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 The Narrative of the Captivity 
 1788, OK Thos. Kidout, afterwards Surveyor-Generai. ok Upper 
 Canada; and a Vocabulary, Compiled by him, ok 
 the Shawanese Language. 
 4'^ a 3 

 t ^ 
 ->- V- 
 o Bn 
 Entered according to the Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thous- 
 and eight hundred and ninety, by William Briggs, in the office of the 
 Minister of Agriculture, at Ottawa. 
 Frontispiece, Portrait of Tlios G. Ridout.. 
 Thomas Ridout — Arrival in America — Adventures there — 
 Captivity among Indians — Escape to Detroit — Journey 
 to Montreal — Appointment to office — Removal to 
 Newark— York in 1800 
 »VT"8!Wy TW " ■WW 
 •, .'1 
 ^ k\j y LI 
 luc wpper vvaiiacia, taken in March, 
 Voyage to England, 1809 — Fever in York — Public Library — 
 Mr. Jackson's pamphlet - Joseph Willcocks — Rogers — 
 '^ "tv balls — D. W. Smitli — Perils of crossing the 
 o*. an — Mr. Small and Mr. Boulton taken prisoners — 
 Montreal, 1811— 4l8t Regiment, Colonel Sheaffe— Trip 
■ 9 
 O 3/-] 
 Entered according to the Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thous- 
 and eight hundred and ninety, by William Briggs, in the office of the 
 Minister of Agriculture, at Ottawa. 
 For the word "September," where it occui's on page 245, 
 read "October." 
 Frontispikce, Portrait of Thos G. Ridout.. 
 Thomas Ridout — Arrival in America — Adventures there — 
 Captivity among Indians — Escape to Detroit — Journey 
 to Montreal — Appointment to office — Removal to 
 Newark— York in 1800 
 Society events in York — Major Shank — Queen s Rangers — 
 Cornwall School, 1806 — Studies and amusements — 
 Political news from York — An election — Mr. Weekes — 
 Mr. Thorpe — Cornwall School, 1807 — Dr. Strachan — 
 Mr. Wyatt — The post — The weather — American 
 News — European news — Number of inhabitants, Home 
 District — Province Upper Canada, taken in March, 
 Voyage to England, 1809 — Fever in York — Public Library — 
 Mr. Jackson's pamphlet - Joseph Willcocks — Rogers — 
 Party balls — D. W. Smith — Perils of crossing the 
 ocean — Mr. Small and Mr. Boulton taken prisoners — 
 Montreal, 1811— 41st Regiment, Colonel Sheaffe— Trip 
 from Montreal — Quebec, 1811 — Preparations for war 
 — Fortifications — Shipping — Market— Colonel Shank — 
 Dr. Macaulay — The Press Gang — Off the Brandy Potts 
 — The Fleet — York — Attorney-General Firth— Mr. 
 Miles Jackson — No money in York — School aftairs — 
 Students-at-Law 28-44 
 Arrival at Plymouth — Ships of War — Prizes — News from 
 London — The King— Stage coach to London — Exeter 
 — Courtenay Castle — Dorsetshire — Liddon Down — 
 — Fields of wheat — Roman highways — Dorchester — 
 Wilts — FSagshot Heath — London Town — Letters de- 
 livered—Stagnation of commerce — St Paul's — George 
 III. — His treatment — Prince Regent — Lord Grosvenor 
 — Hanging for Forgery — Mr. Sadler's balloon — Letter 
 from York — Captain Gore — Duke of Manchester — 
 Plan of Survey starting on Kempenfeldt Bay — Deaths 
 in York — Rev. Mr. Stuart — Miles Jackson — Lieutenant- 
 Governor Gore — Good advice — Attorney-General Firth 
 — The Indians — No money in Upper Canada — Govern- 
 ment Bills 45-56 
 Description of London — Trade — No coin — Guineas sold to 
 the French — Pressing seamen — An adventure — Nearly 
 caught — Lottery office — Mr. Firth — Mr. Jackson — 
 Non-importation law — Prince Regent — His friends- 
 Letter from York— Lieutetiant-Governor Gore — No 
 news of Solicitor-General Boulton — Letter from Mr. 
 Franklin — Earl of Moira — ^Mr. Strachan — John Mc- 
 Donell — General Brock — London dinner.? — Mr. Mariott 
 — Mr. Russell — Bonaparte — His crown — Mr. Prince 
 — East India Co. auctions — Smuggling — West India 
 sugar — Tobacco — Bank of England — Woolwich — 
 Colonel Pilkington— D. W. Smith 57-70 
 London, 1811 — H. J. Boulton — Alex. McDonell — News 
 from York — North-West Co. — Attorney-General Firth 
 — Solicitor-General Boulton — No hope of release — Gov- 
 ernor Gore — Covent Garden — Kenible — Mrs. Siddons — 
 Description of Thea. — The Tragedy, "Pizarro" — Mrs. 
 Siddons' voice— The Lord Mayor's Show — The Proces- 
 sion — The Pageant on the Thames — The Strand Bridge 
 — Drury Lane— Extent of London — Letter from York 
 — Battle on the Wabash — President Brock— His orders 
 for Surveys — Mr. Strachan — Difficulties in obtaining a 
 Rector for York — The Prince Regent's proposal — 
 Writing, New Method — General Brock's intentions — 
 York, Head-Quarters — Plans for buildings — Governor 
 Gore — Judge Campbell — Letter from Bristol — Bruton, 
 1812 — Alex. Selkirk's grave — Sir Richard Hoare's 
 estate — Silk mills — Longleat — Beckford's Tower — 
 Shepton Mallet— Cloth weaving — Wells — The Cathe- 
 dral — Glastonbury — The Abbey — The Miraculous 
 Thorn Bush — The ruins — French prisoners — Sher- 
 bourne — Cadbury Camp — The Pen Pitts — Alfred's 
 Tower — Stowey — Enmore Castle —Taunton — Bristol — 
 An election meeting 71-88 
 Bristol — Jacobs' Glass Manufactory — The Play — Braham — 
 His songs — King's Staffordshire Ware — Process of 
 manufacture — Bath — A gay place — London — Price of 
 Canadian flour — Timber — Rate of freight— Journey to 
 Oxford— Dr. Jenner's house — Berkeley Castle — The 
 Dungeon — Curious furnitui'e — Gloucester — The Cathe- 
 dral — The Oxford coach — General Le ITovre — Oxford- - 
 Wadham College — Christ College — Radcliff Library — 
 Magdalen College — -Oriel College — Queen's College — 
 High Street — Dinner in Hall— Chapel — The Museum. 
 chapter viii. 
 london and woolwich. 
 Covent Garden — Ridsdale Hamilton and Coltman — Lieu- 
 tenant-Governor Gore — Hi.s London house — News from 
 York — Mr. Firth — Governor Gore's opinion of Canada 
 — Riots in England-- The Cause — The Play — Lord 
 Mayor's ball — Canadian aOairs — H. J. Boulton — Mr. 
 Firth — The Canadian prisoners in France — News from 
 York — English politics — Price of Flour — Joseph Will- 
 cocks — Highgate — Spencer Perceval — Trade news — 
 Execution of Belliimliam- 
 -A London rout — Kensing- 
 ton Gardens — Prospect of war with the States — Wool- 
 wich—Colonel Pilkingtou 104-124 
 Causes of War — Orders in Council — Right of Search — 
 American .sympathy with France — Population of 
 Canada and United States — Number of regular troops 
 — Militia Act — Voltigour.s — Uniform — Letter of Lieu- 
 tenant Ridout — Preparations for war — York Volun- 
 teers — An election, 1812 — War declared 
 DETROIT, 1S12. 
 Map showing Baltle-Ground . . opp. 
 American plan of attack — General IJrock's lirst orders — 
 Michillimackinac — Surrender of the fort — The Indian 
 allies — Tecumseh — General Hull — Crossing to Canada 
 — His proclamation — Colonel Proctor — Skirmishes — 
 General lluil's withdrawal — Parliam»'!it at York — 
 General Crock's address — The reply — OtV to the war — 
 Brock's l(old plan — Fort Detroit — Demand for sur- 
 render — Hull's reply — Preparations for assault— Fire 
 from battery— Surrender — Spoils of war — Description 
 of Brock's appearance — Impressive scene — General 
 Brock's return — Arrival at York — Addresses of Wel- 
 come — The Armistice — Renewal of hostilities. 
 Brock's forces — York Volunteers — 13th October, Battle of 
 Queenston Heights — Letter of a York Volunteer — 
 General Brock — His last ride — The ambushed Ameri- 
 cans — Capture of battery— General Brock's rally — His 
 death — Heroic advance of Volunteers — Repulse — 
 Colonel McDonell's death — General SheafFe's arrival — 
 More American troops — SheafFe's attack — Reinforce- 
 ments for Canadians — Rout of Americans — Dreadful 
 slaughter — The flag of truce — Surrender of American 
 army — 900 prisoners — The honour roll — Bombardment 
 of Fort Niagara — Its evacuation — Letter from Lieuten- 
 ant Ridout— The Burial of Brock lis 1 GO 
 Sheaffe's armistice — Another invasion—General Smythe's 
 army — Crossing at Black Rock — Battery taken by 
 Americans — Charge of Volunteers — Recapture of bat 
 tery — Retreat of enemy — General Smytlie's pusillani- 
 mity — Invasion abandoned — Army of the Nortii — En- 
 gagement at Lacolle— The enemy's mistake — Americans 
 retire to Plattsburg — Results of first campaign — Meet- 
 ing of Parliament — Letter from York — The lio/jal 
 George — Great preparations tn* next campaign — 
 Americal naval force- 
 -B^'igates building at York. 
 Position of invading armies — Frenchtown — Captui'o of 
 General Winchester — Proctor's success — The St. La-./- 
 rencefrontier — Takingof Ogdensburg — Col. McDouell- - 
 Parliament at York — General SheaflFe's address — Open- 
 of navigation — Expedition against York — Its defen- 
 ders — Humber Bay— Landing of Americans — Hot fight 
 — Sheaffe's retreat — Explosion of Magazine — Death of 
 General Pike — Americans take possession of town — 
 Prisoners of war — Letter from Thomas G. Ridout — 
 York after capitulation 172-186 
 General Dearborn's army — Off to Niagara — American force 
 —Fort George — Arrival of Chauncey — Bombardment 
 of Fort George — The attack — The evacuation — The re- 
 treat — Burlington Heights — Sir James Yeo — General 
 Prevost— Sackett's Harbour — Failure of attack — The 
 Niagara Frontier — American pursuit — Arrival at 
 Stoney Creek — Harvey's plan — The midnight attack — 
 Charge with the bayonets — Surprise of Americans — 
 Their defeat — Retreat — Vincent's report — Flight of 
 Americans — Booty taken — General Dearborn's posi- 
 tion — Another reverse for him — Beaver Dams — Laura 
 Secord — Her warning — Fitzgibbon's ruse — Boerstler's 
 surrender — Attack on Fort Schlosser — Attack on 
 Black 1 ; ock — Stores captured - Colonel Bishopp's death. 1 87-202 
 Letters from camp — ,A skirmish at Niagara — Chauncey's 
 fleet — Unsuccessful attempt on Burlington Heights — 
 Second capture of York — Burning the barracks — Fire 
 seen from Niagara — Americans cooped in Fort George — 
 Mr. Ilidout's diary — Movements of fleet— Two Ameri- 
 can vessels sink — Two are captured — Another skirmish 
 at Niagara — Colonel Harvey's exploit — Camp at Four- 
 Mile Creek— Foraging for supplies — Unwelcome visit- 
 ors — Sickness of army 203-213 
 General Proctor — The Detroit frontier — Fort Meigs — 
 Slaughter of American troops — Indian atrocities — 
 Sandusky — Fleet on Lake Erie — Barclay and Perry — 
 10th September — Barclay's defeat — Important results 
 — Gloom and consternation through Canada — -Letters 
 from camp at Niagara — Sickness and desertion. 
 After Barclay's defeat — General Harrison's advance — 
 Tecumseh's advice — Proctor's panic — Battle of the 
 Thames — Proctor's flight — Spoils of Americans — Fall 
 of Tecumseh — His body not found — His burial-place 
 not known 229-236 
 Letter from Burlington Heights — Gloomy times — Proctor's 
 retreat — Proposed attack on Montreal— General Wilkin- 
 son's plans— The Niagara peninsula in peril — McClure 
 at Fort George — Raids on inhabitants -Wilkinson's 
 army — The descent of the St. Lawrence — An Invincible 
 Armada — Letter from Kingston — Defeat of Hampton 
 at Chateauguay — Morrison's march — Wilkinson's letter 
 — Hampton's reply — Letter from Prescott — Battle of 
 Chrysler's field— Lieutenant-Colonel Harvey's letter — 
 Defeat of Americans — Letter from Montreal — With- 
 drawal of American army from Canada '237-2^)7 
 General Druramond's arrival— Effect of Wilkinson's defeat 
 — General McClure abandons Fort George — Burning of 
 Newark — Colonel Murray's advance — 18th December 
 — Taking of Fort Niagara — Retaliation — Desolation 
 of frontier — Taking of Buffalo — Its total destruction — 
 Results of campaign of 1813— Victory for Canadians. 258-264 
 The veteran troops — The American Generals — Meeting of 
 Parliament at York — Congratulatory speech — Review 
 of campaign by General Drummond — Two renegade 
 members — Letter from Quebec — Letter from Prescott 
 — Supplies for army — Cattle from the States — Colonel 
 Chapin — Letter from York — Letter from Cornwall — 
 Wilkinson's movements — Sherwood's raid — Letter from 
 Cornwall — Rations — The fight at Lacolle — Wilkinson's 
 discomfiture — Letter from York— The (Canadian fleet — 
 Letter from Cornwall — Movement of troops — Commis- 
 sariat expenditure — Navigation opened — Attack on 
 Oswego — Letter from York — Letter from Cornwall — 
 Prices of Provisions 265-282 
 American plans for c.unpaign — Commands of Secretary of 
 War — Attack and capture of Fort Erie — Advance on 
 Chippewa — l^attle there — Defeat of Canadians — Gen- 
 eral Riair.s retreat — Arrival of Wounded at York — 
 Letter from York — Desci'iption of battle — Gloomy 
 prospects — After the battle — Americans advance on 
 Queenston — Raids on inhabitants — Burning of St. 
 David's — l>rown's disappointment — Non-arrival of 
 Chaunoey — Americans retire to Chippewa — General 
 Riall's troops — Arrival of General , Drummond at Nia- 
 gara — Disposition of troops — Advance of Generals 
 Drummond and Uiall — Luiidy's Lane— The struggle for 
 the hill — A fight in the dark — Fearful carnage — The 
 Americans retire — Drummond's report — Brown's re- 
 port — Letter from York, 2nd August 
 After the battle — The Airericausin Fort Erie — Strengthen- 
 ing the works — Genei i Drumiuond's plans — A night 
 assault — An entrance effected — Lieutenant-Colonel 
 Drummond — His heroism — The fatal explosion — Killed 
 and wounded — Letter from York — The defenceless 
 town — The enemy's vessels — An attack expected — 
 News from Mackinaw 
 302 316 
 Letters from Cornwall — Lake Champlain — Sir George Pre- 
 vost's plans — Great preparations — His advance on 
 Plattsburg — His fatal delay — The battle on Lake Cham- 
 plain— Capture of the British fleet — Retreat of General 
 Prevost — Failure of expedition 317-326 
 After Plattsburg — Americans elated — The Niagara frontier 
 — Generals Brown, Porter, Ripley — Sortie from Fort 
 Erie — Attack on Canadian 1 latteries — Repulse of 
 Americans — The rainy season — Retirement to winter 
 quarters — December, 1814 — Treaty of Ghent— Peace, 
 February, 1815 31 
 Portrait of Hon. Thomas Ridout opp. 339 
 Tlioraas Ridout's journey from Annapolis to Fort Pitt, 1787 
 — Letters of introduction from General Washington, 
 General Lee, Colonel Marshall — Over the Alleghanies by 
 Braddock's trail — Arrival rt Fort Pitt — Starts *or Ken- 
 tucky, March, 1788— The River Ohio— Wheeling— Fort 
 Harnier — Limestone — On the way to the Falls of Ohio 
 — The Indians appear — The attack — The capture — The 
 other captives — Devoted to death — A night of anguish 
 — The next morning — Mr. Ridout's life spared-- The 
 march — A friend in need — The great Miami — The en- 
 campment — Nenessica — On the way again — A painful 
 march — Arrival at the village — Strange ceremony — 
 The reception — Kakinathucca — Metsigemewa — 
 Altowesa — Another journey — A novel dress — Through 
 the forest — To the Wabash — The Council — Life or 
 death — To be ransomed — The little books — An Indian 
 vocabulary—On the march again — The White river — 
 Another prisoner — ^His fate — Death by torture — 
 Blood-thirsty Indians — In great danger— To Detroit on 
 horseback — Enemies in pursuit — Saved by the squaws 
 — Blue Jacket — Great Snake^Another Council — 
 Saved again— Arrival at Fort Miami — Kind reception 
 — (in the Miami river — Arrival at Detroit — Captain 
 McKee — 53rd Regiment — Fort Erie, 1788 — Arrival at 
 Montreal — Fate of other prisoners ....... 339-375 
 Map (1788) showing Routes before and after Capture . opp, 344 
 Fac-simile of Letter of George Washington ...... 372 
 Letter from Marquis de Lafayette '>>, . . 373 
 Letters from General Harry Lee \ . 373-374 
 A Vocabulary of the Shawanese Language 376-381 
 Index \: 382 
 DAETLY to interest the members of a family, and 
 ^ partly for the sake of preserving, for future his- 
 torians of Canada, some additional records of a memor- 
 able time, the publication of these letters was taken 
 in hand. If the explanatory notes have grown to a 
 modest volume, it is because it is thought that the 
 reader may, perhaps, share the absorbing interest the 
 writer felt in tracing the historical bearing of the in- 
 cidents referred to in the letters. They range over a 
 period from 1805 to 1815, and give a faithful picture 
 of an epoch of Canadian History, which, overshadowed 
 as it was at the time by the great events then passing 
 in Europe, has now a deeper significance for us Cana- 
 dians than the contemporary triumphs of Salanumca 
 and Waterloo. 
 The earlier letters are simple ones, written by 
 school-boys to their father, with his replies ; but so 
 small was society in Upper Canada, that almost all the 
 names mentioned are, in some way or other, interwo- 
 ven v/ith its history. 
 The letters from England in 1811, and 1812 are 
 placed in the collection because they relate to the state 
 of affairs there, and bring vividly before us the condi- 
 tion of both England and Canada, just prior to the de- 
 claration of war by the United States. The pictures 
 these letters give of the times in which they are written 
 are the impressions of u, youth striving to chronicle for 
 father and mother, in distant Canada, events of the 
 great world beyond the sea. 
 We see London in the days of the Eegency, when 
 ISapoleon ruled Europe, and Wellington was earning 
 his first laurels, when Siddons still reigned at Drury 
 Lane, and Scott and Byron walked through London 
 Now and then flit across the pages the names of the 
 great personages of the day, and Yauxhall is lighted up 
 at a birthday fete for the Duke of Clarence, and the 
 little Princess Charlotte drives through Kensington 
 Gardens on a Sunday afternoon ; and there are a Lord 
 Mayor's show, and a Mansion House ball, and many 
 other festivities, which, to a young Canadian whose 
 life had been spent in " Little York," seemed very 
 wonderful. We are told, too, of the famine and dis- 
 tress that then prevailed in England from the stoppage 
 of the trade of the country, and of the smothered dis- 
 content of the people at the Ministry of the day, whose 
 " Orders in Council," they thought, had caused the 
 Then the scene changes, and the next letters are 
 full of details of battles fought and hardships endured, 
 when Canada was a battle-lield, and the whole land 
 from the St. Clair to Quebec was in peril. 
 There is so much to be proud of in the war of 1812, 
 that its events cannot be too strongly dwelt upon ; not 
 in order to stir up old animosities, nor to revive a spirit 
 of antagonism towards our kin beyond the border, but 
 to inspire every Canadian with a feeling of pride in 
 bis country, and of grateful admiration for those who 
 saved the land in its hour of need. 
 As we have reached the last decade of our century, 
 it is well to look back on those footprints stained with 
 blood, that marked its beginning?. The shores of Lake 
 Erie, of Huron, and of Ontario, the banks of the 
 Niagara and the St. Lawrence, are full of associations 
 for those who have followed the fortunes of the little 
 band of heroes, that for three years held the frontier 
 against enormous odds. Every home in the land gave 
 husband, or brother, or son, to the country's service, 
 and had it not been for the martial spirit aroused in 
 the people, the efforts of the small body of regular 
 soldiers then in Canada, would have been useless. 
 It is not intended in this chronicle to give a minute 
 history of the war, which would include many other 
 gallant fights on land and sea. 
 The public events, described in the letters, form the 
 thread of the story, and lead us on from scene to 
 scene, in the tangled web of the drama ol " The Three 
 Years' War." 
 The details given in the letters are the more valu- 
 able, because, of that time there are but few contem- 
 porary records preserved. There was no daily paper 
 then, no local reporter to picture each passing event. 
 There are but few survivors now of those who bore a 
 part in the gallant deeds, and bitter trials, that distin- 
 guished the first years of this century in Canada. 
 " Here is the land, 
 Shaggy with wood, 
 With its old valley, 
 Mound, and flood, 
 But the heritors ! 
 Fled like the flood's foam." 
; I 
 It has been a labour of love to collect these memo- 
 rials of an honoured father. Perhaps their publication 
 may lead other descendants of the pioneers of this 
 country to search in dusty boxes, and ancient desks, 
 for other records of these " days that are no more." 
 "The great eventful Present hides the Past; but through the din 
 Of its loud life, hints and echoes from the life behind ■steal in. " 
 Thomas Kidout, to or by whom the greater part of 
 these letters was written, settled w^ith his family in 
 York, now Toronto, in 1797, and was therefore identi- 
 Hed with the place from its earliest years. He was an 
 Englishman by birth, from Sherbourne, Dorsetshire, 
 where his forefathers had lived peaceful and unevent- 
 ful lives. An elder brother of his had emigrated to 
 Maryland in the old colonial days, had acquired a large 
 property there, and also held an important position 
 in the Government of that State. To this brother, 
 Thomas, then twenty years of age, was sent in the year 
 1774. Of perils by land and perils by sea, during the 
 stormy days of the Revolution, the young man had 
 his full share, and a quaint account of bis many adven- 
 tures is still preserved in his own handwriting. 
 The obnoxious *' tea duty " was still unrepealed, and 
 in Boston and other colonial ports, scenes of riot and 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 violence occurred whenever a tea cargo arrived. Mr. 
 Ridout's first danger on landing arose from tlie '* tea 
 duty," and is told in his diary in the following lan- 
 guage :— 
 I took leave of my parents for the last time and 
 embarked in the Downs, the 4th September, 1774, for 
 New York, where I arrived after seven weeks' passage. 
 In this vessel went also, as passenger, the merchant 
 who had shipped, a few weeks before, some tea to 
 Annapolis, in Maryland, against the express rules of 
 the Convention, then sitting at Annapolis. His anxiety 
 on his arrival was, I perceived, very great, but two days 
 passing away, and hearing no news of his tea, he 
 flattered himself that all things were well. The arrival 
 of the post, however, undeceived him. He learned 
 that his tea and vessel had been burnt by an enraged 
 populace, and that in consequence of it his life was in 
 danger. In an hour's time New York was in quest of 
 him. He escaped, but I was in danger of feeling the 
 effects his indiscretion, to say no worse of it; for hav- 
 ing, since our arrival, been always in his company, and 
 lodging together, I was by many looked on as an 
 accomplice, and, as such, was forbidden entrance to 
 the house where I lodged. A gentleman, Hugh Wal- 
 lace, who was a member of the King's Council, and an 
 acquaintance of my brother, hearing of my arrival, pro- 
 tected me, and by his attentions I was secured from 
 His Maryland brother provided him with capital to 
 engage in trade with the West Indies and France ; 
 sugar, tobacco and wine were his merchandise, and 
 Sindbad the Sailor's ventures were scarcely more ex- 
 citing ; for on the high seas betw^een the years 1775 
 and 1785, each trading vessel had to run the gauntlet of 
A Hundred Years Ago. 
 privateers bent on capturing prizes, and many a time an 
 exciting chase helped to break the monotony of a sea 
 voyage. In the year 1787, he set off from his brother's 
 house in Annapolis, Maryland, on a journey to the 
 western settlements of Kentucky. On the way, how- 
 ever, he and his party were taken prisoners by a party 
 of Shawanese Indians on the Ohio, and most of his 
 companions were slain. His life was spared, either on 
 account of an extraordinary liking with which he in- 
 spired one of his savage captors, who thenceforward 
 became his protector, or because he was the bearer of 
 letters of introduction from General Washington to 
 General Scott, from Colonel Lee to General St. Clair ; and 
 to other well-known men in the western settlement.* 
 These letters, which were examined by the Indian inter- 
 preters, may have caused the Indians to expect a 
 It is not the place here to describe Mr. liidout's 
 adventures;! suffice it to say, that, after a captivity of 
 four months, he was brought to Detroit, then an Eng- 
 lish garrison. Here the officers of the 53rd regiment 
 received him as a brother, clothed him, filled his purse, 
 and as the regiment was about leaving for Montreal, 
 they invited him to accompany them thither. On the 
 way they stopped at Fort Erie and Niagara, and at the 
 latter place were ospitably entertained by Colonel 
 * The originals of these letters are now in possession of his grandson, 
 Thomas Ridout, C.E., Ottawa. 
 "^ See Appendix for his own narrative of his Indian captivity. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Hunter, of the 60th, who commanded a battalion 
 there. This officer was afterwards Lieutenant-Gov- 
 ernor of Upper Canada and Commander-in-chief of 
 the forces in both Canadas. 
 They arrived in Montreal about the middle of July, 
 1788, and Mr. Ridout was kindly received, as his old 
 journal relates, by Sir John Johnson, Captain Grant, 
 and Lord Dorchester, then Governor- General, residing 
 at Quebec. A hundred years ago Montreal was both 
 a lively and hospitable place, as witness the cards of 
 invitations to dinners, hops and assen^\>lies which are 
 still extant. The '' engaging stranger," as Mr. Ridout 
 is named in a Montreal Gazette of August 21st, 1788, 
 soon determined to cast his lot in Canada. On the 
 26th of May, 1789, he married Mary Campbell, daughter 
 of Alexander Campbell, a U. E. Loyalist, settled at 
 the Bay of Quinte. Soon after he received an ap- 
 pointment in the Commissariat Department and re- 
 moved to Newark, now Niagara. 
 As an example of what offices were held by one 
 person in those early days, the following list is given 
 of Mr. Ridout's different employments : — 
 1792 — In the Commissary Department under 
 Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe. 
 1793— In the Surveyor-General's Office ; D. W. 
 Smith then being Surveyor-General. 
 In 1794— PubHc Notary. 
 In 1794 — Sergeant-at-Arms to the House of Assem- 
A Hundred Years Ago. 
 In 1796 — Registrar of County of York. 
 In 1797 — Removed to York, seat of Government. 
 In 1799 — Appointed Captain of York Militia. 
 In 1800 — Clerk of the Peace for Home District, 
 Clerk of the District Court. 
 1799 to 1800 — Joint Acting Surveyor-General with 
 Mr. Chewett. 
 Again from 180^ to 1805 — Joint Acting Surveyor- 
 General with Mr. Chewett. 
 1807 — Joint Acting Surveyor-General, on suspen- 
 sion of Mr. Wyatt, who had been appointed Surveyor- 
 General in 1805, and was dismissed by Lieutenant- 
 Governor Gore. 
 1810 — Survey or- General of Upper Canada. 
 1811 — Commissioner on Claims to Land. 
 1812 — Elected Member of Parliament for West 
 Riding of York; Member of Corporation for Manage- 
 ment of Clergy Reserves ; Member of Board for 
 General Superintendence of Education. 
 1823 — Member of Board of Claims for Losses 
 during war. 
 1824 — Called to seat in Legislative Council, Upper 
 1827 — Member of original Board of King's College, 
 Upper Canada. 
 Mr. Ridout was, therefore, closely associated with 
 the early history of Upper Canada, and his letters 
 may well take their place among the few records we 
 have of those primitive days. 
 The scene opens at York in 1805, when Mr. 
 Francis Gore was Lieutenant-Governor. Mr. 
 Strachan's school had just been opened at Corn- 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 wall, and there Mr. Ridout's eldest son, George, was 
 sent in 1805, and his second son, Thomas Gihhs, in 
 1806. A father's love placed their boyish letters 
 carefully away, and in fair round hand each tells its 
 little tale. 
 York, at this date, is thus described by a traveller, 
 showing what strides it had made in the ten years 
 since Governor Simcoe selected it for the seat of 
 (xovernment : — 
 A long and narrow peninsula, distinguished by the 
 appellation of Gibraltar Point, forms and embraces 
 the harbor, securing it from the storms of the lake, 
 and rendering it the safest of any around the coast of 
 that sea of fresh water. Stores and block-houses are 
 constructed near the extremity of this point. A spot 
 called the garrison stands on the bank of the main- 
 land opposite this point, and consists only of a wooden 
 block-house and some small cottages of the same 
 material, little superior to temporary huts. The 
 house in which the Lieutenant-Governor resides is 
 likewise formed of ,wood in the figure of a half-square 
 of one story in height, with galleries in the centre. It 
 is sufficiently commodious for the present state of the 
 Province, and is erected upon a bank of the lake near 
 the mouth of Toronto Bay. The town, according 
 to the plan, is projected to extend to a mile and a half in 
 length, from the bottom of the harbor along its banks. 
 Many houses are already completed, some of which 
 display a considerable degree of taste. The advance- 
 ment of this place to its present condition has been 
 effected within the lapse of six or seven years ; and 
 persons who have formerly travelled in this part of 
 the country are impressed with sentiments of wonder 
 on beholding a town, which may be termed handsome, 
 reared as if by enchantment in the midst of a wilder- 
A Hundred Years Ago. 
 ness. Two buildings of brick, at the eastern ex- 
 tremity of the town, which were designed as wings to 
 a centre, are occupied as Chambers for the Upper 
 and Lower House of Assembly. The scene from this 
 part of the basin is agreeable and diversified. A 
 block-house situated on a wooden bank forms the 
 nearest object ; part of the town, points of land 
 clothed with spreading oak-trees gradually receding 
 from the eye one behind another, until terminated by 
 the buildings of the garrison and the spot on which 
 the Governor's residence is placed, compose the 
 objects on the right. The left side of the view com- 
 prehends the long peninsula which encloses this sheet 
 of water, beautiful on account of its placidity and 
 rotundity of form ; the distant lake, which appears 
 only bounded by the sky, terminates the whole.* 
 See Heriot's "Travels through the Canadas, 1807." 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 The first letter, dated Cornwall, 17th September, 
 1805, is from George Ridout to his brother, and says : — 
 I have been eight days on my journey from York 
 and was frightened a little coming down the rapids. 
 Mr. Strachan has received me, I stay at Mr. Van- 
 The next letter is from Thomas G. Ridout to his 
 brother at Cornwall, and mentions festivities in York 
 during the winter of 1805-1806. 
 York, Idth January, 1806. 
 Dear George, — We received yesterday your letter 
 of the 8th January. There is to be a ball given by 
 President Grant on Monday, the 20th. There have 
 been three balls given this winter, to two of which 
 papa and mamma have been. Whilst they are gone 
 Basil stays to take care of the house and amuses the 
 children with stories until 11 or 12 o'clock. The 
 reason why papa and mamma did not go to the last 
 ball was that Basil got drunk, and did not come, so 
 mamma would not go, because she was afraid of leaving 
 the house alone. I send this letter to you by a man 
 named McFee, who is going through to Cornwall, and 
 sets off the day after to-morrow. I should like to know 
 how you and Sam. Jarvis and John Macaulay and John 
 Robinson agree. There has been very little carioling 
Little York— Cornwall School, 1805- 1809. 17 
 hitherto, but I hope there will be, as it is snowing pretty 
 well to-day. 
 The word " carioling " seems to have been generally 
 used, where we in Canada would now speak of 
 " sleighing." 
 The "John Kobinson " mentioned became the dis- 
 tinguished Sir John Beverley Robinson, Chief Justice 
 of Upper Canada. 
 It is rather amusing to read now of assemblies and 
 balls, considering the limited society and sparse popula- 
 tion of the little town. However, even as far back as 
 1798, old invitations still remain to testify to the social 
 qualities of the early inhabitants of York. Official 
 dinners took place at an earlier hour than nowadays, 
 as the following card shows : — 
 Thursday, 28th June, 1798. 
 The President requests Mr. Ridout's company to 
 dinner to-morrow (Friday), at 4 o'clock. 
 " The President " was doubtless Hon. Peter Russell, 
 on whom devolved the government of Canada on the 
 recall of General Simcoe in 179G, and who continued 
 administrator until the arrival of General Hunter, in 
 The following is another card of that early period : — 
 Sunday, 2Uh January. 
 Major Shank requests the honour of Mr. Ridout's 
 company to Dinner and the Hop on Thursday next. 
 18 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 A third invitation runs thus : — 
 The officers of the Queen's Kangers request the 
 honour of Mr. Ridout's company to a Ball on Friday 
 evening next, at the Canvas House. 
 Wei>nesday Morning, 11th December, 1799. 
 This "Canvas House" once belonged to the cele- 
 brated Captain Cook, and was bought by Lieutenant- 
 Governor Simcoe at the sale in England of the un- 
 fortunate mariner's effects. When Governor Simcoe 
 selected York as the capital, the canvas tent became 
 his temporary residence. It is not quite certain 
 where it was placed, but its site was probably to the 
 west of the town, near the old Garrison Creek. It 
 IS thus described by a well-known writer. Colonel 
 Bouchette : — 
 Frail as was its substance, it was rendered exceed- 
 ingly comfortable, and soon became as distinguished 
 for the social and urbane hospitality of its venerated 
 and gracious host, as for the peculiarity of its struc- 
 From George Ridout to his Parents : — 
 Cornwall, 27th January, 1806. 
 We intend to send these letters by Mr. Steele, who 
 is going to-morrow morning, and who comes down 
 every winter to see his son Abraham. We have three 
 or four new scholars, all of them are bigger than Mr. 
 Strachan. There is one who has come from Kingston, 
 his name is Wm. Grant. Mr. Steele had promised 
 all the boys who came from Kingston a ride, but 
 unfortunately the cariole got broke. We came on 
Little York — Cornwall School, 1805-1809. 
 pretty well in Sallust and we have begun Euclid. 
 Mr. Strachan has given us books. Washburne and I 
 have one between us. The Euclid we have is Sim- 
 son's. Tom comes on well in his ciphering and book- 
 keeping, and is at the head of his reading class, which 
 is a large one, consisting of twelve or fourteen boys. 
 He seems to be a great favourite of Mr. Strachan's, of 
 which some of the boys are jealous. He always has 
 his tasks very well and never tries to iind excuses for 
 any, as some of them do. Mr. Strachan asked us to- 
 night whether Tom had rather be called Tom than 
 Tarn, as he generally calls him. Tom told him 
 which, and Mr. Strachan laughed, and when he laughs 
 he laughs heartily. It has been very cold lately and 
 ice has come in great quantities down the river, it has 
 raised the water eig:ht or ten feet. Mrs. Chewett 
 was not buried at St. liegis as we thought she was, 
 but back at the River au Raisin. William and James 
 stay at Mr. Wilkinson's, who has three or four 
 From George Ridout to his Brother: — 
 CoiiNWALL, 2Uh February, 1806. 
 I received your letter of the 18tli January on the 
 12th of this month, but have had no opportunity to 
 answer it until this morning, when there is a Scotch- 
 man going to York, by whom I am writing. We 
 have had a mild winter here, and the river has not 
 been stopped with ice. I hear that Mr. Weekes has 
 been making great work. There has been a report 
 here that D'Arcy Boulton and Jos. Willcocks were 
 going to fight a duel, but Mr. Willcocks was afraid. 
 I would like to hear whether it was true. We have 
 had church three or four times in our new church, and I 
 understand that yours is only clap-boarded. The 
 first pew went for £30, Halifax cy., and the second for 
 .£24, Halifax cy., and the whole amounts to £500, 
 Halifax cy. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 The next letter is from the father, and mentions an 
 item of political news. 
 York, "illh November, 1806. 
 My Dear Boys, — This is to you both, by an 
 opportmiity I have just met with of a man going to 
 the Bay of Quinte and from thence to Kingston, for I 
 do not apprehend we shall have any more opportuni- 
 ties for Kingston by water this season. The election 
 for a member in the place of Mr. Weekes will come 
 about the Christmas holidays. Mr. Thorpe, Captain 
 Fulton and young D'Arcy Boulton are the present 
 known candidates. The Parliament is to meet on the 
 second of February next. 
 The new election spoken of in this letter was 
 occasioned by the death of Mr. Weekes, who was 
 killed in a duel with Mr. Dickson, of Niagara, in 
 1806. The East Biding of York, Durham and 
 Simcoe, was rather unfortunate in the tragical fate of 
 its members, the one who preceded Mr. Weekes 
 having gone down with the vessel Speedy, sunk in 
 Lake Ontario, with all on board, in 1804. The Mr. 
 Thorpe mentioned as a candidate, was Judge Thorpe, 
 one of the puisne Judges of Upper Canada. By 
 becoming a champion of the people he fell under the 
 displeasure of Lieutenant-Governor Gore and the 
 Government party. According to their code no 
 criticism was to be permitted on their acts, however 
 unjust and tyrannical they might be. The complaints 
 of the people found expression in memorials from the 
 grand juries to Judge Thorpe — the "Radical Judge," as 
Little York — Cornwall School, 1805- 1809. 21 
 he was called — to be by him laid before the Governor. 
 In the election spoken of in the letter Mr. Thorpe was 
 successful, and with his election came the dawn of 
 party politics in Upper Canada, and an organized 
 Opposition. He was not, however, long allowed to 
 hold his seat. Soon after his election, the Governor 
 procured his recall to Great Britain, where he sued 
 Mr. .Gore for libel and obtained a verdict. He, how- 
 ever, never returned to Canada, and his subsequent 
 history was a sad one. As a sort of recompense for 
 his unjust recall, he was appointed Chief Justice of 
 Sierra Leone. In that unhealthy climate his health 
 broke down, and he returned to England bearing with 
 him a petition from the people to the Ministry for the 
 redress of certain grievances in that colony. For 
 this second championship of the oppressed, his 
 appointment as Chief Justice was cancelled, and he 
 was left to pass the remainder of his days in poverty 
 and obscurity. 
 The next letters from Cornwall school shew that 
 the course of study there was rather a severe one, and 
 the boys had to sit up very late to prepare their lessons. 
 Cornwall, 10th January, 1807. 
 My Dear Parents, — I am afraid you maybe angry 
 with us for not writing for so long a time, but there 
 have been no opportunities. I come on middling well, 
 and am going into book-keeping on Monday. I got a 
 quire of paper to-day from Mr. Strachan, to make my 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 ])Ook. Mr. Strachan has not struck me yet, nor has he 
 been angry. We have finished our grammar and are 
 learning it by heart every morning. It is very cold 
 weather here and excellent sleighing, and very fine 
 skating for the boys who have skates. It is snowing 
 very fast now. We had about a week's play at Christ- 
 mas and now and then half-days, but very seldom. 
 The boys say that Mr. Strachan is going down to Que- 
 bec to see the Bishop in June, and that the vacation 
 will be then. The boys had a frolic upon the ice 
 yesterday with three pecks of apples which Stanton 
 bought, and after his apples wore gone they were as 
 bad as ever teasing him. We stay up every night till 
 about twelve or one o'clock and we have got so used to 
 it that we don't mind it. We repeat four problems a 
 week, and I am two from head. The day after New 
 Year's Judge Anderson invitedsixteenof the boys down 
 there, and George and I were of them. He threw about 
 a bushel of apples to scramble for now and then, and 1 
 got as many as I could carry, and half a bushel of 
 hickory nuts; and they had a dance, and all the boys 
 danced except Kobert Anderson, his grandson, and I. 
 George danced very well. 
 I am, my dear parents, 
 Your affectionate son, 
 Thomas G. Eidout. 
 A letter from Cornwall school on the 18th January, 
 1807, says :— 
 Since I have been in book-keeping I have had to 
 stay up until two o'clock in the morning. Sam Jarvis 
 learns his lessons well, and he and Stanton are almost 
 always head of their class. 
 The following letter from Mr. Ridout, York, to his 
Little York — Cornwall School, 1805- 1809. 
 sons continues the story of Mr. Thorpe's election, and 
 also mentions Mr. Wyatt's return to England. This 
 Mr. Wyatt had been appointed Surveyor- General in 
 1806, and had fallen under the displeasure of Lieu- 
 tenant-Governor Gore about the same time that Mr. 
 Thorpe did. Some say it was because of his advocacy 
 of Mr. Thorpe's cause, another reason assigned is that 
 he disapproved of some irregular purchase of land 
 from the Indians. However it might be, he was dis- 
 missed and returned to England. 
 Mr. Ridout to his son, George: — 
 York, IHth February, 1807. 
 I have received by Mr. Sherwood your letters of 
 the 12th, 18th and 27th January, together with one 
 from Mr. Strachan, who speaks highly of your and 
 your brother's good conduct and progress in education, 
 than which nothing can afford me greater pleasure. 
 Mr. St. George sets off to-morrow for New Y'ork, and I 
 have commissioned him to buy a Euclid for you. I 
 shall not send your book that you left behind. If Mr. 
 Strachan asks for it, tell him where it is, and if 
 absolutely necessary, I will send it at the opening of 
 communication by water. I have the pleasure to in- 
 form you that I am much in favor with the Governor. 
 He has given me a new commission of Sergeant-at- 
 Arms, so that I can execute that office by deputy. 
 Mr. Wyatt and his wife set out for Ji^ngland about a 
 fortnight ago by way of New York. There have been 
 great differences between them, insomuch that he has 
 frequently tied her hands to the bed-posts, and confined 
 her in the cellar, with other harsh treatment. Mr. 
 Thorpe has hitherto retained his seat in the House, 
 but since Mr. Sherwood's arrival I understand that 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 the right of a judge to sit therein will be again debated. 
 Mr. Abraham Nelles and his wife, formerly Miss Kitty 
 Ball, have been at our house these five days. I write 
 this at the table of the House of Assembly, intending 
 to send it by the post or a Mr. Koxborough, a mer- 
 chant of Montreal, who both intended setting out to- 
 day, but the weather is so exceedingly stormy with 
 snow, rain and wind that I apprehend neither will 
 Anitenj of American news now comes: 
 Mr. Burr, it is said, is gone from Kentucky to New 
 Orleans, with 5000 or 6000 men. Political disputes in 
 the States runs very high. You have, no doubt, 
 heard of Bonaparte's success in Europe. Time is big 
 with great events, but the mind who takes reason 
 for its guide and places its dependence on an all- 
 wise Providence is prepared for all events which the 
 Creator of the universe is pleased to send. 
 Aaron Burr, an ex- Vice-President of the United 
 States, had formed a plan to seize the territory 
 west of the AUeghanies, and to establish there an in- 
 dependent empire, of which New Orleans was to be the 
 capital, and himself the chief. He was arrested in 
 February, 1807, and tried on a charge of treason. 
 Though acquitted, his escape was so narrow, and his 
 fears of renewed prosecution so great, that he sailed 
 for Europe under an assumed name and remained 
 there for several years in exile and poverty. As to 
 Napoleon Bonaparte's successes, he had at the time 
 (1807), just succeeded in bestowing the crown of Hoi- 

 Little York — Cornwall School, 1805-1809. '^6 
 land on his brother Louis, and the crown of Naples on 
 his brother Joseph. He had won the battle of Jena, 
 and entered Berlin, whence he had issued his famous 
 "Decrees" against British commerce, hoping to ruin 
 England by shutting out her ships from every port. 
 From Thomas G. Ridout, to his Father : — 
 Cornwall, IQth Jime, 1807. 
 Mr. Strachan is building a new school-house, about 
 40 feet by 30. It is to be arched, and there are 
 twelve windows in it. In the meantime he keeps 
 school in the church. I am now in the surveying 
 class, and Mr. Strachan gives us a figure to work every 
 night. We have made ourselves quadrants out of 
 cherry-wood, which cost us two shillings to be made 
 smooth, and we are now in Euclid, Gth book, which id 
 the furthest Mr. Strachan teaches his boys. He knows 
 to the 12th. We are now making preparations for the 
 examination, wliich will be five weeks from to-day. 
 Some have to make their own speeches, and I among 
 the number. The question is. Whether general His- 
 tory or Biography is the most useful ? Mr. Strachan 
 has now been married nearly two months, he lives in 
 great style, and keeps three servants. He is a great 
 friend to the poor, and spends his money as fast as he 
 gets it. He is very passionate. 
 These letters from school at Cornwall recall the 
 form of Mr. Strachan, afterwards Anglican Bishop of 
 the Province of Upper Canada, who at that time, 
 1807, had been about three years installed at Corn- 
 wall, and who lived to see some of the boys he ruled 
 over become the foremost men of the Province. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Mr. Strachan was born at Aberdeen, on the 12th of 
 April, 1778, and was educated at the grammar school 
 and university of that place. In 1797, he commenced 
 to teach in the little village of King's Kettle. At this 
 time he received the offer, through Hon. liichard Cart- 
 wright and Robert Hamilton, to proceed to Canada to 
 organize and take charge of a college, which Governor 
 Simcoe had determined to establish at York, the 
 seat of government in Upper Canada. Unfortunately, 
 when the young Scotchman arrived in Canada in the 
 winter of 1799, Governor Simcoe had left the Pro- 
 vince, and the scheme was, for the time, dropped. Mr. 
 Strachan, much disappointed, remained in Kingston as 
 tutor to Mr. Cartwright's cliildren. Here he lived for 
 three years, and then decided to enter the English 
 Church, and was ordained priest on the 3rd June, 1804, 
 by Dr. Mountain, first Bishop of Quebec, and appoint- 
 ed to the mission of Cornwall. In 1807, he married 
 Ann, widow of James McGill, a lady of considerable 
 fortune. Through his long life, and he lived until he 
 was nearly ninety. Dr. Strachan watched over his boys. 
 Many of them were married by him ; a kind pat on the 
 head greeted their children as he passed them on the 
 street, and every year, at stated times, all of his old 
 pupils within reach were gathered round his hospitable 
 Among the papers of Mr, Ridout was the following 
 census of the Home District, which possesses much 
 interest : — 
 Little York — Cornwall School, 1805- 1809. 27 
 Numbers of Inhabitants returned by the Town 
 Clerks of the Home District, Province of Upper 
 Canada, taken in March, 1809 : 
 Males 1 Females 
 under IG under IG 
 Town of York 
 Town.ship of York. 
 Wliitechurch and 
 East Gwillinibury . 
 West Gwillinibury. 
 North Gwillinibury 
 Nelson and East 
 West Flauiboro' 
 Block No. 2, G. R. . . 
 Number in 1809 . . . 
 Number in 1805 . . . 
• ■; 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 h I 
 In October, 1809, Mr. Ridout obtained leave of 
 absence, and set out on a visit to his friends in Eng- 
 land, which country he had left more than thirty- 
 years before. His two eldest sons, George and 
 Thomas, had now left school, and were in charge 
 of their father's office during his absence. George 
 was then in his nineteenth year, and Thomas just 
 Frovi Thomas to his Father : — 
 York, 15th October, 1809. 
 My Dear Father, — It was with the greatest plea- 
 sure we received your letter from Kingston by Doctor 
 Glennon. Your tender charge to me respecting my 
 little brothers and sisters I will affectionately fulfil, 
 and the responsible offices you left to my charge will 
 be my pride to execute with diligence, care and punc- 
 tuality. The Acts I put on board of Kendrick's, with 
 a box of the honey peaches for Mr. Markland ; they are 
 very fine. Winter is coming on very fast, the leaves 
 begin to fall, and the wild geese fly over the town to 
 the southward. We begin to gather in our apples and 
 our other winter store. 
 I remain, honoured Father, 
 Your affectionate Son, 
 Thomas G. Ridout. 
 Little York, Montreal and Quebec, 1809-181 1. 29 
 A letter dated the 1st November, 1809, announcing 
 the father's safe arrival in Quebec, reached York on 
 the 28th of the same month, brought by a " Mr. Gum- 
 ming," who, it is mentioned, "will travel by land 
 as all travellers do now." That same November, 1809, 
 the first steamer was placed on the St Lawrence, viz ; 
 the steamer Accommodatio?i, built by Mr. John 
 Molson, of Montreal. 
 The voyage to England in 1809 is chronicled in a 
 letter from Portsmouth, and is worthy of notice, as being 
 a remarkably short passage for those days, just a 
 Mr. Ridout writes : — 
 17th December, 1809. 
 We sailed from Quebec on the 15th November, 
 under convoy of the Mermaid, Frigate, in com- 
 pany with twenty other vessels, but the weather 
 was so severe before we got out of the St. Lawrence 
 that we separated from the frigate in the Gulf. 
 We had a snow storm from the north-east, the 
 wind then shifted to the north-west, and blew very 
 heavy, which carried us to sea. We have not ex- 
 perienced the least misfortune or accident. The 
 Everetia is the best vessel I have seen. We were 
 becalmed a morning on the Grand Bank of Newfound- 
 land, and caught sixty-two cod fish. Yesterday we 
 dined on board on a dish of beef steaks, "Quebec 
 beef." We have crossed the ocean alone, without a 
 This is italicized as a great event at a time when 
 crossing the ocean meant peril both to life and 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 From George Ridout to his Father in England : — 
 York, Gth February, 1810. 
 A few days ago we received your letters dated the 
 9th November, from Quebec. The enclosed packet for 
 the Governor I took up the next day. As he was very 
 busy at his own house, I gave it to Mr. Stanton, ac- 
 qainting him of the length of time it had been coming, 
 he then sent the letter to the Governor with what I 
 had said. I thought it proper to state this, as you 
 had mentioned in your letter to me, that you had en- 
 closed to him one of the same pamphlets you sent us, 
 copies of which had reached this several weeks before. 
 For some time, no business but the Governor's was 
 allowed to be attended to ; different occurrences which 
 have taken place under the respective Governors and 
 Presidents, are the subject of these proceedings ; it is 
 thought that Messrs. Thorpe and Wyatt have had some 
 hand in this. About two weeks after we wrote our 
 last letter, Tom and I were taken ill of the same fever, 
 which you may recollect proved so fatal in Whit- 
 church, and a day or two afterwards, Sally and Horace 
 were attacked. We were much reduced. Had it not 
 been for Dr. Baldwin's skill and attention, good nurs- 
 ing and pretty good constitutions, I think it would 
 have gone very liard with us. They have subscribed 
 .£200 in York towards a library. Bring me, if in your 
 power, Commyn's Digest. 
 it i 
 The pamphlet mentioned in the letter, and of 
 which we shall hear further, was, no doubt, the one 
 issued by Mr. J. Mills Jackson, and entitled, " A View 
 of the Political Situation of the Province," and 
 considered libellous, as all such criticisms were, by the 
 Governor and his party. 
Little York, Montreal and Quebec, 1809-1811. 31 
 From Thomas G. Ridout to fus Father in England: — 
 York, l^th February, 1810. 
 You must not charge us with neglect in not 
 writing since the 14th December, as that neglect was 
 caused by a fever which attacked George and me the 
 same day, and continued from 30th December till 
 about 20th January. Under Dr. Baldwin's care, and 
 my mother's, we recovered, and are now^ heartier than 
 ever. The House of Assembly met here on the 1st 
 inst. There does not seem to be so much spirit for 
 opposition in them as there has been. Jos. Willcocks 
 is greatly curbed by the watch which is kept over his 
 publications and speeches. There are no assemblies 
 here this winter, but now and then a party ball is 
 given in private houses, for they are divided into 
 two parties. Nancy and Sam went to the Governor's 
 ball. Wo were too ill to go. 
 From George Ridout to his Father in England: — 
 York, llth March, 1810. 
 This packet we send by New York. Nothing very 
 material has occurred since I wrote you last. The 
 Parliament met the 1st February, and is not yet 
 prorogued, although expected to be in a few days. 
 An address of the House of Assembly to the 
 Governor respecting the pamphlet, signed John 
 M. Jackson, declaring it to be a scandalous and 
 libellous publication, pleases the Governor, and is no 
 doubt a great satisfaction to him. It has had a no 
 less contrary effect upon Jos. Willcocks. When the 
 question was put whether it was a libel or not, 
 Willcocks and Kogers were the only two dissenting 
 members, but when the ayes and nays were called for, 
 they thought proper to rise. Tom has been writing 
 in the Lower House of Assembly from eight in the 
 morning till ten at night, and Mr. Boulton has 
 been so good as to allow me to stay at home while the 
 ^ li 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 session lasts, by which means the Kegistry Office has 
 never been closed. From four o'clock in the after- 
 noon till ten I write in the House of Assembly. 
 The Jos. Willcocks, whose name appears in this 
 letter, was another turbulent spirit, who, when Judge 
 Thorpe was recalled, succeeded him in the represen- 
 tation of the East Kiding of York in the House of 
 Mr. Willcocks had been Sheriff of the Home 
 District, but had been dismissed from his office for 
 daring to express his opinions. He was then returned 
 to the Legislature, but was impeached for breach of 
 privilege, and was cast into the common jail, the 
 offence charged being that on September 17tli, 1808, 
 Willcocks said members had been bribed by twelve 
 hundred acres of land each in the October previous, 
 by the Governor. He was accused of saying this in 
 in his paper, the Guardian, and on the public streets. 
 After his release from jail, he was returned as 
 member again, and continued to lead the Opposition. 
 The Kogers mentioned was D. McGregor Rogers, 
 who had sat in the House of Assembly since 1799, 
 and was in 1810 member for Northumberland. He 
 also was on the people's side, as opposed to the 
 Government ; but being more moderate in expressing 
 his views, he did not get into such trouble as his 
 friends Judge Thorpe and Willcocls. 
 A little further news of Mr. Willcocks comes in 
 the next letter. 
 .1 1 ( 
 1! I 
Little York, Montreal and Quebec, 1809-1811. 33 
 From Thomas G. Eidout to his Father in Enrjland: — 
 York, Vlth March, 1810. 
 My Dear Father, — Three months have now 
 passed since we received any news concerning 
 you, but your great distance from us authorizes that 
 time in some measure. The House of Assembly is to 
 be prorogued to-morrow; it has been a profitable session 
 for us, as I wrote in the Lower House a month, night 
 and day, and have earned ninety-two dollars. George 
 wrote in the evenings and will get forty-five dollars. 
 There has been a severe stroke given to Mr. Willcocks 
 and his party this session, as ^Jr. Jackson's pamphlet 
 was brought before the House of Assembly, by Mr. Mc- 
 Lean of Kingston, and considered as a gross libel 
 against this country, government and people, and they 
 sent an address to the Governor to that purpose, desir- 
 ing him at the same time to let the Government in 
 England be acquainted with the same, for the purpose 
 of doing away any ill impression that it mijjht 
 occasion there. 
 The next letter in the packet is one from Mr. D. W. 
 Smith to Mr. Eidout. This Mr. Smith, afterwards 
 Sir D. W. Smith, was the son of Colonel Smith of the 
 5th regiment, commandant at Fort Niagara in the time 
 of Governor Simcoe. The son served as ensign and 
 lieutenant in the same regiment, but left the profes- 
 sion of arms for the study of the law in Upper Canada. 
 He was called to the bar there, and with the rapid 
 promotion usual at that time, was accorded precedence 
 as Deputy-Judge, was appointed Surveyor-General of 
 Lands in Upper Canada, a trustee for the Six Nations, 
 one of the Executive Council, became a member of the 
 three first Parliaments, and Speaker of the House in 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 two of them. For these services he was created a 
 baronet in 1821. At the date of the letter he had 
 been for some years residing in England, but evidently 
 his ambition was to return to Canada as Lieutenant- 
 The letter is dated, Alnwick, 11th April, 1810, and 
 after some business details, goes on to say: — 
 There is a rumour that Governor Gore is coming 
 home, but it seems rather with a view of returning to 
 Canada. The Duke has said to me that, if he should 
 not return, and I wish to go out, he will ask the ap- 
 pointment as a special favor to himself; but he rather 
 advises me to wait, as he is not with the present 
 administration, and might, therefore, meet with a re- 
 fusal. Dickson left me on Friday night last, and is at 
 the Turk's Head Coffee House, near Somerset Place. 
 The "Duke" was probably the Duke of Northumber- 
 land, whose estates Mr. Smith administered. 
 Mr. Kidout returned safely from England in 1810, 
 more fortunate than his fellow-townsmen, Mr. Small 
 and Mr. D'Arcy Boulton, the Solicitor-General for 
 Upper Canada, who had sailed in the ship Minerva, 
 and were taken prisoners by a French privateer, and 
 carried oft" to France, where they remained prisoners 
 of war, at Verdun, until 1815. 
 In June, 1811, Thomas Gibbs Eidout set out for 
 England, by way of Montreal and Quebec, on a visit 
 to his father's relatives, and with the intention of re- 
 maining in thai country if prospects of business were 
 good. At that time he was not quite nineteen years 
Little York, Montreal and Quebec, 1809-181 i. 35 
 of age, but his letters show an observant mind, and 
 that the training of Mr. Strachan's school had not 
 been without good results. 
 With the usual economy of the time in the matter 
 of postage, the youth was evidently charged with many 
 letters, both public and private, to deliver in Quebec, 
 and also in London, England, which commission he 
 seems to have faithfully fulfilled. Henry John Boulton, 
 son of Mr. D'Arcy Boulton, set out from York at the 
 same time, his intention being to study law in Lincoln's 
 Inn, and also to endeavour to procure his father's re- 
 lease from captivity. 
 The account of the capture of Messrs. Small and 
 Boulton is given in a letter from Henry John Boulton 
 to his brother D'Arcy, in Y'ork. 
 He says that his father writes from Cambray on the 
 nth of April, 1811 :— 
 That he is quite recovered from his wounds, and 
 he is treated with respect proportioned to his rank. 
 His expenses are about five shilUugs per diem. 
 On the 15th July, 1811, the prisoner writes from 
 Verdun, in France, to his son Henry, who, in a letter 
 to York, gives the following account of the engage- 
 ment at sea, which cost Mr. Boulton and Mr. Small 
 their liberty and kept them in durance vile for three 
 years, until the close of the European war in 1815 : — 
 Now for the engagement, which was a very 
 gallant though unsuccessful one. When the privateer 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 first came in sight the Minerva hoisted the EngHsh 
 colours, but the privateer hoisted none till she came 
 within close gun shot, when she up with the French 
 colours, and gave the Minerva a broadside, which was 
 instantly returned, and carried away their bowsprit, 
 with a chain shot. The engagement lasted an hour 
 and a half, during which the Minerva was boarded 
 three times, but they repulsed them as often ; but the 
 rigging l)eing much cut, they could not manage the 
 ship, and the privateer succeeded in getting a grappling 
 into the Minerva^ and boarded it with such superior 
 numbers, that they were obliged to give it up, sword in 
 hand. The Minerva mounted four fbur-pounders, two 
 six-pounders, with fourteen men, including the pas- 
 sengers and the cabin boy. The Grand Luke of Bey, 
 the privateer, fourteen twelve-pounders, and ninety 
 men, all well armed with musketry. Papa and Woolink 
 were captains of the two sixes, and, as papa says, gave 
 them little respite. Mr. Woolink told me that after the 
 first shot, he felt no more anxiety for his safety than 
 if he had been playing cards, and that he and papa were 
 laughing all the time, hmall was a little blue, but 
 fired away with a musket, and said nothing. The 
 Grand Duke of Beij has taken fifty-six prizes, and is 
 the finest privateer in the French service. Papa was 
 wounded, in boarding, with a sabre, in the forehead, 
 which was very severe, and Woolink was afraid it had 
 dished him ; but he has, thank God, lived to tell the 
 story, and how many French rascals he fixed for it. 
 He being very active in the engagement, was supposed 
 to be the captain by the privateer, and was dragged 
 on board alone. He had the precaution to save his 
 money, but his box was left in the Minerva. Small 
 lost all his money ; a sailor coming up, and giving 
 him his choice of giving it up or having his brains 
 blown out, he chose the former. Small and Wool- 
 ink opened papa's box after the hurry of the battle 
 was over, and threw overboard all his public papers. 
Little York, Montreal and Quebec, 1809-1811. 37 
 To their great joy, the Minerva, going into Calais, 
 ran aground, and was lost, cargo and all. 
 Mr. Henry John Boulton afterwards became Attor- 
 ney-General for Upper Canada, and also held the 
 position of Chief Justice of Newfoundland for five 
 years. He returned to Toronto in 1838, and after- 
 wards represented Niagara, and also Norfolk, in Par- 
 liament. His second son, Georgo D'Arcy Boulton, 
 Q.C., practised law in Toronto, and married the eldest 
 daughter of Mr. T. G. Kidout. 
 The first letter from Montreal sounds the first note 
 of the coming war, and mentions the name of a com- 
 mander, who was destined soon to take a prominent 
 part in it. 
 From, Thomas Gibbs Ridout to his Father at York : — 
 Montreal, Srd Juli/, 1811. 
 There is great talk here of war with the Americans. 
 The British are provisioning Quebec and HaHfax, the 
 41st regiment are continually out on the parade, 
 marching, forming, tiling. They are 800 strong. I 
 went on the parade yesterday afternoon, looking at 
 them. The men made a very fine appearance, but I 
 thought the officers almost too young. Colonel 
 Sheaffe commands. I have been over the whole town, 
 the streets are full of people. The great bell of the 
 French church roused me out of bed this morning be- 
 fore four. I went to both markets, and found hundreds 
 of people there at that hour, with everything for sale ; 
 ripe cherries, and currants and beans. On inquiring 
 my way through the town, not one in ten could sp-^nk 
 a word of English, and I hear French jabbered in e\ .y 
 house. Henry Boulton stays at Holmes' tavern, and 
 will not be ready to go with me. 
 li. , 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 From Thomas G. Ridout to his Brother at York : — 
 Qup:bec, 5th July, 1811. 
 After a journey of nine days, I arrived at this place, 
 which far surpassed my opinion of it. There are near 
 two hundred sail lying in the river, they form a forest 
 of three or four deep for six miles. I came from Mont- 
 real for nineteen shillings, including provisions, which 
 were nothing hut a bit of ham and a loaf of bread. 
 We were shockingly crowded in the boat, there being 
 ten passengers with their baggage, the crew, and 12 
 delivered Mr. Stuart's and 
 to breakfast and dine with 
 He inquired a great deal 
 about you and his friends at York. John is now a 
 first lieutenant at Cadiz, and expects afte^ that to go 
 to the East Indies. James is at Annapolis, New 
 Brunswick. George has been taknig me round part of 
 the ramp[i';t'^ tliis afternoon. There are great works 
 round towers and half-moons are build- 
 barrels of potash. I only 
 Macaulay's letters. I am 
 Dr. Macaulay on Sunday. 
 going on now 
 ing in front of all ti gates, and the double wall is 
 continued down through the Quebec suburbs. They 
 are in great expectation here of war with the Yankees, 
 and the works are accordingly carried on with great 
 industry. There are two or three additional regiments 
 expected from England. Montreal is nothing to com- 
 pare with Quebec in regard to bustle, business or any- 
 thing else. Consider what the loading and unloading 
 of two hundred sail must make ! In coming to anchor, 
 we passed close under the stern of the Everetta. She 
 is the prettiest vessel here. I saw Captain Patterson 
 on the deck. The quays and lower streets are com- 
 pletely covered and crowded with bales and men. 
 One half of the crews of the ships look to be made up of 
 boys between nine and fourteen years old, nice, smart 
 little fellows. I was at tlie market this morning, it 
 was well supplied with everything, particularly straw- 
 berries, of which I dare say there were ten or twelve 
 bushels, nice fresh butter on leaves, gooseberries and 
Little York, Montreal and Quebec, 1809-1 o i i. 39 
 p of 
 ?) it 
 cakes of all kinds. Better mutton and beef than at 
 From Thomas G. Ridout to his Father at York: — 
 Qui:«E{', Qth Jubj, 1811. 
 This morning I set out to find Mr. Gray,* I at last 
 found him on the street in company with Colonel Mc- 
 Donell. He asked me if I was going to England, and 
 said he would get me a passage. After reading the 
 Governor's letter he seemed pleased, and said that a 
 friend of his is now here who commands the best ship 
 in the port, and who shortly sails with his lady for 
 England, the ship being fitted up and provided in the 
 best manner, he says, will be just what the Governor 
 meant for me. I am, however, to go on Monday at 
 half after eleven to Colonel McDonell, and with him in 
 his carriage to Mr. Gray's country-seat, and spend the 
 day. Mr. Gray will then settle how I am to go, as the 
 fleet does not sail till the 20th. The two letters for 
 the Commander-in-Chief, I left with General Drum- 
 moiid's aide-de-ca))!]! at the castle. There is a gentle- 
 man here from New York who says that New l''ork is 
 not to compare with this place for active business. 
 About five hundred men are at work upon the fortifica- 
 tions every day. Another round tower is building 
 back of the Quebec suburbs, it is said they are to be 
 connected by walls and batteries. There are also half- 
 moons built in front of each land-gate. It is too ex- 
 travagant to send letters by post, all one would wish. 
 From Thom,as G. Ridout, Quebec, to his brother at York, dth 
 July : — 
 We sail to-night. The transport I go in is a very 
 fine copper-bottomed ship, carries six guns, and muskets 
 for the invalids, and passengers and sailors, so that 
 we are almost as safe as the frigate, or even safer, as 
 *Mr. Gray was at that time Deputy Quarter- Master-General. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 i' \ 
 she has orders to take us under particular care so that 
 we will keep in company during the voyage. Gat papa 
 to write to Dr. Macaulay for the civilities he has shown 
 me. Betsy and Mary are very fii:e, lively and sensible 
 girls. George is a good Greek scholar. 
 From TJiomas G. liidout to his Fathe'-at York: — 
 Quebec, 9th July, 1811. 
 This evening I embark on board a government 
 transport called, the Sea Nymph, Captain Eobert 
 Smith, bound for Portsmouth. In the cabin there 
 are three ladies (one of them widow of Major Andrews, 
 who died at Niagara). 
 Yesterday, at the mess, the officers talked as if they 
 wished and expected war. Colonel Shank has his 
 regiment under very bad discipline. There was a 
 press-gjing came up from the frigate last night and 
 pressed fifteen tine seaman, all English. I saw the 
 poor fellows marched into the boat by a party of 
 From Thomas G. liidout to his Father at York: — 
 Off the Brandy Potts, 15/A Jidy, 1811. 
 As I informed you in my last, we embarked on the 
 9th, but owing to an easterly storm, which lasted 
 from the 9th to the 14th, we did not weigh anchor 
 until yesterday morning at five o'clock, and have just 
 now (noon) got to the Brandy Potts, where the Pritn- 
 rosc lies with about twenty sail of merchantmen, and 
 twenty-two more are in sight ; so that we'll have a 
 fieet of near fifty sail. The Sea Nymph is a very 
 fine ship and has been a transport these nine years, 
 and is well accommodated for carrying troops. We 
 have on board forty-two invalids, sixteen seamen, six 
 soldiers' wives, four ladies, two servant-women, nine 
 children, captain, mate and boy, and three gentlemen — 
 total, eighty-four. But we are not in the least 
Little York, Montrkal and Quebec, 1809-181 1. 41 
 re a 
 \\\ — 
 crowded, and have plenty of provisions for two months, 
 and fifty-five tons of good water. Every morning the 
 rations and water are dehvered out. I am allowed a 
 ration, which consists of pork, beef, peas, oatmeal, 
 sugar, rum, rice, flour, butter and English cheese. 
 The cabin stores are also plentiful, which cost us .t'lO 
 apiece at Quebec. In the morning we liave a dish of 
 burgee with butter, after that two or three cups of 
 chocolate, coffee or tea, with biscuit and butter ; at 
 twelve, some biscuit and cheese ; for dinner, beef, 
 fowls, potatoes, pease-pudding and plum-pudding, 
 cheese, porter, Madeira and port, with pickles ; in the 
 evening, coffee, and cakes and preserves, and at bed- 
 time, wine and water. There are forty or fifty fowls, 
 two sheep, three pigs ; therefore, I think, we'll do 
 very well. 
 When we left Quebec there were some 2/50 sail 
 lying in the river. Henry Boulton is in company 
 with us on board the brig Salufi, Captain Vicker, 
 bound for Liverpool. The fleet looks beautiful. We 
 are all at anchor, waiting for those in sight, who are 
 coming up fast. We carry six eighteen-pounders, and 
 have about sixty men on board, seventeen of whom 
 are artillerymen, and can manage the guns ; plenty of 
 imiskets in good order, and ammunition, therefore it 
 will not be a common privateer that can take us. The 
 Primrose has us under her particular care. 
 T gave Governor (lore's letters to (xeneral (rore, to 
 (ieueral Drummond's aide-de-cani}). I am so preju- 
 diced in favour of York, that I tliink it the neatest 
 and prettiest place I have yet seen, and St. (Jeorge's 
 lioiise by much the best and liandsomest. 
 The handsomest house in the York of 1811 is still 
 to be seen in the Toronto of 1800, on the corner of 
 King and Frederick Streets. It is now occupied as 
 the Canada Company's oflice. 
M I: 
 \t t 
 f i 
 fi III 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 From Thomas liidout to his son Thomas in England: — 
 York, Upper Canada, 16th July, 1811. 
 We have received your letters of the 29th June, 
 from Kingston ; 3rd July, from Montreal. The 
 letters came to hand on the evening of the 14th 
 inst. The Governor sent yesterday a message to 
 your mother that you had set out from Montreal, 
 and he informed me that he had hopes you would 
 get on board the sloop of war that was at Quebec. 
 It is not likely that this will reach you before you 
 leave Quebec ; indeed, 1 conclude that you are 
 now on 3^our way down the river, and with a fair 
 wind pursuing your voyage. May it, my dear son, 
 be a fortunate one. The Governor, I am persuaded, 
 interests himself in your welfare. Make Mr. Watson 
 and Mr. Oldham vour friends. Consult Mr. Prince 
 in all things. He, after your uncle, will feel most 
 interested in your welfare. I shall write to Mr. 
 Prince, in a day or two, to endeavour to send hither 
 a gentleman for the school, etc. 
 There was at that time great difficulty in obtaining 
 both a schoolmaster and a parson for Little York, 
 Mr. Stuavt liaving resigned his post in the District 
 From Thomas Ridout to his son Thomas in England: — 
 York, Upper Canada, 31,st July, 1«11. 
 We received on the 27th the letters you wrote at 
 Quebec on the 9th inst. I shall write immediately 
 to Mr. Gray and Dr. Macaulay to thank tliem for 
 their civilities to you. It has blown a heavy gale of 
 wind from the north-east all the last night, attended 
 with rain, and the gale continues. John is only 
 waiting its motions to embark on board the Lady 
 Oore, for Kingston. Mr. St. George and many others 
Little York, Montreal and Quebec, 1809-181 1. 43 
 A' at 
 11 for 
 lile of 
 go in her. Mrs. Allan returned a day or two ago 
 from Kingston. She speaks of your civilities to her. 
 John Robinson returned hither with Mrs. Allan. 
 Whether he remains here or not, I know not. 
 George is much pleased in his transfer to Mr. 
 McDonell's office. No accounts from Mr. Boulton 
 since you left us. Mr. Firth is about to return to 
 England with his family. He applied to the Governor 
 for leave of absence, but as he did not obtain it, he 
 has, it seems, made up his mind to surrender his 
 appointment, and a sale of all his effects is to 
 commence on the 12th proximo. We learn that Mr. 
 Miles Jackson arrived in the Everetta at Quebec, and 
 is daily expected here. No doubt he will attempt to 
 sow discontent, if not sedition, but he will do well to 
 be cautious and circumspect. 
 During the last week nuich grain has been cut 
 on Yonge Street, and housed, as the weather was 
 fine. Tlie harvest promised to be exceedingly abun- 
 dant. I have written to Mr. Adams, the Colonial 
 Agent, who lives in St. James' Place, St. James' 
 Street, near the Palace, with reference to my draft. 
 Mr. iMlan has not been able to give me the cash 
 as yet. There is not any in the receiving chest, 
 so that none of the Government accounts due the 
 20th June last have been paid, nor any warrants 
 have issued from the Lieutenant-Governor's office. 
 My accounts of the department, amounting to 
 upwards 0^ .£800, for the last year, passed the audit 
 on Monday last, but I know not when they will be 
 paid. Mr. Selby, however, says he expects money 
 irom Quebec. My fee accounts to 80th June only 
 amount to .£21, owing to Mr. Jarvis being without 
 parchment for his patents till two days ago, when he 
 received 1'40 worth. I have, since you left us, 
 received a very kind letter from Mr. Smith. Pray 
 send him Mr. Cartwright'a pamphlet, with the two 
 last Acts of the Legislature. As Mr. Stuart has 
 : 'ii i 
 Ten Ykars of Upper Canada. 
 resigned the District School, I have informed Mr. 
 Cameron and Mr. Small, two others of the Trustees, 
 of my intention to write Mr. Prince for a gentleman 
 qualified, and 1 have mentioned my intention to the 
 Governor, and they all approve of it. A young 
 gentleman who had taken orders, if he could ohtain 
 the t'5() per jiniium given hy the Society for the 
 Propagation of the Gospel, with the school, wliich 
 you know is worth i'lOO per annum, and the good 
 expectation of a parish here, would I hope, he 
 induced to come hither. I enclose copy of my 
 letter to Mr. Adains, which I re(iue8t you will 
 deliver yourself. 
 In another lette^- from George Ridout to his 
 brother, dated York, July 8Ist, 1811, a few familiar 
 names are mentioned. 
 Allan McLean has been here almost since you 
 left us. He is as great a coxscond) as ever. I 
 almost forgot to tell you that Mr. Firth is going 
 home, and intends selling off everything here, 
 consequently he never intends to return. He asked 
 leave of absence, which wms refused. Archy McLean 
 does not know what is to become of him. Mr. Firth 
 for the hundred guineas was to board liim, etc., during 
 his (derkship. John Robinson returned here two or 
 three days ago. If they do not all come to Mc- 
 Donell's otHce, I know not what they will do. I am 
 the oidy one at present settled among them all. 
 The " Archy McLean " of this letter was afterwards 
 Chief Justice of U})per Canada. 
Voyage to England, i8ii. 
 From Thomas G. Kidout to his Father in York: — 
 Plymouth, 10th August, 1811. 
 After a very pleasant passage of twenty-seven days, 
 I arrived here this morning, being only seventeen days 
 from Cape Ray to the Lizard. The three ladies in the 
 iivAn did not agree three days together, neither did 
 the captain and officers; but as I took neither side, I 
 continued on the best terms with both parties. We 
 sailed before the wind from Quebec to Plymouth 
 Sound, and beat in from the Eddystone. We parted 
 convoy in thick fog on the Banks of Newfoundland 
 and crossed the ocean alone, being the first sailer in 
 the fleet. We frequently ran one hundred and fifty 
 and one hundred and ninety miles a day. The only 
 ship of war on the seas was the Comet, which 
 we met on the Banks, and the second I saw was the 
 Boyne, in Plymouth Sound, of ninety-eight guns. 
 There are also in the Sound ready for sea four seventy- 
 fours, fourteen large frigates, and twelve sloops of 
 war. Admiral Calder comnumds the Boyne. 1 also 
 saw the grand repeating ship, the 8t. Salvador, of one 
 hundred and twenty guns, a Spanish prize ; she lies in 
 the inner basin, with iibout thirty sail of the line and 
 fifty frigates, being all of them prizes from the French, 
 Russians, Spaniards, Dutch and Danes. There is also 
 on the stocks in the dockyard, the Union, of ninety- 
 eight guns, several seventy-fours, and a great many 
 frigates. There was a reinforcement of horse and foot 
 sent to Lisbon from Portsmouth tliree days ago, in two 
1 ! 
 ' I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 hundred sail of transports, to recruit Lord Welling- 
 ton's army, which now suffers exceedingly in men, 
 they having taught the French to fight obstinate 
 battles. The transports carry out British troops and 
 bring home French prisoners ; tliere are now two hun- 
 dred and tw^enty thousand in England, about one 
 hundred thousand in this place and neighbourhood. 
 I have seen the London papers to the 8th, which say 
 the King is so deranged that he refuses all nourish- 
 ment, and say that he'll starve himself to put an end 
 to his sufferings ; and it is suspected that the physicians 
 are obliged to use him as all others in his mind are, to 
 compel him to eat. I am in dread of the war with 
 America, which is daily expected here, seventeen 
 Americans being condemned the other day in this port. 
 The French have taken but one merchantman these 
 three months. As I have before written, our ship put 
 in here for convoy, and none sailing before the 13th, 
 determined me to go ashore and ride to London. The 
 distance is two hundred and fifteen miles, and I have 
 taken the outside of the stage, which starts to-morrow 
 morning at eight o'clock for Exeter. On Monday, the 
 12th inst., at four in the afternoon, I shall be in Lon- 
 don. I am full of hope and fear in regard to my own 
 fortune in that city. I cannot express my feelings 
 when I saw the native country of my dear father, the 
 beautiful and enchanting appearance of which descrip- 
 tion can give but a faint idea of. 
 Plymouth is a very curious place. The entrance 
 into the Sound is between the Ram's Head and Moor 
 Stone, about a mile broad ; you then go round a great 
 rock or island, on which there are three hundred and 
 sixty-five guns ; to your right, or east, is the town of 
 Plymouth ; round a basin, in front is Stonehouse, 
 where the Governor resides, who is General England, 
 and where all the public offices are. What a climate 
 this must be, for the men and women, boys and 
 girls have universally such a ruddy complexion, which 
 appears remarkable to an American like me. 
Voyage to England, i8ii. 
 From Thomas G. Ridout to his brother George in York : — 
 London, 22nd August, 1811. 
 My letter from Plymouth, you have, I hope, received 
 long before this, giving an account of our voyage. 
 On the 14th July we left Quel)ec, Cape Ray on 23rd, 
 saw England 9th August, and landed at Plymouth 
 10th August. I took a place on the stage-coach for 
 myself and trunk. Plymouth is 220 miles from Lon- 
 don, therefore I would see a great part of the west of 
 England. On Sunday morning, at eight o'clock, I 
 took my seat alongside the coachman, from whom I 
 got a great deal of information. We then drove out 
 of Plymouth, and passed Lord Burlington's estate, 
 and immediately got into the most highly-cultivated 
 country in the world. The road throughout Devon- 
 shire is very narrow, except on Brinkdown and Dart- 
 moor, being only wide enough for two carriages, and 
 seems to be dug out of the ground, running between 
 two high hedges of twelve or fourteen feet in height. 
 In the course of the day we passed several noble- 
 men's and gentlemen's seats, through tlie large towns 
 of Ashburton and Chudleigh, and forty other towns, 
 besides upwards of thirty villages ; passed over the 
 River Teign, about as large as the Don, and came in 
 sight of the Channel, and below us, at the distance of 
 five miles, was the city of Exeter, lying in a most 
 delightful vale, forty-four miles from Plymouth. I 
 saw the two towers of its ancient cathedral rising 
 above the town, besides innumerable spires and turrets 
 throughout the city. It seemed situate in the midst 
 of a forest or wood. The hedges hereabouts were 
 planted with rows of trees. At a small distance on 
 the right, but on a hill, stood an ancient, once strong, 
 but now mouldering castle, with ivy growing from its 
 battlements and towers, called Courtney Castle, sur- 
 rounded with a deep ditch and wall, covering a great 
 extent of ground, built in a square form, with two 
 great towers. The windows were high from the 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 ground and very narrow. There was a large wood or 
 forest, surrounding the castle, of elms and oak. At 
 five we got into Exeter, passed the liiver Exe, and 
 drove up to Phillips' Hotel, opposite the cathedral. 
 Next morning, being Monday the 12th, at three 
 o'clock we left Exeter, and breakfasted at a large brick 
 town or city, called Axminster. We soon alter got 
 into Dorsetshire and passed over Liddon Down, on 
 which were 100,000 sheep feeding. We now began to 
 get into a high, dry, flint and chalk country, as this 
 part of Dorset has very little meadow or pasture, but 
 great fields of wheat. 1 saw one field, belonging to 
 a gentleman, of 5,000 acres of wheat. At noon we 
 came alongside the Channel, and passed Lyme Regis 
 and the Isle of Portland ; also crossed the lioman 
 military highway, running from Lyme Eegis to Bristol. 
 It was wide enough for two carriages, with a bank of 
 earth about eight feet high on each side. We passed 
 a large Danish camp on Liddon Down, and two large 
 square Roman camps with deep ditches. At four we 
 dined at the ancient Roman city of Dorchester, which 
 we entered through a double row of oaks a mile long. 
 In twenty minutes we left Dorchester, and passed at 
 six o'clock another Roman military highway, leading 
 in a straight direction from Poole to London. In the 
 evening passed the division betweeen Dorset and 
 Wilts, being the ancient division thrown up by the 
 Saxons l)etween these two kingdoms. We passed 
 through Salisbury, and saw that most l)eautiful and 
 lofty spire. 
 Tuesday, the IHth, we were passing from seven 
 to eleven over Bagshot Heath ; to our left was 
 Windsor Park. We crossed the Thames at Staines. 
 Saw Windsor Castle, with the royal flag fiying ; 
 thence over Hounslow Heath, and got within eight 
 miles of Hyde Park Corner, when, from the number 
 of people, the carriages going and coming, the close- 
 ness of the houses and the paved road, I could 
Voyage to England, i8ii. 
 hardly thiuk I was not in London, for it is one long 
 street, excepting two small breaks. At last, we 
 entered the city through a great iron gate and frame, 
 with many lamps upon it. Then to see the height 
 and regularity of the houses ! The lower stories are 
 nothing but glass on both sides the street, the houses 
 being in the front supported by iron posts, and the 
 windows filled with the most curious cut-glass. The 
 footways were covered with people ; you see four or 
 five abreast continually turning the corners of the 
 streets, without ceasing one moment. I was very 
 nmch tired, being two days and a night in the coach 
 without sleeping. You would be surprised at the 
 nicety with which every one dresses here, therefore, 
 to appear in the fashion, I have got an entire new suit 
 of clothes in the London cut (very different from the 
 York), a pair of boots and London hat. 
 The next day, Wednesday, I walked througli London 
 four or five hours, delivering papa's and the Clovernor's 
 letters. Thursday night John took me to the Court 
 of Chancery in Lincoln's Inn, where I saw the Lord 
 Chancellor, who is Speaker of the House of Lords, 
 and a multitude of lawyers, and heard a great deal 
 of fine speaking. 
 Friday, dined with Mr. Watson, who is very civil 
 to me ; he said that Governor Gore is coming home. 
 At nine I left his house. No. 5 Saville Row, Bond 
 Street, and came from there to Paternoster Row, 
 a distance of two and a half miles, without missing 
 my way. The lamps in the street and on the bridges 
 make a most beautiful appearance, and when you are 
 at the end of a long street it looks like a stream of 
 On Saturday, I dined with John and George, at Mr. 
 Hamilton's country house, at Clapton, near Hackney. 
 On Sunday, I went to the Prince's chapel, where Mr. 
 Prince read the lessons most admirably, beyond any- 
 thing I ever heard, and his son Tom preached a most 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 •i' i! 
 excellent sermon. I dined, and spent the evening 
 with that most friendly family, and was invited b}'^ 
 Mrs. Prince to go with her to Vauxhall, on Wednesday 
 evening, the 22nd August. Accordingly, on Wednes- 
 day I dined and drank tea at Mr. Prince's, and at eight 
 o'clock, in company with Mrs. P. and Betsy, her son 
 Tom, the clergyman, and Philip, got into a Hackney 
 coach, and drove to the gardens. 
 Then follows a description of Vauxhall in 1811. 
 As you enter you see before you a long arched gallery 
 open on the right side to the square ; on the left, boxes 
 for entertainments. The gallery is about fifteen feet 
 high and twenty wide, and surrounds a very large 
 square closed on two sides. On the arched ceiling are 
 hung the lamps upon chains, which cross the roof 
 backward and forward. They are made of coloured 
 glass, yellow, blue and red, and are only two or three 
 inches apart. These little lamps are hung in festoons 
 of about eight feet sweep. The square is full of large 
 elm and poplar trees, which are joined together by 
 festoons of lamps, as close as they can hang, and 
 coloured. In the midst of the square is the orchestra, 
 about thirty-live feet in height, and eighteen wide, 
 which looks like one blaze of tire, from the infinite 
 number of lamps with which it is entirely covered. It is 
 made in the form of a temple ; the cupola was sur- 
 mounted by a crown made of lamps, " Duke of 
 Clarence " underneath, this being his birthday, with 
 the anchor, he being an admiral. The front of the or- 
 chestra was open, and in the second story were about 
 twenty-five capital performers. 
 In the intervals, a little boy sang in the most won- 
 derful manner, also a Mrs. Bland and Miss Ferrer, 
 both famous singers. We «had also martial music 
 from the Duke of York's band. 
 We walked out one side of the square, and came 
 into a great temple, which glittered witli lamps. 

