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Toua lea autres exemplairea originaux sont fKmte en commenpant par la pramlAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impreasion ou d'illustration at an terminant par la dernlAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un de« symboles suiv^^-^ts apparaftra sur la darnlAre image de cha^ue microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols — »• signifie "A fiUIVRE". le symbols ▼ signifie "FIN". Les cartea. planchaa. tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre fllmia ii dea taux de rMuction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est film* A partir de Tangle sup4rieur gauche, de gauche it droite. et de haut en bea, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Las diagrammea suivants illustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 w CONSTITUTION -OF- THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT •V <•■ OF 1^ A.3SriTOB A. I. O. O. F, AND OF SUBORDINATE ENCAMPMENTS UNDER ITS JURISDICTION. Adopted February 17th and iStli, 1891. M i: f , ? i> ;\4 ■•■J, 1 f?; (J t.K «< K s/- CONSTITUTION -OF- The Grand Encampment of Manitoba, 1. 0. 0. P. ARTICLE I. TITLE AND POWERS. Section 1. The Grand Encampment of Patriarchs of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Manitoba, is the su- preme tribunal of all Encampments of Patriarchs in said Province. By virtue of its Charter from the Sovereign Grand Lodge, it possesses full powers of granting Charters to Encampments, and of suspending or revoking the same for proper causes ; to pass laws for the working and regulation of Subordinate Encampments ; receive, investigate, and decide all appeals from them or their members, and redress griev- ances and complaints, as their wisdom may dictate ; and do and perform all such other acts as in their judgment may tend to promote the best interests of the Patriarchal Branch of the Order : Provided, always, That such action be not in derogation of the Constitution or Laws of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, nor inconsistent with the Constitution and Laws of this Province. - QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP. • v /!.•: Sec. 2. The Grand Encampment shall consist of the offi- cers duly elected and installed, and Past Grand Patriarchs, who shall be entitled to participate in the deliberations of this Grand Body. Provided, however, said Past Grand Patri- archs shall not be entitled to draw pay for per diem and mile- age ; and of Past Chief Patriarchs who shall receive the Grand Encampment Degree before taking their seats as members. V CONSTITUTION OF THE Sec. 3. Every Subordinate Encampment shall be entitled to one Representative, and every Encampment having fifty members shall be entitled to two Representatives, and one Representative additional for every fifty members. Every P. C. Patriarch shall be entitled to receive the Grand Encamp- ment Degree, to attend the sessions of the Grand Encamp- ment, and to vote on the election of Grand Oflicers and all other questions coming before the Grand Encampment*. Sec. 4. Each Subordinate Encampment shall, at the last regular session in December of each year, elect separately, by ballot, from among the P. C. Patriarchs who are in good standing in the Encampment, and qualified according to the preceding Clauses, such number of Representatives as the Encampment is entitled to, to serve for one year from the third Tuesday in February ensuing. Sec. 6. Subordinate Encampments not having a Past Chief Patriarch qualified to serve as Representative, may elect in the same manner and for the same, or less time, any qualified Past Chief Patriarch of another Encampment, who shall be invested with full powers as a Representative for the Subordinate Encampment so electing, for the time being. PENALTY FOR IMPROPER CONDUCT. Sec. 6. Any member of this Grand Encampment or Past Officer entitled to attend its sittings, who is guilty of conduct unbecoming a Patriarch, upon conviction shall be fined, repri- manded, suspended or expelled, as may be determined by a voteof two-thirds of the members present at a regular session. QUESTIONS AND VOTES. Sec. 7. All questions before the Grand Encampment, ex- cept propositions to alter ov amend the Constitution, By-Laws, or Rules of Order, or on the trial of a Patriarch, shall be de- cided by a majority of the votes given. ARTICLE IL EITICTIVE AND APPOINTED OFFICERS. Section 1. 