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Loraqua la document eet trop grend pour Atre reproduit en un soul cllch*. il est film* i partir da Tangle sup*rieur gauch*. da gauche * droite. et de haut en baa. 91% prenant la nombre d'imagea nicaeaaire. Lee diagrammes suivants iNuatrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 • 4 5 6 • I KIME'S BRITISH, COLONIAL AND FOREIGN LAW DIRECTORY. Ji ^^^l' i^ Q^^^f^ Sfetft^'^^^^si*' 4. Q^^- LIS' BC ^2,5 KIME'S BRITISH. COLONIAL AND FOREIGN LAW DIRECTORY CONTAINING A LIST OF LEGAL PRACTITIONERS IN MOST OF THE ^ PRINCIPAL TOWNS THROUGHOUT THE CIVILISED WORLD H SHORT APPENDIX. EDITED AND COMPILED BY LIP GRABURN KIME LONDON : BOWDEN, HUDSON & CO., 23, RED LtdNv-S" HOLBORN. V* 1892 COPYBIGHT. London: Printed by Bowden, Hudson &, Co., 28, Red Lion Street, Holborn, W.C. PREFACE. In offering this small work to the Legal Profession and the Public at large, both here and abroad, many thanks are dne to Her Majesty's Diplomatic and Consular Representatives abroad, to the Diplomatic and Consular Representatives of Foreign Powers in London, and to many correspondents both at home and abroad, for the valuable and friendly assistance which has been rendered towards making this work as reliable and trustworthy as possible, and one which, in these days of growing commercial intercourse between the nations of the world, I venture to hope may be found useful to both Members of the Legal Profession and Laymen, not only in England but abroad, and trust that any apparent short- comings may be treated with a generous forbearance, and that I may continue to receive assistance both as to cor- rections or suggestions for improvement of which advantage may be taken in future Editions which in a work of this kind is essential to its value, as it must be kept up to date. Whilst endeavouring, with the assistance and help above mentioned, to make this work such an one as will merit confidence, it will be readily appreciated that I can accept no responsibility in respect to the acts of any of the Prac- titioners whose names are inserted herein. It not being within the scope of this work to give a list of all Solicitors in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, any more than of those abroad, the selection which has been made must be taken in no way as invidious to those Practitioners whose names are not inserted. PHILIP GRABURN KIME 18, Woburii Square, London, W.C., 1892, AVANT-PROPOS. En offrant ce petit ouvrage au Barreau et au Public en general, ici et k I'dtranger, je me fais un devoir (le presenter mes remerciments eincferes k Messieurs les Repr^sentants Diplomatiques et Consulaires de Sa Majestd k I'dtrangey, k Messieurs les Representants Diplomatiques et Consulaires des Pouvoirs Etrangers k Londres, et k tons les corre-ipon- dants qui ont Men ^oulu me prater leur amiable concours afin de rendre ce livre aussi exact que possible, k une ^poque ou les relations commerciales ne cessent de grandir entre les diff^rents pays du monde,j'o8e espdrer qu'il sera utjle aux membres du Barreau aussi qu'au public Anglais et stranger et prie le lecteur d'etre indulgent au cas ou il d^couvrirait ck et Ik quelques fautes. J'esp^re aussi que Ton voudra bien continuer k m'aider dans ma tiche en m'adressant les cor- rections ou id^es nouvelles que Ton iugevs. propres k^ am^liorer ce travail, ce dont je tiendrai compte dans les Editions kvenir indispensables pour conserver le livre au courant des cbangements du jour. Gr^ce k lappui bien- veiUant dont j'ai parl6 plus haut je crois avoir tait cet ouvrage digne de la confiance du public mais on comprendra facilement