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"~ -~-^ Original c oplaa in printod paportovora aro fNniad baginnbig wHh'tho front e«var aM andlng'on Hm laat pago «vMi a printod or IHuatratod impraa*. alon. or tho book oovor vwhon opprapriaio. All othor original copla a aro Wmod bagiiMiing on tho firat pogo with a printod or iHuatratad impraa- iion. and anding on tho laat paga with a pifntad or Khiatratad iwpraaal d n. , Tha laat racordod fromo on aoch mlcripliGlio - ihaN contain tho ayfnbol «^ Imaaning "CON- TINUEO"}. or tho aymbol ▼ (moaning "END"). m L'a»ampiaira filmi fut raproduit grica A la g4nAro«iti da: Division des manuscrlts, / Archives natlonales du Canada t Laa imagoa suivantM ont 4tA raproduitas avac; la ua grand toln. compta tanu da la condition at 10 loiMtta^l da 1'txamplaira film*, at an . cOnformM avac laa condMona du contrat da fllmaga... ' • .^ ' '■ ' ■' -^ V ■■ ■■ ', . 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Tho followHng diogroma illuatrdta tho method: Laa caitaa. planchaa. tableaux, etc.. peuvent *tre film#a A doe taux d9 rMuction diff fronts. Loraquo lo docunrient eat trop grand pourAtre reproduit en un aeu) clichd. il tot f ilmA A partir do i'angie'aupAriour gauche.^ do gauche A droite, at da haut en baa. en prenant lo nombre d'imagea nAcaaaairq. Lee diagrammea auivanta illuatrant la mAthode. ^ .1 2 3 -i** 1 A. JJ 32 X ^ 6 Prices lo be chnrged. /or Sta.cs /t'i^ destroyed.^. 1 IKi'sU'l'^t • ■ • j "^ >. IJaiikcts . . • . . • Ax'*-. ."V •" S. {'. I JO .Vi ..(V . .'I V'l «>! •I s r. Caiuli''*"' "•'''*• ••• • • "-J 'Tiamme s, jiityiii'. . , (» ihou INkIs, wil'' / • 7 () ' !):iils, «'iuli . .> iT)i>U- lit)!is, piiii's. . . 2,> •I'liv Siiovel. . i . . • '-i^SI" ; 'rciiii'..' psiirs". . . . .'.^T^*(>' ' tOI'.i. -5 Oniceis- Tables.... 12 f) I :?'()UHers' I5iuvu(I;> - n \ j I i\l)Us. > irbaii's. <» 'I/' orm^. o X^ross cut San's. ....-: 7 AA'ood Horses .2 d|l W ond oxes 10 Sii.')\v Slel^lis.'. . , . ..')0 , Mifii! Stoves 200^- 120 Stove Pipes, per^ <j liMlglll S H{ovo'i'ans....:iy(; & :> SUn c Stands 2.J 'Piu.ioeks 1 '/aiuhonis. . . . t . • ..IT) ! •. ■:. i File Shovels ,'» '. .i- <, Toiijis 5 () I ■fi I 6 - GENE OR The commander br the forces requires the implicit Obedieii to rhefollovvinir extracts 61 B..ri:acks R. guhtions, which His Excellency has lnt)it«;d ill the diilereut Barrack Rooms. ^l i<. :fe () Offircr or l><rr.uk AIn<=fcr'slinll/on any pro»eiiro\vi!ia <t S:pm7/ . /.'