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 3 /■ 
 r 'i ■.' 
 Acts passed uv the Lkoislatuke of Ufpf.r Canada, recognizing 
 any of the various Denominations of" Christians existing in 
 that Province. 
 — (i.i- 
 ■l. (■• '-. — An Act I'l.r die Kelief of tlie Heli^ious Soc'eties therein inciuioned 
 •1. 1'. I.— All Act to niukc valid certain Marriages hcroliilure contracted, and to pro- 
 vide for the fiitnri' Solcniniziiioii ol Matrinionv in this Province. — 
 [Passed Miircli l.'<2!)] -..--'-... 
 3. 0. fi — An Act for ilie Relief of Menonists aid I'unkers in certain Cases 
 — ( I.U- 
 — A;i Act for llie Relief of Minors of llie .Societies ol Mennnists and 
 I linkers ..... ... 
 -.»:i ■'.ct to etnpowcr c^rtaiu 'I'mi-tces 'lic-'jii: mentioned to ?sll ai :'. "n- '.'v 
 a certain Lot I'f Land in the Town (d V'ork, and to purchase another 
 Lot or Tract oi Land for the I'^c and Acconmiodation of a Roman 
 Catholic Congregation - - . - . 
 —ifi.i - 
 10 Geo. i. c. I. — All Act to provide for the AdmiNsion of the Kviilencc of Quakers, Mcno- 
 iii>is, Tiinkcr-, and .^Ioravlans in Cases - . . - 
 10 (ieo. A. c. |H. — An Act to enable the Trii-tics of the Al.'lliodist Kpiscopal ( liiirch in York 
 to eschantjc certain Real Ls'aic otiu linhlen hy thciii tor other I{eal 
 hNlalc 111 or near the said 'Id'.vii ol Vork .... 
 9 Cieo. 
 1 Will. 
 V) (ieo. 
 ."lO (ieo. 
 3. c. 1 1 . 
 t To 
 4 \V\\\. 1. c. I.'i —All Act for the Kelief of certain Rchaioiis IJciioininations of I'crsons 
 called Menonisls, 'I'linkers, and tjuakeis - ... 
 7 Will. I. c. .jfi — An Act to incorporate certain IVrsons therein named as .i Hoard of Triih- 
 lees, lor tllc Kreclion, snperinteiidin., and Maiiagcinent of a Roiiiau 
 ( ailiolii' College at Kiiittstoii, lo lie known hy the Name of " 'i he 
 College of Regiopolis." and for other Purpose- therein iiieiiiioned 
 .\!l the foregoing Liws haie been in operation silici ihe Wale ihey were vvilli tin.. Ivviepthni 
 ol the Act 1st W'ill.d. cap. I., which having licen le-erveil liy the Liciileuani (iovernor hir the 
 Sik!iiilicatioii of His MajesH's Pleasure tl.cid :i, was s|.eiiallv confirnicd on the LM March 
 Colonial KiVice, Downiiii; Sireet, ) 
 lOih April 18^0. J 
/ ^ f J- 
 CI ?; 
 9 (Jeo. 4. c. C— An- 
 Proviiioii in lidi.ilt ot 
 certain i{eligiitu.>- 
 •Sot'iflies, alliiwiiig 
 Lands to bt- liild Cor 
 their I'm- by Trustiis 
 and thfir Suci'i'Viors in 
 [HTpi'tnal Siicii'ssinii 
 Nil o\w (.'on^riejiaiion 
 '•li.ill h<i!(l iiioro Ui:ui 
 Kivf Aires. 
 irusi [\'cU t(i Ih' 
 ( onvi'vince-i ln'relofori' 
 ■liiiic (or tilt' I'urpo^i's 
 ..('(hi* .■^^f ni.i.l..' vnlnl 
 for till' Ri'lic't ol' 
 till' Kclipioiis Societies therein 
 [Fussed '2,}tii March ISJS.] 
 Wheiira* Reliijious Societies of various Denoininntions ui' Cliristians (iiid 
 Difficulty 111 seeurinjv the 'J'itle of Laud re(|uisite for tlie Site oi' a Ciuncii, 
 Meetiug House, or ('l\apei, or liurying (jrouud, for M'aiU of a c()r|)orati' ( apa- 
 cit; to tai<e au I hoiil the saiue iti i)er|)etu:il Sueeosiou : And whereas it is 
 expeiHeul to pr-ivide sonu' sate aiicl aiie(|uate Kehef in such Cases; be it 
 therel'ore enacted by tlie Kind's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Ad- 
 vice and Consent of the Lei,nsUitivo Council and Assembly of the I'loviuee of 
 Ui)|ier Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the Autho- 
 rity of au Act jiassed in the I'arliament ofCireat liritaui, nititnled "An Act to 
 repeal certain I'arts ot'an Act passed in the 1 Itli '^"ear of His Majesty's Kei"ii, 
 intituled ' An Act (or niakin;; more eflectual I'rovisioii tor the Ciovernment of 
 the I'rovince of (Quebec in North America,' and to make furtiier Provision tor 
 the (iovernment of the said I'royince," and by the Authoritv of the same, 
 That whenever any K( ligious Coiiurci;atiou or Societv of I'reshvterians, Luther- 
 ans, Calviiiists, Methodists, C(iiijj.Tet;alionali'<ls, Iiulependeiit^, Anabaptists, 
 Quakers, Men()in>ts, Tunkers, or Moravians, shall have an Occasion to take a 
 Conveyance of Land for any of the Cses aiiiiesaid, it shall ami may be lawliil 
 tor them to ajipoint Trustees, to whom and their Successors, to be appointed 
 in sucit Manner as shall be specified in the Deed, the Land re(|uisite lor all or 
 any of the Purposes aforesaid ina\ be convi'vcii, and Mich i'ruslees, and their 
 Successor^ in perpetual Succession by the Name expressed in such Deed, shall 
 be capable of taking, holding, and possessing such Laml, and of commencing 
 and maintaining any Action or Actions in Law or i;(]uiiv tiir the Protection 
 thereof, and of tluir Higlit therito. 
 ■J. Ami be it further enaeteii by the Autherity .itortsaid, That there shall 
 not be hehl in I'rust lor the i'mpoNcs aforesaid more than l''ive Acres of Laud 
 for any One ( 'ongiegation. 
 f. And be it further enacted by the Authority aloresaiil, That Mich Trustees 
 >hall, within I',' Months after the Lxecntion of such Deed, cause the same to be 
 registered m the ( )fiiee of' the Uegister ot the County in which the Land lies. 
 f. And be it liirther enacted by the Authority alifresaid. That all Convev- 
 ances mad.' before the jussuig oi this Act lot all or any of the Purposes afore- 
 said shall be good and \alid in Law, in like Manner as it the same iiad been 
 made after the passing of this Act, and subject to tlu' Provisions of this Act, 
 proviiled such Conveyance shall ha\e been already registered, or shall lie here- 
 after legisteiid as aforesaid \uihm PJ Months after the passing of this Act. 
 1 Will. 1-, c. 1. — A\ A( 1 to make valid eeitam Marriau'cs hen totbre conlraeied, 
 .nid to pid\idc' for ihi' fiiture Solemnization of Matrimony in this I'rovince. 
 [Passed March IS-J!».] 
