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 I BELIEVE that the remarks of a traveller in any country not liis 
 own, let his work be ever so trifling or badly written, will point 
 out some peculiarity which will have escaped the notice of those 
 who were born and reside in that country, unless thoy happen to 
 be natives of that portion of it in which the circumstance alluded 
 to was observed. It is a fact that no one knows his own country; 
 from assuetude and, perhaps, from the feelings of regard which 
 we naturally have for our native land, we pass over wliat never- 
 theless does not escape the eye of a foreigner. Indeed, from the 
 consciousness that we can always see such and such objects of 
 interest whenever we please, we very often procrastinate until we 
 never see them at all. I knew an old gentleman who having 
 always resided in London, every year declared his intention of 
 seeing the Tower of London with its curiosities. He renewed 
 this declaration every year, put it off until the next, and has since 
 left the world without having ever put his intention into execution. 
 That the Americans would cavil at portions of the first part of 
 my work, I was fully convinced, and as there are many observa- 
 tions quite new to most of them, they are by them considered to 
 be false; but the United States, as I have before observed, com- 
 prehend an immense extent of territory, with a population running 
 from a state of refinement down to one of positive barbarism; and 
 although the Americans travel much, they travel the well beaten 
 paths, in which that which is peculiar is not so likely to meet the 
 eye or even the ear. It does not, therefore, follow that because 
 what I remark is new to many of them, that therefore it is false. 
 The inhabitants of the cities in the United States, (and it is those 
 who principally visit this country,) know as little of what is pass- 
 ing in Arkansas and Alabama as a cockney does of the manners 
 and customs of Guernsey, Jersey, and the Isle of Man. 
 The other day, one American lady observed that "it was too 
 bad of Captain Marryat to assert that ladies in America carried 
 pigtail in their work-boxes to present to the gentlemen;" adding, 
 "I never heard or saw such a thing in all my life." Very pog- 
 VOL. I. — 1 
 sible; and had I stated that at New York, Philadelphia, Boston, 
 or Charleston, such was the practice, she then might have been 
 justifiably indignant. But 1 have been very particular in my 
 localities, both injustice to myself and the Americans, and if they 
 will be content to confine their animadversions to the observations 
 upon the State to which they belong, or my general observations 
 upon the country and government, 1 shall then be content; if, on 
 the contrary, their natural vanity will not allow any remarks to be 
 made upon the peculiarities of one portion of society without con- 
 sidering them as a reflection upon the whole of the Union, all I 
 can say is that they must, and will be annoyed. 
 The answer made to the lady who was "wrathy" about the 
 pigtail was, '^Captain M. has stated it to be a custom in one 
 ►State. Have you ever been in that State?" 
 "No, I have not," replied the lady, "but I have never heard of 
 it." So then, on a vast continent, extending almost from the Poles 
 to the Equator, because one individual, one mere mite of creation 
 among the millions (who are but a fraction of the population which 
 the country will support,) has not heard of what passes thousands 
 of miles from her abode, therefore it cannot be true] Instead of 
 cavilling, let the American read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest 
 all that I have already said, and all that I intend to say in these 
 volumes; and although the work was not written for them, but for 
 my own countrymen, they will find that I have done them friend- 
 ly service. 
 There is much comprehended in the simple word "travelling" 
 which heads this chapter, and it is by no means an unimportant 
 subject, as the degree of civilization of a country, and many im- 
 portant peculiarities, bearing strongly upon the state of society, 
 are to be gathered from the high road, and the variety of entertain- 
 ment for man and horse; and I think that my remarks on this sub- 
 ject will throw as much light upon American society as will be 
 found in any chapter which I have written. 
 In a country abounding as America does with rivers and rail- 
 roads, and where locomotion by steam, wherever it can be applied, 
 supersedes every other means of conveyance, it is not to be ex- 
 pected that the roads will be remarkably good; they are, howev- 
 er, in consequence of the excellent arrangements of the townships 
 and counties, in the Eastern States, as good, and much better, 
 than could be expected. The great objection to them is that they 
 are not levelled, but follow the undulations of the country, so that 
 you have a variety of short, steep ascents and descents which are 
 very trying to the carriage-springs and very fatiguing to the tra- 
 veller. Of course in a new country you must expect to fall in 
 with the delightful varieties of Corduroy^ &c., but wherever the 
 country is settled and the population sufficient to pay the expense, 
 the roads in America may be said to be as good as under circum- 
 stances could possibly be expected. There are one or two roads, 
 I believe, not more, which are government roads; but, in general, 
 the expense of the roads is defrayed by the States. 
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 But, before I enter into any remarks upon the various modes of 
 travelling in America, it may be as well to say a few words upon 
 the horses, which are remarkably good in the United States: they 
 appear to be mori* hardy, and have much better hoofs, than ours 
 in Enffland; throwint; a shoe therefore is not of the same conse- 
 quence as it is with us, for a horse will go twenty mil«;s after- 
 wards with little injury. In Virginia and Kentucky the horses 
 are almost all thorough-bred, and from the best Knglish stock. — 
 The distances run in racing are much longer than ours, and speed 
 without bottom is useless. 
 The Americans are very fond of fast trotting horses; I do not 
 refer to rackors, as they term horses that trot befor(* and galloj> 
 behind, but fair trotters, and they certainly have a description of 
 horse that we could not easily match in England. At New York, 
 the Tliird Avenue, as they term it, is the general rrndezvoiis. I 
 once went out there mounted upon Paul Pry, who was once con- 
 sidered the fastest horse in America; at his full sjired ho perform- 
 ed a mile in two minutes and thirty seconds, ecjual to twenty-four 
 miles per hour. He look me at this devil of a pace as far as Hell 
 Gate; not wishing "to intrude," I pulled up there, and wenthonu? 
 again. A pair of horses in harness were pointed out to me who 
 could perform the mile in two minutes fifty seconds. They use 
 here light four-wheeled vehicles which they call wagons, with a 
 seat in the front for two persons and room for your luggage behind; 
 and in these wagons, with a pair of horses, they think nothing of 
 trotting them seventy or eighty miles in a day, at the speed of 
 twelve miles an hour; I have seen the horses come in, and they 
 did not appear to suffer from the fatigue. You seldom see a horse 
 bent forward, but they are all daisy cutters. 
 The gentlemen of New York give very high prices for fast 
 horses; 1,000 dollars is not by any means an uncommon price. 
 In a country where time is every Ihing, they put a proportionate 
 value upon speed. Paul Pry is a tall grey horse (now thirteen 
 years old); to look at, he would not fetch £10, — the English 
 omnibusses would refuse him. 
 Talking about omnibusses, those of New Y'ork, and the iner 
 cities in America, are as good and as well regulated as those of 
 Paris; the larger ones have four horses. Not only their omni- 
 busses, but their hackney coaches are very superior to those in 
 London; the latter are as clean as private carriages; and with 
 the former there is no swearing, no dislocating the arms of poor 
 females, hauling them from one omnibus to the other, — but civility 
 without servility. 
 The American stage-coaches are such as experience has found 
 out to be most suitable to the American roads, and you have not 
 ridden in them five miles before you long for the delightful spring- 
 ing of four horses upon the level roads of England. They are 
 something between an English stage* and a French diligence. 
 ' > 
 * Miss Martineau in her work speaks of that most delighlfxtl of all 
 I)uilt willi all the panels open, on account of the excessive heat 
 of the summer months. In wet weather these panels are covered 
 with leatlu r aprons, which are fixed on with huttons, a very in- 
 snlliciont protection in the winter, as the wind blows throujrli iho 
 intornujdiatc spaces, whistlin|r into your ears, and rendering it 
 more picrcinjr than if all was open. Moreover, they are no pro- 
 tection a;i;;iinst the rain or snow, both of which find their way in 
 to you. The couch has three seats, to receive nine passengers; 
 those on the middle scat leaninir hack upon a stron<»' and hroad 
 leather brace, which runs across. This is very disanreeahlc, as 
 the centre passengers, when the panels are closed, dejjrivo the 
 others of the light and air from the windows. JJut the most dis- 
 agreeable feeling arises from the body of the coach not being upon 
 si)rings, but hung upon leather braces running under it and sup- 
 j)Qrling it on each side; and when the roads are bad, or you ascend 
 or rapidly descend the pitches (a" they term short hills) the motion 
 is very siujilar to that of being tossed in a blanket, often throwing 
 you up to the top of the coach, so as to flatten your hat — if not 
 your head. 
 The drivers are very skilful, .although they are generally 
 young men — indeed often mere boys — for they soon better them- 
 selves as they advance in life. Very often they drive six in 
 irand; and if you are upset, it is generally more the fault of 
 the road than of the driver. I was upset twice in one half 
 hour when I was travelling in the winter time; but the snow 
 was very deep at the time, and no one thinks anything of 
 conveyances — an American stage-coach; but Miss M. is so very pe- 
 culiar in her ideas, that 1 am surprised at nothing llial she says. I 
 will, liowevcr, quote the Reverend Mr. Ileid against her: — 
 "1 had no sooner begun to enter the coach than splash went my 
 iuot in jnud and water. I exclaimed with surprise. 'Soon be dry, 
 sir,' was the reply; while he withdrew the light, that I might not ex- 
 plore the cause of complaint. The iact was, that the vehicle, like 
 the liotel and steam-buat, was not water-tight, and the rain had found 
 an entrance. There was, indeed, in this coach, as in most others, a 
 iirovision in the bottom, of holes, to let off both water and dirt; but 
 here the dirt had become mud, and thickened about the orifices, so 
 as to prevent escape. I found I was the only passenger; the morn- 
 ing was damp and chilly; the state of the coacli added to the sensa- 
 tion; and I eagerly looked about for some means of protection. I 
 drew up the wooden windows; out of five small panes of glass in the 
 sashes three were broken. I endeavoured to secure the curtains; 
 two of them had most of the ties broken, and flapped in one's face. 
 ThL've was no help in the coach, so I looked to myself. I made the 
 best use I could of my garments, and put myself as snugly as I could 
 in the coiner of a stage meant to accommodate nine persons. My 
 situation just then was not among the most cheerful. I could see 
 nothing; every where I could feel the wind drawn in upon me; and 
 as for soiuids I had the calls of the driver, the screeching of the 
 wheels, and the song of the bull-frog for my entertainment." — Rev. 
 Mr. Reid's Tour, vol. i. p. 100. — Very delightful, indeed! 
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 an upset in America. More serious accidents do, iiowever, 
 sometimes happen. When I ^-as in New Hampshire, a ne- 
 glected bridge broke down, and precipitated coach, iiorses, and 
 passengers into a torrent which liowed into tho Connecticut river. 
 »Some of the passengers were drowned. Those who were saved, 
 sued the township and recovered damages; but these mischances 
 must be expected in a new country. The great annoyance of these 
 public conveyances is, that neither the proprietor or driver consider 
 themselves the servants of the public; a stage-coach is a specula- 
 tion by which as much money is to be made as possible by tho 
 proprietors; and as the driver never expects or demands a foe from 
 the passengers, they or their comforts are no concern of his. The 
 ])roprietors do not consider that they are bound to keep faith with 
 the public, nor do they care about any complaints. 
 The stages which run from Cincinnati to the eastward are very 
 much interfered with when the Ohio river is full of water, as the 
 travellers prefer the steam-boats; but the very moment that the 
 water is so low on the Ohio that the steam-boats cannot ascend 
 the river up to Wheeling, double the price is demanded by the 
 proprietors of the coaches. They are quite regardless as to the 
 opinion or good-will of the public; they do not care for either, all 
 they want is their money, and they are perfectly indifferent whether 
 you break your neck or not. The great evil arising from this state 
 of hostility, as you may almost call it, is the disregard of life which 
 renders travelling so dangerous in America. You are completely 
 at the mercy of the drivers, who are, generally speaking, very 
 good-tempered, but sometimes (juite the contrary; and I have often 
 been amused with the scenes which have taken place between them 
 and the passengers. As for myself, when the weather permitted 
 it, I invariably went outside, which the Americans seldom do, and 
 was always very good friends with the drivers. They are full of 
 local information, and often very amusing. There is, however, a 
 great difference in the behaviour of the drivers of the mails, and 
 coaches which are timed by the post-office, and others which are 
 not. If beyond his time, the driver is mulcted by the proprietors; 
 and when dollars are in the question, there is an end to all urbanity 
 and civility. 
 A gentleman of my acquaintance was in a mail which was be- 
 hind time, and the driver was proceeding at such a furious pace 
 that one jerk threw a lady to the top of the coach, and the teeth of 
 her comb entering her head, she fainted with pain. The passen- 
 gers called out to the driver to stop. "What for]*' "That last 
 jerk has struck the lady, and she has fainted." "Oh, that's all! 
 Well, I reckon I'll give her another jerk, which will bring her to 
 again." Strange to say, he prophecied right; the next jerk was 
 very violent, and t' e lady recovered her senses. 
 Mr.E., an employe of the American government, was travelling 
 in the state of Indiana — the passengers had slept at an inn, and the 
 coach was ready at the door, but Mr. E. had not quite finished his 
 toilet; llio driver dispatched the bar-keeper for him, and Mr, E. 
 Hoiit word ho would bi> down iininediatuly. 
 "What is he about]" said thu driver impatiently to the bar- 
 keeper when he cauio down again. 
 ♦•Cleaning his leoih." 
 "(.7t«;i/«if his U'clh!^^ roared the driver, indi^rnantly; "by the 
 ," and away went the horses at a gallop, leaving Mr. E. be- 
 Tht* other passengers remonstrated, but without avail; they told 
 him that Mr. E. was charged with government despatches — he 
 didn't care; at last, one of them oll'ered him a dollar if he would 
 go back. They had proceeded more than a mile before the offer 
 was made; the man immediately wheeled his horses round, and 
 returned to the inn. 
 The liev. Mr. Keid gives an anecdote very characteristic of 
 Amorieau stage-coach travelling, and proving how little the con- 
 venience of the public is cared tor. 
 "When we stopped at Lowell to change horses, a female wished 
 to secure a place onward. We were already, as the phrase is, 
 more than full; we had nine persons, and two children, which are 
 made to go for nothing, except in the way-bill. Our saucy driver 
 oj)cned the door, and .♦.ddressing two men, who, with us, would 
 have been outside passengers — 'Now, I say, I want one of you to 
 ride with me, and let a lady have your seat.' The men felt they 
 were addressed by a superior, but kept their places. 'Come, 1 say,' 
 he continued, 'you shall have a good buffalo and umbreU and no- 
 thing will hurt you.' Still they kept their places, and refused 
 him^ His lordship was offended, and ready to lay hands on one 
 of them; but, checking himself, exclaimed, »Well, if I can't get 
 you out, hang it if I'll take you on till one of you gets out.' And 
 there we stood for some time; and he gained his point at last, and 
 in civiller terms, by persuading the persons on the middle seat to 
 receive the lady; so that we had now twelve inside." 
 I once myself was in a stage-coach, and found that the window 
 glasses had been taken out; I mentioned this to the driver, as it 
 rained in very fast — "Well, now," replied he, "I reckon you'd 
 better ax the proprietors; my business is to drive the coach." 
 And that was all the comfort I could procure. As for speaking to 
 them about stopping, or driving slow, it is considered as an un- 
 warrantable interference. 
 I recollect an Englishman at New York telling me, that when 
 in the Eastern States, he had expressed a wish to go a little faster 
 — "Oh," said the driver, "you do, do you; well, wait a moment, 
 and I'll go faster than you like." The fellow drove very slow 
 where the road was good; but as soon as he came to a bad piece, 
 he put his horses to the gallop, and, as my friend said, they were 
 so tossed and tumbled about, that they hardly knew where they 
 were. "Is that fast enough, Mister/' said the driver, leering in 
 at the coach window. 
 As for stopping, they will stop to talk to any one on the road 
 id Mr. E. 
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 about the price of the markets, the news, or any thing else; and 
 the same aecoininudation is cheertully given to any paHseiigerwho 
 has any business tu transact on the way. 'IMie Americans are ac< 
 customed to it, and tlie passengers never raise any nbjections. 
 There is a spirit of accommodation, arising from their natural 
 good temper.* 
 I was once in a coucli when the driver pulled up, and entered 
 a small house on the road side; after he had been there some time, 
 as it was not an inn, I expressed my wonder wliat he was about. 
 **I guess 1 can tell you," said a man who was standing by the 
 coach, and overheard me; "there's a pretty yirl in that house, and 
 he's doing a bit of courting, I expect." ►Such was the fact: the 
 passengers laughed, and waited for him very patiently. Ho re- 
 mained about three-quarters of an hour, and then came out. The 
 time was no doubt to him very short; but to us it appeared rather 
 Mrs. Jarnieson, in her last work, says: "One dark niijht, I re- 
 member, as the sleet and rain were falling fast, and our Kxtra was 
 slowly dragged by wretched brutes of horses through what seem- 
 ed to me 'Slouyhs of Despond,' some package ill stowed on the 
 roof, which in the American stages presents no resting-place for 
 man or box, fell otl". The driver aliglited to fish it out of the mud. 
 As there was some delay, a gentleman seated opposite to mo put 
 his head out of window to in(|uire the cause; to whom the driver's 
 voice replied, in an angry tone, 'I say, you mister, don't you sit 
 jabbering there; but lend a hand to heave these things aboard!' 
 To my surprise, the gentleman did not appear struck by the in- 
 solence of this summons, but immediately jumped out and render- 
 ed his assistance. This is merely the manner of the people. The 
 driver intended no insolence, nor was it taken as such; and my 
 fellow-travellers could not help laughing at my surprise." 
 I have mentioned these little anecdotes, as they may amuse the 
 reader; but it must be understood that, generally speaking, the 
 drivers are very good-natured and obliging, and tlie passengers 
 very accommodating to each other, and submitting with a good 
 grace to what cannot be ameliorated. 
 In making my observations upon the rail-road and steam-boat 
 * This spirit of accommodation produces what would at first ap- 
 pear to be rudeness, but is not intended for it. When you travel, or 
 indeed when walking the streets in the Western country, if you 
 have a cigar in your mouth, a man will come up — "Beg pardon, 
 stranger," and whips your cigar out of your moutn, lights his own, 
 and then returns your's. I thought it rather cool at first, but as I 
 found it was the practice, I invariably did the same whenever I 
 needed a light. 
 travelling in the United States, I shall point out some facts with 
 which the reader must be made acquainted. The Americans are 
 a restless, locomotive people: whether for business or pleasure, 
 they are ever on the move in their own country, and they move in 
 masses. There is but one conveyance, it may be said, for every 
 class of people, the coach, rail-road, or steam-boat, as well as 
 most of the hotels, being open to all; the consequence is that the 
 society is very much mixed — the millionaire, the well-educated 
 woman of the highest rank, the senator, the member of Congress, 
 the farmer, the emigrant, the swindler, and the pick-pocket, are 
 all liable to meet together in the same vehicle of conveyance. 
 Some conventional rules were therefore necessary, and those rules 
 have been made by public opinion — a power to which all must 
 submit in America. The one most important, and without which 
 it would be impossible to travel in such a gregarious way, is an 
 universal deference and civility shewn to the women, who may in 
 consequence travel without protection all over the United States 
 without the least chance of annoyance or insult. This deference 
 paid to the sex is highly creditable to the Americans; it exists 
 from one end of the Union to the other; indeed, in the Southern 
 and more lawless States, it is even more chivalric than in the more 
 settled. Let a female be ever so indifferently clad, whatever her 
 appea'ance may be, still it is sufficient that she is a female; she 
 has the first accommodation, and until she has it, no man will 
 think of himself. But this deference is not only shewn in travel- 
 ling, but in every instance. An English lady told me, that wish- 
 ing to be present at the inauguration of Mr. Van Buren, by some 
 mistake, she and her daughters alighted from the carriage at the 
 wrong entrance, and in attempting to force their way through a 
 dense crowd were nearly crushed to death. This was perceived, 
 and the word was given — 'Make room for the ladies.' The whole 
 crowd, as if by one simultaneous effort, compressed itself to the 
 right and left, locking themselves together to meet the enormous 
 pressure, and made a wide lane, through which they passed with 
 ease and comfort. "It reminded me of the Israelites passing 
 through the Red Sea with the wall of waters on each side of 
 them," observed the lady. "In any other country we must have 
 been crushed to death." 
 When I was on board one of the steam-boats, an American 
 asked one of the ladies to what she would like to be helped. She 
 replied, to some turkey, which was within reach, and off of which 
 a pasnenger had just cut the wing and transferred it to his own 
 plate. The American who had received the lady's wishes, im- 
 mediately pounced with his fork upon the wing of the turkey and 
 carried it off to the young lady's plate; the only explanation given, 
 *^For a lady, Sir!^^ was immediately admitted as sutficient. 
 The authority of the captain of a steam-boat is never disputed; 
 if it were, the offender would be landed on the beach. I was on 
 board of a steam-boat when, at tea time, a young man sat down 
 with his hat on. 
MARRY AT's diary. 
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 You are in the company of ladi'^s, Sir," observed the captain 
 very civilly, "and I must request you to take your hat off." 
 "Are you the captain of the boat?" observed the young man, in 
 a sulky tone. 
 "Yes, Sir, I am." 
 "Well, then, I suppose I miret," growled the passenger, as he 
 But if the stewards, who are men of colour, were to attempt to 
 enforce the order, they would meet with such a rebuff as I have 
 myself heard given. 
 "If it's the captain's orders, let the captain come and give them. 
 I'm not going to obey a JVigger like you." 
 Perhaps it is owing to this deference to the sex that you will 
 observe that the Americans almost invariably put on their best 
 clothes when they travel; such is the case whatever may be the 
 cause; and the ladies in America, travelling or not, are always 
 well, if not expensively dressed. They don't all swap bonnets 
 as the two young ladies did in the stage-coach in Vermont. 
 But, notwithstanding the decorum so well preserved as I have 
 mentioned, there are some annoyances to be met with from gre- 
 garious travelling. One is, that occasionally a family of interest- 
 ing young citizens who are suffering from the hooping-oongh, 
 small-pox, or any other complaint, are brought on board, in con- 
 sequence of the medical gentlemen having recommended change 
 of air. Of course the other children, or even adults, may take the 
 infection, but they are not refused admittance upon such trifling 
 grounds; the profits of the steam boat must not be interfered with. 
 Of all travelling, I think that by railroad the most fatiguing, 
 especially in America. After a certain time the constant coughing 
 of the locomotive, the dazzling of the vision from the rapidity with 
 which objects are passed, the sparks and ashes which fly in your 
 face and on your clothes become very annoying; your only conso- 
 lation is the speed with which you are passing over the ground. 
 The railroads in America are not so well made as in England, 
 and are therefore more dangerous; but it must be remembered that 
 at present nothing is made in America but to last a certain time; 
 they go to the exact expense considered necessary and no further; 
 they know that in twenty years they will be better able to spend 
 twenty dollars than one now. The great object is to obtain quick 
 returns for the outlay, and, except in few instances, durability or 
 permanency is not thought of. One great cause of disasters is, 
 that the railroads are not fenced on the sides, so as to keep the 
 cattle off them, and it appears as if the cattle who range the woods 
 are very partial to take their naps on the roads, probably from 
 their being drier than the other portions of the soil. It is impos- 
 sible to say how many cows have been cut into atoms by the 
 trains in America, but the frequent accidents arising from these 
 causes hos occasioned the Americans to invent a sort of shovei, 
 attached to the front of the locomotive, which takes up a cow, 
 tossing her off right or left. At every fifteen miles of the rail- 
 i ! -■ 
 roads there are refreshment rooms; the cars stop, all the doors are 
 thrown open, and out rush the passengers like boys out of school, 
 and crowd round the tables to solace themselves with pies, patties, 
 cakes, hard-boiled eggs, ham, custards, and a variety of railroad 
 luxuries, too numerous to mention. The bell rings for departure, 
 in ihey all hurry with their hands and mouths full, and olf they 
 go again, until the next stopping place induces them to relieve 
 the monotony of the journey by masticating without being hungry. 
 The Utica railroad is the best in the United States. The 
 general average of speed is from fourteen to sixteen miles an 
 hour; but on the Utica they go much faster.* A gentleman nar- 
 rated to me a singular specimen of the ruling passion which he 
 witnessed on an occasion when the rail-cars were thrown off the 
 road, and nearly one hundred people killed, or injured in a greater 
 or less degree. 
 On the side of the road lay a man with his leg so severely frac- 
 tured, that the bone had been forced through the skin, and project- 
 ed outside his trowsers. Over him hung his wife, with the utmost 
 solicitude, the blood running down from a severe cut received on 
 her head, and kneeling by his side was his sister, who was also 
 much injured. The poor women were lamenting over him, and 
 thinking nothing of their own hurts; and he, it appears, was also 
 thinking nothing about his injury, but only lamenting the delay 
 which would be occasioned by it. 
 *'0h! my dear, dear Isaac, what can be done with your leg?" 
 exclaimed the wife in the deepest distress. 
 "What will become of my leg!" cried the man. "What's to 
 become of my business, I should like to knowl" 
 "Oh! dear brother," said the other female, "don't think about 
 your business now; think of getting cured." 
 "Think of getting cured — I must think how the bills are to be 
 met, and I not there to take them up. They will be presented as 
 sure as I lie here." 
 "Oh! never mind the bills, dear husband — think of your precious 
 "Not mind the bills! but I must mind the bills — my credit will 
 be ruined." 
 "Not when they know what has happened, brother. Oh! dear, 
 dear — that leg, that leg." 
 "D — n the leg; what's to become of my business," groaned the 
 man, falling on his back from excess of pain. 
 Now this was a specimen of true commercial spirit. If this 
 man had not been nailed to the desk, he might have been a hero. 
 I shall conclude this chapter with an extract from an American 
 author, which will give some idea of the indifference as to loss of 
 life in the United States. 
 *The railroads finished in America in 1835 amounted in length to 
 1,600 miles; those in progress, and not yet complete, to 1,270 miles 
 more. The canals completed were in length 2,687 miles; unfinished, 
 500 miles. 
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 "Every now and then is a tale of railroad disaster in some part 
 of the country, at inclined planes, or intersecting points, or by 
 running off the track, making splinters of the cars, and of men's 
 bones; and locomotives have been known to encounter, head to 
 head, like two rams fighting. A little while previous to the 
 writing of these lines, a locomotive and tender shot down the in- 
 clined plain at Philadelphia, like a falling star. A woman, with 
 two legs broken by this accident, was put into an omnibus, to be 
 carried to the hospital, but the driver, m his speculations, coolly 
 replied to a man, who asked why he did not go onl — that he was 
 waiting for a full load.'*''* 
 The most general, the most rapid, the most agreeable, and, at 
 the same time, the most dangerous, of American travelling is by 
 steam boats. It will be as well to give the reader an idea of the 
 extent of this navigation by putting before him the lengths of some 
 of the principal rivers in the United States. 
 Missouri and Mississippi 4490 
 Do. to its junction with the Mississippi 3181 
 Mississippi proper, to its junction with the Missouri - - - 1600 
 Do. to the Gulf of Mexico 2910 
 Arkansas River, a branch of the Mississippi 2170 
 St. Lawrence River, including the Lakes 2075 
 Platte River, a branch of the Missouri 1600 
 - - 1500 
 - - 1372 
 - - 1315 
 - - 1200 
 - - 1100 
 - - 756 
 - - 575 
 Red River, a branch of the Mississippi - - - - 
 Ohio River, Do. - - - Do. 
 Columbia River, empties into the Pacific Ocean 
 Kan zas River, a branch of the Missouri - - - - 
 Yellowstone Do. ----- Do. - - - - - 
 Tennessee Do, - - - - Ohio - - - - - 
 Alabama River, empties into the Gulf of Mexico - 
 Cumberland River, a branch of the Ohio 570 
 Susquehanna River, empties into Chesapeake Bay - - - 460 
 Illinois River, a branch of the Mississippi .---.. 430 
 Appalachicola River, empties into the Gulf of Mexico - - 425 
 St. John's River, New Brunswick, rises in Maine - - - - 415 
 Connecticut River, empties into Long Island Sound - ■• - 410 
 Wabash River, a branch of the Ohio 360 
 Delaware River, empties into the Atlantic Ocean - - - - 355 
 James River, empties into Chesapeake Bay 350 
 Roanoke River, 
 Great Pedee River, 
 Santee River, 
 Potomac River, - 
 Hudson River, - 
 Altamaha River, 
 Savannah River, 
 Albemarle Sound ----- 350 
 - Atlantic Ocean ------ 350 
 Do. 340 
 - Chesapeake Bay 335 
 - Atlantic Ocean 320 
 Do. 300 
 Do. 290 
 ♦Voice from America. 
 l\ J. 
 I!" I 
 MARRY AT's diary. 
 Many of the largest of these rivers are at present running 
 through deserts — others possess but a scanty population on their 
 banks; but, as the west fills up, they will be teeming with life, 
 and the harvest of industry will freight many more hundreds of 
 vessels than those which at present disturb their waters. 
 The Americans have an idea that they are very far a-head of us 
 in steam navigation, a great error which I could not persuade 
 them of. In the first place, their machinery is not by any means 
 equal to ours; in the next, they have no sea-going steam vessels, 
 which after all is the great desideratum of steam navigation. 
 Even in the number and tonnage of their mercantile steam vessels 
 they are not equal to us, as I shall presently show, nor have they 
 yet arrived to that security in steam navigation which we have. 
 The return of vessels belonging to the Mercantile Steam Marine 
 of Great Britain, made by the Commissioners on the Report of 
 steam-vessel accidents in 1839, is, number of vessels, 810; ton- 
 nage, 157,840; horse power, 63,250. 
 Mr. Levi Woodbury's Report to Congress in December, 1838, 
 states the number of American steam vessels to be 800, and the 
 tonnage to be 155,473; horse power, 57,019. 
 It is but fair to state, that the Americans have the credit of 
 having sent the first steam vessel across the Atlantic. In 1819, 
 a steam vessel, built at New York, crossed from Savannah to 
 Liverpool in twenty-six days. 
 The number of sea-going steam vessels in England is hvo hun- 
 dred and eighty-iwOf while in the United States they have not 
 more than ten at the outside calculation. In the size of our ves- 
 sels also we are far superior to them. I here insert a table, shew- 
 ing the dimensions of our largest vessels, as given in the Report 
 to the House of Commons, and another of the largest American 
 vessels collected from the Report of Mr. Levi Woodbury to Con- 
 Table — Shcwim^ some of the Dimensions, of (he Hull and Machinery 
 of ike Five iarecst Ships yet built or building. 
 Extreme lengtli - - • feet 
 Do. under deck „ 
 Do. keel „ 
 209 Sin. 
 Breadth within the paddle-boxes 
 35 4 in. 
 30 10 in. 
 36 6 in. 
 Do. including do. „ 
 69 Sin. 
 56 Sin. 
 Depth of hold at midshipi „ 
 23 2 in. 
 19 8 In. 
 27 6 in. 
 23 6 in. 
 Tom of space ■ • • „ 
 679 1-2 
 Tonnage of engine-room „ 
 Total tonnage - - - tons 
 1,140 1-2 
 Power of engines - horsa 
 Diameter of cylinders inches 
 77 1-2 
 Length of stroke - - fed 
 7 1-2 
 Diameter of paddle-wheels „ 
 28 9 in. 
 28 Sin. 
 30 6 in. 
 Total weight of engines, >,^. 
 boilen.ihdwater, - - j'"^ 
 Total weight of coals, 20 } 
 days' consumption, - . j » 
 "iotal weight of cargo, - - „ 
 Dnugbt of water, with *) 
 tbe above weight of )■ fttt 
 16 Sin. 
 16 Sin. 
 18 Tin. 
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 VOL. I.' 
MARRY AT's diary. 
 t running 
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 B have, 
 m Marine 
 Report of 
 810; ton- 
 ler, 1838, 
 I, and the 
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 In 1819, 
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 hvo hun- 
 have not 
 our ves- 
 le, shew- 
 to Con- 
 36 6 in. 
 Natchez . . . 
 C Between New Yorii 
 \ and Mis;»i.ssippi. 
 Illinois . . . 
 Lake Erie. 
 Madison . . 
 Buffalo . . . 
 Uncle Sam 
 t Mississippi and Ohio 
 \ Rivers. 
 Mogul . . . 
 North America 
 St. Louis . . 
 But the point on which we are so vastly superior to the Ameri- 
 cans, is in our steam vessels of war. They have but one in the 
 4Jnited States, named the Fulton the Second. The following is 
 a list of those belonging to the Government of Great Britain, with 
 their tonnajje: — 
 . 260 
 Fire Fly 
 Gar go n 
 165 Myrtle 
 495 Otter 
 550 Pha'nix 
 496 Pigmy 
 166 Piife 
 306 Pluto 
 1111 Prospero 
 815 Redwing 
 815 Radamanthus 
 716 Salamander 
 818 Shearwater 
 230 Spitfire 
 300 Sprightly 
 296 Strombolo 
 387 Swallow 
 835 Tartarus 
 889 Urgent 
 717 Vesuvius 
 889 Volcano 
 733 Widgeon 
 296 Wildfire 
 211 Zephyr 
 Government Steam Vessels Building. 
 799 Lizard * 282 Polyphemus 
 799 Locust 282 Prometheus 
 Iron Medina 889 
 I trust that the above statements will satisfy the Americans that 
 we are ahead of them in steam navigation. In consequence of 
 their isolation, and having no means of comparison with other 
 countries, the Americans see only their own progress, and seem 
 VOL. 1. — 2 
 I '.■; 
 ■'■> (>( 
 If n' 
 marrtat's diary. 
 to have forgotten that other nations advance as well as themselves. 
 They appear to imagine that while they are going ahead all others 
 are standing still: forgetting that England with her immense re- 
 sources is much more likely to surpass them than to be left behind. 
 We must now examine the question of the proportionate security 
 in steam boat travelling in the two countries. The following 
 table, extracted from the Report of the Commissioners on Steam 
 boat Accidents, will show the casualties which have occurred in 
 this country in ten years. 
 Abstract of Winety-two Accidents. 
 Number of 
 Lives lost. 
 Wrecked, foundered, or in imminent peril - - - 
 Explosion of boilers 
 Fires from various causes 
 Computed number of persons lost on board the Erin, 
 Frolic, and Superb 
 From watermens' and coroners' lists in the Thames, 
 exclusive of the above, during the last three years 
 From a list obtained in Scotland, exclusive of the 
 above, being accidents in the Clyde during the 
 last ten years 
 The greatest ascertained number of lives lost at any one time occurred by 
 the wreck of the Rothsay Castle, when .... 119 persons perished. 
 The greatest number at any one time from collision 62 Do. 
 The greatest number at any one time from explosion 24 Do. 
 The greatest number at any one time from fire 2 Do. 
 The principal portion of this loss of life has been occasioned by 
 vessels having been built for sale, and not sea-worthy; an occur- 
 rence too common, I am afraid, in both countries. 
 The author of "A Voice from America" states the list of steam- 
 boat disasters. On the waters of the United States, for twelve 
 months out of the years 1837-38, by bursting of boilers, burning, 
 wrecks, &c., besides numerous others of less consequence, com- 
 prehends the total loss of eight vessels and one thousand and eighty 
 So that we have in England, >po* ^_^ „„„„ /.q 
 loss in ten years . . IJ^-^^ one year, 63. 
 In America, . one year, 1,080 
 The report of Mr. Woodbury to Congress is imperfect, which 
 is not to be wondered at, as it is almost impossible to arrive at 
 the truth; there is, however, much to be gleaned from it. He 
 states, that since the employment of steam vessels in the United 
 States, 1,300 have been built, and of them two hundred and sixty 
 have been lost by accidents. 
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 The greatest loss of life by collision and sinking, was in the 
 Monmouth,* in 1837, by which three hundred lives were lost; 
 Oronoka, by explosion, by which one hundred and thirty or more 
 lives were lost; and Moselle, at Cincinnati, by which from one 
 hundred to one hundred and twenty lives were lost. 
 The greatest loss by shipwreck was in the case of the Home, 
 on the coast of South Carolina, when one hundred lives were lost; 
 the greatest by fire, the Ben Sherrod, in 1837, by which one 
 hundred and thirty perished. 
 The three great casualties which occurred during my stay in 
 America, were those of the Ben Sherrod, by fire; the Home, by 
 wreck; and the Moselle, by explosion: and as I have authentic 
 details of them, by Americans who were on board, or eye-wit- 
 nesses, 1 shall lay them before my readers. The reader will ob- 
 serve that there is a great difference in the loss of life mentioned 
 in Mr. Woodbury's report and in the statements of those who 
 were present. I shall hereafter state why I consider the latter as 
 the more correct. 
 "On Sunday morning, the 6th of May 1837, the steam-boat Ben 
 Sherrod, under the command of Captain Castleman, was preparing 
 to leave the levee at New Orleans. She was thronged with pas- 
 sengers. Many a beautiful and interesting woman that morning 
 was busy in arranging the little things incident to travelling, and 
 they all looked forward with high and certain hope to the end of 
 their journey. Little innocent children played about in the cabin, 
 and would run to the guards* now and then, to wonder, in infan- 
 tine language, at the next boat, or the water, or something else 
 that drew their attention. "Oh, look here, Henry — I don't like 
 that boat Lexington." — "I wish I was going by her," said Henry, 
 musingly. The men too were urgent in their arrangements of the 
 trunks, and getting on board sundry articles which a ten days' 
 passage rendered necessary. In fine all seemed hope, and joy, 
 and certainty. 
 "The cabin of the Ben Sherrod was on the upper deck, but 
 narrow in proportion to her build, for she was what is technically 
 called a Tennessee cotton boat. To those who have never seen a 
 cotton boat loaded, it is a wondrous sight. The bales are piled 
 up from the lower guards wherever there is a cranny until they 
 reach above the second deck, room being merely left for passen- 
 gers to walk outside the cabin. You have regular alleys left 
 •Indians transporting to the West. 
 ♦The guards of an American steam-boat are an extension of the 
 deck on each side, beyond the paddle boxes; which gives great width 
 for stowage. 
 amid the cotton in order to pass about on the first deck. Such is 
 a cotton boat carrying from 1,500 to 2,000 bales. 
 "The Ben's finish and accommodation of the cabin was by no 
 means such as would begin to compare with the regular passenger 
 boats. It being late in the season, and but few large steamers 
 being in port in consequence of the severity of the times, the Ben 
 Sherrod got an undue number of passengers, otherwise she would 
 have been avoided, for her accommodations were not enticing. 
 She had a heavy freight on board, and several horses and carriages 
 on the forecastle. The build of the Ben Sherrod was heavy, her 
 timbers being of the largest size. 
 "The morning was clear and sultry — so much so, that umbrellas 
 were necessary to ward off the sun. It was a curious sight to see 
 the hundreds of citizens hurrying on board to leave letters, and to 
 see them coming away. When a steam-boat is going off on the 
 Southern and Western waters, the excitement is fully equal to 
 that attendant upon the departure of a Liverpool packet. — About 
 ten o'clock a. m. the ill-fated steamer pushed off upon the turbid 
 current of the Mississippi, as a swan upon the waters. In a few 
 minutes she was under way, tossing high in air, bright and snowy 
 clouds of steam at every half revolution of her engine. Talk not 
 of your northern steam-boats! A Mississippi steamer of seven 
 hundred tons burthen, with adequate machinery, is one of the 
 sublimities of poetry. For thousands of miles that great body 
 forces its way through a desolate country, against an almost re- 
 sistless current, and all the evidence you have of the immense 
 power exerted, is brought home to your senses by the everlasting 
 and majestic burst of exertion from her escapement pipe, and the 
 ceaseless stroke of the paddle wheels. In the dead of night, 
 when amid the swamps on either side, your noble vessel winds 
 her upward way — when not a soul is seen on board but the officer 
 on deck — when nought is heard but the clang of the fire-doors 
 amid the hoarse coughing of the engine, imagination yields to the 
 vastness of the ideas thus excited in your mind, and if you have a 
 soul that makes yon a man, you cannot help feeling strongly alive 
 to the mightiness of art in contrast with the mightiness of nature. 
 Such a scene, and hundreds such have I realised, with an inten- 
 sity that cannot be described, always made me a better man than 
 before. I never could tire of the steam-boat navigation of the 
 "On Tuesday evening, the 9th of May 1837, the steam-boat 
 Prairie, on her way to St. Louis, bore hard upon the Sherrod. It 
 was necessary for the latter to stop at Fort Adams, during which 
 the Prairie passed her. Great vexation was manifested by some 
 of the passengers, that the Prairie should get to Natchez first. 
 This subject formed the theme of conversation for two or three 
 hours, the captain assuring them that he would beat her any how. 
 The Prairie is a very fast boat, and under equal chances could 
 have beaten the Sherrod. So soon as the business was transacted 
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 at Fort Adams, for which she stopped, orders were given to the 
 men to keep up their fires to the extent. It was now a little after 
 11 P.M. The captain retired to his berth, with his clothes on, and 
 left the deck in charge of an oflUcer. During the evening a barrel 
 ' of whisky had been turned out, and permission given to the hands 
 to do as they pleased. As may be supposed, they drew upon the 
 barrel quite liberally. It is the custom on all boats to furnish the 
 firemen with liquor, though a ditference exists as to the mode. 
 But it is due to the many worthy captains now on the Mississippi, 
 to state that the practice of furnishing spirits is gradually dying 
 away, and where they are given, it is only done in moderation. 
 "As the Sherrod passed on above Fort Adams towards the 
 mouth of the Homochitta, the wood pil^d up in the front of the 
 furnaces several times caught fire, and was once or twice imper- 
 fectly extinguished by the drunken hands. It must be understood 
 by those of my readers who have never seen a western steam- 
 boat, that the boilers are entirely above the first deck, and that 
 when the fires are well kept up for any length of time, the heat is 
 almost insupportable. "Were it not for the draft occasioned by the 
 speed of the boat it would be very difficult to attend the fires. As 
 the boat was booming along through the water close in-shore, for, 
 in ascending the river, boats go as close as they can to avoid the 
 current, a negro on the beach called out to the fireman that the 
 wood was on fire. The reply was, "Go to h — 1, and mind your 
 own business," from some half intoxicated hand. "Oh, massa," 
 answered ths negro, "if you don't take care, you will be in h — 1 
 before I will." On, on, on went the boat at a tremendous rate, 
 quivering and trembling in all her length at every revolution of 
 the wheels. The steam was created so fast, that it continued to 
 escape through the safety-valve, and by its sharp singing, told a 
 tale that every prudent captain would have understood. As the 
 vessel rounded the bar that makes off from the Homochitta, being 
 compelled to stand out into the middle of the river in consequence, 
 the fire was discovered. It was about one o'clock in the morning. 
 A passenger had got up previously, and was standing on the boiler 
 deck, when to his astonishment, the fire broke out from the pile 
 of wood. A little presence of mind, and a set of men unintoxicated, 
 could have saved the boat. The passenger seized a bucket, and 
 was about to plunge it overboard for water, when he found it 
 locked. An instant more, and the fire increased in volumes. The 
 captain was now awaked. He saw that the fire had seized the 
 deck. He ran aft, and announced the ill-tidings. No sooner were 
 the words out of his mouth, than the shrieks of mothers, sisters, 
 and babes, resounded through the hitherto silent cabin in the 
 wildest confusion. Men were aroused from their dreaming cots 
 to experience the hot air of the approaching fire. The pilot, being 
 elevated on the hurricane deck, at the instant of perceiving the 
 flames, put the head of the boat shoreward. She had scarcely 
 got under good way in that direction, than the tiller ropes were 
 I I 
 r \ 
 burnt asunder. Two miles at least, from the land, the vessel took 
 a sheer, and, borne upon by the current, made several revolutions, 
 until she struck oil across the river. A bar brought her up for 
 the moment. 
 "The tlames had now extended fore and aft. At the first alarm 
 several deck passengers had got in the yaul that hung suspended 
 by the davits. A cabin passenger, endowed with sonje degree of 
 courage and presence of mind, expostulated with them, and did all 
 be could to save the boats for the ladies. 'Tvvas useless. One 
 took out his knife and cut away the forward tackle. The next 
 instant and they were all, to the number of twenty or more, launch- 
 ed into the angry waters. They were seen no more. 
 "The boat being lowered from the other end. Ailed and was 
 useless. Now came the trying moment. Hundreds leaped from 
 the burning wreck into the waters. Mothers were seen standing 
 on the guards with hair dishevelled, praying for help. The dear 
 little innocents clung to the side of their mothers and with their 
 tiny hands beat away the burning llames. {Sisters calling out to 
 their brothers in uneartlily voices — sSave me, oh save me, brother!' 
 — wives crying to their husbands to save their cinldren, in total 
 forgetfulness of themselves, — every second or two a desperate 
 plunge of some poor victim falling on the appalled ear, — the dash- 
 ing to and fro of the horses on the forecastle, groaning audibly 
 from pain of the devouring element — the continued pulling of the 
 engine, for it still continued to go, — the screaming inotlier who 
 had leaped overboard in the desperation of the moment with her 
 only child, — the flames mounting to the sky with the rapidity of 
 lightning, — shall I ever forget that scene — that hour of horror and 
 alarm] Never, were I to live till the memory should forget all 
 else that ever came to the senses. The short half hour that sepa- 
 rated and plunged into eternity two hundred human beings has 
 been so burnt into the memory that even now I think of it more 
 than half the day. 
 "I was swimming to the shore with all my might, endeavoured 
 to sustain a mother and her child. She sank twice, and yet I 
 bore her on. My strength failed me. The babe was nothing — a 
 mere cork. 'Go, go,' said the brave mother, *save my child, save 
 my ' and she sunk to rise no more. Nerved by the resolu- 
 tion of that woman, I reached the shore in safety. The babe I 
 saved. Ere I had reached the beach, the Sherrod had swung off 
 the bar, and was floating down, the engine having ceased running. 
 In every direction heads dotted the surface of the river. The 
 burning wreck now wore a new, and still more awful appearance. 
 Mothers were seen clinging, with the last hope to the blazing 
 timbers, and dropping off one by one. The screams had ceased. 
 A sullen silence rested over the devoted vessel. The flames be- 
 came tired of their destructive work. ? 
 "While 1 sat dripping and overcome upon the beach, a steam 
 boat, the Columbus, came in sight, and bore for the wreck. It 
 of that I 
 the Stat 
 "A m 
 the cin( 
 tain cor 
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 the Mis 
essel took 
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 1, in total 
 T audibly 
 nj; of tiie 
 itlicr who 
 with her 
 ipidity of 
 orror and 
 forget all 
 rat sepa- 
 igs has 
 it more 
 nd yet I 
 thing — a 
 e babe I 
 vung off 
 r. The 
 mes be- 
 a steam 
 ;ck. It 
 seemed like one last ray of hope gloaming across the dead gloom 
 of that night. Several wretclif s were saved. And still another, 
 the Statesman, came in sight. More, more were saved. 
 "A moment to vie had only elapsed, when high in the heavens 
 the cinders flew, and the country was lighted all round. Still 
 another boat came booming on. 1 was happy that more help had 
 come. After an exchange of words with the (.'olumbus, the cap- 
 tain contiiuied on his way under full steam. Oh, how my lujart 
 sank within me! The waves created by his boat sent many a poor 
 mortal to his long, long home. A being by the name of Dougherty 
 was the captain of that merciless boat. — Long may he be re- 
 "My hands were burnt, and now I began to experience severe 
 pain. Tiu! scene before me — the loss of my two sisters and 
 brother, whom 1 had missed in the confusion, all had steeled my 
 heart. I could not wecj) — I could not sigh. The cries of the 
 babe at my side were nothing to me. 
 "Again — another explosion! and the waters closed slowly and 
 sullenly over the scene of disaster and death. Darkness resumed 
 her sway, and the stillness was only interrupted by the distant 
 efforts of the Columbus and Statesman in their laudable exertions 
 to save human life. 
 "Captain Caslleman lost, I believe, a father and child. Some 
 argue, this is punishment enouoh. No, it is not. He had the 
 lives of hundreds under his eharjie. lie was careless of his trust; 
 he was guilty of a crime that nothing will ever wipe out. The 
 bodies of two hundred victims are crying out from the depth of the 
 father of waters for vengeance. Neither society nor law will give 
 it. His punishment is yet to come. May 1 never meet him! 
 "I could tell of scenes of horror that would rouse the indignation 
 of a stoic; but I have done. As to myself, I could tell you much 
 to excite your interest. It was more than three weeks after the 
 occurrence before I ever shed a tear. All the fountains of sympa- 
 thy had been dried up, and my heart was as stone. As I lay on 
 my bed the twenty-fourth day after, tears, salt tears, came to my 
 relief, and I felt the loss of my sisters and brother more deeply 
 than ever. Peace be to their spirits! they found a watery grave. 
 "In the course of all human events, scenes of misery will occur. 
 But where they rise from sheer carelessness, it requires more than 
 christian fortitude to forgive the being who is in fault. I repeat, 
 may I never meet Captain Castleman or Captain Dougherty! 
 "I shall follow this tale of woe by some strictures on the mode 
 of building steam-boats in the west, and show that human life has 
 been jeopardized by the demoniac spirit of speculation, cheating 
 and roguery. The fate of the Ben Sherrod shall be my text." 
 It will be seen from this narrative, that the loss of the vessel 
 was occasioned by racing with another boat, a frequent practice on 
 the Mississippi. That people should run such risk, will appear 
 strange; but if any of my readers had ever been on board of si steam 
 1/ 1'\ 
 Teasel in a race, they would not be surprised; the excitement pro- 
 duced by it is the most powerful that can be conceived-- 1 have 
 myself experienced it, and can answer for the truth of it. At first, 
 the feeling of danger predominates, and many of the passengers 
 beff the captain tu desist: but he cannot bear to bo passed by and 
 leii astern. As the race continues, so do they all warm up, until 
 even those who, most aware of the danger, were at first most afraid, 
 are to be seen standing over the very boilers, shouting, huzzaing, 
 and stimulating the fireman to blow them up; the very danger 
 gives an unwonted interest to the scene; and females, as well as 
 men, would never be persuaded to cry out "Hold, enough!" 
 Anotherproof of the disregard of human life is here given in the 
 fact of one steam-boat passing by and rendering no assistance to 
 the drowning wretches; nay, it was positively related to me by 
 one who was in the water, that the blows of the paddles of this 
 steam-boat sent down many who otherwise might have been saved. 
 When I was on the Lakes, the wood which was piled close to 
 the fire-place caught fire. It was of no consequence, as it hap- 
 pened, for it being a well-regulated boat, the firo was soon extin- 
 guished; but 1 mention it to show the indilTerence of one of the 
 men on board. About half an hour afterwards, one of his com- 
 panions roused him from his berth, shaking liim by the shoulder 
 to wake him, saying, "Get up, the wood's a-firc — quick." "Well, 
 I knew that 'fore I turn'd in," replied the man, yawning. 
 The loss of the Home occasioned many of the first families in 
 the states to go into deep mourning, for the major portion of the pas- 
 sengers were highly respectable. I was at New York when she 
 started. I had had an hour's conversation with Professor Nott and 
 his amiable wife, and had made arrangements with them to meet 
 them in South Carolina. We never met again, for they were in 
 the list of those who perished. 
 "The steam-packet Home, commanded by Capt. White, left 
 New York, for Charleston, S. C, at four o'clock, p. m., on Satur- 
 day, the 7ih Oct. 1837, having on board between eighty and nine- 
 ty passengers, and forty-three of the boat's crew, including otii- 
 cers, making in all about one hundred and thirty persons. The 
 weather at this time was very pleasant, and all on board appeared 
 to enjoy, in anticipation, a delightful and prosperous passage. On 
 leaving the wharf, cheerfulness appeared to fill the hearts and 
 enliven the countenances of this floating community. Already had 
 conjectures been hazarded, as to the time of their arrival at the 
 destined port, and high hopes were entertained of an expeditious 
 and pleasant voyage. Before six o'clock, a check to these delu- 
 sive expectations was experienced, by the boat being run aground 
 on the Romer Shoal, near Sandy Hook. It being ebb tide, it was 
 found impossible to get off before the next flood; consequently, the 
 fires were I 
 flood tide 
 at night. 
 As the we| 
 posed that 
 ibis accidc 
 no other n) 
 side. Th{ 
 day,) a m\ 
 were sprc; 
 rapid, was 
 noon, whel 
 At sunset,! 
 ing the niJ 
 During th< 
 into the b( 
 "Vhe sc 
 caused a g 
 appeared i 
 cers, — sup 
 for the pre 
 ed to those 
 day, land ^ 
 posed to \y 
 after this 
 southerly 1 
 the day, tl 
 the boat w 
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 ceiling we 
 hinges, w; 
 the day, tl 
 could be (] 
 "It has 
 was, durii 
 called the 
 Late in th 
 fathoms o 
 terly. S( 
 that the 
 cause for 
 called on 
 eluding e 
 and gave 
 fires were allowed to burn out, and the boat remained until the 
 flood tide took her oflf, wbirh was between ten and rlrven o'clock 
 at night, making the time ot d- ••^ntion about four or five hours.— 
 As the weather was pj^rfcctly culm, it cannot, reasonably, be sup- 
 posed that the boat could huve received "ny material injury from 
 this accident; for, during the limf that it reJi/ m«>(l aground, it had 
 no other motion than an < "nsional roll on thu lo v\ from side to 
 side. Tlio night continued pip 'sant. The next morning, (Sun- 
 day,) a moderate breeze prevailed from the norlh-tast. The sails 
 were spread beforo the wind, and tlu; "ipeed of the boat, ilready 
 rapid, was much accelerated. All went on pleasantly till about 
 noon, when the wind had increased, and the sea lircaine rough.— 
 At sunset, the wind blew heavily, and continued to iik n ise dur- 
 ing the night; at daylight, on Monday, it had become a gale.— 
 During the night, much complaint was made that the water came 
 into the berths, and before the usual time of rising, some of the 
 passengers had abandoned them on that account. 
 "The sea, from the violence of the gale, raged frightfully, and 
 caused a general anxiety amongst the passengers; but still, they 
 appeared to rely on the skill and judgment of the captain and ofll- 
 cers, — supposing, that every exertion would be used, on their part, 
 for the preservation of so many valuable lives as were then entrust- 
 ed to those who had the charge of this frail boat. Karly on Mon- 
 day, land was discovered, nearly ahead, which, by many, was sup- 
 posed to be False Cape, on the northern part of Ifatteras. Soon 
 after this discovery, the course of the boat was changed fronni 
 southerly to south-easterly, which was the general course through 
 the day, though with some occasional changes. The condition of 
 the boat was now truly alarming; it bent and twisted, when struck 
 by a sea, as if the next would rend it asunder: the panels of the 
 ceiling were falling from their places; and the hull, as if united by 
 hinges, was bending against the feet of the braces. 'J'hroughout 
 the day, the rolling and pitching were so great, that no cooking 
 could be done on board. 
 "It has already been stated, that the general course of the boat 
 was, during the day, south-easterly, and consequently in what is 
 called the trough of the sea, — as the wind was from the north-east. 
 Late in the afternoon, the boat was reported to be in twenty-three 
 fathoms of water, when the course was changed to a south-wes- 
 terly. Soon after this, it was observed that the course was again 
 changed, to north-westerly; when the awful truth burst upon us, 
 that the boat must be filling; for we could imagine no other 
 cause for this sudden change. This was but a momentary 
 suspense; for within a few minutes, all the passengers were 
 called on to bale, in order to prevent the boat from sinking. Im- 
 mediately, all were employed, but with little effect; for, notwith- 
 standing the greatest exertion on the part of the passengers, in- 
 cluding even many of the ladies, the water was rapidly increasing, 
 and gave most conclusive evidence, that, unless we reached the 
 ■ f 
''", I. 
 ■ il 
 If ' 
 shore within a few hours, the boat must sink at sea* and probably 
 not a soul be left to communicate the heart-rending intelligence to 
 bereaved and disconsolate friends. Soon after the boat was headed 
 towardis the land, the water had increased so much, as to reach 
 the fire under the boilers, which was soon extinguished. Gloomy 
 indeed was the prospect before us. With one hundred and thirty 
 persons in a sinking boat, far out at sea, in a dark and tempestuous 
 night, with no other dependence for reaching the shore than a few 
 small and tattered sails, our condition might be considered truly 
 awful. But, with all these disheartening circumstances, hope, 
 delusive hope, still supported us. Although it was evident that 
 we must soon sink, and our progress towards the land was very 
 slow, still we cherished the expectation that the boat would finally 
 be run on shore, and thus most of us be delivered from a watery 
 grave. Early in the afternoon, the ladies had been provided with 
 strips of blankets, that they might be lashed to such parts of the 
 boat as would afford the greatest probability of safety. 
 "In this condition, and with these expectations, we gradually, 
 but with a motion nearly imperceptible, approached, what to many 
 of us was an untried, and almost an unknown shore. At about eleven 
 o'clock, those who had been employed in baleing were compelled 
 to leave the cabin, as the boat had sunk until the deck was nearly 
 level with the water, and it appeared too probable that all would 
 soon be swallowed up by the foaming waves. The heaving of the 
 lead indicated an approach to the shore. Soon was the cheering 
 intelligence of 'Land! land!' announced by those on the look-out. 
 This, for a mowi.i, aroused the sinking energies of all, when a 
 general bustle ensued, in the hasty, but trifling, preparations that 
 could be made for safety, as soon as the boat should strike. But 
 what were the feelings of an anxious multitude, when, instead of 
 land, a range of angry breakers were visible just ahead; and land, 
 if it could be seen at all, was but half perceptible in the distance 
 far beyond. 
 "As every particular is a matter of interest, — especially to those 
 who had friends and relatives on board, — it may not be improper 
 to state, that one individual urged the propriety of lowering the 
 email boats, and putting the ladies and children into them for safety, 
 with suitable persons to manage them, before we struck the break- 
 ers. By this arrangement, had it been effected, it is believed that 
 the boats might have rode out the gale during the night, and have 
 been rescued in the morning by passing vessels,, and thus all, or 
 nearly all, have been saved. But few supported this proposition, 
 and it could not be done without the prompt interference of those 
 who had authority to command, and who would be obeyed. 
 "Immediately before we struck, one or two passengers, by the 
 aid of some of the spr.nen, attempted to seek safety in one of the 
 boats at the quarter, v hen a breaker struck it, swept it from the 
 davits, and carried with it a seaman, who was instantly lost. A 
 similar attempt was mad<? to launch the long-boat from the upper 
 deck, by the chief mate Mr. Mathews, and others. It was filled 
 with se 
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 all, when a 
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 I for safety, 
 : the break- 
 slieved that 
 and have 
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 one of the 
 from the 
 r lost. A 
 the upper 
 was filled 
 with several passengers, and some of the crew; but, as we were 
 already within the verge of the breakers, this boat shared the fate 
 of the other, and all on board (about ten in number) perished. 
 "Now commenced tb j most heart-rending scene Wives cling- 
 ing to husbands,— children to parents, — and women who were 
 without protectors, seeking aid from the arm of the stranger; all 
 awaiting the results of a moment, which would bring with it either 
 life or death. Though an intense feeling of anxiety must, at this 
 time, have filled every breast, yet not a shriek was heard, nor was 
 there any extraordinary exclamation of excitement or alarm. A 
 slight agitation was, however, apparent in the general circle. 
 Some few hurried from one part of the boat to another, as if seeking 
 a place of greater safety; yet most, and particularly those who had 
 the melancholy charge of wives and children, remained quiet and 
 calm observers of the scene before them. 
 "The boat, at length, strikes, — it stops, — as motionless as a 
 bar of lead. A momentary pause follows, — as if the angel of 
 death shrunk from so dreadful a work of slaughter. But soon the 
 work of destruction commenced. A breaker with a deafening 
 crash, swept over the boat, carrying its unfortunate victims into 
 the deep. Al the same time, a simultaneous rush was made to- 
 wards the bows of the boat. The forward deck was covered. 
 Another breaker came, with irresistible force, — and all within its 
 sweep disappeared. Our numbers were now frightfully reduced. 
 The roaring of the waters, together with the dreadful crash of 
 breaking timbers, surpasses the power of description. Some of 
 the remaining passengers sought shelter from the encroaching dan- 
 gers, by retreating to the passage, on the lee side of the boat, that 
 leads from the after to the forward deck, as if to be as far as pos- 
 sible from the grasp of death. It may not be improper here to re- 
 mark, that the destruction of the boat, and loss of life, was, doubt- 
 less, much more rapid than it otherwise would have been, from 
 the circumstauce of the boat heeling to windward, and the deck, 
 which was nearly level with the water, forming, in consequence, 
 an inclined plane, upon which the waves broke with their full 
 "A large proportion of those who rushed into this passage, were 
 ladies and children, with a few gentlemen who had charge of 
 them. The crov/d was so dense, that many were in danger of 
 being crushed by the irresistible pressure. Here were perhaps 
 some of the most painful sights ever beheld. Before introducing 
 any of the closing scenes of individuals, which the writer witness- 
 ed, or which he has gathered from his fellow passengers, he would 
 beg to be understood, that it is not for the gratification of the idle 
 curiosity of the careless and indifferent reader, or to pierce afresh 
 the bleeding wounds of surviving friends, but to furnish such 
 facts as may be interesting, and which, perhaps, might never be' 
 obtained through any other channel. 
 "As the immediate connections of the writer are already inform- 
 ed of the particulars relating to his own unhappy bereavement, 
 i I 
 there is no necessity for entering in a minute detiiil of this melan- 
 choly event. 
 "This passage contained perhaps thirty or more persons, con- 
 sisting of men, women and children, with no apparent possibility 
 of escape; enclosed within a narrow aperture, over which was the 
 deck, and both ends of which were completely closed by the frag- 
 ments of the boat and the rushing of the waves. While thus shut 
 up, death appeared inevitable. Already were both decks swept of 
 every thing tbat was on them. The dining cabin was entirely 
 gone, and every thing belonging to the quarter-deck was com- 
 pletely stripped off, leaving not even a stanchion or particle of the 
 bulwarks; and all this was the work of about five minutes. 
 "The starboard wheel-house, and every thing about it, was soon 
 entirely demolished. As much of the ceiling forward of the star- 
 board wheel had, during the day, fallen from its place, the waves 
 soon found their way through all that remained to oppose them, 
 and were in a few minutes' time forcing into the last retreat of 
 those who had taken shelter in the passage already mentioned. 
 "Every wave made a frightful encroachment on our narrow 
 limits, and seemed to threaten us with immediate death. Hope- 
 less as was the condition of those thus hemmed in, yet not a shriek 
 was heard from them. One lady, unknown to the writer, begged 
 earnestly for some one to save her. In a time of such alarm, it is 
 not strange that a helpless female should plead with earnestness 
 for assistance from those who were about her, or even offer them 
 money for that aid which the least reflection would have convinced 
 her it was not possible to render. Another scene, witnessed at 
 this trying hour, was still more painful. A little boy was plead- 
 ing with his father to save him. 'Father,' said the boy, 'you will 
 save me, won't youl you can swim ashore with me, can't you, 
 father?' But the unhappy father was too deeply absorbed in the 
 other charges that leant on him, even to notice the imploring ac- 
 cents of his helpless child. For at that time, as near as the wri- 
 ter can judge, from the darkness of the place they were in, his 
 wife hung upon one arm, and his daughter of seventeen upon the 
 other. He had one daughter besides, near the age of this little 
 boy, but whether she was at that time living or not, is uncertain. 
 "After remaining here some minutes, the deck overhead was 
 split open by the violence of the waves, which allowed the writer 
 an opportunity of climbing out. This he instantly did, and 
 assisted his wife through the same opening. As he had aow left 
 those below, he is unable to say how they were finally lost; but, 
 as that part of the boat was very soon completely destroyed, their 
 further sufferings could not have been much prolonged. We were 
 now in a situation which, from the time the boat struck, we had 
 considered as the most safe, and had endeavoured to attain. 
 Here we resolved to await our uncertain fate. From this place 
 we could see the encroachment of the devouring waves, every 
 one of which reduced our thinned numbers, and swept with 
 it parts of our crumbling boat. For several hours previous, 
 the gale had been sensibly abating; and, for a moment, the pale 
 moon br( 
 of terroi 
 tims the 
 many w 
 moon y( 
 the stert 
 tlie dock 
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 heads of 
 They su 
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 perilous i 
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 (Mrs, Sh 
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 lady the 
 pi(?ce of 
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 he came 
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 boat, the 
 bia ; and 
 "On I 
 but after 
 proved l( 
 of the ph 
 island, g 
this melan* 
 arsons, con- 
 ich was the 
 by thefrag- 
 le thus shut 
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 as entirely 
 was com- 
 ticle of the 
 t, was soon 
 of the star- 
 the waves 
 pose them, 
 I retreat of 
 »ur narrow 
 h. Hope- 
 ot a shriek 
 er, begged 
 ilarm, it is 
 offer them 
 tnessed at 
 ^as plead- 
 'you will 
 can't you, 
 )ed in the 
 oring ac- 
 the wri- 
 re in, his 
 upon the 
 this little 
 lead was 
 he writer 
 did, and 
 aow left 
 oat; but, 
 red, their 
 We were 
 , we had 
 lis place 
 s, every 
 ;pt with 
 the pale 
 marryat's diary. 
 moon broke through the dispersing clouds, as if to witness this scene 
 of terror and destruction, and to show to the horror-stricken vic- 
 tims the fate that awaited them. How few were now left, of the 
 many who, but a little before, inhabited our bark ! While the 
 moon yet shone, three men were seen to rush from the middle to 
 the stern of the boat. A wave came rushing on. It passed over 
 the deck. One only, of the three, was left. He attempted to gain 
 his former position. Another wave came. He had barely timo 
 to reach a large timber, to which he clung, when this wave struck 
 him, — and he too was missing. As the wave passed away, tho 
 heads of two of these men were seen above the water; but they 
 appeared to make no effort to swim. The probability is, tiiat tho 
 violence with which they were hurled into the sea disabled them. 
 They sunk to rise no more. 
 "During this time, Mr. Lovegreen, of Charleston, continued to 
 ring the boat's bell, which added if possible to the glootn. It sound- 
 ed, indeed, like the funeral knell over the departed drad. Never 
 before, perhaps, was a bell tolled at such a funeral as this. While 
 in this situation, and reflecting on the necessity of being alvvay? 
 prepared for the realities of eternity', our attention was arrested by 
 the appearance of a lady, climbing upon the outside of the boat, 
 abaft the wheel near where we were. Her head was barely above 
 the deck on which we stood, and she was holding to it, in a most 
 perilous manner. She implored help, without which she inust soon 
 have fallen into the deep beneath, and shared the fate of llio many 
 who had already gone. Tho wr'.t(>r ran to her aid, hut wfis uiinblo 
 to raise her to the deck. Mr. VVoodburn, of New York, now came, 
 and, with his assistance, the lady was rescued; sho was then lashed 
 to a large piece of timber, by the side of another lady, tho only re- 
 maining place that afforded any prospect of saft.'ty. Tho former lady 
 (Mrs. Shroeder) was washed ashore on this piece of wreck, one of 
 the two who survived. The writer having rclinquislied to this 
 lady the place he had occupied, was cofnpelled to net upon a largo 
 pi(>co of the boat, that lay near, under the lee of the wheel; this 
 was almost immediately driven from its place into the breakers, 
 which instantly swept him from it, and plunged him deep into the 
 water. With some difficulty he regained his raft, llo continued 
 to cling to this fragment, as well as he could, but was repeatedly 
 washed from it. Sometimes when plunged deep into the water, 
 he came up under it. After encountering all the difficulties that 
 seemed possible to be borne, he was at length thrown on shore, in 
 an exhausted state. At the time the writer was drivee from the 
 boat, there were but few left. Of these, four survived, liz. Mrs. 
 Shroeder and Mr. Lovegreen, of Charleston; Mr. Cohen, of Colum- 
 bia ; and Mr. Vanderzee, of New York. 
 " On reaching the beach, there was no appearance of inhabitants; 
 but after wandering some distance, a light was discovered, which 
 proved to be from Ocracoke lighthouse, about six miles south-west 
 of the place where the boat was wrecked. The inhabitants of tho 
 island, generally, treated us with great kindness, and, so far a& 
 ( r 
 ! ' 
Hi ,M 
 f\ '■ 
 I ilu r 
 gr ■' 
 Hi '! 
 their circumstances, would allow, assisted in properly disposing 
 the numerous bodies thrown upon the shore. 
 " The survivors, after remaining on the island till Thursday af^ 
 ternoon, separated, some returning to New York, others proceeding 
 on to Charleston. Acknowledgment is due to the inhabitants of 
 Washington, Newborn, and Wilmington, as well as of other places 
 through which we passed, for the kind hospitality we received, and 
 the generous offers made to us. Long will these favours bo grate- 
 fully remembered by the survivors of the unfortunate Home." 
 Even if the captain of the Home was intoxicated, it is certain that 
 the loss of the vepsol was not occasioned by that circumstance, but 
 by the vessel not having been built sea-v/orthy. 
 The narrative of the loss of the Moselle is the last which I shall 
 give to the reader. It is written by Judge Ilall, one of tlie best of 
 tiie American writers. 
 "The recent explosion of tlie steam-boat Moselle, at Cincinnati, 
 affords a most awful illustration of t'.ie danger of steam navigation, 
 when conducted by ignorant or carclei-:r>iiien: and fully sustains the 
 remark made in the precodinir paijes, that, 'the accidents arc al- 
 iuost wholly confined to insiifacient or hi;l!y managed boats.' 
 " The Moselle wa:^ a new boat, intended to ply regularly between 
 Cincinnati and St. Lonis. Slie had inado but two or three trips, 
 lint had already established a hi:',h rc^pntalion for speed; and, as is 
 usual in sucli cases, tlio^c by whom she was owned and command- 
 <!d, became ambitions to have her rated asa 'crack boat,' and ppared 
 no pains to exalt fior c li:>racter. 'J'lie newspapers noticed the 
 i/nick trips of the l^iosel'e, and jmspongers chose to embark in this 
 boat in preference to otiior.^-. Iter capiain was an enterprising 
 yonng man, without much e.\perience, bent upon gaining tor his 
 lioat, at all liazards, the distinction of being tiio fasle.-^t upon the 
 river, and not I'ully aware, porha])s, of the inevitable danger which 
 attended this rash experiment. 
 " On Wednesday the 2.jtli of April, between four and five o'clock 
 in the afternoon, this shocking catastrophe occurred. Tlie boat 
 was crowded with passengers; and, as is usually the case on our 
 western rivers, in regard to ves^sels passing westerly, the largest 
 proportion were emigrants. They were mostly deck passengers, 
 many of whom were poor Germans, ignorant of any language but 
 Iheir own, and the larger portion consisted of families, comprising 
 ])ersons of all ages. Although not a large boat, there were eighty- 
 live passengers in the cabin, which was a much larger number than 
 could be comfortably accommodated ; the number of deck passen- 
 gers is not exactly known, but, as is estimated, at between one hun- 
 dred and twenty and one hundred and fifty, and the officers and crew 
 umounted to thirty, making in all about two hundred and sixty souls. 
 " It was a pleasant afternoon, and the boat, with steam raised, 
 delayed at the wharf, to increase the number — already too great — 
 of her pa 
 nies, ail 
 tions — tl 
 of his r 
 in purse 
 *'On 1 
 to take 
 chore foi 
 course d( 
 a suburb 
 the pecu 
 usual he 
 Mosel le- 
 thal the 
 wliich hi 
 eclat to 
 the shore 
 were un 
 past the 
 was unpi 
 of a mir 
 human 1 
 to the K 
 latter, s( 
 found dr 
 with sue 
 roof of £ 
 Of then 
 before, i 
 by the e 
 saw eixt 
 city, the 
 as were 
 had pen 
 hood of 
 Thursday af^ 
 rs proceeding- 
 nhabitants of 
 f other places 
 received, and 
 iirs ha irrate- 
 s certain that 
 imstance, but 
 which I shall 
 jf the best of 
 Lt Cincinnati; 
 n naviijation, 
 / sustains the 
 dnnts arc al- 
 'iY]y between 
 r tliree trips, 
 d; and, as is 
 lil command- 
 ,' and ppared 
 noticed the 
 nhark in this 
 :ninnf tor his 
 !r^t npon the 
 ani,rcr which 
 The boar 
 case on our 
 , the largest 
 nguagc but 
 .vere eighty- 
 number than 
 lock passen- 
 len one hun- 
 rs and crew 
 I sixty souls. 
 ;eam raised, 
 too great-— 
 of her passengers, who continued to crowd in, singly or in compa- 
 nies, all anxious to hurry onwards in the first boat, or eager to take 
 passage in the fust-running Moselle. They were of all condi- 
 tions — the military officer hastening to Florida to take command of 
 of his regiment — the merchant bound to St. Louis — the youth 
 seeking a field on which to commence the career of life — and the 
 indigent emigrant with his wife and children, already exhausted 
 in purse and spirits, but still pushing onward to the distant fron- 
 "On leaving the wharf, the boat ran up the river about a mile, 
 to take in some families and freight, and having touched at tue 
 chore for that purpose, for a few minutes, was about to lay her 
 course down the river. The spot at which she thus landed was at 
 a suburb of the city, called Fulton, and a number of persons had 
 Flopped to witness her departure, several of whom remarked, from 
 the peculiar sound of the steam, that it had been raised to an un- 
 usual height. The crowd thus attracted — the high repute of the 
 Moselle — and certain vague rumours which began to circulate, 
 that the captain had determined, at every risk, to beat another boat 
 which had just departed — all these circumstances gave an unusual 
 tclat to the departure of this ill-fated vessel. 
 "The landing completed, the bow of the boat was shoved from 
 the shore, whiin an explosion took place, by which the whole of the 
 forepart of the vessel was literally blown up. The passengers 
 were unhappily in the most exposed positions — on the deck, and 
 particularly on the forward part, sharing the excitement of the 
 spectators on shore, and anticipating the pleasure of darting rapidly 
 past the city in the swift Moselle. The power of the explosion 
 was unprecedented in the history of steam; its effect was like that 
 of a mine of gunpowder. All the boilers, four in number, were 
 simultaneously burst; the deck was blown into the air, and the 
 human beings who crowded it hurried into instant destruction. 
 Fragments of the boilers, and of human bodies, were thrown both 
 to the Kentucky and the Ohio shore; and as the boat lay near the 
 latter, some of these helpless victims must have been thrown a 
 quarter of a mile. The body of Captain Perry, the master, was 
 found dreadfully mangled, on the nearest shore. A man was hurled 
 with such force, that his head, with half his body, penetrated the 
 roof of a house, distant more than a hundred yards from the boat. 
 Of the number who had crowded this beautifurboat, a few minutes 
 before, nearly all were hurled into the air, or plunged into the 
 water. A few, in the after part of the vessel, who were uninjured 
 by the explosion, jumped overboard. An eye-witness says that he 
 saw sixty or seventy in the water at one time, of whom not a dozen 
 reached the shore. hro 
 " The news of this awful catastrophe spread rapidly t ugh the 
 city, thousands rushed to the spot, and the most benevolent aid was 
 promptly extended to the sufferers — to such, we should rather say, 
 as were within the reach of human assistance — for the majority 
 had perished. 
 " The writer was among those who hastened to the neighbour- 
 hood of the wreck, and witnessed a scene so sad that no languagQ 
 can dopict it with fidelity. On the shore lay twenty or thirty 
 inangled and still bleeding corpses, while others were in the act of 
 beinsr drafrfrod from the wreck or the water. There were men 
 carrying: away the woundod, and others gathering the trunks, and 
 articles of wearing apparel, that strewed the beach. 
 " The survivors of this awful tragedy presented the most touch- 
 ing objects of distress. Death had torn asunder the most tender 
 lies; but the rupture had been so sudden and violent, that as yet 
 none knew c rtainly who had been taken, nor who had been 
 spared. Fathers wore inquiring for children, children for parents, 
 husbands and wives for each other. One man had saved a son, but 
 lost a wife and five chiltir mi. A father, partially deranged, lay 
 with a wounded child on one side, a dead daughter on the other, 
 and his wife, wounded, at his feet. One gentleman sought his 
 wife and children, who were as eagerly seeking him in the same 
 crowd — they met, and were re-united. 
 " A female deck passenger, that had been saved, seemed incon- 
 solable for the loss of her relations. To every question put to her, 
 she would exclaim, ' Oh my father ! my mother! my sisters!' A 
 little boy, about four or five years of age, whose head was much 
 bruised, appeared lo be regardless of his wounds, but cried continu- 
 ally for a lost father; while another lad, a little older, was weeping 
 for his whole family. 
 "One venerable looking man wept a wife and five children; 
 another was bereft of nine members of his family. A touching dis- 
 play of maternal afl^ection was evinced by a lady who, on being 
 brought to the shore, clasped her hands and exclaimed, 'Thank 
 God, I am safe !' but instantly recollecting herself, ejaculated in a 
 voice of piercing agony, ' where is njy child I' The infant, which 
 had been saved, was brought to her, and she fainted at the sight 
 of it. 
 *' A public meeting was called in Cincinnati, at which the mayor 
 presided, when the facts of this melancholy occurrence were dis- 
 cussed, and among other resolutions passed, was one deprecating 
 ' the great and increasing carelessness in the navigation of steam 
 vessels,' and urging this subject upon the consideration of Congress. 
 No one denied that this sad event, which had filled our city with 
 consternation, sympathy, and sorrow, was the result of a reckless 
 and criminal inattention to their duty, on the part of those having 
 the care of the Moselle, nor did any one attempt to palliuiie their 
 conduct. Committees were appointed to seek out the sufferers, and 
 perform the various duties which humanity dictated. Through the 
 exertions of the gentlemen appointed on this occasion, lists were 
 obtained and published, showing the names of the passengers as far 
 as could be obtained, and giving the following result: — 
 Killed Si • 
 Badly wounded 13 
 Missing 55 
 Saved . . 117 
 r or thirty 
 I the act of 
 were men 
 ruiiks, and 
 K)3t tonch- 
 u)st tender 
 that as yet 
 had been 
 ir parents, 
 a son, but 
 mofed, lay 
 the other, 
 ioujrht his 
 the same 
 ned incon- 
 put to her, 
 sters!' A 
 was much 
 d coritinu- 
 s weeping 
 children ; 
 ching dis- 
 on being- 
 lated in a 
 nt, which 
 the sight 
 he mayor 
 were dia- 
 of steam 
 city with 
 I reckless 
 se having 
 Idle their 
 jrers, and 
 ■ough the 
 ists were 
 ers asfar 
 "As many strangers entered the boat but a few minutes before 
 hs departure, whoso names were not registered, it is probable that 
 the whole number of souls on board was not less than two hundred 
 find c'ishty. Of the missing, many dead bodies have since been 
 found, but very few have boon added to the list o^ saved. The ac- 
 tual number nf lives lost, therefore, docs not vary much from one 
 hundred undfiftyy 
 The fallowing observations are made in the Report of the Com- 
 miltee, relative to the tremendous force of the steam : 
 "Of the inmiense fcjrce exerted in this explosion, there is abun- 
 dant evidence; still in this extraordinary occurrence in the iiistory 
 of steam, I deem it important to be particular in noting the facts, 
 JuiJ fur that purpo-se I Jiave m:ule some measurements and calcula- 
 tions. The boat was one hundred and sixteen feet ti'onj the waters 
 edge, one hundred and ninety-two from the top of the bank, which 
 was forty-three feet in perpendicular height above the water. The 
 Hiluations of projoctcJ bodies ascertained were as follows: Part of 
 tlie body of a man, throv.'n nearly horizontally into a skitT at the 
 v.ater's gA^^g^ on;; hundred and sixteen feet. The body of the cap- 
 tain thrown nearly to the top of the bank, two hundred feet. Tiie 
 hody of a mati thrown through the roof of a house, at the distance 
 of one hundred ami twelve feet, and fifty-nine feet above the wa- 
 ter's {2i\f^Q. A portion of the boiler, containing about sixty square 
 feet, and weighing about four hundred and fifty pounds, thrown one 
 hundred and seventy feet, and about two-thirds of the way up the 
 hank. A second portion of the boiler, of about thirty-five square 
 feet, and v.'oi^himr about tv.'o hundred and forty-five pounds, thrown 
 four huntired and fifty feet on the hill side, and seventy feet in alti- 
 tude. A third portion of the boiler, twenty-one square feet, one 
 iiundred and forty-seven pounds, tiirown three hundred and thirty 
 I'eet into a tan yard. A fourth portion, of forty-eight square feet, 
 and weifihing throe hundred and thirty-six pounds, thrown four 
 hundred and eighty feet into the garret of a back-shop of a tan- 
 yard; having broken down the nxjf and driven out the gable-end. 
 The last portion must have been thrown to a very great lieight, as 
 it had entered the roof of an angle of at least sixty degrees. A fifih 
 portion, weighing two hunilred and thirty-six pounds, went oblique- 
 ly up the river eight hundred feet, and passing over the houses, 
 landed on the side walk, the bricks of which had been broken and 
 driven deeply into the ground by it. This portion had encountered 
 some individual in its course as it came stained with blood. Such was 
 the situation of the houses that it must have fallen at an angle as 
 high as forty-five degrees. It has been stated, that bodies of per- 
 sons were projected quite across the river into Kentucky. I can 
 find no evidence of the truth of this: on the contrary, Mr. Kerr in- 
 forms i«e, that he made inquiries of the people on the opposite shore, 
 and 'could not learn that any thing was seen to fall farther than 
 half way acrosg the river,' which is at that place about sixteen 
 hundred feet wide." 
 I was at Cincinnati some time after the explosion, and examined 
 I > 'I 
 i i\ 
 ' 3 
 *"* 1 
 the wreck which still lay on the Ohio shore. After the report was 
 drawft up it was discovtred that the force of the explosion had bcert 
 even greater than was supposed, and that portions of the engine 
 and boilers had been thrown to a much greater distance. It is to 
 bo remarked, that Mr. Woodbury's report to Congress states from 
 one hundred to one hundred and twenty persons as having been 
 killed. Judge Hall, in the report of the committee, estinmtes it 
 atone hundred and fifty; but there is reason to believe that the 
 loss on this occasion, as well as in many others, was greater thar. 
 even in the report of the committee. The fact is, it is almost im- 
 possible to state the loss on these occasions; the only data to go 
 upon are tho books in which the passengers' names are taken down 
 wfien the fiire is paid, and this is destroyed. In a country like 
 America, there are thousands of people unknown to any body, mi* 
 grating here and there, seeking the far west to settle in; tiicy como 
 jind go, and nobody knows any thing of them; there might have 
 been one hundred more of them on board the Moselle nt the time 
 that she exploded ; and as I heard from Captain Pcarce, liie harbour- 
 master, aiui others, it is believed that such was the case, and that 
 many more were destroyed than was at first supposed. 
 The American steam-boats are very different from our's in ap- 
 pearance, in consequence of the engines being invariably on deck. 
 The docks also are carried out many feet wider on each side than 
 the hull of the vessel, to give space; these additions to the deck 
 are called guards. The engine being on the first deck, there is a 
 second deck for the passengers, state-rooms, and saloons; and above 
 this deck there is another, covered with a white awning. They 
 have something the appearance of two-deckers, and when filled with 
 company, the variety of colours worn by the ladies have a very 
 novel and pleasing effect. The boats v/hich run from New York 
 to Boston, and up the Hudson river to Albany, are very splendid 
 vessels; they have low-pressure engines, arc well commanded, and 
 I never heard of any accident of any importance taking place ; their 
 engines are also ve'v superior — one on board of the Narangassett, 
 with a horizontal stroke, was one of the finest I ever saw. On the 
 Mississippi, Ohio, and their tributary rivers, the high-pressure en- 
 gine is invariably used ; they have tried the low-pressure, but have 
 r<)und that it will not answer, in consequence of the great quantity 
 (yf mud contained in solution on the waters of the Mississippi, which 
 destroys all the valves and leathers; and this is the principal cause 
 of the many accidents which take place. At the same time it must 
 be remembered, that there is a recklessness — an indifference to 
 life — shown throughout all America ; which is rather a singular 
 feature, inusmuch as it extends East as well as West, It can only 
 be accounted for by the insatiate pursuit of gain among a people 
 who consider that time is money, and who are blinded by their ea- 
 gerness in the race for it, added to that venturous spirit so naturally 
 imbibed in a new country at the commencement of its occupation. 
 It is communicai l.to the other sex« who appear equally indifferent. 
 The Moselle had not been blown up two hours, before the other 
 ^steamboats were qr^wded with women, who followed their rqlations 
 on bu>i 
 the mo 
 go a-h(; 
 I wa; 
 a steair 
 to jumj) 
 re Fitly 
 leapt o\ 
 iHli-^, a 
 as the 
 rods foi 
 be the 
 be prov; 
 could C( 
 rapid t.i 
 170, R< 
 out. iuiy 
 It 13 
 act of t 
 to Irave 
 boats, n 
 I read ii 
 report was 
 ) hud been 
 lie engine 
 It is to 
 itates from 
 \\ng been 
 5ti mates iK 
 a that the 
 sater than 
 ilmost im- 
 data to go 
 iken down 
 Lintry like 
 body, mi* 
 they come 
 light liavc 
 L tiie time 
 c harbour- 
 3, and that 
 ur's in ap- 
 f on deck. 
 I side than 
 ) the deck 
 there is a 
 and above 
 g. They 
 filled with 
 ve a very 
 ^ew York 
 ndcd, and 
 ice; their 
 On the 
 esiire en- 
 but have 
 ipi, which 
 pal cause 
 le it must 
 jrence to 
 can only 
 a people 
 their ea- 
 the other 
 on business or pleasure, up and down the river. " Go a-head," is 
 the rnotto of the country; both sexes join in the cry; and they do 
 go a-h(.';i(l — thnCs a fact 
 wari aiiiusou with a story told me by an American gfiiiieman 
 a steairihoat caught tire on the Mississippi, and the passcnirors had 
 to jiim|) overboard and e^ave themselves by swimming. OMcot'lho.se 
 reckless characters, a gambler, who, was on board, havuiL,' appa- 
 rently a V(!ry good idea ot* his own merits, went all, and b-'lbre he 
 leapt overboard, cried out, " Now, gallows, claim your own!" 
 The attention of the American legislature has at longtii bsen di- 
 rected to the want of t^ocurity in steam navigation; and in July, 
 183S, an act was passed to provide for the better socnrity <f the 
 pa^s^.•ng«'rs. Many of the claunes are judicious, especially as far 
 as the irii'pecting of them is regulated; but that of iron chains or 
 rods fir tilliir ropon is not practicable on a winding river, and will 
 be the occasion of matiy disasters. Had they ordered ihf; boats to 
 be provided with iron chains or rotls, to be used as preventive wheel- 
 ropes, it would have answered the purpose. In case of fire tiiey 
 could easily be hooked on; but to steer with them in tido-waysaud 
 rapid turns is almost impossible. The last clause, No. \'.\, (page 
 170, Report) is too harsh, as a Hue may collapse at any tinio, with- 
 out, any want of career skill on the part of the builders or those on 
 It is to bo hoped that some good effects will bo produced by this 
 act of the legislature. At present, it certainly is more dangerous 
 to Iravel one wcjek in America than to cross the Atlantic a dozen 
 limes. The number of lives lost in one year by accidents in steam- 
 boats, r&il-roads, and coaches, was estimated, in a periodical which 
 I read iii America, ato;«? thousand seven hundred andjifty! 
 To one vvlift tia^ been accustomed to the extortion of the inns 
 and hotels in England, and the old continent, nothing at first is more 
 remarkable than to find that there are more remains of the former 
 AmencHii purity of manners and primitive simplicity to be observed 
 in their eslabliehraeats \ot the entertainment of man and horse, 
 * When the water in tWcf rivers is low, the large steam vessels very 
 often run aground, and are<jbligcd to discharge their cargoes and pas. 
 sengcfs. At these times, the .smaller steam boats ply up and down the 
 rivers to take advantage of these misfortunes, by picking up passenger.s, 
 and making most exorbitant charges for taking them or the goods out, 
 because you must pay th^m, or jeniain wiiere you are. 'fhia species 
 of cruizing they themselves designate as ^^^oing a pirating.*^ I will 
 say this for the Americans, that, if a person, who considcra^thait he is 
 fipt doinj^ wrong, does not dp yr.runc^ tbej arc it very honc£t' people. 
 ■j I 
 I. I i 
 w •' 
 J I 5 
 li I 
 than in any portion of public or private life. Such is the case, and 
 Iho causes of the anomaly arc to be explained. 
 I |)rcsumc that the ori^'in of hotels and inns lias been much the 
 hatno in all countries. At first the solitary traveller is received, 
 welcomed, and hospitably entertained ; but as the wayfarers multi- 
 ply, what was at first a pleasure becomes a tax. For instance, let 
 us take Western Vir^jinia, throujrh which the first irruption to the 
 Far VVost may be said to have taken i)lacc. At first everyone was 
 received and accommodated by those wtjo had settled there; but as 
 this n^radually became inconvenient, not only from interferinT^ with 
 their domestic privacy, but from their not beinn; j)rcpared to meet 
 the wants of the travellers, the inhabitants of any small settlement 
 met tofjether and aj^recd upon one of them keepin^»'llie house of re- 
 ception; — this was not done with a view of prolit, the travellers 
 beinjr only charged the actual value of the articles consumed. 
 jSiich is still the case in many places in the Fur West; a friend of 
 mine iM me that he put uj) at the house of a widow woman; ho 
 t-upped, 8lei)t, had his breakfast, and his horse was also wi;!! sup- 
 plied. When he was le;ivinnr, ho inquired what he liad to p;iy! the 
 woman replied — " Well, ifl don't charijfesomethin/r, 1 sii))pune you 
 will be affronted. Give me a shilling;" a sum not sufficicjit to pay 
 fur the horse's corn. 
 The American innkeeper, therefore, is still ]of)l:ed upon in the 
 light of your host; he and his wife sit at the head of the tablc-d'hotc 
 lit meal times; v.'hcn you arrive he greets you with a welcome, 
 sliaking your liand; if you arrive in company witii those who know 
 him, you are introduced to him; he is considered on a level with 
 you; you meet him in the most respectable companies, and it is 
 \)Ul justice to say that, in most instances, th( y '^re a very respecta- 
 ble portion of society. Of course, his autlwiily, like that of the 
 captains of the steam-boats, is undisputed; indeed the captains of 
 these boats may be partly considered as classed under the same 
 'i'his is one of the most pleasing features in American society^ 
 and I think it is likely to las^t longer tlian most others in this land 
 of change, because it is upheld by jiublic opinion, which is so des- 
 potic. Tlie mania for travelling, among the people of the United 
 {States, renders it most important that every thing connected with 
 locomotion should be v/ell arranged; society demands it, public 
 opinion enforces it, and therefore, with few exceptions, it is so. 
 The respect shown to the master of a hotel induces people of th« 
 highest character to embark in the profession; the continual stream 
 of travellers which pours through the country, gives sufTiGient sup- 
 port by moderate profits, to enable the iimkeeper to abstain from 
 excessive charges; the price of every thing is known by all, and 
 no more is charged to the President of the United States than to 
 other people. Every one knows his expenses; there is no sur- 
 charge, and fees to waiters are voluntary, and never asked for. At 
 first, I used to examine the bill when presented, but latterly I 
 looked only at the sum total at the bottom and paid it at once, re- 
 serving the examination of it for my leisure, and I never in one 
 instance foirad that I had been imposed upon. This is very rj- 
 can proih 
 world, an 
 Of courst 
 chiefly c< 
 and at th( 
 to point ( 
 terior arr 
 The bu 
 that in th 
 three huii 
 stories co 
 and arran 
 for marrii 
 tlie bdildi 
 ccive the 
 minutes h 
 to break fii 
 room, to \ 
 to retire 
 some of 1 1 
 Jf a genti 
 these lar" 
 join toget 
 quently (U 
 himself « 
 his mind t 
 will give j 
 as serious 
 was in Fr 
 The lar 
 York ; Tn 
 hotels at ^ 
 fnerate tin 
 which wa 
 the Mansi 
 was, a gei 
 cause he i 
 men are i 
 else I can 
 in Americ 
 his sons, o 
 in New Y 
 I always f 
 rateur's (1 
 •The A 
 Utj, as we 
 case, and 
 much the 
 ers multi- 
 stance, let 
 ion to the 
 y one was 
 re; but as 
 rij);T with 
 d to meet 
 use of rc- 
 I friend ot 
 jman; lie 
 wi;!! Hup- 
 ) \r.iy] the 
 i)I)u.so you 
 -ijt to pay 
 on m the 
 }\\0 kiTow 
 jvel with 
 and it is 
 at of tiiG 
 plains of 
 the same 
 1 society, 
 this land 
 is so des- 
 G United 
 :ted with 
 it, public 
 it is so. 
 e of tlio 
 1 stream 
 lent sup- 
 ain from 
 all, and 
 than to 
 no Bur- 
 br. At 
 itterly I 
 mce, re- 
 in one 
 irery ra- 
 markablc, nnd f^hows the force of public opinion in America ; for it 
 can priMluce, when re(piir(Ml, a very scarce article all over tho 
 world, and slill more scarce in the protession referred to, — llnnesty. 
 Of course there will be exceptions, but they are very few, and 
 chiefly contined to tho cities. I shall refer to them afterwards, 
 and at the same time to some peculiarities, which I must not omit 
 to point out, as they afK'ct society. Let me first describe tho in- 
 terior arraufTiMiients of a tirst-rnle American hotel. 
 The buildint; is very spacious, as may be imatjined when I state 
 that in the busy times, from one hundred and fifty to two, or even 
 three lumdred, generally sit down at the dirmer-table. The upper 
 stories contain an immense number of bed-rooms, with their doors 
 openingr upon lon^ corridors, with little variety in their furniture 
 and arranirement, except that some are provided with larire beds 
 lor married people, and others with sinjjie bods. The basement of 
 tlie biiildmn- contains the dinner-room, of ample dimensions, to re- 
 ceive the {Tuests, who at the sound of a gon^ rush in, and in a (qw 
 minutes have fmished their repast. The same room is appropriated 
 to breakfast and 6U[)per. In most hotels there is but one dining- 
 room, to which ladies and ijentlemen both repair, but in the more 
 considerable, there is a smaller dininjy-room for the ladies and their 
 connexions who escort them. The ladies have also a large parlour 
 to retire to; tho {gentlemen have the rcadinn[-room, containinrj 
 someof tlie principal newspapers, and the Zirtr, of which hereailcr. 
 If a jrentleman wants to grive a dinner to a private party in any of 
 these larfje hotels, he can do it; or if a certain number of families 
 join tog^ether, they may also eat in a separate room (this is fre- 
 quently done at VVashinfjton;) but if a traveller wishes to seclude 
 himself a /' Anglalse^ and dine in his own room, he must make up 
 his mind to fare very badly, and, moreover, if he is a forei3;ner, ho 
 will give great offence, and be pointed out as an aristocrat — almost 
 9S serious a charge with the majority in the United States, as it 
 was in France during the Revolution, 
 The largest hotels in the United States are Astor House, New 
 York; Tremont House, Boston; Mansion House, Philadelphia; tho 
 hotels at West Point, and at Buffalo; but it is unnecessary to enu- 
 merate them all. The two pleasantest, are the one at W»'st Point, 
 which wiis kept by Mr. Cozens, and that belonging to Mr. Head, 
 the Mansion House at Philadelphia; but the latter can scarcoly be 
 consideroi! as a hotel, not only because Mr. Head is, and always 
 was, a gentleman with whom it is a pleasure to associate, but be* 
 cause he is very particular in whom he receives, and only gentle- 
 men are admitted. It is more like a private club than any thing 
 else I can compare it to, and I passed some of my pleasantosl time 
 in America at his establishment, and never bid farewell to him or 
 his sons, or the company, without regret. There are some hotels 
 in New York upon the English system : the Globe is the best, and 
 I always frequented it;* and there ia an excellent li'rench restaur 
 rateur's (Delnaonico's.) 
 * The Americans are apt to boast that they have not to pay for civk 
 Utj, as we do in England, by feeing waitersj coachmen, &c. In somQ 
 Of course, where the population and trnflic are prcat, nnd tlio 
 truvellciH who pass throu|i,'h numerous, the hotels are lupfro and 
 {jood; where, on the contrary, the ro.id is lesB and less frequented, 
 bo d*^' they decrease in importance, sizo, nnd r«.>8pectability, until 
 you .rive at the farni-liouso entertainment of Virf,Mnia and Ken- 
 tucky; the grocery, or mere ffrog:-shop, ( r the loff-liDUse of tho 
 Far West. The way-side inns are remarkable for their uniformity; 
 the furniture of the bar-room is invariably the same: a wooden 
 ch)ck, map of the United States, map of the State, the Declaration 
 of Independence, a lookinfj-jjlass, with a hair-bruah and comb hanf»- 
 ing" to it by etrinfjs, pro bono publico;*' sometimtis with the extra 
 embellishment of one or two miserable pictures, such as General 
 Jackson scramblinjr upon a horse, with fire or steam cominjif out of 
 his nostrils, goingr to the battle of New Orleans, «fcc. &.C. 
 lie wlio is of the silver-fork school, will not fmd much comfort 
 out of the American cities and largo towns. There are no neat, 
 quiet little inns, as in Enj^land. It is all the "rough and tumble" 
 tjystcm, and when you stop at humble inna you must expect to eat 
 peas with a two-pronged fork, and to sit down to meals with people 
 whose exterior is any thing but agreeable, to attend upon yourself, 
 and to sleep in a room in which there are three or four other beds ; 
 (I have slept in one with nearly twenty,) most of I'.iem carrying 
 double, even if you do not have a companion in your own. 
 A New York friend of mine travelling in an Extra with his fa- 
 mily, told me that at a western inn he iiad particularly requested 
 that he might not have a bcd-fellow, and was promised that he 
 should not. On his retiring, he found his bed already occupied, and 
 he went down to the landlady, and expostulated. " Well," replied 
 ehc, " 
 is a sou 
 I muf 
 of eat in; 
 respects this is true, but in the cities the custom has V)ccomc very pre- 
 valent, A man who attends a larffc dinner-table, will of course pay 
 more attention to tiiosc who jjivo liim something', than to those who 
 do not; one gives him sninclhing, and another, if he wishes for attcn- 
 lion and civility, is obliged to do the same thing'. In some of the 
 hotels at New York, and in the principal cities, you not only must 
 fee, but you must fee much higher than you do in England, if you 
 want to be comfortable. 
 *If I am rigiitly informed, there are very unpleasant cutaneous dis- 
 eases to wiiieli the Americans are subject, from the continual use of 
 the same brush and comb, and from sleeping together, &,c., but it is a 
 general custom. At Philadelphia, a large ball was given, (called, I 
 think, the Fireman's Ball,) and at which about 1,500 people were pre- 
 sent, all the fashion of rhiladelphia; yet even here there were six 
 combs, and six brushes, placed in a room with six looking-glasses for 
 the use of aW the gentlemen. An American has come into my room in 
 New York, an sans ctrimonie taken up my hair-brush, and amused 
 himself with brushing his head. They are certainly very unrefined in 
 the toilet as yet. When I was travelling, on my arrival at a city I 
 ojMined my dressing case, and a man passing by my room when tho 
 door was open, attracted by the glitter, I presume, came in and looked 
 at the apparatus which is usually contained in such articles — " Pray, 
 Sir," said he, " are you a dentist?" 
 iJoilcd C 
 t, and tlio 
 lur^rc and 
 ility, until 
 luul Ken- 
 use of iho 
 a wooden 
 t)rnl) hanjT- 
 llie extra 
 8 General 
 liiifj out of 
 :lj comtort 
 3 no neat, 
 J tumble" 
 ►ect to eat 
 ith people 
 n yourself, 
 Iher beds ; 
 I carrying 
 ith his fa- 
 d that he 
 |upicd, and 
 1," replied 
 very pre- 
 ourse pay 
 tliosc who 
 for attcn- 
 me of the 
 only must 
 nd, if you 
 ncous die- 
 ual use of 
 but it is a 
 (called, I 
 were pre- 
 were six 
 glasses for 
 ly room in 
 d amused 
 refined in 
 t a city I 
 when the 
 nd looked 
 -" Pray, 
 Bho, " it's only your own driver ; I thought you wouldn't mind 
 him !" 
 Another {jcntleman told mc, that havinjf arrived nt n place called 
 Snake's Hollow, on fbo MissisHippi, the hetl waH niach? on the kit- 
 chen-floor, and the w olo family and travellers, ainountin;; in oil to 
 Hcvcfiloen, of all nfjcs and both sexes, turned into the Hurno bod nl- 
 to;jctlinr. Of course this must be expected in a new country, and 
 is a source of amusrrnnnt, rather thnn of annoyance. 