^'^'fl'''/V, convevf sny1?iirrnrk i^l" hm oniM'l<a..a.ks : and nLord.r, ll.at there u.av no- l,e .n.v ,m^;.l:o lu m.mr in aM> n.ai.r whuU e. SnM M,fl •< .1^. l-^ wetteo. or W„a,ho i.e >awed, ..r s, the (! n;,.. .r the 1 o.^r . ..c ...Mue. by .1^ ' ^ ve ^r M.Re. to be dr.ve.., .nnlsor boldtasts mJ., ,be.P-,.t....i, or N\ .lis v.iM-reln the Pantt br ,^a.s( anv r^ksm- sj.elv. s in ,he l^.o^>s, the Iknuuk^Ma:^.-, (ul.. s!., 1 vm. ihe ll^inuk U.K.m. onee every u^o ^ eH>^^d .eot..l, /;/... .//.^^/V «> .« P-es. ... the sa.ne in Wr.l.nv to ,h. < Mb er ;,. Um- lr.<1 o the I'^nnul Dep> :.' beTo-umandin^ . 'ibe. r k each Ue^nu^^U or deta.bn^.. .l.:li bcaHsuerable th.. ;-»;--. ^;^ y;;- .iinn -md LtouMN shall bi kept pel i^ellvelean, aiui be shall kh; ^-i^lur lh:U any Aiti. e ot laiiaik I. MM ^ ^,;r Ule.,^ be U.k n m.: ot'.be nannVU. or appbed to any <.ll. . jut....^. .lla,> tbut. b.r w! wh >' vv,|s b.st s^iZibSat beK>l.be>;,S,aiT ea.es. Cti,!;., Va.U^. &- ^e ..- u.;..b;ly su^t^t an< kep. pertcMMly sbldb^o'rumi^lhesuperiutendane^ * IN 2- -SCHEDULE of Barrack Bedciing, Fiimitiire and Utensils allov It l.lJlN.i .— iliovels Cltld Oflicirs......... ■•• r Cai.laiu' • '«iil>allcrin • ,>li)fll' Oflicprn ■> :\<in-CommiMionril Ofiircrs & WanV «S: Fil Olvers .- \\ii:iei Harrows. .. .17 G I ron ......() ;v„n.Comm.Mionril Ofiircr. & Hank .t Fil ' .'^ ', "" , "'"V* ! Wood I I 1 I I I Spa;;:-; Iron 5 C hrj""t >'»>' ^ ^""'" ^''"'" ^'5'^'^'"' ' ' ' ' — — — n - m ' — * ! •;£ J en •1 **J 1 2 1 o 1 e t= - : .J i I * « n . :t 'j E n 11 • ! ^i Torspr vai)l> I'll'; Axes... .;i Gl gK;;ile IJcdsleads .. M " o l!a.!s for Pots... jMe« n«oman.tK.lchc-n I VI) I 1 2 2 '-If. i •■: = I il ■ - S I i >- • I *0 f Vor A.1 . i-cfri •nn«)>itiir I proji'irlttin «<» yy>' ni>MiJ)cr tf 0- 1 «4 I' 1 2 > I 1 I 1 2 ti U. nr<^n rrnniiiliiin iif Hie Mi-ilirnl OtTifpr. anil sancliinr' Ik >'•• OffinT /REMARKS. / tVhvre Led'rhx- Mom/ h poM, no Bedding or Barrack Slorf^,of any d,srrq,hfinme on afij/ preir.rt io hr aUo. }.!Zi i>U»r: ra I , /L ,L din Ih, r.boxr Schedule, «'.'// I>e' procnrd, upon the U. ,,,ns>l>o,>s of o.o,a>W>nir Oj JiUditH and Talk LuZlls, to beprovidtd from the. Alhxaame paid in Urn thtnof, tvtrj/ 2Wi Lkitmltcf, ^ ■■"..