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 This guide to the city and its environs is pre- 
 sented l).v the Tourist Assodntion of Victoria in the 
 hope that it will aid the visitor in "making his way 
 pbout," and seeing some of the many places and 
 ngs that are worth seeing. 
 Any information not found in the guide will he 
 cheerfully furnished on applitii ion at the Associa- 
 tion's Rooms. No. .'^4 Fort Street, where a free 
 Information Bu»"'au is maintained. 
 You are cordially invited to call at the Awocia- 
 tion's Rooms. No. ?A Port Street, where ladies and 
 gentlemen will find many conveniences provided for 
 their use. 
 Very often a person arriving in a ' -Hy is 
 at n loss regarding the points of the io it 
 may be explained that the general . A the 
 shore line of Victoria Harbor is north uii.l outh. 
 Government and parallel stroots run north and 
 sonth; Yates, Port. .Tohnson, etc., mn east and 
 west. The Parliament Buildings stand at the sonth 
 end of the harbor, facing north. 
 The central point at which to take street cars is 
 the junction of Government and Yates streets. 
 Cars for Victoria West and Esquimau leave 
 there every 15 minutes from 6 a. m. until 11:30 
 p. m. -week days, and from 9 a. m. to lOr.'W) p. m. 
CAR SERVICE (Continued) 
 Fort Strppt carB. which nin to the Royal Jubilee 
 IIo' jiital and Oak Bay. run every Ifi minutes from 
 (I a.m. to ll:ir» p.m. weeii ilays, ami I) a.m. ti> 
 1ii:m» p.m. Sundays. If g(.>inK to Oal< Bay, asl< 
 for transfer. 
 Bear-on Hill and Spring Ridjce cars ,tnke south- 
 bound car for Beacon Hill Parkt leave every 20 
 minutes from «:15 a. m. until 11:35 p. m.: Sundays 
 from n:in a. m. until 10:15 p. m. Beacon Hill 
 (south-hound) cars pass Parliament Buildings; 
 north-hound cars run to fSorge Road and Burn- 
 side Road. 
 Outer Wharf and Douglas Street cars run every 
 LN» minutes from fi:05 a.m. until 11:25 p.m.: Sun- 
 days. 0:05 a. m. until 10:;{0 p. m. Outer Wharf 
 i«outh-bound) cars pass Parliament Buildings. 
 \orth-houiid cars run to Spring Ridge. From the 
 Outer Wharf one may walk along the sea-coast to 
 Beacon Hill Park, a delightful promenade and ad- 
 mirably suited to bicycling. 
 the finest in Canada. Contain four distinct 
 museums, viz., Natural History, Mineralogical, Agri- 
 cultural and Historical ; a fine library and read- 
 jug room and a historical picture gallery. The 
 view from the dome is one to be remembered; 
 <lo not fail to see it. On the lawn in front 
 stands n monument to Sir James Douglas, 
 first governor of British Columbia. An heroic 
 figure of Vancouver surmounts the dome. Imme- 
 diately west of the Parliament Buildings is the 
 Drill Hall and armories of the Fifth Regiment, 
 Royal Canadian Artillery. 
 Leaving the Parliament Buildings, five minutes' 
 walk, via Birdcage Walk and Superior Street East 
 brings one to 
 acknowlpdKfil to ho one of the fippst natiirn] plpa<i- 
 iire j;roiiiHl8 in North Anicric-a. It rontnins alioiit 
 :j<M> acres of wooillatitl, uplands miiiI iiioailow, divor- 
 fiititMl hy hUuhj walks ami drivi's, artiticial lakfs and 
 imi-tcrri's of Howt-rs. Tliere is an intcn'stiiiK tnllt'c- 
 tion of native tiirds ami iininial«<, a liear-pit ami a 
 •leer p.irk. Beacon Hill, where tiie tall tla»:statT 
 stands, coniniands a niaKiiitiicnt vIl^w of the Straits 
 of San Jnan tie I'liea, the Olympian Alonntains. 
 Minint Kaker, Itai-e Kocks, Clover I'oint, when. 
 Van<<>nver lirsl landed, and other striking olijeets 
 uf natural beauty. 
 Is an extension of Victoria Ilarlior, aliout four 
 miles in length. To thoroughly enjoy its beauties one 
 should take a rowboat, naphtha or steam launch, 
 and make a leisurely triii to its extreme northern 
 end, where the old buildings of the Hudson's Bay 
 Company's trading post are still standing. 