 I must now enter into a very important ([ucstion, which is tint 
 ofeatiufjand drinK f. Mr. ('oopor, in his rt'iiiarks upon lii.>; own 
 countrymen, says, very ill-naturedly — "The Americans are the 
 ijropscst feeders of any civilized nation known. Ah a nation, tI»oir 
 food is heavy, course, and imli;;ostibIe, while it is taken in the least 
 artificial forms that cookery will allow. The; predominance of 
 fjrease in the American kitchen, coupled with the habits of hearty 
 eating-, and of constant expectoration, are the causes of the diseases 
 of the stotnacli which are so common in America." 
 This is not correct. The cookery in the United States is exact- 
 ly what it is and must he every where else — in a ratio witlitliede- 
 prce of relinement of the population. In the principal cities, you 
 will meet with as fjfood cuokery in private houses as you will in 
 London, or even I'aris; indeed, considering the i^rcat ditlicnlty 
 which the Americans have to contend with, from the almost impos- 
 tiibility of ohtainiiif'' f;ood servants, I have often bc^en surfirised that 
 it is so 200(1 as it is. At Delmonico's, and the (Jlobo Hotel at Xew 
 York, where you dine from the Carte, you have excellent Freiicli 
 cookery; so you have at Astor IIouho, ])articularly at private par- 
 tics; and, irrnerally spcukinq', the cookinij at all the larixe hotids 
 may bo t-aid to he f^ood ; indeed, when it is Cf)nsi(ler(Ml that the Ame- 
 rican tabIe-(l'liot(^ lias to provide for tn> many people, it is (juite siir- 
 prisiniT how well it is done, 'i'he daily dinner, at these larijo ho- 
 tels, is infinitely superior to any I have ever sat down to at \hv. j»th- 
 lic entertainments p-iven at the Free-Masons' Tavern, and oiber,-^ 
 in London, and the eompany \a usually more numerous. Tlie bill 
 of thro of the table-d'hole oftlie Astor House is printed rvcnj d<nj, 
 I have one with me which I shall here insert, to prove that the eat- 
 ing is not so bad in America as described by Mr. Cooper. 
 AsToa IToL'SE, Wednesday, March 21, 1838. 
 Tailed' HiAc. 
 Vcrniicplli Soup 
 iJoilcd Cot! Fish and Oysters 
 Do. Corn\l Bcof 
 Do. llatn 
 Do. Tonp;uc 
 Do. Turkey and Oysters 
 Do. Chickens and Pork 
 Do. Leg of Mutton 
 Oyster Pie 
 Caisse dc Poulct Sauce Tomate 
 Poitrinc do Vcau au Blanc 
 Saladc dc Volaille 
 Ballon dc Mouton an Tomate 
 TCte dc Vcau en Marinade 
 Casscrollc dc Pomme dc Torre 
 Compote dc Pigeon 
 Rollcau dc Vcau a la Jardiniere 
 Cotellettes dc Vcau Saute 
 Filet dc Moonton Pique aux Og- 
 Rondc dc Bceuf 
 Fricandeau de Vcau aux Epi- 
 Cotclcttcs dc Mouton Panee 
 JVIacarnni au Parnicean 
 Koast Beef 
 Do. Piff 
 Do. Veul 
 t)o. Leu of Mutton 
 Roast Goose 
 Do. Turkey 
 Roast Chickens 
 Do. Wild Ducks 
 Do. Wild Goose 
 Do. (iuiiiea Fowl 
 Roast Brandt 
 Queen Pudding 
 Mince Pie 
 Cream Putfs 
 ' '■ 
 I 'I! '' 
 ll (•' 
 There are some trifling points relative to eating whicli I shali 
 not remark upon until I speak of Guciety, as they will there he bet- 
 ter placed. Of course, as you advance into the country, and po- 
 pulation recedes, you run tiirou^rh all the scale of cookery until 
 you come to the ^^corn bread, and common doiniis,^'' (i. e. bread 
 made of Indian meal, and fat pork,) in the far West. In a new 
 •country, pork is more easily raised than any other meat, and the 
 Americans eat a great deal of pork, which renders the cooking in 
 •the small taverns very greasy; witii the excepti(jn of the Virginian 
 farm taverns, where they fry chickens without grease in a way 
 which would be admired by Ude hiniself; but this is a State receipt, 
 handed down from generation to generation, and called chicken 
 fixings. The meat in America istqual to the best in En;;land ; 
 JMiss Martineau does indeed say that she never ate good beef during 
 the whole time she was in this country; but she also says that an 
 American stage-coach is the most dei'.oiitful of all conveyanccp, 
 and a great rnr.ny other things, whicli I may lierealbr quote, to 
 prove tiie idiosyncracy of the lady's dit^position; so we will let that 
 pass, W'ilh the observati(jn that there is no accounting l()r taste. 
 The American markets in the cities are well supplied. I have 
 been in the game market, at New York, and seen at (.ne time near- 
 ly three hundred head of doer, with quantities of bear, rackoons, 
 wild turkies, geese, ducks, and every variety of bird in countless 
 pruiijsion. Ber.r I abominate ; rackoon is pretty good. The wild 
 turkey is excellent; but the great delicacies in America are the 
 terrapin, and the canvas-back ducks. To like the fir.^t I consider as 
 rather an acquired taste. I decidedly prefer the turtle, which are 
 to be had in plenty, all the year round; but tlie canvas-back duck 
 is certainly well worthy of its reputation. Fish is well supplied. 
 They have the sheep's head, shad, and one or tw^o others, which we 
 have not. Their f^almon is not equal to ours, and they have no tur- 
 bot. Pine-apples, and almost all the tropical fruits, are hawked 
 about in carts in the Eastern cities; but I consider the fruit of the 
 temperate zone, such as grapes, peaches, &.c., inferior to the Eng- 
 Jish. Oysters are very plentiful, very large, and, to an English pa- 
 late, rather insipid. As the Americans assert that the English and 
 French oysters taste of copper, and that therefore they cannot eat 
 them, I presume they do; and that's the reason why we do not like 
 the American oysters, copper being better than no flavour at all. 
 I think, after this statement, that the English will agree with me 
 that there are plenty of good things for the table in America; but 
 the old proverb says, "God sends meat, and the devil sends cooks;" 
 moup, and 
 that man} 
 The sm 
 juice, mi.\ 
 drink, a v 
 dollars a ( 
 fills up, if 
 to the pop 
 but, where 
 ra, which 
 land. Th 
 which r'\\. 
 tastvjd goc 
 price of w 
 a trifling t 
 There are 
 be certain 
 even fortj 
 House, to 
 serted. E 
 best Made 
 [ curious fro 
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 licli I shall 
 lere he bet- 
 Iry, and po- 
 )<)kt ry until 
 (i. c. bread 
 In a new 
 at, and the 
 cookinnf in 
 e Virginian 
 I in a way 
 Late receipt, 
 ed chicken 
 1 Eii;:land ; 
 bctf iJuring- 
 ays tfiat an 
 r quote, to 
 I'il! let that 
 fj lor taste. 
 d. I have 
 lime near- 
 , rackoonf!, 
 1 countless 
 The wild 
 ca are the 
 coMsider as 
 which are 
 Kick duck 
 which we 
 ive no tur- 
 e hawked 
 ruit of the 
 the Eng- 
 njrlish pa- 
 nglish and 
 ;annot eat 
 o not like 
 • at all. 
 J with me 
 rica; but 
 Is cooks;" 
 and such is, and unfortunately must be the case for a long while, 
 in ii?oat of the houses in America, owing to the difficulty of obtain- 
 ing, or kee,.ing servants. But I must quit the subject of eating, 
 for one of much more importance in America, which is that of 
 I always did consider that the English and the Swiss were the 
 two nations who most indulged in potations; but on my arrival in 
 the United States, I found that our descendants, in this point most 
 assuredly, as they fain would be thought to do in all others, sur- 
 passed us altogether. 
 I-npartiality compels me to acknowledge the truth ; we must, in 
 this instance, submit to a national defeat. There are many causes 
 for this: first, the heat of the climate, next the coldness of the cli- 
 mate, then the changeableness of the climate; add to these, the 
 cheapness of liquor in general, the early disfranchisement of the 
 youth from all j^aroiital control, the temptation arising from the bar 
 and association, and, lastly, the pleasantness, amenity, and variety 
 of the potations. 
 Reasons, therefore, arc as plentiful as blackberries, and habit be- 
 comes second nature. 
 To run up the whole catalogue of the indigenous compounds in 
 America, from " iced water" to a " stone fence," or "streak of 
 lightning," would fill a volume; Ishall first speak of foreign impor- 
 The Port in America is seldom good ; the climate appears not to 
 agree with the wine. The quantity of Champagne drunk is enor- 
 mous, and would absorb all the vintage of France, were it noi 
 that many hundred thousand bottles are consumed more than are 
 The small state of New Jersey has the credit of supplying the 
 American Champagne, which is said to be concocted out of turnip 
 juice, mi.xed with brandv -Mid honey. It is a pleosant and harmless 
 drink, a very good imitation, and may be purchased at six or seven 
 dollars a dozen. I do not know what we shall do when America 
 fills up, if the demand for Champagne should increase in proportion 
 to the population ; we had better drink all we can now. 
 Claret, and the other French wines, do very well in America, 
 but, where the Americans beat us out of the field is in their Madei- 
 ra, which certainly is of a quality which we cannot procure in Eng- 
 land, rhis is owing to the extreme heat and cold of the climate, 
 which ripens this wine; indeed, I may almost say, that I never 
 tastjd good Madeira, until I arrived in the United States. The 
 price of wines, generally speaking, is very high, considering what 
 a trifling duty is paid, but the price of good Madeira is surprising. 
 There are certain brands, which if exposed ''.o public auction, will 
 be certain to fetch from twelve to twenty, .md I have been told 
 even forty dollars a bottle. I insert a list of the wines at Astor 
 House, to prove that there is no exaggeration in what I have as- 
 serted. Even in this list of a tavern, the reader will find that the 
 best Madeira is as high as twelve dollars a bottle, and the list is 
 curious from the variety which it offers. 
 i tl 
 i( I 
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 But the Americans do not confine themselves to foreign wines 
 or liquors; they have every variety at home, in the shape of com- 
 pounds, such as mint-julep and its varieties; slings in all their va- 
 rieties; cock-tails, — but I really cannot remember, or if I couW, it 
 would occupy too much time to mention the whole battle array 
 against one's brains. I must, however, descant a little upon the 
 mint-julep; as it is, with the tliormomctor at 100°, one of the most 
 delightful and insinuating potations that ever was invented, and 
 may be drank with equal satisfaction when the thermometer is as 
 low as 70". There are many varieties, such us those composed of 
 Claret, Madeira, &c. ; but the ingredients of the real mint-julep 
 are as follows. I learnt how to make them, and succeeded pretty 
 well. Put into a tumbler about a dozen sprigs of the tender shoots 
 of mint, upon them put a spoonful of white sugar, and squal pro 
 portions of peach and common brandy, so as to fill it up one third, 
 or perhaps a little les-s. Then take rasped or pounded ice, and fill 
 up the tumbler. Epicures rub the lips of the tumbler with a piece 
 of fresh pine-apple, and the tumbler itself is very often incrustcd 
 outside with stalactites of ice. As the ice melts, you drink. I 
 once overheard two ladies talking in the next room to me, and one 
 of them said, " Well, if I liave a weakness for any one thing, it is 
 lor a mint-julep — '' a vt;ry amiable weakness, and proving iier good 
 sense and good taste. They are, in fact, like tlie American ladies, 
 The Virginians claim the merit of having invented this su- 
 perb compound, but 1 must disjinte it f()r my own country, although 
 it has been forgotten of bite. In tiie tinief; of Charles i. and If. it 
 must have been known, fur Milton expressly rei'ers to it in his Co- 
 rn us: — 
 " ]3cliold the cordiii] julep here 
 AV'iiich iluints and dunces in its crj'stal bounds 
 Willi spirits o\' iulni und frafrra7)t si/rups mixed. 
 Not that NciK'ntlies, wliicii the wile ol'Tlioac 
 In Egypt gave to Jove-born Helena 
 Is of such power to stir vip joy like this, 
 To life so iriendly, or so cud to ^•.i/■s<." 
 I ^j ^H 
 If that don't mean mint-julep, I don't know the English language. 
 The following lincy, however, which I found in an American 
 newspaper, dates its origin very lar back, even to the period when 
 the heathen gods were not at a discount as tliey are now. 
 " 'Tis said that the gods, on Olympus of old, 
 (And who, the bri§;lit legend profanes, with a doubt,) 
 One night, 'mid their revels, by Bacchus were told 
 That his last butt of nectar had somewhat run out! 
 r r ■ 
 But determined to send round the goblet once more^ 
 They sued to the fairer immortals for aid 
 marryat's diary. 
 In composing a draught which, till drinking were o'er, 
 Should cast every wine ever drank in the shade. 
 Grave Ceres liersclf blithely yielded her corn, 
 And the spirit that lives in each ambcr-hued grain, 
 And which first had its birth from the dews of the morn, 
 Was tauglit to steal out in bright dew drops again. 
 Pomonn, whose choicest of fruits on the board, 
 Were scattered profusely in every one's reach. 
 When called on a tribute to cull from the board. 
 Expressed the mild juice of the delicate peach. 
 The liquids were mingled while Venus looked on 
 With glances so fraught with sweet magical power, 
 Tiiat the honey of Ilybia, e'eu when they were gone. 
 Has never been missed in the draught from that hour. 
 Flora, then, from her bo:?om of fragrancy shook, 
 And wilii roseate fingers pressed down in the bow 
 All dripping and fresh as it came from the brook, 
 Tiic iicrb who:-'e aroma should flavour the whole. 
 The draught was delicious, each god did exclaim, 
 Tliough something yet wanting tliry all did bewail, 
 Cut Ji'i.F.rs the drink of immortals beeaiue, 
 When Jove himself added a handful of hail." 
 I have nipntionod the principal causes to which must bo assiirncd 
 the propensity to drink, so universal in America. This is an unde- 
 niable fact, asserted by every other writer, acknowledged by the 
 Americans themselves in print, and proved by the labours of their 
 Temperance Societies. It is not confined to the lower classes, but 
 pervades the whole mass: of course, where there is most refinement, 
 there is less intoxication, and in the Southern and Western States, 
 it is that the custom of drinking^ is most prevalent. 
 I have eaid that in the American hotels there is a parlour for the 
 ladies to retire to: there is not one for the gentlemen, who have 
 only the reading-room, where they stand and read tiie papers, which 
 are laid out on desks, or the bar. 
 Tlie bar of an American hotel is generally a very large room on 
 the basement, fitted up very much like our gin palaces in London, 
 not so elegant in its decorations indeed, but on the same system. 
 A long counter runs across it, behind which stand two or three bar- 
 keepers to wait upon the customers, and distribute the various 
 potations, compounded from the contents of several rows of bottles 
 behind them. Here the eye reposes on masses of pure crystal ice, 
 large bunches of mint, decanters of every sort of wine, every variety 
 of spirits, lemons, sugar, bitters, segars and tobacco; it really makes 
 one feel thirsty, even the going into a bar.* Here you meet every 
 body and every body meets you. Here the senator, the member of 
 Congress, the merchant, the store-keeper, travellers from the Far 
 • Erery steam-boat has its bar. The theatres, all places of public 
 amusement, and even the capitol itself, as I have observed in my Diarj. 
 West, ar 
 chase g( 
 is no dri 
 would a 
 to retire 
 the most 
 that thci 
 cohol, an 
 drink wi 
 with a St 
 Mr. A, 
 you r'— ' 
 Touch g 
 sling, am 
 you r—' 
 — what 
 tail."— '• 
 down on 
 Then ] 
 my frienc 
 the acqui 
 a julep. 
 Mr. A. y 
 — drink. 
 Now, ] 
 fair samp 
 They s 
 a dinner. 
 If you m 
 ance, yoi 
 is hot; th 
 drink am 
 early in 
 early in 1 
 To use 1 
 long to tl 
 "it's vei 
 So mu 
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 10 assiirncn 
 s an iinde- 
 red l)y the 
 rs of their 
 lasses, but 
 3rn States, 
 Dur f(.)r the 
 who liave 
 ers, which 
 e room on 
 n London, 
 le eystem. 
 three bar- 
 He various 
 of bottles 
 rystal ice, 
 ry variety 
 illy makes 
 leet every 
 tiember of 
 n the Far 
 s of public 
 my Diary. 
 West, and every other part of the country, who have come to pur- 
 chase goods, all congregate. 
 Most of them have a eegar in their mouth, some are transacting 
 business, others conversing, some sitting down together whispering 
 confidentially. Hcreyouobtain all the news, all the scandal, all the 
 ^olitics, and all the tim; it is this dangerous propinquity, which 
 occasions so much intemperance. Mr. Head has no bur at the 
 Mansion-House in Philadelphia, and the consequence is, that thero 
 is no drinking, except wine at dinner; but in all the other hotels, it 
 would appear as if they purposely allowed the frequenters no room 
 to retire to, so that they must be driven to the bar, which is by far 
 the most profitable part of the concern. 
 The consequence of the bar being the place of general resort, is, 
 that there is an unceasing pouring out, and amulgamation of al- 
 cohol, and other compounds, from morning, to late at night. To 
 drink with a friend when you moot him is good follovvship, to drink 
 with a stranger is politeness, and a proof of wishing to be better 
 Mr. A. is standing at the bar, enter B. " My dear B, how are 
 you?"— "Quite well, and you ]"—" Well, what shall it bo ]"— 
 " Well, I don't care — a gin sling." — " Two gin slings, Bar-keepor." 
 Touch glasses, and drink. Mr. A. has hardly swallowed his gin 
 slino", and replaced his segar, when, in comes Mr. D. *' A. how are 
 you?" — ''Ah! D, how goes it on with you ?" — " Well, I thankey 
 — what shall we have J" — Well, I don't care ; I say brandy cock- 
 tail." — "Give me another," both drink, and the shilling is thrown 
 down on the counter. 
 Then B. comes up again. "A. you must allow me to introduce 
 my friend C." — " Mr. A."— shake hands — "Most happy to make 
 the acquaintance. J trust I shall have the pleasure of drinking 
 something with you ?" — " With great pleasure, Mr. A., I will take 
 a julep. Two juleps, bar-keeper." — " Mr. C. your good health — 
 Mr. A. yours; if you should come our way, most happy to see you," 
 Now, I will appeal to the Americans themselves, if this is not a 
 fairsaniple of a bar-room. 
 They say that the English cannot settle anything properly, without 
 a dinner. I am sure the Americans can fix nothing, without a drink 
 If you meet, you drink; if you part, you drink; if you make acquaint- 
 ance, you drink ; if you close a bargain you drink ; they quarrel in 
 tlieir drink, and they make it up with a drink. They drink, because it 
 is hot; they drink because it is cold; If successful in elections, they 
 drink and rejoice; if not, they drink and swear; — they begin to drink 
 early in the morning, they leave oflTlate at night; they commence it 
 early in life, and tiiey continue it, until they soon drop mto the grave. 
 To use their own expression, the way they drink, is "quite a 
 caution."* As for water, what the man said, when asked to be- 
 long to the Temperance Society, appears to be the general opinion, 
 " it's very good for navigation." 
 So much has it become the habit to cement all friendship, and 
 * It was not a bad idea of a man who,.genera>]]y speaking, was very 
 bw-Bpirited,,on. being asked th& cause,, regliedvthat he did not knovr,, 
 - f ; 
 commence acquaintance by drinking, that it is a cause of serious of- 
 fenco to refuse, especially in a foreigner, as the Americans like to call 
 the English. I was always willing to accommodate the Americans 
 in this jyarticular, as tiir as I could; (there at least, they will do me 
 justice;) that at tunes I drank much more than I wished is certain, 
 yet still I gave mo^t serious offence, especially in the West, be- 
 cause I would not drink early in the morning, or before dinner, 
 which is a general custom in the States, although much more pre- 
 valent in the South and West, where it is literally, "Stranger, 
 will you drink or fight 1" This refusal on my part, or rather ex- 
 cusing myself from drinking with all tjjose who were introduced to 
 n»e, was eventually the occasion of much disturbance and of great 
 animosity towards me — certainly, most unreasonably, as I was in- 
 troduced to at least twenty every forenoon ; and had I drunk with 
 them all, I should have been in the same state as many of them 
 were — that is, not really sober for three or four weeks at a time. 
 That the constitutions of the Americans must suffer from this 
 habit is certain ; they do not, however, appear to suffer ^so much 
 as we should. They say that you may always know the grave 
 of a Virginian; as fnim the quantity of juleps he has drunk, mint 
 invariably springs up where ho has been buried. Ijut the Vir- 
 ginians are not the greatest drinkers, by any means. 1 was once 
 looking for an Aniorican, and asked a friend of his, where I should 
 find i)im. " Why," replied he, poin'ing to an hotel opposite, " thai 
 is his li('/ihii>- place, (a term borrowed from deer roi^orling to lick 
 the salt:) we will rcc if he is there." lie was not; the bar-keep- 
 er said ho Iind Icfi about trn minutes. " Well, then, you had bet- 
 ter remain hero, ho is certain to be bock in ten more — if not sooner." 
 The American judged his friend rightly ; in five minutes he was 
 back again, and we had a drink together, of course. 
 I did not see it myseli", but I was told that somewhere in Mis- 
 souri, or thereabouts, west of the Mis-^sissippi, all the bars have what 
 they term a kichiug-boanU it being the custom with the people 
 who live there, instead of touching glasses when they drink to- 
 gether, to kick sharply with the side of the foot against the board, 
 and that after this coremony you are sworn friends. I have had it 
 mentioned to me by more than one person, therefore I presume it is 
 the case. What the origin of it is I know not, unless it intends to 
 imply, "I'm your's to the last kick.''''* 
 i3efore I finish this article on hotels, I may as well observe here 
 that there is a custom in the United States, which I consider very 
 demoralizing to the women, which is that of taking up permanent 
 residence in large hotels. 
 but he thought "that he had been born with three drinlis too little in 
 * In a chapter which follows this, I have said that the women of 
 America are physically superior to the men. This may appear contra- 
 dictory, as of course they could not be born so; nor are they, for I have 
 often remarked how very fine the American male children are, especi- 
 ally those lads who have grown up to the age of fourteen or sixteen. 
 Que could hardly belifve it possible that tt\e men are the same youths^ 
 very earl 
 dant exp( 
 than to k 
 taining s( 
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 ciety, arij 
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 "The I 
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 " I have 
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 sence of a 
 taste, are 1 
 and cares ( 
 their wivei 
 from the i 
 advanced ii 
 pose that it 
 thrown ofl 
 young mer 
 mulusof dr 
 I Americans, 
serious or- 
 ^vill du inc 
 is certain, 
 West, be- 
 >re dinner, 
 more pre- 
 rather ex- 
 rod uccd to 
 1 of jjreat 
 I was in- 
 runk witli 
 y of tliern 
 at a time, 
 from this 
 ' ,so much 
 tlio jirave 
 link, mint 
 ; the Vir- 
 wiis once 
 e I should 
 site, " that 
 niT to lick 
 bar- keep- 
 had bel- 
 li sooner." 
 s he was 
 in Mis- 
 uvo what 
 10 people 
 drink to- 
 le board, 
 ve had it 
 ;ume it is 
 ntends to 
 rve here 
 ider very 
 > Utile in 
 omen of 
 \r contra- 
 br I have 
 ?, especi- 
 [* sixteen, 
 le youtb&<. 
 There are gcveral reasons for this: one is, that people marry so 
 very early that they cannot afford to take a house with the atten- 
 dant expenses, for in America it is cheaper to live in a large hotel 
 than to keep a house of your own ; another is, the difficulty of ob- 
 taininjr servants, and, perhaps, the unwillinnrness of the women to 
 have the fatigue and annoyance which is really occasioned by an 
 establishment in that country : added to which is the want of so- 
 ciety, arising from their husbands being from morning to night plod- 
 ding at their various avocations. At some of the principal hotels 
 you will find the apartments of the lodgers so permanently taken, 
 that the plate with their name engraved on it is fixed on the door. 
 I could almost tell whether a lady in America kept her own esta- 
 blishment or lived at an hotel, the difference of manners was so 
 marked ; and, what is worse, it is chiefly the young married couples 
 who are to be found there. jVIiss Martineau makes some very just 
 comments upon this practice : — 
 •' The uncertainty about domestic service is so great, and the 
 economy of boarding-house life so tempting to people w!io have not 
 provided themselves.with house and furniture, that it is not to be 
 wondered at that many young married people use the accommoda- 
 tion provided. But no sensible husband, who could beforehand be- 
 come acquainted with the liabilities incurred, would willingly ex- 
 j pose his domestic peace to the fearful risk. 1 saw enough when I 
 " saw the elegantly dressed ladies repair to the windows of the com- 
 mon drawing-room, on their husbands' departure to the counting- 
 house afler breakfast. 
 *' I have been assured that there is no end to the difficulties in 
 which gentlemen have been involved, both as to their commercial 
 ■ and domestic affairs, by the indiscretion of their thoughtless young 
 wives, amidst the idleness and levities of boarding-house life. As 
 for the gentlemen, they arc much to be pitied. Public meals, a 
 noisy house, confinement to one or two private rooms, with the ab- 
 \ sence of all gratifications of their own peculiar convenience and 
 taste, are but a poor solace to the man of business, after the toils 
 and cares of the day. When to these are added the snares to which 
 their wives are exposed, it may be imagined that men of sense and 
 refinement would rather bear with any domestic inconvenience 
 from the uncertainty and bad quality of help, than give up house- 
 * keeping." 
 advanced in Vifb. How is this to be accounted for? I can only sup- 
 pose that it is fVom their plunging* too early into life as men, having 
 thrown off parental control, and commencing the usual excesses of 
 young men in every country at too tender an age. The constant sti- 
 mulus of drink must, of course, be another powerful cause; not that the 
 Americans often become intoxicated, on the contrary, you will see 
 many more in this condition every day in this country than you will in 
 America. But occasional intoxication is not so injurious to the consti- 
 tution as that continual application of spirits, which must enfeeble the 
 , stomach, and, with the assistance of tobacco, destroy its energies. The 
 I Americans are a drinking but not a drunken nation, and, as I have be- 
 jfcse observed, the climate operates upon tliemvety powerfully. 
 t ■ 
 'i ^ 'I 
 'I! I 
 ;'.■, - J 
 i<i' '' 
 i«i 1': 
 If such is the case in boardings liousos, what must it be in hotels, 
 where the male company is ever changinnr. It is one constant lile 
 of scandal, flirting', eating, drinkinnr, and living in public; the senae 
 of delicacy is destroyed, and the women remind you of the flowers 
 that have been breathed upon till they have lost their perfume. 
 Miss M. observes : — 
 "I can only say, that I unavoidably knew of more cases of lapse 
 in highly respectable families in one State than ever came to my 
 knowledge at home; and that they were got over with a disgrace 
 far more temporary and superficial than they could have been visi- 
 ted with in Knglond." 
 If this observation is correct, it must, in my opinion, be consider- 
 ed as referring to that portion of the sex who live in holelSf cer- 
 tainly not to the mass, for reasons which I shall hereafter point 
 Indeed, what I have seen at pome of the large hotels fully bears 
 out her assertion. Miii^s M. talks of young ladies being token to 
 the piano in a promiscuous company. I have seen them go to the 
 piano without being taken there, sit down and sing with all the 
 energy of peacocks, before total strangers, and very often without 
 accompaniment. In the hotels, the private apartments of the 
 boarders seldom consivSt of more than a large bed-room, and although 
 company are admitted into it, still it is natural that the major por- 
 tion of the women's time should be passed down below in the ge- 
 neral receiving room. In the evening, especially in the large 
 western cities, they have balls almost every night; indeed it is a 
 life 01 idleness and vacuity of outward pretence, but of no real good 
 Scandal rages — every one is busy with watching her neighbour's 
 affairs ; those who have boarded there longest take the lead, and 
 every new comer or stranger is canvassed with the most severe 
 scrutiny ; their histories are ascertained, and they are very often 
 cent to Coventry, for little better reason tlian the will of those who, 
 as residents, lay down the law. 
 Indeed, I never witnessed a more ridiculous compound of pre- 
 tended modesty, and real want of delicacy, than is to be found with 
 this class of sojourners on the highway. Should any of their own 
 sex arrive, of whom some little scandal has been afloat, they are up 
 in arms and down they plump in their rocking-chairs; and although 
 the hotel may cover nearly an acre of ground, so afraid are they of 
 contamination, that they declare they will not go down to dinner, 
 or eat another meal in the hotel, until the obnoxious parties "clear 
 out." The proprietors are summoned, husbands are bullied, and, 
 rather than indignant virtue should starve in her rocking-chair, a 
 committee is formed, and the libelled parties, guilty or not guilty, 
 ore requested to leave the hotel. As soon as this purification is an- 
 nounced, virtue, appeased, recovers her appetite, and they all eat 
 drink, talk scandal, flirt, and sing without invitation as before. 
 I have been severe upon this class of society in America, not only 
 because I consider that it deserves it, but because I wish to point 
 out that Miss Martineau^s observations must be considered as re- 
 ferring to it, and not to the general character of the American womeok 
 In this 
 United S 
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marryat'8 diary. 
 I * V. 
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 the flowers 
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 ties "clear 
 Lillied, and, 
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 ley all eat 
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 an womeik 
 In this chapter I shall confine myself to the omigrntion to tlio 
 United States, reserving that to Canada until I remark upon that 
 colony. In discussing this (lucstion I have no statistics to refer to, 
 and must, therefore, confine myself to general observations. 
 What the amount of emigration from the Old Continent to Uio 
 United States may be at present I tlo not think the Atnericans Ihem- 
 fiolves can tell, as many who arrive at New York go on to the Ca- 
 nadas. The emigrants arc, however, principally English, Irish, and 
 Cicrman ; latterly, the emigration to New South Wales, Now Zea- 
 land, and particularly Texas, has reduced the inllux of emigrants 
 to the United Slates. 
 It ought to be pointed out, that among the emigrants arc to bo 
 found the portion of the people in the United States the most disat- 
 focted and the most violent against England and itsmonarchic.il in- 
 stitutions; and who as-sist very much to keep up the feelings of dis- 
 like and ill-will which exist towards us. Nor is this to be won- 
 dered at; the linppy and the wealthy do not go into exile; they are 
 mostly disap|)ointe(l and unhappy men, who attribute their misfor- 
 tunes, otlen occasioned by their own imprudence, to any cause but 
 the true one, and hate their own country and its in.stitutions because 
 they have been unfortunate in it. They form Utopian ideas of li- 
 berty and prosperity to bo obtained by emigration; they discover 
 that they have been deceived, and would willingly, if possible, re- 
 turn to the country they have abjured, and the friends they have left 
 behind. This produces an increase of irritation and ill-will, and 
 they become the more violent vituperative in proportion as they 
 feel the change."" 
 I have had many conversations with English emigrants in the 
 United States, and I never yet found one at all respectable, who did 
 not confess to me that he repented of emigration. One great cause 
 of this is honourable to them; they feel that in common plain-deal- 
 ing they are no match for the keen-witted, and I must add unprin- 
 cipled, portion of the population with which they are thrown in 
 contact. They must either sacrifice their principle or not succeed. 
 * I was once conversing with one who was fiM'nicrly very popular 
 with the dcmoorats, but who was likely to be outset by anotiicr dema- 
 gogue, who " went the whole hog," down to the Agrarian system. 
 "Captain," said he, witli his fist clenched, " I'm the very personifica- 
 tion of democracy, but I'm out-Herodcd by this fellow. The emigrants 
 are a pack of visionaries, who don't know what they want. The born 
 Americans I can deal with, but witli these new comers democracy is 
 not sufficient; they want a mobocracy, and I suppose we must have 
 it."— "You have it now," replied I. — "Well, captain, I believe you're 
 Nit y 
 1 i 
 1 , 
 Many have used the samo expression to mo. "It is no u^e, sir, 
 you must cither turn regular Yankee and do as they do, or yuu have 
 no chance offsetting on in this country." 
 These people are much to bo pitied ; I used to listen to them with 
 feelings of deep compassion. Having torn thcnisclvos away from 
 old ascjooiatioiis, and broken the links which should have bound tlicoi 
 to their native soil, with the expectation of finding librirty, cciuali- 
 ty, and competence in a new country, they have discovered when 
 too late that they have not a fraction of the liberty which is en- 
 joyed in the country which they have left; that they have severed 
 themselves from their friends to live amongst those with whom tliey 
 do not like to agaociate; that they must now labour with tiicir own 
 hand.s instead of employing others; and tiiat the comptitoiico they 
 expected, if it is to be obtained, must bo so by a sncnlice of those 
 principles of honesty and fair-dealing imbibed in their youth, ad- 
 hered to in their manhood, but which now that they have trans- 
 planted themselves, are gradually, although unwillingly, yielded up 
 to the circumstances t)f llieir position. 
 I was once conversing with an Irishman ; he was not very well 
 pleased with his change; I laughed r.t him, and said, " IJiit here 
 you arc free, Paddy." — "Free!" replied lie, "and pray who the 
 devil was to buy or sell me when I was in Ireland .' Free! uch ! 
 that's all talk; you're free to work ns hard as a lior=c, and get but 
 little for so doing." 
 The (ierman emigrants are by far the nost contented and well- 
 behaved. They trouble themselves less about politics, associate 
 with one another as much as possible, and when they take a farm, 
 always, if they possibly can, get it in the neighbourliood of their 
 own countrymen. 
 The emigrants most troublesome, but, at the same time, the most 
 valuable to tlio United States, are the Irish. Without this class of 
 people the Americans wou'd not have been able to complete tlie 
 canals and rail-roads, and many other important works. Tliey are, 
 in fact, the principal labourers of the country, tor the poor Germans 
 who come out prefer being employed in any other way than in agricul- 
 ture, until they amass sufficient to obtain farms of their own. As 
 for the Irish, there are not many of them who possess land in the 
 United Stales, the major portion of them remain labourt rs, and die 
 very little better off than when they went out. Some v)f them set 
 up groceries (these are the most calculating and intelligent,) and 
 by allowing their countrymen to run in debt for liquor, &c. they 
 obtain control over them, and make contracts with the government 
 agents, or other speculators (very advantageous to themselves,) to 
 supply so many men for public works; by these means a tew ac- 
 quire a great deal of money, while the many remain in compara- 
 tive indigence. 
 We have been accustomed to ascribe the turbulence of the Irish 
 lower classes to ill-treatment and a sense of their wrongs, but this 
 disposition appears to follow them every where. It would be sup- 
 posed that, having emigrated to America and ol tained the rights 
 of citizens, they would have amalgamated and fraternized to a cer- 
 tain degree with the people: but such is not the case; they hold 
 in the m 
 and citHti 
 of the Ui 
 fact is, ll 
 leaders ii 
 ful as a p 
 (if I rec 
 their viol 
 farther, b 
 force, by 
 one ward 
 election I 
 An An 
 United S 
 The Nev 
 York elec 
 oflen can 
 ence upor 
 New Yor 
 The Iri 
 — they be 
 put in the 
 A capta 
 relative to 
 are more ( 
 He con? 
 if they wc 
 that they I 
 to produce 
 fight their 
 clared thai 
 seized his 
 The Irishr 
 sumed, thi 
 captain jei 
 boat," cri( 
 All my mc 
 fore it san 
 up in it, u 
 captain na 
 about one 
 ment, com 
 prepared i 
 • Idon'i 
 10 UjiO, sir, 
 r you liavo 
 Ihctn vvilli 
 away from 
 loiuul tlicm 
 •ty, C(iu:i.i- 
 crcd when 
 hicli 13 cn- 
 vc severed 
 ^vliorn they 
 1 tiicir own 
 tonco they 
 ce of tlioso 
 youth, ad- 
 lave trans- 
 yielded up 
 r very well 
 '' But here 
 ly w!io the 
 [■'roe 1 och ! 
 iid <ret but 
 I and wel'- 
 f, tissociatc 
 lUo a farm, 
 od of their 
 ', the most 
 lis class of 
 nplcto the 
 'J'hoy are, 
 r (ierinans 
 dwu. As 
 nd in the 
 rs, and die 
 them set 
 gent,) and 
 , &c. they 
 selves,) to 
 a tew ac- 
 ' the Irish 
 , but this 
 id be sup- 
 Ihe rights 
 * to a cer- 
 they hold 
 'thcmscUes completely apart and distinct, livincf with their families 
 in the same (juartcr of the city, and adherm;; to their own inanncra 
 and cuHtom.H. Thoy are Just as little pleased with the institutions 
 of the rjnitcd States as they are with the {»overnment at home; the 
 tact is, that they would prefer no fjovcrnmcnt at all, if (as l*addy 
 himself would say) they knew where to find it. They are the 
 ? leaders in all the political rows and commotions, and very powcr- 
 H ful as a party in all elections, not only on account of their numbcra 
 (if I recollect ritjhtly, they muster 4(),(KH) at New Vork,) hut by 
 their violence preventinjr other people from coming to the poll ; and, 
 farther, by multiplying themselves, so as greatly to increase their 
 force, by voting several times over, whicli they do by going from 
 one ward to another. I was told by one of them that, on the last 
 election he had voted seven times.* 
 An American once said to me that the lower Irish ruled the 
 United States, and he attempted to prove his assertion as follows: 
 The New York election is carried by the Irish ; now the New 
 York election has great influence upon the other elections, and 
 otlen carries the State. The State of New York has great influ- 
 ence up(m the elections of other Statcp, and therefore the Irish of 
 New York govern the country. — Q. E. 1). 
 The Irish, in one point, appear to improve in the United States 
 — they become much more provident, and many of them hoard their 
 ■ money. They put it into the Savings Banks, and when they have 
 y put in the sum allowed by law to one person, they deposite in other 
 A captain of one of the steam-boats told me an anecdote or two 
 relative to the Irish emigrants, by which it would appear that they 
 are more saving of their money than is quite consistent with tio- 
 He constantly received them on board, and said that sometimes, 
 if they were very few, they would declare at the end of the trip 
 that they had no money, although when detained they never failed 
 to produce it; if they were very numerous they would attempt to 
 tight their way without paying. In one instance, an Irishman de- 
 clared that he had no money, when the captain, to punish him. 
 seized his old jacket, and insisted upon retaining it tor payment. 
 The Irishman suffered it to be taken olf, expecting, it is to be pre- 
 sumed, that it would be returned to him as valueless, when the 
 captain jerked it overboard. " Oh ! murder ! — captain, drop th» 
 boat," cried Paddy; "pick my jacket up, or I'm a ruined man. 
 All my money's in it" The jacket was fortunately picked up be-> 
 fore it sank, and, on ripping it up, it was found to contain, sewedi 
 up in it, upwards of fitly sovereigns and gold eagles. The same 
 captain narrated to me the particulars of one instance in which 
 ^ about one hundred Irish were on board, who when asked for pay- 
 ^ ment, commenced an attack upon the captain and crew with< their 
 bludgeons; but, having before experienced such attempts, he was 
 prepared for them, and receiving assistance from the thote^ the 
 * I donH know why, but there b no scrutiny of th^iwtes in Ameri- 
 can elections, or if there be, I never heard of one bejor made.. 
 * ul 
 ! - 
 ■ f 
 ¥'■' I 

 ii 111 
 Irishmen were worsted, and then every man paid his fare. Th6 
 truth is that they are very turbulent, and the lower orders of the 
 Americans are very much enraged against them. On the 4th of 
 July there were several bodies of Americans, who were out on the 
 look'Out for the Irish, atler dark, and many of the latter were severe- 
 ly beaten, if not murdered ; the Irish, however, have to thank them* 
 selves for it. 
 The spirit of the institutions of the States is so opposed to ser- 
 vitude, that it is chiefly from the emigrants that the Americans 
 obtain their supply of domestics; the men servants in the private 
 houses may be said to be, with few exceptions, either emigrants of 
 free people of colour. Amongst other points upon which the Ame- 
 ricans are to be pitied, and for which the most perfect of theoreti- 
 cal governments could never compensate, is the misery and annoy-* 
 ance to which they ere exposed from their domestics. They are 
 absolutely slaves to them, especially in the western free States; 
 there are no regulations to control them. At any fancied affront 
 they leave the house without a moment's warning, putting on their 
 hats or bonnets, and walking out of the street-door, leaving their 
 masters and mistresses to get on how they can. I remember when 
 I was staying with a gentleman in the west, that, on the first day 
 of my arrival, he apologized to me for not having a man servant, 
 the lellow having then been drunk for a week ; a woman had been 
 hired to help for a portion of the day, but most of the iaoour fell 
 upon his wife, whom I found one morning cleaning my room. 
 The fellow remained ten days drunk, and then (all his money be- 
 ing spent) sent to his master to say that he would come back on 
 condition that he would give him a lirtle more liquor. To this 
 proposition the gentleman was compelled to assent, and the man 
 returned as if he had conferred a favour. The next day, at dinner^ 
 there being no porter up, the lady said to her husband, " Don't 
 send ■ ' " ■ for it, but go yourself, my dear; lie is so very cross 
 again that I fear he will leave the house." A lady of my acquaint- 
 ance in New York told her coachman that she should give him 
 warning; the reply from the box was — '♦ I reckon I have been too 
 long in the woods to be scared with an owl." Had she noticed 
 this insolence, he would probably have got down from the box, and 
 have left her to drive her own cattle. The coloured servants are, 
 generally speaking, the most civil; after thern the Germans; the 
 Irish and English arc very bad. At the hotels, &c. you very often 
 find Annericans in subordinate situations, and it is remarkable that 
 when they are so, they are much more civil than the imported 
 servants. Few of the American servants, even in the large cities, 
 understeiifi their business, but it must be remembered that few of 
 them have ever learnt it, and, moreover, tljey are expected to do 
 three times as mivcb as a servant would do in an English house. 
 The American ihouses are much too large ^)r the nutWber of ser- 
 vant s.Cimployed) iwhich is aQotlier cau«e for service* bciiig' so much 
 It ts,tMii|;uiar that I have not found in any one book, written by 
 English, French, or German travellers, any remarks made upon a 
 cust;^ \vh]ic^iibe:kAnNeNCliA8rl)ave offlhnoatfCiDtirdyrlieviiii^' I roaf 
 £ay, in the ^MKmcoA of niheiri houses^ r«niI.-wbich'^T0QcMn»n«d4^ 
 their difficulties in housekeeping with their insufficient domestic 
 establishments. I say custom nf the Americans, as it is the case 
 in nine houses out of ten; only the more wealthy travelled, and 
 refined portion of the community in their cities deviating from the 
 general practice. 
 I have before observed that, from the wish of display, the Ame- 
 rican houses are generally speaking, too larjre for the proprietors 
 and for the domestics which are employed. Vying with each other 
 in appearance, their recei""j;i; ''~)ms are splendidly furnished, but 
 they do not live in them. 
 The basement in the front area, which with us is usually appro- 
 priated to the housekeeper'g-room and offices, is in most of their 
 houses fitted up as a dining-room; by no means a bad plan, as it is 
 cool in summer, warm in winter, and saves much trouble to the 
 servants. The dinner is served up in it, direct from the kitchen, 
 with which it communicates. The master of the house, unless he 
 dines late, which is seldom the case in American cities, does not 
 oflen come home to dinner, and the preparations for the family are of 
 course not very troublesome. But although they go on very well 
 in their daily routine, to give a dinner is to the majority of the 
 Americans really an effort, not from the disinclination to give one, 
 but from the indifference and ignorance of the servants ; and they 
 may be excused without being taxed with want of hospitality. It 
 is a very common custom, therefore, for the Americans to invite 
 you to come and *' take wine " with them, that is to come afler din- 
 ner, when you will find cakes, ices, wine, and company, already 
 prepared. But there is something unpleasant in this arrangement; 
 it is too much like the bar of the tavern in the west, with — " Stran- 
 ger, will you drink 1" It must, however, be recollected that there 
 are many exceptions to what I have above stated as the general 
 practice. There are houses in the principal cities of the States 
 where you will sit down to as well-arranged and elegant a dinner 
 as you will find in the best circles of London and Paris; but the 
 proprietors are men of wealth, who have in all probability been on 
 the old continent, and have imbibed a taste for luxury and refine- 
 ment generally unknown and unfelt in the new hemisphere. 
 I once had an instance of what has been repeatedly observed by 
 other travellers of the dislike to be considered as servants in this 
 land of equality. 
 I was on board of a steam-boat from Detroit to Buffalo, and en- 
 tered into conversation with a young woman who was leaning over 
 the taffrail. She had been in service, and was returning home. 
 "You say you lived with Mr. VV." 
 ♦'No, I didn't," replied she, rather tartly; "I said I lived witli 
 Mrs. W." 
 *' Oh ! I understand. In what situation did you live 1" 
 "I lived in the house." 
 "Of course you did, but what asl" 
 " What as] As a gal should live.'* 
 "I mean what did you do?" 
 " F helped Mrs. VV." 
 "And now you are tired of helping others T" 
 " Guess I am." 
 ••Who is your father]" 
 " He's a doctor." 
 "A doctor 1 and he allows you to go out?" 
 "He said I might please myself." 
 " Will he be pleased at your coming home again 1" 
 " I went out to please myself, and I come home to please nr.yself. 
 Cost him nothing fur four months; that's more tlian all gals can say. 
 *' And now you're going home to spend your money ]" 
 " Don't want to go home for that, it's all gone." 
 I have been much amused with the awkwardness and noncha- 
 lant manners of the servants in America. Two American ladies 
 who had just returned from Europe, told me that shortly after their 
 arrival at Boston, a young man had been sent to them from Vermont 
 to do the duty of footman. He had been a day or two in the house, 
 when they rang the bell and ordered him to bring up two glasses 
 of lemonade. He made his appearance with the lemonade, which 
 had been prepared and given to him on a tray by a female servant, 
 but the ladies, who were sitting one at each end of a sofa and con- 
 versing, not being ready for it just then, said to him — "We'll take 
 it presently, John." — "Guess I can wait," replied the man, delibe- 
 rately taking liis seat on the sofa between them, and placing the 
 tray on his knees. 
 When I was at Tremont House, I was very intimate with a fa- 
 mily who were staying there. One morning we had been pasting 
 something, and the bell was rung by one of the daughters, a very 
 fair girl with flaxen hair, who wanted some water to wash her 
 hands. An Irish waiter answered the bell. " Did you ring, ma'am 1" 
 — " Yes, Peter, I want a little warm water." "Is it to shave with, 
 miss]" inquired Paddy, very gravely. 
 But the emigration from the old continent is of little importance 
 compared to the migration which takes place in the country itself 
 As I have before observed, all America is working west. In the 
 north, the emigration by the lakes is calculated at 100,000 per an- 
 num, of which about 30,000, are foreigners; the others are the na- 
 tives of New England and tlie other eastern States, who are ex- 
 changing from a sterile soil to ono "flowing with milk and honey." 
 But those who migrate are not all of them agriculturalists; *he 
 western States are supplied from the north-eastern with their mer- 
 chants, doctors, schoolmasters, lawyers, and, I may add, with their 
 members of congress, senators, and governors. New England is a 
 school^ a sort of manufactory of various professions, fitted tor all pur- 
 )K)ses — a talent bazaar, where you have every thing at choice; in 
 fact, what Mr. Tocquevillo says is very true, and the Stales fully 
 deserve the compliment : — 
 " The civilization of New England has been like a beacon lit 
 upon a hill, which, after it has difliised its warmth around, tinges 
 the distant horizon with its glory." 
 From the great extent of this emigration to the west, it is said 
 that the female population in the New England states is greater 
 than the male. In the last returns of Massachusetts the total popu- 
 lation was given, but males and females were not given separately, 
 an omission which induces one to believe that such was the truth."^ 
 « it 
 The young men of New England migrate in large numbers to 
 But it 
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 than men i 
marryat^s diary. 
 ease ir.yself. 
 ?als can say. 
 and noncha- 
 ;rican ladies 
 y after their 
 Qm Vermont 
 n the house, 
 two glasses 
 nade, which 
 lale servant, 
 ofa and con- 
 ' We'll take 
 man, delibe- 
 placing the 
 e with a fa- 
 leen pasting 
 ters, a very 
 wash her 
 ig, ma'am 1" 
 shave with, 
 untry itself, 
 est. In the 
 000 per an- 
 are the na- 
 Nho are ex- 
 and honey." 
 ralists; *he 
 1 their mer- 
 with their 
 Ingland is a 
 for all pur- 
 choice; in 
 States fully 
 beacon lit 
 und, tinges 
 it, it is said 
 is greater 
 total popu- 
 the truth.* 
 numbers to 
 But it is not only from the above States that the migration takes 
 place; the fondness for ** shifting right away," the eagerness for 
 speculation, and the by no means exaggerated reports of the rich- 
 ness of the western country, induce many who are really well set- 
 tled in the States of New York, Pennsylvania, and other fertilo 
 States, to sell all and turn to the west. The State of Ohio alone is 
 supposed to have added many more than a million to her population 
 since the last census. An extensive migration of white population 
 takes place from North and South Carolina and the adjacent States, 
 while fiom the eastern Slave States, there is one continual stream 
 of black population pouring in, frequently the cavalcade headed by 
 the masters of their families. 
 As the numerous tributary streams pour their watery into the 
 Mississippi, so do rivers of men from every direction continually 
 and unceasingly How into the west. It is indeed the promised land, 
 and that the whites should have been detainf'd in the eastern States 
 so long without a knowledge of the fertile soil beyond the AUegha- 
 nies, reminds you of the tarrying of the Jewish nation in the wil- 
 derness before they were permitted to take possession of their inhe- 
 Here there is matter for deep reflection. I have already given 
 my opinion upon the chances of the sepantion of the northern and 
 Soutbern.States upon the question of slavery; but it appears to me, 
 that while the eyes of their legislators have been directn.! with so 
 much interest to the prospects arising from the above question, that 
 their backs have been turned to a danger much more imminent,, 
 and which may bo attended by no less consequences than a convul- 
 sion of the whole Union. 
 The Soutiiern and Northern States may separate on the question 
 of slavery, and yet be in reality better friends than ihey were be- 
 fore : but what will be the consequence, when the Western States 
 become, as they assuredly will, so populous and pov/erful, as to 
 control the Union; for not only population, but power and wealth,, 
 are fust working their way to the west. New Orleans will be the 
 first maritime port in the universe, and Cincinnati will not only bo 
 the Queen of the West, but Queen of the Western World. Then 
 will come the real clashing of interests, and the Eastern States 
 must be content to succumb and resign their present power, or tl»e 
 Western will throw thenn off, as an useless appendage to her might. 
 This may at present appear chimerical to some, and would be con- 
 sidered by many others as too far distant; but be it remembered, 
 that ten years in America, is as a century; and even allowing the 
 prosperity of the United States to be checked, as very probably it 
 may soon be, by any quarrel with a foreign nation, the Western 
 Slates will not be those who will suffer. Far remavcd from strife, 
 the population hardly interfered with, when the Eastern resources 
 are draining, Mey will continue to advance in population, and to 
 increase in wealth. I refer not to the Slave States bordering oa 
 tlie west, leaving an over proportion of female population, . the amount 
 of which I ne\^cr cculd learn. Statements were made to me, but so iur 
 credible that I withhold Uxcm. Suffice it, that there were more womeu 
 than men in from six to nine Slates in the Union.^" — Mii». Mortineav^ 
 if ' il 
 If 'r 
 II ^'i 
 the Mississippi, although I consider that they would suffer little 
 from a war, as neither England, nor any other nation, will ever be 
 80 unwise in future as to attack in a quarter, where she would 
 have extended the olive branch, even if it were not immediately 
 accepted. Whether America is engaged in war, therefore, or re- 
 mains in peace, the Western States must, and will soon be the arbi- 
 ters, and dictate as they please to the Eastern. 
 At present, they may be considered as infants, not yet of age, 
 and the Eastern States are their guardians; the profits of their pro- 
 duce are divided between them and the merchants of the Eastern 
 cities, who receive at least thirty per cent, as their share. This 
 must be the case at present, when the advances of the Eastern 
 capitalists are required by the cotton growers, who are precisely in 
 the same position with the Eastern States, as the West India plant- 
 ters used to be with the merchants of London and Liverpool, to 
 whom they consigned their cargoes for advances received. But the 
 Western States (to follow up the metaphor) will soon be of age, 
 and no longer under control : even last year, vessels were freighted 
 direct from England to Vicksburg, on the Mississippi; in a few 
 years, there will be large importing houses in the far West, who 
 will have their goods direct from England at one half the price 
 which they now pay for them, when forwarded from New York, by 
 canal, and other conveyances.* Indeed, a very little inquiry will 
 prove, that the prosperity of the Eastern free States depends in a 
 great measure upon the Western and Southern. The Eastern 
 States are the receivers and transporters of goods, and the carriers 
 of most of the produce of the Union* They advance money on the 
 crops, and charge high interest, commissions, &c. The transport 
 and travelling between the Eastern, Southern, and Western 
 States, are one great source of this prosperity, from the employ- 
 ment on the canals, rail roads, and steam boats. 
 All these are heavy charges to the Western States, and can be 
 avoided by shipping direct from, and sending their produce direct 
 to, the Old Continent. As the Western States advance in wealth, 
 so will they advance in power, and in proportion as they so do, will 
 the Eastern States recede, until they will be lefl in a small mino- 
 rity, and will eventually have little voice in the Union. 
 Here, then, is a risk of convulsion ; for the clashing of interests, 
 next to a war, is the greatest danger to which a democracy can be 
 exposed. In a democracy, every one legislates, and every one legis- 
 lates for his own interests. The Eastern States will still be 
 wealthy and formidable, from their population ; but the commerce 
 of the principal Eastern cities will decrease, and they will have 
 little or no staple produce to return to England, or elsewhere ; 
 whereas the Western States can produce every thing that the 
 heart of man can desire, and can be wholly independent of them. 
 They have, in the West, every variety of coal and mineral, to a 
 boundless extent; a rich alluvial soil, hardly to> be exhausted by 
 bad cultivation, and wonderful facilities of transport; independent | 
 * To give the reader some idea of the price of European articles in 
 the Western country, I will mention cloth. A coat which costs jC4 
 in England, is chb-'ed £1. IQs. at New York; and at Cincinnati, iu 
 the West» upwards oif JCIO. 
 yet of age, 
 )f their pro- 
 the Eastern 
 liare. This 
 he Eastern 
 precisely in 
 India plant- 
 liverpool, to 
 ed. But the 
 be of age,, 
 re freighted 
 ; in u few 
 West, who 
 If the price 
 ;w York, by 
 inq^uiry will 
 spends in a 
 'he Eastern 
 the carriers 
 bney on the 
 le transport 
 d Western 
 he ennploy- 
 and can be 
 iduce direct 
 } in wealth, 
 r so do, will 
 small mino- 
 )f interests, 
 racy can be 
 ^ one legis- 
 ill still be 
 ' will have 
 jlsewhere ; 
 ig that the 
 It of them. 
 ncral, to a 
 lausted by 
 articles in 
 h costs jC4 
 neinnati, ia 
 of the staple produce of cotton, they might supply the whole world 
 with grain; sugar they already cultivate; the olive flourishes; 
 wine is already produced on the banks of the Ohio, and the prospect 
 of raising silk is beyond calculation. In % few days, the manufac- 
 tures of the Old World can find their way from the mouth of the 
 Mississippi by ita thousand tributary streams, which run like veins 
 through every portion of the country, to the confines of Arkansas 
 and Missouri, to the head of navigation at St. Peter's, on again to 
 Wisconsin, Michigan, and to the northern lakes, at a much cheaper 
 rate than they are supplied at present. 
 One really is lost in admiration when one surveys this great and 
 glorious Western country, and contemplates the splendour and 
 riches to which it must ultimately arrive. 
 As soon as the Eastern States are no longer permitted to remain 
 the factors of the Western, they must be content to become manu- 
 facturing states, and probably will compete with England. The 
 Western States, providentially, I may say, are not likely to be ma- 
 nufacturers to any great extent, for they have not water powers; 
 the valley of the Mississippi is an alluvial flat, and although the 
 Missouri and Mississippi are ewift streams, in general the rivers are 
 sluggish, and, at all events, they have not the precipitate falls of 
 water necessary for machinery, and which abound in the North- 
 eastern States; indeed, if the Western States were to attempt to 
 manufacture^ as well as to produce, they would spoil the market 
 for their own produce. Whatever may be the result, whether the 
 Eastern States submit quietly to be shorn of their greatness, (a 
 change which must take place,) or to contest the point until it ends 
 in a separation, this is certain, that the focus of American wealth 
 and power will eventually be firmly established in the Free States 
 on the other side of the Alleghany mountains 
 Ma. TocQUKViLLE observes, " that not a single individual of the 
 twelve millions who inhabit the territory of the United States has 
 as yet dared to propose any restrictions upon the liberty of the 
 press." This is true, and all the respectable Americans acknow- 
 ledge that this liberty has degenerated into a licentiousness which 
 threatens the most alarming results; as it has assumed a power, 
 which awes not only individuals, but the government itself. A due 
 liberty allowed to the press, may force a government to do right, 
 but a licentiousness may compel it into error. The American au- 
 thor, Mr. Cooper, very justly remarks : " It may be taken as a rule, 
 that without the liberty of the press there can be no popular liber- 
 ty in a nation, and without its licentiousness, neither public hones- 
 ty, justice^ or a proper regard for character. Of the two, perhaps, 
 that people is the happiest which is deprived altogether of a free 
 press, as private honesty and a healthful tone of the public miad 
 ! li 
 . I I i 
 h I' 
 i I'! 
 •J J! 
 arc not incompatible with narrow institutions, though neither can 
 exist under the corrupting action of a licentiousness press." 
 And again — 
 •• As the press of this country now exists, it would seem to be c.: 
 pressly devised by the great agent of mischief, to depress and de< 
 «troy all that is good, and to elevate and advance all that is evil in 
 the nation. The little truth which is urged, is usually urged 
 coarsely, weakened and rendered vicious by personalities, while 
 those who live by falsehoods, fallacies, enmities, partialities, and the 
 Cichemes of the designing, find the press the very instrument that 
 devils would invent to effect their designs." 
 A witty, but unprincipled statesman of our own times, has said, 
 that "speech was bestowed on man to conceal his thoughts;" 
 judging from its present condition, he might have added — " tho 
 press, in America, to pervert truth,^^ 
 But were I to quote the volumes of authority from American and 
 English writers, they would tire the reader. Tho above are for 
 the present quite sufficient to establish the fact, that the press in 
 the United States is licentious to the highest possible degree, and 
 defies control; my object is to point out the effect of tlii? despotism 
 upon society, and to show how injurious it is in every way to tho 
 cause of morality and virtue. 
 Of course, the newspaper press is the most mischievous, in con- 
 sequence of its daily circulation, the violence of political animosity, 
 and the want of respectability in a large proportion of the editors. 
 The number of papers published and circulated in Great Britain, 
 among a population of twenty-six millions, is calculated at about 
 three bundrec' and seventy. The nu'nber published in tlie United 
 States, among thirteen millions, are supposed to vary between nine 
 and ten thousand. Now the value of newspapers may be fairly 
 calculated by the capital expended upon them; and not only is not 
 one-quarter of the sum expended in England, npon three hundred 
 and seventy newspapers, expended upon the nine or ten thousand 
 in America; but I really believe that the expense of the 'Times' 
 newspaper alone, is equal to at least^j;e</to?/««n/iof the minor pa- 
 pers in the United States, which are edited by people of no literary ' 
 pretension, and at an expense so trifling as would appear to us not 
 only ridiculous, but impossible. As to the capabilities of the ma- 
 jority of the editors, let the Americans speak for themselves. 
 " Every wretch who can write an English paragraph (and many 
 who cannot,) every pettifogger without practice, every one whose 
 poverty or crimes have just left him cash or credit enough to pro- 
 cure a press and types, sets up a newspaper." 
 Again — 
 " If you be puzzled what to do with your son, if he be a born 
 dunce, if reading and writing be all the accomplishments he can 
 acquire, if he be horribly ignoraiit and depraved, if he be indolent 
 and an incorrigible liar, lost to all shame and decency, and incurably 
 dishonest, make a newspaper editor of him. Look around you, and 
 see a thousand successful proofs that no excellence or acquirement,, 
 moral or intellectual, is requisite to conduct a press. The mens 
 defective an editor is, the better he succeeds. We could give a 
 thousand instances." — Boston News, 
 in man} 
 80 cheqi 
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 > ( 
 These are the assertions of the Americans, not my own ; that 
 in many instances they are true, I have no doubt. In a country 
 so chequered as the United States, such must be expected; but I can 
 also assert, that there are many very highly respectable and clever 
 editors in the United Slates. The New York papers are mostof them 
 very well conducted, and very well written. The New York Courier 
 and Enquirer, Colonel Webb; the Evening Star, by Noah; the Albion, 
 by Doctor Bartlett; Spirit of the Times, and many others, which 
 are too numerous to quote, are equal to many of the English news- 
 papers. The best written paper in the States, and the happiest in 
 its sarcasm and wit, is the Louisville Gazette, conducted by Mr. 
 Prentice of Kentucky; indeed, the western papers, are, generally 
 speaking, more amusing and witty than the eastern; the New Or- 
 leans Picayune, by Kendall, is perhaps, after Prentice's, the most 
 amusing; but there are many more, which are too numerous to 
 mention, which do great credit to American talent. Still the ma- 
 I jority are disgraceful not only from their vulgarity, but from their 
 1 odious personalities and disregard to truth. The bombast and ig- 
 norance shown in some of these is very amusing. Here is an ex- 
 . tract or two from the small newspapers published in the less popu- 
 I lous countries. An editor down East, speaking of his own merits, 
 ! thus concludes — 
 " Pm a real catastrophe — a small creation ; Mount Vesuvius at 
 the top, with red hot lava pouring out of the crater, and routing 
 nations — my fists are rocky mountains — arms, whig liberty poles, 
 with iron springs. Every step I take is an earthquake — every 
 blow I strike is a clap of thunder — and every breath I breathe 
 is a tornado. My disposition is Dupont's best, and goes off at a 
 flash — when I blast there'll be nothing left but a hole three feet 
 in circumference and no end to its depth." 
 Another writes the account of a storm as follows : — 
 "On Monday afternoon, while the haymakers were all out 
 gathering in the hay, in anticipation of a shower from the small 
 cloud that was seen hanging over the hilly regions towards the 
 .;• south-east, a tremendous storm suddenly burst upon them, and 
 # forced them to seek shelter from its violence. The wind whistled 
 ' outrageously through the old elms, scattering the beautiful foli- 
 age, and then going down into the meadow, where the men had 
 just abruptly \eft their work unfinished, and overturning the half- 
 made ricks, whisked them into the air, and filled the whole after- 
 noon full of hay." 
 " 1 copied the following from a western paper: 
 *' Yes, my countrymen, a dawn begins to open upon us; the cre- 
 pusculous rays of returning republicanism are fast extending over 
 the darkness of our political horizon, and before their brightness, 
 those myrmidons shall slink away to the abode of the demons who 
 have generated them, in the hollow caves of darkness." 
 Again — 
 "Many who have acquired great fame and celebrity in the 
 world, began their career as printers. Sir William Blackstone, 
 the learned English commentator of laws, was a printer by trade. 
 King Charles III. was a printer, and not unfrequently worked at 
 the trade after he ascended the throne of England." 
 - ii- 
 • n 
 ! 1 
 'i . 
 Charles III. of England was I do not know,'as he is not yet 
 mentioned in any of our histories. 
 The most remarkable newspaper for its obscenity, and total dis- 
 regard for all decency and truth in its personal attacks, is tho 
 Morning Herald of New York, published by a person of the nam 
 of Bennett, and being published in so largo a city, it affords a con- 
 vincing proof with what impunity the most licentious attacks upon 
 private characters are permitted. But Mr. Bennett is suigenerh 
 and demands particular notice. He is indeed a remarkable man. 
 a species of philosopher, who acts up to his tenets with a mora 
 courage not often to be met with in the United States. His maxim 
 appears to be this — -" Money will find me every thing in this world, 
 and money I will have, at any risk, except that of my life, as, if 1 
 lost that, the money would be useless." Acting upon this creed. 
 he has lent his paper to the basest and most malignant purposes, to 
 the hatred of all that is respectable and good, defaming and invent- 
 ing lies against every honest man, attacking the peace and happi- 
 ness of private families by the most injurious and base calumny. 
 As may be supposed, he has been horse-whipped, kicked, trodden 
 under foot, and spat upon, and degraded in every possible way; but 
 all this he courts, because it brings money. Horse-whip him, and 
 he will bend his back to the lash, and thank you, as every blow is 
 worth so many dollars. Kick him, and he will remove his coat 
 tails, that you may have a better mark, and he courts the applica- 
 tion of the toe, while he counts the total of the damages which he 
 may obtain. Spit upon him, and he prizes it aa precious ointment, 
 for it brings him the sovereign remedy for his disease, a fever for 
 The day after the punishment, he publishes a full and particular 
 account of how many kicks, tweaks of the nose, or lashes he may 
 have received. He prostitutes his pen, his talent, every thing for 
 money. His glory is, that he has passed the rubicon of shame; and 
 all he regrets is, that the public is at last coming to the unanimous 
 opinion, that he is too contemptible, too degraded, to be even 
 touched. The other, and more respectable editors of newspapers, 
 avoid him, on account of the filth which he pours forth ; like a pole- 
 cat, he may be hunted down ; but no dog will ever attempt to worry 
 him, as soon as he pours out the contents of his foetid bag. 
 It is a convincing proof of the ardent love of defamation in this 
 country, that this modern Thersites, who throws the former of that 
 name so immeasurably into the back ground, has still great sway 
 over men in office; everyone almost, who has a character is afraid 
 of him, and will purchase his silence, if they cannot his good 
 During the crash at New York, when even the suspicion of in- 
 solvency was fatal, this miscreant published some of the most re* 
 spectable persons of New York as bankrupts, and yet received no 
 punishment. His paper is clever, that is certain; but I very much 
 doubt if Bennett is the clever man — and my reason is this, Bennett 
 was for some time in England, and during that time the paper, so 
 far from falling oflT, was better written than before. I myself, be- 
 fore I had 
 '^wretch, ai 
 email note 
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 I attacks upon 
 s sui generis 
 larkable man. 
 with a moral 
 His maxim 
 in this world, 
 y life, as, if i 
 )n this creed, 
 t purposes, to 
 g and invent- 
 ze and happi- 
 )ase calumny. 
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 f shame; and 
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 lation in this 
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 great sway 
 Iter is afraid 
 ot his good 
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 he most re- 
 received no 
 very much 
 his, Bennett 
 ie paper, so 
 myself, be- 
 ore I had been six weeks in the country, was attacked by this 
 retch, and, at the same time, the paper was sent to me with this 
 mall note on the margin : — " Send twenty dollars, and it shall be 
 topped " — " I only wish you may get it," said I to myself.* 
 Captain Hamilton, speaking of the newspaper press in Amcricai 
 ays — 
 " In order to form a fair estimate of their merit, I read newspa- 
 ers frum all parts of the union, and found them utterly contemp- 
 iblc, in point of talent, and dealing in abuse so virulent, as to ex- 
 cite a feeling of disgust, not only with the writers, but with the 
 ubiic which afforded them support. Tried by this standard — and 
 know not how it can be objected to — the moral feeling of this 
 people must be estimated lower than in any deductions from other 
 circumstances I have ventured to rate it." 
 In the following remarks, also, I most cordially agree with him. 
 " Our newspaper and periodical press is bad enough. Its sins 
 figainst propriety cannot be justified, and ought not to be defended. 
 }3ut its violence is meekness, its liberty restraint, and even its atro- 
 ijcities are virtues, when compared with that system of brutal and 
 ferocious outrage which distinguishes the press in America. In 
 %Ingland, even an insinuation against personal honour is intolerable. 
 jA hint — a breath — the contemplation even of a possibility of tarnish 
 •—such things are sufficient to poison the tranquillity, and, unless 
 met by prompt vindication, to ruin the character of a public man; 
 but in America, it is thought necessary to have recourse to other 
 Aveapons. The strongest epithets of a ruffian vocabulary are put in 
 It may be asked, how is it possible that an " enlightened nation " 
 ca* permit such atrocity. It must be remembered, that newspapers 
 are vended at a very low price throughout the States, and that the 
 support of the major portion of them is derived from the ignorant 
 and lower classes. Every man in America reads his newspaper^ 
 and hardly any thing else; and while he considers that he is assist- 
 ing to govern the nation, he is in fact, the dupe of those who pull 
 the strings in secret, and by flattering his vanity, and exciting his 
 worst feelings, make him a poor tool in their hands. People are 
 too apt to imagine that the newspapers echo their own feelings; 
 when the fact is, that by taking in a paper, which upholds cerlair> 
 opinions, the readers are, by daily repetition, become so impressed 
 with these opinions, that they have become slaves to them. I have 
 before observed, that learning to read and write is not education* 
 and but too often is the occasion of the demoralization of those, who 
 might have been more virtuous and more happy in tlieir ignorance. 
 |The other day when I was in a steam-vessel, going down to Graves- 
 end, I observed a foot-boy sitting on one of the benches — he was 
 ,])robably ten or eleven years old, and was deeply engaged in reading 
 |a cheap periodical, mostly confined to the lower orders of this coan- 
 '|try called the Penny Paul Pry. Surely it had been a blessing to 
 * Some of the invented caluinniea against me found their way to this 
 juntry. I consider the contents (tf this chapter to be a stifficientre. 
 'utationt not only of what has been, but of what will in all probability 
 ~ hereafter asserted against me by the American press. 
 ^H <l 
 . i 
 ■ : Jii 
 the lad, if he had never learnt to read or write, if he confined his 
 studies, as probably too many do, from want of farther leisure, to such 
 an immoral and disgusting publication. 
 In a country where every man is a politician, and flatters himself 
 that he is assisting to govern the country, political animosities must 
 of course bo carried to the greatest lengths, and the press is the 
 vehicle for party violence; but Captain Hamilton's remarks are so 
 forcible, and so correct, that I prefer them to any I could make my- 
 " The opponents of a candidate for office, are generally not con- 
 tent with denouncing his principles, or deducing from the tenor of 
 his political life, grounds for questioning the purity of his motives. 
 They accuse him boldly of burglary or arson, or at the very least, 
 of petty larceny. Time, place ana circumstances, are all stated. 
 The candidate for Congress or the Presidency, is broadly asserted to 
 have picked pockets, or pocketed silver spoons, or to have been guil- 
 ty of something equally mean and contemptible. Two instances of 
 this, occur at this moment to my memory. In one newspaper, a 
 member of Congress was denounced as having feloniously broken 
 open a scrutoire, and having thence stolen certain bills and bank- 
 notes; another was charged with selling franks at twopence a 
 piece, and thus coppering his pockets at the expense of the public." 
 But let me add the authority of Americans. Mr. Webster, in his 
 celebrated speech on the public lands, observes in that powerful 
 and nervous language for which he is so celebrated: — "It is one 
 of the thousand calumnies with which the press teemed, during an 
 excited political canvass. It was a charge, of which there wae 
 not only no proof or probability, but which was, in itself, wholly im- 
 possible to be true. No man of common information ever believed 
 a syllable of it. Yet it was of that class of falsehoods, which by 
 continued repetition, through all the organs of detraction and abuse, 
 are capable of misleading those who are already far misled, and of 
 farther fanning passion, already kindled into flame. Doubtless, it 
 served in its day, and, in greater or less degree, the end designed 
 by it. Having done that, it has sunk into the general mass of stale 
 and loathed calumnies. It is the very cast-off slough of a polluted 
 and shameless press." And Mr. Cooper observes—" Every honest 
 man appears to admit that the press in America is fast getting to be 
 intolerable. In escaping from the tyranny of foreign aristocrats, 
 we have created in our bosoms a tyranny of a character so insup- 
 portable^ that a change of some sort is getting indispensable to 
 Indeed, the spirit of de&mation, so rife in America, is so inti- 
 mately connected with its principal channel, the press, that it ia 
 impossible to mention one, without the other, and I shall, therefore, 
 at once enter into the question. 
 Defamation is the greatest curse in the United States, and 
 its effects upon society I shall presently point out It appears 
 to be inseparable from a democratic form of government, and 
 must continue to flourish ia it, until it pleases the Supreme 
 to change the hearts of men. When Aristides inquired of the 
 CQUQtrynwn, who requested him to write down hie own name oa 
 rs himself 
 ilies must 
 ess is the 
 ks are so 
 nake my- 
 r not con- 
 I tenor of 
 ery least, 
 tU stated, 
 sscrted to 
 been guil- 
 stances of 
 /spa per, a 
 ly broken 
 md bank- 
 opence a 
 e public." 
 iter, in his 
 ' It is one 
 luring an 
 hero was 
 rbolly im- 
 ' believed 
 which by 
 ind abuse, 
 d, and of 
 ubtless, it 
 ss of stale 
 I polluted 
 ry honest 
 ting to be 
 so iTtsup- 
 snsable to 
 i SO inti- 
 that it is 
 Ktes, and 
 ; appears 
 lent, and 
 i of the 
 Cnn oysler-tthell, what cause of complaint he had ajTainsl Aris- 
 lides; the reply pivcn was, " I have none; except, tlr.it I do not 
 like to hear him always called the Just.*^ So it is with the free 
 und enlightened citizens of America. Let any man rise above 
 his fellows by superior talent, lot him hold a consistent, honest 
 career, and he is exalted only into a pillory, to be pelted at, and be 
 defiled with ordure. False accusations, the basest insinuations, 
 are industriously (Mrculated, his public and private character 
 are equally aspersed, truth is wholly disregarded : even those 
 who have assisted to rnise him to his pedestal, as soon as they 
 perceive that he has risen too high above tliem, are equally in- 
 tlustrious and eajrer to drnjr him down again. Defamation exists 
 ull over the world, but it is incredible to what an extent this 
 vice is carried in America. It is a disease which pervades the 
 land ; which renders every man suspicious and cautious of his 
 neighbour, creates eye-service and hypocrisy, fosters the bitterest 
 and most malignant passions, and unceasingly irritates the 
 morbid sensibility, so remarkable among all classes of ilie 
 American people. 
 Captain Hamilton, speaking of the political conti'^sts, says, 
 " From one extremity of the Union to the other, the political 
 war slogan is sounded. No quarter is given on either side ; 
 every printing press in the United States is engaged in the 
 eondict. Iteason, justice, and charity ; the claims of age and 
 of past services, of high talents and unspotted integrity, are for- 
 gotten. No lie is too malignant to be employed in this unhal- 
 lowed contest, if it can but serve the purpose of deluding, even 
 for a moment, the most ignorant of mankind. No insinuation 
 is too base, no equii^ocation too mean, no artifice too paltry. 
 The world affords no parallel to the scene of political depravity 
 exhibited periodically in this free country." 
 (lovernor Clinton, in his address to the legislature in 1828, 
 says, — "Party spirit has entered the recesses of retirement, 
 violated the sanctity of female character, invaded the tranquillity 
 of private life, and visited with severe inflictions the peace of 
 tamilies. Neither elevation nor humility has been spared, nor 
 the charities of life, nor distinguished public services, nor the 
 fire-side, nor the altar, been left free from attack ; but a licentious 
 and destroying spirit has gone forth, regardless of everything, 
 hut the gratification of malignant feelings and unworthy aspira- 
 tions." And in the New York Annual Register, quoted by 
 (^aptain Hamilton, we have the following remarks : '* In con- 
 ducting the political discussions which followed ihe adjourn- 
 ment of Congress, both truth and propriety were set at defiance. 
 The decencies of private life were disregarded; conversations 
 nnd correspondence which should have been confidential, were 
 brought before the public eye; the ruthless warfare was carried 
 into the bosom of private life; neither age nor sex were spared, 
 the daily press teemed with ribaldry and falsehood ; and even 
 1 1 
 H I 
i* I 
 the tomb was not held sacred from the rancorous hostility 
 which distinguished the presidential election of 1828." 
 I have considered it necessary thus to heap authority upon 
 authority, as the subject is one of the most vital importance; 
 and I must first provt; the extent of this vice, without the chance 
 of the shadow of contradiction, before I point out its fatal con- 
 sen uences. 
 That the political animosities arising from a free and enlight- 
 ened people governing themselves, have principally engendered 
 and fostered this vice, is most certain ; and it would be aonio 
 satisfaction, if, after iho hostile feelings had subsided, the hydra 
 also sank to repose. 
 But this cannot bo the case. A vice, like detraction, so con- 
 genial to our imperfect natures, is not to be confined to one 
 channel, and only resorted to, as a political weapon, when re- 
 quired. It is a vice which when once called into action, and 
 unchecked by the fear of punishment or shame, must exist and 
 be fed. It becomes a confirmed habit, and the effect upon society 
 is dreadful. If it cannot aim its shafts at those who are in high 
 places, if there is no noble quarry for its weapons, it will seek 
 Its food amongst smaller game, for it never tires. The conse- 
 quence is, that it pervades and feeds upon society — private life 
 is embittered ; and, as Mr. Cooper most justly observes, " ren- 
 dering men indifferent to character, and indeed rendering character 
 of little avaiiy 
 Indeed, from the prevalence of this vice, society in America 
 appears to be in a state of constant warfare — Indian warfare, as 
 every one is crouched, concealed, watching for an opportunity 
 to scalp the reputation of his neighbour! They exist in fear 
 and trembling, afraid to speak, afraid to act, or follow their own 
 will, for in America there is no free will. When I have asked 
 why they do not this or that, the reply has invariably been, that 
 they dare not. In fact, to keep their station in society, they 
 must be slaves — not merely slaves, for we are all so far slaves, 
 that if we do that which is not right, we must be expelled from 
 it; but abject and cowardly slaves, who dare not do that which 
 is innocent, lest they should be misrepresented. This is the 
 cause why there is such an attention to the outward forms of 
 religion in the United States, and which has induced some 
 travellers to suppose them a religious people, as if it were possi- 
 ble that any real religion could exist, where morality is at so 
 low an ebb. When I first went to Boston, I did not go to church 
 on the following day. An elderly gentleman called upon and 
 pointed out to me that I had omitted this duty ; " but," continued 
 he, '* I have had it put into one of the newspapers that you 
 attended divine service at such a church, so all is right." All 
 was right; yes, all was right, according to the American's ideas 
 of *' all was right." But I thought at the time, that my sin of 
 omission was much more venial than his of commission. 
 Whrn at 
 turned a fev 
 waH juftili*' 
 ^orsliip (!xe 
 The pre^ 
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 knowing w 
 intimacy w 
 cifily, who 
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 high was tl 
 circulated, 1 
 the subject, 
 quitting me 
 and they w( 
 it might be 
 Wlu'n at Detroit, I was attacked in the papers because I re- 
 lumed a few calls on a Sunday. I mention this, not because I 
 was jui<titicd in so doin^r, but because 1 wish to show the ccn- 
 :sorship (jxercised in this very moral counlry. 
 'I'he prevalence of this evil acts most unfortunately upon 
 society in other ways. It is the occasion of your hardly ever 
 kiiowinir whom you may, or whom you may not be on terms of 
 intimacy with, and of the introduction of many people into so- 
 ciety, who ou<jht to be wholly excluded. Where slander is so 
 general, when in the space of five minutes you will be itiformcd 
 by one party, that Mr. So and So is an excellent person, and by 
 another that he is a ^reat scoundrel, just as he may happen to 
 be on their side or the opposite, in politics, or from any other 
 cause, it is certain that you must be embarrassed as to tiie per- 
 son's real character; and as a really good man may be vitupe- 
 rated, so the reports against one who is unworthy, are as little 
 credited : the fact is, you never know who you are in company 
 Almost all the duels which are so frequent in America, and I 
 may add all the assassinations in the western country, arise 
 principally from defamation. The law gives no redress, and 
 there is no other way of checking slander, than calling the par- 
 ties to account for it. Every man is therefore ready and armed 
 against his fellow. 
 Inadvertently affront any party, wound his self-love, and he 
 will immediately coin some malignant report, which is sure to 
 be industriously circulated. You are at the mercy of the mean- 
 est wretch in the country ; for although praise is received with 
 due caution, slander is everywhere welcomed. An instance 
 occurred with respect to myself. I was at Lexington, and re- 
 ceived great kindness and civility from Mr. Clay. One day I 
 dined at his table ; there was a large party, and at the further 
 end, at a distance where he could not possibly have heard 
 what passed between Mr. Clay and me, there sat a young man, 
 whose name is not worth mentioning. When he returned to 
 Louisville, he spread a report that 1 had grossly insulted Mr. 
 Clay at his own table. Now the catalogue of enormities circu- 
 lated against roe was already so extensive, that I was not in 
 very good odour; but Mr. Clay is so deservedly the idol of this 
 State, and indeed of almost the whole Union, that there could 
 not be a more serious charge against me — even those who were 
 most friendly avoided me, saying, they could forgive me what 
 I had formerly done, but to insult Mr. Clay was too bad. So 
 high was the feeling, and so industriously was the calumny 
 circulated, that at last I was compelled to write to Mr. Clay on 
 the subject, and I received in return a most handsome letter, ac- 
 quitting me of the malicious charge. This I showed to some, 
 and they were satisfied ; and they advised me to print it, that 
 it might be better known. This was a compliment I did not 
 I >, 
 ! I 
 M' I 
 choose to pay them ; and tl»e impression of the majority sti/I isj 
 tliat 1 insulted Mr. Clay. The affair being one of the many 
 connected with myself, I should not have mentioned it, excepJ 
 to prove how lijrhtly such a practice is estimated. 
 VVhatever society permits, people will do, and moreover, will 
 not think that tliey are wrong in so doing. In England, had a 
 person been guilty of a deliberate and odious lie, he would have 
 been .scouted from society, his best friends would have cut him ; 
 but how was this person treated for his conduct ? When I 
 showed INIr. ('lay's letter, one said, " Well now, that was rery 
 wrong of A." — Another, " 1 did not believe that A. would have 
 done so" — A third, " that A. ought to be ashamed of himself;'* 
 but they did not one of them, on account of this falsehood, think 
 it necessary to avoid him. On the contrary, he was walking 
 arm-in-arm with the men, dancing and flirting with the women 
 just as before, although his slander, and the refutation of it, were 
 both well known. 
 The reader will now perceive the great moral evil arising 
 from this vice, which is, that it habituates people to falsehood. 
 'I'he lie of slander, is the basest of all lies ; wini the practice of 
 it, the most demoralizing to the human heart. Those who will 
 descend to snch deliberate and malignant falsehood, will not 
 scruple at any other description. The consequence is, that what 
 the Americans have been so often taxed with, is but too preva- 
 lent, "a disregard to truth.'*'' 
 To what must we ascribe the great prevalence of this demo- 
 ralizing habit in the United States 1 That the licentiousness of 
 the press feeds it, it is true; but I am rather inclined to imagine 
 that the real source of it is to be found in the peculiarity of their 
 institutions. Under a democracy, there are but two means by 
 which a man can rise above his fellows — wealth and character; 
 and when all are equal, and each is struggling to rise above the 
 other, it is to the principle that if you cannot rise above another 
 by your own merit, you can at least so far equalize your condi- 
 tion by pulling him down to your own level, that this inordinate 
 appetite for defamation must be ascribed. It is a state of un- 
 generous warfare, arising from there being no gradation, no 
 scale, no discipline, if I may use the term, in society. Every one 
 asserts his equality, and at the same time wishes to rise above 
 his fellows : and society is in a stale of perpetual and disgrace- 
 ful scullle. Mr. Tocqueville says, "There exists in the hu- 
 man heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak 
 to attempt to lower the powerful to their own level, and induces 
 men to prefer equality in slavery to inequality with freedom." 
 In po! itics, especial ly, character becomes of much more import- 
 ance than wealth, and if a man in public life can once be ren- 
 dered odious, or be made suspected, he loses his supporters, and 
 there is one antagonist reirioved in the race for pre-eminence. 
 iSuch is one of the lamentable defects arising from a dem.ocrati- 
marrtat's diary. 
 I f 
 cal form of Government. How different from Ennrland, and the 
 settled nations of the old world, where it may be said that 
 everything and everybody is comparatively speaking in his 
 place ! 
 Althouorh many will, and may justifiably, attempt to rise 
 beyond his circumstances and birth, still there is orderand regu- 
 larity ; each party knows the precise round in the ladder on 
 which he stands, and the majority are content with their 
 It is lamentable to observe how many bad feelings, how many 
 evil passions, are constantly in a state of activity from this 
 unfortunate chaotical want of gradation and discipline, where all 
 would be tirst, and every one considers himself as good as his 
 The abtre-mentioned author observes — 
 •' The surface of American society is, if I may use the expres- 
 sion, covered with a layer of democracy, from beneath which 
 the aristocratic colours sometimes peep." 
 In a moral sense, this is also t/ue, the nobler virtues which 
 are chiefly produced in the fertile field of aristocracy do occa- 
 sionally appear; but the whole surface is covered with a layer 
 of democracy, which like the lava which the volcano continually 
 belches forth, has gradually poured down, and reduced the 
 country round it to barrenness and sterility.* 
 * This chapter was in the press, when a paragraph, cut out of the 
 Baltimore Chronicle, was received from an anonymous hand at New 
 York. Whether with a friendly intention or otherwise, I am equally 
 oliJiGTcd to the party, as it enables me to further prove, if it were 
 necessary, the vituperation of the American press. 
 " Many persons in our country had an opportunity of becominj^ 
 acquainted with the Captain. The fast-anchored isle never gave 
 birtii to a more unmitigated blackguard. His awkward, unwieldly 
 misshapen body, was but a fair lodging for a low, depraved, licentious 
 soul. Although liberally educated, he seemed insensible to any other 
 enjoyments iiian those of sense. No human being could in his de- 
 sires or habits approach more near to the animal than him. No 
 gentleman ever sat down with him an hour without a sensation of 
 loathing and disgust. 'What kind of man is Captain Marryat?' 
 was once asked in our presence of a distinguished member of Con- 
 •Tfess, who had sojourned with him at the White Sulphur Springs. 
 ' He is no man at all,' was the reply, ' he is a beast.' " 
 This is really " going the whole hog" himself, and making me go 
 it too. Now, if I reerivc such abuao for my first three volumes, in 
 which I went into little or no analysis, what am I to expect for those 
 which are about to appear 1 To the editor of the Baltimore Chroni- 
 cle / feel indebted : but I suspect that the respectable portion of tho 
 American community will be very much annoyed at my thus giving 
 his remarks more extensive circulation than he anticipated. 
 • -M 
 ' f 
 i ' 
 4 . 
 t. ► 
 marryat's diary. 
 The best specimens of American writintj are to be found in 
 their polilicul articles, which are, jjenerally speaking, clear, 
 argumentative, and well arranged. The President's annual mes- 
 sage is always masterly in composition, although disgraced by 
 its servile adulation of the majority. If we vvere to judge of the 
 de<rrees of enlightment of the tivo countries, America and Enjj- 
 lind, by the President's message and the King's speech, we 
 should be left immeiisurably in the back-ground — the message, 
 generally speaking, being a model of composition, while the 
 speech is but loo often a farrago of bad English. This is very 
 strange, as those who concoct the speech are of usually mucli 
 higher classical attainments than those who write the message. 
 The only way to account for it, is, that in the attempt to con- 
 dense the speech, they pare and pare away till the sense of it is al- 
 most gone ; his Majesty's ministers perfectly understanding what 
 they mean themselves, but forgetting that it is necessary that 
 others should do the same. But in almost all branches of liter- 
 ature the Americans have no cause to be displeased with the 
 labours of their writers, c« .isidering that they have the disad- 
 vantage of America look;ng almost entirely to the teeming press 
 of England for their regular supply, ami howfew in thatcountrj" 
 can be said at present to be men of leisure and able to devote 
 themselves to the pursuit. An author by profession would gain 
 but a sorry livelihood in the United States, unless he happened 
 to be as deservedly successl'ul as Washington Irving or Cooper. 
 He not only has to compete against the best English authors, 
 but as almost all the English works are published without any 
 sum being paid for the copyright, it is evident that he must sell 
 his work at a higher price if he is to obtain any profit. An 
 English work of fiction, for instance, is soM at a dollar and a 
 quarter, while an American one costs two dollars. 
 This circumstance would alone break down the American 
 literature if it were not for the generosity of England in granting 
 their authors a copyright in this country ; indeed, the American 
 public pay that tacit compliment to us that they will hardly look 
 at a work by one of their own citizens, until it has first been 
 published in England, and received the stamp of approbaUoii. 
 Those American authors who have obtained a reputation look, 
 therefore, chiefly to the English copyright for remuneration; and 
 if it were not for this liberality on our part, the American litera- 
 ture would not receive sufficient support from its own country 
 to make it worth the while of any one to engage in it. Thn 
 number of English works republished in America is very great. 
marrvat's diary. 
 ly look 
 t been 
 b.it the number of each work sold is inucii emaller than people 
 here imagined. 
 The periodical literature of the United States is hirrbly crcdi- 
 tible. Tiie American Quarterly Review; the New York Mir- 
 ror, by George I'. Morris; the Knickerbocker, by Clarke; and 
 the Monthly Magazine; all published at New York, are very 
 good; so, indeed, are the magazines published at I'hilndelphia, 
 and many others. It may be said that, upon the whole, the 
 periodical press of America is pretty well on a par with that of 
 this country. Periodical literature suits the genius of the 
 Americans, and it is better supported by them tlian any other 
 The Americans are jealous of our literature, as they are. 
 indeed, of everything coimectod with this country; but thev 
 do themselves injustice in this respect, as I consider that they have 
 a very fair proportion of gocxl writers. In history, and the heavier 
 branches of literature, they have the names of Sparks, Prescott, Ban- 
 croft, Schoolcraft, IJutler, Carey, Pitkin, &c. In general litera- 
 ture, they have Washington Irving, Fay, Hall, Willis, Sanderson. 
 Sedgwick, Leslie, Stephens, Child and Neal. In fiction, they 
 have Cooper, Paulding, Bird, Kennedy, Thomas, Ingrahain, and 
 many others. They, notwithstanding the musquitoes, have pro- 
 duced some very good poets: Bryant, Ilalleck, Sigourney, 
 Drake, &:c. ; and have thoy not, with a host of polemical writers. 
 Dr. Channing, one of their greatest men, and from his moral 
 courage in pointing out their errors, the best friend to his country 
 that America has ever priMluced ! Indeed, to these names we 
 might fairly add their legal writers — C'hancellor Kent and Judge 
 Story, as well as Webster, Ckiy, Everett, Cass, and otheiv, who 
 are better known from their great political reputations than from 
 their writings. Considering that they have but half our popula- 
 tion, and not a quarter of the time to spare that we have in this 
 country, the Americans have no want of good writers, although 
 there arc few of them well known to the British public. It must 
 be pointed out that the American writers are under another dis- 
 advantage; which we are not subject to in this country, which is. 
 that freedom of opinion is not permitted to them ; the majority 
 will not allow it, except on points of religion, and in them they 
 may speculate as much as they please, and publish their opinions, 
 whether Deistical, Atheistical, or worse, if they can find worse 
 out. It is true than an author may, and some will, publish what 
 they please, but if he does not wish to lose his popularity, and 
 thereby lose his profits, he must not only not offend, but he must 
 conciliate and flatter tlie nation: and such is the practice with 
 the majority of American authors. Whether it be a work of 
 fiction or one of history his countrymen must be praised, and, it 
 It be possible to introduce it, there must be some abuse of Eng- 
 land. This fact will account for the waning popularity of Mr. 
 Cooper ; ha has ventured to tell his countrymea the truth in 
 :t ' 

 1 1 
 more than of his later works, and now the majority are against 
 him. The work, which I have often quoted in these pages, 
 called "The Democrat," fell dead from the press. I think it 
 fortunate for Mr. Cooper that it did, as people have been lynched 
 who have not said half so much as he did in that work. His 
 " Naval History" will reinstate him, and I suspect it has been 
 taken up with that view, for, although Mr. Cooper has shown a 
 good deal of moral courage, he has not remained consistent. At 
 one moment he publishes " The Democrat," and gives his coun- 
 trymen a good whipping, and then he publishes his "Naval His- 
 tory," and soft sawders them. But, with the exception of Dr. 
 Channing, he almost stands alone in this particular. 
 One ot the best authors of America is Judge Hall ; he proves 
 himself by his writings to be a shrewd, intelligent man, and 
 yet in his " Statistics of the West " I was surprised to find the 
 following paragraph, the substance of which was more than once 
 repealed in the work. Speaking of the Indian hostilities, he 
 says : — 
 "The mother country (England) never ceased to indulge in 
 the hope of reuniting the colonies (that is the United States) to 
 her empire, until the war of eighteen hundred and twelve crushed 
 the last vestige of her delusive anticipations." 
 Such is his preposterous assertion, the absurdity of which 
 will make an Englishmati laugh ; but thecorolJaries drawn from 
 it are sr.ious, as they are intended to feed the hostile feeling 
 still existing against this country ; for he attempts to prove that 
 from the time the Independence was ratified by George HI. that 
 we have ever been trying to reduce America again to our sway ; 
 and that all the hostile attempts of the various Indian tribes, all 
 the murders of women and children, and scalping, since that 
 date, were wholly to be ascribed to the agency and bribes of 
 England, who hoped by such means to drive the Americans 
 back to the sea coast, where they could be assailed by her 
 A little reflection might satisfy any reasonable American, 
 that when they wrestled by main force, and without regard to 
 justice, those lands from the Indians which they had hunted 
 over for so many generations, and which were their own pro- 
 perty, it was very natural that the Indians should not surrender 
 them without a struggle. But the wish of Judge Hall was to 
 satisfy his countrymen that their exterminating wars against 
 the Indians have been thoseofse/fdejhice, and not o^ unpardon- 
 able ag!>;ression. At that period there were many white men 
 who had either joined, or, having Iieen captured, had been 
 adopted into, the Indian tribes. All these Judge Hall would 
 make out to be English emissaries, especially one whom he 
 very correctly designates as the " infamous Girty.^^ Unfortu- 
 nately for Judge Hall the infamous Girty was an American, and 
 born in Philadelphia, as is proved by American authority. 
 Ihem alo 
 in Enyl 
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 too Iwld 1 
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 the table 
 Siie SJ 
 This obliiration to wrifn for their own countrymrn, anrl for 
 them alone, has very mu("h injured the sale of American works 
 in Kn^land, for publishers having read them find no many 
 otiensive and untrue remarks upon this country, that they will 
 not print ihrm. Uut it does more harm, as it cramps t^enius, 
 narrows their idear,, and instead of leadinjj in the advance, and 
 the people lookinnr up to them, they follow in the rear, and look 
 up to the people, whom they Hatter to obtain popularity; and 
 thus the pen in America, as a moral weapon, is at present *'nit/- 
 The remarks of Miss Martineau on American literature are, 
 as all her other remarks, to be received with great caution. 
 Where she obtained her information I know very well, and 
 certain it is that she has been most egregiously deceived. An 
 American critic observes very truly : — 
 " It is the misfortune of professed book writers, when they 
 arrive in the United States, to fall into the hands of certain 
 cli(|ues in our principal cities and town, who make themselves 
 the medium of interpretation — their own modes of life, the re- 
 presentation of those of the. elite of the country ; their own 
 opinions, the infallible criterion by which all others must be 
 estimated. They surround the traveller with an atmosphere of 
 their ow n, and hope to shine through it on the future pages of 
 the grateful guest. 
 "This accounts satisfactorily for many things which are to be 
 found in Miss Martineau's work, for her numerous misapprehen- 
 sions as to the character, taste, and occupations of the American 
 " She evidently mistakes the character of our merchants, and 
 does our literature but meagre jsistice. To hold up some obscure 
 publications from the pens of mere literary adventurers as the 
 beat works she has seen, and at the same time pronounce Mr. 
 ('ooper 'a much regretted failure,' is a stretch of boldness, quite 
 unwarranted by anything Miss Martineau has yet achieved in 
 the republic of letters." 
 Such was really the case; Miss Martineau fell into what was 
 termed the Slockbridge clique, and pinned her faith upon the 
 oracles which they poured into her ears. She says that in 
 America, Hannah More is best known; on the contrary, Ilunnah 
 More is hardly known in the United States. 
 Sjic says that Wordsworth is much read. Mr. Wordsworth 
 has never even in this country been appreciated as lie ought to 
 bo. In America it may almost be said that he has not been read ; 
 and she adds to this, that Byron is little known ; this is really 
 too l)old an assertion. Miss Martineau was everywhere in the 
 best society in America; and I believe that in nine drawing- 
 rooms out often, she must have seen a copy of Byron lying on 
 the table. 
 She says Mr. Cooper is a failure. With the exception of 
 ' \r% 
 marryat's diary. 
 •1 ! 
 ■?i i 
 Washington Irving, there never was an American writer so 
 justly popular in America as ('ooper. It is true that latterly'hp 
 has displeased the majority, by pointing out to them their taultB, 
 and that he is not always in a good humour when he wrilej* 
 about England. But to state the author of such works as the 
 Pilot, the Last of the Mohicans, and the Prairie, a failure, is 
 really too absurd. The cause of this remark is said to be thai 
 had a quarrel with Miss Martineau's particular 
 There is only one remark in the whole of 
 whicli is in itself true. She says Bulwer is 
 Mr. Cooper 
 friend Mr. S 
 her observations 
 much read. Here she is correct : but the cause which she gives 
 for his being so much read, is not the real one. She asserts it is 
 on account of his liberal opinions; it is not on that account, it is 
 from the interest of his stories, and the beauty of his writing. 
 But the assertion that seemed to me the most strange in Miss 
 Martineau's work, was, that Mr. Carlisle, the author of Sartor 
 Resartus, was the most read of any English autlior. Without 
 intending to depreciate the works of Mr. Carlisle, I felt con- 
 vinced from my own knowledge, that this could not be a fact, 
 for Mr. Carlisle's works are not suited to the Americans. 1, 
 therefore, determined to ascertain how far it was correct. I 
 went to the publishers, and inquired how many of Mr. Carlisle's 
 works had been printed. They replied that they had printed 
 one edition of six hundred copies, which they had nearly sold ; 
 and were considering whether it would be worth their while to 
 print a second ; and in consequence of Miss Martineau's asser- 
 tion, that Byron was little known, 1 applied to the largest pub- 
 lishers in New York and Philadelphia, to ascertain, if I could, 
 how many copies of Byron had been published. Tfie reply was, 
 that it was impossible to say exactly, as there had been so many 
 editions issued, by so many different publishers, but that they 
 considered that irom one hundred and fifty to two hundred 
 thousand copies, must have been sold ! so much tor the accu- 
 racy of Miss Martineau.* 
 I am afraid, that notwithstanding the eloquent and energetic 
 exertions of the author of " Ion," we shall never be able to make 
 the public believe that the creations of a man's brain are his own 
 property, or effect any arrangement with foreign countries, so as 
 to secure a copyright to the English author. As on my arrival 
 in America it was reported in the newspapers that I had come 
 * Miss Martineau talks of Dr. Follett as one of the greatest men 
 in America. I was surpiscd at this, as I never heard of his name, 
 so I inquired—" Who is Dr. Follett 1" •' I don't know."—" Do you 
 know Dr. Follett ?" " Never heard of him."—" Do you ?" " No." 
 I asked so many people that at last I became quite tired ; at last I 
 found a man who knew him, his answer was — " Oh, yes ; he's an 
 Abolitionist .'" As the American critic justly observes, " He shines 
 in the future pages of his grateful guest." 
 out to a 
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marryat's diary. 
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 felt con- 
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 irly sold ; 
 while to 
 u's asser- 
 gest pub- 
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 * Do you 
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 he's an 
 e shines 
 out to ascertain what could be done in that respect, and to follow 
 up the petition of the ?]nglish authors. The subject was, there- 
 fore, constantly introduced and canvassed ; and I naturally took 
 an interest in it. Every one almost was for granting it; but, at 
 the same time, every one told mo that wo should not obtain it. 
 ThepetJion of the English authors to Congreys was warmly 
 espoused by Mr. Clay, who invariably leads the van in every- 
 thing which is liberal and gentlemanlike. A select committee, 
 of which Mr. Clay was chairman, was formed to consider upon 
 it, and the following was the result of their inquiry, and a bill 
 was brought in, upon the report of the committee : — 
 " In Senate of the United Sta'es, Feb. 16, 1887. 
 •* Mr. Clay made the following report- 
 ** The select committee to whom « ^s referred the address of 
 certain British and the petition of c. Miin Amcican authors, 
 have, according to order, had the same under consideration, and 
 beg leave now to report : 
 " That, by the act of Congress of 185^1, being the law now in 
 force regulating copyrights, the benefits of the act are restricted 
 to citizens or residents of the United Slates ; sc that no foreigner, 
 residing abroad, can secure a copyright in the United States for 
 any work of which he is the author, however important or valu- 
 able it may be. The object of the address and petition, there- 
 fore, is to remove this re.stricti(m as to British authors, and to 
 allow them to enjoy the benefits of our law. 