 (77"- /{ni/ill .l.\'iriit til llii.< llill irii.< .lii/llijiii/, /ii/ .M,.tfiii/i rl' f/i.t l:.ri-i III 111-^/ l/ir / .i.lifitliDit 
 (iiiriniiii; til till l,iiiifi'iliri' ('iiiiiiiil iiiiil .i-siiiilili/ I'l' this I'l-iiiiici nil tlif 'Jil hail n/'Miii'i/i 
 W'linii \s Doubts have arisen ii'S|)eclinL; the Legality of certain Marriages 
 heretofiiie contracted and solemni/.ed in this I'idvince : .\nd whereas the Parties 
 thereto, and their Issue, may be subject to Disabilities nnhsssuch .Marriages be 
 eontirmeil by Law ; ni order thi'ieliiie lo alKud Helief to such Persons, and 
 e-tablisli tlie Legitimacy of their Issue, lie it theirjore enaeted U\ the King's 
 most Excellent Majesty, by andvvitli the Advice and Consent of tiie I,en;islati\e 
 Council and Assembly of the IVovince of Uppci Canada, constiUited and 
 assembled by virtue of and under tiie Authority ot' an Act passed in the Par- 
 liament of Cireat liritain, intituled " An Act to repeal certain I'arts of an Act 
 passed in the 1 Itli Year of His Majesty's Ueign, intitided ' An Act for making 
 more eti'ectual I'ro\isioii fdrthe Cjovornnient of ilie Province of Quebec in N'urtu 
 America,' and to make further Provision tor the (Jovernment of tlio said Pro- 
 vince," and by the Authority of the same, 'I'iiat tlie >[arnaii;e or Marriages of i' ™v. Muriigu- 
 all Persons, not benig under any canonical l)is(iualiticatioii to contract Matri- "'"'"'""' 
 mony, that have [)een publicly contracted in this Province before any Justice 
 of the I'eace, Mai^istrate, or Commanding Oliicer of a Post, or !)efore any 
 Minister or Clergyman, before the passing of this Act, shall Im; and are hereby 
 confirmed, and siiall be considered good and valiil in Law; and the Parties to 
 such Marriages, and the Issue ther(M)t', shall be enlitled to all the Kiglits, and 
 subject to all the Obligations, resulting from Marriage and Consanguinity ; 
 any Law, Llsage, or (.'ustoni to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding. 
 2. And to enable any Person wiio may be desirous to preserve the Kvidence ^Meiiimiotprismm? 
 11 ■ «« ii'i i»-.f .'.»"• /-n-ii I ■ I. L' il , II 'restimofiy of tbrinei 
 ot then- Marriage, and ot the iJirth ot tiieir Children, be it further enacted by Mamage'. 
 the Authority aforesaid, 'riiat it shall and may be lawful, at any Time within .Six 
 Years after the passing ot this Act, for any.Iustice of the I'eace, at the lleqnest 
 of either of the Parties, to administer the following Oath or AlHrmatioii, as the 
 Case may be, to the Husband ami Wife, or either of them: — "J .-/. ]i. do 
 solemnlv'swear or affirm (as the C'ase may be), that I did publicly interman-y 
 with C.'yj. at on the Day ot' in thi.' "^'cu- of our 
 Lord , and that there is now living Issue of the said .Mar- 
 riage (as the Case may be), 'J\JI. born on the Day of MB. 
 born on tlie Day of , and that such .Marriage was solemnized 
 i)v .\[. J), of the District" of ." Uhich Form of Attestation >hall be sui)- 
 scribed bv the Party making the same, and certified under the liaiid and .Sial of 
 the Justice administerini: the said Oatii or .Vflirmalion, wiio shall be entitled to 
 receive therefor l,v. ; and it shall be the Duly of the Clerk of tiie Peace, upon 
 PavmeiU of the Sum of 'i.v. I'm'., to enter and' record such Attestation, duly cer- 
 tified as aforesaid in a RegiNteror Hook to be by him kept for that i'iir])Ose, and 
 such Hegister, or an attested Cojiy thereof, shall lie considered sulficient Evi- 
 dence (if such Marriage, and of the Dirtli ol' tlie said Children; and the said 
 Clerk of the I'eace is hereby reipiired to give such Copy, duly certilieil, to any 
 Person demanding the same u|iou Payment of 'ds. : Provided always, that 
 nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to make 
 valid any .Marriage illegally solonnii/.ed, when the Parlies to such illegal .Mar- ,^'"''';"-" 
 IVinni'i M.irri.igi" ii:, 
 I'l !k' it'11'jeri.a \ali(l 
 (Vllfl-f ,i SIlbsL'lJUllit 
 , hi'. „ 
 l\- coiitiMcted .M Hi iniou> accorif- • 
 iMinisli-rs or tcrl^ipi 
 Oeiiuiiiin;ition« .ni 
 tlitiri^LiI ((* voli'iniiiy 
 I'urlher enacted bv the Authority afore- i;'"iiic;jto i.. i..' 
 , /,, ,* ( . . (ililairifii triini i[i( 
 ih'eiiK'd to be at ii'rgyiiian or Minister n,i„-.r s,.vm.m,. 
 riage, or either of them, shall liavi 
 ing to Law. 
 .'i. And be it furtlicr enacted by the Aiitiionty at'oiesaid. That it shall and 
 maybe lawful for any Cleigvnian or .Miiiistii' of any Church, Society, Congre- 
 .";at'ion, or Iteligions Community of Perso:- luolessing to be Members of the 
 Church of Scotland, Lutherans, Pie-bytc. : i •, Coiigregationalists, iJaptists, 
 Independents, .Methoilists, Menomsts, 1 iiiiki is, or M(iia\ian>, who shall be 
 iiuthori/.ed in manner herein-after menlioiied to Siilemni/e the Ceremony of 
 Marriage within this Province between any I'wo Persons, neither of whom is 
 under any legal DiMpialiticalion to contract .Matriaioiiy. 
 !■. Proviiled nevertheless, and be it 
 said, 'I'liat no Person shall be taken or 
 ot'siuli Church, Sociely, Congregation, or Keligious Community within the ^^J"'^,'';;;,';,'*'"'''''''' 
 Intent and .Meaning of this .\ct, who shall not have hern regularly ordained, MMnmoxy 
 constituted, or appointed, according to the Rites and Form of' such Church, 
 SocietN', Coutiregalion, or Religious ('oiiiiniinily of which he protL'ssi's to be a 
 ( leruvmaiioi .Minister, and iiiiiess lu' shall be a Subject of His Majesty, ami shall 
 ap])ea"r before the .liistices of thr Disirict in which he shall ri'Mde, in (ieneral 
 (Quarter Sessions assembled, and unless he shall produce I'loofof his Ordination, 
 Constitution, or .\ppointmeut as such .Minister, and shall then and there take the 
 Oath of .\llcgiance to His Majesty, which Oath the said Court shall then and 
 there administer; and thereupon, ii' it shall appear to tlie Majority of the Justices 
 then present that he has beiii Kgiilarly ordaiiiid, cou-titiited, or ap]ioiiited as 
 aforesaid, lhe\ arr hereby authori/.ed ami reijicred to grant him a Crriiiicate 
 under the of the I'onrt. and signed iiy the Chairman and the Clerk of 
 (HI.) tl't-' 
i'MMfH t(l Im' piilllisllCti 
 oi l.ioi'iii'e iilitainist 
 I'ffuri" thf Siilomni/n- 
 tion ul imr Marri.iirc. 
