evening 11 Wednesday Morning 13 Wednesday Evening 15 Thursday Morning 17 Thursday Evening 19 Fiiday Morning 21 Friday Evening 23 Saturday Morning 25 Saturday Evening 27 Qnowi lUe^k. Sabbath Morning 29 Sabbath Evening 31 Monday Morning 33 Monday Evening 36 Tuesday Morning — 37 Tuesday Evening 39 Wednesday Morning 41 Wednesday Evening 43 Thursday Morning 45 Thursday Evening 47 Friday Morning 49 VI Contents. PAOB Friday Evening 51 Saturday Mominj; 53 Saturday Eveniutf 55 (tllirb tUttk. Sabbath Morning 67 Sabbath Evening 59 Monday Morning 61 Monday Evening 63 Tuesday Morning 66 Tuesday Evening 67 Wednesday Morning , 69 Wednesday Evening 71 Thursday Morning 73 Thursday Evening 75 Friday Morning 77 Friday Evening 79 Saturday Morning 81 Saturday Evening 83 iburti) lOeek. Sabbath Morning , , 85 Sabbath Evening 87 Monday Morning 89 Monday Evening 91 Tuesday Morning 93 Tuesday Evening 95 Wednesday Morning 97 Wednesday Evening 99 Thursday Morning 101 Thursday Evening 103 Friday Morning 105 Friday Evening 107 Saturday Morning 109 Saturday Evening ;.,»•.•■! i... \\\ Contents, Vll Jiftl) lllcck PAGE Sftbbath Morniuif 113 Sabbath Evening 115 Monday Morning 117 Monday Evening 119 Tu«8day Morning 121 Tueflday Evening 123 Wednesday Morning 125 Wednesday Evening 127 Thursday Morning 129 Thursday Evening 131 Friday Mt)rning 133 Friday Evening 136 Saturday Morning 137 Saturday Evening 139 Siull) U)«k. Sabbath Morning 141 Sabbath Evening , 143 Monday Morning 145 Monday Evening 147 Tuesday Morning ... 149 Tuesday Evening 151 Wednesday Morning 153 Wednesday Evening 155 Thursday Morning 157 Thursday Evening 159 Friday Morning IGl Friday Evening 163 Saturday Morning 165 Saturday Evening 167 Stpaitl) lUi'ek. Sabbath Morning 169 Sabbath Evening 171 Monday Morning 373 Vlll Contents, ?AOB Monday Evening 175 Tutisday Morning 177 Tuesday Evening 179 Wednesday Morning 181 Wednesday Evening 183 Thursday Morning 186 Thursday Evening 187 Friday Morning 189 Friday Evening 191 Saturday Morning 193 Saturday Evening 195 (Sigl)tl) tDeek. Sabbath Momino' 197 Sabbath Evening 199 Monday Mor .ling 201 Monday Evening 203 Tuesday Morning 205 Tuesday Evening 207 Wednesday Morning 209 Wednesday Evening 211 Thursday Morning 213 Thursday Evening 215 Friday Morning 217 Friday Evening 219 Saturday Morning 221 Satiurday Evening 223 JPrasera for iSpeml (S>ttamm. Communion Sabbath Morning 225 Communion Sabbath Evening 227 Thanksgiving for Harvest 229 First Day of the Year 230 Last Day of the Year 232 For a Member of a Family Unwell 234 For a Member of a Family Apparently Dying. 236 Thanksgiving for Recovery from Sickness. ,37 Contents, ix PAOI For A Sick Child 238 Or. occasion of '.he Death of a Member of a Family 239 On occaaion of the Death of a Young Person 240 On occasion of the Death of a Young Child 242 On the occasion of a Hurial 243 On the occasion of the Burial of a Child 246 Reflections and Meditations for Sick and Afflicted Persons, 1st. 247 Another 2nd. Do Do Do Do Do .3rd. 4th. 6th. 6th. 7th. 24) 249 261 262 264 266 JJrbatt Prager0. I. Before Reading the Scriptures 260 II. For Repentance 261 III. Faith and Ti-ust in God 262 IV. Perseverance 263 V. Grace to Keep the Commandments 264 VI. Purity of Heart and Conversation 266 VII. For a Forgiv'r.7 Disposition 266 VIII. For Spiritual Enlargement 267 IX. For Preparation and Readiness to Die 268 X. The Widow's Prayer 269 Direction for the Friends of Sick and Afflicted Persons 271 iMiacellanfoua JJra^ers. I. For the Ministers of Christ 277 II. Before a Missionary Meeting 278 III. For Universities and Colleges 280 IV. For a Revival of Religion 281 V. For Persons Dejected in Spirits 282 VI. For Persons Diseased in Mind 284 VII. For Prisoners 286 VIII. Before Meat 286 JX. After Meat , ., 237 PRAYEES FOR FAMILY WORSHIP. gmt mttk !' l! I SABBATH MOKNING. ALMIGHTY and eternal God, who, on the first day of Thy creation, didst cause light to shine out of darkness, shine, \ve pray Thee, in our dark and sinful hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of Thj glory in the face of Jesuo Christ. Lord, we are igijorant, and slow of heart to be- lieve ; teach Thou us hy Thy Holy Spirit, and en- able us to lay hold on that truth wherein we have been instructed. Cause the Word of Christ to en- ter our hearts, nndto dwell within us in its wisdom and in its strength. Too long, O Lord, we have lain in willing bond- age, stopping our ears against the call of conscience and duty. And when we have sought to rid our- selves of ir sins and infirmities, we have found our own strength to be but weakness against the power of the flesh and of the world. Lord, give us that strength which is made perfect in weakness, even that Holy Spirit ot grace, whom Thou hast promised to them that diligently seek Him. We pray Thee, Lord, to send out Thy light and Thy truth, that they may guide us into Thy Holy presence. Grant that this day may be a day of help 2 Family Worship. and blessing to our souls and the souls of many. Be with us in Thy house of prayer. Fix all our thoughts upon Thee, and draw out our desires after Thee. May we hold communion with Thee, O Fa- ther, and with our risen Lord, by the Holy Spirit, and be strengthened to go on our way rejoicing. Bless the labours of Thy ministers everywhere. Pour out upon them the Spirit of faith, and the Spirit of wisdom, and the Spirit of love, and the Spirit of holiness. Give grace to Thy people to hear Thy Word meekly, and to receive it with pure affection, and to bring forth the fruits of the Spirit. O Lord send into our souls the spirit of peace, keep far from us this day all strife and debate, all anxious longing after the things of this world, all distressing doubts concerning Thy revelation and Thy promise. Enable us to rise, in heart and soul, to the place where Christ sitteth at Thy right hand, and feel it to be indeed our country and our home. Help us, O Lord, to press forward more earnestly towards the goal of our earthly pilgrimage. Grant that none of us, through carelessness, unfaithfulness, or sin, may forfeit our crown. Give us grace to lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and to run with patience, even to the end, the race that is set before us. And receive us, O Lord, when we die into the everlasting habitations, through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ, our only Saviour and Redeemer, Amm. ^"^^m. Family Worship. 3 SABBATH EVENING. OLORD of hosts, the God of Israel, who dwellest in the highest heavens, on a throne of glory, encompassed with seraphim and all the glorified host of heaven, Thou art the God, even Thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth ; Thou hast made heaven and earth. We adore p.nd worship Thee, who wast in Christ reconciling the world unto Thy- self, not imputing their trespasses unto them. We bless Thy holy name, who redeem est our life from destruction and crownest us with lovinor-kindness and tender mercies. Lord, receive the prayers and praises of Thy whole Church throughout the world, this day pre- sented unto Thee. May they ascend up unto Thee through the mediation and intercession of our great High-Priest, who is now in Thy presence, and stands at Thy altar, and with the golden censer, and much incense, offers the prayers of all Thy saints before Thy throne. Send down from above that divine grace and power by which sin shall be vanquished, the world overcome, Satan subdued, and all the fruits of righteousiiess shall be yielded up by us and all Thy people, to Thy honour and glory. O Lord, forgive all the sins of our services this day. How many are our Sabbath sins! Li past days how many broken Sabbaths, unimproved opportu- nities, and lost privileges ; and how greatly do we > i 4 Family Worship. still fall short in everything of Thy glory ! Hc^w often has the Sabbath been to us rather a weariness than a delight ; a formal service, and not a spiritual enjoyment ; a burden, and not a privilege ! How often have vain imaginations, wanderings of heart, and distractions of mind, mingled with and polluted all its holy duties even to thi| very day ! Blot out all our sins for Thy name's sake, and give us be- lieving, penitent hearts ; that, receiving Thy word in faith and meekness, we may be not only hearers but doers of it also. Make our hearts truly to re- ceive and gladly to obey. Oh, preserve us from a hardened heart, keep us from tempting and provok- ing God. Keep us from erring in our hearts, and from ignorance of Thy ways ; and enable us so to believe, that we may finally enter that rest which remaineth for the people of God. Bless Thy faithful ministers in their own souls, and in their families ; make them burning and shin- ing lights to Thy Church. Make Thy people watch- ful and prayerful. Let us remember all the solemn admonitions to be ready for the Lord's coming ; and keep us from thfi temptation of thinking Thee slack concerning Thy promise. Let our loins ever be girded about, and our lights burning, and may we be like unto men that wait for their Lord, that when He cometh we may open to Him imme- diately. O Lord Jesus, hear us for Thy name's sake. Aytien, Family Worship. MONDAY MORNING. OGOD, our gracious Father, in whom we live and move and have our being, whose presence and glory surround us on every side, shed abroad, through the Holy Ghost, Thy love in Christ Jesus in our hearts. O may we all see how great is Thy goodness, how great is Thy beauty, and how excellent is Thy loving-kindness ; and let us all be numbered with the sons of men who put their trust under the shadow of Thy wings. Give us grace to live under the constant sense of Thy Holy love to us sinneis. Lead us into the fulness of the blessed truth that God is love ; and that he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him. Let love out of a pure heart, be the great animating, directing, and enlivening principle of our whole conduct toward Thee and toward all men. May the sermons yesterday preached by Thy min- istering Servants here, and the instruction given, be a blessing to this place — to rich and poor ; to young and old ; to the children in the schools, and to the parents of the children. Extend the same blessing wherever thy Gospel has been proclaimed, far and wide. Let there not be one hearing Thy truth, with- out some quickening or strengthening grace from the truth preached. May Thy Church be animated by a believing view of the bliss of all Thy saints now with Thee in the G Family Worship. heavenly Zion, and by the prospect of the resurrec- tion glory of Thy Church in the day of Christ. Seeing this great cloud of witnesses, let us run with patience, day by day, the race that is set before us ; may we lay aside every weight with which the world or Satan would encumber us, and the sin which does so easily beset us ; and may we be ever looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. O Lord, hold Thou up our goings in Thy paths, for only while Thou boldest us up are we safe. We are iu the midst of snares and temptations, which we see not, or at best see very dimly. Do Thou then, who never slumberest nor sleepest, still watch over, keep, and guard us, and inspire us with holy zeal, and courage, and devotedness in Thy service. Let the wicked all around be converted and turned to Thee; Jet the impenitent and unbelieving be brought to repentance and faith ; and those bur- dened with sin and guilt oome to Jesus and be relieved. Bless this our family. Let it appear that we have been given to one another, and brought together in Thy providence to be blessings to each other, in body and in soul, for time and for eternity. And bless the whole family of God. Bring in the Jews : bring in the Gentiles, and let it be said over the whole earth. Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Hear us for Jesus' sake. Aynen. Family Worship, W MONDAY EVENING. ALMIGHTY and everlasting God ! Thou art unspeakably great and glorious. Thou art the king eternal, immortal and invisible. Thy throne is in the highest heavens, and Thou art exalted above all blessing and praise. We, the crea- tures whom Thy hand hath made, and whom Thy providence sustains from day to day, desire at this time humbly to bow down before Thy divine Majesty, and to acknowledge our obligations to Thine infinite goodness and mercy. We bless Thee for all the comforts of this life ; but, above all, for Thine inestimable love in sending Thy Son from heaven to become the Saviour of our souls. We thank Thee for having provided this Mediator, through whom sinners may draw near unto Thee. We beseech Thee, O Lord, to grant unto us pardon of our sins through Jesus Christ. Remember not against us the transgressions either of this day or of our former lives; but be Thou pleased to receive us into Thy favour, and to adopt us into Thy family as members of Christ, as children of God, and heirs of the kingdom of heaven. And vouchsafe unto us the gift of Thy Holy Spirit, that we may be enabled to love Thee with all our hearts, and faithfully to per- form Thy righteous will. We beseech Thee to renew us in the spirit of our minds. Help us to put off that old man, which is corrupt according to the flesh, and to put on that new man, which is created 8 Family Worship, after Thine own image, in righteousness and true holiness. We would confide in Thee, who art ever ready to protect those who sincerely love and serve Thee. Let thy watchful providence defend us by night and by day, in adversity and prosperity, in sickness and in health ; and whenever the hour of our death shall draw near, may we find our consolation in Christ abound. Bless our native land ; and may it still be favoured with the light of Thy gospel. Bless our Queen and all in authority, and give them wisdom to fulfil the arduous duties to which they are called. Have mercy on all who are in any sorrow; on the widows and the fatherless, and on those who have none to help them. Look down with compassion on those who sufier from the calamities of war. Be merciful to our dear friends and relations. Grant that they may be now united with us in the bonds of Christian love, and that we may all be members of Thy blessed family in heaven. We pray Thee to take us under Thy care this night We are unable to protect ourselves, but Thou, Lord, art ever present with us. O hear us from heaven Thy dwelling-place ; and for Thy mercy's sake, be- stow upon us more than we ask or think, or are worthy to receive. We present these our humble and imperfect pray- ers, in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for whose sake alone we entreat Thee to hear and answer them. Amen. -a Family War ski p. 9 ii HI! TUESDAY MORNING. OLORD our God, we desire with all humility and reverence to adore Thee, who art in- finitely blessed and glorious, who hast all perfection in Thyself and art the Fountain of all being, power life, and perfection. Thou art good to all, and Thy tender mercies are over all Thy works. look upon us now, and show mercy unto us, as Thou usest to do unto those who love Thy name. We thank Thee for the mercies of the past night; that we laid as down and slept, and waked up again in safety, because Thou hast sustained us ; that no plague has come nigh our dwelling, but that we are brought in safety to the beginning of another day. We acknowledge that W3 are unworthy of all the truth and mercy which Thou hast showed unto us ; we have sinned against Thee, we are guilty before Thee ; we have corrupt and sinful natures, backward to good, and prone to evil continually. We are cold and defective in our love to Thee; we are weak in our own desires after Thee, and cannot walk with Thee as we ought to do. But we pray Thee to forgive all our sins, for Christ's sake, and be at peace with us, in Him who died to make peace, and let Thy peace rule in our hearts. O Lord, we commit ourselves to Thy care and keeping this day ; watch over us for good ; compass us about with Thy fiivour as with a shield ; preserve 10 I'^amily ^yonhip. us from all evil • vpi fl.. r ■ our .souls. ■ ^ ' ""-' ^"''^ i"''«'-'"'« ">.d keep Our bodies, and all our worMlu .«• • to the conduct of thy wi J" 7 "'""'^ "•'■'"''•'' and submit to its disposals ? ^"''7°"'' l"<'videnco, - ■> keep us in health anitfeU " "" '""""' '" lawful undertakings and X ' '""■^P'^'- "«'""" our i" them. Our sout v ' "' """''"'' "'"' --'«- of Th, Spiri, r;;l;' ~ -^ the government ?n us, and suflicienf for us, t ''Si r'^"'^ ^n us, both to will and to d f Tp '" "'"'^ pleasure. Grant us strenafh f ,, "'''" «°°'' the clay, that we may do alF t^ ' *'" ''""*^'* '"■ acknowledging Thee in ! """»^ '^'^'«'- ^ S^Jly sort, pWd to direct our srep: ''^ ''""'^ ' '^"'' ^^ ^-^ K^eep us from .sin ; give us tl,» i spirits, and keep us from!, " - °^"" '"^^ "'^n o- lips. May weitrtS ,:"'^-""^'^^^^^^^ J-e, and do Thou Lakfl'" " '•"" ""^ ^°'^ our dealings and nl '=°n««entious in all becomes th^ ^t??/^^''^"' %--t sin, as Prepare us for all the events of .7' T'"' "^'"" *''^'«- not What a day may bri^t^ Svf ''' '''"^ even our of for ^or His sake who died - and rose again and who h^h ^ ^ ^ saying, Our F.i.h.. r.„ ^^^^ *^"^^^ pray, saying, Our Father, fc us to Family Worihii>. 11 ^! I !l ! i 2i TUESDAY EVENING. GREAT God, the God of tlie whole earth and of the highest heavens ; our merciful Father, who wast in Christ Jesus reconciling the world unto Thyself, not irnimting their trespasses unto them, we beseech Thee to draw all our hearts now unto Thee. O grant that this, our family prayer unto Thee, may not be a burden, but our joy and delight ; give us to engage in it, not merely because habit requires us to do so, but as a real relief and comfort to our souls ; may we never be weary of it nor weary in it, but ever find it a refreshment in our weariness, and a rest from our cares. We desire to thank Thee from the heart for all the mercies of this day ; our many wants have been sup- plied ; we have been spared and blessed, and every- thing which has happened to us has been according to thy gracious providence. We thank thee for the joys and the sorrows, the mercies and the trials of this day ; all come from Thee in love ; and Oh, give us to know that, loving Thee, all will work for our chief good. Help us to rejoice in Thee, the Lord, always ; and in everything to give thanks. We confess to Thee our many sins. Whether we look at our thoughts, our words, or works — in the morning, at mid-day, in the afternoon, or in the eve- ning — we have not, as we ought, had a lively sense of Thy presence, nor sought with full purpose of heart Thy glory, nor walked with Thee all the day long, 12 Family Worship. nor taken up as wo should self-denying work and duty. Vain and worldly thoughts have too much possessed our souls, and made us like those who live as without God in the world. We have not called on Thee. We have been weary of Thee. Blot out all our transgressions for Thy name's s.ake, and remember our sins no more. Renew our souls by Thy grace ; and make us pure, even as Thou art pure, and meet for the inheritance of the saints in light. Make all the changing scenes of this life to work for our spiritual and eternal good. Make our eyo single, and our whole body fall of light. Bless every member of our family, our friends and our neighbours \ let all receive a blessing from Thee through our prayers. Help us to be lovers of hos- pitality, and lovers of good men. May Thy Church in our country be protected, preserved and prospered continually, through Thy watchful care and good providence from day to day. Give us a lively interest in the prosperity of Thy Church universal, and the increase of Thy kingdom. Lord, grant these great blessings, speedily deliver Thy people who may have been deceived by the Mystery of Iniquity ; and fulfil Thy promises to destroy the man of sin with the brightness of Thy coming. Do Thou accomplish Thy promised mercy and truth to Zion, and let all the ends of the earth see Thy salvation. O grant our requests for our Redeemer's sake. Amen. .llili 4f Fam^l^ Worship, 13 o WKDNESDAY MORNING. IjOllO our God, whether wc wake or sleep we are still with Thee. Durii:i^ the hours of darkness and slumber Thou hast guarded us from evil. In our moments of unconsciousness, when un- able to care for ourseWos, Thou hast made us Thy care. And now we awake and behold, and our sleep has been sweet unto us. Let Thy Holy S[)irit bo granted to us, that we may more clearly see the proofs of Thy goodness and love. Thou hast provided for our bodily wants: Thou luus given us food and raiment, health and home. Thou hast provided for our spiritual wants : Thou hast given liS Thy Holy Word with its trea- sures of eternal truth, — Thy well-beloved Son, whose atoning sacrifice and perfect life redeem us from sin, and reveal Thine heart, — and Thy Holy Spirit who cleanses us from evil, and shows to us the glory of Christ. O help us to see Thy hand in all, and to praise Thee with joyful lips. Bless the Lord, our souls, and all that is within us bless His Holy name. O Lord our God, we know that in all the mercies which Thou hast bestowed upon us, and especially in the gift of Thy dear Son^ Thou dost seek to drav; us away from self and sin to holiness and to Thee. Grant us, then, Thy Spirit, that this Thy purpose may be accomplished in us. May Thy goodness subdue our pride and self-will, and bring us into 13 14 Family Worship. Hiibjcction to Thy perfect will. May our hearts ho wholly renewed ; may we hiuif^er and thirst after righteousness, and be filled. Let that mind bo in us which was also in Christ Jesus. May wo walk in the truth, and may integrity and uprightness pre- serve us. May love run through both our actions and our words, and may we be gentle and patient to all men. Most Merciful Father, we commend to Thee all that belong to this household, and all our relatives and friends. Let them covet Thy favour above earthly good, and aspire after conformity to the image of Thy Son. Let them not be drawn iisido from thu path of holiness by the snares that beset them, but let them steadfastly cleave to Thee. We pray Thee to bless all the family of mankind. Let the ignorance and vice, the cruelty and oppres- sion which darkcii the world, give place to light and purity and love. Let war cease to the end of the earth. Let the Prince of Peace reign in all hearts and over all nations. Most Gracious God, assist us this day in the duties of our calling. Go forth with us in our work and our labour until the evening. Give us the strength and wisdom we need. Preserve us from the sins into which we are liable to fall, and grant that when the night comes we niay end the day with Thee, even as now with Thee we seek to begin it ! Grant us these mercies for the sake of t>esus Christ our Lord. Amen. Family Worship. 15 11 i\ 'ii/ \-\ liiii' Il'i!!!! 1:l!l;! ii WEDNESDAY EVENING WHEREWITH shall we come before Thee O Lord, or bov7 ourselves in Thy presence, O Thou Most High God ? Cause us to come unto Thee in faith, mentioning no other name, pleading no other righteousness, and trusting in no other atonement, than the name, righteousness, and atonement of Thy blessed Son, our adorable Mediator, Jesus Christ. In Him we desire to be found ; through Him we hope ibr favour with Thee and acceptance in Thy sight. Blessed be Thy name for the mercies of the past day, for the blessings of Thy providence, and foi all the comforts and privileges we enjoy. We thank Thee that we have been protected from danger ; and, above all, if we have been wi':hheld by Thy grace from sinning against Thee. O Lord, wash out the transgressions of the past day. If Thou bhouldest deal with us after our sins, or reward us according to our deservings, we could not stand in Thy presence, nor be justified in Thy sight. But we bless Thee for the grace and mercy which Thou hast laid up for us in the righteousness, sacrifice, and intercession of Him who is our advo- cate with Thee, and the propitiation for our sins. Continue Thy goodness towards us this night ; may we, as the beloved of the Lord, dwell in safety by Thee. Make us to rest under Thy defence, Thou Most High, and to abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Bless us with Thy presence, Thy grace, 16 Family Worship, and Thy protection. Suffer not the enemy to have any advantage over us; neither let the son of wicked- ness approach to hurt us. Be witli all Thy people everywhere ; may those who are near and dear to us be near and dear to Thee ; and whatever separation Thy good providence may ordain for us on earth, may we meet with joy at Thy right hand, at the appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Bless all the nations. Maintain Thine own truths and enlarge the kingdom of Thy Son. Regard with favour the Church to which we belong, the vine which Thine own right hand hath planted. Bless owr Sovereign and every branch, of the royal family. Pour down Thy grace upon all orders and degrees of men among us, that they may be fearers of God, lovers of truth, and workers of righteousness. Strengthen and relieve those who labour under any affliction in mind, body, or estate, and make all things to work together for their good. We beseech Thee to hear us, and grant us these and ail other mercies, spiritual and temporal, only for the sake of Jesus Christ the righteous. Amen. Family Worship. 17 li'l '11 II m THURSDAY MORNING. OLORD GOD of heaven and of earth, Thou art a great King above all gods. We confess with shame and confusion of face our multiplied sins against Thee and against our fellow-men. Spare us, Lord God, and forgive us for Christ's sake. Turn not Thy face away in displeasure, but have compas- sion upon us, and accept our offerings of prayer and praise. We beseech Thee, Lord, to give us Thy gracious Spirit that we tempt not Christ, as some of Thine ancient people tempted, and were slain in the wilderness. Vouchsafe to keep us this day from the sin of idolatry. Let us use this world as not abusing it. Let our chief treasure be in heaven, and our hearts be there also. And while diligent in business, preserve us from covetousness which is idolatry. We praise and magnify Thee, Lord God of our life, for another night's rest ; for sleep and safety in the dark watches. Hitherto the Lord hath helped us. And now that Thou hast raised us up again to renewed life, let the dayspring of Thy favour visit us from on high. May the Lord God be our sun and shield. Direct, we beseech Thee, the path of our feet. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Lord, we entreat Thee, lay upon us this day no burden which we are unable to bear; no burden of sorrow or of temptation : with every trial do Thou make a way for our escape ; and may 18 Family Worship, we be able to do all things through Christ who strengtheneth us. Hear us, we pray Thee, on behalf of all our kin- dred and all our acquaintance. Bring all our dear relations into Thy family, and let Jesus, Thy well- beloved Son, be the elder brother to all that are in our household. Let no kinsman of ours be found to be wanting when Thou, in the day of judgment, numberest up Thy people. We commend to Thee, Almighty Ruler of the na- tions, our beloved country. Give peace in our time. Sand us now prosperity. O God, bless our Sovereign and all the royal family. Give grace to judges and magistrates to execute justice and maintain truth. We pray for all who suffer affliction, in mind, body or estate; comfort and relieve them according to their several necessities ; and may all their trials, though, at present not joyous, but grievous, work at last for good to them that are exercised thereby. And now we will go through this day in the strength of the Lord, and will make mention of His righteousness, oven of His orly, end to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we will give all the praise for ever. Amen, 15 ii;! ! m tH ■■a S : it; mm I ill I i i! I: I'll! s r Family Worship, 19 THUKSDAY EVENING. MOST holy, blessed, and glorious Lord God, whose we are, and whom we are bound to serve, it is through Thy good hand upon us, that we are brought in safety to the (;lose of another day ; and that after the various employments of the day, we come together at night to mention the loving- kindness of the Lord, and the praises of our God, who is good, and whose mercy endureth for ever. It is to Thee alone that we are indebted for all that we are, and for all that we enjoy ; bet we have proved ourselves most ungrateful ard un- profitable servants. We have broken Thy holy laws times and ways to ourselves innumerable ; and this day we have sinned and done foolishly. God, Thou knowest our foolishness, and our sins are not hid from Thee. We beseech Thee, our God, to produce in our hearts the grace of genuine repentance. Make us sensible of the evil as well as of the danger of sin. And enable us, not merely to mourn over it, but to flee from it, and to take refuge in Christ, whose blood alone can atone for the guilt of sin, and whose Spirit alone can deliver us from its power. We commit ourselves to Thee this niirht and de- sire to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and to abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Make a hedge of protection about us, and about our house, and about all tbat we have, that no evil may 20 Family Worshijh befall us and no plague come nigh our dwelling. The Lord be our keeper, that neither slumbers nor sleeps. Restore us, we beseech Thee, to another day in safety, and fit us for its duties and labours, by re- fresliing our bodies with quiet and comfortable sleep ; and, when we awake, may we be still with Thee. Lord, let our family be blessed in Him in whom Thou hast promised that all the families of the earth shall be blessed ; blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly things, in Christ Jesus, and with tem- poral blessings as far as Thou seest good for us. Give us health and prosperity, but especially let our souls prosper and be in health ; and let all that belong to us belong to Christ, that we who are united on earth may be together for ever with the Lord. Rule in the hearts of our rulers. O Lord, bless the Queen, and make all that are in places of pub- lic trust faithful to the public interest ; and all that bear the sword, a terror to evil doers, and a protec- tion and praise to them that do well. Comfort and relieve all that are in sorrow or affliction, and lay no more upon them than Thou wilt enable them to bear. Do for us, we pray Thee, abundantly above what we ask or think, for the sake of our blessed Saviour Jesus Q\. -ist ; to whom with the Father, and the eternal Spirit, be glory and praise, now and for ever. Ajaen. I li l>1 I Family Worship. 21 " 1. FRIDAY MORNING. OLORD GOD ALMIGHTY, Thou art the sovereign Lord of heaven and earth, against whom all our sins have been committed, and by whom alone they can be pardoned ; there is none but Thee, by whom our iniquities can be subdued, or our necessities supplied. But Thou art able, and also ready, to hear and help, to bless and save Thy people who call upon Thee ; Thou dolightest to show mercy, and lovest the occasions of glorifying Thy compassion. We come to Thee, therefore, Lord, begging that mercy which Thou knowest we ex- tremely want, and grace to help us in this our time of need. We beg the same for the sake of Thine in- finitely beloved Son, who alone is worthy, and in whose precious blood is all our trust. We are unclean, Lord, and tliou may est well abhor our guilty souls ; but look upon us in the Son of Thy love, and prepare us for the mercies which Thou hast treasured up for us in Him. Make us to feel the burden and the bitterness of our sins ; nor let us ever attempt to covei and conceal them, lest they find us out at the Jast, and overwhelm us with shame and misery. Holy Father, carry on with power Thy great work, even the work of faith, and the sanctifi- cation of our souls. Quicken us, Lord God, and stir us up to Thy work ; and assist us in the performance of all our duties, which of ourselves Thou knowest we are unable to perform. Work in us to will and 22 Family WorsMp. to do of Thy good pleasure ; establish the things, O God, which Thou hast already wrought for us ; and go on to work mightily upon our hearts by Thy grace till our souls are titted for the enjoyment of Thy glory. Gracious Lord, Thy mercies are fresh and new to us every morning. We have laid us down and slept and waked again, for Thou hast sustained us ; Thou hast kept us from the terrors of the night, and from all evil accidents, so that we have once more risen in peace and safety. Glory be to Thee, God of our salvation, who art still so mindful of us, so merciful unto us. Continue, we y)ray Thee, Thy goodness tons this day, and teach us how to demean ourselves aright, and to order our ati'airs to Thy glory. O direct our undertakings, and prosper our endeavours. Rule our hearts in Thy fear and love, and keep us living to Thy praise and honour. We now commit ourselves to Thee, and shelter ourselves under the shadow of Thy wings. O keep us from evil, and help us to do that which is good and pleasing to our God, through Jesus Christ. Give us. Lord, all that we have asked aright ; forgive us all that we have asked amiss ; and bestow on us all things need- ful, which we should have asked, for the sake of Thine own dear Son, and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. ill W ^ I I! HA?>!}LTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Family Worship. 23 FRIDAY EVENING. OGOD, most Holy, most mighty, and most merciful, help us this night to enter into our hccarts, and search ourselves, and give ourselves to prayer and communion with Thee. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins. Thou art faitliful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Forgive, we humbly beseech Thee, all the sinful de- partures of thought and word and deed of which we have this day been guilty. Forgive us wherein we have broken Thy holy law, and lived without faith, and in the love of pleasure more than of God. May it please Thee to give repentance, and vouchsafe to us meekness and lowliness of mind and heart and a name and a place among Thy children. Bring us, wehumbly beseech Thee,into fellowship with Christ's Bufferings Grant that we may enjoy the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and know that Christ is ours, and that we are Christ's, and that Christ is God's. Grant us, God, the assurance of spiritual quick- ening. In all our duties and trials may we recog- ^nize thy presence, and feel that our souls are in Thy keeping. May we be moved to holy obedience. Every day that we live may we have a fuller vision of the world everlasting. Be with us, we humbly beseech Thee, this night. Bless our family circle. M&MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARf 24 Familji Worship, Defend IKS from danger and sudden death. Spare us, if it be thy will, to a new day. May it please Tliee to bless the nation. Grant that all may speedily know Thee, and own Thee as their King. Let Thy gracious influences be poured out upon the Church. Hfisten the Lord's Coming and Kingdom. Grant that the purity and unity of Thy people may be increased. Be gracious to the afflicted and the bei'eaved. Give light to them in their darkness, and inward peace amid all their trials. Bless all our friends and relatives and neigh- bours. Grant that they may believe in Thee, and have in Thee their hope and peace. We again commend us unto Thee, God, beseech- ing Thee to hear our evening prayer, for Christ'jj sake. Amen, U\ :\ m \ n I ■ i •f' Faintly Worship. 25 26 fii' SATUKDAY MOUNING. FATHER of lights, from whom proooedoth every good and perfect gift, wo would lift up our eyes unto Thee, who liast sustained us during the nifdit. and restored to us the accustomed mer- cies of the day. Helj) us, we beseech Thee, now that we behold the returning liglit of the sun, to apprehend Thee who art tlie light of the soul — light perfect, i)urc, and holy, and in whom there is no darkness at all. Lord, if we would have fellowship with Thee we must be like Thee. Our own consciences, and our own experience, witness that there can be no communion between light and darkness, no fellow- ship between righteousness and urnighteousness^ We have to confess, Lord, that, while with Thee there is no darkness at all, with us there is darkness deep and defiling. But, Thou who at the first didst command the light to shine out of darkness, shine into our hearts, to give us the light of the knowledges of Thy glory ill the face of Jesus Christ. May we see Thee in Him, as a reconciled Father, as willing to receive graciously and to forgive freely,, even such sinners as ourselves, and to make us Thy children, and heirs of Thy kingdom. We come as suppliants to Thy mercy-seat. We know that we have sinned; but Christ has died ; we plead His blood. His righteous- ness. Accept us, Lord as Thine ; and grant that, 26 Family Worskip. f being justified by faith in TTim, wo may have peace with Thee, and rejoice in tlie liope of Thy glory. Be witli UH, Lord, this day ; and grant that, m tlie course of it, we may walk worthy of Thee who hast callel us to a heavenly kingdom. May we be sensible of Thy presence, and be in Thy fear all the day long. Keep us fi'om all worldly, anxious, care- ful, defiling thoughts; preserve us fn »m all unhal- lowed desires and affections. May we set a watch over our lips, that we offend not with our tongues. May our words be with grace, seasoned with salt, and our thoughts holy, pure, and heavenly, — such thouofhts as filled the soul of Him who is our exam- pic ; and our words like His, out of whose mouth no guile ever proceeded. Towards our fellow-men may wc be truthful, up- right, kind and patient ; ready to forgive those who have injured us, and laborious in doing good to all, I]nable us to serve our generation according to Thy will ; and, while we are in the world, to be doing the work Thou hast assigned us. But while in the world, let us not be o/the world; may we live in the spirit of strangers and pilgrims, waiting for the appearance of our Lord from heaven ; and when He shall appear may we also appear with Him in glory, and be made partakers of the inheri- tance of the saints in light, through Him who loved us, and gave Himself for us, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. !N 111 i ! L.L1' \l tl: r ■VV0 Famili/ Worskip, SATUUDAV EVENING. 27 ALMIGHTY and evcrlastin<^' God, author of our heing, supporter of our lives, and source of all our hopes hoth in tliis world and in t^-at which is to conio, \V(3 lift up our evcnin;^' ])raycr to Thee, in jukMovvlcdgincMtof Tiiy divin;' goodness, and of our (!()ntinuid (k'i)('n<lenco upon Thoe. Wo thank Th(;c for Thy merciful protection this day. By Thee wo have been sustained ever since wc were born ; and by Thy gracious care we are now enal)]e(l to lie down in ])eace. Blessed be Thy name if we have been in any measure preserved from evil. We ar.j ex|M)sed U) dangers ; we live in the midst of an ensnaring world; our own hearts are ever ready to deceive us, and our great spiritual adversary goeth about seeking whom he may devour. Lord, our hope and confidence are only in Thee. Be Thou unto us a rock of defence that we may be saved from the power of our enemies. We beseech Thee to pardon the sins which wo have this day commit ^/^;d. Although we profess to love Thy name, yet, in how many things do we con- tinue to offend. We earnestly implore Thy pardon in the name of Jesus Christ. Be Thou merciful to us for our Saviour's sake ; and send Thy Holy Spirit into our hearts, that wc may more deeply repent, and may reform our lives, and be disciples of Christ not in name only, but in deed and in truth. Be pleased to sanctify to the good of our souls 28 Fumili/ Woviikip. whatovor events have befallen us on this day. May wo bo gathorinf^ wisdom from what wo sec around us. When wo behold instances of patience ami h)n^- sufforing, of meekness and gentleness, of loving- kindness and charity, may we follow them ; and wl»en wo witness the mortality of others, may we bo reminded that our time also is short, and that blessed is that man whom his Lord, when he Com- eth, shall find watchini^. Bless, we earnestly beseech Thee, our several friends and relations. Be Thou bountiful to cur benefactors. Show Thy special mercy to the chil- dren of this family. Give wisdom to those who shall be appointed to instruct them ; and provide for them friends who shall guide them in the right way, and shall prove a blessing to them to the end of their lives. We pray for the ministers of the Gospel, tliat they may go forth in Thy strength, and preach Thy pure and unadulterated word, and have abundant success ; and for those who are sick or in trouble, that they may patiently endure the affliction of the Lord, and in due time find deliverance. We thus commend to Tliy gracious care both ourselves and others ; and we desire to lie down in perfect charity with all men. Lord, hear us in these our prayers, for Jesus Christ's sake ; to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and jQ;lory, world without end. Amen, ! I- mi-. ' . 1 m ,■ * in fT Family WorsJup. 20 StC0nb Mcch. !, i! lii ■ :; li M SABBATH MOENIISG. OLORD, from everlasting to everlasting Tlioii art God, and all times and seasons are Tliini'. Thou inliabitest eternity, and hearest the praises of blessed ancfels in the heaven of heavens. But Thou also, in Tliy fiitherly kindness, condescendest to in- cline Tliine ear to the voice of our supplications, and givest us our appointed periods of rest and retire- ment to meditate on Thy ways, and seek and servo Thee here below. We desire to bless Thee, Thou giver of all good, for every day of mercy which Thou hast been pleased to grant us ; but, above all we bless Thee for the wv^ekly return of the Lord's day, with all its calming and spiritualizing influences. O may we esteem it honourable, and count it among our most precious J privileges, that we are blessed with such a season for our instruction, and converse with Thee in Christ. When we think of the great works of creation and redemption, with which its appointment stands connected, and of the ever blessed rest that remaineth on high for the people of God, to which it points, may these contemplations solenmize our minds, and prepare us for its holy duties. May it be to us a rest from sin and worldly cares and vanities, and from everything at variance with the heavenly nu- 30 Family Worship, ture of tbc service for which it was ordained ; but not a rest from any act of duty which Thou hast commanded. Prepare our hearts for meeting with Thee in Thy house of prayer ; and when we mingle in the assem- bly of Thy people, may the true spirit of worshij, regulate our thoughts, and lift up our affections to Thee. Give us the attentive ear, and the understand- ing heart, that the preaching of Thy word,— of Christ crucified, — may be precious to us, and may leave up- on our minds a lively and lasting impr Vuu May Thy servant, who is to minister to us Thy word of life, speak with all faithfulness and effect, the truths which Thou hast commissioned him to deliver to a sinful people. May Thy Spirit be upon him, that he may delight in Thy work, and be blessed in his ministrations, his family, and hi;? flock. May Thy servants be enabled everywhere to speak a word in season to many perishing sinners, and be the honoured instruments, in Thy hand, of turning them to righteousness and the way of salvation. Give likewise Thy blessing, O God, to all our fel- low worshippers this day, in this place and else- where, whether they worship Thee in public or pri- vate. May Thy Spirit work in them, both to will and to do of Thy good pleasure, and bring them unto Thee with acceptance, through the merits of Him who intercedes for them at Thy right hand. Our prayers, O Lord, are now before Thee; grant us an answer in peace, ior Christ's sake. Amen. m ?r ^^^1 /'^ ;,■ * ■;? m W I nil Family Worship, SABBATH EVENING. 31 OLORD our God, Thou art infinitely good, and Thou hast showed us what is good, and what Thou requirest of us, that it may go well with us, both now, and to all eternity. We have line upon line, and precept upon precept ; Thou send est Thy messengers early and late, to open and apply Thy word ; to give us calls and warnings, directions and exhortations ; and to promote by all possible means our edification here, and our salvation for ever. Thou hast not been wanting to us, Lord, but we have been exceedingly wanting to ourselves ; for we have loved darkness rather than light, and chosen to fol- low our own foolish and hurtful lusts, rather than be guided by Thy blessed word. Lord God, merciful and gracious, we humbly beseech Thee that Thou wilt not so enter into judg- ment with Thy servants ; but in mercy pardon all our contempt of Thy word, and our abuse of all the means of grace which Thou hast aflforded us. Help us, for the time to come, to use and improve such gracious opportunities to the glory of Thy name, and the benefit of our own souls. Let Thy good Spirit bring Thy word to our re- membrance, and cause it to be an engrafted word, able and effectual to save our souls. And as we have been taught how we ought to walk, and to please Thee our God, so help us to walk more worthy of Thee ; and to be more ready to 32 Family Worship. every good work, which may be pleasing in Thy sight through Jesus Christ. O merciful God, we beg Thy gracious acceptance of owv praise and thanksgiving, for all the blessings which Thou hast so freely conferred upon us, and so long continued to us. Thou hast dealt graciously with us, blessed Lord, and been exceedingly kind to us, not only beyond all that we have reason to ex- pect, but above all that we are able to express. We acknowledge Thee in aP , and we desire to ascribe unto Thee all the praise and the glory. Particularly would our souls now bless Thee for the mercies which we have experienced this day ; for Thy house open to us ; for the word of salvation sounded in our ears ; and for Thy blessed Spirit striving with our hearts. In mercy pardon all which Thy pare and holy eyes have seen amiss this day, in any of our thoughts, our words or actions. Forgive the iniquities of our holy things, and overlook all our failings and imper- fections for the sake of our great Mediator and Redeemer, who ever lives at Thy right hand to make i t* vi'ession for us. To Him as the blessed author oi > ii hopes and happiness; and to Thee who didst vouchsafe to deliver Him up for us ; and to that blessed Spirit who has revealed Him to us, be all praise, and honour, and glory ascribed, now and for evermore. Amen. m t /I 1 :i . It 19 fel: !' Family fVorship. 33 I !! MONDAY MORNING. WE believe, our gracious God, the faithful- ness of Thy word ; and we are sure that Thou the God of Israel and of the whole earth, the same Lord over all, art rich unto all that call upon Thee. In this confidence, we now unite ourselves to the blessed company who in every place call upon Thy name ; assured that what we ask according to Thy will, in the name of Jesus Christ, we shall obtain, and shall certainly find what we thus seek. Lord, we believe ; help Thou our unbelief. At the commencement of this week's labours, we pray that we may live in the spirit of those sei vices of Thy house in which we were yesterday engaged. Let holiness to the Lord be inscribed on our commonest service. Let every day be as a Sabbath ordinance. May we set our hearts with all fixedness and zeal, to run with patience our Christian race. May we ear- nestly seek first Thy kingdom and Thy righteousness. Help us to take fast hold of Thy covenant, to put away every sin with abhorrence, to choose always those things which please Thee, and to keep judgment and do justice. May we never slight or neglect Thy truth, but treasure it up in our hearts. Give us true and saving faith, and suffer us not by unbelief to lose the great and glorious privileges of Thy eternal kingdom. Prepare us by Thy grace to be meet partakers of them, and hasten the conimi,' of that kinordom. 