 " That authors and inventors have, according to the practice 
 among civilized nations, a property in the respective productions 
 of their genius is incontcstible; and that this property should he 
 protected as cficctually as any other property is, by law, follows 
 as a legitimate consequence. Authors and inventors are among 
 llic greatest benefactors of mankind. They are otlen dependent, 
 exclusively, upon their own mental labours for the means of 
 subsistence ; and are frequently, from the nature of their pur- 
 suits, or the constitutions of their minds, incapable of applying 
 that provident care to worldly affairs which other classes of 
 society are in the habit <if bestowing. These considerations 
 ffivo additional strength to their just title to the protection of the 
 " It being established that literary property is entitled to legal 
 protection, it results that this protection ought to be afibrded 
 wiierever the property is situated. A British merchant brings 
 or transmits to the United States a bale of merchandize, and the 
 moment it comes within the jurisdiction of our laws they throwr 
 around it efTectual .security. But if the work of a British author 
 IS brought to the United States, it may be appropriated by any 
 resident here, and republished, without any compensation what- 
 ever being made to the author. We should be all shocked if 
 the law tolerated the least invasion of the rights of property, in 
 the case of the merchandize, whilst those which justly belong to 
 i • f 
 ; fl 
 marryat's DIARir. 
 the works of authors are exposed to daily violation, without the 
 possibility of their invokinir the aid of the lawH. 
 "'J'he cointnittee think that this distinction in the condition of 
 the two descriptions of property is not just ; and that it oujifht to 
 be remedied by some s;itt) and cautious amendment of the law. 
 Already the principle has been adopted in the patent laws, of 
 extondinjr their benefits to forcig-n inventions and improvements, 
 it is but carrying out the same principle to extend the benefit 
 of our copyriorht laws to foreirrn authors. In relation to the 
 siibjfjct of Great Britain and France, it will bo but a measure of 
 reciprocal justice; for, in bolh of those countries, our authors 
 may enjoy that proteotion of their laws for literary property 
 which is denied to their subjects here. 
 ♦* Entertaining these views, the committee have been anxious 
 to devise some measure which, without too ftreat a disturbance 
 of interests or alTectinjr too seriously arrangements which have 
 grown out of the present state of thintrs, niay, without hazard, 
 be subjected to the test of practical experience. Of the works 
 which have heretofore issued from the foreiijn press, many have 
 already been republished in the United Stales; others are in a 
 progress of republication, and some probably have been stereo- 
 typed. A copyright law which should embrace any of these 
 works, might injuriously alfeci American publishers, and lead 
 to collision and litigation between them and foreign authors. 
 "Acting, then, on the principles of prudence and caution, by 
 which the committee have thought it best to be governed, the 
 bill which the committee intend proposing provides that the 
 protection which it secures shall extend to those works only 
 which shall be published after its passage. It is also limited 
 to the subjects of Great Britain and France; among other 
 reasons, because the committee have information that, by their 
 laws, American authors can obtain there protection for their 
 productions; but they have no information that such is the case 
 in any other foreign country. But, in principle, the committee 
 perceive tio objection to considering the republic of letters as 
 one great community, and adopting a system of protection for 
 literary property which shoula be common to all parts of it. 
 The bill also provides that an American edition of the foreign 
 work for which an American copyright has been obtained, 
 shall be published within reasonable time. 
 "If the bill should pass, its operation in this country would 
 be to leave the public, without any charge for copyright, in the 
 undisturbed possession of all scientific and literary works pub- 
 lished pr'jr to its passage — in other words, the great mass of 
 the scirr.ce and literature of the world ; and to entitle the British 
 or French author only to the benefit of every copyright in re- 
 spect to works which may be published subsequent to the pas- 
 sage of the law. 
 "The committee cannot anticipate any reasonable or just ob- 
 jection to 
 deed, he c 
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 " With 
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 offers to tl 
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 Let it n 
 ported hy 
 of it espoii 
 manner, ir 
 of more a( 
 jpction to a mpasure thus jjunrded and r»'stricted. Ft may, in- 
 deed, lie onnfpnd(Ml, and it is possible that a nrw work, when 
 charjfed with the expense incident ti) the enpyrii;ht, may come 
 into thp hiinds of the piirehaser at a small afivance beyond what 
 wonid be its price, it' there were no such charixe; but this is by 
 no means certain. It is, on the contrary, hiiihly probable that, 
 when the American pii!)lisber has adc(iuafe time to issue care- 
 fnlly an edition of the forei^-n work, without inciirrinjr the 
 extraordinary expense which he , o\v has to sustain to make a 
 hurried publication of it, and toijiiiird himself'a^rainst dangerous 
 oompetiiion. he wi'l be able to bring it into the market as 
 cheaply as if the I)ill were not to pass. Miit, if that should not 
 prove to be the case, and if the American reader should have to 
 pay a few cents to corni)ensat<' the author for composiiifT a work 
 by which he is iristructed and profited, would it not be just in 
 itself? Mas any r-^ader a ri<4hl to the use, without remunera- 
 tion, of iniellectu II productions which have not yet hern brouo[ht 
 into existence, but lie buried in the mind of genius'? The com- 
 mittee think not; and they believi; that n) American citizen 
 would not feel it quite as unjust, in reference to futurt; publica- 
 tions, to a|)prcipriate to bitnself their use, without any considera- 
 tion beinnr |)aid to ll.?ir foreijrn proprietor?, as he would to take 
 the bale of mercbnulise, in th(^ case stated, without payinij for 
 it ; and he would the r>iore readily make this IriMinfj contribution, 
 when it secured to him, instead of the injperfect and slovenly 
 l>ook now often issued, a neat and valuable work, worthy of 
 " With respect to the constitutional power to pass the pro- 
 posed bill, 'he committee entertain no doubt, and Compress, as 
 before stated, has acttid on it. 'J'he constitution authorizes 
 Conjrress ' to promote the progress of science and useful arts, 
 by securing, f)r limited times, to authors and inventors, the ex- 
 clusive riijhl to their respective writings and discoveries.' There 
 is na limitation of the power to natives or residents of this 
 country. Such a limitation would hav.^ been hostile to the 
 object of the power granted. That object was to promote the 
 progress of science and useful arts. They belong to no particu- 
 lar country, but to mankind generally, And it cannot be doubted 
 that the stimulus which it w'as intended to give; to mind and 
 genius, in other wor(U, the promotion of the pronress of science 
 and the arts, will be increased by the motives which the bill 
 offers to the inhabitants of Great Britain and France. 
 *' The com'.'ittee (!on(!lude by asking leave to introduce the Wll 
 which accompanies this report." 
 Let it no«, however, be supposed that Mr. Clay was unsup- 
 ported by the American press; on the contrary, a lar:je portion 
 of it espoused the cause of the Knijlisb author in the most liberal 
 manner, indeed the boon itself, if granted, would in reality be 
 of more advantage to America than to us; as many of then^ 
 r ' 
 f: i 
 maruyat's DiAur. 
 'h ' 
 h: ii 
 argued. The New York Daily F^xprcss observes, ♦' But another 
 great evil rcsultintj from the present law is, that most of the 
 writers of our own country aro ult«'rly preclucied from advancing 
 our native lileriiture, since they can derive no emolument or 
 eomfiensnliot) lor their labours; and it is idle to urge that the 
 Jevoiees of literature, any more than the ingenious artizan or 
 mechanic, can he indilferent to llie ultimate advantages which 
 should result alike to both from the diligent use and studious 
 application of their mental energies. V\ e patronize and read 
 the works of foreign writers, but it is at the exjiense of our own, 
 — the books of the English author being procured free of all 
 cost, supersede those wliich would otherwise be produced by 
 our own countrymen, — thus the forc^igneris wronged, while the 
 same wrong acts again as a tariff upon our American author: — 
 and nil this manifest injury is perpetuated without its being 
 qualified by the most remote advantage to any of the parties 
 The [Joston Atlas re&pondcd to this observation i<n almost th 
 same lannuase. 
 "This systematic, legalized depredation on Knglish authors, 
 is perfectly ruinous to all native literature. What writer can 
 devote hitnself to a literary work, which he must offer on its 
 oomph tion, in competition with a work of the same description, 
 perhaps, furnishing />r//</fr/ co/ri/ to the compositors, and to be 
 had for the expense of a single Lon<lon copy. What publisher 
 would give its worth for a novel, in manuscript, supposing it to 
 be equal to Hulwer's best, when he would gel a novel of Bulwer 
 himself, for a few shillings — with an Knglish reputation at the 
 back of it? 'i'his is the great reason that we have so few works 
 illustrative of our own history — whether of fact or fiction. Ou 
 booksellers are supplied for nothing." 
 I extract the following from a very excellent article on the 
 subject, in the North American Review. 
 " Another bad consequence of the existing state fif things is, 
 that the choice of books, which shall be offered us, is in the 
 wrong hands. Our publishers have, to no small extent, the di- 
 rection of our reading, inasmuch as they make the selection o 
 books for reprinting. They, of course, will choose thf)se works 
 which will command the readiest and most extensive sale; bu 
 it nmst be remembered, that in so doing, while they answer the 
 demand of the most numerous class of readers, they neglect the 
 wants of the more cultivated and intelligent class. Besides 
 his, there are many admirable works, which might come into 
 general use if they were presented to our reading public, but 
 which are left unnoticed by the publishers, because their suc- 
 ress is doubtful. Supposing Abbott's * Young Christian,' for 
 irtstancc, a book which lias had a more extensive circulation than 
 any work of the present times, had been first published in Eng- 
 land, at the same moment that a good novel appeared, ihe Ameri' 
 of the n 
 book, till 
 then, if .s 
 to sril 1)1 
 " Nor 
 into the 
 if Engl 
 I)egin to 
 , raised,. 
 \ sotnevolu 
 , than to pa 
 ^ be worth t; 
 i finally, th 
 1 will, wo I 
 persons a 
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 I w 
 ♦ " Thk 
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 critical, acct 
 upon. Qui 
 and derisiut 
 author has i 
 ductions of 
 gross absurd 
 upon the pu 
 ' airy vision 
 that (mincn 
 shameful as 
 worst paid n 
 by every pri 
 to, and in I 
 imbued witi 
 his conduct, 
 from such a 
 " We ava 
 holdings the 
 the publish i 
 despoiled lal 
 scanty crust 
 "This m 
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 ale; bu 
 swer the 
 gleet the 
 me into 
 blic, but 
 leir suc- 
 ian,' for 
 ion than 
 in Eng- 
 e Ameri- 
 can publishers would have given ua iminoiliatcly ajtorrid reprint 
 of tlie novel ; but we slimild have licird ni)tliiii«r nt" Ablioll';* 
 book, till its' succrss had been abiiiidiiiitly tried ,il)r<>,id ; iii»reven 
 then, if .soiiUM'pluMueral novel had started ii|) whi'di jirouiised 
 to sell b( Iter. 
 " N'lr i-. it corliin that the price of bonk'? would be seriously 
 aiigineiiled by the passage ol' the eopyrigbl law. It iniisl be 
 refneiiiliered. that a great minibfr of writers would thus beealled 
 into the field at once, Hiitjiisb as well as Aiiieriean writers; for. 
 if Kiiglisli authors could enjoy this beiielit, tliey would soon 
 liegio to write e.\[)r(>ssly for Ainericni; and the coinpeiiiion would 
 become so great, as to reifulate the prices of boidis to a proper 
 standard. But, even supposing the prict; to be ecnsiderably 
 raised, it would certainly be better to |)ay two dollars for a hand- 
 some volume, which is worth keeping, and worth reading ajjaiii, 
 tbaii to pay only one dollar for a book, wbi(di in five years will 
 be worth no more than the same amount of brown paper. And, 
 finally, there is the consideration of a native literature, which 
 will, we presume, be placed by all reasonable and inlelligeni 
 persons above that of cheap books." 
 Nevertheless, a large portion of the press took up the other 
 side of the (pieslion, as may be inferred frcfn a rejily which I 
 have inserted in the note beneath.* 
 * " Thk Intkuxationai- Coi'viuniiT Qikstiox. — One of the 
 most imftortant tjucstions, upon principle, that ever was mooted, has 
 for some time placed in juxtaposition the various editors of the corps 
 critical, accordinj^ly as their interests or feelings have been worked 
 upon. Uur ebief object in these remarks ie to hold up to the scorn 
 and derision that it riebly merits the assumption of an editor, that an 
 author has no right to the emanations of his own mind — to the pro- 
 ductions of Ills own pen. We do not mean to answer the many and 
 gross absurdities whii-li this talented jjfentleman's sophi.'.try has palmed 
 upon the public, it would l)c a work of supererogation, inasmuch as his 
 • airy vision' has already been completely ' dissolved' by the breath of 
 that eminent gentleman, well known to us, who has so completely 
 annihilated the wrong which he is so anxious to continue. But the 
 shameful assumption that a writer, universally allowed to be the 
 worst paid artist in creation, should not have — is not eiitiiled to have, 
 by every principle of courtesy and honour, a sole and undivided right 
 to, and in his own productions is so monstrous, that every editor 
 imbued with those feelings, which through life, should be the rule of 
 his conduct, is iti duty bound to come forward and express bis dissent 
 from such a doctrine, and his abhorrence of a principle so flagitious. 
 " We avail ourselves of the opportunity this numlwr affords of up- 
 holding the poor author's right, of censuring the greedy spoliation of 
 the publishing tribe, who would live, batten, and fatten upon the 
 despoiled labours of those whom their piracy starves — snatching the 
 scanty crust from their needy mouths to pamper their own insatiate 
 " This matter lies between the publisher aod the author. Tb« 
 1 •!■ 
 I • I 
 1- I 
 Tlio bill lirouprht in wiinlost. Strnnjo tosny, the Soiithcrncrii 
 votpd iij,'fiinst, tin tlip <,'r()iiniJs iliut llu-y would n<»l ^ivo a copy- 
 right to Mi.vs .MurtitKMiii, to propajrato her nliolition doctrines in 
 that coutitr\ — ror:,a'lliny, lliiit. as a copyriiilil would increase the 
 price ot'u work, it wouiil he the means of ciuckinj^ its circulation, 
 rather tlnn ofrxtendifitj it. 
 Wlicn I iirriveil at \V!isliiii;rton, I thought it would he worth 
 wiiilt? t(» iisccrluin tin; opinion of any of the MKMnhersorConfjresH 
 I niiLjht meet; and one line niornini;, I put. the(pieslion tooneof 
 the i,()Co loco dele-fates; when the li)llowinj; conversation took 
 plaen : — 
 " Why, t.'aptain, there is much to hr said on thi.s subject. 
 Vonr authors have petitioned our Congress, I perceive. The 
 petition was read last session." 
 (.Many of the Americans appeared to bo hi<.Mily jrratified at 
 the idea ot'an Finy;lish peiilion having,' been sent to (.'onjjress.) 
 " I believe it was." 
 " Well, now, you see. (.\iptaiii — you will ask ns to let you have 
 yotu' copyriijht in this country, as you allow our authors their 
 eopyriL^lit in yours; and I suppose you mean to say that if wo 
 do not, that our authors shall have no eo[)yriirlit in your country. 
 We'll allow that, but still I eonsich-r you ask loo much, as the 
 balance is on our ^i»le most consi<lerablv. Vo'.ir authors are very 
 numerous — ours are not. It is very true, that y(ju can steal our 
 ropy rights, as well as we can yours. liut if you steal ten, we 
 steal a hundred. Don't you perceive that you ask us to give up 
 the ndvanta;xt' ■ 
 *'Oli, certainly," replied I, "I have nothing more to say on 
 the subject. I'ni only glad of one thing." 
 i'.utbor claims a risfbt to bis own productiotip, wherever ihoy may be. 
 The publishers, like the Cornwall wrcckeis, say no. the moment 
 your labours touch our fatal shore they arc ours; you have no right 
 to tlu'Mj, no title in them. (Jond heavens ! shall sucl» a cruel dospeila- 
 tion be permitted ! 'J'bc publishors, with eonsuiamate cuimimr, turn 
 to the public, and virtually say, ' support us iti our theft, iuid we will 
 share the s[)()il with you; we will give you standard works at a price 
 immeasurably below their value.' As well M)igbt a thief, brought 
 before the honest anil worthy recorder say : If your lionour will wink 
 at the criuie, you will make me a public benefictor, lor whilst I rob 
 one man of an hundred watches, I can sell them to an hundred per- 
 sons for one-third of their prime cost ; and thus injure one and benefit 
 a hundred, you shall have one very cheap. What would this recorder 
 say ? He would say, the crime is apparent, and I spurn with indig- 
 nation and contempt your ofler to part with to me that which la noi 
 your own. And should not this be the re[)ly of the public to the 
 publishers? V'es, and it will be too. And the vampires who have so 
 long lived upon the spirita of authors, will have to tax their own to 
 yield themselves support,'* 
 " Tha 
 " \o, 
 'I'o th 
 reply; u 
 real nn;r 
 and as h 
 follows :- 
 •• It is 
 that wo 
 us to ta.v 
 so essent 
 thors I J 
 be shake 
 few fore 
 adtnit, bii 
 such seri 
 always pi 
 the truth, 
 lions rec( 
 out ; and 
 authors, i 
 such worl 
 novels ot 
 nearly th 
 an Arner 
 amused, h 
 the grant 
 few autho 
 the Unite 
 ed by this 
 of the Anr 
 works put 
 when colli 
 .1 price 
 ^ill wink 
 St I rob 
 rcil pcr- 
 !i indig- 
 'h is noi 
 c to the 
 I have so 
 own to 
 •♦And what may thiit h«», Cftptnin?" 
 ••That I did not si^rn thr petition." 
 '• No, w(! oLserved that your iiamo was not down, which rather 
 isurprisod us." 
 'I'o this co^ont nrfjuinnnt of the honoiirnhh' nH'tnbrr, I had no 
 reply; and this was th(.> tirst and last tiiiio thai 1 broached the 
 subjtjci when at Wasliiii^flon ; but at\or many conversations with 
 Aniorician <^ciitl(Mnan on the Mibject, and examination into the 
 real merits of the case, I came to the conclusion, that the Knplixh 
 authors never would obtain a copyri;,'lit in tin; United fcJtatoy, 
 and aH lon<,' as the present |)arty arc; in power. 
 Their principal ar^miiient rai.scd a«,'ain8l the copyright, is ai 
 follows: — 
 *' It is only by the onli;;hteninp and education of the people, 
 that we can expect our institutions to hold to<rt'lher. ^"ou ask 
 us to tax ourselves, to ch(x;k tlu; circulation of cheap literature, 
 so essential to our welfare for the br'iietitofa few Kuj^lish au- 
 thors! Arc the interests of ihirtecMi millions of |)e(»[)h' to be 
 sacriticcd ! the foundation of our government and iiiHtitutious to 
 be shaken tor such trivial advantagcjs as would be derived by a 
 few foreign authors. Your claim has the show of justice we 
 admit, but when the sacrifice to justice must be attended with 
 such serious conseciuenccis must we not adhere to expediency?" 
 Now, it so happens that the very reverse of this argument has 
 always proved to be the case from Uie denial of copyright. 'I'he 
 cnlightfming of a people can only be pnKluced by ilicir hearing 
 the truth, wliicli they cannot aiid <lo iwl under existing regula- 
 tions receive from their own authors, as I have already jMjinted 
 out ; and the ettectsi of their refusal of the copyright to English 
 authors, is, that the American publishers will only send tbrth 
 such works as are likely to have an immediate sjile, such as the 
 novels of the day, which may be said at present to comprise 
 nearly the whole of American reading. Such works as might 
 enlighten the Americans are not so rapidly sjileable as to induce 
 an American publisher to risk publishing when there is such 
 competition. What is the conse<iuence that the Americans are 
 amused, but not instructed or enl ghtened? 
 According to the present systeui of publication in America, 
 the grant of copyright would prove to be of advantage only to a 
 few authors — of course, I refer to the most popular. I had free 
 aduiission to the books of one of the largest publishing houses in 
 the United States, and I extracted from them the prolits receiv- 
 ed by this house for works of a certain reputation. It will be 
 perceived, that the editions published are not large. The proHti 
 of the American houses chiefly resulting from the number oj 
 works published, each of them yielding a moderate profit, which, 
 when collected together, swell into a large sum total. 
 V.ll I 
 i* • 
 % " 
 ";; ■ ■% 
 C'dpica printed. Trade price. 
 Fielding 2,50() i04 cents, many left unsold 
 Prior's Life of Gold- 
 smitli 7')0 200 " sold. 
 Arethusa 1,250 70 " all sold. 
 Abel Alluut .... 1,200 52 " almost all sold. 
 Fellow Coiiimuner 2,(>00 70 " many on Imnd. 
 Ritlo Brio^ade . . . 2,000 HI " many on hand. 
 Sharpe's Essays . . 1,000 54 " one halt' sold. 
 Now, as there are one hundred cents to a dollar, and the 
 expenses of printing, paper, and advertisinfj have to he deducted,, 
 as well as the copies left on hand, it will he evident, that the 
 profit on cacli of the above works, would bo too small to allow 
 the publishers in America to give even £20 lor the copyright; 
 tlie consequence of a co|)yright would therefore be, that the 
 major portion of the works printed would not be published at all, 
 and better works would be substituted. Of course, such authors 
 as Walter Scott, Byron, Bulwer, &c., have a most e>;tensive 
 sale ; and tiie profits are in pro[)ortion, but then it must be re- 
 membered that a great many booksellers publish editions, and 
 the profits are divided accordingly. Could Sir Walter Scott 
 have obtained a copyright in the United States, it would have 
 been worth to him by this time at least £100,000. 
 The Americans talk so much about their being the most 
 enlightened nation in the world, that it has been generally re- 
 ceived to bo the case. 1 have already stated my ideas on thi? 
 subject, and I think that the small editions usually published, of 
 works not standard or elementary, prove, that with the exception 
 of newspapers, they are not a reuding nation. The fact is, they 
 have no time to read; they are all at work; and if they get 
 through their daily newt^paper, is quite as much as most of 
 them can ellect. Previous to my arrival in the United States, 
 and even for some t me allerwards, I had an idea that there 
 v/as a much larger circulation of every class of writing in 
 America, than there really is. it is only the most popular 
 English authors, as Waller Scott, or the most fashionable, as 
 Byron, which have any extensive circulation; the works which 
 at present the Americans like best, are tliosc of fiction in which 
 there is anythi.Mglo excite or amuse them, which is very natural, 
 considering how actively they are employed during the major 
 portion of their existence, and the consccjuent necessity ot 
 occasional relaxation. When wo consider the extreme cheap- 
 ness of books in the United Staff^s, and tLo enormous price of 
 them in this country, the facilities of reading them there, and 
 the difficulty attending it here from the above causes, I have no 
 hesitation in saying, that as a reading nation, the United States 
 canHot enter into coniparison with us. 
 As I am upon this subject, I cannot refrain from making a 
 few remarks upon it, as connected with tliis country. The price 
 of a book now published is enormous, when '^e prime cost o( 
 , { 
 :: i 
mahryat's diary. 
 Linrr a 
 paper and printing is ronsidered ; the actual value of each three 
 ▼oluines of a mod. rate edition, which are sold at a guinea and a 
 half, being about /oi/rA/i/Z/i/zifs and sixpence^ and wiion the edition 
 is large, as the outlay lor putting up the type is the same in both, 
 of course it is even less; hut the author must be paid, and upon 
 the present smulleditions he hddscoiisiderablytothe price charged 
 upoji every volume; then ctmes theeX|)ense ofadvertising, which 
 is very heavy; the profits of the publisher, and the profits of the 
 trade in general ; for every book for w hich the public pay a guinea 
 and a half, is delivered by the publisher to the trade, that is, to the 
 booksellers, at dt'l \s. lUf. 'I'lje allowance to the trade, there- 
 fore, is the heaviest tax of all; but it is impossible for book- 
 sellers to keep establirhmoiits, clerks, &c., v\i:hout having in- 
 demnification. In all the abcjvc items, which so swells up the 
 price of the hook, there taimot well be any deduction made. 
 Let us examine into the division of profits. I am only 
 making an approximalion, but it is (juite near enough for tho 
 An edition of 1,000 copies at JCI ll.s. Gd. will give i;l,575. 
 Posiliic Exjnriscs lu Publisher, 
 Trade allowance of lO.s. ;}</. per"^ £. s. 
 copy . . jCoI'J lO.s. \ 
 Kxtru allowance 25 for 24— 4() { 
 copies . . . XO'U 
 Printing and papor,4.v. 0(/, per copy 
 Adverti>ing, etiual to 2.s. per copy 
 I'resontations to Universities and 
 Reviewers, say i^O copies 
 The author if he is well known, 
 may be said to receive 7s. per 
 Leaving for the publisher . . 
 47 5 
 Total jL' 1,575 
 All the first expenses being p<*sitive, it follows that the strug- 
 gle is between the publisher nrul the author, as to what division 
 shall be made of the remainder. The publishc points out tho 
 risk he incurs, and the author his time and necessities ; and when 
 it is considered that many autlwrs take more than a year to write 
 u hook, it must be acknowledged that the sum paid to them, us I 
 have put it down, is not too great. Tiie risk, however, is with 
 the publisher, and the great profits with the trade, which is per- 
 haps the reason why booksellers often make Ibrtunes, and pub- 
 lishers as often become bankrupts. Cienerally speaking, however, 
 the two are combined, the sure gain of the bookseller being as a 
 set off'against the speculation of the publisher. 
 Bu* one thing is certain, the price of books in this country is 
 much too high, and what are the consequences I First, tliat in- 
 stead of purchasing books, and putting tliem into their libraries, 
 people have now formed themselves into societies and book* 
 1 t I 
 i: ;: 
II ; 
 marhyat's diary. 
 clubs, or trust entirely to obtaining tliem from circulating libra- 
 ries. VViiliout a book is very ixjpiilar, it is known by the pub* 
 lisher what the sule is likely to be, within perhaps ht'ty copies; 
 for the lKX)k-clubsan(l libraries will, and must have it, and hardly 
 anybody else will ; lor who will |)ay a truinea and a half for a 
 oook wJiich may, after all, prove not worth reading ! Secondly, 
 it has the etfecl of the works being reprinted abroad, and sent 
 over to this country, which, of course, decreases the sale of the 
 English edition. At the <Justom-l louse, they now admit English 
 works printed in Paris, at a small duty, when brought over in a 
 person's luggage for private reading; and these toreign editions 
 are smuggled, and are to be openly purchased at most of the 
 towns along the coast. This cannot he prevented — and as for 
 any inteniulional copyright being granted byFranceor Belgium, 
 I do not think that it ever will be; and if it were, it would bo of 
 no avail, tor the pirating would then bo carried on a little further 
 off in the small (jiermau States ; and if you drove it to China, it 
 would take place there. We are running after a VVill-o'-the- 
 Wisp in that expectation. The fault lies in ourselves ; the books 
 are too dear, and the question now is, cannot they be made 
 cheaper .' 
 There is a luxury in printing, to which the English have 
 been so long accustomed, thai ii would not do to deprive them 
 of it. Besides, bad paper and bad type would make but little 
 difference in the expense of the book, as my calculation will 
 show; hul if a three volume work*" could be delivered to the 
 public alien shillings, instead of a guinea and a half, it would 
 not only put a slop to piracy abroad, hut the reduced price 
 would induce many hundreds to put it into their library, and be 
 indepeiideiilof the hurried readiiiji against lime, and often figainst 
 incliiialioii, to which they are subject by book-ehibs and circu- 
 lating libraries ; and that this is not the case, is the fault of the 
 public itself, and not of the author, ()ul)lislier, or any other party. 
 Il is evident that the oiily way by wliich books may be made 
 cheap, is by an extended sale — and Nicholas Nickleby, and 
 other works of that description, hav(! proved that a cheap work 
 will have an extended sale — always provided it is a really gooJ 
 Hut it is imfios^ihiP It break through the present arrange- 
 ♦ I ou:^hl bore t^i riMiark. that the authors are much injured by the 
 present Kystem. It having been satisfactorily proved, that a threc- 
 vohimo work is tlie only one that can he puhlished at the minimum 
 of cx[)cnse, ami the magnum of protits, no piiolisher likes to publish 
 any ulher. 'I'hcrc is the siinc expense in advertising, &c., a two 
 volume, or a one oclavo beok, as a three. 'J'he author, therefore, 
 has to 8pin out to three volumes, whether he has matter or not; and 
 this islhu reason why the second voluiiie, like the fourth act of a five 
 act play, is, generally Kpe:iking, so very heavy. Publishers, now-a- 
 daya, inoji^uro workd with a (ooK rule, as the critic did in Slerne. 
w< f. 
 ' • ) 
 nienis which confine the sale of books, unless the public ibem- 
 ill taki 
 hiind — if th( 
 to exert ihemst^lve?, 
 I — il they chodse 
 Jhe low prices may be firmly estni)lislir(l with equril benefit to 
 all parties, and with an iin'tiense increase in the cnnsntnption 
 of pa[)er. To prove that any attempt on the part of an amhor 
 or publisher will not succeed nnaided, it was but a few monlh« 
 njro, that Mr. Hent'ey nrade the trial, and publislied the three 
 volumes at one nrtiinra ; hut he did lut sell oni' copy more — the 
 flubs and libraries toed; the usual number, and ho was c(im[ielled 
 lo raise his price. The ra[)id sale of the Standard Novels, 
 whiidi have been read over and over ajrain, when published at 
 the price of five shilliniis, is another proof thai the public has 
 no objection to purchase when the price is within its me.ins. 
 I can see but one way by w hich this jrre.il desideratum is to 
 be eHected ; which is, by the public insurinor by subscription 
 atiy publisher or bookseller I'rnni loss, provided he (bdivers the 
 works at the reduced price. At present, one co[)y of a bonk 
 may be s;iid to serve for thirty people at least; but say 'h.it it 
 serves for ten, or rather say thai you could obtain five thousand, 
 or even a less number, of people to put down their nimes as 
 subscribers to all new works written by certain named anibors, 
 which should bo published ,ii the reduced price often shillings 
 per C(i|iy. I,et. us see the result. 
 A ten shilling work under such auspices would be delivered 
 to the trade at ei'rhi sliillin«rs. 
 The value of the five thousand copies to the pub- 
 lisher would be 
 The expenses of printirifr and paper would be re- 
 duced to about ?,s. a copy, which would be jL'7.')0 
 Advertisintr, as before . . . . ItK) 
 Extra Is. JJd., Is., 5s., about . . . IG — 8()G 
 i]-21 5 
 rm] 15 
 Ijcavinnr a profit for iiutlmr and publisher of 
 Whereas, in the priiiiinrr of a thousand copies, the 
 profits of autlior .L'^iaO, and of publisher iJ"J77 5s., 
 e(|u,ille(l only ...... 
 Kx'ra profit lo author and publisher 
 Here the pni>lic would (jain, the author would {jain, and the 
 publisher would tiain : nor would any party lose; the profits of 
 the trade would not b(» (piite so fjreat, beiiiL'" C.')00. instead of 
 £575 ; but it musl be remembered, that there are many who, not 
 heintr subscril)ers, would [)urchase the book as soon as they found 
 that it was approved ol' — indeed, there is no saying to what 
 extent the sale mi<jht prove to be. 
 If any one puldisher sold books at this price, the efTect would 
 be of reducinir the price of all publications, for either the authors 
 must apply to the cheap publisher, or the other publishers sell at 
 tlic same rate, or they would not sell at all. Uook-club») and 
 ' I 
 »' ■ If 
 !i I 
m '^' 
 It',': lii 
 circulating libraries would then rapidly break up, and we should 
 obtain the great desideratum of cheap literature. 
 And now that 1 have made my statement, what will be the 
 consequence? Why, people will say, " that's all very well, 
 all very true" — and nobody will take the trouble — the conse- 
 qaence is, that the publin will go on, paying through the nose as 
 before — and if so, let it not grumble; as it has no one to thank 
 but itself for it.* 
 The paper and printing in America is, generally speaking, so 
 very inferior, that the books are really not worth bindmjj, and are 
 torn up or thrown away aftiT they are rea<l — not that they cannot 
 print H'ell ; for at Boston particularly they turn out very excel- 
 lent workmanship. Mr. Prcscott's Ferdinand and Isabella, is a 
 very good specimen, and so are many of tiie Bibles and Prayer 
 books. In consequence of their own bad printing, and the tax 
 upon English books, there are very few libraries in America: 
 and in this point, the American government should make some 
 alteration, as it will be beneticial to both countries. The En- 
 glish editions, if sent over, would not interfere with the sale of 
 their cheap editions, and it would enable the American gentle- 
 men to collect libraries. 'J'he duty, at present, is twenty-six 
 cents per pound, on books in boards and thiity cents upon bound 
 Now, with the exception of school books, upon which the duty 
 should he retained, this duty should be very much reduced. 
 At present, all books published prior to 1775, are admitted 
 upon a reduced duty of five cents. This date should be extended 
 to 1810, or 1815, and illustrated works should also be admitted 
 upon the reduced duty. It would be a bonus to the Americans 
 who wish to have libraries, and some advantage to the English 
 I cannot dismiss this subject without pointing out a most dis- 
 honest practice, which has latterly been resorted to in the United 
 States, and which a copyright only, I am afraid, can prevent the 
 continuance of. Works which have become standard authority 
 in England, on acount of the purity of their Christian principles, 
 are republished in America with whole pages altered, advantage 
 being taken of the great reputation of the orthodox writers, to 
 disseminate Unitarian and Socinian principles. A friend of mine, 
 residing in Haliflix, Nova Scotia, sent to a religious book society 
 at New York for a number of works, as presents to the children 
 attending the Sunday school. He did not examine them, having 
 before read the works in England, and well knowing what ought 
 to have been the contents of each. 
 ♦ Thf mcmljers of the peerage and baronetage of Gieat Britain — 
 the members of the untitled aristocracy — the staff officers of the srmy 
 and navy — the mi-nhers of the different clubs — are each of thera suf- 
 ficiently nunierou.s to effect thisobjec-t; and if any subscription was 
 opened, it could not fait of being filled up. 
 34 to 
 in — 
 To his surprise, the parents came to him a few days after- 
 wards to return the books, staiinjr that they presumed that he 
 eould not be aware of the nature of their corjtenls; and on ex- 
 amiiiaiion, he found that he had been circMilatinir Unitarian prin- 
 ciples amonjr the children, instead of those which he had wished 
 to inculcate.* 
 'Die [)re.>-s of America, as 1 have described it, is all powerful ; 
 but still it must be borne in mind, tliat it is but the slave of the 
 majority ; which, in its turn, it dare not oppose. 
 Sucli is its tyranny, that it is the dread of the whole commu- 
 nity. No one can — no oiie dare ojipose it; whosoever falls 
 under its displeasure, be he as innocent and as pure as man can 
 be, his doom is sealed. Hut this power is only delegated by 
 the will of the majfirity, lor let any author in America oppose 
 that will, and he is denounced. Yon must drink, you must 
 write, liot according to your own opinions, or your own tlioughts, 
 but as the majority will.]- 
 Mr. 'roc(]U(,'ville observes, "I know no country in which there 
 is so little true independence of n»ind, and freedom of discussion, 
 as in America." 
 1 H.WE headed this chapter with the name of the river which 
 llows between the princi|)al Stales in which the society I am 
 about to depict is to be found ; but, at the same time, there are 
 other southern States, such a.^^ Alabama and (Jeorgia, which 
 must be included. I shall attempt to draw the line as clearly 
 as I can. for allhoiicfh the territory comprehended is enormous, 
 the population is not one-third of that of the United States, and 
 it would be a great injustice if the description of the society I 
 am about to enter into should be supposed to refer to that of the 
 States in general. It is indeed most peculiar, and arising fronn 
 circunist-.mces which will induce me to reler back, that the 
 causes may he exj)lained to the reader. Never, perhaps, in the 
 * One of those works was Abbott's Young Christian, or some other 
 work by author. 
 i indeed, one cannot help beincf reminded of what Beaumarchais 
 makes Figaro say upon the liberty of the press in another country. 
 " On me dit que pendant ma relraitc econoniique il scsst etabli dans 
 Madrid un systenie de liberie sur la vente dcs pioductions, qui s'^tend 
 meme a celles de le presse; et que, jiourvu que je ne parie en me« 
 ecrits, ni v. i'autoritc, ni du culte, ni de la politique, ni de la Fnorale, 
 ni des gens en place, ni des corps en credit, ni de {'opera, ni des autrce 
 spectacles, ni de personne qui tienne a quelque chose, je puis tout 
 ifuprimer Ubrement sous i'inspection de deux on Iroia censeurt.^^ 
 i I !l 
 'I I 
 records of nnlions was thpro an instanre of a rrntury of such 
 unvaryinjj and unmili<;;Upd crimo as is to I>p rolloctrd from ihr 
 history of the tiirhr.lpiit and hlood-strtincd Mississippi. The 
 stream iisolf appears as if appropriate for the deeds which have 
 been fnmmittrd. Ft is tint like most rivers, heaiitifiil to the 
 sight, ht'^tdwiiijr ftTtiliiy in iis course; not one that the eye 
 loves to «Iwell \ipon as it sweeps alonty, nor ran yon wander on 
 its hank, or trust yourself without d iiitjcr to its stream. It is a 
 furious, rapid, desolatinjj torrent, loaded with alluvial soil ; and 
 few of those who are received inti its waters ever rise ■ijrain,or 
 can support themselves lonjr on it3 surface without assistance 
 from some friendly lojr. Ji contains the coarsest and most 
 nneatal)!e of fish, such as the cat-fish and such genus, and as 
 yon descend its hanks are occupied with the fetid alligator, 
 while the panther basks at its edge in the cane-hrakes, almost 
 impervious to man. Pouring its impetuous waters through 
 wild tracks, covered with trees of little value except for fire- 
 wood, it sweeps down whole forests in its course, which dis- 
 appear in tuniuliueus confusion, whirled away hy the stream 
 now l.t;i(|c(| with the masses of soil which nourished their roots, 
 often hidcking up and changing for a time the <'harMiel of the 
 river, which, as if in anger at its being opposed, inundates and 
 devastates tlin whole country round ; and ;is soon us it forces its 
 way throiiirii its former channel, plants in every direct iuii the 
 uprooted monarchs of the forest (upon whose hranchrs the bird 
 will never again perch, or the racoon, the opossum, or tlie 
 squirrel, climli) as traps to the adventurous iiavitjatorr. of its 
 waters liv steam, wh?, home down upon these concealed dan- 
 gers which pierce through the planks, very often have not time 
 to steer for rod gain the shore before they sink to the bottom. 
 There are no pleasing assoj-iations connccied with the great 
 common sewer of the western Americr., which [loiirs nut its mud 
 into the .M( .\ican (iulpii, polluting the clear hlne sea for many 
 miles beyond its mouth. It is a river of desolation ; and in- 
 stead of reminding you, like other beautiful rivers, of an angel 
 which has descended tor the benefit of man, you imagine it a 
 devil, who>(> energies has been only overcome by the wonderful 
 power of ste.im. 
 Tii(i early hi.storyof the Mississippi is ono of piracy and bucca- 
 neerinir; its moutiis were frecp.eiited by thej-f; ninraiulers, as in 
 the bayous and creeks they found protection and concealment 
 for themselves and their ill-gotten wealth. Even imti! after the 
 war of 1^14 tliesf^ ?(^a-robbers still to a certain extent Houru-hed. 
 and the name of liufitte, the last of their leaders, is deservedly 
 renowned for conrai'-e and tor crime; his vessels were usually 
 secreted in the land-locked bay of Haritaria, to the westward of 
 llie mouth of the river. They w<re, howevcT, soon extirpatj'il by 
 the American government. The language of the tw'jacent 
 States is still adnltered with the slang, of those scoundrels 
 provin;^ how short a period it is since they disappeared, and hovr 
 --'^•Mi^ -. 
 Ihey must have mixed up with the reckless population, whoso 
 iiend-qiiartcrs were then ut the mouth of the river. 
 But as t^ic huntino;.(rroun(ls of Western Virginia, Kcniucky, 
 and the northern hunks of the Ohio, were gradually wrested 
 from the Shawnee Indians, the population became more dense, 
 and the Mississippi itself hecanie the means of communication 
 anJ of barter with the more northern tribes. Then another race 
 of men made their appearance, and flourished for lialf a century, 
 varying indeed in employment, but in other respects little better 
 than the buccaneers and pirates, iii whose ranks they were pro- 
 bably first enlisted. These were the boatmen of the Mississippi, 
 who with incredible fatigue forced their " keels" with poles 
 against ilie current, working against the stream with the 
 cargoes entrusted to their care by the merchants of New 
 Orleans, labouring for many months before they arrive at 
 their destinaiion, and returning with the rapid current in 
 as many days as it required weeks for them to ascend. 
 This was a service of great danger and difficulty, requiring 
 men of iron frame and undaurUed resolution: they had 
 to contend not only with the stream, but when they ascended 
 the Ohio with the Indians, who, taking up the most favour- 
 able |)ositions, either poured down the contents of their rifles 
 into ihe boat as she passed, or, taking advantage of the 
 dense fog, boarded, them in their canoes, indiscriminate slaughter 
 being the invariable result of the boatmen having allowed them- 
 selves to be surprised. In these men was to be found, as there 
 often is in the most unprincipled, one redeeming quality (inde- 
 j)eiident of courage and perseverance), which was, that they 
 were, generally speaking, unscrupulously honest to their em- 
 ployers, although they made little ceremony of appropriating to 
 their own use the property, or, if necessary, of taking the life 
 of any other parlies. Wild, indeed, are the stories which are 
 still remembered of the deeds of coaratje, and also of the fearful 
 crimes committed by these men, on a river which never gives 
 up its dead. I say still remembered, for in a new country they 
 r(^adily forget the past, and only look forward to the future, 
 whereas in an old country the case is nearly the reverse — we love 
 to recur to iraditjoii, and luxuriate in the dim records of history. 
 The following descri|)tion of the employment of this elass of 
 people is from the pen of an anonymous American author: — 
 "There is someching inexplicable in the fact, tliere could be 
 men found, for ordinary wages, who would abandon the syste- 
 matic but not laborious pursuits of agriculture to follow a life, 
 of all others except that of the soldier, distinguished by the 
 greatest exposure and privation. The occupation of a boatman 
 was more lalculated to destroy the constitution and to shorten 
 life than any other business, In ascending the river it was a 
 continued series of toil, rendered moreirksonif by the snail-like 
 rate at which they moved. The boat was propelled by poles, 
 against which the shoulder was placed, and the whole strenoth 
 and skill of the individual were applied in this manner. As 
 ll t <? 
 hakryat'8 diart. 
 the boatmen moved along the running board, with their head!* 
 nearly touching the plank on which they walked, the effect 
 produced on the mind of an observer was similar to that on be- 
 holding the ox rocking before an overloaded cart. Their bodies, 
 naked to their waist for the porpose of moving with greater 
 ease and of enjoying the breeze of the river, were exposed to 
 the burning suns of summer and to the rains of autumn. After 
 a hard day's push they would take their 'fillee,' or ration of 
 whisky, and, having swallowed a miserable supper of moat 
 half burnt, and of bread half baked, stretched themselves, 
 without covering, on the deck, and slumber till the steersman's 
 call invited them to the morning 'fillee.' Notwithstanding this, 
 ilu' boatman's life had charms as irresistible as those presented 
 by the splendid illusions of the stage. Sons abandoned the 
 ronifortable farms of their fathers, and apprentices fled from the 
 servifp of their masters. There was a captivation in the idea 
 of » jrniiig down tlie river,' and the youthful boatman who had 
 ' pushed u keel' from New Orleans felt all the pride of a young 
 n.erchant after his tirst voyage to an English sea-port. From 
 an exchisivo association together ihey had formed a kind ot 
 slang peculiar to themselves; and from the constant exercise of 
 wit with ' the s(|uatters' on shore, and crews of other boats, they 
 acquired a (juicknoss ami smartness of vulgar retort that was 
 (]uite anuising. The frequent battles they were engaged in with 
 the boatineii of tlifl'erenl ));irts of the river, and with the less 
 civilized inhabitants of the lower Oliioaiul Mississippi, invested 
 them wiili that furious reputation which has made them spoken 
 of ihroiighoui Euro|)e. 
 " On board of the boats thus navigated our merchants entrust- 
 ed valuable cargoot:, without insurance, awd with no other 
 guarantee than the receipt of the stcersmari, who poe^scsf^ed no 
 property but his bout ; and the confidence so reposed was seldom 
 Every class of men has its hero, as those always will Le who, 
 from ent^rgy ef character and natural endowment, arc superior 
 to their fellows. The most remarkable person among thesrC peo- 
 ple was one Mike Fink, who was their acknowledged leader 
 for many years. His fame was established frctn New Orlean.s 
 to Pittsburg. He was endowixl with gigantic strength, courage, 
 and i)resenco of mind — his rille was unerring, and his conscience 
 never troubled his repose. Everyone was afraid of him; every 
 one was anxious to bo on good terms with him, for he was a 
 regular freebooter; and although he spared his friends, he gave 
 lio quarter to the lives or properties of others. Mike Fink was 
 not originally a boatmen : at an early age ho had enlisted in the 
 company of scouts, another variety of employment protluced by 
 circumstjinces — a species of solitary rangers employed by the 
 An»encan government, and acting as spies, lo watch the mo- 
 tions of the Indians on the frontiers. This peculiar service is 
 thus described by the author I have before quoted: — 
 " At that time, Pittsburg was on the extreme verge of while 
 illy extt 
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 As the 
 of scouts 
 woods, U 
 \)opulation, and tlic spies, who wore cons^tnntiy employeil, gcner- 
 illy extended their rrconnoissunce forty or fifty inilos to the 
 west of this post. 'J'hoy went out sinjjly, lived as did the In- 
 dian, and in every respect hecanie perfectly assimilated in habits, 
 taste, and feelinj,', with the red men of the desert A kind of 
 l)order warfare was kept up, and the scout thoui,'ht it as praise- 
 worthy to hriijfj in the scalp of a Shawnee, as the skin of a pan- 
 ther. He wouhl remain in the woods tor weeks lofjether, using 
 parched corn for bread, and dependin<r on iiis riHe for his meat 
 — and slept at ni<(ht in perfect comfort, rolled in his Idanket." 
 In this service Alike Fink acquired a irreat reputation t()r cool- 
 ness and counifjc, and many arc the stories told of his ad ventures 
 with the Indians. It has been inconlestably proved, that the 
 white man, when accust(jmed to the woods, is much more acute 
 tlian the Indian himself in that woodcraft of every species, in 
 which the Indian is supposed to be such an adept; suoli as dis- 
 coverinif a trail by the prmt of a Mocassin, l)y the breakinij of 
 twjnrg, jayinix of the grass, &.c. ; and in the practice <jf the ritle 
 he is very superior. As a proof of Fink's dexterity witii his 
 riHe, he is said one day, as they were descending the Ohio in 
 their boat, to have laid a wager, and won it, that he would from 
 mid-stream with his riHe halls cut olfat the .-tumps the tails of 
 five pif^s which were feeding on the banks. One story relative 
 to Mike Fink, when he was employed as a scout, will be inter- 
 esting to the reader. 
 "As he was creeping along one morning, with the stealthy 
 tread of a cat, his eye fell upon a beautiful buck browsing on 
 the edge of a barren spot, three hundred yards disidiit. The 
 temptation was loo stroug for the woodsman, and he resolved 
 to have a shot at every hazard. Ilepriming his gun, and picking 
 his flint, he made his approaches in the usual noiseless maaner. 
 At the moment he reached the spot from which he meant lo 
 take his aim, he observed a large savage, intent upon the same 
 object, advancing from a direction a little different from his 
 own. Mike shrunk behind a tree with the quickness of thought, 
 and keeping his eye fixed on the hunter, waited the result with 
 patience. In a fevv moments the Indian halted within fifty 
 paces, and levelled his piece at the deer. In the meanwhile 
 Mike presented his riHe at the body of the savage, and at the 
 moment the smoke issued from the gun of the latter, the bull et 
 of Fink passed through the red man's breast. He uttered a 
 yell, and fell dead at the same instant with the deer. Mike 
 re-loaded his rifle, and remained in his covert for some minutes 
 to ascertain whether there were more enemies at hand. He 
 then stepped up to the prostrate savage, and having satisfied 
 himself that life was extinguished, turned his attention to th« 
 buck, and look from the carcase those pieces r^uiled to the pro- 
 cess of jerking." 
 As the country filled up the Indians retreated, and the corps 
 of scouts was abolished : but after a life of excitement in the 
 woods, they w«re unfitted for a settled occupation. iSotne of 
 ^ ; 
 marryat's dtarv 
 '• A* 
 them joined the the Indians, others, and amnn^them Mike F'infr. 
 enrolled themselves amoiiy the fraternity of hoatmen on the Mis- 
 The death of Mike Fink was hefittinfr hi- life. One of his 
 very common exploits with liis rilte was hittinj; for a waitf-r, at 
 thirty yards distance, a small tin pot, nscd hy the hoatmen, 
 which was put on the head of annth(.>r man. JSimh was his repu- 
 tation, that no one hardly objected to heiiifr phiccfl in this pre- 
 carious situation. It is even said that his wile, that is, his Missi/i- 
 s!ppi wife, was accustomed to stand the fire ; this (cat was always 
 performed for a wiger of a quart of spirits, made hy some stran- 
 jrer, and was a source of ohtaininfr the necessary .-.iippli< s. One 
 day the wajjer was made as usual, and a man with v/hou) Mik( 
 had at one time heen at variance (althoni,'h the feud was now 
 supposed to have hern forppotton) was the party who consented 
 that the pot should he placed on his hc^ad. Whether it was 
 that Mike was not quite sober, or that ho retained his ill-will 
 towar<ls the man,certaiti it is, that in thi^ instance, instead ot 
 his hiltingthe mark, his biillet went below it and throujih the brain 
 of the man, who instantly fell dead ; but his brother, who was 
 standinnr by, and probably suspecting treachery, had his loaded 
 rrfle in liis hand, levelled, fired, and in a second the soul of Mike 
 was despatched after that of his victim. 
 Here endeth the history of Mike Fink, Esq. 
 The invention of the steam-enjfine, and its application to 
 nautical purposes, deprived the boatmen of employment; they 
 were again thrown upon their own resources, and as it may 
 he supposed, did not much assist in the amelioration of Mis- 
 sissippi society. The country gradually increasd its popula- 
 tion, but as a majority of those who migrated were of the 
 worst description, being composed of these who had fled from 
 the more settled States to escape the punishment due to their 
 crimes, it may be said, that so far from improving, the morals of 
 the Mississippi became worse, as the mean and paltry knave, 
 the swindler, and the forger were now mingled up with the more 
 daring spirits, producing a more complicated and varied class of 
 crime than before. The steam-boats were soon crowded hy a 
 description of people who were termed gamblers, as such was 
 their ostensible profession, although they were ready for any 
 crime which night offer an advantage to them,* and tue increase 
 of commerce and constant inpouring cf population daily offer to 
 * " Jack/ton, JMi a si SSI ppi, Oct. 13. 
 " PosTscniPT. — Btf yesterday eveving^s northern mail, we learn 
 from the Argus of 9th inst., that during the last week the gamblers 
 in (yolumbus, Mississippi, have kept the town in great excitement. 
 Armed men paraded the streets, and were stationed at corners, with 
 double-barrelled guns, Bowie knives, &c. ; and every day a general 
 fight was anticipated. The gamblers put law and public indignation 
 at defiance. The militia were called out to aid the civil authority in 
 preserving peace." — Sun^ 
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 ibem soTTic new dupe fur llieir villiny. Tlifi slato of society 
 was much worse than before — the knife was sulisiiiiiied for the 
 rifle, and lite riv( r Ixiricd many a secret of atrocious murder. To 
 1)T0ve the extent to which these deeds of horror were; |)er[»eiraled, 
 shall jjive to the Knijlish reader, in as sin-cinct a form as I 
 can, the hi.story of John Murel, the land piralo, as he was termed. 
 There is an octavo volume, published in the I nited Stales, 
 givinn; a whole statement of the all'air; it was not until the 
 year 1833 that il was exposed and Mure! sent to the I'eniientiary. 
 Murel was at the head of a iartje b.uid, who iiad joined under 
 his directions, for the purposes of steaiinfr horses and n(^<iroes 
 in the southern Ntates, and of passini; eountfrlfit money, lie 
 appears to have been a most dexterous as well as consummate 
 villain. When he travelled, his usual disfjuise was that of an 
 itinerant preacher; and it is said that his discourses were very 
 ''soul moviiiff" — intorestin": the hearers so much ihut thev lorijol 
 to look aller their horses, which were carried away by his con- 
 fedorutes while ho was preachinj''. Hut the stealing'- of horses iji 
 one State, and sellinjj; them in another, was but n small portion 
 of their business; the most lucrative was the cnticinir slaves to 
 run away from their masters, that they miirht sell them in some 
 other quarter. This was arranjjred as follows; they would tell a 
 nco-ro that if he would run away from his master, and allow 
 them to sell him, he should receive a portion of the money paid 
 tor him, and that upon his return to them a second time they 
 would send him to a free State, where he would be safe. The 
 poor wretches complied with this recjuest, hoping to obtain money 
 and fteodom; they would be sold to another master, and run 
 away aijain to their employers ; sometimes they would bo sold in 
 this manner three or four times until they had realized three or 
 four thousand dollars by them; but us, afl<;r this, there was fear 
 of detection, the usual custom was to g'et rid of the only witness 
 that could be produced airaiiist them, which was the nen;ro liim- 
 self, by mudoriiig him, and throwiiiLT his body into the Mississippi, 
 tjven if it was established that they had st('»len a neg-ro betbre Ijo 
 was murdered, th(3y were always prepared to evade punishment, 
 tor they concealed the neofro who had run away until he was ad- 
 vertised, and a reward offered to any man who would catch him. 
 An advertisement of this kind warrants the person to take the 
 property, if found, and then the nej^ro becomes a property in trust. 
 VV^hen, therefore, they sold the nci^ro, it only became a breach of 
 trust, not stealing ; and for a breach of trust, the owner of 
 the property can only have redress by* a civil action, which 
 was useless, as the damages were never paid. It may be 
 inquired, how it was that Murel escaped Lynch law under 
 such circumstances'! This will be easily understood when it 
 is stated that he had more tiian a thousand sworn con- 
 federates, all ready at a moment's notice to support any of the 
 gang who might be in trouble. The names of all the principal 
 confederates of Murel were obtained from himself, in a manner 
 which 1 shall presently explain. The gang was composed of 
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 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 873-4503 
 marryat's diary. 
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 two classes: the heads or council, as they were called, who 
 planned and concerted but seldom acted ; they amounted to about 
 four hundred. The other class were the active agents, and 
 were termed Strikers, and amounted to about six hundred and 
 fifty. These were the tools in the hands of the others ; they ran 
 all the risk, and received but a small proportion of the money ; 
 they were in the power of the leaders of the gang-, who would 
 sacrifice them at any time by handing them over to justice, or 
 sinking their bodies in the Mississippi. The general rendezvous 
 of this gang of miscreants was on the Arkansaw side of the 
 river, where they concealed their negroes in the morasses and 
 The depredations of this extensive combination were severely 
 felt: but so well were their plans arranged, that although 
 Murel, who was always active, was everywhere suspected, there 
 was no proof to be obtained. It so happened, however, that a 
 young man of the name of Stewart, who was looking after two 
 slaves which Murel had decoyed away, fell in with him and ob- 
 tained his confidence, took the oath, and was admitted into the 
 gang as one of the general council. By this means all was dis- 
 covered ,- for Stewart turned traitor, although he had taken the 
 oath, and having obtained every information, exposed the whole 
 concern, the names of all the parties, and finally succeeded in 
 bringing home sufficient evidence against Murel, to procure his 
 conviction and sentence to the Penitentiary ; where he now is. 
 (Murel was sentenced to fourteen years' imprisonment; butas he 
 will, upon the expiration of his time, be immediately prosecuted 
 and sentenced again for similar deeds in other States, he will 
 remain imprisoned for life). So many people who were supposed 
 to be honest, and bore a respectable name in the different States, 
 were found to be among the list of the Grnnd Council as pub- 
 lished by Stewart, that every attempt was made to throw dis- 
 credit upon his assertions — his character was vilified, and more 
 than one attempt was made to assassinate him. He was obliired 
 to quit the Southern States in consequence. It is however 
 well ascertained to have been all true ; and although 
 blame Mr. Stewart for having violated his oath, they no 
 attempt to deny that his revelations were not correct. To un- 
 derstand, to the full amount, the enormities committed by this 
 miscreant and his gang, the reader must read the whole account 
 published at New York ; I will however just quote one or two 
 portions of Murel's confessions to Mr. Stewart, made to him 
 when they were journeying together. I ought to have observed, 
 that the ultimate intentions of Murel and his associates were by 
 his own account on a very extended scale; having no less an 
 object in view than raising the blacks against the whtes, taking 
 possession of, and plundering New Orleans, and making them- 
 selves possessors of the territory. The following are a few ex- 
 tracts from the published work : — 
 " I collected all my friends about New Orleans at one of our 
 friend's hoftses in that place, and v\ e sat in council three days 
if .; 
 t: . 
 before we got all our plans to our notion ; we then determined 
 to undertake the rebellion at every hazard, and make as many- 
 friends as we could for that [purpose. Every man's business 
 being assigned him, I started to Naichez on foot, iiaving sold my 
 horse in New Orleans, with the intention of stealing another 
 after I started: I walked four days, and no opportunity offered 
 for me to get a horse. The fifth day, about twelve, 1 had become 
 tired, and stopped at a creek to get some water and rest a little. 
 While I was sitting on a log, looking down the road the 
 way that I had come, a man came in sight riding on a 
 good-looking horse. The very moment I saw him, I was 
 determined to have his horse, if he was in the garb of a 
 traveller. He rode up, and I saw from his equipage that he 
 was a traveller. 1 arose from a seat, and drew an elegant 
 rifle pistol on him and ordered him to dismount. He did so, and 
 I took his horse by the bridle and pointed down the creek, and 
 ordered him to walk before me. He went a few hundred yards 
 and stopped. I hitched his horse, and then made him undress 
 himseltj all to his shirt and drawers, and ordered him to turn his 
 back to me. He said, "If you are determined to kill me, let me 
 have time to pray before I die." I told him I had no time to 
 hear him pray. He turned round and dropped on his knees, and 
 I shot him through the back of the head. I ripped open his belly 
 and took out his entrails, and sunk him in the creek. I then 
 searched his pockets, and found four hundred dollars and thirty- 
 seven cents, and a number of papers that I did not take time to 
 examine. I sunk the pocket-book and papers, and his hat, in the 
 creek. His boots were brand new, and fitted me genteelly ; and 
 I put them on and sunk my old shoes in the creek, to atone for 
 them. I rolled up his clothes and put them into his portmanteau, 
 as they were brand new cloth of the best quality. I mounted as 
 fine a horse as ever I straddled, and directed my course for 
 Natchez in much better style than I had been for the last five 
 "Myself and a fellow by the name of Crenshaw gathered four 
 good horses and started for Georgia. We got in company with 
 a young South Carolina just before we got to Cumberland moun- 
 tain, and Crenshaw soon knew all about his business. He had 
 been to Tennessee to buy a drove of hogs, but when he got there 
 pork was dearer than he had calculated, and he declined pur- 
 chasing. We concluded he was a prize. Crenshaw winked at 
 me, I understood his idea. Crenshaw had travelled the road be- 
 fore, but I never had j we had travelled several miles on the 
 mountain, when he passed near a great precipice ; just before we 
 passed it Crenshaw asked me for my whip, whicli had a pound 
 of lead in the butt; I handed it to him, and he rode up by the 
 side of the South Carolinian, and gave him a blow on the side of 
 the head and tumbled him from his horse ; we lit from our horses 
 and fingered his pockets; we got twelve hundred and sixty-two 
 dollars. Crenshaw said he knew of a place to hide him, and he 
 gathered him under his arms, and I by his feet, and conveyed 
 Mi ' 
 marryat's diary. 
 I' i 
 him to a deep crevice in the brow of the precipice, and tumbled 
 him into it, he went out of sight; we then tumbled in his sad- 
 dle, and took his horse with us, whicii was worth two hundred 
 " We were detained a few days, and during that time our 
 friend went to a little village in the neighbourhood and saw the 
 negro advertised, and a description of the two men of whom he had 
 been purchased, and giving his suspicions of the men. It was 
 rather squally limes, but any port in a storm : we took the negro 
 that night on the bank of a creek which runs by the farm of our 
 friend, and Crenshaw shot him through the head. We took out 
 his entrails and sunk him in the creek. 
 '* He sold him the third time on Arkansaw river for five hun- 
 dred dollars ; and then stole him and delivered him into the hand 
 of his friend, who conducted him to a swamp, and veiled the 
 tragic scene and got the last gleanings and sacred pledge of 
 secresy, as agame of that kind will not do unless it ends in a mys- 
 tery to all but the fraternity. He sold that negro for two thou- 
 sand dollars, and then put him for ever out of the reach of all 
 pursuers; and they can never graze him unless they can find 
 the negro; and that they cannot do, for his carcass has fed many 
 a tortoise and cat-fish before this time, and the frogs have sung 
 this many a long day to the silent repose of his skeleton." 
 It will be observed that in the account of his murders, by the 
 cold-blooded villain, whenever he conceals hisvictim in thewater, 
 he takes out the entrails. This is because when the entrails 
 are removed, the body will not rise again to the surface from the 
 generation of gas, occasioned by putrefaction. 
 As it is but five years since the conviction of Murel, it may 
 be supposed that society cannot be much improved in so short 
 a period. But five years is a long period, as I have before 
 observed in American history ; and some improvement has 
 already taken place, as I shall hereafter show; still the state of 
 things at present is most lamentable, as the reader will acknow- 
 ledge, when he has heard the facts which I have collected. 
 The two great causes of the present lawless state of society 
 in the South are a mistaken notion of physical courage, and a 
 total want of moral courage. Fiery and choleric in his dispo- 
 sition, intemperate in his habits, and worked upon by the pe- 
 culiarity of the climate, the Southerner is always ready to enter 
 into a quarrel, and prepared with pistol and bowie-knife to 
 defend himself. For the latter he cannot well be blamed, for 
 in the present state of things, it is only being prepared in self- 
 defence ; but at the same time, the weapons being at hand, is 
 one great cause of such frequent bloodshed. To give the lie, 
 or to use opprobious language, is considered sufficient justifica- 
 tion for using the knife ; and as public opinion is on the side of 
 the party who thus retaliates on an aff'ront, thefe is no appeal to 
 law, as if there was, the majority would never permit the law 
 to be put in force: the consequence is, that if a man is occa- 
 sionally tiied for murder, if any witness will come forward to 
 prove that the party murdered made use of an offensive epithet 
 the I 
marryat's diart. 
 f ^ 
 to the prisoner, (and there are always to be found plenty of 
 people to do this act of kindness,) he is invariably acquitted. 
 The law therefore being impotent, is hardly ever resorted to; 
 every man takes the law into his own hands, and upon the least 
 affront, blood is certain to be shed. Strange to say, I have heard 
 the system of the South defended by very respectable indi- 
 viduals. They say that, taking summary measures at the time 
 that the blood is up, is much preferable to the general custom 
 of fighting a duel the next day, which is murder in cold blood ; 
 that this idea is supported by the laws of England is certain, 
 as it resolves murder into manslaughter. But, unfortunately, 
 the argument is not borne out, from the simple fact, that the 
 quarrels do not with the cooling down of the blood, and if not 
 settled on the spot, they remain as feuds between the parties, 
 and revenge takes the place of anger ; years will sometimes 
 pass away, and the insult or injury is never forgotten; and de- 
 liberate, cold-blooded murder is the result; for there is no 
 warning given. 
 When I was in Kentucky, a man walked up to Mr. Prentice, 
 the talented editor of the Louisville Journal, and without a word 
 passing, fired a pistol at his head. Fortunately the ball missed 
 him ; no notice was taken of this attempt to murder. But I 
 have had many other examples of this kind, for if you quarrel 
 with a person and the affair is not decided at once, it is consid- 
 ered perfectly justifiable to take your revenge whenever you 
 meet him, and in any way you can. An American gentleman 
 told me that he happened to arrive at a town in Georgia with a 
 friend of his, who went with him to the post-office for letters. 
 This person had had a quarrel with another who resided in the 
 town ; but they had not met with each other for seven years. 
 The town resident was looking out of his window, when they 
 went to the post-office on the opposite side of the street ; he 
 recognised his enemy, and closing his shutters that he might 
 not be seen, passed the muzzle of his rifie between them, and 
 shot him dead, as he was with his back to him paying for his 
 But a more curious instance of this custom was narrated to 
 me by an eye-witness ; a certain general had a feud with another 
 person, and it was perfectly understood that they were to fight 
 when they met. It so happened, that the general had agreed to 
 dine at the public table of the principal hotel in the town with 
 some friends. When the gong sounded, and they all hastened 
 in, as they do, to take their places, he found his antagonist 
 seated with a party of his own friends directly opposite to him. 
 Both their pistols were out in a moment, and were presented. 
 "Would you prefer dining first?" said the general, who was 
 remarkable for coolness and presence of mind. " I have no ob- 
 jection," replied the other, and the pistols were withdrawn. 
 Some observation, however, occasioned the pistols to be again 
 produced before the dinner was over ; and then the friends inter- 
 ■i 1 
 ii: I' 
 \ i; 
 I ! 
 : I it 
 fered, each party removing so many feet above and below, so as 
 to separate them. 
 A day or two afterwards they again met at the corner of a 
 street, and the weapons were produced ; but the general, who 
 had some important business to transact, said, " 1 believe, sir, I 
 can, and you know I can, cock a pistol as soon as any man. I 
 give you your choice; shall it be now, or at some future meet- 
 ing?" " At some future meeting'then," replied his antagonist, 
 "for, to confess the truth, general, I should like to have you at 
 an advantage ,' that is to say, 1 should like to shoot you, when 
 your back is turned." 
 I have observed that there is a total want of moral courage on 
 the part of the more respectable population, who will quietly 
 express their horror and disgust at such scenes, but who will 
 never interfere, if the most barbarous murder is committed close 
 to where they are standing. I spoke to many gentlemen on this 
 subject, expressing my surprise; ihe invariable answer was, 
 *' If we interfered we should only hurt ourselves, and do no 
 good ; in all probability we should have the quarrel fixed upon 
 ourselves, and risk our own lives, for a man whom we neither 
 know nor care about." 
 In one case only, the Southerners hang together, which is if 
 the quarrel is with a stranger. Should the stranger have the 
 best of it, all the worse for him; for, by their own understand- 
 ing, the stranger must be whipped. (Whipping is the term for 
 beingconquered, whether the contest is with or without weapons.) 
 No stranger can therefore escape, if he gets into a quarrel ; al- 
 though they fight with each other, on this point the Southerners 
 are all agreed, and there is no chance of escape. 
 A striking proof of indifference to human life shown by the 
 authorities took place when I was in the West. Colonel C. 
 returning with his regiment from Florida, passed through a town 
 in the State of Tennessee. In a quarrel, one of his soldiers 
 murdered a citizen ; and the colonel, who respected the laws, 
 immediately sent the soldier as a prisoner, with a corporal's 
 guard, to be handed over to the authorities. The authorities 
 returned their thanks to the colonel for his kind attention, were 
 very much obliged to him : but as for the man, they did not want 
 him^ — so the soldier marched off with the rest of the detachment. 
 It must not be supposed that in this representation of society, 
 I chiefly refer to the humbler classes. I refer to those who are 
 considered as, and who, if wealth, and public employment may 
 be said to constitute gentility, are the gentlemen of the States 
 bordering on the Mississippi. My readers may perhaps recol- 
 lect a circumstance which occurred but a short time ago, when 
 a member of the House of Legislature in the State of Arkansas, 
 who had a feud with the Speaker of the House, upon his enter- 
 ing the hall, was rushed upon by the Speaker, and stabbed to 
 the heart with a bowie-knife. What was the result 1 What 
 steps were taken on the committal of such a foul murder in the 
 very hall of legislature ! such a precedent of example shown to 
marryat's diary. 
 I- i 
 the State, by one of its most important members ? The follow- 
 ing American account, will show what law, what justice, and 
 what a jury is to be found in this region of unprecedented 
 barbarism ! 
 " Jl most Disgraceful Affair, 
 " Our readers will perhaps recollect the circumstance which 
 occurred in the legislature of Arkansas, when a member was 
 killed by the Speaker. The Little Rock Gazette gives the 
 following picture of the state of public feeling in that most 
 civilized country : — 
 "Three (lays had elapsed before the constituted authorities 
 took any notice of this terrible, this murderous deed, and not 
 even then until a relation of the murdered Anthony had de- 
 manded a warrant for the apprehension of Wilson. Several 
 days then elapsed before he was brought before an examining 
 court; he then, in a carriage and four, came to the place ap- 
 pointed for his trial. Four or five days were employed in the 
 examination of witnesses, and never was a clearer case of 
 murder proved than on that occasion. Notwithstanding, the 
 court (Justice Brown dissenting) admitted Wilson to bail, and 
 positively refused that the prosecuting attorney for the State 
 should introduce the law, to show that it was not a bailable 
 case, or even to hear an argument from him, and the counsel 
 associated with him to prosecute Wilson for the murder. 
 " At the time appointed for the session of the Circuit Court, 
 Wilson appeared agreeably to his recognizance ; a motion was 
 made by Wilson's counsel for a change of ue/iue, founded on the 
 affidavits of Wilson and two other men. One staled in his 
 affidavit, that ' nine-tenths of the people of Pulaski had made 
 up and expressed their opinions, and that therefore it would be 
 unsafe for Wilson to be tried in Pulaski ;' and the other, that, 
 ♦ from the repeated occurrence of similar acts within the last 
 four or five years in this country, the people w?re disposed to 
 act rigidly, and that it would be unsafe for Wilson to be tried 
 in Pulaski,' Tl;e court thereupon removed Wilson to Saline 
 county, and ordered the sheriff to take Wilson into custody, and 
 deliver him over to the sheriff of Saline county. 
 "The sheriff of Pulaski never confined Wilson one minute, 
 but permitted him to go where he pleased, without a guard or 
 any restraint imposed upon him whatever. On his way to 
 Saline he entertained him freely at his own house, and the next 
 day delivered him over to the sheriff of that county, who con- 
 ducted the prisoner to the debtors' room in the jail and gave him 
 the key, so that everybody else had free egress and ingress at 
 all times. Wilson invited everybody to call on him, and he 
 wished to see his friends, and his room was crowded with 
 visitors, who called to drink grog and laugh and talk with him. 
 But this theatre was not sufficiently large for this purpose; he 
 afterwards visited the dram-shops, where he freely treated all 
 that would partake with him, and went fishing and hunting 
 with others at pleasure, and entirely without restraint; he also 
 ate at the same table with the judge while on trial. 
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 " When the court met at Saline, Wilson was pnt on his trial. 
 Several days were occupied in examining witnesses in the case; 
 after the examination was closed, while Colonel Taylor was 
 engaged in a very able, lucid, and argumentative speech on the 
 part of the prosecution, some man collected a parcel of the rab- 
 ble, and came within a few yards of the court-house door, and 
 bawled, in a loud voice, ' Pan them — part them !' Everybody 
 supposed there was an affray, and ran to the door and windows 
 to see, and behold there was nothing more than the man and the 
 rabble he had collected round him for the purpose of annoying 
 Colonel Taylor while speaking. A few minutes afterwards this 
 same person brought a horse near the court-house door, and 
 commenced crying the horse, as though he were for sale, and 
 continued for ten or fifteen minutes to ride before the court-house 
 door, crying the horse in a loud and boisterous tone of voice. 
 The judge sat as a silent listener to the indignity thus offered 
 the court and counsel by this man, without interposing his 
 '* To show the depravity of the times and the people, after 
 the verdict had been delivered by the jury, and the court in- 
 formed Wilson thai he was discharged, there was a rush to- 
 wards him ; some seized him by the hand, some by the arm, and 
 there was great and loud rejoicing and exultation directly in the 
 presence of the court, and Wilson told the sheriff to take the 
 jury to a grocery that he might treat them, and invited every 
 body that chose to go. The house was soon filled to overflow- 
 ing, and it is much to be regretted that some men who have 
 held a good standing in society followed the crowd to the gro- 
 cery and partook of Wilson's treat. The rejoicing was kept up 
 till near supper time; but, to cap the climax, soon after supper 
 was over a majority of the jury, together with many others, 
 went to the room ihat had been occupied for several days by the 
 friend and relation of the murdered Anthony, and commenced a 
 scene of the most ridiculous dancing (as it is believed) in tri- 
 umph for Wilson, and as a triumph over the feelings of the re- 
 lation of the dei)arted Anthony. The scene did not end here. 
 The party retired .o a dram-shop, and continued their rejoicings 
 until about half-after ten o'clock. They then collected a parcel 
 of horns, trumpets, &c., and marched through the streets blow- 
 ing them till near day, when one of the company rode his horse 
 into the porch adjoining the room which was occupied by the 
 relation of the deceased. 
 " These are some of the facts that took place during the pro- 
 gress of the trial, and after its close. The whole proceedings 
 have been conducted more like a farce than anything else, and 
 it is a disgrace to the country in which this fatal, this horrible 
 massacre has happened, that there should be in it men so lost to 
 every virtue, of feeling and humanity, to sanction and give 
 countenance to such a bloody deed. Wilson's hand is now 
 stained with the blood of a worthy and unoffending man. 
 The seal of disapprobation must for ever rest upon him in 
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 ihe estimation of the honest, well-meaning portion of the com 
 munity. Humanity shudders at the bloody deed, and ages can- 
 not wipe away the stain which he has brouofht upon his country. 
 Arkansas, therefore, the mock of the other States on account of 
 the frequent murders and assassinations which iiave marked her 
 character, has now to be branded with the stain of this horrible, 
 this murderous deed, rendered still more odious from the circum- 
 stance that a jury of twelve men should h«ive rendered a verdict 
 of acquittal contrary to law and evidence." 
 To quote the numerous instances of violation of all law and 
 justice in these new States would require volumes. I will, how- 
 ever, support my evidence with tiiat of Miss Martineau, who, 
 h^peakincr of the State of Alabama, says — 
 " It is certainly the place to become rich in, but the state of 
 society is fearful. One of my hosts, a man of jrreat gocxl-nature, 
 as he shows in the treatment of his slaves and in his family rela- 
 tions, had been stabbed in the back, in the reading-room of the 
 town, two years before, and no prosecution was instituted. An- 
 otlier of my hosts carried loaded pistols for a fortnight, just before 
 I arrived, knowing that he was lam in wait for by persons against 
 whose illegal practices he had given information to a magistrate, 
 whose carriage was therefore broken in pieces and thrown into 
 the river. A lawyer, with whom we were in company one after- 
 noon, was sent to take the deposition of a dying inun, who had 
 been sitting with his family in the shade, when he received three 
 balls in the hack from three men who took aim at him from be- 
 hind trees. The tales of jail-breaking and rescue were number- 
 less; and a lady of Montgomery told me, that she had lived 
 there four years, during which time no day, she believed, had 
 passed without some one's life having been attempted either by 
 duelling or assassination." 
 The rapid increase of population in the far West, and the 
 many respectable people who have lately migrated there, to- 
 gether with the Texas having now become ''^e refuge of those 
 whose presence even the Southern States ■ no longer toler- 
 ate, promise very soon to produce a change The cities have 
 already set the example by purifying themselves. Natchez, the 
 lower town of which was a Pandemonium, lias cleansed herself 
 to a very great extent. Vicksburg has by its salutary Lynch 
 law relieved herself of the infamous gamblers, and New Orleans, 
 in whose streets murders were daily occurring, is now one of the 
 safest towns in the Union. 
 This regeneration in New Orleans was principally brought 
 about by the exertions of the English and American merchants 
 from the Eastern States, who established an effectual police, and 
 having been promised support by the State legislature, deter- 
 mined to make an example of the very first party who should 
 commit a murder. It so happened, that the first person who 
 was guilty, was a Colonel or Mr. Whittaker of Louisiana, a per- 
 son well connected, and of a wealthy family. In a state of in- 
 toxication he entered the bar of an hotel, and affronted at the 
 bar-keeper not paying immediate attention to his wishes, be 
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 rushed upon the unfortunate man, and literally cut him to piece* 
 witli his heavy Bowie knife. 
 He was put in prison, tried and condemued. Every efTort 
 was made to save him, both by force and perseverance, but in 
 vain. Finding that he must really suffer the penalty of the law, 
 his friends to avoid the disgrace of a public execution, provided 
 him with the means, andhe destroyed himself in the prison the 
 night before his execution. So unexpected was this act of jus- 
 tice, that it created the greatest sensation ; it was looked upon 
 as a legal murder ; his body being made over to his relations, 
 was eecorted to his home with great parade; the militia were 
 turned out to receive it with military honours, and General , 
 who set up tor the governorship of Louisiana, pronounced the 
 funeral eulogy !!! 
 But this decided and judicious step was attended with the best 
 results; and now that tliere is an active police, and it is known 
 ' that a irmrderer will be executed, you may safely walk the streets 
 of New Orleans on the darkest nights. 
 To show, however, how difficult it is to eradicate bad habits, a 
 gentleman told me ihat it being the custom when the Quadroon 
 balls were given at New Orleans, for the police to search every 
 person on entering, and taking away his bowie-knife, the young 
 man would resort to the following contrivance. The knives of a 
 dozen perhaps were confided to one, who remained outside ; the 
 others entered, and being searched were passed ; they then 
 opened one of the ball-room windows, and let down a string, to 
 which the party left outside fastened all their knives as well as 
 his own ; they were hauled up, he then entered himself, and each 
 person regained his knite. The reason for these precautions 
 being taken by the police was, that the women being all of 
 colour, their evidence was not admissible in a court of justice ; 
 and no evidence could be obtained from the young men, should 
 a murder have been committed. 
 But although some of the towns have, as I have pointed out, 
 effected a great reformation, the state of society in general in 
 these States is still most lamentable ; and there is little or no 
 security for life and property ; and what is to be much deplored, 
 the evil extends to other States which otherwise would much 
 sooner become civilized. 
 This arises from the Southern habits of migrating to the other 
 States during the unhealthy months. During the rest of the year 
 tney remain on their properties, living perhaps in a miserable 
 log-house, and almost in a state of nature, laying up dollars and 
 attending carefully to their business. But as soon as the autumn 
 comes, it is the time for holiday, they dress themselves in their 
 best clothes, and setoff to amuse themselves; spend their money 
 and pass off for gentlemen. Their resorts are chiefly the States 
 of Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio; where the springs, Cincinnati, 
 Louisville, and other towns are crowded with them ; they pass 
 their time in constant revelling, many of them being seldom free 
 from the effects of liquor ; aad I must say, that I never in my 
 life heard such awful swearing as many of them are guilty of. 
 Every sentence is commenced with some tremendous oaih, wfiich 
 rcnlly liorrifieB you ; in fact, although in tire dress of gentlemen, 
 m no other point can they lay any pretensions to the title. Of 
 co'irse, I am now speaking of the mass; there are many excep- 
 tions, but even these go with the stream, and make no efforts to 
 resist it. Content with not practieing these vices themselves, 
 tliey have not the courage to protest against thorn in (»ther«. 
 In the Raslern States the »i8b of the knilift was opposed to 
 general feeling, as it is, or as 1 regrfi to say* as it usui to he in 
 this country. I was passing down IlroadwHy in New York, 
 when a scoundrel of a carman flogged with his whip a young 
 Southern who had a lady under his protection. Justly irritated, 
 and no match for the sturdy ruffian in physical strength, the 
 ■young man was so imprudent as to draw his knife, and throw it 
 Indian fashion ; and for so doing, he was with difficulty saved 
 from the indignation of the people. 
 Ohio is chiefly populated by Eastern people; yet to my sur- 
 prise when at Cincinnati, a row took place in the theatre, bowie- 
 knives were drawn by several. I never had an idea that there 
 was such a weapon worn there ; but as 1 afterwards discovered, 
 they were worn in self defence, because the Southe»ners carried 
 them. The same may be said of the States of Virginia and 
 Kentucky, which are really now in many portions of them civil- 
 ized States; but the regular inroad of the Southerners every 
 year keeps up a system, which would before this have very 
 probably become obsolete; but as it is, the duel at sight, and 
 the knife, is resorted to in these States, as well as in the Missis- 
 sippi. This lamentable state of society must exist for some 
 time yet, as civilization progresses but slowly in some of the 
 slave States. Some improvement has of late been made, as I 
 have pointed out ; but it is chiefly the lower class of miscreants 
 who have been rooted out, not the gentleman assassins ; for I can 
 give them no other title. 
 The women of the South appear to have their passions eqtiai- 
 ly violent with the men. When I was at Louisville, a married 
 lady for some fancied aff'ront insisted upon her husband whipping 
 another gentlemen. The husband not wishing to get a broken 
 head, expostulated, upon which she replied, that if he did not 
 she would find some othe gentleman to do it for her. The hus- 
 band who probably was aware that these services are not with- 
 out their reward, went accordingly, and had a turn-up in obe- 
 dience to the lady's wishes. 
 It appears to me, that it is the Southern ladies, and the ladies 
 alone, who can affect any reformation in these points. They have 
 great sway, and if they were to form an association, and declare 
 that they would not marry or admit into their company any 
 n an who carried a bowie-knife or other weapons, that they would 
 ■prevail, when nothing else will. This would be a glorious 
 achievement, and I am convinced from the chivalry towards 
 women shown by the Southerners on every occasion, that they 
 might be prevailed upon by them to leave off customs so disgrace- 
 ful, so demoralizing, and so incompatible with the true princi- 
 ples of hojaour aad Christianity. 
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 maruyat's diauy. 
 The women of America are unqiipstionably. physically, a» 
 far as beauty is eoncorneil, ami morally, of a hisiher standanl 
 than the men ; nevoriheless Ihey have not that itifliience which 
 they oufrht to possess. In my former remarks upon the women 
 of Amenca I Ir.ive said, that they are ihe prelliesl in the world, 
 and I have put the word prrtHest in italics, as I considered it a 
 term peculiarly appropriate to the American women. In many 
 points the Americans have, to a certain dejjrree, arrived at that 
 equality which they profess to covet; and in no one, perhaps, 
 more than in the fair distribution of jrood looks among the 
 women. 'I'his is easily accounted for: there is not to be found, 
 on the one hand, that squalid wretciiedness, that half-starved 
 growing up, that disease and misery, nor on the other, that 
 hereditary refinement, that inoculation of the beautiful, from the 
 constant association with the fine arts, that careful nurture; and 
 constant attention to health and exercise, which exist in the 
 dense population of the cities of the Old World ; and occasion 
 those variations from extreme plainness to the perfection of 
 beauty which are to be seen, particularly in the metropolis of 
 England. In the United States, where neither the excess of 
 misery nor of luxury and refinement are known, you have, 
 therefore, a more equal distribution of good looks, and, although 
 you often meet with beatiful women, it is but rarely that you 
 find one that may be termed ill-favoured. The coup-d'ail is, 
 therefore, more pleasing in America — enter society, and turn 
 your eyes in any direction, you will everywhere find cause for 
 pleasure, although seldom any of annoyance. The climate is 
 not, however, favourable to beauty, which, compared to tho 
 English, is very transitory, especially in the Eastern States; 
 and when a female arrives at the age of thirty, its reign is, 
 generally speaking, over. 
 The climate of the Western States appears, Iwwever, more 
 favourable to it, and I think I saw more handsome women at 
 Cincinnati than in any other city of the Union ; their figures 
 were more perfect, and they were finer grown, not receiving the 
 sudden checks to which the Eastern women are exposed. 
 Generally speaking, but a small interval elapses between the 
 period of American girls leaving school and their entering upon 
 their duties as wives ; but during that period, whetever it may 
 be, they are allowed more liberty than the young people in our 
 country ; walkingout wiihoutc/zo/jcn/ws, and visiting their friends 
 as they please. There is a reason for this: the matrons are 
 compelled, from the insuflUciency of their domestics, to attend 
 personally to all the various duties of housekeeping; their fathers 
 and brothers are all employed in their respective money-making 
 transactions, and a servant cannot be spared from American 
 establishments ; if, therefore, they are to walk out and take exer- 
 cise, it must be alone, and this can be done in the United States 
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 with more (lAcurity than elsewhere, from the circumstance of 
 everybody being actively employed, and there being no people 
 at leisure who are strolling or idling about. 1 think that the 
 f)ortion of time which elapses between the period uf a young girl 
 eaving school and being married, is the happiest of her exist- 
 ence. I have already remarked upon the attention and gallantry 
 shown by the Americans to the women, especially to the un- 
 married. This is carried to an extent which, in England, would 
 be considered by our young women as no compliment; to a 
 certain degree it pervades every class, and even the sable dam- 
 sels have no reason to complain of not being treated with the 
 express of politeness ; but in my opinion, (and I believe the ma- 
 jority of the American women will admit the correctness of it,) 
 they do notconf^ider themselves flattered by a species of homage 
 which is paying no compliment to their good sense, and after 
 which the usual attentions of an Englishman to the sex are by 
 some considered as amounting to hauteur and neglect. 
 Be it as it may, the American women are not spoiled by this 
 universal adulation which thoy receive previous to their mar- 
 riage. It is not that one is selected for her wealth or extreme 
 beauty to the exception of all others; in such a case it might 
 prove dangerous; but it is a flattery paid to the whole sex, given 
 to all, and received as a matter of course by all, and therefore it 
 does no mischief. It does, however, prove what I have said at 
 the commencement of this chapter, which is, that the women 
 have not that influence which they are entitled to, and which, 
 for the sake of morality, it is to be lamented that they have not; 
 when men respect women they do not attempt to make fools of 
 them, but treat them as rational and immortal beings, and thiti 
 general adulation is cheating them with the shadow, while they 
 withhold from them the substance. 
 I have said that the period between her emancipation from 
 school and her marriage is the happiest portion of an American 
 woman's existence; indeed it has remindexl me of the fetes and 
 amusements given in a Catholic country to a young girl previ- 
 ous to her taking the veil, and being immured from the world ; 
 for the duties of a wife in America aie from circumstances very 
 onerous, and I consider her existence afler that period as but one 
 of negative enjoyment. And yet she appears anxious to abridge 
 even this small portion of freedom and happiness, for n)arriage is 
 considered almost as a business, or, I should say, a duty, an idea 
 probably handed down by the first settlers, to whom an 
 increase of population was of such vital importance."" How- 
 ever much the Americans may wish tq deny it, I am in- 
 * Bigamy is not uncommon in the United States from the wo- 
 men being in too great a hurry to marry, and not obtaining suffi. 
 cient information relative to their suitors. The punishment is chip- 
 ping stone in Sing Sing for a few years. It must, however, be ad- 
 mitted, that when a foreigner is the party, it is rather difficult to as- 
 certain whether the gentlemen has or has not left an old wife or two 
 in the Old World. 
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 clined to think that there are more marriages of convenance in the 
 United States than in most other countries. The men begin to 
 calculate long before they are of an age to marry, and it is not 
 very likely that they would calculate so well upon all other 
 points, and not upon the value of a dowry ; moreover, the old 
 people "calculate some," and the girls accept an offer without 
 their hearts being seriously compromised. Of course there are, 
 exceptions: but I do not think that there are many love matches 
 made in America, and one reason for my holding this opinion is, 
 my having discovered how quietly matches are broken off and 
 new engagements entered into ; and it is, perhaps, fron a know- 
 ledge of this fact, arising from the calculating spirit of the gen- 
 tlemen, who are apt to consider 20,000 dollars as preferable to 
 10,000, that the American girls are not too hasty in surrender- 
 ing their hearts. 
 I knew a young lady who was engaged to an acquaintance of 
 mine ; on my return to their city a short time afterwards, I found 
 that the match was broken off, and that she was engaged to an- 
 other, and nothing was thought of it. 1 do not argue from this 
 simple instance, but because I found, on talking about it, that it 
 was a very common circumstance, and because, where scandal 
 is so rife, no remarks were made. If a young lady behaves in 
 a way so as to give offence to the gentleman she is engaged to, 
 and sufficiently indecorous to warrant his breaking off the match, 
 he is gallant to the very last, for he writes to her, and begs that 
 she will dismiss him. This I knew to be done by a party I was 
 acquainted with; he told me that it was considered good taste, 
 and I agreed with him. On the whole, I hold it very fortunate 
 that in American marriages there is, generally S|)eaking, more 
 prudence than love on both sides, for from the peculiar habits 
 and customs of the country, a woman who loved without pru- 
 dence would not feel very happy as a wife. 
 Let us enter into an examination of the married life in the 
 United States. 
 All the men in America are busy; their whole time is en- 
 grossed by their accumulation of money; they breakfast early 
 and repair to their stores or counting-houses; the majority of them 
 do not go home to dinner, but eat at the nearest tavern or oyster- 
 cellar, for they arenerally live at a considerable distance from the 
 business part of the town, and time is too precious to be thrown 
 away. It would be supposed that they would be home to an early 
 tea; many are, hut the majority are not. After fagging, they 
 require recreation, and the recreations of most Americans are 
 politics and news, besides the chance of doing a little more busi- 
 ness, all of which, with drink, are to be obtained at the bars of 
 the principal commercial hotels in the city". The consequence 
 it, that the major portion of them come home late, tired, and go 
 to bed; early the next morning they are off to their busmess 
 again. Here it is evident that the women do not have much of 
 their husband's society ; nor do I consider this arising from any 
 want of inclination on the part of the husbands, as there is an 
 absolute necessity that they should work as hard as others if 
 tliey wish to do well, and what one does, the other must do. 
 Even frequenting the bar is almost a necessity, for it is there 
 that they obtain an the information of the day. But the result 
 is that the married women are left alone ; their husbands are not 
 their companions, and if they could be, still the majority of the 
 husbands would not be suitable companions for th« following 
 reasons. An American starts into life at so early an age that 
 what he has gained at school, with the exception of that portion 
 brought into use from his business, is lost. He has no time for 
 reading, except the rfewspaper ; all his thoughts and ideas are 
 centred in his employment; he becomes perfect in that, acquires a 
 gr .'at deal of practical knowledge useful for making money, but for 
 little else. This he must do if he would succeed, and the major 
 portion confine themselves to such k nowledge alone. But with the 
 momen it is different; their education is much more extended 
 than that of the men, because they are more docile, and easier to 
 control in their youth ; and when they are married, although 
 their duties are much more onerous than with us, still, during 
 the long days and evenings, during which they wait for the 
 return of their husbands, they have time to finish, I may say, 
 their own educations and improve their minds by reading. The 
 consequence of this with other adjuncts, is that their minds 
 become, and reslly are, much more cultivated and refined than 
 those of their husbands; and when the universal practice of using 
 tobacco and drinkinor amongf the latter is borne in mind, it will 
 be readily admitted that they are also much more refined in 
 their persons. 
 These are the causes why the American women are so uni- 
 versally admired by the English and other nations, while they 
 do not consider the men as equal to them either i'l manners or 
 personal appearance. Let it be borne in mind that I am now 
 speaking of the majority, and that the exceptions are very nu- 
 merous ; for instance, you may except one whole profession, 
 that of the lawyers, among whom you will find no want of gen- 
 tlemen or men oi" highly cnltivated minds; indeed, the same 
 may be said with respect to most of the liberal professions, but 
 only so because their profession allows that time for improving 
 themselves which the American in general, in his struggle on 
 the race for wealth, carmot atFord to spare. 
 As 1 have before observed, the ambition of the American is 
 from circumstances mostly directed to but one object — that of 
 rapidly raising himself above his fellows by the accumulation 
 of a fortune; to this one great desideratum all his energies are 
 directed, all his thoughts are bent, and by it all his ideas are en 
 grossed. When I first arrived in America, as I walked down 
 Broadway, it appeared strange to me that there should be such a 
 remarkable family likeness among the people. Every man I 
 met seemed to me by his features to be a brother or a connec- 
 tion of the last man who had passed me; I could not at first 
 comprehend this, but the mystery was soon revealed. It was 
 that they were all intent and engrossed with the same object ; 
 all were, as they passed, calculating and reflecting; this pro- 
 duced a similar contraction of the brow, knitting of the eye- 
 brows, and compression of th3 lips — a similarity of feeling had 
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 marryat's diary. 
 produced a similarity of expression, from the same muscles be- 
 ing called into action. Even their hurried walk assisted the 
 error: it is a saying in ihe United States, " that a New York 
 merchant always walks as if he had a good dinner before him, 
 and a bailiff behind him," and the metaphor is not inapt. 
 Now, a man so wholly engrossed in business cannot be a 
 very good companion if he were at home ; his thoughts would 
 be elsewhere, and therefore perhaps it is better that things should 
 remain as they are. But the great evil arising from this is, that 
 the children are left wholly to the management of their mothers, 
 and the want of paternal control I have already commcitted 
 upon. The Americans have reason to be proud of their women, 
 for they are really good wives — much toogood for them ; I have 
 no hesitation in asserting this, and should there be any unfortu- 
 nate difference between any married couple in America, all the 
 lady has to say is, "The fact is. Sir, I'm much too good for you, 
 and Captain Marryat says so." (I flatter myself there's a little 
 mischief in that last sentence.) 
 It appears, then, that the American woman has little of her 
 husband's society, and that in education and refinement she is 
 much his superior, notwithstanding which she is a domestic 
 slave. For this the Americans are not to blame, as it is the 
 effect of circumstances, over which they cannot be said to have 
 any control. But the Americans are to blame in one point, which 
 is, that they do not properly appreciate or value their wives, 
 who have not half the iniluence which wives have in England, 
 or one quarter that legitimate influence to which they are entitled. 
 That they are proud of them, flatter them, and are kind to them 
 after their own fashion, I grant, but female influence extends no 
 farther. Some authors have said, that by the morals of the wo- 
 men you can judge of the morals of a country ; generally speak- 
 ing, this is true, but America is an exception, for the women 
 are more moral, more educated, and more refined than the men, 
 and yet have at present no influence whatever in society. 
 What is the cause of this ] It can only be ascribed to the one 
 great ruling passion which is so strong that it will admit of no 
 check, or obstacles being thrown in its way, and will listen to no 
 argument or entreaty ; and because, in a country when every- 
 thing is decided by public opinion, the women are as great slaves 
 to it as the men. Their position at present appears to be that 
 the men will not raise themselves to the standard of the women, 
 and the women will not lower themselves to the standard of the 
 men ; they apparently move in difierent spheres, although they 
 repo.se on the same bed. 
 It is, therefore, as I have before observed, fortunate that the 
 marriages in America are more decided by prudence than by 
 affection; for nothing could be more mortifying to a woman of 
 sense and feeling, than to awake from her dream of love, and dis- 
 cover that the object upon which she has bestowed her affection, 
 is indifferent to the sacrifice which she hns made. 
 If the American women had their due influence, it would be 
 fortunate ; they might save their country, by checking the tide 
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 of vice and immorality, and raising the men to their own standard* 
 Whether they ever will effect this, or whether they will con- 
 tinue as at present, to keep up the line of demarcation, or gra- 
 dually sink down to the level of the other sex, is a question which 
 remains to be solved. 
 That the American women have their peculiarities, and in 
 some respects they might be improved, is certain. Their priiici- 
 pal fault in society is, that they do not sufficiently modulate, 
 their voices. Those, faults arising from association, and to 
 which both sexes are equally prone, are a total indifference to 
 or rather a love of change, " shiftingr ritjht away," without the 
 least regret, from one portion of the Union to another; a remark- 
 able apathy as to the sufferings of others, an indifference to loss 
 of life, a fondness for politics, all of which are tinfeminine; and 
 lastly, a passion for dress carried to too great an extent; butthis 
 latter is easily accounted for, and is inseparable from a society 
 where all would be equal. But, on the other hand, the American 
 women have a virtue which the tnen have not, which is moral 
 courage, and one also which is not common with the sex, physi- 
 cal courage. The independence and spirit of an American 
 woman, if left a widow without resources, is immediately shown; 
 she does not sit and lament, but applies herself to some employ- 
 ment, so that she may maintain herself and her children, and 
 seldom fails in so doing. Here are faults and virtues, both 
 proceeding from the same origin. 
 I have already in my Diary referred to another great error in 
 a portion of the American women. Lady Blessington, in one of 
 her delightful works, very truly observes, "I turn with disgust 
 from that affected prudery, arising, if not from a participation, at 
 least from a knowledge of evil, which induces certain ladies to 
 cast down their eyes, look grave, and show the extent of their 
 knowledge, or the pruriency of their imaginations, by discover- 
 ing in a harmless jest notliing to alarm their experienced feel- 
 ings, I resnect that woman whose innate purity prevents those 
 around her from uttering aught that can arouse it, much more 
 than her whose sensitive prudery continually reminds one, that 
 she is au fait of every possible interpretation which a word of 
 doubtful meaning admits." 
 The remarks of Miss Martineau upon the women of America 
 are all very ungracious, and some of them very unjust. That 
 she met with affectation and folly in America, is very pro- 
 bable— where do you not? There is no occasion to go to the 
 United States to witness it. As for the charge of carrying in 
 their hands seventy-dollar pocket-handkerchiefs, I am afraid it is 
 but too true ; but when there is little distinction, except by dress, 
 ladies will be very expensive. I do not know why, but the 
 American ladies have a custom of carrying their pocket-hand- 
 kerchiefs in their hands, either in a rootn, or walking out, or 
 travelling; and moreover, they have a custom of marking their 
 names in the corner, at full length, and when in a steamboat 
 or rail-car, I have, by a little watching, obtained the names of 
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 mauryat's diary. 
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 ladies sitting near me, in consequence of this custom, which of 
 course will be ascribed by Miss Martineau to a wish to give infor- 
 mation to strangers. 
 The remark np(ui tlie Washington belles,* I am afraid is too 
 true, as I have already pointed out that the indifference to human 
 life in America extends to the softer sex; and 1 perfectly well 
 remember, upon my coming into a room at New York with the 
 first intelligence of the wreck of the ' Home,' and the dreadful 
 loss of life attending it, that my news was received with "'adear 
 rae !" from two or three of the ladies, and there the matter 
 dropped. There is, however, much truth in what Miss Martineau 
 says, relative to the manner in which the women are treated by 
 their lords and masters, in this new country. The following 
 quotation from the work is highly deserving of attention: — 
 " If a test of civilization be sought, none can be so snre as 
 the condition of that half of society over which the other half 
 has power, — from the exercise of the right of the strongest. 
 Tried by this test, the American civilization appears to be of a 
 lower order than might have been expected from some other 
 symptoms of its social state. The Americans have, in the 
 treatment of women, fallen below, not only their own demo- 
 cratic principles, but the practice of some parts of the Old 
 " The unconsciousness of both parties as ta the injuries suffered 
 by women at the hands of those who hold the power, is a suffi- 
 cient proof of the low degree of civilization in this important par- 
 ticular at which they rest While woman's intellect is confined, 
 her morals crushed, her health ruined, her weakness encouraged, 
 and her strength punished, she is told that her lot is cast in the 
 paradise of women: and there is no country in the world where 
 there is so much boasting of the 'chivalrous' treatment she en- 
 joys. That is to say, — she has the best place in stage-coaches : 
 when there are not chairs enough for every body, the gentle- 
 men stand : she hears oratorical flourishes on public occasions 
 about wives and home, and apostrophes to woman : her husband's 
 hair stands on end at the idea of her working, and he toils to in- 
 dulge her with money : she has liberty to get her brain turned 
 by religious excitements, that her attention may be diverted 
 from morals, politics, and philosophy ; and, especially, her morals 
 are guarded by the strictest observance of propriety in her pre- 
 sence. Jn short, indulgence is given her as a substitute for 
 If Mis^ Martineau had stopped here, she had done well ; but 
 she follows this up by claiming for her sex all the privileges of 
 our own, and seems to be highly indignant, that" they are not 
 ♦ " A Washington belle related to me the sad story of the death of 
 a young man who fell from a small boat into the Potomac in the 
 night, — it is supposed in his sleep. She told me where and how his 
 body was found ; and what relation she had left ; and finished with <* he 
 will be much missed at parties." 
marryat's diart. 
 permitted to take their due share of the government of the coun- 
 try, and hold the most important situations. To follow up her 
 ideas, we should have a "teeming" prime minister, and the 
 Ijord Chancellor obliged to leave the wool-sack to nurse his 
 baby; Miss M. forgets that her prayer has been half granted 
 already, for we never yet had a ministry without a certain pro- 
 portion of old women in it; and we can, therefore, dispense with 
 her services. 
 There is, however, one remark of Miss Martineau's which I 
 cannot pass over without expressing indignation ; I will quote 
 the passage. 
 f " It is no secret on the spot, that the habit of intempera^jjce 
 is not unfrequent among women of station and education in the 
 most enlightened parts of the country. I witnessed some in- 
 stances, and heard of more. It does not seem to me to be re- 
 garded with all the dismay which such a symptom ought to ex- 
 rite. To the stranger, a novelty so horrible, a spectacle so 
 fearful, suggests wide and deep subjects of investigation. If 
 women, in a region professing religion more strenuously than 
 any other, living in the deepest external peace, surrounded by 
 prosperity, and outwardly honoured more conspicuously than in 
 any other country, can ever so far cast off self-restraint, 
 shame, domestic affection, and the deep prejudices of education, 
 as to plunge into the living hell of intemperance there must be 
 something fearfully wrong in their position." 