 AlKiut midway of its length Victoria Arm nar- 
 rows to a gorge, through which the tide-waters 
 rush at certain stages with torrent-like velocity, 
 forming a reversible fall. Strangere are warned 
 not to attempt the passage of the Gorge in sma'.l 
 boats, when the water is at all rough. The safe 
 w.ny is to laud and guide the boat up or down the 
 Street cars run to Esquimau, which is the 
 station for the British North Pacific Squadron. One 
 may also go by carriage, a plensant drive of four 
 miles through Victoria West. The points of inter- 
 est at Esquimau are the British warships, the navy 
 yard. Imperial dock yard, and the beautiful ecenery 
 of Esquimau Harbor and the Royal Roads. On 
 the road one passes the Work Point Barracks, 
 where the Imperial troops are quartered. Row- 
 boats and launches may be engaged at Esquimau 
 by which to visit the warships. There are extensive 
 fortifications uear Efiqnimalt, but these are not oi)pn 
 to visitors. 
 n r. 
 with its Krnnd sv\f>pp of slutro line, l)rokpii by niKKed 
 proiiioiitorips, and a iiiaKnificpnt viow xpaward, is a 
 deliKhtrui place itt wliith to spt-nd lui iiftornitnn. 
 Howhoats may lie hirt>d at Oak Hay. Tlic Kolf linliK 
 arc a few uiiniitivi' wallv friMii tite stj.ei tar Ut- 
 niinus. Take Fort Street ears lor Oak Hay. 
 Tliis fine institution, luiiit l>y tlie iieopic of Vic- 
 toria to conunenior.'ic tlic «ii\tietti jiihilee of Her 
 Majesty Queen Victoria, is be.-iutifully situated on 
 Cadltoro B.iy Road, and may lie reached l»y the Fort 
 Street cars. 
 is another welI-e(|uip|M>d estahlixhmeut for the sick, 
 conducted J»y the yisters of St. Ann. It is situated 
 on llumliohk Street, a few minutes' walk from 
 Government Street via Belleville Street East. 
 On Belleville Street, facing James Bay (which is 
 now iu course of reclamation) stands the residence 
 (tf Sir James Douglas, the first governor of British 
 Columbia, one of the few landmarks remaining of 
 the old colonial days. 
 One of the chief charme of Victoria ig the fact 
 that it possesses no "West End," in the common 
 acceptntion of the term. Stately mansions and 
 beautiful bouses are seen in the most unexpected 
 places, so that one must travel the city from centre 
 to circumference in every direction to appreciate its 
 wealth of attractions. 
 The Chinese quarter of Victoria, east of Govern- 
 ment Street, between Cormorant and Fisguard 
 Streets, with its joss-house, tneatre and queer-look- 
 ing stores (filled with all kinds of Oriental goods, 
 filionld be seen by every visitor. 
 DallaH Hoad and Uh continuation. Ocean Avenue, 
 t«](irtinK the sea-coaNt f»r lOur milen, foruiH one of 
 the most henutiful driveH imnginahle l»y carriage or 
 wheel. The route would be (Government Street 
 south, Bellenlle Street, DallnH Hoad, Oceau Avenue 
 to Oak Bay, thence hy Oak Bay Avenue and Fort 
 Street to Government Strwt. Thi» drive takes one 
 past R(»8 Bay Cemetery. Other driv. h are: Doug- 
 las Street, Oorge Road and CraiKflower Road; 
 Cedar Hill nml Mount Tolniic; Victoria West and 
 EH(iuimalt; Cadhoro Bay; Cordova Bay; Hntley 
 Park and William Head; Metchowin; (Joldstream; 
 Royal Oak, Sannich and Sidney. 
 There are boat-houses along the wnter front and 
 at Esquiiualt and Oak Bay, where rowing, sail- 
 boats and launches may be hired by the dny or hour 
 at reasonable rates. 
 Fly-fishing and trolling may be enjoyed in the 
 upper harbor and in the Straits along the Dallas 
 Road, and off Macaulay Point and Esquimalt. Full 
 information regarding fishing will be furnished at the 
 Tourist Association Bureau. 34 Fort Street. 
