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Council, shall be opeLd bv / h"'" ''""""-''^ "^ 'he wood in the line of the said - "^ "1?^ «" «■•"=''- ing timber there adLppn/ f f' "^"''""^ "^^ grow- e:^ststomaTtheirb;rn T ".° '"''^ "»''«r that a good and sufficTent noi "'^ P"''''''- «"'' «1^° planted at each ancle of hf°- 1*"" """""^nt shall be line shall be run on the 1,^'^ """.l*' ^"'* '^''^ «"«h side of such road! ^°'"'"" •"" Easternly th«;wt:i^S:-;„'i''r tje authont, aforesaid, confirmed b/thlZStht"tSn, ?'"" ^ ''^ the expense of such survey sh'llhp^'^M '!! T'' ^"^^ or parties 80 apnlviufi-fnrfi- ^ P""' ^j the party PP'^"'S W the same as aforesaid. O- A. HILL Warden. 5 No. 3 A BY LAW TO DETERMINE THE AMOUNT PAYABLE FOR oiAlUlE LABOR. Passed February lltli, 1C42. Sanctioned March 26lh, 1842. Be it enacted by the District Council of the District u V.^u ''"^' ^.^^ ^" Persons assessed for statute labor s^all be permitted to commute for the same by paying Two fehiUings and Six pence for each day's labor. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that when any person is desirous to commute for his statute labor, he shall pay his commutation money m i- u i*^\^/^^s^^'* oi Highways for the Division to which he belongs, on or before the 1st day of May in the year for which he desires to commute. .u^"? ^u^V^/"''/^^5^ ^""^""^^^ ^y ^^^ authority aforesaid, that It yhall be lawful for the Overseers of Highways, and they are hereby required to lay out all commutatiori money which they may receive within the time prescri- bed by l^aw for the performance of road work And be It further enacted by the authority aforesaid that no person shall be obliged to commute for his Stat- ute Labor. G. A. HILL Warden. No. 4 HO^^^p^M JJl^^T"^^^^^ '^^^' BUILDING OF A SCHOOL HOUSE. IN THE 10th SCHOOL DIVISION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EMILY. Passed February 12th 1842. Sanctioned March 26th 1842. • !f ^r?^?^^^ ^^^® expedient to build a School House m the Tenth School Division of the Township of Emi- iy, there being none at present within the same. tie it therefore enacted by the authority of the Dis- trict Council of the Colborne District, that the sum of 6 S'tKutb^^^^^rthet!^ r^-i/-" School purpose of erecting a School Z'.t"'''^.?'""^ ''"^ <''« School Division. ^°"'^ *"'""" the said .hauiJethabui 7^.?^ '^\ «f-ty aforesaid, ber Ten shall pay upon all r^lu'"'"' '*'''^'°" ""««- «aid School DiUon^Land no! » P^P//*^ ^''"^'n ">« one penny in the pou id for Z n '"''^ """ «"™ «' mentioned. ^ ""^ '"^ Purpose herein before jh^icwSth:i>™tEL;''^ f'Ty ^^---'^ ted to divide and apportion ttl ^" ^^'^^r <'i'-ec- ra-sediopursuance^KsaS anTt'^T"^ ^^ "> be cessment roll for thesa d S^h ' ?"n*?"'^''« "« «" as- certified copy thereofto the ciS""'rj:* *'«"«'»'■'« s'lip of Emilv in the 1^1 *^o"ectorof the sa d Town- th/Peace is dlrect^dT^XTura^^ -id Cle'rHf fed copy of the assessment roll nf.h*' *?^'"" « <=««i- «he said Collectorfor^he .enl™ '*''' Township to Distnct ; and that the safd ^C^u^^^^VT "^^^^ ^aid of Emily shall harealike nnwo r°''„°'^'^^ Township as he „o,v has for collectin'l Th ' f """r";?? "''^ '«'« |)oses, '-"I'ecting the rates for District pur- No. 5. G. A. HILL Warden. Passed February 12,1, ^jj. WHEREAS • '°°"' ^""' ^°"' "«• and manner a«d"time"of pavZem If/'^'"," *^" """"»" Municipal Act. "'"'""* oncers appointed under the Be It therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the District of Colborne, that the Salary of the War- den be Twenty pounds per annum. That the Salary of the Clerk to the Council be affixed at Forty Pounds per annum until the funds of the District can allow of a more ample remuneration.' That the Auditors be allowed Five pounds each, and also all reasonable ex- penses incurred in travelling or otherwise. That the District Surveyor be paid eight shillings and ninepence per day during the time he is actually eniployed. That all the aforementioned salaries be paid the respective officers quarterly, by an order on the Treasurer signed by the chairman of the Finance Committee. Be it also enacted that the Treasurer shall be enti- tled to a Fee of One Shilling for every inspection of his Books or Accounts. G. A. HILL Warden. No. 6 A BY LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. Passed February 12th 1842. Sanctioned March 26lh 1842. Whereas it is necessary to provide .or the amount of Salary, Fees or Emoluments to be received by the sev- eral Township Officers within the limits of the District of Colborne. