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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich«, 11 est fllm6 A partir de I'angle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 'iHt tatiaSUiifio SJBIfltVtIMt [Frcmpt attention given to Canadian and United Stages CUSTOM HOUS£ VSINESS, and to CONSIGNMENTS oi' PRODUCE for »aie in the Mfn- b!, Boston, NeMT York and Vermont Markotii. IS FORWABDING ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1803. 8a7mr>ur'* Canada and United State* Daily Expten FrJij !;5, 1'jine. Wilkina & Co.'s New York «nd Caiiida Forw arding Li:i«. Travi* & Co. 'a Forwarriinjf Line. * * Rradiej Sc Canfield'a Mercliania' Forwarding Line. Dasconi, Vauglian & Co.'s Northern TraiiBpurtalion Line. |To aToid delays, and to iniqre deapatch per bovo Linoa, Mark all GooJa for Canada, "care C. SFYMOUR, MONTREAL." wdi thiia marked, and accompanied by Billa of Lading, fnd Corrrct Original Invoiett, II be entered U the Custom Uoue?, and dclive-ed to f'or'^irn c . one day earlier than if lerwise C<>nBi;;n«<' tn-i Entered by Drokera ai;d Comiirn' .i. , A'^onta arc atationed hi ike Chainplain, wh'>8e duly if ia to adriae 'he Montreal ji^-v of iho aTriral of Gwda lii Consi-^ led to hia care, end to attend to their imii.ediato Sh;,im'cnt. ^ ^9 o ^ o i 2: =^ *m^ ^ CA ^ i3 .c a m Z m > r t'hia Agency iecure>i to the Canadian and W<»lern Merchnnlc, tho taf* and apeedj .fcyanee ot MERCHANDISE at all Seaaons of tho Year, at uisfrtrmlr Madcrato nargea, under lavoraoio coiitracta with the aeveral Uailway, Forwarding' and Shipping fu^ipaniea. A Reductiun of 50 per cent from U»e ordinary Sh.jping Charf[0a haa bt\5n KQO at Boatun. Rompt attention will be given to CONSIGNMENTS of PRODUCE.—Property abodlil iituy bo acconipitr.ied by Letiera of Advice, enoloaine Invoicea and Billa 0/ Ltiinm, «0»* i«4d and marked, " Oar* UEYMOUR, RICE 4b COV Button. <! M ■■#** ^ ■■" — • THE PROPBIETORS OF THIS FAMED ESTABLISHI^ Wonld nmind their numeroui C :itomen ■ — , J*"*' '^'^ "'"'^ **"••" *" '•'•'' reiolution of keepint only THE BEST DESCRIPTION OF GOC Believing that ''^ AN ARTICLE TO BE CHEAP MUST BE GOOD. Mtncheiter Goods of trety detcription. London Goodi in preTailing styles and fabi Belfast Goods in Linens, Hollands and Lawns. Glasgow Goods in permanent styles. , French Goods U choice material iJ American Goods for domestic use. Montreal-made Shirts and Collars. Ct»OAK ROOI AKO idJMNlSl' 1®(D)M§, ABE 9AREFULLY SUPPLIED WITH THE FIHSI STYLES, The Qaeen's Arcade is open every .-narninK. rSundan .«w j. o'clock, and closes at 7 evening in ^nter, In/s in JSr ^^* Sales, made for Cash orty, nnless a satisfactorr rIf«T«.,« •- • A^ rendered .rery'5.ree monthlJ'Sr;.;^ wU^^^^^^^^^ , A. A J. ABIHDl, j QUEEN'S ARC A 182, Notre Oame St., Montri *•».- r bi ( M r f) • i. I ^VL {- '■\ -f <. ixyj^ , \ h '7k ^.M ^^ c-X\ "V^U^j.*^ CO II 3 i 08 a SI !Z5 r 09 Iff iS^ W.?r C>Q ^ g I a A I el I ^ to a w . GQ n s o ^ -H^-.. «i ^ 3 ifi CO iilxi -~ffi 'm «»twr ofN^Tt Dame and St. Francoii Xauer StreeO; ' ^^ -r MONTREAL, mmn of r avot in, PAm lamip mm, /nnrq «a«krf«, ironkjng (Steaw, ^ ^wniow CAaaiAfiES, ttsamMmr KAIR^ TOOTH, NAIL, GLOTHES, AND OTHER BRUSHES. BMpectfull) invites the attention of Purchwer., either at Wholeiale or Ketail iJS L ^aIL"'*"'*'""^ •"'IP"*''^ 5 ""'^ '^'•'«'»' whether it reg.«l» KS JT ffft^ or ch*afiMt, cannot be excelled by any Houw in theline irCaS^r^ TelT'" '""°"^^"' "^ "»* /«de%enerali;, tp^d o?"£ft„, \ I HE CHEAPEST Berlin Wool, Comb, Toy and Fancy Store. F. TRIGG, W2 HOTEB DAME BTBEBT, KOHTBEAl. IIMBTBH AVO WI0LB8ALX AVO HBIAH^DJAllB IN BTBRr DBWHirriON OF ^1 \ fiigliatr, /rtnttr ^ (dnman Cono ^ /nnni (gonJn 0OK8TA»TtY Shell, Bftck and Side Combs BuffiltSaek and Side Comba tb»ll and Buffalo Dreeing Combe Ivory Fine Tooih Combs Hair, Tooth end Nail Bruahea Clolh and Hat Bruabaa Broaohee and Oomelien Rfnn f'^fifh ■"•' ®°f ^*>^ Breceleta fteel Siniat and Shoe Ornaments Shoe and Boot Bnttons Flat and Round, Silk i. Cotton Boot Laces India Rubber Cloth tot Conneas Boots Rosewood Work Boies Plain and Shaded Berlin Wool F. T. ON' HAND A OBNBRAL ASSOSTMaNT OF Mahogany Writinf Deaka Steel, Silver an^ Gold Beada • si-r-jf'-j-} £«iispfS:U| Purse Ringa. Tasaela, Fringes and Clasoa Wtndsor Soap and Perfumery China, India and French Fans Violins, Flutes and Tamborines Flutinaa and Aeeordeons China Vaaea and Toilet Bottles Willow Waggons and Baskets Port Monnaies and Wallets Chessmen and Dominoes Backgammon Boarda Reynolda* Gold Baek Playing Carda Rasora and Raxor itfops would pattioolsrly call the attention of Bayers to th« St4Mk of PAPER HAVn SITE WHO m ANiBSTII USEFUI EXHIBITI AND rg .Ls best asunsHiU iu bo found, and at most Moderate Prioes PUBUSHI PKic^\ with Map, 6s. Printkd a: A SUPPLEMENT TO TM« CANADA DIRECTORY, CONTAININO THE NAMES OF THE PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS MEN IN THS onM. loww, An nnnpAi nuABu nr uiau, WHO HAVE COMMENCEpmjS^ES^S m EACJ.„LOCAL,TV S.NCE THE TOOKTHKK WITH A LIST OP NEW POST OFFICES & POSTMASTERS, AM iBSTRACT OP THE LATE CBN81I3 RETDBN8, A LIST OP NSWUPAPIBS 4 PttIOOICAI.8 PUBLISHED IN THE PROVINCE, AMD OTHER USEFUL STATISTICAL & COMMERCIAL INFORMATION. BROUGHT DOWN TO APRIL; 1853, ' ACCOMPANIIO BY A MAP OF CANADA, (CMTtcMi Sxfru$!g/or iA« Purpm,) l-OWSTRUCTED, IN PROGRESS, OR CHARTERED. By EOBEET W. STITAET KACKAT. — .^„^> MONTREAL : Published by Kobert W. Stuart Mackay, 22 Great St. James St«k. 1853. Primted at the Steam Press Priotino Estabushment or J. C. Becket, 32 Great St. James Street. \ ' 1/ I i, ii ' '-d, -...\. mJA 1 'J » I . ^') "UMMiimdU^,v READMM *.<!-» f • \J' Entered, aooording to Act of thl» Provincial Parliament, in the year one thonsand eight hundred and fifty-three, by Robikt W. Stuabt Mackat, in the Office of the Registrar of the Province of Canada. H. LA^ oi Ready.] the latest i •d?aat«ff« Mil aaoii N.I Oeotlamea OveH . ^7if< . f »* -■' ..i .5 , , <S * , ,ll. : ; '* ' i} . ? V* :- ALL kinib o rauoiMblatn pronpUynni LXATI BA8 oonitani Hwn«nLntl Rwb«r Goods; tun' of Boon iMf fbrCath. - W.W.uai •ttraMoDortlu N.B.~Ad«( « \ irear one thoosand Mackat, in the Atyfintmniiti. REAOy-MADE 0L0THIN8 STORE, k SENERAL OlITFITTlNa WMEK0U8E. liait<ilf0«U «nBi UttMil CORirSR OF McGILL AND ST, MAURICE STREETg, *^^^>^'v^^* — ^r~-^VM->.f* « u>rir»-ft.- oi RiJdr mSPclotSii!!? '^f" **" ^V^ ■-, '•/"• '"*• weU...Ieet«d Stock the l«t«tt fathioo. which ha offert, V^hole.ale and Retail, at p3cea Stflr :!^:XP tZ & ''""""^ "'■•°"^"" "• "P-«'3UT innM N.8....C0RNER OF M'SILL AND 8T. MAURICE STREETS, MONTREAU Gentlemea tnvelHnir will find, at thia Eitabliahment, Water-Proof CmO*. Over-CeaU, Muffler*, Carpet Bagi. and a Tariety of niioeUaaeoua articlet required by Trawller.. .^tmuttiv i WKLmm WEOK, r^?* ^ i- 1« 174, St. Paul Stn$t, Mmtrtali iiiliiS*.''"'"*'^^' Moneys Bank Billi, Dreftiu Ae^ bought and Md «• ite JlSJSy'fJSSd. ^""••"'""■•«>« «« •" »^« prineVl •^«w«hi CwiaT,. JJS US^flBIMi HJEi^Lraiglii iTJgisvTnHne iB fft uULTHiit« x:(nnnssH»i aBuaiiic; 'il^i 176, ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL, HAS odDMuil; m band a large anortment of LEAFHER, eonmtinf of Sole. Umw and l«ftber.a>odt, Last^ Pegi, Shoemaken' Finding, die. &«. ; andate «Bmi*At Amw iSSftrSX" '^*'^'^ for thfl Coantrf Trade, whieh be ^U aeU «*lr«M^i^ \^\^' ^ !«^"r ''*• JT"""*" ^*"^ ^*'n Manufactory, and remktfailT iavitM the 2ttantk««^tb« Tradelp MiMipvloratock of Sbeap Skim of •nnimatlaaim! *NtM2isgs, «m;> S4L, wai«B iif win mQ at Manqtetwera' lYtew. N<0.— Adf anoca aad* oa eonaignpentt. Mi 'fm ADVERTISEMENTS. « 8 8 ^wte«c«e<c«ecoo>o>o»a>eno> o»"o> o O o o n ^wwwtowwwojojosmmojsiojooo ops ••m»vo ^«e(soo>o>0>o>Amcomcoronco o o e s co ■oinoiox ^■«o (0o)a>a>9>noooooo oo ooo ow ^»«eo>o»o»oo ooo oooo" omeoaiojua ^la wojojojsooooooo oommatnco '•*HMOi ^!S (e o»e> o o e ooo OO e oocomoioxo 'tj^t^oO ^«oo>o> ojo Oo o o SO oooocoeoooo 'BOtUiX .g!Oa>o>oooosoo ooooocomoiexo • 0* »-l IH ^ l-« -H «^ 1-1 ,-, 1^ IM l-l M i-l -d 1^ «• 1^ M c< -agiuipa 3 I o u 1-3 a "< H .^oajajooopoo ooooooeowojojso "W-tllrt — M«,-H-( <-l ^ 1.^ -H ..IN— ,H M FH M C< landiti .^<0AS)Ooooo Oo o o o o om p; o)S) (o '■aidm •o's*. o>o oooo oooooooo0>o>0>o><o <CJ •tbonno .qAOtOOOO OOO C' O O Oo A 0> 9>(0«o o 'w^vo'a •gotmooo ooo ooo oo ono) 0>co;c o "•-'««'-<'-' 1-. .-I ,^ -. « 1-1 rt i-t « ^ rt Ti o» ©I eo .^etoaoo o oo o oo o oe> OS) e>o> o «oo irukuoo .g'ooo ooooooooiOotAOiOoxeteo ■I~fl">II .gOo o OO ooo>«o»ojo> 01 ooj o o to o o -utini q^o ooo>oo)OO)ooo)^o;0ootoooo li"^ »" ^ •■ '-I <^ >-i « « 11 -H ©J 0* <N 0» C« (?» C» N CO ••«l"6 •o a o ot n o> n A (o <o se w (c (o cs (o to te o ic o ■ «'^ii'^<~"^wwcic<o»©»e>jeiw»«©jo«co « s S J2 g^ J.-= g-c g| ^ ^Ig « oill^ j ||iiili|llfl?ili:si^|| is fl .S.S [^ si fs^ S'SS M o Sap s B S § s '1 «g « t >< t* m:5 s !• o ^a O d !^3 ja < p4 a ^O o g" s a W l^ 13 .1 SO X ^ II § 5 3.S H .S 1 H : a 5S h^ 1 P 1 ^ J .: fK S.S il g 1^ 11 II 1^ «2? <" s ^ 15 m II ^a ^»»dS 11 • fdl i& <S FRSFA€B. The rapid incro«Beof those engaged in profeMional or busineis pursuils in rr.oat of the principal places in the Provinre since the pubhcation of the Canada Directory, hai caueed the neceMitj) for iasuing a S.ipplcmcnt to that work ; oo that »'ie information therein uUeiTim '' '" '"" ''*^" ''"'"'"''^ '^"''' P'""' '" *''^ "P""'"* "' ""' sp""« In the preaont Volume not only has tbia been done with respect to the Towns and Villages embraced in the original work. In which any changes or addiiiuns of consequence have taken place, but about one hundred and twenty places, - which no returni were previously given, (many of which are rapidly rising in import . j) are also included. It will be observed that over sixrr places, from which returns were forrairly siven !^V°5?.**"* '" ^"" '!! ""^ Supplement; which ha. been done solely because The remoA"; th.„*,li ?1".'T *"««"""•"""«". that it occupies less space to print the whole of iu' for^lheJ'liciSies '^ '° "°'' ^^ °'"'"«'" '" ^'"' ™""" ""»«' It will also be observed that some of the Towns and Villages included in the Canada Directory have no Addenda to them in this work ; but in nearly all such oaaea. the changes, if any, were so triHing as to bo of very slight interest. The Lis/ of AddHional Post Offices; the Abttraet of the Ceneut JUtunu; the TabU of the New Repreaentatwe Divitiotu of the Protince; the LUt of Canadian Newipapere; and the Miscellaneous natter generally, will, it is confidently believed, be found useful by all who are engaged in public business ; and the Map op Canada, which accompanies the work, has been carefully corrected from the best authorities expressly for It. and IS the only one yet published which gives tho present Geographical divisions of the Province into Counties and Townships, while it also exhibits {approximately) the various lines of Railway already chartered, or for which charters have been applied. It is a cause of regret to the Editor, that a part of the paper in this Volume ia not aa good as It should have been. In explanation, he has to say, that no tupplu of paper exxited tn Canada; and, that although inferior in quality, the portion referred to waa brought by express from New York at a greatly enhanced expente, as by no other means could the work have been got out at the time promised. The Editor feels under deep obligations to those Gentlemen (and also to soreral Ladies) in various parts of the Province, who so freely responded to his request for the information relative to their several localities which appears in the following paires. Indeed, many of the letters which he received from parties to whom he is personallr unknown, are written in such a kind and friendly tone, that nothing but the utility of the work in which he is engaged (and to that fact alone he attributes it) could have led him to expect or hope fur such disinterested kindness. He begs, however, to assure those Gentlemen, as well as all who have sustained him on this and other occasions, that such gratifying proofs of their approval will stimulate bim to an increased degree of energy and perseverance in supplying them with the description of information which his various Directories contain, and which ^aa ia now generally admitied) is of so much real bsncfit snd utility to the Previsee. In (he Preface to the Canada Directory, it was stated that "The Paospioroa of a GAZiTTMR Of Canada (including both sections of the Province) would shortly be poblished. and that Iho worlt woqid be e4i(«d b;r the writer j aqd tllbough unforwcen I) . ' >m V, '1. PREFACE. A Pfotpeotu.of ll.e Work will be foand on p^ge 14 ""'"' '^* GawjUeor in 1864. ••b«,ibeif, or «Irerti.er.. .nd «mSn, ""'""^' "'""''" " contriUuior« of informaUon" Their obliged and raithful Servant, , Montreal, April, 1853. ROBERT W. STUART MACKAY. «J^^"a£^^ .,., , .,,, rorn. a Tariff of Price«. s.,^..«,.c.„a. Di^.,,. .,.„.,. ■ '-'-'■ ; with Map. plain " *••>*;• MV of Canada, aeparatel,. colored. ^'"' ^«P' «>'«>~<« Z'. H. „ ,„ . " plain. 3t. 9d. M«p of Canada and tho Lower »,«J;;„" r"j 2». 6d Canada Direetorv. with w? " '<""""«»< «°l°"d ^ nj Canada Dir^U.;?: CS?'"""" '"" "*'"' ' '°"'«''" »0W p-a^e.: iSi JJ orders Y1ia::?iSSr •" '^'^^^^:^'^^;^^p;:^i;;^'i;j^ '?JX .„ ROBERT W. STUART MACKAY. 88 Great Si. Jamee Street, Montreal. ERRATA. SS !S: fe?sr,i.S-.l''B.';;,TAT;?' '"- '""" i.J.C.&R. L. to announoe that a and at a numerous Gazetteer in 1854. lowledgmehta to all iiorii of informaUoD, [" MACKAY. lESERAI miBZ TO GITI£i ^WNS AND TIUASSS. .-Atf ^mlf "ar^e^'wei-ane'w!' """ ""' '""'"''^ '" '"• *^"'^'' '^'"'"'"'y- '''«- ^ t it wouJd form a Hll be supplied at '■» more than was each copy of the «n Ag:ent, whose rices are fixed as •". 6s. 3d. — . 7s.~6d. • •.■ 8b. 9d. .... 3s. gd. .... 2s. 6d. ... Ss. Od. M. 17s. 6d. ... 128. 6d. the Cash, or an «ACKAY, itreet, idontreai. 3. &, R. L. Name of Place. AberfoyU Acton Adamnille Admaaton Alexandria Allanburgh Allandalt Amherstburgh Allansville Ancaater Arthur Arva Aihton Aylmer, C E AruiER, C W Ayr BabjfvilU Barrie Bath Bayfield Beacbville BeamsTille Beaaharnoia Beoanoour BioroRD Bbllamt's Mills Belleville BelcBil Berlin Berthier, en haul Birmingham Bloomfield, 1st Bolton BoNDHtAD JBoston Bouoherville Bowmanville Bradford . Brampton Branehton Brentford Breuer't Millt Briffhton Bridgeton Briitol Broekvillo Brompton Bronte Brooklih Bruce Mines Buckingham SBrriii's Rapids Buneiek Bytown Cacouna 9 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 331 21 231 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 28 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 37 37 119 38 38 39 40 40 40 40 41 41 332 41 Name of Place. 17 18 18 18 582 19 20 21 48 23 23 23 23 24 25 26 29 29 30 31 32 34 33 34 35 38 376 39 43 4*^ 43 Caledonia CampbelUown Campbellville Canettoga Canning Canboro Canton Cap St. Ignace Carillon Carlton Place Carlisle Carrtino Place CavanTille Cayuga Cedars Chambly Chamberlain's C'r» Cbamplain Chatbadguay Chatham, CE Chatham, CW Charlesvillc Charleston, 1st Chelsea Cheltenham Chicoutimi CUIPPAWA ChrJBtieville CUURCHVILLB Clairmont Clarendon Clark's Mills Coattcook Cobourg COLBORNB Cold Springs Columbus Compton Coneecon COOKSBIRB Cookstown Cooksville Cornwall Corunna Coteau Landing Cowansville Crowlandville Cumberland Cumminsville Dalhousie Mills D'Aillebottt Danville Delaware Demorestville DewittTiile 5g 51 Name of Place. 42 42 42 336 63 43 62 43 52 43 52 44 44 44 53 45 45 54 46 54 46 54 46 47 47 66 47 57 48 55 48 55 48 49 60 49 50 50 60 51 51 61 52 52 62 52 53 62 54 54 55 66 55 66 55 67 236 56 585 56 67 57 68 57 58 70 58 69 58 m 56 59 >84 59 69 60 '. >8S 60 71 61 71 61 73 236 49 Dickinson's Land's 43 Boon Douglas Drummondville,CE DuvFiN's Crbbk Dunbarton Dundas Dundet),G E Durham.Ormstown Durham, St. Frs. Durham, CW Eaton Elgin Enniskillin Etchemln Farmersville Famham, East Farnharo, West Fergus Fitzrcy Harbor Flamboro, West Fonthill Forestvilh Frankford Frankvills Frelighsburgh Friburg Gait Gananoque Gasp^ Georgetown, C W Glen Morris Olen Wiliiams Goderieh Gould Grafton Grahamsville Oreenbush Greenwood Grimsby Orondinea GUBLPB Halifax Halts Cornsrs Hamilton Hampton HarUm Harpbrbay HatUn s Hawkeabury Hawkbsville Henmingford Henryville Herdman's Cners FaUandXiRndiag B 61 61 62 62 62 63 63 64 65 65 65 66 66 66 67 67 67 68 68 68 69 69 69 70 70 70 71 71 72 72 73 73 73 73 75 75 75 76 76 76 7« 76 79 79 79 91 91 91 93 93 9a 93 93 93 93 72 73 74 76 77 78 80 80 81 81 81 82 83 146 83 84 85 86: 87 88 90 91 91 94 113 112 113 114 I :| - Nana of Place. Hornby Hoiviek Huntingdon iNoumr Zona Jarvis Jeritytillt Kamouuska Keene Kemptville KlLWoRTB Kingny Kingaton Kingnilh Laehute Lacolle Loggan Lakefieli, or Oore Villa Limbton, Milton and Mimico Laneuter Lantdawne Lanark Lapnirie L'AuomptioD L'Aventr Laurenceville Leedt LonnoxTille Lindaay L'ltlat Lloydtown London LonKUSuit L'Original Lotbiniare Zott jDi'Ue Lyn MoNab Majrog ilfantfouioaniiij' Manningville MarlatbWn Marfcham Marihtille Martintown Matilda Headowtttle Melbourne Merriekfille Meyer'a Villaee Milford imabank Millbrook Milloreek INDEX. Name of Place. 117 133 133 134 Miileruchea Milton Mitchell Mimico Moffttt Montreal Afooretoton Morpeth Morrisborg Muulinette Mount Pleasant Mount St. Hilaire Mount Vernon Napance Nbw Abirdbbn Nkwboho New burgh Newcastle iVeio Dundee Nbw Glaioow New Hamburgh Newhopb New, Liverpool New Market Niagara Nicolet Nithburg North Qouer North Laneatter NoRTHPORT Nnrval NoRWICHVILLB Norwood Oakland Oakville Orillia Orono Otgoode Oshawa Ottawa River, ^o Ottehvillb Owen Sound Pakenham Palermo Pane Penetangore Penetanguishene Peree Percy Perth Peterboro' Petite Nation Phillipsburgii Picton PlOBON HlL!> Pl« RiVBR ?m Urove a e S v ISi 107 121 107 131 237 132 122 236 123 123 133 134 124 135 125 136 136 136 |137 137 127 138 138 139 139 130 130 131 131 131 133 133 133 133 I34 134 134 135 135 136 136 137 137 138 138 139 139 13<) 140 141 143 l43 143 143 II43 1I43 a It Name of Place. 149 Plontagenrt 133 Poinio BozTremb. 358 I Point St. Peter 132 I Portage da Fort I Port Albert 151 I Port Biirwcli. Port Colbornb Port Credit 466 Port Dalhousie 253 Port Duvxr 353 Port Elgin Port Hope (Portland Port Nelson Port Pf.rry Port Robinson 355 Port Rowan 256 Port Royal Port Ryene Port Stanley Potton Prescott 357 rroston 257 PrieevilU 258 Prinob Ambrt 259 Princeton Queenston Quebec 'Repentigny RicevilU 260 Richmond let CW IRichmondhill 260 [Riehview iRigaud RlHODBKI River David Rivier^ du Loup Rivier^ Quelle 262 Rockton 263 RtteBank Rougemont 364 RoxTON Falls 365 Rusrcliown 365 aandwich 366 Sauobbn 367 Sebringville 368 Seymour Scotland 268 Scotch Block 268 Shannonvillb 27U Sharon Sherbrooke 272 **'flrrington 273 J.oer Hill Smith's Falls SmithviiJA Soraba 375 376 276 276 278 381 283 384 385 345 346 346 350 350 1374 353 353 354 1.117 Name of ] Borel OirrHAMPTO South Glout Sparta Bpeucerville Springfield 1 Springford SpringvilU ^tanbridge I Btanstead ^tewarlstowi Stratford Strathburn Btrathrot Btreetsville Bommervillo Sutton Flats !t. Adele it. Wm6 It. Andrews it. Anicet It. Annkdbi radb t. Anne de \ ohiehe t. Catherines t. Davids, C Bustache t. Felix de \ ^t. Francois d It. Oervais It. Henri do A 1 oouche It. Hilaire It. Hyacinthe It. Jean Port . It. Jerome It. John's, C I |t. Joseph de 1 kinunse LgricnIturRi Ci Lgricultural B( LthensBum, T< loard of Trade ensus Returni omineroe of C ountiesof Can presentation uties collected migrants, arri xeeutivo Cour xeculive Depa zports and Ini| eneral Post 01 INDEX. Name of Place. ER IN 3ERT IstCW ill jOUD He u 58 375 i76 376 276 278 981 283 384 985 348 318 990 344 345 346 166 166 346 349 349 350 350 352 351 353 353 354 357 a Si 358 359 360 360 361 361 362 irei 167 IDTHAMPTON 167 SvutA Gloucester 1G8 Jpurta 168 Ipeuoerfille |69 lprin(;6eldlttCWl6a Jpringford 169 ^pringvilU 170 itanbridge East 17U itanstead 17U tewartstown l7l tratford 171 Hrathburn 171 TRATHaoT 171 itreeisville 172 363 ommervillo 173 405 lutton Flats 173 40G >t. Adele 173 364 it. k\m6 173 364 It. Andrews 174 365 it. Anicet 174 366 It. Anne db la Pb. RADB 174 t. Annede Yama* ohiehe 175 368 iLCatherineBC W 175 370 t. Davidg, C W 178 379 2. Euatache 178 381 t. Felix de Valoif 178 381 \. Francoia duLac 179 382 t. Gervaia J 79 383 t. Henri de Mas- couche (79 385 T. HlLAIRE 180 t. Hyacinthe 180 386 t. Jean Port Joli 180 389 t. Jerome 181 390 t. John's. C E 181 391 I. Joseph de Mas- kinonee 183 392 Name of Place. St, John'; C W St. Louit de Oon xague St. Luce St. Marie de Mon- nolr St. Marie, Beauca StMartinJsleJesus I St. Marline, Beau harnois St. Mary's, CVV St. Michel SI. Pie St Pie Tannery St. Pierre ler Be. quets St. Rem! St. Therese, de Bjainvilio St. Thomas, do Quebec St. Timothy St. Valentino Tain worth Tapleytown Temperanceviub Tbhrbbonnb TlIAMESFORD Thobnhill ThoroM Three Rivers Thurloib Toronto Trenton (formerly River Trent i Troy TWBBD Union Unionville Valcartier V a." a (O 182 lt;2 182 183 183 184 184 184 185 185 186 -S, It: Si Name of Place. 186 186 186 393 394 394 395 39.5 396 399 I 399 400 402 187 187 187 188 188 188 189 190 190 190 191 197 198 410 403 404 404 4C6 407 215 216 216 21G 217 217 347 158 Vankleekhilj 317 Varennea 218 Vaudrcuil 3i8 Victoria 219 Vienna 219 Villanova 219 Vittoria 220 Wallace 330 Watlaceburg 320 Wallaceto^m 231 Wardsville 221 Warsaw 221 Waehingion 222 Waterdown 222 Waterford 222 Waterloo, C E 333 Waterloo Isl, C W 223 Waterloo, F£ 223 Waterloo 2d, CW 341 WatervilU 224 Wellealey 224 Wellington 2iA Wellincfton Square 224 West Bolton 225 West Brome 225 Westmeath 325 West Williamsbure 226 Westwood 226 Whitby 226 Wick 237 Williamstown 327 Wllliamaville 227 Windsor Mills 228 Woodburne 228 W'lodstock 328 Woolterton 229 Wurteleburg 229 Yamask a 230 Yonge Mills 230 York 230 45!) 453 460 460 461 461 462 463 463 463 463 464 465 465 465 466 46G 467 469 469 470 472 472 473 INOfiX TO MISGELLANEOVS MAHER. Page. 351 348 348 34*^ 349 353 gricoltural Census of Canada gricultural Board, L.C., 1853 .thenfBum, Toronto oard of Trade, Montreal, 18o3 ensus Returns, of Canada, 1853 ommerce of Canada ounties of Canada bv the enlarged Re presentation Bill 354 uties collected at princ. Ports, 1853.53 354 migrantfi, arrival of, to Deo. 1852 32| zeculivo Council 323 xecuiive Departments of Government 333 zports and Imp., value of, in 1850 Sc 51 353 eneral Poat Office, Officers of 348 Imports and Exports, value of 353' Legislative Council, additional Membera 369 Legislative Assembly 359 Legislative Constituencies, by the enlarg. ed Representatiim Bill 354 Lower Provinces, Trade with the 321 Newspapers, &c., published in Canada 360 Post Offices added since Nov., 1851 342 Public Debt of Canada, 1853 353 Population, by Origm and Religion 360 Railroads Chartered in Canada 363 ii,,i.. .., ,,i„ rtttotts VI iiic rrorinco ss2 Timber, supply, export and stock, 1852 321 Vessels arrived from Sea to Dec. 1853 321 1 ' .V. .i .} -M i ^ ni • ! 10 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Butinea$. DfllEZ TO AOVEBTISEIIENTS. Namn. Page. Bu$ineti. Druggiit AMoranoe Go's Do Druffgiaii Hardware BROCKVILLE. Turner, A HAMILTON. Natiunal Royal Bickle & Son Bellhouae, Ireland, &Co Do Carpenter, Juel Ironmonger Milner, B Leather itoro Foster, L Marble Works Pollock, James KINGSTON. Tin& Copperware, Choun, E MONTREAL. AunrBnoe Co'a JElnti 39 88 88 88 89 89 90 90 90 106 Do Britannia Do Britannia Mutual Do Canada Do Colonial Do Connecticut Do Equitable Do Globe Do Hartford Do L'pool & London Do Mutual Do Nat'l Loan Fund Do Phoenix Do Protection Do Rojal Do St. Lawrence Agrioultural Score Fleck, A Baker Berlin Wool, &c BooksellerB Do Do Do Do Db Do Do Do Do FiU», C Footner, Mrs Armour, J Dawion, B Miller, R & A Dougall. Jno Mackay, R W S Pickup, E Ramsay, H Rolland, J B Sadlier, D & J Sparkes, 6 Boot&Shoo Stores Bell, J &, T Do Do Do Cabinet Stores Do Do Carver & Gilder Harold, John Sloan, John Smyth, W Allen, W Fraser and Kemp MoMaitcr, W Carlisle, F Chemists & Drug- Lyman, W, &. Co gists Do Bowman, W E China and Glass Potton &. Co Circulating Lib'y Petion. Thos Commission Mer. Gilbert, J M chants Do Clarke, John Conreotioners Clouser, E 266 367 268 375 271 266 OnUide COT 270 266 269 270 Oulilils <o' 265 266 272 272 273 273 273 274 274 274 274 374 275 276 275 276 277 277 277 278 278 279 279 279 279 280 Us ooTar 282 282 2o2 374 2S3 Namt. MONTREAL. - Confectioners MeConkey, Mrs Coppersmiths and McArthur, Jas Plumbers Do Do Custom Hoobw Agents & For- Gundlaok, A Prowse, 6 F Varminton, R warders Do Do Daguerreotypist Dry Goods Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Engravers Do Do M p-luUi Leeroing ts. Sabine Seymour, Chas 0.1*1. ... Doane, T C 285 Campbell, R, & Co S8S Dougall, Jno 285 Arthur, A &J ^p.^^ Morison, Cameron & Empey Morgan, Hy,& Co Mua8en,Thos Paradis et Frere Parkin, Jas Plamondon, Lonis Adams, F Ireland, Thos Toppan tc Co Exchange Brokers Warner, G W Do Express Offices Do Fancy Stores Do Do Founders, &o Do Gas Company Glass Works Grocers Do Hair Dresser Hardware Stores Do Do Do Do Do Do Hats and Fun Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Hotels Do Do 286 287 286 286 304 287 287 28S 288 3 291 290 291 ho'ilillai do do 288 289 272 Weir, Wm Cheney.Riee & Co Pullen, Virgil&) Co Banaloy, David Holland, G A Trigg, Francis Ladd, C P Redden, Wm New City Gas Co Ottawa GlasaW'ks Mcintosh, Neil 369 1 Cochran, S 314 1 Bansley, David 391 j Brviwster & MuU 301 1 holland Brew8ter,W&C 292 1 Ferrier &Co 293 [ Hibbard&Co 293 1 Hutton, Jas ais * »■ Rodden, TM 313 f Sherlock, Foley & 393 Cc Brahidi, A 295 1 Bre8lBr,A 294 Brown, John 2941 Greene & Sons 296 Henderson, John 16 1 Lomer, Gerhard 121 Mayer, Brother 395 [ Melver, Geo 293 1 TK..mn..x~ IVn. Coleman's Mont- 397 1 real House Franklin House 396 1 Grant's Hotel 283 2831 384 385 284 Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do illiner Oslo Stores Do Qsin Teachei ewspapers Do Do Do Do Do il Merchants kia^Oil&Gl Do Do Do >ne Maknr laning Mill [inline Offieee D<, Do Do ^blio Hall Itilroad Line llr'd Car Build Do [wdyMadeLin amboat Line i«to Works JrUman'sWar liouse »¥« &Ase Stoi lUow Chandlei MBgraph Office Do i&CoflTeeSto INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. 11 |u«ifi<M. rm^. rREAL. ' sConkey, Mrs sArthur, Jas Dwse, 6 F Brminton, R indlaok, A eming &, Sabine 384 rmour, Chna oaude m ane, T C 385 mpbell,R,&Co 385 ugall, Jno 285 thur,A&J ut.h •fiaon, Cameron^ fc Empey *" ^ rgan,Hy,&Co 386 inien, Thoa 387 ■adjs et Frere 386 -kin, Jaa 286 j mondon, Lonia 304 »mB, P 287 j land, Thoa 287 •pan & Co rner, G W 288 ir, VVm 3 iney.Riee Sc Co 291 ten, Virsildc Co 290 laloy, David 391 land, 6 A he-(tuit|| rg, Francis do dof Id, C P 288 den, Wm 289 f City Gas Co 373 kwaGlaseW'ks 302 [ntosh, Neil 389 hran, S 314 sley, David 391 nrtter St. MaU 301 •Hand rster^ W &; C 293 1 ier &Co 393 >ard &. Co 393 i tun, Jaa its « w| len, TM 313 1 lock, Foley &; 393 Name- PagA 383 I 283 384 283 1 385 lotels Do jiwellers Do ird Oil Faotury MONTREAL." Ottawa Hutel St Lawrence Hall Savage &, Lyman Townwnd, \V A , Mathewaon & Son _ ither Merchant Weir, Wm [arble Factory Mavor & McDon- ald [ep Mounter Hill, B lerchant Tailors Gampboll, John Do Clifford, S Do Geraroill, Wm Page. 298 299 3U0 300 313 3 303 Bueineet. Name. Page- iidi, A Ur, A rn, John ne & Sons licrson, John er, Gerhard er, Brother ver, Geo • •!■•"'». J T» ... nan's Mont- il House klin House t's Hotel 295 294 294 396 16 12 395 293 OAK I 397 396 Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Depincier, O Lavender, H Lolselle,FX Mann &. McMillan Muir, W & J Plamondon, L »>-, Ronayne, P & M tada-orvk Do ttlliner (osie Stores Do lusin Teacher fewspapers Do Do Do Do Do ll Merchants Seatb, R Robinson, Mrs Hertiert &, Co Seehold, Brothers Graham, Geo F Com. Advertiser Gazette Le Monitcur Can Pilot Transcript Witness McDonald, Bro8& Go ■ Atwater & Co Hill, Benjamin Lloyd, Wm McGarvey, Owen Wallace, Alexr Douglass, James Becket, J C DeMontignv. C J N^ Moore, Owler&Co Ramsay, Hew Wilsons & Nolan St George's Hall Champlain and St I, ,, -, ^ Lawrence Co Ir'd Car BuMd'w McLean & Wright ..H-M^T- 0'Meara,M woyMadeLmen Aitken, John •mboat Line Tete's Line toQue- bee ll!'"?''«r KingseySlHeW'ks •rtsman'sWare- Hall, Wm louse |va * Ase Store Rodden, T M Uow Chandlers Mathewaon A Son legraph Offices Montreal Tel Co M.]^^ « ^ont'l & TVoy do «Coffee Store Canton House tin^Oil&Glas Do Do Do >ne Makor sning Milt [inting Offices Do Do iblio Hall lilroad Line 304 304 302 303 303 305 305 306 305 306 307 307 307 .108 3U8 308 308. 309 13 306 309 276 309 311 310 311 313 312 ■315 3i7 15 3i3 313 4 4 314 MONTREAL. Trunk Storea Dean, R Do Hibbard, W R Truss Maker B,own, John O Trust &. Loan Co Judah. H ofOC Weigh'gMachines Warren, D H Wine and Spirit Mackenzie, Jos Merchant Wire Worker Rice, W H, & Co QUEBEC. Booksellers Crema2.B,JtO Boot &Shoe Store Paddon, E Cabinet Maker Drum, W.lliam Hatter &. Furrier Foi^y, F X Jeweller, &c Ardouin, C J Merchant Tailor Smeaton, Alexr Newspaper Our Journal Pamter, &c Cornell, S , STRATHROY. /' General Store Reefer, James TORONTO. Assurance Co Canada Western Chemist & Drug-Simpson and Dun- K'flts .paugh China and Glass Patton & Co Store Hatter &'?Furrier Marks, L Lig'itning Rods Wilion, E 6 Saddlery Sturo Steward, W Tallow Chandler Clark, B M, & Co 316 31S 313 318 316 317 317 339 339 340 340 340 341 341 172 211 212 213 214 315 213 213 United States Advertisementi. BOSTON. l>ry Goods Lane &. Washburn Manufact's Agent Lawton^ Jas N BUFFALO. Fire Works Moms &. Son „ , BURLINGTON. Bookseller Goodrich, C NEW YORK. Dry Goods Bowen&M'Nameo MaU and Straw Oliver, Jones &. 363 363 363 367 Goodo Map Publishers Newspaper Publishers Bookseller Do Druggists Boots and Shoes P Goods C*.' ..'ies, &e Hardware, &c Leather Store Granger Distiimell & Schroeter Home Journal __ Fowler & Wells OGDENSBURGH. Byington, S L Sprague, J C Humphrey, H S, &Co Child & Fawcett Streeter, O S Diz'& Son Watrous &, L«w, fence Osbom, £ F 364 365 367 366 366 367 367 368 ^PHILADELPHIA. Patent Medieinea Dr Houghton's Pepsin 370 371 372 373 373 19 y- ADVERTISEMENTS. 0. DEPINCIEE, HERCHAST TAILOR AM SEVERAL OnT-FITTB CORNER OF NOTRE DAME & ST. GABRIEL STS., J Keeps always on hand an extensive and varied assortment of and fashion not to bo surpassed in Canada. CLOTH and TRIMMING furnished, and »»i.»M*i,«*i'<u] A The S krinting mi rower-pres Verms, eve BC GARMENTS CUT IN TH^ MOST FASHIONABLE STYlM''^ "^' SHIRTS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, TRAVELLING BAGS. &c., J S^°" H^t' ^^^'^ "'"'''^ "''^ ^^ '"''^ *^ '•'^ ''^"' posiibhrtt (t5- Wholesale purchasers, strangers visiting the City, and the publj generally, will please to call and see. '^ " H CANADA AND LEIPZIG FUR TB AIIIiyG ESTABL ISIiMEiyTj lAii l®MIi, HOVTREAL, IEIF2IB, 190, St. Paul St. Am Bruhl. THE undersigned hertbj informs the Fur Trade of the Canada that h» h.. ..i,-„ .k . irttrrr'''%''" '^?'.''- ^"'^ '^'«'' "'''^'' "« -i>i o?n «„ jh ^itt:Ve'n^^^^ enure new and complete assortment of eve.y article in the Fur. Hat and Cap L.na He lea?e8 for Europe by the Steamer " Pacific" • vioir. th. r'V .. r • •'^ i^-^ . Switzerland and France. H„d has cv^y facnUy of p^rchi^nhP^^^^^^^^^^ •Dd has a perfect knowledire of this market's demands. ^ " '• '* '""'"' »'"'■ ^ k^ Considering that competition is the life of tntde, he has exDrewlif /.>.„^„ .k- i .-M C7I 11 being next door to J. C. Mayer's future Fur Warehouse thereby gtinft^he trade S?.'! ^ ^ ODDorlunitv ofrnmnHi-nff in h«»K „i.-,- n _.. ^.'""r"' 6'""s '0 the trade thc !)■ lEW TOllL, Water Street. |« The Cans to the g |«The Cade pecially di pel annut |«TheSabb2 of I lOoimtry Ord frra°',s°^*' '- ^* f'--" «»"-: ■>..": "7.^^^^^^ is attached t( ed in a style Having a branch lMisine» at the Leipzie Fair, which he attanA, i.,« selling Canada and American Shipping Furs! he TsiXdab I m P^u'*""" other exporter «ho scIIb his colecuLs^at the' Loiid^SlucuSM/" ^"^ '"«'"'^ ""« ">«"" p.SiX!J^!;L":!!°iS'°|'"^°^ q"?"titie.; he will. at. personal int«rvt« p — _ . r„„.„s .„ „h!ppiDg i?ur3, oner inem aavauuges heretofore unheard of. " " " GERHARD LOMESlin «ll its brai OnT-FIREl tRIEL STS., ADVERTISEMENTS. 13 J. C. BECKET'S No. 22 GREAT St. JAMES STREET, assortment of ^GS ; Gentlemen' I a style of eleganc and TRIMMlNGj The Subscriber having recently made hrge additions to his stock of krinting materials, and being about to put up a Steam Engine to work his Power-presses, is now able to execute promptly and upon /ery Moderate S'erms, every description of BOOK & JOB FEINTING, NABLE STYLW^^^ ^^ 5^«»aZ/w< sized Visiting Card to the Largest Sized Poster • PllTfiD SEOW-Iim ill CiliS I! ' Printed in all colors in h very Superior Style. mks, HagnjintB, ^amp[rltts, Catalogaea, ^t., BAGS, &c., CO noest posaible re )ity, and the pubU ZIG NMENT. LEIFZIB, Am Bruhl. he has taken the exU .of June next, withi and Cap Line. Leipzig Fair, Englaij tiandi, at lowest prici chosen this locatioj Dg to the trade the and Assortment,! 'ery spring personallj f higher here than i lersonal int^rviei; w. itaeard of. IRHARD LOMEI Handsomely, Carefully and accurately printed, with tho Greatest Despatch. MM WWMBaSiBMaM I" The Canada Temperance Advocate," a Semi-monthly Magazine devoted I to the general interests of the Temperance Cause. Ss 6d per annum. l«The Cadet," a Temperance Magazine of the same character, but more es- pecially devoted to the interests and instruction of young teetotalers. Is 3d pel annum. — ALSO.— |«' The Sabbath School Record," devoted, as its name implies, to the interests of Sabbath School Teachers and Children. Is per annum. ICountry Orders for PrmtmJTST^nftiujr oTthe"^^ works. wiU reeaivA I Immediate Attention. ^ ttlell iftirmsljeirfiook-fiinderg lis attached to the establishment, where every description of Binding is execul- |ed in a style equal to any in Canada, and upon really Moderate Terms. — Also,— WOOD ENCRAVljyC to order, in a superior manner and war- I in all its branches promptly executed ranted ? t:': , ft prove satisfactory i■^l\ bt III 14 ADVERTISEMENTS. OP - A ^^AZETTEERjO^ try' iLd the wt^^^^^^ P'-^g'^" ^^^ resources of the Coun wi^n^m»L !• ''"'■'"« ''*"*"' extensive tours through the Province was promised, and m numerous instances has already received th« I^h J jome of the best informed and most judicious men in the comrum- v ii 1^^ ecung the data necessary for such a work. As a portion rtheSuscH J 8 ready to put to press, and an encouraging subscription list is steadilv il I ling up. he noiv respectfully announces, thXt ,ie proposes to ,?"„«„ ^ tl 8UBSCKIPTI0N, so as to be ready for ddivory some time fn [854) ' i a ummm^ m umm, urn mid mm, which will contain a brief but comprehensive description of the Cittk^ Towns and Villages, Counties. Townships and Kisls R,JL,?' Lakes PcBLio VVobks, &c., of Canada; with an Lount of 'h; nZal agncultural and manufactured productions oltho Province : he quality of h land, in each locality, its viluo, whether improved or otherwise -the waj-^ ollabour of every description; the means of religiou/andecularinrruc Uon which exist; and such other information regard! "rthrSuC" Suro^TnJeX ^"' '''-''---^ ^'^'^ ^--^- mVte dta The Work wiU fom an Octavo Volume of from 6Q0 to 800 Fama paded by"" ''"'"'"'' °" ^'"^ P'P''"' '^^''^^^'^^^^V half bound, and accom A GOOD MAP OF CANADA & THE LOWER PROVINCES. The price, to Subscribers, will be 15s. per copy, payable on dehV«rv' and he nanrie, business, and residence of evLy SubscrE will L tS .n^a l.t at the close of the worlc. To Non-SuLribers Ihe pjice S be The subscriber's long, and admittedly successful, exertions in collecting and arranging statistical facts and details, will, he trusts, be received a S sufficien guarantee that the work now i„ course of preparation wU] receive al the attention from him which its importance delnds r^dle reject IniV w V*"" *'*^.*"'' *=°-°P«'*''°» °f^" "'ho desire to seran accurate ROBERT W. STVART UAGKAT, Editor of The Canada Directory, &c. &c., . V FT. ^^ ^'^^^ ®'* ^^^^^ Street, Montreal. I :- !:°™rf"5[™**'°».?H'»»W^ for the Gazetteer, from eentlemen r«,Hi„ J x„ xc.uu« luusaties, WW oe ihankfuiiy received, and duly acknowledVed"'" ' Hit :;anadaJ Advertisements. both Sections of thel litted by all who takef isources of the Coun- hrough the Province,! / received, the aid off be community, in coli ion of the manuscripil on list is steadily fil-f OSES TO PUBLISH, By| in 1854) AND SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, 91 (LATE 51, msXT THE COMMISSABUT DEPAETMEWT.) mmwwMmMSL^ ' MS) mm ption of the CixrEsJ Parishes, RivbhsJ ount of the naturaiJ e ; the quality of thej fierwise ; the wages and secular instruc- Jg the Agricultural, , as may be deemed [0 to 800 Paget. 'bound, and accom- i PfiOVINCEsi payable on delivery,! constantly on hand a superior assortment of "Itic": isrt^pouble and^Single BaireUed Guns and Rifles, rtions in collectingf ^^^^f^'^'^eived as a| or every description. 8 J and he respect J ^^^^^^r, Shot, Percussion Caps, and a great variety of to see an accurate I verv Superior a print, in carrying! -nTz-MT-r-w-* iAcuT. I FISHING RODS & TACKLE. tory, &c. &c., Street, Montreal. _ [entlemen r«gi«iinnBJ^»B.— Gun Rfir.m'rB noatlir avn^,-.*a-3 n^u xj^^ • ' . ;--=— — aa * **=i ij ^^J^^^Jlile^i. bell xianging m tne most raodern and approved style, 4 ■PI M ADVERTISEMENTS. TOOLESALE «r RETAIL NO. 93, Notre Dame £> eet, !YIontreal, JOHN HENbiiRSON, Proprietor, and JOHN HENDERSON & Co., Buade St.! Would respectfully call the attention of their numerous customers in the Cana das and elsewhere, to the large and well-selected stock of goods in their line constantly on hand. The Proprietors are this year carrying on ilieir manufacturina operations on a much more extensive scale than formerly, especially in the FUR department, and they feel confident in stating that the citizens of Quebec and Montreal, and the merchants of Eastern and Western Canada, would consult their own mterests by visiting their Establishments before purchasing elsewhere. The «**»"S've connections in England and on the Continent which are possessed b) these houses, place it in their power to offer to their Customers advantages pos- sessed by no oth. r house in their line in Canada. Silk Hats, Fu Magyars and Kossuth, Cloth Caps, Summer Hats, in Fana< ma, Leghorn, and all other descriptions in every Variety. A LAR&E ASSOBTMSNT OF INDIAN CURIOSITIES ON HANI, Wholesale Terms very Liberal. Highest Cash Prices paid for Raw Furs, One of the Partners will visit Europe this season to select their fall stock oi EUROPEAN GOODS. ca: NoM — Tito and Vill tion wit obwrved entirely woald h HVNDKB volume, «■ given, o( no pri VlLLAOl I liitant from ( S. CLIFFOKD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MERCHANT TAILOR & CLOTHIER^ CONSTANTLY on hand, a very extensive Assortment of every description of Woollu and other RsADr Made Clotuino, Hats, Caps, &,c., and for sale nt unpreoedentedi] Hi*«tockt- "'^itft*', Caseiinercs, Tweeds and Vestings is very extensive and weil-ielecJ •d, and he .« pr-, . ■; in»k j them up to order in every variety of garment suitable fd Gentlemen, y^.;U> ' C'«ild a.., in the mojt approved style, with the greatest despatcU and upon the >■ ;»; ., jjs i < terms. Hp solicits a continusnco of favors from his old cum> tomen, and r ')T> ' ' > \ mlea a call \i - sti whii are Henirous of combinin" sU-'anet -••M^ I^GDomK.'LD economy inthv-'iaoio r clothing. ti-ONTay MaacHANTs, and Wholesale PuRCHASEiJIi. are invited to call anu examine, as he is confident of being able to aupply : them aaiiS P""*"' ^'> ' faotorily. '^""' ■uneron, J., oi ^MSkwn, A., u 7avanagh. W 7ockbum, Jol i)eniont, Geor 3llia, George < Palconbridge, and gei lammsrsley, . Cing, Tho'.aa leMioken, Ji A Grist SUPPLSMtBlffT TO THC |CANADA DIEECTOET. '*^'**'*' " ***" *"* ■ ■■- ■■!■ I - 11 -^ ,1 II ■ < L - - I - I I . |--.^ f,i-in ■ I «<»ri.--T;<«> infonn«tion,»iMn in the rollowiriff paaos. «, far at it r«i.i«. . n, n, and Village*, whioh were included in the Canad. r)i«-.? , "'«»•••• Citiet. Townt. tton wi* that work, a. it merely poiu tho,e „"we.^' ^'^L"!!' " '" '" ""*' '" """""o- obeerwd. howerer, that a few olacei fVom .hf.? r ! ^ ° ""' f'"""' """'• " '■ «o ^ entirely reprinted thi. hrbeen "or.! riL '!!:."' T" ^""""'^ f'"'"' »"»" ^««" would have ocoupi'ed • greater wacoThanthe^e«r?ntl?^ correotmn. and addition. HCND..D Place., which did not^pp.;r"n the KXee?"""''' "?"/?" °" Tolume, and any of the pl.eoe which rpoeared in Vu"""'?' ^'"'*''°fJ'. "« mcluded in thi. i. given, have Ln paid o^rSecauE.^ Z J an«. rlf I'lr'''' '" '"'"''^li"'' '"^''•"''« of no practical importance. cnange. (if any) were w trifling a. to be t their fall stock ol ABERFOYLE. (Ao/ included in the Canada Direttory ) ViLuoi aituted „ »„wiiB.iip oi ru.imch liitant from f?uelph. 7 railes-from Hamilton, 34 milen Alphabetical Ii»t of ProfessioM, Trades, &o. McLeod, Robert, .hocmaker ptvanagh, William, general store pockbum, John, town reeve pemont, George, .hoemaker |llii, George Sl Thorn.., waggonmaker. palconbridge, Samuel, Junior, postma.ter and general store iamm.r.lev, John, J. P. ting, Tho- as 'nnkeoper flu' y^' ''"• J* P- ""d town councillor toMicken, James, innkeeper A Grist Mill is much wanted here. McKenxie, Alexander, smith McRobbie, Andrew, town councillor Meldrutn, Rev. William, Free Church «eeve., John, steam saw mill rierjon, J., tannery ' Rom, Paul, smith and carriagemaker Scott, James, tailor Shartz, George, saw mill Stirton, D, township secretary icoDnoillor ACTON. (Sbb Canada Directorv, Page 17.) Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. lACDONALD. LaTHLA'" r»ni.l~.»-»— __J __ 1 . . to supply ; them saii«'"P"*"' *••• blacksmith Cameron, J,, oarpenter and joiuer ^Mkson, A., tailor Harvey, W shoemaker . , Cloth factory ai Kelso, J., blacksmith Holt, J., cloth irdiBg mill 18 ADAMSVILLE-ADMASTON—ALEXANDRIA. Moom, J. F., tailor O'Connor, J., shoemaker Panyman, S., bricklayor and plaiterer Kennedy, R., maion Kennedy, A., maaon ^ Melntoah, William, maion M Mkay, G., general atore Simmerman, J., tanner Small, Dr. J. B., physieian Smith, Dr. H., pbyaician Smith, Er., tanner Speight, J. &, S., oabinetmakera Steel, William, carpenter and jftiner REMOVKD OR DISCOMTINVED BUSINXS8. Holgate, J., general (tore I S»8n, — , oabinelmaker Swan, Robert, pontmaater and general atore i ADAMSVILLE, C.E. (JVof included in the Canada Directory,) A ViLLA« situated in the Townahip of Famham, County? of Shefibrd. C.E-diaUnt from Granby, 8 milee,— and from Cowansville, 7 milea. Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, ftc. Adams, Geo., postmaster, general merchant. Beach, N. S., hhw mill saw and grist mills and tannery I Ruiter, Jacob, saw mill Arms, A., pearlash and aaleratus factory I Wood, A., potash factory ADMASTON. (Jfot included in the Canada Directory,) A Small Village and Township in the County of Renfrew, C. W. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o Anster, Michael, smith Brown, Geo., carpenter and township clerk Brown, Robert, csrpenter Mclntyre, Henry & Son, cloth factory and atore Miller, John, earning and fulling mill and store Moore, Elias, lumber merchant, saw and flour miller, and reeve Patterson, Archibald, postmaater and town. ship councillor Pureell, Charles, carpenter Reid, Ephraim, cloth factory Stewart, Daniel, township councilor Stewart, Donald, do do Chisholm, Aleiander, clerk of division court Hamen, Geo,, tanner and harness maker Harney, J. &. C, blacksmiths Harney, Daniel, chair factory Hoole, Joseph, ^weaver Jelly, Edward, mason Kennedy, John &lCo., carriage makers McAvoy, Murduon, shoe maker McDonald, Angus, tannor, saddler, &e McDonald, Angus, carpenter MeDonell, Norman, merchant (instead of iankeeper) * ALEXANDRIA. (Sbb Canada Directory, Page 18.) Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. McDonell, Rev. Alex., Roman Catholio MeDonell, Ewan, tailor McDonell, William, innkeeper McDonell, Robert, bailiff McDougall,Lachlan, blacksmith , McGillis, D., deputy registrar for Glengarry McLeod, Kenneth, shoe maker McMillan, E. O., grocer Murray, John, grocer Sinclair, Donald, miller Welkins, Phillip, plasterer Begley, Rev. D., Roman Calholi* RSMOTSD. I O'Dwyer, William, innkeeper [A. n lioian sian inetraakera Iter andjdiur Ler ) Bfibrd, C.E-dirtant ftc. II II oty fee. uierebant, saw and j I reeve KMtmaater and town. | inter aotury hip eouneiifer o do Roman Catholio r ikeeper iff laektmilh {iitrar for Glengarry I i maker ir rer keeper ALLANBURGH-ALLANDALE^AMHERSTBORG. ALLANBURGH, {Cmnty of WeUand, G. W.) (Sa» Canada Dibbctort, Pagb 18.) 19 Bump, Philander, temperance inn Borob, Allan, oanii^e maker Gihnore, Henry, inn keeper Hartley and Piper, ooopors Hioke, William, batcher Johnston, Jamea, emith Dennis, William, innkeeper Elmwood, B. F., cloth factory Finlay, P. innkeeper Moisen, Jamea, bricklayer Addenda. King, Joaeph, chandler Vanalstine, John, iboemaker Wa kmihaw, William, {reneral store Waters and Smith, tamers Wilkerson, William, shoemaker DISCONTINUED. Pennoek, WiUiam, storekeeper Sherwood, H., tailor Wilson, John C, carriage maker ALLANDALE. {JTot included in the Canada Dirtdwy.) ;i,m i^lfr/o"*-^* " «'"' Township of Otonabee, County of Peterboro* CW from Keene. 2 m.Ies-population about 150. Poet office, Otonabee. ' '" ... -u -"P^^o^cal list offtSsBioM, Trades, Ac. Atkms, Thomas, cooper Calder, William and John, tannery Connell, Greorge, smith Dowdall, John, shoemaker Hewson, Thomas, waggon-maker Humphries, James, carpenter -distant McGowan, Thomas, weaver Short, Thomas, general store, four aad saw mills, and ahingle and stave factory Sired, James, carpenter Williamson, John, tailor AMHERSTBURG. (Sbb Canada Dikeutoby, Page 18.) PorotATiON by census 1851, about 3000. Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. Anderson, Edmund, collector of cnstoms Archer, William, grocer and dry goods Borrowman, James, hatter BoUford, Alanson, cleik of division court Brush, Thomas, bailiff Darragb, Patrick, tailor Deaubien, Jaroos M., (instead of Boaubien, Jas.,) general store and wharfinirer Degan, John, tailor * Duff, William G., general store Duncan, George, town clerk Foster, Levi, slage owner and innkeepci' Fry, Henry, tailor Goodfellow, Rev. Mr., Methodist Gott, JaAes, boot aad shoemaker ^ottj -crrofgc, boo; and shoemaker Haeket and Brother, chair makers Hunt & Thibo, (instead of Hunt & Co.,) gMwral atora and mill owners Jones, Alexander, town reeve for 1852 Kane, John A., druggist Kollisihellor, T., cigar maker Leggatt, Gordon N., barrister at law Maria, Louis, temperanee hotel Mears & Company, gener J store McGuire. Terrenee, boot and shoemaker McKenny, Henry, tobacconist McLaren, Rev. Mr., Free Church McMullin, William, attorney at law O'Maddin, Anthonyt groeer Rogers, Captain R. M., SUff Officer, Lo- cal Penaioners Sahnoni & Co., (instead of Salmoio, Thos..) ffenaral aiom and «»i»«i.- tingers Western Aasuranee Company, Thoa. Sal. moni, agent Wilson, George, manager marina nUway i aoi AlV^ANSVILLE— ANCASTER-ARTHUR. KBMOTKD, OIBCOirriNUBO Bertrand, Simeon, butcher Buttt, Lewis, cabinet maker Caldwell. Francii, collector of cuitonis Clarke, John, grocer Dewaon, Alfred K., M D Dliio; W., attorney at law ' Dou|r|aM it Williama, brewera JamieK>n, Re?. George, Free Church Lett, George, general store BUSINESS OR DECEASED. McKay, John, grocer Niagara Mutual Fire Assurance Company Read, Robert, baker Robb, Rev. M., Church of Scotland Savage, William M., draper and tailor Staats, Louis, cabinet maker Turk, John, brewer Whiting, Rev. Richard, Methodist , ALLANSVILLE. (Sbs Canada Dirkctort, Pagb 582.) Stage Fare from St. Jacobs, Is lOJd; distance, 14 miles. Addenda. Allan & Sutherland, grist millowners Firkev, John, cooper Kelby, Joseph, miller Robertson^ John, barrister-at-Iaw Russell, William, teacher Smith, Miss Jane, teacher Viely, Peter, blacksmith Tanner, John, boot & shoe shop Aneaster Woollen and Yarn Manufacturing Co., Jacob Gable, president ; G. B. Rousseau, secretary Belt, Rev. William, church of England Binkley, W., (instead of John Hamill) town councillor Calder, James, (instead of J. A.) deputy reeve Chep, Jas., town treasurer and postmaster Crooks, Mathew, town clerk and conveyan- cer Cruikshank, (instead of Dean St. Cruik- shank) smith, waggonmaker, &c Edgar, — , boot and shoemaker Fayette, Rev. Mr., United Presbyterian ANCASTER. (See CanXoa Directory, Page 19.) Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. Halson, Robert, saddler liendershott. A., town councillor Kelly, Isaac, miller and clothier, (in. stead of cotton manufacturer) McMurray, Rev. Wm., D.D., church of England Munro, John C, merchant and miller Sfurdoch, George, smith and waggon- maker Roy, Mrs., innkeeper Stark, Rev. Mr., church of Scotland Smith, Rev. A., Weeleyan Thomson, George, boot and shoemaker Taylor, Joseph, waggonmaker REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Courtenay, John, ahoemaker Erwin, Eli, mason I Robinson, James, waggonmaker Taylor, W. R., merchant ARTHUR.— (Given anew.) A yiLLASBsituated in the South Eastern part of the Township of Arthur, County of Wa- terloo, C.W., f>n the road leading from Guelph to Owen Sound-distant from Guelph, the County lown. 25 mHes-from Fergus, 13 miles-usual stage fare from Guelph, 6s. 3d. —from Fergus, B». 6d. Population about 50. 'Ibe mail stage from Fergus to Owen Sound fhf^hlrj-' f Z mT^^ l*?" *'""^': '^^^ P°" °'^''^' ''"°*'" " that of Arthur, is under the GnariTfl nf Mr. Williiim r2ainn a%%\A :«. -* - . ;j ui- j- - « . ^ __ .-y «,»„ ,„ at, n Cuiinidcra&ic uiSiaxiCO irOiIi 1116 Vllitttfe. Arthur contams grist, oatmeal and saw mills (the proprietor of which is Andrew Mitchell, Esq., J. P.); 3 taverns, 2 stores, 1 blacksmith, and 1 carpenter. A place of worship has been lately ereotod for the use of all denominations. f "• w«r.iiipnM ARVA— AYLMER. 91 urance Company Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Ac. Ballantine, Willkm, tavern-keeper Burr, James, do. Carson, John, carpenter Clarke, William, tavern-keeper Gordon, Dr. John Henry, sargcon Grieve, Peter, rtorekeeper Gunn, Wm., postmaster at River Maitland Mitchell, Andrew, miller and poatmaatet Mitchell, Robert, miller and town clerk Mitchell. Thomaa, tanner Ogaten, Thomai, merchant tailor RobertRon, David, blackimilh Swallows &, Irons, storekeepers ARVA. (JVo« included in the Canada Dtrectory.) A Village situated in the Township of London, County of Middlesex. C. W -.distant fromLondon, SJmiles— stage fare. Is. 3d. ' Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Bill, William, plough maker Bull, William, innkeeper Elliutt,J'>hn, blacksmith Frelich. \')raham, do Heblewaith, John, cabinet maker Fowfird, John, tailor Ktint, S. C. W., general store Leary. John, grist mill M'Nab, Jas. £ David, cradle factory, car- riage factory, and cabinet ware M^Nab, John, blacksmith Miller, James, boots and shoes Orr, Archibald, waggon maker Orr, Robert, do Sifton, Joseph, general store, & postmaster Stephenson, George, waggon maker Sutherland, Jas., cloth factory St, saw miila Wilson, Crowell, M.P.P., cloth factory and saw mills Wilson, Job, boots and shoes AYLMER, C.E. (Seb Canada Directory, Page 20.) ATLAERisnowthfl District Town of the Ottawa District, erected in June. 1852. iation, about 1300, and rapidly mcreasing. * *o««. Public Officers, (Addenda.) McCoRD, Hon. W. K., judge of the circuit court. Egan, John, M.P.P. for Ottawa. Lafontaine, Aime, prothonotary and clerk of the peace. CoUTLEE, Louis M., sherifT. Syhmes, Charles, district revenue inspector. Taylor, Jas. F., county registrar. Woods, J. R., postmaster. Gordon, John, high constable. MuRPHT, John, jailer. Popo. Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. Allan, W. J., shoemaker and store Aylen, (instead of Alyn,) Peter, Jr., advocate Baillie, James, cabinet maker Campbell, William, (general store Campbell, Jokn, blacksmith Delisle, John D., advocate Donahue, Michael, blacksmith Doyle, James, tanner and shoe maker Hatt, Moses, Jr<, innkeeper Hodge», W. K., bailiff Hurlburt, Rev. Mr., Wesleyan Laflamme, Godfroi, advocate McCarthy, Charles, grocer McLean, W. & J., general store McGuire, George, ihoemsker MoOneV. D. h. T.. amilha mr>A Bit<»l..n4.a|.4- Morns, L. E-, advocate Patterson, William, innkeeper. Ranger, Aniri, (instead of Ronge, Andivw) saddler ;'liWl 88 AlTR-BABYVlLLfi. SjmmM, ThM. R., torniag lathe Tambtnlt, (initead of Trombeault), J. B., innkeofMr Walker, Jamei, blaeksmith Yerrington, Thoiaas, baker REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED. CaHar, Brock, pbjtteian. Carter, Geo. S., adfoeate. Chepmell, Hennr, rrocer. Coiuroy, Jamei, inri»eper. Cougblan, M., merchant. Kennedy, Donald, architect. 0'Keere,Jobn, saddler. AYR, {Toumship of North Dumfries, County of Waterloo.) (Sek Canada Dirbctouy, Page 21.) PorcLATiON now over 800, and steadily increasing. Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. Adams &, Colwell, coopers Anld, 3. W., plasterer Bell, William, M.D., coroner Blaek, (instead of Brown & Black) general merchant, &c Campbell &. Cathbertson, boot and shoe store Davidson, Thomas, woollen factory Gordon, Ebenezer, tin shop Hall, Thomas, waggonmaker Hall, Jaba, flonr mill Hamilton, John, tailor Lawrence, John, M.D. l^iwell & Babeock, stage owners McLean, Neil, painter McGeorge, Charies, M.D. Morison, John S., M.D. Petrie, Alexander, weaver Orr, J., boot and shoemaker Rose, Alexander, Wellington hotel Shepard, Alexander, Union hotel Scott, Misses, milliners Thomson, Mrs. William, storekeeper Veitoh, George, storekeeper Walker & Young, tanners Wrigley & Wright, builders Wallace, — , baker Young, John, farrier REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED. Anderson, Robert, oatmeal mill Daily 4b Fisher, smiths. &c Colwell, Thomas, hotel Dolman, Wiljiiam, betel Elliott, William, tailor McCrea, John, carpenter McLean, John, carpenter McLean, J. D., carpenter McLeod, Samuel, stage owner McMahon, James, M.D. McNaughton &. Wilson, flour mills Rose, Alexander, cooper Ryan, J. & J., shoemakers Westball, James, tailor BABYVILLE, (^Tot included in the Canada Directory.) AVaXkos situated in the Township of Sherrington, County of Huntingdon, C. £.- diilapt from Montreal, 30 miles— usual stage fare, 5s. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Ac. Hazard, Rev. H., Church of England Hqgbss, James, J. P. Fleming, William, J. P. Laviolette, J. 6., mill owner Nesbitt, H,, postmaster O'Meara, J., J. P. fiARRl^— BATH-BAY FIELD. 23 ntingdoa,C. £,— BARRIE. (SSB Canada Dirbctort, Page 48.) PornLATioii inereaied to upwards of 1000. Addenda and Errata. Ardagh, John R., M. D. Barker, Jamea, aaddier Barrie Herald, Jas. Patton, editor and pro. prietor Boys, H. R. A., lumber merchant (inatead of general atore) Boya, Thomas, geoeral atore Church of EnglamnLife Assurance .ompa. nv, H. Boys, M.D., egent Clarke, W. B. &. Co., general store Commercial Bank of M. D.,S. M. Sanford, agent Edwards, James, bailiff Howard, William, barber McKenzie, A., watchmaker Morrow, David, steam saw mill O'BrieD, F., general store Patton, James, (instead of Samuel) bar- rister Rutherford, J , shoemaker Strathy, J., county clerk Trott, Brothers, cabinet makeis Western Assurance Company, T. D- Mc- Conkey, agent BATH. (Sbb Canada Dibbctory, Page 22.) Addenda and Errata. Bonner, Rev. Mr. Boyle and Dole, tinamiths Crawford, William, ship owner Davy, W. H., marine railway and ship builder Davy, Peter, township councillor Hanooz, O., telegraph director Holister, Nelson, innkeeper Forward, D. T., founder, (inatead of ca- binet-maker Joknston, J., inspector of licensee Sutherland, J., school-teacher Wright, £., general store, telegraph ope. rator and clerk of division court REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Carr, Rev. George, Wealeyan Detlor, Jacob, inspector of licensee Donnelly, James, clerk of division court Greaves, Ruben, saddler Hawley, James E., innkeeper Hougb, Alva, broom maker Phillips, Rev. H. A., Church of Boglaud Priest, Sarah, teacher Rogera &. Wright, general store Rogers, Samuel, carriager maker Tripp, Charles, iron founder BAYFIELD. (Sbb Canada Directory, Page 23.) Annstrong, William, cooper Bingough, William, tailor Doak, Alexander, innkeeper Foulds, Thomas, shoemaker Gairdner &;Co., (instead of R. H.), general atore Haacke, Henry, innkeeper and auctioneer Hueke, (instead of Heath), A. H., dutiller Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. Luby, J., cooper M'Donald, Alexander, general store M'Tavish, Neil, smith, plough and wag- gon maker Morgan, James, shoemaker Rogers, Solomon, builder Whitten, James, carpenter and waggon maker REMOVED, DISOONTIirUBD BUSINESS OR DECEASED. Brawnett, George, ahoemaker Gordon, Donald, innkeeper I Proik, Anthony, carpenter I Tippett, Cheater, atore and innkeeper 24 BEACHVILLE— BEAMSVILLE. Burton, George, tanpcr and currier Cruttenden, Henry, general store Cruttenden, Lauriston, poatmaster Clunn, Attguttua, ahoemaker Hay, George, J. P. Henry, Warren, tanner and currier Maaon. Charleaj aaw, carding, and falling mills, also J, P. and reeve Martin, Calvin, J. P. Mann, R. S., (instead of R. A.), general atore BEACHVILLE. (Sbb Canada Dibbotobt, Page 23.) Addenda and Eniita. Mills, Walter, J. P. O'Neil, John, grocer Rosa, George, general atore Rons, Hugh, blacksmith Ryan, Joseph, tailor Sanderson, Dr. G. W., physician Topping, Timothy, teacher Thompson, Andrew, millwright Wallace, Rev. Robert, (instead of W.), Presbyterian Carbon, Dr. Piper, B,, teacher REMOTBD. I Sutherland, Donald, general atore Amiif, Jeren^iah, baker Amies, Misses, milliners, &c. Boam (instead of Beam) John, carpenter Car^ll, John, carpenter Coaklin, John, cooper Cole, Geo. &, Co., smiths & waggor-makera Comfort, And., teacher of grammar-school Cook, William, carriage trimmer Cook, Warren, painter Cornwall, Louis, potter Couse, Moses S. Crownover, Thomas, saddler Eddy, Edwin, steam saw mill Devitt (instead of Dewitt), Joseph, distillery Gundy, John, teacher Hill, T. S., tanner (instead of saddler) Henry, Robert, commissioner of court of Queen's Bench BEAMSVILLE. (See Canada Dirkctory, Page 23.) Alphabetical Addenda and Errata Hunter, Charles, Beamaville hotel Huntsman, Jamea, general atore Ker, Jamea Kew (instead of Kerr), W., carriage maker Kitchen, Miss, milliner Myhell (instead of Maghell) H., cabinet. maker Osborne &. Hearle, tinsmitha, &o. Rogers, Bernard, brickmaker Smith, George, carpenter Snyder, Joseph, Clinton Exchange hotel Wright, Will-am, M.D. Township Codncii,.— J. B. Osborne, Reeve; J. J. Patterson, R. Kllbome. J, M'Lean, J. Linderherry, CoMneil. lora, 3. S. Henry, Clerk. RBMOVED OR DISCOHTINtTED BUSINESS. Ashley &: Hackett, storekeepers Bradt, Peter, carpenter Braderick, B., shoemaker Bmgham, A., ninsmith Caldwell, Mathew, chairmaker Callender, John, homoeopathic doctor Cooley, John, painter Cause, Ira C., blacksmith Couse, tVioaes S., hotel keeper Dean, W. E., steam saw mill Dare, John, tanner Haines, Fred., store keeper McArthur, A., waggon maker Marlatt, Isaac, hotel keeper Roberts, John, discontinued hotel buBE< ness only Robinson, R. F. W., teacher Roy &■ Co.: o'enera! store Tufibrd, Martin, blaokaaiith Wigg, Edmund, baker BEAUH4RN0IS—BEO.NC0JR— BEDFORD. itor* th phyiieian cher lillwright I (instead of W,), neral store irille hotel ral store IV., carriage maker :hell) H., cabinet. liths, &o. laker Exchange hotel t. Oibome, Aeeoe; R- Kilbome, J. erherry, CouneU. ', Clerk. er naker }er led hotel bus!* her ith BEAUHARPiOIS. (See Canada Directory, Paob 24.) |Ste«mboat Fare from Montteal reduced to Is. 8d. Population, about 1,000. Addenda and Errata. Brision, Oilrer, dock dealer Boileau, Antoine, tinsmith BroMois, Julien, innkeeper Boyer, (instead of Bogie,) Antoine, saddler Branchaud, (instead of Rlancb8rd,)r Moies, advocate Braadie, M. C, English school Cassidy, John L, general store Chadron, Felix, tinsmith Champeau, Toussaint, bailiff Contsnt, Cyrille, mason Couillard, Antoine, genera! store Cuiskelly, Edward, innkeeper D'Aust, (instead of Dault.) Chs., advocate Freres, Chretiens, English &. French school Gendron, Pierre, blacksmith Gendron, J. 3., butcher Goyetto, Narcisse, mason Hitohins, Joseph & Sons, painteie St. watch* makars Keith, James, agent for the Seigniory of Beauharnois Lambert, Anthony, & Jos., potters Longpre, Bononi, boot maker Longpre, Gilbert, notary public Lemeriie, David, carpenter and joiDer Lamontagno, Jacob, boarding house M'Cully. James, tailor and clothier Ogdcn, James, trader Payment, Ovide, tanner Poirrie, dit Lafleur, Doctor Henry Prieur, F. X., general store Rochon, TouMaint, carriage maker Roussell, Joseph, butcher Sarrault, Narcisse, bailiff Sarrault, Pierre, carpenter Si. Pierre, Miss, French school Sweeney, Campbell, advocate Thornton, Geo., shoemakev Thom, (instead of Thorn,) R.. innkeeper SECKASED. Brown, L. 6., agent for the Seigniory. BECANCOUR. (See Canada Direotort, Page 25.) Addenda and Errata. Denechaud, M., storekeeper I JaUas, Joseph, (instead of Tutras) N. P. and registrar Leduc, Severe, storekeeper Mayrand, Antoine, wood merchant Rivard, Benjamin, postmaster DISCONTINUED. Beliiveau, Ulric, stordleeper. BjiJDFORD,— (Given anew.) A VatAOE in the Township of SUnbridge, Missis^ uoi County, C. E., situated on Pike River, about 8 miles frem its mouth, and nearly 32 i liles from St. Johns. Alphabetical List of Fro&uions, Trades, &o. Adams, Nelson, postmaster and general store Bockham, Rev. James, Gongregationalist Brown, N. S., J. P. Brown, N. S., tanner and currier Brown, A. L , saddler Borden, William, carriage maker Beck, A., tailor Curril, James L., general store Clayea &. Roberts, grist mill Corey, Norman, sash, blind, & door maker Curey, Isbmael, carpenter and house joiner Eager, G. B. & Co., cabinet & chair makers Engleshy, M., clothier Edson, Hiram, shoemaker Freligh, G., J. P. Googh, John, saddler Huge!, Gm. H. & Brother, innkeepers Hanver. Kiram, millwright Jones, Bev. James, Chuwh of England ni i < 4i B^LAMVS MtLLS-BELLEVILLe. Martin, Patrick, innkeeper Millt. Reid M., mm wright Peltier, Lewie, general etore Kixford, L. P., aoTthn and aie factory Koberte, Cheeter, J. P. ' Smith, R. C, blaekimith Smjth, John, blaokamith Spraeton, John, brickmaker Atone, S. W., clerk of commiiaioner'e court! Taylor, A. L., general etore Taber & Rice, axe factory Tiidale, Jamee, foundry Underwood, Thomas, tailor Woodbury, Pliny, tanner and carrier Young, Peter, carriage maker BELLAMY'S MILLS,-(Given anew.) Mk'^'w' '*Sfi^«Vt'Z'''?S5 '"?? '",'""' 5"«'' '" ""> Townehipof RamMy.Cottntv of Lan ■rK, o. W.. diataht about 33 milea from Perth, and 14 from Packenham. Alphabetical list of iMUam^, Edward, junior, miller and dealer m oonrand lumber Blair, Timothy, wool carder and cloth dree- eer Blair, Edward, carpenter and joiner Coulter, Thomaa, poetmaster and general merchant Professions, Trades, ftc. Coulter, James, hotel keeper Geddec, Andrew, general store Gillan, John, carpenter an i joiner M'Donnel, William, weaver M'Williams. H. J., blacksmith O'Donnel, Andrew, blacksmith Sutherland, John, tanner and currier Shean, John, boot and shoemaker BELLEVILLE. (Seb Canada Directory, Page 26.) Assurance Companies, Banks, &o., (Addenda.) Bank of Upper Canada, E. Holden, agent, Front at H«m« nSvfS^"!''?""* Company, Thomas Wills, agent, Front st Home D«tr.ct Mutual Insurance Company, Thomas WiHs, agent. Front st r ?^-^'r®r "i ^•'^ Assurance Company, John Ross, agent. Front st Colonial Life Assurance Company, John Bell, agent, Front st i '^trJJt s^ ° ^"* ""^ ^'^' ^^"'^"^ ^'^^P^''^' E. Chandler, agent, | "'•'""Im"/^^^^^^^^ Assurance Companies, S. S. Pio. °"*'"°Fii)"t'if ^"'°° Assurance Company of Hamilton, 3- S.Finden, agent, Merch«nts,aBd Mechanics' Building Society, Francis McAnany, President; M pj . « « ^^"° O&wn, (Addenda.) Morney, Edmund, M. P. P. for Hastings O'Hare, John, clerk of the Peace Benjamin, (Jeo., County Warden Henderson, (Jeo. E., clerk of the County Conncil Roy, K. M., town clerk Whiteferd, James, agent for Marriage licenses Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. HARTtETT, SMtTH, wholesale grocer, Front st Blacuock, Jaubs, general merchant, removed to Front st BELLEVILLE. 9Y looART, D. D., Steam saw miUa, manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of lumber JowiLt, M, (instead of Bowell Sc Moore,) printing office, Front at Jrown, 6. & J., iron iounders, machinists, and manufacturers of mill castings, stoves, ploughs, tin, copper, and sheet iron ware. Main st ICadweI'L, J. S., steam bakery and confectionery, in addition to former notioe, Front St ICAMPBEti., A. A., wholesale and retail dealer in shelf and heavy hardware, Front St I Canadian Tribune, weekly paper, R. Moore, publisher. Bridge st Clark, James, importer and dealer in British and Foreign dry goods, also cloak, bonnet, and fashionable millinery establishment, cornet Bridge and Front sts [Dafoe House, M. Northrup, (late Munroe's) corner of Pinnacle and Bridge sts, stage-house and livery stables, passengers baggage taken to or from the steamers free of cost, the bouse has been recently fitted up and renovated throughout, and is now equal to any in Canada West iDoRLANS, Dr. £. G., physician snd surgeon, Front st DouoALi., A. R., attorney at law, Front st, over Harrison's book store I Empire Hotel, P. J. Van Paten, known as the Bogart house, Bridge st, this house has been newly fitted up and repaired, and is bow one of the £nt class houses in the place I Gillespie & Co., wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 1 Basting's Commercial Buildings, Front st ! Glass, James, importer of British and Foreign cutlery, hardware, paints, oils, glass, &c.. Front st Grant, Lewis, wholesale and retail dealer in dry-goods and groceries. Front st Hastings Chronicle, weekly paper, Miles & McDougall, publishers, Front st Henderson, G. £., barrister and attorney at law, Front st Holden, R, & Co., apothecaries, chemists, druggists, &c., wholesale and retail. Front st Hatmes, James M., wholesale and retail hatter and furrier, Front st, cash paid for shipping furs Intelligencer, The, weekly paper, M. Bowell, publisher, Front st Jones, R. H., Pinnacle st, constantly on hand coaches, carriages, sleighs, 8u;., railroad carriages constructed on the most approved principles Jones, Dr. L. N., eclectic physician and surgeon. Front st McFaul, Alexander, grain, flour and provision merchant, wholesale and retail. Front st Miles & McDougall, general printing office. Front st Moore, R., general printing office, Bridge st Murnet, Edmund, (instead of Edward,) M. P. P., barrister at law, Front st Noswortht, James, saddler and harness maker, Bridge st O'Reillt & Mandeville, importers of British and American dry.goodB, groceries and liquors, Front st Papineau, Francis, Wellington house and livery stables. Front st, a com- fortable house and moderate charges SiDLET, Dr. Charles, physician, &c.. Front st Keeo, J. L., morocco manufacturer, Reed st Sawter, ' , chemist, druggist and apothecary, wholesale and retail. Front st 911 ''fl *? BEL(EIL. ?w!I?.f S°'' '"'"'"'«°*"rer« amd importers of woollen good«. Front st I Victoria FowNDRT and Machine Works. Jordan ficEarle, Brie «t a orie "i'lT r8'"«'» ^^i'^-^. ">"' gearing, brass casting^, &c7mal"^ Wms Thom.: «"^ ' P"'"'*''" '"■''"'" ^^^^ '"'"« o" «" '-"proved plan Wius, Thomas, conveyancer and general agent, Front st *^ f^ft'f'jir- Wm'«m. dry goods, Front .t ^eokeit, MiM, milliner, Fwnt it Balleni, Min, milliner, Front it Burrell William, axe factory, Moira at Coy e, William, woollen factory, Moira st Conlan, B., brewer, Front st nui ^'"PIL*"; wo'Jt'ng jeweller. Front st Dickens, William, grocer, Front st Donoghue, F., grocer, Front it Edwards, S. C, general grocer, (late hotel. keeper) Front st Kvans, H. T., marble factory. Front st Moton, J., general store, Front st i^itnning, George, If ather store, Front st Furnival &, Co., tinsmilhs, Bridge st German & Davis, boot & shoe store, Front st Grant. James, hotel. Main st SllSt'^w'n'"''' '"''" a"d grocer, Front st ti^Ia'1,T' w^'chmaker. Front st Jutfcf, Alexander, general store, Front st Jones Daniel A., grocer, corner Bridge and Pinnacle sis s •"" Jtnma, L. S., paper mills. Moira st JLaonedy, James, grocer, Front it Lister, Dr. James, removed to PinnHolo it McCracken, Wni., dry goodi. Front it i McCurdv, J., auctioneer and general itore Front st '' MacKay, J. D., cabinet maker, Front st McLellan, D., whnrfinger Meaghen, James, grocer, Front st Meyers, '^. W., boarding house, Main s( Munro, Royal, boardinghouse. Pinnacle it i Northgraves, W. J., watchmaker. Front .t O'Hare, John, barrister at law. Front b». Phillips, Mrs., milliner. Front st Richards, Henry, baker and confectioner Front It Ryerson, Rev. John, Wcileyan Thompson, Wm., last factory. Main at Thompson, J. W„ telegraph superinten- dent, Bridge st Thomson, R. C., botanic doctor. Front st Wartiman, L. H., watchmaker. Front st Wallbridge, Adam H;, attorney at law. Bridge st Wilkes, C. R., hotel, Frcnt st Wilson, W. P., generrl i.ore,,Front it REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED Babbitt, William, tailor Bliss &. Jordan, foundry Breakanridge, J. & W., barristerial law Bumharo. W. R., general store Canon, Dr.. botanic physician Coleman, W. H., lumber merchant Copeland, John, carpenter Corby, Thomas, baker Fairinan,W. J., grocer Fjtxgjbbon, James G., barrister at law Fitzgibbon, William, barrister at law and clerk of the peace Frizzel, Wm., marble faotory Gardener, — , grocer Harper, Charles, innkeeper Huffman, Pwer, hotel keeper Jones, Rev. R.. Wesleyan McMastcr, William, grocer Madden, W. H., watchmaker Martin, William, hotel keeper Munro, Samuel, wharfinger Munro, Royal, as hotel keeper only Newton, Thomas, general store Pringle, Jno. D., carriage maker Keed, J. H., hair dresser Ross, E. P.. boot store Sierichs, H., baker Smith, John, tailor Vandervoort, David, hotel Watt, William, grocer Wright, Arthur and Fred., general store BELCEIL. (See Canada Directort, Page 29.) Adams, S., smith Adams, F., joiner Adams, Louis, cart maksr Snlion, J. R. notary, Bmnel, Joseph, joiner Charland^ Francois, general store Addenda. Champouz, Michael, joiner Champoux, Toussaint, smith Deaaiite!^ A^* cooler Dillon, Stephen, bridge keeper Dnrocher, J. B. E., general store Duolos, Louis, temperance inn BERLIN. oinoni Lieut. Col>, Alphonn ^chtrme, Flavien, carpenter iirreine, Ed., imlth uhamel, Jot,, •mith ,1 Ruuz, C. H., teacher ■i;renade, Pierre, joiner ilumiere, Ant., imilh imuureux, Clement, atnitb pdeux, Louii, oartmuker Duiioau, Joseph, tanner Molot, Pradent, i^neral alore, poatmaater and J. P. Petit, Henry, joiner, buteher, and baker Phaneur, Seraphin, oartmaker Prerontaine, Joieph, tanner Provoit, Antoine, architect Renevu, Chriatopher, amith Soign^ Joteph, ahoemaker Tibeau, Geo., do. BERLIN. (See Canada Directobt, Paob 29.) Population over 1100, and Ibklin ia now the County Town of the County of Waterloo. Ipidly inoreatiog. Pnblio Officers, (Addeada.) Lhrens, C. H., county treasurer Eolquhoun, James, elerk of county court )avidson, George, shorifT kavidson, Wm., county clerk and postmaster Enslin, C, registrar of surrogate court tby, Peter, crowu lands agent pergussoHt-Adam J., M.P.P. (or Waterloo rving, ^melius, clerk of the peace [iller, Wm., judge of the county and surrogate courts loott, John, county warden and revenue inspector fcott, J., IVf .D., Kerr, W., Seagram, T., IM.D., Bell, W., M.D., coroners for the county of Waterloo jboemaker, D. 8., county registrar Alphabetical Addenda Lhrena &> Haber, general itore end foundry lergei, Anthony, ahoe atore 1 Berlin Telegraph," weekly paper^Peter I Eby, proprietor lerry. Rev. Frs,, Methodist lowman, H. B., general atore (instead of [ foundry) luckier, Wm., mason borrell & Bowman, cabinet makers boleman, John, baker )avidson, Geo., N. P. and insurance agent i>a/idson, Wm., N< P.and io do )euter & Meckel, well sinkers 5by, Peter, printer Sbey, all names so spelled should be " Eby" Brnat, John J., editor of " German Canadian" Sreckel, Adam, baker Sankcl, Levi, innkeeper iilliRs, Joseph, tailor Suildner (instead of Fildner), V. smith lantz, George, grocer Xay, Robert, hatter i^rofl, Leonard, smith [ramer, Jacob, weaver < Knoll, Fred., innkeeper Kline, John, teacher Lang, Dominiok, tanner Maokay, J. A., gfeneral atore Mather, Fred., innkeeper McNab, John, teacher Oetzel, John, innkeeper Ontarjo Insurance Company, WDavid* son, agent Rothers, Samuel, shoemaker Schneider, Rev. Hy., Baptist Scbwalm, John, painter Shafer, Henry, brickyard Shautz, Jacob Y., saw mill Snider, Jas. E., saw mill Thoman, Wm., general agent, (inateail of carpenter) Tyon, Abraham, builder Wagner, Revt Jacob, German Methodist Walden, Wm., tailor, (instead of bailiff) vVestern Assurance Company, Geo. Da< vidson, agent Whiteman, Andrew, mul oontraetor 4' '4 I' - 'l Ll'l BERTHIER-BIHMINGHAM-BLOOMnELD. riubia, JUf. John Biilltr, F. O., atorakMper DISCOimNUKD. Smith, H«nry, drugf iti Waihburn, 8., oabmflt malur Amiot, Octave, nneral itore Anutrong, DaVk! M., U-Col., J. P., and eommiaaioner of court for amall cauaea Bathuna, Dr. John George, phyaiciao Dtrouln, (inataad of Dorouln,) Joieph, gene. ral atora 'Morion, Theophile, general atore. PMcondu, Edward, bailiff i^quitable Fire Aaaurance Company, A. Kitt* •on, agent Fagnant, Thomaa, bailiff Ferland, Dr. L. H., pbyiician * 'hUl ' ^'"'"^ °' Joieph,) boarding BERTHIER, en hatt. (Sec Canada Dirkotoxy, Paoe 30.) Addenda and Errata. Girottx, Preme. bailiff Leclaire, Cyrille, general atore Lord, Calixte, bailiff . LaTemer, RemI, NP. Moll, Dr. L. J,, phyiician , McBean, Joiin, (Major instead of Captain) Morriaon, VVm., (Lt.-Col., initead ol^lai.) RoUton, (instead of Rulaton,) Peter, tanner ViiLACB ConKcit!-A. C. Porneret, ' Mayor; L. A. Ollfler. Joaeph Derouin, Charles Emond, Dr. L. H. Ferland, Pierre Contu, Francia Oagnon, Councillors; P. X. La. fond, secretary and treuurer MMOVBD, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED Fafard, George, general atore Fariee, Lt.-Col., Hugh I Leclaire, Miss, dry goods Mc Williams, James, general store BIRMINGHAM. (JVot included in the Canada Directory.) Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, See. Brant, Rev. Henry, Chureh of England Birmingham, J., poatmaater and deputy town reeve Collowell, , carpenter Collowell, ., master m;Mhftnic Roaett, Rev. Mr, Roman Catholic Gannon, A., ahoemukor Denny, Anthonyy cooper Leavena, Smith P., shoe atore Milla, Francis, carpenter McGibbon, John, cooper BLOOMFIELD, 1st. (Sm Canada Directory, Page 31.) Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. Penny, Noah, tanner 1 ivey, John, cooper Vincent, John, millwrigJii. C/Qultif, S iflstfih fss*3r~ Ringer,' Wm., aboemake/ Palvar.P. M., innkeeper REUOVfiD OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. StinBou, John, amith White, W., ahoemaker BOLTON— BONDHEAD-BOSTON. tl 'rontonac,C.W.,dM. BOLTON. (Sxa Canada Dibi otoby, Paob 32.) Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. TouoHToir, Wm., druggiat. Ui, Robert, innkeeper urleifl, Williem (initrad of Oarleie, W), innkeeper {Grajr, Matthew, briokmaker Jon<M, Tbomat, ilioemaker iLawaon, Edward, &, Co., general atore iLond, Richard, carpenter MiUa, John, ahoomaker Melntoah, John, woollen factory Pnetell. William, foundry Sbieldi, John (inatead of Sbialda, W.). general atore Wheeler, Rev. Joaoph, Congr«g«tioMl miniattr BEMOTED, OISCONTINUKD BUSINESS, OR DECEASED. lAnatead William, briokmaker iBarona, William, carpenter I Bolton, William, law mill I Bolton, Cbarlea, general atore Rurrowea, Nieholae, paropmaker 1^ Jonei, Griffeth, bootmaker| Reef ea, John, baker Rutherford, Adam, bootmakar Toy, Frederick, baker Woolfo, Jamet, blaekamiUi BONDHEAD.-(Given anew.) I A VuxAOi aituatcd in the Towahipa of West (Jwillimbury and Tecunaeth, County of Sim- Icoe, C.W. — diatant from Toronto, 44 miles. Alphabetical List I Armatrong, George, achool teacher Boddy, John, innkeeper * Brawley, Cbarlea, blaokamith Burni^ John, shoemaker Ellison, Thomaa, boot and shoemaker Ellison, Charles, boot and ahoeroaker Fisher, Thomaa, cabinet maker Fraaer, Rev. W., Seceesion Church Geekie, W. B., physician and surgeon Goodfallow, A., cabinet maker Lewis, G., blacksmith Loont, H., general store Lundy, D., carpenter Lynd, Joseph, general storo MoCraoken, R., carpenter ' MeNaught, George, tailor Manning, Henry, bootmaker Manning, Samuel, plasterer of Professions, Trades, fto. Matliews, J., boot and ahoemakar Mo3dy, William, diatiller Neilson, Wm., waggon and pioagh maker Orr, O. J., physician and aurgaon Osier, Rev. L. F. M., Chareh of England Parker, Wm., blaokamith Roach, R. J,, teacher grammar aehool Robinson, F. J., oaroner Rogers, Setb, tanner Rogiirs, B. J., J.P. Rogers, Silas, sawyer St. Clair, A., general store and diatillary Stephenson, Richard, saddler, &o Switzer, R., carpenter Tupper, Rev. E. R. M., Methodiat Church Watson, Geo., waggon maker Watson, Jas., blacksmith f.. if l-v BOSTON. (JVof included in the Canada Directory,) A Smau, Villaor situated in the Township of I'ownsend, County of Norfolk, G.W. Fp ulation, about 100. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, 4». Barber, Henry J., J.P. n._«.i.i n.- f w Forbes, Leicester, carpenter Johuson, Joseph, J.P. Morgan, David, poatmaster Ormistou, George, general atoia Rouse, Oliver, maater nwchaDie Taylor, Gilbert, J.P. Van Loon, Rev. Jaeob 39 b6ucherville-bowmanville. BOUCHERVILLE. (Skh Canada Directobt, Paok 34.) Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. Jodoin, JeanBte.,J.P. L«*»ille, Auguite, storekeeper and baker liemonde, Rev. Jean Bte., R. C. Priest Thomas, Jean fite., painter Weilbrenner, Remi L., M.D. RKMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASES. Dig«nais, Rer. Thomas E., R.C. | Lefebre, Charles, shoemaker BOWMANVILLE. (See C4NADA DiRECTORT, Page 33.) Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. Andrews, Joseph, curpcn'er. King st Bailey, J. T., innkeeper, King et Bailey & Brown, potters. King st Baker, Robert, steam planing mill Bamford &. McDougall, dry goods, and gro- ceries, King st Blodfrett, Mrs., tailoress, Ch»ch st firodie, Thomas, carpenter, King st Brown, T., & Co., tinsmiths. King st Barns, William, Aoeroaker, King st Calicott, James, blacksmith, Kingst Chesterfield, C, bootmaker, King st Drewry, John, leather store, King st Elliott At Brother, clothing and groceries. Kingst Equitable Fire Insurance Company, H. S. Reid, agent. King st Fish, Rey. Charles, Wesleyan Garner, Rev. ^, Primitive Wesleyan Gamett, J., grtc* and nurseryman, King st GIov.r.Wm.,sl*ge-gibvKifigst ^ Hoar, Henry, CJirpii^D^ing st Moar, Thomas, generaMmiih, King st Harrison, A., innkeeper. King st Jenkins ^ Couch, tailors. King st Law, G. H., chemist and druggist. King st MacKay, John, general store. King st McNab, Rev. Dr., Church of Bnglanti MallMy, Amos, lumber merchant, Kingst Mitchell, Z., grocer, Kingst REMOVED, ifeSCONTINUED OR ALTERED. Bailey, James, potter Blewett &, Hoar, smiths Bowiirig, Rev. C, rrimiiive Methodist Dftvidson, S. W., chemist and drusffist Drewery, Mrs., innkeeper Hales, H. B., saddler Mearns &, Stuart, groceries, liquors and glassware. King st Moffatt, Gillespie & Co., Lanark flour mills Nosworthy, T., saddler, &c.,King si Udell, A., carpenter. King st Odell, M., carpenter. King st O'Hsra, Robert, carpenter, King st Patton, Dr., physician, King st Peate, M., tailor. King st Porter, Marshall, saddler, King st Reed, — , tailor. King st Robertson, James &, Co., general hard- ware. King st Robins, Rev. P., Bible Christian Robinson, E., tinsmith. King st Smith, Rev. John, Free Church, Church st Stephens, James, shoe store. King st Stulter, Jaceb, Ontario Mills, King st Tennery, John S., general store, King st Thompson & Peirson, clothine store. Kingst Ussher, Saml., Darlington mills. King st Vancamp, J,, grocer. King st Webster, Mrs., boarding house, King st Welch, Richard, mail contractor. King st Western Fire Assurance Company, D. Ussher, agent. King st Young, A. E., general store, King st Kennedy, Rev. Thos., Church of England MoFeters, James, genera! store Smith, D. S., produce merchant Wilson, John, potter Wilson, Nathaniel, general store Atkinson. J. Atkinson, T Barnard & I Bingham, E Collins, Wil Crysler, M. Donnelly, M George &, R Kelly, Miss, Lane, Samui Laurie, Will Lonny, Rev. Macartney, J Cameron, D. Davidson & Fergason, T Goodfellow i McKay, J. A MoLaohlan, ANINOORPORi distant, from HoTtrXAND, Adams, Price Anderson, Tl Anderson, Al Andrews, Wi Balantyno & Barton, J., wi Berry &, Orai ** Brampton \ and pu Calvin, Thos., Clark, John, b Clark, E. A., Davis, J., tailc Davidson, R01 Forsyth, T.. ii Fletcher, E., Forsler, W., g Gardener, Wii Gilchrist, D., i Graham, Jam Graham, Joscf Hsffgart & fii Haggart, Or '] Harvey, Dr A Htmiilon & A Hughes, John fiRADFORD-BRAMPTON. 83 0., general hard- BRADFORD. (Sbb Canada Dihectoby, Page 34.) Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. Atkinion. J., itage proprietor Atkinion, Thomas, carriage maker Barnard & Brothers, general store Bingham, Edward, butcher Collins, William, baker and confectioner Crysler, M. O. barrister, &c. Donnelly, Mrs, ladies school George &, Rowland, general store Kellj, Miss, milliner and dressmaker Lane, Samuel, atlorney, &,c. Laurie, William, bailiff Lonny, Rev. Thomas, Free Church Macartney, R, B., boot and shoe store REMOVED, DISCONTIN0ED Cameron, D., general store Davidson & Mosier, cabinetmakers Fergoson, T. E., school teacher GoodTellow &. Lundy, carpenters &. builders' McKay, J. 6t> Co., genern. store MoLachlan, Rer. John, Free Church Merrick, J., innkeeper McKay, John, innkeeper McPherson, John, school teacher Nesbitt, William, stage agent Oats &, McBeth (instead of Oates&Cook> eriuin), grist mill Ormsby, George &, Son, boot &. shoe store Ryan, John, civil engineer Scott & Terry, cabinetmakers Sutherland, John, waggon maker Thompson, D., general store Watson, S., general store BUSINESS, OR DECEASED. Paton, James, M.D. Price, Rev. L. O., Wesleyan Rogers, Joel, innkeeper Ross, Denjamin, carpenter Ross, James, carpenter Thompson, John £., barrister.at.Iaw BRAMPTON.— (Given anew.) An incorporated Village, situated in the Townshipof Chinguacousy, County of Petl, C W [ distant, from Toronto, 26 miles— usual stage fare, 3s 9d. Population, about 1000. ' " Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, 4ce. HowiAND, P., postmaster and general merchant Hughes, Stewart, mason I Adams, Price, cooper I Anderson, Thos., shoemaker I Anderson, Alex., carriage maker , I Andrews, William, general store iBalantyno & Gouinlock, pamtera ■ Barton, J., watchmaker [Berry St. Orangy, saddlers I" Brampton Mercury," John G. .Tudd, printer I and publisher ICalvin, Thos., painter ICIark, John, blacksmith ICIsrk, E. A , watchmaker ■Davis, J., tailor iDavidson, Rev. J., Primitive Methodist IForsyth, T.. innkeeper iFleteher, E., brewery iFonler, W., general store ■Gardener, William, mason ■Gilchrist, D., innkeeper |Grabam, James, carpenter 'xraham, Joseph, innkeeper laggart & Brothers, iron founders laggart, Dr T., physician iarvey, Dr A., physioiaa lamilton &. McDougaJl, cabinetmakera lughes, John, mason D Holmes, Rev. A., Presbjrtarian Holmes, J., tannery Hunt, James, cooper Hidgins, Joseph, tailor Jackson, S., general store Judd, John 6., printing offiea Lynch, D. L., general /It^l^d township treasurer «> ^- ' \ MoElroy, Thos., cabAiUma'ker ' ^ - McCunnell, N., carpenter .J^^ MuLelland, William, shoemaKer ' McKelvey, James, tinsmith McKelvcy, Wm., do Mills, John, mason Medole, Ji hn, shoemaker Martin, Mrs, school teacher Moore, Dr W., phya oian Mounljoy, J. R. general store McPhail, Peter, attorney.at.Iaw Nelson, James, saddler Pringle, Rev. J«njfi-, United Presbyterian For cr, J., tailor Ross, J., general store Rodden, John, blacksmith Smith, Robert, temperanoe inn BRANCHTON— BRANTFORD. Smith, Willi«m, carpenter Bbenniok, J. L., shoemaker Stewart, A>, innkeeper Stephens, William, innkeeper Spelman, J. A., fanning mill maker Townahip Reere, J. Lynob Trueman, D., druggiit Tmeman, Miai, aobool teacher Tivedclle, J„ carpenter Yodden, Julin, carriage maker Willis, John, lirery stables Weir, J., innkeeper Whitehead, T., general store ' Wright, G., general store, mill and diatillerj Wood, P. L>, bookseller and stationer Young, Rer. Wm., Wosleyan BRANCHTON. (Jfot included in the Canada Directory.) A Vnxiac sitnated on the line of the Gait Branch of the Great Western Railroad, distantl from Gait, 6 miles. Population, about 100— stage fare, Is 3d. Alphabetical List of FrofesBions, Trades, &o. Marshall, P. A., postmaster Marshall &. Burnet, general store Roiebargh &, Scott, marble factory Smith, S., wearer Turnbull, T., smith and waggon maker. BRANTFORD, {County Town of the County of Brant.) (See Canada Directory, Paob 35.) Asanranoe Companies, Banks, &c., (Addenda.) Bank of British North America, James Cliristie, manager, Colborne st Bank of Montreal, A. Greer, agent, Colborne st Brantford Building Society, J. K. Buchanan, secretary and treasurer, CoI-| borne st Britannia Life Assurance Company, J. K. Buchanan, agent, Colborne st Canada Life Assurance Company, Charles Robinson, agent, Colborne st Great Western Telegraph, T. Lockman, manager, Colborne st Liverpool and London Fire and Lite Assurance Company, J. K. Buchauaoj agent, Colborne st National Loan Fund, Life, and Equitable, Fire, Assurance Companies, R. Scott, agent, Colborne st Pablio Officers. Burns, W. H., registrar of surrogate court, county of Brant Cameron, J., clerk of the peace, county of Brant Murphy, Wm., revenue inspector, do Jones, S. J., judge ot the county and surrogate courts Shenstone, T. S., county registrar for the county of Brant Smith, J., sheriff of the county of Brant Wood, E. B., county clerk of the county of Brant R. McCosh, M.D., S. W. Cook, M.D., N. E. Mainwaring. M.D., WellesijI Johnson, A. H. Cook, P. O'Carr, coroners for county of Brant Alphabetical Addenda. BiTiBiDOK, D., wholesale and retail dealer in staple and fancy dry goods^ Colborne st Bbahtford Conservativb Expositor, Racey & Mair, editors, .Colborne i BsAKTFosD HekaIiD, W. Johnstono, editor, Colborne st BRANTPORD. tern Railroadi dittani id waggon maker. d treasurer, Col- 35 IBbown & Robinson, auctioneers, booksellers, binders and stationers, cor- ner of Market and Dalhousie sts BuBLET, LcTHKR, hotel and general stage house, opposite the market. See I advertisement Edbweil, Lbwis, (instead of Alexander,) surveyor and draughtsman, Dar- j ling St ICbbistie, Jambs, manager Bank British North America, Colborne at I Cliffobd, Daniel, cabinet maker, removed to Dalhousie st ICdLB, S.,inadditionto former business, makes washing and churning ma- I chines ICboohan, B. W., saloon, Colborno st. Keeps always on hand fresh oysters, I lobsters, sardines, cigars, &c IGeb, Chableb, tailor and clothier, Colborne st. Every description ot Cloth. I ing furnished on very moderate terms IGbeer, a., agent of Bank of Montreal, Colborne st IHalb, Hayden <fc Co., (formerly Hale and Stayner,) livery stables, King at IHayden 6c Simpson, (late F. Simpson,) dealers in boots, shoes and leather, J Colborne st IJameb, J., hotel keeper, Colborne st. This house furnishes good accommo- I dations, and the charges are moderate iLoNO, Peter B., barrister and attorney at law, Colborne st IMaweby, Joseph, wheat store. Canal side IMbbbioold, C, wholesale and retail grocery establishment, Colborne st iMoNTEiTa, Robert, railroad inn, near the stage and post offices, corner of I Dalhousie and Market sts IMoorr, ,^ohn Henry, '« The Emporium" store, Colborne st ■Norwood, J. T., hair dresser and perfumer, Colborne st ^BATMAN, H., auctioneer, commission merchant and general grocer, Col. borne st PuEiFs, H. D., dealer in teas, sugars, coffees, groceries, &c., Colborne st Pbuyn, M. W., (late Pruyn dc Clark,) general grocer, Colborne st loBiNsoN, Charles, barrister at law, removed to Colborne st 3coTT, R., agent for National Loan Fund, Life, and Equitable, Fire, Assur. ance Companies, Colborne st 3KINNEB, JiBA, M.D., removed to Dalhousie st Steele, John, manufacturer, distiller, die dtc, removed to Darling st riTDS, A. M., general dry goods, clothing and millinery warehouse. Col- borne st Jshbb, Rev. Tames C, Church of England, Colborne st i^ANBBocKL N WiNTBR & Co., (late P. C. Vanbrocklin, & Co.,) founders, machMists, &c, &c, Colborne st i^HiTHAM, William, painter and frame maker, removed to Colborne st focNG, J. J., new brick hotel, river side, west end of Colborne st. A large and commodious house, beautifully situated, and offering excellent ac- commodations icvet, JaR. M., surgeon dcntiat, Colborne st kahworth, E.. bonnet maker, UalhoiiBJe gt Babcock, Geo., atatre owner, Burley'a hotel Baoon St Perkins, chair faolory, Colborne st parrett, Richard, watchmaker, Colborne at Bell, J., clothing store, Cojburne at own, R. R,, court house aqnara Capron, VV. & Co., carriage makers, Col* hdrna at Catton, John, grocer, Colborne at Clarke, Geo., «hoemaker, Colborne at Crary, Mrs., milliner, &o, Dathoueie at Creighton, Rov, Mr. Weslejon Davis, C, tailor. Queen at BRANTFORD. DougUi, John, baker, Colborna at Fairman, Dr., Dallmutie st Fletcher, Charles, blaokimith. Queen at Fraaer, M., innkeeper, Culborne at Fysb, II., confectioner, Culborne at Gaddea, W., blackaoiith. West at Oawler, H., dry gi.oda, Colbornc at Heepa, G., barber, Colborne at Houghton &. Wallace, tannera, Colborno at Hull, J. B., innkeeper, Uumfriea at Jamea, Thoinaa, grucer, Market aquare Kerby, Jamca, merchant, Dumfriea at Landun &. Buck, tinamlths, Colborne at Lsyoock, Dr., Colborno at Lee, William, barber, Colborne at Lowet, Z., innkeeper, Culborne at Mair, Thomaa, Weai Brantl'ord Maraon, Mra., grrocery, Colborne ut Milla,0., drugKiat, Colborne at Monigomery, M., blacksmith, Colborno at Morgan, Cliarlea, aaloon, Culborne st Morgan, W. H., dry goods, Colborne at Morphy, Brothera, watchmakers, Col. borne at REMOVED, DISCONTINUED Baker, Ee». Thomaa ' ByrviS, Hev. C. Cbriatie, Edmund, grocer , Cocker, John, tailor Cuiver, J. M., carriage maker Dunbar, J., cabinet maker !> iiin"?, J., grocer Elliott, Samael, grocer Gardham, Mra., milliner Hale, Jonathan, hotel businesa only Helliwell, C. L.. bookseller Kerby, Jamear merchant Kerby, John, grocer, &c Lightbody, Rev. Thomaa Miifi Jaa. Tm grocer Mcllwain, Alex., aboemaker, Colborne at Noble, John, painter. Queen st Nowlan, N., tailor, Colborne at O'Kerr, Dr. P., Dalhousie at Park, R., boota and ahoes, Colborne at Haairick, F. J., archiiect, Colborne at Robinson, John, grocer, Colborne at Renwick, Jamea, blacksmith, West st Eoantree, T., boots and shoes, Colborne at Schneider, Rev. Mr,, Roman Catholic Simpson, W., dry goods and groceriea, Colborne at Snook, B., miller, Colborno at Stcen & Foy, painters, Market aquaro Stubba, J., blacksniilb, King at Tliompaon, J., watchmaker, Colborne at Tisriale, B. G.. tinsmith, Colborne st Todd, G., upholsterer, Colborne at Valentino, J. grocer. Market square Wade, Miss, milliner, Market square Waite, J,, saloon, Colborne st Watis, G., grocer, Colborne st Wilkes, Chas, R,, dry goods and groce* ries, Colborno st BUSINESS OR DECEASED. Mathowa, W., bootmaker Muiihoad, Wro., agent Bank of Montreal O'Dwyer, Kav. P., Roman Catholic Prior, Henry, saloon Ryan, Michael, cabinet maker Scott, J., grocer Start, Wm., attorney at law Stowie, Joseph, general store Taylor, Thom'as, baker Walkinshaw, James, tailor Wcstfall, J., lumber merchant Weyma, Robert, grocer Winterbotham, Rev. J. Woodyatt, James, tailor Wrinn, John, grocer BI TSPubli X and I for Mercl Bettes, H. C Blair, Rev. i Bowles, Wil CalJBghan, ( Clark, Jame Dalton, Tho I Davidson, Si j Eyers, John, Firman, Cha Forward, R. I Gross & Sor Kctchum, S. Lewis, Lucii McAleese, J( flm^ BURLEY'S HOTEL. THE undersigned having made extensive ailditions to bis Hotel, begs til intimate to the TRAVELLING COMMUNITY that he still continues business in the large and commodious brick liuildingj DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL. Ail ATTIIITIVE HOSTLER ALWAYS IN ATTENDANCC. LUTHER BURLEK ^iintford, January, 1853. Bollock & P Church, Rev Hamilton, Ri Maybee, Johi Mooro, Dr Ti Palmer, Jose] A Shall Vil: Frontenac, C, Anglen, Robe and J. Fox & Anglei lemiker, Colborne tt Queon at 'olborno st ousie at hoef, Colborne at lect, Colborne at fT, Colborne et :kainith, West at nd ahoep, Colborne at , Roman Catliolio oda and groccriea, Iborno at a, Market aquara ti, King at maker, Colborne at ith, Colborne at , Colborne at Market aquare I Market square Iburne at ilborne at y goods and grooe- at EASED. aker It Bank of Montreal oman Catholic et maker at law 'al store er tailor merchant er J. lor fiRIOHTON-BREWER'S MILLS. 9t his Hotel, begs t\ VITY us brick buildiDfj [i. TENOANGC. HER BURLED THE BRAMTFORB €0URIBR ^ IVEEKL Y NEWSPAPER, * ITS Published by HENRY LEMMON, in the Town of Brantford C W /III ORDERS PROMPTIY ATTENDED TO. BRIGHTON. (See Canada DinECTORv, Page .38.) Addenda and Errata. fiettea, H. C, tin and iron store Blair, Rev. John, Wealeyan I Bowlcp, William, shoemaker jCallBghan, CO.. tailor Clark, James, wacfunmaker Dalton, Thomas, barrister-al.law I Davidson, Simon, aaw mills Eycra, John, bsrfisler.at-Iaw I Firman, Charlea, carpenter I Forward, R. H., tailor I Grosa &. Sons, general store I Kclchum, S. H., & Co., senoral store I Lewis, Lucius, Brighton hotel I MoAlease, John, blacksmith Mastin, D. L., tailor Mills, M. J., carpenter Nix, Henry, bldcksmilh Orscr & GarilsDii, tailora Proctor, Ira, saw milla Poller, A., shoemaker Rathburn, John, blacksmith Sherwood, John, butcher Spence, John, blacksmith Trainer, Richard, shoemaker Ward, John* cooper Webb, W. W. general store Whittier, Smith, wafrgonmaker Williams, Rev. H., Episcopalian REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED. Bollock & Pentland, storekeepers I Church, Rev. L. S. I Hamilton. Rev. R. I Maybee, John, saddler I Moore, Dr Thos. j Palmer, Joseph, waggonmaker Playler, Rev. Geo. F. O'Sullivan, , millwright Orsor, Wm., tailor Sanford, Wm. H., hotelkeeper Simpson, John C, cabinetmaker Yerwood, Wm., shoemaker BREWER'S MILLS. Aluhabetiaal Liaf. nf 1>m«&a.;<.~. m j.. a.. J. 1)1 Anglen, Robert, general store, postmaster, and J. P. ' Fox & Anglen, aair mills Clegg, Wm., lockmaster on canal Hamilton, Waller, blacksmith Home, O. C, school teacher 38 BRISTOL-BROCKVILLE. BRISTOL. (Jfot included in the Canada Directory.) A ViLUoi .nd TowNinip •itunled in (he County of OiUw«, C< E., diitant from B»town. 50 milei. Population, about 1650. • , « . nwiu njwwn, Alphabetical List of Anderson, David, blackHiniih Craig, William, general alora and lumber merchant Dudd«, Jiimcv, tanner and currisr Duff. John, ahoemakor Gord(»n.f^-'r{»o, n^ason Haile, A... nder, tailor King, William, poBtrussler, general store, grist and saw mills, J. P., and coii.- nuHsioner P. D. P. MoEaehern, Archibald, joiner Professions, Trades, &o. ^ iWcKee, Thomas, millwright McCready, Hugh, tailor McWhirter, William, waggonmaker Morrison, Alex., ehcemaker, Morrison, George, blacksmith Murphey, William, carponler Murray, James, saw mill Slj e, John, shoenitker Smith, David, do 6tewart, Archibald, tanner and cardinf mill BROCKVILLE. (See Canada Directorv, Page 39.) PopvuTioN increased to 3,500. y Assurance Companies, Banks, Ac, (Addenda.) Bank of Montred, F. M. Holmes, agent, Court House square British Ameiica Fire and Marine Assurance Co., C. J. Campbell, agent Canada Life Assurance C»., J. D. Buell, agent, Main st Colocial Life Assurance Co., J. L. Schofield, agent. Main st Globe Fire Assurance Co., J. & S. Ross, agents. Main st Mutual Fire Assurance Co., of the District of Johnstown, W. H. Ellerbeck, agent, William st Western Fire and Marine Assurance Co., J. D. Buell, agent, Main st Public Officers, (Addenda.) Peden, Robert, warden of the united counties Read, John, mayor of Brockvilla Crawford, George, M.P.P. for Brockville Kilborn, John, postmaster Professions, Trades, Ac, (Addenda.) BvvLh, Jacob D., attorney, solicitor, conveyancer, and notary pnblio Main st BiODGETT dc Ralph, dealers in drugs, chemicals, perfumery, paints, oils, i and dye stuffs, wholesale and retaf.'l. Main st., opposite Court House avenue Emerbeck, WniiAii H», attorney.at.law and solicitor in chancery, Wil. Ham st Fribdbnheimer, Joseph, watchmaker and jeweller. Main st., a choice stock of gold and silver watches, jewellery, clocks, spectacles, dec, wholesale and retail Frbe Pressjj^Thb Leeds, weekly paper, John McMullen, publisher. Main j fit. This paper h&ti a large couatry circulation, and will be ibund an j excellent advertising medium for merchants and others. HoKHBs, F. M., agent for the Bank of Montreal, Court House square BROMPTON. itBDt from Bytown, iner and etrdlni I Androwi, Jerae, innkeeper, Main it I Andrew*, Rov. Wm., Weslejran Andewon, J., ihtwrnaker, Main at Bamhart, Geo., hatter, do fleltB, Re». J. Epiacopalian Methodiit Brookii, J. H., tin and copper imith. Main at Bell, Robert, land broker and agent, Main at I Clinton, J., ahoemaker, Mam at I Coiofl, C. H., hairdreeier, Main it Cook, Wm., baker, do Derbyihire, Daniel, grocer, do I Dowiley, George, ehoomaker, do Graham, R., ahoemaker, do Grant, J., ihoemaker, do Gowan, H. P., (instead of Ogle R,), pnb* Iiaher and printer. Main it REMOVED, DISCONTINUED I Atwell, Wm., watchmaker I Bacon, John, atorekeo^er I Berrj, H., innkeeper ICbafiej, Wm., planing mill I Dubuc, Paacal, furrier I English, ReT.N.F. iFlint, Billa, merchant iGilmour, William, innkeeper iGowan, Ogle R., publiiher iHarrii, John, butcher ■ Hopkins, Benjamin, tinimith Johnaon, Edward, ahoemaker. Main at Johnion, William, ihoemaker, do Kennedy, £., ihoemaker, do Kilborn, John, postmaitur, do McKenzie, John, hotelkeeper, do MoM'llon, William, general itore, do Mechanic!' Reading Room and Library, do Montreal Telegraph Office, do Pol.ar, J. C, ahoemnker, do Road, H. W., grocer, do Sparham, E B., M.D., corner of Church and Bucll iti Starr, Alex,, grocer. Main it Wede, R. S., general atore, do Whitney, Andrew, watchmaker, do Wright, S., watchmaker, do BUSINESS OR OECEASBD. Hume, Thomai, lurveyor Hurd, Aipheus, barriiter Jones, Henry, poatniaiter " Johnion, Rev. J. H. Lee, Thos., bank agent Nojthgraves, Geo., watchmaker Parkyn, Wm., shipbuilder Rhynas, John, insurance agent Wade, John, storekeeper Wylie, Watson & Co., merchants 'HEMIST & DRUB BIST, MAIN STHEET, BROCKVILLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN GENUINE DRUGS, ENGLISH & FRENCH CHEMICALS, Y^^TENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES: DYESTVFFS; BRUSHES, DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE. WINDOW GLASS, &c. AIbo Manufacturer of supe-'^r PUTTY in nnv n»ant\*„ . uivon PAINTS, POWDERED DRUGS, &c. ' ^ ^ *"^' ^^^^^ L„?^"? ^r ®*'^' °^ ''^'/^^ lowest prices, and on the best terms, a laree bSye'Is" *"°''""'"' "^ ^^"^« •■" •»•" ''»«' ^^e" worthy the attention of BROMPTON. (Jfot included in the Canada Directory) Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &o. iddison, W. S.', innkeeper ■Greenly, L., boot and ahoamaker IMilne, Robert, oabinet maker [Smith, Willitm, J.P. . Stevens, S. A., townahip elerk and pnot. master Stimaen, Jamaa, innkeeper -1 s 40 BRONTE-BROOKLIN-BRUCE MINES-BUCKINGHAM. MaoWayns, Jamei, waggon maker Thompson, Catharine, innkeeper Thompion, Joiepb, carpenter and joiner BRONTE. (SxB Canada Dirbctoby, Paob 42.) Addenda and Errata. William*, Elijah, poitmaiter of Bronte Williama & Belyea, general etoro (lad forwarders REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED. SoTereigB, Phillip, general store 1 Williams, A. W., carpenter and joiner BROOKLIN.— (Given anew.) ^J'**^"" "ituated in the Township of Whitby, County of York, C.W.— diittnt from To- ronto, 34 miles—usual stage fare, 6a 3d, Population aboU 650. Alphabetical Liat of Professions, Trades, &c. Alexander, A. G., school teacher Allisson, Dr., physician and surgeon Barilet, Moses, tanner and currier fiateman, £., founder Campbell, J. & R., millera Campbell & Son, merchants Card, Chester, pump borer i Cliff, — , millwright Coles & Campbell, blacksmiths Curran, Miss, school teacher Daniel, H., merchant Darlington, R., general store and postmaster Dellingham, J., cabinet maker Draper, C, insurance agent Foote, Dr., physician and surgeon Gordim, J,, carriage and waggon maker Gordon, J., shoemaker Harrison, R. T., cooper and town clerk Henry, E. E,, tavern keeper Hodgson, Wm., senr., cabinet maker Hodgson, Wm., jr., cabinet maker and joiner Hunter, Dr., physician and surgeon Knowling, D., tailor Leach, L., boot and shoemaker McBrwn, Thos., tavern keeper MoBrit'i), \i'm,boot and shoe maker Maguire, P., fewer Malliowaon, Wm., carpenter and joiner Moore, Wm., carpenter and joiner Molt, £ , aaddler and harness maker Mullen, — , tailor Nicols, Wm., merchant and general store Nicols, R, C, blacksmith & waggonmakor Robinson, Wm., cooper Robinson, Geo., carpenter Robinson, M., shoemaker Smith, Rev. P., Episcopal Methodist Starr & Daniel, millers Thomas, L. C, bo ikselierand com. court of Queen's Bench Thomas, S., tinsmith Tonkin, T., weaver Tyler, H., cooper Wilkinson, Joseph, innkeeper Way, Dl. S., miller Whalks, James, weaver Whalks, Wm., weaver BRUCE MINES. A MwiNo Sbttlihent on the north shore of Lake Huron, distant from Toronto, 381 miles. Steamboat and stage fare, £2 10a. The postmaster here is Henry Acton, Esq., who is also collector of customs. There is a general store, belonging to the Montreal raining Co., and ttaere are a Wesleyan minister and a doctor, with a population of about 150 iobIs. BUCKINGHAM. {J^Tot included in the Canada Directory.) Th« Vilugb of Buckingham is situated on the River Ottawa, in the Township of Buck- ingham, C. E., distant fro-n Montreal, 110 miles— usual steamboat fare, 10s : usual stage fare, 30». Population of the Township, about 1200. Alphabetical list of Professions^ Trades^ ^a. Bowman, B., saw mills and J. P. } Qrady, Rev. John, Roman Catholic Bigelow, L. G., property owner i Dunning, William, general merchant Bourke, Thomas, general merchant and J.P. I Ferguson, Dr T. M., physician flURRITTS RAPIDS-BDRWICK-CACOrr^A. 41 v.— diitant from To- tndthoe maker Loarie, Dr H., phyiician I Lufk, R. J., Bgent for Hank of Brif.ish North I u .A""''"*' ■"«""<" L.G.Bige)ow'aoi.tBte MoNaugfhton. Archibald, agent for the Hud. •on'a Bay Company. Shanks, Re?. D., Proibyierian Sltra, John, jrown landa' afront Stcphenron. Rev. Richard L., Church of Lngland Wilern, Jnmcs, merchant and postmaiter Wilaon, William, J, P. BURRITT'S RAPIDS. (Sbe Canada Directohy, Page 42.) Btttgg, Wll|am, cabinetmaker Brown, Thoi., innkeeper Burritt, Colonel Henry Barritt, Daniel H., savr milla I Burritt, Clement, mechanic Campbell, \Vm., J. P. and land aurveyor I Collins, Denis, J. P. I Depencier, Urias, grocer and shoe store iFclker, Ebenezer, pumpmaker {Harris, Wm., shoemaker I Henderson, P., M. D. Addenda and Errata. I Haly, John, grocer (instead of innkeeper) James, Benjamin, innkeeper Labargc, Edward, shoemaker McNamara, Martin, saddler McGowan, P. H., overseer of bridge Moore, Fred. A., storekeeper and as before Read, J. K. & R,, general merchants and shingle factory Pos'master, John Meikle, jr Shepherd, Geo., lockmaster Waldo, Reid, carpenter and oanitfemsker DECEASED. Lonney, James, general store. BURWJCK. (J^ot indudedin the Canada Directory.) I^y"'!^''" •'.'""*'"' '1 *''° Township of Vaughan. County of York, C.W.-distant from To. jronto, 17 miles—usual stage fare, Is lOid. Population about 200. Alphabetiqal List of Professions, Trades, &c. lAbell, John, blacksmith Srown, John, saw mills ■Brown & Wilkinson, waggonmakera iChiffey, R, S., botanical doctor jCowan, Hugh, waggonmaker ^ale, Lawrence, innkeeper Slliott, John, blacksmith ■Handy, B., shoemaker Higgms, David, achool superintendent James, C., post office and store keeper Mathews, J., shoemaker Mitchell & McNelly, woollen factory Roe, Peter & Co., storekeepers Rogerson, W., rhoemaker Rose, J., shoemaker Switzer, T, saddler & clerk of division enort CACOUNA. (Not included -'n the Canada Directory.) . ViLLAOB and Parish situated on the oouth shore of tho river St. Lawrenoo, in the County pr Kimouski, C. E., distant below Quebec, 120 miles. Population, about 1500. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Jloulier, Rev. J. C, Roman Catholic 3ote, F. X., general store Jeaulien, J. B., notary public and postmaster )ionne, Benjamin, general store, J. P., and cooiuilsaiurier of smaii causes Juquemin, Henry, J. P, [.aruo, Dr G., general atore Levaaseor, Benjamm, commissioner of sm«" causes St. Laurent, Th., general store Talbot, Simon, general store, eommiaaioner of 8ma!i causes, and J. P. St. Torre, Michel H., notary public ViLLAOB CouNOiLLoRs— Hyaciathe Lebel^ Pierre Doniorc 42 campbMlltown-campbellvillu-canestoga-canning. CAMPBELLTOWN. (JVof included in the Canada Directory.) A ViLLAoi liluktad on the Upper Allamottci Lake, in the Townihip of Pembroke, Coontr of Renfrew, C. W., distant from Bytnwn, 108 mile* ; from Brock* ille, 108 milee Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades^ fto. Ghtmberlain. W. A., tannery and boot and shoe store Carter, Anson, innkeeper Curry, John, lumberer Dunlop, Mr* D. C, innkeeper Dan(pp, A. H., lumberman Dusiop, John, lumberman Ellia, Thomas, lomberman and general store Fruer, Alex. & Riohatd, lumbermen Gorman, Miohael, tailor and storekeeper Gorman, T., blacksmith Johnstone, James S., lumbemian Jud^e, Dr John, physician and surgeon Lee, Thomas, carpenter and builder Lynch, Rev. James, Roman Catbolie Smith, Edward, blacksmith The postoffice is known as " Pembroke," Alex. MofTatt, postmaster CAMPBELLVILLE. (J^ot included in the Canada Directory.) A «llAI.i ViLUcw, situated in the Township of Nassagaweya, County of HaltoD, C W. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Cooper, James, innkeeper Danville, Thomas, tannery Oleahill & Mcintosh, woollen factory McGuffin, Jas.. postmaster and general store Plaras, Isaac, floor mill Rogers, Charles, flour mill Kidney, James, innkeeper White it> McGuffin, steam saw mill Also 1 shoemaker, 1 tailor, 1 smith, and 6 saw mills in the vicinity CANESTOGA. {Kot included in the Canada Directory.) AViLuai aituated in the Township of Woolwich, County of Waterloo, C. W., diatant from Hamilton, 40 miles. Stage fare, Ts 6d. Population, about 150. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Ely, John B., general mechanic Hendry, Charles, postmaster Hendry, Chas. Sc Co., general store and mills Kurtz, John, smith and innkeeper Mirri^ees, James, general store Wagner, N. D., shoemaker Washburn, Stephen, cabinet shop Weaver, Uaniel M., waggonmaker Weaver, Joseph, waggonmaker Weaver, Isaac B., smith CANNING.— (Given anew.) A ViLLAai situated on Smith's Creek, in the Township of Blenheim, County of Oxford) C. W., distant from Paris, 5 miles ; from Woodstock, 16 miles. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Mudge, Isaac S., hardware and tin store Raines, Nelson, woollen factory Turner, A. J^ smith and azemaker Wiiiiaiuson, Jaa. N., latiuery and shoe shop j Williamson, R. O., carpenter and builder Wright, Frederick, flour milb Allchin, Thom.as, notary, postmaster, mill- owner, surveyor & engineer, and com. missiotier Q. B. Brouion, usoi'gu, axe aud edge tool factory Cave, Thomas, general store and dealer in produce Edwards, Thomas, innkeeper ^CANNING. r and storekeeper CAP 8T. lQNACB--CARtLLON-0ARLETON PLACE. 43 fiemier, C.ierlet, general itore Beaubien, Amed^, joint leignior of Vincelot Caron, Jean, general tiore Coolombe, Louis, general atore Couillard, Eageno, eeignior of Fief St Joaeph Dioii, A-, general atore Drapeau, MiaaeB.aeignioreiaeaofFiefStClerc Durrand, Jacquoa, general atore CAP ST. IGNACE. (SiB Canada Diriotort, Paob 58.) Addenda and Errata. Gagnd, Phillip, general atore Gamache, OU»er and George, aeigniora of Fief Oamaohe Gamache, Lewis, Lieat.-Coi., and eom- missiuner of small causes Gamache, Salime, general a'ore Fregean, Hllair^, general store Larue, Fhidime A., M.D., and postmaster CARILLON. (Ske Canada Directory, Page 52.) Addenda. Wanless, George, teacher of mathematics and languages. REMOVED, O'Brien, distiller. rloo, C. W., distant jovnlf of Oxford) CARLETON PLACE. (See Canada Directobt, Page 62.) I BIytb, George R., general stqre I Bond, Joseph, shoemaker iBourk, Edward, cooper ■ Butler, John, tinsmith ■Campbell, Colin, waggon makifr IChurchill, Thos, cooper I Coleman, John, shoemaker ■ Coleman, James, shoemaker IDoberty, William, shoemaker iDunlop, James, carpenter iGalrin, P., tailor iGoff, George, innkeeper IFitzpatrick, Thos., tailor |£ilpatrick, £., weaver iLattean, Joseph, cooper iLairallee, Frs., cooper iLawson, Dafid, com. of Q. B. IMeDonald, Angus, innkeeper Addenda and Errata. McEwan, John, grocer and founder McGill. Rer. W., MeAodist McLachlin, John, carpenter McLaren, Robert, carpenter, (instead of innkeeper) McLean, George, carpenter McNaily, Nath.. blacksmith McNab, David, saddler Moore, William, shoemaker Morphy, James, shoemaker Murdoch, John, tanner and carrier Poole, Jas. C, com. of Q. B., in addition to former address Scott, William, tailor Sinclair, Colin, tailor Smith, ThnmaF, hotel keeper Spencer, Dr. John, physician Sutherland, Robert, miller IConstable, Rer. F. W., Wasleyan ILavallee, Napoleon, hotel beeper iMoffatt, William, carpenter Murphy, Michael, fnnkeeper Nelson, John, teacher Wilson, Rer. Rtebard, Wesleyan 44 CARLISLE-CARRYINO PLACE-CAVANVILLE. CARLISLE. (/fot included in the Canada Directory.') A ViLLAOB litualed on the 13 Mile Creek, in the Townibip of Eut Fiimboro'. Countr of H»lton, C.W.--dl«t«nt from Waterdonn, 9 niilee. Alphabetical List of ProfeMioiu.Tradea,fto. ' Abrey, George, pottmaiter. hat Tillage loti for aale Andenon, Thoi., millwrtght Armour, William, builder Barton, Philander, cabinet moker Bowifiald, Wm., law mill Burton, Wm., tailor and saw mill Cumminf, John, law mill Daria, Wm., tannery Harper, Jame«, builder Hibbcrt. Geo., taw mill and lath factory Howard, Rev. Isoac B. Hugill, John, ianr mill Irvine, Robert, general store and cooperate Jonet, Ecekiel, builder Mahon, Wm., imith Markle, Henry, plough maker Millard, D. R., tmith Mordon, Geo., carpenter Moriion, Rev. Mr. Morrison, Dr., piiyiician Moxon, Rev. Job Newell, W. P., ahoem«k«r O'Donnell, Denit, saw mill Orr, John, butcher Parsons, Robert c, general store Patton, Andrew, grist and saw miili Perritt, Rev. Mr. Raymond, Jomes, Innkeeper Short, Hiram & Sons, builders Stewart, Chas., shoemaker Stobbs, Kev. Thomas Taniley, Joseph, woollen factory Wilson, Henry, steam saw mills CARRYING PLACE.— (Given anew.) A ViLLAOB at the head of Bay Quinte, partly in the Township of Ameliasburgh, and County or Prince Edward, C.W., and partly in the Township of Murray, County of Northumberland, C.W.— la miles from Trenton, 5 miles from Consecon, 10 miles from Brighton. Stage Sjses up to Brighton and down to Kingston daily. Fare to Brighton, 2s 6d, to Consecon, Is . Population 100. a » > Alphabetical List of Professions, Tratles, &o. Bi|^r, James L., general store Haicht, John G.,;innkeeper Padfield, Rev. Jamei, Episcopalian Wannamaker, William H., innkeeper Weller, Robert, lumber merchant Weller, Benjamin, lumber merchant Weller, Asa, lumbe' mercliant Wilkini, Hon. R. C , lumber merchant Young, Reuben, postmaster, tanner and coroner CAVANVILLE. (See Canada Directory, Page 53.) Sullen, Richard, •hoemalrar Knowlaon, John, (in addition,) druggist Lawson, (instead of Lamson,) Wm., agent for marriage licenses Addenda. Muir, James, blacksmith O'Beirne, P. H., tanner Scott, Wm , innkeeper Staples, Rnliert, dry goods store RSSMOVBD OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Foiier, James, soddier i Sowden, W. H., bailiff Hayter, H. H., geuerai ore ' T'hexton, John, store keeper A doctor, a tailor, a cooper, and a milliner and dressmaker wanted her«. CAYUOA— CEDARS. 45 tmboro', County of CAYUGA. — (Given anew.) Th« CorifTT Toww of tha County of Haldimind, it titutlcd on the Grand Ri»er. in the To,rn.hlp of North C.yuga C.W.-di.lam Com H'amihon, 26 mil.—u.u.l .t.g "fl'r, 6^ •ttamboat fare to Br«niford, 6i 3d, and to Buffalo, 8a 9d. Population, about WO. Public Offloen* Blott, Wm., wnrden of the county Campbell, Duncan, poatmaster, clerk of diatrlct court, and agent ProTlnoial Mutual Insurance Company Farrell, A. P., county'registrar and treasurer Foley, Bernard, judge of the county and surrogate courts Griffith, Robert V., clerk of crown, of county court, and regittrarof aurro. gale court Kinnear, Juroes, revenue inspector Martin, Richard, sherifT Stevenson, John G., clerk of the peace • ^- Alphabetioal List of Professions, Trades, fto. Aikman, Thos H., barrister at law Amaden &, Johnson, general merrhants Anderfon, Robert, carpenter Bridon, Finlan, hotel keeper Brown, Joseph, oirpenier Bronrn, John, carpenter Burwell, — , steam saw mill Campbell, Peter, balliflf Campbell, D., forwarder and wheat merchant Carroll, John R-, general merchant Clereland it, Adams, hotel keepers Cronk & Co., carpeiiicrs and buildera Doztator and Mntuii, hotel keepers Duncan, Michael, general merchant Flanagan, Charles, saddler Finlan, Mrs., innkeeper Gibbons, Joseph, tailor Grant, Andrew, joiner Graydon, Wm., shoemaker Hursseil, J., forwarder &. wheat storage, &c Jeisopp, — , carpenter Johnson, Charles, hotel keeper Lennon, Hugh, tailor Lewis, A. H. C, general merehant McDonald, James, hotel keeper Martin, Richard, attorney at law Mathews, J., cabinet maker fie inDkesper Moblow, Nelson, smith Murchison, John, tailor Nelles fit Humphry, tinsmiths Phelps, Calvin wheat merchant Rubinsoii.Geu <:,aboemsker Sm ' V. R., attorney at law Stt teuton, J. G., barrister at law Stevenson, F., attorney at law Storey, Jflhn, bricklayer Stuart, Daniel, joiner Suter, Samuel, general store Tliompson, J. P., general store Walters, John, general store Welsh, John, hotel keeper Willson, W. H.. M.D. Wilson, John, tinsmith W'Xg. —1 grocer aud baker Woolnouffh, B. L., smith CEDARS. (See Canada Directory, Page 54.) Addenda and Errata. ' Coutlee, (instead of Coutlie) Dominique, cabinetmaker Coutlfe, (instead of Coutlie) David, cabinet. maker Bienjonelli, (instead ofBienjeuti,) Francois, general Ktore Giroux, Eucher, (instead of Eu8«be) smith Joassim, (instead of Joas«in) B., teacher Leger, (instead of Legre; Joaohia, ca- binetmaker Trestler, Dr. Charles, physician SJBMOVED OB DECEASED. Armstrong, Thomas, bootmaker Berthelot, Dr. A. Debois, A. A., notary Mason, T. P., notary 48 CHAMBLY-CHAMBERLAIN'SCORNERS-CHAMPLAIN. CHAMBLY. (Sm Canada Directort, Paob 54.) Andrea, 8. R., noUry publk, J. P. and Tillage councillor Allard, Joseph F., J. P. Aiutin, Thomai, reglitrar for the county Britannia Life Assurance Company, Thos. Hiekey, agent Buxton, Dr., physician and surgeon Cote, Prudent, village councillor Hacket, John, village councillor Equitable Fire Ass. Co., Thos. Hiekey, agent " FneheUe, E. H., J. P. Addenda. Hiekey, Thos., postmaster, Tillage secy. and treasurer, clerk of the court and insurance agent Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insu* ranee Co., Thomas Hiekey, agent Lussey, Thomas, village councillor McCutcheon, John, village counsillor National Loan Fund Life Assurance Co., Thomas Hiekey, agent Stocks, Willinm, cotton factory Walker, Capt., J. P. and village councillor Yule, John, mayor of Chambly fTcimstreet, Ch»., storekeeper L 'gan & Co., paper mill HXMOVED. O'Hara, George, tinsmith CHAMBERLAIN»S CORNERS. (Sbb Canada Directory, Page 54.) Addenda and Eirata. Chamberlain, Tamerlane, (instead of _, , Wyatt) general store Chamberlain, Wyatt, (instead of Alexander McLean) postmaster Elliott, Moses, shoemaker MoCrum, William, shoemaker Read, Jones, cabinetmaker Read, David R., fanning mill maker Robinson, Stephen, general store Smith & Judion, cabinetmakers Stone, Asahel, general store DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. McLean, Alexander, general store CHAMPLAIN.~(Given anew.) Thi ViLiAOB of Champlain is situated in the Sei?niory and County of the samA nunn. «» «.jR.ver St. Lawrence-distant from Quebec, 7! milL Popu Jon Ae pUh.b'o^ j Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &o. Lanouette, J. E., lieufenant-coloner and postmaster Mabcoux, Bev. Denis, Roman Catholic, cur6 Lavrois, Leonard, joiner Arcand, Norbert, boarding house Brunelle, 0., general merchant Brule &. Dufresne, millers Brupelle, Ulric, shoemaker Carignan, Alphense, blacksmith Carignan, Isaie, churchwarden Dubord, Louis Edouard, M.D. Constantin, Adolph, general store Duaamih. C. V KU.t i.u — 9 -- "-J .^fnt nrT.iiiin Gagnon, Nazaire, general store Lamotte, T. G., treasurer of council Mar«buid, Alexis, milloirner Marlineau, A. J., notary public Nobert, Edward, general stere Richardson. O. L., & Co , leather UMnu- iDcturers Rousseau, Captain Francois Sauvogeau, Joseph, general stora Toutant, Captain J. B. TioUier, Phillip, blacksmith Turcotte, J. £., president comnissionera court AMPLAIN. CHATEAUGDAY.C!hAtHAM. CJi.- .CHATHAM, C.W. CHATEAUGUAY:Z^iven anew.) 47 E.. dia- Alphabetical list of Belanger, Joieph & Charlea, carpenters Bruqiere, N., smith Burrell, George, aeiir., postmaater and gene- ral store * Butler, C, cabinetmaker Couillard, Louis, shoemaker Desparois, Louis, notary DesparoiBj^Antoine, Isidore and Leon, car- Demerse, Leon, bailiff Demerse, Seiime, general store Dewitt, C. B., steamboat captain Uew.itjjH., steamboat captain Dewitt, J. H., mayor Dunning, J. G., livery stables Dupuis, Michel, carpenter Professions, Trades,f&c. I Elliott & CaTerhill, general store !!""''*'■*» Joachim, carriagemaker Fortier, Joseph, smith Jackson, John, innkeeper Jack, J., Junr., general store Lanouette, David, saddler Lanouette, F, X., shoestore Laberge, Pierre, general store Lafebvre, Thomas, tinsmith Larifiere, Desire, tanner Lariviere, I. B., shoestora Malletfe, N., J. P. McRoberts, Chs., smith Plante, F. X., wool carder Pregeant, Louis, saddler RoUand, F. X , shoestore Samson, A. R., innkeeper CHATHAM, C.E. (Sejc Canada Directory, Page 66.) £iTat& For Ciishing, Samuel, read LtuvMt | For Tait, J?o6«r/. read Mu REMOVED. Cashing, E. J., Innkeeper CHATHAM, C.W. (Sbb Canada Dibectort, Pace 67.) Public Officers, (Addenda and Errata.) Barefoot, Benjatnin, post master I Brown, George, M.P.P. for Kent I Charteris, (instead of Chartress,) Alexr., treasurer Coagrave, (instead of Coscrove Wm ««ii / r county council ^°'8'°''®'-' ^™-' ^^"^tor of customs, and clerk of i Glass, Henry, county registrar M W '^^°^' ^- ""^^'^ of county court I fl ?l*"t"' Archibald, reeve of Chatham ^ sfQUu, Jaraes, county warden I Gore Bank, Alexr. Charteris, agenl 48 CflARLESVILLE-CHARLBSTOIf-CHBLSEA. Alphabetioal Addenda and Ezrata Bettty, M., (I*te Crow & Beatty,) general •tora Charterii. A., (iDstead of Weathenpoon & Chartreii,) general store Donnelr.CiMteadorTownley,) Dr., phyii- cian Ireland, Thot. A., general prinlinf ofBee, and publisher of " The Kent Ad* vertiier" Richards, (instead of Richardson,) Henry, baker REMOVED OR DECEASED. Cameron, J. & A. general store Croir, John, postmaster Davis, Stephen J., dry goods store EbbetU &. Waddell, general store Gibbs. A. W., druggist Lacroix, P. P., notary, &e Shde, R. Sc J., shoemakers Winter &> Martin, steam saw mill Weatherspoon, Mr., of W. ^ Cbarteri* CHARLESVILLE. (Sbb Canada Directory, Page 55.) Addenda Elliott, John, pottery Fetterly, Eliaa G.,(iiuleadof Jno. Brennan,) tailor Kerr, Simon, carpenter Wheeler, John, cooper CHARLESTON, 1st. (See Canada Directory, Page 65.) Addenda Chatfield, W. M., shoemaker Cook, W. P., aj^ent for union store Damon, B-, M.D. Gilbert, F. D., M.D. Gunning, R., mason Hazeltine, H., blacksmith Jones, J, M., general store Osgood, T., carpenter Shutliflr, Joel, carpenter Torrey, J., jr., teacher REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Gordon, Andrew, shoemaker McConnell, John, late M.P.P. MoConnell, David, clerk of com. court Stinson, Miss, teacher Tmligbt, A. L., teacher CHELSEA. (iVof included in the Canada Directory.) " ufi^lum'SS^iSL'^^^^^^^^ ''^«""' ^o-'jr of OtUw., C.E^t«.tfroo. I Gilmour & Co., law mills, lath and shingle factory Prentiss, Thos, B., general atore and post master ' CHELTENHAM-CHICOUTIMI. 49 Richardion.) Htniy, CHELTENHAM. (See Canada Dimectort, Page 60.) LtiAN, (instead of Allen,) 3ruce, John, carpenter Fletcher, D. W., teacher Gillespie, Donald, ihoemnker kjriugas, Richard, pump maker Hagermnn, J. D., com. Q.B. jriames, Frederick, generol atore Lawrence, J. H ,, storfkeeper 'Iclntyre, Alexr., shoemaker Addenda. VViLLiAM, general store and postmaster I Haines, Horatio, butcher I Lany, John, carpenter I Loughran, Michael, tanner I McCannell, Archibald, shocnaker j McColl, Donald, chormaker McKechnie, John, shoemaker REMOVED. J Ransser, John, innkeeper > Spence, David, store keeper CHICOUTIMI. {M'ot included in the Canada Directory.) "^ Public Officers. [loY, Davii>, judge of the (micuU court ^ATKRRIEKE, Hon. M. P. DE Sales, M.P.P. and county registrar 08se,0vide, cleric of circuit court " •ane, John, crown lands agent at Grand Bale iBsueur, John, deputy county registrar JcLaren, David, postmaster laillant, — deputy grand voyer and clerk of commissioners court Irassard, Anselme, bailiff ■ aillant, Jules F., bailiff lorin, Isidore, school inspector ohn G,^y, David McLaren, Nicholas Shee, Benjn. Brassard, Joseph rieuiy, school commissioners ^ **''" "iKa^e'^'™''^ Gagnon, Isidore Morin, Andre Gagnon, justices of ohn Kane, Louis Mathieu, Robert Blair, commissioners of small causes lUNiciPAL CouNcii,.--Ignace Gravelle, mayor ; F. X. de Sales LaTer- riere and David McLaren, for Chicoutimi ; John Kane and Thomas Savard, for Grand Baio ; Ignace Gravelle and Joseph Varin, for St. Alphonse; Moise Tremblay and Celestin Boivin, for township of Lalerriere;Magloire Gagnon and Prudent Potvin, for township of iremblay; Louis Z. Rousseau, secretary and treasurer list of Professions Trades, &c. Hudsons Bay Co., general store & agency Lesperance, Joseph, advocate LaTerriere, Dr. F. X. de Sales, physician BoBse, Ovide, notary public Blouin, Rev. F. A., Roman Catholic, vicar jagnon. Rev. Jean B., Roman Catholic. cure ^ubois. Dr. P. C. A., physcian and surgeon £ and suriceon Price, William,"& Co., general merchanU lumber merchants and millonners CHIPPAWA-CHRISTIEVILLE. CHlPPAWA.