qu'il me soit impossible de prendre sous ma respon- Babilit^ les actes des personnes dont les noms sont ici mclus, et comme I'^tendue que je d^sirais donner k ce livre ne me permettait pas de fournir une liste compile des avou^s d\A.ngleterre, Irlande, Ecosse, ?ays de Galles, et contr^es tong^rs, on ne croira pas je I'esp^re que mon intention ait 6te de favoriser en rien les hommes de loi dont les noms figurent ici, aux d^pens de ceux que la petitesse du volume m'emp^chait de meationner. PHILIP GRABURN KIME. )8, Wobum Square, London, W.C., i THE BRITISH, FOREIGN & COLONIAL LAW DIRECTORY. AFRICA. KINGDOM OF ANGOLA. Town. Name. I^oanda Dr. Alfredo Troni, Solicitador THE AZORES ISLANDS. Porta De^gada I Dr. Guilheriue F. B. Po^as Falcai, Solicitador (St. Michaels) \ Dr. JostS M. Tavares Ferreira, S -licitador Augra do He- j roismo (Ter- [ Dr. Antonio da F. C. Pai:n da Camara, Solicitador c^ira) ) Horta Fayal Dr. Domingos Mendes de Faria, Solicitador THE CANARY ISLANDS. Teneriffe Camilo Demartine, Procurador Martin Fernandez, Procurador EGYPT. Alexandria ... Edward Hawks, Solicitor J. Marshall, Barrister and Solicitor Charles Royle, Barrister and Solicitor All the above practioe before the various Consular and Egyptian Tribunals, also before the "m wed" Tribunals or Court*, i.e., for civil cases between foreignsrs and natirea oc foreigners of different nationalities. 2 BBITI8H, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL Afiica — Bfifypt— eorUinued. Tbwn. Name. Cairo Jean Athanaski, Barrister anc Solicitor Octave Borelli Bey, Barrister and Solicitor L6on Carton de Wiart, Barrister and Solicitor Tito Figari, Barrister and Solicitor John Giech Mifsud, LL.D.. Barrister and Solicitor Emanuel Sciortino, LL.D., Barrister and Solicitor All the above practice before the various Consular, Egyp- tian, and Mixed Tribunals. Mansourah ) ^ Albarakis, Barrister and SoUcitor l^^^^k^ \ P®"^^*^ ^^^^' Barrister and Solicitor Practice before Mixed Tribunals. Port Said Albert MaiUet, LL.D., Advocate, practices before Mixed Tribunals and Foreign Consular Courts Gustave Gassend Louis Audibert The three last named are "horames d'affairro," practising; at the Mixed Tribunals and Foreign Consulates. KINGDOM OF MADAGASCAR (off East Coast of Africa). Tamatave Gustave Givandeau, Attorney, practices in H. B. M. Consular Court MADEIRA. Funchal Dr. Nuno Jardim, Barrister and Solicitor BEPITBLIC OF MOROCCO. Tangier Pliny H. Pisani, Solicitor and Advocate COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE (West Coast). F. H. Fearon (Member of Eoglish Bar) QUILIMANE. Quilimane Jos^ Bernardo d' Albuquerque, Procurador TRIPOLI (North Coast). Tripoli G. B. Criscimano, LL.D. , Avocat TUNIS. Tunis Edmond Thibault, LL.D., Avocat LAW DIRECTORY. SOUTH AFEICA. Attorneys and Conveyancers {those mcrked " n" are also Notaries). Town. Name. 3arberton Bea^^^on and Adcok, N. Bloemfoutein ) (Orange Free > A. Fischen State) \ British Beohu- ) /o -vt -u \ analand 1 0^^^ Vryberg) Cape Town ) Geo. Montgomery- Walker, N., Standard Bank (Cape Colony) j Buildings [| J. & H. Reid & Nephew, N., St. George's Chambers Van Zyl & Buissine, N., Church Square. Tele- graphic Address, " Van Zyl, Cape Town." Durban Carmicbael, Greene, and Livingptone, N. Cable Address, " Livingstone, Durban." Frank 0. F. Churchill Orahamstown ) Bell & Hutton (Cape Colony) j T. F. B. Van der Riet Johannesburg j (Transraal, or f Playford and Fitzpatrick, N. South African f Solomon & Thomson, N. Republic) ... ) Kimberley . ) Coglan & Coglan, N. (Cape Colony) j Graham, Vine & Mellett, N. Haarhoff&HuU, N. Hajirhoff and Michan, N, Knightp % Hearle, N. H. H. Phear, M.A , N. Natal Harry Estcombe. Town Solicitor, N. Fieternittritzburg Greene & Carmichael, N. Laughton A Tatham, N. Port Elizabeth ) John Anthony Chabaud, J.P., U.S. Consular Agent, (Cape Colony)! N. Dyaeon Hazell and Wilson, N., Attorneys for Bank of ^Vfrica Pretoria | J. H. L. Findlay (Transvaal)... j Booth & Wessells, N. %Pro„i >D.Webb.N. JfTVU'Urg [UTIZ- i ish Bechu- > Rosenblatt & Wessells, N. wialand) ... ) BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL CENTRAL AMERICA. REPUBLIC OF COSTA RICA Town. Name. San Jos^ Mauro Fernandez, Ldcenciado Cleto Gonzalez Viquez, Licenciado REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. Guatemala Dr. Mariano Cruz, Licenciado Don Jos4i Diaz Duran, Licenciado, Legal Adviser to H.B.M. Legation BRITISH HONDURAS. F. M. Maxwell (Member of English Bar) R. H. W. Woodward (Member of English Bar) LAW DIRECTORY. NORTH AMERICA. ser to DOMINION OF CANADA. British Columbia. Barristers and Advocates (those marked " n." are also Notaries). Town. Oounfcv. Name. NewWestminster New Westminster Armstrong, Eckstein & Gaynor Vancou ver NewWestminster Blake «& McGee McPhillips & Williams S. A. Richards Victoria Victoria Davie & Bodwell E. Johnston, Q.C. Province of Manitoba. Brandon Brandon Portage la Prairie Marquette. Winnipeg Selkirk Henderson & Matheson Sifton & Philip (Mr. Sifton is Attorney-General for the Pro- vince) W. A. Macdonald Martin, Curtis & Anderson (Mr. Martin is* ex Attorney - General for the Province) W. J. Cooper McDonald, Tupper, Phippen & Tupper Mulock fa Rftbaits (W. Redford Mulock, Q.C, & J. T. Robarts) Perdue & Rol mson (Thos. _ Robinson, N.) Richards & liradshavv Vivian & Dodge (H. C. Vivian * R. W. Dodge, N.) « BRITISH, FORBIOH, AND COLONIAL North America— Dominion of,da—coruinued. Town. County. NMno Province op New Brunswick. N Dorchester fVederickton.. .. Moncton Newcastle St. John Woodstock Westmoreland ... Emmerson k Chandler York Blair&Banry Westmoreland ... Joseph A. Harris Wells & Welch Northumberland Charles J. Thomson St. John Charles A. Macdonald James Straton Wel(^on k McLean (Solicitora to Bank of Montreal) Cai'leton D. McLeod Vince Province op Newpoundland. St. John's St. John's Robert J. Kent, Q.C. Winter, Morrison & Hay ward North- West Territory. Calgary South Alberta . . . Longhead & McCarthy Edmonton North A Iberta . . A. Prince Fort Qu' A ppelle Assiniboia Hugh A . J. Macdougall Prince Albert ... Saskatchewan ... James McKay (Crown Prosecu- * tor for Provisional District of Saskatchewan) Province op Nova Scotia. Amherst .... Cumberland To wnshend, Dickey & Rogera Bridgewater Lunenburg F. B. Wade, Q C. Halifax Halifax Borden, Ritchie, Parker & Chis- holm (Robt. L. Borden, Q.C., W. B. A . Ritchie, W. F. Parker, & J. A. Chisholm) Henry, Ritchie, & Henry (Hugh McD. Henry, Q.C, T. Ritchie LL.B., & B. A. Weston, LL.B.), N. Lougley & Wallace Lyons & Lyons Lunenburg Lunenburg C. W. Lane Pictou .. Pictou C.E. Tanner Sydney Cape Breton Chisholm & Crowe Truro Colchester (ieorge ( ampbell , Q.C. Windsor Hants.... W. D. J^utherland, Q.C. Yarmouth Yarmouth Corning & Chipman Be Bi Bi CI Qx Hs Ki Lii Lo Ot Ov Pe St St To LAW DiBECTOBT. itora to vard 'rosecu- trictof )ger8 ftChis- n, Q.C., Parker, (Hugh litchie LL.B.), North America— Dominion of Canada— oon^trMwd Town. Coanty. Nam*. Province op Ontario. Belleville Hastinga Brantford Brant Brockville Leeds Chatham Kent Guelph Wellington , Hamilton Wentworth Kingston Frontenac . Lindsay VictoriA London Middlesex Ottawa Carleton . Owen Sound Grey Peterborough ... Peterborough .. St. Thomas Elgin Stratford Perth Toronto.. York Clute & Williams Hardy, Wilkes k Hardy Fraser & Reynolds