34 Family JVorskip. Fountain of light and life, of grace and love, we bless and praise Thee, for Thou art good and gracious ; Thy mercy is great above the heavens, and Thy truth reacheth unto the cbi^J^. Be Thou exalted above the heavens, and Thy glory above all the earth. Abundantly have we been blessed by Thee in body and in soul ; in merciful provision for all our wants, for time and for eternity. Above all, we thank Thee for that mystery of godliness, Jesus our Saviour, God over all, who was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto us Gen- tiles, believed on in the world, and received up into glory. Still bless us, Lord, and do us good. Thy bless- ing alone maketh rich without sorrow. Thy blessing turns us fvom all our iniquities. Let the thoughts of our hearts, and the words of our lijxs, and the actions (jf our life, be under Thy governance — guided by Thy word, and quickened by Thy Spirit, — so shall they be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. From our own blessed experience of Thy light and truth, let us and Thy whole Church and people everywhere communicate light and truth to all around. Give us grace to occupy every talent, for Thee, till we are called to give account with jo}/ in Thy presence. Hear us, O our Redeemer, to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all glory, now and evermore. Amen. i\ -i ■ I J i,!.' Family Worship. 35 L I MONDAY EVENING. OLORD GOD ALMIGHTY, who knowest all things, and understandest the secrets of every heart, suit Thy mercies, we pray, to our necessities ; and grant unto all the members of this family such things as Thou seest to be most needful for us. We pray Thee especially to bring our hearts into full obedience to Thy Gospel. Take away from us all pride, impenitency, and unbelief; all undue love of this present world, all inordinate affection, and every evil inclination. Take from us everything which opposes itself to the knowledge of Thy truth, and is contrary to the spirit of Thy grace. May we humble ourselves as cliildren in Thy sight ; receiving, in sincerity and simplicity of heart, the various doctrines of Thy word. Give us, also, grace to maintain a Christian spirit, and to abound in every good work. May we be patient, and con- tented, and thankful for our lot in life ; praising and blessing Thee for all our providential as well as spiritual mercies ; imploring the continuance of Thy favour, and jealous over ourselves, lest, by any evil habits which we indulge, we draw down Thine anger upon us. Make us strict in our integrity, sincere in every word, faithful in every trust, diligent in every duty, amiable in every temper of our lives. May we be zealous to do honour to the cause of Thy Gospel, and thus recommend the religion of Christ. Teach us to exercise all those virtues which shone 86 Family Wor^ship. so brightl}' in our Lord, and give us grace to testify, on every occasion, our abhorrence of evil. At the same time, may we remember our exceed- ing sinfulness ; and thus learn to bear with all the various infirmities of others. Give us courage and integrity to exhort one another daily lest any of us be hardened through the dcceitfulness of sin ; and teach us, in the spirit of love, to serve Jind edify one' another. ^^d now, O Lord, wherever we have this day failed in the performance of our duty, and in the exercise of any Christian temper, or wherever we have in any respect ofiended Thee, we implore Thy pardon, in the name of Jesus Christ. Take us under Thy protection this night; may we be safe under the shadow of Thy wings; may we commit ourselves to Thee, in peace and comfort. May Thy Gospel be our consolation, in our lying down, and in our rising up ; may it be an ever-pre- sent source of happiness to us ; may it lighten every trial, and reconcile us to every disappointment. May there be no place or time, no situation or circum- stance, when the satisfaction which it imparts shall entirely leave us ; but, under its blessed influence, may our hearts be ever filled with thankfulness, and our lips with praises. And all we ask is in the name of Jesus Christ, our only Saviour and Mediator. Amen, ' '.\i I t[ 1 «;■• ! ■m Family Worship. 37 t' !'! I Hii TUESDAY MORNING. ALMIGHTY and eternal God, our Creator, and Preserver, and continual Benefactor, we de- sire to begin tlii« day with the acknowledgment of Thy power and goodness, and of our obligation to love and serve Thee ; and we beseech Thee to grant us grace to pass the whole of it in Thy fear, and in the fulfilment of Thy commandments. Thouhastconnnanded to each of us our work in life Lord, enable us diligently to perform our respec- tive duties. Let us not waste our time in unprofit- ableness or idleness, nor be unfaithful to any trust committed to us. Let us remember that Thine eye is upon us ; and let us have the testimony of our consciences, that, in simplicity and godly sincerity, we have our conversation in the world. Let truth be ever on our lips. Help us. Lord, to perform a kind and Christian part to all who may come under our in- fluence. Mav we labour to do them service, and con- tinually deny ourselves that we may the more effectually and abundantly minister to the wants of others. May we rejoice with them that rejoice, and weep with them that weep; and be kindly affectioned one to another, with brotherly love, in honour prefer- ring one another. O Lord, we beseech Thee to give us patience to bear the several trials and vicissitudes of life, with an equal and contented mind. Let us not be per- plexed with the cares of this world, nor overwhelmed ^ 38 Family Worship, with unnecessary fears ; but let us ever trust Tli y gracious provideneo, and hope in Thy goodness and mercy. Give to us, when we are in prosperity, a spirit of moderation and sobriety. Save us from pride, an< from self-indulgence. Deliver us from the too gieat love of earthly things ; and teach us to remember that it is Thou who givest us all things richly to enjoy. Bless unto us the afflictivo circumstances through which we may pass. May we see Thy hand in all Thy various dispensations, and adore Thee for the several events of Thy providence ; knowing that, if wo truly love and serve Thee, all things shall work together for our good. We commend to Thy kind and fatherly care all our friends and relations. Direct, O Lord, their steps in life, and bless them with all heavenly blessings in Jesus Christ. Vouchsafe unto them the pardon of their sins, and the blessed hope of eternal life. We pray for the rising generation. May they remember their Creator in the days of their youth ; and find Thee to be their refuge in all the scenes through which they pass. Have mercy on all who are in any sorrow or trouble. Do Thou p ovide for them through the riches of Thy mercy, and send special help in their hour of need. We offer these our imperfect prayers in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour. AifRtn. ii i'l p./ ■I: ■ !» 1 Family W<>rslnp. 39 Itintj TUESDAY EVENING. A LMIOHTY GOD, all blessings flow from Thee. /-% At the close of another day, wo desire, as a lainily, to approach Thy footstool, pi (fading the atonement of Christ, and desiring to take Thee at Thy word, and to rest on thy promises. Every day which comes and goes brings with it pledges and assur- ances of Thy goodness and love. Grant that we may have grateful hearts to Thee this evening for what we have this day experienced. Almighty God, we acknowledge before Thee all our short-comings and offences this day, all our wayward- ness and unthank fulness. Have mercy upon us. Bless us with the sanctifying influences of the Holy Spiri t. May we have the pardon and forgiveness of all our sins, for the sake of Jesus Christ. Turn not away Thy face fiom us, nor our prayer from Thee. Deliver us, we humbly beseech Thee, from self right- eousness and presumption. Let Thy mercy spare us, God ! Give us a closer and more intimate acquain- tance with Thyself, and a deeper and a livelier insight into the depravity of our own hearts. Grant that we may receive Thy enlightenment, and the blessed experience of 1 nine indwelling. Create with- in us a clean heart, renew within us a right spirit, that we may be careful of all our ways. Help us to watch and pray. May we ever live as in Thy sight. Suffer U3 never to ftill from Thy service. Help us to overcome every difficulty in our Christian course. ■%» 40 Family Worship, and rise to still higher attainments therein. Grant that seeming evils may be turned into real blessings, and loving corrections tend to further advancement. Take us, we humbly beseech Thee, this night un- der Thy protection. May we be at peace with Thee and with one another, and with all men. Give us refreshing sleep. Be as a wall of fire around our dwelling, defending us from everything that might hurt or destroy. Grant that, in the morning, we may awake to know Thy goodness, and to serve Thee in ft new day. Bless our country, its rulers, its commerce, its benevolent institutions, its schools, its churches — all agencies within it operating for the public good. Be gracious to our beloved Sovereign, and to all the members of the royal family. May they be an example of piety and every virtue to all the people. Bless the Church of God everywhere. May all its members be united in the bonds of Christ. Grant that the afflicted and the dying may obtain light in darkness, and comfort and joy in all their trials and sorrows. May all our relatives and friends be blessed with the peace which passeth understand- ing, and walk in Thy law. Hear and answer these our petitions, for Christ's sake. Amen. D Family Worship, 41 I (;:i i;.'„'ti WEDNESDAY MORNING. OLORD OOD, most holy and most merciful, wo coino before Tlieo this morning', as a family with confidence, desiring to ground our petitions or) the merits of Thy well-beloved Son. May we have a sincere desire to })e washed fron) all our sins in the blood of Christ. Give us the assurance of our forgiveness through Him. More and more, may we be able to say, being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Grant, God, that we may be conformed to Thy holy will. Give us tlie meekness, and the gentleness and the forbearance of Jesus. Increase our faith. Grant that the Holy Spirit may be with us this da}^ to purify our hearts, and raise our feelings and « tions into harmony with Thy law. Deliver us from strife and envy, and from evil thoughts and unholy tempers. May our common life be more hallowed by Chn;stian motives. May our responsibility to Thee, irnd our dependence upon Thee, be felt by us more powerfully, and be shown more fully in our lives. May we evermore see the littleness and the emptiness of earthly things, in comparison with those that are heavenly, and use the world as not abusing it. To all our duties this day may we carry the righteous and kindly spirit of the Gospel. May we have grace to show in all things that we are not of the world. Preserve us, O God, for in Thee do we j)ut our trust. TU 42 Famih/ Wont/iip. May it [)leaso Tlieo to prosper the church ofClirist. Bless her faithful ministers and teachers and mission- aries everywhere. CJrant tlwit jill jnrrings and un- worthy jealousies may cease, and that Christians may love one another and provoke; one another to good works. r-Iave mercy on all wlio an; living separate from Thee, satistied with Avhat this woijd can give. May they V)0 drawn to seek ha[)[)incss in a re- conciled God and Saviour. Be gracious' to all who are in places of trust and Authority. Give them grace to use well the steward- ship into which Thon hast put them. May rich and poor alike be partakers of the riches of Thy grace, and be poor in spirit, trusting in the Lord. Manifest Thyself to the afflicted and Llio dying everywhere. Uphold them by Thy grace. We commend to Thy special care the young, and all who are dear to us by the ties of friendship and blood. Grant that they may have faith, and give evidence of the same by doinjr what Thou commandest. And all that we ask is for Christ's sake, Thy Son, and our Redeemer. Amen, 11 II M fAm li:,!', It !!'1 Famihj WorMp. 4:J i;i;!i m. WEDNESDAY EVENING. OLORD our God, grant iis grace to desire Thee with our whole heart ; that, so desiring, we may soek and find Thee ; and so finding Thee, may love Thee ; and loving Thee, may hate those sins from which Thou hast redeemed us. Grant unto us, we pray Thee, repentant hearts ; contrite spirits ; eyes that can weep for sin ; hands that can help the needy. Quench in us, Ihou Lord of our life, all sinful desires; and kindle, instead thereof, the fire of holy love. our Eedeemer, take from us the spirit of pride, and enrich us witli the treasure of true humility. Cleanse our hearts from the evil passions of anger, malice, envy, and all uncharitableness ; and make us patient, kind and tender-hearted. Grant unto us a perfect faith, a sure hope, and a love that never failcth. Preserve us, we beseech Thee, from all vanity, in- constancy of mind, and wavering of heart ; from all evil speaking, slander and falsehood. Deliver us from the desire of riches ; from ambition and vain glory : keep us from hypocrisy and flattery, fioni contempt of the poor, and oppression of the weak. Take from us all frowardness of heart, all s])irit of boasting ; all idleness and sloth ; all pride, wrath, unthankful ncss, unh oliness. And, merciful God, fill our hearts, wo ])ray Thee with the graces of Thy Holy Spirit, — with love, joy, peace, long-suflTering. gentleness. goodness, faitli. If 41 Family Worshij?. mecknoss, temperance. Teach us to love those who hate us ; to pray for those who despitefully use us ; that we may be the children of Thee, our Father, who makest Thy sun to shine on the evil and on the good, and sendest rain on the just and on the un- iust. In adversity, gnirit us grace to be i)atier.t ; in prosperity, keep us humble ; may v/e guard the door of our lips ; may we lightly esteem tne pleasures of the world, and thirst after heavenly things. Thy coming, Lord, Thou judge of all, will be manifest. Thou wilt call to the heavens from above and to the earth, that Thou may^st judge Thy peo- ple. In Thy presence shall all iniquity be discovered and every secret sin made known. God, our strength, no flesh shall be justified in Thy sight ; who then shall stand before Tlieo 'i O Lord Jesus, our only refuge, our Saviour and our Deliverer, our hope is in Thee. Thou art our saving health. Thy lips have called us, and we have heard Thy voice. Thou hast guided us with Thy counsel ; wilt Thou not also bring us to Thy glory ? We beseech Thee, Almighty Father ; we beseech Thee, well-beloved Son of God, our merciful Redeemer ; we beseech Thee, Holy Spirit the Comforter, so lead and guide us that at the last we may be brought unto Thy holy hill, and to thy dwelling. Amen. KM 1 IB IB ill) ! ^iiiaiiii ii W 'ifciiii Family Worship. THURSDAY MORNING. 45 OLORD^ our heavenly Father, who knowest our necessities before we ask, we confess unto Thee our sins, and acknowledge Thy mercy ; beseeching Thee to free us wholly, and to perfect that Thou hast begun, that we. ceasing to be miserable in ourselves, may be blessed in Thee. Lord our God, give ear unto our prayer, and let Thy mercy hearken unto our desires. We would offer unto Thee the service of our thoughts and tongues ; do Thou give unto us that which we may present unto Thee. We are poor and needy, but Thou art rich unto all that call upon Thee. Cleanse, we beseech Thee, both our hearts and lips from all presumption and fiiLsehood. Let Thy Scrip- tures be our pure delight, and give us grace so to read them and speak of them, that we deceive not nor be deceived. Hearken unto us, Lord our God, Thou Light of the blind and Strength of the weak ; yea also, Light of those that see, and Strength of the strong. The day is Thine, and the night is Thine; grant us space to meditate in the hidden things ot Thy law, and close it not against us who Knock. Let us not search into it in vain ; but per- fect us, Lord, and reveal unto us Thy holy mys- teries. Give unto us that which we desire, for the desire cometh from Thee ; forsake not, we pray Thee, Thine own gift. We ask not of Thee, Father, silver and gol(A. HI 46 Family Worship, honour and glory, nor the pleasures of the flesh : but do Thou grant us grace to seek Thy kingdom and Thy righteousness, and do Thou add unto us things necessary for the body and for ti.is life. Be- hold, Lord, our desire ; may it be pleasing in Thy sight. We present our petition unto Thee through our Lord Jesus Christ, who is at Thy right hand, our Mediator and Advocate, through whom Thou sough t- est us that we might f=:cc!k Thee ; Thy word, through whom Thou madest us and all things ; Thy only be- gotten, through whom Thou callest us to adoption ; who intercedeth with Thee for us, and in whom are Jiid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. To Him, with Thyself, and the Holy Spirit, be all hon- our, praise, and glory, now and for ever. Amen, %M m Irl'' n Family Worship. 47 I mm THUKSDAY EVENING. O HEAVENLY Father, accept through Jesus our evening offering of prayer and praise. How many have been Thy thoughts of love towards us ; how great is the sum of them ! How safely we have gone out and come in, and how kindly have all our wants been provided for ! But herein most especially hast Thou shown Thy love toward us, that Thou hast sent Thy Son to lay down His life for us, not as friends, but enemies. Our thanks be to Thee for this unspeakable gift. Once, indeed, we were enemies to Thee by wicked works ; but now, through the blood of Jesus recon- ciled, Thou callest us friends. Accept graciously at our hands whatever we have done for Thy sake and in Thy strength this day ; and in Thy mercy forgive whatsoever Thy holy eyes have seen amiss in us. Of many short-comings and iniquities we ourselves are conscious , but how many more must have been manifest in Thy sight ! Blot out our iniquity as a cloud, and as a thick cloud our sins. Receive us graciously and love us freely. Help us, Lord, to take gratefully at Thy hands whatever good Thou sendest, and to bear submissively every trial. Shall not aU Thy will be love ? Like as a father pitieth his children, so Thou pitiest them that fear Thee ; for Thou knowest our frame, and rememberest that we are but dust. Be our refuge in every sorrow, our strength when heart and flesh faileth; and when 48 Family Worship, Thou callest us to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, let Thy presence cheer our path, and Thy hand sustain our steps. And now, heavenly Father, we commit ourselves fco Thy care througli the night on which we are en- tering. While darkness covers us, and dangers are round about, let Thine ever open eye be upon us, and Thine almighty power be our guard. If it please Thee, give us sleep ; or if our eyes be held waking, in the multitude of our thoughts within us, let Thy comfort delight our souls. If we see another morning, rejoice us with the light of Th^^ countenance, and take our renewed life again under Thy guidance and care ; or if our eyes open no more on earth, receive us to Thy fatherly arms, and to that happier world where there is no night, no weariness, and no sorrow. Blessed be Thy name, God of our mercy, for the sweet hopes with which we are permitted to close this day. And now having by prayer and sup- plication, with thanksgiving, made known our re- quests unto God, may the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus ; to whom, with Thee, Holy Father and the Blessed Spirit, be equal and ever- lasting praise. Amen, Family Worship. 49 FRIDAY MOENING. OLORD our God, most high iind mighty, most wise and holy, most just and good! Thou art, and ever wast, and ever shalt continue, unspeak- ably blessed and glorious, above all that we are able to express or to conceive. Thou humblest Thyself even when Thou beholdest the things that are in heaven, or regardest the worship of those blessed creatures above. 0, how wonderful is Thy condescension then, that Thou shouldst look down upon us, poor sinful worms, who dwell in houses of clay, and whose foundation is in the dust ! Lord, Avhat is man that Thou takest knowledge of him, and the son of man that Thou makest account of him. Thou canst not at all need us, or anything of ours, blessed God, but we all stand in continual need of Thee, our only sovereign good ; in need of Thy mercy and forgive- ness, Thy grace and guidance, Thy blessing and as- sistance ; without which we can never hope to escape the misery which is the wages due to our sins, nor ever to attain that glory which is the free gift of God in Christ Jesus. Remember not against us our former iniquities ; enter not into judgment with us, according to our desert ; but according to Thymercy remember Thou us, for Thy goodness' sake, Lord. Blot out our transgressions as a cloud; and justify us freely by Thy grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Bless us, God of our salvation, in turning 50 Family Worship, us from our iniquities, and in giving us grace that we may repent and amend our lives according to Thy holy word. Quicken us, Lord, to hear Thy voice, while it is called to-day ; that we may make haste and not de- lay, to keep Thy commandments. Keep us mind- ful of the shortness of our time, and make us more deeply concerned for our everlasting welfare, and more careful to improve every present good for our soul's eternal advantage. Let the work of Th}/ grace be daily advancing in our hearts, that we may grow in grace as we grow in years, and be contin- ually ripening for the full enjoyment of Thy glory. The same things we beg also in behalf of all whom we ought to remember in our prayers. forgive the sins, and relieve the miseries of Thy sinful creatures throughout the world. Enlarge the borders of Thy Church, and add to it daily such as shall be saved. that all who are called Christians may be Christians indeed ; not only believing Thy word, but walking as becometh the gospel of Christ. Be merciful tu us, good Lord, and bless us, and keep us this day, in all our ways. Renew^ to us day by day thy pardoning mercy, and supply us daily with Thy grace ; and all that we ask is in the name, and for the sake, of our holy Redeemer, to whom, with Thyself, Father, and the Holy Ghost our comforter, be all praise and honour and glory ascribed, now and for evermore. ATYien. jt !* I $" > t ; f:t- Family Worship. 51 FRIDAY EVENING. MOST Holy and ever blessed God, may it please Thee to assist us to offer up unto Thee our evening sacrifice in sincerity and ])urity of heart. Thou knowest us altogether. We would not seek to hide ourselves, or disguise anything from Thee ; but, in humility and lowliness of spirit, make confession, relying upon Thy mercy in Christ. Each moment of our lives is a witness to Thy love and to our dependence upon Thee. Thou hast visited us with salvation, and enlightened us when we were in darkness, and spoken to us in ac- cents of joy, when we were bowed down with sorrow. We acknowledge, O God, that we are unworthy of Thy love and regard ; that we are out of harmony with Thee ; that we have forgotten Thy holy law, and yielded ourselves to sense aud sin. May it please Thee to give us Thy Sj)irit according to our weakness. May we be fo^^iven. May our sins be all washed away in the blood of Jesus. Grant that we may have a sense of forgi veness and acceptance. May we experience the confidence of those who can say, God is our refuge and strength, therefore will we not fear. May it please Thee to draw our hearts away from the trifles of earth, and enable us to centre them evermore iip')ii Thyself Grant that the spirit of obedience may be within us ; and thai while we are saved by grace, our faith may work by love, and yield fruit unto Thy glory. Deliver us 52 Family Worship, from all confidence in ourselves, and all trust in any creature. Deliver us from the evils of sin. Grant that the life of Christ may be manifest in our mor- tal bodies. Help us to feel it to be our duty and privilege to seek a closer walk with Thee, to be faithful in the present, and hopefully to await the future. We desire to cast ourselves on Thee, as a family, throughout the coming night. Grant that the shield of Thy protection may be over us. Raise us in peace and safety to a new day, and fit us for whatever lies before us therein. We beseech Thee, with ourselves, to bless ail men. make Thy Church throughout the world a faithful witness to Thy gospel. May those who are in the spring-time of their life receive into their hearts the fruitful seeds of Thy truth. Be gracious to the aged. May they have a living union with Thee, and experience thjtt peace which the world can neither give nor take away. Manifest Thyself to the aflflicted, and especially to those who are drawing near to the gates of death. May the influence of the Holy Spirit be upon them ; and may each of them be enabled to 3ay, I know whom I have believed. Grant that our relatives and friends, and all who have an interest ^n our prayers, may be included in Thy covenant love. And all that we ask is for Christ's sake. Amen. ! I f I ll m Family Worship. 53 Ki SATURDAY MORNING. OLORD our God, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth ! We desire to unite with all Thy people, who praise Thee continually for 'J'hy daily blessings. How great is the sum of them day by day ! We thank Thee for the unbroken rest of the night, and for the renewed health and strength bestowed upon us this morning; for the bounty which spreads our table with food, and fills our house with gladness ; for all the comforts of family love, and the happiness of a peaceful home. But, above all, we bless Thee for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, and free salvation through Him; the forgiveness of all our sins, and our justi- fication through His blood; and the gift of Thy Spirit to teach, guide, sanctify, and comfort us, day by day. How gracious Thine assurance that all things shall work together for good to them that love Thee ; and how blessed the well-grounded hope that goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life, and that we shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever ! let Thy loving-kindness constrain us, so that we may no longer live to ourselves, but to Him who died for us. We mourn over that dreadful aliena- tion, and blindness of mind and heart, which has so often separated us from our Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier ; from our best fiiends, and our highest joy. We mourn over the unbelief, the darkness, and 54 Fa niily \ Vorsh ip. the coldness of our evil lieartH, towards Him in whom every hope should bo centred ; to whom every affection should be consecrated. Cleanse Thou the thouj^hts of our hearts by the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit. Grant that our time may be redeemed for Thee; and help us in all our thoughts and works and words, to seek only Thy glory, Thy kingdom, and Thy righteousness. Help us this day so to prepare beforehand, that by Thy good providence we may have a quiet, un- di.aurbed and holy rest on Thy sabbath. Bless Thy ministers in preparing for their public duties. Bless our church. May true religion continually increase among us. Bless our rulers and our coun- try, and may they seek Thy honour as their highest end and great reward. Let Christian union and love more and more increase among Thy people, and may they be all one, as Thou, Father, art one with Thy Son. Enlarge the blessed company of Thy saints daily. Prosper Thy Church in every land ; bring back Thy people Israel. Gather Thy elect from the Gentiles. Hasten the day of Christ, and the perfect joy of Thy people in their gathering to- gether to Him. We ask all for His name's sake. Amen. \ ll m I II Family Worship. 55 Hi ! I> I \ 11 I .,-i!i; •im SATUKDAY EVENING. OLORD GOD, our heavenly fatlier, who pio- servest ns from week to week, and contin- ually renewe.stTliy various mercies to us; — we kneel down this evenirig, desiring to express our grati- tude and love to Thee, who art the Author of our hoing, and the source of all our happiness. We thank Thee, tliat while so many thousands are sutl'eriiig in misery and want, we are ])rovided with innumerable comforts, and are })as8ing day after day in quietness and peace. As we look back on our days which are passed, and consider our lot in life, may we become more thankful for all that goodness which is showered down upon us, and more earnest in employing the opportunities and talents) which are given to us. We would now, especially, lament our mis-spent time, and neglected opportu- nities, and all our other sins, during the past week. How many sinful thoughts have we indulged; how many hasty and unbecoming woi'ds have we uttered ; and how little has it been in our minds to exercise every Christian grace ! We lament, also, the cold- ness of our hearts in our religious duties. Though instructed in the affecting truths of the gosj)el, and blessed with the knowledge of Christ crucified for us, we confess that we have I)een listless and luke- warm in our worsliip ; too nmch alienated from the life of God, and too much occupied with the cares of this world. We now present ourselves before ill 50 Fiihiilff IV or skip. Tliuu, freely confessing these our sins and imploring Thy forgiveness ia the name of Jesus Christ ; and we would lie down this night trusting in His all- sufficient sacrifice on the cross for us, and looking for Thy mercy unto eternal life. We pray that, being thus prepared, we may go forth on the ensuing Sabbath to hear Thy gospel, % ith teachable and submissive minds. May we re- cc. ^e the seed sown, into good and honest hearts. Ma) the gospel of our salvation be the ch^^i desire oi' oui niinds, and the consolation of ci\ our hearts. As the saoo'^th returns may we weh jme the joyful sound, and blcb^ *hat God, who r jt only increases our temporal mercies, uuu also sets before us the hope of everlasting life. Confirm the wavering in the ways of true religion. May they see that godliness has the promise of the life which now is, as well as of the life which is to come. May they, also, be convinced of their sins, and experience what is that peace of conscience wliich the Gospel brings to the truly humble and penitent. To Thee do we now commit ourselves, beseeching Thee to bless every member of this family. May we lie down in the fear of God, in the faith of Christ, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost; and may we rise in the morning, rejoicing in our Christian privileges, and desiring to employ the sabbath in Thy service. Hear us, O Lord, in these our supplica- tions for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. £ i^:ti ^.^ $m V m Si) ».; ill :;f. r ■ r Family Worship. 57 't> Si r W^'W Cfexrb mtt\i^ SABBATH MOENING. HEAVENLY Father, who hast in Thy gra- cious providence kept us in safety through the watches of the night, accept our sacrifice of prayer and thanksgiving. We pray. Holy Father, that Thy protecting good- ness may be around us this day. Be with us in whatever we may think or do. Wherever we go, do Thou go; wherever we abide, do Thou abide. Ever be with us, to guide, to help, and to bless us. May we remember that this is Thy day, and keep it holy unto Thee. Banish all worldly cares, all wandering thoughts. Fix our hearts upon things above. And when we go up to Thy house of prayer, may we worship Thee in spirit and truth. Bless especially, Heavenly Father, Thy servant whora Thou hast set over us. Grant that the in- fluences of the Holy Spirit may be abundantly poured out upon him this day. May he hold up the Cross in all simpl].city, plainness, and affection. May Thy word fall as into good gi'ound, and bring forth fruit — some tliirty some sixty, and some a hundred fold. Lord Jesus, o. in the midst of all assemblies of Thy people to-day. Let Thy word have free course and be glorified. May sinners be saved ; the uncoa- r)] »• ii!)' 58 Family Worship. verted changed ; the broken in heart healed ; the waverers decided ; the backsliders humbled ; and the righteous built up in their most holy faith. Bless the word of grace to them all. And bless, Lord, all near and dear to us. Bless oi " parents, friends, and relatives. Bless the poor, uiiC destitute, the dying, the outcast, the afflicted, and him that hath no helper. And now, O Lord God, we again ask for ourselves. May we love one another as Thou hast given us commandment. Help us to boar with each other's failings or infirmities. Increase in us a spirit of kindness, so that we ma}?- love in deed as in word. May we ever feel for those who possess not the many mercies of our own lot. If our brother hath need, may we never shut up the bowels of compassion from him. O Lord, Thy Son did die for us guilty sinners ; may wo ever be ready to deny ourselves for the sake of those in necessity around us. Fill our souls with love both to Thee and to our fellow- creatures. Subdue in us all hatred, all ill-will; root out of our hearts all bitterness. Enable us to be kind one to another, to be forgiving if we have any cause of offence, and ever to remember Him who graciously forgave us. These, and all other mercies, we ask. Holy Father, in the name and through the mediation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. \ It III til ! I !5 .11 i w \ 'M 1 : Mill I m li- fi'l fil Family Worship. SABBATH EVENING. 59 ■{■•) • ■ ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, the source of all light, of all knowledge, and of all truth, may it please Thee to fix our thoughts this evening on Thyself, and hear and answer our prayer, for His sake who alone is worthy and mighty to save. We confess before Thee our sinfulness, and un- worthiness, and ingratitude. We confess that, even in our holiest services, our hearts are divided and unstable. Pardon, we humbly l)eseech Thee, the sins of this day. Lead us to a careful examination as to how we have served and worshipped Thee. Enable us to look to Christ, and to live by faith. Grant that we may yield ourselves humbly and teachably to the influence and guidance of the Spirit. Grant that we may appreciate more fully the depth of wisdom and love which is in the Gospel. May we be faithful to the convictions of Thy truth, and to the light Thou hast vouchsafed to us. May we know and feel Thy word, and live according to its guidance. Deliver us, God, we beseech Thee, in the future, from sinful ease and indolence, and from pride and self-sufficiency. Help us, amid all our difficulties, and trials, and duties, to advance in the Divine Life. Strengthen us with food from heaven, to sustain us in our pilgrimage, and to enable us in our life and conversation to show that we are in- 60 dee are k ever be i] they 60 Family Worship, deed the disciples of Jesus, and have a desire and are waiting for His coming. Almighty God, we renew our prayers to Thee this evening for the Church, beseeching Thee that it may be increased and strengthened ; and for all men that they may be brought into the knowledge of the truth. Give Thy servants in the ministry an en- lightened sense of their responsibility. Especially cheer and comfort our pastor. May all his efforts for our spiritual welfare, and those who worship with us, be owned and blessed. Prosper abundantly the labours of all missionaries and Sabbath-school teachei's at home and abroad. Give them the unc- tion of the Holy Spirit. May impenitent souls everywhere be moved ^.nd melted by the love of Jesus, and be delivered from their sins through the efficacy of His blood and intercession. Speak comfortably to the atilicted, and the be- reaved, and the dying. Bless all our friends Miid re- latives; and forgive any who may have done us in- jury. Take us under Thy protection throughout this night. May no evil befall us ; and if it be Thy holy will, raise us on new day, and prepare us for all that Thou art in 'liy providence preparing for us. Give us the spirit of Christ, that, like Him, we may be patient, and resigned, and obedient to Thy will. These things, we ask of Thee, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. W -i ■' \' !J, * iWi m 11 Family Worship. 61 m 1* . \:{. wf M i i 11^- imm. MONDAY MORNING. LORD, what is man, that Thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that Thou regardest liim ? We are less than nothing in Tliy sight, and in us there dwelleth no good thing. But Thou, Lord, changest not, and therefore are we not con- sumed. Our only safety is to glory in Thee, to trust in Thee, to rejoice in Thee. Let Thy name be praised, let Thy work be magnitied ; let Thy holy name be blessed and praised. Thou who art Truth and Mercy, to Thee be honour, power, and glory, for ever and ever. Lord Jesus, enlighten us with the brightness of Thine inner light, and chase away all darkness from our hearts and understandings. Restrain our wan- dering thoughts and desires, and keep us near to Thyself Send out Thy light and Thy truth, that they may lead us to Thy holy hill, and to Thy dwell- ing. Soften our hard hearts with the dews of Thy grace ; water them that they may bring forth good fruit. Raise our hearts, which grovel in the dust, and are oft-times oppressed with a sense of shi, and enable us to fix our affections on things above. Preserve us, most holy Lord God, from the cares of this life, that our feet be not entangled by them ; and deliver us from spiritual hindrances and tempta- tions, that we be not wearied and cast down. Let not flesh and blood prevail over us; let not the world and the things of the world deceive us ; keep 62 Family Worship. us from the power and malice of the devil. Rather than all this world's allurements, give us the blessed unction of Thy Holy Spirit; and drive from our hearts the love of worldly things, by pouring into them the love of Thy holy name. Confirm us in Thy ways, Lord, by the grace of Thy Holy Spirit. Strengthen us with might in the inner man, so that no trouble or temptations may draw us away from Thee. Give us, Lord, the wisdom which cometh from above, and which teaches us to seek Thee above all things, and which enables us to find Thee. Grant us to desire and love Thee supremely ; to see all things as Thou seest them, and to esteem them as Thou esteemest them. Let Thy grace en- able us to resist the seductions of prosperity, and to bear with patience the storms of adversity. O Light Eternal, transcending all created suns, cause Thy bright beams to shine into our hearts. Purify, warm, enlighten, and quicken our souls with all their powers, so that they may find their rest, their joy in Thee. The days of this present life are short and evil, full of troubles and sorrows ; when wilt Thou grant us to be at rest, without trials or temptations ; see- ing Thy face, and wearing Thy likeness? Until then, succour us, God, and draw our affections from earthly things, and fix thero upon Thyself Amen. [ \\ III m ■I f V V ' mH rli it'll 3 ■ ^11 Family Worship, 63 [i. llii: \ it; II (Si MONDAY EVENING. OHOLY SPIRIT, who proceedest from the Father and the Son, and who with them art the One Eternal God : Holy Spirit, who by Thy holy inspiration purifiest the minds of men, comforting them in sorrow, leading them into all truth ; kind- ling in them the fire of charity, uniting them to- gether in the bond of peace ; we beseech Thee to increase Thy mercy to us ever more and more ; that all things belonging to the flesh may die in us, and . that all things belonging to the Spirit may live and grow, for Jesus Christ's sake. So lead us through the cloudy wilderness of this world, by Thy heavenly light, that neither the de- vices of Satan, nor the allurements of sinful men, may lead us astray ; but that we may abide in the truth of Thy Holy Word, and in the end may at- tain unto everlasting life ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. most merciful Father, since we know not what we should pray for as we ought, grant us the help of Thy Holy Spirit, that He may teach us to pray, and pray for us ; making intercession for us, with groanings which cannot be uttered. We lift up our eyes unto Thee, Thou that dwellest in the heavens. Spirit of God, so teach and quicken us that we may pray unto Thee, not with the lips only, but with our whole heart and our whole soul. May we call upon Thee, not in hypoc- 64 Family Worship, risy, but worshipping Thee in spirit and in truth. So teach us that we may ask of Thee such things as are agreeable to Thy holy will. Give us also such faith as shall prevail with Thee, being Thine own gift; but give us also an entire submission to Thy holy wiU. We would wait patiently upon Thee, O Lord, until Thou incline Thine ear, and listen to our prayer. As the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress, so our eyes wait upon Thee, Lord, until Thou have mercy upon us. Heavenly Father, we present our supplications unto Thee, not for our own righteousness, but for Thy manifold and great mercies, and in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ. In His name, through faith, we come to the throne of Thy grace. Grant our petitions for His sake, who is at Thy right hand ever making intercession for us ; and to Him, with Thyself, and the Holy Ghost, be equal and undivided praise. Amen. •*: )'■': ^'1 ;f).4, I I , :l vm n m' '■ 1: J' Family Worship, TUESDAY MORNING. 65 FATHER of mercies and God of all grace, wo bless and praise Thee for all the kindness Thou hast shown unto us in the commencement of another da)\ Thou hast preserved us during the watches of the night, and by Thine hand our eyes have been opened to see the morning light. Blessed be Thy holy name for refreshing sleep, for co/iven- ient food and raiment, for health and strength, and for all Thy mercies which Thou givest us so richly to enjoy. Teach us to take all the comforts of life from Thy hand, and in their use to be truly thank- ful unto Thee, Lord ; and when Thousendest sor- row or trouble of any kind, help us to believe that Thou doest all things well, and to say, " Thv "^inll be done." We beseech Thee, good Lord, to refresh and strengthen our souls with that portion of Thy sacred Word which we have read. Make us true pilgrims, such as feel that this world is not their rest, and teach us daily to walk as in Thy sight. Keep us, holy Father, from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul, In all the business of life let integrity and uprightness preserve us. Make us peaceable subjects, good neighbours, faithful servants, loving relatives, and true followers of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ. In thought, and speech, and conduct, may we be made like unto II im who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth. If our patience shall 66 Family Worship, be tried this day by unkindncss or injustice, preserve us, God of peace, from anger and resentment, so tliat our fellow-men may take knowledge of us that we have been with Jesus, and have learnt of Him, Guide Dur rulers with heavenly wisdom ; prosper our country, and let peace and plenty enrich our land. Have mercy ui)on all who are suffering afflic- tion, and help them who have no earthly helper. We confess before Thee, O Lord, our manifold sins and transgressions. Pardon us for the sake of Him who His own self bore our sins in His own body on the tree. Bestow upon each one of us now bowing down at Thy footstool that faitli in Jesus which purifieth the heart and worketh by love. Grant unto us that true repentance which leadeth unto life, and is not to be repented of Redeem us from all iniquity, receive us graciously, and love us freely. Let the fruits of holiness abound in our li>^es, so that we may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things ; and when we shall depart from this life, may we sleep in Jesus, and ri^e to dwell forever amid the joys which are at Thy right hand. These our humble prayers and praises we present in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom with Thee, Father, and the Holy Spirit, be all praise and glory, for ever. Amen, I. < 11 r I:* 1. 1 I 5 M .1 ti ■ : r I I- ' •. i I i'.i Family Worship. 67 I"! !, m: TUESDAY EVENING. ALMIGHTY God, Creator of heaven and earth, who from the beginning didst appoint the day and the night to succeed each other, and hast now by Thy providence brought us once again through the hours of toil to the time of resting ; be with us, we pray Thee, during the season of darkness, and cause the light of Thy countenance to sliino upon our souls. O God, we are ashamed to reckon with Thee con- cerning the day that is past; for we have no good account to give of our stewardship. We have not been watchful to improve the talents entrusted to us, nor to make a right use o the opportunities which we have enjoyed. We have been often sloth- ful in spirit, and little anxious to honour Thee and serve Thee as wo ought to have done. Our hearts have been too much given to the riches or honours or pleasures of this world, when we ought to have set our affection on tilings above, on the joys which are in Thy presence for ever. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts, when they have inclined us not towards good, but towards evil. Thy will, God, has not been our will in all things. We have often mistrusted Thy love ; we have counted Thee a hard task-master, when we ou^dit to have submitted our- selves reverently to Thy hand, knowing that Thou 68 FamiUj Wor8hip, (loest all tilings well, and hast i)lea.suro in the pros- perity of Thy servants. O Lord, Thou soarchest the heart, and seest us ns we are. Show us, we ])ray Thee, that which is amiss in us, that by Thy grace we may truly repent, and strive earnestly to amend our lives. Forgive us all that is past, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for the sins of the world. Endue us with the grace of Thy Holy Spirit, that we may live no longer to ourselves, but to Him who died for us and rose agam. Let Thy fatherly hand be over us through this night, and through the days which ma,y yet be to come. Raise us from the death of sin to the life of righteousness. Give us grace to be ever waiting and watching for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Grant that that day may not overtake us as a thief in the night ; and enable us with pure hearts and minds to follow Thee, the only God. Finally, we pray one for another, and for all those who are dear to any of us. Unite us as one house- hold in the bonds of Christian love. Be the Father, we pray Thee, of this household, and let Thy peace and Thy blessing rest upon us day and night, till we all come in Thy mercy and goodness, to that heavenly home whence we shall go out no more for ever. Grant this, we humbly beseech Thee, for the sake of Thy Son Jesus Christ, our only Mediator and Redeemer. Amen, ^ i : I i ;■ l! I: I; ^ t '^ jt ■•", ( ^ 'hi If; M il P Famihi Worship. 