-(Given anew.) CW^Zl'S^*^""^^.! ^'"1^".,^'""/ '"the Township, of Willoughby and Stamford 1 Alphabetical List of Aberdien, R., M.D. and apothecary Amm, James, tailor Barney, Hiram, cigarmakcr Barney, KoFewell, grocer, &c. Bell, Miss, teacher Bouchee, Adam, painter Brachen, John.jr., bricklayer Bond, Henry, carriagemuker Cavanigh, Michael. Emerald hotel Christie, Rev. W. M., United Presbyterian Crane & Brother, saw mill Cummings, James, miller, J. P. and reeve Davidson, Thomas, carpenter Davis, John C, hoteikueper Davis, Ward, livery stables Day, Joseph, shoemaker Deakers, llichard, shoemaker £t councillor Dobbie, Joseph, carpenter Durham, Lewis, tin and copper smith Durham, Isaac, innkeeper Etnnncns, Alexander, hatter Fell, James W., general mercliant and sur- veyor Fleming, Thomas, ma^on Fleit, John, general merchant Fitzgihbon, M., tailor Gibson, Alex., baker (iurney, Jamck, cabinetmaker Guthrie, Jolm, teacher Hepburn, William, postmaster and surveyor Higgins, Jiihn, grocer Jennings, James, grocer Juniper, William, shoemaker Kemp, Mrs., musi,:t teacher Kirkpatrick, Richard H., general merchant Kirkwood, Alexander, carpenter Lamberton, Daniel, butcher Loean, Robert, carpenter Lohrman, Hiram, waichmaker Louzau, Frs., innkeeper and cooper Lyons, Joel, bootmaker Lyons, James H., bootmaker Macklem, Alexander, tanner Professions, Trades, &c. Mucklem, JaD>es, banker, steamboat agentil J. P. and cuuocillor f Macklem, Oliver T., steam engine & stotil factory, tannery and leather store I Macklem, Thomas, M.D., member of Boanl| of Provincial examiners Mater, Michael, gunsmith McGlachlen. Thomas, railroad hotel McJames, William, tailor McKenzie, James, cabinetmaker McMicking, George iVI., M.D. ■ McMicken, Gilbert, and Duff, Wm., lumbttl merchants Massie, Abm., waggonmaker Mcrriam, John, cabinetmaker Morse, Peter, carpenter Nicholson, Alexr. & Wm., general mer- chants Phillips, John, butcher , Pierce, Israel, auctioneer, tin and copper smith ' Rapelje, John, saddler O'Brien, Denis C, surveyor of customs Raymond, L. D., attorneyatlaw Roberts, James, mason Ross, John, merchant and tailor Rou.S8eau, John, grocer Scott, Alexander, tailor . Slater, J., and Rousseau^ J., railroad agenJ Slater, Robert, hotelkeeper Smith, Alexander, smith Shenholts. John, butcher . Street, C. Thomas, miller and cloth factonl Vanwike, Vert, cooper Walker, James, shoemaker Walker, Sidney, tailor Webster, Ephraim, collector of customs White, William, carpenter i Wilkinson, James, town clerk and agent fJ the National loan lund, life, aj Equitable, fire assurance co's Wilie, John, blacksmith • Young, Capt. Charles, steamer ''•nerald CHRISTIEVILLE. (See Canada Directory, Page 60.) Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. Amel, F. P. Z., county registrar, Stevenson st Amel, — , dry goods store, Napier st Aubertm, Julien, notary public, Stevenson st Bessette, M , carpenter, Napier st Bessette, Jerome, carpenter, Napier st Bessette, Moise, carpenter, Stevenson st Caldtve!!, Saauci, tanner. Water st Casavan, Pierre, shoemaker. Ferry st ■ Casson, (instead of Cassore,) T., innkecpeil Charland, Joseph, mayor of the village CHURCHVILLE-CLAIRMONT. 51 i^illoughby and Stamrordl , 50.ijile»; by land, llJ )rin!;er, steamboat ageni>| )uocillor '■, steam engine & stoni nery and leather store M.D., member of Board! 1 examiners insmith ids, railroad hotel , tailor cabinetmaker :e M., M.D. , and Duff, Wm,, lumbetl )upuii, Rev. J. B., Roman C&tholic tioyette, Adolph, carriage maker. Ferry at Lerecque, Louis, carpenter, Napier at 'fcGinni*, — , cotton, (instead ot woollen) factory IcHenry & Nichols, foundry, Ferry at MoPherson, — , grocer, Napier st Maringo, Austin, painter. Ferry st Provost, Rev. L., Roman Catholic Reeves, Oliver, grocer, Stevenson st Tasse, David, notary public, Napier st REMOVSD, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS, OR DECEASED. Gautier,Rev. I., Roman Catholic Armstrong, Rev. G. M., C»"..ch of England iubertin, Henry, notary Fouls, Alexr , groc?r Piliatrault, Etienne, grocer Fortin, Isaac, shoemaker xautier, Louis, grocer Hudon, Isaie, innkeeper Lepret, Dr. A. Murphy, Patrick, grocer Taille, Eli, watchmaker Tyler, Henry, notary CHURCHVILLE.— (Given anew.) Village, situated on the River Credit, Township of Toronto, County of Peel, C.W.— K .oln?"?!?'"""*'"'"'''"^''^''"* "■■« two daily stages-usual fare. 2s 6d. Contains ibout d5U inhabitants; also, two large flouring mills, two saw mills, one woollen factory, one tannery. ' Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &c. Anderson, Wm., boot and shoe store ^rgue, Abrm., saddler laker, Mrs., milliner Campbell, Chas , merchant jarroll. John, merchant ^hantler, Dr , physician 3lnrk, Thjs., tailor i^ollins, Wm., builder iJruikshanks, Geo., merchant ^uggan, Wm , postmaster, merchant and in- surance Bgpnt )ugzan, Thos., saddler )unDar, Jerrard, innkeeper Ia!l, Zaimon, blacksmith lall, Trutiman D., merchant lowdl, Danl., waggon maker [ngram, Mathias, miller & lumber merchant Joice, Maurice, blacksmith Jones, Rev. Mr, Episcopal Methodist Little, Wm., millwright Ludlow, Aaron, innkeeper and stage owner Manaulay, Wm., cabinet maker Madden, Hobert, carpenter Mniiies, John, bricklayer M iiies, 'I'hos., merchant tailor Mnrlvn, Phi lip, miller Mofft'tt, Henry, innkeeper Osbo ne, Wm , cooper Painter, iJichard, tanner ^hurp, Joseph, boot maker Snowricn, A., machinist Snure, G , lumber merchant &t, carding chop Sutton, Rev. Wm., Episcopal Methodist Tracy & Colton, merchants, &c True, William, tencher Umphry, Ed., millwright CLAIRMONT. (Sep, Canada Directory, Page 61.) Clairmont is in the new County of Brant, Population at present 350, and increasing. Bowen,W.D., innkeeper Kirkland, Henry, general store Loder, James, millowner Pettit, Rev. E. J., Church of England Addenda. fi;r If :i U ^Lxt ^ Ross, (instead of Rose,) H., M.D. Whitehead, W. M., post master, clerk of di- vision court, and agent for sals of marriage licenses > 1 1 Caulfield, Rev. A. S. G. Perley, C. S., millowner DISCONTINUED. Skinner, J., M.D. Steel, John, general store 68 _CLARENDON CENTRK^LAUK'S MILLS-COATICOOK. CLARENDON CENTRE, {J^ot included in the Canada Directory,) Po?ti'iV?u"tt miet''"""'"''^^ e„..cndo„, County of Ottawa. CE.-dUtant .„J Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &c Heath . Edmund, general store and mil owner HOdgma, Jamea, general store Kidney, Wm., ahoemaker McDonell, Robert, innkeeper MeMulien, Rev. Thos , Wcsleyaii Macfarlane, James, general store Radford. W., crown lands agent & mill owno, Robmson. James, carpenter Rooney, James, shoemaker , s.,lT; '^i'"?"' ^^."l"""' """ ""'J i'oslmastcr atrult, John, smith ' Sturgeon, John A., M D CLARK'S MILLS, or Camden. (Ske Canada Dibkctojiy, Page 62.) Andrews, Thomas, brewer Aodrewa. David, lunober merchant Clark, *?«niue|, J.p„ cloth factory, cardinz and fulling mill Clark, George, clothier and tailor Finlay, R. D., constable Glenn, John, miller Addenda and Errata. Milhgan, Samuel, attorney at law Tyrol, Nicholas,mason Wilson, Chas., carpenter RKMOVED OH Barnford, Thomas, saddler Bieknell. Dr. Nathan Clark, Peter H., general store Darling, Joaeph, carnage maker Hanilton, Clark, shoemaker mscoNxmuEo business. I Harrison, Wm., tailor Hayden & Sproiile, distillerv i SJ'^'"''",^!^' Alexander, carpenter ' **=Donell, Dr., physician Woodruff. Wm., mills and cloth factory COATICOOK. (J\rot includedin the Canada Directory ) A V,.LAOE aituated in the Townrfilp of Barnston, County of Stanstead. CE. Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &c. Baldwin, Levi, miller Baldwin, G., carpenter Baldwin, R , innkeeper Ball, W. S., general store Chandler, Rev., J. c. Baptist Child, M., general store and cloth fartory ^seveiand, Samuel, milter Cowan, Richard, M.D. Cutting, H., innkeeper; merchant and noal- master ' < Cutting, Jona,.T.P. Frizzel, Ira, blaeksmith ^ennedy J., blacksmith l^wis. O., shoemaker Ode, F., corpenter Wiggett, Wm., merchant tailor fev. E. Ry profi fessc Johf Ferg 120, [lark, Gk( IOCKBUKN, ihristian 1 Iastern E: iCKSON, J. hand tnode Jliphant, ] pADCLlFFE, , in pri JUTTAN, Rc( i^allacc, J lain, J., paint( Palcutt & Bioi Pooly, Mrs, fa I tynon, Rev. II jlootJove St. Co ngal), Kin ^rand Trunk ' operator, I Jallowell, Dr "] lorton, N,, leg P«o«y. S., grot tewell, Thomai lohnson. Rev. , COBOURti. SS COBOURG. (Se« Can-ada Directory, Page 62.) PubUo Offlcew, (Addenda.) Itewar., Alexander, landing waiter of cuis (Agencies of Assurance Companies, Banks. &c., (Addenda.) piverpool and London Fire Insuranr*. r,» no tr. loboiirg and Grafton Road Co D B.l ' ?"''"' ''T'' ^'"» '' Provincial, Mutual and General Insu^T'.rri"^ 'p*^ T'""'''' ^'"« "' :anada Life Assurance Co^D/BTra^mK „"«''"''""' "^^^*' '''"« ^' roZ 1 f' ^^^r^"^''" ^''k' '^^'"^^ Cockburn, dof di lontreal Fire and Marine Assurance Co., Alex. Fraser, do do ■" ""' Z\f:Zr '"• "^ ^""«" ^^"""-' '^"-- «-; P-i<ient, and -evvcastle^District Building Society, E. P.ry, president, and .„,ainder as Victoria College. lessor of Natural S^^^^^ Wnrj. Kingston. A.M., pro- John Campbell, daS'tuto M h' f •'^'i, «'««f"' P'^^^^'^''' Ferguson, Engli'h ma'pr S \ ^V *^«f e^' French master; A. 120. ^ ^"'"^'®'" "' students, January 1853, about t . Alphabetical Addenda. Imnd a general assortment of goods ,3lv f.SLi\ .1 ^^'""T °" moderate prices ^ "suaiiy lurnished by the trade, at Wnr?; ^•'„«''"^''^' P'-'^'ing office, King st "p'rodu^ce,' K?:^r "^^'^""'-^ '--'-^ h-^-- "^all kinds, and dealer vIIlaA^hT^' """"'''"l ""^^ ""^'-'^y '^^ '"«'' King St VALLACE, John S., general agent and broker, King st lain, J., painter, Division si lalcutt & Brolhor. general Btore, Kinjr .t ^ooly, Rlr., fancy gt„re, King „' ^ ' Pynon, Rev. II., Biblo Chrisiian rVZ^i?'*- ^'"'"""^ of Goodcvo & Cor. r'm'l?"" J°"«"''''' ^- «■ Newbury. I operator, King St inlir^ V ^' ''■'"""a'. Ontario 8t or .on, N., Issther ntorc, Kine «t J«oey, S., grocer, King at , lohiHon. Rev. J. fl.. Episcopal Metliodi«l lianibori Jamc^ forwarder, «t the wharf Lawder, Mrs, innkeeper. King at Mason, Henry, hardware. King at Powe . Dr Newton W., King "t Fowell, Mrs., milliner, King et Pratt, Thomaa, temperance hou«e Divi. Bion flt » •»' short. J. H.. nnr-rat... M--. • »k . , ■ king at '^ ^^' '^"«'-~=" ^ wegraph, wIj!}'!; "^hI'"' ""Pcnter. Division at Vnr? w* ^?'. »"«"''•«•". King at York, Wm., hairdreaaer, King at M COLBORNE-COLD SPRINGS. REMOVED, DISCONTINUBD BUSINESS OR DECEASED. Armour, Shaw, land airenl, Slo Axtell, N. G., bookseller Alien, Henry, dry goodii Bate, Mim, milliner Batei, Joaeph, grocer Bennett, Barton, barrister Bennett, John, {rrocer Bredin, Rev. John, Wcaloytn Budgre, Robert, tailor Butler, Geor^ro, rorwardor Drope, James, grocer Dubeau, Joseph, tailor Dumble, Wm., tailor Duncan, H., furrier Ebbett, Rev. H. Edgoumbe, Georfre, grocer Hoaiack, James, bootmaker Hunt, J. F., hardware Jackson, H. H., druggist Kerin, P., baker Ladu, Rev. S. W. Loith, Robert, innkeeper McConnell, Jae., oarriagemaker Means, Richard, cabinet maker Mitchell, John, {(rocer Morrow, Malhew, baker Poor, C dentist Robins, Rev. Paul Rowan, Dr Thomas R. Russell, John, bootmaker Smith, jjhn, innkeeper Stewart, Benjamin C, bookseller Taylor, Rev. L. Vandusen, Rev. C. Vandusen & Ferguson, auctionncrs Van Ingen, A. J., hardware COLBORNE.-(Given anew.) t1nTe«rf?om Cobour". '''l filT'"'"'? °^ ^Z"'""'"'' ^"""'^ "^ Northumberland, C. W., d J Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &c. Boucher, R. M., barrister and attorney at law fiurroll, G. S., clerk division court Campbell, D., flour mills Casey, S. N., lumber merchant Colton & Hall, general store Cole, S. S., wharfinger at Colborne harbour Cox, E., shoemaker Dewey, Alonzo & Brothers, plaster and saw mills, and woollen factory Donaghy, VV. H., carpenter Pay he, P., ihoemaker Fowler, O. S., pottery Fisher, A., general store Fraser, J, V., temperance house Fortune, T., bailifF Goslec, , gcnercd store Grover, J. M , general si ore, saw mills, and county warden Hall, Warren, lumber merchHnt Haight, Mrs. mnkseper Howell, D. S., general store Hughes, Rev. J , Wesloyan Inglis, G.. blacksmith Johnson. J., chairmakcr Keeler, Joseph, wharfinger and general aaent Colborno harbour " ' Keeler, Jos. A., postmaster and flour mills Lennan, J., surveyor of euatoms Lutman, J. S., carpenter McDonald, S., innkeeper Males, J., carpenter Mcrriman, H„ chair factory Merriman, J. M., saw mills, town coun- cillor, and J. P. Millar, P., waggonmaker Morris, J., carpenter Powers, Dr J. P. Pugh, Dr Frederick Proctor, J. C, general store Robertson, D., general store Scott, J. P., insuranc agent and town. ship clerk Scott, Reuben, foundry and saw mill Scougal , George, waggonmaker Shannon, T., shoemaker Smith, Rev. M., Church of Scotland Tudman, N., tannery Tuttle, J., blacksmith Underbill, Chas., shoemaker Varrs. A , waggonmaker Wessenherjrcr, T., millstone factory Webb, G. W., chair factory Wills, H., carpenter Wilson, Rev. J.. Church of England COLD SPRINGS. (Jfot inchded in the Conndn Dirsdory.) ftom r'nh'^tt"?*"''! '" ^^J Township of Hamilton, County of Northumberland, C.W. : diaU from Cobourg, 7 miles-stage fare. 2s 6d ; from Gore's Landing. $ miles-stage fare j^" COLtMBUS-COM PTON-CONSECON. 55 Alphabetical List of ProfeBsions, Trades, &o. pegg, Jamra, ahoemakcr Burke, Francis, tonnery [!ook, John, amith Donaidaon, Nathaniel, ahuemaker layden, Rer. Wm , Cungrexationaliat r.iore, VVm., aaw mill Boner, Thoa., ahoemaker and grocer ilcEvera, T., collector felntosh, David, poalmaater & general atore Mcintosh, Allan, innkeeper Mclntoah, Allen, tailor Manley, John, amith Newton, Henry, amith Roaa, John, aaw mill Soutter, Wm., tailor Stewart, George, general atore and toivnahip clerk Yeoman, David, asacgsor COLUMBUS. (See Canada Directory, Page 66.) ^ahton, Miss, teacher ^owle, (instead of Cribb,) S., tailor tirnnger. Dr., physician "More, Dr., physician Keddy & Stone, Miaaes, teachers Addenda and Errata. Manuel, Richard, shoemaker. Ray, John, miller Sermah, Jos , cooper WhiUm'th, Miss, dressmaker Wilacson, Thos., innkeeper |Black, J., miller 3lair, Thos., miller Dayman, P ,, teacher iHepburn, Geo., tanner IMcDonalJ, P., troggonmaker REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Mills, Jas., saddler Penhall, Wm , innkeeper Smith, A., miller Wilson, Wm , cabinet maker COMPTON. (See Canada Directory, Page 66.) Addenda ICarpenler, James, joiner IDearborn & Co , general store IFarley, Mark, bailifl iHamel, E., cabinetmaker [Kendrick & Smith, general store Mayo, R. S., clerk ofcommissionen court and township Paige, D. W , innkeeper Stimson & Doak, general atore IDearborn, L., as innkeeper ■ Norton, M., as innkeeper DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Wadleigb, S , teacher rch or England CONSECON. (See Canada Directory, Pagk 67.) Addenda and Errata. IClutk, R. J., Prince Edward hotel. An excellent house, accommodations ! good, and charges moderate. Jaques, James, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., in addition to former business. ' , ■'■fi 56 ^OOKSHIRE-COOKSTOWAI-COOKSVILLa Johnson, Wiiuam, blacksmith, &c. Ever71^iJZriZZ:''~~r~^ execmed-terms moderate. ^ "'""'' "'•'''' ^'^""P".^ LouoHEKD, Joseph, M.D., physician and surgeon Bailey Levi C, house, sign, cerriasje and ornamental painter Buchanan, Robert, mason Campbell, George, mason i Cowan, Richard, boot and shoemaker P^ii »^',?°'?''."'."'"- °f^iK in addition Follett. Daniel, boot and shoemaker iiranam, James, miller Griffis, Stephen D., carri.igemaker Holmes, John, miller Kellopp, Thomas, seincmakcr Lnmpson & Byers, saw mills Marsh, Mathias, bailifl" Mitchell, Charles, cabinetmaker . IVational Loan Fund Life and Equitable Fire . -^""wnce Go's, R. Darling, igent Hose, William, mason Row, David, carpenter and builder i ""chool"' ^^'' '""''" of grammar I mI".'."""?' «""''«"'• blackimilh Wittcd. Rev. James G., Weslcynn Bradeu, Dr. H. Johnson & Arthur, saw mill Lightburne, S. L., teacher Madden. Rev. D. D., VVesleyan REMOVEK OK DISCONTINUED BUSINESS iMclcair, Elliott, cooper ' Murphy, Alexonder, shoemaker fhureison, John, carpenter COOKSHIRE. (Ske Canada Directort, Pagu 66.) Andrews, Dr. A., physician Haywood, D., general store Addenda. Whittimore.P., oabinetmaker Witford, R., tanner and postmaster COOKSTOWN. (See Canada Director v, Page .585.) Boives. Wm., assistant postmaster Dickson, Wm., innkeeper Ferguson, Thos. R., coroner Addenda. DECEASED. Strong, William, shocmokcr. Harper, James, postmaster Meldrum, Tlics.. general store rackaberry, J. fi., tanner and ahoemtker COOKSyiLLE. (Ske Canada Directory, Page 67. ) Cook, T., innkeeper Cox, William, baker Dunn. John, (instead of J.mathan,) i.nner Jennings, Mrs., saw mill ^ Making. Miss, tssshcr ^Mkar, Thomas, waggonmaker Addenda and Errata. ! Pcak.r, (instead of Parker,) W,n., tin.miti I Theller, David, mason Wallace, J., innkeeper Watson, W., schoolteacher ILLE. smith work prompilr ailifi' cabinelmnker Ml Life and Equitable Fire I ^o'f, R. Darling, Agent • Co., R. Dnrlirg, ngenij JP. and generil itoro ion nter and builder M-) teacher or grammar I blaclnmilli a G., Wenlcynn :ss. )per * I shoemaker rpenter inetmalier andpottmasttr CORNWALL-CORUNNA. ft? RBMOVBD, DISCOWTINUBD BUSTlTliSB OR DKC1!A8»D. iBIoviai, iMm., mw mill Dntler, Dr. Geo. C. Itlemphill, Ezra, WM^goiiinaker llliighc*, Rer. JauiM ■Logan, Franoia, general ature iMtcKenzio, John, tailor Macready. Jaa.. carpenter Roranin, Chas. E., aaw mil Saunders, W., teacher SootI, W,, innkeeper Teeter, R., innkeeper VVilion, Rev. James CORNWALL. (Sbb Canada DinKCTORv, Paob 68.) Public Offloerfl, (Addenda.) I Mattice, Wm., M.P.P. for Slormonl [ McDonald, Dr. R., M.P.P. for Cornwall Rose, J. W., M.P.P. for Dundas I Elliott, Andrew, mayor of Cornwall and county warden WnoiJ, George, C, registrar for Stormont Bell, Wm., marble works Belisland, Alexr., builder Dickson, C, blacksmith f^'prland, Robort, distiller Alphabetical Addenda. KcAvin, J., zsneralsturo Litilc, W., printer of ' The Consliiutional" McLennan, D., saw mills REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS Bell, John, dislilUr Coombs &, llickcy, hotel keepers Forsyth, Wm.. innkeeper Hawkine, — , saw mills Johnson, Joseph, smith Mitchell, — , printer MnDoncll & U(i., general store I aster sral xtore nner and ahoemaker rker,) Win., tinifflitil ibinet makfr cher CORUNNA. (J^ot included in the Canada Directory^) \ rising VittAGE situated on the River St. Clair, in the Township of Moore fio.mi.„r Lambton, C.W.-dis.ant from Port Sarnia, fi miles; steamboa? f«?e o De roit?7. tf Population, about 150. i/eiroii, /». oo. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. Campbell, George, innkeeper Coates, Walter, general store Cowan, John, teacher Desk, Th mas, shoeslore Fisher, Thomas, general merchant, ivhacfinge and county warden Gilbert, Charles B., millwright and engineer Farquharson, John, cartwright Howard. Dyer, smith Hubbard, J^hn, machinist McGlashan, P., J, ?. and wharfow.ier Mackay, Dcnald, carpenter and builder Miller, Henry J.,general store & wharfineer Proctor, George, miller Proctor, iMirza, cartwright and saw mill Ross, Daniel, junr., boots and shoes Salter, Rev. Geo. J. R,, Church of England Stavely. Mathew, tailor • Rider, Horace, carpenter and builder Stephen, Adam S , postmaster and druzKist laylori Jarsss « harSn-e- Wiggins, Wm.'w, m'iiiwrlght \\ ood«, .lohn, cartwright and Joiner II -Ji t ' fl^f^^^E^^Li^AN^ ^ COTEAU LANDING. (S.B Camada Dirbctohy, Paoh 70.) Steamboat fare to Montreal, 7$. 6d, Addenda and Errata. L'""'-/, W-'/ P- & com. of .mall cau.«. ferry, Alexander, .1. p. Prieur, O. F.. general »tore ^ricur, Olivier, carpenter Roebuck, Henry, trader s«ilk i''r'»,g''ocer and ahoe.iore omith, Richard, shoemaker ♦Vatier, J., general itore 1 DaWdwn, A., iniuranee aeent Pu II«' f "i""' ■""•' "<^'"»''Ke hotel HnlT.' •^'i"' J"""-" 'teamboat hotel (inatead of cabinetmaker) * ' Jycki, Andrew, baker Mcotyro. Abm.. brickmakcr P«ttin»«le, Daniel, carpenter REMOVED. 8. Bronrning, removed to the Ottawa hotel, IVIontreal COWANSVILLE. (S«B Canada DiHKCToay, Page 69.) DflgHfh, Jamea, tailor O Halioran, Jamea, advocate Dougherty, Marcua, advocate Addenda I IVaver. Hiram, ahoemaker I Kuiter, Jamea, innkeeper REMOVED. I Therien, G. H. E., advocate CROWLANDVILLE, OR COOK'S MILLS. (See Canada Dibectory, Page 583.) Cl«rke. Rev. Richard, VVealey.n ^^^f^J*- M'Arlhur, M., grocery atore T^^'IT' "hoemaker DiBCONTrvn»« ' ^°^"' ^P'^""?"' ^ethodiat Crelghton. Rev. W. "'-^O^W^^^D or rbmoved. Doan, P. C, innkeeper I «""'5?T:^-^- Doan, Robert, atora Houae, William, smith Elliott, Rev. J. N. Yokom,,W. W., smith CUMBERLAND, (JVot included in the Canada Directory.) o_Z?ff'*^'-.^'«'. Township situated on th« .„.,.k ... . •_ «u«cH V. v,-..aiBli,iU from Bytown limiie/'.T-.^l'r'.V'''/ ""VTJ^ ""»*««• County ol Populauon of the Township, about 1/^"' '^'-•'•••nlwat fare. 2.. 6d., stage fare, 3s. 9d. VDVILLB, Sl«. >.) and sta^e agents, to with despatch. k com. ofiroali cauHi il «tore inter der ' and Mioeslore maker tore real laker per ilvocate IILLS. iscopal Methodiat JiUwu, County of Blase fare, Ss. 9d. CUMMlNSVILLE-DALHOtJSIE MlLLS-D*AIL. Liiiigh, William, millwright Pclrie, Arohibald, J. P., and tuwnthfp reeve Alphabetioal Lift of Profeisioiu, Trades, fto. Alien, Jol»n, •liocmaker Allen, Thorna*, (hoemiikor Uiaedell, Mar<hiill N., blaekamith BiMhby, John, weaver Demuntet, Hypolite, millwrii;ht Dunning, George Glbb, pdatmattor and gen- eral tture Filialrault, Francii, carpenter lirier, John, general store Laoroix, Dr. A. O., phjraicinn Shanki, Rev. David, Church of Scotland Robillard, Benjamin, maion WiUon. Rev. Richard, Wealejran Wilwn, William, genetal itnre WilMn. Ralph. J. P. Wilson, John, (B), clerk of court Wilaon, John, (F), tieaaurcr CUMMINSVILLE (See Canada Directory, Facb 58*., Addenda and Errati. Dell, John, brickmaker Durkholder, Abm.4limeburner Carr, Samuel, joiner Cruaoe, John, cooper Ciiiiontcr, Mathiaa, inipector ot liconiea Doville, William, tannery Nioholl, J(»r,», , -w.iiwrlghl Pantun &. (ia„er, (in addition) 9 eaw milta Sage, Henry, oarriagemakor Siokea, Thnmaa, ia«v mill Will, Wesley C., saw mill REMOTKD, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS, OR DECEASED. Flock, Dr., physician Galloway, Wm.,of T. & W. Gallowuy Gage Sl Wills, aaw mills Gage, Andrew, aaw milla Holbrook & Haynes, tanneri DALHOUSIE MILLS. (J\rot included in the Canada Directwy.) A ViLLAOB situated on the river Delisle, in the Township of Lancaster. County of Glen- garry, C.W. Population, about 100. Alphabetical List of Batbarst, James, innkeeper Caltenach, Angus, general store McCiillam. John, maater mechanic and inn> keeper McDonald, Duncan, general atore McDonald. Archibald, tanner and currier McLean, Rev. A. E , Church of Scotland Professions, Trades, &c. McLsod, Alex., blacksmith McPhall, Donald W., general atore and postmaster Munroe, George, blacksmith O'Cavanagh, James, shoemaker Roberiion, Abraham, shoemaker Urquhari, John, mill owner D'AILLEBOUT. ( JVo* included in the Canada Directory.') A ViLLAOBand Parish situated in the Seigniory of DcRamsay, County of Berthier, C.E.— distant from Industry, 10 miles. Alphabetioal List of Professions, Trades, &o. Berczy, Wm., Lt.Col., seieniur, J.P., com. 0<! ',yi Bruntau, Andre X, general store Charron, dit Docharme, Moxime, carpenter Charron, dit Ducharme, Joaeph, carpenter of small caures and councillor Demarais, Dr. J. C, phyaieian f f:' '■' I f, DANVlLLfc-DELAWAIiE. Deziel, Louis J., notary public Houlo, Ephraim, amilh Je«nnot, Rot. F,, Roman Caliiolic Joly, Pierre, general store Levesque, Pierre, land survcTor, and dei,u. ty grand »oycr Landry, Capt. Alexia Massicotte, Copt. Joiepli Peltier, Ovide, miller Rebardy, Pierre, com. small cause's 1 urncr, Robl., postmaster and com. of small I causes DANVILLE. (See Canada Directory, Page .585.) Present population, hbout 425, Addenda an^ Errata. Baker, Enochi commissioner of i^nrnW causes Boucher. C. A., cliairmaker Erown, Joseph, blacksmith Cass, A. C, grocer Clo»eland, Geo. N., commissioner of small causes Cleveland, C. B.,jr,, postmaster aad J, P. Uivis, Charles, sliuemakcr Davis, Win , tailor Flint, Kendal, mason Forbes, Heron, saddler Goddin, Geo. A., pail factory Goodhue, Jos. L,, tanner Ilannoii, Maurice, mason . Harvsy, Orange, butcher Hawes, Geo., livery slublu & stage owner Lee, Joseph, curpcnter iMcCann, Josppli, shoemaker Poule, Peter, blacksmilii Randal', Joseph, joiner Richardson, Norris, join;'r Shaw, Joiiepli, i^aw mill Sutherland, A. C , storekeeper Willey, Jarod, joiner REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Emerson, Moses, shoemaker | wj.iicomb, Sil,... t.nner DELAWARE. (See Canada Directorv, Paok 71.) • ' ' ' ' Addenda and E rata. TowLE, Simon M., postmaster, and getieral iiiercfiant Ackers, Henry, cabinetmaker Beach, Peter, carpenter Day, Louis, general store and shoe shop Green, Stephen B,, general store Harris, Henry, (inslend of Charles) saddler Miller, Thomas, carpenter Paine, Benjanain, (instca'd of Payne, E.) shoemaker rcacock, Charles, shoemaker Randall, Thomas, (instead of E.) shoe- maker Rogers, G. S., general stoic hcolt, J. A., tailor Sprmger, Benjn., J. P. Tiffany. Otis, carpenter Williams, William, tailor REMOVE'. OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Billtngton, Dr. Cbubb, Joseph, blacksmith Drake, John, postmaster and general store Patton, Lewis, general store Young, John, waggonmaker DEMORESTVILLE-DEWITTVILLE-DICKINSON'S LANDING. Slc. 61 DEMORESTVILLE (See Cawaua DinKcxoHv, Page 71.) Addenda and Errata. Spkagub, N., |iOiilii)asler and general store Clark, H. B., grocer, (instead of JobnHickO Barton, T. B. C, carriagenioker Hart, John, (instead of Alexr.) blacksmith Lay, J> B., general store Smith, D. Sc B, general store Reynolds, Rev. J , VVesleyan (instead of W. Pool) Smith, SHmuel, Hour (instead of saw) mills Young, Rev. S., Episcopal Methodist (instead of Mr. Lane) DEWITTVILLE. (See Canada Directort, P>ge 72.) Cameron, Hugh, millwright Dougherty, Daniel, cabinetmaker Lebargc, Joseph, carpenter Addenda. i Purge, John, carding mill ' Todd, John, shoemaker RGMOVED. McAughan, Archibald, blacksmith DICKINSON'S LANDING. (See Canada Directory, Page 72.) Addenda and Errata. Akins, Edward, shoemakt r Archibald, W. P., general store Baker, Gordon, general store Bullock, R. K., coHerter of customs Colquhoun, William, (late Matlice & Col<iu- houn) general »tore Fisher, James, blacksmith Hearle, J. G., soap fnciory Howard, Rev. Mr,, Wesleyan Love, Moses, cnoper McQuillan, William, (instead oi John) shoo. maker Ferkis, George, cabinetmaker Reed & Kezar. general store Snyder, John, hotelkeeper Wood & Fulton, (late J. R. Wood) iron founders REMOVBD, DISCONTINUKO BUSINESS OR DECEASED. Crummenauer, H. D., soap factory Dixon, James E., general store McDonald, George, generol store Purkis, Rev. Isaac Rolfe, Rev. Robert Sills, Rev. Mr. Neil, Robert, tailor ' Verncr, John, collector of customs Whitcomb, E, J , geneial store Williams, Rev. Mr. DOON. {J^ot included in the Canada Directory.) A Villagg: situated in the Township and County of Wuicrloo. C.W.. on iho Grand River. „ t «J /'"'"/'"■''"• ^ .""'«■»' f""" <^a"t 6 mileH-stage lire, 1.. 3d-fVom Hamilton, 31 miles, stage fare, 6j. 3d. Beale, John, shoemaker Beck, Frederick, elove dealer Alphabetical List Qf Profeseions, Trades, &c. Bund, Josiab, waggon maker Burnsj Robert, tailor DOUGLAS— DRUMMONDVILLE—DUPFIN'S CREEK. Ewart, Jaa. B., flour mills, 2} tnilea diatant rerrie, Robert, poatmaster, J. P. and agent for Canada Life Asa. Company Ferrie, R. & Co., merchants, millera, diatil. lera, &o, Hamaohor, B., ahoemaker, * mile distant Hamacher, Petor do du du Kribe, Henry, carpenter Mitchell, John, imith Peder, Thor., town councillor Reea, Rev. Henry, Methodist Rooa, John, innkeeper Stewart, Rev. Alexander, Methodist Stanton, Charles, general store, 2) miles distant Tilt, John, tailor, } mile distant StauiTer, Joseph B., saw mills Watson, James, saw and cloth mills, | mile distant DOUGLAS. (JSfoi included in the Canada Directory.) A Village situated in the Township of Bromley, County of Benlrew, C. W, liinuiiijr, O.. miller Camomn St, Ferguson, {fnneral atore Dtxriiijr. Daniel, smith (irBnt &. Erskine, general store iVI 'Fdrlane, John, carpenter M'Leah, James, shoemaker M'Pherson, Angus, carpenter Alphabetical List of ProfeBsions, Trades, &c. M'Lean, Hector, plasterer Merrick, Chailes, miller M'jore, Elias, miller Riley, Thomas A., carpenter Shaw, John, miller Robertson. John, postmneler Vaughan. Matthew & Jamea, carpenters DRUMMONDVILLE, C. E. (See Canada Directory, Page 73.) Adenda and Errata. Liiritoque, Dr., phvsicinn Marler (instead of Master), G. L., store. keeper Scott, Wm. (instead of J.), shoemaker Watts, R. N , J. p. (instead of M.P.P.) Miller, G. W., slorekicper REMOVED. I Picton, T., shoemaker DUFFIN'S CREEK, or Cantmt.— {Given anew.) A ViLLAOB situated in the Townshij Pickering, County of Ontario C W A.^.^^t t Toronto, 22 miles-stage fare, 3, 9d. Population, about 250. ' * ^" '*"^"'"* '""■ Botsford, John D., smith Brunker, , shoemaker Burns, Dr Robert, physician Cuthbert, Alexander, shoemaker Campbell, John, tailor Farewell, William, innkeeper Gordon, William, carpentt;r Gibbins, Wm., shoemaker Grey, James, tailor Gorretl, Alexander, cooper Gorduii, John, cooper Hayea, George, cooper Head, Petor, miller and innkeeper Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &c. Hodgson, Mathew, brewer Hodgson, James, saddler Hozun, Andrew, carpenter Johnson, George, tailor Jewilt, Charles, S., tanner Jewitt, James, shoemaker Leper, Arthur & Co, general store Lumsden, William, general store McGan, Bartlett, shoemaker McMillan & Shears, tanners Marsh, Rev. T. W., Church of England Mathews, James, innkeeper O'Brien, John, saddler DUNBARTON.—DUNDAS. Palmer, J., gri«t mtll Prout, ChRrles, carpcnler Ramiay, David, cooper Riohbrds, Robert &. Thoina?, nitiH'DiN Smith, William, mason Sterlinfr, Jamea, general atoro Sullivan, Pdtriok, wag^onmakar Tenningn, Thog. C, smith Walker, William, waKgonmaker Webb, ?auel, cooper Whitney, P. F., genera! ilore, postmaaler, and J. P. DUNBARTON, or Pickering Harbors, (J\rot included in the Canada Directory.) A Village siiuiilfd on Frenchman's Bay, in the Township of PiekerInK, County of Ontario, C. W., distant from Toronto, 19 miles— stage fare, 2s 6d. ' / AIphAbetical List of Frofessions, Trades, &o. Boslwick. George, J. P, Clark, David, miller, Forest Mills Dunbar, Wro,, sen., J. P., ■ecrelary and treasurer Pickering harbour company Dunbar, Alex., carriagemakor Dunbar, William, smith and ploughmakcr Forrest, William, general store German, William, contractor Gorwell, Thcs., shoemaker Laukins, James, carpenter Laukins, William, carpenter McKeggie, John, general itura Muir, Wm., tanner Parknr, John, general ntore and postmaster Wad Jell, Rev. A. W..Preabyterian, saper. intendent of achoois Wood, Thos., general store and shoe shop DUNDAS. (See Canada DirectorTj Page 74-.) Population, increased to about 4000, and erery appearance of a still grailer degree of pro- Assurance Companies, Public Officers, &c., (Addenda.) Bank British North America, W. Cooke, accountant National Loan Fund, Life, and Equitable, Fire, Ascurance Companies, R. W.. Suter, agent "^ Ontario Fire and Marine Assurance Company, R. W. Suter, agent Provincial Mutual and General Assurance Company, R. W. Suter, agent Spence, Robert, county warden and town reeve Racey, Thomas, county registrar, Main st Begue, A. P., notary, and clerk of Division court Laidlaw, W. P., town collector Telegraph Office, J. B. Whitney, manager, King st Alphabetical Addenda. BiCKELL, Richard, innkeeper, Main st. Good accommodations and riioderato charges are the rule here Bennett & Sutton, saloon, Main si. Refreshments of the best qualitr. at reasonable charges ' Horner, Mrs., millinery establishment and fancy store, Main st HoivE. T., importer and dealet in dry goods, groceries, crockery, &c. Main st bXCHAMGE HotkL. James ICennedv. Mnin «>t on'io«!«'» «H»T-»~—'— " ?== fuinished at short no4ice here Jones, —--, (late Jones & Harris,) general printing office, King st Kino, J. R., hairdresser, periumer, wig and curl maker, ^c, King it " M, 64 DUNDEE. C. E. Mitchell & McMahon, Drs., physicians and surgeons, King at MacMicking, James, Gore flour mills s , k bi NOTMAN& Barton, barristers and attornies at law, notaries, conveyancerJ Owens, Dr.,'phy8ician and surgeon. King st aillT^' ('T^l'^.o'" Patterson), John, woollen manufacturer, Elgin miJI. ^UiCK, Dr., physician and surgeon, Main st ' 6 * Hacet, Thomas, registrar, county of Halton, Main st ^PENCE, R., paper mills, K'ng st, west Taappe, J., merchant tailor and clothier, Main st. Clothing furnished on verv moderate terms, and of a superior quality. Warder, the Dundas, weekly paper, Jones, publisher, King st ■ luleigon, W. & Co., Gore flour Mills, King st, West ^ BalciDiin, \V„ baker. Mhiii st ft'tte,:, ;\Ir»,inillin«r. Main st i^aloc, Jf>.^c|,l», wntchmrtker, Mun u bell, IJpv. Mr., Clnifch of England * Bi;tt, Henjamin, boots and sboeg. Main »t riti. VVilliam. boots and njioes. King «t liiowD, H., baker, Kii*"- st BiillocK, William, (instead of J..) lavcrn keeper, near Flamhoro Millii Burns, J., boots and shoes, King tt Boyle, Patrick, smith ond cart maker, Main hi .BurtDii, J., grocer. King st Camp, (instead of Kemp) .\I., mncliinisi, &c„ Mam st Campbej], D., grocer. King si Colbert, C, hair dresser, Main st Cooper & Wright, eabinelmnkerf, King st Duggan, M., tailor, King st Dowjing, VV., tailor. King st | Franks. L., innkeeper, Main st I Wregson, A & Co., <ii v goods, King si j llare, James, grocer. King st j Harris, J„ shoe sture. Kin" si i Hnwngs. B., tavern, King"st I Hazlowood, —, smith. King st I Hill, R. P.. tailor, King st , REMOVED, DISCONTINUED Boiec, Wni., storekeeper Bruce, Francis, hotel Iteepcr i Foley &. Snow, tailors j Harris, , printer Huglll, Kev. Joseph I Hunter, Dr., phy«iei?ti Ironsides, Jr mis, last l.ictory ' i Hogg, Jahn & Co, dry goods, King st Irwin, J., whipmaker, King et '. Johnston, W., grocer. Kirig st : Keating, S., yroccr, Main st i Kennedy, E., saloon. Main sL Kenny, S.. tavern. King st Kent, J., tavern, Main st ; Laidluw, W. P., tailor, Main st Kirby, James, distiller, &c.. Flambor'. Mills, address Dundas P. O. Laveii, J., tavern. King st Lilly, .Tames, si,.ilh, Main st Main, !\Ii8H, mi liner, Main st McCliiskey, P,. tavern, King st McFetridgp, W., saloon. Market square McKenzie. John, dry goods, Main st McNaughlon & Mann, last lactory, Main m Nash, A., hatter and furrier King st Patten, J., saloon, King st Quain, P, grocer, King st Smith, Charles, grocer. King st Smith, James, dry goods. &c. King »t Starke, Rev. Mr., Free Churcli Turner, J., smith, King si Wade, J., shoemaker, Main st Webster, W.. eatinghonse, King st Weir, R., grocer, KinjJ st Witherspoon, A., watchmaker, Main si Young, J., grocer, King st BUSINESS OR DECEASED. O'Doniiell, D., shoemakei- Spencer, Joseph, flour mills Swanson, Wm , grocer Turney, J., broom maker Wagstaff, John, discontinued the li.jrd. ware business only DUNDEE, C.E. (Ses: Cajiada Dirkctohy, Page 76.) Ajj j- uucuua. Baker, D., postmaster and commissioner of small causes Denean, (instead of Denata) E., commissioner j Smith, Iia'ac, clerk of cotnmiMionera court of small causes | Burch, N. S,, removed from the place jrer, Elgin tn\\h I furnished on very DURHAM. ORMS TOWN-DURHAM, ST. FRANCIS-DURHAM, C.W. 6d DURHAM, Ormstem. (See Canada Dibectokv, Page 77.) Addenda and Errata. * Cavar.a, James, Bhocniakcr Doyle, Re?. Mr,, Roman Catholic Ferns, Jamei, tinamith Lightall, Wm. F., (instead of J.,) ndiary, &c McCarty, James, shoemaker McEachern, Mrs., innkaeper McMullin, Francis, tailor Pace, James, wheelwright Reid, Wm., general store Scott, Thomas, mil/er Shaw, James, carpenter Stewart, Misses, miliinera REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED S?""L"?I'1™'.:^°-"' ''°'"' "^"""ll causes I Leckie, David, bootmaker Fax, Simon, tailor Howie, Wm., smith Kearin, Rcr. J., Roman Catholic McEachern, Hector, innkeeper Morrison, Ale.xr., cabinet maker Needier, W., miller DURHAM, St. Francis.— {Given anew.) A VaLAOB in the, Township of Durham, County of Drummond, District of St. Francia. -from Richmond"? miles ^'' ^"""'•'-•^'"""i '^f^™ P^^' St- Francis. 66 iniles Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &c. More, Robert, postmaster Atkinson, George, trader Atkinson, Andrew, carpenter Atkinson, William, com. of small causes Atkinssn, George, com. of small causes Blake, George, saw mill Bothwell, James, com. of small causes Both well, John, J. P. Brown, Josiah S., com. of small causes Bulnier, Thomas, bricklayer Charpcntier, Michel, shoemaker Cfoss, Ira, saw mill Cross, L., shoemaker Cutter, H. £., general store Dorion, Rev. J. H., Roman Catholic Duylo, Phillip, blacksmith Dunkerly, Rev. David, Congregational Dunkerly, W. R., wool carder & mill owner Elliott, William, millwright Elliott, Wm., jr., joiner and carpenter Elwin, M , grist mill owner Fields, James, cooper Foster & Brown, general store French, Robert, mason Gilmet, David, bricklayer Griffing, H. 8^, clerk of com. court Griffith, James, jr., general store Lawless, Charles, bailiU McBricn, John, land surveyor McCullough, Levi, tanner McDougall, W., general store McMurray, John, tailor Maillet, J. B. E., general store Marcoux, Adolphe, tailor Millar, Robert, blacksmith Montgomery, Wm., J.P. Mooney, Dennis, tanner Orrock, Rtibert, carpenter Phillips, E. D., advocate Placey, George, cooper Ployuarl, Major Frederick Proulir, Nuel, com. of small causes Reed; Thomas, blacksmith Richmond, George, ahoemaker Scott, Alexander, scddler Stevens, S., slate quarry Stevens, Charles, saw mill Vallee, J., shoemaker Walker, Lyman, J.P. Weare, John, blacksmith White, Dr. H., physician Yale, Theophilus, grist mill owner DTTRfl A M n W _/ri:.,« \ A ViLiAOE situated in the Townships of Beniinck and Glenelg, County of Grey, C.W.— jflstsnt from Guelpb, 66' miles— stage fare, 12s 6d.— from Owen's Sound, 28 mile*. PoBu- latioD, abont 150. '^ 66 EATON-ELGIN-ENNISKILLEN. Alphabetical list of SCHOFIELD, M. C, provincial land Baldwin, John, (general store Baldwin Brothers, builder* and C8 ir enters Briggg, Edward, maaon Brown, TbomaB, tanner and Inather sloro Bull, Henry, builder and carpenter Hunter, Archibald, J.P, and hotel keeper Jackson, George, crown lands agent Jones, Thomas, shoemaker Legate, S. E., mill owner and issuer of mar- riage licenses McKciiz'e, Ceo., shoemaker McNok-, A. B., general store & postmaster MathfflWB Gciorge, builder nr>d carpenter Professiona, Trades, &o. Mirveyor and lumber merchant May, Isaac, hotel keeper Provincial Life AssurartceCompaa^', M.i; Schofield, ageni>, Scott, Joh« W,., general store Sleep, John, ii/oemaker * Stewart, Robt r' general ttOK: Pj Lawrenf > jw ranee Company, M. C. Schofi.; u, Hgont Walton, Abm., wiggonr^akor Walton, Thomas t 'ack&.t»ith West./n, Insurance Cosiipanv, Geo. .Turk son, agent Wilson, John, tinsmith Allbec, David, shoeniakei- Clough, Wra., cluthier and wciol chrder Gwynne, Em (instead of Gargnon, E.) tailor Liaroche & Rogcs, blacksmiths Libournoau, M., (instead of Lebourdais) smith '' EATON. (See C u Ai!iA Directory, Page 78.) Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. Hst^imond, R., blacksmith Hurd, ill. A., storekeeper Sawyer, W., tailor aad clothier REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Loberee, Edward, bailiff McKnight, John, blacksmith Osgood, James, (instead of Joseph) harness maker Rogers, Dr A. H., physician Sherrill, Rev. E. J., (instead of C. T.) Smith & Hasseltine, wool carders aod clothiers ELGIN. (J\rot included in the Canada Directory.) if.m;rm'.:i7r 'Pe?ata?gret7 12TIZT\^ ^T' ?A^T'^'«-» ^'^ «- 52 miles. Polt Office known as .'BrLnt."' Southampton, 30 miles, from Godericb, Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades. &c. Bolton, JohD, innkeeper Benson, James, carpenter .and builder Jardm St, Valentine, general store M cRone, Juhn, cabinetmaker Shcnnon, John, postmaster & general store &>tewart, Moses, shoe store Walker, Joseph, innkeeper, grist and saw mills ^nS5:;Si: '^Ku^i. Jl?'-' ^-^^ o^Durham, CM - Alphabetical list of Professions. Trades *« Crippen, David, smith :*>i>iar:t rrom Distance froi wool carders and r & general atore 9 r, grist anJ saw ^ — d;»tknt(Vom ETCHEMIN—FARMERSVILLE-FARNHAM EAST 67 lAvkhS'!, /amei, waggomnaker Kitox,Arihisr, temperance ino McConne!) -, shoemaker VsCullo, h Dr., phynician M.?Lanft!ri,;;, Wm , carpenter Scott, :jii(:.(i'h, itorekfceper Dutch, Robsrt, cooper Ferric, Thomas, storekeeper Tield, William, joiner Hampenstall, David, waggonmaker Harrey, Dr. Samuel, physician James, J., saw mill— I J mile distant Johnson, Wm., waggonmaker Secor, Alexr, grist and saw mills — 1 mile distant Sharp, William, waggonmaker Shared, John, shoemaker Shatlick,—, smith Young, John, maaon ETCHEMIN. (See Canada Dibectory, Page 80.) Addenda. Cane, James, civil engineer Ferres, James M,. contractor Morgan, T., dry goods store Rigney, J., (general store and contractor Stanton, John, grocer Walker. Henry, general store FARMERSVILLE. (See Canada Directory, Page 80.) Addenda and Errata. Bresee, William P., temperance hotel Clark, Joel, temperance hotel, carding and fulling mills Bates, Ninian, floor and saw mill Boyce, John K.. chairmaker and painter Graham, Rev. Wm., Episcopal Methodist King, Wm. W., clerk division court, and agent Tor marriage liceiuea Landers. John, cooper Phillip, Rev. Wm., Wesleyan Pierce, Robert, shoemaker REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Hawkins, Norman, flour and saw milie How, Richard, innkeeper King, Wallace, temperance house and shoe store Smith, Levi, cooper Williams, Harmon, flour and saw mills, &e. Wilsey, Samuel, smith FARNHAM EAST. < (See Canada Directory, Page 81.) . Distance from St John», 27 miles; from Montreal, 50 miles. Addenda Cameron, D., carpenter Halbert & Hutchins, general store and car- riage makers Hyatt, 6., general store Johnston, John, postmaster and general store Jones, J., blacksmith Morison, D., blacksmith Mackay, A., shoemaker Read, R., blacksmith Robertson, W., shoemaker Schoolcraftf C, carpenter Schoolcraft, Wm., shoemaker Short, Jacob, saw mill Stow, M , axe and hoe factory REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Adams, George, general store Bench, N, S.« mill owner Cameron &, Mansfield, mill owners Ruiter, Jacob, saw mill owner 68 FARNHAM WEST-FEHGUS-FITZR OY HARBOUR. FARNHAM WEST. (See Canada Directory, Paoe 81.) A lopp, JM. J., general itoro All«opp, J. B., law and grist millii Baker, — , mw and grist millfl Baron, G., carpenter Berwick, J., carpenter Berrien, Mrs M. A., goneral store Beisenct, A., carpenter Beasetle, E., carriage maker Bessette, F. X^ carpenter Borden, 0., carpenter Bordon, — , general store Bowker, E. & J., lath factory Buck, William, carpenter Addenda Dery, F. X., carpenter Dwyer, James, carpenter Gardener, J., carpenter Higgins, A., carpenter Marezno, Pierre, batcher Meggs & Allan, general store Meriell, E., blacksmith Murtagh. P. II., clerk to com. court Mullen, James, bailiff Prevost, L., baker Supernault, F.. woollen factory Weese, F., carpenter White, A. P„ general store & woollen fwct REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED. Dallaire, Rev. J. Hardle, James, millwright Higgins, F., temperance inn Kirke, David, carriage maker Mercien, Joseph, general store Reed, Henry, smith Robertson, Wm., shoemaker Short, Jacob, saw and grist mills Young, Edward, smith FERGUS. (See Canada Directory, Page 81 ) Situated in County of Wellington-e.age faro to Guelph. Is. 3d. Andercon, Francis, niilicr n/**!.' ^ir^:' "'"" ■"'^ storekeeper Black, William, carpenter Elmes, James, joiner Foote, John, innkeeper ■ Glover, iMisses, milliners Keleher, (instead of Keleher) W. hotel keeper {J???^'"' -; "dd'^r and harness maker^ Mlft'i* •;»^'*'*.^J,'''"*' ^ '^'»'') 8en««l store Mutch & Daniel, Drs., phyeiciana & surg Addenda and Errata. Pattison, William, general store Service. R. S., general store Small, Joseph, bootmaker Smith, William, bailiff Smith, J. L., clerk of division court Mewart, Robert, general store btewart. Misses, milliners Watson, Thomas, tanner and currier Burr, James, hotel keeper Galbraith, W. & J , storekeepers Gareau, John, saw mill Robs, David, carpenter REMOVED OK DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Smith, Jas. L., apothecary Watson, J. W., storekeeper Webster, James, com. Q. B. FITZROY HARBOR. (See Canada Directory, Page 82.) Aylwin, Dr. George C, physician Cockburn, William, lumberer Grierscn, John, general store Hawiey, Andrew, general store McArthur, Donald, general store MeDonald, Angua Roy, lumberer Addenda. MeDonald, John, lumberer Pil..^!".' i"""', «',"«?°n ""oker & smith s^'b — > -r . u., vlctti 01 flivisioii court an postmaster Shaw, Duncan, tanner Teovens, John, inn and atorekeeper nd n com. court FLAMBORO» WEST-P0NTHILL-F0RE8TV1LLE. 69 I REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. I Dubord, Dr, David | Loney, William, Unnor FLAMBORO' WEST. (Sei Canada Directory, Page 83.) Addenda. CoLOLEUGH, Walter, in addition to former address, postmaster and lum- ber merchant • Chooks, a. <Sb D., in addition to former address, lumber merchants MiitER, William, owner of the Dundas and Gait Macadamised road Morris, Thomas, waggon maker and township reeve Dndd, John, tinnmith | Ferres, Samuel, livery stable REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. McKee, William, smith | Sullivan, Coraeliui, tailor Murray. George, smith W FONTHILL. (J^ot included in the Canada Directory.) A ViLLAQB 'situated in the Townships of Pelham and Thornld, County uf Wulland, C. W., distant from Toronto, via Port D^lhousie, 40 milea— steamboat and stago fnro, 15s: staL't) fare, from Port Dalhoasie, distant 12 miles, 3s 9d. Population, about 200. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. Hraekbill, Jacob, general store Buckbee, John C., saddler Canby, Thomas, commissioner Q. B. Berston, Harris & Co., tobacco factory Clark, James S., waggonmaker Conger, James, carpenter Dennis, Jacob, tailor D'Evercudo.D., regidtrar and county clerk, county of Wclland, Hud N. P. Douglas, W. F., architect and builder Chappel, Robert, sash and blind factory Barly, James, tinsmith Fraser, John, M-D,, county warden and town reeve Gore, John, cabinetmaker Griffith, John, shoemaker Haney, Robert A.. M.D. Hobson, Robert, J. P. Kinsman, A. B., carriagemaker Kinsman, Duncan, general storr Kinsman & Stevens, chemista &. dru^fgrnts Lock, Henry D., tailor McDougall, Rev. Allan, Baptist Price, John S., general store & postmaster Price, David S., general store Philp, Guy, tailor Reilly, James, boot and shoemaker Randall, Robert, blacksmith Rice, Eber, innkeeper Smith, Thomas, innkeeper Swayze, Rev. Caleb, Episcopal Methodist Township Council, Pelham, 1853. — John Fraser, reeve; Peter Mettler, Jacob Crow, jun., W. C. Mooro, Alex. B. Chapman, D. D'Everendo, clerk, John S. Price, treasurer FORESTVILLE. {Jfot included i.. the Canada Directory.) A ViLLAUE situated in the south-westerly part of the, Township of Charlotteville, County of Norfolk, C.W., 14 miles south-west from Simcoe— stage from Simcoe to Vienna paBses daily each way ; faro to Simcoe, 3s 9d ; to Vienna, Ts 6d. Population, 150. Alphabetical Ii& BroWn, William, innkeeper Biglow, Benjamin, shoemaker of Professions, Trades, &o. Farnham, Daniel, carpenter and joiner Finch, Titns, innkeeper and grocer 70 !?^!:[?[^^RD-FRANKVILLE-.FRELIGHSBURGH. T.ylor. J.,per. wajrgonmaker i«yl'.r, Job, carpenter and houi« ptti„t„ ^"Xtr."""'''"''^'"""' trocar, and PRANKFORD; (laTe Manchester.) Addenda and Errata. oSK."w.,t';:* Drewry,John, nii||«,,ig^t Johnaon, Edwa. I, baker Kinney, Mra., procr Mabee. W. H., aaw mill '♦'•"h, Mrs., rancv ature Marnhall. S., general atore Martin, J, W.. tinsmith Munn, Samuel, pilot on River Trent J^'l^iaieTerr'^'"''"'''-^^^ """'counSi J- ^'■" "'""•'""'> '--"'P Sanborn. Allan, founder Smith, Bernord, butcher Smith, Isaac, builder Smith. N. P., blackimith Snider, Andrew, constable Slevena, D. B., tailor W.'r.'''''"il; M°''"' P''°' »" li'^er Trent Wal'ar, William, smith Warren, V. R., general store Wi haras & .{oblln. woollen factory Wilaon, John, boot and shoe store Ander«,n.R.P..«mifh^"°^^'' "« BISCONTINUED BUSINESS. t-lute, W.lliam. ahoemnker Damon. Rev. A. Donoghue, P. C. carriage maker Francis, John, storekeeper McDonagh. Patrick, carpenter McGowan, Mrs., grocer Pettit, E., smith Winn, Samuel, cooper BrX'iI^P',"J"".'<"^ '■" the Township Brockville. 18 miles-stage fare. 48 i^d. FKANKVILLE. (J\roe included or, the panada Div iary.) Xitley, County 01 Leeda. C. W„ distant from Boddy, John, waggon maker Dow.'le?r.l%*T"''"P,'''"'' ""*» t"" wowsiey, Uavid, alioemaker Dowsley VViifiam, ahoemaker uiasco, John, cooper Kilborn, S. W., smith Marshall, A. &.N., general store K"?' "''■""/ "'"''* <if division court Kndd, James, shoen zfcor Stone, V h. tapper Baniom,pr. 3. P., (i„,iead of S. B.> Benmt. (instead of Bennett,) O., wheel- wrignt Chamberlain. Dr. tSnuieaA ^ta\r n ^"""imSr"* **'°*'""''*M^''«^ad of FRELIGHSBURGH. (Sei: Canada Directory, Page 83.) Addenda and Errata. Dickinson, Richard, N.P. & county registrar Kemp. Anson, (instead of Aaron,) collector of customs and J. P ' """cior Kemp, E. M., smith and bailiff 8t!tW""u'^ of Lacherry,) W. tailor Smith, Jas, H. general storn PorULATION i H. "•ter, miVtr tnd od; frooera and FRIBURG-OALT. 7! REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED. jFreligh, Abroham, clothier lllutchinion, Mri., law milli dcQ I Holden, — , Keneral sturo Rolicrta, G. F., hatter Skinner, Thot., ahoemakor )r woollen Taotory ilgeni and iasuer lition,) township River Trent re n factory e store ter > diitant from tore iaion court general atore «y regiitrar Ht) collector W. tailor FRIBURG. (Mot included in the Canada Directory.) A ViLLAOE si'uatcd lit the Township of Waterloo, County of Waterloo, C. W., dialant from Gaelph, milea,— from Berlin, 8 miles. Alphabetioal List of Balsr, Andrew, carpenter BiiumKarten, Rev. J. B. Berberich, Gharlea, tailor Beltz, Anthony, ahonmaker Frank, Marcus, innkicper Hauaa, Andrew, mastei mechanic Hog;, Nicholas, hotel and general store Krammer, Leopold, Bhoo store Lehman, John, master mechanic Rombach, Ferdinand, general store, hotel, and postni «>r Professions, Trades, &c. Sakel, llcinrich, carpenter Schop, Anth' innkeeper and brewer Schall, Laureiii, taijur Schlosser, Matihew, maion Schnurr, Andrew, mason Ury, John, shoemaker Urine, George, carpenter V»gt, Anthony, carpenter Wcchter, Theobald, mason Weiler, Xavery, tailor I i GALT. (Sr Canada Directobt, Page 84.) PoFOLiTioN increased u ;6,500, and rapidly progresaing. Addenda. Colonial Life Assurance Company, ^iJam Ainslie, agent National Loan Fund, Life, and Equitable Fire Assurance Cos., Peter Cook, agent Ontario Fire and Marine Assurance Co., William Osborne, agent Ainslie, A., saw mills. North Water et Ihrbour, John, ateam chair and cabinet factory. North Water si P 11, Mrs ( nstead of Gavin), innkeeper. Main at Blacl^stock, T. & J., butchers, Main st Bfit dwood, W. Sc Co., butchers. North Water st n iHby, T. J. S., general hardware store, Main st Date, H. H. & Co., axe factory, North Water at Dawson & Bell, marble factory, Main st Fennel, Jas., brewery. Main st Fleming & Rob son, general grocers and dialillers, St Ah Water st Fowle. John, railway contractor, Main at Forbes, D. H (instead of Robert,) paper mills, Mam st west Fraser, J. G., grocer and telegraph office. North Water at Hume, Gavin, (late Courtney Sc Hume) general dry goods. Queen square Flowell, D., bookseller &. stationer. Main st Jackson, Robert, hairdresaer. Main at Johnson, Chae., smith, Ainslie st Kennedy & Parker, general merchants, J. Batters, agent. Main at Kerr, Dr, phvsi' an and Burgeon, Sooth Water at' Irving, .^melius, barrister at law, Main at McCluskey,(in8tead of McCloskey) Robert, bfots and shoes. Main st McCluskty & Meyers, tanners. Main at McKenzic R.. baker North W.ter at Mel 'Mia! Mrs, drest- laker. Mam at Mc! aogtiton, J., railroad grist mills, off Main st Mann, . confectioner. Main at Mitchell, WiH., leauiier, Mai Kei square McMillan, Jas,, livery stable, (taatead of innkeeper), Main st iMi 1: ts M«»ff«». J.. Uilor. Mnin it Main.? • '''"«"• K'»«r.t,. &c.. S 1" **•' «'""'• Main tt I ^cott. Jamo.. cabinoiamkcr, Mill Creek .t | Arf.i, A, "*^°^*^^» W8C0ATINUBD Adair, Alex,, carpenter Oo>ce, Win., axe faotorv Brower. E. N.. «,e factory Burne,, Alex., bootmaker Courtney, Mr., dry good* »^Mi(f, Jamea, painter g£"'l 'S'McNaughlonJaa, factory tJlotf Andrew, «,ooer und diMilkr "•'I. ihomae, upholaterer ttarrw, Jamea, brewery ttinaman, N., lumberman l-awrence, Dr John /VJoKeand, Donald, apothecary, &.c. UANANOQUE-GAStE. Scon. Murray & Co.. cabinotraakera and ■ «*'h and blind factory. ViXia"l ! -^crog^y & Co.. butcher./M. „ i WhUi^'g^'/- ^'•""1« .t «'7«i«t, Main ., V.».'n5' i^'"''' K™«". North Wo.er at Young. Jas., pa,| factory. North Wafer .1 BUSINESS OH DKCEASBD. McLaehlan, Duncan, tailor Miller, Samuel, druffviat £;»"•/•"•. drSjRi-t and gro.er rieraon, John, tanner f-ollock. Jamea, land aurveyer Sour., Iwae. cloth factory' Stone. W., innkeeper Turnhull, Robert, tailor Wallace. Robert, general More Jfoung. John, livrry stables UEOR( ^cokwltb, R., Gaofget purloy, Thomi bruwley. PaKli balson, John, i l)»rby Sl Your Denny, Rev. l\ )negan, Wlllit Slibeck, VVillia Kennedy, John leOulloch, II GANANOQUE. Preaent population .bolt im^""^"^ DiREctorv, Paoe 85.) Addenda. SnU-f"^^' '' ^•.co««"iMioner of Q. B. ?v,r""' ^''^- "••' «"'»»" Catholic Webster, A., agant National Loan Life idsuraiice Co Jone.* i'.^" '!?"A"*" of cualoma ffi.'iu /i* ^ ^°-» 'P"''° """l hoe factory ^'"'•"'•D'--. physician and surgeon Nankerrille, Rev. T., Wesleyan P„U. ». T „ REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS Hall, R. R., mechanic i ty'V' ^'■- Geo. Johnatown Mutual Insurance Co's aoencT Provincial Insurance Go's agency Redmond, H., mechanic Kobinson, R., mechanic Webster, A., as merchant and collector of customs Williams, Re». J. D., Wesleyan GASPE. (See Canada Directory, Page 86.) Rev. ^ .^, „ Addenda. ?ohniM!!°l'""'"'^**-P''" Bonaventure , Rev I « » S ' '*"•"»« Inspector ' ih„ J^ n'.'/'^"*"' ^"^ Bonaventure Sir. n^u"""' """"'"^ of customs Henry DaUon, postmaster. Grand River lalandS"^' Postmaster, Magdalene R. W. Kelly, Lloyd's agent, Bonaventure G, Dumaiew,. merchant, Point St. Peter Felix Boyle Church of England, Magdalene Islands Mr. Sasseville, Church of Home. Douglasiown Kt^M *'""'»'"'"*'8"«' Gaspe Basin islJnT^' """"'""'"' Magdalene [i»prick, James IJitlejohn, Wro Mrny, Robert, sl IA VlLLAOK situ] Troronto, 35 mil Alexander, J., ii ICook, John, jolt iDanbar, Joe, sm iFraser, Thotnas Itlerald, John, ti iHawklni, Jamei (Murray, Aloxr., ■ Murray, John, j( iPoters, David, a I (lUDSRicH is nov KtuHted in the 1 tiEOROETOWN, C.W.-OLEN MORRl8-«LEN WILLIAMS, Su. 73 tbine(mak«ra unrf •y, Victoria a| Main at , t Taotory, Ni)rili druggiae, Main «( factory, Soutli rth Watar at North Water »i Iter at law >nd griiaor per Iff nerofQ. fi. holic Lonn Life 1 collector of n England, jf Rome, }fRoine, spe fiaain ogdalene GEORGETOWN, C.W: (Sbk Caitada Directort, Paqc 87.) Addenda and Errata. Icckwith, R., (inatead of Campball, R.,) I Oaorgetoivn hotel Burlny, Thomaa, tailor browlej. Patrick, waggoninaker balaon, John, imilh )arby Sl Yuumana, aaddlera, &c )enny, Rev. H,, Congregational )uggan, William, general atoro 3llbeck, William, butcher iennedy, John, (inatead of H.,) law mill Long, Robert, cooper McCullimh, Dr., phyaician and coroner McMastor, Miea, ladies' rchoul Toronto &Guelph Railroad Office, i , ■uporinlondent Travii, Cortlandt, tinamith Vyio, Jainea, baker Walker, Mm., milliner Watson, \Vm., (inatead of Jamea,) muon le'7ull(>ch, II , saw mill REMOVED. I McNamara, J.,iuaaou GLEN MORRIS. (Sek Catjada Dikbctory, Pack 88.) iiprick, Jamea, maaon k^ittlejohn, Wni,, tailor kiray, Robert, shoemaker, rcniovF.d Addenda. Sw()rd &. Eaal'in, carponlera Roy, Kcv. JnmcH,docea»e(l GLEN WILLIAMS, {Not included in the Canada Directory.) Ia Viixaor situated in tie Township of Esqucsing, County of Ilalton, C.W distant from TForonto, 35 miles, from Hamilton, 38 miles. Population, about 200. lAlczander, J., innkeeper ICnok, John, joiner lUunbar, Joe, smith JFraser, Thomas, tailor iHlerald, John, tailor iHawkini, James, general store ■ Murray, Alcxr., aaddler ■ Murray, John, joiner (Peters, David, amilh Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. { Smith, N. J., plaaterer ' Squires, William, tailor and baker Williams, Ch'.s., postmaster and miller i Williams, J'jel, t!n,, enter Williams, D%vid, bouta and ahooa Williams, Isaac, cabinet maker { Wtlliams, Jacob, woollen factory i Wyllle, Wm., general store ' Young, James, joiner GODERICH. (SkE CANA! 4. DiKECTOBV, Page 88.) j(>i>DBRicH is now the CouNTr Town of the Uoitod Counties of Huron and Bruce, and ia In tunted in the Township of the same name, it is distant from Toronto, by the coaeh road, m -m w -M 74 GODERICH. length of road between God.r^ch and For/ Fri^^ ^"""'"' ""«* ""> «""" i..nov. 1700. and the ?ownT. "rpiSSy^iJiprovinff: "'^ '"""' ^^'^ ""'"''• "^"^ P'P"'"*"" L SlIAtL ViLLA Public Officers. Acland, Arthur, judge of the County and Surrogate Courts Cameron, Hon. Malcolm, M.P.P. ™ga.B i^ourts McDonald, John, sheriff Pollock, Samuel, deputy sheriff Lizars, Daniel, clerk of the peace Brown, G, treasurer Gait, John, registrar Lawson, D, collector of customs VVirlder, Charles, revenue inspector buachan, John, deputy registrar, court of chancery. Clark, John, crown lands agent. com"'' ""■'' °^ '^^ "■'"'"' '''^""'y «'«* ^"'^ "-^gi^f^r of Surrogate '°"Tt^Lt.tSxof'' '• '• ^' '''"^°"' ^^^- ^^^^°^' •'-^ ^"-' Kydd, Thos., postmaster Chalk, William, warden Hood, R p , clerk of the county council .Wallace, W m, reere of Goderich Alphabetical Addenda. Barter, H., merchant tailor i m«,.,v to Brooks, Jamee, mere'ianl tailor Buchanan, P., merchant tailor Brittain, J. F., brewer Carr, Dr. G. VV., physician Claig, J., innkeeper Cox, J. & G.. printers and publishers of '• Huron Signal" Donough. Andrew, groceries and provisions Ford, George, ship builder Fox, Peter, cocker Gooding, W. F., printer Garv«y, Andrew, cooprr Gordon &, Mackay, general store Haldane, John, principal of grammar school Hands, Henry, confectioner and hakor Horton, Horace, agent Provincial Insur- anoe Company Jeflerson, J., carriage maker Johnson, Thomas, buiidor and contractor Keith, William, iron founder, Sec. Leys, A., general store Lines, Henry, carpenter and builder McDonald. John, agent for Canada Co, Mnlnnlm IVilliam »«»»-. i „. Marlton, E. H., commission merchant and forwarder Marwood & Keys, general store McDonald & Parsons, steam saw mills McEwen, Alexander, builder Mclntyre, Alexander, boots and shoes Melvin, Alexander, general store Molesworth, T. N., land eurveyerand civil engineer Moore, Elijah, carpenter and builder Nasmith, Alexander, merchant tailor O'Connor, Hamilton B., general store Oliver & Bruce, tanners Ralph, John, tin and copper smith Robertson, Mathew, cabinet maker Robinson, William, butcher Raltenbury &. Dark, British Exchange hotel. * Savage, John, carriage maker Sharp, Walter, cabinet maker Sinclair, Colin, butcher Snodgrass, R., boots and shoes Straohan &, Brother, barristers and at< tornies at law Thompson, James, boots and shoes Thorburn, James, ship builder Tierny, Lawrence, cooper I A small ViLLAQB G0ULD-GRAFT0N-GRAHAMSVILLE-GRE3NBUSH. 75 >n, and the entire The p'ipulation GOULD. (JSTot included in the Canada Directory.) L Small Villauis Hituated in tho Township of Lingwick, County or Slierbrooke, C. E. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. ^izter, John, carpentur and builder ennett, Thomns, carpenter and builder |iofdon, Rev. Daniel, Free Church IcKenzie, Alexander, hinith M'Lund, Donald, Blorekeeper Nourie, Thomas, storekeeper and miller Rom, Jumcs, postmister, storekeeper and J.P- GRAFTON. (See Canada Directory, Page 9G.) Addenda. Faylor, John, poBtmaster of Haldimand Talah, S. S., collector of customs, Grafton Harbor Sogers, J. G., clerk of divisiun court Ukland, John, bailiff, do do Lird, Donald, smith Vird, James, carpenter Ulan, A. 6., lumber merchant [Cameron &. Milligan, general store and saw mill, 3 miles distant N. E. Greenwood, H. &. O., woollen factory Gillard, J. & Son, general store Farmer, Hugh, shoemaker Mall & Toogood, smiths & hame makers McPherson, J., hotel anii stagehouie Patterson, Thomas, waggon maker Sprcntall & Blacklock, waggon makers Taylor, J., saw mill, 7 miles N. E. Taylor, William, dealer in dry goods, gro- ceries, hardware, drugs, die. krkland, John, hotel keeper Dorr, Mathew, carding mills DISCONTINUED. Taylor, John, general store GRAHAMSVILLE. (JVof included in the Canada Directory.) . small ViLLAGB situated in the Township of Chinguacousy, County of Peel, C. W., di8> kant from Toronto, 18 miles— stage fare, 2>i 6d. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. IBrattie, Dr. Thomas, physician iBell, Robert, innkeeper [Bennett, Edward, smith iGraham, George, postmaster Lamphier, Peter, general store Stoddard, Dr. John, physician Watson, John, carriage maker GREENBUSH. (J^Tot included in the Canada Directory.) Ia small Village situated in the Township of Elizabethtown, County of Leeds, C. W. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. I Bates, Edwin, tempsrance inn, anci gsnrrsl store Stable Blanchard, H. W., postmaster, J. P., and l Blanchard & Olds, steam saw and grist general merchant mills >6 OREENWOOD-GRIMSBY-GRONDINES-GUELPH. Bolton, George, smith Chapman, Rev. Wm., VVesIayan Colborne, Wm , ihoe shop F'anogan, John, cooper Porsyih, John, saddler Hamlin, Alpheus, cabinet maker Kirkland, W. J., shoo shop Olds, William, saw mill Smith, Samuel G., tannery' Willis, Thomas, smith GREENWOOD. {Jfot included in ike Canada Directory.) tJ:t2S "''"""' '" '"' '^"'^"'"'P "^ ^''•"^"'"S, Connty of Ontario. C. W. Population. Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &c. Robinson, , innkeeper Barley, A., school teacher BiS^e"*j ' ^°'"'""»" «"«' general store Fullerton Adain, chemist and druseiHt Howell, H., distillery and grist mill Green, f ., grigt mill, r.nd J. P. Mackie, Levi, J. p. Also, 3 coopers. 3 shoemakers, 1 harne.sn.aker, 2 tailors, and 1 asherj Sterling, J. C, auctioneer and innkeeper I ait. A., innkccpi-r Tucker, Dr. David, physician Ward, T., smith Warren, Wm., tannery GRIMSBY. (See Canada Directory, Page 91.) Bailie & Hmdson, general siorc uain, Mrs., milliner Crawford, W. J., general store walrwell, James M.. forwarder Hftgar, George, innkeeper McKillop, G. P., innkeeper Bir?gle, Thornas, merchant Davids. Rev. B. A. Kean, Edmund, hotel Addenda and Errata. Pettit, John H., general store Kitchen (instead of Kcnith), Jacob, cabinet maker RogcrH, Willium, butcher Woolvprton, Jon«»h!\n, M.D. REMOVED. (Morgan, Richard, hotel Perkins, Edward, shocmfikcr GRONDINES. (Sek Canada Directory, Page 91.) "Desiliu, On,, general store Deveau, Frangois, smith Guilbault, Charles, ship^carpenter Guilbault, David, shipcarpentor raquin, Charles, wheelwright Paquin, Olivier, smith Addenda. Perron. David, smith Protoau, Pierre, wheelwright Rivard, Severe, wheelwright Sanvageau, Zepherin, smith Houd. Aogustin. dicontinued bneiness GUELPH.~(Given anew, owing to the large additions.) 4r™i,e.;'^.om Lo„don,6/mtr&G"o33,W^^^^^^^^^^ GUELPH. 77 I from Gait, 13 miles. U«ual stage fares— to Hamilton, Gs. 3d. ; to Gait, 3s. 9d : to Water> I loo, 5s. ; to Preston, 3s. IJd. ; to Brantford, 7s. 6d. ; to Stratford, ISs. lid. ; to Ferguii or Elora, 28. 6d. ; to Owens Sound, SOs. Population, over 20O0, and rapidly increasing. Public Officers. Powell, William D., judg« of the county and surrogate courts Fergusson, Adam J., M.P.P. ■ Grange, George J., sheriff W. Populution, I Saunders, Thotjnas, clerk of the peace Hewat, William, county treasurer Smith, John, deputy clerk of crown and of the county court Stephens, A., registrar of surrogate court Peterson, W. H., county registrar Baker, A. A., clerk of division court Geddes, Andrew, crown lands agent, Elora Hodgert, James, revenue inspector ^- Thurtell, Benjamin, county warden Ferrier, A. D., clerk of county council Corbet, Robert, postmaster Agencies of Assurance Companies, Banks, &c. Bank of Montreal, John McLean, agent Canada Life Assurance Company, John Caulfieid, agent Colonial Life Assurance Company, Williant Hewat, agent Gore Bank, Thomas Sandilands, agent National Loan Fund, Life and Equitable Fire Assurance Cos., George EUittt, agent County of Waterloo Mutual Fire Assurance Company, James Hodgert, secretary Western Assurance Company, George Elliott, agent Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. Corbet, Kobebt, postmaster, Wyndham st George, F., & Co., general merchants, millers and distillers, People's .Mills Haywahd, Wilmam, chemist and druggist, Gordon st Heathers, W., saddler and harness maker, Woolwich st HoDOERT, James, revenue inspecior and brewer, Waterloo road HoizER, Rev. John, Roman Catholic Jarvis, WiiLiAM D. P., barrister and attorney-at-law, N. W. corner of Market square Kkowles's Auction Mart and Commission Store, Market square Leggett, J., stationery and fancy store, Wyndham st Orton, Dr. Henry, physician and surgeon, Essex st Owens & Atkins, general drapt.s and grocers, Gordon st Pipe, John, Farmers' Arms tavern, with good stabling, die, Wyndham st PiRiE, George, printer and publisher of "Guelph Herald" weekly paper, Market square Randall, L, H., general nierchaut. Market square jjiiTK OS ;TiATaEw5oj», iron foundeis and machinists. Wyndham at Smith, J., printer and publisher " Giwlph Advc tisar," Market square Snow, James, merchant tailor, clothier and out-utter, Wyndham st i 4 i iij >n Wi 78 GtJELPH. -ri!?^ T D f :'&?"«'■«' merchant and importer, Church st WpJI^'.bT' ^"'1«^''o'«1 and general alage house, Market square W,L?i?M;iT'' ''"'^ '«'"•• *''•' '^^""'P'' ''""^'"g«' Market Jquare wiiGHT SAMn«rh^ul^'"r' T""^^"'' i^"*^ ''"P"'"'"'' M^ket square *» BIGHT, Hamuei,, baker and confectioner, Gordon st Allan, Wm., miller, distiller, and cloth dres 'cr, at (he Bridge Allen, G. W. chair factory, Waterloo road Armotrong. J., wagg.-nmaker. Church st Atkinson, J., flour store. Church st Barker, Robert, cabinetmaker. Wyndham at n »"' m "j K"''''*'' Worl'-umberland st Bealtie, W. & J., general store, Market sq Bo«kley, J., tavern, Market square Brainc, Rer. J. J., Congregational nl"°r."''j^*i-' 8«""al store. Market square Buckland & Tolton, butchers, Wyndham st Burns, Robert, shoe store, Market square i«yrne, p., shoe store. Market square Clark, Dr. William, physician Campbell & Co., cloih lactoiy, Waterloo road Cook, Robert, trader, at Farmers' Arms J^ozens, N., tanner, Surrey st Croft, Nathaniel, tailor, Church st Crowl, W., sleighmaker, Hamilton road Wliott, George, general store, Wyndham st i-mslie, Alexander, writing master. Market square, and store, Wyndham st * airweather & Co., shoe store. Market sq Farrell, J., tailor. Church st ^ Fcrgusson, A. J., & Hurd, barristers, &c., i Market square | Ferrier, A. D., Scotcii block road Fisken, W. R., & Co., dry goods, Wyndham st , , *orster, James, merchant lailor, Wyndham st Frazzini, Rev. J., Roman Catholic Galbraith. F. W., saddler. Market sq j Gay, Jamea, tavern. Church st I Glendinning, Chs., saloon, Market square ' t»ow, P., shoe store, Wyndham st ' Goodson, Rev. Mr., Wesleyan ! Godfrey, John, shoe store, Market square Gordon, Rev. G., Wesleyan i Grigor, Rer. Colin, Church of Scotland Grange, J. G., sheriff, Waterloo road Griffiths, W., bufcher, Gordon st Guelph Advertiser, J. Smith, publisher, Mar- ' ket square Guelph Herald, George Pirie, publisher. Market square Gwynne, J. W., barrister at lew, Market sq H 11 'i",*^',^'"" Soneral store, Waterloo st Hail, H. J., grocer, Market square Harris, J., baker and grocer, Market square Harrison. J., joiner, Church st Haiton, J., smiti), Wyndham st Haz^Iton, — , painter, Wyndham st »*igiriuotlittiii, IN., ohomist and druggist. Market sqnaro Hornby & O'Conner, Misses, dress maker* Church st Hoskin, W., iron founder Howard, James, shoe store, Market square Hudson &, Marriott, .Misses, dress maher! Gordon st Keogh, Miss, milliner, McDonald st Kelly, J. & B., chair factory, Wyndham st Keeling, J. M., printer and bookseller Church st Kerr, Francis, land surveyor I'^"lP,?^";k'^"" «'"fekeeper. Market squnre ^ Liddell, Dr. W. A., physician I Leitch, Misses, milliners, Church st i Mack, P., shoe store, Essex st i MacKenzip, James, dry goods. Market sn i McGregor, Rev. J. G , Free Church I McDerinott. J„ grocer, Wyndham st I McNeil, — , cuoper, Woolwich st : Martin &, McNab, attornies at law. Mar- j ket square j Martin, Robert, merchant tailor. Market square j Marcon, Frederick, agent ! Mays, Jas., smith & fanning mills, Wynd ! ham st ! Matoga, Rev. Caspar, Roman Cathohc Mimmaok, J., barber. Market square Mimrnack. Geo., confectioner. Market sq Moran. W., eating house. Market square Mundell, J , cabinetmaker, Wyndham st .llurphy. James, grocer, Market sq Neeve, W., teacher, Wyndham st Nevens, G., shoe store, McDonald st Newton, E., secy. Building Society. Mar- ket square Nicholson, (i. E., baker, Wyndham st Nichols, W., tavern, Woolwich st Oliver, H. H., dry goods. Market square JJrme, J., shoe store, Market square Palmer, Rev. A.. Church of England Penfold, Miss, dress maker, McDonald st Present, J., flour mills Perry, W. H., Wellington hotel, Wyndham street Powell, W. D., Waterloo road Quinlan, T., shoe store. Wyndham st Robertson, A., iron founder Ross, — , pump maker Richards. H. N. M., temperance inn Sandilands, T„bank agent, Market sq ^.!j:rr-!y, juh::, hcicl, Markei uu Saunders, Thomas, Waterloo road Savage, D., watchmaker, &o. Market sq Population by tl Halifax— HALL'S corners-h/ lifax. 79 hardware, crocj ;c., Market sq h 8t !t square et square farket square isseB, dress raakcn )ro, Mitrket square ises, dress makers, (cUonald st tory, Wyndham n ■ and bookseller, yor ler, Market squnre ician Church St 3JCSt oods, Market sq ree Church 'yndham st Iwich st les at law, Mar- t tailor. Market ng mills, Wynd. nan Catholic ket square ner. Market sq Vlarket square , Wyndham st arket sq Iham st Donald st ? Society, Mar- ''yndham et rich at larket square H square ' England McDonald st itel, Wyndham ad ndham st ■anceinn Market sq . dq ) road I, Market sq Sayers, T. W., painter, Market square Scott & Watson, carriage makers, Wool- wich st Simpson, — , omith, Church st Smith, John, bookseller and stationer. Mar- ket square Smith, J. C, dry Konds, Market sq Snellin^, M , confectioner, Market square Soden, J., shoe store, Wyndham st Shyne, T., tavern, Market square Stewart, Rev. E. M., Church of England Stannard, J. H., painter, Waterloo road Sunley, R., shoe store, Woolwich st Swallow & Irons, genera! store, Gordon st Temple, J., tavern. Market square Thompson, R.. (^arpenter, Wyndham st Todd, George, tinsmith, Wyndham st Todd, George, shoe store, Wyndham st Torrance, Rev. R., United Presbyterian Tovell, M., chair factory, Wyndham st Tracy, John C, saddler, Market sq Watson, Thos , baker, Essex st Warren, George, general store, Gordon at Watt, J., iron founder White, Robert, general store, Wyndham st Wilson, Wm,, boot store. Church st Worsley, Mies, general store, Wyndham st HALIFAX. . (JV*o< included in the Canada Directory.) A ViLLAOB and Township in the County of Maeantic, C. E., distant from Quebec 56 miles. Population of the Township, about SOiK). about List of Professions, Trades, &c. Bernier, Rev. Jules, Roman Catholic Bezeau, Andre, {reneral store and J. P. Campbell, Charles, lieut. col. &. J. P., saw carding and grist mills de Champlain, Charles P., general store and J. P. Gagnon, Antoine, general store Gervais, Michel, general store Johnston, John, notary public Marchand, Olivier, saw mills Rousseau, L. M., M. D. Sheridan, Thomas, postmaster and J. P. Wood, Thomas, tannery and J. P. HALL'S CORNERS. (Jfot included in the Canada Directory.) A Small Village in the Township of Binbrook, County of Wentworlh, C W., distant from Hamilton, 13 miles. List of Professions, Trades, &c. Cook, James, smith ! Kennedy, Alexander, M. D. Cook, Hiram, waggon-maker i McKenzie, Alexander, general store Hall, Henry, postmaster, town reeve and Young, William, innkeeper general store ' HAMILTON. (SiE Canada Dieecccry, Fao« 94.) Population by the census of 1852, 14,112. At piosen'. M«rch, 1853, about 15,500. City Council : — Nehemiah Ford, mayc , Yv. G. Kerr, Cbas. A. Sadlier, Hutchinson Clark, Miltcti Davis, Robert Mcllroy, Andrew Miller, Charles Magill, D. 6. Galivaith, James Cahill, aldermen; John Mitchell, Jas. Cummings, Thos. Giay, Jos. Lister, Wm. Sunley, John Henry, Jas. Crawford, John Dalton, Robert A. Land, W. H. Ireland, councillors : J. H. Arxn^irMyv. police magistrate : .Tohn Brown, cham. berlain ,• John Kirby, city clerk ; James McCracken, high bailiff ; John Moor?, high constable. m'^ li Hi 80 HAMILTON. A. DJ Pubho Officers, (Addenda.) Christie, R., M.P.P. for Wentworth White, John, M.P.P. for Halton Spohn, P. B., clerk of the peace Henwood, Dr., city physician Gran, Thomas, city engineer Kerr, J. W., inspector of firewood The other public officers remain as ljefor» Assurance Companies, Banks, &c., (Addenda.) , bA^ADA Life Assuijakce Company. 3fi Kiim -t »/• j. I C. Pringle and R. Juson^'ce P Walfe '^'r flf'"''''''Jr:1 directors and officers as before. '*'"'^^ •'^"<' «• O.Puggan. OlheJ CA..ADA West FAHMEns' Mutual and Stock Insurance Compart Ja„. N.TioNAL Assurance and Investment Association Kin^ ., Macdougall, agent. See card. locution, Kmg st. KovAL Insurance Co., W. Bellhouse, agent. See Card I (.lobe F.re and Life Insurance Company, JosiarBray td J Hutoh' agents. King St "^ay ana j. Hutchinson, S"-'' m"^- '"'"'■*"^^ ^'"- A'^""! ^«o*vn. agent, Kinir st Ontario Marme and Fire Insurance Company. E C Thnm D. C. Gunn, V.P. ; C. H. Gates, Sat. ^^""'''' ^'''"^""^ \ iconto, Hamilton and Niagara Telegraph Comp'any, A. W. Snow, agenj Gas Company', Woiks, E. Glackeymer, superintendent Miiberrv ., u .• ,: ™cKenzie, i;;eas„r€r; members, 288 f volumes in^fi ' Hortic^ural Society, Danl. M^m,, j^esident ;\\ Ron Vp'- J r « I bine, woc^ary ; R. Osborne, treasurer. ' "^^ ' •^- ^' ^H Hamilton Orphan, Asylum, Wellington st Great Western Railwat, Sir Allan MacNab, vice-president • O K M a^nLttrretrl'ste^W^'rb!^^^"^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The other public compani^^:;^ ^^-in^ih^tarda^Sirror;'""'"' ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS, (Addenda to paffe 99 ) Gunner, VV,, Huffhron Bt i m r^. . f S^ ^if- > B^conunued.^ lJ.u]ingt.,„ Ladiea' Academy. All o.hers as before. Clark, H., Kii.g ^t ARCHITECTS, (Addenda to page 99.) ! Raslrick, J. F., King at All others as before. BAKERS, (Addenda to page 99 \ BoGGs, W.J. , King ,?t P*»g^ ai*.; Chihnan, J., King st wt'nt , r »* <i Harris, Jc:.„,yo?k«t te.^Tf ' '^"'" "' Hooper, S..iVluiberry.. I "*"*'"» ^oK King William st Dmontinuedt-.Combi,, b. AH otherg ns 'before. I.) Vf dtrectora :-^i Puggiin. Othej Company, JaniJ alj, secretary on j ^•ng St. A. m I J- Hutchinsoi), HAMILTON, U ▲vcTioiTESRs, (Addenda to page 99.) P'" \«;;".!''^''I\T'^.^"^'> •"*"**"•""•• '"^ ooramiMion m.rchanti, I Jamei at ; established 1844 n .• J «... ^"'•"'"•''t Thoma», Kin* William It. l>wee»ti«tt«rf.-Goldie, Adwn. All otharaaa before. B0OK8KLLBR8, STATIONERS, &c.-.(Given ancw.) rt^v!i S'''!: *^ ^,? " ?i".8 "• ^'''nainder of address as before IwltlfZ' 5:' ''"o"*""" (old and new) and auctioneer, Market piaeo 2or;?^. 'n "u''\*'°?^'*""' bookbinder and stationer, King st ril^.^1 n' ^^t^'f^^f,' *'«o'*bmder and stationer, King st UnviL ^0;» »»ook»e»e". bookbinders and stationers, King st wTrrA KT'*^.''*'°'*!:""f![' bookbinder &,tationer, King st, West HiNKiT & Co. bookseJlors, bookbinders and stationers. (B. P. Leland, manager,) King st ' l'""'"ktn/^t*''''' ''■''•'''"•''''"••'•*''• I Webitor.Thoma.. King.*. East. BOOT AND SHOE STORES, (Addenda to page 100.) ''''"'r.?Mi*'/''u*'A'**"'^"'f'' boot and shoe store, and agent for the Gutta Percba Company, King st irth, J., John it . iBflTeridrre, J. John ft *' Ssnow, agenilBtynham. J., King « ■fiuohan, W., York at Iberry st (Clifford, J., King at Cuzner, J.. York st Felridge, W., Jamraat Fletcher, J.. York at Froat, M.. Jamea at Keily, D., Jsmea at Mooney & Fletcher, King at Robinion, W., John at ^.Park, ^'./'.;lih^':,"ai~^"°^'''^"' "''«"' ^••'^"'^''""^ J-™'*' Simpaon.J.. Stanley G. All BREWERS, (Addenda to page 100). Hiddlewood, Grant & Co., Main at ( Hunt & Co., Peel at CABINET WAREHOUSES, (Addenda to page 100). JOHNSON, Georo., (late Porfer & Hoodless) chair and bedstead factory. Halliwell, J,, John at Snelgrove, W., John at Watera, J., King at, West m si BUtchford, J., removed tj McNab at Biin, J., King st, Weat Drysdale, A., removed to McNab st Dfidsworth, J., removed to King at />..co«,.W.-B.Ifour. P., Coatas, T. A.. HIesdrodt, J.. Kerr, R. All other, as before. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, (Addenda to page 100). n. .• J Tr' ^ m, Ad<J"on. J', Rebeccn St. DweoBtHiUfrf.—Kinread, T. All others as before. CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, (Addenda to page 101). licEiE, T., & Son, Medical Hall, King st, importers and wholesale and Si* <fec Sercwd^'^ kind of drugs, medicines, perfumery, paints, '"""iS'ir^^^^ ''™'> ^'"^ ''' >'"^-'- °^^-g»> ™««J-""' firiggs & Wim«M, draggisu, &e , King at, | Freer, Thoa., chemist, Jamea at i>««o»<in««d.-Wood»?orth, fi. All others a. bSf ^ t !■ 83 HAMILTON. COACH FACTORIES, (Addenda to page 101). PiCKARn & RuTTiE, coach and carriage builders, McNab at. CarriageJ of all kinda made to order on the most moderate terms. Smith, F., King st, West, makes to order all kin.s of vehicles in the besi style, at reasonable rates. All others as before. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Addenda to page 102). Garrett df Freeland, produce dealers dt commission merchants, James sil Rae, Ihomas, commission merchant and provision broker, King st Weiif and York st e » I Rae, R. H., commission merchant and agent, King st, West Samuel & Co., commission merchants and importers, Victoria Buildings King st. West ° ' Buchanan, D.,commi88ion merchant, Gore«t| Stevenson, P. S., coranniasion merchant, Kin;; st W., Campbell & Garrett, Gates & Frcelandj Campbell, D. T., commission merchant, King William st Ebbs & McDonald, brokers and commission merchants', Water st Disconf.inued.-~^a\\, F. A., Cameron, R. Greer, J. H., Wright, S., Freeland, C. CONFECTIONERS, (Addenda to page 102). CooMBE, Benjamin, confectioner, pastry cook and fancy bread and biscuit baker, James st All others as before. DAGUERREOTYPE ARTISTS. MiLNB, R., daguerreotype artist, James st Preston, D. N., daguerreotype artist, James st DENTISTS, (Addenda to page 102). Chittenden & Vars, surgeon dentists, over Turner's store. King st, E J Stennett, M. B., surgeon dentist, corner of King and John sts Discontinued.— Mr. Thorner. All others as before. DRY G60DS MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE, (Addenda to page 102). Boice, William, & Co., importers and wholesale dealers in dry goods I corner of King and John sta '■ Gillespie & Denholme, importers and wholesale dealers in dry eoods, King st. West ' ^ Martin, David, importer and wholesale dealer in dry goods, James st i McJames, D., & Co., wholesale merchants and importers of Foreign coeds King st. East e s i Allen, J. B., dry goods and groceries, York st ' Discontinued.— Lhtkin, 3. F. All others as before. DRY GOODS STORES, (Addenda to page 103). Benedict, D., general dry goods warehouse, King st, East Crawford, L., general dry goods warehouse, Kingst Warmoll, Mrs., importer of French millinery, silks, satins, flowers, &cJ King st, Slinson's Block HAMILTON. H). b 8t. CarriagpJ ms. licles in the besil 102). 'chants, James st| , King St, Weit,_ St ctoria Buildiugj on merchant, Goreti nission merchant. , Gates & Freeland, read and biscuit re, King st, East| sts page 102). ! in dry goodsl rs in dry goods, s, James st 'Foreign goods,! 3). , flowers, &c,J Wa»hington, Mri., King tt Wyllie, A. A., James it 8S I Zwiek, % Hi, James st Alf^K « 'bt;'""'"' «"•• ^»™°"' ^^ Wright. W., Osborne 8c Wyllic. Price. G. W. DYERS. Cole. H., John .t ^ , Sluggett.J., Kingst BNOBAVER, page 103, remains as before. FANCr STORES. Pothergill, Mrs.. King st, West Tisdale, V. H., & Co., King st, East. Ad dress as before. Allen, Wm., York st Gilleaby, A., John st Harper, R., John st Mathews, John, James st FLOUR STORES, (Addenda to page 103.) Patchintr, John, York st Piper, F., John st Webster, J., King st, east FORWARDERS, (Addenda to page 103 ) &TEVENSON, P.S., wharfinger and forwarder, Cooii's wharf Duconliautd-Black, Jamea. All others as before. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, (Addenda to page 103 ) Fisher, Williams & Co,, railroad carriage makers. „oar Cook's wharf. All oth^is a. before. GENERAL MERCHANTS, (page 104.) Same as before. GLASS AND CROCKERY STORES, (Addenda to page 104.) Skinner, James 8. & Co., King st. The others as before. ■ GROCERS, &c., (Addenda to page 104.) ''"''i!ferch?„^ In^g^;; -^^olesale grocery, wine, liquor, oil and commission '"'' !i;its,tt"it "' "'^" '''''' '" ^---' -"-^ 'iquors and pro. mS'^jTd' "n!rM'V''l!'''''y* '•«'"<'-«d to John st OsrR/;,J:L?.Veltr^^ grocer, &c., King st Smith, D., deale in grocerif w2 h'"''' ''^"^'•^P'-^^if «"«• &c.. James st Brooks. E.. ' .[J ' ""''''' ''^"°'«' P"^°^'^""'«' ^''^ McNab et Brooks, E , grocer. York st y,l°J\' Samuel, grocer, York st thiids.F., grocer. York st Davidson. J., grocer. John st forster, W., grocer. King st, east r.Sh'*''",^'8rrocer,&c,John8t M°T ^ ^«'"P»'«'l'. eror,er«, &c, York st Goooh, J^ grocer, &c.. John st ««ning, F., grocer, &o., King st, east Hardiker John, grocer. &c, James st Hughes, J. A., grocer, &,c, McNab st Keiiier, John, grocer, John st Kerr, J,, grocer, John st Logan, F.. grocer, King st S^M'M ""^ 'VI'* McCurdy. grocers, York st McMillan, D., grocer. Hn?hstn st aT°" * C'*'^' grocers. Ja'aif* ,>»t -if-ett, \jr., grocer, John Mt Stuart, D., grocer, John st _. - ' """"'J ^.. grouer, jonn st •4 HAMILTON. I'^il HARDWARE MERCHANTS, (Addenda to page 104.) Bainb, John W. general hardivare and ironmongery ready money warehouie, (tign of golden saw in hand, James at ' Bellho JSE, Ireland & Co., general hardware merchanta, King at. Se card Carpenter, Joel, (late Carpenter & Bloore,) general hardware mercnaiit, stgn of mammoth fixe. King at. See card Juson, Kichard & Co., in addition to former addrer.-, cut nail factorr. Can- non *t ' MiLNER, Benjamin, general hardware and iron merchant, Kins at, west. See card J«r»i», Charles R , hardware, King at. Diieontinued.—aalVnan, E. R. Al! otliera at before. HAIR DRESSERS, (Addcndp to page 106.) King, J. B.. King at | Mclnto.h. J., Johnat The othera aa oefure. HATTERS, &c., (Addenda to page 106.) _. Johnaon, Jamea, Jamea at Z>«eontinu«(/.— Baatedo, J. M. The oihere aa before. HOTELS, (Addenda to page 106.) BoRLiNOTON Hotel, N. Bmrse, King at, east. An excellent house and mc derate charges Temperance Hotel, N. hL ifelnap, removed to John at Victoria House Hotkl, >; Mra. (late William) Mackay, King at Commercial Hotel, h.m\ !n:,ge house, Charles Norton, (late J. J. Young,) corner of Main and Jars.essta Milea'a Hotel, King at weat. All the othera aa before. INNS, SALOONS, &c., (Addenda to page 107.) Atkins, R., bowling saloon, King st Harris, C. J., bowling saloon, King st Mackat, Robert, innkeeper, .Tames st Nelligan, D,, innkeeper, Court House square Nixon, James, Victoria Gardens, King st, east Almaa, T., tavern, John at Aynaley, J. T., tavern, King at, eaat Beaaley, R. S., tavern, York st Blyman, J., aaloon, York at Brown, Robert, aajoon, Janies at Crooker, J., tavern, York at Donuhue, Jaa., tavern, John at Duffy, John, tavern, James at Feahan, D., tavern, John at Ferrii, Wm., tavern, John at Gibaon, J., tavern, John at Gillia, Wm., tavern, King at Goidon, J., tavern, McNab at Hooper, T , aaloon, Jamea at Kavanagh, J., tavern, King at Kenney, H. L., tavern, King at Kenney, H. C, tavern, King at, weat Kent, A., tavern, John at Liadaay, Jamea, tavern, Jamea at Hackay, J., tavern, McNab at McBride, Wm., tavern, John at McCoy, A., tavern, Water at Martin, Jamea, tavern, York at Maaon, Fra., tavern, King at Mellon, G., tavern, John at Meyera, O. C, tavern, John at Minnie, J., tavern, John at Miaicker, Jamea, tavern, King at, eaat Morgan, R., tavern, John at Norria, W. A., tavern, King at, eaat Pfingle, R., tavern, York at Richardaon, fl., tavern, Jamea at Robinson, Jamea, tavern, York at Roaewam. Mra., tavern, John at Saranett, M , aaloon, King at, weat Suter, Mra., tavern, King at Wallace, R., tavern, York st White, E., tavern, John at WilaoD, Mrs., tavern, Hnghaoo at Cartxr, , en| NiCKXRSn in RUTHVEN tioi Am^hose, Hatt, J. ( Holden, 9 LoGiE (Ale MacDoug. Spoh;. & S Pringle, J Diseont-.m Mr., Willson LI FORSTER, ] Dayfoot & C( Burley, — , ^ Jones, B., Ca Leonard, H., Diieontinu Fleming, J , J Fearnaide St, i. Montgomery, Montgomery, Diaeontinut MILL Warholl, Kini Adama, Miss, Boon, Miss, E Bowers, Mrs., Brsd?h5~, Ml Keegan, Miss, Ditetntinui HAMILTON. ouse and mo* M .h/^SrSffo-;^"'"'"- '"'"'' ^'""" D'ck«;.W..O„Hb,.Tho...S..I..V. All JEWELLERS, &c., (Addenda to page 107 ) RUTHVBN & Watbon, watchmakers and jeweller,, James st. Every descrio- t.on of repau. executed in superio/ stylo, on moderate terrn^ ^ RoMband, L., Jeweller. James .t. All the olhert a. before. LAND AND GENERAL AGENTS, (page 107 ) Di,eontinued.^Kei[m,J. All olhera remain •• before. ' " LAWYERS, BA3RISTEH8, &c., (Addenda to page 108.) Am'-iose, W., solicitor, &c., Main st r ta y Hatt, J. 0., barrister and attorney at law, Main st HoLDEN Mr., ( ate Duggan & (olden,) barrister, &c., King st LooiE ( Alexr.) & Barrett, (R. G.) barristers, &c.! Ilfbefca st SP.Trii^l^U^"- r'"'^' «°"''"°'' N. P. &c. King st P^NGL? ? D hnrT?""'' !"°'""'''' ^'^ ^"'"'» ^""^'"8^, King St Fringle, J. D., barrister and attorney at law, Hughson st ^""■"' R- * T. R., corner of Main and John aU. M;?.'wrnrH:l"TMi^?^^^^^^ ^f^ "^' '■ M>Springer, Mr.. Va.koughnet, LEATHER MERCHANTS, &c., (Addenda to page 108.) FoRSTBR, L., leather merchant, K -.g st, west. See card. Darfoot & Co.. "-^ed to Hug^on .t , Downing. George, akin dealer. Market at I^ncontmued-MiugTove, R, The othera as before. LIVERY STABLES, (Addenda to page 108.) Aaini, — , King st west Robinson, — Catharine st Burley,—, Mainst Jones. B.. Catharine st Leonard, H., Main st Di,continued.-Knox & Giilesby, Oneii. J.' The others aa before. LUMBER MERCHANTS, (page 108.) Remain aa before. MERCHANT TAILORS, (Addenda to page 108) Flemmir, J , John st id. , ^,° ' Fearn.ide&Son,King,t.we.t ?o^uTj ''iJork ,V* Montgomery, J., King st *;o9tell, j., York st Montgomery. W., Tyburn st Thompson. Wm.. Main st DUcontinued.-Fosier, C. J, McCurdy. H. All others remain a. before. MILLINERS AND DRESSMAKERS, (Addenda to page 109) Warho^l, Mrs., importer of French millinery, silks, satins, flowers. &c.. Adama, Miaa, Conomon at Boon, Miss. Rebecca at Bowers, Mra., King st -»rav=..ta!T, sTiisi, iiugason at Kemn. Miss, Jamea at Dite9ntinued.^Dtptxf, Miu. The others remain as before. McNeil, Miss, John st Pinnock, Miss, John st West, M rs , Hiiffhaon ai Young. Miss, King at * i .a5- \h IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 Ifi^ l£ 1.1 lit u 136 1 4.0 Ii25 i 1.4 12.2 2.0 11.8 1.6 150mm <$>. /. "% ^; /^ /^ o^^ w y^PPLIED^ IIV14GE . Inc j:^ 1653 East Main Street _^=-^ Rochester, NY 14609 USA J^S"^ Phone: 716/482-0300 '^=-.=== Fax: 716/288-5989 © 1993. Applied Image. Inc , All Rights Reserved « |\ i\^ '^^ <h s^ \ '^ ^^ M HAMILTON. MARBLE CUTTKR AND SCULPTOR. PoLiooK, Jambs, junr., Hamilton marble worku, corner of York de Merrick sis. Seo Card. MISCELLANEOV8 bvsin£sse8. — (Given anew). Addiion, J., numpmaker, Rebecca it Allen, I., ssleratufe Tactory, Spring st Dodgion, H., ivhipmaker, Mulberry it Eayion, A , corn broomi, King si, Weit Foolnerfc Co., cordial factory, Jamea st, Weat Johnston, A., picture f ramer. King at. West Macdonald, H., threshing machines, Vine st Martin, P., sausagemaker, John st Radford. L> A., veterinary surgeon, Court House sq Strongman, O., quarryman, Tyburn st MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c., (a Hcw heading). Haoar <fc VooT, organ builders, Cannon st Grossman. Peter, musical instrument maker, I Townsend, \V., melodeon factory, King st, Johnst I West While.T. W., melodeon factory, King st. West NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS, (Addenda to page 109.) Hamilton Spbctatoh, R. R. Smiley,' proprietor, removed to Court House sq. See Card. DiieoFittnued.— "The Erongelist." The others remain as before. NURSERY AND SEEDSMEN, (Addenda to page 109.) Brucb, J. A., seedsman and florist, dealer in all sorts of farming and gardening implements, James st The others remain as before. PAINTERS, PAPER-HANGERS, PLUMBERS, &c., (Addenda to page 109). Wp«°"?' ^•' .'•""i."' ^°"" "°""'' "> I P"»n">™. -. paper-hanger, McNab st S^ri.'* r""'"'"' /':"» "I. TcTens, T.. painter, Catherine st V^JrS^ui^n^' r'"'".' ^'"»J' ^'V' •^«»"' ?•'"'«'. King st *itzpatrick8iBrolher,painter3,Kingst, west I i)i>fon«in«/erf.-Robinson, James, Gooderham. J., Holconnb, J., Johnson, J. The others remain as before. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, (Addenda to page 109). BowN, Dr , corner Main and McNab sts Ross, Dr., German physician, James st WooivERTON dc Petbkson, homoBpathists, Ontario Buildings, King st Mott, Dr., Peel st O'Reilly, Dr., James st Ridley, Dr., John st Stephen, Dr., John st Beard, Dr., Main at Billings, Dr., York st Dickinson, W. G., MD., John st Hemvood, Dr., Main at Hunter, Dr. R., Gore st />wcon<inu«rf.— Hunter, Dr. J., Kerr, Dr. Wm. The others remain as before. PLANING AND SAWING MILLS, (a ncw heading). Melville & Herald, steam saw mill, moulding, door and sash factory, corner of Queen and York sts Cook & Co., planing and sawing mills, ( Robinson's steam saw mills, Cannon st Cook's wharf | Chatterton, J., (late W. Nichelson & Co.) printing office, Kingst Ruthven, P Smiley, R. Rev. F. J. 1 Rev. Georg( Very Rev. J Rev. John Rev. John I Rev. T. Goi Rev. J. Ho( Rev. Roberi Rev. John i Rev. George Rev. James Removed.— remain as berc Amon, (Inst Bsmes, W. J., Csse, £., smiti Falrey, — , sm OUchrist, W., Tout, G., smil Olhcrs JuDD, John, TI CoPP, BuOT Clark & VS Dickison, J, M Lalor, Thomas, McArdle & M Parrott, A., cij Discontinue rk & Merrick er, King at, Wett machinM, Vine it John at ■argeon. Court . Tyhurn tt factory, King it* e 109.) Court House 09.) farming and HAMILTON. 87 • page 109). ', McNab St ine St at , J. Tiieothera 109). , King 8t fore. Bash factory, , Cannon at RuUiven, P., printer, iiookbir.der, &c., removed to King st Smiley, R. R., general printing office, removed to Court House square The othera remain at before. RESIDENT CLERGY, (Addenda to page 110). Rev. F. J. M. W. Blackman, Church of England, ciirate Rev. George Hebden, Church of the Ascension Very Rev. J. Gordon, Park street, Roman Catholic Rev. John Carrol, Main street, Wesieyan Methodist Rev. John Bredin, Main street, Wesieyan Methodist Rev. T. Goldsmith, Main street, New Connexion Methodist Rev. J. Hogg, United Presbyterian Rev. Robert Biyle, Primitive Methodist Rev. John Hay ward, Episcopal Methodist Rev. George Paxton Young, Peel street. Free Church Rev. James Inglis, York street, Baptist Removed—Revs. Jamei Ede, Wm. Norton, J. U«vison, W. Robinson remain as before. SADDLERS, page 110, remain as before. SMITHS, &c., (Addenda to page 110.) Amon, (instead of Hayman) John, West Ma-^ket st, smith and cart maker The othci-8 Barnes, W. J., smith, John st Case, E., smith, Kinz at, west Falfey, — , smith. Mulberry st Gilchrist, W., smith and cart maker, King st Toot, G., smith, IVlcNab st Others as before. Richer, A., waggon malcer and smith. King st. East Robinson, W. D.. waggon maiier & smith, King st. West Seivell, J., smith, Walnut st II SOAP FACTORY, (Addenda to page 110). JuDD, John, Bay street | Walker, James, York st STAGE OFFICES, pdge 110. No change of importance to note. TIN AND COPPERSMITHS, (Addenda to page 110.) Copp, Brothers, tin and coppersmiths, removed to John st Clark & Whitney, tin and coppersmiths, James st Smith & Plotvright, tin and boppersmiths, York st Ring, E. J., tin and coppernrare. King st Dickison, J. M., silver plater. King st, west Lalor, Thomas, belt hanger, King st McArdle &. Murphy, bell hangers, Market st Parrott, A., c :)pper8mitb, King st, west . DiKonlinued — Harris, Abraham. The others remain as before. TOBACCONISTS, (Addenda to page 110.) Quimby & Co., cigar makers, James st. The others as before. TURNERS, page 110, remain as before. ill m M llAmtLtOtt. Association. 7 ST. MARTIN'S PLAC5. TRAFALGAR SQUARE. LONDON ; AND 56 PALL MAl.L. MANCHESTER. EaTABLiiHio M*T, 1844. TRUSTEES. Lieut-Col. the Rifrht Honortbl^ LORD GEORGE PAGET M P ""• -LOfH^/RENDERGAST. D.D.. (Cuntab.)L»ihh^m MUTUAL ASSURANCE. AMDrancei may be effected from X50 to £10.000 on m Siosle Life Med Ifm^I! '" ■""'""* »'■ «''«'. fl"t fi»« «nnutl Premiume. wiedicBl men remunerated for Iheir reporti. Libert, to Travel and Foreign Reridenee greatly extended, of thteciatfo'n^oJ ofZ^Zl T/Jl "'""""''' "" •""-'- «» "" «"- Office. PETER MORRISON. Managing Dirutor. HAMILTON BRANCH. Medical RErEHEE.— JOHN MACKELCAN, Esq., M.D A. D. MACDOUGALL, Agent. ^ ' '" ^• OrncB-King Street, immed.aleiy oppos ite to the Bankol Montreal. Hamilton, O.W hamiltojTbranch^^ '"~~" 0» THl ROTAL INSVBANGE GOMPANT FIRE AND LIFE OFF" CAPITAL TWO MILLIOJVS STERLIJTG. F'".S /NSURaNCES can be effected at moderate ratee of PREMIUM, and Lo- «. r^Zp!f'^'''°''V<'oot thereof, «,ttled without reference to the Board in England low aT ..f!^T.r """^'^ '^"';.^"^ INSURANCE are much reduced, ".-:da« now a. oDrt ^ "'^ "■»<"'««' Will permit of. ' In ,. f JOSPECTUSESc with the TABLES of RATES, and every information relati,. ?nS™&'"^' '°e«^herwith FORMS of PROPOSAL &c., c-tuVS^lrfrSa h- undertigned on peraonal application, or by letter, poit paid. ' """""a irom the ' ^Office. King Street, Hamilton, p. W. '''''"^^ BELLHOUSE. Ag.nt. iiilffiAIL, ffil MIL, iEOTMOOTEUD 183 OPPOSITE THE BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, To ilKli AMI §©E WHOLESALE ANB RETAIL GIEMISTS AM ORUBBISTS, ^'^^Tt^F^lu'^if'^'?''^' American and Mediterranean DRUGS and CHEVIICALS, erfijineiy, Patent Medicine?, D>6 Stuffs, OiJi, Varnishes, Window Glass, Paints, Artists' Colo's. Tools, &o. Hamilton. urn, tmn, tin plate, leas anb coffer herciaiits, IMPORTERS or ENGLISH & AMERICAN SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE, IPATPIBHIP S-fiLlPffif Y IPTirSIg, AaBITT3 POP. TSB OOHB PO^DSR MILL©© AMD IMPROVED FIRE KINS SAFES. IRON AND HARDWARE MERCHAJ^Ts] MANUFACTURERS OF CUT NAILS, Afcncy Ocrc Powder milli* and Fire Proof Safei* KING STREET. •f CHARLES KELLY & CO., Proprietors. BELLHOUSE, IRELAND, & CO., Agents. Office^ King Street, Hamiltm. JOEL CARPENTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SIGJr OF THE MjlMMOTH .iXE, KING STREET, HAMILTON. IMPORTER or AND GENERAL DEALER IW BIRMINGHAM, SHEFFIELD AND AMERICAN SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, BAR IRON. STEEL ANVILS. VICES. SHEET LEAD, ALSO, AGENT FOR GQDYEAR'S INDIA RUBBER PACKING. ktl rl lil .{; r? 90 HAMILTON. UONJBL FOSTER^ LEATHER, LAST AND FINDING WAREHOUSE. KING STREET, WEST, HAMILTON, H^MLOcV^ml^ii^Aihl^^^^^^ '^'^^'^ '" OAK and UPPER LEATHFKK^".^^^^ ^T^'''' ""^ ^""'"'"^^ Manufacture. Vl'ift.U. LLATHER Kipand Calfskin, Moroccos, Bindings and Linings, and every description of Shoemakers' Tools now in ubo ; Hides, Oils, &c. &c Specal Agent for INDIA RUBBER GOODS. All' of which h; will dis- pose of, wholesale or retail, on terms that will give satisfaction. iBElTjAmN No. 2, Commercial Buildings, West King Street, HAMILTON, C. W. lAMILTON NEW MARBLE WORKS. JAMES POLLOCK, J , RESPECTFULLY informs the Public that he has started an extensive es- tablishment on the GORE of YORK and MERRICK STREETS, where he is prepared to furnish various kinds of mmi iMUKffis ToiB: wum mm^. MARBLE MANTLES, AND ALL KINDS OF SLABS FOR CABINET WORK. Done at Reasonable Prices. J. P. solicilis an inspBCtlon of his numerous Architectural Designs for Mantles and Monuments. hampton-Harlem-harperhay 91 B for MantleH HAMPTON, (formerly Millville.) I ViitAOB situated in the Townihip of Darlington, Countj of Durham. C.W.-diatant from ^wmanTille, 6 mUet. Population, about 2d0. i ^•".— ««iBniirein Alphabetical IM of Professions, Trades, fto. »HTo?r, J. dc S., general store, half a mile from the village void, Jamei, mason jatler, Richard, saddler, &c laffltn, Thomas, miller Jltrk, Thomaa, amilh lole, John, tailor Trjrderman, E. B., saw mill, Ac, one mile I from the village Imtis, Henry, cooiwr llforiJ & Martin, general itorc liliott, Henry, general atote, grist and saw I mill, and post master Isrley, John, jr., sash maker, half mile from I village loifke, Thos., tannery loirke, Erasmus, cabinetmilcer lubbard, E.P.&Co., curding and cloth I mill, half m lie from the village bgraffl, James, caritenter Ingram, James, builder Jaynes, J. R , boot and shoe store, half mila from the village Jewry, Wm., waggonmaker Johns, James, smith, waggonmaker and ma* chinist Kennedy, Rev. Alex., United Presbyterian Kinell, Sami. L,, mason Martin, VVsn., shoemaker and store keeper Ormision, Lockhart, farmer and saw mill Perkins, Wm., shoemaker Rohins, Thomas, cabinet maker Smith, John, house carpenter Stripp, Thomas, tailor Vanstone, Wm., waggon maker White, Charles, shoemaiker vVillcock, Daniel, tailor Williams, William, temperance hotel HARLEM. (JVo« included in the Canada Directory.) I ViLLAOE situated in the Township of Bastard, County of Leeds, C. W.,-.distant from [Irockfille, 98 milee-etage fare, 5s.ldislant froi Portland, 5 milea. ' Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. hresee, John, P„ blacksmith Clark, Norman, blacksmith Clark, William D., blacksmith phamberlain, Dr. A. A., postmaster, and •• P« Copeland, Robert W., miller Gainsford, William, shoemaker Imerson, William, shoemaker Lashly, Henry, general store O'Neil, Rev. John, Roman Catholic HARPERHAY.— (Given anew.) , ViiXAOB Situated in the Township of Tuckersmith, in the United Counties of Huron ?ii«h.ir?r •"/'"' ''""? Goderich, SO^milee-usual stage fare, 5s.- distant from iiicnell. Id miles — usual stage fare, Ss. 9d. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. Imos, Walter, blacksmith Bryne, Joseph P , shoemaker Carter, John, brickmaker [;a»h, Edward, trader warden, Huron and Chalk, Dr. Wm., Bruce Cisrk, George, blacksmith De Lacy, James, shoemaker Devereux, John, cooper Eden, Benjamin, weaver Goainlock, Georore- <^!tinaster and "sneral store Knox, Thomas, innkeeper Meyer, Louis, vinegar maker M«Culloch, Dnvid, shoemaker M-Culloch, Robert, tuilor M'Dermid, M., & Co., general store M'Gregor, William, waggon maker M'Kenzie, Rev. Alex., United Presby terian Church M'Kay, William, carpenter M'Kearn, William, waggon maker Soott, Donald, tailor sparling, ^,-iinstopusr, gsnrfs! store Stewart, Alexander, carpenter Van Egmond, Augtut, innkeeper hi H! r in ' -31 «r| t li-i ^^^^^fj^^ff-HAVfKESBVRY^HKWKBVlLLE, Sis. HASTINGS. (Jiot included in the Canada Directory.) yj3.rSu"/rpV.?,borS W^Zr^'n^'^i'" ",•""?•«• in.h.Town.hip„, J wDoro , c. w., on the River Trent. 7 milM Mulh of Norwood. Alphabetical Xiit of Proftstioni, Tradei, fto. Conih .D, TimothT, innkeeper DtucoW, J. S., innkeeper Fottldi, Henrj, general etore and miller Johnaon. Brothera, general alore Rellia, R., blaokaoiith HAWKESBURY. (See Canajda Directort, Page 112.) Brown & Higginaon, general atore Harbeck, Anioine, innkeeper Murraj, Heetor, tannery Addenda. Pattee, David, barritter.atlaw Pattee, R. p., nage owner Allan, Franeia, clothier Canning, Wm., cooper Evant, Wm., miller Fraaer, Wm., merchant RKMOVKD OR DECEASED. Leoelle, F., ahoemaker Lummif, D., barber Shaw, Duncan, tanner Wiggini, C. O., teacher HAWKSVILLE.-(Given anew.) - UnUro^^B'SClj'Sli '" ''" ^"''"""P "^ ^"""'"^ bounty of Waterloo. C. W.. A E.^^JiS ] Alphabetical list of Professiow, Trades, &o. Hilborn, Joshua B.. boot and ahoemaker Hughea, George, blacksmith Jamieaon, David, general store Lockner, William, wheelwright McDonald, Thomas, carpenter and joiner Pearaon. John W., blacksmith *' i Thompeo., & Kuixinger, boot &. ahoemaken Watson, David, mnkeeper ' Walker, David, boot and ahoemaker Armstrong. Thonaa. bailiff of diviafon court Anderaon, Duncan, carpenter and joiner Bascuin, Charlea, Unner and currier Cornell, Wnj., carpenter and joiner fcmpey. M. P., general atore, clerk of divi. •wn Mort, and commiaaioner for tak. ing affidavita in B. R. h!11' ^'j?""'' fff"«"' eioreand postmaster Hawk, John, miller I Anderaon, Jar from the vi jClark, Simon J village [Craig, A^lliam the village i Hawthorn, Rev [HeDderaon, Mi milea from HEMMINGFORD. (See Canada Dihectomv, Page 112.) i ..nrfSJ."M;r.V3iD ;tria!5id° fronTM -^ Beauhamol., CE.-dir Market Tr.iSS He2 nlfo J,rJonl«^^ ^'^ class, 5s 6dj 2 id ilaaa, 2,. W. b«ok, 2s; 6d. Population ab^ut 700. '^'^''^' *"'' *^"«'«y«-f«« H>«re tn^l ci.,i«,d.john,^n.r.,s.. Addenda jmd Errata Cun.«u»,.M...lnyIi..r.iddr...„.ker I Sriia%iS.t.k«».th Parsons 4e } kjtn, P., bake ! Atkinaon, J., aa _.-„.., ..., „g„ Conningham, J, Chapman, H., I Cornwall, M., i >E, 4*. ) HENRYVILLB— HERDMAN'8 CORNERS-HOLLAND LANDING. M n lh« Township of , i(h of Norwood. fto. enani itora Nipper, Robert, mw mill b'Gradv, Rev. O. de C, A. B. T. C. D., [^ ^hureh of En|land Prepert, N., eaw mill hulU, F., Mddler and hamaas maker Shannon, J., Uvarnkaepar Spearman, Banjamin, bfaokamitb Siearne*. Charles, aa» mill Steed, Mra., milliner and dreasmakar lison, Uriah, aaw mill I'Ef alia. A., atorekeeper Straiton, Stephen, harneaa maker RKVOVED. Stead, John, amith HENRYVIILE. (S» Canada Dirbctoby, Pauk 113.) Addenda and Eirata. i«r.at.Iaw >wner lllard, Joieph, briekmakei ■vernet. Rev. C, Churcli of England Mirouard, Dr. H., physician Goodenow, E. 8., postmaater &« Poudrette, Juaeph, general atore REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. r ler ) iBeanlae, Jos., smith Campbell, Patrick, general stor* Dehile, Dr. D^B., iDoughortjr, Patrick, general store IGariepjr, Joseph, general store Lanoue, Da "id, innkeeper Lupion, Isidore, i«dd|er Murifan. Joseph, wheelwright Wells, Horace, poatmaster HERDMAN'S CORNERS. (J^Tot included in the Canada Directory.) iVaterloo C w AuM -^ ®"*"' ^illaob situated in the Township of Hinchinbrooke, County of Beauharnois. Waterloo, C. W., di*|(., g., dUtant from the Province line, 2 miles. • 7 " D««nsrnois, to. ot and shoemaker tsmith ral store selwright srpenter and joiner sksmith r. boot&shoemakml per Id shoemaker Alphabetical List of ProfSBSsions, Trades, fto. I Anderson, James, store keeper, 5 miles I Herdman, Arthur, poatmaster I from the village " I Clark, Simon J., advocate 4 milea from the I village Craig, M^liiam, cloth factory, 3 milea from the village Hawthorn, Rev. Mr., presbyterian I Henderson, Mrs. Isabella, store keeper, 5 miles from the village Hopper, John, store keeper, 5 miles from the village McCoy, John, store kesper, on the Pro. vince line Morris, Rev. Willism. church of England Stuart, James, store keeper and milter ihamois, C.E.— dir f aldolase, 9s. 9d. >ye— fare there sod I Nnith HOLLAND LANDING. (See Canada Directobt, Page 114.) Addenda and Errata. Parsons &> Willcocks, tanners, millers, and general merchants. Ayers, F., baker Atkinson, J., saddler, &c. ! Bscar, H., ho-.K^ hsjiidw I Cnnningham, J., shoemaker Chapman, H., brick maker ComwaD, M., acbooi teacher Crozan, H., butcher Gilderrie, A , carpenter Grshan}, r., tsiiuf Harrison, H., shoemaker * Harvey, (inatead of Hawey), Jas., found' Jakeway, A., tinsmith I l m m •4 Ktllj. J., ■hoemaker Kirbjr, E.. thuemikar Jf ne, T., coopir M'MihoD, Mn. anJ Min M'Keniie, J., cooper M«lng7,W.R.,b«rri.te, Morton, Dr. G. S. Moore, M., giddier, &o, Ardtgh. Dr. Bell.J. J., birriater Blitiutone, H., birriiler IHORNBY-HO WICK-HUNTINGDON. •choo I (eackera Ruiiaell, P. olothing .tore Hloano J. W., poatoiaeter r«'l. A., aniilh bu^' """' ***'•' '^"' *^'"'"» REMOVED OR OKCXASKD. Kenwort, J., oarpentor Stewart. R., leaohor HORNBY. (See Canada Directorv, Paqb m.) Addenda and Errata. i Madden. Henry, shoe maker Koberts, CUb. , 8,„ith '*" ' '""• o^mpif.n, L. (ailor Wutemon, Guo., pork bu^er *;"'■» W. I-., shoemaker ijueit. John, carpenter 'kSer*''^""'"''"'^"""'">'"" ' "'"•erson, Guo., pork A.kin.„,R..„dj..rrm°r "'' "'^°-r-"« B"«NIC« B«rr, Re,d. W, "" """ Jones. Dr. Chs. H. Howson, Thoa., ahoemakcr S?.'>''''r''> ^- "rpcnter I M'Kindsejr, G. S., roerchanl HOWICK. (Sbb Canada Directory, Page II4.) BUnkh..*. t Addenda and Errata. g'-^.W'W.John.bl.cSmi.h Gebbie, (Inauad of Gellic,) Thomaa. general Hare. ^Y^^"" '"" Po««a«cr '^ " "' "•jea, George, carpenter Lamont, Louis, carpenter >oxon,Vitii|, shoemaker Taylor. John S., .gent for aeignlory mill, removed. McDonald, John, carpenter, &c. HUNTINGDON. (•^^BB Canada Directory, Page 115.) Gavin, Andrew, tinsmith Addenda and Errata. Hunter. Da.i,, inaorance aeent clo'th7a'cto«""-^'"'""»'«'«"''i Morria. Rev. Wdl,a». Church of England INDl A ViL(.Aoa Montreul,'! Is Ud. seci at which Ih BoRDEIiEi RuUVIER, Desciiam DeLanai cat Frechet, guilbaul Lajoie, R( LeBlanc,; LEPROHOfJ Martin, i MiCHAUD, Papin, Ca Paddock, , filVARD, J\ ScALLON, Tl/RGEON, Coolly, Bapt Dufresne. Fr Froneh. A., 1 Groulx, Josej Hall. Henry. Hambeuu, A Hembleaii, P taforraics, P Lafortune, A Laurier. Loui Leodel, P. C. ' commiss Lorion. Picrri A RISING VlL 'y of Elgin, C 54 miles— sta; INDUSTRY-IONA. Lewis &. Schuyler, generil »ii.rr and lum- ber merobariU Morrifon, John, Konerul iiure and Mator Slicriff. F, VV.,M.l). ' 8mi(h, Patcal, general store Slephena, Oeorgp, general itore Stevenion, Alexanoer, advocain Tlionipwiii, II. G., loniperance inn TaylKf, Geiirgo, elioeinakor Wlittloy, George, carriage maker !,• AdaniB, Tlioma*, tailor Black, Kov. J. CKeefo, D., advoomo REMOVED. I Kobb, Janice, aaddler Ktiitur., W., itorokeepcr White, Alexander, atoiekeeper INDUSTRY, or A/. Charles Borromee.— (Given anew.) Alphabetical liat of Professiona, Trades, &o. Bordereau, Cuthhert, boot and Bho« store. RoUVIER, L. V. Desciiamps, Joseph, school commissioner ^''^^'^.l.nL? '*''• Gaspard, seignior of Lavaltrie, and commissioner of smalt Frechkt, L., general merchant GuiLBAULT, J Casimir, grain and flour merchant Lajoie, Rev. P. D., director of Joliette college LEPRoHoi R ''H^''''''^"n^ n^^ "'"^ '^'"'■'^ "'' ^^"^'"iwioners court liEPRoHON, B. Henry, M.D., physician and surgeon Martin, Asa, civil engineer MiCHAUD, Fabien, boarding house Papin, Captain Francois, commissioner of small causes Faddock, John A., pail and lath factory fiiVARD, M., Pierre, Industry hotel boAiLoN, Ed., general merchant, lumber dealer, and J.P. Ii/RGEON, L. P. H., seignior of Beaumont Ma^rnan, Adolps ;, »iolarjr pablie ManHcau, Rev. A., Roman Catholic Molan5on, Inaie, postmaster Pannetun, C. H., general store Coolly, Baptiste, tanner Dufresne, Fr». B., general store froneh. A., tanner Groulx, Joseph, advocate Hall, Honry, M.D. Hambeau, Alexis, foundry Hembleau, Pierre, foundry liBlorrnics, Pierre, smith La fortune, Ambroise, smith Laurier, Louie, M.D. LeodeJ, P. C. M. D., lieutenant-coioncl and commissioner of small causes Lorion, Pierre, smith Purent, Louis, (fiis) smith Parent, K., smith Trudeau, Michel, miller Tfudcau, i<rangoiB, niillor Trudeau, Bazilo, miller Trudeau, Charles, miller Trudeau, O., M. D. Voyer, A. Thomts, M.D. (:^'l lONA. (JVof included in the Canada Directory.) Il!tr p1!° ^ o'w°*^ situated on the town line between Dunwlch and Southwold, in the Coun- ii . JARVI8-JEE8EYVILLB-KA||0U«A8t4 AlphabetioAl Liit of ■lu«, John, w«|gonraakcr D9C0W k Ecckt, gtmrti itort Dmow, John, ptiitmtttir Oonno, Kcv. VVoi , BipUtt ribrrji, Chtrlfi, cab net maker H«nrii, Wm , aMUUnl poatmoiler ind tomi* •hip clerk of Dunnrich LumUjr, Couchlan, griMand •■(? milU McDouialj, Aloiander, uherr Maekav, NtH, amith A DooTo* will And • good opening hert. FroftMiong, Tradei, fto. McL^ndraaa, Jamaa, tailor Mc Lardy. NIcol, aboomalnr Morrell.J H , gonoral ator. Pnilpott, Jamca. bailiff Sandara, Abner, waggon maker and amith Sinclair, Peter, tailor Hmlih, Squire*, harneaa maker Stoliker, laaac. amith Tail. Francia A leir., general atora welch, Jamea, waggonmaker JARVIS. — (Given anew). Alphabetical liit of ProfewioM, Tradei, fto. Shannon, C. W., postmaster and general store McCuliough, Samuel, ahoemakar McMicl<en, John, blackamith Rodgera, John, ahoemaker Bartindale, Mra,, innkee|;er Brock, John, blackarailh Duplinte, Albert, cooper Fero, Hiram, innkeeper Ooirana, John, J. P. and genera! atore Hume, William, MD. Jackaon & Mucklewrath, cabinetmakeri Jeirriea, - , waggonmaker Sill, Jannea, general atore Stuart, Jamea, carpenter Trimmer, Joaeph. innkeeper Wilaon, John, tailor JERSEYVILLE. (JVot included in the Canada Directory.) A Viuaoi aitaated in the Townahin of Aneaiter r w j:.<.., /•«... -from Brantford. 11 mile.. Po^iKn, aCt200 "''-''•••'" ^'^ D"«««^ U mile. Alphabetioal List of Adam^ Nicholaa, ahoe itore Chatteraon, John, carpenter Henderahott &. Stenebaugb, lumber merch. ant* Henderihott, Abraham, councilman and oarrlB^e maker Henderaon, Allan, carpenter Howell. Moaea H., general atore and lum. her merchant Howell, Geo. F. maker Professions, Trades, fto. Howell, Nelaon, amith wuncM, iioiBon, amitn Howoll Morri. painter and carriage maker Howell, Isaac R., pump mah , pump maker and cairiage iiowBii, Isaac K., pump maker S^Zh "w ;."■ ^ ^r*' ""'■•«• ™"kera Marah, William, cabinet ahop Misener, Lemuel, carpenter Vanaickle. William C, grain eradio and •leigh maker ■leign maker Young, Henry F., poatmaater and atore ffeoeral KAMOURASKA. (Given anew.) Thi Dibtiiot Town, of the District of Kamorraaka. ia aitiMi«rf „« .1.. .1. ^ Rifer St. Lawrence, in the Seigniory and Coun'v of the aami „.m- r ^.'""t.?''"" *»' *• Quebec. 90 milea. Fopu.ation'^of th'e Town^a^tUS; onha^S'g^foVy^.bo'irMOO^'"'' „ , . ^^^0 Offlcen. rscnereaU) xxon. Andre, judge of the circuii court Chalou, Phillip, and Dery. Charles, proihonotaries, and clerks of court iDery, Charl IMartineau, lTach6, J. C IPsradis, J. JDumais, Pa GagnA, Cap Dupuis, Se\ Boy, Henrjr Michaud, & Albert, Juan, 1 B«aubien, Jon jeeohard, J.T oramal I Redard, Cyrili Bedard, Gaapi I Delleau, O., bi Berub<5, Wm , Bouchard, Cai Bouehor, (/apt Chapez, Charl Delorior, Louii ' Dery, Charloa, I Deuion, dit St Doichene*, O., Ddacheano, M. Deijardini, Mi Detjardine, Ed Deijardins, Ho Dionne, L., joi Dionne, G., juii Dumaia, Paaca Dupuia, Severe Gagne, Alexin, Gai;ne, Marcel Hebert, Rev. ^ Hebert, Rev. Hudon, J. M., Landry, F , cai Lebel, Cyprien amall ca Lebel, Thad.. I Lebel, Thomas, Lebel, I)., earn A flourishing Vi —distant from I tiOD, about 400. Anderson, Peter Andrews, Rev. I Bates, Uuger, la Bennett, John, a Bamham, Mark KEENE. 0. lor •Inr Mora maker and ■milh mik«r t7 i If icral ttora iak«r lion, 6f. 3d. teraaktr nith r itr )andt^ U milM i earritf e maker aker rriage makera lop r rain endio aad Iter and geiwral ith shore of tba Distant below bout 3000. BOUrt Dary, Charles, clerL of tho peace, and deputy clerk of the crown iMartineau, Ovide, aherifl* lTach6, J. O., eounty regiatrtr IParadii, J. T., deputy aheritT Diimaia, Paacai, deputy registrar and clerk of commlsaioner's court IGagne, Captain Alexis, poatmaster Dupuis, Severe, high constable Boy, Hennr, jailer I Michaud, Dr. A. T., physician to the jail Alphabetical list of ProfeBsions, Trades, &c. Albert, Juan, shoemaker Btaubien, Juieph, M.D. IBfchard, J.T., notary, and comniiMJonor or small causes Radard, Cyrlle, cabinet maki>r Bedard, Gaspard, baker Delleau, O., baker I Berub^, \Vm , saddler and harnesa maker Boachard, Cuplain Joscphal I Bouehor, Captain G. Chapez, Charles, slioemakor Delorior, Louis, boarding house I Dery, Chorlos, advocate, comr. Q. B. I Deision, dit St. Pierre, P., general store I Deschenes, O., stnro and boarding house Ddschesne, M., cooper Des^ardins, Major Antoino Desjardins, Edouard, (general store Deijardins, Honord, boarding house Dioune, L., joiner Dionne, G., joiner Dumais, Pascal, notary Dupuis, Severe, high constable Gag^ne, AIoiIb, (;eneral store, J. P. & p.IVI, Gagne, Mareel, shoemaker Hebert, Rev. N. T., curate of St. Louis Hebert, Rev. Oct , aaaistnnt curato Hudon, J. M., advocate Landry, F , caipenter Lebel, Cyprien, J. P., and commissioner of small causes Lebel, Thad., bmcksmith Lebel, Thomas, notary Lebel, U., carriage maker Lebel, John, blacksmith Levasseur, Thonias, oarpeitiMr iMarfincnu, O., sheriff Martin, — , tailor Miohaiul, ('aptnin Ed. Michaud, Thomas, M. D. Michaud, F., carpenter Miller, Louis, goneral store Ouilet'c, Thouiiis, mill owr.cr Paradis, TImd., unhcr Paradis F., blankurailh Pclletier, F. S., pilot Pollptier, P., pilot Pelletier, Pierre, boarding house and atoro Porrault, Z,, advocate, and auont of part of tho Scifriiiury Pinet, Charles, saptain and ship owner Polvin.X., tanner Potvin, Hyp,, laiiner and butcher Raymond, H., pilot Raymond, R., joiner Raymond, C, pilot Sunterre, B., shoemaker Sirois, T., commissioner of small causes Sirois, Z., tailor Stripiona, L., H. P. St Louis, Jean, general store Tachd. J. G., advocate Tanchereau. Hon. A., justice Trcmblay, Captain Frederic Tromblay, Charles, carriagomakor Thcriault, A., trader and butcher Vai'Iaincourt, F., baker Wood, James, boarding houae KEENE. (J^ot included in the Canada Directory,) Aflpurishing ViLLAOK situated in the Township of Otonabee, County of Petcrboro' C.W. ;;i il!I„.?dnn ''?L''°"\^i""'"i «t«'"n»'oat fare across the Rice Lake, 2s. 6d. Popula. tiOD, about 400, The post office is know as " Otonabee." • 11 t i' '1 Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Campbell, Alexr., tailor Campbell, Malcolm, carnenter Carr, Thomas, commissioner of Q. B. Chase, Jeremiah, innkeeper Drummond, Thomas,'general atorq Anderion, Peter, tailor Andrews, Rev. Frs., Free Church BatfiR, UOj^er, tannery, shoe store and J. P Bennett, John, steacuboat captain Bamham, Mark, flour and saw mills KEMPTVILLE-KILWORTH. EUenor, John, carpenter Equitable Fire In.. Co., Tho.. Short, agent uoilon, Jamea, smith and waggonmaker Hargraft, Henry, general store I. uiijphriea, R. C, junr., general store and temperance inn Helion, George, shoemaker Ingham, Sannuel, shoemaker Laing, Alezr.jsnnith Lang, James, shoemaker L'Esperance, Hyacinthe, innkeeper Lacy, Thomas, weaver Lumsden, Andrew, cabinetmaker Lundrerille, Peter, cooper McCrea, Dr. Amos, physician McLaughlin, Robert, copper Morrow, Thomas, tinsmith National Loan Fund Life Ins. Co., Tho« Short, agent ' . Read, George, general store and town cleitl and treasurer ■ Short, Thomas, postmaster, general sta and J. P. " Sinclair, James, saddler Steele, Robert, general store West, Joseph, waggonmaker KEMPTVILLE. (See Canada DiRECTORy, Page 117.) .^H- Babbitt, JElijah, cooper Barnes, Edgar S., general store Beddmgfield, Robert, grocer Berltt, Rev. Thomas, Wesleyan v Christie, John, merchant tailor Coun, John, teacher Courtney, James, cabinetmaker Elwood, Jas. E., saddler and harness Gibson, Jamea, butcher Hardy, Francis, cabinet maker Heaphy, Michael, cooper Himpenstall, John, blacksmith Hutchins, Phineas, temperance house Jones, Francis, D. P. surveyor Lyons, David, teacher Addenda. 1 McCargar, Wm, H., shoemaker ' McMurray, James, turner McPhail, Rev. Daniel, Baptist Magee, Won., butcher Meloy, John, carpenter Miller, George, shoemaker Pleea, Rev. H. P., Church of England Kath, John, carpenter Rossiter, Edson, fanning mill maker Rutherford, Alexander, carpenter scott, James, teacher Shaw, James, carriage maker Spotawood, Robert, jr., blacksmith rnompson, John, teacher Tucker, William, cabinet maker maker REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED. Baldwin, Thomas, cabinet maker Barnes, Sylvester, smith Beynon, Rev. George Cooper, Rev. James Howey, Dr. William McAlpin, Rev. H. Mix, Edward, carpenter Stennett, Miles B., dentist KILWORTH.-(Given anew.) A VitLAOB situated in the Township of Delaware, County of Middlesex C W -_/?:.» • r I Toronto, 144 miles-from London, 8 miles. Population about 20O.' C.W.-d„tant frooil Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &o. Delabook, Dr., physician Forsyth, A., shoe store Hodgman, William, postmaster, tanner and shoe store Huff, William, tanner Hughes, Re? Mr., Wesleyan Jefferson, John, innkeeper MeColl, John, teacher Mabee, O. D., general store Montague, John, cabinet maker Morris, Robert, cattle dealer Ogden, John, saddler Smith, Thos.. blacksmith Sutton & Comfort, cloth factory Winter, William, innkeeper Woodhall, Benj., grist, saw & fulling uilli A nnall VitL Balfour, Rev. Blake, Francii Coz, Lt.-Col., Drumn Longmore, Lt. McPherson, W master Paradis, Rev. , Peoples, Jamo Mayor— Joh Sydmham I bodo. dingh Ontario Wa\ Bernt St. Latorenci cillon Cataragui W lors : Frontenac Ff cillori Rideau Wan David Victoria Wat cillors Thomae W. 1 Willia John Alexai President — J< and T Fergui Burrowes, Jsi Cumming (im Coroners, Dr. ooper poyiician I copper nimith Life Inf. Co., Tho«. il store and town cleiil tmaster, general sto ler al store nmaker KINGSEY— KINGSTON. 99 KINGSEY. (J^oi includedin tAe Canada Directory.) j A nnall ViitiOE and Towhihip aitaated in the County of Drummond, CE. ihoemaker mer , Baptist r alter rch of England ag mill maker I carpenter maker , blacksmith er let maker SASED. r ist C.W.—distantfroiil lore : maker aler factory per )w & fulling milli Alphabetical list of Profeasions, Trades, &o. Balfour, Rev. Andrew, Church of England Blake, Francis, J.P. ' Cox, Lt.-CoI., registrar for the county of Drummond Longmore, Lt.>Col., J. P. McPherson, W. A., general store and po'<t- maater for Sydenham Paradis.ReT. Jules, Roman Catholic Peoples, James, advocate Stevens, Simon, general store and post mas- ter of Trenholm Thibadeau, Charles, J. P. Vincent, J. B., notary Wadlcigh, John, senr., general store wadleigh, John,jr., geneial store and post, master of French village Wilson, Major James W., postmaster of Kingsey KINGSTON. (See Canada Directory, Page 119.) City Connoil and Officers. Mayor— John Counter. Sydtnham Ward.- AUetmsni Archibald John M^cdoneJl, Augustus Thl- d°nKham "' ''"^ ^* ^' ^^ ^'A"»''ag«' Robert Wadl Onfmo Frar(/.-Aldermen : James Baker, Robert Jackson. Councillors • Bernard Fitzpatrick, William M'Millan. "ucuiors . St. Lawrence "'^Jjf.r-Aldermen : Henry Armstrong, John Counter. Coun- cillors : William Rudston, John Wiley. Catarofui »^«f -Aldermen : William Allen, James O'Reilly. Council- lors : Thomas O. Butler, Peter Macdonald. Frontenac ff^ard.- Aldermen: George Davidson, John Flanigan. Coun. clUors : Charles Johnston, Patrick C. Murdock. fif«Awtt l(r«rrf.--Aldermen : John Breden, James Linton. Councillors: David Alexander, Thomas Brownley. Fic/ma »ra»rf.-Aldermen : Joseph Milner, Maxwell W. Strange. Coun- cillors : Patrick M'Grogan, James Ranter. Thomas W. Robison, Police Magistrate ; Michael Flanagan, City Clerk • STnii"^r1'.?r^"'?:i" ' ^.^^'"^ Chanonhouse, High Bailiff; John Robb, Chief Constable ; Francis Weyms, City Surveyor • Alexander Smyth, Collector of Taxes. ' -surveyor, BOARD OF TRADE. President-John Watkins ; ViccPresidenl-Thomas Deykes ; Secretary and Treasurer-D. Shaw ; Council-Messrs. Drummond, Miller, Ferguson, Rudston, Carruthers, Davidson and Goodeve. PUBOG OFFICERS, (x\ddenda to page 120.) Burrowes, James J., judge of the county court Gumming (instead of Cummings) G. A., judge of surrogate court Coroners, Dr. Barker, H. W. Benson, and John Shaw ■i Ht >l\ *ai V. ' 'E «■■ t.^ t 1 b|> fl f^M m 1 1 100 KINGSTON. James, J. C, county surveyor Henderson, R. S., city superintendent of schools The others remain as before. ASSURANCE COMPANIES, BANKS, &c. (Addenda to page 120.) Commercial Bank, M. D., Hon. J. H. Cameron, director, vice O. Hancox O. S. Ross, cashier, vice J. A. Harper »»"t"-^ . i Bank of Upper Canada, W. G. Hinds, cashier Bank of British North America, S. Taylor, manager Canada Life Assurance Company, A. J. McDonell, agent British ^America Fire, Life, and Marino Assurance Company, Williaral Globe Fire and Life Assurance Co., Wm Grant, and T. Briffcs ir «irp„,. Kmgston Permanent Building Society, John Counter, pre^W^i^S North Western F.re and Marine Insurance Co., L C. Haven, agent Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insurance Co., Wm. Grant am.n. Ontario Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Samuel RiwlaLsTlgent ^ Phanix Fire Insurance Co., Thomas Kirkpatrick, agent MoZ'-'r/i""^ and Marine Insurance Co., Charles Hales, agent Montreal Telegraph, H. D. Mprehouse, operator. Market square Grand Trunk Telegraph, J. B. Cutler, operator, Market sqJare • I I rust and Loan Company of Upper Canada, Capital £600 000 sterlino Trugees^Tho„.as Baring, MP., G. C. G5ynn,M^^^^^ bir R. J. Routh, Iv.C.B., pros dent : W. Chanmnr. ».«« ...„ -j . Joh,. A-„. Mel. VVn.„„rcharie. •MlilTro:K; 1?^ I S. Atcheson, P. Buchanan. Commissioners at Kinffslon— R 9 ' Atcheson,F A. Harper. Solicitor-Hon. J A S^nair 4c* countant-Thomas Coxworthy. Clerk-^C. R. WilUams tion do, Utica do. All the others remain as before. CUSTOM HOUSE. James Hopkirk, collector; G. A. Mailleue, surveyor • Jame*. WrinU .v, .1 Lvtli T''.7-K--<Jy. 2nd clerk; ^T i)etT ap^Srf D M^ ^vai^feT''''' ^r'" S^"'^'2nd do.; John W. L ttK ger and packer ' ^ "" '^''^ ' '''' '^' ^'^''^^«' '"«"«"■ ' ARCHITECTS, SUR'^EyoRS, AND CIVIL ENGINEERS, (Addenda tO page 122.) Jahes, J. C. ds R. L., civil engineers, removed to King st Bowes, John, architect, Johnson st I Powir inhn », i.-. . » • Di^ontinuea. Rogers. Vhomas. architect. WS arMhe'Sfai IXT " ACCOUNTANT AND AGENT. Craig, William, accountant and general steamboat agent. King st AUCTIONEERS (Addenda to page 122.) McMillan, W., auctioneer and commission merchant, Brock at jacKson, Robert, auctioneer and general aeent Deceased, Ware, William. The others remain as before. Bible and T Boston Boo Pknitbntia Lindsay, John, DiKontinut Cameron, ] Gaskin, J. H MiLNER, J., Irrine, Wm., i Diteontinuei Baker, 6., < KINGSTON. 