 Cciliru-.itt of I\Jarriapt 
 to Ik- '4ivi:i l>y till- 
 I'lTvou soieiuniziiif; 
 Tilt* saiiu' 
 Utliirn of -Mirriiipi'-s 
 10 tn mnili' anmiatly 
 111 the OIitI of ilio 
 I IitL of ihf Pinci- to 
 rrtorii iili'ti Koluin. 
 wliitli shall Ih 
 IMdi'iici',tf Uftiirns lo 
 I .n.-it 111/. 
 the Peace, (or wliioli llie said L'lork shall be entitled to receive the Sum of 
 .0,v., eoitityiiif;; liim to lie a Minister or Clergyniaii of such Chinch, Society, 
 Congrefration, or Religions Coinnuniity, which Ci:rtiticate may be in the 
 Ibliowing Form : — 
 " IJe it renu'inluTeil, that at the CJeneral Qnarter Sessions of the Peace, 
 holtleii at in ami for District, on the Day of in 
 tiie Year olom- Lon! before A. ii. and others, Ks(jnires, .Instices of 
 our Sovereign Lonl I lie King, assigned to keep the Peace in the said District, 
 came CD. of who professes to be a Minister or Clergyman of the 
 Chnrcli, Society, Congregation, or lieligions Community (as the Case may be). 
 It appeared to a Majority of the Justices that he the said C. I), was duly 
 ordained, constituted, or appointed (as the Case may be), a Minister or Clergy- 
 man ot'the said Church, Socielv, Congregation, or Religious Community. 
 "E.J'. Chairman." 
 "G.II. Clerk of the Peace." 
 5. Provided also, and be it fnrtiier cnacleil, by the Authority aforesaid. That 
 no sucli Minister or shall at any Time celebrate the Ceremony of 
 .Marriage between any 'I'wo Persons as aforesaid, unless such their Intention of 
 iMariiage shall have been declared openly and in an audible \ dice in tiie 
 Ciiurcii, Cha])t'l, .Meeting Mouse, or Place of Public Worship of such ('oiigrega- 
 tion or Religions Community, on Three several Sundays, either in some inter- 
 mediate Part of the Service, or immediately before it began, or immediately 
 after it ended, together with the Number oi'l'imes the said l)eclaration shall 
 have respectively been made, or unless such Minister or Clergyman shall have 
 have been duly authorized by Licence uiuler the Hand and Seal ot'the Cioveriior, 
 Lieutenant (iovernor, or i'eison administering the Ciovernment of the Province, 
 to celebrate the sniil Ceremony between the Two Persons therein named. 
 »i. .And be it further enacted, by the .Authority aforesaid. That every Minister 
 or Clergyman, or .lustice of the Peace, who has been or shall be autiiorized to 
 celebiate .Marriage by virtue of this .\ct, or any other .Act of this Province, 
 shall, if required at the 'lime by cither ot'the Pariii's married by such Minister, 
 Clergyman, or .Justice of the Peace, give a Certiticate under his Hand of such 
 Marriage, spccitying in such Certificate the .Names of the Parties, the'J'ime, and 
 the Names of 'J"wo or more Persons who witnessed such Marriage, and whether 
 such ALirriage has been solennii/ed by Licence or by Publication of Ranns ; and 
 also once in e\eiy \k> .Months return a certified List under his Hand of all 
 Marriages liy him sohMiiiiized within the said Term of I'J .Months, or since his 
 last (ireeeiiing Uetiirn, to the Clerk of the Peace in and tiir the District in which 
 such ALnriages shall have been resj)ectively solemnized, specifying in such 
 List the Names ot the I'arties so by him married, the respective Dates of such 
 Miiriiages, and the Names of Two or more I'ersons who witnessed each of saitl 
 .NLu'i'iages, and whethei such ^Lu■riages respectively shall lia\e been solcmnizeil 
 by Licence or I'liblii'aiioii of Ranns, ami such .Minister or Clergyman or Justice 
 of the Peace, shall, at the lime of returning a certified List as aforesaid, pay to 
 the said Clerk of the Peace the Sum of '2.v. (ir/. ; and it shall thereupon be the 
 Duty of the saiti Clerk to record the s;ud cerlitieil List in the Register or Rook 
 refpiircd by Law to be kept by him of the Registry of certified .Marriages of 
 Members of the C'hurch of Scotland, Lutherans, Congregationalists, Raptists, 
 Indepeiulents, .Methoilisls, .Menonists, Tuiikers, Presbyterians, or Moravians; 
 and such Register, or a certified Cop} thereofj shall be considereii, in (.'ase of' 
 the Death or .Absence of the Witnesses to any Marriage, a sufficient Lvulence 
 of the said Ma riages ; jiiid the siiid (leik of' the Pi'ace is iiereby recpiired to 
 give such Copy of the Registry ot'any ot' the said .Marriages, duly ciMtified, to 
 any Person (lemaiidiiig the same. ui)on the Paymeiil of J.v. ; anil if any such 
 .Minister or Clergyman, or Justice ot' the Peace, shall reluse or neglect to 
 return such certified List as aforesaid, he shall forfeit and j)ay tlie Sum of lO/., 
 to be recovered by .Action of Debt in His .Majesty's Court of King's Reiich, 
 One Moiety thcrc'of to the L'se of the Iiifoniier wiio shall sue f()r tlie same, 
 and the fitlier to be paid to the Recei\ir (ieneral of this Province, to and for 
 tlie l,'se of His .VLijesty, His Heirs and Successors, for the public I'ses of this 
 Province, and the Support of the Civil (lovernmem thereof, to be accounied for 
 to His Majesty through the Lords CoinmissioiU'is of His .Majesty's 'i'reasiuv 
 for the Time being, in such Manner and I'orm is His Majesty shall direct. 
 i9 Geo. .). c. (i. — An A( t for Uu> lli'liel of iVIenoni.sts and Tiinkers, in 
 certain Cases, [Passed fitli March l.SO[).] 
 WiiKiiEAs the JleligioiisSocietiis of the Menouists and Tunkers, from Scruples 
 of Conscience against taking an Oatii, are snhject to many Inconveniences to 
 themselves and l-'aniiiies, as well as to others who may require their Evidence; 
 lor Remedy whereot^ be it therefore enacted hy the King's most Excellent 
 Majesty, i)y and with the Ailvice and Cons(!nt oi' the Legislative Coimcil and 
 Assembly of the Province of Upper Canada, constituted and assembled by 
 virtue of and under the Authoiity of an Act passed in the Parliament ofCircat 
 Britain, intituled " An Act to repeal certain Parts of an Act passed in the 
 1 1-th Year of His Majesty's lleign, intituled ' An Act for making more effL'ctual 
 Provision of the Governmeiil of tiie Province dI' Quebec in North America,' 
 and to make liirther Provision for the (ioxL'nmuiit of the said I'rovmce," and 
 ( Sec JO Geo. ".. c. 1 1 . ) 
 by the Authority of the same, That tiom and after the passing of this Act, every MenonUts/m 
 Menonist or 'I'unker, in any Case in which an Oath is reipiired by Law, or ,|"'''||!,""('|^'J:' 
 iintl 'run- 
 ittiKl tu niako 
 , . , k - 1 -14,' 1 -v I ~ • (■*■■* 1 "^ ..ftirmatioii 
 upon any lawliil Occasion, wherein the Allirmatioii or IJeclaration ot a Quaker with Quaker';. 
 will by Law he admitted, shall be and is hereby jiermitted to make his or her 
 Allirmation or Declaration in the same Manner and Form as a (Quaker by the 
 Laws now in l''orce is reipiired to do, having tirst made the following Afiirnia.- 
 lion or Declaration, tiiat is to say : 
 'I .'LB. do solemnly, sincerely, and truly allirm and declare, that 1 ain 
 ' one of the Socii'ties of Tunkers or Menonists [as the Case may be].' 