 Miss Martineau is a lady ; and, therefore, it is difTicult to use 
 the language which I would, if a man had made such an asser- 
 tion. 1 shall only state, that it is one of the greatest libels 
 that ever was put into print: for Miss Martineau implies that 
 it is general habit, among the American women j so far from it, 
 the American women are so abstemious that they do not drink 
 sufficient for their health. They can take very little exercise, 
 and did they take a Httle more wine, they would not suffer from 
 dyspepsia^ as they now do, as wine would assist their digestion. 
 The origin of this slander I know well, and the only ground for 
 it is, that there are twoor three ladies of a certain city, who having 
 been worked upon by some of the Evangelical Revival Ministers, 
 have had their rninds crushed by the continual excitement lo 
 which they have been subjected. The mind affects the body, 
 and they have required, and have applied to, stimulus, and if 
 you will inquire into the moral state of any woman among the 
 higher classes, either in America or England, who has fallen 
 into the vice alluded to, nine times out often you will find that 
 it has been brought about by religious excitement. Fanaticism 
 and gin are remarkable good friends all over the world. It ie 
 surprising to me that, when Miss Martineau claims for her sex 
 , the same privilege as ours, she should have overlooked one sim- 
 ple fact which ought to convince her that they are the weaker 
 vessels. I refer to what she acknowledges to be true, which is, 
 that the evangelical preachers invariably apply to women for 
 proselytes, instead of men ; not only in America but everywhere 
 else ; and that for one male, they may reckon at least twenty 
 females among their flocks. According to Miss Martineau's 
 marryat's diart. 
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 published opinions, there can be no greater weakness than the 
 In the United States, divorces are obtained without expense, 
 and without it being necessary to commit crime, as in England. 
 The party pleads in forma pauperis, to the State Legislation, 
 and a divorce is granted upon any grounds which may be con- 
 sidered as just and reasonable. 
 Miss Martineau mentions a divorce having been granted to a 
 wife, upon the plea of her husband being a gambler; and I was 
 myself told of an instance in which a divorce was granted upon 
 the plea of the husband being such an " awful swearer ;" and 
 really, if any one heard the swearing in some parts of the West- 
 ern country, he would not be surprised at a religious woman 
 requesting to be separated. I was once on board of a steam- 
 boat on the Mississippi, when a man let off such a volley of 
 execrations, that it was quite painful to hear him. An Ameri- 
 can who stood by mc, as soon as the man had finished, observed, 
 " Well, I'm glad that fit^llow has nothing to do with the engines: 
 [ reckon he'd burst the biler.''^ 
 Miss Martineau observes, " In no country I believe are the 
 marriage laws so iniquitous as in England, and the conjugal re- 
 lation, in consequence, so impaired. Whatever may be thought 
 of the principles which are to enter into laws of divorce, whether 
 it be held that pleas for divorce should be one, (as narrow inter- 
 preters of the New Testament would have it;) or two, (as the law 
 of England has it;) or several, (as the Continental and U. Stales' 
 laws in many instances allow,) nobody defends the arrange- 
 ment by which, in England, divorce is obtainable only by the very 
 rich. The barbarism of trranting that as a privilege to the ex- 
 tremely wealthy, to which money bears no relation whatever, 
 and in which uU married persons whatever have an equal in- 
 terest, needs no exposure beyond the mere statement of the fact. 
 It will be seen at a glance how such an arrangement tends to 
 vitiate marriage : how it offers impunity to adventurers, and en- 
 couragement to every kind of mercenary marriages; how abso- 
 lute is its oppression of the injured party, and how, by vitiating 
 marriage, it originates and aggravates licentiousness to an incal- 
 culable extent. To England alone belongs the disgrace of such 
 a method of legislation. I believe that, while there is little to 
 be said for the legislation of any part of the world on this head, 
 it is no where so vicious as in England." 
 I am afraid that these remarks are but too true; and it is the 
 more singular, as not only in the United States, but in every 
 other Protestant community that I have ever heard of," divorce 
 can be obtained upon what are considered just and legitimate 
 grounds. It has been supposed, that should "the marriage tie be 
 loosened, that divorces without number would take place. 
 It was considered so, and so argued, at the time that Zurich 
 (the only Protestant canton in Switzerland that did not 
 permit divorce, except for adultery alone,) passed laWs 
 similar to those of the other cantons; but oo far from 
 such being the case, only one divorce took place, with- 
 in a year afler the laws were amended. What is 
 Ihe reason of thisi It can, in my opinion, only be ascribed to 
 the chain being worn more lightly, when you know that if it 
 oppresses you, it may be removed. Men are naturally tyrants, 
 and they bear down upon the woman who cannot escape from 
 their thraldom; but, with the knowledge that she can appeal 
 against them, they soften their rigor. On the other hand, the 
 woman, when unable to escape, frets with the feeling that she 
 must submit, and that there is no help or hope in prospect; but 
 once aware that she has her rights, and an appeal, she bears with 
 more, and feels less than otherwise she would. You may bind, 
 and from assiietude and time, (putting the better feelings out of 
 the question,) the lies are worn without complaint, but if you 
 bind too tight, you cut into the flesh, and after a time the pain 
 becomes insupportable. In Switzerland, Germany, and, I be- 
 lieve, all the protestant communities of the old world, the 
 grounds upon which divorce is admissible are as follows: — 
 adultery, condemnation of either party to punishment considered 
 as infamous, madness, contagious chronic diseases, desertion 
 and incompatibility of temper. 
 The last will be considered by most people as no ground for 
 divorce. Whether it is or not, I shall not pretend to decide, 
 but this is certain, that it is the cause of the most unhappiness, 
 and, ultimately, of the most crime. 
 All the great errors, all the various schisms in the Christian 
 church, have arisen from not taking the holy writings as a great 
 moral code, (as I should imagine they were intended to be,) 
 which legislates upon broad principles, but selecting particular 
 passages from them upon which to pin your faith. And it cer- 
 tainly appears to me to be reasonable to suppose that those laws 
 by which the imperfection of our natures were fairly met, and 
 which tended to dimirnsh the aggregate of crime, must be more 
 acceptable to our Divine Master than any which, however they 
 might be in spirit more rigidly conformable to his precepts, 
 were found in their working not to succeed. And here I cannot 
 help observing, that the heads of the church of England appear 
 not to have duly weighed this matter, when an attempt was lately 
 made to legislate upon it. Do the English bishops mean to 
 assert that they know better than the heads of all the other pro- 
 testant communities in the world — that they are more accurate 
 expounders of the gospel, and have a more intimate knowledge 
 of God's will? Did it never occur to them, that when so many 
 good and virtuous ecclesiastics of the same persuasion in other 
 countries have decided upon the propriety of divorce, so as to 
 leave them in a very small minority, that it might be possible 
 that they might be wrong, or do they intend to set up and claim 
 the infallibility of the papistical hierarchy? 
 Any legislation to prevent crime, which produces more crime, 
 must be bad and unsound, whatever may be its basis: witness 
 the bastardy clause in the New Poor Law Bill. That the 
 former arrangements were defective is undeniable, for by them 
 there was a premium for illegitimate children. This required 
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 amendment: but the remedy has proved infinitely worse than 
 the disease. For what has been the result] That there have 
 been many thousands fewer ille^r'nimate children Wn, it is true; 
 but has the progress of immorality been checked? On the 
 contrary, crime has increased, for to the former crime has been 
 added one much greater, that of infanticide, or producing abor- 
 tion. Such has been the effect of attempting to legislate for the 
 affections; for in most cases a woman falls a sacrifice to her bet- 
 ter feelings, not to her appetite. 
 In every point connected with marriage, has this injurious 
 plan been persevered in; the marriage ceremony is a remarkable 
 instance of this, for, beautiful as it is as a service, it is certainly 
 liable to this objection, that of making" people vow before God 
 that which it is not in human nature to control. The woman 
 vows to love, and to honor, and to cherish; the man to love and 
 (jherish until death doth them part. 
 Is it right that this vow should be madeT A man deserts his 
 wife for another, treats her cruelly, separates her from her chil- 
 dren, (^an a woman love, or honor, or cherish such a mani — 
 nevertheless, she has vowed before God that she will. Take 
 the reverse of the picture when the fault is on the woman's side, 
 and the evil is the same; can either party control their affec- 
 tions? surely not, and therefore it would be better that such 
 yows should not be demanded. 
 There is another evil arising from one crime being the only 
 allowable cause of divorce, whi»h is that the possession of one 
 negative virtue on the part of the woman, is occasionally made 
 an excuse for the practice of vice, and a total disregard of her 
 duties as a wife. I say negative virtue, for chastity very often 
 proceeds from temperament, and as often from not being tempted, 
 A woman may neglect her duties of every kind — but she is 
 chaste; she may make her husband miserable by indulgence of 
 her ill-temper — but she is chaste; she may squander his money, 
 ruin him by expense— but she is chaste; she may, in short, drive 
 him to drunkenness and suicide— but still she is chaste; and 
 chastity, like charity, covers the whole multitude of sins, and is 
 the scape-goat for every other crime, and violation of the mar- 
 riage vow. 
 It must, however, be admitted, that although the faults may 
 occasionally be found on the side of the women, in nine times 
 out often it is the reverse; and that the defects of our marriage 
 laws have rendered English women liable to treatment which 
 ought not to be shown towards the veriest slaves in existence. 
 I must now enter into a question, which I should have had 
 more pleasure in passing over lightly, had it not been for the 
 constant attacks of the Americans upon this subject, during the 
 time that I was in the country, and the remarks of Mr. Carey in 
 his work, in which he claims for the Americans pre-eminence 
 in this point, as well as upon all others. 
 Miss Martineau says, "The ultimate and very strong impres- 
 Mon on the mind of a stranger, pondering on the morals of so- 
 [I * 
 cirty in America, is that human nature is much the same every 
 where " Surely Miss Martiiieau need not have crossed the At- 
 lantic to make this discovery; however I quote it, as it will 
 serve as a text to what is to follow. 
 The Americans claim excessive purity for their women, and 
 taunt us with the exposees occasionally made in our newspapers. 
 In the first place — which shows the highest regard for morality, 
 a country where any deviation from virtue is immediately made 
 known, and held up to public indignation? or one which, from 
 national vanity, and a wish that all should appear to be correct, 
 instead of publishing, conceals the facts, and permits the guilty 
 parties to escape without censure, for what they consider the 
 honor of the nation? 
 To suppose there is no conjugal infidelity in the United States 
 is to suppose that human nature is not the same every where. 
 That it never, to my knowledge, was made public, but invaria- 
 bly hushed up when discovered, I believe; so is suicide. But 
 one instance came to my knowledge, during the time that I was 
 in the States, which will give a very fair idea of American feel- 
 ing on this subject. It was supposed that an intrigue had been 
 discovered, or, it had actually been discovered, I cannot say 
 which, between a foreigner and the wife of an English gentle- 
 man. It was immediately seized upon with ecstacy, circulated 
 in all the papers with every American embellishment, and was 
 really the subject of congratulation among them, as if they had 
 gained some victory over this country. It so happened that an 
 American called upon the lady, and among other questions put 
 to her, inquired in what part of England she was born? She 
 replied, "that she was not an English-woman, but was born in 
 the States, and brought up in an American city." 
 It is impossible to imagine how this mere trifling fact affected 
 the Americans. She was then an American — they were aghast 
 —and I am convinced that they would have made any sacrifice, 
 to have been able to have recalled all that they had done, and 
 have hushed up the matter. 
 The fact is, that human nature is the same every where, and I 
 cannot help observing, that if their community is so much more 
 moral, as they pretend that it is, why is it that they have consi- 
 dered it necessary to form societies on such an extensive scale, 
 for the prevention of a crime from which they declare themselves 
 (comparatively with us and other nations) to be exempt? I once 
 had an argument on this subject with an elderly American gen- 
 tleman, and as I took down the minutes of it after we parted, I 
 think it will be as well to give it to my readers, as it will show 
 the American feeling upon it. 
 '* Why, Captain M., you must bear in mind that we are not 
 so vicious and contaminated here, as you are in the old country. 
 You don't see our newspapers filled, as yours are, with crim. 
 cons, in high life. No, sir, our institutions are favourable to 
 virtue and morality, and our women are as virtuous as our men 
 arc brave." 
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 "I have no reason to deny either one assertion or the other^ 
 as far as I am acquainted with your men and women; but still 
 I do not judge from the surface, as many have done who have 
 visited you. Because there are no crim. cons, in your papers, 
 it does not prove that conjugal infidelity does not exist. There 
 are no suicides of people of any station in society ever published 
 in your newspapers, and yet there is no country where suicide is 
 more common." 
 " 1 grant that, occasionally, the coroner does bring in a verdict 
 80 as to save the feelings of the family." 
 " That is more than a coroner would venture to do in England, 
 let the rank of the party be of the highest. But if you hush up 
 suicides, may you not also hush up other oftences, to save the 
 feelings of families'? I have already made up my mind upon 
 one point, which is, that you are content to substitute the appear- 
 ance for the reality in your moral code — the fact is, you fear one 
 another — you fear society, but you do not fear God." 
 " I should imagine, captain, that when you have conversed, 
 and mixed up with us a little more, you will be inclined to re- 
 tract, and acknowledge what I have said to be correct. I have 
 lived all my life in the States, and I have no hesitation in saying 
 that we are a very moral people. Recollect that you have prin- 
 cipally confined yourself to our cities, during your stay with us; 
 yet even there we may proudly challenge comparison." 
 " My opinion is, that unless you can show just cause why you 
 should be more moral than other nations, you are, whether in 
 cities or in the country, much the same as we are. I do not 
 require to examine on this point, as I consider it to be a rule-of- 
 three calculation. Give me the extent of the population, and I 
 can estimate the degree of purity. Mankind demoralize each 
 other by collision; and the larger the numbers crowded together, 
 the greater will be the demoralization, and this rule will hold 
 good, whether in England or the United States, the Old World 
 or the New." 
 " That argument would hold good if it were not for our insti- 
 tutions, which are favourable to morality and virtue." 
 " I consider them quite the contrary. Your institutions are 
 beautiful in theory, but in practice do not work well. I suspect 
 that your society has a very similar defect." 
 "Am I then to understand, captain, that you consider the 
 American ladies as not virtuous]" 
 " I have already said that I have had no proofs to the contra- 
 ry; all I wish is to defend my own country, and I say that I 
 consider the English women at all events quite as moral as the 
 " I reckon that's no compliment, captain. Now, then, do 
 you mean to say that you think there is as much conjugal infi- 
 delity in New York, in proportion to the population, as there is 
 in London] Now, captain, if you please, we will stick to that 
 " I answer you at once. No, I do not believe that there is; 
 but " 
 " That's all I want, captain — never mind the 6m/s." 
 *^ Hut you must have the buls. Itecollect, I did not say that 
 your society was more moral, although 1 said that there was in 
 my opinion less infidelity." 
 " vVell, how can that bel" 
 " Because, in the (irst place, conjugal infidelity is not the only 
 crime which exists in society; and, secondly, because there are 
 causes which prevent its being common. That this vice should 
 be common, two things are requisite — time and opportunity; 
 neither of which is to be found in a society like yours. You have 
 no men of leisure, every man is occupied the whole day with his 
 business. Now, suppose one man was to stay away from his 
 business for merely one day, would he not be missed, and inqui- 
 ries made after him; and if it were proved that he stayed away 
 to pass his time with his neighbour s wife, would not the scan- 
 dal be circulated all over the city before nightl I recollect a 
 very plain woinau accusing a very pretty one of indiscretion; the 
 reply of the latter, when the former vaunted her own purity, was, 
 ' Were you ever asked]' Thus it is in America; there is neither 
 time nor opportunity, and your women are in consequence sel- 
 dom or never tempted. I do not mean to say that if they were 
 tempted they would fall; all I say is, that no parallel can in this 
 instance be drawn between the women of the two countries, as 
 their situations are so very different. I am ready to do every 
 justice to your women; but I will not suffer you to remain in the 
 error, that you are more moral than -..'e are." 
 " Why, you have admitted that we are from circumstances, if 
 not from principle." 
 *' In one point only, and in that you appear to be, and I have 
 given you a reason why you really should be so; but we can 
 draw no inference of any value from what we know relative to 
 your better classes of society. If we would examine and calcu- 
 late the standard of morality in a country, we must look else- 
 " Where?" 
 " To the lower class of society, and not to the highest. I pre- 
 sume you are aware that ther^ is a greater proportion of unfortu- 
 nate females in New York, taking the extent of the populations, 
 than in London or Paris? I have it from American authority, 
 and I have every reason to believe that it is true." 
 " I am surprised that any American should have made such 
 an admission, captain; but for the sake of argument let it be so. 
 But first recollect that we have a constant influx of people from 
 the Old Country, from all the other States in America, and that 
 we are a seaport town, with our wharves crowded with ship- 
 " I admit it all, and that is the reason why you have so many. 
 The supply in all countries is usually commensurate with the 
 ;i I 
 demand; but the numbers have nothing to do with the argu- 
 "Then T cannot si^e what you aro driving at; for allow me to 
 say that, admitting the clasH to ho as numerous as you state 
 from American authority, still tht'y are vvry ordi-rly and well 
 behaved. You nevor see them drunk in the streets; you never 
 hear swearing or abusive languagr; and you do in London and 
 your sea-ports. There is a decorum and sense of propriety about 
 them which, you must admit, speaks well, even for those unfor- 
 tunate persons, and shows some sense of morality and decency 
 even in our most abandoned." 
 " You have brought forward the very facts which I was about 
 to state, and it is from these facts that I draw quite contrary con- 
 clusions. If your argument is good, it must follow that the 
 women of Paris are much more virtuous than the women of 
 London. Now, I consider that these facts prove that the stand- 
 ard of morality is lower in America and France than it is in 
 England. A French woman who has fallen never drinks, or 
 uses bad language; she follows her profession, and seldom sinks, 
 but rises in it. The grisette eventually keeps her carriage, and 
 retires with sufficient to support her in her old age, if she does 
 not marry. The American women of this class appear to me to 
 be precisely the same description of people; whereas, in Eng- 
 land, a woman who falls, falls never to rise again— sinking down 
 by degrees from bad to worse, until she ends her days in rags 
 and misery. But why sol because, as you say, they become 
 reckless and intemperate — they do feel their degradation, and 
 cannot bear up against it — they attempt to drown conscience, 
 and die from the vain attempt. Now, the French and the 
 American women of this class apparently do not feel this, and, 
 therefore, they behave and do better. This is one reason why 
 I argue that the standard of morality is not so high in your 
 country as with us, although from circumstances, conjugal infi- 
 delity may be less frequent." 
 " Then, captain, you mean to say that cursing, swearing, and 
 drinking, is a proof of morality in your country T* 
 " It is a proof, not of the mora! iiy of the party, but of the high 
 estimation in which virtue is held, shown by the indifference 
 and disregard to every thing else after virtue is once lost." 
 This is a specimen of many arguments held with the Ameri- 
 cans upon that question, and when examining into it, it should 
 be borne in mind that there is much less excuse for vice in 
 America than in the Old Countries. Poverty is" but too often 
 the mother of crime, and in America it may be said that there is 
 no poverty to offer up in extenuation. 
 Mr. Carey appears to have lost sight of this fact when he so 
 triumphantly points at tlie difference between the working classes 
 of both nations, and quotes the Report of our Poor Law Com- 
 missioners to prove the wreichedness and misery of ours. I 
 cannot, however, allow his assertions to pass without observa- 
 tion, rsppclally as Engliali nnd Vrciioh travellers linvo hern 
 equally content to admit witliout due exaniin.ition the claims of 
 the Americans; 1 refer more particularly to the larj^e manufac- 
 tory at Lowell, in Massachusetts, which from its assj-rled purity 
 has heen one of the boasts of Anterica. Mr. (.arey says — 
 ♦'The fi»n "wing passage from a statement, furnished hy the 
 manager of ouf* of the principal establishments in Lowell, shows 
 a very gratifying staiv of things; — 'There have only occurred 
 three instances in whu h iv apparently improper connection or 
 intimacy had tak«'n plnce, and in all those cases the parties were 
 married on the discovery, and several months prior to the birth 
 of their childrc"; so that, in ii legal point of view, no illegiti- 
 mate birth has tak^n place among tip females employed in the 
 mills under my direction. Nor have I known of but one case 
 among all the females engaged in Lowell. I have said known 
 — 1 should say heard of one case. 1 am just informed, that that 
 was a case where the female had been employed but a few days 
 in any mill, and was forthwith rejected from the corporation, and 
 sent to her friends. In point of female chastity, 1 believe that 
 Lowell is as free from reproach as any place of an equal popula- 
 lation in the United States or the world.' " 
 And he winds up his chapter with the following remark: — 
 "The eflect upon morals of this state of things, is of the most 
 gratifying charactrer. The number of illegitimate children born 
 in the United States is small; so small, that we should suppose 
 one in fifty to be a high estimate. In the great factories of the east- 
 ern states there prevails a high degree of morality, presenting a 
 most extraordinary contrast to the immorality represented to ex- 
 ist in a large portion of those of England." 
 Next follows Miss Martineau, who says— 
 "The morals of the female factory population may be expected 
 to be good when it is considered of what class it is composed. 
 Many of the girls are in the factories because they have too 
 much pride for domestic service. Girls who are too proud for 
 domestic service as it is in America, can hardly be low enough 
 for any gross immorality, or to need watching, or not to he 
 trusted to avoid the contagion of evil example. To a stranger, 
 their pride seems to have taken a mistaken direction, and they 
 appear to deprive themselves of a respectable home and station, 
 and many benefits, by their dislike of service; but this is alto- 
 gether their own affair, they must choose for themselves their 
 way of life. But the reasons of their choice indicate a state of 
 mind superior to the grossest dangers of their position." 
 And the Rev. Mr, Reid also echoes the praise of the factory 
 girls given by others, although he admits that their dress was 
 above their state and condition, and that he was surprised to see 
 them appear " in silks^ with scarf s^ veils^ and parasols.''^ 
 Here is a mass of evidence opposed to me, but the American evi- 
 dence must be received with all due caution; and as for the Eng- 
 lish, I consider it rather favorable to my side of the question than 
 otherwise. Miss Martineau says that " the girls have too much 
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 pride for domestic service," and therefore, argues that they will 
 not he immoral; now, (he two great causes of women falling off 
 from virtue, are poverty and false pride. What difference there 
 is between receiving money for watching a spinning-jenny, and 
 doing household work, I do not see; in either case it is sevitude, 
 although the former may be preferred, as being less under con- 
 trol, and leaving more time at your own disposal. I consider the 
 pride, therefore, which Miss Martineau upholds, to he false pride, 
 which will actuate them in other points; and when we find the 
 factory girls vying with each other in silks and laces, it be- 
 comes a query whether the passion for dress, so universal in 
 America, may not have its effect there as well as elsewhere. I 
 must confess that I went to Lowell doubting all I had heard — it 
 was so contrary to human nature that five hundred girls should 
 live among a population of fifteen hundred, or more, all pure and 
 virtuous, and all dressed in silks and satin. 
 When I went to Lowell I travelled with an American gentle- 
 man, who will, 1 have no doubt, corroborate my statement, and 
 I must say that, however pure Lowell may have been at the time 
 when the encomiums were passed upon it, I have every reason 
 to believe, from American authority as well as my own observa- 
 tion, that a great alteration has taken place, and that the manu- 
 factories have retrograded with the whole mass of American 
 society. In the first place, 1 never heard a move accomplished 
 swearer, east of the Alleghanies, than one young lady who ad- 
 dressed me and my Amejican friend, and as it was the only instance 
 of swearing on the part of a female that I ever met wi4h in the 
 United States, it was the more remarkable. I shall only observe, 
 that two days at Lowell convinced me that " human nature was 
 the same every where," and thus I dismiss the subject. 
 Mr. Carey compels me to make a remark which I would 
 gladly have avoided, but as he brings forward his comparative 
 statements of the number of illegitimate children born in the two 
 countries as a proof of the superior morality of America, I must 
 point out to him what I suspect he is not aware of. Public 
 opinion acts as law in America; appearances are there substi- 
 tuted for the reality, and provided appearances are kept up, 
 whether it be in religion or morality, it is sufficient; but should 
 an exposure take place, there is no mercy for the offender. As 
 those who have really the least virtue in themselves are always 
 the loudest to cry out at any lapse which may be discovered in 
 others, so does society in America pour out its anathemas in the 
 inverse ratio of its real purity. Now, although the authority I 
 speak from is undoubted, at the same time I wish to say as little 
 as possible. That there are fewer illegitimate children born in 
 the United States is very true. But why so? because public 
 opinion there acts as the bastardy clause in the new poor law 
 bill has done in this country; and if Mr. Carey will only inquire 
 in his own city, he will find that I should be justified if 1 said 
 twice as much, as I have been compelled in defence of my own 
 country to say, upon so mpleasant a subject. 
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 The majority are always in the ri{i;ht, so says Miss Mar- 
 tineau, and so have said greater people than even Miss Mar- 
 tineau; to be sure Miss Martineau qualifies her expression after- 
 wards, when she declares that they always will be right in the 
 end. What she means by that I do not exactly comprehend; 
 the end of a majority is its subsiding into a minority, and a mi- 
 nority is generally right. But I rather think that she would 
 imply that they will repent and see their folly when the conse- 
 quences fall heavily upon them. The great question is, what is 
 a majority? must it be a whole nation, or a portion of a nation, 
 or a portion of the population of a city; or, in fact, any plus 
 against any minus, be they small or be they large. For instance, 
 two against one are a majority, and, if so, any two scoundrels 
 may murder an honest man and be in the right; or it may be the 
 majority in any city, as in Baltimore, where they rose and mur- 
 dered an unfortunate minority;* or it may be a majority on the 
 Canada frontier, when a set of miscreants defied their own go- 
 vernment, and invaded the colony of a nation with whom they 
 were at peace — all of which is of course right. But there are 
 other opinions on this question besides those of Miss Martineau, 
 and we shall quote them as occasion serves. 
 * A striking instance of the excesses which may be occasioned by 
 the despotism of the majority, occurred at Baltimore in 1812. At that 
 time the war was very popular in Baltimore. A journal, which had 
 taken the other side of the quqslion, excited the indignation of the in- 
 habitants by its opposition. The populace assembled, broke the printing, 
 presses, and attacked tfte houses of the ncws|)aper editors. The militia 
 was called out, but no one obeyed the call, and the only means of 
 saving the i>oor wretches, who were threatened by the frenzy of the 
 mr)b, were to throw them into prison as common malefactors. But 
 even this precaution was ineffectual; the moh collected again during 
 the night, the magistrates again made a vain attempt to call out the 
 militia, the prison was forced, one of the newspaper editors was killed 
 upon the spot, and the others were leflt for dead; when the guilty par- 
 tics were brought to trial, they were acquitted by the jury. 
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 1 have before observed, that Washingfton left America a re- 
 public; and that in the short space of fifty years it has sunk into 
 a democracy. 
 The barrier intended to be raised aofainst the encroachmerits 
 of the people has been swept away; the senate (which was in- 
 tended, by the arrangements for its election, to have served as 
 the aristocracy of the lejrislature, as a deliberative check to the 
 impetus of the majority, like our House of Lords) having latterly 
 become virtually nothing more than a second congress, receiving 
 instructions, and submissive to them, like a pledged representa- 
 tive. This is what Washington did not foresee. 
 Washington was himself an aristocrat; he slwwed it in every 
 way. He was difficult of access, except to the higher classes. 
 He carried state in his outward show, always wearing his uni- 
 form as general of the forces, and attended by a guard of honor. 
 Indeed, one letter of Washington's proves that he was rather 
 doubtful as to the working of the new government shortly after 
 it had been constituted. He says — 
 "Among men of reflection few will be found, I believe, who 
 are not beginning to think that our system is better in tlieory 
 than in practice^ and that notwithstanding the boasted virtue of 
 America, it is more than probable we shall exhibit the /as/ melaiir 
 choly proif^ that mankind are incompetent to their own govern- 
 ment without the means of coercion in the sovereign.^^* 
 This is a pretty fair admission from such high authority; and 
 fifty years has proved the wisdom and foresight of the observa- 
 tion. Gradually as the aristocracy of the country wore out, (for 
 there was an aristocracy at that time in America,) and the peo- 
 ple became less and less enlightened, so did they encroach upon 
 the constitution. President after president gradually laid down 
 the insignia and outward appearance of rank, the senate became 
 less and less respectable, and the people more and more autho- 
 M. Tocqueville says, " When the American revolution broke 
 out, distinguished political characters arose in great numbers; 
 for public opinion then served, not to tyrannise over, but to di- 
 rect the exertions of individuals. Those celebrated men took a 
 full part in the general agitation of mind common at that period, 
 and they attained a high degree of personal fame, which was 
 reflected back upon the nation, but which was by no means bor- 
 rowed from it." 
 It was not, however, until the presidency of General Jackson, 
 that the democratic party may be said to have made any serious 
 inroads upon the constitution. Their previous advances were 
 indeed sure, but they were, comparatively speaking, slow"; but 
 raised as he was to the office of President bv the mob, the de- 
 magogues who led the mob obtained the offices under govern- 
 » Washington's letter to Chief Justice Jay, 10th March, 1787. 
marryat's diary. 
 ment, to the total exclusion of the aristocratic party, whose doom 
 was then seal-ed. Within the last ten years the uHvance of the 
 people has been like a torrent, sweeping and levelllnof all before 
 It, and the will of the majority has become not only absolute 
 with the government, but it defies the government itself, which 
 is too weak to oppose it. 
 Is it not strange, and even ridiculous, that under a govern- 
 ment established little more than fifty years, a government which 
 was to be a lesson to the whole world, we should find political 
 writers making use of language such as this: " We are for re- 
 form^ sound pro If ressive reform^ not subversion and destruction." 
 Yet such is an extract from one of the best written American 
 periodicals of the day- This is the language that may be ex- 
 ftected to be used in a country like England, which still legis- 
 ates under a government of eight hundred years old; but what 
 a failure must that government be, which in fifty years calls forth 
 even from its advocates such an admission!! 
 M. Tocqueville says, "Custom, however, has done even more 
 than laws. A proceeding which will in the end set all the 
 guarantees of representative government at nought, is becoming 
 more and more general in the United States: it frequently hap- 
 pens that the electors who choose u delegate, point out a certain 
 line of conduct to him, and impose upon him a certain number 
 of positive obligations, which he is pledged to fulfil. With the 
 exception of the tumult, this comes to the same thing as if the 
 majority of the populace held its deliberations in the market- 
 Speaking of the majority as the popular will, he says, "no 
 obstacles exist which can impede, or so much as retard its pro- 
 gress, or which can induce it to heed the complaints of those 
 whom it crushes upon its path. This state of things is fatal in 
 itself, and dangerous for the future." 
 My object in this chapter is to inquire what effect has been 
 produced upon the morals of the American people by this ac- 
 knowledged dominion of the majority! 
 1st. As to the mass of the people themselves. It is elear, if 
 the people not only legislate, but, when in a state of irritation or 
 excitement, they defy even legislation, that they are not to be 
 compared to restricted sovereigns, but to despots, whose will 
 and caprice are law. The vices of the court of a despot are, 
 therefore, practised upon the people; for the people become, as 
 it were, the court, to whom those, in authority, or those who 
 would be in authority, submissively bend the knee. A despot 
 is not likely ever to hear the truth, for moral courage fails where 
 there is no law to protect it, and where honest advice may be 
 rewarded by summary punishment. The people, therefore, like 
 the despot are never told the truth; on the contrary, they receive 
 and expect the most abject submission from their courtiers, to 
 wit, those in office, or expectants. 
 Now, the President of the United States may be considered 
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 the Prime Minister of an enlightened puhlic, who govern them- 
 selves, and liis communication with them is in his annual mes- 
 Let us examine what Mr. Van Buren says in his last mes- 
 First, hehnmhly acknowledges their power. 
 *'A national hank," he tells them, *' would impair the rightful 
 supremacy of the popular wiliy 
 And this he follows up with that most delicate species of flat- 
 tery, that of praising them for the very virtue which they are 
 most deficient in; telling them they are "A people to whom the 
 truths however unpromising, can alwiiys he told with safety.''^ 
 At the very time when they were defying all law and all 
 government, he says, " It was reserved for the American Union 
 to test the advantage of a government entirely dependent on the 
 continual exercise of the popular will, and our experience has 
 shown that it is as beneficent in practice, as well as it is just in 
 At the very time when nearly the whole Union were assisting 
 the insurrection in Canada with men and money, he tells them 
 "That temptations to interfere in the intestine commotions of 
 neighboring countries have been thus far successfully resisted." 
 This is quite enough; Mr. Van Buren's motives are to be re- 
 elected as president. That is very natural on his part; but how 
 can you expect a people to improve who never hear the truth? 
 Mr. Cooper observes, " Monarchs have incurred more hazards 
 from follies of their own that have grown up under the adulation 
 of parasites, than from the machinations of their enemies; and 
 in a democracy, the delusion that still would elsewhere be poured 
 into the ears of the prince, is poured into those of the people. 
 The same system is pursued by all those who would arrive at 
 or remain in place and power; and what must be the conse- 
 quence] That the straight-forward, honorable upright man is 
 rejected by the people, while the parasite, the adulator, the de- 
 magogue, who flatters their opinion, asserts theii supremacy, 
 and yields to their arbitrary demands, is the one selected by 
 them for place and power. Thus do they demoralize each other; 
 and it is not until a man has, by his abject submission to their 
 will, in contradiction to his own judgment and knowledge, 
 proved that he is unworthy of the selection which he courts, that 
 he is peimitted to obtain it. Thus it is that the most able and 
 conscientious men in the States are almost unanimously rejected. 
 M. Tocqueville says, " It is a well-authenticated fact, that at 
 the present day the most talented men in the United States are 
 very rarely placed at the head of affairs; and it must be acknow- 
 ledged that such has been the result in proportion as democracy 
 has outstepped all its former limits; the race of American states- 
 men has evidently dwindled most remarkably in the course of 
 the last fifty years." 
 Indeed, no high-minded consistent man will now offer himself, 
 and this is one cause among many why Englishmen and fo- 
Marry at's diary. 
 rmgners have not done real justice to the people of the United 
 States. The scum is uppermost, and they do not see below it. 
 The prudent, the enlightened, the wise, and the good, have all 
 retired into the shade, preferring to pass a life of quiet retirement, 
 rather than submit to the insolence and dictation of a mob. 
 M. Tocqueville says, "Whilst the natural propensities of de- 
 mocracy induce the people to reject the most distinguished citi- 
 zens as its rulers, these individuals are no less apt to retire from 
 a political career, in which it is almost impossible to retain their 
 independence, or to advance without degrading themselves." 
 Again, " At the present day the most affluent classes of society 
 are so entirely removed from the direction of political affairs in 
 the United States, that wealth, far from conferring a right to the 
 exercise of power, is rather an obstacle than a means of attaining 
 to it. The wealthy members of the community abandon the 
 lists, through unwillingness to contend, and frequently to con- 
 tend in vain, against the poorest classes of their fellow-citizens. 
 They concentrate all their enjoyments in the privacy of their 
 homes, where they occupy a rank which cannot be assumed in 
 public, and they constitute a private society in the state which 
 has its own tastes and its own pleasures. They submit to this 
 state of things as an irremediable evil, but they are careful not 
 to show that they are galled by its continuance. It is even not 
 uncommon to hear them laud the delights of a republican go- 
 vernment, and the advantages of democratic institutions, when 
 they are in public. Next to hating their enemies, men are most 
 inclined to flatter them. But beneath this artificial enthusiasm, 
 and these obsequious attentions to the preponderating power, it 
 is easy to perceive that the wealthy members of the community 
 entertain a hearty distaste to the democratic institutions of their 
 country. The populace is at once the object of their scorn and 
 of their fears. If the maladministration of the democracy ever 
 brings about a revolutionary crisis, and if monarchical constitu- 
 tions ever become practicable in the United States, the truth of 
 what I advance will become obvious/' 
 It appears, then, that the more respectable portion of its citi- 
 zens have retired, leaving the arena open to those who are least 
 worthy: that the majority dictate, and scarcely any one ventures 
 to oppose them; if any one does, he is immediately sacrificed; 
 the press, obedient to its masters, pours out its virulence, and it 
 is incredible how rapidly a man, unless he be of a superior mind, 
 falls into nothingness in the United States, when once he has 
 dared to oppose the popular will. He is morally bemired, be- 
 spattered, and trod under foot, until he remains a lifeless carcase. 
 He falls, never to rise again, unhonored and unremembered. 
 Captain Hamilton, speaking to one of the federalist, or aristo* 
 cratical party, received the following reply. I have received 
 similar ones in more than fifty instances. " My opinions, and I 
 believe those of the party to which I belonged, are unchanged; 
 and the course of events in this country has been such as to im- 
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 press only a deeper and more thoroug-h' conviction of their wis- 
 dom; but, in the present state of public feeling, we dare nut 
 express them. An individual professirigr such opinions would 
 not only find himself excluded from every office of public trust 
 wiihin the scope of his reasonable ambition, but he would be 
 regarded by his neighbors and fellow-citizens with an evil eye. 
 His words and actions would become the objects of jealous and 
 malignant scrutiny, and he would have to sustain the unceasing 
 attacks of a host of unscrupulous and ferocious assailants." 
 Mr. Cooper says, " The besetting, the degrading vice of Ame- 
 rica, is the njoral cowardice by which men are led to truckle to 
 ■what is called public opinion, though nine times in ten these 
 opinions are mere engines set in motion by the most corrupt and 
 least respectable portion of the community, for the most unwor- 
 thy purposes. The English are a more respectable and constant 
 [unconstanti] nation than the Americans, as relates to this 
 To be popular with the majority in America, to be a favourite 
 with the people, you must first divest yourself of all freedom of 
 opinion; you must throw off all dignity; you must shake hands 
 and drink with every man you meet; you must be, in fact, slo- 
 venly and dirty in your appearance, or you will be put down as 
 an aristocrat. 1 recollect once an American candidate asked me if 
 I would walk out with him? I agreed ; but he requested leave 
 to change his coat, which was a decent one, for one very shabby; 
 " for," says he, " I intend to look in upon some of my constitu- 
 ents, and if they ever saw me in that other coat, I should lose 
 my election." This cannot but remind the reader of the custom 
 of candidates in former democracies — standing up in the market- 
 place as suppliants in tattered garments, to solicit the " voices" 
 of the people. 
 That the morals of the nation have retrograded from the total 
 destruction of the aristocracy, both in the government and in 
 society, which has taken place withm the last ten years, is most 
 The power has fallen into the hands of the lower orders, the of- 
 fices under government have been chiefly filled up by their favor- 
 ites, either being poor and needy men from their own class, or 
 base and dishonest men, who have sacrificed their principles and 
 consciences for place. I shall enter more fully into this subject 
 hereafter; it is quite sufficient at present to say, that during Mr. 
 Adams' presidency, a Mr. Benjamin Walker was a defaulter to 
 tlie amouftt of ^18,000, and was in consequence incarcerated for 
 two years. Since the democratic party have come into power, 
 the quantity of defaulters, and the sums which have been em- 
 bezzled of government money, are enormous, an.-^ no punishment 
 of any kind has been attempted. They s^.v n is only a breach 
 of trust, and that a breach of trust is not punishable, except by 
 a civil action; which certainly in the United States is of little 
 avail, as the payment of the money can always be evaded. The 
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 ronseqiience is that you meet with defaulters in, I will not say 
 the very best society grenerally, but in the very best society of 
 some portions of the United States. I have myself sat down to 
 a dinner party to which I had been invited, with a defaulter to 
 <rovernment on each side of me. I knew one that was setting 
 up for Connrress, and, strange to say, his delinquency was not 
 considered by the people as an objection. An American author* 
 states, '• On the 17th June, 1838, the United States treasurer 
 reported to Congress sixfy-fhree defaulters; the total sums 
 embezzled amounting to one million twenty thousand and odd 
 The tyranny of the majority has completely destroyed the 
 moral courage of the American people, and without moral cour- 
 age what chance is there of any fixed standard of morality? 
 M. Tocqueville observes, " Democratic republics extend the 
 practice of currying favour with the many, and they introduce it 
 into a greater number of classes at once; this is one of the most 
 serious reproaches that can be addressed to them. In democra- 
 tic States organized on the principles of the American republics 
 this is more especially the case, where the authority of the ma- 
 jority is so absolute and irresistible, that a man must give up his 
 rights as a citizen, and almost abjure his quality as a human 
 being, if he intends to stray from the track which it lays down. 
 " In that immense crowd which throngs the avenues to power 
 in the United States, I found very few men who displayed any 
 of that manly candor, and that masculine independence of 
 opinion, which frequently distinguished the Americans in former 
 times, and which constitutes the leading feature in distinguished 
 characters wheresoever they may be found. It seems, at first 
 sight, as if all the minds of the Americans were formed upon one 
 model, so accurately do they correspond in their manner of 
 judging. A stranger does, indeed, sometimes meet with Ameri- 
 cans who dissent from these rigorous formularies; v/ith men who 
 deplore the defects of the laws; the mutability and the ignorance 
 of democracy; who even go so far as to observe the evil ten- 
 dencies which impair the national character, and to point out 
 such remedies as it might be possible to apply; but no one is 
 there to hear these things beside yourself, and you, to whom 
 these secret reflections are confided, are a stranger and a bird of 
 passage. They are very ready to communicate truths which are 
 useless to you, but they continue to hold a different lauguage in 
 * Voice from America. 
 t Mr, Carey in his introduction says: *^ Freedom of discussion is 
 highly promotive of the power of protection. The free expressions of 
 opinion in relation to matters of public inicrest is indispensable to 
 He denies that wc have it in England, and would prove that this 
 ox'isia in America; and how? 
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 There are a few exceptions — Clay and Webster are men of 
 such power as to be able, to a certain degree, to hold their inde- 
 pendence. Dr. C banning has proved himself an honour to his 
 country and to the world. Mr. Cooper has also great merit in 
 this point: and no man has certainly shown more moral courage, 
 let his case be good or not, than Garrison, the leader of the 
 abolition party. 
 But with these few and remarkable exceptions, moral courage 
 is almost prostrate in the United States. The most decided 
 specimen I met with to the contrary was at Cincinnati, when a 
 large portion of the principal inhabitants ventured to express 
 their opinion, contrary to the will of the majority, in my defence, 
 and boldly proclaimed their opinions by inviting me to a public 
 dinner. I told them my opinion of their behaviour, and I gave 
 them my thanks. I repeat my opinion and my thanks now; 
 they had much to contend with; but they resisted boldly; and 
 not only from that remarkakle instance of daring to oppose pub- 
 lic opinion when all others quailed, but from many other circum- 
 stances, I have an idea that Cincinnati will one day take an im- 
 portant lead, as much from the spirit and courage of her citizens, 
 as from her peculiarly fortunate position. I had a striking in- 
 stance to the contrary at St. Louis, when they paraded me in 
 effigy through the streets. Certain young Bostonians, who 
 would have been glad enough to have seized my hand when in 
 the Eastern States, before I had happened to affront the majority, 
 kept aloof, or shuffled away, so as not to be obliged to recog- 
 nize me. Such have been the demoralizing effects of the tyranny 
 of public opinion in the short space of fifty years, and I will now 
 wind up this chapter by submitting to the reader extracts from 
 the two French authors, one of whom describes America in 17&2, 
 and the other in 1835. 
 America in 1782. 
 " Je vais, disais-je, mettre a la voile aujourd'hui; je m'eloigne 
 avec un regret infini d'un pays ou I'on est, sans obstacle et sans 
 inconvenient, ce qu*on devrait etre partout, sincere^ libre."— 
 " On y pense, on y dit, on y fait ce q'on veut. Rien ne vous 
 oblige d'y etre ni faux, ni has, ni flatteur. Personne ne se 
 cheque de la singularite de vos manieres ni de vos gouts."-— 
 Memoires ou Souvenirs de M. de Segur^ vol. i. p. 409. 
 America in 1835. 
 " L'Amerique est doi.c un pays de liberte, oii pour ne blesser 
 personne, on ne doit parlor librement, ni des gouverans, ni des 
 Ist. By the permission of every man to be of any religion ho 
 2d. By the freedom of the press in tlie United States! ! 
 gouvern^s, ni des entreprises publiques, ni des entreprises pri- 
 vees; de rien, enfin, de ce qu'on y rencontre ri nonpeut-etre dii 
 climat et du sol; encore trouve-t-on des Ameicains prets a de- 
 fendre I'un et I'autre, comme s'ils avaient concouru a les for- 
 mer."— ilf. de Tocqueville aur la Demoeratie aux Etats Unis de 
 P^meriquCf vol. ii. p. 118. 
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 This is a word of very doubtful meaning; and until we have 
 the power to analyze the secret springs of action, it is impossi- 
 ble to say who is or who is not a patriot. The Chartist, the 
 White Boy, may really be patriots in their hearts, although they 
 are attempting revolution, and are looked upon as the enemies of 
 good order. Joseph Hume may be a patrici, so may O'Connell, 
 so may ; but never mind; I consider thnt if, in most cases, 
 in all countries, the word egotism were substituted it would be 
 more correct, and particularly so in America. 
 M. Tocqueville says, " The inhabitants of the United States 
 talk a great deal of their attachment to their country; but I con 
 fess that I do not rely upon that calculating patriotism which is 
 founded upon interest, and which a change in the interests at 
 stake may obliterate." 
 The fact is, that the American is aware that what affects the 
 general prosperity must affect the individual, and he therefore 
 is anxious for the general prosperity; ho also considers that ho 
 assists to legislate for the country, and is therefore equally in- 
 terested in such legislature being prosperous; if, therefore, you 
 attack his country, you attack him personally—you wound his 
 vanity and self-love. 
 In America, it is not our rulers who have done wrong or right: 
 it is we (or rather I) who have done wron^ or right, and the 
 consequence is, that the American is rather irritable on the sub- 
 ject, as every attack is taken as personal. It is quite ridiculous 
 to observe how some of the very best of the Americans are 
 tickled when you praise their country and institutions; how 
 they will wince at any qualification in your praise, and actually 
 writhe under auy positive disparagement. They will put ques- 
 tions, even if they anticipate an unfavorable answer; they can- 
 not help it. What is the reason of thisl Simply their better 
 sense wrestling with the errors of education and long-cherished 
 fallacies. They feel that their institutions do not work as they 
 would wish; that the theory is not borne out by the practice, 
 and they want support against their own convictions. They 
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 MARRY AT's U^mf* 
 cannot bear to eradicate deep-rooted pr* 'dices, wl >-h have been 
 from their earliest days a source of prid > and vain ^Mory; and to 
 acknowledge that what they have considered as most pc'ect, 
 what they have boasted of as a lesson to other nations, wha' ley 
 have suffered so much to uphold, in surrendering their 1 erty 
 of speech, of action, and of opinion, has after all proved U, e a 
 miserable failure, and instead of a lesson to other natioub^a 
 Yet such are the doubts, the misgivings which fluctuate in, 
 and irritate the minds of a very large proportion of the Ameri- 
 cans; and such is the decided conviction of a portion who retire 
 into obscurity and are silent; and every year adds to the number 
 of both these parties. They remind one of a husband who, 
 having married for love, and supposed his wife to be perfection, 
 gradually finds out she is full of Aiults, and renders him any 
 thing but happy; but his pride will not allow him to acknow- 
 ledge that he has committed an error in his choice, and he con- 
 tinues before the world to descant upon her virtues, and to conceal 
 her errors, while he feels that his home is miserable. 
 It is because it is more egotistical that the patriotism of the 
 American is more easily roused and more easily affronted. He 
 has been educated to despise all other countries, and to look 
 upon his own as the first in the world; he has been taught that 
 all other nations are slaves to despots, and that the American 
 citizen only is free, and this is never contradicted. For although 
 thousands may in their own hearts feel the falsehood of their 
 assertions, there is not one who will venture to express his 
 opinion. The government sets the example, the press follows 
 it, and the people receive the incense of flattery, which in other 
 countries is offered to the court alone, and if it were not for the 
 occasional compun'itions and doubts, which his real good sense 
 will sometimes visit him with, the more enlightened American 
 would be happy in his own delusions, as the majority most cer- 
 tainly may be said to be. 
 M. Tocqueville says, " For the last fifty years no pains have 
 been spared to convince the inhabitants of the United States that 
 they constitute the only religious, enlightened, and free people. 
 They perceive that, for the present, their own democratic insti- 
 tutions succeed, while those of other countries fall; hence they 
 conceive an overweening opinion of their superiority, and they 
 are not very remote from believing themselves to belong to a 
 distinct race of mankind." 
 There are, however, other causes which assist this delusion 
 on the part of the majority of the Americans; the principal of 
 which is the want of comparison. The Americans are too far 
 removed from the old continent, and are too much occupied even 
 if they were not, to have time to visit it, and make the com- 
 parison between the settled countries and their own. America 
 is so vast, that if they travel in it, their ideas of their own im- 
 portance become magnified. The only comparisons they are able 
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 to make are only as to the quantity of Hqiraro acres in each coan- 
 try, which, of course, is vastly in thoir favor. 
 Mr. Sanderson, the American, in his clever Sketches of Paris, 
 observes, '* It is certainly of much value in the life of an Ameri- 
 enn gentleman to visit these oM countries, if it were only to form 
 a just estimate of his own, which he is continually liable to mis- 
 take, and always to overrate without objects of comparison; 
 * nimium sc ststimet nercsse cs/, quise ncinini cumparat.^ He will 
 always think himself wise who sees nobody wiser; and to know 
 the customs and institutions of foreign countries, which ono 
 cannot know well without residing there, is certainly the com- 
 plement of a good education." 
 After all, is there not a happiness in this delusion on the part 
 of the American majority, and is not the feeling of admiration 
 of their own country borrowed from ourselves] The feeling may 
 be more strong with the Americans, because it is more egotistical; 
 but it certainly is the En<rlish feeling transplanted, and growing 
 in a ranker soil. We may accuse the Americans of conceit, of 
 wilful blindness, of obstinacy; but there is after all a great good 
 in being contented with yourself and yours. The English show 
 it differently; but the English are not so good tempered as the 
 Americans. They grumble at every thing; they know the faults 
 of their institutions, but at the same time they will allow of no 
 interference. Grumbling is a luxury so great, ihat an English- 
 man will permit it only to himself. The Englishman grumbles 
 at his government, under which he enjoys more rational liberty 
 than the individual of any other nation in the world. The 
 American, ruled by the despotism of the majority, and with- 
 out liberty of opinion or speech, praises his institutions to the 
 skies. The Englishman grumbles at his climate, which, if we 
 were to judge from the vigor and perfection of the inhabitants, 
 is, notwithstanding its humidity, one of the best in the world. 
 The American vaunts his above all others, and even thinks it 
 necessary to apologise for a bad day, although the climate, from 
 its sudden extremes, withers up beauty, and destroys the nervous 
 system. In every thing connected with, and relating to America, 
 the American has the same feeling. Calculating, wholly mat- 
 ter-of-fact and utilitarian in his ideas, without a poetic sense of 
 his own, he is annoyed if a stranger does not express that rap- 
 ture at their rivers, waterfalls, and woodland scenery, which he 
 himself does not feel. As far as America is concerned, every- 
 thing is for the best in this best of all possible countries. It is 
 laughable, yet praiseworthy, to observe how the whole nation 
 will stoop down to fan the slightest spark which is elicited of 
 native genius — like the London cit., who is enraptured with his 
 own stunted cucumbers, which he has raised at ten times the 
 expense which would have purchased fine ones in the market. 
 It were almost a pity that the American should be awakened 
 from his dream, if it were not that the arrogance and conceit 
 arising from it may eventually plunge him into difficulty. 
 But Id us 1)0 fair; America is tluj country of enthuniusm and 
 Ijcpe, and wo must not bo too sovero upon what from a virgin 
 «< il has sprunfT up too luxuriantly. It it) but the Kngliah amor 
 vatn'iL' carried to to») sr<'i»t an excosH. The Americans arc great 
 l)oa8ters; but are wo far behind thcnil One of our most popular 
 songs runs as follows:— 
 •' Wo ne'er see our foes, but wo wish them to stay; 
 They never see us, but tiiey wi«h us awuy." 
 What can bo more bragging, or more untrue, than tho words 
 «»f these lines'? In tho same way in Kngland tho common people 
 hold it as a proverb, that "one Englishman can beat three 
 Frenchmen," but there are not many Englishmen who would 
 succeed in the attempt. Nor is it altogether wrong to encourage 
 these feelings; although arrogance is a fault in an intlividnal, in 
 a national point of view, it often becomes tho incentive to great 
 actions, and, if not excessive, insures the success inspired by 
 confidence. As by giving people credit for a virtue which they 
 have not, you very often produce that virtue in them, 1 think it 
 not unwise to implant this feeling in the hearts of the lower 
 classes, who, if they firmly believe that they can beat three 
 Frenchmen, will at all events attempt to do it. That too groat 
 success is dangerous, and that the feeling of arrogance produced 
 by it may lead us into the error of despising our enemy, we our- 
 selves showed an example of in our first contest with America 
 during the last war. In that point America and England have 
 now changed positions, and from false education, want of com- 
 parison, and unexpected success in their struggle with us, they 
 are now much more arroirant than we were when most flushed 
 with victory. They are blind to their own faults and to the 
 merits of others, and while they are so, it is clear that they will 
 oflfend strangers, and never improve themselves. 1 have often 
 laughed at the false estimate held by the Hiajority in America as 
 to England. One told me, with a patronizing air, that "in a 
 short time, England would only be known as having been tho 
 mother of America." 
 " When you go into our interior, captain," said a New York 
 gentleman to me, " you will see plants, such as rhododendrons, 
 magnolias, and hundreds of others, such as they have no con- 
 ception of in your own country." 
 One of Jim Crow's verses in America is a fair copy from us: 
 " Englishman he beat 
 Two French or Portugee; 
 Yankec-doodle come down, 
 Whip them all three.'* 
 But an excellent specimen of the effect of American education 
 was given the other day in this country, by an American lad of 
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 fonrteen or fifteen years old. He was at a dinner party, and 
 after dinner the conversation turned upon the merits of the Dnke 
 of Wellinorton. After liearing the just eneomiums for some tiroe 
 with fidtretty impatience, the lad rose from his chair, " You 
 talk ahout your Duke of Wellinnrton, what do you say to Wash- 
 inopton: do you pretend to compare Wellington to Washington? 
 -Now, I'll just tell you, if Washington could he standing hero 
 now, and the Duke of Wellington was only to look him in the 
 face; why, Sir, W^^llington woiild drop down dead in an 
 instant." This I was told by the gentleman at whoso table it 
 Even when they can use their eyes, they will not. I ovc- 
 heard a conversation on the (h>ck of a steam-boat between a man 
 who had just arrived from England and another. "* Have they 
 much trade at Liverpool?" inquired the latter. " Yes, they've 
 some." "And at London?" " Not much there, I reckon. New 
 \rr\{, Sir, is the emporium of the whole world." 
 This national vanity is fed in every possible way. At one of 
 the museums, I asked the subject of a picture representing a 
 naval engagement; the man (supposing I was an American, I 
 presume) replied, " that ship there," pointing to one twice as big 
 as the other, "is the Macedonian English frigate, and that other 
 frigate," pointing to the small one, "is the Constitution Ameri- 
 can frigate, which captured her in less than five minutes." In- 
 deed, so great has this feeling become from indulgence, that 
 they will not allow any thing to stand in its w^ay, and will sa- 
 crifice any body or any thing to support it. It was not until I 
 arrived in the United States that I was informed by sever?! 
 people that Captain Lawrence, who commanded the Chesapeake, 
 was drunk when he went into action. Speaking of the action, 
 one man shook his head, and said, "Pity poor Lawrence had 
 his failing; he was otherwise a good officer." I was often told 
 the same thing, and a greater libel was never uttered; but thus 
 was a gallant officer's character sacrificed to sooth the national 
 vanity. I hardly need observe, that the American naval officers 
 are as mucii disgusted with the assertion as I was myself. That 
 Lawrence fought under disadvantages — that many of his ship's 
 company, hastily collected together from leave, were not sober, 
 and that there was a want of organisation from just coming out 
 of harbor — is true, and quite sufficient to account for his defeat; 
 hut I have the evidence of those who walked with him down to 
 his boat, that he was perfectly sober, cool, and collected, as he 
 always had proved himself to be. i3ut there is no gratitude 
 in a democracy, and to be unfortunate is to be guilty. 
 There is a great deal of patriotism of one sort or the other in 
 the American women. I recollect once, when conversing with 
 a highly-cultivated and beautiful American woman, I inquired 
 if she knew a lady who had been sometime in England, and 
 who was a great favourite of mine. She replied, "Yes." 
 "Don't you like her?" "To confess the truth, I do not," re- 
MARRY AT's diary. 
 pliod she; " she is loo English for me." "That is to say, shr 
 likes England and the Knglish." "That is what 1 mean." [ 
 replied, that "had she been in Enjrland, she would probably 
 have become loo English also; for, with her cultivated and ele- 
 gant ideas, she must naturally have been pleased with the re- 
 finement, luxury, and established grades in f?oci(>ty, which it had 
 taken eight hundred years to produce." " If that is to be the 
 case, I hope 1 may never go to England." 
 Now, this was true patriotism, and there is much true patriotism 
 among the higher classes of the American women; with them 
 there is no alloy of egotism. 
 Indeed, all the women in America are very patriotic; but I do 
 not give them all the same credit. In the first place, they are 
 controlled by public opinion as much as the men are; and with- 
 out assumed patriotism they would have no chance of getting 
 husbands. As you descend in the scale, so are they the more 
 noisy; and, I imagine, for that very reason the less sincere. 
 Among what may be termed the middling classes, I have 
 been very much amused with the compound of vanity and igno- 
 rance which I have met with. Among this class tliey can read 
 and write, but almost all their knowledge is confined to their 
 own country, especially in geography, which I soon discovered. 
 It was hard to beat them on American ground, but as soon as 
 you got them off that they were defeated. I wish the reader to 
 understand particularly, that I am not speaking now of the well- 
 bred Americans, but of that portion which would with us b« 
 considered as on a par with the middle class of shop-keepers; for 
 I had a very extensive acquaintance. My amusement was, to 
 make some comparison between the two countries, which I knew 
 would immediately bring on the conflict 1 desired; and not with- 
 out danger, for I sometimes expected, in the ardor of their pa- 
 triotism, to meet with the fate of Orpheus. 
 I soon found that the more I granted, the more they demanded: 
 z\A tnat the best way was never to grant any thing. I was once 
 in a room full of the softer sex, chiefly girls, of all ages; whe« 
 the mamma of a portion of them, who was sitting on the sofa, as 
 we mentioned steam, said, " Well now, captain, you will allow 
 that we are a-head of you there." 
 " No," replied I, " quite the contrary. Our steam-boats go all 
 over the world— your's are afraid to leave the rivers." 
 "Well now, captain, I suppose you'll allow America is a bit 
 bigger country than England 1" 
 " It's rather broader — but, if I recollect right, it's not quite so 
 "Why, captain!" 
 " Well, only look at the map." 
 " Why, isn't the Mississippi a bigger river than you have in 
 England 1" 
 " Bigger % Pooh ! haven't we got the Thames 1" , 
 " The Thames 1 why that's no river at all." 
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 "Isn't it? Just look at the map, and mcasaro them." 
 " Well now, captain, I tell you what, you call your Britain 
 the mistress of the seas, yet we whipped you well, and you 
 know that." 
 "Oh! yes — you refer to the Shannon and Chesapeake, don't 
 " No ! not that time, because Lawrence was drunk, they say; 
 but didn't we whip you well at New Orleans]" 
 "No, you didn't." 
 " No ] oh, captain !" 
 "I say you did not. If your people had come out from behind 
 their cotton bales and sugar casks, we'd have knocked you all 
 into a cocked hat; but they wouldn't come, so we walked away 
 in disgust." 
 " Now, captain, that's romancinjr — that won't do." Here the 
 little ones joined in the cry, "We did beat you, and you know 
 it." And hauling me into the centre of the room, they joined 
 hands in a circle, and danced round me, singing, 
 " Yankee doodle is a tnne, 
 Which is nnlion handy, 
 Ml the British ran nway 
 At Yankee doodle dandy." 
 I shall conclude by stating that this feeling, call it patriotism, 
 or what you please, is so strongly implanted in the bosom of the 
 American by education and association, that wherever, or when- 
 ever, the national honor or character is called into question, there 
 is no sacrifice which they will not make to keep up appearances. 
 It is this which induces them to acquit murderers, to hush up 
 suicides, or any other offence which may reflect upon their as- 
 serted morality. I would put no confidence even in an official 
 document from the government, for I have already ascertained 
 how they will invariably be twisted, so as to give no offence to 
 the majority; and the base adulation of the government to the 
 people is such, that it dare not tell them the truth, or publish 
 any thing which might wound its self-esteem. 
 I shall conclude with two extracts from a work of Mr. Cooper* 
 the American: — 
 " We are almost entirely wanting in national pride, though 
 abundantly supplied with an irritable vanity^ which might rise 
 to pride had we greater confidence in our facts." 
 " We have t'le t,onsitiveness of provincials, increased by the 
 consciousness of having our spurs to earn on all matters of glory 
 and renown, and our jealousy expends even to the reputations of the 
 cats and dogs.^^' 
MARRY AT's diary. 
 Captain Hamilton has, in his work, expressed his opinion 
 that the, Americans have no feeling of ill-will against this coun- 
 try. If Captain Hamilton had stated that the gentlemen and 
 more respectahle portion of the Americans, such as the New 
 York merchants, &c., had no feelinj^ acrainst this country, and 
 were most anxious to keep on good terms with us, he would 
 have been much more correct. You will find ail the respecta- 
 ble portion of the daily press using their best endeavours to re- 
 concile any animosities, and there is nothing which an Ameri- 
 can gentleman is more eloquent upon, when he falls in with an 
 Englishman, than in trying to convince him that there is no hos- 
 tile feeling against this country.* I had not been a week at 
 New York before I had this assurance given me at least twenty 
 times, and I felt inclined at first to believe it: but I soon dis- 
 covered that this feeling was only confined to a small minority, 
 and that the feelings towards England of the majority, or demo- 
 cratic party, were of (kep irreconcilable hatred. I ain sorry to 
 assert this; but it is better that it should be known, that we may 
 not be misled by any pretended good-will on the part of the gov- 
 ernment, or the partial good will of a few enlightened individ- 
 uals. Even those who have a feeling of regard and admiration 
 for our country do not venture to make it known, and it would 
 place them in so very unpleasant a situation, that they can 
 scarcely be blamed for keeping their opinions to themselves. 
 With the 'English they express it warmly, and I believe them to 
 be sincere; but not being openly avowed by a few, it is not com- 
 municated or spread by kindling similar warmth in the hearts of 
 others. Indeed it is not surprising, when we consider the na- 
 tional character, that there should be an ill-feeling towards Eng- 
 * Soon after I arriwcl at New York, the nrival officers very kindly 
 sent me adijilorna as honorarj- member of their [iVcenni, over at Brook- 
 lyn. I went over to visit the Lyceum, and auioiio^ dther portrait-?, 
 in the most connpicuous part of the room, was that ot VViihim IV., 
 with the "Sailor King" written undcrnrath it in larjrc cn|)it;il«. As 
 for the present Queen, her health has hccn repeatedly dran!; in my 
 prepcnco ; indeed her accession to our throne appeared to have put a 
 large portion of the Americans in good hnmnnr with monarchy. Up 
 to the present siic has been quite a pet of theirs, and they are con- 
 tinually a^'king questions concerning her. Tlin fact is, that the Ameri- 
 cans show such outward delerencc to the other sex, that I do not 
 think they wouid have any objox'ition themselves to be governed by it; 
 and if ever a monarchy were attempted in the United States, the fir»5t 
 reigning sovereign ought to be a very pretty woman. 
 land; it would be much more strange if the feelin«r did not ex- 
 ist. That the Americans should, after their strugofle for inde- 
 pendence, have felt irritated against the mother country, is natu- 
 ral; they had been oppressed — they had successfully resented 
 the oppression, and emancipated themselves. But still the feel- 
 ing at that time was different from the one which at present ex- 
 ists. Then it might be compared to the feeling in the heart of a 
 younger son of an ancient house, who had been compelled by 
 harsh treatment to disunite from the head of the family, and pro- 
 vide for himself— Ptill proud of his origin, yet resentful at the 
 remembrance of injury — at times vindictive, at others full of ten- 
 derness and respect. The aristocratical and the democratical 
 impulses by turns gaining the ascendant it was then a manly, 
 fine feelingf. The war of 1814, the most fatal event in the short 
 American history, would not have been attended with any in- 
 crease of ill-will, as the Americans were satisfied with their suc- 
 cessful repulse of our attempts to invade the country, and their 
 unexpected good fortune in their naval conflicts. Tliey felt that 
 they had consideration and respect in the eyes of other nations, 
 and, what was to them still more gratifying, the respect of En- 
 gland herself. In every point they were fortunate, for a peace 
 was concluded upon honourable terms just as they were begin- 
 ning to feel the bitter consetpiences of the war. But tlie efl'cct 
 of this war was to imbue the peoj)le with a strong idea of their 
 military prowess, and the national glory became their f^ivourite 
 theme. Their hero. General Jackson, was raised to the presi- 
 dency by the democratical party, and ever since the Americans 
 have been ready to bully or quarrel vvith anybody and about 
 This feeling becomes stronger every day. They want to whip 
 the whole worhL The wise and prudent perceive the folly of 
 this, and try all they can to produce a better feeling; but the ma- 
 jority are now irresistible, and their fiat will decide upon war or 
 peace. The government is powerless in opposition to it; all it 
 can do is to give a legal appearance to any act of violence. 
 This idea of their own prowess will be one cause of danger 
 to their institutions, for war must ever be fatal to democracy. 
 In this country, during peace, we become more and more demo- 
 cratic; but whenever we are again forced into war, the reins will 
 be again tightened from necessity, and thus war must ever in- 
 terfere with free institutions. A convincing proof of the idea 
 the Americans have of their own prowess was when General 
 Jackson made the claim for compensation from the French. 
 Through the intermediation of England the claim was adjusted, 
 and peace preserved; and the Americans are little aware what a 
 debt of gratitude they owe to this country for its interference. 
 They were totally ignorant of the power and resources of France. 
 They had an idea, and I was told so fifty times, that France paid 
 the money from /ear, and that if she had not, they m ould have 
 ** whipped her into the little end of nothing." 
 I do not doubt that ilie Americans would have tried their best; 
 but lam of opinion^ (notwithstanding the Americans would haro 
 been partially, from their acknowledged bravery, successful,) 
 that in two years Trance, with her means, which are well known 
 to, and appreciated by, the Ennrlish, would (to use their own 
 terms again,) have made "an everlasting smash" of the United 
 States, and the Americans would have had to couclude an igno- 
 minious peace. I am aware that this idea will be scouted in 
 America as absurd; but still 1 am well persuaded that any pro- 
 tracted war would not only be their ruin in a pecuniary point of 
 view, but fatal lo their institutions. But to return. 
 There are many reasons why the Americans have an invete- 
 rate dislike to this country. In the first place, they are educated 
 to dislike us and our monarchical institutions; their short history 
 points out to them that we have been their only oppressor in the 
 lirst instance, and their opponent ever since. Their annual cele- 
 bration of the independence is an opportunity for vituperation of 
 this country which is never lost sight of. Their national vanity 
 is hurt by feeling what they would fam believe, that they are 
 not the "greatest nation on earth;" that they are indebted to us, 
 and the credit we give them, for their prosperity and rapid ad- 
 vance; that they must still look to us for their literature and the 
 fme arts, and that, in short, they are still dependent upon Eng- 
 land. I have before observed, that this hostile spirit against us 
 is fanned by discontented emigrants, and by those authors who, 
 to become popular with the majority, laud their own country and 
 defame England; but the great cause of this increase of hostility 
 against us is the democratic party having come into power, and 
 who consider it necessary to excite animosity against this coun- 
 try. Whenever it is requisite to throw a tub to the whale, the 
 press is immediately full of abuse; everything is attributed to 
 England, and the machinations of England; she is, by their ac- 
 counts, here, there, and everywhere, plotting mischief and injury, 
 from the Gulf of Florida to the Rocky Mountains. If we are 
 to believe the democratic press, England is the cause of every- 
 tliing offensive to the majority — if money is scarce, it is England 
 that has occasioned, it — if credii is bad, it is England— if eggs 
 are not fresh or beef is tough, it is, it must be, England. They 
 remind you of the parody upon Fitzgerald in Smitli's humorous 
 and witty "Rejected Address," when he is supposed to write 
 against Buonaparte: — 
 " Who made the quartern loaf and Luddites ri>e, 
 Who fills the butchers' shops with larc^e bhie files; 
 With a foul earthquake ravaged the ('arraccas, 
 And raised the price of dry goods and tobaccos?" 
 Why, England. And all this the majority do steadfastly be- 
 lieve, because they wish to believe it. 
 How, then, is it possible that tb*: lower classes in the United 
 States, (and the lower and unenlightened principally compose 
 the majority,) can have other than feelings of ill-will towards 
 this country? and of what avail is it to us that the high-minded 
 and sensible portion think otherwise, when they are in such a 
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 trifling minority, and afraid to express their sentiments'? When 
 we talk about a nation, we look to the mass, and that the mass 
 are hostile, and inveterately hostile to this country, is a most 
 undeniable fact. 
 There is another cause of hostility which I have not adverted 
 to, the remarks upon them by travellers in their country, such 
 as I am now makiiiy; but ?.s the Americans never hear the truth 
 from their own countrymen, it is only from forei<]fners* that they 
 can. Of course, after haviji<r been accustomed to flattery from 
 their earliest days, the truih, vvben it does? come, lalls more 
 heavily, and the injury and insult which they consider they have 
 received are never forgotten. 
 Among" the American authors who have increased the ill-will 
 of his countrymen towards this country, Mr. (voopcr stands pre- 
 eunncnt. Mr. Uulwer has obsorved that the character and 
 opinions of an author may be prelty fairly estimated by his wri- 
 tings. This is true, but tliey may bo much better estimated by 
 one species of writing than by anolhe;-. In works of invention 
 or imagination, it is but now and then, by an incidental remark, 
 that we can obtain a clue to the author's feelintrs. Carried 
 away by tbe interest of the story, and the vivid scene presented 
 to the imagination, we are apt to foru) a better opinion of tha 
 author than he deserves, because we feel kindly and grateful to 
 him for the amusement which he has afforded us; but when a 
 writer puts off the holiday dress of fiction, and appears before 
 us in his every day costume, giving us his thoughts and feelings 
 upon matters of fact, then it is that we can appreciate the real 
 character of "he author. Mr. Coo])er's character is not to be 
 gained by reading his " Pilot," but it may be fairly estimated by 
 reading his "Travels in Switzerland," and his remarks upon 
 England. If, then, we are to judge of Mr. Cooper by the above 
 works, 1 have no hesitation in asserting that he appears to be 
 a disappointed democrat, with a determined hostility to England 
 and the English. This hostility on the part of Mr. Cooper can- 
 not proceed from any want of attention shown him in this 
 country, or want of acknowledgment of his merits as an author. 
 It must be sought for elsewhere. The attacks upon the English 
 in a work professed to be written upon Switzerland, prove how 
 rancorous this feeling is on his part; and not all the works pub- 
 lished by English travellers upon America have added so much 
 to the hostile feeling against us, as Mr. Cooper has done by his 
 writings alone. Mr. Cooper would appear to wish to detach 
 his countrymen, not only from us, but from the whole European 
 Continent. He tells them in his work on Sw iizerland, that they 
 arc not liked or esteemed anywhere, and that to acknowledge 
 yourself an American is quite sufficient to make those recoil v^-ho 
 were intending to advance. Mr. Cooper is, in my opinion, very 
 * A proof that the feeling against England is increasing, is the 
 singular fact llmt latterly they insist on calling the English foreign- 
 ers, a term which they formerly applied tQ other nations, but not to 
 much mistaken in this point; the people of the Continent do not as 
 yet know enough of the Americans to decide upon their national 
 character. He observes very truly, that no one appears to think 
 any thing about the twelve millions; why sol because in Swit- 
 zerland, Germany, and other nations in the heart of the Continent, 
 they have no interest about a nation so widely separated from 
 them, and from intercourse with which they receive neither 
 profit nor loss. Neither do they think about the millions ia 
 South America, and not caring or hearing about them they can 
 have formed no ideas of their character as a nation. If, then, 
 the Americans are shunned, (which I do not believe they are, 
 for they are generally supposed to be a variety of Englishmen,) 
 it must be from the conduct of those individuals of the American 
 nation who have travelled there, and not because, as Mr. Cooper 
 would imply, they have a democratic form of government. Have 
 not the Swiss something simil ir, and are they shunned] Who 
 cares what may be the form of government of a country divided 
 from them by three or four thousand miles of water, and of 
 whom they have only read? Every nation, as well as every in- 
 dividual, makes its own character; but Mr. Cooper would prove 
 tliat dislike shown to the Americans al)road is owing to the 
 slander of them by the English, and he points out that in the 
 hooks containing the namesof travellers, he no loss than twenty- 
 five times observed offensive remarks written beneath the names 
 of those who acknowledged themselves Americans. These 
 books were at ditferent places, places to which all tourists in 
 Switzerland naturally repair. JJid it never occur to Mr. Cooper 
 that one young fool of an Englishman, during his tour, might 
 iiave been the author of all these obnoxious remarks, and is the 
 folly of one insignificant individual to be gravely commented 
 upon in a widely disseminated work, so as to occasion or in- 
 crease the national ill-will? Sun^y there is little wisdom and 
 much captiousness in this feeling. 
 How blinded by his ill-will must Mr. Cooper be, to enter into 
 a long discussion in the work I refer to, to prove that England 
 deserves the title, among other national characteristics, of a 
 black-guarding nation! founding his assertion upon the language 
 of our daily press. If the English, judged by the prcss^ are a 
 black-guarding nation, what are the Americans, if they are to be 
 judged by the same standard? we must be indebted to the 
 Americans themselves for an epithet. To wind op, he moie 
 than once pronounced the English to be parvenus. There is an 
 old proverb which says, "A man whose house is built of glass 
 should not be the first to throw stones;" and that these last two 
 charges should be brought against us by an American, is cer- 
 tainly somewhat singular and unfortunate. 
 That there should be a hostile feeling when Englishmen go 
 over to America to compete with them in business or in any 
 profession, is natural; it would be the same every where; this 
 feeling, however, in the United States is usually shown by an 
 attack upon the character of the party, so as to influence the 
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 public against him. There was an American practising phre- 
 nology, when a phrenologist arrived from England. As this 
 opposition was not agreeable, the American immediately circu- 
 lated a report that the English phrenologist had asserted that he 
 had examined the skulls of many Americans, and that he had 
 never fallen in with such thick-headefi fellows in his life. This 
 was quite sufficient — the English operator was obliged to clear 
 out as fast as he could, and try his fortune elsewhere. 
 The two following placards were given me; they were pasted 
 all over the city. Whvit the offence was I never heard, but they 
 are very amusing documents. It is the first time, I believe, that 
 public singers were described as aristocrats and Englishmen of 
 the jftrst stamp. 
 " It remains with you to say whether or not you will be im- 
 j)osed upon by these base aristocrats, who come from England 
 to America in order to gain a livelihood, and despise the land 
 that gives them bread. 
 " 8ome few years since there came to this country three 
 ' gentlemen players,' \a ho were received with open arms by the 
 Americans, and treated more as brothers than strangers ; when 
 their pockets were full, in requital to our best endeavours to 
 raise liiem to their rjicrit, the ungrateful dogs turned round and 
 abused us. It is useless, at present, to give the names of two 
 of those gentlemen, ns they are not now candidates for public 
 favour; but there is one. Air. Hodges, who is at present engaged 
 at the Pavilion Tiieatue. This tliini/; has said publicly that 
 the Americans were all 'a parcel of ignoramuses,' and that ' the 
 yankee players' were ' perfect fools, not possessing the least 
 particle of talent,' &c. We must be brief — should we repeat all 
 we have heard, it would hll a page of the News. 
 *' fvill the Americans be abused in tliis way without retalia- 
 tion? We are always willing to bestow that respect which is 
 due to strangers ; but when our kindness is treated with con- 
 tompt, and in return receive base epithets and abuse, let us 
 " block the game.' 
 " Once for all — will you permit this thing in pantaloons and 
 whiskers, this brainless, unideaed cub, whoui a thousand years 
 will not suffice to lick into a bear, longer to impose upon your 
 good natures] If so, we shall conclude you have lost all of that 
 spirit so characteristic of true born Americans. 
 "A word to Mr. (]) Hodges. — When these meet your eye, a 
 lUgnificd contempt will most opportunely swell your breast — such 
 is ever the case with the coward! In aflected scorn you will 
 seek a shelter from the danger you dare not brave, but we warn 
 you that one day must overtake you. 
 " Several Americans." 
 "Americans: — If there is a spark of that spirit in your blood 
 with which your forefathers bequeathed you, I hope you will 
 1 in- 
 show it when men come amonor us from a foreigTrj shore to grjt a 
 living-, and while here to speaii in terms towards our country 
 and ourselves, derogatory to the feeiintrs of an American to listen 
 to. These men that I speak of are Mr. Hodges and Mr. Corri, 
 Kiif^Hshmen of the first stamp, who declare that the Yankees, 
 (as we are all termed, and proud of the name I dare say,) * are 
 a parcel of ignoramuses — cannibals — don't know how to appre- 
 ciate talent' — they possess very little I am certain. However, 
 the thing stands thus: they have slandered our country — they 
 iiave slandered MS; and if they are pennitled to play upon the 
 boards of the Eagle Theatre, I shall conclude that we have lost 
 all that spunk so chaiacieristic in a true horn American." 
 There certainly is no good feeling in the majnrit// towards 
 England, and this is continually shown in a variety of instances, 
 particularly if there is any excitement from distress or other 
 rauses. At the time that the great commercial distress took 
 place, the abuse of England was beyond all bounds; and in a 
 jniblic meeting of democrats at Philvulclpiiia, the first resolution 
 j)assed was "that they did not owe Enghind one farthing," and 
 this is the general outcry of the lower orders when any thing 
 was wrong. I have often argued with them on tiiis subject, and 
 never could convince them. This country has now J\fly-five 
 viilUons .Hterlhiu; invested in American securities, which is u large 
 sum, and the majority consider that a war will Sj)unge out this 
 debt. Their argument which they constantly urged against me, 
 Iras more soundness in it than would i)e supposed:— " If you 
 declare war with us, what is the first thing you dol You seize 
 all American vessels and all American property that you can lay 
 hold of, which have entered into your ports on the faith of peace 
 between the two countries. Now, why have we not an equal 
 right to snze all English property whenever we can find it in 
 this country]" But this, as 1 have observed, is the language of 
 the democrats and locofocos. There are thousands of honorable 
 men in America, not only as merchants, but in every other class, 
 who are most anxious to kee}) on good terms with us, and have 
 the kindest feelings towards England. Unfortunately they are 
 but few compared to the majority, and much as they may regret 
 the hostile feelings towards us, 1 am afraid that it is wiiolly out 
 of their power to prevent their increase, which will be in exact 
 proj>orlion with the increase of the popular sway. 
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 CHAPTER xnr. 
 The character of the Americans is that of a restless, uneasy 
 people — they cannot sit still, they cannot listen attentively, un- 
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 less the theme be politics or dollars— they must do something', 
 and, like children, if they cannot do any thing else, they will do 
 mischief — their curiosity is unbounded, and they are very ca- 
 pricious. Acting upon impulse, they are very generous at one 
 moment, and without a spark of charity the next. They are 
 gfood-tempered, and possess «rreat energy, ingenuity, bravery, 
 and presence of mind. Such is the estimate I have formed of 
 their general character, independent of the demoralising effects 
 of their institutions, which renders it so anomalous. 
 The American author, Mr. Sanderson, very truly observes of 
 his countrymen, that *' they have grown vici«us without the 
 refinements and distractions of the fine arts and liberal amuse- 
 ments." The Americans have few amusements; they are too 
 busy. Athletic sports they are indifferent to; they look only to 
 those entertainments which feed their passion for excitement. 
 The theatre is almost their only resort, and even that is not so 
 well attended as it mipht be, considering their means. There 
 are some very good and well-conducted tlioatrcs in America: the 
 l)GSt are the Park and National at New York, the Tremont at 
 IJoston, and the Chcsnut Street Theatre at Philadelphia. The 
 American s/orA actors, as they term those who are not considered 
 as sfars, are belter than our own; but were the theatres to depend 
 upon stock actors they would he deserted — the love of novelty 
 is the chief indhcenient of the Americans to frequent the theatru, 
 and they look for importations of star actors from tliis country 
 as regularly as they do for our manufactured goods, or the 
 fashions from Paris. In most of the large cities they have two 
 theatres, one fur legitimate drama, and the other for mclo-drama, 
 Ace; as the Bowery Theatre at New York, and the Walnut 
 Street Theatre in Philadelphia; these latter are seldom visited 
 by tlie aristocraiical portion of tlie citizens. 
 The National Theatre at New Yoek was originally built as an 
 opera house, and the company procured from tlie Havannah; but 
 the opera, from want of support, was a failure. It has since 
 been taken by Mr. .Tames Wallack, in opposition to the Park 
 'J'heatre. The first two seasons its success was indifferent; the 
 Park having the advantarre in situation, as well as of a long- 
 standing rcj)utation. But latterly, from the well-known talent 
 and superior management of Mr. Wallack, and from his unwea- 
 ried exertions in providing novelties for the American public, 
 it has been very successful; so nmch so, that it is said this 
 last year to have decidedly obtained the superiority over its 
 rival. 1 have seen some splendid representations in the National 
 Theatre, with a propriet}^ in scenery and costume which is sel- 
 dom exceeded even in our jjreat theatres. 
 Indeed, in three seasons, Mr. Wallack has done much to im- 
 prove the national taste; and from his exertions, the theatres in 
 general in America may be said to have been much benefitted. 
 But there is one objection to this rivalry between the Park and 
 National; which is, that the stars go out too fast, and they will 
 soon be all expended. Formerly things went on very regularly; 
 Mr, Price sent out to Mr, Simpson, duly inToiced, a certain 
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marryat's diary. 
 portion of talent for every season; and Mr. SinipMon, who is u 
 very clever nianafjor, first worked it up at New Yorlv, and then 
 despatched it to Boston, Phi'.adelphi'.i, and the other theatres in 
 the (Inion. Rut, now, if Mr. Simpson has two starH sent to 
 him, .lames Walhick conies home, and takes out three; w liere- 
 iip )ii, Mr. Price sends out a hi;T(jrer star; and yo tht-y iio on; 
 workiii}^ up the stars so fast, that the supj)ly will never eciual 
 thi^ demand, 'riierc; an; not more? than two or three actors of 
 iiniiience in Eujjiand, who have not already made their iippear- 
 anee on the American lioards; and next season will pruhahly usu 
 ilum up. It is true, that some actors can reinrn there aoain and 
 aq^ain; as Power, who is most deservedly a l'avourit(> with tlu-m, 
 and hillen Tree, who is equally so. ('(dcstc has realised a l.irne 
 fortune. Mrs. Wood, an<l the Iveeleys, were also very '_;reat 
 favourites; but there are not many actors who can venture there 
 a second time; at least, not until a certain interval has ehipsed 
 for the Americans to fortjet them. When there are no Iciiocr 
 any stars, the theatres will not he, so well atten(h.'d; a?;, indeeil, 
 is the case every where. To prove how fond the Americms are 
 uf any thing that excites them, 1 will mention a repreS(>iilation 
 which I one day went to S(>e — that of the " Infernal Retiions." 
 There were two or three of these shown in the different cities in 
 the States. I saw the remnants of another, myself; hut, as the 
 inuseuin-lceeper very appropriately observed to me, " It was a 
 fine thintr once, but now it had all ijone to h — 11" You entered 
 a dark room; where, railed olf with iron railinjL]rs, you beheld a 
 lontr perspective of caverns in the interior of the earth, and a 
 molten lake in the distance. In the forejrround were the niost 
 liorrible monsters that could be invented — l)ears with men's heads, 
 ;j^rovvlin<r — snakes darting in and out hissino- — here a man lyinjy 
 murdered, with a knife in his heart; there a suicide, hanjiing by 
 the neck — skeletons lying about in all directions, and some 
 Wdlkinrr up and down in muslin shrouds. The machinery was 
 very perfect. At one side was the figure of a man sitting down, 
 with a horrible face; boar's tusks protruding from his mouth, 
 his eyes rolling, and horns on his head; I thought it was me- 
 chanism as well as the rest; and was not a little surprised when 
 it addressed me in a hollow voice: " We've been waiting some 
 time for you, captain." As I found he had a tongue, I entered 
 into conversation with him. The representation wound up with 
 showers of fire, rattling of hones, thunder, screams, and a regu- 
 lar cascade of the d— d, pouring into the molten lake. When it 
 was first shown, they had an electric battery communicating 
 with the iron railing; and whoever put his hand on it, or went 
 too near, received a smart electric shock. But the alarm created 
 by this addition was found to be attended with serious conse- 
 quences, and it had been discontinued. 
 The love of excitement must of course produce a love of gam- 
 bling, which may be considered as one of the American amuse- 
 ments: it is, however, carried on very quietly in the cities. In 
 the south, and on the Mississippi, it is as open as the noon day; 
 and the gamblers may be said to have there become a profeSf> 
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 sional people. I have already mentioned them, and liio attempts 
 which have been made to get rid of them. Indeed, they nre not 
 only gamesters who practise on the unwary, hut they combine 
 with ganibliiicr the professions of fortrery, and uttering of base 
 money. If they lose, they only lose forjrcjl notes. Thrre is no 
 part of the world where forgery is carried on to such an extent 
 us it is in the United States; chiefly in the western country. The 
 American banks are particularly careful to guard airainst this 
 evil, but the ingenuity of these miscreants is surprising, and 
 they will imitate; so closely as almost to escape detection at the 
 banks tbenisclvcs. Hank-note eiigraviiijj is cfrtainly carrifd to 
 the highest state of perlcMUion in tin; IJiiittul Stales, but almost 
 in vain. 1 have myself read a notice, posted up at iJoston, 
 which may appcr strange to us. " Hank notes made h(>r(^ to any 
 pattern." Hut the eastern banks are seldom forgrnl upon. Coun- 
 terfeit money is also very |)lentiful. When I was in the west, I 
 bad occasiju to pay a few dollars to a frieiul: when 1 saw liiui a 
 (lay or two afterwards, be said to nie, " Do you know that three 
 dollars you gave me were eouiiterfeits'?" 1 apoloyised, and 
 olfered to replace them. " Ob ! no," replied be; "it's of no eon- 
 sequence. 1 gave tiuMn in payiniuit to my poo|)le, who told me 
 that they were counterfeit; but tbey said it was of no conseiiuenee, 
 as tbey could easily |)ass them." In sonu; of ibe states lotteries 
 have been abolished, in others tbey are still permitted. 'I'bey aru 
 upon the French principle, and arc very popular. 
 There is one very remarkable point in the Aniericaii character, 
 which is, that tliey constantly change their professions. 1 know 
 not whether it j)roceeds simply from their love of change, or 
 Irom their eujbracing professions at so early a period, that tbey 
 have not discovered the line in which from natural talents tbey 
 are best calculated to succeed. I have beard it said, that it is 
 seldom that an American succeeds in the profession which he 
 had first taken up at the commencement of bis career. An Ame- 
 rican will set up as a lawyer;' quit, and go to sea for a year or 
 two; come back, set up in another profession; get tired again, go 
 as clerk or steward in a steam boat, merely because he wishes 
 to travel; then apply himself to something else, and begin to 
 amass money. It is of very little consequence what he does, 
 the American is really a jack of all trades, and master of an}' 
 to which he feels at last inclined to apply himself. 
 In Mrs. Butler's clever journal there is one remark which 
 really surprised me. She says, "The absolute absence of im- 
 agination is of course the absolute absence of humor. An 
 American can no more understand a fanciful jest than a poetical 
 idea; and in society and conversation tlie strictest matter of fact 
 prevails," &c. 
 If there was nothing but " matter (fjact^^ in society and con- 
 versation in America or elsewhere, 1 imagine that there would 
 not be many words used; but I refer to the passage, because she 
 says that the Americans are not im aginative; whereas, I think 
 that there is not a more imaginative people existing. It is true 
 that they prefer broad humor, and delight in the hyperbole, bat 
 this is to he exprctpd in a young nation; rspocially as their 
 fducalion is, pronerally sprakinjT, not of a kind to make thorn 
 pcnsiblc to very rrfincd wit, whioh, I acknowlcdcrc, is thrown 
 away upon tht; majority. What is tnrmrd tho nndor ciirrpnt of 
 humor, as dedicate raillery, for instanee, is eertnirdy not under- 
 stood. When they rend Snm Sliek, they did not perceive tliat 
 the author was hniirhinjr at them: and the letters of Mnjnr Jnek 
 Downing arc mueli more appreeiated in this country than they 
 are in America. Hut as for saying that they are not imaginji- 
 tive, is a great error, and I have no doubt that Mrs. iJ. has dis- 
 covered it hy this time. 
 Mi.^s Mnrtineau says, and very truly, "The Americans appear 
 to me an eminently imngiuative people." Indeed, it is only ne- 
 C(>ssary to read the newspnpers to 1)0 convinced it is the case. 
 'I'he hyperholo is their jnincipal forte, hut what is lying hut 
 imnginalion'? and why do you find that a child of promising 
 talent is so prone to lyingl JJccauso it is the first eflbrt of a 
 strong imagination. V\*ii requires refinement, which the Ame- 
 ricans have not: hut they have excessive humor, although it is!, 
 generally speaking, coarse. 
 An American, talking of an ugly woman with a very large 
 mouth, stiid to me, " Why, sir, when slu; yawns, you can sco 
 right down to her garters;" and another, speaking of his being 
 very sea-siek, d(\.Iared "That he threw (very thing uj), down tu 
 his knee-pans." 
 If there required any proof of the dishonest feeling so preva- 
 lent in the United States arising from the desire of gain, it would 
 be in the fact, that almost every good story whieh you hear ol 
 an American is an instance of gnat ingenuity and very little 
 principle. So many have been told alri^adv, that I hesitate to 
 illustrate my observation, from fear of being accused of uttering 
 stale jokes. Nevertheless I will venture upon one or two. 
 "An American' (down east, of course,) when his father died, 
 found his patrimony to consist of several hundred dozen ot' 
 boxes of ointment for the cure of a certain complaint, said (by 
 us) to be more common in the North than in England. He 
 made up his pack, and took a round of nearly op.e hundred miles, 
 going from town to town and from village to village, ofl'ering 
 his remedy for sale. But unfortunately for him no one was 
 afflicted with the complaint, and they would not purchase on the 
 chance of any future occasion for it. lie returned back to his 
 inn, and having reflected a little, he went out, inquired where he 
 could find the disease, and having succeeded, inoculated himself 
 with it. When he was convinced that he had it with sufiicient 
 virulence, he again set forth, making the same round, and taking 
 advantage of the American custom, which is so prevalent, he 
 shook hands with every body whom he had spoken to on his 
 former visit, declaring lie was ♦ 'tarnal glad to see them again.' 
 Thus he went on till his circuit was completed, when he repair- 
 ed to the first town again, and found tiiat his ointment, as h'? 
 expected, was now in great request; and he continued his rout« 
 as before, selling every box that he possessed." 
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 There is a story of a Yankee clock-maker's ingenuity, that I 
 have not seen in print. He also " made a circuit, having a hun- 
 dred clocks when he started; they were all very bad, which he 
 well knew; but by ' soft sawder and humfm natur,' as Sarn Slick 
 says, he contrived to sell nincty-nino of them, and reserve the 
 last for his intended 'ru.se.' lie went to the house where he had 
 sold the first clock, and said, ' WdH, now, how does your clock 
 gol very well, I guess.' The answer was as he anticipated, 
 * No, very bad.' ' Indeed! Well, now, I've found it out at last. 
 You see, 1 had one clock which was I know a bad one, and I 
 said to my boy, 'you'll put that '"lock aside, for it won't do to 
 sell such an article.' W(!ll, the boy didn't mind, and left the 
 clock with the others; and I found out afterwards that it had 
 been sold somowlierc. Mighty uiikI I was, I can tell you, for 
 I'm not a little particular about uiy credit; so I have asked here 
 and there, everywhere almost, how my clocks went, and they all 
 said that 'they actually regulated the sun.' But I was del. r- 
 mined to find out who had the bad clock, and I am most partic- 
 ular glad that I have done it at last. Now, you see I have but 
 one clock left, a very superior article, worth a matter often dol- 
 lars more than the others, and 1 must (jive it you in change, 
 and rU only charge you five dollar^i uillerence, as you have been 
 annoyed with the bad article.' The man who iiad the bad clock 
 thought it better to pay five dollars more to have a good one; so 
 the exchange was made, and then t!io Y.^nkee, proceeding with 
 the clock, returned to the next house. 'Well, now, how does 
 your clock go] very well, I guess.' The same answer — the 
 same story repeated — and another five dollars received in ex- 
 change. And thus did he go round, exchanointj clock for clock, 
 until ho had recaived an extra five dollars for every one which 
 he had sold." 
 Logic. — "A Yankee went into the bar of an inn in a country 
 town: ' Pray wliat's the price of a pint of shrub]' 'Haifa dol- 
 lar,' was the reply of the man at the bar. 'Well, then, give it 
 me.' The shrub was poured out, v»hen the bell rang for dinner. 
 ' Is that your dinner-bell]' ' Yes.' ' What may you charge for 
 dinner]' ' Half a dollar.' ' Well, then, I think I had better not 
 take the shrub, but have some diimer instead.' 'j'his was con- 
 sented to. The Yankee went in, sat down to his dinner, and 
 when it was ovTr, was going out of the door without paying. 
 'Massa,' said the negro waiter, 'you not paid for your dinner.' 
 'I know tliat; I took the dimicr instead of the shrub.' 'But, 
 massa, you not pay for the shrub.' ' Well, I did not have the 
 shrub, did I, you nigger]' said the Yankee, walking away. The 
 negro scratched his head; he knew that something was wrong, 
 as he had got no money; but he could not make it out till the 
 Yankee was out of sight." 
 I do not think that democracy is marked upon the features of 
 the lower classes in the United States; there is no arrogant bear- 
 ing in them, as might be supposed from the despotism of the 
 majority; on the contrary, I should say that their lower classes 
 are nnuch more civil than our own. 1 had a slqp of equality on 
 i . ' 
 my first landing at New York. I had hired a truckman to take 
 up my luggage from the wharf; I went a-head, and missed him 
 when I came to the corner of the street where I had engaged 
 apartments, and was looking round for him in one direction, 
 when I was saluted with a slap on the shoulder, which was cer- 
 tainly given with good-will. I turned, and beheld my carman, 
 who had taken the liberty to draw my attention in this forcible 
 manner. He was a man of few words; he pointed to his truck 
 where it stood with the baggage, and then went on. 
 This civil bearing is peculiar, as when they are excited by 
 politics, c other causes, they are most insolent and overbearing. 
 In his ur.v:>\x " meanour, the citizen born is quiet and obliging. 
 The insolence you meet with is chiefly from the emigrant class- 
 es. I have before observed, that the Americans are a good- 
 tempered people; and to this good temper I ascribe their civil 
 bearing. But why are they good-tempered? It appears to me 
 to be one of the few virtues springing from democracy. When 
 the grades of society are distinct, as they are in the older insti- 
 tutions, when difference of rank is acknowledged and submitted 
 to without murmur, it is evident that if people are obliged to 
 control their tempers in presence of their superiors or equals, 
 they can also yield to them with their inferiors; and it is this 
 yielding to our tempers which enables them to master us. But 
 under institutions where all are equal, where no one admits the 
 superiority of another, even if he really be so, where the man 
 with the spade in his hand will beard the millionaire, and where 
 you are compelled to submit to the caprice and insolence of a 
 domestic, or lose his services, it is evident that every man must 
 from boyhood have learnt to control his temper, as no ebullition 
 will be submitted to, or unfoUowed by its consjequences. I con- 
 sider that it is this habitual control, forced upon the Americans 
 by the nature of their institutions, which occasions them to be so 
 good-tempered, when not in a state of excitement. The Ameri- 
 cans are in one point, as a mob, very much like the English; 
 make them laugh, and they forget all their animosity immediately. 
 One of the most singular points about the lower classes in 
 America is, that they will call themselves ladies and gentlemen, 
 and yet refuse their titles to their superiors. Miss Martineau 
 mentions one circumstance, of which I very often met with simi- 
 lar instances. " I once was with a gentleman who was build- 
 ing a large house; he went to see how the men were getting on; 
 but they had all disappeared but one. * Where are the people?' 
 inquired he. ' The gentlemen be all gone to liquor^' was the re- 
 I bought one of the small newspapers just as I was setting off 
 in a steamboat from New York to Albany. The boy had no 
 change, and went to fetch it. He did not come back himself, 
 but another party made his appearance. " Are you the r/mn who 
 bought the newspaper?" " Yes," replied I. " The young gen- 
 tleman who sold it to you has sent me to pay you four cents." 
 A gentleman was travelling with his wife, they had stopped 
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 at an inn, and during the gentleman s momentary absence the 
 lady was taken ill. The lady wishing for her husband, a man 
 Tcxy good-naturedly went to find him, and when he had succeed- 
 ed he addressed him, " I say, Mister, your woman wants you; 
 but I telled the young lady of the house to fetch her a glass of 
 There was no insolence intended in this; it is a peculiarity to 
 be accounted for by their love of title and distinction. 
 It is singular to observe human nature peeping out in the 
 Americans, and how tacitly they acknowledge by their conduct 
 how uncomfortable a feeling there is in perfect equality. The 
 respect they pay to a title is much greater than that which is 
 paid to it in England; and naturally so; we set a higher value 
 upon that which we cannot obtain. I have been often amused at 
 the variance on this point between their words and their feelings, 
 which is shown in their eagerness for rank of some sort among 
 themselves. Every man who has served in the militia carries 
 his title until the day of his death. There is no end to gene- 
 rals, and colonels, and judges; they keep taverns and grog shops, 
 especially in the Western States; indeed, there are very few who 
 have not brevet rank of some kind; and I being only a captain, 
 was looked upon as a very small personage, so far as rank went. 
 An Englishman, who was living in the State of New York, had 
 sent to have the chimney of his house raised. The morning 
 afterwards he saw a labourer mixing mortar before the door. 
 " Well," said the Englishman, •' when is the chimney to be 
 finished?" " I'm sure I don't know, you had better ask the 
 colonel." "The colonel? What colonel?" " Why, I reckon 
 that's the colonel upon the top of the house, working away at 
 the chimney." 
 After all, this fondness for rank, even in a democracy, is very 
 natural, and the Americans have a precedent for it. His Satanic 
 Majesty was the first democrat in heaven, but as soon as he was 
 dismissed to his abode below, if Milton be correct, he assumed 
 his title. 
 If the Americans should imagine that I have any pleasure in 
 writing the contents of this chapter, they will be mistaken; I 
 have considered well the duty of and pondered over it. I would 
 not libel an individual, much less a whole nation; but I must 
 speak the truth, and upon due examination, and calling to my 
 mind all that I have collected from observation and otherwise, I 
 consider that at this present time the standard of morality is 
 newer in America than in any other portion of the civilised globe. 
 I say at this present time, for it was not so even twenty years 
 ago, and possibly may not be so twenty years hence. There is 
 a change constantly going on in every thing below, and 1 believe, 
 for many reasons, that a change for the better will soon take place 
 in America. There are even now many thousands of virtuous, 
 honourable, and enlightened people in the United States, but at 
 present virtue is passive, while vice is active. 
 The Americans possess courage, presence of mind, perse- 
 verance, and energy, but these may be considered rather as en- 
 dowments than as virtues. They are propelling powers which 
 will advance them as a people, and, were they regulated and 
 tempered by religious and moral feeling, would make them great 
 i and good, but without these adjuncts they can only become great 
 and vicious. 
 I have observed in my preface that the virtues and vices of a 
 nation are to be traced to the form of government, the climate, 
 and circumstances, and it will be easy to show that to the above 
 may be ascribed much of the merit as well as the demerits of the 
 people of the United States. 