'x'he elective Grand Officers of the Grand Encampment, shall be a Grand Patriarch, Grand High Priest, ORAND ENCAMPMENT OF MANITOBA. f Grand Senior Warden, Grand Scribe, Grand Treasurer, Grand Junior Warden, and one or more Grand Representatives, who shall be elected annually, except Representatives to the Sovereign Grand Lodge, one of whom shall be elected each year, to serve for two years. The appointed officers shall consist of a Grand Marshal, Grand Inside Sentinal, Grand Outside Sentinal, and a District Deputy Grand Patriarch, for each Subordinate Encampment, ^ejccept in cities and towns where there are more than one Encampment) who shall bo appointed annually, by the Grand Patriarch, by and with the approbation of the Grand Encampment. I Past J, may le, any VACANCY OF OFFICE. Sec. 2. All vacancies in the offices occasioned by death, resignation or otherwise, shall be filled in the manner hereto- fore prescribed, and for the residue of the term ; Provided^ That in case a vacancy should occur from any of the causes above mentioned, during the interim of the sessions of the Gjand Encampment, the Grand Patriarch shall have power to fill such vacancy by the appointment of a qualified Past Officer to the office. If the office vacant shall be an elective one, the appointment shall be until the next session of the Grand Encampment, and until the election and installation of a qualified Past Officer to the office. If an appointed office, the appointment shall be for the balance of the term, subject to the approval of the Grand Encampment at its next session. ARTICLE III. DUTIES OF THE GRAND PATRIARCH. Section 1. The Grand Patriarch shall preside at all sessions of the Grand Encampment ; he shall preserve order, and may enforce it by fine ; h« shall decide all questions of order, (but an appeal may be taken from such decisions to the Grand Encampment). He shall appoint any Grand Officer, pro tern., and all committees, unless otherwise ordered by the Grand Encampment. He may order special sessions of the Grand Encampment, whenever he may deem proper, and shall call special sessions on the written re(juest of ten CONSTITUTION OF THE Past Chief Patriarchs representing three Siibordinate Encainpnients ; he shall, in all cases, except on an appeal from his own decision, give the casting vote when the Encampment is equally divided. In cases of emergency, he may grant dispensations to Subordinate Encampments in all such matters as he may deem promotive of the interests of the Order, and not inconsistent with the laws or usages thereof. After any sum of money has been voted, he shall order the Grand Treasurer to pay the same ; and when officially visiting the Subordinates, shall be received with the honors of the Order ; he shal-, at tne opening of the regular annual session, present a report, exhibiting the con- dition of the Order in this jurisdiction, the date of the insti- tution of Subordinates during his term of office, and make such suggestions as he may deem advisable ; and he may remove any D. D, Grand Patriarch from office, for conduct unworthy of his standing in the Order, or for inattention to to the duties of his office. . ; •1,1 '.,■••'■ r DUTIES OP THE GRAND HIGH PRIEST. ' Sec. 2. The Grand High Priest shall preside and act in the absence of the Grand Patriarch. In case of the office of the Grand Patriarch becoming vacant by any cause, he shall have the full powers of Grand Patri«''ch until the next regular session, and until such vacancy be filled. And he shall per- form such other duties as arc embraced in the charge of his office. DUTIES OP THE GRAND SENIOR WARDEN. Sec. 3. The Grand Senior Warden shall assist the Grand Patriarch in presiding and preserving order. And, In the absence of the Grand Patriarch and Grand High Priest, he shall preside. DUTIES OP THE GRAND SCRIBE. Sec. 4. The Grand Scribe shall make a just and true re- cord of the proceedings of the Grand Encampment at every meeting, and transmit jrrinted copies thereof to the Sul^ordi- nates, immediately after the closing of each regular session ; he shall keep the accounts between the Grand Encampment GRAND BNOAHPMBNT OF MANITOBA. and its Subordinates, and receive all monies due the Grand Encampment, and pay the same over to the Grund Treasurer monthly ; ho shall notify each of the Subordinates of the annf^l o.nd special sessions of the Grand Encampment, at least one month prior thereto ; he shall provide all stationery for the use of the Grand Encampment, and superintend such printing as the Grand Encampment may direct ; and for the faithful performance of his duties shall be entitled to such salary as the Grand Encampment shall determine. DUTIES OF GRAND TRBASURBR. Sbc. 6. The Grand Treasurer shall receive and take charge of the moneys of the Grand Encampment ; he shall pay all orders drawn on him by the Grand Patriarch when properly attested ; he shall make such investment of the funds as the Grand Encampment may direct ; he shall keep the accounts in a fair and legible manner, exhibiting