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Lat cartat. planchat, tableaux, etc.. peuvant 4tra filmit i dat taux da reduction diffirantt. Lortqua la document ett trop grand pour Atra >aproduit an un aaul clichi. il ett filmi i p.artir da Tangla aupAriaur gaucha. da gauche i droits, at de haut an bat, en prenant la nombre d'imaget nAcattaira. Let diagrammat tuivtntt illuttrant le mAthode. ..' -t-* 1 2 3 I 1 4 5 * 6 - )q^ X^V ,.i:y- FROM THE TRANSACTION^ OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA SBCOIfcf SERIES— 1897-98 ▼OLUMB III 8BCTION II BNOLI8H HISTORY, tITBRATURB, ACHJBOLOOY, BTC. If li 19G4 J,,^ .<$#r' \^^^ Vsot <*^-A. 0> ■'_>, ^ ^ • /-o tie v-^ Materials for Canadian History ■ # THE ANNALS OF TOWNS, PARISHES, ETC. Extracted from Church Registers and other sources , By SIR JAMES M. LeMQINE . K '\ tC S' >*' -S.'V FOR 8ALB BY J. DURIB A SON. OTTAWA ; THB COPP-CLARK. CO., TORONTO BBRNARD QUARITCH, LONDON, BNQLAND X897 ^^-^^Jl^'. -.r-'r' f* SionoN n., 1897. [309] Trams. K.a(V ' lX.~Ataterials fqr Canadian History— The Amali of Toicm^ Parishes, . '<■ &c., Extracted from Church Registers, anjd other sources. ' By Sir-Jamkb M. Lk Moimi. , (Bead June SM, 1H97.) In my recent presidential address before the Royal Society of Canada, I drew attention to the w^h of hisWicul information yet unrevealed to the general public— 4n our archives office — over which our colleague, Dr. Brymner, watches with such paternal care — pointing out how valu- able—nay, I may say— how indisjjensable the knowledge of its contents is to all those engaged in historical pursuits. There are, however, other sources of information'quite as valuable — as indispensable, I may say, to the compiler of the 'annals of each pro- yinoe of the Dominion— which I omitted then to mention, and which with your permission' it will be my mission to briefly supply ; I mean the chitonicles of towns, counties, villages, townships, "parishes, etc, as dis- closed by reliable church registers, chartei-s, land patents, &c. Sueh histories, not only throw light on-ethnological inquiry into the ' - origin of the divers races, constituting the component elements of our population, but also help to illumine the onward path of the genewil his- torian and of the statist In their arduous quest. This field of research, especially that based on the contends of church registers, has been for close on fifty yeai-s most industriously cultivated in the province of Quebec. ^ It may bo said to have originated in that province with the late his- torian, Ferland, who, nfter an exhaustive examination of the dry-as-dust . and crabbed old parish church registers at Quebec, ])ublished the resuhs in a volume which has gone through more than one edition. His example was followed by many minor lights in literature— whose works are to be found in our public libraries for consultation. The mantle of the learned man fell to a worthy successor— the Abbtf Tanguay,* one of our colleagues— who has devoted twenty years of his life, travelling through Canada, consulting every available church regis- ter previous to publishing his voluminous Gronealogical Dictionary— a comprehensive record of the early emigration to Canada — in fact the . . genealogy onPrench Canadian families, from the foundation of Quebec, _...in l,6Qa,tft4iL°^" *^*y- The abblhaa accomplished his gigantic task with the patience and industry of a Benedictine monk of long ago, , ' In the province of Quebec, church registers, from the regularity with which the entries are made daily, in the hand writing of the parish prieat, ' » Dictiounaire G^n6alogique par Mgr. C. Tanguay— 7 volumes. - 1 •if] I- ; '■^1^" "im ;,# :.>*.