 Voyage to England, i8ii. 
 The walls were surrounded with flags of different 
 nations. In the middle hung three large lustres ; the 
 lamps, blue, red and yellow. The temple was sur- 
 rounded with paintings, and avenues branched from 
 it with long beads of lamps, terminated by a dark 
 wood through which you could see some fantastical 
 fairy lights. We walked along, and preseni^ly came to 
 three or four large trees in a dark corner, under which 
 sat a company of gypsies, smoking their pipes, with 
 two or three children, and a jackass feeding. Before 
 them was a fire with a pot boiling, and it was only by 
 the fire-light we could see them. It was a very com- 
 plete deception. 
 Going a little farther, we came to a hermitage, 
 where sat by a table an old hermit reading, his 
 cat by the fire. Then to the cascade, which is 
 another deception. We went down a dark avenue 
 through crowds — it being supposed there were six 
 thousand in the gardens — and we came to where the 
 most astonishing fireworks were displayed. At half- 
 past twelve we left this fairy ground. 
 From Thomas G. Ridout to his Father in York. 
 London, 237'cZ August, 1811. 
 I arrived in this wonderful city on the 18th inst, 
 after a journey of forty -four days. Next day I deliver- 
 ed the letters to Mr. Watson, Woldham, Colonel 
 Derby, Franklin, Hoddinot, Mr. Hamilton, by all of 
 whom I was well received, and was by Mr. Watson 
 invited to dinner. I also called on Mr. Selby, of the 
 South Sea House, and delivered his father's and your 
 letters. On Friday I went to the Magdalene, and was 
 received by that real and best friend of yours, Mr. 
 Prince, like a son who had been long away. Their 
 son Tom, who is now in orders, is secretary to the 
 Duke of Brunswick, and tutor to his children. Mr. 
 Prince treated me on Wednesday night, being the Duke 
 of Clarence's birthday, to a sight of Vauxhall, which 
 Ten Years of Upper Can.iDA. 
 1); ' 
 ■ r J 
 I have very imperfectly described to George. Mr. 
 Amyatt will not be in town this week, so I shall keep 
 his letter till then. 
 I am sorry to tell you there is a general stagna- 
 tion of commerce, all entrance into Europe being 
 completely shut up ; there never was known a time 
 to compare to the present, nearly all the foreign 
 traders becoming bankrupt, or about a tenth of their 
 former trade. But if a war takes place between 
 France and Russia, which is very likely, the great 
 trade formerly carried on with Russia will then 
 revive, and merchants' counting-houses will not look 
 as solitary as they do at present. Neither will the 
 Royal Exchange be as deserted, for there are not 
 above two or three hundred gentlemen now transact- 
 ing business there. The West India merchants are 
 nearly ruined, having no sale on the continent for 
 their immense quantity of colonial produce, which is 
 now accumulating in their warehouses. 
 Mr. Edmundson and I have just come down from St. 
 Paul's, we were both up into the ball, which is really 
 frightful to think of, though I did not mind it then. 
 The ball and cross stand upon eight iron legs about as 
 thick as my wrist, and before we could get up into the 
 ball, we had to climb up those legs, by notches cut in 
 them, so that by slipping through, a person would have 
 been precipitated four hundred and four feet. From 
 there I saw the immense cities of London, West- 
 minster, Southwark — and, indeed, nothing but one mass 
 of buildings as far as the eye could reach. The deep 
 ditches of streets with the moving black in them and 
 the red-tiled houses. We saw Lord Nelson's tomb in 
 the vaults of St. Paul's. It is immediately under the 
 dome, and his body is in the tomb or coffin of black 
 marble, which Wolsey had made for himself. Col- 
 lingwood lay alongside of him. 
 I have seen Henry Boulton. I arrived here a week 
 before him. He seems to be mighty busy with Lord 
Voyage to England, i8ii. 
 Liverpool, Mr. Amyatt, and other great men, about 
 getting his father from France. 
 John, the other night, took me to the Lyceum. 
 I have not yet seen the wild beasts at Exeter 
 'Change, but frequently hear the lions roar on going 
 past. The King is very ill, and is expected to die 
 every day. There are six of Dr. Willis' men who 
 are appointed to beat him, but they are not allowed 
 to see any one. He is entirely deranged, and talked 
 the other day for twenty-two hours without ceasing. 
 The Prince Regent is in great favor with the people, 
 and it is expected will keep a splendid court 
 Sometime ago. Lord Grosvenor, another nobleman 
 and several gentlemen decamped for the continent. 
 They were obliged to fly for their lives, being con- 
 nected with the infamous Vere Street gang. 
 Three men were hung at Newgate yesterday morn- 
 ing ; every day two or three robbers or forgers are 
 taken up. One of the clerks of the Bank of England 
 was hung the other day for forgery. Henry Boulton 
 has lost his watch already. To-day (I shall never })e 
 done writing about what I have seen) I saw from the 
 top of St. Paul's Mr. Sadler and another gentleman 
 ascend in a balloon. They went through the clouds 
 over Hackney. 
 From Surveyor-General Ridout io kin son Thomai* \n 
 Kngland : — 
 York, Upper Canada, Wth September, 1811. 
 I was at the Governor's this morning, when he 
 informed me that the Hon. Captain Gore, 100th 
 regiment, would set out for Quebec to-morrow morn- 
 ing, and embark in a frigate immediately for England, 
 and that he would take charge of, and deliver to you, 
 a letter from me. Captain Gore coming in at the 
 same time, the Governor introduced me to him, and 
 he is so obliging as to take charge of this. The 
 Governor, with whom you appear to be much in 
I i 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 favour, spoke very handsomely of you to Captain Gore. 
 I have ah'eady informed you how much the Governor 
 was pleased with your letters from Quehec and the 
 Brandy Potts. The Duke of Manchester returned 
 hither yesterday from Lake Huron, by way of Lake 
 Simcoe and Yonge Street. I saw him this morning 
 at the Governor's. He sets out to-morrow, if the 
 weather permits, in company with Major Halton, to 
 Quebec, and probably the Governor will accompany 
 his Grace thither, whence he (the Duke) embarks for 
 I have given instructions to Mr. Wilmott to lay off 
 a road from Kempenfeldt Bay, on Lake Simcoe, to 
 Lake Huron, into lots, and a village at each extremity 
 of the road, which I hope will be executed by 
 Having wrote last week to Markle that George 
 would be \vith him as to-day, your brother accor- 
 dingly set out yesterday on Dolphin, intending to 
 be with Mr. Markle this morning, and from thence 
 goes to Niagjira, where the Court opens on Monday 
 next, the Kith instant, and where they expect to 
 sit for a week. We have had a great deal of hot 
 weather this summer. Many days, the week before 
 last, the thermometer was at ninety-two to ninety- 
 four. It now threatens a storm from the east. 
 Mrs. Gougb, Hetty Kobinson, and Hugh McLean 
 died about ten days ago ; the Kev. John Stuart at about 
 tlie same time, and on the 4th instant Dr. Gamble 
 was buried. Mr. James Cartwright is extremely ill. 
 Mr. Wlntlow not yet returned. As the congregation 
 of Kingston wish that our Mr. Stuart might succeed 
 his father as their pastor, it is probable he will 
 remove thither. I have not yet seen Jackson.* He 
 liad the folly or assurance to pay a visit to the 
 Governor — surely with no good intent — but His 
 * This wns Mr. Mills Jackson, who Rfterwards settled uii Lake Simcoe, 
 and Jackson's Point s'ill bears his name. 
Voyage to England, i8ii. 
 Excellency signified his wish not to see him again. 
 I have written Dr. IMacaiilay and Mr. Gray, thanking 
 them for their kind attention to you. Fail not, my dear 
 boy, to pay your respects occasionally to those gentle- 
 men for whom the Governor has been so kind as to 
 give you letters. 
 His Excellency possesses a warm and generous 
 heart, and I am well persuaded will not neglect 
 those whom he has once taken l)y the hand without 
 very good reason. IMen of his warmth of temper 
 are of generous minds, they may sometimes be 
 imposed upon, but never do things by halves. I 
 am extremely anxious, my dear son, for your 
 prosperity, and that you should be esteemed and 
 beloved by the praiseworth}'. I was about to give 
 you more admonition, and yours is a soil on which 
 all the virtues will thrive. I shall therefore tran- 
 scribe from a book of memoranda, written by me 
 many years ago, " A father's advice to his son 
 about to travel." I believe they are the words of yo'ir 
 favourite Shakespeare : 
 "Give thy thoughts no tongue, 
 Nor any unproportionod thought Ills act ; 
 Be thou familiar, l>ut by no means vulgar 
 The friends thou hast, and their atloption tried. 
 Grapple them to thy soul witli hooks of steel. 
 But do not (hill thy palm with entertainment 
 Of each new-hatch 'd, un(k>d;^f'd comrade. Beware 
 Of entrance to a quarrel ; but, being in, 
 Bear it, that th' opposod may beware of thee. 
 Give every man tliine ear, but few tliy N'oice ; 
 Take each man's censure, liut reserve thy judgment. 
 Costly thy hahit as thy purse can buy, 
 But not expres.sed in fancy ; rich, not <,'audy ; 
 For th' apparel oft proclaims the man. . . 
 Neither a borrower nor a lender be. 
 For loan oft loses l)oth itself and friend. 
 And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. 
 Tliis above all, to flihw. own self he (nw, 
 And it musu follow, as tiio night the day. 
 Thou can'st not then be false to any man." 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Mr. Firth goes from here in a day or two, and to 
 his care f intend committing a packet for Quebec, 
 enclosing one to Mr. Amyatt, etc. Nancy and Mary 
 intend writing to you by the October fleet. You see, 
 my dear hoy, tliat I write to you as though you were 
 arrived in the hind of safety. The pubhc papers will 
 inform yon of tlie pnblic news. Three parties 
 of Indians, west of Lake Michigan, have come 
 hither this summer. The Governor has only seen 
 one party of them. A party of the St. Regis Indians 
 are now here respecting their lands, on which subject 
 I am directed, with Mr. Selby, to see tliem to-morrow. 
 No money has yet arrived from Quebec, so that we are 
 distressed for want of it. Government bills are dis- 
 counted at twenty per cent. 
Gossip from London, i8ii. 
 From Thomof G .Ridont to hix lirofhr in York: — 
 I^ONDox, 26//t September, 1811. 
 J piu)MisKP to tell you how tho poor Canadian felt 
 when London saw hun. After ridinj^ all the morning 
 of the I8th nit. over Bagshot Heath, we arrived at the 
 liiver ^J'hfinies, at a large hrick town called Staines. 
 Here the river is not larger than the Don. It is 
 twenty miles from London ; frojri thence we saw 
 Windsor Cfistle, and the royal Hag flying. Next, 
 entered upon Honnslow Heath, over which we rattled, 
 and presently came to a long street, eight miles from 
 Hyde Park Corner, and drove through a multitude of 
 waggons, cofiches iind people in crowds. We drove 
 through Hyde Pjirk gate in high style, with six fine 
 horses, into Piccadilly. 
 Th(; houses jire four or five stories high on earh side, 
 liuilt of a lirown kind of i>rick ; the lower stories of the 
 houses are jtotliing hut a long glass frairie, from one 
 street to another, and so throughout the city, on hoth 
 sides, and of tlu^ iaigest kind of glass, and the houses 
 are sup))orted hy iron posts. The sides of the streets 
 are paved with large, scpiare. Mat stones, and posts on 
 eacii sid(^ to keep the carriages off; the middle with 
 thick, oblong stones, and rounding, like our stones, 
 but rather uiuddy. In the middle of the str(M'ts stood 
 a long line of Hackney coa(dies waiting for employ- 
 ment ; on ea<di sidcM)! them was a long row of coacdies, 
 waggons, carts and gigs, one going down a,nd the otlier 
 coujing up. The footways were crowded with the 
 II ^ 
 IS ')!; 
 ^M i 
 'H I 
 Ti-;n Ykars ok Upi'icr Canada. 
 London bucks and ladies, dressed in tlie neatest 
 manner ; chimney sweeps, coalheavers, porters ; fish 
 and fruit women, with their stalls and wheel- barrows ; 
 men, women, butcher's trays, dog-carts, and children, 
 and old blind Hddlers — racket and riot, jostling, inso- 
 much that I wished myself in the woods again. The 
 throng was so great that sometimes there was a general 
 stop. At last, I landed somewhere in Fleet Street. . . 
 Merchants have either become bankrupt, or retired, 
 while they could, from business. Their clerks are all 
 discharged, and gone into the army or country. Those 
 'nerchants who formerly kept ten or fifteen clerks, 
 now have but two or three. There are now many 
 thousands half-starved, discharged clerks, skulking 
 about London ; in every street you see, " A counting- 
 house to let." 
 The foreign trade is almost destroyed, the Custom 
 House duties are reduced upwards of one half. Of 
 such dreadful power are JBonaparte's orders or edicts, 
 which have of late been enforced in the strictest 
 manner all over the continent, thut it has almost 
 ruined the commerce of England. The East India 
 Company liave their great warehouses filled with the 
 most valuable goods, spoihng and wasting, as England 
 is the only part of Europe that consumes for them. 
 Tea and coffee are as cheap here as at York. As for 
 the West India Company, they are going fast ; for 
 besid(»s their own immense warehouses, they have 
 hired additional ones to the cost of £4*2, 000, which 
 are all hlled with their overplus produce. 
 The Royal I^jxcliauge is miserably attended ; no for- 
 eigners, but about a dozen Hamburger.^, very few 
 Americans. Another thing, there is no coin, or very 
 little, in circulation ; Jiiost of tlie guineas have been 
 sold to the French at the rate of 208. sterling apiece. 
 There is now a law against selling guineas, but as long 
 as the Government keep the value at 2 Is., while the 
 real value is 26s., they will continue to be sold, and sent 
Gossip from London, i8ii. 
 out of the country. The silver is no longer the king's 
 coin, hut is coined by the Bank of England into 5s., 
 3s. and eighteen-penny pieces, with these words on, 
 *' Bank of England token;" 5s. passes for 5s. 6d., of 
 such value is gold and silver, though it is only a 
 Spanish dollar stamped over. All payuients are made 
 in bank notes, these tokens and signs being only for 
 change. Neither will the bank give you coin for their 
 own notes, they having a law in their favour to tliat 
 Sucli a time as this was never known in England. It 
 is the universal murmur. Wliilst the British army in 
 Portugal are supported at the rate of .t'85,000 per dieui, 
 which is near thirteen millions a year, this country is 
 groaning under intolerable taxes, and a debt which it 
 would take a mountain of gold to pay off. It is now up- 
 wards of c£ 7 00, 000, 000; but such a spring lias been given 
 to all public works that it will recpiire something very 
 extraordinary to make them lie by. 
 Two or three times a montli either a ship of the line 
 or a frigate is launched. All His Majesty's shins are 
 very badly manned, though pressing of seamen was 
 never carried on in such a tyrannical manner before. 
 I had a bit of an adventure in that line myself, which 
 you sliall have. When 1 left Plymouth on board the 
 coach, I was dressed in my blue coat, blue trousers and 
 black silk handkerchief. When we came to a town called 
 Plympton, and were ])assing through a turnpike gate, 
 we spied a boatswain and his gang l)earing down upon 
 us. We accordingly stopj)e(l, they demanded if we had 
 passes. The three Danes presently sliowed theirs — 
 *' All's well." But l)eing dressed as a sailor, J expected 
 something. The boatswain then hailed me. " Where 
 is your pass ? " *' I have none," I answered. " Come 
 down here." Down I came from the top, and stood 
 before his tremendous majesty, the boatswain, and about 
 fifteen of his old weather-beaten courtiers. " What 
 ship are you from?" "The Sea Nymph/' "Very 
 '■/. 1 
 i^ « 
 «. '* 
 ] t 
 Tp:n Years of Uppkr Canada. 
 well ; where did you sail from ?" " Canada." *' Aye, 
 aye, we knows where Candia is. It is in the East 
 Indies. You were second mate or boatswain's niate, 
 I suppose ?'' " Neither." " Then you must l)e before 
 the mast?" "No." "Come, come, my lad, you 
 can't sheer off; you must go witli us before the 
 Admiral, on board the St. Salvador, in Plymouth 
 Sound (130 guns)." I then opened my trunk, and 
 showed them the Governor's letters. "Oh, sir, we 
 are sorry for detaining you." "Yes," said the old 
 coachman, " you may beg my pardon for detaining 
 me this half hour." 
 From Tluynia^ G. Ridoat to hitt Sister : — 
 IjONDON, 2{ith Hepteniher, 181 J. 
 1 am now in the land of caps and b(mnets, kings 
 and queens, dukes, rogues and princes ; but I am 
 away from mother, father, brothers, sisters, home and 
 delight, old Towser, Dolphin and all. The sea when 
 it rolls mountains high, and the gale whistling through 
 the rigging, seems more at rest tlian the famed city of 
 London, bustling and rnttling crowds in all directions. 
 The other day, when the balloon asc-nded, there were 
 no less than 200,000 people on Hackn6\y (Ireen. One 
 (5an never stop in the streets to look at anything. 
 From Thovins G. Hidout to hia lirotiier in York , — 
 London. 7ih Oclohfr. 1811. 
 Last month we had a fanuius fair iu West Smith- 
 field, called Bartholomew fair, which was kept up for 
 four days and three nights without ceasing, by about 
 thirty tbousjind of the greatest blackguards in L(mdon. 
 I squeezed myself through it three or four times. The 
 people were as close as a bundle of sti( ks. There 
 were stages erected, [)lays acted, all sorts of wild beast 
 shows, bands (if music, dancers, and swinging and 
 riding imichines. Altogether it was a complete tumult. 
Gossip from London. i8ir. 
 Last Sunday Mr. P^dmundson and I took a walk up 
 the Thames to see the Royal Gardens of Kew and 
 liiohmond. 'i'hey are of great extent, laid out in long, 
 shaded, laurel walks,leading to elegant Chinese, Roman 
 and Grecian temples. Dark groves of oak, pine and 
 beech, small plots of grass surrounded by orange and 
 olive trees, tulips, and every beautiful flower. On one 
 side of the garden is tiie Royal Palace of Kew, built 
 by George III., in the style of an ancient castle ; on the 
 other, in the midst of a wood, rises a lofty Chinese 
 pagoda of twelve stories, each story having a separate 
 roof, such as you see on cups and saucers. 
 After strolling about from temple to temple, and 
 grove to castle, for two hours, I was very glad to bear 
 away for dinner to the house of a gentleman of the 
 name of Manning. We did not leave until late, and 
 passed through London town at twelve o'clock. 
 Here's a girl rolling her wheel-barrow along, crying, 
 *' Who'll buy my nice walnuts, two shillings a hundred 
 walnuts, very tine wa-alnuts." An old Negro with a 
 powdered head a!id white waistcoat has just come 
 through Jjondon yard with a pan of coals and a dish 
 on top, with sausages, crying, " Hot, hot, hot." Now 
 oomes the croaking of a string of Jews, '• Clo'es, clo'es, 
 any old clo'es !" followed by some little sweeps with 
 their brush, scraper and bag of soot, crying in shrill 
 voices, ** Sweep, sweep, ho! " I nuist not write any 
 more nonsense. 
 From Thoman G. Rulout to It Is Father: — 
 London, \Ofk October, ISIL 
 (A^)^ received, vntil 22«(/ June, 1812.) 
 I had tlievery great pleasure of receiving your letter 
 of 31st July, on the 7th, also yours of the 11th 
 August and I4th July. Concerning myself, I have 
 not much to say at present. I don't think it likely 
 that I shall get any employment for a while. The 
 Government offices are filled with clerks and trade is 
 Tp:n Ykars of Upper Canada. 
 i ]< 
 r' \\ 
 at a total stand. In July and August, the merchants 
 made a desperate effort to get off their goods, and loaded 
 eight hundred ships, which they sent to the Baltic for 
 Russia, Sweden and Prussia, under an insurance of 
 forty per cent. Some were lost on the seas, others 
 taken hy privateers, and the remainder got into ports, 
 where they were immediately seized and condemned. 
 In consequence, most of the insurers at Lloyd's have 
 failed, along with many ricli and reputable houses. 
 Mr. Laroche has allowed me to attend liis r()m])ting 
 house, and learn the nature of l)usiness. I do nothing, 
 but learn a good deal. 1 have been with one of his 
 clerks to the Ijondon and West India docks, the ware- 
 houses of which are tilled with goods, and likely so to 
 remain. Coffee, which last year sold for one hundred 
 shillings and one hunch'ed and twenty shillings per 
 cwt., sells now with ditliculty at thirty-five and forty 
 shillings.. Whenevei- trade is mentioned, serious 
 countenances and a shrug of the shoulders follow. 
 I. & W. Jacobs failed for t'375,()00, and divide about 
 five shillings in the pound. 
 Last Saturdtiy, at a dinner, 1 got accpiainted with a 
 gentleman who is Secretar}' to the lottery office, and 
 lives in Somers(it House. To-morrow he has promised 
 to show me how they cut tlio lottery tickets, and on 
 Tuesday next will let me see thenj diavvn. This week 
 he'll take me throughout Westminster Abbey, on Sun- 
 day to Foundling Chapel, aiul then back to his house 
 to dinner; he is a very respeciable old gentleman. 
 T think that Mr. Firth will repent leaving Canada, 
 where, if he had remained a few months longer, the 
 Governor would have left him without a master. That 
 Mr. Jackson will endeavor to lie elected a member, I 
 think is very probaljle, his friends being the blackguards, 
 and yoms tlie decent farmers. I am very much afraid 
 (though it is no honor to my country) that he will 
 carry a great majority. 
 The present times are more trying to Pjngland than 
Gossip from London, i8ii. 
 you can imagine. The trade with Europe is com- 
 pletely destroyed ; even smuggling is discontinued, 
 as Bonaparte punishes that with immediate death. 
 Brandy is now from forty-five shillings to fifty shillings 
 per gallon. I attended, with Mr. Laroche, the com- 
 mercial sale. Not one lot in ten can he disposed 
 of, and that at a price none hut tliose in the greatest 
 need would think of, even for damaged goods. The 
 non- importation law of America will be severely felt 
 here ; and, in short, poor trade is hobbled and crippled 
 at all points of the compass. 
 The proceedings of the Government and armies 
 you know better than I can tell you. The Prince 
 Regent is much liked, though it is thought he is 
 very indolent, which arises from his infirmities, and 
 they are great. The present ministry, it is thought, 
 will remain in power, as there are very few of the 
 Prince's friends who are not much fitter for the bottle 
 and a pack of hounds than the affairs of a nation. 
 From the threatening appearances of the Catholics 
 in Ireland, Government have wisely and quietly 
 drawn the militia from that country, and supplied 
 their places by a good breed of English militia. 
 The French prisoners are also scattered throughout 
 the inland towns. I am very nnich surprised at Mr. 
 Firth's coming to England from such an appointment. 
 Archy McLean and Sam Jarvis must find itdifticult to 
 get such another place. John Robinson is Hkewise 
 adrift ; and as if fcn'tunc had a mind to s])ort w ith and 
 tease Mr. Strachan's fiock sotMed at York, tliere is 
 not one, excepting iiohort Stanton, wdio has escaped 
 her sometinje vexatious and unlooked-for turns. 
 I have seen Henry Bonlton but on(!e or twice, he 
 seems delighted with England. P'rom tlie present 
 rigorous state of affairs, tlien^ is not the least likelihood 
 of Mr. Boulton's release. I beUeve tliat Henry receives 
 promises in abundance from the great men, but that's 
 all they are able to give. 
 Tkn Ykars of Upper Canada. 
 From George Ridout to his Brother in E7)()land : — 
 YouK, Vdth October, 1811. 
 A great many extraordinary circumstances have 
 taken place since you left this miserable hole, part of 
 which you will hear before you receive this. Among 
 other things, Governor Gore has leave of absence for 
 a year, of which he has availed himself in embarking 
 for Pjugland with his family. Most probably he is 
 re->^2,lled, as he lias remained the usual time of five 
 y He promises to see both you and uncle John, 
 ath has gone also. This place is therefore want- 
 ing in a Lieutenant-Governor, Puisne Judge, and 
 Attorney-General. Three very high and important 
 places to be vacant at one time very rarely happens. 
 1 had almost forgotten that of Solicitor-General also. 
 Poor Boulton has not yet been heard of, at least by 
 D'Arcy. He received a letter from Mr. Franklin 
 yesterday, which he showed to papa; it contained noth- 
 ing satisfactory, Mr. Franklin neither being able to 
 tell whether he was alive or not, or, if alive, where he 
 was. D'Arcy is very much distressed about his father. 
 1 think we ought to be very thankful that our father 
 should have arrived safe, after encountering so many 
 dangers and difiiculties. 
 I do not believe that there are two thousand 
 dollars in the town. But I have heard that the 
 Earl of Moira, which sailed from this place to-day, 
 will return with some, which has come up and is 
 now at Kingston. Mr. Strachan is appointed rector 
 of this place, in the stead of Mr. Stuart, who g6es to 
 Kingston in tlie room of his father. We have reason 
 to rejoice at the exchange, as thereby we can send 
 John, Horact^ and Gbarles to school here at less ex- 
 pense, exclusive, too, of the difference in the characters 
 of the two men ; one sociable and clieerful, the other 
 haughty, sullen and austere. 
 John McDonnell is appointed Attorney-General for 
 the time being, in the room of Mr. Firth. Old Ken- 
 \ i 
Gossip kkom London, i8ii. 
 drick is dead of the dropsy. .Fackson is now here, 
 en^a«^ed in mercantile pursuits, distillery, etc. John- 
 son lias made a great many reeruits here ; among ye 
 rest, Colonel Graham's son, I^ill Crawford, old Mary 
 Williams' son, etc. General Brock is President, and 
 commands ye forces of Upper Canada. Ye 41st regi- 
 ment is now here, ye 100th at Three Rivers. 
 Frcmi ThoTtias G. liiduut to hi Father in York. 
 London, Hth November, 181 L 
 By the ship Orient, which sails to-morrow for New 
 York, my uncle and I send these letters. Your letters 
 of the 2Gth August I received 18th October. They 
 are called flying ones, for never before had they arrived 
 under three months. You, no doubt, hear that 
 things are getting worse every day. Trade is now at 
 the foot of the hill 
 From Thomas G Ridout to his Mother in York : — 
 ]9th December, 1811. 
 When I first entered this great city, I was as sad 
 and melancholy as a fish upon the sand, going through 
 streets where I thought nothing but confusion, dis- 
 traction and ignorance governed ; meeting one hun- 
 dred thousand people I had never seen before, won- 
 dering how these people lived, and how any regular 
 business could be carried on in such a tumultuous place. 
 With all these ideas in my head, I rode on the stage 
 through London, not knowing a single person in this 
 great place. Thus was 1 situated when the coach 
 stopped on Fleet Street — all one to me where, for 1 knew 
 not the diiference between that and Barbican's Lane. 
 The coachman then said I could not go until mv fare 
 from Exeter was paid, as my name was not entered ; I 
 told him I'd rather stay in the coach a whole day than 
 pay twice. At last he let me go, though I now believe 
 it was only a trick to cheat me out of something ; and I 
 got a porter to carry my trunk to Paternoster Kow, 
 Tkn Years of Upper Canada. 
 whom I followed through crowds, step by step, mind- 
 mg nothing else, to the door. 
 Now I know London as well as York, and everything 
 seems to go on with the regularity of (dookwork, and 
 I begin to know many merchants and others. You 
 can't think what honourable company I have been in. 
 On the 19th November uncle and I went in the car- 
 riage to Sydenham, and dined with Mr. Mariot, a 
 member of Parliament, a great merchant and agent for 
 the island of Trinidad. On tlie 27th, we were all 
 invited to Mr. Evans', another rich merchant, and 
 American agent in London. Tiierc was a large party of 
 twenty-two gentlemen, and among them the American 
 Plenipotentiary to the court of France, just returned 
 from that court and now American Minister in Lon- 
 don — Mr. Kussel. 
 The moment I cast my eyes on him, I told John, 
 " There's a Yankee, for a dollar." He talked very 
 highly of Bonaparte, of the splendour of his court, the 
 regularity and order maintained in France, and many 
 curious things relating to Bonaparte. What must you 
 think of the jewellers in London, when Bony'a new 
 crown about six months ago was made, and the jewels 
 set by a fanious goldsmitli and jeweller in Ludgate 
 At Mr. Marston's 1 have dined twice with the 
 Accomptant-General of the Bank of England. The 
 kindness to me of the Princes is beyond everything. 
 Tom is a wonderful clever fellow, I believe T told you 
 that he is secretary to the Duke of Brunswick, and 
 tutor to his two children, who, after the Princess Char- 
 lotte, are next heirs to the crown. He preaches alter- 
 nately at St James' (Jhurch in Piccadilly, and the 
 Magdalene. At St. James' to a congregation of five 
 thousand, consisting of most of the nobility and gentry 
 of that end of the town. 
 The Duke of Brunswick mentioned is the one who 
 fell at the battle of Waterloo. 
Gossip from London, i8ii. 
 From, Thomas G. Riclout to his Father in Yoi'k . — 
 London, 18^/i December, 1811. 
 It is now upwards of two months since I heard from 
 home, whicli has almost worn out my patience, l)ut I 
 DOW hegin to look for the Governor daily, from whom 
 I hope to receive your letters. I am chiefly employed 
 at the London and West India Docks, in shipping, 
 landing, and warehousing goods, consisting of Brazil 
 and West India sugars, cottons. East and West India 
 coffees, hides, tallow, logwood, etc. The East India 
 Company sell nothing hut at public auction in their 
 house, where thev have a verv handsome room, with 
 the statues of the Governor-Generals and great men 
 standing in niches around the room. At one end sits 
 a director ; before him, inside a railing, tive clerks ; 
 at the two outer corners of the table, in pulpits, 
 stand two auctioneers. Before them, on seats raised 
 one above the other, almost to the top of the room, 
 are seated the merchants and brokers. The auction- 
 eer on the right puts up the lot, upon which the 
 price is immediately bidden, as quick as thought ; and 
 the one on the left in a few moments sings out the 
 buyer and the highest price, so that in the course of 
 ten minutes they may sell twenty chests of mace, etc. 
 The Director sits as judge. Should any ditference 
 arise between the bidders, his decision settles t<^ 
 whom the lot is sold. He is always addresse;] with 
 great respect, hats in hand, and with a low bow. 
 I am afraid my stories are too long and minute to 
 afford you any pleasure, but I know that M. and G. 
 will be much amused at many things I write, however 
 well-known to you, and my stock of Loudon nuinners, 
 shows and wonders is not yet spun out. Almost 
 every day I see somethiug reujarkable. Previous to 
 the sale a clerk and I went through the several India 
 warehouses, to draw samples of the cofifee, cotton, 
 sugar, etc., and I was astonished to see the immense 
 quantities of goods stored. This has been a busy day 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 h It 
 for lis, as we ship to Malta on to-morrow 150,000 
 pounds West India coffee, and 100,000 pounds Brazil 
 cotton, from whence it will be smuggled into Italy; 
 the exj)()rts to Malta lieing now very great, and for no 
 other purpose than smuggling. The Americans ha\e 
 the most beautiful ships in the river. The Portuguese, 
 from Brazil, are the largest traders, excepting India- 
 On account of the scarcity of wheat, the distilling 
 of spirits from grain will in a short time be stopped, 
 which will cause the great quantity of West India 
 sugar now lying in warehouses to be in part sold to 
 the distillers, beneliting i)oth the King's custo'ns and 
 the West India merchants, whose trade before was 
 almost ruined, and even in this will be vc»ry little bene- 
 fited. The quantity of tobacco on hand in the city of 
 London alone, amount- to 30,000, 000 pounds weight, 
 enough to give a good quid to the whole world. 
 I have frequently been in the Biink of England, 
 the clerks of \vhi(di, livery Sunday morning, parade in 
 Moorfields to the number of nine hundriMl, calling 
 themselves the Bank Volunteers, They are dressed 
 in uniform, and seem to know little besides putting 
 on their (dothes and carrying a gun. The Bank 
 still continues to issue their notes without bounds, 
 along with a little silver or base metal for change, 
 theirs being the only current moiu-y seen in the king- 
 dom, so tiiat Tiu'eadnecdle rags and bank tokens are 
 now in the phu^e of good old guineas. 
 I was at Woolwicli and Depuford the other day, and 
 went to Colomd Pilkington's hou8(», as he desired .ne, 
 unluckily, he was in London, but Mrs. P. received me 
 very politely, and I was invited to dinner, but on 
 ac(!ount ol" th(^ stage, I could not stop. However, that 
 I should not go away ilisa])p()inted, siie got a ('aptain 
 of the Engineers to go about with me. The first 
 place I went to was the (Irand Arsenal and Foundry, 
 which is a place of about five or nix acres, surrounded 
Gossii' FKOM London, i8ii. 
 i .!ie, 
 (1 ine 
 t on 
 hy a lii^'h wall, containing many thousand ship, wall 
 and (ield-pioces, which entirely cover the whole 
 ground. They are ranged in long lines according to 
 their size, in the most (ixact order. The hrasa 
 pieces in particular were most heautiful. Cannon 
 halls and homhshells, piled up among the cannons like 
 small mountains, convicts (diained to the wheel- 
 i)arrow, prison ships, sheer hulks and tenders in the 
 river, imide the poor Canjidian think himself out of 
 his country. 1 saw tiic Artillery and Marine J3arracks. 
 The artillery hrass fudd-pieces were mounted on 
 several hun(h'ed line carriages. 
 1 ghiiu-ed lu'xt at the docks. All secimed in con- 
 fusion, hut the nohle ships ufion the stocks showed, by 
 their strength, hejiuty and workmanshif), that there was 
 orderand regularity in this tuiiudt. One one-hundred- 
 and-twenty-gun shi}), two eight} -four and three frigates 
 were grand })roofs of industry and art. The one-hun- 
 drcd-and-twenty-guii ship is called the Ne/son. Mrs. 
 Pilkington says Mr. I). W. Smith is nuirried to her 
 sister. He is in had health, chiefly caused hy grief 
 for the death of his son havid. who was killed in a 
 hoat sent to cut out a merchant ship somewhere on 
 the coast of l-'rance, in May last, fie went against 
 the will of the captain, to accompany his friend, the 
 lieutenant who conuminde<l the hoat. David was 
 killed hy the only shot that stru(d\ them. It passed 
 through his hody, and took the lieutenant's arm off. 
 The Quehec tleet is now on the coast of I'jigland, 
 the Evrrfttd in Torhav, and some at Portsmouth, I 
 hear that the (lovernor has arrived, hut 1 l<no\v not 
 where to find him, and I iim all anxiet\ m hear. 
 Surely, my dear father, you have written hy him. for 
 the longer 1 am from home, the sweeter and mon* 
 welcome is news from that dear spot. I shall sei^ 
 Heru'v Houlton to-morrt)W, who is entt^rcnl at (i 
 Inn, and inipiire something ahout. his fathei where 
 Mr. l*'irth is, and what Henry knows of oc(Mirreuces 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 at York. I fear that his father cannot be cleared, and 
 think more and more every day how safe you arrived 
 in our snug and sheltered corner of the globe. Th» 
 French privateers now dash by dozens into every fleet, 
 and make prizes in sight of the farmers in England. 
 The other day a company of twenty actors who sailed 
 for Barbadoes, were taken off Scilly, and carried into 
 France, which afforded a laugh here. This afternoon, 
 as I passed the Mansion House, a great mob was 
 collected. My curiosity led me among them. They 
 were reading two bills posted up, giving an account 
 of the capture of tlie Batavia and Java, with th» 
 number of French killed and prisoners. 
 The Colonel Pilkington of this letter is another 
 familiar name in the early annals of Upper Canada. 
 In the Duke de liocshefoucauld's diary, he is men- 
 tioned as a young officer of the Kngineers, stationed 
 then (ITDf)) at Fort ^Niagara. The Duke writes, "We 
 dined in the Fort at Major Seward's, an officer of 
 elegant, polite and amiable manners. He and Mr. 
 Pilkington, an officer of the corps of Engineers, are 
 the military gentlenu n we have most frequently seen 
 during our residence in this place, and whom th« 
 Governor most distinguishes from the rest." 
Amusements in London, 1811-1812. 
 (^HAPTEli VI, 
 From Thoranx G. lildottf to his Brother in York- : — 
 London, }Sth Derewln-r, 1811. 
 Yesteri).\y I received yours of the lOtli October. I 
 called this inorninj,' upon Henry Boulton, in Lincoln's 
 Inn, where he is entered with Foster, Cooke ct Frere, 
 three solicitors of great practice. 1 ft)und him busy 
 at work. He had not yet heard from iiome, and 
 everything I told him was new. He complains of 
 the hard work. The ofKce hours are from half-past 
 nine till four and from sev(>n to nine in the (?\cning. 
 For five years yet he will have to continue in this 
 manner. Altered limes for poor Henry I He looks 
 very well, and is quite a hlood. 
 I am very glad that you have Mr. Slrachan at York. 
 I almost forgot to say that Henry and I went to the 
 Oanada Motel, in the Strand, to see Ale.x. McDonell. 
 He is very well, and was glad to see me, telling us 
 iuany things about York, which he left on 1st Septem- 
 ber. He told us that the North-West ('om))any have 
 determined to carry their trade through Yonge Street, 
 of their grant of land, etc. The Attorney-deneral, 
 Mr. L'iith, is in l^higbind, though Henry has not yet 
 seen him. In what a foolish manner did he leave you 
 when his enemy, the (lovernor, whom he wished to 
 avoid, (deared out about the same time. I fear from 
 what Henry says, that his father will not be liberated. 
 The dilliculty is so great. They recu'ive regular letters 
 from him. He is allowed six miles on eitlier side of 
 Arras, goes into company, writes in good spirits, and 
i ! 
 Tkn Ykars ok Upper Canada. 
 pays thirty per cent, diseouiit for Euglish l>ilLs. 
 James McDonell has eoiiie to Loruloii to get a com- 
 mission in the army. He lodges at some phice in 
 Bisho})Sgate Street, and wislies to stjc me. Govern(>r 
 Gore is, of course, arrived in town, as tlie frigate 
 readied Portsmouth last Friday ; l)ut I have not yet 
 got my letters which father se.iit hy Halton. 
 Last Saturday, Mr. E(lnunids(jn and I went for the 
 first time to Co vent Garden, to see the tragedy of 
 "Pizarro" acted, Kemble and Mrs. Siddons perfoiniing 
 the chief eh iracters. On account of seeing tiie grand 
 saloons in tlu; upper part of Ihe house, we took a box 
 in the second tier. It is a Ujost curious building. The 
 pit was crowded. The boxes wt^re lilled with my lords 
 and ladies. Tiiey are in live tiers, one above the other, 
 to the gallery, where tln^ gods and goddesses sport. 
 They run entirely round the hous(\ being supported 
 by slender iron pillars, fluted and gilt. The boxes are 
 also highly ornanu^nted, as well as tlie ceiling ; a 
 gallery runs at the back of each tier, from which doors 
 connect with every box, wliicli are cushioned and 
 lined with hai/e. From thcsc^ galleries you go into 
 saloons, whose walls are marble, and cfMlitigs paintings. 
 There are also numy statues of great men, made of 
 beautiful white marble, standing in niches — Shake- 
 8[)eare, Garrick, etc. Refreshments are sold in these 
 rooms. Mrs. Siddons, tin- Queen of the Stage, who is 
 now near seventy years old. nuule her appearaiu^e 
 amid the clapping of hands. Her voice is so powerful, 
 at the same time vc;ry grand. N On hear it fairly shout 
 in the theatr(\ When i*i/arro says, ** Call the guards, 
 and tak»^ that woman into custody," she said, "Aye, 
 call the guards, I say, call th(> guards." Tutting (m 
 a look of the utmost defiance and contempt. Her 
 nninner of speaking and look sometimes is xcry mu<'h 
 like mother's. I'm in earnest. 
 I must give you an a(5count of the Lord Mayor's 
 show, on tlie Wtb of November, which dav was ushered 
 !■ :■■ 
 Amusements in London, 1811-1812. 
 |<»r s 
 in by the ringing of every bell in the city, and bars 
 were placed across the great streets to hinder the 
 coaches from passing. By eleven o'clock the crowd 
 had ( onipleteiy filled up King Street, Cheapside, St. 
 Paul's Churchyard, Ludgate Hill, Fleet Street and 
 lilackfriars. It was with the greatest diflliculty I 
 squee'/ed myself as far as the New York ('offee 
 Hous(>, hack of the Jloyal Exchange, to ])ut my 
 last letters in the Orieiif's hag. In returning, the 
 mob was rushing down Cheapside, and I perceived 
 the procession turning round tlie corner of King 
 Street and bearing away for Blackfriars. The rich 
 golden banners of tlie city waving over tlie multi- 
 tude, preceded and followed by the different com- 
 j)anies of Ijondon. 'iMu>n came a string of coaches, 
 reaching from King Street to Ludgate Hill, At ten 
 o'clock they took the water at Blactkfriar's Bridge. 
 Mr. K. and I then went to Somerset House, and T 
 obtained tiie key of the terrace from Mr. Pearson. 
 Presently we saw tlie twelve stately barges, glittering 
 with gold, having five or six flags made of cloth of 
 gold, most curiously worked, move past us, followed 
 by hundreds of small boats. TIhm-c wa« m covering 
 over eacli boat, supj)()rte(l by gib Corinthiitn pillars, 
 on to)) of whicli were S(!veral bands of music. The 
 company sat beneath. They were rowed by twenty- 
 torn' men dress(>d in white, and so tliey passed on by 
 tlie sonnd of the trumpet, lire of small cannon, and 
 martial music, to Westminster Pridge. 
 At thn-c o'clock tluy retnrned in grand procession 
 to dine at (inildball, and wishing to s(!e the last of 
 this parade, Mi Iv got a place in the second story 
 window of a gentU'iiian's bouse in St. Paul's (!huicli- 
 \ard. The streets were by this time covered witii 
 peojile, so that a jierson might have walked on their 
 lieads. In a little while; we saw the vanguard, con- 
 sisting of the West London Pegiment, coming nnnid 
 Ludgate Hill, liaving a ver> line band of music. 
 Ten Years of Uitkr Canada. 
 a'' 'I 
 Then came the company of Merchant Tailors, of 
 which the Lord Mayor is a member, dressed in gowns 
 trimmed with fur, and six men hearing tlieir colours ; 
 followed by the Apothecaries, Clotliiers, Stationers, 
 Goldsmiths, Grocers, and other companies of Lon- 
 don, with their colours and two hands of nnisic. 
 Then came the band of the German Legion, mounted 
 on black horses, next the city colours, and a knight 
 equipped in Edward the Black I^'ince's armour, 
 mounted on a black horse, his two esquires on each 
 side, in half-a'-mour, bearing liis ancient shield, sword 
 and lance ; a band of music, another knight in shin- 
 ing brass armour on a white horse, esquires as before ; 
 immediately after the Lord Mayor, in his coach 
 burnished with gold, very large, drawn by six horses, 
 and covered with carvings of the city arms in a most 
 magnificent manner, having out-riders. The coach- 
 man was dressed in green and gold. Two footmen 
 rode behind, and six others walked after the coach, 
 dressed in gold-laced cocked hats, green coats, with 
 gold lace four inches broad, scarlet velvet breeches 
 and white silk stockings. Next came another knight 
 in steel armour, as the lirst, then my lady Mayoress 
 in coach and six, with a band of music ; next came 
 the ex-Lord Mayor in coach and six, and his wife 
 in coach and four. Next a very tine band of music, 
 followed by all the aldermen and connnon council, 
 in their separate coaches. The judges, nobility, 
 ministry, and foreign ambassadors, gentlemen's car- 
 riages, a long list of Hackney coaches, and a ijondon 
 mob, with night coming on, (dosed this iiord Mayor's 
 show, whi(di was the most splendid that had been for 
 many years. 
 The Strand bri'lge forms another great sight in 
 London. Ft is a curious thing to see the foundations 
 of such a work. In the beginning, they drive an 
 oval circle of piles into the river ; about three feet 
 outside of them, they drive another close together, 
 7 5 
Amusements in London, 1811-1812. 
 filling up the space with brick and earth, and throw 
 some earth on the inside. They then erect a steam 
 engine, and place two great cast-iron pumps of a foot 
 in diameter into the enclosed pond, and by that means 
 draw all the water out. After which, the bed of the 
 river is levelled, and a frame of oak timber is laid on 
 the bottom for a foundation, upon which the great 
 stones are placed by machinery, and so they work dry 
 l)eneath the level of the river, and the arch rises rapidly. 
 Outside of the first pile, the next arcli is begun at the 
 distance of thirty feet, and to every arch they require 
 a new engine house. About six hundred men are now 
 employed, and they increase according to the number 
 of enclosures, of which they have made four. 
 Drury Lane is also rol)uilding, the walls of which 
 have made their a})pearance four feet out of ground. 
 The West India docks are drawing this great city 
 down to them. Though they are three miles from 
 the Royal Exchange, yet there are houses and streets 
 all the way down excepting about ([uarter of a mile ; 
 so that from seven or eight miles beyond Hyde Park 
 corner, to the West India docks, which is sixteen 
 miles, and eight miles from north to south, is the 
 true extent of this over-grown place. New squares, 
 and hundreds of new houses are continually building. 
 I am to write this night another letter, as the ship 
 Jane, Captain Selkirk, sails to-morrow. 
 From Surveyor-General liidout to hiN son Thomas in 
 England: — 
 York. Uppku Canada, IHth Deremher, ]H\]. 
 1 wrote to you about a month ago, acknowledging 
 the receipt of your letters of the '22nd and 2iii\\ August 
 from Loudon. A severe battle has been lately fought 
 on th(> Wabasli, between the Americans ;ind the In- 
 dians, chiefly Shawanese, in which the former lost four 
 lumdred men and latter about sixty — the particulars 
 are not yet iiiade public. I heard of it three or four 
 Ten Ykars ok Uhf'kr Canada. 
 li I 
 i 1 
 days ago at President Brock's, who had just received a 
 letter respecting it from Detroit. I send yon here- 
 with a copy of a letter wlii{;h I received last post from 
 Mr. Adams, tlie ('oloiiial Agent, and I send also a copy 
 of my answer. General 13 rock has icjpiired from me 
 plans of all the townships in the Province, with the 
 locations, wlii(di will he very heavy woik. We learn 
 that the Solicitor-General is prisoner at Verdun, 
 France. George has gont* tliis evening to spend it 
 with D'Arcy. Mr. Stracthan has dcciined coming 
 hither to rei)lace Mr. Stuart, as he coidd not get him- 
 self to he tlu; Bishop's commissioner. I therefore do 
 not know how our sc^liool >natters will he settled. 'Tis 
 said a ne])hew of Bishop Mountains will he our rector. 
 The Presidcuit informed mc; that the Prince kegent, 
 upon an application from the Society for the Propaga- 
 tion of the Gospel, has (hsclai-ed that any gentleman 
 coming to this Province as a (dergyman, and who shall 
 remain in it ten yt^ars, upon his return to England, if 
 so imdined, and producing a certificate oThis good con- 
 duct whilst h(!re, shall Ixu'ntitled to receive one hundred 
 pounds sterling per amium for life. I shall write my 
 good friend Mr. I'rince, on the suhject, and 1 think it 
 would he woi'thy the attention of a young gcmtleman, 
 who had just taken orders, to come hither. Were he 
 here now, the parish and school would he his in all 
 prohahility. I shall write to the Governor on the suh- 
 ject and send Mr. Prince a letter of introduction, if lie 
 will have the goodiu'ss to permit it. .\ writ ing master 
 has lately come hither who, l)y a new method, teafdies 
 to write a good hand in fifteen lessons. Mc.Donell, 
 Horace's nuister, has j)aid this teacher i^'^f) to he 
 instructed, and having ()l)tained it. has broken up 
 his own stdiool, and has gone to Yonge Street to 
 teach his newly-accpiired art. 
 General Brock intends making th is head-(pnirt(^rs, and 
 to bring the Navy, Knginc-ers, and all the departments 
 liere in the spring. He told me a day or two ago that he 
Amusemp:nts in London, 1811-1812. 
 will build an arsenal between the park and the beaoli 
 on the like ; tlie Government buildings, or rather the 
 public; olUees, in front of Mr. Elmsley's house ; a re- 
 gular garrison where the Governniont House now is, 
 and a Ciovernment llousi; contiguous to the public 
 buildings. Thesi> intentions seem to show that he 
 thinks of renuiining with us, for acert.iin time at least, 
 but you will not, of course, mention tiiem. I own 1 do 
 not think tiuit (Jovernor Gore will return hither — his 
 going home will, I dare say, as i\lr. Watson wrote me 
 on the 22nd August, ol>tain nuiny advantages for this 
 Province. But if this is not to be a })ermancnt mili- 
 tary Government, his return hither, 1 should think, 
 depends upon himself. I should not be surprised if he 
 be shortly created a baronet; I own I do not like 
 changes in administration. You will, I presume, see 
 His Excellency, he was much pleased with your letters 
 from Quebec. When you write, send me the British 
 Imperial Calendar, price 4s. (kl., published by Messrs. 
 Winchester' & Son, 01 Strand. If my name be 
 not already inserted in it, let it l)e done. I have as yet 
 seen l)ut little of our new Judge, Mr. Campbell ; he has 
 rented Mr. Firth's house. 
 A Diary Letter from Thomas G. R'ldout to his Brother in Y'ork: — 
 Bristol, Ufh February, 1812. 
 I begin this letter by saying that I intend giving 
 you a journal of my country excursion. 
 I left our friends in London by the Taunton coach, 
 on the '2()th December, at six in the evening, a cold 
 frosty night, and in the morning we readied Basing- 
 stoke, thirty-live miles, and at eleven, we arrived at 
 Salisbury, distant eighty-four miles, and Wincaston ; 
 when I left the coa(di at half-past four, and found 
 waiting at the tavern old John Collis, who nursed 
 father when a child, with two of Mr. Ward's horses. 
 Old John lashed my trunk on his horse, and I mounted 
 I ' 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 a beautiful mare, and bore away for Bruton, distance 
 five miles. At six I got in, having run one hundred 
 and nine miles since the last evening. Tlie Wards 
 were dining out that day, but John came home and 
 took me to Dr. Goldshoro's, where there was a large 
 party. Aunt Ward received me witii every mark of 
 kindness. She is one of the finest old ladies I ever 
 saw; though now seventy-three, she is as full of humour 
 and jokes as a young girl, without any foolishness. 
 Next morning Mr. Ward presented me with his beauti- 
 ful mare for my use while in the country. 
 Sunday, Dece)nbcr 29th. — We went to church. In 
 this church-yard of Bruton lie the bones of the celebrated 
 liobinson Crusoe, or Alexander Selkirk, round whose 
 tomb I walked. He was a native of Bruton. This is a 
 snug little town, containing one thousand five hundred 
 inhabitants, and is pleasantly situated at the foot of a 
 number of hills, and has the Brew running through. 
 On the south side, at the distance of six miles, is a 
 ridge of hills or high land, the estate of Sir Riciiard 
 Hoare, on a point of which is erected a tower to 
 the memory of Alfred the Great, who on this spot de- 
 feated the Danes in his first great battle. In the 
 evening, we drank tea witli Mrs. Burgess, where I met 
 Mr. Stephens, one of the Proctors of Oxford, who was 
 Mr. Jackson's secretary at the court of Berlin, and 
 is now soon to be married to Miss Burgess. Mr. 
 Ward's silk mills are very extensive, and of the most 
 curious machinery. He is considered the greatest silk 
 throwster in the west of England. In his different 
 manufactures he now employs one thousand people, 
 and as he is putting up new mills at Stowey, he will 
 have one thousand four hundred people at work. On 
 the 31st, J. Ward, his son Dan and I rode to Ditcl 
 ell, about five miles from Bruton, where Mr. Wan 
 Las an establishment of two hundred reeling silk, and 
 from thence to a place called Evercreech, another silk 
Amusements in London, i8i 1-1812. 
 Janiuirif 1st. — I walked with Mr. Ward to see the 
 East Somersetshire Vohinteers reviewed, in which he 
 is a captain. They went through their niarcliin^^ and 
 manceiivrin^^ very well, but as to tiring, the Yorkers 
 can beat them. 
 Januari) 2nd. — We mounted our horses and rode to 
 Maiden Bradley, thence to the village at Hornisham, 
 both in Mr. Ward's employ. Adjoining is the seat of 
 the Duke of Somerset. Thence we rode to Longleat, 
 in the county of Wilts, the estate of the Marquis of 
 Bath. This seat is considered the most iiol)le of any 
 in England. Our ride from Bradley to Longleat was 
 on a ridge. To the left was a very rich and beautiful 
 country, studded with towns, villages and seats. Our 
 view extended to Bath, Wells and (xlastonbiiry. On 
 the right was Beckford's Priory. We galloped on till 
 we came to Longleat, which we entered by a grand 
 gateway. Before us, at a distance of half a mile, was 
 the mansion, having a grand avenue of trees leading 
 to it. To the left was the pleasure garden, and on 
 the right a sloping hill covered with wood, at the 
 bottom of which runs the river Eroomc. The build- 
 ing is four hundred feet square, and four stories liigh, 
 with a pond and a boat on tlie roof. In the park 
 were about nine hundred deer quietly feeding; some 
 of them milk-white. The estate is eiglit miles long 
 and live wide. We came to a small lidve of ninety 
 acres, dug out, and well stocked with wild ducks, and 
 a beautiful little sloop upon it. Last year a noble- 
 man was drowned in it. The house was built three 
 hundred years ago, of white Bath stone, the top 
 ornamented with three domes and several towers. 
 The road wound through several clumps of trees to 
 the foot of the liill, which we ascended by a winding 
 way to the top, when we came upon a down, whence 
 we saw the whole country and Beckford Tower. 
 This Mr. Beckford is a man of 1*00,000 a year, and 
 employed Mr. W^yatt to build him a house in the form of 
 "* > 
 ■ 50 
 1.25 1.4 
 .« 6" — 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 (716) 872-4303 
 %^ «>< 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 n i |i 
 an ancient abbey. From the centre rises a Gothic 
 tower three hundred feet high. The grand entrance 
 is by the west, at a great mahogany door forty feet 
 high, the liinges of which are made of brass and cost 
 JS300. His library consists of twenty thousand books. 
 He has one thousand acres in wood, surrounding his 
 dweUing, so that only the top can })e seen, and the 
 whole estate is surrounded by a fence of trees, planted 
 so close that a child cannot enter. There is not a 
 gentleman in Englard who will visit this man on 
 account of his crimes, although he is one of the 
 cleverest and most learned men in the country. 
 Neither will he allow a sLninger to see his abbey, and 
 he amuses himself by driving a coach and six over 
 his grounds. So nmch for Mr. Beckford. We re- 
 turned, and dined at Bradley with John, and galloped 
 to Bruton, eight miles, in three-quarters of an hour. 
 Friday, January Srd. — Was an idle day. Spent the 
 evening at Mr. Burgess's and won at speculation 12s. 
 Saturday. — Went out hunting the hare with Dan 
 Ward, a pack of forty hounds, and about a dozen gen- 
 tlemen. Came home at two, and rode to the top of 
 Sunday, 5th. — Went to church, drank tea with Aunt 
 Ward at Mr. Sampson's, from thence to a Methodist 
 Monday, January Oth. — Being invited by Mr. Moore, 
 wholesale dealer at Shepton Mallet, I set out for that 
 town with him, which we reached at twelve, eight 
 miles from Bruton. She])ton Mallet is a large clothing 
 town, and contains about 7,000 inhabitants. It lies at 
 the foot of the Mendip Hills. 
 Tuenday, January 1th. — This morning, after break- 
 fast, Mr. Moore took me to the chief clotli manufactory 
 in the place. First the wool is well washed, next 
 cleaned and picked of all particles of dirt. It is then 
 mixed, and goes through a large carding machine, then 
 es at 
 Amuse:ments in London, 1811-1812. 
 through another, out of which it comes in long rolls. 
 These rolls are fastened upon thirty spindles, and a 
 large franje runs theui out to the thickness of a cord. 
 Then, by a siniihir machine, it is spun still finer; and 
 again by another spun and twisted to its proper size, 
 and given to the weavers. One person can weave 
 about two yards in a day, for which they get ten 
 pence a yard. The works are turned l)y a steam 
 engine, having an iron wheel of twenty-eight feet 
 diameter. After the cloth is WT)ven it is beaten in 
 soap and water for six hours, to cleanse it from the 
 oil ; from that it goes to the dyers ; then it is thrown 
 over a " horse," and carded with line cards, to give it 
 a grain, or right and wrong side; then to the shearers, 
 who shear off all tlie fuz. It is now at last finished 
 by the pressers and packers. Each fold is pressed 
 between smooth glazed paper, which gives it a 
 gloss. Thus are the famous woollens of England 
 brought to such perfection. 
 At eleven w^e left Sliepton for the city of Wells, six 
 miles distant. This city lies most l)eautifully upon 
 the slope of a hill. At th(^ east end, on a rising 
 ground, stands the ancient cathedral. It is con- 
 sidered as next to York Minster for the lightness and 
 beauty of its aisles. The building was founded in 
 1150, and was two hundred years finishing ; length, 
 four hundred and fifteen feet, breadth at the cross, 
 one luindred and twenty-one feet; having two western 
 towers one hundred and twenty feet liigh, and a 
 middle tower one hundred and eighty-two feet, 
 supported by four grand arches. The western part 
 has two large painted windows. Tlie outside front is 
 ornamented by statues of kings, bisliops, abbots, etc. 
 On entering, you see tin-ce grand ranges of arclu^s of 
 a yellow colour, and made of stone. The middle one 
 is eighty-three feet high. In the cross aisle is a 
 clock, made four hundred years ago by a monk of 
 Glastonbury, called Lightfoot. In the library are 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
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 five thousand old books, among the rest, one 
 on vellum, written in 588, by a monk. 
 At one I left. Kode on alone to Glastonbury, 
 distant live miles, and went to the White Hart Inn. 
 An old blind man took me to the ruins of the abbey. 
 We first went to St. Joseph's Chapel, which joins the 
 abbey, and is dedicated to St. Joseph of Arimathea, 
 who, in walking up to Glastonbury Tor, in rear of the 
 abbey, stuck his staff into the ground, which there 
 grew and became a thorn bush, and blossomed every 
 year on Christmas eve. The old thorn is now de- 
 stroyed, but a tree from it grows in the ruins, and was 
 then (on the 8th January) in full bloom. The roof of 
 the chapel has fallen in, leaving nothing but the 
 walls, on which are carved the sun, moon and stars, 
 kings, abbots, etc. There is another chapel beneath 
 this. The arches of the windows are not pointed, 
 but round, and curiously ornamented. This is (tailed 
 Saxon, and is more ancient than the Gothic. The 
 ruins of this great abbey are some side walls and four 
 tottering arches, which seem to wait with impatience 
 for old Time to level them. They are covered with 
 ivy, built of freestone, and appear as if bending with 
 the weight of years. The abbot's kitchen is the most 
 entire, being the same now as when first made. It 
 stands about two hundred feet from the abbey, inside 
 of a great gateway, at which formerly entered pilgrims 
 from the Holy Laud, and out of which issued daily 
 provisions for five hundred peo|)le. This kitchen is 
 an octagon of forty feet in diameter, with perpen- 
 dicular walls twenty- two feet high, then finishing in a 
 cone at the height of seventy feet. Th(> walls are 
 nine feet in thickness. No wonder the abbot said to 
 the king, " that he would build a kitchen which all 
 the wood in tlie king's forests could not burn down." 
 In the inside are four fire-places and a large oven. 
 I dined at Glaston, and returned through Wells to 
 Shepton. On the road I passed five liundred French 
Amusements in London, 1811-1812. 
 en is 
 in a 
 id to 
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 lis to 
 prisoners, under an escort of horse and foot, inarching 
 to Stapleton prison, near Bristol. They were mostly 
 young men, and very much like the Canadians. As I 
 rode through them they spoke French to me, and said 
 I had a good horse. Some Poles and Italians were 
 the finest men of the whole. 
 Next day Mr. Ward and I went to Sherbourne, 
 twelve miles. We passed through Pilcombe and 
 Castle Carey, when we parted company, I taking 
 the road for Cadbury Camp, a Koman station. The 
 little village of North Cadbury lies at the foot of a 
 hill. There I left my horse and walked by the old 
 fosse or road. This camp was formed upon a large 
 circular hill with a flat surface of live hundred yards 
 in diameter, and rises in the midst of a great plain 
 country. It looks like the Tower of Babel, from 
 having four to six tiers of breast-works surrounding 
 it. On the top is a wall of stone and earth, with four 
 gateways, leading by winding and entrenched roads to 
 the fort. The ground is very nnich turned up for 
 curiosities. I stayed an hour on this Roman ground, 
 and then continued my journey to Sherbourne, where 
 I arrived at two. Passed the " Antelope," then went 
 down Cheap Street, and round the Market Place to 
 the " King's Arms," where I left my horse, and went 
 on to Mr. Willmott's, of Westbury, at whose house we 
 Monday, Januarif \Sth, 1812. — Returned to Bruton. 
 Next day rode to Stourton, the seat of Sir Richard 
 Hoare, six miles oif, and the Pen Pitts. We passed 
 through a low, poor country, to the foot of the high- 
 lands; then turned to the right for three miles, 
 and came to the Pen Pitts, a large ])iece of ground of 
 four hundred acres, lying on botli sides of a vale, dug 
 up into great and small pits, ten or fifteen feet now in 
 depth, and so close together that a man can just walk 
 between them. They are twenty thousand in number, 
 and for what, by whom, and in what time they were 
 Ten Years or Upper Canada. 
 made, neither history, tradition, nor conjecture can 
 give any true or reasonahle account. Some say it 
 was a city built underground by the Britons in which 
 to hide from the liotnans. However, in the adjoining 
 fields, have been fought some of the greatest battles 
 in England, by the Romans, Saxons and Danes, and 
 it was on this spot that the Saxons gave the Britons 
 their last and most bloody overthrow, which drove 
 the latter out of England. 
 We then rode into the park, and through beautiful 
 rows of trees, along a terrace two miles in length, 
 among hundreds of deer, till we came to Alfred's 
 tower — triangular, built of brick and fine stone, erected 
 in the year 1760, by Sir liichard Hoare, to the 
 memory of Alfred the Great, who, on this summit, in 
 878, planted his standard, and three days after, in the 
 same spot, fought and gained his first great battle 
 over the Danes. Then we went to the pleasure 
 grounds — a large garden or shubbery, having several 
 temples in romantic situations. First, the temple of 
 the muses ; next, the grotto, in a cave of which 
 sleeps a nymph on a couch, out of which issues a 
 stream of water. In another cave sat the water god, 
 with an urn and a paddle in his hand. Thence to 
 the Pantheon, a round temple, with niches inside, in 
 which were statues. Amongst the rest, one of 
 Hercules, worth two thousand guineas, and one of 
 Lira Augustus, dug up at Herculaneum, and valued 
 at three thousand guineas. 
 I<ext day rode to Stowey, thirty-five miles. 
 Friday. — Rode to Enmore (3astle, six miles from 
 Stowey, a large square castle, built of red stone, 
 surrounded by a broad, deep moat, with drawbridge. 
 The ground all around the castle is upon anOies, 
 under which are stables for tiu'ee hundred horses. 
 Saturday, January ^Bfh, 1812. — This morning 
 was appointed for my seeing Taunton, the county 
 town of that part of Somerset, distant twelve miles. 
Amusements in London, 1811-1812. 
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 At twelve we arrived, and pnt our horses up at the 
 "Castle Inn," in the middle of the town, opposite the 
 market, so called from its being built on the site 
 of an ancient castle. Two noble gateways and part 
 of the walls still remain. This being^market-day, 
 we saw the town quite in a bustle. It-^j^ijjj^ains about 
 ten thousand inhabitants, carries on a great inland 
 trade, and is the most flourishing inland town in 
 the kingdom. The people are remarked for their 
 foppery and dress. It lies on the Panet, which 
 comes from Sherbourne, passes through this town 
 and Bridgewatej', and empties itself into ihe sea eight 
 miles below the last town. In its course through this 
 last place it sets fifty manufactories of silk, cloth, etc., 
 to woik. Crossing the street, 1 met Lieutenant 
 O'Keefe, of the 41st. He seemed glad to see me, 
 asked nniny questions about the girls at York ; is 
 here recruiting, and goes to Portugal in the spring. 
 He says that Wyatt is in London. 
 Monda//, 21th. — Left Stowey and returned to 
 IBruton, where \ arrived at five o'clock. 
 Tuc.sda//, 'ISih. — Rode to Dr. Mitchell's, where I 
 spent the day. He showed nje his threshing machine, 
 which does th(^ work of twelve men; his mustard 
 mills, where he makes two thousand bushels of 
 iinistard in a year; oil mills, annate mills cider 
 press, and grist mills, all going by one overshot water 
 wheel, of twenty-Hve feet diameter. Having but a 
 small stream of water, he l)uilt a windmill, which 
 works a great jjUMip placed in th(> basin below the 
 mill and pumps ah the water which feeds it back into 
 the mill race. Mustard is worth frt)m fourteen to 
 twenty-four shillings per Imsliel. Mr. Ward, C. and 
 K. came to dinner, .\fter drinking six bottles of wine 
 and some tea, the comj)any broke up, and we rode 
 back to Bruton. On our return, found a party of 
 young ladies, and the children made me fullil my 
 ])romise of dancing Indian. So I got down my red 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
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 and black paints, and painted Mr. Ward like an old 
 chief, then Dan, Bet, Susan, Kate and myself like 
 Ottawas. Then we had an Indian dance, which 
 mightily pleased the whole company. 
 Saturday^: February 1st, 1812. — Dan and I left 
 Brnton in aT'^ost chaise for Bristol, and drove up to 
 Bellevue, in Clifton, the residence of Mr. Burgess, 
 who is married to my cousin. 
 Sunday, 2nd. — Went to St. James' Church twice. 
 Called upon Charles Kidout at the fort. 
 Monday, 3rd. — Went to the Guildhall, Bristol, 
 where there was a very tumultuous meeting assembled, 
 to consider who should be their representative in 
 Parliament. I squeezed myself in. At twelve Mr. 
 Elden opened the meeting, and said that in consequence 
 of the death of their late member they were this day 
 called upon to consider who should represent them. 
 Mr. Protheroe then, amid acclamation, made a fine 
 speech, and offered himself ; which was answered by 
 one Mills, a printer, jumping upon the table and 
 speaking, but the noise was so great that not one 
 word in fifty could be heard. A gentleman then read 
 an address from Sir Samuel Romill}', soliciting their 
 support. A lawyer of the name of Coats, a Jacobin, 
 seconded him, and began a long invective against 
 Protheroe, who wished to pass for a Whig, but was a 
 real Tory at heart ; and began praising Mr. Fox, when 
 by a manoeuvre of the Protherites, just at the time of 
 his highest pitch, a cry of " The gallery is falling," 
 was set up, and in a moment the crowd rushed 
 forward and overturned everything, me along with 
 the rest, when I found myself alongside Mr. Protheroe. 
 So the meeting broke up in confusion. I dined at 
 the fort with liidout. 
 Bristol, Wednesday, 5th February, 1812. 
 This being the day appointed for a general fast, we 
 got up and ate a hearty breakfast ; then went to St. 
Amusements in London, 1811-1812. 
 James', where Mr. Biddulph preached. Mr. Burgess 
 then took me to the Commercial Coffee Room, 
 opposite the Exchang-e and Post Office. It is a 
 large room, about sixty feet in length and forty 
 broad, having a beautiful dome supported by twelve 
 female figures. The room is lighted with five elegant 
 lustres. There are four fire-places, with three tables 
 round each. At one end of the room is a clock ; at 
 the other, an instrument telling the wind, a barometer 
 and a thermometer. This building was built, and is 
 frequented by most of the comnjercial characters in 
 Bristol, — it forms a kind of second Exchange. On 
 the tables are newspapers from Ireland, London and 
 Scotland, with different magazines and reviews. 
 Sunday, dth. — Went to St. Mary's, Eedcliffe, con- 
 sidered to be the first parish church in the kingdom. 
 It was built in the year 1276, in the true Gothic style; 
 length, two hundred and twenty feet ; height of 
 middle arch, thirty-four feet ; has eighty windows ; 
 the whole church stands upon arches. The chancel 
 is paved with white marble. Above the Communion 
 table are three famous paintings by Hogarth, illustrat- 
 ing the Resurrection. The paintings cost, with frames 
 and putting up, £750. Admiral Penn is buried in 
 this church. He has a very handsome monument 
 erected to him, over which is placed his armour and 
 son^e of the colours of the Dutch ships which he 
 captured during the famous Dutch war. We were 
 also shown the rib of the Hun cow, an enormous rib- 
 bone about eight feet long. Some stone coffins were 
 shown, and the musical pillars, which sound like 
 metal on being struck with the hand. 
 On my visit to Sherbourne, I went to see my old 
 grandfather's house. I found it in ruins, the hedges 
 are out of repair, and the avenue of trees leading to 
 the house have their tops cut off. I also went to see 
 the grammar school, which now consists of twenty 
 boys, kept by Rev. J. Cutler. It was Christmas holi- 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 ! , 
 days. A girl came out and civill}' unlocked the door. 
 I walked up and down the room, saw the oaken 
 henches, desks and wainscoting (uit up and carved 
 with 3,000 names; saw, John Gihhs Kidout carved upon 
 one. I went to Sherbourne (;hurch on Sunday, sat 
 just below the line old organ, and luid a full view of the 
 grandeur of this Gothic pile, which has stood unmoved 
 in war and })eace, through the storms and tempests 
 of 700 years, its clustered pillars forming a lofty, deep 
 ar(di. The massy walls seem to defy time, and I 
 think that seven centuries may again roll away, and 
 this building will remain in a perfect state. After 
 church, James Hidout showed me grandfather's seat, 
 near the pulpit, which I entered -the place beyond 
 Lord Digby's. There, on that spot. Jifty years ago, 
 sat my father, in the other corner, grandfather. Here 
 in this church, for generations, had the family been 
 christened and buried ; but I found myself more a 
 stranger in Sherbourne than any other town I had 
 been in, James Kidout, being churchwarden, showed 
 me the ])arish hooks froju 1540. In 1680 I saw the 
 name of John Hidout in the vestry. 
 In after years, Mr. Kidout gave to a street in To- 
 ronto the name of Sherbourne, in remembrance of 
 the old English town, the home of his ancestors. 
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A Canadian in Oxford, 1812. 
 From Thomas G. RUIoutto h in father in York: — 
 Bristol, \Oth February, 1M2. 
 I WENT to Jacobs' glass manufactory, supposed to 
 be the iirst in the world. We were conducted into a 
 large dark place, in the middle of which was a circu- 
 lar furnace containing five ovens of glass metal like 
 melted barley sugar. They put in a long hollow 
 piece of iron, then take it out and blow and turn it, 
 giving, at the same time, the shape with the hand, 
 and the size, by a pair of compasses ; adding, now, for 
 a wine glass, first the shank and then the bottom. 
 At five we went to the play. The theatre is built 
 in King Street, and is a very beautiful building within. 
 It was crowded beyond anything on account of l)eing 
 Braham's benefit night, and we g(,»t our places by 
 mere chance in the side boxes. He is the finest 
 singer in the kingdom. His principal songs that 
 night were, " Though Time has from your Ijordship's 
 Face," "The Bewildered Maid," "Said a Smile to a 
 Tear," "All's Well," and "The Death of Abercrombie." 
 You would have been astonished to hear such 
 singing. His benefit amounted to ii'iOO. The farce 
 was " High Life Below Stairs," and was conducted 
 with the greatest humour. The manager then came 
 forward and announced that Mr. Betty, the young 
 Roscius, had been prevailed upon by friends to em- 
 brace the stage again and act two nights in Bristol. 
 Braham belongs to Co vent Garden. 
1.1 * 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Wednesday, 12fh February. — I went to see King's 
 Staffordshire ware manufactory. There are fifty people 
 employed, and every piece goes through the liands of 
 twenty- three people. Most of the ware is made by 
 turning, excepting plates, dishes, etc., which are made 
 by moulds. After turning, it is smoothed and cut into 
 shape by chisels, then baked in earthen boxes for fifty 
 hours, and then taken to the dyers, who stamp the 
 pattern upon a paper. This is then washed off, leaving 
 a brown print, and the ware is a second time baked, to 
 bake out the oil and bake in the color. From that it 
 is brought to the glazer, who dips the cup into a tub 
 of glazing stuff of a bluisli color. It is then for the 
 third and last time baked. The glazing turns white and 
 transparent, through which is seen the blue print. 
 Cups of different colors are painted with a pencil. 
 Every stage is a different trade, to which is an appren- 
 ticeship of seven years. 
 I called upon Dr. Small, in Portland Square. He 
 said his brother did very wrong in signing an acknow- 
 ledgment of Governor Gore's just government of the 
 Province. He said Gore will never return, and ]\Ir. 
 D. W. Smith will never go out again. Dr. Small is 
 much like his brother, speaks almost with the same 
 voice. He says there is no likelihood of getting John 
 out of France. He and Boulton are at Yerdun. John 
 can't live for less than £100 a year, learns French, 
 sees a good deal of company, and writes his uncle 
 doleful letters. 
 lAtli February, 1812. — I am just returned from 
 Batt . to which place I went on Friday last, on Mr. 
 Kidout's horse. I rode up to the "Castle and Ball," 
 put my horse there, and then took a letter of intro- 
 duction which Mr. K. gave me to Matterson, a gentle- 
 man living under the Piazza to the right of the Pump- 
 room, who very politely took me to all parts of the city, 
 through crowds of ladies and gentlemen, who were 
 lounging through the streets. Some were invalids, 
A Canadian in Oxford, 1812. 
 . He 
 of the 
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 rolled upon little waggons ; some flying in sedan 
 chairs, up and down, to and fro. The gentlemen 
 dressed in breeches, stockings and cocked hats ; the 
 ladies in the most superb manner — pelisses laced with 
 gold cords and Hussar's hats, having three circles of 
 gold cord round them, with two great tassels of gold 
 upon the left side. What is called a reticule, which con- 
 tains their socket handkerchief and work, is lianging 
 ])y a gold cL.iin to the arm, and is fringed with gold. 
 I went to the Pump-room, which is very large and 
 grand. On one side is the pump, where a woman 
 stands and distributes old King Blatlud's waters to 
 old and young, sick and well. An old duchess of 
 eighty and a child of four were both drinking the 
 waters while I was the ve. I had a glass ; it is very 
 hot and tastes very mineral. At one end of the room 
 is an orchestra, where bands of music are continually 
 playing. The company at the same time walking up 
 and down in crowds, not minding the nnisic, but 
 buzzing like merchants on 'change. At the end of 
 each tune they clap their hands and kick up a riot, 
 for what they don't know. 
 From Thomas G. Ridout to his Brother in York : — 
 London, Vlth March, 1812. 
 I wrote to you from Bristol a long letter by the 
 Medford, for New York, w^hich sailed 20th February. 
 I remained eighteen days altogether there, anuising 
 myself riding about the country, going with the girls 
 to the play, hearing young Betty and the famous 
 Braham perform to crowded houses, seeing the amaz- 
 ing manufactories, etc. I was at Dr. Small's two 
 days, and saw his church, gardens, etc. When I 
 left Bristol he gave me a letter of introduction to the 
 Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, which I took advantage of; 
 and another to John Lewis Esq., of St. James' Palace. 
 I am quite ashamed of not answering your letter in 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 ! ;1 
 ])articiilar, and you may think I have entirely forgotten 
 Toronto, An American war was much looked for in 
 England, and I was quite distracted about you all, but 
 the Yankees seem to have thought better of it. I have 
 seen Alex. McDonell, who says that York is much im- 
 proved, and that the North-West Company trade will 
 pass through Yonge Street. He spoke of the general 
 prosperity of the Province. 
 Flour will at all times sell well in England, though 
 the merchants here limit their correspondents at 
 Quebec to give only 6s. 6d. per bushel, allowing the 
 (current exchange. Staves sell low. Potash is flat, 
 and American oak out of repute, by mere prejudice of 
 these Phiglish, who think their " heart of oak " supe- 
 rior to an\' in the world. Yellow pine, thirty feet by 
 fourteen inches square is higli. England is destitute 
 of tinjber, therefore nuist always get supplies for her 
 immense consumption from Canada or the Baltic, 
 which I am glad to hear is shut, so our timber will, ot" 
 course, rise in proportion to the Northern restrictions. 
 In all probability, one thousand sail of [rime merchant- 
 men will enter the port of Quebec this summer, as the 
 merchants here know not wliere to send their shipping. 
 Freight out, which very few^ but regular traders can get, 
 is from forty-live shillings to MS per ton ; home at the 
 rate of t'60 per one thousand staves, which are cal- 
 culated to take u[) ten tons of ship room, which just 
 agrees with what Kendrick carries. The reason of 
 potash being so low is the great decrease in the manu- 
 factures of this country in some branches, for wliicli 
 pot or pearl ashes were much used. The markets of 
 Quebec and Montreal will be again overstocked, and 
 British goods nearly as clieaj) there as in London. 
 Trade has revived very much within these two 
 months, though not to compare with former times. 
 The taxes are enormous, and land rents at about X'-") 
 per acre, and sells for t'lOO per acre and upwards. 
 John Ward gave .I'lOO per acre for some land in Glas- 
 tonburv Vale, it is roited at t'T an acre. 
A Canadian in Oxford, 1812. 
 [lit .t") 
 I must commence this second sheet with my 
 journey from Bristol to Oxford. Accordingly, on 
 Tuesday, the 26th of February, I left Bristol, liaving, 
 the preceding day sent my trunk by the stage to 
 Oxford, to be left at Cox & liichardson's, in High 
 Street. It was a fine day, and the girls got up at six, 
 and made me take a hearty breakfast, and at parting 
 each gave me a present — Susan, an elegant silk purse; 
 Betsy, a watch ribbon, and Jane a fine gold ring. I 
 took a place on the outside for Newport, distant 
 eighteen miles, for four shillings and sixpence, which 
 place we reached at eleven, and drove to the " Black 
 Lion." The road led through a delightful country. 
 On the right, we w^ere bounded by a range of fertile 
 hills, and to the left, at the distance 01 ^wo miles, lay 
 the Bristol Channel, which is here but three miles 
 wide and runs through a very rich country. On the 
 opposite side is the county of Monmouth. There are 
 two ferries here over into Wales — one nine, and the 
 other twelve miles above Bristol, and you can go over 
 for sixpence. At Newport I left the stage, and took 
 the left-hand road, which I followed for two miles, 
 till I came to the village of Berkeley, famous for its 
 ancient castle, which is now the most entire remains 
 of ancient baronial power and grandeur in the king- 
 dom. It is now the residence of Colonel Berkeley, 
 Mr. Small's friend.* The castle is surrounded by a 
 great moat. The walls are of innnense thickness of 
 stone, and look black and venerable with age. On 
 going to the castle I passed through Dr. Jenner's 
 yard. He lives in this village, where he has a very 
 elegant house, and a great eagle hopping about 
 before the door. Btu'keley C'astle was built in the 
 year 1100, and is famous for the death of Edward II., 
 who was so cruelly murdered here. The hall was 
 fitted up in the ancient style, with armour, etc., 
 around it, with a great oaken table and handsome 
 * Berkeley Street, Toronto, is ntinied after thi» place. 
 < 9 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 seats on the sides ; the floor paved with chequered 
 marble, and the banner of Cromwell's wars waving 
 over the chimney ; the roof supported by elegant 
 Gothic rafters like those in Westminster Hall. 
 Altogether it reminded me of — 
 "The feast was o'er in Branksome Hall." 
 I was shown the dungeon, in the form of a D, where- 
 in King Edward was confined, and the old iron bed 
 on which he slept. In this gloomy place was a trap- 
 door, which let down into the dungeon of death, 
 twenty-six feet in depth, surrounded by thick walls 
 and three feet deep in water; a horrid place, where 
 the light of day has never entered in for these 700 
 years, and whence the groans of the condemned wretch 
 were never heard. In an adjoining room, which was 
 only different from the dungeon by having a small 
 window, that poor unfortunate king was put to a cruel 
 death. The instrument by which he suffered is j'et 
 there, and looks only fit for such acts. From these 
 dismal chambers I went to the gay apartments , which 
 are fitted up in princely style ; tables and chairs 
 covered witli gold, paintings by great men, and a 
 lot of fine things. I must not forget the royal bed- 
 stead of liichard II., who stayed some time at this 
 castle. It was put up in 188'2, but is now an o 1 
 crazy thing, and only kept as a curiosity. I saw 
 Queen Elizabeth's dressing-room, gold ta])le and look- 
 ing-glass, and her state bed, and a curious cabinet 
 made of ebony, ivory and gold, 600 years old. The 
 rooms of James I., hung with Gobelin tapestry 
 on cloth of gold, Vandyke's paintings, etc. The 
 Prince of Wales' rooms, gold candlesticks, plate, ink- 
 stands, etc. ; all the tables are covered with gold-leaf. 
 I also saw the bedstead which Sir Francis Brake took 
 with him round the world, made of ebony and ivory, 
 with his four cabin chairs. The walls of the castle 
 form the dwelling part, and a stone building divides it 
A Canadian in Oxford, 1812. 
 1 was 
 is 3^et 
 lid a 
 )S it 
 into two courts, one of which formed the gran^^ parade 
 and the other raised about twenty feet above it, and 
 surrounded by a high wall, was the keep where the 
 prisoners w^ho were conliued in the adjoining dun- 
 geons had the liberty of walking. The roof of the 
 castle is covered with lead. In the centre rises a fine 
 look-out tower, where the warlike flag once waved, 
 and from whence they could spy their enemies at a 
 At one, I left Berkeley, returned to the main road, 
 and dined at a little country inn. As no coach would 
 pass till seven, I determined, therefore, on walking to 
 Gloucester, distant eighteen miles, and accordingly, 
 left the "King's Head" at three, and reached Glouces- 
 ter at nine. After taking a glance at three or four 
 taverns, I suited myself at last at a very good one, 
 where I slept soundly until seven next morning ; 
 breakfasted, and went to see the cathedral, wliich is 
 very old, and first built by Osric, King of Northum- 
 berland, in 650, afterwards partly rebuilt in the year 
 900, and the west end and south side in 1400, so that 
 it contains three orders of architecture. It is 444 feet 
 in length, 100 wide, and the height of the middle 
 aisle, eighty-six feet. The painted window at the 
 east end is the largest in England, being eighty-three 
 feet in height and thirty-six wide. The pillars are 
 what is called Saxon, twenty-one feet in circumfer- 
 ance. Here lies interi-ed, under a most magnificent 
 chapel, the body of Edward II. ; Kobert, Duke of 
 Normandy; and Osric, King of Northumberland. 
 The cloisters were built by Henry VII., and are es- 
 teemed the finest of the kind, forming a quadrangle 
 of trees with the branches, all of stone. The great 
 tower was built by Cardinal Wolsey, and is l230 feet 
 Gloucester contains about 7,000 inhabitants and is 
 an ill-built city, having only one good street in it. I 
 paid my bill at the " White Lion," took a place in the 
i: I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 '' Prince Regent," for Oxford, distant forty-eight 
 miles, for thirteen shillings, and taking mj^ seat along- 
 side the coachman, at ten a.m. we drove out of Glouces- 
 ter. Outside was my honour, an Irish captain in 
 the 11th Dragoons, of the name of McMahon ; a 
 Welshman, from Caermarthenshire, called Owen 
 Jones ; a lieutenant in the navy ; an Oxford tailor, 
 and a London cheesemonger ; a Sherbourne man for 
 a guard, and a jolly Hampshire coachman. 
 We passed at two through Cheltenham, a large 
 town of 5,000 mhabitants, and famous for its mineral 
 springs. It is a second Bath with regard to its 
 waters, but not in buildings, which are of brick. It 
 was full of quality, though, and is one of the fashion- 
 able rendezvous. A mile from the west end we passed 
 the house of General Le Fevre, Bonaparte's favourite, 
 and presently after met the man himself. He is a 
 tall, handsome, active and well-made fellow, about 
 thirty ; he has the countenance of a veteran, a quick 
 and piercing eye, and walks as if he now commanded 
 armies. He burns to return to France, and feels his 
 situation very galling to his ambition. 
 We changed horses at Frog Mills, eighteen miles 
 from Gloucester, and again at Long Neat, eighteen 
 miles faitJier. At nine in the evening, passed the 
 Bur;brd, seven miles from Oxford, when the mail 
 coach passed us in tine style, though it left Gloucester 
 two hours after us, and was to be in London at seven 
 next morning. 
 It was a beautiful moonlight night. Three miles 
 from Oxford we walked up a hill a mile long, and pre- 
 sently after rattled down into the low grounds, which 
 were covered with water. I could see as we approached 
 the towers and turrrets of an ancient city, and the 
 effect was indescribable. In the course of a mile we 
 passed over seven stone bridges — over the Isis, Tamar, 
 and several other streams. Oxford is situated in the 
 midst of a great meadow or flat, three miles in 
A Canadian in Oxford, 1812. 
 8 in 
 breadth. At eleven, we drove under the ruins of the 
 old castle, now the county gaol, on our right, and 
 Magdalen College on the left, through Broad Street into 
 High Street, then turned to the right a hundred yards, 
 and broug] ^ to at the " New Inn," opposite tlie Town 
 Hall, where I left my companions. The dragoon and 
 lieutenant continued on their journey — one for Portu- 
 gal and the other for the Adriatic station. I slept till 
 seven next morning, when I got my trunk from Cox's, 
 dressed myself gay, and inquired the way to Wadham 
 College, where lived my friend, Robert Stevens. I went 
 up High Street, turned to the left, passed All Souls' 
 College on one side, and St. Mary's Church and schools 
 on the other, and continued straight on to Wadham. 
 I went through a gateway into the quadrangle — ^for 
 there are no doors on the outside of the Colleges — and 
 found Mr. Stevens in his room giving a Greek lecture. 
 He received me with the utmost politeness, and asked 
 me to wait until he had finished his lecture. The 
 rooms in this college are very commodious, consisting 
 of a good sized parlour, furnished in good style, well 
 painted and papered, a sofa, glasses and a bedroom, 
 dressing-room and study, for which all but fellows pay 
 i^lO a year rent, finding their own furniture. Mr. 
 Stevens then put on his robe of ofiice, which is a silk 
 gown with rich velvet sleeves, and a cap the same as 
 students wear. He has always two men with maces 
 walking before him. The first thing we did was to see 
 Wadham College, which is the most uniform building 
 in Oxford, as it has never been altered since it was 
 built in 1613, by Nicholas Wadham, whose statue, 
 with Dorothy, his wife, stand in niches over the hall 
 portico. The chapel is very handsome, having seven 
 large windows of painted glass. The hall is one of the 
 largest in Oxford, about one hundred feet in length, 
 and very high and wide, wainscoted and ceiled with 
 oak, carved in a most curious manner, and the walls 
 hung with paintings. On either side is a long range 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 ' ■ f M 
 llfl .' 
 of oaken tables, and oak benches where three hundred 
 people can dme. 
 We then went to Christ College, the largest m the 
 city, and built after the vast plan of Cardinal Wolsey. 
 It consists of four courts or squares. The stately west 
 front of the great quadrangle is a magnificent Cothio 
 budding, 882 feet in length, terminating at each end 
 with two corresponding turrets. The great gate is in 
 the middle of this front, and over it an ancient tower, 
 in which hangs the great bell, called "Tom," wiiich 
 weighs eight and a half tons, on the sound of which 
 the scholars of ihe university are to retire to their 
 respective colleges. The great (prndrangle is 264 by 
 261 feet. On the south side of the quadrangle is the 
 hall, to which you ascend by an elegant staircase of 
 stone. This hall is by far the handsomest in Oxford, 
 being 150 feet in length, and of great height. The 
 roof is framed of timber, curiously wrought, and the 
 cornice has 300 coats of arms carved and painted in 
 their proper colours. At the upper end is an ascent 
 of three steps w^hich runs the whole breadth, where the 
 noblemen dine, above the masters, who dine at a 
 double row of tables on each side. They were then 
 laid, as the college dines at two. All the plates and 
 dishes were of pewter, with silver tankards. The 
 chapel w^as built for a cathedral before the year 1200. 
 We then went to the theatre, where all public 
 speeches and debates are said. On the ceiling the 
 Arts and Sciences are painted. We then crossed the 
 court to the Eadcliff library, which is a fine building 
 surrounded by pillars, and has a dome 180 feet high. 
 From the top I had a complete view of Oxford. The 
 library contains 40,000 volumes ; it was built by a 
 private gentleman and cuts a very great appearance 
 in Oxford among the ancient towers and turrets. 
 Thence we went to University College. This library 
 contains 450,000 volumes — ancient, modern, and in all 
 languages. Among the Arabic and Oriental manu- 
A Canadian in Oxford, 1812. 
 |)y a 
 ,11 u- 
 scripts, in which they are very rich, Mr. Stevens 
 showed me the Alkoran of Tippoo kSahib, presented 
 by the East Inaia Company, with gold cover and 
 clasps, very much ornamented. The paper is vellum, 
 of the finest kind, every character written in gold, 
 illustrated with the same. This college stands on the 
 south side of High Street, opposite the Queen's, and 
 is 260 feet in front, three stories, and has two noble 
 towers in front and another over the chapel. We visited 
 in this, and the course of the two following days, 
 Baliol College, All Souls', Brazen-nose (so-called from 
 having a brazen nose over the gate, it is opposite 
 All Souls'), Magdalen College (called Maudlin), the 
 richest in the University, which supports 1'20 com- 
 moners and ftjUows. It lies upon the Charwell, at the 
 east end of ths city, and has the finest groves of trees 
 in England. I knew one of the Fellows of this 
 college, Dr. Goldsboro. 
 New College, which lies east of the schools and 
 theatre, was built in 1379, and is a building 200 
 feet square. The chapel is remarkable for its beau- 
 tiful painted windows, which are as old as the col- 
 lege. The garden is laid out in an elegant manner. 
 They have a bowling green here. The gardens are 
 partly enclosed by the ancient city wall, which, with 
 its battlements and bastions, may be traced along the 
 north and south sides. Oriel College contains 140 
 students, and is a building 280 feet square. It is near 
 St. Mary's Church, in High Street. On the north side 
 of High Street, opposite University College, is Queen's. 
 It is an oblong square, 300 feet by 220 feet, divided 
 into two courts by the hall and chapel, the latter 100 
 feet long and 30 feet wide. It maintains 200 
 students, masters, etc., who are all called to dinner 
 by the sound of a trumpet. I have said a great deal 
 about High Street, and I must tell you it is the 
 grandest street I have seen in England. It winds from 
 east to west like a river through the city, every wind 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 i "i 
 \ I 
 I:' '' 
 of which opens to the view some grand and state y 
 college. Magdalen College Hall, Un>:ersity and 
 Queen's, St. Mary's Church and Hall, New College, 
 the schools and Brazen-nose, all stretch along this 
 I must now tell you how I passed my time there. 
 Dressed myself smart in breeches, shoes and stockings 
 — for boots are not allowed to be worn — and as the 
 clock struck four, Mr. Stevens took me into the great 
 hall to dinner. On each side was a long oak table, with 
 benches, pewter plates, silver forks and spoons, and a 
 silver tankard of ale to each plate. We were, by right, 
 the first to enter, and accordingly marched up to the 
 farther end near the fire-place, to the master's table, 
 which runs across, and is raised two steps higher than 
 the common hall. Dr. Swaine sat at the head, I upon 
 the right hand, Dean Gardiner upon his left ; Mr. 
 Stevens next to me, and eight others, of whom I knew 
 Drs. Wyndham and Templar. Our dinner consisted 
 of soup, served in a silver tureen, roast veal, pudding 
 and pies, cheese, etc., and a silver tankard of ale. 
 This College is very rich in plate. Our table was 
 further distinguished from the long ones by having 
 whole joints. The students have what is called com- 
 mons. I was surprised to see the upper end of each 
 table occupied first, and so on by degrees to the foot; 
 all the students having on gowns, shoes and stockings, 
 for boots are not allowed. I was going to tell you 
 what they call commons. To each college is a large 
 kitchen, with cooks in abundance, who, upon their 
 own account, find the mess; and each student, accord- 
 ing to his degree, goes first into the kitchen, imme- 
 diately before dinner, and looks at the bill of fare, and 
 orders a plateful of beef or mutton, etc., and, if he 
 likes, a slice of pudding, for which he is charged by 
 the clerk, who sits at a desk in one corner, and a 
 waiter follows him into the hall with it. That is the 
 reason 1 saw the heads of the tables filled first, 
A Canadian in Oxford, 1812. 
 because the elder fellows had the prime run of the 
 kitchen, across which a bar is put to prevent the young 
 chaps from disturbing cookey. We were waited on 
 by the butler and steward. As we were eating cheese, 
 a man came round the table with a slate, asking every 
 perpon how many pieces of bread they had taken. 
 For each pioce he charges one halfpenny. As soon 
 as we had dined, Dr. Gardiner gave a sign, and every 
 person in the hall rose and stood outside their seats, 
 and ail undergraduate came up to our table, made a 
 bow, and repeated a long thanksgiving in Latin, and 
 a prayer for the prosperity of the King, kingdom and 
 college, and a prayer for and thanks to old Nic, and 
 Dorothy Wadham, which Dr. Gardiner answered in a 
 few Latin words. Then we took our hats and left the 
 hall, all standing until we were out. 
 We then went into a handsome wainscoted-room, 
 with a good fire and plenty of wine-glasses and arm- 
 chairs. This is called the Common Hoom. Presently 
 old Mrs. Ford, who has served the college for the last 
 forty years, came limping her ancient form into the 
 room with oranges, apples, cakes, and nuts ; each 
 man drank a pint of wine, for which they paid the 
 butler on the spot, at the rate of 4s. 6d. per bottle. 
 Every week he pays that money into Dr. Wyndham's 
 hands. At seven we broke up, and Mr. Stevens took 
 me to a lady's house in Oxford, where there was a 
 large party. At nine Mr. Stevens left to go his nightly 
 rounds as proctor, with two men as attendants. His 
 business is to clear the streets of vagabonds, to see 
 that every student is snug within the colleges. After 
 that hour his authority is supreme over Oxford, and 
 its environs to the distance of two miles, and he can 
 imprison any person he chooses. At half-past ten he 
 called for me, and we went home to Wadham, where 
 he had provided a good bed for me. Next morning, 
 29th February, at eight o'clock, I went to St. Mary's 
 Church, next the schools and Brazen-nose, where 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 r •'■ 
 Latin service was performed. The Vice-Chancellor 
 entered in state, followed by the two proctors, doctors, 
 deans, etc, These prayers, every student who intends 
 taking degrees in the ensuing term, is obliged to 
 attend. Their names were called over. There were 
 about 500 there. We breakfasted in Dr. Swain's 
 rooms — for in Oxford it is a rule that several breakfast 
 together at each other's rooms in turn ; and the 
 Oxonians are famous for good breakfasts. They vie 
 with one another in that respect. Mr. Stevens had 
 the Greek lectures to attend to, so he committed me 
 to the care and guidance of Dean Gardiner, who 
 promised to show me the remainder of the lions. 
 Accordingly, we went to the schools to see the cere- 
 mony of a master taking his degree, ])efore the Vice- 
 Chancellor, who sat in state, with the proctors below 
 him, and doctors and masters on either side. The 
 ceremony was long and curious. Everything that was 
 said was in Latin. 
 We then went to the rest of the colleges I had not 
 seen, and to the museum, where I saw the skull of 
 Oliver Cromwell, Guy Fawkes' lanthorn, and the 
 sword the Pope gave Henry VIIL, when Defender of the 
 Faith ; a loadstone that attracted 145 pounds of iron ; 
 lioman and Carthaginian swords and curiosities. We 
 then went to hear Sir Christopher Pegg deliver an 
 anatomical lecture. Then dressed for dinner, at which 
 I did my duty, and drank wine till seven. The con- 
 versation was first on books and the manuscripts found 
 in Herculaneum. Then very politely turned, to please 
 me, on America. I was in my element, and we all 
 seemed well entertained. Three of the students were 
 invited to tea, and we played whist. A barrel of 
 London oysters was brought in at ten, and we made a 
 glorious supper. 
 Sunday I was invited to breakfast by Mr. Hall, a 
 young blood of Oxford, where I made a most sump- 
 tuous meal. We went to St. Mary's Church, and heard 
A Canadian in Oxford, 1812. 
 a Bampton lecture, which is a sermon against the 
 Mahometan reHgion. I had the honour of sitting 
 with Mr. Wyndham, in the Masters' seat. The ser- 
 mon was said first, and the prayers after. Mr. Stevens 
 and I took a walk to a certain oak on the top of a 
 hi]l. whence we had a delightful view of Oxford, which 
 is umike any other city. Dined as usual. One of the 
 students, Colonel Lethridge's son, appeared in hall in 
 boots, and was ordered out. 
 Monday, I bade good-bye to my good friends, left 
 Oxford in the "Alfred" coach at eight, and reached 
 Tyburn, in Oxford Street, at three, having gone at the 
 rate of eight miles an hour. The day was beautiful, 
 and we passed through many fine and populous towns. 
 London was in a cloud of smoke. 
 Ten Years of Upfer Canada. 
 u i 
 m 'i : 
 I J 
 ..: . ■ i 
 1 1 
 From Thus. G. R'ulout to his fufher in York : — 
 London, \7th March, 181 '2. 
 On ^[onday, the first of March, I arrived in Patei'- 
 iioster Row I'roin Oxford, where I had been for three 
 days, living at Wadham College. By the kind atten- 
 tion of Mr. Stevens, J was enabled to see more of 
 that famous place than niost strangers. I was at 
 preachings, prayings, lectures and dinners, convoca- 
 tions and suppers, and saw all the lions and whelps of 
 the town. On Tuesday, the third, I went about visit- 
 ing my friends, and took a letter up to Montague 
 Square, to Miss Stevens, Mr. S.'s sister, who lives with 
 (reneral Stevens in that most gay and fashionable spot. 
 The Quebec convoy sails from Portsmouth on the 
 twentieth, by which these letters go. I saw the Erer- 
 tftta the other day down by the tower. There are now 
 about 5, ()()() sail of merchantmen in the river, which 
 form a most interesting sight. I w'as sent the other 
 day down to the London Docks, about two miles below 
 the bridge. They are building a beautiful seventy-four 
 and two more ships in Blac-kwall Docks, near the East 
 India Docks. At Deptford, another seventy-four, with 
 three frigates, are on the stocks ; and at Woolwich, 
 a most magnificent ship, of 120 guns, will be launched 
 this simmier. You will think it very singular that I 
 have not yet seen Governor Gore, who has been up- 
 wards of two months in England. I missed him by 
 going into the country. Yesterday he attended the 
 Prince Regent's levee. 
London and Woolwich. 
 Ips of 
 s with 
 n the 
 nat I 
 1 np- 
 |ii by 
 The French and linssians are goin<( to war a^^^ain, 
 therefore, the Baltie will be open this sunnner to the 
 British, which will take oiT ^n-eat quantities of the 
 niaiuifactures of En<jjland, and lower the price of bread, 
 which at present is very hi^di. 
 It is now thought the Amerir-ans have given up all 
 thoughts of war. TIow foolishly I Hy from one subject 
 to another, but I nnist tell you everything. Mr. Pear- 
 son, Secretary to the Lottery Office, in Somerset 
 House, very coolly, last January, took a pistol and shot 
 himself through the heart. The cause of it was that 
 he had embezzled the public money to the amount of 
 l'10,()()0. Government innnediately seized everything, 
 (leorge Eidout is down at Bristol, where he is to be 
 ordained by the Bishop of Gloucester. His father has 
 purchased him a living near Bruton for ^3,000. 
 On Friday last, went to Co vent Garden with John. 
 The play was the "Virgin of the Sun," a most superb 
 thing. On Sunday, went with uncle in the carriage to 
 Hampstead and dined at Mr. Watt's, a great stock- 
 In'oker. On Monday, I am going to the annual dinner 
 given by the Governor and Stewards of Bartholomew's 
 Hospital, to have a sight of one of these great 
 English feasts. When at Bristol, uncle sent me 
 a letter saying that he had just received a note from 
 Mr. Hamilton, who wishes me to come to town, as this 
 was their busy season, and I might, by being in his 
 counting house, get well acquainted with the trade of 
 Canada, and thus fitted for a good situation in Mr. 
 C!oltman's house, whose business is of the most exten- 
 sive kind. The firm was Ridsdale, Hamilton & Colt- 
 mans ; but finding the business too much scattered, 
 by a branch being in America, another in Leeds, and 
 a third in London, they determined on dissolving, 
 giving th Quebec business entirely to the Coltmans. 
 Mr. Coltman is accordingly expected every day. I 
 shall sail soon in one of his ships. If by industry and 
 assiduity in learning to measure timber, keep books 
 ■. , ! . 
 If; M;fta ||IH| 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 and fit out ships I can qualify myself to super- 
 intend their works at Portneuf, he will obtain 
 that situation for me. We are busy in fitting 
 out three ships, one for New Brunswick, another for 
 Newfoundland and a third for Jamacia. They have 
 cut out work enough for the Newfoundland ship, as 
 she goes there with goods, then loads with fish for 
 Jamaica, and gets a cargo of rum there for Quebec, and 
 returns thence to England, laden with timber. Yester- 
 day I went to the Paymaster-General's office for .1^4,200, 
 and have just returned from the Bank of England, where 
 I discounted j£9,000 more. My business is chiefly 
 making invoices and settling insurances. Mr. Hamilton 
 and I are good friends. I am acquiring knowledge in 
 business and quickness, wh' -h I never had before. 
 This London is a curious place. We are now shipping 
 for New Brunswick i,'30,000 worth of goods by our own 
 ship The True Briton. I must now make haste and 
 run to the " New York Coffee House," and put this 
 into the Ocean's bags. 
 From Thomas G. Ridout to his father in York: — 
 London, 17th April, 1812. 
 The outside of the letter is thus marked : — Ship 
 Akeroyde, received 28th August, 1812, through the 
 United States, opened. 
 I met Alexander McDonell in Fleet Street, on the 
 12th inst., and ^vent to call upon Major Halton, in 
 Beaumont Street. Very fortunately I met Governor 
 Gore in Portland S(|uare. He turned round at the same 
 instant I did, and seemed glad to see me. He ask<'d 
 me which way was I going. I told him to call on Major 
 Halton, to get his address, which he inunediately gave 
 me, and told me to call on him. Accordingly, on the 
 14th, I went to his house. No. 25 Upper Grosvenor 
1)11 the 
 m, in 
 I asked 
 |ii the 
 London and Woolwich. 
 Street, a corner honse looking into Hyde Park. I 
 was shown into the library, and in a few niiniites the 
 Governor came in and received me most cordially. 
 He told me he had seen you a day or two before he 
 left York. We had a long confab of an hour and 
 upwards, in which time the Governor told me every- 
 thing concerning Upper Canada. That Mr. Firth was 
 completely dismissed from all employment under 
 Government — entirely from his own representation of 
 the Governor's conduct, in which he called the Gov- 
 ernor villain, tyrant, rascal, hound, etc. — without the 
 Governor interfering in the least. 
 He told me he was pleased at my intention of re- 
 turning to Canada, which he said was now the best 
 country in the world to advance in, and that he would 
 not give up the governorship of that Province for any- 
 thing the Government here could give him, and that 
 he was going out again this summer. 
 He said, " I prefer it far to any other appointment, 
 though there are so :nany scoundrels out there: yet 
 they cannot injure the country or lower it in my 
 opinion." He went on to say, " This voyage to Eng- 
 land has been of great service to me. Don't you 
 think I am much thinner than when in Canada ? " 
 buttoning his co;it at the same time. 
 He asked me how I liked England, was 1 happy ? 
 I answered I was as happy as a person away from 
 his native country could be. 
 "I know," he said, "how you feel — surely the frosts 
 and snows of Canada are far pref(^ral)le to the fogs and 
 mists of this country." Then continued, " The town 
 of Penetaiiguishene is coming on ra])idly, that is, the 
 North-West Company intend carrying the trade througli 
 it, and in a few years it will be of some conse(iuence." 
 I told him of my being pressed at Plymouth, and 
 only escaping by having his letters, at which he 
 laughed heartily. He said he was going down to 
 Devonshire shortly, where he had spent many hapi)y 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 mi • 
 I ■ 
 M.'i . 
 I went in the afternoon to see Tom Prince, at the 
 ])nke of Brunswick's, and was gratified by a sight of 
 the Duke's sons, Princes Charles and Wilhani. They 
 are two very line htth' German ft^llows, and have a 
 great resembhmce to the royal family. The house is 
 a little beyond Vauxhall, u})()n the river. 
 Before this reaches York, you will have heard of the 
 riots in England. Nottingham, ^lanchester, Leeds, 
 Birmingham and Shefheld have been scenes of the 
 utmost confusi(m within these few weeks past. In 
 consequence of the scarcity of provisions and an 
 almost total failure in the manufactories and flatness 
 of trade, the workmen are thrown out of einploy, and 
 iill the poor-houses. Some say it is an artificial scar- 
 city, and that speculators have bought u}) all the 
 grain, so as to compel the people to pay them their 
 extortionate prices. Government has posted tn ops 
 in every large town to keep the people down. By the 
 machinery, now generally used in the manufactories, 
 nine-tenths of the people are thrown out of em])loy- 
 London continues in a ([uiet state. Its markets are 
 well supplied, though at a high rate; and as long as 
 there is any trade in the kingdom this city will always 
 have the preference. In France, and over most parts 
 of Europe, there is the like scarcity, and even worse, 
 but you do not hear of their rising in this numner. 
 From the Baltic and America they look for great 
 supplies, which 1 hope they will receive before things 
 get nnich worse. The loss of the American trade is 
 considered a very severe stroke; a renewal of the 
 commerce is anxiously looked for. The army in 
 Portugal draw all their provisions from Irehmd and 
 England, which must be an expense and drain nevei' 
 before known. Thank God, I have not felt yet any- 
 thing like starvation, and therefore should not be a 
 crcdker; but the present state of things deserves to be 
 mentioned. There are 1 ,200 ship carpenters in London 
 ' I 
|{' is 
 le a 
 I ■• 
 London and Woolwich. 
 out of employment, and you see many common people 
 in the streets with hills in their hats, " I want work, 
 and can have a j^ood. character." Written in chalk 
 on the houses I see, " More Taxes " and " liebellion." 
 How happy ought all Canadians to be to live contented 
 in their own country, where they enjoy plenty and 
 Mrs. Woolani has invited me to 8t. Alban's, where 
 I intend going shortly. Next week I shall go and see 
 "Macbeth" performed at Covent Garden. On Monday 
 night I go with the Princes to Astley's Theatre. 
 The other day I called in to see Polito's wild beasts 
 at Exeter 'Change; saw a lion and lioness, tiger and 
 tigress, a hyena, two panthers, two leopards, two sloths, 
 a wild cat, a camel and a Canada bear. In the second 
 room was an elephant and rhinoceros. In the third 
 room was an ostrich from Nubia, ten feet high ; two 
 ostriches from New Holland, a pelican, a dodo, storks, 
 parrots, Brazil birds, kangaroos, opossums, casimir 
 goats, monkeys, baboons and many other animals. 
 Monddi/ 20^^.— Dined at G. Ward's at half-past five. 
 We went in two coaches to the play, which was one of 
 Shakespeare's, "Julius Ca'sar," in which are those 
 speeches we used to say at school. What a sight 
 Covent Garden is of a full night ! It contains four 
 thousand live hundred people. The pit looks like a 
 black sw^irm of bees all in motion ; and when the cur- 
 tain is down a buzz, like the Koyal Exchange at four 
 o'clock, tills the house. Kend)le has got liis plays up 
 with the most magnificent scenery. Th(^ lioman 
 Senate House with Ca'sar, Brutus, Cassius, Marc Antony, 
 Casca, was very line. The meeting of the conspirators 
 while it thundered and lightened, seemed like reahty. 
 Kendile's helmet and shield are of silver, burnished 
 with gold. Standard-l)earers, with the Roman eagle, 
 attended CiPsar wherever he went. The afterpiece 
 was " Timour the Tartar," of which I cannot now give 
 you a description. Golden chariots, troops of cavalry, 
I •^> 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 m ■> 
 .-i-i - 
 fierce engagements, bloodless battles, castles on fire, 
 thunder and lightning, a tempestuous sea and a stormy 
 night, form this nuich-famed piece. 
 At half-past twelve it broke up. Then for confusion, 
 nujn and boys running about with torches, crying for 
 coaches — " Lady Gamble," " Lord Yarmouth," "Lord 
 Radnor," " No 984," etc, etc. 
 Saturda/f 25th. — Philip Prince and I went to Astley's 
 Theatre. He went above to see Mr. Astley, while I 
 stayed in the hall. Down came Mrs. Astley and in- 
 vited me up, and I drank a glass of wine with them. 
 It was odd to see Mrs. Astley come on the stage, just 
 after I had been speaking to her. 
 Mofidaij, 21th. — Admiral Taylor and his nephew 
 breakfasted with us on their way with George to Ox- 
 ford. John and I promised to accompany them to 
 High Wycombe, twenty five miles, so we got on board 
 the "Black Lion," Water Lane, at half-past eight, and 
 drove off. When we reached Uxbridge — a large town, 
 fifteen miles from Tyburn and eighteen from St. Paul's — 
 it came on to rain, so we left poor G., and walked to 
 town, though twenty stages, seventy waggons and 
 carts, forty gentlemen's carriages and thirty-five 
 horsemen passed us in two and a half hours. 
 London, 29th April, 1812. 
 This day being Easter Monday, the Lord Mayor 
 gave a grand dinner and ball, at which all the foreign 
 ambassadors, princes and noblemen, etc., were present. 
 In the course of the day John procured a ticket for me 
 to go to the ball. No. 2850. You may suppose I was 
 not a little pleased with it. Mr. Hamilton had 
 obtained a ticket for two of his sons, so we made an 
 agreement to go together at half-past ten. Already 
 was Cheapside, the Poultry and Cornhill filled with 
 carriages, lighted torches, and confusion. We walked 
 and got in very well through the crowd. Some 
 of the carriages were three or four hours getting 
 London and Woolwich. 
 through Cheapside. The first rooiii we entered 
 was the Egyptian Hall, lighted by great glass chan- 
 deliers and festoons of lamps. A row of pillars on each 
 side of the room, which supported the roof, were 
 entwined with beautiful lamps made of cut-glass. At 
 one end was a military band playing " God save the 
 King."' The other end had great folding doors, open- 
 ing into the dining-room, laid out in four rows of tables 
 extending the whole length. The dinner, itself, was 
 the only thing moved, every ornament remained. 
 Down the middle of each table there was a row of the 
 most curious oriiiiments in frame work, about three or 
 four feet high, made of wood and gilded — men, horses, 
 castles, abbeys and battles. The room was lighted 
 with cut-glass chandeliers, suspended from the roof, 
 with fifty or sixty lights in each ; figures of men and 
 women holding lustres in their hands. The pillars 
 here were fluted, and down every second groove was a 
 string of lamps. These two lower rooms were crowded 
 with gentlemen and ladies. We then went up stairs 
 into the ball-room. At the east end, under a canopy 
 of gold, seated on a throne of the same, sat the Ijady 
 Mayoress. On her right hand was seated the Duke 
 of Cambridge, next to him the Duke of Brunswick, 
 and the Spanish Ambassador; on her left, some lords. 
 Immediately behind her were twelve young ladies in 
 waiting, dressed in state like old Queen Bess's picture, 
 with wliite feathers and diamonds. The Lady Mayor- 
 ess, a pretty woman about twenty-eight, was dressed 
 in a gown spangled with gold, I su})pose, with great 
 hoops. Her belt was studded with precious stones, 
 and clasped by the same. Her hair sparkled with 
 diamonds ; she wore a gold comb set with jewels. 
 The Duke of Cambridge was dressed like a general, 
 with a great star upon his left breast — of diamonds I 
 suppose — and two diamond rings on his fingers, and a 
 red sash over his shoulder. The other noblemen had 
 blue sashes. There were some Spanish and Portuguese 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 ■ ,1 
 officers there. At twelve, the Duke of Cambridge left 
 the ball. There was very little dancing. John and 
 Frank H. danced, and as Frank was going down 
 merrily, his foot slipped on some wax that had dropped 
 down, and he fell on his face, to the great anmsement 
 of the company. I got some ice cream and cakes with 
 great difficulty. Frank came down to get a drink, but 
 to no purpose. He mistook an Alderman, in his scar- 
 let robes, for one of the servants, and said to him, 
 " Go, like a good fellow, and get me a drink, I'll give 
 you sixpence to go, and bring me a pot of porter. The 
 xVlderman, turning round, fiercely said, " Do you know 
 who you are speaking to?" Very unexpectedly I 
 met Henry Boulton there, walking with some ladies, 
 and we had a great chat, and we thought what would 
 Joel, Jim Campbell or McDonell say to us strut- 
 ting about a Lord Mayor's ball-room with our opera 
 hats under our arms, among 5,000 gay Londoners. 
 At half-past three I left the Mansion House, well 
 pleased at my night's amusement. 
 If'i'i : 
 From Thom'ts G. Hidout to hU Brother at York: — 
 London, ^th May, 1812. 
 Yesterday I received with heartfelt satisfaction 
 your letters of the 15th and ^Oth January. Though I 
 am in the midst of pleasurss, of which I freely par- 
 take, yet would I exchange all and every scene of this 
 wonderful metropolis, for old Ontario's northern shore. 
 I almost envy you your deep snows and frozen lakes 
 during the last winter, and am glad to hear that balls and 
 regular assemblies were again the order of the day at 
 York, whicli must have proved a great addition to the 
 confined pleasures of our poor sisters. How willingly 
 would I give up going to hear Catalini at the Opera 
 to-morrow evening, or Mrs. Siddons, in " The Game- 
 ster," on Saturday, that mot' er and sisters might take 
 my place. 
 II T: 
London and Woolwich. 
 Should our country be visited by an American war 
 (which I fear is too probaljle), what a dreadful situa- 
 tion will you all be in I Do you think, if that is the 
 case, I could bear to remain quiet in England ? No, 
 never ! Though I don't l)oast of my untried courage, 
 or of being a son of Mars, yet would it be my greatest 
 pleasure to share the fate of my family. So that the 
 little ones were secure, we would keep our rifles 
 cocked and primed, mount guard together, share 
 every fatigue, and play Brother Jonathan a few Cana- 
 dian tricks. Now, 1 hear you say, " Oh, dear ; how 
 brave Tom speaks, what a warlike humour he is in, 
 since he is four thousand miles away." Well, never 
 mind. Time brings about all things, and we shall yet 
 "live upon the maskinonge and fatten on the mus- 
 quash." I am very glad that General Brock has a 
 notion of making York head-quarters for the grand 
 Yesterday morning I roused Henry Boulton out of 
 bed, and breakfasted with him on rolls and radishes; 
 he never drinks tea. You know he is a second time 
 articled, and will not be out of his time until he is 
 twenty-seven years of age. Think how old he will be 
 when he commences business. Here he has to do 
 more work in one day then he did in three at home. 
 I dare say he will be a good chancery lawyer, a thing 
 of little consequence in Canada until a court of that 
 kind is established. The other day he paid .ill2 fees 
 for being entered at Westminster and Lincoln's Inn. 
 Mr. Firth is now practising in his native town o 
 Norwich. The mayor and corporation nnist have been 
 delighted at the return of so amiable a num. Mr. 
 Boulton is still a prisoner at Verdun with poor John 
 Small. They live together. Henry has seen a lady 
 who met sometime ago his father, who was very well ; 
 but Small fretted much, and looked wan and thin. 1 
 pity the poor fellow. The number of English gentle- 
 men at Verdun has caused the living there to be very 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 expensive. They have balls, feasts, horse-racing and 
 hunting within their limits, building villas and laying 
 out gardens, to the admiration of the French, who 
 respect John Bull, above all other prisoners. Boulton 
 is their English lawyer — gives advice and transacts 
 business. I shall write again by the Indian Queen. 
 s :>} 
 : M 
 ii '■ I 
 I' '■ ! 
 From Thomas G. Ridout to his Father in York : — 
 London, May 2nrd, 1812. 
 After seeing Mr. Adams, I called upon the Governor, 
 who received me in his usual friendly manner. He 
 had just received three letters from York, up to the 
 16th March— from Mr. Selby, Colonel Claus and Mr. 
 Stanton — wherein they mention all were well, of course, 
 including you ; that Parliament had been dissolved 
 after a very disorderly meeting, in which the Opposi- 
 tion had carried everything before them, imprisoned 
 Nicoll and memorialized the Prince Eegent against 
 the Chief. A few days before, the Governor had given 
 me the York paper of the r2th February, containing 
 General Brock's very warlike speech, and the answers 
 of both Houses; in consequence whereof, and the 
 threatening posture of the Americans, they had granted 
 c£5,000 towards training the militia of the Province. 
 The Governor remarked they did not play the deuce 
 so when he was with them. I also learn that the 
 Indians are all on our side. He hinted that if there 
 were war, George and I should have commissions — in 
 the militia, I suppose. How dreadful, my dear Father, 
 would your situation be, if our peaceful and delightful 
 country should be visited bj^ wal* rendered more cruel 
 by the Indians engaged on both sides. If you, mother 
 and the children were at Quebec, I should not mind 
 the Yankees. 
 Never has the British Government been in the situa- 
 tion it now is. Mr. Perceval dead, and all public offices 
 in confusion, and the great men caballing one against 
 p. 'if 
 i T 
London and Woolwich. 
 the other. If they repeal the Orders in Conncil, the 
 American trade will flourish beyond all former periods. 
 They will then have the whole commerce of the conti- 
 nent in their hands, and the British, though blockading 
 with powerful armaments the hostile ports of Europe, 
 will behold fleets of American merchantmen enter in 
 safety the harbours of the enemy, and carry on a brisk 
 and lucrative trade, whilst the English, who conniiand 
 the ocean, and are sole masters of the deep, must quietly 
 suffer two-thirds of their shipping to be dismantled 
 and to lie snug and useless in little rivers or alongside 
 huge, but empty warehouses. Their sailors, in order 
 to earn a little salt junk and flinty biscuit, nuist spread 
 themselves like vagabonds over the face of the earth, 
 and enter the service of any nation. If, on the con- 
 trary, they continue to enforce their orders — trade will 
 still remain in its present deplorable state. An 
 American war will follow, and poor Canada will be 
 obliged to bear the whole brunt of American vengeance. 
 The Governor says that if that time should come, 
 England will not forsake us. The veterans who fought 
 at Talavera, Barossa and Badajos, will show the sons 
 of Kentucky, the long-shanks of Connecticut and 
 Genesee pumpkin-eaters, that it would be better for 
 them to stay at home and eat mush and milk, than 
 meet British troops of the present day. 
 I begin to think all this noise is nothing but a squall 
 from the westward. If the present embargo continues 
 any length of time, it will be of great benefit to Ca- 
 nada; not only by causing a large carrying and smug- 
 gling trade in the Provinces, and an outlet for the 
 heavy stock of British manufacturers, which the Cana- 
 dian merchants have on hand, but by raising to a very 
 considerable price the produce of Canada in England 
 and the West Indies. 
 The sales of potash, pearlash, timber, and peltry 
 are now rather flat ; but a brisk sale and great advance 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 is shortly expected. Tobacco is upon the rise, there 
 not being above 40,000 hogsheads now in London 
 market. Flour sells almost at the price of life in 
 J^jngland. Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham, 
 Sheflield, and several other places, have the appear- 
 anc3 of garrisoned towns. When I was at St. Alban's, 
 I saw two regiments of horse pass through that town 
 on their way to quell the insurrections. The rioters 
 are almost as daring as the Whiteboys of Ireland were. 
 I do not wonder at the manufacturers becoming so 
 desperate ; most of them having been out of employ- 
 ment for the last six months. The introduction of 
 machinery into the manufactories have caused many 
 hands to be dismissed ; against this they wreak their 
 The Governor asked me to walk with him down to 
 the Haymarket and conversed all the way. Among 
 other things he said : "What do you think ? That black- 
 guard Joe Willcocks dined with General Brock and 
 turned Government man for awhile, and then joined 
 his own party again." 
 On Saturday morning, the 7th May, I set out for 
 St. Alban's, accompanied by George as far as High- 
 gate, where we saw the famous tunnel through the 
 hill that had fallen in when the work was nearly 
 The sun was hot, the roads very dusty, and what 
 added to my discomfort were the trotters of many 
 thousand sheep that I met coming from the north for 
 the London market. On Monday, at seven, passed 
 through Barnet and over Barnet Heath, where the 
 great battle was fought between the houses of York 
 and Lancaster, in which the Earl of Warwick lost 
 his life. 
 I met with a most hearty welcome at St. Alban's ; 
 after breakfast we walked upon the Roman ramparts of 
 ancient Verulam. 
 1 i 
London and Woolwich. 
 On Sunday, went to the A])bey church. How 
 <^mnd and venerable does that building' appear. 
 Went on Monday, with Betsy, to Miss Kindar's 
 house, and to see the beautiful Mrs. Storey. She 
 took me like a show to the different families in St. 
 Alban's, and introduced me to the old Countess Dow- 
 a^^er Spencer, j4Tanddau<^diter of the ^reat J^uke of 
 Marlborough, and mother to Lord Spencer, formerly 
 First Lord of the Admiralty. The old lady spoke 
 to me very politely of America, and asked if I knew 
 Captain Vigareaux, of the engineers.* 
 1 returned to London on Thursday. 
 No doubt Mr. Perceval's death will make some noise 
 in America. 1 saw the assassin, Bellingham, executed 
 at Newgate, on the morning of the 18th inst., and his 
 body afterwards at the dissecting room, Bartholo- 
 mew's Hospital. I am going with my uncle and G. 
 to a grand rout this evening, at G. Ward's, known 
 and described as Ann W^ard's fashionable drum. 
 1 am still at Hamilton's, getting brushed up in Lon- 
 don business. I don't doubt but we shall have 1,000 
 sail at Quebec this year. 
 The cotton, woollen and iron trade never were so 
 ffat and dull as at present. Sugar rather brisk — 
 Martinique, Guadaloupe and Trinidad sugars have lately 
 been included and rated as British plantation, which, 
 instead of paying thirty per cent, port duty, amount- 
 ing to a prohibition, now pay twenty per cent. No- 
 thing has been exported to the United States for this 
 year past. Flour now would bring fifteen dollars per 
 barrel, which could be sent from Lake Ontario to Lon- 
 don for eleven dollars. 
 I am invited to Sir John Seabright's grand ball, to 
 be given at St. Alban's. He is a member for Here- 
 * Afterwards distinguished in the war of 1812. 
 I m 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 From T. 0. Ridout to his Brother in Yoi'k : — 
 LOiNDON, ls< June, 1812. 
 Diary Letter. 
 It is now the sixth month since you wrote me last 
 by the William and Indian Queen. I hope you received 
 the letters I wrote by them in April or May. 
 Trade has received a dreadful shock here from Bona- 
 parte's edicts and the Non-Importation Act. How- 
 ever, the merchants have in part recovered, and begin 
 again to look about them. The crash of ruin among 
 the first traders in January, 1811, is passed by, and 
 the great probability of a free trade in the Baltic this 
 sunnner with Russia and Sweden, has occasioned some 
 speculation in Colonial produce, and a briskness in the 
 East India sales, with a slight rise of the stocks which 
 are at present low. 
 I think we shall have a con)f()itable voyage out. 
 As for b^ ing taken, there is little danger, so that we 
 clear the chops of the channel, which now and then in 
 foggy weather, is much infested by French privateers. 
 Monday^ 18th May, 1812, — This morning Belling- 
 ham was executed at the debtor's door, Newgate.* 
 From the leads of St. Sepulchre's, H. and I saw the 
 execution nuich better than if we had been in the mob. 
 He was a great, tall, raw-boned fellow, and dressed like 
 a gentleman. He walked with a quick and firm step 
 upon the platform. On his appearance, the immense 
 mob, which extended from Fleet Street into Smith- 
 field and the streets leading thereto, took their hats 
 off and gave a great shout, crying out, " God bless 
 you." Every precaution had been taken against a 
 rescue. A circle of constables, six deep, was formed 
 around the platform, within which the City Marshal 
 and other officers rode. Two troops of horse were 
 * Spencer Perceval, Prime Minister of England, was assassinated on the 
 11th May, 1812. The people evidently attributed the distress in England 
 to his administration, and therefore looked upon his assassin, Bellingham, 
 as somewhat of a martyr. 
London and Woolwich. 
 stationed beyond Blackfriar's, and a squadron in Smith- 
 field, so as to be in readiness in case of a disturbance. 
 He (Bellinghani) looked (quickly round him, when two 
 men pulled a muslin cap over his face, and tied his eyes 
 round with his n^^ckcloth. He prayed about a minute, 
 and as St. Sepukhre's tolled eight, he sank down in 
 the midst of the shouts of thousands and tens of thou- 
 sands, who cried, " God bless you." Every man had 
 his hat off. E. and I saw his body the next day 
 in the dissecting room, Bartholomew's Hospital, 
 stretched on a slab. We viewe^l him an instant with 
 horror, then turned away. 
 TJmrfidaij, 21st. — The day of Ann Ward's rout. 
 Everything was in the most fashionable and elegant 
 style. x\t these routs one can walk, sit or stand, as he 
 pleases ; play cards or look on. There were ices, iced 
 lemon and cream, and delicacies in abundance, handed 
 about upon large silver salvers. The whole finishc^d 
 with a supper and some dances. 
 I am tired of these fashionable entertainments. I 
 had rather be out spearing and hunting than partaking 
 of Cockney amusements. 
 Sii?ida]/, 24:th Ma//. — Henry Boulton dined with us, 
 and we all walked in Kensington Gardens till five. I 
 can tell you Henry is quite a buck. 
 You are now preparing I suppose, for the 4th of June, 
 which day is hardly thought of in London. How 
 beautiful nuist the woods begin to be with you ! As 
 for these English trees, I hardly look on them as wood. 
 They are so small and stunted, but the hedges and 
 smooth fields make the country look very fine at this 
 Last night I went to the Lyceum theatre in the 
 Strand. The play was " The Duenna," lecture upon 
 heads by Palmer, and the " Honest Thieves," with 
 which we were much entertained. 
 On Sunday last we went in a coach to Kensington 
 Gardens. The day was fine, and the whole face of the 
 * i i 
 1 i 
 'i , 
 ill ; 
 Ten Y?:ars of Uppkr Canada. 
 ^airdens was covered with people, dressed in the most 
 elegant manner. I never saw anything to e([nal it. 
 They walked in crowds throngh the numerous lawns 
 and avenues. I had old Mrs. Ward under my arm, 
 and would not have exchang(>d her for any on the turf. 
 People must have thought 1 was grap{)led with a 
 Duchess. Her renuirks on the different peo))k> were 
 capital. It was what may be called a genteel mob, 
 which extended for some miles round the park and 
 gardens. The fineness of the day had induced London 
 to send out all her gay sons and daughters to the pro- 
 menade. I had the good luck to see the Princess 
 Charlotte driving on the l\oyal course in an open 
 chariot with one old lady. She is not inrndsome, nor 
 tall, but looks a good deal like her father, and the old 
 King, Her mother, the Princess of Wales, drove past 
 a little while after in a coach and four. She is a great 
 fat Dutchwonum, 
 From Tlionias G. Ridont to his Jlrothcr in Yi)rly : — 
 London, 6fh June, 1S12. 
 I take this ()p])ortunity of answering your letter of 
 the 9th March, whicb 1 recei\'ed this morning, I am 
 sure you will be glad at my retui'n to America, If 
 you are involved in a war witb the Yankees (of which 
 I now fear there are too many sad prospects), my r<'asons 
 for returning will be tenfold increased, I think, at any 
 rate, we shall have commissions in the (,'anadian corps 
 now raising in the country. The pr(>])arations for war 
 on both sid(^s of the lakes must be very interesting to 
 you, as well from the novelty of the thing, as from tln^ 
 active part we shall take in the contest. In what ruin 
 and distress will our dear country be involved ! In Eng- 
 land they consider (!anada as one of their tiiu^st colonies, 
 and will defend it to the last. There will be pl(>ntiful 
 supplies of troops and money sent out, and having the 
 Indians as our allies, they think the Americans will 
 not be able to hold the country. Two packets of 
London and Woolwich, 
 letters, which 1 sent by the way of New York, 1 am 
 afraid will never reach yon. Governor Hull being at 
 Detroit with eight thousand luen ready to tall on 
 our devoted country, alarms me, and we hear that 
 thirteen thousand iiave been drafted from the militia, 
 and ten thousand ordevd to the back frontiers ; that 
 magazines ai'c forming at Albany and up the Hudson. 
 This forebodes war upon Canada. People here think 
 the Americans n.rv. l)ent upon it, and that their de- 
 mands will be so extravagant that the p]nglish w^ould 
 rather fight it out. I suppose our militia are by this 
 time well trained, and Allan's* coinpany one of thel)est 
 in the Province. 
 To give you some idea of the great scale on whiv 
 the English prepare for war, I wish you had been 
 with me yesterday at Woolwich. On Saturday I 
 received a note from Colonel Pilkington inviting me 
 down, and offering to convey these letters and any 
 packages to U})per Canada by a friend of his now 
 going out to that Province. 
 Yesterday I went down in the stage, and was 
 received hi tlie most polite manner by the (^olonel 
 and his lady. H(> himself took me to the brass 
 foundry, and there I saw the brass cannon run in 
 (day moulds solid, then bored by boring machines. 
 The outside^ turned and ornamented by chisels and 
 lintdy polished. The trunnions are also done in a 
 very curious manner, and lastly the King's arms and 
 the year are engraved, when the piece is proved. If 
 bad, it is melted down again. They save all the 
 The Warren, as this j)lace is called, is enclosed by a 
 wall a mil(> and a half in circuit, and is on what formerly 
 was a marsh, now Idled up and levelled with gravel, 
 extending along the bank of the river. There are 
 great storehouses and workshops dispersed along 
 the wall, and the whole internuMliate space between 
 *Hun. Will. Alkn. 
 11 1 
 Wi ■ 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 that and the river (except where they are buildin<]j a 
 large square of storehouses) is one immense field of 
 cannon, placed close to the ground, without their 
 carriages, upon iron railw.'iys, and arranged in long 
 rows side hv side in the most beautiful order and 
 exactness. There, at one view, you behold sixteen 
 thousand pieces of iron ordnance. Some are of the 
 most heavy metal, besides an immense number of 
 brass pieces, which are kept separate, and are so bright 
 you can see your face in them. 
 At the west end there are several hundred brass 
 guns captured from enemies. Amongst them some 
 beautiful Turkisb ones, having the crescent marked 
 upon them. They are very highly ornamented. 
 Some are octagon on the outside ; of seventeen or 
 eighteen feet in length. 
 I saw the boys making cartridges — done in an 
 instant. There is a machine by which they plane 
 blocks of wood for the gun carriages of ships by 
 means of a large horizontal wheel. Another place 
 they turn iron axle-trees, like wood, making iron 
 There is also an immense number of howitzers and 
 mortars, with their iron beds, to the left of the 
 cannon, and four great pyramids of shells as large as 
 iron pots. Dispersed among the guns are a great 
 many pyramids of cannon l)all, of ditferent weight. 
 They were loading some ships with guns, auimunition 
 and ball. A cargo of copper had just arrived from 
 Malta. Three hundred and fifty convicts were at 
 work getting gravel out of the l)ed of the Tluimes, by 
 a steam engine, and wheeling it al)out to fill up the 
 marsh, and in building a beautiful stone (^uay the 
 whole length of the arsenal upon the river. They 
 were all chained by the leg and dressed in gray 
 clothes. The buildings are of fine yellow brick and 
 look very handsome. At twelve o'clock I saw several 
 thousand workmen march out of the gate to dinner. 
 At one they returned all in a body. 
London and Woolwich. 
 01 n 
 Colonel Pilkington wishes to go out to Canada. He 
 says it is the finest country he ever saw. 
 At three the Colonel and I went to the grand artil- 
 lery barracks, fronting a large conmion, at the upper 
 part of which is the lioyal Academy of Woolwich, 
 situate under arising ground. It is built in the form of 
 a castle, with piazzas or cloisters between the wings 
 and centre. The artillery barracks are 2,500 feet in 
 length. Behind are three large squares, enclosed by 
 the horse barracks and stables. There are 2,000 
 horses here. In front of the barracks is a double range 
 of mounted brass guns ; before the grand entrance, 
 two beautiful pieces taken at Copenhagen. To the 
 west was a great park, full of brass guns and am- 
 munition and waggons, ready for sc^rvice. In our walk 
 we made tlie whole circuit of Woolwicii and returned to 
 dinner, after which we rode in a coacli to Blackheatli, 
 and returned to the artillery parade, between the 
 barracks and academy. Here I saw the finest set of 
 men in England, consisting of 5,000 artilku-ymen and 
 two bands of music. I saw the church at Blackheath 
 where Mr. Perceval is buried, and the house of the 
 Princess of Wales, in Grreenwich Park. 
 I rejoice to hear that, in York, you keep up to old 
 times in price of living and that Hour is so cheap. 
 Plere, wheat is 18 shillings a bushel. I dare say no 
 more supplies will be sent out of Canada, as Govern- 
 ment will buy all it can to form magazines in case of 
 a war. On Monday, the 15th, I suppose the election 
 takes place, we have here drank success to Sipiire 
 Fro)n, Thomaa G. R'ldout to his Father in York : — 
 London, 10th June. 1812. 
 Your letters ([uite surprise us at the ra])idity of tlieir 
 journey. Tliat of the 24th iNhircli, containing your 
 address, was received on the 0th iust. On Sunday, 1 
 /Jv .i 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Wits in Kensington Gardens from two till seven, and 
 was annised beyond anything at the immense crowds. 
 I saw the Princess Charlotte again. The Duchess of 
 Sussex and Kent live at Kensington Palace. On the 
 evening of the 4th Jane, the public offices, places of 
 amusement, and the houses of the King's tradesmen, 
 were illuminated with glass lamps. 
 The stocks are low. Insurance to Quebec, 8 guineas 
 out, 10 home ; if there is war will rise to 20 guineas. 
 Freight out, from i'2 10s. to 4!3 per ton ; home, Ml to 
 .t8. Not one ship in seven can get any freight, so 
 that they run in ballast. Potash and timber begin to 
 rise. Canada white oak staves are considered better 
 than American or Biiltic, upon which last there is an 
 enormous duty laid in favor of Canada. The smug- 
 gling between Heligoland and the continent is put an 
 end to. 
 People are afraid that Canada will fall to the Ame- 
 ricans. I am not quite of that opinion. The Prince 
 Regent is considered half a fool. The great men of 
 England are divided into many parties, and after Per- 
 ceval's death, everything was in confusion, and the 
 country was left without a government for a month. 
 York is yet, I hope, to be my place of residence. 
 In the course of a few years it will be nearly as large 
 as Montreal. I am glad that General Brock and you 
 are such good friends. Governor Gore says it is a piece 
 of folly to fortify the garrison, as it is no place of 
F'iRST Notes of the War, 1812. 
 Among the causes assigned by the American Govern- 
 ment for declaring war against Great Britain were 
 the " Orders in Council," and the " Right of Search." 
 While the European war was raging, England's arch- 
 enemy, Napoleon, had declared in his Berlin decree of 
 1806, all vessels liable to seizure that had touched at 
 a British port. The English " Orders in Council," 
 1807, retaliated by declaring tiiat only ships, which 
 had touched at a British port should be permitted to 
 enter a French port. Napoleon then declared the 
 British Islands in a state of blockade, and interdicted 
 all neutrals from trading with them. Great Britain 
 retaliated by placing the French Empire in a state of 
 blockade, and cut off from it the commerce of neutral 
 This state of affairs pressed heavily on American 
 connnerce, as American merchantmen had, during tlie 
 war in Europe, almost monopolized the carrying trade 
 of the world. The orders were unpopular in England, 
 as much distress had been caused by them. They 
 were rescinded on the 28rd June, 1812, but their 
 repeal had not the slightest effect in restoring tran- 
/4 ■ ! 
 ii} * 
 :■! i 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 quility. The Americans maintained that they had 
 been repealed, not to render justice to the United 
 States, but to rescue a large portion of the British 
 population from starvation. 
 As to the other grievance, the "right of search," 
 claimed and practised by Great Britain upon Ameri- 
 can vessels navigating the high seas, it was stated 
 that England had impressed no less than 6,000 mari- 
 ners who claimed to be citizens of the United States, 
 and that 1,000 American vessels had been seized and 
 England had experienced great difficulty in man- 
 ning her immense navy, and claimed that these men 
 were British subjects and deserters. 
 Whatever may have been the ostensibh^ reasons of 
 the Americans for declaring war, there is no doubt " a 
 deadly hatred to England and a deadly love to 
 France " was a potent one. 
 The Prince Regent in his address to Parliament, 
 said that the real origin of the contest was the avowed 
 sympathy of the Americans with the aggressive tyr- 
 anny of France. 
 So war was declared against England by Congress, 
 on the 18th June, 1812, by a vote of seventy-nine to 
 forty-nine. Canada became the battle-field. 
 The population of Lower Canada was at that time 
 226,000 ; of Upper Canada, 75,000. The population 
 of the United States was about 8,000,000. 
 Yet, with a frontier of more than a thousand miles to 
 I I 
First Notes of the War, 1812. 
 I j 
 defend, a gallant little band of regulars and militia held 
 the enemy at bay for nearly three years. 
 At the opening of the war in July, 1812, the regular 
 force in the Canadas consisted of seven regiments of 
 infantry, one of veterans and invalids, and a detach- 
 ment of artillery, amounting in all to about 4,500 men. 
 The enemy relied on the impossibility of Canada 
 receiving aid from England, also on the supposed dis- 
 affection of the inhabitants. 
 How erroneous this latter supposition was, time 
 soon proved. 
 A veteran soldier. Sir George Prevost, was now 
 Governor-General of British North America, and 
 In Upper Canada, General Brock was acting Lieu- 
 tenant-Governor, or President of the Council, during 
 the absence in England of Mr. Francis Gore. 
 What he was to Canada at this crisis history has 
 written in letters of gold. He believed in his Cana- 
 dian citizen soldiers, and they did not show them- 
 selves unworthy of his trust. 
 In Upper Canada, the Militia Act provided that 
 all from the age of eighteen to forty-five should 
 turn out six days in each month for drill. It also 
 provided that two tiank companies should be formed 
 from every battalion, which companies should be the 
 first employed in actual service, and might be marched 
 to any part of the Province, where the President 
 of the Council thought their services would be most 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 In Lower Canada, it was enacted that every 
 man between sixteen and tifty years of age was 
 to be a militiaman, also the Government was author- 
 ized to call out " by ballot, or command, 2,000 bache- 
 lors between the ages of eighteen and thirty, and 
 them to keep during ninety days under the command 
 of such officers as they should appoint, and to march, 
 train, and otherwise exercise them." 
 In case of war in the Province, they were to be kept 
 in service during two years. 
 The embodied militia, as well as the volunteers, 
 were to have the same pay and allowances as His 
 Majesty's regular troops. No substitutes were allowed. 
 In a quaintly translated extract from the papers of 
 that date, we read of the formation of the corps known 
 as " The Voltigeurs," so celebrated during the war. 
 This corps, now under the command of Major de 
 Salaberry, is completing with despatch worthy of the 
 ancient warlike spirit of the country. 
 Captain Perrault's company was filled up in forty- 
 eight hours, and the companies of Captains Duchesney, 
 Panet and Ecuyer, have very near their complement. 
 The young men moved in solid columns towards the 
 enlisting officers, with an expression of countenance 
 not to be mistaken. 
 The Canadians are awakening from the repose of an 
 age, secured to them by good government and virtu- 
 ous habits. 
 Their anger is fresh, the object of their preparation 
 simp' > and distinct. 
 They are to defend their king, known to them only 
 by acts of kinchiess, and a native country long since 
 made sacred by the exploits of their forefathers. 
First Notes of the War, 1812. 
 ' ■; 
 As to uniform, a letter from Ji^neas Shaw, Adjutant- 
 General of Militia, dated York, 29th April, 1812, 
 says : — 
 As it is not ascertained whether Government 
 will provide clothing for the militia, His Honour the 
 President (General Brock) reconimends in the event of 
 any portion of them being in the meantime called out 
 into the field, that for their own convenience, as well 
 as the benefit the service, each man, as far as his cir- 
 cumstances and situation allow, will provide himself 
 with a short coat of some dark-colored cloth, made to 
 button well round the body, and pantaloons suited to 
 the season, with the addition of a round hat. It is 
 also recommended to the officers, on every occasion 
 when in the field, to dress in conformity to the men, in 
 order to avoid the bad consequences of a conspicuous 
 On the eve of the war this letter is written : — 
 From George R'ulout to his brother Thomas in England : — 
 YouK, 2oth June, 1812. 
 The pleasant news of your appointment, together 
 with your entertaining account of your journey to 
 Oxford, has made our house joyful ; however, mixed 
 with some allov, when we consider the hazardous and 
 immense voyage you have before you, and the risk 
 you run of being made a prisoner by the French. 
 The papers here are filled with accounts of daily 
 As to the Americans disturbing us, we understand 
 that the question f(U- war has passed the Congress by 
 a majority of sixteen. Preparations are making here 
 to receive them. Tbe Hank companies are paraded 
 every week, a fort is building here, preparations are 
 made at Niagara, and some new vessels are on the 
 It I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 lakes. All this will avail little unless we are supported 
 by a regular force of ten thousand men, which number 
 I am afraid it is impossible for the English to spare. 
 I have the honor to be an ensign in a battalion 
 company, viz.: the Town one. Colonel Chewett has 
 given me to understand that in a short time I am 
 to be promoted to a lieutenancy in the Grenadier 
 company, which company is nearly of a size, tolerably 
 well disciplined. Duncan Cameron is the captain. 
 There was an express sent to General Brock in- 
 forming him that a body consisting of four thousand 
 Indians are ready at a moment's warning to offer their 
 services to the British. 
 The Americans have twelve hundred Kentucky men 
 now at Detroit ; a body of six hundred at Niagara ; 
 and indeed, both lakes on the south side are lined with 
 I know not whether father has told you that John 
 is a midshipman on board the Uoyal George, on this 
 Little John Radenhurst is here with a large detach- 
 ment of the Newfoundland regiment, who are dis- 
 tributed on board the several vessels on the lakes 
 as marines. 
 Among other news, I must not omit letting you 
 know, that father is a Member of Parliament for the 
 West Riding of the County of York and Simcoe. He 
 was returned by a majority of a hundred and forty- 
 two, against Sheppard, the only candidate who 
 opposed him ; as Hamilton, the morning of the elec- 
 tion, resigned his interest in favor of Sheppard. His 
 heart failed him when he saw father's friends to the 
 number of one hundred a?id fifty turning Leach's 
 corner, huzzaing, with flags flying. Only six of the 
 old members are returned, consequently the remainder 
 of the twenty-six are new. They will compose a very 
 respectable House. John McDonell is one of them. 
 He was returned for Glengarry. Our election here 
First Notes of the War, 1812. 
 lasted three days. General Brock is much pleased 
 with father's success. We had a famous electioneer- 
 ing dinner after the polls closed, consisting of most of 
 the gentlemen in York. 
 The two last packets we have received from you 
 appear to have been opened. I expect it has excited 
 the curiosity of the American postmaster to see such 
 large packets constantly passing in the same hand and 
 addressed to one person. 
 June 27th, 1812. — Since I wrote, an express has 
 come here announcing that war is declared. Every 
 one is in motion. General Brock went off to Niagara 
 last night, with despatches to the Indians, who are all 
 in readiness. I do not know what we will do wdth our 
 large family. The militia are ordered out. I must 
 now go. Adieu ! 
 The John McDonell mentioned in this letter, as the 
 member returned for Glengarry, is the McDonell, 
 General Brock's aide-de-camp, who so soon after this 
 date was off to the war, and who met a hero's death 
 on the Heights of Queenston. 
 The news of the declaration of war came to General 
 Brock, we are told, by special express from New York, 
 sent by John Jacob Astor to Thomas Clark, of Niagara 
V, ■ n. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 M^) • 
 The American plan of attack was to invade Canada 
 with three armies. The army of the West on the 
 Detroit frontier, the army of the Centre on the Niagara, 
 and the army of the North on Lake Champlain. The 
 latter was under the immediate command of General 
 Dearborn, Commander-in-Chief of the American forces. 
 At that time, as we have seen, Sir George 
 Prevost was vvOmmander-in-Chief of the British forces 
 in Canada, with head-quarters at Montreal; and Major- 
 General Brock was in command of the Upper Pro- 
 vince, head-quarters at York, now Toronto. 
 The British Generals found themselves on the de- 
 claration of war, with but a few battalions of regular 
 troops (less than five thousand men) at their com- 
 mand, with which to occupy and defend all the posts 
 from Quebec to St. Joseph on Lake Huron. A part 
 of a company was stationed at the latt er place ; two 
 companies of the 41st regiment were at Fort Maiden, 
 near Amherstburg, and a battalion was divided between 
 Fort Erie,' Fort George and Burlington Heights — just 
 sufficient to guard these places in times of peace. 
 When the storm of war broke on Canada, it was in 
Ofkning of First Campai(,n, 1812 — Detroit. 133 
 on the 
 I. The 
 1 forces. 
 1 forces 
 r Pro- 
 he de- 
 A. part 
 ; two 
 Bvas in 
 Upper Canada that tlie shock was first felt, and on 
 General Brock was laid the responsibility of conduct- 
 ing the opening operationt, of tlie campaign. His first 
 orders {26th June, 1812), were sent to Captain Koherts, 
 then commanding the small detachment of regulars at 
 St. Joseph, a military post, or rather block-house, on 
 an island of that nauie in Lake Huron, forty miles 
 north-east of Mackinaw. These orders were, to gather 
 what nien he could for the attack of Michillimackinac* 
 an important island outpost of the Americans, com- 
 manding the entrance to Lake Michigan. This post, 
 also known as Mackinaw, was then the centre of the 
 fur trade with the Lidians, and was guarded by a force 
 of seventy-five men under Lieutenant Hancks, U. S. 
 artillery. Captain Roberts enlisted in his service about 
 one hundred and fifty voyageurs, armed with nmskets 
 and fowling pieces, and set out with these volunteers 
 and his own small detachment of forty-six men, for the 
 capture of the fort. They embarked on the 16th July % 
 in batteaux and canoes, and, under cover of the night 
 silently approached the white cliffs of Mackinaw. 
 The Americans were completely taken by surprise, and 
 the officer in charge, not having received any instruc- 
 tions from head-quarters, thought his wisest course was 
 to surrender. This event took place on the 17th July, 
 1812, and apparently unimportant as was the achieve- 
 ment, it had the effect of establishing confidence 
 * Old Fort Michillimackinac, bo celebrated in Pontiac's wars as the scenea 
 of dreadful massacres, was on the mainland near by. 
 \]r. • 
 H ill 
 L"! 'a 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 throng-hout Canada, and of confirming the Indian 
 tribes of the North-West in their allegiance to Great 
 Very shortly afterwards, two American vessels laden 
 with furs, came into the harbour, ignorant of the cap- 
 ture of the fort, and were taken possession of, though 
 subsequently restored to their owners by Major- 
 General de Rottenberg. 
 There is no doubt that the alliance wi^h the Indians 
 was an important factor in the struggle with the 
 Americans. They fought in this war of 1812, not for 
 love of King George, but because they hoped to receive 
 from his hands the justice they had sought in vain 
 from the Americans. It was the last throb of national 
 life in their now degenerate race. 
 One leader they had, Tecumseh, who recalled to 
 their memories their famous chief of fifty years before, 
 Pontiac, whose name had been a terror in the West. 
 Tecumseh was, at this time, forty-three years of age. 
 He was considered by the Indians, as was also his 
 twin brotlier — the Prophet — to be of supernatural 
 birth. His iniiuoice was enormous, not only among 
 his own people, the Shawanese, but throughout the 
 tribes of the West. His mission was to bring into a 
 confederation or league, all the tribes of Nortli 
 America, in order to regain, if possible, their old bound- 
 aries, and to resist the further encroachments of the 
 white race. 
Opening of First Campaign, 1812 — Detroit. 135 
 1) ii 
 The personal appearance of Tecuiiiseh is thus de- 
 scribed : — 
 His height was aliout five feet nine inches, his 
 face oval, his nose handsome and straight, his mouth 
 beautifully formed, like that of Napoleon 1. Plis 
 eyes clear, trans})arent hazel, with a mild, pleasant 
 expression wlien in repose, but when excited, they 
 appeared like halls of tire. His complexion more of a 
 light brown or tan, than red ; (his whole tribe, as well 
 as their kindred, the Ottaways, had light complexions). 
 His limbs were straight, he always stood very erect, 
 and walked with a brisk, elastic, vigorous step. He 
 invariably dressed in Indian tanned buckskin. A per- 
 fectly well-fitting liuntiiig frock, descending to the 
 knee, was over underclothes of the same material ; 
 the usual cape and finish of leather fringe about the 
 neck, edges of the front and bottom of the frock ; a 
 belt of the same material, in which were his side-arms 
 (a silver mounted tomahawk and a knife in a strong 
 leather case), short pantaloons, connected with neatly 
 fitting leggings and moccasins, with a mantle also of 
 buckskin, thrown over his left shoulder, used as a 
 blanket in camp and a protection in storms. Such 
 was his dress when I last saw iiim on the 17th August, 
 ISri, in Detroit. (See Colonel Hatch's Chapter of the 
 It is stated that, though Tecumseh could speak 
 Enghsh sufliciently well to hold conversation on 
 ordinary topics, he never spoke any language but his 
 own at any council, nor wlien in presence of any officer 
 or agent of a government. He always avoided 
 speaking to any official, except through an interpre- 
 ter, as his ideas of the honour of his people and race 
 precluded official intercourse in any but the Shawanese 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 tongue. This, then, was the powerful ally destined to 
 take such an important part in the coining war with 
 the Americans. 
 On the 12th July, 1812, General Hull crossed to 
 Canada from Detroit, and issued hishoastful ])roclama- 
 tion to the people of Canada, olfering the alternative of 
 peace, liberty aud security ; or war, slavery and de- 
 struction. From Fort George, General Brock issued 
 a counter-proclamation, and despatched Colonel Proc- 
 tor, of the 41st regiment, with a small body of troops 
 to reinforce Fort Maiden, near Amhertsherg. Here 
 Proctor was joined by Tecumseh and his Indians. 
 General Hull made his head-quarters at Sandwich, 
 eighteen miles from Amhertsherg, in an unfinished 
 house belonging to Colonel Baby, and remained there 
 with his army for about four weeks. Predatory ex- 
 cursions were made by his troops in the neighbouring 
 country; but in spite of his proclamation, the people 
 did not show the slightest desire to be annexed. 
 Numerous skirmishes took place with Proctor's forces 
 at the river Canard, and with the Indians under 
 Tecumseh. On the .5th August, the latter, with a 
 few regulars, (irossed the Detroit Kiver, and succeeded 
 in capturing a convoy of provisions from Ohio, also a 
 detatchment on their way from Detroit with General 
 Hull's despatches. 
 At the time of the war of 1812, only the Eastern 
 and Southern parts of Ohio were settled. With the 
 exception of a few old French posts, it was an un- 
 Opening of First Campaign, 1812— Detroit. 137 
 broken wilderness, an untouched forest, occupied by 
 powerful Indian tribes. 
 A succession of reverses seemed to have disheart- 
 ened General Hull, who had a wholesome dread of 
 Indian warfare, and he decided to recross the river to 
 Detroit. This he did on the 8th of August, and once 
 more took up his abode in the citadel. This citadel 
 was an enclosure of jibout two acres, surrounded by 
 sixteen-foot pickets of squared cedar, within which 
 were the officers' quarters, public stores, and other 
 The intelligence of the capture of Fort Michilli- 
 mackinac was the means of largely augmenting 
 Tecumseh's forces, for, as soon as he heard of its 
 downfall, he despatched runners to all his associate 
 tribes, bidding them assemble at Maiden immediately^ 
 and telling them that the Americans, by not marching 
 on Maiden, and by the easy discomhture of several 
 detachments, had shown they would not fight ; that 
 the braves should come forward with all speed, so as 
 to participate in the capture of the army and share in 
 the plunder, which would be gn^at. 
 His c'lppeal was promptly responded to, and by the 
 15th August, 700 warriors had joined him. 
 While these events were happening on the western 
 frontier, an extra session of the Legislature had been 
 called at York on the 29th July, by General Brock, 
 whose speech rang out in these clear and earnest 
 words : — 
If : ,' 
 i : f1 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Gentlemen of the House of Assembly, — We are 
 engaged in an awful and eventful contest. By unani- 
 mity and despatch in our councils, and vigour in our 
 operations, we may teach the enemy this lesson, that 
 a country defended by freemen enthusiastically 
 devoted to the cause of their King and constitution, 
 can never be conquered. 
 The answer by the Legislature, signed Thos. Scott, 
 Speaker, 29th July, 1812, was as follows : — 
 When invaded by an enemy whose avowed object 
 is the entire conquest of this Province, we, laying aside 
 all inferior considerations, do most willingly obey your 
 Honour's commands, by appearing in our Legislative 
 capacity, for the purpose of using our utmost efforts 
 for the protection and defence of everything that is 
 dear to us as subjects and as men. 
 The Assembly was prorogued as soon as it had passed 
 the necessary Supply Bill, and most of the members 
 took the field for active service. 
 General Brock now determined to strike a decisive 
 blow, and formed the daring plan of proceeding at 
 once, with what troops he could raise, to the western 
 He knew that the Fort of Detroit was a most im- 
 portant position from which to control Upper Canada, 
 and determined to wrest it, if possible, from the 
 Americans. He had about forty men of the 41st regi- 
 ment with him, detached from the little garrison at 
 Fort George, and 250 militia. Among these were 
 many of the young men of York, who had volunteered 
 for the expedition. 
 I i 
Opening of First Campaign, 1812 — Detroit. 139 
 One of General Brock's aides-de-camp was John 
 McDonell, the newly-elected member for Glengarry, 
 and Acting Attorney-General for the Province. He 
 was then in his twenty-fifth year. The other aide was 
 Major Glegg, of the 41st regiment. 
 Among the volunteers is found a name well known 
 afterwards in Canada — John Beverley Robinson, then a 
 student in McDonell's office. 
 It was a hazardous enterprise which this little army 
 undertook ; but Brock was a leader whom they were 
 all willing to follow, and the courage and confidence 
 with which he inspired his men, lived long after his 
 brave spirit had passed away. 
 On the 5th of August, 1812, the expedition set out 
 by way of Lake Ontario to Burlington. They then 
 marched by cross-roads to Long Point, where they 
 arrived on the 8th, and then continued their journey 
 in open boats along the rough and dangerous coast of 
 Lake Erie. After four days' and nights' hard rowing, 
 they reached]their destination at Amherstburg, on the 
 12th August, 1812. Here Brock and Tecumseh, the 
 most picturesque figures of the war, met; and a halo of 
 romance still lingers over the meeting of these two 
 men, whose names were destined to be handed down 
 in song and story. In some respects, the soldier and 
 the savage were kindred spirits. Both were bold in 
 purpose, ready in resource, trusted by their followers. 
 Over each hung the shadow of an early heroic death. 
 Brock now found himself at the head of an army of 