69 lis 11 ' ■ li^ n 5,1 I If WEDNESDAY MORNING. OLOKI) (lOD, merciful and grjujious, long sllt^(3l•i?l^^ and }il)un(lunt in goodness and truth ! Thou kccpest niorcy for thousands ; Thou ])ardonoHt ini((uity, transgression, and sin; Thou retainest not 'I'hino anger for ever, because Thou (hiliglitesi in mercy. How excellent is Thy loving kindness, God ; therefore do tlie sons of men put th(Mr trust in Thee ; and therefore do wc desire to look up to that bountiful hand of Thine, from which we h.Mve received all our good things. O Lord our ({od, be Thou pleased to look down mer(M fully upon us, and be gracious to us as Thou usest to V)e unto those that love Thy name. look not upon the sin of our nature, nor the sins of our hearts and lives, which aic more than we can remem- ber, and greater than we can express. Behold we are vile ; we are exceeding guilty ; we acknowledge that it is of Thy mercies we arc not consumed, and because Thy compassions fail not. But look upon us in mercy, through the merits and mediation of Thy Son, our Saviour; pity us for His sake who did no sin, and was manifested to take a way our sins. Thou hast treasured uj) in Him an infinite fulness of all that we can ever want or wish ; O that we may re- ceive out of his fulness grace sufhcient for us. Let us receive from Him those gifts which He is now ready to bestow ; those gifts which are purchased by His blood : and the means of our salvation. Accej^t 70 Family Worahip, and justify our persons ; reuow and sjiiictify our souls ; and so transform us into Thy blessed image, that wo may be meet to bo partakers of the inberitaneo of Thy saints in light. Teaeh us, O Lord our God, to uso this world with- out abusing it, and enjoy the things of it witliout suffering them to engross our affec'tions. Whatever wo have of the world, O let it be sanetilied to us by the word of God, and by prayer. Help us, O gi'acious Lord, in the whole of our duty to Thee. Let us never cast a stumbling-block in the way of others, or cause Thy holy name to be blasphemed through our misconduct ; but let us pass the time of our so- journing hero in fear; that, having glorified Thee on earth, we may be glorified by Tliee in the gi'cat day of our Lord Jesus Christ. And now that Thou hast renewed Thy mercies to us this morning, help us, gracious God, to renew our desires and endeavours to servo and honour Thee. restrain us from the evils and follies into which we are prone to fall ; and quicken us to the offices and duties which we are averse to |;erfbrm. Grant that we may think, and speak, and act as becometh Thy people ; ever remembering that we are bought with the precious blood of Christ, and ever striving to live unto Ilim, who died for us, and rose again ; to whom, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, be honour and giury, world without end. Amen, '31 ; I ' K ' tr-i^ \ ; m fKh i* ksi 'i! Family Worship, WEDNESDAY EVENING. OLORD GOD ALMIGHTY, gather of me-'cies from wliom we derive the temporal comforts which vre enjoy, and to whom we owe the glorious and blessed hope of everlasting life ; we desire to render unto Thee this our evening sacrifice of prayer and praise, and thanksgiving. We acknowledge Thy goodness to us during the past day ; and we beseech Thee to continue to us Thy gracious protec- tion during the darkness and silence of the approach- ing night. Thou art ever present with us. Thou sustainest our lives, though we see Thee not. Thou art our support in trouble, our guide in difficulty, our consolation in time of sickness, and our only rftfuire in the hour of death. We pray Thee to increase our trust and confidence in Thee. Deliver us from the love of this changeful and uncertain world. Strengthen our faith in the great promises of Tliy Gospel ; and grant that, hav- ing committed ourselves to Thy mercies in Jesus Christ, we may find in Him continual rest and peace. We beseech Thee, for His sake, to pardon what- ever sins we have this day committed against Thee. Although we profess to know Thy word, and to live in obedience to Thy will, in how many things do we continue to offend. We are often slothful in the performance of our duties ; we fail to watch against our peculiar temptations ; we yield to the evil ex- 72 Family Worship. cample of those around us ; we gi'atify our pride ; we indulge our evil tempers ; we renew our sins, to the grecat disquiet of our souls. O Lord, forgive, for Jesus Christ's sake, the offences of this day ; and pour out upon us Thy Holy Spirit, that we may be- come more steadfast and zealous in Thy service, and more diligent in every good work. We commit to Thy gracious and fatherly care, all those for whom it is our duty to pray. Have com- passion on our dearest relations and friends. Supply their various wants through the riches of Thy mercy in Jesus Christ. Be merciful to all that are in sorrow. Look down with pity upon all who are destitute and oppressed. Bestow Thy special ffivour on Thine afflicted servants ; and cause their earthly troubles to issue in their eternal joy. Have mercy on the young. May there never l)o wanting in this land a seed to serve Thee; and may those who shall come after us obtain from Thee nn increase of light and knowledge, as well as of faith, and hope, and love ; that the fruits of righteousness may abound, and the excellency of Thy Gospel may be more and more manifested in the world. We present unto Thee these our imperfect sup- plications, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen, n ; I ■ ■ , 1 H : 1% I S Itit I ''I ■I' r.\ i iU ,,, : -i 1 Fniiril// H'or.s/np. THUllSDAY MORNING. OLORD, Thou hast searched us and known us. Thou compassest our path and our lyin^ down, and art acquainted with all our ways. Whithei- shall we go from Thy Spirit, or whither shall we tiee from Thy presence ? If we take the wincfs of the morni \ and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall Thy hand lead us, and Thy right haad upliold us. Thou hast been with us duiing the hours of slumber, and hast been watching over us for our safety and peace. Thou hast withdrawn the curtains of darkness, and art again j^ouring liglit upon the earth. Everywhere we see, O Lord, Thy power and wisdom, Thy ma- jesty and greatness. Thy l:)ounty and love. The mystery of Tliine omnipresence we cannot compre- hend ; but the assurance of Thy word, that Thou art with us by day and night, Ave desire to receive into our hearts ; cause us to feel and to act in accordance with its truth. O Heavenly Father, impress it deeply on our minds. Raise us above the things that are seen, and make us to endure as seeing Thee who art invisible. To Tliee we can come and speak in every time of trouble. Tn company or alone, at home oi abroad, in our devotions and in our business we aic ever near Thee. We bless Thee for all human sym- pathy and help, and Av^e desire ever to see in them the ministers and reflections of Thine own provi 74 Family Wor.^Jiip. dencc; but may wc constantly feel that tliere is no friend, no protector, no patron, like Tliyself, — that give what Thou wilt, without Thee we are poor ; and with Thee rich, take wliat Tliou wilt away. May the thoUL;lit »>f Thy preseiute, Ahnin-lity Lord, "»o a check on our heart when tein|il((| In ^n. TTflp us to remember in the hour of spiritual poil that Thou God seest \is : that the e^'e of the ()iHnis(;i(Mit discovers every oilence we i-an cniiiiiit, and any j»ni'- pose we can conceive. O, Holy Fatliei', kecj) »is, through this awful conviction, fi'om all sin. Wliere- ever we go, followed by the enemy of oui' souls, sur- rounded by evil men, or coining within tlic ri-ach of worldly fascinations, do Tliou keo[), uphold, and deliver us. Suffer us not to fall. When \\'e ai'c weakest, be Thou nearest. When we are most hlind, touch Thou our eyes; when ourtem[)er is most way- ward, do Thou dispose us to curb and control it. We are going forth into the world again ; lead us by the hand, cover us with Thy Aving (yvory moment. Listen to us on behalf of those who lequest our intercessions, and fill them with light and peace, with lov<» and joy. Bless our bclovod laniily, our children and relations. Make us all one in ( *lirist, and unite us in those holy sympathies whirli death cannot dissolve. Have ])ity u[K)n tlie pooi', the af- ilicted, and the dying. We ask r'l these mercies, with the })ai"donof all our sins, through Jesus (lirist our Savioui-. AiVicn. w ■('fi %%\ ).;i < '5f iff ; I ;if! t m^am W'K: '.Ai.'it\ . it .: M. Ml 'i .1 lu Familij Worship, 75 THURSDAY EVENING. OGOD, Thou art good, and Thy mercy en- dureth for ever. We desire, as a family, to come t >gether into Thy presence, at tlie close of another day, to render Thee thanks for all Thy goodness toward lis, to make confession of our sins and short-comings, and to implore forgiveness, and a renewal of grace and strength. We thank Thee, God, for all the temporal com- forts and influences wherewith Thou hast visited us, But especially, we thank Thee for Thy dear Son, our Saviour, and for all the jo3^s and the hopes that are treasured up in Him. We thank Thee for Christ's s])()tless life and self-sacrificing death. We tliank Thoe for His glorious resurrection and ascen- sion, We thank Thee for the eye of f\xith by which w^e can follow Christ into Heaven, whither He is gone to make continual intercession for us. And we thank Thee for the gift of the Holy Spirit, whereby we are strengthened and encouraged to behold this great mystery. Grant, wo humbly beseech Thee, tliat each of us may believe in the mysteiy of godliness, — that God was manifested in the flesli, — and that we may know Jesus, not only as tlio Saviour of the world, but as our Saviour. Deliver us from self, and pride, and ungodliness. May we daily expori'nco desires after communion with Thee here, an.d that holie,-,L oyr. munioii of all, with Thee in hca/en, to ^vlfic-^ vo m 76 Family Worship, look forwjird in hope. Grant that the life of Christ may be manifest in our persons. May we experience within us the quickening of the Spirit, and be en- aV)led to take up our cross and follow Christ. Almighty God, may it please Thee to pardon us wherein we have thought or spoken or acted amiss this day. Forgive all who may have injured us, and forgive all the offences we have committed against Thee, and against our neighbour. Grant that ever- more in the future we may strive to serve Thee. May our faith in Christ work by love. May we ])ossess the spirit of patience and forl)earance, and l)e kindly affectioned one to another, in honour pre- ferring one another. With ourselves, we beseech Thee to bless all men. May all who are united to us be blessed with Thy grace, and the guiding of Thy providence. Save our beloved Sovereign. May our legislators be wise, and our magistrates righteous. Hasten the Lord's coming. Bless the Church, and all who devote their time and talents to the instruction of the ignorant, or the comfort of the distressed. Have mercy upon the afflicted. May they come to Thee with their griefs, and receive consolation. ■ Be with us this night, J!*Iay our household have Thy watchful care. Hear us, and answer us, for His sake v^ith wdioni Thoi; .a± ever well pleased, our ifctrength and our Redeemer. A) tun. \ 1 m>- \. 'i ii{ Fmmlij IVorship. 77 ijlii f ■'ill inilDAY MOKNTNG. OGOD, blessed be Thy name that Tu'^n hast revealed to us a Saviour; and that the law, in its commandments and ordinances, was constituted a schoolmaster to brino^ men to Christ. How glori- ous is Thy grace in Jesus the Redeemer ! Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to Thy mercy in Christ we are saved. Let the blessing of Abraham rest upon us through Jesus, and may those precious truths of T]iy Word, which we have read this morning, often come with power to our hearts. We committed ourselves to Thy protection and blessing on the past evening, and Thou didst give Thine angels charge over us; under the shadow of of Thy wings we have rested secunJy. We laid us down and slept, and awaked, for the Lord sustained us. Now that a new day dawns upon us, with gratitude we implore Thee to shine into our hearts, and give us the light of the knowledge of Th}^ glory in the face of Jesus Christ. We know not what is before us, but each dny brings its duties and temptations and lays us under fresh obligations. Help us to 'ommit ourselves to our several works and ways in Thy fear. May we carry about with us a sense of Thy presence every- where and in all things, and be diligent in business, fervent inspirit, serving the Lord. Preserve us from the numerous temj)tations and enemies tliat may i1 "' 78 Family Worship, surround us, and help us to keep our hearts with all diligence, remembering that out of them proceed the issues of life. Open Thine hand, and graciously supply us with all necessary good. Let us, as a family, be pros- pered in going out and in coming in. May we seek to do good, as well as to get good, to-day. Bless our relatives and friends. May those who are un- converted be subdued to the obedience of faith. Let Thy comforts delight the souls of all Thy people. Bless, we pray Thee, all the families that call upon Thy name ; may there be light in their dwellings. Have mercy on all mankind. Hasten the time, O Lord, when Thy glory shall cover the earth, and there shall be nothing to hurt or destroy in all Thy holy mountain. Pour out Thy Spirit upon the world, and let Thy salvation fill the earth. Send forth more lal)oui-ers to the great work of winning souls to Christ, and edifying Thy Church. Oh, en- due them with Thy good Spirit. Make them wise themselves, tliat with wisdom they may teach others ! Lord, grant them a largo measure of Thy presence, and great success in their work. Accept this our morning sacrifice, O Lord, «indlet the lifting up of our hands be as incense, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen, i '. I U\ I 'II •)■ ' i!. I ;!:! Family Worship. 79 IP 1 * \ ; i FEIDAY EVENING. OLORD, we desire to seek Thy face, and to wait upon Thee in the duties of Thy wor. ship ; and we entreat Thy gracious favour that we may be enabled to call upon Thee with our whole hearts. Let our prayer be now set before Thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands be as the evening sacrifice, pleasing to Thee our God, in the Son of Thy love. It is in His blessed name alone that we have encouragement to approach Thee, and boldness to ask of Thee those things whi(jh Thou knowest to be needful and expedient for us. There is nothing in us, Lord, but what may well provoke Thee to reject us, but there is enough in Thy be- loved Son to procure for us the pardon of our sins, and peace with Thee. Thou didst make Him to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him ; and that we might be saved by His merits, when we could not be saved by any desert of our own works. He was wounded for our trans- gressions, and bruised for our iniquities ; let the merit of His righteousness be upon us, and by His stripes let our souls be healed. Hjeip us to walk more a«'ceptably before Thee in all the duties which Thy Word has prescribed for us. 'S^ver suffer .;s to be tempted above what we are ab*- with Thy grace, to resist ; let no ini(]uitit'H prevail against ils, nor any preH\nu|\t<\\o\i« bin have doirjinio/j fiver us M \ke m mn»H\ wnfuiinabk* to J r » |M 1 80 Family Worship, the pattern and precepts of our blessed Saviour. Transform us more into His holy image and likeness, that we may not dishonour his religion nor cause the way of truth to be evil spoken of, but may make our light io shine before men, to the glory of Thee, our heavenly Father, and to the edification of those amongst whom we dwell. We commend to Thy mercy, O God, the neces- sities and distresses of all our brethren throughout the world. Bring all to the knowledge of Thy truth, and to a cheerful obedience to Thy hoi 3^ will ; so that they may attain to the blessed hope of Thy glory, and the eternal salvation of their immortal souls. And now that the night is upon us, and we are about to betake ourselves to rest, we commit our- selves to Thy gracious care and protection. O watch over us, we pray Thee, for good ; that none of the evils, which our sins have merited, may befall us. Protect us both from the works, and from the powers of darkness ; and preserve us from all the terrors and dangers of the night. Lift upon us the light of Thy countenance, that we may lie down with a sweet sense of Thy favour, and a comfortable assu- rance that Thou hast accepted us in the Son of Thy love ; to whom with Tlioe, Father, and the Holy Spirit, be all (haidi.s and pi/UHoand honour andglury im*\'\\m(\. Amen. \m 1 % ti i iiii ^'■\): IH t ( m ' ii ll!' Fdmiljf \V<prship, ►SATURDAY MOirNINO. Rl ALMIGIITV and uverlasting God, the Fatlior of our Lord Jesus (Jhrist, of whom the whole family in heaven and eartli is named, look- down in mercy upon us, Thy sinful creatures, now kncelin<r at Thv footstool. We are ashamed to lift u[) our face to Thee our (iod; for our ini(iuities are increased over our head, and our tresi)ass is grown w\) unto the heavens. But, bles.sed be Thy name, Thy mercy is great above the heavens. Spare us, good Lord ; spare us according to Thy tender mercy. For Thy dear Son, Jesui Christ's sake, |)ardon all our sins, and blot them from the book of Thy remembrance. We have nothing to })lead but His merits. We cast ourselves entirely on Thy promised mercy in the Son of Thy love, wliose blood cleanseth from all sin. Lito Thy hands we desire now to commit our- selves. Thou hast been about our bed to kee}) us from danger during the night, and we l)ray Thee still to watch over us for good, and to be about our path to keep us from all evil during this day. Put into our minds good desires, O Lord, and by Thy help enable us to bring the same to good effect. Hold Thou up our goings in Thy paths, that our footstc])s slip not. Help us to set Thee before us in all our thoughts, words, and works, that we may faithfully serve Thee, and in all things glorify Thy Holy Name. ;:a 82 Family Worship. Kooj) ns mindful tluit this day is tin; |H(!|'Jiiniion for tli(^ SaUhatli Make it so to each of us, we hum- bly heseeeli Theo. Enable us so to arrange our worldly affairs, that we may serve Thee without dis- traction on Thy holy day, should we be spared to sec it. Sutfer us not to bo so careful and troul)led about earthly things as to forget the otkj thing needful. Bless all Thy ministering servants. Bo with them in their preparation for theii* holy work, so that on tho coming Sabbath they may preach Thy Word faithfully and powerfully. Endue them with Thy Holy Spirit, that they may both by their lives and doctrine set forth Thy true and lively word. Be morcifu) and gracious, O Lord, to our relatitns and friends. make thciu thine by adoption and grace, and never leave them nor forsake them. Look down on this family with tender mercy, and bless every member of it. May the voice of prayer and praise be daily heard in our dwelling. Let no root of bitterness spring up amongst us. May we love Thee supremely, and love each other with pui'o hearts fervently, bearing one another's burdens, and so ful- fil ing the law of Christ. Blessed Lord, vouchsafe to hear these our prayers, and pour upon us the abundance of Thy mercy, })ar- doning all our sins, and sanctifying us by Thy Holy Spirit, and all for the sake of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. \\\ ill ij • 1-.U ll! ?; I IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A, *■ ^.** M ^ ^^ / t <^ % 4^ f/. % 1.0 1^ ■10 I.I 12. |2^ 2.2 2.0 18 1.25 1.4 1.6 v: 'c^l 0% ^> /A 9 Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MS80 (716) 872-4503 m^^^^^MM li ill I m w i Family Worship. R8 SATURDAY EVENING. O ETERNAL God ! who didst rest on the sev- enth day from all Thy work, and, beholding the things which Thou hadst made, didst i)ronounce them to be very good, we besee(;li Thee to have mercy u[)on us, Thy sinful creatuii^s, now bi inging to a close the toils of another week, and preparing for the special duties and comforts of Thy holy day. Accept, O Lord, the imperfect and sin-stained ser- vice which wc have rendered to Thee during the past week. Thou knowest how many things we have left undone, through sloth and self-indulgence, throuofh inojratitude to Thee, and indifference towards our neighbour. All our idle, trifling, and uncharita- ble words ; all our wasted, half-employed, and mis- used hours; all our selfishness, vanity, and ungodli- U'3ss ; all our omitted duties and all our committed sins; Thou, O Lord, knowest all, and must bring all into judgment, even every secret thing. O Lord, give us thy grace, and suffer ns not to cloak or veil before Thee our hearts or our lives. Thou art greater than our hearts, and knowest all things : grant that we may never think of Thee as though Thou wert such an one as ourselves, but may ever remember that Thou settest our misdeeds before Thee, yea, our secret sins in the light of Thy countenance. Forgive, O Lord, all that Thou hasL seen amiss in us, for the sake of Jesus Christ, who came into the 8' \\\ ai st(| a w< 84 Family Worship. world to save sinners. Hide Thy face IVomonr sins, and blot out all our iniquities. Give us a lively and steadfast faith in his full and sufficient sacrifice, and a spirit of loving devotion to Him who, when we were sinners, died for us that we might live. Grant O Lord, that we may rest this night under Thy protection, and awaken with souls earnest to seek Thee, and to profit by the ordinances of Tliy holy day. As our Lord Jesus Christ did on this day of the week lie buried in the grave, so may we utterly destroy and abolish all our sinful and earthly nassions; setting our affections on things above, and living the life whicli we now live in the flesh by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave himself for us. Bestow Thy blessing, Lord, upon Thy ministers and Thy churches everywhere. May the power of Thy gospel be seen more and more in the lives of them that believe. So work Thy great work, Al- mighty God, in this our country and generation, that the gainsay er may be silenced, the doubter convinced, the wavering established, and the sinful converted ; and grant that at the last, according to Thy blessed word of prophecy, the Lord may be King over all the earth ; one Lord and His name one. We ask every blessing in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom, and with whom, all honour and glory be unto Thee, the Father, world without L'lul. Amen. Hi Family Worship. S.3 lourt^ mnk 1 ! !f 'V in V ii 1 E iu if f ' I SABBATH MOENING. OLORD GOD, enable us, we beseech Thee, to recall Thy merciful dealings with us, from the beginning until now, and in Thy presence, on this hoi}/ day, to lift up our hearts in praise and thanksgiving. We thank Thee for the blessings of Thy daily providence, and the continuance of Thy protecting care. Above all, we thank Thee that Thou didst not leave us to perish in our sins, but, in Thy great compassion, hast redeemed us by the death of Thy dear Son. We thank Thee for the message of reconciliation, and we pray, God, that it may never be heard coldly or carelessly by any of us. O that the rich mercies of Thv redeemino- love may call forth daily songs of }.'raise, and every re- newed experience of Thy goodness, quicken in us a more fervent desire to consecrate ourselves, body, soul, and spirit, to Thy service. Enable us, in this spirit of sincere self-sacrifice, to devote ourselves to Thee, feeling that we have been redeemed, not with corruptible things, as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ ; and that it is our highest privilege, and should be our greatest joy, to do all things to Thy will. Mercifully bless us in all the engagements of the day. Enable us to sanctify it to Thee. Let it be to 86 Family Worship. us a day of spiritual as well as l)0(lily rest. As wc as- semble '*n the congi'egation, help us in all humbleness of mind to draw near to Thy throne of grace. So convince us of sin, that our prayers may rise from hearts yearning for forgiveness. So reveal unto us our own dee]) need, that we may go to Thee hungering and thirsting after righteousness. May Thy love encourage us, and the warnings of Thy wrath kindle within us a holy fear. Open our hearts as the heart of Lydia, that we may receive with meekness the word which is able to save our souls. We implore Thy blessing on all who are united to us by ties of kindred or friendship. [Blessed Sav- iour, wdio didst suffer the little ones to be brought to Thee when upon earth, look tenderly and gracious- ly on the children of our household, and win their hearts to Thy service.] Let the tokens of Thy pre- sence be seen in all congregations \vho meet to-day in Thy name. Clothe the lips of Thy ministers with words of truth, and kindle their hearts with fervour, as they proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ. Assist Sabbath-school teachers ; may they be made instrumental in winning the hearts of their young charge to Thee. Cheer the hearts of all missionaries in their distant fields of labour, and so abundantly pour out Thy Spirit on all flesh, that there may be a great increase of true believers, and that Thy name may V)e exalted. Answer us and V)less us, and to Thee shall bi^ all tlie glory. Amen, '.' \ i , "I ! ; f I I ! I 1 1 ' Jfel j I iffi4i p r;^ it li-^^'^l M' >' ?m Si M»-:Hff ii^?■^| ^»! i' I : '^'f' .1 -? i" ' il^^'^ Sifffl p fr: 1 ■1: 1 ti Family Worship. SABBATH EVENING. 87 OLORD our God, enable us, on this the even- ing of Thy holy day, to come into Thy pre- sence, and to worship, praise, and honour Thee, the Most High, that liveth for ever and ever. Thy do- minion is an everlasting dominion, and Thy king- dom is from generation to generation. All the in- habitants of the earth are as nothing before Thee. Thou, Lord, madest us, and not we ourselves ; we are not our own, but Thine. In Thee we live, and move, and have our being ; in Thine hand our breath is, and Thine are all our ways. Thou hast provided for, and fed us, all our life long unto this day. If Thou withdraw from us Thy supporting arm, we die and return to the dust from which we were taken. Lord, Thou hast in Thine infinite goodness spared us in life to see and enjoy the comforts of another Sabbath-day. We humbly implore Thee to follow with Thy divine blessing the religious ex- ercises in which we have engaged this day. For- gi\e us all the sins and imperfections which have mingled with our duties and services. Pardon the wandering of our thoughts, the coldness of our hearts and the forgetfulness of our memories. Let our imperfect prayers be answered, and our unworthy praises be accepted. Let not Thy word return to Thee void, but may it accomplish that whereunto Thou hast sent it. To Thee, the great judge of all, 88 Family Worship. we must accouiiu for our privilcgos. Thou hast in great mercy bestowed much upon us, and Thou wilt require much from us in return. Enter not into judgment with us, but pardon us, and bless us, for the sake of Christ our Saviour, who loved us, and gave his life a ransom for us. As the professing disciples of Christ, enable us, O Lord, to walk in the world circumspectly. In Thy great mercy do Thou quench that unhallowed fire within us that inflames our tongues with bitterness, and our actions with cruelty. Take away that hy- pocrisy and blindness which lead us to take offence at the mote in our brother's eye, whilst we remain satisfied with the beam which is in our own eye. Ma}' we never rejoice in iniquity, hut exercise charity to all our fellow-creatures, and godly sorrow for their and our own sins and short-comings. We now desire to commit ourselves, and all for wiiom we shorjd pray, to thy care and keeping this night. Lord, if it please Thee, raise us up, upon a new day, refreshed for our daily labours by the tem- poral rest and spiritual refreshment which Thou hast bestowed upon us this day. And now, Lord, be merciful to us, ond pardon and bless us, and hear and answer the'^e our imper- fect requests, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. ji ill 1 ri- '?j -, .,, . .. f i IM' '■■■'' I r 1 i;- -*■; ■fj ;: |: n ^'■'! ■ 1 1 Family Worship. MONDAY MORNING. 89 OTHOU thathearest prayer, and hast promised that unto Thee all flesh shall come, purge away our iniquities by the blood of the great sacri- fice which Christ made for us, and enable us to enjoy the blessedness of those whom Thou causest to ap- proach unto Thee. Thou makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice. Thou visitest the earth and waterest it ; Thou preparest the corn ; Thou crown- est the year with Thy goodness, and Thy paths drop fatness. Thou redeemest our life from destruction, and hast given us eternal life in Christ Jesus. All glory and praise, now and for ever, be unto the Father of our mercies, and the God of all our com- fort. Receive, Lord, this our tribute of praise and thanksgiving. We are unworthy of the least of Thy mercies. We confess with one accord our sinful- ness, the alienation of our minds from Thee, our great dulness in spiritual things, and our eagerness in earthly things ; our unbelief, our impenitence, and our slothfulness in the divine life, Lord, for- give us all our sins ; we plead only the propitiation made for them by the Lord Jesus Christ. O Lord Jesus, send Thy spirit unto us from the Father to renew our souls. Quicken us for Thy name's sake ; draw us, and we will run after Thee. Help us to set our affec- 90 Family Worship, tions on things above, and nv)t on things on the earth. Give us precious faith, and a true repentance. Stir us up to all diligence to make our calling and election sure, and quicken us to continual acts of mutual help and love one towards another. let us not only know, but do Thy will ; not only hear the com- mand to pray always and not to faint, but ever give oureelves unto prayer, and know what it is to walk with Thee in happy fellowship. By Thy Spirit bring to our recollection the truths which we yesterday heard ; and enable us to bring into this day's conduct the holy lessons of the sav- ing grace of cur Lord Jesus Christ. Give us faith that we may profit by what we have heard. We ask for the same mercies for all His disciples, and His professing people throughout the world. Let the healing beams of the Sun of Righteous- ness rise on all the nations, Jews and Gentiles, and shine till all the ends of the earth remember and turn unto the Lord, and all the kindreds of the na- tions worship before Thee. Bless especially our own land, our gracious Queen, and our own church ; and make us blessings to others, through Jesus Chiist our Redeemer. Amen. I II ^m I 1^: Faimhj Worship. 91 AlONDAV EVENING. I: t>!: I : 5;' ■ m !;jif: ill i ill ALMlGIiTV juid most merciful God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, receive us andre- i;;ird our prayers tlirough Him wlio died for our sins. O may Thy Holy S[)irit convince us of sin. May wo know the extent of that Jaw which Thou hast given and which is holy, just, and good. Discover to us more of Thine own spotless holiness and purity. Let the things of Christ be discerned by us, and so may we see our great sinfulness. O may we learn to loathe and abhor ourselves, and to be ashamed and confounded before Thee, and mourn for our sins, with that broken and contrite heart which Thou wilt not despise. But especially may the knowledge of our crucified Redeemer, and the believing view of Jesus pierced for our sins, fill us with holy sorrow and compunction ; may that sin which cau?ed his sufferings be very bitter and loathsome to us ; and may we turn from and forsake every evil way, and walk daily in the paths of righteousness and peace. Lord, for this we need far mightier strength than our own. Fulfil to us that gracious promise, "I will strengthen them in the Lord, and they shall walk up and down in His name." We have to confess before Thee how we have trifled with our precious time, neglected to improve our talenis, and sought present ease and gratifica- tion. Lord, forgive us all our sins, negligences, and '^ inities : trive us errace to redeem " Ji gi, ^r k 92 Fa m l/ji Woi sfi ip. diliijjently occupied in Thy service with every talent Thou hast given us, and patiently to go through toil and endure trials and sacrifices for Thee. May wo not sow to the flesh, but day hy day sow to tho Spirit, that we may of the Spirit rea[) life everlasting. And, Lord our God, seeing we live in a world full of snares and tcni[)tations, — a world going on in that course wliich is contrary to Thee and Thy Word, — we pray Thee to grant us Thy grace, that none of us may be conformed to it, but that we may all be transformed by the renewing of our minds, to prove Thy good, and acceptable, and perfect will. Thanks be unto Thee, Thou source of every good, for all this day's mercies and blessings ; for Thy pro- tecting care over us, Thy providing love for us, and the benefits which have been again renewed to us. For every family mercy, for every social enjoyment, for every deliverance from evil, and every portion of good, — we are debtors to Thy sovereign mercy. Give us grateful hearts for our many blessings ; give us loving and compassionate hearts to our fellow- creatures. Prosper Thy Church in every land, and make ready a people prepared for the Lord. Bless our coun- try, and make it a blessing to all lands. Deliver us from our many national sins : give us true repen- tance, and a zeal for Thy truth and kingdom, ac- cording to the great advantages Thou hast given us. Hear us, for onr Red center's sake. 4w,en, Uitl m ! ;'ii!i: iiui ( 1 m Ilk II! !■■! «|ili'^ Famili/ Worship. TUESDAY MORNING. 93 OLORD, Thy mercies are new every inorninpj; lielp us to draw nigh unto Tlioe, an<l tanvh us how to pray. Doubtless Thou art our Father, though we have rebelled against Thee. Thou hast made us, and kept us alive, and even unto this day hast not forsaken us. We are Thine by creation; Thine also by redcni})tion ; made in Thine own image, and bought back from our faU by the pre- cious blood of Christ. Thou hast sent to us the call of Thy Gospel, and hast received us into the fold of Thy Son's church. O Lord, we are not straitened in Thee ; Thou art all grace and compassion ; Thou still waitest to be gracious, and art always more ready to hear than we are to pray. But, Father, we are sinners ; sinners by the inheritance of a fallen nature ; sinners in will and deed through the estrangement of our hearts from Thee, and the ungodliness, and selfishness, and wickedness of our lives. O God, from whom no secrets are hid, we blush and are ashamed to come into Thy presence ; we can but lie in the dust before Thee, and cry, unclean, unclean. Have mercy upon us most merciful Father ; and for Thy beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake, forgive us all that is past. We plead His merits, His sacrifice and propitiation ; we plead Thy tender mercy, shown in giving Him for us, ; suffer and die ; we plead Thy free piomise of pardon and for- I Hi' II 04 Familjf Wo7*s/np. I^ivonoss to all who floo for rofiigc to lay liold upon the hope set before tliom in Thy beloved Son. Take us, O Lord, this day under Thy ])rotection. Hold Thou us up, and wo shall be safe. Keep us, both in body and soul, from all things tliat may hurt us. Teach, guide, enable, and bless us, that we may live in Thee, with Thee, and for Thee, all the day long. Leave us not alone, for without Thee we are lost, we are helpless, we are dead. Be Thou ever at our right hand, that we may not bo moved. Give us, Almighty Father, tliat which Thou seest to be good for us this day. Order all things for us. May we see Thy hand in all that befalls us, and re- ceive with loving submission, as from Thee, those things which contradict our will, or try our patience. Bless us, O God, and make us a blessing. Use us as Thy servants and Thy witnesses, that others may take knowledge, through us, of Thy power and of Thy love ! Lead us safely, blessed Lord, this day, through another stage of our life's journey, towards the rest and the home which Thou hast provided for them that love and fear Thee, in that world where they shall see Thee as Thou art, and rejoice for ever in the light of Thy countenance. We ask all for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ ; to whom , with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen, ;.w H ■]' I- 111 il ■ it li li ( ; Family Worship. 95 ! I it I, _ til t TUESDAY EVENING. OGOD, our Father, whose mercifu) providence has kept us through this day, enable us, now that its work is done, and we are again brought to- gether to read Thy Word, and worship Thee, to ren- der hearty thanks for all Thy great goodness towards us. In Thee we live, and move, and have our being ; from Thee has come every blessing which has been ours this day. Whatever success has attended us, whatever power we havt had to resist sin, or to live as followers of Jesus, has been Thy gift, and for these do we render thanks; but most of all for Thy re- ^ vealed Word, for the gift of Thy Son, and for the knowledge of Thy free forgiveness and ready help to all who seek Thee through Him. It is in the strength of that knowledge, and of this truth, that we .are bold to come unto Thee ; for when we remember our shortcomings and errors, the wanderings of our hearts this day, our shrinking from honest service before Thee, and our actual trans- gressions of Thy law, we are convinced of our un- worthiness to claim any good at Thy hands. But we come to Thee as to our Father, knowing that Thou, for Christ's sake, art willing to hear and to bless ; v/e ask Thee, for His sake, to pardon all our sins, all wherein we have this day offended, all in which we have done evil, or neglected to do good. Help us to search our hearts, and to try ourselves by the stand- ard of Thy Word. Save us from carelessness, frou) 96 Family Worship, the folly wliicli shuns self-examination, or strives to make little of sin ; and give us courage and faithful- ness to bring ourselves to the light, that, learning our own weakness, we may the more earnestly seek Thy grace and promised help. We arc only Thy stewards, O God. Time, talent, strength, opportunity to do good, and power of ex- ample are given by Thee, that we may in them glorify Thee. Thou who searchest the heart, for- give us all the errors of the past, and quicken us by Thy Spirit, that we may be found faithful in the time to come. Help us to care more, and to do more, for the spread of Thy Gospel. May the Spirit of our Mr.ster stir our hearts with earnest desire for the salvation of sinners. Prosper all efforts to make known the name and love of Jesus. Wherever the good seed is sown, in church or school, abroad or at home, may Thy blessing give the increase. Have mercy on our country ; may Thy Word have free course and be glorified among us. Gracious Father, we ask Thy blessing upon the sick and afflicted, the destitute and the tried. Visit them especially with Thy salvation, and uphold them by Thy good spirit. Comfort, strengthen, and in Thine own good time, relieve them. And now, O God, we commit ourselves to Thee. Watch over us, and keep us during the night, give us refreshing sleep, and raise us up to live to Thy Gloiy, for Jpsus Christ's sake. Amen. i U H i'*:: I m % ■i \k ' ?i!. lit It f Family Worship. 87 t m WEDNESDAY MORNING. ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, to whom all hearts are open, and from whom no secrets are hid, may Thy Holy Spirit enable us to draw near to Thee under a just and heartfelt sense of Thy charac- ter, and of our own. Thou art holy, but we are vile. Thou art good, but we are ungrateful. Thou requirest and deservest that we should love Thee with all our hearts, and acknowledge and serve Thee in all our ways. We have grievously departed from Thee, and have re- belled against Thee by transgressions of Thy righ- teous law. But for ever be Thy name adored, there is mercy with Thee, and plenteous redemption. In Thy dear Son, our incarnate Emmanuel, Thou hast found a ransom, and hast laid on him the iniquities of us all. Merciful God, we desire now to approach Thee as a reconciled Father, in His most blessed Name. Help us to draw near to Thee, with a true heart, in that humble, penitent, contrite spirit, which Thou wilt not despise. O I-ord, plant and keep alive in us that simple, steadfast faith in the atoning blood and all- availing intercession of Jesus which brings down from Thee mercy, grace and peace to the soul. Look upon all the members of this family, O God, may we be Thy adopted children in Christ. And may Thy Spirit give us a growing victory over the X,-^^'^"'-Al:- 1 i;:i.i-W.S«PJi ■■■«-' UHSW' I 98 Family Worship. evil workings of our corrupt and treacherous hearts, and keep us unspotted from the world. Raised up by Thy providence from the refreshing sleep of another night, may we go forth to the duties of this day in humble dependance on Thy grace and guidance. Be merciful, we beseech Thee, to all with whom we are connected. Look with pity on such as are suffering from want, sickness or trou- ble ; and give them reason gratefully to say, — " It is good for us that we have been afflicted." Be gracious to Thy universal Church. Check the ungodliness, vice, and infidelity, which threaten to bring down Thy judgments upon us. Deliver us from all false doctrine, heresy, and schisu. Multiply the faithful ministers of Thy Gospel, and bless their labours. Pour out Thy spirit abundantly upon us, that we may be a holy nation, a peculiar people, zea- lous of good works, and that Thy glory may dwell in our land. And now, heavenly Father, we would offer up our humble thanksgivings for all Thy great mercies and goodness to us in body and soul ; especially for Thine inestimable love in the gift of Thy dear Son to re- deem, and of Thy Holy Spirit to purify our souls. May our souls bless Thee, and all that is within us praise Thy Holy Name in time and in eternity, through Jesus Christ, our only hope and Savioui™ ; to whom, with Thee, and the Holy Ghost, be ascribed all honour, and glory, now and for ever, ATfien, \y\ \\ 1 'X ^.i ' I 1 Family IVorshi]^ 90 I'ii WEDNESDAY EVENING. OGOD the Creator and preserver of all man- kind, great is Thy faithfulness. Thou hast spared us, Thy sinful creatures, to see the close of another day. We thank Thee, O our God, that Thou hast not dealt with us after our sins, or reward- ed us according to our iniquities. We thank Thee that Thou hast made such a blessed provision for our pardon in Jesus Christ. We thank Thee that Thou hast established with Him " a covenant, ordered in all things and sure." O, be ever mindful of that cove- nant, most gracious Lord ; and enable us to lay firmer hold of the blessed hope set before its in Thy Gospel. May Thy Holy Spirit convince us of our own ex- ceeding sinfulness, and give us a deeper acquaintance with the plague of our own hearts. May none of us be ignorant of the sin which doth most easily beset us ; and do Thou grant us grace, we humbly beseech Thee, to cast it from us. Against Thee have we greatly sinned, and done much evil in Thy sight. Pardon us, we beseech Thee, good Lord : for Jesus Christ's sake, forgive us all our numberless transgres- sions. But whilst our consciences thus accuse us of un- faithfulness to Thee our God, what love has been manifested on Thy part ; what abundant blessings hast Thou vouchsafed to us, temporal and spiritual, known and unknown ! Thou hast continued to us 100 Family Worship, the enjoyment of ourreli<^ious privileges. Thou hast supplied us with food and raiment, and multiplied our comforts on every side. O do Thou accept our praises and thanksgivings ; and draw us, most gi-acious Father, we entreat Thee, with cords of love to more entire devotedness to Thee. May thy mer- cies lead us to present ourselves, our souls and bodies unto Thee, a living sacrifice which is our reasonable service. Let the close of this day remind us that our time is short, and that the night cometh in which none can work. O our God, prepare us to meet Thee ; make us ready for Thy coming ; may we be among the number of those whom Thou when Thou comest shall find watching. To this end, stir us up, we en- treat Thee, to greater watchfulness, to more diligent self-examination ; and make us more holy and more heavenly-minded. Lord, we commit ourselves, and all near and dear to us, to Thy care this night. Keep us, we en- treat Thee, from everything which may harm our bodies or our souls. And if it be Thy will to pre- serve us through this night and to permit us to awake again in this world, give us grace to run with increased patience the race that is set before us, ever "looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith." Hear us, God, and answer us abundantly, for His name's sake. Amen, '■:S ''l!» 'fii; iff :. ! i ^■\ Family Worship. 101 -• i I lifft THURSDAY MOliNING. O MERCIFUL GOD, whose loving-kindness and faithfulness are new every morning, we once more thank Thee with heart and lips that Thou hast made us arise from our beds in health and peace, and hast preserved our bodies from harm, and our souls from death. How great is Thy goodness, O Lord, so that men trust under the shadow of Thy wings, and find there a secure refuge. With the morning doth our heart awal:en unto Thee, O God, for Thy Commandments are our light upon earth. Once more we behold the daylight, give us grace to walk in the light, aad avoid the works of darkness. May we count that day as lost wherein we have bowed to the service of the evil world, and ruled our lives by its fashions and follies, of which we shall have to give an account at Thy judgment seat. Let us rather consecrate ourselves to Thy service ; in all our wishes, thoughts, and undertakings, may we seek what is pleasing in Thy sight and may the whole da}' thus be hallowed to Thee. Let us ever so live and speak and act as though this day might be our last. Teach us to follow after justice and holiness in Thy fear ; for Thou art our glory, the only true God. Incline thine ear unto us, O Lord, who are here met to call upon Thy name together ; save us by Thy mighty hand ; bless Thy people and sanctify Thy inheritance; give peace to the world, to Thy Church, and to Thy people. rn f-^ 102 Family Worshij}. And now, O Lord, after the dark hours wherein we lay as children in Thy fatherly arms, Thou hast once more bestowed, as it were, a new life upon us ; whither then shall we turn but unto Thee ? We knock at Thy door of grace, we a[)i)roach the foun- tain of blessing, whence mercy after mercy, help after help, is ever flowing forth to the children of men. Give us counsel when we are in ]:)erplexity; direct and control all our plans by Thy will ; kindle in us such a flame of love, that we may to-day show our Christian faith in our works, and continue in charity with Thee, and our neighbours, till we reach the evening in the peace of a good conscience. What Thou blessest is blessed; and when Thou openest Thy hand, all living things are filled with plenteous- ness. Hear then the voice of our prayer when we call upon Thee, and keep not silence, O our God. Let the cry of the poor, the sick, and the sorrowful find acceptance with Thee. And hearken graciously to the prayers of all Thy people, of all whom we love, and to these our imperfect petitions for Jesus Christ's sake. And Thine be the glory, now and for evermore. Armn, : n 41 II i! lii jH M Family Worship, 103 !' .: J !. i? THURSDAY EVENING. OGOD, who art the only good, the priceless Treasure of all faithful hearts, in Thee alone can our wearied spirits tind full satisfaction and rest, and in Thy love is the highest joy. Lord, if we have Thee we have enough, for Thy favour is better than life itself; and we are happy if Thou wilt but give peace to our consciences, and make us know how gracious and merciful Thou art. Preserve in our hearts tliat peace which passcth all understand- ing, and make us bettor and holier in time to come. Strengthen those of us who are in any sorrow or perplexity, by the inward comfort of Thy Holy Spirit, and bid us know that our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. For there will come a time when Thou wilt brinii^ us to the place of perfect rest ; where we shall behold Thy face in righteousness, and be satisfied from Thy eternal fulness. But now the gloomy night is come upon the earth. Lord, Thou Guardian of Israel, who dost neither slumber nor sleep, care Thou for us and for all men. Let Thine eye watch over us. Thy hand protect us, and Thy holy angels defend us. Wherever Christian hearts are raising their evening prayers to Thee, do Thou hearken to them, O God ; and spare also, in Thy great mercy, those who have offended Thee this day. Have patience with the children of darkness 104 Family Worship, who may misuse this night for their own evil pur- poses, and let them not die in their sins. Grant that those who have fallen out to-day may not let the sun go down upon their wrath ; and have pity upon all who retire to rest without prayer or thought of Thee. Refresh all who have been wearied with the toil of the day, and strengthen those to whom even night bringeth not repose. Guide aright the traveller on his way; rrotect and provide for those who know not where to lay their heads. Watch by the sick; guard the little ones; shorten the hours of darkness by Thy presence, to those who cannot sleep, to all sufferers in mind or body who are look- ing forward to them with dread. Finally, be Thou the guardian of our whole community from peril and loss, and whether this night be like all the past ones to us, or to any one of us be the last, may we alike be found safe in Thy gracious keeping. So bring us all in Thine own time from this world of darkness to Thine eternal light and peace and rest ; for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. ! if! I ; '>S;'' - :S1tri ■ I: ; 1 Family Worship. 