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the District of Colborne, that the salary allowed town clerks be affixed at the sum of Three Pounds per an- num to be paid at the adjournment of the Council in February, hy an order on the Treasurer signed hy the District Councillor of each Township, Provided Al- ways, that this do not apply to the clerk for Belmont. ^c It also euacte/i tU^t •. ' be allowocl til r "^ "P^'^^heoolJpctorsnri? ^^^^' ^e ft also enacted fhof #k * G ^. fIfLL P»-ed February mk ,o" Whereas it }, nZT""" ""'" ^S'" 18«. ^. A. HILL » VVarden. No. 8 A BY LAW FOR ESTABLISHING A ROAD FROM HUNTER STREET TO BROCK STREET IN THE TOWN OF PETERBORO*. Passed May 14th 1842. Sanctioned Juno 20th 1842. Whereas Thomas J. Dennehy, Road Surveyor by hie report in writing, reciting that at the first meeting of the Municipal Council for this District, a petition had been presented for a new line of street running between Lots Numbers four and five of the block north of Hun- ter street and east of Water Street and between Hun- ter street and Brock street in the Town of Petcrboro' and that the committee on roads and bridges had re- ported favorably to the said District Council of the said road and that he the said Thomas J. Dennehy had been directed to examine and lay out the said road did report, that it appeared to him th^t such street would be very desirable to be adopted, in as much as that It was the easiest line of road to the Court House, and the most convenient for the eastern part of the town of Peterborough, and that such street should lie along^he eastern side of the Episcopal Church proper- ty in Peterborough aforesaid, and did recommend that such road should be sixty six feet wide. And Whereas it appiTars to the said Council just and right that such road should be opened as in the said report is recommended. .. ?? ^^ t^/refore enacted by the District Council of the district of Colborne, and it is hereby enacted by the , authority of the same, That a public highway or road be established on Lojts number five in the said block between Hunter street and Brock street, and east of Water street, the said road lying and being as follows, tnat is to say commencing at the north east corner of 10 Ae Church lot, beiuff b.,„i, , then running south loH^'. '°""" «'»'"' of Brocfc ««. . «ightj linksfihen ea« siS^ % ^"■^*'' ^^^ chat '^!^' « reet, then West along BLt,f«' "■•"" ""^'h '» Brock place of beginning. KaMt /h'Tf '/''''^ «« feet fo?he the path-master of thVdivi-il • ' ^ "^^ «>« 'aw/u^ for G. ABF No. 9 A. H/LL Warden. BKJC.AW T& PiWDrvt.^^ • SAMI; AND FC)R OTHeI P^mU^ Passed May f4,fr, 1842. H^ '* Sanctioned June 2oth inAm , -Be it enacted hv the n;«# . ^ I>orne District and h^tk""^^^"^* Council of thp r i ^'^hescboorr;:tttfo?;j^^^^ <'^'^•^ -t Sr. «d and be final, a °d £ Jnfe^e'd Jr,f '? ''^ "=°««idlt And he it further '""■"^'^• «? «"d ?e.e„tl7fiTaS'A' ''»'' ^•»»I'«« five rownshp of Eldon be tflt"f ?'*''' '=°"««»sions of the _^o„ and placed o„ZV_'^;''« fd township of fil ••«>f«« 3)f Mariposa." " "'^"«™ of the schoolcommis^ cfc street ains and o Brock )t to the wivl for icJ road hereof; a pub- ^'ol- hat po-- rm ma he Jr- e :t 1 11 And be it further enacted that the first, second, third and fourth concessions of the Township of Yerulan^ north •f Sturgeon Lake and south of the road leading from Bohcaygeon to Fenelon Falls be formed into a school district number three. And be it further enacted that the East half of lot number twenty in the third concession, and the whoLe of numbers eighteen, nineteen and twenty, in the fourth concession of the township of Asphodel be attached to school district number one of the Township of Oumm€^ and considered as part of that division. And be it further enacted that the school districts numbers one and two of the Township of Yerulam be exempted