 ■;,f a 
 3 fi 
 hi m ^ 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 one thousand four hundred men, half of whom were 
 Indians. After a brief consultation with Tecuraseh, 
 who, we are told, sketched a plan of Detroit on a 
 piece of birch bark for his guidance, he determined, 
 in spite of the disparity of numbers between his forces 
 and those of the Americans, to demand a surrender. 
 He had by this time, 15th August, established himself 
 at Sandwich, opposite Detroit, in the quarters at the 
 Baby mansion, so lately vacated by General PIull. 
 From there he wrote his demand for surrender, and 
 sent this missive to General Hull by Major Glegg, 
 and Lieutenant-Colonel McDonell. 
 Head-quarters, Sandwich, 
 August 15th, 1812. 
 Sir, — The forces at my disposal authorize me to 
 require of you the immediate surrender of Fort De- 
 troit. It is far from my inclination to join in a war of 
 extermination ; but you must be aware that the 
 numerous body of Indians, who have attached them- 
 selves to my troops, will be beyond my control the 
 moment the contest commences. 
 Isaac Brock, 
 His Excellency Brig. -Gen. Hull. 
 Commanding at Fort Detroit. 
 General Hull's answer was : — 
 I have no other reply to make, than to inform you 
 that I am prepared to meet any force which may be 
 at your disposal, and any consequences which may 
 result from any exertion of it you may think proper 
 to make. 
 < 1 
 » i 
 1 J 
 1 '1 
 Opening ov First Campaign, 1812 — Detroit. 141 
 General Brock, on receiving this reply, determined 
 to attempt the capture of the fort by assault. His 
 force consisted of thirty Koyal Artillery, two hundred 
 and fifty of the 41st regiment, fifty lioyal Newfound- 
 land, four hundred militia, and about seven hundred 
 Indians. For artillery, he had three six-pounders and 
 two three-pounders. Two Pjnglish gunboats were on 
 the Detroit river. One, the Qvecn Charlotte, Captain 
 Finnis, a sloop of war, armed with eighteen twenty- 
 four-pounders ; the other, the brig Hunter. 
 On the Canadian side of the river was a battery, 
 under the command of Captain Dixon. This opened 
 fire on the evening of the 15th August, and continued 
 the cannonade on the morning of the 16th, when one 
 of the balls struck and killed Lieutenant Hancks, 
 who had been in command at Mackinac, and was then 
 a prisoner of war on parole in Fort Detroit. The 
 same ball passed on and mortally wounded Surgeon 
 Reynolds, of the Ohio Volunteers. 
 Early on the morning of the IGth August, General 
 Brock crossed the lliver Detroit, at Sandwich, where 
 it is about three-quarters of a mile wide, and landed 
 at Spring Wells, about two miles below the fort ; 
 formed in column, and marched up to within a mile 
 of the fort and halted. His Indian allies, led by 
 Tecumseh, had landed two miles below on the previous 
 evening, and moved up to the edge of the woods, 
 keeping a mile and a half distant, to the west of the 
 main body. 
 ■ fi 
 Ten Years of UrPER Canada. 
 [1 ; • I 
 i.i ' II" 
 With his small force and only five guns, it certainly 
 looked a very daring deed for Brock to attack a strong 
 fort defended by twenty-six pieces of ordnance of large 
 calibre, with one thousand nine hundred and forty 
 men posted in and around the fort, and three hundred 
 and sixty men of another detachment, who had left a 
 day or two previous on a short expedition, and were 
 now on their way back. 
 The following description of Fort Detroit, in 1812, 
 is given by Colonel Hatch, American Quarter-master 
 at the time of its capture : 
 It is a parallelogram, with strong bastions at each 
 angle, surrounded by a moat or ditch twelve feet wide 
 at the surface, eight feet deep ; a palisade or abattis 
 of hardwood stakes, ten feet high out of the ground, 
 sharpened at the top, and firmly set in the escarp 
 at the base of the rampart, with an inclination of 
 about forty-five degrees ; the rampart rising perpen- 
 dicularly twenty-two feet, pierced with embrasures 
 for cannon; strong double entrance gate, with port- 
 cullis well ironed, on the east front, protected by a 
 projecting frame-work of hewed logs extending over 
 the moat, pierced for small arms, and a drawbridge ; 
 sally ports near the south-west and north-west 
 bastions ; a parapet, banquette and terreplein, around 
 the entire of the inside, in the bastions as well 
 as the body, on the latter of which are mounted 
 twelve-pound and nine-pound guns, besides those of 
 smaller calibre and also the howitzers, each bastion 
 having guns raking the moat and counterscarp. 
 Standing on the banquette near the fiag-stafi" at the 
 south-eastern angle of the body of the work, and 
 looking southward, no house or building intervenes. 
 All to the south lor two miles, and all to the west for 
 one to one and a half miles, is a level common. 
Opening of First Campaign, 1812 — Detroit. 143 
 I I 
 The road from Spring Wells passes up across the 
 ground hetween the fort and the river. A few village 
 dwellings are on the river side of this road, and a few 
 farm-houses on the west side. Fronting this road are 
 posted the twenty-four-pound field guns, two twelve- 
 pound iron, and two six-pound hrass guns. In front of 
 the southern curtain, fifty feet in advance of the coun- 
 terscarp, is one six-pounder ; at the south-west angle 
 is one nine-pounder and one six-pounder ; in front of 
 the western or rear curtain is one six-pounder ; at the 
 north-west angle, one nine-pounder and one four- 
 pounder, with arrangements to rapidly concentrate at 
 any point at which the enemy might show itself. In 
 May's orchard on the west is posted the 1st regi- 
 ment Ohio Volunteers ; next to them, extending to 
 the centre of the west curtain, is the 2nd regiment ; 
 and tlien the 3rd regiment, which covers the north- 
 west bastion and waggon train ; while, in the fort, is 
 the entire of the 4th United States regiment and a 
 part of the artillery companies. All these guns were 
 loaded with ball and grape. All these troops were 
 well armed. 
 Scarcely had the assault begun by the firing of the 
 battery on the Canadian side, when, to the surprise, 
 as much, it is said, of the Americans, as of the Cana- 
 dians, a flag of truce was displayed, and a messenger 
 was seen approaching. 
 General Hull had decided to capitulate. 
 By the terms of capitulation, signed IGth August, 
 1812, the whole territory of Michigan was ceded to the 
 British, two thousand five hundred American troops 
 became prisoners of war ; thirty-seven pieces of brass 
 and iron ordnance, four hundred rounds of twenty-four- 
 pound shot, one hundred thousand cartridges and two 
 P I 
 f ,51 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 thousand five hundred stand of arnjs fell into General 
 Brock's hands. — (Colonel Cass's report to the American 
 Secretary of War.) 
 This was indeed a sorry ending for the army of the 
 West, whose General, but a few weeks before, had boast- 
 fully declared his intention of annexing Canada to 
 the United States. 
 On the morning of the 17th, the victory was cele- 
 brated by firing a salute from the Esplanade, in front 
 of the fort. General Brock, with his suite, appearing 
 in full dress to receive the spoils they had so bravely 
 The cannon :;sed on this occasion was one of the 
 brass six-pounders taken by the Americans at the 
 battle of Saratoga on the 16th October, 1777, which 
 fact was recorded on the cannon in raised letters of 
 The salute was returned from the guns of the Queen 
 Colonel Hatch, in his quaint little hook, gives a de- 
 scription of Brock as he saw him that day: — 
 His personal appearance was commanding. Ho 
 must luive been six feet three in height, very massive 
 and large-boned, and apparently of immense muscular 
 I, i 
 ti-f t 
 *The luuch-reuretteil brass fiekl-pieco came again under the folds of the 
 stars and stripes at the battle of the Thames, and the Queen Charlotte, 
 which looked like a thinsf of life as she sailed up the stream with her flags 
 and streamers flaunting, fell from her high estate of that day of triumph, 
 and ended her ctireer of honour in that great struggle on Lake Erie, on tho 
 10th September, 18l.'J, when her flag descended upon a bloody wave. 
 Opening of First Campaign, 1812 — Detroit. 145 
 strengtli. His aides, MoDonell and Glogg, were ele- 
 gant young men, nearly, if not quite six feet in height, 
 and in their splendid uniform, all three presented a 
 brilliant appearanee. 
 We can well helieve the scene was an impressive 
 one, as the vietoiious commaudcJ stood with his troops 
 in theblazeof the August sunshine, while the conquered 
 foes laid their arms down in sullen silence at his feet.* 
 Beside him stood Tceumseh with his swarthy band 
 of braves, who probably were a little disappointed at the 
 bloodless nature of the victory. 
 General Brock lost no time in niaking preparations 
 to return. He dismissed the militia of Michigan to 
 their homes, placed the volunteers on parole, and sent 
 General Hullf with a thousand of his regular troops 
 *C(>j»y of ifturns iiiiule hy one nf (Ii-iier.il Hull's aiilea and the British 
 Ono tliDiisiiiid nint; h'nuhvd muskets hmiI accoiitrenients stai^kod by tlio 
 effective men of the 4th I. nited StateH lej^imeni. and tho Ohio Volunteers 
 upon the Es))lanade, as they nmrohed from their positions in and around the 
 fort ; seven hundred muskets and aceoutrcnients brought by the militia of 
 Michigan, and stacked upon the E8i)iiinade; four hundred and fifty muskets 
 and ac'Coutremei\ts broULjht in by the <letachmeiitand tho corps of teamstt;ra, 
 and stacked in front of the citadel. 
 + One cannot but have a feeling of pity fur the oontiucred <4in«'ral, vvlio 
 was a veteran of the Tievolutionary war. On his arrival at Mcjntreal ho 
 was treated with great consideration by Sir (Ji orgo Prevo.st, and released 
 at once on parole, only, however, to find a more cruel leoeptionat tho hands 
 of his own countrymen. He was tried l)y court-martial, for tho shameful 
 capitulation, as it was called, found guilty, and sentenced to death Hia 
 reasons for surrender, he .said in liis defence, were, that he had not 
 provsiiins enough to maintain the siege, the expected reinforcements of tlio 
 enemy, and tho .savago ferocity of the Indians. His sentence of death was 
 remitt d (m account of past services, but his name was struck oil' tho 
 army list, and the Uei)ublican hero was left in his old ago a disgraced and 
 broken-hearted man. 
 : i 
 s * 
 li-' ' 
 Ten Years of Upp/.r Canada. 
 in boats to Fort Erie, thence to Montreal, as prisoners 
 of war. 
 Leaving Colonel Proctor in com in and at Detroit, 
 General Brock set out on his homeward journey on 
 the 18th August, and sailed down the lake to Fort 
 Erie in the Queen Charlotte. 
 He arrived at York on the 2'2nd August, where, we 
 read, he was received in triumph. Addresses of wel- 
 come were heaped upon him, to which he replied with 
 characteristic simplicity. Quebec was illuminated in 
 his honour. 
 He gave full credit to the conduct of his ''home- 
 spun warriors," as the following answer to the address 
 presented to him at Kingston shows : — 
 4>th September, 1812. 
 Nothing but the confidence which the admirable 
 conduct of the York and Lincoln regiments of militia 
 excited, could have induced me to undertake an expe- 
 dition such as lately terminated so much to the 
 advantage of the country. 
 I have reason, from the reports made to me by the 
 officers stationed at Kingston, to rely with equal con- 
 fidence on the discipline and gallantry of the militia 
 in this district. It is with the highest satisfaction I 
 understand that, in the midst of unavoidable privations 
 and fatigue, they bear in mind that tlie cause in which 
 they are engaged involves their dearest interests, and 
 the happiness of their families. 
 Fetes and congratulations were not, however, suited 
 to Brock's vigorous spirit, and he chafed under the 
 delay occasioned by the unfortunate armistice, con- 
 .♦ ? 
 ■1 i; 
 Opening of First Campaign, 1812 — Detkoit. 147 
 eluded by General Prevost, on the 4th August, where- 
 by hostilities were stopped for a time on the Niagara 
 and Champlain frontiers. The effect of this armistice 
 was to give the Americans time to reinforce their 
 armies, and to strengthen themselves on the lakes. 
 A naval success on the Atlantic on the 19th August, 
 when H.M.S. Giierriere was taken by the CotiHtitution, 
 had gone far to console the Americans for their dis- 
 comfiture at Detroit, and they were now hopefully 
 preparing for another invasion 0:1 the Niagara frontier, 
 where Major-General Van liensselaer had assembled 
 an army of about six thousand men, and had 
 established a camp at Lewiston. 
 On the 30th August, General Dearborn's aide-de- 
 camp arrived at Montreal, with despatches to Sir 
 George Prevost, announcing that the President of the 
 United States had not thought proper to authorize a 
 continuance of the provisional measure entered into 
 by His Excellency and General Dearborn through the 
 Adjutant-General, Colonel Baynes ; consequently the 
 armistice was to cease in four days from t e time of 
 the communication reaching Montreal, and the ports 
 of Kingston and Fort George. 
 The following significant paragraph appears in an 
 extract from a Kingston paper : — 
 This morning (5th September, 1812), at one o'clock, 
 His Honour the President (Brock) left town, it is 
 supposed for Niagara, in consequence of hostilities 
 being renewed. 
 ; ' 1 , s 
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 I I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 One disastrous clTc^ct of tlio armistice that had just 
 ended, was, that while it lasted the Americans bad 
 secured the unrestricted navigation of Lake Ontario; 
 and this was of the utmost importance to them, as tlie 
 supplies for tluMr army, ordnance, etc., collected at 
 Oswego, could only be taken to Niagara by water, the 
 roads being in such a wretched condition. 
 On the 26th September, General Dearborn wrote to 
 General Van Rensselaer, "At all events we must 
 calculate on possessing Upper Canada before the 
 winter sets in." 
 General Brock had only at his disposal for the 
 defence of the Niagara frontier a force of about fifteen 
 hundred men, of which a large proportion were militia 
 and Indians. 
 The Indians were under John Brant, a son of the 
 celebrated chief Tiiayendanegea. Small garrisons held 
 Forts Erie and Chippewa, coniposed of some of the 
 41st, and the Hank companies of the 2nd Lincoln 
 militia. A considerable number of militia were at 
 Queenston, and })osted along the line of the river 
 to watch the movements of the enemy. 
QuEKNSTON Heights, 1812. 
 i •- 
 From Fort George, the head-quarters of General 
 Brock, to Queenstoii, at every mile batteries were 
 thrown up, the principal ones being a redan battery on 
 Queenston Heights, and a strongly mounted battery 
 on Vrooman's Point, which commanded the Lewiston 
 and Queenston landings. 
 Among the militia posted in and near Fort George, 
 were the flank companies of the 1st regiment of Lin- 
 coln militia, under Captains Crooks and McEwen ; 
 the flank companies of the 4th Lincoln militia, under 
 Captains Nelles and W. Crooks; Captainr, Hall's, Dur- 
 and's and Appl(!gartli's companies of the 5th Lincoln 
 militia ; Major Merritt's yeomanry corps, and a body 
 of Swayzes' militia artillery, under Captains Powell 
 and Cameron. 
 One corps of York militia was specially favoured by 
 General Brock. It was composed of young men, 
 sons of the earliest residents of York; and the names 
 on its honour roll are still familiar in many a house- 
 hold of the good city of Toronto. The right flank 
 Grenadier company was oflicered by Captain Duncan 
 Cameron; senior lieutenant, William Jarvis; Junior 
 lieutenant, Archie McLean ; third lieutenant, Cieorgo 
 Ridout. The light compjiny was commanded by Cap- 
 tain Stephen Howard. His three lieutenants were 
 John Beverley Robinson, 8. P. Jarvis, Robert Stan- 
 ton. Most of them were school-fellows, brought up 
 under the rule of Dr. Strachan at Cornwall. 
 It was early in the morning of the 13th October, 
 Ten Yeaks of Upper Canada. 
 In ; 
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 1812, that the American Army began crossing the 
 river below the Queenston Heights. The story of 
 that eventful day is told so well by one who took part 
 in the fight, that his letter is given in full. One more 
 glimpse we have in it of the heroic Brock, as he rides 
 to his death on that gray October morning, waving 
 his hand in passing by to his gallant lads from York, 
 and bidding them press on. 
 Letter from one of the Y^ork militia present at the battle of 
 Qaeennton, f/iving an accowut of the day: — 
 Bp.own's Point, October litlt, 1812. 
 About half an hour before daylight yesterday morn- 
 ing, Tuesday, the 1/Uh October, being stationed at 
 one of the batteries between J^'ort George and Queen- 
 ston, I heard a heavy cannonading from Fort Grey, 
 situate on the height of the Mountain, on the Ameri- 
 can side, and commanding the town of Queenston. 
 The lines had been watched with all the care and 
 attention whi(di the extent of our force rendered pos- 
 sible, and such was the fatigue which our men under- 
 went from want of rest and exposure to the inclement 
 weather whicli had just preceded, that they welcomed 
 with joy the prospect of a field whi(di they tliought 
 would be decisive. Their spirits were high, and their 
 confidence in tlie Gcuieral unbounded. 
 From our battery at Brown's Point, about two miles 
 from Queenston, we had the wliole scene most com- 
 pletely in our view. 
 Day was just glimmering. 
 The cannon from both sides of the river roared 
 Queenston was illuminated by the continual dis- 
 charge of small arms. 
 This last circumstance convinced us that some of 
QuEENSTON Heights, 1812. 
 the enemy had landed, and in a few moments, as the 
 day advanced and objects became more visible, we 
 saw a number of Americans in boats attempting to land 
 upon our shore, amidst a tremendous shower of shot 
 of all description, whic-h was skilfully and incessantly 
 levelled at them. 
 No orders had been given to Captain Cameron, who 
 commanded our detachment of York MiHtia, what 
 conduct to pursue in case of an attack at Queenston; 
 and as it had been suggested to him that in the event 
 of a landing being attempted there, the enemy would 
 probably endeavour, by various attacks, to distract 
 our force, he hesitated at lirst as to the propriety 
 of withdrawing his men from the station assigned 
 them to defend. 
 He soon saw, however, that every exertion was 
 requi'-ed in aid of tbe troops engaged above us, and 
 without further delay, marched us to the scene of 
 action. On our road, General Brock })assed us. He 
 had galloped from Niagara, unaccompanied by his 
 aide-de-camp, or a single attendant. 
 He waved his hand to us, desired us to follow with 
 expedition, and proceeded with all speed to tlie Moun- 
 tain. Lieutenant-Colonel McDonell and Captain 
 Glegg passed immediately after. At the time the 
 enemy began to cross, there were but two companies 
 of the 49th regiment, the (IreiuidierL, and the Light 
 Comj)any, and I believe three small companies of 
 militia, to oppose them. 
 Their reception was such iis did honour to the cour- 
 age and numagement of our troops. 
 The grape shot and musket balls poured upon them 
 at close tpuirters, as they approached the shore, and 
 made incredible Inivoc. 
 A single discharge of grape from a brass six-pounder, 
 directed by (Captain Dennis, of the 49th Grenadiers, 
 destroyed fifteen in a boat. 
 Three of the bateaux landed at the hollow below 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Mr. Hamilton's garden, in QuGenston, and were met 
 by a party of militia and a few regulars, who slaughtered 
 almost llie whole of them, taking the rest prisoners. 
 Several other boats were so sliattered and disabled 
 that the mev in them threw down their arms and 
 came on shore, merely to deliver themselves up 
 prisoners of war. 
 Thus far things had proceeded successfully, and the 
 General on his approach to tlie Mountain was greeted 
 with the intelligence that all our villainous aggressors 
 were destroyed or taken. 
 As we advanced with our company we met troops of 
 Americans on their way to Fort George, under guard, 
 and the road was lined with miserable wretches suffer- 
 ing under wounds of all descriptions, and crawling to 
 our houses for protection and comfort. The spectacle 
 struck us, who wcm unused to such scenes, with 
 hoiror ; but we hurried to the Mountain, impressed 
 with the idea that the enemy's attempt was already 
 frustrated, and the brsiness of the day nearly com- 
 Another brigade of four boats was Just then crossing, 
 and the 4\)i\\ Light Company, who had been stationed 
 on the Mountiiin, were ordered down to assist in pre- 
 venting their landing. No sooner had they descended 
 than the enemy appeared in force above them. They 
 had probably landed before the rest, while it was yei) 
 dark, and remained concealed by the rough crags of 
 the Mountahi. 
 They possessed themselves of our battery on the 
 General Brock rushed up the Mountain on foot, 
 with some troops, to dislodge them, but they were so 
 advantageously posted and kept up so tremendous a 
 fire that the small number ascending were driven back. 
 The General tiien rallied, and was proceeding up the 
 right of the Mountain to attack them in flank, when 
 he received a ball in his breast. Several of the 49th 
QuEENSTON Heights, 1812. 
 assembled round liim. One poor fellow was severely 
 wounded by a cannon ball and fell across the General. 
 They succeeded, however, in conveying his body to 
 We were halted a few moments in Mr. Hamilton's 
 garden, where we were exposed to the shot from the 
 American battery at Fort Grey, and from several 
 field-pieces directly opposite to us, besides an inces- 
 sant and disorderly fire of musketry from the sides of 
 the Mountain. 
 In a few ininntc^s, we were ordered to advance on 
 the Mountain. The nature of the ground and the 
 galling fire prevented any kind of order in asc(Miding. 
 We soon scrambled to the top, at the right of the 
 battery, which they had gained, and were in some 
 measure covered by the woods. There we stood and 
 gathered the men as they advanced, and formed them 
 in ii line. 
 The fire was too hot to admit of delay. Scarcely 
 more tban fifty collected, about thirty of whom were 
 of our company, headed by Captain Cameron, and the 
 remainder of the 49th Light Company, commnnded by 
 Captain Williams. 
 Lieutenant-Colonel McJ)()nell was there mounted, 
 and aninuiting the men to cliarge. He was secoiuled 
 with great spirit and valour by ('aptain Williams, who 
 exclaimed, ** Feel firmly to the right, my lads, advance 
 steadily, charge them home, and they cannot stand 
 But the attempt was unsuccessful. 
 The enemy were just in front covered by bushes 
 and logs. They were in no kind of order, and were 
 three or four hundred in number. Th(;y perc<'ived ua 
 forming, and, at about thirty yards distance, fired. 
 Lieutenant-Colonel McDonell who was on the left of 
 our party, most heroically calling upon us to advance, 
 received a shot in his body and fell. Ilia horse waa 
 at the same instant killed. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Captain Williams, who was at the other extremity 
 of our little hand, fell the next moment apparently 
 The remainder of our men advanced a few paces, 
 discharged their pieces, and retired down the Moun- 
 Lieutenant McLean was wounded in the thigh, and 
 Captain (Jameron, in his attempt to save Colonel 
 McDonell, exposed himself to a shower of masketry, 
 which he most miraculously escaped. 
 He succeeded in hearing off his friend, and Captain 
 Williams recovered from the monientary effect of the 
 wound in his head, in time to escape down the 
 mountain. This happened, I think, ahout 10 a.m. 
 Our forces rallied about a mile below. 
 General Sheaffe, with the 41st from Fort George, 
 nearly three hundred in iunnl)er, came up soon after 
 with the field-pieces of the Car Brigade.* 
 All the force that could be collected was now 
 mustered, and marched through the lields back of 
 Queenston, ascended the Mountain on the right, and 
 remamed in the woods in rear of the enemy till intelli- 
 gence was gained of their position. During this time, 
 the Americans were landing fresh troops unmolested, 
 and carrying back their dead and wouuded in their 
 return boats. 
 About three o'clock p.m. General Sheaffe advanced 
 through the woods, towards the battery on the Moun- 
 tain, with the main body, composed of the 41st and 
 the Niagara militia Hank companies (with field-pieces) 
 on the right. The Mohawk Indians, under Captain 
 Norton, and a Niagara company of JMacks, proceeded 
 along the brow of the mountain on the left, and the 
 Light company of the 49th, with our company of 
 ■'• The " Car Briyntlo " referred to wns a volunteer company of farnicra' 
 sons, wlio liail oUured their services to Brock, together with their drauyht 
 horses, free of expeiiHO, on the eve of tlio war. Ho had accepted tlieir 
 patriotic proposal, and, by '.hd July, 1H12, this brigade wan conii)ieted, and 
 fully eipiippud, under Captain liolcroft, of the lluyal Artillery. 
QuEENSTON Heights, 1812. 
 , and 
 militia broke through the centre. In this manner we 
 rushed through the woods to the encamping ground 
 on the Mountain which the enemy then occupied, and 
 which had been the scene of their morning's success. 
 The Indians were first in advance. As soon as they 
 perceived the enemy tliey uttered their terrific war- 
 whoop, and rushing rapidly upon them, commenced a 
 most destructive fire. Our troops instantly sprung for- 
 ward from all quarters, joining in the shout. The 
 Americans gave a volley, then retreated tumultuously, 
 and lied by hundreds down the Mountain. At that 
 moment Captain Bullock and one hundred and fifty of 
 the 41st, and two flank companies of militia appeared 
 advancing on the road from Chippewa. Tlie consterna- 
 tion of the enemy was complete. Though double in 
 number, they stopped not to withstand their pursuers, 
 but tied with the utmost precipitation. Never were 
 men more miserably situated. They had no place to 
 retreat to, and were driven by a furious and avenging 
 enemy, from whom they had little mercy to expect, to 
 the brink of the Mountain which overhangs the river. 
 They fell in numbers — the river presented a shocking 
 spectacle, filled with poor wretches, who plunged into 
 the stream from the impulse of fear, with scarcely the 
 prospect of bfc>ing saved. Many leaped down the side 
 of the Mountain to avoid the horrors which pressed on 
 them, and were dashed to pieces by the fall. The fire 
 from the American batteries ceased. 
 Two otlicers were now seen conjing up the hill with a 
 white Hag, and with some difliculty the slaugliter was 
 suspended. They were conducted up the Mountain 
 to General Sheatie. A cessation of hostilities for three 
 days was asked for, and assented to. Thus, about 
 four p.m., ended the business of this day, so impor- 
 tant to the inhabitants of this Provin(;e. The invasion 
 of our peaceful shores by its unprinci))led neighbours, 
 has terminated in the entire loa^ of their army, with 
 everything brought over, not excepting their standarda. 
IS* If. 
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 ^ f 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada, 
 with tho very modest device of the Eagle perched upon 
 the erlobe. 
 We liave taken over nine hundred prisoners, with 
 sixty of their officers. Except the wounded men, who 
 were carried over in tlieir boats, while they retained pos- 
 session of the Mountain, scarcely a man has strag'ji'led 
 back to relate to his country the disastrous event of an 
 expedition planned by their unrighteous government. 
 The view of dead bodies which strewed the ground, 
 and the mangled carcases of poor sufi'ering mortals, 
 who filled every room in the village, filled us with 
 Still have we much to sorrow for, we have a loss to 
 deplore which the most brilliant success cannot atone 
 for. That general, who led our army to victory, whose 
 soul was wiapped up in our prosperity, is now 
 shrouded in death. 
 Lieutenant-Colonel McDonell, too! This heroic 
 young man, tlie constant attendant of the General, 
 after liis fall, strove to support to the last a cause 
 never to bo despaired of, because it involved the very 
 salvation of his country. 
 But he was not destined to witness its triumph. 
 His career was short but honourable; his end was pre- 
 mature, but full of glory. 
 He will be buried at the same time with the General. 
 It was, indeed, a baptism of blood for our young 
 soldiers, though all too soon they became accustomed 
 to the horrors of war. 
 Archie McLean, who was wounded in this battle, 
 and to whom McDonell's last pathetic cry of ''Archie, 
 help me! " had been addressed, was afterwards taken 
 prisoner at Lundy's Lane, but lived to become Chief 
 Justice of Upper Canada. 
QuEENSTON Heights, 1812. 
 Among the officers of the militia mentioned in Gen- 
 eral ShealTe's report as having signalized themselves 
 for the gallant and steady manner in which they led the 
 troops under their command, were Lieutenant-Colo- 
 nels Butler and Clark; Captains Hatt, Durand, Howe, 
 Applegarth, James Crooks, Cooper, U. Hamilton, 
 McEwen and Duncan Cameron ; Lieutenant Butler, 
 Lincoln militia, and Lieutenant Kichardson, York 
 While the action at Queenston was going on, the 
 guns at Fort George had been bombarding Niagara, 
 and had silenced that Fort. The firing was ably 
 directed by Colonel Claus and Brigade-Major Evans, 
 and the guns were under the immediate direction of 
 Captains Powell and Cameron, of the Militia Artillery. 
 It is difficult to understand how the Americans dare 
 to claim even a partial victory at Queenston, in the 
 face of the following despatch sent from Major-Gene- 
 ral Van Rensselaer to Major-General Dearborn, the 
 American Commander-in-Chief : 
 " Uth October, 1812. 
 " Wadsworth surrendered with all his forces, nine 
 hundred men." 
 General Sheaffe's prisoners amounted to more than 
 his army, not counting the Indians engaged. 
 The following letter gives a short account of what 
 followed the battle, and of the burial of General 
 in ' 
 ' ' ', 
 L! , ' 
 J! I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 From Lieutenant G. Ridout to his Hrothe.r in York : — 
 Brown's Point, 2\st October, 1812. 
 As I have already given father a short account of 
 the transactions of the 13th inst., I think it unneces- 
 sary to repeat it, as you have, of course, heen made 
 acquainted with the contents of my letter of that 
 date. Were it not for the death of General Brock and 
 McDonell, our victory would have heen glorious, and 
 really a matter of triumph ; hut losing in one man, not 
 only the President of the Province, hut our ablest 
 general, is an irreparable loss under the existing cir- 
 cumstances at a time when his moderation and im- 
 partiality had united all parties in pronouncing him 
 the only man worthy of being at the head of affairs. 
 One field-piece, one stand of colours, one annnunition 
 waggon, 1,200 stand of arms, besides those seized by 
 the Indians and militia, amounting to at least 400 
 more, together with 1,000 prisoners, were the fruits of 
 that day's success. 
 As Congress meets in November, no doubt that 
 Van liensselaer, the American general, bad been urged 
 to make an attack by Madison, so that the latter 
 might make a favourable report of the game at Wash- 
 ington. General Smyth, the Democrat, has now the 
 chief command. He asserts that he is determined to 
 conquer Canada, even if he loses a hundred thousand 
 men. Such gasconading is not to frighten us, as it is 
 well known that the American Government is not able 
 to feed, clothe and equip so great a force. About an 
 hour since, two men marched down to Niagara, under 
 a guard. They crossed the river above Fort Erie. 
 So they say. They state that the American force is 
 about 12,000, that the greater part of that army is 
 stationed at Lewiston, a village opposite Queenston, 
 that the Americans intend making three attacks at 
 different places, tiiat they are determined to have the 
 command of the lakes, and for that purpose have nearly 
QuEKNSTON Heights, 1812. 
 400 men on the two lakes, constructiH«,' ^Miu-boats, and 
 refitting merchant vessels. All this may l)e a trick of 
 the Yankees to engage our attention to the fortifying 
 of Qiieenston, while in reality they may be concerting 
 measures for crossing at Chippewa, or above that place. 
 The latter, I think, is the case, as huge bodies of the 
 enemy have been seen moving up from Niagara in that 
 I do not thii.A the time is far distant when another 
 attack is to be made. With another regiment, I have 
 no doubt that the country would be perfectly safe 
 from all attempts they might make to subdue us. 
 General Brock and McDonell were buried on the 17th, 
 in one of the batteries of the garrison, called the York 
 battery, as our men were employed in constructing it. 
 It was his desire to be buried in it, showing even to 
 the last a preference to everything belonging to the 
 name of York. 
 The burial was the grandest and most solemn I ever 
 witnessed, or that has been seen in Upper Canada. I 
 was one of poor McDonell's pall bearers. The coffins 
 were preceded th'st by a company of regulars, then a 
 band of music, then the corpses, followed by another 
 body of regulars and militia. The whole distance 
 between the Government House and (larrison, where 
 they were interred, was lined by a double row of 
 militia and Indians, resting on their arms reversed. 
 Minute guns fired during the whole procession.* Mr. 
 Addison read the service in a very impressive manner. 
 The American prisoners, officers and men, are the 
 most savage looking fellows I ever saw. To strike a 
 greater terror in their enemies they had allowed their 
 beards on their upper lips to grow. This, however, 
 had no other effect upon us tlian to raise sensations of 
 disgust. I was over yesterday with a fiag to the 
 * Minute guns were also tired by the Americans at Fort Niagara and at 
 liCwiston, as a mark of respect to a bravo enemy, by command of Major- 
 General Van Rensselaer. (Losaing). 
 '■I '■'. 
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 Ml'' I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 American garrison, and witnessed the destruction 
 made by our cannon. Every building is completely 
 riddled, but owing to the want ot" furnaces on our side, 
 we were unable to tire their garrison. 
 This is a letter of military occurrences. 
 That the day is not far distant wben peace may 
 be restored, and the roar of cannon and whizzing o:. 
 balls may be no longer heard, is the sincere wish 
 of your affectionate brother. 
End oi" First Campaign, 1812. 
 Aftku tliB battle of Quoeiiston, an armistice was 
 agreed upon by General Sliealfe. This armistice, 
 which was not approved of by Sir Georpfe Prevost, was 
 confined to the frontier between Erie and Ontario, to 
 be terminated at forty-eight hours' notice. It is not 
 likely the fiery ]^rock would have consented to this 
 debiy, which was of no advantage to the Canadians, 
 and only afforded the Americans time to reorganize 
 iheir demoralized forces, and prepare for a second 
 descent on the Niagara frontier. General Smythe 
 had succeeded Van Hensselaer in the (-onunand of the 
 army of the Centre, and had assenjbled at Buffalo 
 about 5,000 men, to wliom he boastfully promised 
 that in a few days he woidd plant the American 
 standard in Canada. Their watchword was to Ix? •' Tlie 
 €annons lost at Detroit or death." So contith^nt was 
 he of conquest, that he told the connnandant at Fort 
 Niagara to save the buildings of Fort George and 
 Newark, for winter quarters for his army. 
 No reinforcements had arrived for General Sheafl'e. 
 The militia, who, after Queenston, had returned to 
 their homes to gather in the remains of the ha*" s\', 
 ! i 
 s i 
 1 1 
 Tkn Ykars of UrPER Canada. 
 DOW Oil me back to their posts, determined to defend 
 every iiicli of the ground. By tlie Ameri(3an account^ 
 the force collected at Black Kock, near Buffalo, was 
 4,500 men. On the morning of the 28th November, 
 they were to embark from the Navy-yard, near Buffalo^ 
 for tlu; conquest of Canada. There were seventy 
 boats, calculated to hold forty men each, lying ready 
 for the expedition, also five scows to hold 100 men 
 each, and ten scows for the artillery. 
 Before daylight on the 2Hth November, part of this 
 force, about 4/50 men, under Major Boerstler and Cap- 
 tain King, crossed the river, and landed about two 
 miles below Foil Erie. At this point there was a 
 battery, and a detachment of the 49th regiment, 
 under Lieutenants Bartley and Lamont. This detach- 
 ment made a gallant defenc-e, but was almost cut to 
 pieces. Lamont was wounded severely ; Bartley 
 retreated to the edge of the woods, and joined ('aptain 
 Whelan of the Newfoundland Fencibles, and three 
 companies of the Tjinc-oln militia, who were coming 
 to the relief of the battery. The enemy had taken 
 the works, but the Canadians charged and re-took 
 them at the point of the bayonet. 
 Captain King, General Smythe's aide-de-camp, ana 
 forty men were taken prisoners. Colonel Cecil Bishopp, 
 then at Chippewa, hoard the firing, and ordered Lieu- 
 tenant-Coloni'l Clark of the Lincoln tnilitia, and Major 
 Hatt with a detacliment of the 40tli regiment, to the 
 scene of action, '''he guns, which had been displaced 
>'■ If r 
 End of First Campaign-, 1812. 
 by the enemy, were rernonnted by Captain Kirby of the 
 militia and Botnl)ardier Jackson, and brought to bear 
 on the retreating boats. The American account of 
 this affair says, that the main body of the Americans 
 was so tardy in eml)arking, that their small force on 
 the Canadian side under B.jerstler and King were 
 taken prisoners, and about five hundred British were 
 drawn up in line on the shore, sounding their trumpets 
 and bugles, prepared to receive the others. General 
 Smytlie, although '2,000 men were embarked, ready 
 to proceed, ordered a postponement of the expedition. 
 Sunday, 29th of November, another order for embarka- 
 tion, and another postponement came. Then General 
 Smythe, bethinking himself no doubt, of General 
 Brock's method at Detroit, sent a flag of truce, and a 
 summons to Colonel Bishopj), commandant of Fort 
 Erie, to surrender the fort, and so avoid further l)l()od- 
 shed. Colonel Bishopp sarcastically replied, " Let 
 your general (!ome and take it." This, however, the 
 doughty American did not consider prudent to attempt, 
 but thought it his duty, as he says in his despatch, " to 
 follow the cautious counsels of experience, and not 
 On the 1st December, his troops were embarked, 
 only waiting the word of (iomm.ciMi to proceed, when 
 he gave orders instead, to disembark, as the invasion 
 of (Janada was abandoned for the season. It is but 
 justi(!e to tlie Americans to say that they were dis- 
 gusted with their cowardly commander. Goncn-al 