the sources and amount of receipts, the purposes and amount of disburse- ments, and to whom paid ; and he shall have his accounts closed at every session, and submit them to the Grand En- campment, He shall also execute to the two first named Grand Officers, in trust, bonds to be approved by the Grand Encampment for the faithful performance of the duties of said office. DUTIES OF THE GRAND REPRESENTATIVES. Sec. 6. The Grand Representatives shall attend the meetings of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, and shp.ll faithfully represent the wishes of the Grand Encampment therein ; and they shall be furnished with certificates of election in the form required by the Sovereign Grand Lodge. duties of THE GRAND JUNIOR WARDEN. Sec. 7. The Grand Junior Warden shall open and close the Grand Encampment according to his office ; and he shall introduce into the Grand Encampment all new members, after their credentials have been duly examined and approved. DUTIES OF GRAND MARSHAL AND GRAND SENTINELS. Sec. 8. The Grand Marshal shall assist the Grand Junior Warden in the Grand Encampment ; and he shall attend I • r ■' « CONSTITUTION OF TIIK the Grand Patriarch in his official visitutions when re- (juestod 80 to do, and ho shall have charge of all proceHsiona of the Grand Enoanipmcnt and obey the conimandt) of the Grand Patriarch. ,' i , . . , .r. . •,, ','•1 Sec. 9. The Grand Inside Sentinel shall have charge of the inner entrance to the Grand Encampment, and permit none to enter or depart without the proper formalities. The Grand Outside Sentinel shall have charge of the outer en- trance ; and assist the Grand Inside Sentinel in the perfor- mance of his duties. Sec. 10. The I). B. Grand Patriarchs shall he the organs of the Grand Patrinrch, in their respective Subordinates, and it shall be their duty to see that the work is performed correctly, to install the officers of the Encampment or En- campments under their charge, and to decide all questions submitted to them in writing by their respective Subordinate Encampments, subject to an appeal to the Grand Patriarch ; and they shall report semi-annually to the Grand Patriarch, the state of the Order in their respective Subordinates ; and, previous to installing the officers, they shall receive the reports and dues of their respective Encampments, and immediately transmit the same to the Grand Scribe. ** Sec. 11. All Grand Officers shall, in addition to the % duties speciffed in this Constitution, perform such others as the Grand Encampment may enjoin. ' > ^ "' ; •■'''^■">- ARTICLE IV. " i; TIME AND MODE OF ELECTION. Section 1. The election of Grand Officers shall take place at tlie annual session, at such time as the Grand En- campment may determine, and the nomination for each office shall be immediately succeeded by the election for the same. At an election, no vote shall be counted as part of the poll unless it be for a previously nominated candidate. Sec. 2. All elective Grand Officers shall be voted for by ballot, and elected by a majority of the valid votes given ; GRAND ENCAMl'MENT OF MANITOBA. e and in case no candidate haw sucli a majority, balloting shall be continnod nntil a choice in made. Provided always, that when only one candiber8, and deposit the same in a ballot box; and when the poll shall have been declared closed, the Tellers shall at once proceed to canvass the ballots, and report the result to the Grand Patriarch, who shall announce the same to the Grand Encampment. Sec. 4. The Grand Officers shall be installed at such time during the animal session as the Grand Encampment may determine. The present Grand Patriarch, or any I'ast Grand Patriarch, or the Senior Member present, shall install the Grand Patriarch elect, who An\\\ afterwards install the other Grand Officers. Sec. 5. All Grand Officers rhall be installed to serve until the next annual session, and until the installation of their su(!ces8or8. ,, , ,,.! ! ; i, i i ;> ^ s. ' '''-■ • ^' = "•'■' ARTICLE V. •■-'■ ■' PENALTIES AND TRIALS. Section 1. Any Grand Officer may be removed from office for conduct unworthy of his standing in the Order, or for inattention to the duties of his office; but he shall be en- titled to a fair trial, and two-thirds of the votes of the members present shall be necessary to removal. Sec. 2. No officer shall officiate in the Grand Encamp- ment during the time occupied in his trial. Should the Grand Patriarch be under charges, a Past Grand Patriarch, provided one be present, shall preside, while any question arisinsj therefrom shall be under consideration. ,, , . ^;,;;v; ^ "^ '■ . ARTICLE VI. :■••:■• r-^ ':'::';_■[,[ STANDING committees AND their DUTIES. ' Section 1. There shall be appointed at each annual session, the following Standing Committees, viz : \ 10 CONSTITUTION OP THE If. :' ill:' 1. Committee on Elections and Returns. 