 In the first place, I consider the example set by the govern- 
 ment as most injurious: as I shall hereafter prove, it is insatiable 
 in its ambition, regardless of its faith, and corrupt to the highest 
 degree. This example I consider as the first cause of the de- 
 moralization of the Americans. The errors incident to the volun- 
 tary system of religion are the second: the power of the clergy 
 is destroyed, and the tyranny of the laiiy has produced the effect 
 of the outward form having been substituted for the real feeling, 
 and hypocrisy has been but too often substituted for religion. 
 To the evil of bad example from the government is superadded 
 the natural tendency of a democratic form of government, to 
 excite ambition without having the power to gratify it morally 
 or virtuously; and the debasing influence of the pursuit of gain 
 is every where apparent. It'shows itself in the fact that money 
 is in America every thing, and every thing else nothing; it is 
 the only sure possession, for character can at any time be taken 
 from you, and therefore becomes less valuable than in other 
 countries, except so far as mercantile transactions are concerned. 
 Mr. Cooper says — not once, but many times — that in America 
 all the local affections, indeed every thing, is sacrificed to the 
 spirit of gain. Dr. Channing constantly laments it, and he very 
 truly asserts, "A people that deems the possession of riches its 
 highest source of distinction, admits one of the most degrading 
 of all influences to preside over its opinions. At no time should 
 money be ever ranked as more than a means, and he who lives 
 as if the acquisition of property were the sole end of his exist- 
 ence, betrays the dominion of the most sordid, base, and grovel- 
 ling motive that life offers;" and ascribing it to the institutions, 
 he says, " In one respect our institutions have disappointed us 
 all: they have not wrought out for us that elevation of character 
 which is the most precious, and, in truth, the only substantial 
 blessing of liberty." 
 I have before observed, that whatever society permits, men 
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 will do and not consider to be wrong, and if the government con- 
 siders a breach of trust towards it as not of any importance, and 
 defaulters are permitted to escape, it will of course become no 
 crime in the eyes of the majority. Mr. Cooper observes, " An 
 evident dishonesty of sentiment pervades the public itself, which is 
 beginning to regard acts of private delinquency with a dangerous 
 indifference; acts too that are inseparably connected with the 
 character, security, and right administration of the state." 
 Such is unfortunately the case at present; it may be said to 
 have commenced with the Jackson dynasty, and it is but a few 
 years since this dreadful demoralisation has become so appa- 
 rent and so shamelessly avowed. In another work the American 
 author above quoted observes: 
 " We see the effects of this baneful influence in the openness 
 and audacity with which men avow improper motives and im- 
 proper acts, trusting to find support in a popular feeling, for 
 while vicious influences are perhaps more admitted in other 
 countries than in America, in none are they so openly avowed." 
 Surely there is sufficient of American authority to satisfy any 
 reader that I am not guilty of exaggeration in my remarks. 
 Nor am 1 the only traveller who has observed upon what is in- 
 deed most evident and palpable. Captain Hamilton says: " I 
 have heard conduct praised in conversation at a public table, 
 which, in England, would be attended, if not with a voyage to 
 Botany Bay, at least with total loss of character. It is impossi- 
 ble to pass an hour in the bar of the hotel, without being struck 
 with the tone of callous selfishness which pervades the conver- 
 sation, and the absence of all pretensions to pure and lofty prin- 
 It may indeed be fairly said, that nothing is disgraceful with 
 the majority in America, which the? law cannot lay hold of.* 
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 * English Capital Invested. — It is but fair to give the English 
 who have invested their money in American securities, some idea of 
 what their chance of receiving their principal or receiving their inte- 
 rest may be. As long as it depends upon the faith of those who have 
 contracted the debt, their money is safe, but as soon as the power is 
 taken out of their hands, and vested in the majority, they may consider 
 their money as gone. I will explain this — at present the English have 
 vested their capital in canals, rail-roads, and other public improve- 
 ments. The returns of these undertakings are at present honorably 
 employed in payinsr interest to the lenders of the capital, and if the 
 returns are not sufficient, more money is borrowed to meet the de- 
 mands of the creditor; but there is a certain point at which credit fails, 
 and at which no more money can be borrowed; if then no more mo- 
 ney can be borrowed, and the returns of their rail-roads, canals, and 
 other securities fall off, where is the deficiency to be made good? 
 In this country it would be made good by a tax being imposed upon 
 the population to meet the deficiency, and support) he credit of the 
 nation. Here is the qnestion: — Will the majority in America consent 
 to be taxed? I say, no — if they do, I shail be surprised, and be most 
 happy to recant, but it is my opinion that they will not, and if so the 
 English capital will be lost ; and if the reader will call to mind what 
 1 ill 
 You are either in or out of the penitentiary; if once in, you are 
 lost for ever, but keep out and you are as good as your neijjh- 
 bor. Now one thing is certain, that where honesty is absolutely 
 necessary, honesty is to be found, as for example, among the 
 New York merchants, who are, as a body, highly honorable 
 men. When, therefore, the Americans will have moral courage 
 sufficient to drive away vice, and not allow virtue to be in bond- 
 age, as she at present is, the morals of society will be instantly 
 restored— and how and when will this be effected ] I have said 
 that the people of the United States, at the time of the declara- 
 tion of independence, were perhaps the most moral people exist- 
 ing, and I now assert that they are the least so; to what cause 
 can this change be ascribed? Certainly not wholly to the spirit 
 of gain, for it exists every where, although perhaps nowhere so 
 strongly developed as it is under a form of government which 
 admits of no other claim to superiority. I consider that it arises 
 from the total extinction, or if not extinction, absolute bondage, 
 of the aristocracy of the country, both politically as veil as so- 
 cially. There was an aristocracy at the time of the independence 
 — not an aristocracy of title, but a much superior one; an aristo- 
 cracy of great, powerful, and leading men, who were looked up 
 to and imitated; there was, politically speaking, an aristocracy 
 in the senate which was elected by those who were then inde- 
 pendent of the popular will; but although a portion of it remains, 
 it may be said to have been almost altogether smothered, and in 
 society it no longer exists. It is the want of this aristocracy 
 that has so lowered the standard of morals in America, and it is 
 the revival of it that must restore to the people of the United 
 States the morality they have lost. The loss of the aristocracy 
 has sunk the Republic into a democracy — the renewal of it will 
 again restore them to their former condition. Let not the Ame- 
 ricans start at this idea. An aristocracy is not only not incom- 
 patible, but absolutely necessary for the duration of a democratic 
 form of government. It is the third estate, so necessary to pre- 
 serve the balance of power between the executive and the people, 
 and which has unfortunately disappeared. An aristocracy is as 
 necessary for the morals as for the government of a nation. 
 Society must have a head to lead it, and without that head there 
 will be no fixed standard of morality, and things must remain in 
 the chaotic state in which they are at present. 
 Some author has described the English nation as resembling 
 their own beer — froth at the top, dregs at the bottom, and in the 
 middle excellent. There is point in this observation, and it has 
 been received without criticism, and quoted without contradic- 
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 I have peintcd out as to the probable efTect of the power of America 
 working to the westward, and the direct importation which in a few 
 years must take place, he will see that there is every prospect of a 
 rapid decrease in the value of all their securities, and that the only 
 ultimate chance of their recovering the money is by this country com- 
 pelling payment of it by the federal government. 
 1 '1 
 tion : but it is in itself false; it may be said that the facts are 
 directly the reverse, there being more morality among the lower 
 class than in the middling, and still more in the higher than in 
 the lower. Wc have been designated as a nation of shopkeepers, 
 a term certainly more applicable to the Americans, ./here all are 
 engaged in commerce and the pursuit of gain, and who have no 
 distinctions or hereditary titles. Trade demoralizes ; there are 
 so many petty arts and frauds necessary to be resorted to by 
 every class in trade, to enable them to compete with each other; 
 so many lies told, as a matter of business, to tempt a purchaser, 
 that almost insensibly and by degrees the shopkeeper becomes 
 dishonest. These demoralizing practices must be resorted to, 
 even by those who would fain avoid them, or they have no 
 chance of competing with their rivals in business. It is not the 
 honest tradesman who makes a rapid fortune; indeed, it is 
 doubtful whether he could carry on his business; and yet, from 
 assuetude and not being taxed with dishonesty, the shopkeeper 
 scarcely ever feels that he is dishonest. Now, this is the worst 
 state of demoralization, where you are blind to your errors and 
 conscience is never awakened, and in this state may be consi- 
 dered, with few exceptions, every class of traders, whether in 
 England, America, or elsewhere. 
 Among the lower classes, the morals of the manufacturing 
 districts and of the frequenters of cities, will naturally be at a 
 low ebb, for men when closely packed demoralize each other; 
 but if we examine the agricultural classes, which are by far the 
 most numerous, we shall find that there is much virtue and good- 
 ness in the humble cottage; we shall there find piety and resig- 
 nation, honesty, industry and content more universal than would 
 be imagined, and the Bible pored over, instead of the day-book 
 or ledger. 
 » But it is by the higher classes cf the English nation, by the 
 nobility and gentry of England, that the high tone of virtue and 
 morality is upheld. Foreigners, especially Americans, are too 
 continually pointing out, and with evident satisfaction, the scan- 
 dal arising from the conduct of some few individuals in these 
 classes as a proof of the conduct of the whole; but they mistake 
 the exceptions for the rule. If they were to pay attention, they 
 would perceive that these accusations are only confined to some 
 few out of a class comprehending many, many thousands in our 
 wealthy isle, and that the very circumstance of their rank being 
 no shield against the attacks made upon them, is a proof that 
 they are exceptions, whose conduct is universally held up to 
 public ridicule or indignation. A crim. con. in English high life 
 is exulted over Hy the Americans ; they point to it and exclaim, 
 *' See what your aristocracy are!" forgetting that the crime is 
 committed by one out of thousands, and that it meets with the 
 disgrace which it deserves, and that this crime is, to a certain 
 degree, encouraged by our laws relative to divorce. Do the 
 Americans imagine that there is no crim. con. perpetrated in the 
 United States ] Many instances of suspicion, and some of actual 
 discovery, came to my knowledge even during my short resi- 
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 dence there, but they were invariably, and perhaps judiciously, 
 hushed up, for the sake of the families and the national credit. 
 I do not wish, nor would it be possible, to draw any parallel 
 between the two nations on this point; I shall only observe that 
 in England we have not considered the vice to have become so 
 prevalent as to think it necessary to form societies for the pre- 
 vention of it, as they have done in the United States. 
 It has been acknowledged by other nations, and I believe it to 
 be true, that the nobility and gentry of England are the most 
 moral, most religious, and most honorable classes that can be 
 found not only in our country, but in any other country in the 
 world, and such they certainly ought from circumstances to be. 
 Possessed of competence, they have no incentives to behave 
 dishonestly. They are well educated, the finest race of men 
 and women that can be produced, and the men are brought up to 
 athletic and healthy amusements. They have to support the 
 honor of an ancient family, and to hand down the name untar- 
 nished to their posterity. They have every inducement to noble 
 deeds, and are, generally speaking, above the necessities which 
 induce men to go wrong. If the Americans would assert that 
 luxury produces vice, I can only say that luxury infers idleness 
 and inactivity, and on this point the women of the aristocracy in 
 this country have the advantage over the American women, who 
 cannot, from the peculiarity of the climate, take the exercise so 
 universally resorted to by our higher classes. I admit that some 
 go wrong, but is error confined to the nobility alone; are there 
 no spendthrifts, no dissolute young men, or ill brought up young 
 women, among other classes? Are there none in America! More- 
 over, there are some descriptions of vice which are meaner than 
 others and more debasing to the mind, and it is among the mid- 
 dling and lower classes that these vices are principally to be found. 
 The higher classes invariably take the lead, and give the tone 
 to society. If the court be moral, so are the morals of the nation 
 improved by example, as in the time of George III. If the court 
 be dissolute, as in the time of Charles II., the nation will plunge 
 into vice. Now, in America, there is no one to take the lead; 
 morals, like religion, are the concern of nobody, and therefore it 
 is that the standard of morality is so low. I have heard it argued 
 that allowing one party to have a very low standard of morality 
 and to act up to that standard, and another to have a high standard 
 of morality and not to act up to it, that the former is the really 
 moral man, as he does act up to his principles such as they are. 
 This may hold good when we examine into the virtues and vices 
 of nations: that the American Indian who acts up to his own 
 code and belief, both in morality and religion, may be more 
 worthy than a Christian who neglects his duty, maybe true; but 
 the question now is upon the respective morality of two enlight- 
 ened nations, both Christian, and having the Bible as their guide 
 —between those who have neither of them any pretence to lower 
 the standard of morality, as they both know better. M. Tocque* 
 ville observes, speaking of the difiference between aristocratical 
 and democratical governme'Us— 
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 " In aristocratic governments, the individuals who are placed 
 at the head of affairs are rich nmen, who are solely desirous of 
 power. In democracies statesmen are poor, and they have their 
 fortunes to make. The consequence is, that in aristocratic states 
 the rulers are rarely accessible to corruption, and have very little 
 craving for money; whilst the reverse is the case in democratic 
 This is true, and may be fairly applied to the American de- 
 mocracy: as long as you will not allow the good and enlightened 
 to rule, yoa will be governed by those who will flatter and cheat 
 you, and demoralise society. When you allow your aristocracy 
 to take the reins, you will be better governed, and your morals 
 will improve by example. What is the situation of*^ America at 
 E resent] the aristocracy of the country are either in retirement or 
 ave migrated, and if the power of the majority should continue 
 as it now does its despotic rule, you will have still further emi- 
 gration. At present there are many hundreds of Americans who 
 have retired to the old continent, that they may receive that re- 
 turn for their wealth which they cannot in their own country; 
 and if not flattered, they are at least not insulted and degraded. 
 M. Sanderson, in his " Sketches from Paris," says — 
 "The American society at Paris, taken altogether, is of a good 
 composition. It consis ^ of several hundred persons, of families 
 of fortune, and young men of liberal instruction. Here are lords 
 of cotton from Carolina, and of sugar-cane from the Missis- 
 sippi, millionaires from all the Canadas, and pursers from all the 
 navies; and their social qualities, from a sense of mutual de- 
 pendence or partnership in absence, or some such causes, are 
 more active abroad than at home. 
 "They form a little republic apart, and when a stranger ar- 
 rives he finds himself at home; he finds himself also under the 
 censorial inspection of a public opinion, a salutary restraint not 
 always the luck of those who travel into foreign countries. One 
 thing only is to be blamed: it becomes every day more the fashion 
 for the elite of our cities to settle themselves here permanently. 
 We cannot but deplore this exportation of the precious metals, 
 since our country is drained of what the supply is not too abund- 
 ant. They who have resided here a few years, having fortune 
 and leisure, do not choose, as I perceive, to reside any where 
 This is the fact; and the wealth of America increases every 
 day, so will those who possess it swarm off as fast as they can 
 to other countries, if there is not a change in the present society, 
 and a return to something like order and rank. Who would re- 
 main in a country where there is no freedom of thought or ac- 
 tion, and where you cannot even spend your money as you 
 pleasel Mr. fiutler the other day built a house at Philadelphia 
 with a porte-cochere, and the consequence was that they called 
 him an aristocrat, and would not vote for him. In short, will 
 enlightened and refined people live to be dictated to by a savage 
 and ignorant majority, who will neither allow your character nor 
 your domestic privacy to be safel 
 The Americans, in their fear of their institutions giving way, 
 and their careful guard against any encroaciimcnts upon the lib- 
 erty of the people, have fallen into the error of sacrificing the 
 most virtuous portion of the community, and driving a large por- 
 tion of them out of the country. This will eventually be found 
 to be a serious evil; absenteeism will daily increase, and will be 
 as sorely felt as it is in Ireland at the present hour. The Ameri- 
 cans used to tell me with exultation, that they never could have 
 an aristocracy in their country, from the law of entail having been 
 abolished. They often asserted, and with some truth, that in 
 that country property never accumulated beyond two generations, 
 and that the grandson of a miUionaire was invariably a pauper. 
 This they ascribe to the working of their institutions, and argue 
 that it will always be impossible foranyfamily to be raised above 
 the mass by a descent of property. Now the very circumstance 
 of this having been invariably the case, induces me to look for 
 the real cause of it, as there is none to be found in their institu- 
 tions why all the grandsons of millionaires should be paupers. 
 It is not owing to their institutions, but to moral causes, which, 
 although they have existed until now, will not exist for ever. In 
 the principal and wealthiest cities in the Union, it is difficult to 
 spend more than twelve or fifteen thousand dollars per annum, 
 as with such an expenditure you are on a pai with tlie highest, 
 and you can be no more. What is the consequence? a young 
 American succeeds to fifty or sixty thousand dollars a year, the 
 surplus is useless to him; there is no one to vie with — no one who 
 can reciprocate— he must stand alone. He naturally feels care- 
 less about what he finds to be of no use to him. Again, all his 
 friends and acquaintances are actively employed during the 
 whole of the day in their several occupations; he is a man of 
 leisure, and must either remain aloneor associate with other men 
 of leisure; and who are the majority of men of leisure in the 
 towns of the United States'? Blacklegs of genteel exterior and 
 fashionable appearance, with whom he associates, into whose 
 snares he falls, and to whom he eventually loses property about 
 which he is indifferent. To be an idle man when every body 
 else is busy, is not only a great unhappiness, but a situation of 
 great peril. Had the sons of millionaires^ who remained in the 
 States and left their children paupers, come over to the old Con- 
 tinent, as many have done, they would have stood a better 
 chance of retaining their property. 
 All I can say is, that if they cannot have an aristocracy, the 
 worse for them; I am not of the opfnion, that they will not have 
 one, although they are supported by the strong authority of M. 
 Tocqueville, who says: 
 " I do not think a single people can be quoted, since human 
 society began to exist, which has, by its own free will and by 
 its own exertions, created an aristocracy within its own bosom. 
 All the aristocracies of the Middle Ages were founded by mili- 
 tary conquest: the conqueror was the noble, the vanquished be- 
 came the serf. Inequality was then imposed by force; and after 
 it had been introduced into the manners of the country, it main- 
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 tained its own authority, and was sanctionnd by the legialation. 
 Communities have existed which were aristocatric from their 
 earliest oritjin, owing to circumstances anterior to that event, and 
 which became more democratic in each succeeding age. Such 
 was the destiny of the Ronrans, and of the barbarians after them. 
 But a people, having taken its rise in civilisation and democracy, 
 which should greatly establish an inequality of conditions, until 
 it arrived at inviolable privileges and exclusive castes, would be 
 a novelty in the world; and nothing intimates that America is 
 likely to furnish so singular an example." 
 I grant that no single people has by its own free will created 
 an aristocracy, but circumstances will make one in spite of the 
 people; and if there is no aristocracy who have a power to check, 
 a despotism may be the evil arising from the want of it. At 
 present America is thinly peopled, but let them look forward to 
 the time when the population shall become denser; what will 
 then be the effect? why a division between the rich and the poor 
 will naturally take place; and what is that but the foundation if 
 not the formation of an aristocracy. An American cannot entail 
 his estate, but he can leave the whole of it to his eldest son if he 
 pleases; and, in a few years, the lands which have been pur- 
 chased for a trifle, will become the foundation of noble fortunes;* 
 * "At the time of the first settlement of the English in Virginia, 
 when land was to be had for little or nothing, some provident persons 
 having obtained large grants of it, and being desirous of maintaining 
 the splendor of their families, entailed tlieir property on their descend- 
 ants. The transmission of these estates from generation to generation, 
 to men who bore the same name, had the effect of raising up a distinct 
 class of families, who, possessing by law the privilege of perpetuating 
 their wealth, formed by these means a sort of patrician order, distin- 
 guished by the grandeur and luxury of their establishments. From 
 this order it was that the king usually chose his councillors of state. 
 "In the United States, the principal clauses of the English law re. 
 specting descent have been universally rejected. Tiie first rule that 
 we follow, says Mr. Kent, touching inheritance is the following:— If 
 a man dies intestate, his property goes to his heirs in a direct line. If 
 he has but one heir or heiress, he or she succeeds to the whole. If 
 there are several heirs of the same degree, they divide the inheritance 
 equally amongst them, without distinction of sex. 
 "This rule was prescribed for the first time in the State of New 
 York, by a statute of the 23d of February, 1786. {See Revised Sta- 
 tuteSf vol. iii,* Appendix, p. 48.) It has since been adopted in the 
 revised statutes of tiie same State. At the present day this law holds 
 good throughout the whole of the United States, with the exception of 
 the State of Vermont, where the male heir inherits a double portion. 
 Kent's Commentaries, vol. iv. p. 370. Mr. Kent, in the same work, 
 vol. iv. p. 1 — 22, gives an historical account of American legislation 
 on the subject of entail; by this we learn that previous to the revolu- 
 tion the colonies followed the English law of entail. Estates tail were 
 abolished in Virginia in 1776, on motion of Mr. Jefferson. They were 
 suppressed in New York in 1786; and have since been abolished in 
 North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and Missouri. In 
 Vermont, Indiana, Illinois, South Carolina and Louisiana, entail was 
 hut even now their law of non-entail does not work as they would 
 M: Tocquevillo says — 
 "The laws of the United States are extremely favorahle to 
 the division of property; hut a cause which is more powerful 
 than the laws, prevents property from heing divided to excess.* 
 This is very perceptihle in the States which are bejrinninjj to he 
 thickly peopled. Massachusetts is the most populous part of the 
 Union, but it contains only eighty inhabitants to the square mile, 
 which is much less than in France, where a hundred and sixty- 
 two are reckoned to the same extent of country. But in Massa- 
 chusetts estates are very rarely divided; the eldest son takes the 
 land, and the others go to seek their fortune in the desert. The 
 law has abolished the rightsofprimogenittire, but circumstances 
 have concurred to re-establish it under a form of which none can 
 complain, and by which no just rights are impaired." 
 And Chancellor Kent, in his "Treatise upon American Law," 
 observes — 
 " It cannot be doubted that the division of landed estates must 
 produce great evils when it is carried to such excess as that 
 each parcel of land is insufficient to support a family; but these 
 disadvantages have never been felt in the United States, and 
 many generations must elapse before they can be felt. The extent 
 of our inhabited territory, the abundance of adjacent land, and 
 the continual stream of emigration flowing from the shores of the 
 Atlantic towards the interior of the country, suffice as yet, and 
 will long suffice, to prevent the parcelling out of estates." 
 never introduced. Those States which thought proper to preserve the 
 Enghsh law of entail, modified it in such a way as tu deprive it of its 
 most aristocratic tendencies. ' Our general principles on the subject 
 of government,* says Mr. Kent, ' tend to favor the free circulation of 
 •' It cannot fail to strike the French reader who studies the law of 
 inheritance, that m tlicsc questions, the French legislation is infinitely 
 more democratic even than the American. 
 "The American law makes an equal division of the father's pro- 
 perty, but only in the case of his will not being known, • For every 
 man,' says the law, • in the State of New York, {Revised Statutes, vol. 
 iii., Appendix, p. 51,) has entire liberty, power and authority, to dis- 
 pose of his property by will, to leave it entire, or divided in favor of 
 any persons he chooses as his heirs, provided he do not leave it to a 
 political body or any corporation.' The French law obliges the tes- 
 tator to divide his properly equally, or nearly so, among his heirs. 
 " Most of the American republics still admit of entails, under cer- 
 tain restrictions; but the French law prohibits entail in all cases. 
 " If the social condition of the Americans is more democratic than 
 that of the French, llie laws of the latter are the most democratic of 
 the two. This may be explained more easily than at first appears to 
 be the case. In France, democracy is still occupied in the work of 
 destruction; in America, it reigns quietly over the ruins it has made.'* 
 — Democracy in America, by A. De Tocqueville, 
 * In New England the estates are exceedingly small, but they are 
 rarely subjected to further division. 
 m : ' 
 Thorn is, tliorororo, no want of prppanition for an aristopracv 
 in America, and, altlioiijrii at prcncnt llir rich arc so tniicli in tlio 
 minority that tlioy cannot coalesce, such will not he the cane, 
 perhaps, in twenty or thirty years; they Jiave hut to rally and 
 make a stand when lliey heconie more uutneroiis and powerful, 
 and they have (;very chance of aiicctiss. 'i'iio f.jct is, that an aris- 
 tocracy is ahsolntcdy necessary for America* both politically and 
 morally, if the Americans wish their instilu tions to hold tofrether, 
 for if some stop is not nut to the rapidly advancing power of tho 
 people, anarchy must be the result. 1 do not mean an aristo- 
 cracy of title; I mean such an aristocracy of talent and power 
 which wealth will tfive — an aristocracy which shall lead society 
 and purify it. How is this to he obtained in a democracy] — 
 simply by purchase. In a country where the suflrage is con- 
 fined to certain classes, as in Kngland, such purchase is not to 
 be obrained, as the people who have the right of suffrage are not 
 poor enough to be bought; but in a country like America, where 
 the suffrage is universal, the people will eventually sell their 
 birth-right; and if by such means an aristocratical government 
 is elected, it will be able to amend the constitution, and pass 
 what laws it pleases. This may appear visionary, but it has 
 been proved already that it can be done, and if it can be done 
 now, how much more easily will it be accomplished when tho 
 population has quadrupled, and the division commences between 
 the rich and the poor. I say it has been done already, for it was 
 done at the last New York election. The democratic party 
 made sure of success: but a large sum of money was brought 
 into play, and the whole of ihe committees of the democratic party 
 were bought over, and the Whigs carried the day. 
 The greatest security for the duration of the present institu- 
 tions of the United States is the establishment of an aristocracy. 
 It is the third power which was intended to act, but which has 
 been destroyed and is now wanting. Let the senate be aristo- 
 cratical — let the congress be partially so, and then what would 
 be the American government of president, senate, and congress, 
 but mutato nomine^ kings, lords, and commons? 
 I cannot, perhaps, find a better opportunity than of pointing 
 out what ought to be made known to the English, as it has done 
 more harm to the American aristocracy than may be imagined 
 I refer to the carelessness and facility with which letters of in- 
 troduction to this country are given, and particularly by the 
 American authorities. I have drawn the character of Bennett, 
 the editor of the Morning Herald of New York, and there is not 
 a respectable American but will acknowledge that my sketch of 
 him is correct; will it not surprise the English readers when I 
 inform them that this man obtained admittance to Westminster 
 Hall at the coronation, and was seated among the proudest and 
 purest of our nobility! ! Such was the fact. Bui it will be as 
 well to revert back a little to what has passed. 
 During the time that England was at war with nearly the 
 whole of Europe, the Americans were to a great degree iso- 
 lated and unknown, except as carriers of merhcandize under the 
 nciutral f\»ff', but tlxy wcro rnpidly advanriiifr in iinportdiirc and 
 wealth. At tlio cdiiclijsidn ot' the luKt Aiiuricari wiir, durinjf which, 
 by tlicir rosnhilo aiitJ occasionally nuccr8sful hifriig'fifirs, tlii'v had drawn 
 tJH! fycs of Kuropj towards IIkmii, and hid advanccHJ many (!('})r(!(:8 in 
 the jTfMicral c'&tiin ition of thoir iinpurtunco as a nation, the* Americans 
 occnHionally mado their a|)|»carance as travellers, both on thet'ontincnt 
 and in Mnyland ; but they found thai they were not ho well received 
 as their own ideas of their iinporlance induced thcni to imagine they 
 were entitled to be; especially on Ihe Continent. 
 The first {rreat personage who shewed liberality in tins respect, was 
 (ieorge the Fourth. Hearing that sonic American ladies of good 
 tiimily had eoniplaincd that, having no titles, no standing in society 
 they did not meet with that civility to which, from descent and educu 
 tioii, they were entitled, he received them at Court most graciously 
 and those very ladies arc new classed anmng the peeresses of (ireat 
 Britain. Still the ditUculty remained, as it was almost impossible for 
 the aristocracy, abroad or at home, to ascertain the justness of the 
 claims which were made by those of a nation who professed theequali- 
 ty of all classes, and of whom many of the pretenders to be well re- 
 ceived did not by their appearance warrant the supposition that their 
 claims were valid. It being impossible to give any other rank but that 
 of office, tlw! American Government hit upon a plan which was at- 
 tended with very evil consequences. They granted supernumerary 
 a ttac he -Hh\\ia to those Americans who wished to travel ; and as, on the 
 Old Continent, the very circumstance of being an attache to a foreign 
 minister warranted the respectability of the party, those who obtained 
 this distinction were well received, and, unfortunately, sometimes did 
 no credit to their appointments. 'I'he fact was that these favours were 
 granted without discrimination, and all who received them being put 
 down a« specimens of American gentlemen, thecharacter of the Ameri- 
 cans lost ground by the very eflbrts made to establish it. The true 
 American gentlemen who travelled (and there is no lack of them) 
 were supposed to be English, while the spurious were put down as 
 samples of the gentility of the United States. 
 That the principles of equality were one great cause of the indis- 
 criminate distribution of those marks of distinction by the highest 
 (juarters in the Union, and of the ficility of obtaining letters of recom- 
 mendation from them there is no doubt; but the principal and still ex- 
 isting causes, are the extended and domineering power of the press, 
 and the high state of excitement of the political parties. Those in 
 power are positively afraid to refuse literary men, or those who have 
 assisted them in their political career ; they have not the moral cou- 
 rage to do so, however undeserving the parties may really be. But, 
 as is generally the case, they really do not knov\r the parties ; it is suf- 
 ficient that the favour, considered trifling, is demanded, and it is in« 
 I i 
 ;i ' 
 : • I- 
 li .i 
 J '■}. 
 stantly granted. Now, as at the ncccs^sion of General Jackson, and 
 the subsequent raising of Mr. Van Buren to t!io prcsideney, the demo- 
 cratical, or Loco Foco party came into power, it is to their friends and 
 Bupporters the least respectable portion of the American community, 
 to whom these favours have been granted ; whicli of course has not 
 assisted the claims of the Americans to respectability. An instance 
 of this sort occurred to me after I had been a <ew months in America. 
 One of the most gentleman-like and well-informed men in New York, 
 requested that I would give a letter of introduction to a friend of his 
 who was going to England. Taking it for granted that such a request 
 would not be made without the party deserving the recommendation, 
 I immediately assented. The party who obtained my letters (an editor 
 of a paper, as I afterwards discovered), on his arrival in England, 
 considering that he was not treated with that attention to which, in 
 his own vain-gloriousncss, he thought himself entitled, actually sent u 
 hostile letter to one of the gentlemen to whom he had been introduced, 
 and otherwise proved himself by his conduct to be a most improper 
 person. I was informed of this by letters from England; and imme- 
 diately went to the gentleman who had rc<jiiested the introduction from 
 me, and stated the conduct of the party. " I really am very sorry," 
 said he, " but /knew nothing of hiu)." " Knew nothing of him '/" 
 replied I. " No, indeed ; but my friend Mr. C, of Philadelphia, 
 introduced him by letter, and requested me to ask for introductions 
 for him." " Tnen you will oblige me by writing to your 
 friend Mr. C. and ask him why he did so, as I find myself 
 very much compromised by this affair." He wrote to Mr. C, 
 of Philadelj-hia, who replied that he was very sorry, but that really he 
 knew nothing of him. He had been introduced to him by letter, by 
 Mr. O., and that he was a staunch supporter of their party. Now, how 
 many grades this person had climbed up by letters of introduction it is 
 impossible to say, bi* this is sufficient to prove that letters of introduc- 
 tion which are, you may say, demanded, and not refused from the fear 
 of offending a political agent or penny-a-liner, must ever be received 
 with due caution ; and it is equally certain, that those from the Presi- 
 dent himself are the most easy to be obtained. 
 I have entered freely into this question, as it is important that it 
 should be known, not only to the English, but tlic Americans them- 
 selves. A letter of introduction from a gentleman of Carolina, Vir- 
 ginia, or Boston, I should be infinitely more induced to take notice of 
 than from the President of the United States, unless the President stated 
 that he was personally acquainted with the party who delivered it; and 
 I make this statement in justice to the American gentlemen, and not 
 with the slightest wish to check that intercourse which will every day 
 increase, and, I trust, to the advantage of both nations.* 
 ^ • It may also be here obs-irveil, that the Americans have Ihtle opportunity of 
 31). f M . 
kson, and 
 the demo, 
 lends and 
 B has not 
 1 instance 
 I America, 
 ew York, 
 ;nd of his 
 I a request 
 (an editor 
 which, in 
 lly sent u 
 nd inmic- 
 ction from 
 •y sorry," 
 of him :■"' 
 to your 
 d myself 
 J Mr. C, 
 t really he 
 letter, by 
 ^ow, how 
 tction it is 
 n the fear 
 he Presi- 
 nt that it 
 Eins them- 
 olina, Vir- 
 3 notice of 
 ent stated 
 ;d it; and 
 , and not 
 every day 
 Indeed, now that snch rapid communication has taken place between 
 the two countries, since the Atlantic has been traversed by steam, it be- 
 comes more imperative that these facts should be known. Every fort- 
 night a hundred and sixty passengers will arrive by the Great Western, 
 or some other steamer. Mostofihem are American citizens, armed 
 with their letters of recommendation, and the situation of the Ameri- 
 can minister has become one of peculiar difficulty. 
 By one steam-packet alone he has had seventy-five people, or families, 
 with letters of introduction to him, mostly obtained by the means which 
 I have described ; and there is not one of these parties who docs not 
 expect as much attention as if the American minister had nothing 
 else to do but to be at his command. They leave their cards with 
 him ; if the cards are not returned in two or three days, they send a 
 \ol\cr to know why he has not called upon them? and if the visit is 
 returned, send a letter to know whether the minister called in persoUy 
 or not? With a stipend from his own government, quite inadequate 
 to the purpose, he is expected, to the great detriment of his private for- 
 tune, to receive and entertain all these people. I have it from the best 
 authority, that some of these parties have called and inquired whether 
 the minister was at home ; being answered in the negative, they have 
 gone intD^ room, taken a chair, and declared their determination not 
 to leave the house until they had seen bini. Most of them expect him 
 to obtain admittance for them into the Houses of Lords and Commons, 
 and to present them at Court. In some instances, when the minister 
 has stated the necessity of a Court dresa^ they have remonstrated, 
 thinking it an expense wholly unnecessary. "They were American 
 citizens^ and would be introduced as such ; they had nothing to do 
 with Court dresses, and all that nonsense." And thus, since the steam- 
 vessels have increased the communication between the two countries, 
 has the American minister been in a state of annoyance, to which it is 
 impossible that he, or any other who may be appointed in his place, 
 can possibly submit. 
 Let the Americans understand, that those only go to Court in this 
 country who have claims, as the nobility, the oldest commoners, people 
 in otfice, the army and navy, and other liberal professions. There are 
 thousands of families in England, by descent, fortune, and education, 
 very superior to those of America, who never think of going to Court, 
 being aware that such is not their sphere ; and yet every American 
 who comes over here witii four or five introductions in his pocket 
 judging favourably of the English by the usual importations to their country. 
 They all call themselves English gentlemen, and are too often supposed to be, 
 »U(I are received as such. 1 have often been told that I should meet with an 
 Enelishman or an tCnglish merchant, and the parlies mostly proved to be 
 nothing but travellers, bagsmen, or even worse. If the sterling American^ slay 
 at home, and send the bad ones to uts, and we do the same, neither parly will 
 bi) likely to form a very favourable oplnioa olthe other lor some time to come. 
 h j I 
 ■ u\'- 
 . i . 
 ] i 
 must, forsooth, be presented. If the minister refuses, why then there 
 is an attack upon liiin in the American prints, and his name and his 
 supposed misdemeanors are bandied about from one end of the Union 
 to the other. It is hardly credible to what a state of slavery they 
 would reduce the American representative. One man says, " I under- 
 stand I can have a Court dress at a cloathes shop." " Yes, you can, 
 I believe." " Well, now, sup|K)se we step down togctlicr ; you may 
 cheapen it a bit for me, may be." These facts are known to the re- 
 spectable and g'entlemim-likc Americans, who, after the samples which 
 have come over, and have obtained admission into society and gone tu 
 Court, will not shew themselves, but prefer to stay at home. 
 All this is wrong, and a renicdy must soon be found, as the evil in- 
 creases every day. 'J'he Amcrienns cannot take the English (■oiirt by 
 storm, or torce us to acknowledge their eqiality in this country. 
 There are but certain classes in this country who Ijavo any i)refension 
 to be received at Court ; and unless the Americans can |)rove that they 
 are by their situation, or descent, of a suftieient rank to qualify them 
 to be admitted, they must be content to be excluded, as the major por- 
 tion of our countrymcm are. Even an American being a member of 
 Congress docs not qualify him, altiiough being a member of the Senate 
 certainly should. The members of the American Congress are not in 
 the mass equal by any means in respectability to the members of the 
 English House of Commons ; and there have been many members of 
 the English Ho jse of Commons, since the passing of the Reform Jiill, 
 who could not, and cannot, gain admittance into society. 
 If the harmony and good feeling between the two countries is to 
 continue uninterrupted, and our intercourse to be extended, as there is 
 every probability that it will be, it appears to me that there is more 
 importance to be attached to this question than ai the first view of it 
 might be supposed. The Americans are more ambitious of birth and 
 aristocracy ttian any other nation, vhich is vtry natural, if it were only 
 from the simple fact that we always most desire what is out of our 
 reach. Since the Americans have come over in such numbers to this 
 country, our Herald's OHiee has actually been Itesie^edhy them, in their 
 anxiety to take out the arms and achievments of their presumed forefii- 
 thers ; this is also very natural and proper, although it may be at variance 
 with their institutions. 'I'he determination to have an aristocracy in 
 America gains head every day : a conflict nmst ensue, when the increase 
 rf wealth in the country adds sufficiently to the strength of the parly. 
 But some line must be drawn in this country, as to the admission of 
 Americans to the English Court, or, if not drawn, it will end in a total, 
 and therefore unjust exclusion. As but iavf of the Americans can 
 claim any right to aristocracy in their own country from acknow- 
 ledged descent, I should not be suprised if in a few years, now that the 
 two countries are becoming so intimately connected, a reception at the 
 Enerlish Court of this country be considered as an establishment of 
 their claim. If so, it will be a curious anomaly in the history of a 
 republic, that, fifty years after it was established, the republicans should 
 apply to the mother country whose institutions they had abjured, to 
 obtain from her a patent of superiority, so as to raise themselves above 
 that hated equality which, by their own institutions, they {»ofess. 
 It is not my intention to enter into a lengthened examination of the 
 American form of government. I have said that, as a government» 
 "with all its imperfections, it is tlie best suited to the present condition 
 of America, in so far as it is the one under which the country has made, 
 and will continue to make, the most rapid strides ;" but I have not said 
 that it was a tetter form of government than others. Its very weakness 
 is favourable to the advance of the country ; it may be compared to a 
 vessel which, from her masts not being wedged, and her timbers being 
 loose, sails faster than one more securely fastened. Considered merely as 
 governments for the preservation of order and the equalization of 
 pressure upon the people, I believe that few governments are bad, as 
 there are always some correcting influences, moral or otherwise, which 
 strengthen those portions which are the weakest. A despot, for in- 
 f^tancc, although his power is acknowledged and submitted to, will not 
 exercise tyranny to » fir, from the fear of assassination. 
 I have inserted in an Appendix the Form of the American Consti- 
 tution, and if my readers wish to examine more closely into it, I must 
 refer them to M. Tocqueville's excellent work. The first point 
 which mast strike the reader who exaniines into it is, that it is ex- 
 ircmely complicated. It is, and it is not. It is so far complicated 
 that a variety of wheels are at work ; but it is not complicated, from 
 the circumstance tliat the same principle prevails throughout, from the 
 Township to the Federal Head, and that it is put in motion by one 
 great aiul universal propelling power. It may be compared to a cot- 
 ton-thread manufactcry, in which thousands and thousands of reels and 
 spindles are all at work, the labour of so many smaller reels turned 
 over to larger, which in their turn yield up their ^>^oduce, until the 
 whole is collected into one mass. The principle of the American Gov- 
 ernment is good; the p iwer that puts it in motion is enormous, and 
 i! ' 
 therefore, like the complicated machinery I have compared rt to, it re- 
 quires constant attention, and proper regulation of the propelling pow- 
 er, that it may not become out of order. The propelling power is the 
 sovereignty of the people, otherwise the will of the majority. The 
 motion of all propelling powers must be regulated by a fly-wheel, or 
 corrective check, if not, the motion will gradually accelerate, until tlie 
 machinery is destroyed by the increase of friction. But there are 
 other causes by which the machinery n)ay be deranged ; as, although 
 the smaller portions of the macliine, if defective, may at any time be 
 taken out and repaired without its being necessary for the machine to 
 stop ; yet if the larger wheels arc by chance thrown out of their equi- 
 librium, the machinery may be destroyed just as it would be by a loo 
 rapid motion, occasioned by the excess of propelling power. Further, 
 there are external causes which may endanger it : and the machine may 
 be thrown out of its level by a convulsion, or shock, which will cause 
 it to cease working, if even it does not break it into fragments. 
 Now, the dangers which threaten the United States are, the Federal 
 Government being still weaker than it is at present, or its becoming, 
 as it may from circumstances, too powerful. 
 The present situation of the American Government is that the fly- 
 wheel, or regulator of the propellinji;' power (that is to say the aristoc- 
 racy, or power of the senate,) has been nearly destroyed, and tlie con- 
 sequences are that the motion is at this moment too much accelerated, 
 and threatens in a few years to increase its rapidity, at the risk of the 
 destruction of the whole machinery. 
 But, although it will be necessary t(» point out the weakness of the 
 Federal Government, when opposed to the States or the majority, inas- 
 much as the morality of the people is seriously affected by this weak- 
 ness, my object is not to enter into the merits of the government of 
 the United States as a working government, but to enquire how far tlie 
 Americans are correct in their boast of its being a model for other 
 Let us considir what is the best form of government.. Certainly 
 that which most contribut(\s to security of life and property, and ren- 
 ders those happy and moral who are submitted to it. This 1 believe 
 will be generally acknowledged, and it is upon these grounds tlmt the 
 government of the United States must be tested. They abjured our 
 monarchy, and left their country for a distant land, to obtain freedom. 
 They railed at tlie vices and imperfections of continental rule, and pro- 
 posed to themselves a government which should be perfect, under 
 which every mun should have his due weight in the representation, 
 and prove to the world that a people could govern themselves. Dis- 
 gusted with the immorality of the age and the disregard to religion, 
 they anticipated an amendment in the state of society. This new, 
 and supposed perfect, machinery has been working for upwards of 
 sixty years, and let us now examine Iiovv far the theory has been sup- 
 ported and borne out by the practical result. 
 I must first remind the reader Ihut I have already shewn the weak- 
 ness of the Federal Government upon one most important point, wfiich 
 is, that there is not sutVieient security fur person and property. \\ hen 
 such is the case, thi.re caimot be that adequate punishment for vice so 
 ne.-essary to uphold the morals of a people. I will now proceed to 
 prove tlie weakness of the Federal Government whenever it has to 
 combat with the several States, or with the will of the majority. 
 It will be ])erceived, by an examination into the C^onstitution of the 
 Ignited States, that the States have reserved for themselves all the real 
 power, and that the Federal Union exists but upon their surt'erance. — 
 Eiieli State still insists iipon its riirht to witlidr.iw itsell' *ioin the Union 
 whenever it pleases, and the consequence of this riirht is, that in every 
 eontliet with a State, Ihe Fideriil Governnient has invariably to suc- 
 comb. i\l. Tofqneville observes, " If the sovereijrnty of the Union 
 were to en^a(;e in a strup^'le vvitli that of the States, at its present day, 
 itfl (k'ieat may be confidently i)redieted ; and it is not probable that 
 HUf'li a strngtrle would be serio\isIy undertaken. As often as a steady 
 resistance is offered to the Federal (jrovernment, it will be lound to 
 yield. Kxperienee has hitherto shuvvn that whenever a State has de- 
 miiiided ;in^ thin;if willi per3<;veranee and resolution, it has invariably 
 sueeteucd ; and that if a separate trovernment has distinctly refused to 
 act, it was left to do as it thoujlit tit.* 
 " ihit even it" the ifovermnent of the Union had any strength inhe- 
 rent ill ilsi It" the physical situation r)f the country would render the 
 exercise of that strength very ditficult.t The United States cover an 
 immense territory ; they are separated from each other by great dis- 
 tances: and the population is disseminated over the surface of a coun- 
 try which is still half a wilderness. If the I 'nion were to undertake 
 to enforce the allegiance of the confederate States by military means, 
 it would be in a position very analagous to that ot England at the time 
 of the War of liidependen;H\" 
 The Federal (ioveniment never displayed more weakness than in 
 the ([uestion of the tariff put upon JOnglish goods to support the manu- 
 facturers of the Northern States. The Southern States, as producers 
 and exporters, complained of tlii;5 as prejudicial to their interests. 
 South Carolina, one of the smallest States, led the van, and the storm 
 i . 
 * Soe 'he conduct of itie Nnrtliern Slates in the war of lsi-2. " Diirin? that 
 war." siiys Jetlbrson in a lotter to General l^iifiyi'tic, "fmir of tlie Kaslern 
 Slates were only alliicUtd to tiic Union, like sj many inaniniaic bodies to living 
 t The prof uind peace of the Union aHorils no pretext for a standinir army ; 
 and whhoul a staiulins army a covernnmet is not prepared lo profit by a fa- 
 vouratile opportunity to comiuer resistance, and lake the sovereign power by 
 ; i I 
n :l 
 rose. This State passed an act by convention, annvUing the Federal 
 Act of the tariff, armed her mihtia, and prepared for war. The consc. 
 qucnce was that tiie Federal Government abandoned tiie principle of 
 the tariff, but at the same time, to save the diHgracc of its defeat, it 
 passed an act warrantinj^ the President to put dourn resistance Inj force, 
 or, in other words, making the Union compulsory. South Carolina 
 annulled this law of the Federal Government, but as the State gained 
 its point by the Federal Government having abandoned the princi])lc of 
 the tarifl", the matter ended. 
 Another instance in which the Federal Government showed its 
 weakness when opposed to a State, was in its conflict with Georgia. 
 The Federal Government had entered into a solemn, und what ought 
 to have been an inviolable treaty, with the Cherokee Indi ms, securing 
 to them the remnant of their lands in the State of Georgia. The 
 seventh Article of lli.it treaty says, " The United Stales solemnly 
 guarantee to the Cherokee nation all their lands not hitherto ceded."' 
 The State of Georgia, when its population increased, did not like the 
 Indians to remain, and insisted upon their removal. What was the 
 result ? — that the Federal (Jovcrnment, in violation of a solemn treaty 
 and the national honour, submitted to the dictation of Georgia, and the 
 Indians were removed to the other side of the Mississippi. 
 These instances are sufficient to prove the weakness of the Federal 
 Government wl.en opposed to the Slates; it is still weaker wlicn op- 
 posed to the will of the majority. 1 have already quoted many in- 
 stances of the exercise of this uncontrolled wi.l. I do not refer to 
 Lynch law, or the reckless nmrders in the Southern States, but to the 
 riots in the most civilized cities, such as Boston, New York, and Balti. 
 more, in which outrages and murders have been committed without 
 the Government ever presuming to punish the perpetrators ; but the 
 strongest evidence of the helplessness of the Government, when opposed 
 to the majority, has been in liie late Canadian troubhs, which, 1 fear, 
 have only for the season subsided. If many have doubts of the sin- 
 cerity of the President of the United States in his attempts to prevent 
 the interference of the Amorieans, there can be no doubt but that 
 General Scott, Major Worth, and the other American officers sent to 
 the frontiers, did their utmost to prevent the excesses which were com- 
 rnittcd, and to allay the excilcnwnt ; and every one is aware how un- 
 availing were their efi'orts. The magazines were broken open, the 
 field-pieces and muskets taken possession of; large subscriptions of 
 money poured in from every (piartcr ; farmers sent waggon-loads of 
 pigs, corn, and buffalos, to support the insurgents. No one would, in- 
 deed no one could, act against the will of the majority, and these offi- 
 cers found themselves lefl to their individual and useless exertions. 
 The militia at Detroit were ordered out : they could not refuse to 
 obey the summons, as they were individually liable to fine and imprir- 
 sonment; but as they said, very truly, "You may cnll ua out, but 
 when we come into action we will point our muskets in which fiirec- 
 tion we piciise," Indeed, they did assist the insurgents and fire at our 
 people; and when the insurgents were delcated, one of tiie drums 
 wliich they had with thorn, and which was captured by our troops, was 
 marked with the name of the militia corps which had been called out 
 to repel them. 
 When the people are thus above the law, it is of very little conse- 
 quence whether the law is more or less weak; at present the FtdjTul 
 Government is a mere cypher wlien o|>posc(i by tl)e majority. Have, 
 then, the Americans iuiproved upon us in tliis point .' It is generally 
 admitted that a strong and vigorous government, which can act when 
 it is necessary to restrain the passions of men under excitement, is 
 most favourable to social order and happiness; but, on the ctnifrury, 
 when the dormant power of the executive should be brought into ac- 
 tion, all that the Federal Govemmfnt can do is to become a passive 
 spectator or a disregarded suppliant. 
 ■■ I 
 The next question to be examined into is, has this government of 
 the United Slates set an example of honour, good, faith and moral 
 principle, to those who are subjected to it ? — has it, by sfj behaving, 
 acted favourably upon the morals of the people, and corrected the vices 
 and errors of the monarchical institations wliich the Americans hold 
 up to such detestation .' 
 The Americans may be said ta have had, till within the last twenty 
 years, little or no relation with other countries. They have had lew 
 treaties to make, and very little diplomatic arrangements willj the old 
 Continent. But even if they had had, they nmst not be judged by 
 them ; a certain degree of national honour is necessary to every nation, 
 if they would have the respect of others, and a dread of the conseciuences 
 would always compel them to adhere to any treaty made with great 
 and powerful countries. The question is, has the Federal Govern- 
 ment adhered to its treaties and promises made with and to those 
 who have been loo weak to defend themselves? Has it not repeat- 
 edly, in the short period of their existence as a nation, violated 
 the national honour whenever without being in fear of retaliation 
 or exposure it has been able to do so. Let this question be an- 
 swered by an examination into their conduct towards the unhappy In- 
 dians, who, to use their own expression, are "now melting away like 
 suow before the white men." We arc not to estimate the morality of 
 ■ ! ( 
! i: 
 J?- 'i 
 ■■I , , 
 • 1.* 
 1 ■.* 
 ii i . -' i 
 a guvernmcnt by \U strict adherence to its compacts with tho powerful, 
 but by its strict moral setise ot justice towards the weak and defence- 
 Icsh; and it should be borne in mind, thut one example ofa breach of 
 fuith on the part of a democratic government, is more injurious to the 
 morals of the people under that government than a thouaand instances of 
 breach of fuilh which may occur in soci'ty ; for a people who have no 
 ari»tocracy to set the example, must naturally look to the conduct of their 
 rulers and to their decisions, as a standard fur their guidance- To 
 enumerate the nuiltiplied breaches of tiiith towards the Indians would 
 swell out thiii work to an extra volume. It was a bitter sarcasm of the 
 Scminule chief, who, referring to the terms used in the treaties, told 
 the Indian agents that the white man^a *^for ever'* did not last long 
 (Tiough. Even in its payment of the trifling sums for the lands sold 
 by the Indians and re-suld at an enormous profit, the American Go* 
 vernment has not been willing to adhere to its agreement ; and two 
 years ago, when the Indians came for their money, the American Go- 
 vernment told then), like an Israelite dealer, that they must take half 
 money and half goods. The Indians remonstrated ; the chiefs rephed, 
 " Our young men have purchased upon credit, as they are wont to do ; 
 they require the dollars, to pay honestly what they owe." 
 " Is our great father so |K)or ?** said one chief to the Indian egent ; 
 " I will lend him some money ;" and he ordered several thousand dol- 
 lars to be brought, and oflered them to the agent. 
 In the Florida war, to which I shall again refer, the same want of 
 faith has been excrci.sed. Unable to drive the Indians out of their 
 swamps and morasses, they have persuaded them to come into a coun- 
 cil, under a flag of truce. This Hag of truce has been violated, and 
 the Indians have been thrown into prison until they could be sent away 
 to the Far West, that is, if they survived their captivity, which the gal- 
 lant O.scenla could not. Let it not be supposed Uiat the officers employed 
 are the parties to blame in these acts; it is, generally speaking, the In- 
 dian agents, who are employed in these nefarious transactions. Among 
 these iigents there are Many honourable men, but a corrupt govern- 
 ment will always find people corrupt enough to do anything it may 
 wish. But any language that I can use as to the conduct of the 
 American Government towards the Indians would be light, compared 
 to the comments made in my presence by the officer* and other Ame- 
 rican gentlemen u|)on this subject. Indeed, the indignation expressed 
 is so general, that it proves there is less morality in the Government 
 than there is in the na*.ion. 
 With the exception ot' the Florida war, which still continues, the 
 last euntest whieh the Americjin Government had with the Indians wus 
 with the Sacs and Foxes, commanded by the celebrated chief, Black 
 Hawk. The Socs and Foxes at that period held a large tract of land 
 on Rock river, in the U-ritory of loway, on the east side of the Missis- 
 sippi, which the Government wished, perforce, to take from them. 

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 ng it may 
 ict of the 
 ither Ame- 
 tinues, the 
 iidians was 
 hief, Black 
 ict of land 
 the Missis- 
 rom them. 
 The following is Black Hawk's account of the mean?, by which this 
 land was obtained. The war was occasioned by Black Hawk disown- 
 ing the treaty and attempting to rcpot)snss the territory. 
 "Some moons after this young chief (Lit-Hlcnant Pike) descended the 
 Mississippi, one of our people killed un Acnerican, and w&s confined in 
 the prison at St. Louis for the offence. We held a council at our vil- 
 lage to see >vhat could be done for him, which determined that Quash- 
 qua-me, Pa-shc-paho, Ou-che-qua-ha, and Hu-she-quar-hi-qua, should go 
 down to St. Louis, and see our American father, and do all they could 
 to have uur friend released ; by paying lor the person killed, thus 
 covering the bloud and satisfying the relations of the man murdered ! 
 This being the only means with us of saving u person who had killed 
 another, and we then thought it was the same way with the whites. 
 " The party started with the good wishes of the whole nation, hop- 
 ing they would accomplish the object of their mission. I'lie relations 
 of the prisoner blacked their faces and fasted, hoping the Great Spirit 
 would take pity on them, and return the husband and the father to his 
 wife and children. 
 " Quash-qua-me and party remained a long time absent. They at 
 length returned, and encamped a short distance below the village, but 
 d<d not come up that day, nor did any person approach their camp. 
 They appeared to be dressed in fine coats and had medals. Front 
 these circumstances, we were in hopes Ihey had brought us good news. 
 Early the next morning, the council lodge was crowded; Quash-qua- 
 me and party came up, and gave us the following account of their 
 mission : — 
 " On their arrival at St. Louis, they met their American father, and 
 explained to him their business, and urged the release of their friend. 
 The American chief told them he wanted land, and they agreed to give 
 him some on the west side of the Mississippi, and some on the Illinois 
 side, opposite the JefTreon. When the business was all arranged, they 
 expected to have their friend released to come home with them. But 
 about the time they were ready to start, their friend, who was led out 
 of prison, ran a short distance, and was shot dead. This is all they 
 could recollect of what was said and done. They had been drunk the 
 greater part of the time they were in St. Louis. 
 "This is all myself or nation knew of the treaty of 1804. It has 
 been explained to me since. I find by that treaty, all our country 
 east of the Mississippi, and south of the JefTreon, was ceded to the 
 United States for one thousand dollars a year ! I will leave it to the 
 people of the United States to say, whether our nation was properly 
 represented in this treaty ? or whether we received a fair compensation 
 for the extent of country ceded by those four individuals. I could say 
 much more about this treaty, but I will not at this time. It has been 
 the origin of all our difficulties." 
 I. ,' 
 f : : 
 ^ I 
 ! Vv 
 Indeed, 1 have rensoti to believe lliat tho major portion of tlic Itind 
 nblaiiied rr«)in the Iiitliiiii^, has Imcii ceded by |»ar(ies who bad tio power 
 to sell it, and tiic tri'iities witli tiicse partik;*) iiavc been enlbrced by the 
 Federal ( Joveriiineiit. 
 In II licport lor tlic protection of tlic Western Frontier, wubniilted to 
 Conijress by iIk; Secri tary of War, we have a very liiir expose ot" tlie 
 cundiicl und intentions ol'llie Ainericnn (liovernnient towarriM the In. 
 dians. Aillion^jli llio Indians conlinnu to style tbe President of tlic 
 T'nited States as llieir (ireat Father, yet, in this report, llie Indian feci- 
 iii^ which really exists towards the American people is honestly avowed; 
 it says in ils preand)le — 
 ''As yet no connnnnily of feeling', except of deep ami hiRtinfr hatred 
 to the while man, and particularly to the Anfrlo-Aiiinirans, exists 
 anions them, and, unless they eoa!e^ce, no seriouH ditHcidty need be 
 apprehended from them. Not so, however, shoidd ihey be induced to 
 uuite for purposes olfensive and delensive ; their strenylh would tlien 
 become apparent, create confidence, and in all probability induce them 
 to jrive vent to their long-suppressed ih-sirc to revenge jmst wrovgif, 
 which is restrained, as they o[)etdy and freely conless, by fear alotie." 
 And speaking of the feuds between the tribes, as in the case of the 
 Sioux and Chippewaysi, which, as I have observed in my Journal, the 
 American Go\ernfui:ui pretended to be anxious to make up; it appears 
 that this anxiety is not so very great, for the Report says — 
 " Should it however prove otherwise, the United States will, whenever 
 they choose, be able to bring the whole of the Sioux force (tho hereditary 
 and irreclaimable enemy to every other Indian) to bear against the 
 Jiostiles; or vice versa, should our ditliculty be with the Sioux nation. 
 And the suggestion is made, whether prudence does not require, that 
 those hereditary feelings should not rather he maintained than destroyed 
 by efforts to cultivate u closer reunion between them." 
 This Report also very delicately points out, when speaking of the 
 necessity of a larger force on the frontier, that " it is merely adverted 
 to in connexion with the heavy obligations which rest upon tiiJ? Go- 
 vernment, and which have been probably contracted from time to '.imp, 
 without any very nice calculation of the means which would be neces- 
 sary to a faithful discharge of them." 
 I doubt whether this Report would have been presented by Congress 
 had there been any idea of its finding its way to the Old Country. By- 
 and-by I shall refer to it again. I have made these few extracts merely 
 to shew that expediency, and not moral feeling, is the principle alone 
 which guides the Federal Government of the IJnited States. 
 The next instance which I shall bring forward to prove the want 
 of principle of the I'ederal Government is its permitting, and it may be 
 said tacitly acquiescing, in the seizure of the province of Texas, and 
 allowing it to be ravished from the Mexican Government, with whom 
 r the IiukI 
 I tio pnwcr 
 ;cd by llic 
 bmilUd to 
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 (Is tlu! Iii- 
 k'lit. ol' the 
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 utiSy fxist.s 
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 iiidueed to 
 would tbtii 
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 fourpal, the 
 ; it appears 
 1, whenever 
 ! hereditary 
 against the 
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 eqnire, that 
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 jIv adverted 
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 Id be neces- 
 iy Congress 
 ountry. By- 
 ■acts merely 
 nciple alone 
 (ve the want 
 id it may he 
 Texas, and 
 with whom 
 ihcy were on termu of amity, but who was unfortunately too weak to 
 bel]> herself. In this instance the Am«'ric»n (Joverniufnt had no ex- 
 cuse, as it actually had an army on the irontier, and could have oom. 
 [•ellcd the insurgents to go Imck ; but no; it perceived that the 'IVxas, 
 if in its hands, or if in(ie|)cndent of Mexico, would bcconjc a murt for 
 their extra nlave population, that it was the finest country in the world 
 tur producing cotton, and that it would be an immense addition of 
 valuable territory. Dr. Channing's letter to Mr. Clay is so forcible on 
 this ()ueslioii, enters so fully into the merits of the case, and poinlH out 
 so clearly the nefariousness of the transaction, that I shall now quote 
 I few passages fiom this best of American authority. Indeed, I con- 
 jiider that this letter of Dr. Channing is the principal cause why the 
 Xiiicrican (Government have not as yet admitted Texas into the I'nion. 
 The eiforis of the Northern States would not have prevented it, but it 
 has actually been shamed by Dr. Chaiming, who says — 
 "The United States have not been just to Mexico, Our citizens did 
 iH)t steal singly, silently, in disguise into that land. Their purpose of 
 dismembering Mexico, and attaching her distant province to this coun- 
 try, was not wrapt in mystery. It was proelaiiiied in our [)ublic prints. 
 I'lxpcditions were openly fitted out within our borders tor the Texan 
 war. Troops were organized, ((luipped, and mareiied for the scene of 
 action. Advertisements for volimteen-i, to be enrolled and conducted to 
 Texas at the expense of that territory, were inserte<l in our n(!wspapers. 
 The (Government, indeed, issued its proclamation, forbidding these 
 hostile pre^)arations; but this \\ as a dead letter. Military companies, 
 with olliccrs and standards, in defiance ot' proclamations, and in the 
 liicc of day, directed their steps to the revolted province. We had, 
 indeed, an army near the frontiers of Mexico. Did it turn back these 
 invaders of a land with which we were at peace ? On the contrary, 
 did not its presence give confidence to the revolters ? At\er this, what 
 construction of our conduct shall we force on the world, if we proceed, 
 especially at this mi)ii;eiit, to receive into our Union the territory, which 
 through our neglect, has fallen a prey to lawless invasion f Are we 
 willing to take our place among robber-states .' As a i)coplc have we 
 no selfrespect ? Have we no reverence lor national morality ' Have 
 wc no feeling of responsibility to other nations, and to llini by whom 
 the fates of nations arc disposed ?" 
 Dr. Channing then proceeds : — 
 " Some crimes by their magnitude have a touch of the sublime; and 
 to this dignity the seizure of Texas by our citizens is entitled. Modern 
 times furnish no example of individual rapine on so grand a scale. It 
 is nothing less than the robbery of a realm. The pirate seizes a ship. 
 The colonists and their coadjutors can satisfy thenisclves with nothing 
 sliort of an empire. They have lefl their Anglo-Saxon ancestors behind 
 tliem. Those barbarians conformed to Uie imixims of their age, to the 
 I I 
 . ^ • ', 
 1 1 
 marryat's diary* 
 '/ "ij 
 rudo code of nations in tirno of thickest honthen darknoM. They 
 invaded Kni^land under tlieir Hovcreitfnn, and willi the minction of the 
 floomy rchgion of the North. But it w in a civilized nji^c, and amidst 
 refinementH of innnnerH; it is auiidst the lights of scienee and the 
 tcachin|;N of OhriHtiaiiity : nniidst cx|H)siti()iirt of the law of nution.s and 
 enfurcenients of the law of universal love; iiinidsl institntioiiH of re. 
 liginn, learning, and humanity, that the rohhory of Texas has found 
 its instruuienlH. It h from a free, well ordered, enlightened Christian 
 country, that hordes have gnno forth, in u|)on day, to |N;r|)elratc Mw 
 miefily wronff.^^ 
 I shall conclude my remarks upon this point with one more extract 
 from the same writer. 
 " A nation, provokiticr wor hy cupidity, by encroachment, and, above 
 all, by efforts to propagate tlu! curse of slavery, is alike false to itself, 
 to God, ond to the human race." 
 Having now shewn how far the Federal Oovernment may be con- 
 sidered as upholding tlie purity of its institutions hy the example of its 
 conduct towards others, let us examine whether in its lomcstie manage- 
 incnt it sets a proper example to the nation. It cries out against th« 
 bribery and corruption of England. Is it itself free from this imputa- 
 The author of a ' Voice from America' observes, " In such an un- 
 authorized, unconstitutional, and loose stale of things, milliong of the 
 public money may be appropriated to e'ectionering and party purposes, 
 and to buy up friemls of the administration, without being ojien to 
 pioof or liable to account. It is a simple mailer of fact, that all the 
 public funds lost in this way. have actually go:\c to buy up friends to 
 the government, whether the defilcations wi;re matters of understand- 
 ing between the powers at Washington and these parties, or not. 
 The money is gone, and is going; and it goes to friends. So much 
 is true, whatever else is filse. And what has already been used up in 
 this way, according to otficial report, is sutfieient to buy the votes of a 
 large fraction of the population of the United States, — that is to say, 
 sufficient to produce an influence adequate to seeure them. On the 
 17th of January, 18.38, the United States treasurer reiwrted to Con- 
 gress sixty-three defalcators (individuals), in all to the amount of up- 
 wards of a million of dollars, without touching the vast amounts lost 
 in the local banks, — a mere beginning of the end." 
 As I have before observed, when Mr. Adams was Presidsnt, a Mr. 
 B. Walker was thrown into prison fur benig a defaulter to the extent of 
 eighteen thousand dollars. Why are none of these defaulters to the 
 amount of upwards of a million of dollars punished ? If the govern- 
 ment thinks proper to allow them to remain at liberty, does it not. 
 virtually wink at their dishonesty. Neither the defaulters nor their 
 ■securities arc touched. It would appear as if it were an understood 
li ' 
 arrarijrcmcnt ; the jfovrrnmrnt tcllinp thc?c parties, who linvc arniiitcd 
 thein, ** we cuimot iictuully pay yoii money down lor your siTvirr.M ; but 
 wo will |i(il iiioix'y iiii'liT your Control, ati>i you iiiuy, if yon [tlnise, 
 help ynurHclf." Wliut has l)ccn the result of this coiiiliict u|K)n 
 •ocicty / — that ns the ^ovcrniiii'tit (Ioi-h not consider a br< ach of f.iilh an 
 dcittrviti},^ of piiniNhiiicnt, Hoeit'ty dot's not Ihiuk so ci'hir; und thutt 
 are the |hm)|>1(; dcniorulizcd, not only hy tin ('Xiiiii|)le of irovcminont in 
 its foreign relations, but by its leniency towards those individuals who 
 arc regardlesH of I'uilb a^ the jjovernnuiit has piovcd to he it>i'll'. 
 Indeed, it may be boldly asserted, that in every nieasiire taUcu bj 
 the Federal (iovernmcnl, the nu)ral etl'eet of that measure upon the 
 people has never been thought worthy of n uiuuicul'ti cuusidcrution. 
 I ! 
 We must now examine into one or two other points. The Ameri- 
 cans Cf)nsitjer that thuy an^ the only people on earth who govern thtm- 
 selves; they assert that ic« have not a tree juic perfect representation. 
 We will luA dispute that point; the ([ucslion is, not what the case in 
 England nuiy be, but what America may have trained. This is certain, 
 that if they have not a free impartial reproentalion, they do not, an 
 they suppose, govern themselves. Have they, with universal sutlVagc, 
 ttbtiiined a repreaentation free from brilury a'sd corruption? If they 
 have, they certainly have gained their point ; if they have not th«y 
 have Hicrificed much, and have obtained nothing. 
 By a calculation which I nuide at the time I was in the United 
 States of all the various elections which took place atmually, bienni- 
 ally, and at longer dates, including those l()r the Federal (jovernnient, 
 the separate governments of each State, and many other elective of- 
 fices, there are about two thou.-iaiid five hutidnd elections of different 
 descriptions every year ; and if I were to add the civic elections, which 
 are equally political, 1 do not know what amoimt they would arrive at. 
 In this country we have on an average about two hundred elections 
 per annum, so that, in America, for thirieen millions, they have two 
 thousand ilve hundred elections, and in England for twenty-seven mil- 
 lions, two hundred, on the average, during the year. 
 It must, however, be admitted, that the major portion of these 
 elections in the United States pass off quietly, prot)ably from the com- 
 paritive want of interest excited by them, and the continual repetition 
 which takes place ; but when the important elections are in progress 
 the case is very different ; the excitjismeot tlien becomes universal ; the 
 i I 
 • ■) 
 4 I 
 V-. 1. 
 coming election is the theme of every tonirue, tlic all-engrossing' topic, 
 and nothing else is listened or paid attention to. 
 It must be remembered, that the slriigglc in America is tor place, not 
 for principle; for vvliiehever party obtains power, their principle of ac- 
 ting is much the same. Occasion il!y a (juestion of moment will come 
 forward and nearly convulse the Union, but thi^ is very rare ; tl)e ge- 
 neral course of k'gi^liiliiti is in a veiy narrow compass, and is seldom 
 more than a mere routine of business, VVith the majority, who lead 
 a party, (parlicidarly the one at present in power), Ihe contest is not. 
 tlicr fore, lor |)iinciplc, but, it may almost be said, for bread ; and this 
 is one great cause of the virulence accouipanyrng their election strug- 
 gles. 'J'hc election of the ['resident is of course the most important. 
 M. Toe»iuevil!e has well desfribed it, " For a long while before the ap- 
 point! d time is at hand, the election becomes the most important and 
 the all-eu2'roseing topic of discussion. The iirdour of faction is re- 
 doubled ; and all the artificial j):issio:!S which the imnginalion can 
 create i.i llie bosom of a happy and peaceful land are agitati-d an(i 
 brought to light, Tlie President, on Ihe other hand, is absorlx d l>ytlic 
 cares of selfldi'i'enee. Me no lofiger governs for the inten st of the 
 State, but for that of his re-cleclioji ; he does homage to the majority, 
 and instead of clicekinif its passions, as his duty commands him to do, 
 lie frequently courts its worst caprices. As the election draws near, 
 the activity of intrigue and the agitation of the populace increase ; thc 
 citizens arc divided into hostile camps, <'ach of which assumes the 
 name ot" its fivmirite caiidiilate ; ihc whole nation glows with llnerisli- 
 excitemeiit ; the election is the daily theme of the public pa|M'ps, the 
 subject of private conversalion, the end of every thought and everj 
 action, the sole int( rest of tfie prc'^ent.'' 
 Of course the elc^'tifins in llej larijc cities are those which next oc- 
 cupy the public attention. I havi; before stated, that at the lastelcctioM 
 in New York the coinmillees of the opp((sif(,> paitv were brought over 
 by the W'iiigs, and th n by tliis brib(!ry the election was gained ; but I 
 will now (piote from (lie Ameiicans ihemselves, and let the reader then 
 decide in which country, England or Amt;riea, there is most purity of 
 "On the I'llli, lOfh, and 1 1th irstaiit, a local election for tnayor and 
 v-hi'fter-ofriccrs was held in this city. It resulted in th(! dei'eat of the 
 Whig party. The Loco-tbeos had a majority of about one thousand 
 and fifty for their mayor. Last April the Wliigs had a majority of 
 about five hundred. 'I'liere are seventeen wards, and seventeen polls 
 were opened. The out, or sub.'rb, wards presented the most disgraceful 
 scenes of riot, fraud, corruption, and pe,jury, that were ever witnessed 
 in this or any other country on a similar occasion. The whole num- 
 ber of votes polled was ff)rty-one thousand three hundred. It is a no- 
 toripus fact, that there are not forty thousand legal voters residing i/> 
Ill ' 
 the cily. In the abstract this election is but of little importance. Iti 
 moral influence on other sections of the country remains to be seen. 
 Generally, the effect of such a triunDph is unfavuiirable to the defeated 
 party in other places; and it would be so in the present instance, if the 
 conttst had been an ordinary contest, but the circuinslances to which I 
 have relerrcd of fraud, corruption, and perjury, may, or may not, re- 
 act upon the alleged authors of these shamt less proceedings." 
 Again, "The moderate and thinking men of both parties — indeed, 
 we n)ay say every honourable man who has been a sjiectator of recent 
 events — (eel shocked at the frauds, perjury, and corruption, which too 
 evidently enabled the administration party to poll so powerful a vote. 
 What are we coming to in this country ? A peaceable contest at the 
 polls in a peaceable test of party — it is to ascertain the opinions'and 
 views of citizens entitled to vote — it is a fair and honourable party ap- 
 peal to the ballot-box. We are all Americans — living under the same 
 constitution and laws ; each boasting of his freedom and equal rights — 
 our political differences are, after all, the differences between members 
 of the same national family. What, therefore, is to become of our free- 
 dom and rights, our morals, safety, and religion, if the administration 
 of our government is permitted to embark in such open, avowed, pal- 
 pable schemes of fraud and corruption as those recpntly exhibited in 
 this city ? More than fine thousand strangers, having no inferest and 
 no domicil, are introduced by the partisans of the administration into 
 the city, and brf»ught up to the polls to decide who shall make our 
 municipal laws More tiia*? four himdrtd votes over and above the 
 ascertained votes of a warH, are polled in such ward. Men moved 
 from ward to ward to sleep one night as an evasive qualification. More 
 than two hundred sailors, from United States' vessels of war, brought 
 over to the city to vote — sloops and small craf\, trading down the north 
 and east rivers, each known never to have more than three hands, 
 turning out thirty or forty voters from each vessel. Men turned from 
 the polls for want of legal qualifications, broujilit back by administra- 
 tion partisans and made to swear in their vote. Hundreds with the 
 red clay of New Jersey adhering to their thick-soled shoes, presenting 
 themselves to vote as citizens of New York, and all this fraud and per- 
 jury set on loot and justified to enable Mr. Van Buren to say, ' I have 
 recovered the city.' But he h:s been signally defeated, as he ought to 
 be, notwithstanding all his mighty efforts. 'I'here is this day a clearly 
 ascertained Whig majority in this city offive thousand. 
 " It is, therefore, a mockery to call a contest with persons from other 
 States, hired for the occasion, an election. We must have a registry of 
 mtes, in order to sweep away this vast system of perjury andfrtud; 
 and every man who has an interest at stake in his person, his children, 
 or his property, must demand it of the legislature, as the only means 
 of coining to a fair decision on all such matters. This charter election 
 a I ' 
 i ■ 
I &1 
 should open the eyes of tin; honourable of all parties to the dangers that 
 menace us, and a rcdicss |ir(n'idc'd in time." 
 Afjain, " Tfic Alias, Moiiddij Moniimr, April 16, 1838 — (Triu7nphant 
 Result of the Election in i\(w York). — We have rarely known un elec- 
 tion wljicii, during ils continuance, has excited so lively a deg^ree of" in- 
 terest as h;is been i'clt in regard to the contest just terminated in New 
 York. From numerous ([iiartcrs we have received letters requesting 
 us to transmit the carlicsl Mitclligcncc of the result, and an anxiety has 
 been evinced among the Whigs of the country, which wc have hardlj' 
 seen surpassed. Tlie trcmen(!ous onset of the Loco-fbcos upon the 
 first day increased this anxiety, ;ind tears began to be entertained thai 
 the miparalk'Ied and unscru[iuIons etrorls of our opponepts — their 
 shameless resort to every sixcies of fraud, violence, and corruption — 
 their imp<jrtation of forci<rii, perjured voters, and the lavish distiihvlioii 
 of the ]iublic monei/ might possibly overpower the legitimate voi:;e of the 
 majority of the citizens of New York. liut gloriously have these fears 
 been dispelled. Nobly have the Whigs of the great metropolis done 
 tlieir duly. Gladly does old Massachusetts respond to their pieans ol 
 triumph I 
 " We learn from the New York papers that there was considerable 
 uneasiness in that city on Friday among the Whigs with regard to the 
 result. Never was the struggle of the administration party so despe 
 rate and convulsive. Hordes of aliens and illegal voters were driven 
 into the city — 
 ' In mulliliiiles like which ihe populace NortU 
 Pourc'il iii:vcr Hmiii iinrfiozuii loins, to pass 
 KhiiiL' or thu Diiimbu ' 
 "The most reasonable calculation adnwts that there must have bocH 
 at least four thousand Hlegal votes |)oll( d at the different wards. Squat- 
 ters and loafers from the Crotofi Water-Works, from lir<x)klyn and 
 Long Island, and from Troy to Sing Sing, took up tlieir line of march 
 for the doniitlid wards, (o dragoon the eily int(» submission to Mr. Van 
 Buren. Som(! of the wards thr(;w from ff)ur hundred (o six hundred 
 more votes than there were known to be residents in them. Donblr 
 voting was practised to a great extent. The Express says, the whole 
 spirit of the naturalization laws was di lied, and an utter mockery wa? 
 made of the sacred right of suffrage. What party is likely to be most 
 guilty of the.ie things, may be judged from the fact, that the Loco-foco 
 party resist e eery proposition for a registry law, or any other law thai 
 will give the people a fair and honest and constitutional system of voting." 
 When I was one day with one of the most influential of the Whig 
 party at New York, he was talking about their success in the con- 
 test — " We beat them, sir, literally with their own weapons." " How 
 so," replied I. " Why, sir, we bought over all their bludgeon men at 
 SO ninny dollars a head, and the very sticks intended to be used to keep 
 us f'loiii tlie , oil were employed upon the lieads of the Loco-locos I'' 
 So nincli for purity of election. 
 AiioUicr point which is worthy of inquiry is, how far is the rrovern- 
 nient of the L'liiu d Slates a cheap governmeni ; that is, not as to the 
 amount ot money ex;it nded in that country as cotnpared to the amount 
 of money paid in Enghmd or France, but cheap as to the work done 
 for the money paid ? And, viewing it in this light, I rather think it 
 will he lf)urid a very expensive one. Jt is true that the salaries arc 
 low, and the highest ofliecrs are (he worst paid, but it sliould be re- 
 collected that every body is paid.* The expcnsis of the Federal 
 Governmeni, shown np to the w orld as a prooi of cheap goven.nicnf, 
 is but a portion of the real expens-es wliich are paid by the several 
 States, Thus the government will promulgate to the world that they 
 have a surplus revenue of so many millions, but at the same time it 
 will be found that the States themselves are borrowing monev and are 
 deeply in debt. The money that disappears is enormous; 1 never 
 could understand what has become of the boast'?d surplus revenue 
 which was lodged in the pet banks, as they were termed. The paid 
 ofiicers in the several States are very numerous ; take, for instance the 
 State of New York alone. An American newspaper has the following 
 tirticle : — 
 " The Standing Army. 
 "The following is given in the Madisonian as the rank and file of the 
 executive standing army of office-holders in the State of New York, 
 How hardly can the freedom of elections be maintained against the 
 natural enemies of that freedom, when their efforts arc seconded by the 
 assaults of such an army of placemen, whc.se daily bread, under the 
 rule and reign of the spoilers, is dependent on their parlizan exer- 
 tions ! 
 " 1880 Postmasters. 
 ^217 Mail Contractors. 
 59 C'erks in the New York Post-oflicc- 
 Jif) Ijighthousc Keepers. 
 .'iOO Custom-House Officeis. 
 "These," says the Madisonian, " constitute a regiment of the King'? 
 * T cannot here refrain from making an extract from M. ToccnievillL's clevirr 
 work, well worthy llie atleniion uf itmsc vvlio rule in (Ins country, as probably 
 ihey may not be aware of wimt they are doing:- " When a dcniocrulic re[iub- 
 lic reniiers ottices which had firmerly lieen reniuntiiitcd ^ratvilous, il may 
 safely be believed thai ihe Stale is uilvanci u; l ' tiio?ian/iuiil insliluii.ins ; and 
 when a nn)narchy begins to remunerate such ofiicers as iiad hillurtu been un- 
 paid, il is a sure si^n ll)al il is approach ne towards a despotic or a republican 
 form of governmeni. The subsiiiuliun of paid for unpaid f-nnionaricB, is u< 
 itself, in my opinion, sutiicienl lo cong'.ituu a seriuus revolution'' 
 i : 
 !! il 
 own, well drilled in the system of terrorism and seduction, and of dra- 
 gooning voters !" 
 And it should be remarked, that in the United States, upon any one 
 party losinir an eketion, the whole of that party in otfiee, even down 
 to the lainplitrliters, arc tiiriifd nut, anil replaced hy parlizans of the 
 succcss'ul party ; capabilitij for office is iicvrr considc red, tlie only object 
 is to reward political services. That the work cannot be well carried 
 on when there are such coiisfartt changes, attended wilh i'lioranceof 
 the duties imposed, is most certain, 'I'ho loiijr list of detiuilters proves 
 that the parly at present in power is supported by needy and un- 
 principled men ; indeed, there is a waste of money iti almost every de- 
 partment which would be considered monstrous in this country. Thr* 
 expenses of the Florida war arc a proof of this. 'I'he best written ac- 
 counts from America u'e those written by a party who signs himself 
 "A Genevese Traveller," and whose letters very often appear in ilie 
 Times newspaper. 1 have invariably observed the correctness not 
 only of his statements of facts, but of the opinions drawn from them. 
 Speakinij of tin; Florida war, he has the following observations: — 
 "As to the expenditure, it is yet more astounding. Not less than 
 90,000,000 dollars have already been lavished upon favourites, or 
 plundered from the treasury by marauders, whose profligacy and in- 
 justice caused the war. Army contractors, government agents, &c. 
 arc wallowing in wealth obtained by the worst means; and these are 
 the men that condemn a peace, and will do all in their power to pro- 
 duce and keep up an excitement. But unless they can reach the 
 treasury of the Utiited States, their sympathy tor the murdered inhabi- 
 tants will soon evaporate. I hope, however, and believe that the war 
 for the present is at an end. But the peace will only be temporary, 
 for the rapacity of the avaricious land spoculat r will not be satisfied 
 until the red nian is deprived of every acre of land." 
 To enter into any estimate of expense would be impossible ; all I 
 assert is, that there is a nmch greater waste of public money in the 
 United Stales than in other countries, and that for the work done tiiey 
 pay very dearly. I shall therefore conclude with an extract from M. 
 Tocqueville, who attempts in vain to come to any approximation. 
 "Wherever the poor direct public affairs, and dispose of the national 
 resources, it apfwars certain, that as they profit by the exi)enditure of" 
 the State, they are apt to augment that expenditure. 
 "I conclude, therefore, without having recourse to inaccurate com- 
 putations, and without hazarding a comparison which might prove in- 
 correct, that the democratic government of the Americans is not c 
 cheap government, as is sometimes a> serted ; and I have no hesitation 
 in predicting, that if tlie people of the United States are ever involved in 
 serious difficulties, its taxation will speedily be increased to the rate of 
 that which prevails in the greater pp.rt of the aristocracioff and the 
 monarchies ot Europe." 
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 TiiK Americans, and with justice, hold up Wasliiiicfion as one of the 
 first otiMf'ii, ifso,\vliy will they not pay attention to his opinions ' because 
 lli('_//;.s7 of men must not interfere with their prejudices, or, ii"lie(!oes, 
 iie iiiiiiic(li;it('lv ill tlieir eyes becomes the last. Nevertheless, Wash- 
 injrt'U proved his ability when he made the followiri^r observation, in 
 his letttr to Chief . Justice Jay, dated iOth of March, ! 167 ; even at 
 that early period he pereeived that the institutions of Americ;;, alt!ioui^''h 
 !it the time much less democratical than at present, would not stand. 
 Hear the words of Wasbinijtou, for they were a prnphrcy — 
 " Amnnjr men of retleetion, tew will be found, I believe, who are 
 no* 1 L'iimiiijr to think that our system is belter in flifon/ than In prar- 
 lice ; and that, iiotwithstandinjr the boasted virtue of America, it is more 
 than prubalile that we shall exhibit the last melancholy proof, that 
 Mianl^ind are incompetent to their own government initlioiit the means 
 (if fiU'rciim 111 the Koniriori.^^ 
 Mow, if you were to put this extract into the hands of an American, 
 his admiration of VVasliin^ton would immediately full down below 
 Zero, and in all prob ibility he would say, as tlioy do of jioor Captain 
 Lawrem t — "Why, sir, W'ashinjrton was a great man, but threat men 
 have their fliilings. I (ruess he wrote that letter tiftrr dinnri y 
 But Wa-liintrton has been supported in this opinion by a modern 
 Anieiieau patriot, Dr. ('banning;, who, ass»'rtin{j that " (lur institutions 
 liave (lisiippointed us all," has pointed out the real etfeetsof democracy 
 upon the morals of the nation; and tKerc arc many other tfood and 
 lionist m<'n in America who will occasionally tell the truth, although 
 tlicy s( Idom venture to put their natnes to what they write. lu a 
 raaiiittsto, published when I was in the States, the following bitter [lills 
 for the deiuncrats were inserted, S()eakiiig ot' depei. deuce on the vir- 
 tue and intelligrnce of the people, the manifesto says: — 
 " A form of government which has no belter corrective of public 
 disorders than this, is a i)urles(pjeon the reason and intelligence of men ; 
 it is as inc(;uipatible with wisdom as it is with public prosperity and 
 " 'J"he i)eo[)le arc, by principle and the Constitution, guarded against 
 the tyranny uf kings, but not against their own passions, and ignorance, 
 fiud delusions." 
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 The necessity of relying^ on some other power than tho people is 
 therefore enforced : 
 " Such facts have induced nations to abandon the practice of elec- 
 ting' their (thief m.ijristrate ; prcferrinj* to receive that officer by here, 
 ditary succession. Men have found that tlie chances of havinsf a good 
 chief iniifjistrate by birtbj are about equal to tlic chances of obtaining 
 one by popular election. And, boast as we will, that the superior intel- 
 ligence of our citizens may render this jjoverninent an exception, time 
 will show that tills is a inistiikc. No nation can be an exception, till 
 the Ahniirhty sfiall chanirc tlio whole character of in;m. 
 " It is a solemn truth, that when exuculive officers are dependent 
 for their offices on annntil or frequent elections^ there will be no impar- 
 tial or efficient admitiis(r.itif)ii of the laws. 
 " It is in vaiu that nicn attempt to disfjnise the truth ; the fact, be- 
 yond all debate, is that tlio disorders in our political aff.iirs are the 
 genuine and natural conse(]ntnces of defects in the Cunstilutinn, and of 
 the false and visionary opinions which Mr. JctTurson and his disciples 
 have been procliiiinic.jr fir lorty years. 
 " The mass of the people seem not to consider that the affairs of a 
 great cornnierei.il nation require for their correct matugoment talents 
 of the first order. 
 •'Of all lliis, the 7nass of our pop'ilation appear to know little or 
 " The mass of the people, seduced and disciplined by their leaders, 
 are still firUier deceived, by bei;itr taug^lit that, our piiiilic di-iorders are 
 to be ascribed to other causes tlian the ignorance and pervt-rsity of 
 their party. 
 *' And yet onr citizens ;, re constantly boastina of the intellirrence oj 
 the people ! Iiitelliufi iice ! The hi-tory of'n ilions cannot present an 
 example of such total vjant of iriteUiircnc.c ?.» onr country now exhibits: 
 and what is more, a icaiil of ii;tcpit<i is equi'llv sur| risiiifj." 
 Tills is strong la-igua-re to use in u republic, btit let us examine a 
 The fjfreat desideratum to be attended to in the formation of a 
 governmt'nl is to ijuard a'jainsl man peeving upon his fellow-creature. 
 Call a government by any name you will, prescribe what forms you 
 may, the one great point to be adhered to, is such a code of laws as 
 will put it out of the power of any one individind, or any one party, 
 from oppressing anotlier. The despot may trille with the lives of his 
 people; an aristocracy may crusii tlie poorer class(;s into a state of 
 bondage, and the poorer classes being invariably the most ntioKrous, 
 may resort to their physical force to control tlu s«; who are wealthy, and 
 despoil them of their possessions. Correctly speaking, the struggle is 
 between the plebeian and the patrician, the poor and the rich, and <t i* 
 therefore that a third povyer has, by long experience, be^u considered a$ 
 1 1I 
 I ■:!' 
le people is 
 lice of dec- 
 er l)y here- 
 vinw a }jood 
 if nbiuining 
 ip(!rior intel- 
 eption, time 
 (cuptiuri, till 
 •2 no impar- 
 ihe fact, be. 
 'lirs are the 
 ilinn, and of 
 liis disciples 
 ; affairs of a 
 nciit talents 
 low little or 
 Ihoir Icadcrg, 
 (li-^orderg are 
 perversity of 
 .ntelliffeme of 
 ot present an 
 low exhibits: 
 us examine a 
 mation of a 
 it forinsi you 
 de of laws as 
 riy one party, 
 le livi's of his 
 to a state of 
 ist numerous, 
 I wealthy, and 
 lie struijglo is 
 ri'-h, and it :« 
 considered a$ 
 marryat's diary. 
 necessary (an apex, or head to the pyramid of society), to prevent and 
 check the disorders which may arise from struggles of ambition 
 unong the upper classes. 
 Wherever this apex has been wanting, there has been a continual 
 ■ttenipt to possess it ; whenever it lias been elective, troubles have in- 
 variably ensued ; experience has, therelbre, shown that, for the benefit 
 of all eliisses, and the maintenance of order, the wis^est plan was to 
 make it hereditary. It is not to be denied ihat despotism, when it falls 
 into good hands, has rendered a nation flourishing and happy, that an 
 oligarchy has occasionally, but more rarely, governed with mildness 
 and a regard to justice ; but there never yet was a case of a people 
 having seized upon the power, but the result has been one of rapacity 
 and violence, until a master-spirit has sprung up and controlled them 
 by despotic rule. But, although one despot, or one oligarchy may 
 govern well, they are exceptions to the general rule; and, tliereforo, in 
 framing a government, the rule by which yon must be guided, is on 
 the supposition that each class will encroach, and the laws must be so 
 constituted as to guard against the vices and passions of mankind. 
 To suppose that a people can govern themselves, that is to say 
 directly, is absurd. History has disproved it. They may govern 
 themselves indirectly by selecting from the mass the more enlightened 
 and intelligent, binding themselves to adhere to their decisions, and, at 
 the same time, putting that due and necessary check to the power in- 
 vested in their delegates, which shall prevent their making an improper 
 use of it. The great point to arrive at, is the exact measure and weight 
 of their controlling influences, so as to arrive at the just equipoise; nor 
 can these proportions be always the same, but must be continually 
 added to or reduced, according to the invcriable progressions or reces- 
 sions which must ever take place in this world, where nothing stands 
 The history of nations will shew, that although the just balance has 
 often been lost, that if either the aristocracy or the ruling power gained 
 iiny advantage, the evil, if too oppressive, was capable of being cor- 
 rected ; but any advance gained by the democratic party, has never 
 been retraced, and that it has been by the preponderance of power 
 being til! own into its h;;nds that nations have fallen. Of all the at- 
 tempts at republics, that of the Spartan, perhaps, is the mrst worthy 
 of examination, as I.^curgus went to work radically, and his laws 
 were such as to obtain that equality so much extolled. How fiir the 
 term republic was applicable to the Spartan form of government I will 
 not pretend to say, but when Lycurgus was called upon to reconstruct 
 its legislation, his first act was to make the necessary third power, and 
 iie appointed a senate. 
 But Lycurgus was wise enough to perceive that Ire must amend the 
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 morals of his countrymen, and that to preserve an equality of condition 
 he must take away all incentives to ambition, or to the accjuisition of 
 wealth. He first divided the lands into er,'jal jwrlions, conipellcd all 
 classes, from the kings downwards, to cat at the same table, brought 
 up nil the children in the same hardy manner, and obli|fed every citizen 
 after a certain age to carry arms. But more sacrifices were necessary; 
 Lycurgus well new, 
 Quid leges sine moribus vano? proficiunt. 
 Horace, Ode 24, lib. .3. 
 To guard against the contagion of corruption, he prohibited navi- 
 S^ntioTi and commerce ; lie permitted no inlercourse v:\th fore iirners; he 
 abolished the gold and silver coin as current money, that every strinulus 
 to any one individual to exalt himself above his neighbour should br; 
 removed. If ever there was a system calcul;ittd to produce eciuulily, 
 it was that planned by the wisdom of Lycuryus; but I doubt if the 
 Americans would like to follow in his footsteps. 
 What occasioned the breaking up and the downfal of this republic ? 
 An increase of power given to the democratic party, by the creation 
 out of their ranks of the magistrates, termed L]|>liora, which threw ati 
 undue weight and preponderance into the hands of the people. \iy this 
 breach in the constittition, faction and corruption were let in and 
 fomented. IMutareh, indeed, denies this, but both Polybius and Aris- 
 totle are of a ditierent opinion: the latter says, that the power of tlm 
 Ephori was so great as to amount to a perfect tyranny ; the kings 
 themselves were neeesssiated to court their favour by such methods us 
 greatly to hurl the constitution, which troni an aristocracy degenerated 
 into absolute denioeracy. Sulon was called in to re-model the consti- 
 tion of ihe Athenian repulilic. Ho had a more difficult task than 
 Lycurgus, and did not so well succeed. He left too much power in 
 the hands of the decnocracy, the decisions of the superior courts being 
 liable to appeal, and to be rescinded by the nriss of the people. Ana- 
 chasis, the Scythian philosopher, when he heard some points first 
 debated in the Senate, and afterwards debated in the Assembly of IIk; 
 people, very properly observed, that at Athens "Wise men debated, but 
 fools decided." Tiie whole history of the Athenian republic is, there- 
 fore, one of outrageous bribe ry and corruption among the higher class ; 
 tyranny, despotism, and injustice on the part of the lower, or majority. 
 The downfal of tiic Roman empire uiay equally be traced to the 
 undue weight obtained by tlie people by the appointment of the tribunes, 
 and so it vvdl be proved in almost every instance : the reason why the e.r- 
 oess of power is more destructive wlien in ihe hands of the people is, that 
 either they, by retaining the power in tlieir own hands, exercise a demo- 
 of condition 
 :(|uisitinn of 
 mipellud all 
 lie, brought 
 jvcry citizen 
 ! necessary ; 
 24, lib. 3. 
 jibiteil navi- 
 reiirners; lie 
 try str-aiulus 
 jr should be 
 lice njuiility, 
 doubt if the 
 lis republic ! 
 tiic creation 
 icli threw an 
 )pIo, Hy this 
 i lot in and 
 us and Aris- 
 )o\vcr of the 
 y ; the kings 
 methods us 
 L'l the consti- 
 It task than 
 :h power in 
 courts being 
 ?ople. Ana- 
 points firi-l 
 nd)ly of till! 
 debated, but 
 ilic is, there- 
 lighcr class, 
 or majority, 
 raced to the 
 the tribune?, 
 why the c.x- 
 (cople is, that 
 cisc a demo- 
 ralisiutT despotism, or if they have becomo siilKt'iont vorift!, they 
 sell tlR'in.^elve.s to be lyraiiniyed over in their turn. 
 I have made these reniarks, because I wish to corroborntc fnv 
 opinion, that '* power once gained hy the people is never to be 
 recovered, except by bribery and corruption, and that until then, 
 every grant is only the Ibrerunner of an extension ; and that ai- 
 thoujrh the undue balance of power of the higher classes occa- 
 sionally inay hv, that in the hands of the people is invariably at- 
 tended by tlie downfall of the institution. 
 At the same time, I do not intend to deny the right of the 
 people to claim an extension of their privileges, in proportion us 
 they rise by education to the right of governing themselves; 
 untbrtunately these privileges have been given, or taken, pre- 
 vious to their being qualified. A republic is certainly, in theory, 
 the most just form of government, but, up to the present day, 
 Jiistory has proved that no people have been prepared to receive 
 That there is something very imposing in the present rapid 
 advance of the United States, I grant, but this grandeur is not 
 ascribed by the Americans to its true source : it is the magnifi- 
 oentand extended country, not their government and institutions, 
 which has been the cause of their prosperity. The Americans 
 think otherwise, and, as I have before observed, they are happy 
 in their own delusions — they do not make a distinction between 
 what they have gained by their country, and what they have 
 gained by their institutions. Every thing is on a vast and ma<T- 
 nificent scale, which at first startles you ; but if you examine 
 ••-losely and reflect, you are convinced that there is at present 
 more sliow than substance, and that the Americans are actually 
 "xisting (and until they have sufficient labourers to sow and 
 reap, and gather up the riches of the land, must continue to 
 exist) upon the credit and capital of England. 
 The American republic was commenced very differently from 
 any other, and with what were real advantages, if she had not 
 been too ambitious and too precipitate in seizing upon them. A 
 republic has generally been considered the most primitive form 
 of rule ; it is, on the contrary, the very last pitch of refinement 
 in government, and the cause of its failure up to the present has 
 been, that no people have as yet been sufficiently enlightened 
 to govern themselves. Republics, generally speaking, have at 
 +heir commencement been confined to small portions of territory 
 having been formed by the extension of townships af\er the in- 
 habitants liad become wealthy and ambitious. In America, on 
 the contrary, the republic commenced with unbounded territory 
 — a vast field for ambition and enterprise, that has acted as a 
 rmfety-valve to carry off* the excess of disappointed ambition, 
 which, like steam, is continually generating under such a form 
 of government. And, certainly, if ever a people were in a situ- 
 ation, as far as education, knowledge, precepts and lessons for 
 VOL. II. 16 
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 guUhncf* and purity of mtinnera could onnblc tlicm ff* povprn 
 thernsclvos, thoae wuro rio wiiu lirst estubliBlied the Amencttn 
 Fitly years have passed away, and the present state of Ame- 
 rica I have already shown. From purity ot'mnnners, h , moral 
 co<le has sunk below that of mnst other nations. She has at- 
 tempted to jjovern herselt— she is dictated to by the worst of 
 Ivrunnics. She has planted tin? tree of liberty ; instead of its 
 nourishintT, she has neither freedom of speech nor of action. She 
 has railed ajjainst the vices of monun liical forms of government, 
 and every vice u^jainst which she has raised up her voice, is still 
 more prevalent under her own. She has cried out against cor- 
 ruption — she is still more corrupt: against bribery — ^lier people 
 are to be bought and sold : agaiuht tyraimy — she is in fetters. 
 She has proved to the world that, with every advantage on her 
 Bide, the attempt at a rejniblic has been a miserable failure, and 
 that the time is not yet come when mankind can govern them- 
 ijelves. Will it ever come? In my opinion, never! 
 Although the horizon may be clear at present, yet I consider 
 that the proj^pect of the United States is any thing but cheering. 
 It is true that tor a time the States may hold together, that they 
 may each year rapidly increase in prosperity and power, but 
 each year will also add to their demorilisation and to their 
 danger. It is impossible to say from what quarter of the com- 
 pass the clouds may first rise, or which of the several dangers 
 that threaten lllicm they will iiave first to meet and oppose by 
 their energies. At present, the people, or majority, have an un- 
 due power, which will yearly increase, and their despotism will 
 be more severe in proportion. If they sell their birthright (which 
 they will not do until the population is much increased, and the 
 higher classes are sufficiently wealthy to purchase, although 
 their freedom will be lost) they vrill have a better chance of 
 happiness and social order. But a protracted war would be the 
 most fatal to their institutions, as it would, in al! probability, 
 end in the dismemberment of the Union, and the wresting of 
 their power from the people by the bayonets of a dictator. 
 The removal of the power and population to the West, the 
 rapid increase of the coloured population, are other causes of 
 alarms and dread ; but, allowing that all these dangers are steer- 
 ed clear of, there is one (a more remote one indeed, but more 
 certain), from which it has no escape —that is, the period when, 
 from the increase of population, the division shall take place be- 
 tween the poor and the rich, which no law against entail will 
 ever prevent, and which must be fatal to a democracy. 
 Mr. Sanderson, in his "Sketches of Paris," observes — 
 " If we can retain our democracy when our back woodlands 
 are filled up; when New York and Philadelphia have become 
 a lx)ndon and Paris : when the land shall be covered with its 
 multitudes, struggling for a scanty living, or with passions ez- 
 m 1 
 citod by luxurious ImbitH am! appetitos. If wc can then main- 
 tttin our universal Hullini^o and our liberty, it will bn fair and 
 reasonublo oni)Ui,'h in uh to set ourselves up for the nnitation of 
 others. I^iherty, as tiir as we yet know her, is not lifted to the 
 condition of these populous and luxurious countries. Her house- 
 hold pods are of clay, and her dwellmjj where the icy gales of 
 Allecrlmny sinij lhrou<,'h the crevices ot her Init." 
 I have observed, in niy introduction to the first two volumes 
 of this worl(, that our virtues and our vices are nminly to be 
 traced to the form of j^overrunent, climate, and circumstances, 
 and I think I can show that the vices of the Americans are 
 chiefly to bo attributed to their present form of government. 
 Tlie example of the Executive is most injurious. It is insa- 
 tiable in its ambition, regardless of its faith, corrupt in the 
 highest degree ; never legislating for morality, but always for 
 expediency. This is the first cause of the low standard of 
 morals; the second is the want of an aristocracy, to set an exam- 
 ple and give the tone to society. These are followed by the 
 errors incident to the voluntary system of religion, and a demo- 
 cratical education. To these must be superadded the want of 
 n)oral couraoe, arising from the dread of public opinion, and the 
 natural tendency of a deniocratic form of government to excite 
 the spirit of gain, as the mainspring of action, and the summum 
 bonum of existence. 
 Dr. Channing observes — 
 " Our present civilization is characterized and tainted by a 
 devouring greediness of wealth ; and a cause which asserts 
 right against wealth, nnist stir up bitter opposition, especially 
 in cities where this divinity is most adored." 