 Ti:n Years ok Uppkr Canada. 
 I't ■ 
 U I : 
 ■ 1 ■ 
 Porter's aooount (American) says, 4,000 men dis- 
 banded, firing tlioir niuskots in every direction. 
 General Siiiythe's excuse for his conduct was, tiiat ho 
 had not enou^di men, and could not d(^pend on those 
 he had. He also ac(!used (leneral Porter, the eon- 
 tractin<^ .•i<.;ent tor the army, of interested motives in 
 wisliin<,' the army to hv. in ('jinada, na he would not 
 then he obli'^ed to supply it ; as his present contract 
 was a losing one. However, that might l)e, the fates 
 were not proj)iti()us to the army of the Centre in the 
 year 1812. 
 Nor was the (Irand Army of the North much moro 
 fortunate. General Dearborn had 10,000 men under 
 his comnuind on the Lower Canadian frontier. He, 
 however, attempted nothing but a few unimi)ortynt and 
 unsuccessful skirmishes. Late in November, he deter- 
 nn'ned on a more ambitious enterprise. Major de 
 Salaberry connnanding the Canadian Voltigeurs, who 
 were guarding t!ie advanced posts on the line, received 
 intelligence that the Americans, 10,000 strong, were 
 advancing upon Odelltown. Tiiere was no time to ho 
 lost, and Major de Salaberry set a:>out strengthening 
 his position. The French-Canadians rallied on all 
 sides, to repulse the invaders ; the roads were barri- 
 caded with felled trees, and every post was guarded. 
 On the 20th November, at three in the morning, the 
 enemy, about 1,400 strong, were noticed fording the 
 Uiver Lacolle, ncr House's Point. Here there was a 
 log guard-house, which was set on lire by the Canadian 
End of First Campaign, 1812. 
 guard, who, ke(3piiig up a brisk firing, vvitlidrcw. Tlie 
 Americans became confused in the (birkness, and iiied 
 on each other, maintaining tlieir siiicndiil contest tor 
 half an hour, whcni, tlie moon rising, their mistiiko 
 was revealed to them, and tli(\y retired in confusion to 
 Champhiin. Tlie whole Montrc^il district was now 
 roused. Sir George; Prevost called out all the militia 
 for active service, and so bold a front was displayed 
 that (Jeneral Dearborn, despairing of a successful 
 attack on Afontreal, retired with the Grand Army of 
 the North, to safe wint(n* (puirters at Plattsburg. 
 'I'hus closed the cainj)aign of 1H12. 
 The discomfiture of Generals Hull, Wadsworth, 
 Van Jlensscdaer and Smythe, had been complete. 
 Dearborn bad remain(!d inactive. Not a foot of 
 Canadian territory had becMi lost. T'ho invadcns had 
 not only been repulstul in cnery quarter, i)ut had lost, 
 for the time, a considerable portion of their own terri- 
 tory. Colonel Proctor still lu^ld Port Detroit and 
 the State of Michigan, aud the guns of Port Niagara 
 were sihuuuHl. 
 On December 291 h, tln^ I'arliament of Lower Canada 
 met, and tlu; Governor-tieneral in tlu; o[)eniiig Speech 
 expressed his satisfaction at the termination of the 
 iirst campaign, "in the complctif discomlitino of 
 the plans of the enemy for the c()n(pu'st of Uj)per 
 Canada, by the capture of Michillimackiua(; and De- 
 troit, and the surrender of the invading army with its 
 general ; the brilliant achievement at Queenston, and 
 , ''! ." i 
 I.I , 
 Ten Years of Uiter Canada. 
 other recent advantages gained over the enemy, both 
 in Lower and Upper Canada." In England, on the 
 last day of November, 1812, the Prince liegent, in 
 his Address to Parhament, congratulated the country 
 on the brave stand made in Canada, 
 The following letter gives an interesting description 
 of allairs in lJp})er Canada at the close of the year 
 1812. It is dated Toronto, not York, showing that 
 even then there was a clinging to the old name, wliicli 
 was destined to be the })ermanent one. 
 The letter gives an account of the affair at Black 
 Rock, on the 28th November, and also tells of the 
 preparations for the coming camj)aign that were 
 being made at York and elsewhere. 
 Volunteering was going on with vigour and patriotic 
 To show the alacrity with which the youth of the 
 country Hew to arms, it may be mentioned that three 
 of the liidoiit boys had enlisted, the eldest only 
 twenty-one years old; what was done in this house- 
 hold was done in many a home tbroughout C/anada. 
 Letter from Tjicnirndnt TIiodkih (t. Rldoiif, (ifterivanh Deputy 
 Am'i»ilaitt-('o)tnnlHttarif-Cn'nt7'al, <liirhi(j the War. to fiia 
 Cuusln in ICtii/laud: — 
 ToiioNTo, Uri'KH Canada, Jananry hth, ISl,'}. 
 My Dear Betsey,- Five tedious months have 
 passed away since 1 bid you and all my young English 
 friends a long farewell. Our ('anadian wintcM- has set 
 in very severe, and here 1 am on the north shore of 
 Jjake Ontario, whose; great surface is frozen as far as 
End of First Camfafgn, 1812. 
 the eye can reaoli, and appears like an immense desert 
 of snow. On the land side we are surronnded by a 
 forest of pines, IHO or 11)0 feet in lieiglit. The Five 
 Nation Indians, who have come down to the war, are 
 encamped on the skirts of the woods back of the town. 
 They keep us alive with their war dances, and make 
 the dark cedar woods echo with sava<^e yells. 
 The excellent nnisket your father presented mo 
 with has not seen any actual service fintlier than an 
 affair between the Roi/nl (Iconjc, and American tleet, 
 in which I hap))ened to be present, by ^'oing on board 
 to see my brother John, who is a midshipman, and 
 behaved himself very well on that day. I continued 
 in her, cruising on the lake, ten days, when we re- 
 turned to ))ort, and [ was obliged to tinisli my journey 
 by a march of 288 miles, along the banks of the lake, 
 with a knapsack aiul nuisket on my slioulder, and a 
 young Mississauga Indian for a companion. 
 My brother George and myself have the honour to 
 be Lieutenants in the 'J'oronto volunteers, and w(^ have 
 just returned from Niagara (where I joined them about a 
 month ago) to this places where we sjiend our winter. 
 "Wide awake" is the word for the spring. Great 
 preparations are making on both sides for an active 
 campaign next summer. The Americans, in order to 
 secuie the command of our great inland seas, have 
 upon this lake a naval forc(» of two frigates of thirty- 
 six guns, a brig of war and corvette, of eighteen guns 
 each, and sixteen Ikmivv armed schooners, besidc^s 
 two frigates on liake Erie and another on Lake 
 Huron, which will all begin to act upon us about 
 the Ist of May next, when the winter brcjiks and 
 navigation opens. On our part, we have two largo 
 frigates on the stocks in this town, at which KH) 
 workmen are employcHl. They will be rigged and 
 finished, notwithstanding th(^ cold weather, in twelve 
 weeks, and are to be manmul by 500 olhcers and 
 seamen from Halifax, who are now on their way 
 :) H 
 Tkn Years ok Uppkr Canada. 
 i I 
 throu^di the woods to this country. At Kiiij^ston, the 
 eastern end of Ontario, wo have two corvettes of 
 twenty j,'uns each and are biiihhn^^ a third. Upon 
 Lake Erie we have anotlier frigate on the stocks. 
 The Americans have 2,000 seaman u})on the lakes 
 of Canada, one-tliird of wlujm are J3ritish. Tlie 
 transportation of heavy guns, rigging, anchors and 
 otlier naval stores for these new ships, is very expen- 
 sive to (jovernmc^nt, as they are drawn by horses over 
 the snow from Qliebec, a distance of 7(J0 or 800 
 miles, a greater ])art of wliicii is through the woods. 
 Messages and deputies have been sent to all the 
 Indian tribes within 1,000 miles, to come down to the 
 war by tlie montii of A])ril next. 
 In a proclamation, which (ieneral Smythe lately 
 Hjade to his Yankee army at Niagara, he oilers forty 
 dollars reward for every Indian scalp, and orders death 
 to every Canadi'in found lighting beside a savage warrior; 
 but his threats are laughed at, and will only be re- 
 taliated on his (nvn men. On the 2Hth November last 
 he sent 400 men across the river, about thirty-two 
 miles above Niagara, (Newark), who sur[)i'ised 
 and killed all our sohliers at two batteries and spiked 
 the guns. This was three hours before daylight, when 
 Captain McAntire formed some men of the 4Uth and a 
 few militia, and immediately charged through th'-m 
 when they broke an<l lied to the river and were made 
 prisoners. At daylighl, 1,000 more in thirteen 
 large boats came over. Not a shot was lired until they 
 came within one hundred yards, when our nieno[Hmed 
 six lield-pieces and a stream of musketry upon them, 
 which suidv three boats in a minute. The icmaining 
 ten, terribly cut up, rowed witlun forty feet of our 
 shore, and cried for (piarter wliich was refuscul ; and 
 they were forced to r(!turn untler a seven; tire, that 
 killed and wounded upwards of liv(^ hundred of their 
 number and struck such a paiii(! in the great General 
 Smythe, that he disembarked (3,000 troops, out of 
End of First Campaign, 1812. 
 113 large boats and scows, who in a few minutes 
 were about to follow their forlorn hope. The 
 reason he gave was, that the militia could not be 
 trusted, which was no sooner known than 3,000 
 men marched oflf by companies to their respec- 
 tive homes, firing every round in the air, and threaten- 
 ing to put their general to death for the insult offered 
 their courage. Since that time his camp is l)roken up, 
 and the regulars gone into winter quarters. The 
 American Cxovcrnment pay their private soldiers ten 
 dollars per month, besides allowances. As an induce- 
 ment for men to enlist, they each receive a grant of 
 two hundred acres of land in Upper (lanada, and the 
 whole country is to l)o given up for plunder or booty, 
 as they term it. 'V\w British troops receive but three 
 and one (puirter dollars per montii, with which they 
 are more comfortaijle. Last night a poor sentinel 
 froze to death at his i)ost in three ([uarters of an hour. 
 One of our frigates is laid on the keel of a tifty-gun 
 P.S. — We have just heard that General Dearborn, 
 with 18,000 men, is within two days march of our 
 Niagara frontier, we all expect to be ordered to-morrow 
 from this side of the lak(> to Niagara, when our whole 
 force will amount to 7,000 men, the greater part militia. 
 The Yankee gen(;ral, Harrison, who invaded the Indian 
 country with 0,000 men, has been defeated by the 
 Indians of the Wabash, and his whole army destroyed. 
 The affair of the Ri>>/(i/ (ieoiujc, mentioned in the 
 letter, took place on the 9th November, 1812, off 
 Kingston harbour. Commodort* (Uiaunce}' . command- 
 ing the Oneida, with a fleet of seven vessels, lay in 
 wait off the " Ducks," on the 8th November, for the 
 Royal George, Captain l'i)pham, of twenty-six guns, 
 the Duke of Gloucester, ten guns, and the Prince 
 \ 1: 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 S i\' 
 h I 
 Regent, fourteen guns, who were returning from Fort 
 These vessels got safely into the Bay of Quinte, and 
 during the night, i)roceeded towards Kingston har- 
 hour, whither the (-oinniodore followed them on the 
 morning of the Dth November. A tierce engagement 
 of two hours took place, hut the tire from the lloy<d 
 George and the Kingston batteries, proving too hot, 
 the American vessels sailed back to Sackett's Harbour. 
 On the way, the Oneida fell in with the Earl of Moira 
 escorting a sloop, containing General Brock's private 
 effects, silver, etc. These were taken, but were hon- 
 ourably restored to his cousin and secretary, Captain 
 Brock. Commodore Isaac Ciiauncey, whose name 
 will appear very frequently in these chronicles, was, at 
 the time of the breaking out of the war, in charge of 
 the navy-yard at Brooklyn, New York. 
 The skrimish with the Royal George on the 9tli 
 November, 1812, was his first appearance as the com- 
 mander of a 8(juadron. 
 Joini Hidout, who bore himself so well on that excit- 
 ing day, was then but fourteen years old. He served 
 as midshipman for a year, but was made prisoner at 
 the taking of York, in April, 1813. He was then, with 
 other militia prisoners, placed on parole. 
 He escaped the perils of the three years' war, to 
 meet a tragic death, in 1817, in a duel, almost the last 
 fought in Upper (.anada. The duel was occasioned 
 by a quarrel with a former friend, ten years his senior. 
End of P'irst Campaign, 1812. 
 The fatal encounter took place in a field on the west 
 side of Yonge Street, in what is, at the present day, 
 the centre of Toronto. 
 In the old churchyard of St. James' Cathedral, 
 whose quiet is now invaded by the busy hum of a great 
 city, the young midshipman sleeps, beside his old 
 father. The stone that marks his resting-place, 
 blackened by time, and half covered with the mould 
 of three-quarters of a century, bears this inscription: — 
 In memory of 
 Son of Thus. Ridout, Surveyor-General. 
 His filial affection, enga{);ing manners and nobleness of mind 
 gave early promise of future excellence. Thi.s promise he 
 gallantly fulfilled by his brave, active and enterprising conduct, 
 which gained the praise of his superiors while serving as mid- 
 shipman in the Provincial Navy during the late war. At the 
 return of peace he commenced with ardour the study of the law 
 and with the fairest prospects, but a Mifrht came, and he was 
 consigned to an early grave, on the 12th day of July, 1817, 
 aged 18, deeply lamented by all who knew him. 
 • at 
 ir . ; 
 |i ; ! 
 I,' ri i ■ j 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 The information contained in the letter of the 5th 
 January, that General Harrison's army had been 
 destroyed by the Indians on the western frontier, was 
 not correct. Prol)ably an exaggerated report of some 
 American reverses had reached York. 
 General Harrison, afterwards President of the 
 United States, and grandfather of the present Presi- 
 dent, was the most formidable of the generals then 
 charged with the invasion of Canada. General Dear- 
 born now, at the op( ning of the campaign of 1813, 
 commanded in person the army of the Centre, from 
 Buffalo, Lake Erie, to Sackett's Harbour, at the lower 
 end of Lake Ontario. The army of the North, on 
 Lake Champlain, was commanded l)y General Hamp- 
 ton, while Generals Harrison and Winchester shared 
 the command of the army of the west, from Buffalo 
 westward as far as the British frontier extended. 
 These generals were to attempt tiie ^capture of 
 Michigan, still held by the British yops under 
 Proctor, in allianciB with the Indians under Tecumseh. 
 For this purpose, General Winchester, with about 
Sfxond Campaign, 1813. 
 1,000 men, advanced from the Miami river, and pro- 
 ceeded to take possession of Frenchtown, on the River 
 Raisin, about twenty miles south of Detroit. The 
 capture of the place was easily effected, as it was only 
 occupied by a small body of Canadian (Essex) militia, 
 and some Indians. As soon as Colonel Proctor, then 
 at Maiden, heard of the capture of Frenchtown, he 
 collected his troops, consisting of about 600 regulars 
 and militia, and 200 Indians, and marched with haste 
 to dislodge the Americans. At daylight, on the 22nd 
 January, 1818, the attack began. Such was its im- 
 petuosity that in half an hour the left wing of the 
 American force was driven from its position, and its 
 retreat cut off by the Indians. General Winchester 
 was taken prisoner by a Wyandot Chief (Roundhead), 
 and sent to Colonel Proctor. 
 The left wing of the Americans was then attacked, 
 and after a stubborn resistance, capitulated. The 
 prisoners of war were upwards of 600. 
 Charges were made by the Americans that the 
 prisoners at Frenchtown, or Riviere aux Raisins, were 
 inhumanly massacred. No doubt atrocities were 
 committed by the Indians in spite of the efforts of 
 their chiefs, who are said to have behaved well. A 
 paper of 2nd February {Chilicothe Journal) says, 
 " Those who had surrendered on the field were taken 
 prisoners, those who attempted escape were toma- 
 Major Richardson, of the 41st, gives the following 
 .v c^^ 
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 ¥ 1 
 fi I 
 ti .J 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 description of the appearance of the Indians as they 
 marched beside their white allies : — 
 No other sound than the measured step of the 
 troops interrupted the solitude of the scene, rendered 
 more imposing by the appearance of the warriors, 
 whose bodies, stained and painted in the most frightful 
 manner for the occasion, glided by us with almost 
 noiseless velocity ; some painted white, some blark, 
 others half black and half red, half black and half 
 white ; all with their hair plastered in such a way as 
 to resemble the bristling quills of the porcupine, with 
 no other covering than a cloth around their loins, yet 
 armed to the teeth with rifles, tomahawks, war clubs, 
 spears, bows and arrows, and scalping knives. Utter- 
 ing no sound, and intent on reaching the enemy 
 unperceived, they might have passed for the spectres 
 of those wilds — the ruthless demons which war had 
 unchained for the punishment and oppression of men. 
 Colonel Proctor says, in his despatch to Sir G, 
 Prevost : — 
 After suffering, for our numbers, a considerable loss, 
 the enemy's force posted in houses and enclosures, 
 which from dread of falling into the hands of the 
 Indians, they most obstinately defended, at length 
 surrendered at discretion ; the other part of their 
 force in attempting to retreat by the way they came, 
 were, I believe, all, or with very few exceptions, 
 killed by the Indians. 
 The next affair of importance was Colonel Mc- 
 Donell's brilliant and successful attack on Ogdena- 
 During the winter skirmishing parties from the 
 garrison at Ogdensburg had crossed the frozen St. 
Second Campaign, 1813. 
 Lawrence, there only about a mile in width, and had 
 committed numerous depredations, even carrying off, 
 it is said, on one occasion fifty inhabitants of the 
 neighbourhood of Prescott as prisoners. 
 About seven o'clock on the morning of the 22nd 
 February, 1813, Colonel McDonell crossed the ice 
 with a force consisting of 480 regulars and militia, 
 advanced under a heavy fire from the American fort, 
 and drove the enemy's infantry to the woods. 
 The gallant colonel of the Glengarries tells the 
 story of the fight as follows : — 
 My force consisted of about 480 regulars and militia, 
 and was divided into two columns ; the right com- 
 manded by Captain Jenkins, of the Glengarry Light^ 
 Infantry Fencibles, was composed of his own flanb^ 
 company, and about seventy militia ; and from the 
 state of the ice, and enemy's position in the old French 
 fort, was directed to check liis left, and interrupt his 
 retreat, while I moved on with the left column, con- 
 sisting of 120 of the King's regiment, forty of the lioyal 
 Newfoundland, and about 200 militia, towards his 
 position in the town, where he had posted his heavy 
 field artillery. 
 The depth of the snow retarded, in some degree, the 
 advance of both columns, and exposed them, particu- 
 larly the right, to a heavy cross-fire from the batteries 
 ot the enemy, for a longer period than I had expected ; 
 but pushing on rapidly after the batteries began to 
 open up on us, the left cohnnn soon gained the right 
 bank of the river, under the direct fire of the enemy's 
 artillery and line of musketry posted on an eminence 
 near the shore. Moving on rapidly my advance, con- 
 sisting of the detachment of the lioyal Newfoundland 
 and some select militia, I turned his right with the 
 > ■*.' 
 U{ * 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 detachment of the King's regiment, and after a few 
 discharges from his artillery took them with the 
 bayonet, and drove his infantry through the town, 
 some escaping across the Black river into the fort. 
 The majority fled to the woods, or sought refuge 
 in the houses, from whence they kept up such a galling 
 fire, that it was necessary to dislodge them with our 
 field-pieces, which now came up from the bank of the 
 river, where they had stuck on landing in the deep 
 Having gained the high ground on the brink of 
 the Black river opposite the fort, I prepared to carry 
 it by storm, but the men being quite exhausted, I pro- 
 cured time for them to recover breath, by sending in a 
 summons requiring an unconditional surrender.* 
 During these transactions, Captain Jenkins had 
 gallantly led on his column, and had been exposed to 
 a heavy fire of seven guns, which he bravely attempted 
 to take with the bayonet, though covered with 200 of 
 the enemy's best troops. 
 Advancing as rapidly as the deep snow and the 
 exhausted state (in consequence) of his men would 
 admit, he ordered a charge, and had not proceeded 
 many paces when his left arm was broken to pieces by 
 a grape shot ; but still undauntedly running on with 
 his men, he almost immediately after was deprived of 
 the use of his right arm by a discharge of case shot ; 
 still heroically disregarding all personal considerations, 
 he nobly advanced cheering his men to the assault till 
 exhausted by pain and loss of blood he became unable 
 to move. 
 His company gallantly continued the charge 
 under Lieutenant Macaulay ; but the reserve not 
 being able to keep up with them they were compelled 
 by the great superiority of the enemy to give way, 
 *The message sent was : "If you surrender, it shall be well ; if not, 
 every man shall be put to the bayonet." Forsythe's answer was : "Tell 
 Colonel McDonell there must be more fighting done first." (Lossing). 
i f 
 Second Campaign, 1813. 
 leaving a few on a commanding position, and a few 
 of the most advanced in the enemy's possession, nearly 
 about the time that I gained the height above men- 
 The enemy hesitating to surrender, I instantly 
 carried his eastern battery, and by it silenced another 
 which opened again, and ordering on the advance the 
 detachment of the King's and the Highland company 
 of militia, under Captain Eustace, of the King's regi- 
 ment, he gallantly rushed into the fort ; but the enemy 
 retreating by the opposite entrance escaped into the 
 woods, which I should effectually have prevented if my 
 Indian warriors had returned sooner from a detached 
 service on which they had that morning been em- 
 The spoils taken in this affair were eleven pieces of 
 cannon, all the ordnance, marine, commissariat, and 
 quarter-master-general's stores, four officers and 
 seventy rank and file prisoners, also two armed 
 schooners and two large gun-boats which were burnt. 
 The loss was : One sergeant, seven rank and file 
 killed ; one field officer, two captains, five subalterns, 
 four sergeants, forty rank and file wounded. 
 Many are the names mentioned in the despatch 
 as conspicuous for gallant conduct on that day. 
 Among others Lieutenant Macaulay, afterwards Sir J. 
 B. Macaulay, Chief Justice of Upper Canada. He 
 served throughout the war, and also distinguished 
 himself at Oswego, Lundy's Lane and Fort Erie. 
 His regiment, the Glengarries, was a Highland 
 Catholic regiment composed of men, who, under the 
 leadership of Alexander McDonell, priest of the clan 
 t ( 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 of Glengarry, had emigrated from Scotland to Canada 
 in 1803. They settled in the Eastern district, where 
 they obtained, through the influence of their devoted 
 friend and leader, a grant of 160,000 acres of land. 
 When Canada was threatened with invasion, in 
 1812, Alexander McDonell with his kinsman, George 
 McDonell, the hero of Ogdensburg, formed a regiment 
 called the Glengarry Light Infantry Fencibles, whose 
 soldiers fought for their adopted land as their fore- 
 fathers of old had fought for bonny Scotland. Lieu- 
 tenant-Colonel George McDonell, known also among 
 the Highlanders as "Red George," who was in command 
 at the taking of Ogdensburg, distinguished himself in 
 many another fight, notably at Chateauguay. 
 The fighting chaplain, Alexander McDonell, 
 always accompanied his regiment into the field, and 
 where " ' Maighster Alastair ' led, there never foot 
 went back." He became afterwards the first Catholic 
 diocesan Bishop of Kingston, and lived to a good 
 old age. 
 John McDonell, aide-de-camp and military secre- 
 tarv to General Brock, who met his death on the 
 lieights of Queenston, was another kinsman of the 
 Parliament met at York, on the 25th February, 
 1813 — and now, instead of the lamented Brock, it was 
 General lioger Hall Sheaffe, who opened it as Presi- 
 ; k 
 Second Campaign, 1813. 
 His speech reads : — 
 It affords me satisfaction that the first time I am 
 called upon to address you in this place, I have to 
 offer you my cordial congratulations on the uniform 
 success which has crowned His Majesty's arms in this 
 Province. The enemy has heen foiled in repeated 
 attempts to invade it. Three of his armies have been 
 surrendered or completely defeated, and two important 
 fortresses wrested from hini. In this glorious campaign 
 tlie valour and discipline of His Majesty's regular 
 troops have been nobly supported by the zeal and 
 bravery of our loyal militia. 
 In April, 1813, the ice broke up at Sackett's Har- 
 bour, where the American squadron, under Commo- 
 dore Chauncey, had wintered. 
 A plan was organized by General Dearborn, in 
 which he proposed, in co-operation with the fleet, to 
 take possession of Little York, the capital of Upper 
 Canada, and to proceed thence to the assault of Fort 
 George, the bulwark of the Niagara peninsula. 
 At that time there were only a few Canadian vessels, 
 on the lake, and these were badly manned, and ill- 
 Sir James Yeo, with a reinforcement of English 
 seamen, did not arrive until May, 1818. The fort at 
 York was not strong enough to defend the town, and 
 besides, the majority of the fighting force of Upper 
 Canada were at Fort George, and scattered along the 
 western frontier. About 200 militia, 300 regular 
 troops and 100 Indians, were all that could be mustered 
 m I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 for the defence of the place, whose only inhabitants 
 were old men, women and children. 
 No doubt the lake was anxiously scanned each 
 morning to see what vessels were in sight. 
 In Surveyor-General Ridout's diary for 1813, there 
 are numerous jottings of passing events. The first 
 entry is : * — 
 York, Monday, 26th April. 
 At four p.m. the enemy's fleet was reported to be 
 about twenty miles from hence, and apparently com- 
 ing hither. 
 Tuesdai/, 21th April. — At seven this morning, 
 enemy's fleet came to anchor off the garrison, and be- 
 gan firing and landing men. There were fourteen 
 vessels, had above 1,000 seamen and 2,000 troops on 
 board, and carrying upwards of 100 guns. We had to 
 oppose them only five guns, 300 regulars and 208 
 The approach of the fleet being discovered from the 
 garrison at York, Gen. Sheaffe, who was at that time 
 in command there, hastily collected his whole force, 
 consisting of less than 700 regulars and militia, and some 
 Indians, and disposed them in the best way to resist 
 the landing of the American force. The Grenadier com- 
 pany of the 8th regiment was paraded on the shore of 
 the Humber Bay, very near to what is now the entrance 
 to High Park. The Indians, under the command of 
 Colonel Givins, were placed in groups, in and about 
 * This diary is written on the blank pages of an ahnanac, whose title-page 
 bean this inscription: "The Quebec Almanac, for the year 1813, bein^i^ 
 the first after Leap Year. Printed and sold by J. Neilson." 
Second Campaign, 1813. 
 the woods. Strong field-works had also been thrown 
 up towards the town. The Indians were intended to 
 act as sharpshooters, and were to annoy the Ameri- 
 cans at the point where the wind would allow them to 
 Commander Chauncey, of the American fleet, says 
 in his letter to the Secretary of the Navy, of the 28th 
 April, 1813 :— 
 U. S. Ship Madison, olF York. 
 We arrived here yesterday morning and took a posi- 
 tion about one mile to the south and westward of the 
 enemy's principal fort, and as near the shore as we 
 could with safety to our vessels. The place fixed 
 upon by the Major- General and myself for landing the 
 troops, was the site of the old French fort, Toronto. 
 The debarkation commenced at eight o'clock in the 
 morning, and was completed about ten. The wind 
 blowing heavy from the eastward, the boats fell 
 to the leeward of the position fixed upon, and were in 
 consequence exposed to a galling fire from the enemy, 
 who had taken a position in a thick wood near where 
 the first troops landed. 
 Major Forsythe, with his riflemen in several large 
 bateaux, were the first to land. 
 General Pike, who was watching the boats from the 
 ship, saw his troops pause under the hot shower of 
 bullets, and springing into the boat reserved for him- 
 self and staff, pushed off for the shore, closely fol- 
 lowed by three companies of the 15tli American regi- 
 ment, under Mp'"or King. Before he reached it, 
 Forsythe with his men had landed, and was alread}- 
 ' • 
 *■ ! 
I' t 
 I ':■ 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 engaged with the principal part of the British troops 
 and Indians under the immediate command of Gene- 
 ral Sheaffe. A hot contest followed, and the Cana- 
 dians vainly endeavoured from the bank, to keep the 
 invaders at bay. With the small number of troops at 
 Sheafife's command, resistance was almost useless. 
 The Glengarry corps fought vahantly with Forsythe's 
 brigade, contesting every inch of the way, while the 
 Grenadier company of the 8th made a formidable 
 charge on the American cohimn. Another reinforce- 
 ment now arrived from the ships, rendering the situa- 
 tion of the Canadian force more liopeless than before. 
 They were compelled to retire towards the fort, fight- 
 ing all the way. The Americans, having landed all 
 their troops, were ordered to march on the retreating 
 force, who were making their way to the garrison. 
 The invading column marched on, the artillery 
 crossing with difficulty the little streams that inter- 
 sected the road along the lake. The Canadians 
 attempted, at their first battery, to check their 
 advance, but without success. The enemy still moved 
 on, and our men retreated to the second battery, at 
 about 300 yards distant from the garrison. Here they 
 spiked the guns. 
 Commander Chaunceifs letter says : — 
 As soon as the troops were landed, I directed the 
 schooners to take a position near the forts, in order 
 that the attack upon them might be simultaneous. 
 The schooners were obliged to beat up to their posi- 
Second Campaign, 1813. 
 tion, which they did in a very handsome order, under 
 a very heavy fire from the enemy's batteries, and took 
 a position within about 600 yards of their principal 
 fort, and opened a heavy cannonade, which did great 
 In the meantime General Pike had come up to the 
 second battery, and halted there, while he sent forward 
 a corps to discover what was going on in the garrison, 
 as every appearance indicated its evacuation. This 
 was, indeed, the case. General Sheaffe and the regulars 
 were making their way tow^ards the Don in rapid flight 
 to Kingston. While the corps of observation were re- 
 turning, there was a sudden explosion of a powder 
 magazine, just outside the barrack yard, which 
 brought dire destruction to both victors and vanquished. 
 How it happened is still shrouded in mystery, and 
 many are the conflicting reports. The Americans 
 accused the British General of a deliberate plot to 
 annihilate their whole force on their entrance to the 
 deserted garrison. That this was not the case, seems 
 borne out by the fact that about 100 of our men were 
 killed and wounded by the explosion. The Americans 
 lost by it about 250 men, among them General Pike. 
 In consequence of his death, the command of the 
 American troops devolved for a time upon Colonel 
 Prince. At two in the afternoon, the American flag 
 was substituted for the British, and at four General 
 Dearborn (who had landed on hearing of General Pike's 
 fall) was in quiet possession of the town. 
 Before evacuating the place, General Sheaff"e had 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 1 1 1 ■■ '. ! 
 ordered the destruction of the new ship, then on the 
 stocks and nearly finished. 
 The only vessel taken, was the Dul-e of Gloucester, 
 then lying in the harbour for repairs. The Prince Be- 
 gejit had fortunately left for Kingston on the 24th, and 
 so escaped capture. 
 General Sheaffe in his official report says, that the 
 contest was maintained nearly eight hours ; showing 
 that, though defeate a stubborn resistance had been 
 General Sheaffe was blamed for his precipitate 
 retreat, but it is difficult to say what other course lay 
 before him. The Americans were three to one. He 
 had no large guns. The fort was rendered untenable 
 by the bombardment from the ships. If he had 
 remained to surrender with the militia he would 
 undoubtedly have been sent with his regular troops to 
 some American prison, while he knew the custom was 
 in the case of the militia, to merely place them on 
 Among the names of those who were on this occa- 
 sion made prisoners of war are : — Lieutenant-Colonel 
 Chewett, Major Allan, Captains John Wilson, John 
 Button, Peter Robinson, Reubsn Richardson, John 
 Arnold, James Fenwick, Duncan Cameron, David 
 Thompson, John Robinson, Samuel Ridout, Thomas 
 Hamilton, William Jarvis, Quarter-Master Charles 
 Baynes ; Lieutenants John H. Schultz, George 
 Mustard, Robert Stanton, George Ridout, William 