105 FRIDAY MORNING. t i! \ 1^' ,,1: > ■ ■J-- n:\ MOST bountiful and gracious God, wo bless Thee for the protection of the night, for the sleep that has refreshed us, and for the watchful keeping that has preserved us. We committed our- selves to Thee wlien we laid us down to rest, and we have slept in safety, for Thou, Lord, hast sustained us. The darkness has brought no terrors. Thou hast neither slumbered nor slept ; Thine eye has not been turnod away from us ; Thine hand has not been withdrawn. We would consecrate to Thee the day that is now opening upon us. We know not what may befall us before it closes ; what arduous duties we may have to discharge ; what strong temptations we may have to resist; what great sorrows we may have to endure. Our assurance is that Thou knowest all our strength and weakness, and that Thou wilt be our helper in all. We cast ourselves upon Thy merciful help- ing. Be Thou our arm every morning. We come boldly to Thy throne of grace that we may obtain mercy to pardon our sina, and grace to help us this day in whatever may be its needs. Help us to lis- ten for Thy voice amid the din of earthly things. Help us in our busiest hours to see Thy hand in everythinfj that may befall us, or be done around us. Thou visitest us every morning, and triest us every mcment. May our hearts and tempers bear the test of little things ; let no eagerness of business beguile 106 Fnmihf Worship. us into forgotfuliiess of Thee ; lot no household cares divert our calm religious faith ; let no fret or worry, or provocation irritate or make us impatient. May our souls be kept in perfect peace stayed u[)on Thee. If it please Thee, send us prosperity, peace in our families, success in our business, esteem amon;j^ our fellow-men; or, if Thou shalt see \l best to appoint us sorrow and loss and reproach, help us to maintain true and holy and trustful hearts, faithful in love to Thee, and patient in all feelings and thoughts towards our fellow-men. In every ex[)ericuce and possibility of the day, may we be in Thy fear, and present our bodies to Thee a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, which is our reasonable service. And we will ren- der to Thee, the Father and to Thine only Son, and to the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, everl'isting praise. Amen, 'h i'\ t 1 1 * '■ I m " M ■ Family Worship. FRIDAY EVENING. 107 OTHOU who dost permit us to call Theo our Father who art in heaven, wo gather round Thy feet, even as after the various occupations of the day children gather in their homo; and before we retire to our rest for the niglit, we would for a while commune with Thee, think of Thee, and wor- ship Thee ; for to think of Thy thoughts and ways gives us understanding concerning our own. How many things we purposed to do that we have not done ; how imperfect our goodness has been ; how soiled, and even sinful, our best feelings and doings. In the morning we prayed to Thee for the manifold grace which the day might need ; how little we have tried to realize our prayers, how largely we have even forgotten them. When the time came for put- ting forth energy, to perform duty, to resist tempta- tion, to endure trial, we thought neither of the holy instructions of Thy word, nor of the ready help of Thy grace ; we permitted feelings that were foolish to influence our conduct, and feelings that were not pure to intercept the flowing forth to Thee of our hearts. Thus we have fallen short of the wisdom and strength which we might have won. forgive us, and let the precious blood of Christ be sprinkled upon our consciences, that we may be cleansed from all sin. Help us now to attain to a humble, holy, trustful mind, as for a little time we wait upon Thee. Sub- 108 Family Worship, ilue within us all turbulence of spirit tliat the day may have wrought ; and if our holy strength hjis been wasted by our work in the world, or by the fretful cares of life, let it now be renewed. We would re- member Thy claims upon our service and our love. We would meditate upon Thy precious teachings concerning both thib life and the life to come. Oh, it is a precious thing to turn froin the bustle and care of every day, to find in Thee holy rest and strength for our life. Let wise thoughts and sancti- fying influences possess our souls, and let their power be with us in all days to come. If, with any, sorrow and darkness are setting down upon their way, making their hearts fear, and their homes sad, be Thou their light and comfort ; do Thou to-night draw the curtains of their bed, and give them sleep. Have pity upon the sick ; if it please Thee, give them bodily ease and healing. Above all give them patient, trustful, loving hearts, that they may by exercises of faith draw, from the treasures of Thy love, confidence and strength — grace to help them in their time of need. All mercies that we need for ourselves, and for all whom we love, we pray for in the name of our liiith- ful and merciful high Priest. Ar)icn, ii. 1. I'! P s:n Famihj Worship. SATCKDAY MORNING. 109 O GRACIOUS GOD, and our most merciful Father, we give Thee fresh thanks aiid praise for Thine unwearied goodness to the children of men. We bless Thee for Thy protection of us dur- ing the past night; for it is Thou, Lord, only which makest us to dwell in safety. Be pleased still to keep us with Thine almighty power in all our ways. As Thou hast raised our bodies from sleep, arouse our spirits also, good Lord, to serve Thee cheerfully. Assist us from hour to hour to remember Thee, that we may look up te Thee for help and guidance; make us watchfu? against those temptations which have formerly pre^ vailed over us. Grant that we may shun the com- panionship of the wicked, and go with zeal to our appointed work, with a. sincere purpose of living soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world. Quicken us with a charitable and friendly spirit to look beyond our ov/n concerns to the service and benefit of our neighbours : put far away from us all envy and jealousy of their welfare. May we learn to bless Thee for the prosperity of our brethren, and in whatever measure Thou art pleased v re- ward our earthly diligence, grant us a willing heart both to provide for our own families, and to succour those whom Thy providence has placed around us. We desire of Thee, O Lord, a humble mind, to m 110 Family Worship. judge benevolently, and to spcnk with charity, of all men ; to be courteous, gentle, and long-suirering in all our behavioui ; a.nd so to conduct ourselves in every place, that men may see our good works, and glorify our Father which is in heavon. We entreat Thy mercy and blessing for all man- kind, that the fruits of righteousness may abound amongst them more and more. Keep with Thy providence, and sanctify with Thy heavenly grace, our relations and friends ; may they find favour in Thy sight, and live in peace and good reputation with their fellow-men. Bless our neighbours, fiiends, and companions, and especially those with whom we have been brought up from childhood. remember not the sins and offences of our youth, but help us all whilst life and faculties are spared to us, to redeem the time, laying up for ourselves a good foundation unto life everlasting ; so that, with all them that hope in Christ, we may finally enter into Thy rest, through the merits of our righteous Redeemer; to whom with Thee, and the Holy Ghost, be honour and glory, world without end. Amen. \\i m : ' IH it'.:' - if I Family Worship 111 SATURDAY EVENING. OGOD, the author of our being, and the un- ceasing guardian of our lives, look down on us with Thine accustomed mercy, and be pleased to accept our evening sacrifice of prayer and thanks- giving. We acknowledge Thy goodness in appointing to us a time for all things, that in due season we may diligently make provision both for our souls and bodies. We bless Thee, Lord, for the unchange- able love with which Thou ever watchest over us. Thy mercy hath measured out our trials and sweet- ened oViT toils. may we ever look with a contented mind on the portion which Thou hast assigned us ; remembering always that Thou knowest better than ourselves, what is for our good. Teach us to see Thy fatherly hand in all that befalleth us, and to leave to Thy disposal, as dutiful children, the issue of all our undertakings. Thou only hast preserved us during the week that is past. Whatever com- forts we have enjoyed, whatever dangers we have escaped, we ascribe to Thy almighty care. To Thee we owe our competence, and peace, and safety ; our trials and sorrows are no less mercifully measured out by Thee. And now, on the eve of a Christian Sabbath, we withdraw our thoughts from things which perish, to bestow them, as Thou hast taught us, on the welfare of our immortal souls. We confess, O Lord, to our shame and sorrow. 112 Family Worship. that in many things we have thought too little of Thy holy commandments ; we have sinned grievously. We know that we have not made due return for Thy great benefits, nor improved, as we ought to have done, Thy warnings and grace. But Thy beloved Son is all worthy to obtain the pardon of our sins ; through his intercession grant us, good Lord, trulj'" to repent of them ; draw us in faith to Him, that henceforth we may serve Thee better, and advance in those holy dispositions which may fit us for Thy rewards in heaven. , heavenly Father, we implore Thy mercy in be- half of our fellow-creatures, to whom the hour of death may be close at hand. Accept their repen- tance, and hold them up in faith through the last trial of our mortal nature ; and may we, who remain faithfulj redeem the time, that, at the hour of Thy summons, we too may die the death of the righteous, and our last end be like his. Guard us this night, we beseech Thee, from the powers of darkness. Suffer no e\il to befall us, nor any plague to come nigh our dwelling ; and may we rise with bodies refreshed and thankful spirits, to the duties of the Lord's Day. Grant this, Lord, and whatever else we have asked according to Thy will, through the mediation of Jesus Christ our Saviour ; to whom, with Thee, and the Holy Ghost, be love, honour, and obedience, now and for ever. Amen. t- , ! M\ tj i Family Worship. 113 SABBATH MORNIl^G. O ALMIGHTY Lord God, our heavenly Father, we desire to praise Thy holy Name for per- mitting us to meet together on this the morning of Thy holy day. Grant us Thy presence and blessing while attempting to draw near unto Thee in this our family circle, and go forth with us to Thy house of prayer. Thou hast set apart this 'ay to teacr. us the knowledge of Thy Name and of our own condition. In obedience to Thy commands we come before Thee confessing our sins, acknowledging our own mani- fold disobedience and Thy amazing forbearance, and seeking for Thy pardoning mercy and Thy renew- ing grace. How often have wo neglected Thy solemn warn- ings and gracious invitations, and resisted the strivings of Thy Holy Spirit ; yet Thou hast not cut us off, and shut us up under condemnation, nor deprived us of the means of grace and the offer of mercy. Blessed be Thy Holy Name that we are still favoured with Thy Word, Thy ministers, and Thy ordinances. Remove the veil from our under- standings and the hardness from our hearts. Im- press our minds with the importance of eternal things. Remove from us all worldly cares and dis- tractions; fill us with deep abasement and godly sorrow ; and enable us to approach Thee with ear- 114 Family Worship, nest desires and lively anticipations of pardon through the all-prevailing intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ. Accompany Thy oracles, and the preaching of Thy servants with the power cf the Holy Ghost ; make us more wise and diligent to follow the holy exam- ples which are set before us. May we be transformed in the renewing of our minds, and be daily more the followers of our Lord and Master, and increasingly conformed to His divine image. May our prayers and praises rise up with accept- ance before Thy mercy-seat. O grant that our hearts may indeed be engaged in Thy service, — may we feel deep humiliation, godly sorrow, and true repentance for all our iniquities. Give unto us holy desires and heavenly affections ; and suffer not wandering thoughts to interrupt and impede our services. Thou, O Lord, hast appointed pastors and teachers whose lips should retain knowledge, and from whose mouths Thy people are to be instructed. Give unto them all, we beseech Thee, the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ ; and enable them to exhibit Jesus Christ as the sinner'^ hope. •May Thy people be comforted and established; may the beauty of holiness and the evil of sin be effect- ually set forth ; and may multitudes have cause to bless Thee for Thy manifold and abundant mercies. Hear, Lord, these our humble prayers, and do more for us than we ask or think, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen, :-<: r i I. R' M i\ I •j ii }! :!lf^ ;li II 'i I lii I *. ■, Family Worship. 115 SABBATH EVENING. O ALMIGHTY Lord God, great, wonderful, and holy. Thou art exalted far above all bless- ing and praise, and yet humblest Thyself to behold the things that are in heaven and in the earth. Look down in mercy upon us who here present our- selves before Thee on this the evening of Thine own day. Hear our prayers, accept our services, and vouchsafe unto us an answer of peace. We have been favoured this day with Thy word and Thine ordinances, with the means of grace and opportunities of drawing near unto Thee. Yet, alas, we must confess before Thee that we have not ren- dered again according to the benefit. Our services have been defective and defiled. Our prayers and praises have been cold and wandering, and too often disturbed by vain and unprofitable thoughts and speculations. O reject us not, unworthy as we are, but look in mercy upon us through the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. Regard, we beseech Thee, His all-sufficient merits and His prevailing intercession ; and for His sake communicate unto us those gifts and graces, those spiritual benefits and blessings, of which we severally stand in need. Bless the word we have this day heard to the souls of all our fellow- worshippers. do Thou, who alone canst give the increase, water the seed sown with the abundant influence of Thy Holy Spirit ; 116 Family Wor.s/np. may it take deep root, and bring forth fruit. May true religion revive and flourish among us, and may all who name the name of Christ depart from all iniquity. Have mercy, Lord, upon all who have profaned this Thine holy day, by employing it in business or pleasure, or in vain and idle conversation. Show them their guilt and danger before it is too late. Constrain them to hallow Thy Sabbaths ; bring them to Thy house of prayer ; and may they attend to the things which belong to their everlasting peace before they are for ever hid from their eyes. Be with the children of this family, and grant that they may be Thy children. Give us grace, Lord, to train them up in Thy most holy faith and fear, and may they be indeed a seed to serve Thee when we are laid in the grave. Look in mercy upon all who are sick and afflicted, and sanctify their several trials; and while Thou still continuest to favour us with health and strength, may we diligently improve our time and talents, and faithfully prepare for the season of trial and sick- ness, for the hour of death, and the day of judgment. Continue Thy great loving kindness to us ; keep us closely united unto Thee ; animate us for every good work and service, and finally make us more than conquerors through our Lord Jesus Christ ; to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, be all honour and glory, now and for ever Amen. • ;!( i r I* :'--1 w- ii II ! ii ;e Family Worship, MONDAY MOENING. 117 OLORD our God, wo desire with all humility and reverence to adore Thee, as a Being in- finitely blessed and glorious. Thou hast all perfec- tion in Thyself, and art the fountain of all being, power, life, motion, and perfection. Thou art good to all, and Thy tender mercies are over all Thy works ; Thou art continually doing us good, though wo are evil and unthankful. We reckon it an unspeakable privilege that we have liberty of access to Thee through Jesus Christ, and leave to call Thee our Father in Him. look upon us now, and be merciful to us as Thou usest to do unto those that love Thy name. We humbly thank Thee for all the mercies ol the past ; that we are brought in safety to the light and comfort of another day. We own Thy goodness to us, and ourselves we acknowledge less than the least of all the mercy, and of all the truth Thou hast showed unto us. We confess we have sinned against Thee ; we are guilty before Thee, we have sinned and have come short of the glory of God. We have corrupt and sinful natures, and are bent to backslide from Thee ; backward to good, and prone to evil continually. We pray Thee, forgive all our sins for Christ's sake, and be at peace with us in Him who died to make peace, and ever lives, making intercession. Lord, we commit ourselves to Thy care and keep- 118 Family Worship. ing this (lay. Watch over us for good ; compass us about with Thy favour as with a shield ; preserve us from all evil, yea, the Lord preserve and keep our souls ; preserve our going out and coming in. give us grace to do the work of this day in its day, according as the duty of the day requires ; and to do even common actions after a godly sort, acknow- ledging Thee in all our ways, and having our eyes ever up to Thee. Lord, keep us from sin, give us rule over our own spirits, and grant that we may not this day break out into passion upon any provocation, or speak un- advisedly with our lips. Give us grace to live to- gether in peace and holy love, that the Lord may command the blessing upon us, even life evermore. Make us conscientious in all our dealings, and al- ways watchful against sin, as becomes those who see Thine eye ever upon them. Arm us against every temptation, uphold us in our integrity, keep us in the way of our dut}^ all the day long. Prepare us for all the events of this day, for we know not what a day may bring forth. Lord, fit us for death, and judgment, and eternity ; and give us grace to live every day as those that do not know but that it may be their last day. We humbly beseech Thee, for Jesus Christ's sake, to pardon our sins, accept our services, and grant an answer of peace to our prayers, even for His sake who died for us, and rose again. Amen. 1 ■ Family Worship. 119 lilt MONDAY EVENING. MOST Holy, and blessed, and glorious Lord God, whose we are, and whom we are bound to serve ; Thou givcst to all life, and breath and all things. It is through Thy good hand upon us that we are brought in safety to the close of another day, and that after the various employments of the day, we come together at night to mention the lov- ing-kindness of the Lord, and the praises of our God, who is good, and whose mercy endureth for ever. We confess we have sinned against Thee ; this day we have sinned and done foolishly. O God, Thou knowest our foolishness, and our sins are not hid from Thee. We misspend our time, we neglect our duty, we follow after lying vanities, and forsake our own mercies. We pray Thee, give us repentance for our sins of daily infirmity, and make us duly sensible of the evil of them, and may the blood of Christ Thy Son, cleanse us from them. We commit ourselves to Thee this night, and de- sire to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and to abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Let the Lord be our habitation, and let our souls be at home in Him. Refresh our souls, we pray Thee with quiet and comfortable rest, not to be disturbed with any distrustful or disquieting cares and fears ; but especially let our souls be refreshed with Thy love, and the light of Thy countenance, and Thy be- nignity, which is better than life. IP 120 F<i wilji ] Vorshij). When wo awake, grant th it wo may still bo witli Theo, and may romeniber Theo upon our bods, and meditate upon Theo in the night watclies ; and that wo may improve the silence and solitude of our re- tirements for communion with God, and our own hearts ; that when wo are alone we may not be alone, but God may be with us, and we with Him. Restore us to another day in safety, and [)reparo us for the duties and events of it ; and by all the supports and comforts of this life lot our bodies bo fitted to serve our souls in Thy service, and enable us to glorify Thee with both, remembering that wo are not our own, for we are bought with a price. Lord, lot our family bo blessed in Him in whom all the families of the earth are blessed ; blessed wdth all spiritual blessings in heavenly things in Christ Jesus, and with temporal blessings as far as Thou seest good i()Y us. Give us health and prosperity, but especially let our souls prosper and be in health, and let all that belong to us belong to Christ ; that we who live in one house together on earth, may be together for ever with the Lord. Be gracious to all that are dear to us. Let the risin<x cjencration be such as Thou wilt own, and do Thee more and better service in their day than our own has done. Do for us, wo pray Thee, abundantly above what we ask or think for the sake of our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. m\ \ ' 1 1 :'l ■1 'ff I i i Family Worship, TUESDAY MORNING. 121 FATHER of mercies, and God of all comfort, sutier uh to approach the throne of Thy lieavenly grace, in the name of our Lord JesuH Christ ; and while we engage in the duty of prayer and sup- ])lication, let Thy Holy Spirit help our infirmities making intercession for us according to Thy will. We are unworthy to come into Thy holy presence ; but Thou coinmandest us to make known our re- quests unto Thee, and hast assured us in Thy holy Word that Thine ears are open to our prayers Draw nigh unto us in mercy, while we draw nigh to Thee in duty. Cause Thy face to shine upon Thy servants, that we may approach Thee with confidence, and with reverence and godly fear. We bless T)iy holy name, Lord our God, for having preserved us through the night that is past from all evil and danger ; and for having raised us in health and strength to see the light of another day. Grant, O Lord, that we may be so prepai-ed by Th^' grace for the duties and difficulties of this day, that we may set Thee before u^i in all our works and ways, and honour Thee in all we think, or say, or do. May we in our lawful calling labour dili- gently, that we may provide things honest in the sight of all men. May we be just in all our deal" ings, and merciful ; still walking humbly with Thee. If any man injure us may we be meek and forgiving; if we fall into affliction may we be re- 122 Family Worship. signed to Thy will; and amidst triids and tcmptii- tions may wo stand fast in tlio good way of the Lord. Wiien wo go out, and whon wo come in, let Thy presence bo with us, and Thy blessing rest upon us. Keep our minds in peace with Thee and with all mankind. We ask not for any of the members of our family, here or elsewhere, the wealth or the honours of this vain world ; but we pray Thee to give them ana ui food and raiment, with health and strength, and more especially largely bestow on them all the bless- ings of Thy great salvation. May all who dwell under this roof fear and serve Thee ; may our house be a house of prayer, and every heart a temple of the Holy Ghost. Bless the Queen, and all the royal family, with tl.e blessings of Thy providence and grace. May the Queen's counsellors be wise and prudent, that all the affairs of the empire may be guided in wis- dom and equity, to the good of all classes of the people, and the glory of Thy holy name May the judges and magistrates administer justice with im- partiality as in the sight of God. May Thy minis- ters be clothed with righteousness, and Thy people be joyful in Thy salvation. Hear us, Lord, in these our prayers and sup- plications, and mercifully supply all our need through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour Amen, •m I u I : ' t '■■ ! I I : Family Worship 123 m i TUESDAY EVENING. ALMIGHTY and everlastingly glorious Lord God, Thou art the God of all the families of the earth ; and, through Jesus Christ cur Lord, most graciously permittest us to come unto Thee and seek Thy blessing. Help us to come before Thee with reverence, and in spirit and in truth to worship at Thy footstool. Let our prayer come before Thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice ; and let the words of our mouth, and the meditation of our heaiL, be acceptable in Thy sight, Lord our strength and our Redeemer. We would enter into Thy presence with the deep- est self-abasement, and abhor ourselves, and repent in dust and ashes before Thee. We have grievously sinned against the Lord our God, we and our fathers, from our youth up even to this day. We confess that in us there dwelleth no good thing, and that by nature we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. But we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the right- eous ; and He is the propitiation for our sins. By Him we now approach Thy throne. We renounce every other ground of hope, and place our whole trust in Him who bore our sins in His own body on the tree, and suffered the just for the unjust to bring us to God. may we know that God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven all our sins. Justify us freely by Thy grace, through the redemption that is in Christ 124 Family Worship, Jesus, whom Thou hast set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood. Make us the children of God by faith in Jesus Christ ; and shed abroad the love of God in our hearts by the Holy Spirit given unto us. Assured of Thy favour O Lord, we shall retire to rest in peace ; knowing that whether we wake or sleep, whether we live or die, we shall be with God. If Thou callest us to pass through trials and con- flicts may we prove Thy grace sufficient for us ; and when there are fightings without, and fears within, sfill may we find that Thou art God which com- fortest them that are cast down. Teach us to be careful for nothing ; but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, make known our requests unto Thee ; that the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, may keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. We now commit ourselves into Thy hands. "We bless Thee, Lord, for all the mercies of the day. De- fend us from all dangers and perils of the night ; refresh us with sleep ; and if it please Thee, raise us up in the morning with new determination to de- vote our lives to Thy praise. Save us, we beseech Thee, even to everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Armn, I' n ! '■! il' i f ! S Family Worship. WEDNESDAY MOENING. 125 ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, we desire to approach Thy throne together as a family, and to raise our hearts to bless Thee for the unde- served goodness and loving kindness of the past night and this morning. Gather in our wandering thoughts, and engage them about the service of prayer with which we now profess to be occupied. Thou art daily speaking to us by the voices of creation, by the events of Providence, and by Thy revealed word. May we take Th;, ^vord into our hands as a precious gift from Thee ; and with the consolations that are in Christ, may we have the illumination of the Spirit to bring us to the under- standing of Thy whole will. May it please Thee to pardon our sins for neglecting Thy Holy Word in times past. Remember not our iniquities against us. Forgive us for our disregard of Thy precepts, for turning away from the overtures of ^orcy, and for refusing to be comforted by Thy proi ; " . By Thy tender mercies, God, which ar .ver all Thy works, — by Thy love and compassion, which moved Thee to send Thy Son to die for sinners, — grant, that we may be drawn to obey thy law. Draw us to Thyself in heart and life. Suffer no cloud to pass betwixt us and the light of Thy coun- tenance. May we evermore obey Thy precepts, and be cheered by Thy promises. Vouchsafe to us, we humbly beseech Thee, the unfaltering faith, and the i^* m >:" 126 Family Worship, enlivening hope, and the ceaseless joy of them, who have been redeemed from their sins by the blood of Christ. May it please Thee to give us Thy Holy Spirit in larger measure, and enable us, amid the troubles and difficulties of every-day life, to find safety in Thee. Almighty God, we commit ourselves to Thee this day. Be with us, we pray Thee, for good. Help us r'ghtly to use the talent that Thou hast given to us. Save us from perverting to wrong uses our natural powers, or the opportunities of Thy providence. Grant that individually we may fultil our duties to Thee, and to each other as a family, and to our fellow- men. And with ourselves, we pray for all mankind. May tlie crafts and subtleties of the wicked come to nought, and may the work of the adorable Redeemer be advanced. May it please Thee to guide and direct all who are vested with authority throughout the world, especially our beloved Sovereign. Bless our relatives and friends, benefactors and enemies. Extend Thy mercy to all ; and give Thy grace to them who are Thine own, that they may grow in all pious and virtuous living, to Thy praise. Be gracious to the afflicted. Be with the dying in the dark valley. Strengthen their trembling feet, and lead them into everlasting rest. And unto Thee, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we will ascribe the praise and the glory, now and for evermore. Amen. U ! IMi- I 111 ;! f •i,<i Family Worship. WEDNESDAY EVENING. 127 BLESSED GOD, we give Thee humble and united thanks this evening, that it hath pleased Thee to invite us to draw near unto the throne of the heavenly grace, and to confess our sins, and to make known our requests. We adore Thee as the unchangeable God, wliose goodness is displayed in heaven and in earth. We adore Thee especially as the God of infinite love, who hast sent Thy well-beloved Son, that through his death, we, Thy sinful and erring creatures, might have eternal life. Glory be to Thee, God, that tidings of great joy have reached us, and that Thou art pleased to magnify Thyself in our salvation, and not in our destruction. We should ever praise and thank Thee for Thy great and unspeakable gift to us in Christ Jesus ; but we confess that our iniquities, like the wind, have carried us away ; that what we would not that we do ; that we are prone to follow after that which is evil ; that our afflictions and worldly callings, through which we should serve Thee, too often being unsanctified, divert us from Thy service. Have mercy upon us, God, have mercy upon us. Give us Thy grace and strength. Keep us from be- setting sin. Deliver us from the power of sin. Fix our affections on things above, where Christ sitteth at Thy right hand. Let Thy Holy Spirit be shed abroad in our hearts ; and grant that, in prosperity "V I 128 Family Worship. and adversity, alike, we may be submissive to Thy will. Pardon, we humbly beseech Thee, the sins of which we have this day been guilty. Forgive us wherein we have forsaken Thee, or forgotten our Christian calling and profession. Forgive us wherein we have despised Thy counsels, or let slip any oppor- tunities we have had of glorifying Thee. May the influences of the Spirit evermore operate within us, to the sanctification of our hearts and lives. May it please Thee to bless us as a family. Grant that our hearts may agree in one ; and when we have finished our earthly course, may we meet in heaven, around Thy throne for ever. Be with us throughout this night. Grant that we may see a new day in peace and safety. Bless our native land. Prosper her institutions, that are founded on Thy word. Bless our Sovereign and all in authority. Enlarge the kingdom of grace. May grace, mercy, and peace descend abundantly upon all who name the name of the Lord Jesus in sincerity, and who are seeking to advance His king- dom. Heal the sick. Deliver the oppressed. Let all men rejoice in Thee. And all that we ask is for Christ's sake, to whom, with Thee the Father, and the Holy Spirit, be all the praise and the glory. Ametf,, i y: [i::l »-;■ F f ■'■ s Iff i ', 'W Family Wrrship, THUKSDAY MORNING. 129 WE bow our knees before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the true Father of all who are called children in heaven and earth ; and we pray Him to give us power according to the riches of His glory, that we may be strengthened with might in the inner man ; that Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith ; and that we being rooted and grounded in love, may know with all saints the height and depth and breadth of Thy knowledge, which is better than all wisdom, and be filled from the full- ness of God. We acknowledge with thankful hearts this morn- ing all Thy goodness, and will not hide Thy faithful- ness, which Thou ha^st showed us from our cradle until this hour. Thou hast led us along with the cords of love, and hast suffered us to sleep duidng the night in safety, and to rest in peace. And now shine Thou forth upon us like the [;;lorious dawning from the east ; descend upon us as the rain which watereth the earth. O God, who causest the light to shine out of darkness, pour such clear light into our minds that we may behold Thee in the face of Jesus Christ. Make us meet for the inheritance of the saints in light ; help us to walk in Thy name ; be to-day our salvation and the strength of our life that we may fear no evil ; for Thou art the source of all life, and in Thy light shall wo see light. Let us abide in the thought of Thy presence, that we may ii i iJ 130 Family Worship. receive continual supplies of new strength, and mount up "with wings as an eagle, and never faint nor grow weary in Thy service. Give strength, merciful Father, unto the sick; help the poor; comfort the afflicted; refresh the sorrowful ; defend them that are ready to des- pair. Feed Thou the hungry ; provide for the foi- saken, and bless us also in our goings-out and com- ings-in. Lord Jesus, help us through Thee to gain one victory after another over temptation, whether from the world, the evil one, or our own passions. Holy Spirit, be our light in darkness, our Teacher in ignorance, our Guide in all our ways, and renew our hearts according to Thy will. Make us Thy holy temple, O God ; and let us, and all whom we love, love Thee in sincerity and serve Thee with un- divided hearts. Bless us in soul and body until we all reach Thy day of endless rest. And now unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly for us, beyond all we can ask or think, be glory for ever and ever. Amen. I .: I ;*■ Jv , j J ^i witf'l HH 3 S^ il Wf ;'l ^ w \ ' p '- w '' w '< ,' I H' ifli Sffi 1 n 1 in » ^m i i| H fl? ' |j 8!l 1 : IF u ILi ' li Vvi ' w w ' & ««; fl w 11 H m wn i^K ll^l 11^ iiii) Family Worship. 131 III \W' 111 J i: THURSDAY EVENING. FATHER, with thankful and humble hearts we appear before Thee at the close of this day. We would thank Thee for all the ben»jfits that we have received from Thy goodness. Under Thy care have we safely and calmly lived, preserved from many evils, kept in health and grace. Thou hast given us food and drink ; Thou hast satisfied and refreshed us; with Thy help have we accomplished the duties of our family and our business, and it is to Thy bless- ing we owe what success we have found. Every for- tunate circumstance we have met with ; every op- portunity for doing good ; every impulse in the right way ; the good we have done, and the evil we have been saved from doing ; each victory we have gained over ourselves ; the kindly comfort or wise counsel we have given or received ; every sigh for the suffer- ings of others, and resolve to alleviate them ; every thought of Thy presence, Father ; every silent but loving glance on the example of our Pattern, Thy Son our Lord — all are alike Thy gifts to us. But, alas ! how little, how imperfect is the good we have done; how much that might have been done have we left unattempted ! We are the idle servants, who know their Lord's will, and yet do it but half or not at all. We confess that we come as sinners before Thee ; yet it is to the mercy promised to us in Thy Son that we flee for refuge ; Thy prom- ise that Thou wiliest not the death of a sinner is '•Is : 132 Family Worship, our comfort. Teach us to know more truly how many and great are our faults, how deeply-seated the evil in our souls. Fain would we appear pure and unspotted before Thy holy eye ; but who shall cleanse us from our impurities but Thyself? Give us strength and wisdom to walk faithfully and joy- fully in the way of willing obedience to Thy laws, and cheerful trust in Thy love. The best thanks- giving we can offer to Thee is to live according to Thy holy will ; grant us every day to offer it more perfectly, and to grow in the knowledge of Thy will and the love thereof. Thou who art ever our Father and Saviour, be so especially in the darkness of the night. Send us gentle sleep to refresh our bodies, that we may awaken to-morrow with renewed strength for Thy service. Avert all perils ; let no plague or terror come near our dwelling, nor break our rest. May each of us close his eyes to-night with the thought — Thou art my Father, I am Thy child. Bless our friends and benefactors, our enemies and slanderers, if such there be. Protect the place where we dwell, and let all regions of the earth behold Thy mercy. Watch over this household, and all whom we love far and near. Have pity on all sighing, weeping hearts who cannot find sleep. Grant us to sleep in peace and awake with cheerfulness, and may our first morning thought be to call Thee our Father and to thank and praise Thee for Thy love. Amen, ii' i\-A ifi 'i 11 ii i il !|_3 Family Worship. FKIDAY MORNING. 133 O ALMIGHTY God, our Heavenly Father, we confess and acknowledge that we are miser- able and wretched sinners, and have in manifold ways most grievously transgressed Thy most holy commandments, through wicked thoughts, ungodly lusts, sinful words and deeds, and in our whole life. In sin were we bom and conceived, and there is no goodness in us ; insomuch that if Thou shouldest enter into strict judgment with us, we must needs perish for ever ; so little help, comfort, or succour is there either in ourselves, or in any other creature. Only this is our comfort, heavenly Father, that Thou didst not spare Thy well-beloved Son, but didst give him up unto the most bitter and vile death of the cross for us, that he might so pay the ransom for our sins, satisfy Thy justice, reconcile us unto Thee, and secure for us Thy favour, and everlasting life. Wherefore, through the merit of His most bitter passion and death, and through the shedding of His innocent blood we beseech Thee, O heavenly Father, that Thou wilt vouchsafe to be gracious and merci- ful unto us, to pardon all our sins, to enlighten our hearts with Thy Holy Spirit, to renew, confirm, and strengthen us with a right and perfect faith, and to influence us in love toward Thee and our neighbour, that we may henceforth with a willing and glad heart walk as it becometh us, in Thy holy com- : if!, i 134 Family Worship, mandments, and so praiso and glorify Thee everlaHt- ingly. And also that we may with a free conscience and quiet heart, in all manner of tenii)t{itions, atftictions, or necessities, and even in the very pangs of death, cry boldly unto Thee our God and Father. But, Lord God, our heavenly Father, it is not in our power to comfort ourselves in affliction and temptation, for faith is Thy gift ; forasmuch as Thou wilt be prayed unto, and called upon, we come to Thee to beseech Thee both for that and for all our other necessities, even as Thy dear beloved Son, our Saviour Christ Jesus, hath himself taught us to pray : Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. . i: \^ *i! m ; lil- i ■ i ill ,i \ I ' I I I if Family Worship. 135 I 1 It mil , I lUIDAY EVENING. HONOUR and praise bo given to Thee, O Lord God Alniiglity, our Fatlier in heaven, for all Thy mercies and loving-kindness shewn unto us, in that it hath pleased Thy gracious goodness, freely and of Thine own accord, to elect and choose us to salvation before the beginning of the world. Even like thanks be given continually to Thee for creating us after thine own image ; for redeeming us with the precious blood of Thy dear Son, when we were utterly lost ; for sanctifyitig us with Thy Holy Spirit in the revelation and knowledge of Thy holy word ; for helping and succouring us from all dan- gers of body and soul ; for comfo^ 'ng us in all our tribulations and distresses ; for ^ -ing us so long, and giving us so large a time of repentance. These benefits, most merciful Father, as we ac- knowledge to have received them of Thy goodness alone, even so we beseech Thee, for Thy dear Son Jesus Christ's sake, to grant us always Thy Holy Spirit, whereby we may continually grow in thank- fulness towards Thee, be led into all truth, and com- forted in all our adversities. O Lord, strengthen our faith : kindle it more in ferventness and love towards Thee, and to our neighbours for Thy sake. Suffer us not, our Father, to receive Thy word any more in vain, but grant us always the assistance of Thy grace and Holy Spirit, that in heart, word 136 Family Worship. and deed, we may sanctify and worship Thy holy name. Cause Thy kingdom to increase and amplify. Whatsoever Thou sendest, may we be heartily content with Thy good pleasure and will. Let us not lack the thing, Father, without which we cannot serve Thee ; but bless Thou all the work of our hands so that we may have sufficient, and not be chargeable, but rather helpful to others. Be merciful, O Lord, to our offences ; and seeing our debt is great, which Thou hast forgiven us in Jesus Christ, make us to love Thee, and our neighbours, so much the more. Be Thou our Father, our Captain and Defender in all temptations ; hold Thou us by Thy merciful hand, that we may be delivered from all dangers, and end our lives in sanctifying and praising Thy Holy Name, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and only Saviour. Amen, m '% vM Family Worship. n\' h ■!■ f m fiC SATURDAY MORNING. WE thank Thee, Lord, for sparing us during the past night, and for the light and com- fort of this morning. May we this day be kept in Thy fear and favour ; may we be guided by Thy counsel and sustained by Thy grace : may we be strengthened for every duty, and fortified against every temptation. Suffer us not to walk after the course of this world ; but may we walk in the foot- steps, and copy the example of Christ. Like Him may we be meek and lowly in spirit, submissive to Thy will, and in all things may we glorify Thy name. We lament that in past times we have come short of Thy glory, and in many things have of- fended. We have sinned against Thee in thought- word, and action. But, O Lord, we beseech Theo to be merciful to us for the sake of Thy dear Son, who died for our sins, and rose again ^or our justifi- cation. May our sins be washed away in his blood ; may our persons be accepted on the ground of His merits ; and grant that being justified by faith, we may obtain that peace which passeth all understand- ing, and the joy which is unspeakttble and full of glory. It has pleased Thee, Lord, that in Christ should all fullness dwell ; out of His fullness may we receive all needed blessings. May Thy Holy Spirit be given to us to enlighten what is dark in us, to sanctify what is sinful, and to strengthen what is weak ; and may He work in us to will, and to do, what is pleas- 138 Family Worship. ing in Thy sight. Grant us also, we beseech Thee, those temporal blessings Thousoestto be best suited to U3 ; and may we find that all things are work- ing together for our goo<l. O Lord, bless our friends ; may they be objects of Thy special providential care, subjects of Thy Spirit's regenerating grace, and heirs of Thine eternal kingdom. Be very gracious to the sick and afflicted, and grant to them a sanctified use of all their trials. Bo a father to the f itherless and a husband to the widow. Supply the wants of the poor and needy, and enrich them with the treasures of Thy grace. Bless all Thy people throughout the world. May Th}'- ministering servants be this day guided in their preparation for the services of the approaching Sabbath. Bless all teachers in schools and seminaries of learning, and may the young of this land be well instructed not merely in things per- taining to this life, but also and above all, in the knowledge of Christ, and in the things which be- long to their everlasting peace. Let Thy kingdom come, Lord. Sustain Thy missionary servants who have gone to distant lands to proclaim the gos- pel to the perishing heathen. May the long prom- ised day soon come when all nations shall rejoice in Thy salvation. Let the people praise Thee, Lord; let all the people praise Thee. Hear us, we beseech Thee, for Thy dear Son's sake ; and to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be all the praise, now, and evermore. Amien. \ I ' >i Family Worship. 