 " The {)assion for gain is every where sapping pure and generous 
 feeling, and everywhere raises up bitter foes against any reform 
 which may threaten to turn aside a stream of wealth. I some- 
 times feel as if a groat social revolution were necessary to break 
 up our present mercenary civilisation, in order that Christianity, 
 now repelled by the almost universal worldliness, may come into 
 new contact with the soul, and may reconstruct society atler its 
 own pure and disinterested principles."* 
 All the above evils may be traced to the nature of their insti- 
 tutions ; and I hold it as an axiom, that the chief end of govern- 
 ment is the happiness, social order, and morality of the people ; 
 that no government, however perfect in theory, can be good 
 which in practice demoralises those who are subjected to it. 
 Never was there a nation which commenced with brighter pros- 
 pects ; the experiment has been made and it has failed ; this is 
 not their fault. They still retain all the qualities to constitute 
 a great nation, and a great nation, or assemblage of nations, they 
 will eventually become. At present, all is hidden in a futurity 
 * Cbanning'8 letter to Birney, 1837. 
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 much too deep for any human eye to penetrate ; they progress 
 fast in wealth and power, and as their weight increases, so will 
 their speed be accelerated, until their own rapid motion will 
 occasion them to split into fragments, each fragment sufficiently 
 large to compose a nation of itself. What may be the eventual 
 result of this convulsion, what may be the destruction, the loss 
 of life, the chaotic scenes of strife and contention, before the 
 portions may again be restored to order under new institutions, 
 it is as impossible to foresee as it is to decide upon the period at 
 which it may take place ; but one thing is certain, that come it 
 will, and that every hour of increase of greatness and prosperity 
 only adds to the more rapid approach of the danger, and to the 
 important lesson which the world will receive. 
 I have not written this book for the Americans ; they have 
 hardly entered my thoughts during the whole time that I have 
 been employed upon it, and I am perfectly indifferent either to 
 their censure or their praise. I went over to America well-in- 
 clined towards the people, and anxious to ascertain the truth 
 among so many conflicting opinions. I did expect to find them a 
 people mo-re virtuous and moral than our own, but I confess on 
 other points I had formed no opinions ; the results of my obser- 
 vations I have now laid before the English public, for whom only 
 they have been written down. Within these last few years, 
 that is, since the passing of the Reform Bill, we have made 
 rapid strides towards democracy, and the cry of the multitude iy 
 still for more power, which our present rulers appear but too 
 willing to give them. I consider that the people of England 
 have already as much power as is consistent with their happi- 
 ness and with true liberty, and that any increase of privilege 
 would be detrimental to both. My object in writing these pages 
 is, to point out the effects of a democracy upon the morals, the 
 happiness, and the due apportionment of liberty to all classes ; to 
 show that if, in the balance of rights and privileges, the scale 
 should turn on one side or the other, as it invariably must in this 
 world, how much safer it is, how much more equitable I may 
 add, it is that it should preponderate in favour of the intelligent 
 and enlightened portion of the nation. I wish that the contents 
 of these pages may render those who are led away by generous 
 feelings, and abstract ideas of right, to pause before they con- 
 sent to grant to those below them what may appear to be a boon, 
 but will in reality prove a source of misery and danger to all 
 parties — that they may confirm the opinions of those who are 
 wavering, and support those who have true ideas as to the na- 
 ture of government. If I have succeeded in the most trifling 
 degree in effecting these ends, which I consider vitally import- 
 ant to the welfare of this country — if I have any way assisted 
 the cause of Conservatism — I am content, ard shall consider 
 that my time and labour have not been thrown away. 
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 We, the people of the Unitefl States, in order to form a more 
 perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, pro- 
 vide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and 
 secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our pofrterity, do 
 ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of 
 Article 1. — Section 1. 
 1. All legislative powers herein granted, shall be vested in a 
 Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate 
 and a House of Representatives. 
 Section 2. 
 1. The House of Representatives shall be composed of mem- 
 bers chosen every second year by the people of the several 
 States; and the electors in each State shall have the qualifica- 
 tions requi.site for electors of the most numerous branch of the 
 State legislature. 
 2. No person shall be a representative who shall not have at- 
 tained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven yeairs a 
 citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, 
 be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. 
 3. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned 
 among the several States which may be included within this 
 Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be 
 determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, in- 
 cluding those bound to service for a term of years, and excludinff 
 Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The actual 
 enumeration shall be made within three years after the first 
 meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every 
 subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by 
 law direct. The number of representatives shall not exceed 
 one for every thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least 
 one representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, 
 the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three ; 
 Massachusetts eight; Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 
 one ; Connecticut five ; New York six ; New Jersey four ; Penn- 
 sylvania eight ; Delaware one ; Maryland six ; Virginia ten ; 
 North Carolina five ; South Carolina five ; and Georgia three. 
 4. When vacancies happen in the representation of any State, 
 the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to 
 fill up such vacancies. 
 5. The House of Representatives shall choose their speaker 
 and other oflicers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment 
 Section 3. 
 1. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two 
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 Henators from eacli State, chosen by the legislature thereof, for 
 six years ; and each senator shall have one vote. 
 2. Immediately after thoy shall be first assembled, in conse- 
 qiionco of the first election, they shall be divided, as equally as 
 may be, into three clanses. The scats of the senators of the first 
 class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year ; of 
 the second class, at the expiration of the fourth year; and of the 
 third class, at the expiration of the sixth year ; so that one-third 
 may be chosen every second year ; and if vacancies happen, by 
 resifjnation or otherwise, durini^ the recess of the legisJJature of 
 any State, the executive thereof may make temporary appoint- 
 ment until the next meeting of the legislature, which shall then 
 fill such vacancies. 
 3. No person shall be a senator who shall not have attained 
 to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the 
 United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant 
 of that State for which he shall be chosen. 
 4. The Vice-President of the United States shall be President 
 of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally di- 
 5. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a 
 president, pro tempore, in the absence of the vice-president, or 
 when he shall exercise the office of President of the United 
 6. The senate shall have the sole power to try all impeach- 
 ments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or 
 affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, 
 the chief justice shall preside ; and no person shall be convicted 
 without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. 
 7. Judgment in case of impeachment, shall not extend further 
 than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and en- 
 joy any office of honour, trust, or profit, under the United States ; 
 but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject 
 to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to 
 Section 4. 
 1. The times, places, and manners of holding elections for 
 senators and representatives, shall be prescribed in each State 
 by the legislature thereof, but the Congress may, at any time, by 
 law, make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of 
 choosing senators. ' 
 2. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, 
 and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, un- 
 less they shall by law appoint a different day. 
 Section 5. 
 1. Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns, 
 and qualifications of its own members ; and a majority of each 
 r, un- 
 shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number 
 may adjourn from day to day, and may bo authoritcd to compel 
 the attendance of absent member^^ in such manner and under 
 such penalties as each House may provide. 
 2. Each House may determine the rules of its proceedinrrg, 
 punish its members for disorderly behaviour, and, with the con- 
 currence of two-thirds, expel a member. 
 3. Each House shall keep a journal of its prQceedint^s, and 
 from time to time publish the same, exceptinjr such parts as 
 may in their judgment require secrecy; and the yeas and nays 
 of the members of either House, on any question, shall, at the 
 desire of ona-tifth of those present, be entered on the journal. 
 4. Neither House, during the session of Congress, shall, with- 
 out the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, 
 nor to any other place than that in which the two Houses shall 
 be sitting. 
 Section 6. 
 1. The senators and representatives shall receive a compen- 
 sation for their services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out 
 of the treasury of the United States. They shall, in all cases, 
 except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged 
 from arrest during their attendance at the session of their re- 
 spective houses, and in going to or returning from the same ; 
 and for any speech or debate in either House, they shall not be 
 questioned in any other place. 
 2. No senator or representative shall, during the time for 
 which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the 
 authority of the United States which shall have been created, 
 or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased, during 
 such time ; and no person holding any office under the United 
 States shall be a member of either House during his continu- 
 ance in office. 
 Section 7. 
 1. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House 
 of Representatives ; but the Senate may proje-ose or concur with 
 amendments, as on other bills. 
 2. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Repre- 
 sentatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a law, be pre- 
 sented to the President of the United States ; if he approve, 
 he shall sign it; but if not, he shall return it, with his objec- 
 tions, to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall 
 enter the objection at large on their journal, and proceed to re- 
 consider it. If, after such re-consideration, two-thirds of that 
 House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with 
 the objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise 
 be re-considered, and if approved by two-thirds of that House, 
 it shall become a law. But in all such cases, the votes of both 
 Houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of 
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 the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on 
 the journal of each House respectively. If any bill shall not be 
 returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) 
 after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a 
 law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress, 
 by their adjournment, prevent its return, in which cases it shall 
 not be a law. 
 3. Every order, resolution, or vote, to which the concurrence 
 of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary, 
 (except on a (jueslion of adjournment,) shall be presented to the 
 President of ihe United States ; and before the same shall take 
 effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, 
 shall be repassed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Re- 
 presentatives, according to the rules and limitations prescribed 
 in the case of a bill. 
 Section 8. 
 The Congress shall have power — 
 1. To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises; to 
 pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general 
 welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts, and ex- 
 cises, shall be uniform throughout the United States. 
 2. To borrow money on the credit of the United States. 
 3. To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the 
 several States, and with the Indian tribes. 
 4. To establish a uniform rule of naturalisation, and uni- 
 form laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United 
 5. To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign 
 coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures. 
 6. To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the secu- 
 rities and current coin of the United States. 
 7. To establish post-offices and post-roads. 
 8. To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by se- 
 curing, for limited times, to authors and inventors, the exclusive 
 right to their respective writings and discoveries. 
 9. To constitute tribunals inferior to the supreme court: to 
 define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high 
 seas, and offences against the law of nations. 
 10. To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and 
 make rules concerning captures on land and water. 
 11. To raise and support armies; but no appropriation of 
 money to that Use shall be for a longer term than two years. 
 12. To provide and maintain a navy. 
 13. To make rules for the government and regulation of the 
 land and naval forces. 
 14. To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws 
 of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions. 
 15. To provide for organising, arming, and disciplining the 
 rnilitia, and for governing- such part of tliem aa may be em- 
 ployed in the service of the United States, reserving to the 
 Suites respectively the appointment of the officers, and the 
 authority of training the militia according to the discipline pre- 
 scribed by Congress. 
 16. To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever 
 over such district (not exceeding ten miles square,) as may, by 
 cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, be- 
 come the seat of government of the United States, and to exer- 
 cise like authority over all places purchased, by the consent of 
 the legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the 
 erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards, and other 
 needful buildings ; and, 
 17. To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for 
 carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other 
 powers vested by this constitution in the Government of the 
 United States, or in any department or officer thereof. 
 Section 9. 
 1. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the 
 States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be pro- 
 hibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hun- 
 dred and eight; but a tax or duty may be imposed on such im- 
 portation not exceeding ten dollars for each person. 
 2. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be 
 suspended, unless when, in cases of rebellion or invasion, the 
 public safety may require it. 
 3. No bill of attainder, or ex post facto law, shall be passed. 
 4. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in 
 proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to 
 be taken. 
 5. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any 
 State. No preference shall be given to any regulation of com- 
 merce or revenue to the ports of one State over those of another : 
 nor shall vessels bound to or from one State, be obliged to enter, 
 clear, or pay duties in another. 
 6. No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in con- 
 sequence of appropriations made by law ; and a regular state- 
 ment and account of the receipts and expenditure of all public 
 money shall be published from time to time. 
 7. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States, 
 and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, 
 shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, 
 emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever, tirom any king, 
 prince, or foreign state. 
 Section 10. 
 1. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confedera- 
 tion grant letters of marque or reprisal ; coin money ; emit 
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 bills of credit; make any thing but jroltl and silver coin a tender 
 in ptiyment of debts; ^pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto 
 law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts ; or grant any 
 title of nobility. 
 2. No State shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay 
 any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may b* 
 absolutely necessary for executing its inspecting laws ; and the 
 neat produce of all duties and imposts laid by any state on im- 
 ports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the 
 United States, and all such laws shall be subject to the revision 
 and control of ihe Congress. No state shall, without the con- 
 sent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops or ships 
 of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact 
 with another Stale, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, 
 unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not 
 admit of delay. 
 Article 2. — Section 1. 
 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the 
 United States of America. He shall hold his office during the 
 term of four years, and together with the Vice-President, cho- 
 sen for the same term, be elected as follows : 
 2. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the legisla- 
 ture thereof may direct, a number of electors equal to the whole 
 number of senators and representatives to which the State may 
 be entitled in the Congress; but no senator or representative, or 
 person holding any office of trust or profit under the United 
 States, shall be appointed an elector. 
 3. The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote 
 by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an 
 inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall 
 make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of 
 votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and trans- 
 mit sealed to the seat of the Government of the United States, 
 directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the 
 Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Re- 
 presentatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then 
 be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes 
 shall be President, if such number be a majority of the whole 
 number of electors appointed ; and if there be more than one 
 who have such a majority, and have an equal number of 
 votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately 
 choose, by ballot, one of them for President ; and if no person 
 have a majority, then, from the five highest on the list, the said 
 House shall, in like manner, choose the President. But, in 
 choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the 
 representation from each State having one vote ; a quorum for 
 this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two- 
 thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be 
 necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the 
 President, the person having the greatest nuinher of votes of the 
 electors, shall be the Vice-Presiilent. But if tl«.ere should re- 
 main two or more who have equal votes', the Senate shall 
 choose from them, by ballot, the Vice-President. 
 4. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the 
 electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes ; 
 which day shall be the same throughout the United States. 
 5. No person, except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of 
 the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitu- 
 tion, shall be eligible to the office of President: neither shall 
 any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained 
 to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident 
 within the United Stales. 
 6. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of 
 his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and 
 duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice- 
 President, and the Congress may, by law, provide for the case 
 of removal, death, resignation, or inability, both of the President 
 and Vice-President, declaring what officer shall then act as 
 President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disa- 
 bility be removed, or a President shall be elected. 
 7. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his ser- 
 vices a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor di- 
 minished during the period for which he shall have been elected, 
 and he shall not receive with'n that period any other emolument 
 from th^e United Slates, or any of them. 
 8. Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall 
 take the following oath or affirmation : — 
 9. •' 1 do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully exe- 
 cute the office of President of the United States, and will to the 
 best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution 
 of the United States." 
 Section 2. 
 1. The President shall be coi^ i-inder-in-chief of the army 
 and navy of the United States, an«' iS the militia of the several 
 States, when called into the actual service of the United States; 
 he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer 
 in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating 
 to the duties of their respective offices; and he shall have power 
 to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United 
 States, except in cases of impeachment. 
 2. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent 
 of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the sena- 
 tors present concur: and he shall nominate, and by and with the 
 advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, 
 other public ministers and consuls, judges of the supreme court, 
 and all other officors of the United States, whose appointments 
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 are not heroin otherwise provided for, and which shall he es- 
 tahlished by law. But the Congresti may, by law, vest the ap- 
 pointment of such inferior officers as they think proper, in the 
 President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of de- 
 3. The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies 
 that may happen during tlie recess of the Senate, by granting^ 
 commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. 
 Section 3. 
 1. He shall, from time to time, give to the Congress informa- 
 tion of the state of the Union, and recommend to their considera- 
 tion such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; 
 he may on extraordinary occasions convene both Houses, or 
 either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with 
 respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such 
 time as he shall think proper; he sliall receive amba^-sadors and 
 other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faith- 
 fully executed ; and shall commission all the officers of the 
 United States. 
 Section 4. 
 1. The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the 
 United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, 
 and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other crimes and mis- 
 Article 3. — Section 1. 
 1. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in 
 one supreme court, and in such inferior courts, as the Congress 
 may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both 
 of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during 
 good behaviour; and shall at stated times receive for their ser- 
 vices a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their 
 continuance in office. 
 Section 2. 
 1. The judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and 
 equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United 
 States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their 
 authority ; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public mi- 
 nisters and consuls; to all cases of admiralty and maritime juris- 
 diction ; to controversies to which the United States shall be a 
 party; to controversies between two or more States; between a 
 State and citizens of another State; between citizens of different 
 States ; between citizens of the same State claiming lands under 
 grants of different States; and between a State or the citizens 
 thereof, and foreign States, citizens or subjects. 
 2. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers 
 and consuls, and those in which a State shall be a party, the 
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 »»iprcnic court shall have original jurisdiction. In all tho other 
 cnsos before mentioned, the hupreinc conrt whall have iippelliite 
 jiirisdictioi., both na to law and fact, with such <\xceptions, and 
 under such regulations, an the Confrrcss shall niako. 
 3. Tho trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, 
 shall be by jury, and such trial bhall be held in the State where 
 the said crimes shall have been coirunitted ; but wIumi not com- 
 mitted within any State, tho trial shall be at such places as the 
 Connrress may by law have directed. 
 Section 3. 
 1. Treason ajOfainst the United States shall consist only in 
 levying" war against them, or in adhering to their enemieo, 
 giving theui aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of 
 treason, unless on tho testimony of two witnesses to the same 
 overt act, or on confession in open court. 
 2. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishmenl 
 of treason ; but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of 
 blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. 
 Article 4. — Section 1. 
 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each State to the 
 public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other 
 State. And the Congress may, by general laws, prescribe the 
 manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings, shall be 
 proved, and the effect thereof. 
 Section 2. 
 1. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privileges 
 and immunities of citizens in the several States. 
 2. A person charged in any State with treason, felony, or 
 other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another 
 State, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the State 
 from which he has fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the 
 Stale having jurisdiction of the crime. 
 3. No person held to service or labour in one State under the 
 laws thereof, escaping to another, shall, in consequence of 
 any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service 
 or labour; but shall be delivered upon the claim of the party to 
 whom such service or labour may be due. 
 Section 3. 
 1. New States may be admitted by the Congress into this 
 union but no new State shall be formed or erected within the 
 jurisdiction of any other State, nor any State be formed by the 
 junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the 
 consent of the legislatures of the States concerned, as well as of 
 the Congress. 
 2. The Congress shall have power to dispose of, and make all 
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 needful rules and regulations rcsnortinjnr, the territory or other 
 property belonginj? to the United Stiites; and nothin|( in this 
 Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of 
 the United States, or of any particular State. 
 Section 4. 
 1. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this 
 Union a republican tbrm of Govertunent, and shall protect each 
 of them aguiubt invasion; and, on application of the legislature, 
 or of the executive, (when the legislature cannot be convened) 
 against domestic violence. 
 Article 5. 
 1. The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall 
 deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitu- 
 tion; or, on the application of the legislatures of two-thirds of 
 the several States, shall call a convention for proposing amend- 
 ments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and 
 purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legis- 
 latures of three-fourths of the several States, or by conventions 
 of three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratifica- 
 tion may be proposed by the Congress; provided, that no amend- 
 ment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight 
 hundred and eight, shall in any manner affect the first and fourth 
 clauses in the ninth section of the first article: that and no 
 State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage 
 in the Senate. 
 Article 6. 
 1. All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before 
 the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the 
 United States under this Constitution, as under the Confedera- 
 2. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which 
 shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or 
 which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, 
 shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the judges in every 
 State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or 
 laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. 
 3. The senators and representatives before mentioned, and 
 the members of the several State legislatures, and all executive 
 and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the seve- 
 ral States, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this 
 Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a 
 qualification to any office or public trust under the United 
 Article 7. 
 1. The ratifications of the conventions of nine States shall be 
 Hiifficinnt for the rstnblislimont of this Constitution between the 
 ytutca 80 ratifyiiijr the same. 
 Done in Convention, by the unnniniouH consent of the States 
 present, the Hcventccnth day of September, in the year of our 
 Ijonl one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of 
 the Indopendencc of the United States of America, the 
 twelfth. In witncas whereof we have liereunto subscribed 
 our names. 
 President and Deputy from Virginia. 
 John Lanjrdon, 
 Nifiholas Gilman. 
 Nathaniel Gorman, 
 Rufu.s King. 
 William Samuel Johnson, 
 Roger Sherman. 
 Alexander Hamilton. 
 William Livingston, 
 David Nearly, 
 William Paterson, 
 Jonathan Dayton. 
 Benjamin Franklin, 
 Thomas Mifflin, 
 Robert Morris, 
 George Clymer, 
 Thomas Fitzsimons, 
 Jared IngersoU, 
 James Wilson, 
 Governeur Morris. 
 Gcorjje Read, 
 Gunning Bedford, jun. 
 John Dickenson, 
 Richard Btissett, 
 Jacob Broom. 
 James M'Henry, 
 Daniel of St. Tho. Jenifer, 
 Daniel Carrol. 
 John Blair, 
 James Madison, jun. 
 William Blount, 
 Richard Dobbs Spaight, 
 Hugh Williamson. 
 John Rutledge, 
 Chas. Cotesworth Pinckney, 
 Charles Pinckney, 
 Pierce Butler. 
 William Few, 
 Abrahnm Baldwin. 
 Art. 1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establish- 
 ment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or 
 abridging the freedom of speech or of the press ; or of the right 
 of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Govern- 
 ment for a redress of grievances. 
 Art. 2. A well regulated militia being necessary to the secu- 
 rity of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear 
 arms shall not be infringed. 
 Art. 3. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any 
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 house without the consent of the owner; nor in time of warr 
 but in a manner prescribed by law. 
 Art. 4. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, 
 houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and 
 seizures, shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue but 
 upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and par- 
 ticularly describing the place to be se-irched, and the persons or 
 things to be seized 
 Art. 5. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or 
 otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indict- 
 ment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or 
 naval forces, or in the militia, v.'hen in actual scv'ce, in time 
 of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the 
 same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life and limb ; nor 
 shall be compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against 
 himself; nor be deprived of life, liberty or property, without due 
 process of law ; nor shall private property be taken for public 
 use, xvithout just compensation. 
 Art. 6. In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy 
 the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the 
 State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, 
 which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, 
 and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; 
 to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have com- 
 pulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favour, "and to 
 have the assistance of counsel for his defence. 
 Art. 7. In suits at common law, where the value in contro- 
 versy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall 
 be preserved ; and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re- 
 examined in any court of the United States, than according to 
 the rules of common law. 
 Art. 8. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive 
 fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. 
 Art, 9. The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights 
 shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by 
 the people. 
 Art. 10. The powers not delegated to the United States by 
 the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved 
 to the States respectively, or to the people. 
 Art. 11. The judicial power of the United States shall not be 
 construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or 
 prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of ano- 
 ther State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign State. 
 Art. 12. 1. The electors shall meet in their respective States, 
 and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of 
 whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with 
 themselves ; they irhall name in their ballots the person voted for 
 as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice- 
 President; and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted 
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 B States, 
 ;, one of 
 ate with 
 voted for 
 as Vice- 
 ms voted 
 for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, 
 and of the np nber of votes for each, which lists they shall sign 
 and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the Government 
 of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate ; 
 the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate 
 and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the 
 votes shall then be counted ; the person having the greatest 
 number of votes for President shall be President, if such of the 
 number be n majority of the whole number of electors appointed : 
 and if no person have such a majority, then from ihe persons 
 having the highest numbers, not exceeding three, on the list of 
 those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall 
 choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But, in choosing 
 the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the represen- 
 tation from each State having one vote; a quorum for this pur- 
 pose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of 
 the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to 
 a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose 
 a President whenever the light of choice shall devolve upon 
 them, before the fourth day of March next following, the Vice- 
 President shall act as President, as in the case of the death, or 
 constitutional disability of the President. 
 2. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice- 
 President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a ma- 
 jority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no per- 
 son have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the 
 list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President : a quorum for 
 the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of 
 senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary 
 to a choice. 
 3. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of 
 President, shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the 
 United States. 
 11 f 
 • V I:' 
 ;• ! 
 ! ;■ ^ ;ii 
 m- >.: 
 Of what advantage are the Canadas to England 1 
 This question has been put to me, at least one hundred times 
 since my return from America. It is argued that the Canadas 
 produce and export nothing except timber, and that the protect- 
 ing duty given to Canada timber is not only very severely felt 
 by the mother-country, but very injurious to her foreign relations. 
 These observations are undeniable ; and I admit that, as a mere 
 colony compelled to add to the wealth of England, (sending to her 
 all her produce, and receiving from her all her supplies), Canada 
 has been worth less than nothing. But, admitting this for the 
 present, we will now examine whether there are no other 
 grounds for the retention of the Canadas under our control. 
 Colonies are of value to the mother-country in two ways. 
 The first is already mentioned, and in that way, the present ad- 
 vantage of the Canadas as colonies is abandoned. The other 
 great importance of colonies is, that they may be considered as 
 outports, as stepping-stones, as it were, over the whole world ; 
 and for the present I shall examine into the value of these pos- 
 sessions merely in this point of view. We have many islands 
 or colonies under our subjection which are in themselvcK not 
 only valueless, but, moreover, extremely expensive to us; and if 
 every colony or island is to be valued merely according to the 
 produce derived from it by the mother-country, we must abandon 
 Heliogoland, Ascension, St. Helena, Malta, and even Gibraltar 
 itself. All these, and some others, are, in point of commerce, 
 valueless; yet they add much to the security of the country and 
 to our dominion of the seas. This will be admitted, and we 
 must therefore now examine how far the Canadas may be con- 
 sidered as valuable under this second point of view. 
 I have already shown that the ambition for territory is one of 
 the diseases, if 1 may use the term, of the American people. On 
 that point they are insatiable, and that they covet the Canadas is 
 undeniable. Let us inquire into the reasons why the Americans 
 are so anxious to possess the Canadas. 
 There are many. In the first place, they do not like to have 
 a people subjected to a monarchical form of government as their 
 neighbours: they do not like that security of person and pro- 
 perty, and a just administration ot the law, should be found in a 
 thinly-peopled province, while they cannot obtain those advan- 
 )t ai i 
 di ■ 
 m J 
 !; ,,4 
 9h 1 n 
 ^ !| 
.' r" 
 tages under their own institutions. It is a reproach to them. They 
 continually taunt the Canadians that they are tiie only portion 
 of the New World who have not thrown off the yoke — the only 
 portion who are not yet free ; and this taunt has not been with- 
 out its effect upon the unthinking portion of the community. 
 What is the cause of this unusual sympathy 1 The question is 
 already answered. 
 Another important reason which the Americans have for the 
 possession of the Canadas is, that they are the means of easy 
 retaliation on the part of England in case of aggression. They 
 render them weak and assailable in case of war. Had they pos- 
 session of the Canadas, and our other provinces, the United 
 States would be almost invulnerable. As it is, they become de- 
 fenceless to the north, and are moreover exposed to the attack 
 of all the tribes of Indians concentrated on the western frontier. 
 Indeed, they never will consider their territory as complete " in 
 a ring fence," as long as we have possession of the mouths of 
 the St. Lawrence. They wish to be able to boast of an inland 
 navigation from nearly the Equator to the Pole — from the en- 
 trance of the Mississippi to the exit of the St. Lawrence. Our 
 possession of the Canadas is a check to their pride and ambition, 
 which are both as boundless as the territory which they covet. 
 But there are other reasons equally important. It is their 
 anxiety to become a manufacturing as well as a producing na- 
 tion. Their object is, that the north should manufacture what 
 the south produces; and that, instead of commercial relations 
 with England, as at presen-t, that American cotton manufactures 
 should be borne in American bottoms over all the world. This 
 they consider is the great ultimatum to be arrived at, and they 
 look forward to it as the source of immense wealth and in- 
 creased security to the Union, and of their wresting from Eng- 
 land the sceptre and dominion of the seas. 
 It may be said that the United States, if they want to become 
 a manufacturing nation, have now the power; but such is not 
 the case. Until they can completely shut out English manufac- 
 tures, they have not. The price of labour is too dear. Should 
 they increase the tariff, or duty, upon English goods, the Cana- 
 das and our other provinces will render their efforts useless, as 
 we have a line of coast of upwards of 2,000 miles, by which we 
 can introduce English goods to any amount by smuggling, and 
 which it is impossible for the Americans to guard against; and 
 as the West fills up, this importation of English goods would 
 every year increase. As long, therefore, as we hold the Canadas, 
 the Americans must be content to be a very inferior manufac- 
 turing nation to ourselves; and it may be added that now or 
 never is the time for the Americans to possess themselves of 
 the Canadas. They perceive this; for when once the Western 
 Slates gain the preponderance in wealth and power, which they 
 will in a few years, the cause of the Eastern, or manufacturing 
 fci' '■ 
i I 
 'I I 
 t i 
 States will be lost. The Western States will not quarrel with 
 England on account of the Eastern, but will import our goods 
 direct in exchange for their produce. They themselves cannot 
 manufacture and they will go to market where they^can pur- 
 chase cheapest. 
 But do the views of the Americans extend no further 1 Would 
 they be satisfied if they obtained the Canadas 1 Most assuredly 
 not. They are too vast in their ideas — too ambitious in their 
 views. If Canada fell, Nova Scotia would full, and they would 
 obtain what they most covet — the harbour of Halifax. New 
 Brunswick would fall, and they would have then driven us out 
 of our Continental possessions. Would they stop then 1 No: 
 they never would stop until they had driven the English to the 
 other side of the Atlantic. Newfoundland and its fisheries 
 would be their next prey ; for it, as well as our other possessions, 
 would then be defenceless. They would not leave us the West 
 Indies, although useless to them. Such is their object and their 
 earnest desire — an increase of territory and power for themselves, 
 and the humiliation of England. The very eagerness with 
 which the Americans bring up this question on purpose that they 
 may disavow their wishes, is one of the strongest proofs of their 
 anxiety to blind us on the subject; but they will never lose sight 
 of it; and if they thought they had any chance of success, there 
 is no expense which they would not cheerfi'lly incur, no war 
 into which they would not enter. Let not the English be de- 
 ceived by their asseverations. What I have now asserted is 
 the fact. The same spirit which has actuated them in dispos- 
 sessing the Indians of territories which they cannot themselves 
 populate, which prompted the " high handed theft" of the Texas 
 from JMexico, will induce them to adopt any pretext, as soon as 
 they think they have a chance, to seize upon the Canadas and 
 our other transatlantic possessions. 
 If what I have stated be correct, and I am convinced of its 
 truth myself, it will be evident that the Canadas, independent of 
 every other consideration, become a most important outpost 
 which we must defend and hold possession of. Let it be remem- 
 bered that every loss to us, is an increase to the power of Ame- 
 rica — an increase of her security and to her maritime strength ; 
 that whatever her assertions may be, she is deadly hostile to us, 
 from the very circumstance that she considers that we prevent 
 her aggrandizement and prosperity. America can only rise to 
 the zenith which she would attain, by the fall of England, and 
 every disaster to this country is to her a source of exultation. 
 That there are many Americans of a contrary opinion I grant; 
 that the city of New York would prefer the present amicable 
 relations is certain; but I have here expressed the feelings of the 
 majority, and it must be remembered that in America it is the 
 majority who decide all questions. 
 To prove that I am not too severe upon the Americans in the 
 above remarks, let me refer to their own printed documents. 
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 The reader must be informed that the Canadian rebels, with 
 tiieir American auxiliaries, made incursions into our territory 
 near the boundary line, burnt the houses, took away the cattle, 
 and left destitute those parties who were considered as loyal 
 and well aflected, or, in fact, those who refused to arm and join 
 the rebels. When pursued by the militia, or other forces, the 
 rebel parties hastened over the boundary-line, where they were 
 secure under the American protection. This system of protec- 
 tion naturally irritated the loyal Canadians, who threatened to 
 cross the boundary and attack the Americans in return. It was, 
 however, only a threat, never being put into execution : but upon 
 the strength of this threat, application was made to the Gover- 
 nor in the State of Vermont, requesting that the arms in the 
 American arsenals might be supplied to the citizens for their 
 protection. The Governor very properly refused, and issued a 
 proclamation warning the citizens of Vermont not to interfere. 
 Tiiis offended the majority, who forthwith called a meeting at 
 St. Albans, the results of which were ordered to be priwted and 
 circulated. I have a copy of these reports and resolutions, from 
 which I shall now give some extracts. Let it be observed that 
 these are not the resolutions of a few lawless and undisciplined 
 people, bordering on the lakes, as the sympathisers are stated to 
 have been. The title of Honourable denotes that the parties are 
 either Members of the State or Federal Governments ; and, 
 indeed, the parties whose names appear on the committee, are 
 all of the first respectability in the State. 
 '* Meeting of the Freemen at St. Albans. 
 " Agreeable to a notice circulated throughout the county, 
 about forty-eight hours previous to the meeting, two thousand of 
 the freemen from the different towns in the county assembled to 
 take into consideration a recent proclamation of the Governor, 
 and an extraordinary letter accompanying the same, and also to 
 express their sentiments on Canadian affairs, especially such as 
 have recently transpired in the neighbourhood of latitude forty- 
 five degrees. 
 " Jeptha Bradley, Esq., of St. Albans, was called to the chair, 
 and, agreeable to a resolve of the meeting, appointed the Hon. 
 S. S. Brown, Hon. Timothy Foster, and G. W. Kendall, Esq., 
 a committee to nominate officers. 
 "The following gentlemen were nominated and appointed: — 
 Hon. Austin Fuller, of Enosburgh, President. 
 Vice Presidents. 
 Col. S. B. Hazeltine, Bakersfield ; Hon. Horace Eaton, Enos- 
 burgh ; Doctor I. S. Webster, Berkshire ; William Green, Esq., 
 Sheldon; Martin Wires, Esq., Cambridge; Hon. Timothy Fos- 
 ter, Swanton. 
 J. J. Beardsley, Sheldon ; Zoroaster Fisk, Swanton. 
 1 . , 
 fr -t •»■ 
 " The following gentlemen were appointed a committee to pre- 
 pare a report and resolutions for the meeting : — 
 " Henry Adams, Esq., St. Albans ; N. L. Whittemore, Esq., 
 Swanton ; R. A. Shattuck, Esq., Sheldon ; Bradley Barlow, 
 Esq., Fairfield; I. B. Bowdish, Esq., Swanton. 
 " The letter of certain citizens of Burlington, and the procla- 
 mation of his Excellency, Silas H. Jennison, were then read by 
 the Secretary, J. J. Beardsley, Esq. After the reading of the 
 letter and the proclamation the meeting was addressed by se- 
 veral gentlemen, in an eloquent and impressive manner, and 
 their remarks severally called forth great applause. 
 " The committee, on resolutions by Henry Adams, Esq., chair- 
 man, then presented the following report and resolutions, which 
 were unanimously adopted^ 
 After having in the report stated that threats have been made, 
 they then attack the legality of the Governor's proclamation and 
 conduct, as follows : — 
 " The committee have no evidence to show that the execution 
 of the threats above mentioned, or that any invasion of the 
 rights of American citizens, would knowingly be permitted by 
 the existing government in Canada, or approved of by a majority 
 of the citizens in the Canadian townships ; but when they bear 
 in mind, that civil law is suspended in Canada, and in its place 
 arc substituted the summary proceedings of military courts and 
 the capricious wills of petty military officers; when they con- 
 sider the excited and embittered feelings which prevail along the 
 frontier, and which some have studied to inflame, and also the 
 character of a portion of the population which borders upon our 
 territory, they deem it not improbable that acts of violence might 
 be attempted, and even that a gang of marauders might be ga- 
 thered together, and led to make some petty invasion into our 
 territory, disturbing the public peace, and committing acts of 
 outrage. If this be deemed improbable, still a state of suspense 
 and doubt is not to be endured. Every family on the frontier 
 should live in a state of undisturbed repose. The ability not 
 only to resist aggression, but to redress injuries with summary 
 justice, furnishes a certain, if not the only guarantee of perfect 
 " With these views at recent meetings of the people, a com- 
 mittee was appointed to wait upon the Governor and request the 
 use of a part of the arms in the State arsenal. This request 
 has been denied ; and the reason assigned by his Excellency is, 
 that he has doubts whether by law he can loan out the arms of 
 the State to be used by the people of the State for their own 
 defence. Without commenting on the technicalities which so 
 much embarrass his Excellency, or inquiring into the wisdom of 
 that construction of the law which infers, that because the State 
 arms are to be kept Jit for use, therefore they are not to be used^ 
 the committee would beg leave respectfully to suggest to the 
 e to pre- 
 e, Esq., 
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 read by 
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 3t to the 
 people that, inasmuch as they are to receive no aid from the 
 State, it is their duty at once to arm themselves, and to rely 
 upon themselves. 
 " While the governor has thus declined furnishing any aid 
 for the security of the frontier, he has issued a proclamation en- 
 joining upon the citizens of this State the observance of a strict 
 neutrality between the hostile parties in Canada. The propri- 
 ety of our Governor's issuing a proclamation on an occasion like 
 the present, merely advisory, may well be questioned. It nei- 
 ther creates any new obligations, nor adds force to those already 
 resting on our citizens. When it is considered that our rela- 
 tions with foreign powers are solely confided to the general go- 
 vernment, and that if the people of this State should boldly 
 break the obligations of nentrality, the governor of the State 
 has no power to restrain or to punish, it must be admitted, that 
 a proclamation of neutrality issuing from our State executive 
 seems to be over-stepping the proprieties of the office, and 
 should be exercised, if at all, only in case of a general and 
 glaring violation of the laws of nations; and even then it may 
 reasonably be questioned whether the ordinary process of law 
 would not be sufficient, and whether gratuitous advice to the 
 people on the one hand, and gratuitous interference with the 
 exclusive functions of the general government on the other, 
 would become pertinent by being stamped with the official Seal 
 of State, We are not aware of any express authority in our 
 constitution or laws for the exercise of this novel mode of ad- 
 dressing the people ; and it can only be justified on the ground, 
 that the chief magistrate has something of fact or doctrine of 
 importance to communicate, of which the people are supposed 
 to be ignorant. In neither point of view is there any thing strik- 
 ing in this otherwise extraordinary document. 
 " No facts are set forth before unknown to the public, except 
 that a representation has been made to his Excellency that 
 ' hostile forces had been organised within this Slate,'' of which 
 organisation our citizens are profoundly ignorant. 
 " To the doctrine of this proclamation, — that the declaration 
 of martial law, by Lord Gosford, changes the relations becween 
 the United States and Canada, we cannot assent. Our relations 
 with Great Britain and her colonies rest upon treaties, and the 
 general law of nations, which, it is believed, her Majesty's 
 Governor in Chief of Lower Canada can neither 
 " To assume that our citizens are ignorant of their rights and 
 obligations as members of a neutral independent power, is to 
 take for granted that they have forgotten the repeated infrac* 
 tions of those rights which have so often agitated our country 
 since the adoption of the Federal Constitution, which led to the 
 late war with Great Britain, and which have given rise to 
 claims of indemnity that are still due from various powers ot 
 /. ,i 
 !i^ \ 
 Europe. Every page of the history of our country portrays 
 violations of her neutral rights by the despotic and haughty 
 powers of Europe, among whom England has ever been fore- 
 most. Your committee do not deem it necessary to enlarge 
 upon this subject." 
 After the report came the resolutions, a portion of wliich I 
 subjoin : — 
 *' Resolved — that the safety of the people is the supreme law, 
 and we recommend to our citizens to arm themselves for the 
 maintenance of this law. 
 " Resolved — That the proclamation of martial law in Canada, 
 and placing arms in the hands of people unaccustomed to their 
 use, hostile to our institutions, and heated by intestine dissen- 
 sions, have a direct tendency to disturb the peace of our citi- 
 zens, and demands the immediate interference of the general 
 " Resolved— That our government ought to take immediate 
 measures to obtain redress for the injuries and insults perpe- 
 trated on our citizens by the people of Canada. 
 •'Resolved — That as friends of human liberty and human 
 rights, we cannot restrain the expression of our sympathy, when 
 we behold an oppressed and heroic people unfurl the banner of 
 " Resolved — That we hope that time will soon come when the 
 bayonet shall fail to sustain the last relic of royally which now 
 lingers on the western continent. 
 " Resolved — That we concur in the opinions which have been 
 fully and freely expressed in the British parliament by eminent 
 English statesmen ; that * in the ordinary course of things, 
 Canada must soon be separated from the mother cotmtry.' 
 " Resolved — That it is the duty of every independent Ame- 
 rican to aid in every possible manner, consistent with our laws, 
 the exertions of the patriots in Lower Canada, against the ty- 
 ranny, oppression, and misrule of a despotic government^ 
 The next question to be considered is, whether, independent 
 of their being important to us as an outpost to defend our trans- 
 atlantic possessions, the Canadas are likely to be useful to us, as 
 a colony, in a commercial point of view. This requires much 
 It must be admitted that, up to the present, we may consider 
 the Canadas to have been a heavy burden to this country. From 
 what I am now going to state, there are many, who agreeing 
 with me in most other points, will be likely to dissent. That I 
 cannot help; I may be in error, but, at all events, I shall not be 
 in error from a too hasty decision. 
 1^ ■: <li 
 That it is wise nnd proper tor a mother country to assist and 
 support her colonies in their infimcy is inuloubtod. In so doin;^', 
 the mother country taxes herself tor the adviinia<»'es to be here- 
 after derived from the colony; but it may occur that the tax 
 imposed upon the people of the mother country may ho too oner- 
 ous, at the same time that no advantaores at all coimnensurate 
 are derived from the colony. When such is the case, ilic tax 
 is not fair ; and the colony tor whose benefit that lax lias been 
 imposed, is looked upon with ill-will. Tiiis is the precise situa- 
 tion of the Canadas, and this is the cause why there is so 
 strong an outcry against our retaining possession of these pro- 
 The bonus of forty-five shillings on a load of timber, which 
 is given to the Canadas by our present duties, is much too 
 great; and has pressed too heavily on the people of the mother 
 country, ft has, in fact, created a monopoly; and when it is 
 considered how important and necessary an article timber is in 
 this country, — how this enormous bonus on Canadian timber af- 
 fects the shipping, house-building, and agricultural interests — it 
 is no wonder that people wish to get rid of the Canadas and the 
 tax at one and the same time. It is also injurious to us in our 
 commercial relations with the northern countries, who refuse 
 our manufactures because we have laid so heavy a duty upon 
 their produce. This tax for the benefit, of the Canadian pro- 
 vince was put on during the war, without any intention that it 
 should remain permanent : and I think I shall be able satisfac- 
 torily to establish, that, not only is it unjust towards our own 
 people, but that, instead of benefiting, it will be, now that the 
 i.'anadas are fast increasing in population, an injury to the Ca- 
 nadas themselves. 
 Up to the present period, timber has been the only article of 
 export from Canada : we certainly have had the advantage of a 
 large carrying trade, and the employment of many thousand tons 
 of shipping; but, with this exception, the timber trade has been 
 injurious, not only to the mother country, but to the colony it- 
 self, a- it has prevented her real prosperity, which must ever 
 depend upon the culture of the land and the increase of popula- 
 tion. The first point to which the attention of a colony should 
 bo directed, is its own support, the competence and supply of all 
 the necessaries of life to its inhabitants; it is not until after this 
 object has been obtained, that it must direct its attention to the 
 gain which may accrue from any surplus produce. In what 
 way has the timber trade benefited the Canadas? Has it 
 thrown any wealth into the provinces] most certainly not; the 
 timber has been cut down, either by those Canadians who would 
 have been much better employed in tilling the land, for every 
 acre cleared is real wealth ; or by Americans who have come 
 over to cut down the limber and have returned to their own 
 country to spend the money. That the profits of the timber 
 ,< fi-* 
 ; t, 
 . t 
 trade have been great is certain ; but have these profits remain- 
 ed in the Canadas J — have the sums realised been expended 
 there 1 — no; they liavo been realised in, or brought over to 
 England, shared among a few pereons of influence who have, to 
 a certain degree, obtainml a monopoly by the bonus granted, but 
 the Canadas have benefited liitle or none, and the mother-country 
 has received serious injury. That the parties connected with 
 the Canada timber trade will deny this, and endeavour to ridi- 
 cule my arguments, I am aware ; and that they are an influential 
 party 1 well know ; but I truest before I have concluded, to prove 
 to every disinterested person, that 1 am correct in my view of 
 the case, and that the prosperity of the Canadas is a very differ- 
 ent question from the prosperity of the Canadian timber mer- 
 chants, or even the proprietors on the Ottawa. 
 When the protecting duty was first imposed, there was no 
 idea of its being a permanent duty : it was intended as an en- 
 couragement for ships to go to Canada for timber, when it could 
 not be got in the Baltic. It was, in fact, a war measure, which 
 should have been removed upon the return to peace. The rea- 
 son why it was not, is, the plea brought forward, that the taking 
 off the protecting duty would be a serious loss to the emigrant 
 settler, who would have no means of disposing of his timber 
 after he had felled it, and that the emigrant looked to his timber 
 as his first profits ; moreover, that it gave employment to the 
 emigrant in the long winters. That those who have never been 
 in the country were led away by this assertion I can easily ima- 
 gine, but I must say that a more barefaced falsehood was never 
 uttered. There are varieties of emigrants, and those with capi- 
 tal speculate in timber as well as other articles ; but let us ex- 
 amine into the proceedings of the emigrant settler, that is, the 
 man who purchases an allotment and commences as a farmer — 
 fbr this is the party to whom the supposed philanthropy was to 
 extend. He builds his cottage and clears two or three acres, 
 that is, he fells the trees ; as soon as he has done this, if the 
 weather permit, he burns them where they lie, the branches and 
 smaller limbs being collected round the trunks as fuel to con- 
 sume them. This he is compelled to do, for the land having 
 been so Ictig smothered by the want of air and sunshine, arising 
 from the denseness of the forest, has a degree of acidity in it, 
 which the alkali of the wood and ashes are required to correct, 
 previous to his obtaining a crop. I do not believe that a settler 
 ever sold a tree when he was clearing, although if water-car- 
 riage was convenient, he may afterwards, when he was in com- 
 petent circumstances, have done so. Having raised his crop 
 from the first year's clearing, what is his employment during 
 the winter, — cutting down timber on the Ottawa for the English 
 market 1 no; cutting down timber on his own property as fast as 
 he can, so as to have it ready for burning in the early spring, 
 and having a crop off this, his second clearing. And bo he con- 
 |H .: t\ 
 3 reinain- 
 ; over to 
 ) have, to 
 nted, but 
 ;ted with 
 r to ridi- 
 , to prove 
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 1 it could 
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 The rea- 
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 iches and 
 1 to con- 
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 3, arising 
 Uty in it, 
 ► correct, 
 a settler 
 3 in com- 
 his crop 
 it during 
 Eis fast as 
 y spring, 
 ) he con- 
 tinues, with full employment on his own farm, until he has 
 cleared sufficient for the growing of his corn and the pasture for 
 his cattle. When he han bocomo independent and comfortable, 
 and has a few thousand dollars to spare, then he will erect a 
 saw-mill, and work up his own trees into lumber for sale, but by 
 that time he must be considered as a rich man for u settler. The 
 timber trade, therefore, is hurtful to the Canadas, in so much as 
 it prevents them from clearing land and becoming independent 
 people, who by other means would become so. The timber 
 which is cut down for exportation, is chiefly from the forests on 
 or near the Ottawa river, and the emigrant settler has neither 
 interest or concern in it. 
 It may be argued that, as settlers do, as soon as they are in 
 better circumstances, erect saw-mills, and work up their trees 
 into lumber, that it would be unfair to deprive them of that ad- 
 vantage. I will grant that ; but the fact is, that you will not do 
 so; for of the quantity of timber and lumber exported from the 
 Canadas, it is only one-half which is sent to the British market, 
 the other half is divided between the West Indies, the United 
 States, and their own consumption; and the demand of the United 
 States will so rapidly increase, that, in a few years, the Cana- 
 dians will care little for sending their timber to England, even 
 if the present duty were kept on. I consider that this bounty 
 upon cutting timber is very injurious to the American provinces, 
 as it distracts their attention from the real source of wealth, 
 which must consist in clearing the country ; for, to show how 
 great a difference this makes to them, it must be observed, that 
 a farm which was only worth two dollars an acre when the 
 settler first came to it, will, as soon as others have cleared 
 around him, rise to twenty or thirty dollars per acre. Every 
 man, therefore, who settles and clears land, not only benefits 
 himself, but increases the value of the property of those all 
 around him ; while the feller of timber on the Ottawa only puts 
 a few dollars into his own pocket, and does no good to the pro- 
 vince, as the timber-dealers in England reap all the harvest. 
 It would appear very strange that the ship owners should have 
 joined the Canadian timber merchants in persuading the govern- 
 ment to continue these duties, were it not from the fact that the 
 ship owners appear, invariably, to oppose any measure advanta- 
 geous to their own interests. That the carrying trade to the 
 Canadas is of importance is certain ; but of how much more im- 
 portance to the ship owner is the reduction of expense in build- 
 ing his ship, which must ensue if the timber duties were re- 
 duced. The ship owner complains that he cannot sail his ship 
 at as low a rate as foreigners ; that he must be protected, or 
 that he cannot compete with them in any way ; and yet he op- 
 poses the very measure which would materially assist him in so 
 doing. Bat the fact is, that, as I shall eventually show, the car- 
 rying trade with Canada would not be lost, though the cargo 
 I i 
 m n 
 ; ( 
 Would not bo tlio sfitiifi ; and tlioro iw ovory rnas(tn to siipposr 
 that Uio (Mnployment ot'tho shippiiij^ would very hooii utnouiil U> 
 tlu; siiiiic toiimif^e ns at prowont. 
 Tho next oonsidoration is, to what. Hlioiild the duty b<; roducod. 
 so a H not to ufft'Ct oiir rovenuo ! Thi.s in u questiorj easily an- 
 Ill tho Report on Timhor Duties, Appendix No. 10, wo irnve* 
 in round numbers, tor the year lSi3: — 
 Timber exported from Canada and Ame- 
 rican provinces, caleulatc«l in loads. 
 Timber from the north of Europe, in ditto, 
 (hiti/ pfiiif. 
 l,i(}:3,ooo i,28r),00() 
 Now it is certain that, wlierever the timber may come from, 
 the same quantity will be required ; we have, Iherelbre, to fix 
 a duty upon timber cominij from all ])arts of the world, by which 
 the revenue will not sutler. A duty of 2r)s, per load will ijive, 
 upon the whole importation, n revenue of Xl,4r)3,(H)0, not only 
 an increase of revenue upon the timber at present imported; but 
 there is every reason to suppose that it would occasion a much 
 greater consumption of timber, and of course a jrreat increase of 
 revenue. I do not consider that it would be advisable to make 
 this reduction immediately. There is a large tonnage employed 
 in the Canada trade, which might as well wear out in it; sujd 
 it would be but fair to allow those who have embarked their ca- 
 pital in the trade, to have time to withdraw it. As the Canadas 
 are not yet prepared to send other produce to the market, we 
 can, with great propriety, confer this boon upon the present tim- 
 ber trade. The reduction of the duty should be gradual, and 
 extended over ten years, at which period the tinal reduction lo 
 25s. per load should take place ; by wiiich time, if Canada be 
 cherished, she will have other produce tor the market. 
 The more I consider the question, the more I am convinced 
 that this alteration would be a benefit to all parties. We then 
 should be able to build ships at a moderate price ; we should 
 have a fall in house-rent; and, indeed, it would be of advantage 
 to every class in this country ; and, however interested people 
 may argue, the removal of this protecting duty would be the 
 greatest boon and kindness which we could confer on our trans- 
 atlantic possessions. 
 Let us now inquire what are likely to be made the future 
 prospects and produce of the Canadas as the population in- 
 creases, and the resources of the country will be developed. 
 Lower Canada is a sterile country ; not that the land is in 
 itself bad, but from the severity and length of the winters. 
 The climate of Lower Canada is precisely the same as that of 
 Russia, and so might be its produce. The winters are tedioui-, 
 but not unhealthy, as they are dry. The summers, like all the 
 mk I 
 summers in the northern rcpions, althouph short, nro excessively 
 hot. It is owing to this oxcossivo heul of iho sinniin'r that tli(» 
 niuizo, or Indian corn, which will not ripon in this country, cun 
 be ||;rown in Lower Cunudu, and it in the principal corn which 
 is raised, i'h*' French Canadians who inhabit Lower (Canada 
 are but iiidilfeffUif and careless tiirmers, yet slill they contrive to 
 live in app;irf;nt comiufi but the question is not whether the 
 inhttbif nitsof I»wer Canada can support themselves, but whether 
 they aro lil»oly lo b<* able to produce any thinjf which might be- 
 come an aitjch" of export to England. I should say yes: they 
 may produce tar .i)A hemp, two very important articles, and tor 
 which we are almost wholly dependent upon Russia. Tar they 
 can most assuredly produce; and, with the same climate as Russia, 
 why not hemp I Hemp will gi mv in any climate, and almost 
 in any soil, except very stiff clay, and 1 consider the soil of 
 Lower Canada admirably adapted to it. Up to the present time 
 the French Canadians have merely vegetated, but as the country 
 fills up, and they gradually amalgamate with the other settlers, 
 there is no doubt that they will rapidly improve. 
 Upper Canada has been, and is still, but little known. At tiic 
 close of the war, tliere was not a population of 40,000 upon the 
 whole province : even now there is but 400,000 upon a territory 
 capable of receiving and supporting many millions. It is, with- 
 out exception, the most favoured spot in North America, having 
 all the fertility of the Southern and Western States, without 
 being subject to the many and fatal diseases which are a draw- 
 back upon the latter. Although so far north, its climate is pe- 
 culiarly mild, from its being so wholly surrounded with water, 
 which has the efT'ect of softening down both the cold of the 
 winter and the heat of the summer. It abounds with the most 
 splendid timber; is well watered; the land is of the richest 
 quality ; the produce is very great, and the crops are almost 
 certain. I particularly notice this as I consider Upper Canada 
 to be the finest corn country in the world. 
 At present the resources of the Canadas are unknown ; the 
 country has not been explored ; it is without capital, and I may 
 add without credit, but its prospects are very favourable. The 
 timber trade to England will in a few years, even allowing the 
 present bonus to be continued, be of little advantage to Upper 
 Canada ; they will find a much better market as the Western 
 States fill up, as then there will be a great demand for lumber, 
 which will be obtained cheaper fiom Canada than from any 
 portion of the United States. Even now lumber is sent over 
 from Upper Canada to those portions of the United States bor- 
 derinor on the lakes. I have pointed out the want of timber in 
 the Western States, that is, of timber fit for building ; they have 
 some in the State of Wisconsin, which will soon be absorbed, 
 and then the Canada timber and lumber will be in demand, and 
 ' I 
 i. t 
 i ii 
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 m ' 
 I have no doubt that there will be a, very extensive exportation 
 of it. 
 The next article of produce to which the Canadians should 
 direct their attention is the fisheries on the lake, which may be 
 carried on to any extent and with great profit. The trout and 
 white fish, botii very superior to the Newfoundland cod, are to 
 be taken with the greatest ease, and in vast quantities. I have 
 mentioned that the Americans have already commenced this 
 fishery, and the demand is rapidly increasing. As the West fills 
 up, the supply would hardly keep pace with the demand ; besides 
 that it would also be an article of exportation to this rountry. 
 There are millions and millions of acres to the north and about 
 Lake Superior, fit for little else than the increase of the animals 
 whose furs we obtain, and which will probably never be brought 
 into cultivation ; yet these lands are rich in one point, which 
 is, that the maple-tree grows there, and any quantity of sugar 
 may be collected from it, as soon as the population is thick 
 enough to spare hands for its collection. A maple-tree, carefully 
 lapped, will yield for forty years, and give six or seven pounds 
 of sugar, fully equal to the best East-India produce, and refining 
 well. A few tons are collected at present, but it may become 
 a large article of export. 
 The Unted States appear to be rich in most metals, but par- 
 ticularly in lead and iron ;* the metal which they are most de- 
 M > 
 * The following description of the iron mines at Marmora are worihy the 
 attention of the reader. It is from the engineer who was sent to survey them. 
 " To Isaac Fraser, Esq. 
 " The water power at Marmora, and its sufficiency for all hydraulic pnsposes, 
 may be belter imagined than explained to you by me, from the fact, that the 
 faUs occur upon the Crow River, at the foot of untold lakes falling into Crow 
 Lake, the deepest inland lake in the province, and just below the junction of 
 the Beaver River, which latter has its source ist Ih^ Ottawa or Grand River, or 
 the waters flowing parallel therewith, and by the outlet at the Marmora Falls : 
 these head waters, on the confluence with the waters of the Otonabet',and Rice 
 Lake in Crow Bay, six miles below the works, form the great Ri.jr Trent, 
 second in importance and magnitude only to the St. Lawrence. It is sufficient 
 for me to add, that I deem the water power at the works abundantly equal to 
 all the purposes of machinery and manufacture, wiiich can for centuries be es 
 tablished there. 
 " Immediately adjoining the works there is an ore bed, from the partial de 
 velopement of which, and from the opinions \ have received of its superior 
 quality, it would appear to be of the purest kind of iron ore, except nativr 
 iron, in the same veins with which is an admixture of red paint and yellow 
 ochre, and in separate veins and beds at this locality, those paint.«! occur in 
 some quantities, several barrels of which, especially the red paint, Mr. Hayes 
 disposed of at 25s. per barrel, at the works, and it seems probable they would 
 become profitable articles of commerce. Here also there is a bed of purely 
 white marble, not seemingly stratified, but in large blocks; and a quarry of 
 superior stone for lithographic purposes, the qu.ility of which has been tested 
 and reported favourably upon. This ore bed would be from its situation within 
 any wall constructed for the custody of the convicts, but from the great jumble 
 of mineral substances, which the careless opening of those veins hasoecasioued, 
 it is not possible to hazard an opinion as to the probable extent of minerals 
 here, but from, if I may judge by appearances and from geological analogy, the 
 few acres surrounding, it is probable they are sufficiently extensive to be an 
 object of consideration— '. iveral hundred tons of ore have already been taken 
 out for the furnaces. rr.<>-e is at this place a well-built bridge and a wharf 
 ms should 
 ch may be 
 trout and 
 cod, are to 
 f, I have 
 need this 
 West fills 
 d; besides 
 and about 
 le animals 
 )e brought 
 lint, which 
 y of sugar 
 n is thick 
 en pounds 
 id refinino 
 ay become 
 s, but par- 
 e most de- 
 ■e worlhy the 
 survey tlieiii. 
 jlic pusposes, 
 fact, that tlit- 
 ng into Crow 
 ! junction of 
 ind River, or 
 irniora Falls : 
 bee, and Itiit 
 Ri,.r Trent, 
 t is suflicicnt 
 ntly equal to 
 iturjes be es 
 le partial de- 
 ' its superior 
 ixcept nativr 
 ; and yellow 
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 It, Mr. Hayes 
 3 they would 
 ed of purely 
 I a quarry of 
 3 been tested 
 lation within 
 great jumble 
 t of minerals 
 analogy, the 
 live to be an 
 y been taken 
 and a wharf 
 ficient in is copper. It is said that the copper mines in New 
 Jersey are good ; those in the West have not yet proved to be 
 worth working. Canada, as I have before said, is as yet unex- 
 plored, but I have every reason to believe that it will be found 
 rich in minerals, especially copper. I argue, first, from its ana- 
 logy with Russia, which abounds in that metal ; and secondly, 
 because there is at this time, on the shores of Lake Superior, a 
 mass of native copper weighing many ton:?, a specimen of which 
 I have had in my hand. We must not forget to reckon, among 
 the other products and expected resources of Canada, the furs 
 obtained by the Hudson Bay Company. Of course, if the 
 Canadas are wrested from us, we shall have to depend upon the 
 Americans for our supply of this necessary article. The value 
 in Canada of the furs exported to this country, by the company, 
 amounts, as I have observed in my Diary, to about a million and 
 a half of dollars. 
 I now come to what I consider will be the most important ex- 
 port from the Canadas. I have stated it to be my opinion that 
 Upper Canada will be the first corn country in the world, and 
 in a very few years we may expect that she will export largely 
 into this country ; already havmg had a sAirplus which has been 
 sold to the Americans. It must be recollected that America, 
 who used to supply the West-Indies and other parts of the 
 world with her flour, has, for these last few years, in her mania 
 for speculating, neglected her crops, and it is only during these 
 last two years that she has redirected her attention to the tillage 
 at which the ore brought from the lake ore beds is landed, and from thence 
 carted or wheeled up to the ore bank. 
 "'Jit a distance of four miles by water, that is at the Crow Lake, in the town 
 ship of Belmont, J^ewcastle District, the principal ore bed occurs. I may confine 
 my observations respecting this ore bed to the qualities and varieties of the 
 ores to be found there, and of the extent of the deposit give you an idea, by 
 fancying my feelings when I first saw the mountain. My swrprise was great, 
 and my first conclusion was, that it would be more than sufficient to supply the 
 world with iron for ever. 'J'he ore here is in great variety of magnetic ore, 
 easily quarried ; and, in fact, it can be quarried, loaded, and transported to the 
 works, roasted on the ore bank, broken up into particles, and put upon the 
 furnace, at an expense not exceeding 2s. Gd. per ton ; as I observed it is strongly 
 magnetic, and although mixed considerably with sulphur, it is easily freed 
 from that deleterious mineral by exposure to the atmosphere, and to the action 
 of air and frost, and by this species of evaporation. a new and valuable com- 
 modity could be procured in great quantities, namely, the copperas of com- 
 " W^ith a boat of fifty tons burthen— and there is depth of water enough for a 
 74 gun ship from the wb rfat the works, to this mountain of ore— navigated by 
 four men, 150 tons of ore could be brought down in two days— so readily is it 
 quarried, and so handily put on board. Intermediate to this bed an<l the works, 
 several other deposites of iron are discovered— one of a superior quality, sur- 
 passing in magnetic power any other ore yet discovered, possessing what mine- 
 ralogists call polarity ;— and near to this, meadow and bog ore, not a mile 
 distant from the works, is to be found in great quantities. The works are to 
 the north-north-east and eastward, surrounded by beds of ore, of which five 
 have been tried aiul brought into use— but as they are inland, and consequently 
 more expensively procured, they merit but this passing observation, that in 
 quantity and quality they are valuable. 
 " For the present I am, Sir, 
 " Your obedient servant, 
 " Engineer ." 
 *■! ( 
 R V 
 n i 
 * 1, 
 of her land. She will now no longrer require assistance from 
 Upper Canada, and the yearly increasing corn-produce of that 
 province must find a market elsewhere. After supplying the 
 wants of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, this surplus will find 
 its way into this country. As the population of Upper Canada 
 increases, so will of course her growth of wheat be greater, and 
 in a very few years, we have reason to expect that there will 
 be not only a constant, but even a more than requisite, exporta- 
 tion of corn to this country. Now what will be the effect? 
 Corn from Canada is admitted at a fixed duty of 5s. per quarter, 
 therefore as soon as the supply from thence is sufficient, the corn 
 laws will be virtually repealed, that is to say, they will be ex- 
 changed for a permanent duty of 5s. per quarter. 
 I think that the remarks I have made will incline the reader 
 to agree with me, that the reduction of the duties on timber will 
 be a real boon to all parties : to the Canadians, because at the 
 same time that the supplies of lumber to the West Indies and 
 elsewhere will give a certain profit, they will no longer have 
 the true interests of the colony sacrificed for the benefit of par- 
 ties at home; to the mother country, because it will relieve the 
 expenses of the builder, lessen house-rent and agricultural ex- 
 penses, and at the same time increase the revenue; — to the 
 ship-owner, as it will enable him to build much cheaper, and to 
 compete more successfully with foreign vessels, with the pros- 
 pect also of the carrying trade soon reviving, and the freight of 
 the corn proving an indemnification to him for the loss of that 
 on the timber. That a few interested individuals would com- 
 plain is undoubted, but it is high time that a monopoly so inju- 
 rious in every point, should be removed ; and the profits of a few 
 speculators are not to be for a moment considered, when opposed 
 both to the interests of the colony and of the nation. 
 I may as well here remark that it would only be an act of 
 justice to the provinces, and no less so to ourselves, to take off 
 the prohibitions at present in force against the importation of 
 goods from France and other countries. The boon itself would 
 be small, but still it would be a stimulus to enterprise, and the 
 time has gone by for Kngland to impose such restrictions on her 
 colonies. I say that we should lose nothing, because all these 
 articles are imported by the Americans ; and if the Canadians 
 wish to procure them, they can obtain them immediately at 
 Buffalo, and other American towns bordering on the lakes. At 
 present, therefore, all the profits arising from these importations 
 go into the pockets of the Americans, who are the only parties 
 benefited by our restrictive laws. We should therefore remove 
 I shall now support the arguments in this chapter, touching 
 the relative value of the corn and the timber trade to the Cana- 
 das, by some extracts from the evidence given in the Report of 
 the Committee on the Timber Duties. 
 Q. " Have you ever formed an opinion of what rate per quar- 
 ter wheat could be exported to this country, so as to yield a 
 profit to the exporter! — A. I cannot call it to mind accurately, 
 but I think the estimate I once made was between 4()s. and 50s. 
 Q. " Would it not follow that, unless the price of wheat in 
 this country were to rise to 40s. or 50s. per quarter, the popula- 
 tion that your former answer would transfer from the timber 
 trade to the agricultural would not be able advantageously to 
 employ themselves ] — A. No ; I do not think it follows neces- 
 sarily. If all our population were devoted to agriculture, our 
 settlements would be more dense, and their roads more perfect ; 
 in fact, all the social offices more perfectly fulfilled; which 
 would enable them to bring their wheat to market at a more 
 moderate price, and thus they might obtain a larger profit even 
 with a lower price. We should bear in mind, in relation to 
 their agricultural produce, that the farmer of course first feeds 
 his own family, and that price affects him so far as it relates to 
 his surplus produce, and that price rather affects his luxuries 
 than his means of subsistence. I am not aware that the present 
 prices would prevent a farmer obtaining that return which 
 would enable him to purchase at least all his necessaries. 
 Q. " What do you suppose is the average expense of the con- 
 veyance of wheat from the remote parts of Canada to Montreal? 
 — A. I believe the cost of bringing wheat from Niagara to Mon- 
 treal was about Ibd. colonial currency, but I am not certain; it 
 is not now lower. I once made a table showing the cost of 
 taking produce of all kinds from three points on Lake Ontario 
 and on Lake Erie, and sending up articles to the same places. 
 Q. " What is the freight from Quebec to England ? — A. The 
 ordmary rate has been from 8s. to 8s, 6d. a quarter for wheat. 
 Q. " Do you know the price of wheat in this country ? — A. \ 
 believe the last average was 40s. 
 Q "If at 40s. you would probably allow 10s. a quarter, by 
 your present statement, as a fair deduction for the expense of 
 bringing it into this market J — A. I should think so. 
 Q, " Do you think the price of 30s. would pay the agricultural 
 producer in Canada for the production of wheat; would afford a 
 return for the investment of capital in the production of wheat 
 in Canada ? — A. I should be loth to speak to a point on which I 
 have not sufficient knowledge. 
 Q. " Is it not indispensable to tbrm an opinion upon that point 
 to justify the opinion you have already given ? — A. I think not. 
 I have that feeling, that the consequence of their not having the 
 timber trade would be, that they would produce other articles, 
 and that their condition would not be deteriorated. I am led to 
 that conclusion by seeing the present condition of the State of 
 New York, which once depended on the timber trade; I look 
 also to Vermont ; and when every man tells me that he laments 
 and has lamented that he ever meddled with the timber trade, I 
 think that I am justified in my opinion, for no one will pretend 
 to state that the land of Vermont, or even of New York, equals 
 1 1 
 M i 
 !f>' 15' 
 that of Canada. While speakintr of the soil of Canada, I would 
 observe that Jacobs has estimated the averasre return for wheat 
 dn the Continent at four to one, of Great Britain seven to one, 
 and Gourlay has estimated the return of Upper Canada at <ioen^^ 
 to one. Many state that Upper Canada is unrivalled in compa- 
 rison with any other piece of land of equal extent. 
 Q. " Are you aware of the extent of exportation of agricul- 
 tural produce from Canada! — A. I am ; I can slate it from me- 
 mory. The largest quantity of wheat exported in any year was 
 in 1831, and I think amounted to 1,300,000 bushels. 
 Q. "Can you make the same statement with reference to 
 corn and provisions as to other articles?— A. Canada exports a 
 great deal of corn. 
 Q. " Which Canada ? — A. Both Upper and Lower Canada. 
 Q. " Does Lower Canada grow corn enough tor her own eon- 
 sumption] — A. I should think Lower Canada did, and more. 
 Q. " Does Upper Canada] — A. Upper Canada a great deal 
 Q. "Have you the amount of the exports] — A. I have the 
 exports of 1833 ; the two Canadas exported 650,000 bushels of 
 Q. " How much flour ]— A. About 91,000 barrels. 
 Q. " Have you any account of the imports of flour from the 
 United States into Lower Canada] — A. I have not with me; 
 but can give it very nearly. 
 Q. " Do those exports of which you have spoken just now 
 comprehend the United States flour ] — A. No, they are exclu- 
 sive of Colonial production. 
 Q. " Is not Lower Canada, as well as Upper Canada, in the habit 
 of supplying herself, to a certain degree, with American flour and 
 wheat, and exporting her own produce, on account of the state of 
 the corn laws last year] — A. Yes, it is done to a certain ex- 
 tent. I have some indication as to the quantity which comes 
 from the United States into Upper and Lower Canada being 
 small. In the returns of the traffic last year through our Wel- 
 land Canal, about 265,000 bushels of wheat passed through, of 
 which 18,000 British and 22,000 American only went to Mon- 
 treal. AH the rest went to Oswego, for the New York market: 
 but the destination in future will probably depend upon whether 
 the internal communication is improved in those colonies, and 
 on the state of the market in New York and in the Canadas. 
 Q. " If there is sufficient capital, is there any reason to sup- 
 pose it would not be beneficial to engage in both] — A. I do not 
 think it is a question concerning the abundance of capital, but 
 the good to be derived from the preservation of the Canada tim- 
 ber trade by enormous protecting duties. I am confident that 
 the timber trade is inimical to the best interests of the Canadas; 
 it would be possible to make the timber trade more beneficial 
 than any other pursuit in the country, and the way to render it 
 so would be to give immense protecting duties to the timber 
 trade of Canada, allowing all other articles of produce to be open 
 to general competition ; but, by such a course, England would 
 not be benefiting Canada. 
 Q. "Can you state the average prices of wheat at Quebec 
 the last four or five years? — A. I think 5s. or 6s. Canadian cur- 
 rency ; the latter rate is equal to 5s. sterling, which is 40s. a 
 quarter; but I do not suppose an average of several years would 
 be over 4s. 2^^, that would be 33s. 4t?. There are peculiar cir- 
 cumstances that attended the last three or tour yearcs. 
 Q. "Has it been higher the last three or four years than the 
 three or four years previously 1 — A. Considerably higher than 
 the ten years previously. 
 Q. " Do you think 30s. a quarter would have been the ave- 
 rage of the ten years preceding] — A. I should think so, but I 
 cannot now speak positively. 
 Q. " Are the committee to understand it to be your opinion, 
 that if the timber establishments were broken up and no more 
 timber exported from Canada, there would be no loss to that 
 country 1 — A. There might be an immediate loss, and a very 
 great subsequent gain, I think there would be an immediate 
 loss attending on the mills, possibly £150,000 to £200,000. 
 Q. " Has it not been the fact that there has been a constant 
 and gradual increase of tonnage into Quebec for the last fifteen 
 years! — A. Yes. 
 Q. " Presuming that those establishments were to be broken 
 up and no more timber exported, do you think that gradual in- 
 crease would still continue 1 — A. No ; the first consequence, I 
 think, very possibly would be a very material decrease. 
 Q. " Subsequently the same tonnage would be required for 
 the carriage of corn as at present ] — A. Some years hence, for 
 corn and other articles." 
 To one who has a general knowledge of the various English 
 colonies, to which emigration is constantly taking place, it ap- 
 pears very strange that people should emigrate to such coun- 
 tries as New South Wales, Van Dieman's Land, and New Zea- 
 land, when Upper Canada is comparatively so near to them, and 
 affording every advantage which a seltler could wish. Of course 
 the persuasion of interested parties, and their own ignorance, 
 prevent them from ascertaining the truth. Indeed, the reports 
 upon Upper Canada are occasionally as highly coloured as those 
 relative to the other colonies, and nothing but an examination 
 of the country, I may say a certain period of residence in it, can 
 enable you to ascertain the real merits of the case. I have nei- 
 ther land nor interest in Upper Canada, and, therefore, my evi- 
 dence on the question may be considered as impartial ; and I do 
 i'i'i W 
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 not hesitate to assert that Upper Canada promises more advan- 
 tages to the settler than any other English colony, or any por- 
 tion whatever of the United States. 
 I shall now make a few remarks upon emigration to that pro- 
 vince, and point out what the settler will have to expect. I 
 have read many works upon the subject ; they are very inaccu- 
 rate, and hold out to the emigrant brilliant prospects, which are 
 seldom or never realised. The best work, independently of its 
 merits as a novel, is " Laurie Todd," by Mr. Gait. And first, I 
 address myself to the poor man who goes out with only twenty 
 or thirty pounds in his pocket. 
 If he credit the works written to induce people to emigrate, 
 all that he has to do is to build his log-hut, clear his land, and 
 in three years be an independent man. 
 It is true that he can purchase fitly acres of land for one hun- 
 dred dollars, or twenty-five pounds ; that he has only to pay one- 
 tenth part of the sum down, which is two pounds ten shillings 
 sterling. It is true that he will collect a Bee, as it is termed, 
 or a gathering of neighbours to run up the frame of his house ; 
 but, nevertheless, possessing his fifty acres of land and his log- 
 house, he will in all probability be starved out the very first 
 year, especially if he has a family. 
 To a poor man, a family is eventually of immense value. As 
 soon as he has fairly settled, the more children he has the faster 
 he will become rich ; but on his first arrival, they will, if not 
 able to work for themselves, be a heavy burthen. If, however, 
 they can do any thing, so as to pay for their board and lodging, 
 he will not be at any expense for them, as there is employment 
 for every body, even for children. 
 The only article I should recommend him to take out from 
 England is a good supply of coarse clothing tor his tiimily ; if he 
 would take out a venture, let it be second-hand clothes, and he 
 will double his money if he sells them by auction, for clothes 
 are the most expensive article in Canada. I once saw some 
 cast-off* clothes sold by an acquaintance of mine in Upper Cana- 
 da ; a Jew in England would not have given five pounds for the 
 lot, yet, sold at auction, they cleared twenty-five pounds, all ex- 
 penses paid. He cannot, therefore, take out too much clothing, 
 but the coarser and more common it is the better, Let him 
 supply himself from the old clothes shops, or the cheap stores. 
 New clothes will soon become old when he works hard. Hav- 
 ing made this provision, let him buy nothing else ; but change 
 his money into sovereigns and keep it in his pocket. 
 As sooH as he arrives at Quebec, he must ^'^se no time in taking 
 the steamboat up the St. Lawrence, and ; numg near to where 
 he has decided upon locating. If he hcs made no decision, at 
 all events let him leave the city immediately, and get into the 
 country, for there he will get work and spend less money. In- 
 stead of thinking of making a purchase of land, let him give up 
 all thoughts of it for a year or two ; but hire himself out, and 
 his wife and cliildren also, if he can. If he is a good man, he 
 will receive four pounds a month, or forty-eight pounds a year, 
 with his board and lodging. The major part of this he will be 
 able to lay by. If his wife must stay at home to take care of 
 the children, still let her work ; work is always to be found, and 
 ahe may not only support herself and children, but assist his 
 fund. By the time that he has been eighteen months or two 
 years in the country, he will have his eyes open, know the value 
 of every thing, and will not be imposed upon as he would have 
 been had he taken a farm immediately upon his arrival. lie 
 will have laid by a sufficient sum for him to begin with, and he 
 will have become acquainted with the mode of farmimg in the 
 country, which is very different from what he has been used 
 to in the old. He may then go on and prosper. 
 The next description of emigrant settler to which I shall ad- 
 dress myself is he who comes out with a small capital, say from 
 two hundred to five hundred pounds; a sum sufficient to enable 
 him to commence farming at once, but not sufficient to allow 
 him to purchase or stock a farm which has a portion of the land 
 already cleared. The government lands fetch at auction about 
 ten shillings an acre, and they are paid for by instalments, one- 
 tenth down, and one-tenth every year, with interest, until the 
 whole be paid ; of course, he may pay it all at once, if he pleases, 
 and save the interest. He must not purchase more than four 
 liundred acres. He can always procure more if he is success- 
 ful. His first instalment to government for the purchase of four 
 hundred acres will be eighty dollars. 
 His next object is to have a certain portion of his land cleared 
 for him. The price varies according to the size and quantity of 
 the portion ; but you may say, at the highest, it will cost about 
 sixteen dollars an acre. liOt him clear ten acre?, and then 
 build his house and barns. I will make two estimates, between 
 which he may decide according to his means. 
 Estimate 1. 
 Instalment to Government. 80 
 Shinsflehouso 400 
 Furnittire ]flO 
 Harns and sheds 400 
 Ten acres clearing 3(50 
 Oxen 80 
 Cow 20 
 Pigs and Poultry - 2<1 
 Plough, Harrow, &c. -20 
 Seed 50 
 Horse and Wagon. loo 
 About i;:«io 1,4:^0 
 To this (if you have no family akie to work) for a man and his 
 wife :U)0 
 Expenses of living he first year auo 
 je400 I,y30 
 19, "' 
 1' ! 
 *!' ' 
 ! l-i* 
 i i 
 Esltmate 2. 
 Instalment to Government HO 
 liOg-hoiise and Furniture ICO 
 Barn 60 
 JMearing I«0 
 O.xnn PO 
 Cow '.'0 
 risfs and Poultry 20 
 Plough, Harrow, &c. 20 
 S.od 50 
 Horse and Wagon . . - loo 
 X150 cm 
 Bat choosing between these two estimates, according' to his 
 means, that is, by reserving, if possible, one hundred pounds 
 for contingencies, he has every chance of doing well. He 
 must bear m mind, that although every year his means will in- 
 crease, he must not cripple himself by an outlay of all his 
 money at first starting. After the first year, he will be able to 
 support himself and family from the farm. I have pot every 
 thing at the outside expense, that he may not be deceived ; but 
 he must not expend all his capital at once; his horse or oxen 
 may die — his crops may partially fail — he may have severe ill- 
 ness — all these contingencies must be provided against. 
 But the settler who goes out under the most favourable cir- 
 cumstances, is the one who has one thousand pounds or more, 
 and who can, therefore, purchase a farm of from two hundred 
 to four hundred acres, with a portion cleared, and a house and 
 offices ready built. These are always to be had, for there are 
 people in the Canadas, as in America, who have pleasure in 
 selling their cleared land, and going again into the bush. These 
 farms are often to be purchased at the rate of from five to ten 
 dollars per acre for the whole, cleared and uncleared. In this 
 case all the difficulties have been smoothed away for him, and 
 all that he has to do is, to be industrious and sober. 
 When I was at London, on the river Thames, (in Upper Ca- 
 nada I mean), I might have purchased a farm, lying on the 
 banks of that river, of four hundred acres, seventy of them 
 cleared, and the rest covered with the finest oak timber, with a 
 fine water-power, and a saw-mill in full work, a good house, barn, 
 and out-buildings and kitchen garden, for six hundred pounds. In 
 ten years this property will be worth more than -six thousand 
 pounds ; and in twenty more, if the country improves as fast as 
 it does now, at least fifteen thousand pounds. 
 In looking out for a property in Canada, always try to obtain 
 a water-power, or the means of erecting one, by damming up 
 any swift stream ; its value will, in a few years, be very great; 
 and never consider a few dollars an acre more, if you have 
 trai iDort by water, or are close to a good market. You must 
 look forward to what the country will be, not to what it is at 
 Half-pay officers settle in Upper Canada with great advan- 
 ■ 090 
 ng to his 
 id pounds 
 ell. He 
 IS will in- 
 i>f all his 
 be able to 
 put every 
 sived; but 
 36 or oxen 
 severe ill- 
 irable cir- 
 3 or more, 
 house and 
 there are 
 leasure in 
 sh. These 
 five to ten 
 In this 
 him, and 
 Upper Ga- 
 ng on the 
 y of them 
 ler, with a 
 lOuse, barn, 
 pounds. In 
 as fast as 
 y to obtain 
 mming up 
 ery great ; 
 ^ you have 
 You must 
 at it is at 
 eat ad van- 
 tages, arising from the circumstance, that their annual pay is 
 always a resource to fall back upon. A very small capital is 
 sufficient in this case; and, if prudent, they gradually rise to 
 inde{>endence, if not to wealth There are, however, one or two 
 cautions to be given to these gentlemen. Never go into the 
 bush it' you can help it: accustomed to society, you will find 
 the total loss of it too serious. If you have a wife and large 
 family, they may partially compensate for the loss, but even then 
 it is better to locate yourself near a small town. If you are a 
 single man and sit down in the bush, you are lost. Hundreds 
 have done so, and the result has been, that they have resorted to 
 intemperance, and have died mined men. 
 But the settlers most required in Upper Canada, and those 
 who would reap the most golden harvest, are men of capital; 
 when 1 say capital, I mean those who possess a sum of four or 
 five thousand pounds — a sum very inadequate to support a per- 
 son in England who has been born and bred as a gentleman ; but 
 in Canada, with such a sum, he can not only farm, but speculate 
 to great advantage. At present the Americans go over there 
 every year, and realise large sums of money. Indeed, capital 
 is so much required in Upper Canada, and may be employed to 
 such advantage, that I wonder people, with what may be con- 
 sidered as small capitals here, do not go over. The only caution 
 to give them is, not to be in a hurry ; in the course of a year or 
 two they will understand what they are about, and then they 
 will soon become wealthy. 
 When I arrived at Toronto, I was called upon by an old friend 
 who had often shot with me in Norfolk. His father had once set 
 him up in business, but the house failed. He resolved to go out 
 to Canada, and his father gave him a thousand pounds as a start, 
 and allowed him two hundred pounds a year afterwards. He 
 had been in the country seven years when we met again. I 
 accepted his invitation to dine and sleep at his house, which was 
 about seven miles from the town. He sent handsome saddle 
 horses over for three of us. I found him located on a beautiful 
 farm of about four hundred acres, the major portion of it cleared; 
 his house was a very elegantly built cottage ornee , every thing 
 had the appearance of a handsome English country residence; 
 he had married a beautiful woman of one of the first families. 
 We sat down to an excellent dinner, and, in every respect, the 
 whole set-out was equal to what you generally meet with in 
 good society in England. He was really living in luxury. We 
 returned the next day, in a handsome carriage and as fine a pair 
 of horses as one would wish to see. 
 I could hardly credit that all this could have been accumulated 
 in seven years — yet such was the case, and it was not a singu- 
 lar one ; for the whole road from his farm to Toronto was lined 
 with similar farms and handsome houses, belonging to gentlemen 
 who had emigrated, forming among themselves, a very exten- 
 sive and most delightful society. 
 Altliougli tliey do not go ahead ns fast as rouip of the Ameri- 
 ciui citicH, (for instnnce, aa BuHiilo,) ftill Upper Canada 1ms, 
 within the last ten or fitleen years, taken a surprisinjif start, and 
 will now, if judiciously governed, increase in wealth almost ap 
 fast as any of the American States. About Toronto, most of the 
 oontlemen have incomes of from seven hundred to filloen hun- 
 dred pounds per annum, and keep handsome equipages ; but there 
 are many other towns which have lately risen up very rapidly^. 
 Peterborough is an instance of this. " Peterborough in 1625 
 contained but one miserable dwelling ; now, in IKW, may be 
 seen nearly four hundred houses, many of them large and hand- 
 some, inhabited by about fitleen hundred persons; a very neat 
 stone church, capable of accommodating eight hundred or nine 
 hundred persons,* a Presbyterian church of stone, two dissenting 
 places of worship, and a Roman Catholic church in progress. 
 The town has in or near it, two grist, and seven saw-mills, five 
 distilleries, two breweries, two tanneries, eighteen or twenty 
 shops (called stores), carriage, sleigh, wagon, chair, harness, 
 and cabinet-makers and most other useful trades. Stages run 
 all the year, bringing mails five times a week ; and steamboats 
 whilst the navigation is open ; there is one good tavern (White's), 
 and two inferior ones. Families may now Ond houses of any 
 sizes to suit them, at moderate rents. The roads in this neigh- 
 bourhood are being greatly improved. The towns of Cobourg, 
 Port Hope, Colborne, Grafton, Brighton, River Trent, and 
 Beaumont in the Newcastle district, are ail equally prosperous, 
 and, like Peterborough, are surrounded by genteel families from 
 the United Kingdom ; in short, the advancement of this district 
 is almost incredible." 
 But there is one important subject relative to emigration which 
 must be considered; if it be, as T trust my readers will be in- 
 clined to think with me, a national question, it is highly expe- 
 dient that it should be not only assisted, but controlled by go- 
 vernment. At present the mortality is tremendous ; and I very 
 much question whether there are not more lives sacrificed in the 
 transport of the emigrants, than subsequently tiill a prey to 
 disease in the western States, bordering on the Mississippi. 
 With those who would emigrate to the United States, we have 
 nothing to do, neither do they so much require our sympathy. 
 The American packets are good vessels, and they suffer little ; 
 and when they land at New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia, 
 the charity of the Americans is always ready for their relief. 
 * The building of this Church was undertaken by the inhabitants of Peter- 
 borough and its vicinity, belonging to the Church of England. In 1835 it was 
 commenced, and, by great exertions, opened for Divine worship in December 
 1836, though not altogether finished. Nine hundred pounds was raised by 
 voluntary contributions, not one farthing having been given by any public 
 body to it. The gentlemen composing the building committee are responsible 
 for the remainder due, being five hundred pounds. An advertisement for sub- 
 scriptions to liquidate this debt has been for some weeks past inserted in n 
 London newspap<3r. 
 E? Ameri- 
 ada Ims, 
 tiirt, and 
 1 1 most ap 
 )Ht of the 
 ecu hun- 
 3ut there 
 in 1825 
 may be 
 nd hand- 
 ery noat 
 I or nine 
 lills, five 
 ages run 
 s of any 
 is neigh- 
 ent, and 
 lies from 
 [S district 
 on which 
 ill be in- 
 h\y expe- 
 nd by go- 
 nd I very 
 ;ed in the 
 a prey to 
 we have 
 er little; 
 3ir relief. 
 ts of Peter- 
 1835 it was 
 a December 
 s raised by 
 any public 
 ent for sub- 
 serled in -a 
 Dut witli the poor emigrants who wouK, -^ett'j in ' mada, the 
 caae is very different. It must be u^der^»ud, that le Quebec 
 trade is chiefly composed of worn-out and unseawori ly vessels, 
 which cannot find employment elisewhere; for a vosbc;) whic! s 
 in sach a state that a cargo of dry goods could not 1x3 entrii' S 
 to her, is still sufficiently serviceable for the tiudwr tnule— *=, 
 'allowing her bottom to be out' with a cargo of timber she >t' 
 course cannot founder. But if these vessels are sufficiently safe 
 to bring timber home, they are not sufficiently good vessels to 
 receive three or four hundred emigrants on board. liCaky, bad 
 sailers, ill-found, the voyage is often protracted, and the suffer- 
 ings of the poor people on board are dreiidfid. Fever and other 
 diseases break out among ihem, aud tliey often arrive at Quebec 
 with sixty or seventy people who arc carried to the hospital in- 
 dependently of those who have died and been llirovvn overboard. 
 fcjometimes their provisions do not last out Uie voyage, and 
 they are obliged to purchase of the captain or others on board, 
 (who have prepared for the exigence,) and thus their little sav- 
 ings to recommence life with, are all swallowed up to support 
 existence. I believe that what they suffer is dreadful ; and if 
 ever there was a case which would call forth patriotism and 
 sympathy, it is the hardships of these poor people. Allowing 
 emigration not to be a national question, still it is a question for 
 national humanity, and all this suffering might be alleviated at 
 comparatively a very trifling expense. 
 If tv/o or three of our smaller linc-of-battle ships now lying 
 at their moorings, were to be jury-rigged, without any guns on 
 board, and manned with a sloop's ship's company, they would 
 not decay faster by running between Quebec and this country 
 than if they remained in harbour. One of those vessels would 
 carry out 2,500 men, women, and children. Let the emigrants 
 take their provisions on board, and should their provisions fail 
 them, let there be a surplus for their supply at the cost price. 
 Under this arrangement, you would have that order, cleanliness, 
 and ventilation which would insure them against disease, and 
 proper medical attendance if it should bo required ; you would 
 save thousands of lives, and the emigrant, as he left the ship, 
 would feel grateful for the benefit conferred. But the assistance 
 of government must not end here: the emigrant, on his arrival, 
 is adrifl; he knows not where to go; he has no resting-place; 
 he is a perfect stranger to the country and to every thing ; he 
 exhausts his means before he can find employment or settle : 
 other arrangements are therefore necessary, if the work of cha- 
 rity is to be completed. Indeed, the want of these arrangements 
 is the cause of a very large proportion of the Canadian emi-> 
 grants leaving our provinces and settling in the United States, 
 where they can immediately find employment ; and Americans, 
 agents of the land speculators, are continually on the look-out 
 in Canada, persuading the emigrants, by all sorts of promises 
 r: ^ i 
 \^ ■ 
 1, • 
 and indiicemontH, to leave the provinces and to take lands in the 
 States, belonj^ing to their employers. Every emijjrant lost to ud 
 is a gam to America ; and upon the increase of the English po- 
 pulation depends the prosperity of the Canadas, and our best 
 chance of retaining them in our possession. 
 Both Upper and I^vver Canada have one great advantage over 
 most of the other territories of the United States, which ih, that 
 they are so very healthy; the winters in both provinces are dry, 
 and, in Upper Canada, they are not severe ; and the sununers 
 are cool, compared with those of the United States. Indeed, in 
 point of climate, they cannot be surpassed ; and I rather think, 
 independently of its tine soil, which enables it to grow every 
 thing (for even tobacco grows well in Upper Canada), that in 
 mineral richness it is not to be exceeded. It abounds in water- 
 power, and has several splendid rivers. As soon as the roads 
 arc niade (for that is the present desideratum in the Upper Pro- 
 vince), I iiave no hesitation in asserting, that it will be, of all 
 others, the most favourable spot for emigration. It is a man's 
 own fault if, with common industry, he does not, in a few years, 
 secure competence and the happiness arising from independence, 
 when it is accompanied by that greatest of all blessings — 
 There has been so strange and continued a system of misrule 
 on the part of the mother-country with respect to these pro- 
 vinces, that I am not surprised at any thing which takes place ; 
 but it is certain that the emigration to the Canadas has been 
 very much checked by the Government itself. 
 The price of land in the United States is fixed at a dollar and 
 a quarter per acre ; be it of the best quality, full of minerals, or 
 with any other important advantages, the price is still the same. 
 The set-up price in Canada is two dollars per acre. If no more 
 is offered it is sold at that sum, but at no less. Now, whatever 
 the Government may imagine, I can assure them that this dif- 
 ference in the price is considered very important by those who 
 emigrate, and that thousands who would have settled in Canada, 
 have, in consequence, repaired to the United States, much to 
 our disadvantage ; and this appears so contradictory, as the Go- 
 vernment have very unwisely parted with enormous tracts of 
 the best land, selling them to a Company at a price which, with 
 facilities for payment, reduces the price paid per acre by this 
 Company, to, I think, about one shilling and three-pence, and for 
 which the Company now charge the same price as the Govern- 
 ment ; thus giving a bonus to speculators which they refuse to 
 those who wish to become bona fide settlers. I never could 
 comprehend the grounds upon which they were persuaded to so 
 unwise an act as that. The lands were sold to the Company 
 before the present Government were in power, but why the 
 price of the land still in possession of the Crown should be 
 raised higher than in the United States I cannot imagine. 
 Sound policy would reduce it lower, for the increase of wealth 
 lis in tlie 
 lost to ua 
 iglish po- 
 our bcBt 
 fi^c over 
 h iH, that 
 ^ are dry, 
 ndend, in 
 er think, 
 >w every 
 ), that in 
 in water- 
 the roads 
 ppcr Pro- 
 be, of all 
 i a man's 
 aw years, 
 essings — 
 f misrnle 
 hese pro- 
 es place ; 
 has been 
 lollur and 
 nerals, or 
 the same. 
 r no more 
 this dit- 
 hose who 
 [1 Canada, 
 much to 
 s the Go- 
 tracts of 
 lich, with 
 re by this 
 ;e, and for 
 e Govern- 
 refuse to 
 ver could 
 aded to so 
 why the 
 should be 
 of wealth 
 in tjio province must ever consist in the increase of its populu- 
 There are in Upper Canada several villages of free negroes, 
 vvho have (!ricaped from the United States, and should it be con- 
 si'lered at any time advisable to remove any of the West Indian 
 population, it would be very wise to give them land on the 
 Upper Canada frontif^rs. The negroes thrive tiiere unconunonly 
 well, and huvo ac«[uired habits of industry ; and, as niay be suj)- 
 I used, are Jiiost inveterate against the Americans, as was proved 
 tiie late diisturbances, when they could hardly be controlled. 
 Tliey imagine (and very truly) that if the Americans were to 
 obtain possession of Canada, that they would return to slavery, 
 and it is certain that they are not only brave, but would die ra- 
 ther than be taken prisoners. This is a question worth consi- 
 deration, as out of an idle and useless race in the West Indies 
 may be Ibrrned, at very little expense, a most valuable frontier 
 population to these provinces. I am happy to percieve that, in 
 the Report of Lord Durham, the importance of these provinces 
 to the mother country is fully acknowledged. 
 " These interests are indeed of great magnitude ; and on the 
 course which your Majesty and your Parliament may adopt, 
 witli respect to the North American colonies, will depend the 
 future destinies, not only of the million and a half of your Ma- 
 jesty's subjects who at present inhabit those provinces, but of 
 that vast population which those ample and fertile territories are fit 
 and destined herealler to support. No portion of the American 
 continent possesses greater natural resources for the maintenance 
 of large and flourishing communities. An almost boundless 
 range of the richest soil still remains unsettled, and may be ren- 
 dered available tor the purposes of agriculture. The wealth of 
 inexhaustible forests of the best timber in America, and of ex- 
 tensive regions of the most valuable minerals, have as yet been 
 scarcely touched. Along the whole line of sea-coast, around 
 each island, and in every river, are to be found the greatest and 
 richest fisheries in the world. The best fuel and the most abun- 
 dant water-power are available for the coarser manufactures, for 
 which an easy and certain market will be found. Trade with 
 other continents is favoured by the possession of a large number 
 of safe and spacious harbours; long, deep, and numerous rivers, 
 and vast inland seas, supply the means of easy intercourse ; and 
 the structure of the country generally affords the utmost facility 
 for every species of communication by land. Unbounded mate- 
 rials of agricultural, commercial and manufacturing industry are 
 there ; it depends upon the present decision of the Imperial 
 Legislature to determine for whose benefit they are to be ren- 
 dered available. The country which has founded and maintain- 
 ed these colonies at a vast expense of blood and treasure, may 
 justly expect its compensation in turning their unappropriated 
 resources to the account of its own redundant population : they 
 are the rightful patrimony of the English people, the ample ap* 
 . (''^ 
 1 ■ . 
 ilf ; 
 If' ■ '^li 
 4 ■ 
 panuge which God and Nature have set aside in the New World 
 tor those whose lot has assigned them but insufficient portion in 
 the Old. Under wise and free institutions, these great advan- 
 tages may yet be secured to your Majesty's subjects ; and a con- 
 nexion, secured by the link of kindred origin and mutual benefits, 
 may continue to bind to the British Empire the ample territories 
 of its North American provinces, and the large and flourishing 
 population by which they will assuredly be filled." 
 Previous to my entering into a further examination of the 
 Canada question, it will perhaps be better to recapitulate, in as 
 few words as possible, what has already occurred, and the prin- 
 cipal causes of the late insurrection. 
 When the Canadian provinces were reduced by the British 
 arms, the inhabitants, being entirely French, were permitted to 
 retain their own laws, their own language in courts and public 
 offices, and all their vested rights which had been granted to 
 them by the French government. It was a generous, but, as it 
 has been proved, an unwise policy. The form of government, 
 as an English colony, was proposed, and acceded to by the 
 French population, who, gratified by the liberality of their new 
 rulers, cheerfully took the oath of allegiance. For many years, 
 indeed it may be said until the close of the war of 1814, the 
 population remained almost entirely French. England had been 
 so long engaged in war, and the annual expenditure of life in 
 her armies and her navies was so great, that she could not per- 
 mit, much less encourage, emigration. 
 At the close of the war of 1814, the census of the population 
 in the two Canadian provinces was as follows : — In Lower 
 Canada, between three and four hundred thousand ; in Upper 
 Canada, from thirty to forty thousand, of which nineteen-twen- 
 tieths were of French extraction. But the emigration during 
 the last twenty-five years of peace has made a considerable 
 change. The population of Lower Canada has increased to six 
 hundred thousand, and that of Upper Canada now amounts to 
 upwards of four hundred thousand. As the emigration has been 
 almost wholly from the British dominions, it may be now fairly 
 assumeu that, taking the two provinces together, the English 
 and French population are now on a par us to numbers ; the 
 English preponderate in the Upper province as much as the 
 French do in the Lower But if we are to consider the two 
 nations of settlers as to their respective value as emigrants to 
 the provinces, on the point of capital, industry, and enterprise, 
 the scale will descend immediately in favour of the English po- 
 pulation. The French are inactive, adverse to speculation, or 
 even improvement. Every habitant is content with his farm as 
 handed down to him by his profrenitor, and the higher classes 
 who hold the sei^neuries are satisfied with tlieir seignorial rights 
 and tiie means of exaction which they afford to them. The pri- 
 vileges of these seigneurs, or lords of the manor, in Lower 
 Canada, arc very extensive, and a bar to all improvement or ad- 
 vance. They hold the exclusive right of hunting and fishing; 
 all the water privileges, such as the erection of saw-mills, &c., 
 are insured to them. The habitant is even compelled to send 
 his flour to be ground at the mill of the lord of the ^manor. At 
 the sale of every property, the lord of the manor receives one- 
 twelfth of the proceeds. Thus, if a farm worth a few hundred 
 pounds was to tall into the hands of an enterprising man, and he 
 was to raise it to the value of thousands, more than the prinip- 
 cost would be deducted for the lord of the manor if he were 
 compelled to part with i(. This, with the other impediments to 
 enterprise, has left Lower Canada in a state of quiescence, and 
 the emigrants who have gone over have passed it by that they 
 might settle on the more fertile and free province of Upper 
 Canada. One o<^ the writers in the daily press of New York has 
 very truly remarked : — 
 " When the British first obtained the Canadas, its commerce 
 consisted of a few peltries, conveyed to France by the vessels 
 which brought out the troops and carried back the disbanded 
 regiments. The lumber trade was unknown. The importa- 
 tions were a nonentity. While at present many hundreds of 
 vessels are engaged in the direct timber trade, and more than 
 one hundred and fifty vessels have been frequently counted 
 on the river St. Lawrence. These, it must be remembered, 
 are almost exclusively owned by British merchants ; while 
 the French Canadians own the land in the same proportion 
 as the English do the trade." 
 It was the knowledge of these facts, and that the English 
 were every year rising in importance, (for they had not only 
 secured the whole trade, but were gradually occupying the 
 more fertile land of the Upper province,) which has created the 
 jealousy and ill-will, and has been such a source of irritation 
 to the French inhabitants of the Lower province. I have d-velt 
 upon these facts because there is a very general opinion (which 
 has most unfortunately been acted upon by our Government), 
 that the legislature of the province should be guided by the 
 interests of the majority, and this they have considered to be 
 in favour of the French population ; whereas in numbers they 
 are about equal, and in point of wealth and importance, the 
 English population are mos* decidedly in the advance ; besides 
 that, the former population would willingly separate them- 
 selves from the mother-country, and therefore deserve but little 
 favour, while the latter ure loyal and attached to it. The 
 French having the ascendancy of five to one in the Lower 
 province, have done all they can to check improvement. Public 
 works which have cost large sums, have remained uncompleted. 
 ' I, 
 iv ''■ !' '• 
 Rls^ i 
 because the House of Assembly in tlie Lower province has 
 refused to allow them to be carried on. Indeed, had the Lower 
 province been allowed to continue in her career of opposition, 
 she would have eventually rendered diflficult all communication 
 between thd Upper province and the mother-country. 