 Which Affirmation or Declaration as aforesaid of any Menonist or Tunker, 
 except as herein-after i.-xeepted, is hereby declared to be of the same Force and 
 Effect, to all Intents and i'urposi^s, in all Courts of .lustice and other I'laces 
 where by Law an Oath is or shall be allowed, authorized, directed, or required, 
 as if such Menonist or Tunker had taken au Oath in the usual J'\>rm ; and all 
 anil every Person or Persons who is, or are, or shall be authorized or required 
 to administer any Oath recjuiied by an) I-aw now in Ibrce or liei'eafter to be 
 made, although no express I'roviMiou is nnnle f()r the Puijiose in any such 
 Law, shall be and is or are hereby required tu administer such Affirmation or 
 'i*. And be it further enacteil by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person 
 making such Affirmation or Declaration shall be lawtiiUy convicted of having 
 wilfully, fiilseh', and corruptly attirmed ami di'clared any .Matter or T'hing, 
 which if the same bail been depo>ed in the usual J'\)rm upon Oath would have 
 amounted to wilful and coiru|)t J'eijury, every such Person so odending shall 
 incur and suHi'r all the Pains, Penalties, Forfeitures, and Disabilities as by the 
 Laws now in force are to bi' intlicled on Persons convicted of wilful anil eor- 
 riqit Perjury. 
 3. And be it fiutlur enacted, by tiie Authority al'oresaid, Tiiat no Menonist 
 or 'i'unker shall by virtue ot this Act be (pialitietl or peimittetl to give Evidence 
 in 'inv Criminal Cas(!s, oi to serve on .Juries in Criminal C^ase.s, or to hold or 
 eiijov any Office or Place in the (ruveinment in this Province, any thing herein 
 contained to thr coutrars notwithstanding. 
 I'alio Allirriiatiuii 
 subjeit ti) llie liki- 
 I'unishiru'TU Willi that 
 (if a falsi' Oath 
 Disabilities .if .\!i- 
 mini.sts iiutl 'riiiike 
 ( Sec. Hi Oe". :!. c. 
 ')() (ieo. .T. c. 1 l.^,\\ Act for the Relief ot' Minors of the .Societies of Me- 
 nouists aiul I'unkers. [Passed I'Jth March ISIO.] 
 \Vm--.iiii,\s the Sons of Menonists and Tunkers, who are Minors, cannot avail t'"»mi'i' 
 themselves of the Indulgence intended to be granted them by the 'jyth Clause 
 of an Act passeil in the 4Stli Year of Mis present Majesty> intituled "An Act iSeeiRiic; 
 to e\|)lain, amend, and reduce to One Act of Parliament the several Laws ■ ■' ' 
 nou in being for the raising and training the iSlilitia of this Province," bv 
 ivason of not being able to obtain the Certificate required by the abovc-meii- 
 tioneil Act until thev shall have attained the Age of 21 Years, according to the 
 (ilk) ' R Rules 
 CprtihcaU' til !)»■ prn- 
 fluri**! Iiy tlie Sitils ul' 
 Ml'IlOlliifi Aiul 'I'lMI* 
 ken. undi-T tin' A 15c oi 
 •-'I Vi'.lts. M Ollfitli' 
 tliom III ilu liicliil. 
 gcnce rtr.intut lu t'u-m 
 from stTvmg 111 tin' 
 Militia hy the 
 1H Ciiii. :i c. I. 1. jr , 
 in plaio ol'llif fir- 
 tificiti' tt'i|uirt'd liy 
 till' Sl.iuili'. 
 I 19 Oil). 1. I-. .;, I 
 Rules aiul Uiyuliitions of the said Societies ; for remedy wliereof, be it enacteci 
 by 'lie King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice ami ("oiiseiitof 
 the Lei;islative ('diitieil and Assembly oi' the I'rovinee of l'|)|ier Caiiada, 
 constitnteil and assend)led by virtue of and under the Aiitliont) of an Act 
 passed in the Parliament oV (ireal Britain, intituled " An Act to repeal 
 certain Parts of an Act passed in the 1 Ith \'ear of Mis Majesty's lleij^n, inti- 
 tuleil 'An Act for making more etVeetual Provision for the (lovernment of the 
 Provinee of (j^iiehec in North America,' and to make fnilher J'rovision for the 
 Ciovernmenl of tiie said Pro\ inee,' " ami hy tlu' Authority of the same. That the 
 Sons of Menoiiists and Tinikers lialile to serve in the Militia under tiie Age of 
 '■'1 Years shall, instead of the Certiheate required by the above-mentioned Act, 
 produce a Certificate, stating his Name, that his I-"atheris a Menonist or Tunker 
 (as the Case may be), and that such Minor is brought up and educated in the 
 Principles of the Meuonists or'l'imkers (as theCase may lie \ uhieh Certificate 
 sliall be signeil by tiie Clerk of the Mi'etin.;' of such Society, or by any T'hree or 
 more of the People ealleil Meiiouists or Tunkeis ; such Minor shall then be 
 entitled to all tiie Menetits and Indulgences in the said Clause mentioned, subject 
 nevertheless to ail other Itestrictions and Provisions ot'tli'' said Clause. 
 , i, i.r 
 a ciTi 
 it 11 
 1 in 'I 
 Dm 1 
 f 11 11 
 il til sill Iht 
 <l < 
 . pun 
 lias(' t 
 IM V. 
 ik in 
 r 11, 
 - S.1111 
 '2 Geo. 'I', c. '2ft. — .\\ Act ti emjioutr certain Trustees therein mentioned to 
 sell and convey a certain Lot oi Laud in ilie Town of \ 01 k, and to purchase 
 another Lot or TVact of Land lor the Lse aiul .Yccoinmodation of a Roman 
 Catholic Congregation. [Passed 11th April liS'Jl,] 
 M'liEitr.As by Letters Patent I'.iuler the (iieat Seal of this Province, bearing 
 Dale the '2Hh Day of ^Lu■cil isofi, a certain l.ol of Land in the 'I'own of York, 
 in the Home District, described as Lot No. (i, on tiie Corner ofCJeorge and 
 Duke Streets, containing about One Acre of Land, uas granteil to tlie 
 Honourable .lames Hal)v, the Rev. Alexander M'Doiiell, ami ,fohn Small, list]., 
 in I'rusl tiir the Use and Accommodation of a Roman t atliolie Congregation 
 in tlie said 'i'own of York and its \'icinily : And whereas it hath been repre- 
 sented by the saiil 'i'rustees that tlie saitl Lot of Land is insutiicieiit and incon- 
 venient tor the l.'se ami Purposes intemled b\ tlie saitl (irant ; he it iheielbre 
 enacted by the King's most lAcelleiit .Majesty, by and with the .\d\ ice and 
 Consent ol' the Legislative Council ami .\s>emi)ly of the Province ol L'pper 
 ("anaila, constituted ami assembled b\ \iitiie ol ami iiudei' the .luthority of an 
 Act |)assed in the J'arliament ofCjreat lirilaiii, iiilitiiKd "An .Act to repeal 
 certain Paits of an Act passed in tin lllh ^'car of His Majesty's Reign, 
 intituleil ' An Act tiir making more elffctual Provision lt)r the (iovernmeiit of 
 the Province of (Quebec in North .America,' and to make tinther I'roMsioii for 
 the (jovei iiiient of the saiil Provinei.," and by the .\iithorilv ol' the same. 
 That the saul Trustees be empowered ami antliorizeil, anil tliey or any 'J'wo or 
 more of them are hereby eni|)o\vered ami authorized, bv Deeil ol Conveyance 
 under their Hands and Seals, tn grant, bargain; sell, and etnuey in Fee Simple 
 the afoiesaitl Lot ot Land dest 1 ibeil as Lot N<).<i. on the Corner of (ieorue 
 aiul Duke Streets in the Town of \uik atortsaid, with its Ajipiu lenances, 
 unto such Person or Persons as may be dis|)(ised to purchase the sanii-. 