Christie & Lewis Scane, Houston, 8c Stone Guthrie & Watt McLean & McLean Carscallen, Cahill & Ross (N.) Crerar, Grerar Sl Backier James Chisholm Osier, Teetzel, Harrison k McBrayne, N. Macdonald & Mudie John Machar, Q.C. Mclntyre & Stewart Gibbons, McNab & Mulkem Macbeth & Macpherson Bradley & Wyld Geo. McLaurin O Connor, Hogg & Balderson O'Gara & McTavish Creasor, Smith & Notter Kilbourn & Killx>urn Pousette & Johnston John McLean & Son Idington k Palmer Arnold & Ghent (O. M. Arnold, N., & C. A. Ghent), 15, King Street Lount k Marsh (Wm. Lount, Q.C., & A. H. Marsh, N.), 25, Toronto Street Moss, Hoyles & Aylesworth, and Moss. Barwick k Franks (Chas. Moss, Q.C., N. W. Hoyles, Q.G., A. B. Ayles- worth, Q.C, Douglas Armour, Walter Barwick, W. J. Franks k H. J. Wright), 18 and 20, King Sti'eet West Fat'keti, Guutuer & Curry (Jim. Parkes, E. F. Qunther & J. W. Curry), 63, Yonge Street 8 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL North America— Dominion of,dei— continued. Town. County. Name. Woodstock Oxford Beard, Nellis & Revell Windsor Essex Bartlet & Bartlet T. Mercer, Morton Province op Prince Edward Island. CV arlottetown . . . Queens Gengetown , Summeroide , Arthabaskaville Berthier Coaticook .. Granby Hull Joliette Montreal Queens Prince Province Arthabaska ... Davies & Haszard M. & D. C. McLeod (Malcolm McLeod, Q.C., and D. C. McLeod, B.A.) D, A. McKinuon McLeod, Morson & McQuarrie OP Quebec. Berthier Stanstead . . . . SheflFord Ottawa Joliette Hochelaga Nicolet Quebec Nicolet Quebec Laurier & Lavergne J. E.«Methot A. Demers W. L. ShurklefF J, P. Noves Kochon & Champagne Dugas & Marsolais AbbdlKs, Campbell & Meredith (Hon. J. J. Abbott, Q.C., J. B. Abbott, H. Abbott, jun., Q.C., C. S. Campbell, F. E. Meredith, & H. J. Hague), 11, Hospital Street Barnard & Barnard (Edmund Barnard, Q.C., & A. Barnard), 180, St. James Street Hatton & McLennan (J. C. Hatton, Q.C., & Francis McLen- nan), 1724, Notre Dame Street Laflamme,Madore & Cross (Hon. R. Laflamme, Q.C., J. A. C. Madore & A. G. Cross), 11, Place D'Armes T.C. & R. G. De Lorimi(*, 61, St. Gabriel Street Robert Stanley Weir,B.C.L., 186, St. James Street W. Camiraud Cafon, Pentlaud & Stuart (Sir -TLuuipm; jr. i^aron,, Q.C., Chas. A. Pentland, Q.C. and G. G. Stuart) Noi Queb \l St. ¥. Sherl Thre< LAW DIRECTORY. w North America— Dominion of Canada— con^mucrf. Town. County. Name. Quebec Quebec Casgrain Angers & Lavery (T. O. Casgrain, Q.C., LL.D. ; C. P. Angers, LL.B. ; & J. a Lavery, LL.B.) W. & A. H. Cooke Hon. Geo. Irvine, Q.G. St. Hyacmthe ... St. Hyacinthe ... R. E. Foiitaiue, Q.C. Sherbrooke Sherbrooke Ive.s, Brown & French Three Rivers ... St. Maurice L. D. Denoncourt, Q.C. Arthur Olivier 10 BRITISH, FOREXON, AND COLONIAL SOUTH AMERICA. Legal Practittonera termed " Procuradores" except where othertotse stated. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Town. Name. Buenos Ayres . . . Dr. Edward Fox La Plata Dr. Edward Fox Rosario Dr. Arias, Political Agent Cecil B. Mallet Santa F6 Don Jos^ S. Rasche REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL. Bahia Dr. Sebastiao Pinto de Carvallo Rio do Janeiro ... Dr. Charles F. Taylor, Rua Primeira de MiU'co, 74 BRITISH GUIANA. Oeorgetown(De- ) W. Stuart Cameron , Solicitor merara) J W. F. H. Smith, Solicitor REPUBLIC OF CHILE ''ret)..^.'" j FrutosOsandon Iquique Ramon Coo Emilio Zapata Espejo Herbert John Griffin, English Solicitor REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR. Cuenca Rafdel M. Arizaga* Guayaquil Lorenzo R. Pena Portoviejo Armadeo Tobar Quito Alegandro Cdrdenas Julio Castro* Antonio Portilla* Luis Salazar* Those marked * ara discharginff jjudioial dati««. PrHCtitiouers in Ecuador are "Abu^adoa," praetLdngai Barriatera and Solioitors. LAW DIREOTORT. 