2. Commitioe on Finance. 3. Committee on Correspondence. 4. Committee on By-Laws of Subordinate Encampments. 5. Committee on the State of Order. 6. Committee on Petitions. 7. Committee on Legislation. Sec. 2 The Committee on Elections and Returns shall consist of three members, of whom the Grand Scribe shall be Chairman ; the other two shall be appointed by the Grand Patriarch, or the incumbent of the Chair at the time of open- ing the session ; and whose duty it shall be to examine and report to the Grand Encampment without delay, on the regularity of the returns of the Subordinates, and the eligi- bility of members. Sec. 3. The Committee on Finance shall consist of three members, who shall be appointed by the Urana Patriarch, with the advice and consent of the Grand Encampment ; and whose duty it shall be to examine and report on all accounts and claims^igainst the Grand Encampment, previous to their being passed for payment by the Grand Encampment ; to examine the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Scribe, annually, and report thereon ; and to suggest dxmh measures of finance as they may deem expedient. Sec. 4. The Committee on Correspondence shall consist of three members, whose duty it shall be to examine and report on all correspondence of the Grand Encampment ; and to suggest any measures in the nature of the business of their appointment. Sec. 5. The Committee on By-Laws of Subordinate Encampments shall consist of three members, appointed by the Grand Patriarch, with the approbation of the Grand Encampment ; whose duty it shall be carefully to inspect, examine and approve, or disapprove, all By-Laws or amend- ments thereto submitted to them, and determine whether they are in conformity with the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Encampment aud with the usages of the Order, and upon the approval of the Committee, the By-Laws or amend- ments so approved, shall be in full force and effect, GRAND B;^CAMPMENT OF MANITOBA. 11 Provided, That the action of the Committee in q,pproving or disapproving, may be appealed to the Grand Encampment, by the Encampment interested or any member thereof. Sec. 6. The committee on the state of the Order shall consist of three members, appointed by the Grand Patriarch, with the approbation of the Grand Encampment, to whom shall be referred all questions which may come before the Grand Encampment from its Subordinates, requiring the decision of the Grand Encampment, and it shall be their duty to report thereon at the same session, unless otherwise ordered by the Grand Encampment. Sec. 7. Every matter of appeal or grievane duty it shall bv> to investi- gate fully, and report such action as maybe deemed necessary by this Grand Encampment. ARTICLE VII. SESSIONS. Section 1. There shall be one regular session in each year, which shall be held on the third Tuesday of February. The Grand Encampment shall also hold special sessions on the call of the Grand Patriarch; and during any of the sessions it may adjourn from time to time until the business of the session is disposed of; and all sessions shall be held at such place as the previous regular session may have designated. Sec. 2- At the regular sesHion the Subordinates shall have their reports, returns and sums due, presented as re- quired by these Articles ; new members shall be admitted to their sea^s, the Grand Officers shall be elected and installed, and all manner of business within the power of the Grand Encampment may be transacted. Sec. 3. At special sessions no business shall be transacted except that for which the session has been called, which shall 12 CONSTITUTIOIir OF THE iv : liij 1 1f be distiiietly stated in the notification to the Subordinate En- campments ; and nine membe»'s belonging to three different Encampments, shall constitute a quorum a' any regular or special session. ARTICLE VIII. SUBORDINATES. ' Section 1. Five Royal Purple Degree Patriarchs, or more, in good standing in the Order, and members of Lodges subordinate to the Grand Lodge of Manitoba, may petition the Grand Encampment, in writing, for a Charter to consti- tute an Encampment of Patriarchs ; which petition must be accompanied by the sura of thirty dollars^ as the Charter fee. Should the Charter be granted, the Uiund Patriarch, or such other qualified Patriarchs as he may delegate, shall open the Encampment and present the Charter. Traveling t xpenses, if any are incurred, to be borne by the Encampment opened. Sec. 2. The Grand Patriarch, the Grand Senior Warden, •uid the Grand Scribe, shall constitute an Executive Com- mittee, with power to receive and