101 3 page 120,) vice O. Ilancox; )mpany, William j ^"Kgs. jr., agent! j president; John reus, en, agent Grant, agent h agent , agent square [uare >00,000 sterling.! >P« Directors— | vice.president ; j J. Thompson, R | Kingston— R. S. tfacdonald. Ac- Iliams. tford do, Protec- les Wright, chief * appraiser; D. John W. Little, acRae, rnessen- Addenda to nnceu st srore. King St :k St BAKERS, (Addenda.) Begg, Alexander, Wellington street I Discontinued, Phippen, J. The others as before. BARRISTERS AND ATTORyiES, (Givcn ancw.) I Agnew j., attorney, solicitor in chancery, conveyancer, and N. P., Cla- rence street Campbell, Alex., ba.risier, &c.. Princess st I Cooper, C. W., equity draftsman, conveyancer, barrister, &c., removed to Clarence street I Forsyth & Muttleburt, barristers, &c., Clarence st Geddes, W. a., barrister, &c., removed to Clarence st Henderson, R. S., attorney, solicitor in chancery, conveyancer, and N.P., Clarence st Hill dt Parke, barristers, «&c., King st KiKKPATBicK, T., barrister, &c., Ontario st ^■' [ Macdonald 6c Macdonell, barristers, &c.. King st Mackenzie & Gildersleeve, barristers, &c., Clarence st McLeod, Neil, barrister, &c., Ontario st O'Reilly, J., barrister, &c., Wellington, st Rowlands, S., attorney-at-law, &c., Clarence st Smith & Henderson, barristers, attorniea, &c.. Princess st Spaffobd, H. L., barrister, attorney, «Ssc., Clarence st BOOKSELLERS, &c., page 122. Bible and Tract Society's Depository, E. Stacy, agent The others as berorc. BOOT AND SHOE STORES, page 123. Boston Boot and Shoe Agency, Charles McMillen, agent, Brock st Penitentiary Boot and Shoe Store, E. P. & A. Ross, Princess et Lindiay, John. Brock st ( Waison, VVm., Wellington st Di$eontintted.— Collar, J., Cosby, C, Sharp, .Jas., the others as before. BREWERS, page 123. Cameron, Lewis, city brewery, Ontario st, James Livingston, brewer Gaskm, J. H., Portsmouth Road, instead of George Westlake. The others as before. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, page 123. MiLNER, J., builder and contractor, Kingston Irrine, Wm., carpenter, ColbotHe at | Tronhall, Wm., carpenter. Brock it The others as before. CABINETMAKERS, page 123. „. .J Osborne, E.W., Montreal St //weonlinuerf.— Baiemaii, Henry, Butler, T. 0. The others as before. CHEMISTS AWD DRUGGISTS, page 123. Baker, G., dc Co., (late Ghs. Brent) druggists and ap .iJ^sarles, Princess st Tn« others as before. t i m ■f I f 'FH I :'■ - -^f ■ >■ 1 fl -^ u i^U I^HHHMUl ^^^1 lOS KINGSTON. CHINA AND GLASS STORES, page 123, Kmain as before. coACHMAKBRs, page 123, remain as before. ciGAHMAKER, page 123, remains as before. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, page 124, as before. CONFECTIONERS, page 124. L'HoMT, John, confectioner, Wellington at The others as before. COOPERS, page 124. FunncH, Thomas, Montreal st. The others u before. DENTISTS. Arnold. Dr, We! ngton St , Sutton, J., Princes, st DRr GOODS MERCHANTS, page 124. ' GoZ?.*w?''VP^r^'rP''''«"' removed to Ontario 8t ^ooDEVE, W. J., wholesale and retail dry goods, King at Haiwes, FoRsTER & Co. importers of British and^ Foreign dry goo^a wholesale and retail, Princess st ^ ^ ' ChiSsTer, aSirccss st I "'"^^y' /«'>»". Princessst """Tfej-ws^'r™-' I -Sir---") ENGRAVER. Peabodv's Engraving EsTABtisHMENT, 6, Brock st, general engraving and die s.nk.ng ; Stone, Gem, and Metal Seals, Cameos andffiaU engraved; Copper-plate printing neatly execut'ed ; Seal Presses for EXCHANGE AND OTHER BROKERS, page 124. Dupuy, H., removed to Ontario st. The others as before. FANCY STORES, page 124. Ferns, Mrs C, Princess st. The others as before. FLOUR AND GRAIN STORES, page 126 ™„'c^r' "°" '"'' «"'" """'""•• '"■'" »f Wellington .„d CI.. I>»«continued._Macdonell, Angus. The others as before. FORWARDERS AND WHARFINGERS, page 125. Carruthers, John, United States Wharf and Bay of Quinte Wharf n.* • . Macpherson & Crane, Ontario st ^ ^ "*"' Ontario it Miller, John & Co., Central Wharf, foot of Brock st Z^ec-se.. Ware. William. KtKs'bif!^"'' ^''''^- GROCER.^, page 125. Browne & Hartv, wholesale grocers, remov.^ to 0„t«n« .« i^AEisK, JA8., wholesale and retail grocer. Kinir st "~ Canton Tea Warehouse, H. WelIbanksfK«, « Parrbll, Pb Iiller, Joh] Centn uRIDirORD, J( tones, Geo., Brc Armstrong, ware, Holland, Bb Holmes, R. i manuf Ameri Stevenson, 1 dlery, coi Diieontmued—( Gteene & Son, ^ L. A. Loomis, (i Rogers, John, rei Ditcontinut Princess Ho Mills, Jame». inr Clarence i Di The others remai Brigos, Th08 nies, Pi Giant, Will; I Ontario Foui tario st IBartliff, Hej 8 before. )re. re. ore. KINGSTON. l«3 St ign dry goof^s, It IS 8t ion & Goodeve) ead> Jas. J. Th« ral engraving OS and Medals 9al Presses for ngton and Cla. ^arf, Ontario at Farrbll, Pstbr, wholesale and retail grocer, corner of King and Brock its 'fiLLSR, John & Co., wholesale groceries, leather, crockery, &c, removed to Central Wharf, foot of Brock st yte, John, Princess st ' i Hickey, J., Wellington st '7> Thos., Princess st | Horsey, E., remoTed to Brock st DMCon(iRue(l.-.Fra8er, A., Healy & Mullin, Martin, D. The others remain as berore. HAIRDRESSERS, page 125. RiDiFORD, John, hairdresser, perfumer and fancy store, King st 'ones, Geo., Brock st | Tu/lor, H., removed to Princess st The others remain an before. HARDWARE MERCHANTS, pOgC 126. Armstrong, Henrt, importer of and dealer in British and American hard- ware, Princess st loLLAND, Brothers, importers of hardware. Princess st Holmes, R. A., (of the firm of Bassett & Holmes, lOO Maiden lane, N. Y.) manufacturers of upholstery goods, and dealers in every description of American hardware, Princess st Stevenson, Holmes ds Co., manufacturers and wholesale dealers in sad' dlery, coach and general hardware. Princess st Z)i(eon(tnue(<— Glass, James | Holland & Stevenson The others remain aa before. HATTERS, Page 126. Greene & Son, Wellington st | Diacontinued—UcDowtiW, 3. A. The others as before. HOTELS, page 126. L. A. Loomis, (instead of H. A. Mills), British Empire Hotel, Market square The others as before. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS, page 126. Rogers, John, removed to Clarence st | How, Thomas, Bagot st Diteontinued—J. Dean. The others as before. INNS AND SALOONS, page 126. Princess House, by M. J. Phillips, (late Phillips «fc Mllo), Princess st Mills, Jamei., innkeeper, corner King and | Smyth, Samuel, saloon, Market square Clarence streets | ^ Z7i»coB(intied— Chartre, J. Z. j Lambert, C. C. ; McNeice, J. The others remain as before. INSURANCE AGENTS. Brigos, Thos., jr., agent for the Britannia and Globe Insurance Compa* nies, Princess st Grant, William, Life, Health and Fire Insurance agent, and N.P., King st IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, page 127. Ontario Foundrt, Duncan Tutton ds Co., (late P. D. Booth dc Co.,) On- tario st The others remain aa before. ^ LIVERY STABLES, page 12?. Bartliff, Henrt, livery stable keeper, Ontario st The others remain at before. i ! '>>t iri It- ■■'■ 104 KINGSTON. Kelly, George, Wellington si Lauder, John, Bagot nl Crane, Mrs., Princess st Harper, Mrs., Brock si LUMBER MERCHANTS AND PLANING MILLS, page 127 CiTr Steam Saw MiLt, R. L. Innes. (late G. A. Gumming.) King at /).sco»(mtterf.-D«»ison,G.. Marriott, George. The other, remain a. before. - MARBLE FACTORY, page 127, as before. MASONS, PLASTERERS, &C., page ^«!7. I Nenland, Geo., *, st I The others as before MATCH MAKER, page 127, as before. MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, page 127. Andrews, Geo. W., mercer, tailor, &c., removed to Wellington st Daly, P., removed to Princess st t ..,u t w.ii!„ . ' "S'''" " MILLINERS, page 127. I n.M ^"!!?^» M"» Wellington st I o Neil, Miss, removed to King st T^eotljers as before. NEWSPAPERS, page 128. Daily News, John Rowlands, Market Buildings Chronicle & News, weekly John Rowlands, Market Buildings Ihe others remain as before. «"'"e,!» PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, page 128 Lanktrec, Dr. J, Brock street. The others as before. povisioN DEALERS, page 128. Medealfe, John, Ontario st i <i,>..h^u o' l J ^ The others as before. ' ^'"'^"' *"='""''' O"'"'" «' PRINTING OFFICES, page 128, remain as before. SADDLERS, &c., page 128, remain as before. SHIPBUILDERS, &C. Ault, Mr., Marine Railway. Portsmouth. The others a. before. SHIP CHANDLERS, &c., page 128. Ditconfmued—D. B. Jonkini SMITHS AND MACHINISTS, page 128 ''"''«uefr«"Lr'"' "" •^"'"^' ™k".co,„e, of W.ll,„g.„„ .„d SOAP AND CANDLEMAKEBs, page 128, rcmaip as before. KINGSTON. 105 ige 127. ig.) King at I before. St 127. ngton 8t t <ing and Brock its The rut remain ai ington 8t lo King It idings irio Rt ore. •re. ^^ellington and ois, Princess at I Princess st 81 « before. STAGE orriCBs. Gknerai. Stage Okfick, adjoining the British American Hotel, C.Green wood, agent. Stages every morning at 7 o'clock— fare to Napanee 58 ; BellcviIlB, 128 6d ; Cobourg, 258 ; Toronto, 45s. Daily at 8 o clock in the morning in winter— fare to Brockville, 178 6d -Pros cott, 208 ; Montreal, 358. A daily stage— fare to Bath, 6s • Adol' phustown, 78 6d ; Picton, 10s ; Brighton, 178 6d. Telrohaph Stage House, G. Mink, Clarence at. Stage fare to Caoo Vmcent, Ss ; to Cobourg, 25s ^ TANNERS AND LEATHER MERCHANTS, pagC 129. FoHD. Wm., tanner and leather dealer, King st. Cash paid for hides. Miller 8 Leather Store, removed to Princess st. Shoe findinirs and tools. Cash paid for hides *• Strange, M. W., general leather merchant, King st The others remain as before. tin and copper smiths, page 129. Chown, Edwi>:, Bagot st. See advertisement Sangstbr, J. & C, tin, sheet iron, and copper ware factory, Princess st Powell, R., removed to King st Barry, Robert, Kir gat Hor»ejr, R. M., Wellington st Uecea*ed— Dickinson, J. The others as before. VETERINARY iUROEON. Johnson, J. C, Clarenco street WATCHMAKERS, &C., pagC 129. Cunningham. R,, removed to Brock st Northgraves & Madden, Princess st Smith, W., removed to King st Tlio others remain as before WHEELWRIGHTS, &c., page 129. Philp, William, Princess at. The others remain as before. MILITARY DEPARTMENTS. Colonel Plomer Young, commanding in C.W. Assistant Adjutant General, Lieut. Col. Plomer Younrr, K H • A«.-o.o«. CoMissARiAT— Assistant Commissary General, J. MoFarlane : D A P r Mr. Hawkins. ' ^' "• Royal Ordnance Department— Storekeeper, James A. Harvev • CI«i John Durnford, G. Dupuy; Barrack Master. Francis RayL;"' Royal Engineer DEPARTMENT-Lieut. Col. Alexander Gordon, com manding; Captain Tuile ; Lieut. H. Grain, Lieut. Crease Civil Branch, R. E— Mr. Onslow Jerk of works j J. D. Harper J Oakes, clerks j A. Ketnpt, foreman of works. *^ ' ' M- 1f*-« Pif : ii 1 J I i 106 KINGSVILLE-LACHUTE. CITY STORE. PIOUGH, SHEET IROH, TIN & COPPER WAREROOMS, Bagot Street, Kingston, C.W. onniriun n. ^""'*«P <=°""*«n"y On hand a general awortment of / COOKWe, PARIODR, BOX & AIR TIGHT STOFES, OP THE MOST APPROVED PATTERWS ; GRANT'S PATENT FANNING „j;]"j^^.^^««"*B5 Straw Cutter* of the most Imoroved PattArnai rm, ©©[piPSK, AIM© mmY dk©m waks ©im mam©. AND MADE TO ORDER. All of which he i, anxious to di.po.e of. Wholesale or Retail, ..t price, to 3uit the time.. KINGSVILLE. (J^ot included in the Canada Directory.) A ViLtAOB situated in the Township of Gv,dfield, County of Essex, C.W. Population, about List of Professions, Tradas, &c Chambers, John, smith Cos, Rev. John, Episcopal Methodist Cooper, George, tailor Elliott, Thos. &. Brother, general store Harris, Henry, miller and iron founder Harris, Samuel, saw mill Hutchins, John, & Co., general store Gustin, Alex., saw mill King, James, saw mill, N. P., and town clerk La£ferty, F. A., general store and postmaster McCain, Charles, saddler McDonald, Malcolm, M.D. McDonald, Pater, chairmaker McDonald, Alex , general store Pulford, Edwin, smith Rumble, Wm., general store Simons, John, cabinetmaker Sparks, John, shoemaker Springer, Richard, cabinetmaker Whiting, Andrew T., M.D. Williston, Rer. VV. K., Canadian Wesleyan Also 2 innkeepers, 1 waggonmaker, 1 cooper LACHUTE. (See Canada Directory, Page 131.) Addenda and Errata. Aulker, James, blacksmith Barron, Thomu, J. P. & crown lands agent ConsUble, Rev. T., Wesleyan Dudderidge, R. & W., carriagemakers Fish, J., miller Green, Joseph, tailor Greensbields, Wm., tailor Henry, Rev. T., Free Church, (instead of the Church of Scotland) Hume, T., shoemaker Hume, William, tailor Meyer, S, wheelwright McGibbon, J., tanner O'Brian, John, cooper Quinn, William, (instead of Owen) crown lands agent Robertson, John, blacksmith Raitt, David, tailor Scott, Rev. Walter, (instead of Wm.) Seceder Shaw, Thos., shoemaker Waldron, Linas, carpenter Coleman, Rev. F., Wesleyan Kneeahaw, Robert, agent for the seigniory REMOVED OR DiaCuKTiKUKD. Wilson, William, blacksmith ^9) AXEUOOMB, BD PATTERNS; 7(BE8§ rns; GENERAL : luit the timei. tpulatioD, about r ire ker ]ian Wesleyan taker, I cooper wen) crown «f Wm.) LACOLLE-LAGGAN-LAKEriELD-LAMBTON. &o. 107 , LACOLLE. (See Canada Directort, Page lil-) Dalair, Her. Joiepb, Roman Catholic Donglaii, R., (inttead of R. & D.,) general atore Lamblajr, J. W., notary Addenda. Vanvleit, T., poitmaaler, plough and car. riage maker Warren, Horace, general store Weldon, Wm., innkeeper BBMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS, OR DECEASKD. HotchkiM, Alonzo, hotel Laroche, Joseph, smith Luure, Rev. J. Lord, Dr. Henry March, Thos. J., grocer Nicoll, Wm., innkeeper LAGGAN. (JVot included in the Canada Directory,) list of ProfessionB, Trades, &c. Cattenach, D.,' postmaster, J. P., and town councillor «*?? 'ji''"'' *f'""^*' "'ofe and town councillor McCallum, Duncan, general store McDoneil, Major Angus, township treasurer McDonald, D. A., town reeve McDonald, James, deputy reeve McDonald, Archibald, town councillor McDoneil, Roderick, lumber merchant McKenzie, James R., general store McDonald, Ewen, saw mill McCulloch, Alexander, cooper McPhee, Allan, tailor McSweyne, Donald, general atore Murray, John, general store and townahip clerk Nicholson, Rev. N., Free Church LAKEFIELD, or Gore Villa. (J^Tot included in ihe Canada Directory.) fanXi cirJloMl mSl? '" "" '^""'"''""^ "^ ^""' ^°'""'' °^ ^''" ^"""'^'' ^'^* ^^" List of Professions, Trades, &o. Rogers, George, postmaster and general store rJLV°"''ufI!'*^."!"'*"""^*^''8'»"'' Strong, William, general atore A aoctor, a blacksmith, and a mill are much needed in this neighborhood. Arnet, James, miller Anderson, William, general store Uriffin, Rev. Joseph, Church of England LAMBTON, MILTON AND MIMICO. (Sue Canada DiRECTORy, Page 132.) Clebbufne, J., shoemaker, Miiton Com8h,W., smith, Milton Jackson, Geo., carpenter. Milton Murray, Peter, mason, Milton , Addenda. Mussen, Edward, store keeper, and lumber merchant, Mimieo Tanner, — , tailor, MilW hi ■' ^ : ii \^k% m 108 LANCASTER-LANSDOWNE-LANARK. BagiMll, J. B,,ilore keeper, Mimico Harblfljr, L., shoemaker, Milton Lougheed,— , carpenter, Mihon McConnell, John, innkeeper, Milton REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Milne, I homas, shoemaker, Millon Poole, Eli, waggonmaker, Milton Rowell, W., smith, Milton LANCASTER. (Sek Canada Directory, Page 132.) Bethuno, Donald, shoestore Doull, James, architect Doull, Thomas . plasterer Dunlop, John, shoestore Hill, Thomas, light-house keeper McCrimmon, Donald & John, shoestore Addenda. McLennan, John, wharfinger McPhcrson, Duncan, carpenter Ross, Donald, wood merchant, wharflnecr and innkeeper Scott, Alexander, carpenter Stickler, Alex .general store and wharfinger Cameron, Allan, furrier, &c McCrimmon, Duncan, shoemaker DISCONTINUED. Ross, John, smith LANSDOWNE. {Jifot included in the Canada Directory.) Anderson, Rev. Alex., Baptist Cutting, Gerahom, general store Darling, Thomas, general store Ctowan, William, general store McKelrey, George, postmaster and temper ancelnn list of Professions, Trades, &c. Illln^r' uZ''"' '^*«'»'°'J'«t new connexion Turner, James, general store Warren, Rer. John C, Methodist new con- nexion Watkins, Rev. Mr. Church of England A/so 1 tavern and 4 saw mills LANARK. (SxE Canada DiRECTORy, Page 132.) Austin, Charles, saddler Baird, James, boot and shoemaker Bennet, Noble, blacksmith Olossop, Stephen, saddler Kerr, Peter, groeer Laach, Charles, chair factory McEwen, John, bailiff McGuire, Thomas, boot and shoemaker Geminjii, J. K., printer Gemmill, James, joiner Kelly, J. C. 8c Co., fanning mill makers Addenda. 1 Mair, John, tanner Mair, H. & J., general merchants, No. 3. George st Mason, Robert, clerk of division court I urn er, Francis, tinsmith Lanark and Drummond Plank Road Com- pany, John Robertson, president, A. t». Hall, treasurer and secretary REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Mair, James & Son, (tore keepers Maxwell, Daniel, carpenter Charlton, Jr inast Alexander, B. V Dupro, J. I COliM L. Hogg, Mrs., Burrill, Wm Geriepy, E , Goodsil, E., Hebert, Ed., Kelly. A., ir Population 1 Alin, Fabien Allard, Etiei Archambaull Archambault Archambault Archambault Belin, Wm., Bernabe, Fat Blanchard, F Bruneau, On Brouillet, Fn Charbonneau DeLorimier, clerk I Dorval, Rev. : of the Dorval, Laun Dorval, Orge Drolet, Benja Dupuis, Rev. ofL'/ Fateux, P. R Dubois, Alexi Desmarais, D LAPRAIRIE-L'ASSOMPTION. lot LAPRAIRIE. (S«ii Canada Directory^ Pack 133.) re and wharfinger Cliirlton, John, general merchant and piM(. matter Aleiander, Dr. A. T., miijur, itiatuad of J. D. Varin Dupro, J. B. E., Chiirltnn, John, villapc councillors, inntcad ufL. Domura & L. Oroufsi'au Addenda and Errata. Duolo*, Robert, general merchant Vignon & Sacho, Rcvd. Measra., Roman Caihulic clergyroon Laiirin, (Inntead ol fjaurie) Juaiinicn. tan- ner Paijncillo, (initead of Pafrncul) John, tin- am ith REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Bogg, Mrs., milliner Burrill, Wm., shoemaker Gariepy, £ , (storekeeper Ooodsil, £., innkeeper Hebert, Ed., bak»r Keliy, A>> innkeeper Lefcbvrc, T., innkeeper Menard, P., shoemaker Mingy, Rev. Mr., R.G. Pettel, N., shoemaker (iassevillo, Jo«eph, tinsmith St. Uermain, 3, D.. saddler «re to Brockfille, Population 1084. L'ASSOMPTION. (SiE Canada DiRBCTORV, Paoe 130.) Addenda Alin, Fabien, tinsmith Allard, Etienne, tanner Archambault, Captain P. U., general store Aichambault, Zepherin, general store Archambault, Elzear, general store Archambault, Alexandre, adrocate Belin, Wm., M.D. Bernabe, Fabien, blacksmith Blanchard, Fabien, tanner Bruneau, Onesime, M.D. Brouillet, Fran9ois, ahoemaker Charbonneau, Agapite, blacksmith DeLorimier, L, G., deputy registrar and clerk of the circuit court Dorwl, Rev. F^rdol, Roman Catholic, curate of the parish Dorval, Laurent, surveyor Dorval, Orget, general store Drolet, Benjamin, butcher Dupuis, Rev. Alfred, director of the college of L'Assomption Fateuz, P. R., general score Faribault, Hon. Joseph Edouird, notary Faribault, Jos. N. Edward, notary Galarneau. Narcisse, baker Galarneau, Charles, baker Garipie, Pierre, tanner Larocque, Joseph Felix Ledoux, Antoine, shoemaker Leroux, Laurant, general store Lesage, Deris, hatter Lougpre, Maxime. tinsmith Marcelet, Edward, general store Marsolais, Narcisse, blacksmith Martel, Zebded, notary Martel, Pierre, painter and joiner Martel, Elize, painter and joiner Nornnandeau, Louis, watchmaker Peltier, Bartholemy, butcher Peltier, — , general store Robichaud, Edouard, butcher Tellier, Joseph, blacksmith Viger, Serophin, M.D. Dubois, Alexr., store keeper Desmarais, Dr. Joseph REMOVED OR DECEASED. Lavoie, Louis, store keeper Terrien, J. A., notary no t/A7ENIR«i. WRlNrEVlLLE-LREW-LENNOXVILLE. AVa Drum L'AVENIR. {J^ot includt ' in the Canada Directory.) Al|)*»betioal Li«t of ProfeMionb, Tredbi, fto. 5*.«''*'*.'.''""'*' cabinetmaker \ Pajrtf. l. H. Mneral atoM Griffin. Henry, po.ima.ter .nd clerk of com. ''^■' ^-•-"•'■«'""" '*"'• court Doriod, J. B. E., general store •gc. L. H.. _ ValKSe, H., thoeroakar Vallde, Louii, ihoemaker LAWRENCEVILLE. (See Canada DinBCTOBv, Page 134.) stage fare from Walorioo. 2s. ed., from Melbourne, 3t. 9d. Addenda. Laurence. Er.«u.. in addition, poatmaalor ; La«.renco, P. H.. in .ddition. J. P. .„d Lawrence &'shum,Ta,, general .tore \ eommiaaioncr of .mall o.u»>i. LEEDS. (Not included in the Canada Directory.) Alphabetical list of Profesaions, Trades, &o. Bailey, Adam, general store Carry, Re». J., Cliiirch of England Clapham, J.G.. M.P.P for Megantic, ro- sides in Quebec Goff, Zaoharlej. J. P. Hulbert, Rev. v k,., Baptist Hume, John, ciown lands agent and j. P, Hume, William, clerk of circuit court Jiggins, Matthew, postmaater and auc- tioneer Lamb, M., public school teacher Lambly, John R., county registrar and J. P Mackie, Thomas, genersi alore and asherv MicholBon, Joseph B., general store Scott, Dr. Montagu, phyaioian PoPt/LATION Adams, Robe Bigelow, J. i Brady, Thonn Bird, Thomai Caffrey, Phill Coulter, Jami Coulter, Gcor Dunnan, Jan>i Deans, K;' , Dean, M., Ian Earls, James, Gordon, Thor Gorley, Willii Hanna, Re?. ' Jewett, David Johnson, Thoi Johnson, John Giasson, (inste atore Autille, Chas., Fortin, Charlei LENNOXVILLE. (See Canada Directory, Page 134.) Cuihing, JohnP. (iflsui •toro and posimtj!,. Hqpe, John, innkeeper REMOVkWj Du TOi«TINUED Alenrn. T. C. M n ■ — - — 'f t'^^J J, Fuller, Louis, general store Charbonnel, Mr, teacher Meara, Mra, teacher Addenda and Errata. "■■r r.)go.nral , Oliver, V. innkeeper, (instead of .hoe. I maker) Weston, (instead of Webster), Geo., brewer n^SINESS OR DECEASED. Vincent, C. R., discontinued dry roods and groceries, only WMver, Elijah, innkeeper Wilhi, T., teacher Armistead. Joh Armstrong, Art Brown, John, b Birchall, Thos., Clayton. Isaac, Cronyn, Mary, Haliiday, Davici Hardwicke, Jer( Halse, John, coi ILLE. ion, J. P. and II eauMi. m Quebeo, 45 Iter and aoe> sher atrarand J. P. ire and aihery I itore m LINDSAY— LiSL . ;T-LL0YDT0WN 111 E.— dUtanl from I forvLAtiOH incroued to 650. Adami, Robert, •hoemaker Bijtelow, J. &, J., merchants Bradjr, Thomat, matn!< Bird, Thomai, drur, rjt Caflrey, Phillip, ihociuaker Coulier, James, ba iter-r law Coulter, Gnorge, aibery Dunran, Jamei , carpenter Deani, ftii , • oumaker Dean, M., (and surveyor Earls, James, carpenter Gordon, Thomas, teacher Gorley, William, woa»er Hanna, Re». T., Wesleyan •lewett, David, innkeeper and stage Johnson, Thomas & James, coopers Johnson, John, tailor LINDSAY. (SeeCawada Directory, Page 135.) I <. arrk ft Addenda. owner Lee, Sannuel, & Co., iron founders Leinaghan, Richard, carpenter McCarly, J., cabinelmaksr McDonald, D., aihrry McCall, Wm-, carpenter McCutclieon. John, shoemaker McDonald, D , merchant McNeil, Wm., tanner Mcllcnry, John, shoemaker McPhee, Mrs., dressmaker Mitchell, Andrew, butcher Oakley, F. & A., merchanU O'Brien) John, waggonmaker Smith, Wm., shoemaker Thorn hill & Mclntyre, iron founders Tweedy, Re». Gilbert Presbyterian Young, Thomna, merchant & baker REMOVED. Dunsford, George, attorney L'ISLET. (Skb Canada Dirkctory, Page 135.) Giasaon, (instead of Jiassou) Jean F., general store Giasson,(instead of Jiasson) Germain, gena. nU store Fournier, Pierre, notary, &,c. REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Autillo, Chas., cardmg mill , Qrcnier. Chas. O., general store Fortin, Charles, mayor < LLOYDTOWN. (See Canada Directory, Page 135.) Addenda and Errata. 3ad of shoe. Geo., brewer I dry (foods Armistead, John, butcher Armstrong, Arthur, N. P., &c. Brown, John, blacksmith Birehall, Thos., cooper Clayton, Isaac, carpenter Cronyo, Mary, innkeeper Haliiday, David, teacher Hardwieke, Jeremiah, brickmaker Holse, John, cooper Jones, Dr. Chas., physician Kitchen, James, blacksmith Morton, Thoa., saddler Laurenco, Geo. T., storekeeper Renton, Thos., mason Shelson, Mathew, cooper ^to-jacji, ^luiics" oi BluyUuIt) Solomon, tanner Stogdoll, (instead of Sloydell) S. H., farrier 112 LONDON. Arnistrongr, Geo,, teacher Boddy, Wm,, slioemakor Brown, Garratt, Bmith BurliD{r, Wm., brickmakcr Doyle, Hugh, cooper REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED. Scott, Joseph, carding mill Smith, J, H., storekeeper Smith, John, blacksmith Tracy, Patrick, innkeeper LONDON. (See Canada DrREcTORv, Page 136.) Present population about 8000, and rapidly increasing. Assurance Companies, Banks, &c., (Addenda.) E.na Insurance Company of Hartford, F. B. Beddome, agent Canada Western of Toronto, F. B. Beddome, agent ^ Commercial Bank, M.D., C. Monserrat. agent Globe Insuranc. Company of London, Thomas Craig, agent Globe Insurance Company of New York, A. Macdonald, agent Kn ^"fr"'" ^??''"'^ of Hartford, F. B. Beddome, Lent London and Liverpool Insurance Company, A. G. Smyth alent London Buildmc Societv. W W «5»ra^f „„ . '"J"'» »««-'" MiddJPsPT R,. MJn^ « • . n \\ ''^®®'' secretary and treasurer Mtddlesex Building Society. C. Monserrat, secretary and treasurer North Western Insurance Company, F. B. Beddome, age t Ontario Insurance Company of Hamilton, Thomas Crail agent ItZ'i T'U-"" ^°"'^''"l of London, H. C. Hughes, agent People 8 Budding Society, F. B. Beddome, secretary and treasurer Washington Mutual Insurance Company. F. B. Beddome. agent PubUc Officers, (Addenda.) Dixon, T. C, M.P.P. for London Wilson. Crowell, M.P.P. for Middlesex and El. in Adams, liidward, mayor of London Brown, John, clerk of mayor's court Clarke, Rev. W. F.. superintendent of education Clergy, (Addenda and Errata.) McClure, Rev. Mr., Wesleyan Proudfoot. Rev. John, Secession Church Scott, Rev. John, Free Church Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. Barker, WitLiAM. innkeeper and messenger to the Royal Engineer offirn Harding, Wu.mm, wholesale and retail boot and shoe^s oS Dunda R^VMo^' /p"""'^ '"'T''""'^ ^^'" «"^ '^ »° '^^'^ advantage to cf^l Raymond & Rowland, hat and cap manufacturers and furHers, 27 Dundas St. An excellent stock always on hand. '» "unaas tsMITH, Joseph & N.. rjtv Hnf«i /.'nat— J -rrT- tt . ,» ^ . Seger, M.. general stage office. Robinson Hall ^ ScATCHERD, Thomas, barrister and attorney-at-law, Dundas st LONGUEUIL. 118 WTanlbss, Dr. John, physician and surgeon, 'iT^'^^elling Dund7« NoTK -Th. M^r k" T^ Of Laurason & Cliisholm's store C.SaDiJc.ory '' '"''""'''^" """"""" «'«" °" P^'S" J^^. 138, 139. 140 .„d 141 of Archer, James, baker, Dundas st Askew, C., provision store, Ridout st Birrell, John, general dry goods, Dundas st Brown, O.R. & P. C. sash factory, Ridout st Burns, P., printing office, Richmond st Belton, John, daguerreotypist, Ridout st Brown, J. K general dry goods, Dundas st Carry & Holland, grocers. Dundas st Coyne, James, & Co., general diy goodp, Dundas st j a < Cornish, F. E , attorney-atlaw, Ridout st Dawson, — , grocer, Dundas st Doty, A., grocer, corner King & Richmond sts Dubuc, P., furrier, Dundas st Egan, James daguerreotypist. Dundas st J.'i""'.,* .?*""■*•"'' grocers, Dundas st Giflbrd's Temperance House, Ridout st Godfrey. E. C, cabinet rooms, Ridout st Hamilton & Hacketi, hairdressers, Ridout st i Hancock, E., shoe store, Dundas st ' Hull, James H., grocer, Ridout st | Hope, A., & Co.,general hardware, Dundas st i Hope, A., & Co., wholesale store, corner ' Talbot and North sts Job, William, dry goods. Dundas at Lewis, W. B., hairdresser Dundas st Liavrock, Wm.. cabinetmaker, Ridout st McDowall, John, Freemason's Arms, Dun- das st McKinnon,N., general store, Dundas st Magill, R. H., & Co., dry goods, Dundas st Manning & Co., dispensary, Dundas st Moore & Murphy, saddlers, Royal Ex. change buildings Moss, N., shoe store, Ridout st Mulholland & Co., Staffordshire warehouse, Dundas st Murray, Robt., patent nnedicines, Ridout st Murphy & Sharpe, grocors. Dundas st Parke, E. J., barrister, Ridout st Priddis, C.. grocer, Dundas st Quiggins, John, steam-plaring mill, Ridout st Raymond & Shaw, steam.planing mill, Clark's bridge Richmond, E., & Co., fancy goods, Dundas st Rowland. F., grocer, Dundas sf Simson, VV. & R., grocers, Dundas st Sims, C. N., chemist Hi druggist, Dundas st Smyth, John. Odd Fellows' Hall, Ridout st Taylur & White, bakers, Dundas st Telegraph Office, Ridout st Teifer, W. G., grocer. Dundas st Ttbbs, J., grocer, Dundas st Westlake, F., confectioner, Dundas st Westland, H. W„ grocer, corner York and Richmond sts Wilson, T., hairdresser, Dundas st Wyckoff, P., & Bro., watchmakers, Dundas st fc, i! Jngineer office e, 25, Dundas to call. •8, 27, Dundas LONGUEUIL. (See Canada Directory, Page 142.) Besonet, Louis, wheelwright, Grant si Caverner, John, general store, Gram st Chagnon, J., tailor, St Charles st Daniel, Amable, boardincr house, Chambly st Daniel, Nestor, baker, Chambly st Gariepy, Xavier, wheelwright, Alexander st bifard. Dr., physician, St Charles st Goforth, Richard, carpenter. Grant et Huppe, Joseph, confectioner, St Charles st Laoour, Mrs. Louise, general store, Cham. biy st Lapointe, Q.i saddler, Chambly st Losperanoe, Edward, steam boat captain. St Charles at ' , — ..,,.„, tcauucr, vyftamfaiy st Leiperance, Peter, ceneral store and post. master. St Charles at Addenda. Manninsf, S. H., general store, St Alexan. dcr st Miinning, William, iron founder, St Rosalie 81 Paquel, Joseph, grocer, Grant st Provost, A., whenlwright. Grant st Rncicoi, John, i^rocer, Grant st Remor. A., bailiff, St Charles st Supernant, Francis, butcher, Chambly sc Trudeau, Lou's, carpenter, Grant st Trudeau. Narcissc, lumber merchant. Water st * Trudeau, Louis, lumber merchant St Ro- salie st ' Valade, F. X., notary, St Charles it I. Ill- ' 114 L'ORIGNAL-LOTBINIERE-LOUISVILLE. Chiniquy, Rev. Charles Pepin, Reeii, imith Str6, L<, ehocmaker REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Lecour, Joicph, merchBDt Mongeiiu, Henrj, merohint L'ORIGNAL. (See Canada Directort, Pagb 143.) Public Officers, (Addenda and Errata.) McKenzie, W. K, (instead of W. R.,) judge ofsurrogale court McLauiin, Peter, warden of united counties O'Brien, Peter, clerk of county council Johnson, Chauncy, junr., county treasurer Johnson, Chauncy, senr., town reeve Cushman, S. M., clerk of division court Pattee, John, town clerk Alphabetical Addenda and Zrrata. Baribeau, Joaeph, carpenter Belair, Moies, tailor Bell, Rev. Andrew, Presbyterian Bourassa, Rev. P., Roman Catholic Bono, Frs., butcher ^ CaiSi Alfred, commission merchant Clappison, (instead of Clapperson) Rev. D., Wealeyan Doctor, Frs., batcher Huntington, Rev. Silat, Wesleyan Lee, Thomas, painter and carriage maker Miller, Oliver T., school teacher Oliver, T., miller Ouimette, C. S , innkeeper and wharfinger Prouty, Chester, school teacher Piyette, Feriole, grocer Davidson, Alozr., innkeeper Larocbelle, Dr. Pierre Mignalt, Rev. Mr., Roman Catbslio REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Ross, W. A., teacher Sauriol, Thos., carriage maker LOTBINIERE. (See Canada Directorv, Page 144.) Addenda. Bernior, Henry, ironfounder. REMOVED. Ouellette, H. P., M.D. LOUISVILLE. (Jv'ot included in the Canada Directory.) A ViLLAOB situated in the Township of Chatham, County of Kent. C. W. Chatham, 6 miles. ' distant from Bressy, , saddler Clark, Henry, shoe store Griffis, Wro„ postmaster and general store Herrington, George, carpenter Johnston, Robert, smith Mackay, John, general store McKenzie, A., smith list of Professions, Trades, &o. Miller, Rictti^Ni, shoe store Milter, Robvrt, shoe store O'Brien, Potriok, innkeeper and saw mill Rolls, E., chemist and druggist Sheldon. G., tMoh«r Wallis, Jamet, innkeeper A ViUAoa sit from Brockvill 360 Btzter, Nathan turer Coleman, Norn: Coleman, R., & turers an and Wei Curtis, Elias, i grocer, i Dunieith, Hugh Godkin, John, c I Brown, David S., I Campbell, John, i I Goodwin, Aleatr., McDonnell, Alexi McNab, Allan, sa Bourke, Ed., innkc De»ine, Mathew, i Abbott, Calvin, poi match factor Bo'well, Walker, ir pwell, Solomon, ii werriii, Feter, innkc It tnt carriage maker sacbor and wharfinger icber LYN-McNAB~MAGOG. LYN. i^ot included in the Canada Directfyry.) Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &c. Baiter, Nathan, merchant and shoe manufac turer SS^H' r"!?';?' •o^'dlerandiharne.smaker Coleman, R.,.& Co i.ole leather manufac- turer, and millers, dealers in Spanish and Western hides, &c Curtis, Elias, carding and railing works, grocer, &c * "w", Dunseith, Hugh, tailor uodkm, John, cooper Haskin, Sidney, painter Horlon, L., waggonmaker Lee, Palmer.^merchant and shoe manufac- turer McDonald J. B. & H. E., manufacturers ofall kinds of slaughter leather Purvis, Henry, millwright isThomson & Bagg, house carpenters and builders 1 , Wright, R. H., blacksmith --" , McNAB. (See Canada Directory, Page 144 ) if m. iker I Brown, David S., general store ICampbell, John, smith &„'„"li^'!^'" P"?"""'"' «t Arnprior HclNaD, Allan, aaw mill Bourke, Ed., innkeeper DeTine, Mathew, shoemaker Addenda. Paris, John, miller and postmaster of Whit- Lake Robertson, Duncan, smith Roddy, Michael, lumber merchant Spinks, Edward, general store REMOVED. I Rochester, W.,V., general store ., distant from MAGOG. (See Canada Dibectorv, Page 144.) Addenda. ^'''""t..?.'J:l'!'.r» """"«'» «nd friction match factory IBoawell, Walker, innkeeper McNamara, Patrick, innkeeper Merry, Ralph, (2nd) J. P. and law mill | REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. s ■Boiwell, Solomon, innkoeoer ■ ,,-...„... . sismii, Peter, innkeeper " I "^'="i> ^>^m, mnKceper .hm0 116 MANITOUWANIftG-MAlUATOWN-MARKHAM-MARSHVILLE. MANITOUWANING. (jyot included in the Canada Directory.) oon '^^*"''-".'"'"l'' ""/'" «"■«"*< Mariitoulin Inland in Lake Huron-distant from Toroni'. i 220 m les-Bteamboat fare from Peneunguishcnc-, 20«. The population oftho IslJmi li ingprincipally Indian, la about 1500. ' *^ """n .n mo isiimd, Ik- | List of ^ofessions, Trades, &c. Ironside, Gcoigc, superintendent of Indians, postmaster and J. P. LaRonger, Regis, merchant missionary MARIATOWN. (Ske Canada Directory, Page 145.) Layton, David, M.U. &, J.P,, Indian dope ■ n.rfc.„„ T.^ O'Moara, Rev. Fred!., Church of EnglaS,! l^iy^Su Grint, James, go Gravely, John, si Gravely, Ronald Mc Allan. Archib McArlhur, Archi McDerraiad, Dun McGillivray, Dur Addenda. Bowen, C., (instead of Hy.,) iron founder I FroiitH, George, ferryman Flagg, Harvey, wheelwright | Scott, Rev. Thos.. Church of Scotland DISCONTINUED. Carriere, T., waggon- maker Hare, John, shoemaker McMartin, Aloxr., Ptorekeopor StearnF, H, G., storekeeper ' Swec>, — , grain store ' Wittall, Rev. Mr. MARKHAM. (See Canada Directory, Page 146.) Present population about 750. Armstrong, Thomas, shoemaker Ash. S. C, tailor Button, W. M., inspector of licenses Byrom, Joseph, tailor and draper Carnaghan & Leonard, saddlers Chapman, Michael, butchur Fleming, Miss, teacher Hawkins, James, teacher Hill, Rev. S, J., Church of England Hay, Rev. James, Congregational McEwenj Robert, conveyancer Parkes, Dr., physician Peters, Thomas, smith Robison, (instead of Robson) John, miller Reesor. David, storekeeper Addenda. MARSHVILLE. (Jfot included in ike Canada Directory.) A Village situated in the Township of Wainflcot, Coumy of Welland, C.W. list of Pi'ofessions, Trades, &c. Graybiel, John & Brother, general store & ms!! fsvvrsr.rs Lee, Edward, postmaster and general store Mann, Amos, innkeeper Yokum, Lemuel, S., township clerk Aisu, i shoomnker, i siitith and I waggon. maker Kurton, James, in McDonald, James Rhumorc, — , sashmaker Simmonds, Richard, flour mills Speight & Sons, cabinet warehouse Smerdon, Wia„ shoemaker Wales, H. R , & Co., smiths White, James, tinsmith Wilkinson, Wm., saddler Wilson, Thomas, inspector oflicenses Township Council —Hy. Miller, reeieil John Reesor, deputy reeve; Samuell Reesor, Jacob Pingle, Amos Wright,! M.P.P., councillors; H. P. CrosbjJ clerk and treasurer; Wm. M. Bui-f ton and Wm. Nichols, assessors and collectors. jBrouseSc Bailey, g iBroase, John G., in iBrown, Rev. Wm., I Carman, Daniel, ss Hurlburt, Rev. A. Sanderson & C arm Vanallan, Peter, 8h( I A Village situated land Churchville— die: [Population, about IE lArcott, John, boot aa IDa»idson, Wnlter, bo IFoirler, G.. blacksmi iwbeU, Wm., veter I smith, &c IHarcourt, George, shi IHardy, Wm., general ISHVILLE. tant from Toronl') | I of tho Itlmd, \)t- T.P'i Indian dope burcti of Englaaii MARTINTOWN-MATILDA-MEADOWVALE. 117 !h of Scotland pr itills n rehouse r ths of licenses r. Miller, reeiejl f rce»e; Samuel e, Amos Wright, ; H. P. Crosbj, ; Wm. M. But. ilS) asiessors and MARTINTOWN. (SsE Canada Directory, Paok 146.) V. hi() clerk and I waggon' .„, ^ , Addenda and Errata. I Cwrkson, James, tailor . «« /. i. , . Conroy, Peter W.. senoral s(orp I ™°^''<'K"''' Murdoch, innkeeper, (inilead o' GMn., James general store I ,, , '"'I?,'""''^') Gravely, John, shoemaker i:rr''^''D '' ^' ^^'T' Gravely, Ronald, shoemaker McRae, Bute, shoemaker McAllan. Archibald, tailor RobertsDn, John, shoemaker McArthur, Archibald, shoemaker t"""l' n "' " "* """P" MeDermiad, Duncan, carpe"rcr I"""*! ^'"."t ' ""'"P" . McGillivray, Duncan, lailor Sproule, John, general store iHurton, Jumcs, innkeeper McDonald, James, smith REMOVED OR DECEASED. I Simpson, Dr. John MATILDA. (Seb Canada Dikkctory, Page 146.) Ifirouse & Bailey, general store IBronse, John G., innkeeper I Brown, Rev. Wm., Episcopal Methodist lOarman, Daniel, saw mills Addenda. Byrnes, Lawrence, grocer Coleman, Kev. Frs., Wesleyan Molson & Co., general store iHurlburt, Rev. A. I Sanderson & Carman, storekeepers jVanallan, Peter, shoemaker REMOVED. Waldorff, Jacob, innkeeper Wylie, Dr., Alexander MEADOW VALE. (J\rot included in the Canada Directory.) I <^- \fii^rtS£^l^^^^^^ «iver Credit, between Street.vi.le [PopulaUon, about 150. ' ^'^ ""'" ' * '«« f"«. 2s. 6d. Post town, Churchville. lArcott, John, boot aad shoe shop IDavidson, Walter, boot and shoe shop jFowler, G.. blacksmith ^ [Gwcau, vVm., veterinary surgeon, black I smith, &c jHarcourt, George, shoemaker I Hardy, Wm., general blacksmith ' list Of Professions, Trades, &c. Ludlow, Mathew, liotelkeeper * May, Charles, stave machinery, &c Silverthorne. Francis, iiouriiiir and saw mill owner, manufacturer of pot and pearl barley, merchant and lumber dealer Simpson, John, saw mill owner Ward, James, general merchant 1*1 Ll 118 MELBOURN E— M ERRICKVILLE. MELBOURNE. (S«E Canada Directory, Paob 147.) St. Fr";T.;c^^^ ^-'y of Sherbrooke. .„d Di.tricl „f l.ne of the St. Lawrence ardktr.„JicR!UJH„!l .^/k" •"' ''.'?P°"V t" «'«'•"'«"">. "" the mond Railroad with the St LawJeice « „d i^^ of the Quebec and Rich- from Quebec, 90 milM. ^''*""" ■»"«> AtIantio-d..lant from Montreal, 75 miles, and Addenda and Errata, Aylmer, Henry, saw mill Aylmer, Adolphus, J.P. Bayne, Rev. Tho»., Congregalionalist Brownley, John, Bchool teacher Cairnis; f instead ofCavinie,) John & Sons. cabinet makers Christie, Thomas, (instead of C. R. & Co .) general store Cot6, Francois, tinsmith Desormier, (instead of Desourdic,) Louis. shoemaker REMOVED OR fieaman, John, cooper Gibson, George, J.P. Joureauz, E., J.P. Hamcl, George, joiner Mairs 8c French, general store Parigard, Maximu, shoemaker Pollerin, Pierre, shoemaker Rankm, Dr. S. F., physician Rose, finstcad of Ross,) Charles, J.P. Thomas, Leonard, stage owner Thomson, W. A., carding, fulling and saw mills WeSster, Thomas, (instead of Henry,) tem. I perance inn DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Macfarlane, Rev. R.. Church of Scotland Rankin, Rev. Mr., Csngregalioiialist Slight, Rev. B., Wesleyan MERRICKVILLE. (Ser Canada Directory, Page 14-7.) Stage fare from Brockvillo reduced to Ss. Addenda and Armstrong, James, tailor Brown, Rev. Hugh, Presbyterian Campbell & Hall, sole leather factory Chester & McCrea, saddlers, &c Cummings, E., cooper Cummings, B., cooper Curry, Chas., painter Fortune. Wm., J.P.. jnnkerper nnd tiiilor Graffe, J, T., general store Hannah, Richard, tunnpf Hnrlburt, Rev. E., Wesleyan Jakes, S., grocer Johnston, John, lockm icter Kelly, M., township dork Liliio, William, (late Lillie & Hogg,) iron founder, &c McGce, 8., township Ireasurer Mclntyrc, Wm., shoe store Errata. McKibbon, R., shoe store Mirick & Towner, (late A. Mirick,) gen- eral store Mirick & Shailor, (late W, D. Mirick) shingle factory ' Mirick, A. & T. H.. Hour mills Mirick &, Burrit', (late S. H. Mirick,) woollen factory Moxiey. S., grocer Read, Robert, inspecl-.r of pork and beef hmylh, H. D. & Co., general store Thelford, H., shoe store Tripp, R., cooper Whitmarsh, E, H., postmaster, town reeve, insurance agent, and also for the Trust and Loan Company of Upper Canada Whitmorc, Wm., smith Barrows, Roland, smith Coyle, Edward, smith Crowther, Joseph, cooper Curry, Jnhn, tannsr Finley, Rev. Jame« Leggo, C, agent , REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. McGowan, James, tailor McLeod, D.. miller Robinson, Samuel, innkeeper Scanlon, Thaddeus, grocer Wardner, Geo., innkeeper M Situated in the Allan, D., post owner, S Cockburn, J., g Curson, James, Loucks, G., she Lyons, Dr., phy McCormick, Jo Bower, Rer. E. Denmark, Dr. I Ford, Messrs., i Fegan, Edward, { clothier Marrick, A., inni McLaughlin, J., Munroe, Joiiah, i Brown, R.P.,8h( A Village situal Hamilton, 60 mi! Burrows, Ci library Beaton, James, sn Crommie, John, w Cruikshank, Mrs. Grey, Robert, sho Johnson, Phillip, i Leggatt, Samuel, I Lowerv. David, in Irwin, Francis VV. McClory. John, sa McKie, Kobert, ci MUoe, Rer. Walt i and Diitrict of ichtnond, oh the uebec and Rich* >l, 75 miles, end ire ter irlea, J.P. rier bulling and saw of Henry,) tem. MEYER'S VILLAGE, &c.->iiLFORD-MILLBANK. MEYER'S VILLAGE & BRIDGETONT (See Canada Directors, Page 376.) Situated in the County of Northumberland, instead of Hastings. Addenda and Errata. 119 Allan, D., postmaster, merchant and mill owner, Seymour E. Cookburn, J., fircneral store, Bridgeton Larson, James, saddler, Bridgeton Loucks, G., shoe store, Bridgeton Lyons, Dr., phyaioian, Meyer's Villaffe McCormick, John, innkeeper, Bridgeton Mackay, _, general store, Bridgeton Moore, Roderick, innkeeper, Seymour E. ooott, Stephen, saw mill Rannoy, G. W., saw niii! Turner, Robert, grist and saw mills Wiggins, James, general store, Seymour E. Bower, Rer. E. P. Denmark, Dr. Robert Ford, Messrs., saw mill REMOVED OR DECEASED. j Button, — , storekeeper I McKechnie & Winans, general store m II li of Scotland ktiuiialist Mirick,) gen- • D. Mirick,] ills H. Mirick,) rk and beer 1 1 ptore r, town reeve, also for the lany of Upper MILFORD. (See Canada Directory, Page 148.) Fegan, Edward, postmaster, general store & clothier Marrick, A., innkeeper McLaughlin, J., shoestore Munroe, Josiah, cooper Addenda Rose, John, J. P. Rose, D., shoestore Wellbanks, Thos.,J. P. Wellbanks. D. R., innkeeper Whitley, (instead of Whitby,) Dr. Robert Brown, R. P., shoemaker REMOVED I Kelly, Johnson, innkeeper MILLBANK. ( JVo« included in the Canada Directory.) A ViLLAGB situated in the 1 .^nship of Mornington, County of Perth C W _iii.f.„» r,— Hamilton, 60 mile. ; from Goderich, 45 miles ; ^from Waterloo/lS milw. '*"* ^"^ List of Professions, Trades, &c. ^^''""nbrarj'"^'''*^'' innkeeper, genera! store, stationer and circulating Beaton, James, smith Crommie, John, woollen and cotton weaver Cruikshank, Mrs., accoucher, &c Grey, Robert, shoestore Johnson, Phillip, miller Leggatt, Samuel, tailor and draper Lowery, David, innkeener lir^n".'^"?*'^' ^*» o'erawr of crown lands McClory. John, saw mill McKie, Kobert, carpenter Milae,Rer. Walter Rutherford, William, postmaster, general store, ouiv and grist mills Shewin, William, waggon maker Sprools, Noble, pumpmaker Sberrard, Henry, tanner Rieore, Augustus, cigar factory Tercbarne. John, carpenter Tuskey, William, contractor Whally, James, councillor Winchester, Thomas, woollen and cotton wearer j ' m II m • . f m MILLBROOK-MIIX CREEK-MILLGROVE. MILLBROOK. (Ser Canada Dzbbctory, Pagk 148.) Prejcnl Population about 360. Addenda and Errata. Atkws & Brown, grist and saw mills Armstrong, A., general merchant and storekeeper Brodib, Dr. R. W., physician and surgeon Brodie. J. M., clerk of tlie division court KNowLsoN M., postmaster, and agent for National Loan Fund, Life, and Equitable Fire Insurance Companies. Bateion. Wm., cnrpciiter Boyoe, L., (instead of A. C ,) clothier Brown, Malhow, livery vtablea Coe, MiiB Elizabeth, milliner, die. S n ♦ ''""*■• '"""or and currier rallia, Richard, general store Kelly &, Blanchard, general atore McLean, Joseph, cabinet maker Morton, Rev. W., Woejeyan Quinn, John, smith Swaync, Robert, cabinet maker Taylor, William, tailor REMOVED, OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Brown, Dr. James • Campbell, Wm., storekeeper Cliidell, Robert, shoemaker Fitzgerald, James, storekeeper Green, Mr«., teacher Henry, James, shoemaker Johnston, Thomas, innkeeper Kells, Thomas, tanner Turner, Rev. Charles Wallace, Robert, builder MILL CREEK. (See Canada Directory, Page 149.) Population increased to about 325 Addenda. Clark, Samuel J., general store Gaylord, Luther, blacksmith Heath, M., & Son, smiths & carriage makers Venteo, Nelson, baker Venten, Anderson, innkeeper Tinmerman, P. S., postmaster and general store REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED. Clark, Benjamin, discontinued store keeninz only ^ * Bunny, — , pumpmaker Burke, Q. M., shoemaker Foster, — , tailor Gordon, B., smith Leonard, N., carriagemaker Hough. Asa H., discontinued the foundrv only ' Savage, W. H., general store Irewell, A. S., chairmaker Vanauken. Levi & Co., churn factory Vedden.N., hotel ' MILLGROVE. (JVo« included in the Canada Directory.) dluSrm"Eti;8''^i£""'''''' "^ ^'^'' fiamboro' County of Wcnt.orth. C. W. I Bain, Walter, toH iBsrkhoider, Davit JBtmnrd, Rev. Mr iBrennan, Rev. Ja jCarion, Joseph, si ICummini, George ■Cummins, David, I Bailey, C. P., gene iBosn, James cabii jConley and Glenn i |Dtrousie, (instead innkeeper ai lAbbott, J. dt W., t iBabb Sl Downing, ■Baker, Goo., tanner ■Black, James, bailif ■Ball, (instead of Ba iBjrne, (instead of! ICana, R W., auctit ICsMin, Michael, wl JChristio &Mathicso lOonkin, Robt., clerl ■Dudley, Freeman, ii iFeeny, James, coopi iFiihleigh, John, gen IChenwick, John, shi iCoveny, J,, inspecto: ( iTheViLLAaK of Mof ■per Allumettes Lake. I By town, 110 miles, a Imense quantity of tin IlicinBreelof square til ■son, and the amount jthrough Pembroke Xh Al] jBeli, Jno. & David, li I and tanners IBueher, Rev. G. B,, i JMILLEROCHES-MITCHELL-MOFFATT; 121 ■ Btin, Waller, town councillor iBtrkhoider, David, carpenter iBernard, Rev. Mr, Moihodi«t Now Con. IBrennan, Rev. James, do do do ICMMn, JoMph, Boiitli ICummini, Goor(;e, genera! ttoro ICummins, David, turner LiBt of ProfessioM, Trades, &o. Cfookor, John K., tewn councillor Horris, George, general itore Miller, Jainci, weiggon maker Palmer, A. B., carpenter and poBtmuiter aimpBon, James, shoemaker Trewarther, Joseph, do MILLEROCHES. (Seb Canada Dihecioby, Page 149.) iBailey, C. P., jrenernl store jBoan, James cabinet miikor IConley and Glenny, butchers iDtrousie, (instead of Dcsroclicrs,) Louis • mnkoepor and shoe store ' Addenda and Errata. I Gliincy, Owen, whoolwright 1 McClear, Frank, shoemaker MnGinn, John, cabinet maker Sutherland, John, carriagre maker I aif, John, (instead of David,) saw mill B MITCHELL. (See Canada Dihectory, Page 252.) liM. .. T A «r Addenda ■Abbott, J, &, w., turners iBabb & Downing, general store iBaker, Goo., tanner iBIack, James, bailifT iBall, (instead of Ball,) William, teacher IByrne, (instead of Byron,) Jno., Bhoemnker lUna, K W., auctioner and accountant ICaaaiti, Michael, wheelwright JChristio & Mathieson, saw mill iDonkin, Robt., clerk of division court IDadley, Freeman, inspector of licenscH IFeeny, James, cooper |Fiahleigh, John, general store REMOVED OR ■Chen wick, John, shoemaker ICoveny, J., inspector of licenses and Errata. Ford, Thomas, general store Gourfie, Alexander, carpenter Hill, James, ashery Hill, Williiun, millwright Kritze, Gottleil), potte? Lemon, John, tailor llj'j".^*'""' *^^"''y« wheelwuight .McClaherly, James, millwright Murray, James, cooper Pcaraon Samuel, shoemaker Kath, Wm., land surveyor Smith. Wm., builder Smith.J.C, reeve of Logan DISCONTINUED. Hillcctt, Dr. J. F. Murray, James, inspector of licenses I MOFFAT. ITH V ra, ^*^'^ ^^<=t^dedin the Canada Directory.) line VILLAQB of MOFFATT. a fast innr.naln™ .^I • ' hr Allumettes Lake, on'i'h: rtv^er' 0~^, r*' ;r„^;"»'«i<>" '^-e eouth bank of the Up. iBytown, 110 miles, and from Brockvillo. 1( mileBTh ?/'""'' C-W.-i. distant fr, m Imenae quantity of timber annually got out ii, its vLfnitf i7'"*^^""'^' "' "■« '° ^^^ •">• I ons feet of square timber were manufactured in and Smu .h" «'«'™'»f'"hat twelve mil. In, and the amount of freight of necessary articles for h ^'u f'^°5 '^"""8 ">« P"" ««»" [tlirough Pembroke the past season, was aLut SrttitJ"^' ""^'' *°' **"•"' ?'"'"«' Alphabetical list of ProfflR«io«p tv-^.. ^. |B.i, J„o. & David, lumbermen, merchant. , C..m'e"ro~„YRTddr' . . Id , and tanners rll!,„ V' •' ." "<'<"e'' and barness maker iBucher, Rev. G. B., school master oh^r/^ ^""' lumberman I I Church, Horace, saw and carding mill ii ii.^.ri ]28 "MOORETOWN-MORPETH. Dixon, George, cooper Dopion, Richard, carponler Fleming. George, blackimith Gibion, W. H., lumberman Hayee, Peter, tavern keeper and boot and •hoeqiaker Kennedy, Michael, teilor Ledgerwood, James, carpenter Lille, Mri. William, innkeeper M«okay, Richard, hotel keeper McLaren & White, merchant! and general traders Martin, Robert, carpenter and builder Melville, Rev. Andw., Free Preabyierian Moffat, Wm. & Jai. P., lumbermen and general traders Moffat, Alexr., J.P , miller &, postmaster O'KeJIy, Christopher, lumberman O'Moara, Daniel, merchant and general trader Porloou«, Robert, booi and shoo store Rowan, Joseph, innkeeper Supple, John, lumberman Swcezey, Aaron, blacksmith Wallace, Robert, boot and shoemaker White, Peter, lumberman M0UL1 Nation, Jnmes, i Parkin, W., »tv Proudroot, Dr. 1 Prenliis, Isaac, Rolls, Dr. Jamei Sbaw, Charles, i Also, in Morp MOORETOWN. (J\rot included in the Canada Directory.) A ViLLAOB situated in the Township of Moore, County of Lambton C W — dt.t.nt fr„„ a^riSo''""'"-""*^'"^''''^- T''- P"" ■•'Boo il knowTar;S-ol7'tpuuS Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. Baby, S. T. St. Co., steam grist, fJour and saw mills Baby &. Wright, general store and lumber merchants Cronkhite, David, carpenter « Galarneau, Louis, general store Kelly and Redmond, smiths Salmon, Thomne, saddler Salter, Rev. G. L R , Church of England Wright, P. M., postmaetor Wright, Malcolm, grocery and saloon r.t«on, E., shing) ftiJIey, George, I Fikes, N., carriag . MORPETH.-(Given anew). A Village situated on Talbot Street, in the Township of Howard, County of Kent CW Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. SuLLER, Robert, innkeeper and livery stable.* Cadt, James, saddler and harness maker Cornwall, J. B. McCoLLUM, Thomas, general merchant PoULiN, Leon. Richardson, J. W. Scott, Mathew, stave and commission merchant Smith, John L., innkeeper Taylor, James, boot and shoe store Warren, D., postmaster Ademan, Thomas, butcher Barrett, T. B., stave buyer Bell, Hiram, cabinetmaker Bills, Jonathan, potter Buller, Henry, blacksmith Cain, John, shoemaker CasweUi Jaoaes. innUt. Caswell, Horace, liverj stables Duck, George, custom house ofiScer and cirri division court Davis, James, cabinetmaker Findlay, Thomas, merchant Hamilton, John, carriagemaker and black- smith shop Hill, Erastus, warehouse keeper Jones, Richard, ta'lor KinjT, G. vv., merchnnt Lnidlaw, Adam, merchant McCleod, Archd., merchant tailor McClure, Wm., boot and shoemaker Biggar, H., town Eadie, Robert, gei Jones, W. L , gem Bingham, J., innk( Collett, C, tailor A Village situalei railroad nation at J cinity, and nuniero Boucher, Moses, g« Brouillet, Alexis, sr Dery, Francois, cai Dubuc, Joshua, axe Dacharrae, Edeste, Germain, Pierre, tic Heberf, Amable, tai Biggins, T. Jj, hotc B Preibjterisn lumbermen aod & poitmaiter lerman ni and general ■hoc Btore shoomaker — diatant from 5." Population MOOLINETTE-MOUNT PLEASANT-MONT ST. HILAIRE. i;*: Nation, Jnmei, merchant Parkin, W., atave merchant Proudfoot. Dr. H., phyijcian Prenliii, laaac, butcher Rollt, Dr. Jamea A., physician & druniit Shaw, Charlea, carriage maker 19S Swiihar, E., blaekamilh Sheldon k Felioira, iteam law mill Teeliill, John, iteam foundry Wallen, Dr. J. S., phy.lcl»n fc druggut Will.,], Wm., merchant " ., , -. Woode, George, barneaa maker A..o.l„ Morpeth-A„ Odd Fellow.' Lodge 5 Son. of Temperance Lodge, .„d . CadeU do' MOULINETTE. (See Canada Directort, Page 253.) Mxon, E., ahingle factory «Vi||ey, George, hotel beeper Fikea, N., carriage maker Addenda. Wood & Dixon, woollen factory DISCONTINUED. I Hubbard, J. S., .milh and hotel keeper 4 h of England nd saloon of Kent, C.W. 56 miles, and er and black- er lilor emaker MOUNT PLEASANT (See Canada DivEf;voRY, Page 253.) Addenda, Biggar, H., town reeve , »./-. r . Eadie, Robert, general store ! J|«r"„t"''J i"' ^*"?"'' **"'" Jones. W. L , general .tore and po.tma.ter Kr'i^ho"ma^^;XC;"' DISCONTINUED. Setrc.^Vanof''"^ 1 Fo.ter,Pr.. merchant MOUNT ST. HILAIRE. (J^ot included in t&e Canada Directory) cinity. and nurnerou, plea.ur; paS vi:y:hl';,^H.'o";ur;;^thV.rm"mc^'°^""^ '" ""■' ^'• Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades. &c. BoQcher, Mo&es, general .tore Brouillet, Aloii., smith Dery, Francois, carpenter Dubuc, Jo.hua, axe faclur> Dacharrae. Edesle, cloth factory Germain, Pierre, nur.eryman Heberf, Amable, tanner Higgin., T. Jj, hotel keeper an^ a 70 factory Hitchcock. H. W., postmaster Lahaise, Frs., miller Rainauld, Blanchard Mr.., French r>! and Sliepstone, James & Co.. starch factory Ssouthwick & Hitchcock, atarch factory cloth factory ' ;5 if r 194 MOUNT VERNON -NAPANEE. MOUNT VERNON, formerly Springfield 2nd. iLLAUE .ituatcd in the Townihip of Braniford, and County ol Dnnl, C.VV -diiUn. flrtnlfard, 7 milot-iUgo f«re, 2. 6d. Population, about 200. ^•^^—diilanJ A ViLLAUE iiitua torn « .. , / Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &o Collina, John, tailor Duttun, Jocnpli, ihoe nturc Goodiow, p., laddlor GriflBn, W. &, N. F., wafrgori rnaitcrH Irwin, Mathew, waggon niakur Jotintton.Fra., waggon ninkcr & innkcrper Mclntoth, J., tailor .Macphcroon, JamcH, innkeeper • Manna, Diivid.amilli Motf, tSc Jono», genera) itore Palmer. George, general more Porrin, TIiob., mill owner and pottmailcr Perrin, Tlmmui & Song, gcncrsl atnrt Porrin, Tiiomay, jr., general iiore ■ NAPANEE. (See Canada Directory, Pace 254.) .citciit population about 1100, Addenda. Campbell, Archibald, postmaster, general merchai.t, storekeeper, and issuer of marriage licenses "^ Carnall, George, Napanee hotel. Good accommodations and reasonable charges Chatterton, John, grocer and drover Chrtsdall, John, contractor, carpenter and cloth manufacturer Davt, B. C, barrister.at-law and agent for Provincial Mutual and General Insurance Company Davy, George H., general merchant and storekeeper EssoN, Robert, general merchant and storekeeper Ketchum, W. P., hotel and general stage house. An excellent house and charges moderate King, .Tohn, grocer, auctioneer and commission merchant Lucas, Nathaniel B., hat and cap maker and furrier Mackav, Archibald, farmer, 2 miles distant, on the Nupanee river Macpherson, Donald, miller, distiller and merchant Martin, David, general merchant and storekeeper Shorey, Milks, junr., Lenox hotel. Charges reasonable and accommoda- tions good Stevenson, Andrew, groceries and provisions and saloon keeper Benaon, Jobn, commis ion merchant Bonney, C. S , pumptnaker Brown, J. F., watchmaker Carberry, Patrick, collector of customs Bird, Rey Wm., Mtthodist Brewster, Rev. Mr, Wosleyan Blewett, James, grocer Cadman, Wm., smith Clark, Eli, miller Charters, J. Z , Aslor house hotel Conger, B., bricklayer Conger, John, mason Dunham, £. A., general store Dunning, L. N., saddler Fropcr, Abm., carpenter George, J. B., broom factory Grange, James, druggist Gibbert, John, fanning mill maker Hamilton, Gerard, carriagemaker Htiovey, Henry, baker Hnd confectioner Huffman, Bristol, hairdresser James, C, (late James & Peterson) general store Joy & Moonev, smiths Johnston. R M . •s.lillar McOttbe, — , carpenter • McBean, C, cabinet maker McMullen, Wm , teacher of academy Miller, W. Morre, F., KusMsll h ( Scales, Thi Sievenion I mill( Benn, Jame Blark. Itev, Brown, Ret Bruton, Chi Gunn, Wm. Greenleaf, ( Lanjihier, Ji McLaughlir A VlLLAOgV Gait, 8i mil ^ent, Anios, Brown, J. G Urydon.Thc Davidson, G( Guyer, Davii Hi nilton, C A Village t ships of Nori miles, frdm h of England, f and 400. Addison, Jan Baxter, Rev. Bell, Wm., in Brassar, Char Brown, R., st Conn*, Math Denny, John, and die Elliott, Jas., c Farroll, T., in Giles, J. G.. si Hartwell, G. : Heron, Mrn., ( Hutton, T., til Johnston, R. J Landon, Dr. . Larivpp, Peter. l^eecb, Richari Leech, James, Leech, Robert i 2nd. I C.\V.,~diiUnt eeper ure (ore and poitmatler cnuml stort ul ilore )er, and issuer nd reasonable I and General nt house and NEW ABERDEEN NEWBORO'. Mill«r, W. «i D., general itor« Morre, F., merchant tail, r KusmII 8c C o, en r. enters bcalet, Thumai, ^ ocer Sieventon & Co., general merchants and milleri •Sixmiih, George, tailor Telegraph Office, Samuel Peek, operator remplelon, All«n. (in.tead of Wm.) Un- ner, &c ' ™" I'obejr, Conrad, carpenter VValt», Wra., butcher RKMOVED, DISCONTIMUJCD BUSINESS OR DECAASBD Benn, Jamea, imith ^*A»eii. Blark. Re(f. J. Brown, Rer. M. Bruton, Cha., grocer Ounn, Wm. , itorekeeper Ureenleaf, O. D., printer, &e Unphier, John, shoemaker McLaughlin, James, tailor Moray, James, smith Kubt, — , carding mill Itcynolds. Re?. Mr. Slorr, ild., shoemaker Pringle, Daniel, hotel keeper Trom, James, saddler Templeton, Wm.. tanner, ho NEW ABERDEEN.-(Given anew.) Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &o. Bent. Amos, innkeeper and brickmakor Brown, J. O., saw mill Brydun, Thomas, cooper Davidson. Geo, postmaster and miller Guyer, David, inkecper Ih nilton, Capt. Thomaa I lucl, George, weaver Kay. Hugh, blacksmith ..nd waggon maker Laidlaw, James, tailor Philip, William Robb, Wm., acting P M, ,nd general .tore Ihomp'on, Joseph, ehoemakfr NEWBORO'.— (Given anew.) if.ip^s'of Norlh'i^d SoI!.I.^V"'r"^"' ""^ 'r,"'V'^ of 'ho Rideau Canal, in the Town- miles.frrfmKinVstfy,' ?ie?J,;Pr"'^^ C.W.,_di.tant from Brockville. ^ of Eneland. MefhSt Clil L.n « ""r.^J'"''"' ^?i "^''^ " •"*• ^ «''"^ •'»"«' Church and 400. """"•"" *'"»P«' a'>d School House, and contains a population of between 330 ]' J river accommoda- naker aker nfcctioner erson) general actdetny Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. Addison James, boot and shofimnkcr Bell, Wm., mnkecpcr Brassar, Charles, cooper Brown. R., storekeeper rZl^' ?**''""V' "uperintendent of schools uenny, John, sieam saw and flouring mills and distillery Fn»In t'"- ""P^"'". joiner & contractor farrell, T., innkeeper Giles. J G Baddler and harness maker rfartwell. G. E , bailiff Heron, Mrc)., dressmaker Mutton, T.. tinrmiih- Johnston, R. J., tanner Landon, Dr. A., surgeon liariVPP. Potnr oh»nn,.l J^eecb, Richard, grocer and potash maker jjeech, James, carpenter and joiner t-cech, Robert, cabinet maker Lilly, Bates, carpenter and joiner Little, Thomas, tailor McDonald, James, general store McDonald &. Rowswrli, general store McDonald, D,, lock master Manuel, James, blacksmith Miller. Dr. W. J., surgeon Moffatt, J., general store Nichols, — . waffgon maker Rabb, Wm., school master Randall, — , distiller Slaplcton. James, grocer Stevcnn, James B., postmaster and clerk tf division court, &c Slant' n, George, carpenter and joinrr Tett, Benjamin. J P. Tctl. Wni. H., innkeeper and bailiff Watkins, Rev. N.. Chorch of England Warwick. John, shoemaker Whaley, Isaac, blacksmith * M: 126 NEWBURiSH- NEWCASTLE~NEW DUNDEE. NEwiuRGir (See Canada Directoby, Page 255.) Addenda. Aylsworth^ Isaao, publisher of " The In. dex" newspaper Beeeh, David, teacher Bristol, A., general store Caton Sl Miller, general store Jones, fiev. B., Wesleyan Lane, Rev. Henry, Church of England McGew, J. B., teacher Ruttan, Dr. Allan, phyeioian Scott, Thomas, smith Clair, Dr. Joseph Irons, Wm., shoemaker REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED. I Reynolds, Rev. Joseph I Scott, Rev. Thomas A 7ir.LA0E I tant from Mc Bennet, Tho9 Clarkion, Jos Dunn, James, Drapas, ~, n Furse, Wm., | H«le, John, J NEWCASTLE. (See Canada Directory, Page 256.) The name of « Bond Head" is now changed to " Port Newcastle." Beacham, D., cabinet maker Bradley, Wm., British Canadian hotel and stage hou8« Casslemaii, Jacob, general store ritzgerald, J. G., collector of customs Herman, J,, junr., general store Hodges, Hiram, general store & postmaster Hunter, Geo. F., general store Addenda. Jacobs, Goo. A,, general store Kempt, George, general alore McCormaok, Joseph, cooper McCormaok, Archibald, carpenter McNaughton Brothers, general store McNaughton, A., Newcastle flouring mills Sloane, S., innkeeper. Port Newcastle Strowger, Wm., Port Newcastle hotel Broekenabire, John, grocer Clarke, 6. M., barrister Clarke, Edward, collector of customs Ham, P., tailor Jobes, J., tanner Kennedy, Rev. Thomas Maybee, B. H., cabinet maker Olford, John, shoemaker' DISCONTINUED. Parker, John, innkeeper Powers, T., tailor Tennery, John E., hotel Tmney, Jas., distiller Trelevan, James, carpenter Trema'n, Richard, smith Warren, Thomas, brickmaker NEW DUNDEE. (J\rot included in the Canada Directory.) SIuoS'""'"''" "'the Township of Wilmot. County of Waterloo, C.W. Population Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &c. Allchin, John, clerk of the divisiun court Baird, Alexander, innkeeper Beach, L^man, smith LKjjiionBoniager, i'iiiillp, joiner M'li ' Z'9'' Storekeeper and postmaster Miliar, F. G., grist and saw mills Mitchell, Hugh, wacjron maker Morloy, George, baihtf Smith. RnhnBfiAn An^MA. r **"T """per Spencer, Geo., saddler Wegenast, Geo., cabinet maker A RISING Vll fare to Gait, 2; Allan, William Bastian, Rev. i Clelland, Andn Frank, Sy!ve8t( German, Charh Hunter, Williai Murner, Samu( Also— 4 innk A Village situ Gait, 6 miles ; i Nahroano, < Allendorf, Geo., Barbour, W., it Bergey, EH, 8ho( Bergev, M., lim( Campbell, D., gr Daffron, W., sho Eiienbach, Geo., Forbes, Robert, t glue facto Feder, John, ston Frosh, J,, stone i Gliek, Jacob, inn Gluck, J., coopei Grube, J., weav( Hespeler, J., gris cooperage iicaS, nuam, iurr Haller, Fred., car House, A., tannei in ch of England ioian NEW GLASGOW-NEW HAMBURGH-NEWHOPE. 127 NEW GLASGOW.-(Given anew.) ^s;^iiS:Xii^^!^''^:X^ Alphabetical list of Professiona, Trades, &c. Bennet, Thos., general blacksmith Clark^on, Joseph, general store & postmaster Dunn, James, mill owner Drapas, ~, miller Furse, Wm., general store Hale, John, J. P. tannery and store Lockhnrt, Rev. A. D.. Church of Engltnd Lowden. Rev. Alex., United PresbTterian McAdam, Hugh, senr., J.P. McAdam, Hugh, junr, tanner/ Murray, John, general atore NEW HAMBURGH. (Jtrot included in the Canada Directory.) ■ r itore lore )cr Jarpenier moral store Btic flouring mills rt Newcastle 'Castle hotel tur V. Populatioa iker Allan, William H., brickro-'' Alphabetical list cf Piriessicns, Trades, &c. er Bastian, Rev. G., Methodist Clelland, Andrew, general store Frank, Sylvester, brewery German, Charles, general store Hunter, William, general store Murner, Sannuel, iron founder A180-4 innkeepers, and over 20 master mechanics. Nevills. Titus G. S., general store, miller & cloth factory Rudolph, Martin, printing office ^cott, William, postmaster, general atore. distiller and cloth factory Thomson, George, general atore ker NEWHOPE.~(Given anew.) Alphabetical List of Nahroano, C, postmaster, general Allendorf, Geo., weaver Barbour. W., innkeeper Bergey, Eli, shoe store Bergey, M., limeburner CampbeU, D,, grocery Daffron, W., shoemaker Eisenbach, Geo., weaver Forbes, Robert, tannery, saw mill, shoe store, glue factory and smith Feder, John, stone mason Frosli, J., (tone mason Gliek, Jacob, innkeeper Gluck, J., cooper Orube, J., weaver Hespeler, J., grist andjsaw mills, distillery, cooperage and timber merchant nsss, Adam, turning factory nailer, Fred., carpenter House, A., tanner Professions, Trades, &o. store and druggist I Himmer, Geo., shoemaker Herdel, H., carpenter Holn, Robt., saw mill Hammelt, Thomaa, blacksmith Johnston, J., blacksmith Jackson, Jas., currier I King, J. & W., grocery Karch, Chas., carpenter and glue manufac- lurer Kramp, i.; cooper Kribs, L., carpenter " Little, Thomas, lawyer Luviii, P., cooper Laufier, P., clockmaker Langhouse, P., shingle factory Miller, Jacob, innkeener McLean, J. D., carpenter Oberholser, J., saw mil! ^ Pickeo, J., shoemaker 136 NEW LIVERPOOL— NEW MARKET. Pillen, W., miller Fanlebaker, L., carpenter Pembroke, W. L., innkeeper Que.-nbach, P., wagoner Reed, Thos., diatilier Rose, L., miller Roos, Jacob, cooper Ruppert, H., carpenter R»e, Ben., sawyer «. Raithel, J,, tailor Rotharmel, L., carpenter Sipea, J., sawyer Soutfer, W., local preacher New Connexion Society Sachs, G., cooper Sachs, E., baaketmaker Shaw, A., blacksmith Skipper, W., tailor Smidt, F., cooper S>mi(h, A., carpenter Souder, J , tobacconist Siege, Henry, carpenter Strickler, H., store Swariz, J., wagoner Wiesman, G., cooper Winters, F., blacksmith White, George, grist and saw mill fiellbuusr, G., Goodfellow, Re GoriMro, C, eh Graham, Wm., Guernsey^ E. A Hodgson, Re7. NEW LIVERPOOL. (See Canada Directory, Page 267.) Addenda and Errata. Bourassa, Edward, grocer Horrion, (instead of Harrison,) E., gr9cer ^<iC,tendy, Mrs., {fcneral store McKcnzie, John, grocer NEW MARKET, (See Canada Directort, Page 257.) Addenda Allan, James, foundry Ashton, Samtiel, storekeeper Baker, Rev. — ., Congregationalist Barber, Mrs., teacher, ladies school liotsford, Joseph, cabinet maker Brodie, Robert, (instead of J..) carpenter Caldwell, J. B., chair maker Cawthra, Joseph, general store Chantler, (instead of Chartler,) Dr. H. Clarke, — , cloth manufacturer Conron, Thomos, butcher Coryell, (instead of Corgcll,) A., smith Cotter, John, tailor Crooks, Wm. B., tinsmith Daily, Patrick, baker Davison, John, r <rdwaincr Drake, — , cordwainer Ellis, Samuel, cordwainer Ford, Dr. Orrin Garbutt, (instead of Garbrot,) W,, carppntei Garbutt, Thomas, shoemaker Hackett, Dr. James Holchcroft, J. B,, waggon maker H,<t,»A> r*. I-— Jacobs, Jacob, watchmaker and Errata. Johns, Thomas, miller Kelly, Daniel W,, cordwainer Lane, James, printer Lochead. Ruv. Robert O'Laughlin, Rov. Michael, Roman Catholic Porter, G. S., proprietor New Era newspa- per Pyne, Dr, physician Reinhart, Jacob, cordwainer Robinson, Ruben, cordwainer Roe, Wm., postmaster and general store Roper, Thomas, tailor Savlgny, Korke & Co., oarpentors Smith & Mo Master, general store Stewart, Francis, tailor Sullivan, William, tailor Tatham, Rev. Wm., district sohoolmaitcr Willaon, Hugh H., temperance house Wood, Joseph, painter Township Council .— Jas. Hartman, M.P, P., reeve ; Honry Widema i, deputy reeve s Geo. Playtor, R. H. Smith, Geo. Brodie, councillors : John Ro* gart, treasurer; G. S. Porter, clerk. Present populatic Bonner, B.. hij Clench, F. A. Davidson, Ale: Johnson,!. H. Mercer, L. W. Miller, W. D., Morrison, J. C. Streef, Thos. C iBank of Upper Lirerpool sind I I Colonial Life A I Alexander, Rev. Ji j Bowen. Charles, h. I Clement, George A I Lotkhart, James, ( Masarl, Rev. Mr., JBtrr, Wm., itoroko I Bite St. Hunter, gei I Dodds, David, sadc Canadian Insti \Cntat, P. V. C. [Ckssse, E. L., ni [Collkge of Nic Rev. C. h feasors NIAGARA— NICOLET. 19» Goodfellow, Re». John H«wd Re». J. E. Goftom, C, cloth faotorv 1, !!.'• ''"' ""'""' Oraham. Wm., wBggo„ni«ker K""' n"' T* •'•"■«l««eppr GuernMy. E. & A., .lorekeepw. ' S'",J ^^^ •^«'n«' Hodffion, Rtv. Mr. ?.?'*• "•• 'e«cher - , I ♦Ware, Dr. J. E. NIAGARA. (Sbb Canada Dimkotory, Pagb 258.^ Present population , about 3,300. ^'>lic Officers, (Addenda). Bonner, B., high constable Clench, F. A . B., clerk of county court Davidson, Alexander, postmaster Johnson, J. H., clerk of police court S}?;«'ef»I'-W"., deputy sheriff Miller, W. D., revenue inspector Morrison, J. C, M.P.P. for Niagara Street, Thos. C, M.P.P. for Welland Bank „f IT !J^'. ^'^'^ Companies. &c., (Addenda.) Bank of Upper Canada, Thomas McCormick, agent Liverpool and London Fire and Life AssuranrA r a . Colonial Liie Ass„«.nce CompJy%':TlZM%^'T' '"''^'°"' •«'"* Alphabetical Addenda. Alexander, Rev. John, Froo Church I Bowen, Charlee, baker and coofcctioncr I Clement, George A., general hardware I Jf*"""*' Jonies, dry goods store Muaart, Rot. Mr., Roman Catholic |B«rr, Wm., itorokoeper 15*'?.*' Hunter, general more Dodde, David, eaddter DTSCONTINUED. McCulloch, John, grocer 5[f'««.pr.,pli,,iciBn Walsh & Co. printera and publiahera of " Ihe Chronicle" Voung, Rev. Gcrgc, Wesleyan Harvey, Rev. George Lynch. Rev. Mr. Simpion, .Tohn, publisher and bojksfiUer 1 «- , [ll NICOLET. (Sbr Canada Dihbctory, Page 25.9.) [fartman, M.p. I Addenda. idema 1, deputjr llANADlAN INSTITUTE OP NiCOLST M r P- ..• I. Porter, clerk. |^«"5B, £.. i^., notary public, &c feasors ' ^' "' '^"'"•» ^e*'- F- Desaulniers, pro- 44p' Nl>HWUR&r-NOilTH GOWKtt. # Beaubien, Lt.-Col, Jean, J.P. Beaubien, L. A , notary Beaubien, E , notary ' t ' Beaubien, M. C, advocate ' ' BelleroM, Capt. Norbert Chaillouz, Pierre, courieir Chillas, (instead of Chileas,) H. A., po«t. master < CrebBBsa, Mrs. J., boarding house Duval, Capt. Joseph Guuin, David, grocer (instead of hotelkeeper) Hughes, Charles, lumber merchant ' 'A /. Jennery, Francis, boarding house 'Lupi^n. JOachim, general store Marchand, H, general store ' tuoriilU Pelletier, D., saddler Simmons, ?. C, wharfinger, PortSt. Fram cis, and lumber metehant . i:t.:... Thornton, Mrs. W., general' store ' "•" ■ Trigge, Thomas, J.P. Toupin, Charles, baker * Trudel, Capt. Joseph de B. Trudel, M., bailifT i| f /Tiiidfel, Joseph, smith OlSCONTIMCED. ^ ^. Descoteau, Charles, boarding house i Larocquo. Dr. B. Hamelin, Hubert, storekeeper | Nourrit, E. P., J.P. The other names remain as given in the Canada Directory. NITHBURG. ilW^ ..H'.A .1 ,fl->ri'.!'.' {J^ot included in the Canada Direciori/.y ,.il .I,,nor^(! Village situated in the Township of North Easthope, County of Pei'th,C//W',' • ' ' List of Professions. Trades, &6. Browii, Baird & Co., flout and saw mills Bron;r,, James, postmaster and general store Browniee, John, carpenter & cabinetmaker Cair_!»bfc!lt Danief, boots and shoes Curtis, Wm., tanner, curiicr and shqe «tpre Dpeherly, Jas.» smitb and waggonmakcr Milne, Rev. Walter Moffatt &, Taylor, flour and qataotl milli Stewart, John, tailor i ^ ,n: U^uc- White, Marcus, general itor<i y ;, ' -^-m-f •n 1q ^th'-* n ■{ . , ,v«K 1 ■ NORTH GOWEHt- {^ot included in the Canada Directory.) ■■JU'Ilil. ,■ -^ A ViLLAGB situated in the Township of North Gower, County of CBrlecon, C.W.— distant from Prescott, 35 miles, from Kemptville, 15 miles, from Richmond, 8 miles, from Bytowii, 25 miles, and from Lindsay's wharf, on the Rideau Canal, 4^ miles. Mail leaves for Rich- mond, Bell's Corners, Nepfean, and Bytown, at 7 a.m. on Tunsdays. Thursdays and Ss- turdays, and returning, arrives at 3^ p.m. skme days. Population, about 200. '" ' Alphabetical List Amstrong, William, cooper Barrass, David, |^w mill Bartleman, Pclcr, millwright Beaman, William, cartmaker . ^ Beckett, Wm.icartmaker Bruce, Thomas, joiner Burke, J. R„ general store Christie, Andrew, house framer Corwin, Wm., clerk of divieion court Craig, Thomas, tanner and shoemaker Eastman, J. F., saddler Elliott, W'lliarn, innkeeper , , Fenton;Jf. E., geneVsKtoV /"^ ^ ''.''*■ Fei^ttson,Jos*ph, joiner '•« ,no !«!('> Gilbert, Enos, innkeeper of FrofessioBS, Trades, &c. { Gilbert, Ira, blacksmith it j 1 *''^l?'"'y> f^oi'ler, chairmakcr • "-^ I Hicks, John, cooper j Holder), C. & Co , general store Johnston, James, innkeeper and balljiT I Junes, Nehemiali, cooper ,fj,^,, Ki^kwocid, Mathew, weaver " ' ' Mc'Ewan, Nadab, blacksmith ! Molntyre, John, shoemaker •■ IQAHi Neelon, Wm., shoemaker { ..v?.^?; Petiigrew. John, (e.ilor i -,,*;'/ Russell, Janice, postmaster Tomer, Thomas, general stot'i Wright, John, shKMinfeltr ' ''>ii Wright, Mark, tanner .. :\ .(» A VlLLAOB siti tioD, about 200 Canady, Alexa Ducharine, Lo Fraeer, jfames, Leclaire, (;., | clerk, gi AtcDanald, An McDonald, Do .McDonald, Jan McDonald, Ke McDonald, Ho McDonald, Cbj McDonald, Ca] McDuugald, A .McDougald, Ci McGilIrs, John, asliery a McGillls, Capta A Village site Prince Edward, Kingston, per Bi Baker, Daniel, t Baker, John, ca Brookes; Snmue Brummell, John Cronk, John M.. Crysdale, Isaac , Donnelly, Wm., Fones, Daniel, ci Fones, Robert F Present populatii Alexander, Rev. Gooderliam, Wm tanner Jnhnston, W. H., Man!if>, James, t M=:iZiCF, JtiilMc, Miller, James N. ng house I store lore "tiuai.'ji jer, PortSl. Frani lerehant . nt .„. oral Bt(»« ^'"' • 131 B. 2Ui .,,i ■.,... • I waggonmakcr nd oatmoal milti i ' ■iii ioofi- itOM J ;, V ■ ' .Kfli'lirii') ,HT ••-ttillsf. ,!1Bih': I, C.W.— distant lee. froro fiytowii, 1 lesvea for Rich- iirsdaya and Sa- 100. "i cr 1 Btoro !r and batljfl' lith sr •: latAi Btor^ NORTH LANCASTBR-NORT H PORT-NORVAL. NORTH LANCASTErT ~~~ {JTot included in the Canada Directory ) tVZlUT'^' " ^'"^ ^"'^'"''"' "^ ''--'-. County of Glcngary, C.W. P„p„,i. Alphabetical List of Canady, Alexander, teacher Dueharme, Louis, smith Fraser, James, teacher Leclaire, V., postmaster, J. P., townchip clerk, general store & potash factory Aicilunald, Arcliibald, shoemaker McDonald, Donald, teacher McDonald, James, teacher McDonald, Kenneth, tannery McDonald, Hugh, lumber mernhant McDonald, Captain Donald B. McDonald, Captain John P. : MoDaugald, Archibald, smith McDoug»ld, Captain Angus B. McGillis, John, general store, pot and pearl u f- ..^^'^'y »' ^ town oouncillor McGillie, Captain Angus, saw mill Professiqps, Trades, &c. McGillis, Donald, mail carrier McGruer, Duncan, town counoillor McMillan, Donald, saw mill McRae, Chrislopher.^ciirpcnlcr McUao, Donald, lo'.vn reeve and smith Mclnnes. Kenuelti, smhh ■Vlasson, John, slioomaiier Montgomery, Dr., physician Morison, John, wheelwright Ricliardson, Robert, tailor Sargison, Richard, smith Thompson, Dunuld, smith Thompson, John, carpenter ^-^ Sutherland, John, town treasurer Stuart. Peter, clerk of court Young, Archibald, weaver NORTH PORT.~(Given anew). A Village situated on the Kbo nt n„\,^t^ • .i_ m Prince Edward C. W IdrslaJt'U'^B" ^'i,',': 'fe ]^'t m' |"''^-^r ' ^"""^^ "^ Kingston, per Bay of Quinte. about 60 miles Fopl-atii kbouUS^o"'""* miles; from Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &o Baker, Daniel, carpenter and builder Baker, John, carpenter and builder Brookes; Samuel R., tinsmith Bruinmcll, John, tanner and shoemaker Cronk, John M., tanner and shoemaker Crysdale, Isaac J., tailor Donnollv, Wm., blacksmith Fones, Dar.iel, carpenter and millwrit»l.t fones, Robert F , carpenter and builder ■ ,t.n.Ii , _^, ;mnn!. M.jrden, Richard, general store and wiiarf Kobinson, John, cabinetmaker Robmson, Wflliam, innkeeper ' bimpson, William, blacksmith bmiih, Joseph, cooper Solrn^s, Samuel, postmaster and clerk of Division Court Tuttic, Bradford, cabinetmaker and wheel, wnght NORVAL. (See Canapa J^xitECTOHY, Page 260 ^ Present population, about 400, ■"*''• '^ Ai ^ „ Addenda. Alexander, Reir. J., Free Church Oooderham, Wm., general store, miller m.l tanner Johnston, W. H., eooper Maniifi, James, tinsmith incizicF, Jiines. aasemor Miller, James N., collector ^S/i iW<\ .'Wilier & (,noke, butchers O'Bricrf & Co., joiners Overfield, Mies, milliner .^niil'oi- T«„,. I) _ I .. ~7 ' •"""'-3 t\., saaaior Wnteon.Wm,, jr., smith . Removed. Re '. D. Fraser >r i . "l\ .'■ w *' ■m ^M w ' ^' iH ljjt 1*H !■ ilteaM ISS norwichVille-norwood. NORWICHVILLE.-(Given anew.) A ViLLAOB iituatfed in the Townthip of N.)rivich, County of Oxford, C. W.— diitant from i.tU)n"a°bout 450*' *"""" "'"'"'""""*• '' n'''""-"""! •««{re ftre to Barford. 2s 6dr t>opn Alphabetical Lfist of Professions, Tn^des, &c. ^^""' b*n"h'' '^'^^'^ "^'''^ *'°"''' *"'' commissioner of court of Queen'g CoRNEiL, Henry John, postmaster and dealer in dry goods, crorerics hardware, &c., corner sjore'in the brick block owned by Dr. E.' C<C'.y> *' Adams, Henry J., harness maker Addison, William, cabinet maker Anderson, Edward, shoemaker and genetal store Bailey, James, waggon and sleigh maker Barr &, Co., iron toundors Bedford, Paul, innkeeper Blcakley, George, bakery, &c Brown, Robert, innkeeper Br*arley, Mrs, F. W,, Bclcct ladies' school Cameron, J., &, Bro , masons & bricklayers Catton, Henry, general sloro Cook, Dr. E., physician, surgeon, &,c Crane, Isaac, school teacher P'Long, Avery, &. Co., iron founders George, W. H., tailor Halligan, W., tailor Hand, T., ahoemaker Hand, W., shoemaker Jennings, Solomon, bailiii'division cr.urt McKee, John, tannery Moore, G. H., general store McCaulay, J. D., blacksmith Nicholson, James, blacksmith Park, N. J., physioiao, surgeon,' Aie Poldon, W., blacksmith d .r.u.- Roddy & Bros., tailors ' : Sackridcr, L., merchant Scott, Robert, saleratas manufacturer Searles, W. B., bailiff diTision eonrt Steel, John, miller, tea Smith, Stephen, temperance house Stroud, Wni., innkeeper S(rphensoi), H, carpenter, joiner, &n Swan, Rev. M., Methodist Swiizef, A., tinsmith, carriage maker, &,c Tidey, John,junr., bookseller Tidey, John N , s'urreyor Thompson & Yates, tailors Vanvalkenburgh, C.> & Co,, cabinet and chair makers Wallace, T., distiller Webster, David, general store Webster, Hugh, general store Wickham, Charles, carriagemaker West, William, cooper Whitney, B. S. & E., tin and copper smiths NORWOOD. (See Canada Directory, Page 260.) Addenda and Errata. Bell, Aleir., shoemaker , Burke, William, general store | Farley, Rev. Mr., Roman Catholic I Graver, P. M., saw mill and shingle factory i Harper, John, joiner Innis, Michael, jnmcr McAleese, Rev. D., Presbyterian McCauley, Wm., general store Reynolds, E. J., temperance inn and itort Sargent, Wm., blacksmith Slater, Rev. J. C, Methodist Waters, Thomas, bootmaker Willson, Dr. J. B., physician .■ Wilson, Robert, general store V ,ri ,i REMOVED. nf«ir!OKI'rritftTv<n i»Tq¥win«« ^^ J , ' , Folejr, Thomas, general store, &.c Higgim, Rev. B., Roman Catholic Morton, Rev. W., Methodist A Village situat firantfurd, the Cu the County of No Abbott. J. W., 8h( Beebe, Smith, gei Beebe, Jerdin, inr Bingham, Slumati Byom, Rev. — , E Cuwics, Richard, Fletcher, D. C, n 'Jriffing,E. C, hs Henderson, Roberi Knox, John, biaoli Lowes, John, carp Malcolm, Eiiak Township clerk ai Redmond, G. W., general etore Smith, Rev. A., Methodist Present population Arnott, David, dry .iddison, George, t Ashman, W.-n., ehi Avis, John, smith Balmer, Robert, to vision court Backus, Wm.,8lf,( Baker, Gcoige, live Baker, Charles, but Barclay, John, gen Best, J., builder Boon, Isaac, builde Bradley, Lewis, bal Beljea, Jesse, Fr'jn Chuholm, Geo. K., Coates, Richard, 01 Davis, Charles, Uni Doty &, Hibbard, ir Flock, Dr. William Gage, Hagaman 3c storage ware Griggs, Geo., liverj Griggs, S., baker Hare, John, builder Hemphi]! & Briggs, iiouge, Kiahard, tin Jones, Wm., painter Kenney, S. W., gro Leach, Robert, build .OAKLAMO-OAKVILLE. m v.— distant fjoin d, 29 6dr Vdpn rt of Queen'i is, groreries, led by Dr. E. ;eon,&o mufaoturer ion oonrt B house joiner, &o »gc maker, &,c cr 'o.. oai^inct and ore ire emakcT n and copper s inn and stott iu Di ure OAKLAND.— (Giv6n anew.) Abbott, J. W,, shuemaicer and grocer Beebe, Smith, general merchant Beebe, Jerdin, innkeeper Bingham, Sluman, halter Byom, Re». — , Episcopal Metiiodist Cuwles, Richard, tailor Fletcher, D. C, millwright GriiBng, E. C, hatter Henderson, Robert, blacksmith Knox, John, blacksmith Lonres, John, carpenter List of Professione, Trades, &c. Malcolm, S. D., steam saw mill Nobbs, Robt., carriage maker Secords, D. & D., millers Smith, J. H.. carpenter Smith, W. F., carpenter Smith, A. N., stove dealer Toyne, John, postmaster and merchant Vivian, John, miller Vivian, Stephen, carpenter Younf , William, merchant Tc!lIX^£|;t d \SS,^i S^'^ '«"•' "' '"« Township. T.^nc, Joh. OAKVILLE. (See Canada Directory, Page 261.) Present population about 1300, and steadily increasing. Addenda and Errata. Arnott, David, dry goods and clothing Addison, George, tailor and clothier Ashman, W.-n., shipbuilder Avis, John, smith Balmer, Robert, town clerk and clerk of di. vision court Backus, Wm.jslf.emaker Baker, Geoige, livery stables Baker, Charles, butcher Barclay, John, general store Best, J., builder Boon, Isaac, builder Bradley, Lewis, baker, &c Belyea, Jesse, Frontier house Chlsholm, Geo. K., sergeant>at-arms Coates, Richard, organ builder Davis, Charles, Union hotel Doty & Hibbard, iron founders, «Sto Flock, Dr. William, physician Gage, Hugaman & Co., general store and storage warehouse ^"■'gg". Geo., livery startles Griggs, S., baker Hare, John, builder Hemphin & Briggp, carriageniaktsrs iiouse, Kiohard, tinsmith Jones, Wm., painter Kenney, S. W., grocer Leach, Robert, builder and conti;actor Moulds & Jull, builders and oontractors McDonald, James, builder Morley, James, tailor McElroy, Joseph, carriagemaker McEIroy, Charles, painter McLean, John, contractor McReady, James, Royal Exchange hotel Palin, George, watchmaker Patterson, 1)., builder Potter, John, shipbuilder Quinlan, William, botcher '.',',' Sammers, J. Scji, iron founders ' ' Shanklin, Hev, R,, Church of England Sherburne, Wm., boots and shoes Smith, R. & R., butchers Smith, Thompson, lumber merchant and shipowner Taylor, Thomas, grocer Thompson, Frederick, general store Walker, Charles, telegraph operator William*, John, Oakville hotel Wilson, George, baker Wright, Dr., physician Young, Williairt, cabinet maker holm, president; J. W. Williama, vice-president; James Reid, treas- urer ; R. Balmer, tccreta^. )'j I 1 I i r' i |, . i ^4 m ORrLLIA— ORONO— OSGOODE. Bi»«ett & Kiiy, thoo ilnre Chi^<holm, John, flour mill DaviB, C.| (einperanco inn Foreman, Jc)lin,'Btuic'keeper DISCONTINITBD. Given*, Rev. S. Harris, T. S., ■turaj^e war«liauia Lcneh, R., & Co., iron Tounden Quinn, M. P., store keeper ORILLIA. (See Canada Directory, Page 262.) Addenda A«ylum for the cure ornervoua and insane feinaleii, by John Ardagh, M.D. Church, Wm, junr., steam saw mill Clarke, Geo , snw mill Oow, Andrew, f riat and saw mills Haynea, Dr. H.. physician McMiillen, Marcus, general store Perry, D., general store Portus.T. H., general store acd auctioneer DISCONTINUED. Dallas, Frederick, taw and firrist mills i s»Mr. !?«,. n or i Morbish. Henry, m Her i *''""' *^''^' ^•> We»Ioyan ORONO. (See Canada Directory, Page 262.) Present population about 500. •"^■^•^^ , Addenda. Archibald, Tlios. & Ci>, general store Arnott, William, Kcm-ral storn Bryce & McMurrich, general st ira Caldwell, O., saddler Clarkson, Wm. &, Co., general store Crawford, Wm.. tanner and saddler Crossfield, Rev Geo., Methodist Episcopal DaviKon, Peter, general store Garner, Gifford & Co., tannery Haight, C. C., grocer Hayward, Rev. H. S., Chrlstiali Hayward, Hiram, M.D. Herriman, Luther, M.D. Hutton, N. & Co., iron founders Jobes & Williams, tannery Kempt, George, general Itore Lawrence, Rev. Geo., Presbyterian Might, James, M.D. Tucker, Joseph L, postmaster, genernl ilore and miller DISCONTINUED. Fairbairn, John, store keeper OSGOODE. (J^Tot included in the Canada Directory.) ■ .■■f.:...:.j, TownTpX'tlm'^''' "'""'''' -"'^^-"•y "f Curleton, C.W Population of thel iii.'a;. Alphabetical list of Professioiw, Trades, &c. A'lafij Lfi ji, physleiaii Allan, Arthur, town reeve Baker, A. J., town councillor, general store and aehery Bowers, John C, postmaster and general! store I Cameron, Daniel, senr., J.P. and postmaslcrl Cameron, John, general store and ashery Cangley, Thomi Daw, jr., town c Delagni^, Rev. \ Grant, Robert,! Grant, Robert, i Hannah, Henry, Lswion, Andrei Im|. John, town Lochead, Bev. 1 Loueks, Wm, J, UoDiarmid, Jph MoDonell, Ar6h U Present pdpulati< Begg, Alex./prii " Oshawa printer Bishop, William, Bowerman, Josej: paid for «v Billings, John, bi Burns, Miss, schi Butterfield, Lani and town Doughty, Willian Doyle, R«v. J., d Carswell, Henry, Clarkson, W., vil Fuller, Joseph, ai Gibb,T.N.,(insl and town Graham, J., (inst Hall, Samuel, wo paid for wi Auckland, (of'* agents, &c Fairbank, L,, disi surer unJy Hollahd, R. L.. bi Oliphant, D., prir Oshawa Reformei Philp, Rev. W., \ o Additional Hai Aird, Geo. ud W Anderson &. Parac relinuae undera r al atoro a acd auctioneer Ittlata '''-■■,>'■ • andera ire ibyterian er, generfti itore ipulation of the| a ,j% tiifUt u-.i ter and generall . and postDiaBlcrl re and ashery OSrt'AV A-OTTAWA RIVER. 1^ Cangley, Thomaa. tovrn ottuncillor Daw, J., (own cautiolllor Delagne. Rof. Mr., Roman f atholic Grant, Robert, junr., ffeneralatore Grant, Robert, aenr., J.f . ^ I' Hannah, Henry, J.P. Lawaon, Ani(rewi giSne^al atore and ashery Lee. John, town couhcillfli* Lochead, Bev. Wm,, Preabyterian Loueka, Wm, J., general atore HeDiarmid, Jphn, gnat mill McDonell, ArdhibaFd, J.P. MoDoneli. Allan, ar .11 McDoiicll, Alcxr.,J.P. McGregor, Robert, aaw mill McNob, John, J.p, McN^b, Peter, J.P. ;' McPhail,ReT. Daniel, Baptiat Morgan, Ira & Co., general atoro' Pattiaon, Rev. Wm., Methodiat '" Stewart, Janiea, W ., general atore ' ' Wallace, William, junr., general atore anij flnhfipir ^ aahery a ■ II! I ••»!» ,J.-i.'. ■I ). OSHAWA. (She Canada Directohy, Pagh,262.). P/eaeiil populatidn abont W50. ' .(^•p.r)'JU>.iP (>»■ Alpluibetieal Addenda and Errata. Begg, Alex.; printer and publjaher of the "Oahawa l^'reenian," and general printer Biehop, William, Wellington hotel Bowerman, Joseph, woollen factory. Caah paid for wo il Billinga, John, barriater at law Burna, Miaa, achool teacher BuUerfield, Lanson, fanning mill factory and. town councillor Doughty, William, Oahawa House, hotel Doyle, Rev. J., disciple Carswell, Henry, baker and confeclioner Clarkaon, W., village clerk ' ^^ .'MOimoU. Fuller, Joseph, auctioneer ' .'^>'f''-- '<:■ Gibb, T. N.,(inetead of T. M.,) mill owner and town re6re Graham, J., (instead of T.,) innkeeper Hall, Samuel, wooilen manufkctorer. Caah paid for wool ; ii..!iH>. RSMOTED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. ..' .it Kj' "*"^* * Auckland, (of ii^'hiluig 6^ Auckland), Al . f| . ■■ ,■ „ , ,:;^n .)1<)>|HJI .7-)(I(ItX '(llJ'jIl ,1oilU!l'>i«0K,l nm'i ..N ,it .!nM7<)'»,I »l>t>l ,.H Ji'V/.nw.I -; • .-ivKf . fi ',) ,i,o».I Hoag, He* . J., Chriatian 'O'il -A 'n'i >fi^/. Howell, C. (inatead of J.,)^in«>8l atbre ' Irwin, C. K., dentist and giperatorat Tele- graph ofTico t Keller, F., auctioneer and bailiff Law, Rev. John, Wcsleyan ( l4pckbait, Allan (late Luckhart & Wilson), ' miller and diatiller McByrne, D,, village collector ^ Nutt, Hiram dcCo,, carpenterii, ! ' .'„ McGill. Dr. town councillor "' ■'",?'^"^ Moscript, R., agent Mutual Life Insurance Co., and town councillor Oshhw^ Freeman, wo«kly, A. Begg, pub. lishcr Ryeraon, E. F., barriater at law . '■ni-'ai Sutton, W. J., (instead of Willm.,) bh^ niiat and droggiat, and vilfckge trea- surer ,; .■ li,. Warren, J., &"Co., general atore it..n* J ^I'ltuui agenta, &,c Fairbank, L., discontinued as village trea- , fiarer only • Holiahd, R. L., banister uijLii'' -j Oliphant, D., printing office '"**"*' '",' Oahawa Reformer, now Oshawa Freeman Fhilp, Rev. W.. Wealeyan Scott, J., diaconlinued aa vUJage clerl ' only f^ Skao, E., operator at telegraph ■'''*'•'* Wheeler, Miss, teacher , ,, n'yfl?*i') Walker, J., wool dealer, A;»' * •i;-'»'«t-s' ' Woon, R., innkeeper " '■ .l!»«'.«m:> Wright, J., St, Co.. carpenters ''^ •''■'''"''^ OTTAWA filVER ^ its Tributaries, (3tt Canada DiRBtofoRYj Page 263.) Additional Hames of Licensed Lumber Merchants on the Ottawa and its , I^il^ntaries. Anderson & Paradia, (Juebep, C. fi. ^ Browne, D. T., Packenhim, C. W. 1^ ' * V I t ,i 'J 'I 1 f ...' IM OlTKRViLLE-OWEN «OUNU. Burriu. StephfD, Hurritfa I^.rtid., C. W, ~ r«ldwell, Alex.. Lsnwk, C \V. Cameron &, MoAulev, Oviuwn, C. W Copp«. Mioh«el. Fiuroy llarbuur C W Cwig, Robori, Lr«niifk, C. W. ' Cruicc, R. W., Aylmer, C, E. Cullen, MiRlmel, Ttmpteton. C. E. p«vidion, Jamet, Allurneiies laUnd. C K D.w«.n. S. J„ Three Ri,er.. C. E. '^'• Daflo, Jainct, Aylmer, C. E. Dunfleld, 3»mtf, Packenham. C. W Ejtan. Palrick, llunile^, C. W. Haggarl, John, Perth, C. W. Hall, (J. K., Quebec, C. £. Hawlev. J. &, J , Fitzroy Harb<iur. C. W. Hubbcll, Jamoi, flubheira F«ll», Onawa Hunlinjfion. S. A., Allumpttea laland, C. R Kenney, Robert, Aylmer, C. E. Leamy, Andrew, Gatineau, C. E. Lomeaurier, Henry, Quebec, C. E. Leonard, R. W., Pembroke. C. W. Lyon, W. R. R,, Riohmund, ig* C, W yon, G. B., Bytuwn, C. W. MoCaul & Brothera, Clarence, C. W. McConoell, Wm., jr., Hull, c. E. MeDoneli, C. & S., Bylown. C. W. McDonell. Norm A., Bytovn.C. W. McDonald, Archibald. Bytuwn, C W. McA'ilay, Charlea, Petawawe, C. W. McFarlane, Duncan, Bagot, C. W. McLean, J. W., Aylaner, C. W. McMillan Sl Turner, Aylmer, C. G. IVIaaao, Edward, Bylown, C. W. Mitchell, John. Bnlbur*!, C. W. Moffait, Jaa. &. Wut , Pemh^ke, C. W. Moore, David. Jr., Bylown. C. VV O'Keliy, C. Pembroke, C. W. PlaUair & Loea, Perth. C. W. Powell. W.. Bylown. C. W. Routh. H. L., Monireal. C. E. Ruiaell, Auitin. Perth, C. W. Scoti, Robert. Ueokwitb, C. W. Smith, Jnahua, Bytown. C. W. Smith. John, Aylmer, C. E. Symmea, C. C. Aylmer, C. E. Tiavena, Jaa., Fiivoy Hwbour, C. W. Wheeler. E. &, A., Kingaton C. W. White &. Rice, Dalhouaie, C. W. Whitibora, W. H , Allumettaa laland, C.G Wilaon, Tbumton, Ba>>ot, C. W. Wilaon. Jamca, Bagot, C. W. Wood, Peiry, Po traa & Co., Quebec, C.E. OTTERVILLE.-(Given anew). Alphabetical Liit of FrofoMioiui, Trades, fto. Allen, Charlei, blackamith Barnea, Thnnaa, cooper Blakaalav. Moaea, aaah maker Brown, Rer. Mr., Church of England Bullock, Edward, mill owner Carroll, Sr. J., phyaician Carlton, William, maater of common school Corder,^Dr. G. W., pfayaioian Cordar, G. W., general ature Corned, J. H. &, S. P., general .mcrchanta Cornell, John H., postmaater Cornel! & Taylor, general mcrchanta Cromwell, Robtrt B., general merchant Cromwell, Jamet, merchant and innkeeper Durkee, Aaa, leather manufacturer and town reeve Goodwin, Amoa, tailor Gregory, CarhM, ahoemaker Haycock, Edward, engineer Hillard, Thomas, butcher Hiliker, Ryeraon, innkeeper Johnson, Cheater S., cabinet maker Jonca, John, cooper Lawreneo, William, blackamith Eieader, John, cabinet maker Maclin, William, shoemaker Mann. Robert, tailor Furcell. Aaa, aaddler and harness maker Scott, Thomas, innkeepir and blaekimith Van Buikirk, John, ahoemaker Williams, John, distiller ;■) OWEN SOUND, or Sydenham, (Skk Canada Dxrictory, Page 264.) InrrIpiX^nSJr''''^**'''*^°""'^°''*^"^' ^'^' ^°P"""°"'«' ?"»""» »»« 1000. HO &}jt&rfaMM ,,,:>.:« • ., ^ Addenda and Errata. Vanowen, Owen, barrister at )air, printer, bookseller and stnfSoner, mat- ter ex and la Lenpbsty, F Brown. John, w Bueban. W. £., Butchart, Jame« CHDwron, John, Campbell, J<«mt Chatwin. Tuoa., Christie k Corb DeNoon, Daniel Dougall, John, c Dduglaas, Jamei Dooaiey, Thoa., Ellis, Torbit. bu Fletcher, Orra, I Frame, Thos., w Harrison, John. Hinds, Oswsld, Haddon. Robert. Hodgson, Wm. ^ Holmes, Robert, Holmes, Wm., si Horton, Thos. B. Campbell, Wm., Hamlin, Wm., bi Henry, James, bi Jones, Wm.. stoi Kilborn, Jsmes, I Lee, R,, brick mi Bangs, J. S., gem Cowan, James, n Davie, Richard, t Clark, Robert, sli Donoher, Bernard Elliott, John, boo Coleman, S., tanr Cross, — , fanning Dickson, Andrew. Dolmage, Robert, Harding, J., butcl Morrison, Ibev. Sa Povah, John, earp( FAKKNliAM-PAmiiMO. •n.C. W, uwn. C W. •»<». C. W. t, C. W. ;. w. wr, C. fi. J.W. w htokt, C. W. c. w. w. w. "e. r. w. w. E. lur, C. W. c. w. J.W. Mliltnd, C.E. W. r , Quebec, C.E. — diittnt from m Port DoTer, maker ith neH meker d blaeksmilh )r Cover 1000, iner, mM- 137 ter extraordinary in chancery, and larern licenses LiNFKaTY, PiTCR, general merchanl Brown. John, watch and clock maker Bucban. W. E, gan'ralitore Butchart, Jamea, leaiperaiice house Citmeron, John, cnrpenter Campbell, J'«roei, printer Chatwin, Tuos., general itore Christie 8c Corbeit, iron and brass founders DeNoon, Daniel, tailor Dougall, John, carpenter Deuglaas, James, tailor DottaiBjr, Thoi., carriage maker Ellis, Torbit. butcher Fletcher, Orra, builder ' Frame, Thoa., weaver Harrison, John, builder Hinds, Oswald, butcher Haddon, Robert, general atore Hodgson, Wm. W., blacksmith Holmes, Robert, lime and brick burner Holmes, Wm., stooe quarrier &. lime burner Horton, Thos. B., general store com. ul Q. B., tuapuctor of town lota and 8torel<Heper lies, John, innkeeper Larler, Rob'Tt, shoemaker Liitle, James, children's shoe establishment • Kilhorn, Hiram, tanner McDonald, Rev. A, Baptist McNab, J^mes, oatmeal mill Maitlnnd, Thos., boot and shoemaker Muir, Samuel, plasterer Neefnnd, A., (general store & auctioneer Poppin, Edwin, waggon maker Foynter, Cbarles, cooper Pi.-rcy, Dr P. P., physician Uiddi-ll, R., brewer Sinclair, Duncan, machinist Sloane, Thomas, carpenter Spiker, Abraham Thomson, Geo. L., carpenter Vandusen, Rev. Conrad, Wcsleyan Walker, Thomas, gunsmith Wilson, Wm., innkeeper i" . t Campbell, Wm., tmith Hamlin, Wm., brewer Henry, Jamea, butcher Jones, Wm., store keeper Kilborn, James, tanner Lee, R., brick maker REMOVLD OR DECEASED. Ludlow, Wui., baker Miller, Mr., iron founder Orr, Kennedy, innkeeper Pearce, Richnrd, butcher Richards, Stephen, muon Wilson, Daniel, smith PAKENHAM. (Sbk Canada Directory, Paok 865.) Bangs, J. S., general store Cowan, James, whitesmith Davie, Richard, tailor Clark, Robert, ahoemaker Donoher, Bernard, cabinet maker Elliott, John, boots and shoes Coleman, S., tanner Cross, — , fanning mill maker Dickson, Andrew, sheriff, &c Addenda. . Halfpenny, Joseph, tannery I Hartney, James, general store Hillyard & Dickson, general store, flour I and saw mills Tait, William, tailor I Taylor, William, clerk of division court REMOVED. Greer, James, waggon maker Ramage, Robert, baker PALERMO. •(See Canada Directory, Page 265.) Dolmage, Robert, general store Harding, J., butcher Morrison, Rev. Samuel llpiseopa! Methodist Povah, John, carpenter Addenda. Robinson, Thomas, engineer Shc'iJan, Edward, blackamiUi Smith, J. B., blacksmith Swanton, Benjamin, carpenter White, John, M.P.P. for Halton ,1 188 PARIS-PENATANGORE. REWOVKO OB DISCONTINVKD BUBINKSS. D«m«,.J,boot..„d.hoe. , R„y, R„. A.. i^i^p.l Methodkl ;'>. if ..„; PARIS. (Sii Canada Dirkctort, Page 266.) Addenda. if'j .nn- Mason, Hbnrv M., barrUter and allorney at law, next door to the po.'i office NiHHo, Jamks. agent for Gore Bank. a„d'Liverp;ol and iondon^llTnd w„,^ »''fe insurance Companies, 3 Commercial Place, Grand Rjver tt Whitlaw L More, iron founders and machinists, L. V. ' ^■ umario lire and Life Awurance Company A luia, WE., barrister, &o, tower village Blackwood, A , Star inn. do Hiookea, D. O., general utoro, do Clade, John, buots and ahoca, d » Cook, Abraham, hair Axean.r, do Currie & Buranall, buichcra, &o, do Cleghorn, Re». A., Baptiot Davia, S,, baker and confectioner, do ' Fraacr, Alexander, aaddler, do Fudger, G., jjentral atore. Upper village Gurney, Charlcn, botcher, do Haatinw, R., innkeeper, Lower village Howell, W., grocer, do Kay, John, watchmaker and Jeweller, do Kay & Dalrymple,!V!e(,damcs, milliners, do McCuaijq J , general atore, do Martin, --, hardware store, do McKenzie, J,, general store, do Munn, Thomas, general atore, do Macartney, George, poslmaitcr.' N. P., and Commissioner of Q. B. Mawbcr tt Wesdalte, old PaTia Pluur Mills, Lower Village Overell, J. C, dry goods store, do Pallon, Wm., disiilier and general sloro, do Quinlan, John, grocer. Upper village Rhodca. T., painter and glazier, %,, village Kandall. L., general store, da Snow, E. W., bookaeller and staObnir, do ^mipson, flaydon, boot and ihoo ■tore, do Spratl, Mrs., grocer, do Thompaon, J., general store, d<r ' ' Turnbull &. Thompson, carpenters and con. tractors, do Waters, George, Union House, do Watson, Wm.. butcher, do Weeks, J , cabinet maker, do REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Daly, T. M., storekeeper Fisher, Charles, boot store Spratt, Thomas, shoemaker Waters, — , tinsmith PENATANGORE. (Sbe Canada Directory, Page 267.) •nnrt,— ,!»(.; Cameron, Allan, saw mill Campbell, Duncan, tailor Campbell, John S., teacliur Ewin, Charles, millwright Gamble, W. J., general store Gunn, Wm., general store Henry, James, shoemaker nuiiunS, Jaiuw. carpenter Kays, Cowan, Sfiail courier Ksjwortb, John, general stor" AddtndA. Le Gear, James, general store McDonnell, J. & D., general store McKenzic, Archibald, general store Mathewson, Murdoch, carpenter Morrison, John, cooper Morrison, George, shipowner Morriaon^ Wiliism. ==^ Smith, John, shipowner Welsbrant, Phillip, carpenter /U .s(<» Armstrong, J. McDonald, Jol Bell, William, Hodgetts, Cup prnsionen Champsgno, P Farribass, F., i A VlLLAOl! siti 500 miles. Pe Alexander, Jai Baker, J., J. P Beck, John, J. Cass, JoBiah, J, Collars, John,. Connirk, Dr O DeBlois, Hon. Ging^ras, Rev. , Le Buutillier, J Lloyd's agent, Mabee, Peter, . Aylesworlh, Ge Bettes, Joseph, Blair, John, lun Blair, Isaac S., Blair, George f Brown, Dr. M. Carr, Rev. Mr., Clune & Kenne Culver, Almnn Curtis, John, lu Davidson, Mert Davidson, K. G Devlin, Luke, c PENETANGUISHENE-PERCE-PERCY. 139 letliodkt t 11 be poai office Ion Life and River tt id agtnt tot tor,' N. p., and 3. Pa»i« Flour 0, do ncral itoro, do r village ier, ^. village a nXKlibfiir, do ihob itorb, do ntersandcon. le, do • f' .ni.irf.i liore I store ;er Armitrong, J. & Vy'., aihery McDonald, John, ttorekeeper DIKCONTINUKD. Marne, John, teacher Riach, John, iiurckueper '/' — <<!i . -n PENETANGUISHENE. (Se« Canada DiatcTony, Pagc268.) Addenda. Bell, William, townihip clerk Hodgetts, Cuptain, commandant uf enrolled prniionera i'hompion, A. A,, tuwntbiu treuurer Wrislit, William, tailor Champagne, P., builder Farribai*, F., tailor REMOVED OR DECEASED. Gordon, George, baker 11 f PERCE. (J^Tot included in the Canada Directory.) A Village aituated in (he Townahipof Porc<!, Ci imty of Gaipd, C.E., distant from Wuebce 500 milea. Population cf the Townahip, 2200. ; ' Alphabetical List of Professions, Trifles, &e. Alexander, Jamee, J. P. Baker, J., J. P, Beck, John, J. P. CaH, Juaiah, J. P. Collars, John, J. P. Conniok, Dr Owen T., physician DeBlois, Hon. Jos. T., circuit judge Gingras, Rev. Joseph N., Roman Catholic Le Buutillier, John, general merchant Lloyd's agent, John Le Boutillior Mabee, Peter, J. P. Robin, (flea i\ Co , general merchant! Savagi , Thomas, J. P. SNort, Rev. Robert, Church of England l(ejnl)lav, G. P.. deputy registrar, and clerk u( circuit court Tuzo. Joseph E, postmaster and keeper of • liO jail Wilkie & Tremblay, clerk of the peaee, of thfi Crown, and prothonotary Winter, Peter, attorney at law and coonly registrar PERCY. (See Canada Directory, Page 268.) Aylesworth, George, cabinet maker Bettes, Joseph, general store Blair, John, lumber merchant Blair, Isaac S., councillor Blair, George N., councillor Brown, Dr. M. A., physician Carr, Rev. Mr., Wesleyan Clune & Kennedy, general store • Culver, Almnn.. knw mill. Curlis, John, lumber merchant Davidson, Merrill, carpenter Davidson, R. G., shoemaker Devlin^ Luke, cabinet maker Addenda. Dollon, John, smith Dorland, James J., carpcBter Elliott, Wm., tailor' Rwing, Bervjamin, town reiive Fowler, O. J., flour mills Fraser, Abraham, Innkeeper Furlong, Benjamin, waggon maker Goin, Charles, innkeeper tf...i.> r« j«. t ._:ii Howard, Rev. E., Methodist Hudson, Charles^ shoemaker Huycke, A. C, councilor Hart, George, bailiff & inspector of schools ' I'. 14U PEftTH. Julien, J , lumber merchant Kennedy, Daniel, general nfore Laurence, Geo., councillor Learned, Dr., phyaician Lewii, Wm , lumber merchant Lyoni, Dr., phyaician McGuim, Barney, smith Maaaa, John, aaw mill Niles & Dorland, grist and saw mills Niles, Nathaniel, poatmaater of Dartford Oaborne, — , cabinet maker Phillipf, John, carpenter Piatt, laxac S., flour m lla Piatt, A. S., town clerk and treasurer Reid, Robert, carpenter Rice, Horace S., innkeeper Russ, J., aurveyor Simmons, David, maaon Stone, Wm., jr., lumber merchant Stone, Gilea, lumber merchant Stone, James, lumber merchant Thompson, Ganrn, shoemaker Worden, E., boot and shoe sl^re Fortin, Louis, innkeeper Gilchrist, John, store Hutton. James, store oiscoiwijruED. Percy, Dr., physician , Renwick, Thomas, tailor . Richmond, David, carriage maker PERTH. (Nke Cai^ada DiRiecTOHY, Page 268.) rii> r Addenda. 1 hompson, James, sheriff, vice Dickson. Andrew Adams. Joshua, sen., county warden and reeve of Perth Allan &. Livingston, general store , Anderson, Robert, carpenter and builder ' Bailey, James, cooper Baihurst Courier. Charles Rice, publisher Bell, John, smith Billings Mott (instead of Mark), hatter, &c Bolh well, Joshua, cooper Bothwell, Samue/, carpenter and builder BrKish Standard, Burton Campbell, editor BrowQ, James, cabinet maker Brown, John, tailor Brown it, Tennalian, general store Burke, T. M.. cooper Campbell, John,iloward temperance house Campbell, NeiJ, smith Cavanagh, John, cabinet maker Costello, Robert, tailor Croskerry, Robert, cooper Davis, Josias, architect Ditterick, Wm., grain cradle maker Dobbie, David, tailor Dobbio & Shaw, iron founders, &,c. Douglass, Robert, carpflnter and builder Douglass, John, shoemalter Ewart, John, plasterer Forby, John, carriage maker Farmer, Thoma.«, smith Gemmill, J. R., printer and publisher Gemmill, R., distillery GlaMcott, W., grocer, (instead of innkeeper) Irraham, George, cooper Grant 8l Erskine, general merchants and •tore keeprra Grey, Rev. J., Wealeyaii Gillice, Archd., carriage maker namiiun, Rev. Hubert, Baptist Hall & Brother, general merchants . and ■tore keepers Co., smiths and carriage Hunter, W. &, Makers Hunter, John, smith Hughes, James, plasterer Kellock, Robert, carpenter and builder Kippen, Alexander, carpenter and guilder Lanark Observer, J. R. Gemmill, publisher Lister, John, carpenter and builder Long, G. B., tailor McElovcy, Stephen, mason McEwen, Poter, tailor McLaren, Wm., carpenter and builder McLeod, Wm., tinsmith McKerachar, John, tailor McKenzie, Mrs, ladies' school 'McPherson, Malcolm, agent of Canada MutualFire Assurance Co. McPherson, James, carpenter and builder McNaughton, Robert, smith Miller, G. M. & Co., iron founders Morris, — , brewery Nicol, Dr. James, chemist and druggist Peblow, John, carriage maker Patterson, James, sen., shoemaker PaUerson, James, jun., smith and carriage maker Patterson, James, carpenter and builder Riddle, John, cabinet maker Rice, Charles, printer and publisher Robertson, James, shoemaker Robertson, R., general store Rodger. J., butcher, besf & pork inspector Rutherford, Wm., carrioge maker Smitherman, Wm., carpenter & builder Sirue, Robert, cooper Thornton, John, cooper Thorntons Mose? eao^sr Walker, John, mason Walker, R., buteher, beef & pork inipeclor Williams, Jamet, cooper Present populal :IJ.HW*1 PETERBORO' aalT;'?'! HI' treaiurer rchant nt lant ir (ore naker and carriage nd builder r and (guilder nill, publisher uilder id builder I t of Canada oCo. and builder nders I druggist akor and carriage id builder Usher rk inspector kcr d builder rk Inipector iJVj OISCONTINVED OR DECEASED. .-■^ Adams, Joshua, attornc? Dickson, Andrew, eherift' Duncan, Henry, baker Kerr, Jame*, store keeper Leishman, James, tailor ' McCummiskey, P., boarding: house MeDonncll, M., merchant and toWn reeve McKay, John, attorney McLean, Da*id, distiller IVIcRwen, — , brewer Neilson, Dr. Joseph A. Roberts, John, agent Soolt, Rev. J. Thompson, James, printer .lii- i; • ;io"l» J "i. .OSi t»-«.i.' PETERBORO'. (SsK Canada Dirictory, Page 370.) Preaent population, about 2400, and steadily increasing. Pnblio Officers, (Addenda.) Langton, John, M.P.P. for Peterborough Pony, D. E., revenuQ inspector Cottingham, Wm., county warden Perry, Charles, mayor ofPeterboro' Wrighton, W. H., town clerk Sheridan, Walter, county treasurer and clerk of council Cluxton, W., town treasurer llf , •!' 'i ,-;.oy35i..'t'!i ■ ■. .; Banks, Assurance Companies, &c., (Addenda.) Commercial Bank, M.D., Wm. Cluxton, agent Britannia Life Assurance Company, Wm. Cluxton, agent Liverpool and London Fire snd Life Assurance Companies, Wm. CluxtoR, agent , , Western, Assurance Company, Wm. Cluxton, agent u: i -u^i^M Alphabetical Addenda. Burnham, Rev. Mark, Church of England Butler, P., dry goods & clothing, George st Crofts, Wm., grocer and confectioner, Hun- ter st Dumbie, Wm. & Co., dry goods and cloth- ing, Hunter at Gimley, Rer. J., Wesleyan Harvey, J., woollen factory, south town Hazlet, Thomas G., grocer and shoe store, George st Jeffrey, James, general hardware, Hunter st McFarlan, D., general store, corner Hunter and George sta Albio, John F., store keeper Almond, F., watch maker Bailey, G. W., accountant Be!!, James, store keeper Caihcart, A., hardware Davey, J., baker Heard, John, inason Howard, Rev. J, B. Ridley, Mrs., fancy store, George at Robinson, J. & Co., dry goods and groce- ries, comer Hunter ;.nd George sta Romaine & White, booksellers, stationers, and printers Roy, James, tanner, George st Scott & Cumming, dry goods and groceriea, George at Sutherland, J., general store, George st Thompson, Robert, hardware, George tt Towns, R., cloth factory, Feterboro eaft Wilson & Thornton, bakers and grocers, George st DISCONTINUED. ,, .„;-li .. f^),.r,«p'| Lathrop, — , shingle factory McGregor, Wm., carpenter Marshall, R., shingle factory Miiier, Mra.igrccer Ridley, R., druggjst Taylor. Rev. Mr. Tyre, Green & Co., store keepers Wortzer, N., cloth factory )f:i ,3».JjS- i m 1 n •5f P. »l1^ PETITE NATION & PAPINBAU-PHILLIPSBURGH. PETITE NATION & PAPINEAUVILLK {J^ot included in the Canada Directory.) Therre"„';'J;|;^°;:;i'^^^^^^^^ Ottawa, in the County of Ottawa. Q'. E. call to Jand and receivXigl fnTlInlrrTf" '" r'"*^ %^'°, ^^'""'' «"«« ,M«nl,cal 36 mile.; .teamboat fare. A-uru^^^lZt'^^'^'A^rJV^'':? ^''"f XoByi.y^n, PIC Seigniory, about 3400.' The pwtoffice'ii kVvVn Alpliabetioal i;.!)^; of Almond. Jean S., carpenter Beianger, Magloire, 6nii(h Beaudry, Michael, jr., lumber uierchant Buuraaaa, Rev. A. M., Roman Catholic liourgeoia, Froncis, raason C6t6, G., jr., smith Cochrane, James, cooper , ,.?.„,,%•, Cole, Edward, smith, J. P. H„d mi;;';'*' tole, I ho»., general store Cooke, A., lumber merchant and saw mills tooke, Aaa, J. P., lumber merchant and taw mills Corrigan, Michel, councillor Forlin, Moise, H., smith i Gareau, Antoine, trader Gauthier, J, B!, shoe etoro Guenette, Joseph, grist mill Jouberl, Joseph, joiner Kay, William, J., general store ' Laberge, Pierre, shoemaker Laflamme, J. B., dry goods store Y^?*''^ "!?!■ ^'* ^'y f^"^'^" ''"'«> and ashei y Leduc, Edward, land surveyor Lewis, Victor, joiner Maokay, John H., general store Mackay, Francis S,, notary public and J. P. Erof(?MiojM, Trades, &o. I Mcpole. William, J. P. . Major, Charles, jr., general fctoro and wharf Major, Charles, sen., cooper Marcotte, Martin, councillor Papineau, Hon. L. J., seignior and M.P.P. Parker, Justus, innkeeper and wharf Perrin, Felix, tinsmith Prevost, Edward, trader , Proulx, Isidore, turner Robinton, Robert, brickmaker Racicot, Cliarles), gcnewl atore Racicot, J'^^ph, councillor > Sinclair, Archibald, shoemaker Sigouin, Nazare, mason St. Arihnd, Louis, smith ,iu.:-i :■.. St. Denis, Jos,, wheelwright ' .^.,. Sturkendrics, Rev. Joseph, Roman 'Cat/iolic 1 <i88e, Celcstin, saddler Tucker, Stephen, postmaster, lumber mcr- chaiH and trader Tweedie, John, carpenter Waters, Abel, trader CoMMissioNEBs OP Shall Cacses.— Abb Cooke, Stephen Tucker, Edward Cole, Antoine Legris ; olerk, J. B. N. Pap- ineau. lown, 45 miles j steamboat fare, I Downs, J. P., c countr) Provincial Miito ofR. s:) Backus, N. M.* Fralick, Jacob, Leatch, R., Mar Bruce, David, bi McCuItoch, Rev McFaul, B., & I only} McMillan & Brc McMillan, J., gi A small ViLLAO miles. JriJI.T^B.jPosl Currier, B,, cabi Evans, N. M., c Mizoer, C., coo| Morey, C, smill: II I Ml II /PHILLIPSBURGH. (Sku Canada Dihectohy, Page 272.) ■ioi'r 'ru-^,,,",mf^ddenda. .:'< Boy«f, Thomas, shoemaker • ' i p„rH r , Burk«, David, Wheelwright ' f„!.;,rW^°°'??'"'°"" of »■"•» causes Cheesman.C.R., com. of small causes Mfri.t'&Pn?" '^V'*^'" Dyer. Henry. Missisqnof foundry ' m""'„ tv ''"'' ^•'«''"'«hts Equitable. Fire and National Loan Furfd. i Ny/ d' TR^n f^r'"*^'!,"".'' M^-f i^!U^°'"' ^- ''' «• Nye. agon.; ''' ""mldidne" &f "°"' ^«'"" '" •''•"8^ Ellis, Miss, teacher. Smith & Baker, general store HiMOTED OB DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Dcoth & Vincent, Unsuiilhs - Dcase, Dr. P. W. -* • '3« .lo.'tt i Randall. Mr»., teacher ' ^ "*"*J j Scott, Rev. W., Wesleyan i Smith & Death, general store A small ViLLAQ! miles,— ana tfom Bailey, Wm., sac Blakesley, Zache Cochrane, Alexn Crelly, William, Dor6, Moise, emi Fortin, Isaie, sho Fuller, W. M., ii Bywatter, Richa store Farragher, Danie Maynard, John, t MCTON -PIGEON HiLL-PIKE R1V£R-P1NE GROVE. .E. Ottawa. q1 E. I and ^vnUcal irf to Bjtown, teamhuat fare, office is known lore and wharf >r and M.P.P. I wharf (nan Catholic lumber mcr- Causes.— Ana Edward Cole, . B. N. Pap- ' i .inr'-nii . •III « .; : II causes B es tier in drugs, . 1 J-.,-,v-i' W^ PICTON. (uC£ Canada Dirsctort, Pagjc 273.) Addenda and Errata. Downs, J. p., clerk of division (instead or countjt) court Provincial Miitpal Ins^. Co., R. J. (instead of R. S;) Chapttian, agent Boclrus, N. M., & Co., general store Fralick, Jacob, grocer Leatch, R., Mansion House hotel Miller, Thomas, & C!«>, general dry goods Ramsay, R,, generalstore Sills, E., dry goods and crockery Sinclair, J., & Co , dry goods and croviwry Thorpe, H. J., & Co.^ dry goods and grv* <' • ceries » ,v Wood, J. & S., general dry goods REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED. Bruce, David, baker McCuIloch, Rev. Wm. McFaul, B., & Co., (discontinued dry goods only; • McMillan & firotbers, dry goods McMillan, J., grocer "•>-'J(l9»l boK ■*■. — McKay, Donald, dry gopdt Nichol, Robert, barrister '^aw, Samuel R., hotel .Sparhatn, Dr. £. B. Whitcomb, Mrs., milliner Wright, James, shoemaker .►•ri;i PIGEON HI1.L.— (Given anew.) A small Village situated in the Co: ,;< * cCMissisquoi, C.E,.— distant from Phillipsburgh, 7 miles. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Reed & Wells, smiths ^riil, T^ tt., postmaster and general store Currier, B., cabinet maker Evans, N. M., carpenter Mizner, C, cooper Morey, C, smith Sager, N., carpenter Stephenson, A., carpenter Vandewater, W., shoemaker Jiii.i: ■ •> *i .1, ,ii!l/t •nio PIKE BIVER.—^Given anew.) ''^'^ A small Village situated in the County of Missisquoi, C. £. — diatant from UenryTili0>'& miles,— ana from St. Johns, 18 miles. ! ,,>«v.j irrM • Alphabetical List of Frofessions, Trades, &c. Bailey, Wm., saddler ii|^i<£Y".ri rj Blakesley, Zacheus, shoemaker^ ' Cochrane, Alexander, smith Creliy, William, wheelwright Dor6, Moise, emith Fortin, Isaie, shoemaker Fuller, W. M., innkeeper fihmh^ Hogle, H. M>, store keeper ^ Lareau, Noel, shoemaker Marsh, Charles, general store Phelps, EInathan, carpenter Sawyer, William, store keeper Taylor, A. L., postmaster and generalstore ''"'%f,{PmE GROVE. lu.i', I ^.^:tn'»s fSai Canada Directory, Page 274.) !;iin.; ;i' ,iUi:f^Ol .'■' Addenda. Bywatter, Richard, druggist and general store Farragher, Daniel, shoemaker Maynard, John, shoemaker and copstable JO-'ilf's'J', ■ -J, .afilcfl Morrison, Andrew, s&ddler Martin, Henry, teacher Russell, W., waggon mak«>r ,„ ^^,^,,3 Totteoj James, aputh •, ,,,-., »l^ f»mm [ '1 # '> r w p. 1 M 1 • IS i . I 1 144 PiBTAGENElMpbii^TE.AUX.TRElWBLES. 8tc. PLANTAGENET. (Mt included in the Canada Directory.) A .mall V,i.LAGB:8Uu.ted in the Tonm.hip of North Plantagenet. County of Prescctt, C. W. s vu « ' ' Aipiiabetical list of ProfeMion*, Tradw, fto. KS. Jiftwn ^pSS^^^ McManin. P po.ta,..ter, toirn «ere and McOoey, R„. ratricrRot Catholic ! R,„„, ffiJ.S counciHor ■ :-Ci; i:i.i«.itjvl ,.;i ,; POINTir-AUX-TREMBLES, en bas. l-'!'(SsF. Canada Directory, Page 276.) Bitii, Narcisse, general alore Addenda. I I^arue, F. X., senr., notary andlieuUcol POINT ST. PETER. (M'ot included in ike Canada Directory.) Alphabetical list of ProfessioM, Trades, «c. Collia, J. & E., general merchants Collls, John, J. p. Dumeraque, George, trader ^Gruchey, Abraham, general merchant Macintoih, Dr., physician Packwood, George, poatmaaler Perree. Prancia, general merchant Smith, Rev. F. A, Church of England Tourell, Thomaa, councillor Vardon, John, J. P. and councillor POE A lukih Vaua County of Huron OavidaoD, Roberi Finlay, Richard, Hawkina, John, i A ViLLAOB aituat Bayham, Count miles; from Vieni Austiu, Horaoa i Arm*tron|r, gdwi Be l/iirn, J, P., liKhthouae ki Brainard &, Co., i factory Brncp, John, mat Burwell, L., see; Cowan, James, Ii Chute, C, baker Davis, David, sto Farthings, John, (vordon, Jas., but Hamilton, A., en Harringron & Cu. Hayward & Co., Holden, Horace, Hill, Mason, boai Hulmea, Jas,, paii PORTAGE DU FORT. fScE Canada Directory, Page 376.) Addenda. Arnoslrong, A., teacher Colton, (inatead of Cotton) Hiram lumber merchant Courier. M., tinsmith Drew, M. M., & Co., leather merchants Dolan, Joseph, general store Hoey. (instead of How) Owen, axe maker McDonald & Gilhooley, smiths Mcintosh. D., carpenter Murphy, P., carpenter O'Meara, William, general store Ouellet, Rev. J., Roman Catholic languay, Joseph, tinsmith Tremblajr, Chas., cooper .,,,,U , OISCONXINVED. Beauvler, Rev. Joseph ' • V ,^ , „ , . Fon,e. P., lumber merchant ^ ZlSiA^SXZr''"' A ViLLAOB situat Township of Hun distant from Bufi FoRTiKR, Jam Armstrong, Then Caiton, Thomas, Cain, Wm., hotel Carter, C.H.,shi Carter, L. 6., ge Cook, Coll, ship I Cook, Wm., groc Doty, Darius, cle Dnuffhei, Edwar: iahey, Patrick, I Gordon, Dr. Rob( Gordon, John, wi PORT ALBERT-.PCRT BtTRWELL-PnRT COLBORNE. Hi resccU, C. W. iillor >irn recTC and id lieut-coi distant rron lilt >i:gland llor PORT ALBERT. (JiTot include<Hn the Canada Dirtctony,) ' list of Fro&8f iom. Trades, &o. PORT BURWELL.— (Given anew.) A VuxAOB iituated at the numth of the Otter Creek on Lake Erie, in the Townihi* J Bayham, County of El^in, C. W.. dirtant from Toronto, 137 mHw" from lIh™ /^ milea; from Vienn., 3 milca. Population, ahont 600. * " ^''"'*°"' ^* Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. Austin, Horace it. Co., builders Armntronjr, Edwar^l, blaokRoiilh Beli«irfl, J. P., p. Heel. .r of eostoms li|;hthouse ke and i-rper Brainard St. Co., steam saw mill and abingle factory Broop, John, machinist Burwell, L., secy, and treasurer Harbor Co. Cowan, James, landing waiter Chute, C, baker Davis, David, stone mason and contractor Farthing^B, John, merchant Gordon, Jas., butcher Hamilton, A., engineer and machinist Harrington & Co., bakers Haywiird & Co., livery stable Hiilden, Horace, merchant Hill, Mason, boardmg house Holmes, Jas,, painter Irwin 4fe Co., merchants ^' Kihy, , tailor Lee, George, mason * Lumsden, F., tanner and currier IMcBride, Alex., forwarder Merrill, David, collector of tolls McCourt, James, sailmaker MoMaih, James, painter Msrr, lrtHt\ P., M. D., physieiau Pitcher, Thomas, postmaster Robertson, Wm., tailor Read, Rev. T. B,, Church of England Smith, J. W., boarding house and aalaon Scott, Mrs Anne, general dealer Von Shultx, /., tailor Wrong, J. W., forwarder and merchant HoTBLs—Hnrris House, Royal Exchange, Vioturia House, and Erie Hotel PORT eOLBORNE.-(Given anew.) TownrpVft'mbt"ton^Vc^Tnt°y^Vwea ''(! ''^ "Ir/t t ^'?"""', S'S?'' i" "- dinant from Buffalo. V, s!, 20 J.V^.:\LtZi7tl»XM ^°"'"*''' '^ """*- Alphabetical Hi FoRTiBB, James, postmaster and Armstrnng, Thomas, ship tower Caiton, Thomas, shoemaker Cain, Wm., hotel keeper Carter, C.H, ship tower Carter, L. G., general store Cook, Coll, ship tower Cook, Wm., grocer Doly, Darius, clerk of customs, &e Dooghei, Gflward. iankpen^r Fahey, Patrick, lock tender Gordon, Dr. Robert, physician Gordon, John, wood and eoal Ktrshant I of Froftssions. Trades, Ac. lighthouse keeper ! Gordon, Misses, ladiea' school I Green, Jamea, carppnter Greenwood. Jame", butcher Hamilton, Thomaa, well sinker Hanley, John, innkeiiper Hiirgins, Nicholt*, carpenter Hopkins, Samuel, grocer and tailof Kineston, John, mason mcCailum, LRciiiait, Carpenter MoChesney, John, carpenter McCrea, John,4reneral store MeCow, John, snoenaker 1" f "i-i ,| '■' '1 \ ill r 1'; ' ' •1 ' H It ■'! 146 PORT CREDIT-PORT DALH0U8IE-P0RT DOVER. McGillivray, John, lock tender Manlejr, Joihaa, general (tore Mathewa, John, conatable Mathewa, William, maaon Parke, Thomat, collector of euitomi and canal tolls Potter. J., look tender Raa. John , smith Robinaon, W. B., hotel keeper Soofield, Thomat, croeer and baker Soudamore, B. T. H. D., teacher ' PORT CREDIT. (SiJC Canada Diriotort, Paob 276.) Addenda and Errata. Cotton, (initead of Cotton) Robert, poit- maater, general store and ship } ard Cowan, Henry, amith Edmonda, (instead orEdwarda)l8aac, amith Griffin, John, waggon maker McDonell, Angus, warehonseman McPhee, Wm.. ship carpenter Moalten, John C, ahoemaker Rutherford, Wra , carpenter Whitney, Stephen, ship carpenter PORT DALHOUSIE. (Sm Canada Oxrictort, Paoi 276.) t " Addenda. Blair, John, general and ship smith Laurie, finSERT & John, millers McWha, Robert, bread and biscuit baker Wood, Jambs, saddler and harness maker Carter, William, grocer Guest, John, butcher Gray, James, teaeher Laurie, Robert, (as smith only) 'McLelland, Robert, teacher Lawson & Brother, shoestors Muir, Alexander, dry dock Robins, John, smith BISCONTINCED. Nealand, James, shoemaker Plumstoed, Simon, shoemaker PORT DOVER.-(Given anew.) A ViLiAOB in the Township of Woodhouse and County of Norfolk, C. W., is situated on I PaterBon Creek, Lake Erie, distont from Hamilton. 37 miles-usual atace fare. 7s 6(1. Population, about 700. * ' Public Officers. Haycock, P. H., collector ot customs and agent St. Lawrence Marine Assar- ance Co Ryerse, J., landing waiter, Port Ryerse Thompson, Andrew, town reeve Powell, Walker, deputy reeve, commissioner Q. B., an^ agent for Equitable,! Decow, E. ; Smith, C. W. ; Austin, P., township councillore Marr, David, towiiship clerk ; Waters, Henry, postmaster Armstrong, D ATiebouse:r, E Beons, H., lui Buck k Husti I Bnekwell. A., British Ai Crawford, Ale Culver, J. B.. Dickaon, J., bt Drake, D., ba) Hall, Edward, Haycock, J. F shipping a Innea, Alezanc Ladd, A., conti Lampkin, H. & Lawson & Ben sale boots i Leea, A., civil i Lowrie, P., shi| MeBride & 8il< McQueen, D., i McQueen, Hus Mathers, J., bal A VllLAOB situi Prescott, 9 miles Adams, LeoHiel, Anderson, Georei Akin, William S. Akin, William S Bailey, Joseph, g« B«rr, Robert, Inn Brennan. Willian Brown, Rev. Wn Carman, Nichola Crawford & Miln Gxes, Dr. Waltei Smith, E. P., c Smith, John Sh Day, John (insi — — •••'7, TT S \Xtf Smart, David, | Ward, Thomat mn. PORT ELGIN-PORT HOPE. keeper ir and baker ., teaoher - louieman penter naker nter Barpenter itora :k ker aker W,, is aituated on | atage fare, 7i f Marine Assar- 147 Annitrong, D.. ladaler Arichouie.^, D., iron founder Benna, H., lumber merchant Buck k Husted, blackimilhs ^""'Vr'.'l'u^** ^'"?*"'' ■*°"'' ■"«• "gent for Brillsh America Insurance Co Crawford, Alexander, eabine: maker Culver, J. B., M.D. Dickeon, J., butcher Drake, D., baker Hall, Edward. lumber merchant Haycock, J. F. & Co., warehouiemen nnd shippinjf amenta Innee, Alexander, innkeeper Ladd, A., contractor Laropkin, H. & Co.. dry gooda and millinery Uwaon & Bennet, ateam tannery and whole- l ■ale boota and shoea I Leea, A., eivil engineer I Lowrie, P., shipbuilder MeBride & SiWerthorne, smiths McQueen, D., innkeeper McQueen, Hugh, cooper I Mathers, J., baker I Mackay, William, innkeeper Mudford, C, tailor Nottinghim, S., boolR and shoes Norton, T., boots and shoes Osborne, Wm., tinsmith Paseraore. Geo., boots and slioes Kiadell, James, general store sjlh*'"'.'" K?l'«". »»«? "nd candle factory Sinclair, Geo,, boots and shoes Slocorab. J. & H., bricklayers Smith, John, blacksmith Sutton, Paul, tailor S.'.^P'"""'. \^-> dfug« and medicines I hompson, Alex., smith Thompson, A., general store Vannorman. J., innkeeper Varey, B.. plasterer ^^ Waters. Henry, oak timber merchant Wheeler, Henry. lumber merchant Wilson, — ., carriage maker Professions, Trades, &c. PORT ELGIN. -(Given anew). Alphabetical list of Adams, Lemuel, shoemaker Anderson. George, lockmaster Min, William S.. general store Atan, William S., postmaster and J. P. Miley, Joseph, general store Bsrr, Robert, innkeeper Brennan, William, shoemaker Brown, Rev. Wm.. M. E. Church Urman, Nicholas, innkeeper Crawford & Mllner, contractdrs G. canal »»«e8, Dr. Walter F., physician and coroner Geggie.Rev. James, Presbyterian Church Jeilyman, James, preventive officer Ji*^.?*,'.^''*'''"' engineer G. canal McMillan. Alex., collector tolls & customs McPherson, Kenneth, general store Pickins, William, carpenter Piercy. Thomas, tailor Slorah, James, general store w!I?.''*'ls J*«>™". blacksmith While, William, butcher PORT HOPE. (Sbb Canada Directory, Pages 278 & 589.) PubUc Officers, (Addenda). ?Sk ?V^"a^».'"''''"*° of harbor and wharf company, and wharfinirer Smub, John Shutw, mayor of Port Hope, Wahon st ^"^ranger for Equitabl J gjy. Joh^ (i?«'t^i°^--^''°™r)T., clerk of dirision court. Walton st ■ Smart, David, postmaster, WaUon st Ward, Thomas, clerk of peace and judge of surrogate court, Mill tt The othen remain as before. 14b PORT HOPE. Assuraiioe Companies, Banks, &o., (Addenda.) American Mutual Life Assurance Cu., W. Burnhain, agent, Walton st National Loan Fund, Life and Equitable Fire Assurance Compaaiesof London, McDermot & Walsh, agents, Walton st Canada Western Assurance Company, Wm. Fraser, agent, RIdout st Liverpool & London Fire Insurance Co., Wm. Burnham, agent, Walton it Ontario Marine and Fire Insurance Co., Francis Evatt, agent. Mill st Provincial Marine Insurance Co., McDermot & Walsh, agents, Walton it Peterboro' and Port Hope Railway Company, Daniel Smart, president; Thomas G. Ridout, James Hall, N. Kirchhoffer, H. H. Meredith, Francis Beamish, Edward Hickman, James Harvey, O. Morrowj directors ; Thomas Benson, secretary. The others remain as beroro. Alphabetical Addenda. Bletohbr, William, proprietor of the Victoria stage line from Peterboro' to Cobourp, Walton st Bletcher & Brothers, forwarders and commission agents, Walton st Brent, C, dealer in drugs, chemicals, genuine patent medicines, painti, oils, dec, Walton st BvRNHAM, William, Walton ist., for produce agent, read produce merchanl Bvtleh, J., wholesale and retail dealer in ready-made clothing, hats, capi boots, shoes, &c., Walton st Cabson dc Grioos, eclectic physicians, Queen st Echo, The, weekly paper, Wm. Furby, publisher, Walton it Frabbr, William, appraiser for U. C. Loan and Trust Company, Ridout GriDE, The, weekly paper, Wm. Furby, publisher, Walton st Harvey & Hutton, general grocers, wine and spirit merchaAts, Walton Hat in Thatcher, booksellers, stationers, binders and blank book roani facturers, and dealers in toys, fancy articles, &c , Walton st Hay, J. G., tin, sheet iron and coppersmith, Walton st Howell, R. S., general grocer, baker and confectioner, Walton st Hills, Robert, merchant tailor and clothier, Walton st McIntybe. Robert, Walton st., to former address add " wholesale &retsi Maonan, p. Z., & Co., (instead of P. Z. Magnan). Rema'ader of addre as before. McSpADOEN & RowE, dealers in groceries and crockeryware, Walton st Port Hope Watchji an, weekly paper, Steele & Corbier, editors. Queen Rafalje 6c Co., J., agricultural warehouse and seed store, Ward st. i kinds of agricultural implements, garden, field and flower seeds, &( on hand. Cash paid for clover and timothy seeds. Quinlan, Cornelius, tin, sheet iron and coppersmith, Walton st Ross, John, dt Co., Walton st., to former address add «* millinery" Ross, Lewis, importer of dry goods and groceries, Mill st Sanders, H. V., general dry goods merchant, Walton st Soott, James, barrister and attorney-at-law, Walton st Smart. D.. <Se Son. dealers in drv jroods, mrntiaries. hnrdwArA. crUoa. st tionery, periodicals, geijeral produce, dec, Walton st Tate, John W., civil engineer, engineer of the Peterboro* and Port Ho railroad, Walton st Tbvicott, Gi countr] Ttbe, Robert Aadenon, James, Bellamy, Wm.,«i Bridse, Robert, n Bfogdin, George. Broce, Mrs., coni Cimeron, Dr., ph Canada G'and 1 Thatcher, Cole, John, aaddl Curry, James, sac Oalbraiih & Andi Goodrelloir, Mrs. Haggart, J., dru{ Hutings, T. W , Garoett, Williair to Cavan Henderson & UsI Hoirell, Santry i Kennedy & Mall Kerr k Wood, ti Jones, — , tailor, Laperance, J., h Andrtirs, James Armstrong, R<. < Baker. James, sh Bell, p., sho'jma Burton, V.H.,r CUrke, Wm . st Clarke, C. B.. lu EWins, Andrew, Elliott, George, Field, S., & Co., Gallagher, J., g Gilchrist, Dr. H Greene, — , mer Gwatkin, Wm., Hastings, T. W. A ViLLAOK situ TiUe, 31 miles— I Barnes, Ira, shoe Bresee, Peter, si Byington. Stephi Chamberlin, O Dooway, A , coi Donovan, Jame: Heath, Ebenete Jobnsonf Adua, PORTLAND. 