 Second Campaign, 1813. 
 Jarvis, Ed. McMahon, John Wilson, Eli Playter ; 
 Ensigns Andrew Thompson, Andrew Mercer, James 
 Chewett, Charles Denison, George Robinson, D'Arcy 
 The following letter gives some further account of 
 what happened after the capitulation : — 
 Letter from Thomas G. Ridout : — 
 Kingston, May 5th, 1813 
 I left York or Sunday, the 2nd inst., at noon, at 
 which time the American fleet, consisting of the 
 Madison, Oneida, and ten schooners, with the Glouces- 
 ter, were lying at anchor about two miles from the 
 garrison, wind-bound by a south-east wind. All their 
 troops were embarked the evening before, excepting a 
 small party, who burnt the large blockhouse, govern- 
 ment house and otticers' quarters. At nine in the 
 morning a naval officer came down to town and 
 cjllectfd ten men out of the taverns where they had 
 been all night. 
 The commissariat magazines were shipped the pre- 
 ceding days. The lower blockhouse and government 
 buildings were burnt on Saturday. Major Givins' and 
 Dr. Powell's houses were entirely plundered by the 
 enemy, and some persons from the Humber. Jackson 
 and his two sons, and Ludden, the butcher, had been 
 riding through the country ordering the militia to come 
 iu and be put on their parole, 
 Duncan Cauieron delivered all the money in the 
 Keceiver-General's hanis (to the amount as I under- 
 stand of .£2,500) over to Captain p]lliot of the Ameri- 
 can navy, the enemy having threatened to burn the 
 town if it was not given up. 
 On Friday, the thirtieth, the Chief Justice, Judge 
 Powell, my father (Thos. Kidout), Dr. Strachan and 
 Duncan Cameron, called upon General Dearborn, re- 
 m • 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 questing he would allow the magistrates to retain their 
 authority over our own people. Accordingly, he issued 
 a general order saying it was not his intention to de- 
 prive the magistracy of its civil functions, that they 
 should be supported, and if any of the United States 
 troops committed any depredation, a strict scrutiny into 
 it should follow. The gaol was given up to the 
 sheriff, but no prisoners. The public provincial papers 
 were found out, but ordered to be protected, so that 
 nothing was destroyed, excepting the l)ooks, papers, 
 records and furniture of the upper and lower Houses of 
 Assembly. It was said that they had destroyed our 
 batteries and taken away the cannon. The barracks 
 were not burnt. The American officers said their force 
 on the 27th was 3,000 land force and 1,000 seamen 
 and marines, and that their loss was 500 killed and 
 lii i ; 
 ' I : : 
i8i3. — Fort George, Sacketts Harbour, Etc. 187 
 On the 2nd of May, 1813, the Aiiieiicans evacuated 
 York. Commodore Chauncey lirst couveyed General 
 Dearborn and his hind force to Fort Niagara, where a 
 large body of American troops were then stationed, 
 and then, with his fleet, returned to Sackett's Harbour, 
 bearing with him the wounded from York, and the 
 stores captured there. After a short time spent in re- 
 titting the fleet and obtaining reinforcements, the 
 Commodore sailed back to assist in the assault of Fort 
 George. The American land force at Niagara was 
 then about 6,000, under General^ Dearborn, Lewis, 
 Boyd, Winder and Chandler. Their fleet on Lake 
 Ontario consisted of fifteen vessels with fifty-nine guns. 
 •To oppose them. General Vincent, in command at 
 Fort George, had but a force of 1,400 men, composed 
 of eight companies of the 49th and detachments from 
 the 8th, the 41st Glengarries and Newfoundland corps, 
 with 350 militia and some artillery. The right divi- 
 sion was commanded by Lieutenant- Colonel Harvey, 
 from Fort George to Brown's Point, near Queenston ; 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 'i ■;■ 
 the left, to Four Mile Creek, was commanded by 
 Colonel Myers ; the centre division at the fort, by 
 General Vincent. Five of the twenty-four pounders 
 taken at Detroit had been brought to the Niagara 
 frontier, four of which had been mounted at Fort 
 George ; the fifth was on the shore, near what was 
 afterwards Fort Mississauga. On each side of the 
 river, between Fort George and Queenston, were 
 batteries, scarcely a mile apart. On the evening of 
 the 26th May, 1813, Commodore Chauncey began can- 
 nonading the fort, but owing to his scanty supply of 
 powder. General Vincent did not return the fire. 
 Early on the morning of the 27th, the bombardment 
 began again, and under cover of a dense fog, which 
 hid then] until within fifty yards of the shore, the 
 Americans approached, and efi'ected a landing on the 
 lake-side of the town. 
 A stubborn defence was made by the brave little 
 garrison, but in vain. The lieavy cannonade from 
 Fort Niagara, and from the American fleet wrought 
 sad havoc within Fort George. After three hours' 
 hot figliting, when almost every gunner was disabled, 
 and resistance was no longer possible. General Vincent 
 spiked his guns, destroyed the magazine, and retired 
 on liiurlington Heights, by way of Queenston. 
 It would liave been an easy matter for the Ameri- 
 cans now, to have hemmed in and annihilated General 
 Vincent's little army, reduced as it was, by the loss of 
 400 men, but General Dearborn let the opportunity 
1813.— Fort George, Sackett's Harbour, Etc. 189 
 I 3 
 slip by, and Vincent effected his retreat to Burlington 
 Heights unharassed. Colonel Cecil Bisshopp, who was 
 stationed at Fort Erie, and Major Ormsby at Chip- 
 pewa, with their detachments, were ordered to join 
 the retreating force. The whole Niagara frontier was 
 now defenceless, and at the mercy of the Americans. 
 We are told that many were the scenes of sorrow 
 and distress as the little a^my passed on, leaving 
 behind them the unprotected women and children, 
 who expected the Americans would take possession of 
 the land, and drive them from their homes. 
 Referring to the defence of the Niagara frontier, 
 Thomson says : — 
 Such was the spirited earnestness of both officers 
 and men at the batteries, that when, in the most 
 tremendous of the bombardment, they had fired away 
 all their cartridges, they cut up their flannel waistcoats 
 and shirts, and the soldiers their trousers, to supply 
 their guns. 
 No wonder we read that, after the retreat from 
 Fort George, the army were destitute of clothing, 
 without shoes, and as an officer writes to the Com- 
 mander-in-Chief, in rags. 
 On the day of the capture of Fort George, another 
 disaster befell the British arms at the eastern end of 
 Lake Ontario. 
 Sir James Yeo had just arrived at Kingston with 
 500 English seamen, and Sir George Prevost thought 
 it would be a good time, in the absence of Commodore 
 Chauncey at Niagara, to make a descent on Sackett's 
 I] 1 
 f - 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Harbour and destroy the naval stores there. It was a 
 well-planned design, but unfortunately was not well 
 carried out. On the 27th May, the expedition, con- 
 sisting of about 1,000 men, four frigates, some gun-boats 
 and bateaux set out from Kingston, and succeeded 
 in capturing some boats from Oswego, with troops 
 on board. 
 Sir George Prevost's over caution delayed the attack 
 until the following morning, by which time. General 
 Brown, in command at Backett's Harbour, was able to 
 make preparations for defence. About 500 American 
 militia were placed on Horse Island, guarding the 
 entrance to the harbour. 
 The British troops succeeded, however, in landing 
 on the morning of the 29th May, under cover of a 
 heavy fire from their boats. 
 They advanced towards the fort, and were met by 
 about 400 American regulars and soiue militia, under 
 Colonel Backus. A sharp contest ensued. The 
 American colonel was killed and part of his troops 
 fled. Unfortunately, at this moment, Sir George 
 Prevost imagined that he had fallen into a snare, and 
 that the retreating Americans were really executing 
 a masterly manceuvre, and were about to hem him in. 
 He, therefore, nnich to the chagrin of his troops, 
 ordered an immediate retreat to the boats, and the 
 fleet returned ingloriously to Kingston. The only 
 damage done was by the Americans themselves, for, 
 thinking they were about to capitulate, they had set 
 on fire the naval magazine (containing all the stores 
 1813.— Fort George, Sackett's Harbour. Etc. 191 
 captured at York), the hospital, the barracks, and a 
 frigate on the stocks. 
 The British loss in this disastrous expedition was 
 one officer and forty-seven men killed, and about 200 
 wounded and missing. 
 In Mr. Kidout's diary is this entry : — 
 Saturda?/, May 29th, 1813. — Our attempt upon 
 Sackett's Harbour failed. 
 To return now to the Niagara frontier. General 
 Vincent reached Burlington Heights on the evening 
 of the 29th May, and immediately picquets were 
 placed, and reconnoitring parties sent out to watch 
 for the expected advance of the Americans. They 
 had not long to wait. 
 Generals Winder and Chandler were despatched in 
 pursuit, with about 3,000 men, including cavalry and 
 artillery. They halted first at the Twenty-Mile Creek 
 (Jordan), where they received the incorrect informa- 
 tion that Vincent was in a strong position at Burling- 
 ton Heights,* and had received reinforcements from 
 * Burlington Heiglits, where (ieneral Vincent found a safe retreat, form 
 the extreme western end of Burlington Bay, a picturescjue inlet at the 
 western extremity of Lake Ontario, wliicli is now the harbour of the 
 city of Hamilton. General Vincent's entrenchments were partly in what is 
 at the present day Hamilton cemetery, and partly in the grounds of Dundurn 
 Castle, now tlie residence of Senator Maclnries. A curi(jus eye may still 
 trace the earthworks. The Heights tlien (1812) were neither excavated 
 by a railway, nor pierced, as now, by the Des Jardins Canal. The only 
 access to them was over an isthmus defended by field-works. On one side 
 a stone could have been dnjpped sheer a hundred feet into Burlington 
 Bay ; on the other side into a deep marsh. (" Picturesqiie Canada.") 
 >■' , 
 I ■? 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada 
 The Americans proceeded on their march, and 
 arrived towards the evening of the 5th June, 1813, at 
 Stoney Creek, about seven miles from General Vin- 
 cent's lines, at Burlington. 
 Stoney Creek was scarcely a village, for there were 
 only a few scattered houses, some taverns, and an old 
 church on the hill side, one of the oldest in the Pro- 
 vince.* "The clattering of cavalry hoofs, the clanking 
 of swords, the heavy rattle of artillery, and the long, 
 strange array of invading soldiers as they filed along 
 the narrow road, struck the few inhabitants of the 
 hamlet with wonder and astonishment. It was soon 
 whispered that a battle was to be fought the next day." 
 And now the American soldiers lay down to take 
 their much-needed rest. It had been a hot, sultry day,, 
 and the march had been long and fatiguing. Their 
 camp was pitched on a plain surrounded by gentle 
 slopes, and watered by a bright, clear stream. 
 The cannon were planted in a position to sweep the 
 road towards Burlin^^)n Heights. On each side, 
 near the road, the artillerymen slept beside their guns. 
 Behind them were the cavalry. In advance of the 
 rest, a party of fifty, took possession of the old church. 
 The settlers in the vicinity were held as prisoners, lest 
 they should carry any information to General Vincent. 
 The weary and exhausted men lay with their arms in 
 readiness beside them, and soon darkness closed over 
 the sleeping camp. 
 * Demoliahed in 1871. 
 1813. — Fort George, Sackett's Hafbour, Etc. 198 
 A few miles away, on the Heights, were Vincent's 
 soldiers, and it seenied as if the morning light would 
 bring to them annihilation or retreat. 
 York had been taken ^ a powerful fleet was on the 
 lake to oppose them. There were no supplies to be 
 had, and there were but ninety rounds of ammunition 
 to each man. Under these circumstances, a night 
 attack with the bayonet, was proposed by Colonel 
 Harvey* and agreed to by General Vincent. 
 \V. H. Merritt, who commanded a Canadian cavalry 
 troop, and had been engaged in reconnoitring the 
 position of the enemy, writes : — 
 All my hopes depended on this bold enterprise, for 
 had we not attacked them they would have advanced 
 the next morning, and in all probability we would have 
 retired without risking an action, as our force was not 
 one-third of theirs. Proctor and the whole upper 
 country would then have fallen. 
 * John Harvey, afterwards Sir John, the hero of Stoney Creek, was 
 born in 1778, entered the army as ensign in the 80th, in 1794. Served 
 through the campaign in Holland, 1794 ; at the Cape of Good Hope, 1796 ; 
 in Egypt, 1800 ; in India from 1803 to 1807 ; on active service all the 
 In June, 1812, he was appointed Deputy Adjutant-General to the army 
 in Canada, and arrived in Halifax late in the year 1812. 
 The services of such an experienced veteran soldier were invaluable. 
 The advice he gave when asked by Sir George Prevost as to the best 
 method of defence for Canada was brief, but decided : 
 " First, by the accurate intelligence of the designs and movements of 
 the enemy, to be procured at any price ; and, secondly, by a series of bold, 
 active, offensive operations, by which the enemy, however superior in 
 numbers, would himself be thrown upon the defensive. " 
 Many years after the war he was Governor of New Brunswick, afterwards 
 Governor of Newfoundland, and finally. Governor of Nova Scotia, where 
 he died, 1852. 
 fy r 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 About seven hundred men were detached for the 
 dangerous enterprise, and to Colonel Harvey was given 
 the conduct of the attack. 
 At about half-past ten at night this little band of 
 heroic men started down the lonelv road eastward. 
 There was no moon, only at intervals heat lightning 
 lit up the scene. Not a word was spoken, not a sound 
 of any kind broke the stillness of the night. Even 
 their guns were ordered to be unloaded, lest a stray 
 shot should give the alarm. 
 They arrived in sight of the first American sentinel 
 at nearly two o'clock on Sunday morning, the 6th 
 June. To his challenge, the cold steel was the answer. 
 Another challenge from the next on guard, and again 
 the poor wretch was transfixed. His groans alarmed 
 the third sentinel, who challenged, fired and fled. Not 
 a moment was now to be lost. Colonel Harvey, 
 whose plans had been perfectly organi;^ed, instantly 
 ordered his men to deploy into line. He and Lieu- 
 tenant Fitzgibbon took the road straight ahead, Major 
 Plenderleath* of the 49th regiment, swept round to 
 the left, and Colonel Ogilvy of the 8th regiment, with 
 some of the 49th regiment, opened to the right. The 
 sentry at the church door was approached under the 
 shade of the trees, and killed, and the whole party in 
 the church were made prisoners. 
 * Lieutenant-Colonel Plenderleath was an estimable and courageous 
 officer of the 49th regiment. He served with conspicuous gallantry during 
 the War of 1812, but suffered severely from wounds received during the 
 1813. — Fort George, Sackett's Harbour, Etc. 195 
 Now came a scene of wild confusion. The excite- 
 ment of the attacking soldiers had been wrought up 
 by their enforced silence, and with terrific yells they 
 burst with fixed bayonets on the surprised Americans. 
 In a moment the flats and the hills were a scene of 
 wildest commotion. The Americans had, by this time, 
 recovered from their first confusion, and soon the dark 
 hill-side for nearly half a mile was illuminated by a 
 volley of their musketry. 
 Following the flash and crash came a silence, broken 
 only by the clanking of arms, and the groans of the 
 wounded and dying. 
 Then again came from the camp the roar of musketry 
 and shock of artillery, and the trees and tents were 
 lighted with the glare. 
 These two volleys did terrible execution among 
 Harvey's troops, and goaded them to fury. 
 In the darkness they got confused, but Colonel 
 Plenderleath soon rallied them, and as the order came 
 for another charge with the bayonet, the men dashed 
 forward on the guns. Five cannon with thirty men, 
 and one of the American generals were taken in this 
 fierce charge. 
 Colonel Ogilvy had just previously captured the 
 other general as he was coming out of a house, where 
 he had been rudely awakened from his slumbers. 
 Confusion now prevailed on all sides, and with the 
 loss of their guns and generals, the Americans decided 
 to retire from the field. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 In the melee before the capture of the guns, about 
 fifty of the 49th regiment were taken prisoners. 
 It was so near dayhght that Colonel Harvey thought 
 it prudent to retire also, as the day would disclose the 
 insufficiency of his force, and so encourage the Ameri- 
 cans to renew the conflict. 
 A large body of the enemy reappeared at seven in 
 morning, and proceeded to destroy the provisions, 
 carriages, spare arms, and blankets, which they could 
 not take away with them in their flight. Their dead 
 they left to be buried by the Canadians, so side by 
 side on that field sleep friend and foe. Some were 
 buried where they had bivouacked the night before, 
 on a projecting point of the hill, east of the creek 
 and north of the road. Others sleep in the graveyard, 
 close to the spot where the old church stood. Gene- 
 ral Vincent's official report of the battle of Stoney 
 Creek says : — 
 The action terminated before daylight, when three 
 guns and one brass howitzer with three tumbrils, two 
 Brigadier-Generals, Chandler and Winder, and upwards 
 of 100 officers and privates remained in our hands. 
 The British loss : killed, one lieutenant, three ser- 
 geants, nineteen rank and file ; wounded, two majors, 
 five captains, two lieutenants, one ensign, one adju- 
 tant, one fort major, nine sergeants, two drummers 
 and 113 rank and file ; three sergeants and fifty- two 
 rank and file missing. 
 This was a large gulf in a force of 704 men, but 
 they had accomplished their purpose; and the mid- 
 1813. — Fort George, Sackett's Harbour, Etc. 197 
 night attack at Stoney Creek saved the country for 
 the time. 
 The Americans did not halt on their retreat until 
 they reached Forty-Mile Creek (Grimshy), where they 
 camped, but their inislbrtuncs were not yet complete. 
 Sir James Yeo with his squadron had sailed from 
 Kingston on the 3rd of June, and appeared at the 
 mouth of the creek at daylight on the 7th, and com- 
 menced firing at the American camp, which had 
 been reinforced by Generals Ijewis and Boyd. The 
 Americans got into a panic between the fire from the 
 ships and the appearance of some Indians on a hill 
 above the camp. 
 They decided to retire to Fort George, and left 
 behind, in their hasty flight, 500 tents, 100 stand of 
 arms, 140 barrels of flour, and about seventy wounded 
 men. Seventeen bateaux, laden with supplies for 
 the Americans, were also taken at the same time by 
 Sir James Yeo.* 
 After the brilliant success of Stoney Creek, there 
 was no further thought of retreat for Vincent's forces. 
 In fact the beseigers became the beseiged, and General 
 Dearborn's outposts and foraging parties were contin- 
 ually harassed by attacks from the various detachments 
 of British troops that now hemmed the invaders in at 
 Fort George. The defenders of Canada were few in 
 number, but their hearts were fired with patriotic zeal, 
 i J 
 * Entry in Mr. Ridout's diary: — Sunday, 6th June, Whitsunday. De- 
 feated the Americans at Stoney Creek. 
 ii ' 
 J - 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 and they had leaders willing to do and dare everything. 
 Such men as Vincent and Harvey, and Cecil Bisshopp, 
 and Fitzgibbon, and Clark of the Lincoln militia, and 
 Merritt of the light cavalry, and Brant and De Sala- 
 berry, led their troops with such vigour and skill, that it 
 was impossible for the enemy, in spite of their immense 
 superiority in numbers, to obtain a foothold in the 
 Another reverse came to the Americans soon after 
 their defeat at Stoney Creek, and this time it was a 
 woman's hand that brought them disaster, it a place 
 called Beaver Dams, or the Beechwoods, (about twelve', 
 miles in a direct road from Queenston), where now is 
 the town of Thorold, was a depot of provisions for the 
 Canadian troops, guarded by a detachment of thirty of 
 the 49th regiment under Lieutenant Fitzgibbon,* with 
 "some Indians and militia, in all about 200 men. 
 In order to surprise and dislodge this outpost, an 
 American force of 500 men, with fifty cavalry and two 
 field-pieces, under Colonel Boerstler, set out from Fort 
 George (Niagara) on the 23rd of June. 
 * Lieutenant Fitzgibbon, Adjutant of the 49th, enlisted as a private sol- 
 dier in 1798, was suon promoted to be sergeant ; served in Holland, was 
 drafted as a marine on board Nelson's squadron, fought at the battle of 
 Copenhagen, won his commission by merit. After the battle of Stoney 
 Creek, he obtained pernussion to organize an independent company of 
 picked men, to act as rangers or scouts in order to harass the enemy in ad- 
 vance of the army. Lieutenant Fitzgibbon distinguished himself at Fort 
 (Jeorge, Stoney Creek, Fort Erie, and especially at Beaver Dams. After 
 the war he became the Colonel of the 1st regiment of Toronto militia, and 
 Assistant Ad jut- c-General to the militia of Upper Canada. He ended his 
 long career in England as a military Knight of Windsor. 
1 813. — Fort George, Sackett's Harbour, Etc. 109 
 A [.urprise was meditated, in retaliation, no donbt, 
 for the affair of Stoney Creek. Laura Secord, wife of 
 a Canadian farmer, who had been wounded in the 
 battle of Queenston Heights, accidentally heard of the 
 designs of the Americans, and determined to give the 
 outpost timely warning. She set out alone before day- 
 break on the 23rd June from her house at Queenston, 
 and arrived at Fitzgibbon's head-cjuarters, a stone 
 liouse known as De Cew's, near the Beaver Dams, at 
 sunset of the same day. On account of the Ameri- 
 can sentries and outposts, she had to avoid tlie high 
 road and beaten paths, thus making her toilsome 
 Journey nearly twice as long. In spite of weakness 
 and fatigue, this heroic woman went on her way 
 through pathless woods, over hill and dale and un- 
 bridged streams, till she reached her destination. 
 Her warning came just in time. Lieutenant Fitz- 
 gibbon disposed of his little force to the best advantage 
 possible, placing tlvnn in ambush on both sides of the 
 road, taking every precaution to make it appear that 
 he had a large force in reserve. 
 Between eight and nine of the morning of the 24th 
 June, the advance guard of the American riflemen 
 appeared. A volley from the woods received them and 
 emptied their saddles. Soon firing came from all 
 directions, and bugle calls, and " idian yells. The 
 bew'ildered Americans imagined themselves in the 
 presence of a much superior force. Finding his men 
 were losing heavily from the fire of the unseen foe, 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 V .' 
 and that they were suffering from fatigue, and the 
 intense heat of the day, Colonel Boerstler directed a 
 general retreat upon the artillery in the rear. The 
 Indians raised an exultant yell, and the Americans fell 
 back in confusion. At this moment Lieutenant Fitz- 
 gibbon appeared with a white flag, and demanded the 
 surrender of the whole American force. Intimidated 
 by the bold request and wishing to avoid, as he 
 thought, the slaughter of his men, the American 
 colonel, who was also severely wounded, consented to 
 the terms offered. By the capitulation 542 men, two 
 field-pieces, some ammunition waggons, and the 
 colours of the 14th U. S. regiment were delivered 
 over to the Canadians. 
 The timely arrival of Major du Haren * from Twelve 
 Mile Creek, with a reinforcement for Fitzgibbon of 200 
 men, enabled the victors to guard their prisoners. 
 For this brilliant achievement Lieutenant Fitzgibbon 
 received his company and captain's commission. 
 As to Laura Record's reward, it has come to lier in 
 the fame that rests on her name whenever the story of 
 1812 is told. 
 The heroine lived until the year 18(38, and sleeps 
 now in that old cemetery at Drummondville, where lie 
 so many of our brave soldiers. There is no " Decora- 
 * 8hortly l)ef(>re the affair of Beaver Dams Major du Hareii had arrived 
 in Upper Canada with a reiiifurcenieut for General Vincent of two flank 
 cnmpanies of the l()4th or New Brunswick regiment, also a body of 340 
 Oaughnawaga Indiana from Lower Canada, comniandud by Captain 
 Ducharme and Lieutenant de Lorimier. 
 .f 340 
 i»i3. — Fort George, Sackett's Harbour, Etc. 201 
 tion Day " in Canada, but if there were, surely this 
 woman is entitled to the laurel wreath. 
 After the disastrous events of the month of June, 
 General Dearborn resigned the command of the Ameri- 
 can army, and was succeeded by Generals Boyd and 
 Lewis . 
 Emboldened by success, the Canadians took up the 
 offensive, and numerous dashes were made into Atneri- 
 can territory; while Vincent, with only i,8()0 men, 
 beleaguered Fort George, where a force of about; 4,000 
 men were idly shut up, fearing to venture beyond the 
 range of their cannon . 
 Sickness had broken out among the American troops, 
 and disease was doing its work in reducing their 
 On the 4th of July, 1813, a bold dash was made by 
 Colonel Clark ("ind Lincoln), with a small force of 
 Canadian militia from Chippewa, on Fort Schlosser. 
 He was successful in capturing the guard, and a large 
 quantity of provisions and ammimition. A week later 
 another dash before daylight was made by Colonel 
 (/Ccil Bisshopp and Colonel Clark, with about 250 
 men, on Black Hock, near Buffalo. 
 The Americans were completely taken by surprise, 
 and before they could rally from the sudden attack, 
 their barracks, naval arsenal, a block-house and large 
 schooner, were destroyed. Quantities of provisions 
 and ammunition, of which the Canadians were sorely 
 in need, were carried off. 
Ii'i' ' 
 V u ! 
 ; I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Though the expedition was quite successful, it cost 
 the life of the brave young Colonel Cecil Bisshopp.* 
 His loss was deeply deplored, for he had been one of 
 the most daring and best loved soldiers in the service. 
 *Cecil Bisshopp was the only son of Sir Cecil Bisshopp, Baronet, afterwards 
 Baron de la Zouche. He was born in 1783, entered the army at sixteen, 
 served through the war in Flanders as aide-de-camp to General Grosvenor 
 de Walchen ; again in Spain and Portugal. He was sent to Canada in 
 1812, where he displayed great gallantry in several engagements. 
 In the little deserted and neglected graveyard at Niagara Falls, or Drum- 
 mondville, which was also the battle-field of Lundy's Lane, a beautiful 
 monument marks his last resting-place. The passing stranger is bidden to 
 pause o'er this shrine where 
 " Sleeps the young and brave. 
 And shed one generous tear o'er Cecil's grave." 
 In the parish church of his far-off English home in Parham, Sussex, is a 
 tablet to his memory thus inscribed : — 
 " His pillow, not of sturdy oak ; 
 His shroud, a soldier's simple cloak ; 
 His dirge, will sound till time's no more ; 
 Niagara's loud and solemn roar, — 
 There Cecil lies — say, where the grave. 
 More worthy of a Briton brave." 
Chauncey's Fleet— Summer, 1813. 
 Although the Americans still held Fort George, their 
 position was by no means an enviable one. Harassed 
 on all sides by Vincent's troops, who attacked them 
 whenever they ventured beyond their entrenchments, 
 they remained pent-up within the limits of a few acres 
 all through the summer months. 
 The following letters give some glimpses of what 
 General Vincent, and his little army were doing, through 
 July and August of 1813. 
 The writer, Thomas Gibbs liidout, had just been 
 appointed to the commissariat on the Niagara frontier. 
 His father's diary has this entry: — 
 York, Wedvesday, 1th July, 1813. 
 This evening at nine o'clock, my son Tom set out in 
 a boat for the Forty-Mile Creek, on his way to our 
 camp near Niagara. 
 The first letter from the camp is dated 20th July, 
 From Thoman G. Ridout to his Father: — 
 St. David's. 
 On Saturday, 17th, Henry Nelles and I rode down 
 to the cross-roads, three miles from Niagara, where the 
 Jioyals, King's, and 600 or 700 Indians are posted. I 
 I J 
II' ' 
 ir ) 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 understood the Americans were advancing into Ball's 
 fields. Inimediately the yell was given and Blackbird 
 and Norton set out with their Indians to meet them. 
 Nelles and I rode along, jpid in a few minutes the skir- 
 mish began by the Western Indians getting upon the 
 left flank, and the Five Nations upon the other. 
 The enemy consisted of 500 men. They soon re- 
 treated, firing heavy volleys upon Blackbird's party 
 which was the nearest. The road is so straight we 
 could see into town ; and Nelles and I rode along with 
 the Indians to within one and a quarter miles of 
 Niagara, when we perceived a large reinforcement join 
 them with a piece of artillery, and they again advanced 
 with a- large front, tiring grape shot. The Indians 
 scattered in the woods, but we were obliged to keep 
 the road. By this time three companies of the lioyals, 
 and a brass six pounder came up and posted on this side 
 of Ball's field, the Yankees on the other side. We 
 fired for some time, when the Americans thought fit 
 to retreat. At one time from the farther end of Ball's 
 field, a mile and a half this way, the road was covered 
 with Indians, officers and soldiers, and horses, and from 
 the Presbyterian church, they must have judged our 
 force at 3,000 men. We had about 1,000. A good 
 many Yankees were killed. One Indian took two 
 scalps. A young Cayuga had his arm and side carried 
 away with a cannon ball, and another had a ball 
 through his arm. Some of the musket balls came 
 pretty close to us. 
 The cross-roads now are very strong. Dickson is 
 expected here as soon as he returns from the expedi- 
 tion that has gone against Sandusky and Presqu' Isle 
 with 1,500 Indians. 
 I wish George could bring a little starch with him 
 for the frills of my shirts. 
 The last week of July was an anxious one for the 
 inhabitants of York. 
Chauncey's Fleet — Summer, 1813. 
 Chauncey's vessels were cruising about Lake Ontario, 
 ready to attack wherever possible. On the 27th July, 
 his fleet lay off the Niagara river, and on the following 
 day it sailed for the head of Lake Ontario, for the 
 purpose of making an attempt to capture the British 
 stores at Burlington Heights, then defended by a 
 small detachment under Major Maule. 
 Meanwhile, the ever-watchful Colonel Harvey had 
 taken steps to defend the stores at the Heights, and 
 had ordered Colonel Battersby from York, with a part 
 of the Glengarry corps, to reinforce the guard under 
 Major Maule. 
 Finding his force insufficent for the attack on 
 Burlington Heights, Chauucey sailed off down the 
 lake to make a second attack on defenceless Little 
 Colonel Scott, who commanded the xlmerican land 
 force on the fleet, landed without opposition, took 
 the place, burnt the l)arracks, storehouses, etc., and 
 carried away a quantity of provisions, chiefly flour. 
 This was on the 1st of August. 
 The expedition under Chauncey returned to the 
 Niagara on the 3rd of August, carrying with them the 
 sick and wounded American prisoners found in York. 
 Mr. Ridout's diary has a brief record of this event. 
 Yo?'k, l.st August (Sunda//). — The Americans re- 
 turned with their fleet to York, and destroyed the 
 barracks, woody ard, etc. 
 2nd August (Monday). — The enemy put out into 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 the lake early this inornin;, in all, thirteen vessels. 
 'Tis said our fleet (Sir James Yeo) consisting of six 
 vessels, left Kingston on Saturday last the 31st July. 
 Another letter from the camp at St. David's, says 
 that the conflagration at York was seen at Niagara, 
 and caused much anxiety there. 
 From Thomas 0. Ridout to his Father at York : — 
 St. David's, 2nd August, 181.3. 
 I received yesterday letters from you and George, 
 giving an account of the Yankee fleet being off York, 
 threatening it with destruction. Our anxiety has not 
 been less than yours, but since they let you remain 
 unmolested the first day, I think they'll not land 
 until Sir James meets them. The fate of this army 
 depends on this. Its positions are so advanced that a 
 retreat will be impossible without losing half the men. 
 The enemy remain cooped up in Fort George, not 
 daring to stir beyond the common. Everything goe 
 on steadily and regularly. Ten thousand of the 
 enemy will not be able to start John Bull out of the 
 Black Swamp. 
 Mr. Bissett * went up yesterday to Long Point with 
 i61,000 in specie, to buy cattle for Amherstburg. 
 I am very much alarmed about York, for a large fire 
 was seen in that direction all last night. The garrison, 
 at all events, must be burnt, with the flour and other 
 provisions Mr. Crookshank has been collecting. Con- 
 cerning my shirts, the starch has not come to hand. 
 I keep my things in a pair of saddle bags that Henry 
 Nelles lent me, ready for a march. The military chest 
 is at pr(>sent run out to $500. 
 More than $40,000 have been paid out within the 
 last fortnight. Every hour is now of great con.^c!- 
 qu0nce and I think this week will determine affairs. 
 * Deputy Assiatant-Commissary-General. 
Chauncey's Fleet — Summer, 1813. 
 Some considerable movement will take place shortly, 
 and I hope to write you of our success. Peggy Nelles 
 has just mended my blue coat and sent it down to me, 
 for which I thank her very much. 
 In the meantime at York an anxious watch was kept 
 on the movements of the two opposing fleets on Lake 
 Ontario. The Americans were nmch superior both in 
 vessels and number of sailors. 
 Mr. Ridout's diary gives an account of what was 
 seen from York during August. 
 Yorh, 1th August (Saturdaij). — This morning our 
 fleet, consisting of six vessels, were seen. In the after- 
 noon they passed with a light breeze towards the 
 westward, and in the evening were between the Hum- 
 ber and Etobicoke. The enemy's fleet of fifteen sail 
 were seen on the lake opposite the town about eight 
 or ten miles out. As it was calm, they approached 
 our fleet with sweeps. 
 Sunday Morning^ Sth August. — Not any vessels to 
 be seen. 
 Sir James Yeo's fleet in 1813 consisted of the Royal 
 George, twenty-four guns ; Prince Regent, twenty-two 
 guns; Earl of Moira, twenty guns; Simcoe, twelve 
 guns ; Dul-e of Gloucester, ten guns ; Seneca, four 
 A note is added to the last entry, of what occurred 
 after the fleet left York as follows : — 
 The enemy retired to the mouth of Niagara on the 
 Sth of August. In the afternoon of the Sth, Sir James 
 Yeo drew them out, and in the night they retreated to 
 the river, in doing which two of their largest schooners 
 r I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 upset and went to the bottom. Except thirteen men, 
 all were lofjt. 
 The American account of this disaster is that during 
 the evening of the 8th of August the wind came from 
 the westward, freshened, and at midnight was a fitful 
 Suddenly a rushing sound was heard astern of most 
 of the fleet, and it was soon ascertained that the Hamil- 
 ton and Scourge had disappeared. Tliey were cap- 
 sized by a terrific squall, and all the officers and men, 
 except sixteen of the latter, were drowned. 
 This was a great blow to Chauncey, for these two 
 vessels, carrying nineteen guns between them, were 
 the best in his fleet. 
 For two days the rival fleets manoeuvred without 
 coming to action, and at last on the morning of the 
 10th of August, Chauncey formed his fleet in battle 
 order. Nothing was done during the day, but at ten 
 at night Sir James Yeo succeeded in capturing two 
 vessels, the Groivler and Julia, after a severe but short 
 Chauncey made no further fight ; but, the gale in- 
 creasing, he ran for shelter to the Genesee river, and 
 then returned to Sackett's Harbour with the remains 
 of his fleet. 
 From Mr. lUdxmfs Diari/ : — 
 Wednesday, llth August. — Early this morning our 
 fleet were seen off shore with two vessels in tov/. 
 During the night the wind blew fresh. At midnight 
 (10th of August), Sir James Yeo dashed amongst the 
 Chauncey's Fleet — Summer, 1813. 
 enemy's fleet ; Commodore Chaimcey fled, and left 
 two of his vessels in our possession, which he brought 
 to our harbour. 
 Friday IStk 
 -Our fleet sailed to Kingston, 
 To return to the camp at Niagara. 
 Another skirmish is recounted in the following 
 Extract from a letter of an officer in the army of St. 
 David's, 24th August, 1813. 
 A considerable demonstration was made this morn- 
 ing at the dawn of day upon Fort George. 
 The enemy's picquets were surprised and captured, 
 but no disposition was evinced by the American army 
 to support them, and our advance columns, after having 
 remained for a considerable time in tlie town of Fort 
 George, and the reconnaissance being completed, were 
 ordered to return to their respective camps. Lieuten- 
 ant-Colonel O'Neil, with a detachment of thirty of the 
 19th Dragoons, covered the advance of Lieutenant- 
 Colonel Harvey, and dashed with great gallantry into 
 the town, scouring several of the streets and penetrat- 
 ing as far as the Presbyterian church, (colonel Harvey 
 actually called at his old quarters and recovered a box 
 he had left there, containing several very valuable 
 The enemy commenced a pretty brisk fire from the 
 garden walls and houses, and opened their batteries 
 upon us, notwithstanding which, our troops, who were 
 extremely unwilling to come away, retired with the 
 greatest order and regularity, and, I am happy to say, 
 with a very trifling loss. 
 Of the enemy, seventy were made prisoners, and a 
 number killed and wounded. 
 The officers commanding the picquets made their 
 escape by an early flight. The complete success of 
 the affair, in which the main object has been accom- 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 plished, has given additional spirit and confidence to 
 our troops, and nnist have convinced the enemy that 
 to his entrenchments alone he is indebted for his 
 present security. 
 li' 'i 
 From Mr. Ridout's Diary : — 
 York, 26th August. 
 Our fleet just dropped anchor ofl'this place, and then 
 sailed for Niagara. 
 28th August. — Eeturned and sailed the same evening. 
 Another letter from camp is dated 
 HOth August. 1813. 
 From T. G. Ridout to his Father at York: — 
 I have not received a letter from home since 10th 
 August. Last evening our fleet came over and pro- 
 ceeded to the Twelve-]\rile Creek, on the American side, 
 to intercept supplies by water, which the Yankees 
 have daily received. 
 Allan McNab * has come over to seek his fortune as 
 * The Allan Napier McNab, who was seeking his fortune as a volunteer, 
 was afterwards, as Sir Allan McNab, a conspicuous figure in Canadian 
 history. He was boni at Niagara in 1708, and was therefore only fifteen 
 when he volunteered. His grandfather. Major McNab, of the 42nd, or 
 Black Watch, held the post of Royal Forester in Scotland, and resided on 
 a small property called Dundurn at the head of Loch Earn. His father 
 was in the 71st, and served with General Simcoe during the American 
 Revolutionary War, and accompanied him to Canada. The young hero of 
 this sketch had first shouldered his musket at the capture cf York ; then 
 served as midshipman on board Sir James Yeo's ship ; then joined the 
 100th regiment under Colonel Murray. He was at the taking of Fort 
 Niagara in December, 1813. For his bravery on that occasion he was given 
 an ensigncy in the 49th regiment. He also served at Fort Erie and the 
 attack on Plattsburg at the close of the war. 
 He was placed on half-pay at the reduction of the army in 1816, and 
 commenced the study of the law, being called to the bar in 1825. He was 
 elected to Parliament in 1829, and was in nine successive Parliaments, part 
 of the time as Speaker of the House. He was knighted in 1838, was Prime 
 Minister in 1854, and was created a baronet on his retirement from the 
 office of premier in 185G. 
 In 1857, he retired from public life in Canada for a time, and went to 
 England, from which country he returned in 1860, and was appointed to the 
 Legislative Council, and took his seat among the " lords " of Canada. 
 Sir Allan McNab died in 1863. 
Chauncey's Fleet — Summer, 1813. 
 a volunteer. I think he'll succeed in the 8th. At 
 present, having no other home, he stays with us. 
 I suppose you have heard of the great victory gained 
 in Spain on the 21st June, where the French lost 154 
 pieces of brass artillery, their military chest, etc., and 
 the English lost near 5,000 in killed and wounded. 
 An Albany paper gives a fine account of Chauncey's 
 ''noble conduct." It says that he tried five days to 
 bring the British to action but they always ran away. 
 One night two of his schooners, in carrying a press of 
 canvas in chase, upset, and were lost; and the following 
 night three schooners, too eager in the pursuit, got 
 into the midst of the British, and after maintaining 
 with the most heroic gallantry an unequal contest of 
 forty-five minutes with the Wolfe and Melville at 
 pistol shot, one went down and the other two struck. 
 Also that Chauncey had only returned to Sackett's 
 Harbour for five weeks' provisions, and would come out 
 and sweep the lake. 
 De Watteville's regiment is very much wanted here ; 
 the 49th are reduced to about 370 men. This morning 
 three companies, amounting to seventy-five, arrived 
 from Burlington. Fifty royal artillerymen have joined 
 by the fleet. 
 By what I can learn. Sir George's (Prevost) presence 
 here is very little sought for ; he has no idea of attack- 
 ing the Americans on their own ground, but the 
 summit of iiis wishes is to recover Fort George and 
 there remain. The great ofiicers say that this army 
 will be ruined with petty affairs. Some heavy cannon 
 have arrived at Burlington. The army have been there 
 two days out of whiskey. There is a good deal of ague 
 among the men. The 8th have neither blankets nor 
 great coats, but a large supply has arrived. 
 Four-Mile Creek, Uh September, 1813. 
 By the date of this you will perceive we have 
 changed our quarters for the lake-side. The encamp- 
 ment here is very beautiful, and is formed of the 8th 
 , I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 and 104th, part of the 89th and 100th regiments, con- 
 sisting of 2,000 men. They He upon the edge of the 
 woods, having large clearings in the front, and the 
 main road crossing the camp by Mr. Addison's, where 
 the General stays. The artillery park is one mile in 
 the rear. Very few troops are left in St. David's. 
 We came to Thompson's the day before yesterday, 
 and met with rather an ungracious reception. The 
 old fellow said he could not take us in, as his family 
 occupied the whole house, but that we might go into 
 an old house a little distance off, which was inhabited 
 in the early period of the world. Accordingly, we 
 cleared it of rubbish, made a fire, and fried a little beef 
 we had brought with us. In the evening we made a 
 straw bed on the floor. We collect balm in the garden 
 for tea, and carry on an extensive robbery of peas, 
 apples, onions, corn, carrots, etc.; for we can get noth- 
 ing but by stealing, excepting milk, wiiich is carefully 
 measured. Bread and butter is out of the question, 
 and to-day w^e sent a dragoon to the Twelve-Mile 
 Creek for these articles and G. to the cross-roads for 
 beef, etc. Lewis cooked some black bread yesterday. 
 Only our chief has been invited to the sanctum sanc- 
 torum to partake of delicacies. 
 We have an iron pot which serves for tea pot, roaster 
 and boiler, and two window shutters put upon three 
 barrels form the table. We have three servants, who 
 eat the remains of our feasts. 
 I spent a pleasant evening wath Colonel Holcroft at 
 the artillery park, and this afternoon I shall spend 
 with Colonel Ogilvie at the 8th camp. 
 There is an astonishing run of white-cuffed ensigns 
 and lieutenants at the house, and the carpet parlour 
 is adorned the whole day with red. The only domes- 
 tic on the farm is a miserable little black girl, who is 
 almost worked to death. The army is getting very 
 sickly, forty or fifty men are sent to the hospita 1 every 
 day. There are more than 400 sick, and a great num- 
 ber of officers. 
Chauncey's Fleet — Summer, 1813. 
 York, being considered the healthiest place in 
 Canada, is to be head-quarters for the medical estab- 
 Hshment, you may expect the town to be tilled with hos- 
 pitals and sick. We cannot stand this daily diminution 
 of strength ten days longer. They say that Decatur 
 has succeeded Chauncey, and that we ni'iy look for 
 him every hour; also that General Wilkinson has 
 taken the command at Fort George with a consider- 
 able reinforcement. Our fleet is just coming over 
 from York; I suppose, with De Watteville's regiment. 
 Four of the Glengarry's deserted yesterday, and four 
 American dragoons deserted to us. Mr. Stanton 
 bought a pound of tea this morning, the first we have 
 had this long time. We pay out, on an average, 
 .€1,500 a day ; next week it will be much more, as all 
 tKe departments for the arnjy will come in with their 
 pay lists. We have now 10,000 barrels of flour in the 
 depots, at $12 per barrel. I believe Allan McNabb 
 will get into the 8th regiment. Shaw and Jarvis 
 have been a year in the 49th. 
 ■ •: 
 V ■, 
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 ; if 
 : 1: 
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 '■ ■ ( 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 ;. i 
 frf'-- r 
 So FAR the Canadians had succeeded m holding the 
 Americans at bay in the Niagara Peninsula. A great 
 deal der jnded now in keeping control of Lake Erie, 
 and thereby ensuring the success of General Proctor 
 and his little army in the west. 
 We left the latter just after his defeat of General 
 Winchester at the River Raisin, January 23rd, 1813. 
 All through the winter and spring Tecumseh and 
 Proctor, with a portion of the 41st regiment, the Essex 
 militia, some artillery, and a force of Indians, varying 
 in number, held back the invaders from crossing on 
 the Detroit frontier. Tno American General, Harrison, 
 had taken up his post with a force of 2,500 men at 
 Fort Meigs, on the Miami river.* Proctor deter- 
 mined to dislodge them. So with a force of 930 men 
 and about 1,200 Indians, collected at Detroit, he set off 
 from Maiden (Amherstburg) on the 23rd April, for the 
 mouth of the Miami river, about twelve miles distant 
 from Fort Meigs. His army, in all, a little over 2,000 
 in number, embarked in brigs and several small vessels, 
 '**' At the western extremity of Lake Erie. 
 p.... . . i 
Naval Fight, Lake Erie, September, 1813. 215 
 and were accompanied by two gun-boats and some 
 artillery. On the 26th of April, 1813, they appeared 
 at the mouth of the Miami, about twenty-six miles 
 from the mouth of the Detroit, and on the 28th 
 landed on the left bank of the river, near old Eort 
 Miami, where they estabUshed a camp. They next 
 constructed batteries on a commanding elevation 
 opposite Fort Meigs, but the wretched weather and 
 continual rains kept back the work, so that they were 
 not ready to begin operations until the 1st of May. 
 Fort Meigs was strongly intrenched, and had a good 
 supply of field-pieces, but General Harrison was so 
 doubtful of the result of a siege, that he dispatched 
 messengers to Governor Meigs, of Ohio, to tell him to 
 hasten on reinforcements. General Clay, with 1,200 
 Kentucky men, he knew were on their way to join 
 For four days shot and shell were hurled by Proctor's 
 batteries upon Fort Meigs with very little effect on 
 the earthworks, though the fire from the fort in reply 
 was weak, owing to the scarcity uf ammunition. 
 On the 5th of May, General Clay, with his reinforce- 
 ments from Kentucky, arrived from Fort Defiance, in 
 eighteen large scows, and were ordered by General 
 Harrison to make an attack on the British batteries 
 on the western side of the river, while the garrison of 
 Fort Meigs were to attack the Indians on the eastern 
 bank. At first, the advantage appeared to be with 
 the Americana, but Captains Muir and Chandler, 41st 
 i''', t 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 regiment, rallied their men, aud made a gallant charge 
 with the bayonet. The enemy broke and fled to their 
 boats. A panic seized them. The Indians, who, dur- 
 ing the seige of the fort had remained rather silent 
 spectators, now rushed forward and intercepted the 
 The reinforcement from Kentucky was almost 
 annihilated. Of the 800 men who had left the 
 boats to attack the batteries only 170 escaped to 
 Fort Meigs. The enemy's loss in this aifair, on 
 both sides of the river, was about 1,100 in killed, 
 wounded and prisoners. The Canadian troops lost 
 fourteen killed and forty-five wounded. 
 The victory for Proctor was stained by the massacre 
 of the flying foe. Tecumseh, we are told, did what 
 he could to restrain his infuriated followers. When 
 he heard of what was being done by them, he rode 
 up at full speed, and, raising his tomahawk, threat- 
 ened to destroy the first man who refused to obey his 
 orders to desist. 
 The victory was not altogether satisfactory in its 
 results to Proctor, for the Indian warriors insisted on 
 returning to their homes to indulge in protracted 
 revelry, as was their custom after a great fight. Even 
 Tecumseh' s influence was powerless to keep them 
 in bounds. 
 Proctor, with his weakened force, found him- 
 self compelled to re-embark his guns and stores, 
 and return to Fort Maiden. He was discouraged 
Naval Fight, Lake Erie, September, 1813. 217 
 on his arrival there by hearing of the fall of Fort 
 George, and also by the refusal of his request for more 
 soldiers. Tecumseh, who had again received large 
 reinforcements of Indian warriors, constantly urged 
 him to renew the attack of Fort Meigs, but he had 
 lost heart, and though an expedition was fitted out, 
 nothing was done. On the 1st of August an attempt 
 was made by Proctor against Fort Stephenson, at 
 Sandusky, but it resulted in failure, and cost the 
 lives of several brave men. 
 Both sides were now, at the close of the summer, 
 resting on their arms, waiting for the fitting-out of 
 their respective fleets to contest the dominion of Lake 
 The Canadian fleet on Lake Frie was undtu- the com- 
 mand of Captain liobert Barclay, one of Nelson's 
 heroes, who had fought and lost an arm at the battle 
 of Trafalgar. 
 His squadron consisted of the Queen. Charlotte, 
 seventeen guns, Captain Finnis; Lady Prcvo.st, thirteen 
 guns; hrig Hunter, ten g,i\ns; Little Belt, three guns; 
 Chippewa, one gun, and the Detroit, the flag-ship, of 
 nineteen guns, which was not ready for action until 
 September. In all, six vessels and sixty-three guns. 
 The American fleet was under the command of Com- 
 modore Perry, and consisted of the flag-shi}) Lawrence, 
 twenty guns (named in honor of Captain Lawrence of 
 the Chcsa2)caJie, who had been killed in action with 
 H.M.S. Shannon, off Boston harbour, in June, 1813); 
?. ? '■" 
 fix I 
 1 '.JU** 
 ': ( 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 the Niagara, twenty guns; brig Caledonia,* three 
 guns ; schooner Ariel, four guns ; Scorpion, two guns; 
 Trippe, one gun ; Tigress, one gun ; Porcupine, one 
 gun ; and the Ohio, not in action. Nine vessels, fifty- 
 tw^o guns. 
 The weight of metal was with the Americans, 
 although they had a smaller number of guns, the 
 difference being, Americans 928 pounds, Canadians 
 459 pounds. 
 Perry's fleet had been fitted out in the harbour of 
 Presqu' Isle, and during the month of July had 
 been closely blockaded there by Barclay's squadron. 
 A sand-bar at the mouth of the harbour prevented the 
 American larger vessels from sailing out without first 
 removing the cannon. This, of course, could not be 
 done in the face of the enemy. 
 About the 1st of August Commodore Barclay sailed 
 away to obtain provisions from Long Point, and during 
 his absence Commodore Perry seized the opportunity 
 to unload his vessels and place them safely over the 
 sand-bar. It was a critical moment for the American 
 fleet, for if Barclay had returned while the vessels 
 were on the bar he would have had an easy victory. 
 It is said a public dinner given to him and his officers 
 by the citizens of Port Dover prolonged his absence. 
 He arrived back just as the Niagara was safely moving 
 into deep water. Once free to roam the lake, it was 
 ■* The Caledonia was captured from the Canadians on its way down 
 from Detroit, October 9th, 1812. 
Naval Fight, Lake Erie, September, 1813. 219 
 Perry's turn to annoy Barclay, who sailed to Amherst- 
 burg, there to await the completion of his largest 
 vessel, the Detroit. 
 At last Sepoember came, and all felt the decisive 
 moment was near. Proctor's troops were suffering for 
 want of supplies, and a communication with Long 
 Point had to be opened at all hazards. So perfectly 
 destitute of provisions was the post that there was not 
 a day's flour in store. 
 On the morning of the 10th September, Barclay 
 sailed out from Amherstburg, a light breeze blowing 
 from the south-west. The enemy were lying five or 
 six miles away, near Put-in Bay, and a;n action was 
 inevitable. Both commanders knew that on this 
 contest the fate of their armies on shore depended. 
 Although Barclay's fleet had sixty-three guns, it was 
 lamentably deficient in sailors, having only fifty ex- 
 perienced men between the six vessels. The rest of 
 the crew were 240 soldiers and 80 Canadian volun- 
 teer seamen, who had no proper training in the use of 
 the ropes and guns. Perry had nine vessels with fifty- 
 nine guns, and his vessels were fully manned by nearly 
 600 of the pick of the American merchant marine. 
 It was to Barclay's advantage to fight at long range. 
 Perry's tactics were to bring the ships to close quarters. 
 At about eleven o'clock on the morning of the 10th 
 September, the fight began, and for four hours the 
 battle raged. At first the advantage was altogether 
 with the Canadians. Barclay's fire had raked the 
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 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Laivrence^ Perry's flag-ship, so badly that she lay a dis- 
 abled hulk. Of the 103 men that had composed her 
 crew when she went into action, twenty-two were 
 killed and sixty-one wounded. At last, when the 
 American commodore saw that his ship was so dis- 
 mantled as to be of no further service, he determined 
 to leave it, and to make for the Niagara, his largest 
 vessel, which had up to that time been uninjured. 
 Wrapping his flag around him, he ordered his boat 
 to be lowered, and with four stout seamen at the oars, 
 he made the dangerous passage in the face of a tre- 
 mendous fire. He was met at the gangway of the 
 Niagara by the astonished commander of that vessel. 
 " How goes the day ? " asked Elliott. " Bad enough," 
 replied Perry ; " wliy are the gun-boats so far astern ?" 
 "I'll bring thom up," said Elliott. " Do so," said Perry. 
 So the captain of the Niagara pushed off in a small 
 boat to hurry up the lagging vessels.* Now the for- 
 tunes of the day changed. The wind veered, and for 
 lack of seamen Barclay's vessels became unmanage- 
 The rudder of the Ladg Prevost was disabled ; the 
 Detroit and the Queen Charlotte became entangled. 
 Barclay f and Finnis,]: their commanders, were both 
 *Lo8sin}];, "Haiubleton's Journal." 
 + Robert Barclay was a Scotchman, and attended the school at Kettle, of 
 which Bishop Strachan was the master. In a charge delivered by the 
 Bishop in 18(i0, he thus speaks of him: " Commodore Robert Barclay, 
 afterwards so unfortunate on Lake Erie, from causes over which he had no 
 control, was another of my pupils. He was a youth of the brightest pro- 
 f , 
Naval Fight, Lake Erie, September, 1813. 221 
 wounded, the latter mortally ; the former had his thigh 
 shattered, and a shot in the shoulder disabled his only 
 arm. Close and deadly was the fire from the American 
 vessels. All Barclay's officers were wounded or killed, 
 and three-fourths of the men. Resistance was no 
 longer possible. It was about three in the afternoon 
 when the flag of the Detroit was lowered, and when 
 the smoke of the battle cleared away, a sad scene of 
 carnage was revealed. The vessels of both squadrons 
 were dreadfully shattered, especially the two flag- ships. 
 Sixty-eight men were killed and 190 wounded during 
 the four hours the battle lasted. The Americans lost 
 123, twenty-seven of whom were killed ; the Cana- 
 dians, 135, forty-one of whom were killed. 
 When some months afterwards Barclay (who had 
 been placed on parole and then exchanged) was 
 brought before a court of inquiry to answer for the 
 loss of his fleet, his judges were moved to tears as they 
 looked at the mutilated form of the hero who had 
 fought so well. 
 mise, and often have I said in my heart that he possessed qualities which 
 fitted him to be another Nelson, had the way opened for such a con- 
 t The loss of Captain Finnis was deeply deplored by Barclay, who thus 
 writes to Sir James Yeo, on September 13th, three days after the battle : 
 " Too soon, alas ! was I deprived of the services of the noble and intrepid 
 Captain Finnis, who, soon after the commencement of the action, fell ; and 
 with him fell my greatest support." 
 Sir James Yeo wrote of the ill-fated action in his official despatch to Sir 
 George Prevost : "Though His Majesty's squadron were very deficient in 
 seamen, weight of metal, and particularly long guns, yet the greater mis- 
 fortune was the loss of every officer, particularly Captain Finnis, whose 
 life, had it been spared, would, in my opinion, have saved the squadron." 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 This victory on Lake Erie was most important to 
 the Americans. Both armies were anxiously awaiting 
 the result of the encounter. If Barclay had been 
 successful, Proctor's army would have been enabled to 
 obtain its needed supplies and reinforcements, and so 
 could have held the western frontier. Perry's success 
 enabled Harrison to seize Detroit, to recover Michi- 
 gan, and to press on and once more invade the West- 
 ern Peninsula. The Americans were intoxicated with 
 success. " Canada must now be ours," was their 
 exultant cry. Medals were struck in honour of their 
 victory. There were illuminations all over the land, 
 and honours and rewards were heaped upon Perry and 
 his officers.* 
 Washington Irving wrote : " The last roar of can- 
 non that died along Erie's shore was the expiring 
 note of British domination." 
 The cannon roar on that fateful day on Lake Erie 
 was heard at an incredible distance. At Cleveland, 
 seventy miles away, the people thought at first it was 
 thunder, but seeing no clouds, concluded that the two 
 squadrons had met. The listeners could easily 
 distinguish the sound of the heavier and lighter guns. 
 Lossing records the fact that a man who lived on 
 the New York State line, heard at his house the can- 
 nonading on the lake, 160 miles distant. 
 * The captured squadron was valued at $225,000. Commodore Chauncey, 
 Commander-in-Chief of the lakes, rec vAd one-twentieth ; Perry and 
 Elliot each drew $7,140 ; Congress voted Perry $6,000 additional ; each 
 commander of a gun-boat received $2,200 ; each midshipman, $800 ; each 
 marine and sailor, $200. 
Naval Fight, Lake Erie, September, 1813. 223 
 It is a curious fact that, on the day of the fight, 
 Mr. Eidout's diary has this entry : — 
 York, Friday, 10th Septeinber. — About eleven a.m., 
 loud firing was heard, and continued about an hour. 
 It seemed to be towards Niagara ; the wind was west- 
 ward, with thick rain. 
 The diary continues : — 
 Saturday, llth September. — Heavy firing said to 
 have been heard on the lake nearly opposite Hamil- 
 ton, which continued four hours, supposed to be 
 between the fleets. 
 The tiring heard on the llth September is accounted 
 for by an action that took place on Lake Ontario, be- 
 tween Sir James Yeo and Commodore Chauncey. On 
 that day Sir James' fleet lay becalmed ofi" the Genesee. 
 Catching a gentle breeze from the north-west, Chaun- 
 cey bore down upon it, and was within gun-shot dis- 
 tance, when Yeo's sails took the wind, and their ves- 
 sels being swifter sailers, escaped, not, however, with- 
 out sustaining considerable damage, during a running 
 fight for more than three hours. 
 The diary continues : — 
 Thursday, 16th September. — A heavy storm of wind 
 and rain began ; no certain news respecting the firing. 
 Lake Ontario during the month of September, 1813, 
 was the scene of many a lively contest. On the 18th, 
 Commodore Chauncey sailed for Niagara, for the pur- 
 pose of conveying troops to Sackett's Harbour, and 
 , . 
 h i 
 It ;;i 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 was followed by Sir James Yeo. An exciting fight 
 took place between the fleets. The Pike, Madison 
 and Sylph, American, engaged the Wolf, Sir James' 
 flag-ship, the Bojjal George and some smaller vessels. 
 At last the Wolf was found to have sustained serious 
 injury, and pushed away before the wind, crowded with 
 canvas, and gallantly protected in her flight by the 
 Jiojjal George. A general chase was commenced, and 
 the pursuit was continued towards Burlington Bay for 
 two hours, when Chauncey called off his vessels. 
 The American Commodore thought that if he had re- 
 ceived proper support, he might have captured and 
 destroyed the British squadron, but the wind was in- 
 creasing, and he dared not run into any harbour for 
 shelter, so he sailed away for Niagara, where he lay 
 during a gale that lasted forty-eight hours. The ex- 
 citing chase was known by the name of the " Burling- 
 ton races." 
 So slow was news in arriving from the western fron- 
 tier, that it was not until the 10th September that in- 
 telligence of the battle on Lake Erie reached York. 
 The following note is in Mr. Ridout's diary : — 
 York, 16th September. — On Friday, the 10th Sep- 
 tember, a battle was fought on Lake Erie, 
 near the Islands, between our half-manned fleet 
 of six sail, and the enenjy's fleet of nine sail, 
 which lasted four hours, when neither fleet could act 
 any longer, at which time the American gun-boats 
 came out and attacked our fleet. In their defenceless 
 state we had the mortification to be compelled to 
Naval Fight, Lake Erie, September, 1813. 225 
 It is possible that the firing heard by Mr. Ridout 
 and others at York, on the morning of the 10th Sep- 
 tember, was from the guns on Lake Erie. The wind 
 from the west and the heavy atmosphere makes it 
 probable that the sound was carried an immense dis- 
 There is no record of any other fight that day on 
 Lake Ontario to account for the firing heard at York. 
 In the camp at Niagara during the month of Sep- 
 tember, 1813, things were not prospering. Fever had 
 broken out ; the men, weary with inaction, badly fed 
 and ill-paid, were deserting day by day, and the news 
 of the loss of the fleet on Lake Erie brought gloom 
 and consternation. 
 From Thomas G. Ridout to his brother George at York : — 
 Headquarters, near Niagara, 
 16th September, 1813. 
 I received your letter yesterday by Starr Jarvis, 
 who has come here to be our waggon-master. To- 
 morrow we shall have 20,000 hard dollars in silver 
 and .^5,000 in paper money, and in about eight days 
 shall receive in army bills £20,000.* The Commis- 
 sary-General is going to the Mediterranean, and Mr. 
 Couche will take his place. 
 Gee cooks and waits upon us, and a little French 
 dragoon helps him. We burn rails, steal apples, pears 
 and peaches at a great rate. Old Lion sometimes 
 growls at the rails going so fast, but can't help him- 
 self. He thinks me the most innocent of the lot. 
 * The large expenditure of money during the war was of undoubted 
 benetit to those engaged in trade. Therefore, from a monetary point of 
 view, the war was not an unmixed evil. 
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 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Desertion has come to such a height that eight or 
 ten men go off daily. 
 The army is not quite so sickly as it was. 
 We have heard nothing of the fleet since she left 
 last Friday. A schooner went into the river (Niagara) 
 yesterday afternoon. The Americans have been busily 
 employed for some days past in transporting all their 
 heavy guns and baggage across the river. Their 
 deserters come in every day. They say that 4,000 
 men are in Fort George. The other day, a Yankee 
 picket shot two of our deserters dead. One of the 
 49th attempted to swim over by Queenston, but was 
 killed by the sentry. 
 As soon as the rainy weather comes we shall move 
 to the Mountain, for the troops cannot remain in their 
 present encampment by the Black Swamp. 
 From Thomas G. Ridout to his Father at York: — 
 Headquarters, 2lst '^sptemher, 1813. 
 Things are going on very badly. It is too true that 
 our fleet on Lake Erie is taken, and Proctor is left at 
 Amherstburg without provisions, guns or men. Most 
 of the cannon were mounted on board the ships ; 
 Jt20,000 is on the way to pay the debts at Amherst- 
 burg, and we have $40,000 in gold and silver on the 
 way from Kingston, besides j£20,000 in bills. Assis- 
 tant-Commissary-General Dance has gone to take 
 charge at Burlington, with three clerks. 
 jailitia are all called out to build barracks at 
 y s Lane, Queenston and Chippewa, and also at 
 nngton Heights, which, I. believe, is to be head- 
 j^uarters this winter. Nichol has gone up to bring 
 the Long Point militia down. General De Kottenburg 
 went up to the head of the lakes to-day. General 
 Vincent commands at the Cross-Eoads ; I think he is 
 the best of the two. Mr. Couche has had a notifica- 
 tion that he must hold the military chest, etc., in 
Naval Fight, Lake Erie, September, 1813. 227 
 readiness, as a movement wonld shortly take place, 
 somewhere on the Mountain, it is expected. The 
 8th have lost two officers within a week — Captain 
 Kingsley, the paymaster, of a fever, he was a very 
 gentlemanly, good fellow, and Lewis ; Fitzgibbon has 
 got well again. 
 The last thing seen of the fleets on Lake Erie was 
 at the islands near Ainherstburg. After the battle 
 twelve vessels were seen very quietly together. Cap- 
 tain Barclay was ordered out with six vessels, half 
 manned, very much against his will, to fight the 
 Americans, who consisted of nine vessels every way 
 superior. The consequence was that he was taken, 
 and all that country must fall, and that before long, for 
 we have just heard 10,000 Ohio militia are on their 
 march to Detroit. Colonel Hamilton has moved up 
 to Turkey Point. The 2nd battalion of the 41st are 
 on their way from Kingston. 
 We are in the same state at the old house as ever. 
 I carry on the foraging. To-night our dragoon is to 
 make a grand attack upon the onions. The nests are 
 kept very nice and clean from eggs. The dragoon 
 has just come in with a fine musk melon and a peck 
 of onions. We feed a turkey every day at the door, 
 which is doomed for our Sunday dinner. Sometimes 
 a cow happens to get milked over night, for the old 
 lady is getting to be very stingy of the milk. 
 Colonel Coffin went in yesterday with a flag of trace, 
 and the Americans told him that our whole fleet was 
 taken on Lake Erie, after a most desperate engage- 
 ment. Our second ship went down in the battle, 
 and every man on board their flag ship was either 
 killed or wounded. Had it not been for some gun- 
 boats that came up at the close of the engagement, 
 we would have gained the day; so roughly had our six 
 little vessels handled them. They say it was the 
 most severe action fought this war; great numbers fell 
 on both sides. 
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 11 1 
 W 1' 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 From Thomas G. Ridout to his Father at York : — 
 St. David's, October 1r\d, 1813. 
 I wrote a letter three or four days ago telling you 
 that we had changed our quarters, and that the wholo 
 department was ill, Mr. Couche much the worst. He 
 has kept his bed for several days and has not heard a 
 word upon business. Jones and myself are his nurses, 
 with the assistance of the old people in the house. 
 His servant-man is as ill as his master. This after- 
 noon fever and headache attacked me. Mr. Couche 
 has give^ Jones and me charge of the military chest, 
 the key of which I wear in my pocket, and I pay out 
 the money. We have to account for ^27,000 paid 
 since we had the management. 
 The people flock so after money that I am obliged 
 to have a sentry at the door to let but one person in 
 at a time, and when they do enter, they must not 
 speak ten words, so now they hold us in great awe. 
 The Americans have possession of our side as far 
 down as Samuel Street's, and have plundered all the 
 loyal inhabitants of their property. 
 The greater part of the settlement being Dutch Men- 
 nonites, are friendly to the enemy, and assist them in 
 everything. We have lately taken a number of their 
 We expect some serious movement every hour, as 
 the enemy are in great force at Fort George. A 
 number of bateaux, about sixty, loaded with men 
 now accompany their fleet, to make some landing 
 above us, I have no doubt. We are driving all the 
 cattle from this part of the district towards the head 
 of the lake. The Chippewa and Short Hill country is 
 stript of cattle, and to-day they have been driving 
 them from the vinicity of the camps. The waggons 
 stand ready loaded with the baggage which moves in 
 the rear. I am sure we shall march soon. 
 What is to be done with Mr. Couche, I know not; 
 but he must go along. I believe the rainy weather 
 has set in, for it has rained all day. 
Tecumseh — Battle of the Thames, 1813. 229 
 After tlie defeat of Barclay on Lake Erie, Forts 
 Detroit and Aniherstburg became untenable for the 
 Canadian troops, and were abandoned. General Proc- 
 tor first destroyin*^' the magazines, barracks and public 
 stores. General Harrison's reinforcements amounted 
 to 7,000 or 8,000 men, including 4,000 volunteers 
 from Kentucky. Commodore Perry, with his fleet, 
 conveyed all the American troops to the Canadian 
 shore, except the dragoons, who were to meet them at 
 General Harrison, finding the forts abandoned, left 
 Colonel Mc Arthurs in command, and hastened to 
 follow the retreating ariLy. 
 Tecumseh had urged upon General Proctor the 
 advisability of meeting the invaders as they landed 
 below Amhertsburg, and, if overpowered, to take U[) 
 another position on the Canard ; if driven from that, to 
 go up the Eiver Thames, retiring with supplies pro- 
 tected and drawing the Americans far into the interior, 
 when all the forces of the u])per Province, such as 
 could be brought from Burlington Heights and other 
 ■ fi"" 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
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 ■■\ II 
 posts, could join them, and harass the enemy continu- 
 ally, and compel them to retreat. This advice met 
 with no response. Proctor ordered a rapid flight. 
 Tecumseh, it is said, rose from the council, dashed 
 his sword on the table, and denounced Proctor as a 
 miserable old squaw. 
 Proctor wished to appease him, and told him that 
 he could not meet Harrison's troops on landing, as 
 they had all the ships and great guns, and could fire 
 with the " double balls," as the Indians called the 
 Therefore, he proposed to continue the march, and 
 fight them out of reach of the ships. 
 Tecumseh saw that Proctor did not want to fight, 
 so proclaimed that he would march in advance and 
 select the battle ground. 
 History has it recorded, that when, at last. General 
 Proctor was forced to give battle on the ground chosen 
 by Tecumseh on the Kiver Thames, at the first charge 
 the British General fled, leaving his heroic ally to 
 breast the onset alone. 
 General Harrison, six days after the battle of the 
 Thames, wrote to the Governor of Ohio, dated Detroit, 
 October 11th, 1813 :— 
 Nothing but infatuation could have governed General 
 Proctor's conduct. The day that I landed below 
 ^lalden, he had at his disposal upwards of 3,000 
 Indians. The Indians were extremely desirous of fight- 
 ing us at Maiden. I enclose you Tecumseh's com- 
 munication or speech to Proctor. 
 [ :i 
Tecumseh — Battle of the Thames, 1813. 231 
 Tecuviseh to General Proctor : — 
 Amherstrurg, September ISth, 1813. 
 In the name of the Indian Chiefs and warriors to 
 Major-General Proctor, as the representative of their 
 great Father, the King. Father hsten to your chil- 
 dren, you have them all before you. 
 When war was declared our Father stood up and 
 gave us the tomahawk, and told us he was then ready 
 to strike the Americans, that he wanted our assistance, 
 and that he would certainly get us our lands back 
 which the Americans had taken from us. Listen ! Our 
 fleet has gone out ; we know they have fought ; we 
 have heard the great guns. Listen ! the Americans 
 have not yet defeated us by land ; neither are we 
 sure they have done so by water.* Father, you have 
 got the arms and ammunition which our great Father 
 sent to his red children. If you have an idea of going 
 away, give them to us, and you may go, and welcome ; 
 our lives are in the hands of the Great Spirit. We are 
 determined to defend our lands, and, if it be His will, 
 we wish to leave our bones upon them. 
 On the morning of the 4th October, Harrison and 
 his troops had nearly come up to Proctor's retreating 
 army. The latter had reached Chatham, where a 
 stream called McGregor's Creek flows into the Thames. 
 There Proctor promised Tecumseh ho would make a 
 final stand. "Here," he said, on his arrival, "we will 
 defeat Harrison or lay our bones." These words 
 pleased the warrior, and he said, " When I look on 
 these two streams I shall think of the Wabash and 
 the Tippecanoe." 
 * Tecumseh had been kept in ignorance of e defeat of the 10th Sep- 
 1' f 
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 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Ft; ) 
 The last stand was not, however, made here, but 
 some miles farther on. 
 At two o'clock on the 5th October Harrison's army 
 had nearly come up to the fugitives. When about 
 three miles from Moraviantown, Harrison's scouts 
 learned that Proctor and Tecumseh were awaiting him 
 there, drawn up in order of battle. 
 The ground chosen by Tecumseh was well selected. 
 On the left was the Eiver Thames, with a high and 
 steep bank. On the right a marsh running parallel 
 with the river about two miles. The whole space 
 between the river and the swamp was covered with 
 beech, sugar maple and oak trees. 
 The 41st regiment was posted near the river. The 
 artillery conmianded the road. The Indians were in 
 the woods on the right. Tecumseh commanded in 
 person. Harrison ordered the mounted Kentucky 
 riiiemen to make the first charge. They were accus- 
 tomed to riding in the woods, and their arms were no 
 impediment. A volley from the Canadian troops 
 caused them to hesitate a moment, but at the second 
 volley the American cavalry dashed in and broke the 
 line of their opponents. All was now confusion. Five 
 minutes after the first shock Proctor's troops were 
 tlying in all directions. We are told that the General, 
 without making an attempt to rally his men, fied in 
 his carriage,* hotly pursued l)y the enemy, who made 
 * An American officer (Sholos) writes : "I Imd a very pleaaant ride back 
 to Detroit in I'roctoi'a beautiful carriage. I found in it a hat, a sword and 
 ii trunk. The hitter contained many letters in the handsomest writing I 
 ever saw, by I'roctor's wife to her dear Henry." 
Tecumseh — Battle of the Thames, 1813. 233 
 pre in 
 ed ill 
 re no 
 e the 
 (I in 
 many prisoners. On the right the American advance 
 was more hotly contested. The Indians, led by 
 Tecumseh, fought with the enthusiasm of desperation. 
 They waited until the euemy were within a few paces 
 of them, and then hurled on them a deadly shower of 
 bullets. In this part of the field the undergrowth was 
 so thick that the mounted riflemen could not advance. 
 They were therefore ordered to carry on the fight on 
 foot. The battle-cry of the Kentucky men was : 
 *' Remember the River Raisin." For awhile victory 
 hung in the balauce. but at last the great leader, 
 Tecumseh, fell, arul then his followers gave way and 
 scattered through tUe woods. 
 Among the spoils secured by the Americans were 
 the brass cannon of Revolutionary fame, which had 
 been retaken by Brock at Detroit, also the small arms 
 which had been captured by Proctor's troops at De- 
 troit, and Frenchtown, and the Miami. The pursuit 
 of Proctor was continued until dark, but he succeeded 
 in escaping. He abandoned his carriage, left the 
 road, and escaped by a by-path. 
 Proctor had, as an excuse for his conduct, that he 
 had to face an enemy greatly his superior in numbers, 
 provided with cavalry, of which he was destitute, also 
 that his troops were worn out with their hasty march, 
 and had suffered nmch in a long service of fifteen 
 months on guard at the frontier. 
 On his trial by court-martial, which took place in 
 December, 1814, it was found that he had not re- 
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 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 treated with judgment, nor had he judiciously disposed 
 of his forces. He was sentenced to be suspended from 
 rank and pay for six months. 
 George IV. was very severe upon the unfor- 
 tunate Proctor, and censured the court for mistaken 
 lenity. He expressed his regret that any officer of 
 the length of service, and the exalted rank of General 
 Proctor, should be so extremely wanting in professional 
 knowledge, and deficient in those active, energetic 
 qualities which must be required of every officer. 
 The few who escaped being made prisoners after 
 the battle of the 5th October, fled in confusion through 
 the unbroken wilderness towards Lake Ontario. 
 They reached Ancaster, seven miles west of Bur- 
 lington Heights, on the 17th October, their number, 
 including seventeen officers, amounted to only 256. 
 The victor's remained in possession of the ground, 
 and on the 7th October, General Harrison left for De- 
 troit with his army, taking the property they had cap- 
 tured, and the prisoners. 
 On the way back, a furious storm wrecked several 
 of the vessels from the Thames, and much of the cap- 
 tured property was lost. Harrison and Perry had 
 planned tbe re-taking of Michillimackinac, but the 
 furious storms, and near approach of winter, caused 
 them to abandon that enterprise. 
 General Harrison then prepared to go down the 
 lake, and join the American forces on the Niagara 
Tecumseh— Battle of the Thames, 1813. 235 
 The campaign on the bank of the Thames was the 
 last in which Genral Harrison was engaged. 
 His friends had expected him to be made Comman- 
 der-in-Chief of the American army, but jealousy and 
 the disfavour of the Secretary of War made urther 
 military service so unpleasant, that he resigned his 
 commission in May, 1814.* 
 On the return of the Kentucky volunteers after the 
 battle of the Thames, half a dozen of them were 
 impressed with the belief that they had each slain 
 the great chieftain. The description given by them 
 of the personal appearance of the warrior did not, 
 however, correspond with the personal appearance of 
 It was considered probable that he had been severely 
 wounded, and borne from the field. 
 The contest had been so short and sharp, that no 
 one seemed to have a clear idea of what happened dur- 
 ing the charge. 
 One thing is certain, that, when Tecumseh was shot 
 down, dead or alive, his body was carried from the 
 field by some of his devoted followers. It was thought 
 possible that he was only wounded, and that he might 
 appear again, but silence and mystery have always 
 surrounded his end. No certain information has ever 
 been obtained of his death. His tribe and friends 
 ♦William Henry Harrison, a descendant of a celebrated leader in Crom- 
 well's army, was elected President of the United States in 1840, and died 
 a month after his inauguration. His grandson is the present President, 18!K). 
 ilifea! 'i ! 
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 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 appeared unwilling to admit that he had been slain by 
 the white man. Their pride prevented them giving 
 any replies to questions on the subject. 
 They were asked : — * 
 " What has become of Tecumseh ? " 
 Raising the right hand to heaven, with an expres- 
 sion of deep sorrow, 
 " Did you see him on the day of battle ? " 
 " When did you see him the last time ? " 
 "Just as the Americans came in sight, he with his 
 young braves passed rapidly up and down the line, 
 spoke to every old warrior ; saw every one ; said, ' Be 
 braves, stand firm, shoot certain.'" 
 " Did you hear after the battle that he was killed or 
 badly wounded ? " 
 No answer. 
 And so, like King Arthur of old, in "that last 
 weird battle of the West," he passed unseen "to the 
 Island valley, where falls not hail, or rain, or any 
 * Hatch's Chapter of the War. 
 fc; > R I* 
Chateauguay — Chrysler's Field, 1813. 
 NOVEMBER, 1813. 
 October did not begin auspiciously for the Canadian 
 troops. Sickness, disaster and defeat had followed 
 them closely. Times were certainly gloomy, and the 
 struggle that had gone on without interruption for 
 fifteen months seemed hopeless, and the abandon- 
 ment of Upper Canada was considered probable. 
 On the 14th October, General Proctor was still at 
 the Grand river with the small remnant of his demoral- 
 ized troops. Three hundred of his men had been 
 made prisoners at Moraviantovvn, and he was gather- 
 ing the rest of the stragglers together. General Vin- 
 cent, with his division, had left the vicinity of Fort 
 George, and was once more in his stronghold at Bur- 
 lington Heights. 
 The next letter is from the camp, dated Burlington, 
 14th October, 1813. 
 From Thomas G. Aiclout to his Father : — 
 Yesterday I received your letter of the 10th. The 
 times are so gloomy that I know not what to say. 
 We shall soon retreat to Kingston. Every prepara- 
 tion is making. The Americans with 1,000 men 
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 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
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 have advanced as far as the Twenty. Last night 600 
 men marched to drive them back. General Vincent 
 complains of De Rottenberg* leaving him in this 
 eventful period, when every difficulty stares him in 
 the face. The troops are recovering their health. I 
 am afraid you will have to go to Quebec. It must be 
 before the army retreats, or not at all. There will be 
 no getting down with them. George must stay at 
 home to protect all left behind. I hope you will take 
 John with you. 
 I am Couche's secretary, cashier, etc. Young Jones 
 was left behind sick. I have now £9,000 in charge. 
 I have been busy since seven this morning, it is now 
 twelve o'clock at night. 
 Proctor has more than 200 of his regiment collected, 
 he is still at the Grand River with them. 
 Burlington, I6th October, 1813. 
 Dear Father, — I wrote to you the other day from 
 this place, which letter I suppose you have received. 
 I was in such a hurry I could hardly tell you any- 
 thing. We had a most dreadful time from the Cross- 
 Roads (Homer). Upwards of 300 men were straggling 
 upon the road and waggons loaded with miserable 
 objects stuck fast in mud-holes, broken down and 
 unable to ascend the hills, and the men too ill to stir 
 hand or foot. One thousand Western Indians arrived 
 last night from Detroit, besides 2,000 women and 
 children. Poor creatures ! What will become of 
 them ? It is said the great Tecumseh is killed. The 
 Indians have made horrid work with Harrison's army, 
 killing several hundred.! We are sending all the 
 heavy baggage to York, but do not think Sir George 
 will allow this army to retreat. In two days Mr. 
 Couche and I set off for Quebec. Mr. Dance wanted 
 * General De Rottenberg had left for Kingston, where an attack was 
 t This must allude to the massacre at Fort Meigs. 
Chateauguay — Chrysler's Field, 1813. 
 his brother with Mr. C. but he said he would not part 
 with me. I shall ride one of his horses down. If the 
 army retreats 8,000 barrels of flour, besides immense 
 stores, will fall into the enemy's hands. 
 The troops have left the Forty. Vincent is waiting 
 for orders from below before he retreats. It is said 
 that Evans, Muir and Chambers are killed.* For 
 these four days I have worked from six in the morning 
 till ten at night. Mr. Couche will soon be Commissary- 
 I suppose you have heard of Lord Wellington's 
 defeat in Spain, when he lost 7,000 men. 
 • York will be left in a dreadful state if we retreat. 
 We shall stay two days with you. 
 Mr. Ridout's diary : — 
 York, 20th October, 1813. — Thomas came home on 
 his way to Montreal. He accompanies Ed. Couche, 
 Deputy-Commissary-General, as his cashier. He 
 remained with us all the day of the 21st, and set out 
 with Mr. Couche for Kingston and Montreal early on 
 Friday morning, the 22nd October. His brother 
 George accompanied him as far as Scarboro'. 
 Formidable preparations were now being made for 
 the capture of Montreal, where the American soldiers 
 were promised good winter quarters. 
 General Wilkinson, the rather incompetent, com- 
 mander-in-chief of the American army, had tbe con- 
 trol of about 16,000 men on the northern frontier, 
 including General Hampton's division. The first 
 plan proposed was the capture of Kingston. This 
 did not strike General Wilkinson favourably, who, in 
 * Gallant officers of the 4l8t. 
 I ,' 
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 1 ■} 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 August, before the defeat of the Canadians on Lake 
 Erie and at Moraviantown, wrote thus to the Secre- 
 tary of War : — 
 Will it not he better to strengthen our force already 
 at Fort George ; cut up the British in that quarter, 
 and should General Harrison fail in his object, march 
 a detachment and capture jMalden ? x\fter which, 
 closing our operations on the peninsula, descend 
 like lightning with our whole force on Kingston, and, 
 having reduced that place, and captured both garrison 
 and shipping, go down the St. Lawrence and form a 
 junction with Hampton's column, if the lateness of 
 the season should permit ? 
 The Secretary of War objected to any further 
 movement on the peninsula, as it would only " wound 
 the tail of the lion,'' and General Wilkinson left the 
 Niagara district for Sackett's Harbour, in August, 
 without any definite plan being decided on. 
 On his way, he sent from Albany his first orders as 
 commander-in-chief to General Hampton. 
 This aroused the anger of the old aristocrat Hamp- 
 ton, who resented any interference from Wilkinson, 
 and henceforth cherished an intense hatred against 
 In September, it was decided by the Americans to 
 leave an efficient garrison of 600 troops in Fort 
 George, and to take the remainder of the Niagara 
 division of the army in Chauncey's fleet, to join in an 
 attack on Montreal. 
 When General Vincent withdrew to Burlington 
Chateauguav — Chrysler's Field, 1813. 
 Heights after Proctor's defeat, Colonel Winfield Scott, 
 who had been left in command of the Americans at 
 Fort George, with about 800 regular troops, left the 
 defence of the fort to General McClure, commanding 
 the New York miMtia, and crossed the Niagara river 
 on the 13th October, on his way to join Wilkinson's 
 army at Sackett's Harbour. When Scott left Fort 
 George, it was believed that all the British troops had 
 been called from the western end of Lake Ontario to 
 reinforce the garrison at Kingston. These orders had 
 indeed, been sent by Sir George Prevost to General 
 Vincent, as soon as the Commander-in-Chief heard of 
 General Proctor's defeat at the battle of the Thames. 
 However, Vincent, Morrison and Harvey were not 
 men disposed to retire. A council of war was held at 
 Burlington Heights, and it was determined not to 
 abandon the Niagara Peninsula. 
 The American General, McClure, was sending out 
 foraging parties from Fort George, and greatly annoy- 
 ing the inhabitants in the vicinity. So Colonel 
 Murray, of the 100th, was despatched with about 400 
 men to drive them back. This was successfully done, 
 and soon the Americans were hemmed within their 
 own lines, and the Canadian troops once more took up 
 their position at Twelve-Mile creek (St. Catharines). 
 General Wilkinson was now (October, 1813), con- 
 centrating his force at Grenadier Island, which is 
 situa-ted eighteen miles below Sackett's Harbour, 
 between that place and Kingston. His plan was to 
 I < 
 1 ' A 
 V i 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
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 descend the St. Lawrence in bateaux and gun-boats, 
 to pass by the forts, and after forming a junction with 
 Hampton, to proceed and take possession of the Island 
 of Montreal. 
 Storm followed storm on Lake Ontario and the St. 
 Lawrence. Snow fell to the depth of ten inches, and 
 the American troops, encamped on Grenadier Island, 
 Buffered severely. 
 They remained there until the 1st November, with 
 the exception of General Brown's brigade, some light 
 troops, and heavy artillery, which moved forward on 
 the 29th October, and took up their position at French 
 Creek, now Clayton. 
 Chauncey, in the meantime, endeavoured unsuccess- 
 fully to blockade the Canadian fleet in Kingston 
 General Wilkinson arrived at French Creek on the 
 3rd November. 
 On the morning of the 5th November, a clear bright 
 crisp day, the whole flotilla of 300 boats moved down 
 the river. 
 As soon as the American movements were ascer- 
 tained. General De Rottenberg sent a flying column 
 down the St. Lawrence to intercept them. But few 
 men could be spared for the daring enterprise, and the 
 corps of observation, as it was called, comprised in 
 all not more than 800 men, accompanied by a few 
 gun-boats. It consisted of the remains of the 49th 
 regiment, some Canadian Fencibles, the second bat- 
 talion of the 89th, and three companies of Voltigeurs, 
 the whole force under the command of Colonel Morri- 
 son, aided by the Deputy Adjutant-General, Colonel 
 Harvey — the hero of Stoney Creek. 
 The Commissariat Department, under Mr. Couche, 
 accompanied, ur rather followed this column, and the 
 following letter from Mr. Ridout gives an account of 
 the march down the river : — 
 t Kingston, \8t November, 1813. 
 Dear Father, — We have had a most harassing 
 journey of ten days to this place, where we arrived last 
 night in a snow-storm. It has been snowing all day, 
 and is now half a foot deep. The journey has 
 knocked Mr. Couche up. He is in the next room with 
 a fever. Frequently I had to go middle deep in 
 a mud-hole, unload the waggon, and carry heavy 
 trunks fifty yards, sometimes waist-deep in mire, and 
 reload the wagg ^ One night it upset gomg up a 
 steep hill in the woods. Gee and I carried the load up 
 to the top, whilst Mr. C. rode on three miles in the 
 rain for a lanthorn. About eleven o'clock we got in, 
 when we missed a trunk with 500 guineas in it. Mr. 
 Couche and I immediately rode back about two miles 
 and found it in a mud-hole. 
 The Yankees lie with their whole fleet and 12,000 
 men over on Grenadier Island. Yesterday they sent 
 down to scour the river ten gun-boats and forty Durham 
 boats full of men. At Cornwall they captured a con- 
 voy of boats and merchandise to a great amount. 
 These Durham boats have letters of marque and 
 reprisal, so the river is completely theirs. I know not 
 how we are to get from them. 
 Accounts have just arrived from Montreal, saying 
 that 40^ of our troops have defeated General Hamp- 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 ton's army of 4,000 men. Kingston is well fortified, 
 and I think would withstand a large force. 
 The fleet lie about Snake Island. There are about 
 2,000 troops here. The gates are shut every night at 
 sunset. Two fine blockhouses are built back of the 
 town, with water and ditches round them, and the 
 works carried from one to the other. Along the bay a 
 breastwork of empty barrels is made. 
 The defeat of Hampton's army, mentioned in this 
 letter, was one of the most romantic achievments of 
 the war, and most important in its results. All the 
 posts in Western Canada, with the exception of 
 Mackinaw, had fallen into the hands of the Americans. 
 They had not only recaptured Michigan, but the result 
 of the battle of Moraviantown had given them con- 
 trol of the garden of Upper Canada. Everything 
 pointed to the early conquest of that Province, and 
 the authorities at Washington now planned a vigorous 
 invasion of Lower Canada. 
 General Hampton began his advance on the 20th of 
 September, surprised a Canadian picquet at Odell- 
 town, and then took the road to L'Acadie. He had 
 to pass through a swamp for upwards of fifteen miles, 
 before reaching the open country. Colonel De Sala- 
 berry, with the aid of his Voltigeurs, had done his best 
 to make the road a bad one. He had felled trees, and 
 dug holes, and placed every obstruction in the way. 
 At last Hampton moved with his whole force towards 
 the head of the Kiver Chateauguay. 
 De Salaberry having asc^ertained the road by which 
Chateauguay — Chrysler's Field, 1813. 
 Hampton was to advance, took up a position in a thick 
 wood, on the left bank of the river, six miles above 
 its junction with the English river. Here he threw 
 up l)reastworks of logs. His front and right flank 
 were covered by extended abattis, and his left rested 
 on the river. In his rear, the river being fordable, he 
 covered the ford with a strong breastwork, defended 
 by a guard, and kept a piecpiet of Beauharnois' 
 militia in advance, on the right bank oi' the river, 
 lest the enemy should mistake the road, and crossing 
 the ford under cover of the forest, should dislodge 
 him from his position. 
 On the 22nd September, Hampton sent General 
 Izard to force a militia picqiiet at the junction of the 
 rivers Outaito and Chateauguay, and there the main 
 body of the Americans arrived on the 22nd Septem- 
 ber. Two days later, the enemy repaired the road, 
 and brought forward ten pieces of artillery to within 
 seven miles of l)e Salaberry's position. 
 Hampton had discovered the ford, and sent Colonel 
 Purdy with a strong body of infantry on the evening 
 of the 25th September, to fall upon De Salaberry's 
 rear, while the main body were to assail in front. 
 Purdy's brigade lost themselves in the woods, and 
 wandered about all night. On the morning of the 
 26th September, Hampton appeared in the front, with 
 about 8,500 men. A picquet of twenty- five Canadians 
 was driven in, but it only fell back on a second piiujuet, 
 where a most resolute stand was made. De Salaberry 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 heard the firing, and advanced to the rescue. He had 
 with him Ferguson's company of Fencibles, Chevaher 
 Duchesnay's and Juchereau Duchesnay's company of 
 Voltigeurs. He posted the Fencibles in extended 
 order, every man being an arm's length from his 
 neighbour, the right touching the woods, in which 
 some Abenaquis Indians were distributed. Chevalier 
 Duchesnay's company was in skirmishing order, in line 
 extended from the left of the Fencibles to the Chateau- 
 guay ; and Juchereu,u Duchesnay's company, and thirty- 
 five militia were ranged in close order along the mar- 
 gin of the river, to prevent a flank fire from the 
 The Americans advanced steadily within musket 
 shot, and De Salaberry commenced the action by dis- 
 charging his rifle. In order the deceive the enemy, 
 the greatest possible noise was made, purposely, by 
 buglers stationed here and there in the wings, the 
 centre and the rear of the Canadian force., The enemy 
 wheeled into line and began to fire in volleys, but 
 threw away their bullets as the battalions were not 
 fronting the Voltigeurs or Fencibles. A a some of the 
 skirmishers retreated, the enemy moved forward. 
 Again the Canadian buglers sounded the advance, and 
 the notes of martial music echoed through the woods 
 as if 20,000 men were being marshalled for the fight. 
 At this crisis, Colonel McDonoll, of the Glengarries 
 arrived on the scene with some reinforcements, and at 
 the same time Purdy's detachment of American iu- 
 , i'k 
 Chateauguay — Chrysler's Field, 1813. 
 fantry, long lost in the woods, was guided to the ford 
 by the firing and music. He drove in a Canadian 
 picquet which was on the opposite side of the river, and 
 was pushing for the ford, when De Salaberry ordered 
 Captain Daly with the light company of the 3rd bat- 
 talion of Canadian militia to cross the river, and take 
 up the ground abandoned by the picquet. This was 
 done gallantly, and the American advance guard was 
 driven back. As they appeared again, De Salaberry 
 ordered Juchereau Duchesnay to be up and at them, 
 and his men, rising from their place of concealment, 
 poured in a fire on Purdy's brigade, as efifectual as it 
 was unexpected. The Americans reeled back, turned 
 and ran. Hampton seeing Purdy's discomfiture, 
 slowly withdrew, leaving De Salaberry with his 300 
 Canadians in possession of the position with all the 
 honours of victory. 
 For his skilful management of this affair De Sala- 
 berry was loaded with honours, his officers and men 
 publicly thanked, and five pairs of colours were pre- 
 sentled to the five battalions of Canadian embodied 
 militia which had taken part in the fight. 
 Charles Michel d'lrumberry de Salaberry, Seig- 
 neur de Chambly et de Beulac, was born at the 
 manor house of Beauport, November 19th, 1778. He 
 entered the British army at an early age ; served 
 eleven years in the East Indies, and distinguished 
 himself in command of a company of grenadiers in 
 the expedition to Martinique, in 1795. He was airle- 
 de-camp to General de Rottenburg, in the Walcheren 
 I I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
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 expedition and held a post of honour during the 
 siege, and at the capture of Flashing. Returning to 
 Canada as a staff-otlicer, under General de iiotten- 
 burg, he was chosen by Sir George Prevost to raise 
 a regiment of light infantry among the French-Cana- 
 dian population, a task which he accomplislied most 
 successfully. His regiment was known as the Volti- 
 geurs, and throughout the war they were distinguished 
 for their bravery and devotion. 
 I)e Salaherry afterwards laid down the sword for 
 the pen. He became a senator, and was called to the 
 Legislative Council in J 818. He died at Chambly on 
 the i>6th February, 1829. 
 His escutcheon bears the motto becoming to the 
 perfect knight, " Force a superbe, mercy a faible.'' 
 — (From Morgan's '* Distinguished Canadians.") 
 The next letter, of the 9th November, tells of Wil- 
 kinson's descent of the St. Lawrence, with 10,000 
 men ; and wo can well imagine the scene was an 
 impressive one to the young Canadian, as he watched 
 the passing of that fleet of 300 boats down the river. 
 Of all the events of that eventful year, none was 
 more truly heroic or more, worthy of praise than Mor- 
 rison's march to intercept the invaders of Montreal. 
 The new Republic then seemed on the point of 
 overwhelming its weak half-brother. Upper Canada 
 was almost in the grasp of the enemy. There was 
 nothing to stay their victorious progress except a 
 little band of cool, brave men. As Colonel Harvey 
 says in his letter describing the battle of Chrysler's 
 Field, " We had nothing to trust to but every man 
 doing his duty." 
 n ,■' >l 
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 42 MlliXS to ONE INCH 

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 1 1 "lilt 
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 -°"F!S5y// SACKETTS 
Chateauguav— Chrysler's Field, 1813. 
 It seemed as if only a miracle could prevent the 
 annihilation of the Canadian troops. 
 What were Wilkinson's hopes and plans may be 
 seen from his letter to General Hampton, dated 
 Head-Quarters of the Army, 
 Seven miles above Cgdensberg, 
 November 6th, 1813. 
 and determined on the attack of 
 Montreal, if not prevented by some act of God, and to 
 give security to the enterprise, the division under 
 your command must co-operate with the corps under 
 my immediate orders. I shall pass Prescott to-night, 
 because the stage of the season will not allow me 
 three days to take it. I shall cross the cavalry at 
 Hamilton, which will not require a day, and shall then 
 press forward and break down every obstruction to the 
 confluence of this river with the Grand river, there 
 to cross to the Isle Perrot, and with my scows to 
 bridge the narrow inner channel, and thus obtain foot- 
 hold on Montreal island, at about twenty miles from 
 the city ; after which, our artillery, bayonets and 
 swords must secure our triumph, or provide us honour- 
 able graves. 
 Inclosed you have a memorandum of my field and 
 battery train, pretty well found in fixed ammunition, 
 which may enable you to dismiss your own ; but we 
 are deficient in loose powder and musket cartridges, 
 and therefore hope you may be abundantly found. On 
 the subject of provisions, I wish I could give as favor- 
 able information ; our whole stock of bread may be 
 computed at about fifteen days, our meat at twenty. 
 In speaking on this subject to the Secretary of War, 
 he informed me that ample magazines were laid up on 
 Lake Champlain, and therefore I must request you to 
 r; 'if i 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 order forward two or three tnonths' supply by the safest 
 route, in a direction to the proposed scene of action. 
 Jas. Wilkinson. 
 Hampton's answer, received a few days later, ran as 
 follows : — 
 Head-Quarters, November 8th, 1813. 
 Sir, — I had the honour to receive at a late hour last 
 evening, your communication of the Cth. The idea sug- 
 gested of effecting the junction at St. liegis was most 
 pleasing, as being the most immediate, until I came 
 to the disclosure of the amount of your supplies of 
 prvjvisions. Colonel Atkinson will explain the reason 
 that would have rendered it impossible for me to have 
 brought more than each man could have carried on his 
 back ; and when I rejected that in throwing myself on 
 your scanty means, I shall be weakening you in your 
 most vulnerable point, I did not hesitate to adopt the 
 opinion, that by throwing myself upon my main de- 
 pot, where all the means of transportation had gone, 
 and falling on the enemy's flanks and straining every 
 effort to open a connnunication between Plattsburg 
 and Caughnawaga, or any other point you may indicate 
 on the St. Lawrence, I should more effectually con- 
 tribute to your success, than by a junction on the St. 
 The way is in many places blockaded and abattised, 
 and the road impracticable for wheels during winter ; 
 l)ut by the employment of pack-horses, if I am not 
 overpowered, 1 hope to be able to prevent you from 
 I have ascertained and witnessed the plan of the 
 enemy is to burn and consume everything in our 
 My troops and other means will be described to you 
 by Colonel Atkinson. 
Chateauguay— Chryslkr's Field, 1813. 251 
 Besides their rawness and sickness, they have 
 endured fatigues equal to a winter campaign, and are 
 sadly dispirited and fallen off. 
 This discouraging epistle was received hy General 
 \^ Ikinson on his arrival at Cornwall. 
 In the next letter from Thomas G. Kidout we iiave 
 a vivid description of Wilkinson's flotilla descendin< 
 the St. Lawrence. It is dated 
 Pkescott, 9tk November, 181H. 
 I am so far on the journey. Yesterday we got thir- 
 teen miles helow this, and were obliged to return on 
 account of the landing of the American army half a 
 mile Ix'low us on our side. We had the most narrow 
 escape of being taken. Air. Green only rode on a few 
 hundred yards farther, and was taken prisoner. 
 It was a very grand sigiit to see an army of 10,000 
 men going down the Gallette rapids. They tired at 
 us several shots, taking our waggon for artillery, I 
 suppose. Every boat had a gun mounted, and carried 
 about sixty men. About 180 immense boats went 
 down full of men, besides sciiooners with provisions. 
 Yesterday Colonels Harvey and Pearson left this with 
 1,500 regulars and eight gun-boats in pursuit, deter- 
 mined to attack the enemy wherever they are to be 
 found. They got to Lake St. Francis last night. 
 Unless this armament is destroyed, Montrt^al will go; 
 but we have every reason to believe its entire destruc- 
 tion will take place in three or four days. The 
 Americans landed 800 men under Forsythe, within 
 half a nule from where we slept, and have destroyed 
 the bridges down the river. 
 Prescott is very strong and would stand a regular 
 siege. It is supplied with two months' provisions. 
 To-morrow we again prosecute our journey down. 
 Colonel Harvey promised to clear the road. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 The Americans seem confident of taking Montreal. 
 I never witnessed such a beautiful sight as the army 
 going down the rapids. Had we not fortunately 
 stopped where we did, but gone farther as intended, 
 notiiing would have saved us. 
 I went down to inquire about Mr. Green's %te yes- 
 terday morning, but was glad to return after going two 
 miles, for their boats rowed directly into the shore, so 
 I galloped off. 
 Extract of a letter from Lieutenant-Colonel Harvey, 
 Deputy Adjutant-General, dated, Banks of the St. 
 Lawrence, Chrysler's, 12th November, 1813 : — 
 At two o'clock yesterday, after having apparently 
 embarked and proceeded downwards, the enemy sud- 
 deidy showed his columns in the woods in our front, 
 consisting of three heavy ones (apparently brigades), 
 of infantry, a considerable amount of cavalry on the 
 road on his left, and riilemen on his right and in his 
 front. Our position, fortunately, was not more exten- 
 sive than our little band could well occupy, and dis- 
 positions were therefore easily made. 
 The ground was perfectly open. The troops dis- 
 posed in the following manner : The ilank companies 
 49th, detachment of Canadian regiment, and Vol- 
 tigeurs, with one field-piece, und^n- Lieutenant-Colonel 
 Pearson, on the right, a little advanced on the road. 
 Three companies HOth regiment, witl' a gun supporting 
 the advance, forined in echelon \vith it on its left. 
 The 4!)th and Br'th regiments thrown more to the 
 rear, with a gun, formed the main body and reserve, 
 and extended almost from the road to the woods on 
 our left, which were occupied by our Indians. As the 
 enemy advanced, I plainly saw wo had nothing to trust 
 to but " every man doing his duty." I was convinced 
 we had, with 800 men, to meet, in the open fi*dd, a 
 force of not less than 4,000, and strong in an arm of 
 Chateauguay — Chrysler's Field, 1813. 
 which we were wholly destitute — cavalry. Onr light 
 troops — Voltigeurs — were thrown forward and showed a 
 good countenance, but were, of course, immediately 
 driven back ; and the enemy advanced at the pas de 
 charge a la Fraiicaise, which was quickly changed by 
 a well-directed fire from our field-pieces, to one more 
 comporting with the dignity of the American na ion. 
 I then reconunended to Colonel Morrison to advance 
 the line in echelon of battalions. On arriving within 
 musket distance the enemy's colunms halted, and com- 
 menced a heavy but irregular fire, which our battalions 
 returned with infinitely more effect l)y regular firing 
 of platoons and wings. The superiority of this fire, 
 aided by that of our three field-pieces, which were 
 admirably served, gave, after a severe contest, the 
 first check and repulse to the enemy, and his columns 
 fell back, only, however, to advance again in a more 
 determined manner, supported by three or four field- 
 pieces, and by his cavalry formed for a charge on our 
 left. Having again opened his fire upon us, I per- 
 ceived that it would be impossible, in our advanced 
 position, to stand long against the grape from his 
 field-pieces, which it was accordingly determined to 
 charge. The 49th was moved on against the field- 
 guns opposite to them, the 89th in echelon support- 
 ing ; and though this charge was not executed as 
 intended, nor as far as the proposed point, it neverthe- 
 less decided the fate of the day, as the enemy immedi- 
 ately fell back, leaving in the possession of the three 
 companies of the 89th regiment, on the right, one of his 
 p'x-pounders, with its tumbril, etc., which they had 
 spiritedly charged, after having repulsed a treble 
 charge of the enemy's cavalry. Some efforts were still 
 kept up, but the fire of our platoons and guns, and 
 above all, the steady countenance of the troops, finally 
 drove the enemy out of the field ; and about half-past 
 four o'clock he gave up the contest and retreated 
 rapidly through the woods, covered by his light troops. 