 •-'. And be it further enacted by tlu! Authority aforesaid, 'I'hat the Trustees 
 atijresaiil. or any Tao or more of them, shall aiiil may, and they are lierebv em- 
 jjowered and retpiired, to vest tlie Moiiev accruing lioiii the Sale oftlif Lot ot 
 Land atoresaitl 111 the Purchast oi' such other Lot oi' 'I'raet of Land in or near 
 the Idwii of York aton >aid as tliey the said rrusti.'es shall in their Discre- 
 tion deem to be piopei and convenient Im the I'se ami Accommodation of a 
 Roman Catholic Ciiiigiegation in the saitl Town of 'I'ork ami its \'ieinitv ; and 
 tlie said 'I'rustees, or any 'I'wo or more of them, are hereby einpowercil ami 
 retpiired to receive and take a Convevaiice of the Lainl so to bt> b\ tin in piir- 
 chasetl as afinesaiil witli the .Mones aloresaitl, in Trust for the I'seand Piii]ioses 
 aforesaid, and with Succession and Limitation of tlie said 'I'rust as ma\ be 
 ileemeil e.xpediiMit to stciiie the same 111 ])erpi'tuity, for the L'se and I'lirjiose- 
 aforesaiil, accortling to the true Inteiitaiul Meaning of the Letters Patent herein- 
 before menlionetl. 
 ru'ikcrs, aiitl Mo- 
 r:ivinn<i a<lii)itti-<l tn 
 ^i\c l-",vitlt>n(f in 
 criniiniil Ciisr-, 
 H) (leo. •!•. c. 1.— An Act to provide for the Admission of tlio Kvideiicc of 
 Quakers, Menonists, Tmikers, and Moravians, in Criminal Casos. 
 [I'asHcd 'JOlh March 18'<Ji».] 
 WiiK.itKAs tlic Administration of the Law in Ciiminal IVocucdinjis is mucli iveambir. 
 inipedid hy reason that the Evidence ol Persons i)('lonp;iiifr to ceitiin rcliirioiis 
 Sects, who from Scruples of Conscience decline takuig aii Oatii, cannot be 
 received, to tlic Im|)unity of Otiendcrs, and tlie conse(iuent Kucouragement of 
 Crime ; for Remeily whereof, he it therefore enacted by the King's most 
 Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Constnt of the Leirislativn 
 Council and Assembly of the Province of Upper Canada, constituted and 
 assembled by virtue of and under the Aulhority of an Act passed in the Parlia- 
 of (ireat Britain, intituled " An Act to repeal ccrtuin I'arts of an Act passed 
 in the 1 ftli Year of His Majesty's Reij^n, intituled ' An Act tor making more 
 eflectual I'rovision for the (jovernment of tiie Province of Quebec ni North 
 America,' and to make further Provision for the (Government of the said 
 Province," and i)y the Authority of the same, 'J'hat from ;nul after the 
 passing of this Act, every Quaker, Menonist, or Tmiker, or Person being a 
 Memb(?r of the Church or Congregation known by the Name of " Umtas 
 Fratrnm" or the Ciiited brethren, sometimes otherwise called the Moravian 
 Church, in any Criminal Case in which an (kiih is required by Law, or upon 
 any iawiiil Occasion whatever in the Administration ot the Law, for the Pre- 
 vention or Punishment ofOtl'ences wherein the Oath of any Persons can be 
 admitted, may make his or her Alfirmation or Declaration" in tliesc Wonls 
 following , rtiiat is to say,) " I y/, li. do solemnly, sincerely, ami truly declare, 
 anil allinii," iiaving first made the following Declar r, on or Atlirmation, viz. 
 " 1 A. II. do solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare, that I am one of the iwiun.; 
 Society calk'd Quakers, Menonists, Tunkers, or I'liitas Fratrum or Moravians," 
 (as till' Case may be,) which Affirmation or Declaration as aforesaid of any 
 (Quaker, Menonist, 'I'unker, or I'erson being of the said Church or Congrega- 
 tion called Moravians or Lnited brethren, shall be and is hereby declared to be J'vi, «» given i 
 of the same Force and Effect to all Intents anil i*urj)oses, in all Courts of Law ' 
 or other Places where by Law an Oath is or shall be allowed, authorized, 
 directed, or rcipiired for the Purposes aforesaid, as an Oath taken in the nsual 
 Form ; and all and every Person ami Persons who is or are or shall be aiitho- 
 ri/ed or reipiired to administer any Oath for any of the Purposes aforesaid by 
 any Law now in force or hereafter to be made, although no express Provision 
 is made for that Purpose in any such Law, shall be and is or are hereby required 
 to administer such Affirmation or Declaration. 
 '2. And be it further enacted In the Authority atiJrcNakl, 'lliai il'anv Person 
 making such Alfirmation or Declaration shall lie lawfiilly coiuittel of having 
 wilfully, falsely, and corru|)tly aHirmed ami ileclMreirany Mattel or 'I'liing 
 whiili, if the same had been deposed in the usual Form upon Oath, would have 
 amounted to wilful and corrupt Perjury, every such Person so oM'eiiding shall 
 incur and sufli'r all the Pains, Penalties, Forfeitiiivs and Disabilities which by 
 the Laws now m Wncv are to be inflicted on I'eisons convicted of williil anil 
 corrupt Peiiuiy. 
 .'i. And lie ii tiirther enacted bv the Authority aforesaid, that no Quaker, ivrvms iciniiiiid u 
 Menonist, or 'riinker, or Person belonging to the Society of United Hrethien "'"To ^^c'o'^!' juru' 
 or Moravians, shall by vijtne of this Act be qualified or |)ermitled to serve on '» ciiminai ij.>? 
 ■furies in Criminal ('ases. 
 I of Ali.rtnntit 
 Iiave tilt' ••Au\r HtftN 
 i il nil Oalli 
 All I'ltsiii)-; ,»i;lliori/fvl 
 ti< ailinitlistrr ilaths in 
 i'liiiiinal Casi'^ may 
 talvr Aliiniia'iiM:^. 
 PlTJurV Ml,! 
 a-ssij;iud o i 
 lOCieo. f. c. IS.— A\ A( r to enable the Trustees of the .Methoilist Epis- 
 copal Church in York to exchange certain Heal Estate now holden by them 
 for other Real Estate m or near the said Town of York. 
 [Passed 'JOth March l,sj<).] 
 WiiiaiKAs Thomas Stoyell, William Poyntz Patrick, .lolm Doel, Matthew 
 Walton, and James Rogers Armstrong, Trustees to the Methodist F^piscopal 
 ('•Jl'O Church 
 ^•"(i il Ct.iirili ill ^ IN k 
 t»i\ (Titjii) Litiiii in 
 .nj I J imi'sl lla- 
 Miia., .111.11 K Irillll 
 till' Sill- tl.iliMrill llif 
 Piiut .|.»t ilfiillui 
 I.' .1- t.» ll,c I sc ,il' 
 •' 1 •.<^* t'lutrcti. 