 This is acknowledged in Lord Durham's report, which says — 
 " Without going so far as to accuse the Assembly of a delibe- 
 rate design to check the settlement and improvement of Lower 
 Canada, it cannot be denied that they looked with considerable 
 jealousy and dislike on the increase and prosperity of what they 
 regarded as a foreign and hostile race ; they looked on *he pro- 
 vince as the patrimony of their own race ; they viewed it not as 
 a country to be settled, but as one already settled ; and instead 
 of legislating in the American spirit, and first providing for the 
 future population of the province, their primary care was, in the 
 spirit of legislation which prevails in the old world, to guard the 
 interests and feelings of the present race of inhabitants, to whom 
 they considered the new comers as subordinate ; they refused to 
 increase the burthens of the country by imposing taxes to meet 
 the expenditure required for improvement, and they also refused 
 to direct to that object any of the funds previously devoted to 
 other purposes. The improvement of the harbour of Montreal 
 was suspended, from a political antipathy to a leading English 
 merchant who had been the most active of the commissioners, 
 and by whom it had been conducted with the most admirable 
 suceess. It is but just to say, that some of the works which the 
 Assembly authorised and encouraged, were undertaken on a 
 scale of due moderation, and satisfactorily perfected and brought 
 into operation. Others, especially the great communications 
 which I have mentioned above, the Assembly showed a great 
 reluctance to promote or even to permit. It is true that there 
 was considerable foundation for their objections to the plan 
 on which the Legislature of Upper Canada had commenced 
 some of these works, and to the mode in which it had carried 
 them on ; but the English complained that, instead of profiting 
 by the experience which they might have derived from this 
 source, the Assembly seemed only to make its objections a pre- 
 text for doing nothing. The applications for banks, railroads, 
 and canals were laid on one side until some general measures 
 could be adopted with regard to such undertakings; but the 
 general measures thus promised were never passed, and the par- 
 ticular enterprises in question were prevented. The adoption 
 of a registry was refused, on the alleged ground of its inconsis- 
 tency with the French institutions of the province, and no mea- 
 sure to attain this desirable end in a less obnoxious mode, was 
 prepared by the leaders of the Assembly. The feudal tenure 
 was supported, as a mild and just provision for the settlement of 
 a new country ; a kind of assurance given by a committee of the 
 Assembly, that some steps should be taken to remove the most 
 injurious incidents of the seignorial tenure, produced no practi- 
 ice has 
 J Lower 
 1 says — 
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 tee of the 
 I the most 
 no practi- 
 cal results ; and the enterprises of the Englisli were still thwart- 
 ed by the obnoxious laws of the country. In all these decisions 
 of the Assembly, in its discussions, and in the apparent motives 
 of its conduct, the English population perceived traces of a de- 
 sire to repress the influx and the success of their race. A mea- 
 sure for imposing a tax on emigrants, though recommended by 
 the Home Government, and warranted by the policy of those 
 neighbouring States which give the greatest encouragement to 
 emigration, was argued on such grounds in the Assembly, ihat 
 it was not unjustly regarded as indicative of an intention to ex- 
 clude any further accession to the English population ; and the 
 industry of the English was thus retarded by this conduct of the 
 Assembly. Some districts, particularly that of the Eastern 
 Townships, where the French race have no footing, were se- 
 riously injured by the refusal of necessary improvements ; and 
 the English inhabitants generally regarded the policy of the As- 
 sembly as a plan for preventing any further emigration to the 
 province, of stopping the growth of English wealth, and of ren- 
 dering precarious tlie English preperty already invested or ac- 
 quired in Lower Canada," 
 It may be said, that latterly the French party, by the incon- 
 siderate yielding of the Government at home, legislate for both 
 provinces; and finding that they never could compete with the 
 English in other points, their object has been to crush them as 
 much as possible.* The policy pursued by M. Papineau and his 
 * It was not long after the conquest, tlial another and larger class of English 
 settlers began to enter the province. English capital was attractcil to Canada 
 by the vast quantity and valuable nature of the exportable produce of the 
 country, and the great facilities for commerce, presented by the natural means 
 of internal intercourse. The ancient trade of the country was conducted on a 
 much larger and more profUHble scale ; and new branches of industry were ex- 
 plored. The active and regular habits of the English capitalist drove out of all 
 the more prr table kinds of industry their inert and careless competitors of 
 the French race ; but in respect of the greater part (almost the whole) of the 
 commerce and manufactures of the couu.ry, the English cannot be said to 
 have encroached on tlie French; for, in fact, they created employments and 
 profits wJiich had not previously existed. A few of the ancient race smarted 
 under the loss occasioned by the success of English coniiiotitinn ; but all felt 
 yet more acutely the gradual increase of a class of strangers in whose hands 
 the wealth of the country appeared to centre, and whose expenditure and in- 
 fluence eclipsed those of the class which had previously occupied the first posi- 
 tion in the country. Nor was the intrusion of the English limited to commer- 
 cial enterprises By degrees, laipe portions of land were occupied by them; 
 nor did they confine themselves to the unsettled and distant country of the 
 townships. The wealthy capitalist invested his money in the purchase of 
 seignorial properties ; and it is es-timated, that at the present moment full half 
 of the more valuable seignories are actually owned by linglish proprietors. 
 The seigniorial tenure is one S(i little adapted to our notions of proprietary 
 rights, that the new seigneur, without any consciousness or intention torn- 
 Justice, in many instances exercised hit rights in a manner which would ap[)ear 
 perfectly fair in this country, but which tliM Canadian settler reasonably re- 
 garded as oppressive. The English purchaser found an equally unexpi-cted and 
 just cau.se of complaint in that uncertainty of the laws, which rendered his 
 possession of prfiperty precarious, and in those incidents of the tenure which 
 rendered its alienation or improvement difi^icult. But an irritation, greater 
 than that occasioned by the transfer of the large properties, was caused by the 
 competition of the English with tlie French farmer. The English farmer car- 
 ried with him the experiotice and habits of the most improved agriculture in 
 F* ! 
 '': I 
 p ■ ! 
 adherents, has therefore been to keep the Lower Province en- 
 tirely in the hands of the French, and with this view they 
 have as much as possible, prevented British settlers from ob- 
 taining land in Lower Canada ; and that their rule miofht be 
 absolute, over the French population, they have prevented their 
 education, so that they might blindly follow those who guided 
 them. These two assertions will be fully borne out by an ex- 
 amination into the public records. 
 The land being almost wholly in the possession of the French, 
 M. Papineau's first object was, to make the possession oi' landed 
 properly the tenure by which any employment of the trust under 
 government could be held ; and in this great object he succeeded. 
 It must at once be perceived that, by this regulation alone, all 
 British residents were exxluded, and that if possessed of capital 
 to any amount, whatever their stake in the colony might be, 
 they were ruled and dictated to by the French party. No per- 
 son could be an officer in the militia imless he was a land- 
 owner. The wealthy English merchant had to fall into the 
 ranks, and be ordered about by an ignorant French farmer, a 
 man who could not write or read, but made his cross to any 
 paper presented to him for his signature. 
 By another enactment the grand juries were to be selected 
 from those who were land-owners, and the consequence was, 
 that in two grand juries selected in two succeeding years, there 
 was only one man who could write or read out of the whole 
 number, and the others fixed their cross to the bills found. 
 What was still more absurd was, that the office of trustee tor 
 the schools could only be held by the same tenure, and in the 
 Act passed, it is provided, that the trustees for national education 
 may be permitted to affix their c7-o.ss to the school reports, a more 
 convincing proof of the state of ignorance in which the Cana- 
 dian French population have been held and acknowledged to bo 
 so by the French party, by the making such a proviso in the 
 statute. I had a convincing proof myself of the ignorance of 
 the French population during the[rebellion in Lower Canada. I 
 handed a printed circular to about four hundred prisoners who 
 were collected, for one of them to read aloud to the rest, and 
 there was not one who could read print. 
 Having secured the party in the province, the next object of 
 M. Papineau and his adherents was, to blind the Government 
 ih i 
 the. world. He scttlnd himself in the townships bordering on the seignories, 
 and broufiht a fresh soil and improved cnltivation to com|Hite witii the wf)rn- 
 oiit and slovenly farm of the habitant. He often took the very farm which 
 the Canadian settler Iiad abandoned, and, by superior management, made that 
 a source of profit which had only impoverished bis predect'ssor. The ascendaiK y 
 which an nnjnst favoritism had cotitrihnteil to irjve to the English race in the 
 coveriimer't and the legal profession, their o\\ n sii|K!rior energy, skill and capi- 
 tal secured to them in every branch of industry. They have developed the re- 
 sources of the country ; they have constructed or improved its means of com- 
 munication ; they have creat^'i iis internal and foreign commerce. The entire 
 wholesale, and a large portion of the retail trade of the province, with the 
 most profitable and flourishing farms, are now iu llie hands of this numerical 
 minority of the population. 
 at home: they sent home a list of grievnnccs which required re- 
 dress, and in this they were joined by the Englit^h republican 
 party. Among other demands, they insisted upon the right to 
 the Lower Assembly having the control of the colonial revenues. 
 So earnest was the Government at homo to satisfy them, that 
 every concession was made, and even the last great question of 
 conLrolling their own expenditure was consented to, upon the 
 solo condition that the civil list, for the payment of the salary of 
 the governor and other state officers, was secured. 
 What was the conduct of M. Papineau and his party as soon 
 as they had gained their point 7 They immediately broke their 
 faith with the Government at home, and refused to vote the sam 
 for the civil list. 
 For three years, the governor and all the public officers were 
 v.ithout their salaries, which were at last provided for by a vote 
 of the English Parliament at home. This nefarious conduct of 
 the French Party had one good effect, it created a disunion with 
 the English republican party, who, although they wished for re- 
 ionn, would be no participators in such a breach of honour. 
 That for many years there has been sad mismanagement on 
 the part of the Government at home, cannot be denied, but the 
 error has been the continual yielding to French clamour and 
 misreprentation, and the Government having lost sight of the 
 tact that the English population were rapidly increasing, and had 
 an equal right to the protection of the mother-country. It is 
 the English population who have had real cause of complaint, 
 and who are justified in demanding redress. The French have 
 been only too well treated, and their demands became more im- 
 j)erinus in proportion to the facility with which the Government 
 yielded to them in their earnest, but mistaken, desire to put an 
 end to t!ie agitation of M. Papineau and his party. Mistaking 
 ihe forbearance of the English government for weakness, m. 
 Papineau issued his inflammatory appeals ; the people were in- 
 cited to rebellion ; but even this conduct did not seem to rouse the 
 Government at home, who had probably formed the idea that the 
 French Canadian was too peaceful to have recourse to arms. Em- 
 boldened hy the conduct on the part of the Government, which 
 was ascribed to fear, and finding themselves supported by Mr. 
 Joseph Hume and Mr. Roebuck at home, the republican party 
 in Upper Canada openly declared itself, and a portion of the Ca- 
 nadian press issued the most treasonable articles without moleB- 
 tation. The Americans were not idle in fomenting this ill-will 
 towards the mother country in the Upper Province, and the 
 Papineau party proceeded to more active measures. Arrange- 
 ments were made for a general rising of the Lower Province; 
 the meeting of St. Charles took place, and resolutions were 
 passed of a nature which could no longer be overlooked by the 
 Provincial Government. For mar.j; months previous to the 
 meeting at St. Charles, the Provincial Government had been 
 aroused and aware of the danger, and Lord Gosford perceived ths 
 necessity of acting contrary to the orders received from home. 
 ii' , 
 I'i- i-: 
 ■^1 ^ 
 Proofs liad been obtained against those who were most active in 
 the intended rebellion, and ut last warrants were issued by the 
 Attorney-General for their apprehension. It was this sudden 
 and unexpected issue of the warrants which may be said to have 
 saved the provinces. It defeated all the plans of the conspira- 
 tors, who had not intended to have flown to arms until the next 
 Spring, when their arrangements would have been fully made 
 and organised. This fact I had Irom Boucliette, and three or 
 four of the ringleaders, whom I visited in prison. They intend- 
 ed to have had the leaf on the tree, and the cold weather over, 
 before they commenced operations; and had they waited till 
 then the result might have been very serious, but the issue of 
 the warrants for the apprehension of the leaders placed them in 
 the awkward dilemma of either being dcprivedof them, or of hav- 
 ing recourse to arms before tiieir plans were fully matured. The 
 latter was the alternative preferred ; and the results of this un- 
 successful attempt are well described in Lord Durham's re- 
 port : — 
 " The treasonable attempt of the French party to carry its 
 political objects into effect by an appeal to arms, brought these 
 hostile races into general and armed collision. I will not dwell 
 on the melancholy scenes exhibited in the progress of the contest, 
 or the fierce passions w-hich held an unchecked sway during the 
 insurrection, or immediately after its suppression. It is not 
 difficult to conceive how greatly the evils, which I have de- 
 scribed as previously existing, have been aggravated by the war; 
 how terror and revenge nourished, in each portion of the popu- 
 lation, a bitter and irreconcilable hatred to each other, and to 
 the institutions of the country. The French population, who 
 had for some time exercised a great and increasing power 
 through the medium of the House of Assembly, found their hopes 
 unexpectedly prostrated in the dust. The physical force which 
 they had vaunted was called into action, and proved to be utterly 
 inefficient. The hope of recovering their previous ascendancy 
 under a constitution similar to that suspended, almost ceased to 
 exist. Removed from all actual share in the government of their 
 smaller country, they brood in silence over the memory of their fall- 
 en countrymen, of their burnt villages, of their ruined property, of 
 their extinguished ascendancy, and of their humbled nationality. 
 To the Government and the English they ascribe these wrongs, 
 and nourish against both an indiscriminating and eternal ani- 
 mosity. Nor have the English inhabitants forgotten in their 
 triumph, the terror with which they suddenly saw themselves 
 surrounded by an insurgent majority, and the incidents which 
 alone appeared to save them from the unchecked domination of 
 their antagonists. They find themselves still a minority in the 
 midst of a hostile and organised people ; apprehensions of secret 
 conspiracies and sanguinary designs haunt them unceasingly, 
 and their only hope of safety is supposed to rest on systematically 
 terrifying and disabling the French, and in preventing a majority 
 of that race from ever and again being predominant in any por- 
 tion of the legislature of the province. I describe in strong 
marryat's diart. 
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 in strong 
 terms the feelings which appear to me to animate each portion 
 of the population ; and the picture which I draw represents a 
 state of things so little fanjiiiar to the personal experience of the 
 people of tliis country, that many will probably regard it as the 
 work of mere imagination ; but I feel confident that the accu- 
 racy and moderation of my description will be acknovvlodged by 
 all who have seen the state of society in Lower Canada during 
 the last year. Nor do I exaggerate the inevitable constancy, 
 any more than the intensity of this animosity. Never again 
 will the present generation of French Canadians yield a loyal 
 submission to a British Government: never affain will the Ensf- 
 lish population tolerate the authority of a House of Assembly in 
 which the French shall possess or even approximate to a ma- 
 Although M. Papineau and his party were very willing to fra- 
 ternise with the discontented party in Upper Canada, and to call 
 forth the sympathy and the assistance of the Americans, their real 
 intentions and wishes were to have made the Canadas an inde- 
 pendent French province, in strict alliance with France.* 
 * " Nor does there appear to be the slightest chance of putting an end to this 
 animosity during the present generation. Passions inflamed during so long a 
 period, cannot spnedily be calmed. The state of education which [ have pre- 
 viously described as placing the peasantry entirely at the mercy of agitators, 
 the total absence of any class of persons, or any organisation of authority that 
 could counteract this mischievous influence, and the serious decline in the dis- 
 trict of Montreal of the influence of the clergy, concur in rendering it abso- 
 lutely impossible for the Government to produce any better state of feeling 
 among the French population. It is even impossible to impress on a people so 
 circumstanced the salutary dread of the power of Great Britain, which the 
 prese!ice of a large military force in the province might be expected to produce. 
 I have been informed, by witnesses so numerous and trustworthy that I cannot 
 doubt the correctness of their statements, that the peasantry were generally 
 ignorant of the large amount of force which was sent into their country last 
 year. The newspapers that circulate among them had informed them that 
 Great Britain had no troops to send out; that in order to produce an impression 
 on the minds of the country-people, the same regiments were marched back- 
 wards and forwards in diff"erent directions, and represented as additional arri- 
 vals from home. This explanation was promulgated among the people by the 
 agitators of each village ; and I have no doubt that the mass of the inhabi- 
 tants really believed that the government was endeavouring to impose on them 
 by this species of fraud. It is a populafon with whom authoritv has no means 
 of contact or explanation. It is difliitult even to ascertain whai amount of 
 influence the ancient leaders of the Freuch party continue to possess. [The 
 name of M. Papineau is still cherished by the people ; and the idea is current 
 that, at the appointed time, he will return, at the head of an immense army, 
 and reestablish " La Nation Canadienne."] But there is great reason to 
 doubt whether his name be not used as a mere watchword ; whether the people 
 are not in fact running entirely counter to his councils and policy ; and whe- 
 ther they are not really under the guidance of separate petty agitators, who 
 have no plan but that of a senseless and reckless determination to show in 
 every way their hostility to the British Government and English race. Their 
 ultimate designs and hopes are equally unintelligible. Some vague expecta- 
 tion of absolute independence still seems to delude them. The national vanity, 
 which is a remarkable ingredient in their character, induces many to flatter 
 themselves with the idea of a Canadian Republic; the sounder information 
 of others has led them to perceive that a separation from Great Britain must 
 be followed by a junction with the great Confederation on their southern fron- 
 tier. But they seem apparently reckless of the consequences, provided they can 
 wreak their vengeance on the English. There is no people against which 
 early associations and every conceivable difference of manners and opinious 
 have implanted in the Canadian mind a more ancient and rooted national 
 antipathy than that which they feel against the people of the United States. 
 Their more discerning leaders feel that their chances of preserving their na- 
 -■f t 
 1,, I. ji 
 • i 'I 
 (t. ' i ' 
 The assistance of the Upper Canada party would have been ac- 
 cepted until they were no longer required, and then there would 
 have been an attempt, and very probably a successful one, to 
 drive away by every means in their power the English settlers 
 in Upper Canada to the United States. The Americans, on the 
 other hand, cared nothing about the French or English grievances ; 
 their sympathy arose from nothing less than a wish to add the 
 Canadas to their already vast territories, and to drive the Eng- 
 lish from their last possessions in America ; but they also knew 
 how to wear the cloak as well as M. Papineau, and had the in- 
 surrection been successful, both French and English would by 
 this lime have been subjected to their control, and M. Papineau 
 would have found that he had only been a tool in the hands of 
 the more astute and ambitious Americans. Such is my convic- 
 tion: but this is certain, that whatever might have been the re- 
 sult of the former insurrection, or whatever may be the result 
 of any future one (for the troubles are not yet over,) the English 
 in Upper Canada must fall a sacrifice to either one party or the 
 other, unless they can succeed (which, with ther present num- 
 bers and situation, will be difficult) in overpowering them both. 
 It maybe inquired, what were the causes of discontent which 
 occasioned the partial rising in Upper Canada. Strange to say, 
 although Mackenzie and his party were in concert and corres- 
 pondence with M. Papineau, the chief cause of discontent arose 
 from the partiality shown by the English government to the 
 French Canadians in Lower Canada ; their grievances were 
 their own, and they had no fellow-feeling with the French Ca- 
 nadians. If they had any prepossession at all, it was in favour 
 of joining the American States, and to this they were instigated 
 by the number of Americans who had settled in Upper Canada. 
 There were several minor causes of discontent : the Scotch 
 emigrants were displeased because the government had decided 
 that the clergy revenues were to be allotted only for the support 
 of the Episcopal church, and not for the Presbyterian. But the 
 great discontent was because the English settlers considered 
 that they had been unfairly treated, and sacrificed by the go- 
 vernment at home. But although discontent was general, a 
 wish to rebel was not so, and here it was that Mackenzie found 
 himself in error, and M. Papineau was deceived ; instead of 
 tionality would be greatly diminished by an incorporation with the UnitecJ 
 States ; and recent symptoms of Anti-Catholic feeling in New England, welf 
 known to the Canadian population, have generated a very general belief 
 that their religion, which even they do not accuse the British party of assail- 
 ing, would find little favour or respect from their neighbours. Yet none even 
 of these considerations weigh against their present all-absorbing hatred of 
 the English ; and I am persuaded that they would purchase vengeance and a 
 momentary triumph by the aid of any enemies, or submission to any yoke. 
 This provisional but complete cessation of their ancient antipathy to the 
 Americans, is now admitted even by those who most strongly denied it during 
 the last spring, and who then asserted that an American war would as com- 
 pletely unite the whole population against the common enemy, as it did in 
 1813. My subsequent experience leaves no doubt in my mind that the views 
 which were contained in my despatch on the 9th of August are perfectly cor- 
 rect; and that an invading American army might rely on the co-operation 
 of almost the entire French population of Lower Canada." 
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 being joined by thousands, as they expected, from the Upper 
 Province, they could only muster a few hundreds, who were 
 easily dispersed : the feelings of loyalty prevailed, and those 
 whom the rebel-leaders expected would have joined the standard 
 of insurrection, enrolled themselves to trample it under foot. 
 The behaviour of the settlers in Upper Canada was worthy of 
 all praise; they had just grounds of complaint; they had been 
 opposed and sacrificed to a malevolent and ungrateful French 
 party in the Lower Province ; yet when the question arose as to 
 whether they should assist, or put down the insurrection, they 
 immediately forgot their own wrongs, and proved their loyalty 
 to their couniry. 
 The party who adhered to Mackenzie may well be considered 
 as an American party ; for Upper Canada had been so neglected 
 and uncared for, that the Americans had already obtained great 
 influence there. Indeed, when it is stated that Mathews and 
 Lount, the two members of the Upper House of Assembly who 
 were executed for treason, were both Americans, it is evident 
 that the Americans had even obtained a share in the legislation 
 of the province. When I passed through the Upper Province, 
 I remarked that, independently of some of the best land being 
 held by Americans, the landlords of the inns, the contractors 
 for transporting the mails, and drivers of coaches, were almost 
 without exception, Americans. 
 One cause of the Americans wishing that the Canadas should 
 be wrested from the English was that, by an Act of the Legis- 
 lature, they were not able to hold lands in the province. It ia 
 true that they could purchase them, but if they wished to sell 
 them, the title was not valid. Colonel Prince, whose name was 
 so conspicuous during the late troubles, brought in a bill to allow 
 Americans to hold land in Upper Canada, but the bill was 
 thrown out. ^t scarcely need be observed that Colonel Prince 
 is now as violent an opponent to the bill.* He has had quite 
 enough of Americans in Upper Canada. 
 ♦ Colonel Prince is the gentleman who took with his own hands Ge- 
 neral Sutherland and his aid-de-camp, and who ordered the Yankee 
 pirates to be shot. Mr. Hume has thought proper to make a motion in 
 the Houise of Commons, reprobating this act as one of murder. I be- 
 lieve there is httle difference whether a man breaks into your house, and 
 steals your money ; or burns your house, and robs you of your cattle and 
 other property. One is as much a case of burglary as the other. In the 
 first instance you are justified in taking the robber's life, and why not in 
 the second ( Those people who attacked the inhabitants of a country with 
 whom they were in profound peace, were disowned by their own govern- 
 ment, consequently they were outlawb and pirates, and it is a pity that Su- 
 therland and every other prisoner taken had not been immmediately shot. 
 Mr. Hume may flare up in the House of Commons, but I should like to know 
 what Mr. Hume's opmion would be if he was the party who had all his 
 property stolen and his house burnt over his head, in the depth of a Ca- 
 nadian winter. I suspect he would say a very different say, as he has 
 no small respect for the meum ; indeed, I should be sorry to be the party 
 to be sentenced by Mr. Hume, if I had stolen a few ducks out of the 
 honourable gentleman's duck decoys near Yarmouth. 
 ' ( 
 ^Il^ \ 
 It was fortunate for tlie country that there was sucli a nmii as 
 Sir John Colborne, and aided by Sir Francis Head, al that perio<l 
 in the command of the two provinces. Of the first it is not 
 necessary that I should add my tribute of admiration to tliat 
 which Sir John Colborne has already so unanimously received. 
 Sir Francis Head lias not been quite so fortunate, and has been 
 accused (most unjustly) of rashness and want of due precaution. 
 Now the only grounds upon which this charge can be preferred 
 ia, his sending down to Sir John Colborne all the regular troops, 
 when he was requested if possible so to do. I was at this period 
 at Toronto, and as I had the pleasure of being intimate with Sir 
 Francis, I had full knowledge of the causes of this decision. 
 Sir Francis said, " I have but two hundred regular tro<:>ps ; they 
 will be of great service in the Lower Province, when added to 
 those which Sir John Colborne already has under his command. 
 Here they are not sufficient to stem an insurrection if it be for- 
 midable. I do not know what may be the strength of the rebels 
 until they show themselves, but 1 think I do know the number 
 who will support me. Should the rebels prove in great force, 
 these two companies of regular troops will be overwhelmed, 
 and what I consider is, not any partial success ot the rebel party, 
 but the moral effect which success over regular troops will create. 
 There are, I am sure, thousands who are at present undecided, 
 who, if they heard that the regular troops, of whom thoy have 
 such dread, were overcome, would join the rebel cause. This 
 is what I fear; as for any advantage gained over me, when I 
 have only militia to oppose to them, that is of little consequence. 
 When Sir John Colborne has defeated them in Lower Canada, 
 he can then come up here, with the regular troops," 
 I believe these to be the very words used by Sir Francis 
 Head when he asked my opinion on the subject, and I agreed 
 with him most cordially ; but if any one is inclined to suppose, 
 from the light, playful, and I must say, undiplomatic style of Sir 
 Francis's despatches, that he had not calculated every chance, 
 and made every disposition which prudence and foresight could 
 suggest, they are very much mistaken. The most perfect confi- 
 dence was reposed in him by all parties ; and the event proved 
 that he was not out in his calculations, for with the militia alone 
 he put down the rebellion. During the short time from Sir F. 
 Head's going out, until he requested to be recalled, he did more 
 good to that province, and more to secure the English dominion 
 than could be imagined, and had he not been governor of the 
 province for some time previous to the rebellion, 1 strongly sur- 
 mise that it would have been lost to this country. 
 The events of the rebellion are too fresh in the reader's me- 
 mory to be mentioned here. It is, however, necessary to exa- 
 mine into the present state of affairs, for it must not be supposed 
 that the troubles have yet ceased. 
 First, as to the French Canadian party. If I am not very 
 much mistaken, this may be considered as broken up; the severe 
 lesson received from the English troops, and the want of confi- 
 dence in their leaders from their cowardice and inability, will 
 Fi man as 
 at poricxl 
 it Ik not 
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 lias been 
 ir troops, 
 lis period 
 with Sir 
 ps ; they 
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 lie rebels 
 J number 
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 ill create, 
 hey have 
 ^e. This 
 (, when I 
 r Canada, 
 r Francis 
 1 I agreed 
 ) suppose, 
 y chance, 
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 nt proved 
 litia alone 
 ►m Sir F. 
 ; did more 
 nor of the 
 ongly sur- 
 ider's me- 
 ry to exa- 
 ! supposed 
 not very 
 the severe 
 t of confi- 
 bility, will 
 prevent the French Canadians from again taking up arms. They 
 are naturally a peaceable, inottensive, good-tempered people, and 
 nothing but the earnest instigation of a portion of their priests, 
 the notaries, and the doctors, (the three parties who most mix 
 with the habitans), would have ever roused them to rebellion. 
 As if is, I consider that they are efliciently quelled, and will be 
 quiet, at least tor one generation, if the measures of the govern- 
 ment at home are judicious. The cause of the great influence 
 obtained by the people 1 have specified over the habitans is well 
 explained in Lord Durham's Report. Speaking of the public 
 seminaries, he says: — 
 " The education given in these establishments greatly resem- 
 bles the kind given in the English public schools, though it is 
 rather more varied. It is entirely in the hands of the Catholic 
 clergy. The number of pupils in these establishments is esti- 
 mated altogether at about a thousand ; and they turn out every 
 year, as far as I could ascertain, between two and three hun- 
 dred young men thus educated. Almost all of these are mem- 
 bers of the family of some habitant, whom the possession of 
 greater quickness than his brothers has induced the lather or the 
 curate of the parish to select and send to the seminary. These 
 young men, possessing a degree of information immeasurably 
 superior to that of their families, are naturally averse to what 
 they regard as descending to the humble occupations of their 
 parents. A few become priests; but as the military and naval 
 professions are closed against the colonist, the greater part can 
 only find a position suited to their notions of their own qualifica- 
 tions in the learned professions of advocate, notary, and surgeon. 
 As from this cause these professions are greatly overstocked, we 
 find every village in Lower Canada filled with notaries and sur- 
 geons, with little practice to occupy their attention, and living 
 among their own families, or at any rate among exactly the same 
 class. Thus the persons of most education in every village be- 
 long to the same families, and the same original station in life, 
 as the illiterate habitans whom I have described. They are con- 
 nected with them by all the associations of early youth, and the 
 ties of blood. The most perfect equality always marks their in- 
 tercourse, and the superior in education is separated by no bar- 
 rier of manners, or pride, or distinct interests, from the singu- 
 larly ignorant peasantry by which he is surrounded. He com- 
 bines, therefore, tlie influencesof superior knowledge, and social 
 equality, and wields a power over the mass, which I do not be- 
 lieve that the educated class of any other portion of the world 
 The second party, which are the discontented, yet loyal Eng- 
 lish of Upper Canada, are entitled to, and it is hoped will re- 
 ceive the justice they claim : they well deserve it. It is the 
 duty, as well as the interest of the mother country to foster loy- 
 alty, enterprise, and activity, and it is chiefly in Upper Canada 
 that it is to be found. One great advantage has arisen from the 
 late troubles, which is, that they have driven most of the 
 Americans out of the province, and have created such a feeling' 
 t '■ < 
 ■ Jr 
 i 1 
 T ^ 
 M ■ 
 of indifrnation and hatred towurds them in the broasta of thr 
 Upper Canadians, that there is no chance of their fraternisinjr 
 lor at least another half century. Nothing could have proved 
 more untbrtunate to the American desire of oi)laininif theC'a- 
 nadasthan the result of the late rehellionn. Should the Upper 
 Canadians, from any continued injustice and misrule on tli«) part 
 of the mother country, ho deternnned to separate, at all evfMJts 
 it will not he to ally themselves with the Americans. In Lord 
 Durham's Report wc hive the following n'marks : — 
 " I have, in despatches of a later date than that to which I 
 have had occasion so frecpiently to refer, called the attention of 
 the Home Government to the growth of this alarming >late of 
 feeling among the English population. 1'he course of the late 
 trouhles,and the assistance which the French insurgents derived 
 from some citizens of the United States, have caused a most 
 intense exasperation among the Canadian loyalists against the 
 American government an(l people. Thoir papers have teemed 
 with the most unmeasured denunciations of the good faith of 
 the authorities, of the character and morality of the people, and 
 of the political institutions of the United States. Yet, under 
 this surface of hostility, it is easy to detect a strong under-cur- 
 rent of an exactly contrary feeling. As the general opinion 
 of the American people became more and more apparent during 
 the course of the last year, the English of Lower Canada were 
 surprised to find how strong, in spite of the first burst of sym- 
 pathy, with a people supposed to be struggling for independ- 
 ence, was the real sympathy of their republican neighbours 
 with the great objects of the minority. Without abandoning 
 their attachment to their mother country, they have begun, as 
 men in a state of uncertainty are apt to do, to calculate the pro- 
 bable consequences of a separation, if it should unfortunately oc- 
 cur, and be followed by an incorporation with the United States. 
 In spite of the shock which it would occasion their feelings, they 
 undoubtedly think that they should find some compensation in 
 the promotion of their interests ; they believe that the influx 
 of American emigration would speedily place the English race 
 in a majority ; they talk frequently and loudly of what has oc- 
 curred in Louisiana, where, by means which tney utterly misre- 
 present, the end nevertheless of securing an I'^nglish predomi- 
 nance over a French population has undoubtedly been attained ; 
 they assert very confidently, that the Americans would make a 
 very speedy and decisive settlement of the pretensions of the 
 French; and they believe that, afler the first shock of an en- 
 tirely new political state had been got over, they and their pos- 
 terity would share in that amazing progn-ss, and that great ma- 
 terial prosperity, which every day's experience shows them 
 is the lot of the people of the United States. I do not believe 
 that such a feeling has yet sapped their strong allegiance to the 
 British empire ; but their allegiance i^ founded on their deep- 
 rooted attachment to British, as distinguished from French insti- 
 tutions. And if they find that that authority which they have 
 maintained against its recent assailants, is to be exerted in such 
 a manner ns to sulycct them to wlint tlioy cnll n Pronch «lomi- 
 nion, I led perfectly eonlident that tlu-y would attempt to avert 
 the retsult, by eourtin-r, on any terms, uix union witli an An^flo- 
 Saxon people." 
 Here I do not ncrree with \uti iordisliip. That nnch was the 
 jeolint,' previous to the iiKsurrcction I believe, and notwithstand- 
 in<,' the defeat of the insurjirentH, would have remained so, had it 
 not been for the piratical attacks of the American.s, which their 
 own ^'overnment could not control. This was a lesson to the 
 Upper Canadians. They perceived that there was no security 
 for life or property — no law to check outrage — and they felt 
 severely the consecjuences of this state of things in the destruc- 
 tion of their property and the attempts upon their lives by a no- 
 tion professing to be in amity with them. Fraternise with the 
 Americans the Upper Canadians will not. They may be sub- 
 dued by them if they throw off the allegiance and protection of 
 the mother-country, as they would be henmied in between two 
 hostile parties, and find it almost impossible, with their present 
 population, to withstand their imited efforts. But should a con- 
 flict of this kind take place, and the Upper Canadians be al- 
 lowed but a short period of repose, or could they hold the Ame- 
 ricans in check for a time, they would sweep the whole race of 
 the Lower Canadians frouj the face of the earth. Their feelings 
 towards the Lower Canadians are well explained in Lord Dur- 
 ham's Report : — 
 " In the despatch above referred to I also described the state 
 of feeling among the English population, nor can I encourage a 
 hope that that portion of the community is at all more inclined 
 to any settlement of the present quarrel that would leave any 
 share of power to the hostile race. Circumstances having 
 thrown the English into the ranks of the government, and the 
 folly of their opponents having placed them, on the other hand, 
 in a state of permanent collision with it, the former possess the 
 advantage of having the force of government, and the authority 
 of the laws on their side in the present state of the contest. 
 Their exertions during the recent troubles have contributed to 
 maintain the supremacy of the law, and the continuance of the 
 connexion with Great Britain; but it would, in my opinion, be 
 dangerous to rely on the continuance of' such a state of feeling, 
 as now prevails among them, in the event of a different policy 
 being adopted by the Imperial government. Indeed the preva- 
 lent sentiment among them is one of any thing but satisfaction 
 with the course which has been long pursued, with reference 
 to Lower Canada, by the British legislatur.e and executive. 
 The calmer view, which distant spectators are enabled to take 
 of the conduct of the two parties, and the disposition which is 
 evinced to make a fair adjustment of the contending claims, 
 appear iniquitous and injurious in the eyes of men who think 
 that they alone have any claim to the favour of that government, 
 by which they alone have stood fast. They complain loudly 
 and bitterly of the whole course pursued by the Imperial Go- 
 vernment, with respect to the quarrel of the two races, as 
 ' 1 
 1 ^- 
 K f. 
 having been founded on an utter ig-norance of, or disrei^ard to 
 the real question at issue, as having- fostered the mischievous 
 pretensions of French nationality, and as having-, by the vacilla- 
 tion and inconsistency which marked it, discouraged loyalty and 
 fomented rebellion. Every measure of clemency, or even jus- 
 tice, towards their opponents, they regard with jealousy, as 
 indicating a disposition towards that conciliatory policy which 
 is the subject of their angry recollection; for they feel that 
 being a minority, any return to the due course of constitutional 
 government would again subject them to a French majority ; 
 and to this I am persuaded they v/ould never peaceably submit. 
 They do not hesitate to say that they will not tolerate much 
 longer the being made the sport of parties at home, and that if 
 the mother country forgets what is due to the loyal and enter- 
 prising men of her own race, they must protect themselves. In 
 the significant language of one of their own ablest advocates, 
 they assert that ' Lower Canada must be English, at the ex- 
 pense, if necessary, of not being British.* " 
 The third party, which is the American, is the only one at 
 present inclined to move, and in all probability they will com- 
 mence as soon as the v»'inter sets in ; for however opposed to 
 this shameful viohation of the laws of nations the President, 
 officers, and respectable portion of the American Union may be, 
 it is certain that the majority are represenied by these marau- 
 ders, and the removal of our troops would be a signal for imme- 
 diate aggression. 
 The Americans will tell you that the sympathy, as they term 
 it, only exists on the borders of the lakes ; that it extends no 
 further, and that they are all opposed to it, &c. Such is not the 
 case. The greatest excitement which was shown any where 
 was perhaps at Albany, the capital of the State of New York, 
 on the Hudson river, and two hundred miles at least from the 
 boundary ; but not only there, but ever, on the Mississippi the 
 feeling was the same ; in fact, it was the feeling of the majority. 
 In a letter I received the other day from a friend in New York, 
 there is the following remark : 
 " Bill Johnson (the pirate on lake Ontario) held his levecfi 
 here during the winter. They were thronged with all the best 
 people of the city." 
 Now, the quaiter from whence I received this intelligence is 
 to be relied upon ; and that it was the case I have no doubt. 
 And why should they feel such interest about a pirate like Bill 
 Johnson] Simply because he had assailed the English. This 
 may appear a trifle ; but a straw thrown up shows in what di- 
 rection the wind blows. 
 At present there is no want of troops to defend the Canadas 
 against a foreign attack, and little inclination to rebel in the 
 provinces themselves. That now required is, tiiat the legisla- 
 ture should be improved so as to do justice to all parties, and 
 such an encouragement given to enterprise and industry as to 
 induce a more extended emigration. 
 Lord Durham has very correctly observed, that it is not now 

 Ofjard to 
 ) vacilla- 
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 te like Bill 
 lish. This 
 in what di- 
 tie Canadas 
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 the le^isla- 
 parties, and 
 lustry as to 
 is not now 
 a conflict of principles between the English and French, but a 
 conflict of the two races. He says : — 
 " I expected to find a contest between a government and a 
 people : I found two nations warring in the bosom of a single 
 state : I found a struggle, not of principles, but of races; and I 
 perceived that it would be idle to attempt any amelioration of 
 laws or institutions until we could first succeed in terminating 
 a deadly animosity that now separates the inhabitants of Lower 
 Canada into the hostile divisions of French and English." 
 But why should this conflict between the two races have 
 taken ploc ■ : r>ytly, because the French, by the injudicious 
 generosity or our Government in allowing them to retain their 
 language in public afiairs, with all their customs and usages, 
 were allowed to remain a French colony, instead of amalgama- 
 ting them with the English, as might have been done. Subse- 
 quently, because the interests of the English colonists have been 
 sacrificed to the French, who, nevertheless, became disaffected, 
 and would have thrown off the English dominion. Lord Dur- 
 ham very correctly adds : — 
 " Such is the lamentable and hazardous stato of things pro- 
 duced by the conflict of races which has so lonij divided the 
 province of Lower Canada, and which has assumed the formida- 
 ble and irreconcilable character which I have depicted." 
 In describing the nature of this conflict, I have specified the 
 causes in which it originated ; and though I have mentioned the 
 conduct and constitution of the colonial government, as modify- 
 ing the character of the struggle, I have not attributed to politi- 
 cal causes a state of things which would, I believe, under any 
 political institutions have resulted from the very composition of 
 society. A jealousy between two races, so long habituated to 
 regard each other with hereditary enmity, and so differing in 
 habits, in language, and in laws, would have been inevitable 
 under any form of government. That liberal institutions and 
 prudent policy might have changed the character of the strug- 
 gle, I have no doubt ; but they could not have prevented it ; they 
 could only have softened its character, and brought it more 
 speedily to a more decisive and peaceful conclusion. Unhappily, 
 however, the system of government pursued in Lower Canada 
 has been based on the the policy of perpetuating that very sepa- 
 ration of the races, and encouraging these very notions of con- 
 flicting nationalities which it ouoht to have been the first and 
 chief care of Government to check and extinguish. From the 
 period of the conquest to the present time, the conduct has ag- 
 gravated the evil, and the origin of ihe present extreme disorder 
 may be found in the institutions by which the character of the 
 colony was determined." 
 We have, therefore, to legislate between the two parties, 
 and let us, previous to entering upon the question, examine into 
 their respective merits. On the one hand we have a French 
 population who, after having received every favour which could 
 be granted with a due regard to freedom, have insisted upon, 
 and have obtained much more, and who in return for all the kind 
 m !i ■' 
 ness heaped upon them, excited by envy and jealousy of" an 
 energy and enterprise of which they were incapable, have risen 
 tn rebellion, with the hopes of making themselves anindepend- 
 ant nation. 
 On the other hand we have a generous, high-spirited race of 
 our own blood, and migrating from our own soil, who having been 
 unfairly treated, and having just grounds of complaint against 
 the mother-country, have nevertheless forgotten their own 
 wrongs, and, to a man, flown to arms, willing to shed their 
 blood in defence of the mother-country. 
 Add to this, we have the French inhabiting a comparatively 
 sterile country, without activity or enterprise ; the English, in a 
 country fertile to excess, possessing most of the capital, and the 
 only portion of the colonists to whom we can safely confide the 
 defence of that which I trust I have proved to the reader to be 
 the most important outpost in the English dominions. Bearing 
 all this in mind, and also remembering that if the emigration to 
 Upper Canada again revive, that this latter population will in 
 a few years be an immense majority, and will ultimately wholly 
 swallow up all the fcnier, we may now proceed to consider 
 what should be the policy of the mother-country. 
 In the last chapter I pointed out that in our future legisktion 
 for these provinces, we had to decide between the English and 
 French inhabitants ; up to the present the French have been in 
 power, and have been invariably favoured by the Government, 
 much to the iiijury of the English population. Before I otfer 
 any opinion on this question, let us inquire what has been the 
 conduct of the French in their exercise of their rights as a Le- 
 gislative Assembly, and what security they offer us, to incline 
 us again to put confidence in them. In examining into this 
 question, I prefer, as a basis, the Report of Lord Durham, mace 
 to the English Parliament. His lordship, adverting to the state 
 of hostility between the representative and executi' e powers in 
 our colonies, prefaces with a remark relative to our own coun- 
 try, which I think late events do not fully bear out ; he says: 
 "However partial the monarch might be to particular minis- 
 ters, or however he might have personally committed himself to 
 their policy, he has been invariably constrained to abandon both 
 as soon as the opinion of the people has been irrevocably pro- 
 nounced against them, through the medium of the House of 
 This he repeats in an after part of the Report : 
 " When a ministry ceases to command a majority in Pari la- 
 ment on great questions of policy, its doom is immediately sealed ; 
 and it would appear to us as strange to attempt, for any time, to 
 carry on a Government by means of ministers perpetually in a 
 minority, as it would be to pass laws with a majority of votes 
 against them." 
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 if sutjh be an essential part of our constitution, as his lordship 
 asserts, surely we have suffered an inroad into it lately. 
 That the system of Colonial Government is defective, I grant, 
 but it is not so much from the check which the LegisTative 
 Council puts upon the Representative Assembly, as from the 
 «ecresy of th« acts and decisions of that council. This, indeed, 
 his lordship admits in some cases, and 1 think that I can fully 
 establish that, without this salutary check, the Legislative As- 
 sembly of Lower Canada would have soon voted themselves 
 Free and Independent States, Lord Dur-ham observes : — 
 *♦ I am far from concurring in the censure which the Assembly 
 and its advocates have attempted to cast on the acts of the 
 Legislative Council. I have no hesitation in saying that many 
 of the bills which it is most severely blamed for rejecting, were 
 bills which it could not have passed without a dereliction of its 
 duty to the constituiion, the connexion with Great Britain, and 
 the whole English population of the colony. If there is any 
 censure to be passed on its general conduct, it is for having con- 
 fined itself to the m«rely negative and defensive duties of a 
 legislative body ; for having too frequently contented itself with 
 merely defeating objectionable methods of obtaining desirable 
 ends, without completing its duty by proposing measures, which 
 would have achieved the good in view without the mixture of 
 evil. The national animosities which pervaded the legislation 
 of the Assembly, and its thorough wan-t of legislative skill or 
 respect for constitutional principles, rendered almost all its bills 
 obnoxious to the objections made by the Legislative Council ; 
 and the serious evil which their enactment would have occa- 
 sioned, convinces me that the colony has reason to congratulate 
 itself on the existence of an institution whi'^h possessed and used 
 the power of stopping a course of legislation that, if successful, 
 would have sacrificed every British interest, and overthrown every 
 guarantee if order and national liberty. ^^ 
 Again : — 
 " One glaring attempt which was made directly and openly 
 to subvert the constitution of the country, was, by passing a bill 
 for the formal repeal of those parts of the 31 Geo. 3, c. 31, com- 
 monly called the Constitutional Act, by which the constitution 
 and powers of the Legislative Council were established. It 
 can hardly be supposed that the framers of this bill were un- 
 aware, or hoped to make any concealment of the obvious ille- 
 gality of a measure, which, commencing as all Canadian Acts 
 do, by a recital of the 31 Geo. 3, as the foundation of the legis- 
 lative authority of the Assembly, proceeded immediately to 
 infringe some of the most important provisions of that very 
 statute; nor can it be supposed that the Assembly hoped rrally 
 to carry into effect this extraordinary assumption of power, inas- 
 much as the bill could derive no legal effect from passing the 
 Lower House, unless it should subsequently receive the assent 
 of the very body which it purported to annihilate." 
 Take again the following observations of his lordship : — 
 *^ But the evils resulting from such opena itempts to dispsose 
I., ; I 
 ■) • 
 i n 
 * I. 
 l|. '! 
 l|i S 
 m 1 1 
 1 1' ' • 
 with the constitution were small, in comparison with the dis-* 
 turbance of the regular course of Ipgislation by systematic abuse 
 of constitutional forms, for the purpose of depriving the other 
 branches of the legislature of all real legislative authority. 
 " It remained, however, for the Assembly of Lower Canadu 
 to reduce the practice to a regular system, in order that it might 
 have the most important institutions of the province periodically 
 at its mercy, and use the necessities of the government and the 
 community for the purpose of extorting the concession of what- 
 ever demands it might choose to make. Objectionable in itself, 
 on account of the uncertainty and continual changes which it 
 tended to introduce into legislation, this system of temporary 
 laws derived its worst character from the facilities which it 
 afforded to the practice of ♦ tacking' together various legislative 
 "A singular instance of this occurred in 1830, with respect 
 to the renewal of the jury law, to which the Assembly attached 
 great importance, and to which the Legislative Council felt a 
 strong repugnance, on account of its having in effect placed the 
 juries entirely in the hands of the French portion of the popula- 
 tion. In order to secure the renewal of this law, the Assembly 
 coupled it in the same bill by which it renewed the tolls of the 
 Lachine ('anal, calculating on the Council not venturing to 
 defeat a measure of so much importance to the revenue as the 
 latter by resisting the former. The council, however, rejected 
 the bill : and thus the canal remained toll-free for a whole 
 season, because the two Houses differed about a jury law." 
 So imuch for their attempts to subvert the constitution. Now 
 let us inquire how far these patriots were disinterested in their 
 enactments. First, as to grants for local improvements, how 
 were they applied 1 His lordship observes : — 
 "The great business of the Assemblies is, literally, parish 
 business; the making parish roads and parish bridges. There 
 are in none of these provinces any local bodies possessing 
 authority^ to impose local assessments, for the management of 
 local afiViirs. To do these things is the business of the Assem- 
 bly ; and to induce the Assembly to attend to the particular 
 interests of each county, is the especial business of its county 
 member. The surplus revenue of the province is swelled to as 
 large an amount as possible, by cutting down the payment ot 
 pul)lic services to as low a scale as possible; and the real 
 duties of government are, sometimes, insufficiently provided for, 
 in order that more may be left to be divided among the con- 
 stituent bodies. * When we want a bridge, we lake a judge to 
 build it.' was the quaint and forcible way in which a member 
 of a |)rovincial legislature described the tendency to retrench, in 
 the most necessary departments of the public service, in order 
 to satisfy the demands for local works. This fund is voted by 
 the A^sembly on (he motion of its members; the necessity of 
 obtaining the previous consent of the Crown to money votes 
 never having been adopted by the Colonial Legislatures from 
 Ihe practice of the Biitish House of Commonst There is a 
MARRY AT's diary. 
 perfect scramble among the whole body to get as much as pos- 
 sible of this fund for their respective constituents; cabals arc 
 formed, by which the different members mutually play into 
 each other's hands; general politics are made to he^r on private 
 business, and private business on general politics ; and at the 
 close of the Parliament, the member who has succeeded in 
 secuiing the largest portion of the prize for his constituents, 
 renders an easy account of his stewardship, with corifident 
 assurance of his re-elnctioti. 
 " Not only did the leaders of the Lower Canadian Assotnbly 
 avail iho^mselves of the patronage thus afforded, by the large 
 surplus revenue of the province, but they turned this system to 
 much greater account, by tising it to obtain injlucnce over the 
 "Tiie majority of the Assembly of Lower Canada iri accused 
 by its opponents of having, in the most systematic and persever- 
 ing manner, employed this means of corrupting the electoral 
 bodies. The adherents of M. Papineau are said to have been 
 lavish in their promises of the benefits which they could obtain 
 from the Assembly for the county, whose suffrages tliey solicited. 
 By such representations, the return of members of opposition 
 politics is asserted, in many instances, to have been secured ; 
 and obstinate counties are alleged to have been sometimes 
 starved into submission, by an entire withdrawal of grants, until 
 they returned members favourable to the majority. JSouie of the 
 English members who voted with M. Papineau, excused, 
 themselves to their countrymen by alleging that they were 
 compelled to do so, in order to get a road or a bridge, which 
 their constituents desired. Whether it be true or false, that the 
 abuse was ever carried to such a pilch, it is obviously one, 
 which might have been easily and safely perpetrated by a person 
 possessing M. Papineau's influence in the Assembly." 
 Next for the grants for public education. 
 " But the most bold and extensive attempt for erecting u 
 system of patronage, wholly independent of the Gover.iment. 
 was that which was, for some time, carried into effect by the 
 grants for education made by the Assembly, and regulated by 
 the Act, which the Legislative Council has been most bitterly 
 reproached with refusing to renew. It has been stated, as a 
 proof of the deliberate intention of the Legislative 0)uucil tf 
 crush every attempt to civilize and elevate ilie great nia^s of the 
 people, that it thus stopped at once the working of about l,00O 
 schools, and deprived of education no less than 40,000 scholars, 
 who were actually profiting by the means of instruction thus 
 pla«;ed within their reach. But the reasons which induced, or 
 rather compelled, the Legislative Council to stop this system, 
 are clearly stated in the Report of that body, which contains the 
 most unanswerable justification of the course which it pursued. 
 By that it appears, that the whole superintendence and patronage 
 of these scliools had, by the expired law, been vested in the 
 hands of the county members; and they had been allowed to 
 ' ! : 
 .i' I' 
 'it J "'r 
 manage the funds, without even the semblance of snfficieRC 
 accountability. The Members of the Assembly had thus it 
 patronage, in this single department, of about £35,000 per 
 annum, an amount equal to half of the whole ordinary civil 
 expenditure of the Province. They were not slow ir profiting 
 by the occasion thus placed in their iiands; and as theie existed 
 in the Province no sufficient supply of competent schoolmasMers 
 and mistresses, they nevertheless immediately filled up the 
 appointments with persons who were utterly and obviously 
 incompetent, A great proportion of the teachers could neither read 
 nor write. The gentleman whom I directed to inquire into the 
 state of education in the Province, showed me a petition from 
 certain schoolmasters, which had come into his hands; and 
 the majority of the signatures were those of marks-men. These 
 ignorant teachers could convey no useful instruction to their 
 pupils ; the utmost amount which they taught them was to say 
 the Catechism by role. Even within seven miles of Montreal, 
 there was a schoolmistress thus unqualified. These appoint- 
 ments were, as might have been expected, jobbed by the 
 members among the political partisans ; nor were the fund& 
 very honestly managed. In many cases the members were 
 suspected, or accused, of misapplying them to their own use ; 
 and in the case of Beauhamois, where the seigneur, Mr. Ellice, 
 has, in the same spirit of judicious liberality by which his whole 
 management of that extensive property has been marked, 
 contributed most largely towards the education of his tenants, the 
 school funds were proved to have been misappropriated by the 
 county member. The whole system was a gross political 
 abuse; and, however laudable we must hold the exertions of 
 those who really laboured to relieve their country from the 
 reproach of being the least furnished with the means of educatioii 
 of any on the North American continent, the more severely must 
 we condemn those who sacrificed this noble end, and perverted 
 ample means to serve the purposes of party." 
 We will now claim the support of his lordship upon another 
 (inestron, which is, how far is it likely that the law will be duly 
 administered" if the power is to remain in the hands of the French 
 Canadian population? Speaking of the Commi-ssioners of Small 
 Causes, his lordship observes — 
 " 1 shall only add, that some time previous to my leaving the 
 Province, } was very warmly and forcibly urged, b-y the highest 
 legal anthoritiesin the country, to abolish all these tribunals at 
 once, on the ground that a great many of them, being composed 
 entirely of disaffected French Canadians, were busily occupied 
 in harassing loyal subjects, by entertaining actions against them 
 on account of the part they had taken in the late insurrection^ 
 There is no appeal from their decision ; and it was stated that 
 they had in the most barefaced manner given damages against 
 loyal persons for acts done in the discharge of their duty, and 
 judgments by default against persons who were absent, as 
 volunteers in the service of the Queen, a-nd enforced tkek 
 judgment by levying distresses on their property." 
 Relative to the greatest preroffative of an Englishman, the 
 trial by jury, his lordship observes— 
 "But the most serious mischief in the administration of 
 criminal justice, arises from the entire perversion of the institu- 
 tion of juries, by the political and national prejudices of tlio 
 people. The trial by jury was introduced with the rest, of ihv 
 English criminal law. For a long time the composition of boih 
 grand and petit juries wns settled by the governor, vnid ihey 
 were at first taken from the cities, which were the chefs liciix of 
 the district. Complaints were made lliat this gave an undue 
 preponderance to the iJritish in those cities ; though, from the 
 proportions of the population, it is not very obvious how they 
 could thereby obtain more than an equal share. Inconsequence, 
 however, of these complaints, an order was issued under the 
 government of Sir .lames Kempt, directing the sheriffs t. take 
 the juries not only from the ciiies, but from the adjacent country, 
 for fifteen leagues in every direction. Au Act was siii).se(juent- 
 ]y passed, commonly called * Mr, Viger's .fury Act,' exieiidiiig 
 these limits to those of the district. 'l'lieprin(Mple of lakiiiijthe 
 jury from the whole district to which the jurisdiction nf the 
 court extended, is, undoubtedly, in conlurnuty with the princi- 
 ples of English law ; and Mr. Viger's Act, adopting the other 
 regulations of the English jury law, provided a fair selection of 
 juries. But if we consider the hostility an<l proportions of the 
 two races, the practical effect of this law was to give the French 
 an entire preponderance in the juries. Tiiis Act was one of the 
 temporary Acts of the Assembly, and, having expired in 18.30, 
 the Legislative Council refused to renew it. 8ince that period, 
 there has been no jury law whatever. The composition ot the 
 juries has been altogether in the hands of the Government; 
 private inslructiot;s, however, have been given to the sheriff" to 
 act in conformity with Sir .Tames Kempt's ordinance ; hut though 
 he has always done so, the public have had no security for any 
 fairness in the selection of the juries, 'i'here was no visible 
 check on the sherlfi'; the public knew that he cotilfl puck a jury 
 whenever he pleased, and supposed, as a matter of course, that 
 an officer, holding a lucrative appointment at the pleasure ol 
 (iovernment, would be ready to carry into effect those unfair 
 designs which the}' were always ready to attribute to tlie 
 Government. When I arrived in the Province, the public were 
 expecting the trials of the persons accused of participation in 
 the late insurrection. I was, on the one hand, informed by the 
 iaw officers of the Crown, and the highest judicial authorities, 
 that not the slightest chance existed, under any fair system ol 
 getting a jury, that would convict any of tin «e men, however 
 clear the evidence of their guilt might be ; and, on the other side, 
 I was given to understand, that the prisoners auvi their friends 
 supposed that, as a matter of course, they v/ould be tried by 
 packed juries, and that even the most clearly innocent of theiii 
 would be convicted. 
 " It is, indeed, a lamentable fact which must not be coKceal- 
 ed, tiiat there does not exist in the minds of the people of this 
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 Provinces the slightest confidenre in the adminiatratmn 0/ 
 criminal justice; nor were the complaints, or the apparent 
 grounds for them, confined to one party. 
 "The trial hyjnry is, thereft)r«', at the present moment, not 
 only productive in Lower Canada of no confidence in the honest 
 administration of the laws, but also provides impunrty for every 
 political offence." 
 1 have made these long quotations from Lord Durham's Re- 
 port as his lordship's authority, he having been sent out as Lord 
 High Commissioner to the Province, to make the necessary 
 inquiries, must carry more weight with the |mblic than any 
 observations of mine. All I can do is to assert that his lordship 
 is very accurate ; and, having made this assertion, I ask, what 
 chance, therefore, is there of good government, if the power, or 
 any portion of the power, be left in the hands of those who have 
 in every way proved themselves so adverse to good government, 
 and who have wound up such conduct by open rebellion. 
 The position of the Executive in Canada has, foralongwhilcr 
 been just what our position in this country would be if the 
 House of Commons were composed of Chartist leaders. Every 
 act brought forward by them would tend to revolution, and be 
 an infringement of the Constitution, and all that the House of 
 Lords would have to do, would be firmly to reject every bill 
 carried to the Upper House. If our House of Commons were 
 filled with rebels and traitors, the Government must stand still, 
 and such has been for these ten years the situation of the Cana- 
 dian government; and, fortunate it is, that the out-break has now 
 put us in a position that will enable us to retrieve our error, and 
 re-mndel the constitution of these Provinces. The questions- 
 which must therefore be settled previous to any fresh attempts 
 at legislation for these Canadians, are, — are, or are iioi, the 
 French population to have any share in itl Can they be trusted? 
 Are they in any way deserving of it? In few words, are the 
 Canadas to be hereafter considered as a French or an English 
 When we legislate, unless we intend to change, we mast look 
 to futurity. The question, then, is not, who are the majority of 
 to-day, but who will hereafter be the majority in the Canadian 
 Provinces; for all agree upon one point, which i«, that we must 
 legislate for the majority. At present, the population is nearly 
 equal, but every year increases the preponderance of the English; 
 and it is to be trusted that, by good management, and the en- 
 couragement of emigration, in half a century the French popula- 
 tion will be so swallowed up by the English, as to be remembered* 
 but on record. If, again, we put the elaims of British loyalty 
 against the treason of the French — the EngliBh energy, activity, 
 and capital, in opposition to the supineness, ignorance, and in- 
 capacity of the French population, — it is evident^ that not only 
 in justice and gralitnde, but with a due regard to our own inter- 
 ests, the French Canadians must now be wholly deprived of any 
 share of that power which they have abused, and that confidence 
 of which they have proved themselves so unworthy. I am 
 madh pleased to find that Lord Durham has expressed the same 
 opinion, in the followingr remarks; and I trust their importance 
 will excuse to the reader the length of the quotation. 
 "The English have already in their hands the majority of the 
 larger masses of property in the country ; thoy have the decided 
 superiority of intelligence on Ihoir side; they have the certainty 
 that colonization must swell their numbers to a majority; and 
 they belong to the race which wields the Imperial Government, 
 and predominates on the American continent. If we now leave 
 them in a minority, they will never abandon the assurance of 
 being a majority hereafter^ and never cease to continu3 the present 
 contest with all the fierceness with which it now rages. In 
 such a contest, they will rely on the sympathy of their country- 
 men at home ; and if that is denied them, they feel very confident 
 of being able to awaken the sympathy of their neighbours of 
 kindred origin. They feel that if the British Government intends 
 to maintain its hold of the Canadas, it can rely on the English 
 population alone ; that if it abandons its colonial possessions, 
 they must become a portion of that great Union which will 
 speedily send forth its swarms of settlers, and, by force of num- 
 bers and activity, quickly master every other race. The French 
 Canadians, on the other hand, are but the remains of an ancient 
 colonization, and are and ever must be isolated in the midst of 
 an Anglo-Saxon world. Whatever may happen, whatever gov- 
 ernment shall be established over them, British or American, 
 they can see no hope for their nationality. They can only sever 
 themselves from the British empire by waiting till some general 
 cause of dissatisfaction alienates them, together with the sur- 
 rounding colonies, and leaves them part of an English confede- 
 racy ; or, if they are able, by effecting a separation singly, and 
 so either merging in the American Union, or keeping up for a 
 few years a wretched semblance of feeble independence, which 
 would expose them more than ever to the intrusion of the sur- 
 rounding population. I am far from wishing to encourage, in- 
 discriminately, these pretensions to superiority on the part of 
 any particular race ; but while the greater part of every portion 
 of the American continent is still uncleared and unoccupied, and 
 while the English exhibit such constant and marked activity in 
 colonization, so long will it be idle to imagine that there is any 
 portion of that continent into which that race will not penetrate, 
 or in which, when it has penetrated, it will not predominate. 
 It is but a question of time and mode; it is but to determine 
 whether the small number of French who now inhabit Lower 
 Canada shall b&made English, under a government which can 
 protect them, or whether the process shall be delayed antil a 
 much larger number shall have to undergo, at the rude hands of 
 its uncontrolled rivals, the extinction of a nationality strengthen- 
 ed and embittered by continuance. 
 " And is this French Canadian nationality one which, for 
 the good merely of that people, we ought to strive to perpetuate 
 even if it were possible ? I know of no national distinctions 
 marking and continuing a more hopeless inferiority. The 
 ' I. 
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 languafjre, the laws, the character of the North American Con* 
 tinent are English ; and every race but the English (I apply 
 this to all who speak the English language) appears there in 
 a condition of inferiority. It t» to elevate ihern from that in- 
 feriority that I desire to give to the Canadians our English 
 character I desire it for the sake of the educated classes, 
 ■whom the distinction oi language and muitiiors keeps apart from 
 the great empire to which they helong. At the best, the fate of 
 the educated and aspiring colonist is, at present, one of little 
 hope, and little activity ; but the French Canadian is cast still 
 further into the shade, hy a language and habits foreign to those 
 of the Imperial Government. A spirit of exclusion has closed 
 the higher professions on the educated classes of the French 
 Canadians, more, perhaps, than was absolutely iioces3ary ; but 
 it is impossible for the utmost liberality on the part of the 
 British Government to give an equal position in the general 
 competition of its vast population to those who speak a i'oreign 
 language. I desire the amalgamation still more for the sake of 
 the humhli-r classes. Their present state of rude and equal 
 plenty is fiist deteriorating under the pressure of population in 
 the narrovv limits to which they are confined. If tl»ey attempt 
 to better their condition, by extending themselves over the 
 neighbouring country, they will necessarily get more and more 
 minjiled with an English population ; if they prefer remaining 
 stationary, tiie greater part of them must be labourers iu the 
 employ of English capitalists. In either case it would appear, 
 that the great mass of the French Canadians are doomed, in 
 some measure, to occupy an inferior position, and to be de- 
 pendent on the English for employment. The evils of poverty 
 and dependence would merely be aggravated in a ten-fold 
 degree, by a spirit of jealous and resentful nationality, which 
 siiould separate the working class of the community from the 
 possessors of wealth and employers of labour. 
 "I will not here enter into the question of the effect of the 
 mode of life and division of* property among the French Cana- 
 dians, on the happiness of the people. I will admit, for the 
 moment, that it is as productive of well-being as its admirers 
 assert. But, be it good or bad, the period in which it is practi- 
 cable, is past; for there is not enouph unoccupied land left in 
 that portion of the country in which Ennlish are not already 
 settled, to admit of the present French population possessing 
 farms • uflicient to supply them with their present means of 
 comfort, under their present system of husbandry. No popu- 
 lation has increased by mere births so rapidly as that of the 
 French Canadians has since the conquest. At that period their 
 number was estimated at G0,000 : it is now supposed to amount 
 to more than seven times as many. There has lieeri no propor- 
 tional increase of cultivation, or of produce from the land already 
 under cultivation ; and the increased population has been in a 
 great measure provided for by mere continued subdivision of 
 estates. In a Report from a Committee of the Assembly in 
 182G, of which Mr. Andrew Steuart was chairman, it is stated, 
 lliat since 1784 the population of the spigrnoriea had quadrupled, 
 while tho number of cattle had only doubled, and tho qnaiitity 
 of land in cultivation had only inoreascd one*third. Cornplaint$( 
 nf distress are constant, and the deterioration of Uir condition ot 
 a great part of the population admitted on all hands. A people 
 80 circumstanced must alter their mode of life. If they wish to 
 maintain the same kind of rude, hut well-provided a^rricnltural 
 existence, it must be by removingr into those parts of the coun- 
 try in which the English are settled ; or if they cling to their 
 present residence, they can only obtain a livelihood by deserting 
 their present employment, and working for vrages on farms, or 
 on commercial occupations under English capitalists. But 
 their present proprietary and inactive condition is one which no 
 political arrangements can perpetuate. Were the French Cana- 
 <lians to be guarded from the influx of any other population, 
 their condition in few years would be similar to that of the 
 poorest of the Irish peasantry. 
 *' There can hardly be conceived a nationality more destitute 
 of all that can invigorate and elevate a people, than that which 
 is exhibited by the descendants of the French in Lower Canada, 
 owing to their retaining their peculiar language and manners. 
 They are a people with no history, and no literature. The liter- 
 ature of England is written in a language which is not theirs; 
 and the only literature which their language renders familiar to 
 them, is that of a nation from which they have been separated 
 by eighty years of a foreign rule, and still more by those changes 
 which the Revolution and its consequences have wrought in tho 
 whole political, moral, and social state of France. Yet it is on 
 a people whom recent history, manners, and modes of thought, 
 so entirely separate from them, that the French Canadians are 
 wholly dependent for almost all the instruction and amusement 
 derived from books : it is on this essentially foreign literature, 
 which is conversant about events, opinions and habits of life, 
 perfectly strange and unintelligible to them, that they are com- 
 pelled to be dependent. Their newspnpers are mostly written 
 by natives of France, who have either come to try their fortunes 
 in the province, or been brought into it by the party leaders, in 
 order to supply the dearth of literary talent available for the po- 
 litical press. In the same way their nationality operates to de- 
 prive them of the enjoyments and civilizing influence of the arts. 
 Though descended from the people in the world that most gen- 
 erally love, and have most successfully cultivated the drama — 
 though living on a con'inent, in which almost every town, great 
 or small, has an English theatre, the French population of 
 Lower Canada, cut oflf from every people that speak its own 
 language, can support no national stage. 
 "In these circumstances, I should be indeed surprised if the 
 more reflecting part of the French Canadians entertained at pre- 
 sent any hope of continuing to preserve their nationality. 
 Much as they struggle against it, it is obvious that the process 
 of assimilation to English habits is already commencing. The 
 b^nglish language is gaining ground, as the language of the rich 
 ( t 
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 and of the employers of labour naturally will. It appeared by 
 Rome of the ffw leturns, which had been received by the Com- 
 missioner of Inquiry into the statH of education, that there are 
 about ten times the number of French children in Quebec learn- 
 incr Englifth, as compared with the Kn|/li8h children who learn 
 French. A considerable time must, of course, elapse before the 
 change of a languasfe can spread over a uhoie people ; and jus- 
 tice and policy ulike require, tliat while the peoplr continue tr) 
 use the French lantruaure, their government should t^ke no such 
 means to forc« the Knglish language upon tliem as would, in 
 fact, deprive the great mass of the community of the protection 
 of the laws. But, 1 repeat, that the alteriilion of the character 
 of the province ought to be immediately entered on, and firmly, 
 though cautiously, fidlowcd up; that in any plan, which may 
 he adopted for the future management of Lower Canada, the 
 first object ought to be that of making it an Fnglish province; 
 and Ih >:t, with this end in view, the ascendancy should never 
 again be placed in any hands but those of an Friglish popula- 
 tion. Indeed, at the present moment, this is obviously neces- 
 sary : in the slate of mind in which 1 have described the French 
 Canadian population, as not only now being, but as likely for a 
 long while to remain, the trusting them with an entire control 
 over this province would be, in fact, only i^icilitating a reliellion. 
 Lower Canada must be governed now, as it must be hereafter, 
 by an English population ; and thus the policy, which the ne- 
 cessities of the moment force on us, is in accordance with that 
 suggested by a comprehensive view of the future and permanent 
 improvement of the province," 
 I HAVE quoted largely from Lord Durham's Report, as in most 
 points relative to Lower Canada, especially as to the causes 
 which produced the rebellion, the unwarrantable conduct of the 
 Legislative Assembly, and his opinions as to the charatier of 
 the French Canadians, I consider that the remarks are co/rect : 
 they are corroborated by my own opinions and observations: but 
 I think that the information he has received relative to Ujjper 
 Canada is not only very imperfect, but certainly derived trom 
 parties who were not to be trusted : take one simple instance. 
 His lordship says in his Report, that the petitioners in favour of 
 Mathews and Lount, who were executed, amounted to 30,000, 
 whereas it is established, that the whole number of signatures 
 only amounted to 4,574. Those who deceive his lordship in one 
 point would deceive him in another; indeed his lordship had a 
 task of peculiar ditiiculiy, going out as he did, vested with such 
 powers, and the intents of his mission being so well known. It 
 is not those who are in high office that are likely to ascertain 
 ' = '11. 
 ihe truth, whii h is much more likely to hn commnnicated to a 
 liiinjhie individual liko iuyH«df, who travels throujrh a country 
 a(ul lieiirs what is Haid nu hoth sides. Tho eaunes stated hy his 
 Iordshi[) for disoonicni in Upper (/'niiada are not correct. L have 
 helore said, and I repeal it, that they may almost he rediicefl to 
 the lollowiufr: the check put upon their euterprizo and industry 
 hy tlie acts ot' the F.ower (Minadian Assemhiy ; and the favour 
 shown to the Fretudi hy the ('olonial Olliee, aided l)y the ma- 
 chinniioua of the American parly, who t'omouted any appearance 
 of discoulent. 
 There is in his lordship's Report, an apparent leaninj/ towards 
 the United Slates, and its institutions, at which I confess that I 
 am surprised. Why his lordship, after shewing that the repre- 
 sentative <rovernment did all they possihie could to overthrow 
 the constitution, should propose an increase of power to that 
 representative jfovernment, unless, indeed, ho would establish a 
 demoi'.racy in the provinces, 1 am at a loss to imarrine. 
 That a representative body similar to that which attempted to 
 overturn the consiitutiou in Lower Canada can work well, and 
 even usefully reform when in the hands of loyal English subjects, 
 is ncknowledjred by his lordship, who says, " the course of the 
 Parliamentary contest in Upper Canada has not been marked hy 
 that sinirular neglect of the great duties of a legislative body, 
 which 1 have remarked in the proceedintja of the Parliament of 
 Lower Canada. The statute book of the Upper Province 
 abounds with useful and well-constructed measures of reform, 
 and presents an honourable contrast to that of the Lower Pro- 
 Indeed, unless I have misunderstood his lordship he appears 
 to he inconsistent, for in one portion he claims the extension of 
 the power of the representative, and in another he complains of 
 the want of vigorous administration of the royal prerogative, for 
 he says : — 
 ** The defective system of administration in Lower Canada, 
 commences at the very source of power ; and the efficiency of 
 the public service is impaired throughout by the entire want in 
 the colony of any vigorous administration of the prerogative of 
 the crown." 
 To increase the power of the representative is to increase the 
 power of the people, in fact to make them the source of power ; 
 and yet his lordship in this sentence acknowledges that the 
 crown is the source of power, and that a more vigoroHS adminis- 
 tration of its prerogative is required. 
 There are other points commented upon in his lordship's 
 Report, which claim earnest consideration : one is, that of the 
 ttropriety of municipal institutions. Local improvements, when 
 eft in the hands of representative assemblies, are seldom judi- 
 cious or impartial, and should therefore be made over either to 
 the inhabitants or executive. The system of townships has cep- 
 tainly been one great cause. of the prosperity of the United 
 States, each township taxing itself for its own improvements 
 Although the great roads extending through the whole of the 
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 narrvat's diary. 
 Union are in the hands of the Federal Government, and tlic 
 wStates Government take up the improvement on an extensive 
 scale in the States themselves, the townships, knowing exactly 
 what they require, tax themselves for their minor advantages. 
 The system in England is much the same, although perhaps not 
 so well regulated as in America. Are not, hov^ever, municipal 
 institutions valuable in another point of view ? Do they not 
 prepare the people for legislating ? are they not the rudiments 
 of legislation by which a free people learn to tax themselves i^ 
 And indeed, it may also be asked, would not the petty influence 
 and authority confided to those who are ambitious by their 
 townsmen satisfy their ambition, and prevent them from becoming 
 demagogues and disturbing the country 1 
 Whatever may be the future arrangements for ruling these 
 provinces, it appears to nrie that there are two great evils in the 
 present system ; one is, that the governors of the provinces 
 have not sufficient discretionary power, and the other is, that 
 they are so often removed. The evils from the first cause have 
 been pointed out in Lord Durham's Report: — 
 ** The complete and unavoidable ignorance in which the 
 British public, and even the great body of its legislators, are 
 ■with respect to the real inte ests of distant communities, so en- 
 tirely different from their own, produces a general indifference, 
 which nothing but some great colonial crisis ever dispels ; and 
 responsibility to Parliament, or to the public opinion of Great 
 Britain, would, except on these great and rare occasions, be 
 positively mischievous, if it were not impossible. The repeated 
 changes caused by political events at home having no connexion 
 with colonial affairs, have left, to most of the various represen- 
 tatives of the Colonial Department in Parliament, too little time 
 to acquire even an elementary knowledge of the condition of 
 those numerous and heterogenous communities for which they 
 have both to administer and legislate. The persons with whom 
 the real management of these affairs has or ought to have rested, 
 have been the permanent but utterly irresponsible members of 
 the oflice. Thus the eal government of the colony has been 
 entirely dissevered from the slight nominal responsibility which 
 exists. Apart even from this great and primary evil of the sys- 
 tem, the presence of multifarious bnsiness thus thrown on the 
 Colonial office, and the repeated changes of its ostensible direc- 
 tors, have produced disorders in the management of public 
 business wnich have occasioned serious mischief, and very 
 great irritation. This is not my own opinion merely : for I do 
 but repeat that of a select committee of the House of Assembly 
 in Upper Canada, who, in a Report dated February 8, 1838, 
 say, ' It appears to your committee, that one of the chief causes 
 of dissatisfaction w ith the administration of colonial affairs arises 
 from the frequent changes in the office of secretary of state, to 
 whom the Colonial department is entrusted. Since the time the 
 late Lord Bathurst retired from that charge, in 1827, your com- 
 mittee believe there has not been less than eight colonial minis* 
 Iters, and that the policy of each successive statesinaa has been 
marryat's diarv. 
 iTiOre or less marked by a difference from that of liis predecessor. 
 This frequency of change in itself almost necessarily entai^s 
 two evils; /rs/, an imperfect knowledge of the affairs of the 
 colonies on the part of the chief secretary, and the conspquent 
 necessity of submitting important details to the subordinate 
 officers of the department; and second, the want of stability and 
 firmness in the general policy of the Government, and which, o1 
 course, creates much uneasiness on the part of the Governors, 
 and other officers of the colonies, as to what measures may be 
 *' ♦ But undoubtedly (continues the Report) by far the greatest 
 objection to the system is the impossibility it occasions of any 
 colonial minister, unaided by persons po>se^sing IochI know- 
 ledge, becoming acquainted with the wants, wishes, feelings, 
 and prejudices of the inhabitants of the colonies, during iiis tem- 
 porary continuance in office, and of decidinir satisfactorily upon 
 the conflicting statements and claims that are brought before 
 him. A firm, unflinching resolution to adhere to the principles 
 of the constitution, and to maintain the just, and necessary powers 
 of the crown, would do much towards supplying the want of 
 local information. But it would be performing more than can 
 be reasonably be expebted from human sagacity, if any man, or 
 set of men, should always decide i.i an unexceptionable manner 
 on subjects that have their origin thousands of miles from lh« 
 seat of the Imperial Government, where they reside, and of 
 which they have no personal knowledge whatever; and there- 
 fore wrong may be often done to individuals, or a false view 
 taken of some important political question, that in the end may 
 throw a whole community into difficulty and dissension, not 
 from the absence of the most anxious desire to do right, but from 
 an imperfect knowledge of facts upon which totorm an opinion.' " 
 This is all very true. There is nothing so difficult as to 
 legislate for a colony from home. The very best theory is use- 
 less ; it requires that you should be on the spot and adapt your 
 measures to the circumstances and the growing wants of the 
 country. 1 may add that it is wrong for the Home Government 
 to consider the Government given to the colony as permanent. 
 All that the mother-country can do is to give it one, which, in 
 theory, appears most adapted to secure the true freedom and 
 happiness of the people; but leaving that form of government 
 lo be occasionally modified, so as to meet with the changes, the 
 wants, and the rising interests which the colony may require; 
 all of which being unforeseen could not be provided for by the 
 foresight of man. The governor, therefore, of a colony should 
 be invested with more discretionary power. 
 The constant removal of the governor from the colony is also 
 much to be deprecated. On^his first arrival, he can only have 
 formed theoretical views, which, in all probability, he will have 
 to discard in a few months. He finds himself surrounded by 
 people in office, interested in their own peculiar policy, and 
 viewing things through their own medium, in all colonics yon 
 'will usually findan oligarchy, cemented by mutual interest, and 
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 family connection, and so bound up logellier as to bfcome 
 formidable if opposed to the Government. Into the hands of 
 ihese people a governor must, to a certain degree, fall, until ho 
 has had time to see clearly and to jiuitre for himself. But by the 
 time that he has just disenthralled himself, he is removed, and 
 another appointed in his place, and the work has to commence 
 (/e nojo. 
 Lord Durham has proposed that the Canadas should be united, 
 and there certainly are some benefits which would arise could 
 their union take place. He asserts most positively that the 
 French party must be annihilated. He says. — " It must hence- 
 forth be the lirst and steady purpose of the British Government 
 to establish an English population, with English laws and 
 languaoro in this province, and to trust its government to none 
 but a decidedly English legislature.'' This is plain and clear ; 
 but how is this to be affected ? The land of Lower Canada is 
 still in the hands of the French, and nearly five hundred 
 thousand out of six hundred thousand of the population are 
 How, tlien, are we to make the Lower Canadas English ? 
 We may purchase up the seigneuries ; we may insist upon the 
 English language being used in the Assembly and courts of 
 law, in public documents, &c. ; we may alter the laws to 
 correspond with those of the mother-country ; but will that 
 make the pr- vince English ? We may even insist that none 
 hut English-born subjects, or Canadian-born English shall be 
 elected to the House of Assembly, or hold any public office ; but 
 will that make th . province English? Certainly not. There 
 is no want of En^jlish-born demagogues as well as French in 
 the province. The elections of the Lower province are decided 
 by ihe ('anadian French, who are in the majority, and they 
 would find no difficulty in obtaining representatives who would 
 continue the former system of controlling the executive and 
 advocating re hellion. Is it, then, by altogether taking away 
 from the Canadian French the elective franchise and giving it 
 entirely into the hands of the English, that the province is to 
 be made English? If so, although 1 admit the French have 
 proved thciniselves undeserving, and have by their rebellion 
 forfeited their birth-right, you then place them in the situation of 
 an injured, oppressed, and sacrificed people; reducing them to 
 a state of slavery which, notwithstanding their offences, would 
 still be odious to the present age. By what means, therefore, 
 does his lordship intend that the province shall become F]nglish 
 — by immigration ? That requires time ; and before the immi* 
 gration necess-uy can take place the Canadas may be again 
 thrown into a rebellion by the French machinations. In our 
 future legislation for the Canadas, we must always bear in mind 
 that the French population will be opposed to the Government 
 and to the mother-country ; and that there is no chance of a 
 better state of feeling in the Lower province until they shall br- 
 eome amalgamated and swallowed up by British immigration. 
 Vntil that takes place, the union of the Canadas will only 
 'Ti L 
MARRY AT's diary. 
 create a eonflict between the two races, as opposed as fire and 
 water, and nearly e(|ual in numbers. It will be an imnriense 
 cauldron, bubbling, steaniintr, and boilinjr over — an ineessan; 
 scene of strife and irritation — a source of anxietj' and expense to 
 the inolber-conntry, and, so far from jjoino^ a-brad, I shnnld not 
 be surprised if, iti twenty years hence, the Enj^lisli population 
 would b(! found to bf^ smvdler than it now is. Political dissen- 
 sions would paialysc enterprise, frifrhien away capital, and, in 
 all probability, involve us in a conflict with the United States. 
 Until, therefore, I understand bow the Ijower Province is to 
 become 13ritish, 1 cannot think a union between the Canadas to 
 be advisable. 
 Wherher his lordship is aware of it or not, I cannot say, but 
 there appears to me to be a stronor toeling towards democracy in 
 ail liis proposed plans, and an evident leanincr towards the in- 
 stitutions of the United States. He wish(>s to make the 
 Executive Governmctit responsible to tlui people ; he would 
 make one Federal Union ot all our provinces, and institute the 
 Supreme Court of Appeal which ihey have in the United States. 
 In short, chanire but the word Governor for President, and we 
 should have the American constitution, and a " free and 
 enlifrhtened people;" — that is, tfie French Canadians, who can 
 neillicr rta<l or write, governinir themselves. 
 So far from a Federal union between all our transatlantic pos- 
 sessions bein^ advisable, I should think, from their cnntigruity 
 with the Americans, that it would be advisable to krep them 
 separate. Respecting' the Canadas, 1 am of the same cpinion. 
 1 consider that as two provinces, they are too vast in territory 
 already. Whether it is a woman lookinjr after her servants and 
 household affairs, or a captain commandin|T asliip,or a governor 
 rulinjr over a province, larjrp or snmll, as may be the scale of 
 operation, one of the most important points in jjood legislation, 
 is the e//e. A jrovernor of a vast province cannot possibly be 
 aware of the wants of the various portions of the province. He 
 is obliged to take the reports of others, and consequently very 
 often legislates unadvisedly. 
 That the two provinces cannot remain in their present state is 
 acknowlt-dged by all. The question therefore is, can we ration- 
 ally expect any improvement by their union ? Perhaps it may 
 appear |)resumptuous in me (at all events, it will in the eyes of 
 the EdiuburL^li Revitiv) that I shojild venture to diiler from Lord 
 Durham, who is a statesman born and bred — for this is not a 
 party question in wliich a diirerence of politics may bias — it is a 
 question as to the well-governing ol a most important ccdony, 
 and no one will I'or a moment doubt but that his lordship is as 
 anxious as the Duke of Wellington, and every other well-wisher 
 to his country, to decide upon that which he considers honestly 
 and honorably t'^ be the best. It is really, therefore, with great 
 deference that I submit to him, whether another arrangement 
 should not be well considered, before the union of the two pro- 
 vinces is finally decided upon. 
 • His lordship has very truly observed, that in legislating, wo 
 V i 
 ,1 ; 
 - i 
 are to letrislate for Aitarity; if not, we must be prepared fo." 
 cli,in<je. ActiniT upon this sound principle, we are to letfislate 
 aonn the su|)positioii that the whole country of Upper and Lower 
 Canada /s well peopled. VVr- are not to lejrislate for the present 
 popuUitiiMi, but fnr tin? future. And how is this to be done in 
 the present condition of the provinces? Most assuredly by 
 leijislatii)'^ for territory — for the amount of square acres which 
 will eveiitu'.illy be tilled up by emiiiration. I perf(^cl1y agfree 
 with his lordship in the remark that " if the Canadians are to 
 be deprivfnl of their representative (government, it would be bet- 
 tor to do it in a straioht forward way;" but I submit that it 
 would f)H done \',\ a siraitrht forward way by the plan [ am about 
 to submit to him, and I consider it more advisable than that ot 
 convulsincr the two provinces by brintrinir tofjether the two races 
 so inveterate airainsl each other. InsteKd of a union of the two 
 provinces, I should think it more advisable to separate the 
 (.'anada.s into three — I'pper, Lower, and Middle (Canada, the 
 line of demarcation; and the capitals of each Province appear 
 already to be inark'^d out. 'J'he Lower province would have 
 Quebec, and be separated from the Middle Province by the Ot- 
 tawa river. The Middle Province would have Montreal, and 
 would extend to a line drawn from Lake Simcoe to Lake Onta- 
 rio, throwiiig into it all the townsliips on the .jQnif.rican side of the 
 St. Lawrence^ w\\'\c\\ would do away with the p^reat objection of 
 the Upper province being <lependent upon the Lower for the 
 transport of goods up the river, and the necessity cf dividing be- 
 tween the provinces the custom-house revenues. Under any 
 circumstances, it would be very advantageous to have a port of 
 entry and custom-house, in or nearer to the Gulfof St. Lawrence, 
 as ships would then be able to make an extra voyage every 
 year. I should say about Gaspe would be the spot. This bay 
 being on the American side of the river St. Lawrence would be- 
 come the entry port for the Upper and Middle provinces, ren- 
 dering them wholly independent of the Lower. The Upper 
 province would comprehend all the rest of the territory west ot 
 the line, drawn from Lake Superior, and have Toronto for its 
 capital, 'i'his would be a pretty fair division of territory, and 
 each province would be more than sufficient for the eye of the 
 most active governor. 
 Let each province have its separate sui-govemor and House 
 of Assembly ; but let the Upper House, or Senate, be selected 
 of equal numbers from each province, and assemble at Quebec to 
 decide, with the fruvernor-in -chief of t'le pro^nnces^ upon the 
 passing or rejecting of the bills of the three respective Lower 
 Houses. This, although perfectly fair, would at once give in 
 the Senate the preponderance to the English of the Upper and 
 Middle provinces. It would still leave to the Lower Canadians 
 their franchise ; and their House of Assembly would be a 
 species of safety-valve for the demagogues to give vent to their 
 opinions, without their being capable of injuring the interests of 
 the provinces, until ihey gradually amalgamated with the British 
 immigration. I merely offer this plan as a suggestion to his 
 \oi;d8hip, and, of course, enter ipto no further. dQtaU., 
 There are, however, one or two otlier points which appear to 
 me to be worthy of consiilpration. It' the Oanadas are of that 
 importance wliich I th'nk thetn, there are no nieans which wo 
 should not nse to attach them to the mother-country — to make 
 them partial to monaiohi*! instiliuions — and to idtntify iheni 
 with the Uritish empire. We should make sacrifices for them 
 that we would not to other colonies; ami therefore it is that I 
 venture my opinion, that it would not only be politic, but it 
 would be just to such an extensive territory — and eventually 
 such an extensive population — to permit each of the three pro- 
 vinces, (provided they are ever divided into three,) to select one 
 of their senate to represent them in the British House of Com- 
 mons. I consider it but an act of justice as well as of policy. 
 This step would, as I said before, iilcnilfi) ihnse valuable pro- 
 vinces with ourselves. They then would feel that they were 
 not ruled, but that they were part and portion, and assisted in 
 the government of the British empire, and, to draw the line as 
 strictly as possible between them and their democratic neigh- 
 bours, to attach them still closer to monanrhical institutions, ir, 
 should be proposed t-" the Sovereijrn of these realms that aii 
 Older of kniorhthood and an Order of merit expressly Canadian 
 should be instituted. These last may be considered by many 
 lobe, and perhaps in themselves are, trilles; but they are no 
 trifles, when you consider that they must militate agamst those 
 democratic feelinors of equality which have been so industriously 
 and so injuriously circulated in the provinces by our trans- 
 atlantic descendants. I cannot better conclude these observa- 
 tions than by quotincr the opinion of so intelliirent a nobiemau 
 as Lord Durham, who asserts most positively that *'K(iir|and, 
 if she loses her North American colonies, must sink into a 
 second-rate power." 
 i i 
 There was no subject of higher interest to me during my 
 travels in North America, than the past and present condition of 
 the Indian tribes. Were I to enter into the history of the past, 
 1 could easily fill three or four volumes of matter, which 1 think 
 would be found very well worth perusing. It is to i)e lamented 
 that there has been no correct history of the Indian tribes yet 
 published. There are many authors in America well calculated 
 to undertake the task» and the only reason which I can give for 
 it not having been already done, is that probably the American 
 <iovernmeiit are not very willing to open the archives of the 
 Indian department even to their own countrymen ; and, at the 
 same lime, an American author, who would adhere to the truth, 
 would not become very popular from exposing the system of 
 rapine and injustic ' which was commenced by the English wha 
 W I. 
 I !. 
 hi- » 
 ■ j, ,i 
 r ■' 
 Lf : 
 first laiKlpd, and has been continued up to the present day by 
 the Federal Government of the United States. Nevertheless, 
 it is to he lamented,' now that the race is so fast disappearing-, 
 that a oood historical account of them is not pubfished. There 
 is no want of material for the purpose, even if the (Jovernment 
 refuse their aid ; but at present, it is either scattered in various 
 works, or wh^n attempted to be collected together, the author 
 has not he(Mi equal to the task. There is a quesiion which has 
 been raised by almost every traveller in America, which is — 
 from whom are the American Indians descended 1 and I think 
 from thi' many works I have consulted, that the g^eneral opinion 
 is, that tliey are descended from the lost tribes of Israel. We 
 have n(-Vv^r discovered any other nation of savages, if we may 
 use such a term to the American Indians, who have not been 
 idolaters; the American Indian is the only one who worships 
 the one living God. In a discourse, which was delivered by 
 Mr. Noah, one of the most intelligent of the Jewish nation that 
 I ever had the pleasure of being acquainted with, there is much 
 depp research and a collection of the various opinions upon this 
 Many tribes were totally annihilated or their remnants incor- 
 porated into others, living faraway from their original territories* 
 the Tiiscaroras, for instance, were driven out of Carolina and 
 admitted into the Mohawk confederacy, which originally came 
 down from the upper shores of the river St. Lawrence. The 
 Winnei)agnps, also, were driven from the south and settled on 
 the river Wisconsin. The Sacs and Foxes fought their way 
 from «he river St. Lawrence to the Fox river, in Wisconsin, and 
 were driven from ihence, by the Menomonies and Chippewas, 
 to the 1 ^riitory of Hock river, on the river Mississippi, where 
 they r> inained, until deprived of their territory by the Federal 
 (lovernment, and sent away to the west of the river. 
 Notwithstanding tlie vicissitudes which continually occurred, 
 the tribes of North American Indians may be classed as fol- 
 lows : — 
 The Alironquin stock of the North — under which are com- 
 prehended the ('hippt-was, Otiawas, Menomonies, Murines, &p. 
 The Southern tribes, who are also descended from one stock, 
 and comj)rise Creeks, Cherokees, Chocktaws, Catawbaws, 
 Chickas iws,&(-. 
 The Morse Indians of the West, as the Pawnees, Osages, 
 Sioux, ]\aiisas, (-umanches, &e. 
 The Indians of the Rocky Mountains, as Crows, Snakes, and 
 All the above races were composed of numerous tribes, who 
 acknowledged themselves as blood relations, but did not enter 
 into any confederacy for mutual support; on the contrary, often 
 warring with each other. There were other powerful tribes, 
 which resid«>d between the lakes and the Ohio, bordering on the 
 huntiiKjr grounds of Kentucky and Tinpin, which portion ap- 
 peared to be set aside, by general consent, not only for hunting 
 but for war. There were the Delawares, or Lenni-Lenape, the 
 Shawnees, Wyandots, Illinois, Peorais, and some olheFB, 
 The confederate tribes, and with which the early settlers had 
 to contend, were as follows: — 
 The Powhatan confederacy, comprising the Monacans, Mona- 
 hoacs, and Powhatans, occupyintf the present stale of Virginia 
 from thp sea-coast to the Alleghany mountains. 
 'I'he Npw Enirland confederacy, who rf^sided in the present 
 States of New Knijland, composed of the Peqiiots, Narrangan- 
 sets, Pawiiickets, Pokanokets, and Massachusetts tribes. 
 And lastly, the confederacy of the five nations, or Mohawks, 
 called Mingos by the other Indians, and Iro(juois by the French. 
 This confederacy was composed of the Mohawks, Oneidas, 
 Cajriiyas, Onandiijas, and Senecas. The Tuscaroras, were 
 afterwards admitted as a sixth, 
 1 will make a few brief observations upon the various tribes, 
 in the order I have set them down. 
 The Algonquin stock has suffered less than any other, simply 
 because they have been located so far north, and their lands 
 have not been required. The Chippewas are at present the 
 most numerous tribe of Indians. 'J'he most celebrated chief ot 
 this stock was Pontiac, an Otta va ; after the (^anadiis were 
 given up to the English, he proved a most formidable nemy; 
 he attempted and, to a certain degree, succeeded in uniting the 
 tribes against us, and had not his plot been discovered, would, 
 in all probability, have wrested from us Detroit and every other 
 post in our possession on the lakes. Uut F.intiac couKI not 
 keep up astanding army, which was so contrary to the habits of 
 the Indians ; one by one the tribes deserted him, and sued for 
 peace. Pontiac would not listen to any negociaiions, he retired 
 to Illinois, and was murdered by a Peoria Indian. The (3tto- 
 was, (Chippewas, and Poltawatamies, who fouglit under him, 
 avenged his death by the extirmination of nearly the whole tribe 
 of Peorias. Pontiac was one of the greatest Indians in his4,ory. 
 Of the Southern tribes there are not any records sufliciv^ntly 
 prominent for so short a notice. 
 The Horse Indians of the West and those of the Rocky 
 Mountains are scarcely known. 
 The .Miuland tribes produced some jrreat men. The Dela- 
 wares were at one; period the most celebratt^d. 'J'heShawanees, 
 or JShawnees, do not appear to have been opposed to the 
 Whites, until IJoone and his adventurers crossed the Alleofha- 
 nies, and took posse ssion of the valley of Kentucky, i^iit the 
 iShawnees have to boast of Tecumseh, a chitf, ,is gr(^at in 
 renown as Pontiac; he also attempted to coiif(Mlerate all the 
 tribes and drive away the Whiles; his history is hinhly 
 interesting. He fell in battle fighting for thy English, in the 
 war of 1814. 
 The ciwfKkrate tribes on the eastern coast, were those with 
 which the first settlers were embroiled. The history of Virgi- 
 nia is remarkable for one of the most singular romances in real 
 life which ever occurred : I allude to Pocahontas, the daughter 
 of the king of the Powhatans, who saved the life of the enter- 
 prising ('apiain Smith, at the imniincnt risk of her own. The 
 U ' 
 marrvat's diarv. 
 romancpwas not, however, wound up by their marriaore, Captain 
 Smith not ht'iii<r u marry i mj mvin ; hut she afterwards married 
 a younir Kiitr|i>i|im;ui. of the name ot liandolph, was l)romjhi to 
 Kngiand. ri"ceiv«H^ at court, and paid much attention to by Queen 
 Anne. ISomo of the first familiefj in Virginia proudly and justly 
 claim their descent Irom this noble jjirl. 
 The New Kuiiiaiid (confederacy was opposed to the piljrrim 
 fathers and their descendants. The chief tribe, the VVampa- 
 noagrs, 1m ve to boast of the third jrreat chi<'f amonij the Indian 
 tribes — Ivinjj Philip. His history is well known; I have 
 alieady referred to it in my Diary. 
 If the rtvader will consult the histories of Philip, Pontine and 
 Tecumseh, who niv»y fairly be said lo have been " (jreat men," 
 he will perceive that in each cai^e, these chiefs were the life and 
 soul of enterprise and action, and that it was by their talents, 
 bravery, and activity, that the tribts were confederated and led 
 againel tlie Whites. As soon as they were jjone, there were 
 none who could succeed them or fill up tneir places, and the 
 confederacies were immediatt-ly broken up. l^ut this was not 
 the case with the celebrated five nations, or Mohawks, who, 
 like the Romans of former days, spread their conquests tmtil 
 their name was a terror wherever it was mentioned. Philip, 
 Pontiac and Tecumst h were fjreat men, but the Mohawks' 
 confederacy was a nation of ffreat ummi. When the French 
 settled in Canada in 1003, the Mohawks, or Iroquois as they 
 called them, were livinsjr near to where Montreal now stands. 
 They were at war with the Adirondack^, a very numerous and 
 powerful nation, and were beaten down towards the Lakes; but 
 they recovered themselves, and their opponents were in their turn 
 l)eaten down to Quebec. The war between the Adirondacks 
 and the Iroquois is full of the most interestinjj details ofcourajje 
 on both sides. The Iroquois havinjr subdued, and indeed, 
 exterminated the AdiromiacUs, turned their arms against several 
 other tribes, whom they vaiKjuished ; they then attacked the 
 < Htawas and Hiirons, and drove them to the other side of the 
 Mississippi. The Illinois were next sididutd, then the Miamies 
 and Shavvnees were driven back for the time. Finally, they 
 conquered the Viifrinian tribes, and warred airainst the (.'hero- 
 kees, Catawbas, and other nations of the South. Although it; 
 was impossible for them to hold the vast extent of country which 
 they had overrun, still it is certain that their very name was so 
 terrible that, from New Kiifiland to the Mississippi, every towu 
 and villajje would be deserted at their approach. 
 The chief portion of the Mohawks, under their celebrated 
 leader Brandt, served on the Drilish side in the war of Indepen- 
 •iice, and at ttie close of the war, they settled in lands given 
 ihein by the bhiijlish, on the banks of (irand river in Canada in 
 the year 178.'^. At the timt ihey took possession of their land, 
 their numbers amounted to nearly 8,000; t)ut, as is every where 
 the case where tne Indians are settled and confined on reserved 
 lands, they ha\e now decreased to about 2,500. A portion of 
 the tribe of Senecas, one of the Mohawk confederacy, joined the 
 Americans; tlin remnants of them are still located a few miles 
 from lii)flalo, in tlie Slule of New-York. 'ri\eir chief, lieit 
 Jacket, die'.! lately ; he was a yreut warrior and still greater 
 'i'lie most firmidahle opponents to the five nations were tlie 
 Delawares, or liCMini I/enape, who lived in Pennsylvania. The 
 Delawarcs joined the IJritish in the war of Independence. 
 In the siicceedinij chapter, I shall jiive the reader a censns ot' 
 the American Indian Irihes which still remain. It will he per- 
 ceived that they are chicHy comprised of trihes which inhahiteil 
 the Far- West, and were nntil lately, almost unknown. Of the 
 New lOnixlatii! and Vir<rinian confederacies, once so powerful, 
 not a ve«li<re rci.iains ; of the Delavvares, 8'2() still exist VVeist 
 of the Mississippi; of the Shawanees, or iShawnees, once so 
 terrible on the banks of the Ohio, \'21'2. In fact, all those 
 Indians whose territory bounded the coast first taken possession 
 of by the White men, have been annihilated. 1 liave often heard 
 it aryeed when 1 was in the United JStates, that the Indians could 
 not Ix' considered as having any claim to the land, as they did 
 ' 3t selth; or cultivate it ; and it is a general opinion that they 
 lived ahnost entirely by the proceeds of the chase. ; but this is 
 not a fact; indeed it is disproved by the early settlers themselv- 
 es, who acknowledge that if they had not been supplied with 
 corn by the Indians they must have starved. That the Indians 
 did not grow more than was sufficient fortheir own consumption 
 is very probable, but that they did cultivate the land is most cer- 
 tain ; indeed, when the country and soil were favourable, they ap- 
 pear to have cultivated to a great extent. When General Wayne 
 destroyed the settlements of the Miamies and Wyandots, on the 
 Miami river, in IT'Jl, he says in his despatch, " never have 1 
 beheld such immense fields of corn in any part of America as 
 possessed hy these Indians." 
 The chase was considered by the Indians as a preparatory 
 school for warriors, and was followed accordingly; indeed, a 
 hunting party and a war party were often one and the same 
 thing, as the hunting grounds were common, and when tribes 
 who were at variance fell in with each other, a conflict invaria- 
 bly ensued. My limits will not permit me to enter into the 
 subject more fully ; my object has been, in as few pages as pos- 
 sible, to assist iji giving the reader some idea of the loca- 
 tion of the Aborigines of America. If he would know more 
 of this interesting people, there are many very excellent works 
 concerning them written by Americans, which, were they col- 
 lected together would form a most valuable and important library. 
 I will now enter into a short examination of the present posi- 
 tion of the remaining Indian tribes. The plan of the American 
 marrvat's niARV. 