 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 The enemy's loss in this severe action in killed, 
 wounded and prisoners, may be safely estimated at 
 600 or 700 men. Nearly 180 of the dead were counted 
 on the field ; upwards of 100 prisoners are in our hands, 
 and the number of slightly wounded who were carried 
 off is very great. They were commanded by General 
 Boyd in person. 
 Jiritish loss — killed, officers, 1 ; men, 21 ; wounded, 
 officers, 10 ; men, 137 ; missing, men, 12 ; total, 
 officers, 11 ; men, 170. 
 Names of officers killed and wounded : — 
 49tli regiment — Captain Nairn, killed ; Lieuten- 
 ants Morton, Kichmondand Holland, slightly wounded ; 
 Lieutenants Jones, Bartiey and Claus, severely. 
 89th regiuient — Captain ]3rown, wounded severely; 
 Ensigns Brown and Leader, wounded slightly. 
 Canadian reginjent — Lieutenant l)e Lorimier, 
 severely wounded (since died) ; Ensign Armstrong, 
 Loss of the enemy from (iOO to 700, in left on the 
 field, killed and wounded, 180 prisoners and one field- 
 J. Harvey, D.A.Ci. 
 From Thomas G. Jiidout to his FatJier in York : — 
 MoNTHKAL. Novemher 20///, IM.'i. 
 We arrived h(>re on the 18th on hoi'sel)a(!k, having 
 left all the luggage in Eort Presciott; we stay at Holmes', 
 but intend taking private lodgings. 
 1 suppose you have had a full account of Colonel 
 Harvey's gallant affair of the 1 Itli at Chrysler's, i 
 was on tlui liehl of battle lu'xt morning, and it was 
 covered with Americans kilhid and wounded ; we had 
 buried some, aiul about eighty lay dead, some scalped. 
 Some horses were intermingled among tnem. We 
 had eleven killed on the field and 1)35 wounded, souh^ 
CiiATKAUGUAV — Chrysler's F"it:LD, 1813. 255 
 of whom (lied since. Poor Captain Nairn was killed 
 at the close of the battle, almost the last shot tired. 
 It was fouglit at Chrysler's house on a level })iece of 
 ground half a mile S(|uare. Our army were drawn up 
 in a solitary line of 1,000 men, from the woods to the 
 river. The enemy issued out of the woods in two 
 large columns of 2,000 each, besides 800 horse, who 
 kept in rear. After two hours' sharp tiring om* men 
 retreated into a ploughed field, 200 yards i)ack, while a 
 six-pounder witli grape and canister threw the Ameri- 
 can columns into disorder, assisted i)y the 4'.)th, who 
 tired as on a tield day, by divisions and com})anies, 
 thinning the Yankees at every platoon. When they be- 
 gan to give way in good order, our fellows gave three 
 cheers and closed upon them. They immediately 
 broke and ran as fast as p()ssil)l(^ for their boats, about 
 a mile distant. Owing to our small force, now reduced 
 to 800 men. they were not pursued more than iialf a 
 mile, .\bout (eighty prisoners were taken, a colonel 
 and some otlicers. It is said that one of tiieir generals 
 has since died of liis wounds. 
 T'he IDth had sixty men killed and wounded, six 
 otlicers. Young Claus has bad bis K;g amputated be- 
 low the knee. Two others an^ dangerously wounded, 
 and two have di(Ml. That same night the eiuuny em- 
 burkcMl in their boats and descended the Jjoiig Saiilt to 
 Cornwall, and Joined the other division. The next 
 day tliey crossed over to Sahnon rivcM". and are now 
 making their a|)i)roach to Monli'eiil tbioiigh the Ciui- 
 teauguay country, while Hampton does the same by 
 Chambly. We have ('),()(){) regular troops besides militia 
 to op])ose them, and there? is not the least dangei for 
 this place. Tiie I'Jth are to winter here. They are 
 now reduced to 200 elfective men. 
 There is a. regidar and sti'oiig fort, built at the 
 Coteau du Lac, which cannot be taken excei)t by a 
 regular siege. 
 I have not seen a stack of hav or wheat in Lower 
 , I 
 Tkn Years of Upper Canada. 
 Canada, and the barns appear to 1)6 only half full. 
 There are also few or no cattle. Flour is now $20 
 per barrel, and bread 2s. per loaf ; 1,500 marines are 
 now at Chambly. The crew of the lijolus have gone 
 up to Kingston. Had the Yankees continued with 
 their expedition nij^^ht and day down the river, they 
 would have taken Montreal by surprise. It was a most 
 powerful flotillii — some boats carried 100 men, all with 
 artillery on board. 
 If the papers corae out to-day, I will send you a 
 copy. Sir (leor^e, in general orders, has reprobated 
 the conduct of Proctor and his officers in very severe 
 terms. Do fuake incpiiries ai)out Jones, my comrade, 
 1 am afraid he is a prisoner. Good fortune attends me, 
 for there never was a more narrow escape than when 
 the Yankees landed twelve miles below Prescott. We 
 slept within 200 yards of them. Mr. Green was taken 
 prisoner three minutes after he had left us. Next 
 morning they departed, and Mr, Couche sent me down 
 to reconnoitre and in([uire for him. I rode down two 
 and a half miles, but the whole river above and below 
 was covered with their boats ; some pulled towards 
 the shore where I was, and came within fifty yards, 
 when a man came running to me and told me by 
 all means to make my escape, for that six boats had 
 landed above me. I instantly galloped back, and 
 passed before tiiey reached the road, as they had 
 landed on a small wooded point 300 yards away. The 
 man told me afterwards that I had hardly got out of 
 sight, when they took three prisoners. 
 The American general reported killed was General 
 ('ovington. He was buried at French Mills, Salmon 
 River, called also in his honour Fort Covington. 
 After the battle of Chrysler's Field, the Americans 
 made a hasty retreat to their boats, and the stricken 
 expedition proceeded as quickly as possible down the 
 river to the rendezvous at Cornwall, where General 
 Brown's division anxiously expected them. Here 
 Wilkinson received the mortifying intelligence that 
 Hampton declined to meet him as requested at St. 
 Regis. This was, indeed, a dilemma for the Ameri- 
 cans. The Canadian gun-boats were closely following 
 them. To retreat up the rapids was an impossibility. 
 To retrace their steps by land on the Canadian 
 side was also impossible, in the face of Morrison's 
 little army and the numerous batteries on the shore. 
 Wilkinson did not dare, with his disheartened troops, 
 to make the promised dash on Montreal. So he held 
 a council of war on the 13th November, which 
 decided that it was expedient to remove the army 
 from Canada into winter quarters at French Mills, 
 on the Salmon river. Thus, in disaster and disgrace, 
 ended the expedition which had promised so much, 
 and the fact remained indisputable that the invasion of 
 the Invincible Armada of the St. Lawrence was a 
 Ten Years of Upfer Canada. 
 .1 > 
 In December, 1813, Lieutenant-General Gordon 
 Druuiniond* assumetl the coniuiiind in Upper Canada, 
 in place of General de Kottenl)iirg. lit* at once pro- 
 ceeded to the head of Lake Ontario, with the view of 
 regaining possession of l^'ort George. When tlu? news 
 reached that place of the failure of Wilkinson's and 
 Ilauipton's expedition on the St Lawrence, General 
 McCHure determined to ahandou the jiost and place his 
 garrison in l'\)rt Niagara. Before leaving, however, 
 *Goneml, aftorwanla 8ir Qorilon, Drummoiul, wlio (liHtiii>,'ui«lii'(l hiiiistilf 
 as a ctiiuiiiaiulor in lJ|t]HT Caiiailii (lining' tlui lampaiyn of KS14, was aCana- 
 (liaii liy l>ii'tli. Imviii'^ )u'imi Iioi'ii at (.^iicluc in 1771, wlieri- his father was 
 Payinasti!r-( u'uoral nf tlu' fcuvin. (Jdrtloii DruimiKiinl (.'utoivd the army as 
 ensign in 17*<'.>, had raj)i(l proniKtimi, ami was niadu Lioiitcnant-Coloiuil in 
 1794, and ),'ivon the t'lininiaiicl (f tlus 8th re),'inR!nt. He served with dis- 
 tinction in llollaml, and Knypt. and the West indies, in 1811 he was 
 appointeil to the Htalf in (.^mada : ritiirncd to Kiii^land in 1812; and was 
 sent out af^ain at the close of IHKJ aw second in ccmunand to Sir George 
 His vigour and promptitude wcro invahiaiiU* to CJanada at tiiis crisis. 
 Though woun<led at Lundy s Lane, he still kept the eonnnand until the 
 close of tlio war, when he succeeded Sir (Jeorgo Prevost as Connnandor-in- 
 Chief and (iovernor-tieneral of the Canadas. 
 Me held this [xist until 181(>, and tlu:n retired into private life, and 
 resided in England untilliis death in 1854, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. 
Fire and Sword — December, 1813. 
 my 118 
 ■I in 
 I (Uh- 
 }, luid 
 la age. 
 on the 10th December, a bleak, cold winter day, he 
 inhumanly set fire to the town of Newark.! 
 Hitherto the war had been conducted without any 
 startling outrages on either side ; but, by this cruel 
 act, 450 women and children were left homeless and 
 shelterless in the snow. One hundred and fifty houses 
 were reduced to ashes. Only half an hour's warning 
 had been given to the defenceless inhabitants. Mr. 
 ^lerritt in his narrative says : " My old quarters, Gor- 
 don's house, was the only one standing." Colonel oSIur- 
 ray, of the lOOth, was at Twelve-Mile Oreck when he 
 heard of the conllagration. If(» pressed on eagerly, 
 hoping to surprise the retreating garrison. He was a 
 little too late, but in the hurry of de])artur(» the Ameri- 
 cans failed to l)l()w u}), as tiiey had intended, the foi't 
 and barracks ; and that night once more the liritish 
 Hag floated over old b'ort Oeorge, and once moie 
 British troo})s sle])t within its walls. 
 + 'riio Episcopal church, St. Mark's, first Imilt in 1802, was occupied by the 
 American trii,)]iH when tlicy iield (he place, ami was set on tire with tho 
 rest of the town in IHIo. The lioijy of the church was hurnt down, but 
 rebuilt after the close of the wiir, and the venerable old tower, which 
 escaped the flames, still stands. stroULcly buttressed, a sacred memorial of 
 the sutlerinys of days i^oiu' l>y. .\ lari^e and beautifid buryinjj;-ground sur- 
 rounds the church, shaded by maynilicent old trees. It is crowded with 
 stately monuments atid luniible head-stoiu-s, and the tjiaves near the old 
 towi'r lie thick ami close together, many of the tombstones bearing tho 
 names of otUcers and militiamen. When the American soldiers were (juar- 
 tered in the church they cut up thoir rations of meat on some of tho great 
 flagstones which covered the graves, and the scars and chi|)pings made liy 
 tho cleavers can still be plainly seen. Hut, happily, the verdure of numy 
 springs, the fading leaves of many autumns, and the snows of many winters 
 have covered these scars and healed the bittei feelings they onco awakeneil, 
 leaving only a generous pride in tho valour and fortitude of the men who 
 saved the independence of their country. (From " Picturesque Canada.) 

 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 *' Let us retaliate by fire and sword," we are told 
 that Murray said to Druinmond, as they gazed on the 
 smoking ruins of the town. 
 " Do so, swiftly and thoroughly," said the com- 
 mander ; and bitter, indeed, was the vengeance taken. 
 On the night of the 18th December, the flank com- 
 panies of the 41st and lOOtli, under Colonel Murray, 
 with some militia, artillery and the Grenadier company 
 of the 1st Royals, crossed the River Niagara, and 
 were anietly put on shore at the Five-Mile Meadows, 
 thre' miles above the fort. The midnight expedition 
 proceeded with the greatest caution. Every order 
 was given in a whisper, neither musket nor sabre 
 clanked, and with noiseless steps, Murray and his 
 soldiers advanced. The sentries were seized before 
 they could give the alarm, and the Canadian troops 
 succeeded in entering Fort Niagara before a drum had 
 rolled or bugle sounded. 
 General McClure had left for Buffalo a few days 
 before, and the defence of the fort had been entrusted 
 to Captain Leonard, with about 400 effective men, 
 besides invalids. Only a feeble resistance was made 
 by the surprised garrison, and the conflict was over 
 before they were fairly awake. Only twenty-nine 
 escaped ; 344 were made prisoners, and about eighty 
 killed and wounded. 
 The fort proved a valuable prize. The spoils con- 
 sisted of twenty-seven pieces of cannon, 3,000 stand 
 of arms, and many rifles ; an immense amount of 
 If ■ 
 T , 
 FikE AND Sword— Dix'EMHER, 1813. 
 ordnance and commissariat stores ; clothing and camp 
 equipage of every description ; all sorely needed then 
 at Newark. 
 A discharge from one of the largest cannon was the 
 signal of success to General lliall, who, in the mean- 
 time, had marched to Queenston, with the 1st battalion 
 of the Koyals, part of the 41st regiment, and a number 
 of Indians. At dawn, Kiall, with his troops, crossed 
 the Niagara at Lewiston, and took possession of the 
 batteries there. Now came the vengeance for the 
 burning of Newark. The troops and Indians were 
 let loose on the frontier. Lewiston, Youngstown, 
 Tuscarora Village, Schlosser and Manchester were 
 laid in ruins. 
 The Commander-in-Chief, Drummond, determined 
 to proceed still further in his work of destruction. He 
 pressed on to Chippewa, and fixed his headquarters 
 there on the '28th December. 
 About '2,000 American troops were then collected at 
 Black liock and Buffalo, under the command of 
 General McClure, besides a considerable number of 
 irregular troops, disorganized and confused. Drum- 
 mond ordered Kiall to cross the river at midnight, on 
 the '29th of December, with four companies of the 
 King's, the Light company of the 89th, under Colonel 
 Ogilvy, and 160 men of the 41st, with a large body of 
 militia volunteers. About a thousand in all. Such 
 was the impetuosity of the attack that the Americans 
 were driven from their batteries at the point of the 

 Tkn Years of UrrER Canada. 
 bayonet, and their own f^uns turned on them as they 
 fled. ]{iall then continued the pursuit of the retreat- 
 ing troops to Buffalo, where tliey rallied and gained 
 some reinforcements of fresh infantry. 
 The Canadian troops still'pushed on, and succeeded 
 in'capturing some guns, when the enemy broke and 
 fled to the woods, (leneral Hiall now gave orders to 
 destroy four armed vessels (part of Perry's squadron),* 
 at anchor a short distance below Buffalo. This was 
 done under the direction of Captain Robinson, of the 
 King's, Colonel Ogilvy liaving been wounded. 
 And now the torch was a})plied again, and soon 
 BufTalo and Black Hock, deserted by their inhabitants, 
 were smoking ruins. Clothing, spirits, flour, public 
 stores, anything that could not be carried away, were 
 ruthlessly destroyed. 
 At Buffalo, only four buildings were left standing. 
 At Black Rock, only one house escaped. 
 The Americans lost in this attack about 400 killed 
 and wounded, and 1/50 prisoners. The Canadian loss 
 was thirty-one killed, seventy-two wounded, including 
 four officers. 
 The almost universal condemnation of General 
 McClure for the destruction of Newark, and the greater 
 enormities committed in retaliation, caused Sir George 
 Prevost to hasten before the world with an assurance 
 that he would endeavour to stop that sort of warfare. 
 In a proclamation issued l'2th January, 1814, after 
 *The Ariel, Little Belt, Chippewa and Trippe 
 Fire and Swoko— Dkcemhkk, 1813. 
 justifying the retaliation tlius far, he said : " To those 
 possessions of the enemy along the whole line of 
 frontier, which have hithertoTremained undisturbed, 
 and which are now at the mercy of the troops under 
 his command, His Excellency has determined to 
 extend the same forbearance and the same freedom 
 from rapine and plunder which they have hitherto 
 experienced ; and from this determination the future 
 conduct of the American Government shall alone 
 induce him to depart." 
 The last two entries in Mr. Kidout's Almanac for 
 1813 are :~ 
 Rundaij, \9th December. — Fort Niagara was taken 
 by us. 
 WednesdaiL '29fh December. — Black Hock and 
 Bufifalo were taken and burnt, in retaliation for the 
 enemy's burning Niagara. 
 The campaign of 1813 had now closed, and its 
 result, as given by the Americans themselves, was, 
 that not one advantage had been obtained by theni, 
 to atone for the blood and treasure which had already 
 been exhausted. 
 The capital of Upper Canada (York) had been 
 taken. It was scarcely captured before it was aban- 
 The bulwark of the Province, Fort George, had been 
 carried; but its defenders were suffered to escape after 
 being defeated, and the conquerors were soon after 
 confined to the works of the garrison, and closely 
 1.4 1.6 
 ■• 6" 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 873-4503 

 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 invested there for more ihan six months. The long- 
 contemplated attack upon Montreal was frustrated. 
 Kingston still remained a safe and advantageous har- 
 bour for the Canadian fleet ; and Fort Niagara, which 
 might have been obstinately defended, was yielded 
 with scarcely a struggle. 
 In the course of the summer of 1813, the Americans 
 possessed every position between Lake Ontario and 
 Lake Erie, on both sides of the Niagara. In the win- 
 ter of the same year, they not only lost their posses- 
 sions on the Canadian side of the stream, but were 
 deprived of every post on their own side. 
 '\''\ l\ 
 '1 ,:;'■ 
 ; F 
 Third Year of War — Lacolle, Oswego, 1814. 265 
 ' ' i 
 The third year of the war had begun, and still 
 peace seemed to be as far off as ever. 
 It is well to remember that the defence of Canada 
 had for two years been entrusted to the militia and 
 fencible corps of the country, fighting side by side 
 with the few regular troops stationed on the frontier. 
 In all the battles that had been fought in those two 
 years of hard fighting the same names appear over 
 and over again. Among the regulars and militia were 
 the 41st, the 49th, the 89th, the 8th King's, the 1st 
 Royals, De Watteville's, the Glengarries, the Volti- 
 geurs, the Lincoln and York and Essex and Kent 
 On them fell the burden and heat of the day, and 
 looking back on that long-kept-up struggle against 
 fearful odds, on the hardships endured, and the dilii- 
 culties faced, it must be acknowledged that the de- 
 fenders of Canada were gallant men, led, for the most 
 part, by wise and skilful commanders. It was not until 
 the close of the summer of 1814 that Wellington's 
 troops poured into the country. 

 U : i 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 The Americans were now learning wisdom by ex- 
 perience. They found that numbers were of no avail 
 against skill and patriotism. 
 The lessons learnt at Detroit, and Stoney Creek, and 
 Chrysler's Field, and Chateauguay, had made an im- 
 pression at last, and the first thing they set about in 
 1814, was the improvement in the personnel of their 
 commanding officers, and the better drilling of their 
 troops. Hull had disappeared after Detroit ; Van 
 Rensselaer, after Queenston ; Dearborn was in re- 
 tirement ; Hampton had left the service in disgrace ; 
 Winchester, Chandler, and Winder were still prisoners 
 of war at Beauport, Quebec. 
 New blood was needed to lead their troops. In 
 January, 1814, Brigadier-Generals Brown and Izard 
 were commissioned Major- Generals, and the former, 
 on Wilkinson's retirement, became chief commander 
 of the northern division of the American army. 
 Colonels Macomb, Bissell, Scott, Gaines and Ripley, 
 were appointed Brigadier-Generals. 
 At York, there is again a meeting of Parliament for 
 the third time since the declaration of war, and again 
 the opening Speech is a congratulatory one on the 
 success of the campaign of 1813. On the 15th 
 February, 1814, it meets, for a short session. His 
 Honour Gordon Drummond, then being President, 
 administering the Government of Upper Canada, 
 Lieutenant-General commanding His Majesty's forces 
 within the same. 
Third Year of War — Lacolle, Oswego, 1814. 267 
 I im- 
 ut in 
 n re- 
 trace ; 
 s. In 
 I Izard 
 lent for 
 ion the 
 Is forces 
 After the usual preliminaries, the Speech goes on to 
 say :— 
 At the mouient they (the Auiericans) were exulting 
 in the assurances of their commander, that the conquest 
 of the Canadas was achieved, Ihey were arrested in 
 their progress to invade our sister Province, and their 
 collective force discomfited by a handful of troops, 
 who drove them in dismay to take refuge on their 
 own shores. 
 That with no less gallantry in another quarter, a 
 small band of British soldiers attacked and carried 
 by storm the fortress of Niagara, the strongest and 
 most formidable they held on our frontier. In advanc- 
 ing to this enterprise, the troops beheld with indigna- 
 tion the smoking ruins of the town of Newark, which 
 an atrocious policy had devoted to the llames. Re- 
 sentful of the misery brought upon the innocent, but 
 too credulous inhabitants, who had remained to the 
 last moment under promise of protection to their per- 
 sons and property, the army inflicted a severe retalia- 
 tion, in the entire destruction of the whole frontier, 
 from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. 
 Thus the valour of our soldiers and citizens has 
 proved wdiat can be effected, in a good cause, by men 
 who have nothing in view but their own honour and 
 their country's safety. 
 It has been more a subject of regret than sur- 
 prise to have found two members of the Legislative 
 body in the ranks of the enemy. 
 The two members of the Legislature named in the 
 last paragraph as traitors, were Jos. Willcocks, whose 
 name has appeared before in these chroiiicles, and 
 Benj. Mallory, an American by birth and sympathy. 
 These men raised what they were pleased to call a 
 Canadian regiment, which fought on the Yankee side, 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 M ^ 
 but it is certain no native Canadians were within its 
 ranks. Willcocks, who was the self-appointed colonel, 
 met with a tragical end at Fort Erie. 
 In January, 1814, Thomas Gibbs Ridout received 
 his commission as Deputy Assistant-Commissary- 
 The first letter of the year is. 
 l>,! ii; 
 From T. G. Ridout to his Father in York : — 
 Quebec, January Gth, 1814. 
 It was with great pleasure I received this day your 
 letter of the 20th December. We had already heard 
 of tbe glorious success of our army against Niagara, 
 and rejoice with you on that brilliant day. Yesterday 
 the Commissary-General, with Sir George Prevost, 
 Bart., etc., appointed me to be a Deputy Assistant- 
 Connnissary-General to His Majesty's forces. The 
 appointment will go home to be confirmed by the War 
 Oliice, and the commission will come out in the spring. 
 I have risen over the heads of eighty-nine clerks in 
 the short space, of seven months. My promotion has 
 been most rapid. My pay is now more than ,€500 a 
 year. I am getting a coat made and shall sport an 
 epaulet. Some time this winter I shall join the army 
 at Fort George, as they intend employing me in the 
 Upper Province. Mr. Couche and I dined with 
 Commissary-General Kobinson last Sunday. Mrs. 
 Robinson sent me tickets for the grand garrison ball 
 to-morrow night. 
 It is refreshing to hear of a little gaiety in the midst 
 of " war's dread alarms." No doubt the belles of 
 Quebec then, as now, were quite ready for a dance 
 with the defenders of their country. 
Third Year of War — Lacolle, Oswego, 1814. 269 
 ies of 
 From, T. G. Ridout to his Father in York : — 
 Quebec, lOtk January, 1814. 
 Your letter of the Ist I have this clay received. The 
 late success of our troops over the enemy on the 
 American frontier is a most glorious affair. We have 
 just heard of the second defeat at Black Hock, and the 
 conflagration of Buffalo and other places. 
 We have now made up all our accounts to the 
 amount of a million. I can assure you my labour has 
 been incessant, such as I never went through before. 
 In two or three weeks I am to proceed to Upper 
 Canada, and take charge of a post ; Cornwall, I believe, 
 or Prescott, but I had rather go up to Niagara, and 
 shall try for it. I am now well acquainted with the 
 duties of the commissariat, having learned more with 
 Mr. Couche than seven years' experience in an office 
 could have taught me. 
 Mr. Couche took me out to-day in his tandem 
 cariole. We drove to the Falls of Montmorenci. 
 They can now cross from the Isle of Orleans to the 
 north shore. 
 The next letter is. 
 From T. G. Eidout to his Father in York : — 
 Prescott, I9th January, 1814. 
 I arrived at this post last evening from Quebec, 
 which I left on the 13th inst. To-morrow I return to 
 Cornwall to take charge of my new post. There are 
 1,600 troops there to be fed, and my duty will be hard, 
 for the country is so excessively poor that our supplies 
 are all drawn from the American side of the river. 
 They drive droves of cattle from the interior under 
 pretence of supplying the army at Salmon river, and 
 are so allowed to pass the guards, and at night cross 
 them over to our side. I shall also be under tlie 
 necessity of getting most of my flour from their side. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada, 
 M4 .ti+ 1 
 The Commissary-General told me that as Cornwall was 
 the most arduous post and full of difficulties, he would 
 entrust me with the care of it. 
 General de Rottenburg went to Montreal yesterday. 
 Mrs. Strachan is better, Mr. Strachan arrived at Corn- 
 wall on the morning of the 17th. Colonel Chapin 
 passed by to-day with a fair wind, bound to Quebec 
 jail, where he will most likely winter. 
 Brother Jonathan evidently was not deterred by 
 feelings of patriotism from earning an honest penny 
 by feedin his country's enemies. 
 The Colonel Chapin mentioned was Colonel Cyre- 
 nius Chapin, of the New York volunteers. He had 
 been taken prisoner at Beaver Dams, on the 25th 
 June, 1813, but had escaped on his way to York. He 
 was again taken prisoner at Buffalo, on the 30th 
 December, 1813. 
 The story of Chapin's escape after the battle of 
 Beaver Dams is rather amusing. He, and some other 
 prisoners, were being conveyed to York by water. 
 There were two bop,t loads. In the first was Colonel 
 Chapin, Captain Showers, who was in charge of the 
 prisoners and the principal part of the guard. The 
 second boat, which was rowed by the American prison- 
 ers, was ordered to keep some distance in the rear. 
 Cliapin managed to signal to it to come closer, and while 
 he was telling an amusing story to the Captain it came 
 up under the stern of the forward boat. It was imme- 
 diatelj' ordered back, when Chapin, in a loud voice, 
 commanded his men not to move. In a moment all 
Third Year of War— Lacolle, Oswego, 1814. 271 
 was confusion. Captain Showers was felled by a blow 
 from the Colonel. The rest of the guard were over- 
 powered and secured, and to give Colonel Chapin's 
 own words, " I succeeded to the command of our 
 fleet of two bateaux. We shifted our course, crossed 
 Lake Ontario, and with the boats and prisoners 
 arrived next morning safe at Fort Niagara." 
 From Thos. Ridout to his son T. G. Ridont : — 
 York, list January, 1814. 
 We received yesterday with great joy your letters 
 of the 8th and 10th inst. We had seen three or four 
 days ago your appointment in the General Orders. 
 We have just had accounts of the total defeat of Bona- 
 parte at Leipsig in October, and of tli^ armistice be- 
 tween us and the United States. 
 Pray buy me a Quebec almanac for the present year, 
 and make inquiry also if any stationery came out for 
 me last year as Surveyor-General. I believe it is 
 generally sent to the care of Commissariat Department 
 at Quebec, and forwarded by it. The President's office 
 stationery has been sent to Kingston, l)ut no other 
 that I can learn. 
 I hope you have written, or will soon write, to Mr. 
 Crookshank. He informed me of your appointment. 
 Write also to ])r. Strachan, who is much gratified at 
 your good prospects. He set out about a week ago 
 with Mr. Wood for Cornwall, where Mrs. Strachan is. 
 He intends to return l)y the opening of o'lr Parliament 
 here, on the 15th of next n)onth. 
 It is with the greatest satisfaction and delight my 
 mind rests on your new appointment. You have 
 entered into life on a very conspicuous and great 
 theatre, and where your services nnist be seen and felt 
 extensively. The well \ iding of a portion of His 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 I <ii 
 .1 f 
 Majesty's forces at this important period ib committed 
 to your care. The kihours you go through in your 
 office are only to be known by that officer to whom you 
 transmit your accounts, but the exertions you employ 
 in furnishing the troops with tlie necessaries they 
 depend on you for, will be best appreciated by them. 
 In tbis the King's service is best promoted by a 
 knowledge of the country in which you are stationed, 
 and its resources; the employing of intelligent, honest, 
 active and conciliating persons to collect your supplies, 
 and an obliging, as well as a rigid, exactness on your 
 own part. The suaviter in modo with the fortiter 
 in re will smooth your greatest difficulties. 
 Is it a fact, that the misfortunes which attended our 
 fleet on Lake Erie, as also that of the Western army, 
 was really owing to want of due exertions without doors 
 of the commissariat in that quarter ? 
 I have heard that such is the case ; it will be worth 
 your investigation. 
 From S. Ridoiit to his Brother Thomas 0. Ridout: — 
 York, 24^/i January, 1814. 
 We congratulate you most sincerely on your good 
 fortune, and well I know you deserve it. 
 We have no news here of any consequence except 
 our affairs in the North of Europe, which have been 
 brilliant beyond description, but of this you are 
 already informed. 
 I think Jonathan must curse his stars, and wish the 
 war had never taken place, but Jemmy Madison's 
 vanity will probably induce him to make another 
 attempt to recover his disgrace ; but of the result I 
 entertain no apprehension. 
 It is said that an expedition is ordered against Fort 
 Maiden and Amherstburg, which places, I hope soon 
 to hear, are again in our possession. And who knows 
 but what Detroit may share the same fate ! 
Third Year of War — Lacolle. Oswego, 1814. 273 
 From Thomas 0. Ridoid fo his brother John, late Midshipman 
 on the "Royal George," ivho had been taken prisoner at York 
 and 2'>ut on parole . — 
 Cornwall, Slst January, 1814. 
 As I am now settled as long as the army remains 
 here, and am miicli in want of assistance, I have 
 obtained the Commissary-General's leave to have you 
 with me as my second-best clerk, therefore you must 
 set out immediately for this post and bring your head, 
 hands and feet along with you, for the public service. 
 I expect to go up as soon as the army moves from 
 here. We are now 1,400 strong. The Yankees on 
 the other side are 4,000, but they are afraid to attack 
 us. The marines and 103rd are here. 
 Forsythe has been destroying all the boats up the 
 river, to prevent any supplies coming over. 
 General Wilkinson, who had not at that time been 
 superseded in the command, was still in his winter 
 quarters on the Salmon river. 
 Lieutenant-Colonel Forsythe was one of the most 
 dashing officers of the American army. He com- 
 manded a corps of riflemen, and had been conspicuous 
 throughout the war for his daring bravery. 
 He lost his life on the 22nd June, 1814, on the 
 Champlain frontier — shot by an Indian in an insignifi- 
 cant skirmish. 
 Towards the close of January Wilkinson received 
 orders from the War Department to break up the post 
 on Salmon river. Early in February the movement 
 was made. The flotilla was destroyed, and the bar- 
 racks were consumed. General Brown, with a large 
 portion of the troops, marched up the St. Lawrence to 
 . 1 
 i .; 
 ■; "1 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 i- : I 
 I ) 
 Sackett's Harbour. The remainder accompanied Gen- 
 eral Wilkinson to Plattsburg on Lake Champlain. 
 What the Canadians were doing at the time is told 
 in the following letter : — 
 Vrom Thomas 0. Ridout to his Father in York: — 
 Cornwall, dth February, 1814. 
 It is now twelve o'clock, and I have been actively 
 employed since eight a.m. Only think of 1,700 
 rations per day, and no o > but myself and a store- 
 keeper. My disbursement since the 24th January 
 have amounted to .£4,000. 
 Colonel Morrison commands this post. We are on 
 the alert, expecting the Americans, who are upon 
 so ne movement. All their artillery, except a few 
 pieces, and the whole of their baggage, has been sent 
 The only thing that troubles me is a quantity of 
 specie that I have. If John was liere, in case of an 
 alarm, I would put him into a sleigh with it and one 
 set of my accounts to make off ; I must remain with 
 the army. 
 I have paid very large sums in specie for secret 
 service, this being the fountain head of all corre- 
 spondence with the enemy. lieuben Sherwood is 
 very active in that way. He has been twice taken, 
 but made his escape. 
 Two nights ago, with thirty of the marines, he 
 crossed over to Hamilton, marched ten miles into the 
 country, and captured a great quai 'ity of goods, 
 which I have now in charge. To-morrow a board of 
 survey is to be held on them. 
 The story of Sherwood's raid is as follows : — When 
 the Americans were at Cornwall, in the autunni of 
 1813, under Generals Brown and Boyd, previous to 
Third Year of War — Lacolle, Oswego, 1814. 275 
 recrossing the river, they pkmdered some merchants 
 of all their goods, wares and merchandise, en route 
 for Upper Canada. 
 Colonel Morrison had stipulated for their restitution, 
 but the American Government had failed to keep this 
 agreement, and the goods were about to be sold for 
 the benefit of the United States. 
 To prevent this, Captain Sherwood, of the ^uarter- 
 Master-General's Department, suggested the idea of 
 plundering them back "gain. Accordingly, Captain 
 Kerr, with a subaltern, twenty rank and file of the 
 marines, and ten militiamen, with Sherwood, crossed 
 the ice on the 6th February, during the night, from 
 Cornwall to Hamilton, N.Y., with horses and sleighs 
 innumerable. The merchandise, or a great part of it, 
 was secured, packed up and carried off. The inhabi- 
 tants made no opposition, and indeed, rather enjoyed 
 the joke at the expense of the Yankee officers, who 
 were charged with the sale of the stolen goods. 
 From TliovKis G. Ridoiit to his brother George at York: — 
 Cornwall, 19^^ February, 181,4. 
 3 a.m. — John arrived yesterday, and in an hour he 
 accompanies me to Salmon river and from there into 
 the States. We are in purs- uit of the Yankee army, 
 and will go to Plattsburg. Everything has been 
 bustle all night. Half an hour ago the army moved 
 off. In the course of the day we shall be joined by 
 3,000 troops. I have a great deal of gold and silver 
 wherewith to make purchases in Vermont. 1 have 
 sixty sleighs loaded with provisions. 
[!•— l*fT 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Nothing of importance occurred during February 
 on the St. Lawrence. The Niagara frontier was 
 quiet. The Americans bad, as yet, made no attempt 
 to regain tlieir lost possessions there. On the 
 western frontier there were some shght skirmishes. 
 An attempt had been made by the enemy to take 
 Port Talbot, on Lake Erie, and an expedition was also 
 sent against another outpost at Delaware, on the 
 Hiver Thames. 
 For the defence of this district there were part of 
 the Koyal Scots, Light Company of the 89th, and the 
 Kent militia, under Captain McGregor. 
 An engagement took place at the Longwoods, 
 twenty-two miles from Delaware, on the 4th March, 
 1814, between some Kentucky volunteers and the Kent 
 militia. McGregor and his men made an heroic 
 charge up an ice-covered hill, where the enemy was 
 posted. They fought more than an hour, till darkness 
 came on, when the engagement terminated. Its only 
 result being the loss of some brave men. 
 Mackinaw still remained unmolested in the hands 
 yji the Canadians. It was of immense importance to 
 1 it, as it was the key to the vast traffic in furs 
 ' .h the Indians of the North-West. 
 From T. G. Ridout to his Father in York : — 
 Cornwall, 24:th March, 1814. 
 I am now busily employed in finishing my accounts, 
 as we expect to move shortly from this place. I have 
 found out the fate of your box of stationery. It came 
 i - 
 Third Year of War — Lacolle, Oswego, 1814. 277 
 up to Cornwall last December, and laid a long time in 
 the commissariat stores here unnoticed, until January 
 last, when Mr. Tuttle, Deputy Assistant-Commissary- 
 General Osborne's storekeeper at Prescott, took it up 
 with him to that place, where it has furnished the 
 Commissariat Office there with the finest stationery 
 in the country. It is now nearly expended. 
 There are now only 200 njen left here, and shortly 
 there will be none. I have had a great deal of trouble 
 settling with 300 or 400 Scotchmen, for the expedition 
 to Malone. The river will soon break up. I am 
 afraid the Yankees will be too strong for us in the 
 spring on the lake. I hear they are building a seventj'- 
 four at Sackett's Harbour. You mentioned to John 
 he had better read history. At present he has no time 
 for it, being employed with me from eight in the morn- 
 ing till eleven at night, without intermission, Sundays 
 and every day. A jDcrsou in the conniiissariat should 
 never read ; I have not done so since I began. 
 In the month of February I issued 70,000 pounds of 
 flour, and other provisions in proportion, so you may 
 think we were not idle. 
 On the 30th March Generals Macomb and Wilkin- 
 son crossed Lake Champlain on the ice, with about 
 4,000 men, to Odelltown, to assault our troops stationed 
 at Lacolle Mills.* The latter was a strong stone 
 tower, and was defended by Major Hancock and about 
 200 men. The walls of the mill were eighteen inches 
 in thickness, and the windows were barricaded wuth 
 heavy timbers, through which were loop-holes for 
 muskets. The Americans opened fire on the tower, 
 but their missiles were harmless, and the whole Ameri- 
 * On Lacolle creek, a small tributary of the Sorel, three or four milei 
 below House's Point. 
If' - ■ 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 1i t 
 can line, being in open field, was exposed to a galling 
 fire. The small garrison was soon reinforced by some 
 Grenadiers of the Fencibles and Voltigeurs. 
 The Americans got into the woods with a view of 
 surrounding the mill, and simultaneously assaulting it 
 from all sides. The fire from the mill, however, was 
 so hot and well-directed, that the enemy were forced 
 to retreat iu confusion. 
 The Americans kept up a cannonade for about two 
 hours without the slightest efi'ect, and, wearied and 
 disheartened, were at last compelled to fall back on 
 The enemy lost in this attempt to carry a stone 
 tower, bravely defended, 13 killed, 123 wounded, and 
 30 missing. The Canadians lost in a dash to capture 
 the American guns 10 killed and 46 wounded, including 
 two officers. 
 After the fiasco at Lacolle, the military career of 
 General Wilkinson closed. 
 The next letter is from 
 Surveyor-General Eidout to his Son : — 
 York, lOth April, 1814. 
 The ice went out of the bay two days ago. At the 
 extremity of Gibraltar Point, a blockhouse is erected, 
 to annoy the enemy if he attempts to enter the har- 
 bour ; and we are, in other respects, much better pre- 
 pared than last year. Our vessels at Kingston were 
 to be launched to-day. 'Tis said the American ship 
 President is launched at Sackett's Harbour, therefore, 
 we may soon expect to see both fleets on the lake. 
Third Year of War — Lacolle, Oswego, 1814. 279 
 During the winter, both the American and Cana- 
 dian fleets had been strengthened. At Sackett's Har- 
 bour, Chauncey was busy collecting stores, and build- 
 ing riew gun-boats and a large frigate. In Kingston, 
 Sir James Yeo was also busy preparing for the spring 
 campaign. Both commanders were waiting anxiously 
 for the ice to break up in the harbours. 
 The command of Lake Ontario was considered an 
 object so important by the two Grovernments, that 
 they withdrew officers and men from the ocean to 
 assist in the lake service. 
 From T. G. Ridout to his Father at York : — 
 Cornwall, llth April, 1814. 
 Yesterday all the troops left this place for Prescott, 
 and I am now commanding officer. About the time 
 you will receive this letter, I am afraid the Yankees 
 will pay you another visit. I dread the consequences. 
 I expect bateaux in a few days from Lachine, as 
 the river is open. We drive a pretty good trade with 
 the Yankees from Salmon river. 
 From Thos. G. Ridout to his Father: — 
 Cornwall, Ist May, 1814. 
 Colonel Morrison commands this district from 
 Brockville to the Cedars. I am immediately under 
 the command of Major Clifford, 89th regiment, who is 
 stationed here with 250 men of that regiment. I have 
 spent at this place already .1' 17, 000. 
 Every day twelve bateaux arrive here from Lachine 
 on their way to Kingston, with provisions and naval 
 stores, and we have troops stationed along the river 
 to protect the communication. 
 :!' ' l| 
 t I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
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 The cainpaigu opened with the opening of naviga- 
 tion in May. 
 Sir James Yeo, with the co-operation of General 
 Drummond, planned an attack on Oswego, with the 
 view of destroying the naval stores, which were 
 collected there for the equipment of the American 
 fleet at Sackett's Harbour. 
 General Drummond sent on board the fleet six 
 companies of De Watteville's regiment, the Light 
 companies of the Glengarry militia, some Eoyal 
 marines and artillery, with two field-pieces, a rocket 
 company, and some sappers and miners. 
 The expedition left Kingston on the 4th of May, 
 1814, and arrived olf Oswego at noon the following 
 day. There was blowing a gale of wind, so it was 
 thought expedient to keep off the port till the weather 
 On the morning of the 6th May, a landing was 
 effected in the face of a heavy fire of grape and round 
 shot from the enemy's batteries, and of musketry from 
 a detachment of Americans posted on a hill, and partly 
 sheltered by a wood. 
 The Canadian troops charged the battery and 
 captured it, the enemy leaving about sixty wounded 
 men behind them in their hurried retreat. The stores 
 in the fort were taken, the fort itself was dismantled, 
 and the barracks were destroyed. 
 A number of officers were wounded of the attack- 
 ing party, and eighteen rank and tile killed and sixty 
Third Year of War — Lacolle, Oswego, 1814. 281 
 Unfortunately the naval stores were not captured, 
 as they had been placed for safe keeping at the falls 
 of the Onondaga, some miles above Oswego.* 
 The troops were re-embarked, and the fleet sailed 
 for Kingston, on the 7th of May. 
 On the loth of May, the anxious inhabitants of 
 York were still ignorant of what had happened at 
 Oswego, although firing had been heard from that 
 From Thomas Ridout to his Son: — 
 York, lOth May, 1814. 
 The wind blows strong from the east, and we are in 
 hourly expectation Oi hearing what has been done by 
 our fleet and troops on Friday last, supposed to be at 
 Everything is quiet on the Niagara frontier. The 
 Western District and District of London are, for the 
 present, abandoned. If we meet with success on this 
 lake we shall soon mount upwards. 
 It is bleak and cold to-day. Yet I think this year 
 we shall have some peaches. The blossoms begin to 
 I have lost about 800 rails by the Indians. 
 The next letter gives an item of news about prices 
 of provisions, also that reinforcements were beginning 
 to arrive in the countrv : — 
 From Thomas 0. liidout to his Father in York : — 
 Cornwall, IBthMay, 1814. 
 Beef is seven and a- half cents per pound, and 
 flour seventeen and a- half dollars per barrel. News 
 has arrived that the 16th and 90th regiments have 
 * On the 29th May, Sir Jiiiues Yeo made another attempt to capture 
 these coveted naval stores, but without success. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 ♦ f -: M 
 .! i' 
 fjlti ! 
 landed at Quebec, besides a corps of riflemen and some 
 very fine artillery. Fourteen transports and a frigate 
 had come up. 
 The firing you heard on the (3th May must have been 
 from Oswego. I saw a letter of that date from 
 Sackett's Han our, which describes them to be in 
 great dread of our troops , that the war party had 
 gained a majority in all the States as yet returned, 
 and that there is no prospect of peace this summer. 
 Bonaparte, it is said, has gained some advantages over 
 the allies, and there will be no peace this year in 
 Major Clifford commands this garrison, with 250 
 men of the 89th regiment. 
 The Commissary-General has informed me that a 
 regiment will be stationed here, but don't say anything 
 about it. 1 am to furnish them with provisions, from 
 the Yankees, for which I shall be well supplied with 
 The next letter gives a graphic description of how 
 the army was supplied with provisions, "from the 
 Yankees," and the extraordinary spectacle is presented 
 of two ofiicers, one civil and the other military, sup- 
 plying the wants of their country's foes. 
 From Thomas G. Ridoiii o his Father in York: — 
 Cornwall, I9th June, 1814. 
 Three companies of the Canadian regiment are 
 coming here to relieve the 89th, who will move up- 
 wards. Two hundred and fifty artillery marched tor 
 Prescott yesterday morning. I have contracted with a 
 Yankee magistrate to furnish this post with fresh beef. 
 A major came with him to make the agreement, but, 
 as he was foreman to the grand jury at the court in 
 which the government prosecutes the magistrates for 
 high treason and smuggling, he turned his back and 
 would not see the paper signed. 
Fort Erie, Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, 1814. 283 
 . ':\^ 
 To retrieve the consequences of the last disastrous 
 campaign, to regain possession of the posts in Canada 
 which had been lost, to drive the Canadians from Fort 
 Niagara, and to command the frontier on both sides 
 of the river, were the objects of the next Ccimpaign. 
 About the end of June, 1814, the American troops 
 were concentrated at Buffalo and Black Eock, on the 
 Niagara frontier. The army was commanded by 
 General Brown, an officer of experience and judgment, 
 and with him were Brigadier-Generals Scott and 
 General Winfield Scott had taken special care to 
 discipline thoroughly the troops under his command. 
 During the spring and early summer, they were kept 
 under arms from seven to ten hours a day. The re- 
 sult was, that when they took the field, they 
 manoeuvred in action, and under lire, with the accuracy 
 of parade. 
 On the 1st July, General Brown received orders 
 from the American Secretary of War to cross the 
 Niagara river, to capture Fort Erie and march on 
 Chippewa, where, at the mouth of the creek, some 
 K-s ; 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 h it 
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 (\ '" 1 
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 fortifications had been thrown up, to attack Fort 
 George with the co-operation of Chaimcey's fleet, and 
 to seize and fortify Burhngton Heights at the head of 
 Lake Ontario. The phm looked very well on paper; 
 and had it been carried out successfully, the Ameri- 
 cans would not only have held the Niagara peninsula 
 in their grasp, but would have easily accomplished the 
 conquest of a large portion of Upper Canada. 
 It must be remembered that at this time, July, 1814, 
 there were only about 3,000 Canadian troops spread 
 over the frontier from York to Long point. Lake Erie. 
 There were so few men available for the different posts 
 that it seems almost incredible what was accomplished 
 by that scanty force. It was necessary to have garri- 
 sons in Forts George, Niagara, Erie, and Mississauga.* 
 The important position of Burlington Heights had to 
 be defended. Detachments also had to be placed to 
 guard provision depots at Twelve and Twenty-mile 
 creeks. York was in an exposed position, liable to 
 attack at any moment from Chauncey's fleet. Port 
 Dover, on Lake Erie, was also in need of protection, 
 as there was a danger that troops might be landed 
 there, and gain the rear of General RiallV^ division by 
 the western road. 
 Detachments had to be posted at the crossing of the 
 Grand river (Brantford), also at Delaware, to guard 
 the advance of the enemy by way of the Thames. 
 * Fort Mississauga was built early in 1814, after the burning of Newark 
 by the Americans. 
Fort Erie, Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, 1814. 285 
 The constant duty and insufficient food had caused 
 a great deal of sickness in camp. General Drummond 
 had reported to the Commander-in-Chief that half the 
 men were unfit for service. The 8th were so en- 
 feebled that they had been ordered to Tjower Canada, 
 in hopes of regaining their strength. They had only, 
 however, proceeded as far as York, when they weve 
 ordered back, to join General Riall at Chippewa. 
 On the 3rd July, 1814, two brigades embarked from 
 the American shore in obedience to General Brown's 
 orders. The first, under General Winfield Scott, 
 crossed the Niagara about a mile below Fort Erie ; 
 the second, under General Ripley, crossed the river 
 about the same distance above. 
 Fort Erie, at the foot of Lake Erie, nearly opposite 
 Buffalo, where the River Niagara is about a mile 
 in width, was then garrisoned by 170 men of the 
 100th and 8th regiments, under the command of 
 Major Buck. It was the most serious impediment in 
 the way of the invasion of Canada in that quarter, but 
 was in a weak condition, and ill-provided to stand a 
 siege. As soon as the Americans landed, they began 
 to erect batteries, and an eighteen-pound cannon was 
 placed ready for action on an eminence called Snake 
 Hill. Brown then demanded the surrender of the 
 fort, giving the commander. Major Buck, two hours 
 for consideration. Although it might have been 
 defended for a short time, the commandant decided to 
 surrender to the American general, and at six o'clock 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 in the evening, the soldiers marched out, stacked their 
 arms, became prisoners of war, and were sent across 
 the river. 
 During the morning, some cannon had been fired 
 from the fort, which killed four Americans, and 
 wounded several others. One Canadian soldier was 
 killed when the pickets were driven in. These were 
 the only casualties. 
 General Riall was much chagrined when he heard 
 of the surrender of the fort, as he was on the point of 
 sending forward several companies to reinforce it. 
 The invaders now determined to approach Chip- 
 pewa, where General Eiall was entrenched on the 
 north bank of the creek of that name. 
 On the 4th July, General Scott received orders to 
 advance to Street's Creek, two miles from the British 
 At midnight, the main body of Brown's army came 
 up, accompanied by the commanding general. 
 That night both armies slept within two miles of 
 each other. 
 Early in the morning of the 5th July, skirmishes 
 began between the two camps, and a desultory fire 
 was kept up by pickets and scouts. 
 At last, in the afternoon. General Riall, who had 
 been reinforced by the arrival of the 8tli regiment 
 from York, determined to come out of his entrench- 
 ments, and attack in force the invading army. 
 The Americans were, however, well prepared to 
Fort Erie, Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, 1814. 287 
 receive him, and a vigorous and desperate engagement 
 followed. Soon General Riall found his men falling 
 round him in numbers too great to leave him any 
 hope of victory. He was, therefore, after more than 
 an hour's desperate fighting, compelled to retire to his 
 entrenchments beyond the Chippewa. 
 There was, on both sides, in this short engagement, 
 an immense loss, in proportion to the numbers 
 engaged. The Americans acknowledged 328 killed, 
 wounded and missing. General Kiall's returns were 
 139 killed, 320 wounded, forty-six missing, total 505. 
 Among the wounded were the Marquis of Tweeddale, 
 Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon, Captain Holland, the aide- 
 de-camp to the General, seven captains, and seventeen 
 In this battle the 1st Royal Scots, the 19th Light 
 Dragoons, the 100th, and the 8th were engaged, and 
 the Lincoln militia greatly distinguished themselves. 
 Of the 2nd Lincoln, the Colonel, Thomas Dickson, 
 was wounded, and Major David Secord then took com- 
 mand, and led his men with great bravery. 
 It is said that the Canadian force looked like the 
 wing of a regiment, in comparison to the Americans. 
 The strong reserve which General Brown was able 
 to bring forward, made it impossible for General Eiall 
 to maintain the conflict against a force so superior 
 in numbers. 
 How the news came to York is told in the following 
 t i 
 h ' I 
 11 ii 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 We can imagine what the scene must have heen 
 that midsummer night, as the boats came in from 
 Niagara, bearing their freight of wounded and dying 
 Ahnost every house in the little town must of neces- 
 sity have become a hospital. 
 From Surveyor-General Ridout to his Son at Cornwall: — 
 York, Sunday, 10th Jidy, 1814. 
 We have appearances now ol very troublesome times. 
 On Tuesday last, about four in the afternoon. General 
 Eiall crossed the Chippewa with his forces, and 
 attacked the enemy whose numbers, as it appears by 
 a letter written the same morning by Major Glegg, he 
 was totall}' unacquainted with. The enemy was 
 posted above Pine Grove, Mr. Street's place, and they 
 were covered by thirty-six pieces of cannon. The 
 woods on their left swarmed with their numbers, nor 
 would they suffer our men to approach them. The 
 action continued about one hour and a half, when we 
 were compelled to retreat over the Chippewa bridge, 
 leaving many wounded. Fort Erie was on the same 
 day attacked by them and carried. Major Back, who 
 commanded the place, is killed, Captain Dawson 
 wounded, and all the men — two companies — killed, 
 wounded or taken prisoners. The. 100th regiment, 
 commanded by the Marquis of Tweeddale, who had 
 joined it that morning, has greatly suffered; of 600 men 
 who went into the field, only 146 came out.* The 
 Marquis is wounded in the thigh and leg. He arrived 
 here last night on one of our vessels, and is now at 
 Judge Campbell's. Lieutenant Lyon, who attracted 
 the notice of the Marquis by his bravery, and who was 
 * Three or four diiys after this sanguinary conflict, the enemy were em- 
 ployed burj'ing the'" own dead and burning those of the British. (Thom- 
 son's History of th War. ) 
Fort Erik, Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, 1814. 289 
 posted on our left near the Niagara river, with the 
 company he commanded, which consisted of twenty- 
 eight privates, four non-commissioned officers and 
 three officers, only hrought six out of the field. He 
 was wounded near the close of the action by a grape- 
 shot, which went through his right thigh a few inches 
 above the knee, passing all the arteries, and the sur- 
 geon, on examining it was astonished at his wonder- 
 ful escape. He came here with his wife last night, 
 "nd they are now at our house. I have not yet seen 
 him. About 140 wounded were also landed here last 
 night about nine o'clock, and five or six officers whose 
 names I have not yet learned. Yesterday morning the 
 enemy advanced towards Fort George and Niagara, 
 and when our vessels came out of the rivf r, they were 
 seen in great numbers at the Two and Four- Mile 
 creeks. They are said to be from 7,000 to 9,000 
 strong, well appointed and disciplined. 
 Captain Hey of the 100th is very dangerously 
 wounded. The ball entered at the groin and came out 
 in the opposite direction. Captain Sherrard of the 
 100th is also very much wounded in four places, yet 
 there are hopes of him. Our force at Burlington is 
 but weak, and this place has only the Glengarries of 
 400 strong, and it is said they have orders to embark 
 this morning for Fort Cxeorge, so that this place will 
 be abandoned, except by a few inefficient local militia; 
 for all those in the neighbourhood are called out, to 
 the great and sure loss of the harvest, if they are not 
 relieved. It is said that provisions at Niagara have 
 become very scarce, and are now^ served out at half- 
 allowance. Unless, therefore, some of the thousands 
 now in the Lower Province are speedily sent up and 
 arrive, with all necessaries, and that the enemy's fleet 
 be kept in check, the game is up in \' is quarter. A 
 few days will, I think, determine our faie. 
 The enemy's fleet are expected at Sackett's Harbour 
 this day. If so, we shall probably soon see them. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 m: .' 
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 Hope yet remains ; Providence may again interpose 
 and save us, as last December, contrary to all human 
 After the battle of Chippewa, General Kiall gave 
 orders to retire under shelter of Forts George and 
 Mississauga until reinforcements should arrive. 
 On the withdrawal of the Canadian troops, General 
 Brown moved within a mile and a half of those posts ; 
 his army in a crescent, his right resting on the Niagara 
 river, his left on Lake Ontario. 
 Then began a system of pillage on the unfortunate 
 A story is told that a certain American general, 
 with a party of about 200 mounted men, appeared 
 before a small farm-house near Fort George, occupied 
 by a few women and children, where some goods had 
 been stored for safety. The general took possession 
 of these and divided with his followers, reserving for 
 himself a set of silver spoons, a great coat to fit over 
 his own, and as much of a .chest of tea as he could 
 carry off in a flannel shirt sewed up at one end for the 
 purpose. So equipped, the gallant general marched 
 off; then next met and took prisoner a yourg man 
 Lc^med Thompson, whom he robbed of his silver watch, 
 but afterwards, approaching too near the picquets, 
 was himself mortally wounded, and taken by the same 
 young man to his father's house, where he died. The 
 officer next in command, with a finer sense of honor, 
 restored to its owner the stolen watch. 
Fort Erie, Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, 1814. 291 
 On the 19th July the pretty little village of St. 
 David's, near Queenston, was wantonly burnt by some 
 American troops. To the credit of General Brown, 
 Colonel Stone, the officer who had incited the outrage, 
 was immediately dismissed from the United States 
 In spite of the strict watch kept by the American 
 picquets, General Riall contrived to march part of his 
 force, a few ammunition waggons, and two six- 
 pounders, to a rendezvous for reinforcements at the 
 Twelve Mile Creek. 
 General Brown, in the meantime, had been daily 
 expecting the arrival of Chauncey with his fleet, and 
 on July 13th wrote him this imploring letter : — 
 Meet me on the lake shore north of Fort George 
 with the fleet, and we will be able, I have no doubt, 
 to settle a plan of operations that will break the power 
 of the enemy in Upper Canada, and that in the course 
 of a short time. I doubt not my ability to meet the 
 enemy in the field, and to march in any direction over 
 his country, your fleet carrying for me the necessary 
 supplies. We can threaten Forts George and Niagara 
 and carry Burlington Heights and York, and proceed 
 directly to Kingston and carry that place. 
 For God's sake, let me see you. 
 However, Commodore Chauncey was safely block- 
 aded in Sackett's Harbour by Sir James Yeo, therefore 
 General Brown, apprehensive, by his own account, of 
 an attack on the rear of his army, and of communica- 
 tion with his encampment being cut ofl", fell back to 
 Queenston on the 22nd July, to protect his supplies. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 He then determined to disencumber the army of its 
 heavy baggage and march against BnrHngton Heights. 
 In order to draw from Fort Schlosser a supply of pro- 
 visions necessary for the expedition he retired, on the 
 24th July, to the junction of the Chippewa and 
 In the meantime General Drummond had been 
 vainly urging Sir George Prevost to send more troops 
 for the relief of the Niagara frontier. The latter in- 
 sisted that the chief attack would be on the Cham- 
 plain border, and although Wellington's troops were 
 now arriving in the country, none were available 
 for Drummond's command. That gallant soldier there- 
 fore hastened back to Niagara, bringing with him only 
 a portion of the 89th regiment, under Colonel Morrison, 
 the hero of Chrysler's farm. 
 General Drummond arrived at Fort George at dawn 
 of the 25th July, and learnt immediately of the with- 
 drawal of the American army. At that date the Cana- 
 dian troops were scattered over twenty or thirty miles 
 of country, but ready at a short notice to concentrate 
 at any given point. All the active militia had been 
 called out, and had nobly responded to the call. 
 General Kiall,wh() was at Twelve- Mile creek, had, 
 early on the morning of the 25th, sent forward Colonel 
 Pearson's brigade, which included the Provincial 
 Dragoons, the Glengarries and incorporated militia, to 
 reconnoitre the American camp at Chippewa, and watch 
 its movements. They took up their position on the 
Fort Erik, Chippewa, Lundv's Lane, 1814. 293 
 high ground ne;ir Liindy's Lane, and in the afternoon 
 were joined by General Eiall, and Lieutenant-Colonel 
 Drummond of the 104th. 
 In the meantime the American Commander-in-Chief 
 at Chippewa, having received iutelHgence of General 
 Druminond's arrival at Niagara, and of an expected 
 attack on his supply-camps at Lewiston and Scblosser, 
 ordered General Winlield Scott to advance rapidly 
 and menace the forts at the mouth of the river. This 
 order was issued between four and five o'clock of the 
 afternoon of July 25th, and within twenty minutes 
 Scott had all his troops in motion. He pushed on to- 
 wards the Falls, impressed with the belief that a large 
 force of the enemy was on the other side of the river, 
 and not directly before him. 
 The battle of Lundy's Lane, so important in its re- 
 sults, was, therefore, unpremeditated on both sides. 
 General Drummond, who had only arrived in the 
 Niagara river at daybreak of the 25tli, acted with his 
 usual energy, and determined to march at once from 
 Queenston to Niagara Falls, in order to join General 
 Riall there. He first sent Colonel Tucker, with about 
 400 men, across the river to capture the supply-camp 
 at Lewiston, which was successfully accomplished 
 aftev a slight skirmish, and the troops then recrossed the 
 river at noon, and joined the main body under General 
 Drummond and Colonel Morrison, the whole colmmn 
 consisting of about 800 men. This was composed of 
 the 89th, detachments of the Koyals and the 8th, and 
'■it'? ■ ■ 
 i', ■■■■ 
 iih : 
 1 ' ' 
 f!:. Vi 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 two twenty-foil r-pound field-pieces. Althougli but 
 seven from Queenston to tlie Falls, it was a toilsome 
 march on a hot sumnier day to men who already had 
 done a good day's work. Their experienced com- 
 mander knew there was no time to spare for rest, and 
 that, scanty as was the reinforcement he brought, it 
 was sorely needed at this crisis by General Riall. 
 Word came to him late in the afternoon that the 
 Americans had left Chippew^a, and were marching 
 towards the Falls. At about six in the evening, 
 General Drnmrnond arrived with his brigade at the 
 junction of the Queenston Road and Lundy's Lane. 
 To his dismay, he met General Riall retiring from 
 his strong position on the hill in the face of the 
 advancing columns of the Americans. Without a 
 moment's hesitation, Drummond countermanded the 
 retreat, and placed his guns in position on the hill. 
 The men were formed as they came up in order 
 of battle, ready to receive the enemy. The line was a 
 crescent, the left resting on the Queenston Road, the 
 artillery in the centre, strongly posted on the hill near 
 the little church and graveyard, which still marks the 
 spot. The discrepancies in the account of numbers 
 engaged on both sides is almost ludicrous, each his- 
 torian claiming that their side fought against double 
 the number. 
 It is certain, that at this early part of the engage- 
 ment, Drummond had about 1,600 men, and Scott, 
 the American general, about 1,800. The arrival of 
Fort Erie, Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, 1814. 295 
 reinforcements increased the respective sides to about 
 4,000 Americans and 3,000 Canadians. A little before 
 sunset the battle began, which raged until midnight, 
 with a fury unequalled during the war. Through the 
 long summer twilight, on the roads, overhung as now 
 by lovely orchards, in the copses and on the hill-side, 
 " Roar of baleful battle rose, 
 And brethren of a common tongue 
 To mortal strife, like tigers, sprung." 
 Early in the engagement General liiall was wounded, 
 and as he was proceeding with an escort to the rear, he 
 fell into the enemy's hands, and was, with his escort, 
 taken prisoner. His capture was a curious accident. 
 One of his aides saw a flanking party of the enemy, 
 which had unperceived almost gained the rear of the 
 Canadians, to the left of their line, and mistaking them 
 in the darkness for a company of our own troops, 
 called out, " Make room there men for General Riall ! " 
 The officer commanding immediately said " Ay, ay, 
 sir," and then directed the men, with fixed bayonets, 
 to surround the general and his officers, and make 
 them prisoners. As liiall was badly wounded, no 
 resistance was made, and he was delivered over to 
 General Scott, who treated him with great consider- 
 ation. The American company, quite elated with 
 their prize, charged buck through the British line and 
 joined their comrades. 
 At nine o'clock there was a pause for a short time, 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 and the long-looked for reinforcements appeared, for 
 both sides : General Porter' brigade, with General 
 Ripley and General Brown for the Americans, and 
 Colonels Scott and Gordon, with about 1,200 men, for 
 the Canadians. This latter force consisted of part of 
 the 103rd and 104th, and Royal Scots, and had left their 
 quarters at Twelve-Mile Creek in the afternoon, but 
 when well on their way had been met by a courier 
 from General Riall, ordering them to retreat, as he 
 was about to retire on Queenston. They had gone 
 four miles back, when another courier came from Gen- 
 eral Drummond, ordering them to advance at once to 
 Lundy's Lane. It was nine o'clock before these 
 troops, wearied with their march of twenty miles, 
 appeared on the scene. 
 In spite of the darkness, which was illumined only 
 by the faint moonlight, and the flashes of musketry, 
 the struggle began again in all parts of the field with 
 redoubled fury. 
 The key of the position was the hill, and the 
 American general saw that he could not hope for 
 success until the height should be carried and the guns 
 taken. He, therefore, gave orders to Colonel Miller, 
 of the 21st United States infantry, to charge the guns 
 with his regiment, and the order was gallantly 
 obeyed. The American soldiers moved steadily up 
 the hill, concealed by an old fence, on which was a 
 growth of shrubbery. They approached undiscover^ '' 
 80 near the Canadian batteries that the gunners were 
ily up 
 was a 
 Fort Erie, Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, 1814. 297 
 shot down to a man in the act of loading, and by an 
 impetuous rush the Americans succeeded in obtaining 
 possession of the guns. 
 Now began a hand-to-hand struggle for the mastery, 
 and the bayonet was used with frightful effect. A 
 line formed for the protection of the cannon opened 
 a destructive fire on Miller's column, and Drummond's 
 men closed round the guns, determined to contest 
 their possession. In the darkness, confusion and 
 carnage reigned supreme, as both sides struggled to 
 hold the crest of the position. In all parts of the 
 field the stubborn fight w^as carried on, and mingled 
 with the shout of command, the roar of artillery, and 
 the clashing of steel, was the thunder of that mighty 
 cataract whose waters rolled so near. 
 The ofiicers of both armies exposed themselves 
 recklessly, and led their troops with equal bravery. 
 Of the Canadians, the 89th and Koyal Scots lost half 
 their men, and the Glengarries, Lincoln and York 
 militia, and Provincial Dragoons suffered severely. 
 Colonel Morrison, of the 89th, was wounded, and 
 carried from the field. General Drumraond had his 
 horse shot dead beneath him, and received a bullet 
 wound in his neck. With heroic courage he concealed 
 his hurt and still fought on, reforming his shattered 
 battalions, and leading them to a renewed charge on 
 the enemy. More than half of his troop were of the 
 volunteer militia, and that night brought desolation to 
 many a home in Canada. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Oil the x\iiierican side, the loss toe, was severe, and 
 the wounded included three of the generals — Porter, 
 Scott and Brown. On the latter's retirement from 
 the field, the command devolved on General Ripley. 
 The American regiments were now weakening in 
 all directions, and it was impossihle for their officers 
 to rally them. Ripley, therefore, with Brown's per- 
 mission, decided to withdraw to Chippewa, and at 
 midnight the battle ceased and the Americans retired, 
 leaving the field and the guns, with the exception of 
 one six-pounder, in the possession of the Canadians. 
 There was no attempt at pursuit that night, and 
 Drummond's wearied troops sank to rest among the 
 dying and the dead. 
 General Brown had ordered Ripley to resume the 
 fight for the guns at daybreak, but that cautious com- 
 mander deemed discretion the better part of valour, 
 and, instead of advancing, retreated in great confusion 
 to Fort Erie, destroying on the way the bridges, and 
 throwing the heavy baggage into the rapids above the 
 It has been the fashion of American writers to claim 
 this battle as a victory, and as such, under the name 
 of Niagara Falls, it is emblazoned on their flags. It is 
 difficult to see on what grounds they base their claim. 
 It is true they fought gallantly, and, for a time, held 
 the guns on the hill ; but they failed to keep the 
 advantage they temporarily gained, and their precipi- 
 tate retreat the next day was a proof that they felt 
 themselves defeated. 
re, and 
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 hey felt 
 Fort Erie, Chipi'ewa, Lundv's Lane, 1814. 299 
 The number of the killed was so great, and the 
 heat of summer so excessive, that the British were 
 unable to bury friend and foe alike ; and, accordingly, 
 on the second day, sent a message to the enemy 
 to send back a detachment to bury their dead. This 
 duty the American general was unable to fulfil, 
 leaving it to General Drummond to order the burning 
 of the bodies of some 200 xlmericans. 
 It is surely not the custom of the victors to allow 
 their dead to be buried by the vanquished. 
 General Eipley was called severely to account for 
 his retreat, and was superseded in the command of the 
 American army by General Gaines, who was sum- 
 moned from Sackett's Harbour to take command until 
 General Brown should recover from his wounds. 
 A letter from General Brown to Commodore 
 Chauncey, dated Buffalo, September 6th, 1814, does 
 not give one the impression that he considered the 
 battle of the 25th July a success. It runs thus : — 
 The Government led me to believe that the fleet 
 under your command would be upon Lake Ontario to 
 co-operate with my division of the army the first week 
 in July. I have deemed it fit and proper to let the 
 nation know that the support I had a right to expect 
 was not afforded me. From the 9th of July to the 
 24th the whole country was in our power, from Fort 
 George to Burlington Heights, and could the army 
 have been supplied with provisions from the depots 
 provided on the shores of Lake Ontario, we should not 
 have doubted our ability to carry the Heights, when 
 we could have returned upon Fort George and Niagara, 

 X' ' 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 V'.ui , 
 ill i ' \ 
 or advanced upon Kingston with the co-operation of 
 the fleet. 
 I have endeavoured to execute the orders given me, 
 success has not attended my endeavours. (From 
 manuscript letters in Library of Parhament, Ottawa). 
 The official reports of losses at the battle of Lundy's 
 Lane, or Niagara, are as follows : — General Brown's re- 
 port gives for the Americans, killed, 171 ; wounded, 
 570; missing, 117 ; total, 858. 
 General Drummond's report is : — Killed, 84 ; 
 wounded, 559 ; missing, 193 ; prisoners, 42 ; total, 878. 
 Among the prisoners taken on both sides were 
 Captain Loring, A.D.C. to General Drummond, and 
 Captain Spencer, A.D.C. to General Brown. Both 
 general's agreed to depart from the usages of War, and to 
 exchange their aides without waiting for the usual for- 
 malities. Captain Loring was sent back to his general, 
 but poor Captain Spencer, who was mortally wounded, 
 died the day he arrived at Fort Erie. 
 Frcna Thomas Ridont to his Son at Cornwall : — 
 York, 2,nd August, 1S14. 
 The enemy have been defeated with great loss at 
 the battle of Lundy's Lane, on the 25th July. The 
 particulars you will, perhaps, see about this time. 
 Your good friend. Colonel Morrison, has been 
 severely wounded in the arm, and has gone to Kings- 
 ton or Montreal. 
 We are greatly, but agreeably, surprised at not 
 having seen any of the enemy's fleet. Surely there 
 must exist some wonderful and important cause for 
Fort Erie, Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, 1814. 301 
 their continuance in harbour. Sometimes it is reported 
 they are out, sometimes that they want seamen. 
 It is reasonable, I think, to suppose that the peace 
 of Europe will induce all the foreign seamen in the 
 enemy's service to wish themselves at home. At all 
 events, though frequently alarmed, we are all whole ; 
 and I hope in a few days that there will be a sufficient 
 number of men at this post to repel the enemy in case 
 of an attack. 

 u ) 
 I .. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 After the battle of the 25th July, only a few days of 
 needful rest were taken by our array, and its indefatig- 
 able commander. Although suffering severely from 
 his wound, General Drummond prepared his plans for 
 the pursuit of the Americans, and their investment in 
 their harbour of refuge at Fort Erie. 
 General Ripley was so impressed by the severe 
 handling his troops had received at Lundy's Lane, that 
 he implored General Brown, who was at Buffalo, dis- 
 abled by his wounds from taking the field, to abandon 
 the inhospitable shores of Canada. However, this 
 was not permitted by the American Commander-in- 
 Chief, and Ripley received orders to entrench his 
 army on the lake shore above Fort Erie, to strengthen 
 the old works and to construct new and more exten- 
 sive ones, preparatory to an expected siege. From 
 the 27th July, 1814, to the 2nd August, the troops 
 were employed day and night, casting up entrench- 
 ments, constructing redoubts, and preparing abattis. 
 Up to this time Fort Erie had been but a small and 
 weak affair, but it now began to assume a lormidable 
 appearance. On the extreme right of the American 
 Fort Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, 1S14. 303 
 encampment, and near the lake shore, a stroiiijf stone 
 work had been erected, and two guns momited on it. 
 This was called the Douglas battery. From the left 
 of the battery to the right of the old fort, continuous 
 earth-works were thrown up, seven feet in height, with 
 a ditch in front and slight abattis ; and from the fort, 
 and in a line nearly parallel with the lake shore, strong 
 parapet breast-works were connnenced with two ditches 
 and abattis in front. At the south-western extremity 
 of this line of works, on a natural sand mound called 
 Snake Hill, a sort of bastion, twenty feet in height, was 
 cast up, and five guns mounted on it. This was named 
 Towson's battery. From this battery to the lake shore, 
 near which lay at anchor three armed schooners (the 
 Porcupine, Somers and Ohio), was a line of abattis, 
 thus completing the enclosure of the American camp, 
 with defences on land and water, within an area of 
 about fifteen acres. 
 These works, with the exception of old Fort Erie, 
 were incomplete on the 2nd August. On that day 
 General Drummond, who had been reinforced by De 
 Watteville's regiment and some artillery, made his 
 The Canadian troops advanced steadily, drove in 
 the American picquets, and in the woods, two miles 
 from Fort Erie, formed a camp and commenced 
 casting up lines of entrenchments and constructing 
 batteries in front, at points from which an effectual 
 fire might be poured upon the American works. 
 ?i ! I 

 I f 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 As it was thought important to capture the batteries 
 at Black Rock, on the opposite side of the river, 
 General Drummond sent over on the night of the 
 3rd August, Colonel Tucker with some of the 41st, 
 in nine boats, to attempt to take them. 
 However, the Americans were prepared to receive 
 them, and such a destructive fire was poured on the 
 boats at dawn, that the expedition fell back on Squaw 
 Island, and then recrossed the Niagara, to join the main 
 body in the investment of Fort Erie. 
 General Drummond had opened fire on the 3rd 
 August, but, until the 7th, cannonading was seldom 
 heard, as both sides were labouring hard. Drummond 
 constructing works for a siege and assault, and Ripley 
 in preparations for a defence. 
 The Americans were now thoroughly dispirited, and 
 kept within the limits of Fort Erie as far as Snake Hill. 
 On the 5th August, General Gaines arrived from Sac- 
 kett's Harbour to take command in place of General 
 Ripley, and his presence revived the courage and con- 
 fidence of the beleaguered army. 
 Early on the morning of the 7th August, the be- 
 siegers began hurling a tremendous storm of round 
 shot on the enemy, and from that day until the 13th, 
 a constant fire was kept up on the American works. 
 On the night of the 12th August, a clever capture of 
 two of the enemy's gun-boats — Ohio and Somers — was 
 made by Captain Dobbs of the Royal Navy, with 
 seventy-five men. 
Fort Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, 1814. 305 
 The prizes were taken to Chippewa, and secured 
 there. The third gun-boat, the Porcupine, slipped its 
 cable and escaped to Presqu' Isle. 
 On the 13th August, General Drummond completed 
 the mounting of all his heavy ordnance, and made pre- 
 parations to carry the fort by storm. 
 All day of the 14th the cannonading was kept up, 
 but with very little effect on the strong works. 
 The firing ceased at seven, and the garrison, ex- 
 hausted with constant watchfulness, slept on the 
 night of the 14th the sleep of weary men. 
 There was silence in both camps till midnight — the 
 calm before the storm. 
 General Drummond had determined on a night 
 assault, and taking advantage of a dark, cloudy night, 
 silently and warily his little army moved out of its 
 entrenchments for the attack. 
 The troops were divided into three divisions. The 
 first under Colonel Fischer of De Watteville's regiment, 
 consisting of the Kiug's, De Watteville's and the 
 flank companies of the 89th and lOOtii regiments, with 
 some militia, was directed against Towson's battery on 
 Snake Hill. The second division under Lieutenant- 
 Colonel Drummond of the 104th, consisted of the 
 41st and 104th regiments, and some seamen and 
 marines under Captain Dobbs, who had made the 
 successful capture two nights before. This division 
 was directed against old Fort Erie. 
 The third division, under Colonel Scott of the 103rd, 
 S„ iil 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 consisting of part of that regiment and two companies 
 of the Koyal Scots, advanced towards the Doughis bat- 
 tery and the connecting entrenchments. It was 
 about two o'clock of the morning of the 15th x\ngiist, 
 when the several divisions began the attack. The 
 alarm of their approach had been given by the Ameri- 
 can picquet guard, and soon the garrison was on the 
 Up in the gloom Colonel Fischer's division came 
 dashing on, and charged furiously upon Towson's 
 battery. The gunners had been warned in time, and 
 immediately two twenty-four-pounders from the bat- 
 tery sent forth a stream of Hame from the summit of 
 Snake Hill, and revealed the position of the Canadian 
 troops to the garrison. 
 While part of Fischer's colunm was attempting to 
 scale the embankment at Towson's battery, another 
 party forming the reserve, while marching too near 
 the lake, found themselves entangled between the 
 rocks and the water, and in the darkness, were thrown 
 into such confusion that it was impossible to form 
 them. They were exposed to a galling fire, and many 
 of them were killed or severely wounded. 
 Soon a tremendous fire from the guns in the fort 
 and from the entrenchments on the shore of the lake 
 announced that Scott and J)runnnond had commenced 
 their assault. The column under Scott was repulsed, 
 but Colonel Drunuiiond's division, under the impetu- 
 ous lead of their heroic commander, succeeded in 
 Fort Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, 1814. 307 
 penetrating the enemy's works. They were met 
 gallantly by the American soldiers within, and twice 
 were repulsed, but could not be kept in check. In 
 the meantime, Scott's column had rallied, and the 
 fort was assailed from all quarters at once. Colonel 
 Drummond and a hundred of the artillery, taking ad- 
 vantage of a thick fall of gunpowder smoke, went 
 silently around the ditch, and, with scaling ladders, 
 ascended the parapet and gained a secure footing 
 taere. The enemy were driven from their posts at 
 the point of the bayonet. Colonel Drummond per- 
 formed extraordinary acts of valour, encouraging his 
 men, and leading them in the hottest of the fight. It 
 was a repetition of the midnight contest on the hill 
 at Lundy's Lane, and again the bayonet was used 
 with terrible effect. 
 The American general sent reinforcement after 
 reinforcement to assist in driving the British troops 
 from the bastion, but in vain. 
 Just at the moment of victory, a terrific explosion 
 took place in the centre of the bastion. A jet of 
 flame, mingled with fragments of earth, stone and 
 bodies of men rose in the air, and the greater number 
 of the brave men, who had just entered the fort, were 
 literally blown to pieces. 
 An eye-witness (American) says. The cause of the 
 explosion has never been officially explained. History 
 ascribes it to accident. If it was design, I think the 
 end justified the means. It was that mysterious 
 explosion which saved our little army. 
 ' ■ 4 
 I 'I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Is it possible that some soldiers in the fort, who saw 
 the American cause was lost, took this desperate means 
 of destroying their opponents ? 
 Be it as it may, accident or design, the result was 
 disastrous to the Canadians. The few officers who had 
 survived the explosion could not rally their men. 
 Both the commanding officers had been killed in that 
 terrible contest in the fort. Drunnnond by a bayonet 
 wound, Scott by a musket ball, and as day dawned on 
 the scene, the shattered troops retired to their 
 The loss to the Canadian force was much greater 
 than that of the Americans. 
 In General Drummond's official report, the returns 
 are : — 
 Killed — 2 lieutenant-colonels, 1 captain, 1 lieuten- 
 ant, 1 sergeant, 1 drummer, 51 rank and file; total, 57. 
 Wounded — 1 deputy assistant-quarter-master-general, 
 1 major, 8 captains, 11 lieutenants, 2 ensigns, 1 mas- 
 ter, 12 seamen, 20 sergeants, 2 drunnners, 250 rank 
 and file ; total, 308. Missing — 1 deputy assistant- 
 quarter-master-general, 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, 2 
 ensigns, 1 midshipman, 1 adjutant, 7 seamen, 41 ser- 
 geants, 3 drummers, 479 rank and file ; total killed, 
 wounded and missing, 904. 
 Among the killed on the American side was the 
 renegade member of the Assembly, Jos. Willcocks. 
 The ill-fated and much lamented Lieutenant-Colonel 
 William Drummond, 104th, a nephew of General Gor- 
Fort Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, 1814. 309 
 don DruiniDond, who had done good service to Canada 
 in numerous engagements, was buried by the Ameri- 
 cans near Towson's Battery. From his pockets were 
 taken his papers, among them this secret order in 
 Colonel Harvey's handwriting : — 
 '* The Lieutenant- General most strongly recom- 
 mends the free use of the bayonet." 
 Through this paper, General Gaines says, is the 
 mark of the fatal bayonet thrust. 
 Colonel Scott, of the 103rd, who had also distin- 
 guished himself on many a field, was buried the same 
 evening by his own men, in the presence of the only 
 three officers of his regiment, who came out of the fort 
 Fischer's division at Snake Hill had only been par- 
 tially successful. They had, indeed, turned the enemy's 
 battery, but the flank companies were stopped by an 
 impenetrable abattis, and the column of support had 
 been hopelessly entangled among the rocks in the lake. 
 Among those of the militia mentioned in despatches 
 as distinguished for their gallantry, were Captain 
 Powell, of the Quarter-Master-General's Department, 
 and Sergeant Powell, of the 19th Dragoons; 'Lieuten- 
 ant-Colonel Pearson and Lieutenant-Colonel Batters- 
 by, of the Glengarries, and Captain Walker, of the 
 incorporated militia. 
 A letter from York of the 9th August, tells what was 
 going on there while Drummond and his men were 
 entrenched at Fort Erie. 