 M,,. ,i..,|,i |>,,-,l„f 
 >ii>li l..inils M tk' 
 I'liri-ll.iwil. ll|Hill till* 
 I I !isl« '■! I'l* tth fvMl 
 il,', I.1I...I 
 • <• t ..iii;i. J 1 
 ' lu .ill.jHi^l I,, l„.l,l 
 iiiii lliiiii I'. VI- *\.-r* 
 l.'i 111.. ^., 
 ("luircli in York, and oiliois, odicial Mcml)ers ^igllillJ^■ in bi'liait'of said Clnircli 
 havo, by tlicif Polition set forth, that the Croiind on wliidi the Chapel 
 liclonging 1o tlic >F(tliO(iist .Sneietv in \oik af'oresaiil stands is too small for 
 the Pin|nises and ('oniniciices ot the said Church, and j)ray thai tlie afore- 
 mentioned I'rnstees may he allowed to dispose o( the saul Chapel and (jronmi, 
 should an Opp^rt unity he airurtled tiieni, auil apply the Proceeds thereof 
 towards the purchasinj^ of siieli other Land and Premises as may he suitable for 
 the Conxeniein'cs ot' the said Church, and for the Purposes lor which the 
 ])i(sent I. ami and I'ri-mises re now by them holden : ^Vnd whereas it is 
 desirable ;uh1 proper that such Iv^liel'by Law siioiild lu' j;raMtt'd as lu enable 
 tlie said Trustei's, or a Ma|oril\ ol them, or their Sui'cessers in Otliee nominated 
 anil apjxiinted accordiufj to tlu' Rules and Ueiiulations of tlie said Church, to 
 sell and dis|)ose of said Laud ami Prenuses, anii purchase such other as may be 
 suitable, not exeeeiiinji the (v*uantity Innited h\ Law l()r ^iich Purposes; be it 
 therettire enacted by the Kin;;'s mo>t J'.xceilent Majr>ty, by and wuli the 
 Ad\iee and Consent ol' the Legi-<lati\e Council and A^stinbly of the PinMuce 
 of Upper Can.ida constituted and assembled by virtue ot'and uiuler the Autho- 
 rits of an Act pas^eil m the I'.irliament ()t'(jreat Hritain, iulitiiled "An Act to 
 repeal certain Parts of an Act passed m the llib W-.w ot Ilis ^LljestCs Idii^ri, 
 intituled ' \\\ Act for makinii- nioie elVectual Provision for the (.ioverumeut ot 
 the Province ol'(^mbcc in North America,' and to iii,i'<e I'urther ProviMon for 
 the Cioverimieut of the said l'ro\ince," and by the Authority of the same, 
 'I'hat at any 'rime alter the p.issini^ of this Act, the said Trustees or their .Suc- 
 cessors ill Ollicc, or a .NLijonly of them, shall have full I'ovver and Authority, 
 i'.nd are heiebv empowi'ied and anthori/eil. bv Dcvd of Cunve\ance under their 
 Hands and Seals, to <;rant, b.iitjaiu, sell, and convev in Li'e .Simpli", tlie(irouiid 
 on wincii the Methodist Cli.ipel now stands, in >'ork aforesaid, and the Appur- 
 tenances appertauniiif thereto, which (iriuiid a. id I'reinises is described in the 
 Deid ot Lru^t, now heltl by the petitiiinin;;'l"nistees, as Ibllows ; that is to say 
 liein^ about the One Sixth of an Acie, and coinpo>ed of I'art of Lot No. i, on 
 the South Sill'- ol kmu's Street, in that I'art of the saiil 'I'owu of York, called 
 the " New 'iovvii," which is houiiilei!, or may be known as follows ; that is to 
 say. commenciiii; .it a I'ost Four Chains iiiul Seven Links from the North Last 
 Aiitrle of Lot No. ■.', on the .South Side of kinj^'s .Street, then South Mi Decrees 
 Lust, l.J'.' Leet; then .South 7f l)efi;rei's West, .VJ", l-'eet ; then North Hi 
 Decrees West, \ i'2 Feet ; llieu North ', I l)ej:;rees La>f, .V.'.l, Feet, to tlu- Place 
 of ^ie^inllluu, to such Pi'rson or Persons as may be disposi'd to purcli:ise the 
 'J. And Ik it furiher eu.u-ted by the ,\utliorit\ ahux's.ud, That the rrii>tees 
 aforesaid, or a .NLijority ol tiiem, shall ami nmy and they are hereby empowcn'd 
 and iiipured to visi the .Mmiev accriiin;,' Ireiii iheS.ile of the abovr-ineiilioneil 
 Land and PreniiseN in llu' Purcliast ol such oiliei LotorTiiet of Laud, in or 
 near the Tiiwii ol 'l ork iiliire>aul, and lor the Lreitioii of a (. h.ipi'l or Mt'ctiii^; 
 Mouse then on, as will .is such other I5inldiii!;s as inav be rerpiired liir the 
 llesuleiii'e ol .1 MiiU'lei. and his iicies^.iry l'ulpo^e^ m siu li ('.ip.icitv, and (or 
 the iuce>..aiy ( oiivenielices of the Coiigniriifioii which inav attend Mich I lia|iel 
 or Meetiiiti' lliiu«c, as tliev the said fnistee". shall, iii then 1 )iserrtioii, deem to 
 be jtropei and eonvcnii ni loi the Ise and .\cconiinoil.itioii of tlii' .Mclliodi>t 
 CoiiifUfialion 111 ^olk atoresaid, ami its \ iciuily ; ;iiid the said I'nistees, or 
 their Successors in ( )lliee, or a .Majority of them, are hereby empowered to 
 receive ami taki- a Ciinvev.mce of the Land so to he by them pinch i-miI a> 
 atiiresaid, with the Money as aloresaid, and such further Sum as may lu' 
 reijiiired (or iliit PiiipuM, iii riiisi lor the I M' and Puiposi's alinesaid, and 
 with such Succession ami Liimlation ol the said I'liist as ni.iy he deemed 
 '■xpedienl to secure the sjune in perpetuity, flir the Cse and Purposes aloio.ud ; 
 i'lovided alw.ivs, that nothing in this .\ct contained shall extend, or he coii- 
 stiui'd to I'xtinil, to idlow the said Trustees, or tlu ir Siicces>uis m ( )(licc, or n 
 .Majorily of tin tn. to hold liii the I se and .Veeouunod.itum ot any ( )iie (.'oiigre- 
 patioti a greali'r (^'iiaiititv of Land tliiin iive .\cres. 
 !• Will. 4. c. I'5. — A\ Aci for till! Uclief of ci'itaiii licligicJiis DiMioniiniitioiis of 
 IVrsoiis callrj Mi'iKinist-^, 'riinkcis, mid (v'nakcis. | I'assfil (itii March ISSl.. j 
 \\'iii;iM.\s certain of the I'coplo callcil Mciionists ami 'rmikcis, Subiocts of 
 His Majesty within thiv i'roviiicc, lia\c liy their I'lMilioii set, forth that lhe\ are 
 l)_v till- ])re.seiil Militia Laws of this l'ro\iiiee siihjeited to an animal C'uiiinni- 
 tation in Tiiiie of War, or when any Portion of the Mililia are onleretl out on 
 actual Service, the Sum of ,j/., and ni 'I'lme of IVaee the Sum of 'ilK annually, 
 ami wliii'h they pray may l)o rcilnced ; and their Sons, IieiiiLj Minors as well 
 as Alii'iis, of their IVrsiiasion, may likewise he lelicved from such Commuta- 
 tion : And wliert'as it i> expedient and necessary to atlbrd fuilhei Relief 
 accrjidiiiL,' to the Prayer of then IVtilion -, he it theretlire I'liailed hy the Kinj;'s 
 most lixcellent Majesiy, liy and with the Advice and ( 'unseiit of the Legis- 
 lativo Council and Assemhiy of the Province of L'pp^'r Canada, constituted and 
 :iss(>m!)led hy virtue ot' and under the Authority of an Act pa^sed in the Par- 
 liament ot'{ireal Britain, intituled " An Act to're|)eal certain Parts of an Act 
 passed in llu' 1 Ith Year of His Majesty's IJeiun. intituled ' An Act for iiiakini^^ 
 more cfK'Ctiial i'rovision lor the Ci()\-eniineii' of the Provmci! ofC^iieiiec in 
 North .America,' and to make further i'rovi-^ioii lor the (ioveinment of tiu- said 
 I'roviiice," and by the Autlioritv of the same, 'I'liat the -'^th Section ol'an Act 
 passed in the IStli Year of the Keifrn of (leoiire the ;fd, intituled " An Act to 
 explain, amend, ami reduce to One Act of Parliament the se\'eral Laws now in 
 beiiii;' lor the raisiiit;' and tiaiiiiiii,^ the Militia of this Province," be ami the same 
 is lieri'l)y repealed. 