«■■■ » rjESrr^; % ■'■T-' t A. L ORDERS -^ ADJUTANT GENER Ma's OFFICE, V QUKUPC/ 25th December, 1S14. ne implicit Obedience of Officers and Soldiers serving in the Cailadas His Exceiiciicy has been pleased to direct should be Printed and Ex- - ;^>^EpWARE^ - Adjutant Gcn^jral North America, ' tTifif convevf anyT^nrrark Room (o any purpose, o.vrept such as it WHsintoiulcd fi)r, in Hir orii^i alUr in it'-iy ninU;V wliicli ront riiiN«;o,in;itiiiHilv iliopiVsvi vulioii of l!is Mnji'sly'-, IJgiiuck'i, J'ar- "■.I paint.'ti on tl'iMlour lluM'j'of, miuI ilatiy ^////c// >linll iiiiilvi' any allvraliDii in /«;// tiooni, oi Hloyr f>iic in|uic(i by in^n ( nepers or otliCiwisi', or sbnlUix up bbelvej*. nulis, lidok* or boards, or v.it-nbv the Vawh in- plaistorinu; may i)e injinod nr dcaceU, oi" sutler clotlici. lineH to !m- la-atoned ■:nk IJiion\'- <in(c ev<'ry two >ionlhs, anil inteiniodialely, at seasonable h<»urs \\lien5i)i:ver he desires) lie lieiid of the llainuU Departnu nt, in order «!i:it he may report il to the Coiniiiauder ol the t'orres. th;il ili«* KcuMus, Mair l'a*es, t ooklnj«' Ibnises, Yards, Avennes, &e, &c. as Welt as the Hed?, lied- V Aitni<' ot r»arraik Fnriiiinie. denoMiiialed as Jixtiires be moved Iroiplhf liooms. or any bvd i timl. tVn- v.i.ith i' ""« ••'*'l issiU'd : — In Oflieers' Uarraeks, the Senior Officer in eaeh, willbe hehl ;!\ s\>ci)t and kep« perleeily-eleiin ; this «hiiy bem^ perli/nned aisudi periods as ihc Semor OlVicei •guarUicd thgvni, and l>y their Soldier-Servants. y" ;; and Utensils ailo\V£d to Officers and Soldiers when in BanKicks* " iHi.h a. m C A ^■ a Ci e9 /' «T X « <c ^ S « t> jt £ •i 1 1 1 {:■■■ 1 - I 2 y\i hi 0- I «4 (titer, anil Mnciii nc" Ik »l I J I 1 I I 2 Offi,- a 2 1 ! 1 twel>c 1 ] ^ 1 ] 9- t> t ^ ' ..--'. '' ■■^ ^ w 3 »- :^ t/j h. ' fl "■ 1 1 , ( I ' 1 1 ^w•.l. I 2 I ' 1 1 ' 1 o o 1 » « u 3 TS • . ■ a Ir li m ^ » y . o £ ■;! ■ o B e ■— - W) — * o V ^ ■g J ■ o a 3 I 1 3 3 I 1 •I ^Ptir o 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 9 IIU'll \ i ■■/A. m !-'*d,V \ Room No^ . •»? Return of fi\inrcs. r. Double I ■g » L 5 Sincle j — V"- I- Cradle Bedsteads . Tiibles^. ....,..! , l''oruis .... -U ■.Stoves. |D». I'ipcs ..#?..' l_ J_ ,__ \Vy. Pans. , ; D". Stanth. ,.. V, 'Padlocks. ..... .i •Iraw •(> Ii.-j ^ III- iii'n.coni ilioards ot Urueis!' i in!»»iiim'il i.f ^_ ! 'ici"r<.iii<l>i"l I ~^: » •■•. >r (Dinnvmd'm,'; the Cairison or rmJ, " «^ jiiiiTH, nnii i<«; -/i 1 Arbn "3 I .i-rvmiH "f "^ ' '^ i.lti ir^i. J|l£^ - '*-' K \\w i>f< i»^^^ AeGOfftreineni X ^• "iill I'liU^I^^ "■ SI- : •<> hi- rr ■Slr't Ives \ . ■*• - iu'Wiil cvprv / ; ■- :s iiiuiitlitt 1 ' 3 *- ^ ;iJoi!;'ts 1 /REMARKS. .: ^ nre on ajui/ prelr.rl to hr (iUni,'f(1. ?itjiiifilin»s I'f CorMiiDwitts; ({[H'rcrs, sanctioned h)/ the Officer Commanding the tof, everj/ ^JWi JJrttinlitf, . • ■" ■ •.• Post, ri 1 V '--%. f^ ■ w ^p - // '