 I ' 
 Ml V 
 ■y't ' , 
 h *■,: 
 (iovrrnifient has been to coii.])fil iliom to st^ll their lands ami 
 romove wpsI nt'llin Mississippi, to lands of wliicli 1 doubt that 
 tht^ Auicrirans havn any riijht to claim an atTc. That the re- 
 inoval of Ihein is expt'ditMit I jj^taiit, and that is all ih-it can hv 
 said on the snhjccU. That tht? Indians were fated lo melt away 
 before the white men like snow before the snn, is true; still, it 
 is jniinfiil lo consider what has taken ])lace from the period of 
 onr first lai)din<i;, when we were received hospitaldy — saved 
 from starvation by the crcnerons sacriliee of their small stores of 
 iLjrain — j»erinitled lo settle upon a small tract of land humbly 
 solicited — and that from the time that the \\hite men once jjained 
 a fooliuLj on their shores, the Indians have bijcii hunted like 
 wild b'asts from hill to hill, from riv«'r to river, and from coun- 
 try to Country, until nearly the whole of the vast continent may 
 be said to have b«^en wrested from them. This system is still 
 continued, one tribe beintr force, 1 back westward upon another, 
 till they come into conllict with, and destroy, eaeli other; but 
 the buH'ilo and otiier animals, n[)on which they depend for food, 
 recede with them and crradually disappear. As (M.ristians, we 
 must latrioiit that the track for the advice of (/hristianity is 
 cleared away by a series of rapine, cruelty, and injustice, at 
 which every one must shudder. 
 The followinjT is the Jieport to the American Government, of 
 the various tribes of Indians remaining in the year 1837. It is 
 <livided into three parts. 
 Statement showing the number of Indians now cast of the Mis- 
 sissipjii; of those that have emiiifrated from the east to the 
 west of that river; and those within striking distance of the 
 Western frontier. 
 1. — IVnme and number of the frilns now cast of the Mississij)j}i. 
 1. — Under treaty stipulations to remove west of the Mississippi, 
 VVinneb.ijroes . . _ 1,500 
 Ottawas of Ohio - - 100 
 Pottawatamies of Indiana - 2,950 
 Chippevvas, Ottawas, and Pottawatamies 1,500 
 Cherokees - - _ 
 Creeks . - - - 
 Chickasaws - - - 
 Semi Holes . . - 
 Appalachicolas - - - 
 Ottawas and Chippewas in the Penin- 
 sula of Michigan 
 2. — Not under treaty stipulations 
 to remove. 
 Now York Indians 
 Wyandots - . _ 
 iMiamies - - . _ 
 Menomonies ... 
 Ottawas and Chippewas of the lakes 
 1" ll*! 
 2,—yumbcr of //u/jVi/w who have tmitrrntcl from t/tc msl to tlir 
 went of the Misnix^lppi, 
 Chickasaw's ... 
 (/hi|)|)rwas, Ottawas, aiul I'oUawatamics 
 Choctaws .... 
 Quapaws - - - - 
 Creeks .... 
 Seminoles - 
 (Mierokoes - . - - 
 Kickapods ... 
 Delaw iros - - . 
 Shawnees - - . - 
 Ottawas .... 
 Weas - - - . 
 Piankpshaws ... 
 Peorias and Kaskaskias 
 Pottawatainics oi" Indiana - 
 Senecas - - - _ 
 Senecas and Shawners 
 1 1\2 
 3. — dumber of the Li(ftij:enous Tribes within striking (liiiunc/: 
 (f the IVi.stern frontier. 
 Sionx - 
 Sacs of tiie Missouri 
 Osaaes - 
 Kansas - 
 Ottoes and Missourias 
 Crees - 
 Crows - 
 1 '■ 
 f|i ; 
 : a 
 'i' ■ 
 11^ ■ 
 kf > 
 Ul VIC k feet 
 23 1, HOG 
 Mumhor of Indians now east of the Mississippi 
 Number of Indians who have tMiii|rrated from cast to 
 west side . . _ - - 51,327 
 Number of indigenous tribes - - - 23l,H0G 
 Esti muled number of warriors. 
 Whole n\imber of Indians . - - 
 Assumitijr tliat every fifth one may be considered a 
 warrior (and this is believed to be a reasonable 
 supposition), the number of warriors will be 60,491) 
 War Department, 
 Office of Indian AfTairs, November 22, 1837. 
 C. A. HAIlUIlS, Commissioner. 
 This force of the Indians, if ever they combined, would be 
 very formidable, and they mijrht certainly sweep away the 
 whole white population west of ihe Mississippi. That there 
 will hereafter be an attempt of th..t kind is very probable, as 
 hunarer must eventually drive them to it; but any success iii 
 their attempt must depend very mu(;h tipon their leaders, and 
 the possibility of combination. It certainly appears to have 
 been an oversijfht on the part of the Anuuican Ciovernment, to 
 loncentratc the whole of the Indinns upon their frontiers in the 
 way which they have done; still, they could not well have a(;t- 
 ed otherwise. The removal of the Cherokees has been the 
 most hazardous part of their proceed I nj;, as they are very 
 superior people; and should the other tribes put themselves 
 imder their directions, they would be formidable enemies. There 
 is another circumstance wliich may render the Indians more seri- 
 ous enemies, which is, that ihey, havinij been located on the 
 prairie country, have become Horse Indians, instead of what is 
 termed Wood Indians, and they have a vast country behind 
 them to retreat to in case of necessity. I do not think, how- 
 ever, that there is, at present, mutrh fear to be felt relative 
 to the Indians, althouirli the (^herokees, the Sioux, and some 
 other powerful tribes openly declare their hostile intentions 
 a.8 soon as an opportunity otfers for carrying them into execu' 
marryat'a diauv. 
 tion. That opportunity will not olVrr, unNss Amrrica is plnnjr»d 
 into war with France or this country, and then I am pretty con- 
 fident that there will he a jreneral risinjr of the Indians; when, 
 whether they act in concert or not, tliey will uive the Americans 
 more' occupation than will he ajrretv.ihjc. 'I'lie Anjerican govern- 
 ment have not heen insensihie to the danjrer to which they are ex- 
 posed from this quarter, and, in IH.'IT, ilie repr)rts of military men 
 were sent into Congress as to the best plan of proteclintr th» ir 
 frontier. Whether those reports are inti'nded to he acted upc n 
 1 know not; hut if so, the i)resent re^rular army of the I'nited 
 ►States will not he sutTicient for the ])uri)ose, the lowest estima- 
 tion for the ^.urisons of the proposed forts heiutr 7,(K)() rank and 
 file, while at present their rank and file on the army-list only 
 amounts to r>,()(H). 
 The American forts o|)pos(Hl to the Indians are, at present, 
 Fort Gratiot, River 5St. Clare. *^ ^ 
 Mackinaw Island Fort. 
 Fort Brady, St. Marie, Lake Superior. 
 Fort Howard, (Jreen liay. 
 Fort Winnehago, Wisconsin. 
 Fort Crawford. Prairie des Chiens. 
 Fort Snellinjr, St. Peters. 
 Fort Leavenworth, Missouri. 
 Fort Madison, Des Moines Uiver. 
 Jelferson Barracks, Missouri. 
 Advanctd Forts, 
 Fort Towson, Red River. 
 Fort Gibson, Arkansas and Grand Junction River. 
 Fort Adams, Baton Rou<re. 
 There are one or two outposts also on the Arkansas River. 
 If all these forts were properly g-arrisoned, they would take (ivery 
 disposable musket in the regular army of the United States ; 
 whilst at present they have, in consecpience of the protracted 
 Florida war, scarcely sutTicient men to do the duty. 
 In the report of the acting quarter-master general, the follow- 
 ing garrisons are proposed for the western frontier : — 
 - - ."JOO men. 
 - '100 
 - 1,200 
 - 1,500 
 - 800 
 Fort Snelling 
 Fort Crawford 
 [Tpper forks of the Des Moines 
 Fort Leavenworth - - - - 
 Fort Gibson - - - - - 
 Fort Towson 
 The eight posts of refuge proposed 
 The protection of the four depots 
 JetTerson barracks, as a corps of reserve 
 Total - 
 ':?■ ;; 
 To which must be added, for the gnrnsons of the five Lakes 
 forts, 1,500 at least, making the force necessary for the protec- 
 tion of the boundaries, to amount to 8,500 men. Colonel Gra- 
 tiot, in his report, computes the force necessary at 12,910 men 
 The letter of Mr. Poinsett to Congress will Ihrow much light 
 upon this subject, and I shall therefore insert it. 
 " Department of War, 
 •' December .30, 1837. 
 " Sir : — In aarwer to the resolution of the House of Represent- 
 atives, in relation to the protection of the western frontiers of 
 the United States, I have the honour to transmit the accompa- 
 nying reports of the chief engineer and the acting quarter-master 
 general, together with a report of the commissioner of Indian 
 affairs. That expected from General Gaines will be sent as soon 
 as it is received. 
 " In presenting these documents, which are ably drawn up, 
 and contain full and satisfactory information on all the topics 
 embraced by the resolution, I might nave considered my duty 
 fully discharged, had not other plans been previously recom- 
 mended, which I regard as entirely inefficient, but which have 
 received, in some measure, the sanction of Congress. A survey 
 has been directed to determine the line of a road, which, it is 
 contemplated, shall extend from some point of the Upper Mis- 
 sissippi to Red River, passing west of Missouri and Arkansas ; 
 and it is proposed to place a cordon of temporary posts of ordi- 
 nary construction along it, as a sufficient measure for the defence 
 of that part of the country. In pursuance of the orders of Con- 
 gress, officers I ave been appointed to perform that duty, and, 
 upon their report being received, measures will be taken to carry 
 into effect the intentions of Congress, unless, upon a deliberate 
 review of the whole matter, some more eligible plan of defence 
 shall be adopted. My own opinion has been, from the time 1 
 first considered the subject, that such a chain of posts, strung 
 along the best road that can be constructed, furnished with all 
 the means to operate, and with competent garrisons to occupy 
 them, is not calculaU^d to afford that protection which the border 
 ^States have a right to expect from the Government, nor to redeem 
 its pledge to protect the emigrant tribes from the savage and 
 warlika people that surround them. The only possible use of 
 such a road would be to facilitate occasional communications 
 between the posts, in time of peace. Supplies would not be 
 transported along it, for they must be brou^^ht from the interior. 
 Succours could not reach the posts by that direction, for they 
 would be furnished by the militia within the line ; and any 
 attempt to concentrate the forces composing the garrisons in the 
 event of an outbreak, would probably be attended with disas- 
 trous consequences ; for the troops, whose route must be well 
 known, would be exposed to be attacked and destroyed in detail. 
 The enemy, having nothing to dread on their flanks or rear. 
 i Lakes 
 lel Gra- 
 [0 men 
 ch light 
 tiers of 
 ' Indian 
 as soon 
 iwn up, 
 e topics 
 my duty 
 ' recom- 
 ch have 
 ^ survey 
 ch, it is 
 per Mis- 
 rkansas ; 
 of ordi- 
 of Con- 
 ity, and, 
 to carry 
 le time 1 
 s, strunof 
 with ail 
 le border 
 vajre and 
 3 use of 
 1 not be 
 for they 
 and any 
 )ns in the 
 th disas- 
 t be well 
 in detail. 
 or roar, 
 might approach this road without risk, and attack the detach-^ 
 ments on their line of march, before they could concentrate their 
 forces so as to offer an effectual resistance. 
 " After mature reflection, I am of opinion that military posts 
 ought to be established and kept up within the Indian territory, 
 in such positions as to maintain peace among the Indians, and 
 protect the emigrant and feebler tribes against the stronger and 
 more warlike nations that surround them ; which the United 
 States are bound to do by treaty stipulations. To withdraw 
 those which now exist there, would be to violate our faith, as 
 there is reason to apprehend that it would be the signal of war. 
 Persons well acquainted with timt country assure us that war 
 would break out among the Indians 'just so soon as the troops 
 are removed from those posts ;' and all accounts from that quarter 
 confirm that impression. 
 " Independently of the military protection which the existence 
 of these posts in the interior of the Indian country afford to the 
 emigrating tribes, and the good they are calculated to effect by 
 the beneficial influence the officers are enabled lo exert over the 
 surrounding Indians, they more effectually cover and protect the 
 frontier than ten times the number of fortresses, strung along in 
 one line, could do. 
 " With the very limited knowledge of that country as yet in 
 possession of this department, it appears to me that six or seven 
 permanent exterior posts would be sufficient to preserve the 
 peace of that frontier. It will be necessary, at the same time, 
 to establish, at convenient poi; ;.; an interior line of posts, to 
 serve as places of refuge for UiC inhabitants in periods of danger 
 and alarm, until the militia can march to their succour from the 
 interior, and the troops be put in motion upon the rear of the 
 invaders. Eight of these would be amply sufficient, from vvhich 
 patrols might be kept up along the frontier to enforce the inter- 
 course laws. Both descriptions of forts should be so con- 
 structed as to be defended by a small garrison, and in a manner 
 that each part may be successfully maintained against a very 
 superior force, both during the time the whole is being com- 
 pleted, and in the event of any portion of it being burnt or de- 
 stroyed. This arrangement would require tlio establishment of 
 a few depots of arms and supplies, from which communications 
 should be opened to the posts. The accompanying skeleton 
 map presents a view of the relative positions of the posts and 
 depots, and of the communications from them to the line of de- 
 fence for the speedy transportation of succours and supplies. 
 A regular force of five thousand men would be sufficient to gar- 
 rison these posts, and, with a competent reserve at Jefferson 
 barracks, and an effective force at Baton Rouge, would, I think, 
 both ensure the safety of the western frontier, and enable the 
 Government to fulfil all its treaty stipulations, and preserve its 
 faith with the Indians, I would recommend, as an important 
 marryat's diary. 
 auxiliary to this system of 'defence, the organization of an effi- 
 cient volunteer force, to be raised in each of the frontier States ; 
 the men to be mustered into service for a certain term of time, 
 the officers to be appointed according to their State laws, and 
 to be instructed a certain number of days in each year by the 
 regular officers of the United States army at the posts within 
 the states, and to receive pay during that period. In this man- 
 ner an efficient corps of olRcers may be created, and a body of 
 volunteers be at hand to march to the succour of the border 
 settlers and repel the invaders, whenever they are called upon 
 by the proper authority. 
 " I venture to hope, if these measures are adopted by Con- 
 gress, and carried into effect at an early day, so as to anticipate 
 any ho? tile movement of the Indivms, peace will be preserved 
 on our Western borders ; but if they should, unfortunately, be 
 delayed until the discontent which exists among many of the 
 tribes breaks out into open hostility, and the first movements 
 of that wild and warlike people prove successful, as they in- 
 fallibly would d.) in our present unprepared state, it might re- 
 quire double the force, and quadruple the means I have here 
 indicated, to restore and preserve peace along that extended 
 frontier. All which is respectfully submitted. 
 " J. R. Poinsett. 
 " Hon. James K. Polk, 
 " Speaker of the House of Ueprescntalives." 
 The acting quarter-master-general, in his report, makes the 
 following observation : — 
 "The obligations of the Government in reference to the 
 Western frontier are of a very peculiar character. It is first 
 bound, by a common duly, to ])rotect its own border settlements, 
 extending along a line of one thousand miles, against the in- 
 cursions of numerous navaore tribes, separated trom those settle- 
 ments by mere imaginary lines; and it is next bound, by the 
 solemn treaty stipulations, with such of those tribes as have 
 emigrated to that frontier, ' lo protect them at their new resi- 
 dences against all interruptions or disturhances from any other 
 tribes or nations of Indians, or from any other person or persons 
 " If these ol)ligations are to be scrupulously fulfilled in good 
 faith, which wnuld seem to be due to our character as a nation 
 professing a panrnal care over these people, a military force of 
 ihlriy llnnmind mm on the Western frontier would scarcely be 
 adequate to enable the Government to discharge its duties to its 
 own citizens, and redeem these pledges of protection to the 
 "It is not my intention, however, to propose such a force. 
 Political expediency, I presuiiie, would not tolerate it, however 
 it might be justified by military considerations. It is merely 
 adverted to here in connexion with the heavy obligations which 
an effi- 
 States ; 
 )f time, 
 ws, and 
 ■ by the 
 } within 
 lis man- 
 body of 
 J border 
 ed upon 
 by Con- 
 itely, be 
 y of the 
 tliey in- 
 niffht re- 
 ive here 
 akes the 
 le to the 
 t is first 
 t tiie in- 
 se settle- 
 I, by the 
 as iiave 
 new resi- 
 iiiy other 
 r persons 
 d in ffood 
 a nation 
 ' force of 
 arcely be 
 ties to its 
 on to the 
 I a force. 
 , however 
 is merely 
 Otis which 
 rest upon Government, and which have probably Seen contracted 
 from time to time, without any very nice calculation of tiie 
 means that would be necessary to a faithful discharge of them. 
 1 will, therefore, without enlarging upon this jjoint, proceed to 
 state the minimum force that is deemed necessary to give pro- 
 tection to the border settlements, and assist in preserving peace 
 among them and their Indian neighbours along the line of the 
 frontier. These are great and important objects of themselves, 
 without superadding the yet more tlifficult task of protecting 
 the emigrant tribes, whom our policy has placed beyond the 
 frontier, from the wild and warlike Indians of the Far West." 
 And Colonel Gratiot, in his report, makes the following ad- 
 mission. Speaking of the second, or middle section, he 
 Bays :— 
 " Secotiil, or Middle Section. — The country beyond this line is 
 mostly elevated and free from marshy ground ; is abundantly 
 watered, thinly wooded, healthy, and has been assigned for the 
 permanent residence of the tribes which have been, or are to be, 
 removed from the States and territories east of the Mississippi, 
 and is still occupied by the Aborigines originally found within 
 its limits. In numbers they count, according to some estimates, 
 131,000, and can send to the field 2(),200 warriors. As yet, no 
 community of feeling, except of deep and lasting hatred to the 
 white man, and more particularly to the Anglo-Americans, 
 exists among them; and, imless they coalese, no serious diffi- 
 culty need be apprehended from them. Not so, however, 
 should they be induced to unite for purposes offensive and de- 
 fensive : their strength would then become apparent, create 
 confidence, and, in all probability, induce them to give vent to 
 their long-suppressed desire to revenge past wrongs, which is 
 restrained, as they openly and freely declare, by fear alone. 
 That such a union will be formed at no distant day, we have 
 every reason to believe ; and the period may be accelerated by 
 their growing wants, and the policy of Mexico to annoy 
 Texas, and raise an impenetrable barrier in the direction of 
 her frontier." 
 That at present the Western frontier is defenceless is unde- 
 niable, and the Florida war does not appear to be at all nearer 
 to a conclusion than it was two or three years ago. That the 
 Indians to the west of the Mississippi are not ignorant of what 
 is going on is very certain; and the moral ellect arising from 
 the protracted defence of the Seminnles may • ventually prove 
 most serious, and be attended with enormous expense to the 
 Tnited States. 
 The Federal Government tak'?s every precaution to impress 
 the Indians with an idea of the impossibility of their opposing 
 the white men. The agents persuade the chiefs to go down to 
 Washin^non to see their great father, the President. On these 
 occasions they are accompanied by the Indian agent and inter- 
 marbyat's diary. 
 m ' 
 preter, and, of course, all their expenses are paid. They are 
 lodged at the hotels, taken to all places of public amusement, and 
 provided with conveyances. But the policy of the Government 
 is to cause them to make a circuit throujrh all the most populous 
 cities, as the crowds attracted by the apj)earance of the Indians 
 ^ive them an extraordinary and incorrect idea of the American 
 j)opulation. Wherever they ^o tiiey are in a crowd. If they 
 are at the windows of an hotel, still the crowds are immense; 
 and this is what the Government is anxious should take place. 
 1 was at Uoston when the two deputaticms of the tSioux and 
 Sacs and Foxes tribes arrived. The two nations being- at enmity, 
 the Sioux were conducted tliere first, and left the town on the 
 arrival of the Sacs and Foxes, or there would probably have 
 been a fiorht. The Governor received the latter in the Town- 
 hall, and made a speech ; I was j)resent. 1 thought at the time 
 that it was not a speech that 1 would have made to them, and 
 if I mistook not, it brouglit up recollections not very ajrreeable 
 to the chiefs, although they were t<io politic to exjuess their 
 feelinifs. But a few years before, their lands east of the Mis- 
 sissippi had been wrested from them in the most unfair way, as 
 I have mentioned in my remarks upon the treatment of the In- 
 dians by the American Government. 
 Governor Everett commenced his speech as follows : — 
 " Chiefs and warriors of the confederated Sacs and Foxes, 
 you are welcome to our Hall of Council. You have come a far 
 way, from your red friends of the West, to visit your white 
 brethren of the East. We are glad to take you by the hand. 
 We have heard before of the Sacs and the Fox tribes : we have 
 heard much of their chiefs, warriors, and great men : we are 
 now oflad to see them here. We are of Massachusetts : the red 
 men once resided here: their wi<Twams were on yonder hill : 
 and their Council Chamber was here. When our fathers came 
 over the great waters, they were a sn)all band, and you were 
 powerful : the red men stood on the rock by the seaside, and 
 looked at them with friendly eyes : he might have pushed tJ'<»m 
 into the water, but took them by the hand, and said welcome, 
 white men. Our fathers were hungry, and the red man gave 
 them corn and venison. Our fathers were cold, and the red 
 man spread his blanket over them and made them warm. Wo 
 are now great and powerful, but we will remernhcr in our pros- 
 perity the benefits bestowed by our red brethren in our ad- 
 Up to the present, they certainly have forgotten them ! ! 
 But the fate of the red man appears to be nearly decided 
 What between their wars with each other, the use of spirituous 
 liquors, and the diseases imported by the whiteS; they dwindle 
 away every day. The most fatal disease to them is the small- 
 pox. The following account, which I have extracted from one 
marryat's diart. 
 of the American papers, was confirmed to me by a letter from 
 Fort Snellinjj : — 
 .ippallinu; dcstmctinn of JVortk-ivrxt Indiam hi/ Small-pox. 
 of th 
 m account 
 demic by means of a steam-boat tradintr on tbeMissouri. To- 
 day vve subjoin, from tbe St. Louis Bulletin slip of March 3d, a 
 detailed account of its ravagres. The disease has reached tho 
 remote band of the Blackfeet, and thousands of them had fallen 
 victims. They do not blame the traders. 
 " The ' Pipe Stem,' u chief of jrreat influence, when dyinn^, 
 called his people arourul him, and his last request was, tliat'they 
 \vould love their traders, and be always governed by their ad- 
 vice. ' I may,' says one of the traders, ' be blamed for not 
 using measures to arrest the j)r()gress of the disease, but with- 
 out resort to arms on the arrival of the boat with supplies, the 
 Indians could not have been driven from the fort.' 
 " An express went two days a-head of the boat, but it was of 
 no use preaching to the Indians to fly — they flocked down to 
 the boat as usual when she arrived. The peltry trade in that 
 quarter is ruined for years. The company agent at Fort Union, 
 writes, Nov. 30, that all their prospects on the Upper Missouri 
 are totally prostrated. The epidemic spread into tbe most dis- 
 tant part of the Assinaboin country, and this tribe were dying 
 by fifties and hundreds a day. The disease appeared to be of 
 a peculiarly malignant cast ; some, a few moments after severe 
 attacks of pain in the head and loins, fell down dead, and the 
 bodies turned black immediately after, and swelled to three times 
 their natural size. 'J'he companies erected hospitals, but they 
 were of no use. The carts were constantly employed burying 
 the dead in holes; afterwards, wiien the earth was frozen, they 
 were consigned to the water. Many of the scjuaws are left in 
 a miserable condition. The disease has not reached the Sioux 
 many of whom have been vaccinated. 
 "The Mandans, numbering 1, GOO, living in permanent vil- 
 lages 1,600 miles above St. Louis, have alldied but thirty-one. 
 "The Minatarees, or Gros V^entres, living near the Mandans, 
 numbering about 1,000, were, by our last accounts, about one 
 half dead, and the disease still raging. 
 " The Arikarees, amounting to 3,000, who but lately aban- 
 doned a wandering life, and joined the Mandans, were about 
 half dead, and the^disease still among them. It is probable 
 ihey have been reduced in proportion to the Mandans. 
 " The Assinaboins, a powerful tribe, about y,000 strong, liv- 
 ing entirely by the chase, and ranging north of the Missouri, 
 in the plains below the Rocky Mountains, down toward the 
 Hudson^s Bay Company, on the north lied River, are liitrally 
 annihilnfed. Their principal trade was at Fort Union, mouth 
 of the Yellow Sione. 
 I i 
 " The Crees, living in the same region, numbering 3,000, are 
 nearly all destroyed. The great nation called Blackfeet, who 
 wander and live f)y the chase, ranging through all the region 
 of the Rocky Mountains, divided into bands — Piegans, Gros 
 Ventres, Blood Indians, and Blackfeet, amounting in all to 
 50,000 or 60,000, have deeply suffered. One thousand lodges 
 or families have been destroyed, and the disease was rapidly 
 spreading among the different bands. The average number in 
 a lodge is from six to eight persons. 
 " The boat that brought up the small-pox made her voyage 
 last summer, and the ravages of the distemper appear to have 
 been jrreatest in October. It broke out amonjr the Mandans, 
 July 15th. Many of the handsome Arickarees who had reco- 
 vered, seeing the disfiguration of their features, committed sui- 
 cide ; some by throwing themselves from rocks, others by 
 stabbing, shooting, Sec, The prairie has become a grave yard; 
 its wild flowers bloom over the sepulchres of Indians. The 
 iitmosphere for miles is poisoned by the stench of hundreds of 
 carcasses unburied. The women and children are wandering 
 in groups without food, or howling over the dead. The men 
 are flying in every direction. The proud, warlike, and noble 
 looking Blackfeet are no more. The deserted lodges are seen 
 on the hills, but no smoke issues from them. No sound but 
 the raven's croak, and the wolf's long howl breaks the awful still- 
 ness. The wolves fatten on the dead carcasses. The scene 
 of desolation is described as appalling beyond the powers of 
 imagination to conceive." 
 That they may give the Americans much trouble, however, 
 previous to their final extermination, is true, and that they are 
 anxious to revenge themf>elves, is equally certain. The greatest 
 misfortune which could happen to the United States would be a 
 union or mixture of the netjroes with the Indian tribes. If this 
 were to take place, the population would, in all probability, 
 rapidly increase, instead of falling away as it now does; as then 
 the negro population would till the ground sufiiciently for the 
 support of themselves and the Indians, as they now do among 
 tlie Creek and Seminole tribes, who have plenty of cattle an(l 
 corn. The American Indian in his natural state suffers much from 
 hunger, and this is one cause of the non-increase of their popu- 
 lation. What might be effected by the bands now concentrated 
 on the American frontier, if at any future time they should be- 
 come amalgated with the negroes, will be fairly estimated by 
 the reader when he has read the account I am about to lay before 
 him of the war in Florida. 
marryat's diarv. 
 3,000, are 
 :feet, who 
 he region 
 ana, Gro3 
 in all to 
 nd lodges 
 13 rapidly 
 lumber in 
 er voyage 
 to have 
 had reco- 
 litted sui- 
 Dthers by 
 ave yard; 
 ms. The 
 adreds of 
 The men 
 and noble 
 are seen 
 sound but 
 wful still- 
 ^he scene 
 jowers of 
 t they are 
 e greatest 
 r'ould be a 
 5. If this 
 s; as then 
 ly for the 
 io among 
 cattle an(l 
 Quch from 
 leir popu- 
 hould be- 
 mated by 
 lay before 
 causes of the FiiOniDA war. 
 Most of my countrymen are aware that the Americans have 
 been carrying on a war against the Florida Indians for the last 
 two or three years ; the details, however, are not so well known; 
 and as this Florida war ought to be a lesson to the Americans, 
 and may, as a precedent to the other Indians, prove of great im- 
 portance, I shall enter into the particulars of it. I am moved, 
 indeed, so to do, as it will atford the reader a very fair specimen 
 of the general policy and mode of treatment shewn to the Indians 
 by the American government. Florida was ceded by Spain to 
 the United States as a set-off against 500,000 dollars, claimed 
 by the Americans for spoliations committed on her commerce. 
 The white population of Florida is not very numerous even now ; 
 the census of 1830 gave 18,000 whites and 10,000 slaves, inde- 
 pendent of the Florida Indians, or Seminoles. Seminoles is a 
 term for runaways or wanderers ; the Indian tribes in Florida 
 being a compound of the old Florida Indians, two varieties of 
 Creeks, who quitted their tribe previous to their removal west 
 of the Mississippi, and Africans who are slaves to the Indians. 
 Their numbers at the commencement of the war was estimated 
 as follows : — 
 The Mico-sukee Indians, of which Osseola, or Asseola, 
 was one of the principal chiefs _ - - - 400 
 Creek and Spanish Indians 8r)0 
 Negroes GOO to 700 
 In all about 1900 warriors. 
 The chief of the whole Seminole nation is Mic-e-no-pah, and 
 next to him in conse(iuence, as orator of the nation, is an Indian 
 of the name of Jumper. It must be ol)servpd that tiiese Indians, 
 liaving slaves, cultivaUnl the ground and had large stocks of 
 cattler Florida, like all the confmes of the United States, had 
 a white population not very creditable to any country, and many 
 of these people wer" tiiere more with a view of robbing the In- 
 dians of their negroes and cattle, and soiling them in the West- 
 ern States, than with any intention of jjermanently settling in 
 the country. 
 As soon as the Floridas were ceded by the Spanish, the 
 American Government perceived the expediency of removing 
 the Indians from the territories, and, on the I8th of September, 
 1823, a treaty was entered into with the Indians, by which the 
 Indians, on their part, agreed to remove to the westward after 
 twenty years from that date, that is on September 18lh, 184. . 
 marrvatt's diary. 
 By the same treaty the American Government secured to the 
 Indians a tract of land in Florida, containintr five millions of 
 acres, for their subsistence durinjr the time that they remained 
 in that State ; and agreed to pay the Indians certain annuities, 
 in consequence of their surrendtring all title to the rest of the 
 Florida country, and engaging to confine themselves to the 
 limits of the territory allotted to them. 
 Nothing could be more plain or simple than the terms of this 
 treaty, which, in consequence of the council being held at this 
 spot, was denominated the treaty of Camp Moultrie. 
 The third article in the treaty of Camp Moultrie runs as fol- 
 lows: — "The United States will take the Florida Indians under 
 iheir care and patronage, and will afford tlicm protediun against 
 ail persons whatsoever.^'' 
 One of the gre^it errors committed by the American (Jlovern- 
 mentwas in binding itself to perform what was not in its power. 
 It could no more protect these Indians against the white ma- 
 rauders, than it could prevent the insurgents from attacking 
 Upper Canada. The arm of the Federal Government is too 
 weak to reach its own confines, as will hereafter be shewn by 
 its own acknowledgment. The consecjuence was that, very 
 soon after the treaty of Camp Moultrie had been signed, the 
 Indians were robbed and plundered by the miscreants who 
 hovered near them for that purpose. 
 An American author states that two men, Robinson and Wil- 
 burn, belonging to Georgia, contrived to steal from one chief 
 twenty slaves, to the value of 15,000 dollars, and carried them 
 to New Orleans. I will however quote a portion of the work. 
 " Another influential chief, Emachitochustern, commonly 
 called John Walker, was robbed of a number of slaves in a 
 somewhat similar manner. After making an appeal to the 
 government agent, without the least chance of redress, he says : 
 ' I don't like to make any trouble or to have any quarrel with 
 white people, but, if they will trespass on my lands and rights, 
 I must defend myself the best way I can, and if they do come 
 again they must bear the consequences. But is there no civil 
 law to protect me ] are the negroes belonging to me to be stolen 
 away publicly in the face of all law and justice ? carried off 
 and sold to fill the pockets of these land pirates. Douglass and 
 his company have hired a man, who has two large trained dogs 
 for the purpose, to come and take olV others. He is from Mobile, 
 and follows catching negroes.' 
 " Colonel John Blount, another estimable chief, was inhu- 
 manly beaten by a party of white men, who robbed him of several 
 hundred dollars ; he made application to the authorities, but the 
 villains were allowed to escape. 
 " These facts show how nald and forbearing the Seminoles 
 have acted under the most trying circumstances ; and even when 
 their property has been assailed in this way, they have, in nu- 
 red to the 
 lillions of 
 r remained 
 est of the 
 ^es to the 
 "ms of this 
 eld at this 
 jns as fol- 
 ians under 
 tJii against 
 n Govern- 
 its power, 
 white ma- 
 ent is too 
 shewn by 
 that, very 
 igned, the 
 3ants who 
 and Wil- 
 one chief 
 ried them 
 he work, 
 aves in a 
 al to the 
 he says : 
 rrel with 
 nd rights, 
 do come 
 3 no civil 
 be stolen 
 irried off 
 glass and 
 ined dogs 
 n Mobile, 
 vas inhu- 
 of several 
 !s, but the 
 ven when 
 ^e, in nu- 
 merous instances, refi-ained from making resistance; their hands 
 were bound, as the severest punishment awaited any attack they 
 rnight make upon the intruders, even though circumstances jus- 
 tified it. But as the Indian's evidence could not be received in 
 a court of justice, the white man's oath would condemn him to 
 the most torturing punishment." 
 But in every way were the poor Indians the prey of the whitr 
 men. The same author says, among many other cases brought 
 forward, " A man, by the name of Floyd, was employed by an 
 Indian woman to recover some negroes for her, and instead of 
 presenting a mere power of attorney for her signature, she found, 
 alas ! it was a bill of sale for all her negroes ! Another individ- 
 ual was requested by Miconopy, governor of the Seminoles, to 
 draw a piece of writing for him, to which, without suspicion of 
 its character, he attached his name ; it was soon after discovered 
 to be a conveyance of a large tract of land ! 
 Another source of profit to these scoundrels was the obtaining 
 by fraudulent means from the Indians, orders upon the Ameri- 
 can Government for the payment of portions of their annuity 
 granted in return for the cession of the territory. " One of the 
 government agents was a delinquent to them for a considerable 
 amount. He robbed the principal interpreter of the nation, a 
 veqi influential black chief by the name of Abraham, of several 
 hundred dollars, by getting a receipt from him without paying 
 the money, under the plea that it was necessary to send the re- 
 c^^ipt to Washington, where it was filed to the credit of the agent. 
 Several other Indians of influence were robbed in a similur 
 manner; and when they demanded the money lron> the succeed- 
 ing agent, they were t(dd that the government would not pay 
 them. Is not this an unsound principle to adopt in our inter- 
 course with the Indians 1 Is it just or honourable for us to 
 send our own agents among them, without their approval, and 
 not hold ourselves responsil)lc for their conduct? If we wore 
 indebted to a nation, and the funds are sent through an agent to 
 pay over, and he neglects to do so, are we not still liable, and 
 would not a civilized power still hold us responsible]" 
 I have mentioned tliese facts to show that the Indians were 
 justified in their want of fviith in the white men : they were 
 robbed and pillaged and had no redress ; nay, they were im- 
 prisoned as thieves for taking away their own cattle which hatl 
 been stolen from them, although they showed their own marks 
 and brands upon them. Whether the American (Government 
 offered all this spoliation with a view to disgust the Indians and 
 incline them to remove to the wstward, the reader will be 
 better able to judge for himself when he has read a few pages 
 The Florida people were now subjected to retaliation on the 
 part of the Indians, who, finding that they could obtain no 
 redress, naturally took the l'.vvv into their own hands, and loss 
 iV i| 
 of life on botli sides was the ponsequenre. This produred 
 petition after petition from the Flnrjihi whit»' populati n to the 
 jrovernment, requeslinjf that the Indians niijrht be inov« ' west 
 prior to 1813, the period atrreed upon hy the treaty u I C'am[> 
 Moultrie. Colonel (Jadsden, a citizen of Florida, was appoiHt- 
 e«l eoniniissioner to treat with the Indians, and on the 8th of 
 April 1832, had an interview with Mie-e-no-pah, and a few 
 other chiefs. 'I'he Indians refpustcd thirty days to collect the 
 opinions of the absent chiefs, and on the Hth of May 1832, they 
 met the connnissioner, accord iiifr to ai)pointment, at Payne's 
 Landing. The commissioner had a jrrcat deal of difficulty in 
 obtaining their consent to the removal, which was ultimatily 
 given upon certain conditions. 
 By this treaty, the Indians atrreed to remove west upon beinjr 
 paid a certiin sum for the reserved land ; an annuity for a certain 
 number of years ; and other advantages, which would occupy 
 too much space to particularize here. The treaty was signed 
 by Mic-e-no-pah, the head chief, Juniper, and thirteen more. 
 But the treaty was assented to upon (me condition, which 
 was, that the Seminoles were snlisfied 'w'Uh the lands apportioned 
 to them west of the Mississippi. This is acknowledged by 
 Colonel Gadsden, in his letter to the Secretary of War, who 
 says — " There is a condition prefixed to the agreement, without 
 assentinpr to which the ,Florida Indians most positively refused 
 to negotiate for their removal west of the Mississippi. Even 
 with the condition annexed, there was a reluctance (which 
 with some difficulty was overcome) on the part of the Indians, 
 to bind themselves by any stipulations before a knowledge of 
 facts and circumstances would enable them to judge of the 
 advantages or disadvr.n'ages of the disposition the government 
 of the United States wished to make of them. They were 
 finally induced, however, to assent to the agreement." 
 "'i'he final ratification of the treaty will depend upon the 
 opinion of the seven chiefs selected to explore the country west 
 of the Mississippi river. If that corresponds to the description 
 given, or is equal to the expectations formed of it, there will be 
 no difficulty on the part of the Seminoles." 
 There was a very unwise delay on the part of the American 
 government after the signing of this second treaty. More than 
 two years were permitted to elapse befor-" any appropriation of 
 land was made for the Indians, who became dissatisfied, and 
 tlie treaty was by them pronounced to be "a white man's treaty," 
 which they did not any longer consider to be binding. 
 But there are other reasons why the Seminoles did not con- 
 sider the treaty as binding; they did not like the lands allotted 
 to them. A deputation of seven was sent west of the Missis- 
 sippi : the land they acknowledged was good land, 'out they 
 found that they were close to the Pawnee territory, and that 
 that tribe was proverbially famous for stealing cattle and horses. 
8 produced 
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 nd horses. 
 It wafl also the d«lrrmli»ati()i\ of the AiMt-rir.ui (•'ovcriuurnt, an 
 thi-y were considered as a portion of liie ('nek nation, to settle 
 llji'Hi near to and incorporate iheni with that iialioo. This did 
 tiot suit them; the Crieks had claimed many of their slaves, 
 and they knew that they had no chance with sO superior a f<»ree 
 as that of the ('revk nation, who wotdd have taken all ilieir 
 slaves from them. As, therefore, the I'awnees would have 
 stolen all their cattle, and the Creeks have taken all their slavfs, 
 they considered that utter destitution would he the conset|ueiif,' 
 of the removal as propos<'d hy the American (lovernuu'ut. 'Vo 
 •/et over the latter iliiHculty, the ^overmnent j)ropose(l that the 
 Seminoles should sell their slaves pnvious to their removitiir, 
 hut, this they ohjected to. TIk; Americaji author! have (|uoted 
 says : — 
 *' It was then sufrijested to them that, hy a sale of the)<e ne- 
 pr(M's before they left Florida, they would au^uent their ro- 
 swurces, and could go into their new country without the dread 
 of exciting thectipidity of tin ('reeks. Hut tlu^se Indians have 
 always evinced great reluctaiuM! to |»artiug with their slaves : 
 indeed the Indian loves his neirro as much as one of his own 
 children, and the stc^rnest necessity alone wojihl drive him to 
 the |)arting ; this recommendation was, therefore, viewe<l with 
 evident alarm, and as the right of retaining posse.-.sion of them 
 was guaranteed by the commissioner, strong doubts were raised 
 as to the sincerity of the pledgt;. 
 "The Seminole Indians are poor agriculturists and husbatul- 
 men, and withal too indolent tf) till the ground, and, without 
 their negroes, would literally starve : besides, should they dis- 
 ])ose of them they could not be re |)leinshed in a new country. 
 Again: the opposition of the slaves themselves to being sold 
 to the whites would excite all their energies to prevent emigra- 
 tion, for they dread the idea of being transferred to sugar aiul 
 cotton plantations, where they must be subject to the surveil- 
 lance of the overseer. The life of a slave amon<j the Indians, 
 compared with that of negroes under overseers, is one of luxury 
 and ease ; the demands upon him are very triding, scarcely ever 
 excee«ling eight or ten bushels I'rom the crop, the remainder 
 being applied to his own profit : they live separate, and often 
 remote, from their owners, and enjoy an ecpial share of liberty. 
 The negro is also much more provident and ambitious than his 
 master, and the pectiliar localities of the country eminently 
 facilitate him in furnishing the Indian with rum and tobacco, 
 which gives him a controlling intiuence over the latter, and at 
 the same time affords him an immense profit; so that it can 
 be easily imagined that the negroes would in no manner Iw 
 b«nefitted by the change." 
 On the 23d of October, 183 1, being two years and a half after 
 the signing of the second treaty at Payne's Landing, a council 
 of Inaians was again summoned by the agent, who informed 
 4^ ^^^ 
 21 12.5 
 ^ U£ 12.0 
 L25 III 1.4 
 ' <?•. 
 'O" ^ "^I'f^ 
 them that all they had now to answer were the following qaes* 
 tions :— 
 Will you incorporate yourselves with the Creek nation in the 
 Will you have money for your cattle which you leave here 
 on your arrival there, or will you have cattle in return 1 
 Will you go by water, or by land 1 
 Will you have your next annuity paid in money or in goods 1 
 Upon this, the chiefs retired and held a private council. It 
 is said that Asseola, the principal chief of the tribe of Micosu- 
 hees, persuaded them strongly to resist going, and declared that 
 he would consider as his enemy any one who agreed to go. 
 Asseola had not signed the treaty. The next day the council 
 was resumed, and the chiefs made the following replies to the 
 'I'he first who spoke was Holata Mico, principal war chief. 
 He expressed his wish that there should be no quarrelling, at 
 the same time that he gave his evidence as to the truth of the 
 first book of Moses. 
 ^^Holata Mico then rose, and said — * God made all of us, and 
 we all came from one woman, sucked one hubby ; we hope we 
 shall not quarrel ; that we will talk until we get through.' 
 ^^Miconopy then said—' When we were at Camp Moultrie we 
 made a treaty, and we were to be paid our annuity for twenty 
 years. That is all I have got to say.' 
 ^^ Jumper said—* At Camp Moultrie they told us all difficulties 
 should be buried for twenty years, from the date of the treaty 
 made there ; that after this we held a treaty at Payne's Landing, 
 before the twenty years were out ; and they told us we might 
 go and see the country, but that we were not obliged to remove. 
 The land is very good, I saw it, and was glad to see it ; the 
 neighbours there are bad people ; I do not like them bad Indians, 
 the Pawnees. I went and saw the place ; I told the agent that 
 I was a rogue; that he had brought me to the place here along- 
 side, and among the rogues, the bad Pawnees, because I am a 
 rogue. I went to see the land, and the commissioners said that 
 the Seminoles must have that land. When we went west to 
 see the land, we had not sold our land here, and we were told 
 only to go and see it. The Indians there steal horses, and take 
 packs on their horses ; they all steal horses from the different 
 tribes ; 1 do not want to go among such people ; your talk seems 
 always good, but we don't feel disposed to go west.' 
 "CAffr/ey jmathla then rose, and said — 'The speakers of the 
 nation are all dead ; but I recollect some of their words when 
 they had the meeting at Camp Moultrie. I was not there, but 
 heard that we would be at peace, and that we would have our 
 annuity paid to us for twenty years. White people have told tm 
 t?tat the treaty ai Gamp Moultrie^ which was made by grfd men, 
 and not to be broken, mid secured them for twenty years,- that seven 
 years of that treaty are still unexpired. I am no half breed, and do 
 not lean on one side. If they toll me to go after the seven yeaiS, 
 I say nothing. As to the proposition made us by the agent 
 about removing, 1 do not say I will not go ; but I think that, 
 until the seven years are out, I give no answer. My family I 
 love dearly and sacredly. I do not think it right to take them 
 right off. Our father has often said to me that he loves his 
 children — and they love him. When a man is at home, and got 
 his stock about him, he looks upon it as the subsistence of him- 
 self and family. Then when they go off, they reflect and think 
 more seriously than when quiet at home. I do not complain of 
 the agent's talk. My young men and family are all around me. 
 Should I go west, I should lose many on the path. As to the 
 country west, I looked at it ; a weak man cannot get there, the 
 fatigue would be so great ; it requires a strong man.' " 
 This talk made the agent very angry ; he told them that they 
 should stand by the treaty at Payne's Landing ; he desired them 
 to retire, an4 when they came again to act like chiefs and ho- 
 nourable men. 
 "October 25, 1834. The council convened at 11 o'clock. 
 Interpreters as yesterday. 
 " The agent said to the council, * I am ready to receive your 
 answers to the questions which I submitted to you.' 
 '•^Holata Mieo. — * I have only to repeat what I said yesterday, 
 and to say that the twenty years from the treaty at Moultrie has 
 not yet expired. I never gave my consent to go west; the 
 whites may say so, but I never gave my consent.' 
 " /Mmper.— ' We are not satisfied to go until the end of twenty 
 years, according to the treaty at Camp Moultrie. We were 
 called upon to go to the west, beyond the Mississippi. It is a 
 good country; (his is a poor country, we know. We had a good 
 deal of trouble to get there ; what would it be for all our tribe V 
 ^^Miconopy. * I say, what I said yesterday, I did not sign the 
 ^''Agent, — 'Abraham, tell Miconopy that I say he liesf he did 
 sign the treaty, for here is his name.' " 
 Miconopy here asserts that he did not sign the treaty, which 
 certainly appears to be a falsehood : but it should be remembered 
 that, by the agent's own admission, it was only a conditional 
 signature by a portion of the chiefs, provided that they liked the 
 location offered to them ; and as they objected to thi8,the treaty 
 was certainly, in my opinion, null and void. Indeed, the agent 
 had no right to demand the signatures when such an important 
 reservation was attached to the treaty. I do not give the whole 
 cf the agent's reply, as there is so much repetition ; the follow- 
 ing are extracts ^— 
 " I have told you that you must stand to your bargain. My 
 talk is still the same. You must go west. Your father, the 
 President, who is your friend, will compel you to go. There- 
 fore, be not deluded by any hope or expectation that you will be 
 permitted to remain here. You have expressed a wish to hear 
 »= SI 
 my views and opinion upon the whole matter. As a man, and 
 your friend, I will this day deitrn to reason with you ; for I want 
 to show you that your talk of to-day is the foolish talk of a 
 " Jumper says, they agreed at Payne's Ijandinar to go and 
 examine the country west, but they were not bound to remove 
 to it until the nation should agree to do so, after the return of 
 the delegation; and he adds, what others of you have said, that 
 the treaty at Camp Moultrie was to stand for twenty years. 
 Such a talk from Jumper surprises me, for he is a man of sense. 
 He understands the treaty at Payne's Landing, which he signed ; 
 he was the first named in that treaty, of the delegation appointed 
 to go west ; he knows that that treaty gave him and the mem- 
 bers of the delegation authority to decide whetlier the nation 
 should remove or not. 
 "The Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws and Cherokees, who 
 live in the States, are moving west of the Mississippi river, 
 because they cannot live under the white people's laws ; they 
 are gone and going, and the Seminole nation are a small handful 
 to their number. Two governments cannot exist under the same 
 boundary of territory. Where Indians remain within the limits 
 of a state or territory until the jurisdiction of a state or territory 
 shall be extended over them, the Indian government, laws and 
 chiefships, are for ever done away — the Indians are subject to 
 the v;hite man's law. The Indian must be tried, whether for 
 debt or crime, in the white man's court; the Indian's law is not 
 to be known there ; the Indian's evidence is not to be admitted 
 there; the Indian will, in every thing, be subject to the control . 
 of the white man. It is this view of the subject which induces 
 your father, the President, to settle his red children beyond the 
 limits of the states and territories, where the white man's law is 
 never to reach you, and where you and your children are to 
 possess the land, while the grass grows and the water runs. 
 He feels for his red children as a father should feel. It is, 
 therefore, that he made the treaty with you at Payne's Landing, 
 and for the same reason he will compel you to comply with your 
 bargain. But let us look a little more closely into your own 
 situation. Suppose (what is however impossible) that you 
 could be permitted to remain here a few years longer, what 
 would be your condition 1 This land will soon be surveyed^ sold 
 to, and settled 6y, the whites. There is now a surveyor in the 
 country; the jurisdiction of the territory vntt soon he extended over 
 this country. Your laws will be set aside^ your chiefs will cease to 
 be chiefs t claims for debt and for your negroes would be set up 
 against you by bad white men, or you would perhaps be charged 
 with crimes af^^cting life ; you would be hauled before the white 
 man's court ,• the claims against you for debt ^ for your negroes or 
 other property^ and the charges of crime preferred against yoti^ 
 would he decided by the white man's law, WTiite men would he 
 witnesses against you ,• Indians would not be permitted to give evi% 
 a fe> 
 of bl 
 denee ; your condition^ in a very few years, would be hopeless 
 What an admission from their father, the President, after 
 having, in the third article of the treaty of Camp Moultrie, de- 
 clared that the United States will afford the Florida Indians 
 protection against all persons whatsoever ! ! ! 
 " Thus, you may see, that were it possible for you to remain here 
 a few years longer, you would be reduced to hopeless poverty, 
 and when urged by hunger to ask, perhaps, of the man who 
 thus would have ruined you (and is, perhaps, now tampering 
 with you for the purpose of getting your property) for a crust 
 of bread, you might be called an Indian dog, and be ordered to 
 clear out. [Here Jsseola, who was seated by Miconopy, urged 
 him to be firm in his resolution.] Your father, the President, 
 sees all these evils, and will save you from them by removing 
 you west ; and I will stand up for the last time to tell you, that 
 you must go ; and if not willingly, you will be compelled to go. 
 I should have told you that no more annuity will be paid to you 
 here. [Asseola replied, that he did not care whether any more 
 was ever paid.] I hope you will, on more mature reflection, 
 act like honest men, and not compel me to report you to your 
 father, the President, as faithless to your engagements." 
 " Asseola said, the decision of the chiefs was given ; that 
 they did not intend to give any other answer. 
 ** Miconopy said, — ' I do not intend to remove.' 
 " The Agent. — ' I am now fully satisfied that you are wilfully 
 disposed to be entirely dishonest in regard to your engagements 
 with the President, and regret that I must so report you. The 
 talk which I have made to you must and will stand." 
 Thus, indeed, the council and the parties separated. The 
 American government was supine, thinking, probably, that the 
 Indians would not resist much loivger ; but the Indians, on the 
 other hand, laid up large stores of powder and lead. Six 
 months elapsed, and then the Indians were informed that they 
 were to hear the last talk of the father, the President, on this 
 side of the Mississippi. On the 22d of April, 1835, the In- 
 dians assembled, and had the following communication from 
 General Jackson : — 
 " To the Chiefs and Warriors of the Seminole Indians in 
 " My Children : I am sorry to have heard that you have 
 been listening to bad counsels. You know me, and you ksow 
 that I would not deceive, nor advise you to do any thing that 
 was unjust or injurious. Open your ears and attend to what I 
 shall now say to you. They are the words of a friend, and the 
 words of truth. 
 **The white people are settling around you. The game has 
 disappeared from your country. Your people are poor and 
 hungry. All this you have perceived for some time. And 
 MARK vat's DIARV. 
 nearly three years ag'o, you made an agreement with yotir 
 friend, Colonel Gadsden, acting on the part of the United 
 States, by which you agreed to cede your lands in Florida, and 
 to remove and join your brothers, the Creeks, in the country 
 west of the Mississippi. You annexed a condition to this 
 agreement, that certain chiefs, named therein, in whom you 
 placed confidence, should proceed to the western country, and 
 examine whether it was suitable to your wants and habits; 
 and whether the Creeks residing there were willing to permit 
 you to unite with them as one people, and if the persons thus 
 sent, were satisfied on these heads, then the agreement made 
 with Colonel Gadsden was to be in full force. 
 " In conformity with these provisions, the chiefs named by 
 you proceeded to that country, and having examined it, and 
 having become satisfied respecting its character and the favour- 
 able disposition of the Creeks, they entered into an agreement 
 with commissioners on the part of the United States, by which 
 they signified their satisfaction on these subjects, and- finally 
 ratified the agreement made with Colonel Gadsden. 
 "I now learn that you refuse to carr/ into effect the solemn 
 promises thus made by you, and that you have stated to the 
 officers of the United States, sent among you, that you will not 
 remove to the western country. 
 " My children : 1 have never deceived, nor will I ever de- 
 ceive, any of the red people. I tell you that you must go, and 
 that you will go. Even if you had a right to stay, how could 
 you live where you now are ? You have sold all your country. 
 You have not a piece as large as a blanket to sit down upon. 
 What is to support yourselves, your women and children ? 
 The tract you have ceded will soon be surveyed and sold, and 
 immediately afterwards will be occupied by a white population. 
 Y'ou will soon be in a state of starvation. You will commit 
 depredations upon the property of our citizens. Y'ou will be 
 resisted, punished, perhaps killed. Now, is it not better peace- 
 ably to remove to a fine, fertile country, occupied by your own 
 kindred, and where you can raise all the necessaries of life, and 
 where game is yet abundant ? The annuities payable to you, and 
 the other stipulations made in your favour, will make your situa- 
 tion comfortable, and will enable you to increase and improve. 
 If, therefore, yon h^d a right to stay where you now are, still 
 every true friend would advise you to remove. But you have 
 no right to stay, and you must go. I am very desirous that you 
 should go peaceably and voluntarily. Y'ou shall be comfortably 
 taken care of and kindly treated on the road, and when you ar- 
 rive in your new country, provisions will be issued to you for a 
 year, so that you can have ample time to provide for your future 
 " But lest some of your rash young men should forcibly 
 oppose your arrangements for removal, I have ordered a large 
 ■nilitary force to be sent among you. I have directed the com- 
 as pri 
 I havl 
 to inc 
 manding officer, and likewise the agent, your friend General 
 Thompson, that every reasonable indulgence be held out to 
 you. But I have also directed that one-third of your people, 
 as provided for in the treaty, be removed during the present 
 season. If you listen to the voice of friendship and truth, you 
 will ^o quietly and voluntarily. But should you listen to the 
 bad birds that are always flying about you, and refuse to remove, 
 I have then directed the commanding officer to remove you by 
 force. This will be done. I pray the Great Spirit, therefore, 
 to incline you to do what is rio-ht, 
 " Your friend, 
 "A. Jackson." 
 '' IVagMriffton, February 16, 1835." 
 Several of the Indian chiefs replied, wishing for amity but 
 unwilling to quit; but the council was broken up by the agent, 
 who informed them that he had been sent there to enforce the 
 treaty : he had warriors enough to do it, and he would do it. It 
 was the question now whether they would go of their own ac- 
 cord, or by force ? 
 This determination on the part of the agent induced some of 
 the chiefs to waver, and eventually eight principal chiefs and 
 eight sub-chiefs signed the articles agreeing to remove; but 
 Miconopy, the chief of the whole tribes, Jumper, the second in 
 consequence, and three other powerful chiefs, refused. Upon 
 this, the agent took upon himself the most unwarrantable re- 
 sponsibility, by saying, Miconopy was no longer chief of the 
 nation, and that his name and the other opposing chiefs were 
 now struck out of the council of the nation. 
 That such an act as this was the cause of the greatest irrita- 
 tion to the Seminoles there can be no doubt; and the conduct 
 of the agent was reproved by the Secretary of War, who, in h's 
 letter, observes, — 
 ** It is not necessary for me to enter into much detail on the 
 subject presented by you. I understand from Mr. Harris, that 
 he communicated to you the President's views on the subject 
 of the chiefs whom you declined to recognize in all questions 
 connected with the removal of the Seminoles. I understand 
 that the President deemed this course an incorrect one ; and it 
 seems to me obviously liable to strong objections. We • ) not 
 assume the right of determining who shall be the chiefs in the 
 various Indian tribes ; this is a matter of internal policy which 
 must necessarily be left to themselves. And if, when we have 
 a grave matter for adjustment with one of the tribes, we under- 
 take to say it shall he determined by a particular class of indi- 
 viduals, we certainly should render ourselves obnoxious to 
 censure. It appears to me the proper course, upon important 
 3uestions, is to treat directly with the tribe itself; and if they 
 epute their chiefs, or any other individual to act for them, we 
 must either recognize such authority, or abandon the object in 
 marrvat's riART. 
 In June, 1835, Ar.seo1a, the chief of Micosukees, who did not 
 appear at the council, but who was the most determined oppo- 
 nent of the treaty, came in to complain of the treatment his 
 people had received from some white men, one of them having 
 been wounded. He received no redress, and saying something 
 offensive to the agent, he was thrown into prison. To obtain 
 his release he promised to sign the treaty, at least, so it is said, 
 and that he did sign it; but this must be considered only as an 
 Indian stratagem : he had been imprisoned without any cause, 
 and it is to be presumed that he thought himself justified in 
 escaping by a corresponding fraud on his own part. The month 
 after this occurrence, some of the tribe of Asseola murdered a 
 government mail-carrier. 
 The Indians made one more effort: they called a council, and 
 offered to remove to the west of the Mississippi, provided they 
 had lands and an agent for themselves ; but this was sternly 
 refused by the government, who sent back as an answer, that 
 their great father. General Jackson, had been " made very angry ." 
 The attacks and depredations upon the Indians were now more 
 frequent, and the majority of them determined upon resistance. 
 Only six chiefs, out of all who had signed the treaty, acted to 
 their word and brought in their cattle, &c. for the government 
 agent, to be sold previous to their 
 Five of their 
 chiefs removed to the protection of Brooke's Fort, as they feared 
 that the Seminoles would punish them for their revolt. One 
 of them, Charley Amathla, was preparing to follow the others, 
 when Asseola and two other chiefs went to his house and in- 
 sisted that he should not remove his people. Charley Amathla 
 replied that he had already pledged his word that he would 
 abide by the promise which he made to their great father, and 
 that if his life paid the forfeit, he felt bound to adhere to that 
 promise. He said he had lived to see his nation a ruined and 
 degraded people, and he believed that their only salvation was 
 in removing to the West ; he had made arrangements for his 
 people to go, and had delivered to the agent all their cattle, so that 
 he had no excuse now for not complying with his engagements. 
 One of the chiefs then informed him that the crisis was come : 
 he must either join them in their opposition, or suffer death, and 
 that two hours would be allowed him to consult his people and 
 give his determination. He replied, that his mind was unaltera- 
 ble, and his people could not make him break his word ; that 
 if he must die he hoped they would grant him time enough to 
 make some arrangements for the good of his people. At this 
 moment Asseola raised his rifle and was about to fire, when 
 Abraham arrested the murderous aim, and requested them all to 
 retire for a council with the other chiefs. Asseola, with a 
 small party, however, separated themselves from the main body 
 of the Indians, and returned to Charley Amathla's, and shot 
 him. Thirteen of Amathla's people immediately escaped to 
 Fort King, while the others, deterred by their fears, remained. 
 until the return of the principal band, when they joined the 
 hostile party." 
 This was a fine trait in the Indian, and proves that the Sumi- 
 noles are not the faithless peo^le which they are represented to 
 he by the government agents. The death of this noble Indian 
 was the signal for the commencement of hostilities ; the Indians 
 immediately abandoned •ill the towns, and, concealing their 
 trail, femoved their families to a place of safety, which has ever 
 since baffled all conjecture, and been a subject of the greatest 
 J 1 
 It is supposed that the Seminoles retreated to some portion 
 of the vast swamps which surround the Ouithlacoochee river; 
 but it is certain that since the commencement of the war, in 
 December, 1835, up to the present tinje, their retreat has never 
 been discovered. Marauding parties now commenced on the 
 part of the Indians, who took summary vengeance on those 
 who had robbed and maltreated them. The whole country from 
 Fort Brooke to Fort King was under conflagration, and the 
 whites were compelled to abandon every thing, and seek pro- 
 tection under the forts. The American force in the department 
 at the outbreak of hostilities did not amount to five hundred 
 men. The militia were called out, but military stores were not 
 at hand, and it was decided that the troops must wait for rein- 
 forcements before any attack could be made upon the Indians ; 
 the great object was to throw a reinforcement into Fort King. 
 General Clinch, who commanded at Fort ' -Doke, having been 
 reinforced with thirty-nine men from Ke_, '^st, no time was 
 lost in preparing two companies for the abov j service. On the 
 24th of December, 1835, a force of one hundred men, and eight 
 officers, with si field-piece, under the command of Major Dade, 
 commenced their march. 
 On the morning of the 28th, when it had proceeded four 
 miles from the encampment of the previous night, this force 
 was attacked by the Indians, whose first volley was very de- 
 structive. Major Dade with almost every man of the advanced 
 guard falling dead. The Indians were repelled by the troops 
 under Captain Gardner, upon whom the command then devolved, 
 and the Americans proceeded to throw up breastworks; but 
 before they could raise them high enough, for eflUcient pro- 
 tection, the Indians attacked them again. The Americans 
 brought their field-piece into play, but the breastworks not 
 I ) 
 marrvat's diary. 
 being high enougrh, the Indians shot down every man who at- 
 tempted to work the gun. All the otficers, and more than two- 
 thirds of the American troops had fallen, when the survivors 
 found that all their ammunition was expended. The Indians, 
 perceiving this, rushed in, and, with the exception of two men, 
 who, although severely wounded, contrived to conceal them- 
 selves, and ultimately to make their- escape; not one of the 
 whole detachment was spared. 
 The force of the Indians is supposed to have amounted from 
 tliree hundred and fifty to four hundred. The contest lasted 
 six hours ; and it must be admitted that nothing could be more 
 gallant than the defence which was made by the troops against 
 such a superior force. 
 On the afternoon of the same day, the Americans had to la- 
 ment the loss of General Thompson, the Indian agent at Fort 
 King. Imprudently strolling out about three hundred yards 
 from the fort, he was attacked by the Indians, who laid in am- 
 bush for him, and with Lieut. Smith and three other people be- 
 longing to the foit, was shot dead. This party of Indians was 
 headed by Asseoia, who had warned General Thompson that 
 the white men should suffer for their treatment of him. His 
 peculiar and shrill war-yell was given as the Indian party re- 
 treated, to let the whites know ta whom they were indebted for 
 the massacre. 
 General Clinch having been reinforced at Fort Brooke, where 
 he had two hundred regular troops, iviih five hundred volun- 
 teers under the command of General Call, now moved with the 
 whole force of seven hundred men. 
 On the 30th of December, as they were passing the Ouithla- 
 coochee river, the Indians watched their opportunity, and when 
 a portion only of the troops had gained the opposite side, com- 
 menced an attack, which was vigorously and successfully re- 
 sisted ; the Indians, in little more than an hour, were beaten 
 off. The battle was, however, severe, and the Americans sus- 
 tained a loss of sixty-three killed and wounded. The Indian 
 force is supposed to have amounted to seven hundred men. 
 But independent of these conflicts with the militia and regulars, 
 the ravages of the Indians over the whole country are stated tu 
 have been most fearful. Women and children were murdered, and 
 the hearth made desolate in every portion of the country. In the 
 more settled parts near St. Augustine, the sugar-cane plantations, 
 with the expensive works attached to them, were destroyed, and 
 in many cases the slaves who were on the plantations were 
 either carried off, or voluntarily joining the Indians, increased 
 the strength of the enemy. More than a hundred estates were 
 thus laid waste, the average loss upon each estate being com- 
 puted, independent of the loss of the negroes, at fifty thousand 
 The intelligence of this havoc, and the massacre of Major 
 and a 
 two tl 
 the A I 
 marryat's diary. 
 Dade and his whole party, soon reached the neijrhbouring States, 
 and a requisition fi . assistance made by (leneral Clinch, was 
 promptly responded to. Meetin|r8 were organized at Aupnsta, 
 Savannah, Darien, and Charleston, and in a lew days nearly 
 two thousand volunteers were ready to march to the theatre of 
 war. Indeed, the cause now became the cause of all the slave- 
 holdina States, and was taken up with the usual energy uf 
 the Americans. 
 In Louisiana the same spirit was shewn. General Gaines 
 was at that time on a tour of inspection, and had received 
 orders to take charge of the troops assembling on the Mexican 
 frontier; but, at the request of the volunteers, he took command 
 of them until he could receive further orders from Washington. 
 The assistance of the American naval forces were demanded 
 and obtained, and General Gaines having received intelligence 
 that Fort Brooke was invested by the Indians, sent an express 
 to General Clinch at Fort King, to say that he would join him 
 with his forces to relieve the post. The Seminole Indians 
 who had agreed to the treaty, remained firm to their word, and 
 took up arms against their brethren, and a large force was now 
 marching from all directions to the succour of the whites. I 
 ought here to observe, that not only at the commencement, but 
 ever since the war has continued, the difficulty and expense of 
 forwarding supplies have been very great, and the American 
 troops have undergone the severest privations, as well as great 
 mortality, from sickness and disease. 
 On the 13th February, 1836, General Gaines, having arrived 
 at Fort Brooke, reviewed the force, which amounted to between 
 eleven and twelve hundred men, and commenced his march to 
 relieve Fort Kin|>", at which post he arrived on the 2d February, 
 without falling m with any of the Indians. The general then 
 made a detour in pursuit of the Indians. On the 27th, when 
 the force was crossing the Ouithlacoochee River, it was assaiU d 
 by the Indians, who retired after a skirmish of three-quarters 
 of an hour, the Americans' loss being very trifling. On the 28th, 
 when again fording the river, the Indians made another attack, 
 which was continued for nearly four hoi-.rs, and the Americans 
 had to lament the loss of Major Izard, who was killed, and two 
 other officers were also wounded. On the 29th, the Indians 
 a^n attacked, with a force of at least a thousand men, with a 
 view of forcing the American troops from the breastwork which 
 they had thrown up ; the Indians, after about two hours fighting, 
 set fire to the high grass ; but unfortunately for them, the wind 
 suddenly changed, and, instead of burning out the American 
 troops, all their own concealed positions were burnt up and 
 exp sed, and they were compelled to retire. The loss on th« 
 Indian side was not known, but supposed to be heavy ; that on 
 the part of the Americans amounted to thirty-two killed and 
 ( 1 
 li Ki 
 (jenrrnl (laiiifH, riiKlinjr that i\u^ Iiidiiins were so nrar liinif 
 now (lt>Hp>iU>ht><i rxprcsHCH tor a Hiipply of aiiiiiiiiiiitioii, Itcin^ 
 rcHolvr', it' |Mt8Kii)lr, to Ur'u\)i tiinii to a ^(rnrriil action. 'VUn 
 BulYvrw^H of llic Aiiirrican troopH \v«'n* viry mvt n, and tin y 
 ^^^vre killlnpr their horscH tor NnhNisti'niMS hnt the cam]) wan 
 Hecure, from the Indians Inivin^r hnrnt (h)Wn all tlu; means < f 
 conceahnent so necessary in their mode of warfare. iNotwith- 
 Ktandinijr wliich, on the Ist, 2(1, and lk\ of Mart h, tiie camp 
 was vijroronsl}' assaih'd. On the (veninp^ of the5lh, the Indian 
 interpreter came in from the Seminoh/s, statinjf that they wished 
 to liold a council, and did not want any more ti^htinyr. C)n tin; 
 (ith, a truce was held, wIhmi A»seolaand other chiefs made their 
 appearance, saying, that if the Americans would not cross the 
 river, they would remain on their own side of it, and not com- 
 mit any more ravajres. This was, in fact, nothintr Imt the ori- 
 ginal proposal of the Indians, that they should remain u|)on the 
 land which had heen assigned to them hy the treaty ot Camp 
 Moultrie. The reply of (Jeneral (Jaines was, that he was not 
 authorized to make a treaty with them ; their arms must he 
 ^•iven up, and they must lemain on the other side of the river, 
 until the American Ciovenmn^nt sent them away west of the 
 Mississippi. While this nejrociation was pendinfr, (Jeneral 
 (/linch arrived with the succour and reinforcements, much to 
 the joy of the American troo))s, who were half starved, (ieneral 
 (iaines, who had heard that (Jeneral Scott had heen appointed 
 to the command in Florida, now resigned that authority to 
 (jeneral (Clarke, and on the lith, the troops arrived at Fort 
 Drane. It hardly novA he ohserved, that the treating with the 
 Indians ended in nothinir, CJeneral Scott havinjj assumed the 
 command, arrived at Fort Drane on the 13th March, 183G. He 
 had previously to contend with heavy rains and almost imprac- 
 ticahle rovuls, and was encumhered with a heavy ba}Taag;e train ; 
 his whole force amountt^d to nearly 5,000 men. This he dividtd 
 into a centre and two wings, so as to scour the whole country, 
 and force the Indians from their retreats ; hut in vain. The In- 
 dians being on tlie flanks of each division, occasional skirmishes 
 took place; but when the troops arrived to where the Indians 
 were sup|)osc'd to be, not a man was to be seen, nor could they 
 discover the retreat of their families. Occasionally the Indians 
 attacked the outposts with great vigour, and were bravely re- 
 pulsed ; but the whole army of 5,000 men, did not kill and 
 capture more than twenty Indians. As far as I can judge, 
 nothing could be better than the arrangements of General Scott, 
 but the nature of the country to which the Indians had re- 
 treated, rendered it almost impossible for troops to act. The 
 swamps extended over a great surface of ground, here and there 
 was an island en which the Indians could remain, while to 
 attack them, the troops w ju)d have to wade up to their necks 
 maiiryat's diart. 
 for miles, and as soon as tlmy arrived tho Indians wero pfonc. 
 It is not my intention to follow up ail tho details of tlio petty 
 warfare wljicli has continued to the present time. General Scott 
 resigned the command, and was succeeded l)y Ceneral Jesup. 
 After nearly a year's skirmishinjr, on tho 'JOth October, 1837, 
 Aaseola was persuaded to come in to a council. The llajrs of 
 truce were hoisted by tho Americans, and Assc^ola, carryinpr a 
 Hag of truce in his hand, accompanied by other chiefs and. about 
 fifty warriors, came in to talk. On their arrival, they were sur- 
 rounded by bayonets, and made prisoners by the orders of tho 
 Federal Government, who despairinjr of subduinrr the Indians, 
 had recourse to this shameful breach of faith. The proud spirit 
 of Asseola could not endure confinement: he died in prison. 
 Other chiefs were kidnapped in tho same traitorous manner; 
 but, severe as the loss nmst have been to the Indians, it did not 
 appear to discourage them. The war was still carried on by 
 those who were left, and, indeed, it still continued; for the ranks 
 of the Indians are said to be filled up by runaway slaves, and 
 some of the Creek Indians who have not yet quitted Georgia. 
 On tho 25th of December, 1837, a severe battle was fought be- 
 tween the Indians and tiie American troops, at a spot between 
 Pease Creek and the Big Cypress Swamps; on this occasion the 
 Americans lost Colonels Thompson and Guntry, with twenty- 
 eight killed, and one hundred and eleven wounded. Since that I 
 am not aware that any important combat has taken place; but this 
 is certain, that tho Seminoles, notwithstanding the loss of their 
 leader, still hold out and defy the whole power of the U. States. 
 It is asserted in the American papers that the loss of lives on 
 the American side, from the enemy and disease, amounts to be- 
 tween two and three thousand men, and that the expenses of the 
 war are now estimated at 30,000,000 of dollars. Ilow far these 
 calculations may be correct I cannot pretend to say, but this is 
 certain, that a handful of Indians, at the commencement of the 
 war, estimated at about 1,900, have held out against armies of 
 four or five times their number, commanded by gallant and able 
 oflficers; that this small band of Indians, notwithstanding the loss 
 from the weapons of enemy and their still greater losses from 
 breach of faith, have now for four years held out against the 
 American Government, and have contrived to subsist during that 
 period; that the retreat of their wives and families has never been 
 discovered, notwithstanding that the Americans have a friendly 
 portion of the Seminoles acting with them; indeed, if we are to 
 believe the American statements, the war is almost as far from 
 its conclusion now as it was at its commencement.* I have 
 • Although the Federal Government have set their face against the 
 Indians making war with each other, (or at least pretend so to do,) it 
 would appear by tiic following notice, that, in their necessity, they 
 iiavc not adhered to tho following resolutions: — 
 ^'Extract of a Letter, dated 
 " Fort Brooke, Florida, Junk 14. 
 *' Tho Chcroliocs and Choctaws are soon expected in \hu country, 
 1 1 
 hastily narrated the causes and principal events of the war, as? 
 they are little known in England. The Americans must perse- 
 vere, if they expend twice as much money, until they have ex* 
 tirpated every Indian, and settled the territory with white peo- 
 ple; if they do not, the Florida swamps will become the regort 
 of runaway slaves, and the precedent of what can be done, en- 
 courage a general rising" of the slaves in the adjoining States, 
 who will only have to retire to the banks of the Ouithlacoochee 
 and defend themselves. So fatal is the climate to the European, 
 that America will probably have to sacrifice life and treasure to 
 a much greater extent, before she now obtains possession ?!" the 
 territory. 1 shall conclude witk quoting a portion of a letter 
 from the Genevese Traveller which appeared in the Times news- 
 "The war was unrighteous in its commencement, and has 
 been continued for years under circumstances the most profli- 
 gate. There has not been a single campaign in which the army 
 has not reaped a plentiful harvest of mca"tificalion and disgrace. 
 When brought into action both officers and men fought valiantly, 
 but the character of the country, its deep morasses and swamps, 
 and the ignorance of the troops of Indian warfare, have uniformly 
 tended to produce the most disastrous defeats. 
 " There is not to be found on the page of history, in any coun- 
 try, an instance of a scattered remnant of a tribe, so few in num- 
 ber, defending themselves against the assaults of a disciplined 
 and numerous army, with the same heroism and triumphant re- 
 sults, with those of the Seminoles in resisting the American 
 troops. In every campaign the invaders have been at least ten 
 to one against the invaded. At no period have the Indians been 
 able to muster more than 700 or 800 warriors, and it is doubtful 
 whether they have ever had more than half that numl>er, while 
 the American army, when in the field, has uniformly amountrxV 
 to from 6,000 to 10,000 men." 
 is, g( 
 The art of reviewing may be compared to French cookery; it 
 has no medium — it must either be first-rate or it is worth nothing; 
 when there will be a war of extermination and no quarter shown. 
 The a^dirs here are just the sunie as two years ago. The war is no 
 nearer ended. But we do hope that tlie offer of ten dollars for each 
 Seminole scalp wilt be a great inducenicnt for tlie Cherokces and Choc* 
 taws to cut and slash among thetn." 
 nay, the comparison goes much further, as the attempt at either 
 not only spoils the meat, but half poisons the guests. The fact 
 is, good reviewing is of the highest order of literature, for a good 
 reviewer ought to be superior to the party whose writings he 
 reviews. Such men as 8outhey, Croker, and Lockhart, on the 
 one side. Brougham, P'ontblanque, and Rintoul on the other, will 
 always commaud respect in their vocations, however much they 
 may be influenced by political feelings, or however little you 
 may coincide with them in opinion; but, passing over these, and 
 three or four more cordons bkus, what are reviewers in general! 
 men of talent below that of the author whose works they would 
 decide upon; the major portion of them, having failed as authors, 
 possessed with but one feeling in their disappointment, which is 
 to drag others down to their own level. To effect this, you have 
 malevolence substituted for wit, and hiffh soundino- words for 
 sense; every paltry advantage taken by an intentional misappre- 
 hension of your meaning, and, (what is the great secret of all) 
 unfair quotations of one or two lines, carefully omitting the con- 
 text; an act of unpardonable dishonesty towards the author, and 
 but too often successful in misleadintr the reader of the review. 
 By acting upon this last mentioned system, there is no book, 
 whatever its merits may be, which cannot be misrepressnted to 
 the public; a work espousing atheism may be made to ap- 
 peat wholly moral; nay, the Holy Scriptures themselves may be 
 condemned as licentious and indecent, if such reviewing is 
 fair, a jury may then decide upon a case by the evidence in favor 
 of the prosecution; and correctness or demerit in architecture be 
 pronounced upon by the examination of a few bricks taken out 
 from different portions of a building. 
 That latterly the public have been more inclined to judge for 
 themselves than to pin their faith upon reviews, is certain; never- 
 theless, when what is termed a '•^slaMng article'^ upon a popular 
 work makes its appearance, the public are too apt to receive it 
 without scrutiny; satisfied with the general effect, like that pro- 
 duced in the representations on a theatre, they do not bear in 
 mind that what has the appearance of gold, would prove, upon 
 examination, to be nothing but mere tmsel. 
 Were all reviewers to be reviewed by authors as well as all 
 authors by reviewers, the authors would have the best of it in the 
 melee{ nay, were all reviewers obliged to put their names to their 
 own articles, there would be a great alteration in their style; but, 
 aware from the incognito, that the disgrace of exposure cannot 
 be their portion, and that an author has seldom the power to 
 reply, they make no scruple to assert what they know to be false, 
 and to cowardly assail those who have seldom an opportunity to 
 defend themselves. There never was, perhaps, a better proof of 
 the truth of the foregoing observations than the article in the 
 Edinburgh Review upon the first portion of my work on America, 
 and as 1 have some pages to spare, I shall now take the unusual 
 liberty of reviewing the reviewer. 
 > First, let me introduce to the public the writer of the article— 
 Miss Harriet Martincau. My readers may inquire how I can so 
 positively make this assertion? I reply that it is owing to my 
 *' craft." A person who has long dealt in pictures will, without 
 hesitation, tell you the name of the master; nay, a shepherd with 
 a flock of three or four hundred sheep under his charge, will know 
 every one of them individually, although to people in general, 
 one sheep is but the counterpart of the others. There are little 
 varieties of style, manner, and handling of the pen, which be- 
 come evident to practised writers, though they are not always so 
 to readers; but even if these peculiarities were not sufficient, the 
 manner in which the article is managed (the remarks of Miss 
 Martineau upon the merits of Miss Martineau) establish in my 
 mind to conviction, that the major portion of the article, if not 
 the whole, has proceeded from her pen. This is a matter of no 
 consequence, and I only mention it that my readers may under- 
 stand why Miss Martineau, who forms so prominent a feature in 
 the Edinburgh article, will also occasionally appear in mine. 
 My reply, however, is not addressed to her, but to the Edinburgh 
 I have no doubt but that the reviewer will most positively deny 
 that Miss Martineau had any thing to do do with the review of my 
 work; that of course. With his permission, I will relate a little 
 anecdote. " When the Royal George went down at Spithead, an 
 old gentleman, who had a son on board, was bewailing his loss. 
 His friends came in to console him — ' I thought,' observed one 
 of them, ' that you had received a letter' — ' Yes,' replied the old 
 gentleman, 'but it was from Jack himself.'' — ' Well, what more 
 would you haver — ' Ah,' replied the old gentleman, * had it 
 been from the captain, or from one of his messmates, or, indeed, 
 from anybody else, it would have consoled me; but Jack— he is 
 such an incorrigible liar, that his very assertion that he is safe, 
 convinces me that he has gone to the bottom.' " 
 Now my opinion of the veracity of the Edinburgh Review 
 may be estimated from the above anecdote; the very circumstance 
 of its denial would, with me, be sufficient to establish the fact: 
 but to proceed. 
 The Review has pronounced the first portion of my work to 
 be light and. trifling and full of errors; it asserts that I have been 
 hoaxed by the Americans,that I am incapable of sound reasoning, 
 cannot estimate human nature, and requests as a favor that I will 
 write no more. Such are the general heads of the Review. 
 Now here we have a strange inconsistency, for why should 
 the Edinburgh Review, if the work be really what he asserts it 
 to be, "light and trifling," &c., waste so much powder and shot 
 upon a tomtit? Why has he dedicated twenty-seven pages of 
 ponderous verbosity upon so light and trifling a work? How sel- 
 dom is it that the pages of the Quarterly or Edinburgh ever con- 
 descend to notice even the very best of light literature. Do they 
 not in their majesty consider it infra dig. to review such works, 
 and have not two or three pages bestowed upon them been con- 
 sidered as an immense favor on their part, and a high compliment 
 is n( 
 not ' 
 to the authors'? Notwithstanding which we have here twenty- 
 seven passes of virulent attack upon my light and trifling work. 
 Does not the Edinburgh reviewer atonoe establish that the work 
 is not light and trifling] does he not contradict his own asser- 
 tions, by the labor and space bestowed upon it] nay, more, is it 
 not strange that he should think it necessary to take the unfair 
 advantage of reviewing a work before it is half finished, and 
 pounce upon the first portion with the hopes of neutralising the 
 eflfects which he apparently dreads from the second] 
 I will answ^er the question for him; his precipitate and un- 
 measured attacks, are because he feels that the work is written 
 in a style that will induce every one to read it; because he feels 
 assured that the occasional and apparent careless hits against de- 
 mocracy, are only preparatory to others more severe, and that 
 they will come out in the second part, which will be read as well 
 as the first. He perceives the drift of the work; he feels that it 
 has l)een purposely made amusing, and that it will be more inju- 
 rious to the cause which the Edinburgh Review upholds than a 
 more laboured treatise; that those who would not look at a more 
 serious work will read this, and that the opinions it contains will 
 be widely disseminated, and be impressed without the readers 
 being aware of it; nrioreover, that it will descend to a class of 
 readers who have hitherto been uninformed; in short, the great 
 danger of the work is that it has been made amusing, and is in 
 appearance, although not in reality, "light and trifling." 
 I candidly acknowledge that the Reviewer is right in his sup- 
 position, my great object has been to do serious injury to the 
 causB of democracy; and to effect that, it was necessary that I 
 should write a book which should be universally read, not merely 
 by the highly educated portion of the community, for they are 
 able to judge for themselves; what I wished to obtain was to be 
 read by every tradesman and mechanic; to be pored over by even 
 milliners' girls, and boys behind the counter, to be thumbed to 
 pieces in every petty circulating library. I wrote the work with 
 this object, and I wrote accordingly. Light and trifling as the 
 work may appear to be, every page of it (as 1 have stated) has 
 been the subject of examination and deliberation, it has given me 
 more trouble than any work 1 ever wrote, and, my labour having 
 been so far crowned with success, I trust that 1 shall have " done 
 the State some service."* The review in the Edinburgh will 
 not harm me, as it chiefly circulates among those classes who 
 have already formed their opinions; and I have this advantage 
 over it, that, as for one that reads the Edinburgh Review, fifty 
 * A very acute reviewer, has observed of my first portion that there 
 always appeared as if there was sornethinsf left behind and not told^. 
 He was right; I have entered into every subject just as deep as I dared 
 to venture, without woaryingr the class of readers, for whom, althoufifh 
 not avowedly, yet in reality, the work has chiefly been written. The 
 second portion will therefore be found almost as hght und trifling im. 
 the Arst. - . ..- ...,..,_. i ' ^..j'-^tsri . .. v ^ .. . . .■ -^ 
 ' 25* ^ *• 
 will read my work, so will fifty read my reply who will never 
 trouble themselves about the article in the Edinburgh Review. 
 And now let us enter a little into detail. The Reviewer finds 
 great fault with my Introduction, as beinor wholly irrelevant to 
 the Diary which follows it. I admit, that if it were an intro- 
 duction to the Diary alone then there would be justice in his re- 
 mark. But such is not the case; an introduction is, I believe, 
 generally understood to refer to and embrace the whole of the 
 work, not a portion of it; and now that the work is complete, 1 
 leave it to the public to decide whether the introduction is suit- 
 able or not, as bearing upon the whole. I believe it is usually 
 the custom to place an introduction at the commencement of a 
 work; I never heard of one being introduced into the middle or 
 at the end. The fault, therefore, of it up to the present appearing 
 irrelevant, is not mine, but proceeds from the Reviewer having 
 thought proper to review the work before it was complete. He 
 quotes me, saying, " Captain Marry afs object was to examine and 
 ascertain what were the effects of a democratic form of government 
 upon a people, which with its foreign admixture may still be con- 
 sidered as English,''^ and then, without waiting for me to com- 
 plete my task, he says, that the present work " has nothing, or 
 next to nothingf, to do with such an avowal." Whether such an 
 avowal has any thing to do with the work now that it is com- 
 pleted, I leave the public to decide. The Reviewer has no ex- 
 cuse for this illiberal conduct, for I have said, in my Introduc- 
 tion, " In the arrangement of this work, I have considered it ad- 
 visable to present to the reader first, those portions of my Diary 
 v.'hich may be interesting, and in which are recorded traits and 
 incidents which will bear strongly upon the commentaries I shall 
 subsequently 7nake,-^^ notwithstanding which the reviewer has the 
 mendacity to assert that, " not until the last paragraph of the 
 last volume, does he learn for the first lime that the work is not 
 complete." I will be content with quoting his own words 
 against him: **./5/i habitual story teller prefers invention to de- 
 The next proof of the reviewer's dishonesty is, his quoting a 
 portion of a paragraph and rejecting the context. He quotes, 
 *' I had not been three weeks in the country before I decided 
 upon accepting no more invitations, charily as they were made," 
 and upon this quotation he founds an argument that, as I did not 
 enter into society, 1 could of course have no means of gaining 
 any knowledge of American character and institutions. Now, if 
 the reviewer had had tlie common honesty to finish the paragraph, 
 the reason why I refused the invitations would have been under- 
 stood; "because I found that, although invited, my presence was 
 a restraint upon the company, and every one was afraid to speaky 
 Perhaps the sagacity of the reviewer will point out what infor- 
 mation I was likely to gain from people who would not open 
 their mouths. Had he any knowledge of the Americans, he 
 would admit that they never will venture to give their opinions 
 before each other,' it was not that they were afraid of me, but afraid 
 of each other, as M. Tocqueville has very truly pointed out in 
 his work. Moreover, I have now, for the first time, to learn 
 that the best way of arriving at the truth is to meet people who 
 are on their guard, and whose object is to deceive. However, 
 in this case I make some allowance for the feelings of a re- 
 viewer, being aware how astonishingly a good dinner from an 
 author will correct his bile, and soften down the intended acri- 
 mony of a review. 
 There is a malevolent feeling in the assertion; that I have 
 treated all other previous writers on America with contempt; and 
 here again he intentionally quotes falsely. My words are, " the 
 majurity of those who have preceded me." As nearly as I can 
 reckon, there have been about fifty works published on America, 
 out of which there are not ten which deserve attention, and the 
 ample quotations I have made from M. Tocqueville, Captain 
 Hamilton, and others, in corroboration of my own opinions, fully 
 establish the respect I have for their writings. In fact, the 
 whole article is a tissue of falsehood and misrepresentation, and 
 80 weak that hardly a position is tenable. Can any thing be 
 more absurd, or more shallow than to quote the Mississippi 
 scheme and Mr. Law as a proof that the French are, as well as 
 the English and Americans, a speculative nation,- one solitary 
 instance of a portion of the French having been induced to em- 
 bark their capital, about sixty or seventy years ago, brought for- 
 ward while the abject supineness of the French population of 
 Lower Canada, in juxta position with the energy and enter- 
 prise of the Americans, has for half a century stared us in the 
 The Reviewer has the kindness repeatedly to inform me that 
 I have been hoaxed by the Americans, and most unfortunately 
 for himself he has brought forward the " Original draft of the 
 Declaration of Independence" as a proof. That he would be 
 very glad to prove it to be a hoax, 1 believe, as it is a sad dis- 
 covery, and one which the American democrats should have kept 
 secret. That the Americans did hoax Miss Martineau, and that 
 they would have hoaxed me if they could, I admit, but even the 
 Reviewer must acknowledge that they would not hoax them- 
 selves. Now it so happens that this document, which has not 
 long been discovered, is in the splendid public library of Phila- 
 delphia, that it has been carefully preserved in a double plate- 
 glass frame, so as to be read on both sides without handling, 
 expensively mounted, and is shown to every visitor as a great 
 curiosity, as it certainly is, as the authenticity of it is undeniable, 
 and acknowledged by the Americans. The paragraph which 
 was expunged is verbatim as I gave it, a paragraph which affords 
 more proof, if further proof was necessary, that Jefferson was 
 one of the most unprincipled men who ever existed. The Re- 
 viewer recommends my perusal of the works of this ^^ great and 
 gmd man,^^zs Miss Martineau calls him. I suspect that I have 
 read more of Mr. .Jefferson and other American authors than ever 
 the Reviewer has, and I consider the writings of this Father of 
 Democracy opposed to his private life — to be a remarkable type 
 of democracy in theory and in practice. To borrow a term from 
 the Reviewer, those writings are " brave words'^ to proceed from 
 an infidel who proved his ardent love of liberty by allowing his 
 own children to be put up to auction at his death, and wear away 
 their existence in misery and bondage. I cannot help here ob- 
 serving a trifiing incnnsUicncy on the part of the Reviewer; after 
 landing the Father of Democracy, and recommending me to read 
 his works; after sneering at our aristocracy by observing, " that 
 no kind of virtue that we have heard of can suffer much from the 
 loss of a court and of an hereditary nobility;^^ after, in short, de- 
 fending and upholding democracy in every page, all of a sudden 
 the Reviewer turns round and says, " W^e are no general admirers 
 of democracy. ^^ Indeed ! if not general, you certainly appear to 
 be particular admirers ; and if neither general nor particular, 
 may I inquire what the Edinburgh Review has been frothing, 
 fizzing, hissing and bubbling about, like a tea-kettle in a passion, 
 for these last twenty years 1 
 Never was there a more convincing proof of the boldness and 
 arrogance ventured upon by reviewers, from the irresponsibility 
 arising from their concealment, than in the following passage in 
 the Edinburgh article: — 
 "^n ardent pursuit of wealth and deep religious feelings go very 
 well together." 
 It is not for me to reply to the Reviewer in this instance; I 
 must hand him over to higher authority. I must oppose the 
 everlasting doctrines of inspiration to the cold, heartless and 
 arrogant philosophy of an Edinburgh reviewer. In vain are we 
 again and again forewarned in the Scriptures against the love of 
 money; in vain has our Saviour denounced ; in vain have the 
 apostles followed in his steps. Let the Reviewer, if he" ever 
 has looked into the Bible, refer to the epistles to the Colossians 
 and to the Ephesians. St. Paul declares that covetousness is 
 idolatry. Hear also what he sayeth to Timothy: — 
 " But they that ivish to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, 
 and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in 
 destruction and perdition." " For the love of money is the root 
 of all evil." 
 Our Divine Master is even more explicit, for he says — " No 
 servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, 
 and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise 
 the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mamm,on." Thus says our 
 Lord; now hear the Edinburgh Reviewer: — "An ardent pursuit 
 of ivealth and deep religious feelings go very well together." 
 Here the EJinburgh Reviewer has placed himself on the 
 horns of a dilemma. The Holy Writings assert most positively 
 and repeatedly one thing, while he asserts another. If, there- 
 fore, he acknowledges the Scriptures, he must at the same time 
 acknowledge his own grevious error, and, I may add, his deep 
 sin. If, on the contrary, he still holds to his own opinion, hath 
 he not denied his faith, and is he not worse than an infidell 
 ' 1^ 
 The Reviewer sneers at my observation, that " Washington 
 had no power to control the nature of man." It may be, as he 
 observes, a very simple remark; but, at all events, it has one ad- 
 vantage over his own, which is, that it is a very true one. Miss 
 Martineau makes an observation in her book, which is quite as 
 great a truism as mine; for she also says that " Human nature 
 is the same every where." 
 How far I have succeeded in my analysis of human nature it 
 is not for me to decide; but that it is the same every where I 
 will now venture to support by something more than assertion 
 on the part of Miss Martineau. 
 When I was at Boston, in company with some of the young 
 ladies, the conversation turned upon Miss Martineau, with whom 
 they stated that they had been intimate. Naturally anxious to 
 know more of so celebrated a personage, I asked many questions. 
 1 was told much lo interest me, and, among other little anec- 
 dotes, they said that Miss Martineau used to sit down surrounded 
 by the young ladies, and amuse them with all the histories of her 
 former loves. She would detail to them "how Jack sighed and 
 squeezed her hand; how Tom went down on his knees; how 
 Dick swore and Sam vowed; and how — she was still Miss Mar- 
 tineau." And thus would she narrate and would they listen 
 until the sun went down, and the fire-fly danced, while the frogs 
 lifted up their voices in full concert. 
 And 1 said to myself, " Who would have supposed that this 
 Solon in petticoats would ever have dwelt upon her former days 
 of enthusiasm and hope, or have cherished the reminiscences of 
 love? How true it is that human nature is the same every where. 
 Once more: — 
 I was conversing with a lady at New York, who informed 
 me that she had seen a letter from Miss M., written to a friend 
 of hers, after her return to England, in which Miss M. declared 
 that her door was so besieged with the carriages of the nobility, 
 that it was quite uncomfortable, and that she hardly knew what 
 to do. 
 Thinks I to myself I recollect an old story. 
 " Oh! Grandmother," cried Tom, running in out of breath, 
 " there's at least a thousand cats in our garden." — *' No, no, 
 Tom," quickly replied the old lady; " not a thousand, Tom." — 
 " Well, I'm sure there's five hundred." — *'No, not five hun- 
 dred," repled the old lady, not taking her eyes off her knitting. 
 — " Well, then, grandmother, I'm sure there's fifty."— "I don't 
 think there are fifty, Tom." — " Well, at all events, there's our 
 cat and ano/Acr."— "Ah! Tom," replied the old lady, " that may 
 I believe that the carriage of Lord Brougham is occasionally 
 to be seen at the door of Miss Martineau. 
 But when I heard this I was pleased, for I said to myself, 
 " So, then, this champion of democracy, this scorner of rank and 
 title, is flattered by the carriages of the nobility crowding at her 
 door; and again I said to myself, human nature is the same everif 
 MARRY AT's diary. 
 But the Reviewer, in his virulence, has not been satisfied with 
 attacking me; he has thought it necessary to libel the whole 
 profession to which I have the honor to belong. He lias had 
 the folly and impertinence to make the following remark: " No 
 landsman c{in have been on board of a ship a week, without 
 coming to the conclusion that a sensible hoii^e dog is more like 
 the people he has left at home tlian luusl of his new companions, 
 and that it (the house dog) would be nearly as capable of solving 
 problems on national character." 
 Indeed ! ! 
 Is it possible that the Reviewer should still remain in such a 
 vulgar error? that at one time it was the custom to send to sea 
 the fool iif the family^ is certain, and had the Reviewer flourished 
 ill those days, he would probably have been the one devoted to 
 the service — hwitempora mutantur. Is the Reviewer aware that 
 one-half, and certainly the most successful half, of English diplo- 
 macy, is now carried on by the admirals and captains, not only 
 in the Mediterranean, but all over the world. Is he aware that 
 when the Foreign Office wishes to do its work cheap and well, 
 that it demand-? a vessel from the Admiralty, which is made over 
 to that office, and is set down as employed on "particulr ser- 
 vice;" that during that service the captain acts from instructions 
 given by the Foreign Office alone, and has his cabin piled with 
 the most imcompreheusible documents; that, like the unpaid 
 magistracy of England, we sailors do all the best of the work, 
 and have nothing but our trouble for our pains. Nay, even the 
 humble individual who pens this remonstrance has been for 
 months on this very service, and when it was completed the 
 Foreign Office expressed to the Admiralty its satisfaction at his 
 conduct during his short diplomatic career. 
 House dogs! Hear this, ye public of England, a sensible house 
 dog is to be preferred to St. Vincent, Nelson, Collingwood, Ex- 
 mouth, and all those great men who have aided their country as 
 much with their pen as witH their sword; as much by their 
 acuteness and firmness in diplomacy, as by their courage and 
 conduct in action. 
 Now, Mr. Reviewer, don't you feel a little ashamed of your- 
 sein Would you really like to give up your name as the author 
 of this bare-faced libel? Would you like openly to assert that 
 such is your opinion, and that you will stand by iti 
 No liberal, high-minded man, whatever his politics may have 
 been, has ever refused to do justice to a service which has been 
 the bulwark of England. Lord Brougham has lately published 
 a work containing the lives of celebrated persons in the reign of 
 George III; I will just quote a few passages from his life of 
 Lord St. Vincent. 
 " The present sketches would be imperfect if Lord St. Vin- 
 cent were passed over in silence, for he was almost as distin- 
 guished among the statesmen, as the warriors of the age. 
 " A statesman of profound views and of penetration, hardly 
 equalled by any other man of his time. 
 "But the consummate vipfour and wisdom of his proceedings 
 during the dreadful period of the mutiny, are no less a theme of 
 wonder and of praise. 
 "When the Addinjfton ministry was formed, he v/as placed 
 at the head of the Admiralty; and now shone forth in all its 
 lustre, that great capacity for affairs with which he was endowed 
 by nature, and which ample experience of men, habits of com* 
 mand, and an extended life of deep reflection had matured. 
 " The capacity of a sfateitman and the valor of the hero, out- 
 shone by the magnanimous heart which beats only to the mea- 
 sures of generosity and justice." 
 Here, again, the Reviewer is in what the Yankees would call 
 an everlasting "awkward fix;" for he contradicts Lord Broug- 
 ham, the patron and sole supporter of his fast-waning Review, 
 for without the aid of his admirable pen, it would long ago have 
 gone to its proper place. He must now either admit that he is 
 himself wrong, or that it is Lord Brougham who is in error. He 
 has but to choose. 
 I have but one more remark to make upon the review itself. 
 At tiie close of it, the reviewer observes, that my remarks upon 
 the marine are interesting and useful. How does he know? 
 Upon his own argument, if we house dogs are not competent 
 upon shore matters, he must be equally ignorant of any thing 
 connected with our profession; and I therefore consider it a piece 
 of unpardonable presumption on the part of a land lubber like him 
 to offer any opinion on the subject. 
 The reviewer, whoever it may be, has proved himself wholly 
 incompetent to his task; he has attacked, but has yet to learn 
 the art of parrying, as has been proved by his laying himself 
 so open. His blows have been stopped, and, without giving 
 any, he has received severe punishment. 1 am the more sur- 
 prised, as 1 really considered that there was a certain tact in the 
 Edinburgh Review, which enabled it to know where to direct 
 the blow, so as to make it tell; a species of professional know- 
 ledge proper to executioners, reviewers, and cab-drivers, and 
 which may be summed up in the following axiom: "The great 
 art of flogging is, to know where to find a bit of raw." 
 So little have I felt the castigation intended, that I have had 
 some compunction in administering the discipline to the reviewer 
 in return. Surely the Edinburgh Review can put a better head 
 on, when it takes notice of this second portion of my work? I 
 will give it an anecdote. 
 A lady of my acquaintance was blessed with a son, then about 
 three years old. She was very indulgent, and he was very much 
 spoiled. At last he became so unmanageable that she felt it was 
 her imperative duty to correct him. She would as soon have 
 cut off her right arm, but that would not have mended the matter, 
 nor the Child. So one.day, when the young gentleman had been 
 more than usually uproarious, she did pull up his petticoats and 
 administered what she considered a most severe infliction. Hav- 
 ing so done, with a palpitating heart) she ssitidbwn to recover 
 marrvat'8 diary. 
 herself, miserable that slie had been compelled to punish, but 
 attempting to console herself with the reflection that she had 
 done her duty. What then was her surprise to have her 
 reveries interrupted by the young urchin, who (appealing only to 
 have been tickled^) came up to her, and lying down his head on 
 her lap, pulled up his coats, and cried, " More whipping, Ma; 
 please, more whipping." So weak has been the wrist, whether 
 It be feminine or not, that has applied the punishment, that I also 
 feel inclined to exclaim with the child, " More whipping; (Miss 
 MartineauT) please, more whipping." 
 The reviewer has pronounced that " no author is cleverer than 
 his worfes;" if no author is cleverer than his works, it is equally 
 certain that no reviewer is cleverer than his review. Does the re- 
 viewer recollect the fable of the jackass who put on the lion's 
 skini Why did he not take warning from tiie fabled folly of his 
 ancestor and hold his tongue. Ho might still have walked about 
 and have been supposed to be a Reviewer. 
 He asserts that I am not capable of serious reflection: he is 
 mistaken. I have seldom cut the leaves of the Edinburgh^ hav- 
 ing been satisfied with looking at its outside, and thinking how 
 very appropriate its colors of blue and yellnvj were to the opinions 
 which it advocates. But at times I have been more serious. I 
 have communed with myself as it laid before me, and I have 
 mentally exclaimed: — Here is a work written by men whom the 
 Almighty has endowed with talents, and who will, if there be 
 truth in Scripture, have to answer for the talents committed to 
 their keeping— yet these men, like madmen, throw about fire, 
 and cry it is only in sport; they uphold doctrines as pernicious as, 
 unfortunately, they are popular; disseminate error under the most 
 specious guise, wage war against the happiness of their fellow- 
 creatures, unhinging society, breeding discontent, waving the 
 banner of infidelity and rebellion, and inviting to anarchy and 
 bloodshed — and to this prostitution of talent, to this work of the 
 devil, they are stimulated by their pride and their desire of gain! 
 And 1 have surmised that hereafter they will have their reward; 
 but, remembering that we are forbid to judge, I have checked my 
 thoughts as they have wandered^ as to what might hereafter be 
 the portion below of— an Edinburgh Reviewer.