from the school assessments ; provided al- ways that such divisions or school districts receive no part of the Government school fund. And be it further enacted that the following altera-^ tions in the divisions or school districts for the Town- ship of Otonabee made at the last Session of the coun- cil be adopted that is to say that the west half of lot sixteen in the fifth concession and the east half of {ot number sixteen in the sixth concession be added to the school district number Two ; and that the first line be-^ tween the Townships oi Otonabee and Asphodel be added to the Asphodel School district adjoining ; and that the School district number three of the said Town* ship of Otonabee shall be bounded by the fith conccs * ^ sicn of the said Township from lot number Twenty five to the Boundary line, instead of the line bounded: by the river Otonabee ; and that the School district num^ ber five and six for the said Township of Otonabee shall be united and form but one district, its southern Boundary being lot number seventeen in the concession; and that Lots number seventeen in the *o^e aforesai^. a»«eentl, concession line of Oton- number one shoii u ?^' *"** e east bvZ •" the settle™ on the sou h anS o??h ^* •"?i:"' '"'''"^'''g "um and of the ninth concessior. G. A. HH,!, Warden. td f^istricts id divi- strict of baJI bo on the ^est by taking: WestT s said East Vortb St br th by t the ip of ^test fon- rthe the ?en- tool by 2th, uth ith on nd n- le e No. 10. A BY LAW TO DEFINE THE DUTIES OF THE DIS'^RICT CLERK RELATIVE TO SCHOOL ASSESSMENTS. Passed May 14th 1842. Sanctioned June SOth, 1842. Be it enacted by the District Council of the Colborne District, that the District Clerk make out, divide and apportion in each respective School division in this dis- trict the several dividends or quotas, which each person* is liable to pay for the support and maintenance of Com- mon Schools under and in accordance with tha act of the Provincial Parliament passed in the 4th and 5th years of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Chapter 18. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the said district Clerk shall furnish a certified copy of suqh assessment rolls to the respective Collectors for each and every Township, and such certified copy shall be such said Collectors sutiicient warrant and au- thority to collect the same. G. A. HILL Warden; N. 11 A BY LAW TO DETERMINE THE SALARY OF THE DISTRICT CLERK. . Passed May 14th, 1842. Sanctioned June 20th, 1842. WHEREAS it is necessary more eflectually to de- termine the amount of Salary to be paid to the dis- trict Clerk. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Cplborne JDistrict that the Salary of the J>istrict Clerk be affixed at Seventy Five pounds per annum to be paid Quarterly on the ^^irst days of January, April* July, and October in each year out of the General funds of the dislrict 16 f «he First ytS\L7 ^'''^'^ i» 'he p^t'^Sl^?'"*' '»'esto theSaCK!"l*';.'»'«' repealed. ^ °' "»« "^'^Wct Clerk be and is hej!" , O- A. HILL -* By tAW TO np '^ * P««d Al.y ,4,fc „^ WHEREAS ^ •"'""'' '"" *'"' •»«• « B/ r.a,v tolfitThf '^>^' S^'^ion of this r„ -, '^"s passed on the «!<.. ''{"f ' "^ 'he distric % *'""*='^ of Colbor "eS j*^ "'^.f '^'ictCoundl of #^ .- P'^^ed on the e/even't^'f '^T 'Smi t r "'"«=' resirfiVig in the neighbourhood of such road or fei^i^ge shall have been made in writing to the road surveyorof this diotrict, and • . ^^ . ^ , , .. Be it further enacted that all such applications to b^ made as hereinbefore mentioned shall be'repdrted Upon to^ the then next Session of this Council arid thiit it fiSall be the duty of the said surveyor to cause a copy of hi? said report to be put up in three of the most public pla- ces in the neighbourhood of the Road or Bridffe ftp- plied for, at least. eight days before the thean^xt session of the CounH and^ ^ ^^'-^^ -^' io -l^K.tnWl He it further enacted that M'hen any road t!)r roadk shall be surveyed under the authority of this! By LaW^ and the allowance of the same shall not be confirmed by tilts Council, then and in such cases the' ie3^J)eti6'e of sttch survey shall be paid by the parties or