act on petitions for estab- lishing Subordinate Encampments, presented in the interim of the sessions of this Grand Encampment, and the Grand Pat- riarch may, at the request of a majority of said committee, issue dispensations for the same, which shall be valid if con- firmed at the next session of this Grand Encampment. And the Grand Patriarch, or his deputy at his request, may confer the Patriarchal degrees on Scarlet Degree members to make them eligible as petitioners for a new Encampment, provided there is no Encampment in the county where said Encamp- ment is to be instituted. Sec. 3. The terms of the Subordinate Encampments shall consist of twelve regular sessions; those meeting semi-monthly shall commence at the first regular session in July and Janu- ary, and those meeting monthly shall commence at the first regular session in January. All terms shall be completed on the day the succeeding ones commence. Sec. 4. The Subordinates shall, at the end of each term, report to the Grand Encampment, at its next regular Session, the name of the Patriarchs initiated, admitted by Card, rein OUAND ENCAMPMENT OF MANITOBA., 13 stated, and those exalted to the R. P. Degree ; the number on whom Degrees have been conferred, the names of Patriarchs withdrawn by Card ; deceased, suspended or expelled, the names of Brothers rejected, the result of the election of officers and the amount of all monies due the Grand Encampment. Sec. 5. Each Subordinate Encampment shall report, in addition, up to the nrst day of January annually, a full return of members, ranked according to Degrees taken, and a state- ment of the number of Patriarchs relieved, widowed families relieved, Brothers biiried, and the amount of money applied to each of these purposes, designating the amount paid for the education of orphans. Sec. 6. Each Encampment Subordinate to this Grand Encampment, shall pay semi-annually, as dues, twenty-five cents for each member in good standing, as may appear by their semi-annual reports ; and in case the funds of this Grand Encampment should fail, the deficiency shall be made up by an assessment on the Subordinate Encampments. And no Representative from any Subordinate Encampment shall be permitted to take his seat, as such Representative, in this Grand Body, if his Encampment shall owe the Grand Encamp- ment any amount at the opening of the session, or shall have failed to make their reports to the Grand Encampment. ARTICLE IX. Section 1. The Grand Patriarch, in addition to the powers heretofore granted, shall have the power to demand the Charter of any Subordinate Encampment whenever he ehall see sufficient cause so to do, and the work of such subordinate shall be suspended until the case shalL be considered by the Grand Encampment. ARTICLE X. AMENDMENTS. Section 1. Any proposal to alter or amend this Constitu- tion, or any portion thereof, must be proposed at a regular session, in writing ; or a written or printed notice of such amendment sent by the proposer thereof, through the Grand \ 14 CONSTITUTION OF THE l|i Scribe, to every Subordinate Encampment, at least three months before the Annual Session ; and if at the next regular session following such proposed amendment, it shall receive the votes of two-thirds of the members present, it shall be adopted as part of this Constitution — subject to the approval of the SovBREiaN Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. F. Sec. 2. This Grand Encampment is fully authorized to adopt or amend at any regular session, such By-Laws and Rules of Order as two-thirds of the members present may de- termine. ,. . . M r. , > i: J GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF MANITOBA. 16 ^•U,":V\-i '■'■':'''^i -'* ■ '.:.'V -K.h i -i;.' .': i i'-'.''. 5 !:.'( BY-LAWS — OF— The Grand Encampment of Manitoba, 1. 0. 0. P. ARTICLE I. OF MEETINGS. Section 1. The Grand Encampment of the I. O. O. F., of Manitoba, will con '^ene at all sessions at 9 o'clock, A.M. Sec. 2. "Within thirty minutes after the time of meeting, the presiding Grand Patriarch shall proceed to open the Grand Encampment, should there be a quorum present ; and at the expiration of that time, should there not be a quorum, the members assembled shall organize informally, and ad- journ the meeting to such time as may be agreed upon. Sec. 3. In the absence of the Grand Patriarch, Grand High Priest, and Grand Senior Warden, the chair may be taken, pro tem., by a Past Grand Patriarch, and if none are present, by any Past Chief Patriarch who may be called to it by a majority of the members present. * ARTICLE IL OF subordinates. Section 1. The funds, properties, etc., of the Subordinate Encampments, having been raised for the purpose of relieving sick and distressed