139 .1 iii SATUEDAY EVENING. WE desire Lord at the close of another week, to approach Thy throne with thank- ful hearts. We give Thee thanks for Thy care of us during the week. Thy goodness has been new to us every morning and repeated every evening. Day by day Thou hast given us food to eat and rai- ment to wear. Thou hast continued to us health of body and soundness of mind. Amidst a thou- sand dangers by us unseen, Thou hast upheld and cared for us. Above all, we thank Thee that the way of access remains open to us through Christ Jesus Thy Son ; that Thou art still willing to give us Thy Holy Spirit ; and that Thou art still holding out to us the prospect of eternal life and glory. May the recollection of all Thy mercies bind us to Thy service. Forgive, we beseech Thee, our past ingratitude and disobedience. Deal not with us as we deserve ; but remember us according to the multi- tude of Thj'- tender mercies. According to the riches of Thy grace, do Thou bless us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Grant us the assurance of Thy love ; and may Thy Holy Spirit bear witness with our spirits that we are Thine adopted children. If any members of this household are living without God and without Christ, and therefore without any good hope, Lord grant that even now they may be brought nigh by the blood of Christ. May they, without any deia}^ flee 140 Family Worship. for refuge to the hope set before them in the gospel ; and in Christ may they obtain pardon, and peace, and eternal life. Lord bless all our friends, reward our benefactors, and forgive our enemies, and may peace and good- will everywhere prevail. Remember in mercy those who are troubled in body, or mind, or outward estate ; heal the sick, comfort the sorrow- ful, and relieve the distressed. Prepare the dying fjr their great change, and spare useful lives. Teach us to live mindful of death ; and whensoever Thou art pleased to call us hence, may an abundant en- trance be ministered to us into Thy heavenly king- dom. Watch over us this night ; give Thine angels charge concerning us ; may the God of angels be our protector and our friend. Prepare us for the duties and enjoyments of another Sabbath; may we be in the spirit on the Lord's day, and obtain some blessed foretaste of the eternal Sabbath which awaits Thy people in heaven. May Thy ministering servants receive a double portion of Thy Spirit, and be enabled to declare Thy truth with all faithful- ness, affection, and simplicity. Hasten also the time when the gospel shall be everywhere proclaimed, and when all kindreds, and people, shall bend to the gracious sceptre of Messiah. Hear us, Lord, we beseech Thee, for the sake of Christ Jesus our great High-Priest, and ever living friend ; to whom with Thee the Father «ind the Holy Spirit be aU glory ascribed now and ever. Amen. m h n ■'If •r Ill & II %ik%i \\i. I ax '\i I : Hi-; iS i! i, 1 ;< I ji n '1 i m 'III si »l!i I'M Family Worship. Sidfj Mwh. 141 OS' SABBATH MOENING. O HEAVENLY Father, awaken Thou our de- votion, that on this and every Sabbath, we may keep the sacred day of rest according to Thy wil]. Grant us grace to rest from all sinful deeds and thoughts, to surrender ourselves wholly unto Thee, and to keep our souls still before Tbee like a still lake ; that so the beams of thy grace may be mirrored therein, and may kindle in our hearts the glow of faith and love and prayer. May we, through such stillness and hope, find strength and gladness in Thee, O God, now and evermore. Our Father in heaven and earth, we thank Thee in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, tha\} Thou hast guarded us from all the i)erils of the past night, and brought us through Thy undeserved goodness, safe and well to this blessed day. Thou whose love never faileth, let the memory of our past sins vanish from before Thy countenance like the dark- ness of the night that is fled. Awaken our hearts from the slumber of idleness and folly, and let us arise with Christ from the death of sin to a new life of righteousness. O Father of light and giver of all good and perfect gifts, give us to-day Thy gracious Word, and may it be the highest joy and delight of our hearts. May it be a word of truth spoken ac- 142 Family Worship, cording to Thy will, <and may we receiving it be born again of the Spirit, and become first fruits of Thy creatures. Pour upon us, therefore, richly the grace of Thy Holy Spirit, that both at home and in Thy house we may be quick to listen to, and careful to heed Thy precious Word ; but slow to all vain and empty talk, which cannot profit us, but only grieves Thy Spirit in our hearts. O Almighty Father, give us seeing eyes, hearing ears, and understanding hearts, that we may be aware of our own wants, and gladly gather whatever Thy hand to-day may let fall for us. Plant Thy Word within us, and let it make this day a happy one. And to all who shall to-day preach Thy holy Name, whether in this place or elsewhere throughout all Christendom, give Thy Spirit, that they may truly proclaim Thy Word and not their own. May this be a day of rest in our souls. Let our hearts be Thy temple, wherein Thy Spirit unites us in true faith to Christ, and leads us in true love unto thankful obedience to Thee; so shall we be en- abled to ofier Thee perpetually an acceptable wor- ship. Lead us on from faith to fiiith, from love to love, from strength to strength, until we reach the end of our pilgrimage, and are made meet for that world where we shall keep the eternal Sabbath of unbroken rest, with all the people of God and his holy angels, in the secure mansions of peace. So shall we ever thank and love and praise Thee for all Thy love and Thy great goodness, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 4 r R 1 I m i • ■• ■:Iil lilt Family Worship. 143 SABBATH EVENING. ABIDE with us, Lord, for the day is far spent and the night is at hand. O living God how unsearchable are Thy works, how unspeakable is the goodness which Thou shewest to the children of men ! We must speak of Thy mercy and truth, for in this day that is gone Thou hast been bountiful to us in body and soul. Thou hast fed our soul with the bread of life, and given us to drink of living waters ; Thy Word is sweeter than honey and the honey-comb. May it henceforth be a light unto our path, so that we may guide our conduct by it, and fall not into sin and error on our way. Thou hast cared for us also in earthly things, so that we have reached this evening in health and peace. We are not worthy of all Thy blessings. But now, our guardian, let Thy protection be round about us ; let Thy light shine continually within us, that we may have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. Let the word we have heard be as good seed in our hearts, bringing forth in us fruits that all men may see — the fear and love of God, and deadness to the world and sin. When we return to our daily toil be our shield against the arrows of temptation, our shelter in the heat of the day. The Lord is the strength of our life; of whom then shall we be afraid ? Avert all perils of the night from our house ; let all the sad, the sick, the dying, enjoy Thy gracious presence to-night. Forgive us if we have not wor- 144 Family Worship, shipped Thee to-day with as much ardour as we ought, and take not Thy grace away from us. Let all things be new with us in this new week ; give us new love and desire for Thee ; new zeal to serve and obey Thee ; let us avoid and flee from the sins we have committed in the week that is past, that all may know that our Sabbath has not been spent in vain. Help us to remember that we have never- dying souls, that we may be more concerned for them than for our perishable bodies. We are about to seek our place of repose ; let it remind us not only of the slumber of the grave but of that r^st which Thou hast prepared for the people of God. For that rest do Thou make us meet ; strengthen and quicken us, and bring us thither in Thine own time, for Thy mercy's sake. Amen. if !■ -y ! lil Family Worship. MONDAY MORNING. 145 ALMIGHTY LORD, whose eyes are in every place, beholding the evil and the good, who art the God of all the families of Israel, and to whom we desire ever to live, we praise Thee and give Thee glory as the only living and true God ; — God over all things, in heaven and in earth, now and for ever. We thank Thee for the mercies of another morn- ing — for Thy protection and care through the night ; for the healbii and strength which we enjoy, for our family comforts, for our religious privileges, and va- rious means of grace. Lord, what thanks shall we render for Thy Holy Word ; for the gift of Thy only begotten Son, for the light and consolation of Thy Holy Spirit, and for the blessed hope of living with our Saviour in those glorious mansions which he is now prej)aring. We are indeed utterly unworthy of these '.''hy mercies. We have departed from Thee our m^st gracious father and friend. By unbelief, by alienation of heart, by self-will and pride, by selfishness and impenitence, we have offended Thee. O may Thy Spirit so bring home to our hearts Thy love, and our ingratitude and perverseness, as to re- move that in us which is hard and rebellious, and make us humble and contrite in Thy sight. May we each see our own sinfulness, and with broken hearts and self-abhorrence confess that we are vile. Reveal to us, O God, the full preciousness of Christ — the length and breadth, the depth and '"W 146 Family Worship, height of his love, which passeth knowledge. May Thy good spirit continually take of the things of Christ, and show them unto us, that we may know Him more perfectly as the way, the truth, and the life. Help us this day to recollect and meditate upon the truths which we yesterday received. May Thy word abide in cur hearts, and bring forth much holy fruit in our lives. Extend the same blessings wher- ever Thy Gospel has been proclaimed, far and wide. O Lord, hold Thou up our goings in Thy paths ; for only while Thou boldest us up are we safe. We are in the midst of snares and temptations, which we see not, or at best see very dimly. Do Thou then still watch over and guard us ; and inspire us with holy zeal and courage — with vigilance and de- votedness to Thy service — as we go forth this day upon our daily duties. May we be diligent in them ; make us watchful against temptation ; not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. May the wicked all around be converted to Thee ; may the impenitent and unbelieving be brought to repentance and faith ; may those burdened with sin and guilt come to Jesus and be relieved. Bless every member of this family. May we have been brought together in Thy provide ceto be a full blessing to each other. May we all, tn rough Thy imparted grace, bring to each other daily help and comfort. Hear us, our God, for Jesus' sake. Amen, ••■M':| It Family fVorship, 147 * MONDAY EVENING. HEAR us, Lord God Almighty, when we cry unto Thee ; draw near to us when we draw near to Thee ; and help us to ask that we may have, so to seek that we may find, and so to knock at the door of mercy that it may be opened unto us. We come before Thee in the name of Thy Son Jesus Christ. We make mention of His righteousness only, having none of our own. Guilty as we are we plead his merits as being alone acceptable in Thy sight. We look to his atoning sacrifice as the only ground of our hope ; and we pray that, being justified by faith, we may have peace with Thee through Him. For his sake pardon the sins of this day, and all our past transgressions. Grant us a right knowledge of Thy holy word. Teach us, Lore., to believe its doctrines, to rejoice in its promises, and to obey its commands. Make Thy way plain before us ; and grant that we may run therein and not be weary, and walk and not faint. May we be so sensible of our own unworthiness, as always to walk humbly with Thee our God ; and may we at the same time so fully perceive the value of Christ's salvation, as to come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in every time of need. Pour upon us the spirit of supplication. Dispose us to look to Thee for direction in difficulty; and for relief in distress, and 148 Family Worship. to cast all our care upon Thee, assured that Thou carest for us. We thank Thee, God, for all the blessings of family affection. Help us, in the enjoyment of these and in all the duties of our family and social life, to serve and honour Thee. May our obligation to Thee as our Father and Lord be fulfilled in our fidelity and affection towards those whom Thou hast given us to live with and to love. Let no root of bitter- ness spring up to trouble us. Help us to set a watch upon our lips that we may not sin, and to keep the doors of our hearts that we may not think evil. May we live in the spirit of Him who came not to be ministered unto but to minister ; who pleased not Himself. Teach us by love to serve one another. Clothe us with humility, and give unto us the orna- ment of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in Thy sight a pearl of great price. We thank Thee for all Thy other mercies, tem- poral and spiritual ; and we pray for grace to value them, and to profit by them, as we ought to do. Leave us not nor forsake us, God of our salvation ; but be Thou our guide through life, our hope in death, and our portion in eternity. We commit ourselves to Thy kind protection this night. May we lie down to rest at peace with Thee and with all mankind. Grant these our petitions, merciful Lord, we humblv beseech Thee, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. u'i .' \-m. !i'' lii Family Worship, TUESDAY MORNING. 149 BLESSED LORD, wo thank Thee that Thou hast permitted us to rise this morning in health and vigour. We have slept in peace, for Thou hast made us dwell in safety. Thou hast been mindful of us, and Thou xvili bless us. We can rest in Thy promises, and go forth to our various engagements with the assurance that Thou wilt defend and guide and prosper us ; for Thou hast said, " I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." Thou hast adopted us into Thy family. Thou hast called us, not servants, but sons. Help us to rejoice in this Thy love, and to prize and improve this privilege. May we feel and act as Thy children. Give us perfect confi- dence in all Thine arrangements ; and whether they bring us immediate sorrow or joy, may we accept them with thankfulness. Grant us to love Thee with trustful, filial love ; to seek Thy face with all earnestness ; and to find true satisfaction in Thy favour. May we be able to say without reserve, " Whom have I in heaven but Thee ? and there is none on earth that I desire in comparison with Thee." Help us to yield Thee willing obedience, to run in the way of Thy Commandments, and v,o serve Thee with joyful hearts. Help us to take a growing in- terest in whatever concems Thy kingdom or Thy- self May we love Thy word, and honour Thy Church, and declare Thy truth, and celebrate Thy name. May we be pleased with whatever pleases 150 Familji Worship. Theo, and luito whatovor grieves or offends Thee. May wo, through communion with Thee, become more and more like Thee, and be prepared by the discipline and instruction of earth for our Father's house in heaven. We boseech Thee, Lord, to bless Thy people everywhere. May they remember that they are Thy spiritual family, the children of the living God. May they walk in love, and cleave to each other as brethren. Heavenly Father, we beseech Thee to bless all those to whom we are united by relation- ship or friendship. May they belong to the house- hold of faith. May they be able to feel that they have a father in heaven who loves them. May they cherish the spirit of obedience to Thee, and confi- dence in Thee. May they be holy and happy, as becometh Thy children. Grant us Thy presence and blessing in the active duties of this day. Strengthen us for labour, give us wisdom in counsel. May we feel that success depends on Thee ; and may we desire Thine appro- bation and Thine help in .all that we undertake. May we remember that Thy blessing alone maketh rich and addeth no sorrow therewith. Father, may we, Thy children, enjoy this blessing, and now and always acknowledge Thine hand in whatever we possess. Hear us, we bessech Thee, and comfort our hearts by Thy Spirit, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. Family Worship. 151 TUESDAY EVENING. AGAIN, Lord, at the close of another day we wait upon Thee. All the day long hast Thou waited upon us. We have been Thy constunt care. Thou hast sustained our powers of body - \ mind. For all the mercies of the day, and all tne blessings of the light we bless Thee, and give Thee heartfelt thanks. In taking leave of the day we repent of all our folly, sinfulness, and sin ; we for- sake everything in the pursuit of which we have forsaken Thee ; we condemn all for which we have been condemned of Thee ; we neither justify nor excuse ourselves, but lie under Thy judgments, con- fessing that Thou art just and true in all Thy ways. We seek at Thy hand pardon, restoration, and heal- ing. Have mercy upon us, God, according to Thy loving-kindness ; according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies blot out our transgressions. Speak peace to us ; give us the blessedness of those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered, unto whom iniquity is not imputed, and in whose spirits there is no guile ; restore to us the joy of Thy salvation ; uphold us with Thy free Spirit. As members of the same household and of one family we desire to be reunited to each other in peace and love ere we separate for the night. Re- move all estra^ngements that may have arisen ; let no differences become separations ; let no lukewarm- ness perpetuate itself; but in good- will, brotherly 152 Family Worship, kindness, and charity, confessing one to anofclier our many infirmities and our many sins, we desire to exercise forgiveness toward each other, and in the love of our common father bid each other good night, and part in peace. During the night be Thou light about us ; watch over us while we sleep. Thy blessings abound to- wards us by day, but more divinely Thy blessings abound to usward while we sleep by night. With- out our care, without our aid, without our thought — in ways altogether thine own, hidden and un- known to us, — Thou renewest and refreshest us, that by the morning light we may again receive ourselves as renewed creatures from Thine hand. When we are as nothing, then Thou art everything to us ; Thy spring is opened upon our root, and Thy dew lieth all night upon our branch, and our life becomes fresh in us, and our strength is renewed in our hand. Lord, Thou art all things, and givest all things to Thy beloved in sleep. God, within th' curtain of Thy darkness, beneath Thine over-spread wing, in the embrace of Thine arms we lie down to lose ourselves in Thee. In the morning Thou wilt call us back to wakefulness in ourselves. Lord, how unsearch- able Thou art, and Thy ways past finding out ! With our last thoughts we worship,"and adore and magnify Thy name. Hear us, Lord; for the sake of Thy dear Son. Amen. •\i Mk . ■ ¥!•: K Family Worship. 153 WEDNESDAY MORNING. OLORD GOD ALMIGHTY, we pray Thee now to deliver us from all wandering thoughts. Help us to remember in whose presence we are, and let us worship Thee in spirit and in truth. Our heavenly Father, we bless Thy name that v?e are here met together in so much health and comfort ; and that we have now the prospect of passing another day in the enjoyment of the bounties of Thy providence ; while we have also set before us the blessed hope of everlasting life. We beseech Thee to give us this day grace to serve Thee in our several stations, and to walk according to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Save us from the temptations of the day ; strengthen us for the fulfilment of our duties ; direct us in all our difficulties ; and comfort us un- der any trouble or advei'sity into which wc may this day come. Grant that when we lie down at night we may be able to look back on the hours which shall have passed with an humble confidence that Thou acceptest our services, and wilt pardon our in- firmities for Jesus Christ's sake. We beseech Thee to deliver us from all evil passions, from ])ride and envy, from hatred and ill- will, from censoriousness and uncharitableness ; and especially from the want of Christian kindness to- wards those who dwell with us in the same family, and worship Thee together, as partakers of the same faith. Preserve us, also, from those secret trans- it i li: '\\t 164 Family Worship, gressions which Thine eye alone can discern in us. Deliver each of us from the sins which most easily beset us. Lord, grant that Thy good Spirit may this day abide within us ) and dispose us to every good work. Help us, also, to call often to remembrance the great love of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ ; who came down from heaven to die for us, that we, being delivered from the dread of Thy wrath, and rejoicing in the hope of Thy mercy, might serve Thee, day by day, in newness of life. O Lord, strengthen our faith in Him who hath suffered on the cross for us. Teach us to walk according to His example. May we, like him, be kind and compas- sionate, forbearing and forgiving, holy and harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners. And bless us, not this day only, but to the end of our lives. We pray that so long as we remain in this world of trial. Thou wouldst strengthen us by Thy Holy Spirit, and comfort us, and continually direct us. Suffer us not, at any time, to depart from Thee, who art our Father and our God, through any allurements of the world, or any temptations of the flesh or of the Devil, but make us steadfast in Thy truth, and faithful to Thy cause, and devoted to Thy service. We offer up these, our imperfect prayers, in the name, and through the mediation of our only Sa- viour, Jesus Christ. Amen, 'V. '' ■i:; •i! Family Worship. WEDNESDAY EVENING. 155 OLORD GOD, our heavenly Father, we are met together as a Christian family, to thank Thee for the mercies of the past day, and to implore Thy blessing before we lie down to rest. We would ever remember the frailty of our nature ; and our utter uncertainty how long we may have to live. We are placed in this world for a short season, and must soon enter into eternity. We must go to the Father of our spirits, and give account of all things done in the body, and must receive our eternal doom. O may this awful thought return to our mind with each returning day ; that we may enter upon our duties, reflecting on the ends for which we were born ; and may lie down each night, examining whether we are so passing our time on earth, as we shall wish we had done when we are about to die, and to appear before Thy tribunal. We pray Thee, Lord, to give us a sacred jealousy over ourselves ; lest we fall short of our heavenly calling. May we learn to put our whole trust in Thee, and to place our delight in serving Thee. Pardon all our dis- obedience in the time past ; pardon our many negli- gences, as well as sins ; pardon the wasted time, the idle words, and the evil tempers of this day. We would lie down trusting in the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord ; in whose gracious promises to every repenting sinner we place all our hope. And while we thus commend ouf souls to Thy mer- 156 Family Worship. cies in Christ, to Thee do we commit all our worldly affairs. In Thine hands, O Lord, whose providence it is that bringeth everything to pass, we leave the issue of all our undertakings; for Thou knowest, better than ourselves, what is for our good. We beseech Thee to bless us with all spiritual blessings, and to sanctify to us the daily events of our lives. We pray Thee to lay upon us no greater burthen than we are able to bear ; and to train us, by Thy merciful goodness and Thy tender care, for the performance of better services than we have yet rendered Thee in the world. We pray for strength against every temptation, and for final victory over every sin. Arm us for every conflict ; fit us for every duty we shall have to fulfil. Let us diligently per- form our work in life ; let us, at the same time, live in peace and love, and abound in all offices of kind- ness to each other. Lord, unite us in one Christian family together. May we be partakers in the same faith, and heirs of the same hope. May our united prayers continually ascend to the throne of Thy heavenly grace ; and may Thy blessing rest upon us. Hear us, we beseech Thee, in these our humble supplications, for Jesus Christ our Saviour's sake Amen, M 1 !.'■ ;tv ! t'rt m\ m Family Worship, THUESDAY MOENING. 157 HEAVENLY FATHER, we adore Thee as the God of nature and of grace. All blessings, temporal and spiritual, have their oiigin in Thee. May it please Thee this morning to shed abroad Thy love in our hearts, and grant that we may feel that to draw near unto Thee, and to commune by prayer with Thee, is the most blessed privilege that we en- joy on earth. We are unworthy to come into Thy presence, yet we rejoice to know that Thou dost make us welcome. Grant that we may feel the burden and bitterness of our offences as sinful erring children. And may we come to Thee in the name and through the media- tion of Thy dear Son. God, we thank Thee for the gift of life, and for all our social blessings and comforts. We thank Thee especially for the glorious manifestation of Thy love in Christ, and for all our spiritual privileges, and for all the joys and hopes by which Thou hast revealed Thyself in us. May the Holy Spirit enlighten our minds, and strengthen our faith in the atonement of Christ. Grant that there may be no inconsistency between our knowing and our doing. Impress upon us more and more that Christianity is a life ; and may its living truth regulate us at all times, and sweeten our enjoyments and moderate and mitigate our sorrows. May it please Thee to accept of our grateful thanks for Thy watchful c^re over us during the unconsci- 158 Famibj Worship, ous hours of the past night, and for Thy great good- ness to us this morning. Shine upon us throughout this day. May we not enter into temptation. May Thy law be our guide, and Thy will our only will. May Christ be in us the hope of glory. May we know what it is to be Thy children. May we be faithful in our love to Thee, and be enabled by it to display the fruits of the Spirit. May the Holy Spirit be poured out upon the na- tions. Be specially merciful to our native land. Grant that her strength and power may be maintained. May all that are in authority use the power that Thou hast given them in Thy fear, and for the public good. Be gracious to the Church. Bless Thine an- cient people. May they, with the Gentiles, speedily realize in Christ the Saviour of the world. Bless all who are engaged in making Christ known. May the language of their hearts be, " Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly." Have mercy on all whom Thou hast laid on beds of sickness. May they recognize Thy hand in their chastisements, and be stimulated to live closer to Thee. Be with all our friends and re- latives. May they recognise Thy presence, and be moved to close with the offers of salvation. These petitions we beseech Thee to answer, through the merits of our Advocate and Mediator, Jesus Christ. iLmeii. ifn 1 1 \ ' 1 1 1 i ;'''i ij , ■] i i ■i;:i %\ ( I 1. '' li ' i : i Family Worship. THUESDAY EVENING. 159 WE adore Thee, God, as our Father in Christ. May it please Thee to draw us this evening as a family to Thyself, by Thy great love towards us. All the comforts that we have ever tasted, all the blevssings we now enjoy or expect to enjoy, are blessings flowing from Thee. When we were in our sins Thou didsc not spare Thine own Son, but didst deliver Him unto the death for us all. In each moment of our life Thine all-seeing eye has watched over us and Thy almighty arm has supported us. Our whole history is a chain of mer- cies. Grant that we may have grateful hearts to Thee for all Thy goodness, and for all the tender in- terest which Thou hast in us. May it please Thee to help us now to make a full surrender of ourselves to Thee. Grant that pride, and passion, and the love of the world may be destroyed within us. Grant that the blood of Jesus Christ may cleanse us from all sin. Give us, we humbly beseech Thee, Thy Holy Spirit. Quicken us to newness of life. May there be a response to Thee in our body, and soul, and spirit. May the whole sympathies of our being go forth to Thee. May the whole tenor of our words, and thoughts, and actions show to the world that we are guided by the wisdom that cometh from above. May it please Thee, O God, for Christ's sake, to forgive the sins of this day ; all our ingratitude, our 160 Family Worship. waywardness, and neglect of Thy law. Grant that wo may lay ourselves down to rest this night at peace with one another, and with all mankind, and with Thee ; and if it be Thy will to spare us, may we rise to enter on the duties and trials of a new day in Thy fear, depending on Thy grace. These great blessings that we beg for ourselves, we beseech Thee to extend to all men. May the Holy Spirit be poured out upon the Church. May the careless be awakened to see and to feel the real evil of that which now they blindly follow as their good. May Thy people everywhere rejoice. Draw uear to those who are dear to us by whatever tie. May they be united to Thee, and give evidence of their union. Be gracious to all who are mourning on account of bereavement. May they live by faith on Thee, and evermore feel that all things are work- ing together for their good. Manifest Thyself in an especial manner to those who are approaching the gates of death. May they believe on Thee, and stay themselves on God. Take from them the fear of death. May they feel that they have a real victory through Christ. May this faith sustain them till they see Thy face in glory. Forgive us our sins, and hear our prayer, for Christ's sake. Amen, .m I i %\ Family Worship. 161 I ^ f Hi'1 FRIDAY MORNING. ALMIGHTY God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, we thank Thee for all the many mercies which we as a family have received from Thy grace and goodness. All our peace and love, all the provision for our daily wants, and the dif- ferent relations of parents and children, masters and servants, come from Thee the one Parent of us all, for our mutual comfort and edification, and for Thy glory. Blessed be our heavenly Father, who does not leave him.self without constant witness of His love, day by day. x)uring the defenceless hours of dark- ness we have been safe under Thy protection ; the morning light we owe to Thy love, and all the re- newed blessings of another day. Thanks be unto Him who daily loadeth us with His benefits. He that is our God is the God of salvation ; and unto God the Lord belong the issues from death. The same continued care and kindness we now ask of Thee for this day. In Thee we live, and move, and have our being. May we live in the constant remembrance that every breath we draw, every step we take, everything that we do, or fear, or hope for, is under the direction of Thy constant providence, and that our whole strength is in Thee. Watch over us for good. Help us wholly to confide in Thee, as altogether righteous and good in all Thy W I 162 Family Worship. ways, and one who has made provision for the sal- vation of all who call upon Thy name, through tho Lord Jesus Christ. Give unto us, then, all things needful and profitable for our souls and for our bodies tlus day. And, O Lord, teach us, sinful as we are, to rely with our whole souls on Thy promised mercy in Christ Jesus. On that sure foundation may all our hopes be built, and, believing in Him, may we fol- low tho very footsteps of His most holy life. Give us grace to set His example always before us, and daily to become more like Him. And, O Lord, extend the same blessings to the whole human race. We commend unto Thee the poor, the needy, and the afflicted. We beseech Thee to look upon those who are living without Christ, and reveal Thy Son unto them. Fity the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and gather them back into the fold of the Good Shepherd. Send forth labour- ers into the harvest of the heathen world, so that at length all the ends of the world may remember, and turn unto the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations may worship before Thee, through Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Armn, \n\\ \ • 'II >. Family Worship. FRIDAY EVENING. 103 OLORD, Thou art our Shepherd, therefore wo shall not want. It is Thine own gracious declaration, that they who seek Thee shall want no manner of good thing ; the eyes of all do wait upon Thee, and Thou satisfiest the desire of every livino^ creature. Receive us, O our God,, in the name of tli(\ Mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, and for His sake supply all our need out of Thy riches in glory by Jesus Christ. "We come as a family before Thee, confessing our sinfulness in Thy sight. However free from hunum blame and condemnation our conduct may hn\e been, we dare not attempt to justify ourselves in Tliy sight. Thou knowest the heart and all its abomi- nations. Thou knowest the secret springs of wluit may appear fair to man. Before our own conscience and in Thy sight, we are verily guilty, and justly exposed to the righteous condemnation of Thy per- fect law. God ought to have been inall our thoughts, but He has been greatly forgotten by us. We have not recollected Thine ever-gracious eye watching over us, and Thy universal presence, in which we live and move and have our being, ever surrounding us. We have disregarded Thy favour and Thy glory, and sought the honour which cometh from man. O Lord, give us a realizing .and truly humbling view of our own sinfulness ; bestow upon us that godly sorrow which worketh repentance unto salva- 164 Family Worship. tion, not to bo repented of. Enable iia to see the impossibility of standing before, Thee in any right- eousness of our own, and reveal distinctly to us that in the Lord alone have wo righteousnessand strength. Wo implore of Thee the gifts of a loving, purifying, working, conquering faith, and of a hope which maketh not ashamed, full of immortality ; a helmet of salvation, and an anchor within the veil ; and yet further we earnestly pray that wo may know the more excellent way of charity, and receive every one a larger and fuller endowment of that inestimably precious grace of love, which is the very bond of perfectness. We beseech Thee to make us decided and fixed in Thy ways. Oh, keep us from that false shame which is so injurious to Thee, to ourselves, and to others. God, be Thou our glory and our joy. Let us ever speak good of Thy name, and never be ashamed to confess our Saviour and His gospel, and His people, in this sinful and evil world. Bless all our family plans. Let them all be or- dered as it becometh a Christian household, and let the kingdom of Christ be first in all our thoughts. Lord Jesus, Thou must increase ! Fulfil Thine own glorious office, and Thine own gracious purposes, as the light of the Gentiles, and the giory of thy peo- ple Israel. Accomplish speedily Thine own pro- mises of love and goodness to our world, and bring all to know Thee, from the least to the greatest. Amen, 'i, '■ ■ s '" . 1 » w m. •i I.I ! :| ii h !:t !l 'il' m m : II mi .;!:ii; ■3it Family Worship. SATURDAY MORNING. 165 O EVERLASTING GOD, who didst give Thine only Son to be the Light of the world, that whosoever believeth in Him might not walk in darkness ; we beseech Thee to cast upon us. Thy unworthy servants, the bright beams of His light, that we may awake from the sleep of sin to the life of righteousness, and live no longer to our- selves, but unto Him who died for us and rose again. Grant that we may not love the darkness because our deeds are evil. Make us willing to see the light uf truth, even when it shames and reproves us. Quicken our consciences, that we may feel the bur- den of our sins, and come to Thee through our Lord Jesus Christ, for deliverance from them. Try us, God, and search our hearts. Show us any wicked way that is in us, and cleanse us even from our se- cret faults. Keep Thy servants from presumptuous sins, lest they get dominion over us. Let the words of our lips, and the meditation of our hearts, be always acceptable in Thy sight, Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. Grant, Lord, that we may so give heed now to the word of Christ's Gospel, that it may not rise against us in judgment at the last day. Make us to know and feel that it is Thy Word, and not man's. Give it entrance into our hearts, that we may ponder it, and love it, and live by it. Suffer us not to love the praise of men more than the praise of God. i''i 166 Family Worship, Suffer us not to receive honour one from another instead of seeking the honour which cometh from Thee only. In all things may we set before us Thy will and Thy glory, knowing that those that honour Thee Thou wilt honour. Almighty God, enable us thus to live throughout the day which is now opening. May we set Thee always before us, as our Lord and our God. Into Thy hands we commend ourselves, praying Thee to give us that which is good, and to keep us from evil. May we be in the world, yet not of it. Suggest, direct, control all our thoughts and words and ac- tions. Bless our undertakings. Prosper Thou the work of our hands upon us. Bless us, and make us a blessing. God, the Creator and Preserver of all mankind, we pray Thee to grant to others also the mercies and loving-kindnesses which we ask for ourselves. We pray Thee to enlarge the borders of Thy Church, which is the blessed company of all faithful people. Grant Thy grace to all who minister in the woid and sacraments. Give them wisdom to teach aright, and the spirit of holiness to adorn their doctrine by a good example. To all conditions and circum- stances of Thy people, vouchsafe, Lord, the need- ful comfort and help and blessing. Hear us, O Lord, and mercifully grant our petitions, through Jesus Christ, our only Mediator and Redeemer, Amen. i'» % ! !^' B I: ": iHt . 1' ! -4 U i li Family Worship, SATURDAY EVENING. 167 ALMIGHTY FATHER, who hast safely brought us to the last night of another week, help to give our latest thoughts to Thee, and to prepare ourselves in Thy presence for the holy duties and pleasures of the morrow. \\ c thank Thee, O God, for the blessings of the week which is now ending. We acknowledge as Thy gift each comfort and refreshment, each privilege and opportunity, which it has brought to us. It is of Thee, O Lord, that we are at this hour among the living ; because Thou hast preserved to us the life which Thou hast given, and hast not suffered our many iniquities to be our ruin. grant that Thy goodness may lead us to repentance, and incline our hearts to devote to Thy service the residue of our time on earth. Lord, we would hide nothing from Thee of all that we have done amiss. For Thou, Lord, art gracious, and full of compassion ; Thou knowest whereof we are made, and in Thy mercy remembere.st that we are but dust. We were all shapen in wick- edness ; as soon as we were born we began to go astray ; there is no good thing in us. Forgive, Father, for our Lord Jesus Christ's sake, all that is past ; every wicked imagination, every wrong desire, every idle word, every careless and disobedient action. For^jive the neo^liij^cnces and omissions of duty, forgive the wasted opportunities, ii i ick- 168 Family Worship, forgive the evil tempers, and uncharitable feelings, and injurious influences, of the week that is now ended. Wash us from all our sins in the blood of Jesus Christ, and cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit. Protect us, O Heavenly Fatlicr, through the night which is beginning ; and quicken our souls in the morning to love and profit by the blessed rest of Thy holy day. Grant that it mny bo to us, not a day of gloom or bondage, but of holy and happy freedom. May we remember Thee in Thy works, and bless Thee for having endued us with farulhos for knowing and loving Thee. May we remember Thee in Thy Holy Word, and bless Tlieo for having given it to us for our learning, our comfort, and our admonition. May we remember Thee in Thy Son Jesus Christ, and bless Thee for having sfnt to us the Gospel of Thy salvation. May we remember Thee in Thy Holy Spirit, whom Thou hast promised to them that ask Him. And we pray Thee, O Father, so to spread abroad in the earth the knowledgn of Thy truth and of Thy salvation, that at last, according to Thy promise, a great multitude, which no man can number, may stand before Thy throne, clothed in the white robes of them that have overcome, to give glory for ever and ever to Thee, our Father and Saviour and Ccuiforter, who art one God, world without en<l. A men. \h ;r' ; ' ;i' II; I I, 'l\^ r '' 1 1 1 ! ■ I r [iMi 'ill i I ■ !•' :i fi Family IVorsldp. 169 SABBATH MOENING. OLORD, our heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the return of the day of rest, pre- pare our hearts by Thy Holy Spirit to spend it in Thy fear and love. May our souls rest it} Thee, and may the quiet hours which Thy considerate goodness has provided for us, prove rich in blessing to us ail. Thou hast given us Thy holy word to teach us Thy will, and to guide us into all truth. Open Thou our eyes that we may behold the wonderful things (Contained in Thy law. Let not the darkness and prejudice, or the weakness and incapacity of our own minds, prevent our discovering its precious stores ; but grant us Thy light, that its words may be to us both spirit and life, O that, as we read we may be enriched by Thy wisdom and filled with Thy joy. We especially implore Thee to reveal to our souls this day the grace and glory of our risen Lord. maj/ the contemplation of His sufferings and humili- ation, His resurrection and ascension. His .itoning work and great salvation, deepen our love to Him, and render our confidence in Him perfect. May we be enabled to comprehend with all saints wliat is the breadth and length and l{;j»ir! ,'^nd height, and to know the love of ^'i is-, wh r,l» passeth know- ledge. Mm}' we, as nv. uelifl 1 il':.;gluiy, be changCvl 170 Family Worship. into His image, from glory t<> glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord. Father, we beseech Thee to assist us in all the services of Thy house. G ^rjuio lis tlie s|(iri it of irraco arcl supplication that we may with oui whole heaifc worship Thee. Quicken our undcistanaing that we may understand Thy truth; dispense our wills to obey it. Make us joyful in Thine house of prayer, and let us feel that by its calm devotion, and its wise and stimulating instructions, we are strength- ene I for the labours and anxieties of another week. Assist the ministers of Thy gosi)cl to preach Thy word with power. May they build up and comfort Thy people, and lead many sinners to Christ, and may all those who teach the young, or visit and in- struct the ignorant, find that the i)0\ver of the Lord is present to save. Preserve us iVom worldly thoughts. Let not the cares of business, or the ])leasuvcs of life, intrude on hours which are sacred to Thee. Let oiu* con- versation be such as may promote the edification of the family. Let our minds dwell spontaneously on subjects which relate to Thy kingdom, {ind which will ten<l to our sanctification and esta])lishment in the faith. Heavenly Father, we besee(*h Tlieo bO hear and answer ih'se our ]irayois. Give us each l»our the li;»j;py scnsi^ of Thy pr^^sonro, ;,;id at the close of tlu' (lav n*ay wr fc^'l that w*; anj still with "j'lu^e. Grant it, O Lord, U^v the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy S.m and ouv Sav'our. Amen. ■ 'A ' . ! I i! ; ; I' , uiiliL W^-m '(^Kv 81 i ' I -■'-V i^ Family Worship. SABBATH FVENING. 171 WE come before Thee, O Lord, at the close of Thy holy Sabbath, to offer unto Thee our evening sacrifice of prayer and praise ; to give Thee thanks for the mercies of the day, and to commit ourselves for the night to Thy gracious protection. Glory be to Thee for the day of rest and worship, for the sacred hours which have passed over us, and for all we have enjoyed daring their stay, of Christian fellowship, sympathy, and communion. A day in irhy courts is better than a thousand ; we had rather be door-keepers in the house of our God than dwell In the tents of wickedness. Again hast Thou bro- ken to us by Thy ministers, Thy Sj)irit, and Thy word, the living and life-giving bread. May the sacred satisfactions of Thy house be as enduring as they are precious; may the influence of the Sal)b{ith go with us throughout all the week. May no day and no duty be deemed by us common or unclean ; but whether we eat or drink, buy or sell, rule or serve, may we do all to Thy glory. Hearken, O Lord, to the prayers in which wo have joined this day, the public and uttered supplications of Thy people • i.iid gi-aciously remember, and fulfil also, the |)rivate breathing of individual souls, the desires secretly ])oured into Thine ear, or made known by groaninij-s that could not be uttircd. Foi-give the formality and thoughtlessness wliich have mingled with all our sei vices this day. TT.'ivc V i iv 172 Family Worship. mercy on those who, though surrounded by light, walk in darkness; who know not their spiritual destitution, and are unaffected by the sinfulness of sin ; who are not conscious of that spiritual hunger and thirst which Thou hast promised to satisfy, and for which Thou hast provided so richly in the gospel of Thy Son. O that all who hear of the common salvation might be partakers of its blessedness, might be filled with joy and peace in believing, and know by experience the happiness of conformity to the holy and acceptable and perfect will of God. May the blessedness of waiting upon Thee be so felt by each of us as to prompt the exclamation, Lord, it is good to be here ! Animated and refreshed by the duties and enjoy- ments of this holy day, rejoicing m Thy love and care, we would now gather ourselves together under the wing of Thy protection, and commit ourselves to Thee, that we may be preserved from the perils and dangers of this night. The day and the night, the light and the darkness, are alike Thine. \¥e close our eyes under Thy sleepless guardianship \ so let our weeks and Sabbaths be ever Thine, that when all ordinances which are made lor man shall have ceased, we may enter upon that liigher life ior which man was made, and for which we have been redeemed. Hear us, Lord, in heaven, Thy dwelling-place, fulfil all our prayers, receive mu* praise, accept and bless us, for Jesus' sake. Amen. i ■> " ■ f ') ■\' ■'li: !°lll iil. Family Wo7'8hip, MONDAY MORNINO. 173 HEAVENLY FATHER, whoso we arc, and whom it is ovir gh^ry to serve, wo bless Thee that Thou hast brouglit us through sleep and dark- ness to the beginning of another day. Help us to come to Thee this morning in the name, and plead- ing the merits of Jesus, May the Holy Si)irit descend upon us, and fdl us with joy ; and with true hearts and minds may wo worship Thee in spirit and in truth. Praised be Thy name for the fjreat love wherewith Thou hast loved us, and of which Thou hast given proof in the Cross and passion of Thy dear Son, our Saviour. May it please Thee to pardon all our past sins and ollences. Enable us to Hoe from ourselves to Thee. Heal us, we humbly pray Thee, for Thy mercy's sake. Re- vive our souls. May we believe in Thy love, and feel that we are ever surrounded by Thy yiresence. Grant that the holy services of yesterday, may strengthen us for the duties and the trials tliat ai'o I'efore us this week. May we see Thee, and hear Thy voice in everything. May we never lose tlio feeling tl.at we are strangers and foreigners, having our true country and home in heaven. Grant that (mr faith in Christ niay become more simple anc^ childlike, and our wills evermore in harjiiony with Thy will. Give us increuMrd rin'Mi^stiiesH in T)*v service. D(»li\>n \\h froni gininidlcHs fears. DdivrJ u juiui seU lioulidence and self-scoking. Suifcr us 174 Family Worship, not to rest ill tho iiiero [)rofo.s.si()ii of religion. May we be moved by its life and power. Grant that all the events of life — our comforts and crosses— our joys and sorrows — may be improved to Thy glory. Holy Spirit of God, may it j)lease Thee to bless us this day. Take away all evil from our hearts. Give us an increase of personal religion. Enable us to cultivate the spirit of Jesus. May we endeavour to promote the Gospel in the spirit of the Gospel. May all our secular duties this day become sacred from the heavenly motives f^om which they are done. Almighty God, vouchsafe to us whatever is neces- sary to our glorifying Thee here below, that we may be prepared by Thy grace and mercy for everlastingj happiness. Have mercy on the ungodly and impenitent. Grant that they may be weaned from all sinful and woj'ldly influences, and moved to glorify Thee with their lives. Be very gracious to the bereaved and dying. Cheer their souls with the overtures of love and mercy. We conxmend unto Thee the poor. May it please Theo to satisfy their wants, and enrich tliom with the blessing of peace. Manifest Thyself to our friends and our kindred according to the llesh. May they be Thine by adoption, and evermore re- cognize tloMr son-sliip. lieiir in /irid niiiwer us, for the sake of Thy dear Son, our Snviour. Amen,, I w Mi hi 111 ill '41 ' ,, !• 1 51 i, «1 I i i j; '■i ' Mh !, !' Family Worship, MONDAY EVENING. 