149 Walton St Compaaies of Ridout St |[ont, Walton it It, Mill 8t Its, Walton (t lart) president; I. H> Meredith, y, O. Morrow,! rrom Peterborol i, Walton st dicines, painliJ oduce merchanl ling, bats, capij It ipany, Ridout i st^ ^ants, Walton i ink book roaniil Etlton St alton St )lesale & retaill ' nder of addrej re, Walton st ditors, Queen | , Ward St. iwer seeds, ii\ ton st llinery" nrftrn. o]am. d ■ T t3 - ' and Port Hoi TivscoTT, Geohob, baker, grocer, and wholoaile and retail dealer in country produce, Walton st TtBi, RoBBBT, dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery, &(;., Walton st .^i' Andenon, James, baker and grocer, John st Bellamy, Wm., smith. Mill st Bridee, Robert, merchant tailor, Walton st Brogdin, George, attorney, Walton at Bruce, Mrs., confectioner, Walton »t Cimeron, Dr., physician, Walton st Canada Grand 1'runk Telegraph, J. D. Thatcher, agent Cole, John, saddler, John st Curry, James, saddler, John st Oalbraith & Anderson, dry goods, Walton st Qaodfelloiv. Mrs., milliner, Walton st Haggart, J., druggist, Walton st Hutings, T. W , «aIoon, Queen st Garnett, William, carpenter, be, removed to Cavan st Henderson & Usher, dry goods, Walton st Howell, 8antry & Co., shoe store, John st Kennedy & Mallory, &hoe store, Walton at Kerr & Wood, tailors, John st Jooes, — , tailor, removed to Ontario st Leiperance, J., hotel keeper, Walton st Lithgow & McNaughton, livery atable, Cavan st McDougall J. N., bootmaker, removed to Walton st McLcod& (>!)., general dry goods, &c., Walton st Mathews, Wm., waggon maker, general dry goods, ku , Ontario st Marshall, iiimon, ^hoeInaker, Walton st Fetch, Chs.. millwright, &c., removed to Walton st Reynolds, G.orge, innkeeper, removed to Ward st Rose, H. M., boots ond shoes, Walton at Smith, R. D., cabinetmaker, removed t'» Maiiland st Turner, T., deputy registrar. Mill st Ullyotl, Dallon, general store, Walton st Walker, John, cabinetmaker. Ontario st Widnall, Geo. F , bookfoller, Walton st Wolfenden & Farquharson, marblo cutters, Mill st i '}'^'- REMOVED, OK DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Andrews, Jamei M., presidentharbour co Armstrong, R., deputy registrar Baker, James, shoemiiker Bell, p., sho-jmaker Burton, F. d., miller, &c CUrke, Wm , storekeeper Clarke, C. B.. lumber merchant Elvins, Andrew, tailor Elliott, George, distiller Field, S-, & Co., marble cutters Gallagher, J., gro'er Gilchrist, Dr. Hiram Greene, — , merchant Gwatkin, Wm., storekeeper Hastings, T. W., hotel keeper Hollister, D. J ,pumpmaker Hughes, Charles, drugg st Macphail, Alexander, druggist McLennan, — , merchant Newman, Jos., baker and grocer Pearkes, — , attorney Pctch, J., pumpmakpr Orr, Robert, dry g0"ds Robertson, Robert, dry goods Perry, — , Dookse'ler Reynolds, John, innkeeper Turner, r.,dry goods Walker, L. W., lumber merchant Ward, Joi'n A., brewery Wright, Rev. Alexander PORTLAND.--(Given anew.) A ViUAOB situated on the Rideau Lake, in the Township of Bastard— distant from Brock- vUle, 31 miles— from Kingston, 50 miles. Population, about 150. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. Barnes. Ira, shoemaker Bresee, Peter, smith Byington. Stephen, carpenter Chamberlin,G E.. clerk Dooway, A , cooper Donovan, James carpenter Heath, Ebeneser, cooper Johntoni Adumimith McManus, W. B.. tailor Morris. Samuel, smith OaU. Edward, general stor«» Srovill, S. S., general store and postmaster Sharton. Frs., shoemaker Sherwood, H. W.. ihoeinsncF ana tsnssr Stevens, Thaddeus, innkeeper Thomas, Wm., cooper 'n< -'Hi tso TORTNE LSON-PORT PERRY-PORT ROB INSON. PORT NELSON.-(Giveiianew.) turn, about 300. «»«-irom Htmilton, 10 milM,-iuu»l aUga fare. 2i Qd. PopuU- Alphabetical £i«t of Bate*. Thoi., ihoe itore Boothman.Juli«n,iawmill Campbell, Robert, bailiff Cotter, Hugh, grocer Cotter, 8., amith DlllS'A^aSir'"'"'"''"'*'^"""''" DuOy. J-. teamater l.^f'T"' «•"*•■»' "tore Flaher. Peter, J.P. uV?'^'I' ^''""'' of England Halated. E. B., innkeeper * Hunter. C., earpenter loglehart, J., aaw mill Irrlng, Wm. & Jaa., fiahennen ProfeisioM, Trades, &c., Lane, J., earpenter Lane, Wm., carpenter J aud, Stephen, innkeeper Laud, Abel, carpenter and builder Laud, Wm., boota and afaoea Leclairu K., carpenter McLean. Kev. Mr., Free Church Miller, John, poatmaaur, fomarder & craio merchant • Sorereign, H , aaw mill Weatfall, Mim, drcaa maker Wheeler, N., carpenter Wheeler, Jacob, carpenter Wheeler, Miaa, dreaamaker PORT PERRY. (J^ot included in the Canada Dtreciory.) 0^:^tX:i^j!Vi^^';S^ ;be To.„.h.p„r Reach. Count, of •ay, 30 milea-atage fare. 5a. '' *^ «"'"-•»•«• fare, 2a 6d ; diatant from Lind- BIgelow. J. & J., general atore Bigelow. Joseph, poatmaator Bullen, Thoe, S., tailor Cotton & Rowe, eteamboat ownora Crandall, o. E., cabinetmaker Crandall, Geo., amith and engineer Davie, John W., cabinetmaker Doty, S., aaw mill Geroij, O. A., waggon maker nill, Samuel, aaw mill Jewelt, Benjamm F., hotel keeper list of Professions, Trades, fto. Laud. Richard, clerk of divieion court Lettiraore. Rev. Fra., Epiacopal Methodiat Maybce, Reynard, saddler """•<«»« Moore, James, blacksmith Noit, John, chair maker Paxton, Thomas & Co., forwarder* .nA aaw milla and wharf """■'"'• "nd Sexton, William S., lumber merchant Squ.re.^^James, & Co.. general ..or; and PORT ROBINSON. (Skb Canada Dibectory, Page 281.) Bell, WH., Innkeeper Clarke, Thomaa, MD. Cook, Gilbert W., achool teacher Addenda. Dunlop, J., tailor McCoppen, J., brick yard Wilaon, A. E. & Co., general stoi« Dllke. F. H., di Elliott, Robert, Erana & Co., |i Griffith, R.&( A VlLLAOK aiti W.— diatant froi uaual ateamboat Baker. C. H., al Davia, J., cabint Dedrick. J- L. & Eliia, Jamea, grc Oatea, Dr.,phyi Hewitt, John, aa Kilmaater, John McLennan, A., A ViLtAOE aitni from Port Dove Caahnimer, Pre. Cook &. Bingha merchan Farmer &> Del lumber n Fick, Peter B., Pick, J. W., ini Fitch, Rev. H.. Garbutt, John I merchani Garbutt, Phillip; A Sripfino Pok of Wood house, < triet of the port Baker. Samuel, i Sowin, Henry, i Hooker, Jamea. Ryerae, Jamea. 1 Ryerae, Edward PORT ROWAN-PORT ROYAL-PORT RYER8E. ISI BBMOVBD OR DISCONTINUCD B0BINES8. Dilke. F. H., druggitt Elliott, Robert, general store Erani & Co., potuh factory Griffith, E. tc Co., briclc yard Grimes J., tailor Jakes, Dr., physician Timms, Henry W., innkeeper, &e PORT ROWAN.~(Given anew.) A ViLLAOS situated on Lake Erie, in the Townihip of Walsingham, County of Norfolk, C. W<— distant from Toronto, 120 milei— from London, 62 miles— from Smcoe, 23 miles- usual steamboat tare to Buffalo, 12s 6d, to Port Stanley, 5s. Population about 250. Alphabetical List of Frofessioiui, Trades, fto. Baker, C. H., steam mills Davis, J., cabinet maker Dedrlck, J- L. & Co., grocers Ellis, James, grocer Gates, Dr. , physician and druggist Hewitt, John, saddler Kilmaster, John, general store McLennan, A., postmaster and general store Mabee, H. A. Ic S. P., general store Phelan, Dr., physician Reade, Qeo. J., collector of customs Reade, C- E., publisher of Rough Notes" Saxton, John H., innkeeper Stearns, John A., innkeeper Wilson, C. J., innkeeper Port Rowan, PORT ROYAL. (Not included in the Canada Directory.) A ViLLAQB ■itnaled in the Township of Walsingham, County of Norfolk, C.W.— distant from Fort Dover, 33 miles- from Fort Burwell, 17 miles— from Simcoe, 23 roilee. Alphabetical List of Frofeasions, Trades, &c. Cashntmer, Frs., painter Cook & Bingham, wharfingers and lumber merchants Farmer & DeBlaquiero, wharfingers and lumber merchants Fiok, Peter B., smith and grocer Fick, J. W., innlieeper Fitch, Rev. H., Baptist Garbutt, John N., wharfinger and lumber merchant Garbutt, Phillip, smith and dry goods store Garbutt, John N., saw mills and shingle factory Gowans, Wm., general store Mough, Chancy, mason Overbaugh, David, carpenter Procunier, Henry, carpenter Stone, Dr. Benjamin, druggist Stono, Jas. W., postmaster and innkeeper Tweedy, Thos., tailor Whilcher, Wm., shoemaker PORT RYERSE. (^ot included in the Canada Directory.) A Srippino Pokt situated at the mouth of Ryerae's Creek, on Lake Erie, in the Township of Woodbouse, County of Norfolk, C.W., four miles west of and within tiie Custom Dis. triet of the port of Dover. List of Frofsssioiu, Trades, &o. Baker, Samuel, ship owner and sailing master Ryerse, Rev. George J, Baptist n ._ II 1-1 I <• ,J-. D — »> H7„ U I L _. 1- _. SOWIR, ssciJrj, TTorcii'Tucriiiois attu >v: rrasuci ttjr'^»»", >t ,,,• ijt,, ^•^tss^rcr njcrcaan* Hooker, James, flouring and grist mill Ryerse &. Hooker, dealers in dry goods, Ryerse, Jsmes, landing waiter groceries, hardware, &o. Ryerse, Edward P., revenue inspector Winter, Robert, carpenter, &o, I'M 109 PORT 8TANLEY-POTTdN-PRE8COTT. POKT STANLEY. (S«B Canada Directory, Pao« 283.) Addenda. Bank of M ,frea1, E. E., Warren. ag*.nt National Loan 1 und, Life and Equitable Fire Assurance Cos., E. E Warren, apent Bnggn, G. W., North Amfrieiin hotel Ch«m)ler, T.. Fort Stanley milli H«igni, James, miller and woollen factory Hale, W. D.. civil enirineer Hamilton, O. G., general store Higrnan, w. H., ou»tom»* officer Herbiaon, Adam, carpenter Houghton, Emery, contractor McDonald, Mun^o, baker McCarly. T., amith McNab, F., teacher McPheraon, G., poitmaster and genera! store McQueen, John, commiialon merchant MdKon, R , innkeeper Meek, William, carpenter Payne 6l Eade, oontraoiora Simmons &, Son. wheelwrishtt Stralhdee &, Mulligan, carpenters Street, (instead of Steel) Ref. O. C, Church of En);hnd Tomlinaon, James (instead of Joif^ u), jnn> keeper Vigns, Phillip, shoe store DISCONTINUED. Ayree, N. P., ahnemaker Ball, Jai. T., merchant Burns, Wm., hotel Buxzacote, John, baker Cannpbell & Hume, merchants HamiitoD, . teacher Mahon, L., cabinet maker Mount, J. M., miller MoBride Alejr., hotel Thomson, B. J., merchant and poitmaiter Waters, George, cabinetmaker POTTON, or Mansonville.— (Given anew.) ttTili^'cVl "e.'Vi\'¥„Tt"SL^r^^^^ ^°""*^ °' ^""""''' ^- E— •">■•« 2 ".ile.of Alphabetical List of Batchelder, D. P., innkeeper Howker, Milton R , tanner and bailiff Brock, Aleiander, eenoral store Uarlinir, jHmRs. innkeeper Fairs, O., innkeeper Gilman, Thomas, commissioner of small Cao*ea Manson, James, clothier, and carding mills ManaoD, Robert, saw and grist niilla Professions, Trades, &c. Mannon, Wm. M., »aw mill MoVey, James H., collector of customs, postmaster, and commissioner of smxll causea Peab"dy, Oliver, carriage maker Perkins, William, blacksmith Rankin, Andrew, general store Taylor, Alexander, commissioner of small causes PRESCOTT. (Sxz Cakada Dirbctort, Paoi 284.) /. J T .. . Assurance Companies, &c., (Addenda.) Canada Life Assurance Company, W. D. Dickinson, affeni Matioual Loan Funrl. r.ifc. nnH !?«.,:.„ ki» !?:_- . " « I lios. Friel, ngent ' Bytown and Prescotl Railroad, W. Shnnley, chief engineer, office, Water 8t Pathck, William, M.P.P. for Gren,il|. | White, Bartholomew, mayor of P«.coU Armstrong, W., Bacon, E., tann Bradihaw, Mrs. Chesloy. A. A., law, Wat Chevallier, E., | Coates, William Cowan, Joseph, Oenuut, Craitiit Dillon, John M., Eaiton, John, M Errengy, (instem keeper, M Filzaimmons, Jn Oilman, J. S., Main St Homo, (instead i Centre at Jcssupp, H. D , i Junes &, Doirsle] Reefer, Thos , be Melville, Thos., ( Merrill, S. B., pr Armstrong, W,, i Bell, R., tailor Burritt, Read, ba Oyon, C, dagruer Gibfoii, Wm., gr Headlam, Robert Harlbert, Saml., i Pkistor is now a Biikie, James, tea Meitz. G. & W., t Beitz, Miss, music Bowman, (matead tanner Carwardine, Ed., Erb &, Giigeiaberi Es'on, Wm., book Evers, Conrad, ga Gluck, Lewis, inn Folsom, Dr H, R , Fraser, Francis, bi Hartliob, (instead < Holsche, (instead i Hogtr, John, millei Klein, J., uulciier Klotz, Otto, (In cominiasioner < marriage licen Liinprecbt, Frederi PRESTON. in ^a., E. E, I merchant intern G.C.Choroh f Joffi u), inn* id poitmailer er thin 2 mileior of cuifoms, imissioner of ker re iner of small [onpanieii, , Water st }fPreacott Armatrong, W., tinamKh, Mam &. Water aU Bacon, K., tanner, Water it Bradthaw, Mra., milliner, Main at Chealey. A. A., barrider and atturncv at law, Water tt Chevallier. E., grocer, Water at Coatea, William, watchmaker. Main at Cowan, Joicpl), buichwr, M«in it Dfinaut, Eraitui, nuitomi officer, Main at U.llon, John M.. distiller. Main it Ewton.John, M.D., Mnin it Errengy, (initend of E? rengy,) Thoa., inn. keeper, Mnin at Pilziimmont, Jno. & T., grocera, Main at Oilman, J. S., dry gooda and grocorioa. Main It Home, (instead of Home,) landing waiter, Cenire at icanupp, H. I) , M.D., Wood at Jones &. Dowsley, iron founders. Water st Reefer, Thne , barrister at law. Water st Melville, I'hos., grocer, Main st Merrill, S. B,, printer and publinher. Main st Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. REMOVED OK DISCONTINUED. Armstrong, W., customs officer Boll, R., tailor Burritt, Read, barriater Dyon, C, daguerreotypiit Gibson. Wm., grocer Headlam, Robert, merchant Horlbort, Saml., iron founder Mooney, Patrick, grocer, Water at Morrison, (insiead of Morissy.) P., inn* keeper, to Water at Moaa, S. II., dry goods and groceriM, to Main st Payne, Charles, distiller, Main at Pikp, Henry, grocer. Water si Rickey, Mrs., milliner. Main at Robinsim, Thori., innkeeper. Water at Scott, Dr. W.J., crown landa agent, Jamoa st Shaver, Charles, dry gooda, &o., Wattrat Slater, Wm., jev .; - ,„d walobmakJr, Main at Snailh, F, lir miib, Main .t Story, B., gro( st, fy Main ..'. Torr, Thimas bm r, Main it Tracy, Michael, yM^rn] et ■ t, to Main at Turnbull, Jamea, 'A..-.Ut,„ih, Main at Waugh, Alexr.,ag^..< for marriage licenses, .Main st Weagant, H. D., dentiat, Maingt Wood, Robert, Exchange hotel, Main at Jessupp, H. J., trader Manelly, Wm., diatiller Piho, Henry, hotel Scott, Geo., saddler Wood, Geo. C, solicitor Woodbury & Gill, tinsmiths PRESTON. (See Canada Directory, Page 285 ) PaiaTOw is now an incorporated Village. Population, about 1300. Addenda and Errata. Baikie, James, teacher Meiiz, G. Si. W., tallow chandlers Beitz, Mies, music and school teacher Bowman, (instead of Boreman) H. B.K., tanner Carwardine, Ed., baker and constable Erb & Gugeisberg, iron founders Es«on, Wm.. bookbinder & daguerreolypist Evera, Conrad, gardener Gluck, Lewis, innkeeper, (instead of cooper) Foreom, Dr H. R , physician Fraser, Francis, brewer Harllicb, (instead of H-irtlich), W.,mnsiciin. Holsche, (instead of Holchc) i{i?v. Mr ".ogrtr, John, miller and innkeeper Kiein, j„ uulciiur Klotz, Otto, (in addition), conveyancer, commissioner of Q. B., and agent for marriage licenses Limpr«cht, Frederick, organ baiider Maas, Claua, pianoforte maker Meyer, Julius, xtota keeper Mahler, Geo., innkeeper Mossmeir, Fn-derick, artesian well sinker Roos, John, storekeeper Rudel, Conrad, starch ftctory Simons, N. F., pail factory Teuscher, Jacob, editor Vandersleeve, -—, painter Warby, Frs.. mujician Wenger & Weaver, storekeepers MiNicrPAL CoDNCiL.— J. Hespeler, re«ve; Jacob Beck. F. Goggisburg, C. H. Case, Henry Hagey, Alex. AKan.clerk. man, John Claro, H. Kratzmeier, Isaac Salyerds, Otto Klotz, secretary. Fjrb Department — Jacob Back. captain ; Otto Klotz, aeeretary. 11 Sif: IM PRICEVILLE-PRINCE ALBERT. PR1 DISCONTINUED. Patterion, J. F., store Bioiler^ J., maion Bottscher, F., weaver Brower, E., carpenter Brower, Henry, carpenter CoHell, L., tailor Dettel, John, mason Ellis, J. W., teaoher Gallmen, John, carpenter Glennie, Miss, teaoher Gluck, Jacob, cooper GoldfchrofBt, P., joiner Hagey, J., smith HahmekBtcr, J., tailor Lautenschlager, P., eooper Martin, S. D., brickmaker Mettler, Dr John Nafe, Noah, fanning mill maker Robertson, A., tinsmith Rudolph, M., editor Schramm, M., smith Schwartz, G., joiner Vanpel, P', starch factory VoBtler, J., vinegar factory Wagner, J., shoemaker A ViLLAOK aitu C. W.,— disianl Beamer, Christ Chad wick. Dr., Charchhill, Geo Charles, Lewis, Cowan, Jeremie court, C( Cowan, Thomat County Fieldien, James, Goble, William, PRICEVILLE. (Jfot included in the Canada Directory.) \ iiinall Village situated on the Durham Road, in the Township of Artemisia, County 0/ Grey, C. W., — diatant from Durham, 10 miles. List of Professions, Trades, &o. Ambush, Rev. Darcy, Wesleyan Curry, Thomas, general store and inn- keeper Fergusson, William, postmaster Johnston, Levi, potash factory Also, 4 master mechanics PRINCE ALBERT.— (Given anew). A Village situated in the Township of Reach, County of York, C.W.— distant from To- ronto, 46 miles— usual stage fare, 8s. 9d. •Population about 350. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Archer, John, cooper Baker, Dr., physician Banks, G. H., talior Boynton, Wm , innkeeper Brian, Abraham, stove store Brian, Wm., tinsmith Brown, Henry, attorney Brotvn, E. E., teacher Brown, William, smith Cameron, Donald* general store Campbell. Alexr., smith Corey, Thomas, innkeeper Doty, S P., steam mill Eddy, Rice H., grocer Foreman & Co., general store Harl, John, tailor Hill, Samuel, steam saw mill Holman, James, waggon maker Kurd. Abner, postmaster Hurd, F. A., general store Hurd. P., carpenter Houck, Charles, painter Hunter, Robert, butcher Jurry, John, cabmetmaker Kellv, John, mason McCorkodale, Duncan, innkeeper M'-Kp'char, Duncan G., general store Main, Robert, cabinet shop More, J., carpenter t^fiihols, Charlfis, tanner Packstone & Co., steam saw mill Plow, John, baker Pool, W. K., smith Randall, Addison, carpenter Randall, John, carpenter Randall, Malcolm, carpenter Ross, Aaron, shoe store Saunders. Jas., waggon maker Silver, Daniel, painter Tanner, Stephen, tannery Tanner, George, tannery Thompson b Co., clothing store Ungcf, Lcoiidfd, gfuCcr Vernon, Dr. E , physician Ware, Dr. E., physician Wright, Josh , tanner, hameu & shoemaker Andrews, H., ca Clement, P. B., < Gardner, Willian Hobson, Robert, fimbam, William Brown, S., storel Doff. William, ci Oeschamps, capta Labelle, Rev. Ed\ Jette, D., storekee Labelle, Andrew, A small VfLLAOB s -distant from Vai i Elder, Rev. M., Pi Frith, James, J.P. Lendruro, Wm.,ci McGregor, Duncar town counci McLaurin, Peter, t J. P., and St MeLattrin, P., Prov aker WHMCIiTON-QUtiEMaTON- REPENTIGWY-MCEVIIXE. lis PRINCETON.-(Given anew.) Cbadwick, Dr., M. D. ^ ". Chorohhill, George, shuemaker Cbarlet, Lewis, innkeeper Cowan Jeremiah, J. P clerk. 2d division court. County of Oxford Cowan. Thomas bailiff. 2d division court, County of Oxford Fieldien, James, blacktmith Goble, William, tailor Houghton & Wallace, tanners Heriee, John, waggon maker I<owthian, George, innkeeper Lowthjan, William, painter Calmer, David, shoemaker Kyall, Thomas, merchant, postmaster, tad insurance agent Shorthouse, John, tailor Winters, Henry, blacksmith liiia, County 0/ later ry istant from To* seper leral store mill QUEENSTON. (See Canada Directory, Page 343.) 8r tore Addenda. Preston, J. F., storekeeper Mancal, A., smith Wynn, Joseph, postmaster Andrews, H., custom house broker Clement, P. B., collector of customs Gardner, William, carpenter Hobson, Robert, surveyor of customs Bntham. William, carpenter """""T m'' m""'. . Brown, S., storekeeper M^^^J'^Ken, G., collector of ouitomi Duff, William, custom house broker S«?"""'/ r"' ""'"' " « Stayner, John, postmaster REPENTIGNY. (See Canada Directobt, Page 344.) Deschamps, captain Francois if' ,. „ Labelle, Rev. Edward, Roman Catholic J ^'"^""P''"''' An"!", boarding house Jette,D., storekeeper WSCONTINCED. Labelle, Andrew, boarding houfe ^"'""'ppe. captain Phillip RICEVILLE.. A .m.n V . ^"^"^ included in the Canada Diredory.) Alpliabetical list of Profesrions, Trades, &c. Elder, Rev. M., Presbyterian Frith, James, J.P. Ijsndrum, Wm., civil engineer & town clerk McGregor, Duncan, J.P.. store keener „S town Councillor ' " " McLaurin. Peter, town reeve, postmaster, ... 1. ■ 1. r • ■*^" *"" ■'<"« keeper s & shoemaker I MeUttrin, P., Provincial land surveyor 52*'^""'..P"K'', town councillor Muir. William, carpenter O'Neil, Patrick, shoemaker d" J "U,'.'. :'"""» '"'^" councillor R ' TO '."'"• '""" councillor Kowe, William, town assessor and eolleo. tor "•■•v^ Shore, John, engineer and machinist i 1 lS6 RICHMOND-RICHMONO HILL. RICHMOND, 1st., C.W. (See Canada Directory, Faos 345.) PopuUUoD, about 450. ' Addenda. Colonial Life Assurance Company, George Brown, agent; Dr. R. W. Evans, medical referee Equitable Fire Assurance Company, Dr. R. W. Evans, a^ent Liverpool and London Fire Assurance Company, Dr. R. W. Evans, agent Lyon, Robert, attorn^y-at-law, &c., and agent Tor the executors of the late George Lyon Eatter, J. & R. R., general store Fitzeerald, G., clerk ordivison court Greener, Rev. John, Westeyan Hobba, Rev. Robert, Wesleyan Lewis, John, butcher Robinson, Wm , saddler Wilson, Andrew, miller DISCONTINUED OR DECEASED. Andrews, Rev. M. Coutcb, Mark, tailor Evans, Bev. D. Lyon, Robert, miller and distiller Falls, Mrs., innkeeper Patterson, H., cabinet maker A small ViL distant from ' Davis, John, Dorsey, Robe Raniage, Tho CoLLioB or direclf and W Feeny ents, ] RICHMOND HILL. (See Canada DiRECxoRr, Page 346.) Da four, Rev. Jolly, Michai McMillan, D Addenda and Errata. Barwick, Robert, innkeeper and confectioner fioyd,LiPut.-Col. F.,J. P- Bridgeford, D., coroner, agent for marriage licenses and town councillor Dalby, F. ,' innkeeper (instead of VVuley, F.) Dick, Rev. J ames, presbyterian Eyer, (instead of Dyer) D , saw mill French. J , shoemaker (instead of innkeeper) Langstaff (instead of HangstaiT) J., saw mill Langataff, (instead of Hangstaff) M , di Her Lawrence, A. P., shoemaker (instead of storekeeper) Law, Abraham, shoemaker Linfoot, (instead of Henfoot) J., innkeeper McBeath, Thomas, (instead of J.) waggon- maker McClelland, R., school teacher McPhillips, George, Provincial land sur* veyur McPhenon. William, (instead of John) storekeeper Priesf, George, grist mill Quinn, Alexander, tailor Richardson, Thomas, watchnaaker Russell, John, tailor Simpson, J^, (instead of T.) innkeeper Teefy, Mathew, gineral merchant, poit- master, and agent for the Home Dis* trict Mutual Ins. Go. and Western Assurance Co Trench, (instead of French) Wm., black- smith Vailes, John, tailor Wright, Amos, M.P.P. for York, £.R< REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Atkinson, J., Krist nill Chamberlsnd, E., carpenter Couk. T., grist mill Dy«r, — , teacher Higgins. —.teacher HumiriiriM k Lawrence, storekeepers Hunter, Dr.. physician Lyn'-r W . grist mill McKechnie. .\.,J. P- Miller -Inhn- wasfeonmaker Reid, Dr. a'. F. "" Wilson, T., saw mill A la^ge Viu C. E., onthe Population at Corf, Maj Crawley, Garon, Jo Garon, L. Gauvreau mas Gauvreai Gauvreai Lepage, J. •Lepage, J] Reeves, Ji the SavAiN, G Taoh£, J. Tanguat, Dr. R. W. Ivans, agent law, &c., and ora of the late tiller r RICHVIEW-RIOAUD-RIMOUSKI. 157 RICHVIEW. (,^^ot included in ihi Canada Directory.) A tmall ViLLAOB situated in the Township of Toronto Gore, County of Peel, C. W. ^ diatant from Toronto, 15 miiei— stage fare, la ICjjd. ' Davis, John, postmaster Dorsey, Robert, carpenter Ramage, Thomas, carpenter Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. Kennedy, James, general store, aaiistant postmaster Stribbings, John, smith RIGAUD. (See Canada Dibectobv, Page 346.) Addenda. CoLLEOB or RiOAUD.— Kev. A. J. Duheut, director ; IVfi'fifieurR Bi»nin, Licas and Woods, (instend of Loizenu and Feeny ) proresaors ; number of stud* ents, 12a. Belancrer, Rev. Mr, vicar Bienvenu, F., tailor D»')U«», C, tannery McMillan, Donnld, general storekeeper Thievierge, J. F., grist mill REMOVED OR DISCONTINtTED BUSINESS. Dnfour, Rev. Mr, vicar Jolly, Michael, tailor McMillan, D., &. Co., cooper Laroaque, Charles, genera] itora McDousall, Angus, tanner Scott, Thomas, grist roiil jal land sur- ;ad of John) maker innkeeper Qprchant, poit- ■ the Home Dis- t. and Western Wm., black- fork, E.R. RIMOUSKI.— (Given anew,) A la^ge VrLiAOE and Seigniory situated m the County of Rimouski and District of Quebec, C. E., on the south shore of the River St. Lawrence— distant below Quebec, 180 miles. Population about 4500. List of Professions, Trades, &o. CoTfi, Majorie, dealer in dry goods, hardware, &c. Crawley, Hector, general store Garon, Joseph, mayor. N. P., and J. P. Garon, L. F., deputy registrar, and secretary municipal council Gauvreau, P.,lieut.-col. militia, crown lands agent, cu&tomhouse officer, post. master, wharfinger, N. P. and J. P. Gauvreau, J. A., general store Gauvreau. P. L., coroner and N. P. Lepage, J. B., law student •Lepage, Jean, deputy grand voyer Reeves, James, clerk of the circuit court for the Rimouski circuit, dork of the cnnrimiBBionerB CQur!; and N^ P. SitvAiN, George, J. P., and agent for Wm. Price's mills TAOHfi, J. C, M. D., and M, P. P. for Rimouski county Tanguat, Rev. CrpRWN, Roman Catholic P. P. t.'ttil I M ' 158 AIVEJl DAVID. Baquet, Joieph, bailiff Beaumont, Fabien, tailor Boucher, Xavier, siw mill & mail contractor Bradley, S., law mill and J. P. Bradley & Couillard, general store Briant, Henri, surveyor Chass^, Benin min, carpenter Chouinard, F6lix, general store Coburn, Richard, tailor Cot^,J. fi.,baker Corriveau, Jean, grist mill Couture, Louis, tanner Couillard, M., cabinet maker D^roche, Pierre, bailiff Des Gagne, B. blacksmith Dick, John, supt. of pier Dion, Firmin, blackimith Dion, Gatpard, joiner rub6, Jos., butcher Duberger, Bernard, joiner Duplefsis, Joseph, blacksmith Filion, Napoleon, blacksmith Fortior, Charles, plasterer Fortier, Thomas, plasterer Fournier, Prosperc, shoemaker Gsgnon, George, mason Gagnon, Ignace, shoemaker Garon, George, surveyor ' Gattvreau, Pjerre, N. P. Harper, Joseph, ralllwright Harper, Joseph, jun., tailor Lafronaie, Ignace, mason Laraontagne, Joseph, saw mill Lamontagne, Joseph, jun., bailiff Lavoie, Joseph, saw mill Lavoie, Eui^be, sav? mill Lavoie, Francis, blacksmith Lepage, Faustin, mason Lepage, Olivier, mason Lepage, Pierre, carpenter Lepage, Paul, carpenter Lepage, Macaire, carpenter Lepage, Germain, saw mill Lepage, Jean, sav/ mill and general store Levaflseur, Magloire, saw mill Levesque, Hubert, carpenter Lizotte, George, blacksmith Lynch, Martin, tailor and bailiff . Martin, Adolphe, general store Martin, Henry, storekeeper Martin Edouard, storekeeper Michaud, Tobie, painter and joiner Monjon, Thomas, shoemaker Monn, IMerre, millwright Otot, Louis, shoemaker Oucllette, Joseph, saw mill Parant, H., machinist Parant, Thomas, mason Perron, Ovide, blacksmith Pin-au, Zephferin, storekeeper Pineau, E., saw mill and store Pouliot, Ed., crier Poulin, F. X., M. D. and apothecary Price, William, saw .mill Roy, Pierre, coachbui.der Ruel, A. G., county registrar and N. P. St. Pierre, J. B., tipstafi Siroia, Joseph, blacksmith St. Laurent, Luke, boarding house St, Laurent, Francis, general store Tourangeau, Eli,carriage maker and painter Martin, Edward; Pmeau, Major Olivier; Pouliot, Francis Pilot. OF R.Mon8K,.-Bauville, Rggule, No 20; Campbell. James, No. 146 ; Chouinard, S5 i?7. Pln^' r"°'''m • ^an^o ^f''' ^^mieux, Pierre. No. 281 ; Pelletier, J. No. 177 ; Pineau, Benj., No. 290 ; Pouliot, F. J., No. 60 ; St. Laurent, A., No. 131. SOHOONER PiioPR«TORB._Chou.nard, Daniel, Captain fFortin, Charles, do ; Lavoie, Pierre. iV. i«°Ki°°o^^°-!,*''" ^"""' ^^"'y> ^"5 Ruais,C.,do; St. Pierre, Jean do ; Tremblay, Hubert, do. j j > i i School CoMiiW8ioNER8-.Tanguay, Rev. Cyprien, president ; Cot6, Majorie ; Martin, H.: Lavoie, Aug.; St. Laurent, M; Couture. F., sec. and treas. SoHooL^A8TEM.-Ac8demy-D6ch6ne, T., professor ; Ouillet, Oct., teacher; Coulombe. KwousKi FwiALE ScHooL.~Mi8S Ad*le Rivard, principal teacher ; Miss Emiiie Gaun, as. •istant I Miss Clair B61anger, do; Miss Artdmise Jovin, do; Miss Hermine Lavoie, do; MiM Graeieuie Lepage, do ; Miss Mary Lizotto, do ; Miss Hecrietle Pineau, do. RIVER DAVID.~(Given anew.) (In the Canada Directory this Village was given as St. David, C. E.) Pa^1si^'Stt' DaJlr'?hV'iiri.t':!?'l'! '"'••« Seigniory of Bourg Marie de I'Este. in the !; ' ip.,f .!!; ?.t!'f ; ..T'1?.:L°^!*^ °l ^'- i*""» ."°.'"P'i^« l^e Seigmory of Bourg Marie rv""Ar.\7 i'7''"'^r "-;;«■''«>» J^"' i^c uuir, oj River i;aviu, in the County of Yamaska. C. E.,-distant from Three Rivers. 39 railee-from Sorel, 18 miles-and from St. Hyacinthe 30 miles-the usual steamboat fare from Sorel to Montreal, Ss 9d-and to Three Riverl thaMme. It has a Post Offioe. Population of the Parish, 3,500. ■'"''°"'" «"'•'•' WURTEIE, , Boucher, fi Bedard, Prisqi Bergeron, Jose Bergeron, Jos and gei Bernier, Jean general Bonrbeault, M Brady, James, Brunneault, Si Champage, Ce Cloutier, Paul, Commeault, Je Commie Deblois, Jean 1 Dcjarlais, Lear Semers, Magh Deauplaise dit Dttfresne, Jaqa Fortier, Mnise, Florent, Grego Goulin, Clemen Goulei, Charlei Gondron, Jame Harbeck, Lean Hogue, Jean Bi Jones, Isaac, c Joutras, Alexar Labonne, Georj Laeoune, Pierr Diitanee from II Aag6, (instead store Augd, (instead i general s Belaire, Andrd, Belan, Pierre, b Belanger, Louis Belmare, Georg( Belmare, Isidore Belmont, Louis, Baulanger, Pruc Bourret, Emelie Branoheau, Dar Clermont, Charl Clermont, F. X. CoBteilo, Patiici Dame, Dr. S. A Dejarlaies, Tboi Derosier, David, RIVIERE DU LOUP. 169 1 general store till ailiff . tre joiner r ■e jtheoary r and N. P. house store ;er and painter auvreaa, P, ; ; Cbouinard, Pelletier, J,, ,A., No. 131. avuie, Pierre, Pierre, Jean, Martin, H.j ; Coulumbe, ilie Gaun, as. nine Lavoie, 9 PfTieaUfdo. , C. E.) Este, in tlie Sourg Marie 3)' Yamasiia, . Hyacinthe, bre* Rivers, Alphabetioal liat of Professions, Trades, fto. WuRTEiE, Jonathan, Seignieur, Lieut. Boucher, Rev. JoaChin, Ptre, Cur6 of Bedard, Prisque, miller Bergeron, Josepli, millwright Bergeron, Joseph, jr., Temperance Hotel, and general dealer Bernier, Jean Baptisle, blacksmith, and general deabr Bonrbeault, Michel, tailor Brady, Jamei, blacksmith Brouneault, Simon M., general dealer Champage, Celestin, bailiff, S. Court Cluutier, Paul, cooper Commeault, Jean Baptisle, N. P., and clerk Commisnioner Court Deblois, Jean Baptiste, shinglcr Dejarlais, Leandre, tanner Demers, Magloire, mason Deauplaise dit Delaurier, Antoinc, mason Dufresne, Jaqaes, wheelwright Fortier, Moise, J. P., and general dealer Florent, Gregoire, general dealer Goulln, Clement, tanner Goulei, Charles, shoemaker Gondron, James, shoemaker and grocer narbeck, Leandre, turner Hogue, Jean Baptiste, miller Jones, Isaac, carder Joutras, Alexandre, shoemaker Labonne, George, general dealer Lacourse, Pierre, joiner ■Colonel, &c.,, J. P. the Parish. Lacourse, Narcisse, joiner Landree, Michel, wheelwright Leseard, Israel, joiner Lessard, Demase, shoemaker Lasalle, Jean Baptiste, blacksmith Lebrun, Jean Baptiste, blacksmith Mailly, Benjamin, blacksmith Mignault, Emile Pierre. J. P., phyiician and surgeon Mellotte, Benjamin, shoemaker Mondore. Pierre, miller Noren, Narcisse, blacksmith Pellissier, Pierre, blacksmith Petit, Honors, blacksmith Petit, Louis, tanner Pratte, Clement, blacksmith and bailiff Provancher, Jean Baptiste, carUr Rh^aurae, Frederick, shoemaker and sm- eral dealer Ritchotte, Charles, postman Sevigny, Pierre, cooper Sheppard, Charles C, surveyor Swan, Francis, millwright and engineer Thorien, Benjamin, N. P., and postmaster Therien, Thomas, carpenter Trudeau, Michel, millwright Verboncoeur, Joseph, shoemaker Vincent, Joseph, blacksmith ifil RIVIERE DU LOUP, en haut. (See Canada Dihectoby, Page 349.) Distance from Montreal, 68 miles. Population of the Seigniory, about 6000. Addenda and Errata. Ang6, (instead of Auger,) E. L., general store Aug^, (instead of Auger,) Captain I)6m6, general store Belaire, Andr^, joiner Belan, Pierre, butcher Belanger, Louis, general store Belmare, George, blacksmith Belmare, Isidore, bincksmith Belmont, Louis, blacksmith Btulanger, Prudent, joiner Bourret, Emelie, school mistress Branoheau, Daniel, carpenter Clermont, Charles, tanner Clermont, F. X., blacksmith Costeiio, Patrick, »hoemaker Dame, Dr. S. A., (instead ofL. A.) Dejarlaies, Thos., tailor Derosier, David, tanner Derosier, George, shoemaker Desaulniers, Ludger, shoemaker Dorval, Edward, joiner Doucet, Norbert, N.P., millowner Dufresne, Pierre., shoemuker Fortier, Pierre, general stora Fortier, Prudent, saddler Girard, Joseph, blacksmith Goulet, Joseph, shoemaker Hart, A.M., general store Harnois, M. A., carpenter Houde, Adolph, blacksmith Houde, Felix, bailiff Lamontagner Louis, joiner Lamontavne, OneajmA. ininaf Lamvthe, Denis, tailor' Lamy, Mrs. Michel, general store Lesage, Jules, shoemaker Lesiart, Moise, wheelwright '1^ i i t pi ; k 1 i ' fl j^B 1-' ' S m ,& L^ fli '*' . Ill t^HH ^ik^j^m^m nmmBm^^i mmKt ^^m 160 RlV-T'ti.B pUELLE-ROCKTON-ROSE BANK. Mnillet, D6m6, butcl. Mnbot, Hercule. boardinjr houio M'lrHi'i JoKeph, joiner PhIIM. Rpgit, wheelwright Pailltf. NnreiRie, wheelwright Paradii, Benjanain, bailiff Parker, Alexander, general itor* Peltier, J. B. baker Piehette, J. E., general itoro PioheHe. Pirrre, ahoemaker Prbtl, FrauciK. butcher Pratt, NaroiMH), butcher Racine, Fabieo, ahoemaker Rivitril, Mr'. A., gi nrral atore Roy, Cvrill<>,ahoeiiiaker Ruy, Francis, shuKinakcr B iucier, Joaeph, baker li^aucier, Pierre, tanner Tethreauli, Arobroiae, teacher Vr rbonooeur, Leger, general atore Vorboncoeur, E. & O., general aiore Vfirboncoeur, Honarj, boarviing houio Voizard, J., tanner Vol7,ard, J. B., ba;cher Yak, (inatead of G i ,) George, t.Dner ROl REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BXJSINE88 OR DBCFIASEr,, Bell, Hon. !lf atbow, mill owner Fancher, N^tr iti^to, oloth and griBt milU I G-ilmetk Leander, suiibr LtlMU. VilLAO^; { \MVi>. fron Chardf t Am I; I;. .,. ■ lubelder. Captain '.OKver. griaii lickey, Entwb, oio! regeau, .Mv«si>';, At ■ , V Mie.'ia!, ta juiia!, 'srael, tta'M RIVIERE OU^IXIS, Counti, of Kamourasha, C. E. (Sjtffi Ci.^AXiiX fsraiscTOiiV, PxGJt 349.) ^<iiloiida aud Errata. Dloune, Cjprien, genet si stor.? ( Afe«ille, (for Neville) Captain D. C. DISCONTINUED. I Hudon, Lewia, etorekeeper Chapaif, J. C, storekeeper ROCKTON. {Koi included in the Canada Directory.) A SMALL ^';^,LAaE aituated m the Township of Beverly, County of Wenlworth C W distant from Hamilton, 15 miles ; stage fare, Ss lid-from Gait, 10 miles ; atage farej 2i el List of Professions,^ Trades, Ac. y clerk and clerk of division court R K Village in the T( liiUnt from Granby tiilrasd, 6 miles, j iiVM, M|txjinf»J[( 1 Iranillette, Cyprien, causes /ook, Ed., eommisai )n)I«t, Charles, gem chant and pei lill, Elijah, innkeap ifflpton, Rufus, J. I small eauses lUii'JIvKli ■;■■'- ;, ■ BBT]aw, Wm. W., postmaster, townahi Barlow, H. G., town treasurer Harrison, John W , ipnkneper Holcomh, Seth, general etore and town reeve Howard, H., general atore Also 1 blacksmilh and 1 ehoeniaker There are several steam saw mills in thii i vicinity ftirss ROSE BANK. (J^ot included in the Canada Directory.) A small ViLiAOE slloatcd in the Township of Brantford, County of Brant. C W.- from Hamilton, 22 miJcs; aUge fare, 5«— from Paris, 4i| miles; atage fare, la 3d. Alphalietical Lis> Bristol, Rev. Emerson Christie, David, M.P.P. for Wentworth Gennan, Rev, Pe!«r German, George, ci.ith factory Hawley, Hanreyi to ««^nship cotmeillor Professions, Trades, Ac. Mullin, W., deput} reeve or Patterson, James, master tnti I iiiiiip?, James, general store •f . Dcufrieil Scott. Oliver, master mechanic Thomas, John, postmaster & peaco Adims, William, car] Boutillier & Rasco, ti ningville Cimpbell, Rev. Thon ningville Mill,H. &R.,cabin( M, Dr. John W., ,( ningville '■' tfuDing, Nelson; fo^i ManningvUhi Vtnning, John C, sc Mannioftille IGriiBtb, John, general IMontgomery, Rev. Hi tore sher bI store neral norr 'iiifighuaKi totge, t.iioer If C/> 111* Bin D. C, R0UQEM0 NT*~BOXT0N FALLS-RUSSELLTOWN. 161 ROUGEMONT (Jfot included in, the Canada Directory.) 1 AMU norv*. , ._ _ -hv loitofProfeMions, Trade*, Ac. iubelder. Captain Daniel. poKmaater bxk, 0)iT«r, griu ani! saw mtfla i ' ". ' . Mickey, Entwb, .^^ioJh fbotory '' > ■ fregeaii, MiesV';, ilfa^ J^ p-.^iH; , - ..,,■. , knteiti, Mie'ia!, MH^HgM ■ Hniijfl], Israel, tmXh Paquet.J.B,, smith Robinaon, Rev. Frederick Standiah, John M., general atore Siandiah. Richard, brewer Sanders, John, shoemaker Solders. Truman fi., carpenter ROXTON FALLS.-(Given anew.) K ViLuai in the Township of Roxtou, County of Shefford n;.»ri..> „r m • i « r. LUntfromGranby. 16 miles, and frim Acloo Vale on the Si r^i^°" "'L' f\^^^ i»lroad, 6 miles. Population of Township, about 860. ^'''•"" '"** ^"'"**'' H«M,Mpjt|mf^JltP, ,;.,,;,,., ,;.,. , Inmillette, Cyprien, eommiaaloDer of small causes Jwk, Ed., commiHioner of small causea Droiet, Charles, geMTal atore, liiiniibtr mar- chant and pearl aahery pill, Elijah, innkiS«p«r worth, C. W— WiiDplon, Rufus, J. P. and' ebttltiiMsioher of itage fare, 2t 6d, I ■mall eauaea ;! ;i.'irJlymro'»'!;i vA iM .. I. •" ., ^phabetioail List of ProfessioM, Tradtt, fto. Lauzofl Felix, general aton and bakery McGrail, Thomas, grocery and liquor atort Pratt, John, «fe Co., tannery St. Ange, Joseph P., grist mill Sanborn, CapUin Abraham, J. P. Seguin, Jos., general dealer, bakery, com- miisioner of small causea & councillor bavage, Major B., postmaster, coundllor,' general atore, and pearl aihery on court loeniaker LW milla in thii I RtSSEtLTOWN & MANNINGVILLE. (She Canada Directors, Page 350.) Addealtt and Bxiata. t, C W.- , Is 3d. ntij,-,, :■"■.- re nic & paac(> :yi.i Idaffls, William, carpent8r» MaQDingvi|U» louUUier & Rasco, tanners & curriers, Man- ningrille Iimpbell, Rer. Thomas, Wesleyan, Man- ningville liU, H. & R., cabinetmakers, MaQoinzriUe ii«, Dr. John W., (InafiMi) 6f Mill> Mail.' ningfille ■•"' .-'-'-'v ,7 /.i.:™. Uuoing, Nelson. foi^iidhritoa^HJtt^h AictbrT. ManningtUfe'--'-''^ t"- "■' ■ •■."• :->-«' Mmnlng, John C. scythe andsnaith maker, Manninltille H?W"d, WjboD, iMfon, Manningville Mcintosh, Alexander, general store, RusmIN town Middlemisj, Robert, joiner, Manningrnie Miller, John, shoemaker, Manningrille Moe, Abraham, mill wrigbt, MMningvUle , Payne, Samuel. MD., JSahnlngTine^^^ ' : Sadler, Thomas, saddler, MannagVille ' '''"''•^lir^SSeC;"^^^^"*^''^'^'' Wilkinson, Robert, general smith, Man- ' *t»»»gTIIIC M :'h % ( A tm HAiNUWICM;-giiBRINOVILUEa»EVMOUil; •i('H ^km>i^wwi - J J,^d>„r.,yn .^8 to „«„..'). .,ir> ^,....1 , , '.,ut)i. « ua.u/ J.■^ Addenda. Dewar, Rov. M., Church of England Jollobok. — . wuriron makar Hall. ( nslead of Hull.) W.Chi U>ti>i»^of:itim^ 8&Ty lie" of the „c J Jir.rda.T..,choo|,le.4,^;;„., , ' ' . Ouellette^^;.^^,^^^^,,";^', Moynahan,,p»nit, ^^wi(i clwlf, dVVty i»hfl». iRund jai^tr,. . ^, . ,) Morton, A. C, prV^rJ.find i»ubii»|i||r of Vervaw,- drunM4,|,,p^l,r Wjlkinaon. J. n^ntHmUJ.mlW Mdll •gent' «liiin«,l>N-!il ,:,■,,! DISCONTINCB^ Ouelletle, Isaac, fr,^t^^^,. „.,,, ; O ) _^. ^ j5^i(?yr,|'. ^,i>I|tt^,^^^or —.;j .0 .Ueii/ioM K. ;.r'ra(' .r>v.l;jilg, lo / inpr.Q .ooJn.)n'., ,iirianw oT -jHj ».I • , , .. 'ihieDAJ-'fo 90fUTWJjJ .IX n!. .; ^ ,aU'/ noli*/ moi'l l>.TAf..I'in ST.'ni'i.Mt) moil t,:i„. SEBRINGVILLE. tawJi^^MS?**?' '*"'*'"' To*rniHip« df BHice and Downie, County at'P^hiO.W. boetz, Andreas, ahaemAker Goetz, John, tailor K&itner, John, aaw mill Kaatner, Mio^eLahoMMjW,, ._ . , K«Btner. Pet«ydikilllr7r) 'Ai /. f. / 1^1 KeM«,^Aprtg»3r,!*»tiaBr: ,,,„;i . Ketterborn, Rev. A., Lolb^iw "^■' Roughridgo, Theobald, carpentei Scharffe, Rer. F.,Dntoh Reformed Chureh Sebring, Da? id, general itore (. QgC :?:;/'■ ,;r.ij'i ,;i><.'.i i.ay.:..>.:j -u ig) slfifgnin .•j.ii/sdiiyiBM ,v.':!iM:ie;'ria,nriol,"ayllMendft. tliit^^im Bonter,3[^i I. „.„.„, „ . CockbtiM^tt.'^.mfai^^iU-*^"'''^ r .•o(,!,flrs dditby; wHftaaJ^ii ^oij^ ,«*i;i.^j8 Craw&rd, John.ahWffiaftir^'^"^' . „,„ Discontinued. ' ' „ ;'3's9// .iIsuH .vsJi ,v/cinTo;;i(ic.''| 8C 'tiliiij v.'iflrn iPrtient MpkhMiMi •ill uii bun ijJnt> I Conltn, Edward, ta J Dilchfleld, Samuel, Darhim, Jeremiah, Hinn, H. F., carp Lymut Henry, poll {Bickell,J., tailor I King, S. B>, innkee i9inij'< I I A VitXAOi iituated I Milton. 6 mile*. Colenan & McKej FarguaoB, Rev. Pet Gilleipie, Rer. Mr., Glendenning, Jame Home, Thomaa, poi ! Kennedy, Angae, ■ SI K ViLLAQB sitnated Townihip of Tyend< -aiual stage fare, 1 fare, 2s 6d. — a steal tion, and conveys ^^ Appleby, Levi A., i Appleby, Tboniai, ] Soulton, ALur,f,aar Bittdett, wTai A!, i Burleigh. George, ta CamDhell, Wm., gei Cole, M. B., CmM( Coppinger, ffliilkm Earle, Geo. & WW English,' 9yi?:1(H^ FtiuelliWeim^ltM; I OH SCOTLANDW-EUDOrFCH IBLOGK^^HANNON VILLIJ. M63 in»(lt) nitiil 'f-,'. I iker itenoftb« Hcniil li'.Jil-'i'J , ; )U/ J.MilnS! m41 (mi ,lowi»l ,:;■! [or 3f!l 11: ■., t.'.... .»aii(ii 3 (hsini, 'I .ofif.'r") ,hlv brio J rii'.'i pentei teformed Churcbl ore pouter (UuiiliV/ ,-iir oiliejiiiiil 3,.;ij3 .h,/!.; / iifiol .id ,llr; ollifpniii ndof. ,2itiinf!' keepers g .tilkll. ,t ■-..:' r-uy bn.- 1'"^' "-(l(tt(i't>AltXli,tDlBECTP^V, PaOB 861.)" '"V.:"'"''' ^ |PrtientPiy«lrt<»»iidiwif6<K>)t .-.sLil-^v/ I -ill ijJ oiiii ijJnt> naa ,fciaiii[r.*3{I ,oii.ijV/, ,;. i) hH«i lai'iiK.. ..inW .(iii.ildiA'I io'iB» 'ii«»I"ivni fUir.vih'A ,eHi>-'r«T rh' ml Lnin&i(!»q'.^) ,(r .iMiW ,5r^-. j.,, , l''>u^...i!: i ,V .titlduil Ccolui, Ednrtrd, tanner jDilchfleid, Samuel, tailor parhim, Jeremiah, innkeeper HInn, H. F., carpenter Yii*A |Ljman, Henry, poatmuter and genem uore' Malcolm, Ellakim, land surveyor Malcolm, Eddy, cooper Makolm, J. 8c E>, miilurs M|pc, William, boots and shoes "'"Tlnllepaugh, W. N., cabinet maker BickellfJ., tailor King, 8. B>, innkeeper "1 Scott, R., aaddler .ItitUdK'i Sweeney, Thomas, butcher v iat.'j niici .llL^X. A^:io)<: •ijM iioi ,i»l)!'J '.Scotch 'GtocK:' •'"' '""''"' "''"L'';;; ^ A ViiXAOi ■itutted' in tha'*fti*^hjp of j^qoeslng:, County of Halfdh, CW^r^istinllWrth Milton. 6 miles. -.'J'p. •;'::?: ,.T,r, -.rr '-■'"^'--^' ., Alphabetical LM of fMeiiliibns, Trades, &o. I Coleman & MoKey, tiMnMy ' ' ' ' FerguiOB, Rey. Peter, Church of England Gillespie, Rev. Mr., Anti-Burgher Glendenning, James, saw taiU- — Home, Thomas, postmaster and storekeeper Kennedy, Angus, saw mill -r /j <)< , j ; , j ' Lawson, Michael, rtlW mill .'' . Vi lo' McLauchlin, Rev. Mr., Freo Chuiiiv ^:<-' McMicken, — , rist mill Mtehi^ — , saw mill Miller, Robert, saw mill (X n :;;,/. ■ ? .7. ^ v.riiaa ^-r/./ ^ '.) a.ih) AViLLAQB situated on the Salqaon Jliver, about 1^ mile frpm the Bay of Quinte, In the Township of Tyendenaga, and'^«Umly«{^EiiiStih^;C.'Wi-^distant rroin Kingston, 21 miles -asuai stage fare, lOfl, in summer, 6s 3d. — diatant from Belleville, 9 miles-^soal stMo fare, 2s 6d. — a steamer from Kingston calls unco each wcck^ducln? the season vOrnVvtg^- jon, and conveys goods aQ.d passengers to or. from th>it clfyi' Population &bodi'<tJH)t'''^^''^< fare, tion. ) •j-jr.')n ■■fnuotv. Alphabe^cai iis^ o^ iEfrb^eBsioiis, 'Trades, &6. ^ Appleby, Levi A., gsnevsT store*' '" '^ " i 'Oitmlro.'fe; DltWrnth ')!( Appleby, Thomas, D., town clerk Burleigh, George, tanne»j£xi3: bas £hm Campbell, Wm., general store Cole, M. B.,C«i(SWeiidM'B«tel-"f'; - .'''a-.' Coppinger, MiAi'6«#*'' '"-'f'''^ .'■';!«'•' Dapion, Re*?l«f?,'Wl*fty«« ,H .aiydal-, Dtuftfite'tf'cijw- mmim ." - ' ■• ^■' ' ' OocltiitttefJ 'DifMd: tfarMttttJr tbd tinildw ; Earle, Geo. &. Wtt»? mm C, <■'«■'"■•' -^ English,' fVif: UrtWt Ifcrtr •' ;> ''f ^V; Fiiuell, Weim^i<k># WWA'gin^ifNto^c and carriage maker (j^io«>tnS<!Ri«hlk^..||l»flfqiailf.er, , i;,.,,,,;., • HoldekD,. Hiram, postmMter, [gQMral store ■tt6wy!^1^hbn8i,myWn' J rv^J .j8 ^•■nkj^St^oWfi^wner and shoe store (trirtedy,' Wm.Viooper Lewis, EdsmM H^, Salmon ittiMrliofllt^l stage house .•y._;;o'j;> .Jui^-iJJ Lewis, John, Dandas hoosis i:;^ utJ .inha't ' Lovetaee4 Jj W./^arpchtaiailMii|uiltei(iifi'} I LozierkfiiohaiSi&Mr ahdsaMr.iniiii ,->{o;> hjwritf IUoIhiUI i;^sSme> nA buiWer; I ! s i J Lyonii, l^honas, oarplsnt^' wul: btaH^et !^o J Maxon, Jcdcdiah, shoemaker .' mcP ',1 , 'j^ m 1 ^l;^^H •m m ^•is<j^ a^^^l ,^*j,'l 1^1 164 Moore. Dr. T^^ibm. pb7*ifli>n Mordtn, Geo., enrmgt maker WiohoIion.Jamei, tailor PaKin, Robert, fuandrj and cabir i*'""*"' Win., butoher and tt J"; "••Edward, merchant fa.lor KoWIn, Wm. H., amilh 8UAR014-4HBRillOOKJL / /..li o j> \V^«<uf»>W» «J«P«l.:«f»|>Vi»»«nd builder I "'»«.. David, fl<^r fnJikw milli .'jdfe, Fr^iy)i». law mill and cenen ■lore • " i-Weeee, Benjamin, carpenter aodi builder ihnii^Uf'*^^*' Winlam, csrpenter and builder ii .i. ,ii < ,tii«i;fiV( '1*' .'''uwt.a .iiiii.ii ■ Utl A Tkr^-ikT ri'*i/irtTDl ,/^l),^1ui, I (Sei Canada Dirjectorx, Paw 853.) igfinJ ,.l,li3ji'i ■"■■■■i'uii,.a .K' , , Stokei, Joluj, town clerk ^ Tyry, John, Unner and currier ,. WjlUop.Jdmei.taHpr ^T!«ht, WiUian,, UUoi . Wright. T., tteper''^-"'^"' ^':/ 'J'' ' Addendc EMer, John, buildai Hogaboom, J. C, j Oitmaiter, com. Q. B. ineuranr » r;ent and cler^ of divipiM court ■ ' .' ij ■■ Macphail, Hugh, echool te«eher Moore, Dr. Daniel, phfel<ilkn ' ffhtw k Lockhart, (wetMd of P. Shaw.) merchanta Spring, Wm., waggon maker Cornwall, A. St, teacher 'FiaDfOr.l. . ■tT msconviirrxi). Sliver, 6., iaokMBW , • i, „ ■ ; I" " 'uulM ,,.,Vi .vaJl,:,,^., ■^^^^-'i/- ,.iK-vtiJI ,1. (-,!,;, SHERBEOOKE. "•'•»> m..,,!i (Sbb Canada Dibectoht, Paor 353.) IUil««d &.« from or to Montreal. 16.. Popu 'l<^, M»Wt 3 JOw ,- J j j, .mimrfi, !..<.,„ :-;4.,, .. ■Public 04aoen,(Aadon^f ■'^' ^'■>''aj.ui;«4oA.ur< , {Short,, Moil. Jijitice, Main . ' , "''^-^ '.'*i«»j!«'-rf >i'»» -oo -ni,. ■ . t>;) J .„, Bell & Short, prothonotary, crewn a^'d pekce'cl^rfc Coiirt Wniiii' " "^''^ " '^ / Brook,, Charlea, secretary to school commiMioner; " " Awraranoe CompaniM, 4o., VAd^M*.?^ ^ St. Lawrence^ i.ntic Railroad, C. R. Ch .tie, .^^ii^^:^;, i^ |r«dford,l:uater,oabinel maker I X^a" ' ■■ " ''^ Bryant, G°)rge, cabinet mitkar m Carter, GeovM ».. advocate :,.,;».,.» Carr/«ai,iVubHAer " 8t. Francij Tele*rt^»> Cole. A. D., (late A. D. fc W. A.)niachinil.t u«iis«.«i^ jmii, (iiuiead oi jamet? aAvoeaite Lomaa. AdiDi, gtmrsl slore, ia nmtion to former "'ft ,il3ri«[rih;' I.e»lie. Thomu, dm caodiatoM " ' •W<e McKenly, W E^Xr „d -lollierV ; ' iixhihtoat ,fV I''' fiuad builder •kw milli ' 'nill and genen nter and builder | t«r and builder »i/iraTol ,niB,<,i.i.', I «'> . .M .rii.ii:!! olid) ,.l,li3;i-,, I'liii ,.}! .'■ imer I Wm., waggon .VU)1 ,»'■'., Ollf. 4,JA !.■ , 1 O^Kid IkiI':.'!. se •«iilba(<iL,|. ln(tT,yt '.;.■/. A ,rr ■ •: i(i.-)0 .fis' ■, iiV' Jlsrifiin,: '•?r!j| ,'igni,,f SHERRlNOTON-fllLVER HILL-«MITH<S FALLS. 1« 0'MeM»/M/,fi»lb»ad wtketary, Martha .|iB I'^.i^pot. 8«*:««r4 undtrUw haador " Montreal" Robinson, J. c , bookitore &, ojpiter aaloon Robinton, Wm , bairdreaier . Sherbrooke .^cadaaiy, Mr. Munrall and Miw McKeaate, Uactera , .'II Waare, UwMianea, nulliMra k drvaamater* SI. Frwioi* Telegraph, weakly, H. Cair, publixher Townihips' Refornner, weekly, Carr it. Hop. kinwn, publiibera HKMOVKD, DlgCOKTINUM BUSINESS OR DECEASED. £lkina, H. A., grocarU< .vjH ,% Fearon, J. A., ainitln.;. • / v; Feltoo, E. P., lolarj Higginbotbam, I'm., teacher Hopper. W.H., railroad agent Hurd, R. P.. blind factory Kendall. H., tailor Rennie, Jamea, ahoeaakar t Robertion, Miaa, teacher -i; ,i',.,i Scott, Jacob, cabinet makaricrrj . , r Sutherland 8t Co., general al«r« ..v, .^iftif Thompaon, Daniel, general atorfi -if, jiM ^RlNGtON. (S«« Canada Dijreotobt, Pao» 364.) .i-rh^T"?* Addenda. &!!?.'.^«V;'"'"''l«'»""«'>ter I HuKhef,J.nie..J.P. McCaffrey, Miia Jane, genaral atore Conroy, Edward, • j^yer Creighton, Cbaa., ot nclllor, DoiHiJy, J4i4lea, «ot. ,'tor — - y, ....-* vwMwy a^*'*.' Kcdmond, Jamea, ahoemaker White, Samuel, carpenter ,r,u DECEASED. MaCsi^ir, William, atorekeeper. .ii^iruit rjiJiHjO lai'aJi.'.' ,(ic Jii.«»»,»^ .. ■ ' • '' •'! .V'.il ,»fin!-,j«8il itiaiinm; ^»oVrf fl SILVEK HILL* '.••'^''o' • 8<i/i .r, - c'.' {^.ot tnduded tn tht Canada Directory,) "" ' ■ .; ' A email ViLLAQB aitaatiia irt the 'r^wMihlh >^rr<i...i .. ■. ^ diatant ^rojj VHUHa; 10 i«lJ!!^5Jt|s?S"'°""'"''' ^""V^ <f ^k.; ^r" ?.t;.ol;"johJ:I.P."'' ''"" ""' P'^' ^^^^ k fr^^^V Nichol-., mm owner Hunter. John, y.^ >♦' •>.. , ..i; .,i: a„"t''; „ ''vT!" """^ • ' // r H ,.^w(. ' ''""n &• Hotchkias, mill owners '' ,v.i\>(\ '■,.fF,<:iiiJ,;_ ! SMITHS FALLS. (?^? .C^WAftrfPMise^'c^Ti P^pjE 866.) YAddendii;) datieiii hi^"' """^ ~=«^*^- --nagar^noderaie and good accoramo. Cr !i!?^^''''^' 5*'^!f*^*^^''* ^""^ commission merchant U Clarke, AiexandSr, deafer m dry goods, groceries, hard^rare. d«j. '-<i ■i !'■ m {•MITHVlLLB^aOftABA. ;(rnii'' MeDooaALL 4e Brown, dealvra in dry gooda, greoeriea, oroekery» 4>e. \f. ^ Shaw, Jakh, M.P.P. (br ^iftiiArk and Honfrflw, {n acMiUon (o former ad. AtchiMin, Jm. Jno., (iratetd of John,) M.D. Coleman, Rev. W., Wetloyan CoMitt, G.M. & Brother, fanning mil! maker* Gurley, — , tannery McLaren, Alenaiiar, fcrviMNmwnifo:! Tertiey, DaoWl, fanami MSfi ^^^^r'' Wiiliieroft, JoInh iinnnithy V) additiqp Wilaon, Levi, hotel keeper I "I REMOVED, DISCONTINUKD BUSINESS, OR DECBASHD, Ferguson, Wm., inakoeper Hafenden, H. B., b«tal kMpet Hall, Fra., tanner Matliowaon, K. fi., genotal alure Mittloberger, U. C, geaeral'ator* Nankervillo, Rev. Mr. Schotield, W. A., general atuta ' . Sheldon, Philo, general Mar* * • • ,. Simpaon, V,'m., miliar J'/ . uarfn»rf(ir.;,;H Watkina, Jamaa, aniHb ^n. H .'// ,-;v)!,ln . .)mii' .'I .H .till) I! SMITHVILLE. (See Canada DiREOToftY, Page 367.) Population increased to 500, and ateadHjr prograsainf . Addenda aad Errata. MoBBE, Abijah, comtntasioner and general conreyanoer,' in jMidltiM ' to former address ■ ir v/i.li Skitb, Henbt, crown lands agent for Lincoln, Haldimand and Wetland Fabmbrs and Merchants Milling and Manufacturing €a, A. Morae, president ; J. McCoUom, sec. ; milling, cloth dressing, dec Apley, Jaaon, joiner Gulp, Henry, waggon maker Cutler, Roy innkeeper Durkie, Warren, innkeeper Eaatman, Rev. D. W,, Preibyterian Forahee, Mra., groeery Griffin, Douglas, asat. P. M.& clerk of court Fillmore, J. A., mason .,^.,..^1 Harria, Elijah, surveyW ^^ ""^' Harria, John Q., M.D. Haw, Rev. Wm., Wealeyan Kinney. Patk., shoemaker Little, Benjamin, painter Oliphant, Miss H., Diilliner Drake, A>, painter rr ,!,|.,i. r: >, , Drennan, — , tailor Franklin, B., apothecary Green, Rev. Alex. Potter, Ira, cloth factory Maher, (inatead of Maker) W., merchant Roberta, W. A., aahery Roberts, M. L., shoemaker Russ, (instead of Roaa) W., foundry gmitbi ^|omon, butcher Taylor, T^. H., lumber merchant Tufie, Thamas, painter Walker, George, mason WardaUiJswes. WJU* .,.,^,.7 [i.„:, A WiHiams, Nathan, itfraer,«9^ ^in^l jr- *- 1 .Williams, Spencer, waggon maker Thompaon« R.j^ bailifif. jnitead of hotel ,T : 'i '1 ^- V 'NTlSrUBD.' ■ ■■ ■• -, , _ . • .'I'lul, ,11. nwoi Harkness, John, atone ctmb«r ,„',,t ..,.,.]( Lowe, Rev. W. F. Pond, Chs.W., smith Taylor, Hale & Potter, millers, Sec ^ SORABA. (Jfot indued in ihe Canada Direciory.) A email Viluoi situated in the Township^ of Upti^i!|, County of SheiFord, C.E. niiun'^ % hiioy^ brill XistofBrofttiions, Tradei, ft(Mi rix^X , i-AxaVM/ DrnmmoiiJ, Hon. L. T., saw and ghst mill McDougall, Major, iiiiiiitt#Ott' owner Puim«t,fi«iyfHpB,ia>J..?i,i> < ;r> i \'.\ Dufreane, Antoine, miller Warqer, Seth B.,,DQetniaster . ..»„,,) Hudon.E.dt v., general store ' ■«"'^?"'*»' .^ ,..H>r^..J Allan, James Aliard, L., g Arliitrong, C Butery, 8., ii Boulee, Ant., Brais, Mra., i Collet, Juaqit Curdin, Piern Denis, Aiezr Dorf<L J. W. Fish, Ralph, Grenier, Ant( Guy, Joseph, Hunt, J. v., I Kelly, Richar Lacouvreture, grocer Laoouvreture, file, gr< Lamoureux, L Li roebelle, (ii Lavalle, M., i Laeoor, Misa, SOU A Village sit Saugeen, Coun rich, 60 miles- promiaea to b« liilol^AB, Al ageni Reid, RoBBl Allan, Thomas, Angua, Alezani Belcher, John, Blineae, Henry, Brown, Peter, I Butchart, Georj Calder, James, Cathy, James, t Campbell, Jaioe Cameron, Jnusi Clark, Rev. J., Cannaway, Jan Coqlaon, Rober ^^ooisiMi, Join, i Cook. John, sea Crawford, Bei'.' Canada' t iaORJiL-AnUTflikMr-l'UN. \m SOREI^ ormiliam Henry, ' ' 'fef*.f ^#f* OIHMTORY, PaO. 3fi8.) jJla-wft/-) ii.u,i ,11,;. 1 , . I .. ooa ^i.r'^iiddenii and Errata. ,,, _ ■. .Iir,.*. ..-ijia . Allan, Jimei, aueVWMr «nd sterekaepar Allard, L., grocer Ariiitrong, Ch««., UiMmbuAt captain fiatery, 8., innkaopN Boulae, Ant., genial atorf^, Braia, Mrt, mpwft\ •U.riliij ., Collet, Joaepfi, gwcaii ■,„^( ' Curdin, Pierre, (loqari Denia, Aiezr , hotel a Dorg^L J. W., advoeato Ftah, Ralph, Victoria hotel Orenier, Antoine, grocer Guy, Joaeph, geaeral atore Hunt, J. v., muaic teacher Kelly, Richard, general store Lacouvreture, (inatead of LaeuOAite,) M., griMser Laoourreture, (inatAad of Laeouture,) M,, file, grocer Lamoareux, L., innkeoper Li roebelle, (inatead of Laarhaile,} T., grocer Lavalle, M., grocer ,, Lecoor, Mlaa, ji^Hiic .teachor _ ',^','j'; 2, ' )■■ tairtj I .,:..iii .isiini'i' t;il! it ^A>\\y,M r ... "'*'^ .f iinr,<l ijV, Lunan, Wm..groi>«f; ,: vji^4. !«»,..(/' Mondon, Joaaph, «MiBbMttfint-aMpoil> master Morin & McCurdly, general tl«>r« Mdrgan. J. &. Frere, general tkxat ■ \ • O'Heir, E. St. M., generai alora Fcloquin, Ambrose, innkeeper <i Quotsis, N., grocer Raimond tt. Uuy, grooera ' Royotte, (instead of Rayotte.) C, grocer Sinconnes & MoNaughton, forwardera and commission merchanta MuNicir*!. Council.— J. G, Crebaasa, wayor ; F. Gerrais. L. Boirin, K. H. Kittson, Jamea Kelley, beon Courrette, W. fl. Crail, coaiicillore; L. O. Gendron, aeojr. and treu. ; J. B. Corbeau, clerk of market and m. spector of police. CoMuiMioNiia or Small Cai;8bb.— Fn. Gorraia, R. H. Kittaon. Alexr. Cre. peau, John Lamaira ; J, O. Onpleso ■ie, clerk. ,„ „ , ,., , ,.^ ■Uo'J i.il lUllJl a ./..ii . ■\ ffi ,.,,.tv,.. .; 'i SdtJT*HAMPTON, or Saugeen.—(Gijen anew.) A Village aituated at the mouth of the Sauzeen Rlrer. on L«k« Hi.i.«» ;„ »u- n, l- , Alphabetical li»t of Professions, Trades, &c. MqI*AB,AwM., crown lands agent, agent for Bank of U Canada, and agent for Canada Western Assurance Co. Reid,JIobbrt, i^stmaster, issuer of marriage licenses & general merchant .dUUi :<!0'i .1 Geittanden, Saoiiiei, carpenter ui,.,;! .i.,ii. .;.-i/lnt')ii'. .-^ rsiti. . illiwti . V' ,u,-- . .itU-.Vi (]r ; Allan, Thomaa, tailnir Angus, Alexander, builder Belcher, John, blacksmith Blinese, Henry, framer Brown, Peter, builder Butcbart, George, miller Calder, James, general atora , ,, • Cathy, Jamea, school teachef. • '" '^^J •''i"*' Campbell, James, gardener ••''"'^* -'i^* Cameron, Jamea, carpenter ' '"'^ <•'• i*' Clark,ReT.J.,Wealeyan ''^■' Cannaway, James, teacher . ';.'»"^-' Coqhon, Robert, ship carpenter ". > " " C/\iaiBoh, Jdin^franier Cook, Joiin, seaman -. Crawford, &W A.; Pttil^fiail., Church ot Canada ' .•■''■ •••'' •■"'■'' •- "' ' •sB'^iiJlafj'' ;•' 'f- .nii'.i ■insl ... Ellis, Thomas, ship builder Ewiog, Jam's, (ailor Pagan, Patrick, bl-cksmith Forrest, Chvles. taptain Gilbert, Joseph, innkeeper Godfrey, Thomas, builder Gray, George, builder Hamilton, Patrick John, merchant^' ; ,' Hamilton & Co., John, merchanta^ • ■ ''"^^ Hunter, James, mason -■ '"''••-•' Hutchison, Rev. J., Wesleyao , '^ ''''"''«' ' Kelly, James, carpenter ' '^"t" ■ -» cTfc'i'n .• Lawson, John, tanner , ,■*'"'*',?" t'f 168 SOUTH eLOBCESTER-SPARTA. Laurie, Andrew, millwright ,. ,U ..,.,., Laurie, Patrick, gardener ' " Laurie, Robert, ^liipowner , - , . Lee, Thomas, carpenter McBride, Peter, choemalcer McBride, William, siioemaker McDonald, Archd., teamster McGregor, Peter, siioemaker Martindale, Jonathan, shoemaker Martindale, Darid, plasterer Morton, Francis, painter Orr, James, innkeeper •• i v Parker, Franoi^ clerk ' ••■^^ '•'' Pollard, £divard;framer Richardson, John, butcher Robinson, Samuel^ blaekimitb i^'- V ,rii.n '.'.." ..'^.bnoK- K1I.S tjii-u.!,:-! , ,1'/)' ' \t'.. /■; wif^ ^^j .BV.aciG'.') .f) JS ,fif»i<l A .c^.. t Saoff, Williatay/qiUI Wright Sang, Robert, machinist Sawyer, Rer. Pavid, Wesleyan Slocome, John, clerk Spence, John, ship carpenter ' Ik ^''^'"' Louis, cooper Snowger, Samuel, Tramer Strowger, Philip, fishetWan' ' ' ''"^' .<'ial>'/ Stewart, Robert, seaman ^ '4 ■•'■^ .tiinllA Spreul, William, MWj«iir ' ' .a""'^«'«iA Thorburn, James, shipbuilder'^' ••''' 'V'tf^H Wilson, William, innkeeper ••'"'• <''>9'«i>n Walker, D., surgeon end ifty^fciati'''^ ' "'*' Valentine, John, lumbei' ftierohant '• <''""-' Valentine, Thomas, shipdWder - i ."i^'n-'i • :»^iTr, ij.ilA .Bin-iU jiiCjOVJ:.-j ,.V/ .1. ,ig-,()!, J Jjiioini'-' ..iql,"il ,f!v/,i ati jiX'ui ,.V T. ,lm!H S ,htnh 'i .«l/.)>< 'I ■ ■• 'IjIVCOOb, i SOUTH GLOUCESTEfi. (J\rot included in th& Canada Directory.^' ''■■u. . A ViLtAOE situated in the Township of Gloucester, countj of Caileton. C W* >'''8 "■ '■■' ■'•^"o ii;,*-.,fi;, .•Vaijn1»uf).|/',l u) sxof/, ao«. : list of Professions, Trades, &c. CBiiii-Teboia; Joseph, ettrpettter' CuRson, Jacques, carpenter Deleage, Rev. R., Roman Catholic Durney, John, flour and meal store Feaghan, Michael, shoe store Hardgrove, Richard, smith Henry, panleJ^ horse dealer ;i-'ti ,.J .xu'jimuiic. I if:'JiS(ii),->!!yi!;),iT ,1 Haws, William, innkeepier aitd'tiorieiiealeil McMorrow, Patrick, teacfrey^' ''"^T'! «' ji- .!.■■'■■ J MiJ in ,t:.-i7.'ji ! -yi»!}D mull .ifiji!t«ii>— -".fnTTT! ,(j!!.9 ,}••■: bJjii vli.wav; aijii ■:?nnr McKenna, John, general store O'Doherty, John, postmaster & merchant PaiUere, Rev. A. A., Roman Catholic '^"^'r, :' SaJlaya, Reno.,* Roman Catholic ■;i ■ ■■ '■ f ■•%- .'H.D .'.•'>: .;i 10 y)„[ror) ,nu&,'i;. , OJrArtlA. .-'m.-k-it" i| v-inr « fid 0' :^"i.imui(! (^0^ included in the Canada JHrectory.) A Village situated in the townnhip of Yarmouth, County of Elgin, C. W., distant from a^ut^Ssol " """'^^ '""• '*'• "*'*• ®'''""'^' '■"' '" ®''^'"' la^' pJpiiiflffl Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Adi-ii ..ii/jwrr .ni.iiA Huff, J. B„ saddler- *;'l'V^'"f'!^- •"f^;'^ Jay, A., smith ' '^^la''" <iflc. ■ .i.dsba Mann & Mclntyro, roiwdiy '-■■'• ;"''""''" Mann, A., smith ' .^'^*^ '"'»^ ";'"■ McDowall. J., innkeeper', ■'i^'i'r '/ "'n" * Moore. Dr. J.. Pliyfliciaj,"f '-''•"•'' ■'*';'''^' Moore. Isaac/ livSr»3ief '^ ;"'?/• f-''"'' Oill, J., waggon i4i^S:fm?^WtJ,'i^ councillor • , ,,, '7 ■^"-'^ Spence. William, taiWr',',;,;'^ .^. Smith, H> B., general stare, '■ ix'' , x Baker, Joseph, smith and waggon nlaker Bennett, H., shoe etore Buckridge, Wm jsmitji and Waggon maker Best, William, smith Carr, John, tailor , ' '' . : Carr, James, shoemaker ,''*;^'"' ' 'V^^^'^''^ Carter, H.,einit,(i '■, "'■'t' ;' r'v* Eaklns, J: A., postmaster artaKejieialsfora Eakins & Co.. general store .'-^ra5^;3 Foster, John, lannprv "'^ .isfnu-i Forsythc, John, gerierijl store Graham, E., sash factgry, pftj)ihet App.aod Gravesre'd ward, shoe store '''''' ^f^''^'''" f Hannon, Isaac, saddler ^tfrir.l. .ycv/riUii;!. > Vary. E, c_abinet ^ho^m'^'A'';^' Vary, w. T.. saw rniil , ;','L 7,' 7 ,' Imrie, W. B., tow mission grt Jeokinr, James, st Davie, Rev. Mich Mills, Wm., shoer SPR Clair, John, carpe'n filair, James, caipe Casey, Wm., smitl Givins, Rev. R. S., McVittie, George, t Savill, John, innke Ayforo, Wm., wag| [ Higgins. 0„ teache I Kendriok, John, ca I Loughran, Timothy A Village situated Woodstock, 16 mile! h Allan, Ira, wheelwrij Armstrong, William, Archer, Rev. M., £p Searn, Edmund, sho Burger, John, shoemi Brown & Blodgett, I Clarrin, James, carp< Cronkhite, Aarpn, cai Dejroot, Elyah, coof Gillard, James, town Heath, Hosea. shoem Jiraea, William, carpi Kinnaird, Abraham,! lowing, Richard, w machines Lounabcrry, Rer. Ewi ••;••• I-, ujiiiBii, lumuc Miller, John, carpentc Mudge, Andrew J., w Ottman, Warren, sho ):.f!u:.! xluikMi SPENCERVILLE-SPfllNGFIELD-SPRlNGFOBD. m Imrie, W. B., townahip troasurer and com. minion grain merchant, in addition Jeakinr, James, ihoe store SPENCERVILLE. (Sjbb Canada Dirkotory, Pa'ik 359.) Addenda and Errata. London, (instead of Sundon) D., tanner, &c Roberteon, Tijomas, townihip clerk Tripp, Archibald, (instead of Jlobt.,) cooper Davie, Rev. Alicbael Mill«, Wm., shoempker DISCONTINUED, I Mitchell, John, carpenter SPRINGFIELD, lst,C.W., {Cmnty of Peel.) (S«E Canada Dirbctory, Page 360.) Biair, John, carpenter filair, Jamef, caipentcr Caiey, Wra., smith Givios, Rev. R. S., Church of England McVittic, George, teacher Saviil, John, innkeeper Addenda. Saunders, — , icaciier Thompson, Col. tVm., town reeve, Harro- wood Vanvalkenburg, Loi'a!, carpenter Wooding, (instead of Woodring.) plasteror AyforJ, Wra., waggon maker Higgins. O., teacher Kendrick, John, carpenter Iioughran, Timothy, niatun DISCONTINUED, McCartney, \V., innkeeper Magrath, Rev. J. Woodruff, Ralph, smitli SPRINGFORD. iMot included in the Canada Diredoi-y.) A VitiAOE situated in the Township of Norwiph rmmtw ^r n-r j /^ «r ,. Woodstock, 16 miles ; from Brantfor5,°3oS'ffrom°"v?nn°a! 2%e;.''''^-""""* '''"^ Alphabeticallist Of Professions, Trades, &c. Arclier, Rev. M., Epiacopal Methodist Searsi, Edmund, aboemaker Burger, John, shoemaker Brown &. Blodgett, lumber tKerchanIs Ciarrit), James, carp«nter Cronkhite» Aarpn, carpenter Dejroot, Elyah, cooper Gillsrd, James, town councillor Hesth, Hosea, shoemaker James, WHIiam, carpenter Kinnaird, Abraham, general store tossing, Richard, washing and churnkiK machines Lounsbcrry, Rev. Ewd., Episcopal Methodist i.jons, uyiuan, lumber merchant Miller, John, carpenter Mttdge, Andrew J., waggon maker Oatman, Warren, ihoemtker ---■ — •■ -—."1 |'iiJoi>;iUII reaslee, Augustus, waggon maker Root, Henry H., J P. Scidmore, Jamcf, & Co., lumber merchants Scott, CharlM, lumber merchant Stowe, Gilbert, lumber merchant and J. P. smith. Rev. Ephriam, Baptist Smith, Rev. Robert, Baptist Scriven, Samuel, Uilor Stiles, Peter, millwright Smith, Orrin P., smiib Van Buskirk, Asa, waggon maker Van EH»kirk, Jonathan, waagon maker Van Buskirk, Lawrence, shoemakes, W, cox, Chauncey, general store "..■"f! vVillson. Thomas. amUh .,..•* (r l Withered, S., smith •■..»,,,:.(, Woodward, Manilla, waggon maker ' { Wright, S. J., postmaster ?t general tim ¥^ 170 SPRINfiVILLE- STANDRIliGB EAST-STANSTEAD. ST SPRINGVILLE. • (JSTot included in the Canada Directory.) A tinall Village nilualcd on the mnil rnuio from Pcterboro to Port Hope— distant from the former place, 7 miles— stage furo, Is 3d— and from the latter, 20 miles— stago fare, SiDd. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. Armstrnnir, Jofeph, cnrpcnler EvrSF, Tlioman. |»o>iini8ier EvreH St. (luwdcn, Kenertil store Holm. Paul, iunkutiicr and veterinary sur> geun Jam"Fon, John, weaver JcmiRon, Samuel, boot and shoe store McDonald, John, blacksmith Wilson, Alexander, carpenter STANBRIDGE EAST. (Sec Canada Directory, Page 360.) Addenda and Errata. Baker, I,, (Instead nfBaker and Chandler,) gmeral store Rcaltiu. (je'irgc, innkcrpcr Brifg*. E. J., general dealer ^ Burn-ido, \Vm , carrwec cnnker Conslnnline, Rev. I., Church of England Cornell, Z., (instead of Ebenezcr,} p«Bimas< ter Gibson, Thomas, tailor Gravell,Thcod're, miller Hungsrfurd, John A , jiiiner Jenny, Albert, shoeiuaker Jersey, Wm, joiner Jonep, James Mm fhob manufacfurof Kriighi, /\lsnii, tanner and currier Lambkin, Philo, gush, door, and blind ma- niifitcturcr Odel],John H., (instead of John A.,} gene- ral store Phelps, Wm. p., miilwrigbt Pierce, Martin, scythe, snaith and rake minufacturer Pitrcc, Varnum, cooper See, Charles H., general dealer Valentine, ChHrles, tailor Whitman, H. N., (instead of H. W„) J.P REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED. Bates, Joseph, innkeeper Blinn, W. A., baiitf Jones. Rev. J., Church of England STANSTEAD. (See Canada Directory, Page 361.) Addenda Amesden, F. A., harness maker Barrett, Les!er, innkeei^cr, Stanstead plain Bienvenu, Rev. A , R. C, Stanstead plain Brcodon, (instead oFBreason) Jos , fiirgeon Bennett, C W,, academy. Stunf^tead plain Foster &. .Mo'rill, (late Foster & Co) gene- ral »tore, Rock Island Haskill, C. F., gcnerat store, RocUilslan j Holmes, Geo. R., general store. Rock Island and Errata. Kllborn & Morrill, general store Spalding & Gates, general store, Rock laland M'islier, (instead of Mesire) John, smith 'J'omkins, Rev. John, Wesle« an Wilkinson, G., innkeeper, Htanstead plain Wood, W , & Co., general store, Rock Island REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED. Baxter, Haskell & Co., storekeepers Borland, Rev. J. Chamberlain, Knight & Co., storekeeper! Cuiby, •Viii., itiiiitceprr Oilman, Mr., storekeeper Home, Prs, shoemaker Knighl £( €o; storekeepers Knight tt Charaberlain,,grist mill Kensall, S. G., tailor „ ' ^^ ' L.C, W. H., shoemaker ''^••'*' ' Marcy, T., fmith Tcrrill, H- B , sdrocate Wood, W., sailor Woodman, A. F., innkeeper CtofB, John, sai McGregor, S, s McKinnon, A, QlflDsted, Lewii STRATF Burritt, Read Motherwell, J Linton, John Smith, Willia McGregor, A Coleman, Ja coroni Patterson, Re C.W Johi), A small ViLLAc distant from L( Caulihard, And Ferguson, Fera Finleysun, Johr Greaves. Peter, Gillies, DunoHE Jacksnn, Willm Lamont, Neil, i McBean. Willi; McFec, Angosj A VlDLAOE sit London, 24 mil Kesfsr, Jai -dittant from the lago fare, 3i 9d. I shoe store lith iter nufacfurof i currier r, and blind ma- fJohn A.,) gene- It nailb and rake ealcr ofH. W..)J.P BO. England •tore il stor«, Rock ) John, smith Bvan Stanstead plain 1 store, Rock ED. It mill STEWARTSTOWN-STRATFORO-STRATHCURN, &c. 171 STEWAUTSTOWN. (See Canada Directory, Page 361 ) Crnrs, John, saddler McGrfgor, S, smith McKlnnon, A, St Co, genera! store Qlqisted, Lewis, clerk of diviaiun court Addenda. Post, William, smith Spnrrow, Thoraa-, saddler VVallace, J,, bootci and ehoes ,LM STRATFORD, {Countij Town of the County of Perth.) (See Canada Directory, Page 362.) Public Officers, (Addenda.) Burritt, Read, judge of the couniy and surrogate courts Motherwell, Robert, sheriff Linton, John J. E., clerk of the peace Smith, William, county registrar McGregor, Alexander, cleric of couniy ccurt and registrarof surrogate court Coleraan, James, M.D., Hyde, John, M.D., Bull, William, Mahony, John, coroners Patterson, Rev. E., Allan, Rev. Daniel, McPherson, Rev. Thomas, Doly, John C. W., Hill, James, Baron, William, Miekle, Alexander F., Fitzgerald, Johi), school trustees STRATHBURN. (JVof included in the Canada Directory.) A small ViLLAOB situated in the Townships of Ekfria and Mosa, County of Middlesex, C.W., distant from London, 30 miles, from Chatham, 36 miles, stage fare to either place. 8a 9d. Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &c. Coulthard, Andrew, grist and saw mills Ferguson, Fergus, smith Finloyson. Juhn, shoe store tireaves, Peter, aaw mill and shoo stoie Gillies, Dun.:Hn, tailor Jackson, William, waggonmaker Lamont. Neil, smith . McBean, William, tailor McFee, Angus, innkeeper McKenzio, Norman, cuopcr McKellar, Angus, M. I). McliHe, Hu2li, po^liiiasler McRae, Duncan, genern! store Mcliae, Hugh & Uunuid, general aiore MoRac, Alexander, shoe store Moore, Andrp.w, carpenter Fhillips, George, saw mill Suiherlund, Kov. Wm., Freo Church STRATHRC Sr.~(Giveri anew^ A yiLiAOE situated in the Township of Adelaide, Couniy of MiddlcKr, C.W.— d.-tant from London, 24 miles—usaal stage faro, fis. Population, about 100. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. Kebfbr, Jame8, general merchant and clerk of the division couri,. Set; Card. } f ^1 1 L 173 6TREET8VILLE. Arnutrong, Rev. James, Methodift Black, J. & A., carpenters Clark, A., cooper Cook, Timothy, r. p. and millowner Cooper, Hcnty, wheelwright Dell, H., general store and town reeve Duncan, Janies, shoe store Frank, John, innkefper Hazleton, W. & L., chair factory sv^ Hildjrard, Wm., teacher Hartshorn & Montague, tannery Holden, M., aboe store Lucas, T., smith Page & Manson, general store Rapley, Wm., inspector 6f licenses Sibley, J. C, physician Thody, E. & T., distillery Vanvalkenberg, Aciam, cloth factory GREAT ATTRACTION IN STRATHROY. - 'V^v^>'V.-.,/-^-^.- IN STRATHROY Has created quite an excitement among the Merchants and Farmers in that vicinity. He has A LARGE, CHOICE, AND WELLASSORTED STOCK OF ' '^'^^rSJl^E^"'^'^^' HARDWARE, CROCKERY AND elAfsWARE, . CLOCKS, BOOTS AND SHOES,.HATS. CAPS, PAINTS, OIL, &C &C., Which he is selling uncommonly cheap. STREETSVILLE. (Sue Canada Directory, Page 363.) Allen, Georjre, tailor Armstrong, Robert, shoemaker & constable Balmer, J. cabinet maker Blackwell, J. A., saddler Bartlett &, Sou, smiths & waggon makers Copeland, John, carpenter Conklin, J,, tinsmith Crow, James, builder Davidson, J. D., bricklayer Deady, Wm., saw and grist mills Er.aty, W,, school teacher Glendinnin(f, John, saw mill Graham, Mis?., dreKsmaker Jones & Co. , iron-foandnrs Addenda. Lickfold, Alfred, baker , Laidlaw, W., innkeeper McMorriaon, J., pail factory McMullen. J., tinsmith Paterson, Jamca, J. P. Pallister, John, tailor Sterling, James, temperance house Switzer, Benjamin, J. P. Thompson, J. D., grammar school Waterson, James, innkeeper Township Council — Joseph Wright, town reeve ; S. Price, deputy reeve ; J. Paterson, Ririiard Church, Col. W, Thompson, W. Thompson, treasurer A Telegraph Office has been established here. REMOVED DISCONtlNtTED Campbell, C, storekc^por Davis, Rov. J., teacher Deady, Martin, jun., tailor Earls, Wm,, shoemaker Goader, Joseph, weaver Jermttin. Wm., cooper McElravey, J., luatoa McKinnun, N., slorc.koeper P«Tk, John, cftfjwntei' BUSINESS OR DECEAiiED. Pymer, R., bricknsaker Ramsay, R., innkeeper Rumain, C. £., deputy re«ve Stephens, R., innkeeper Switzer, B., storekeeper Tl.^.v.. — n,.i . '^ ' "— "-""i ---••:■, luwi: .-CKve Voine, Wm. esfpsnter, Weir, Miss, milliner York, Robert, teKehcr Spink, William, Burch Billings, Chas., Surrougbs, M., Davison, Andre Dow, Wm., san Frary, (instead Goodhue, Joscpl Hurlburt, R., sh Kelton, Aiden, ( Labric, P. A., gc Lafleur, C. B., f Archamhault, Ar Chevallitr, Louis Desprefi, K. Coui D'Orvilliers, Pies Gondron, Louis, i Girard, Francis, i Girard, Louis, joi Bourke, FranoiK, Daviw, Lcaia St ft mnery itore licentcs b factory HROY. T' aad Farmers STOCK &Ui &Ui) house ichool Wright, town uty reeve ; J. arch, Col. W. !«0D, treasurer SUMMBRVrLLE-SUTTON PLATa-ST. ADELE-St. AIME. 173 SUMMERVILLE. (See Cakada Dirbctort, Page 405.) Spink, William, general atore, vice N. S Bureh Addenda. Summers, Williain, ahoomaker SUTTON FLATS. (Sbe Canada Directory, Page 406.) u Addenda and Errata. Billlnge, Chas., saw mill Surrougbs, M., joiner Davison, Andrew, tailor Dow, Wm., saw mill Frary, (instead of Frany,) Asa, J.P. Goodhue, Joseph, wheelwright Hurlburt, R., shoemaker Kelton, Aiden, chair maker Kemp, Elijah, (instead of G.,) general storr. saw mill and J.P. Scofield, S., c'erk com. court Squire, A. C, tanner and saddler Squire, Silail'., juiner Squire, Hirar.i, carpenter Stevens, ^., tailor ST. ADELE, 01' AbercromUe. (See Canada Directory, Pack 364.) Labric, P. A., general atore Lafleur, C. fi., general store Addenda. I Villemure, J. B., notary public ST. AIME. (See Canada Directory, Page 364.) \ Addenda. Archamhault, Ambrose, smith Chevalli£r, Louis, tanner Desprefi, E. Couiilard, land Burveyor D'OrvilJiera, Pierre, general atore Gondron, Louis, shoemaker Girard, Francici, wheelwright Girard, Louis, joiner hv:^^^*'^, ji;\ M., general store Lel'>ir. .Joseph, smith Letourneaa, Eustacho, shoemaker Levasjeur, Antoine, tanher Massue, C, A. Pepic, Joseph, joiner JDI8CONXINUED. ;-n.i Bourkc, Ffanoip, whaeiwriglit DavJN, Louis & Miehe)^ whesIwHghta iDupras, Rev. l'. Lebrin, J. B., she Hhoeuiaker ri ill W i? t ■ ffi- .- ^H 1T4 ST. ANDRE WS-ST. ANICET~ST. ANNE DE LA PERADE. ST. ANDREWS. (See Canada Directory, Page 868.) Addenda. DtTit, NeIw)D. ngenl for the National Loan Fund, Life, and Equitable, Fire, Aa- aura nee Cumpaniea Donovan, Ruben, innkeeper Donovan, Jamea, mason Dorin, Noel, bailiff Durion, EJ,, tinsmiih Dougall, John, carriage maker Fauvel, dit Regraa. J. B,, carpenter Fenner, ,Tohn, shoe sioro Ouilbault, Adulphe, mason Haahback, Geurge, bricklayer Howard, Henry, notary Hutwhins, liawley, auctioneer Johnion, — , watchmaker Kenipley, Henry, miller, and agent for " Woodside'i Threshing Mills" Lainse, Michel, ountracter Larocquo, Jos., carpenter Latreille, Hyacinthe, cooper Laul, Jedodiah, contractor * Limoget, Joseph, ahoe atore Limogea, Jean, cooper L'ickie, Mr*., dressmaker McGregor, Miss Isabella, dreaamaker MoMahon, James, bailiflf Martin, James, carpenter Meiklo. Tliomas, postmaster and general atore Paquet, Edward, carpenter Ptiquet, Pierre, carpenter Richards, Mrs., building lots for sate Soulier, J. B.. mason Slaekhousc, H. A., chair maker Stewart, Hugh, temperance inn Thibert, Chas , plasterer Thibodeau, Rev. Mr., Roman Catholic Toomy, Edward, turner Webster, Mrs., temperance inn Yale, Miss, music teacher Young St. McKinloy, Misses, milliners REMOVEID, Bain, Rev. Thus. Bernier, Rev. S. A. Coursol, G., notary Davis, G. W., tanner Davis, Mnses, notary Fenner, Thornar, shoe atore Forbes, Ciias., notary DlSCONTmUEJJ BUSINESS OR DECEASED. Harrington, E., atore keeepr Henderson, Dr. McArthur, A. F., postmaster McMartin, F., assistant poatmaater Macdunald, A., notary Roddcn, H., carriage maker ST. ANICET. (See Canada Directory, Page 366.) Addenda. n^aST-^'r: ^" u""" ' W cD onald, John, general atore and J. P. Dumesnil GeogeH., notary, postmaster, McDonell, John, advocate, J. P., and com- n «"d clerk of peace miaaioner of small causes Dupuis, Augaatin, general store | „ „ DISCONTINUED. McBean, D., innkeeper ST. ANNE DE LA PERADE. (Given anew.) AViLLAOBPitaatrdontheRiverSt. Anne do la Pdrade, in the County of Charapl I.. J!.. Distant fftm Quebec, 57 miles. Population of the parish, 2300. List of Professions, Trades, &c. i Arcand. Pierre grocer | Arcand, Frangiit, blaoknnilh Auger, Miss fcl,«a, school teacher | Baribault, Narcisge, eariiige maker 8 Bigutf, Pierre, «l Boehet, Aroablo crown lui Bareau, Lnuis, Bureau, J. B., v Curon, Maicel, Carter, Henry, Cbarest, Isld'>re cuunnillo Charest, Mnjnr Dauth, Frangiiii Daulb, A., 0!>rp Dury, Capt. L'n Duty, J. C, nuti seieniory Dapuia, Rev. L UusabloD, Davi Diisablun, Pri»q Delurme, Louis, Dubord, Narcist Garneau, J. B., Garceao, Benjai Hale, George C. Herrcnt, Antoir Hamclin, Olivie Hamelin, M,, ei Haraelin, Lieutc Jaulin, Xavier, < Bellemare, Joiep Boucher, D6iit6 Desaulniers, Lt and J. P. Gefirard, Calexi Grant, &, gencr Bellenaare, Paul, Oelinas, Joseph, Herouz, Major ( Present populatii Town Counc Thmas Denis Tbomt tADE. ST. ANNE DE YAMACHlCHE-ST. CATHERINES. ITS Ireiimaker ter and general r It! for sale naker e inn an Catholic 1 inn M, milliners SD. )r er stmaster store and J. P. , J. P., and com. luses lew.) ' of Champlain lith [e maker Bieu4, Pierre, shucmnker Bociiei. Amablu, J. P., land survojor, and crown lunds neont Bureau, Lmiis, bHiliif and saddler Bureau, J. B., wheelwright Caron, Maicel, inaron Carter, Henry, iM.D. CharesI, Isid'*re, lieotenant, landlord and councillor Cliareai, Mxjor Antoine Dsulh, fVangiiia, saw mill agent Daulb, A., carpenter, tnd cabinet maker Dury, Cupt. L'>uis, notary Dury, J. C., notary public and agent fur tlio seisniory Oapuis, Hov. L. A., Romnn Catholic DussbloD, David, ahoemnker Diisablun, Pri»quo, shoemaker Delorme, Louis, wheelwright Dubord, Nnrcisse, boat builder Garneau, J. B., M.D. Garceaii, Benjamin, tanner Hale, George C, landlord Herrcns, Antoinr, com. orsmallea uses Hamelin, Olivier, blacksmith Hameiin, M,, carpenter Hamelin, Lieutenant N. Jaulin, Xavier, carpenter ^ Liflbolio, CHptain Louis, J. P. Lnfl6^hc, Uiviil, J, P., Hucreiary and treas Laiiouoilc, Nnicisiie, Lieutenant Lanoucltr, Uldnric, baker and stage huusa L'liiotioito, EnF^br-, grocer and dry goods Mdilint, J. O, general store and steam mill IVtdthot, J. S.f posiinabtcr M'lroiiiie, Frangoip, gmoral store Marcoitc, Olivi r, niilli-r Marciittr, Jocqucs L , miller MayrHnd, Aniuine, ficneral store IMHyrani', FrHngois, bout builder Md^reiU', Olisijr, general tiore and atage h Hfc M^^hoi, Mi«8 Julie, fclinol teacher NichiilH, M'» P , school teacher Perraiili, Isidore, painter and clerk of com* niii^n'oncrs court ^ Rouleau, Miss Mathilde, school teacher RousscHU, Albert, carpenter Ross, captain George Mcintosh, councillor and com. or small causes Roy, Xavier, dry notids ■St. Cyr, I). N., school master •Si. Cyr, Xavier, Imai builder St. Laurcni, Isidore, blacksmith St. Laurent. FrMncoi<>, bluchnmith Trudfelle, Auguste, notary public ST. ANNE DE YAMACHICHE. (Sjcs Canada Dirgctory, Page 368.) Addenda and Errata. Bellemare, Joseph, general store Boucher, D^sii^i, general store Desaulniers, Louis Leon Lesieur, M. and J. P. GeSrard, Caleste, bailiff Gratit, &, general atore D. Hart, Abraham, (inatead of Aaron), fen" ral store Hubert, Putrus, notary and postmaster Lacerie, CM, M. D. and J. P. IjHCcrte, Charles, comr. of small causti Lesieur, Major Charles . , DISCONTINUED. Bellensare, Paul, boarding hoi'se Gelinas, Joseph, J. P. Heroux, Major Calexte .Lacerte, Captain Pierre Page, Francis, miller Richer, Modcste, as poatmaster only ' ST. CATHERINES, C.W. (See Canada DrHECTonv, Page 370.) Present population, over 5,000, and rapidly increasing. Addenda. Tqwn Council, — Elias S. Adams, mayor : Jame!i R- Bensc-;i-. P^ HflynfS* Tboinas Tower, Calvin Phelps, Richard Coilyer, Louis Shickelune> Denis O'Leary, John Connors, cotmcillors ; Hiram Slate, clerk} Thomas Helliwell, treasurer. ^ T" 'IB smm'.i m i I ..il 11 179 ST. CATHflRINES. Public Officers, (Addenda.) , Adams, Thomas, surveyor of customs Lamb, James, clerk and landing waiter of customs Woodruff, S.. engineer in charge of canal Banki, Aasnranoe Companies, &o., (Addenda.) Canada Western Fire and Marine, Provincial Mutual and General, Hartford Protection and ^Etna Insurance Go's, D. C. Haynes, agent, Ontario si Church of England Life Assurance Co., George Rykert, agent, St. Paul st Colonial Life Assurance Company, H. Connolly, agent, St. Paul st National Loan Fcjnd, Life and Equitable, Fire Assurance Go's, T. L. Hel- liwell, agent, St. Paul st Ontario Fire and Marine Ass. Co., T. L. Helliwell, agent, St. Paul st MoNTREAi, Telegraph Co., J. R. Boyd, agent, St. Paul st Si. Catherines Reading Room, Robert Paterson, librarian, Ontario st Alphabetical Addenda. Boles, William, merchant tailor and clothier, St. Paul st Brow.nlee, William, baker and general grocer, St. Paul st Brouse, C. a., chemist, druggist and apothecary, St. Paul st Brown, W. H., general express office, Ontario st Brown, Thomas, American hotel and general stage house, St. Paul st Constitutional, The, newspaper, J. Richardson, editor and proprietor, . St. Dennison, George, coach and carriage trimmer, Court .st Fitzgerald, Richard, grocer and, general merchant, St. Paul st Fletcher, T., tin, sheet iron, and copper warehouse, St. Paul st Fowlie, R. S., general commission merchant, St. Paul st Grant, William, general printing office, St. Paul st Franklin, Robert, junr., wholesale and retail grocery store, St. Paul st Hamilton, Alex. C, barrister and attomey-at-law, St. Paul st gUBBARD, W. F.j^irincipal of the Grantham academy, Academy st Hudson, Mrs., millinery and dressmaking establishment, St. Paul st Kein, Edmund, St. Catherines house, hotel & general stage house, Oniario st Mathews, A. L., watch and clock maker and jeweller, St. Paul st Paffard, F., chemist, druggist and apothecary, St. Paul st Parnall, George, tanner and finding store, St. Paul st,, in addition to former address Parsons, Frederick, watchmaker and jeweller, McGuire's brick block, St. Paul St., in additi fi to former address Fettee, J. H., surgeon dentisi, St. Paul st Samson, George, farming implement and chain pump manufacturer, James st bMiTH, George, coach, carriage &. sleigh builder, corner of James & King sts hMiTH & Blain, general merchants, wholesale and retail, St. Paul st St. John, A. S., conveyancer, St. Paul st Thompson, William, saloon keeper, St. Paul st. Refreshments promptly lurunshed at all times. Walker. John, bookbinder, St, Paul si=. executes all degcriptions ofbindin'' m the best style, on moderate terms. ' " Yale, C, iron foundry, Ontario'st., and tin warehouse, St. Paul st Amierion. John, fiiiiii, Mn.. groc Berry, P., secon Bolei, Alexr , di Doyle, Wm., bi Bruderick, J., ti Bull, Rer. Mr., Buns Rer. Mr Ccllcyham, H., Cljde, John, bu Clow, VVillinm, Cliyiey, F., g'0( Collier, R. & H Collier, E., gro( Cro««, Dr. Luth Dolaon, Samuel Donaldaoii, Jam Duggan, Jatnes, Dunnelt, VVm , Dunsenly, Mmi Dynes, V., groc Eccles, Lauder Paul at Exsmitb, M., ir Fletcher. T., tii Fleck. Jiimes, ci Forbes, G., I f Foster, K., innh Fraaer, Misses, Fraser, Drew & Paul at Gibson, A-.smi Goslin, J , itroci Grant, Mrs. gr Greeiileaf. Dr., Hagnn, Mrc, gi Hannell. J&mes Hardy. Thomas Harvey. Oscar, Harvey, A., aa( Hetfeim, (iriatea ing; mills Hinman. F H., Hooroid, Mri'. House, Mri)., ti Humphrey, L. Hurd, C R, W Jones, p., smitt Kelly, Mre.;dn Ki*«tt, M., gro Ucy, J., Wigs Adams, Elias • Borkir, James, Bell, Lach'an, Brewer &. Hen Bro«vn, G- R., Buchanan, San Bunlin & Hart Simting. Thonr Cossett &. Brot Dadsoii, S.. hai Day, L«iTi*, sh St. CATHtl^INES. /.<! It; ral, Hartford, It, Ontario tt t. Paul at 8t 8, T. L. Hel- t. Faal St >8t lUl St oprieior, , St. Paul St St t , Oniario st t addition to : block, St. ;r, Janies st & King sts I promptly i cf.binuing Anilerton. John, hvhci 4^j UiUs, Oiilarip iit ! Biiiii, Mrs. grocer, ^it.PaiiUl ' j Berry, P., iecotid hii'iu)^ cl»l iiig, ^| Paiil st Boles, Aleir , dittille;>y, Yutei ^t { Boyle, Wm., biicklayer, Coiiri tt ' | Broderick, J., tailor, ^t. Paiil st | Bull, Rev. Mr., Church ol England i Bu'ns Rer. Mr.. Weslryun ! Ccllcyham, H., marble worki, William »i j Clyde, John, builder, K'ng tt ^ • v Ciotr, VVillinm, lalooii, Ontario «t Cluney, F., Jfiocer, St. Pauf Bt '' Collier, R. & H., law mills. &c., on the canal Collier, E.. grocer, St. Paul st , Cross, Dr. Luther, to King st /iJl! Jl Dolson, Samuel, otTpenter, Kingal " Donaldson, Jamep, shoe store, Ontario »t Duggan, James, builder, Wellington at Dunnett, Wm , sash Taciory, King st ■■■'. Dunsenly, JEmilius, teacher, St. Paul <t Dynes, V., grncer, Ontiirio st Eccles, Lauder tt Currier, barristers, tte,, SI. Paul st Exsmilb, M., innkeeper, St P<tu| st • L'i'r- Fletcher. T., tinsmith, St Paul st Fleck. Jiimes, cooper, Wellington st ^in ii i: Forbes, G., I vrv stables, Gnuirio st * Foster, R., innkeeper, James st Fraser, Misses, m lliners, St. PauV,st^^ r. ,. , Fraser, Drew & Chapin, marble w6rks,'St.' Paufst • > Gibson, A., smith, St. Paul st '' ,ytfi>yj. Goslin, J , groter, St. Paul st ' ,:',iiAoi-h'; Grant, Mrs., grocer, St. PnuVst'^f'^'M Greenleaf, Dr., physician, Kin^st HaganjMri'., grocer, St. Paul si 'n , Hannell. James, grAter. St. Paul st < • Hnrdy. Thomas, capmaker, St. Paul st! Har*ey, Oscar, live»y stable, St. Pauiai HaiTey, A., saddler, to Queen st ' Helfcrm, (instead tirHpllems) C. W., (dan* ing mills, Qeni'vast Hinman, F H., saddler, OiUnrio at ^ Hoofoid, Mrs., grocer, St. Paul st House, Mrs., tin shop, St. Pnul st Humphrey, L. S.. railro.id agent, St. Paul st Hurd, C. R| wati'hm ker, St. Paul at Jones, p., smith, St. Paul st Kelly, !V1r8.;<lreS9muker, St. Panl st Kiv«tt,M., grocer, St. Paul' St. Lacy, J., Waggon^ maker Leavenworth, H., printing office, Ontario at Lepper, P .^ov^r, King st Lyons, Jor . 'nilh, Ontario st ' ' ', ',' McCariy. Juniei, grocer, Onlarto'ii'V*!^ McCoriy, Michael, farrier. Oniario at *^ McClure. R ». Mr., Church of Scotland '^ McDonald. F., ^;rocer, St. Poul st McGowun, C.. groc< r. St. Paul st AlBi»iii, P., grocer. St. Paul st ■Mfchirte, E , innkeeper, St. Paul st >Icrrigold Wm., conveyancer, Ontario st Rlortn, John, grocer. St. Paul st Murr»y. Mrs., grocer, St. P ul st Murray. Mrs., millinr r, St. Paul st Neill, Robert, grocer, St. Paul st O'Donnell, Daniel, painter, Ontario at '«< A O'Harai J., snnilh, St. Psul st 'I Pre t, J., provision store, St. Paul st > >'i^ Raymond, Dr. F., to JSt. Paul st vnf ! Raymond, Mrs., eonfectioner, St. Paul at Heyn' Ids, B., grocer. St. Paul st Riley, Hy , grocer, King st Riley, Wm.. barber, St Paul st Rubinson, S., bowling saloon. Queen st Robin-on, James, puinter. St. Paul st Ryan, John, grocer, St. Paul st S<txon. J. S, solicitor, St- Paul M Saint Catherines Journal, Thomaa Thorpe, Ontario st Scott, C, bootmaker. St. Paul st Seaman, israel. niashioist,'to AcadeBJ at Sbaw. Thomas, draper, ^.<Paul st iiniveley, M , lurniluro shop, St. Faili •iretii .. ..'■ •,'. ,,. ,.,0,;; Sfin«on. John, innkeepor, JsMe»«|jn sitCJ St. Jhn. S. L , grocer, bt. Paul 4 . G Standoii, Thomas, grocer, 6t.PajBlai<r Sunl y, John, grocer, St. PanJ st , .Ci Tuite. P., grocer. SU Paula! . .. .„.,,,:orT Veiich, J , baker. St. Paul H •,! .1, . „ i<l Wand, (instead of Ward) G«:>grOe^r« St. Paul st ■•!>■,{,. 1 ^ Ward, Mrs., miIIiner>St. Paulsli ., iul Welcli, R., tailor, St. Paul at .„i^<,'i Woodruff, (Inte Woodruff & KUkpatrkk) dry goodsj St. Paul st Wright, G., dry goods, tk Paula|,,b,d Wright, George, painter. St, Pa.iil.iMii,,:.t Wright, James, smiih. St. P<tni at Wright. John, bootiB%licr»St,il?|iiAal , ■) M 111 -i .' :' . -M^n.-,; ,,•■>> ,6jjel'j(VA I ,(i REI^OVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS OR DECEASED. Adams, Elias S., J. P. Barkir, James, storekeeper , Bell, Lachlan, insurance agent ' Brewer &. Henry, cloth Tactory Brown. G. R.. hotel }t«j^t } / "/ M(« Buchanan, .Samuel, ianhar '" * Buntin & Harvey, taoniirs ' Qtiuiing. inotoas, 4dnri6r Cossett & Brothers, fanning mills Dadson. S., halter ..aSAtlli hlW Day, Latvia, shoe ahop ," , ^ . , I Ditirick, George, hotel l(eaper j Felton, L , saloon , ' ' Gilbert, John, auctioneer I Harrison, Dr., dentist ■^ ( Journqrman'a Shoe Store T Mrty, Wm.,lfetel keeper I Mail, the Woek y, newspiifier i ?.tc.4rtr.ur, Jiibn, store kcepriT t Montreal Shoe Store Q^.-iO'Laary, Denis, innkeepar T faliner, Joaeph, amitb II ri m n^ 8T DAVIDjJ-ST. fiij.ST.kOliB-fir. FtJLIX DE VALOlti. WcJtet fe Wiitkin, relict Price, Ker. Mr ory Robinjon, S., Innkeeper ' „ Shaijkliii, Rer. R. .^lu. i-tr '« .Ui/I .()f • U (iir.'l Strong, J. W., btfobflller Stt»«n»on, J. 0., bgrriiler Stocking, Jared, g^oi-er Sweeney, Daniel, aforekeepcr Tinto, Patrick, grocer 1 J H .If! Br; 'l*U('fl<l .11 .lit , St* DAVIDS, C.W. „, , (S^iP.fi*ir*i?A, Directory, Paob 3(79.) >« '>a>H.,)ii ,r*;r>-(% . «iM ,y •■■I, . ' !»iy.i'I j«.i,a(nn.j,ri,J|'(i Addenda. .'?.!.<7<nj< . 1 Abba, Aer. Oeoigc^ epiMuptl liKthodlst DuuihwBiio, Ohnriefl, talhw obuiidler Dunn, Jnmet & Lullicr. cttipeotcts Harvey, Thomas, miller and tanner, (in ate«4 of tn»n»k«cpej') !;,,<,..,:; ... ..M . ."■/-■ ■ii.v! MeCherry, JaroiM' amilii Morion, Jolin, leaoher Seoord, Neil, temperance inn Spar <, Robeit, t loper Woodrotr, Jamea, miller y,. || '«iii? (micof! • i/i .i-jii-. • ' iS T':'..:.'X-'^. ST. EUSTACHE; # (J»'l"i> :'. (^*| ^^^'A^A Directory, Page 381.) I "'''"iaifsnda and Errata. AMMn^ ThdnMiv'innktslMr Addiiop, R.y bMCher *oiJcti*rd. pinrlM, Hiillw Bobeaon, William, bkokamilii Champin) €;,' baker ' ^''i -"^'oi, ,i v ,yc Dion, U, tinamithi I'l? .J =H nrf-l jg Dolbe<^ GliKrles, mayor "iiw.r . Douz, J. Bii cbntDniMioner^orMiaU oausea Dorion, J , kafcerltid baij|ff<s . i Dunn, John, UJUor -J d , ! 'Fe«0, S,;:Jaad ^nrfeyor- ^jr.-s m. ' Ferrier, T., teacher M i.i.i'7 Foisy, JVi biackaMiih' Um ..cm . ,1 Forbes, Mile, intffinfep 'r/, H . - t'rellv'lf;,iAiiii!ihaker * Gareau, L., eommistioDer of nnbll causes Gedeoif, t,,,' carriogw maker GlobMiJrftyj (Insteadof Giobenski). F. £., ;ndttlT>, &c.. .. .;;.;,, ■J.v..'* i^tifdm.iBltL., M.D. • ' ' Laviolelte, F., innkeeper, (inetead of store. keeper) II ( „ , i:i;;iMii , A ,r,>f.i »• ■■( ,1 ,IIJ«»iM ,T • Leclaire, H., earriage tnak#i Lefevre, B., biacktmith , , , Mackay, 8., sen., notary public ' Mitchell, David, poatmaater and temper. anae hotel ii.^iQ i , Millair, D, aboemaker < ■ ;, Ouimette, L, earriage malicf; ' ii,','„ ,,.i: Paqoet, J., blaoksroith . ^'^, Poaiin, T., tinsmith ,,q ^j/ Pay med, J., butcher t , ,. Proulx, dit Clement, J. B„ general store Robin, D., general aturo Rodgera, A.^ innkeeper i Scott, Rey. Wra., Freaby tetian , Todd, A., blackamith TIaon, Praneia, bailiff Vanie, Pierre, carriage maker Walker, John, teachor . i. , Municipal GouNciLt«*-Ci. boibec, mayuri L. Ouimet. J. BehUr, J. Du^n, P. Vanie, F. FaquJR, J. Teijisie, «eun- cillora REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS Oit'lJEC Dorion, S., M.D. „;^.^j . j ,,,.,, I Marier, Joeeph, miller Laurier, Moiee, M»».-.i,n .<■ ;<h, ,,-u«i;,. i I Newell. D„ ihfakeeper . Bedard, Elie, general itoi-i^ '•:t)H ./i iTf.'Mii ,<SV«.. Caha»a Directorv, Fags Wl»>' ,'.u'L i Jtiiiw.^ 'i'jm*. -i:!-,"!. -f?^^^ «""l Errata. i3;<«ii ..« .'.■xth.Q ;:?',nSr. FEIilX DE VALOISi'^ I Connor, Captain TMlif " "'•» i T''<1 I Llli Conia, Edwrard Crepeau. Maiii dork of Lepieier, Alexii L'Hcurciit, Loi commiiia ?ig6, Edmund, I'aradjp, Hilairo Bellecour, Rev. C>"irch Courohai.ie, Ed Contu &, Roj , I Darjr, Michel, i Dauplaiae, Pmic Gill, Louip, mil] Gill, Capt, Ignj 0'8an.Jieiiiine, ■ ' ProteetM Aub6, Marcel, J Buipel. Mrs., h" Jolivet, Capt. J maater,^ Label, Charic*, ' Labrecque, Pruc Morin, Augustii Bacquet, Capt. . Bernard, F. X., Dallaire, Lb., aa Deslangea, Phili ;ii( Leeleie, J. C. K Mount, John W Mount, Phillip, clerk of court Bil«c^,''Dr. Joh Delfaine, Capt. 1 LOld. , 'li'f f. t iper 1 ! -. .1! •Ji|( . t inn »e !').. . I) I <"i , jl , f > ni'! ublic icr and tiemper. general ■(ore •WI;. . .■•.!l^ f IW ■ > .b inil !)oill«c, majror; ir, J. Ou9n, P. . Teiwje, ceun- i.,J ^.;f. [ ."' .nwf.iSF .^. MihM sir; 3 I ,TR<1 JJ. ST. FUANCOIS DU LAC— ST. OEHVAib-ST. HENRI. 179 Conta, Edirard, mill owner and eounoillor -' — ^^ li ft la - lille. -ms N. f . and Crepeau, Maxinw, (KHj^malcr, dork or the peace, ate Lepleier, Alexie, mill oirner and ci uneill<<f L'tleureiit, Loon.MiMtcii iofjueepl) )M.1>., coriiinipiionor uf •mall cauiij) P«g^, Edmund, bailiff t Paradi», Hilairo, bailiff Piob4, Camille, notary Plant's l!4>«a<Mt, Kluxtipaker Rbhd, Jamet,- J. P., oommi>ii ner of imall CPiiMs, inill owner apd g^qe^^ftv^o Head, L(:\«i*,gcn«ral iturf • ,i, ,,, .,'^ Kead. John, iron founder KobilUrd, JuMpli, baker Tciiier, Jeaii B.« butobtr ' 'I .* *" *a''J'-tii ,(i ;(b O ^■y•%^\U^^. in ' J •Irrot) J, 19 diuA ST. FRANCOIS DU 1^^^::^^:^^ ' ^''' (Sxjc Canada Directory, Page 382.)' i>«",'»f' vM 'On ,« i.u Addenda Ballecour, Kev. 0., vicaire, UoniaojCattioIjc C>"irch ? '':] i\ Courcbai.:e, Edivard, caplaiu of mili^%^ , Contu &. Roj , (general itore Darjr, Michel, miller and- ■ill owner Dauplaiie, Puical, saw mill owner Gill, Louip, mill owner Gill, Capt. Ignace, postmaBter and J. T. O'SunJieii.ine, Rev. Peter Paul, InidiaM ' • ' ' rrotiitant minietar ■ ' I 'j v , i . ) :> ■ ijmi tl ij Portneuf, Ijjnucc, ler. grand Indian chief Portbouf, Ignace, Jan.. general itore Ron, Amable, millwright ' Paqneile, WpltaH, eaw mill owner Parent, Vital. baili«, . .i^ijMw.i.i Kaacony, Joieph, grocery and balcer Tetreau, Paical, aaw m II owner Tahamante, Joachine, grocery atore Tnvarejr, Aluxia; bailiff : ■>] ,'fj,ni«I ; Waaio, Jean B.» g«nar§l atore \ x ^ „j,jj • U.i- 'iO — . ,l lj.'i|i)tf .X » . '• -fVi : rilisi •'^ f' §T. GERVAIS. fSiE Canada Directobt, Pagb 383.), n .y .,i / ,.„^»af| '■' ' ' ''Jl ,11/1'. fit. '.^u Aubl, Maroel, J.P. and com. of S<C. Buipel. Mr>., t)oarding hoato Jolivet, Capt. Joieph, g;enemi itord, pjst maeter, &c • ^■« '; .i;* Label, Charlo?, M. D. ' Labrecque. Prudent, general atore Morin, Auguatin, millwright Bacquet, Capt. J. B. Bernard, F. X., miller Dallaire, La., aaw mill Dealangea, Philip, atore k^ar Addenda. Pouliot, llev. Pa8cbal„Rc«l9n Cttbo^, , Rouleau, Capt. Edwd.,I.P/^|D)iU «i«rflfiE( Roy, Jean, miller Mii\:u\\ Talbot, Qervaia, mill owner /, .s„tc.| Tangaay, George, echool inspcctojt,- ■' ^r^l Thibodeau, La., general atore ^ , ^4>,ISC0NTIN17ED. ■ ■'•' ■ -tH •■ -^ •;.'• iwifg'.) aJ I Gp|«i«n, Lt..Col., Nip., ''Ir?*'"' • If LaSgne, S., atore ke'ip«r """7' '"'•« ,.,...] -Turpn,Lt..Col.,N. P. -°'" ^^ .: ^n ,.J .•liiiOiJifif'aiA ST. HENRI, de Mascouchei"^'^'-^ »"« '-".v) (Sm Canada Dirkctory, Page 385.),8j„i ^ ;„,o ,,);i,„a '-'•*'=•".<■::•■■" .ni»,:t.idA ,,.■ id Addenda. — ..-.-.: Leelere, J. C. M.,notaiai.lO<, i'iiO^' Mount, John Wm.^ I^I.D. Mount, Phillip, |*DBtiiitater, mayor and clerk of court of S.C. Baxto«;'!)T. John '''■". 5^ -'"• I Delfause, Mich^J, pleik ,.^1 jsia„A Delfaoie,C«pt.B., X-f'^if'' „ I DelWfl,A»ft«"W!, WJWf,-.h.„:) ;„i,„a yPangfifin, Mqia. John, seignior, J.P, and doni.bfS.C, ! ViUiaeuve, Feli}(« ceneral atore and com. of S.C. 'i'.'^la '-"jr; !i .-J I f J S.| IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 IK MTS 1^ 13.6 IM 12.0 125 iU 150mm ■ 2.2 I; 3 I 1.8 1.6 / >IPPLIED^ IIVMGE . Inr J^ 1653 East Main street ^^r*^ Rochester, NY 14609 USA ■a^^ Phone; 716/482-0300 -='.^= Fax: 716/288-5989 1 993, Applied Image. Inc. , All Rights Reseived .•\ :i>^ 'C^ '4(S ito «T. HILAIRE-Sr. HYACINTHfi-^T. JEAN PORT JOLI. ST. HILAIRE.-(Given anew.) ]!?l J.'i"au" r'tf **?L!r" ?•"/** 2''"'™ "'" '"""^ '" "*• Soif nlory of Roliiriio. Count, or Roufillfl. C. B.-.di«tini from Montrtal, by R.iltriiy, SU mikt-miMlfmHih^. Lilt Of FrowMions. Trades, &0. Xi^.! .,ihr! Campbell, Major, T.E., seignior, and grist mills ' ''"" < ""'■'' Anther & Ooul.,l.i.nncri t IVlHrli... F-lix. cHrpenter C««ip,Ro»^r..R..m«2CalhoM« , : .Kubiuii;«. E. N.. nfrtary G.mif*Ji"Jf.'; """'*" sTjacq...,. Goilfumo; general de.Ier .na Gonlei, Ejr .iwi, cooper Hi-K-iithkc' H.™i'"iP.r'*'' "'P""'!,' ' '^•"q"". I*'"""-", Po.1 master and agent Htnel, Loaia, aurs«ry.g«rdaer t «f Si. Lawr. & All. R. R. Company •n -w s^r-;^ :;;r:L ST. HYACfNTHE. :^' ■;:'-■" ! "TV-. I'i •. .. v^^^liii Canada Directory, Pack 386;)«''" '•■''■•''^'' .■""•'^ir:^ • Railroait faro to MonlMal. In Cl«ii|, St. 9d. . 3nd Clan. 8«. «. "!;'^ •'^';" -?, "= T IIV/.I lldil Wrttf ,i, ,,i,J Addenda and i^irata. .1 Prince, Right Rev. J. C, Roman Cathpli© Bishop of St. HyaclntHij Rer. J. Z. Jleiltler, arch.priedt ; Rev. S. Gravelle, archdeaiji^i Itev^ L Z. Moreau, secretary ; Revs. G. F. Chevrefils, W. Halley, chap lams ; Rer. L. Gariepy, under secretary. BoatiUisr, Dr. T., ptiyaioian and abandon Oelomw, Louiv, (jnalead of Jamep, advocate DMprea, C. L. R. (inatead wr G. L. R.), poatmaster, dco lait, H., (late Ducloa & Dcsaanlt,) njc factory Lus.^^n & Masre, general ttore Lupien, S., baker MoGanr^'lV, cMttral >tore Oetiftate^ A.< jwih, eonfectioner FarqMiar, P^ W., ttmperinea liqui , , ,i Lvframbojae, Maurice, ad«nea(e -.L ,vi ;> Laraaa & Chafnmi, general ftoM .h ''. ' Leelere, O. S., M. £>, ehetniit, dtuggitit, and apoihacary Leelere, C. A. N., advooale Le Courier de St. Hvncinthe, Guitlj^ & do Grandpr^, publiflhera Mareheaaault, Rer. Qodfrbi; ViHilAMd 'of Arebambaalt, L., notary Cliadeey, N. G., innkeeper Murin, M., irniperance hotel Maoauley, W., atorekeepcr, (instead of watchmaker) PHjeati^ Angele, .'in«tead of Eli), innkeeper PhiIIiiu, M., wiiie and <n|rit tfofe Renaud, G«)drfql, tnwp and police f»i*t)tec- tor, in addition Sicotte, L. v.. advoo«le and M. P. P. for the GouQly Unsworib, JdpcF, agpnt S:, tiwrehce ^nd Atluniic Railroad' "' ' Wdodhouae, Joahua, wine and apirit alorc, in addition -j .t. ...j^u ,,„.,.. ''•'".■X.'| ,l,nn^ DISCONTINUED , ' '■' ■"'"S-.^.l y^^^\».\i^( 1 iVIcCormick,'#fciViiioi^ke*^r*" ' .McCiy, John, buokaeller Cret ier. Rev. Edouard ,.,.„-, ,.Vf j , .O'Learv. Dr. Wyerp. Rer. lal. • .'-'^'ff ' jf ^oCT; H*. ,.w„ clerk, d.o Deedit., Of ide, notary •<( a da'} , vjro-; ) , i , Bulber la«», P., & Co., atorekeepers Dion, Abiabain, carriage maker ..„ ' -W^ ' ■■'"'"'" ^\:S7'. JEAN PORT J0LI...c.,.5,.„a ,,,,,„ .fl..n !.,u «v>:. :«..,(g,|g Canada Diheotorv, Paqb tWi);'''/,',,- J,''''!;,^;' Anelet, Joaeph, generak atore' Addtnda and £crata. •. lo • ■■■^■w"f ^^^"'wi-BBj KWB«wa«>a ^»»«aw -^ • Carrier, Cbarlea, intniHiipaTeonrtcin<lv''>' Daejardins. Louie Roy, dit, general itore Dural, Loiiia Z., notary y^Hm^^xjM (he seigniory <i . ' n , Fraier, Lieut.-Colonel Simon, notary Mirille, Nareit caiiaes Parent, (instead SirvATBD io the Danii, (instead Duchcfnaull, \\ Lsrocque, Dr L Filiairault, J.,n Aitoa, Jh saddl B^cliard, T.. tn Bitaett. James, Roire, L.,joinei Da«id«iQ, Rav;, Daniel, — , bote Deliale. Dr, Me Diipunt„,Chf(li mau; &i Eiinhari, Jaa , i Filsgibbon, J., Flowers, J. M., French, Geo, r Gabouria, her. by St Garant, 'L.,.eat Gillespie &, »)K Hibbard, J,, ba Onint at Hibbard, Chari< Kennedy* D., fa Lafleiir, j., whi Lay, Miw, mill Koight, J., shw Allan, James, i Aroouet, — , bii Bainborougit, J Brais, Ker. A. Buteher, Mr, b Cuulombe, Lou Coote, Wiifi,, Hi DenieraT, r. \j Gidso, fi, v., ^ Haensel, Rer. ! Landel, M. & < JOLI. ♦ ■IT r »^* •t-A ,.*%'/' 8T. JRROMB^ST. JilHN'S. Mil ttvvllio, Count; , ill»!.iii , imilh !neral decter anu iRxler and agent K. R. Cumpanr .''■*)( , r,I,, ); ' ,'i >'A /'iiKi: :. ,y(Jl J, |i!,T ■ ,i'IJ M ,V ■;..■. |»«'t .MHiilqiiBi ■' ^'i'lnl ,!!,;■ ion ; Kev. L. Halley, chap- 1 store )T, (instead r/f Eli), innkeeper putiqe i'(i*j>tee- d M. P. P. for j!.tw|«rtee tnd ind tpirit aturr, r.'l,i„.r -'^'l ,-<1l»tiJi,(.i pot'"' icepers 'ifli I, ,UiuoS' ill'J ,V,'...lr -ll.) ..- , l^ienll^f the 1, notary Miville. Naroii«e, eommifaiontr of •mall cauaei Parant, (mstekd uf Pkr»iit), Re^. Louh Peiletier, N. S., iioiaij and clerk cominia* aioner* euurt >i:::'ii ST. JEROME. (Sbb Oanada Dikrctory, Page 390.) SiTVATBD ib (he Courtty of Tcrrebunne, C. C— ^.iidant from Montreal, 36 miiM. ^ . ' ' Addenda and Errata. Danfi, (inatead 6f C*<H*), CafH«in Moiito i LxVrtl'cr, A. B., poelmatler Ducheanaull, H.. ifenferal aloro ^ Larocquc, Uideon, deputy ppilinaaUr Larucque, Dr L. E., J., P. i ,»A DISCONTINUED. Filiatrault, J., notary ' | Ldiizwi, 0, poatrtfcalw ST. JOHNS, or Dorchester. (Sbc Canada Diuectory, Paok 391.) Asto«« Jn a»(WI«r» FfoniM B^cliard, T.. irtdflr in iraia, &«., Jamoast Biaaett. Jamef, Krocer, &,c., Front at Boire, L., joiner. &o.. Charli-a at Davidaiiii, RA»^ll«tM*«t« L0f«*eu|l,'a| s Daniel. — , biiteher, MeCuinming >t Deliale. Dr, MeCunmine at Dupont,: Chfxl^ m|inMra<;tuicr of raoning mlUi a[c..<4f^ca at Esinhart, Jaa , auctioneer. McCumming Bt Filigibbon, J., cooper^ MoCunnnintr "t Flowera, J. M., {fader in ftaiit, &e , Front at French. Geo., :nillroa>l clerk, Longrueuil at Gabouri*. Rer. Mr. ItonUn Citliiolic, Bus- by at Garant, L.,.eabin*t laakei, MarkM Jt^ri Gilleapie &, Hwile. potterr, PHrtitiMi>*(< Hibbard. J., bailiil Mid eriaroreirAuit eonrt, Grant at Hibkard, Charlea. bailiff, Buaby at Kennedy, D., hotel keeper, Front at Lafleur. J.^ wkeelwriitht, &o., Jamea at Lay, Miip, milliner. Front st . / Koight, J., alioamaker, UeOtiinniiaf at, Addenda. Langelier, t, X. & Cd.j, general ator«. Front at ■ Lewia, D L , agent Tor United Statea Mntiial In-urance Cii., Front at LfltideH J> E-. trader in (train, &o^ James st Luc, ~, »ilNge crier, Bu»by at ' i>lcpiinn>flr& Co., ahoemakers, Front si Mftcdoniild &, Cliarleton, dry goodi*, &c.. Front at MeOinr)ie, R. B., asent of Iba ^igniar of Long icu I, Buaby it ommingat _ueuil airecl I M iciiiin & Hazcn, dry gnori^ &c,, PrOntat Mmdoux, — , coiiper, Market tq Proux it, Faquettc, tiniinlih% Franl kt Stephen*, Mrs, inffliner. Frgn( at Tilux, M., bittcktmith, Front «t Wall ngford, — , innkeeper. Front at V/aywuud, T., market clerk. Market sq Wheeler. E., innkeeper, McCOrominget ! Wilson, D., trader irt grain, produce, &c.. Front at I Wight, Dr Robert, James st MeGtv'rp, l>, railii^i^ agent, McCommir McGuire,Tt, jrailrpad conductor, I^ngu M if) •rtfligii flBJ^yiBD, OB P|590N,T»N"ED BUSJNl^SS. Allan, James, dry go<»4a' „ ^ [' McVicar, Wm, ihAkeeper Aroouet, —, botcher '•'• ' '^-i .fJlOT );<pi<March8nd, L-miSfOpronor Bainborough, John, painter !HM,l yn i.fc • Moreau, Dr M. Br.ls.Ref. A. J NoU '"-•-- Buteher, Mr, barrack maater Coulonibe, Louis, tinsmith Coote. Wm„ Wrwittlcr •;.<n1 iat-liiil l-;.^-:'! Uemcrav, r. \j , 3:!7:~aic • 11 I ,l/;i'U G»d«>. K V.,fl*^erttak«l'V'^ ,v^^.,^im■,^ Haensel, Ret. Mr', - '' ■«'->i'i'""«<"J Undal, M. & J., dry gdddi "«J '> ' • ' Charles, dry' good* r , 1, Noxon, Louis, hatter i)J;n5!^:,pad|ey,R.D., tailor ' Qiicsnel, A., dry goods . ,j,,;«i „,u„a S.-.y!nn«r, Charles, dry gao^i ^.y^^arc) Skiynip, — . aaaiM. oomy. fM.|. ,,iib,if| VVheeUr, Chailcs, tanoat ., :„, it'«<)( i ^11 i«e ST. JOHNS. C. ¥h^Wr. JOSEPH D£ MASKINONGE, &c. ST. JOHNS, C. W. . {J\rot included in the Canada Directory.) ^P^J>etwal lirt of ProfesiioM, Trades, &o. """ " Stroet, Jobn. millet Street, O'Evwoudo &, MoVietr, machine faotorir WilkcreQP, John, plough factory Wllleofi, David, general itore Amo, 3 Hbitha, 1 wtg^canukett 1 tailor, and 1 abocoitkei; , ., Beckett, Samuel T^iHiiler Brooke, GeM|a. odlUr Fell, Charlea, groneral jloro anil poiitnaster Fell, Zenaa, land lurvojer Haney, Jamea, miller Haney, Stephen, miller Root k AbdH, cloth factory . ..I ,«| ,.,,.. ST, JOSEPH DE MASKINONGE. (3bb Canada Dibbctqbv, Paob 892.) Belicfeuillo, Tliuadorc,'fehersl aturu Duuchard, CJiai., amith Brown, Wm., wool oarder Dub<S, Louia, sanefal atore Farrun, Fra., ahoe atore Gagnon, Loufi, ahoe ature AddenAs. Laranger, Jatnea, gi^neral atore Ratelie. Edward, trader :fi 'j I Rivard, U., ahoe atore and bailiff . I I ^^^f^j'^f ^" poatraaitar and fenernl atore St. Anioine, Mra. Lnitia, gtStrtl kimt Tremp6, Adol|i4iti> boawHiife houa« ST. LOUIS DE GONZAGUE,/m»«r/t/ IU>ektki,:. ' ■ ' :?T;^:' . •■ (GiTen anew.) ^"'"'rl!^'- i^'^^'^ :7 ■'■'"' A VaLAOE wtuated in the County of Beanharnoia,— diatant Uot^'MatKnAl io mIIm uaml itafe bra iri:w.plcr, 10., la aummar. Ta 6d. Populatioa ffit'SSv -^ ' if?. »""•*•- Alj^abetieal list of ProfiMsions, Trad«8, ^ Archambault, ChaV., J l». ahd com. of S.C. Bedard. J. B..Bmith fiojfic, F. X., innkeeper Brlab<ti%^^Hyacint1ie, jreneral store Burke, Re». Palirick, Roman Catholic Bussiere, Hubert, g^eneral atore Charpentiar. P. F., gdneral atoro Cleroux, (ioJfroi, s'(n\Hi Ci>u(Iee. L. P.. general atore Deliile, J. B., ahoenlaker Da Montijrny, A.; noWfy ' Hainault, W., geoer^ I store I .1)1: ■«ii: Laplante, Joaeph, ol<ithiia«tK.-v;j dr.. i Larochelle, Dr. P., phyai«ian '. ,.hiH.dA' Lemare, J. B., tinsmitii PavMlev. J. T., rawt^rMnan ,; Pr^xmi F. X.» geaenl atoK . Priediufc Puiaaant, gmnral m^fti in Swmton, iter. C. R., Free Ckunib Symona, John, general atore,, earm. of S.C eaw lUilla and paii factivy ' Symona, John, jqnr, peataaatpi Vachon, Fra,, akiiemaker „„ .„{/ , VineDTe, Pierre; ahoanakat^. i i ST.,^tUCfi, (Ca^Htp nf Rimouski,'C. E.) (Sbe Canada Directory, Page 393.) ' ' ' Diatant from Quebop, 183 milea. Population abeui 2000. , ."ifol.-;,;. '. ,. .A .V-,;: , <' ' i . 1 ii .WM-Addenda. Aubm, Pierre, joiner a vih ..A j..,, . djo„ Thomaa &. touia."amytljB- "•"'"•' ' ' DwchaaplalD, Aoguitme, joiner ' Ooulet, Uul^,jtoim|lier ^ " . SI. H'ighea, Major Lavoie, Jean, ( leToie, Joeepfa Momeau, laiie Ma. .GUI, J. B Morriaet, Jolm, Bedard, Paaeal Badard, Jean I Bedard, Oama Benjamin, Jcai Bernrd. Jean E Berard, Franci Bertrand, Mici Bertrand, Vit .! Bevirand, Loul Brouilla d, P. 1 Carreau, Fla7ii Charbouneau, '. Crevler» Re». 1 Damour, Dr., Davignon, Elz( Dearochera, Jo( Dord, Hypolite Ducloa, Jean E Durochar, Nari Elie, Leon, tini Guillet, Chrya( 'vuillet, Damai Guillet, Modea Hazen, Dr. H. Houde, Fra,, i Laberge, L. E. Lague, Charlei Langloia, A., ■ Bilodeau, Fran atore Croteau, DaTJc OueheanaV; E. Duohcanay , Ai Fortier, Dr. R. Fortier, G. N. viiuiH,-9. n. a kc. ST. MARIIS DB MONNOIR-^ST. MARIE OB LA BEAUCE. 1S3 •■Wilt, I'M-" • • Wellani, C W oViear, machine factorjr ore niaker» 1 tailor, >ll'J ,,.,..„.. I tore bailiff igenerplature Ml ,40 met,- 3 ,"(1 111 ' ' ■■'l,.imi.... I ,41i «■»;•{ * . -niu.dii'-J an .' .'f' • e . »9re,.i Iburah tory •tpt',,. 1 * I, nl- iSU ■■'.. > waiehmaker Mnfhri, Major Jacquec, «(^m- nfS. p. LaToie, Jean, culler [oToie, Joeeph, pilut Momeau, Ittie, aniitli Ma; .ous. J. B. painter Morriiet, Joim, jun.i lecretary aclioul com. Parfn(. Beifjiwin, carpenter Paradia, Proaperc, goneml ttorc Pineaa, Franeia, R., teacher Rahcl, Aleiia, teacher Tremblay, Piorro, miller ST. MARIE DE MONNOIR. '<8xE Canada Directort, Page 394.) .\\-. Bedard, Paaeal.juo., tanner Bedard, Jean B. , mawn Bedard, Oamaae, maton Benjamin, Jean B., wheel wright Bernrd. Jean B., shoe atnre Berard, Francoia, wheel Wright Bertrand, Michel, jun., trjiltn Bertrand, ViC.!, emith Bevcrand, Louis, maaiin '", ' Brooilla d, P. D., ihoemaker Carreau, Flavien, wheel wrighl Charbouneau, Ed.,fmith CrcTier^ Rev. E., Roman Catholic Damour, Dr., phyaician Davignon, Elzear, shoe atore Desrochers, Joseph, wheel wright Dor€, Hypolite, smith DucloB, Jean B„ shoe ftort', Durocher, Narciase, innkeeper Elie, Leon, tinamilh Gaillel, Chrysostom, tailor 'auillet, Damase, general store Guillel, Modeaft; wheal wri|;ht'.(oi'33ti - Ha;en, Dr. H. L>, physician Houde, Frs., wheel wright Laberge, L. E. P., notary Lague, Charles, cooper Laoglois, A., smith Addenda. > .{UVr-MlH .(Ir* Lapointe, Joseph, smith Larocque, Naroiase, amHh Lemay, Charle*, hail ff Long(ir>, Pierre, ahue store Lupien, Amablo, saddler Mats<!, J. B., bnillff - Menard, Maurice, tanned Menard, N. & J., wheel wrightl''''''"^ Mitigny. L. & T., tanners " ''^ M')rin, J. B., smith ^ ' Meunier, Loui», Ignace &, Wm., masons Nadeao, Fluvien, sm tli Narbonne, Alfred &. Jr'rv., maaona < Narbonne, Jacques, abuemaker Paradia, Paul, cooper Payette, Pierre, imitb Puivin, Ed., shoe store Vrovuat, Ben, wheel wright Reauinc, Hubert, ghocmaker Rivard, Abraham, shoemaker ' ^ ' Robert, Victor, wheel wright S'fary, Anioinc, tailor Savary, Joseph, smith Shiller, Cbai-les, tailor Tetreaa, J. B., general store' ''*'' Tflreau, Eoaebe, mason Tetreau, Damase, ooopbr ' . ,\:.,- J.- ' ST. MARIE DE LA BEAUCE.sj .;;;;■;( 1 i.rll (Sbb Canada Dikbctory, Page 394.) • Addenda. : * •• . ^ n a in\ A ,r>r.nA Bilodeiu, Fran<;ois, postmaster and general atore Croteau, David, P. land surveyor DuehesnaV; E. H. J., advocnte and ,'. P. Ouchesnay, Amed6 J., land surveyor Fortier, Dr. R. A; oonnty registrar No. 2 Fortier, O. N. A^ deputy regi«tr«r Auell^r, Rev. Jpaepl. • ^^ '■''« 'mm^t. K. «s ^iMMtr ohry Laorois, Charlee, J; P. • ' ' t -' ■'•'•' ' ' Prnux, Rev. Louis, Ropi«9 Cf^bolio Prouz, Jean, P. land aorveyor,. J. )P...and mayor of division No, I ' Taiichereab, Thomas J., notary, J, P.' and collector of custvma OUCONTINUED. ■ t B.I. -•).,■,,-., ff ,l»!>1'f 'I Foster, William, innkaepes ^ ^m'! /': ;i St. Laurent, Mn., iigriealt*r«l etort- H I • if ' 1; ! I 1 k. il '' 1 'if.l 'rl- " 1«4 ST. MAItTlM-JST. MARTINE~8T. MARrS. (Sac Canada PopuJitlon i.f the P«ri»|,, 3750, . .1 ST. MAIITIN, Isle Jesus. DlRECTORV, Pao« 396.) ' .H/iSMll.-f, "■'■■I li .1 ,«t' ,,• ifd .III!-. I 1-.- Addenda and Errata. '"'"• ^ho'lir' ^"■" ^""'""'^ ""'"•" C- : 8.eph.„. (i„„«d of S.c,e„,,) Wil.i.m ST. MARTINE, Beauharnois. (Ses Canada Directory Paoi, 395.) biitance from Mpnlroei), 2i milti. ii«t Beiiudry, L., clerk of circuit nun BuisMin, Conslant, nniih Corbrillc, P«4l, ,„,iij, ' ' • De Buuchciville, V., M.p.'. -7 • ' '• Gariepjr, D., shoe itore ■', ,'"" - •i(!n<( .in ,- r ., . Daboia, — , amilli . , McGillivray.Ur. IX. Addenda. j Henderson, VViii„'geiicraI atorc, ( Hiiiii, Chnrlea, iiniqry ' ' i Pepin. Hypolifc.iliop atore ''■;•!'"'"' Praallo, Pierrn. eroccr ' ''*T '''""'' ! P"n1eau,F..X.,aaddferf,'".i^•'»",r^^ ■ r^u,|.H/ I Prieur. F. U., pmtiAi »inft',T5T' "'' T.t .. ST.jVIARY'S.-(Given ancWlf^ -";:;! '1 " 'tti^ant frotn «. \'f'*'*!i°^if''"V*'' ',""'« T..wnil.i(. of nianchHrd. Count. o'Pcrlli C w' Hi Stratford. 12 rotlaa-from London, 25 n,iie,. P..pul!rtZ. ^bout SOo!' ^' ;^*"' ' Alphabetii*! lUt d^S„ion», Tradw. ^^r;/ ■!:;;: CHRI8T1K, Thomas, J. P., generel store and |)(,8lnia«ter ' "* ^' '^» " 1<RELI0H, SAMORb, hotdlic^ener """,,. GRBMAm, A. M., liver, stable. ^i::^;?" ;,;i..i;: • Guest, riioMAs B.. general store and potash factory UONTER, Wn^^M, hotel keeper HcTTON, Geoi*o« P4 general store and pota«h ftclory HOTTON, J HK9POBE, general slQip ,,(. ^ HDTTON,WiLtoDGHBy, mill owner ""' Lamrir, Adam, general store LoNo, Edward, general store and potibh factory JJclNTy«E, JoHK. general store SairH, W. p., general store Wood, G&or«b C., M.D., I^.R.C.P. and S.C. Atkinson, Genri^e, wajr^on maker A «ery, Cnrnoliua, tanner Bannerinan, Alexander, alone cutter Barrnn. IViJjjijtn, {•.m,.,o. Bell, Prancia, <i,hoeniaker BorkMxe, M»ta, druf stoi '■ .('iVaO .|l«a!(>l'l •11 -.1 (Viin^'iriniiU Bordock,F.C.,aroilh ., . 'I ,„„, • 'Di'li. Mi,4 Chambeiti Janiea. tinamlth ) Coldrich, Samuel, chair maker Cnitendoii &. Nichui.manufaeturaiaofpot' aali, &c. , ., ; Dawaon, AreliiM4 4'M U'oit^iaiUit Faweetl, Rer. Forreater, And Fuller. R., oha Marriaon, Alezi Hirriaon, Milm Hendenon. Jan Ingeraoll, Thou In|{«r8oll, Au|;ii Jirdine, Thoroi Jonea, Thomai, Larnpmnn, Rov Lenoy, William, Luwe, Rer. Mr. >lcCallum, Mai McDonald, Ale McDonald, Johi Molnloah, Gilbt Mclntjre, Jamc filttf, Alfred, ifei Fortin, (instead atore Gagnon, A., boai Launiere, (insU ■eignlora Bachaud, Jose agent f( Cos., ai Auger, Christ., n fiedard, Louia, mi Bradford, Wm., I Chicoine, Alex., t ral atore Dai^eneau, Godfr DenonTille, Sabin, DeoonTille, Rami, Drolet, Theodore, EIi6, Pierre, ahoen Generenx & Morii Geadreau, Godfroi Gobeil, Jeremi^, bi Bminaa, A., wool Bondy, H., notan Otmour, Dr i .nihl 1" retii,) William or, diuontinutd 8T. MICHEL-8T. PIE. 185 Mati. I U ilr.. -■.i(1ll(| I ■tohi, I.- n r.; ,1-1 V ' ■ .'• .tiifti; 1 "•'•I ,IIJ)i: ' .ItlOUIl'i • t ,«rtri-». ■•.1*1 ^.-riKilant from ■I : : ,: . Miir,(( ,1^: »'»■»/ ,'.!!.. "■l"? .TilUoll !"f» .-.gr- J,..J ii.iiU .i.'vSkI iJ .i;«D..ii ■,;; .vsaKaii'H'li • '' ,i»Ui ' • iker ifMturenofpot* i 'iim Ftwceil, Rer. Thomas, Wesleyan Formter, Andrew, oarpeater Foliar, R., ohair maker Harriaon, Alexander, Mddlcr Harriaon, Milner, aiore keeper Henderton, Jamea, carpenter Ingeraoll, Thomas, store keeper loK'rsoll, AuKiittus, tanner Jsrdine, Thomas, smith Jones, Thomas, cabinet maker Lurnpman, Rov. Arch., Church of England Lenox, William, shoemaker U»we, Rer. Mr., Episcopal Methodist MeCallum, Malcolm, carpenter MeDunald, Alexander, a*one cutter McDonald, John, store keeper Melnlosh, Gilbert, wool factory Mclntyre, Jamee, tailor Melntyre, George, shoemaker MoLasD. Dr. Lach., phyaician and surgeon Mimni, Charles, tailur • Murphy, Edmund, slmcmaker Nellis, Dr. Alex. A, physician ' -^il surgeon Nichol St, Crittenden, millera Pangburn, Isaac, innkeeper « Robertson, David A., hotel keeper Sanderson, John, carpenter Shani", Robert, lailur &itevenii, Charles, shoemaker Switzer, Christopher, waggun miker Township Council.— Thomas B. Gueat, reeve; A, Hill, deputy reeve; Hy. Willis, David Cathcart.and William Bealty, councillors; Thos Christie, treasurer; Wm. Sparrow, collector; Thoa. Ingersoll, clerk. ST. MICHEL. (See Canada Directory, Page 396.) Addenda and Errata. Blais, Alfred, general store Fortin, (instead of Fortier,) Mrs. general atore Uagnon, A., boarding-house Launiere, (instead of Lanaier,) Leger, aeignlorand J. P. Larue, Mrs. F. X., general atore Lnunierc, (inatead of Lannier,) Wilfred, notary I Ruelland, Uymere, (inatead of Slimcre; aaw mill ST. PIE. (See Canada Directory, Page 399.) Addenda. Bachand, Joseph Charles, N. P., postmaster, clerk of eomtnissioners court agent for National Loan Fund Life, and Equitable Fire Assurance Cos., and general agent, &c. Auger, Christ., smith Bedard, Louis, mason Bradford, Wm., butcher Chiooine, Alex., temperance inn and gone ral store Diigeneau, Godfroi, butcher Deoonville, Sabin, carriage maker Deoonville, Remi, ahoemaker . Drolet, Theodore, shoemaker Eli6, Pierre, ahoemaker Genereux & Morin, builders Geodreau, Godfroi, smith Gobeii, Jeremitf, baker Gendreau, Pierre, J. P. and commiasioner of small causea Guertin, Francis, carpe-^ter Lafleur, Rev. Theodore, Baptist L'heureux, Job, cloth factory Menard, Felix, mason Paquette, Auguslin, mason Plante, Jacques, carpenter Roy & Son, general store Senecal, Samuel, baker Totreau, Dr Jos. A. O., commissioner of small causes and J. P. h-f l! 11 Bissinaa, A., wool carder Bondy, H., tnUlj Oimour, Dr DISCONTINUED. Senecal, Antolne, storekeeper Stimpeon, Ornan, stora keeper Tarte, Chas., baliff "^ 18tt ST. PIE TANNERY-8T. PlEftRB-8T. llEMI, &«. ST. PIE TANNERY. {Jfot included in the Canada Directory.) A siiALt VitLAOE situated one miln wMt from St. Pi6. Benoit, Charica, amith Leblanc, J. B., ahoennakcr Morin, Airred, amith Morin, Gabriel, carpenter lUt of ProfessioM, Tradea, &c. Stimpson, Oman, general ttore, mill ovimi and J. P. Tenny, Jolin B., carpenter Vincent, Cliarleii ten. and jr>, ihoemaiieri ST.* PIERRE les Becquets, (Sm Canada Dirbctory, Pacje 399.) Baird, Elie, carriage maker and painter Baird. Camille, amitli Baird, Elzear, cmJlti Belliale, Elzear, baker and grocer Cot<j, Joseph, sJioemak<>r Couljmbe, Eusebe, shoemaker Deiners, Wilbrod, general store, millowner and J. P., &c. Derjr, Michel, joiner Dii>n, H., amith and waggon maker Dion, Magloire, amiih Gendron, F. X., painter Addenda. (.iingras, Magloire, smith Leclerc, Rev. Alexia, Roman Catholic Jacques, Lubin, cloth factory and aaw mill Masaicotte, Jacques, carrling and fullin!' mill Methot. Prospere, notary and J, P. Parrd, Francuia, carpenter Phillipa, Thomas, general store Thomas, Eli, councillor Tousignant, Oride, general store and post> master Tousignant, Julea, smith , DISCONTINUED S' ft/E'' """"'."'.""w «>f ,""»" ""«• I Bedard, Felix, as postmaster only ot.oyr, Pierre, commissioner of small causes ' Railroad fare from Montreal, Ss 3d Badeau, D., smitii Blair, Wro., innkeeper Dufresne, Rev. Mr., Roman Catholic Fenton, Andw., mason Gautbier, Amabio, carpenter ST. REMI. (See Canada DiRXCTOBy, Pace 400.) Addenda. Laplante, Basil, general store McGiil, Hueh, general store Rousseau, £., general store Sanguinet, Ambroise, general (tore Sanloir, Amable, bailiff Martin, J. H., store keeper Guyhomard, Rov. F. C., Bomnn Catholic DISCONTINUED. Lanctot, Frs., temperance inn Prince, Wm., saddler ST. THERESE DE BLAINVILLE. (See Canada Oirxctory, Page 402.) fioimeneu, Felix, boarding house Kimpton, Lieut. Alpheus Addenda. Lechaine, Joseph, M.D., registrar, &e. &c. Morris, Major, (instead otCapt.,) John, &c Dsajardins, L , U (iaimont, Joseph, ileurieii, Lt.-Col Roulet, Gilbert, k< ( ote, Louis, millei Couillard, Miss,Ki Dion, Miu Joaepc Fournier, M^or L Foumier, Jacques, Fournier, Josephs i Gendreau, F. X., n and commit Cazeau, Captain T Dugal, Luc, miller Population of Ih Briisft, Rev. E., I Bimej, Goodwin, Cote ee Delornne, g Depoca, Charles, g Deaeve, F. X., geni Deachampa, Miaa, Girard, F. X., teaci Girouard. Jeremie, Htlaire, Michel, bi Heneaull, Et., com Jrrraia, L'>uia,noti Lirocbe» Hypolite, Biisoonet, Anaclet, J. P., &,o. vsrpsntief, i<nufca Coi^, Louis, tinsm Ginvin, R6mi, J. 1 Ld. •tore, mill owuri d jr>, ihoemakeri lan Catholic Dry and aaw mill ling and fulliog indJ. P. r ■tore (tore and po3t> it only ire al itore nn istrar, &e> &c. ipl.,)John, &c ST. TH0MA8-8T. TIMOTHY-ST. VALENTINE. Dwjardint, L , boarding home Gaimont, Joaenh, miller iUiirick, Ll.'Col. John DISCOITTINUED. Mclotjre, J. L., atore keeper Perrin, Niohulaa, boarding houw ST. THOMAS de Quebec. (Sm Canada Directory, Paok 403.) Addenda Roulet, Gilbert, general store ( ote, Louis, miller Couillard, Miss, general store Dion. Miu Josephine, general store Fournier, M^or Louis, J. P. and mayor Foumier, Jacques, boarding bouse lournier, Joseph, general store iJendreau, F. X., notary, secretary, treaaurar and commissioner of small causes Gouvreau, Misses, general store DeMontignjr, J. G., general store D'Estimonvilie, R. C, advocate Jone», Lazare. general atore Leclere, Pierre, grneral store Lvpine, J. D., notury, registrar, and J. P. Lessard, David, general »tore L«tourneaux, Joseph, general store Vallee, Stanislas, notary and postmaater Caieau. Captain Louis Dugal, Lac, miller DVCONTINOEO. I Lebreuz, Et , general store ST. TIMOTHY. (S«B Canada Diakctory, Pace 404.) PorvLATiON or the Parish, 4200. Addenda and Errata. Brisset, Rev. E., Roman Catholic Bimer, Goodnrin, general store Cote it Delornoe, general store Depoea, Charles, general store Deseve, F. X., general store Detchamps. Miss, milliner Girard, F. X., teacher Girouard, Jeremie, cartmaker Htlaire, Michel, baker and grocer Heneault, £t., commisaioner of small causes Jrrvais, Louis, notary Urocbet Hypolite, cart maker Lafleur, F. X., baker and grocer Lerebvre, Eustache, ^oe store Lefebvre, Raphael, shoe store Lefebvre, Venant, smith Madden, John, shoe store Meloche, F. X., mayor of the county, asd J. p. Pease, D. B., general store Poirier, Moise, smith Scott, J. B., postmaster and notary St. Jean, Joseph, smith St. Louis, F. X., smith ^ RK MOVED. Watier, Joseph, commiisioner of small causes. ST. VALENTINE. (See Canada Dibectort, Page 404<.) Addenda and Errata. Biiaonnet, Anaolet, (instead of Nicholas.) J. P., &,c. varpentief, Laureai, shocrnakcf „ Cot6, Louis, tinsmith Gauvin, R€mi,J. P. Laperle, (instead of Laporte,) F., notary and postmaster Martin, rouMiau, general store and inn. keeper Slott, (inatead of Scott,) D., ge, cral store 'Itl IM TAMWORTH-TAPLBYTOWN-TEMPKRANCEVILLE. RBMOVBO, DISCONTIHVBD BVSINB9S, OB DBCBA8BD. BrtwiUr. WillUm, iren«il .tor* Morri«.n, « Jcorif., .enor.l •tort Moi.tpl..i,«r, Jowpl. B«ner,l .tore Perr.ull. Dr. F X. Noel. Dvuel, .hoem.ker vVright. E. J.. K«ntr«l .tor. TAMWORTH. CSee Canada Dibbctobv, Paob 406.) Sttge f\n to Kingston, 3i ; population, 250 Baker, Nichols., laddler Clarlr, Norman, cloth factory Grange, John & Hobert, ssw mill Laird k. Helm, general store McMullen, Angus, esrpenter Murphy, Michael, ahoe store Addenda. Osborn, Datid, carpenter •Seldcn, P. G., general store and grist mill Sixmah.Thos. ficTobiss. shoamaker. Ttiurslon, Jason, cabinet shop Wilson, John &. James, smitha Wormnrorth, Duncan, carriage maker TAPLEYTOWN. (JVot included in the Canada Directory.) A Small Villauu, situated in the Township of Saltflcet, County of Wentworth, CW. Lilt of Frofessiona, Trades, &o. Burckholder, Thomoa, general .tore i Pcttit, William, smith Comb., WJIham, carpenter Scott, —, ahoestore Cheyne, Rej. George, Prasbyterian j Springslead. John, general atore and eoun Lawrence, Rev. George, Epis. Methodist j cillor Millburn, Joaeph, tailor | Willco*. Daniel, poitmaiter and amith TEMPERANCEVILLE.— (Given anew.) A ViLLiotBituated in the Township, of Malahide and Yarmouth, County of Middlewz C.W.-diitant from Toronto, 140 miles, frem St. Thoma., 10 mile;. .ndTom SS miiM. ' Alphabetical List of Professioiu, Trades, fto. Bingham St Aitkin, general merobant. Boomer, George, waggon maker Carpenter, Richard, blackwnith DickerK>n, David, cooper Durkee, — , cooper Ferguaon, Benj., waggon & aleigh maker Ganson, Elisha S., J.P., councillor and mill owner Gravea, Daniel, store agent Green, Rusaell, cooper Hoover, Abram, house caruanfer Hoover, Chriatopher, chi>.it maker Jefibry, David &. Co., general merchants Kennedy, Jciin, innkeeper Lame, Auguatus, cabinet maker McConnelT, Robert, tailor Mann, Benjamin, miller Miller, JonMn, contractor Nelson, Reuben B., innkeeper Ryckman, John, carpenter Simpton, George, hooae carpenter Simpaon, Wm., carriage and sle'gh maker Sutherland, Alex., carriage &, aleigh maker Sutherland, David, postmaster and issuer of msrrisgs licenses Thomson, Daniel, .hoemaker Tribe, John A,, achool teaeher THi County nana, on the i iMt, 20 mile.. AVOBR, J. ( ■cho( Lbpaob, B. the ji Lbiicur, L. Mackencie, poatn VfAasoN, Ed' MAaaoN, Mil Prevost, G. Rabx, Capt rauoii Arebambnult, < Auger, Gideon, Auger, Jean, tii Barretto, Ut6m Barretto, Gideoi RIoodin.Miehe Britre, Fr... bal Cbartrand, M., Chevallier. Ed., Contant, Medai Chaiieleau, Pier Clark, Alfred, . Corboille, Fr... | Crepeau, Antoin Colerette, Niohc Coderre, Louis, Dsgenait. J. Bt., Dsiorme, Hyaeii Desjardins, Ed., aud sohoi Ds.jardins, Mrs. Dugal, Capt. F., pist Damaa. Arthur, f ilion, Antoine, Filion, Joseph, r Fortin, Pierre, gi Fortin, Antoine. Uraton, Eosebe. Hortebia, Benjan Labreche, Loui., Lajeunesse, T-, ( LajeuneaM, L^or Umogea, Leandr Uasmn Collbob raetor ', IV phore Left ward Sprii induttrial, lSBD. il ■Ion TERHRBONNK. 189 re and griit mill ■hMinaliera •hop mitha ritge maker worth, C\V. I atore and eoun. trandamith ^of Middleaez, rom London, 97 taker >er penter i BJe'gh maker b sleigh maker ter and issuer ir ler TERREBONNE.~(Given anew") ' • J^^nThVnT"*?'^ "'•?"""•/ °/'^"'*^°""'''" •''"«''<» i"'**" Seigniory of the ..aa Int. 20 miles. Population of Iha Village, about 1350 Alphabetieal Liit of Profeiiioiu, Trtwlei, ice. Adobb, J. C., notary, and treaiurer and secretary to municipal council, and ■chool eommiasioneri LtPAoa, B. L., notary, cleric of tlie circuit and commisaionera courts and to the justices of the peace Lbsibor, L. a., general merchant and storekeeper Mackbneie, Lieut.-Colonel John, J. P., commissioner of small causes, and postmaster ' VJasson. Edward, manufacturer, und president of the agricultural society MAsaoN, Madame, selgnioress of Terrebonne " ' Phevost, G. M., notary and school commissioner Rabi, Capt. Gbhiiain agent for the Seigniory, and councillor for the municipality of Terrebonne. ArebambiQlt, C. C, bailiff Auger, Gideon, general storo Auger, Jean, tin roofer Barrettc, J4t6m\t, carriage maker • Birrette, Gideon, balteau owner RIondjn, Michel, builder and contractor Britre, Fre., battean owner Cliartrand, M., miller Che»allier. Ed., J. P., and comr of S. C. Contant, Medard. amilh Chafieleau, Pierre, builder and contraotuj ; Clark, Alfred, shoe atore i Corbeille, Fra., groeer and clerk of market I Crepeau, Antoina, ah«i« atoj9 Colerelte, Nioholas, arcbiieet and carpenter Coderre, Louis, miller Dagenait. J. Bt., batleau owner Delurroe, Hyacinthe, baker Detjardins, Ed., bailiff, deputy grand »oyer, and school comuiisaioner, Oasjardins, Mrs. P., general store Dugal, Capt. F., seniptor and daguerreoiy. pist Domas, Arthur, adrooatc Filion, Antoine, ahoeatoro Filion, Joseph, road anrveyor Forlin, Pierre, gardener and carpet weaver Fortin, Antoine. carpenter (•raton, Eusebe, miller Hartebis, Benjamiu, clulh factory Labreche, Louis, livery stables Lajeunesse, T-, carriage driver Lajeuneaae, L6on, carpenter Limogea, liSandre, livery stables * Limogog, Mrw. S , general store Lepugc, Charles, tailor Latoar, Edward, smith Lovesque. Joseph, dit Sansoucd, lime burner MaokonziB, Major Alex., J. P. Mackenzie, Roderick Alexander, engraver and printer Mulboeuf, Joseph, bridge keeper Manlhet, Nicolas, notary Marier, P. Eloi, general More Maw, John, shoe store Meunier, Joseph, hotel keeper and joioar Monet, Luc, baker Moody, M., iron founder, smith St machiniat rarineton, Ls. A., bailiff Perrin, Nicolas, hotel keeper and joiner Perrauli. Pierre, deputy registrar Rabv labe, grocer Roch" , ...oseph, tannery and leather store Roehoii, Nnzare, smUh Rollin, J. B., tailor Rouraille, Joseph, tinsmith Rouesilie, Zepherin, tinsmith Rousslllo, Captain Noel T., joiner and mill. Wright Rouisiile, Theodore, carpenter -■ Rousiiin, Antoine, general atore Roy, J. Bt., general store Roy, L. H., geneMi store Theberge, Rev. Adrian, Roman Catholic Turgeon, Lieut.