 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Channcey's fleet had broken through the blockade 
 at Sackett's Harbour, and were saiHng on Lake 
 Ontario, to the constant menace of the little town. 
 It may be gathered from the letter, that in the midst 
 of war's alarms, ordinary affairs were carried on. The 
 courts were held as usual, and those who one week 
 buckled on their swords, another week wore the barris- 
 ter's gown. 
 From Surveijor- General Ridout to his Son at Cormvall: — 
 York, dth August. 
 On Saturday last, the 6th inst., I hastily enclosed 
 to your care a better I had written to my brother, 
 informing you, at the same time, that the American 
 fleet were off this place. They made their appearance 
 on the preceding day, about ten sail, standing toward 
 Niagara, with a flne easterly breeze, and at no great 
 distance from that shore. I had gone down to the Bay 
 and was standing near Coxe's door conversing with 
 Captain McDonell, who had lost his left arm at the 
 battle of Lundy's Lane, when I felt a violent concussion 
 of the air, and, presently after, heard an explosion 
 towards Niagara, much greater than the explosion of 
 our magazine. On looking over the lake where the 
 enemy's vessels were, I saw a prodigious cloud of 
 smoke rising to a great height. I then concluded, and 
 do now, that one of the enemy's vessels was blown up, 
 but of this we have not received any information. 
 When I enclosed my letter the American fleet were 
 lying off tliis place about eight miles, and the Lady of 
 the Lake was attempting to come into this harbour as 
 a flag of truce ; but, not permitting such insidious 
 policy, a shot from one of our batteries was flred at 
 this vessel. She then hoisted her proper colours, and 
 fired at the garrison, and afterwards, another shot. 
Fort Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, 1814. 311 
 We fired three or four more, Lut all fell short of her. 
 She put out to join her ileet, iiiid a visit was ex}jected 
 from them. \t this time we had only a few convales- 
 cent and lame soldiers and 200 or 300 of the seden- 
 tary or home militia. In the course of the afternoon 
 300 men of the first detachment of the 82nd came in, 
 having marched at the rate of four miles an hour, and 
 on Sunday the residue of that regiment came in also. 
 This morning a part of that corps have proceeded to 
 Niagara by land, and the 1st division of the 0th are 
 expected in the course of the day. Four of the 
 enemy's vessels are now in sight, about eight miles 
 off. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday people were 
 busy moving their effects to the country. On Satur- 
 day I removed the remainder of my office papers and 
 some family necessaries. With much difficulty I 
 walked as far as Sam's, having been laid up some days 
 with a lumbago. I came in this morning. 
 George* went from home yesterday. He attends 
 the court a,t Ancaster as Acting Solicitor-General. 
 Judge Powell is gone on that circuit. 
 John Robinson goes the Eastern Circuit with Judge 
 Sam f took sixty-one prisoners in charge for King- 
 ston on Saturday. He set out by land with twenty- 
 four militia as guard. 
 Peter Robinson]: is come from Mackinaw, from 
 whence he escaped through a fleet of ten sail who are 
 besieging it. He says that they will not, in his 
 opinion, be able to reduce it, and that there are plenty 
 of provisions for our troops in the place. I have not 
 had any news from Fort Erie, only, it is said that 
 General Drummond is highly displeased with the 41st. 
 * Lieutenant George Ridout, York militia. + Samuel Riclout, Sheriff. 
 I Brother of John Beverley Robinson. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 From Survey or-Oeneral Ridout to his son Thomas at Corn- 
 wall : — 
 York, Sunday Afternoon, IMh August, 1814. 
 I wish you would subscribe for the Quebec Mercury, 
 printed and published by S. Carey. I think it the 
 best Canadian paper. 
 Colonel Hamilton, who lately commanded the 100th 
 regiment, and is now Inspecting Field Officer, came 
 here last night with his family, and occupies Mr. 
 Campbell's house in his absence. He says it is 
 reported above that the American generals Brown 
 and Scott, have died of their wounds received on 
 the 25th. The coolness of General Drunmiond on 
 that memorable night, and the performance of all his 
 duties are beyond all praise. His wound in the neck 
 was very severe, and has been very troublesome, but 
 is now doing well. Three of the American fleet are 
 seen from here almost every day. They consist of 
 two brigs and a schooner. It is reported the other 
 part of the fleet are gone over the lake. 'Tis said the 
 residue of the 89th are coming hither, as well as the 
 remnant of the 100th. 
 The report of the death of the American generals 
 was not correct. General Brown recovered enough to 
 take the field again in September. General Winfield 
 Scott's wounds were more serious. 
 The reference in the letter of the 9th to Peter 
 Kobinson's escape through the enemy's fleet, takes 
 us back to Lake Huron and the white cliffs of Macki- 
 Although the Americans had, in 1813, recaptured 
 Detroit and Michigan, and now controlled the upper 
 lakes, the little island fortress of Michillimackinac 
 still defied them. 
Fort Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, 1814. '^1^ 
 In May, 1814, a reinforcement of Canadian militia 
 and a few regulars were sent there, under Lieutenant- 
 Colonel McDouall, who also had in charge twenty-four 
 bateaux. This reinforcement arrived safely at the 
 island on the 18th May. Early in the spring the 
 Americans had planned an expedition on the upper 
 lakes, but for various reasons, the sailing of their 
 squadron was delayed, and the fort at Mackinac 
 remained for some time unmolested. 
 Colonel McDouall, however, did not remain inactive. 
 Early in July, he sent off Colonel McKay, of the 
 Indian Department with 650 men — Fencibles, Volun- 
 teers and Indians — to reduce Prairie du Chien, a 
 village at the junction of the Guisconsin and Missis- 
 sippi. There was a small fort there, also two block- 
 houses, and a gun-boat of fourteen guns. McKay, a 
 sturdy Highlander, demanded an immediate surrender. 
 This was refused, so he opened lire on the gun-boat, 
 which cut her cable and ran down the stream. 
 McKay then threw up a mud battery, and prepared 
 with his one gun to bombard the fort. The enemy, 
 seeing the earthworks, imagined that the Canadians 
 were well supplied with artillery, and without waiting 
 for a single round, sent out a white flag, and McKay 
 took possession of the fort. 
 The effect of the capture was of service in securing 
 the continued allegiance of the Indians. 
 In the meantime an American squadron liad been 
 fitted out under the command of Arthur St. Clair. It 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 consisted of the "Niagara^ Caledonia, St. Laivrence, 
 Scorjrion and Tigress, vessels which had taken part in 
 the battle of Lake Erie the preceding year. 
 This expedition left Detroit about the middle of 
 July. The land force was under the conmiand of 
 Colonel Croghan, and consisted of 500 regulars U. S. A., 
 250 militia, and a regiment of Ohio volunteers. They 
 first sailed for Matchedash, Lake Huron, where there 
 was a British post, but fogs, and the lack of good 
 pilots for the dangerous channels, caused them to 
 abandon their designs in that quarter. They then 
 sailed for the deserted fort of St. Joseph, which they 
 committed to the flames. Then they proceeded to the 
 village of Sault Ste. Marie, where they arrived on the 
 21st July, 1814. This place, where the North- West 
 Company had large stores, and which was the centre 
 of traffic with the Indians, was also laid in ashes. 
 They then sailed for Michillimackinac, where they 
 arrived on the 26th July. The little garrison was 
 quite prepared for their reception. The guns of the 
 vessels could not be used with effect on the high posi- 
 tion of the fort, and Croghan determined to land in 
 the rear, or western part of the island, under cover of 
 the guns of his fleet. From the 26th July to the 4th 
 August, the vessels had lain waiting for a chance to 
 land the men, and it was through this fleet that Peter 
 Robinson escaped. 
 On the 4th August, Croghan succeeded in landing, 
 but was received by a storm of shot and shell from a 
Fort Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, 1814. 
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 from a 
 battery on the shore, and from the garrison under Mc- 
 Douall, and a hot fire from the Indians stationed in the 
 thick woods. The enemy fell back and fled to the 
 boats, with the loss of seventeen killed, and a large 
 number wounded. Croghan and St. Clair then aban- 
 doned the attempt to take Michillimackinac, and after 
 hovering for several weeks on the lake, they returned 
 empty-handed to Detroit. 
 At Fort Erie the siege still continued. After the 
 disastrous explosion on the 15th August, General 
 Drummond retired to his entrenchments to await 
 reinforcements, and to construct new batteries. The 
 struggle soon began again, and through the remainder 
 of the month, almost daily, hotshot, shells and rockets 
 were thrown into the fort, much to the annoyance of 
 the Americans. On the 28th, a shell fell through the 
 roof of General Gaines' quarters, and exploding at his 
 feet, injured him so severely that he was compelled to 
 give up the command and retire to Buffalo. 
 While these events were happening in Upper Canada, 
 the war was raging fiercely on the American seaboard. 
 On the 24th August, 1814, Washington, the capital 
 of the United States, was entered, taken by the com- 
 bined forces of General lioss and Admiral Cockburn, 
 after a sharp engagement at Bladensburg, where the 
 only resistance was made. 
 The victors destroyed by fire the capitol, the public 
 buildings, the President's house, the arsenal and two 
 frigates, also an immense amount of military stores. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 The destruction of so much vahiable property was 
 severely censured at the time, and deemed more suited 
 to a barbaric age than to the warfare of a civihzed 
 It is true that General lioss first demanded an 
 indemnity, but, this being refused, the torch was 
 In the meantime, while blood and treasure were being 
 thus wasted, the Peace Commissioners had assembled 
 at Ghent, and were trying to reconcile differences and 
 to put an end to the desolating ravages of war. 
Plattsburg, Lake Champlain, September, 1814. 317 
 Teoops were now pouring into Canada. The down- 
 fall of Napoleon, in May, 1814, and his retirement to 
 Elba, had released from service on the Continent, a 
 number of English regiments ; and several thousands 
 of Wellington's veterans were despatched to Canada, 
 during the months of July and August, 1814, to 
 reinforce the army there. 
 With 14,000 veteran troops at lis command. Sir 
 George Prevost thought the moment had come to 
 strike a decisive blow, by invading the enemy's 
 Stoney Creek, and Chrysler's Field, and Lundy's 
 Lane, had proved what could be done with a mere 
 handful of troops under the leadership of men like 
 Harvey, and Morrison, and Drummond. 
 The unfortunate expedition to Plattsburg was now 
 about to show how useless the best troops in the 
 world may be in the hands of an incompetent general. 
 A letter from Thomas G. Ridout speaks of the 
 arrival of more regiments, and also of the expected 
 movements on Lake Champlain. 
Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Frovi Thomas G. liidout to his Father in York : — 
 Cornwall, 25ih August, 1814. 
 I received yesterday your letter of the 19th inst., 
 giving an account of the melancholy affair at Fort. 
 Erie. We have not yet had the particulars. I am 
 very sorry for Colonel Scott's death. 
 General Kempt, with three regiments and a brifi'ide 
 of artillery, will be here to-night, or to-morrow 
 The 70' h and part of the IGth are now here, waiting 
 for ordeio to march upwards. 
 Nothing done yet on Lake Champlain. 
 The General Kempt, afterwards Sir James Kempt, 
 mentioned in the letter, was one of Wellington's best 
 officers, and had greatly distinguished himself in the 
 Peninsular war. 
 After serving on the staff in Canada during 1814, 
 he went back to Europe, and was severely wounded at 
 the battle of Waterloo. 
 He returned to America, in 1820, as Governor of 
 Nova Scotia, and, in 1828, became Governor- Geueral of 
 Canada, which post he held for two years. 
 Another letter from the young commissariat officer 
 gives further information of the movement of troops 
 just prior to the battle on Lake Champlain. 
 From Thomas G. Ridout to his Mother in York : — 
 Cornwall, \st September, 1814. 
 General Kempt will fix his head-quarters at Corn- 
 wall on Tuesday next, with about 4,000 troops. 
 The 37th are expected this evening, the 9th in two 
 days, and the 81st to follow immediately. 
Plattsburg, Lake Champlain, September, 1814. 319 
 The American army* have left Lake Champlain, and 
 are now at Four Corners, where we were last winter, 
 advancing upon Ogdensburg and Sackett's Harl)our. 
 They are to occupy Ogdensburg with about 4,000 men, 
 and have hired barracks for that purpose. 
 Our frigate f is now on two rafts at Prescott, waiting 
 for convoy to go to Kingston, for the AmericaiiS say 
 they will attack her. 
 The TOtli regiment are now here, with a brigade of 
 flying artillery. They are ordered to be ready at a 
 moment's warning, and the Commissary-General has 
 notified me tbat the army must want for nothing. 
 There is one of Lord Wellington's brigades of artil- 
 lery stationed here, consisting of brass six-pounders, 
 180 horses, 1'20 artillerymen, and 80 drivers. They 
 give a great deal of trouble, and consume two tons of 
 hay per day, and 50 bushels of oats. I am getting 
 sixty tons of hay from the Yankees in bateaux, but 
 am afraid of great difficulty in December. 
 In August, 1814, the right wing of the American 
 army were encamped at Champlain, on the River 
 Chazy, under the command of General Izard. Under 
 him were Generals Winder (taken prisoner at Stoney 
 Creek, and lately exchanged), and Brigadier-(Teneral 
 At the end of August, General Izard was ordered to 
 co-operate with the army on the Niagara frontier. 
 He therefore, very unwillingly, set out for Sackett's 
 Harbour with about 4,000 men, leaving General Ma- 
 comb in command at Plattsburg, with an army of 
 about 3,500 men, 1,500 of whom were invalids. 
 On the day that Izard left his camp at Champlain, 
 * The division under General Izard. t The ISt. Laurencf, of 100 gunB. 

 ¥ i 
 hi ' 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 the British troops advanced from Odelltown, and occu- 
 pied the abandoned camp. 
 On the 3rd September, 14,000 picked British troops 
 were gathered there under the immediate command of 
 General Bir George Prevost. 
 The different brigades were led by Generals Bris- 
 bane, Power and Robinson, heroes of the Peninsular 
 War, well-inured to fighting, and accustomed to com- 
 On the 5th September, they had advanced to within 
 eight miles of Plattsburg, while Macomb's army were 
 doing what they could to obstruct the progress of 
 tlie invau" ^g army, by felling trees and breaking up 
 the bridges on the road. During this advance several 
 skirmishes took place. 
 On the ()th, there was a sharp engagement with 
 the enemy about a mile and a half from Plattsburg 
 bridge, at Halsey's Corners, where the Americans had 
 thrown up a battery commanding the road. Three 
 times the battery hurled its deadly shot at the advanc- 
 ing troops, but without effect. The British bugles 
 sounded, and the men, throwing away their knapsacks 
 rushed forward at double-quick, and charged with the 
 The Anuiricans tied to the town across the Saranac, 
 whoso bridges tliey tore up, using the timbers as 
 breast -works. 
 Nothing could have prevented the capture of 
 Macomb's army, had Sir George now pushed his whole 
Plattsburg, Lake Champlain, September, 1814. 321 
 force on. He paused, however, and spent five days 
 erecting batteries, and throwing up breast \sorks. 
 He was possessed with the idea that nothing could 
 be done without the co-operation of the fleet, although 
 the men under his command were in sufficient num- 
 bers to have carried the works alone. 
 In the meantime the American general was not 
 idle, and kept his troops constantly employed finishing 
 his line of redoubts. 
 Up to the 11th September the assault of Platts- 
 burg was delayed, waiting for the arrival of the 
 squadron on Lake Champlain, whose co-operation. 
 Sir George thought, would enable him to capture both 
 the American fleet and army. 
 The British fleet consisted of the frigate Confiance, 
 38 guns (scarcely finished and manned by sailors who 
 had just arrived a few days before from Quebec) ; the 
 Tjijinet, a brig of sixteen guns ; two sloops, CJmb and 
 Finch, formerly United States Growler and Eagle ; 
 thirteen gun-boats or galleys, numbering in all ninety- 
 five guns and 1,050 men. Captain Downie commanded 
 the squadron. 
 The American fleet lay in Plattsburg Bay, and con- 
 sisted of the flag-ship Saratoga, twenty-six guns ; the 
 brig Eagle, twenty-six guns ; Ticonderoga, seventeen 
 guns ; the Preble, seven guns, and ten gun-boats 
 carrying eighty-six guns in all, and manned by 882 
 men, under the command of Commodore McDonough. 
 The weight o metal was about equal. 

 i'l !• 
 * 'I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 General Prevost ordered a combined attack to be 
 made by the land and naval forces, and early on the 
 morning of the 11th September the fleet came in sight, 
 Captain Downie having hurried forward in obedience 
 to General Provost's command. 
 At the same time three brigades, under Generals 
 Power, Brisbane and Robinson, pressed forward, in 
 order to force the fords of the Saranac, climb its steep 
 banks, and scale the American works, while the British 
 batteries were ordered to open a brisk fire on the fleet 
 and town. 
 As the Conjiance appeared round Cumberland Head 
 the Saratoga opened Are with fearful effect. Captain 
 Downie, with great coolness, waited until he had 
 secured a desirable position for his ship, and then 
 levelled his guns at the Saratoga. The sixteen 
 twenty-four-pounders of the Conjiance were discharged 
 at once, raking the American flag-ship from stem to 
 stern and laying low half her crew. 
 The battle now became general between the larger 
 vessels, and the slaughter on both sides was terrible. 
 Early in the engagement Captain Downie fell, and 
 the command of his vessel was taken by Lieutenant 
 While the deadly duel was going on between the 
 two flag-ships, the Chub had received a broadside 
 from the Eagle, which so crippled her that she drifted 
 helplessly into the enemy's lines, and was taken. 
Plattsburg, Lake Ciiamplain, September, 1814. 323 
 Soon afterwards, the Finch struck on some rocks, and 
 was forced to surrender. The British gun-boats now 
 entered vigorously into the action, and caused the 
 Preble to cut her cable and make for the shore, where 
 she was of no further use. They then made a furious 
 attack on the Ticondcroga, and nearly succeeded in 
 boarding her. The Eagle was exposed to the combined 
 fire of the Confiance and Linnet, i fled to a safer 
 position, between the Saratoga and Ticonderoga, 
 where she was able to pour in a fresh fire on the gun- 
 boats and the Confiance. 
 So deadly had been the fire between the two large 
 frigates that the Saratoga had not a single starboard 
 gun left, and the Confiance was not much better. 
 Victory still hung in the balance, when, as in the 
 battle on Lake Erie, a piece of skilful seamanship on 
 the part of the Americans turned the fortune of the 
 The Saratoga cut her cable and wound round, so as 
 to bring a new broadside on the Confiance, who vainly 
 attempted to perform the same manoeuvre. 
 In a few minutes the British ship was obliged to 
 strike its colours, followed soon after by the Linnet^ 
 whose commander said he was not supported by the 
 Three of these had sunk, the remainder bent their 
 sweeps and escaped down the lake, the American 
 vessels being in too crippled a state to follow. 
WfW^ii^W*" "PW 
 . 1 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Commodore McDonough wrote to the American 
 Secretary of War : — 
 There was not a mast in either squadron that 
 could stand to make sail on ; the lower rigging being 
 nearly all shot away, hung down as if it had been 
 just placed over the mastheads. 
 Midshipman Lee, of the Cov fiance, wrote : — 
 Our masts, yards and sails were so shattered, that 
 one looked like so many bunches of matches, and the 
 other like a bundle of rags. I don't think there are 
 more than five of our men out of 300 but what are 
 killed or wounded. Never was a shower of hail so 
 thick as the shot whistling about our ears. There is 
 one of the marines, who was in the Trafalgar action 
 with Lord Nelson, who says that was a mere flea-bite 
 in comparison with this. 
 For over two hours this naval battle raged, witnessed 
 from the headlands of the Vermont shore by hundreds 
 of spectators, who greeted the victory with shouts. 
 It was these shouts that reached the ears of Sir 
 George Prevost, and filled him with consternation and 
 Although his splendid troops had advanced with all 
 necessary despatch, and part of them had successfully 
 forded the Saranac and scaled the heights, Sir 
 George Prevost withdrew them, at the moment of their 
 victory, and ordered a precipitate retreat. 
 The army fell back in sullen submission to his com- 
 mand. So indignant was General Robinson that he 
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 that he 
 Plattsburg, Lake Champlain, Seftembkr, 1814. 325 
 broke his sword, declaring he could never serve 
 Sir George's own despatch says : — 
 Scarcely had His Majesty's troops forced a passage 
 across the Saranac, and ascended the height on which 
 stand the enemy's works, when I had the extreme 
 mortification to hear the shout of victory from the 
 enemy in consequence of the British flag being lowered 
 on board the Conjiaiice and Linnet, and to see our 
 gun- boats seeking safety in flight. 
 Sir James Yeo expressed his opinion very freely in a 
 letter to the Admiralty Office, dated September 24th, 
 1814. He says : — 
 It appears to me that Captain Downie was urged, 
 and his ship hurried into action, before she was in a 
 fit state to meet the enemy. I am also of opinion 
 that there was not the least necessity for our squadron 
 giving the enemy such a decided advantage by going 
 into their Bay to engage them ; even had they been 
 successful, it would not in the least have assisted the 
 troops in storming the batteries, whereas, had our 
 troops taken their batteries first, it would have obliged 
 the enemy's squadron to quit the Bay, and given ours 
 a fair chance. 
 A desultory fire was kept^up until sunset from the 
 British batteries, when Sir George ordered a rapid 
 retreat into Canadian territory. He left behind his 
 * General Robinson, af terwarda Sir F. P Robinson, was a son of Colonel 
 Beverley Robinson, of New York, a U. E. Loyalist, and a relative of the 
 late Sir John Beverley Robinson, 13art., Chief Justice of Upp r Canada. 
 General Robinson was afterwards acting- Lieutenant-Governor of Upper 
 Canada for a short time, until the return ot Uovornor Gore, in 181U. 
I L 
 i " 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 sick and wounded, with a request that they might be 
 generously treated by General Macomb. Quantities 
 of stores fell into the hands of the Americans. 
 One bright spot in this disastrous affair, is the kind 
 and humane treatment, which the wounded and pri- 
 soners received from Commodore McDonough and 
 General Macomb. 
 In the hasty flight, numbers of men deserted to the 
 enemy, and the cup of disgrace was filled to over- 
 For the failure of this expedition Sir George Prevost 
 was called to account. He resigned his governorship 
 as soon as the war was over, and hastened to England 
 to answer the charges brought against him, but died 
 before the court-martial took place. His widow pressed 
 for an inquiry, with the result that in consideration of 
 the many services he had rendered in Canada, and his 
 good qualities as a civil governor, he was exonerated 
 from blame, and the Prince Regent bestowed on his 
 family, as an honour,* some additional armorial bear- 
 * The honour bestowed was the right to add supporters to the coat of 
 arms, together with the motto, Servatnm Cineri. 
 " The supporters, the proper badges of nobility, give the honour of the 
 peerage, without tlie rank, to which the fortune left by Sir George was not 
 equal, thougli his merits were." — Gentleman' s Magazine, January, 1817. 
Last Days ok teie War, Winter, 1814-181 
 The news of the success of the American army of 
 the North at Plattsburg quickly reached Fort Erie, 
 where General Brown and his troops were still held at 
 bay by grim Sir Gordon Drummond. 
 After General Gaines' mishap in August, General 
 Brown, though still unrecovered from his wounds 
 received at Lundy's Lane, had come back to take 
 command at the fort, and arrived there on the 2nd of 
 Both sides had received reinforcements, but there 
 had been no serious fighting since the 15th of August. 
 General Brown's return infused new spirit into the 
 garrison, and the American victory on Lake Champlaiii 
 so elated his men that he determined upon a grand 
 attack on the Canadian entrenchments. 
 The Americans had now twenty-seven heavy gims 
 mounted at the fort, and a force behind them of about 
 4,000 men. 
 General Drummond's camp was on an open plain, 
 almost surrounded, except on the river side, by thick 
 woods, and beyond the range of shot and shell from 
 the fort. His army was divided into three brigades ; 
 I I 
 ma '1 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 one of these, daily relieved by another, was constantly 
 on duty at the batteries. The works had now been 
 extended to within four or live hundred yards of the 
 old fort, and at that distance two batteries had already 
 been completed, and a third was nearly finished. 
 Heavy rains had flooded the flat ground on which 
 Druinmond's camp was situated, and typhoid fever 
 had broken out among his troops. 
 General Brown's army chafed under their inaction, 
 and were getting tired of being cooped up within the 
 narrow limits of the fort. 
 A sortie was, therefore, planned, and the day fixed 
 for it was the 17th September. The plan was, as 
 General Brown writes, " To storm the batteries, 
 destroy the cannon, and roughly handle the brigade 
 upon duty, before those in the camp could be brought 
 into action." 
 The American general made his plans with great 
 secrecy, not even disclosing them to his own officers. 
 He waited until a reinforcement of 2,000 militia, under 
 General Porter, arrived from Buffalo, and then 
 announced his intentions. They were not received 
 favourably by some of the other generals. Eipley 
 thought the enterprise was a hopeless one, and said 
 he should be well satisfied to escape from the disgrace 
 which, in his judgment, would fall upon all engaged. 
 Towards noon of the 17th September, taking 
 advantage of a thick fog, which obscured their move- 
 ments, the Americans advanced from the fort in three 
Last Days of the War, Winter, 1814-1815. 329 
 brigades. The first, led by General Porter, was to 
 move from the extreme left of the American camp, by 
 a circuitous road through the woods, and attack the 
 Canadians on their right flank. The second division, 
 under General Miller (who had led the attack up the 
 hill at Lundy's Lane), was ordered to move by way of 
 a ravine, between Fort Erie and the Canadian bat- 
 teries, and attack their centre. The third division, 
 under General Kipley, was posted as a reserve near the 
 fort, out of sight. 
 The first division reached a position within a few 
 rods of the Canadian right before their movements 
 were even suspected, and commenced the assault at 
 The Canadian troops were so completely taken by 
 surprise that they fell back, leaving the Americans in 
 possession of the ground. Batteries three and four 
 were stormed, and after a close contest of thirty 
 minutes were carried, the blockhouse in their rear 
 captured, the garrison made prisoners, and the maga- 
 zine blown up. This success was obtained at fearful 
 cost to the Americans, their three principal leaders 
 of divisions, General Davis, Colonel Gibson and Colonel 
 Wood, being mortally wounded, and a number of their 
 men killed. 
 In the meantime General Miller liad advanced on 
 the Canadian centre, carried the first and second 
 batteries with the blockhouses in rear ; and so, within 
 forty minutes, four batteries, two blockhouses, and the 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 whole line of Drummond entrenchments, were in pos- 
 session of the Americans. 
 Just at this moment General Ripley was ordered up 
 with his reserve, and received such a severe wound that 
 he was carried from the field to the fort. 
 So far the sortie had been successful, but the victors 
 were not long allowed to hold their spoils. 
 The story of how the batteries were re-taken is best 
 told by General Drummond, and General De Watteville, 
 in their despatches. 
 Extract of a letter from Lieutenant- General Drummond to 
 Lieutenant-General Sir George Frevost : — 
 Camp before Fort Erie, 
 September Idth, 1814. 
 My letter to your Excellency of the 17th gave a 
 short account of the result of an attack made by the 
 enemy on my position on that day. 
 I have to add, that as soon as the firing was heard, 
 I proceeded towards the advance, and found the troops 
 had moved from camp, and the lioyals and 89th had 
 been pushed, by Major-General De Watteville, into 
 the wood on the right towards No. 3 battery, and that 
 the 82nd was moving to the support of the batteries 
 on the left. At this moment it was reported to me 
 that the enemy had gained possession of the batteries 
 Nos. 2 and 3, and that our troops were falling 
 back— a report which the approach of the fire con- 
 firmed ; (your Excellency will have in recollection that 
 the whole line of operations lay in a thick wood). I 
 immediately directed Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell to 
 detach one wing of the 6th regiment to support the 
 82nd in an attack which I ordered to be made for the 
 recovery of battery No. 2. I threw forward the Glen- 
Last Days of the War, Winter, 1814-1815. 831 
 I pos- 
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 le Glen- 
 garry hght infantry into the wood in front of the 
 centre, to check the advance of the enemy, and support 
 the troops retiring from that point. Both these move- 
 ments were executed to my entire satisfaction, and 
 being combined with a judicious attack nuide by 
 Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon with part of the first 
 brigade, consisting of the 1st battalion of the Royal 
 Scots supported by the 89th, the enemy was every- 
 where driven back, and our batteries and entrench- 
 ments regained, not, however, before he had disabled 
 the guns in No. 3 battery and exploded its nuigazine. 
 The enemy did not attempt again to make a stand, 
 but retreated in great disorder to the fort, and was 
 followed by our troops to the glacis of that place. 
 I myself witnessed the good order and spirit with 
 which the Glengarry light infantry, under Lieutenant- 
 Colonel Battersby, pushed into the wood, and by their 
 superior fire drove back the enemy's light troops. 
 I cannot sufficiently appreciate the valuable assis- 
 tance which I have received from Lieutenant-Colonel 
 Harvey, Deputy Adjutant-General, during the present 
 service, and which has been of the more importance, 
 as, from my own state of health, of late (in conse- 
 quence of my wound), I have not been able to use 
 those active exertions which I otherwise might. To 
 Major Glegg, Assistant Adjutant-General; to Captains 
 Chambers and Powell, Deputy Assistants Quarter- 
 master-General ; to Captain Foster, Military Secretary ; 
 Lieutenant-Colonel Hagerman, Provincial aide-de- 
 camp, who have rendered me every assistance in 
 their respective situations, my best acknowledgments 
 are due. 
 The enemy, it is now ascertained, made the sortie 
 with his whole force, which, including the militia 
 volunteers, by winch he has lately been joined, could 
 not consist of less than 5,000. About 200 prisoners 
 fell into our hands, and I cannot estimate the enemy's 
 loss in killed and wounded at less than that number. 
 ' ) 
 '-, I'' 
 Tkn Years of Upper Canada. 
 ii I' 
 n ( 
 The dreadful state of the roads and of the weather, 
 it having poured with rain ahnost incessantly for the 
 last ten days, renders every movement of ordnance 
 or heavy stores exceedingly diilicult. 
 By great exertions, the commanding artillery officer 
 has succeeded in moving the battery guns and 
 mortars, with their stores, etc., towards the Chippewa, 
 to which place I mean to withdraw them for the 
 General 13e Watteville's report gives substantially 
 the same account of the attack and repulse, and ends 
 by saying, that by five o'clock the entrenchments 
 were again occupied, and the line of picquets estab- 
 lished as it had been previous to the enemy's attack. 
 An extract from a letter of one of the officers 
 engaged says : — 
 The companies of the 6th and 82nd did wonders. 
 The bayonet was lavishly dealt in the enemy's ranks. 
 Our loss has been heavy, about 100 
 killed and nearly 500 wounded and missing. 
 Most are of De Watteville's, who have been sur- 
 prised in the trenches. Of that fine regiment, four- 
 teen oflicers are killed, wounded and missing. 
 Typhoid fever was now proving a more formidable 
 foe even than the Americans, and General Drummond 
 found it necessary to change his camp. 
 He writes from 
 District Head-qua utehs, 
 Falls of Niagara, September 2ith, 1H14. 
 The troops fell back at eight o'clock on the evening 
 of the 21st, to the position alluded to in my letter of 
 that date, and bivouacked for the night undc^r torrents 
 of rain. 
Last Days ok the War, Winter, 1814-1815. 383 
 Soon after daylight on the 22nd, the enemy dis- 
 covered our movements, and pushed out his picqnets 
 posted on the plain opi)Osite Black liock, and immedi- 
 ately retreated, after exchan^ang a few shots, without 
 attempting to molest us. Havinf? waited until two 
 o'clock (as well for the purpose of f^iving battle to the 
 enemy, should he have ventured out, as of giving 
 thne for the moveuient of all encumbrances behind 
 the Black C.reek), I ordered the troops to retire across 
 Frenchman's Creek, and the bridge over that creek to 
 be destroyed. 
 A cavalry picquet was left to watch this brigade, and 
 the troops then proceeded to take up the canton- 
 ments. Tlie whole of the movement has this day 
 been completed, and the troojis are now in comfort- 
 able quarters, where it is my intention to give them 
 a few days' repose. 
 No further sorties were mnde from Fort Erie, 
 although General Izard's division of 4,000 men arrived 
 there on the 10th October, after a toilsome nuirch 
 through the wilderneso from Genesee river, which they 
 left on 24th September, to Lewiston, where they 
 arrived on the 5th October. General Izard placed 
 his camp two miles north of Fort Erie, and being 
 senior to General Brown, the latter retired to liis old 
 post at Sackett's Harbour. 
 General Izard was now in command at Fort Erie of 
 more than 8,000 men, and a battle might liave been 
 expected. However, Ix'yond a trifling skirmish at 
 Lyon's Creek, near Chippewa, wh(>re the Americans 
 succeeded in destroying some Hour at a mill, nothing 
 was done. 
 11 .; i 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 The American account says that General Izard 
 clearly perceived that further offensive operations on 
 the peninsula so late in the season would be impru- 
 dent, and, perhaps, extremely perilous to the army. 
 Soon afterwards the whole American force crossed 
 the Niagara river, and abandoned Canada. 
 Fort Erie, the scene of so much hard fighting, was 
 mined by them before leaving, and on the 5th ' 
 November, 1814, it was blown up and laid in ruins. 
 The capture of the British fleet on Lake Cham plain, 
 on the 11th September, was the last event of impor- 
 tance on the Lower Canadian frontier, and the sortie 
 and repulse of the Americans at Fort Erie on the 
 17th September, closed the campaign on the Niagara 
 The only event recorded in October was a raid of 
 700 Kentucky volunteers, under General McArthur, 
 who crossed from Detroit into Canada on the 26th of 
 October, and made a dash through the western penin- 
 sula. The object of the expedition was the capture 
 of Burlington Heights, but after plundering a few of 
 the inhabitants of the country, and burning some 
 houses in Oxford, they met with such sturdy opposi- 
 tion from a number of militia and Indians at " The 
 Crossings," Grand river, that they did not pursue 
 their journey farther eastward, but turned down the 
 Long Point Iload, and returned to Detroit by way of 
 Port Dover and St. Thomas, pursued part of the 
Last Days of the War, Winter, 1814-1815. 335 
 distance by a company of the Glengarries and some 
 of the 41st, under Major Muir. 
 General Drunimond's work as a military commander 
 was now nearly over. After a short stay in the camp 
 at Chippewa he withdrew his troops to Fort George, 
 but General Izard's retirement from Fort Erie had 
 banished any expectation of an attack from that 
 On Lake Ontario Sir James Yeo's grand ship, the 
 St. Laic?'e?ice, 100 guns, had just been launched, and 
 once more that gallant commodore was lord of the 
 lake, and troops and supplies could now have been 
 easily brought to Drunimond's army at Niagara. 
 The war was, however, practically over. 
 It was terminated by the Treaty of Ghent, at which 
 place the Peace Commissioners for Britain, and the 
 United States, had been engaged in prolonged negotia- 
 tions from the Gth August, until the Treaty of Peace 
 was signed on the 24tli December, 1814. The Treaty 
 was not ratified by the United States until February, 
 and all through the month of January, 1815, the boom 
 of cannon resounded along the sea-board. 
 The Americans went to war ostensibly to secure 
 immunity from Search and Impressment, yet after 
 nearly three years of fighting, they joyfully approved 
 of the conclusion of a treaty, which was absolutely silent 
 on that important point. 
 The Treaty contained provisions for the settling of 
 disputed boundaries by commissioners, and an agree- 
 Ten Years of Upter Canada. 
 ment that, in the interests of humanity and justice, 
 both nations should use their best endeavours for the 
 entire al)ohtion of the Slave Trade. 
 The Treaty required the ratification of the American 
 Senate, which was unanimously given on 17th Feb- 
 ruary, 1815. 
 A letter from Thomas G. Kidout gives the date of 
 the arrival of the news of the Peace at Montreal : — 
 CoiiNWALL, 27 tk February, 1815. 
 Yesterday moaning I received letters from Montreal 
 stating that the Treaty of Peace had l)een ratihed, and 
 the guns of that place had, in consequence, been fired 
 as a rejoicing at the event, (leneral Brisbane received 
 the express on tlie lines (boundary), and it would reach 
 Quebec the night of the 25th. 
 All stores are stoi)ped at Montreal, and nothing but 
 provisions will now he sent up. 
 By a General Order issued on the Ist March, 1815, 
 the Canadian militia were ordered to disband on the 
 24th of the same Uionth. 
 The war-worn citizen soldiers returned to their 
 homes, for which they had fought so well. Yet their 
 ranks were sadly thinned. Under the green leaves of 
 shot-riven woods, beneath the grasses of many a quiet 
 hill-side, and in the village churchyards along all 
 that historic frontier, were left behind those who had 
 laid down their lives for C'anada. 
 A few words must be said of the after career of the 
 young Commissary, whose letters form so large a part 
 of this volume. 
 es of 
 Last Days of the War, Winter, 1814-1815. 337 
 Thomas G. liidoiit continued in the Commissariat 
 until 1820, when he retired on half-pay. In 1821 he 
 was offered a permanent post in the service by the 
 Commissary-General, but declined, as he was then 
 engaged in helping to organize the Bank of Upper 
 Canada, the pioneer bank of the Province. In 1822, 
 he was appointed its iirst cashier, and continued in 
 that position until shortly before his death, in 1861. 
 The adiniral)le qualities that he possessed as a 
 youth, which were dis])layed in his devotion to the 
 duties tluit devolved upon him during the important 
 years described in this volume, shone out through his 
 whole life, which was a useful and laborious one. 
 As a conscientious servant, and as a man of 
 business, Mr. Ilidout had few equals. His whole 
 ol)ject was to perform fearlessly and honestly his duty, 
 and to advance the interests of the institution placed 
 under his control. 
 Mr. Uidout never entered what is called public life, 
 never sought a seat in Parliament, or even took an 
 active part in politics ; Imt in his career can be traced 
 the wonderful monetary and commercial progress of 
 the country. He took a deep interest in the public 
 welfare, and assisted in furthering those enterprises 
 calculated to promote the prosperity of the Province. 
 In politics, Mr. Uidout's views were liberal, and it 
 would be difticiilt to Hnd a more loyal subject to the 
 Crown, or a more staunch supporter of those British 
 institutions under which wo are so hai)pily governed. 
 He was a distinguished memlier of the order of 
 Free xMasons, Master of St. Andrew's Lodge, in which 
 he succeeded his father ; and .imong Royal Arch 
 Masons he will be especially remembered, as the 
 founder, and for nine years, the tirst Principal of St. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter. As a Masonic Knight 
 Templar, his valuable services will be remembered in 
 the introduction of the Order into Canada. 
 Of unbending integrity and sterling honesty, Mr. 
 Ridout was respected by all, and being possessed of 
 an amiable and generous disposition, he had many 
 warm and attached friends — we may add, he was with- 
 out an enemy. — (From Toronto Leader and British 
 Herald, July 31st, 18G1.) 
 •ed in 
 ', Mr. 
 ed of 
 1 1 
 i I 
 Sii>:;y.>r (.!ciiri\il of Cpl^n- Caii.ui.i. ,ui,/ M, mi; r ,</ l[i> Mijjcftyi l.i-^i^hiti:, Coinidl. 
 li.iin. Sluilii mriK'. I ) n-i't^hin-, llnohuid. 171I1 March. 1754- 
 Diiil, Sih li-liiuarv. iSjo. 
 N AKUA'I'.VF <.')■• rm-. • A ''Tivnv Ar ■ . I'l.. -H \W.\M:-;jf ISM'IAN'S. 
 IN 178.S ' ! '.Ili'i'.M- i; '"I > '"• ' ' '- *K1>'' .'"^'KV •• VoK- 
 CfLXLltAi, 'It- I'l'IKU '. '\ •\ ' \\ ■>'.< '',,|(.;s'Al 
 Mvr.- -• ' I !■ IS' i\.3.-L -.!tiN lie ir'i. i'''.Mi!.'' 
 \ N /\rt,;t lU N r - a- .m\' i \i' ■ r 
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 icstd. liW rifiio '!_.;-:■ I !'!t"i diutnji the .^puni^ ■/.••,"' /'.:• ,-/' tn>: 
 i Ji.\i> airiv.'ii al riiih^i'lphin VrctM Kun/jj'- in hnniary, 
 17^7. in tu'utT fo (;.>l{t<!t ilf t>t-: '\\\'- tt iiif liy siv^tuI j'Siisuns m 
 tli<' rnitrd Stjitf'-i, aTi<l ln-in^" ini'.irhiC'l tli.ii iuaiiy<it' u.y 'l-'l tic^ 
 hfVil ,'.i'j,i' With thi".i i;iiiii'i>-> I'l ihi' !u>u set lliMin.'iit ff Kt.'fl- 
 tUt:k\, rifil! ■'!ic F.ll!'^..r II.. K;!\ 'T < >]ii.>, in t Ul' Ill'.illtli • t l'"-'!!.- 
 b«-r oi' til*' sjuiK- yt'itf ! ■-"' ur trom Animju-li^, iti M . ■ ;-iii'.i 
 ( where ii liri.lh'.'f ■>£ i .\> ;■ ■' '•-! i'<)i- i'nrt I'itt, ;nti i .. ^ : > gu 
 I'roiu thr-'fi to Ki'iitiickv ^i-" *'V.i. •■•. 'In- loe "-h'Mil'i )■" i\> if. 
 tho Hi)Mn<j;, and i.h(;ii.i'; I'-" ino- )im.\ ivnl ;.■ , ■\u-\ I ^> .'i;^'i •.'•.•ci 
 with a Mr Satutn i I'm iiM'' •• I'altiii i>r>' w;> .-.i.'s.i. .1 
 ijifj^e tnu'ts oi' land in is i-ni d'k \ , (■ ;'.•••.■( ;,m > ■:( .'-.r.iiry .i- 
 Kort Pitt, and fro t<'-i'th'r ; ■ K'-iiti)'.i:.y. 1 n.-. .vfd !• u.t- 
 tf introduction Troui •iii.n(r>.- 'A'.ishin^i-jn. ( ol'iu! Li'r. 
 * yotea from M'-. liiilfut- iK'ii/:- •'<inin;nvl '^\ asl I'^ri -i: ht^i '•• 
 ninhtid me *vit)i iotteiRnf intnHluiti.Mi tfidciinralSotit.^ »ini < i .nol M«n^»">'i, 
 Mni Colonel Htnry Le«, .in urigiiiai tlmractiT, wliu '.l^«•.l in onr^ •< tjy 
 Liriither'« houBus, seiu in«j lettera of i!iti\Kluction f<> (Jovcnior ij-iJior hi. 
 1; .|c -^i . 
 ■'' '/ , .■)■'. / . ;■, ;,'/. . '.- i'.'i'i I ' 
 Narrative of the Captivity among the Shawanl-^k Indians, 
 IN 1788, OF Thomas Ridout, afterwards Surveyor- 
 General OF Upper Canada, from the Original 
 Manuscript in Possession of the Family. 
 An Account of my Capture by the Shazvanese Indians, 
 dwelling on the River Ohio in North America, and of my 
 residence amongst them during the Spring and part of the 
 Slimmer of the year iy88. 
 I HAD arrived at Philadelphia from Europe in February, 
 1787, in order to collect debts due to uie by several persons in 
 the United States, and being informed that many of my debtors 
 had gone with their families to the new settlement of Ken- 
 tucky, near the falls of the River Ohio, in the month of Decem- 
 ber of the saTne year I set out from Annapolis, in Maryland 
 (where a brother of mine resided), for Fort Pitt, intending to go 
 from thence to Kentucky as soon as the ice should break up in 
 the spring, and the river became navigable ; and I had agreed 
 with a Mr. Samuel Purviance, of Baltimore, who possessed 
 large tracts of land in Kentucky, to meet him in January at 
 Fort Pitt, and go together to Kentucky. I received letters 
 of introduction from * General Washington, Colonel Lee, of 
 * Notes from Mr. RidouVs Diary: — "General "Washington had fur- 
 nished me with letters of introduction to General Scott and Colonel Marshall, 
 and Colonel Henry Lee, an original character, who lived in one of my 
 brother's houses, sent me letters of introduction to Governor Arthur St. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Virginia, and other geutlfinen, to their friends in the western 
 settlements, and having collected £:}00 or £400 worth of mer- 
 chandise from some of my debtors in lieu of cash, which was 
 not at that time to be obtained, and forwarded it to Fort 
 Pitt by means of horses, I set out myself on horseback and 
 alone from Hancock, a town in Maryland, on the River Potomac, 
 about five miles from the warm springs in Virginia, on the 
 first day of January, 1788. 
 The snow at this time was about three feet deep, and the 
 weather clear and very cold. To Old-Town on the Potomac, 
 is about thirty-six miles, and from thence to the entrance of the 
 Alleghany Mountains about thirty miles, the same road that 
 General Braildock cut through the mountains to enable him to 
 pass on to Fort Pitt, and near 'which latter place he met with 
 so great a defeat. On the evening of the second day of my 
 departure I entere<l the mountains and slept at one Greig's. 
 I proceeded on my way early ne.xt morning, and passed but 
 one house during the day. The weather was extremely cold, 
 the snow deep and but little beaten by travellers — the road 
 lay through dismal vales and over frightful precipices, the 
 gloominess of which was heightened and increased by large 
 cypress trees, whose branches overhung. This particular place 
 is known by the name of the " Shadow of Death,' a name 
 very applicable. Towards the evening I met seven or eight 
 men riding furiously, more than half-drunk, and yelling like 
 I, not before it was dark, arrived at a solitary house, but 
 where the accommodations were tolorable ; and was informed 
 that I should not see another house till towards the evening of 
 Clair, to Brigadier-General Hariuer, (reneral Wilkinson and Hon. John 
 " I received also the following memorandum from General Washing* jn, 
 who ro(juestod me, if possible, to send him the things mentioned, as they 
 wore intended for the gardens of the King of France: — The seeds of the 
 coffee tree, pappa tree, cucumber tree, blackberry tree, wild cherry tree, 
 black-eye tree, wild rye, bufTalo grass, crown imperial, cardinal dower, 
 Shawanese salad, wild lettuce, tulip-bearing laurel, and the seeds of every- 
 thing curious which the western country of America produces. 
 the next day. This night the weather was excessively col<l. In 
 the morninij I took an early breakfast, and proceeded on my 
 solitary journey through the mountains, the snow being about 
 four feet deep. In the afternoon, becoming very cold and weary, 
 I l()oke<l out very anxiously for the house where I wa.s to stop, 
 and at last, to my infinite joy, discovered it at no great distance 
 ahead. It proved very comfortable, which was the more 
 reli.shed when contrasted with the gloominess of the surround- 
 ing scene. 
 The next morning I continued my journe}^ and about noon 
 arrived at the summit of the famed Laurel Hill, from whence 
 all the country to the Ohio, more than sixty miles distant, lay 
 before me. The dov was clear, antl the scene, though wild, was 
 magnificent. 1 descended gradually on a straight road, and 
 soon found myself amongst other mountains, which the extreme 
 height of the Laurel Hill (the western extremity of the 
 Alleghany) had before reduced to hillocks. On the evening of 
 this day I reached Red Stone old fort, lying on the River 
 Monongahela, which unites with the Alleghany river at Fort 
 Pitt, and forms the Ohio. I crossed the Monongahela, which 
 is here about 400 yards wide, and slept at a Dutchman's 
 house. During the night there tell near two feet depth of 
 snow, and the roof under which I slept being old and bad, a 
 great quantity was on my bed when I awoke. 
 The road I had to travel this day was difficult to find, and 
 without any track. In the course of the day I went five miles 
 out of my way, and it was not till nine o'clock at night, and 
 very dark, that I came to a house, which was a very grateful 
 sight to me, as I expected to be reduced to the necessity of 
 roving in the woods all the night. My horse partook of my 
 alarm, for he trembled under me. 
 The inhabitants of this house were the most rude and 
 savage in their manners I had ever met with, but the risk and 
 dangers I had escaped reconciled me to my fare. 
 The next day I had company to Fort Pitt, where I arrived 
 about two o'clock in the afternoon, cros.sing the Monongahela 
 again on the ice ; the river here is about 500 yards wide. 1 

 = ?; I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 lodged at a house of a Mr. Ormsb}', where I found my friend 
 Mr. Purviancp, who had arrived a few days before. I received 
 many civilities from the inhabitants of this place, who form a 
 very aj];reeable society among themselves. Here I remained 
 till the 12th of March following, when I embarked in one of 
 the boats built at Red Stone for the conveyance of passengers 
 etc., to the falls of Ohio ; two days before, the ice of the river 
 broke up with a tremendous noise, and the waters rose in the 
 space of three days twenty feet perpendicular. Mr. Purviance 
 and myself, with one John Black — his servant — together with 
 our horses and baggage, embarked at Fort Pitt. Many other 
 boats were preparing to set out on the same route ; although the 
 ice was yet floating in large masses, we committed ourselves 
 to the furious current. At a town called Wheeling, about 
 100 miles down the river, we were to take in the other 
 pa.ssengers and their baggage. The second day, in the after- 
 noon, we stopped at Wheeling, and immediately took on board 
 those who were waiting for our arrival. We were in all about 
 twenty persons and sixteen horses. The boat was exceedingly 
 deeply laden. A boat, laden as we were, put off with us for 
 These boats are flat-bottomed with upright sides and stern, 
 and the front turns up like a skate; they seldom use any sail, 
 but are steered by means of a long oar from the stern, and 
 two or three oars are occasionally used to conduct them, for 
 the stream, which runs at the rate of about five miles an hour, 
 carries the boat with great rapidity. They maintain their 
 course night and day. Wo stoppeil the day after we left 
 Wheeling, for a few nunutes, at the mouth of the Muskingum 
 river, where was a small fort cal'ed Fort Harmer, and a 
 garrison of about lifty men. We then proceeded on our way, 
 and our course being nearly .south-west, we soon found the 
 weather grow very mihl and pleasant, and the trees putting 
 forth their leaves. At the Great Kanawa, which is on the 
 east side of the Ohio, as the Muskingum is on the west, 
 we saw eight or ten houses, and went on shore for a few 
 minutes. The soil is of a black, deep mould. The Ohio coa- 
 t I 1 >ji* V 
 Ml :i 1 
 mn ■ 
 tinues nearly of the same breadth, that is about thre^ quarters 
 of a mile, still rising ami flowinfj in a majestic stream. In the 
 night we were almost upon an island before we discovered our 
 danger. With the greatest exertions we got clear of it, 
 although not without touching once or twice. The next day it 
 rained throughoi;t, and just at the close of the evening we 
 reached the first settlement in Kentucky, called Limestone. 
 Here we went on .shore, and almo.st all of the party left us the 
 next morning, taking their route by land to their respective 
 homes. They presseu me greatly to accompany them, as I had 
 letters from General Washington to his friends, Colonel Mar- 
 shall and others, who resided in this settlement. I had my 
 baggage brought on shore, and purposed going by land to 
 Lexington, and from thence to the falls of Ohio ; but finding 
 that it did not suit Mr. Purviance to take this route by land, 
 and unwilling to leave him, I returned with my bai/gage to the 
 boat, and set out with him, our man, J. Black, and two other 
 men. The other boat, whose company was also reduced to five 
 or six persons, sec out for the falls early that morning. Wo 
 followed in the afternoon. The distance from the falls to this 
 place was 170 miles. The weather was remarkably pleasant, 
 and the moon being now full and the nights .serene and clear, 
 added greatly to the agreoablene.ss of our voyage. The spring, 
 too, began to show itself, and the trees, esj)ecially those on the 
 river, were already in leaf. Not often had I felt so much satis- 
 faction or delight of heart as I did on the second morning, 
 which was Good Friday. I had breakfiisttd, and with a map and 
 travelling compass, was computitig tlie bearings and distances 
 to the place called the Big Bones, which I reckoned to be 
 about ten miles distant. Some of the bones here found, are to 
 be .seen in the British Museum. They belong to an animal 
 whose species is now e.xtinct, l)ut suj)posed to be the same us 
 that mentioned by Cjpsar in his " Conimentaries." 
 Our tranquility, however, was soon to give place to the 
 greatest anxiety ancl alarm, for on turning a point which 
 opened to our view a consid'rablo extent of the river, we saw, 
 at some distance on the Indian or we.st side of it, a boat like 

 kin! V -5 
 Ten Years ok Upper Canada. 
 our own ;iMion<j[.st the Imslies, wliich appeared to be the same 
 which lia»l h'tt Limestone a few liours before we (Ji<l. Whilst 
 we wert' conjecturing the cause of such apparent delay, we per- 
 ceived several people running about the shore, and a boat to 
 put otFfull of people, whom we soon, to our surprise an! terror, 
 discovered to be Indians, almost naked, painted and ornamented 
 as when at war. 
 They soon came up with us, and about twenty leaped into 
 our boat like so many furies, yellinj^ and screaminj^ horribly, 
 brandishinj:; their knives and toninhawks, stru<rglini,^ with each 
 other for a prisoner. A youui,' man, painted black, tirst seized 
 me by the arm, when anothei-, an elderly man, who seemed to 
 be a chief, tt)ok me from him; this Indian was of a mild 
 countenance, and he L'ave me immediately to understand I 
 should not be hurt, holding me by the hand to show his 
 property in me. 
 As we neither did nor could attempt any resistance, none of 
 U3 at this time suffered any injury in our persons, but they 
 befi;an immediately to strip us ; my companions were soon left 
 almost without coverin;^. Several attempts were made to strip 
 me of my clothes, which were opposed by the Indian who held 
 my hand. At length he acquiesced in the demands of one who 
 began to bo violent, and I iost my hat, coat and waistcoat. By 
 this time we had gained the bank of the river, and were then 
 led to a great fire, around which sat the war-chief, Nenessica, 
 and about sixty Indians; their whole party was ninety. To 
 the chief I was presented by his brother, the man who had 
 held my hand. Afti»r examining me some time with attention, 
 and conversing with thosi; around him, who eyed \ue with no 
 less complacency, the chief gave me his liand, and presented his 
 pipe to me. He then made signs for me to sit down by him, 
 which 1 did, when several chiefs introduced themselves and 
 shook hands with me, in particular a Pottawatamie, exceed- 
 ingly well dressed after their manner, and who was one of the 
 finest figures I had ever beheld ; he appeared to be about 
 twenty-seven years of age. and to be upwards of ..ix feet in 
 height. No other prisoner received the civililies which I did 
 |i no 
 ll his 
 ^■v^fPlTTSBUrtQ ) 
 fitdUUocka Ccfeat 
 uirth tif Ohio liiver uao Itiitian Territory nut Suirtyed.\ 
 Of Indiana with Captive, 
 te prior to Capture (by horse and batteau). 
 Ooale 6S miles to I Inch 

 TOKONto tMaw*viN O Of 
 H I O 
 ■•• ,» 
 'WxStadaocku Dcfoat 
 Isjr „.;,"'l> ^'i\f ^f- 
 ^^^^'. ^ •5AII * ,, ,|\^^ '•^'■' |.V,„'A uf dhu' Hhvr won Iintiiin Teiril"ip nut Slinvj/ft/. | 
 v-^S''^I[I^t*'^?'>^'' ;"; : - i ; s i : ; ^«t* <" "»'"'"" ^'^ captive. 
 V' "ijit,^ .'fjt^V'^* , , r V <• Rout« prior to Capture (by horse and batt«au). 
 Scivit DS lutle* to 1 luoh 
 1 ( 
 1 i 
 1' ' .. 
 Whilst I was sitting by the chief I heard myself called by 
 name, and lookincr around saw two vounjj men, tied and sittinjr 
 at the foot of a tree ; they had been taken early in the morn- 
 inf; out of the boat which had sailed before us. They said a 
 lock of hair had been taken from each of their heads,* and 
 that they had been tied several hours in the manner the}' now 
 were, and apprehended they were doomed to be put to death, 
 and as I seemed to be taken into favour, they hegired I would 
 intercede foi' them. Upon my re(|uesting this favour the Indians 
 released them. 
 During the remainder of the day, the Indians, who were 
 composed of Shawane.se, Pottawatamies, Ottawas and Chero- 
 kees, but chieHy of the first, seemed to enjoy their ^ood fortune, 
 for their plunder e.xceoded XI, 500 sterlin<^, as I was afterwards 
 informed. They gave us a portion of the provisions they had 
 taken, and when night approached they renewed their fires. 
 The chief, with the principal warriors.- reposed on one side, the 
 prisoners, amounting to ten men and one black woman, were 
 placed on the other side. Some deer-skins were spread on the 
 ground, on which we lay, and an old blanket was allotted for 
 the covering of two people. I placed myself next to my old 
 friend, Mr. Purviance, who was upwards of sixty years of age ; 
 he had been stripped of everything except his breeches and a 
 thin flannel waistcoat; as the night was frosty, he suffered 
 much by the cold. I endeavoured to keep the blanket over him. 
 The Indian chief who had conducted me on shore placed iiim- 
 self by me on the outside, .seemingly for my protection. Dur- 
 ing the night I felt the cold vi'ry sensibly, for I had very little 
 covering, and my head was liare and exposed to the sky ; it 
 ached very much, but at length I was relieved by a bleeding at 
 the nose. I slept but little, looking on the scene around me by 
 the mild lustre of a full moon, an<l comparing my present situa- 
 tion with wlmt it had been but a short time before. As .soon a-< 
 the 8un rose, all were on foot and assembled around their great 
 * It is curious to note an old sacriticial ceremony of the Greeks and 
 Romans practised hy the Indians of North America. 
 Tkn Years of Upf'er Canada. 
 chief, who divided tho hooty amongst them, appurontly to 
 every one's satisfaction. 
 \(){r from Mr. liidont'.i />iVn?/;— MoniorjuKluni of clothoH, linen, and 
 otlier fiiiifitrul : 27 shirts ; 28 stocks ; 2(5 iiockot-hiindkorcliiofs ; 1 pair laco 
 ruffles and bosom ruffles ; jjairs thread stockings; 2 pairs Mack silk do ; 
 23 pairs white silk do ; 1 pair mild yarn do ; 4 pairs nankeen hreecliea ; 
 M ])airs cotton do ; a suj)ertino cloth coat ; IJ linen and cotton nightcaps ; 
 li serre-letes ; 2 linen dressing cloths ; 1 lint n dressing apron ; 4 pairs 
 black silk breeches; 1 pair black everlasting do; 1 white silk robe do 
 chambre and waistcoat ; 5 silk waistcoats, embroidered ; 1 black satin do, 
 plain ; J black silk do ; 1 dark piirj)Ie silk coat ; 1 suit black silk, coat, 
 waistcoat and breeches ; 1 suit dove colored, do ; 1 suit light brown, do ; 
 1 blue cloak, superfine broad cloth ; 1 dark green coat, do ; I lead-colored 
 do, do ; ' 1 ussian blue do, do ; 3 i)air.s shoes and 1 pair boots ; 2 pairs 
 silver s' lO buckles ; 1 j)air silver knee do ; 2 pairs steel do ; 1 yellow 
 metal stock do ; 1 gold repeating watch, double cased, and gold chain, key, 
 etc., with arms, maker, Berthoud, Paris ; 1 gold-headed walking cano ; 1 
 ivory (Jerman flute ; 1 ebony (Jernian flute, with three middle i)ieces, and 
 divers music books ; 2 pictures, engraved by Ryland and painted by F. 
 A. Kaufman ; hair jmwder bag ; a portable wriling desk, English ; do, 
 Frencli ; 3 large trunks, 1 small do, 1 portmanteau, containing my papers, 
 clothes and books ; a liath coating-coat ; a couteau do chasse, etc., etc. 
 The above things, together with myself, were t<»ken by the Shawanese near 
 the falls of the Ohio. 
 A list of books belonging to me taken by the Indians : A Bible, once 
 my mother's, and read by mo in my earliest years ; Thompson's works, 
 elegantly bound, four volumes ; Chesterfield's Letters, four volumes ; 
 Posthlewaito's dictionary of Commerce, two volumes ; Lex Mercntoria ; 
 Ainsworth's Latin and English dictionaries ; Italian, Latin and French 
 dictionaries ; Chambaud's English and P'rench dictionarie.« , Life of 
 l'ctrar(|ue, three volumes , works of Montesquieu, threi' volu nu- 
 Plutaniue's Lives in the old French of Amyot ; translation in French of 
 Homer, eight volumes, elegantly bound ; Corneille's Tragedies, in French, 
 elegantly bound, five volumes ; E.s.says of Montaigne, French, ten volumes; 
 Rochefoucaulds. Of these books the Bible alone was returned. 
 Among the prisoners was a decent looking man, of about 
 forty-five years of age, by name Wm. Richardson Watson ; he 
 had lesided several years in the United States, but was .said to 
 be an Englishman. Innncdiately on our landing the Indians 
 had taken from him 700 guineas ; ho was of the part}'^ tiiat was 
 in the other boat. The Clierokees had him in charge, or rather 
 he had been given over to them. After the above distribution, 
 they arose and threw ar(mn<l his neck a broad belt of black 
 wampum, and a bundle, containing the toes of deer, in his hand 
 l)y way of a rattle. Two or three Indians placed themselves 
 before him and as many on each side, and bo^an a sonrj which 
 appeared to me an invocation, at lirst in a slow and solemn 
 manner, and soon after in a (juiek time, the poor man shaking 
 his rattles all the time. After the ceremony was over, he 
 passed near me and said to me, " I am led to think from the 
 ceremony which has passed that I am devoted to death, but as 
 you appear to l)e taken into favour, will you accept from me a 
 gold repeating watch, which our enendes have not yet taken 
 from me." I replied, that probabl}- my life was ine(|ual danger 
 with his own, and that should I accept the ofl'ered j)resent it 
 would place me most likely in greater. I therefore declined 
 accepting it. 
 The prisoners were then ordered to .«eat themselves in a row, 
 fronting to the west, on the ground, having the woods immedi- 
 ately in their rear. On my left were two of my companions, 
 next to me on mv right was my friend Mr. Purviance, and next 
 to him the other six; opposite us, to the south-east, was the 
 river. As soon as we were .seated Mr. Purviance began to dis- 
 course with me of our present situation, and said that as 
 hitherto we had had not received any personal ill-treatment, he 
 hoped we were not in any great danger; it was evident, how- 
 ever, that some change was to take i)lace in our situations ; we 
 remained not long in suspense. A sturdy, thick-set Indian, 
 painted black, of a very fierce countenance, with a drawn 
 hanger in his right hand, came towards us, and addressing 
 Oil' ' o 
 him.self to the outermost man on the left haiul, who happened 
 to be the second from me, with a ilourish of his weapon made 
 him get up, giving him a kick drove him into the woods to the 
 left of us. 
 Wc all remained silent, every one judging that his last 
 moment of life approached. In a few minutes this .savage 
 returned and drove before him the man who had been sitting 
 next to me on the left. Mr. Purviance then saiil to me, ' I 
H;ii i. 
 Ten Years ok Upper Canada. 
 t f 
 believe, my friend, that we draw near our end." These were 
 my own sentiments also. I waited the return of the Indian for 
 my.self as his next victim ; words cannot express what my feel- 
 in<^s then were, and when 1 saw him approach. He came and 
 stood before me, and, after a moment's pause, beckoned me to 
 rise and follow him, and turned round into tiie woods which 
 were behind us. 1 saw mv friend no more. I understood 
 some time after that he was not killed on the spot, but was 
 taken into the interior of the country and there beat to death. 
 1 followed the Indian step by .^tep, expectin<^ every moment 
 that he would turn upon me and put me to death. After walk- 
 inj,' .'}00 or 400 yards, I ptM'ceived the smoke of a tire, and, 
 presently, several Indians about it; my alarm was not 
 diminished, but as we came nearer, a white man, about 
 twenty-two years of ai^e, who had been taken pri.soner when 
 a lad and had been ailopted, and was now a chief among the 
 Shawanese, stood up and said to me in English, " Don't be 
 afraid, sir, you are in no danger, but are given to a good man, 
 a chief of the Shawane.se, who will not hurt you ; but, after 
 some time, will take you to Detroit, where you may ransom 
 yourself, l.'ome and take your breakfast." What a transition ! 
 passing from immediate danger and apparent certain death to 
 a renovated life ! I saw no more of my savage guide, but 
 joined the party seated around the fire taking their breakfast, 
 of which I partook, which consisted of chocolate and some flour 
 cakes baked in the ashes, being part of the plunder they had 
 taken from us. Whilst I breakfasted, an Indian, painted red 
 and almost naked, had seated himself opposite to me and eyed 
 me with fiercene.ss of countenance inexpressible; his eyes 
 glowed like fire, and the arteries of his neck were swollen and 
 nearly bursting with rage ; he said something to me in a tone 
 of voice corresponding with his appearance, which was inter- 
 preted to me by the white man in the following words: "He 
 says that you are his prisoner, and that it is more easy for him 
 to put you to death than to tell you so." I answered, calmly, 
 (for the extreme danger and situation from which I had just 
 escaped had prepared me for every event,) that I acknowledged 
 myself to be in his power, and that he could do with me as he 
 pleased. This reply being made known to him, his rage seemed 
 to subside, and he said no more to me. 
 The white man now informed me that in an hour or two we 
 should begin our march, together with the other Indians and 
 prisoners, to the village, which was about tive days' journey 
 from that place. 
 About noon we began our journey into the wood, in company 
 with about ninety Indians. The weather was dark, gloomy and 
 cold. We passed over a rapid river on the body of a tree, which 
 had fallen over it at a considerable height from the water. In 
 passing, my htnd became giddy, and I apprehended I should 
 fall, but recollecting the yet greater dangers that beset me, I 
 recovered a firmer step, About five in the afternoon, we came 
 to a valley through which ran a rivulet, the land rising gently 
 to the westwanl, full of large timber, but without under- 
 wood. At this place, I understood, the Indians intended 
 to pass the night in feasting and drinking a part of the 
 spirituous li(|Uors they had taken from us. As the Indians 
 intended to regale themselves and drink to intoxication, a party 
 of Cherokeos, to the number of twelve, who had deserted from 
 their own nation to reside amongst the Shawanese, were 
 appointetl to take charge of the prisoners durmg the fea.st, of 
 which they, the Cherokees, were not to partake, but were to 
 keep themselves .sober. We were, therefore, connnitted to 
 these Indians, who withdrew to a small eminence, a few 
 hundred yards distant fiom the main body. 
 When they had kindled a fire they threw a few half-worn 
 undressed deer-skins on the ground, for us to lie upon, on the 
 west side of the fire, and then began to secure us from making 
 an escape. They began with me, by passing a cord round my 
 body, then between the legs, and under that part of the cord 
 that surrounded the body, and forcing a stake six or seven feet 
 into the ground, they fastened the cord to it, and on the top of 
 the stake they fixed a small bell, so that I could not stir with- 
 out its ringing. Lest 1 should make use of my hands, they put 
 my fists into a small leather bag which they had tied round 
 ^ 1^ ill 2-0 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 873-4503 