175 MOST holy and ever blessed God, may it pleaso Thee to hear us, when wo call u])()n Thee at the close of anotlun* d.'ty, in the name of Jesus, our only mediator and advocate. Grant tliat we may recognize Thy presence and be enabled to stay our hearts on Thoe. Thy glory, God, is in the heavens. Thy truth reacheth unto the clouds, and the earth is fall of Thy wonders. Thou art our Father and our friend. We bless Thee for the testimony of Thy power and wisdom and goodness in all creation and providence. We bless Thee especially for the fuller and clearer revelation Thou hast given to us of Thy nature and attributes in the person of Jesus Christ. Pardon all transgressions of Thy holy law this day. Grant us true repentance. Manifest Thyself to us in Ch rist. Give us grace evermore to bel ieve the doctrines contained in Thy holy word, and strength to practice the precepts which Thou hast given us for our rule of life. Pour out Thy holy Spirit upon us. Enlighten us that we may rise above earthly things. May we be delivered from the power of indwelling corruption. Increase in us all the graces of the Spirit. Grant that our acquain- tance with Thy mind and will may be enlarged, and that we may enjoy the lofty position of those who are Thine own in Christ. Holy Spirit of God, lead us and guide us evermore 176 Family Warship, as a family, into tho love of Christ, and into the fel- lowship of his sufFeriiigs, and into tho earnest looking and waiting for his appearing. Almighty God, may it please Tlico to bless tho church over all tho earth. May its members bo knit together in unity. Bo gracious to the young. Keep them from the evil of this evil world. Grant that they may hear Thee speaking to them, and saying. My son, my daughter, give Me thine heart. Enrich them with Thy salvation. Strengthen them to give evidem^e that they are Thine. Have mercy on the widow and the fatherless, and the orphan. Give them peace. Grant that they may suffer meekly — that they may grow in grace, and rejoice in Thee„ Draw near to tho dying. May they be moved to cast themselves on Christ, and grant that the faith of his sacrifice and intercession may sustain them. Manifest Thyself to all our kindred and friends and neighbours. Grant that they may have a place in Thy mercy. Guard them and us from all dangers dur- ing the coming night. And to Thee the only wise God, be glory through Jesus Christ. Amen, ■' I- if!;1 {-. \ ;-!i- i ■! i \ , SMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A .V- V^,< ^ >^ 1.0 I.I 11.25 1^128 |2.5 |5o "^^ mWM -« III 2.2 2.0 6" 1.8 U IIIIII.6 v: c-l /A m. ^%^ V Photographic Sdences Coiporation <v ^ ^ <v :\ \ <^ -o**'^ ^\^^\ >v '<^ '<*. 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. U580 (716) 872-4503 .<^t^^ .Sf ^4- ^ '' C/j ..^^Et^^JU^j Family Worship. 177 TUESDAY MOIINIMG. ALMIGHTY and eternal God, now present with us, Thine eye upon every heart, Thine ear open to every desire, and waiting now to be gi-acious to us in Christ Jesus, give us ever to feel that it is our richest privilege to approach Thy throne of grace. We now seek of Thee those things which are need- ful for our souls and for our bodies, which Jesus alone is worthy to receive for us, and which He is exalted to bestow. Assist us in all that lies before us this day. Be present with us in everything in which we are en- gaged. In study and in labour, in silence and in conversation, in company and in retirement, in busi- ness and in relaxation, at home and abroad, in trials and in joys, still be near to our souls ; and in all the varied circumstances of this day, let our fullest joy be in Thy presence, our one desire to do Thy will, and our great object to be approved b}^ Tliee. We are very far from Thy mind and Thy image, blessed Lord Jesus. We feel the inward workings of pride and vanity, self-will and earthly -mindedness ; but O make us like Thyself, muck and lowly, and delighting to do God's will ; and with one mind may we seek the glory of our heavenly Father. We are weak to do what Thy Sjurit in us has taught us to desire. We fall unless Thou sustain us. Hold Thou up our goings in Thy paths, that our footsteps slip not. Impress so deeply and strongly 1^ 178 i Family Worship. upon our minds the sense of our own sinfulness and weakness, that v,"e may be constantly looking to Thee for righteousness and strength, and receiving out of the fulness of Christ the grace which we need. Help us in each duty of this day, whether towards Thee, ou)'selves, our family, our kindred, or society. May we be the earnest and simple-minded followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, not slothful in business, but fervent in spirit, serving the liOrd ; kindly affec- tioned one to another, with brotherly love, in honour preferring one another. Assist us in all the tempta- tions and difficulties of the day ; and make us ready to seize all its opportunities of doing good. Give us wisdom to discern what our own duties are, and grace in patient diligence and self-denial to fulfil them ; and through all may intercourse in secret with our God be hidden joy and consolation. God Almighty bless not only our family, but the families whom we know and love. Multiply Thy grace and peace upon all around us. Accept our grate- ful thanksgivings for blessings without number to our bodies and our souls, to our families and to our friends this day continued and multiplied to us. But above all, we praise Thee for Thine unspeakable gift, J esus our Lord and our Saviour, to whom with Thee, O J^'ather, and Thee, Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, now and for ever. Amen. f I is « if \ 11; j ■J Family Worship, TUESDAY EVENING. 170 OLORD JESUS CHBIST, the king of glory exalted at the right hand of God to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give us rej^entance and re- mission of sins. Thou hast promised that wheretwo or three are met together in Thy name, Thou art in the midst of them ; enable us in faith to approach now unto Thee, and give unto us all that Thou hast promised to those who ask aright. Thou hast in- vited the weary and heavy-laden to come unto Thee, and take upon them Thy easy yoke and Thy light burden, that they may find rest for their souls ; give us grace thus to come unto Thee and obtain rest. Almighty Father draw us unto Jesus, that we may come to Him, and be raised up by Hin at the last day. O that our daily life may be a constant coming to Christ, a constant receiving out of His fulness, a life of continual faith in the Son of God. Bless the church to which we belong, and all the ministers of Christ in every place, and send forth everywhere more labourers into Thy harvest. Bless especially our own beloved country, and all efforts for the increase of divine knowledge in it, and for its spiritual as well as temporal welfare. When the enemy comes in like a flood, Spirit of the Lord, lift up a standard against Him. Clothe Thy priests with Thy righteousness, and make Thy people joyfiil in Tiiy salvation. Let Thy word descend as the rain m 180 Family Worshijj. and the dew, and refresh our weary land, that it may become ai. a fruitful field, and a vineyard of the Lord's planting. We would now lie down at peace with Thee and with our fellow -men. Protect us by Thy good pro- vidence from every evil during the defenceless hours of sleep ; refresh us with quiet repose, and let us awake with Thee present to our thoughts in the morning. that we may so measure our days as to know how frail we are, and how short our time is. Regai'd each of us, and of our relations, according to our individual wants, and give to each that mercy, grace, and strength which we individually require for our special temptations, dangers, sins, and neces- sities ; according to the fulness of Thy love in Jesus, our only Lord and Saviour. Amen, \ W ill 1 ' .' \ i It ,,, i\> Family Worship, 181 1^^ ill ir 1^ WEDNESDAY MOENING. WE bless and praise and magnify Thee, God of our fathers, who hast led us out of the shadows of night once more into the light of day. Unto Thy loving kindness we make our en- treaty ; be merciful to our misdeeds ; accept our prayers in the fulness of Thy compassions, for Thou art our Refuge from one generation to another, merciful and almighty God. Suffer the true sun of Thy righteousness to shine in our hearts, enlighten our reason, and purify our senses ; so that we may walk honestly as in the day, in the way of Thy command- ments, and reach at last the life eternal, where we shall rejoice in Thy inaccessible light. For Thou art the Fountain of Life, and in Thy light shall we see light. Lord, Thou hast searched us out and known us. Thou understand est all our ways. Bestow on us, O God, a hearty desire so to live as Thou hast com- manded Thy children, and according to the pattern that Jesus has left us. Alas ! we often find that first one temptation, and then another, draws us aside from the right path. Sometimes we are seduced by our own hearts with their unchecked desires ; some- times enticed by the world with its evil examples ; bu+. in either case alike we displease Thee and wound our own consciences. Therefore we cry unto Thee to-day, O lead and guide us by Thy good Spirit in a plain path. Behold we yield ourselves wholly 182 Family Worship. unto Thee ; as Thou didst lead Thy people through the sea and the desert into the Promised Land, so guide us through the dangers of life, and the wilder- ness and temptations of the world, with a good con- science and void of offence, till we reach the life eternal. Suffer us never henceforth willingly to sin against Thee, but to become in truth, and be known of all men to be true and pious Christians. And if, in our weakness and folly, we even resist Thy Spirit, yet take Him not away ; leave us not to our own will and guidance, for if we are left to ourselves we shall surely go astray. Give us a holy watchfulness in all we do and say, and write Thy love and fear in our hearts, that we may, in all that we do this day, govern ourselves by Thy v/ord, and follow the exam- ple of our blessed Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. iW i i!i 5 It: !:;-^! ! i. ; I i, is ! $i; 1: > '■ I Family Worship. 183 I I i I. WEDNESDAY EVENING. OLORD GOD, our Father in Heaven, Lord of our life, Thy works are pure goodness and truth. Thou hast kept us in life this day, and hast shown us much loving kindness, and preserved us from evil ; therefore our mouth is full of Thy praise. But we are ashamed before Thee, O God, for we have once more sinned against Thee this day ; we have not trod unswervingly in Thy path of duty. Ah, Lord, who can tell how oft he offendeth ; forgive ns even our secret faults. Help us to overcome them, O, Tnou Consolation of Israel, and dispel our mis- deeds as a cloud, and our sins as the morning mist. Redeem us, and purify our consciences from dead works, through the cross of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, and withdraw not Thy helping hand from us. O blessed Lord, abide with us now, for the day is far spent, and the night is at hand. We cannot thank and magnify Thee enough, O God, for the love and faithfulness, the mercy and goodness which have followed us throughout this day; be Thou now through the night our ever-present Defender and Shield. We confess that we have given Thee cause to hide Thy face from us, for we have sinned much and often against Thee. Thou seest, O heavenly Father, that in us dwelleth no good thing ; for even when to will is present with as, we often cannot do that which is right. But what we cannot do, our Redeemer hath done for us ; where we have failed. 184 Family Worship, He hath made amends. Accept Him, O God, as the Mediator between Thee and us, througli whom we may be reconciled and at peace with Thee. Behold, blessed Father, the night is gathering fast, the darkness surrounds us ; leave us not, O Thou who art our Light ; go not down upon our hearts, Thou our Sun ! Watch over and defend us, parents and children, our liousehold and home, our health and wealth ; and keep us from harm and danger. Now that we would seek our rest, we en- trust our souls and bodies to Thee, in sure confidence that they are safe in Thy keeping. When we sleep do Thou watch over us ; be our Shield against the fiery darts of the wicked one, that no evil thoughii arise in our hearts. Let Thy fatherly arms be around us that no harm may come nigh our dwelling. Ma} we rest beneath the shadow of Thy wings, and say with David, " We can lay us down and sleep in peace, for Thou, Lord, makest us to dwell in safety." Hear us for Thy dear Son's sake. Amen. m V\ 'Km If. i I; 'I . ' i! ,; •I I r ii M t: Family Worship. 185 W ' 1:?! ii *'i iii THUESDAY MORNING. MOST ^acious and merciful God, who hast protected us through the night, hast re- freshed us with sleep, and liast brought us together this morning in peace, — we desire to present unto Thee our unfeigned thanks and praise for all Thy various and great mercies. We confess that we are unworthy to come into Thy presence, before whom the angels veil their faces, and in whose sight the hea- vens are not clean; for our lives have l)een unholy, and our sins many and great. If therefore Thou shouldst mark iniquity, Lord, who shall stand ? But we rejoice that there is with Thee forgiveness and plenteous redemi)ti()n, through Jesus Christ Thy Son. Pleadii.g, therefore, His sacrifice, and trusting in His intercession, we approach the throne of Thy grace and say, " God be merciful to us sinners, for Jesus Christ's sake." Lord, grant unto us true repentance and a lively faith. We pray that, through faith in the blood of Thy Son, we may obtain peace in our consciences ; and that through that blessed hope which is set before us, we may be raised above the various troubles, disappointments, and temptations of this present evil world. We pray, also, that through the knowledge of Thy truth, and the help of Thy Spirit, we may be disposed to fulfil every precept of Thy word. May we do unto all men as we would that they should do unto iri 180 Fawilji Worship, *r ns; and may wo forgive one another, even as wo hope to be forgiven. May wo be clothed with humility ; and denying all ungodliness and worldly lusts, may we live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world. May wo be content with such things as we have ; fulfilling, each of us, our proper duties ; and watching against anger, malice^ hatred, envy, and all other evil tempers which are ready to rise up within us. And thus doing Thy will, and walking in Thy ways, and improving every talent committed to us, may we wait for the second coming of our Lord. We also most humbly beseech Thee, Father of mercies, to look down with an eye of favour on all our friends and relations. Give success to the labours of the ministers of Thy gospel. Bless and purify Thy Church. Have com- passion on our native land ; and though many sins testify against us, take not away the means of grace so long afforded us. Bless our Queen, and all in authority ; direct the public measures to our best interests, and to Thy glory ; and teach all orders of men to serve their generation according to Thy will. And grant that all the changes in the kingdoms of the world may issue in Thy glory, and in the furtherance of Thy gospel. These, and all other things needful for us, we ask in the name of J esus Christ our Lord. Amen, m :i:! I 11 ,. jjtf 11 ! I Family Worship. 187 r -' ' P Hi y I TlIUllSDAY EVENING. LORD, our heavenly Father, Ahniglity and most merciful God, wo are met together to offer as a Christian family our united prayers and supplication unto Thee. Thou understandest the secrets of all our hearts. Thou hast known all the circumstances of our past lives, and art acquainted with the present disposition of all our minds. Thou knowest whether we are of the number of those who live in thoughtlessness and forgetfulness of Thee, and persist in their impenitence, not seeing their danger ; or whethei we are of that happy number who have embraced Thy gospel with true contrition of heart, and have obeyed its solemn call to repen- tance and newness of life. O Lord, suffer not that any of us should harden our hearts against Thee. May we fear lest death should overtake us in our sins ; and if we are yet negligent of the things which make for our everlast- ing peace, may we begin to seek the salvation of our souls with earnestness and anxiety. But if an^ ol us have already received Thy truth in the love of it, if any of us have already repented truly of our sins^ and begun to lead a new life, and to walk in the way of Thy commandments, we pray that we may learn to follow them fully to the end. Lord, how great is the privilege of those who can thus look up with holy confidence unto Thee ! How blessed are they who have Him for their friend 188 Family Worship. who mado heaven and earth, and hath all things un- der his government. We pray Thee to receive us into Thy favour, to adopt us into Thy family, and to make all things work together for our good. Having sought first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, may all other things he added unto us. May Thy merciful providence direct the events of our lives. May Thine arm be stretched out to protect us. May Thy Spirit sustain and strengthen us ; and if it should please Thee to visit us with trials and afflictions, may Thy grace sanctify all our sorrows, and cause them to be instrumental to our eternal benefit. We now commit ourselves to Thee for this night, earnestly beseeching Thee to pardon our sins, and to take us under Thy gracious protection. May we rise up in the morning with every good desire grow- ing up in us, and go to the duties of the following day remembering that we are candidates for a heavenly prize, and looking beyond these temporal things to a better and more enduring inheritance. We offer up these our imperfect prayers in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen, :^ 1 1 ;< t if N 11 1 t \\l I liJ t ill H5 ' i Family Worship. 189 Mi i !K m FRIDAY MORNING. ALMIGHTY GOD, give us gi-ace to worship Thee this morning under a due sense of Thy supreme majesty, Thy tender compassion, and Thy perfect holiness. Inspire us also, we pray Thee, with a lively trust in the sacrifice and intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we are invited to come boldly unto the throne of grace. We give Thee humble and hearty thanks for the ./est and security of the past night Under the shadow of the Almighty we have dw jit in safety. In Thee, O Lord, we live, and move, and have our being. May it please Thee, heavenly Father, to grant that we may pass through this day walking in Thy fear, and in the comfort o.^ the Holy Ghost. Feed us with food convenient for us. Bless the work of our hands, erabling us to provide things honest in the sight of all men ; and to have, if it be Thy will, wherewith to relieve the indigent, and assist in maintaining Thy kingdom among men. Assist us to perform the duties of this day with singleness of eye as unto the Lord; to receive its enjoyments as gifts from Thy hand ; and to derive spiritual good from all its various events. Sanctify to us the neces- sary afflictions of this mortal life. Enable us to bear them with patience ; confiding in the goodness of Him who chastens us, as a father his children, and makes us partakers of his holiness. 190 Family Worship, Preserve us, Lord, in the hour of temptfttion, that we fall into no sin. From coveting or sharing unrighteous gains ; from all love of the world, in- consistent as it is with the love of the Father ; and from the corruption which is in the world throu,g:h the lust of power- riches, or pleasures — wo beseech Thee to deliver us. May all our works spring from faith, and be done in charity ; that so, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, and through the merits of our Kedeemer, we may attain to, and ever hold fast, the hope of everlasting life. Breathe on us, Lord, the spirit of mutual love and domestic peace ; that our family may present an example of holy concord, and show how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Fit us likewise for the faithful discharge of our social and relative duties ; that while we live we may serve our generation ; and that when we die we may prove the blessedness of them that die in the Lord. We commend to Thy mercy the sick and the needy, the widow and the orphan, and all who feel the burden of unpardoned sin. Bless, we pray Thee, our relatives and friends, our neighbours and coun- trvmen, and convert such as are ungodly from the error of their ways. Finally, we beseech Thee to have mercy upon all men. Let thy way be known upon earth. Thy saving health among all nations. Let the people praise Thee, God, yea, let all the people praise Thee, through Jesus Christ our Saviour, Amen. '•' if 1i' !•' '' !l \ I \ 1 ^m ii I > I I I Family Worship. FEIDAY EVENING. 191 OLO RD, our heavenly Father, we bow at Thy footstool to acknowledge Tl^y great mercies, to confess our sins, and to close the day with acts of humiliation, thanksgiving, and prayer. We devoutly thank Thee for the care of Thy good providence to the present hour. Thou who numberest the hairs of our head, hast supplied our wants, and shielded us from the stroke of death, be pleased, of Thy great kindness, thus to watch over us for good all the days and nights of our un- certain pilgrimage here on earth ; and with all Thy blessings give us a heart to fear and love Thee, and diligently to live after Thy commandments. We praise Thee above all for the gift of Thy dear and only Son, for the grace of the Holy Spirit and for the ample instruction and precious promises of Thy glorious gospel. God, who hast given much unto usj and will justly require much from us, help us to remember that He who once came into the world to be our Saviour, will come again to be our Judge. Help us to put our trust in Him. Give and increase in us that faith which is of the opera- tion of God, and by which, through our adorable Redeemer, the ungodly, who truly repent, are freely justified. Nourish in us those graces of the Spirit which are the fruits and evidences of a lively faith, and endue us with power to mortify our corrupt affections, to overcome our spiritual adversaries, to 192 Family Worship. cast off the works of darkness, and to put on the armour of light, that when our Lord Jesus Christ shall appear we also may appear with him in glory. Forgive the sins we have committed by word, or thought, or deed. If we have envied the lot of others, or wickedly repined at our own ; if by negli- gence, indolence, or wilful disobedience, we have grieved Thy Holy Spirit ; Lord, pardon Thy ser- vants. Cleanse our hearts from every affection con- trary to charity, meekness, and purity. May we cherish no sinful resentment, buu lay ourselves down at peace with Thee, and forgiving others as we trust that Thou for Christ's sake wilt forgive us. Bless all the ministers of Thy gospel with grace, wisdom, and understanding. On all the Israel of God, wherever they dwell, and however they are named, may mercy and peace rest, from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Hasten, we pray Thee, the universal coming of Thy gracious kingdom. Thou hast already done marvellous things ; Thy righteousness Thou hast openly showed in the sight of the Heathen. Carry on Thine own work ; and let all the kingdoms of the earth be- come the kingdoms of the Lord and his Christ. Defend us during the darkness and dangers of this night ; and when the shadows of death gather and settle upon our path, then, gracious Father, lighten our darkness by Thy presence, and receive our sanctified spirits to Thine eternal rest, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen, It ^M^ i| ;.. ,! ii;' - ^ \\ TT V m \ ^' i Family Worship, SATUKDAY MORNING. 19& ALMIGHTY GOD, the fountain of all goodness, we humbly beseech Thee to look down on us at this time, and grant us Thy richest blessing. In Thy great mercy forgive our sins, in the renew- ing grace of Thy Holy Spirit restore and sanctify our souls. Though we have deserved nothing at Thy hand, yet Thy promise emboldens us to expect that, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Thou wilt freely give us all things. fulfil in us Thy gra- cious word ; do exceeding abundantly for us above all we ask or think. Grant us, Lord, we pray Thee, to know our- selves. Show us where we are weak and inclined to do evil, that w^e may there be always on our guard. Let us not, through forge tfulness of our in- firmity, be surprised by sudden temptations, or led astray by the deceitful allurements of the world, or yield to the sin that doth so easily beset us ; but let us watch and pray, that so the enemy may not prevail through our weakness, but be vanquished through Thy strength. But whilst we see our feebleness, grant, Lord, that we may not, on the other hand, be unmindful of the powers with which Thou hast endowed us, and which Thou requirest us to employ for Thee. May we remember that Thou boldest us responsible for their use and improvement, and that Thou wilt demand an account of our stewardship at last. 104 Innnily Worship. may we clearly see what are the duties for which Thou hast qualified us, and perform them with all our hearts. May we feel thankful that we can ac- complish anything in Thy cause, and conscientiously ask how we can serve Thee best. Forbid that we should hide our talent, or use it negligently. May we dedicate it wholly to Thee, and by diligence and thoughtfulness in our work find the promise fulfilled, " To him that hath shall be given, and he shall have more abundantlj'." O Lord our God, we thank Thee that Thou hast brought us to the last day of another week. How great has been Thy goodness towards us. Thy pro- mise has not failed us; Thy grace has been suf- ficient for us ; hitherto Thou hast helped us. We thank Thee that we can discern Thy providential care in our safety and well-being, and the work of Thy Spirit in our desire still to honour and obey Thee. Thou hast been with us waking and sleep- ing, at home and abroad, and hast suffered us to ^ant no good thing. Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. let us through this day still enjoy Thy guidance and blessing. Help us ^ successfully to cmnptete-^ie--wxn:k.a£Jiia^^w^ek^ cast aside all worldly care, and b e abl« to enter with un- distracted mind on the duties and privileges of Thy holy day. Hear us, Lord, for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Ameii. m In, r lU '■!|, ;!!! M [I II y : jl !■ i ■ Family Worship, SATURDAY EVENING. 195 OLORD, by whose care we have been preserv- ed through another week, we lift up our heart to Thee. let Thy Holy Spirit now inspire us with grateful love, as we review Thy goodness towards us. Thou hast never lost sight of us for a moment. Thou hast held our soul in life, and suffered not our foot to be moved. When we have been absorbed in the duties of our calling, and unaware of the danger that threatened us, or lost in the oblivion of sleep and unable to protect ourselves. Thine eye has rested on us, and Thine hand has defended us. Thou hast not only encouraged our hearts by Thine exceeding great and precious promises, but Thou hast fulfilled those promises in our experience. Thou hast made all grace to abound to us ; as our day, our strength has been. how great is Thy goodness which Thou hast kid up for them that fear Thee, which Thou hast wrought for them that trust in Thee, before the sons of men ! And now, Lord, we beseech Thee to prepare us for the approaching day of rest. Let the agitation and excitement which arise out of the business of the week subside, and our minds become tranquil and self-possessed, ready to give their undisturbed attention to spiritual things. Help to turn away our thoughts from worldly pursuits, to cast off all anxiety and care, and to yield our hearts to the peace-giving influence of Thy Spirit. May our souls 196 Family Worship, be filled with holy desires, and anticipate with joy the services in which those desires shall be satisfied. May deep and fervent love to Christ prepare us for happy and profitable communion with him, and render to-morrow one of the days of heaven upon earth. Lord, we pray that Thy blessing may be with all the ministers of Thy gospel who are looking for- ward with anxious minds to their momentous duties. Prepare them for their work. Grant that they may joyfully declare what they have themselves felt and tasted and handled of the good word of life. Fill their hearts with love to Christ and love to souls. Impress them with a deep sense of their responsibil- ity. May they feel their own personal sufiiciency is of Thee ; yet, trusting in the help of Thy promised Spirit, may they find that utterance is given them, and that they open their mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel. that, by Thy blessing on their work. Thy people may be comforted and edified, and many who have been living with- out Christ be led to Him in humble faith, and find in Him everlasting life. And now we commend ourselves and our house- hold to Thy gracious care. Give us the blessed sense of Thy presence and Thy love. May our sleep this night be calm and sweet, and maj^ we awake with the quiet of the Sabbath alieady in our heart*. We ask it for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen 111 u "M ;l M 1 i ! ' Hi:: ! Family Worship. SABBATH MOKNIISG. 197 ALMIGHTY GOD, our heavenly Father, who hast graciously brought us to the beginning of this day, pour down Thy Holy Spirit into our hearts, that we may spend it in Thy fear, and to Thy glory. We bless and praise Thy holy name for Thy mer- ciful preservation of us during the night, and for Thy great goodness in allowing us to see another Sabbath-day. May it prove to efich of us a season of holy rest and refreshing. Be v^ith us in Thy house of prayer : give us the hearing ear, the under- standing mild, and the believing heart. May it be our desire to hear what God the Lord shall say to us. May we receive the word preached, not as the word of man, but as the word of God ; and may it work effectually in us, as in all who believe. O let us not be forgetful hearers, but doers of Thy word ; remembering that we hear for eternity, and ever bearing in mind that we must one day give an ac- count of the use of all our privileges at the judg- ment-seat of Christ. We confess that we have not profited by them as we should have done ; we have not increased in holiness in proportion to our many mercies. Thou mightest justly have cut us down as cumberers of the ground. for the sake of Thy dear Son, Jesus I 198 Family Worship. Christ, forgive us all tb.at is past, and grant us grace so to improve this Sabbath, that it may increase our meetness for that eternal rest which remains for the people of God. Bless all Thy faithful ministers. May they deter- mine to know nothing among their flocks save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. Enable them rightly to divide the word of truth, giving to every one his portion in due season. Give Thme abundant bless- ing to all Sabbath schools ; and may every means employed for the conversion of sinners, and the ex- tension of Thy kingdom, be abundantly blessed. We earnestly implore Thy blessing upon all who may be prevented by sickness, or any other lawful impediment, from attending Thy house of prayer. Lord, sanctify and bless them ; supply all their need out of Thy riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Let not their hearts be troubled by Thy dealings with them ; but multiply upon them Thy mercies, that as their trials abound, so their consolations may also abound. And finally, we entreat Thee to have mercy upon those who have no mercy on themselves, but live in forgetfulness of Thee, and in neglect of Thy house of prayer. Grant them to know, before it is too late, the things that belong to their everlasting peace; turn their hearts unto Thee; and draw them to Thyself here, that they may live with Thee for ever. Hear and answer us, God, in the multitude of Thy mercies, for the sake of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. I 1 1 M ,1 M 1. V. i^ Family Worship, 199 SABBATH EVENING. O ETERNAL and ever-blessed God, our gracious and merciful Father, Thou hast mercifully set apart this sacred day for the rest and refreshment of our souls. How amiable are Thy tabernacles, Lord of Hosts ! Truly a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand. We would come before Thee this even- ing with the voice of praise and thanksgiving, for Thou hast caused us to approach unto Thee, and hast refreshed us with the goodness of Thy house, even of Thy holy temple. Grant, we beseech Thee, that this day's engage- ments may be the means of preparing our souls for the nobler, the never-ending services of Thy glorious temple above. Impress, Lord, upon our minds the truths to which we have listened. May Thy word be hid in our hearts, that we may not forget Thee, that we may not sin against Thee, that we may be sanctified, guided, saved by its influence, through faith which is Christ Jesus. We lament the wandering of our thoughts in Thy service, the coldness of our affections, the weakness of our faith. Our best attempts to serve Thee, Lord, fill us with shame and confusion of face. Par- don the iniquity of our holy things, and heal our infirmities. May our poor and imperfect services be accepted by Thee. O for that day when we hope to serve Thee i)erfectly, when our services shall be free from sin. Grant, we beseech Thee, O God, that the 200 Family Worship, word of Thy ^aco may have free course and be glori- fied. May multitudes in this and in other lands be brought by it in humiliation and repentance to the Saviour's feet, and find in Him wisdom and right- eousness and sanctification and redemption. Suffer none of the faithful ministers of Thy gos- pel to labour in vain and to spend their strength for nought. Abundantly water the seed which they have sown with the dew of Thy blessing. Cause it to take root in many hearts, and may it bring forth fruit unto life eternal. Prepare us, Lord, for the engagements of the morrow. May our profiting by Thy ordinances ap- pear more and more. May we think, speak, and act during the ensuing v^eek under the consciousness of Thine observing eye ; exercising ftiith in Thy pro- mises, obeying Thy will, and ever trusting in Thy grace and providence. To Thy safe keeping we commend ourselves this night. May we lie down in peace, and sleep, con- fiding in Thee, Lord, who alone canst make us to dwell in safety. Hear us, most gracious Father, for we ask in the Redeemer's name, to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. I' I n M i ill N . 'In: ,1 Familif Worship. MONDAY MORNING. t>()l ALMIGHTY LORD our God, wlio^c eyes are in every place beholding the evil and the good, and who seest not only our outward action:^, but all our most secret thoughts, we pray Thee to maintain in us this day a constant sense of Tliy presence, and to preserve us from sinning against Thee. We are exposed to dangers by night and by day; our lives are in Thy hands, and unto Thee do we look for preservation from every evil. Lord, teach us to be ever mindful of Thee, When we go out and come in, when we are alone and in company, may we bear in mind that Thou art continually with us, and that Thou takes t account of all we think, and speak, and do. We draw near unto Thee, trusting in the name of Jesus Christ, and not in our own righteousness; and \/e also beseech Thee, for His sake, to strengthen our weakness, and to enable us this day to fulfil every duty to which we are called. May we be kind and affectionate one to another; sincere and upright in all our dealings, and diligent in our pro- per work. May we rejoice in every opportunity of doing good ; and may we have grace to deny our- selves, that we may the more abundantly minister to the wants of others. Put into us a spirit of com- passion for the poor, as well as of thankfulness to Thee, who hast made us to differ. Teach us to for- give those who have injured us ; since we ourselves 202 Family Worship, have 80 many sins for which wo hopo to l)o forgiven. Produce in us, O Lord, wo beseech Tliee, every Christian grace. Make us instruments in Thy hand for the good of many ; and while we are serving our generation, may we be abundantly blessed in our own souls, and rejoice in the sense both of Thy pardoning mercy and of Thy constant and special protection. Wo pray Thee, Lord, to U)ok d(jwn in compas- sion on all our dear friends and relations. Bestow upon them all things which Thou knowest to bo needful for them. Sustain and comfort thcni in this life ; but especially vouchsafe unto them the bless- ings of the life to come. Have mercy on the young. Grant that they may be trained up in the nurture and admonition of tho Lord, and may thus learn to do Thy will and to walk in Thy fear all ci^o days of their lives, and to hand down Thy truth to the latest posterity. We offer up these our humble supplications in the name and through the mediation of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen, m: I J s K I ' I IK 1' 1ii I ! Family Worship. MONDAY EVENING. 203 OLORD GOD, our Heavenly Father, whose mer- cies are over all Thy works, and who hast 01.1 this day supplied our returning wants, we ren- der thanks to Thee for all the bounties of Thy providence ; and we desire now to lie down under a deep sense both of our own unworthiness and of Thine unspeakable goodness. We adore Thee, especially, for the gift of Jesus Christ, Thy Gon; through whom we hope for the pardon of our rins, and the gift of everlasting life. We are all sinners in Thy sight, and are exposed to Thy just condemnation ; but, though our offences have abounded, yet Thy grace hath still more abounded through Jesus Christ. We desire to confess and lament the sins of the day which is now past. Forgive, Lord, all our negligences, as well as our more manifest offences. Forgive all our evil thoughts, and words, and works. We would lament every mis-spent hour, and every neglected opportunity of doing good. We lament our want of love to Thee our God, and our want of zeal in Thy service. We lament also the great imperfection of charity towards those around us. Thou hast commanded us to love our neighbours as ourselves ; but we are continually seeking our own interest, indulging our own ease, and consulting our own humour. Help us, we pray Thee, to follow the example of our blessed Saviour, who pleased not 204 Family Worship. Himself, but went about doing good ; and hath com- manded us continually to deny ourselves, and take up our cross and follow Him. We beseech Thee to bless unto us the events of this day. We would remember that all things are directed by Thine unerring wisdom and that they shall work together for good to them who love Thee. May any trial which we may this day have experi- enced, teach us more and more to know ourselves — may every sorrow wean us from this present world — and may every enjoyment be the means of exciting our gratitude to Thee, the author of all good. May the afflictions of others call forth our Christian sym- pathy, and render us abundant in the exercise of our benevolence. We pray for Thy blessing on all our friends and relations. Guard them from evil by night and by day, and especially from whatsoever may hurt their souls. Establish them in Thy true faith, and make them fruitful in good works. Bestow Thy special blessing on the rising generation. Bless our rulers and country. Give grace to all ministers of Thy gospel. Have pity on the poor and the afflicted ; and make it the daily business of all our lives to minister to the sorrows and wants of others, and to abound in every good work. We present these our humble and imperfect sup- plications in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen, 11' m I 111 F I J I ! U ll I: H II HI H > 1 i' 1 i 1 1 i !'■ Family Worship. TUESDxW MORNING. 205 ("\ THOU who makest the outgoings of the y morning and of the evening to rejoice, assist us, we beseech Thee, to offer unto Theo a morning sacrifice of praise and prayer. Thou art the pre- server of our life and the fountain of all our bless- ings and enjoyments. In Thee we live and move and have our being ; and from Thy unmerited fav- our and infinite goodness we daily receive all that is necessary for life and godliness. Our voice shalt Thou hear in the morning, Lord ; in the morning will we direct our prayer to thee and look up. We both laid us down in peace and slept, for Thou, Lord, hast made us to dwell in safety. We unfeignedly thank Thee that we have not slept the sleep of death, and that no grievous calamity has befallen us. Thou hast crowned us with loving-kindness and tender mercy, and now we desire to come before Thee, our God and our Heavenly Father, and to acknowledge thine unceasing love. Bless th? Lord, our souls, and all that is within us bless his holy name. God, we acknowledge and confess our manifold transgressions and offences. We are guilty in Thy sight, and are exposed to Thy righteous displeasure. Thy law is holy, and just, and good, but we have broken it times without number; and instead of submitting ourselves to Thy authority and will, we have done that which was right in our own eyes. 05 206 Family Worship, Hst ire- ss- ve V- alt Our hearts are deceitful above all things, and despe- rately wicked ; and hadst Thou not restrained us we should have wrought all manner of iniquity with greediness. In us there dwelleth no good thing. To whom should we flee for succour but unto Thee, Lord ? Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us. For the sake of Thy beloved Son, forgive us all that is past. Bless, we beseech Thee, all the members of this family. May Thy grace and peace be our constant joy. Guide us all by Thy counsel, protect us by Thy power, and bring us into glory. Assist us in the discharge of every duty. Make our eye single, that our whole body may be full of light. Draw our affections towards the things that are above, where Christ sitteth at Thy right hand ; that when he shall appear we also may appear with him in glory. Bless all our relatives and friends ; and if we have any enemies, persecutors, or slanderers, may it please Thee to forgive them, and to turn their hearts. Bless all whom Thou hast sent forth to be ambassadors for Christ; thrt Thy word, ministered by them with great fidelity, may have free course and be glorified. We commend to Thy fatherly goodness all that are in adversity and trial. Help all that are afflicted to put their trust in Thee, and be thou their refuge and their strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Hear our prayers, Lord God of our salvation, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Advocate. ATfien. i PI w m \\.\ if.',; ■ !'.'i I PI rr ■I !i- it r' Family Worship. 207 , "' 1 I TUESDAY EVENING. ALMIGHTY GOD, our heavenly Father, gra- ciously accept our humble and hearty thanks for all the blessings of the past day, By Thy good providence we have not only been preserved from death, but such things have been bestowed upon us as Thou, in Thy wisdom and love, seest to be the best. We adore Thee for condescending to be our guide. Thou appointest our inheritance. Thou who didst lead Thy chosen people by a pillar of cloud by day, and of fire by night, dost lead even us, unwoi thy as we are. O give us grace that we may con- stantly follow Thee and cheerfully submit to all the dispensations of Thy providence ; and remember- ing that Thy way and Thy work are perfect, may we place ourselves at Thy disposal. Accept also our most hearty thanks foi' the blessings of Thy grace ; for Thy patience and forbearance ; for Thy holy word, which is a light unto our feet and a lamp for our path ; for the gift of Thy well-beloved Son, and for His atonement and constant intercession ; for the enlightening, comforting and sanctifying influences of Thy Holy Spirit; for the means of grace and for the hope of glory. What shall we render to Thee for all Thy benefits 1 We will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord. We will of^er unto Thee the sacrifices of thanks- giving and of praise. Thou art the Father of mercies, the God of consolation. Thou givest us all things ill! I m ! iiij III il I 208 Family Worship, richly to enjoy. We have nothing but what we have received from Thy bountiful goodness. God, with all Thy benefits, {^ive us the blessing of a thankful heart. Give us a due sense of all Thy mercies, that so we may bless Thee every day in this life, and sing praises to Thy name for ever and ever in the life to come. We have sinne i against Thee ; with shame and confusion of face we confess it ; but we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the right- e'^'USjand He is the propitiation for our sins. Thou who art merciful and gracious, slow to anger and of great compassion, blot out our transgressions, and remember our sins no more. 0, in mercy lift up the light of Thy countenance upon us, and help us to love Thee because Thou hast first loved us. Create in us a clean heart, C^ God, and renew a right spirit within us. Write Thy law in our heart. And now, most merciful God, we besetch Thee to look upon us who kneel before Thy mercy-seat. Thou hast supplied our wants during the day, preserve us from all danger in the night. Favour us with re- freshing sleep. When we awake, breathe holy and heavenly thoughts into our hearts. And thus pre- served until the morning, may we arise, strengthened in body rnd soul, to walk in that path in which it may please Thee to direct us. Grant us these mer- cies for the sake of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. Pi! -! ' it w 1 . k^: 1 :tf ij? ^1; Family Worship. WEDNESDAY MORNING. 209 OLORD, Thou God of our salvation ! Thou art the hope of all the ends of the earth ; upon Thee the eyes of all do wait ; for Thou givest unto all life, and breath, and all things. In Thee we ever live, and move, and are ; and upon Thee we conti- nually depend for all the good that we either have, or hope for. Still Thou watchest over us for good and takest care of us in our sleep, when we are in- capable of caring for ourselves : daily Thou re- newest to us Thy tender mercies ; every morning affords us fresh occasions for praise and thanksgiv- ing Thou hast assured us by Thy word, that if we commit our affairs to Thee, Thou wilt establish our thoughts, and direct our paths. We desire, there- fore, Lord, still to put ourselves undei Thy gra- cious conduct and Thy fatherly protection ; and we beg the guidance, and blessing, and assistance of Thy good Spirit, to choose our inheritance for us ; and to dispose of us and of all that concerns us, to the glo ry of Thy name. O Lord, withdraw not Thy tender mercies from us ; take not away the comforts of Thy presence, or the assistance of Thy Spirit, on account of our manifold abuses of Thy giace and goodness. Grant us, O God, the comfortable sense of Thine acceptance of us in ^he Son of Thy love, that our souls may bless Thee, and all that is within us may praise Thy holy name. \ ■ 210 Family Worship. And O that we may find the joy of the Lord to be our strength ; that we may be strengthened by it against all our sins ; especially the sins to which we are most addicted, and whereof we are most in dan- ger. Make us also more ready to every good work, and better disposed for all the duties which we owe to Thee, our neighbour, and ourselves ; that herein we may exercise ourselves, to have always a con- science void of offence towards God and towards men. Help us to walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise ; conscientiously improving all those seasons of grace which Thou art pleased to put into our hands. While we are upon earth give us all things needful and convenient for our present pilgrimage ; sanctify to us all our enjoyments, and all our occupations in the world ; let our crosses also, and our comforts, and all events that now befal us, be improved to Thy glory ; till, through the merits of Thy Son, and the multitude of Thy mercies, we are conducted safely to be ever with the Lord. gracious Father ! keep us, we beseech Thee, this day inThy fear and favour ; and help us to live to Thy honour and gloiy. let Thy good providence be our defence and security ; and let Thy Holy Spirit be our guide and counsellor in all our ways. Let Thy grace, Lord Jesus Christ ; Thy love, heavenly Father; Thy comfortable fellowship, holy blessed Spirit, be with us, and with all the Israel of God, this day and for evermore. Amen. ' f: i^lil :.!, 1 ►i»ii ! t II Family Worship, 211 fell II ii i "'I I ill i * Ii! WEDNESDAY EVENING. OUR ever blessed and most gracious God I Thou art the Lord and giver of our lives, and of all the blessings we enjoy. To Thee wo owe ourselves, and all that we are capable of rendering unto Thee. For by Thee, Lord, we were created ; and through Thy good Providence it is that we have been spared and provided for unto this present time. From Thee, our God, comes all our help ; and in Thee is reposed all our hope. Thou art the l)ountiful giver of all the good that our souls desire, and the merciful with- holder uf all the evil that our sins deserve. We ac- knowledge Thy great and daily goodness to us, and our own exceeding unworthiness of the least of all Thy mercies. We take shame and confusion to our- selves that we have so little improved, and so greatly abused all Thy patience with us, and all the various instances of Thy bounty to us. We confess it to be a heinous aggravation of our offences, that we have done so much against Thee, after all the great things Thou hast done for us. But we desire, Lord, to be humbled for our offences ; and we entreat Thy gra- cious favour, in Christ Jesus, for the pardon of them. Forgive us, we pray Thee, for His sake, all the sins that ever we have committed against Thee, and ab- solve us from all the evil whereof we now stand guilty before Thee. Being justified by faith, let us have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. y. 212 Family Worship. And as we pray that Thou wilt be to us a Father of mercies and a God of consolation ; so we pray that Thou wilt make us followers of God, as dear children ; ever jealous over our hearts, and watchful over our ways ; continually fearing to offend, and en- deavouring to please Thee ; and enable us to keep our hearts with all diligence, that they may never be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. Teach us, our God, to know the day of gi'ace, And the time of our visitation, and to see the things of our peace before they be hid from our ej^es. And while we have time, enable us to use and improve it to those great ends for which Thou art pleased to continue it to us. And seeing Thou art pleased yet to hold our souls in life, and to make us find and feel, by every day's experience, how abundantly gracious and merciful Thou art, give us hearts more sensi- ble of Thy love, and more thankful for those favours which Thou art pleased to multiply unto us. And now, most merciful Father, we humbly recom- mend ourselves, and all that we have, to Thy care and protection ; beseeching Thee, for Thy dear Son's sake, to preserve and defend, to bless and keep us, both in soul and body. O be with us through the night season, and grant us comfortable repose ; that our frail nature being refreshed, and our decayed strength renewed, we may rise again better fitted for the duties of another day. Accept these our prayers, most gracious God, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. 