-Col. J. Ovide, M. L. C. TurgeoD, Major J. O. A., advocate Varin. Joseph, M.D., commissioner of small causes and J. P. M*ssoN CoLLB«E.-Rev Thos. B. Pellctier, director ; Rev. Jos. S. Theberge, as,iHant di- rtetor: Menra Rli Roah. (ifli>v> »•»....« a p ..- t rT ' . . Jli. . phoreLefevre, AnloineVmet, Isaac Theberge, pro/ewor*; jamea 0-Donnell. Ed. ward SpriDger. £ngIwA m«ter..-.The College is' agricultural, ooromercia and mdustrial, and teachea in both languages, French and English. 190 TlfAME8P0S0~TH0RNHlLL-TH0R0LU. THAMESFORD. (Given anew.) fU c"w ' 'Jb.'.!f.^'" '*'lJ'''r'^T,''c! *'."• ^'^'•~»" •"«' N^"' O'^o'd. County of O, ford, C. W., difUnt from Woodilock, 13 mllM. Poputation, iboallW. "/«""«• Alphabetical li«t of ProfeMiom, Tradei, fto. Macdonald, R., land agent, conveyancer, and N. P. Allen, J. D., general etura Cbeelnui, A. L., ifeneral store Cameron, Robert, J. P., md townihip eounoillor CounUr, R., wbeel«ri|{ht and ahoemaker Davideon, Jamei, innkeeper nnd wagvon nijkjr Da»id«on, Andrew, blackiniilli Fletdiar, J, M., ahaemaker Uodfrojr, J. S., wheel wright &,chairniaker Ongaty, W. IL, uiwnabip couneillor lloranaan. Denia, J. P. and townabip eoun ollUif llueaton, I'homaa, inokaep^r McCarty, Joel, i^aneral store &, poalmaster McCarty, E., flour, aaw and fulliDg milU Meljcllan, A., blackitniih Moriee, James, tailor Turner, William, tinamith Swayie, Wm., townahip eounoillor THORNHILL.-(Given anew.) A ViLLAOE aituated in the Townahipa of Markham and Vaughaa, Countr of York C W - diat.nl irom Toronto, 12 milea ; uiu.l aUge fare. 1. lO^d. WaUon, aUt 660* Alphabetical liit o( Addy, William, eoopor Arnold, Abner, aaw mill Aahberry. Robert, blaekamilh Allan, Jamea. achool teacher QIake, Rev. D., Church of England Brunikill, John, Pomono noilla, atorakeeper, poat office and J. P. , Boyle, Francis, maaon Browne, Henry, Thornhill hutrl Cameron, John, tailor Campbell, Arebd , tinsmith Carman, John, brirkioa.ier Carter, Dr.. physician and aurgeon Clay, W. H., cabinetmaker Coaka, Samuul, painter Cook, J. W., cabinetmaker Cockerline, Thomas, tailor Cowperthwaile, W., ahoemaker Cogawell, M. £., wajtgon maker Crosby, Parker, storekeeper Crown, Edward, shoemaicer Durie, Dr , physician and aurgeon Edey, John, carpenter Gillitly, Peter, cooper Hollis, John, tailor Profeuions, Trades, fto. Hugo, James, tanner Holdsworth, Jotin, shoemaker Maxuire, Andrew, shoemaker Martin 8c Jnrratt, carpenters Morgan, John, blaekamilh Medd, George, hameaa maker McClure, Jamea, Farmers' inn McLean, Archd., blacksmith McMorran, George, baker McDougall, David, m'ller Paget, Dr., phyaician ami <*jrgeon Purkisa, Josiab, storekeeper Parsons & Wilcocks, tannen Reid, Dr., physician and surgeon Rugg, Thomas, White Sw«n inn Richarda, Henry, atorekeeper Snowdon, William, millwright Stark, W. D., achool teacher Shepherdaon, George, White Horse inn Turner, Alex., butcher Trott, Job, mason Wiles, Robert waggon mager Wright. George, aaw mill Wright, Dariel, school teacher '■f^'j r^Ttu^ auiiiit Boyle, Arthur, mason THOROLD. (Sek Canada Directort.'Pagb 407.) Addenda and Errata. j iirown, John, contraoior, hydrauUc, cement I and plaster milla Camp, C-rry Collins, Wm. Collins. Miss, Curry, Robl., Cirrj, Thomi DairympI*', A Darker, G<>or| Doyle, Charif Henham, Edw Eilioit, (;aorg Empr, Petrr, Kordham, Dar Uarden, Wm. Gren»ille,D. (Jron»ille, Tho Urenville. Jubr Ilappla, (not A Ilarkness, Frai Harvey, Samui Hilton, Simeon Holdswnrthy, J James. Hugh, | Johnston, Mrs. Kaefsr, George, Kcefer, Jacob, j vision CO lluller, Wm., h Cowan & Park, Caae, Joeeph, fl< Dome, Mrs., ini Evans, Rev. Mr The DisTHicT 1 Rivers St. Maori Electoral Dislrio Queen's Benoh, i Court, and the C here. Dielant fr as* —distant fro Population, about Mondelet, Hon Court Barnard, Edwi of Circt DuBerger, Nai Ogden, J. G., ( Ogden, Henry, Guillet, v., cor Turcotte, J. E., Hughes, H. B., ucnereui, A., < Burns, Phillip, I Ginnis, Richard THREE mvERS. County of (Ji. counoillor townibip eoun. r I ii. pottmttter I fulling millt inoillur York, C.W.. :fi60. (eon [«on inn lone inn uliei eement ?'u''' ^tr/'y **>". •niliwri.hii l/ollini, Wm., eooper Collirn, Mi«i, milliner Cu,,y,Hobt.,a.lI.w..J c,„dl6f,otory D^rjrinple, Andr«w. mtton ijirker, George, oarpcnier Uojrie. Chtrlf., merchant tailor Danham Ldward. Thoro-d Ilo.,«, holrl fc'liotl. (toorge, flour nulla Empv, Potrr, Jirer. itablra Fordliam. nanlel. fi»er» giablet 0«rden. Wm. N., grooir Gren»illa a U. carriage maker •.ron?ille, Thomaa. painter , Orenfille, John, blackamith flappla. (not Apple,) George, ahocmakcr Harkneif, Francif, merchant Hy»ey, Samuel, apothecary Hilton, Simeon, carpenter Holdawortby, Joeeph , reecaa Jamea. Hugh, groeer Mnolon, Mra. Jane.achool tcaebor Kaafer, George, junr., cifil engineer Keerer, Jacob, poatmasler nnffcicrk ofdi- viiion court 191 Lee, Tliomai, maaon MeCarly, Wm.. Farmer*. Inn McDoi aid, Bartbolamew. carriage meker McGmre. Aire.. Travallcr'a Real inn Molntyrc. Jamc., (not Joeeph.) cabinet maker Mable, George, carpenter Martin, Wdliam, maaon Newcombe Miae M. L., Thorold fetmie aemlnary Nelhercoll, John, ahoemaker ratiertun, Hugh, millwright Shannon, Miaa. milliner Smerdon, George, gunaniilb •Hmerdon, Daniel, hiackamilh Stack, (no, g, ^ ^ jy,^ merchant tailor lejior, laaac C, ahocniakor Trow, Jamea, (not Jo.eph,) ahoe atore Vance. Aaron, barber Walker, John, carpenter WnCJ:i.""'D^."'^'>W'° '"Hunter Wilkcraon. Robert, candle factory Wsnalow, Jamep, grocer Woodward, Jolin, floor miHa « oung, Aaron, barber f ti I. Ilutler, Wm., hold Cowen & Park, flour railla Caae, Joeeph, floor milta Dorria, Mra., inn Evani, Rev. Mr. DISCONTINUED. Orenvi le, John, oarriage maker MoArthur. R.,rceeaj Rogera, Chaa., butcher *»'nith, Robert, ahuomaker Waters, 1 homaB, auctioneer THREE RIVERS.-(Given anew ) ElectorriDieirict, returning one mSer to ?hepf„;inl^^^^^^^ T*"" Town i. .» Qoeen'a Bench, in the exerciae of it. crim nal iuri.Z ? L'^'^''"'""!"'' ""'* Ih* Court of Court, and the Court of General or Qua trsJa^io w^^^ ^?" 7 <??""' '^e Circuit here. Diatant from Montreal, 90 S-uS .!«„£.. 5 i'",'!"' ^'•'"'='' "» »"'«• aSf -diatant from Qneber. 90 miIeB--.t.»« ;„h ? l^ ^"'> ^'' ^d— "ual atage fare Population, about 9,600 • ""'"-■'•««•"«» etcamboat larea ..mo ai to Montreal Public Offloen. Mondelee, Hon. D., Judge of the Superior Courl, and holding the Circuit '"""of cfr^Ilfcr^'"''"^ °' '"P"'^' ^-''' ^'-"^ °^ '"• Crown, ami DuBerger, Narcisse A., deputy do do do and internratPr Ogden, J. G., sberiflof the district 'nterpreter Ogden Henry, deputy sheriff of the district buiJIet, v., coroner ucDcreui, A., deputy clerk of the peace. Bumti, Phillip, high constable Ginnis, Richard, gaoler Id2 THREE RIVERS, m Badeaux, G. S., physician to the gaol Garceau, L. B., revenue inspector Wells, Oliver, surveyor of crown timber licenses Uawson, 8. J., surveyor of public works Bally, U. W., clerk of public works Duval, L. G., registrar of titles Robertson, Captain John, postmaster Ogden, Charles, clerk to postmaster . MEMBERS or PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT, residing in town. Polette, A., M.P.P. for Three Rivera Dumoulin, P. B., M.P.P. for Yamaska McDougall, John, M.P.P. for Drummond lurcotte, J. E., M.P.P. for St, Maurice MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. A. Polette, Mayor ; John McDougall, Louis Clair, Ignace Caron, Olivier mT' if P ^' ^"'■'*"' ^'*"'=°=^ ^» Sylva, councillors ; William McDougall, secretary.treasurer ; Edouard M6thot, clerk of markets ; Oreorge Fearon, inspector of the towi; 1 FIRE DEPARTMENT. ^'' '' gLfLat:'%'i" a1" ^rT ' ^" 2' ^'^ ^-"' Captain Au- guste i.arue , No. 3, Artisan's, Captain L. B. Garceau ROAD DEPARTMENT. "'"'' t'J^flZ' T'''^' ' •'""'R'' Loranger, Claud, F6ron, Joseph La. trprpetr„: 0=;,^°°'*° "'"■ *°^'" »•'•"•'■'•• •"""""■"• ''""'tj:;^ Jsr-"*"""'" """"•'■ ^•"""^ ''''^''' '" CLERGY RESIDENT IN THE TOWN. Roman CATHoLic.-The Right Rev. Thomas Cooke, R. C. Bishop of Three Rivers; Very Rev. F. G. Loranger, Vicar General, and cfhaplain the Ursuhnes Convent ; Rev. Messrs. R. A. Noiseux and J. 0. Prince 2lt ' ^' ^' ^' ^""'""' ^"^'"'y *° '^' ^'•»>°P »"d of the ^"""^h^p ^qTi.T.''^^- ^- ^- ^-''' ^•^•' -'- -«i chaplain to the Church oe Scotland — Rev. James Thorn. Wesleyan Methodist Rev. C. DeWolff. JUSTICES or THE PEACE resident in town. B. PoTliiJr^'rG L^Sr ?• n* ^'^"T' ^'^^°"' '^^- A- R.Gilmor, Jean D. ^otnier, V.G. LaBarre, L. D. Craig, Jean B. Lajoie, L. B. Gar«eau Geo S. Badeaux, G. J.Pacaud, John McDougall, John »JcLeod and oirver W^k bar or LO p. 9. Damouiin A> Polette, ijiM Thomat burnt < C. B. de Nirer^ BAR Ol J. E. Torcotte, P. B. Dumoulin A. Polette Atron E. Hart Thomas Burn P. E. Vezina F. X. Turcoite, L. G. Duval F. DaSylra L E. Dumou V.Gu K.J. V. Guillet J. M. Badeaux L. D. Cttig D. G. La Barro .Fo»eph P. Burea W. A. R. Gilmui a. S. Badeaux AOI Agent of City Canada Life A Quebec Fire i Colonial Life Equitable Fire National Loan Mutual Life A Montreal Tele Sister Ste. Ma Claire, Charlof neral ; Brother Mathii THREE SIVER8. IW I town. <aroR, Olivier ors ; William k of markets ; Captain Au> I, Joseph La- pe Jourdaiii, UtcKolvie and bop of Three 1 Chaplain to J. 0. Prince, 9p and of the aplain to the Giimor, Jean irceau, Geo. )liver Wells. BAR OF LOWER CANADA, incorporated by Act 12 Victoria, chapter 46. — Section of the District of Three Rivers. p. 9. Damoulin, batonnier - A. Polette, ■jrndic Thomat burn* treaiurer C. B. de Niverville, tecretary Mbmbkhs or Tiir Council — Anron E* Hart, J. E Tiircolie and Franci* DaStlra BAR or THREB RIVERS. — ATTORNIES AND BARRISTERS, &C. J. £. Tarcotte, Queen's Counsel P. B. Dumouiin A. Potette Aaron E. Hart Thomas Burn P. E. Vezina F. X. Turcotte, ofGentillv L. G. Duval F. DaSylva H. A P. Holland G- A. LeMaitre, ol Ht. Krannois di Lar Ezekiel M. Hart Aim6 Desilets C B. de Niverville A. L' D^saulnlers J. N Bu eau F.X. Quillet Severe Dumouiin , BOARD or NOTARIES FOR THREE RIVERS. f. E. Dumouiin, president j P. Pepin, syndic ; ^ Lottinville, trea«<urei ; V. Guillet, secretary ; Joseph Jutras, C. E. ^ .gnon, Joseph DeGiiise, K. J. Martineau, members of the board V. Guillet J. M. Badeaux L. D. Crai^ 0. G. La Barro hmph P. Bureau W. A. R. Gilmur a. S. Badeauz NOTARIES, resident in the town. I F. Lottinville Wm. Burn L. Gouin P. L. Crait' PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYORS. I Oliver Wells PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. I C. Pdlisson L. U. Tarcottu AGENCIES OF ASSURANCE COMPANIES, BANK8, &C. Agent of City Bank, J. Dickson Canada Life Assurance Company, Captain J. Roiiertson, agent Quebec Fire Assurance Company, J. Dickson, agent Colonial Life Assurance Company, J. Dickson, agent Equitable Fire Assurance Company, L. J. McNair. agent National Loan Fund Life Assurance Company, P. B. Dumouiin, agent Mutual Life Assurance Company of N. Y., J. ^Ceenan, agent Montreal Telegraph Company, Charles OgdeH, operator URSULINBS CONVENT. '''*""■• S'^*'*'*"'— 50 Boarders, 130 Day Scholars. Sjster Ste. Mane, lady superior : Sister St. Hubert, assistant ; Sister Ste. Claire, ze/a<ncc ; Sister St. Francois Xavier, treasurer; Sister St. Charles, mistress of the novic-es ; Sister Ste. Clotilde, mistress ce. neral ; Sister Ste. H^lene, discrete. BROTHERft OF.THE CHRISTIAN 8CHOOT.S. 5 Brothe.ta;r8$P JHj Scholar?. Brother Mathieu, director ,,•• n 194 i'UKEE RIVERS. THREE HIVER8 ACADEiMY. P«„ « c «/ ^ 3 ProfcMors_35 Boarders and Day Scholar.. mor, John Ke,„.„, John V. RU,„, m.;.b,T,7cCZ^ii,l *' SCHOOL co«M.«„„»E.., under tho Acl 9 Vio. Chap. 27-a«>hook SOCIETIES. Temperance Society^m Lord.bip the Bishop, president • Rev R A No.aeux, A. Polette, Bazile Doucet, vice-presidenb. T Br "*" treasurer; F. Lottinville, secretary '^"^ ' ^'B-Garceau, St. JeanBnptisteSocie.ty.-X. Pdette, p/eside„t ; L. Daval, vice-president ■ St, ^ndrevi's Sociely.-Jame, Blckson, president: CaDtaln J RnKo,* v.ce.president ; James Denoon, Jc. treas ; Pr?W A ft rnr* physican ; Rev. James Thorn/chaplain " ^ ^ ' ^'^•"°^' Mechanic's Institute.— John ]Vfcnftiii»«ll ^„ -j yottn^- Jt/cn's Improvement ^tsociation.—Wm mlLnlu '°''"'.'Vl'«» , Shortis, Vice-president; G. B. Houta.lr T ' j'Xn"' ' ,' CanadiZr^^f'TA J' Anderson, librarian ''" ' ^' *'*^^°"^^"' vice president , F. X. Guillet, cor. sec. ; G. W. Lawler. rec ser Zephenn Pratte, assistant rec. sec. ; Francois Tapin tr;as«r;r P L. Craig, librarian ; Arthur Charland, assistant librarian ' AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Keenan, J., Water at i , „„.„ , _ „ , „ "*' I Lajoie, J, fi., Notre Dame st Beauraier, C, St. Joseph st Fearon, G., Notre Dame st Fisette, F., Notre Dame st Foumier, J., Bonaventure st Gauthier, J., St. Pbilippo st BAKERS. Gervais, A.,gt.PliiHppe st HouKston, J., Notre Dame st Marcoux, J., St. R<;n^ st Pleau, A., NotreDamest,,'! .Ml- BOARDING HOUSES, (private). Ro,er,F., Notre Dame st , Wellard, Mrs., St. Peter at ' BOOKSELLERS AND STATIOWER8. Larue, A., Notre Dame st , sinhh. »....<*. Rftwen, W. H, & Co., Notre Dame st | ' ' "'"*' ""* ""^ ^"^S*' «t» BOOT AND SHOE flVORfilS. ^^"'' oUme"; "''"" *''"^" ""•' ^°'^" i »''"«^- J-""''. P'aton st '0 ^"°"'?.".',u'h^^^."" ''• ^^°^«« -" «'• I S7oSp:;No'tr?ifa?e\T'^ ' ' "^' , i TUfaeriR.&j., Noire Dame at BREWERS. Andcffon, Mrs, D , Notre Daihe st. "t» ,M?»».H«' i ■' Laririere, J., N Moriisette, J., £ Boucher, £. A., Burck, Jos,, Ni\ Cutoni^uay, Z. Dofcre, Jas., Ru Guillemette, A., GuillemeUe. P., Girouz, A., St., 1 Htmel, Jos., Nc Lampron,L., St Lafontaine, F., 1 Lafontaine, E., J Ltmeuz, T., St. Aubruf, B., St. 1 Godin, L., senr, Kennedy, J., No Lamontagne, Z., Craig, J. C. H., Forge* sic FrigoD, E<, Notr Lanigan, R,, No Anderson, J., & ( Dnpuif, L., fount Girouz, J., found Dechaine, Mrs., I La Barre, Mrs. D Anderson, J., dry ware, corr Antoine si Bedard, A^tfij^g ery, rornei BaiwoD, Q„ df\ Ndtre Dar Derocher, T., di Notre Dan Dugre, J., dry ^ ery, Notre Hart, S. B., gone TJftli c RIVERS. WO- ). I fary.t»aauwer: W. A.R.Gil iouiinUtee. '^ — 3. schools. Johtt Keenaii' • treast ; Rev. R. a. L. B. Garceau, 'ice-president ; jOt, stewards: J. Robertson, A.R, Gilmor, jouis, Dupuis, !• ; J. Gaspard 3cretar{es president ; J. '. McDougal], . AfcDougail, 5r, rec. sec; treasurer; P. LI) St 8t I Forges sts ihVj at " e 8t u BRUSHMAKER. Boulard, Isidore, Platon st. CABINBTMAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. ^lZu/'\ ^'^yi^v'^" 'I I ^'^^y» T., Notre Dame si Morisselte, J., St. Philippe st ! Robicheon, L.. St. George st CAHPENTERS, IU7ILDERS AND JOINERS. »! Boucher, E. A., Notre Dame st Barck, Jos,, NiTerfiile st Gutoneuty, Z, Notre Dame st Da^re, Jas., Rue des Champs Gutllemette, A., St. Philippe st Guillemette, P., St. Philippe at Girouz, A., St., Philippe st Hamel, Jos., Notre Dame st LamproDjL.. St. Philippe st Lafontaine, F., Notre Dame st Lafontaine, E.. Notre Dame st Lemeuz, T., St. Paul st Martel, U., St. Paul st Morais, Chas. Normand, H., St. Paul »t Normond, Jos , corner Royal and Bona venture sts Pothier, C, Forges st Pratte, T., Forges st Page, Jos., Forges st Routier, Frs., Notre Dame st Rancour, — , Forges st Saucier, J. B., Royal st Aubruf, B,, St. Philippe st Godin, L., senr, Notre Damest CARRIAGEMAKERS AND WHEELWRIGHTS. Godin, L., junr., Notre Dame st Godin, E., Notre Dame st COOPERS. Kennedy, J., Nolre^Dame st Lamontagne, Z., Hart st I Grenier, C, Notre DameKf^ 'f^ ,n.i».i.:. '.:■> 1 - (i ,.'h DENTISTS. Turcotle, Dr. L. U., St. Joseph st. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. Craig, J. C. H., cor.icr Notre Dame and Fargeaato Frigon, {}•, Notre Dauie at , Lanigan, R., Notre Dame st Lassalle & Frere, Notre Dameiit • .sunr,;! Lamy, L., Notre Damo it Robicheon & Frere, Notre Damest Trudellc, Mrs. S. S., Notre Dame st FOUNDRIES AND MACHINISTS. Anderson. J & Co., foundry, Notre Damo st , Mailloux P., foundry, St. PhHippert Dapu,., L,/oundry._St R^Sndst Robicheon. A. & 'p., ,„acffite Notre Dan'.a at Giroux, J., foundry, St. George st FURRIERS. -....;,: ■ .■ . I' ^ OSNERAL MERCHANTS. Ginnjg, W., dry goods and crofckery. PI«. tonst Girour, J., dry goods, groceries, and crock, ery, NoUe Darae at . f Lanctot, A., dry goods, groeerl^s^nd crock- cry. Rue des Champs , Lalamelte, Jos., dry goods, groceries and — — ^••"•j; '^"tt^ J-ramc 5i McDougall, J., dry goods, groceries, crock- fefy and provisions, Water st Olivier A Gouin, dry goods Had giweries, Notre Damest Anderson, J., dry goods, groceries and hard- ware, corner Notre Dame and St, Antoine sts ' ^ Bedard, A,,tfiy goods, groceries and eroek. ery, corner St. Antoine &. Water sts BuitroD, C, dry gooods and groeeriesi Notre Danie st Derocher, T., dry goods and Drroceriea, Notre Dame st Dugre, J., dry goods, groceries and croik- ery, Notra Dame st Hart, S. B., general stort, PhtOn It I ; I'* H hi 1 til 196 TURB£ AIVEKi^. Briinotte. L. O., Forircs Bt Houliston, J., Nolro Dnme st Panncton, J., Forges it OENERAT. PROVISION STORES. Pleau, E., corner Platoii and Notre Datnc itf Trude], B^ Platon st Anderson. Mrs., Notre 4)aino st Fearon, H. CForgiiBt GENERAL CROCKERY STORES. Lanigan, W., Platon st Lauthood, Chas., Platon st HAIR DRESSER. Cadoret, A., Water st HARDWARE MERCHANTS. Andsrson J corner St. Antoine and Notre Giroux, J., Notre Dame si "■"'"•"' ' Olivier &Gouin, Notre Dame st Anderson, F.. Notre Dame »t Bernard, C, Water st AjfoUe, Pierre, Forgeast Dopuis, Mrs., St. Antoine et HOTELS. I Keenan, J,, Water st INNS AND TAVERNS. I Poliquin, Pierre, Water st JEWELLERS, AND WATCHMAKERS. W&.'Forg:;?,''''"^" I ^Vhiterord,J.Platon.t LEATHER MERCHANTS. DeTeau, P.. Notre Dame st , Vallet. J., Platon s. LUMBER MERCHANTS. Baptist St, Gordon, Wolei »t i Grnm a Hail. GJ (T. H. Lambert, aj-eut) Pla. | Sey„,ourand Armstrong. Royal st I Quin, E & W.. Bernard's hotel. Water it LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS. Decoteau, G., St. R6t]6 st i *-. . ^ _ Godln, C. Water at *^°°'"* ®» """" P'"'"" antJ Notre Dame I streets. MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS. Dopont, P., Water st Kafrnan, C, Notre Dame st Pratte, T. Platon st Robitaille, L. J., Notre Dame st Rochle^^f, O., St. Antoine st MILLINERS AND DRESSMAKERS. NEWSPAPERS. PAINtKRS AND GLAZIERS. Moriattte, i.. St. Philippe street I Roblcheon, L., St. Qtotm at Panneton. Jo... St. Philippe. t ' Ryan. J., NoiA, Damr.f Rowen, W. H. De.au Inier, — Godin. £.. St. Couke, Andr6, Corbeilld, I., N Clair. L.. St. A Desanlnier, T.. Gouin, O., eon McDougall, J., Carun, Ignace, Decuteau, Pieri Gsuthier, J., Fi Bellefeuille, F., Dupuis, L., St. Harrissun. J., C Laekerhoflf. J. < Durocher, L. L. Anderson, J. N Anderson, Mr*. Brunelle, L O. Houlistun, J.. I'l * As the retu tlie Editor has i return bis grate plied the very h A HULL Villa from BelleTille, Bridge, Rev. E. Cunley, Peter, n Canley, Moms ( THURLOW. 197 and Notre Dame I ■meet ojral tt hotel, Water ii nd Notre Dauie ae 8t It ;e8 at "brges atreel, shen, Notre PRINTING OFFICES. Boweo, W. H. & Co., NoUe Dame it | Stobb*, G., corner of Hart and Forfai eta SADDLERS. Deaaulnier, — St. Antoine at | Lor, Tlieodore. Notra Dame at Godin, E., St. Gwrge st Thivierge, J. B., Notre Darqe at SMITHS, MACHINISTS, AND HORSE SHOERS. Couke, Andr6, St. George st Corbeilld, I., Notre Dame st Clair, L., St. Antoina st Deaaulnier, T., St. Philippe st . Dugre, J. B., Forges at McKelvier, A., Notre Dame it Sarazin, L., St. Philippe it STAGE OFFICE. Gouin, O,, corner of Piston and Notre Dome streets MoDougall, J., Water it Caruii, Ignaco, Forges st Decuteau, Pierre, Water st Gauthier, J., Forgea st STEAMBOAT OFFICES. I Olivier St. Gouin, Notre Dame st TEMPERANCE HOTELS. ' Joiirdain, P., St. Philippe si -^ I Lsjuie, A., Forges st THRESHING MACHINE MANUFACTURERS. Bellefeuille, F., Notre Dame atreet Dupuis, L; St. R^n6 street Robicbeon, A. &, P., corner St. Rdn^ and Notre Dame streeu Harrisaan, J., Platon st Laekerhoff, J. G., St. Antoine st TIN AND COPPER SMITHS. Moriisette, E., Platon at Durocher, L. L., Forges st TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORES. I Ritter, J. U., Platon st WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Anderson, J. Notre Dame at Anderson, Mrs. D., Notre Dame st Brunelle, L O., Furgei st Houlistun, J., Notre Dame at Lanignn, W., Platon at McDuugall, J., Water at Valctte, Joseph, PJaton st * As the returns from Three Rivera were very incomplete in the Canada Directory, the Editor haa much pleasure in giving the inrurmation as It now appears, and he begs to return bis grateful acknowledgments to the gentlemen of Three Rivera who ao kindiy sup" plied the very handsome document from which the foregoing has been printed. THURLOW. (jyof included in the Canada Directory.) A IHALL ViLLAOK situated in the Township of Tburlow, County of HasUnga,C» W. — distant firom Belleville, 12 miles, from Smithville, 7 miles. List of Profeiuions, Trades, &c. Bridge, Rev. E. Cunlej, Peter, master mechanic Canley, Moiea C, muter mechanic Casey, William T., master meebanic Casey. Samuel T., J P. Denyke, .\Dtbooy, maater mechanic • TI 1 ) H ) I 198 TORONTO. m Dix, Rev. Mr HolgttD, Thomas, J, F. *hniiton. George, master mecbanic Lingham, H., general store and gri»t mill pliZ'l^'vl-i-"^'"'^"^ "°''' '"•' 8ri«t mill Palmer, Philip R,, iniuranoe agent Phnilps, John, poitmaster Phillipa, Geoige, J. P. Rom, Daniel, inturance asent Silii, William. J. P. ^ "' Wright, ReT. Alexander TOROiNT. (See Canada Dibectosy, Page 410.) Present population estimated at 35,000, and steadily increaaing. Vr. ANDREW'S WARD. ^Alderman. Councilman •', tviiir S. Rozers ('l"''=."Arm8trong A. Macdonsid BT, OEOROE'a WARD- 1- H. Rutherford J. Ashfield S. Thompson E. Wright ST. PATRICK'S WABD. G. L. DenlBon J. Dunn Hon.W. Caylcy J. Baxter COMMON COUNCIL, ELECTED JAN. 1, 1863 J. C. Bowes, Esq., Mayor. ST. LAWRENCE WARD. Aldermen. Councilmen. W. Go<iderhnm J. p. Smith M. P. Hayes Joseph Lee » « .. ^'''* '>*"D'8 WARD. J. Bell G. Plati G. Brooke Wm. Davis , „ „ »T. JAMES'S WAMD. J. G. Bowes c. E. Remain J. Hutchison S. T. Green «r JOHN'S WARD. Aldermen.— i. L. Robinson CotinciYmen.— John ftuss O- R- Gowan Robe,t j,»jj Officers of the CoRPOHAnoN.— Andrew Taylor McCord, Chamberlain • r».«i« n.i Clerk Of the Common Council; Samuel Sherwood, Chief Constable • J W.M!^ »^^^^ Bailiff ; John King. Esq. George Duggan, sen. Esq.. ColersrThomas gS Pi*. ^''^'' pector. East. C. McLennan, do. West ; J. DempeeV, Clerk of the market * T^/"" Wcigbmaster, and Clerk of Fish Market. " "*" ' " Trottw , t'lEE BRIGADE, (Addenda to page 411.) Wm. Hennan, 1st assistfint engineer; Samuel McLean, 2nd assistant engineer ; John Ired^le, capt. No. 1 ; No. 5 Fire Engine, « Deluije,'' Caot Geo. Patterson ; No. 6 Fire Engine "Provincial." ^ ^ The others as before. JUDGES, M. L. c.'s & M. P. P.'s, &c., (Addenda to page 411.) Boulton, W. H., M.P.P. for Toronto Gamble, J. W., M.P.P. for York Hartman, Joaeph, M.P.P. for York public offices Canada Compa Morisoij, Jos. C, M.P.P. for Ni8«ara Ridout, Geo. P., M.P.P. for Toronto FFicEs AND INSTITUTIONS, (Addenda to Daee 412 ^ PANv, F. vyidder and Hon. W. B. Robinson, commissioil^rs • Frederick st. ; J. IVfcDonald, agent, Goderlch ; J. C. W DalV agent, Stratfind. ' ■'' Canadian Institute, Capt. Lefroy, president; D. Crawford, treasurer- A Bninel. secretary »auici , a. City Surveyob, J. G. (for G. S.) Howard, city hail City Bank of Montreai,, John Major, manager, Church st City Superintedent of Schools, J. B. Boyle Chief Engineer Fire Department, James Ashfield, city hall Church of England and Metropolitan Building Society. E. T. Dartnell. see and treasurer, 113, King St., East tORONTO. ;ent ARO. tneilmen. Smith Lee D. u ^avis D. domain reen ; Charlea Daly, iVatkiM, High irlic, Cily Ills. 1 i — Troltw, nd assistant uge," Capt. ge 411.) Niagara roronto e 412.) nissioners ; W. Daly, asurer; A. rtnell, sec 199 Commercial Permanent Building and Investment Society, John Raioei secretary and treasurer, corner King and Nelson sts Consumers Gas Company, H. Thorrpson, manager, to Toronto st County Warden, J. W. Gamble— office, court Ijouse lane County Jail, Geo. L. Alien, jailer, Berkley st Grand Trunk Telegraph Co., P. R. Marling, operator, Front st - Mechanics Institute, K Cumberland, president; John Harrington, treas. ; James Rogers, librarian ' Merchants' Building Society, John JVIaulson, sec. and treas., 56, Kintrst pTw R u- ^ 1°"- '^' N; Gatchell, secretary and treasurer Church st ?n?£i Offi "''"^i"^ ^T«i^' Charles Stotesbury, sec. and treas.. Front st iolice Office, Samuel Sherwood, chief constable, city hall I'ost Office, Joseph Lesslie, postmaster, Toronto st Provincial Permanent Building Society, Edward Shortis, secretary and treasurer, corner of Jordan and Wellington sts Royal Engineers, Capt. Renwick, commanding— office. Front st loronto Stock Exchange, Geo. Barrow, president ; James Frasej, sec. ;- office, St. Lawrenee Hall Typographical Association, T. L. Mcintosh, president ; J. H. Jones, vice president ; Alex. Jacques, secretary St. Andrew's Society, Angus Morrison, president; S. Spreull and W. Mac rarJane, vice presidents ; Alex. McPherson, secretary. The others as before. St. George's Society, J. D Ridout, president, S. Thompson, G. A. Barber, c. D » •■ i!?* o • ' .n. ^* ^^'' ^o^vsell, treasurer, F. Cumberland, secy. St. Patrick s Society, Thomas G. Robinson, George Duggan, Ocle R. Gowan, vice presidents. The others as before. Custom House.— William Fabean Meudell, collector ; T. C. Scott sur- veyor ; John Cameron, 1st clerk ; Geo. Henderson, 2nd clerk : John Perkins and George F. Warren, assistant clerks j J. P. Dunn, R. Emery and f. McCarthy, landing waiters ; John Boyd, appraiser James Stitt and Alex. Duff, lockers ; Wm. Mackay, messenger. Toronto AsGuELPH Railway Co.-J. G. Bowes, president; James M. Strachan, vice president; Samuel Thompson, sec, and treasurer; Waher Shanly, chief enguieor; Francis Shanley, resident engineer — ottiue, Parliament buildings Ontario, SiMcoE & Huron Railroad Co.-J. C. Morrison, president ; Hugh Scobis, vice president; F. Cumberland, chief engineer; Wm. Siadden, secretary and treasurer— office, Wellington st Board OF rRADE.-Thoma8 Clarkson, president; R. H. Brett, vice presi- aenl ; John Harrington, treaourer. Members of the C'- -»ct7.— R Brewer, M. P Huyes, E. F. Whittemore, S. Thompson, J. D.' Ridout, Chas. Robertson, H. Miller, Rice Lewis, D. Paterson, Peter Pa erson, W. McMaster, W. Henderson. Board of Jlrbiira/ioti.-^n hIv/' ^'JT'^Z' ?/ J- '^Vfa'"e"«"-e, W. McMaster, Thomas , Hayes, J. Patton, W. M. Gorrie,- J. Harrington, W. Henderson, J. D. Rtdout, Jas. Mitcn .., George Michie. B*K7fs, (Addenda to page 423.) Bank of Bamsn North America, Charles Smith, book-keeper, vice Q. Bishop ; J. T. Parker, discount clerk, vice H. Jack ; John H. Ore- gor, clerk. The others rema?;: as before. M Vi 200 TORONTO. CoMHEHCiAL Bank, M.R, Henry F. Boucher, assistant book-keeper, vice Jumes George. The rest as before. Bank op Montreal, R. M. Moore, book-keeper, vice W. Liddell. The rest as before. City Bank of Montreal, J. Major, manager, vice R. James; Jame, "^Vrrpht, clerk, vice John Harper. The rest as before. County OF YoHK Savings' Bank. James L. Robinson and G. W. Allen additional, directors. The rest as before. assuhanck companies, (Addenda to page 426.) slSn?:''^ ^""""'^^ Company. W. Cayley, agent, to Church st JJritannia L,f« AsMurance Company, James Fraser, agent, Wellington Buildinnrs, King st., East ® Canada Western Assdrance Co., Robert Stanton, sec. and treasurer Wellington st. See Card. Equitable Fire Assurance Company, W. Creeiman, agent, King st L.verpod and London Fire and Life Assurance Co., James Fraser, agent, Wellington Buildings, Kintj 8t » 6 '• Montreal Assurance r;ompany, William Kissock, agent, corner of King am! 1 oronto sts ° SnrTt° Wo f"'*^.*'''^'* }'Z^ A««- ^^- W. C. Ross, agent , Wellington st North Western Fire and Marine' Assurance Company, Geo. H. Cheney. agent, 5, St. James' Buildings, King st., East Ontario Marino and Fire Assurance Co., E. Bradburne, agent, Wellington st t^ToronlosT' ^' ^'''''' P'"''^""^ ' I^- G- O'Brien, secretary, St. Lawrence Mutual Fire Assurance Company. W. Kissock, agent, to cor ner of King and Toronto sts Ageneiei DUcontinufd.-Amerkan Live Stock Co.. BriUsh Commercial Columbui Vin, Professions? Trades, &c., arranged under their Alphabetical Heads. ACADF «E8 AND SCHOOLS, (Addenda to page 426.) R'.binfon, Mrs. and Misres, ladies wshool, 35 Richmf.nd st. Th?X«Sl;i; as'bctro!' ""' "" '''"''''' '^"' '""''• ^'"•' ''^'''^'"' «"• Gillian.. ACCOUNTANTS AND AGENTS. — (Glvcn anCW.) Gatchell, N., accountant and general agent, Church st McIntosh, Angus, accountant, conveyancer, broker and commission agent, Church st ^ Sprecll, Samuel, accountant, notary. Sac., 61^ Younge st Bell, T., corner of Kinjr and Church bIr | Fraser, Ja«., Wellington buildingF, King it ARCHITECTS AND CIVIL ENGINEERS, (Addenda to page 426.) Cumberland & Storm, civil engineers and architects, corner of Duke and George sta Fleming, A., civil engineer, Wellington st Passmose, P. P., architect and Provincial land surveyor, 8 King st west shanlbv, F., civil engineer, Parliament buildings Shanlev, W.. civil engineer, Parliament buildings TvLLir, Joii fierthon, — , < Brunei, A., ei AUCTIOyEI Henoersok Russell, X ings, Ilaikayne, Ed Reid, N., 123 Robertson, 0., Diteontinm The others rer BAE Brough, S., Cameron & Cameron, ! Catley, H( Crawford j Connor, S., Dimpsbt, t Draper, W. of Lo DuGGAN, Jo: ECCLEI & G Freeland, ] house Galt, Thom GwTNNE, Jo Ince, ThoMj and C Latham, Hi McGrath, ( Colbo McCuTCHEO King I McDonald, MoRPHT, <jrE Morrison, J. MoWATT & '. Patrick, Ei and C Philpottb, G Price, H. W RoAF, J., bar Turner, Roi Wilson, h.TiA Cooper, R., to e Denison, G. T., Hawke, E. H., 'one?, E. C, bi TOROMTO. 901 iok<lceeper, vice Liddeli. The James ; James d G. W. Alien, 26.) rcb 8t tJt, Wellington and treasurer, :ing St Fraser, agent. !r of King and Wellington st . H. Cheney. Wellington st ien, secretar), agent, to cor' Columbus, King- ction of N. Y„ oal Head«. 16.) I, Rev. William, iission agent, ildin^F, King it I 426.) of Duke anil 81 west TunT, John, civil engineer and architect, opposite St. Lawrence Hall, Kingst Berlhon, -, engineer, Kin,; at oait j Kane, Paul, engineer, King at weat Brunei, A., engineer. Wellington at I « ' » The othera remain as before. AUCTioyEERs AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Addenda to page 426.) Henderson, Andrew, auctioneer and commission merchant, 43 Yonge at Russell, John, auctioneer and dry goods merchant, to 6 Wellington build- ingij. King nt Haikayne. Edward, 153 Yonge at , Slranf^a, J. M.. Front at Reid, N., 123 King at ea.t Wakefield & Coutc, 38 King at east Roborlaon.C, corner of Wolaonfe King ats | , n <■ Discontinued.— Atnn, Isaac, Beekman. Robt., Henderaon, T.. Wilson & MoCabe— The others remain aa before. BARBiBTBRs, ATTORNiEs, &c. (Addenda to page 427.) Brough, S., chancery practitioner, Wellington st Cameron & Robinson, barristers and attornies at law, Wellington si Cameron, M . C, barrister, &c.. Church st Catley, Hon. William, barrister, (fee. Church st Crawford & Hagoarty, barristers, ice, Church st Connor, S., barrister. &c., 43 King st west Dbmpsbt, R. «Sj J. W., barristers, dec, Church st Draper, W. G., barrister, «Ssc., Yonge si, honorary secretary to the Art Union of London DiTGGAN, John, barrister, &c., Church st EccLEi & Green, barristers, &c., 9 Wellington buildings, King st Freeland, Patrick, barrister, &,c., Church st, two doors north of the Court house Galt, Thomas, barrister, <Scc., to Colborne st GwYNNE, John W., (instead of J.,) Q.C., barrister, dec, King st, west Ince, Thomas Henry, attorney at law and notary public, corner of Church and Colborne sts Latham, Henry, barrister, &c., corner of King and Nelson sts McGrath, Charles, barrister and attorney at law, corner of Church and Colborne sts McCutcheon, Peter McGill, barrister, &c„ 10 Wellington bujldings, King st McDonald, Alexander, barrister, &c., 43 King st, west MoRpHY, George, barrister, &c.. Church st Morrison, J. C, barrister, &c., Church st Mowatt & Helliwell, barristers, &c., 44 Yonge st Patrick, Edwin, barrister, attorney and solicitor in chancery, corner of King and Church sts Philpottb, G. a., barrister and attorney, Colborne st Price, H. W., barrister, attorney, solicitor in chancery, and N.P., Ycnge st Roaf, J., barrister and attorney, Wellington buildings, King st Turner, Rolt J., barrister and attorney, Toronto st Wilson, Adam, barrister and attorney, 4 King st, west Cooper, R,, to eomer of Nelson & King sts i Jones &, Proudfoot, barnstera, Wellincton Deniaon, G.T., toChuroliat buildini^a Hawke, E. H., to Front st Miller, R. ' ' arrister, corner of ¥-ve and Jones, E. C, barriater, &c., Toronto st ' Ch^ jU 4 'I H '"^;i . U 1 .11 i m '•J 'S 302 TORONTO. McMlchaol, D., baniitcr, 53Kin|r « KiohBrdi, S. J., barriiter, King at Skelton. W. B., barrinter, Wellington build- initi Smith, L. W., barrister, to King at, woat Thomp«)n, J, B., barrlatar, Uellinirton boildinga Tilt. Thomaa, barriater, Chuioh at Vanoo, Joa. J , barrister, Church at Wittrock & Herman, barriatera, King at BAKERS, (Addenda, to page 427.) CI.ARKE, A., (successor Co Samuel Sleigh,) 123 and 124 King at east The othera as before. , BOABDiNo HOrsEs, (Addenda to page 428.) Fitzgerald, Misa, to 116 Adelaide at l Marten. Mra 49Ba«at Grimwood, Mra., comer Bolton & Yorit aU I ' ' ' Diteontinued,—Mre. Nauijhton. The othera aa before. BOOKSELLERS, &c., (Addenda to page 428.) DoxNOLLY, J., books, stationery and fancy goods, 12 Arcade RowsELt, Henrt, bookseller, stationer, printer, bookbinder, &c., 8 Welling, ton buildings, King st Fletcher, Chaa., 54 Yonge st Woodall, J. W., Arcade Bentloy, John, to 71 Yongo at Church Socioly'a Depol, kI H. RowscII'b Doyle, Patrick, Arcado asSfo"""""*'^""'^"*'""'""^" *^'»"'°"'' •'"hn. Fiaher, 0., Ploea, A. F. Th« othera remain BOOT, SHOE AND LEATHER STORES, (Addenda to page 429.) PoLsoN, John, 90 Yonge st. An elef^ant assortment of ladies and gentlemen's summer and winter, cork soled boots, dtc, consUntly on hand KussELL, John, 7 King st, west. A superior stock of ladies and gentlemen's boots and shoes, constantly on hand, at moderate prices Miihaw, R., to Adelaide at Reynolde, R, 99 Yonge at RuBsell, John, to King st we«t Scholea, Wiu., 55 Yonge at Sterling, John, King st cast Warren, Thoa., 87 King at west Blogg, J. S.. to 28 King st west Duffin, Henry, to King st east Grogin, James, Yonge st Hawke, J., Yonge st Hamilton, W., to Yonge st Higinbotham, R., to 49 King at Loane, W., to 85 King st I ^wf?" «,"'-~5''^^®"' ^™- '^'"'''» J" ''""e, L., Morgan, G. W^, Newman, T., Tay lor. W. J., Wagstaff, T., Ware, Charles. The othera aa before. ' ^ y BREWERS AND DISTILLERS, (Addenda to page 420.) Baines & Thompson, west Toronto brewery, importers of wines and saints office Bay st ■' r t ^ Davis, Nathaniel, Yonge st brewery, 3 miles from Toronto on Yoage st, 1 ownship of York ■B^'p!P^:^•'^"^'''•°"r^ i Schriber,-, Victoria Pt Rae, Robert, near rirer Don . Discon/inuerf'-Crocker, W. The othera remain as before. brushmakers*— (Given anew.) ^ ■ -^ *'|?N^>9"»4Tcr4wlcyst | Smith, A., 107 King sr" ,.. ,r , BtJii-DERs, &c., page 430, remain as before. BUTCHERS, &c., page 430, remain aa before. ColTNOR, Ch furnii Haioh & Ti of adi Carter, John, 1 Diieontinnec T. The other GoWAW, J. I; March, C.r> weat Pill, J. E., lallei Fell, Ja«. C, 61 CHI Love, Neil as be Richardson addre Simpson & Amei Bently, — , to 7 Foirler, A., 85, Sbapten & Con Ltnn, S. G., cbapl MULHOLLAN] glass Norris, a., street Patton & C King LUMLET, M(0 lingto Koblnaon, Thor Remain COMA Bkcwn, jam -■-^ rfN. Callaway, TOBOMTa aoa ii»r, Hflllingtoi) le other* remain tTABiNKT MAKBR8, (Addenda to page 430.) Coi»Koii, Charles, upholaterer and undertaker, 61 King st, west. Funerala rurnithed on moderate terms Haioh 4c Thompsow, (late Wilson As Haigh,) 34 King st, west. Remainder or address js before Carter, John. 71 King .t we.t | Penwick. T., to King at ' T%h9otlmZ^Moxi'"'' ^'''''' "'■"" "'"''''»*''"l''.'<'-. Miwh«ll. W-. Williams, H. CARVSRS AND GILDERS. — ^ G l VCll anC W. ) GowAW, J. H., cr-er, gildar and looking-glass manufacturer, 75 Yonge st MARCH, C, carver, gilder, looking-glass and picture-frame maker, 29 Kinc st west * PcLL,J. E., carrer, gilder, looking-glass and pict.ire-frame maker, print seller, &c., 80 King st, west. The trade supplied PelI,Jas.C..69Kingatweat | Wharam. C. B., 33 King at west CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, (Addenda to page 431.) Love, Neil C, druggist, &c., to 88, Yonge st. Remainder of address as before Richardson, Francis, druggist, &c., to 12, King st, east. Remainder of address as before Simpson & Dunspaugh, importers and dealers in English, French, and American drugs, chemicals, &c., 35, King st, east. See card 2)i*eon«nu«rf— Bettridge, J. C. } Doel, W H.j Rusjell, Mr.; Smith, W. H. ; Swain & Co. The olbera remtin u before. Bently, — , to 71, Yonge at Fowler, A., 85, Yonge at Shapten & Combe, 110, Yooge at CHINA AND GLASS STORES (Given anew.) Ltnn,S.G., dealer in cnina, glass, and crockery; also, catholic books, chaplets, medals, crucifixes, statues, altar canons, &c., 39 Front st McLHotLAND, JoHN & €o., importers of china, glass, earthenware, looking glass plate, paints, oils, &c., 86 King st, east NoRHis, A., (late H.JF.), importer of china, glass and earthenware, 3 Kinc street, west *• Patton & Co., importers of china, glass, and earthenware of all kinds, 49 King Bt, east. See card CLOTHING MANUFACTURER, (wholesale.) LuMLBT, Morris, manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of clothing, 11 Wel- lington st, opposite Commercial Bank COACH MAKER (Addenda to page 435.) Robinson, Thom88,Yongo at \'^^-^ I The others remain as before COAL MERCHANTS, page 432. Remain u before. .. ,„.ii COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BROKERS, &C., (Givcn anSW.) ,; i, .;/ Broww, Jambs, jun.. New York produce agency, representing Thoa. Rigney ! ofN.Y., Front 8t ^ j ■ Callawat, F., pawnbroker and comraissioii store, Yonge street • • <i '?:' ' »4 TtWOKTO. ^'^"wcillTlifT^r •*»*««'^«- •»•"•»»•"». W» broker .nd Jrnu.. Mce tgenl, Market iquare E*Toif, B. L., comm., ^fon merchant and lumber daaUr, 46 Yq.« it Li ^r:?aK^fl^:r.^l^-"- ««*^' ^-. •«-. ^- wh".e.ii'; Hz^l^Tn'h ^T""' P'^r" ""'^ commi.,ion agent. Front .t HcwARgFH., general commission agent, Lloyd's agent, and agent for H-w..nT '"""""^^ Company. New Market feuiiding,. Front T H;?cH,MiTcf "r" ""'^ New Market •Building.f Front ,t NiCHoLL JoHv ' '*""'""•'«"• "••rchanu and general age«f, Church ni ''"""ii'gr.rsr;^"' *"^ *«-'^- ^-^''-•^ Belgian ^'""'cha'^.tSTo^r;, "'"'•"'*' '""" "' «""•"»' ''""""••'^- "-• WitMOT, John, flour factor and produce agent, south entrance of the Arcade Btrrowi St. M^Doneil, Frontht Cotton, Jamei, Front it McLeod, W. B., Church it MauI»on, John, 56 King it O'Donobae, J., Front it cowFECTioifKRs, (Addenda to page 436 ) l«°r,'TZ',.7V""''"'""; ■r'"^ ''"'"■ '" •" ki-J' of conf.0. iionery, corner of Yongo and lemperance itreeta Baatoy, Georga, 68 Yongr, rt Cook W »,. iRirin... Johnton. George. 74 Yonro it Wray, H., 6 Yonge at ttoy. Georga, 68 Yonga at CpleniiD, George. 58 King at I'lark, Robert, to Yonge at si^SSH^S U'^' Du„lop,Mr..; Keiller. John; P.nton. Jo.eph , Sleigh, CUTLERS, &c., (Addenda to page 436.) The others remain as before. DAotJERBEOTYPisTs, (Addenda to page 436, i Evans &HARinsoif, International Daguerrean GaHerv «- ( Mmjattires unequalled i„ Africa. ^rxe^utd'^^Uhout regard'li Ths othera reinaia,aa before. ( - DENTISTS, (page 436.) DucoHtinu, .^vb. ,, cu,.,!„, Ran, Charlea; the others aa before. m.\ eoci.3 MERCHANTS, (Addenda to page 456.) ^"^^'^'L^'f'^"''""'' <""«"'?" '° ^«»" Patersoii,) importera of Brilish and Foreign staple and fancy dry good^, King at, east , ICrARtCSWORTI •taple ai IGiuior Sc CotJ 6 and 7 |Hiakr8, Samu •taple at IHinocrion, J. IMcDonau), J. Adelnidt JHiller # FooJ JRotf, MlXcHBL IShAW & 'lURifl Building ITau.oh & Ste Yonge a [iVlGHTMAN, Ro er ofYoi IWTiuoN &Mc( and You( I flendei son & Ushe ii«pp«r. A., King St I Vligan. Mrs, 97 Yt Diicontinu$d — C |Piteraoo, P.; Wim dte; Remaio aa b 1 |Fullbr, T. J., c dition to I [Skblton, J. W., to former iDtllai, A., (instead Gudner, R., to )06 I cheater ai IHCDONBLL, W. , I brokers, U ITalbott&Co., ston and 1 ibmilton Wm., Pai^ rstnTESBRS, F1 |Cirr,(IniteadorCav TORONTO. >r and irnui. ICrARLUtvoRTR, Joan, »• Toronto Houte," 60 Kl ■ge ft. Li. )., wholenUs Typ« Foun- ront at d agent for nt at at Cburob ai ind fielgian iasion mer- the Arcade street, east- of confec* leph; Sleigh, test of ad. (frjr goods of Britisii 9U5 nf att eaii millinery, and ataple and fancy dry gooda, wholesale a„u retail' S«-o.^* Co.«o,,,«„.n™p„„„. ., B,i.i.h M F„,.lg„ d„ ,,«,., ,„ HiwoiRiON, J., iniporter of ataple and fancy dry aooda, to 8 Kinir at east """""iSi^if ,:ir """ ■''' «°°'" "•'"■-• --" °f^»-8- ""- Miller /» VooLvm, .r,j,orter8 of ataple and fancy dry gooda, Front at Heaa, MucHRLL & Co., importera ofalaple and fancy dry ioods, Yonee .t ^"" %^^:^::^!Z;P\:!^^'^''' ra„cy dryVl^djoloinXl '^' ''''vtg::rSorrr;r' '^^^'^ ^"'^ ^^"^^ '^'^ <^°'><'" — «^ IVioHTMAN, Robert, & Co. importers of.iaple and fancy dry gooda, corn- er of Yonge and Wellington streets j b ""», *.yrii ITiLaoN&McCAB., dry goods and groceriea, wholesale, corner of Alice and YoMge sta. Caah advanced on goods cortaigned for aale Morrick, J. D.. ItlKing at, eut Smith, Alexander, 99 Yooge tt lllendefwn & Uaber, King it, eait iLeppar, A., Kinif tt, east I Vligan, Mrf, 97 Yoiage nt Diuontinued—ColYMt, J. C; Ewart, John ; Houehton Jk Mav t M«v«„j m. o«..k- . I Piterson, P. ; WinKa 4t Nuthall. The other, remain « Sfofe? ' ""''"""* * 8""^' » DTEB8, mrOINBKB, AHD ENGRAVERS, page 437. Renain aa before. FANCY STORES, (Addenda to gage 439.) r''"!^';; tteVid^"'^^ '^"' "'*""^'"'"' ^-°'*'"« •♦-"• '» •«»• Skelton, J. W., dealtr in fi.hing tackle, cricket bats and balls, in addition I to former addreas, 4 and 6 King st. east "uamon SId„';r'^R^'"J!^J V ^-^ ^"^ ^'''« •'• ''•"' I 3^^''"' J"'"'' King et. eaat I Girdner, R., to J 06 Yongo at \ The otbera remain u Uiforo. FORWARDERS. (Given anew.) |Ma!.i*aw, BoiiT., & Co., city wharf, Church st, agents for Wilder's Bo- McDoNHLL w"5 &/; ^P""' '^'''^ »^« American eipres. steamboat line broJir^iFront^f "^'"^'"""'^^ -rchants, and produce r'""tota?d'F:;XT^^^^^^^ "'•^'^"°'' ^°^^'^'"«' FOUNDRIES, (Addenda to page 439.) |(UmilloD Wm., Pal.0. at , Hawke, E W.. Frontal The others remain as berore. I FHUTMBBRS, FCBNITUBE BROKERS, OINOEB BEEB MAKBB, page 439. GLUE FACTOHY. I Cirr, (inatead of Cave) Samuel, Church and Carleton au 306 TORONTO. GUNSMITHS, (Addenda to page 439.) Green, 8. T., to 46 Yongo it | The othon before. oENKRAi, MERCHANTS, (Addenda to page 443.) Hatrs, Brothers & Ccj importers of groceries, 27 Tonga st Lawson & CiARKsoN, Importers of teas, groceries, and dry goods, aud agents for Brown's platform and counter scales, corner of Yonge and Temperance streets MoppATT, (instead of Moffatts,) Murray & Co., general merchants, &c 7 Yonge st '' Ross, Wm., & Co., importers of groceries and liquors, and commission mer- chants, 12 Yonge street ,; ' ■ » Torrance, John A., importer and general merchant, Chtirch st Turner 6p Rooerbon, importers of wines, liquors, teas and general groce* ries, Yonge. street mseoHtinued-'Bngge J.; Brown, A. V., the hardware b'rancli onl/; Clarkion. Thoi. Darling, Brcthers; Mathews Ac Co. ; Sutherland & Co. ; Torrance. B. The other« re mum as before. ' .r.*.^^.. "«<■> « OROCKRs, (Addenda to page 445.) Garden, J. G., East India House, importer of teas, coffees, sugars, spic«s> wines, liquors, ale, porter, fruits, &c. d.c. Hutchison <te Co., grocers, wine and spirit merchants, Church et McPherson, R. D. & Co., wholesale grocers and tea dealers, Yonge et Patterson, Robt., general grocerjand provision merchant, Yonge st &MITH «fc McDoNELL, importers of wines, liqijcis and groceries, 52 King st Wilson, John, general grocer and provision merchant. New Market Build. mgs. Front st HamiHoo & Hogg, 122 Yonge st Hopkins, N,, 130 Yon^e st Humphrey, George, King st., East Kahoe, Daniel, Front st Liddell, James, Nelson st Mulligan, Wm., King St., East Laurie, J., to Market Buildings Millen, John, 246 Yonge st Myers, J., to 38 King st., West Pegg, Samuel. 36 Front st Peoples, O. H., to 236 Yonge at Reynolds, William, Yonge st Smith, John B., Yonge st Stock, James, Nelson st Sinclair, James, corner Nelson and KingsU Strachan & Redford, Market st Wray, George, 91 King st., Eut i)iscon«.nusd.^agley, George, Bettridge, J. C, Davis, F., Davis, J., Evans, J. J„ Wm m^'m v'^i»'^"'j''""'o'J*. R' >i«^n. Edward, McMoran, George, Monahw mothlfr?la!n aftfST' ''""''' ''"'^"' * ""««'"• ^'^^lesworth, S*.. Yale..B HAIRDRESSERS, page 446, remain as before. hardware merchants, (Addenda to page 446.) Boomer, A. R , (successor to Workman, Brothers & Co.) importer of shell and heavy hardware, 36 King st Darling, DAvro, (late Darling, Brothers) general hardware merchant i importer, Church st Haves, Thomas, (kte Hayes, Brothers) general hardware merchant and importer, 7 Yonge st Lswis, Rice, general hardware merchant and importer, 41 King st, East Shaw, S., & Son, general hardware merchants and importers, corner o Yonge and Adelaide sts MoIntosh&Wol Hill, Brothers & I Diteontinutd- u before. HAa ItfARKS, L., T< cap, 77 Diieontinued,- Eixah's Hoti Baker, William, h Ditcontinued,- I ag before. Cutler, Luke, to \ Dingwall, Alex., i fiobJDson, Hugh, '. JEWEU. Hearn, Will watches Joseph, J. G., (l08SIN,M.,& ] goods, <S W^HARIN, WlU repaired ElUs, James E., to Jackson, Henry, to Diteontinutd,-^ before. Barber, 6ro. door sou tended t( Bell, Thos., la Henderson, Ja Stocks, ( KissocK, Wm., sts. Bu Mortimer, Hei and com Osborne, Wm., West Phipps, W. B., Rich, A. W.,' la ofChurcl TORONTO. 907 Ryan b Campion, 67 Yonge at ''.|!3''.t 13.) St dry goods, aud rner of Yonge nerehants, &c., immissioQ mer- general groce- ClarlMon, Thoi. The othera re- sugars, spice^> ch et J, Yonge 8t ifonge St es, 52 King st Market Build. ngeat i at ilaon and King sU ketat ., But J.i Evana, J. J, )«orge, Monahan, rth, A., Yates, B. [6.) nporter of sheK merchant and merchant and j'ng st, East ers, comer oi Melfltoah & Walton, 83 Yonge at Hill, Brothera & Co., Cluinh at uS".'"""*"**'"'"' """•"' *' ^''^ ^"'^' »'«-»•"- & Co. Tho other, remain HATTEBa AND F0HR1ER8, (Addenda to page 447) />i«ec«<wBe</.— Baatcdo, Jacob. The othera remain aa before. HOTELS, (Addenda to page 448.) Ellah's HoTBi, Mrs. EUah, 72 King st, west B.ter. William hotel, Toronto at | Pulljamea' Hotel, to 127 Yongeat ..Sibw. "^"**'" **"'"' '''*"'^ "°"'«' A°»"'"n H»t«l. by Brouae. The othera INNS, (Addenda to page 448.) Cutler, Luke, to Wellington at Dingwall, Al«., to Colbome at fiobinaon, Hugh, 36 Front at Rolph, William, to Front at Thompaofl, Samuel, to King it The others remain aa before. «« JEWELLERS AND WATCHMAKERS, (Addenda to page 448). ^'^'^\^ri'^^''^^' f" ^°- ,(«"cce8sor8 to George Savage) importers of In«rp„ T r • '='°'='^«' J«7«"ery, &c.,54 Victoria Row, King st.. East Joseph, J. G., importer of watches and jewellery, 56 King sCfia t .a/nX^^lSgKt/^;^.., I Mil,er,JameaW.,80Yonge.t ^Pi.conl,««ad.-Moore, John; Belling, John; Savage, George. The others remain aa LAMP STORE. Hibbard, A., & Co., comer of Yongecfrnd King ata. LAND AGENTS, &c., (giveu ancw.) Barber, Geo. A., junr., general agent, conveyancer, &c., Church st., one door south of Kmg st. All agencies and commissions carefully at- tended to. *' Beil, Thos., land agent. City Buildings, corner King st., East, & Church st HENDERSON, Jas., land agent, stock broker and conveyancer, Church st. Stocks, shares, dec, bought and sold. KissocK, Wh., land and general agent and N. P., corner of King& Toronto sts. Busmess with government promptly attended to. Mortimer, Herbert, stock broker, house, land and general agent, N. P and conveyancer, 104 King st.. East b > r. Osborne, Wm., l^nd agent, stock broker and conveyancer, 104 Kinir st* West *' Phipps, W. B., land agent, stock broker and conveyancer, 16 King st West Rich, A. W., law, land, and general agent, broker" and conveyancer, comer of Church and King .its 208 TORONTO. MMB BURNER, MVKBY STABLES, page 449, Same as before. LUMBER MERCHANTS, (Addenda to page 449.) The others remain as before- MARBLE FACTORIES, (Addenda to page 450.) °''''^\T;hf;'h^T?"°'''° Field & Co.) importer and manufacturer of marble, head stones, monuments, Italian table tops, Ac, 123 Yonge C.^hr.n.,DaTid.Duke.t , The others remain as before. MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, (Addenda to page 460.) Clark, W., Boone (k Co., general tailors and clothiers, King at., east Harcocrt, Geo., clothier and general out-fitter, 11 King 8t.,Va,; Lawso^Tho^..^ wholesale and retail clothing, dry goods and millinery,. Mabley & Co., clothiers and general out-fitters, 7 St. James' Buildings Jving sti, east °~' Mathmson, D., clothier, general out.fiiter and draper, 13 King st., east Plummer. Thos., clothier and general out-fitter, 23 King st., fast KiDDBLL & McLean, merchant tailors and clothiers, 8 King st., west Yeo, Chammon, general out-fitting warehouse, 9 and 9^ King at., east Nu:aiuis«MiB Baker, Charles, 37 Kiag st., west Ireycock, W., to 59 King st., east Mackay & Matheson, 17 King st., east Myers, Isaac, 67 Yonse st The others remain as before. Noble, James, 37 Yonge st Robinson, Thomas, 90 Yonge st Suggitt, Wm., east side of Market BnLLiNERs, (Addenda to page 450.) Lyons, Mrs,, to 65 King St., west Bloomfield, Mrs., to 66 King st, west Haas, Mrs., to 10 King at., west The others remain as before. MILLERS, (Given anew). Clahm, a., Victoria steam flour mills, 122 and 124 King st.. east Hblliwell & Sons, millers and flour merchants, 44 St Lawrence market GooDERHAM dc WoRTs, Steam flour mills and distillery. Trinity st NEWSPAPER AGENT. ''^ NiMMo, John, agent for the « Albion" and other papers and periodicals. 92" n.iBg St., east MUSICAL INSTRUMENT STORE, page 452, as before. MUSIC TEACHERS, MUSTARD FACTORY, page 452, remain as before. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS, (Addenda to page 453.) A^SLo Ahsrican Magazine, monthly, Thomas Madear, 45 Yonire st British Canadian, E. T. Dartnell, 1 13 King st ^ Canadian Aobicclturmt, monthly, W. McDougall, Yonge st 92 King St, Eut W«rt as before. 49.) merchants and ►.) nanufacturer of kc, 123 YoDg( Jfore. page 450.) ng St., east >• east and millinerj; torontoj mes' Buildings, ig St., east east st.^ west ; St., east It )Dge at f Market t., west >. east ence market yat periodicals, 9-\ are. n as before J e 463.) • Yooge St st ^ ^ Christian GuAumAN, weekly, Rev. \.GrfenD D Kin . '^* """KS^oltege'^'^--^ R-oH, „,„,a,„ M» , Burns, .ditor, JouKKTAt o> fioWATioN, Rev. E. Ryerson, D.l). ' w„m,,r ... nmA Leader, The, weekly, James Beatiy, KiMst..ea8t * '""' News of the Week, weekly, H. Scobie, &„^ it east UNITED Ehkre, seri.f.we.kf;, Thomson 4. CoVlSng'sV, east TrA p].,^''* "'''*" remain as befftre. ' - '■ ..A -/TTIoC ,J.luf) . NOTARiiJl i"^Bwc; (Addenda to paee 4531^ ' ^^wrj^aH ^ . . v^ueen, 7b King st west :■■ ■•piiit'i ,wii«'4 ,a „J^ JivmAaitumni oculist oiy r<T<iMM» ...«,«4 *'^'**"'^''^^^^<>H^, page 453, sam«?i^bd'ore. 'i'>ii:-,i|/uift .r,™r°^^„f^T^ WAMriocSES, PATENT IEaThER, &6.» page 453, remain as before. ^ ' ^alo.-l >,^[;,,r . .HAT|i:NT^,<fflTNi^oBODs.'-'''T'"';: -. -, , , , -^ "^ ^w. 8, I onge St. see card *;* ior v^iaD^n ;• 106 King .t '"°"">^ot^H*r'W,;,|„ Tbwas & Son, 140 King st west B«rri«(fci Dhi l«l Aaelaide st Hallowell, Dr., to 16 Wellington st Sm^l, Df,.„J]lu|?e st Sheritf; Dr., larKihgitweit' « 'a'"/il^ Smith, Dr. R. J., 43 ggy « Daois T»bbee„Dr, Okab, Voqg, .di :L .,s7i<f B<.».«„...-Be,,,D,,;M.,.il,.,D,.,R.i.,, „,*;,. The ..,„i„,k .;,.,„. .*«0). PTOTwo omcK,,, (Addenda to page 464.).,., , „„ f ■'■^ />£3,t2i:i^,0i«l,A'l DARTNEit, E. T., general pnnting office, 113 King st east Carter, John, cofner Kinr &. Nelaon «ii 1. pi«^ * » PHo™.oK mi.«o»a™, page 464, remain as befo»...>...Ii' In h; ^.: : KAIIiROAS AGrSNT fiADDi^ERs, &e., (Addenda to page 454 ) Stewart, Wiimam, saddler and harness maker, 95 Yonire st ^... ^' Benieville, George, 59 Yonge st 1 rhnl II ^^ ®°® "^"^ Ki *""»'%. I . Thomson, Thomas, George St The others remain as before. • k»" J il 1:1 ^la. TSQftpmO, Hutchison, & Co., dealers in ship obandlery, canyaBS.'cdrtJa^, 8^c., tJhii^eh'Bt SHIP BUILDERS, STEAMBOAT ACCENTS, p^ge 454, teipain 00 Wpl^ ' STAOK AND STEAMBOAT titnes, (Addenda to p^elSS.) Aroerioan Bteamboat line for Montreal w^n eastward, Niagara Falifl, &o.. L. K. Halhiook. agent. Front at . > • ". rv/ry » t ^\- ^ ^^. > The tttbera remain as bcfor*;' ' ■' • ,,.->..,. ^TARCH':A,4|.r^ACTUBE«8.-T.(q^pja, ^QW:i^ya^^^' ' OULL, John A., starch factory, Front 9L r Helliwell & Sons, starch factory, S?. Lawrence Market v«. !P .fti^t oii ?^^= c^^^?«. pagfe 4^7, asj)efbre,,,^,j ,;j3«i,,„,» i^i «Ai.Low CHANBiiBBs, '(Addenda to page 457.)'' >i>;aoss!i Clark, B. M., dc Co., tallow chandlers and manufacturers of nonpareil and erasjye Boapii, Yfloge 81^. See cftjid .1 .'/I ., ..,- Steen & Fi»her, Palace St , ■ /. - f Tha^lliert remain m b#fo»te."i('H .•fJl4?f^l;»* AND LEATHER Mj^H^jH ANTS, (Addenda to page 4&7«); PifABKE, W. A >, Toronto sheep sliii^ factory, JjasjU, mprpcoflj^, roqns, ^sCp^Jaqd cloths, flannels, <Ssq., for sale, or in exchange fof wool or skins, office 3 St. Lawrence buildings GooDBRHAM & Brotebr, south ^West ciwher of Market buildings, factory, in ,,jy)WPFy»l|C*W.— sole Mthe^kip^caif, upper leather, c6hi6vaii, dio., constantly for sale,,! ; . ; ' ^ ''^.'I.fi Parsons & Willcocks, tannery and leather merchants, 4 Nelson st Wallis, John, dealeir In ie6(het ahd'findfWi^, ^ "fdnge st '■''''•'"' ^^'^'''' the olhera remain ailiefor^. ^ jT^N p^iVTE WiP^*ilP^, (A.(J^cl^eji.da, to page 457.) „ Crappbr, J^M^S, plumber, brass founder, gas fitter and fitter «pi of wt^te» closet3»&6. - . . : PiPBR & BaoTHEfes, tin, sheet iron and copper smiths, dealers In iiotd^, Am., ' ;.i50 Yonge 8t ' '■ '.' . .-^K . ■:>{ j'^'>'-^\, ■'.u>\r.<^--,. ^ Iredale, (instead ;cfTredale,> J., 36 QlMtM st Y frowlie, (hMtead Off owM:) J, C , 97 Queen Iredale, (initead of Tredaie,),>V,, Gp^r;;*),! , at . , . ,, ,.,,„ , . ' . '.,^., , • iiMle!^ ..TOBAqcoNisTS, &c., (Addenda to page 457. )<> I^TpNS, J(%f to 51 King St «ast. Bemainder of address as befori^, Heanee, N. S., SO King at eait - ...it if Willis, H.. 48 Yonge st DiTOontituif «{.->fImebureeri B. fb^ othen Temain as b«lipre. n uji TURNERs,'|i^g& 45B, ifemain as before. Tkl*riRlKA«Y SdRGEONS, WhEELWRliSHTS, tTlNlp jMl5J(t|C?]rtAil,T^.^ t)^^ 458, remain as before. ,'v,rr»8t>,l}yti(j'i '.> .I'llt;. '.. .v..!.,. ln£^ «a« J^ B'Tt ' o^i Ofj . '1 i j J Ai!! !■>. » * T 1" 1 ' Jneriaiii .j.'ic ■ ii.'1*d Rj> nrama-! ««'-;|jo r.lT U . i^li'/'i 'i toftdNTO. IHT 10 87.' fl [^U'.'A arvr m'A. iH>f iJ hi il, T-^ltiliWK {j^^H "iW ^^■H ;" v^^H 1^1 ■ 'f ' « '<H r j^i •ll M 913 TORONTO. No. 35, King Street, East, Toronto, Smporfws ^ aB^nltsalt ^ Jlrtail lente^ IN MLl 111! ill Mli AKS MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, ' .Bavana Tob^co and Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. • -y \- S- MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ".' ALL KINDS OF PATSNT l!IElJ^JImS^ Alwa> on han(^ a large Stock of Varnishes, ^rushes, Cmlofd, Zinel»ainf« 'M ^^Z^'.'' ^ 9«'-':? Dfy^ Chromes, Gree^ and SSow f iC ' ;^ -„, Mar,ne,J»aris, and other Sues, Umbers, Sienn%*.i, Unseei ? •4 r, : Oil, Spirits Turpentine, &c. '/^ '^ <iiS An article "fin'telj preferable, and fast super8eding;.Sar8apariI»a, ' and ah other kinds of Bitters, being free from noxi™^" ^' J--. ^ (Jualities, and creating a fine healthy act»n. ^ " ' ''^^ ;®Ct, -a// G^opfi^s ofjint quality, and Sold at £ow^ hates ^'^ Q^ ; ■ -'-— X-„-_I:_^«^ i ? ^W. STEWARD,^- '^t' ^_J»B|iiro« , SlBltlBY -WMIHOM ^f ^;? 96 Yonge Street, Toronto, .; jt I $JJQN OF^-HHE MAMM OTH COLLA>€.; %. S, retdlrns his sincere thanks to his Friends'and the Public foMe virv rior articl^, such^as he has received so many pretniums for at numeifiBs fairs in London^^*" honorably mentioned at the Wor^ Fair ■^2 W. S. will ^ai vary hwfor Cash, and every article wunanled to be ,uch as Sold >r. ' -1, Hara 'i WIJ ft-itannii Crates ©(0)®l mow CHAN I For Washing CIo I ^V^alla, Ceilings, fl lUie Fronts, Doqrs iChurches ; ("urnii iPtclcet Siiips, Fas I O" This is one luid is considered t lilt I ItisiDteo Imotc con]fQrt.'ecoi Ion be (TQiib with t Inibbing, pounding I Nojiyury whtu llhis Soap. Its coi |wboje testimony i It amtiuna no j II This Seap is wji Jirsoi Ciolhs, iiii^, iMlqi;. It is packed MANUFAC t tm%ai ''OROWXO. iig Tobaeeoi S, Zine-Palnts, w? dltra. EB Ss sa{>arilla, : fortiiie irdry .ctura.lt supe- ume^s fairs Wor^ Fair i as Sold for. MWDOa ^V(g®, 313 IMPORTERS Op '3 CHWArBtASS, MID EARTHENWARL ?^o. 6, Wellington Buildings, King Street, , .^ Hara always on hand a large and wall aesorted Stock of ' 11 JM8S 4 MimnwAli m>.^^^^^^ ^^^*^' LOOKING GLASS PLATE T DrltannJa Metal Tea Pot. Cruet Stands, Spoons, ^hhich ^l be sold at the Lowest Remunerating Prices Crates of Crockery assorted for the Country Trade, ^ ^ '^ ".f'/::' Always on hand, and'"' '-' ' ©®®©g >1(GKEB ■■T(D)''®111E1 By skilful and experienced Packers: ^ ^ J« "^9 i?> B.M. CLARK & CO.; mm, CHANDLEES, and MANmCTUREBS of NOMREIL and ESiSIVB SOft Yonge Street, opposite Shuter, Toronto, C.W."V.7/ ;«niiv/ Le Front,. D^a. and Sows S" F«cv &'' ""'* ^°°t?" if- ^"'""« •»"«» P"b>i<: B«ildi ug. ; IPadret Ships. Pasa-^r Cars &c &c °°"" "'^ Steaicships, Ste^mboafs and Us cS;:,;;/J'b^ thta"^^^^ rtcea b, a.od.r„ «.ence, lUe ! It IS ioteoded to confer B«»rilt hl^^i, !'"^ '*'? greatest Scientific Wgftdir of the |«n be donfa with tL"'tSe.»P^„n!i^ °" "'^ '''^.'^'^ ''<=»"^- ^V'"* <hU arlicle wasbine |n.bbi„^po„„yXSg &J ""'''" ^ |wb<„e tesUmony irentire& in its favor "'""'"*'* **^''« examination qf eminent ChemUts, lUontainsno '''^^or^il^r^ustic ^^^^^^^^ • ' il^lMk '^"''- ^^y^iy^nd judge Joryoursehet. ■ I TM. Swp i» wirrantcd to be Wit. v«-y best if .,?.- fi- ----- - '<«"'^ir « liram Cloth., oiite, lQvpetsk&o.. without hLI^ ".^-Tlir^r"."^ ^'^^' ■***^> 0«l. Bee. &c. IHANUFACT0RER8 OF FANCY *iATe(if,«pAl Tr I I ■f t;l it 314 I'dftbjiTo. m '^ TORONTO MH MARfCPACTOftY* i=^"'<'- -r-Tr- •^"T The Subisc'riber, -iiaving just returned from Leipsio, Prussia, Belgium, France and England, and having imported a large and exten«iva aasori meat ordifferent colors ()f SiHc and Worsted Plash, Irnitations-of Fur, Astn can, Black and Grey Lamb, Stono Marten, Sotrtt Se" Sea:!, Otter, Mtnii Musk [lat, British Sable, &c., &c., ho will be prepiired tO' Mabtifacture th abi^<M Goods into. '■);!.' ► < ?'. < ■ ^7, < , li'^y irjw# ' ' CAPS, Bdis, TitlJltofitMi, iTEiiiii.l'iliiriil^ AMD I SHUT Mr. Wilson Superior Ligh West, held in Jfr. Wilsofi fe Itecting Buildii] lia the States s Prol^c^pg Bui \Sale Rooms i |S«/€rencM.—-fi MANUF of the newest Styles and Fashions, at hia NEW STORE, 77 Yoiige, corner of Adelaide Street, ''■' :',..,u";;;:ii3r the l§|h June neit> /•:-._ ''i' '-ii^ - Haviiig made cheap. and extensive Purchases, and examined and. inspecti ed the best patterns in Fqreign Countries, and -brought out some of the mo$i experienced workmen, a^d as.dtity dn Goo^ imported to Canada is 17^ pe oenjlt less than on those imported to the United States, he flatters, himsei ftikt he tfhall be able to furnish Caps, Gauntlets, Boas, Viotorines, am Winter Wearing Apparel,. of every kind and description, of a superior sljli and quality, at twenty-five per cent, cheaper than they can be furnished aj any othe^ place, or by any other person. mAtifkctarers lii the Ti^do will alveayjt j^nd atthjts Establishmeott tiiiei tensive supply of Foreign. 9kias of every deac^riplion, atid a great variety oi Gt^'pTrimhiihgs of all kinds. ■» . > > Tlibse requiring fai'ge qttentiiies tvill pfease send fn thieir Oi^rs aS swJJJJ^c'ij'i^l'Q^ as possible. _..,' — -••» , .All ordared Goods will be delivered punctualiyat anytliQe vyben required -'■•■ liiberal terms will be given. ; k- h »:,r , ;>'.-., ,.,- ,. •..!.■■ 1. .1.' vJ ,■:■ i,!?,-;. '"'He 'has at present on hand a IWi^iB iKSffOttmetfti bf Siitthlftjifj Clith, Sil p,,-.. „ . , an4;Cotton Glazed, British Sable, Mock Neuter aiid M^limp^pa, whicl ciute. R Mcd!, I. he is prepared to sell at the Lowest Prices and on the moft Liberal T^rnii " - - '- About the (Sth of August an extensive assortment of Bdfelo ^tnswi ba dpe'ii Wr sale. Applications to be tnade as soon as possible. ; The Subscriber will cummenco manufacturing Hats on the lat Ifahiiary, 1853, and wi have a stippTv of the iiewesiFaiibibn^, m^de in a-ftuperittr (nAti^tfr, ready (br tho Triidco the l8t April next. ■* ^^••- '■■^^. ^' \ ^,-.^'...-.vv" "'^ w»<^' < .v-.;, i \^^'i^^:- ?r.U:Mmz vVlu^K'^-^'MiAUKS. The liigheBtiprioesiii Trade or Cash will be given, far every description Mr. JM^rks will be in Hainilton on the 1st and 16tH of every month Me^si^j Watkiiis' fil^hiefs, (6 VeoefVe otdersC ■ > i ; » U T o A 1 ti V^ . ||KC0RF0B\TED Ja Delant & Ypi Potter, James aod chai Austin, William f: Babcock, John R., Bakor, Chai.G.,G Bell, J. McLean, I Boater, Isaac, live Brady, W. A., mai Cutle, Hiram A., CiiJnraing.J., &C( ber merehai D«Wr,D8yiA^„) Ford,jp(J«iqP.,.^, Francis, William, Fiancis, Robert, lu Germin, D,, masor Gordon, George, gi Haaden, Martin, si Logan & Baker, n lm», W. H.,iive McKernan, Fr8.„J« TORONTO-TRFNTON. 21& )l fft V""*' <e„M, Prussia, Belgium exteiuiva aasori 3nj-of Fur, Astra ettl,;Orter, Mfnk, k Mabufacture th tide Street, ined and. inspecil some of the mcsj Canada is 17^ pel B flatters, himselj , Viotorinfes, anJ fa superior stylj n be furnished al blishnteiM bo eij . great variety •tu>::f"' a when reqaired] imfi ciitb, Sill Rat^^jpk; whici Liboi-al T^riBi ifiklo ^ina wi •Me. ' ary, 1853, and w ly Ibr the Trade ty description o every month a ■ A 1 U M , . E. G. WILSON, MANUFACTURER fc WJIOLKSALE DEALER IN • I SHHIVBS, PATEMT BOOT PATIEHHS, *C. Mr. Wilson was awarded the FIRST PRIZE and DIPLOMA for his superior Lightning ^o<(9 apd Points, i^t the Provincial Fair of Canada I'^H^'^h.' ftl°'''^"?4 °" the 21st, 22ad, and 23rd of September,, 1852. ; 1 M .• '^^ «""«<'«'". from Ills long experiencp in thebusinew Of ?ro. ect.ng Buildings and the general apnrovftl that his plan has met with, Jotli S^,11Tr Z '^^^'^li'^b ^^J"' »»e cannot be sgrpassed in the art of "roffic^ipg IJuiJcljngs frona Ligl^tning. „ i. , ,^ Me Rooms at the Office ofB.M. Clark ^ Co'^T^ge stJ.'^M ShMfer ; and U, Piper «• Brother, 50 Fange street. r-'^^' ''^^^t-L fiiy^a^fe cham...lai, ortB^ fVIANUFACTORY AT H. PIPJ^ & BROTHER'S, 50 Toftg6 street, Toronto. W.l ^ — -l ' > ' . ' . >■' . •' TKENTONJomertij Rivet- TreHt, (Ses^ Canada Dibkctorv, Page 347.) INCOHPOBATED January 1, tSAJ. Present population, about 1500. '^^' ' : ^ -1, • IDelant & Yotjfto, ^ener^l merchants and storekeepers " IPoTTER, James, hotpl temper. Has excellent accommodations for travellers aod charges naederate > "v««wiw lu^ waveiieia Austin, VVilliam H., general itore 'Babcock, John R., hotel keeper ' B»lior, CfaaB. G., chief cbnstabte Bell, J. MtsLean, teicher ofgrammar ecJiool Bonier, Isaac, livery stables Brady, W. A., mason and plasterer Cutle, Hiram A., livery itable Clansey, Bernard, boarding house Clute, R. McD., lumber merchant ' Cumming.J., & Co., general storp^Bnd luni. bermerehants " D»W%DayidR„ Imtohar , ; . , FMd,|:d«ioP.,te|,cljer ; ., Francis, William, general store Francis, Robert, lumber morchant . Germin, D., mason i»nd pliistercr ' Of-?"? Gordon, George, general store Headen, Martin, smitU 1*71 C^iRrleo, operator at grand trunk teJo- grMJ»;o5ce Logan & Baker, vaddiera, 4be Lyons, W. H.,Jive|ry sijible*, . McKernan, Fr8.,ib«iliff u:.i^9t9^'i ,(,.?a-,rtol McQuillian, Dr., physician Macaulay, Denis, tailor '"" »»'^ Maguire, Michael, grower ' Meikle, Daniel, hotel keeper Oliver, Richard, butcher . O'Rourke, Hugh, grocer Peck, James, boots and shoes Pierce, Richard, tannery Redmond, G. VV., lumber merchant Robertson, Mrs., grocer Simmons, J,, town clerk Swan, Joseph, tanner and ourriec TalkiD, Dr., physician Taylor, Louis, cabinet shop Trasher, Edward, teaol^er Vahd6rtbort, D. S., boots and shoes Vandervoort, R., operator at Montveal to. legraph!ofBoo /.',,, West, Jas. R., saddler, &«r ' r -7 Village Counoiu—A. MwNiI«ty, rema} Robt. Francto, Jflda V,M'jrpbf,lA; cob Ford, Cftm Weavw, c^tuieiffiihi » 1. .' I m (w. l f . Kll Kl 2te TROY— TWEBD~UNION. BEMOVitD, DlflCOirriNUEO BtoSUrtSS OB O^CXASfel^ Bull, GeorgB B.. merehant Barton, Fn., baker , . Craigif, Jamei, book keeper Ford, Jacob, liouil iecpor h^nAnl,-iktepH, livery itebl«' MoDonald, — .carriage maker '. 111! Macaulay, W. J., merehaih * Oilron, 8., innkeeper QuJDlan, Jaa., cabinet in»k«r B|o9, H. S.. carpenter Hbbarteofl, Ju„ barritter -Ji, Sager, John, innkeeper .1 ■;L i^>: ' TROY. .^ ... ,,,uv _ ^ (JVof included in the Canada J>ireeto^.f' '■ ' ' '"'''' ' A •mill VllL^OI iUuattd in the Townthlp of Beverier. Countr of Weniif arh n w ^i Unt Itom Hamilton, 18 miles j ttage fire, 3s 9d. ' ' '""»." r!*W?F",|.^W.-dii- Bennett, David, lumber merchant Dodge. Leonard P., millwright Fenner, Dr. Ancel W., pHys^lan liornsberger, Aaron, liubber merchant Misner, Adam, lumber merchant List of Professions, Trades, fto. >i!;i >•>• McRoberU, B. & A., geto(Br«) •tore and iumber merchaata McRoberts, A., postmaster Sager, Malaehi, town oouncillor ,, , -; u,„ Stenebaugh, Joseph, grist mill Afsb-1 lavert, 2 carpenters, 1 ^mjU,,^^ cabinet makcf, ^4 6 .aw,,mill. in thii iic.'nitj . A ViLLAO« sitBaUMl in the Township of Hungerford, County o' Hasi from Bellenlle, 25 mi|ei. Pppu^atipn abpiit 175. > O'iVl'i/i '. — (diven anew). A !«sUngi, C.W.— disuni Alphabetical Xist of Profession. Tradea, ftp. , Jamieson, Jamev, millowner Armstrong, William, innkeeper Clark, Josiah, general store Clough, Jacob, cloth factory . , -^i-nj, Deilor, John M-, general store >-''*^'^'''^l^ '' Downing, James G.', bailiff «'ino50C ihV ' Finley, S , innkeeper Francis, John, general store , Fulford, Abel, innkeeper utid itnitli Gabourie, Felix, lumber merchant and coun- cillor • Howell, George, postmaster Sc generbl store Mills, Zedekiah, smith McCartney, Joseph* smith v J! r, McCallom, Duncan, miner Mowat, George, general atore Phillips, George, smith -j ■ ; v. Salmon, Peter, smith ,, ,,,.-,>;u. Tucker. Richard, tanw •( ,^', i Way, Edward, siddlT^,:'*. 'r,V;r VVheeler, George & Joba« earpuMcrs UNION. ^tl'l !.!l/3 ifCf.iliH ,.A .''/■/ ?ri9fl ■.■i:Tl,.a!>K.i! ypTot included in the Canada Directory.-) ' ^^:',';f " ' A VitiAaiB aitoated in the Township of Yarmouth, County of MiddlMtz. fe wUjl.t*ni from Port Stanley, 4 mUe. ; from St. Thorn.,, 6 miles '; from London Sles fiJKrM 43*JikB6tr6itt List of Professions, Trades, 'im^[^;X% '^ " pl!^i/'te"""°' '""''^' ' I ^°'^^^^' Asa. J. P. : ■ 'j'^i) ;;u„: Beatl e, W.ll am. weaver ,>i-,n,so. Glennie, Alex. B.. mfllwright«^^V U.f^ SSSi!: 1^ p tf ^•L"n'' '"''^*' I """*«■•• K°»'"t C;, carpenter »! • W .^i/Cv BUiko^ A» h B., Mir, will ,. . i . . I Johnion, Frederick, turSw^T .,.a.n, ,.?,! Johnson, Ram ICtteham. Alex Lsar, John H. Lucy. Anthony Mandeville, W Mills. Rer. Th Montgomery, I Moore, J. K.., c Nickorson, Ch Frishburgh, Re Harburtus, G., Aikens, Wm., t Drehl, Rev. C. ! ■vriaji A ViLLAor situa Quebec, 16 milei Aldeorn, Wro,, s Bercroau. Jean, j Clarke, Rev. Mr. Desehamps, D., i Danlevey, John, Farquhar, Jaraos, Hall, — , miller Kerr, Andrew, pc Kerr, Robert, joir Lifvler, John, tail McBain, Ww., J V.II Capron, John, mai Fcarnier. C, gene Fraser, John, coroi Gibson, Mrs., milli Johnson, Thomas 1 Johnson, Hiram, ii UNIONVILLE-VALCARTIER-VANKLEEKHILL. 217 mim ;,,?.(„],} ..,.!- i^.'ijlu'iui; ' . . ■< ■ «r " ' " incillor mill ■ in thaiWeinit}. s- i .' gi, C.W.— dislani ner Br itoro ' ■• . :> ':-^. ■ H lifidl . -^ ..i?>':it, e«rp«BKtMri : • .A .7//'. Ie8^«tunAr«,5i. r i<. !'. /• . cthflietott , . r, iQiierygeneni ijn.if.a ./; , V ' !!..8"lT .tiuni-uff? Johnion, Randolph, J. P. Ketcham, Alexander, diitiller Liur, John H., carpenter Lucr. Anthony, shoe store Mandeville, W. H., smith Mills, Rer. Thomas, Baptist Montgomery, Robert, weaver Moore, J. K., clerk and school trustee Niekarson, Christopher, mason Philnott, Richard, mason Scott, Kiio«, sash and door factory Slcel, Jonathan, town councillor Stephenson, John, butcher Weldinjf, Ollfer, miller Willis, John, cooper Voung, Malbetv, juiiiur Zavitz, Abraham, miller UNIONVILLE. (See Canada Directory, Pace 458.) Friahburgh, Rev. J., Lutheran Horburtus, G., teacher Aikens, Wm., tea'ahcr Drebl, Rev. C. F. Addenda. I Echard, II,, wupjron maker I McLeun, J., general store DISCONTINOED. Wilkinson, Wm., waggon maker ■ iiji VALCARTIER. (J^ot included in the Canada Directory.) i„Ti^*?fi'J!'J""* 1° ""? Seigniory of St. Gabriel, County ol Quebec, C.E - Quebec, 16 milei. Population of the parish, aboij* 1400. -distant from list of Professions, Trades, &c. Aidcorn, Wm., smith Bercroau, Jean, joiner Clarke, Rev. Mr. Roman Catholic Deschamps, D., mason Dunlevey, John, general store Farquhar, James, shoe store Hall, -., miller Kerr, Andrew, postmastier and joiner Kerr, Robert, joiner Lawler, John, tailor McBain, Win., J.P. and councillor McGeauchy, P., maaon MolWillan, John, tailor Mortelle, Pierre, joiner .Martin, Jos., smith Navin, John, J.P. Paifein, Rev. E. C. Church of England HoberUon, John, tailor Stewart, Samuel, shoemaker Synics, Dr. T., physician Wholan, Wm.. joiner Wolff, Alcxr. J., J.P., and councillor }!;;.;Tr VANKLEEKHILL. (See Canada Dibhctohv, Page 459.) Capron, John, mail contractor Fcurnier, C, general store f raser, John, coroner, and councillor Gibson, Mrs., milliner ' . '' Johnson, Thomas H., M.P.P. ' • Johnson, Hiram, innkeeper ' Addenda. ■. u • r ■ I d Kennedy, Miss, milliner LadQSB.»r, .lohn, ehainnaitcr McDonell, Rdk., innkeeper McDonell, Duncan, postmaster, druMist Mcintosh, Donald, smith ^ * t '!* f. f ;i1 218 VARENNE8— VAUDREUIL. iii mm '1 ]■'■■ ■ McKenzic, Iluvh, carpenter McLaurin, Arohd,, tcaohor McLennan, Uodk., aliue storo IMcKae, William, aaddlcr, 6lc Robornon. J., ncnornl aloro &. itoatu milii Stewart, Neil, J. P. cupper inutii StowBrf, J., (for R.,) tin Vnjjan, Henry, bailifl Waters, Ch*., dork of diviaion court and «f the cuunoil Wella, Jainei P., ro«rc of W, Hawko«burj and aa bafore REMOVED OR DISCONTINUED BUSINESS. Cameron, Rev. Alozr. Clark, Geo., miller Dorion, E., cimir maker Honour, Daniel, carpenter Manninjr, W., founder Parks, William, tailor Philip, L., watch maker Taylor, Miaa teacher VARENNES. (See Canada DiBECTORy, Paob 459.) Addenda and Errata. Amiiae, Joicph, ^riat mill Bernard, P. N., gfeneral store Girard, Mrs. Louia, boarding houac Hamcl, Leon, painter (instead of store keeper) Laurent, David, trader ' Letourneuz, Antoino, baker Lussicr, Paul, advocate Luiaicr, Felix, grist mill Malo, Isidore, baker Also, in addilion-10 wheelwrights, 3 rnniths, 4 shoemakers, 3 masons, 3 carpenter,. Mrttigny, J. P. L., mayor Martieny, J. L., {ronorar store Martel, Rev. Louia .1., Roman Catholic Massuo, A., grist mill Pellegrini, J. fit., tinsmith Savarin, Leon, butcher Talham, (for Tallolan) Eugene, postmaster I alham, A. J., notary DISCONTINUED. Chaffnun, Olivier, shoemaker Descvo, Revd. F. X. Dcsrochcrs, Eli, wheelwright Itticr, Che,, wheelwright Marco^z, Louis, smith Tobin, John, shqomakor Tobin, Edward, general storo VAUDREUIL. (See Canada Directory, Page 460.) •l fStlili'.. , Addenda and Errata. Bastion, F. t)., notary, secretary and trca- surer to county municipality and school commissioners' Carticr, (for Cortin) Henry, M.D., mayor for county Desjardins, Alfred, M.D. Fournier, A mbroise, carver Latourelle, H., tinsmith Latourelle, O.. baker Lassiallcs, J. N., beadle Legaulf, (for Legaud) F. X., carpenter .i-.-i..: ■! Legault, (for Legaud) JitcqdW, 'ialTJontCr Lefebvre, J. B., clerk coms. court Lalonde, Luc A., bailiff Marier, (for Marie) Celeste, tinsmith Marioler, B„ baker • Moffatt, A., teacher Normandin, E. L., deputy registrar Ouimette, Gddeon, advocate and village mayor Seguin, Rev. J., Roman Catholic, vicar Waters, Alex., innkeeper and bailiff DibuuJ, LouJH, iimilii Gauthier, Araable, carpenter Lefevro/Edward, storekeeper DISCONTINUED. Robidoux, Moses, tailor Terrien, Rev. Ifr. t ,tlOK-i .''.I A VlLLAOl situ frum London, !J Dubbyn, John, i Gordon Sc KItcr Gonne, Rev. Jo Gunne, Robert, Kirby, Geo. P. , Kirby, Goo. P., Mills, James, toi VIENNA, VjENNA is now « Abbott, Wro., bi Adair, — , groce Alexander, J., g Atkms, F. W., ( Baldwin, Levi, ii Baldwin, Charle Beers, E. C., lur Brown Sc Ely, g Broom, Wm., ca Burns, — , Imildt Caugbill. Geo., j Chute, Geo., bak Churchill Sl Gun Cook, Noah, clot Colborno, H., lur Douglass, Robert Douglass, John, a Duud & Vanduse Elliott, John, ger Elliott, Wm., pal Everett & Simm Fillmore, — , hot- Francisco, J., hoi Guitin, Henry A, Halliday, W,, lur Hanvy, Dr. W. I Harrold, T. G., s Harvey. R. J„ tit Hopkins, G. W„ " Gazette*' A Village situat( Akens, John, brie AaRtia, Revd. E^( fc cupper imitii iaion court and u( ,^j«Hawkoaburjf iMrt' VKTPORIA-VIENNA-ntLANOVA. 819 :oro nan Catholic gene, poitmattcr 3 carpenters. )rc ,.■1 .L jU ,. !i,.. dM, ial^oiiter . court , tinsmith registrar and villagu tholic, vicar d bailiff UBIi i AVillaqi lituatcd {J^Qt VICTORIA, included n iht Canada Directory.) Alphabetical List of ProfewioM, TradM, &c. ' ..t and saw mill, McGrcgur, Du„ca>.. grist and miw mills and cluih TacKiry Morris, VVillium, M.D. Webster, William, general storo Also, 1 drujfgist. 1 hotel, 3 shocmakora, 2 siniilifl, 2 waggon makers, 1 car- penter, 2 tailors Dobbyn, John, grist and saw mills Gordon &. Kitcncn, ffonsral store Gonne, Rev. John, Church of Rngland Gunne, Robert, general store Kirbjr, Geo. P., & Son, general store Kirby, Geo. P., postmastor Mills, James, teacher VIENNA, {Township of Bayham, County of "El gin, C.W,) (Sbb Canada Dibkctouy, Pace 460.) Vienna Is now an incorporated Village- Population, about 120O. Abbott, Wra., baker and grocer Adair, — , grocer Alexander, J« general store and J. P. Atkins, F. W., collector and bailiff Baldwin, Levi, inspector of liconsca Baldwin, Charles, butcher Beers, E. C., lumber merchant Brown &. Ely, general storo Broom, Wm., cabinet maker Burns, — , hnilder Caugbill, Geo., livery stables Chute, Geo., baker Churchill tc Gunn, lumber morehants Cook, Noah, cloth factory Colborne, H., lumber merchant Douglass, Robert, ironfoundor DouglaBs, John, smith and waggon mak«r Duud & Vandusen, millowners Elliott, John, general store and J. p. Elliott, Wm., painter and glazier Everett & Simmons, hotel keepers Fillmore, — , hotel keeper Francisco, J., hotel keeper; Guslin, Henry A., genefal storo Halliday, W., lumber merchant Hanvy, Dr. W. H., physician Harrold, T. G., shoe storo Harvey, R. J„ tinsmith Hopkins, G. W„ printer and publisher of " Gazette" '^ Addenda. Ilurdel, — , watchmaker Houghton, E.. Hiiddler ' Hubbard, John, tailor Humo, A., fjoneral store Jenkins, Thomas, lumber merchant MoConncIl, II., inspector of licenses McDonald, J. P., accountant and agent National Loan Fund Lifo Asa Co McDonough, P., general store Niool, Robert, barrister-at>law Peterson, James, hotel keeper Pilman, M., merchant tailor Price, E,, lumber merehant Raymond, G., lumber merchant Rceco, J., merchant tailor ^ Richardson, G. W. 8.. lumber merchant Smith, P., chemist and druggist Stedman, J. E., lumber merchant Tabor, Charles, tailor andclothl< Thomas, John, waggon maker Tomlinson, Roswell, chandler Vogt, Henry, watchmaker Wade & NcUcs, boots and shuca Wall, — , grocer and brewer - Whitney, L. W., saddler, &o W;illace, W. F., & Co., lumber merchants Wilson, S. G., lumber merchant VIU.40E Council.— Thos. Edison, J. G. McKinnon, B. T. Smith, John EL hott, John Dean ■#' >yiLLANOVA. (Ao« included in the Canada Directory.) A Village situated in tho Township of Townsend, County of Norfolk, C.W. Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &c. M 220 l?J m m ■i, Hi VITTORl A- WALLACE-WALLACEBURG. Brady, Georffe, town councillor Churchill, E. W,, carpenter Clark, James, amitli Colver, Oliver, smith Corlis, S. L., innkeeper Dean, Miles, saw mill Dean, Edwin, smith Enkinu, JnmeB, general store Erskine, E., saw mill Goblc, Rev. Eider Grcnis, Wm., carpenter Hammond, W. II , architect and builder Lewis, Levi, saw mill McAlpine & Co., saw mill McLaren, John, postmaster & general store Messecar, Al>m., saw mill Owens, J. W., J.P. Ow«n», J. W., &Co., turners Owens, F. A., shoo storo Owens &Kellum, cloth factory and flpur mills Powley, William, cooper Quinn, John, shoemaker Raymond, Alexander, smith Smith, Phillip, saw mill Sweezie, Malcolm, shoemaker Walker, William, saw mill, J.P., and town reeve Walsworth, Edmund, carpenter Wood, O., turner Yateman, — , carriage. maker .v;.'!\>:r VITTORIA. (See Canada Oirxctory, Page 461.) Distant from London, 75 miles. Population about 400. Addenda. filake. T., butcher Bouscr, George, innkeeper Bouser, John, builder ' Brown, C. R,, innkeeper Crawford. Ninian, general storo Dolan, M. S., tailor Eager, E., mason Fitch, F., teacher Jarvis, James, mason McCall, Simpson, postmaster and issuer of marriaife licenses McCall, J. D., bailiff McLennan, Mrs. J., grocer Marr, W., tannery Potter, W., M.D. Shannon, W., shoe store Smith, O. M., town clerk Steves, N. W., shoe store Walsh, F. L., county registrar Warren. R., boots and snoes Wilson, A. &, W., general storo R£MOV£D, DISCONTINUED OH DECEASED. Dresser, Misa, teacher Mackay. A-, M.D. Finlay, Witf., storekeeper Lamport, Henry, storekeeper Pod, W., hotel Ross, David, storekeeper Wallace. {J^ot included in the Canuila Directory.) H.Sn?%*3«!"*'''' '" '''' '^'"''""''P "' ^""'"='' ^°""'y "^ ^''^^' C-W.. «li-tant from Burrows, Charles, pustmaster and general store Farnoomb, Joseph, carpenter and builder list of ProfeBsions, Trades, &c. Palmer, Jas., smith and waggou maker Robinson, William, cooper Also, S shoemakers WALLACEBUlRG. (Sbb Canada Directort, Page 461.) . <a,ad8Sua iUid Sfxata. Baby, Raymond (for Bernard,) general store I Chapman, Rev. Francis, Weslevan Bell, John, (for C,,) collector of customs | Coleber, Hugh, dteam miU '' . Doiaon, Rev. Ji Fisher, J. & A Fowler, R. G., Johnson, L. H. Johnson, G. V., Knivcn, Thomi A Village situi Currie, John,ahi Gunn, Angus tV store Gunn, Donald ^ MoColl,Rev. T McGillivray, Jai Mclntyre, Laza: Cornish, W. K.,'! Couse & McKell Campbell, John, Curneil, Adam, < Davis, John, gen Depow, Wm., ca Dobie, John, inn Halls, Phillip, bi Hatalie, Adam, c Jordan, James, b( Mathews, John, McVicar, Archd. Mcintosh, Dunci Neal, Wm., groc Dawkins, James, Doyle, Thomas, c Fertier, James, w jrnera i factory and flpur Qith maker lill. J.P., and town trpenter aakor WALLAC5T0WN-WARDSVILLE-WARSAW. Ml Doiaon, Rev. James, Episcopal Msthodiit Fieher, J. & A., sasli factory Fowler, R. G., lumber merchant Johnson, L. H., general store Johnson, G. V., general store Knivcn, Thomas, tailor Kynock & Co., general store & steam mills Maodougald, James, innkeeper Macneil, Traov, smith Mettz,—, tailor Peeke, John, innki^eper WALLACETOWN. {JVot included in the Canada Directory.) A Village situated in the Township of Dunwich, County of Elgin, C.W. ler Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &c. Currie, Jolm, shoemaker Sunn, Angus M., iioatmasler and general store Gunn, Donald A., carpenter McColl, Kev Thomas, Presbyterian McGillivray, James, joiner Mclntyre, Lazarus, miller Mclntyre, John, miller McLaws, William, smith Mcpherson, Peter, jomer McPherson, John, joiner McTavish, Duncan, general store and shoe shop Urquhart, Aiexr. C, tailor I 3 fistrar loes il storo !*W., distant from tBiggtiataakit r Vesl^jpafi WARDSVILLE. "I (Sib Canada Directory, Page 462.) Addenda and Errata. Cornish, W, K., barrister, conveyancer. &o Couse & McKellar, druggists, <to Campbell, John, carriage maker Curneil, Adam, carriage m^ker Davis, John, general store Depow, Wm., cabinet shop Dobie, John, innkeeper Halls, Phillip, bricklayer Hatalie, Adam, clerk division court Jordan, James, boots and shoes Mathews, John, civil engineer McVicar, Archd., distiller Mcintosh, Duncan, innkeeper Neal, Wm., grocer Neal, Thoi.. bailifT O'Meara, John, fend surveyor Palmer, Isaac, iron founder Pool, John, carpenter Reilly, F. B., machinist Rolls, Dr. Charles, druggist, &c Ryan* Rev. S. J., Roman Catholic Strathy & Kent, general store Shephard, Wm., saddler, &o Ward, Sheldon, builder Ward, Alexr., innkeeper White, Samuel, sadler, &c Wilson, Wm., chair factory WARSAW. (Sjje Canada Directory, Page 462.) I'jtr Ipjca-;. Dawkins, James, cooper Doyle, Thomas, cooper Ferrier, Jamea, waggon mak«f Addenda. Miner, Moses, shoe store Umphrey, H., miller Riggs, Thomas, teacher J ii 5 I ill ■PX 3S9 WASHINGTON— WATERDOWN-WATERFORD. VA ' WASHINGTON. (Jfot included in the Canada Directory.) A Village situated in the Township of BJeaheim, County of Oxford, C.W. ' Alphabetical list of Blanehard, W., &Co., grain cradle makers Garrick, Robert, carpenter Church, William, grain cradle maker Clemens, Oliver, waggon maker Clemens, Henry, smith Cousens, Frs., cabinet shop Farrow, John &, Fredk, ihosmakors Siilis, John, & Co., cabinet shop Kilborn, Jared, J. P. and councillor McDonald, Wm., smith Motherwell, Frs,, tanoer and shoo shop Myers, Robert, tatmer Oakly, George, tailor Olive, Andrew, St, Co., carpenters Professions, Trades, &o. Piatt, Samuel, giist and saw mills Snyder, David, cloth factory &. saw mill Shcrk, Amos, & Co., carriage makers Sherk, Levi, general store Sherk, A. B., postmaster and carriaeo maker . Shepley, Rev. Jos., Wesleyan Smart, John, general store StaiifTer, Jacob, pump maker Tring, John, cabinet shop Trefiy, Dr. Robert, physician Watson, James, town councillor Wright, Benjamin, smith WATERDOWN. (S£B Canada Directory, Paok 463.) Addenda. Barton, Job, millwright Brown, J. B., grocer Cranston, Henry, pamtor Crooker, Francis, grocer and Ifeker Davis, David, cooper Pretwell, Thomas, waggon maker Garvin, J. B., miller ana saw mill Graham, John, carpenter and joiner Griffin, Absalom, hardware merchant Griffin, David, butcher Johnston, R. L., waggon & carriage maker Jones, Ezekiol, innkeeper Labat, Francis, shoemaker Ixjltridge, R., in addition, woollen factory Montgomery, Jas., painter and glazier On, William, tailor Robinson, C. F., blacksmith and carriags maker Stewart, James, butcher Stobbs, Rev. Thomas, Wesleyan Wood, Comfort, carpenter and joiner DISCONTINUED. Anderson, A., miller Ashbury, John, smith Bilhngs, Wm., M.D. Ellis, Wm., baker Garvin, John, shoemaker Gore Mutual Insurance Company Henderson, Gep., shoemaker Hugill, Rev. Joseph McGlennan, P., baker WATERFORD. (Ske Canada Directoby, Page 463.) Jarvis, Mrs., McFarlane, Ji McLentie, A. Mathews, Wa Monford, 0. 1 iron foe Clark, J., tmil Green, Jas. L. mU Geo,, dii Hooker, —/m tloucks, R., h( Faro to Montr Hutchinson, D McCutcheon, ' Mcllroy, Samu Parmolee, A. E Booth, F. G., 8 Dike, L. P., sh P( : "jr, John, ti Berry, Richard, Day, Johnson, I Grass, Louis, sn Addenda. Adams, Uriah, butcher Anucrson, Robert, sniilh &. waggon maker Aspinwall, Mrs., milliner Aspinwall, Chas., wat' h maker Chiswell, J., tailor' Clark & Scovill, gencrcil store Catting, James, copper Dean, John, smith Flcwelling, David & Joe., boilders Irons, Jas., (krte W. Redker.) innkeeper Clarke, Wiiiiam Graham, Richer E. And 'logan, Miphael )RD. C.W. &0. id saw mills 'aotory & saw mill sarriago makers tore stcr and carriage esleyan tore maker top ^Bieian councillor ith l>er tker on, woollen factory Iter and glazier ksmith and carriagt ir Wesleyan iter and joiner Company naker il store «•! bnilders^ iker,) innkeeper WATERLOO, C. E^WATERLOO, C. W., &c. 223 Jarvis, Mrs., milliner McFarlane, John, (laie A. Bolsford,) smith McLentie, A., mason Mathews, Walter, accountant, &c Monford, O. F„ & Co., (late Jas. L. Green) iron founden, &a Park, G. W., in addition, dislillcr Rock, Thomas, carpenter Smith, Stephen, cabinet maker Thompson, John, tinsmith Truosdale, John, builder Watson, Jeremiah, carpenter Clark, J., smith Green, Jas. I*, es iron founder only Hill, Geo., distillery only Hooker, — , miller llDucks, R., booto and shoes DISCONTINUED. Merritt, D. S., smith Nobles,f J., tailor Redker, Wm., hotel Schramm, L., waggon maker Starr, D., bookseller WATERLOO, C.E. (Sm Canada Dirkctorv, Page 463.) Fare to Montreal reduced to lis 10j|. Hutchinson, Dr. R.H., physician McCutcbeon, T., shoe store Mcllroy, Samuel, shoe «tore Parmolee, A. B., advocate Booth, F. 6., smith Dike, L. P., shoemaker P(>: :<;r, John, tiniroith Addenda Robinson, Jonathan, postmaster Robinson, Ellis & Co., (late Rolnnson and Sons and R. A. Ellis,) general Btoro DISCONTINUED. Richardson, G. H,, shoemaker Robinri!jn, H., J. P. • WATERLOO, (1st) C.W. (Sm Canada Directory, Page 464.) Berry, Richard, smith Day, Johnson, brickyard Grass, Louis, smith Addenda. IVorthmore, Joseph, postmaster and general store O'Shea, Jeremiah, teacher ilifi.'>"'< rCmoved. Burr, Chauney, waggon maker WATERLOO, or Fort Erie. (S«E Canada Directory, Pagb 465.) I .' Clarke, William, joiner ,, Graham, Richard, snrTeyor of customs, vice E. Anderson Hogan, Miphael, joinar . Addenda. Jackson, James, general store . Kendrick, J. A., ship carpenter: . Nevills, James A., ship carpentier .,■ , ^... I'ti 1-; I M u WATEKVILLE-WELLESLEY-WELLINGTON, Ac. WATERVILLE. (JVoi included in the Canada Directory.) ftn!l'{£*°if "'l" "'?« '""•I''^ Township of Compton, County of Sherbrooke. C. E.r-d'itaw from 9ierbrooke, 10 raile«; stage fare, 28 6d. » * •""i"', ^'. Ju.T-rfl«diit ' 'to';' List of Professions, Trades, &o. fioatwiek, Mathew, bailiff firooki, Wm. &. Chas., general store, grist and saw mills, foundry, &,c Brown, Alba, smith Caswel), Alden, machinist and millwright Caswell, William, chair faotoiy Henry, Mathew, cabinet shop; House, John, shoe store Rcid, Rev. C. P., Church of England Webster, F, A., postmaster WELLESLEY, (See Canada Diectort/Page 465.) Buchanan, Alexr., teacher Eakel, Abm., waggon maker Ernst, Christian, carpenter Gottsbhalk, Christian shoe store Group, Phillip, cooper Himlin, Geo., tailor Milne, Rev. Walter, Baptist Ottman, Chas., carpenter Pirric, John, smith Pipher, Rev. John, Lutheran Querry & Doud, ashery Addenda and Errata. Robeitch, Charles, teacher Schall, Geo., smith Schelter, C, weaver Sigmund, Michl., carpenter Snider, John T., shoe store Smith, Harry, omith Weismuller, John, waggon maker Wilaon, John, town couneillor Zoeger, (for Sager,) John, store and inn- keeper WELLINGTON. (Seb Canada Directory, Page 465.) Ball, Arza, mason Barnes, — , baker Blackley, Samuel, Wellington inn Drewery, Jonathan, match factory Henderson, P. R., general merchant Jolly, David, cabinet m>;ker McCartney, Robert, tailor Mitchell, F., cabinet and chair factory ViaCQNTlKUEiP Garratt, Thos., innkeeper i Williams. Rev. A. McCormick & Armstrong, general store Wright, Robert, shoemaker Martm, William, tinsmith 1 Addenda. Phillips, Henry, saddler Terry, Robert, shoe maker Terry & Curlett, tin & copper smiths Tivey, William, cooper Wood, Jolin, baker Young,'Capt. WHIiaro, treaenrer Agricnl. tural Society WELLINGTON SQUARE. (See Canada Directory, Page 466.) Addenda and Errata. BcRi (instead of Benton) & Beeforth, gene- ral ttotb Ohisholm, J. B., innkeeper Frost, S. D., harness and trank maker Foot, H., tailpr ■ i'mn;::, /, , Ponfield, v., tihiJrtith "* «' -''='^ .'' Taylor, J., innkeeper ^"'jS'JiiA .: » Vannormen, E. A., MO* =* ;'-;I^ , Gowen, R., ti Jones, Thomi A small ViLL fare to Stanst Allen, Joseph Buzzell, Dan Bullock, Alfr Drew, John \ Giddings, Ste A small ViLL Adams, Rev. '. Church, Jonal Clark, Horatii Gilman, E.P. Keyes, Ephrie Hungerford, £ Mills, Moses, A ViLUOB a: miles. Popul Bellows, Calel marr chan Beach, D., pc innki Buchanan, Jol Byce, H., smi fecto Cannon, 6., p &c. ke, C. E.-^d'irtam r faotory It shop; I ■ :l^ of England kster er Iter ore OD maker leillor lin, store and inn- Br opper smiths reasarer Agrieul- ;er ,arr..;;i v. , WEST BOLTON-WEST BROME— WESTMEATH. 225 REMOVED OR DECEASED. Gowen, R., tailor Jones, Thomas, shoemaker Miller, W, G., innkeeper Weekes, Henry, M.D. WEST BOLTON. (^ot included in the Canada Directory,) A small ViLLAOB situated in the Township of Bolto.i, County of Stanstcad, C.E.— stage fare to Slanstoad, Ss; to St. Johns, 13s 9d. List of Frofessions, Trades, &c. Allen, Joseph P., miliowner Buzzell, Daniel, mechanic Bullock, Alfred M., general store Drew, John W., J. P. Giddings, Stephen, J. P. Hunt, Rev. Mr., Mclhodist N. Connexion McMannis, John, pustmasler and J. P. Peasley, Jas. F., J. P. Stone, Wm. H., general store Tilton, Manley, master mechanic WEST BROME. (J^ot included in the Canada Directory.) A small ViLL/iae in the Township of Brorae, County of ShefTord, C.E. Adams, Rev. Mr. Church, Jonathan, manufacturer Clark, Horatio N., general store Gilman, E. P., millowjier Koyes, Ephriam, general store it, postmaster Hungerford, S. L., cloth factory Mills, Moses, miller list of Professions, Trades, &c. McCrum, James, cloth factory Pettea, James N., miliowner O'Byrne, John, manufacturer Sweet, Almon G., manufacturer Sweet,' Moses, general alure Seymour, Joseph, oloth factory WESTMEATH. (J\'ot included in the Canada Directory.) A ViLtAQB and Township in the County of Renfrew, C.W.— distant from miles. Population of the Township about 1000. ■■'A 80 Alphabetical List of Frofessions, Trades, &o. -'.f.VT'iI; ' Bellows, Caleb S., J. P., coroner, agent for marriage licenRes, lumber mer. chant, saw mills and town reeve Beach, D., postmaster South VVestmeatb, innkecner and ^rist & saw mills Buchanan, John, town councillor Byce, H., smith, carriage maker and cloth factory Cannon, G., postmaster, Gowei* Point Chamberlain, H., J.P., postmaster, j|eueral store and lumber merchant Hamilton, Hugh, J.P. and town councillor Hoskins, G., innkeeper Poupore, John* lumber merchant Shaler, Rev. H., Wesleyan Tucker, G. R., saw mill Williams, George, J. P. and councillor Wright, John, J. P. and councillor i ;'; Is ff li t i [:;mi 296 / WEST W1LLIAM8BURG-WESTW00D-WHITBY. WEST WILLIAMSBURG, ^ Mmisburg, (Sbk Canada Dirbctorv, Paqb 466.) Blacklock, Dr. John, pliytician Dillon, George, general store Dolton, Peter, ghoe shop Loucks. John W,, clork division court racbee, JoBeph, carriage maker Addenda. Pattoreon, John, general store Philo, Ur., drug store Raymond, William, general store Cheslcy, A. A,, attorney, removed to Proscott WESTWOOD. i^Toi included in the Canada Directory.) list of Professions, Trades, &c. l< Ij' ?^}}'y> general store and mills Foulds, J. s., postmoster Grady, J., innkeeper Healy, Thos. D., innkeeper Pomeroy, Thomas, blacksmith Scott, Robert, bootmaker WHITBY, (County Town of Ontario County, population about 1500.) •' r r (SJEfi Canada Dibbctohy Page, 467.) Value of Exports in 1852, X82,306. Adams, J., tailor Adams, Henry, saddler ^tna Insurance Co., Geo. A. Norri?, agent Arnold, J., baker Bannester, Chas., teacher Batea, Jas., baker Beall, Thomas, bookseller Billings, W. H., barrister at law Blair, L , shoe store Bryan, Jacob, junr., innkeeper Burnham, Z., judge of county court Byrne, Rev. J, T., Congregatioualist Clark, W. B., & Co., general store Crawford, D., general store Doel &. Dickey, general store & druggists Finley, Rev Jas., Presbyterian Frarer, Hugh, merchant tailor GarUhorc, R., saddler Godsbey, John, innkeeper Grant, John, land surveyor Greenwood, John, teacher Ham, N. G., banister at law Ham, J. v., notary ^nd barrister uarrison, VV. H., general store Houck, Louis, fanning mill maker Addenda. And 15 master mRchBDics additional Howell, C, general store Johnson, Ross, general store Johnson. W., merchant talTbr Keller, F., bailiff of division court McBryan, Hugh, innkeeper McGaw, James, innkeeper McGiil, George, auctioneer Malone, W. L., general store Manson, Charles, drugs and medicines Mayerhoffer, Rev. V. P., Church of Enci'd Newman, Timothy, teacher Ferry & Dorman, publishem of " Ontario Reporter Rowe, James, forwarder Scott, Wm., innkeeper Shier, John, land surveyor Spurrill, John, general store Thompson, Pierson & Co.. general store Tremayne, W. H., barrister at law Wal.ace, James, contracter, and agent Pro- vincial Insurance Co Watson, John, forwarder Welsh, Johrj, forwarder White, Ephraim, auctionder Wilkinson, John, watch maker Township Coi James Black, cillors ; Campb Po«p Whitby r: Burr, Wm., it Geikio, Rev. , Kennedy, J., McAllan, J., j O'Connor, H. A small Vitu Brabazon, Oei Bribner, Jamc Brusker, Cyru Carmichael, A Carmichael, F Cop|>crthwai!( Fraser, JosepI Can^pbell, Wi Cattenach, 7a Crockett, Eph Ferguson, Jai Guindon, Mil Barry, Richd. Btasley, Wm, Dickson, Tho Kinsmill, The Mastarson, Ji Buck, A., cat Cooper, Mrs., \Y. 'burg. store ral itore moved to ProBcott ■0, C.W — distant sr tnith population re ■br 1 coart re i medicines tiurch of Engl'd « of » Ontario gfeneral store at law and agent Pro. ter WICK-WILLIAMSTOWN-WILLIAMSVILLE. 927 Township Couffcii..— James Rowe. reeve; James Burns, deputy reeve; John Black, Dr. Allison, M. Wright, coun. cillors ; R. Harrison, clerk ; Robert Campbell, treasurer Powr Whitbv and Lakks Scuooo, Simcob AND Hdron RoAuCoHrANr. — James Rowe, president ; Jas. Cotton, John Welsh, John Martin, Juhn Camp- bell, directors ; J. Ham Perry, secy. ; John Watson, trea*. ; J. McAllsn, harbour master REMOVED, DISCONTINUED BUSINESS, OR DECEASED. Burr, Wm., teacher Geikio, Rev. J. Kennedy, J., carpenter McAllan, J,, innkeeper O'Connor, H. B., storekeeper Pentland, Rev. J. Perry, Peter, M.P.P. Perry, R. E., general store Vanvleck, J., fannini; milla Wo'.fcndcn^ J., marble cutter WICK. (JiTot included in the Canada Directory.) ' A small ViLLAQB situated in Township uf Brock, County of Ontario, C.W. . Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Brabazon, George, town reeve Humphrey, Samuel, general store Bribner, James, shoemaker '. Leask, George, saw mill Brusker, Cyrus, smith Johnston, Mrs. Jane, postmistress Carmichael, Alexr., carpenter Mitchell, Rov. John, Free Church Carmichael, Peter, general store Mill, John, smith Copperthwaite, James, smith Soronbergcr, Wm. R., saw mill Fraser, Joseph, saw mill WILLI AMSTOWN. (See Canada Directobv, Page 469.) Cacipbell, William, grain merchant Cattenach, James, smith Crockett, Ephriam, painter Ferguson, James, bailiff Guindon, Mitchell, general store Barry, Richd. & Wm., tanners Brasiey. Wm., tailor Dickson, Thomas, tailor Kinsmill, Thomas, saddler Masterson, John, shoemaker Addenda. Guy, Adolphos, carriage maker McBain, James, cattle dealer McDonald, Andrew, miller McDonald, James, cloth factory DISCONTINUED. McLennan, R., shoemaker I Mitchell, — , cloth factory Morrison, Richard, smith White, John, shoemaker WILLIAMSVILLE. (See Canada DiRECToiiv, Page 469.) Buck, A., cabinet shop Cooper, Mrs., mw mill Addenda and Errata. Dee, Robert H., M.D. Hoover, Benjamin, shoe store 238 WINDSOR M1LL8-W00DBOURNE-W00D&TOCK. Carney, (initead of Corning) N., waviron nittNer '" Kniwly, (inilead of Kni.by) S., foundry VpwtQn, Rev. U., »-- - - -- ■ ^ ▼ice F. Berry Newton, Rev. U.. Priialuve 'Mothodisl, SlannormaD, Daniel, iboe itora Swartz, Abm., tailor VVincheater, Aaron, ahoeBtore Yocum, Adam, sinilli WINDSOR MILLS, C.E.-(Given anew.) Fra'^ncTaSuunt tllV£„"?r'^ryS'!%f °""^ of Sherbrooke. Di.trict of Saim mond, 9 r>.ile., T^St Lawrence .'nlA^nf/T. ®''"t'°°'<''. 1* rai'eaj from Kich- F«re to Montreal, 12s 6d ; S^Xo^I "i^5';Tchmon3!u','o7d.'' *"*""" *' ''" '""^• Alphabetical List of Profswions, Trades, &c. Bauer*, George, miller CroBian, John, shoemaker Frye, S. F., ;town clerk Gardner, James, carpenter and joiner Moore, Peter, lumberer Moore, John, carpenter Niokle. James, mill wrighi Patterson, William, atone mason Patterson, Robert, brick layer Taquin, Peter, blacksmith Perktr, P., boarding house Sihes, S) , shoe maker Wurtele, C. E., grist and Maw millp, general merchant and postmaster WOODBOURNE. (JVof included in the Canada Directory.) Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, &c. ^'"""''"lan^"''" ^'""'" ^' ^''"™'' ''^ ^"S , Benner, William, waggon maker Cooper, Jamea, aze and tool factory Heard, Charles, Innkeeper Hilllard, Frs., shoe atoro Kerr, Jacob, J. P. Loutoh, John, smith Kennedy, Alexander, M.D. Magill, Henry, steam saw mill Morgan, Henry, J.P. Ptolemy, Wm., postmaster^and shoe store Powell, Thos. S-, general store and saw mill Shaw, Robert, carpenter Sidey, John, town councillor WOODSTOCK. (Skb Canada Dieectoey, Page 4>70.) Present population about 2,400. Addenda and Errata. Charles, Jordan, (instead of Gordon,) revenue, iDspectof l-inkle, Henry, town reeve Greig, John, town clerk Abbott, Benjamin, ebandlcr Bain & Hay, cabinet shop BalI,jRev. W. S., Free Church Biokle, Jos. &, Jas., butchers Bownes, (for Downe8,)Thoma% grocer Brown & Nelson, tannery Burke, R. VV., tinsmith Burtch, R. W., general store Burtch, Arohib Charabora, Rob Clark, John, gi Constable, Mrs Cummings, R. Donaldson, Wi Uorman, John, Douglasa, Don Duncan, Howa Evans, Kev. M Fraser, Thomai Garner, Wm., i Goodwin. Chrii Gordon, Donalc Greig, John, ati Haack, Harry, Hatch, — , groc Horsenell, \Vm> Hotson. Walter, Iiard, Henry, ti Judce, Michael, Lakeman, Jacol Lawson & Huti Lajcock, Georg Lewis, Evan, (I McDiarmid, Rei McKenzie, Alej McLeod, Georgi Bartley, O,, an Beddome, J., be Bell, James, gn Burton, — , coo| Charleswortb, S Clements, W. I Cottnn, Ily., inr Cudmore, Riche Douglass, John, Galloway, Wm. Goodwin, A. W Izzard, James, S; A small Village from Pans, 11m Barnes, Rev. Th Hill. Thomas, lui Miichell, Williar Abo — 1 tailor, A ViLuai Bitual K. WQOLVERTON— WURTELEBURQ. 929 ) ilore itore W.) Diitrict of Saint iles; from Rich- ion at this place. mason wmlllp, general latter worth, C.W.- nill >nd shoe store ure and saw i%groeer Burtch, Arohibald.J. P. Chambors, Robert, baillfT Ciark, John, grocer Conatable, Mrs., dressmaker Cummings, R. H., jailor, (iottead of tailor) Donaldson, Wm., butcher Durman, John, innkeeper Douglase, Doruiby, innkeeper Duncan, floward, furrier Evans, Kev. Mr., Wealayan Fraser, Thomai J., Bmith Garner, Wm., cooper Goodwin. Christopher, teacher Gordon, Donald, (for John,) smith Greig, John, attorney at law Haaek, Harry, smith Hatch, — , grocer Horsenell, Wm., tailor Hotson, Walter, shoe store Izard, Henry, teacher Judge, Michael, gunsmith Lakeman, Jacob, butcher Lawson <k, Hutton, dry goods Laycock, George, printer Lewis, Evan, (for G.,) carpenter McDiarmid, Rer. D., Free Church McKenzie, Alezr., contractor McLeod, George, tailor Mackay, J ^^,:, bailiff Mackay &. Sutherland, shoe itore Maclaren, Duncan, druggist Menzies, Harriet, grocer Montgomery, Geo., innkeeper Murray, Geo. & Angus, contractors Oulram, (for Autrara,) Wm., shoestora Parr Sc Co., bakers and confectioners Perry, Dr. Levi H., physician Phelan, (for Phalan,} Thus, anetiooetr, &e Robertshaw, John, shoe store iicarff, William, carriage factory Schofield, Frs,, carpenter Shepherd, Rev. Edmund, Methodist Sims, Rev. F. P., Church of Scotland Small, John, nurseryman Snelgrove, Henry J., cabinet shop Thomson, Archd., &. Son, foanden and plough makers Tune, (for Turee,) William, confectioner Warwick, Wm., bookseller and stationer Watson, James, miller White Si, Dixon, builders Wilson, Walter T., general store Winterbottom, Rev. John, Baptist Woodcock, Ralph, dry goods Woods, W. A,, dry goods fJ h- HEMOVED, DISCONTINUED OR DECEASED. Bartley, O., surveyor Beddome, J., bookseller Bell, James, grocer Burton, — , cooper Charlesworthj S„ general store Clements, W. R., baker Cotton, Uy., innkeeper Cudmore, Richard, general store Douglass, John, painter Galloway, Wm., innkeeper Goodwin, A. W., tailor Izzard, James, bailiff Maddock, J. F., attorney Murray, Wm., smith Ross, Robert, tailor Shields, M., dyer Smith, Thos., saddler Smyth, E. B., barrister Spur, Geo., innkeeper Taylor, Peter, shoemaker Whitney, Rev. M., Methodist Wilson, John M., general atore Wilson, Hughes & filevins^ barristers Young, Mathew, grocer ^'!!l WOOLVERTON. (J^ot included in the Canada Directory.) A small Village situated in the Township of Blenheim, County of Oxford, C.W.— distant from Pans, 11 miles. Popnli^tion, about 100. f.| List of Profeuioiu, Trades, &0. Barnes, Rev. Thomas , Thompson, Thos. G,, builder Hill, Thomas, lumber merchant | Woolverton, Rev. R. Mitchell, William, miller | Woolverton, Enos, P.M. and general store Also — 1 tailor, 1 shoemaker, 1 waggon maker, 1 smith, 1 harness maker. WURTELEBURG. {J^ot included in the Canada Directory.) / A ViLUoi eitualed m the Seigniory of River David, County of Yamaska, C.fi. Itiaoo 'M 230 YAMA8KA-Y0NGE MILLS-YORK. 3ii JrU'^FSncVdX^c!''"^'" ^"""'••"PP""'"' thcAbnaki'a Indi.n Village. i„ ths Pa,i.h List of Alio, Franoit, nnilh fioooher, Etienno, notary Bernier, Cht. Fra , general atore Belleroae, Charle*, joiner Bfelleroae, Franc la, joiner Boia &, ContD, general afore Boia, Fimirn G., general atore Cartier, Jopepl), wheelwright Cotd, Joaeph M., dcpoty regiatrar Cre?ier, Lou1», ferryman Dcfoaaea, BaBJi, baker Durant, Ed., «hoomaker Fortane, Cbarlea, ahoemaker Professioni, Trades, &o. fiaron, Noel, ahoemaker Janel, Joaeph, amith Lalibertd, Elienno, hotel and general itore Langloia, Joaeph, amilh Laport(;, PicrrOiJoioer McDonald, Dr. Edward, phyaiolan McDonald, Dr, Stephen, phyaician Moreault, Rer. M„ Roman Catholic Morin, J. B., maton Pion, Amablc, joiner Rubillard, Paul II, general atore Valoia, Francia, joiner YAMASKA. (Seb Canada Directory, Page 472.) Addenda and Errata. Burnhup, (for Bnrnap) Thos., shoemaker Cartier, Narcisae, grocer ' Chamard, Olivier, general store Charland, D., aenr., boat builder Charland, Moiae, boatman Duboia, Henri, joiner Dugre, Edwd. G., poatmasler &. etorekeepor Gelinaa, Charlea, tanner Groleaux, B., (for Groalet) ahoemaker Hebert, Misa Lucy, milliner L'Abb^, Louia, hotel and grocer Henshaw, (for flerahaw) George, griat and saw mllla Lassalle, Hubert, smith Laaaalle, Pierre, boatman Lacerte, Cfor Lcaarche) Joseph, ahoe store Pagnan, Paul, notary and agent Proulx, Joseph, smith Salvas, Olivier, hunter Steel, William, pottery Vigeant, Touaaaint, general atore Bridet, J., painter Hebert, Mrs., poatmistresa Molloy, Frs., amith mSCONTINUKD. Paradia, Mrs., atorekeeper Therien, Thos., innkeeper Vigeant, T., innkeeper YONGE MILLS. (See Canada Directory, Page 472.) Andres, Socrates, lath factory Elliott, O., grocer Armatrong, Wm., innkeeper Baxter, N., postmaster, &c Addenda. I Parr, James, cloth factory I VVillse, Robt., postmaater and general stor DlSCONTINtlED I Marshall, Thomas, innkeeper I Wylie, D., smith YORK. (See Canada Directory, Page 473.) Boyco, John, innkeeper Bratt, John, shoe store Addenda. Brown, George, flour mill Clark, Wra., wheelwright Corniok, (for C( Hareourt, Mich Margrave, Tho Hillox, John, ti Park, Paul, J. 1 Serantom, flan River Ni Alley, James, bi Barker, Robert, Brown, Alfred, Places fror A small Villao lation, about 75i Sumner, Jou Lyon, R., generi A Village situal from Toronto, IS Bates & Kepp, ii Beers, C. S., ins] Bolsby, L., town Boice, J., smith Cilwell, A., inni Campbell, Wm., Campbell, Mrs., i Clark, L. J., depi Ciutton, Rev. Jot Corey, Wm., aadi Cronk, E, shoem Crandall. R., gen Catler, N., smith Farr, S., innkeep( Finch & Partlow Finch, Henry, in) Freeman &Clutti Foote, Dr., pbyai< Harvey, Wm., ini Herrinffton & Ga Hodorkinson, P., ] town clerk Kennedy, Rev. Gi Little, J., general ASHTON-AYLMBR, C.W. ago, in the Puriih and general store phyiician phyiioian an Catholic al atore George, griit and >aeph, shoe store 1 agent i\ atore and general Etor [>er Cornick, (for Cormioit,) Samuel, ■lioijDsker Harcourt, Miohael, borgo owner and J.P. Hargravfl, Thomai, carpenter Hiiioz, John, tailor Park, Paul, J. P. and mill owner Serantom, flam. D., auperintendent Grand Rirer Navigation Bn Spoonnr, Wm., millwright Tagjart, Alexr., bargo owner Windrum, Dr. J , phyaieian Woudbury, Edward, innkcpper TowNSMrpCouiiciL — Jacob Turner, reete ; Thoa. Lcater, And.Tumbull, Chaa. McAdani, Chriat. Young, ouuncillora DISCONTINUED. Alley, Jamea, barge owner Barker, Kobert, «hoe atore Brown, Alfred, barge owner Felton, Thoa., bargo owner Ilea, John, innkeeper Sowerby, John, carriage maktr Places from which Returns were received too late to appear in their proper order. ASHTON. {Kot included in Canada Directory.) A small ViLLAO* aituated in the County of Carleton, diatant from Bytown 28 milea p«»» lation, about 75. ■«"«•. ropq SuHNER, John, postmaster and general merchant Lyon, R., general merchant | Alao 4 maaler raachanica. AYLMER, C.W.— (Given anew.) A ViLLAOs aituated in the Township of Malahide, County of Middlesex. C.W.— diatant from Toronto, 137 milea ; and from London, 30 mi!ea. ' v^.w.-aietant Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Bates &. Kepp, innkeepera Ueera, C. S., inapector of licenses Bolsby, L., town councillor Boice, J., smith Calwell, A', innkeeper Campbell, Wm,, clerk division court Campbell, Mrs., teacher Clark, L. J., deputy town reeve Clutlon, Rev. Joseph, Baptist Corey, Wm., saddler Cronk, E., shoemaker Crandall, R., general store Cutler, N., amith Farr, S., innkeeper (inch &. Partlow, general store Finch, Henry, innkeeper Freeman &Clutton, cloth factory Foote, Dr., phyaieian Harvey, Wm., inspector of licenses |ierrin.?ton &, Garner, saddlerR Hodwkinson, P., postmaater, conveyancer, town clerk, &c Ktnaedf, Rev. George, Wesleyan Little, J., general store Lookyer, Thomas, town reeve Maservy, Mrs., milliner McCausland, J, A., smith McLauchlin, J,, inspector of liconsea McMaster, L., innkeeper Miller & Davis, general store Mott, R., innkeeper Murdoch, J., shoemaker Murray, A. &, W. E., general store Murray, W, E,. town councillor O'Reilly, B., tailor Page, Benjamin, tanner Pauling, J., tailor Price, Aaron, baker Rod way, J., tailor SpringsteatI, T„ bailiff Thompson, Mrs., milliner Tibbetts, C., shoe store Tibbetts, A., tanner and saddler , Vrooman, J., waggon maker Wood & Kirkland, general store Williams, Di*., town coaneillor York, Samuel, tanner f -i', j| ■ nl I:- f ^ • - I BYTOWN. » ■ i'i' ' it .' • til ■:; III BYTOWN. (See Canada Directory, Paob 48.) Proient population about 10,000, and rapidly inoreaiin((. Tha Letten •« L. T." and '• U. T." itand for Upper Town and Lowtr Town raipeotiTel; Aunranoe Compuues, Baalui, &o., (Addenda.) Bank of Upper Canada, R. S. Cas^ells, agent, Wellington st., U T Canada, Life Assurance Company, (J. 1'. Baker, agent, WeJllngton at., U T Dalbousie District Buildin? Society, George Hay, secretary Equitable Fire Insurance Company, H. V. Noel, agent, Wellington st., U T Green Mountain Health Associition, E. B. Worthen, agent Montreal Fire Insurance Company, H. V. Noel, agent, Wellington st., U T Ontario !•»« and Marino Ins. Co., G. P. Baker, agent, Wellington st., U T People's Building Society, Geo. R. Burke, manager Provincial Mutual and General Insurance Company, W. H. Thomnson agent, Sussex st., L T ' ' L'.iited States Fire Insurance Company, E. B. Worthen, agent United States Mutual Ins. Company, F. W. B. Hely, agent, Rideau st., L T Union Mutual Life Insurance Company, S. W. Dyde, agent, atuaHi St., L T All others Remain as before. Public Officers, (Addenda.] McLachlin, Daniel, M.P.P. for Bytown Graham, Duncan, collector of customs Armstrong, Edward, deputy sheriff All others remain as before. RoYAi. Enoinbkrs — Captain John Cheyt -r, commanding ; Captain C. E. Ford. Civil Branch— Chas. H. Hurvey, clerk of works ; John Grist, foreman of works; Wm. Clegg, clerk ; Paul Cooper, office-keeper. CoMMi8SAHiAT.~W. H. Ussher, D.A.C.G. ; Thos. Donnolly, storekeeper. Town Councii.— J. B. Turgeon, mavor; W. F. Powell, reeve ; J. D. Bourgeois, deputy reeve; H. J. Friel, Wm. Tormey, Jas. Mathews, Edward McGillivray, David Bourgeois, Chas. Laporte, councillors ; E. Burke, town clerk ; John Meyers, assistant. Protestant General Hospital.— John Mackinnon, president; W. H. Thompson ; v. presdt. ; Roderick Ross, sec. ; Dr. H. Hill, physician. Mechanics' Institute— Dr. H. Hill, president; Alex. Scott and Gilbert Heron, v. p's ; James Cunningham, treas. ; H. J. Friel and E. Bil- lings, sees. ; Dr. E. Vancortlandt, librarian. BxToWN «fe Prescott Railway.— JVcm) Directors— J. B. Turgeon, R. Kneeshaw, Thomas Creighton, B. White, Hon. H. Pinhey, Joseph Bowes, H. M. Holbiook. Directors Retired— Cha. Sparrow, J. S. Archibald. Others remain as before. Walter Shanley, chief engr. Rohan Catholic Clkhgy.— Ca/Ae(/ra/— Rt. Rev. Jos. E. Guigues, bishop; Rev. P. P. Aiibert, vicar general ; Revs. D. Dandurand, M. Molloy, Frs. McDonough. Seminary and College— Rev. A. Gaudetj so^erior ; Rev. Joseph Tabaret, director ; Arthur Mignault, Joseph Michel, Gbneral Hof-ital — Rev. A. Gaudet, chaplain ; Drs. Beaubien and Van- cortlan.jt, physicians; Sister Elizabeth Bruy6re, superior; Sister St. Joseph, treasurer of sisters of charity. Baker, G. Uaureille, BeauuIen, . York Bedard, Jo; tions Bell, Rons BiLLINOS. E Blasdell, 1 Blasdell, 1 and I Blytii, Joi Cons Brouuii, Ja small Ul RKE, Jaim Be^Rows, I Chilus, S. J SU8S( Clark & S Alar Cleuu, Wii Currier, £ blinc GOODE, D., I Grant, Fra bliiii;. Grant &c B tions, Harris, J. J Heron, Gil Suss( Holland, V Inolis di Yc Cana Kerb, Dawi Kneeshaw, lockwood, ( the b rials MoDoNELL, McLaculin, McLadrin, Mackat, H found MacKinnon. Merrill, H diere, MULLER, Ha LT Town rfi^otiTelj .) .,UT lington (t., U T llinglon St., U T ington St., U T ngton St., U T H. Thompson, tit Hideau st., L T imabx St., L T Captain C. E. 8 ; John Grist, uffice-keeper. f, storekeeper, reeve ; J. D. Jas. Mathews, i, councillors ; dent; W. H. lill, physician. >tt and Gilbert iel and £. Bil- Turgeon, R. inhey, Joseph 3parrow, J. S. sy, chief engr. igues, bishop ; d, M. Molloy, detj so^erior ; iseph Michel, ;sors. >ien and Van- or; Sister St. BYTOWN. 83.1 lioApital, ign dry goods and Alphabetical Addenda and Errata. IUker, G. W., postmaster, to Sparks st., U T Uakreille, John, gcnnral meroivint, Sussex st., li T BEAUuriiN, J. T. C, M.U., attending physician to the General York St., L T Bedaud, John, North A.-nericnn hotel, York st., L T. Good ttocommoda. tions fortr:iV'!l!.!rx, vjth ;. ^ard and Htuhiing. Bell, Kohbrt, book r'nd job printing office, to Little Sussex st., L T BuLiNfJs. E., barrister and attorney-at-law, York st., L T Blasdsll, N. S., machinist and founder, Wellington st., V T Blasdell, Merrill & Currier, lumber merchants, founders, machinists and axe factory, Victoria Island, Chaudiere, U T Blyth, John, cabinet warehouse, corner Victoria and Kent sts., U T. Constantly for sale, a choice stock of furniture at low prices. Brouoh, Jahes, & Co., importers of British and Foreicn dry e( small wares, Wellington St., U T Bi RKE, James H., deputy registrar of the County of Carleton, Lloyd st., U T BrtiRows, n. J., general wholesale and retail grocer, Wellington St., (J T Chilus, S. D. & Co., wholesale and retail boot, shoe, and leather store, Sussex St., L. T. Clark & Stevenson, penitentiary boot and shoe store, Sussex st., L T. A large stock at low prices always on hand. Cleoo, William, barrister and attorney-at-law, to Rideau st., L T CuRKiER, Dickinson 6c Co., manufacturers of sawed lumber, sashes, blinds, doors, &c., New Edinbureh [>,u address, Bytown GooDE, D., hotel keeper and livery stauioi, Nicholas St., L T. Grant, Frani is. Exchange hotel, York st., L. T. \ good yard and sta. bling, attached to the house. Moderate charges Grant & Brother, importers of shelf and heavy hardware of all descrip- tions, Sparks st., U. T. Harris, J. J., lumber merchant, Victoria Island, Chaudiere, U T Hkron, Gilbert & Co., importers of dry goods, groceries, crockery, drc, Sussex St., L. T. Holland, Wm., genera i storekeeper, to George st., U T Inolis ds Young, wholesale grocers, provision and commission merchants. Canal Wharf, L T Kerb, Dawson «k Co., (instead of Davison,) printing office, Rideau st., LT Kneeshaw, R,, chemist and druggist, wholesale and retail, Rideau s ., L T LocKWOOD, J. A., daguf rreotypist. Sparks st., U T. Likenesses taken in the best style of art, and warranted perfect. Daguerreotype mate- rials for sale. McDoNELL, J. D., general store keeper, York st., L T McLaculin, D. & H., general merchants. Sparks St., U T McLachin, J., general merchant, wholesale and retail, Wellington St., U T Mackat, Hon. Thomas, cloth factory, flour and grist mills, cooperage, foundry and smith shop, New Edinburgh. P O address, Bytown MacKinnon, John, general merchant. New Edinburgh. P O address, do Merrill, H., civil engineer, and superintendent for board of Works, Chau> diere, U T Muller, HaRs, general importer of German and French goods, Sussex St., {rl ! (- S34 BYTOWN. Noel, H. V., insurance and general agent, We]|ineton st IJ T ORA.„K^Lav .^o Orr.w. AovocJk, DawsontJrrt ^o! Rideau s, S"r™ FnTx^n' r^'^'^ .'^"P"' Rober»^e|J, Liule Sussex st L T PbIkZ LZ^r ';"^'"rf', '""^'""'■'" ""^ '«°1 factcyrv, Sparks st U t Pul^L^ LvMAN founder and blacksmith, Sparks st, U T ' ^ Pbodd dc Wood, dealers in dry goods, groceries 1 n„«« u j crockery, Rideau st, L T g'^^r.es, liquors, hardware and Prddhomme,Tih8ophii,b, dealer in dry goods, groceries Honor, « i hardware, &c., Sussex st, L T ^ ' ^"°"' <='oc'<«'y. Roberts, John, (succesnor to E. S. Lyman,) wholesale and retail H««i« • KOBERTsoN, Jones & Co., forwarders. Canal wharf. L T RoBiLLARD & Traverse, wholesale and relaiTdeaJers in drv ... i . RoBi«soN & Heubech, general wholesale merchants, Rideau st? T ''°"'" w;S:T.:nn;r^^ '" ^--••^-' -•-' ^'.-"--r r;:;^asl ^,.. Skwe JT C m'd" ^'h "^^'' ^"'"r- «^Spaks\td1y„1t "u 'i''"' "- S^rTER Ja^;: n • P^«""«" ^n^' ^"'■g^on. Metcalfe st, U T SiATER, James D^civil engineeaon the Bytown and Prescolt R,ilr . Aumond's block. Middle Bytown ires^olt Railroad, S0TH.»u», A., (U.e A. & W.,) m„ch.„> Mor .„d clo.hi.r, Rideau .,. To»aKoj,,J„„™Bj, carriage a„d.lelgh factory, a„d g.„.,al bl.ok,™u.' UWM H«o« P.,or ArmXrong, near the Po.1 Office, Eliii. ,t U T . «. , cl.« h.„,e, p,a.sa„.l, .U„a.ed, i„ an airy .'ndral'tiV pli^ft WHiRTOM, H. R., British Hotel, Suesei .|,L T-thi, house is ™n,m„j' .^ ? GWWIN, importers and wholesale and retail dealers In .k.l, ^U^r, hardware of all kinds, Rideau st, L T, »d WeLXt Addison, Wm., lock master, qn the canal Angus, R., cabinet shop, Elgin st, U T ArmatnuiK, Thos., smith. Bemerer »t. L T tfarnett, J., shoe store, Wellington «. TJ T Bar.um & Walker, forwarderafcana wharf SsBt L°'*' "''"'""""''"• toNicho" Brown, W. W., barber, Suattz .t, L T rS. D o^^V'"".""^' '° Clarence at, L T t^awelli, R. S., bank agent, Wellington st, S.T.Jfn?'"']'' «"P««>'«". Sparks at. UT at. U T ''■■yflBooda.'^Wellingto n Delight, A. M., barber, Susaex st, L T §nftr°r' ^' ^•' '■'''""der. Canal wharf Uufton.E. contractor and builder, Sparks Elliott, Robert, hsta!, York st, L T *;ngl,8h Rev. N. F., Wealeyan v^y/'i ' y^}}°7r chandler, Dalj st, L T ford, J„ smith, Kent at, U T BYTOWN. 985 VT Co., Rideaii si, ! St L T Spaiks 8t, U T hardware and |Uors, crockery, retail dealer in y goods, ready Tk sts, L T u 8t, L T ery, glass, &c.. .T retail, and in- », U T T ?ott Railroad, d good accom. re, wholesale T, Rideau st, il blacksmith. :,UT—a first l>y part of the ih and foreign I commodious t ilers in shelf '^ellington st, !• Sparka st, UT •ds, Wellingrto n •ex 8t, L T r, Canal wliarf builder, Sparks Daljr st, L T r Farley, Robert, (for Jbb. & Son,) grocer, Wellingloo st, U T Foxton, E., cuntracter and builder, Rich. mond Bt, L T Fraier, Alexr., saddler, Rideau st, L T Freligh &, Fraser, general store, Rideau st, LT Carrey, Joseph, M.D., George st, L T Green, J. T., barber, Rideau st, L T Haniey, Thos., baker, Rideau st, L T Hay, George, hardware, to Sparks st, U T Home, Henry, bookbinder. Sparks si, U T H»well, Samuel, grocer, Rideau st, L T Hunter, W. S., artist. Burn's buildings, L T Hutchinson, Rer. D. F., Episcopal Mcthu- dist, York st, L T Jamieson, Wm., baker, George st, U T Kehoe-, J. & W., smiths, Nicholas st, L T Keogh, Mrs., innkeeper, to Sussex at, L T Lang, J. & C, painters, Daly st, L T Langford, J., builder, Kent st, U T Laporte, C, innkeeper, to Susaez st, L T Little, John, gunsmith, Nichola8<st, L T Mc Arthur & McDouga'.l, hardware, Sus. sex st, L T McCormick, Andw., grocer, Sussex st, L T McDonald, John & Co., grocers, Sussex st, LT McLaren, Thos., tailor, York at, L T McNabb, 6. &C., lumber merchants, Rad. clifTe , Macpherson, A., grocer, to Nicholas st, L T Mathews, Thuinas, hotel, Rideau si, L T Mohr, Henry, innkeeper, New Edinburgh Norton, Saroael, linsmiih, Rideau st, L T Patterson, G.', (lur U Cu.,) general store, Rideau st, LI' Porter, J. &. A., (;ci)eral store, Sussex st, LT Reddick, Thomas, watchmaker, Sussex st, Lf Robichaud, Dr. Joseph, Sussex st, L T Ross, W. A., principal of the grammar school Scott, John, barrister, to Sparks st, U T Shaw, James F.,shue store, Sussex st, L T Shaw & Wright, saddlers, Rideau st, L T, : Story, Thos., tailor, tcvJRideau st, LT" '.! Sutton, Geo., painter, Sparks st, U T ^ • Sweetman, J., dyer, Kent st, U T " ;' Thompson, C. P. , general stnr^, Rideau st, Thompson, John, general store, to Rideati st, LT Torrance, John, tailor, Wellington st, U T Traveller, R., notary, &c., Kent st, U T Voligny & Co., forwarders. Canal wharf Walker, Wm., contracter and builder, Daly st, LT Walk ley. £,, brewer, Ki4^au st, L T Wood. F. D., hotel keeper, Wellington st, UT Wough, C, saddler, Wellington st, U T REMOVE:!), DISCONTINUED OR DECEASED. Beaubien, Dr. A6hille Broughton, H. L., lumber merchant Burpee, Silas, hotelkeeper Clemow, Frs., forwarder Cochrane, Andrew, forwarder Corcoran, Thos., innkeeper Egleatone, A., saloon keeper Freligh, John, storelteeper Frith, Isaac, merchant Grant, A. McP., storekeeper Heney, Alexr., saddler Hervey, Robert, barrister Holland, Wnt., hotel keeper Johnston, Wm., chop house Kennedy, C, grocer Lacroix, Dr. A. O. Lang, Dr. Leggatt, T< J., bank agent Leggatt, G. W., barrister Lyman, E. S., druggist McArthur, Donald, hotel keeper McCracken, Jas., senr., general merehttnt McCracken, Jas., jr., & Co., merchants MoDowall, Rev. D. C. McPherson &. Crane, forwarders McTaggart, Isaac, surveyor Mack ay & Mackinnon, merchants Main, Andrew, store keeper Mills, Thomas, watch maker O'Brien, John, store keeper Pulker, Chas., bookseller i Robinson, W. H., agent Robinson, Dr. Joseph Robb, Rev.J. Shepherd, Rev. E. h, Stanley, Robert, hotel keeper Sterling, Greo., brewer Swangler, Geo., innkeeper Thomson, Frs , confectioner Westley &, Cass, store keepers Wilson, Z., store keeper Paterson, J., and Cameron, John, removed from Cruwn timber otfioe. All the others remain as before. P ! '* n i.'iil "S ...^ CALED0NIA -COOK8HIRE.-CANB0R0. CALEDONIA. ^ (Sbb Canada Directort, Pa'gb 49.) Now an Incoktomtbd Villwe. fopalation, about 1800. Alexander, John, general etoro Campbell, John, innkeeper Connell, Themas, teacher Cullman, Rev. John, Roman Calhohc Suiter, Charles O., merchant tailor fisher, Joieph. innkeeper Henderion, William, grocer Hewat W.R.,te2Dher Miles, Jacob, sUee agent Houat, John, innliceper Huggard, John T., master of Grammar School Huntingdon, Rer. Mr., Wesleyan Jackson, John, J. P., civil engineer Lmdiey, Joseph, tannery Mackinnon, Neil, com. in B. R. Kackay, Gower, railroad contractor Mathews, Robert, baker Munro, Wlliidm, innkeeper Addenda. Ogden, Joseph, Innkeeper Petrie, Timothy, baker Reed & Lowry, saw and planing mills Reed, Rev. Mr., Free Church Reynolds, A. B., general store Scott &, Mackinnon, general store Smith, John A., waggon maker Smith, Rev. Mr., Wesleyan Teeple, Miss, milliner Townsr, jDr. R. M., physician Walton, Richard, general store Walden, Samuel, innkeeper WhitcUer, Henry, M. D. Whitehead, John, innkeeper ViUAOK CooNciL.— R. Mackinnon, reeve; John Jackson, Thomas Bryant, Duncan Ferguson, John Maodonald, councillors ; A. C. Buck, clerk; Riiihard Walton, treasurer. ., (, A».^..uiu rimiiun, ueasurer. COOKSHIKE. (Given anew.) Alplwbetioal List of Professiona, Trades, &c. McIvKB, Alex., dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery, hardware, &c Alden, John, tailor Hevwnnrf n „.a1 -^o, ui,L Andrews, Alfred A.. M. D. Poje j k i V Dalz^l, Rev. John. Church of England Pojei E., blacksmith CANBOBC— (Given anew.) Alphabetical list of ProfessionB, Trades, &c. Barneit, John, innkeeper and tailor Birdsall, Jos. R„ g^eral store Cariiiaibe,I)avid, waggon maker Jbtnck, Jacob, smith Fitch, Wm.. J.P,, postmnster and savr mill i-olmsbee, John, J.^. and general store tlazleton, John, shoe store Higu, Jamei, tailor Hill, John and Peter, coopers Myers, David, shoe store Parker, Abe), lumber merchant Parker, C. G. W.. shoe store Smith & BriggB, general store Smith, Jesse M,, carpenter Wilson, John, general store H Aldermbn. Leer Valo CoUNCIlLOP Roilc H. G R. B Josef Officers.-- engin retna iVumbcrofHoi of Far of Ma of Fen ofFrei 1 A JUDGES, LI Badgley, He Benja Leblanc, Ovi Dewii Jobin, Joseb! Young, Hon. L. H. Removed f, Ceased to b others remait PUBLIC O Chief Engine Cityfi City Hall, ai Pauls City and Dist St, Jai City Recordei Commander a <Teologicai Su MONTREAL. 337 ler d planing mills 'hurch il store neral store n maker yan 'sician a I store iper 1^ ieper ilackinnon, reeve; Thomas Bryant, , John Maodonald, C. Buck, clerk; treasurer. plasterer, 2 coop. irmer list. .. E , distant from dware, <fec nith t P. M., tannery C. W.— distant mM : « ■' hant re ore MONTREAL. (See Canada Directorv, Page 151.) City Council and officers, (Addenda.) His Worship the Mayor,— The Hon. Charlea Wilson. AiDERMBN.-_Jo8eph Grenier; John Whitlaw; Ednjund Atwater ; John Leeming ; Francis Leclaire j H. H. Whitney ; R. Trudeau tWarcisse Valois; P. Larkin.* CoUNCiLLORS.