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 Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques 
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Directions for Coi 
 1 CouRtaMcs nnist comply witli tho dlicrtions Rivon, and in cases of doii 
 or ll^evo, or nt CJlcrk Peace Omcl^— The llipli Cor^Rtablo of the County has 
 (horn.— Tlie Tai iff of Constables' fees can he. found witli each Magistrate an 
 at Clerk Teacc Oflice. 
 2. All Constables' accounts to be made out in duplicate (two copies) plalr 
 to have th^ir accounts in same way,— and besides, Ihey must have a certifici 
 assistants.— All sums paid by Constables for teamr>, &c., should Imve a rec< 
 count handv, the accounts can be written out in same form as the printed one 
 and to which the mileage is reck(»ne(l,— and the numl)er of miles to be state 
 n. Tn all inquests, there should be to the account, or attach'^d, a cortifi( 
 Constables attending Quarter Sessions and Assize Courts, should have a certiji 
 and att<ach same to one of the copies of their Account, or get the certificate 
 Accounts v.'ill bo refused for such items, if not so certified. 
 4 The Accounts to be paid by the County, to be separate from accounts 
 made out also separately.— All accounts to be in duplicate, and both copies S' 
 Peace OIHcc before each Court of Quarter Sessions meets.— .Accounts pa; 
 Treasurer, or to the Clerk Peace, before 1st January, 1st April, 1st July, and 
 .-) Accounts ]myablo hy the County are audited at Quarter Sessions, ar 
 Omee — Accounts'payable bv the Government are audited by the three Govei 
 and when orders therefor are retunicd, are paid by the County Treasurer, wh 
 6 Constables need not he appointed yearly as heretofore, hut may he 
 appointed, remain so (after first year), till they resign, or arc dismissed.— So( 
 the nearest J. P, or Pwcevc should be consulted in the matter. 
 7. Constables who have not been sworn, should immediately get sworn to 
 Oflice, not prepaying postage. 
 Clerk of Peace Office, ? 
 Stratford, (\ W., Feb., 18G4. $ 
 W. Buckingham, Printer and Stationer, 
 ions for Constables. 
 and in ca«cR of doubt nnd for infuimation, should apply to ncarcs<t Magistrate 
 lo of the County has an oversight over nil Constables, and he can also direct 
 h each Magistrate and Reeve, as well as printed copies of accounts in blank, or 
 Ltc (two copies) plainly written, and to be each sworn to. — Assistant Constables 
 must have a certificate by a J. P. or lieeve that their services were needed as 
 ?., should have a receipt therefor attached. — If there is no printed form of ac- 
 m as the printed ones. — The mikngc to be chargec* from the place from whicli 
 r of miles to be stated. 
 r attached, a certificate by the Coroner that he employed the Constable.—- 
 , should have a cer^t^'ca/c of attendance and of Mileage, from the Sherifi'.-* Office, 
 or get the certificate embodied, or the items certified, in tlie account itself. — 
 arato from accounts p.'xyablo by the Government.— The latter accounts to he 
 itC; and both copies sworn to. — Accounts against the County to be sent to Clerk 
 ^ects. — Acconntjs payable by the Government may be delivered to the County 
 April, 1st July, and 1st October. 
 Quarter Sessions, and paid by orders of that Cotirt, deliverable at Clerk Peace 
 cd by the three Government Auditors in Stratford, and arc sent to Government, 
 [Tounty Treasurer, who keeps a list of the same. 
 iretofore, but may be appointed or dismissed at any Quarter Sessions, and when 
 »r arc dismissed. — See 23, Vict., Chap. 8, (18G0), for particnlnrsas to that; and 
 diately get sworn to the Oath sent them, and send same to the Clerk of Peace 
 inter and Stationer, Beacon OffKe, Stratford.