1| I' IE , ,rf-» Family fVorship. THURSDAY MORNING. 21:] OLORD GOD ALMIGHTY, holy and just art Thou, and none can question Thy doings, in heaven above, or in the earth beneath. Thou art the Judge of all the earth, and doest right in all things. To Thee every knee must bow and every tongue confess. But when Thou comest in judgment, who can abide in Thy presence, or answer Thee for one of a thousand of his transgressions ? We feel that we have all sinned, and come short of the glory of God, and are not worthy to be called Thy children. By the deeds of the law we feel that we cannot be justified in Thy sight ; that we cannot atone for our transgressions. But, O Lord, we rejoice that Thou hast not left us in this guilty and helpless condition, without hope of recovery, but Thou hast set forth Jesus to be a propitiation for our sins, through faith in His blood, that Thou mightest be just and thejustifier of all them that believe in Him. Lord, may this provision of mercy be realized in us. May his sufferings be, in very deed, a propitiation for the sins of every one of us. As He was made sm for us, though He knew no sin, may we be made the righteousness of God in Him. The more of the grace of faith Thou givest us, so much the more may we feel ourselves urged on to serve and glorify Thee. Relying on the finished work of the Son, may we wax stronger in the Christian life ; labouring more and more abundantly as we draw 214 Family Worship. nearerto the recompense of re w<'ir J which Thou, our gracious Provider, hast laid up for the redeemed. In this frame of mind, Lord, enable us this day to perform every duty to Thee, to one another, and to our own souls. Do Thou watch over and pros[)er all our interests ; and the work of our hands, estab- lish Thou it. May Thy protecting arm be about us, and all that concerns us, throughout its passing hours, and all the period of our pilgrimage on earth. But, Lord, we are not the only objects of Thy watchful providence. Thou openest Thine hand, and suppliest the wants of all that dwell in this world. Thou art the God of the Jews, and of the Gentiles, and of all who call upon Thee. may they call upon Thee in the true and living way Thou hast set before them. As the brightness of the early dew on the tender grass, so may the light of Thy truth be spread over every land, and make the whole earth joyous with Thy salvation. May our native land, this Dom.Inion, and all parts of the British Empire, be specially blessed. Bless the Queen and all the royal family. As Thou hast raised them high in rank, may they have the still higher rank of sons and daughters of God. Bless all travellers by sea and land ; a^l the numerous family of sickness and suffering ; and all drawing near to death and judgment. Bless all others whom we should remember before Thee with every blessing suited to their cases ; and all that we ask is in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. y .1 I. w t Familp Worship. THURSDAY EVENING. 216 OLORD our God, Thou art lovo ; and Thou didst so lovo the world as to give Thino only begotten and dearly beloved Son, that whosoevei believeth in Him might not perish, but have ever- lasting life. Thou hast commended Thy love to- wards us, in that Christ died for us while we were yet sinners, even when we were dead in trespasses and sins. O Lord, what can we render unto Thee for love so undeserved, love so unutterable, love whose height and depth and length and breadth pass all under- standing? We have nothing but what we have received from Thee, but that we willingly and grate- fully give back to Thee. We give ourselves — we give our all, as a thank-offering to Thee. Lord, may we have, in this love, a well-grounded assurance that we are justified by Christ's blood, and that we shall be saved from wrath through Him ; that we have been reconciled to God by His death and shall be saved by TTis life, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for us. Give us true faith to lay hold on these exceeding great and precious pro- visions of Thy love, and to rejoice in the hope thus set before us, of the glory that shall be revealed. Whatever trials and troubles, temptations and afflic- tions beset our path, let us never be cast down and discouraged, but enable us to bring everything that grieves us to Thee, knowing that Thou art ever ready 210 Family Worship, to hear and to help ua. When all tliingH soem to bo against ua, then do Thou, wise and uncTriiigRulor of events, make all things work together for our good, both for time and for eternity. Wo [)ray fo. those whose lot Thou hast cast in with ours in the domestic relations of life ; and those, whether present or absent, whom Thou hast bound to us by tbe ties of nature and grace. We pray for those around us, with whom we have to do in the daily intercourse of life. We pray for the public and private welfare of the community whereof we form a part. Let the church that has nourished and brought us up, and has fed us with Thy word, with the bread of life, be blessed. Lord, lengthen the cords and strengthen the stakes of Thy tabernacle, and spread the covering thereof over many that have not yet come to worship therein. O Lord, prepare us to give ourselves up in faith, hope, peace, and joy, to Thy watchful and kind pro- vidence, during the darkness of the night which has now closed in around us. We desire to resign our- selves, and everything that concerns us, into Thy gracious hands. May we sleep in Jesus ; and whether we awake here or elsewhere, may we still be found in him. Our Father, &c. \v H'i ill t ri -f ■+ \ ill; II Family Worship. 217 FRIDAY MORNING. OLORD, our strength and our Redeemer, how excellent is Thy great name ! Thou hast set Tuy glory above the heavens ; the heavens declare Thy glory, and the firmament showeth forth Thy handy- work. In them hast Thou set a tabernacle for the sun, that cometh out of its chamber in the east, in all the splendour of rising brightness, and holds on itg ourse with rejoicing; shining more and more unto the perfect day, and dispensing light, heat and gladness whithersoever his circuit extends. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge of Thee. The invisible things of Thee, from the creation of the world, are thus clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even Thine eternal power and Godhead. Thou hast also given us Thy law — line upon line, precept upon precept — to enable us to see these things still more clearly, and to know Thy will more surely. Having so many means of enlightenment given us, we know that we are without excuse if we still abide in darkness. But Lord, we have preferred darkness to light, and have not marked the wonders of Thy working as we ought to have done : nor hav^ we searched Thy word with sufHcient diligence and eameatness. We have, hence, fallen into many errors, and committed many sin.s from which we might otherwise have been free. Having sinned against the light of nn.ture and the light of grace, 218 Family Worship. \ve feel that our own guilt is the greater. O Lord, we confess our sins, and beseech Thee, for Christ's sake, to forgive us. look not on us as we have sinned. Have mercy on us, and blot out all oui transgressions. Destroy tho pov/er of the sins that most easily beset us. Enable as to break their bonds. Let thy testimonies be sure unto us, making us wise unto salv^iion. May they be dearer bo us than gold, yea, than much fine gold; and sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Guide our steps, and let our thoughts and conversation be heavenly, and all the labour of our hands useful and right. Tiftt the words of our mouth and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. Bless all whom we should remember at Thy Throne. Let our friends be Thy friends, and be Thou to them a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. May Thy people be willing in the day ot Thy power, and may many be gathered to them that are yet aliens to the commonwealth of Israel, May Jews and Gentiles, bond and free, and every nation and tongue be brought to Thee, and know Thee, whom to know is life eternal. Let all everywhere turn to Thee and live. Bless all ranks and classes, whether poor or rich, high or low, old or young, in health or in sickness, or near the end of their days. Let Thy word and work grow everywhere, that all eyes may see Thy glory. And all we ask is for Ch list's sake. Ainen* . ,.: II li: Family Worship, FRIDAY EVENING. 211) OLORD our God, poor and needy as we are, we come to Thee to spread out our wants and wishes before Thee. To whom can we go but unto Thee, who hast the words of eternal life ? Thou art the hearor of prayer, the forgiver of iniquity; the giver of every good and perfect gift ; in whom we all live and move and have our being. Whom have we in heaven but Thee ? and who is there on earth whom we desire besides Thee ? Heaven would be no place of bliss without Thee ; and without Thee there were none on earth that could do us good. O Lord, we feel that it is good for us again to draw near to Thee, to God our exceeding joy. enable us to do so with all the earnestness and longing of Thy servant of old, when he said, " As the hart panteth after the water-brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, God." Let us not be cold and languid and formal, but stir up Thy gift in our hearts, and make us fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, with all our heart and soul and mind and strength, not as vain things, but as our life. O may Thy blessed Spirit dwell richly in our hearts, and work all righteousness within us — filling us with faith, hope, meekness, humbleness of mind, and aU godliness and charity ; so that these, and the other graces of the Gospel, being in us, we may not be found wanting in the day of Thy power. Amidst all the temptations to sin around us, may we be kept lA \ 220 Family Worship, unspotted by the world, not walking in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standing in the way of sinners, nor sitting in the seat of the scornful, but making Thy law our delight, and meditating upon it day and ixight. As thou hast brought us through the various events and scenes of the past day in safety and in peace, do Thou also bring us through the hours of this night without danger or distress, and if it be Thy will to prolong our existence here, may we awake with renewed vigour to return to our respec- tive duties of life. But whether we live may we live unto the Lord, or whether we die may we die unto the Lord ; so that whether we live or die, by night or day, we may be Thine. May this be the blessed lot of all whom we should bear upon our minds at this time. Let none go mourning because of the oppressor and the ungodly. Give food to the hungry, and clothing to the naked, and dwelling to the homeless, and help to the friendless ; give health to the sick, relief to the distressed, comfort to the sad in heart, and preparation to the dying. Bless our Sovereign the Queen, and all her family; bless those that rule under her for the public good. Bless all ranks of society, and let all the people receive Thy law, and rejoice in Thee as the God of their life, and the object of their praise and desire. And to Father Son and Holy Ghost, one God, be glory for ever. Amtn. I 1 I- PMj II y\\ Family Wcrship. 221 SATCTEDAY MORNING. OLORD, we again desire to draw near to Thee as the God of our salvation. Blessed is that people whose God is the Lord. Thy Messing is upon them every day, for tlie Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself Lord, we have cried to Thee to whom salvation belongeth, and Thou hast heard us out of Thy holy hill, and hast made us dwell in safety. We laid us down and slept, and we have awaked in health and peace ; for the Lord sustained us. Day by day hast Thou led us by Thy right hand ; and night by night have we rested in Thee, as travellers under the shadow of a great rock, in a weary laud. O Lord, strengthen us in our weakness, that we may put our trust in Thee, and not fear, whatever trials may come upon us. May we fear Thee, and have no other fear. May we stand in awe of Thee, and sin not, and commune with our hearts, and be still, and know that Thou art God, and our God. May we serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Our help is in God, in whose hands are the issues of life and all things. Lord, lift on us the light of Thy countenance. Let all our sins pass away from before Thee as a thick cloud, and show us what is good. O bring us to see that we have obtained the blessedness of those whose iniquities are blotted out, whose sins are covered. 222 Family Worship. Lord, direct our steps this day, in the true and living Wcay. Let us not turn aside to the by-ways of sin and error. Let us not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful , Lt*;; may the law of the Lord be our delight. May all that trust in Thee be as trees planted by the rivers of water, and bring- ing forth fruit in their season. May their leaf never wither, and whatsoever they do, being i-ight in Thy sight, may it prosper and abound to Thy praise. make the way of life and immortality to be known to all who sit in the region and shadow of death- -in the lands and isles that are far off. Give the king whom Thou hast set upon Zion, Thy holy hill, the heathen for his inheritance, and the utter- most parts of the earth for a possession. Remember the \V)Ov and needy, the widow, the fatherless, the orphan and the friendless, wherever their lot is cast, and be near to them to bless them. Hear the sighs of the oppressed, and the prisoner in his solitary cell, and give to all the liberty wherewith Christ makes his people free. May light, liberty, and the love of Thee and of Thy will, reign in our beloved country. Bless her Majesty the Queen and all the royal family. Bless all in authority under our Sovereign and over us. Bless all over whom authority is exercised. May they lead peaceable lives, in all godliness and honesty. Bless all for whom we should pra}'. Bless us for evermore, for Christ's sake. Amen, i I \ M1P If li ! Family Worship. SATUEDAY EVENING. 223 OLORD, we bless Thee for having brought us to the close of another day and another week, and for all the goodness which we have received at Thy hand every day and every night, and QWQvy moment oi our past life. Again we desire to stir up our souls and all that is within us to magnify and adore Thee. Accept of our thanksgivings, Father of mercies, and make our love and gratitude still more fervent. At the close of this portion of passing time, enable us to meditate on the end of all time, when we shall be gathered before Thee, at Thy judgment-seat, to give an account of ourselves and of what Thou hast committed to our trust, and to have our lot assigned to us throughout eternity. We feel that every hour is bringing us nearer to that most solemn and mo- mentous of events, and we desire more and more to be ready for it when it comes. may the blessed Spirit keep us ever mindful of the awful circumstances connected with that great day — the voice of the archangel, and the sound of the last trumpet — the earth all enwrapt in fames, the elements melting with fervent heat, and the heavens folded up as a sci*oll, and passing away with a great noise — the earth and the sea giving u[) their dead, in myriads upon myriads, that have slumbered there for thousands of years — the wicked shrinking from the look of their Judge witli treuililing and 224 Family Worship. horror, and calling on the mountains and rocks to fall on them, and hide them for ever from his face ; and the righteous drawing near with joy and triumph, because the day of the redeemed has come. May we think of the Son of Man, to whom all judg- ment is committed. May we also think of the sentences which he will then pronounce on the righteous, " Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world;" and on the wicked, "Depart from u.e, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his angels." O Lord, enable us by Thy grace to guard against the ways of the wicked that lead to this terrible end, and to walk in tlie daily exercise of the godly and benevolent affections by which the righteous are thus guided on to the realizing of so glorious a reward. pardon our coldness, and indolence, and unfaith- fulness, and sinfulness of every kind, in times past, and stir us up to greater fervour, and diligence, and faithfulness, in time to come. May we trust in Thee the Lord, and do good every moment, being thoroughly furnished unto good works — walking by faith and not by sight— doing good to all, as we have oppor- tunity—bringing forth much fruit, and keeping death and judgment constantly in view. Bless all of us here before Thee. Refresh our souls and bodies, and fit us for another day of the Son of Man here; and fit us, above all, for death, judgment and eternity, for Christ's sake. Amen. ihl PRAYERS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS. COMMUNION SABBATH MORNING. OUR Hecavenl}' Father, Thou hast appointed this holy day for Tliine own service ; may Thy Holy Spirit enable us to lay aside all woi Idly thoughts and cares, and without coldness and dis- traction to wait upon Thee all the day in a spirituctl and heavenly mind, and with all holy and fervent aftections. As we are this day called to celebrate the memo- rial of the Redeemer s death, we beseech Thee to look with Thy special grace upon those of us who hope to go to His holy table. 0, heavenly Father, we bless Thee that Thou hast indeed commended Thy love to us, in sending Thy Son to be the pro- pitiation for our sins, that we might live through Him. In not sparing Him, we thank Thee that Thou hast assured us that thou wilt freely give us all things. Enable us by this love to discern our sinfulness and perverseness, and our vile ingratitude and ba^^e returns to Thee ; and in the spirit of deep contrition and true repentance, as well as in the spirit of filial confidence and holy love, to go to this 226 Family Worship. boly communion. We beseech Thee to enable us to discern by faith the Lord's body, given and broken for us. and His blood shed for us. Give us to dis- cern Christ as the bread that came down from hea- ven, which gives life to the world. O, Lord Jesus, we come to Thee for this bread, that we may never hunger ; and would believe on Thee, that we may never thirst. 0, heavenly Father, let Christ crucified be set forth among us evidently as before our eyes, manifesting Himself to our souls in the breaking of bread, so that we may have a lively, quickening, soul- affecting and reviving view of His death for us, and true fellowship with His sufferings. Give us to know the power of His resurrection, and by faith let us behold our risen Saviour appearing in heaven, in Thy presence, for us, as the Lamb siain in the midst of the throne, and as the true High Priest of His people, ever living to make intercession for us. Give us, by the Lord's Supper, to gain full assurance of His return in Thy glory, seeing that as often as we eat this bread and drink this cup, we do show forth the Lord's death till He come. We pray for a blessing on the ministers appointed over us and all Thy people, and on all the congrega- tions that gather together in Thy name. Let great grace be upon them all ; and may the Lord Jesus be magnified this day in the conversion and edification of a countless multitude, who shall be His in the day when He makes up His jewels. Hear and forgive us, for His name's sake. Amen. I it 'I . Family Worship. 227 COMMUNION SABBATH. ' i EVENING. OLORD, what shall we render to Thee for all Thy mercies ? We would praise Thee for ever, and shew forth Thy mighty acts to the chil- dren of men ; for Thou hast dealt very bountifully with us. We were brought low under our transgressions ; the sorrows of death encompassed us ; and we had no hope in ourselves. But glory be to Thee; for Thou hast delivered our souls from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from falling. Thanks be to Thee, who givest us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Because our eyes have seen Thy sal- vation, we desire to praise and honour Thee in every future act of our lives, and to devote to Thee all the affections of our hearts. May our conversation henceforth be in heaven, and all our conduct be such as become th the children of so many mercies. Allow not the glad tidings of salvation delivered to us in Thy house and at Thy table to slip out of our minds, or the good impressions there made upon us to be worn aw^y by the influences of a world lying in wickedness ; but may we always bear about with us the dying of the Lord Jesus, that His life also may be made manifest in us, that when he appears the second time we may be like Him and see Him as He is. 228 Family Worsliip, Having boon with Christ on tho Mount of Ordi- nances, and having there seen somo rays of tho glory that excelleth, may the pleasant contemplations wo enjoyed be ever present with us, and preserve us from everything inconsistent with such oxaltod views. May we never again give ourselves over to the vain pursuits and foUies of the life that now is, bui keep our eyes and feet continually directed to- wards the kingdom that is above. Enable us by Thy Holy Spirit to be helpers to many others in their pilgrimage through this world. Help us to warn the unruly, to comfort the feeble- minded, to support the weak, and to do good to all as we have opportunity. May the same mind be in us that was in Christ, who went about continually ministering to the wants of men, and labouring in life and doctrine to bring the sinful back to Thee. Forgive, we beseech Thee, and counteract the evil which we have so frequently done to the souls of others and Thy holy cause by our sinful conversation and conduct. Forgive also the secret wanderings of our minds from Thee, and the thoughts and desires of iniquity which have so often arisen within us, even when engaged in Thy worship. And pardon the sins of all who have approached Thee at the communion feast without having prepared their hearts according to Thy will. O lay not this sin to their charge, but cover their iniquities and keep them from sinning. Hear and bless us, for Christ's sake. Amen, M I! i:i Family Worship, 229 THANKSGIVING FOR HARVEST. EVER blessed God, who keepest covenant with Thy people, and shewest mercy to all, wo ofier our grateful adorations to Thee for the bounti- ful harvest with which Thou hast crowned the labours of the husbandman, and hast provided for us our daily bread. Thou hast fulfilled Thine ancient j)romise, that seed time and harvest should not fail. Thou hast graciously given fertility to the soil, hast made it soft v»nth showers, and blessed the spring- ing thereof. Thy paths drop fatness. Oh, that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men. May it be over our delight, as it is our ity, to trace Thy hand in the blessings that meet »o m our daily path. Continue thy favours, although wo are undeserving of them, and deepen in our hearts a sense of our obligation to Thee. May our lives, so wonderfully preserved, and so richly endowed by Thy bounty, be daily consecrated to Thy service and glory. Help us, Lord, with devout thankfulness of heart, to recognize the rich provision made for our spiritual necessities. Thou hast dealt bounti- fully with us. Thou hast given us the inestimable gift of the Holy Scriptures. May our souls be sus- tained and invigorated by the blessed truths and pro- mises of the Gospel, and be fruitful in all godliness. 230 Famih/ Worship, May every nation under lieaven soon bo favoured with the same privileges that wo enjoy, and yield to Thee its increase. Send forth Thy light and Thy truth, that they may bring men to Thy holy hill, and to Thy tabernacles. Lord of tho harvest, send forth labourers into thy harvest; and grant, for Christ's sake, that when Thy angels, the reapers, shall come, at the end of the world, we, and those we love, may be gathered into the heavenly garner. We humbly implore these mercies, and all the fulness of Thy grace and peace, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. I i FIRST DAY OF THE YEAR. EVERLASTING GOD, who by Thy goodness hast brought us together in family worship a,t the beginning of another year, we would, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, present to Thee un- feigned thanksgiving for all thy loving-kindness be- stowed upon us. When we look back on all Thy dealings in the past year, what reason have Ave to speak good of Thy name, and to testify that thou art good, that Thy mercy is everlasting, and that Thy truth en- dureth to all generations ! How countless have been Thy mercies to us, at home and abroad, in Family Worship, 231 14 p: dangers and in difficulties — in providing for all our wants, and day by day, from week to week, and month to month, giving us all things richly to enjoy ! Thou hast called us in everything to give thanks, and to glorify Thee in the fires. We would there- fore praise Thee even for what has been humbling and painful in the past year. Help us to see Thy love iu our spiritual conflicts. If Thou hast left us to walk in darkness and perplexity, and hast even given us proofs of what was in our heart by leaving us for a season to ourselves, Oh, help us to discern in all things Thy wisdom, and our own nothingness. Help us to see that the trial of our faith is more precious than gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire ; and that all things are ours, whether the ministers of Thy church, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come ; that all are oars, that we are Christ's, and that Christ is God's ; and evermore let us glory in Thee alone. We know not, O God, whether those now assem- bled together shall, at the close of this year, assem- ble together again in an unbroken circle, and be the living to praise Thee ; but we commit all to Thee, knowing who orders our steps, and performeth ail things for us ; we know that Thou art our reconciled Father in Christ Jesus ; and therefore cast all our care on Thee, in the assurance that thou carest for us. In the full conviction of the uncertainty of life and the shortness of time, that the strong may i ;:i 232 Family Worship. be cut off, and the weak spared, and tl\at any of U8 here kneeling together may have to go through sick- ness and sorrow and danger, or may soon pass into Thy immediate presence, we heseech Thee that Thou wouldst give us the sweet assurance that we love Thee, and are called according to Thy purpose ; that Thou wouldest teach us the certainty of Thy A '•ord, that all things work together f<^r our good, and then, come what may, we will delight in Thv will, and rejoice in Thy salvation. May this be a year of large blessings to the whole earth. Let Zion arise and shine : and may the king- doms of this world soon become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ, that he may reign for ever and ever. Forgive all our sins, and accept us for the Redeemer's sake. Amen. I :ii til f 11 w. ■ f LAST DAY OF THE YEAR OTHOU High and Lofty One that inhabitest eternity, with whom a tliousand years are as one day, and one day as a thousand years, we, Th}'' creatures, whom Thy hand has formed, and Thy providence sustained from childhood to this hour, desire to approach Thee with reverence and godly fear, and at the same time with the voice of praise and thanksgiving. We thank Thee that through thy good hand upon Family Worship, 233 iiii us, we have been preserved to this day, and that, notwithstanding our utter unworthiness, we arc still permitted to come into Thy presence at the close of another year, and to address Thee as our Father in Christ Jesus, and the God of our Salvation. Help us by Thy Holy Spirit to humble ourselves before Thee. May He bring to our remembrance our manifold sins, and shew to us the evil of our doings. May He impart to us true contrition of spirit, whilst we recall the folly, pride, unbelief, and ingratitude which have stained our character through the year now closing. Thou mightest justly have cut us down as cumberers of the ground, but through thine infinite mercy we are still in the land of the living, and surrounded by innumerable proofs of Thy goodness. When, God, we bring to remembrance the mercies we have enjoyed, the dangers we have escaped, and the consolation we have experienced, we may well be overwhelmed with a sense of our obligations to Thee. We can never be sufficiently thankful. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within us, bless His holy name. May the review of the way we have been led, tend to humble us more and more, and lead us also to exalt and magnify the riches of Thy grace. Shew us the emptiness of this vain world, and the folly of seeking our rest in that which is polluted, and so soon to pass away. May we grow more heavenly- minded as we approach nearer the grave. Amidst 234 Family Worship. all the changing scenes of this transient world, may our hearts be fixed on things heavenly and eternal. We would ask the same blessings for our fellow Christians everywhere. Let not this solemn season pass without producing in them deep humiliation for their sins, heartfelt thankfulness to Thee for thine abounding mercies, and determined purposes of living more entirely to Thee. Revive thy work, Lord, in the midst of the days, not only in our hearts, but throughout ^ur country, and in all the Churches of Christ. And now, most gracious God, we commit ourselves once more into Thy faithful hands ; beseeching Thee to forgive all our sins and shortcomings, and to give us all those good things which we are not worthy to ask, save only in the name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen, in FOR A MEMBER OF A FAMILY UNWELL. OUR FATHER, who art in heaven, who hast loved us, and given us all the good we have ever enjoyed, and who, by Jesus Christ, hast brought redemption to us, and given us in Him a hope of eternal life ; we come to Thee accordin^^ to Thy gra- cious command. We remember Thy loving kind- Family Worship, 235 'I '■ I ness ; Thou hast given us long periods of unbroken health, and of household comfort. If we forgot Thee, because we did not suffer ; or if we took thy gifts as if we deserved them, merciful Father, for- give us, for the sake of Christ Jesus, and let not severe chastisements be needful to render us grate- ful, and sensible of our dependence upon Thee. Thou, good and merciful Lord, hast enjoined upon us to call upon Thee in the day of trouble, and hast given the promise of deliverance. Therefore do we beseech thee on behalf of that one of our number whose sickness now fills us with anxiety. Be plfiased, God, to bless the human skill that is employed, to render effectual the present, or to point out new, remedies. Be pleased, O God, to give back the blessing of health, that we may all rejoice before Thee, and glorify Thy name ; and if it be Thy will to protract this trial, give patience to the sufferer, and to us, and let us be brought nearer to Thee. And if, O God, seeing that all flesh is grass, and that we must all one day die, it be Thy will by this stroke to take away the object of our care, let there be, we beseech Thee, clear and conscious trust in the Redeemer. Oh, give the teaching of Thy good Spirit to our beloved one, and to all sufferers, and help us to wait upon Thee for all we need, through our only Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ Amen. I < 236 Family Worship. FOE A MEMBER OF A FAMILY APPARENTLY DYING. FATHER of Mercies, from whom no sighs or groanings are hid, be merciful to Thy ser- vant before Thee. Restore him to health, if it be Thy will. If Thou hast ordained otherwise, prepare him for the great change. Visit Mm, we humbly beseech Thee, with Thy salvation. Give /lim true repentance. For the sake of Christ Jesus, who died for us, may all the sins of his past life be forgiven. May he be filled with the light of Christ's love. May he possess the wealth and the blessedness of peace with Thee. May he have the witness of Thy Spirit that he is a child of God. Enable him heartily to say, "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Adorable Redeemer, mercifully assist Thy servant in this time of hi8 extremity. Give him relief De- liver Mm from his sufferings. Let him hide himself in Thee. Holy Spirit of God, perfect Thy servant for glory. If he is to die at this time, may his death be pre- cious in the Lord's sight. Grant that he may peace- fully fall asleep in Jesus. Hear us, and answer us, for Christ's sake, 4w^^» i< rii Family Worsldp. 237 ii ' I THANKSGIVING FOR EECOVERY FROM SICKNESS. MOST gracious and holy, good and merciful God, we have heard, we have seen, we have experienced Thy love. Thou hast not made Thyself known to us by the judgments which our sins de- served ; but art manifested to us as a God willing to forgive all our iniquities. Thou hast delivered our eyes from tears, and our hearts from anguish ; and in Thy mercy hast spared Thy servant whom Thou hast lately afflicted. Thou hast chastened and corrected ^im, but Thou hast not delivered Mm over unto death. Thou, Lord, hast turned our mourning into joy, and our fears into songs of praise. May this Thy servant, whom Thou hast spared, love Thee more, and walk more perfectly before Thee in the land of the living. Perfect, we beseech Thee, his recovery ; and grant unto hirriy and to every one of us in this family, a due sense of Thy mercy and compassion, that henceforth we may depend on Thee more entirely for the preservation of our earthly comforts, and may consider them as Thy free gifts. We again present ourselves, with all we have and all we are, a living sacrifice to Thee for all our re- maining days. Be with us when we are passing through the valley of the shadow of death. Guard us that we may fear no evil, and bring us safe to 238 Family Wor^ship, Thine eternal kingdom and glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. FOR A SICK CHILD. OOUR Father, who hast pity on Thy servants, and she west mercy to their children, we commend to Thy fatherly kindness this suffering child. Be pleased to bless the means used for Ids restoration to health, and may he be spared to serve and to honour Thee in the land of the living, and at last be admitted to Thy heavenly kingdom and glory. Gracious Saviour, who of old didst receive little children and lay Thine hands on them and bless them, have compassion on this little one. Thou hast only to speak the word, and presently he shall be healed. We beseech Thee to rebuke the disease under which he is suffeiing, and raise him from the couch of sii^iviiess in health and strength. And, holy Spirit, who alone canst renew and sanctify, do Thou transform lii'ni into the moral and spiritual likeness of Christ, and may the work of grace now commenced in him be carried on to per- fection. Forgive all our sins, O God, we beseech Thee, and accept us for the sake of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. Family Worship. 239 ON OCCASION OF THE DEATH OF A MEMBER OF A FAMILY. ALMIGHTY GOD, unchangeable and everlast- ing, grant that we may recognize Thy pres- ence at this time, and speak to Thee as children to a father. May it please Thee to hear us, and vouch- safe to us help and succour, for Christ's sake. In Thine inscrutable providence, Thou has sent the messenger of death to our home, and removed one oi our number. We tbdiik Thee for all Thy goodness ; for that measure of grace and peace and joy which Thou wast pleased to grant to the de- parted one while here. We now seek to entertain the blessed hope that Thou hast taken him to Thy- self. Under the shadow of this sore bereavement we cry to Thee for help — we look to Thee for a renewal of grace and strength. Enable us to bow with holy resignation under Thy chastening hand, not only be- cause Thou art infinitely great, but also because Thou art full of compassion, and causest all things to work together for our good. Sanctify to us this dispensation of Thy providence. Pardon, we beseech Thee, our suspicions of Thy goodness and love. Forbid that we should refuse to be comforted, or sorrow as others who have no hjpe. From our hearts do we thank Thee that if it is written, " The wages of sin is death," it is also writ' 240 Family Worship. ten, " The gift of God is eternal life, by Jesus Christ our Lord." Grant that this void in our affections may be filled up by Christ, and may we evermore be conformed to His blessed will and image. May light arise in our darkness, and may our sorrows become joys, and our joys the foretaste and reflection of the joys of heaven. Grant that we may be weaned from the vanities of the earthly, and become more and more alive to the realities of the heavenly. Almighty God, we beseech Thee that Thouwould- est sanctify this dispensation to all our relatives and friends. Impress upon them and us, with fresh vivid- ness and power, that we dwell in houses of clay ; that in the midst of life we are in death ; and grant that we may be quickened anew, and strive more ear- nestly and faithfully in the future to be followers of those who, through faith and patience, are now "in- heriting the promises. All we ask is for Christ's sake. Amen, I' ON OCCASION OF THE DEATH OF A YOUNG PERSON. IN thine hands, Lord, our breath is, and Thine are all our ways. When Thou takest away our breath we die, and return to our kindred dust. It has pleased Thee, Lord, to take away a mem- ber of this family in early life. We desire tQ bow 4 ■. J; ■J Family Worship, 241 fill I! to Thy will, and to say, It is the Lord, let Him do as scemeth to Him good. We betake ourselves in this time of trial to the sympathy of Him who had compassion on the widow of Nain, and who wept with the sisters of Lazarus. May He pour the balm of heavenly con- solation into our sorrowing spirits. We rejoice to know that Christ is the resurrection and the life Sufter us not, therefore, to mourn for any who have fallen asleep in Jesus, but rejoice in the assurance that hereafter they shall awake to glory, honour and immortality. Sanctify to us this dispensation of Thy Provi- dence. May we be deeply impressed with the shortness and uncertaint^T- of life, and with the ne- cessity of preparing for death, judgment and eter- nity. May the young especially hear Thy voice saying to them. Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye know not, the Son of Man cometh. May all the surviving members of this family be members of the household of faith, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; and let none be wanting from among the happy company who shall meet in our Father's house in heaven. Remember in mercy all who suffer, as we do, un- der the stroke of bereavement. May they be com- forted with the same consolation with which we beseech Thee to comfort us. Pardon all our sins, and accept us for the gracious Redeemer's sake. Amen, H ;]i. 242 Family Worship, ON OCCASION OF THE DEATH OF A YOUNG CHILD. OLORD, Thou settest the solitary in families, and we thank Thee for the children Thou hast graciously given to us. We acknowledge also, Thy right to do with them, and with us, as seemeth good in Thine eyes. As, therefore, it has pleased Thee to take to Thyself our beloved little one, we desire to say with Thy servant of old, The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord. We thank Thee that we are not left to sorrow for our child as if we had no hope. We rejoice that where sin abounds, grace doth much more abound, and that for infants lost in Adam there is eternal life in Christ. We delight to remember the gracious words of Jesus, " Suffer little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." May we derive comfort from the thought, that our child has been removed from a world of sin and sorrow, to a world of holiness and joy. Lord, grant that his removal from us may be the means of weaning our hearts from the world, and leading us to live more entirely under the power of unseen realities. May we learn to be more anxious to lay up our treasure in heaven, and to train the surviving members of our family as the children of God, a»d heirs of immortality. Family Wo^'ship, 243 Lord, havo compassion on all who aro bereaved ; and by the abundant conimunications of Thy grace, shew Thyself to bo bettor to tliem than sons or daujifhters. Be a Father to the fatherless, and a Husband to the widow in Thy holy habitation, and comfort all who mourn. Forgive and accept us, through Christ Jesus, Thy Son. Ameri, ON THE OCCASION OF A BURIAL. !' I JI. ,: FATHER of Mercies and God of all comfort, Thou hast often invited us to Thyself by a profusion of kindness ; and it manifests our deprav- ity, that we think of Thee so little in the hour of ease and prosperity. But we are now before Thee in affliction and distress, yet we rejoice to know that Thou art a very present and an all-sufficient help in trouble. Thou takest away, and who can hinder Thee, or day unto Thee, what doest Thou ? Thou hast a right to do what Thou wilt with Thine own. Thou art a Sovereign, and the reasons of Thy conduct are often far above out of our sight ; but Thy work is perfect, Thy ways are judgment. All Thy dispen- sations are wise and righteous and kind — kind even when they seem to be severe. May we hear Thy voice in Thy rod^ as well ag in 244 Family Worship. Thy word, and, gathering from tho corrections with which we are exercised, tho peaceable fruits of right- eousness, be able to acknowledge with all our suf- fering brethren before us, it is good for us that we have been afflicted. Thou hast permitted death to invade our circle, and hast turned our dwelling into a house of mourn- ing. May we find that it is better to be in the house of mourning than in the house of mirth. By the sadness of the countenance may the heart bo made better, more serious to reflect, and more soft- ened to take impression. With the feelings of the creature may we blend the hopes of the Christian. May we remember that Thou hast bereaved us, not as an aggressor, but as a proprietor ; resuming what was lent us for a season, but never ceased to be Thine own. May we there- fore be dumb, and open not our mouth, because Thou hast done it ; or if we speak, may it be to ac- knowledge and say — We know, Lord, that Thy judgments are right, and that Thou in faithfulness hast afflicted us. We bless Thee for Thy goodness to the deceased. We ascribe whatever excellency was found in him to Thy grace ; and desire to be followers of him^ as far as he was of Christ. Forgive us in whatever instances we failed in our duty towards Aim. Let the prayers he offered for us while on earth be answered ; and may we enjoy with him hereafter a renewed and improved inter- I ! i ! Family Worship, 245 course, in which we shall be for ever with each other, and for ever with the Lord. And unto Him that is able to keep us from fall- ing, and to present us faultless before the presence of His glory, with exceeding joy — to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, and domin- ion, both now and forever. ATtten. ON OCCASION or THE BUEIAL OF A CHILD. OLORD, Thou art from everlasting to ever- lasting ; but we are creatures of a day. Man that is born of a woman is of a few days, and is full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down ; he fleeth also as a shadow, and con- tinueth not. It is by Thine appointment that death reigns over the sinful sons of men — even over infant children, who have not deliberately sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression. But, Lord, we adore and bless Thee that, by the resurrection of Christ Jesus. Thou hast begotten us to the hope of eternal life and blessedness beyond death and the grave ; and we thank Thee that in the heavenly mansions there is room for the young as well as the old. for infant children as well as for aged believers. May we, therefore, bow with ref^ignation to the i! J 246 er, Family Worship. stroke which has taken from us our beloved child. Believing in the promises and declarations of Thy word, we rejoice to think that our child is safe and happy in the better land. We do not ask him back ; but although he shall not return to us, orant that we, when life is closed, may go to him, and, with the whole family of the redeemed, rejoice in Thy presence. We yield to the grave the body of our departed child, in the assurance that his very dust is dear to Thee, and that when the resurrection morn shall dawn upon the world it shall be raised to life, to glory and to immortality through the power of Him who hath plucked from death its sting, and from the grave its victory. Sanctify to our souls this dispensation of Thy Providence. May we learn from it to live as strangers upon earth, to have our conversation in heaven, and to be ever looking forward with joy to the glorious appearance of Christ, when He shall come to be glorified with all His saints. Forgive our many sins, and accept us, for Christ Jesus' »ake. Amen. li if m e «f\ I ill II i I I I : 'I . m 'Hi! 11 hi I M'lir . Family Worship, 247 REFLECTIONS AND MEDITATIONS FOR SICK AND AFFLICTED PER- SONS. OTHOU most holy and righteous God, who orderest all things in heaven and in earth, and with the greatest tenderness dost hear the cries of all who put their trust in Thee, through Jesus Christ, I believe that Thou dost appoint unto me every circumstance of my condition. I desire to look through all second causes to Thee, Lord God, who makest them merely instruments to do Thy will, and execute Thy purpose respecting the children of men. Thou infinitely wise and gracious Gov- ernor of the world, often have I said. Thy will be done ; but now Thou art pleased to afflict me, I find my nature ready to shrink back, and to be fretful under the painful cross. What I have often so solemnly repeated, I am strongly tempted to unsay ; and to wish my own will, not Thine, was to be done. Make speed, O God of my salvation, and help me to deny myself, to bow down in full submission to Thy appointment. Bring powerfully to my remembrance, I beseech Thee, what my mouth hath so often de- clared in Thy presence, that I have deserved all the plagues written in the book of the law ; and that it is mere mercy and rich grace which have kept me 248 Family Worship. from the wages due to my sin — from weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Whilst Thou art therefore smiting rae, Thou righteous Judge of all the earth, give me an heart unfeignedly to adore Thy mercy, that, instead of the scourge with which I am now afflicted for my profit. Thou hast not long since given a commission to the hand of vengeance to do all its dreadful work upon me. Fill my soul with a perfect acquiescence under this affliction, by convincing me that Thou, and Thou alone, knowest what kind of correction I need. And in the midst of my troubles, let thy comforts, Lord, refresh my heart, and relieve the pains and weariness of nature. Well do I know that dark as this night of affliction seems, if Thou sayest. Let there be light, there shall be light. O let me patiently wait and quietly hope till that time come. Let me be much more concerned to have my affliction sanctified than removed. Num- ber me, Lord, amongst the happy persons v-hom, whilst Thou chastenest. Thou teachcst out of Thy law. Teach my soi 1 to receive every trouble as a call to cense from expecting anything from the creature, ah 1 to be preparing for that hour which shall put an nd to all the sorrows of the righteous, and give them an entrance into the everlasting Kingdom through the blood of the Lamb. Lord, hear ; Lord, perform and do ; defer not, I beseech Thee, lest my spirit fail before Thee, and my flesh which Thou hast made. Amen, Family Worship. 