-Joseph Tiffin j M. Cuvillier ; H. Starnea j N. B. Corse • Rol^ Campbell ; Louis Marchand 5 P. Labelle; L. Bleau ; A. Adams H. Goyette ; Thomas Mussen ; J. B. Homier ; A. McCambridge • J. K. Bronsdon ; A. Montreuil ; Edward Thompson ; C. J. Counol : Joseph Papin. ' OFPiCERs.—Hon. Joseph Bourret, city recorder : Alexander Bertram, chief engineer: Fi^ncis Leblanc, superintendent waterworks. The others remain as before. GENERAL STATISTICS OF THE CITV. ' (Condensed from 'the Census Returns of 1852.) Number of Houses 7.424 j ifumber of British Canadian 12,494 SmT"'" ' -n?'?^ of English, Irish* Scotch 17 744 °JS?''" 27.586 of other Origins 1 457 of Females 30,129 | of Roman Catholics 41466 of French Canadian 26,020 | of Protestants. &c I6!l96 Total Population of the City 57,715. At present, April, 1853, about 60,000. JUDGES, LEGISLATIVE COUNCILLORS, AND M. P.. p's. (Addenda tO page 153.) Badgley, Hon. William, M. P. P for Montreal, 93 St Antoine street, vice Benjamin Holmes ^''''*"0ew'iU^'^"^'^^°'"^^*"*'""°'''' 3 Bonsecours street, vice Jacob Jobin, Joseph H., M. P. P. for Berthier.St Vincent street loung, Hon. John. M. P. P. for Montreal City, Cote St Antoine, vice Hon. L. H. Lafontaine Removed from the City. -Dtummond, Hon. L. T. j Morin, Hon. A. N. Ceased to be Members.^Gugy, B. C. A. ; Nelson, Wolfred, M . D. The others remain as before. PUBLIC OFFICES AND INSTITUTIONS. (Addenda to page 153.) Chief E^ngm^e^r Fire Department, Alexander Bertram, (vice John Perrigo), City Hall, and all the City Offices, removed to Bonsecours Market, St. raul St. ' City and District Savings Bank, John Collins, actuary, removed to 4, Great at, Janries st» City Recorder, Hon. Joseph Bourret, City Hall Goinmander of tj»e Forces, removed to 26 Notre Dame st. tTCological Suivey, W. H. Logan, removed to 5 St. Gabriel st. ii j I n •: [•U f }| ir f'\ 938 MONTREAL. ^■1 Grand Trunk Railroad Office, Samiiet' Keefer, engineer in charge, 9 Great St. James st. Harbor Master and Wharfinger's Office, Capt. Morin and W. M. Brown removed to 77 Common st. ' Harbor Cor nissioner's Office, John Glass, secretary, removed to 77 Comi\on St. Impccial Cust'^ms, R. H. Hamilton, comptroller, removed co corner of St. Nicholas and Commissioners sts. Montreal Building Society, James Court, secrettry, {vice J. T. Badelevi 5 Great St. James st. , '^' Montreal and New York Railroad, 1. B. Culver, superintendent, Bonsc cours Market Military Secretary's Office, lomoved to 26 Notre Dame st. National School, Bonsecours st. Richelieu Navigation Company, J. F. Sincennes, secretary, 37 Commis- sioners St. » Roman Catholic Institute, G. E. Clerk, president, Place D'Armes Royal Engineer's Offices, removed to 38 Notre Dame st., and 2b Notre Dame st. Qitarter-Master.General's Office, removed to St. Louis st. St. Lawrence and Ottawa Grand Junction Railroad, W. F. Coffin, president, George Cockburn, secretary, 11 Great St. James st. St. Patrick's Hospital, Drs. Macdonnell, David, Howard, and Schmidt, at- tending, Dorchester st. west St. Lawrence School of Medicine, Lagauchetiere, near St. Charles Barroraee st. Trinity House, James Holmes, registrar, removed to 28 St. Francois Xavier st. • Turnpike Trustees, James Holmes, secretary, removed to 28 St. Francoi Xavier st. Water Works, Francois Leblanc, superintendent, 28 Notre Dame st. . The others remain <is before. PROTESTANT CLERGY, (Addenda to page 155.) Chureh,'R6v. Dr., Baptist Cyre/'tlev. M., Congregational ist Douglai, Rev. John, VVesIejan Inglis, Rev. Mr., Freo Church Rogers,=,Rev. E. J., Church of England Mechanics' I Cors Mercantile 1 secre .Merchants' Esdai iVatural Hist B. W St. Andrew{' A. Ui St. George's H. H, .Si. Jean Bap M. D( St. Patrick's John '. Si. Patrick's Redmi Board of Th Henry mase i of Jin Law, '. son, W Comm Tuesdi Board of Bs( Charle secreta Foreign Coni and St St. Fra REMOVED. Adameon, Rev. Dr. DECEASED. ...., ;Rintoui, Rev. Wro. ; Squire, Re?. Wm.— the others remain ae beforo.-.i NATIONAL AND LITERARY SOCIETIES. Addisopian Literary Association, J. R. Spong, president ; J. Hayes, sec: A. Lalanne, treasurer Catholic Institute, George E. Clerk, president; R. P.Redmond, sec; J. Sadlier, treasurer German Society^ Henry Meyer, president ; H. D. Criimmsnauef, secretary £. Idler, treasurer Institute Canadien, Jos. Doutre, president ; L. Betournay, secretary ; M. A. Tellier, treasurer BANKS i Bank of Mon Capital Board Anders Redpat J. Bos R. Kni account agencie C.J. B teller ; Lloyd, a H. B. F SrockviUe Age MONTREAL. in charge, 9 W. M. Brown, B moved to 77 corner of St. J. T. Badgley), indent, Bonsc- , 37 Cointnis. rmes and 2b Notre >fiin, president, id Schmidt, at- ' St. Charles St. Francois 3 St. Francois )ame st. 15.) lurch ch of England 919 boforo. , > Hayes, sec: lond, sec; J> jer, secretary : retary ; M. A. Mechanics' Ingiitutt,, Hy. Bulmer, president; A. Murray, secretaty; N.B. Oorse, treasurer . .^' ' • Mercantile Library Association, E. McLennan, prisidentT J. Archibald. secretary; P. Lesueur, tieasurer Merchants' Exchange and Reading Room, A. ^Vlacfarlane, chairman; k. h^sdaile, secretary and treasurer .Natural History Society, Major Lachlan, president; J. T. Dulton, secretary ; Jd. Workman, treasurer ' ^ St. Andrein's Society, John Rose, president; John A rmourf secretary :^ A. Urquh»>-t, treasurer .» j » St. George's Society, John Dyde, president; Alfred Phillips, secretary; tl. H. Whitney, treasurer "' 81. Jean Baptists Society president; R. Bellmare, secretary ; M. Desnoyer, marshall ' ^ ' St, Patrick's Society, Thomas Ryan, president ; Hy. J. Clarke, secretary • John Pheian, treasurer aduiciarj , SI. Patrick's Yoimg Men's Association, W. C. Cogan, president: R. P. Redmond, secretary ; Thomas Redmond, treasurer "' ' '^^ » • The others remain as before. . , '^°'"°nrLTlT'n^r"M n""^'/. ^"^''' P'-««i'^«"t; Allan Gilmour, vice presiden ; D. L. McDougall, treasurer; Alex. Clarke, secretarv; Henry Starnes,W Colquhoun, James Mitchell, Sidney Johe«, Da- mase Mas.on, R. S Tylee, Henry Thomas, W. Muir,jr: W La«r, DaAnd Torrance, Charles Bockus, John Esdailo, T. B. Ander cll ^i^^^r'^^' ^^'^'^J' ^' «°"''^' A"'^^^^ Shaw. Officel ?rsry"ar3o'dot."^' '' '""'"^"^ ^^^ ^°"''^'' ^-^^ ^^^ Board of BBOKERs.-Macdougall, Brothers, T. M. Taylor. J. &.ft. Esdaile, secretary " ' ^^''''''^' ^' ""' "^'^^'^ ' H^^^ury L. MacJougaS; Foreign CoNsuLs—Henry Chapman, St. Sacrament st.. Royal Hanoverian and Sardinian ; Jesse Joseph. St. Helen St., Belgian ; J. m! tIZ\ at. l-rancis Xavier St., Prussian. BANKS AND BANK AGENCIES, (Addenda to page 165.) Bank of Montreal — Incorporated by an Act of Provincial Parllampnt S ?'' fT^'T- «^n/«^-' «-^^ «*• J-- st! tt eal Board of Directors^The Hon. Peter McGill, president ; T. B. r!!h 'fr^'SVr'^^Ptlr'l'''^"^' •^"'"'^ Logan, John Mo'son, John ?Bn'?nnT^R ''""'»• ^V^"'"'' J' Torrance,H. Allen, J. Brooke! J. Boston, T. Ryan, H. Thomas. 0#«rs-A. Simpson, cashier K. Knight, asst. cashier ; Thos. Lee, inspector; R. Milrov. chief accountant ; S Read acct. banknote dept. ; J.Rae, acct?br. and apenc.es ; F. F. Blackader 2nd acct. : w! J.' BuchanaMrd acct" • tfilf; ^r^^ tS-^ ^.^^: P-^'-t 2nd teller ; J. Pclrteous, 3rd r ! J .1 "'"^^^>' ^'=- ^''-•'•iv-; J. E. Travers^exch. clerk ; John Lioyd,asst. clerk ; F. Franklin, trans, clerk ; J. C.Gibb. asat. clerk ; Rrr L "-^vP'cken, messenger; J. Brennan and Thomas tooke.oOrtcrs JirockvtUe Agency, ^T. M. Holmes, agent. London .^cncy.-J^d'Sp" e" 940 MONTREAL. agent. Port Stanley jJgency.—^. E. Warren, agent. Branlfop Agency. ~-\. Greer, agent. Guelph Agency.— John McLean, ageu!! The others remain as before. Bank of British North America.— No change to note. City Bank.— Capital £225,000. Directors.— Vfm. Workman, president John Carter, vice-president ; L. H. Holton ; Wm. Lyman ; ^Vni Macdonald, Lachine.— F. Maccuiloch, cashier ; Walter Ross, ac- countant; Peter Lesueur, 1st teller; James L. Mathewson, 21 teller ; John Birss, keeper of depc^it ledger ; John L^ge, discount clork; Alexander Ross, keeper of discount ledger ; James M'Lea messenger; James Mitchell, porter.— John Rose, solicitor; J | Gibb, notary. Agents in lonefon.— Glyn, Mills, & Co. »»» Ireland. — The National Bank and all its branches. Toronto. —John Major, manager. Queiec— Daniel M'Gie, agent. Shet. brooke.—Wm. Ritchie, agent. Three Rivers James Dickson, agent. Dunnville. Kirkpatrick, agent. Mevo York. • Boston.T-l. E. Thayer & Brother, agents. Banqdk vv Peuple.— a. Provost, (additional) director ; J. S. (instead of J, E.) Mailhot, receiving teller ; J. W. Munsen, (vice C. Bourdon), assistant accountant ; 0. B. Peltier, (vice J. M. Bonacina), assistant discount clerk ; R. Terroi^x, (vice P. Adhemar), clerk. The others remain as before. MoNTREAi. Savings Bane. — No change to note. City & District Savings Bank — Alfred Larocque, president, (vice VV, Workman) ; E. Atwater, vice-president, (vice A. Larocque) ; Henrv Starnes, (additional) director. Office removed to 4 Great St. James St. The others remain as before. Bank op Upper Canada Agency. — No change to note. Cobimercial Bank op M. D. Hamilton, clerk, (vice W. J. Buchan sin). The rest remain as before. agencies of assurance companies, &c., (given anew.) iEtna, (Fire and Life) of Hartford, Rogert Wood, agent, 8 St. Francoisl Xavier st. See card. f Berkshire County Mutual Life Assuranee C,o., G. W. Warner, agent 20 St, Francis Xavier st ' Britannia, (Life,) of London, J. H. Maitland, agent, Place d'Armes. Seel Card I British America, (Fire, Life and Inland Marine,) William Steward, manager, 33 Qreat St. Jannes st. I Canada Life Assurance Co., Thomas Ramsay, agent, 27 St. Francois Xavierl 8t. See Card on the second page from the back cover Church of England Life Assurance Co., London, Thomas Evans, agent. 19" St. Paul st » B . Colonial Life Assurance Co., A. D. Parker, manager, 49 Great St. James si. See Card I Connecticut Mutual Life Assurance Co., Robert Wood, agent, 8 St. FrancoiJ XavjcF 31. oee card Equitable Fire Assurance Co., F. R. Starr, general agent, Great St James i See card on outside cover Empire State Health Association, M. IJ. Gault, agent, Odd-Fellows' Hall Globe, Fire ai Globe, Fire ai St. Sa Hartford, (Fir See ca Inland Marin( Lemoi Lloyd's Agen Liverpool snc agent, Montreal Assi Mutual Life A lows' J Mutual Fire Ii Tourne Mutual Fire h only — I card National Loan tor Can National Life general Phffinii, (Fire,^ See car Protection, (Fii See cai Provincial Mut agent, ( Provincial Mari crameni Royal Fire and card St. Lawrence C St. Paul Union Mutual J St. Frar United States J Place d' 'Vestern Fire a James si Frofei ACADI Devine, Re?. J. A Dutton, Joseph 1 Antoine st Discontinued.— ACCOD Alkinaon, John, IS Campbell, Mathen tampbeil, Alezant Barnes, John, to 2 Dinning, J. G., to Deceaied.—Bon MONTREAL. 341 jent. Branifoul 1 McLean, aguii!, cman, president I. Lyman ; \Vf:i, leaker Ross, ac- Mathewson, 2d Lef[ge, discount ; James M'Lea, solicitor ; J. J, then. 5, agent. Shd. ITames Diciison, JVew York. — '■ ints. S. (instead of'J ce C. Bourdon), acina), assistani rk. The others ident, (vice W,l rocque) ; Henrv 5reat St. James 5 W. J. Buciiaii I ■ ■ij anew.) 8 St. Francoisl ler, agent 20 St, d'Arraes. See ward, manager Francois Xavier ans, agent, 19] •eat St. James si :, 8 St. Franco;; eat St. James st| ellows' Hall Globe, Fire and Life ol London, Ryan, Brothers & Co., agents. See card Globe, Fire and Life, Henry Chapman & Co., agents for ihe city of Montreal, St. Sacrament st. Hartford, (Fire,) of Hartford, Robert Wood, agent, 8 St. Francois Xavier st See card Inland Marine Insurance Co., C. T. Palsgrave, agent, corner St. Helen and Lemoine streets Lloyd's Agents, Henry Chapman «k Co., St. Sacrament si Liverpool »nd London Life and Fire Insurance Company, J. H. Maitland, agent, Place d*Armes. See card Montreal Assurance Company, William Murray, manager, Great St. James Ht Mutual Life Assurance Company of New York, M. H. Gault, agent, Odd Fel- lows' Hall, Great St. James st Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Montreal, J. L. Beaudry, president ; P. Le- Tourneaux, secretary and treasurer ; St. Sacrament st Mutual Fire Insurance Company of the County of Montreal, for country part" only—secretary, P. L. LeTourneaux ; office, St. Sacrament st. See card National Loan Fund, (Life and Annuity of London,) F. R. Starr, general agent for Canada, Great St. James st. See card on outside cover National Life Assurance Company, Montpelier, Vermont, William Lyman, general agent for Canada, 196 3t. Paul st Phoenix, (Fire,) of London, Gillespie, Moflatt & Co., agents, 1.34. St. Paul st. See card Protection, (Fire,) of Hartford, liobert Wood, agent, 8 St. Francois, Xavier at See card Provincial Mutual andjgeneral Insurance Company of U. C, Wm. Evans, ir,. agent. Cote St. Paul '•' ' Provincial Marine and Fire Insurance Company, A. Heward, agent, St. Sa- crament et » 6 » Royal Fire and Life Assurance Company, H. L. Routh, agent. Water st. See card St. Lawrence County Mutual Insurance Company, James Knapp, agent, 229 St. Paul St. See card Union Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Boston, A. F. Sabine, agent, 17 St. Francois Xavier st United States Life Insurance Company, of New York, G. B. Muir, agent, Place d'Armes hill IVestern Fire and Marine, M. H. Gault, agent, Odd Fellows' Hall, Great St. James st. See card under head of « Toronto" Professions, Trades, &c., under their alphabetical heads. ACADEMIES ANJD SCHOOLS, (Addenda to page 177.) Devine, Rev. J. A., removed to Dutton, Joseph T., removed to 69 St. Antoine 8t Discontimed.-CvM, W. H. ; Hardiaty, Wm. Roles, Mrs., diocesan female school, Co(6 st The others remain as before. ACcouNTAyxs AND AGENTS, (Addenda to page 178.) Atkinson, John, 12 St. Paul st Campbell, Malhew, 3U St. Franci* Xavier st C>mpbe!l, Alexander, 39 Bonaventure st Barnes, John, to !2 St. Gabriel it Dinning, J. G., to 6 St. Joseph st Bietaned.—Banlf George. The others remain as before W Dohcrty, Henry, Adelpiii hotel Morrison, Anriw., Dnrcbrstcr near p.;eury et Saunders, J. S., 20 St. Francis Xavier st t^eed, Thomas, to Place D'Armes hill Spiers, John, 35 St. Francis Xavier st AW k 242 MOWTREAL. ADVOCATES, (Addenda to page 178.) Abbott & Molson, 23 Little St. James st Betournay. Louis, 3 St. Vincent st Bleakley & Andrews, to 2 St. Gabriel st Burroughs fit Fleming, 21 Little St. James st Cantwell & Brush, 21 Little St. James st ^ Cross & Coffin, to 2 St. Gabriel ?t David, E. D., 27 Little St. James yt Devlin <fe Herbkut, .5 Little St. James st Drummond, LoRANGER & DuNLOP, Place D'Armes hill Dubord, Etienne, to 25 St. Gabriel st JuDAH, Henry, 31 Little St. James st ,. Lambe, W. B., 4.& Little St. James st Lafontaine & Beuthelot, corner Craig and St. DoraiDique sts MacIver, M., to Place D'Armes hill Mackay & Austin, to 27 Little St. James st Macrae, George, 23 Little St. James st Montizambert & Morris, 49 Little St. James st MoREAu, Leblanc & Cassiday, to corner of Craig and Su Gabriel ats Pacaud, E. L., 25 St. Gabriel st Torrance & Bancroft, 49 Little St. James at Wurtele, Jonathan, 31 Little S,t. James st Barlhe, J. G., 25 St, Gabriel st Bedwoll & Kerr, to 21 Little St. James st Belinge, F. M., 3 St. Vincent st Brewster & Baker, 49 Littlo St. James st Doherfy, M., St. Vincent st Holmes, W. E„ to 2 St. Gabriel st Lenoir, Joseph, 25 St. Gabriel at Morison, M., to Place D'Armos hill Papineau, A. C„ U St. Gabriel «t Ramsay, T. K., corner Craig and Place D'Armes hill Robertson, Duncan, 21^ Little St. James Bt Ricard, Louis, 5 St. Vincent st Roy, Euclid, 25 St. Gabriel st Taylor, Hufih, to 3 St. Gabriel st Wragg, T. R.. 10 St. Vincent st <i?!!!!!Z^ ^ ^'T'^'^-'^^^'^^iJ-.^k^n' 5'"«^' ^- *^- Morris, L.E..PlBtt, John, btevenson, A., Tailhaides, J. A.. Wood, D. R., Sweeny. Campbell, Buchanan, Alexander Toe others remain as before. AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSES, (Addenda to page 179.) FtECK, Alexander, removed to William near Grey Nun et. See card. The others remain as before. ALE CIDER AND PORTER VAULTS, (Given ancw.) Bourne, George, removed to St. Urbain et Philips, Geor< e, removed to 49 Notre Dame st Macnamara, W. K., 27 St. Gabriel st ,j | Penner's ;Cider Vanlle, Odd Fellows • Hali ARCHITECTS AND CIVIL ENGINEERS, (Addenda to page 179.) Larue, Narcisse, architect and civil engineer, 9 St. Gabriel st Wells, John, architect and civil engineer, removed to St. Helen st Hopkins, John W , 56J Craig st , Maequisten, P., Lagaachetiere st Bachanan, John, 30 St. Chas. Barromde st j Hutton, Darnton, Donegana's hotel The others remain as before. AUCTIONEERS, (Given anew.) Benning & Co., 15 St. Francois Xavier st ' , Bernard, Harkin & Co., 152 St. Paul st BRrooE, Thomas H., corner Notre Dame and St. Gabriel sts Hill, C. F. Jones, Johi LlEMiNO &: Ghipv/ay, J Stewart i Fi'lier &, Co. (late F Scott, James i Scott a Sco Fitts, Clai bedstead footner, b Holland, ] Walton, M blacking BOi Grant, Mrs., ] Du.im, Mrs. P Ktlloch, Mrs., Itliller, Mrs. J ArMour, J( Bainbridge Beauchemi Chaluers, Dawson, B, DoUGALLy J Hill, B., b( Langford, Miller, R, Xavi Pickup, E., Ramsay, h <Sec., Holland, < See Sadlier, D Dam Sparkes, G See Disconfifi MONTREAL. 843 BtS rabriel sts abric) st Craig and Placo Little St. James s\ entst riel St abriel st ncont st L.. E., Piatt, Jobm j lanan, Alexander 179.) See card. >dd Fellows 'Hall ge 179.) t mat etiere st ma's hotel Hill, C. F., 27 Great St. Jamea st Jones, John, Tatlersall's, Great St. James st Lbeming k Sabine, 17 St. Francois Xavier st Shipway, J. G., 14 St. Francois Xavier st Stewart & Kerr, (succeBsora to Donald Boas,) 225 St. Paul st fi»her &, Co., 23 St. Fiancois Xavier at, Tobin, J. M., 19 St. I-Vaiicoi^ Xavlar st Webb, Thomas, old Kackett court, Craifst (late Fisher and Armour) Snott, James 6l Co., 14d St. Paul st, (late Scott and Glassford) AXE FACTOR V. Scott, Brothefd, aie and tool works. St. Gabriel look, Liolmic canal BAKERS. FiTTa, Clark, 21 St. Joseph at. See card The others remain ns before. BEDSTEAD MAKERS, BELLOWS MAKER, page 181, vemaiii as before. BERLIN WOOL STORES, (Givenanew.) FooTNER, Mrs. & Daughters, 159 Notre Dame sf, see card Holland, R., 124 Notre Dame st Walton, Mrs., 3 Odd Fellows' Hall, Great St. James st BLACKING AND INK FACTORY, BLOCK AND PUMP MAKERS, page 181, remain as before. BOARDING HOUSES, PRIVATE, (Addenda to page 181.) Roy, Mr»., 97 McGill st Stanley, Mrs,, Lagauchctierc st Wright, Mrs,, 91 Fortification Lane Grant, Mrs., lOChenneville at Duiin, Mrs, P., 35 St. Antoine st Killoch, Mrs., 59 Crai^r gt iililler, Mrs. J. M., Albert Place The others remain as befure, BOOKSELLERS, &c., (Addenda to page 18I.) ArMour, John, bookseller, stationer, &;c., 9 Great Saint James st. See card Bainbridge & Co., wholesale stationers, corner St. Nicholas and St. Paul st. Beauchemin & Payette, booksellers, stationers and binders, 81 St. Paul st Chalmers, R., wholesale stationer, 6 St. Francois Xavier st Dawson, B., bookseller and stationer, Place D'Armes. See card DouGALL, John, bookseller, and stationer, 183 St. Paul st., up stairs. See card Hill, B., bookseller, binder. &c., 38 Great Saint James st. See card Langford, J. E., agent for Geo. Virtue, Son & Co,, Lagauchtiere st Miller, R. &; A., booksellers, stationers and binders, 10 St. Francois Xavier st. See card Pickup, E., Wesleyan depot, removed to Great St. James st See card Ramsay, Hew, (late Armour & Ramsay,) wholesale bookseller, stalinner, (Szc.,^1 St. Francois Xavier st. See card RoLLAND, J. B., bookseller, stationer and binder, 24 St. Vincent st, See card Sadlier, D. & J., booksellers, stationers, «fec., removed to corner of Notre Dame and St. Francois Xavier sts. See card Sparkes, G., bookseller, stationer, and printseller, 16 Great Saint James st. See card * Discontinued, — Barratt, J. B. ,; McCoy, John The others remain as before. ■I m "I ?■ K tM MONTREAL. ^^^Ml' .1 V ;'■ i;"'. III BOOT AND SHOE STORB8, (Addenda to page 187.) Bell, J. & T., 114 Notre Dame st. See card Harold, John, removeJ lo 103^ Notre Dame st. See card HAWKirri, Thomas, (late Hawkins & Slack,) l26i Notre Dame at Laird, A. W., removed to St. Lawrence Main st Perry, John, 185J Notre Dame St., a superior stock of boots, shoea, &c,, ai very moderate prices Sloan, John, 122 Notre Dame st. See card Smyth, William, 46 M'Gill st., see card Buweau, H., to 87 St. Paul at O'Brien T., 183 Noire Dan a M Wourgoin, Isidore, to Custom Home square Penra, Carter, to 175 St. Paul at Hinley, Georgp, west Notre Dorno st ' Pellotier. D,, lOa Notre Dame st Jack«on, Tims., to 137 CJommissionern st , Wilson. George, 166 Notre Dame tt Martin, Hugh ,to 884 Notre Dame at ' Thompson, Edward, to lOl Notre Danio ai The others remain ai be Tore. BOTANIC AND ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN. Guilbauit. .T. E., 100 Shcrbrooke st BREWERS AND DISTILLERS, (Addenda to page 187.) Stuart, G. D. rectifying distiiier, to 1541 St. Paul st The others remain as before. Bourne, George., brewer, removed to St. Urbain st Pigeon, Sauvageau &, Co., brewerc, 105 Commissioners st BROKERS, page 188, and brush makers, page 188, remain as before. HOTTER INSPECTOR, page 189, remains as before. CABINET WAREHOUSES, (Addenda to page 189.) Allen, William, chair factory, 33 McGill st. See card Fraser & Kemp, cabinet warehouse, 14 St. Joseph st. See card McMaster, William, removed to 189 Notre Dame st. See card Keed & Rogers, (late Reed & Meakins,) 44 Great Saint James st. Pariseau & Co., to 14 St. Lawrence st | Discontinued, B.ers, J. C. Tw'eedj, Job The others r'<main as before. CARPENTERS, BUILDERS, &c., page 189, remain as before. CONTRACTOR, BUILDER AND BRICKLAYER. Tabb, Horatio, 7 Alexander st.-jobbing of all kinds in the above line promptly attended to,— terras moderate chemists and DRUGftisTs, (Addenda to page 190.) Bowman, W. E., 38 McGill st. See card, page facing back cover, inside Lyman, William, & Co., 196 St. Paul st. See cards Vanfelson, C. & Co., chemists, druggists and apothecaries, 86 Notre Dame St., opposite the court house Macdonald & Co.. (late A. Urquhart,) 7 Great Saint James st Discontinued, Godfrey. Dr. The others remain as before CARVERS, GILDERS, &c., page 190, remain as before. CHINA, GLASS, &c., STORES, (Addenda to page 192,) Haqah, Charles, & Co., to 219 St. Paul st, corner of St. Pe ers of china, glass, earthenware, &c St. import- Uanoysio las Lrvy, Alk gaa Patton, J car VVlLLETT, Wrwht, 1 ers CI GOLDIE. R lobi ban MVLLIN, F &0. &C.| Botsmenu, Pi Bennett's Sal Discontini The others re Cunningiiam, CI Lyons, Loi Gilbert, J COAC McLean & Mur O'Meara, '. Hay DwTcr & Tol Lcduc, Ciovii RiciiAUDso: pron Kurczyn, N. '. COMMIS! Burns, J. & busteed, e Campbell site j Chapman, men David & M 187.) ame at ta, shoea, &c., ai Dan n tt ■ Paul at Dame »t otre Dame it lOl Notre Dauio »{ 187.) r diitiller, to 154^ befure. aain as before. fore. 89.) card s card nes St. C.Tweedj, Jolin i before. the above line 190.) sover, inside 56 Notre Dame ore sfore. 1 92 J 3ter St, import- MONTREAL. 246 H.iNOYtiDB & Co., agents of the American flint glasa worits.cor. Si. Nicho- las and St. Paul std Lb»y, Alkxandkb, corner ol ^otte Damo and St. Gabriel sis, importer of gas fittings of all kinds, in addition to former address Patton, James, & Co., importers of china, glass, &c., 42 McGill st. See card WiLLKTT, S. L., dealer in china, glass and earthenware, l79Notro Dame st Wrioht, Edward, dE Co., (late E. & G. Wright,) 214 St. Paul st, import- ers of china, glass, earthenware, «fcc The other* remain aa before. CHOP AND coFrBE HOUSES, (Addenda to page 192.) GoLDiE. Robert, Commercial Chop Housr, 186 Notre Dame st— oysters, lobsters, liquors, wines, cigars, &c., ol the best quality, always on MuiLiN, Francis, People's hotel, 207 Notrn Dame st-lunches, breakfasts, &c., furnished in the best style— the choicest wines, liquors, ciears. &c., always an hand ' o » Si'nT"'/!'""' oi^c." t^'"'^^. ^ I H i>'. R- B.. I R5 Notre Dame at Benneli's Saloon, 26 Sf. Francois Xnv.orst | Julien, Joseph, 45 Little Saint Jaraea at Di,con(inuedordeceased.-.Bul\or,3ohr, Green, G. D.. Orr. W. R., Wlliiama, Janiei. Iheothera remain aa before. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. Cunningham, H. H., 23 Notre Dame at | Flynn, James, 13 Alexander at CLOTHIERS AND FURRiERH, (Addenda fo page 192.) Lyons, Louis J., & Co., wholesale clothing warehouse, 200 St. Paul st COAL MERCHANT. Gilbert, J. M., 31 St. Francois Xavier st. See card COACH AND CARRIAGE BUILDERS, (Addenda to page 193, McLean & Wright, builders of railroad cars, and carriages of all kinds Murray near Wellington st, and at Toronto. See card ' O'Meara, Michael, builder of railroad cars, and all kinds of carriages Haymarket square, and at Sherbrooke. See card ' ffw ri'^°"''^o'«? ^'V^ " . ! '^''''"«'' ^"««'"'' <54 St. Antoine at LcUuc, OioTiB, o2 St. Antomeat i The others remain aa before. COFFEE ROASTERS, (Addenda to page 193.) Richardson, Robert, city mills, corner of St. Peter and Craig sts— orders promptly attended to on favorable terms Kurczyi., N. P. M., 31 McGill at | The others remain as before. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND AGENTS, (Addenda to page 195.) Burns, J. & A., general commission merchants, 11 St. Sacrament st Busteed, Daniel, general commission merchant, 23 St. Peter st Campbell & Williamson, general commission merchants. Common st, onoo- site the upper wharf Chapman, Henry, «Sc Co., commission and shipping agents, 11 St. Sacra- ment st David & Millet, general commission merchants, 16 St. Frangois Xavier st m ' 'M ■ /I fi m 1 1 i t f I iM6 MONTREAL. 1 m I IL*^ DouoALt, Jamm, general commiision merchant, corner St. Nicholai and Si Paul btd Gilbert, John M., coal and general commi«ion merchant, to 31 St. Francoii Xavior St. .Sen Card Hall, Theodore D., general commission and shipping agent, 321 St. Paul « Holland, Phillip, general commission merchant, 15 St. Sacrament st Knafp, James, general ccmmission merchant, 229 St. Paul st Mitchell, James <fc John, general commission merchants, 2 Lemoine st MiLLAK, Glassford &; Co., general commission merchants, 5 Saint Sacra ment st Morris, Brothers, general commission merchants, 13 St. Sacrament st Smith, J. B., Ac Co., general commission merchants, to Gillespie's buildings " Common st * " vl ' ILJ." m^ Sacrament at Mo.r, Jamet, 57 Commiaaioners at S?S!r ^n^'Jn- **""'"»'"" « «"«•«". Hector, 3 S.. Gabriel at l»iDM, J.C., oO Comtnisaionora at ^/)Mwntin««dor Deceaied.-Eokart, J. R., Horno, George, Luilier. Edward. McDonald John, & Co.. McDonald. D.. junr., Bunt, George, The others remain a. befoN. " ' CONFECTIONERS, (Addenda to page 194.) Jameson, N., & Co., confectioners and fruiterers, Place d'Armes hill McCoNKEV, Mrs., to 42 Great St. James st. See card Km({, Richard, iol83 Notre Damo St. i Clouaer E 1Q7 Nntra n.™» ...... /?Mcan.„«.rf.-Fletcher, John. McDougall, 'jamel"-Thc''otl!e« fematn ^^^o^?."'* COOPERS, (Addenda to page 194.) 1 Battle, Thos.. to George at Campbell, J. &. H., 6 St. Alexis at O'Connor, John, Queen at The others remain as before. ' COPPERSMITHS, PLUMBERS, &c., (Addenda to page 194.) McArthur, James, Recollect, near St- Peter st. See card Prowse, George F., 38 Great St. James st. See card The others remain as licforc. COPYISTS AND TRANSLATORS, page 194, remain as before. CORK MAKERS AND CULLERS, page 196, remain as before. CUSTOM-HOUSE AGENTS. GundLack, Alexander, 61, Commissioners st., see card Kino, W. H., Custom-house square LeruiNo & Sabine, 17, St. Francois Xavier st. See card. Sbtmour, Charles, Gillespie's Buildings, Water st. See card outside cover, in front »A«uERREOTYPE ARTISTS, (Givcn anew.) Doane, T. C, Place D.Armes, over S. J. Lyman's drug store. See card. Hadlej &. Brother, corner St. Joseph and Notre Dame sts. Gaulhier, J. M., 207. Notre Dame at. Palmer, Francis, 8, Notre Dame st. Smith, G. S., 207, Notre Dame st. DENTISTS, page 197, remain as before, except E. P. Burroughs, deceased. DR Adami, R( Arthur, J see I Baxter, .\1 226 Benjamin, Pau Brown 6i Bruneav. Campbkll Xa> Chamberi Pau Clark, Te Pat Gumming i Stl Oesmarte and DoUGALL, , mis Forster, ! 187 Fraser, J( St., Galarnea Gault, St St. Gillespie, Gilmour & Greenshii sma Hamilton, Houghton glaj JODOIN, P., 106 Johnston, I^amontag Laurie, A Lewis, J. i Macfarla Macfarla war Mackay, J wai Mackexzi: Marchani Masson, B Pau ^icholai ind St. >31 St. Franguii 221 St. Pauht -ament at Lemoine at ^ Saint Sacra. crament at spie's buildings, I near St. Paul it Kransoii Xavicrsi laionera at kbriel at I ward, McDonald, before. PS hill I Dame atreet. n aa before. Bt MONTREAL, 947 e 194.) s before. 3 before. 3 card outside ) re. See card. T St. Joacpi) aiiil . Burroughs, DRV GOODS MERCHANTS, WHOLEflALE. (GivCIl ancW.) Adami, Robert, importer of Britisli and tbroigri dry goods, 227 St. Paul st Arthur, A. & J., importers of dry good« and carpets, 182 Notre Dame it, see card inside of cover, in iVont Bajctkh, M., wholesale dealer in British and American dry, and fancy cooda. 226i St. Paul St ' ** • Benjamin, Brothers, importers oi staple and fancy dry goods 158 St. Paul St * Brown di Swan, importers of stapln and funoy dry goods, Customhouse an Bhunkau, Jean, general dry goods importer, 140 Notre Dame at Campmkll, R. &, Co., importers of dry goods and carpets, 25, St. Francois Xavier st, see card '' Chamberlain <fc Thomson, importers of iapio 4nd fancy dry goods St Paul st J J e> f ' Clark, Thomson dt Co.. importer;, of Bv iish aiidfo. ign dry goods, 168 St. Paul »l Cummino & Galbraith, importers of Britik : '>nA ioreien dry eoods. 164 St Paul st B / B » «"•» Desmarteau, Plamondon & MousSEAu, importers of ceno, il dry aooda and groceries, 98, St. Paul st «s / «««"» DoUGALL, John, importer of British and foreign staple dry goods, and com- mission merchant, l83 St. Paul st, see card Forster, S., & Co., importers of dry goods, small wares and haberdashery. 187 St. Paul st •" Eraser, John, importer of staple and fancy dry goods, 3 Nun's buildincs St. Joseph st ^ ' Galarneau &: Roy, importers of staple at|d fancy dry goods, 145 St Paul st Gault, Stevenson, & Co., general dry goods importers and jobbers, 210 Gillespie, Moffatt, «k Co., general dry goods importers, 184 St. Paul st GiLMoUR & Co., general dry goods importers, 9 St. Sacrament st Greenshields, S., Son & Co., importers of staple and fancy drv goods and small wares, Cuvilller's buildings, St. Sacrament st Hamilton, W. D., general dry goods importer, 4 St. Joseph st Houghton & Mat, importers of dry goods, German plate, window and fancy glass, Berlin wools, embroideries, &;c., 182, St. Paul st JoDoiN, P., & Co., importers of dry goods and groceries of every description, 106 St. Paul st Johnston, J., importer of staple and fancy dry goods, 180 St. Paul st iiAMoNTAGNE Sc Co., general dry gooud importers, 2I6 St. Paul st Laurie, A., &. Co., importers of staple and liincy dry goods, 162 St. Paul st Lewis, J. & D., general dry goods importers, 133, Notre Dame st Macfarlane, W., importer of staple and fancy dry goods, 160 St. Paul st Macfarlane, Andrew., importer of staple and fancy dry goods and small wares, 155 St. Paul st ■> j b Mackay, Joseph, & Brother, importers of general dry goods and small wares, 202 St. Paul st Magkem T n 0- n 0., importers of ail kinds oi dry goods, 151 St. Paul st Marchand, Louis, importer of dry goods and groceries, 128 St. Paul st Masson. Bruyere, Thomas & Co., general dry goods importers, 142 St. Paul st I ( t ■I 1\ '\i m 1 i:i| i|; :J48 MONTREAL. OGavY\tD''iTn''-" "^^"'''} ^"'^/"reign dry goods, 223 St. Paul st UGILVY, WOOD, & Co., importers of staple and fancy dry goods and small wares, St. Joseph, near St. Paul st ^ Rhode^ WH^im^ter of dry goods of every description 5 Nnn's build. ''°"' '^iSilT?:^:!^'''' '''' ^'""'^^" ^°°"- Soods. and ScH0LE8,^R. M., importer and dealer in dry goods and small wares, 163 St. Seymour, Whitney, & Co., (M. H. Seymour, H. H. Whitney, and C. E cirT/'^ •"•porters of staple and fancy dry goods, and agents for tho' «?«,.„ wTi^ and Sherbrooke woollen factories, 161 St. Paul st SMITH, W. & J ic Co importers of every description of dry goods, come. ot. Joseph and Commissioners streets Stephen, Wm., importer of British and foreign dry goods, 226 St. Paul st Stewaet & MclNTYRE, importers of staple and fancy dry goods, 224^ St. Tyub, CoLftUHouN, & Co., importers of staple and fancy dry goods, St. Joseph, near Commissioners st ^ ' WHi?E?oRn'*WM 'T r'"" '^'''P'^ •"'? £"'?'^.'^''^ S^*^^'' *»2 St. Paul st WHiTEFORD, VVm., <fe Co., importers of British staple dry goods, Old Mer. Cham's Exchange, St. Joseph st f J 6 "> ^'u mer Srj\^T^y9a™J!'l?'7!"^''^P'« ^nd fancy dr^ goods, 195 St Paul st lliil.Ohas. G.,189St. PaulBt ! Roy, J. & R., 172 St. Paul st DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, (Addenda to page 199.) ARTHUR, A. & J., removed to Queen's Arcade, 182 Notre Dame s(. see card mside cover, first page Bkaudry, J. L. & Co., general dry goods store, 80 Notre Dame st. cImprS cr''*^ "^ ^"' genera/dry goods'store, 132 Not." Dame st. UAMPRELL^CHRisToPHEE, general dry goods store, removed to 142 Notre Leclaih, F. & J., general dry goods store, 109 St. Paul st. Mann, JJaVid, general dry goods and clothing store, removed to 115 Notre Dame st., and 28 M'Gill st. M'JV^NAMY, William, general dry goods store, removed to 109 Notre -L'ame st. MoRisoN, Cameron, & Empey, general dry goods store, 202 Notre Dame St. &ee card, second page inside, in front Morgan, Henry & Co., .eneral dry goods store, 204 Notre Dame st. See card MussEN, Thomas, «(Mieral dry goods store and carpet warehouse, 117 and iiy, iNotro JJame st. See card Paradis et Frere, general dry goods store, 96 Notre Dame st., see card Parkin, Jajies, lucc.nan and hosier, 116 Notre Dame st. See card FLAMONDON, Louis, general dry goods and clothing store, 126 St. Paul st see card Roy & Dufort, ge. eral dry goods store, removed to 67 St. Paul st. Barbean, L, C. 105A St. PnuUi Chishnlm A tH-it-'uu- . dXTf' Sk'tl.f b'""' "/ CotS»t"2?l?La;t"cfat ^anmighi, iMrs., d8 St. Joseph st Gallagher, P., 21 .St. Paul st Gannon &, Ha Graham, Mrs., Higgina, Patrii Hunt, WiNian Klein, David, Lafondci J. E. Lafontaine, Le Labaye, Octav Lorange, L. G, Diteontinuec it. Co. ; Jago, before. Me Adams, F., 18 Card Bourne, Adolph Ireland, Thorn See Car EI Brown, P. D Dor WIN, C, Warner, Gi Weir, Willi Whebler, G Fisher, Daniel, S Chenby, Ric Place PULLHK, VlK< Howei Bansley, D/ Holland, R., Holland, G. Holland & I Trigg, Fran Discontinued. riBB Perry, Alfred. 1) Party, Gesorgo, 1! FLO Janes, D. P., McDoUGAJtL, , "OiJLD, la*, Rbnaup dc Fi Charleboli, P., C Utham, R.,28f MONTREAL. 23 St. Paul 8t ods and small 5 Nun's build. len goods, and vares, 163 St. sy, and C. E. agents for the lUl 8t ^oods, corner ' St. Paul St )ods, 224^ St. ry goods, St. St. Paul St ds, Old Mer. »t Paul 8t St ^.) •e Dame si. me St. tre Dame st. I ^48 Notre ■ - J • 115 Notre 109 Notre Notre Dame e Dame st. se, 117 and ;., see card e card St. Paul St. Lll St. 8t est )t 24d Gannon &, Haly, 65 St. Paul st Graham, Mrs., 80 St. Antoine ai , . Hig^gfina, Patrick. Wellington st Hurat, William. 138 St. Mary at Klein, David, 143 Nutre Dame at Ldfondck J. E., 117 Notre Dams at Lafontaine, Leiuidre. to 3i8 St, Paul at Lahaye, Octave, 140 St. Paul at Lorange, L. G.. 71 Si. PauL^t •t Martin, P., 88 St'. Paul Nt Micbou, Germain. lUl Craig at M'Andrew, Roburt, (g 154 Not^ b M'Donough.Jobn, 71 St Paul st Perrin, Frederick, to lt« St. Paul at Pich<), Leon, to 35 St. Lawrence at \ Watt, Jameg, corner gf Anderson and La- gauisheliere sts Welch, Thomas, I* Lajjaqchelinre at Dtaconttnued, — Reniamin, Brothera, retail busincwu oniv t^inn M.ra t^..L. ti 1 J.^Co.; Jago. Williati; .Murphy. P; W«.,, R, Th^'l^^. c'"' %\irerr;elTM DTERS AND .SCOURERS. McCioakey, John, removed to Sangujnet at. Tfipe oth«r« as before. ENOBA VERS, &c., (Given anew.) Adama, P., 18 Great St. James at. See Card Bourne, Adolphus, 120 Sit. Paul at Ireland^ Thomas, 14 Great St. Jamea st See Card Mathewa, George, 1S> Greet St. .Tames »t Toppan, Carpenter, Caaiioar Sl Co., 19 6r<at St. Jamea at. See Card Walker, J. H., 5 St. Francois X ior st Welch, J., 84 Great St James at .:;;,)<■ 13.. EXCHANGE AND MONEY BROKERS, (Given anew.) Brown, P. D., 2JJ| St. Francois Xavier st DoRwiN, C, 33 St. Francois Xavier st Warner, Geo. W., 20 St. Francois Xavier st. Sen card Weir, William, 175 St Pat.1 st. See Card on back of the title page ■ : VVhbbieh, Gbo. H., 28 i>t. Francois Xavier st Fisher. Daniel, 22 St. Francois Xavier sl | Smith. Ira G., 39 St. FrawWie Xavier st EXPRESS OFFICE, (Given attcw.) ' Chbnbv, ilicE & Co., Boston and Canada, Hlxpress, J. W Howes, agent. 3 Place d'Armes. See card '; » -^ •» 1 Pcu.BKvViKCiL & Co., New York, Montrb^j; ai^d Quebec Expreas, J. W., Howes, agent, 3 Place d'Armes. Seacard FANCY STORES, (Addenda to page 208.) i; mu>;) Banslev. David, no Notre Dame st. See Card .^^^'"^" HotLAND, R., (^rE.) 124 Notre Dame st ".' " ' ^V'^ '^ ' ''''"'^ Holland, G. A., 155 Notre Dame st. Sef? Car^ 'lacing the title waee Holland &MATHEWSON, 26 McGlUst ."•" f»g«' Trigg, Fbancis, 122 Notre D^ime st. Sep Car^ f^ping, the tjflf pjige n .. J r,, , fi'""". E., 40 Great ^t^ .Uracil «i«cout.nt/erf.-Chapplc,A.; Samu^s,A. The otherk remain aa before. FIRE ENGINE AND HOSE FACTORIES,. (Gjve*! aflC^, ) j Perry, William,' 95 PMtifleadioir Lane FLOUR MERCHANTS AND MILLERS, (Glvcn ftnewiV'"' Janes, D. P., corner of Callleres and Commissioners sts ' ' )P ■^''^''^'^ McDou6AW,jAitE8, office 1219 Commissioners sti,. ., !/ .».. vJOtJLD, Ira, office 125 ComiaiMbners st . J',; ' ' ' ■,!. Rbnadp dc Fbbre, 106.Foun(lIiBg st ^ "!) 'j ' ' 'f X Perry, Alfred. 124 Craig at Party, George, 1S4 Craig at I 'J I ii u 1 % f ■ r /t 350 MONTREAL. .11 tan FORWABDERs, (Addenda to page 205.)j,i McCuAiG, J. F., & Co., William, opposite Grey Nun 8t ' ' McLennan, Hugh, Canal Wharf, opposite the JBaaln ' ' •' ■*" Waiker, Jas. a., Canal Wharf ''p , '^ ^!.^i"r^}' ''i, Di,continued.-^Um, G«org«j Coote, Wm.; Gregorj.^ S. E- ■ olhCTs remain as before, FO0NDERS AND MACHINISTS, (Addenda lo page 205.) KiNMOND & Cd., Steam Engine Works, Bonaventure at., adioininff the Railroad Depot j h "^ Ladd, C. p., City Foundry, Queen near William st. See Card RoDDEN, WiiiiAM, Montreal Foundry & City Works, William st. See card Bartly, Wm. P., south side of the Canal | Gilbert, E.G., south side of the Canal The others remain as befbre. FURNITURE dtoREs, (Addenda to page 206.) Ash, John, St. Peter near Craig st. The others as before. oENERAi. MERCHANTS, (Gi\en anow.) Anderson, Evans <& Co., general merchants and importers, 12 to 18 St Lrabriel st BiNMoRE, Brodie <k Co., general and commission merchants, Callieres si BUECKANRiDGE, James, generQiLnierchant, 11 St. Sacrament at ! JJuRNS, J. & A., & Co., general and commission merchants, 11 St. Sacra ment st ' "»v-ra. BosTEED, D.V general and commission merchant, 23 St. Peter st CuviLLiER, A., & Co., importers and general commission merchants, 11 St. Sacrament st ' Darling, Whuam, importer and general merchant, 169 St. Paul st Douglas, William, in^porter and general merchant, 62 Commissioners st EDStoNsToNE Allan & Co., importers and general merchants, corner pf , Fortification lane and St. Francois Xavier st GttLiispig, MocFATT «feCo., impoMers & general merchants, 132 St. Pa^ul st (tilmour & Co., importers knd general merchants, 9 St. Sacrament st Gordon, James, & Co., importers a«d general merchants, 11 St. Sacra- ment st vuv-ju Harris, Law & Co., importers and general merchants, 2 St. Alexis sf Hallowell, Robert, importer and general merchant, St. Helen st' Joseph, Jesse, importer and general merchant, corner of St. Helen and Kecoilect sts ' ' ' Kershaw, John, gener- ' and commission merchant, 14 McGill st Knapp, Joseph, importer ahd general merchant, Pointe-a-Calliere Leslie, Starnes «Sc Co., importers, general, & wine merchants. Recollect st Lbmesuhibk.Routh&'Co., importefs and general tnerchants, Water st., opposite the Upper wharf MAiTLAND,(EDWD.,)TYLEEds Co., importers and general merchants, 174 bt. Francois Xavier st ' Mas^on, Bruyerb, Thomas & Co., importers and general merchants. 142 St. Paul st McGiLL, P., importer and general merchant, 5 Gi-eat St. Jdm'esW 'Jo*.? ■' NoAD, Young & Co., importers and genetal itiej'cliants, comer oi WrlHam Obr, Jas. '. Coi Redpath, Rtan, Be( Cm Stephens St. Walker, ^ Ward, Jos Watson, C Whyte, J( and Kay, ■Tiioiiiai IiOgi'tn, Juuio v,-'.iaff O^fden, I; ami ■"St P*nl<)n. T. C Bhyson, T Fra Foster, Ja ries. Hauringtc Long, Joui Paul Marchano Pau Masson, II 162 Masson, E St.] McIntosh, groc MouRis, Bi 13 S Robertson corn Sinclair, J tola Tiffin, Jos 93 a TORRY & , Eloi Addy & Cb Notre ; Burns. Joh McC Harringto 178 MONTK£AL. S51 iOt ..r.-ill ..at. V .;</;::,, '1 .w ' ■'! ; .^'...'T ; , remain as before. J 205.) , adjoining the ard im 8t. See card e of the Canal 5.) s, 12 to ie si. s, Callieres st St ■' .-! . . 11 St. Sacra. I- 8f i merchants, II Paul 8t nmissioners st mts, dornerpf 132 St. P&iil st :rament st 11 St. Sacra. Alexis s' len st' h. Helen and ill st [Here s, Recollect st Its, Water st., i«rchants, 17| lerchants, Hi le st Bi" oi WilHarti > ,.'1 (ttOcJl"'' Obr> Jas. R.,&<Ca., general and commission merchanta and importers, Commissioners St., corner of Port st ;i3l- r? Redpath, Pkter, importer and general merchant, 183 St Paul st Rtan, Bbotrers & Co., Ihiporters and geheral commission merchants, Cuvilliers' block, St,,Peter st , ,,, ^ , Stephens & Mills, importers and general commission maixbaiitsV corner St. Peter and St. Sacrament sis Walker, Joseph, importer and general merchant, 1 1 St. Sacrament st Ward, Joseph, importer and general merchant, 3 St. Sacrament st , ^ Watson, Geoboe JD., impor'.el- apd general merchant, 6 St. Sac'r(aTOaut at « WnxTE, John, importer and commission merchant, corner of St.NichoIas and St. Sacrament s^s ^ Kay, TiiOina», St. Kloi st '.M^ti*. Loff.vn, Jumw, Water st, upposite Uppor V.'.luff Ogden, t amuel, Auldjo'fl buildings, St. Paul ■ ' i st Panlon. T. C, 7 St. Saoraraent st Shaw, Andrew, 3 St. tiaentnicnt at Tl.or an, John, Coilega st « Ton ..100, David, 198 St. Pai^i^ I orrance,'Jame8, Lemoinc 8t Urquhart, Alczandor, 8t. Pet^r A* Way, Edward, & Co., St. John at ■J., .■ GROCERS, WHOLESALE, (Given anew.) ,, / JiRYsoN, i. i\l., importer of teas, colTee, sugar, toba«ino, fruits^^, 87 St. Francois Xavier st .-.•■, \ • Foster, James, importer of and wholesale dealer in wines, liquors, groce- ries, &c., CuvilUers' block, St. Sacrament st , , ; , ;l/. Harrington, William, importer and wholesale grocer, 1T9 St. Paol st Long, John, inipprter oi teas, sugars, coffee, tobacco, fruits, &c„ 224 g(t. Paul st .: Marchand, JtoDis, importer of teas, wines, sugars, coflfees, &c., UsiSt. Paul st ,,.•; Masson, D^^asi, importer of teas, winee, liquors and general xrroceries, 162 St. Paul st B « > Masson, K., importer of teas, wines, liquiTrs, and general groceries, 150 .St. Paul 6t McIntosh, Neil, corner Notre Dame st. and Place d'Armes, importer of groceries, win^s, liquors, fruits, &c. See card . . ji I MouRis, Brothers, importers of teas, wines, liquors and general groceries, 13 St.; Sacrament st HouBKTsoN & HiJTcHi?,3, dealers in wines, liquors, groceries, flour, &c., corhdr College and McGill sts Sinclair, John, importer and wholesale dealer in teas, sugars, coflfees, tobaccos, fruits, &;c., 201 St. Paul st ', Tiffin, Josbph, importer of groceries, wines, liquors, tobacoo, friiits, &C., 93 and 95 St. Paul st i ToRRY de Co., iihportprs of teas, wines, liquors and general groceries. St. , Eloi st ..■■,,„;,. ,.,. ' , ,\ 6rocer,s, (Given anew.) Addy & Chudb, dealers in teas, coffees, sugars, spices, pickles, &e., 156 Notre Dame st and 5?. St. Lawrence st ' ' uURNS, John, de&lAr in crocerieSi teas- aoflees sugars '^rovisionsii' > McGill st Harrington, Williak, 'leaier in '-.vs, coffees, sugars, spices, pickles, &c 178 Notre Dame 8t ..,-gm^i^ ! >| \^f ■I '.i MOIHTUKAL. MATHKW80ti,SAiiu«i & Son, dealers in tea., ooffees.iKigars, spices aud provisions. 44- McGill st ' a » p'».«js ami uJMw.'ERs, WINE AND SPIRIT DEALERS. (Given aiicw.) ci vHiSfeJiT V""''' "r""''' '"*"'> «^'P chandlers, 206 St. Paul st Pa^lS ' "'"^••*' g''"««'-s and provision merchants, 228 St. FiZatui^kTmI^^^^^ "•^'■^^^"^' 5^ ^'«^' St. .Tames st. See c Kund W?LS" '" ^^'""' "■'""^' ^'°'^''""' ^•' '=°^"^' Kim'ATrKSn^r'7%!^''' "'""."'"^ 'P'"' •"«'•''''«"'' 33 Notre Dame 8, Paul st ' ''''*'**'^ •" ^^''''"' J'q"0", gmcaries, &c., 217 St. ^*''''Di^^'''^''^'f ''V^''"^^''^ groceries, d:c., 176 Notre ''"T:^L;;:"^eS' ^^^^"- ^^^ ^«^- «-« «^ -t-nce b, MULUN.W. dealer in wine., IJquors, groceries, <fcc.. corner M'Gill and KbReJ^on & Hn^rm'" ^7C7'«^"'i"«^'4«nd provisions, &e., 1 St. Paul TGiL^d'c^'e^etf " '" "•""' liquors, g„>cerl*s,&c., corner ScTHrRjlN.; |'(^*'T '•; '^'"."'' ".*I"r' S^c^""'' *^c.. »72 Notre Dame st ^'"°>Xu'l 8^''' '^'"'"'' '" S'*"*^'^'''^''' ^«'*«' liq'""" a«d provisions. 72 St. '''"^'''Paul^"'°'"'* '^**'^''' "' ?^"'^«"«^' »««^» ^vines, liquors. &c., 64 St. Adams, J. D., 181 St. Liiwrcncest Andciton, Rictiard. St. Henry st Anderton, Wm., 8! St. Mary st Arehambault, A , St. Mary m Arnoll, Wm , S»t. Sirtieon st Atwell, Wm., corner Dorchester and Bleorv Aoston, €btttiei, St. Henry tt Btillie, Robert, corner Vitrd and Chcnno. ville stp , Balchin, George, Campeau kx Bare, N., 236 St. Joseph st Beck, G. C, 67 St. Joseph ct Bell, John, Wellington st Btriaix}, C, corner Si. Dominique luid Miw- oonneats Berth*let, D.. current St. Mary Bertfrfanme, N., St. Catherine near Bieuiy Si v.elow R., corner' St. Catherine & Bleury Biron, Edouard, 54 McGUl el Boncher, M., Dorcheiter.near St. Philip tt Bourbonni6re, M., 63 St. Mary st Bower, J,, corner Dorchester and St Con- stant Its Boyd, James, 54 St. Antolne st Brazier, Samuel, So Campeaa at Brisset, N,, lti8 St. Jrtseph st Brophy, ThomaK, iSl St. Mary st Bruchc. ', P., 183 Si. Paul e- Byrne, Thos., corner G . Constant und Si, Catherine sts Cadieux, Francis, 152 St. I.a^vrenoe st Calfe, Henry, 8 St. Paul at Cameron^. James, Wellington st Cannon, Mrs., Murray st Carroll, Patrick^ 4? S3n''u;n!!t s$ Catie, L., corner St. Deliit and St. Cathe. rine sts Chaput, L., U I Cpmmiisionew st Cliarbonneau, D. Charbonneau, Mi Cbarhonneau, Mi Cliarland, Regis, Charlebois, L., 11 Charpentier, Frs., Ciiartrand, Antoi Chevallier, Jos., ^ Clark, William, S Cloutier, S., St. J Cochrane, Thos., Cole, W., Lagauc Colquhonn. Alexi Conway, Thomas Conke, — , 95 St. i; irboille, Paul, S Curbeille, S., corn culm bis Uoiiisiine.D., coi CdiKsh, Mra. T., ; I'onmHightQii, J., Cmitailt, Alfred, I hcrst st ''.ox, Mrs. James, I'm, Charles, 38 i Craig, Mrs,, 88 A Cullen, Mrs., 52 S Uiinningham, Johi liurran, W., corns tiere sis CuiBon, Alexr,, Je Darragh, Peter, 40 Davis, Tiioinas, S.^ Deery, Henry, We Demurs, A., cornei Desautels, La , Vi« Doherty, Wm., W Doherly, Michael, Doutney. W. L., 6 Dowd, Thomas, H Drake, G.,d3Sl. Ducass, H., 17 M( Docloa, Pierre, co Catherine s' Dufresne, Pierre, c Dumas, G. N., St. Dumas & Neveux, Dumonl, .Fas,, 118 Dupras, C., St. Ma Farrell, D., Nazare Fcron, John, corne Ferguson, George 1 Fischer. J. C, 92 S Foley, O. C, corne Forrest, J. B., Chal ijall, Mrs,, 30 St, I (^arven, James, 2 Ji <^audry, Mn., 69 S i'cen, George, 132 Wibson, James F , ] • >iiroj=, ouaan, an CJiroux, Jean, Panel Gough, Thomas, W Graham, Jaa., St. A 8, spices and lew.) Notre Danie, series, corner h. Paul St mts, 228 St, 32 M'Giil St St. Se6 card &c., corner otre Dame st Sec., 217 St. , 176 Notre entrance b) r M'Gill and 27M'Gill8i I St. Paul 8t &c., corner >tre Dame st , 22 McGill sions, 72 St. dsc, 64 St. It trSi. Philip tt ty 8t r and St. Con- >8t I 8t iry 81 Ahnt end St. nvrcnce st Bt St id St. Callie- «at MONTREAL. 353 Charbonneau, D,, 10 Vulee st Charbonneau, Mrs., 61 VisitaVion at Cbarhonneau, Mrs.Darhum st Charland, Regis, 1«6 St. Joseph 6t Charlebois, L., llSComniisaionera st Cliarpentier, Frs., 179 St. Joseph st Ciiartrand, Antoine, Durham st Chevallier, Job., Visitation st Clark, William, St. Mary ft Cloutier, S., St. Joseph st Cochrane, Thos., 129 Notre Dariie st Cole, W., Lagauchctieri!, near Amherst st Colquhoun, Alexr., 130 St. Marj st Conway, Thomas, 26 St. Lawrence s Conke, — , 95 St. Antiiine st C irbciile, Paul, St. Calherine st CurlKj.ile, S., corner Dorchester nnd Mont- culni bin tout siine, D., corner (iermine and Jure •ts OnKsli, Mrs. v., 73 St. Urbain st I'lnnMOghtoii, J., GubriuUt ti.Dtunt, Alfrtri, l.wgauchetiere, near Am. hcrit st 'loi, Mrs. James, current St. Mary Lax, Charles, 28 Si. Charles Barromee st Ctiig, Mrs,, 88 AnthersL st Cullen, Mrs., 52 St. Maurice t>t Cunningham, John, St. George st Curran, W., corner Bleury and Lagauche- tiere sis (.usBon, Alexr., Jacques Cartier square Darragh, Peter, 40 St. Maurice st Davis, Tiiomas, 95 Water st Deery, Henry, Wellington st Demers, A., corner St. Mary and^FulJuni sts Desautels, Ls , Visitation st Doherty, Wm., William st Doherty, .Michael, 50 St. Dominique st Doutney, W. L., 68 St. Paul st Dowd, Thomas, Hermine st Drake, G., 53 St. Lawrence st Ducass, H., 17 Mountain st DacIoB. Pierre, corner Montcalm and St. Catherine sts Dufresne, Pierre, current St. Mary Dumas, G. N., St. Mary st Dumas & Neveux, 61 St. Paul st Dumont, Jas., 118 St. Mary st Dupras, C., St. Mary st Farrell, D., Nazareth st Fcron, John, corner Alexander &, Jurd sts Ferguson, George B., 99 Commissioners st Fischer. J. C, 92 St. Mary st Foley, O. C, corner Vilrd & St. Georjro sts Forrest, J. B., Chaboillez square i:iall, Mrs., 30 St. Urbain st <^arven, James, 2 St. Antoine tt f'audry, Mrt., 69 St. Constant st ^^cen, George, 132 St. Mary si Gibson, James F , Perrnuli's court Oilroy, Suaati, "i Moantair at Giruux, Jean, Panel st Gough, Thomas, Wellington st Graham, Jas., St. Antoine bridge Grandbois, J. A., 151 Sanguinetat I Haberly, John, corner Amherst and La. ! gauchetire sts ; Hamctin, Samuel, 105 St. Lawrence it I Hands, Wm., St, Mary st j Hart, Wm., Bonsecoors st Hennessy, Mrs., St. Catherinu 8t Hester, John, 6 Bleary st Hewitt, Thomas, German st Hick, Kobert, 182 Notre Dame at Hodge, J., comer Lagauobetiere and Uam- pcau sts Homier, J. B., St. Elizabeth st Hughes, Joseph, Salaberry at Hughes, Michael, George st Jackson, Wm., 6U Bli;uryst Johnson, Geo., 2M St. Joseph at Johnston, John, corner Amherst and Dor. cheater st Johnston, Thomas, St. Dominique «t Johnston, F., 19 St. Dominique at Joliuour, J. B., corner Mignunne snd Ger. man sts Jordan, Henry, McCord, near William st Kelly, Stephen, current St. Mary Kelly, Thomas, 99 Craig st Kelly, William. 25 St. Urbain st Kerens, John, Wellington, corner King at Kerens, Daniel, corner Vitrtf and Chenne- Tille sts Kernoy, William, 112 St. .Mary st Koester, Mrs. G., St. Antoine, corner Mountain st Labelle, Joseph, 49 St. Paul *l^^ Labelle, T., St. Catharine st Ladurantaie, Mrs., 43 St. Joseph st Laffan, H., 48 St. Dominique at Lafond, J. E., Sanguinet, comer Dorehea* ter st Lagarde & Tiffin, 71 St. Paul st Lamarche, .loseph, Montcalm at Landrigan, John, St. CliarleaBorrom^est Lariviere, Mrs., St. Philip st Larkin, P., corner Gabriel and Murray sts Laurie, James, corner St. Chas. Burromde and St. Catharine ata Laverock, Mrs. William, 97 Craig st Lavigne, O., Bard st Lavoiseur, F., 34 Amherst st Lefevre, Antoine, 46 St. Joseph st Leonard, ThomeSj 68 St. Lawrence St ■ Lenoir, Lewis, Panel st -^.^ • LescJce, Joseph, 43 St. Paul st Letang, Edward, St. Caiiiarine st Logan, Thos., & Co., corner Dorehester and St. Charles Corrom^o st Loranger, J., Montc»lm st Lowctt, Ji hn, 8 St. Paul st LusBJer, Ls., 131 Sanguinet st Jjyons, Mrs., Common st McCainbridge, A., Prmce st iMcCann, Geo., Busby lone McCready, Thos., 35 Moontoin st McCutcheon, John, Queen square ' ; f 0« MONTREAL. Il if McDonk .., John, 68 St. Paul at McDomld, John, US St. Lawrence aud 90 St. JoBOpIl b'9 McDonald, A., 32 bt. Joseph als McDonald, D, J., Wellington at McGovern, Pctor, 38 St. Mary at McGuire, William, 64 Bir .-ry et McKey, John, 73 St. Paui st McLaren, W. D., & Co., 116 St. Law. ronce at AleLaugbl-ifi, John, 31 St. LewJB at McLean, John, 2G St. Antoine at McMahon, P., corner St. Catharine ai-d Brock att McMillan, Hugh, 5 Grey Nun at McNaraee, George, Hi St. Antoine at NniVaughton, Archibald, 46 Si, Mary at iV'ciMaughtoD, Duncan, 36 Si. Mary at ,Mah»r, John,<:;) '.;. laventurc ..t Malonrt, Wm,. i ' >-t. Dnrniniquaat ''lanatiold, £d., o(. x<t. J.v ^renca at VI uroel, Touaaaim, I .» 7 fc. jiiscph »t AAarcotle, AndrfJ, '!<■ ViBii,;,!!,, , st Martel, Joseph, 9 Si. /:.-.! iinw sj Mcgill, Wm.. .<3t. iVf.irr M, near tfi-T jail Milloy, Deni?, 53 fh. .?o»cph at .Monahatj, Taronoc, ^VoJIington st Monet, G., Panet at Moore, Luke, Lagaucbetiere, near 'st, George et Morgan, T.. corner St, Catherine and Bleu. ry iita Morin, Louif , Bonaventure at Morland, Ii« 97 St. Constant at Morrow, W. W., 27 St. l^wrcncc st Morton, Mrs., 114 St. Antoine A Mulligan, Richard, Sanguinetst Mulligan, Timothy, Wellington st Mullin, James, Wclilngton st Muliin, J. E., 207 Notre Dame st Murphy, Jamea, 31 Sanguinet st Muaaen, Henry, 22 St. Marv et Nicholson, A., 101 Water at O'Criep, T„ corner Lagauoheticre & Wolfu ala O'Connor, Daniel, St. Elizabeth st O'Neil, Miss, iOa St. Constant st O'Reilly, M., Lagauohetiere, near Mont- calm st Orr, John, Jure, corner Hermine st Orsaille,T., cor. Dorchester & Durham fits Pare, J. B., Wolfe st Patrick, William, 78 St. Maurice st PayeUe, Frs., 134 St. Joseph st Payett«, Joseph, Sanguinet, corntr Dor. Chester st Pearce, R., Colborne avenue Perrault, E., corner St. Corz'r nt and Mig- nonne sts Plamondon, J., corner Durhi. ' nd Dor- chester sts Prevost, Luke, Brock st Prerost, P., Brock «t Price, Samuel, 109 Commiasioners st Proctor, C. D., 13 MoGill st Quevillon, Cyril, corner r.^^.Judsetiwe ^ Amherst sts Quintal, N., Sanguinet, umer St. Cathe- rine st Rcnaud, J B., St. Joseph «t Rensha ■//, John, Colbornt; i ♦ Richelieu, Ed., VisUaUon si. Riddel!, John, 7i St. Lawrci w st Rid, .3«mes, 63 St. Maurice si Ritc'i)!, \!rs., 53 St. Joseph st Rivt' ; , :;,)ray, Bonsecours viarket Robiiisor.. D., St. Antoine bridge Roi, George, co' ..ir St. .Kl.^jabeth and U g«'jthetl« e »U Rosaire, D., cor :ur l*c JiTenture At^d Mm- parct sts Roy & Brothers, J'7 it. Paul st Saucier, TheodorBy 80 ».. Doaiinique st Sauvageau, David, 49 Commissioners st Savard, Jos., 140 St. Lawrence st Scanlan, Patrick, 30 St. Chas Borromce « Sellars, Robert. Gab; VI st Seybold, John P., 21 .: ;. Dominiqne st Shannon, Mrs. H., Coilflr • at Sheridan. W., WiHieu! at Simard, Josepli, Germ.iL st Simpson, Mrs., 62 St. Ch.,ies Borromeest Simpson, Mrs., St. Mary st Slicer, Mrs., Chaboillez t.i Smith, Thomas, 146 St. iViary st Stanley, S,, Vallee st St. Amant, Alexis, corner Dorchester and ot. Utbain sts Stavely, William, St. Henry at SteJIer, Jacob, 20 St. Lawrence st Stewart, David, 84 St. Joseph it Sutherland, Mrs., St. Urbain st Stupple, William. Gain st Theoret, J. J.,,155 St. Joseph st Thorn, James, Water st Thomas, Richard, 35 Great St. James st Thomas, Mrs., 99 Water st Tidmarsh, Miss, J 4 St. Paul st Tomkins, John, 102 St Lawrence st Troy, Patrick, Queen st Tufl'. D., St. Urbain st Turcotte, A., 31 Brock st Tyrrell, George, Grey Nun st Vadeboncoeur & Benoit, St. Mary st VassflBu, Basil, Bare st Venne, Louis, Bare st Villemure, J. B,, Gennar si Villeneuve, N , 210 St Walsh, A., 4 St Antoin. Walsh, Malhew, 72 Bn Wliite, John J. Chabr Whyte, J. J., 1^0 > Wilson, Mrs., G . .i' ^; Wilscam, John, . V • =t. Joseph st Woods, Robert, 33 tv. \->minique si Woods, P., 3Gei;:v,j - 'St ' ''.vunnire st i/ square •^euce at H.t!!., Willi HAIR DI BAKsiiSir Da Dame Ciicsntxniicd, HAI BiiEWSTER & moved Cakleton, H Paul si HiBBARD & C Fgrrier & C See ca HUTCHINS, J. Paul st HUTTON, JaS. Agent 1 Wolvei Corsan Hutton do; W &Co., improv .Montreal T< rodden, t. m St. Jati Sherlock, Fc scriptio Discontinued,' William. The o H\Ti Brahadi, a., St. Se Bresler, a., ner Nol Brown, John, St. Se Greene & So Paul st, .Mayer, Broti tre Dan McIvER, Geo] Dame s MONTREAL. 9i nmu>ioner« tt 2ill !ic ,«ome' Si. Catjie- •n<; it on Si. iirice ii <£eph at :ours vimrket ine briJgt) K'l^abeth andU •"."enture .^nU Mar- Paul St ^'■. Dottiinique st [iommissioners st awrence st . Chas Borromcc «' 1st . Dominiqne al flg . Bt st hitles Borromeest y 3t ■.at . Afaryet er Dorchester and tenry st inrrenoo st fosepii ft rbaJn st st Qseph st eat St. James st rst Paulst [jawrence st 3t unst , St. Mary st r.'^-'tt ■ivLftHire fit ix; square ^eoce st Josoph st H">»*iiniquesl oinQiER BEER MAKERS, remain as before. GUN SMITHS, (Addenda to page 210). Ha! !., William, Sportman's Warehouse, removed to 106 Notre Dame st The others remain as before. HAIR DRESSERS AND PERFDMERs. (Addenda to page 211.) B\Ksi,i!T David, first prize hair-dresser, &;c., has removed to 110 Notre Dame at. See card Ledair John B., Little St. James si. > Discsnttnued.—John Macrow. The otherg remain as before. HARDWARE MERCHANTS. (Addenda to page 211.) i4Eiv3TER & MuLHOLLAND, Importers of shelf and heavy hardveare, &c., re- moved to 173 St. Paul St. See card CarIeton, H., importer of shelf and heavy hardware of all kinds, 153 St. Paul st HiBSARP <Sb Co., importers of American hardware, 190 St. Paul st. See card Ferbier & Co., importers of shelf and heavy hardware, 181 St. Paul st,' See card ,. u\ HuTCHiNs, J. R., importer of shelf and heavy hardware of all kinds, 73 St. Paul St. Button, Jas., St. Helen st, SheflBeld and Birmingham hardware agency. Agent for Joseph Rodgers & Sans, Sheffield ; Henry Rogers & Sons, Wolverhampton and Birmingham; Thos. North & Sons, ■• Sheffield : Corsan, Denton, Burdekin & Co., do j Robt. Sorby & Sons, do ; Wm. ?""«r^«,®**"' '^'^ ' •^°**" Walters & Co., do; W. & H. Hutchinson, do ; W. Marples, jun., do ; J. Beardshaw & Son, do ; Joseph, Peace & Co., do. _ Agent for Wilders' patent salamander safes, with Rich's improvements. See card Montreal Tool Store, sign of the hammer, 201 St. Paul st RoDDBN, T. M., dealer in stoves, castings and American hardware, 51 Great St. James st. See card Sherlock, Foley & Co., importers of shelt and heavy hardware of every de- scription, 191 St. Paul st. See card Discontinvfd.-^BryBQn, Alexander, the wliolesale trade only ; Lepage, Olivier ; Roddfln.'' niUiam. The others remain as before hatters AND FURRIERS. (Addenda to page 216.) ■>'''■] Urahadi, A., manufacturer and dealer in furs, hats and caps, 93 Notre Dame St. See card Beeslbr, a., manufacturer and dealer in furs, hats and caps, removed tb cot". ner Notre Dame and St. Gabriel sts. See card ' ";'";Hi'„;:;:^ Brown, John, manufacturer and dealer in furs, hats and caps, 151 St. Ptul St. See card Greene & Sons, manufacturers and dealers in furs, hats and caps, 229 St Paul at. See card •Mater, Brother, manufacturers and dealers in furs, hats and "^"s* 1(>9 No^ tre Dame st. See card ' "^ ' "^ n-o McIver, George, manufacturer ana dealer in furs, hats and caps, 1S5 Not^'^ Dame' St. See car(J f t-;,l ill i i)56 MONTREAL. ''""nfN"<?;e"D\tnr^"' ,,„,, i„ ,„„^ h,t« and caps, ..ovedTo lS: a.'R.:a.t "'" """" ^' I S"""""". C. .0 133 No.re D.me ., ^««„«„„«,._Me,d. J. H. ; Meyer. Henry. The other, remain a. before HOTELS. (Given anew.) ci'v.n «'■'''" ^- l°'^^'i^* 231 St. Paul St CoLEMA J! m"J ^' ^"^'*^'' 24 and 26 St. Gabriel st See c^rd "'"'"'"'"' '^•^"•■«" ^°'«'"«»' Custom House square, EAG^BToJi?T:'^"''P'^ ^- ^^'^y' '9 ^"'J 21 Notre Dame st Fkajteiin Hour MP r' *^-/- Lev'ne, Exchange Court, St. Paul st SSZco"r« ' "'""„"'" "«?'^y' --- « '"-i and Prince st, OxJrjrHn^^^^f p^' ^'?"'''^'" * Co.. Cote St. Antoine PAvirrnt S • & ^'■.'^"'"g' Great St. James st. See card pioiS 2^'^S- '"''•'.?• ^^^^P*^' ''PPO^'t^ St. Henry st r!?.!" u^^*' ^i"".^." ^""'"' 207 Notre Dame st St Ann'^ fllllf ' wS^*^'"^.^ Bonaventnre st, onposite the Railroad depot OT. ANN s Hotel, William Sadler, 1 17 Commissioners st ^ Sj* fe Hon?r 'f 'h^'n""'iV"n^^" ^ ^"•' ^''^^ ^t. .Tames st. See card oi. JAMES House, John Orr, 11 Great St. James at , HOUSE FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, page 218, remains as before. IWNS AND TAVERNS. (Given anew.) BeTanger, Etienne. St. Paul st o ®; G^or^e, CommiBsioners st Benoet, W. P.. SK St. Franjoi. Xavier et R«™n"*A' 'j?"'^ ^"*=''"" C"''" square 2"«"°"' A- K. . 5 Boneecours st B«aK M., comer of St. Antoino and Mountain sts Br^gard, L., 20 St. Jospph st Brennan, Jamea, St. Peter st Cniifrri''"!""' ^® ^'- ''"wrenee at GtdMU, 1 ., Jacques Garlier square Callinan, Jamea, Perthius st Caineroo. Jumea, 14 St. Urbain st Cannell, Edward, Brock st Charbonneau, Xavior.St, Claude at Chapdeau, J., Montcalm st Clandinnan William, 83 St. Mary si Cot«, Joseph, Haymaiket iquartj Coutley.J. B., 11 St. Paul st CroSBan, George, 105 Water st Cn)whuht,Wiil«m,3St. Paulet Cruict, JBhn. S8,8l. Paul at Daniereao, Nazaire, 59 St. Paul st u»n»Rh, Hugh, Commisiionera st Decousee, P. B., Jacques Cartier square Dier, J<'hn, Grey Nun st Dowd, Francis, 52 Bleary st Dumouchelie, Joseph, 43 St. Paul at Ennis, VV., 90 Foundling st Francisco, Francis, Bonsecours at Gabler, J. F., Campeau st Gilmour, James, 1 VVellington »t Gordon, Mrs., Tolentin st ' Graham, George, St. Mary at Green, Joseph, 36 St. Paul st Hanley, John, Commisaionera at Hare, William, 2 Bwnv«ntur»Bt Hebert, M., 50 Oomgjissionera at Hill, R. B., 165 Notre Dame st Hughes, Michael, Victoria Road Irving, Mrs., St. Claude st Jackson, William, Lagauchetiero, near Wolfst Johnson, George, comer of King, and Com- mon alB Keen, B., Common st. Canal wiiarf Kell, William, 49 St. La^vreniSe at Kelly, Thomas, 211 Notre Dame at Kelly, Patrick, Raymarhet squarr Kelly, Michael, Ca Kerena, Joiin, Wei iLoMler, Mrs. Geor Lacombe, J., St. £ Laorent, Joseph, V Leblanc, Germain, Lebltnc, Joseph, 34 Laclaire, Pierre, Ja I^efflvrc, C, ^3 St, I.eicarfatBHd, J. H., Levine, W. B., Jac Lmi^re, P., Dorotip Low, J.ihi^ W., 3 V Lustier, S., 936 St. .Vi'Auiey, Mrs. Jam .Vi'Clemmont, Willii M'Cormick, Thoma .M'Cready, T.. 35 R .M'Crank, Mrs. Neil M'Earo, Jamea, 59 M'Grail, Michael, 4 .M'Nidcr, James, Ja M'Shane. Mrs., Wi .>hckBy, Thomas, 7 Msrcotte, Andre, 41 Maude, William, 8 ! Medden, John, St. ( Mereier, A. Jacques .Weroier, Edward, 6 Metsier.Jaiien, 45 < JEWELLEI Savage <fe Lvm Pkacock, H., ren TdwNsEr«/D, W. J dral. See & Hendry, w Craig at /'ecMietf— Hallbwloi; Cobtt, Jamea, 9 Grdi LEAl WhR, WlLMAK, on back o ^/(continued— Bostv LUMI Grant &. Hall, aaw r nal, and Well MACHINIST A MAR Mavor 8c McDok The othen ranai )s, removed lo Dame M fore [ouse square, ■ Paul St sts. See card ice sts St >ad depot t. See card s before. rtier aquarc Paul St irsat n St IBt r»st S8t Bt lad leMere, near ng. and Com- wliarf tie St imest luarr MONTREAL. 857 Kelljf Miehae), Campeau st Karena, John, Wellinglun at Kufltler, Mrs. GeotKe, St. Antoiiia at Laeombe, J., St. Elizabeth st ^ Laareni, Joseph, Wellington si Lebianc, Germain, Custom hnute square Leblanc, Joseph, 34 Cotnmiasiuners st Laclalre, Pierre, Jacques Cartier rquare Lefa»rc, C, -13 .St. Paul at LeiearboHd, J. H., 51 St. Paul st Levine, W. B., Jacques Cartier square Lini6re, P., Dorclifnier, near St. Urbain si Low, JoHrt W., 3 VVeilingtpn st Lustier, S., 936 St, PhuI st M*Auley, Mrs. James, 53 St. Paul st M'Clemmont, William, 75 St. Lawrence st M'Cormick, Thomas, 31 St. Paul st M'Cready, T., 35 Mountain st M'Crank, Mrs. Neil, 131 ComnlisBloners Bt M'Enro, James, 69 Comminiuners st M'Grail, Michael, 40 Foundling at M'Nidcr, James, Jacques Cartier square M'Shane, Mrs., William st Ntaekay, Thomas, 75 Commissioners st Msrcolte, Andre, 46 Visitation st Maude, William, 8 St. Mary st Medden, John, St. Claude st Mercler, A. Jacques Cartier square Mercier, Edward, 63 St Paul st Mefsier, Julien, 45 Commissionera at Mohan, Patrick, U4 F»undling st Moorr, tieorgc, 19 .St. Lawrence st .Morrison, J., 234 St Paul st « Mountain, Tborau», 40 :jt Lawrcnoe st - MuuMettc, A , St. Amnhlo lune Munroe, Alexander, 115 Commissioners at Murphy, Mrs., 57 Nutria Dame »t Palmer, John, 76 Commisriancrsst Pattengalc, Mm. Henry, 25 St. Paul at , Paiton, Mrs., Friponiu; st ' Pontine, Mrs,, 6 St. Francois Xavier at Pullen, JnrarH, 49 Crnij; ct Quevillon, J. B., 45 Si. Paui si Reilly, John, Water st Rodgers, William, 38 St. Lawrence «( Rodgers, Mrs. Peter, 4 St Paul si Ryan, Patrick, Jaeques Cartier square Short, John, St. Mary st Spalding, George, 49 Notre Dame st St. Jenn, David, Haymarkct square St. John, Antoinr, 201 Notre Danie si Steller, Jacob, 20 St. Lawr«hco si Stewart, Andrew, 6 St. Paul at Thomas, James, 107 Water st Tiirgeon, N., Nazareth st Turner, John, 75 Commissioners st Vahquelte, T., 45 St. Paul st Villcneuvc, O., St. ClAudosl White, Mrs., 61 St Marw si li. JEWELLERS AND WATCHMAKEBS, (Addenda to page 224.y» Savage <te Lyman, corner Notre Datne and St. Gabriel sts. See car4 Pbacock, H., removed to 92 Notre Dame st TowNsEr^D, W. A., removed to 14>4i Notre Dame st, opposite French Cathe dral. See card Buhle & Hendry, working jewellers, 40 | Laggalt, Henry, working jeWellef, 101 No. Craig st | tre Dame st Pardellian, J. B-, Craig, near St. Antoine it Det«a»erf--Hallbwell, John. The others remain as before LAND AGENTS. (Given answ.) Cotitt, James, 5 Grefat St. James st | Dinning, J. G., 6 St. Joseph st LEATHER MERCHANTS AND TANNERS, page 226. Wmr, WitMAH, leather and finding store, to 175 St. Paul st. See card on baci{ of the title pa^e ^woniinued—BostwIck, E. N. ; Hawkins &, Slack. The othera remain us berore LUMBER MERCHANTS, (Addenda to page 226.) Grant Sc Hall, saw mills, south eic'6 orCa- I The others remain as before nal, and Wellington st | MACHINIST AND MARINE STORE, page 226, remain as before. MARBLE TACTOKiEs, (Addenda to page 226.) Mavor ic McDonald, Blenry at. See card The othen r«n«in aa b«rorft au MOMTREAL. HaKCHANT TiitoM AHD CLOTHiMs. (Given anew.) Bo»l»ito.T, J. C, 47 Noire nan.i .1. Evert ilp.rrinii„» .<■ i i! . , Flemiito, Jambs, Universitv house 109 "Ta) .. < i • f Wco. t bark coU?"^ """'"'"y '"°'''"'« »•""•• See card on i„- lZV^ 8'S''n«' ""'7' "?'^ ''°"""«' *^» ""d 163 Notre Dame st LsAVERs, Jas., 'nerchant tailor. 185 NTntro n»™« . a «: V '^•' ''° :' "'"'■""e "°'*' '^'>™" "f 'VJoGill and SI. Joseph S0THERLAD. JoHic, merchant tailor. 207 Notre Dime sf. Every descriofion rtte ::':? ™''' '° °''^'' '' ^''°" '^°'-"> '" ^-'^ «tyi::si.d oTS Adam., W. H. & F., 149 Nolrn Dame st Bcaudry, Josei h, 31 McGill ei Bienvenu, B., 3 St. Lawrence at Collins, Gei rg(i, 62 St. Dominique st i jhlon, Janes, 158 Notre Dame at i>-.»id8on. J. B., 197 Notre Dame st Oougall, Georjfc, 95 Crsig at hwans, Edward, H M'Gill at Fax, Gcorce, 33 M'Gill st Franchere, L. O 16 Little St. Jamea at Gallagher, C, 833 St. Paul at ©albrailh, John, 183 Nutro Dama at . ant , Moacs, Lajfauch. tiere at '5ant Edward. Nutre Lame at uleeson. Jamea, 13 St. Maur.oe at Grcnier. Charles. 109 St. P^u 4 Hannan, M., 63 St. Antoino st Laurent, D.. German st Lavoio, M.. 146 St. Joseph at Lcblanc, p., corner Gosford and SI. Lewis zis M'Crum, Matthew. St. Marv at M'Cubbin, Wm., M'GiU st M'Manua, John, St Mary st Maxuretii, Moaa &. Rr ReafCB, A. MILL! Robinson, card V?aldron, Mil gBOCh( MI 8t. Lcor. Spr P'ace I MUSIC Herbert, . ware dec. card Warren, S SEEBOtD, B Brown, Abner Dennis, V. iilii Huod, Thonni Jackoiel, JoT" (tRAHAH, C Ame Bell, Mrs., 12, Diteontinm Holland &, De Peek, Thomai Broome, Tl Clarke, E., AGRioriTn Cadbt, mofi Canada M Love Canada Oi; V/OrilMERLiA! See ( FRENCli Ca St. Ji anew.) f cloihing of ths line St. A choice ing warehouse. lers attended to cal, academical, rder ade clothing, at See card on in> e Dame st ports the -finest 5 very best style tit tailor, draper, ilways 00 hand. excellent stock erials can have quality ibr sale; facing the back Gill St, a choice tbie terms clothiers. An , constantly on lothing and dry and St. Joseph ivorable terms. hand, or made ery description Y and on mode- irtiere it Ddine Bt iur '•o et inest >it d and St. Lcwin »ry ft It MONTREAL. 9M S«« Young k BflHttie, Miiiet, 140 Notre Dam* ■t. The utheri remain •■ twfcre. Miioretli. v., 144 St. Uwranee it Slack. J. W s. Marv .t Rett ea, A. D.. 10 S(. Lawr«noe at Th..m.on &. 8un, h^ Great St. Jamas at Wall, B., Hay Market aquare MILLINERS AND DBMsMAKEiis. (Addenda to page 229.) Robinson, Mrs. 6c Dauohtbr, removed to 162 Notre Dame at card. Waldron, Miii, corner Andoraon and La. (raachetiere ita MINERAL WATER DEPOTS. (Addenda to page 230.) St. Lco^ Spring Depot. Neil MacinK^h, ! The other, aa before r'ace U'Armea , MUSIC STORES AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. (Given ancw.) Herbert. J. W.. & Co., 107 Notre Dame .,ianoforte. harp and music warehouse-the most extensive stock of musical instruments, music. &c.^in Canada is to be found here, at very moderate pricee. Se« Warben, S. R., corner St. Henry and St. Joseph sts SEEBOtD, Brothers, 174 Notre Dame st. See card Brown, Abner, 31 Notre Dame at Dennis, V. 'liam, Bnnavenlure at Hood, Thoiiittg, 29 Noiro Damo at Jickoiel.Joi •-, 130 Si Lawrence st M'Pheraon, John, & Son, 54| Craljr st Nordheimer, A. Sl S., Grc4t 8t Jamasa^ Prince &. Co., 113 Noire Dame at .lusic TEACHERS. (Addenda to page 230.) GRAHAM, Geo F professor and teacher of music, and organist of the American ires' vterian Church, 15 Si. Lawrence st. See card Bell, Mra., ISbStAntoii Diseonlinued.-'lJnnnj. Ira. I MIntoah, Mra., to 3 SU Gabriel at 1 he others remain at befora. Holland & Dunn, Canal basin Peek, Thomas & Co., 155 St. Paul at NAIL rACTORIBS. Vennor, H. & Co., St. Sacrament at Wragg, T. B,, Vellington at NATURALIST. Broome, Thomas, Little St. James st NEEDLE AND FISH HOOK IMPORTER. Clarke, E., 18 St Frangois Xavier st NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. AGRiorLTUHAL JouRNAL, (English and French,) J. Lorell, printer CaDbt, monthly, J, C. Becket, 22 Great St. James st Canada Medical Journal, Drs. MacDonnell and David, editors, John Lovell, printer, St. Nicholas st Canada Directort, Robt. W. S. Ma kay, editor, 73 Mountain st v.g:.imer.^al and iuftmm Advertiser, J. G. Dinning, St. Joseph st. pRBNca Canadian Missionary Record, quarterly, J. C. Becket, 22 Great St. James st m 960 MONTREAL. Herald, daily trl-weekly, and weekly, D. Kinuear <k Co., St. Gtbri.l .t La nZTJf' ^*''«"«'')';" *"'' .ami-weekly, M. Duvernay S . ViScent t La Ruche Litterairk Illcstree, G. H. Cherrier "ir' Seo^c'l'lr"''' *"**''^' ^' "^' ^' **'*""«"y * C"' 7»i Se. Paul Le Pays, weekly, J. A. PlioKuet, Sf, Therese st Le Semuer Camadien, Revd. N. Cyr, St. ThereBe 8t LWE BoAr, monthly, F. W. Campl.eiJ, Place D'Armei MAPtE Leak, monthly, Mra. K. W. Lay, 2y Great St. James at .^issioNARv AND Sabbath ScHoot Rec6Rd, J. C. Becket, n Great St Jam s St Melanges Relioieux, (French Roman Catholic), semi-weekly, St. Denis near at. l/atnerme at JI^ox7- '' ^'.7 I''^«:'^ToRT, Robert W. S. Wackay, editor, 73 Mountain ,i pi./nvilT'''''^""'' ^"'"''''' **""" Campbell. Place D'Arme,. See iard Pmsbtterian, The, monthly, John Lovell, printer, St. Nicholas at Sabbath Advocate, quarterly, John Lovell, publisher, St. Nicholas at Snow Drop monthly, John Armour, publisher. Great St. Jame. «t St!* Se'rcard^'' "' ^"''^ ^ Stevenson, 20 St. Frangois Xavior Tempbranoe Advocate, fortnighUy, J. C. Becket, 22 Great St. James st ITUNscRiPT, tri.weekly, seml-weekly and iveekly, D. M'Donald, Hospital St. hee card '^ True Witness and Catholic Chronicle, weekly, G. E. Clerk, editor and proprietor, 3 lM'GiIl,st. , ui or ana Witnesb, weekly, John Dougall, 22 Great St. James sL See card NOTARIES PUBLIC, (Given anew.) Griffin, John C, to 25 Little St. James st Hunter, James S., 2 Great St. Jnmos st Isaacson, J. H., 20 Sf. Francois Xavier st JoBiN, J. H., to 14 St. Vincent st Labadie, J. A. & J. E. ()., 14 Little St. James st Mever & Meyer, to 2 St. Gabriel st pCrT?fj''''w* *■ oo^'.^," I'^'T "'''^'- ^''^''^^ ^Pd Liit]« St. James streeti Phillips, W. A., 89 Little St. James st ri. :':t • Pelton & Napier, corner St. John and St. SacraiDQOt afs Weekes, George, Nuns' buildings, St. Joseph »t Aussem &L'Ecuy«r, Custom House aqnare Baby, Joseph, St Denis st Bagg, S. C., Sherbrooke, near St. Urbajn st Beaudry, P, J., Visitation st Belle,(Jo<eph, 12 St. Lambert st Belle, C. E , 9 St. Vincent st Blackwood, J., Vttrest Bourbonnier, N. G, 9 St. Vincent st Bourbonnler, T- B ; Bt-. h&lsten&s hi!! Brault, C. a', 3 St Joseph st Cadieux, G. H.. 204 Ifolre DaiAe st Carpentier, P. H., Phics d'Arms hiM Dagen, O. Damour, Alfred, 75 St. Mary at Doucet, T., 32 St. Francois Xavier at Doucet, N. B., 32 St. Francois Xkner *t Dufresoe, J., Lag4fichQl>9re at Fissmult, fl. A., 129 CrAJg st Forbes H. E., St. Lawrence hill Guy, Et., 2 St FramJols Xar/er st Lacombe, Fieri , Lagau9lvBti«r« at Licoste, L. R., ^t. Oqiwiiaue at La^ont«gn«, C. H., StrJoaenh at F.tppare, If., 8 Leblanc, Ovide LatoMt, L. A. I Marin, L. S., Malhiau. P., 14 McGregor, J, f Mo'itretul, J. A Pelletier, A A. Peltier. Guillau Piatt, George, 1 NUR8ERY A McDonald, OCTriTTINO paint Atwater, E Looghrj, Jobo, paint: Hull) Bbnja er, in LmYO, WiLi hang< McGarvbv, Bainbbidoe, Rahsay, Hb Dawson, Bb PHI Dugal, A., Lag tiibb, Geo. D., Godfrey, R., M Grenier. L. T., Jones, Thoa. W Col6 sts Rtmoved — G Wallace, A ., ^0 Qr««t St St. Gabriel it St. Vincent st >.. 79i St. Paul 8 6l n Great St kljr, St. Denis. 73 Mountain it lef. See card lolas at icbolas St ei It angoig Xavier St. James st laid, Hospital irk, editor and card SB ft MONTREAL. Ml James streets ■y.t Xavier it oia Xliner tt ■t It Bhill Tier st icre tt u«at Ltppare, H., Rt. Lawrenct hill L<bUnc, Ovide, 3 Bontecoun it Latour, L. A. H., St. Dominique (t Mirin, L. H,, St. Lawrence hill Mathieu P., 14 St. Vincent at VcOregor, /. M., 18 Little St. Jamei st Moiiireuii, J. A'. 42 8t. Mary st Ptlletifr, A A., La)(auchetiere *t PalUer. Guillauiiie, 21 '^t. Antoine«t Piatt, Oeurge, 127 Sherbrookest Racicot, F. X., St. Dominique at Ross. Willtann, 43 Liiile St. JamM at Sanborn, M. H., Court HouM Simard. J , 42 St. Maryst Mmith, Jamea, S St. Francois Xavier at Solomons, M , 4 Noire Dame st Terroux, C. A.. 23 Pertkui* st Vallee, J. D., 70 St. Lawrence st Weilhrenoer, P. A., 61 Champ de Mwast Weston, Henry, St. Elui st., near St. Paul at NURSERY AND SEEDtMKN, OIL-CLOTH rACTORY, OIL AND OLCE VAt)* TORT, page 233, remain as before. OIL MANUrACTURERS AND OEALJBRB. McDonald, Brothers, k Co., 25 Sf. Peter st. See card OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT, page 333, remains as before, ^ee oaxd PAINT, OIL AND GLASS STORES, (Addenda to page 285.) Atwatbr, E., & Co., 193 St. Paul st. See card Loaghrjr. Jobo, to 154 St. Paal at | RaniMy Jc M aArthor, MoGillat. See oard The others remain as before. PAINTERS, PAPERH ANGERS, &c., (Addenda to page 234.) Hui) Benjamin, 38 Great St. James st, map and priat mounter, poperhang' er, dec. See card Lloyo, William, Great St. James st, corner St. Peter at, painter) paper* hanger, &c. See card McGarvby, Owen, painter and chair maker, 6 St. Antoine st. See card The others remain aa before. PAPER WAREHOUSES, (Addenda to page 235.) Bainbridoe, R., comer St. Paul and St. Nicholas sts Rahsay, Hew, 21 St. Frangois Xavierst The others remain as before. PAWNBROKER, page 235, remains as before. PERIODICAL AG^CY. Dawson, Benjakin, Place d'Armes, (formerly R. W. Lay.) See card PHYSICIANS AND BURGEONS, (Addenda to page 235.) Dugal, A>i Lagaucheticre st Gibb, Geo. D., M.D., 67 Craig at Godfrey, R., M.D., to St. Joseph at Grenier, L. T., St. Denia st J^nes, ThoA W., M.D., to corner Craig Sc Col6 sts Rtmoved — Genand, F. L., Seweli, S. C. Tho others remain as before. PLANE HASER3. ^-oriVcTi unSvv.) Wallace, Alexr>, Lagauchetiere near Bleury st. See card D. .vson, Jobo, Alexander, near Jur£ st. iltil, A., M.D., to 7 Little St. Jamea st McCall'in, Danean R., M.D., to 46 Me< Uillet McCallum, D., to 41 MoGill at Peltier, H.. M.D., to 116 Craig at Robiliard, Dr., St, Lawrence hilt r n 1 ;* ; ' 'Viil S62 MONTREAL. PLANING MILLS, page 236. Douglas, jAUits, Gabriel 8t. See card The othera remain as before. , PLA8TEREB9, PLEASURE GARDEN, page 236, remain as before. ' POWDER MILLS, See Card, page 39, under head of « Hamilton." PRiNTwo OFFICES, (Addenda to page 236.) DeMonttony, C. J. N., & Co., 79i St. Paul st See r«r^ Ramsat, Hpw, 21 St. Frangois Xavier 8t Rose, H.&G. M., 34 Great St. James 8t. See card JTARKE Sf Co., to 9 St. Frangois Xavier st Wilsons & Nolan, 27 JVIcGill st. See card ^^ni,conUnuea.-Tye^.r^ ^ Derbiahire. Armour & Ramsay. The others remau. „ b. PROVISION INSPECTORS, page 237 remain as before. PROVISION MERCHANTS.— (Given anew.) BoTER, Louis, wholesale provision merchant, corner St rron««- v • Commissioner sts "f^'nani, corner S,t. Frangois Xavier and Chandler & Buck, wholesale provision merchants. 228 St P«nl «t Connolly & Lantier. wholesale provision merchants Port i,;?.' Janes. DP wholesale provision merchant, Calliere 'st ' ^°'"'"'" '' Benoit, Z., 32 Commissioners st i r<.ro.,.« n* . • PUBLIC HALL. St. George's Hall, John Jones. Great St. James st. See card RAILROAD CAR BUILDERS. McLean & Wright, Monfrear& Toronto «9»« .„ a O'Meara, M., Montreal & Shertookr See card READY MADE LINEN STORES. AiTKBN, John, 159 Notre Dame st. See card Provandie, Mrs., 50 Notre Dame St. HEeisTRT orricKs, rope factory, page 237, remain as before SADDLERS, (Addenda to page 238 ) Barrington, Geo,, 39 McGill st i k.w Tvm- *L « ' ' ^, ^ I King, William, 56 McGili it X lie others remain as bafore SAW MAKER. Scott, P., 13 St. Francois Xaviw Street Kell.Wm., to Martin, Thomi Rapin, Clias., ] I Cantin, A., St. SHIP CHJ) 8M Fleck, Alex., r Bartley. W. P. Boyden, O., cc Bojd, John, 7 S Remain American L W. T Ohamplain 66 Cr Eastern Tc Lachinb Ri Lumber Mei 191 S Montreal i Bona^ Ottawa Stj Richelieu j^ 37 C< ROTLANO A» house Royal Mail Southern a house St. LAWRE^ ISLii Tate's Daii Comn Through Li McGi Vermont Cf Comn Mail Line of KiNGSEY fcJL. See ci STUCCO won as before. Hamilton." ) e eard era remain ai be. ore. ois Xavier and lulst ■ Common 8' Jndlinij st St. Paul and *aul at immiMionenit as before iiiit MONTREAL. m sheriff's OFFicEBs, (Addenda to page 238.) Kell.Wm., to2St. Gabrielst Martin, Thomaa A., to 2 St. Gabriel at Rapin, Chaa., 19 St. Vincent at O'Neil, Thos., to 2 St. Claude at Stuart, Robt., to 2 St. Gabriel at Tiie otiiera remain as before SHIP YARDS AND DRY DOCKS. (Given anew.) Cantjn, A., St. Joaeph at, Canal baein | Tate & Co., south aide of the Caaal SHIP CHANDLERS, SILVER SMITHS, page 238, remain as before. SMITHS, MACHINISTS, &c., (Addenda to page 238.) Fleck, Alei., removed to William si | Burnet, Wni., to 13 St. George st Mcintosh, J., Nnzareth near Common at Wilson, Henry, 7 Chenneville at Hartley, W. P., Prince, near Wellin(rton at Boy den, O., corner Recollect & MoGill sta Boyd, John, 7 St. John st The others remain aa before SODA WATER FACTORY, STAYMAKERS, page 239. Remain aa before. STAO^, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD OFFICES. I AuERicAN Line of Steamers for River St. Lawrence and Lake 0ntarto, W. T. Barron, agent, 24 McGill st Chahplain & St. Lawrence Railroad Office, W. A. Merry, secretary, 66 Commissionprs st. See card Eastern Townships Stage Office, Ryan's Franklin hotel, William st Lachine Railroad Office, John Farrow, superintendent, Bonaventure st Lumber Mekchant and Pointe Levy, Quebec tow boats, John Auld,agent, 191 St. Paul st Montreal & New York Railroad Office, I. B. Culver, superintendent, Bonaventure st Ottawa Stage Line, in winter, S. Browning, agent, Great St. James st Richelieu Navigation Company's Steasiers, J. F. Sincennes, secretary, 37 Commissionei-s st Rdtland and Burlington Railroad Line, H. Barnes, agent. Custom- house square Royal Mail Line op Steamers and Stages to Upper Canada, A. Mil- loy, agent, 40 McGill st Southeri^and Western Railroad Line, Stephen Holt, agent, Custom- house square St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Office, W. H. Hopper, secy., 18 Liltla St. James st Tate's Daily Line of Steamers to Quebec, A. Gimdlack, agent, 61 Commissioners st. See card Through Line of Steamers to Hamilton and Toronto, C.W., Office 40 McGill st Vermont Central and Canada Railroad Line, T. Watson, agent, 66 Commissionerb st Mail Line of Steamers to Quebec, D. Torrance, agent, St. Paul st slate works. Kingsey Slats Works, Anderson, Evans & Co., agonts, St. Gabriel st. See card stucco worker, surgical machinist, starch factory, page 241, remain as before. * <] I m IN 264 srONTREAL STOVE AWD AXE WAREHOUSES. Babcock, Michael, .mporter and dealer in stoves of all kinds, axes, weiffh- RonD^i" T^S "^f'^""* hMvy hardware of every description, 34 McGill-at RoDDKW T. M.,51 Great St. James st, dealer in stoves, fancy castinl axes, weighing machines, &c. See card '•asungs, " TELEGRAPH OFFICES. Montreal Tmeoraph Company, Odd Fellows' Hall, Great St» James st. See card 3rd page mside from the back MoNTHEAi. AND Troy Teleghaph Compa.ny, Odd Fellows' Hall, Great St James st. See card same page Vermont and Boston Electro-chemical Telegraph Company, 41fred BroWD, operator, 66 Commissioners st, up stairs TOBACCO PIPE MANUFACTORY. Henderson & Son, tobacco pipe factory, Coiborne Avenue, being the first establishment of the kind in British America TALLOW CHANDLERS. (Addenda to page 241.) M'cTeE' j"";: ^^^l ^ ^""^^ *=°'"«'" inspector and William sis. See card. M Clelland, John, Wellington si _ . | "^ Cunningham & Caldwell, Hermino Bt Tlic others remain aa before TEA WAREHOUSES. (Given anew.) Canton House, removed to 53 Great St. J? mes St. See card OoCHRAN, Thomas, 127^ Notre Dame st, dealer in teas, coffees, spices, &c,. of superior quality ' r > i TIN PLATE WORKERS. (Addenda to page 241.) Pensiere, J., 132 Commiwioners st | The others remain as before TOBACCONISTS. (Addenda to page 241.) M'Key ts. Dwroche, 126 St Paul st Ollendorff, M., 110 Notre Dame gt Spiro, J., 136 Nolro Dam* at The others remain as befare TRUNK WAREHOUSES. (Given anew.) Sri.t';'»?°S^l' ^'**'"? ^'■'-"''' ^^*'*°'"y' 1"^* Notre Dame st. See card HiBBARD, W, R., irunk and lamp store. 1 13 St. Paul st. See card. TURNERS, type FOUNDRY, page 244, remain aa before. UMBiucLLA MAKER, VENTRILOQUIST, page 244, remain as before. VETERINARY SURGEONS, (Given anew.) Mason. James, 40 St Urbainst | Maybell. J, Dorchester st TjJUSS MANUFACTURER. Brown, John O., 24 St. Genevieve at. See card WEIGHING MACHINE MAKERS, (GiVcn anSW. \ warren, D, H., 8 M'Gill st. See card Hamilton, Lamothe, G Mackenzie Notn Maitland, I &c., Scott, Gilb Stuart, G. TORRY & Cc Watson, G. Bonacina & C( Gauthier, Pierr Rice, W. H Nelson ds B Fisher, Dani Fisher, W. ^ Patterson, A, Petton, Thon card Warminton, 1 Colleg FIRE THIS COMI continues to ii Fire, at reasoi Losses setlli %n London. The Compj are individual! the invested c No charge i GIJ MONTREAL. 265 8, axes, weiffh- I, 34. McGillst aacy castings, t Su James at. lall, Great St. ipany, \lfred 3ing the first .) See card. Hertnine st , spices, &c,, ) J ■ ;ard •d. fore. IS before. MriNE MERCHANTS. (Giveii ancw.) Hamilton, E., importer of wines, liquors &c., 184 Notre Dame st Lahothe, G,, importer of wines, liqucJrs, cigars, &c., 1 1 St. Frangois Xavier Bt Mackenzie, Joseph, importer of wines, iiqaors, brandies, &;c., vaults, 109 Notre Dame st, entrance by tlie gateway: See card Maitland, (E.), Tylee & Co., importers of wines, liquors, teas, groceries, <S£C., 17j St. Frangois Xavier st Scott, Gilbert, importer of winas, liquors, teas, &c., 2 St. Sacrament st Stuart, G. D., wine and spirit merchant and rectifier, 154^ St. Paul st ToBRY & Co., (W. Wrigley), importers of wines, liquors, teas, &c., St. Eloiat Watson, G. D., importer of wines, liquors, teas, &c., 8 St. Sacrament st if Bonacina & Co,, 4 St. JoBcpli st i Panton, T. C, 7 St. Saormnenl st Gauthicr, Pierre, 3 St. Vincent Bt | Payne, E,, 3t. Lambert st WIRE WORKER. Rice, W. H., 23 Notre Dame st. See card wooden ware and clock store. Nelson de Butters, 22 M'Gill st Jfamet sent in too late to appear in their proper places. Fisher, Daniel, & Co., auctioneers, 6 Nuns' block, St. Joseph st Fisher, W. A. S., exchange broker, 18^ St. Frangois Xavier st Patterson, A., dry goods, 5.5 Great St. Jarnes st Petton, Thomas, clothing store and circulating library, 55 St. Paul st. See card Warminton, Richard, plumber and tinsmith, removed to Laflamme's block, College St. See card FIRE IFSUMNCE COMPANY THIS COMPANY established its Agency in Canada in the year 1804., and continues to insure Property of every description against loss or damage by Fire, at reasonable rates. ^ Losses settled in the Country without reference io the Board of Directors in London. The Company is composed of a numerons body of wealthy proprietors who are individually liable to the lull extent of their private fortunes, in addition to the invested capital of the company. No charge made for Policies. GILLESPIE, JVIOFF ATT & CO., Montreal, Jlgentsfm- Canada JirB-A¥ENTS: Quebec,— Messrs Gillespies & Co., Kingston, — Thomas Kirkpatrick, E^.^, Two/i^o,— -Messrs. Moffat. Murray & Co. /fa«5i7^o/t™Adam Brown, Esq. London— -K. C. Hughes, Esq. ' Z f f'i n . Ml Iff . -ii I 1-1 s •<|; 266 MONTREAL iETOA nrSDBANCE OOHPASIir. THE .ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY of Hartfokd, Connrcticut, conlirttK* t„ INSURE Bgamst LOSS or DAMAGB by flllE, on Tcrmtas favorable as other hmitu. ""^"^ in the City. tibH -ALSO, To grant ASSURANCES upon LIVES on Terms exceedingly favorable to the Assured. The reputation this Company has obtahfred in a Bu»>im;ss of thirty years, is sufficient evi- dence of their liberality in adjusting, and promptness in paying Losses. ROBERT WOOD, Agent. No. 8 St. Frangois Xavicr street, Montreal. HARTFORD INSURANCE COMPANT Hartford, Connecticut. [IV< ^ MONTREAL AGENCY. THIS lon^ established and well known INSTITUTION has transacted a most cxlensivp InHuranoo bosincrt ihrouahout the Uriiish North American Provinces and the Unite'l States It has uitned to secure public confidence, by an honnrHblc and faithful fulfilment of its ciii- tracts; and owners of property arc assured that all fair claims for loss under policies, will be liberally adjusted, and promptly paid. Applications for insurances are to be made to ROBERT WOOD, Agent. No 8 St Frangois Xavier siroel, Montreal. THE PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY OF CONTINUES to INSURE HOUSES, STORES. MILLS, FACTORIES, BARNS and their CONTENTS, and all other descriptions of .' ' INSURABLE PROPERTY, ABAIBST LOSS OR DAHA6E BY FIBE. The Rates of Premium arc the same as those of similar Institutions in this City, and the efiuree pursued in the adjustment of Losses favorable to the Assured. ROBERT WOOD, Agent No. 8 St. Frangois Xavier street, Montreal. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated by the Legislature of Connecticut in 1846. GUARANTiaE FUND AND ACCUMULATED PREMIUMS, ^_ ONE MILLION DOLLARS. THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY is cslablielut upon tlic SPRICTLY MUTUAL SYSTEM, and ouinbcrM more than 12,0(K) member?. Tlio Rales v.xe as low as tlioy can bo made cnrtSislcnlly vvilh the Halcty of the assured, ami odc-lialf tiic Premium is psiid by note. Thp accumulated Premiums of the Company fxcetd $'1,000 OOO, and the profits annually divided to Policy holders have never yet beeii IcPH th'4!i 50 tifr cent, on ths Prffmiums oaid. Further information may be obtained from No. 8 St. Frangois Xavier street, Montreal. ROBERT V>'bOD, Agent. BRITA ESTAB EMPOWER Colonel Robert y church s rill, Esc Coventr' hill; Er Token h( H. Belle & Sten Drewett James Eraser, '. Charles Burn, I town, C Ciuzion Countie C.W.} North r Chambl; U} acini Persons assu Kven Annual with the optioi deducted from A Tabic ada security is obta Policies revi remain unimpa Age of the A Medical Attc Annual Frcn S3" Parljea i Sailing Vessels E< R. FO April, 1853. MONTREAL. 96^- CUT, contirtkK* I'r lie 08 other hiititu- ble (o the AsBurod. ra, ia sufBciont evi- D, Agent. IPANY. d a most cxlensivf 1 the United Stnle? iilfilmtnt of its ciT' under policies, wil e lo be made to )D, Agent. MPANY miF.S, BARNS, ir FIRE. this Citj?, and the DD, Agent. COMPANY, t in 1846. VIIUMS, ^Y is cslablielu't 12,00() members. ■ the assured, aiiii of the Company kve never yet bee i 3D, Agent. BRITANNIA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, No. 1, Frince's Street ^ Bank, London, ESTABLISHED, AUGUST 1, 1837.-CAPITAL, £1,000,000 Sterling. EMPOWERED BY SPECIAL ACT OF PARLIAMENT, 4 Vict. Chap. 9. DIRECTORS : Colonel Robert Alexander, Elackheath Park, chairman ; William Bardgett. Esq., 149 Fen- , church street; George Bevinglon, Esq., Neckinger Mills, Bermondsey ; F. P. Cocke, rill, Esq., Shadwell and Twickenham ; George Cohen, Esq , Shacklewcll ; Millis Coventry, Esq., White Hart Court, Lombard street; Jolin Drewett, Esq., 50 Corn- hill; Erasmus Robert Foster, Esq., 1 Prince's street Bank; T. S. Girdler, Esq,, 7 Tokcnhouse Yard; H. L. Smale, Esq., Doctors' Commons. Standing ComisH— H. Bellenden Ker, Esq., 8 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn. Solicilors—Mtsixs. McLeod & Stenning, 13 London street, Fenchurch street. Binifcers— Messrs. Dimsdalc Drewett, Fowlers, and Barnard, 50 Cornhill. i : . ; :. LOCAL AGENTS IN CANADA: James Frascr, Esq , Church street, Toronto, CW. ; Thomas Briggs, Esq., Kingstoq, C.W. ; Charles Freeland, Esq., Hamilton, CW. ; A. G. Smith, Esq., London, G.W.; David Burn, Esq., Cobourg, C.W.; Archibald Douglas, Esq., Crown Timber Office, By. town, C.W. ; William M. Wilson, Esq., Clerk of the Peace, Simooe, C.W. j Wm- Cluxion, Esq., Peterboro', C.W.; William M. Gilbert, Esq.. Travelling Agent in Counties of Brant, Norfolk and Oxford, C.W. ; J. Kincaid Buchanan, B»q., Brantford, C.W.; P. R- Palmer, Esq.. Thutlow. C.W.; D. B. Solmes, Esq., TraveHins; Agent, North Port, C.W. ; John Anderson, Esq., Three Rivers, C.E. ; Thomas Hickey, Esq., Chambly. C.E. ; W. A. Osgoode, Esq., St. Johns, C.E. ; Louis De Lorme, Esq.. St. H)acinthe, C.E. ; Ti^mas Tail, Esq., Melbourne, C.E. ADVANTAGES OF THIS|INSTITUTION. HALF CREDIT RATES OF PREMIUM. Persons assured according to these rates are allowed credit for half the amount of the first seven Annual Premiuvis, paying interest thereon at the rate of Fivp per Cent, per annum, with the option of paying off the arrears of Prerhiums, at any time, or having the amount deducted from the sura assured when the Policy becomes a claim. FOR SECURING LOANS AND DEBTS. A Tabic adapted especially for the securing of Loans and Debts, bv which the fullest security is obtained on very low, but gradually increasing. Premiums. ' Policies revived, without the exaction of a fine, at any time within twelve months, if health remain unimpaired- Age of the Assured in every case admitted in the Policy. IVledical Attendants remunerated in all cases for their Reports. Extract from t he Half Credit Rales of Premium. Annual Premium required for an Assurance of jClOO, for the Whole Term of Life. Half Fr'.mium for First "■■.■:,;^ Yrars. £ &. d. 1. 1 9 2 2 6 3 6 8 Whole Premium after Seven Years. £ K d. 2 3 6 2 18 4 4 5 6 13 4 J3- Fartiea insured in this Officd are permitted to go to Europe in first-clasg Steamers o» Sailmg Vessels, without extra charge, E< R. FOSTER, Resident Director. ANDREW FRANCIS, Secretary. J. H. MAITLAND, . ..■„,.„ General Agent fjr Montreal and Canada. April, 1853. :. m I ? Ml m 268 MONTREAL. BRITAWI¥IA No. 1 Prince's Street, Bank, London. Empowered by Her Majesty's Royal letters Patent. DIRECTORS : (Same as the Britannia Proprietary Branch.) This institution was originally established under z different litle in ihe jcar 1839. on the plan of admitting the Assured to participate in four-fifths only of the profiU; but the Sociciv has since been remodelled so as to become a strictly " Mutual Association." ^ ben'efi't^fSe WeS"'^ "' """"^^ '""""^ '"' »"«' "'^ '"'«"""••'''"«' ^^ »»« ^elusive « Z^J'^^'fV" ^"'■^''^ ''?u"""y ""1°"° "'*' Policy-holders, and applied in reduction of the Assured ?«>"'«"" 5 thus constituUng, in effect, an immediate c«,h payment to the r„,*l"!i1'^'"L^/'!'"'^' "1 ^."'"**"^ ? ?,'■'"?. """'"""y favorable to the holdcn.-thc amount (or which credit is given being, gradually, liquidated out of the profits. Two Tables of Rates have been computed ; one entitling the Assured to participate in the profitsaftcr payment of five annual premiums; the other considerably lower, in which h period of participation is deferred two yeah longer ; the premium ultimately payable by the be £ed. ""*'■' P'""'''^ *•"= "'"''• "'''='>"" Table of Rates may in the fi«t instance nr?ht"!ff^ ^'^fT f^'';, Members are held annually; to whom full and complete statement, At the Annual General Meeting held on the 27th April last, a dividend of 30 per cent, upon the current yer^r's premium was awarded to all Members who bad made the reauisUe nuXr of paymenU on their respective policies. requisite number By order of the Board of Directors, E. R. FOSTER. Resident Director. , ^ ., . ... ANDREW FRANCIS, Secretary. London, May Ist, 1852. ' LOCAL AGENTS IN CANADA : James Fraser, Esq., Church street, Toronto. C.W.; Thomas Brieo-s Esa Kinimfnn r w • Charles Freeland, Esq., Hamilton. C.W. ; A. G. Smith K Sn^on, cfw."'- ffid S'^^^tT^' ^J^il^'^^i^^^ »°"S'"' Esq, C?own Timber Office, By. town, C.W.; Williara M. Wilson, Esq., Clerk of (he Pea.e, Simcoe, C.w" rw iliam Cluxton, Esq, Peterboro' C.W.; William M. Gilbert. Esq, Traveil^c Aeen Tn E' .L'» • \Pa'raer, Esq., Thurlow. C.W. ; D. B. Solmes, Esq.. Travellin.' Aeent Chambly, C,E. ; W. A. Osgoode, Ehq., St. Johns, CE. ; Louis De Lorme Eso St Hyacinthe, C.E.; Thomas Tait, Esq., Melbourne, CE. ' ^'' nrVh.P'' '!■ ^'■"''"^"L* ^"*"*' ^'/^ Association" is altogether distinct from, and independent of, the Proprietary Office transacting business under the name of the «' Br tannia Lifc Assu '.ZZ^A"'tT\ ^^' ""'^ connection between the two establishments i^Xtheiaff^', bi'irsCnN o?r M ?^"?V«"1'7 "'^^ ^7 ^^ "™« officers, by which meansihe en ire d bursements of the Mutual Aisoctation are reduced to a small per rentage on ihersssipts. April, 1853. J. H. MAITLAND. General Agent for Montreal and Canada- 8 and 10 } 30 and 21 OFFICE IN Capital Sir Thomas Be Chairman — W Deputy Chairv Thomas lirockl stone, Esq. ijSeorge He Esq.; Johi Esq.; H.i Chairman— Wi Deputy Chairm Secretary to thi Retident Secret Sir Wm. P. De Frederick, Hon. Frede Teulon, Ee Bank i The Unde Agent for the B mentioned floiiri public, to make Theai Capita Accun Tbs liabilit' unlimited. It is also pr Shares in the Co form part thercoi i) Patent. jcarl839, on the I ; but the Society for the exclusive in reduttion of the Eh payment to the icn, — the emount participate in thi wer, in which the ily payable by the I the first instance mplete statements lions of the profits 30 per cent, upon : requisite number Kingston, C.W. ; 1, C.W. ; David nbcr Office, By- , C.W. ; Wiiliam veiling Agent in < Esq., Brantford, Pravelling Agent, las Rickey, Esq., Lorme, Esq., St. and independent :annia Life Assu- that their affairs ns the entire dis. ths receipts, \lITLAND, 1 and Canada. MONTREAL. 36!) Liverpool and London HEAD OFFICES : SandlOWatorStrcct Liverpool. 20 and 21 Poultry, and 28 Regentstreot. Waterloo Place London OFFICE IN MONTREAL :-Corncr of Place d'Armes and Notre Dame street. Capital Two MiUions SterUng, viz. : 100,000 Shares at £20 each. nraPONSIBIUTY OF STOOKHOLDKnS UNLIMITED. Uitahliahed, 183%— Empowered by Act of Parliament, TRUSTEE* : Sir Thomas Bernard Birch, Bart.. M.P., Adam Hodgson, Esq., S. II. Thompson, Esquire- DIRECTOnS IN IiIVERPOOL : CAfflJrmon— William Nicoll, Esq. Deputy Chairmfn-J. C. Ewart. Esq. ; J. Hornby, Esq. Thomaf. Brocklebank. Esq ; Wm. Dixon, Esq. ; William Earlc, Esq. ; T. Stouart Glad stone, Esq. ; George Grant. Esq.; Francis flaywood, Esq ; Robe t liaff^n Eso ^0"^"!^'^^"^ •'^''" *■?.'!• ^'">- •' <^'«''«'' H. LawVeneT. Esq. ; HateiUledaTo' eS' •• H StoTerfohi Z '- ^ t"«' '''"°"' ^^- ' ^'"''» ^''^'^^ ^"l- ' Jos«ph ShipJ l!.8q., H. Stolterfoht, Esq.; John Swamson. Esq. ; Secretary-awmon Boult. Esq DIRECTORS IN LONDON : CAaJrman— William Ewart, Esq., M.P. Deputy Chairman— George Fred. Young. Esq. Secretary to the Company— Swinton Boult, Esq. Reiident Secretary— Bcnjimm Henderson. Esq. Sir Wm. P. DeBathe, Bart.; Wm. Brown, Esq., M.P.; Mathew Forsicr Eso M P • Frederick Harrison, Esq. ; James nirtley. Esq. ; Ross, D. Mangles e1' MP I ?:ulon;tr ' '' """ "*""""• ^"" ' '""" ^- R-«°'" Esq r^eymoul „ , BANKERS. ^ Bank of Liverpool. Union Bank of London k^Bnttr^hTlTtI!«iJl^Tr^^^'''' ofthe Quei.c Fire Asmrance Company, and still Agent for the Eritannta Life Company, m offering to take FIRE RISKS for the above, n loned flo|,risl.ing Institution, feels it due to the Company he represent, a we 1 as to the public, to make known its resources and prospecte Capital and Resources. The amotintt'f Capital subscribed exceeds Xl, 500 000 t-apital paid up, and in course of payment 197*197 10 n AccumuUted funds of the Company. 346i972 4 9 T..-!!.K.i— '-• " ;e544.169 14 » unlimurd. "^ " "" ^^°P"«°'-« '^ ^«<^"'^«d by 'he Company's Acts of Parliament to bo It is also provided that all prmniums, which maybe received on sale nf ihr- .mi....».i Shares ,n the Company, shall be earned to the credit -.f he Reserve So nl?,. F.«H -nJ form part thereof; so that, as the £2 lOs paid on each fehare, SrsctlsWy iKiHRe H r 970 MONTREAL. fervc Fund is continually increasing, without taking into account accumulations from other sources; and by tho firnt Act of Parliament obtained by the Company it is expresaiy prn. vided : '• That it ghaij not bo lawful for tho oaid Company, or any persons on behalf of llie " fald Company, in any manner to stipulate, contract, or agree, with any person or persona to limit or restrict the lia!>iiity of the Proprietord of tho said Company, or any of them ,- m that, in thii unreitricted liability of a larje and wp-\lthy Proprietory, and the rcadinem with which just rights can bo established in the uvent of their being quostioned, the security which it atlbrds is of the most undeniable kind. The subscriber is now prepared to cffoot Fii» Insurance Risks on as favorable terms as any respectable Company duing business in Montreal. J. H. MAITLAND, Agent for the Liverpool and London Fire and Life Company, and Britannia Life Office. Iniurance Losses promptly and liberally paid without reference to England. local Agents in Canada James Frascr, Esq,, Church st., Toronto, C.W. ; Thomas Briggs, Esq., Kingston, C.\v. ; (harlo/i Freeland, Esq., Hamilton, C.W. ; A. G. Smith, Esq., London. C.W. ; Daniul li'irn, Esq., Cuboiirg, C.W. ; Archibald Douglas, Esq., Crown Timber Office, Bylown, L.W.; William M. Wilson. Esq , Clerk of the Peace, Simcoo, C.W. ; William Clu.t- Ion, E>.q., Peterburo, C.W. ; William M. Gilbert, Esq., Travelling Agent, in Counlius of liraiit, Norfolk and Oxford, C. W. : J. Kinoaid Ifnehanan, E!>q., Brantford, C.W. ; P. K. Palmer, Esq., Thurlow, C.W. ; D. B. Solmcs, Esq.. Travelling Agent, North Port, C.W. ; John Anderson, Esq., Threu Rivers, CK. ; Thomas Hickey, Esq., Chamblv C.E. ; W. A. OsgDode. Esq., St. Johns, C.E. ; Louis DeLorme, Esq., St. Hyaoinlhe, C.E. ; Thomas Tait, Esq., Melbourne, C.E. Globe Fire and Life Insurance of London. PA/D UP CAPITAL, ONE MILLION STERLING. Are appointed sole agents for Canada, (iMontreal City excepted,) and are authorized ^o settle claims without referring them to England. SUB AGENCIES liBT CANADA WEST. Brockville, Mcsers. J. & S. Robs; Kingston, Wm. Grant, Esq.; Belleville, J.Hill, Esq, Toronto, T. Clatkson, Esq. ; Hamilton, J. Hutchison, Esq. j London. D. J. Hughes, Esq; IIFE DEFAEIMENT. A Reduced Tariff of Rates will shortly be published, and can be had on application at tho various agencies, MOTitJAiL wwE mmEmm FOR THE COUNTY OF MONTREAL. THIS COMPANY, established /or country ;7ar/» onZy, is now in full operation, and ia ready to INSUUE isolated Properties, (and no other) in tho whole Proyincc of Lower Canada. Tho general rate is 5s per £100 for 3 years This Company being principally established for farmers, should be patronized by them in preference to foreign and unknown Insurance Companies WM. MACDONALO. President, Lachine. P. P. LACHAPELLE, Siiult au Recollect. EDWARD Q17IN, Long point. P. C. VALOIS, Point Claire. JOHN DODS. Petite Cote. Montreal, April, 1853. G. G. GAUCHER, St. Genevieve. JOS. LAPORTE. Pointe aiix Trembles. JAS. FISHER, Riviere dee Prairies. FRS. QUEN NEVILLE, St. Laurent. P. L. LbTOURNEUX, Secretary. LIF3 c The High HE The Hon. The Hon. The Hon. (Hil- ls TH INVESTI The deliv€ THIS ar: of a Local C Guaranteed ( The COM HALF of the years, the retr vance) being venient, or, t the claim. ThuH a pan life for jeSOO, ttions from other is expressly pro. on bchairorthe •orHun or persona, any of Uiecn ; bo nd the rcndineM questioned, the tvorablo terms us .AND, I Life Company, Life Office. gland. Cingstoi), C.W. ' i.C.W. ; Daniel Office, Bylown, ; William Clu.x. [cnl, in Counties itford, C.W.; P. ;ent. North Port, Esq., Chambly , St. HyaoiDthe, London MONTREAL. tre authorized S T lie, J. Hill, Esq. I. Hughes, £iq; on application at operation, and is rovincc of Lower tronized by them Senevievo. e aui Trembles, dee Prairies. , St. Laurent. (URNEUX, Secretary. HI THE COLONIAL LIFM jIl capitau^500^ooo^stj:rling. The Bight Honourable the EARL of ELQVX and KINCARDINE, GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL, 49 Great St. James Street. BOAHD OF DIRECTORS. The Hon. PETER M*GILL, President of the Bank of Montreal, Chairman. The Hon. Justice M'CORD. The Hon. A. N. MORIN. HENRY STARNES, Esq. MANAGER: A. DAVIDSON PARKER. B. H. LEMOINE, Esq. JOHN O. MOFFAT, Esq. THE BOARD IN MOIVTREAL. IS INVESTED WITH ABSOLUTE POWERS BUSINESS. IN THE DISPOSAL OF The deliverance of the Board at Montreal is final and irrevocable. THIS ARRANGEMENT GIVES to the COLONIAL all the facilities of a Local Company ; and combines the additional advantage of a large Guaranteed Capital, aflbrding perfect security in all Assurance transactions. The COMPANY GRANT ASSURANCES on the following plan :— HALF of the Annual Premium will be received for the first FIVE or SEVEN years, the remaining half (on which interest shall he payable each year in ad- vance) being chargeable aa a debt on the Policy, to be paid oft' when con- venient, or, at the option of the assured, to be deducted at the settlement of the claim. Thus a party, aged 30 years next birth-day, may eiTect an assurance on his life for J65d0, at a premium, for the first year, of £5, 1%. 8d. A. DAVIDSON PARKER, MarMger, Canada. ^i n -if 871 II ' M MONTREAL. MONTREAL BRANCH OF THE mm liPMWi mmm OF CAPITAL— ^£2,000,000, Sterling. THE unJorsienod, Agent for Iho abuve Company, wi continue to receive propotalu fur FIRE and LIFK INSURANCE, and tako the samo on the most favorable ternn. The largo Capital of Iho Company, and influence of its Proprietors, enables it to rank with any Office either in Europe or Am ica, as rcjfardi the advantages offered to the public. LOSSES SETTLED PROMPTLY, on Haiisfactory proof thereof, wi^Aout referenet to the Board in England. PROSPECTUSES, FORMS OF PROPOSAL For Lit E or FIRE ASSURANCE, and every informatiun rrqiiisitc, can be obtained nt the office of the undersigned, or at any of lli« local agencies in Canada. II. L. KOUffH, Co^nmon Street, opposite the upper wharf, Montreal, (ESTA. P.IONTREAL AGENCY • ;>i D FOR THE COUNTRY AND VILLAGES) op THE ST. lAWRENCI iJOXTNTY MUTirAI INSURANCE COMPANY OF OGDENSBURGH, NEW YORK. Capital, $300,000. Amount Insured, $14,000,000. Upwards of 20,000 Membtrt. ERASTUS VILAS, Prusidbnt ; W. BACON, V. P. ; HENRY G. FOOTE,.Secretary. Insures FARM DWELLINGS, BARNS, STABLES, &,c., and Contents, against LOSS by FIRE, (Lightning included), at lOs. per Annum for each £100- without any Premium note. Office, No. 229 St. Paul street, (Old City Bank Buildings), formerly iEtna Insurance Office. JAMES KNAPP, Agent, OF MOI^TREAIi. HUGH ALLAN, President; THOMAS MOLSON, Vice President. DIBECTORS : Robert Anderson, Hon. Jos. Bourret, Wm, Dow, Hon. James Ferrier, J. W. A. R. Masson, Henry Mulholland, VVm. Muir, Thos. Mussen, John Ostell, John Roae, Alexr. Urquharf. VV. R. FALCONER, Manager j FRANCIS HUNTER, Secretary. E. HAUSSELMAN, Collector. Office :— Gabriel Street, Griffintown. CALLS the at which hn keep Ihe oMt niHtPt SCOTCH PI DRILL HAl SCUFFLERi He n^ii Dear Sir,— yiiu a stHtRUie iners arc more wnle esituys ; the value of tli a climate like duly to my bn rc.jli of my e ihc Grubber I found it an im ffhich has bee twitch-grass, ODtnmon pluuj ploughs, and lur summer fa into uflc in Ca where cultivai it will effect ir are sufficient necessary to p Alexander GRAG JVo. 2] PLAIN, SW SHIPBRE the whole of < N.B.— Ord Have on han complete ass kinds ; FAN PAPERFU color, and a ( tior, to Wax. mi! :eiTe propoiald for ble termt, I. enable! it to rank ages offered to ilic I without reference can ho obtained nt OUS'H, ir wharr, Montreal. LAGE8) COMPANY OF 20,000 Members. OTE,.Srcretary. Contents, ogainst ElOO. without any J JEina, Insurance LPP, Agent esident< retary. MONTREAL. 27> Williani Street^ near Grey Nun iStreet, t^ALLS the attention o( AsrncuUuriiti to the tollowinu list or FARMIN(; IMPLKMENTS which ho keeps contilaniiy on hsnd, msnufaatured under hii own iiupcotion, and made of Ihe 'v.'Mi nintprirtiii ;— .SCOTCH PLOUGH?*. DRILL HARROW.-*, SCTJFFLRRS. He i«-!fr:< I hi? t'"'!' DRILL PLOUGHS, ARCHED Hnd ANGLED HARROWti, or lo ilic lollDWing liiliiT rrlaling to'lho'^Si(D''nii Ormstown, 15; CHEESE PREESES, Ayr. ■hire Paitcrn, St, the putcntcd inijir>iv((l .^1 iisDiL Gri iioica. < -1! 1850. Dt'arSir,— I prnuiinrftl alun I punHianed tlu! .>*ul).soil Griibbir from you, ; ,nildi>i;nd ynu a gtaiomeni of lU ^luiiormancc, «8 ioon as I Iwd finally teated ii. Yo v iliat fur- meri arc more roadv l.> uiio an implcincot, !U)d put iis niurita to a pranicu v.m, tlian to wnleesnays; but I have bern »o fully aausfied with thocxpnrimcnis I liavc made, and wth (he »aJue of the Grubber, rb an impkinent so es3«ntiul to the proper Rultivtition of thu soil in a climate like ours, that I feel I would not only iuil in my promise to you, but also in my duty to my brother ngriculturista stenernlly, if I did not send youa stiitoment. embodying the rci j11 of my experiments, and 'Iso of my opinion as to its uscr and adaplution. I have u^ed ihfl Grubber for many of the urposoa to which it may bo applied— in all of which 1 have found it an implement highly worthy of the attontion of Agncu'iurists. In spring, upon land which has been plouRhed in the fall for summer fallow, and -r tearing up and de«iroyinff twitch.graw, it has fully exceeded tny expectmion ; it can be used much earlier than the .'imimon plough, opens the doi! to a. mucii greater depth, will do the work of six ordinary ploughs, and leaves the soil so fine as to save an immense quantity of labor in harrowirid lor summer fallowing and siibsoiling. I find it the moat valuable implement vet brought into use in Canada. Indeid, I think that no farm is complete without a Grubber, which, where cultivation is carried on on a Inrgo scale, will pay itself in one season, by the saving It will effect in the labor, to say nothing of the superior preparation of the soil. Two horses are sufficient to work the Grubber, except where there is a very stiff day auil, it may be necessary to put on a third one. 1 am, dear Sir, your obedient servant, Alexander Fleck, Montreal. GEORGE CROSS. CRACKER & SHIP^BREAD _ CLARKE FITTS, (Late C. ^ A. Fitts.} AT THE OLD STAND, JVo. 21 St. Joseph Street, one door South of St. George's Church „, ,,, „ Has constantly on hand, of the best quality— PLAIN, SWEET and BOSTON CRACKERS; PLAIN and SWERT JENNFLIND CRACKERS ; SODA, WINE, and BUTTER BISCUITS. — A1.S0, — • SEIIPBREAD of all kinds and qualities, together with a variety of Fancy CRACKERS the whole of which he is prepared to supply at wholesale, upon the most moderate terms ^W .B.— Orders ex ecuted with despatch, and on the most reasonable terms. ^tvXin S^ool, ^mtWtxt* ano artiste* «fpo0itot», JVo. 159 Jfotre Dame Street, Montreal, Have on hand a choice assortment of BERLIN WOOLS of every shade and color • also a complete assortment of JEWELLERY and ARTISTS' MATERIALS of the newest k^nds: FANCY GOODS and_ PERFUMERY. They have also received an elegant assoronent of .■n-^eriais for making a new and Oeauiiful description oi ARTiriCIAIi PAPER FLOWERS, for VASES. BASKETS, BOUQUETS, &o.. which, in beauty of color, and a close approximation in appeararice to Natural Flowers, are equal, if not supe- rior, to Wax.work, while the cost is coiDparatively trifling. InstruclioM given, on moderate terms, if required. a2 '^ i .iS- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I us lis u ■«.o L25 iu 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 150mm V <P /, *; 4^^ «Br o!^k. V cod /. /IPPLIED J IIV14GE . Inc .^s 1653 East Main Street ^^ ^ Rochester. NY 14609 USA .^S-^ Phone: 716/482-0300 .^='.^= Fax: 716/286-5989 1993, Applied Image, Inc., All Rights Reserved ,\ ^\ J,\^ >^ '« ^ is/ <* & •i74 Montreal. JOH\ ARMOUR, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER AND FRIHTSELLER, No. 9, GREAT ST. JAMES ST., MONTREAL, oli,^i**?»fS?.*5?i'^'y °" ''""'* ■" e«ten»i»e and well celecled STOCK of STANDARD Mis iiiu"rr.t. «:ii!rp;/;r:. "•^^^ •" " ^^'^"""^ ''-^""'' ^^''«"-. "-••--i, ZINES andSpRpnm'rri « '^ ^^TERESTlNG PUBLICATIONS, with the be.t MAGA- /V J ° PERIODICALS, are supplied at Publi»hm' prices. terms """"'*"'' ^''■''^ '"°'" '•" ^"''"* ''^"''"' ""-^ ^'ontbly for Europe, or, favourable B. DAWSON, Hf PUD) iBimum (!S7jn No. 2, P/ac^ d'JrmeSy Montreal Keeps constBPiIj on hand a complele asuortment ofPlnin arid FancvStatinn,^r» Pn„,. mgs. Pen and Pocket Knives, Sct.ool Book.. Blank Book". McdicarwJrlra^^'ste d" W,^k. m every dopartn.ent of Literature, and is constantl'y rcco ivrngVi expre,;'' II I e New, Cheap and Intcn-siing Works of the day, b.-8ides all ihc best ^ ' American Magozines. and reprinn of the Brilish Alagazines and Periodleak *"''Bri't?/h'.'L"AlI.'''"" ^"v ' ^'''^'' •^''-.'^'"''»' •'« "ff-rs upon v.ry moderate terms. British and American Newspapers, and ..ther Periodicals, supplied with regularitv Order, mede up monthly for Great Br itain and France, and weekly for thrUnitedS"" B®W^JLlal»- 183, St. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL, Offers for sale an Extensive Assortment of English and American coMPRlsiNo : y RELIGIOUS BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS, CHILDREN'S STORY and TOV BOOIfS and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS of a useful kind. Aho. STAPLE and FANCY s?5' TIONERY. TEMPERaNCK PUBLICATIONS and TIUCTS """l^ANCY STA, ^^ ^^ ^ WH0IE8AIE AND EETAIL. gj* Country Merchants are invited to call and examine the ASSORTMENT & PRICES ■~^ ■ ' - ■•■ «— — — ■-■■ I. • JVO. 10 R. «t A. MILLER, ST. FIUM-COIS XAVIER STREET, MOJfTREM, PUBLISH, UNDER ePKCIAL SANCTtON, TUB And many others, which they offer for Sale. Wholesale and Retail, at very Low Priced and on favorable terms.-Constantiy «n hand. BLANK BOOKS of evcrv descrmtmn E «nH fERVlS4''S;!f.^«:z^7;.'/;i^-*^ • '^i'.^^^' PRAYER-BOOKS rn;CHURCH BOOKS &c ^dtttona, m different kinds of Binding. MAPS. GU DE , A^. BOOKBINDING y« erery *tyleo/ the art, ex.,uud in the bm manner r.r,d ■4f vrry moderate pHcrs. Specimens may be seen by applying at the Subscribers' S^tores, St. Frangois Xavier Street cc im THE Sub Public BIOGBAF] SUNDAY sen Bookselle 6S N Published b had at the b 130 IMPORT Account B( tnbstantially. Old Books, M There is a School Statioi Rewards to C BOOKSE Co Having Rem( The La Strangers v Literature, at In TSELLER, 'REAL, »TAND4RD, MIS. Y STATIONERY, SBzine, handsumeljr th the best MAGA- iropc, on favourable lationery, Engrav urks, and Standard by expreai, ail the Qd PeriodiealR, oderate terms, witli regularity.— c United States. \Eski nd American id TOV BOOKS- nd FANCY STA, ENT & PRICES lO^TTREAL, ' Low Priccp, and ription, Plain and 1, and CHURCH MAPS. GU DE oderatc prices. Ji« Xa»ier Street, MONTREAL, 375 CC wmmm mi mm rVo 02, Great St. James SUm ^^ 5 THE Subscriber has constantly on hand a large collection of Standard Publications in BIOGKAFET, HISTOBY, DIVINITT AND GENERAL LITERATUBE, WITH A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF IN ALL KINDS OF BINBINO. SUNDAY SCHOOL EDITION, INCLUDING SUPPLEMENT, YD BE HAD AT 1§I PER DOZ. Booksellers would do well to call and see the Slock at the above concern. A new supply expected by the first arrivals this spring. The Subscriber is also Agent for the C6 NATHOMAIL MASAIIME y? Published by Carlton <fe Phillips, New York had at the same price as in New York. Other publications may also be EDMUiVD PICKUP. J. B. ROIiliAIVD, l^ooftoeller* i^anufactnter oC 331anft ISoo60» AND IMPORTER OF FRENCH STATIONERY AND PERFUMERY, NO. 24 ST. VINCENT STREET. Account Books of all descriptions Ruled and Bound to any Pattern, and executed sub- lobstantially, and with iaste, at tho Bhortcst notice, and on tho most reasonable terms. Old Books, Munic Paper, and Music Bound to order. There is always on hand at this Establishment, an assortment of School Books and School Stationery, Works ot Pieiy, History, &,c., and a variety of Pictures, suitable for Rewards tu Chik'rcn. D. & J. SADLIER, BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS AND STATIONERS, Corner of M'otre Dame and St Francois Xavier Streets, [laving Removed to the above Central and Commodinus Store, are now offering for S^le, The Largest and Beit Selected Stock of BOOKS, STATIONERY, tfc, TO BB FillJND IN CANADA, SUangers visiting Montreal will find here the most recent works, in every department of Literttuie, at prices which defy competition. MAPS, GUIDE BOOKS, &c., lo great variety, constantly on hand. Remember the Address, • D. & J. SADLIER & Co., Corner oj Notre Dame and Si. Francoit Xavier Streeli. H it Kl; 976 MONTREAL \iHJi . WHOLESALE. ST. FRA]¥€OI8 XAVIfiR STREET, ?SSS?t?tS''„*J^!^;.«" moderate terms, a large and ^vell-assorted Siock ol P?P?R«^^.^^?^^*T^^'^'^^' DRAWING, WRAPPING, and other WDv u together with every variety of MISCELLANEOUS STATION flw:ii*,.ilf "^''^ manufactures, in the best style, MERCHANTS. BANK ERS, FORWARDERS, MILITARY and other BLANK BOOKS H. R. publishes a great variety of the most popular SCHOOL BOOKS inclading ' which has been highly approved of by the Governor General, the Superin- tendent of Education, and the different Religious Denominations, and is now TV*"""""* "^®' ^^^^^ editions have been printed from NEW STEREO. : Z'^..?^'^'^^^ °^ **'' *'"' '^ooks in the series. They are faithfully bound And will be sold low. Various other USEFUL SCHOOL P' C3 are Published, and several new ones are in the Press. H. R. has always on hand supplies of Messrs. Oliver & Boyd's, (*" Edin. burgh, Messrs. Whittaker &z Go's., of London, and Messrs. W. & R. Cham, bers', of Edinburgh, SCHOOL BOOKS and other Popular Publications Also, all the various CHEAP LIBRARIES issued by Mr. H. G. Bohn of London. ' ^5 MAPS foi School Rooms, GLOBES, COPY-BOOKS, EXERCISE BOOKS, SLATES, dec, and all other school requisites. BIBLES, PRAYER AND PSALl BOOKS In great variety. Also, CATECHISMS, and an assortment of (GIHMF MMffiKiDOg FttJIBlLKGiS^IfffiDm PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING carried on in all their branches. ORDERS for BOOKS for LIBRARIES from the UNITED STATES aad EUROPE, executed with dsftpatch. H. MMSAY, MONTREAL soo Bogf* to aequa Buiiness in th the best Lunc BLANK B( BIBLI London an The Cheap j Guidf MAPo MO MoDtveal, / IB®®!" Are coi LA Wliich, bein They ci CODNTRY MSI BOO lliiJ\©i]!i Are kept cor tion express! Country M advantage to r 'REET, sorted Stock of N^G, and other JS STATION NTS, BANK. JOKS. )0L BOOKS, I) the Superiii- ns, and is now W STEREO, lithiully bound F' '^3 are syd's, <*• Edin. . & R. Cham. Publications. H. G. Bohn, EXERCISE BOOKS ment of ir branches. 3D STATES ONTREAL MONTREAL. 277 Xlt ♦ i$ 9k Am J!l% Ju^ JK Cr « BOOKSELLER, STATIONER & PRINTSELLER, No. 16 GREAT ST. JAMES STREET, Opposite the Pott Office, MONTREAL, Bogfs to acquaint the Citizen* of Montreal that, on the lit of May next, he will commenoo Buiinem in tho abnvo Premixtis, where lie will have cunitantly on hand a fine aaiortmcnt of the beat London STATIONERY, of every dewription, at the very li)wcit prices. BLANK BOOKS Ruled and Bound, to any Pattern, on the shortest notice. BIBLES, PRAYERS, and CHURCH SERVICES, in Plain and Fancy Bindings. London and Paris LITHOGRAPHS and ENGRAVINGS in great variety. The Cheap American Editions of new Popular Works reoeived ai toon as Publiahcd Guido Books, Maps, Block Sketch Books, and Artists' Materiala MAPo MOUNTED & VARNISHED. CARD PLATES ENGRAVED- AND PRINTED TO ORDER. MoDtveal, April let, 1853. IB®®!' MB ^mm MMOTACTTOIEIg, iVo. 1 14, IVotro Dame StieoS, Itlonirval, Are constantly manufacturing, on a large scale, every description of LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S &. CHILDREN'S ■tBK mM m:m rm? am jm^mrm^ ms :aEm: mM jbs ^9 Wliich, being made up under their own superintendence, expressly for the They can vvarrant not to be excelled by any house in the Province. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and WHOLESALE PURCHASERS liberally dealt wUb. INDIA RUBBER SHOES of all kinds eoDStantiy on hand. J0HH HikEOliB. BOOT ARTD $$HOE MAKER, 103i, J^otn Dame Street, Montreal. A large and varied Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Are kept constantly on hand, and as they are made up under his own inspec. — s, -jtjst — _.j ._i — _sii.-.,„ s r.,ut', iiu Call tVairaui luctii tu giTc saiisiactiori. Country Merchants, and others purchasing at wholesale, will Gnd it to their advantage to give him a call. ■it m 11' r I- 278 MOnTREAL. BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORYi 122, NOTRE DAME STREET, W UbLD invite iho aiUnUoi. of COUNTRY MERCHANTS, ond the public generally, to the Urge and well-assorted stock of i* » ""J'» '" BdOTS km SHOES OF EVERY OESCRIPTIOM, Slock oflNDIA RUBBER and other OVER SHOES cLunUy rLnd L*die.^(!»^^ ll»roen». and Children's BOOTS and SHOES made to order wilhVuncSt punctuality and despatch C^snUH QaQQdH SSc^c^c BOOTS AND SHOES. AT SMYTH'S^ 46 McGILL STREET, MONTREAL, LADIES' d. I Fino Clolli Boots 9 6 — Cashiiii-rn Do 8 G — Prunella Do,, Galashed, Patent. . 7 6 — Do. do, do., Calf 7 6 KoBsuth BooiR, Paient 8 5 Do. do., Calf. 7 y JenHy Linu Do., Patent 8 6 bo. du„ Calf 7 6 Do. Shoes, Patent 6 3 CaifShoeu, wells... 5 6 Do, single soles 3 9 House Slippers, Leather ii (! Do., Web 1 3 GENTLEMEN'S 8. d. Wellington Boots, Cair, sewed 20 Do., do., peg 15 Congress Boots, olaatic sides, Patent... 15 Do: do., Calf. 12 6 Clarence Boots, Calf, sewed 12 6 Dc<„ do., peg 10 Cobourg Boots, do., sewed 10 Do., du., peg ti U Laced Shoes, do., sewed 10 Df(, do,, peg 8 Tied Shoes, do,, sewed 8 6 Do., kip, peg...^. 5 6 Slippers, Calf, or Cordovan 3 6 M i O C O ITI i U U I. U ) EQUALLY LOH^.^ JfO. 33, ( i! every st; BEDS' All of which nhants, nnd t! now o;i hand. Con order, in everj CABIP An ezoelleni 6d. per bottle. CARVEl ■\ll kinds a GLASS FR. British atid ( ff.B^Soa" t iTORY, public generally, to RIPTION, It their quality and noderate. A good nd. Ladies' Gen< klity and deapatcii OES, 4i. EN'S B. d. wed 20 B 15 •.Patent... 15 Calf. 12 6 1 12 6 10 1 10 «0 10 8 1 8 fi .♦; 5 6 3 6 iki n n II n r A \\u n u 1 MONTREAL. 279 ^0.33, (DEWITT'S BUILDIJ^G^S) McGiIl ST,, MO.YTREAL Manufactures M ^ANE. RUSH, every style and description ^f^Bj) gnj of :::— ::-ALSO-:.— WOOD SEAT CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS, TABLES, BUfiEAUS, SOFAS &C. FRASlJOTKlwap; CABINET & UPHOLSTERY WAREROOMS, Corner o ' Saint Joseph and Saint Henry Streets, Montreal, ' m^yi^M "''''.*^ ^°}^^'" """•"'■'•ctory the most improved machinery Nl/uRp\'''''';'^''^'^'' "•"'''* "ft-'ABINETWARE and FUR.' hp.,,, f.T ''" ■''*''"'' "*"^'' previoui atyleof nriicle.. a very beautiful dccnptioo of FANCY BEDROOM FURNITURE !,e mZ ^Zn"^ •" attend .oorde,B in every department of their bui^^ "r m WHm'^JV:^^u?,T,T- ""'' '«'P«'«tf''lly 'nvi.e an in.peetion I iJ^nf P^^*^ PURCHASERS, who will find it pecnliarly «avani«geoLMo give them a 8h»rc of their custom. ' order, in every var.ety .r^lV%[V^'i:i':', ^^^^SS;;!:' """^ ^""""" """'' " ^ '" CABINET AND UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE, jyo. 189 JVo^rc Dame Street, Montreal, n.",Vv^-"'i'"I''' "" '"""''» »f "•■'tea to order, every variety of HHAWIwr ,fho2 who'^i'"''"''' '"' »^.«'^»O0M FURNfTURVand ?e4c?fSjS |tho.e who require any article in his line of Business to eive h m a c.ll hpi„, offer them inducement* not lo be surpassed. ^ McCOMBIE'S FURNITURE POLISH. 6d Jl.r"ottir ""°''' ^•""'"""'"ff"'- Renovating Furniiuro, for sale, price Is. 3d. or 2.. PHEDBWrelARlisi^ CARVER and GILDER, LOOKING GLASS and PICTURE FRAME MAKER, .„,., , ^iMcGiUSUreet, Montreal. GLASS FRAMPs""'. 'i P?^^i^'^»'l'' PICTURE, and LOOKING ULAbS FRAMES, on hand and made to order. n-u . r l^OOKING GLASS PLATES, ^\?A-;'lt^,r"'n;.l"T'- r .Looking Glass Plates im- V n ' ••;.;.)•« V;."'"'^'^' ^" -''7 s'^e. Pap.er JHache Mouldings, <fec. dtc. JV.B.-Oi/ Patnjing, anrf i'ec^Mm c/.«ncrf and m nished. MaL^c, mounted. Prices low, at both wholesale and retail. ^' ' m li -'. it f *'i i f; 1' I 280 MONTREAL. T>t: WILLIAM LYMAN & Co., OHEBUSTS ^ DMMISTS, MANUrACTHRERS OF UNSEBD OIL, lUroBTKKS UP PAINTERS' COLORS, OILS AND DYE STUFFS, Nos. 194 and 196 Si. Paul Street, Montreal. PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABE PAIN KILLER. Two THOUSAND LIVING WITNEME8 Certify to their ncijrhborB Irom day to day the wonderful »/ec<« of Davis- Pain KiLLKn. s J / J A Cold cured in one hour • Severe Cough in one night .' .' Fever and Ague i» three doya ! ! „ ^ Utioa, January 4, 1648. Messrs. Perry Davis &, Son : Gentlemen,— This is to certify that some four weeks since 1 lost the use of ray right hand, It being very much swollen. To speak within bounds, it was as large as three hands, and pained me beyond endurance. Of course I applied to physicians, but their treatment had nearly ruined my hand, when, fortunately for me, I hoard of your Pain Killer, and ubulucd a bottle of tester dc. Dickinson, vnur agents; and before I had finished bathing my hand the third tune with the Pain Killer, the pain almost entirely loft it, and now my hand is perfectly free from pam. Had I known of your invaluable article when first my hand troubled me, I would have given twenty.five dollars for one bolllo of it, if it could not have been obtained at a less price, as 1 should have saved, not enly this amount, 'Ut a world of ■"nefng- JOHN BROWN, Engineer, Third Street. New Hartford, Oneida County, January 1, 1840. I hereby certify that I have used Perry Davis's Pain Killer in my family for various pur- poses, VIZ., for coughs, colds, asthma. &,c. Also in catcg of burns, where it acts like « charm, removing the pain immediateiy; and, besides, I have known it used in my neigh. bourhood for various complaints for which it is recommended, and do not know of a single instance in which it has not proved what it purports to be, a remedy for removing pain, and consequently the cause. And cheerfully do I recommend it as a valuable article which no family should be without. EPHRAIM PALMER. Mesin. Perry Davis & Son, Providence, R.I. • , u , . J L Frankfort, January 1, 1849. taenilemen,— Last fall I had the misfortune to be thrown from my boat into the canal, and took a violent cold which settled in my head, producing excruciating pain. After having ler, believing it will remove pain wherever it exists. Messrs. Perry Davii & Son. Very reipectfully yours, JAMES E. AUSTIN. Mr. Perry C you on Thursd (ou that I bad kilter. Since cnrd with quint :he interview a jchc, I rosorte( balhiog my thr hilf.past seven it tan o'clock, lake great plea nature is subjec lob* without i iVfsars. Perr; uu;;!) uf some Dickinson, and tier cough was i 3688 in the tlirt of the lungs sir Killer is the bcs medicine in the Spinner in the Messrs. Perr) ^reat amount o Killer. I first i: mv fnmily for ci !ild several dozi Dickinson, 117 who have purch but they come i leMimony of the Messrs. Perry jtliBfttction it gi Pain Killer. Al vai confined to the confinement Id the object of Iwfore. 