 '»'. And i)c it liiillier enacted liy the Authorilv aforesaid, 'I'liat the IVrsuns 
 called (^luiKris, Menonist>, or Tnnkers shall not lie compelled to si.i\e in the 
 Militia ol'lliis Pnivinee; but everv Person v\lio shall pioless to be one of the 
 People called (»)iiakei<, .Menoiiists, or '1 linkers, and who shall produce a Certi- 
 licaie thereof, sidled by the ( leik of the Meeting of the Society to which he 
 shall belong, .shall be excused and exem|)ted liom serving; in the said .Militia 
 of this Province; provided nevertheless, that every such I'erson from the A^e 
 of 1(1 to do, so claiminu; to be ixcused or cxempli'd. shall on or befoie the 
 1st l),i\' of I'ebinary in I'.ich and every N'ear alter the passiuir of this .\cl,,nive 
 in bis Name and I'lac'e of llesiihnce to the Assessor or Assessors ol lacli .Uld 
 e\ery 'lowii, 'J'owiisliip, or Place when' he shall reside; aec! s.i.iH pas in e.ich 
 uiiil ever}' Y'car in Tnne ol Pimih' thi'Smn ol lii.v., and i\> i ime ol' actual Inva- 
 sion or liisnriectioii, or when aii\' if the Militia ol the I) stmt in which such 
 Person shall lesidt shall b(> called nut on ai'tnal Si'i" ice tin' Sinn of ')/., wiiicli 
 < 'oiniiint.itioii Monev shall be in lit u and disi liarue ol sm li Miliiia Service, and 
 shall bi a|)|)lied as lieiein-alter provided. 
 ■ ). Anil l)e it further enacted by liie Authoiny aforesaid, 'I'hai it shall be the 
 Duty of the ( leik of the I'eaee in e.icli District in this Pnivinee, and he is 
 lierein rKjiiired, lo annex aColunni to each and everv AssesMiient lloll ot'each 
 r.lld every Town, 'rnvviislnp, oi I'laee in Ins Di-iiu!, and lluiein iiisi'it the 
 Naims of every such (^)iiak'r, ,Meiioni>t, oi- I nnki i, and also .illix llie Sum of 
 Mmii \ so 1(1 be paid oppositi' the eiinto, vvlneh Sums ol' .Money it shall be tin- 
 Duty ol Cach and eveiv Colh'ci'r in en li and i'ver\ I'ovvn, 'I'ownslnp, or Place 
 within this I'loviiice to collect, in ihi- sime .Ma ;ner as In- is aiiihoii/ed b\ l..iw 
 to colleel any ordinal V .Asscssnu'iil ; ,ind such Collector sludl pay tin' same 
 into the Hands of ibe Ire. isiiii'i' ol the Disiriet, to be < \|ieiided v uliiii the 
 Township where thi' same shall have Ikui lev led, in aid ol any iioad 'I'a.x or 
 Assessment r.nsed or levied theiem. 
 I .\iid be It fiullur eiiatled by ih;' Anthoriiy aloresaid, 'Pliat it shall be 
 la'vlnl to and lor the said J leasiirer ol the 1 )istiu I wherein such Town, Town- 
 sinp, III lies, and lie is lienby iii|nired m pa\ out the said .Monies from 
 'I line to 'i'lmi' lo the Onler of the Iload Master of the Division vJieiiiu such 
 I'lii" sImiII uaVi' been levied, ami lo be expi'iided on the public Koads, lli;^li- 
 wav s, and lliid>,'es vmHiiii siu h Dimskhi. 
 ■(. And be it tnithri eineted b\ the .\uihoriiy aloresaul. 'riiat it shall be the 
 Diitv of the PatS .Masi'H ni eviiv 'lowiiship or I'lai'e, ami they aie hereby 
 ii ipiiied, t'l .ippL sm h Sum or Snins of Money liom 1 iin< to 'riiiu' in the Inu 
 (,:»!. j C ' jMuve- 
 IS (Ici,. .1. V. 1. «. -j: 
 ti (n jU'iI. 
 i^i.itii'i'. ^K'lll)nl^ts, 
 .tinl l'nrtkf'sr\i:n|iteil 
 iMMii Militiii Duty , 
 "■h.i shall priMlm-r 
 (Vrlilti'nli', sJL'm'tl l.\ 
 I'lilk cif S..ruH. 
 Nalni'ii of IVrson^ froii. 
 Ihf Vi;t iif 1(. t.i 6li 
 In Ik- t'tvin to .V|.i».si>r 
 I' iliiimitiitiun \i'K 
 l>(-r Aiuitiri) it) 1 irrv 
 of I'riii't. 
 t' . iti 'I'ime of W >i , 
 tiiv.lHi.ii), or liisiir- 
 U'l tion 
 Diilviif CI.tI 
 l"'tl1M of .\sws»nui;f 
 ( '.(lliTt-ir to riTfivf 
 i'ottiiuiKuttoii Moiii > 
 Motley to hi< rlpi'lliltfd 
 'ill imlilic lto.>il), Ar. 
 Dim il I'lih \|.inii« 
 in i|'|'lvillu Monc) 
 iMuIci tlii« Act 
 AL\-.iiinI iM U' ic 
 i.ri.l ■ii, Oall,. 
 .>j'C',-n! riiiiiptiv 
 jndvi'incut of tlie said Highways, lloails, und Bridges tiin)iiglioiit this Province, 
 ai'tcr tiiL' .Manner and l''oiin, and ufinn snch I'iaie o) Phices as tliey sliall be 
 aceoiding to Law iliieeted, ami to rendeian Acconnl thercol' lipon Oatii to the 
 Clerk of such Town, Townsiii]), or Plaee, whose Dutv it shall be to rei)ort the 
 same to the JMagihtrales in (jencial (Quarter .Sessions assenibied. 
 (5. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Quaker, 
 iMenonist, orTiniker, from the Age of ILi to .'lO, who shall ])ro(luce the Certifi- 
 cate of the Surgeon of the Regiment, setting forth his Inability to perfinin 
 Militia Service 1)V reason of bodily Infirmity or Ailment, snch Person, having 
 first obtained such Ceititicate, shall be helil liable to pay such Kxemption 
 Money} nor shall any (»>uaker, Meiionist, or Tunker, being an Alien, be held 
 liable to ])ay such Connuutation Money, any thing in this Act to the contrary 
 lI'-'-ui^ Cunvtjaiiiv 
 il l.iP.i l>J Ihi' IIoii 
 inci Uii;ht Ki>. tlit Catlitilic 
 liM.itl' nf Ki!iffston. 
 t K tta Tsi- anA .Su|i- 
 |..tft rif Rniiiiin 
 Cnti ii't .S»Mniiiarv ru 
 1 « AM H';. 