brethren, and other charitable uses in the Order, are not liable to be divided in any manner, among the members individually, but shall remain for its legitimate par- V 16 BY-LAWS OP THE '.ti '■ in M pose, the property of the Encampment, so long as the Charter is unreclaimed, and five Patriarchs reniaii in good standing in the Encampment. Sec. 2. In all cases 'where an Encampment shall have heeii suspended or expelled, or its Charter shall have heeji forfeited, the Charter, funds, hooks, properties and effects of all kinds, shall revert to the Grand Encampment. And it shall be the duty of the last installed officers of such Encamp- ment to deliver immediately, to the Grsind Patriarch by him deputed to receive tlicm, such funds and other effects belong- ing to said Encampment. Sec. 3. Members of a susDcnded o** expelled Encampment or which may have surrendered its Charter, who are In good standing at the time of suspension, expulsion, or surrender, as may appear by the records of such Encampment, or who may have paid all arrearages then due to the Grand Encamp- ment, shall, upon application to the Grand Scribe, receive a certificate under the seal of the Grand Encampment, to enable them to make application for admission to member- ship in another Encampment : Provided, that no such certificate shall be given to a member of a suspended or expelled Encampment, unless ordered by a special vote of the Grand Encampment. Sec. 4. Any patriarch who shall be concerned la organ- izing, or who shall give countenance and support to, or shall knowingly visit any Encampment purporting to be Odd Fellows, and not possessing a legai, unreclaimed and valid Charter, duly granted and presented, or confirmed by this Grand Encampment, shall be deemed unworthy of fellow- ship ; and such Patriarch, upon satisfactory proof, shall be expelled at the option of the Encampment of which he is a member. Any Patriarch so expelled, shall not be reinstated, unless the Grand Encampment assents thereto. Sec. 5. Every Subordinate Encampment shall have a suitable seal (a proof impression of which shall be deposited with the Grand Scribe), and all its official communications shall be sealed therewith. ■■-.'■ m :! i i GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF MANITOBA. 17 Sec. 6. No Encampment shall have a public procession without the permission of the Grand Patriarch, unless to attend the funeral of a deceased Patriarch. .' Sec. 7. The By-Laws of each Encampment chartered by this Grand Encampment, immediately on their adoption, shall be forwarded to this Grand Encampment for approval and neither By-Laws nor amendments thereto, shall be bind- ing till approved by the Grand Encampment or its Commit- tee on By-Laws except that the By-Laws of a new Encamp- ment shall be binding on the Encampment until the next session of the Grand Encampment. Sec. 8. Any Subordinate Encampment failing to make its returns as required by Clause 4 of Article VIII, of the Constitution, for three terms, shall forfeit its Charter, and the Grand Patriarch shall reclaim the same and cause its effects to be returned to the Grand Encampment without delay. ; Sec. 9. The following shall be the form of a certificate of a Representative to the Grand Encampment of Manitoba. Encampment, No , I. O. O. F. To the Grand Encampment of Manitoba^ I. O. O. F. : This to certify that P. C. P has been duly and regularly elected Representative of this Encampment, to your Grand body, to serve until the regular annual session in 18 . . , and that at the time of his election he was qualified to act as such Representative, according to the Constitu- tion and By-l,aws of the Grand Encampment. In testimony whereof, we hereunto affix our hands and the seal of our Encampment, this day , 18. .. ,C. P. [L. S.] ,H.P. (Attest) , Scribe. Sec 10. Any P. C. P. presenting a certificate in the fol- lowing forn. , duly filled up and attested, shall be entitled to receive the Grand Encampment Degree, to attend the sittings of the Grand Encampment, and to vote for Grand Ofiicers, \ \ -i8 BY-LAWS OF THE IfU and any or all motions and resolutions that may properly come before the Grand Encampment., and the Grand En- campment shall not confer the said Degree on any Patriarch who fails to have such a certificate on file with the Grand Scribe: ^ • Encampment, No I. O. O. F. 7'o the Grand Encampment of Manitoba, I. O, O. F. : This is to certify that P. C. P has served his term of office as Chief Patriarch in this Encampment, for the term ending 18. ., and is therefore entitled to a seat in the Grand Encampment, agree- able to the provisions of the Constitution. In testimony whereof, we hereunto affix our hands and the Seal of our Encampment, this day of , 18. . C. P. [I..S.] (Attest) .H. P. .Scribe. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OP MANITOBA. 19 RULES OF ORDER t . -i — OP THE — Grand Encampment of Manitoba, I. 0. 0. F. RULE I. ORDER OP BUSINESS. Upon the calling of the roll and a quorum being found present, the following shall be the order of business, viz : 1st. The Grand Patriarch shall request the Patriarchs to clothe themselves in proper regalia, and direct the officers and members to take their respective stations, and then call up the Grand Encampment. 2nd. While standing, the Grand High Priest shall address the Supreme Ruler jf the Universe, in prayer. 3rd. Proclamation shall be made by the Grand Junior Warden, of the opening of the Grand Encampment. 4th. Certificates shall be received and referred to the proper Standing Committee for immediate action. 5th. The Committee on Elections and Returns shall re- port on the eligibility of members. 6th. New members admitted and instructed. 7th. The minutes of the last meeting shall then be read, and if no objection be made to any part thereof, they shall stand as approved. 8th. Reports of the Grand Officers shall be read and referred. 9th. The Committee on Elections and Returns shall re- port on the returns from the Subordinates. 10th. Petitions read and referred. 11th. Communications read. 12th. Financial accounts read and referred. to V RULES OF ORDER OF THE 13th. Appeals read and referred. 14th. Reports of Committee on Finance. 15th. Reports of Committee on Correspondence. 16th. Reports of Committee on State of the Order. 17th. Reports of Committee on By-Laws of Subordinates. . 18th. Reports of Special Committees by seniority. 19th. Unfinished business by priority. 20th. Election and Installation of Officers. 2l8t. New Business. 22nd. The report of Committee on Election and Returns shall take precedence of all other business. 23rd. The Order of Business may at any time, be changed or dispensed with, by a two-thirds vote of the Grand Encampment. RULE II. » DECORUM. Ist. During the continuance of the meeting, the most decorous silence must be observed ; the officers and members retaining their respective seats, and no one leaving the room without permission of the Grand Patriarch, nor entering without the consent of the Grand Senior Warden 2d. No member shall speak to another, so as to interrupt the business of the Grand Encampment ; or refuse to obey the Chair. 3d. Every officer and member shall be designated, in debate or otherwise, by his proper offi-o,e or title, according to his standing in the Order. 4th. No member shall be permitted to vote or speak unless clothed in regalia. 5th. If a member shall have been fined by the Grand Patriarch, or presiding officer, he shall not thereafter be permitted to enter the Grand Encampment until the fine be paid, or remitted by a two-thirds vote of the Grand Encamp- ment. RULE III. OF THE CHAIR. Ist. The Grand Patriarch, while presiding, shall state every question coming before the Grand Encampment, and t j GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF MANITOBA. 21 immediately before putting it to vote shall ask : " Is the Grand Encampment ready for the question f " Should no member rise to speak, and a majority indicate their readiness, he shall rise to take the question ; and after he has risen, no men.ber shall be permitted to speak upon it. lie shall pro- nounce the votes and decisions of the Q rand Encampment on all subjects. His decisions on questions of order shall be without debate, unless entertaining doubts on the point, he invite it. And he shall have the privilege of speaking only on such questions from the chair. When his decision has been appealed from, the question shall be put thus : ''^Will the Grand Encampment stand by the Chair in its decision?" RULE IV. OF DEBATE. Ist. Every member, when he is speaking or offering a motion, shall rise, and shall respectfully address the Chair, and when he has finished shall sit down. While speaking, he shall confine himself to the question under debate, avoid- ing all personality and indecorous language, as well as any reflection upon the Grand Encampment, or a member thereof. 2nd. Should two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the Chair shall decide which is entitled to the floor. 3rd. No member shall interrupt another while speaking, unless to call him to order for words spoken, which objection- able words shall be reduced to writing. 4th. If a member, while speaking, be called to order, he shall cease speaking, and take hid seat, until the question of order is determined by the Chair, and if not declared out of order, he may again proceed ; but if declared out of order, he shall not again proceed without permission from the Chair. 