1 immo prise, immediate bed for one day. >ubBided. My 11 In abort, ll am c tliose who may t Pain Killer, that This may cerii of this city, com| stribed this prept I unhesitatingly \ recollect having i^S'Sinc'. Metan. Perry LIN8EBB Oil, rUFFS, day the wonderful Fettr and Ague in January 4, 1848. le or my right hand, as three handt, and Lheir treatment had Killer, and ubuiucd 1 bathing my hand id now my hand Is when first my hand if it could not have nt, 'ut a world of icvr, Third Street. January 1, 184B. nily fur variouB pur- vhero it acta like a used in my neigh. lot know of a single removing pain, and ble article Which no \IM PALMEK. January 1, 1849. t into the canal, and lain. After having m, advertising your Ksentirsi" resRij^sd. i ai truly a pain kil- yours, S E. AUSTIN. MONTREAL. m \t, P... n • n c- ., . Utica, January 6, 1848. Mr. Perry Davia :-Drar Sir,- yo.i doubtIu« will recollect the conversation I li.d with ^ ZJITa*' '"'"' *^\^° •'•"■• ."f ^""'f "ff"""' *'•'"" *• Dickinson, when I slated to i^ri^iinn'f. ''•""",'' ''T' '''"'^'■'" '?/ *"'' """^ ''^^""""^ ">«• ^y "'inir your Pain killer. Since that lime. I took a severe cold, which resulted in a verv sore throat threat. oned with quinsy, accompanied with a tremendous sick headache ; and rocollectine that at .he interflow above named, you assured me that it would relieve sore throat and sick hekd. ache, I resorted to my recently made friend, Tub Pain Killer, which I used freely in ; f"„?.."^ Ikroat. Uking it internally agreeably to directions. I ca.„,nonced using it abou ,i.ll.pas seven in the cvenmK. and to my surprise and great pleasure, I f.iund myself in bed f.kZrltl"'^'"^"'"^'""' headache and pain a. ever I was inmyhfe; ccnsequVntl/ I suirf is ifcT '" ""'""'rr'*'"? " '" ""' "'"''"'"'• '■•'' ""y P"'" ""-l i" P°" human rhlJi.Hn.^^. f/ • ' ''"'*/°."''* "J 'hat no rearonable amount of money would induce me .0 b« without It in my family. Respectfully, your friend, « „ . RUFUS R. CONKLIN, Foremsn and cutler at Z. &, P. Lyons', merchant tailors, No. 96 Genesee st. %s.rs. Perry Uavis & Son :-Gentlemen.-This is to cortify"t''h^t*my'wirhad a vSnit cough of some weeks' standing, when I bought a bottle of your Pain Killer of Vosle & Dickinson, and she cammenced using it according to directions. After taking the first do,o iier cough was evidently better; and after taking it thrco or four timJ, hor cooeh andsore ' oMheM'r/ "7 Tr""'^ '''•""''"'' -J has had no return ofTh! cough or'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (J,i i i! .K., f ^"'' ^J'"" "''"'^ " '" •"" ^'""''^ ^ havo no doubt that your Pa?n ^ Hf.in« •• ,/ T''""""'" "•"."•^aptod tu u largar class or diseases than any other Medicine in ine world.-I am, respectfully yours, &.C., ^ Spinner in the IJtica Steam Woollen Factory ; house corncVJf'vMr'Srkfnd Hamilton sis Messrs. Perry Davis * Son r-GentleSl^llTcL^f^ilf rddr;'':nt"r^hV r.dy jreat amount of testimony, with regard to your invaluable and aLTstan.healini Pain i!?„;„il, f", n""'l^ "^ '"" ^'" ^"'" '"' 0°'"''«^ •"'1 ""'«« th" time have used U my (nuiUy for coughs, sort throats, sore lunjs. bruises, burns, and rheumatism and ha^ fjj several dozen bottles to others, wliich I purchased of yoir agents, 3« Foster & Dickinson, 117 Geneseo street, Utica; and the testimony which comes to 1 from aTthot who have purchased Uis not only that the medicine ii all that iUs recrrncnVd to ST in they come and boy the second, third and fourth bottle ; and that I conTder the b«t tesuraony of the usofulncss of the Pain Killer—Yours truly, consider the best GEORGE BALLS. Messrs. Perry Davis & Son :-Gentlemen.-I am at a loss to ^JiewS t'o!df ihe Sn K Ter "fL'^t"" '" '"'""" '"\' "' "" ''"'^' ' ""'^ received' fromThe\rofyS Pam KiHer. About one year since, I was attacked with the inflammatory rheumutisn and was confined to my bed for six weeks, without being able to walk for ei^t weJks • bSirdJ. |.ha conflnen^ent to the honse Iho pain I experienced^o tongue can desSe. B^f 'to rotur" ^ Ihe objoct of this letter. On the 27th December last, I had a more sev;ro attack than before. I immediately commenced using the Pain Killer made by you. which to mv Bur° prijc ,mmed,ately re leved me of pain, and saved mo the necessity of beinglonfined to m^ liJZr m"'|- V " "u""; ^''="'" '^"y" *'"" 'he attack, and the inflamZirhas enUrd v £'li?^ hmbs which were tremendously swollen, have assumed their natuVa'S n short. II am entirely wMl : and feel bound, by the common sympathies of mv na ure fo^ trtose whomay bnthus afBictod, to make the aiovc statemcnt/ibSt a 1 may rwo' to the Pam Killer, that time, expense, and a world of suffering may b^ prevented ^ HENRY WEED, Clerk at 117 Genesse street, Utica. This may certify, that I am well acquainted with the r^e:?;:r whic^ 'S^'peV Da'^is of this city, compounds a medicine called bv him PAIN K ff r PR h-. r u ? ' fY 'hi- preparation, and with HatisflStor^rcsuUstith^t S^^^^^ Zt I unhesitatingly pronounce it a safe and efficacious article. 1 furtherrate tha't I do So recollect^ having seen or heard the term Pain Killer, until i saw it on tl UM S hi.' M D T. . . ^^^^ A. WAJSWORTH, M. D. Me«ira. Perry Davis & toon :-Having witnessed the beneficial efTect. of your ctl brated b2 ■ '%] ' ■ I'd [■ •, p i H 1:1 11 282 MONTREAL Pain Killer in Mveral caioi of the Djricntery and Cholera Morbus within a few monlb* pn>t and deeming it an act of bcnevulence to tho suflfcring, promoted by the feehnsf or a eommor huinnnitj, 1 would muii cliecrtully recommend iti uie li auoh hi may be tunisrini; from (he aforemeniioned or limilar diioaaee, as a safe, and, at f«r aa my observation goes, an etfec. tual remedy. I have obacrved the following directions:— To an adult, one teaspoonful Pain Killer, nm tablespoonful castor oil given in a little warm milk and water, sweetened with loaf sugar: bathing tho bowels witiv tho Pain Killer. To a child eight or ten years of age, half iht quantity. For wounds, bruises, and burns, I haveTound it a most valuablo remedy. Vuur< moet rcspcctrully, EDWARD K. FULLER, Ptitor of First Baptist Churob, Somerset, Maw WhoUttfle and Rttail Agent$, MiasRi. William Lyman St Co., 194 and 196 &t. Paul Street, Sdtntreal, Canada, JAMES PATTON & CO., IMPORTERS, No. 42 McGill Street y Motitreal, Have always on hand a well selected Stock of CHINA, GLASS and EARTHENWARE, to which ihey invite the attention of Country Merchant* GENERAL CLOTHING STORE, ANB THE Subscriber, thankful for the patronaee heretofore received, most respectfully inti mates to the Citizens of Montreal, and the Public, that his STOKES in the Bonsccoun Market and the Basement of Mrs McAuley's New Market Hotel, are well supplied with ih- best descr iptior. of NEW and SECONDHAND CLOTHES, which will be SOLD o ^SlIBRARY is also supplied with the choicest of RELIGIOUS and HISTORICAL WORKS NOVELS, REVIEWS, and MAGAZINES, from the most Eminent Authort, ancient and modern ; and will be lent to the lovers of Literature on reasonable terms. Lddiea and Genilemen wishing to difpose of OLD CLOTHING, will pleaae call at ilii Stores or at his residence 14 Georgr's Street, four doora from Craig Slieet, where he w « pay every attention, and the HIGHEST PRICES. THOMAS PETTON. J. M. GILBERT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, k DEALER in ALL KINDS of ANTHRACITE COAL, JVo. 31 St. Francois Xavier Street, Montreal. Coal Yard at Messrs. Campbell and Williamson's Stores, Logan's Buildinp Commissioner's Street. ITID -;ir Also, Manufacturer's Agent for the sale of RAILROAD and CAR Fl' NISHING GOODS, of every description. All kinds of CARRIAGE TRIM MINGS, &c., furnished to order. Nwy M MRS. McCO: (firm her frieni Street, where i economy, and To be had C &o., Wholeaal HAVING Mr of CON FECI either Wholet with every r< PARTIES, & BRAS REC( CUANDELU Every de$cri Lqflamm Alwavs o PANNED ^ METALIC £ M rstaU. Orders pr n ■ (cw monlhi pKtt reelingt of a eommor \o luntsrini; frum the ttion Koct, an elfec. iful Pain Killer, out ed with loaf lagar; an of Bge, half the nblo remedy. Yuun C. FULLER, Ob, Somerset, Man 94 Mnd 196 &t. Paul CO., lA, GLASS and ounlry Mercbanu STORE, 08t re>p«etfully inii S in the Bonsccoun well supplied with th I) will be SOLD or and HlSTORtCAl iBl Eminent Authori^ reaaunablo lermi. irill pleate call at ihi Stieet, where he wi!i S PETTON. INTHRACITE COAl. eal. Logan's Building! RRIAGE TRIM MONTREAL. SIS NEW CONFECTIONERY ! ! ! MRS. SARAH M'CONKEY. MRS. McCONKLY, grateful for the patronage aflbrdad (o her huaband, besi leave lo in- b>rm her frienda and the public, that ihe haa OPENED her SHOP in Great St. James Street, where she is prepared to execute ail ordere in her line with the utmost desimloh, economy, and taste. "^ To be had CONFECTIONERY of all kinds, ICES, JELLIES, CAKES, BISCUITS. dte.. Wholesale and RaUil. Familiea supplied at moderate prices. E. CLOU SEE, WHOtlSAlI & BlTia COMICTIOIIR J^O. 195 JTOTRE DAME STREET, MO^'TREJiL, HAVING Moved into the above Central Stand, is now .Manufacturinir everv deacriotion of CONFECTIONERY, CAKES. CANDIES. PRESERVES^Vc , l^.h^e^ tt MUier Wkolttaleot R tail, upon very mode/ate terms. Parties ^-applied on short notice Hf'.^.^TJJ? '«qo'«"« >n iho line, in first-rate ttylt ; and BALLS, SOIREES. TEA- PARTIES, &c., dealt with on the most liberal terms. »»»i^i:-'. *».» BRASS FOUNDER, GAS FITTER, &c., RECOLLET STREET, JSTear ST. PETER STREET, MONTREAL. CHANDELIERS, TABLE LAMPS, and every other description of Braas Work cleansed, lacquered, and bronzed equal to now. Every de$cription of Jobbing Work promptly attended /■ , u/. the moit reasonable terms. BRASS AND COPPER CASTINGS. FIVMBEH, TIN SMITH, 6AS FIHEH. ^C, 9 Laflamme's Brick Buildings, College Street^ opposite the College, Alwavs on hand, i large and general assortment of TIN. SHEET IRON and JA. PANNED WARES. Also. PATENT^PUMPS. LEAD PIPES, TIN, ZINC AND METALIC SPOUTS, to any pattern, at the shortest notice, and at low prices, wholesale Orders promptly attended to. I ' n ■J n f - . ' '• !' i In n 181 MONTREAL. MTHS ©IF" AILH MS(GMPTI®I^§. Refrigerators^ or Summer Ice Houses of a Superiw Quality. G. F. PROWSE, would respectfully invite public attention to hit NEW am' GREATLY IMPROVED FURNACES, which givo a mill greater degree of heat from the same quantity of fuel than his former ones. By this JVew Invention, the flame and smoke, after leaving the Are and passing the generators, again re-eater and pass through the Furnace, therebr adding greatly to the existing volume of Caloric, and consequently diminishin'r to an equal extent the necessity of consuming the fuel. This apparatus erect- ed in a kitchen will in a manner every way superior to any other now in use. By an arranKement of the SUMMER APPARATUS, a very small fire is required for cooking and no heat, (except required), need be felt in the house. Another great ad^ vantage in this Furnace is a still smaller apparatus for broiling and boiling, tiie •Diell of which is entirely carried up the Furnace, and hot water can be sent to any part of the building for baths, &c., whereby a great saving is eflected both in fuel and labor. Auctioneers, Commission Merchants, AND CUSTOM HOUSE AGENTS, ATTEND, Personally, to every department of the ALfCTION arid COMMISSION BUSINESS, and also to Rcceivinff, Paying Duties, Freight, Bonding, and Forwarding MERCHANDIZE (o or fora the United States. They have uUo a large and commodious FircProof, Bonded and Storacre Warehouse fur rf^cRivinir Mprnhar.'4:—> nf •»<.«_ .!.£>.:;.•:.» OFFICE:-!! ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET^ MONTREAL, wmfkm FREII The Unders CENTRAL to or from Bi tsm ©A© DAGUEI juerretypfi, ci Y Jar(rc n S. J, Lytniin i N.B.-AI prices. m FANCH N.B—A THE onders SILKS AN COTTONS WADDINC The Stock w t nc attcfitiOil ¥ S o 04 1. f & • 3 1 3 e CO C9 S o m s 8 radBNSo mr Qualitfj. » hit NEW and greater degree of ving the Are and furnace, thereby entlydiminishinc apparatus erect- J an arrangement ired for cooking. L nether gr^at ad- ; and boiling, tiie 'atcr can be eeni aving is eiTected rchants, ilTS, id COMMISSION K, and Forwarding ;e and commodious 'ONTREAL. MONTREAL. flll^il' CllTIASi l&IIiHAl». FREIBHT VIA BOSTfTN AND HfTERMEDIATE PLACES. The llnderiiune.l. FREIGHT AGKNT in Montreal, for the VERMONT CENTRAL RAILROAD, is prepared to contract for FREIGHT THROUGH to or frora BOSTON, and to or from NEW YORK. No. 61 CommUtloners Street, Montreal, (Uppo«Ue tho Bleani Cuat Wharf.) T. C. DOANE, No. 2, Place d'Armes, DAGUEEJREOTYPE LIKENESSES from Nature, Faintinga, Engiavmg*, or Da. guorretypfi, copied wilh the (jrcitiLBt accuracy. y large number of Specimens to be iccn at his rootnf, over tho Drug Store of MoMn. S. J. I . - -. N prices. :r III %«./ Vr«ui| ft lavc u x^iiijca* -All sorts of Daguarrcot^po Material, at a small adTsnco upon New York Mil uimmi WHOLESALE '^ FANCT AND STAPLE DRY GOODS STORE, AND iiiiiiHi^iiili MONTREAL. N.B.— A largo assortment of Broad Cloths, Cassimcres, &c. -T € THE nndersigned designs to keep on hand an assortment of STAPLE DRY GOODS. SILKS AND RIBBONS, LINENS AND CAMBRICS, COTTONS AND MUSLINS, WOOLLENS AND CLOTHS, WADDING AND BATTING, THREADS AND TWINES. The Stock will ba renewed as required by way of Boston, at any season. JOHN DOUGALL, 183, St. Paul Street. m 1 il f[il If 386 MONTREAL. (LATE SMITH & MORGAN,) IMPORTERS OF, AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN, EVERY DESCRiraON OF FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, HAVE now on hand a large and well-selected stock of every article usually to be found in their line, which they are able to ofier at very moderate prices. FAEABIS IT FEBRB» (general CUrg Sooda jnetctjants, No. 96, Notre Dame Street, Montreal, vvOULD respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they vv: open that LARGE, CENTRAL and COMMODIOUS STORE, No. 96, Notre Dame Street, early in May, 1853, with an extensive and well assorted stoci: BRITISH, fBEHeH & AMERICAM STAPLE AND FANC7 DR7 aOODS, Which, having been selected expressly for the Montreal trade, and every article being of the best quality of ifski id, and offered at the They can confidently recommend to the notice of all who desire to combine ECONOMY and ELEGANCE, when purchasing their supplies of Drj Goods. Coanlrr Merehants, the Ladies, and the FQblic generally, are Inrited to CJIll AND EXAMINE. 5) IMPORTER OF, & WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN) & FOB LACE & 9 K^^^ wdUBtj*, ii»adidibdibi,abw», wb^«^ No. 116, NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL N.B.— The most cstcitsire uiid beat aclccicd stock of LACE and EMBRGiDEiiY ia ihc Province,^is to be found at this establishment. Intending purchasers are Invited to call and examine. BunsiA Hii Stoct Carpets of Vi Superfine, & Druggets ; D Cloth, of all \ Silks ; Satinfl Ladies', Geni Silk, Cotton, and Children' and Plain Fn Family Liner ties; French Tweeds, Vea Coloured Tat With e\et market for C J{o. 18, IS now prepare tion of ST BEE GRAPHING, All orders w art. A share o; 1 J^o. 14, ts always pr( and Invitatio Drafts, See. d lettered to on Strangers \ may depend '9 SCRiraON OF lODS ually to be found in ricesf , that they will IE, No. 96, Notre ell assorted stock BAM GOODS, , and every article lesire to combine supplies of Dry ire invited to DEALER IN Of, ONTREAL. [BHOiDERY ia ihc e invited to call and MONTREAL. 387 'ssMBMAB muBBrnm 9 IMPORTER OF BRITISH AMI rOlEIBH FANCY ANB STAPLE DRT KHKDS, ^c., J^rOTRE DAME STREET, MOJ^TREAL, (ADJOININO THE ENGLISH CATUKDRAL.) Hit Stock, which is varied and extensive, consisls of the follovoing : Carpets of Velvet, Tapestry, Brussels, Imperial, Kidderminster, Duich, Fine, Superfine, &c., &;c.; Hearth Bugs of every description ; Plain and Printed Druggets ; Door and Carriage Mats, in all varieties ; Floor and Table Oil Cloth, of all widths and newest styles ; Real Irish Tabinets, plain and watered ; Silks ; Satina ; Damasks ; Ribbons ; Embroidered Goods ; Mourning do. ; Ladies', Gent's, and Childrer 's Silk, Cotton, and Woollen Hosiery ; Gent's. Silk, Cotton, Merino, and Lamb's Wool Shirts and Drawers ; Ladies', Gem's, and Children's Kid, Silk, Thread, Clolh and Cashmere Gloves ; Embroidered and Plain French Lawn Handkerchiefs ; Damask Table Linen and Napkins ; Family Linen ; Linen Sheeting ; Huckaback ; Diapers ; Shawls, in aU varie- ties; French Merinos; Coburgs ; Mousline de Laines 'loths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Veslinps ; Printed Muslins and Cambrics; Lato Goods; Cloth and Coloured Table Covers, <&c. With e\ery other article in the trade, which, being bought in the best market for Cash, he will dispose of, On the most reasonable terms. B0 A W^ A fi J^o. 18, Great St. James Street, {next the entrance to TattersaUf) IS now prepared to execute to order, promptly, and upon reasonable terms, every deacrin- lion of STEEL, COPPER-PLATE, and WOOD ENGRAVINC4, and alao, LITHO* GRAPHING, DIE SINKING and SEAL ENGRAVING. All ordera will be accuratefy attended to, and the work performed in the best atyleof the art. A share of public patronage ia respectfully solicited. T. IRELAND, J^o. 14>, Great St. James Street, directly opposite the Post Office, Is always prepared to execute in the best style, every description ofVisiting and Invitation Cards, Professional Cards, Bill Heads, Promissory Notes, DraAs, &.c. dec. Door and Coffin Plates constantly on hand, and promptly lettered to order. Strangers visiting the City will find T. Ireland's establishment central| tind may depend upon having their orders executed without delay. ., M 'II ^ ^%\ : ■ w i I m MONTREAL. whi [mm, mm & co., 10 ®nat SI James Street, NO. 20 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, MONTREAL, DR?PTr."i^Rl'r%°'i'^"j''r."J FOREIGN GOLD. SILVER, and BANK NOTES, also, of DrfZ .nH A "^^? ^^ EXCHANGE. He eives particular attention to the collection whnpnt!.f.?u """.**' ,""'' '^^ transaotion of Commission Business generaily-and those favorable tfm"" Businoss, may depend it will l,o promptly attended to, upon STREET, Makes most kinds of CASTINGS, and keeps for Sale the best articles In Lis line, and tfie Cheapest in Canada. Among which are Patent Scales ol all kinds; Stoves, Cooking, Double, Single and Fancy; Hot Air Furnaces; Cooking Ranges for Hotels, &c. ; Steamboat Stoves ; Axes, various patterns; Patent Portable Grist Mills ; Patent Railkoad Chairs of Wkoughx Ikon; Cast Iron Bedsteads ; Pig Iron, Axe, and other Iron; English Coke, Lehigh Coals, and moat articles wanted in the Trade. MO] M «o i WILL exect Fancy Castir Constantly n and Double S and Heating Hay Soalea. promptly don IHF0R1 BEGS respec VARIOUS a He submits a patronage, wi TEAS— Gur F SUGARS— 1 COFFEES- SPICES— .M P PICKLES, i FRESH FR b Ic SUNDRIES c E n Togcthe m qts. and pt " Old Tom*" COBS, Marasc Albany Ale, N.B.-f Pricet. t, ONTREAL, lNK notes, also, ion to the collection enerally — and those !y attended to, upon WILLIAM STREET, 3st articles in iiis :ent Scales ol al! Air Furnaces; ■'arious patterns; i^KoxjGHT Ikon ; b Coke, Lehigh MONTE' MONTKEAL FOUNDRY Eh M M CO PCS ^ H ^ CO ,S «i S ^ ^ hJI rii < ^ *3 IT* g S WILL execute orders for every deicriptioh of Cemetery Railingi and Gates, Plain and Fancy Caetingg, Machinery, Mill Work and Stovet,Axe8, ScaleH and Weighing Machines. Constantly manufacturing, and for sale on the premises, an assortment of Fancy, Single and Double Stoves, new pattern Cooking Stoves, Ranges, Grates, &.c.. Kmlroad Stoves and Heating Apparatus, Rail Road, Warehouse, and Counter Scales, Patent Balances and Hay Soales. The material made use of shall bo of the best quality, the work w«« ana promptly done, and prices very moderate. IHFORTEB OF WINES ^ 6ENEB&L BROGEBIES, 4G., BEGS respectfully to solicit the attention of FAMILIES, at this season of the year, to his VARIOUS and EXTENSIVE STOCK, selected especially for a First Class Family Trade. He submits a list of the leading articles, feeling assured that those favoring him with Iheir patronage, will have reason to bo satisfied : — TEAS— Gunpowder, Imperial, Old and Young Hyson, Twankay, Souchwig, Congo, Flowery Pokoe, &o., &c. SUGARS— London Refined, ditto Crushed, Bright Muscovado. COFFEES— Java, Laguyara, Ceylon, and Porto Rico. SPICES— Mustard, Cassia, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Allspice, Ginger, White and. Black Pepper, India Curry, Cayenne Pepper, (Ground and Whole). PICKLES, Sauces and Essences, in every variety, from the most noted houses. FRESH FRUIT— Raisins, (in boxes, halves and quarters,) Currants. Figs, Prunes, Fil. berte, Almonds, (all kinds,) Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel, Scotch Marma- lode, Jellies, &-c. • „ » SUNDRIES— Chocolate, (different qualities,) Cocoa, Broma, Maccaroni, Vermicelli, An- chovy and Bloater Paste, Mackarel, Lobsters ami Eels, (in lb. tins,) Sardines, Baking Powders, Corn Starch, Eau de Cologne, Cigars, and other articles too numerous to recapitulate. r • u j Together with his usual assortment of Wines, Liquors, Champagnes (of various brands, m qts. and pts..) Madeira, Sherry, Port (of all qualities), Old Jamaica Rum, «• Islay Dew," " Old Tom^" Holland's and SchinHam Gin, Pale and Dark Brandy. Cherry Brandy, Cora- coas, Maraschino, and a general assortment of French Liqueurs, London Porter, Scotch and Albany Ale, vpts. and qts.) ,• . . ,1,. , , N.B.— families purchasing in quantities, and paying Caah, are ■oppliod at Whoteule Pricei. c2 i ': t : HS& !! m MONtftEAL. NEW YORK, MONTREAL & QUEBEC PULUEiff, -vm&ou a €0., CONTINUE THEIR )AI&-» BSI^IftBtt TO BURLINGTON, TROY, ALBANY, NEW YORK, u"**.,^"^"^!""^ '^'f iS'^''®?^*'? ^^^ ^"'*'"'* ^'"^« «f Railroads and Steamer, leaving Montreal and New York, for the Transportation of Ifffie, aSnnk Mote, ^amb an^ /rng[it, Of every description ; also for the Colleciion of i, mm & Mmif And for the Transaction of General Business. All Goods consigned to them will receive prompt attention. CUSTOM HOUSE BUSINESS Of all kinds respectfully solicited. 3 MONTREAL, No. 3. Place d'Armf.9 i w «™.>- .^^.,, QUEBEC, St! Andrew's Wharf, "'"? . .' D McgTe ^^'do^ 221 River Street, TROY, PuUei., Virgil & Co. ' ' do 16 Wall Street, NEW YORK, do do do ' dS UNIT E From BOST( Connecting n lalionofSPE iicription, and MONTREA KINGSTO^ BELLEVIL COBOURG TORONTO HAMILTOI BRANTFO LONDON, Received th( Specimens < equally eleg patronage. TOILET A Walking Sti Strangers and his old ( to do the sa QUEBEC €0 I V YORK, ds and Sleamen 'i) ot attention. INESS 'owes , Agent IE, do do do MONTBSAL. 291 UNITED STATES & CANADA EXPRESS. IHiiif » 11 % CONTINUE THEIR From BOSTON, to MONTREAL, OGDENSBURGH, KINGSTON, TO- RONTO, HAMILTON AND LONDON, C.W., Connecting with all the American and European Expresses, for the transpor. lalion of SPECIE, BANK NOTES, PARCELS and FREIGHT of every de- scription, and fur the transaction of ©MEIM IEZFK§§ IB1[J§ME§S, MONTREAL, No. 3, Plu..e d'Armes, KINGSTON, City Buildings, BELLEVILLE, COBOURG, . TORONTO, . HAMILTON, . BRANTFORD, LONDON, . . J. W. HowBs, Agent. E. W. Palueb, do J. Harrison, do J. Lambert, do G. H. Cheney, do J. E. Ebbs, do A. M. TiTcs, do F. L. Baker, do DAVID BANSL.EY, Ho. 110 Notre Dame Street, Montreal, Received the First Prize^ at the Provincial Exhibition in Montreal, (or his Specimens of WIGS, TOUPIES, &c., and ia now prepared to supply an equally elegant and superior article to all who may honor him with their patronage. He has ako on hand a choice Stock of PERFUMERY, FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, Combs, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Cutlery, Canes and Walking Sticks, Toys, &c., which he is selling at very moderate prices. Strangers visiting Montreal are respectfully invited to stepTn and examine} and his old custoiners and the citizens generally will be welcome, at all times, to do the same. <i 1 , |- H ' ':i I :;il till ff MONTREAL. W. & C. BREWSTER, Comer of St. Paul and St. Prancou Xavier Streets IMPORTERS OF ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, SUrll'r'^e ''®***"' ^"^*'°' """^ ^*"'''' ^"* Reined Iron POTASH KETTLES ItSf7 riJi?Sf AMpT/^i?cl''*!'Mv?l°i' ^P""P' ^"*^ Warranted CAST' ?.tI'? « ^*'^*^^' ANCHORS, ANVILS, and VICES, Best Warrante,! MILL SAWS, CIRCULAR, HAND, and other Saws. '^"ranted Scythes, Joiners' Tools, Files, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Cast Steel Warranted Axes; Saddlery, Plated and Japanned Wares, Bells, &c., &c., &c. AND MANCPACTUREHS OF 3SS9 (EWS 3rAl£S, SiKEKS, (ffifi. The whole comprising a most complete assortment of all articles in the Trade> and L". the Lowest Prices. ALSO, EVERY DESCRIPTION OP Used by the best Farmers in Canada, including Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators. Straw and Hay Cutters, Cast Steel and Steel Back Scythes, Horse Rakes Cast Steel Forks and Hoes, Churns, and Cheese Presses, &c., &c., all of the latest improved manufacture. /^- WILDER'S WITH Bicirs hfbovements. N'*"«k.'"'"'*"'' "■ ""'" '"•"■ *'•"' '■" "" "•«»f'«»r.r* Sl..m. S, Mar.in COSNEl Import all dcs ami have cnnsi lion i>r Bar, n Kettles, Cooler Glass and Con AMI BRITISH, i BRITISH Manuft MO. 135 J Keeps constant line of bosiBesa PE R, Teets, liERV, SHKETTLES '^arranted CAST' Best Warranted Screws, Cast ic.y &c., &c. es in the Trade' )W«, Cultivatorsj 3. Horse Rakes, , &:c., all of the ^ 1? quito FJro and Stearns & Marrin MONTREAL. 393 [^[i»ai[^ (E » '3 imt^aP^i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CORNER OF ST. PAUL & ST. FRAl GOIS kAVIER STREETS, Import all dcsoriplions of British, German, nnd American Hardware reqaired in Canada, and have coniitantly on hand a heavy and cuniplele assortment, includinjr every dcscrip- tlun i>r Bar, Band, Rod, and Hoop Iron, Canada Plate*, Tin, Sheet Iron, Steel, Potash Kettles, Coolers, and other Hardware, Nails, Spikes, Chains, Shovels, Spades, Anvils, Vices, Glass and Cordajre. 'laa ' il 111 ''ilS iU'illiiil ■iltiWI ■'illiiiiii' MANUFACTURERS AGENTS, AND WHOLESALF. SEALERS IN AMERICAN HARDWARE, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, 190, ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL. SHERLOCK, FOLET & CO. IA:itWAlE:ilD'GENERi:A''Li'MEiR:;CHANTS 191 hU Paul Street y Montr ealy IMPORTKRS OF BRITISH, AMERICAN ^ 6ERDIAN SHELF ^ HEAVY HARDWARE, GLASS, &c. &c. AND OF BRITISH A F OREIQN FANCY GOOD S &SMALLWARES. «Oiil M IVEl Manufacturer, Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in jYO. 135 J^OTRE >^^HiH^^^^^^ DAME STREET, Keeps constantly on hand an extensive and very superior assortment of every article il^ Jlic line of bosiaeu, which lie oiferB at Wholesale or Retail upon very favorable termh ■ •/ CASH PAID FOR SHIPPING FURS. IM MONTRfiAL. )%''lk%'^ JVo. 98, J^otre Dame St., corner St. Gabriel St., Montreal. BEGS to inform h<N fricDdB and the public, that the busiiieM formerly carried on at No. 109, Notr« Dame Street, hat been removed to the present central and commudioui premi. •es, where will always be kept on hand tho iurffest and best assorted slock of F171^ €AF8, &e., to be found in the city Every article sold on tho premises being manufactured under his own supervision, the proprietor can guarantee its being of the very best materials and workmanship, and the ptices will be found to average from 10 to S5 per cent under the usual charges. Country MerchantH and others arc invited to call and examine previous to making their purchases. Terms I'heral. N.B.— No conhwxion with No. 109 Notre Dame Street, or any other house in the trade. A. BRESLER, 98 Notre Dame Street. MONTREAL HAT AND FUR MART. sown BE0WM, And Importer of every J3rticle in the Manufacturing Line, 153 ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL, Has always on hand and for sale upon very fHVorable terms, an extensive and superior si> sortment of Hnts ol every descriplinn. His FUR, SILK and BEAVER HATS are invari- ably manufactured under his own immediate superintendence, and be can confidently re commend them as buiii'; a better article than anything imported into Canada at the prieet at which they u)tU be sold. CuuNTRV MERciiANTti, and Rbtailbrs generally, would do well to call and examine the Large Stock now on hnnd before purchasing elsewhere. He has always on hand a Large ard Varied eiock uf Fur Goods well suited to the cuUSitry trade, to wlitcb he wouid a'su rrspectfuliy cati the attention of intending purchaser? at Wholesale. N,B.—Con»tantly, on hand a complete aitortment of Hatter'i Sto€kand TVtmmiiif*. C«« mud tk0 higkMt prie$ paid for all rmm/m Sign of HAVING R formerly occt ible AsFortm He retarni tinue to use I prices as he CBAS'lRf will AT THE! HAS now en dren and Yov styles, expresi Town and C( Country Mi purchases. N.B.— Casl IMPORTERS IN HATS, Have much p cotistantly on chants, and I on b»nd befoi tontreal. y carried on at No. Bommodioui premi. ckuf m luperviiion, the irkmanshipi and Ihe shargea. QUI tu making their hoaie in the trade. Ure Dame Street. MART. ig Line, ve and auperior as- i HATS are invati- I can cunfidently re 'anada at the prictt W and examine tiie |rg on hand a Large vhieb he vtrouid aisu ui TVimmtiif •• Cm. WONTKEAL. S9ft A. BBAIAOI r ASHIONABIE HAT, CAP AND FUR STORE, Sign of the Military Cap, No. 95, Notre Dame Street^ HAVING REMOVED t'> the Central and Commodinua Store, No. 95 Notre Dame Street' furmerly occupied bv Mr. T. D. Wainc, will keep constantly on hand a iar^e and Faihion- ■ble Aifortment of Hata, Caps and Furf, which he will «cll on Ihe most reu«onable terma. He retnrna thanka for the liberal support which he has heretofore received, and will con- tinue to uie hia bett endeavours to provide the beet description uf goods only, and at such prices aa he trusts will merit a continuation of favor and support. Wiiulbbalb Pur. cBAi'BRi will find it their advanta|re to give him a call. AT THE WEST END WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HAT WAREHOUSE. NO. 205, NOTRt! DAME STREET, HAS now on hand a large assortment of Hats, Cloth Caps, Felt Hats. Union Hats, CbiU dren and Youths' Hats and Caps, &c., an endless variety, all monuiacturod in the latest stylet, expressly for the Spring Trade. Hatter's Trimmings, Silk Plushes, &c., for the Town and Coi^itry Trade, at moderate prices. Country Merchants will find it their interest to call and examine my stock before making purchases. N.B.— Cash and the highest price paid for shipping and other Furs. NORTH AMERIGAITfUR WAREHOUSL J\ro. 109, J\rotre Dame Street. I^ATSP. & BF,OTHEn» '**.!?,^'^5'*^' MANUFACTURERS, AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, SILKS, FLUSHED, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF HATTERS' AND FURRIERS' TRIMMINGS. &c., HsTs muoh pleasure in informins? their Wholesale Customars, and others, that they keep constantly on hand their usual extensive assortment of the above articles. Country Mer- chants, and Retailers generally, would do well to call and examine the axiensive Stock f»n htnd before piwshasing elsewhere. Terms liberal. ' Cashf and the highest price paid for dl rot rs. n I II m MONTREAL. CANADA FUR & HAT »29, ui PAUL STREET. GREENE tt SONS, PRINCIPAL FUR CAP AND HAt M\N11FACTIIRES, WOTir n rBiDectfullv inf(*rm4heir numerous wholesale cu»lomer8 and olherB.llirouBhoul till /w.; LindB. f «•. J:°;; '" 'J.7 " En Owine to the incroa.ed demand. Mw«». G. & rangmg f'"-? ^5. and jwards P^^J°«^";„f^,^,„f departmentB, so tl.at they are enabled S. have made ''"P'^"'^"" ' '" i^" '^^ ,^108 than heretofore, and on terms mo.t hber.l, to supply Ih^'' ""'"^'^^""^"S "0 c Jand examme the superior style and Hnish of eor jr. ffi "u rs" rwt:f:;S we feel confident wi,, give entire satisfaction. ^ N.B.~CaV and Ih'e highest price paid for i^'-W-K J -■ ^^^ ^^^ „^^ g^„^^ 229, St. Paul St., Montreal (G®MM OF KHMfS <i WIIILILmM "„d r.f»™i.brf the bou.., ihe, ..e no„ (i.p.t.d .» ««»»«»^"« ^ ^ ^^_„ - in a style of comfort and convenience not to be surpassed. attached to the premises : and every exertion will be used to add to the comfort and enjoy. ment of those who may honor them with their patronage, while the charge for ooard Wiii 6= ""K.b"— Travellers cmiveyed to and from the Steamboats and Railroads free of cost. M. P. RYAN & CO. Si cus Afibrding a tiful couDtrj' Best Vbntj This Hou some impori to rendering . . V ,!|)0l Stranger! .1 To afford th will be witl; Public Ofi Wtll.be at I Markets. HaTeb«^ti attention w tors as conn Cakkiao Steamboats gent driven theCJitylr MlWi PAUL STREET. 3TIIRES, iberfl, throughout tlic noBt varied and c.v [iblic. ('• &• S. itrc jnder their own im- —and ImTOConstBDi. s, Boas, Victorinci, liions and qualities, nand, S4«««r», G. & hat they are onableJ in terms most libera!. yie and Hnish of out tiro Batisfnction. ND Hat Store, . Paul St., Montreal iog community gene- and entirely refitted WINES, LIQUORS, t brands. There is aD le comfort and enjoy- Tge for board wiii b: ds free of cost. AN & CO. MONTIEAI* ^oiEiM'S iomsM) eousi, CUSTOM-HOUSE SQUARE, MONTREAL, Afibrding a splendid view of the RIVER ST. LAWRENCE, and the beau- tiful couotry to the South. Being In the most Cbntual, Healthy, and Best Vbntilatkd Part of xhk City. This House has undergone a thorough repair during the past seapon, and some important improvements and additions have been made, with a view to rendering it equal in comfort and convenience TO ANT FIRST GLASS HQVSE IN AMERIGA. strangers visiting th» City will find C©LiMAl^l MOMTllAL MiSEp _ To afford the comforts 0} a home, while its central situation is such, that they will be within^we minutes' walk of all the important Public, ByipiNos and Public Offices IN THE City. I'l^li'l' a ritdii''. Willbe at all times furnished with tho choicest viands to be feund itt the Markets. i> .,:i oi ..2n« THE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &,c., ' Have been selected from the Best Brands, regardless o/" cos*, and eyery attention will be paid so as to render the enjoyment and comfort of the visi- tors as complete as possible. , > C-. -1... t^ e *.'«n'^f±»i'>'* *'^ A^nmrAir OaaaAll/tOra In A^ ff nitt fllA AKKIAUX:*^ ^('0 aswa^'3 i» Eticnuttntc iv ■.Out-jj x cto-^ — ft--- i.—is Steamboats and Railroads, -and Private Carriages with careful and intelli- gent drivtri^ «re fUppf)ie4^jc>tt$bort notice, to parties wishing to drive out in the (?ity |r its vicinity. d2 n MOKTHEAL. tJ i i THE OTTAWA HOTEL BY ope^L'S^^Xl^^^^^^^^^^^ '"^ P^'»'c «-...,. that hi. Hou. .. ,hl^vl\tnmV^.lAV *r'" 2l"'° ^"•"'•" "•"' °' 'he City, within two minute*' walii „f Ind^S h? s^ n "^ ^"'''- ^""" •''" ^'""" '* " doIiBhtful view of the Mo™ ea Mountain e" in?he cSVaS VnT "^ y't!}'^'"' T «''%«'"»'<">'. "" New Market. theSU.:.' up'SiSet,^'^ ""^^^ '"' ""'^"«°"« " complete repair, .od i. thoroughly fitted "°"rn\^&rrl^%''^ 'f,' ^5>^'Kr «--. B"ff^o.Tn^-ant'„/anTft^^^^^^^^^ lu»cnitV T"»*f"'"« Public, whose experience in the manaSement of Firit cla.« Ho.. .. cannot but conduce to the comfort of the Patrons ofTHE oItawa talrfCriu,.''^; *■"''" '" »'"="''°"«« *t 'he Railroad and Steamboat Depots, on the arri- ,c^i^o'i^t ''!!'""'' 'iTABLE, within a few minutes' wallc of the h6ti.«, htis been ^Inn ' '"' '^' ""^ ^^' ' '"'"" •»*?'• "" •* accommodated. • CARRI^y. >^ . ^>lORSES (o, ;.„!*= nfp-wsurc, may be obtaiaed at ai! iime^ ' «• BRowiwaro., It ■T "t?-. !'" (J OPPOSl Tho Subsc which is s and is in tl and other in town, tl or on busi: THE HOU« Uuf qoaltai'' ■ £ Will reoeim Can be had ' I Sn. US y, that his Houk ii wo minutct' walk of Montreal MounJain, Markut, the. Steam- nd the Steamera dc \» thoroaghljr fitted igardlesa of cost, erijr of the Delavan longhand ftiTorably lanajjement of Fint E OTTAWA. Depots, on the arri- the hoDse, hha bean ated. rj; r'i d at ai! times. ^ MorG. MONTREAL. ■iii9 )TEL. It. Kmtnn mil ■X .-'"'V! OPPOSITE THE BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, sraEw, The Sub8Cril>er8 have recently 0|>ened this Commodious aad Elegant House, which is situated in the most siilubrious and fashionable ^arf of the City, and is in the immedi&le vicinity of the Banks, Post Office, Tohsgraph Office, and other Public Institutions, (is well as of the principal Business Houses in town, ihM9 rendering it equally eligible to parties travelling for pleasure or on business. THE HOUSE HAS BEEN FURNISHED IN THE BEST STYLE OF THE NEW YORK AND BOSTON HOTELS, AND COMPRISES A DINING SALOON, '■ AND 'i/; ' Unrouallei^liy ^tti* Hotel yi Cantdit, together with a commodioua and well supplied 3^2^ £ffi ^e^ 2jb;> 12 SS' c^ is;^ci[>CDSxSo Will reoeive especial att^tion, withihe view of renderin|r it equal, if not superior to any > , in America. THe WINES AND LIQUORS IIVIVE BEEN SBLECTED FBu.\I THE BEST IMPORTATIOIja Cun be had«i*i| hoafS, md au Omnibus will always be in attentUoM on the arrival or departure of Railway Cars and Steamboats. '* i a PROPRIETORS. r H c ." I MONTREAL il ATTAEIR SlD stand, ESTABLISHED ik !918, CORNEB OF NOTBE DAXE AND ST. OAfBIEL STREETS, e!29tol#0aU anH ISetail Importers of Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, Plated Ware, Japanned Ware, Ladies and Gentlemen's Dressing Cases fitted complete, Desks, Work Boxes, Walking Canes, Music Boxes and Accordeons, Table Cutlery, Ra- zors and Pen Knivesof a very fine quality, and a great variety of Fanny Goods. Papier Mache Gfoods of every style & variety They also beg to submit to the inepcction of the public, the largest ■lock of SOLAIi LAMPS in the Province, with an ■■•ortment ofSHADES, CHIMNIES and WICKS. The whole to be Sold at Reduced Prices. They also continue to manufacture Forks, Spoons. Ladles, Tea and Coffee Sets, Gob. lets, Cups and Trays, of Silver, warranted in point of ^workinambip i^nd quality, equal tu any imported. . . N.B.— jpariicular attention paid to ^e Repairing of Watches and Jeweliary. TP HI&HEST FRIGE PAID FOR OU GOLU JLND 8ILVBR. <M. >i JW .9LP • OMIHER OKNOTRE DAME AKD SAXUfT JOSEPH STBEETS, A ^^ A v)(Wi'OSITE THE FRENCH CATHEDRAL, BEE WillR^mov St. Paul and (Four Doo W A general ae Germany, c< oval, half roi Iron, Boiler square. Blis Portable For ties, Coolers, Axletrees, ( Sickles and Shot, Win(k Hair and Hs iVoiii 1 to 5 1 RERUA ^mnk Montreal, 3 m^ W ik 1918, STREETS, Japanned Ware, e, Desks, Work ble Cutlery, Ra. variety of Fanny & variety. )t itock or solak IS and WICKS. iees. id Coffee Sets, Gob. *d quality, equal tu Jewriiery. , : i . D SILVER. SIBEETS, MONTREAL. m BKEWSTER & MULHOLMND, Will R«iiDOV« QR the 1st day of May from their OLD STAND, Corner of St. Paul and St. Francoid Xavier Streets, to No. 173 St. Paul Street, (Four Doors North East of the Premises which they now occupy,) §iw m TEE MAMMOTE mm. Where they will have, in addition to tjieir present large SMOFimiMl!&Sl.FGOOt A general assortment, by the first spring ships, from England, Scotland and Germany, consisting of: — Common and Refined Scotch and English Bar Iron, oval, half round and angle Iron, Nail Rods, Hoop, Band and Sheet Iron, Swedes Iron, Boiler Plates, Canada and Tin Plates, Cast Steel, flat, round, octagon and square. Blister, Spring and Shear Steel ; Anvils, Vices, Smiths' Bellows and Portable Forges ; Chains and Anchors; Nails and Spikes; Stoves, Pot Ash Ket- tles, Coolers, Bake Pans, Bellied Pots and other castings. Cordngis, Grindstones, Axletrees, Carriage' Springs, Saddlery and Carriage Trim^nings. Scythes, Sickles and Axes ; Sheet and Cake Zinc ; 6ar, Pig and Sheet Lead ; Powder, Shot, Window Glass, Putty, Oils, Paints, Borax, Shoe Thread, Twine, Curled Hnir and Hair Seating. Spear &. Jackson's Mill and Gang Saws, Circular Saws iVom 1 to 5 feet. Also, Saws oi the most approved American manufacture. Best Warranted Wntor Lime Cenr-ent. Picks, Crow Bars and Safety Fuse. Ames' Cast Steel Shovels and Spades. i . A complete assortment of 6ERMAN AND AMERICAN MANHFAGTITRED HARDWARE. ALSO, AGIINTS FOH with a supply of them constantly on hand. ' ■ ' ' \' .' , Montreal, 30th March, 1853. i i i I It ■ ■%■ m MONTREAL. OTTAWA GLASS WORKS, The Subscribers, Agents for the above Manufactory, have on band and ofler for Said, a Large Assortment of Fresh Manufactured VVINDOW GLASS, in Half Boxes of different sizes, suitable to the Upper and Lower Canada Trade, which will be found superior in quality to any yet offered, consisting of the following brands: — OTTAWA, or fini' qiMdity ; ST. LAWRENCE, or second do ; CH AMPLAIN, or third do. This Glass will be found fully equal to any imported, and at equally low rates. Orders for any particular sizes, not on hand, will be executed with quick despatch. Double thick or Imitation Plate made to order up to size 30 X 40. LeMESURIER, ROUTH, & Co., Agents, Ottawa Glass Work ^SOo 730i<Bisit£'^ ^ao^cDoao S^CSCDi^iaiPc^ailL ^^./^^^^^.•1,^'^^-y ^~W^4^-ti^y- THE Subscriber, grateful to his numerong frirnds and the public, fer the liberal support b. lias hereloforo received, would respccWully intimate, that having innde considerable add tions to his already Urge premises, he is now prepared to auconimodato all who may favoi him with a call, with an increasnl degreo of comfort and eonvenionce. His .vVINES LIQUORS, CIGARS, &c., arc of the best brands. HIS TAUJ;'^ is always supplied wiili the best articles to be found in the market?, and «very attention is paid to eusuM to Jiif guests, as near as may be, the comforts of a home. ' ' JOHN GRANT J. W. HERBERT « CO., nuiiu Would respectfully announce that they will Remove, on the Ist of May, into their NEW ESTABLISHMENT, being the Premises so long occupied by Mr. Samuel M'Conkcy No. 107 Notre Dame Street, Hontreal, . '^T4;(rffT|v: Where they will, as usual, keep on hand a I«rge and varied Slock of Grancf Cabiiie^i *Grar,( Square, Patent Squar«, Cottage, Boudoir, and Piccolo Pianofortes, made expressly for ih climate. The choicest European Musical Works received as soon as published. All kinds of Bras Wood, Wind and.Stringed Instruments. Mutical Instrumenla Repaired, Bought, Sold, Exchanged, or lent «» Hire. N. B. — Their arrangements for Tuning, Regulatin|r, and Repoirittg Pianps, diia auperi to most houses in America ; Mud tlicir facilities for supplying every deinHod in the Miisici Department oro unequalled by any other honae in tho trule in Canada. HARP, VIOLOJf CELLO, VIOLUT ^' GUITAR STRUVOS. BEST CLARIONKT, OBOE, & BASSOON REEDS. ' Piano F HAVE conitai V'iolinocllos, G Potthorns, Tru nents; Italian Hair, &c. &c. -pM-i ■ ORG. BEGS tointi the ORGAN residence of known on ap 16, St. La^ iliiiii wii BUILDE] KABBLE M SRG leave to in living f^^ tlietx Inited States, a ance and dural ]btain a liberal i iVb. 193, 1 1 iEEPSniways rESTlNGS, &, ihort notice, an )ui.fit made to within the time 3RK8f lave on hand and tared WINDOW Upper and Lower to any yet offered, ni' qmiiiy ; ST, nd at equally low be executed with order up to size lUTH, & Co., i"wa Glass Works, MONTHEAI/, 303 liHil '■llilTfiP IMPOUTKUS OF Piano Fortes, jmusiG and Musical Instruments, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 174-, J\rotre Dame Street, Montreal, HAVE constantly on hand Piano Fortes, SemNGrand, Square, and ColUge; Violins' Violinocljos. Goitars, Banjos. Accordeons, Clarionets, Flutes, Fifes, Ophyclides, Saxhorns. Porthorns, Trumpets, Cornopians, French Horns, Trombones, Bows for all String Instru- ments; Italian and Englisii Violin and other Strings; Reeds, Bridges, Trtil-pieces, Bow Hair, &c. &c. 53" Country Dealers supplied on Liberal Terma. cfciQcpcBain, the liberal snpport h- ide considerable add, ito all who mav favoi once. His rvVINES I always supplied wiiii paid to CDSiue to liii FIN GRANT. (ay, into their NE^V r. Samuel M'Conkry A. if A^^ff^ii 3ran"a Cabine)i 'Gram nade expressly for th: d. All kinds of Bras; or lent oti Hire. g Ptanps, iliia superio cin»iid ill the Mtisici la. R STRmOS. EED8. f^BiOFEiSiSOR OF MUSIC, AND ORGANIST OF THE AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, BEGS to intimate tp.hj^ friends and the public, that he receives PUPILS for the ORGAN, PIANO FQRTE and SINGING, at his mVn house, or at the residence of Pupils, as may be preferred. Terms, which are liberal, made known on application. ;; ".'' , '.'^ ' ' ' '»*;' '■ :ii^)~ 16, St. Lawrence (Main) Street,' Montridl. ' ' Ot .v i Bill ■« ii'iM 'Ki Mill BUILDERS, COJiWACTORS & MANUFACTURERS OB- ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF KABftLE MOKITHENTS, TOMBS, CENOTAPHS, OBAVE STOJTES, &c. Adjoining' Hanoter Terrace, Eleury Street, Montreal, BRG leave to inform their friends, the inhabitants of Montreal and the public generally, that ia»ing put ttiemselves in cbnnection with the yery best MARBLE QUARRIES in the Jnited States, are now prepared to execute all orders in the above line, in a style of elc- jance and durability not to be surpassed., and upon such moderate terms that they hope to ibtain a liberal share of public patronage. kk' ;u«.«.y: MERCHANT TAUOR A1VD CLQTHIER, tVo. 193, Notre Dame Street, Opposite the Recollet Churchy lEEpS always on hand a choice stock ofSROAD CbOTHS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, FESTlNfiS, &c., which he makes to brdor tn the latest and mnt approT«d style, upon hort notice, and very reasonable terms. Strangers visiting the city can have a complete •ttUflt made to order in 24 hours ; and his city customers may depend upon being served within the time agreed. Warranted in all cases to fit xeell. ! 'Ill r ;l 304 MONTREAL. III K * ^ ^m9> ^M^mJSkmL 9 No. 18 H'Om street, Montreal, ^ :i Would rcspectrully intimate that ha ii oonsUntly Manufacturini; Clothing of every deiicription Tur Sprint;, Summer or Winter wear; and that ho hi) now on hand a giiod stocic oJ urtielea of every devcription in iho Tailoring line, which he oftlvs upon moderate termr. Country Merchants, Stranger* and Citizete requiring READY •>MA,DE CLOTHING, which is toell tnude-up, of good maietiaU, and at a reason able charge, will he oertuin of suiting themtelvea by giving him a call; and all oaoiiRB for custoubr work will be, as heretofore, promptly and and accurately attended to. ei^^eH^^l^ , 25 Great St. James Street, Montreal^ Im,nortel-s of the following Goods: Black and Colored Cloths, Fur, Whitney, Napiar, and Plain JJeuvers ; Plain «nd, Fancy Cassimeres; Doeskins and Balmoral Tweeds ; Silk, Satin, Velvet, t*lu8h, and Caii^inere Vpstingg. Also, an assortment of Gentlemen's Haberdashery. ' ' ' N. B.— One of the Firm will visit the different Towns in Cana'di West half-yearly, to receive the orders of their Friends and Patrons. SIGN OF THE BEAVER, No. 122 SAINT PAUL STREET, MOlT^BEAL, Is constantly supplied with a large and well assorted Stock of DRY GOODS and READY-MADE CLOTHING of every descrtplidn vwhich he offers at Wholesale or Retail, upon the most reasonable terras. (Country Merchants and others will find it advantageous to call and examine his Larj^e Stock, previous to making their purchases} et^ he m afford, and is determined to sell at such rates as cannot fail to INSUBE THEIR CUSTOM. ■ IvL'.iiti; ui^a. MRS. ROBINSON & DAUGHTERS, LONDON, PARIS. AND NEW TORE MILLINERY SHOW ROOUS, Jio. 162 J^otri Dam Street, Montreal, ^^ Have now on hand a choice stock of to which the most recent fashions in every department will be constantly added. MM«taiviii«kt» wra«tnmM w«n a*v« T rannfi Awn namnni biiUjiiiii miiiiiyiiiijiia, miiMiiiastRs amii uiabsa are invited to call and examine previous to making their purchases. N.6.— Furnished Apartments, suitable for single gentlemen residing temporariljr or permi nentjy in the city, to let. PUBI I At tfu DAI The Wl the other i persons res G^ntleir cash, can 1 li Published Not. to Ist ( Advbrtisi insertion; T Over ten lint Turin Rate it occasional! Professional 1 That staui in the Englii Single Subst Seven, each The WEI and Foreign ; patronage of inr On M'^i.' TERMS Annual A Halfyearly, •reSubjcribi on their'ovin Sales held c Three Montt Terms of t Annual A Months, 23 I Oi*- »*__*!- _ UIA iTiUSSUSS, ■"'i.. s.'.isd ni , C(jniihel'ei MONTREAL. 90S 9 1 ' \ f,'i lanufacturins Clothing vear ; and that ho hai iption in the Tailoring ine READY^MA.DE rialt, and at a reason. }y giving him a call; etofure, promptly and i .. 'ft ?al, ored Cloths, Fur, incy Cassimeres; ish, and Cabmen sbery. in Canada West rdns. imi iiiiiiii ■*■,-■ EAL, : of DRY GOODS »Thich he offers at veous to call and chases) a^ he em fail to INSURE ' ^■' ■ .,ti .:• '.'j,.. -v.i:-, ■ — iiri I [ITERS, SHOW BOOHS, tly added. wn fMntnnE ma UliiAlU temponrilj or perni> xr h PUBLISHED m I M. FERRES & CO., DAILY, TRI-WECLV AMD WEEKLY, At their Office^ No. 22, Great St. James Street^ Montreal. ^.x,^ . THUHS DP SUBSOHIPTION: DAILY, JEI lOs-TRl. WEEKLY, 15s- WEEKLY, 7s fid, The WEEKLY containa «ll the valuable reading matter which appears in the other issues, and will bv/ found a very useful and Entertaining paper, for persons residing in the country. Gentlemen sending the names of clubs of 7 persons, accompanied by (he cash, can have the weekly paper supplied at Ss each per annum. THE PILOT^ li Publiabed DAILY from In May to Ist Nuwomber; and TRI-WEEKLY from lit Nov. to iBt May, at the Offioe, Place D'Armee, Monlreal. Subscription, 8G per Anaorn ADVERTiiiNO-Sa lines and under, lat inseition, 2* 6 J, and 7 Ad for each lubraquent insertion ; Ten linea and ander, lat insertion, 3* 4d, and lOd for eacti snbseqaent insertion ; Over ten line», 4d per line for the Isl insertion, and Id per line for each aubsenuent insertion Ymly Rata-OneSqann, not to exceed 25 lines, £12 10^ with ihoprivlleee drohanirinir' It occasionally Half Square, not to exceed 12 lines, X6 ISs, with the same privilesea ; Proressional and other CaiUs,.iiot exceeding seven lines, £3. THE WEEKtT FILOT-ONE DOLLAR A lEAR. Tint staunch Li|.Bral Paper, the WEEKLY PILOT, the only ReCorio Journal published ID the English X^nguage in the City of Montreal, is now offered, on the fullowin/terms :— Single Subscribers, 78 6d per annum; ClubfOf Four, each, 6a 8d, per annum ; Clubs of Seven, each 5s per annum. * The VVEEKLY PILOT conUins ample accounts pf the News of the Week, Domestic and Foreign ; and the utmost offorls will be employed to tkikS ii increaslnely worthy of the patronage of the Public. * ' ^ ; \ ! Reformers t Support yoor own Paper. ^' ;( 1) - O" On the above terms, the Subscriptions muat be invariably paid in Advance. ^' ROLLO CAMPB Proprieior. •Facilities in AdTer tisinsr, : ^»': ; ; TERMS af THE COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER FOR 1853- Annual Advertisers and Subscribers will be entitled to a Square of 22 Lines for £5- Sairyearly, 22 Lines. .£3 lOa ; Quarterly, 22 Lines, £2. MerchanU who Advertise, and are bubfcribers, will be entitled to a discount of 30 per cent, oii.all Sales by Auetion; htld on their'own Prmnes. Auctioneers u ill be entitled to the same discount as heretofore, on Sales held on their own Premises. Subscription :- Annual, 25s; Six Months, 15s: Three Months, 7s 6d. Payable in advance. Terms of the Evening Advertiser, and Farmers' and Heohanics' Advocate. Annual Advertisers and Subscribers will be entitled to a Square of 22 Lines, f2 • Six Mon^lhs, 22 Lines. XI^Ss ; Three Months, 22 Lines, 78 6d. Subschjption :-Annu8U 10s ; siS iTiuatus, uS ju ; i hrce Months, 3i 3d. Payable in Advauce. Single Advertt$ementt muat be paid jor when given in. C(<mBielrci«l AdrerHser Office, 6 St. Sacrament Street, Montreal, 1853.' ' ' s2 ?: -r' I: I trl I ^1 I?' I if!- >ti M 1, 111: AIOMTREAL. / PU^tjSHED THREE TIMES A WEflK, HAVING THB ll ij LARSBit flw raicvMnim n MmrrHBAi^ Otten to MereMnts, Profc88ion.a Centtemen. iechaQlci,andothm, a most desira. _ . We mediBffl for their itfvcrttttments. info™'; tKii it'^zTii:iSS\^T'^^^^ •""'■' •"-'''"•"«•"•, ." bl* iSS:;".???;?"*" *''° "'"''- ""» Tr.n.cript by M,il. i, », p*^^iu^, p,,, Amu«ment. is publ»hed evwy Tuesda^MoS irfi """"'"^^ ^"/"^ *'""'«" "'' 5^gubpri^^^,^„.u^^iSM:^^ (litlk THE LARGEST FRENCH JOURNAL IN CANADA, FOR — :«niv>/ j'l; :'< .;i!Ha 3(lt 1 Wi,P(0)]L!LM f my raia mmmi H^Hf^eHtiB^Aa'-^d Wish to Advertise in the French language to those who'^^t. nd^HfroSuntry^Ap*;i;?o"^ '"*"'' "*"'' "P*''''"^ >a8i Hbi Office 79J, St. Paul Stre«t, Montredi. '79i, St. Paul Street, Montreal. establishmenl, m a* to bo abte to'^^i^r \il "TlT' "' «^''f5^'»°«8 *"*! "'her. to their [NO THE I i others, a most desira. leir advartisemend, art tript, aball bavo one or IPtvaildait ftaa » largo I I5» fit (innum, paja- irninga of Tueidtjr and >ted to Mwftlity^ Pure the Arta, Sciences and Any peraon sending rouble of getiing op thi "' " "■•Ji.'.ivn ""ir.-- ■ VkH : vrBf.iiMi'):.!. UDA,FOR i French Language. extensive circulation B«Bd oilers, especiaJlj Jl Street, Montreni. r. •'.,.!,' .,, bla tliititV t* tjttdeirtajic i)ets and Cards wliich "rjtji o,v«ir otticji) Typo- s and blhers to iheir to them, in being able WTICJNy ^ po. MONTSBAL. m THE mONTRBi^L WITNESS, ; til \i e&MSJUUa^ ...am PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, ktep, pac«. a« far a. its .paoe «ill pcrmiS with the Literature and News of the da^, giving a selection of ilyi best article., from Ihfl British, American mid Canadian papers, wiih a digest of the most important new", Religious khd Seciilar. Departments are devoted to Mothers and Children, to Young Men, and to Hor- tujulture and Farming A Literary Supplempat is given once a moqtb, containing R(6- views^Notioesof, and Extracts from. New Pbbticati "nil. ^ *. ".^ ij J*?""*-"^' P" annum in advance, |»j ed on Credit. Three new Subscribers, or an old Subscribei rendmg two new ones, will receive the three copies for one year for «5, if (Hid slrl6try in advance. All letters to be addressed to the Proprietor. 4^ JOHN DOUGALL, WilntiS Office, Montreal. OILSl OILS!! OILS!!! """"vT,' '■ il'Jti r iMI;;i! II . THE Subscribers devote themselves exclusively to the Importation and Manpfacture of OILS. By devoting tlicmselves exclusively to this branch of business, they are thereby enabled to pfffir to their customers the superior advantages resulting from the purohnaej In large quanties, of the different kinds of Oils at their respective placesr of prodactlttn ; and h<f combining the manufacturing and refining of Oils with the importation of the criiHe artiele, they.arie eonfidenl «f being able to execute orders an the very best teruu. . Their Stock wilMomprise!— ■ h\]Qii-^\\ Bleached and Unblefohed Summer and Winter Sperm Oils; Bleache(3 i^od iJnbloached Samn»er and Winter Elephant Oils ; Bleached and Unbleached Summer itfd Wli^ter Solar Sperm Oil"; Double Clarified Lard Oil; Best Refined Gallipoli Olive OH; Bout Rcffn^ Sicilv Olive Oil; Patent Refined Russian Rapeseed Oil; Fine Nut Oil; Palm Oil ; Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil; Boiled Spanish Paint Oil; Oils for fullers' use; Oils for curriers' use; Pale and Straw Colored S«al Oils; €od, W^le and Pwijlioise OiU ; Machinery Oil*. They manufacture, and would call particular attention to their Refined Lubricating Ma- obinery Oil, w^ich Utey warrant to be suitable for Railroads, Steamboats, and ewryolhw class of valuable machinery. They weuld beg to remind proprietors of valuable machinery that the amount of injury resulting to the same from Iho aseof base oils, is inealculable. They are alno agents for thw Mantifacloreri of Patent SPERM, ADAMANTINE tnd STEARINS GANDIiES. ,'(}; McDonald, brothers & cJti^^'r ' 25, St. Peter Street, Bltontii^i:'' ' " k "" ", -I-', T- »i ; '■ ! >■ .ifi90(rnL.'J.8ail ! '^onu .1.,., BifDin iitktitt. i-^ 198 , St. Paittl 8itflieti(''-.''-<.%«8«i /it^«l.ll,.;^ ,,i «. m» mkKt^ f ti . ii ft ' - MONTHEAL. .. r, •; WIlLy All UM^^ ? v'~ MUSI, msA '^^S^t^t^im, vtmusm Comtr of Great St. Jama and St. Pettr Streets, Montreal Imftates eVery kind of WOOD and MARBLE and Executes Ornaaiental Painting m all its branches, and in first rate style,— also, PAPER HANGING & COLORING IN DISTEMPER ;, - ''-^rt.- PHOMPTIV ATTRND.D TO. *'^f^^iWri!.K ImSconstantly on handa general auortment of Dry Colouro. Paints Oils Glasa Putt. n,„mnM„ ifi. J J f''^*^*;^ HANGING, &c. All orders left at his establishment will be proipfily attended to. as he makes it a fixed principle to attend to all orders without in, btea executed in a superior style, J (GEAmS! (GIHIMlg!' (GIHIM1§!0 ' • No. I, St. Antoine Stre et, Montreal. Ba HIIiLiA (From London). PaperhMger, Map lloimtor & Vamisher, Fancy Box Manufiwturer, fto. iVo. 38 Great St. Jame$ Street, near St. Peter Street, * * MONTREAL. 4 3,,, Drawing Papers Mounted for Maps, Plans and Sections of Railwavil'- 'Man. m„«n,-«i ^ H ALEX. WALLACiC^ ~ Lag(mchetiere Street, near Bleury Street, Montreal, U constantly manufacturinff PLANES of every description, which are not ^ am ,n.. ^ouutry, acKpuipajsiea oy tr.e casn, or a respectable citv toiaS!'"'""*'' '"• <"V -"<"»«• ■W'"". ..'".U.I. upon IGW Gabrie. SAWEC :oT«oH PRSNTERI HAVING RI Are now pn From thei confident tha will give ent Every deia Having fitted t most superior T htat 9i*il» e?er< BOOK, Which they wii I. kPSBIANBEB Montreal, cutes Ornamental Jl tk\»Oy DISTEMPER ill orders are ai- re moderate. I, Oils, Glare, Putty. It a ytry lijfht orofit. id SIGN PAINT, iilBbliahmenf will be 1 ordere without an; ot Woods and .Mar. Mfir. Hairs, fof aale at .McGARVEY, Street, Montreal. nu£M>tiirer, &o., tet. JVfapg moanted on imiihinr Architeo. indow Bills, &g. inding. Boxes and ontreaU^ which are not this Continent. Bspectable city IS usual, upon MONTREAL. 309 JAMES DOUGLAS, lEW STEAH SAW ^ FIAHIV6 IILL, AND Gabriel Street, Wett of MeCord Street, Facing the Laehine Canal Uaiin. SAWED AND DRESSED LUMBER FOR SALE. EESIDEKCE :-William8'iBuilding8, CoUege Street. 0ORI, 0wai 4 simisoi, WNTERS & PUBLISHERS OF "THE SUN" NEWSPAPER, Wo. 20, St. Francois Xavier Street, Montreal, HAVING RECEIVED A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OP Are now prepared to execute all orders entrusted to them on the shortest not'ce, and at the most reasonable charges, l-rom their long experience in the Printing Business, M., O. ds S. feel confident that all work entrusted to them, will be executed in a manner that will give entire satisfaction. ^ery deicription of Plain and Fancy Printing done with neatneet and deipatch. WILiSOmS & 1VOL.AW, No. 3 McOill Street, Jllontreal, Ha»ingr fitted up a General PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, with a selection of the most superior Type and Furniture of all kinds, can engage to turn out promptly, and in the tiett style, e?sr^ deacription ct ^ '^ ' BOOK, CARD, BILL, JiJ^D GEJTERAL JOB PRIKTmO, Which they will execute with accuracy and despatch and upon very moderaie terow. r I u Us IN 910 MONTREAL. MONTREAL TO NEW YORK ft ROSTON. AND BXPiBSS LI. am S^^Butamtmctl^ailtm^ FROM MONTREAL TO ROUSES POINT, Connecting wUi, the Vermont and Canada Road to Buriinoton. with the nevv Express Steamers on Lake Champlain, and with all Lines to Bosto, or iSEw ioi{K> .V, '^?rv **" c""'^ direct auduniiroken Railroad rouU hei-^een Montreal and hose ernes, Saratoga Springs Troy, Albany, Buflalo, Niagara Falls, Ogdens- burjrh, Lake George, White Mountains, &c. >^^g"cns .Trams Hun three times daily, and connect with all Rshroad and Steamboa! Lmes centremg at Rouses Point. Dislanco from MtJfitrcal to Miles. Rouaea Point 44, Ogdensburgh 162 Burlington 34 Boston 314 Albany, 236 New York, 335 Saratoga Springs, 198 Buffalo ,,,471 Niagara Falls 472 Trains leave Montreal after the arrival of the Steamers froi7 Quebec, and Passengers reach Boston or New York the same day, and Buffalo or Niagara rails early next morning. ^ io^^^Z^^:;^^^:^^'^' -vey Passengers by dayligh, Passengers leaving New York or Boston, in the morning, will reach Men- tr8alijt,rae to take the Steamer for Quebec iq the eveiiin*. arriving, at an M L 1" r"" ""T?^- '^''°'f '"""'"S ^«~^^ ^%^ *« the e^ning, arrive .n Montreal at an early hour next day; .doru 6 .c- * This is the most expeditious, direct, and pleasant route to Lake Gbohoi, SilHATOGA SpHINOS, WlllTE MOUNTAINS, &C. Tickets for almost all places in the United States, and the most n^WM^ ;.. lormauon car* ije ^.ad at the Office of the Champlain and St. LawreqcV'Raii- road Company, corner of Custom-House Square, opposite the Quebec Steam- cunning Time. 1 honr 15 min. 5 " 15 « 4ff 00 80 00 00 00 00 2 . ^ 11 »' .8 12 8 22 22 a (( '(( t$ n it 7 ill tO. itd^ This n« Oi Ita ceotn and the pv ROOM in The Hall will be brill The«di( ivill,.np d.Qi N.B.~T parties rem BdldeTsMail Mannfaeto Iftavritv Mrod Subseriberi ai jfJTo numeroui ly, finnli and < States and Ca tared at theft 1 Montreal and Cbampiaintni .r.'f/Q.' I BOSTON. iSUlW. MONTAEAL. lirtii St. James Street, Montreal POINT, xiNGTON, with the : Lines to fiosTon veen Montreal and ;ara Falls, Ogdens- )ad and Steambo! ning Timo. inr 15 min. 15 45 00 30 00 00 ' 00 ' 00 from Quebec, and Buffalo or Niagara « tt <( '(( if ill'. <( This newly-erected HALL will be ready for the accomrnodation ot m(&wmm, TOSAMgm MM^m^, n if^D mUC ENTERTAINMENTS, . . On Slext ST. GEORGE'S DAY, 23d AprU. Its central situation, being in the vicinity of the POST OFFICE BANKS ^%i&t P''"'='P?1 HOTELS, renders it preferable to any other PUBLIC ROOM in the City. ' xT^: The Hall is capabis o( holding between Five and Six Hundred PersonVand will be brilliantly lighted witti Gas, and on a level with the Street. The adaptation of the Hall lor VOCALISTS is superior. These advantaees wuii.np doubt, receiyiBjUiB public patronage. Apply to • JO HN JONES, ~ W.B.— The central situation of this Room, renders it very convenient for partiea removing their effects for Public Sale. ~^ _ M'lEAI * WHIBHI, ..^, edldeTsMailroail, Passenger, Sipress, Baggage, Freight, Plalform and Gravel Cars, k Snow Ploughs. I '■ [■[ 'T '1" / i^ f/t. ^- -—^^-^ — ^~ — , . Bannfactories, Jnrray and Kemp St., Montreal, C.E. Mclean k Wright., Niagara, lluecn « Wharf, Toronto, CW. McLean, Wright & Co. f.fiT^K*^'*'^'''''''' *'"'' '!!"'*J'"P''''''''^ ™^'^'''""y. »"d employing theh'sthandionly, the Subsenber. aw »«w prepared to contract for all descriptions of Railroad Car., and can .naPr« h„ ,1o^';„l,fl f'"''""'<''"""y'''^L'!'."""/''. ''"'*'''' '='"«l'«"i«« *'"l private individuals, as to li.e style, quali. JDgeraby dayaght|ly fin»», and do«b.htr of the work which they have heretofore turned out in the iLed tared at Ihofr crtaUlrthmenta be exceeded by that of any iuher house in N.r^h America. ) will reach Mon- ing; arriving, at p evening, arrive in > Lakb GborqEi !' most reliable in I. Lawrence Bail le Quebec Steam ica nvv (j;«it itn;'!-' i SS; ItJflBRENOE TO THE FflllOWINfi dnWAKIK: .xdlO/ St.,t««»i<«Wce A'AtlABtic Rnlroad, Canada Montreal and New York Railroad. Canada Cbamplain Md Si. Lawrence Railroad, Cn ,1^7/0;' ■) /Jiot Ojdensburgh Railroad, New Yorlr " Vermont Central Railroad, Vermont Rothe and Waterton Railroad, New York Quebec and iiiciyiiond Kariroad, Canadi) MoLEMN h WRIGHT, MmtresK MoLEAN, WRIGHT & Co., Toronto. I • r V \ • i| SIS MONTREAL. M. O'iHEARA, imilOAD II • 11 II' :CAKlIAi;| m5 COACH, ClRRliO & SLlIfiH BUILDER, AND AT ijH£KBKOOKE, MANUFACTURES lo order, RAILROAD CARRIAGES and CARS of every deicnpf tion, with the latest impruvementi and in the motl lubatanlial manner, and hai conatanili on hand, or inakea to order, all kind* of Vehiclea which are used iii Canada. HavinJ had an eiperience of 39 ycara in the trade in Munlroal, during which time ho believei tbi Carriaitea which he haa buili hare given entire aatiafHction to hia nutnorniia c•Jflotner^ hi Ihinki it unncccRMry to aay more ihan that he ii Htill to bo found at his OLD STAND n •bove, and alio at Siicrbrooks, prepared to attend to the ordera of hia frienda and the pubLi «i heretofore. Til eiWTlE, AlO) UNDER- MWS ffllif STOil AND establishmen: 159, notre dame street, montreal (Shirt Manufactory in Lundonderry.) THIS it the only complete ealabliahment of the kind in Canada. Ordera receive the moi careful and economical attention. The LADIES' and BABY LINEN DEPARTMENT! are under competent Female management. Ludiea* Marriage OU r*FITS complots ^Tenns— Cash Only and One Prioe. H0U8I Bronze and Bedsteads ; nd improve Cooking Sa Warehouse ! approved pa also, can be IB^EM IN. The attenlioi the Toltowing Common^ Li )llve. Old Bro itapieta aaiori Belmont Spo moke or imell PA 'JrEJ¥T_^ 8 . THK aUOrORIBia COMTINDKa Tu HANVVAOTtJRI HU (GELimMfEl FMEMl" WUSMl Which have been found ao univeraally bucccsbIuI in giving reief to the afflicted, and the following AgenU arc at all times prepared lo Turniah them, via. : * pe cneapeat an Macdonald & Co., Montreal ; S. J. Lyman & Co., do ; R. Birke, do ; R. Trud^au, do ; Di )li»e. Solar Spi Improved Lai Iperm Oil ; An be cheapeat an Star Smallwood, St, Ma^rtina ; Dr. Lawrence, St. Andrewa ; Dr. Fowler, Kmgaey ; Dr, geon, Clarejidan ; Juin Morris, S;. Thcrcse ; JohnXeenan, Tiiree Rivera. ApplieatioM for AgcDeiea to be addreued (o JOHN O. BROWN, 34, St. GeneTleve St., Montreal The facililiea iieir Machiner) ffer luperior ad IIIUI !AR8 of every deKr er, •nd hai cunitanli; I III Canada. Havitij ioh time he believei thi imeroiii cuiiomer^, thi» OLD STAND I frif nde and the publ.( MOffTREAL. 91S n a ^mlll 'Wl V W W Nin 'Wll IHlj m 51, GREAT ST. JAMES^ STREET, NBARIT 0PF08ITE THE OTTAWA lOTBL, D£AL£R IN I! f AND 8TABLISHMEN K )NTREAI| )rder8 receive the moi !N DEPARTMENT! •FITS complete. ES. H» HOUSE FURNflSHIIIG, FANCY IRON WORK, AC. SUCH AS :— Bronze and Gilt Cast Iron Hat and Umbrella Stands ; Cast and Wrought Iron Bedsteadg; Cots and Cradles j Cast Iron Settees, Chair* and Fablea, new ind improved patterns; Beat Styles of Hall, Parlour and Cooking St'ovea ; Cooking Ranges, Orates and Fenders; Cemetery Railings; Counter and Warehouse Scales; Hot Air Furnaces, Registers and Ventilators of the most approved pattern, for public buildings: Stores, Offices, private houses, dec, also, can be put up, if required, and warranted to give satisfaction. SlBtB* SOAP, GANDLE, and LARI^ Oil MANUFACtdl^Y, INSPECTOR STREET, MONTREAL. The attention of Ml!ttb(fANT8, MACHINISTS, and the Trade generally, is invited the folloiving Articles, manufbCtured by the Snbacriberi, viz. :— Common, Liverpool, Pale Yellow, White, Castile. Crane's Labor-Savinf, Cbomical )livo, Old Brown and White Windsor, Variegated, Almond, Shaving, Rypopbagen, aod a tfoplete assortment of Fancy Soaps. (SI ^ S? ID IL 03 @ ; Belmont Sporm— tDpehor to any imported; Patem Wax— eeonomioal, aad free from moke or imell ; Wax Wicka— an excellent article ; Tallow Candles. (D SI£i@ ; Improved Lard Oil, of the fineat quality, and superior, in many respecta, to either OtiTeor Iperm Oil ; Anti-Corrosive Machinery Oil, unequalled by any hitherto used in the Province, lie cheapest and the beet fhr Railroads. Steamboats, and all kinds of Maebinery : Soerro. tli.a a_i.. Q....n B>.l IVk.l. r<_J ...J rr. i e\:t ' ' r • Kingiey; Dr. Stnr liveri). HN O. BROWN, BnevioTe St., Montreal ef to the afflieted, ihthcm, vii. : _. ^ . .^.„„,..„,„.„, _„„ ; R. Trudeau, iQ ; Di )live. Solar Sperm, Seal, Whale, Cod, and Tanners' Oil. . V, 11. o...£ Y(,e faciliUea for manufacturing poesessed by the Subucribers from recent improvemenia in iieir Machinery, combined with the newest discnveriea in the Minuiacture, enable them to ff«r superior adtrantages, both in pHc* and quality, to parohasers. JOHir MATHEWSOV & 80V. f2 M tM MONTRtiAL. II ® ® S S B. IT E .iA: THE NAME IS No. 53 GREAT ST. JAMES STREET, Thi« EstablisTiment, which was originally opened in Nptre Dame Street in 18*8, will be REMOVED on the 1st of May, 1853, to No. 53 Oreat St. Jnmes Street, nearly opposite the Ottawa Hotel, and close to the Merchants' Exchange Reading Room, where the Business will be, carried on upon the same principles of " ' fe' ' >> ' ■ :3s SHALL PROFITS, QnGK R£^AB|^{|0^1^ SAL2S, A FIRST RATE Which have heretofore earned for ! Such a large share of popularftyi and so liberal a support from aU who deserve the name of GOOD & ECONOMICAL HOUSEKEEPERS. Families can be supplied at all times with HALF CHESTS, CATTIES and BOXES of TEA, trom 2lb8. upwards, and with ' m of every desirable size. CE>S3'S3fl^y, As small Profits and Quick Returns are the principles upon which this efta|^is)i|neRt was commenced, and is still conducted. .«'r.nrv-'"\t COUHTRT HEBCHANTS i^ HEAIEBS Will f]nd it to their advantage to call, as they can here select their supplies in any quantity required, and from a Stock whicl: uoniaina a greaitt variety of Teas and CoflTees, than can be found in any Store in the City. ^^-^ ^ SAMUEL COCHRAN. Mil OFFICES : Thii Lim havini; onHcri eomrortand ei StAie Rooms I 7s fid currency Quebec nnd M principal Hole Trareller maalljr six dul ind Hs every i confidently lin| Portmanteau mgl* Luw rB.\t 4; ■'^ Dealer in S Stand and Hi Wifiha ! ffiirn! Wholwalk P EET, > Dame Street in •^0. 53 (rreat Sl o the Merchants' ried on upon the 1 FIRST RATE lort from aU EEPERS. rS, CATTIES, )pon which this EBS L't thflirBupplles greater varieiy Cily. >CHRAN. MOTfTRBAt. 315 DAILY tlNE OF STEAMEES BETWEEN OFFICES : OiUespie's Wharf, Quebeo, and'61, OommissionerB St. Montreal* Thii Lino runBi»ts of the well known Boats LADY FXGIN and CRESCENT, which* hatine ondcreone a thorough repair and r* filling during the paiit winter, are now equni in c<mtriirtandconvenipnce toany Iviala on the St. Lawrence, and Ihey nre filled up with Stale Rooms ihrouuhont, for which there is no extra charge. The C«bin Fare is fixed at 7« fid currency, or one dollar and a half, meale included, and the avera)rc lime of arrival in Quebec and Mooireal, is from thirty to sixty mlnntesptevious to Ihe breakfast hour at the principal Hnteli. Trarellera will bear in mind the high rate of fare which they paid on this route (being Moally six dollars), before the ownera of •• Tale's Line" commenced rnnnine Ihoir boatit, ind Hs every attention will be paid to their safety, cnmfort and convenience, the Proprietor, confidently hope for a cnnt rmation of the liberal Kopport which Ihey have hitht'rio receiveds i^lTIMIi f lilt f IC70II «ND (RED BRICK BUILDING) zro. 113 ST. "PATsi, street; ' Corner of St. Jean Baptiste Street, ..Wo So KHliBjaBilg^ '" Formerly H. Rice & Co, Portmanteaus, Valises, Travelling and Pa»fking Trunks, all sizes and qoalitiet. at axeMd. ingljf LOW PRICES, FOR CAfn. ^^ Dealer jn Solar Hnngine, Table and Side Lampa; Cimphene ditto; Fluid Hanging* Stand and-Hand dit o; Steamboat Lanterns, &c., &c. ; Lamp Shudea ; Chimniea end C5- TRU.^K MAKERS' MjITERIjJLS.j;;!^ WHOLtMAh* PuRcuASBRB literally doalt with; The public are reapectfully requested 'o call, previoua to making purchaaes elsewhere. In f 5 316 h ' MONTREAL f'jiEST Fmi^ET2K17ME^ 174, NOTRE DAME CORNER OP STREETi JOHN STREET I HAS DOW on hand the largest and beat aasorted Stock of Trunks, Valises, Porlmanteaui, &o., of every description, to be found in Canada ; logether with. Satchels, Travelling "'i5*' *"••"' B"a' variety, both ofaize and style, ranging in price from 2s. to $6 each. His SIrck of Indra Rubber Goods consists of Waterproof Coats, Capes, Jacket*, Panti, Ljeegms. Caps and Trovclling Bags ; and the articles are such that purchasers can provide Jhemselyes with »e6mpleto shelter from rain. Parties about to emigrate to Australia or l^liforniB, will £nd, in the Trunks made at this establishment, all the desirable qoalities of •Irongth, oomiMCtncss, neatness and durability, while the prices are verv moderate. Wholesale purchasers and Country Merchants dealt with on liberal terms. Remember the address is '« The First Prize Trunk Store," 174. Notre Dame St. R, DEAN. ^s' SlflNTfiBH IC.HK Eh 3 QO i S5 o .00 I: I 1 HEREBY Made at their rior, and in e^ tinn, being m fiom W. E. I (as well as th Toronto,) whi of their Agcni WINE TheS JfARTEL'S and Brow HENNESSY' DsKUYPER ol;> JAMAI Out lie BOOTH'S Ol CAMPBELTC LONDON am Thewbole of Families r dy. 2 do Gin, S order, by remit inteed aound, | lectfully solicit Hontr Every descri| Safes, Fire Gua Biirley. Oat, P iVholesalo and I Province the Pi nanufactared a IE CONSIOBDAD leretofore receii iromptly execul UMMM CORNER OP MONTREAL. 817 STREET, I THE NINGSEY SLATE COMPMIY HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, THAT THEY HAVE APPOINTED MESSRS. ANOERSON, EVANS & CO., THEIR AGENTS FOR THE SALE OW TH8 Made at their Qaarries m KiiVMy Tanad. Eait. The quality of the«e Slatea if wry «UDe nor. and in every respect suitable for Roofing, and .he prices are such as to defy ZmS / Ti" .u'^S""' ?•*>•' Pi"''""'*' Geologist, aad from a number ..f builde« of thia ci U (« wall aa the Premium and Diploma obtained at the I»at Pwlnolal E^hibftKeld fn ^fT-^i "'"."^ T" •'If!' ?d«Pt«tion to the purpose of Roofing can be seen .uhe offic! of their Agents, where all information respecting prices may be obtained. WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, LianOBS, &C. The Subscriber respectfully announces that he has opened those Central and Commodious klises, Portmanteauf, Satchels, Travelling m 2i. to $6 each, apes, Jackets, Pants, rchasers can provide prate to Australia ur desirable qoaliliea uf are very moderate, tns. Remember the R. DEAN. o .00 Pale EDINBURGH & ENGLISH ALES PORT WINK, best brands OLD BENECARLO, and other Spanish Winea SHERRY, best brands MADEIRA, hen brands CHAMPAGNES, best brands, in pints and qntirts LIQUEURS In great variety a very small advance Dpon Uie cost, . „^*°l!|'" «**.''*'?*' in city (>r country, can have a sample case, containing 3 bottles Bran- dy. 2 do Gin. 8 do Jamaica Rum, 2 do Sherry, 2 do Madeira, and 2 do Pori, forwarded to order, by rernitting five dollars, postage free, and the Wines and Liquorssent will be euar meed sound, genuine and unaduUeraled. A share oCpublic patronHge and support arlres-* I" H?,^'"'^''«*"r .*'"^,*"^''9" ?j'i^« '?.*de to merit their continuance. ■ ' JOSEPH MAPIfl . g F 1 r r r^ O) ^ W ft . ft " NO. 109, NOTRE DAME STBEET, (ENTRANCE BY THE GATEWAY,) wmsL A iLAMis Amw wjsiLiE, sigiL]S(jj!ipigiiD ^mm CONSISTING of: * MARTEL'S COGNAC BRANDF. and Brown HENNESSY'S COGNAC BRANDY DsKUYPER'S, HOLLAND'S GIN 0L;» JAMAICA RUM. some 10 years in uottle BOOTH'S OLD TOM CAMPBELTOWN <t ISLAY WHISKEY LONDON and DUBLIN PORTER Tbe whole of which w.'ll be Sold at JOSEPH MACKBNZIEi WILLIAM H. RICE'S Alontreal Wire Cioth ^omUneMtw^ No. 23 NOTRE DAME STREET, , .„,,( NEXT TO DONEOANA's HOTEL, M O K T « E A L . i ,* sirFi^r."'"]""^' )l*""^i!f,'' "";? ^'"'"^ madetoordet; Wire Fencing, Wire M^t WI« n.. p'"''''' Fenders, Riddles, Cages, Rat Traps. Flower SUnds. Baftet,; W^eaJ Jirley. Oat. Pea and Malt Screena; Cribble and Fanning Mills on an ImproVed biWn Jholesalo and Retail. As this is xhh <inly manufactory of this description of Goods in t& 'ro»inoe the Proorietor trusts that h<« •in<t»»nr. tp .„L\„ .i.- n— jI. u.-. " •". . . nanufactared articles, (which «.H As 'joun^^u.fi^'Zylm;^:^"^:;^-.^;:^^ ;er«tS «!lf°^!i^''"^"; *"' T*/ ""^•''" '""^"^ °^ """ encouragement which he hM „mM? V f'f '?'' '^' which he returns his sincere thanks. Orders from a dist.no! wmptly executed on favorable ternii ; and Country Metehanta aupplied on abort notife*. ■M m ! f .f ■ 'a /f] ■ I ! 818 MONTREAL-QUEBEC. ,ni fmi f & wm mwfm OP jsDD Qlfa uwi Ma &a CAPITAL— ie500.000 STERLING. t\'? Cf HOMAS BARING, Esq.. M.P. ; G. C. GLYNN, E»q., M.P. PrMirfen*— Sir Rrtndolph J. Uouth, K.C B, Vice President— W Mam CUnfimntitExq. l>tVcefor«—Jolin Auldjo, P. Buchanan, Charles Morriion, W. Gordon Thompson and .'.'.oliMh R. VVileon, Ei-qs. ,''«m«Mswner« in Cnnada—R. 8. Atcheson and F. A. Harper. Ei«q». Coantel and Solicitor at Montreal— Hi-nry Judah, Esq., 31 Little St. Jamea Street. Notary at Montreal— ThtnA. Douoel, E-q. Office at iMunircal— 31 Lilt'e St. Jamea Street. Form* of apniieation for Loans, with every rcquiaiie inrormation, may be obtained at tU Company't Office, in Kingston, or from Henry Judah, Esq., or Theod. Doucct, Eiq., Montreal. Tach6, H Tesiieri 1 QUEBEC. (See Canada Directobt, Page 287.) Adjutants' W Advocate <i Agricullur Attorneys. W( Bank of B Bank of 1 An Bank of I Bu Barrack .M Bankrupt ( British No Canadian Chief Eng Chief of P, City Hall, City Clerk, City Surve City Treaa Clerk of th Clerk of th Coroner, B Comtnissai Crown Ag( Crown Lai Plai Custom He Prascnt population, about 47,000, and steadily increasing. ' Corporation.— Ulric J. Tessler, mayor; Councillors-— Charles Alleyn W. H. Anderson, Alexis Dorval, Germain Guay, George Hall, Pau' ^ Lepper, T. C. Lee, William Lumpson, John Maguire, Angiis M'. Donald, Joseph Morrin, Hugh Murray, P. X. Paradis, J. P. Rheaume, K)^j'^J.'^,foJ Olivier Robitaille, R. H. Russell, James A. Sewell, W. S. Sewell, Executive George Railton, manager of water works. The other City officer! d'^ remain as before. Garrison L JXTDGXS, LEGISLATIVJB COUNCILLOHS AND MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT' Governor.( (Addenda to page 290.) -"* Cameron, Hon. Malcolm, President Executive Council, M.P.P. for Huron Chabpt, Hon. J., IVl.P.P. for Bellechasse, Commissioner of Public Works Clapkani, J« G., M.P.P. for Megantic Drummond, Hon. L. T., Attorney.Gcneral East, M.P.P for Shefford Dubord, Hypotile, M.P.P. for Quebec City, vice Methot Hincks; Hon. Francis, Inspector.General, M.P.P. for Oxford Ljiutin, Joseph, M.P P. for Lotbiniere Morin, Hon. A. N., Provincial Secretary, M.P.P. for Terrebon* Morris, Hon. James, M.LjC, PostmasterGt^neral R .•.!,. ^4- M-^ ttt P A., „».. r!^..p.pnl Wna< MPP fn^X.m.^Am iCntifUS, nun* tt • £>*, rxitur nt-j.-^jj^n*. Fw* " ■^'•y'.j i»J.i.«» !»■ ii^vMiT Rolpb, Hon. John, Commissioner Crown Lands, M.P.P. for Norfolk Stuart, G. 0., M.P.P. for Quebec City, vice Chabot d'A Harbor Mi Trir ludson's B ndian Depi nspector G Loii legislative <unatic Asj Carriage L layor ol' th iechanics' (ontreai T e's Bu ilMIl ERL.ITVG. Baq., M.P. Gordon Thompson and ]lfq». lie St. James Street. iniiy be obtained at thi Theod. Douoct, Etq,, — Charles Alleyn' George Hall, Pau' aguire, Angus M'. dis, J. P. Rheaume, 'ell, W. S. Sewell. other City officers or PABLIAMENT' l.P.P. for Huron of Public yVorks for Shefford ford rebon* fo'' Leeds for Norfolk , J QUEBEC. Tach6, Hon. E. P., Receiver-General, M.L.C. Tesiier, U. J., M.P.P. for Portneuf 319 PUBLIC OFFICES AND INSTITUTIONS. J 'J' '-.J- ! -.'.t i' (Given anew.) .* Adjutants-General of Militia-Col. DeSalaberry, East. Colonel Macdonnell, West, 47 St. Anne, U T . Advocates' Library, J. B. Landry, librarian, Court-bouse, U T Agricultural J)epariment, Hon. M. Cameron, 47 St. Anne, U T Attorneys.General, Hon. T. L. Drummond, East, Hon. W. B. Richardi, West, Union buildings, Place D'Arines, U T Bank of British North America, R. Cassells, manager, St. Peter, L T y Bank o JVIontreal Branch, W. Gunn, mani.frer, corner of St. Peter and' Arthur, L T ^'"•^ "eUde^U^T *^"' ^' ^' ^""'''"'''» manager, Clouett's Buildioga; Barrack Master, C. Cornwall, St. Anne, U T Bankrupt Court, Court House, St. Louis, U T British North American Eiectric Telegraph Office, Arthur, L T Canadian Institute, P. JolicoBur, librarian, Clouett's buildings U T Chief Engineer Fire Department, N. Wells, 6 St. Joachim, U T Chief of Police, R. H. Rustell, City Hall, St. Louis, U T City Hall, St. Louis, U T City Clerk, F. X. Garneau, City Hall, St. Louis, U T City Surveyor, Joseph Hamel, City Hall, St. Louis, U T City Treasurer, A. Gauthier, City Hall, St. Louis, U T Clerk of the Crown, James Green, Court House, St. Louis, UT Clerk of the Peace, Peirault dc Doucet, Court House, St. Louis, U T Coroner, B. A, Panet, Sf J. A. Panet, 8 Grand All6e, St Louis Road Comtnissariat Department, F. S. Carpenter, A. C. G., St. Louis, U T Crown Agent, D. lVl<Lean Stewart, 28 St. Peter, L T . ■ ■ ■ Crown Lands, Hon. John Rolpb, commissioner, old Chateau of St. Loui>. Place D'Armea, U T i. > . V Custom House, J. W. Dunscombe, collector, St. Peter, L T v ^ ' ' ,,' Emigration Department, A. C. Buchanan, chief agent, Hunt's wharf, L T Eiecut^e Council, Hon. M. Cameron, president, Union buildings, Place Garrison Library, Jesuits' Barracks, U T I Governor.General's Secretary, Hon. Colonel Bruce, Union buildings, Place d'Armes, U T " ,. Harbor Master and Captain of the Port, — ■ . t Trinity House, St. Peter, L T ludson's Bay Company, J. S. Watt, agent, 87 St. Paul, L T Qdian Department, Union buildings. Place D'Armes, U T ,% nspector General, Hon. Francis Hincks, Jones' buildings, 8 and 10 St' Louis, U T ,i Mrti .egislatiye Council, Hon. R. E. Caron, speaker. Parliament buildion .unaiic Asylum, Mr. Wakeham, warden Beauport Carriage Licenses, J. G. Irvine, St. Louis Road layor of the City, U. J. Tessier, City Hall, St, Loulsj U T iechanics* Institute, Freemasons' Hall, Buade, U T ' lontreal Telegraph Co., G. W. Purkis, operator, Arthur, L T i6 'eople'i Building Society, 1 Fabrique, U T m ? 11 n-j pi I QUBBBO^> Police Magistrate, John Maguire, Court>hous(>, St. Louis, U T Post Office Department, Hon. James Morris, P. M. G., Mount Carmel, U T Post Office, J. Seweil, P. M., Freemasons' Hall, Buade, U T Protlionotary, Burroughs dc Fiset, Court-house, St. Louis, U T Provincial Secretary, Hon. A. N. Morin, Union buildings, Place D'Armes, UT Provincial Registrar, Ttwmas Amiot, deputy, Old Chateau of St. Louii, Place D'Armes.U T Pablio Works, Hon. J. Chabot, commissioner, Old Chateau of St. Louw, Place D'Armes, U T Queb^ti Bank, Charles Gethings, cashier, St. Peter, L T Quebec Biiilding Society, Francis Vezina, secretary, St. George, U T Quebec Savings' Bank, James Turnbull, secretary, St. Pelir, L T C*i<:hec Provident and Savings' Bank, George Veasy, casMer, BuAde, U T Quebec Gas Company, W. A. Curry, secretary, Orleans Wharf, L T Quebec Exchange, Williain Larie, superintendent, Arthur, L T Quebec Library Association, Miss Meiklejohn, librarian, St Anao, U T Quebec High School, W. Andrew, A. M., rector, St. Denis^ Cape Quebec Literary and Historical Society, Parliament House, U T Quebec and Richmond Railroad Co., T. W. Lloyd, secretary, Buade, U 1 Quebec Mining Company, W. H. A. Davies, secretary, St. Peter, L T Quebec and Halifax Telegraph Office, corner St. Peter and Arthur, L T Quebec Fire Loan Office, Lojis Prevost, secretary, St. Peter/ L T QuarterMaster General, 63 St* Louis, U T , ,« « , . rrrp Receiver. General, Hon. E. P. Tach6, Jones' buildings, 8 and 10 St. Louis U T Registrar for the County, C. N. Montizambert, 12 Garden U T Revenue' Inspector, J. M. Lemoine, 8 Garden, U T St. Roch's Reading Room, L. Lavoie, secretary, 24 Grant S R Sheriff, W. S. Seweil, Court-house, St. Louis, U T Shipping Master, A. Hawkins, to Chumplain, L T ttt Siatislirs, Board of, W. C. Crofton, Secretary, Place D'Armes, U T, Superintendent of Pilots, Francis Gourdeau, Trinity House, St Peter lil Supervisor of Cullers, Johii Sharpies, Sault.au.Matelot, L T Town Major, Captain Knight, Main Guard Housej U T Trinity House, Lindsay and Lemoine, clerk and registrar, 46 St. Peter L 1 Turnpike Trust, John Porter, secretary, 38 St. Peter, L T Union Building Society, John Ross, secretary, Cloueti's buildmgsi Moun- tain, U T Water Bailiff, B. Lafleur, Trinity House, St. Peter, L T . ..J i Waterworks, George RaHton, manager, City Hall, St. Louis, U T TATBRARY AND NATIONAL SOCIETIES. Advocates' Library, Hon. Justice Panet, president } Hon. R. E. Caron, treasurer ; *J. B. Landry, librarian. ,, ,. . « Institute Canadieii, Hon. Louis Panet, president; F. Vezina, treasurer ; f. Hunt, librarian «r tr a Literary and Historical Society, Hon. R. E. Caron, president ; W. H. A. Davies, treasurer ; E. T. Fletcher, librarian * Library Association, A-. Joseph, president : W. Hossack, treasurer ; J. H. Clint, secretary ,„ t «. ,. n . Mechanics' Institute, W. A. Holwell, president ; W. J. BickeU, treasurer; R. Pooler, secretary St. Andrew i treai St.Geot«e'! A^J St. Je^Ba ; .treas S<,Patrick'< ;.-.x-'.0'Fl ;■)" I. J O:) ■ ■ Ststainant or t Ml, and the 1^848...... 1849 1860 18M 1859.;...; OrtheabAfl 34 to the Uhiti ind 1 to fiatnl The total nu the Province— 16,§4P inan. Statinm TiHBiR— Oak. ""•"'•'•'aS: Biret Willi ,.;• Red StaVb's— Stan^ Fund Barre DEA<4r^Fine. Sprue LatHWoqa— K ■■■■ K • i; • ^' Nutiiik; ofVcii 40 Square.fif 2( 12Schg<|>9^rfl^ 2 Stefiin,ers, ' 'i'TAtai ..,.■■ ^ , Total number i 184>v;>nAi.'W; 1848ioina,X. 1849 UT )unt Carmel, U T UT U T , Place D'Armes, lau of St. Louii, ;eau of St. Louia, eor(;e, U T fet, L T b<er, Buade, U T ^hart, L T LT St Anac, U T isi Cape I, U T ry, Buade, U T . Peler, LT i Arthur, L T ler, L T ] 10 St. Louis UT UT SR mes, U T. St Peter LT T 46 St. Peter L T buildingB, Moun- n. R. E. Caron, na, treasurer ; P< lident ; W. H. A. # treasurer ; J* H> IckeU, treasurer; QVfiBfiC. 381 , ! '-" '•■ '" ■ , '. -«••>— ,! . " III I . „ I . I St. Andrews' Society, Hon. F. \Vi, Primrose, president; Robert Neill, treasurer i James Deafl, Jr^^ secretary 111 a St. George's Society, Charles Poston, president ; W. H. A. Davies, tr^ii^ti A; Joseph, secretary ' i , , •; St. JejbiBaptisie Society, Hon. R. £. Caron, prpsldeiit; Hon. L. Masstm,! ;, treasurer; P. G. Huot, secretary i ; St, Patrick's Society, John Maguire, president; D. Staironl;itrea8arer;Jo»u ;0'FarTeU, •dcreiarVi"'! " '"'" ■'>"n''^i n.-inii'jxii' . ^I'Snr >«•.'- ■■.,'i >fu in «i)i. ;.v' . • j_. _ -^ . <■ ': j! i7i'>ii| i» 1 t-; tiii'' i'.-.ii^h ■',•■,'■.■■1 • T -Illy full STATISTICS OF THE TRADE OF QUEdEC. > i„ 1(1 "^.I^VSv,.,.,,,.! ;l I'll ; I a: •llT i,.PrMwif,i:i . I.) 0) <i - - . !, .„ ■iCmfap4 h ^f' Wiliimm Lane ft. m the Huekeii Bre«an»« '»^#».) SUtatnsiM or thii namb«r rif Viwieli, and their Tonnage, which airjved «t thi» Porl,/rw'«'' •et, and the number of PaMnK<-ri that cnnio by them, from |848 to igaS. IpcIuht*! im If49 1064 " 431,953 " ' ^8.494 ^*^ ■ ■'■ ^ 1850 1079 " ,434,294 " 32,a92 1851 ; 1185 «• 505,034 ", ,41.899 1859.....i.'...v,;m..; 1055 *'■''■ 45&02 '••''' "''iS , •• Orthe ibAfSartWahj, 107 were foretgA, vii:--4il bphmijinij io'KurwuyV 31. L 2410 the United SliifW} 4 to Porlugal; 3 to S,»fedeh ; 2 to^MebknJj^rg; 1 t^Bfemtn-'' •nd 1 to Hambiiryh,— forming In the aggregate 45,239 ton*. > ' r- -irrmB, The total number "f arri»aU m this port lUe p«me«i«ont-of aJl.de«cription« from without yj.'c.I°""°*~""'"' '^^» '•"•"'' '" tl>e aggregate 506,424 tona-and were navigated bv StattefiMntoH the StipiJlv, E&port and Slock of Lumber, fpr the Yc«rit852. ^ ArtlBlefc >"• ■ ■ Suppry, 1852. KxporM852/ '''^'^ack. TiMBBR-Oak feet 1,650.073 1.036,480 !,WS,192 „ .,,|Btan^.,..,,,.,„..^Q 2,404,616 8tt8,^80 1,714,29^''^ Aah do 235,312 86.440 , 158,389 ,.AiaW:;:;:;:.v£. ,.,.,. 4S;S '-■"" IS ■ ■■ MS^" White! Pino. .do nnJl 87,631,239 lB;695.920 iS^wW STAV.8-Sland.rd ...miiS ?'S«2 " >ni ^« M3* , 'In :t;.o830 runcheon do 1,790 , 1.766.. - fiftl Barrel do . ■jl'/; n ' ^ *'■$' •'■'''■'-^^■^' -^f^i'J UT«W0Qfl_*ed fine ^„4,- r •;, , • r, .i • ■ ,■ ;; .r ,,..,. .Im.d .1) .A I / .-il^^uM. I. ..(1.1^^32 RmiotskStS.' -^ •'' '':',''',',"%483 M ^i. „■,' V f'Xj^^^^H : '^'J^ll -,,-_^.j,-., , , . .■:^ni;i-i .v'ti-.H-j » .o:;^/ Nutlilk: ofVeueli built and rfegifliered at Quebec, in 1851 and 1852, up to lAoMICtee. in each year, and also up to March, 1853:— „8HI* StllLpi^a;: ■) . ,j,„i„.., ,^ ,;,BoV .030 In 1851. 40 Square.rigged, aggregate tonnage 38,900 12 Scbojuijififfix y;' v4*:v *».*>/ 1,662 2 Ste#m,er«, ^ ,,31.,,,..%.. ; .d».., ,.,, ,10!^ T4t«i'i;l/^!.^fu^';j:i,',;... 4o;5C7 In 1852. 27 Square-rigged, aB;iregate tp^jnage 26.037 11 aebodners md Br%at>tiitM,' do?/ il/OO*"'' •54 SteaneM, ; ; . ' , ).; ; ■,< idouj;! : 712 Up tto ftlatfch, 1858. Total.. ••/■«.< ■\*iliff:? 'WiT oy,)i;)auT ,-,•/!. .,...,,. .:-T,riqi»rp?»tlied<ittwMiiig, ag^g«te tMinagu 32,440 ' ,-./i '■' H ,,, ,, Total „ <34.340 V ^ _.j ,jiXr<?»W .TO"THB,,,UOWBIl PtOTIIiqfl^ ||:'^^ _^ ,,T! ■ „;^,;,, i84>v<;>n\^.;vinl37VerteiB. ■ 7'^l•'TonS^T^'S^:.^^f^.'Ji^ 1848m*i*»U,J,. 1138 1..M ,ni. .*458! " - MlWll.J;l..lI 1» .itiF • ifeW^ 153 8788 62 1662. 156 10,490 •• P' 3iB QUEBEC. Number of VestcU cleared at thia Port for each ProTinoe in 1851 and 1852 >— xf n ' . . 1861. 1852, New Braniwick 96 Ve«»|.. 6614 Tone. 88 V«i«,k 4788 Ton. Newfoundland g? " 2644 " 24 " 1944 « ?•[•?'!'«•" 9 " 646 " 5 » 337 " ^•"•J"^- 5 " 365 •» 8 » 529 « Prince Edward Island 9 " 111 •• i 3 «» 251 u The trad* with the fitheries in the lower parts of this Prorinee miimI*— ruaiuc nAni, .ideoftheBaiede.ChaIeur8.M.Kdalen IMand* end a parV3,h^lSSK7£^c're«d this year. These f5.herieB depend almost exclusively upon QueS fofSei" Srof flour. pro,i..on.. &c.. which to paid for with the pT.d See of their fisheries! From 60 t? 70 schooners, awmgmg about 50 tons each, are annually employed in carry nrthi^suDDlie. Uiwe Seboonera m^es from two or three trips annually in thia trade. mere is also a very considerable quantity of flour, pork, fcc.. sent from Onebee tothn Lumber BstablishmwU^on both sides of the Bale des Chaleirir Vluebee tothe INLAND NAVIOATION. There is an immense failingr off in thii trade, which, we suppose, mav be attributed Safwa!l?„rP>^''''''^''^''rr"^'r il"; a™'""" ""-boSKtotKin^iU. tJJ Railway and Pig Iron imported into the Western States Ust war bv the St L-wMn-!, amounts! to over 50.000 tons. This year there wa, aofmoS a5l!hi,d .^^3": BANKS, (Addenda to page 31«.) Q«becBank,W.H. Anderson, V.?., vice W. Petryj Charles Grthinm, cashier, vice Noah Freer ; Thos. Mason, accountant, viceS. Newton hT[^ bookkeeper, vice T. Mason. The other officers remain as MoifTBBAi. Branch Bank, Jas. Swinbum, clerk. The other officers remain as beiore Bank OP British North America, H. Nottingham, clerk, vice R. B. Clerk • o Andrew Stuart, solicitor. The other officers remain as befoits. Bank or U»per Canada, H. Glass, accountant ; F. W. Alport, clerk. The other officers remain as before. QvRBBO Savings BAnx, no change to note. QoEBBC Provident ANp Savings BANK—Trustees : C. Wrtrtle, president- Hon. Ls. Ma8aue.l8t vice-president; A. Laurie, 2nd vice-Jresident ;' A. C. Buchanan,J. Hale, A. McDonald, F. X. Methot, Joseph Morrin M.D., J. Musson, F. X. Paradis, H. S. Scott, J. Sharpies, D. D. Young wHcitOT ''*^^' ^ ' ' ^■"'®'^"' messenger J Hon.F. W. Primrow, RAILWAY COMPANIES. i"^';" ' Thb Grand Trunk Railway Company of CAHADA—iSe ZHVerfor*; Hon. Peter McGill^ Hon. Geo. Peraberton, Hy. LeMesurier, Jas. Bell —: For^th, William Rhodes, Henry M.Jacksoa, Thomas G. Ridow, Wm. H. Patton, W illiam Matthew. Government Directors: Hon. Francis Hincks, Hon. James Morris, Hon. Malcolm Cameron, Hon. John Ross. George EtwhnbC artier, George Crawford, Thomas Ryan, Alexander r. bait, L. H. Holton Thb Grand Trunk Railway Company op Canada East— i;/emw Di. rectors: Hon. William Walker, Hon. Narcisse Belleau, Hon. George Pemberton, Sir Henry Caldwell, Edward Bnrstall, William H. Tilstone ^mes Bell xorsyto, Wiiiiam Fatton, Henry W. Jackson. Governmeni lhr$ctors: Hon. B. P. Tachc, Hon. R. E. Caron, Hon. L. T. Drum- 1 and 1852 >— 1852. (^eMeb. 4788 Tom. " 8641 •• " 1944 " » 337 " 599 « «i 251 itmUf—Qupi, north indot, bn incnued for their suppliM of ries. From 60 to 70 nyitif th«M luppliei hand oil. Eaoh of from Qaebw to the mty be attributed I the interior. The r the St. Lawrence, i«third the quantitj. harles Gethings, vice S. Newton j ifficera remain as 3r officers remain ice B. B. Clerk ; B before. ort, clerk. The itrtle, preaident; 1 vice-president ; , Joseph Morrin, 8, D. D. Young ; F. W. Primrose, ift*»e Directors: surier, Jas. Bell X. RidoiM* Wm. : Hon. Francis Ion. John Ross, iraii, Alexander ' — Elective Di. I, Hon. George am H. Tilstone Government I). L. T. Drum- QUEBEC. 333 mond, Hon. Jeou Obabot, Francois Lem'.sux, Chs. Frs. Fournier, Fre* Cha. Tache, J. Chs. Chapais, William Rhodes. Quebec and Richmond Railway, Capital £6'^'^ . ')0 currency, in 25,000 Shares, of J612 10s cy. each.— George Beswick, president ; David Ramsay Steuart, vice president ; Directors : Jas. Moir Ferren, Edmund Phipps Mackie, Henry J. Noad, George H. Simard, William Price, F. X. Paradis, Hon. R. E. Caron, William Rhodes, James Bell Forsyth, F. R. Angern, Henry Atkinson ; Thos. W. Lloyd, secretary ; R. Symea, treasurer ; S. Lelievre, solicitor ; bankers, Quebec Bank, Quebec, and the Union Bank of London EXECUTIVK GOVERNMENT, &c., (Addenda to page 313 ) Governor Gbrural's Staff — Captain Hamilton, A.DvC., vice Lord Mark Kerr; Lt..Col. Irvine, Provincial A.D.C., vice Antrobus ; Lt.-Colonel ' Duchesnay, Extra Provincial A.D.C. Executive Council — Hon Malcolm Cameron, President of the Council ; Hon R. E. Caron, Speaker of the Legislative Council ; Hon. A. N. Morin, Provincial Secretary; Hon.L. T.Drummond, Attorney General ., (East); Hon. W. B.Richards, Attorney General f West); Hon. Fran- cis Hincks, Inspector General ; Hon. John Rolph, Commissioner of Crown Lands ; Hon. E. P. Tache, Receiver General ; Hon. Jean Cliabot, Commissioner Public Works ; Hon. James Morris, Post Mas- ter General. The officers remain as before LEGistATivE Council — R. Kimber, usher of the black rod, viceF. S. Jarvis. The other officers remain as before Lboislatitb Assembjct— The officers remain as before GoVBBNOR General's Secretary's Office, page 3I4i->M. Turaor, 3rd clerk, disoonttnued. The others remain as before Pbot^noial Secretary's Office, page 814 — W. R. Wright, clerk, discon- tinued. The others remain as before Receiver General's Office, page 314 — G. C. Reiffenstein, 3rd olerk, vice Bourret. The others remain as before Inspector General's Office, phge Sll'-J. M. Muckle, 3rd clerk. The others remain as before Custom's Branch, Office — No change to note Statistical Branch, Office— No chaoge to note PURLic Works Department, page 314,.— Hon. Jean Chabot, commissioQer. No other change to note Crown Lands Department, (given anew) — Hon. John Rolph, Commission- er. Accounts, U.C. and L.C. : Wm. Ford, Accountant ; W. F. Col. . , lins. Assistant do ; T. Cherrier, Clerk. Correspondence, U.C. : J. C. Tarbutt, W. F. Whitcher, J. McDonagh, D. 6. McLellan. Corres- pondence, L.C. ; J. Langevin, Ct^ief Clerk ; V. E. Tessier, T. Ham- mond. Late Surveyor General's Office — U.C. Correspondence, &c : W. _, . Spragge* Chief Cierk; T. Hector, H. J.Jones, F. T. Roche, F. A. Hall, Clerks. U. C. Surveying : A. Russell, Senior Surveyor and Draftsman ; T.Devine, Assistant Surveyor and Draftsman. L.C. Sur- veying : Joseph Bouchette, Senior Surveyor and Drifisman ; E. T. Fletcher, 2nd Surveyor and D<aftaman ; P. L. Merin,. ffid do; J. B. Raymond, Cierk. Jesuits' Estates and Qiiesn's Dooaaia ; Fi Fortier, F. T. Judah. Grown Law Dxpaktment, (given aDew)~>HoD. L^ T« DhunmoiH], Attorney General (East) ; Hon. W. B. Richards, Attorney General (West) ; P. 394 •irt''| QUEPEC. i.i. 1 I ' Solicitor J. O. Chouveau. Solicitor General rEa«tV Hnn ToK^"© I -General (WeBl) ; George lM"r^ip:^^J^Cti?t^ ""' ' [Mfiknk DErAWTMBNT, page 8 IS^HeiirV Sm^i-iTM ZnMiL' ^S ^'^ Ftoibi Andnw, Qeo totor, Tba o«h«n n ACCOV] Post Om^ D".«t««t, p.» 3I5-.E. 8. t^,, lWp,e,„,, c.E. , John "assurance COMPANIES, LIFE»;^IRE A«n MABINi.; :*riv. „». p ^ u . . ,> —— (Given we w.) :^'""' Sy:;!!^'^^^"*'* ^^°^«' r*"' «*' A«dre^.wh^LT. ^tBavFlre and Mariiw, of Utlca; John Smith, agent, DAJhouaie L^r "'^VetrTi''^'' '""^ ""' ^'*""'' W;„.^SteC^^°r^;^i,%7 St. ''"^rtidll^;^^^"^-' «• ^^!-"'.!fe«S.iB.,^,.^^^ See Colonial, Life, A. J. Maxham, age|it»8 St. Jamea.LT. Seecat^ Daw 271 Equitable, F.re W. HUnt, ogent, Hunt'. Athar^ L' W • sJS cfc^diwr^i ' ^. cover oiitelde o ., ,^,A^. ^.^ , TT ''.''*^^ ""l ^^. l& V^^lI'ut^Y: ^^ \^' "?.»^««^". ^e^^^ H«^fa ^vharf, L T '''''''t!'^^^^ ^-"'^I'^^^^' -S-' «'• And.wV^vha.nL T: Kingston; Fii-o and Maf£,.«,Hi,W; Welch, agent, 2 St. Jntt^e,,DTM.^vl L.verpoo and London Fire and Life, Pemberto; B,t,.be« Vie^A;25 St Peter, LT. See cafd» page 269!- .: .i . .. ^.-l "',, ."'i iVIutunI, Life, of New York* JobrtLairH iMT«ni lo «▲ ii «»l ■ . ^'. l^oeb^ec^lta^e, Pwi8iie[.pH*d,.«ecP0lary, Fire Offic*3uiI(lintt'«t] Et3? r T Peter, 'I ; (v-.-iU) firm: . ..lid,.,!.-*! .•:* «iInWndlMa,l*e,5%wiia*Mo|kitkagt«j2C(ral»ii,«^^^^^^ Anf acws, BAlttAIRoi B^LL^AU, j BpapiovoH! CAlHIfS, H. Caron, Ho Caiavx,« dt Chauvbau, Chambcrb, Gauthibh I Holt de Ir^ PSNTlAUD ^ Plamondon *u»tin, F^ W. Anderibn. H. I "•ii. L. T., Vi )urrougrj», J. f )innon, Jimep kbioi*, E, J., >|»««MM, Ubaa, ''onno, A., 66 >n>k<, Chaft,, | 'uffetne, J. B. untvret.PM i»et, E., 9 Ha DiMQiUinied liDond6n(J. J kHCRITl ROWN, G. R tavelet, I in,„:P$f Pei ^ELLs, John ne oineri rennai r :i "infl, T., 56 $1 anquinet, Mr, CKEtL, THo! : CpDimia tRQi;HAR, A I ifilffUiiug Auction ifij^RpM, Solicitor MJiliiWfW Ajri. iiipn,"^ nidssenger. ..I'l ►, notai' ., *h(s rtaf remain ctor, C.E. ; John CanadarVD. RJ. ire • /I'l ; I.. Jiven a»ew.) ^« yrhkrf, L T. usie, L T mar|8ger, 37 St. aoe.LT. See (iiira, 3nd page icaH page 271 » ckrd^ OR buoft life wharf, L T Js, 87 St. Peter", M,'IyT ''•C'l'.'-.l agcw^i,25 St. ktelot^ L T ' ''' i'fv SeeHftnyrf, 'llV A. i, 7VM»u' ' '« whtti-n L T. «»*** ttiharf, L P^idi, L T ll^mlvers, St. rtjj/St. Peter, 'abri^uei/lJl^ 1' f!'ii ' ProftidpM ud Ii:«4ei, arraoged uidtr their Alplutetioal ^m^ ACADBMiEs AND SCHOOLS, (Addenda to page 315.) "= AccouN^AHT. AND c9i.i,ttrroHs, page 316, remainas befo«B. ADvodATM, (Addenda to page 316.) Auraiwi, F.,43St.Ann«t.,UT BAiLtAiROK, L. G., to 57 St. Louis at. U T ButtpAU, Hon. f1. F. 50 St. Louis s'uT BpRpio^oHf,EQ9urt House, St. Louis at UT , w^, cl.AuI."r L*- *^" ^•^•' "» 57 St.' Louis St. U T tASAULt dc Lanolom, to Hsldimand si. U T ^ACTHiEH & Lemiei/x, 3o Buade st, U T Molt dc Irvine, 28 St. Peter st, L T ^ ' • i Ji . • ,» PLAiit^nJVr'^^c' *T*' ^°'""'°"« «'«J Garden sts, U T rLAMONDONi* UuoyfVt S/Lj yPetet it, L T Oin^ai, N., 65 St. Louit .1. u T Graveley A. I., H.ldim.nd it. ^'i^^'Tj Jone», Edw., St. Peler at. r T - < -U i,.aM infill/. Andef*„ H.8.;Don«boh.V,t'T •d,. J. R., D'AigMiUon •», S i 1«|». L. T., 17 HaJdimand it. U T urrough.,X|i. R.. lo 9 Garden ,t. VT ^l»lo"», E, J., CoHins H, U T w "^ MfiUBS, Ubaa, St SlaniattB ^VT '"Wr A.. 66 St. Louii ,t, VT }n>M, Chaa., at. Denia at, Cape • ' i 'uf'eane J B. R., 9 Fleurio ai, S R i»et. E., y Haldimand at. U T •..,.1. 1 Jonea, Edw., St. Peter at, L T Le|far6, P., 8 (5arder> al, U^ rarhin, J. B,, tu 18 Garden at, U T Perrault. Z.. to 8 Garden at, U T P ace, Thomaa. St. Anrr at, D T Plamondpn. l*. 35* D'Ai«i|llon at S J . Sluar. C. J., 84. A UrauTeTu'T ' ''' Soulard, A., to 9 Haldimand it; U T !.)' ,!!:( lil XKCrtTMTO AMD CTVIL EmiNEEHS, (Addenda to ^'age he olhera remain »a before <- • ' ^ i ,;f i . .. r . sM,..-:a...,.:,! u.,, ARTISTS. ' " 'V"<^'T'-^<^ "£ tnel.rr^56S»..4ob.at,i;T ,;,;. I .; , Murra,. J«hn. USt' An..at;i:*:;Z;';; 1 (Given anew.) A>:>Hir,'ni>MVV anquinet, Mr, S4 St. John «, u'T .all ' 1 • '. :, , ; ■ .-i , •■ AUCTIONEERS. cKELL, THosl, 9 «6ut le Pbrt at, L T andTabrique st t)' t '^^.^i^Vi^ commiadinn rn^rAh.Bt <-—•> -..i ."'1"^ "» ^^ *> auctioneer and ^RQUHAR, A., .uctionWandTrrketTiT 5^.7^^^^ '•" ^V ' ^ . #^ifl«. matches,, dry goods, ^Vreoe^^^^^ "FJ^oiture, Auctions every Mo,,day%S §at«^iyf ' ' "^ ''**'^ ••'•'^ (It ;v;j; I( I QVBBBC. GiBComitX}. AH., •uctioneers tnd commiBsion merchanta, corner of St. Petei and St. James streets L T Madden, Jbbemiah, [successor to the late John MiilerJ 16, Garden at, U T, opposite the English Cathedral, furniture broker and auctioneer Maxhax, a. J., auctioneer and commission merchant, to 3 St. James st, L TfnToeDtKT^ Cole, B.,jun., to St. Suuiislas •!. U T P»qiiat, Am St. Vallier ■», 8 R Hall, F. H., to 303 Champlain »t Larocbe, F-, jun., to 20 St. John it, without Meyer, W. B., 19 Sault au Matelot at, L T llcGlNNIS, proi >iDDoir, E stoc See Indl Porter, H. H., Deifoaaea at, 8 R L„ , Rowbottom, J„ 10 Sault au Matelot at, LI \"'^' '-> "J l«audrj, J. I ;tntiri, P., D 'iron, Paut, !ots. S,. 73 I )aiflva*, J., ( >ion', J. B.. t ^impbell k G outure, J., tc iouae, L., lA itmmond, M BAKSR8, (Addenda to page 317). McCoNKBY, E., bread, biscuit and ship bread baker. St. Valller at., L T Parke, Thomas, bread, biscuit and ship bread baker, St. Paul's Market, L T Allard, F., St. Joachim at., 8 J | Lereaque, M., Sf Francoii at., U T Beloin, Cha., Richelieu at., S J I Glaaa, John, 12 8t. Pclar at., L T GuerJD, H., 2 St. Ann at., U T I Wktt, Jsmea. St. Vallier at, 8 K Diieontinued orI>ece(M«d.— Anaiot, J. ; fiedard, J.; Falardaau, Looii } Qtognu,t.CM^nm~,G' Ci Johnaton, R. ; Lepine, Joaeph, Queen at. ; MoSiitt, J. ; Racine, h. The othera reinaini tin, B,, 999 ^fon. eonard,' John Lepine, Joaeph, Queen at. ; MoSiitt, J. ; Racine, h. The othera remain BERLIN WOOL STORKS. (Given anew). Charlton, Mr*., 6 Garden at, UT | Fuller, Mipa, 12 Coadlard at, U T BLOCK AND PUMP MAKERS, (Addenda to page 317). Grkiq, Robert, mast, block and pump maker, 305 Champlain St, L T. Brown, J, St. PauCa Market i | Dumlin, L. B., S97 Champlain at, L T Di«eon(tn«i/.— Brawn, Robert. The othera remain aa before. BOABoiNo HovsEs, PRiTATK, (Addenda to page 317). Foncey, Miu, to St. Peter at, L T j Steele, Mtm,, 4 D'Aotsiul at, U T Dtwentiauet/.— Caldwell, Miaa; Gillard, W. ; Goodwin, H. Tha others remain as befof ggu^g qj. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND BINDERS, (Addenda to page 317). icjrkin, John, laybank, P., leM<thon, B., Diteontinut StiUman. BS CA RUM, Will OLEY, Jam] ALLIBR, J. BossANGE, Morel dc Co., importers of books, stationery and engravings, 1 '^f-' ^'' ^' Buadest, UT Cremazie, J. de O., printers, booksellers, die, 13 Fabrique et, (J T. See caiL'fl^'^|'p. S^ i Dawson, B., of Montreal, S. McLaughlin, agent, 80 Richelieu at, S J Derbishieb ic Desbarats, wholesale stationers and Queen's printer, 65 S Lbiiis St, U T Dredge, A., bookbinder and stationer, 2 Palace st, U T MiDDLBTON) S.., printer, bookseller, &c., removed to 1 Mountain st CARP Paterson, James RCHER, Jos ETER8, SlM< iroohe, A<, Gri toys, 10 Es, bookbinder, bookseller, stationer and importer of Germi „m,.,, <^ n St Nicholas st, L T '^ L^F^" Sinclair, Peter, wholesale and retail bookseller and stationer, removed i 56 St. John st, U T Coagrove, Mia*, 94 St. John st, U T Hianreaux, L. & C, 3 Laval at, U T Lafrance, Alezr., 1 Fabrique it, U T ^Mcontinued.— Burke, P. ; Coagrove, B Marceao, F., 3 Garden at, U T Stanley, Gilbert; to St. John at, U T 'ARVERS, G The othera remain aa before. BOOT AND SHOE STORES, (Addenda to page 318). FiNN^ R^^ booti shoe^ Indi^ rubber and clothiDS store- 1 Buade st find 18 »■ John st, U f Kino, Samuex., 31 Buade st, opposite the post office. Boot, shoes and Ind rubber goods, always on hand or made to ordei^. ERLINGUETT irdjr, Anselme »raand, F., St. CHES RBOTJIN, G. ( IBOUX, 0., ft! Bridge ta, corner of St. Petei illier tt, 8 R foMei It, S R Sault QUB0BC. 397 llcGiNNM, AxBJL, boot and ihoe .tare, 20 St John it, U T. Ordtt* nelu^td promptly and m the best style. ^™»™ Mecmau ''°°*'I'.„^u'*T' ^ ^*- {"'"'''' '^''^°"»' «'K" °f '»'• '"le boot, A wperior See ea^r" °" '""' °^ "''''' ^'^ order-cotfntry niomn^^. •II Matelot it, LI "•». J^ 17 Couillird it, U ' latudrjr, J. B.. 39 St. John. ;in(in, P., Defoaaei tt, 8 R fithout 16, Garden it, U T, ind •uctioneer j. "»° '^-U' .r - 3 St. Jame. i*, L T WroeDi.r J. & 1, 27 St. John at, U T. An excellent atock of bqota. alwe. iiier .». 8 R India rubber gooda, kc, alwaya on hand. ^ ^' McDonoll, A., St. P«ul tt, L T O'Brien, C, 289 Ch.rapl.in •(, L T S. ?,".!"'.■'•• ^' Champkin •!, L T , O'Neil, J , 66 Champlain at, L T Rheauroe, Et., to St. Joaaph at, S R • j Richardaon, Rolwrt, to U St. John at. without Ro^, V,, Deafoaaea at, S R Stepheni. O., to St. John at, without Taylor, Wm., 1 IJ Flaurie at, 8 R Trihey, D., 265 Champlnin at, L T Turgeon, P., St. Paul at, L T Vallee, 0., to Crown at, 8 R Whita, Miohacd, to 67 St. John at. U T Woodtey & Son, 333 Cbamplaja ,t. JL T wnght, S., corner of St. John and Palace aU, UT . Valller at., L T Paul'a Market. L T Francoia at., U T Pcler It., L T ^allier at., 8 R ;iron. Paul, St. Vallier at, 8 R 'Ota. 8,. 73 D'Aifuillon at, 8 J )8a(lfal, J., Craijr at, S R )k)n', J. B., to Craig at, S R liroplMll it Binal, St. John at, withoat ;(Hiture, J,, to QuBM at, S R kwae, L., 15 Grant at, 8 R liumond, M., to Brouiaeau at, S R » • r, „ I r. ""•■""""i «!•, lo nrouia .LoQiaj Gingrta,J.C, hram, G., Craig at. S R The othara remain w). . Coadlard at, U T nplain St, L T. 87 Champlain at, L T page 317). I'Auteiul at, U T ;iln, B., 399 Champlain at, L T «onard. John, 35 Champlain at, L T «rliin, John, Grant at, S R lajrbank. P., Champlain at, L T IcMihon.B, 15 Champlain at, LT .u uT Dueontinutd — Boiley, J. ; Craiff. R. • I owle. s • niu: w i u -. l.;StiUmaD.R. Tha^lthari reSfi aa befor' ' ** ' ®'"''' ^'J •»">«">. T. i Kelly. BRKW1JR8, BUTCHERS, page 319, remain as before. CABINET WAREHOUSES. (Addenda to page 319 ) RUM, WnLiAM, St. Paul at, opposite the Market. See card ^= ^ / !."J^'/:^!^'^!_*'°"»" °^St. Eustache and St. Jo' „ sts, without ' ot.™„m;.;a;he. -;--^^^^^^^^^^^ ia to page 317) and eoeravings, 1 "'• *"•• St. Paul** Market, LT eroche, N., St. John at, without .,^at ITT Ga^„., '«"'»".*'• X., Deafoaaea at, 8 R ,ue Bt, U T. See cai .a,,,, p. g, »« 23 St. John et, without helieu at, S J leen's printer, 65 S < fountain st tationer, removed rden at, U T 8t. John at, U T la before. ge318). , Kit ALLMR, J. O., 28 St. Vallier at, S R .wificf. , •t/ ■■!/. I' Myrand, L. X, St. Paul at L T rarant, J.,toC.ownat,8R ^^y, P., to Craig at, S R J '<e othera reniain aa befon CARPENTERS AND BUIL..KR8, (Addenda to page 319.) RCHER, Joseph, carpenter, builder and contractor, 4 St. Francoia st S R ETERS, Simon, carpenter, builder and contractor, 52 St. ValHent/s R irnporterofGern,. Sjt,A^«^^^^^^ j Or-MM^,Son,p.Aiguiilon.,,UT 1 1 1 1/ CARVERS, GILDERS AND LOOKINCMJLASS MAKERS. (Given UneW ) ' ERLiNoUETTE, F. X., carver, &o., 9 St. John at, without t ., Bt. Vallier at, 8 R j ^a^^^^,^ j„h„, ^ gt John at, without CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, (Addenda to page 320.) Bnad« at .„,» 18 fci'' .^;55"!?!lS'»'J^"»"J^.' '^°^"«^ S!'"'""y and St. Famine sts, U T ^^^ _.._^j jjjjjj apotnecaty, 65 Si. John at, U T iRoux, a, M.D., chemist, druggist and apothecary, 16 Fabrique at, U T, and Bridge st, S R. The others remain as before. , loot, shoes and Ind T<37' i t' I 328! auBiBc. Bureau, J. B., to S|. Olivier it, S J L'Heureux, J,. Su :rf^tiQ ;«t, wi(hoiit , ;. Bilniiltl^ W; J., Importer of china, gtasi, 8m5., corner Mounialj^'Mii Notre Liverpool, to St. Paul »t',LT. the Othfers remain at &K CHhoNOMiBTBS DEPOTS, page 320, jremain as beW [ '/vj cbAcif AMD CARBiAGB MAKfcR^, (Addenda to pj^^ 32 tj^' Saurinv i. J., IS^St Ann 8t, U T, caijriageB of all kindi,' ofthe fa^st qualitT «l#ayB oti hind or made to order' V^^ "J - - ■- ■ -, ,- ■.■• -.:> ..I ,.a .1.,. . 'Parii, J.,.ta'.fit.Oabrlelet,.SJ''r •.'. Unri';. • Proteao, E., to 8U OabritJ itl Si ■ Aw^nprt remain aa beforer.tj .vui ■! ( , > jr. ua5;.>..,!i.:H ( • ,.I,' ,i.,Mi'i . , ■,, ,^,C0AJ. MEkJkANii. ■ ^Given «»n*»w.)!i«!;^M!:i'^h''!H''-i^i GAtTr&ORAWroiu)^ St. Pwlirt, office 20 St. Peter «, L T^ ^^ ^'- - • *■ •^"- P(>s*b*,/GHAtKBiid(r'il9oi!r,' Arthur 8t;',L T " * '•" '"'''''^ •"'''^'^ ■""'■' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Addendst to page 321.) . :''' Afiri>lB686N, John &€o., commission, forwaxdlng and shipping msrebanti, Hunt's wharf, L T ^ . . Da VIES, W.Ff; A; general cotqmhsitfnmiBrchihC st, Galt dB Crawpprd, general con^mission merchants, 20 S* Peter si, L T Laird, Jouy,^emB.l comn^is^Tdn merchant, ^9 ^ault au Matelot st, L T Tremain.Jame-, 83Sl.Pail.t,LT | ■ fc'^cf ' -'^^' '-^' ""*^^^ ia ThViolhwrtmainaibefore. M I .;<ir/ a'lun'i .ir. . teNrECTioNBRS, .(Addenda to page 322',) ,f':>,'y ^ Eaton, Hbnry,, 3 Freemason's Ha^l^Buade st, and St. John at without; Ke- mainder of address aa befoi^e , HosSACK, JaWbs, 5 Nbtfe Dithts tt; L T.-M'Alai^deV'o'radar^'ss^a'B'^^fire McInope, J, v., 58 Sti Jolyj at, U T. Hemainder of addwas As befort' ) - Grace. J6hn, w^St. Ebuifc it; Ui^T ,io( ..; f i Pwrah. R.,87 Sti John if.lJ *'^' : ' ' Howlet^^r... Mountain et . I Scolt, Geo., 54 St. ^pba #^R .J^ , . ) J ,u iMU .-. , r,^g OTherareWain as before. -, ;. . ■, *!.^,* ■)•*(',■.''. coQPsmA, (Addenda to page 323,) '"'^ J • s , i ," Dubcau,JoieRh,,^l. Georjreat,,aJ . , Dike&nt{nuea:-.GieMer, J. O.; Little, tfidi. Th ■:'v; le othera remain at before* CORSKT' NAkBRV--' .''-^'iiiJ .•/- .' i fUTT:.!:..; 'M:. • ' :;r'-.- 'i .1 .J-) •icloiU'!/. .)?■ (Uml'iimA ,■;' ! Bean. Mn.,iiitJ?«llt««;i(tj 17 T < ,'■' il!ivr ,1^ ui!oi. J'-' f:i Gerard, John, J^f,l8ce«»,U;i?,,.., T.T;..-.nia .;,;, .r..nrm> V i ,. . n »w«;RR«OTypE ARTISTS. (Oiyew-anew/) , . > ,,,, LsKiRfi, ]kA.i -IS St J«hu 5i,_U T. DaguerWdtypw executed in th# best .:fv ^tyH,jn all' kinds ofweathev -> p - ..i; i-'i^^ini) -in-ii . ,.(1.1/: ,.0 .-■•■■- EliJaontG. W., Fabrique el., U Ti''!'^'- '-i" .:.v is'n m^iiio ;>if'i' .H -•: ,r,'i fMn'M. rouniai^ a^d Notre 5e8<jQip|)p pottery, as befoie. s beibriev .1 '' iOfthd(i68tc()Hality :.'..■.■■.:>... ..U .(.,. ,C(ited*Abiabah),8t ■*; .;b ii;<n'.l ,,«' .-■■■: icJiufimOi'ni: ,H ■ ,!* Jrioi!) .nrivil ,iii , ■■'-: .M ,)Jnfi. fiplng marcbantg, ed* to St. Peter It, T.i-'U'k-.i I*. Peter St, X T M^telot ft,Lt ij. £. J.^; peU«,;rore [if/. I'luc'i Jr. , i I irt wHfaoiati'' Ht- dress as before »ai9be(bi«t ^>' h<lJ' '!»'«'• 5«>i^'i' «»*^!«,-?),. A ..,':;. 1 before* . . i. «:jtt:iu.)/iij:.: H .J?. ,yinl-i'ii(/. ,y''1 oillfiV .!li,.'>I .bnai, ^V -» ' .1 ) . ■ V.-'!' ■ suted in th« best : ,Jl.'J. ,.0 .:!.,■' QUSBEO. vwamna. (Oiven anew.) McKiB, Dr. J., surgeon dentist, 20 St. Ann at, U T. Ali operations per. formed in a auperior manner, and with very little pain Tapp, WitUAH, surgeon dantiat, 23 3t. Ann st, U T, facing the entrance of St. Andrew's Church, has introduced into his practice all the latest improvements in dental aurgery Baillargeon, ?., St. John st, U T DRY GOODS MKacHANTs, (Addenda to page 323.) Benjahin, Hbnkt, general dry gooda merchant, 18 Fabrique at, U T CAaoir & MoaBL, general dry gmida and clothing atore, 6 Notre Dame at, LT Caskt, Thomas, general dry goods merchant, corner Fabrique and Saint Joseph sts, U T, wholesale store, 3 Sault au Matelot st L T.. ^^,, r FaaoBarrs, J. B., general dry goods and clothing stores, 8 and 15 ^ua le v' , Fort at, LT Chrbtikn, F.. general dry gooda store, 13 Fabrique st, U T DoRioN dz; Frbrb, general dry goods atore, 4 Fabrique st, U T Glover <Se Fry, general dry goods store, 15 Fabrique st, U T Lavrib, a., dc Co., wholesale dry goods merchants, Arthur st. LT MoopiB, Mathgw, wholesale dry goods merchant, 31 St. Peter st, L T MoNTKiNT, O., general dry goods and clothing store, 1 Notre Dame st, L T O'Nbu, Patrick, general dry goods merchant, Scott's buildings, U T Mar> ket Place RnrsT dc Chabot, general dry goods and clothing store, 14^ Sous le Fort st, L T r Rot, J. B., general dry goods merchant, 7 St. John st U T Stdbxook,Mrs., general dry goods store, St. John st, without Tbtu, L. dc C, general dry gooda merchants, 11 St. John at, U T lA Barrow, J., 27 St. John il, U T Benjamin, H., it, Co., wholenle, 47 Saint Peter et, L T Cbinque, F., 19 St. Famille at, U T Cot«, F., 13^ Craig at, S R Cox, Jas., to 51 SU John et, U T Dion, Joseph, 8 MoMitaihat Fafard, A., to Craig at, S R Gilloran, D., II bt. Paul rt, L T Haram, G.. Craig at, S R Jaokton, Wm., St. John st, without Jennings, P., St. Paulst, LT Jordan, - , 14 Mountain at P.. Diwontinued. — ^fi^rnbd, Jos., Lemelin, Chas., Venner, P. The others remain as before DTBB. Laird, Wm., 36 Fabrique at, U T Lenfesty, J., St. 7aUier st, S R LeSueur, P., Craig st, S R Merrill. A. & Co., 70 St. John st, U T Morgan, T., 10 Mountain st ^ , O'Million, J., 9 Mounwitt st Pageau, C, to 8} St. Jdbn st, withont ., Par«, A., Craig st, SR Riebard, F., 17 Crown st, S R Richard, H., S» Joseph st, S R Saneeville, 6., hi. Paul's Market Saucier, P., St. Francis st, S R Tremblay, Mrs., to Craig et, S R McGauian, P., Murphy, J. M., Routiar, Farley, J., St. Cabiiel st, S J ENGBAVBRS AND COPPERPLATE PaiNTEBS. (GivCn aOeW.) Legoo, Wk. a., jun., engraver, 13 Buade at, U T. Arras, seala, creata, mlpa, visiting CSfuS, ubC, pfOiliplty CAcCiitcu Wysia, F. H. dc Co., engravers and copperplate printers, 58^ St. John st, U T« All kinda of engraving, &c., executed to order Leggo, Wm. A., sen., copperplate printer, 6 Daupbine •!>? U T m t» Quebec. FANcy STORES. (Given anew.) FAMWON, Jie., importer of toys, &c., 10 St. Nicholas st, L T Reid, Mfg., 8 Palace it, U T Wj»e, F.,2lJSt.JohnBt, UT Cltpham, T., toy store, Cote d'Abraham PttOB, P., toy itore, Craig it, S R FLotTR AND PROVISION STORES, (Addenda to page 324.) Brodie, Charlee, 25 St. Pater st, L T Drapeao, Darid, St. Geor^re st, S J Hanley, Michael, 60 St. Peter st, L T Renaud & Brother, Napoleon wharC Soolt, Af ichael, to 76 St. Paul st Sueontinued—Biiei, J ; Moffatt, A. &, E. S'A°J/"o^ ^'' '"^^ "tjL Without Moffatt, P., St. Ann st, 8 R TesBier, F. X., to Church st. S R Vineuve. J.. St. John st, without Th^ .t"""' ^^■."""' ^ Co., St Peter st L T IM others remain as before. FORWARDERS. wh.rf,b.C.Thoml',.^7'''"«'"^ comm.s.,on merchant,, Gibb'. BlSSET, FOUNDRIES, (Addenda to page 325.) JofiBPH W.. ffeneral fminH-n »-j l- . _ ^ Hbnry, Joseph W., general "foundry Foundry, 44 Champiain at, L T and inachine works, St. Lawrence the others remain as before. OENERAI. MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS. (Given aneW.) ANDERSON & Paradis, Commercial chambers, St. Peter st L T Atkinson, Henry, 38 St. Peter st, L T ' Baird, W. K., corner of St. Peter and Sous-le.fort sts L T Benson dc Co. St. Peter st, L T * ^^ * Bbrbv, Edward, Arthur st, L T Bbswick, George, & Co., 31 Peter st, L T Burnet. D., Bell's Lane, L T BuRBTALL, H. (Se E., Gibb's Wharf, L T Dawson, William, St. Antoine st, L T livz:/:i:t'BrFZti ?'""'''" ''• ^^'^^ -^^ ^ ^ Fraseb, Wyatt & Co., Wyatt's Wharf, St Paul st. L T Gale dc Hoffman, DaJhousie st, L T GiBB & Ross, Commercial chambers, St. Peter st L T GiLLESMBs & Co,, Gillespies* wharf, L T * GiLMooR, Allan & Co., Fire Office building, St. Peter st. L T Gordon, Alexander, 38 St. Peter st, L T Henderson, W. C, Hum's wharf, L T Henderson, W.S., corner St. Paul and Saultau Matelot sts. L T Hyde & M'Blain, Hunt's wharf, L T * Joseph A, & Co., Napoleon wharf, L T LANGEvm, Masso^n, Thibodeau, & Co., comer of St. Peter and Sous-le- Leaycbaft, J. W., West India wba'f- L T Lbmesobibb, Tilstonb & Co., Comra'ercial chambers, St. Peter st L T Murray, Hugh, 50 St. Peter st, L T ••""""» «>'• ^eter st, L T MiTCHBU., R., Bell's Lane, L T [iT •t,UT ihn 8t, U T age 324.) . hit at, withoat It. SR irch tt, S R at, withoat Co.,StPeterttLT ore. mis, Hunt's whar'* merchants, Gibb's lanufactarer, agent ks, St. Lawrence as before. [Given anew.) ,LT QUEBEC. HI iT I, LT ter and Sous'Ie- 'eter st, L T NoAD, H. J., & Co., St. Paul st, L T Oliver, J. E., general merchant and shipbuilder, Dalhousie s(, L T, ship- yard, Prince Edward st, S R Oliver, T. H., general merchant and shipbuilder, Oliver's dock whart, shipyard. Prince Edward, S R Pabke, AnDuiJw., & Co., Arthur st, India wharf, L T Paterson, Young & Co., Giliesples' wharf, L T Pemberton, Bbothers, 25 St. Peter st, L T Peniston, R., J. B. F, lane, L T Pbicb, W. & Co , corner of St. Peter and St. Paul sts, L T Renatjd & Brother, Napoleon wharf, L T Ritchie, A. D. & Co., Dalhousie st, L T Roberts, R. & Co., St. Peter st, L T Ross, Lenfbstet&Co., St. Peter st, LT, importers of East and West India produce Roy, W. H., St. Andrew's Wharf, L T RcsTON, Thomas, 3 St. James st, L T Scott, Michael., 76 St Paul Street, L T Stevenson, Wm., East India wharf, L T Symes, G. B & Co., Old City i>ank building, St. Peter st, L T Tessier, Yves, corner of St. Peter and Sous-Ie-fort sts, L T Usbobne, G. W., office, 29 St. Peter st, and Lowndes' wharf, L T Welsh, H. W., 2 St James si, L T Wubtelb, C, & W., Fu A'ml st, near St. Peter st, L T, agents for the St. Maurice iron ■^: .'-.r Chouinard, Poir & Co., corner of St. Peter and SouB-le fort ats, L T Caldwell, Sir H. J., 38 St. Peter st, L T Dalkin, U. S., 38 St. Peter st, L T Dean & Co., 14 St. Peter st, I4 T Fraser, D.. India wharf, L T Gibb, James, sen., Commercial ciiambers, St. Peter st, L T Gibb, Lane & Co., corner of St. Antoine and St. Peter sts, L T Levey, Charles E. & Co., Atkinson's wharf, LT Langlois, P. & Co., St, Andrew's wharf, LT M'Pherson, Duncan, 25 St. Peter at, L T Ryan, Brothers & Co., St. Peter st. L T Sharpies, Wainwright & Co., Arthur st, LT Stcuart. D. R., 25 St. Peter it, L T GROCERS AND SHIP CHANDLERS. (Addenda to page 326.) BicKELL, W. J., general grocer and ship chandler, corner St. Peter and Mountain sts, L T BoLDUc, Joseph, grocer, wine and spirit merchant, and dealer in crockery. and cut nails, St. George st, S J Eraser, A., dealer in groceries, ship chandlery, provisions, &c., corner of St. Nicholas and St. Valiier sts, L T Paterson, John, importer of groceries, wines, &c., Arthur st, L T Paterson, Wh., dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, provisions, tobacco, &c., 50 St. Peter st, corner Mountain st., L T Plauondon, H. <k Co., dealers in groceries and ship chandlery, cordage, tar, canvas, biscuit, beef, pork, &c., 25^ St. Peter st, L T RotJRKB, P., dealer in wines, liquors, and provisions, corner St. Nicholas and St. Paul sts, opposite St. Paul's market, L T SpBBR, T. H., dealer in groceries, wines and provisions, 20 St. AugosUae st, SL PI !.f m m QUEBEC. ^"'**^H.f::,*!!' """^^ «P'J,.''Pi"< Jealer, 24 St. Famille or Hope «t, U T. mi. htary messes supplied oo reasonable terms ' Abern, P., St. Croix it, S J Bacquet, E. Z., Richelieu Bt, S J Beer, Mre., St. Vallier et, S R Belancrer, O., King tt, SR Berthlaume, L., St. Marie gt, S J Blaia, F., Richmond ft, S J Blondin, F., K ivelle rt, S J Boucher. Jean, M. Vallier et, S R Browi}, William, St. Vallier at, S R fireiter, Ed., 30^ Si. Joaeph at, S R Burns, Tbomea, Champlain at, L T Cabourg. O., 31 ^ St. John at, without Chamberlain, Ch«,, Dcaroaaea at, S R Cliiaian,T., St. Vallier at, S R Conatantin, L., Latourelle at, S J Corriveau, Et., St. Vallier at, S R Cote, E., D'Aiguiilon at, S J Coveney, Ed., Artillery et, S J Coughlan, R., 64 Champlain at, L T Darveau. Jos., 70 St. Olitier at, S J Devlin, P., 11 Champlain si, L T Dion, Joseph, St. Vallier at, S R Doddrige, Chs., Grant at, S R Doherly, Thomae, St. Vallier at, S R Drolef, P., St. George at, S J Dugal, P. E., Deafoaaca at, S R Dugaa, J., Craig at, S R Enwright, .M., St. Augualin at, S J Giblin. John, 68 Champlain at. L T Gilloran, D., 11 St. Paul at, L T Giroax, Ch»., Artillery at, S J fl«gana, Hanse, 16 St. Peter at, L T Htnrahan, — . 20 St. Amable at, S J Hearn, J., 293 Champlain at, L T flood, Wm., St. Angt Jiin at, S J Hoot, Priaque. Crajg at, S R Jennings, P., St. Paul at, L T Jolicouer, J., Queen at, S R Killburg, J., 23 St. Julie at, S J Labranohe, M., St. Vallier at, S R Uferre, — , St. Vallier at, S R Leahy, John, 2 St. Paul at, L T Lefrancoia, J. N., St. Paul's Market, L T I.etarte, Priaque, Richelieu at, S J ' Maderscbain, Cba., St. Vallier et, S R Maheux, J., St. Ann at, S R Mailleux, J. A., Cote d'Abraham. S J •MeDaid, C, St. Vallier at, S R Moffatt, Ed., St. John at, without Moizon, Jean. 14i Artillery st, S J Moriaette, M., St. Vallier et, S R Morriaon, James, St. Ann at, S R O'Conner, Henry, 15 St. Paul St, L T O'Flaherty, M., 14 Champlain st. L T O'Rorke, F., 16 St. Paul st, L T Orr, Sinclair, 14 Craig at, S R Papin, — , Cr.iiget, SR Pampilion, D., St. Olivier at, S J Parant, J., St. Clair at, S J Poliquin, L., St. Paul's Market, L V Ray, DuviJ, 342 Champlain at, L T Reayic, J., Crownat, SR Robmson, W. J., 27 St. Joaeph si, S R Koas, H., Dearoaaea at, S R Russoll, R., SI. Euatache at, S J Sanafacon, Francia, Ann st, S R Schombear, M., Latourelle at, S J Shea, Mra. W., 80 Champlain at, L T Sylvain, P., St. Ann at, S R Teaeier, Pierre, St. Aoguatin st, S J Twaicr, Louie, 55^ Kmg st, S R 1 hibodeau, L,, 25 Artillery st, S J Wadman, Wm., 26 Artillery st, S J Wajlace. H. F., Craig at, S R Whitehead, Joaeph, 29 St. John st, U T Hickman, W., 26 Mountain at, L T Savard, James. 60 St. Peter at. L J Smith, H., 37 St. Ann at, U T Smeaton. Hv., 20 St. John at, U T Tessier, Laurent, 20 St. John st, U T HARDWARE MERCHANTS, (Addenda to page 328). Blight, William, itnporter of ^helf and heavy hardware, fine cutlerr, &« of every descnption, au i'abrique sf, U T ' ' "' DoMON & GmoRAB, importers of shelf and heavy hardware, fine cutlerv &e of every description, 6 St. Peter st, L T ^* ' Eadon, Vi 0f( Martinez tioi Methot, anc Pel Scott, Hi boi! Shaw, Ric can ket, Shaw, Sai Sot Co^iST^t^X^l^Vvlif-'^^^^^^^^^^ Butchart, A^ ; Le«n,W.; Marquis, E.; Moffat., W. ; ParlJr J Ra^E?^n^ S^S^^^^^^^ ^"^ geau, P. G. The others remain aa before. '' ' ' S*"ff<'"^' ^' ' Touran. GUNSMITHS, page 328, remain as before. GUTTA PERCHA DEPOT. Eadon, William, St. Nicholas st, Palace Gate. HAIRDRESSERS. (Given ancw.) Bresler, j See 'OIST, F. 1 arant & 'endersoi card [ercier, ] sts, Mercier, I NicoL, Nai Rinfreite, P. Cftt Hote Srooke's h Iachette' Henchy's ] Lamb's, He fjONDON Co Maheux's Mansion H Melrose's ■Ottawa He RuS8;e:ll'8 I 3t. George Thomas's E 3ack, R., St. 