p^i:ty so ^pi plying for the same, and ^^ '^'' udGmrum ^ ' ' 'B^ it further enacted ^Ihat li&e^ aftibutit W SalkifJ or i^ftged *o be ^lldtv^ed t<) the rOad jsuWej^bt^i of this.'pi«i 4ri6t be^^ev^n shillings and six pence p^i^Bay'/^reVfeiy JDay they are employed on the survey of roads or otl^- let^wise in pursuance of this By Law. * • ' ; .oic »i A BYLaW to authorise a Loan in MAijNfiR^HBREiN .JO.; MENTIONED. Passed May 14tb, 1842. Sanctioned June 20th 1842. WHfiHEAS it ik expedient and riece^saty to raise the sum of Seven Iiundred pounds for the use of this District upon^he ^ecUriiy of the GenerftlFunds of. the I Be "f r *K /*^«rs, and »»oney so borrowed J" u'° l?"^ Oebentures for It dred Pou„d3 each, and Xchn°K'''' "•»' One Hun! «d by the said TceZrJtdtT''' «''«" »> "gn sball express upon the face ofl ^' ^^'^'^ debenture Treasurer of this Districfr *J'"'l ""« '>«nds of thl' <5- A. HILL -- Warden. No. 14 A Br LAW RELATING TO THE n«™,„. ^«"« expedient that that the iD„,e.,f aarrrrar. e lawful for ' ^"r person credit of the « such sums '8 sliail not en hundred 3nt per an- «aIJ here- . d ^u' for the es for the ^ne Hun- ill be sign- f^ebenture il sum of n and the : shall be ures and o and at- ffed and 'e out of, of the ► and for ich De- lable in ?reof. IK. ticB of 19 the District Cierk should be more perfectly defined in relation to the services lately performed by the Clerk of the Peace, under the direction of the Court of Quarter Sessions, in matters now transferred from the Magis- trates to the District Council. Be it therefore enacted by the municipal Council of the Colborne District, that the District Clerk shall in addition to the Duties and Services required by the Acts 4th and 5th Victoria, Chapters 10 and 18 or ari- Bing threlrom, perform all the Duties heretofore perfor- med by the Clerk of the Peace in all matters and things now placed under the control of the District Council. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the several assessment rolls shall be handed over by the Clerk of the Peace to the District Clerk at least three weeks previous to the Session of the Council • in May in each )ear, m order that the District Clerk may lay before the Council at its second session in each year the aggregate amount of the assessed property in the District, Provided always that nothing in this By Law shall be interpreted to mean that the Clerk of the Coun- cil shall be entitled to any fee or emolument forper- forming any of the duties now performed by the Clerk of the Peace. G. A. HILL Warden. • No. 15 A BY LAW TO MAKE TEMPORARY PROVISION FOR THE SUPPORT OF SCHOOL MASTERS AND FOR THE EREC- TION OF SCHOOL HOUSES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED. Passed May 14th, 1842. Sanctioned June £Otb, 1842. WHEREAS it is necessary to raise a sum of money iy assessment on the Inhabitants of tb' -several school i( « I l 20 ^islridis m the n;^> ■ . . "or each Sc'hnni^i- * • ^"^ support of c^k .^'^'"g a mill 5»«c^o.^. ^ '" ^ne Townfth.v. .i-xr t"cts num. b^h^On ^.1"^ exception nf i u V ^'^^ ^olbon oei^ One and Two in f hi a? ^ ^choo Dhtnoil ^^^ ««ses.smenron thp rT^^^'^^'^^'P «^ ^e , & u''""' respective .^aati respective Sclmni r P ^ ^ownsh n of 9m vi- 1% erection of 9n^?, ^'^trict in that T .^^'^ '» ^ -n»ec..re School diitriotfoHh? ^'"pose of and for I of Uje iking a ' sum of nd eve- Iborne s num- > bj an >ective e rai- itii in ip for with Two 5ne; fiber e in §hii- tVo ve ; ber im- net hi- IS- en wc po 8U wj or E fo S« P a b ti I c 3 t 1 21 erection of School Houses -J provic^g the.n .ithfir^ wood and turn ture, that •« « ««^^"^^,j the further pounds for Building a School House an^ Lm of Two pounds ten shillings for proving ^^^^^^ S:isJandTe Ser'sL ofTwo pounds ten^^.u? Sr providing the same with S^^ Yetm of aeven School district number Two; and the sum _ ber Five for firewood and furniture in tue iwo me tioned School districts, and Be it further enacted that the sum ojwenty J- pounds be raised b, «'««^««'1[^1 ?" £ TownS P of Sf the School district """"^/^^f^Xng a sic House Ennismore, for the purpose of «•« f '"f ^ °^„d ^^i fur- therein, and providing the same with firewooa an "'*"^- G. A. HILL Warden.