5th. No member shall speak more than once on the same question, until all the members wishing to speak shaM have an opportunity to do so; nor more than twice, without permission of the Chair. But no member shall have the privilege of speaking more than once on a question of order, after an ap- peal from thp decision of the Chair, 22 RULES OF ORDER OF THE RULE V. OF QUESTIONS AND VOTES. ■ k Ist. When ti conjmniiieation, petition or memorial, is presented, before it is read, or any vote taken on it, a brief statement of its contents may be made by tbe introducer or the Chair. And after it has been read, a brief notice of the purport shall b" entered on the journal. 2d. No motion shall be Hubject to action, until sec(mded and stated by the Chair, and at the desire of the Chair, or any member, shall be reduced to writing. 3d. When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be taken first upon the highest Hum or number, and the longest time proposed. 4th. Any member may call for a division of a question, when the sense will admit of it. 6th. When a question is before the Grand Encampment, no motion shall be received, unless to adjourn, the previous question, to lie on the table, to postpone indefinitely, to post- pone to. a certain time, to refer, or to amend, and they shall have precedence in the order here arranged, the first three of which shall be decided without debate. 6th. After any question, except one of indefinite post- ponement, has been decided, any two members who voted in the majority may, at the same, or next succeeding meeting, move for a reconsideration thereof. 7th. The previous question can be called for by two members, and if seconded by a majority, shall be put in this form : " Shiill the main guestion be now put f " If carried, all amendments, not already adopted, shall be precluded, and the main question taken without further debate. 8th. When one-fifth of the members rise in favor of taking a question by yeas and nays, they shall be ordered to be so recorded. 9th. No member personally interested in the result of a vote shall be allowed to vote, but any member may decline to vote on any question before the Grand Encampment, and the fact that e so declined shall be entered on the proceedings. ■ ! GRAND BNOAMPMBNT OF MANITOBA. H 10th. Every member is bound to serve on committee, and acc^ ■>t nominations, iinlesB cxcuBed by vote. lli\. Any member has a right to protest, and his pro- test spread on the journal. 12th. No more than two amendments to a proposition shall be entertained at the same time — that is, an amendment and an amendment to an amendment — and the question shall be first taken on the latter. f [ The foregoing Constitution^ By-Laws and Rules of Order ^ for the Grand Encampment of Manitoba^ I. O. O. /^, were adopted on the lyth day of February ^ A. D, iSgiy at the First Annual Session^ held at Portage la Prairie^ Man. Grand Scribe. 1^; ■24 CONSTITUTION OF CONSTITUTION FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF ALL SUBORDINATE ENCAMPMENTS UNDER THE JURLSDICTION OP THE flRAND ENCAMPMENT OF MANIT015A. PREAMBLE. For the purpose of ensuring uniformity in the Patriarchal Order within this jurisdiction, The Grand Encampment of Manitoba, the Supreme tribunal of all Encanjpments within its limits, without whose sanction and control no Encamp- ment can exist, ordains the following articles as the Constitu- tion of the Subordinate Encampments of Patriarchs : ARTICLE I. This Encampment shall be constituted by at lea?t five members of the R. P. degree, and shall be hailed and entitled Encampment No. . . ., I. 0. O. F., of Manitoba, and shall possess the full powers and privileges of a Subordinate Encampment, holding a legal, unreclaimed and valid Charter, dulp granted and formally presented, by the Grand Encamp- ment of Manitoba. ARTICLE II. OF MEMBERSHIP. Section 1. No person sliall be admitted into this En- campment who is not a Scarlet Degree member in good standing of a Subordinate Lodge in good standing, and a resident of the Province of Manitoba, [nor unless by deposit of card], until he shall have been a resident of the territory over which the Encampment has jurisdiction for not less than two months next preceding his application for membership, SUBORDINATE ENCAMPMENT. 26 nor for a less sum than six dollars, which shall include all the degrees. Sec. 2. Applications for nienihership hy initiation shall be made in writing, sotting forth the age, occupation, and residence of the applicant, and duly signed by him and endorsed by two Patriarchs of the Encampment as reference, and shall be acciompanied l)y a certiticate from the Subordi- nate Lodge of which the applicant is » member, setting forth that he is a member in good standing and has rcceive