'rown, Mra., i Chamber?, Wr i«ys, Mra., re Lapointe, M,, Lemienz L., S lacon, C, 62 iattle, P., St. ' Hope >t, U T, mi. ulie it, S J l^'ailier «l, S R ier »t, S R 'aul it, L T Paul'B Market, L T helieu bi, S J U. Vallier at, S R •t.SR I d'Abraham, S J ier at, S R n at, without rtillery gt, S J llieret.S R Ann St, S R St. Paul St, L T tiamplain at, L T 'aul at^ L T f rt.SR R ivier 8t, S J .8 J a Market, L V mplain af, L T SR St. Joseph at, S R ,SR :he Bt, S J nn at, S R relle at, S J implain it, L T t, SR igustin at, S J ng at, S R illfiry at, S J rtiliery at, S J at, S R St. John at, U T QUEBEC. San 1108 ; Butchart, A. ; Lapointo, P.; Mc afford, P. ; Touran. •hn at, U T John it, U T 328). ine cutlenr, &.n.. in© cutlery, &c., Eadon, William, i;npo;ter of shelf and heavy hardware, fine cutlery, dec, of every description, St. Nicholas st, Palace Gate Martineau, J. L., importer of shelf and heavy hardware of every descrip. tion, 1 Desfosses st, S R Methot, Chinic, Simard & Co., importers of shelf and heavy hardware, and nail factory ; also oil, plaster and mill stone factory, corner St. Peter and Mountain sts, L T Scott, Henry S., importer of English and American hardware, iron, steel, boiler plates, &c., 19 Buade st, U T Shaw, Richard J., importer of London, Birmingham, Sheffield, and Ameri' can hardware, paints, glass, &c., 55 St. Paul st, near St. Paul's mar- ket, and 18 Sous-le.fort st, L T Shaw, Samuel J., importer of English, German and American hardware, Sous-le-fort st, L T, and 9 St. John st, U T The others remain as before. hatters AND furriers, (Addenda to page 330.) Bbesler, a., furrier and hat and cap manufacturer, 25 Fabrique 3t, U T. See card, page 294# Foist, F. X., general fur manufacturer, 66 St. John st, U T. See card Garant & AuDY, furriers, hat and cap makers, 8 St. John st, U T Henderson, John, & Co., furriers, hat and cap makers, 18 Buade sf, U T, see card, page 16 Mercier, David, furrier, hat and cap maker, corner St. John and Palace sts, UT Mercier, P. O., furrier, hat and cap maker, 24^ St. John st, without NicoL, Narcisse Vaniers, furrier, hat and cap maker, Craig st, S R Rinflrette, P. N., 45 St. John at, U T | The othera remain|aa before • HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. (Given anew.) CiTT Hotel, John Lindsay, 1 Garden st, U T Irooke's Hotel and Restaurant, A. Brooke, St. Peter st, L T Iachette's Hotel, F. M. Hacheite, St. Joseph st, U T Ienchy's Hotel, P. Henchy, 41 St. Ann st, Ufl" Lamb's, Hotel, Thomas Lairib, corner St. Joseph and Couillard sts, U T iONDoN Coffee House, W. Chartrain, Cul-de-sac st, L T Iaheux's Hotel, E. Maheux, 16 Couillard st, U T Jansion House Hotel, Mrs. J. Holgate, 1 St. George st. Grand Battery, U T Melrose's Hotel, D. Melrose, Lower Town Market Piace • ■Ottawa Hotel, Hugh O'Neil, Sault au Matelot st, L T Rus8;ell's Hotel, Russell Brothers, Palace st, U T 3t. George's Hotel, Macrow & Son, 2 St. Peter st, L T Thomas's Hotel, John i liomas, 2 Garden st U T Sack, R., St. Peter it, L T 5rown, Mr?., reitaurant, 14 Garden st, U T Chamber*, Wm., 320 Champlainst, L T aayd, Mra.. restaurant, 28 Buade Dt, U T !iSpointe, M., 55 St. Peter at, L T Lemienz L., St. John at, without Levesque, F., Si. Paul's Market MoLeod. D.. Sous.le-Fort at, L T Mosse^ H., St. John at, without Quinn, Wm., Cul de aac it, L T Swords' Hotel, P. Sworda, St. Louii st, UT INNS AND TAVERN.9, (Addenda to page 332.) 3aeon, C, 62 St. Euatacbe at, S J little. P., St. Nicholaa at, L T Battle, M., 7 CoLde-aao at, L T Bernard, L., 3 Sutherland at, 3 J H iiiin 334 QUEBEC. Berry, H.. 75 Champlain st. L T Bolduo, L. M ., 58 Richmond it, S J Boachartf, Ed., 40 S(. John st, without Butlar, P., 7 King it, S R Campbell, Wm., St. Auguntino st, S J Chevalller, — , Richmond »t, S J Collin*, John, St. Paul's Market, L T Daniel, Wm.. St. Paul's Market, L T Day, Geo., 316 Champlain st, L T Dion, F., 69 St. Eustaohe st, S J Doonolly, John, 2 St. Ann st, U T Earl, B., St. Euttache st, S J Edgar, John, 14J St. Gabriel st, S J Fox, E., 24 St. Auffustmo st, S J Fullerlon. J., 6 St. John st, without Gillard, Mrs., Exchange Coffee House, LT Glngras, A., St. Paul st. L T Hamman. Mrs,, 59 St. Peter t, L T Haslett, John, St. Eustache si, S J Heazle, Thomac, 24 Buade st, U T Jordan, Chas., 24 Champlain st, L T Kelly, Mrs. G., 8J Artillery at, S J Iav/Iot, M, 161 St. Vallierst, S R Lynch, P. L., 50 Champlain st, L T /)i»coii«nued.— Fulton, Robert, Giroux, Chas., Gleeson, Thos., Kelly, Mrs., Larooheilo, J-, Lavigne, J. B., McHugh, VV,, McLean, Alexr., Morgan, Mrs., O'Neil, John, Orr.Geo,, Kheaumu, Ls., Smith, J., St. Thcmas, Alexr. The others remain as before. McAdam, Hugh, Sault au MaUlot it, L McCarty, B., St. Julie st, S J MoMal, Wm., 1 St. Ann at, U T McVeigh, Jas, Champlaio st, L T Marcoux, J. B., St. Paul's Market, L T Massuo, H., 51 i St. John st, without Moss, Ed., 28 Champlain st, L T Nowlan, J., 79 Champlain at, L T O'Connell, Thomas, 313 Champlain st, LT O'Connor, D., 27 Champlain st, L T Parker, J. G., St. Nicholas st, L T Pritchard, Hiram, 12 St. Amable st, S J Ruberlson, D., St. Eustache st, S J Saurin, Mrs., 17} St. Julie at, S J Scott, S., 314 Champlain st, LT Shortall, D., 1 Craig st, S R Smith, John,, Cote d'Abraham,SJ Toole, Mrs. J., 276 Champlain st, LT Timmons, John, 12 St. Ann st, U T Tucker, Jamef>, 288 Champlain st, L T Walters, Frs., Champlain st, L T Webb, R., 233 St. Vallier st, S R Weir, Mrs., 18 Garden st, U T While, David, Nourelie st, S J }auviD, Al JEWELLERS AND WATCHMAKERS, (Addenda to page 333.) Ardouin, C. J., (late M. Ardouin & Son), 60 St. John st, U T, an excel lent stock of every article in the lir^ constantly on hand. See card. Gattthier, a., 4 Notre Dame st, L T, a good assort ^lent of watches ant jewellery for sale, particular attention paid to repairing PouMN, Peter, 35 St. John st, U T, a choice stock constantly on hand, and for sale on moderate terms TtRCoT, N., 14 Mountain st, L T keeps on hand a good supply of wat ches, clocks, and jewellery Wybe, F. H., 58i St John st, U T, watches, jewellery, &c., in great variety, engraving and printing attended to promptly Ienson & St. Iennett, Ieswiok, ( LI Jlint, J. 1 ^orsyth Cbt lOBBRTS, J ingi ^ooD, Pbi Bt, ] lall. G. B., I lamillon, T| ■t, LT MACHII« Burnstein, Nathan, 37 Desfosses st, S R Garratl, James, 6 Fabrique st, U T Genest, Charles, Cote d'Abraham, S J Diaeontinutd — Baxter, W. ; Bewa, D. The others remain as before. O'Donobue, Thomas, 49 St. Peter st, L T Routier, C, 8 Mountain stL T Sasseville, F., to Palace st, U T Christmas, D. S.j jCouture, D.j Hardy, A LAND SURVEYORS, (Addenda to page 333.) Auitin, W. A., 14 St. Joseph st, S R j The others remain as before LEATHER MERCHANTS AND TANNERS, (Addenda to page 333.) Plamondon, H., sen., St. Vallier st, S R Plamondon, H., jun., St. Vallier st, S R Vincent, N., St. Vallier st, S R Z)j«con<»nu«d.— Bedigare, P. ; Fleming, R.: Pratt, C. F. & Brother. The othen remain as before. LIVERY STABLES. (Given anew.) Fagce, Charles, St. John's suburbs, Quebec, and Batiscan. below, has excellent livery, horses and carriages Hough, Charles, 8 St. Ann st, U T, excellent livery at reaionable charees. horses and carnage* for hire on short notice MBRCH. ^allam, E Joofeb, a orde with VCHS, J., I iULY, JoHl and Iiller, Fs lORGAN, D bee, p., V hand who! HEATON, / at nil ^ALLEAV, ^ cloth rent, James, i reslonr, J., 31 arley, M., 8(1 in^elia, John, imothe, F. X iackenzie, W llan. Miss, 1' ■zin. Miss, C( «e, Miss, St. aller, Miss, tt etherinclon, 1 Diteontinuei I iault au Maulot it, L T Fulie at, S J t. Ann at, U T amplain at, L T t. Paul's Market, L T t. John at, without mplain at, L T amplain at, L T *^icholaaat, LT 12 St. Amableat, S J Eu8tach« at, S J it. Julie at, S J mplain at, L T R at, S R d'Abrahatn, S J Champlain at, LT St. Ann at, U T i Champlain at, L T mplain at, L T Vallier at, S R rdon at, U T ire lie at, S J [elly, Mra., Larochelle, U'Neil, John, Orr, Geo., la before. opage 333.) QUEBEC. S35 Sauvin, M., 20 Couillard st, U T LUMBER BBOKEHs, page 333, remain as before. LUMBER MERCHANTS, (Addenda to page 334.) mplain at, LT !>•».«„ ^ r« i. . ""•»•/ l'pS:7'r;" " S^Pe^'Att T """ """='""" •°^""W>»-' ^V B.nk bandings icboi...,. L T I'"™"' I'"'"?; «-«".l l"."'.Br merchant .„d .hrpp„r, Arthur .t. L T ;""TT^*d ^■kfru:r'"' "'"'''"" "' "■w"'. «.. ?».« .t. JLINT, J. H., general Ju.nber merchant and shipper, St. Paul st L T '""%^tb?rsi.^;rS^^^ "^'-'-''-^ sblpp^rt^'mLrclal ^"""TS'gf It! Pet! rril 'r^" """'""' ""^ ''"pp"' ^'^^ ^""^ ^""'^• Woov, ^^J=TRr & Poitba's, general lumber merchants antl shippers, St. Peter lall, G. B.. St. Jamea at, L T lamillon, Thompaon & Co., 38 St. Potcr at, LT I Stevenaon, Michael, to Eatt India wharf Z?e«awrf.— Paterson, Peter. The othera ■ remain aa before MACHINISTS AND NAIL FACTORIES, page 334, remain as before. -"»rTT ' . **"'^^"^''^ '^^'''^'^^ AND cLOTHiK^s, (Addenda to page 334.) 1 hand. See card, i'^*'^*^' "• ■*-, merchant tailor, clothier and outfitter, 2 St. Louis st. U T •n hand. See card. ent of watches and airing .OOPBB, A., merchant tailor, clothiet- and outfitter, 15 Mountain st, L T. all orders executed in the l-est London, Paris or New York style, and with despatch j i « u itantl> on hand, and , T f"* •. . ucHs, J., merchant tailor, clothier and outfitter, 64 St. John st. U T )od supply of wat 'C, in great Tarietj, I, 49St.Pet«rat,LT itainitLT lace 8t, U T luture, D.j Hardy, A !33.) is before to page 333.) igare, p.; Fleming, R.; ; Brother. The others e itiscan, below, hat easonable chargesi "^''^'and de'^ St. Ann st, U T, orders executed with neatness,'punciuality fiLLER, Fs., merchant tailor, draper and clothier, 5 Mountain st, L T lORGAN, David, merchant tailor, draper and clothier, liHope Hill.U T HKE, P.. 12 Notre Dame st, and 27 Mountain 3t, L T, keeps constantly on hand a large stock of ready-made clothing at very moderate prices, wholesale or retail o j p. ^oo, MEATON, A., 20 St. John st, U T, executes all orders in the best style, and at moderate prices. See card '^''''^tbthl!^' ^' * ^°" '^ ^"^'^^ "'' ^ '^' '""'^''^"^ **''o"' ^''•apMs and rent, Jame», to St. John at, without re«low, J., 313 Champlain at, L T srlcy, M., eOChampldin st. L T iii?el!a, John. 35 St. Paul at, L T tmothe, F. X., Crown st, S R ickenzie, W., 3 Garden at, U T M'Hugh. M., 355 Champlain at, L T O'Brien, S., Sous-lefort st, L T Peachy, John. 32 D'Aiguillon st, 8 J Roy, N., Desfosses st, S R DeceflMd.— Cairns, Robert j Paquet, The others remain as before E. MILLINERS, (Addenda to page 335.) llan, Misa. 17 Couillard st. U T Kin, iVflaa, Cote d'Abraha'm, S J *e, Misa, St. John at, U T uller, Mias, to Couillard st, U T etherincton, Mra, 5 Fabrique at, U T Owconttnued— Sutcliff, Mrs; Woolticb, Mrs. Hill, Misa, Caserne st, U T McPherson, Mm, 5 Couillard at. U T Vien, Miss, 21 Couillard at, U T The othera remain as befor* m S86 QaSBEC. B r MUTERAL WATBR DEPOTS. Mann, A., Piantagenet depot, 7 St. Joseph at, U T, and 18 Notre Dame at, I Hough, Chs., Gaxton depot, 9 St. Ann at, U T NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. Canadian Ecolbsiastical Gazette, English, John Lovell, 12 Mountain Gazette, English, R. Middleton, 1 Mountain st, L T Canada Gazette, Derbishire &: Desbarats, 65 St. Louis at, U T Lb Journal db Quebec, French, Cot6 & Co., 26 Mountain st, U T Lb Canadien, French, E. R. Frechette, 13 Mountain st, L T Mercury, English, T. Cary dc Co., head of Buade st stairs, U T MoRNino Chronicle, English, Chs. St. Michel, 25 Mountain st, L T Our Journal, English, Duffy & Lindsay, 15 St. John st, U T. See card Rbvub de Legislation et db Jurisprudence, French, £. R. Fr^chett Mountain st, L T MUSICAL instrument MAKERS, page 335, remain as before. MUSIC TEACl^ERS AND PROTESSORS. Belliau, Anthony, 69 St. John st, without Andrews. Mn. F. H., 5 St. StaniiUiijt, U T | Coombe, Mrs. Thomas, 5 St. Stanislai Bissett, Mrs. D., 12 Ht. Vaiiier st, L T UT INCORPORATED BOARD OF NOTARIES. Edward Glackemeyer, president ; A. B. Sirois, treas. ; Joseph Laurin, See J. B. A. Chartier, syndick ; C. M. D6foy, T. M. Quay, Joseph Pet clerc. La. Prevost, Le. Ruel, Arch. Campbell, J; B. Tradelle, L. Maopherson. NOTARIES PUBLIC, (Addenda to page 335.) Belleau, R. G., notary public and general agent, 11 St. Ann at U T BioNBLL & BowEN, notaries public, corner Arthur and St. Peter ata, L T Campbell, A., Queen's notary, 26 St. Peter st, L T Campbell, W. D., N.P., 26 St. Peter st, L T Clafham, J. G., to St. Lawrence Chambers, St. Peter st, L T Langlois, F., N.P., 37i St. Peter st, L T Laurin, Jos., secretary to Board of notaries, 19 Palace st, U T Lindsay & Lbmoine, N.P.*«,clerk and registrar of Trinity House, St. Pe 9t, LT MacpHersov, L. T., N. p., late B.N.A. bank builc' ogs, corner St. Peter ai Arth ; sts, L T Macphers< N, Daniel., N.P., corner Arthur and St. Peter sts, L T Prevost, 1. )U18, St. Peter st, opposite Bank B,. N. A., manager of Queb Fire Loan, and Notary to Turnpike Trust , Dogal, C. & F, v., to Grmt at, S R I Tessier, Ed., to St. Francois st, S J Lavoie, Louis, to St. Francois at, S R | Deettued—hBhbvte, J. ; Parent, A. B. ; Sauvageau, M. The others remain as bcfoj OPTICIANS. (Given anew.) HiNTON, BiRT, 14 Buade st, U T. Oplicai, nautical, jnatheraaiical and ss veying instruments cleaned and repaired Canlin, L., St John st, without I Vobl. B., 7 St. John st, U T Thompson, §., 8U John st, without | Whitham, P., 36 St Ann st, U T 18 Notre Dame St, L iovell, 12MouDtaiQ it It, U T intain st, U T .t,LT airs, U T untain at, L T , U T. See card )b, £. R. Fr^chett lain as before, s. lomai, 5 St. Staniitai BS. oieph Laurin, See . Guay, Joseph Pet I. B. Tmdelle, L. 335.) Ann at U T St. Peter 8ta,LT it,LT t,UT ■inity House, St. Pe corner St. Peter ai ter sts, L T manager of Queb t. Franooia Bt, S J olbera remain aa befof athBiaatical and «c lin Bt, U T St Ann St. U T QUEBEC. nr PAiNTKBs AND PAVEKHANGEH9, (Addenda to page 336.) Booth, S. «Sc G., G Arsenal, and 20 St. Uraule sts, U T, house, sign, and de. corative painters, paperhangers and glaziers GoRNEiL, S., St. Ursule st, U T, house, sign and decorative painter and paptr- hanger. See card IIoLEiiocSE, Wm., to 48 St. John st, U T, house, sign, and ornamental painter, paper hanger and glazier McKay, W & J., 4», St. Ursule st, U T, house, sign and decorative painters and paperhangers. A large assortment of room paper on hand Morgan, Georpn, 6 Hope st, U T j Randall, Jacob, St. Julie at, S J ' ' JDi«con<iniMrf— Hetberington, R. ; Joyce, M- ; O'Ncil, D. The othera remain aa before. PAPER MANUFACTURERS, pagc 336, remain as before. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, (Addenda to page 336). BoswELL, W., M.D., 62 St. Louis st, U T Caruier, Joseph, M.D. — office, St. Peter st, L T — house, 8 St. George st, UT Fremont, Charles J., M.D., 10 St. Ursule st, U T Jackson, A., M.D., 35 St. Ann st, U T Mahsden, Wm., M.D., 6 St. Ann st, U T Martin, J., M.R.C.S., England, 4 St. Louis st, U T MoRRiN, Joseph, M.D., 4 St. George st, U T Sewell, Jas. a., M.D., 12 St. Ursule st, U T * Blanche!, H. O., 6 Palace st, U T Parant.Joecpli.to Hope at, U T FitzpatricK, John, to Culde-Sac st, L T Macfarlane, James, 9 Haldimand at, U T Diieontinued or Deceased. — Biaie, J. D. R, The othera remain as before. ^ PLANE 3IAKER. Csritttti L. C, St. John st, without PLANING AND SAWING MILLS, page 336, remain as before. POTTER. .< . Listard, Pierre, 79 St. Vallier at, S K PRINTING OFFICES, (Addenda to page 337). Campbell, Rollo, 11 Garden at, U T ] Lovell, John, 12 Mountain at, LT Derbiahire & Deabarata, Queen's Printer, Perrault, Louis, 11 Garden at, U T 65 St. Louis St. U T . Stanley, G-, 12i St, John at, U T Duffey'^& Lindsay, 15 St. John at, U T | Discontinued. — Pooler& Brother. Tho others remain aa befure. PROVISION MERCHANTS, Welli, P., to 2 St. Joachim at, U T Douglaa, James; Kimlin, Wm. ; McL'mont, Brodie, Chaa., 25 St. Peter at, L T Brown, William, 74 St. Vallier at. S R Connolly & Co., Hunt's wharf, L T Hanley, Michael, 50 St. Peter st, L T Parant, F. J., 18 St. Peter at, L T Brooke, Alfred, St. Peter at, L T, opposite the Commercial Chambeni Hachette, F. M., 25 St. Ann at, U T [Addenda to page 337). Menard & Brother, comer St. Paul and Henderson at, L T Renaud & Brother, Napoleon Wharf, L T Williama, Watson & Co., St. Peter at, L T, next Bank of British N. America The others remain aa before. RESTAURANTS AND COFFEE HOUSES. Brown, Mra., City Reattorant, 14 Garden at, UT Haya, Mra. H., 38 Baade at, U T SADDLERS, (Addenda to page 337).,^^, ,., CoRNEiL, Charles, saddler, harness and portmanteau maniifacturer, IS St. John st, U T 12 !!r1S<l.fe*-*gO M QUfiBfiC PoTTB, E., k Co., raddlera, harnent and portminteau manniBeiurcrv, 28 St, 9'' John at, without Boleau, B., Crai(; kI, S U ; Hamel, A., St. Valli«r tt, S R Magill. Joseph, lu 3^ St. John it, without { Murpby, Tbomii, to 4 St. Ann tt, U T Girard, M., to St. PmuI it, L T The uiheri remain ai berure. : , tAiii MAKERS, BCUiiPTORS, page 337, remain as before. SHIP BUILDERS, page 337, remain as before. SMITHS, MACHINISTS, &c., (Addenda to pages 337 & 338.} Armstron(}, W. M., general and ship iinith, .306 Champiain st, L T HovoHTON, John, general smith and farrier, 27 St. Joachim st, S J Whittv, Phillip, general smith and machinist, 80 St. Paul at, L T AueUire, Joi., 82 St. Margaret it, 8 R Bigaoutte, Joseph, St. Vallier st, S R Brolheri, Luke, 274 Champiain st, LT Chateauvert, Chi., 4 St. George st, S J ChevalHer, E, Craig it, S R Dawson, S. J , S87 Champiain at, L T Fiset, J., St. Frnncuis st, S J Forneltc, P., Crown «t, S R Garneau, J., Cote d'Abrah mi , S J Gf^ggi J»tin, 205 Charoplmn st, L T Jobin, J., Jupiter st, S J Jordan, J., 7 D'Aiirailiun st, S J Porter, Joseph, Jr., 20 St. Stanislas st, U T Richard, H., Jupiter st, S J Vexina, P.. 19 St. Francuis st, S R Williams, VVm., Cole d'Abra!iam, S J Tho others remain as before STAGE AND STEAMBOAT OFFICES. (Glven anCW.) Hough Chs., 8 St. Ann st, IT T. Winter stage to connect with the railroad at Richmond Tate's Daily Steamboat Link to Montreal, " Lady Elgin and Crescent," Gillespie's wharf. See card page 315 Wilson, John, Tow Boat Office, 3 St. ,\ntoine st, L T Mail Lino of Steamers to Montreal, Robert | Gauvin, Michel, SO Couillard st, U T Shaw, Agent, Napoleon wharf ^ STEVEDORES, SUPERVISOR OF CULLERS, SURVEYOR OF SHIPPING, TAL- LOW CHANDLERS, page 338, remain as before. TIN AND COPPER SMITHS AND PLUMBERS, (Addenda topagc 338.) Andrews, Thomas, tin and coppersmith, plumber and gas fitter, 3 St. John st.UT Chartre, Z., tin smith, and manufaciurer of hot air apparatus, ist. John st without Garth, Cha*., St. John st, without Difcontinup.d.—Campcnu, l,., Parrott, A. The others remain as before • RUSSIAN STOTE BUILDER. Maderscbein, Ch* , St. Vallier lit, S R^ TOBACCONISTS, (Addenda to page 338.) Do^ord, Noel, St* Jolin st, without Morrisun, John, St. Oliver st, S J Mortis, Edwin, removed to 2 St. John st W T The others remain as before «*-:?!'• TURNERS AND CARVERS. (Givcn anew.) Blouin, F. X., Ann st, S R j Burnet, Jas., St. Francis st, S R Black, Wni., King st, S R < Lapoinie, Joseph, Riebmond st, S J .i-)i> A - READY MADE LINEN STORES, bredge. Mrs., 2 Palace BtjUT | Kempt. Mrs, f Arsenal at, U T VINEGAR FACTORY. Quirouet Sl Srolher, lo St. Paul di, L T WINE MERCHANTS. Cbmcai Hi J. & 0>t 18 Fabrique at, U T. S«e oird luiaeiurcrv, 28 St. r tt, s B 4 St. Ann tl, U T before. IS before. fore. 137 & 338.) lin 8t, L T n St, S J ul 8t, L T ^brahtni. S J iropli'in «t, LT SJ llun 8t, S J St. Stanislat it, U T Bt, SJ raticuis 8t, S R d'Abraham, S J anew.) !t with the railroad ;in and Crescent," ^nuillard it, U T ^ SHIPPING, TAL- 3 fore. .to page 338.) filter, 3 St. John irattis, >St. John si iror« '.) Hirer at, S J I before «r.) icis (t, S R ibmond at, S J »n«lat, UT QUK8CC. m,. Booksellers, Stationers & Wine Merchants, J^o. 12, FABRIQUE STREET, UPPER TOHW, Have alwaya on hand, an extenaive Stuck of BOOKS, STATIONERY, ENGRAVINOtf, ind FANCY ARTICLES, which thejr ofTer either WholeaaU or Retail, upon very favor, able termi. Thajr alao import French and other WINES, of (iio finest and moit approved Vinlagea, and gentlemen ordering from them, majr depend upon belnij supplied with the elioicett Article*, and upcn the moat moderate termr. J^o. 2 JOIW STREET, WITHOUT, (Sign or thb Larob Boot.) A Superior Stock of BOOTS and SHOES always on hand, or made lu Order. Country Stores Svfplied. ST. PAUL STREET, NEAR ST. PAUL'S MARKET, QUEBEC, IS CONSTANTLY MANUFACTURING Of the very best Materials, and in the latest style of fashion. His Workmen consist of the best skilled hands to be found in the Province, and every article is made up under his own direct superintend- ence, so that Purchasers can depend upon the soundness of the materials and the durability and flnish of the articles they require. n • $' Of all kinds, promptly and satisfactorily executed to order, and upon reasonable terms. Gentleman about new.furnishing or replenishing their Houses, are respectfully iiivited to call and examine the choice and extensive Stock which he has now on band, previous to providing themselves elsewhere. )\ f -I sis QUEBIO. F. X. FOIST, OKALKIl IN ■* FTOg, EATS, MB nroiM^WdDlK, No. 66, j^gili^flMttil^ UPPER TOWN, St. John Street, Quebec, Has con«Untly for aale, upon »cry ir|oderato terma, an ejcellcnt Slock of FUR GOODS of hiaown Mannfacluro, which ho warranla equal lo any in Canada. Hii Stock of HATS and CAPS will alio be fonnH anon, cheap, and WELL-AiaoRT«D, and he haa alio a largo supply of INDIAN CURIOSITIES. [D* Pleaso to call and examine. N. B.— Cwh paid for all deacriptiona of Fur ^kina. ' — — I » . n ' .11 I * ■ ' I ' i t (LATE M. ARDOUIN &. SON,) pk Importer, Gold and Silver Smith, Jei^dler, &c., ST. JOHN STREET, QUEBEC, Haa alwaya on hand beat Londcn made JEWELLERY, GOLD & SILVER WATCHES CLOCKS, PLATED WARE, and PAPIER MACHE GOODS. DreiainK Casca, Reticulea, Portmoniiiei, nnd a gruat variety of othar A,rtiel«; the whole, forming the greatest and most varied nasortment to he found in th* Ciij- ' tdr Call and See. J^ lEUSHAIT TAILOB, CLOTHIER AMD OUT-FITTER, HAS conatantly on band u well.iielected fto^k of GLOT^^, C^SIM£RES, TWEEDS and VESTINGS, and ia prepared ito tiMke them up toordft in ofcry, variety of garment suitable for Gentlemen, Youtha or Children, in the most approved ctyje, with the greatest deapatch, and upon the moat moderate ternia. He solioita a continuance of favora from his old euitomera, and reapectfiilly invites a call from all who are devirous of combining eleganet ffl^ economy in the article of clothing. ,j, la addition to his tailoring businesB, he ia also prepared to execute «vpry variety of mwm, mmm & ssiiiiLiisi mmdiim, for Ladies' or Children's dresses, having pruqured a great variety of Iho latest and most elegant patterns for that description of work. He also 1 for Ladies* Dresses, Cloaks, Capes, Sec, in a unique and beautiful style, * and respeotfully solletts the Ladies to caH and inspect the specimens which he has now on hand. \ PER TOWN, Quebec, ; of FUR GOODS of Ii8 fltock of HATS he hai nlio a lar^n ne. — .i*Mnr- [LVBB WATCHES rArtielw; th« whole, lUT-FITTER, [MEKES. TWEEDS y rarietjr of garment yle, with the greatest noe of favors from his of combining elegance ie •vf'ry variety of f of the latest and ie also tyle,*and respeotfully V on hand. QUEBEC-.WATERrA)0. Ml iS^ih ^U£i ^0U£l£IAJL 9 A LITERARY PAPER, l)E VOTED TO SBNEBAL IKTELUBENGE ANB VSETUI INFOHMATION FOR THE PEOPLE ; JN WHICH WILL DK FOfM) KVF.nV WF.KK' THE NEWS OF BOTH CONTINENTS, WITH TALES, POETRY, SCIEN- TIFIC AND MISCELLANEOUS READINGS. PHINTKU AM) I'l'llLISHED KVIlrtV XATl'HDAY R\ DUFFY & LINDSAY, Upprr Town, Quebec. At 10s, per Annum, or 7ei. Gd. to Clubs nf Ten, !trictly in ndrnnce, thas making it THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FAMILY PAPEB IN CANADA ! House & Sign Painter, Pai^erlian^^er & 61azie^ ST. URSULE STREET, U ''^EF fOVVN, . Is now prepared to attend to orders in every Department of hi« Uuainesi with the utnrtost despatch. An excellent assortment of ROOM PAPKIl ulwaya on hand, and Tor Sale at the Lowest Rates. WATERLOO, (2nd), C. W.— Given anew.) An entcrprisiDK Village situated in the Township nnd County of Waterloo, C.W., 2 miles west from Berlin, to which village, and Proston, tiiere ia a daily mail stage. Fare to Prcs- Ion, '2s tid. Alphabetioal List of Professions, Trades, &c, Bowman, Henry W., innkeeper Buekler, Abraham H., &. Co., iron founders Cook, Henry, carpenter and pump maker Gonder, Conrad, innkeeper KaufTman, Adam, blacksmith Hett, John, inkeeper Humbecker, Geo., waggon & carriage maker Jacobi, John, potter Peppier, Lewis, blackpmith Repsher, William, innkeeper Robertson, Alexr., tinsmith Schnarr, Ilermao, general store, innkeeper Shoemaker, David S., township clerk and general store Shnncn, VVra., tinsmith Snider, Ellas, mill owner Rnider, Menn &. Co., iron founders Snyder, Daniel, general store & postmaster Springer, Moses, notary public, sarveyur &. J » Tisdnle, Charles G., general store Waterloo Joint Stock Building Co.'s steam cabinet and chair factory Wolf. Andrew, gun and look imitli andJP Also— 3 shoemakers, 5 tailors, 12 carpenters, 8 weavers, 8 breweries, 4 cooper shops, 1 tannery, 2 brick kilna. ? i 349 POST'OFFICES. UST OF POST OrnCES ESTABUSHEB SINGE THE FUBUGATION OF THE CANADA OnUSCTORT, I! ,,,. AND OFFICES WHERE THE P. M.'S HAVE BEEN QHANGED. 4, Name of Office. Townsh. or Seiq'y. COUNTV. Name up Pobthastkii. V Abbott*! Corners Aberroyle Acton Acton Vale Adamiville Addiaon Albert Town Allan*! Corners Allisonville Arran - Arva Ash burn A<hgruve Laln's Point Rnlli'ififad ilalliaiore Bdtigcan Bridge Beaumont Becancour ' Belfurd Bentinck Bcrthler, en bas Birmingham Bieliop'f Mill* . Bland ford Boston Bourg Louii Branclilon Brant Bro«ir'a Mills Bridgeport Bridgewater Biockvilie Broughton Bruaefield BurrltVs Rapid* Caiitor Caledonia Flats Cambray CampbellviUo Canestoga C-rMsle Carradoo Castleton Codarfc Chatham, C.W. Cheltenham Chesterfield Cherry Creek Chieoutimi Claphan) Claremont Clarendon Centre Clear Creek Clifton House Clinton Coldsprings :l)li|jr' Puslinch EJsquesing Acton Farnham Elizabethtuwn Ancaster Durham Ameliasbnrg ^ Arran London Whitby Esquesing Sombra Erin Hamilton ' Champlain Beaumont . MarkUmiiv' M Bentinck Berthier Pittsburg Oxford ^ Blandford Tuwnsend Dumfries Brant Pittsburg Waterloo Thurlow Elizabelhtown Broughton Tuckersmith Marlborough Caietor Caledonia} Fenclon JVassagaweya ' Woolwich East Flamboro Carradoc - Cramahe Suulnnges Raleigh Chinguacousej Blenheim Innisfil , Chieoutimi Adulphustown Pickering Clarendon Houghton Stamford Tuckersmith Hamilton Missirquoi Wellington Hnlton Drummond ShefTord Leeds Wenlworlh Beauharnois Prince Edward Bruce Middlesex Ontario Halton Lambton Waterloo Northumberland Champlain Bellechassi) Nicolct Waterloo "'' Bellcchasse Frontenac Grcnvilie Nicolct Norfolk Portneuf Waterloo Bruce Frontenac Waterloo Hastings Leeds Megantic Huron Garleton Lincoln Prescott Victoria Halton Waterloo Wentworth Middlesex Northumberland Vaudreuil Kent Peel * Oxford ' Simcoe Saguenaj Lenox Ontario Ottawa Norfolk Wetland Huron Northumberland H H Smith S Falconbridge L McDonald C Beauregard George Adams C Lewis William Allan J W Allison . George Got)td Joseph SiTton Eldward Oliver Jqhn Hunter W Henderson George Jlugers RBaftllne . ij Angeli<{[Oe BiitW Z Turgeon Benjamin Rivart — Defoe A B McNab David Bloom J Birmingliai^ i H A Bishop; '^ ZMarchand David Morgan Joseph Beer P Mllrshall John Shcnnon B Aaglin Alexander Davidson Jesse F Byam John Kilborn C H J Hall William Moore John Meikle, jr. James Tisdail« W Bradley ' ' Henry Edwards James McOriffin Charles Hendry Edward Mihell J C Pennock Benjamin Joassim B F Barfoot William Allan George Baird DDHay David M'Laran E D Lalanne Thumas Nuble James Shaw Jonathan Bridgeman J Shears James Gordon D Mcintosh Nam* or Grin Colerain (form ville Collinvili* Corunna Creek Bank Croashill Croydon Dalhousie Mil Dartford Deal Town Delaware Devon Dixon*B Come] Doon Downeyviile Drayton, (forn borough) Dresden, (late Mills) Danbaiton . Dunn East Framptor East Hawkesfa East Willianul Eden Mills Eganville Ekfrid Eldersite Ennis i . Enniskillen Epsom Everton Farnham Cent Fenelun Falls Fitzroy Harboi Forestvillo Fox River Frankville French Vil'g, H Friburgh Ueniilly u . George ville Slenwilliams Good wood JOUld jower Point t. irahamsviilejil Grande Orevit' jreen Point jireenwood .i jreenook iH xreenbush /'/-> Srovesend :!» fiagersville lahfax lall's Corners lamptoa IsfT.bsrgh larlem {artford listings liwksTille FUBUGATION HANGED. — — < ' > 1 1 — kUE UP PoSTUASTIiK. H Smith Fakonbridge McDonald Beauregard !orgD Ada ma Lewis 'illiam Allan W Allison iotge Goyld Beph Sifton Iward Oliver hn Hunter Henderson Borgellogcrs BarUbne , ngrelicjioe Butler Turgeon jnjamin Rivart • Defoe B MrNab avid Bloain Birminghau A Biihop Marchand avid Morgan >sepli Beer MlUnhall )hn Shcnnon Aiglin lextHider Davidiou 'use F Byam >hn Kilborn H J Hall William Moore )hn Meikte, jr. imes TisdaJK / Bradley lenry Edwards imes McGriffin harles Hendrjr Idward Mihell C Pennock 'enjamin Joassim I F Barfoot ('iiiiam Allan ieorge Baird ) D Hay )avid M'Laren I D Lalanne 'liuinas Noble anics Shaw DDBthan Bridgeman Shears ames Gordon > Molntosb POST-OFFICE. 84 Nam* or Orrioi. Townsb. or Sbi'ov. CODNTT. Colerain (form. Tains. ville CollinvUk Corunna Creek Bank Mills Marl. Crossbill Croydon Dalhuusie Darlford Deal Town Delaware Devon Dixon's Corners Doon Downeyvilie Drayton, (formi borough) Dresden, (lato Dawn Mills) Danbaiton Dunn East Frampton East Hawkosbury East Williamsburg Eden Mills Eganville Ekfrid Elders! ie Ennis i . EnniskiUen Epsom Everton Farnham Centre Fenel«D Falls Fitzroy Harbour Foreslvillo Fox River Frankville Kitlcy French Vil'g, Kingsey Kingsey Toronto Gore Tilbury West Mooro Between Woolwich Peel Wcllesley Camden Percy Raleigh Delaware Usborne Matilda Waterloo Emily Peel Peel Kent Lambtoii &, U Dawn Pickering Dunn Frampton Hawkosbury Williamsburg Eramosa Urattan Ekfrid Scarboro' Ennlskillen Darlington Reach Eramisa Farnham Fenelon Fitzroy Charluttville Fribargh ■ ntilly George ville Glenwilliams Soodwoud jould jiower Point ^ratiamsville irande Greve jreen Point reenwood jreenook jrreenbuah 3rovesend Hagersville lahfax lall'sCornan lamptoa isriem lartford Isstingi Uwkiville T/ ..I fi ■ to ' Waterloo Gcntilly Stanetead Eaquesing Uxbridge Lingwick Westmeath Cbinguacuusey Sophiasburg Pickering Greenock Elizabethtown Malahide Oneida Halifax Westminster Darlington X- f Sdcf iCusbSfg Bastard Townsend Aaphodel Welletley Waterloo Waterloo Addington Glengarry Northumberland Kent Middlesex Huron Dundas Waterloo Victoria Wellington Kent ' Ontario Haldimand Dorchester Prescot? Dundas Wellington Renfrew Middlesex York Lambton Durham Ontario Wellington Shefford Victoria Carleton Norfolk Gasp^ Leeds Drummond Waterloo Nicokt Stanstead Halton Ontario Sherbrookc Renfrew Peel Gasp€ Prince Edward Ontario tfiruce Leeds Elgin Haldimand Megantic Middlesex Durham AduiugioR Leeds Norfolk Peterborough , Watwloo iUi-f^,;. NaHK «» PoSTHaSTIR, T St, John James Gracey A J Stephens John Fisher Charles Willcott Carlos Mendoll D MPhailJ N Niles Joseph Smith S M Towlc Joseph Quick William Wood Robert Ferrie M Leiiane Ezra Adams James Smith John Parker Leno Clarke ^ G A Smith James Gamble MrsN Pil'r Samuel Meadows Patrick Cassidy Jonathan Miller Thomas Donzell James Little John Ferrie Timothy Mun'oe Rufug Everti John Johnston Rev. John Hiokia W D Iigott Calvin White Juhn de St* Croix William Smith John Wadleigh F Romback F Brunei A Beebe C Williams M Chapman v i . James Ross r; ;,. Gilbert Cannon !iJ<' George Graham '^h^. Charles Esnuuf a oM P Roblin , ,1, fW. George Begg .i .jI.iIM J B Ritchie ' i li K. H Blanchard Joseph W Stone JGHaskett Thomas Sheridan Charles Hall ;M Henry Elliott lofV Riciiarii Kane ii»iil AChamberiin . ;oM S Deaa uinotf H Foaidi v^ aiMd HawIh vH 344 FOST'OFFICES. Namb or OMict. ToWNSH. OR Ssio'y. Cooniy. Na me or PoiTM AiTt»,htM» of Owi Henryville Herdman's Corners Highland Creek Hollen Ilunterstown lona Isle Ptirrftt Jamestown ' Jerseyvillc Kateavillc Kennebec Line Keswick Kilworth King Kingsey Falls Kingsviile Kirkwall Killey Kiineberg Knolton Falls La Beuce L'Avenir Lakefield ' Larabton Lanoraie Lansdown Liwreaoevillo LeFoulon LemoRTille Lenox Lea BergeronncB Les £sroutnain8 Little Ridcaa Long Island Locks Longueail Lonsdale Louisville L. Temiseouata Lyn Lynden Lyncdoch Mallorytown Manclicster Mara Mariow .itoqs.. J w Marmora * '' »"t l Massawippi Matatie McDon'd'iCM ' Merlon ^ I'JoJ! ■ Middleloiij;"'*^ »'!""" Millbank '■■'':n^i\ Millhavea - Mill Grove Milnesville Milton, G.W. Mono Mills Montrose Mouiineli« >'' Mount AlbkHi Mount Pleaaanl Mount St. HlflM« Mount St. PfttrifllE Sabrevois M inchinbrook Scarboro' Maryboro Hunterstown Dunwich Yarmouth Ancaster Adelaide Nortii Gwillimbury Delaware King Kingsey Gosfield Beverly Kitley Vaughan Brome St. Marie Durham Gore Lambton Lanoraio LansdiJWT S. Ely E. Hawkcsbury Whitchurch Frederiokaburg Besgcron'B ' Hawkcsbury Nepoan LonguBuil Tyondinaga Chatham Elizabeth town Beverley Charlolteville Yonge Reach Mara n ■••i Marmora W. Halley Matane * Dalhousie ' Nelson •-^ Middleton ' Mornington • Erncstown W. Flarabro' Markham Trafalgar Mono ' [ Stamford H Corawaii / fiarton < Cavan V'St.Hilair*;** ' ' Btoughun ""''•'• Ruuville Beauharnoia York Wellington 8t. Maurice Elgin Vaudreuil Elgin Wentwiirth Middlesex Dorchester York Middlesex York Drummond Essex Halton Leeds York Shcfford Dorchestev Drummond Two Mountaina Megantie Berlhier Leeds Shefford Prescolt York Addington Saguenay Sagucnay Frescott Carle ton Chambly Hastings Kent Rimouski Leeds Wentworth Norfolk Leeds Ontario Ontario Dorchester Hastings Stanstead Rimouski Glengarry Halton Norfolk #Perth Addington Wentworth York Halton Simeoe Welland siormunt Wentworth Durham Rottville Renfrew E Goodonow A Herdman W Chamberlain J Hollen William Parker J Decow H C Dozois : William Jones H F Young William M<CIa(ehey D Fortin D Sprague W Hodgman Edward Peaae C AGilman F A Lafferty M Campbell W Chamberlain H S Howland George Brock F Bilodeau Hy Griffin G Roger* J B Lapointe GBGalien G McKelvey E Lawrence Wm Jamieson John Anderson W J Forshee Chas Pentland Felix Tetu Thos Ross John Rodgera Pierre Lesperanee Geo Rois G W Scott Ignace Lebel Palmer Lee John Howard John Manderville Chas Kenyon Wm Powson Wm Ritchie Jos Armstrong D G Bowen D M MouUon L N Blaia ,R C Johnston H Harrison W McLennan W Rutherford Jeremiah Amey A B Palmer F Milne W D Lyon John McLaughlin Archd Thompeon Pater Tail WmCook S 6 Best £ Ducharme ThM Brady ouni Vjrnon Hurray Up\et kelson <lewboro tfewcastle Uvt Du dee i^cw Glasgow <ewland few Liverpool <ewtown (ilestown Missouri liihburg (uitb Georgeto ilorwich (orih Sutton I T. Robinsor )ntario )rm8town )rono )»prey )xrord Milts 'arpebiac 'elTerlaw 'ercd 'errylown ''elite Nation 'hillipsburg 'hilipsville 'igeon Hill ine Hill 'ointe au Chen 'ort Albert ort Royal ort Nelson 'urt Elmsley 'ort Perry 'ort Sarnia Wl Stanley 'rinceton riceville lueonston leading tednersTille liceville lichview tichwood liviere aux Ca liviere dcs Pra lockion lotebank louge Hill lougemont Innd'eau loseville lolph toxtnn Falls 'Uiili ion's Corn lusseltown tupert eotoh Blook HE or POITMAITit Goudenow Hcrdman 'f Chamberlftin Hollon /illiam Parker Decow [ C Dozois William Jones I F Younjj Villiam M'Clatchey > Fortin > Sprague V Hodgman Edward Peaae ) AGilman ^ A Lafferty A Campbell V Chambcrltin 3 S Howland xearge Brock ? Bilodeau ly Griffin i Rogers I B Lapointe [JBGalien 3 McKelvey B Lawrence Wm Jamieaon John Anderson W J Forshee Chas Fentland Felix Tetu Thoi Rots lohn Rodgen Pierre Lesperanee Geo Roas G W Scott Ignace Lebel Palmer Lee John Howard Juhn Manderville Chas Kenyon Wm Powson Wm Ritchie Job Armitrong D G Bowen D M Moulion L N Blaia ,R C Johnston H Harriron W McLennan W Rutherford Jeremiah Amej A B Palmer P Milne W D Lyon John MeLaughtin Archd Thom|iMn Peter Tsit WmCook S G Beat £ DDchatnie ThM Brady POST-OFFICES., 345 IfiMB or OrricE. Townsh. or Siiu'r. CouNTT. Name or Pobthaito. I — Uuunt Vjrnon Hurray Napier it\aon >lewboro tfewcaatie tfew Du dee ifcw Glasgow <ewland few Liverpool Newtown (ilestown ^itsouti (ithburg (urth Georgetown ilurwich {orth Sutton \. T. Robinson )ntario )rm8town )rono )»prey )xrord Mills 'aiipebiac 'efferlaw 'ercd 'errytown 'elite Nation 'hiilipiburg ^hilipsville 'igeon Hill Sne Hill 'ointe au Chene 'ort Albert 'ort Royal 'orl Nelson 'urt Elmsley 'ort Perry 'ort Sarnia 'ort Stanley rinceton riceville . lueenstun leading lednersTille liceville lichview tichwood liviere auz Canards liviere des Praries lockion loiebank touge Hill lougemont Innd'eau Loseville Lolph loxtnn Falls usiiion'i Corners tusseltuwn iuperl lootoh Blook Brantford Murray Metcalfe Nelson N. Crosby Clarke Wilmot Lacorne E. Gwillimbury Lauzon Whitby Dorcliester Nissouri W. N. £. Hope Beaubarnois Norwich Sutton Tecumseth Saltfleet Beauharnois Clarke Osprey Oxford Georgiana Perc6 Hope Petite Nation Wilni-.t Bastard Si. Armand Bosauquet Grenville Ashfield Walsliingham Nelson N. Elmsley Reach Sarnia Yarmouth Blenheim Egremont Niagara Garafraxa Ameliasburg Flantagnet Toronto Goro Blenheim Island of Montreal Beverly Brantford Pickerings St. Cesaire Harwicii .North Dumfries Middle ton Rozton Howard Beaubarnois Vaughan Esquesing VV entwnrlh Northumberland Middlesex Hulton Leeds Durham Waterloo Terrebonne York Dorchester Ontario Middlesex Oxford Perth Beauharnois Oxford Missisquoi Simcoe Wenlwort'' Beauharr i Durham Waterloo Grenville Gasp^ Ontario Gasp^ Durham C.awa Waterloo Leeda MiMisquoi Lambton Two Mountains Huron Norfolk Halton Lanark Ontario Kent Elgin Oxford Grey Lincoln Wellington Prince Edward Prescott Peel Oxford Siguenay Montreal Wentworh Brant Oniario St. Hyacinlhe Kent Wdlerloo Norfolk • Shefford Kent fieiuhainois York Halton k2 Thos Perrin Reuben Yuuog John Munro Bright Naisbitt J B Stevens Hiram Hodges FG Miller Joseph Clarkson Amos Tool P Boura«sa Phillip Ranuns J Prttiersua N P Allan Jas Brown Jas Kus«ell H J Cornell H P Sweet Win Ciiatler J C Kerr Wni Cross J L Tucker Joseph Gibson R Waogh Daniel BiKSon James Johnston J E 'I'uzo A Clioate Stephen Tucker J C Deering S A Taplin T E Brill « U Chester A McTavish T Loughead John Miller Robert Garry Joseph Bigelow P T Pouiselt George McPheraon Tlmmas Ryall W Fergussun Joseph Wynn James Donaldson James Redner P. M'Laurin,. John Davis John Pine T Hamilton L Fontainn W W Barlow John Thomas E Playter D Bachelder William Arioli J R Detweller E D Brigham B Sttvage R Rushion Henry Struthers J Noble Thomas Humo i I. !-;:fc I m POST^FFICES. Mamb of OrwioK. ToWiNSH. or Seiq'y. County. Scotland Sebringville Shakspearc Shefiord Mountain Sherrington Silver Creek Silver Hill Sorsba Sooth Bolton South Ely South Gower South Granby South Koxton South Zorra Springford Springrille Stafford Stamford Sianbridge East Stouffvillc Stoc" Stotlvuiu Strathburn Strathroy St. Adele St. Agatha St. Aiphonee St. Andrews, East St. Anne des Plaines St Anne der *iIontes St.Atino, Lincoln St. Antoine St. Antoine St. Athaoaae St. Augustin St. Auguitin St. Barnabe St. Bazile St Benoit St Bernard St. Caaimir St. Christopbe d'Ar- thabaaka St Clet St Cuthbert St. Damaie St Dcnia St Dominique St. Eeprit St. Famille St. Francois St. Francois St. Francois St Gabriel de Brandon St. George, Hastings St. Gertrude St. Irence St. Isidore St. Jacobs SI Jacques £ . Janvier St Jean Baptiste Sti Jmn di QrlwM Name «f PoaTiutTCt. j^. of Offk Brant Ellice and Duwnle South Easthope Sheiford Esqueting Charlotteville Upton Bolton Ely South Gower Granby Rozton Zorra Norwich North Monaghan Stafiord Stamford Stnr.bridge Whitchurch Hungerford Mosa Carradoc Abercrombio Wilmot Brandon Argenteuil St Anne Gainsboro' ^ St. Antoine Two Mountains Arthabaska Vaudreuil St. Damase St Denis St Hyacintiie Island of Orleans Island of Orleans Huntingdon Woolwich St Suipice DeBlainville Rouville Island of Orleant Brsnt Perth Huron Sheiford Huntingdon Halton Norfolk Sheiford Stanstead Shefiord Grenville Shefiord Shefiord Oxford Oxford Peterboro' Renfrew Wetland Missisquoi York Hastings Huntingdon Middlesex Middlesex Terrebonne Waterloo Berthier Two Mountains T errebonne Rimouski Lincoln Vercberes Lotbinwre Rouville Two Mountains Portneuf St. Maurice Portneuf Two Mountains Dorchester Portneuf Drummond Vaudreuil Berthier St. Hyacinths Richelieu St Hyacinthe Leinstcr Montmorency Dorchester Montmorency BellechasBc Berthier * Haitings Nicolet iSagut.iay Dorchester Waterloo Leiniter Terrebonne ' Rouville Montmorency Henry Lyman P A Sebring William Cossey D R Savage George Busby A P Goodenow ECole S B Warner A M Bullock — Dlsnchard William Allen Elias Clow A Sanborn John Smith Sydney Wright Thomas Eyres R Childerhoae Eleanor Wilson E T Briggs Edward Wheeler M McCoy D Stott Hugh MeRae TCook J B Villcneuve Anthony Kaiier L Corcoran Thomas Mbikle H Granger John Perr^e Jacob Upper N Cartier E Larue E Dufresne Joseph Labelle CEast L Bellemaro V Leclere Antoine Fortier P PJante NPar^ J Goodhue J H Thisdale J B Cheneveuz F Bran Jean Chamard P F Bergeron B Vezina J Letoumeauz F Chasse E Daigneault J B Langloia O Chabot Wm Francis L Champoux i Joseph Gosaeiin B Mjrin Joseph fihy J E Ecrement A Seguin L D Gareau F ft Turcot It Jerome It John's, Wei itJude It. Laurent It. Lin (re.op) It Louis de 6c it. Marc h. Marguerite it. Maurice It. Philippe it. Pierre it. Pierre it Pierre lea B^ Raphael Sylvestre, 1 it Thomas, E it Timothd it. Ursule it. Vallier it. Zepherin loDuoerstown lospeosion Bri latherland's C lydenham Pla 'idousae ^pleytown Z^hamesford 'bomasburg lurlow 'oionto City 'rafalgar 'renholm 'renton (late Trent) 'ring rois Pistoles ryroonnell Tyrone Jnion Jxbridge ^ankleekhill ^aughan Victoria Comei ^illanova rroomajiton Vallaoe Vallaoetown Valsingham Vasbington Vaterloo Vatson's Corn Vaterville Vt»t Brome Vest Belton Vestbury V. Comptoa ^est Osgoode Vestport Ves^meath tVhttehall (Vhitefish NA«e,P«iTiumi f^BorOfwc. Towkbh. or Swor. Henry Lyman P A Sebring William Cossey D R Savage George Buiby A P Goodenow ECole S B Warner AMBuiloek — Dlanohard William Allen Eliaa Clow A Sanborn John Smith Sydney Wright Thomas Eyrea R Childerhoso Eleanor Wilfon E T Brjggs Edward Wheeler M McCoy D Stott Hugh MeRae TCook J B VillcneuTe Anthony Kaicer L Corcoran Thomas Mbikle H Granger John Perrda Jacob Upper N Cartier D Larae E Dufreine Joseph Labelle CEast Ii Bellemaro V Leclerc Antoine Fortier P Plante NPard J Goodhue J H Thisdaie J B Cheneveux F Bran Jean Chamard P F Bergeron B Vezina J Letoumeaux P Chasse B^ Daigneault 1 B Langloia 3 Chabot Wm Francia Li Champoux , lostph Goaaeiin 3 Mjrin ioBdph Fjhy I E Esrement <L Seguin J D Gareau E^R Turcot POST^PFICES. 84T COUNTT. Name ov Posthastir, It Jerome It John's, West It Jude It. Laurent It. Lin (re-op) It Louis de Gonzague It. Maro Marguerite t> Maurice It. Philippe It. Pierre it. Pierre i Pierre les Beoquatt it. Raphael it. Sylvestre, East it Thomas, East it Timothy it. Ursula it. Vallier iu Zepherin lommerstown lospeosion Bridge iDtberland's Corners lydenham Place tdousae 'apleytown "hameaford 'bomasburf lurlow 'oronto City • Trafalgar 'renholm "renton (late River Trent) 'ring 'roy 'rois Pistoles 'yroonnell 'yrone Jnion Jxbridge 'ankleekhill aoghan Victoria Comera ^illanoTa rroomonton Vallaoe Valiacetown Valsingham Vasbington Vaterloo Vatson's Corners Vaterville ^est Brome Vest Belton Vestbury N. Comptott 7est Osgoode IVestport Vestmeath n^hrtehall tVhitefish Thorold Island of Orleans St. Marc Island of Orleans St Thomas St. Vallier Courval Charlotteabnrg Stamfod Zone Kingsey Saltfleet Nissouri Hungerford Thurlow York ^ Trafalgar Kingaey Terrebonne Welland Richelieu Montmorency Leinster neauharnois Vercheres Dorchester Champlain Huntingdon Bellechasse Montmorency Lotbiniere Bellechase Lotbiniere L'IsIct Beauharnois St Maurice Bellechase Yamaska Glengary Wetland Kent Drummond Saguenay Wentworth Oxford Hastings Hastings York Halton Drummond A B LavalMe Charles Fell N Gauthier Joseph Chabot Thomas Gault J Gebbie John Fraser D L Horty T H Pacaud M Heurcaux Daniel G'Leary F Forlin Ovide Touasignant F Goulet G M'Crae J S Vall^o J B Scott L Lupien F Belanger G Crepeau D Summers — MeCarrol J Sutherland W A MoPhor.wn J Radford D Wiioox Joel M'Carty Thomas Clare John Phillips Joseph Lesslie John Elliott Simon Stevens Murray Northumberland James Cumming Tring Megantio P Bolduo Bevrrley Wentworth A McRoberts Trois Pistoles Rimouaki Nazaire Tetu Dunwieh Elgin T G Coyne Darlington Durham John Gray Yarmouth Middlesex John Ellison Uxbridge Ontario William Smith Hawkesbury Prescott Duncan M'Donell Vaoghan York C James Brock Ontario L Calhoun Townsend Norfolk J McLaren Brock Ontario W Bolster , , Wallace Perth C Burrows ^ Dunwieh Elgin A MuGunn .'^>U Walsingbam Norfolk Uriah Watts ,;. T Blenheim Oxford Adam Shark Kingston Frontenac J Northraoro Dalhousie Lanark Wm Watson Compton Sberbrooke F Webster Brome Shefford E Keyes Bolton SUnstead J McMannia Westbury Sberbrooke Reu')on Hall Coupton Sberbrooke C F Richardson OsKoode Carleton J C Bower Molth Crosby Leeds Walter V Westmeath Renfrew Hiram Chimberlain Carradoc Kent Jas Shaw S. Crosby Leeds George Morton S48 P08T.OPPICE8. Nam* or Orrics. Townsh. o.?. Seio'y. Codntt. Name or PotruAmR, Wiek Wi'k«b Winrtfc Mill* Willitrni Wolfstown Wulverton Woodburn Woodford Wotlon Wylon YHiuHchiche Yam«ika Yange Yorkville Brook Sombra Windsor Williama Wolfgtown Blenheim Binhronk Sydenham Wo Hon NiMouri, We«t MAchiche Yamaeka . Yonjre York Ontario Lambton Sherbrooke Middlesex Sherbrooke Oxford Wentworth Grey Drummond Middlet.'x St Maurice Yainaako Leeds York Jane Johnston John Robson E Wiiriele Colin M'KcTjsk LHj>df!kinBon E Wo|(?f;»ion v.' Ttohuiv Tivmnn S'jlioll- J ■), Uhei Johi; J:CB««h3rd Feins Hubert Edwtrd G Cugr^ Reuben WilUe James Dobson OFFICERS OF THE OENERAT.. POST CiyiCk DE?AH'X'MENT. HEAD QUARTERS, qUEBEi!. Mop. Jan.«R Morris, M.L.C., Postmaster ger.eral ; Wm H Gr;f^57», Secre tary; GWi^r S Grif^n, Chief clerk,, T S Stayner, 2n(i Clerk; Edwin J King, Srd rbi< • C'jries R Gri fm, 4.th r'-k ; Smith Allan, office keeper. Account Branch ~ ej-vjn Jamea King, countant ; John Ashworth, Ro bertJulyen, LdwR; . C Haydon, John D .son, Joiepb T McCuaic, D W Wright, Ci«rks. '" Surveyor-' Branch— Edward S Freer, inspector, C.E,, Quebec ; John gewe, inspector, C.W., Toronto ; H A Wicksteed, inspect*;! , Central Canada, Kingston. ' ' HOARD OP AGRICULTURE FOR LOWER CANADA. President, Major Campbell ; Vice, do, Alfred Pinaonneault; Sec and Treai I; "u?".," i 5?®'""^'"^' ^ ^ ^^"8' J B Dumoulin. M.P.P., John Doda, Dr, Tache, M.P.P., James Thompson, Edward de Blois. MOiTTREAL BOARD OF TRADE, elected, April 4, 1853. President, Hugh Allan, Vice-president, Walter Colquhoun, Treasurer, T Lorn MacDougall. Council.— Henry Starnes, R S Tylee, W Muir, jr.. Jas, Mitchell, Damase Masson, John Leeming, W B Cumming, J. Greenshields, Board op Arbitration.- Thos Ryan, W Edmonstone, James Lnw, David Torrance, T B Anderson, John Esdaile, Andrew Shaw, Thomas Kay, Hew Ramsay, James Tyre, J B Greenshields, Henry Thomas. Secretary, Alex ander Clark. • TORONTO ATHENJEUM, ojfficers elected Jan. 28, 1863. Pretident, Thomas, D. Harris; Vice-presidents, J D Rid > M P Hwes, E C Hancock, D Paierson, C Robertson, T Clarkson ; Treasr . ford J Secretary, Saray?' Thompson. ABSTj Addington Bath-V Br.i!t— Co fiirantfon Fifie— \ Bi.jee— Co Cari/ston— ! wylown- Richmon Dundas — C Durham—] Fort Hof Elgin— Cot St. Thorn Essex- Coi SandnicI Amherstt Frontenae- KingstoO' Grey— C QUI Glengary— { Qrenrille— . Preecott- Haldimand- Halton — Co Hastings — ] Belleville Huron — Coi Goderich- Kent— Cour Chatham- Lambton — C Lanark— Perth- T( Leeds — Cou: Brockville Lenox — Cou Lincoln— Dc Niat^ara— St. Cathai Middlesex—' London—' JVorthumberl Cobourg— STame or PorrMAiTEB, Jane Johniton John Robton E Wiirtele Colin f5'Kcr.iis liHudfjSjinion E 'Volvfifioa V;' I'toh'.nv Til' mtifl F.iliott- J ■) Lebci Joi>!; ;«cB«(;h-5fd Pewi 8 Hubert EHw< -< G Dugr^ Reuben WilUe Jamei Dobwn CENSUS. m ABSTRACT OF THE CENSUS RETURNS OF CANADA FOR 1852 UPPER CANADA. ;?AH'rMENT. i H Grf^.n, Secre i Clerk ; Edwin I an, office keeper. >hn Ashwnrth, Ro T McCuaig, D A! E.) Quebec ; Johi tt/t ; Central Canada, INADA. ult; Sec and Treai *., John Dods, Dr. 1 4, 1853. loun, Treasurer, D !, W Muir, jr.. Jai g, J. Greenshields, lames Lnw, David rhomas Kay, Hew Secretary, Alex 18, 1853. 3u.. ^4 P Hiyes, E ^^ 13 t>'. Addington— County 1446S Balh— Village, about 700 Br.i!t— County ♦ iggsg Rfantford— Town 3877 P IV is— Village 1890 Bruce— County OiiclHton— Do 33203 by town— -Town 7760 Richmond— Village 434 Dundat— County Durhfiin— Do 28256 Fort Hope— Town 2476 Elgin— County 24144 St. Thomai— Town 1274 Easez— County Sandwich— Town Amherstburgh— Town Frontenae— County 19150 ;King8ion— City 11585 Grey— County Glengary— County Qrenfille— Do I8551 Prescott— Town 2156 Haldimand— County Halton— County Haatingg— Do 27408 Belleville— Town 4569 Huron— County 17869 Goderich— Town 1329 Kent— County 15399 Chatham— Town 2070 Lambton — County Lanark— Do 25401 Perth— Town 1916 Leeds— County 27034 Brockvillo— Town 3246 Lenox — County Lincoln— Do 16160 Wiajjara— Town 3310 St. Catharines- Town 4368 Middlesex— County 32864 London— Town 7035 15165 25426 2837 31397 13811 30732 254181 If Norfolk— County Simcoe— Town Ontario— C'lunty Oshawa— Village Oxford— County Woodstock— Town Ingersol— Village Peel— County Penh— Do Peterboro— County Peterboro— Town Prefcott— County Prince Edward— County Piolon— Town Renfrew— County Russell— County Simcoe— County Barrie— Town ^tormont— County 30735 Cornwall— Town 13217 17596 Victoria— County Waterloo— County Preston— Village Gait— Village 20707 18788 18332 31977 19198 17469 10815 27317 Welimgton- County Guelph— Town Welland— County Chippawa— Village Thorold— Village Wentworth- County Hamilton— City Dundas— Town York— County Toronto— City 19829 1453 81281 99434 1142 .. 30576 29336 2113 1190 39638 24816 1554$ 17046 2191 15937 10487 17318 1569 — - 18887 9415 2870 96168 1007 27165 13997 1646 14643 11657 33109 1180 2348 26537 34936 I860 36796 17857 1193 1091 20141 24990 14112 3517 ■ ■ 43619 48944 30765 79719 23868 JJorthumberland- Connty 27358 Cobourg— Town 3871 31229 Total Population of U. Canada, 952004 30280 Nativbb of 7955 Canada, British origin. L'ngland, IreUnd and Scotland Canada. French origin Other origins f Total, Upper Canada Protcsianls Roman Catholics, Jews Total, Upper Cantdt 526.093 334,777 26,417 64,718 953,004 784,206 167.696 103 953,004 3M CENSUS. AB8 LOW£R CANADA. BMuharnoii — County Huntingdon— Village Beauharnoii— " 386G0 679 874 Bellechaiw— Countr 17732 Betthier en bas — Y'ge, about 350 Bertfaier— County 33008 Berthierenhaut— V'ge.ab't 1600 BonaTentare— County Carleton— Village ...• New Carliile— " New Richmond " Chambly— County Chambl^— Village Longueil— " 8t. Johni— Town Champlain— County 13146 Batiscan-^-Viliage, about 750 V rclieiter— County Jjrammond— " Drummondville— Village v Durham Kingaey Gasp6— County Huntingdon— County 38880 lAprairie — Village 1767 40213 17982 34608 10844 20576 13^^96 43105 16{»62 Kamouraaka— County Leinater " 28606 L'Auomption— Village 1084 L'lalet-Coanty 18420 Montmagny— Village 1221 Lotbinifire— County Mdgantio— i" Miaaisquoi— " 13015 Fhillipaburg— Village 469 Montmorency— County Montreal— County 17596 Montreal— City 57715 Lachine— Village 1075 Cote St Louis— Village 995 Nicolet— County Nicolet— Village .... Ottawa— County 21734 AjUner— Village 1169 10904 40645 90396 29G90 Portneuf-' County Quebec— County Quebec— City Richelieu— County St- Oura— Village Sorel— Town Roufille- County Rimouiki— County Fraaerville— Village 3a f nay— County I. i*iaurioe— County Three Rivers— Town St. Hyacinthe — County St. Hyacinthe- Town Sherbrooke— County Sherbrooiw— Town Shefford— County Stanstead- •• Terrebonne—" St. Thdreae- Village Two Mountains— County St. Eustache— Village Vaudreuil— County Vaudreuil — Village 19474 42052 21720 542 3424 19366 61626 25867 995 22626 4936 25686 27031 26882 20783 — 27662 jlO J313 17016 2998 25662 1129 29686 784 30986 443 3M23 20014 16482 13898 36791 30470 19641 16567 13835 VflrobbreB—GoDDty Yamaska — County Total population of L. Canada 21429 14393 14748 13484 9598 890261 NATIVB8 or Canada, French origin British " England, Ireland and Scotland Other origins Total, Lower Canada 77381, 19C Roman Catholics Protestants Jews 22903 Total, Lower Canada ITOTAL POPULATION OF CANADA Protestants in both Provinces TOTAL POFULATIOH UF CANADA BY ORIQIN. or British origin or descent in both % ' Provinces 1063743 Of French origin or descent m both Roman Catholics in both Provincee I ProTir.css 695945!Jewa in both Provinces Of otha origin or descent in both Provinces 82577 669525 125583 77294 17859 .890261 74686f 14304^ 348 890261 BT RILIQION. 927253 914561 451 Total of both Provinces 1842265 Total of both Frovincea 1842265 Lands oe " Ci " Cr " Ps «• G« " W Total nui 10 acres 10 " 30 " 50 '• 100 " Above Ac Wheat, 782 Barley, 39 Rye, 3a Peas, 192 O" , 421 Buckw, 44 IndC'n, 70 Potatoes, 77 Turnips, 17 The follon duce in otbe Glover am Carrots, 174, 54,226 bushe 113,064 lbs. Hemp, 50,6£ Wool. 2,699, 505 lbs. Ci< 5J7,466 yard nel, 1,169,30 The follow Bulls, Ox Cows, 296,95 Horses, 203, 569,237. Produce of lbs. Cheese Pork, 528,12 were cored. The Krain in the Towni seventh less i Lower Cana TOT. Cana< Nova New Newfi P.Ed Eetim 19474 49052 31720 542 8424 25887 995 19366 61526 25686 27031 26882 20783 22626 4936 — 27662 dlO J313 3M23 17016 2998 20014 16482 13898 25662 1129 26791 29686 784 30470 20986 443 21429 14393 14748 ]a iuid 890261 669525 125583 77294 17859 ;890261 74686® 14304V 348 890261 D* BT RILIOION. ea 927253 rovincM 914561 451 B 1842265 ABSTRACT OF THE AGRICULTURAL CHNSU8 OF CANADA. 3S1 T7PPBIR CANADA. Landi oecapied acres 9,826,417 «' Cultivated •' 3,697,763 " Cropped " 2.274,746 " Pasture •• 1,365,556 •• Garden* " 55,461 •• Wild ! " 6,130,654 Total number ofocoupiera.. . . 99,860 FBRBONt OCCUrVINO ]Oacreia«d under 9,976 10 " to 20 1,889 20 " to 50 18,467 50 " to 100 48,027 100 " to 200 18,421 Above 200 3,080 PRODUCE Aorei. fiuiheia, Wheat, 782,115 Barley, 29,916 Rye, Fcaa, O . Buckw, Ind C'n, 38,968 192,109 421.684 44,265 70,571 Potatoea, 77,672 Turnips, 17,135 Average per aero. 14 90.100 20 98.100 12 34.100 14 90.100 26 64.100 14 51.10U 24 5.100 64 212 72.100 12,692,852 625,875 479'651 2,873,394 11,193,844 639,384 1,696,513 4,989,475 3,644,942 The following is returned as the gross pro- duce in other crops, &c. : — Glover and all Grass Seeds, 42,460 bushels. Carrots, 174,895 bushels. Mangold Wurlzel, 54,226 bushels. Beans, 18,109 bushels. Hops, 113,064 lbs. Hay, 681,782 tons. Flas o Hemp, 50,650 lb. Tobacco, 764,476 Ibs.-- Wool. 2,699,964 lbs. Maple Sugar, 3,581, 505 lbs. Cider, 701,612 gals. Fulled Cloth, 5J7,466 yards. Linen, 14,958 yards. Flan, nel, 1,169,301 yards. The following is the census of cattle :— Bulls. Oxen, or Steeis, 193,982. Milch Cows, 296,924. Calves or Heifers, 254,988. Horses, 203,300. Sheep, 968,022. Pigs, 569,237. Produce of Cattle, viz. :— Butter, 15,976,315 lbs. Cheese, 2,226,776. Beef, 817,746 bris, Pork, 528,129 brIs. And 47,587 brIs of Fish were cured. LOWER CANADA. Lands occupied arpcnts 8,113,915 •' Cultivated •« 3,603,317 " Cropped " 2,072,963 •• Pasture " 1,602,365 " Gardens «• 30,209 " WiM •' 4,508,398 Total nnmber of occupiers. . . 94,449 PEMONs oooupvma lOarpentsand under 13,961 10 " to 20 2,701 20 •• to 50 17,409 50 " to 100 37,885 100 " to200 18,608 Above 200 4,585 FRODUOE Arpents. Bashels. Wheat, Barley, Rye, Peas, OaU, Buckwh't. Average per arpent. 7 20.100 17 7 87.100 7 16.00C 15 10 24.100 17 60.100 60 9-100 95 427,111 3,076.868 42,927 668,626 46,007 341,445 166,192 1,182,190 590,422 8,967,594 51,781 530,417 Ind Corn, 22,969 400,287 Potatoes. 73,244 4,456,111 Turnips. 3,897 369,909 The following is returned aa the gross pro- duce in other crops, &c. : — Clover and all Hay Seeds, 18,921 bnatiels. Carrots, 82,338 bushels. Mangold Wurlzel, 03,999 bushels. Beans, 23,602 bush. Hops 111,158 lb. Hay, 965,653 tons. Flax or Hemp, 1,867,016 lb. Tobacco, 488,672 lb. Wool, 1,430,976 lb. Maple Sugar, 6,190,694 lb. Cider, 53,327 gals. Fulled Cloth, 780,891 yards. Linen, 889,528 yards. Flannel, 850,. 850 yards. The following is the census of cattle, viz. : Bulls, Oxen, or Steers, 111.819. Mileh Cows, 294,514. Calves or Heifers. 180,317. Horses, 236,077. Sheep, 629,825. Fits! 256,219. *• Produce of Cattle, viz. :— Butter, 9,637,152 lb. Cheese, 511,014 lb. Beef, 68,747 brIs. Fish Cured, 48,363 brIs. The grain crops in Lower Canada are taken in the minotand not in the bushel, exceptinir in the Townships. In like manner the acres are taken in arpents. An arpent is about on^ seventh less than an acre, and a minot about one-eighth more than a bushel. The Fish in Lower Canada is exclusive of the Gasp6 and Bonaventure Fisheries. > TOTAL POPULATION C.^ BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Canada, by Census ot 1852 1,842,266 Mova Scotia, " 1851 276 117 New Brunsw'k, " 1851 , IM^SOO Newfoundland, " 1845 96506 P. Ed.'s Island, «' 1848 V... 62*678 Total.... ~ Estimated increase to . Tot*' 2,821,368 %. 8S2 STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS OF THE PROVINCe OF CANADA. A STATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS JANUARY —Dr.— £ i, d. I Lotm to Incorporated Com- | psniM 53780 G 1 i Profiii'citl Worki iT-.D/tiJO ,' n^ Lonet by Public worki nud otherwiM liaoni 8 Building Fandi, Riilroa'Ji, &o. 654627 8 1 SpecialFund*,Invr!'t.nenU. 564206 17 b^ Caih and other iccounis... 840<J05 14 3| OF THE PROVINCE OF CANADA, 3l8T, 1852. — Ci.— £ Imperial Guarantee Loan and other Debentures 4451961 Kedomptlun of Public Debt. 436117 Provincial Debeniurrd under aclanftho LcgiaiHiure.... 668406 Special Fundi 716371 Consolidated Fund, and va. riuuB others, specified in the returns 653245 s. d. 17 8 l;iii 6 11 4 11 6 9i Total Currency £6946102 4 7^ Total Currency £1946102 4 7i REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE OF CANADA IN 1851. REyENue. Castomt Duties, Qnebec and Mot, .real £398304 14 CuBioni» ''>utiesj Inland PorU 305395 19 ExcUe 20lH() 13 Ligh t H june or Tonnage Duty 937 6 Barft Tinposta 15832 7 Ml! tu CommissiunB, Fines, ate 8 2 Fines, Furfeiturea & Seizures 1361 Casual Revenue 11138 3 Law Fee Fund, 12 Vic. caps. 63 and 64 4032 12 Public Works 63008,19 Territorial 19901 5 EZriNDITURB. 'interest nn Public Debt £223561 3, Interest on I'urnpike Trusts 1788 9iCivil Government 40066 81 Administration of Justico.... 85143 10 Provincial Penitentiary 5000 7jLegislalure 47606 Ik^ducalion 66162 CiAericullural Societies 12917 OHuHpitals 6l o'her Charities 17377 lllPruvincial Geological Survey 1935 IMililia 1886 2{ vlHJntenanceofLightHonseB 6166 SiEnigration 906 10J»eiision '^.7 Indian Annuities 7735 Sinking Fund 73000 Miicellanuoua 33624 14 3 9 8 19 1 17 12 12 1 8 8 15 5 10 Total Revenue £842184 1 11 3 7 15 1 Statement c also an i soiidatei Interest on I Civil Govern Adminiitratii Provincial P( Leg' <ilure.. Education.. A^rieoltaTe.. iluipitals anc Provincial G( Militia Maintenance Emigration. . Pension IS Indian /<.nHU Census Sinking Funi MiseeilaReou To balance a solidated 1 Total cu Expenditure £634666 6 8 Excess of Revenue 207517 18 6 Total £842184 5 2 Amount of Revenue,a8 above £^2184 5 2 Add balance at credit of Cvm. solidated Fund, 3rd . 1851 199882 13 4 Total Revenue £1042066 18 6 Am innt of Ezpeiiuiture ei above 634666 G 8 Balarfbe at credit of Consoli* dated Revenue Fund, 3l8t Jan., 1852 407400 11 "■' ""he above D-i|,ance of £407,400 Us. lOd., is jbject to tho ful owing charges, viz : — P ing Fund 'or 1850 and lb51, invested ortu be in- vested this year £15C003 Balance of appruuriatiuns, about 75000 Pr . able charge foi Emigra- tion, 1847 388<<9 Unpruvirled items, per atais. r-.. iurnished 12510 14 7 Total Expenditure.). ...£1042066 is "alance as above... £261 399 14 7 407400 11 10 et I ualanco at credit of Con. I Fund £141000 17 3 The iota! amonnt invested and at the credit oi the Smkirig Fund, up > ihc 1st .ingast, 1852, was, ID Bterlinir, £182682 d» 9d— equal lu, in currency, £222263 13s lOd. PUBLIC DEBT OF CANADA TO AUGUST 1st 1852. Total Debt £4635999 | Annual Interest £226568 IMP • Cour Great Britain B. N. A. Col British West U. S. of Am Other Foreig Total la Coun Great Britain B. N. A. Col British West U. S. of Ame Other Forcig Total Imp 7ANADA. E OF CANADA, £ f. d. oan ...4451961 17 8 ibt. 456117 l:lli der .... 66B406 6 4 716371 11 11 va. I the 653245 6 9| ,.XI946in2 4 1\ IN 1851. URB. X923561 14 3 UBti 178tJ 9 8 40U66 19 85143 1 7 5U0U .... 47606 17 6 .... 661W 12 3 .... 12317 12 1 itiea 17577 8 8 :vey 1955 15 6 18H6 5 uses 6166 10 7 906 1 11 '..:7 3 7 7755 73000 33624 15 1 ...£634666 6 8 207517 18 6 ....XB42184 5 2 X'407,400 lis. lOd., g charges, viz ; — and ! in- X16C003 iuns, .... 75OO0 ieia- 288«'9 12510 14 7 JE26t 399 14 ^ . .. 407401) 11 lU Con. JRMIOOO 17 3 :p ;hc 1st Augast, 63 138 iOd. r 1852. JE226568 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OP 1850 / I8S1 363 Statement exhibiiinif the Net Revenue of the Pro»ince of C«nad«, fur the year 1859; alio an ab*(rtei of the fiipenditure duriu^ the tame parlod, and the state uf the Con* solidated KoTcnue Fund, on the 3lRt Januarjr, 1853 :— sxriNDrmnts. Interest on Pubhe Debt X315,449 14 Civil Oerernmont 39,618 12 Adminiitratlun of Justice... 86,785 16 Provincial Penitentiary 6,000 Leg .lure 47,774 18 Edocalion 55,898 13 A^oaltare. 13.794 13 Hospitals and other charities 13^939 8 Provincial Geological Survey 1,965 11 Militia 2,116 8 Maintenance of Lig't Houses 8,248 7 Emigration 733 4 Pensi^na 10,634 6 Indian .Vnaaities ^ 7,755 Census 18,348 IS Sinking Fund 73,f)00 Misoeilaneoas 49,048 16 RKVINUS. By Balance it credit of Coii- solidatad FundfJany. 31, 18S2.je407^i) 11 U... Liu->Patd onacc'torsinkinc Fund 1850 ft 1B5I £149,000 « O Per i>Ui«ni't, No. 39, per Public Afr- oounii, 1851.... 13^0 14 7 Arrears of lonner yean, per itate- mem No. 34 S,876 11 t 0}RebeIlion and In> vai'n Clainu, CE. ly £651,125 2 4 To balance at credit of Con* solidated i tind 401,901 0^ ToUl currency XI ,053,026 2 i\ 68,868 10 3 Net Customs Net Excise Not Territoral Bank ImptMts , Revenue from Public Work! iMilitia Fi" *, &e Finea ai Forfeitures, in* eluding Seizures Casual Revenue Law Fee Fund, 13 Vic. cap. 63 and 64 1W,494 705,517 22,145 32,248 18,989 71,424 41 9,785 23,431 16 01 15 lU tl 12 2 3 4 11 7 10 10 2 6 11 7 10 4,648 5 total currency Xl.053,026 2 4i By balanca bmuf ht down. £401,901 (H IMPOF ' 1 AND EXPORTS OF CANADA IN 1860 AND 1861. ** Countries. Imports, 18S0 Great Britain ^M07^80 4 B. N. A. Colonies 96404 19 6 British West Indies 11)2 19 3 U. S. of America 1648715 2 5 Other Foreign Countries.. 91303 18 4 Total Imports.. .£4245517 3 6 Countries. Imports, 1861 Great Britain £3012033 3 6 B. N. A. Colonies 109942 16 1 British West Indies 3406 7 4 U. S. of America 2091441 6 3 Other Foreign Coantries... 143574 5 Countries. Expisrts, 1880^ Great Britain X1691279 15 3 B. N. A. Colonies.. 3021^4 3 British West Indies 3094 U. 8. of America 1237789 ) 1 Other Foreign Countries. . . 27070 4 Total ExporU .£29'J04128 > Excess of Imports 1255U89 2 ii Total £4345517 6 Coantries. Exports, 1851. Great Britain £1921900 6 4 B.N. A. Colonies..... 259379 12 7 Britiah West Indies 978 U. 8. of Am' rice 10I7886 3 3 Other Foreign Countries. . 41C06 1 7 Total Exports X3241180 3 9 ExssM of Imports 3117517 8 iu ToUl .JtS358697 19 7 Total Tmporto £5358697 13 7 ImporU 1851 Total Imports £5071513 l2 ENLARGED REPRESENTATION BILL. ^^^r^t^':.':!ix;!.:!sji^i^Ls-j.\?T^^^^ Poet or Montreal Quebec.., St. Johni Toronto lUmilion King«ton Hope i;3153U3 9383U 61104 94330 73892 17249 3417 i:333267 101574 1476 93307 86555 21745 6067 1 ncraaie. XI 7964 £1935 12664 4496 1650 i:46709 UecresM. X69678 1033 X60701 i By THi ENtAtotD Rbpmhiitatiom Biix, which hai piHed the third reading tn ih. LOWER CANADA, COCNTIM, CiTIEl, AND ToWNS. JJaoot, ahall compriw part of the Township of Upton, tbeTownshJD of Jo£r8;in?*FS««l'^" ^'i"*'" •''^^'^'"* ^'»^"' S""'" Marie, Saint iT^i'vV *^"^''o^Saint Francow, Sainte George, the Seigniory of Au- td Sr ?' the Tow„ship.o?Wetgermette an^d Clinton, the KenJebec S^uldinl Sfi!i".'^ w Township, of Jorwy. Linifere, Mario;. Rixborough, Spauldmg, Ditchfield, Woburn, Gayhurst, Dorset. Shenley. Aylmer. Price Lambton, Torsyth, Adstock and Tring ' «/<"ier, rrice. Bkauhahnoib. shall oon,pri«» the Parishes of Saint Clement, Saint Louis de Gonzflgue and Saint Timothfie i.i?5''''5'^'' d"™.? •'•'"p. "" **"'""" ""•• Settlements of Isle Saint lenace. Isle du Pads Berthier. Lanoraie. Lavaltrie. Sa.nt Norbert. Saint CuKr? Saint Barth^KSmi, Saint Gabriel and the Township of Brandon ''^ "'^"' BoKAViNTUBE. including all the Islands wholly or partly opposite to the sa.d County of Bonaventure and nearest thereto; the SeigniorETshoo'bred Md the Townships of Port Daniel . Hope, Cox. Hamilto^. NeV Richmond Maria. Carleton, Nouvelle. Mann, RiMigouche and part of M.tapddia T„-S nr I," ''T''""' u°u°."' '^°."°"' S""°"' B"""« and that part of the Township of f arnham, which Is to the East of the prolongation of the rear lino of the Seigniory of Saint Hyacintho ^ -«j ^"d" *u'* 'f ?,°«"\"^' including all Islands nearest to the said County Md the Parishes of Boucherville, Longneuil. Saint Bruu* and ChamK n.Ji^^"^' ^''"IP"''"'^ «he Parishes of Sainte Anne, Batiscan, Sainta ?.?„/«/" •''i' ^=*'-*"'"/ Ch"""?'"'". Cap de la Maedeleine. Saint MauTcJ rtUp if rSS • '"' "• ^"°' ^''"^'' ^"'"^ ^"'''"«' «"«» the Towt* tJi;«?*th*V!'.'?" "^""P'^e t'lf iP"»h ol Sainte Phillomene and Cha. teauvav. the Snttlnmpnta •n'* P"-:-!.-- ..r n. ii.- ,>•.■, -^ ,""•_, . — '- "'"""leB I/I ixUBBciuu'.vn. saint Joan Chrv TZ% ^T Martine, Sainte Urbain. Saint Malachie. and the remaiS of the Seign ory of Beauhamois, with the exceptiou of the Parishes of Saint CWment, Saint Louia and Saint Timoth6« 14.129 1 13,622 1 15,507 1 12,162 1 m 12.094 1 16,390 I 10,853 I 10,010 1 12,535 1 ) 3.896 1 17,354 1 CUICOUTI Trinitd. Ha Jonqui6re, 1 levoiz, Boui Taooussa doussac, Li Iberville, L Portneaf, th Seigniory of Godboot, Si the Jeromie limits aforosi CoB^ro^f, Hereford, Bi Whitton, M Dkuhmoni and the Tow and Kingsey Arthauai the Townsh iiutrmcntatioi Aston and iti uf Nicolet DoRCUKSTI Sainte Claire the Townsh ij Ion, Standon UASpd, inc in part opposi niories of Sai »nd Ansede 1 Sydenham, I Douglas, Ma Hl/NTINODC Hungtindon, brooke and H Iberville, Alexandre, Si JoHETTK, I Saint F^liir, S Saint Alphoni tnd augment! Kahouhask Parishes of g Saint Pascha [livi6re>0ueil )ridge and Ix Laprairic a ficur, Saint Is Islands in i Levis, com] ^hrisostome, ! L'Assompti iouchard, Re od Saint Lin, Laval shall L'IsLBT, in he Islands he iaint Jean, L lahford, Garn in Ihe year ended ). i)eGre*M. 4 i X5967» 1033 4 6 9 X60701 third reading In the larpoiot, are divided ENLARGED REPRESENTATION BILL. lermaa, twurtb, itcalm, iship of Saint. , Saint of Au- nnebeo irough, Price, Louie iphael, e, part illoux, gnace, thbert, to the lolbred mond, of the e rear aunty, y Sainta lutice, Fown. Cha. Chfy. ainder Saint *: ii 14,129 1 13.622 1 15,507 1 12,162 1 12,094 1 16,39a 1 10,853 I 10,010 1 12,535 1 13.896 1 17,354 1 Connnte, CiTiaa, and TowNe. Chicoutimi, eompriiing the Townabipe and Sottlementa of Saint John'e. U Trinitd, Harvey, Simard. Tremblay. Bagot, Chiooulimi. Laterriftre, Simon, Jonqui6re, Kinogomi. Labarre, IVIctabelohooan, Signav, M^y. Caron. Char- levoix, Bourgetie, Tach6, and Deliale TiUooiiAC, ooinprialng the Townahipi and aettiomenla of Saguenay, Ta- dounac, Little Saguanay. Sainta Marguerite, Bergeronnci, Eicoumini, Iberville, Laval, Latour, Betaiamitei, the Seigniorv of Mille Vaohea or Portnenf, the 7'«rro Firma of Mingan, the laleti of Mingan, the Island and Seigniory of Anticoati, the aettlementi and poata of Manieouagan, BeUiamitia, Oodboot, Saint Panoraa, Pointo dot Monta, Saint Paul, Iho Seven lalandi, the Jeremie lalandi, and all the other Uaota of land comprised within the limiti aforeaaid ConrroN. Comprising the TownahipsofCompton, Woitbury, Eaton, Clifton, Hereford, Bury, Newport, Auckland, Lingwick, Hampden, Dillon, Winidow, Whilton, Maraton, Chfsham and part of the Townihip of Clinton Drommond, compriamg part of the Township of Upton, and the Gore thereof, and the Townahipa of Durham, Grantham, Wendover, Simpaon. Wickham' and Kingaey. ARTH*BAaKA, Comprising the Townihip of Mnddington, part of Blandford, the Townships of Warwick, Norton, Sianfold, Arthabaika, Bulatrode and Buijmcntation, Chester and Tingwick, and that part of the Township of Aston and its augmentation and Gore, which is not included in the County uf Nicolet ' DoRCUBSTER, compriaing the Pariehea of Saint Anselme, Saint Isidore, Sainte Claire, Sainte Marguerite, Saint Bernard, Sainte Hdraddine, part of the Townships of Buckland and Mettrermetto, and the Townahipa of Framp- ton, Standon and its augmentation, Cranbourne, Ware and Watford GAawS, Including the island of Bonaventure, and all the Islands wholly or in part opposite to the said County and neareat thereto, the Fiefs and Seig. niories of Sainte Anne, Mont-Louia, La Magdeloine, Grande Valde dea Monta »nd Ansa de I'Etang, Grand River and Pabos, and the Townships of Cap-Chat, Sydenham, Fox, Cap.Rosier, Gasp^ Bay North, Gaspd Bay South, York, Douglas, Malbaie, Percd and Newport Huntingdon, comprising the Indian Lands of Saint Regis, the Village of Hungtindon, and the TownshipH of Godmancliester, Elgin, Dundee, Hinchin- brooke and Hemmingford Iderville, shall comprise the Pariahos of Saint George de Henry ville, Saint Alexandre, Saint Athanase, Saint Grdgoire and Saint Brigite JouETTK, comprising Iho Parishes of Saint Charles Borromde, Saint Paul, Saint F61ix, Saint Thomas, Sainio Elizabeth, Sainte Mulanie, Saint Ambroise, Saint Alphonse, comprehending also the whole of the Township of Kildare nd augmentation and the Township of Cathoart. Kamodraska, including all Islands nearest to the County, comprising the Parishes of Saint Andr^, Saint Alexander, Saint Louis of Kamouraska, Saint Paschal, Saint Helena, Saint Denis, Mont Carmel, Saint PacAme, [livi6re.Ouelle and Saint Anne, and the Townahipa of Bungay, Park, Wood- )ridge and Ix worth. Laprairie shall comprise thu Pariahea of Laprairie, Saint Jaociuea le Mi- icur, Saint Isidore and Saint Constant, including the Sault Saint Louia, and 111 Islands in the said County. Levis, comprising the Parishes of Saint Joseph, Notre Dame, Saint Jean ^hrisoatome, Saint Henri, and Saint Lambert. L'Asbomption, comprising the Pariahes of Sain" Sulpice, including Isle Bouchard, Repentigny. L'Assomption, Saint Roch, Lachweaie, Saint Henri nd Saint Lin. Laval shall comprise Isle Jdaus and Isle Bazarre, and all Islands lying lesrcst to or ^^.-holly or in part opposite to ths same. L'IsLXT, including all Islands nearest to the County, but not any part of he Islands hereafter annexed to Montmagny ; the Parishes of Saint Roch, iaint Jean, L'Islet, Saint Cyrille and the Townships of Lessard, Foamier, lishford, Garneau, Casgrain, Lafontaine, Dionne, Arrago and Laverrier. IW £ S 7,0791 l,865j 7,463 1 9,025 *) 6,539 •1 13.790 1 10,094 1 15.190 1 14,861 1 18,218 1 19,376 1 14,054 1 14,855 I 16,866 1 a « AK9 « I X y\nju I 10,591 1 i'iiij. ]^N^|ARG£D REPRESENTATION BILL. 1 9 M 15,061 1 13.415 1 15,367 1 12,824 1 CoDNTiBS, Cities and Towns. LotBiNiERB, compnsing the Parishes of Saint Nicolas, Saint Giles, Saint Antoine, St. Fl4vien, Saint Croii, Lotbin^re, Saint Jeah Deechaillons and all the remainder of the augmentations of the Seigniories lif Deschaillons and Lotbini^rc, and of that pan of the Seigniory of Saint Croix which is not in* cltided in the Parish of Sainte Agathe. 'Maskinonoe, including all Islands nearest to the said County, compriaing th^ Parishes of Maskinong^, RiTidre-du-Loop, Saint Didaoe aiiid the Town, ship of Hunteratown, and the Gore thereof. ' Mboantic, ieompriMla the Parishes of Sainte Agathe and Sainte Sylvestre, and the Township* of Inverses*, Nelson, Somerset, and its augmentation, Halifax, Leeds, Brouj^hton, Thetford, Ireland and Coleraine. MoNTOALM, eomprtaing the Pariahea of Saint Jacques, Saint Al«si«t Saint Espvit, Saint Liguori, and the Townships of Rawdon, Chertsey, Kilkenny, Wexford, Chilton, Dbocaster and Carrick. MoNTUAONr, comprising Gh>sae*Isle, Isle aax Oies, Crane Island, Isle Saiiit Marguerite, and all other Islands in the said Rivetr aa aforeaaid, the pa* rishes of Cap^Saint fgnaee, Saint Thomas, Saint Fieri^, Bertier, Saint Fran- ooia, the Townahip of Asbburton, Montmini, Bnarda|:«»,^Patton and part of the Township of Armagh. Montmorency, comprising the Parishes of St. Pierre, Saint Jean, Saint Farailie, Saint Laurent and Saint Francois. Isle Madame, and Isle-aux.Reanx, a'nO the Prrishea of Saint Fereol, Saint Joachim, Sainte Anne, Chateau Ri- cher, Laval and Ange Gardien. The East Ridmg of Montreal to be called Hoehtlaga, shall comprise the Parish of Montreal without the City, and the Parishes of Longue Pointe, Pointe anx Trembles, Riviere des Pmiriea and Sault aux Recollet. The West Riding of MoimifiAL to be called Jtfcquea Cartier, ahall com- prise the Parishes uf Lacbine, La Pointe ClaiM, Saint Anne, Saint Genevi^Te and St. Laurent. The CiTT OF MoNTRKAL shall be cemprised within its present limits. Missisauoi, comprising the Parishes of Saint Thonn(»i Clarenceville, Saint Armand East and West, Notre Dam^ des Ange, (he Village of Philipsburg, and the Townships of l)unham and Stapbridge, and the western part of the Township of Farnham. Nafierville shall comprise Sherrington and the Parishes of Saint Cyprien, St. Edouard and Saint Remi. NicotkT, comprising the Parishes of Saint Pierre, Gentilly, Saint Gertrude, (axcepfing the Townuhip of Maddington,) B^cancour, Saint Gr6goire, Nico. let, Saint iMoniquc, ps t of Uie Township of Blandfotd and the Parish of Samt Celestin. Ottawa, comprising Uie Townships of Loohaber and its auffmentation, IBuckingham, Templeton, Hull, Eardley, MaslMtm, Wakefield, Portland, Derry, Rippon, Denliiolm, Low, Aylwin, Hincks, Bowman, Villeneuve, Lathbu. ry, Hartwell, Sufitilk, Poneonby, Amherst, Addington, Preston, fiidwell, Wells, Bigelow, Wright, Northgeld. Blake. McGill, Kiilaly, Dudley, Chabut, Bouohette, Uameton, Maniwaky, Kensington, Egan, Aumond, Bouthillier, Kiamica, Mecritt and Campbell. PoNTiAC, comprising the Grand Calumet, Alumettea and little Alumettsa Islands, and alt other islands opposite to the said County and belonging to LawerCanada, and the Townships of Onslow, Bristol, Clafendon, Litoh- field, Thorne, Aldfield, Mansfield, Waltham, Chicbestar, Sheen, Esther, Aberdeen, Hastings, Aberibrd, Kirkiby, Labouch6re, Gladstone, Graham, Cawood, Leslie, Stanhope, Huddersfield and Pontefraot. f oRTNEUF, comprising the Parishes of Saint Casimir, Grondines, Deschaui- bault, Cap-Sant£, Saint Basile, Saint Raymond, Saint Catherine, Ecu- reuils, Pointe-aux.Trembles, Saim Augustin, Saint Alban,and'the Townships of Gogf^td, Alton, Roqucmont, Colbert and Montauban. (juKUKc, tMuiyfmn)* iiie Faiiislies aod Settlerncnts of Beaaport, Saint Ed. mond. Saint Gabriel, Saint Ambroise, Charlesbourg, Sainte Foye and I'Anci- enne Lorete, the Townships of Stoneham and Tewkeabvrj, Fief Hubert, and all other tracts of Und included in the «boT» limit«," - - > 11,945 I 9.598 1 10,500 I 9,166 1 57,715 3 15,203 1 13,541 1 18,957 , 13,U38 9,865 1 19,951 I 18^869 r 15,061 1 13,415 1 4S,3S7 1 12,824 1 11,945 I .\ ■i-.i'Tfr-' 9.S98 1 10.500 I 9,166 1 57,715 3 15,203 1 13,541 1 18,957 , 13,038 *,865 1 19,951 I 18^869 t CNI^AROED REPRESENTATION BILL 357 4(,052 3 19,350 1 13,351 1 16,338 1 13,041 1 Counties, Cities, and Towni. The City of Qdbbbo, including the Parishes of Notre Dame de Quebec and of Saint Roch de Quebec, RicBBLiBD, oomprisini; the Town of William Henry and the Parishei of Sorel, Sainte Vietoire, Sainte Aim6 and Saint Ours. RiMoosxi, including all the Islands lying nearest the Parishes and settle- ments of Matane, Metis, Saint Joseph, Sainte Flavie, Sninte Luce, Saint Germain, Bic, Saint Fabien, Saint Simon, the Seigniories of Li^ke Metis and part of Matap6dia, andUie Townships of MacNider, Matane, Saint Denis and the augmentation thereof, Cabot, Neigettc, Macpds and Daqueene. RpuviLifE, including all Island lying wholly or in part opposite the satd County, and the Parishes of Saint Mathias, Sainte Marie, Saint Hilaire, Saint Jean Baptiste, Saint C^saire, I'Ange Gardien and Saint Paul of Abbotsford. Saodbnat, comprising the Parishes of Little River, Baio Saint Paul, Saint (Trbain, Eboulements, Saint It6n6e, Malbale, Sainte Agnds, Saint Fiddle, the Townships of Setrington, De Sales, and Calli^res, Islo-aux-Coudres, Hare Island, and all the other tracts of land comprised within the above limits, and Islands nearest to the said County. Saint Hyacinths, comprising the Town of Samt Hyacintho, and the Par- ishea of Samt Hyacinthe, Saint Damase, La Presentation, Saint Barnab^, Saint Jude, Saint Charles and Saint Denis. St. John's shall comprise Saint Luc, Blairfindie, Saint Jean, Saint Valentin and LacoUe, including all Islands lying nearest to the same. Saint Maurice, comprising the Parish of Three Rivers, without the Ban- lieuej Fief Saint Etienne, the Forges, the Parishes of Pointe-du-Lac, Ya* machicbe. Saint S^vOre, Saint Barnabd, and the Townships of Caxton and Shawinigan, and the augmentation of Cazton. SBxrroRD shall comprise the Townships of Milton, Roxton, Ely, Granby, Sbeflbrd and Stukely. Sbbrbrookb, comprising the Townships of Melbourne, Brompton and the Gore thereof, Shipton, Windsor and Stoke And Wolfe, comprising the Townships of Wolfetown, Ham, South Ham or augmentation of Ham, Wotton, Garthby, Stratrord, Weedon and Dudswell. The Town ofShbrbhookb shall comprise the Town of Shurbrouke within its present limits, and the Townships of Orford and Ascot. SouLANOKS shall comprise the Seigniories of Soulanges and New Longueuil, and the fiAh, sixth, seventh and eighth ranges of the Township of JNewton and augmentation adjacent. STANiitBAD shall comprise Sta/istead, Barnston, Hartley Barford, and Magog, Bast and West. Tbmisookata : all the Island nearest to the County, cumprisingthe Parishes of Trois.PiBtoles, Saint Bloi. Inle Verte, Saint George de Cacouna, Saint Arsfene, Saint Patrice de la Rivi6ro-du-Loup, and the Townships of Whit- woith, Viger, Begon, Denonville, Raudut, Demers, Hocquart av6 the Seigniory snd settkinents ot Temisoouata. Terrbbonne, comprising the Parishes of Terrebonne, Saint Th^rftse, Sainte Anne, Saint Janvier, Lacorne, part of the Parish of Saint Jdr6me, the Townships of Abererombie and Beresford, and part of the Township of Merit . Two-Mountaini, comprising the Parishes of Saint Eustache, Saint Augustin, Saint Renoit, Sainte Scholastique, Saint Culumban, the Mission of the Lake of Two-Mountains, that part of the Parish of Saint Jdrdme which comprises the C6te Saint Joseph, Saint Eustache, Saint Marguerite, Sainte Angelique, and part of the Township of Morin. The Town of Three. Rivers shall comprehend the Town of Three-Rivers ^vithin its present limits and the Banlieue of Three Rivers. VAtn)RBUiL shall comprise Isle Perrot, the Seigniories of Vandreuil and Rigaud, and the firrt, second, third and fourth ranges of the Township of Verchrres, including all Islands ncerest to the Baid|Connty, and the Par- ishes of Varennes, Verchires, Contrccceur, Belail, Saint Marc, Saint Antoine and Bainte Juli*. 17,344 1 I 15,226 1 9,211 1 11,083 1 6,640 ^ 2,235 i 1 4,847 1 1 11,512 1 1; 10,255 1 • 14,553 1 16,353 1 15,726 1 4.936 1 14,465 1 358 ENLARGED REPRESENTATION BILL. C0DNTIE8, Cities, and Towns. Yahaska, comprising the Abenaki Settlement, and the Parishes of Saint De Md, Stint Michel, Saint Francois, La Bale and Saint Zdphirin, the Seig. niories of Pierviile and Bourgmarie Est, and the augmentation of the Town- ship of Wendo?er. UPPER CANADA. Adoinqton, united to Lennox, which see Brant— East Riding— Townships of South Darafries, Onondaga, East Brantford, and the Village of Paris West Riding— Townships of Burford, Oakland, Tuscarora, West Brantford, and the Town of Brantford Bmjob, united to Huron, which see Bytown— Town Brockville— Town— and the Township of Elizabethtown Cornwall— Town—and the Township of Cornwall Cablbton remains, as at present, constituted, except the Townships of Gloucester and Osgoode, which, for representation only, are united to Russell Dbndas remains, as at present constituted Durham— East Riding— Townships of Cavan, Manvers, Hopa and the Town of Port Hope '.est Riding— Townships of Clarke, Darlington and Cartwright Elqin— East Riding— TownshipsofBajfham, Malahide, Yarmouth, South Dorchester and the Village of St. Thomas West Riding— Townships of Southwold, Dunwich and Aldborough Essex remains, as at present constituted Fkontinac remains, as at present constituted GLENSARRr remains, as at present constituted Gacr remains, as at present constituted fluRON &f\d Bruoe remains, as at present constituted HASTiNGsJ-North Riding— Townships of Lake, Tudor, Grimsthorpe, Mar- mora, Madoc, Elzevir, Rawdon, Huntingdon and Hungerford South Riding — Townships of Sidney, '^hurlow, Tyendenaga, the Town of Trenton, and the Town of Belleville HaldiUand, remains as at present constituted Halton do do do do ^ .3 14,748 1 11,250 1 14,176 1 7,760 1 8,554 1 6.355 1 , 17,582 1 13,811 1 14,783 1 15,951 1 17,181 8,337 168J7 19,150 17,596 13,217 22,036 12,165 1 Hamilton— City do do do Kent do do do do Kingston— City do do do Lambton do do do do Leeds and Grbnvillb — North Riding of Leeds and Gronville— Townships ofKitley, Elmsley, Wolford. Oxford and South Gowcr [jj South Riding of Leeds — Townships of Yonge, Escott, Front of Leeds and li, Lansdowne, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne, South Crosby, North Crosby, Bastard and Burgess South Riding of Grenville — The Townships of Edwardeburgh and Augusta and the Town of Prescott Lanark — North Riding — Townships of Sherbrooke North, Dalhousie, Lan. ark, Ramsay, Levant, Darling and Pakenham South Riding— Townships of Montague, Elmsley, North, Burgess North, Sherbrooke South, Bcckwith, Drummond, Bathurst and the Town of Perth Lincoln remains, as at present, constituted, except the Township of Nia- gara, added to Niagara Town Lbkox and Addinoton remain us befi-ro conslitutsd London — Town do do do iMiDDLESEx — East Riding — Townships of West Nissouii, North Dorchester, Westminster and London West Ridmg— Townships of Mosa, Eckfrid, Caradoc, Metcalfe, Adelaide, Willisin*; Lobo atid Dclav^'arc Town of Niagara and Township of Niagara Norfolk, remains es at present constituted Northumberland— East Riding— Townships of Cramahe, Brighton, Mur- ray, Seymour and Percy 19,812 16,788 18,312 14,166 17,469 11,582 10,815 13,585 1 16,969 1 12,089 1 10,361 1 10,936 1 18,278 1 23,120 1 7,035 1 16,146 1 16*658 1 6,696 21,285 15,839 1 West Rid naghan and Ontario- Thorah, Ma South Ric Oxford— Zerra, Blanc South Ri( Norwich am Peel, rem Perth, re Pbterbor Prince E Prescott, Renfrew rubsbll, i SiMOOE — ] Flos, Oro, R South Ridi Adjala, Tos< Storhont Toronto < Victoria, Waterlo Town of Bei South Rid terloo, Nortt Wentwoi FlamboroagI South Rid Anoaster Wellinot Townships o North Rid Maryborong Welland, York— Ni Gwillimbury East Ridii the Townshi West Ridi Township of LEGISLA' Hon, Louis ] " N. F. LEOIS Cmuiitu Beauhamois Beliechasse Berthier Boiiavcniaro Brockville (t Bytnwn (toil Carleton CD 14,748 1 11,250 1 itford, 14,176 1 7,760 1 8,554 I 6,355 1 ps of Eluuell, 17,582 1 13,811 1 i the 14,783 1 15,951 1 South 17,181 1 8,337 1 16 8J7 1 19,150 1 17,596 I 13,217 1 22,035 1 12,165 1 19,812 16,788 18,312 14,166 17,469 1 1 1 11,582 10,815 13,585 1 16,969 12,089 10,361 16,936 18,878 23,120 7,035 16,146 1 1 RR^R 1 6,596 21,285 15,839 1 LEGISLATIVE COUNCILLORS. CrriBS, CooNTiBi, and Towns. West Riding— Townshipa of Hamilton, Haldinwad, Alnwick, South Mo- naehan and the Town of Cobour^r ONTARio-North Rlding-TowMhips of Reach, Uxbridge, Brock, Scott, Thorah, Mara, Rama and ScuKog Sooth Riding— Townihips of WhiHj, Pickering and the Village of Oahawa OxFOHD— North Riding— Townships of East Nissourj, East Zorra, West Zorra, Blandford, Blenheim, and the Town of Woodstock South Riding— Townshipe of North Oxford, West Oxford, East O.-iford. Norwich and Dereham Pkbl, remains as at present constituted Perth, remains as at present constituted PiTERBoKo', remains as at present constituted Princk Edward, remains as at present constituted Frbsoott, remains as at present constituted Rbnprew, remains as at present constituted RtmsBLL, and the Townships of Gloucester and Osgoode SiMooK— North Riding— Townships of Nottawasaga, Sunnidale Vespra, Flos, Oro, Medonte, Oriilia, Tinv, Tay, Matchedash, and the town of Barrie, A South Riding-Townships of West Gwillimburj, Teoumseth, Innisfii, Essa, Adjala, Tosorontio, Mnlmer and Mono Storhont, remains as at present constituted Toronto Cmr, remains as at present constituted Victoria, remains as at present constituted WATEWAxj-North Riding— Townships of North Waterloo, (including the Town of Berlin,) Woolwich and Wellesley South Riding— Villages of Gait and Preston, and T-jwnships of South Wa. terloo. North Dumfries and Wilraot Wentworth— North Riding— Townships of Beyerlj, Flamboroogh East, Flamborongh West, and the Town of Dundas e > South Riding- Townships of Saltfleet, Binbrook, Glanford, Barton, and Ancaster Wkllinoton— South Riding— Town and Township of Guelph, and the Townships of Poslinch, Eramosa and Eria North Riding— Townships of Niohol, Garafraxa, Pilkiogton, Peel, Arthur, Maryborough, Amaranth, Luther and Minto Wblland, remains as at present constituted „ X°*^— North Riding— Townships of King, Whitchurch, Georgina, East bwillimbury and North Gwillimbury East Riding— Townships of Markham, Scarborough, and that portion of the Township of York lying East of Yonge street West Riding— Townships of Etobicoke, Vaughan, and that portion of the Township of York lying West of Yonge street and the Village of Yorkville 359 15,400 1 13,696 1 16,880 1 17,084 1 15,564 1 24,816 1 15,545 1 15,837 1 18,887 1 10,487 1 9,415 1 8,92a 1 10,947 1 16,218 1 14,691 1 30,763 2 11,657 I 10,386 1 16,151 1 15,573 1 12,934 I 14,541 1 12,275 1 20,141 1 16,706 1 16,500 1 15.694 1 LEGISLATIVE couiTCiLLOBs, appointed since the Publication of the Canaaa Directory. Hon. Louis Panet, Quebec I Hon. Charles Wilson, Moiilreal " N. F. Belleau, do | The others remain as before LEoiSLATiTE ASSEMBLY, elected since the Publication of the Canada Directory. Hon. J. S. Macdonald, Speaker. CotuiitueneitB. Beauhamois Bellechasse Berthier Bonsvcninro Brockville (town) Bytnwn (town) CarletoD Membtra. Ovide Leblano. Hon Jean Chabot. Joseph H.Jobln. ZJA7lCi L<0i>uuiilj|6r. George Crawford. Daniel McLacblin Ed, M ioch Conitituenciea. Memberif Chambly Louis Lacoste Charaplain Cornwall (town) fiorchester Drummond Dundas Durham Thomas Marchildon Roderick Macdonald J:'rancoJs Leiiiicuz John McDoueall J. W. Rose Jimta Smith 860 NEWSPAPERS, fto. Easez Frontenac Glen|;arry Grenville Haldlmand Halton Hamilton (city) Hattingi Huntingdon duron Kamouraaka Kent Kinjtton (city) taoatk liceda Eeinater Lennox &. Addington Lincoln London L'Islet Lotbiniete Megantio Middlesex Missiaquoi Montmorency Montreal (city) < Montreal (county) Niagara (town) Nicolet Norfolk Northbmberland Ottawa Ozroird Peterborough Col. John Prince H. Smith, jun Robert Christie J. S. MacDonald William Patrick W. L. Mackenzie John White Sir Allan N. McNab Edmund Murney Jean Bte. Varin Hon. M. Cameron J. C. Chapais George Brown Hod. J. a. MacDonald James Shaw Hon. VV. B. Richardi Hon. L. M. Vigor Benjamin Seymour Hon, W. H. Merritt T C Dickson Charles F. Fournier Joseph Laurin . J. G. Clapham Crowell Wilson Seneca Paige Joseph Cauchon Hon. John Young Hon. William Badgiey Michel F. Valois Joseph C. Morrison Thomas Fortier Hon. John Roiph Asa A. fiurnham John Egan ' Hon. F. Hincks John Langton Portneaf U. J. Tessier Prescott Thomas Hall Johnston Prince Edward D. B. Stevenson Quebec (county) P. J. O. Cbauveau Richelieu A. N. Gouin Rimouski J. C Tach< Rouville Jos. Napoleon Poulin Russell George Byron Lyon Saguenay Hon. P. M. do S, La- terriere Shefibrd Hon. L. T. Drummond Sherbrooke (town) A. T. Gah Shtrhrooke (county}J. S. Sanborn Siincoe Stanstead Sformont St. Hyacinthe St. Maurice Terrebonne Ttiiee Rivers Toronto (city) Two Mountains Vrtudreuil Verchferes Waterloo Welland Wentworth Yamaska Hon W. B. Robinsbn T. Lee Terrill W. Mattice Louts Sicotte J. E. Tureotte Hon. A. N. Morin A. Polette Geo. Pereival Ridout Hon. L. J. Papineau Jean Bte. Mongenais Geo. E. Cartier A. J.Fergusson Thos. Clark Street David Christie P. B.Dumoulin York, North Riding Jos. Hartman York, South Riding John W. Gamble York, East Riding Amos Wright York, West Riding Geo. Wright ALPHABETICAL LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS PUB- LISHED IN CANADA. Name. Advertiser Agrioultural Journal Amherstburgh Courier Anglo Aineric. Magazine Argus, The Barrie Herald Bathurst Courier Belleville Intelligencer Berlin Telegraph fiowmanville Messenger Brant Herald Branttbrd Courier Brantford Conservative Expositor British American British Canadian British Colonist British Standard criiisij Tr.-::g Cadet, The Canada Advertiser Can. Chris :ian Advocate Canada Direotory Where Printed. Ouolph. G W Montreal, G E Amherstbu(g,CW Toronto, C W Kingston, C W Barrie, C W Perth. C W Belleville, C W Berlin. C W Bowmanvil!e,CW Brantford, C W Brantford, C W Brantford, O W Woodstock, C W Toronto, C W Toronto, C W Perth, C W Montreal, C £ Sandwich, C W Hamilton, C W Montreal, C E Name. Where Printed. C&Tti Medical Journal Montreal, C B Canada Oak Sandwich, C W C. Temperance Advocate Montreal, C E Canadian, The Hamilton, C W Canadicn, The (French) Quebec, C E Canadian Agricnlturist Tpronto, C W Canadian Family Herald Toronto, C W Canadian Tribune Belleville, C W Canadian Fiee Press I^ndon, C W Can.EcclesiasticalGazette Quebec, C E Carleton Place Herald CarletonPlace.CW Chippawa Advocate Christian Guardian Christian Banner Christian Observer Chronicle, The Chronicle and Newa Churchman, The Can. r,.> a.'. Coboarg Reformer ^olonia! Tribune, Comet, The Commercial Advertiser Chippawa, C W Toronto, C W Cobourg, C W Toronto, C W Niagara, C W Kingston, C W Toronto, C W n-t. <"< Mr vOiJuaig, -•• TT Cobourg, C W Brantford, C W Owen Sound, W .MoDik-oal; C E J. J. TasBier I'homaa Hall Johnaton ). B. StevenaoD 3eo. Okill Staart iypolite Dubord ^ J. 0. Cbauveau I. N. Gouin . C. Tacb< 08. Napoleon Poulin ireorse Byton Lyon Ion. P. M. de S. La- terriere Ion. L. T. Drummond y. T. Galk ■ S. Sanborn Ion W. B. Robinsbn r. Lee Terrill V. Matlice jouia Sicotte . E. Turcotte Ion. A. N. Morin LPolette >eo. Pereival Ridout lop. L. J. Papineau ean Bte. Mongenais Seo. E. Cartier L. J.FergU88on 'hoa. Clark Street tavid Christie '. B. Dumoulin 08. Hartman ohn W. Gamble LmoB Wright reo. Wright IIODICALS PUB- Whne Printed. Montreal, C E Sandwich, G W ite Montreal, C E Hamilton, C W !h) Quebec, G E Tpronto, C W lid Toronto, C W Belleville, C W London, C W itte Quebec, C E CarletonPlace.CW Chippawa, C W Toronto^ C W Cobourg, C W Toronto, C W Niagara, C W Kingston, C W I. Toronto, CW Cobourg, C W Branlford, C W Owen Sottud, W MoQinal, C E NEWSPAPERS, tus. m Name. Where PHUiiheJ. Gonfftitutional, The Cirnwall. C W Cunftitulional, The St.Calherinca.CW Daily News Kingaton, C W Doutzcher Can., German Berlin, C W Dumfries Reformer Dundas Warder Eautorn Examiner Echo, The Elora Backwoodsman Examiner, Tho Esiex Advocate Freeholder, Tho Frreman, The Gait Reporter Gatpd Gaxette Gaxetle, Thn Gszette, The Gazelle, The Gnzutle, The Gazette, The Globe, The Guide, The Haldimand Independent HastinKS Chronicle Herald, The Herald, The Herald, Tho Huron L'tyaliat Huron Signal Index, The Journitl and Express Journal of Education Kend Advertiser Liimbt'in Herald Lambton Shield Lii Mincrve, French Lanark Objicrver La Ruche Litt^raire Leader, Tlie L'AlbiimLitidraire Le Courier de St. Hya- cinihe, French Leeds Free Press Gait, C W Dundas, C W Cobourg, C W Port Hope. C W Elora, C W Toronto, C W Sandwich, C W Cornwall, C W Whitbv, C W Gait, C W Now Carlisle C 1 Montreal, G B Quebec, C E Hamilton, C W Bytown.C W Vienna, C W Toronto, C W Port Hope, C W Dunnville, C W Belleville, C W Montreal, C E KiiiffBion, C W Guelph, C W Goderich, C W Goderich, C W Clark's Mills.CW Hamilton, C W TorOnio, C W Chatham, C W Port Sarnia, C W Port Sarnia. C W Montreal, C E Perth, C W Montreal, C E Toronto, C W M(mtreal, C E St Hyacinthe, CE Brockville, C W Throe Rivers, CE L'Ere Nouville, French Le Journal do Qudbcc, do Quebec, C E Le Journal dea Trois Ri. vifercs, French Three Rivers, CE Lo Tournal d'Agricullure Montreal, C E Le Moniteur Canadien Le Pays Le Semour Canadien Life Boat, Tho Long Poirjt Advocate McKenzie's Weekly Mes seiiger Magnet, The Mail. TI»B Mail. The Mapio Leaf. The Montreal, C E Montreal. C E Mmtreal.C E Moatrcal. C E Simcoe, C W Toronto, C W Barrie, C W NiiKora, '-'i St Ctfihc 1 -^M; Montreal, C f: 'N Name. Mercury, The Middlevax Prototype Mirror, The Missionsry Record Montreal Directory Morning Chronicle News, Tho News of the Week Norih American North Advance Norfolk Messenger Ontario Reporter Ottawa Advocate and Or ango Lilly Ottawa Argus Ottawa Citizen Our Journal Patriot, The Paris Star Perth County News Picton Sun Pilot, Tho Port Hope Watchman Presbyterian, The Presbyterian Magazine Prescott Telegraph Prince Edward Gazette Recorder, Tiie Revue de Legislation et de Jurisprudence, French Quebec, CE Sherbrooke Gazette .Snow Drop, The Son of Temperance Spectator, The Standard, The Sentinel, The Stanstead Journal Statesman, The St. Catherines Journal Sun, The Sun. The Temperance Advocate Times, The Townships' Reformer Transcript, The True Witness, The United Empire, The U. C. Medical Journal Voice of the Fugitive Watchman, The Watchman, The Weekly Despatch VVeukly Review Western Liberal Wealern Planet Weetern Progress Whiiby Reporter ; Witness, The I Younff Churchman Whtre PuiU$hed. Quebec.!.; E London, C W Toronto, C W Montreal, C E . Montreal, C B Quebec, G E St Johns, C B Toronto, C W Toronto, C W Barrie, C W Stmcoe, C W Whiiby, C W Bytown, C W Aylmer, C B Bvtown, G W Quebec, G E Toronto. G W Paris, G W Stratford, C W Picton, C W Montreal, C E Port Hope, C W Montreal, C E Toronto, C W Prescott, G E Picton» C W Brockvtile, C W Sherb-ioke. C E Montreal, G E Belleville, C W Hamilton, G W Simcoe, C W Brighton, G W Slanstcad, G E Brockville, C W St.CaiherinPS,CW Montreal, C B Oakville, G VV Montreal, G E London, G W Sherbrooke, C E Montreal, C B Montreal. G B Toronl<(, G W Toronto, C W Sandwich. G W Toronto, G W St. Thomas, C W Peterboro, C W Streeisville, C W Su Th'imas, C W Chatham. C W Woodstock, C W Whitby, C W Montreal, G E Torantii. C W I 11 3P8 RAILROADS. &e. RAILRHAIIS COMPLETES, IN OOURSE OF GONSTBUCTION. OHABTEREO IN CANAOA. !••••■•• boffdlo and Goderich Railroad Biiffalo to Brantfoid Branifcrd toSttatfoid • Stratlord to Goderich Brncicviile & Ottawa Railroad Broclcville to Arnprior Bytown and Pemiiroke Railroad Champlitin ami St. Lawrence Railroad Montreal to Rousea Point Erie and Ontario Railroad Niagara to Chippi>wa i Great Western Railroad Hamilton to London London to Detroit Hamilton tu Niagara River London to Sarnia Junction to Gait Gait to Guelph , Grand Junction Railroad Peteiborougb to Belleville > Peterborough to Gloucester Baj Peterborough to Toronto Main Trunk Railroad Montreal to Kingston Kingston to Toronto Mfgantic Junction Railroad From the Richmond Railroad at the Becaocour ' Lake William Montreal and By town Railroad Montreal and Lachine Railroad MontreAl and New York Railroad Lachine to Moer's Coiners , , Montreal and Vermont Junction Railroad St. Johns to Richford, Vermont Niagara Junction Railroad North Shore Railroad Quebec to Montreal Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railroad Toronto to Lake Huron Ottawa and St. I^awrence Grand Junction Railroad. , Peterborough and Port Hope Railroad Peteiborougb and Cobourg Railroad , Vrescott and By town Railroad Quebf c and Richmond Railroad Quebec and Trois Pistoles Railroad Rawdon and Industry Railroad St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad St. Catherines & Great Western Junction Rail Road. •a „ *> «e -» «i u •<B to c o u e V o 2 '-S s u « o j- -< o U 75 43 to 8 32 27 95 104 42 13 66 63 100 23 31 at M 40 43 75 85 20 60 ie 60 90 75 178 165 24 120 55 20 165 115 27 27 140 S 76 40 43 75 85 43 20 76 104 42 60 13 16 60 90 75 178 165 24 120 8 32 55 20 165 93 115 27 27 63 100 140 23 126 TRUCTION, OR • e S .s T5 • cou of Irac 5 a g « ^3 H " c5 u - 40 43 75 85 20 60 ie 60 90 75 178 165 24 120 55 20 165 115 27 27 140 76 40 43 75 85 43 20 76 104 42 60 13 16 60 90 75 178 165 24 120 8 32 55 20 165 93 115 27 27 53 100 140 23 126 UNITED STATES ADVERTISEMENTS. 3GS WH0LE3AI.E DEALERS TN AMERICAN WOOLLENS AND COTTONS| 123 MILK STREET, BOSTON. J. A. Lane. N. Watbburn. BlITM illFACTilKBn AKBIY. f^vvwsi'VV>^>^<^^V^^n^^<rv>^»^»'»^v%* PARKIN & MARSHALL, Manufacturers of the celebrated "XL, A L L" Table and Spring Cutlery, Razors, Scissors, Plated Goods, Joiner's Tools, Files, Saws, Edge Tools, &c., Telegraph Works, SHEFFIELD. RYLANDS, BROTHE RS, Manufacturers of the Superior " RB W»' Labelled Bright Iron Wire, Telegraph Wire, Annealed Wire, &c., WARRrNGTON. JOSEPH GUNDRY & CO., Nets, Lines, Twines and Shoe Thread*, RRIDPORT SHOOLBRED, LOVERIDGE& CO, Trays, Japanned Good* Tin Ware, &c., Merridale Works, WOLVERHAMPrON. S. & T. CARRINGTON, Ket Mnnufacturers, STOCKPORT. N. HINGLEY & SONS, Chains, Cables, Anchors, Horse Nails, &c., CRADLEY and LIVERPOOL. JAMES N. LAWTON, A&ENT, 24 Kilby street, Boston. 71 John street, Jfew York, J. S. MORRIS a S0!V» Northwest End of Niagara st,t Buffalo^ Beg to inform their old and new patrons that their residence and laboratory is removed from Main Street, near Tupper, to the northwest end of Niagara st., fronting the River, where the Pyrotechnist art will be carried on, on a more extensive scale than formerly. Every kind, size and quantity of Fireworks, to suit Commiitees, Merchants, Proprietors of Gardens, or Public Exhiimions, to any extent. Buyers may be assured, by entrusting their or<lers through the Pobt Oflice, to be served with the neiveqi articles, and at ihe lowest pfices, ac- cording to the amount of matter, machinery, and colored fires they may contain. Orders addrcised to J. S. Morr:,., Pyrolechnict, Box 2028. P. O , Buffdlo, N. Y., will b« cftiefully sent on, or tlt«nd personally any exhibition of Fircworka, in any part of Ameiica. MA UNITED STATES ADVERTISEMENTS. BOWEN «c mcNAMEE, IflSPORTSRS a JOBBERS, »0. 112 & 115, BroabjuttB, Non-ijotk. TO ICANADIiW We beg leave respectfully to call your aiitention to our Extensive and Varied Assortment of milSI, FRENCH, BERMAN, ITAUAN, AND INBIA BOORS, Including, Dresa Goods of all descriptions, Silks, Laces, Embroideries, White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Shawls, &c. Also : AIMIKGAM MHJSILM BE ILMHES, AND A GREAT VARIETY Or ARTICLES ADAPTED TO THE CAMADIAN TRADL As we are now largely engaged in the Sraporting m mell qb lobbing ^mmm, WE ARE ENABLED TO OFFER UNUSUAL INDUCEMENTS TO BUYERS As well as to those larj?e Dealers who may be desirous of purchasing by the Package. Prom our Position in the Market, we also can frequently offer ilf lA^iiliitl il&MIiS. IN ENGLISHj and other FOREION GOODS, That have been Consigned and Sold at a LARGE DISCOUNT from the cost of Manufacture and Importation. Our Agent, has had pine years' experience in active business in Canada, and will devote his attention exclusively to that Trade. Feeling assured .!!!L^".^"" "*_.'?,': •.'l® interest of Canadian Merchants to favor us with 'S ^Oiicii sit cA^iiiinaiiuii of our cstock. -0-' BOWEN & McNAMEE. D-Ijork. »n8ive and Varied NBIA BOOIIS, )broiderie8, White \lso: I TRADE. e TS TO BUYERS rousof lently offer GOODS, from the cost of 09 nc.sa in Canada, Feeling assured s to favor us with NAMEE. UNITED STATES ADVERTISEMENTS. 96S ROUGH AND READY. RUTLAND, HUNG\R[AN. NEAPOLITAN. CHfNA PEARL, PEDAL, »5 ^^«.^^ ^ ^e^a.B»«i)aM«!y, 66, LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK,* IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS *vd WHOLESALE DEALERS IN railO,]i;LI!ie&ilNMllll STRAW EOOll!!, D^IEIFfl'i roi^, MLK ^m^ ^5^(g(§)L^ IHIWi, PANAMA, LEBIORN ^ PALM LEAF HATS, ARTIFIQIAL FLOWERS, PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS, &c., «f Kp w r^nn nQ** °fll '""/ ."'" ^"\ ^'*''' "•• "PP^"'^'' Credit. A large and .uperior .lock Brri5:;VnrfurlhK'nd"Mi.:e":-" ^" ''"''' and qualitie. of .he following .tyle. of SONTAG. TUSCAN, JENNY LIND, PEARL. DEVON, DIAMOND. SATIN, TUr.IP LACE. COBOURG, FLUTRl). ' ALBONI, PAMELA, . ^„„o Will be of the newest shapes, and of Foreign and Dimestic Manufartnre M.„. «f .i..!r siii.'^reXls.t.'*'^"' "-'-'' -'-^y «rFanc,sSrSi„,!;a''a': MEN'S AND BOYS' lEGHOEN HATS. .nH Y^«^ ^^ ^?^^' PANAMA, PALM LEAF. PEDAI BRAID. and other Straw HatR. »f the most approved shapes and styles, ««>ivu/, MEN'S FTTB, SIIK AND ANGOLA HATS. FRENCH AND AMERICAN ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. These of^jl prices and every variety. Also. RurI.cs. T .bs. &c.. of all styles and prices PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS. A very extensive assortment of Fringed or Uofringed S,lk Parasols ; and low priced article. <'.°"'»' »nd ti-ngham. Also, Umbrellas, of the very ben make, of all^KS and ho. tt? in Silk, Cotton, or Gingham ; Ladies' Sun Shades, &c. ' ^ qaal.ties. T«ff.'/A?" *'"„"'*» «"Pply- on orders, all kinds of Millinery Goods. Plain Satin .nd .„?'{hr/i!!""^ ^r^Y"'^ .**" ^"^ " *° ♦'•"'' i"'""t "> call and examine oar Sroek and those who supply themselves on orders, can depend uoon our know^dire ir«in,.H h- several years extensive business with Canada, that they wfu he flirirdeKiihlnll.te Ifood. «,nt them be of the newest styles, and at' the l.Iliesl market pSe," ^'^' ""'^ "*" OLiVES, JONES & GRANGFB, Repesented in Canada by '**'• ®^' ^"""'y Street. J. D. HAYES. m 866 UNITED STATES ADVERTISEMENTS. ^B^^^^^^^ ^^^WdHW ^B^^^^W ^^^^fc^^B ^i^^W ^^^^^P ^^^^^^^^P ^^^w^^* PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. A New'Voliimn of the American Phrenological Jnornal commcncci July 18f Nnw |i the lime to Diilncribtj. DHvotvd to PnrennUtgy, PhyiioloKyt Magnetmiii, tt\ynO)rnomf, Moohanimn. Eluonlion, AKri<!iilturo, the Naiiiral Sciences, and general intelli|{enco, pro. futeljr illustrated, il cannot fail to intereet every ciaea of reader*. Erery family, and etpeciaily oil ymni; men and women, should have a copy. Il ia printed on the finf of overy inunlh>at $1 ayear. All letters should he post jinid, and directed lo FOWLER and WELLS, 131 Nassau St., >Iew York. THE WATER CURE JOURNAL. A New Volume of llii* " Journal of Health" just commenced. Subicribora n'iould send in iheir names at onco The Philosuphv and practice of Hydropathy, Pliy»i.<l.)jty and nnatiimy of the Human Bidy, Dietetics, Physical Education, tho Chemistry of Life, and all 1 1 ur inntters relutiii|; lo Life, Health and Happiness, will bo given in litis Jonrnal. Wa ' "U ihht man may prolong Ins life much beyond tli number of years usually attained. W a propose tualiow how. Publixhcd monthly, at $1 a-year, in advance. Please add resa all letters, post-paid, lo FOWLER nd WELLS, 131 Nassau St., N. Y. Fowler and Wells have all works on Hydroiialhy, Physiology, Magnetisn;, Phonography, Phrenology, and the Natural Sciences generally. AGENTS WJNTED IN EVERY TOWN IN CANADA. MORRIS & WILLIS'S HOME JOURNALj AT 107 FIJL1< Tebms.— T' ■ copies are fu'v,;i < vance. No subaic; IS ruousiieu evkrt saturoat OPPOSITE DUTCH STREET, J^EW YOP.K, 'luva a year, or two dollars if paid in advance. Three «br one year to one address for Five Dollars in ad- on discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the Editors. Clubbing with the Magazines. The •♦ Home Journal," and either the •* Knickerbocker Magazine," " Harpers' Magazine," or <* Putnam's Monthly (published in this city) for one year for $4. The " Home Journal," and either •' Godey'a Lady's Book," or ♦« Gra. Lam's Magazine," (published in Philadelphia) for one year, for $4. The •" Home Journal," and either the " Musical World" or Beach and Barnum's " Illustrated News," for one year, for $4. Orders, enclosing that amount, addressed to MoRRIs & Wilms, 107 Fulton Street, will receive prompt attention. The two periodicals ordered will be sent to different addresses, If desired. By an arrangement with the Editors of the " Home Journal," the proprietors of the above-named works, will furnish subscribers with them as soon as they receive directions to do so frr^m this establishment. [Thg " Horns Jiusrns!" is sindnubfedly the very best family newsnaner of its class in America, and is conducted with the same distinguished ability which has so eminently characterized all the productions of its able and accomplished Editors, and all Canadian families who require a firai ^ate literary paper, would do well to order the ' Home Journal.' Eo. C. D.j H s M O t- H s u >A s <D U RNAL. [uly.lSf: Nnifii .mill, PhyfiO);noniy, 'hI intelli((enco,pro- E»ery fanii'y, and intcd un the firif o( id to ;., ^ew York. [INAL. »cribiTi w'Tuild lend ly, l'liy»ii<i.)gy iind i«try ol Lire, and all Uiit Jonrnal. We ira utually attained, ice. Please adarcaa sau St., N. Y. itiio?, Phonography, TADA. IRNALj dvaiine. Three e Dollars in ad- are paid, unless ker Magazine,*' in this city) for look," or « Gra. r, for $4. " or Beach and & Wilms, 107 iodicals ordered gement with the e-nanied works, I directions to do iper of ila data in ill haa «o eminently and all Canadian he ' Home Journal.' PWITED STATES ADVERTISEMENTS. S67 flAIlROAO MAP OF THE UKITED STATES, CANADA, ^ C. S".^''n^''^ewa^?',?^?f ?,"\^'".^;"^^^ '*•* York, propo.e ,„ ubii.h. by l7uct,on. m Idas' .. lTl.'\U\V^Z K''^^^^^^^ / BcwiBr « an me frohlea uf iho m^n iinporiHul Railroad* and Canal*. •>?'^^^T:n7m,}!!Z^ZZ!^ "n-i willbeiMuedaa aoon ' will De ciMrgprt 9S (inr criy—payHblo on delivery. LAW iB(D)(0)iK§isiLiLffii ^ mM^ .mm, Burlington, Vermont, W.M supply orders for Law Books, delivered in Montreal, or forwarded (o onv Law Library, Harriao- s D.ge.t, &r. d^c, furnished promptly as published. i!-very information respecting books given on ar plication by letter. Burlinjyton, Vermont, April 1853. MISCELLANEOUS, MEDICAL. LAW AND SCHOOL BOOKS. {Succettor to i^pRAaoE Sl Bvi.nqton,) S6ntik0fllfr, Ifafiflntr, nnh ISookliinbfr H o o i STATIONERV A » » P* P E R W i RE H o U S E. BOOKSELLER, STATIONER AND BINDER, No. 7, EAGLE BLOCK, FORD STREET, ©(SPimSHtJMR IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 Itil3£ |Z5 1.8 1:25 i 1.4 1.6 150mm V % ^} ^L. ■w .o^. jJ* .Mil 0/1 / /APPLIED J IN/UhGE . Inc -i^g 1653 East Main Street ■^^ ~ Rochester, NY 14609 USA .a^-as Phorie: 716/482-0300 .^='-S=s Fax: 716/288-5989 © 1993, Applied Image, Inc., All Rights Reserved «- A i\' <^ 1*. <2> %%:^^ j^%^ <i\^ ^ /^ w Ste tTNITfiD STATES ADVERTtSEMCNTS. H. S. HUMPHREY & CO., RUGGim No. 2 Eagle Block, Ford Street, OGDENSBURQH, N. Y., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Colors, Varnishes, Sperm, Solar, Whale, Lard, Linseed, Tanners' and Machinery Oils, Spirits Turpentine, Camphene, Burning Fluid, Window Glass, Putty, Brushes of all kinds. DENTIST AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Mcock's Jncormptible Gum, Plate and Pivot Teeth. c m (E Daguerreotype Instruments and Bttfdk. Perfumery, Combs, Soap, &c. Wine and Cigars. Also, Carding Machine Cards, Combs, Plates, Tacks, Emery's Weavers' Reeds, &c 0if> We receive our Stock directly from the Manufacturers, and an prepared to Sell at MFW YORK ft BOSTON PRICES. H. S. HUMPHREY. LYMAN B. FISK. F. M. HUMPHREY HORACE M. FISI. FC THEun MERCH YORK a rera, and a better i Their in every ren's wei Also, a kind in tt Consta the Count YORK ai In conr DEPARl CITY W ALL OBI THOMAE B. im. UNITED 0TATE8*ADVESTI8BMENT1. itreet, LERS IN CHILD & FAWCETT, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN mmfk ii^ii t iiesiit CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LAROE AND WELL-SKLKCTED STOCK OF (BOAT Mm mm&mB mw2. ME LEATHER; AND FINDINGS ishes, Sperm, Machinery burning ihes mUMENTS. Hvot Teeth. Qd Sldck. i. Also, GardiDg Emery's iifacturers, and an 'RIGE& F. M. HUMPHREY HORACE M. FISK. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, THE undersigned will be prepared to answer orders from COUNTRY MERCHANTS, and others who purchase to sell again, at lower than NEW YORK and BOSTON PRICES, as we purehase diractfrom the Manufactu. rer8,and are thus able to save jobbers' profits, besides giving the purchasers a better chance of selecting sizes and qualities than can be had in the City. Their stock will be found to consist of an assortment of in every style and quality, for Gents', Ladies', Masters*, Misses' and Child- ren's wear. Also, all the articles usually found in the Largest Establishments o^thd kind in the City or Country. ILi^TIHISI^. Constantly on hand a heavy stock of all kinds of LEATHERS used in tSmITbmtonpriceI.""' •"''"' °° "'°''°°""' "*" "="' MANUFADTURIN8 DEPARTItEMT. In connection with this Establishment, is a Large MANUFACTURING aTY \^KMEN "^^^"^^ *''* ^^P'^^*"^ *''® "°" ^'''"•** "^ experienced m OBBSIS B¥ MAIL, OR EZFHISS, FROMFTLT AREnSO fO. THOMAS CHILD. WILLIAM FAWCETT. 1 •M UNITBD STATES Al>yERTI8BM8NT8. , r OCDEN8BURCH ^Mhf STORE. No. 6 EAGIiE BLOCK. Sj i IMI WHOUCSALX AND RXTAIL DKALXR IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GCDDSp CARPETIS, &c. Sheetings, Stripes, Shirting, Tickings, Denims, Batting, Wadding, nicking and Cotton Yarn, by the Bale. No. 6 Eagle Block, Ford Street, OGDENSBURGH, N. Y. 'v^»^»^««<s«' . *^^»»<^»*^ ^•^^^^'t^'^^^^'i^^^mr i ,A^^*^^MM<^ ALSO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Directly opposite the Custom House, Water Street, OGDENSBURGH, N. Y. TEAS 17 THE CHEST, TOBACCO BT THE BOX, Sugars and Molasses hy the Bbl or Ilhd, fUl FOR m HDDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. 7il^ As well We are Thii We 8 from th< 1 Stock h Good cases fi HE* K. JalXil GGODS. ims, Batting, the Bale. rest UNITED STATKS ADVERTISEMENTS. vn RIN r Street, THE BOX, Ilhd. r PRODUCE. tiJokr 0treet. IMPORTERS, AND WHOLESALE OEAURS IN GROCERIES. OUR STOCK OF SnCES, RAISINS, ClfURS, COROAQ^ SOAP, As well as every description of Goods included in our Branch, will be found equal to any demand. AS AGENTS FOR THE FAR-FAMED BRANDS OF We are prepared to offer TOBACCO at the FACTORY PRICES. simply adding Freight. This will be found a great advantage over purchasing from ihe Jobbers. We shall receive, Monthly, in our own Chartered Vessels, direct from the West Indies, every description of WEST INBIA 600BS. QQ^ Purchasers are particularly invited to examine our Stock before proceeding to the Sea Port Toums. Goods entered and delivered on board Canada boats, in all cases free of Duty. « wi m VmrUt) STAtltfl ADVSRTlSSMIiN'rfl. m. a Emm umm 9 9 3W« IDORTEIIS $, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN m & mmt moi. Sole Agents in Northern New York for the Sale of J. C. Herrings* Fire Proof Safes ; Ruggles, Nourse, Mason & Co.'s Agricultural Implements; Ransom ^ Co.'s Stove Manufactory ; the Pawtucket Leather Belting Co. ; the Collins' Axe Co. ; and the leCHiSfii TIM MACHIMK Being in direct Communication with the MANUFACTURERS in iiLiiniiiiiiiuiY&miin ,we pledge ourselves not to be undersold in any of the Large Cities J and we offer facilities to the Purchaser unsurpassed in NEW YORKi MONTREAL OR BOSTON. OCr* Gaodt in all cases will be delivered, Duty Paid, on board Boats in Canada, tfii IK » mr. BALBBS Ls [R.OI. the Sale of J. s, Nourse, ements ; '; the the 'ACTURERS in of the Large rchaser BOSTON. Duty Paid, on UNITED 8TATL8 ADVERT1BBMENT8. 871 The True Digestive Fluid, or, Gastric Juice. 1)K HOirOHTOH'B Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth STOMACH of the ^^-^ OX.afterdireetionaorBeronLiebiK.theKree hyeiologiul Chemiat. by J. S. HOUGHTON. M.D., Philadelphia. Pa. This ia Natore'a own Remedy for an unhealthy Stomach. No art of man can equal its cnrative powera. It contaioa no Alcohol. Bitten, Acidp, nr Nauseous Drugs. It is extremely agreeable to the taste, and may be taken by the moat feebia patienta who cannot eat a water cracker without acuta diatresi. Beware of Drugged Imilntions. Pepain is not a Drug. Call on the Agent, and get a Descriptive Circulur, gratis, giving a large amount of Scientific Evidence from Liebig'a Animal Chemistry ; Dr. Combe's Physiology of Digestion ; Dr. Penira on Food and Diet; Dr. Tohn W. Draper, of New York University; Profesaor Dangliaon's Physiology ; Professor SiMinian, of Yale College ; Dr. Carpenter's Physiology ; dec. together with reporla of Curea from all parts of the United States. 07 OBSERVE THIS !— Every bottle of the Genuine PEPSIN bean the written signa- ture of J. S HOUGHTON, M.D., sole Proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. Copyright and Trade Mar'i secured. • O* Sold by all Druggists and Dealera in Medicines, Price One Dollar per Bottle. S. J. LYMAN ^ Co., Place D'Armes, Montreal, WhoU$aU and Retail Agents for the Canadas. No. 1, PARISH'S BLOCK, WATER ST., DEALER IN Hides, Sole and Upper Leather ; Tanners' Oil and Lampblack ; Tanners' and Curriers' Tools ; French Calf SItins and Morocco ; Patent Enamelled Leather ; Shoemakers' Tools ; Belting and Harness Leather, &c. With the present facilities for doing business, the undersigned trusts to to be able to give satisfaction to his customers, and to merit and receive their patronage. E. F. OSBORN. {Information received too late to appear in proper place.) SIMCOE.. (Seb Canada Directort, Page 365.) Addenda and Errata. Grieve, W., mei'chant tailor Henry, E., innkeeper Jackson, G , hardware store Mann, J. A., (rrocer Ritchie, Rev. G., Congregational Roberts, W., grocer Rolph, Hoc. J.. M.P.P. for Norfolk Sheppard, J., hotel keeper Smith, R., carding, aaw and grfat mills Wisson, W., groccf Abel, D., shoe store Austin, J., saw and grist mill Bell, Rev. 6., Church of Scotland Boucher, A., innkeeper Brown, A., merchant Clarke, D., merchant and town reeve Clarke, A. J., druggist Clarke^ John, M.D. Folley, M. H., attorney at law Gibbon, VVni., chandier and grocer Also,--B livery stables, 3 cabinet ahope, 1 dentist, 6 carpenters, 5 bricklayers, 3 masons, 6 tailors, 7 millmers, 3 painters, 4 butchers, 3 shoemakers, 4 smiths, 4 coopers and 1 tin* smith, in addition. fT4 ADVERTISEMENTS. NO. 22 GEEAT SAINT JAMES ST., PUBLISHES THE FOLLOWUVG WORKS, VIZ.: THE SUPPLEMENT TO.THE CANADA DIRECTORY p^eVFiTcT::. ;.:.■:::: x"'''''''' ^^wi^i^TORY, i vd. s vo,375 Do do .il : .• • Map of Canada, Plain "°' '^'^^ Colored '^^ ''^ do,' "do •.d 6 3 76 8 9 THE CANADA DIRECTORY" AND supplement; 2 volV over 1000 «,T,^ pages, with map, plain ' ^°''' °^^^ ^^^^ . THE CANADA DIRECTORY, separatelv ^"^ ^ TOE MONTREAL DIREC'fORY^^Tvolfe mo ^^ 6 THE QUEBEC DIRECTORY, 1 vol. 12 mo "^ « colored, size 3 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft 2 iJ " ' *'''•' ^^"dsomely The same Map handsomely Mounted and Vamished, "for office use IS MAP^F ^b^^i^^:^^^''''^ ^^- oTcVnSa:: ! ! : ! ! | 9^ Tl5S STRAnIr^S GulSJ^^^^^^^^ "' A gazetteeTo? canTda T'&t"i To? « 'PP^'^.^ ''^'> All orders for the above Satldbt ZlLlfitl ^^e :£S:F "'^•''•^- '' ' ROBERT W. STllART MACKAY, — -— — — _-____^_^ ^' ^'®** ^*" ^^^^^ S*'"eet, Montreal. 2 61 3 9 6 3 9 JOHN CLARKE, COMmSSM MEBBHAHT AND GENERAL ABEOT. Will attend perMnally and promptly to every description of GOfflfflWroi AlB ICTMY BTOIlIgS The Collection of Drafts, Accounts, Rents^' Dividends, &c., and the Sale rtr M!« u • ^ » „ of Houses, Farms, or Wild Lands! **' "'" having their interests carefully aSded To ^^°"^* "^^^ *^«P*°*^ "P"" ST., D WORKS, VIZ.: ,, . e. d y, 1 vol. 8 vo, 375 do, do, with do 63 7 6^ g g 2 vols, over idoO 17 6 12 6 7 6 ••- 7 6 present division ately) the various &c., handsomely ^ 5 nice use 8 9 of Canada 8 9 •.••. 2 6 itistical chart 3 9 -, ;•. 6 )]aces of interest and C. W 39 in 1864,) ihmapofB.N.A. 15 •lisher, RT MACKAY, ames Street, Montreal. KE, !BAL ABEVT, 'leyan Church,) scription of Jce, Bank Stock, and the Sale or Hire >f all kinds consigned es may depend upon M i.i; ^.T, TfiS CANADA LIFE ASSmiANOE Incorporated by Act of Parliament. HEAD OmOE, 88 KIHO STREBT, HAMILTON. HdohC. Bakeh, Esq., President; John Yorao, Esq., Vice-President; Thomas M. Simons, Esq., Secretary. BEAKCH OFFICE, 27 St. Fraaooii Zavier Btnet, MontrMO. Hon. JofXPH BouRRBT, Chairman; J. G. Macmnzw, Esq., Vice-Chairman ; T. Ramsay, Secretary. THE CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY was organised in Auvaat 1847, cad iMued the (irtt Policy in October of that vear. So inoeeMrul have been lb a ope. ration* of this Company, that at each of it* Annual Mcatinga a Bonui has been declared to the Aaaured. At the laat Meeting, (being the Fifth) held on 3rd Augutt, 18551, the Bonua apportioned wa* eaual to 15 per cent of Iho amount of preniiunii paid up. It is believed that aucb early and continued succeta ia unprecedented in the history of any siiniiar inatitu. tolion, end thi* being the only native Company for Life Anurance, it haa peculiar claims upon Colonial patronage. The following are example* of the rates of premium to afiure £100 at death, with or wilhont prolt* :— Annual Prero- Annual Prem« Annual Premi Annual Preio> Afe ium witb ium witbout Age ium with ium without Profits. Profit*. 40 Frofiu. Profiu. 16 1 8 6 1 6 S 8 1 3 14 1 a 90 1 13 8 1 9 11 46 8 11 R 8 4 il6 1 n 10 1 14 7 60 4 6 S A n 11 80 ■i 4 6 2 3 6S 6 7 R 4 19 u 36 3 11 1 4 3 6 4 60 6 n • 6 » 11 .. .uV*'^f\^"\ *'°""5.°'' PropoM". «nJ all information relating to Life Aiiurance, may be obtained ■I tuher of the above office*, or any of the Company's Agenoie* throujthout the Provlno.! "■""""" MANN ^ moMILLAN, BBHBBAL GLOTHIHB ^ ODTFiniW WABEHOnSVS; J^o 28, McGill Street, Montreal, The same Store so long occnpied by Mr. William Slack. Having commenced the Wholesale and Retail Clothing Business at the abore central and eommodioiu stand, are now prepared to supply Country Merchants, Wholesale Purchasers, and the public generally with every variety of ^ GEIITLEMEII'S AND YOUTH'S GLOTHMG; Snittbis for summer or winter wear, which, being manufactured exprenly far the Cant- man Market, under their superintendence and that of Mr. Cat son, who has, for the last six mrs been foreman with Mr. Slack, whose services and assistance they have engaged will they fe«I confident, be found equal in style, quality and make, to any articles of Ae aama da* •cription to be found in Canada. A choice stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, &c., constantly on hand^ and ciulomer work made to order in the latest and most approved style of farhion, by first rata woikmeF and on short notice, while the prices will be found such as cannot fail to be satisfactory. Country Merchants, Wholesale Purchasers, and all who desire to study In Clothfaig, are requested to cal' and examine. N.B.— The Business at 115 Notre Dame Street, will be continued as hereupon by X>. iftHAMrfk^iiiiii iT^ii^ Sr.flTM'lS^thr,!;!^'*"'!'''!?**.*"'^^^^ »f READt-MADE CLOTH' VBSTINXfcThich TlV.lV,'^^'^^ "' ^^^^^ CLOTHS, CA8SIMERES. * CLOTH AND TRIMMiNQf FURNISHED. _ ^'"' Garmenti cut in the IctMt ityle of Fuhion. toffttl T«ii.|,.«nii •my.rtwiew.n.ntejl to be ,A, 6.,, ^ «, A,W. CiUw. and dUaofen ar« mvitod to call and examine. (ttr Whom«ah PoHOHA«KHa liberally dealt with. .J^ REU OLD ENGLISH ■Bnimi, MS atmi, am wmm, iauso numuini A^OLDSORES, .. HOBSES. And |,1,.» i„K™.l|, |, .ZT^' _ I* » ***«n'od tTcora in all the.e and raady olh^ lO* Pwpaiwd onljr intiu parity in Anwric. bj «wr uweaaafc,, .iov,« ,0 {« WILLIAM E. BOWMAN, -> > Ckemitt, Montreuf. 'MWrt^tf^-?^''*' valuable Medicine. Do not •LING OIL, itfs^ y,w\i ouc0^owie!f or joor .f!r;-M Far^iwae aaj bat B01 DT.MADE CLOTH* 'HS, CA8SIMERES. Meatore in (h« moit irSHED, an, Bntoei, ice., I kind. Citiitipi and 'itb. .^MM.*,.} NGOIL MiloiM Carta of EX. VST,auati«a 5S, RHEUMATIC and siisEQinaim, f it ourea eaatkii;i viam no ta QWMAN, e Medicine, hu not ar» jrooMelf or joar \ WIN. GEINMILL, 11 McGILL STRjfcjET, MONTREAL, band on. of tb« mo«t EXTENSIVE and COM Pt ETE ASSORTMENTS of BBNTLBMENfS, /OinTH'S, AND BOY'S ADY MADE CLOTHING, nn orrBiEO to tu muo. ^Mk^V^^i^^k^./^^^^B'W 'I^m'' T*!?.i?fi«,"i*' ••'■ °'^" roperintendence, expranir for the AN ind AMfeRICAN lVfARKETS,.nd include, the finest de! I uarmenu which can be required by the most faatidious, ■• tfoll aa a for peraona whoae meana are more limited. I (CdDHJMTlRy MElffilHIAOTS, bblio generally, ore invited to call and examine before roakiof their laa the Proprietor believea he can offer ihem advantagea rarely to *- and certainly not to be aurpaased by any similar Eatablisbment k, JW. ROiVAYlVE, Promrletors, «0, MoOm St, corner of St. Joieph St, I(D)1LE§AILIE_A,M© MIETAIIL. — AtlC— A LARGE STOCK OF WEST OF ENBIANB BROAO OOTIS, CASSIHSIUiO I . OOESKINS, TWEEOS, ' LL cloths, 8ATINETT8, VESTINQS, Ac. I made to order, E!eganily-i„ the moat Faahionable Siylee-on Short Notice. BEST GOODS-LOW PRICES^IR DEALING LIBERAL TERMS. '*T' i r-t''. At^>; .■»^; ; ' *^s • i" tonal Loan Fund Lite Assurance Sodetir A PITt/'' ^.W'^"" LONDON ^ OOWeiy^ r^^v^Jit^^j^::^^:^;^^ steehito. • . f M gU«antc.s safety .„ ,1.,: Offioo. 1^3 "mav bf«ffJ''.'»."'"'° " '*'«' « '•'''« "f e""'.!- J ^rW, ege af actinfir on li.e Loan Fund, or w.Uio.^^L. ^^•?''"* '" '"'""' '^'»y« : Wi hTtal tffoi of years, &c *^ ' ^^ ■"'• ''•"■Jearljr, or quarl^rly_n»r UC o, rnr*^ d Policic. will hereafter bo issued cntillino- tl,P .... * • * . I p«ml.jn,, x.r at any future period to b^ ?„VLT"'f ' "'""''" "' "" Pa>«ienVof Jji krA P»r Will the policy (the only security! be Required .o hK".""'"' P"""""' ^ «&i,o - Wtll be endorsed tliercon. The assured can^T . •* ''^^"' '*'"' "''e tecietr/ as e«ciri,«»! to «oh pol...y „ known actual cash value. ^ Premiums paid therein, thus e "i,^ Apphcanlaaro nil charged for the Medir.l r. • • • « "'"K ' Agencies are est«Dli,he^,hrouS,utthrc^^^^^^^ ' ' «. Joi-*^'^"^- ^ff"'"' *'• <^- Hi"- "^""^"^ y- C- Kinnear, Hon. S. Cunard, J. Tremin rr pVV'i.'rri?otl'T^V^'''**"VJ»« ~" "•"•••• ■^■•"aa, Hon. (J. F. Bei The Equitable Rri Insurance Oompanv L the Icndiug prinefple. „f this office aro.iSe^te L P . ,? ^^ ^ ^ ' I e.Jr!,..„rmk_Annual Division of pSii^ "d Equitable Rates of Prcmiuni ft-rj |WUh this view an annual investigation will K« « J -^ """^ -""""O-- "^m!S;SZ5~^-.---^ -^.^ ■ut ijeducti^on or discount. '"^""^'*""" ''i"'nd""em*n,. Lcm.rs n.adc- good wi. ^ ,AJr«ne.es are CBtablUhed IhroughouL the Colonies • MUmmt^Wm I «nn J r ^* 'GONIAL LOCAL DlRECTOns. — "--f^j.""*!-^' •"• ^'"an*- Hon. T. H knriUiKl r t ' . '' "S""i r* ° Offieer^MoHtreal. v«»nior. ojna* "■ood-- r ** »«'" :l>^- ,.!.-. ^