■ »-' &»•■«• ^i- 810 ROYAL SpCIETY OP CANADA are invoked-in innumerable transactions of social life — births, marriages^ deaths, &c. ' ' At Quebec the earliest register of R. G. marriages was opened in 1«2T. ' ^ A lacuna, however, occurred in 1640 by the conflagration, on the . KJth June, 1640, of the parish church, Notre-Dame de Recouvrance. ) The record of births, marriages, and deaths, shared the same fate ; the---*, entries, however, were restored from memory ; the population being very scanty, the process was comparatively easy. Prom 1640 to the present time no break occurs. Them were 40 births and 22 marriages from 1630 to the 16th June^ 1640. I purpose recoi-ding here the leading publications on this subject : Notes sur les Registres de Notre Dame de Quebec, par I'Abb^ J. B. A.^^rland, 1860. Notes Historiques sur Sillery, prds Quebec, par I'Abb^ J. B. A. Per- land, 1860. Etude Biographique sur le Commandeur Noel Brulart de Sillery, par rXbb« Louis Bois, M.S.R.C., 1850. Histoire de I'Isle d'Orl^ans, par I'Abb^ Louis Bois, M.S.RC.,. 1860. * Notes sur les archives de Beauport, par M. Jean iJRgevin, prfltre, ancien cur^ de Beauport, 1860. t^ Histoire de I'lsIe d'Orl^ans, par L. P. Turcotte, Quebec, 1869. Histoire d,e la Visitation de I'Isle Dapas par I'AbM Pliriguet, 1867. Histoire dcla p^roisse de Saint- Boch de I'Achigan, 1867. /Oj^ Histoire de la paroisse de Saint-Hermas, 1867. Histoire de la paroisse de Ste-Philom^ne. Notes sur la paroisse de Ste-Anne de la Pocatidre, par I'Abb^ O. Paradis, 1869. ' . ' Histoire de la paroisse de St-Eustache, par M. de Bellefeuille, 1873. Histoire de la paroisse de la Pointe-aux-Tremblee, 1873. ^ Chroniqu^ de Bimouski, par I'Abb^ Chs. Quay, 1874. Notes sur ila paroisse de la Baie St-Paul, par I'Abb^ C. Trudelle, 1879. 1 Histoire de I'Isle aux Coudres, par I'Abb^ Mailloux, 1879. Notes 8ur|le Canada par Paul de Cazes, M.S.RC, 1882. Histoire d'une paroisse (RividreOuelle) par I'Abb^ H. E. Casgrain, « M.S.r6., 1884. Le Premier Colon de L^vis, par J. Edmond Roy, M.S.R.C., 1884. Mon voyage 4 Tadousao, par 5. Edmond Roy, M.S.RC, 1884. Histoire de la paroisse de St-Angustin, par A. B^hard, 1886. Histoire de la paroisse de Charlesbourg, par )'Abb4 C Trudelle, 1887. Histoire du Cap SantA par I'Abb^ (ratien, 1887. ,J ^ii I'-i" [LB MOW.] MATERIALS FOB CANADIAN HISTORY 311 Illstoire de la paroisMe de.St-Jean de Hatha, par I'Abbt? Prevost, 1888. Note* llistoriques sur la paroisie de St-Thomas, par Raoul Renault 1889. . ' Notes 8ur les Trois-Rivi^res, par'Bonj. Suite, M.S.R.C., 1^9. Notee de la paroi^serde St- Jean et du si*ge du Fort St- Jean,' par Lucien Huot,1889. ^ N(5te8 de la paroisse de I'llo Verte, parChs. ^ftuvre^u, 1889. Histoire de la paroisse de. Longueuil ©t de la Famiile de Longueui'l, par Alex. Jodoin et J. L. Vincent, 1889. Histoire de la paroisse des Trois-Pistoles, par C. Gauvreau, 1889, Hifltoire de la paroisse de St-Nicholas, pa? E. T. Paquel, 1889. Histoire de la paroisse de Ste-Anne de la Parade. Histoire du Vieux Lachine, par J. C, and D. Girouard, 1890. Histoire de la paroisse de St- Francois de la Beauce, par I'Abb^ Duma» 1891. Histoire do la paroisse de Yamachiche, par I'AbM Caron, 1892. Histoire de la paroisse de Berthier et du Comt^ de Berthier. par I'Abbd Moreau, 1893. Notes Historiographiquee sur Charleebourg, par I'Abb^ (X Trudelle 1896. L ' Histoire de la Seigneurie de Lauzon, p^r J. Bdmond Roy M S R a —p. 600— L^vis, 1897. Such are the leading publications issued of late in the province of Quebec— precious -materials for historical, ethnological, and statistical studies, ^ ' ' U t»— ^ ^"-. N ^ %>. % ^ '•■" ,'*'^' '-7) J t'n-. .j;©^:if' (4"- W*)'/ ■%'.^, , .,-w% ) 1-^ MW^My'^'v, -^ •::