 The Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway runs regular 
 and excursion trains to Goldstream, Shawnigau 
 Lake, Duncnn«, iLady^mitli, Nanaimo and inter- 
 mediate points. The Company also runs steamers 
 from Victoria to Nanaimo and Comox, touching nt 
 interp'cdiate points. 
 The Victoria & Sidney Railway runs to Saanich 
 and Sidney, connecting nt the latter with steamer 
 to Islands and Mainland points as far as Nanaimo. 
 Both these companies afford delightful tripe 
 through most picturesque and interesting scenes. 
 Banks — Canadian Bank 
 nient Street; Bunk of Montr 
 Royal Bank of Cannia, Go< 
 of British North America, 
 Bank, Government Street. 
 Bureau of Information — 
 Board of Trade — Bastic 
 City Hall — Douglas Stre 
 Court HoH«e — Bastion S 
 Churches — Christ Chun 
 of England); St. Andreii 
 St. Andrew's Presbyterian 
 Metropolitan Methodist ; 
 of England): St. BarnnI 
 land); Church of Our Lk 
 pal); Congregational; Calv 
 Hospitals — Royal Jubilef 
 Post Otflce and Caston 
 Express Offlcea — Domin 
 Streets; Great Northern, ' 
 Northern Pacific, 104% Gov 
 Fraternal Societies — A, 
 Street, near Blanchard; Odd 
 Street; Knight* of Pythii 
 A. F. & A. M. Hall, Douglas 
 Street; Trades and Labor I 
 sou Streets. 
 Social Clubs — Union, Ba 
 Athletic — James Bay At 
 toria Athletic Association; 1 
 elation; Victoria West AthI 
 iD Bank of ComniJTce. dovirn- 
 of Moutreal. Uorerument Street; 
 in<la, Oove'-'inifnt Strt>et; Bank 
 kmerioa, ^ate« Street; MoIhoub 
 mation — 34 Fort Street. 
 — Bastion Street 
 glaa Street. 
 bastion Street. 
 It Church Cathedral (Church 
 Andrew's (Uoraan Catholic); 
 Bbyterian; First Presbyterian; 
 lodist ; St. James' (Church 
 Barnabas (Church of En>r- 
 Our Lord (Reformed Episco- 
 al; Calvary Baptist; Emmtiuuel 
 il Jubilee, St. Joseph's. Marine. 
 Customs House, Government 
 — Dominion, Fort and ju. id 
 ►rthem, 7£ Government Street; 
 )4% Government Street. 
 ies — A. O. U. W. Hall, Yates 
 ird; Odd Fellows' Hall, Douglas 
 f Pythias Hall, Broad Street; 
 , Douglas Street, corner Fisguard 
 Labor Hall, Douglas and John- 
 nion. Badminton, Pacific. 
 Bay Athletic Association; Vic- 
 iation; Fern wood Athletic Asso- 
 ^est Athletic Aesociatlon. 
 1502 — Juan de Fuca dtacovered the atraits be- 
 tween Vancouver laland and the Mainland. 
 1774 — Juan Peres anchored in Nootka Sound, 
 west coast of Vancouver Island. 
 1778 — Captain James Cook visited Nootka 
 1792 - Captain George Vancouver circumnavi- 
 gated Vancouver Island. 
 1842— F losuu establiithed by the Hud- 
 eon's Bay 'uy. The name was changed to 
 Fort Albert, > finally to Victoria. 
 1849 — Vancouver Island proclaimed a British 
 colony, with Richard Blaushard as governor. 
 1856 — First Legislature of Vancouver Island 
 met at Victoria, August 12. 
 1858 — Vancouver Island and British Cohimbia 
 amalgamated as one colony. 
 1871 — British Columbia admitted as a province 
 of the Dominion of Canada. 
 1887 — Canadian Pacific Railway completed from 
 Montreal to Vancouver. 
 Charlefl Hayward, Mayor of the City of Victoria 
 L. G. McQuade, President Victoria Board of Trat^c, 
 D. R. Ker, President Brackman-Ker Milling Co. 
 A. B. Eraser, Sr., Hon. Treasurer 
 W. G. Cameron, Alderman E. E. Blackwood 
 Anton Henderson James Forman Stephen Jones 
 Frank I. Clarke, Secretary 
 Herbert Cuthbert, Travelling Representative 