249 II. II 'i I' ! I . ■!! fJ ' O ALMIGHTY GOD, merciful and gracious,who, in Thy justice, didst send sorrow and tears, sickness and death into the world, as a punishment for man's sins, and hast comprehended all under sin; as Thou hast turned my sins into sickness, so turn my sickness to the interests of holiness and religion; of mercy and pardon ; of faith and hope ; of grace and gJory. Relieve my sorrow and support my spirit. Direct my thoughts, that I may behave myself as a son under discipline, humbly and obe- diently ; that I may come by this means nearer to Thee ; that if I go forth of this sickness by the gate of life and health, I may return to the world, to run a new race of stricter holiness : or, if I pass from hence by the gate of death, I may enter into the bosom of my Lord, and partake of the pleasures in which all Thy Saints shall be comprehended to eternal ages. Grant this for Jesus Christ's sake. I III. OLORD, Thou art the God of my life, and hast the keys of death in Thy hand. Thou hast measured the length of my life, and appointed the II! I T 250 Family Worship, the hour of my death. The number of my months is with Thee, and Thou hast appointed the bounds over which I cannot pass. What is my life but a vapour that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away ! Oh, that I may be suitably exercised in my present weak and dying condition ! When my flesh faileth, and my heart fainteth within me, may God be the strength of my heart and my portion for ever. What shall I say to Thee, Thou Preserver of men ! I will say. Lord, be merciful to me ; heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee. I acknowledge that, through an evil heart of unbelief, I have many a time departed from the living God. But with Thee there is mercy, that Thou mayest be feared, and with Thy Son there is plenteous redemption ; wherefore, for His sake, be pleased to forgive me all my transgressions. Lord, forgive all the follies of my childhood, the extravagances of my youth, and the iniquities of my riper years. Lord, strengthen my faith and hope, so that nei- ther the sweetness of life, nor the pain of death, nor apprehensions of my future state, may make me unwilling to die. Be Thou my refuge and my strength ; and then I will not fear, though the waters of affliction rage and be troubled. In the valley of the shadow of death be Thou present, as the good Shepherd, with Thy guiding rod and supporting staff. Carry me safely through the dark passage upon which I am entering, and let me find it a gate i i ! I 1 ' ;i i;; i lii! III ;i '• ■' Famili/ Woi'ship. 251 to glory — a door opened into the everlasting king- dom and joy of the Lord. Lord Jesus, receive my spirit, and let it be presented justified «nnd spotless to the Father, that it may come to the spirits of the just made perfect, and join with them in singing the new song : Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, and hath redeemed us to God by His blood, to receive power, honour, glory, and blessing for ever. Amen. IV. ALMIGHTY GOD, my only help in trouble, look with pity and compassion upon me, now under Thy afilicting hand. Be Thou my stay and confidence under all my sorrows and afilictions, and suffer me not to sink under the weight of them through any dejection or faintness of spirit. Give me such an entire trust and confidence in Thy mercy through the merits of my dear Redeemer, that I may cast all my care upon Thee, and with cheerfulness commit myself into Thy hands, assuredly believing that all things shall work together for good to them that love Thee ; and, Lord, grant that I may be found such a one as through Thy great mercy may be entitled to the benefit of Thy gracious promises. Make me willing and ready to yield to Thy wis- dom, and to prefer Thy will to my own ; to be con- 252 Family Worship, tented to bear what Thou pleasest, and to be eased of mj' burden in Thy time, which is always best. But, Lord, however Thou art j)lea.sed to deal with my body, yet spare my soul, I beseech Thee, and deliver it from the pains of eternal death. Take me not out of this world till Thou art re- conciled to me and hast fitted me in some measure for Thy heavenly kingdom. Grant, Lord, that whether I live, I may live unto Thee, or whether I die, I may die unto Thee ; so that living or dying, I maybe Thine, through Jesus Christ, my ever-blessed Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. V. fT"^RAVELLERS who have met with many storms 1 troubles and dangers in their journeys, rejoice when they come near their own country ; and shall not I, a stranger and pilgrim, that have been long wandering in a wilderness, be glad when I come near my blessed home, my dear friends, and my eternal habitation ? What though Death be the king of terrors, is not Christ the king of comforts ? O Lord, deliver my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. Bring me out of the miry clay, set my feet upon a rock, and establish my goings, and put a new song in my mouth, even praises to God, m 'H lib Famili/ Worship. 253 If Jacob went down so cheerfully to Kgypt, when God said to him, "Fear not to go down, for I will go down with thee, and I will bring thee up again," why should a believer fear to go down to the grave, when God hath undertaken to go down with him thither and to bring him up again ? Have 1 such great and precious promises left me, and shall I not live and feed upon them in the time of ray need ? Thou hast said, " Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart." Surely God's seed shall not lie always under the clods : the time is at hand when it shall spring, and joyful will the crop be at last. Oh, that, like David in aftiiction, I could encourage myself in the Lord my God and say " The Lord liveth ; blessed be my rock." Why should I droop while my Lord liveth and my rock standeth, and my Redeemer Himself hath said, " Fear not ; I am the first and the last ; I am He that liveth and was dead ; and behold I am alive for evermore 1" When my soul is cast down within me, let me re- member God from the land of Jordan and the h'^l Mizar, that I may reason myself out of all my fears and discouragements ; for the Lord will yet com- mand liis loving-kindness in the day-time, and in the night His song shall be with me, and my prayer to the God of my life. Why, then, art thou cast down, my soul, and why art thou disquieted with- in me ? Hope in God ; for I shall yet praise Him who is the health of my countenance and my God. Now when death is at hand, let not my Saviour 254 Family Worship, bo far off. May Ho who remembered the dying thief and spoke comfortably to him, remember me now that He is seated in His kingdom, and say to my soul, " This day shalt thou be with me in Para- dise." Let me now depart that I may bo with Christ : yea, be for ever with the Lord ; that I may see His face. Let me dwell there where they need no candle or light of the sun, where God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying. Father, into Thy hands I commit my spirit. By the hands of Him who hath redeemed it, let it be presented to Thee without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing. Amen, VI. OLORD, who scourgest every son whom Thou receivest, let me not be weary of Thy cor- rection. Give me such a perfect submission to Thee, the Father of spirits, that this chastisement may be for my profit, that I may thereby be made a partaker of Thy holiness. 1 confess, O Lord, that I have deserved much greater punishments than I now feel. Make me cheerfully and thankfully to bear my present pains ; chasten me as Thou seest fitting ; do with me what Thou pleasest here, so I may not be condemned in the world hereafter. ,l! Family Worship, 255 Lord Jesus, who didst firat suffer many and griev- ous things, and didst then enter into Thy glory, make me to suflfbr with Thee, that I may also be glorified with Thee. Blessed f^igh Priest, who art able to save to the uttermost them who come to God by Thee, save me, I beseech Thee, who have no hopes but in Thy merits and intercession. Suffer not my soul, which Thou hast purchased with Thine own blood, to perish, but say unto me, I am Thy salvation. Take me, God, where I shall ever behold Thy face and follow the Lamb whithersoever He goetL Into Thy hands I commend my spirit, for Thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of ^ruth. In Thee have I trusted, let me never be put to shame. Amen, vn. . f .:* THE Lord is pleased sometimes to cast men down on beds of sickness, and draw the curtain betwixt the world and them, that they might take a view of their past life and future state. Now it is time for me to look into my soul, and examine my state. Have I aimed at God's honour in all my actions, civil, natural, and religious ? Doth the love of Christ keep me back from sin, more than the law, or fear of hell 1 Am 1 humble, and denied to my 256 Family Worship. own will, credit, ease, and honour, and to all the enjoyments of the world ? Am I acquainted with the throne of grace, and desirous to keep up a constant correspondence with it ? Let mo not rest till I perceive those things in my soul which accom- pany salvation. How comfortable would it be to me now if I could say, with good Hezekiah in his sickness — Remember, Lord, how I have walked before Thee in truth, and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight ! Oh that I could pray, and say, like Jesus, my Saviour, when in the view of death — Father, I have glorified Thee on earth ; I have finished the work which Thou gavest me to do. And now, Father, glorify me with Thine own self, with the glory which Thou hast ordained for me before the world was. Alas ! Lord, I must confess that my iniquities have gone up above mine head ; my misspent time, my unfruitfulness under the means of grace, my neglect of ordinances, make me to cry out — Woe is me for the leanness of my soul, and the barrenness of my heart. But my relief is in my surety's right- eousness. How suitable is He to my soul's case ! I have indeed a multitude of sins, but He hath a multitude of mercies; I have deep and heinous guilt, but He hath a deep fountain for washing it out ; I am sold under sin, bat He hath a ransom to buy me back again ; my wound is great, but His balm is excellent. Surely it is my wisdom to go to I '! ! ' i I Family fVorship, 257 Christ with all my grievances, and always to lie ami cry at my Redeemer's feet. I know, Lord, that no unclean thing can enter into Thy kingdom, and Thou seest that I am nothing but pollution ; yea, my very righteousness is filthy rags. Oh, wash me, and make me white in the blood of the Lamb. Take me from the tents of Kedar, to the mansions of light and purity. When my earthly house of this tabernacle is dissolved, let me have a building of God — an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Bring my soul out of prison, that I may eternally give thanks to Thy name. Amen, VIIL FEW and evil have the days of the years of my life been, and have not attained unto the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage. But I have AVJiited for Thy salvation, O God. Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth ? Are not his days also like the days of an hireling 'i Man dieth and wasteth away ; yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he ? I know that my Re- deemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth ; and though after my death worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall T sr( •268 Family Worship, God : whom I shall seo for myself, and not another ; though my reins be consumed within me. O Lord, rebuke me not in Thine anger, neither chasten me in Thy hot displeasure. Return, Lord, deliver my sold ; O save me for Thy mercies' sake. Preserve me, God, for in Thee do I put my truit. Thou wilt show mo the path of life ; in Thy presence is fidness of joy ; at Thy right hand there are plea- sures for evermore. I will behold Thy face in right- eousness. I shall be satisfied when 1 awake with Thy likeness. In the time of trouble Thou wilt hide me in Thy pavilion. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil ; for Thou art with me ; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life ; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. All the day long have I been plagued, and chas- tened every morning. Nevertheless, I am continually with Thee. Thou hast holden me by my right hand. Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel, and after- ward receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but Thee 1 and there is none upon earth that I de- sire beside Thee. My flesh and my heart faileth ; but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. I am troubled on every side, yet not distressed ; perplexed, but n^t in despair ; always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the Family Worship, 259 life also of Jesus might be made manifest in my body. To me tt live is Christ, and to die is gain. I ki>ow whom I have believed, and am j)ersuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day ; and not to me only, but unto all them that love His ap- pearing. death, where is thy sting ? O grave, where is thy victory ? The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thankii be to God, who giveth me the victory through my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen, 259 PRIVATE PRAYERS. and I. BEFORE READING THE SCRIPTURES. I THANK Thee, God, for Thy word, which Thou hast given to be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path, and for the promised guidance of Thy Holy Spirit. Open my eyes, i beseech Thee, to behold the wondrous things contained in Th}' law. I am a stranger and pilgrim on earth ; hide not Thy commandments from me. In reading, at this time, a portion of Thy word, may I obtain clearer views of Thy glorious perfections, of the excellency of Christ, of the way of salvation, of the path of duty, of my own character, and of the realities of the eternal world. Help me also to retain in my memory the truths of Thy word, that I may be guided by its precepts, animated by its promises, and sanctified by all its teachings. At every fresh per- usal of it may I, through the illumination of Thy Spirit, obtain a deeper insight into its meaning ; and now especially may I see more of its hidden trea- sures, and let me never cease to esteem Thy word as Family Worship, 261 more precious than gold, and sweeter to inj^ taste than honey. Let Thy precepts be my delight, and Thy statutes be my songs in the house of my pilgrimage. Forgive and accept me for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. IL \ :l FOR REPENTANCE. OGOD, Thou hast revealed Thy wrath from heaven against all ungodliness and unright- eousness of men, and hant declared that except they repent they shall all perish ; but hast assured them of pardon upon their repentance. Thou seest that my heart is harden«jd through the deceitfnlness of sin; and that it must fur ever remain obdii/flie, \f Thou do not soften it by Thy grace. I beseech Thee, therefore, to give me true repentance ; that repc^nt- ance which is never to be repented of; that broken- ness of heart, and that deep contrition, which Thou wilt not despise. Turn Thou untc me, Lord, and so shall I be turned ; renew me in the spirit of my mind, that I may bring forth fruits meet for repent- ance, not only confessing and bewailing my sins, but also hating and forsaking them. Lot me henceforth walk with all possible care and circumspection, and make it the great business of my life to keep myself »■ •] 202 Family Worship. () in Thy fear and love. Let the past time suffice t have wrought my own will ; henceforth let me have ^race to forsake all evil ways and evil thoughts. Have mercy upon me, and abundantly pardon all my multiplied transgressions. Hear me, God, and answer me, through the infinite lidiths of Tliy grace and goodness in Christ Jesus, my only Saviour. Amen. in. FOR FAITH AND TRUST IN GOD. WITHOUT faith it is impossible to please Thee, O God; and therefore I come to Thee to beg of Thee that fixith which is Thy gift. Lord, help my unbelief, and increase my faith. Whatever Thou hast revealed, let me take it upon the credit of Thy word ; and where I have Thy pro- mise, let me not stagger through unbeli(^f, I nit fully persuade myself that it shall be as Thou linst snid. Enrich my soul with such a faith as may purify my licart, and influence my whole life ; such a faith as may enable me to give myself to Christ Jesus fis my Lord, that being ruled andsanctiiied by Him in this life, I may bo for ever saved and glorified by Him in the life that is to come. Give me that effectual faith that shall work by love ; which shall enable me to ! i : 1 II fli 1 i' Family Worship, 263 overcome the world, and fix my attention on those glorious things which are unseen and eternal. In my greatest darkness and distress let me trust in the name of the Lord, and stay myself upon my God. Though I am not immediately answered in the wishes of my heart, let me tarry and patiently wait for the salvation of the Lord, and have my eyes upon the Lord my God, till He have mercy upon me. Yea, make me so sound and strong in the faith, that it may never fail ; but be found to praise and honour and glory in every time of trial, and at the great appearing of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen, IV. FOR PERSEVERANCE. ETERNAL GOD, with whom is everlasting strength ! Thou art able to keep me from falling, and to perform the good work begun in me till the day of Jesus Christ. Thou knowest how frail and v;eak I am ; how wavering, and bent to backsliding ; how apt to decline and fall. Have pity on my infirraities, and strengthen me in my weaki?.ess. Preserve me from tho danger o^ apt.us- tacy, and keep me that I fall not awf^y fyoiii -.,'■.] ^ good boginnmgs to wliich Thy grace h^se Gv •* vf'?-. V •«> 264 Family Worship, brought mc ; and put Thy fear in my heart, that I may not depart from Thee. Make me so firmly Thine, that nothing which befalls me in the world may ever separate betwixt Thee and my soul, or turn me from the way of life. Thou hfi fit been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, God of my salvation : but hold me up, and I shall be safe, and shall have respect to Thy statutes continually. Strengthen, stablish, settle me : and as I too often renew my sins, Lord, renew me to repentance. Though I fall, let me not bo ut- terly cast down, but uphold me with Thine Al- mighty hand, and keep me by Thy power through faith unto salvation. Make me faithful unto death, that Thou mayst give me the Crown of life. Make me so to endure unto the end that I may be saved. and receive the glorious consummation of all my hopes, even that blessed end of my faith, the eter- nal salvation of my soul. Araen, •I 5 -' V. FOR GRACE TO KEEP THE COMMAND- MENTS. I PRAY, God, for an evangelical outset in en- tering upon Thy service, that it may be the service of affection and not of constraint, and that I may go forth in tho peace of those who love Thy law. Thy comma i\drnent, O Lord, is exceeding R \ MWlfflliHlillWlllilm' I i ' f , 4, !.'i Family Worship. 265 broad ; O incline and strengthen me in the v ork of keeping it. Save me from the love of the civ ature more than the Creator. May I think of Thee by the word and not mine own imagination ! May I hallow Thy name ; may T delight in Thy Sabbaths ; may I honour my superiors — not speaking evil of dignities ; and do Thou forgive the impatience I felt with my parents. Save me from the feeling of hatred to- wards any living creature. May I be faithful even in the things which are least ; and give me to be as scrupulously honourable in words as in actions. Finally, may I be content with such things as I have ; and free me more especially from the covet- ousness that would trench on the possessions or the rights of other men. O put these laws in my heart, and write them in my mind ; transfer them from the place they once held on tablets of stone to the fleshy tablets of my inner man, that it may prove no longer the ministration of death, but unto me the minis- tration of righteousness ; and that the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus might make me free from the law of sin and death. Amen. VI. FOR PURITY OF HEART AND CONVERSA- TION. ALMIGHTY GOD, give me grace that I may never follow the inclinations of corrupted 265 206 Family Worship. nature, nor govern myself according to the maxims of an evil world. O Holy S[)irit of Grace, sanctify my heart, that no base or impure thoughts, no mean and covetous affections, may lodge there. Govern my tongue, that no corrupt communications may proceed out of my mouth. Guard my eyes, purify my hands, guide my feet. Lord Jesus Christ, without whom I can do nothing, be Thou my Advo- cate with God, as well as my example, that 1 may live and be as Thou wouldst have me. Amen. if ! VII. FOR A FORGIVING DISPOSITION. OGOD, who alone canst order the unruly wills and affections of sinful men, show mercy to Thy servant in constraining my corrupt nature to be obedient to Thy commands. God, who hast made it iny everlasting interest, as well as my duty, to forgive my neighbour whatever wrong he has done me, help mo to overcome all the difficulties I have to struggle with, all i)ride, projudir^!, and desire of rendc^ring evil iuv evil, tlint 1 may not deprive my soul of that mercy which Thine infinite goodness has offered to sinners. Uam^A God, help me in this great concern that I may never fall under Thy wrath for want of sliowing meicy t^> others; but 'Ill Family Worshij). 267 grant, O blessed Jesus, that in this I may be Thy disci])le indeed, jimen. l IH ••n'r VIII. FOR SPIRITUAL ENLARGEMENT. OGOD, pour on me the Spirit of grace and sup- plication. Give me more and more to feel its necessity, and to have experience of its power. Send me a token of encouragement from Thy sanc- tuary, and let me have the precious, the sublime satisfaction of knowing that there is the reality of a living interchange between God and my soul. Above all, my Father in heaven, give me the saving and spiritual manifestation of the truth as it is :n Jesus. Admit me into a felt and actual fellowship with the Father and with the Son. Quicken me by Thy Spirit from this stale of depression and of dead- n«s8. Enlarge me, Lord, so that I may break forth and beyond the limits by which I now feel myaeif so straitened and confined. Enlighten the darkness of my understanding, that I may know what it is to ia-ve the spiritual understanding of Thyself, and of Thy Scriptures, to have the spirit nf revdatioit and of wisdom in the khuw ledge of Johuh Qhr'mi, Aw^in 207 268 Family Worship, i IX. FOR PREPARATION AND READINESS TO DIE. LORD, what is my life but a vapour, that ap- pears for a little time, and then vanishes away ! Even at the longest, how short! and at the strongest, how frail ! Yet how have I lived in this world as if I should never leave it ! How unmindful of my end ! How improvident of my time ! How careless of my soul ! But, O Father of mercies, remem- ber not my sins against me ; but remember Thine own tender mercies and Thy loving-kindnesses, which have been ever of old. remember how short my time is, and spare me that I may recover strength before I go hence to be no more seen. In the days of health and prosperity may I re- member and provide for the time of trouble, and sick- ness, and death. I^et me never allow myself in any course of living wherein I would be loath or afraid to die. But let me see my corruptions mortified and sub- dued, that thoy may not rise up in judgment against me. Assist me in my preparation for my dying hour. Lord, make me so ready to meet Thee at Thy coming, that Tl»lliuHp[K«ararH]« may be the matter of my fiopoR, and desires, and joyful expectations. Help me Hn U) live as, at the bour uH «leath, I shall wish T had lived f nuii hu iA) tmki' mnly for death all my days that, at ui^ hmi day, J may havti nothing todr; Family Worship, 260 but to die, and cheerfully to resign my spirit into Tliy gracious hands. O, my Father, hoar and answer my humhle petitions, and let me find a mnciful admis- sion to Thy favour and Thy kingdom, for the sake of my only Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. hi X. THE WIDOW'S PRAYER. OLORD, it has pleased Thee to take from me the desire of my eyes, the companion of my life, the dearest of my earthly friends. Thou hast laid Thy hand very heavily upon me, and f am tempted to say — the Almighty hath denlt very bit- terly with me. But I know that all Thy deal- ings are just and right, and I desire, therefore, to bow in submission to Thy will ; and as Thou hast revealed Thyself as the Father of the fatherless and the Judge of the widow, so I repair to Thee for strength and comfort. that my Maker may be my husband. Shield me, O God, by Thy power, guide me by Thy wisdom, sustain me by Thy gracC; and supply all my wants out of the stores of Thine exhaustless fulness. To Thy fatherly kindness 1 com- mend the children Thou hast given me. Enable me to train them aright. Put Thy fear into their hearts ; write Thy laws upon their minds; preserve them 270 Family Worship. from the snares to which their youth and inexperi- ence are exposed. May they serve the God of their fathers with a j)erfect lioarb and a willing mind. Be Thou their instructor and their stay. Make them faithful and useful in their day and generation. Give each of them a title to the heavenly inherit- ance, and at last an abundant entrance into Thy kingdom and glory. On Thee I cast all my cares, believing that Thou carest for me. Lord be gracious to me, pardon, accept, and bless me, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. ^, .o.;^'^^ $%. <? ^? /i >>», # i^ '^J'V-T c? / IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I I ,« ||,2£ 1.8 1.25 !l| I \A. mil 1-6 ^ <?i ^ /^A' " ^^^% #/ s. 1. ss fV 4^ <> ^ ^^ V 'W rv o^ >^ Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 877-4503 ! DIRECTIONS TO THE FRIENDS OF SICK AND AFFLICTED PERSONS. VISITING of the sick Is the duty not only of the ministers of Christ, but likewise of all the members of Christ; for we are all enjoined to remember them that are in adversity, and to sympa- thize with the afflicted, as being ourselves also in the body. "To him that is afflicted pity should be shown by his friends,'^ saith Job. And our Lord gives it as a character of those whom he will own and ac([uit at the last day-" I was sick and ye visited me." And as it is our duty, so it is our interest and advantage to visit the sick. The wise man tells us, " It is better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of feasting." We may hereby be instructed to prize health ; to mind our own frailty; to see what a bit- ter thing sin is, the cause of suffering ; and to ob- serve how happy the man is that has an interest in Christ, the peace of a good conscience, and a well grounded hope of heaven. Let the friends of the sick, and those who visit them, deal faithfully with them about their souls ; and in order thereto let them observe the following advices. 272 Family Worship. Labour to know the sick man's condition. The knowledge of the disease is previously requisite to the cure, as the mistake of a physician about a man's disease may be as dangerous as the disease itself so here it is highly dangerous to mistake the case of the sick man's soul ; for then promises may be administered where threatenings are more proper. II. Beware of flattering the sick with vain hopes of life, when he is more likely to die ; lest he be there- by tempted to delay or slacken his preparation for another world. It is fit that plainness be used with respect to this danger, that he may be quick- ened to his work. III. The sick person is to be admonished and told that sickness comes not by chance nor by second causes merely, but by the wise direction, and special providence of God ; that sometimes God smites out of displeasure for sin, and for the sinner's correction and amendment ; and sometimes for the trial and exercise of his people's graces ; that the sharpest af- flictions work together for good to them that love p Family Worsh ip. 273 God, and are tightly exercised under God's hand ; and that it is a great mercy to a sinner when God by his rod gives hiui warning and space to repent and flee to the blood of sprinkling, and to cry to God for pardon. IV. If the sick 'person is ignorant, he is to be instructed in the principles of religion, especially concerning faith and repentance and the method of salvation through Christ. It may be proper to demand an- swers to such questions as these : — Do you believe in God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one God in three persons ? Do you believe that Jesus Christ, who died on the cross, and rose from the dead, is the only Saviour of sinners ? Are you sensible that you are a lost sinner by Adam's fall ; and besides, that you are guilty of innumerable actual sins; and that for these you deserve God's wrath, both in this life, and in that which is to come ? Are you truly grieved and sorry for breaking God's law ; and would you do as you have done, or live otherwise, had you your life to live again ? Are you desirous from your heart to be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, the blessed peace-maker ? Do you heartily approve of the Gospel method of reconciliation, by the righteousness, and sacrifice ofiered by the Lord Jesus Christ, as your surety, in your name and stead ? 274 Family Worship, Do you renounce all confidence in any other, and put yonr whole trust and confidence in Christ, and the merits of His death and blood ? Do you desire to be wholly renewed and sanctified by virtue of Christ's blood, and to show forth the reality of your faith by good works, and a holy life, for the time you have to live in the world ? V. If the sick person has endeavoured to walk up- rightly, hut is at present discouraged on account of the guilt of sin, fear of death or the like ; then suit- able counsels are to be tendered. He may be told that sharp trials are not inconsistent with divine love, and are frequently a sign of it. It is proper, also, to set before him the freeness and fulness of God's grace, the sufficiency of righteousness in Christ, and His rich and gracious offers in the Gospel ; and that believers in Christ are assured of victory over Satan, death, and all their enemies, because Christ, their head, hath by His cross conquered the devil, taken the sting from death, triumphed over the grave, and obtained victory for all His members. VI. If a sick man is so tempted and troubled in con- science that he is in hazard of despairing of God's Family Worship, 275 mercy, it is necessary to inform him of the greatness and injiniteness of m^rcy — that the most notorious sinners have been pardoned and saved by it, and that it is still offered in the Gospel to the vilest of sin- ners ; and that the sins of a man can never hinder God from loving his soul, and forgiving him when he sincerely desires to repent and believe ; to lay be- fore him, also, the infinite virtue of Christ's blood ; and to put him in mind of the willingness and readi- ness of the Redeemer to receive all sinners that come to Him : and that it is the greatest dishonour to God to despair of His mercy. vn. Let the friends of the sick read to them such por- tions of the Holy Scriptures as the last three chap- ters of Genesis ; the last chapter of Deuteronomy ; the 17th chapter of the First Book of Kings ; the 2nd chapter of the Second Book of Kings ; the 14th and 19th chapters of Job ; the 6th, 23rd, 25th, 30th, 38th, 41s:., 42nd, 49th, 51st, 71st, 73rd, 77th, 88th, 89th, 90th, lOSrd, 116th, 118th, 130th, 142nd, 144th Psalms ; the 12th chapter of Ecclesiastes ; the 30th, 53rd, 54th and 55th chapters of Isaiah ; the last three chapters of Luke ; the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 20th chapters of John ; the 8th chapter of Ro- mans ; the 15th chapter of First Corinthians ; the 5th chapter of Second Corinthians ; the 4th of First 276 Family Worship. Thessalonians ; the 11th and 12th of Hebrews ; and the last three chapters of the Revelation. VIIL Let the friends of the sick jtray with them, and fo' them. Frequently sick persons are so disquieted with pain and trouble, that they are not well able to pray for themselves, and therefore they have more need of the prayers of others. Never did they need our prayers so much as when they are called to enter upon an unchangeable condition. Now they are in the land of prayer, and it is now or ne- ver that prayer is to be made for them. If the sick person be a stranger to Christ, his friends should cry to God to open his eyes, to save him from the pit out of which there is no redemption, and to grant him pardon and holiness through Christ Jesus. If the sick person be a child of God, his friends may pray — Lord, behold he whom Thou lovest is sick. Lord pity him, comfort him; abate his distemper, and relieve him from it, if it be Thy will ; if not, grant him Thy gracious presence and safe comfort through the Jordan of death, and a happy landing in the Canaan of glory. MISCELLANEOUS PRAYEES. I. i: it I ».: FOR THE MINISTERS OF CHRIST. OLORD JESUS CHRIST, the Chief Shep- herd and Bishop of our souls, who, when Thou didst ascend on high, and lead captivity cap- tive, didst give gifts to men — some apostles, some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers ; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ — we beseech Thee graciously to look upon all whom Thou dost call to minister Thy gos- pel, and pour upon them Thy abundant blessing. Greatly enrich them with spiritual gifts and endow- ments, according to Thine infinite fulness and the multiplied wants of Thy Church. Raise up sons of thunder to awaken the careless; sons of consolation, to comfort the mourners ; eloquent men, to convince mightily the ignorant ; good men, full of the Holy Ghost, that much j^eople may be added to the Lord ; faithful men, like Timothy, naturally caring for the state of their people ; and devout men, like Epa- r 27 H Family WorsMp. phras, always labouring fervently for them in prayer. And, Lord, uphold Thy ministers, and strengthen them, that their faith fail not. Make them wise to win souls. Endue their words with heavenly power ; let them be like fire, burning away the dross, and like the dew, strengthening, reviving, and refreshing the hearts of Thy people. Send them help from Thy sanctuary, and strengthen them out of Zion ; so that Thy word may have free course and be glo- rified in all the earth. Hear us for Thy name's sake. Amen. II. BEFORE A MISSIONARY MEETING. OLORD, we thank Thee for the written rev- elation of Thy holy will. We bless Thee for sending Thy Son to redeem us by His death. We rejoice that He ever liveth to make intercession for us. Through the merits of His atonement may our sins be forgiven, and through His mediation may our prayers be heard and answered. Send Thy Holy Spirit to bear witness with our spirit that we are Thy children, and enable us to walk all the day long in the light of Thy countenance. God, we pray for the whole world. O Thou who wouldest have all men to be saved, and come to Family Worship. 279 I the knowledge of the truth, we Lloss Thee for Thy love. Thou hast sent Thy Son to bo the Saviour of the world, and committed to Thy servants the minis- try of reconciliation, that they should go into all the world, and preach to every creature that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. Lord of the harvest, raise up and send forth labourers into Thy vineyard ; and let all nations hear of the won- derful works of God. We pray for all who are gone far hence to the Gentiles. Preserve them in health. Keep them from sin. Fit them for the discharge of every duty, and make them eminently successful in all their la- bours. May idolatry and superstition yield to the light of Thy truth, and the knowledge of God fill the earth. And in Thy gi-eat mercy watch over and bless all who in distant lands, by the preaching of the gospel, have been turned from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God. Pour out I'hy Spirit upon them; may they be filled with the fruits of righteousness, and may their numbers be increased. May Thy blessing rest on all societies united for the furtherance of Christ's gospel. May their ope- rations be guided by the wisdom that is from above, and may they be instrumental in spreading through the world the knowledge of the Lord Jesus. We pray for Thy gracious presence in the Missionary meeting we expect to attend. May they who speak be enabled so to speak that the hearers shall be 280 Family Worship, profited, t-ho interests of true religion promoted, and Thy holy name glorified. While we hear of the wants of others, make us in- creasingly thankful for the mercies which we, by Thy goodness, possess ; and while we hear of the wonder- ful things which Thou doest in distant lands, lead us to seek Thee, that Thou mayest work in our souls all the good pleasure of Thy goodness, and crown the work of faith with power. Make us faithful in the improvement of the talents entinisted to us, that at the last, when they shall come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and sit down in the kingdom of God, we may not ourselves be cast out. Save us while we live, and receive us when we die, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen. III. FOR UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES. OLORD, hear our supplications unto Thee in behalf of all universities, colleges, and semi- naries of sound and useful learning. Bless especially those who are there preparing to be ministers and missionaries, or to occupy important stations of trust in the service of their country. We humbly beseech Thee, very graciously to pour out Thy Spirit upon Family iVorslnp. 281 all teachers and professors of tlieso institutions, and on all engaged in instruction. O grant sucli a large measure of Thy grace to all connected with the col- leges of our land, that there may continually go forth from them, not only men qualified to serve their country, but also able ministers of the New Testament, taught by Thy Si)irit, and made faithful stewards of the mysteries of Christ. Amen. IV. FOR A REVIVAL OF RELIGION. WE beseech Thee, God, to revive Thine own work in the midst of the days. We lament that among Thy professing people, apathy and indifference so largely prevail — that so many have merely a name to live, but are in reality dead. Hast Thou not promised, O God, to pour out Thy Spirit upon all flesh, and to refresh Thine heri- tage as with a plenteous rain ? "Wilt Thou not, then, send forth Thy Spirit to enlighten the ignorant, to quicken the dead, and to awaken those who are at ease in Zion ? We rejoice to remember that on the day of Pentecost Thou didst send Thy Spirit to give efficacy to the preaching of the Gospel ; and we know that Thou art still mighty to save, and that Thy Spirit is not straitened. Let Thy S^ .iit now 282 Family Worship. descend upon the congregations of Thy people, like rain upon the mown grass, and like showers that water the earth. May the careless be aroused, the prayerless be constrained in tlie ngony of conscious guilt to cry — Whatniust wedo to be saved? and may they be enabled to look by faith to the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom alone salvation can be found. May those, also, who have in some measure tasted of Thy goodness, be stirred up to gi-eater measures of zeal and diligence in the divine life. Make them more fervent in spirit, more earnest in prayer, more labo- rious in their efforts towards the extension of Thy Kingdom, and the salvation of perishing sinners. Thus mav Zion arise, shake the dust from her neck, and put on her beautiful garments; and may her righteousness go forth like brightness, and her salva- tion like a lamp that burneth. Hear and answer, for the gracious Redeemer's sake. Amdn. V. FOR PERSONS DEJECTED IN SPIRIT. OTHOU who inhabitest the praises of eternity, and dwellest also with those who are of an humble and contrite spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and the heart of the contrite ones, wo ^(^inninnd to Tloc tlioso w1ir)so ,sr)ji],s ,ii'c cast down crsi Family Worship. 283 1 I :| \(% III! and disquieted within them. Give them songs for sighing, and tvrn their darkness into light. Give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garments of praise for the spirit of heavi- ness. So restoie to them the joy of Thy salvation, that they may be enabled to say — although Thou wast angry with us, yet Thine anger is turned away, and now Thou comfortest us ; behold God is become oui* salvation ; v?e will trust, and not be afraid. We rejoice to know that Christ Jesus has been anointed to preach good tidings to the meek, and bind up the broken-hearted. May He say to the disquieted in soul — Be of good cheer ; and grant to them the peace that passeth all understanding, and the joy which is unspeakable and full of glory. And grant, Lord, thatnot only may the disquieted in soul be brought up out of the deep pit, and have a new song put into their m.ouths ; but may they hence- forth be permitted to walk in the light of Thy coun- tenance, in their journey through life, and finally may they be admitted into the better land where God shall wipe away all tears from every eye. Arrun, m 284 Family Wc^skip, VI. FOR PERSONS DISEASED IN MIND. OGOD, who hast taught us in Thy holy word that there is a spirit in man, and that it is Thy inspiration which giveth understanding, we praise Thee, not only for that measure of bodily health which we enjoy, but that we are now permitted to come to Thee in our right mind. We desire to re- member before Thee all who are suffering from men- tal unsoundness. Pity and relieve them, God ; and while, by reason of disease, they are unable to help and preserve themselves, in the greatness of Thy mercy be Thou, the Lord God, their keeper and pre- server. Preserve them from all danger, and suffer them not to do themselves any harm. O, Lord Jesus Christ, who in the days of Thy humiliation didst show great compassion to those who were diseased in mind, and didst often exert Thy power for their deliverance, put forth now Thy wonder-working hand, and restore to their right mind those in whom reason has been dethroned. May they again dis- charge the duties of life, enjoy the comforts of friendship, and engage in the exercises of Thy wor- ship and service. And while disease continues, may theSun of Righteousness shed some beams of light and peace across the gloom and distraction by which they are surrounded and oppressed, and may this heavy calamity be so sanctified by Thy grace, that by means r Family Worship. 285 of it their hearts may be made better. We i)ray that we ourselves may be deeply impressed with a sense of our entire dependence on Thy will. Thou hast granted us life and favour, and Thy visitation hath preserved our spirits. May we glorify Thee with our bodies and spirits, which are Thine. We beseech Thee to hear us, God, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. VII. lii FOR PRISONERS. WE adore Thy goodness, God, in the insti- tution of civil government ; and we give Thee thanks for the righteous administration of holy laws, by which our life and property are protected from blood-thirsty and wicked men. We praise Thee that though it is right that the Magistrate should not bear the sword in vain, but that crime should be punished ; yet even those who have ren- dered themselves the outcasts of society, if they seek Thee with a contrite spirit, may find forgiveness of all their sins, through the precious blood of Christ our Redeemer. Have mercy upon all imprisoned for their evil doings. Give them grace in the day of adversity to consider their ways ; may they hum- ble themselves under Thy mighty hand, and may the 286 Family [V or ship. valley of trouble be to them as the door of hope. If any suffer wrongfully, help them to trust in Thy un- failing wisdom and truth ; and when it shall seem good to Thee, O Lord, bring forth their righteous- ness as the light, and their innocency as the noon- day. If any are justly sentenced to die, and are about to be cut off in the midst of their years, give them repentance unto life, and faith whereby they may be saved. May they be led, in deep humi- liation and sorrow, to Him that justifieth- the un- godly. We beseech Thee, blessed Saviour, who in Thy wonderful mercy, wast made a curse for us, to save them, and deliver them from the bitter pains of eternal death ; and, like the thief on the cross, may they pass into the paradise of God. May our prayers be heard and answered through the merits and intercession of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. VIIL BEFORE MEAT. OLORD our God, in Thee we live and move and have our being. Thou spreadest our table, and fillest our cu] ), and comfortest us with the gifts of Thy bounty from day to day. We own our dependence upon Thee. Sanctify Thy good crea- tures to our use, and give us grace to receive them Family Worship, 287 soberly and thankfully, and to eat and drink, not to ourselves, but to Thy glory, through Jesus Christ, our blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen, IX AFTER MEAT. WE thank Thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for all the gifts both of Thy provi- dence and of Thy grace ; for those blessings which relate to the life which now is, and that to come ; and especially for Thy goodness at this time. Perfect, O God, that which concerns us ; nourish our souls with the bread of life, and let us be of those that shall eat bread in the Kingdom of our Father, for Christ Jesus 's sake, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. o X. THE LORD'S PRAYER. OUR Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil : For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. -4mew. I?;. 288 Familii Won^hip. xr. THK J]LESSTNO. f^l^HK grace of tlic Lord Jesii.s (Jlirist, and the lovo of Cod, and liic eommuniou of tlic ridlv <-dio,st, l.c with you all. Amen. T