 7 \^ ill. 1-. e. .")(). — As Air to incorporate certain Persons then in named as a 
 lioard of Trustees fiji the Jirection, snperinteniliiig, ami Management of a 
 Roman Catholic College at Kingston, to be known by the Name of " The 
 College of' Ri'giopolis," and for other Purposes therein mentioned. 
 [Passed 1th March LS^;.] 
 \\'ni;iu.AS by the Peiiiion of the Rev. .\ngus M'Donell, one of the Trus- 
 tee-, heiiin-iifier mentioned, il appears that the Honourable and JJight Rev. 
 All xander M'Diiiull, Roman (atimle ISi-hop of KiiiL;ston, haih bv Deed, 
 beuriug I'-ate the 'Jliih Day of.Jamuuy in tlle^ear of our Lord l,S.i,5, coiueyed 
 and transfeued to and vested in the Right Rev. Remigiiis (iaulin, Itishop of 
 'I'rabacca ; the \'ery Rev. Angus .M'Donell of Sandwich in the M'estern Dis- 
 trict; the Rev..Iohn Cnllen, late ot' Rytown in the Rathurst District; the 
 lion. .Folin I'"lin-,ley ol' the City of' Toronto in the Home District; and 
 Mallei .M'Cumtl'e nf the Town of' Kingston, Lsij., and their Successors, a certain 
 Piece of (iroinid containing Three Acres and 'i'hiee I'i fills, known as Part of 
 Park Lot, No. \. adioining the To\mi of Kingston, (and now included therein, 
 and imw called the Park of Selma, and in the said Deed more |>articularly 
 de^eribeil,) in Trnst lt)r the lOrection. I'^e, and Support of a Roman Catholic 
 Seminary in the said Town of Kingston : .And w iiereas by tlu' •^aid Petition, 
 Legislative Authority is reipiested to I'liable the IViisiees above named, and 
 their Successors, to l)e elected and appointed in the .Manner describi'd in the 
 said Deiil, to lake ami hold the said Land as a Corporate Roily in Pcijietuity 
 fill the Pniposes afiiresaid ; be it iheref<)re enacted by the King's mo'^t Lxcel- 
 leiil .Majesty, by and witli the .AiUice and Consent ol the Legislative Council 
 and .\ssembly of the Province of Ijiper Canada, coiistitnled and assembkd by 
 viitui' of and under the Authority uf an Act passnl iii the Parliam-'iit of (ireat 
 liritain, intituled " An .Act to repeal certain Parts of an .Act itassed in the 
 1 Mil Veir of His MajesiCs Reign, intilnled ' -An .\el lor making- more eli'eetual 
 Piovi'iou for the (iovi rimieiif ol the Proxince of (i>uebee in North America,' 
 and lo make funher Pio\ isioii for the ( ioxeinmeiit of the said Prov nice," and 
 it. by the Authority of the '•ame. That it shall and may bi- lawful for the said lie. 
 niigiiis (iaiilm, .\ngus M'Donell, .lolni Cnllen, .lohii IJmsle), and Walter 
 M't'iiinlle, to hold, nceive, and take the said Pii-ce or Parcel conveyeil to 
 ami \esleil in lliein, or intended so to be by the said Deed, as Trustees for the 
 Kreetioii, Sn|)poit, and .Maintenance of a Roman Catholic .Seininarv, under 
 such prndeiinil Rules and Ri'gnlatioiis as may from Time to Tune be made 
 and ordained by them and llieii SiiccesMirs, as siiili Trustees as aforesaid, tor 
 till' good Order. Direriioii, and (iovi-nimeiit of the same, 
 'i. .And in order lo prevent the I'ailuie of such I'.stale in Succession, bi it 
 filither enacted by the .\utlioiif\ alim ■•aid, Thai whene\rr it shall happen that 
 aiM One or more ol till' li iislei's heiein nanied shall die m become resident 
 abroad, or shall resign his'I'iiisl, or become incapable of acting therein, it shall 
 and ma\ lie lawliil liir the lemaining liiisti is, and the\ are lieieb) authorized 
 an I rupnred, within Three ( aleiidar .Months alter the happening of such Viw 
 c.oKN or N'acaiicies, lo elect and appiiinl oilieis, being ( leigymeii of the Roman 
 ( alholic Keligioii resideiii 111 the Pioviiici' ol L'p|ier Canada, to complete the 
 It a body (.'orpofiiit 
 Niiii)l)er of Five Trustees fur the I'mjjoses afuier,aiil, in aceoi dance with the 
 'I'erms and Provisions ot tlie said Deed uf Conveyance, and that all V^acancies 
 tiiat siiail from Time to Time iiappen m and among tlie said Trnstees siiall he 
 filled u{) in like Manner : IVovided always, that the Omission to elect and '/.;X;^;"/^^^^^^^^^ 
 a|)))oint new 'J'riistees, n|)nii X'acancits ha|i])ening as atoresaid, shall not o[)erate „ ., i\jrfritur. vi 
 •IS a Forfeiture of the said Land. ''""'■ 
 ■J. And be it linthor enacted hv the Authority aforesaid, That the present ifu.n.u, < :ith<,iK 
 ■ . Jill- ii'i ,'T'' *" I 1"* II" i.' li.1 1» lii^liOll I't KlllLT'tOfl 
 Uoinaii Lath(;lic liishop ol I\iii<;ston, duinig his natiir;il Lire, and tlie Koniaii ex „i)a.,„ Trunin. 
 Catiiolic l!i>h()p ot' Kiimston liir the Time i)eing, shall b<^ ex-officio Trustees 
 umlei tills Act, and invested with such Power and Authority in relation to tlic 
 Manaj^ement of the said Land, and of the Seminary to be erected thereon, as is 
 in the sMi<l Deed declareil and set forth. 
 i. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That lliey the said 
 Trustees 111 this Act mentioned, a'nd their .Successors, te be appointed in uiaii- 
 iiei (i!()iesaid, shall be and are iieivby declared to be One Hody Corporate ami 
 Politic in Deed and in Law by the Name of " The Colle;;eof Regiopoiis," ami 
 shall lia\e |)er])etual Succession and a Conmion Seal, with Power to chanye, 
 altei. bre.k, or make new the same; and they and their Successors, by the 
 Naiiic aforesaid, may lia\e and lujid the said Piece or Parcel of Land in the 
 said Deed mentioned in Perpetuity tor ever; and that they and their Sucies. 
 sor>, i)y the Name ali)resaid, may "sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, 
 answer or be answered unto, in all or any Court or Courts of Record and 
 Places of Jurisdiction within this Province; aiul that they and their Successors, 
 by the Name a[i)resaid, shall be able and eajiable in Law to have, hold, receive, 
 enjoy, ])ossess, and retain, tor the I ml ami Purposes of this Act, and in Trust 
 and "tor the Henefit of the s.iid Seminary, all such Sum and Sums of MiHiey as 
 shall at any 'I'ime or 'I'imes hereafter be jiaid, given, devised, or bequeathed 
 by liny i'erson or Persons to uul for the Lnds and Purposes in this Act 
 i. And be it further enacted bv the Authority ali)resaid. That the Trustees inmu.ioimvt 
 for the lime being tor tlie I'urposes ot this Act shall have Power at all limes .;,d 
 heieatier to make sill h Rules and Regulations, not repugnant to the Laws of 
 this Province, as may be necessary for the due Management of the said Land, 
 and also of the Roman Caiholic Seminarv to be erected tlureon.