 y- i 
 1 1, 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 the wrist ; then they drew the string round the wrists so tight, 
 that I was instantly in an agony of pain. It was to no pur- 
 pose to complain. I could not prevail upon them to olacken it, 
 but ordering me to lie down, they threw over me a small, old 
 blanket. My place was the outermost of the row, next to the 
 drurdcen Indians, exposed to the weather, which was very 
 cold and tempestuous. There fell much sleet, but the agony I 
 suffered in my wrists, hands and arms, made me insensible 
 almost to everything else. 
 About midnight, I was roused by the screams and whoops of 
 an Indian from the other encapment, who seemed coming 
 towards us. His yells and shouts became more and more loud 
 and terrific; and turning my eyes towards the valley, I per- 
 ceived, by the glimmering lights of the fires and of the moon, 
 an Indian staggering with drunkenness, brandishing a knife in 
 one hand and a tomahawk in the other, making all the haste 
 he could towards us, and shrieking most horribly as he ap- 
 proached where I lay. I have, no doubt, but that he was bent 
 upon murdering the prisoners, and that I should be his first 
 victim. He had already come within one step of me, and his 
 hand was lifted to give me the fatal blow, when one of the 
 Oherokees sprang from the giound and caught him round the 
 waist, and after some struggling mastered him and obliged him 
 to retreat, which he did muttering. 
 As my suflTerings were extreme from the strictures round my 
 wrists, I entreated the Cherokee to loosen them, but giving me 
 a look of savage fierceness, he laid himself down again uncon- 
 cerned at the tortures I endured. In the space of about an 
 hour the drunken Indian made a second attempt to execute his 
 purpose ; but as he approached, yelling and shouting, two 
 Cherokees laid hold of him as soon as he came near the fire, and 
 tying him neck and heels together, left him wallowing in the 
 snow for the remainder of the night. At length the long- 
 wished-for morning came, and my hands were set at liberty; but 
 they were so swollen and black with the stoppage of cir- 
 culation, that some hours elapsed before I could bend my 
 fingers or use them. Soon after the sun had risen, the Indian 
 30 tight, 
 no pur- 
 cken it, 
 nail, old 
 ; to the 
 as very 
 agony I 
 boops of 
 )re loud 
 y, I per- 
 e moon, 
 knife in 
 he haste 
 i he ap- 
 vas bent 
 his first 
 and his 
 e of the 
 und the 
 ged him 
 mnd my 
 v^ing rae 
 lout an 
 cute his 
 ng, two 
 fire, and 
 in the 
 lie long- 
 rty ; but 
 of cir- 
 end my 
 chief to whom I had been given made his appearance. He 
 seemed about tifty years of age, was a tall, slender man, and of 
 a very pleasing and animated countenance. He, smiling, took 
 me by the hand, called me " Nacanah," or his friend, and seeing 
 my attention fixed on a wound, over one of his eyes, he, pointing 
 to it, said, " Ah ! rnatowesa whiskey," meaning he had got 
 drunk with wicked whiskey or spirits, and that the wound 
 was the bad consequence of it. 
 Perceiving that I had no covering on my head, he took about 
 a yard of black silk motle (part of his share in the j)lunder) 
 and tied it roi.nd my heatl. He then gave me an old blaid'Cet, 
 which I fastened about my waist with a skewer. We then 
 breakfasted, and began to prepare for our journey to the 
 interior. My horse, which was a very good one and of an iron- 
 gray colour, they loaded with as much as he could carry. 
 My friend, as I shall call the Indian to whom I belonged, and 
 who never once forfeited the appellation, made up for himself a 
 load of about fii'ty or sixty pounds, and another small bundle 
 for myself, of about thirtj' pounds weight. Some of the 
 prisoners had iron pots, and very heavy loads were put on 
 them. A breech-cloth was given to me, instead of my breeches, 
 and a pair of moccasins, or Indian shoes, in lieu of my 
 leather ones. Our party now consiste'l of the seven prisoners, 
 together with ten Indians. We marched on towards the first 
 village, or their winter encampment, of which my friend was 
 the principal chief. For two or three days we travelled to- 
 gether in company, at which time some of the Indians turned 
 off" with their prisoners to other villages, so that only another 
 prisoner and myself were together for the rest of the journey. 
 The residue of the Indians, to the number of eighty, returnt-d 
 to war against the Americans, which was continued from this 
 period during seven years, without, intermission. It is almost 
 needless to say to those who are ac(iuainted with the causes of 
 disturbance between the Americans and natives, that the 
 former are in general the aggies.sors, but in this war they were 
 80 in a more unjust degree than usual. 
 When the evening of our firsjt day's journey drew nigh, I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 I f 1 
 li : ■ i 
 dreaded lest I should be treated as I had been the precedinj^ 
 night ; but when we lay down, which was before a good fire, my 
 friend covered me with a blanket, and only fastened me round 
 the body with a rope, which he drew under himself and lay 
 upon. He never afterwards used this precaution, leaving me 
 at perfect liberty, and frequently during the nights that were 
 frosty and cold, 1 found his hand over me to examine whether 
 or not 1 was covered. I tliink it was towards the third evening 
 of our march that we came to the banks of the great Miami, a 
 very rocky and rapid river, which empties itself into the Ohio, 
 and whose waters were very high. My friend, another Indian, 
 and myself begun to make a small raft to pass over this 
 rapid stream, which was about 800 feet wide. I went 
 awkwardly about my work. The Indian smiled, and allowed 
 me to desist from working. They soon prepared a small raft, 
 and we all three placed ourselves upon it, and with the help of 
 a pole by way of paddle, we socm gained the opposite shore, 
 having been carried a short distance down the stream. Soon 
 after we encamped on the left bank of a small river, having a 
 steep hill covered with woods on the left side. A good fire was 
 kindled, and we supped heartily on some roasted venison, part 
 of our day's sport — for these woods wore full of the finest deer, 
 buttklo and wiM turkeys. 
 During the nif^ht I was much disturbed by the howling of a 
 great number of wolves, that occupied the hill, but did not 
 descend to the fire. In the morning we breakfasted, having 
 being been joined by others of our party, among the rest was 
 the great war chief Nenessica. When lie killed any venison 
 he always sent nie the tongue as a compliment. Walking on 
 the hard, frozen ground iind over the roots of beech trees, 
 which run horizontally along the surface of the ground, bruised 
 my feet so much, that I could scarcely walk, liaving nothing 
 but the thin moccasins to protect my feet, and although my 
 loa<l was but small, as I have before said, yet as it acted 
 continually upon my loins, the}'^ had become so weak and pain- 
 ful, that I could scarcely stand upright. The Indians attempted 
 to console me by observing that we should, on the morrow 
 fire, my 
 le round 
 and lay 
 ving me 
 lat were 
 Ikliami, a 
 lie Ohio, 
 ' Indian, 
 k^er this 
 I went 
 lall raft, 
 help of 
 te shore, 
 1. Soon 
 laving a 
 fire was 
 son, part 
 est deer, 
 ng of a 
 did not 
 rest was 
 king on 
 h trees, 
 ugh my 
 it acted 
 id pain- 
 (the 5th day) reach their home by two in the afternoon, point- 
 ing to where the sun would be at that hour. 
 When the next morning came, I found myself so extremely 
 weak and bruised, that upon making it known to my friend, 
 he took my burthen upon his shoulders, in addition to his own, 
 without t::aking the least reproach. I was, however, so much 
 exhausted, that I was but little relieved by this kind action, 
 yet I advanced as well as I could till about ten o'clock. 
 My friend was then at some distance before us, n(;t out of sight, 
 and the great war chief immediately following me. I found 
 my strength entirel}' gone, and turning around to the chief, 
 made a sign that I wished to sit down. 
 He pushed me on very angrily. I found I could not proceed, 
 and turning again, made another attempt to obtain his consent 
 to sitting down. With great anger he again pushed me on, and 
 made a stroke at me with his tomahawk, which I avoided by 
 exerting all my strength, and springing forward. 
 At this critical moment I recollected that when they took 
 my coat from mo, I secured my pocket-handkerchief and half a 
 guinea, which I put in a knot in one corner of it, and tied it 
 around my waist, where it now was. With some difficulty and 
 much agitation I loosened the knot, took the half guinea, and 
 turning round, held it up between my finger and thumb. The 
 savage smiled and beckoned me to seat myself on the ground, 
 on which I fell and immediately fainted. 
 When I recovered,! found the great war-chief and my friend 
 both sitting b}' me. Thej'- spoke kindly to me, and gave me 
 to understand, by pointing to where the sun would be at two 
 o'clock, that I should then arrive at the village. I signified my 
 inability to walk, to which they replied by encouraging signs. 
 However, we continued sitting, and soon after perceived some 
 one on horseback galloping towards us. They soon explained 
 to me that the hurse had been sent for on my account. I 
 mounted the horse and proceeded slowly towards the village. 
 On our way thither we crossed a rapid and stony river, 300 
 or 400 feet broad, and about three feet deep. Without the 
 horse I could not have passed it. When we came within a 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 ■fir '.,'-•: I 
 quarter of a mile of the village I was ordered to dismount, and 
 myself and another prisoner, named Baffington, were painted 
 red, and narrow ribbons of various colours (part of the plunder) 
 tied to our hair. The Indians began to tire their guns and to 
 set up the war-whoop, and rattles being put into our hands, 
 we were ordered to shake them and sing some words they 
 repeated to us. During this ceremony several of the Indians 
 came from the village, and amongst them a black man, about 
 twenty-live years of age, called Boatswain (or Boosini), who be- 
 longed to and was a servant of my friend. He was exceedingly 
 insolent and struck the other prisoner, but said nothing to me. 
 Had he struck me I should have returned the blow, whatever 
 might have been the consequence. The other prisoner and 
 myself were then marched in triumph to the village, shaking 
 the rattles in our hands on entering it. I had to cross a small 
 rivulet, and in descendinof the bank an old woman came out of 
 a wigwam or hut, and gave me a stroke on the neck with a 
 small billet of wood. However, it did not hurt me. Immedi- 
 ately on entering the village we were conducted to the council- 
 house, at the door whereof we were obliged to sing and shake 
 the rattles for half an hour, and then entered the house (without 
 suffering any ill-treatment), in the centre of which was a tire, 
 and over it hung a kettle with venison and Indian corn boiling. 
 We sat down by the tire and were for some time left to our- 
 selves. At length, two or three women came into the house, 
 and taking some meat and corn out of the kettle, put it into a 
 bowl and gave ns thereof to eat, with wooden spoons. Salt 
 they had not, but in lieu of that gave each of us a piece of 
 sugar made of the sap extracted from the maple tree, in the 
 making of which the women were now occupied in the adjoining 
 As we had not seen any Indian for two or three hours, and 
 night began to approach, I began to be unea.sy. At length the 
 old chief to whom I belonged, and whose name was Kakina- 
 thucca, appeared and led me to his own house. This was about 
 twenty feet long and fourteen feet wide, the sides and roof 
 made of small poles and covered with bark. The entrance was 
 mount, and 
 ere painted 
 lie plunder) 
 uns and to 
 our hands, 
 words they 
 the Indians 
 man, about 
 li), who be- 
 ling to me. 
 ', whatever 
 'isoner and 
 ge, shaking 
 3SS a small 
 aine out of 
 eck with a 
 . Immedi- 
 ihe council- 
 and shake 
 se (without 
 was a fire, 
 orn boilingr. 
 eft to our- 
 the house, 
 it into a 
 loons. Salt 
 a piece of 
 ree, in the 
 e adjoining 
 lours, and 
 length the 
 IS Kakina- 
 was about 
 and roof 
 trance was 
 at the end, and an old blanket hung at the doorway. This 
 man, besides being a war-chief, was also a great hunter and 
 traded with people at Detroit, where he went annually with 
 his furs and peltry, accompanied by his wife Metsigeniewa, and 
 the negro. He was owner of eight or ten horses, which he used 
 in transporting his property, etc. Upon coming into the hut 
 he presented me to his wife. She appeared to be forty years 
 of age, and rather corpulent. Her looks were extremely 
 savage, and she eyed me with a look of contempt, without speak- 
 ing. The man, on the contrary, was of the most mild and intel- 
 ligent countenance. I never once saw him out ol: humour, and as 
 soon as he arose, which was early, he began to sing. As I was 
 extremely bruised and fatigued, my feet being not only sv/oUen 
 exceedingly, but black with the bruises they had received from 
 the rough ground and beech roots, the Indian planted four 
 forked sticks at the entrance, on the left side, and laying other 
 sticks on them, laid bark and skins upon it, and then gave me a 
 blanket to cover me. I slept soundly all the night, and did not 
 rise very early. The woman, at length, began to prepare for 
 breakfast. She cut some venison (deer, wild turkeys, and 
 other game being in abundance in this part of the country) 
 into small pieces, and seasoning it with dry herbs, .she put the 
 whole into a frying-pan with bear's oil ; she also boiled some 
 water in a small copper kettle, with which she made some tea 
 in a tea-pot, using cups and saucers of yellow ware. She began 
 and finished her breakfast without noticing me in the least. 
 When .she had done she poured some tea in a saucer, which, 
 with some fried meat on a pewter plate, she gave me. 
 This was a luxury I little expected to meet with, not only on 
 account of the distance it must have come from, but being a 
 prisoner, I could hardly expect such fare. The tea proved to 
 be green tea, and was sweetened with maple sugar. The meat, 
 also, was very savory and palatable. As soon as I breakfasted 
 I returned to my bed, for I could scarcely stand. In the course 
 of the morning a kettle was put on the fire and a quantity of 
 venison put into it. When done, the Indian brought in two or 
 three of his friends to treat them, and I had my share. My 
 '' ' 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 master or friend did not sit round the bowl with his guests, 
 but behind them on the ground, smoking his pipe, entertaining 
 them with diverting stories, which kept them in continual 
 laughter. And this was his usual custom when he gave a treat. 
 In two or three days I was able to walk about. Upon ray 
 going into their huts (for there were fourteen or fifteen in the 
 village), the Indian children would scream with terror, and 
 cry out " Shemanthe," meaning Virginian, or the big knife. 
 As soon as I understood the term, I desired them not to call me 
 so, up6n which I was named " Metticosea," viz.. Englishman. 
 My friend cautioned me not to go far into the woods, for I some- 
 times wandered about the village two or three hours at a time. 
 From this circumstance I was also called " Laquiawaw," which 
 signified " Where is he gone." One morning I felt my situation 
 severely, it was, however, momentary, and I have since been 
 surprised at my emotion at the time. 
 My mistress, upon putting the venison into a frying-pan as 
 usual, and placing it on the fire, pushed the handle of the pan 
 into my hand with such violence, that I felt I was a slave. As 
 I took cire, however, to pay attention to her orders in this 
 matter, as well as in fetching water from the rivulet, which 
 passed the house, sometimes making the tire, and at others, 
 plucking turkeys, etc., I acquired her good graces. She per- 
 mitted me to breakfast with her, and always afterwards 
 behaved to me with complacency, for though her look wa.? 
 savage, her heart was naturally kind and tender. 
 To divert my solitary hours my Indian friend used to bring 
 me books to read, some which had belonged to me. Amongst 
 them was Postlethwaite's Dictionary, and the first edition of 
 Telemachus in French, printed in Holland, with notes marking 
 the living characters for whom the imaginary personages in 
 that excellent work were intended. I was sorry I could not 
 preserve this hook. Some others were returned to me at the 
 end of my captivity, particularly an old family Bible* I had 
 read in when a child, and which is now in my possession in 
 * Now in the possession of Mr. D. C. Ridout, Toronto. 
 his guests, 
 1 continual 
 ;ave a treat. 
 Upon my 
 ;een in the 
 terror, and 
 big knife, 
 t to call me 
 , for I some- 
 's at a time. 
 raw," which 
 ny situation 
 since been 
 ying-pan as 
 of the pan 
 1 slave. As 
 •ders in this 
 ulet, which 
 at others, 
 She pet- 
 al' terwards 
 er look wa.< 
 id to bring 
 edition of 
 ;es marking 
 irsonages in 
 could not 
 me at the 
 ible* I had 
 ossession in 
 very good condition, and has the covering which my dear 
 mother sewed on it about the year 1766. 
 I now learnt that the village we were in was the hunting 
 place of this tribe of the Shawanese Indians, and that in the 
 course of a fortnight they intended to set off with their furs, 
 skins, etc., for Detroit, about 600 miles distant, taking the 
 upper part of the Wabash on their way, at which place they 
 were to plant their corn (called by us Indian corn). In the 
 meantime the women and children of the village were mostly 
 employed in making sugar from the maple tree, the spring of 
 the year being the oidy time in which it can be made, about 
 a mile from the village. To this place I was ordered, to assist 
 in j^ettinir wood and attendinjr the fires. I was for an hour or 
 two employeil in cutting wood for the sugar camp, but upon 
 my showing how my hands were blistered, the Indian desired me 
 to desist from cutting wood, and never afterwards imposed any 
 service on me. Here I found the negro employed in this .ser- 
 vice for my mistress. He assumed great superiority over me, 
 and though he acknowledged me to be a gentleman, he took de- 
 light in vexing and insulting me. I should have treated him with 
 kindness had his manners been gentle, yet I now sturdily op- 
 posed him. Upon inforn^ing my friend of the negro's be- 
 haviour, he replied, " He is no more than a dog, why do you put 
 up with him ?" My greatest danger arose from this negro, by 
 his lies and artifices, making all the young people inimical to 
 me. By these means my life was often in imminent danger. 
 The other prisoner was given to a family of the same name, 
 and he was well ti'eated, though made to work, which was not 
 irksome to him, being used to labour. 
 My Indian friend had a principal .share in the defeat of the 
 American army under St. Clair, three or four years after this 
 period. He had one daughter about eighteen years of age, 
 called Altowesa, of a very agreeable form and manners. She 
 lived with a family related to her father, and only visited him 
 occasionally. Some time after my captivity, she and the 
 woman in whose house she lived, saved me from the uplifted 
 hand of an Indian, who had his hand over me ready to strike 
 ! il 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 the fatal blow with his tomahawk. They struggled with him, 
 and gave me time to escape and conceal myself. I shall, in this 
 place, declare that during the whole of the time I was with the 
 Indians, I never once witnessed an indecent or improper action 
 amongst any of the Indians, whether young or old. 
 At the end of three weeks from my capture, the whole 
 village having collected their horses and their peltrj', began 
 their journey towards the Wabash and Detroit. I travelled, at 
 my ease, on foot, carrying an unbent bow in my hand. We 
 seldom travelled more than fifteen or twenty miles a day, set- 
 ting out after breakfast, about an hour after sunrise, and 
 encamping about the same time before sunset, and if we came 
 to good hunting ground, reposed ourselves for the day. 
 My dress consisted of a calico shirt, made by an Indian 
 woman, without a collar, which reached below the waist ; a 
 blanket over my shoulders, tied round the waist with the bark 
 of a tree ; a pair of good buckskin leggings, which covered 
 almost the thighs, given me by the great war-chief ; a pair of 
 moccasins, in which I had pieces of blue cloth to make my step 
 easier ; a breech-cloth between my legs ; a girdle around my 
 waist ; and a small round hat, in which the Indian placed a 
 black ostrich feather by way of ornament (the smaller the hat 
 the more fashionable). If we encamped at an earlier hour than 
 usual, or remained a whole day in one place, which we were 
 obliged sometimes to do on account of the rain (this being 
 a remarkably rainy spring), the Indian young men and 
 women amused themselves at a game of chance, played by 
 sitting in a circle, holding a blanket open in the centre, in 
 which a certain number of bits of wood, black on one side and 
 white on the other, were thrown up, and according to the 
 number of black or white sides which fell uppermost, the game 
 was reckoned. 
 I tasted bread made of Indian corn but once or twice after 
 leaving the village, but lived entirely on boiled or roasted flesh, 
 without salt, but sometimes with dried herbs. We also met 
 with a root which was found near the surface of the ground, 
 resembling ginger in appearance, and warm and pleasant in 
 1 with him, 
 hall, in this 
 as with the 
 oper action 
 the whole 
 iltry, henan 
 travelled, at 
 hand. We 
 1 a day, set- 
 mnrise, and 
 if w^e came 
 ■f an Indian 
 ,he waist ; a 
 ith the bark 
 lich covered 
 f ; a pair of 
 ake my step 
 around my 
 ler the hat 
 er hour than 
 ch we were 
 (this being 
 men and 
 played by 
 centre, in 
 one side and 
 ing to the 
 st, the game 
 twice after 
 ■oasted flesh, 
 V^e also met 
 the ground, 
 pleasant in 
 taste. Dried venison with bear's oil was reckoned a great 
 dainty, and such I thought it. Sometimes we slept in the open 
 air without any shelter, at other times under a bark covering. 
 It was one continuous forest, at times pathless, and, at the best, 
 but a path which none but an Indian could discern. But once, 
 in the space of a month, did I see more of the heavens than 
 was to be seen throusjh the branches of the trees, and thouiih 
 the open space did not consist of more than twenty acres of 
 natural meadow, I thought it a paradise. From the excessive 
 rains that fell, I here caught cold with a fever, but my friend, 
 in a day or two, restored me by some draught he gave me ; lie 
 also endeavored to persuade me that my restoration was also 
 owing a great deal to his blowing his breath upon my forehead 
 with all his force, and repeating some words. Thus we 
 travelled day after day towards the Wabash. We at length 
 drew nigh to a village, where I was informed a great council 
 was to be held concerning me, and for the examination of my 
 papers and letters. We encamped witliin five or six miles of 
 it, and the next day my friend the chief, accompanied by half 
 a dozen more Indians and myself, all mounted on horseback, 
 rode to the village where the council was to be held. On our 
 way thither, we put up a flock of wild turkeys. Having no 
 fire-arms, we hunted them down, and having caught a very large 
 one, weighing about twenty-five pounds, it was tied, alive, to 
 my back as I rode, and thus we galloped to the village. 
 Upon our arrival, several chiefs, to the number of fifty or 
 upwards, opened the council. My papers were read by an in- 
 terpreter, a white man, who several years before had been 
 taken prisoner. After much sober discussion, in which it was 
 declared that I was an Englishman and not an American, they 
 broke up, after allowing my master to take me to Detroit, and 
 there to receive my ran.som. Towards the evening there was a 
 dance of young women before the council-house, to the beat of 
 a drum and their voices. They made signs to me to join thorn, 
 but my friend advised me not to go. I had by this time 
 acquired a tolerable knowledge of their language, and began to 
 understand them, as well as to make myself intelligible. My 
 l.i . ' 
 I'll-;:!, : 
 III ! ■■ 1^ ; 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada, 
 mistress, as I have before mentionefl, loved her dish of tea. 
 With the tea paper I made a book,* stitched it with the bark 
 of a tree, and with yellow ink of hickory ashes, mixed with a 
 little water, and a pen made with a turkey quill, I wrote 
 down the Indian names of visiiile objects. The negro, in his 
 moments of good humour, used to explain to me that which was 
 difficult to be understood. In this manner I wrote two little 
 books, which I carried in a pocket I had torn from my breeches> 
 and wore round my waist tied by a piece of bark ; generally 
 elm bark was used on such occasions, as it may be divided into 
 numberless small strips, which are very strong. It was at this 
 council I was informed that my gold repeating watch,-f- 
 chain and seal were safe in the possession of a woman of this 
 neighbourhood. Early next morning I went to her hut, about 
 a mile distant; she showed it to me and promised to keep it 
 in safety for me till I was liberated and ( ould redeem it. This 
 accordingly happened, for in the course of the ensuing winter, 
 when I was at Montreal, my watch, chain, etc., were restored 
 to me all in good condition (paying for the same about five 
 guineas), and are now in my possession. 
 We remained a day or two longer in this village than we 
 otherwise would have done, had it not been for a root found 
 here somewhat resembling a potato. To me, who had but 
 once tasted bread for six weeks, this root was a luxury. The 
 bread I speak of had been made a few days before, out of the 
 remains ofj a little wheat in their possession. To make it into 
 cakes, baked in the hot ashes, it went through the following 
 process, in which I bore a part. In a wooden mortar made of 
 the sassafras tree — a tough wood — about a quart of wheat was 
 put at a time ; then, being moistened with a little warm water, 
 it was pounded with a wooden pestle till the husk separated; 
 it was tb'-n sifted in a tolerably fine sieve, made of small splits 
 of wood ; being then kneaded with a little water, it was placed 
 upon the hot hearth and covered with hot ashes until baked. 
 *This book still remains in good preservation, to testify to Mr. Ridout's 
 ingenuity. It is now in the possession of Mrs. Edgar, his granddaughter, 
 t This watch is now in the possession of Mr, Thomas Ridout,C.E., Ottawa. 
 ish of tea. 
 the bark 
 3d with a 
 , I wrote 
 gro, in his 
 which was 
 ! two little 
 y breech es> 
 , generally 
 ivided into 
 svas at this 
 \(r watch.i* 
 lan of this 
 hut, about 
 i to keep it 
 m it. This 
 ins winter, 
 ere restored 
 e about five 
 ,ore than we 
 root found 
 10 had but 
 |xury. The 
 out of the 
 iiake it into 
 |e following 
 [\r made of 
 wheat was 
 arm water, 
 separated ; 
 small splits 
 was placed 
 |il baked. 
 Mr. Ridout's 
 ).E., Ottawa. 
 We now resumed our journey, the party consisting of twenty 
 men, thirty or forty women and children, and upwards of 
 twenty horses, loaded. My master was the chief of this party, 
 beinji all of his villaeje. As the herbs began to cover the 
 ground, the little path that there was was hidden by them, and 
 the Indians, skilled as they are, missed the direct route to the 
 Wabash, or to that part of it called the White river. We 
 travelled a day or two out of the way. However, we recovered 
 it. In general the weather was very rainy, which rose the 
 rivulets higher than usual. One evening, as we were about to 
 encamp, we came to a morass, 200 or 300 yards wide, and 
 ^esirous to encamp on the opposite side, the horses were driven 
 into it ; but they were so entangled with the mire, roots of 
 trees and water, that the Indians were compelled to unload 
 them, and convey their baggage on their shoulders through the 
 swamp. It was nearly midnight before we got over. The 
 Indians were excessively enraged, uttering their wrath against 
 the Americans, who were, they said, the cause of their misfor- 
 tunes. They saw I was alarmed, and took every means to ease 
 my mind, saying they were only enraged against the Americans, 
 who had come to their village, on the Scito river (which 
 empties itself into the Ohio), the preceding autumn, from Ken- 
 tucky, and in time of profound peace, and by surprise, destroyed 
 their village and many of their people, their cattle, grain, and 
 everything they could meet with ; which treatment was the 
 cause, they said, that the hatchet was raised against them. 
 We continued to pursue our route, by easy journeys. I 
 remarked that our numbers daily diminished, but was told that 
 the reason was that provisions began to be scarce, the woods 
 not affo) J.ing the usual quantities of wild animals. The small 
 party I was with bore a share of this .scarcity. We had killed 
 two wild cats, and though not esteemed by the Indians as good 
 food, they were very acceptable at this time. At length ouc 
 family, consisting of the chief, his wife, myself and negro, 
 travelled alone. In the usual manner we encamped early in 
 the evening, and set forth again in the morning after breakfast. 
 One delightful morning, as soon as the sun rose, my friend 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 i u 
 1(1 ' i ■ ' 
 hi' 'i 
 ;>] t i ■ 
 v/alked a few paces from his tent (for occasionally he made use 
 of a Russia sheetino' one), and seemed to address himself to 
 that glorious oib in a manner, style of words and accent, that I 
 had not witnessed before. His manner was dignified and 
 Having arrived within half a mile from the village, situated 
 on the White river, which empties itself, six or seven miles 
 down, into the Wabash, he directed us to stop, and went him- 
 self to the village to prepare for me, as I afterwards learnt, a 
 good reception. At the place we stopped there were two poles, 
 fifteen or twenty feet high, standing upright, the bark stripped 
 off, the one painted red and the other black. They were 
 calleil war-])oles, and indicated that prisoners had been brought 
 to that village. 
 I should have mentioned that about a week after I had been 
 made a prisoner, several rich suits of clothes were brought to 
 this village, belonging to some French gentlemen, taken about 
 the same part of the Ohio in which I had been captured. As 
 they made resistance all were killed. They proved to be three 
 iientlemen — agriculturist, botanist, and mineralogist — about 
 to explore the country. They had wintered three or four miles 
 above Fort Pitt. I was acquainted with them, and once had 
 thought of joining their party. In the course of an hour, the 
 chief returned and bade us follow him. He led me throujih the 
 village. The Indians presented themselves at their doors to 
 look at me, but did not speak. Havin^ crossed a river about 
 200 yards wide, flowing in a gent) stvciim about three feet 
 deep, over a fine gravelly bottom, ,vb ;amped on the other 
 side, a small distance below the village fhe rest of our village 
 had arrived and encamped here before . Amongst them was 
 the white man, Baflington. The soil was very rich, and the 
 scenery around delightful. A very large council-house was 
 begun to be built ut this place, in the construction of which the 
 Indians hail employed much skill, ingenuity and taste. Here 
 we were to plant corn, puinpkins, etc., for their winter's food. 
 After planting, we were to proceed, by the way of the Miami 
 village, a journey of 400 or 500 miles. About sunset of the 
 same day we arrived, I heard the Indian war-whoop on the 
 other side of the river, at the village through which we laid 
 passed. The Indians of our party iuunediately concluded that 
 a prisoner had been made and brought in. Some of our party 
 went immediately to the village, and amongst them the negro. 
 When he returned, some time after, he said it was a young 
 man about twenty, of the name of Mitchell, who had been 
 taken on the Ohio, together with his father, a Captain Mitchell, 
 an American ; that the father and son had been separated on 
 the way, as they belonged to different nations, that it was 
 probable the father would be liberated, but that the son had 
 been given to a man who was determined to burn him, at a 
 village live or .six miles distant, where the White river unites 
 with the Wabash. I was also informed that the war raged 
 exceedingly ; that many prisoners had been taken by the 
 Indians, who began to be enraged at the loss of some of their 
 friends. Two or three days elapsed before I heard anything 
 further of the poor young man, till one nioruing, about break 
 of day, I was awakened by an old woman, the same who had 
 struck me with a billet of wood as before mentioned. She 
 came to our hut and said the Virginian was to be burned 
 Seeing that I was alarmed, as I thought I was alluded to, she 
 said it was the prisoner taken a few days before, and not I, 
 whom they loved much. 
 Immediately my friend, his wife, and the negro, left the hut 
 and went to the opposite side of the river, and I was soon left 
 alone in the camp. For some time I did not see any one moving, 
 but about two hours after sunrise I perceived several Indians 
 assembled at the door of a house near the water's side, opposite 
 to where I was, and soon after I saw the young man run out 
 of the house naked, his ears having been cut off, and his face 
 painted black ; the Indians following with the war-whoop and 
 song, driving him before them, through a valley. They then 
 ascended a hill, a little lower down the stream, distant about 
 four or ftve hundred yards. As soon as they gained the sum- 
 mit of the hill, I heard the young man scream, and the Indians 
 give a shout. I perceived a smoke, and judged that the tire 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 was preparing. After a short interval I heard the poor victim 
 utter a dreadful shriek. They were repeated without inter- 
 mission for a few minutes. The Indians shouted during the 
 interval of tortures. I heard the groans of the poor sufferer, 
 and then his shrieks recommenced under new tortures. These 
 tortures, with remi.ssions, continued about three hours, when 
 his cries ceased. The Indian^ then returned. To express my 
 feelings during this scene would be impossible, and I began to 
 think that my own fate might be similar. 
 The Indians did not return till the afternoon. At the 
 approach of evening they Hred their guns, and with large 
 twigs beat their wigwams on the tops and .sides, shouting. 
 I inquired of the negro what that meant. He said that it 
 was to drive away the spirit of the prisoner they had burnt. 
 This ceremony continued for three succeeding nights. The 
 tent or hut in which I slept, was covered with bark or poles ; 
 the sides were also covered in the same manner, but not the 
 ends. The chief and his wife slept on a raised bed on one side 
 of the fire-place, which was in the middle ; I slept on the other 
 side on a bear's skin, on a bench raised from the ground ; and 
 the negro wrapped in a blanket, slept on the ground by the 
 fire. During the night I was roused by the shrieks of the 
 negro. Calling to him, he said he had been dreaming that the 
 young man they had burnt had come to him in a menacing 
 manner, and I asked him what injury he had done him to have 
 been tortured by him. I soon found that my situation became 
 dangerous, and that the Indian to whom poor Mitchell had been 
 given, wanted also to get me in his power. He used to be,set 
 the hut where I was, so that I was compelled to hide myself 
 for many hours together under the banks of the river, among 
 the weeds, to avoid him. I had crossed the river two or three 
 times with my friend and his family to prepare a spot of ground 
 for their corn, near the village. It was at one of these times 
 that the bloody-minded savage had .seen me. At one time I 
 was obliged to cross the river, and fly for shelter to a house 
 built of round logs, near the spot where Mitchell had suffered. 
 There I obtained some protection from an Indian chief named 
 (oor victim 
 lout inter- 
 luring the 
 )r sufferer, 
 ■es. These 
 mrs, when 
 xpress my 
 I began to 
 . At the 
 with large 
 , shouting, 
 lid that it 
 had burnt. 
 Thts. The 
 k or poles ; 
 but not the 
 on one side 
 in the other 
 ound ; and 
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 ieks of the 
 ng that the 
 a menacing 
 lim to have 
 ,ion became 
 11 had been 
 led to beset 
 lide myself 
 ver, among 
 wo or three 
 t of ground 
 these times 
 one time I 
 to a house 
 i suffered, 
 lief named 
 Papapaniwa. I was concealed from my enemies in this house 
 by a curtain placed before me when they were in the house, for 
 my friend was not sufficiently powerful to afford me protection. 
 He was advised, if he wished to save me, to set off immediately 
 for Detroit. 
 After tluee or four days my friend collected his horses and 
 peltry, and with his wife and negro, set off' with me for Detroit 
 by way of the Miami villages, where, I understood, was a 
 trading port; several traders, English and French, living there. 
 I was on horseback ; we all soon entered the woods. The mus- 
 quitoes were s(j troublesome that we got tio rest night or day, 
 notwithstanding the smokes we made to drive them away. 
 After, I think, four days' journey, we arrived at a branch of the 
 Miami river, nmch swollen with rain. We crossed it with 
 difficulty and encamped on a plain, where I saw .several Indian 
 huts scattered. I slept .soundly that night, in the pleasing 
 expectation that I was drawing near my deliverance. In the 
 morning, as soon as it was day, my friend and his wife went 
 out amongst their acquaintance. She returned in about an 
 hour with the Indian who had burnt Mitchell, and who had 
 followed me thither in the expectation of getting me into his 
 power. 1 .shuddered at .seeing him. He and my mistress were 
 each more than half drunk. They sat down upon the ground, 
 fronting, and close to each other, relating their misfortunes, 
 and crying and hugging one another as is their custom when 
 I was standing behind him, and I soon discovered that their 
 discourse was concerning mo ; she said many things in my 
 favour, but to no purpose, and seeing him grow angry, she had 
 sufficient recollection and kindness, as her arms were about his 
 neck, to beckon to me, unobserved by him, to get out of his way. 
 I waited not a second bidding, but where to go I knew not. I 
 perceived that every one I met with was drunk. However, I 
 took .shelter in a house. As soon as I entered I recognized my 
 master's daughter, and the woman she lived with, and was 
 relating to them my perilous situation, when, to my great sur- 
 prise and terror, the young man who had first laid his hand 
 it,t i 
 if, ; 1 
 hi i 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 upon me in the boat, now claimed me as his property by right 
 of war. I endeavoured to escape, at which he lifted his 
 tomahawk to kill me. The two women flew to my succour, 
 and withheld his arm till I got out of the house. I immedi- 
 ately fled to the river, which was not far distant, and running 
 under the bank, which was rather high, I perceived two sober 
 Indians sitting. I ran and placed myself between them. They 
 saw my terror. I related ^o them my situation as well as I 
 was able. They were Delawares, whose village was in the 
 neighbourhood. They said they would protect me. Whilst 
 sitting between them I saw the Indian from whom I had last 
 escaped, and who was called Black Fish, go down to the bank 
 of the river, about 100 yards from where I was, apparently in 
 quest of me. I pointed him out to the Indians, and sat still in 
 great trepidation. At length, to my no small joy, he ascended 
 the hill, and I saw him no more. In a few minutes after I 
 perceived the white man Mdio had announced to me my safety 
 just after I had left the side of Mr. Purviance. I told him the 
 danger I was in, upon which he promised he would get a 
 horse and take me over the river to the house of a principal 
 Shawanese chief, called the Great Snake, a mile or two down 
 the river, and where I should be in safety. He left me for the 
 purpose of getting a horse, and after some time, which to me 
 appeared almost an age, I saw a man not far from where I was, 
 on the same side, cross the river on horseback. To my great 
 joy, I perceived it was the white man (his name was Nash). 
 Seeing him crossing, I was afraid he was going to leave me, 
 but it was only to try the ford, for the river was hardly 
 fordable. He soon returned and came to me with the horse. 
 I mounted before him, and after passing two or three drunken 
 parties of Indians, lying on the shore, we came to the ford and 
 passed in safety. We then rode along on the other side and 
 passed a fine plantation well stocked with cattle, belonging to 
 a Shawanese chief, called Blue Jacket. He commanded the 
 party, who afterwards vanquished the American general, St. 
 Clair.* We soon came to the house of the Great Snake, who 
 * November, 1791. 
 received me with kindness and assured me of his protection. 
 He was an elderly man, robust and rather corpulent. His wife, 
 a pretty, well-looking woman, nearly his age, walked very 
 stately with a handsome staff with a head to it. He ordered 
 a bear's .skin and blanket for me, alongside his own bed, and 
 till my departure, three days after, he treated me with the 
 greatest kindness. During this time I was informed that 
 another council would be held upon me, in which it was to be 
 determined whether I should be permitted to be taken to 
 Detroit and ran.soined. The day accordingly came in which 
 the council was to be held. The Indians having assembled, 1 
 was also conducted thither. The council was under the authority 
 of a Captain John, a Shawanese chief, before whom my case 
 was to be decided. One Simon Girty, an Indian interpreter, 
 now living on the Detroit river, was present. I perceived that 
 my master and friend was much dejected, and did not .speak to 
 me. Several women endeavoured to cheer me by saying I 
 should not be hurt. The council was at length opened, and 
 the Indian who iiad burned Mitchell contended for me. He 
 insisted that I was a spy and that I knew the whole country. 
 Much was .said, and my papers and letters were again brought 
 forward, read, and explained. At length, after a cool and 
 delib.^rate hearing, the chief pronounced my discharge, and 
 told my friend that he might set out with me as soon as he 
 chose. His eyes sparkled with joy when relating the result of 
 the deliberations of the council. He would have deferred our 
 departure till the morrow, for the Indian traders who lived on 
 the other side of a river which also formed a junction here 
 with the other two, had long expected me, but dared not inter- 
 cede for me whilst my life was at i.ssue. After urging with 
 all my power to set off immediately, my friend got a catioeand 
 took me over to the traders' village, called Fort Miami; and both 
 the English and French gentlemen were waiting, with open aims 
 toreceiveme, as they had beenacquainted with the chief's decision 
 in my favour. The names of the English gentleuien of this 
 place were : Sharpe, Martin, Parkes and Ironside. Mr. Sharpe 
 ,-' ( 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 conducted me to his house, gave me a shirt, and Canadian 
 frock and hat, trousers and shoes. I remained here three days. 
 It was here I found my Bible, several books, a German flute, 
 and .some few other articles, but a tortoise-shell box inlaid with 
 pearl, in which was my mother's wedding ring, and a gold 
 coin of the Emperor Nero (weight about four pennyweights), 
 and in gieat perfection, given me by a lady of Lisborne, in 
 France, were lost to me forever. The coin had been found 
 with many otliers at Saint Onge, in France. A French gentle- 
 man of the Miami, lent my. ^friend, on my account, his 
 large canoe to carry us, with the peltry, to Detroit, distance 
 about 250 miles by water. 
 We cmbai'ked early on a Sunday morning, took in the peltry, 
 his wife, myself and negro, and descended the Miami river, 
 taking also two Indian women, whom we were to put on shore 
 at an Indian village two miles down the river. We did so, and 
 proceeded. After descending about fifteen miles, we stopped 
 at a white man's house, who was an interpreter among the 
 Indians. I naturally spoke of my deliverance in terms of joy, 
 but I thought he seemed not much to encourage my hopes, for 
 he knew the dangers which yet surrounded me, whilst I was 
 happily ignorant of them. On our way to the mouth of the 
 Miami river, which empties itself into Lake Erie, we passed 
 several parties of Indians returning from Detroit. They were 
 generally drunk, and I was in continual terror until we 
 separated. At length we got to the falls, where there was a 
 house belonging t(j a Captain Mclvee, Deputy Superintendent 
 of Indian atiaiz's, and of a Mr. Elliott. They were not there, 
 but we receiveil kind treatment and victuals from the Indians 
 of their respective families. Soon after leaving these houses 
 we reached the lake, and after coasting the west end of it for 
 about thirty-eight miles, we entered the Detroit river. A few 
 miles up this river there was another house of Mr. Elliott's. 
 He did not happen to be at home, but we were kindly treated. 
 The next daj' we descended the River Detroit, and passed the 
 night upon an island, where there were several Indian families. 
 iree days, 
 lan flute, 
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 1 gentle- 
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 ssed the 
 Early the next morning, being Sunday, we arrived at 
 Detroit. My friend introduced and presented nie to Captain 
 McKee, who received me with civilitv, and with whom I break- 
 fasted. He then accompanied me to the commanding officer, 
 Captain Wiseman, of the 53rd regiment, and introduced ine to 
 him. By this gentleman, and by all the regiment, I was 
 received as a brother. A bed was provided for me in the 
 Government House. I messed with the officers, and every one 
 strove to do me ajts of kindness. A Mr. Hughes, lieutenant 
 of the regiment, gxve me ten guineas for my pocket; a Cap- 
 tain Haughton gave me clothes ; and a Mr. Robinson, merchant, 
 lent me 100 pounds in New York currency ; and as the 53rd 
 were, in a few days, to descend to Montreal, they offered me a 
 passage with them, which I gratefully accepted. 
 Several gentlemen at Detroit invited me kindly to their 
 houses, viz. : Commodore Grant, Mr. Macomb, Doctor Harfey. 
 Mr. Askin, and others. I think it was the Sunday of my 
 arrival that I dined at Mr. Macomb's. Whilst at dinner Mr. 
 Parkes arrived from the Miami. His relation of what took 
 place there after my departure, convinced me that the hand of 
 an Alm'ghty Protector had guided and preserved me in all my 
 dangers. He said tliat I had just left Mr. Sharpe's house, 
 when a party of young Indians, with Black Fish at their head, 
 came to the house in quest of me. He immediately said that 1 
 was his property, and that he would have me. Mr. Sharpe and 
 Mr. Parkes assured them I was not there. Black Fish insisted 
 upon searching the house, which was permitted. Being dis- 
 appointed in not Hndiiig me there, they searched other houses. 
 Mr. Sharpe then told them I had gone away. " By which 
 route ? " said Black Fish, in a rage. He was answered that I 
 had gone up the river to St. Joseph's. This delayed the time, 
 and in the meanwhile God's good Providence conducted me in 
 safety down the river, amongst unseen and unexpected dangers, 
 for at the village we first landed at, to put the two Indian 
 women ashore. Black Fish and his party residdl. Between 
 Miami village and this place, the river makes an angle, and the 

 .1 W > ! • 
 ■ 1 
 I ;. 
 I -■ • 
 Hit ! 
 ' tl 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 road is the chord of the angle. By this means we passed un- 
 observed by Black Fish, who was on that road. The banks 
 also at the lower village are steep. 
 In a few days I embarked with the 58rd regiment for Fort 
 Erie. On my way to Niagara I saw the stupendous Falls of 
 Niagara. At Niagara we continued two or three days, where I 
 was kindly treated by Colonel Hunter, who then commanded 
 a battalion of the GOth regiment. This officer was afterwards 
 Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada and Couimander-in 
 Chief of both Canadas. 
 About the middle of July, 1788, I arrived at Montreal, where 
 I received great civilities from Sir John Johnston, Captain 
 Grant, and many other gentlemen ; and from Lord Dorchester, 
 at Quebec. 
 This adventure, joined with other vicissitudes I had ex- 
 perienced, induced me to fix my residence in Canada, and at the 
 writing hereof* (29th May, 1811) I have the honour to serve 
 His Majesty as Surveyor-General of Upper Canada. 
 Thomas Ridout. 
 N.B. — in the year 1799 my friend Kakinathucca and three 
 more Shawanese chiefs came to pay me a visit at my house in 
 They saw me and my family with pleasure, and my wife and 
 children contemplated, with great satisfaction, the great and 
 good qualities of this worthy Indian. He did not return home 
 without bearing a testimony of my gratitude. He died about 
 five years ago, under the hospitable care of Matthew Elliott, 
 Esq., Superintendent of Indian affairs at Amherstburg, at the 
 entrance of the Detroit river. 
 Amongst the many dangers I escaped, I ought to mention 
 the repeated attempts made by an Indian, a young man, at the 
 * Tliia narrative Mr. Ridout evidently compiled from his Diary, — a little 
 book restored to him by the Indians, and now in the possession of Thomas 
 Ridout, C.E., Ottawa. 
 instif]jation of the negro, to kill me. His behaviour to me kept 
 me always upon my <?uard, but on my way from the Miami 
 villaj^jes to Detroit, the negro informed me, without noticing the 
 part he had taken in it, that the Indian had frequently 
 attempted to kill me, but had so often been frustrated that he 
 declared he could not execute his purpose, for that the Great 
 Spirit protected me. 
 The idea the Indians had that I knew their country and the 
 nations around, took its rise from my showing them, on the 
 maps of North America in Postlesthwaite's Dictionary, that part 
 where we then wore, together with the different nations 
 inhabiting the country ; and having a small compass I noticed 
 to them the direction which each respective nation bore from 
 This compass was now in the possession of my master, and 
 not being able to comprehend its action, they called it a 
 "Manitou," by which they mean "spirit," or something incom- 
 prehensible and powerful. This happened when we lay 
 encamped at the natural meadow where I was attacked by 
 Nash, the white man, told me that Mr. Purviance had been 
 taken into the woods immediately after our sad parting, and 
 there beat to death, whether because he had offered resistance 
 I could not learn. I have, therefore, ample cause for adoring 
 that all-powerful Being whose providence watched over me on 
 all occasions during my perilous abode among savages, for spar- 
 ing a life so often doomed to apparently inevitable destruction. 
 Note. — On the back of the diary is written this memorandum of the 
 fate of the other prisoners : Samuel Purviance, killed ; Garland, killed ; 
 Wm. Bassington Watson, burnt ; James Black, beat to death ; Symonds, 
 burnt ; Ferguson, sold for corn ; a negro woman, unharmed. 
 Introducing Thos. Ridout to Col. Thos. Marshall, Kentucky, Written by 
 George Washington, President of the United States. 
 .^>7i.^S^e^2-^u^^ ^^ . ^ . /7f7, 
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 9^ '^ikc^As,^^^ ^^^ 
 ,^^2^ •%<2-/2x^/^<a.'is£-.. — 
 7%/j A-Z/^r /J endorsed by Mr. Ridout as having been returned to him by the Shawanese 
 Inaians after his release from captivity. 
 Among the other letters belonging to Mr. IJidout, taken by 
 the Indians, and subse(iuently restored, were the following : 
 The first in the packet is from the celebrated Marquis de 
 Lafayette, whom he had met in France and who, the old diary 
 says, had introduced him to the Baron de Montesquieu, the 
 Baron de Secondat and the Marshal Duke de Mouchy, and 
 other celebrated men of the time. 
 Lafayette's letter is dated 
 Paris, May 12, 1785. 
 Dear Sir, — Enclosed I have the honour to send you a letter 
 of introduction to my uncle, Marechai de Mouchy, who is .soon 
 going to Bordeaux. I will be much obliged to you to let me 
 know every opportunity there is going from that place to 
 There is, or will soon be, in Bordeaux, an Irish Major of 
 volunteers called Mr. Lanier, to whom I beg you will deliver 
 the enclosed. In case it was in my power ever to render you 
 some service in this country, I beg you will not nuike cere- 
 monies about it, because I will be truly happy to send you any 
 letter or speak to any person that may promote your purposes. 
 With a sincere attacliment and very good wishes, I have the 
 honour to be your obedient, humble servant, 
 Mr. Ridout. Lafayette. 
 This letter, written in English in a beautifully clear, though 
 minute hand, is still in a good state of preservation. 
 Colonel Henry Lee writes to General Harmer, dated : — 
 New York, 2Uh October, 1787. 
 My friend, Mr. Ridout, will probably meet with you in his 
 western tour. I cannot, therefore, refrain from recommending 
 him to your particular civility, not only because his company 
 will be pleasing to you, but because it may be in your power 
 very much to assist him. In the full confidence that my intro- 
 duction will ensure to him your warmest attention, I will only 
 say that I remain unalterably yours, and am never more happy 
 than when opportunity permits me to assure you of my regard 
 and esteem. 
 This letter is addressed, Brigadier-General Harmer, com- 
 manding the Federal troops in the Western Territory. 
 dy the Shawanest 
 fi^ i X ffi 9f; ) 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Another letter of the same date, from Colonel Henry Lee to 
 Judiie Armstronfj, is as follows : — 
 I commend to your civility my friend, Mr. Ridout ; treat him 
 as such, and be assured that you will gratify me highly. The 
 pr(jl)ability is that Mr. R. may settle himself among you. In 
 this event, I wish he may become your neighbour, for your 
 mutual satisfaction. I am, as when you left me, ever yours. 
 The address on cover is, The Hon. John Armstrong, Western 
 A third letter jm Colonel Leo, the same date, is addressed 
 to General Wilkinson, Kentucky : — 
 I beg to introduce to you Mr. Ridout, a gentleman who 
 possesses every (juality which commands esteem, and who visits 
 your country with the design of establishing himself amongst 
 you. Your ready civility r-enders it unnecessary for me to urge 
 your attention to Mr. Ridout, and his merit will ensure to him 
 the respect of all to whom he may be known. I will then not 
 take up your time with a repetition of reasons on this subject, 
 and only say that I shall consider myself specially obliged by 
 every mark of attention which you may please to honour him 
 The last letter in the packet is from John Fitzgerald, dated 
 Alexandria, November, 14th, 1787, addressed to Colonel Thomas 
 Marshall, near Lexington, Fayette County • — 
 The intention of this is to introduce to your polite and kindly 
 attention Mr. Thomas Ridout, my much respected friend, who, 
 enraptured with the general character of 5''our fertile country, 
 goes to explore and perhaps to settle in it. I have not a doubt 
 of your affording him every friendly advice and assistance, of 
 which you will find him extremely deserving. 
 A pen picture of Mr. Ridout, as he appeared during the last 
 years of his life, is given by Dr. Scadding, in his " Toronto of 
 Among the venerable heads and ancestral forms which recur 
 to us, as we gaze down in imagination from the galleries of th 
 old wooden St. James', of York, we will single out, in addition 
 to those already spoken of, that of Mr. Ridout, some time 
 Surveyor-General of the Province, father of a numerous 
 progeny, and tribal head, ,so to speak, of more than one family 
 of connections settled here, l)earing the same name. He was a 
 perfect picture of a cheerful, benevolent-minded Englishman, 
 of portly form, well advanced in years ; his hair snowy-white 
 naturally ; his usual costume of antique style. 
 The old wooden church of St. James' has long passed away, 
 but in its place has risen a noble pile which bears the same 
 name, and under its shadow, in the old churc.yard, Thomas 
 Ridout sleeps. 
 A curious eye may still trace on the moss-covered stone the 
 following inscription : 
 of Shorbourne, Dorsetsliire, England, 
 Late Surveyor-General of this Province, and member of His Majesty's 
 Legislative Council, who departed this life on the 8th of February, 
 1829, ill the 75th year of his age. 
 The kind and exemplary father of a numerous familj', who loved and 
 revered him and mourned his departure, the faithful servant of Government 
 for nearly forty years, he endeared himself to the inhabitants of Upper 
 Canada, and so won their affections by his unremitting attentions to their 
 interests and unwearied courtesy to themselves, that they justly considered 
 him an orn.iment to the colony. To a highly cultivated mind he added the 
 most polished manners, and, what was far better, the meekness and the 
 humility of a Christian looking forward in faith to a blessed immortality. 
iw " 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Weisamanitoo God 
 Mutchanianitoo the devil 
 Eleney a man 
 Quiawaw a woman 
 Queakee woman 
 Notha a father 
 Neakea a mother 
 Theemeytha a brother 
 Eaineetha a sister 
 Neawaw a wife 
 Nea.sit-chee a husband 
 Nealaw I 
 Kealaw you 
 Yawmah he, or it 
 Wewawlee my wife 
 Weiisee-aw husband 
 Neaqueytha my son 
 Tawneytha my daufjhter 
 Cheeakee we, or all 
 Meeaw-nelenee . .a j'oung man 
 Meeaw-neequaw. .a young wo- 
 Weela he, or him 
 Squeytheatha a girl 
 Skelouatheatha a boy 
 Passitotha an old man 
 Meakeybue-thetha ... an old 
 Scootee fire 
 Neepee water 
 Assiskee earth 
 Coonee snow 
 I Secacoonee wind 
 Geemewawnee rain 
 Weapee cold 
 Awquaw-tegtee . heat of the sun 
 Kegsetee hot, as water 
 Quaw-ma ice 
 Quaw-melaw-nee hail 
 Melocaummee spring 
 Neabeakee summer 
 Teaquawko autumn 
 i Pepokee winter 
 Nenimkee thunder 
 Pepapaunwey lightning 
 Pouthquatee cloudy 
 Nenimkee-wanwee .loud thun- 
 Seckthee a deer 
 Eyawpee a buck 
 Maaquaw a bear 
 Sea-a-way a horse 
 Thotho a cow 
 Thowthyaw a buffalo 
 VVyschchee a dog 
 Poosica a cat 
 Pesseywaw a wild cat 
 Theepaatee a racoon 
 Wyeewaw a wolf 
 Wawcouchee a fox 
 Kittatee an otter 
 W3-a-pe-tee-et an elk 
 Scoutelawmee a tortoise 
 Kusko. Kuskokee. . .hog, hogs 
 . . . wind 
 .... rain 
 . . . .cold 
 >i' the sun 
 as water 
 .... hail 
 . .spring 
 . .winter 
 . thunder 
 ud thun- 
 .a deer 
 . a buck 
 .a bear 
 a horse 
 .a cow 
 a, bufi'alo 
 .a dog 
 .a cat 
 wild cat 
 a racoon 
 .a wolf 
 . . a fox 
 an otter 
 .an elk 
 og, hogs 
 SiiAWANESE Language 
 Kawqua a porcupine 
 Seapessee a paiitlicr 
 Makeytha a slieep 
 Anieaqua a beaver 
 Maeouteley-tha . . a fawn or colt 
 Wiskeloutha a bird 
 Powcatha a piifeon 
 Waw-wee an e<>(; 
 Nawpoya a cfjck 
 Coekelanioutha . .alien 
 Weynu.ssee. .a turkey-buzzard, 
 [a vnltun^ 
 Seaseepa a duck 
 Pealcywaw a turkey-hen 
 Awkitsee a turkej'-cock 
 Kakawkee a raven 
 Wawiathoea a .swan 
 Leakavv a. yoose 
 Satewei a rattle.snakc 
 Makalitou a frog 
 Pasqueinei a inu.S([nito 
 Nameatha a Hsh 
 Teikou wood for lire 
 Me.sifsskee a leaf or herb 
 Teaquee a tree 
 Wawpaqueiiieysee . . white oak 
 Pawquanenieysee . . . .sassafias 
 [buckeye tree 
 Popsquawsewaymeysee . V)eech 
 Skippeime3'see hickory 
 Squatawmey.see ..sbell-baik do 
 Cawwinakee. . . .thorny locu.st 
 Cawwimeysa .... thorny locust 
 Weilawnahai gin.seng 
 Thenonieysee . . the sugar tree 
 Keisewaquata . . .the sycamore 
 Teatepawtaquey the vine 
 Kitsetheynaweisa. . . .the bark 
 Mealavv(iua Hsh 
 VVei-coupee. . .bark to tie with 
 Sonlageysee a ship 
 Oulageysee a canoe 
 Papaqueymee cranberries 
 VVeewilsqiiee. . . . the capillaire 
 Sequaw cedar 
 Mutta no 
 Eiiee yes 
 A-a yes 
 Pea-atcbo i^ive me 
 Maw take 
 M uttalaqua . . not any — no more 
 Petsoie(Fr pronoun). W^unpuin 
 Metticoseeah . .a white inan, or 
 '''oete a Frenchman 
 .spaniee a Sjjaniard 
 Shemantliee a Virgiuifin 
 Catawelegnee a Netn-o 
 Leynowakee fin Indinn 
 Showanyaw a Shawaneso 
 Lenawpey a Delaware 
 Xottowei a Mohawk 
 Nottoweitha a Wyantlot 
 Mo.sco a Creek Indian 
 Catawaypetheaway . . the head 
 Neleytlia the hair 
 Skesaquey the eye 
 Tow-waaka the ear 
 Neetsawsee nose 
 Keelanee tongue 
 Keetawnenah ........ mouth 
 Keepetsee teet h 
 C^ueekaca neck 
 Kenekee arm 
 Ketchena thumb 
 Peletsewah hand 
 Keletsee fingers 
 Keekaatsee the lejj 
 Kethetena the foot 
 Squee blood 
 Uuthaw-wee nionie . . .gold, or 
 [yellow nwrney 
 Wiapawkekee. . .silver dollars, 
 [or white money 
 ( > 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 VViapawke-quaw tin 
 Withaw-waw-caquaw. . . brass 
 Coupelecou iron 
 Outhaw-wee yellow 
 Waw-connokee-wapea . . white 
 Squaw-wee rod 
 Cuttey-waw black 
 Oulamon vermilion 
 Methalui lead 
 Monathee a knife 
 Coquaw a pot, or kettle 
 Haniquaw a spoon 
 Waupamoua. . .a looking-glass 
 Tliequa a comb 
 Goulaka a basin, or dish 
 Queg-awai a blanket 
 Poppea-awai a saddle 
 Thakoa. ...•"■ 'a shirt broach 
 Squathapeah a belt 
 Thj-a a skin 
 Elenaquey a bow 
 Elena lui an arrow 
 Peyteneekah . . a shirt, or jacket 
 Petacouah a hat, or cap 
 Teaquah a gun 
 Pemqua Teaquah a rifle 
 AlloJey a bullet 
 Mecottey gunpowder 
 Sacouka a flint 
 Weweyla a powder horn 
 Teekhauhka tomahawk 
 Sequawna a stone 
 Awsit-thekee, .crosses worn on 
 [the neck 
 Mecothey an awl 
 Theckthey deer sinews 
 Kethenequa soap 
 Masisskee tea 
 Melassey sugar 
 Tepthicah a cup, or teapot 
 Weeawthey . .venison, or meat 
 Weelenoix (Fr. pro.) fat 
 Pitssawkah. . .a rope, or halter 
 Setaquotha leather 
 Mokita leggings 
 Moketha moccasins 
 Macota. .the women's petticoat 
 They-amah tobacco 
 Quacah a pipe 
 Hattawa punk 
 Scoute-cagah . . .steel for strik- 
 [ing fire 
 Outatsica. . . . stem of the pipe 
 Peteyway. .smoke of a pipe or 
 Leewawtey. . . .smoke of a fire 
 Pemee bear's oil 
 Pontala . . a skin for carrjang oil 
 Kawcoa a razor 
 Thawthicatsica . . a frying-pan 
 Quawnikee a chain 
 Petheawai. . .a breast-plate, or 
 [a bottle 
 Thepee a river 
 Speleawee-thcpee. . Ohio river 
 Wawkitomica-thepee . . Musk- 
 [ingum river 
 Quass-quetuckkee . . a cataract, 
 [or falls 
 Chepcock . . Port St. Vincent, on 
 [the Wabash 
 Ta-winikee .a town 
 VVeykeewaw a house 
 Wythaw-wicommikee. . . .Fort 
 Kikawka-mackee Detroit 
 Kitsecornmey . the sea, or a lake 
 Mine-athey an island 
 Poconuey a wave 
 Oucahounie a fort 
 Wessitic a mountain 
 Spemme-kee on the top 
 Ou-ecawteke . . a book, letter, or 
 Meeawee a path, or road 
 Skeaquee .... a pond of water 
 Shawanese Language. 
 Nounouconwey a swamp 
 Tike cominee . .a spring of water 
 Simmenachkee an apple 
 Tawniey Indian corn 
 Ouslvipemee sweet corn 
 Nepepemee salt 
 Squimenuckee haws 
 Meeasathucckee . Irish potatoes 
 Peneeakee wild potatoes 
 Cowasquee wheat 
 Weethuckapee rum 
 Loucaiiah Hour 
 Meleynawpee milk 
 Scoutseathawpou coffee 
 Saw- wee l>i<^ 
 Squawthee little 
 Monspethey tall 
 Spemmekee on the top 
 Nepey-waw sleep 
 Tat-chimokee a council 
 Kikenecaw a prisoner 
 Notob-oley war 
 Wanesucca a fool 
 Ka-anah friend 
 Nekaanah my friend 
 Kesekee-kasothwaw . . . the sun 
 AUotheka the sunshine 
 Tepeykee kasothwaw .... the 
 Metsemee moon 
 Ala-aqua the stars 
 Nonolaweisky. .the north star 
 Quala-aqua Ursa Major 
 Teypatuca Oi ion's Belt 
 PeaquelineykeeV . . the Pleiads 
 Keisekelaqua. Venus, the planet 
 Kessekee day 
 Wawpauwey daylight 
 Tepeykee ni<,'ht 
 O.ilacon yesterday 
 Enoukee to-day 
 Leykuckee last ninjlit 
 Nenesacou two days ago 
 Wawpackee to-morrow 
 Necounakikee . two days hence 
 Thecounakikee . . . . three days 
 Kesothwa. . .a moon, or month 
 Kicotto a year 
 Metsemee no moon 
 Thawkee . .new moon, or come 
 Peliko once 
 Neseeno twice 
 Nicoutee 1 
 Nisswee 2 
 They we 3 
 Neawee 4 
 Nealanawey 5 
 Necotothwey 6 
 Nesothwey 7 
 Thyawsicthewy 8 
 Chagathwey 9 
 Metaghthwey 10 
 Metaghtheney keteneycoutey 
 id keteneyswee . 1 2 
 id ketenthwea. ,13 
 id keteneawey . 14 
 id keteneallauwev 
 id ketenecoutoth- 
 wey 16 
 Metaghtheney ketenesoythwey 
 id ketensoyuricoth - 
 wey 18 
 Metaghtheney ketenchawgath- 
 thwea 19 
 Necoutothwey, or. . . | ^a 
 Neaswawpeatatache . ) " ' ' ' 
 Thyawpej'tockkee 30 
 Newawpetockkee 40 
 Nea allanwawpetockkee. . . .50 
 Neekatyawsee 60 
 Neesyawsee 70 
 Thyawsee 80 
W It 
 ! U n 
 'i'l iii 
 \M I 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 m ' 
 Chawa-ka 90 
 Tepea-away 100 
 Neasinee tepea-away 200 
 Thenee tepea-away 300 
 Neawee tepea-away 400 
 Neallany tepea-away oOO 
 Necoutoyththeni tepea-away. . 
 Nessoyththeni tepea-away . 700 
 Cliawaka tepea-away 800 
 Metagththeney tepea-away. . . 
 Meineacjuee to run 
 Neinente to drink 
 Thea(|uee to kill 
 Menealapee to dance 
 Naeomnio to sing 
 Atchsemo to speak 
 Neuatchsemo .... to speak false 
 Kitellee to tell 
 Pemoutee to walk 
 Kipscawquee to choke 
 Neapouthou to burn 
 Nepaalo lie down 
 Hoosstou to make 
 Nensw^eleymaw ) 
 Jackqueleymaw j 
 I love you 
 A]e(menenthequa . 
 . . .do you 
 [love me 
 .will they 
 [kill me 
 Squawlawey ... .1 am hungry 
 Tawqueloukee I am sick 
 Awkitawkeloukee . are you sick 
 Yawmawcjueloukee. .he is sick 
 Chiakee .... we, or all are sick 
 Wanatho he is drunk 
 Nawacouta I know it 
 Mutta-nawacouta 1 don't 
 [know it 
 Pawpiachee I will 
 Netessatahai I think so 
 Coqueo I don't care 
 Wetheneto eat some 
 Eleckhaalee go away 
 Peealo come here 
 Neawai I thank you 
 Awquiloukee sick 
 Mattapelou sit down 
 Keweeakouah . . are j'ou angry 
 Taa-neweikata . .where are you 
 Scothakeweitamee . . . will you 
 [be my wife 
 Tawnej' where is it 
 Nepouah dead 
 Wetcliewai Scup-qua . . .'tis so 
 Neteibois (Fr. pro.). .1 tell true 
 Mutta teibois (Fr. pro.) . . 'tis not 
 Teneetsup it is tru« 
 Tea(|ue matta nemeta. . . .don't 
 [give it 
 Teaquca-atchsimo . 
 Teaq ue- weitemaha 
 .don't tell 
 .don't tell 
 [him of it 
 . where do 
 [you come from 
 Peeawaw . . . .they are coming 
 Pesalo take care 
 AUa-luey . 'tis very unfortunate 
 Enou Kee-mehee . . a little while 
 AUicaw Paw keeta . . .throw it 
 Pyawaw here 
 Mawweeachee that way 
 Pealouee a great way off 
 Tawnowee let me see 
 Pete keneth pia. .when will he 
 [come back 
 Sweagetissetha . .what is your 
 Laqnyawaw. .where is he gone 
 Wetchevvai let it be so 
 Kalipatchehee . .never mind it 
 Matow-e-hahee nothing 
 Neloutsy for nothing 
Shawanese Language. 
 Names of 
 Key Kenethucca^j 
 Nenessica I 
 Wessketou j 
 Jfcouai town 
 ^^ethey pretty 
 Lamyolethey very pretty 
 ^™ very 
 Ulethey quiawa . pretty woman 
 X"®y done, or dressed 
 ?"^«a good 
 Lamyouesa or Lamouesa . very 
 Tit i [good 
 Matowessa bg^j 
 ^^etsy '.".".".many 
 Kincapethou a bracelet 
 Keletsapethou .... a rino' 
 S'^f"^^^ a king 
 ^fowto a captain 
 Feloutsyhea presently 
 Jeloutsy by and by 
 Neheewey. how doyou call that 
 pthwee how many 
 Ketheney to wash 
 -Pakitchee gone away 
 ^inussey a scalp 
 beeaway ahorse 
 Seeaway kee horses 
 Papiache i y^m 
 Oucahounie Fort Mattawa 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 ^i 1 
 i'< ' 
 I ..'. 
 !, f 
 ABENAQUIS Indians, 24G. 
 Aberdeen, 2G. 
 Accoinmoddtion, The, 29. 
 Adi\iiis, IMr., 43, 44, 76. 
 Addison, 212. 
 Allan, Miijor, 184. 
 Allan, j\Ir., 43. 
 Alnwick, 34. 
 Andierstburg, 13G, 20G, 219, 226, 229, 
 Aniyatt, Mr., 53, 56. 
 Anderson, .ludye, 22. 
 Annapolis, 10, 11. 
 Applegarth, Captain, 149, 157. 
 Armstrong, Ensiirn, 254. 
 Arnold, .John, 184. 
 Astley's, 110. 
 Astor, .John Jacob, 131. 
 Atkinson, Col., 250. 
 BABY, Col., 1.3G. 
 Backus, Col., 190. 
 Biddwin, Dr., .30, 31. 
 Ball, Miss Kitty, 24. 
 Ball's Fields, 204. 
 Bank of England, 59, 68. 
 Baidv of Upper Canada, 337. 
 Barclay. Captain Robert, 217, 222, 
 Barnet Heath, 116. 
 Bartholomew Fair, 60. 
 Bartley, Lieut, 162, 254. 
 Bath, 90, 91. 
 Battersby, Col., 205, 309, 331. 
 Baynes, Charles, 184. 
 Beauharnois, 245. 
 Beauport, 247. 
 Beaver Dams (Beechwoods), 198, 
 Beckford Tower, 79. 
 Beechwoods, (see Beaver Dams). 
 Bellingham, 118, 119. 
 Berkeley Castle, 93, 95. 
 Berkeley, Col., 93. 
 Beverley Township, 27. 
 Bissell, General, 206, 266. 
 Bi8shopp, Col. Cecil, 162, 163, 189, 
 198, 201, 202. 
 Blackbird, 204. 
 Black Creek, 333. 
 Black Rock, 162, 201, 261, 262, 263, 
 269, 28.3, 304, 333. 
 Bladensburg, 315. 
 Block No. 2, G. 11., 27. 
 Boerstler, Major, 162, 163, 198, 200. 
 Bonaparte, 24, 58, 63, 60, 271, 317. 
 Boston, 9. 
 Bouchette, 18. 
 Boultoii, D'Arcy, jun., 19, 20, 35, 
 64, 18.'). 
 Boulton, D'Arcy, sen., 34, 35, 36, 
 43, 63, 64, 90, 113. 
 Boulton, (ieorge D'Arcy, 37. 
 Boulton, Henry John, 35, 37,41, 52, 
 53, ()3, 69, 71, 112, 113, 119. 
 Boyd, General, 187, 199, 201, 254, 
 Braham, 89, 91. 
 Biandy Potts, 40. 
 Brant, -John, 148, 198. 
 Brisbane, Gen., 320, 322, 336. 
 Bristol, 86, 93. 
 Brock, General Sir Isaac, 65, 76, 113, 
 114, 116, 124, 127, 129, 130, 131, 
 132, 1.36-142, 144, 161, 170. 
 Brown, Captain, 254. 
 Brown, Ensign, 254. 
 Brown, General, 190, 242, 256, 266, 
 273, 274, 283, 285, 286, 287, 290, 
 291, 29(5, 298, 299, 300, 302, 312, 
 327, 328, 333. 
 Brown's Point, 187. 
 Bruton, 78. 
 Buck, Major, 285, 288. 
 Buffalo, 1(52, 261, 2G2, 263, 269, 283, 
 315, 328. 
 Burlington Heights, 132, 188, 191, 
 192, 205, 211, 220, 237, 241, 284, 
 289, 291, 292, 334. 
 Burr, Aiiron, 24. 
 Butler, Lieut., 157. 
 Butler, Lieut. -Col., 157. 
 Button, Captain John, 184. 
 CALAIS, 37. 
 Cauibray, 35. 
 Cameron, Ca[)t. Duncan, 130, 149, 
 151, 15i, ir)7, 184, 185. 
 Cameron, Mr., 44. 
 Camp!)ell, Alexander, 12. 
 Camphell, -Judge, 288, 311, 312. 
 Campbell. Lieut.-Col., 330. 
 Campbell, Mary, 12. 
 Canada Company, 41. 
 Canviiis House, 18, 
 Carey, S., 312. 
 Cartwright, Hon. Riehard, 26, 43. 
 Cartwriglit, James, 54. 
 Cauulmawaga, 250. 
 Chamliers, Capt., 239, 331. 
 Chambly, 256. 
 Champlain, 319. 
 Champlain Lake, 249, 274, 277, 317, 
 318, 319, 321, 327, 334. 
 Chandler, Capt., 215. 
 Chandler, Gen., 187, 191, 196, 266. 
 Chai)in, Col., 270, 271. 
 Charlotte, Princess, 120, 124. 
 Chateauguay, 178, 244-247. 
 Chatham, 2;!l. 
 Chauncfy, Conunodore Isaac, 169, 
 179, 181. 187, 188, 189, 205, 208, 
 209, 211, 213, 223, 224, 242, 279, 
 284, 291, L^99, 310. 
 Cliazy liiver, 319. 
 Chewett, James, 185. 
 Chewett, Lieut. -Col., 13, 130, 184. 
 Chiikutlic JoiiriiiU, 173. 
 Chippewa, 189, 201, 226, 261, 283, 
 2b5, 28(i, 287, 288, 290, 292, 294, 
 332, 333, 335. 
 Clirysler's Field, 248, 252, 255, 256, 
 Clark, Lieut. -Col., 157, 162, -J8, 
 Clark, Thomas, 131. 
 Ckus, Col., 157. 
 Claus, Lieut., 254, 255. 
 Clay, (Jen., 215. 
 Chiyton, 242. 
 Clergy Reserves, 13. 
 Cleveland, 222. 
 Clifford, Major, 279, 282. 
 Cockburn, Admiral, 315. 
 CotKn, Col., 227. 
 Cook, Capt., 18. 
 Cooper, Capt., 157. 
 Cornwall, 13, 16, 18, 19, 21, 25, 2(5, 
 243, 251, 255, 25(i, 269, 270, 274, 
 275, 277, 27!>, 318. 
 ; Cotcau du Lac, 255. 
 i Couche, 225, 239, 243, 256, 268, 269. 
 Co vent (iarden, 72. 109. 
 Covington, (Jen., 256. 
 Crawf(U'd, \Vm., 65, 
 Croglian, Col., 314, 315. 
 Crook.s, (Japt., 149, 157. 
 Crookshank, 20('». 
 Crossings, The, 334. 
 Cumberland Head, 322. 
 DALY. Capt., 247. 
 Dance, 226. 
 Davis, Cien. , 329. 
 Dawson, Ca|)t., 288. 
 Dearborn, den.. 132, 147, 148, 157, 
 164, 165, ItiO, 172. 179, 185, 187, 
 188, 197, 266. 
 Decatur, 213. 
 De Cew, 199. 
 Defiance, Fort, 215. 
 Delaware Town, 276. 
 De Lorimier, Lieut., 254. 
 Denison, Charles, 185. 
 Derby. Col., 51. 
 De Rottenbui^', Clen., 134, 226, 238, 
 242, 258, 270. 
 De Salaberry, Major, 128, 164, 198, 
 Detroit, 11, 132-147, 188,214, 229, 
 272, 312, 314, 315, 334. 
 De Watteville, 211, 213, 265, 280, 
 303, ;i05, 330, 332. 
 Dickson, 204. 
 Dickson, Mr., 20, 34. 
 Dixon, Capt., 141. 
 Dobhs, Capt., 304, 305. 
 Dorchester, Lord, 12. 
 D.jwney. Capt., :i21, 322, 325. 
 Downs, The, 10. 
 1 i 
 ! , 
 'h i] 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 Drumniond, Gen., 39, 41, 258, 200, , 
 201, 2(iG, 280, 285, 292, 293, 294, 
 297, 298, 299, 300, 302, 304, 305, 
 308, 311, 312, 315, 317, 327, 328, 
 330, 332, 335. 
 Druminoiid, Liout.-Col., 305-308. 
 Druiiinioiiilville, 200. 
 Drury Lane, 75. 
 Duclieanoy, Capt., 128, 246. 
 Ducliesiu'.y. .Tuuhereau, 24(5, 247. 
 Du Hareii, Major, 200. 
 Duraiid, Capt., 149, 157. 
 Durham, County of, 20. 
 EAST India Company, 58, 07. 
 Edmundson, Mr., (il, 72. 
 Elliott, Capt., 220. 
 Elmesley, Mr., 77. 
 Erie, Fort. (-SVc Fort Erie. ) 
 Erie, Lake, 217-222, 224. 
 Essex Militia, 205. 
 Et(jbicoke Township, 27. 
 Eustace, Capt., 177. 
 Evans, Brifjade- Major, 157, 239. 
 Evcretta, The, 38. 
 Exeter, 47. 
 Exeter "Cliange, 53. 
 FENWICK, James, 184. 
 Ferjj;uson, 240. 
 Fhinis, Capt., 141, 217, 220. 
 Firth, Mr., 43, 44, 56, ()2, 03, 04, 
 09, 71, 107, 113. 
 Fischer, Col., 305, 300, 309. 
 Fitzgibhon, Lieut., 194, 198, 199, 
 Five Nation Indians. 107. 
 Flamboro' East, 27. 
 Flauiboro' West, 27. 
 Forsythc, Major. 181, 251, 273. 
 Fort Erie, 11, 132, 140, 283, 284, 
 285, 288, 302-309, 315, 318, 327, 
 329, 333, 334, 335. 
 Fort George, 132, 130, 157, Kil, 179, 
 187, 188. 189, 197, 198, 201, 202, 
 200, 209, 213, 217, 220, 240, 241, 
 258, 208, 284, 289, 290, 291, 292, 
 299, 335. 
 Fort Niagara, (.S'fi« Niagara, Fort.) 
 Fort Maiden, 132, 130, 137, 214, 
 216, 240, 272. 
 Fort .Mississauga, 284, 290. 
 Forty-Mile Creek (Grimsby), 197, 
 Foster, Capt., 331. 
 Four ( 'orncrs, 319. 
 Four-Mile Creek, 188, 211, 289, 273 
 Franklin, Mr., 64. 
 Frederick Street, 41. 
 French Creek, 242. 
 Frenclnnan's Creek, 333. 
 French Mills, 250, 267. 
 Frenchtown, 173. 
 Fulton, Capt., 20. 
 GAINES, Gen., 200, 299, 304, 315, 
 Gallette Rapids, 251. 
 Gamble, Dr., 54. 
 Garrison Creek, 18. 
 Gdzefte, Montreal, 12. 
 Genesee River, 209, 223, 333. 
 George, Fort, {See Fort George.) 
 George IV., 234. 
 Ghent, 316. 335. 
 Gibraltar Point, 14, 278. 
 Gibson, Col., 329. 
 Givins, Col., 180, 185. 
 Glastonbury, 82. 
 Glegg, Major, 139, 140, 145, 151, 
 288, 331. 
 Glengarry Fencibles, 175, 177, 182, 
 240, 205, 280, 297, 330, 331, 335. 
 Gloucester, 95, 
 (Jordon, Lieut. -Col., 287, 296, 331. 
 Gore, Gen., 41. 
 Gore, Hon. Capt., 53, 54. 
 Gore, Lieut.-Gov., 13, 20, 21, 23, 34, 
 41, 53, 54, 55, 04, 72, 77, 90, 106, 
 Grand Duke of Beif, The, 36. 
 Grand River, 249. 334. 
 Grant, Capt., 12. 
 Grant. President, 1(5. 
 Gray, Mr., 39, 42, 55. 
 Green, Mr.. 251, 252, 256. 
 (Grenadier Island, 241, 243. 
 Grosvenor, Lord, 53. 
 Gnnrdian, The, 32. 
 Gwillnubury East. 27. 
 North, 27. 
 West, 27. 
 HACKNEY Green, 60. 
 Hagerman, Lieut, -Col., 331. 
 Halifax, 37. 
 Halsey's Corners, 320. 
 Halton, Major, 54. 
 Hamilton, 223. 
 Hamilton, Capt. R., 157. 
 Hamilton, Col., 227, 312. 
 Hamilton, Mr., 51. 
 Hamilton, N. Y.,240, 274, 275. 
 Hamilton, Ilobort, 2G. 
 Hamilton, Thomas, 184. 
 Hampton, Gen., 172, 239, 240, 
 242, 244-247, 249, 250, 255, 257, 
 258, 2GG. 
 Hancks, Lieut., 133, 141. 
 Hancock, Major, 277. 
 Harrison, (Jen., 109, 172, 214, 
 215, 229, 230, 231, 234, 235. 
 Harvey, Lieut. -Col., 187, 193, 194, 
 195, 191J, 198, 202, 209, 241, 243, 
 248, 251, 252, 254, 317, 331. 
 Hatch, Col., 135, U2, 144. 
 Hatt, Capt., 157, 1G2. 
 Heward, Capt. Stephen, 149. 
 Hey, Capt., 289. 
 Holcroft, Col., 212. 
 Holland, Lieut., 254, 287. 
 Holmes' Tavern, 37. 
 Home District, 13, 2G, 27, 32. 
 Hull, Oovernor, 121, 136, 137, 140, 
 143, 145, 105, 2G6. 
 Hunter, Col., afterwards General, 
 12, 17. 
 Huron, Lake. 54, 314. 
 Hyde Park Corner, 48, 57. 
 IRVING, Washincrton, 222. 
 Izard, Gen., 245, 26G, 319, 333, 334, 
 JACKSON, air. J. Mills, 30, 31, 
 43, 54, 62, 65, 185. 
 Jarvis, Sam., 16, 22, 63, 149. 
 Jarvis, Wm., 149, 184. 
 Jenkins, Capt., 175, 176. 
 Jenner, Dr., 93. 
 Johnson, Sir John, 12. 
 Jones, Lieut., 254. 
 KEMBLE, 72. 
 Kempenfeldt Bay, 64. 
 Kempt, Gen., 318. 
 Kent Militia, 265, 276. 
 Kentucky, 11, 24, 215, 216, 334. 
 Kerr, Capt., 275. 
 Kew Gardens, 61. 
 King, Capt., 162, 163. 
 King's College, 13. 
 King's Kettle, 26. 
 Kingston, 18, 28, 33, 42, 168, 169, 
 ]90, 191, 197, 20(5, 209, 237, 239, 
 240, 141, 242, 244, 2.56, 264, 271, 
 278, 279, 280, 291, 300, 319. 
 King Street, 41. 
 King Tp., 27. 
 Kirby, Capt., 1G3. 
 L'ACADIE, ^44. 
 Lacolle, 164, 277, 278. 
 L'uhj of the L(k<', The, 310. 
 Lamont, Lieut., 162. 
 Laroehe, Mr., G'i. 
 Leader, Ensign, 254. 
 Lee, Col., 11. 
 Lee, Midshipman, 324. 
 Legislative Council, 13. 
 Leonard, Capt., 2(}(). 
 Lewis, Cien., 187, 197, 201. 
 Lewis, John, 91. 
 Lewiston, 158, 261, 293, 333. 
 Lincoln Militia, 265, 297. 
 Lincoln's Inn, 35. 
 Little York, 28. 
 Liverpool, Lord, 53. 
 London, 49, 5:^ 57, 104-124. 
 Long Point, 13'.i, 218. 
 Long Point Road, 334. 
 Long Sault, 255. 
 Longwoods, 276. 
 Lord Mayor's Ikll, 110, 111, 112. 
 Lord Mayor's Show, 72, 73, 74. 
 Lorinir, Capt., 300. 
 Lundy's Lane, 22G, 293-301, 302, 
 307, 310, 317, 327. 
 Lyon, Lieut., 288. 
 Lyon's Creek, 333. 
 McANTIRE, Capt., 168. 
 McArthur, Gen., 229, 334. 
 McClure, Gen., 241, 258, 260, 261, 
 McDonell, Alex,, 71, 92, 106, 178. 
 McDonell, Capt., 310. 
 McDonell, Col. George, 39, 174, 
 175, 178, 246. 
 McDonell, James, 72. 
 McDonell, John, 43, 64, IGO, 131, 
 139, 145, 151, 153, 154, 156, 158, 
 159, 178. 
 McDonough, Capt., 321, 324, 326. 
 McDouall, Lieut. -Col., 313, 315. 
 McEwen, Capt., 149, 157. 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 McGill, Ann, 2G. 
 McGregor, Capt., 27(3. 
 McKiiy, Col., .31.S, 316. 
 McLeiin, Allan. 44. 
 McLean, Archibald, 44, G3, 149, 154, 
 McLean, Mr., 33. 
 McMuhon, Ed., 185. 
 McNab, Allan, 210, 213. 
 Macaulay, Dr., 38, 40, 42, 55. 
 Macaulay, (Jeorg*;, 38, 40. 
 Macaulay, John, 1(3. 
 Macaul'y, Liuut. (afterwards Sir J. 
 H.). 38, 170. 178. 
 Mackinaw, 133, 141, 244, 270, 311, 
 Macomb, (Jen., 2GG, 277, 319, 320, 
 Madison, Pros., 272. 
 Maiden Fort. (See Fort Maiden.) 
 Malone, 277. 
 Mallory, lienj., 207. 
 Malta, 08. 
 Manchester, 201. 
 Maiiclu'stcr, Duke of, 54. 
 Mavkhaui, Tp., 27. 
 Markland, ^\v., 28. 
 Mariot, Mr., 00. 
 Marstoii, Mr., 00. 
 Maryland, 0, 10, 11. 
 Matchedash, 314. 
 Maule, Major, 205. 
 Meigs' Fort, 214, 215, 210, 217. 
 Meigs, G(jvernor, 215. 
 Mercer, Andrew, 185. 
 Mcrctn-.i, The (.j>uebec, 312. 
 Merrit, 'Major, W. H. 149, 193, 198. 
 Merritt, W. H.. 193, 198. 
 Miami, Fort, 215. 
 Miami Kiver, 173, 214, 215. 
 Michigan, State of, 1(J5, 172, 244, 
 Michilliinackinac, 133, 105, 234, 312, 
 314, 315. 
 Miller, G.n. , 290, 297, 329. 
 Mintrva, The, 34, 30, 37. 
 Mississauga, Fort, 284, 290. 
 Molson, Mr. John, 29. 
 Montniorenci Falls, 269. 
 Montreal, 11, 12, 24, 28, 37, 38, 
 239, 240, 242, 243, 249, 251, 252, 
 255, 257, 204, 330. 
 Montreal Gazette, 12. 
 Moraviantown, 237, 244. 
 Morrison, Col., 241, 243, 248, 253, 
 257, 274, 275, 279, 292, 293, 297, 
 300, 317. 
 Morton, Lieut., 254. 
 Mountain, Dr., 20. 
 Muir, Major, 215, 239, 335. 
 Murray, Col., 241, 259, 200. 
 Mustard, (Jeo., 184. 
 Myers, Col., 188. 
 NAIRN, Capt., 254, 255. 
 Napoleon. {Sec lionaparte. ) 
 Nelles, Henry, 203, 204, 200. 
 Nelles, Mr. Abraham, 24. 
 Nelson Ti)., 27. 
 Newark, 12, 101, 2(il, 202, 207. 
 Newfoundland, 37. 
 Newfoundland Fencibles, 102. 
 Newgate, 53. 
 Newj-i.-rt, 93, 
 New Orleans, 24. 
 New York, 10, 23, 39. 
 Niagara Falls, 298, 300. 
 Niagara Fort, 33, 70, 157, 101, 187, 
 188, 258, 2(i0, 2(i3, 204, 207, 271, 
 283, 284. 
 Niagara, Town of, 11, 12, 37, 54, 
 109, 187, 189, 203, 205, 200, 209, 
 210, 223. 225, 288, 289, 291, 292, 
 2!>3, 299. 
 Norfolk Co., 37. 
 Northuudierland Co., 32. 
 Nortlunnberland, Duke of, 34. 
 North- West Company, 71, 92, 314. 
 Norton, 204. 
 O'KEEFE, Lieut., 85. 
 O'Neil, Lieut. -Col., 209. 
 Odelltown, 104, 244, 277, 320. 
 Ogdcnsburg, 174, 319. 
 Ogilvy, Col., 194, 195, 212, 202. 
 Ohio River, 11. 
 Ohiv, The 303, 304. 
 Oldham, Mr., 42. 
 Onondaga, 281. 
 Ontario, Lake, 187, 189, 223. 
 Ontario, River, 245. 
 Ormsby, 189. 
 Oswego, 190, 280, 281, 282. 
 Ouisconain River, 313. 
 Oxford, 93, 96, 103. 
 PATTERSON, Capt., 38. 
 Pearson, Col., 251, 252, 292, 309. 
 Perceval, Spencer, 114, 117, 118, 
 Perrot, Isle, 249. 
 Perry, Commodore, 217, 218, 220, 
 222, 22!), 234. 
 Piccadilly, 57. 
 Pickering Township, 27. 
 Pike, Gen., 181, 183. 
 Pilkington, Cnl., (i8, 70, 121, 123. 
 Plattsburi,', 105, 250, 274, 275, 278, 
 317, 31!», 320, 321, 327. 
 Playter, Eli, 18.'). 
 Piendeilefith, .Major, 104, 195. 
 Plymouth, 45, 4(i, 47, 59. 
 PiDYupinr, The, 303, 305. 
 Port Dover, 218, 284, 334. 
 Porter, (ion., I(i4, 290, 298, 328, 329. 
 Portsmouth, 29, 40. 
 Port Talbot, :i7(i. 
 Powell, Capt., 149, 309, 331. 
 Powell, rhiuf .Justice, 185, 310. 
 Powell, Dr., 185. 
 Powell, Serjeant, 309. 
 Power, (icn., 320, 322. 
 Prairie du Cliien, 313. 
 Prescott, 24!l, 251, 254, 209, 279, 
 282, 319. 
 Press- gang, 40, 59. 
 Presciu' Isle, 204, 218. 
 Prevost, tSir (Jeorge, 127, 132, 145, 
 147, 101, 105, 189, 190, 211, 241. 
 202, 208, 21)2, 317 320, 322, 324, 
 320, 330. 
 Primrose, The, 40. 
 Prince, ]\Ir., 42, 44, 49, 50. 
 Prhice Regent, 120, 100, 320. 
 Prince, liuv. Thomas, 00. 
 Proctor, CJeneral, 13(), 140, 105, 172, 
 173, 174, 193, 214, 210, 217, 222, 
 220, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 
 237, 238, 241, 250. 
 Purdy, Col., 245, 240, 247. 
 Put-in Bay, 219. 
 QUEBEC, 12, 22, 28, 29, 37, 38, 41, 
 Queen's Rangers, 18. 
 Queenston Heights, 148-100, 187, 
 188, 198, 199, 220, 201, 291, 293, 
 294, 290. 
 Quinte, Bay of, 12. 
 RADENHURST, John, 130. 
 Raisin, River, 173. 
 Riall, Gen., 201, 202, 284, 285, 280, 
 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 295, 
 Richardson, Major, 173. 
 Ilichard.son, Reuben, 184. 
 Richmond. Lieut , 254. 
 Rid(.ut, George, 14, 10, 18, 19, 23, 
 28, 30, 31, 33, 43, 44, 54, 04, 114, 
 149, 1.58, l(i7, 184, 311. 
 Ridout, Horace, 30. 
 Ridout, John, 42, 170, 171, 273, 274, 
 275, 277. 
 Ridout, Sam, 184, 274. 
 Ridout, Thomas, !>, 10, 11, 12, 13, 
 14, 17, 18, 22, 23, 20, 28, 34, 42, 
 53, 75, 180, 185, 203, 271, 278, 
 281, 288. 
 Ridout, Thomas, C. E , 11. 
 Ridout, TJK.mas (Jibbs, 14, 10, 19, 
 22, 25, 28, .31, 33, 34, 37, 38, .39, 
 40, 42, 47, 51, 57, 00, 01, 05, (17, 71, 
 77, 89, 91, 185, 203, 200, 210. 225, 
 220, 228, 243, 251, 254, 208, 209, 
 273, 274, 275, 270, 279, 281, 282, 
 317, 318,330, 337, 338. 
 Ril)loy, (Jen., 200, 283, 285, 298, 
 29!>, 32!>, 330. 
 Rol)ert.son, Lieut., 322. 
 Robin.<on, Capt., 202. 
 Robinson, Com. -(Jen., 208. 
 Robinson, (ion , 320, 322, 324, 
 Robinson, (ieorge, 185. 
 Robinscm, I'eter-, 184, 311, 312, 314. 
 llobin.son, Sir John Beverley, 10, 17, 
 43, 44, 03, 139. 149, 184, 311. 
 Rochefoucauld, Duke de, 70. 
 Rogers, D. IMcGregor, 31, 32. 
 Ross, (Jen., 315, 310. 
 Rouse's I'oint, 104. 
 Royal E.Kchanue, 52, 58. 
 J-lomd (Iconic, The, 10)9, 170. 
 Russell, Hon. Peter, 17. 
 Russel, .Mr., (iO. 
 Russia, 52. 
 SACKETT'S Harbor, 170, 179, 187, 
 189-191, 208, 211, 240, 241, 274, 
 277, 278, 279, 280, 282, 289, 291, 
 310, 319, 333. 
 Salmcm River, 250, 257, 269, 273, 
 275 279. 
 Sandusky, 204, 217. 
 Sandwich, 140, 141. 
 Saranac River, 320, 322, 325. 
[I J: 
 Ten Years of Upper Canada. 
 111. ' 
 ! J 
 ' 1 . 
 c I 
 Sault Sto Marie, 314. 
 Scarborouyli T]> , 27. 
 SchUisser, Fort, 201, ^Ol, 292, 293. 
 Scott, C(j1., 25)0, 305-309, 318. 
 Scott, General, 11. 
 Scott, Gen. Winfield. 205, 24], 2(>r,, 
 283, 285, 280, 293, 294, J95, 298, 
 Sea Nymph, The, 40. 
 Secord", Luura, 199, 200. 
 Secord, Major, 287. 
 Selby, Mr., 43, 51, W. 
 Shank, Major, 17, 40. 
 Sliaw, ..'Eneas, 129. 
 Shawanese, 11, 75. 
 Sheaffo, Col., 37. 
 Slieaffe, General, 154, 155, 157, 161, 
 178, 180. 
 Sliepton M<-.i;.t, 80. 
 Sherbourne. !), 83, 87, 88. 
 Sherrard, Capt., 289. 
 Sherwood, Capt. Reuben, 274, 275. 
 Sherwood, Mr., 23. 
 Showers, ('apt., 270. 
 Shultz, J. H., 184. 
 Siddons, Mrs., 72. 
 Sierra Leone, 21. 
 Simcoe, Co. of, 20. 
 Sinicoe, Lake, 54. 
 Simcoe, Lieut. -Gov., 12, 14, 17, 18, 
 20, 33. 
 Small, Dr., 90, 91. 
 Small, John, 34, 35, 36, 90, 113. 
 Small, Mr., 44. 
 Smith, Col, 33. 
 Smith, Sir D. W., 12, 33, 69, 90. 
 Smythe, General, 158, 161, 163, 164, 
 165, 108. 
 Snake Hill, 285, 303, 304, 305, 306, 
 Snake Island, 244. 
 Society for the Propagation of the 
 Gospel, 44. 
 Somers, The, 303, 304. 
 Speedy, The, 20. 
 Spence, Capt., 300. 
 Spring Wells, 141, 143. 
 Squaw Island, 304. 
 StafTordshire, 90. 
 Stanton, Robert, 22, 30, 63, 149, 
 Steele Mr., 18. 
 Stephenson, Fort, 217. 
 Stone, Col., 291. 
 Stoney Creek, 192, 199, 317, 319. 
 Strachan, Rt. Rev. Dr., 13, 16, 18, 
 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 35, 63, 04, 71, 
 76, 149, 1^--, 270. 
 Street's Creek, 28(5. 
 Stuart, Mr., 38, 42, 43, 54, 64. 
 Stuart, Hev. John, 54. 
 St. Al})ans, 11(1, 117. 
 St. Catharines, 241. 
 St. Clair, (General, 11. 
 St. David's, 203, L'0(!. 212, 291. 
 St. Francis, Lake, 251. 
 St. (ieorge, Mr., 23, 4], 42. 
 St. James' Cathedral, 171. 
 St. Joseph, 132, 133, 314. 
 St. Paul's, 52. 
 St. Regis, 250, 257. 
 St. Regis Indians, 5(). 
 St. Thorn 334. 
 TALBOT, Fort. (See Fort Talbot.) 
 Taunton, 84. 
 Tecumseh, 134, 135, 136, 139, 140, 
 141, 145, 172, 214, 216, 217, 229, 
 231, 232, 233, 235. 
 Thames, River (Can.), 276. 
 Thames, The River, (Eng.), 57. 
 Thomi>son, Andrew, 185. 
 Th()mps<in, David, 184. 
 Thorold, 198. 
 Thorpe, Judge, 20, 23, 30, 32. 
 Toronto, 9, 14, 37, 41, 166, 167. 
 Toronto Tp., 27. 
 Towson's Battery, 303, 305. 
 Trafalgar Tp., 27. 
 Treaty of Ghent, 335. 
 Tucker, Col., 293, 304. 
 Tuscarora Village, 261. 
 Tuttle, Mr., 277. 
 Tweeddale, Marquis of, 287, 288. 
 Twelve-Mile (^reek, 200, 210, 241, 
 259, 291, 292. 
 Twenty-Mile Creek, 191. 
 Two-Mile Creek, 289. 
 U. E. LOYALIST, 12. 
 United States, 24, 186. 
 Uxbridge, 27. 
 Van Rensselaer, Major-Gen., 
 157,159,161, 165,266. 
 VaughanTp., 27. 
 Vaiixliitll, 50. 
 Verdun, 34, 35. 
 Vermont, 275, 324. 
 Vincent, (ien., 187, 188, 190, 102 
 1!)3, l!Mi, ]!)7, 1!)8, 201, 202, 22G, 
 237. 238, 240, 241. 
 Voltigeurs, 128, 243, 244, 24G, 248 
 252, 253, 2(i5, 278. 
 \VAIUSH, 75, 1G9. 
 Wadswortl), (hn.. 1(55. 
 W.ilker, Cnpt., 309. 
 Wallace, Hu<rli, 10. 
 Ward, Jdlin, 78, 92. 
 Ward, ]\rrs., 1 l|i, 120. 
 Wa.shington (D.C), 315. 
 Wasliin-rton, (Jen., 11. 
 Watson, Mr., 42, 49, 51, 77. 
 Weekes, Mr., 19, 20. 
 Wellington, Lord, 4(;. 
 Wells, 81. 
 West India Company, 58. 
 West Ind.a Docks, 75. 
 West Indies, 10. 
 Wliitby Township, 27. 
 VViiitchurch, Township, 27, 30 
 Whitlow, Mr., 54. 
 Wilkinson, Gen., 213, 239, 240 
 241, 242, 248, 249, 250, 251, 257' 
 258, 2GG, 273, 274, 277, 278. 
 (See (Juisconsiu 
 Wdlcocks, .Joseph, 19, 31. 32 33 
 iKi, 2(J7, 2(58, 308. ' ' 
 Wdliams, C'apt., 153, 154. 
 W^ilmott, Mr., 54. 
 Wilson, Capt. John, 184. 
 W'ilson, .John, 185. 
 Winchester, Gen., 172, 173, 214,2(i«. 
 W^inder, (Jen., 187, 101, 19(J, 2(;(i, 
 Wisconsin River. 
 Wohlhain, Mr., 51. 
 Wood, Col., 329. 
 Woolink, JMr., 3G. 
 W(.ohvich, (18, 121. 122 123 
 \Vyatt, Mr., 13, 23, 30. 
 YEO, Sir James, 179, 189, 197, 20G 
 207, 208, 223, 224, 279, 280, 291,' 
 Yonge Street, 43, 54, 71, 92 
 York, Co. of, 13. 
 York, ICast Riding of, 20, 32 
 York Militia, 13, 149, 150, 205, 297 
 York, Town of, 9, 13, 10, 18, 20 '>7 
 tS;. 2?;, 4i' *2' 1^'' i-l'^, l«'i, 179,' 
 187, 190, 205, 200, 207, 212 2G3 
 200, 28(J, 287,291. ' 
 York, Township, 27. 
 York, West Riding of, 13. 
 Youngstown, 2G1. 