11 South America— «on<tnu«d. Town. Name. REPUBLIC OF PARAGUAY. Ascuncion Dr. Ramon Zu-bizarreta COLONY OF SURINAM (Dutch Guiana). Paramaribo Dr. Grenada REPUBLIC OF URUGUAY. Monte Video Martin Aquirre, Florda, 18, Abogado Jos^ Jimenez, Soriano, 46 Pedro Latorre, Piedras, 106 Victorio S. Marquez, Zabala, 91 Eduardo C. Navia, Cerrito, 116 Paysandu J. Silvan Fernrlndez, 18 de Julio, 417, Abogado Juan J. Megget, Monte Caaeros, 76 Antonio Ugarte, Serandi, 253 REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA. Caracas Dr. Manuel Cadenas Delgado Dr. Diego Bantista Urbaneja Metracaibo Dr. Miguel Gelis Dr. Francisco Ochoa Porto Cabello ... Dr. Ramon Montilla Troanes Dr. Miguel Sagarzazu These two Procaradorea reside in Valencia, the Capital of the State of Carabobo to which Porto Cabello beloogsL 12 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Alabama. Towns. County. Name. Birmingham .. Jefferson Bush & Brown,67,SteinerBk Bldg Vary & Hammond, 2001 i Se- cond Avenue Mobile Mobile W. D. McKinstry Hamiltons & Gaillard Montgomery Montgomery Chilton & Pinckard Moore & Finley Arizona. Tombstone Cochise Herring & Herring Tucson Pima F. J. Heney T. F. Wilson Fort Smith Little Rock Pine Buff .. Los Angeles Oakland Sacramento City Arkansas. Sebastian Wm. M. Cravens Kerr & Boone Pulaski Carroll & Pemberton C. B. Moore Jefferson J. M. & J. G. Taylor California. Los Angeles W. D. Gould Mortimer & Harris Alameda G. E. De Golia Sacramento G. L. Johnson J. C. Tubbs San Francisco ... San Francisco Blake, Williams & Harrison, 4, Sutter Street W. H. H. Hart, 230, Mont- gomery Street LAW DIRECTORY. 13 United States of America—California— c(Wi<e?iMe</. Town. County. Name. San Francisco ... San Fraucigco ... S. H. Peddar, 13, Nevada Block Kerson & Mitchell, 508, Cali- fornia Street San Jose Santa Clare J.H.Russell Stockton San Joaquin Carter and Smith Colorado. Denver Arapahoe Burns, Qoud y k Campbell, Cian- mer Buildings Gilmore & Anderson, 1631, Curtis Street Morgan, Lowrance & Mason, 20, Bank Block Stuart Brothers & Andrews, 71, Symes Block Leadville Lake W. H. Nash Pueblo Pueblo Morse & HubboU Connecticut. Bridgeport .... Fairfield Chamberlain & Hall Chas. Sherwood Hartford Hartford Chamberlin, White & Mills, 333, Main Street U. hi. Safford, 274, Main Street New Haven New Haven Jason P. Thomson, Church St. Tyler, IngersoU & Moran, Pal- ladium Builfling New London. .... New London Ralph Wheeler Delaware. Wilmington New Castle Bradford & Vandergrift George Lodge Washington District of Columbia. Washington Baldwin, Davidsc ^ 'Vjght, 25, Grant Place Dean & Hiudmarsh, » , -louisi- ana Avenue Fowler & Fowler, 608, F Street Whitman & WilkiiiHon-. Pat^enfe SoUcitors, Foreign Members of British Institute of Patent Agents, 928 F Street u BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL United States of Amerio&- continued. Florida. Town. Coanty. Name. Jacksonville ...► Duval J. M. Barrs Walker & L'Engle Key West Monroe Walter C. Maloney Pensacola Escambia Wm. A. Blount Atlanta Augusta , Columbus Macon Sa.vannah Georgia. Fulton N. J. & T. A. Hammond, junr. L. Neufville T. Willingham Richmond ...... J. S. & W. T. Davidson Harper & Bros. Muscogee L. F. Garrard Thornton & McMichael Bibb Steed & Wimberley W. B. Willingham Chatham Qerrard & Meldrim Lester & Ravenel Unit Rockf Spring Evans Fort ^ ladiai LaF« New Terre Boise City . Idaho City . Aurora Bloomington Chicago .... East f*t, 4,',iJ^tv.3 JoUet Peoria Quincy Idaho. Ada George H. Stewart Boise H. W. Dunton Illinois. Kane L. M. Dearborn McClean Kerrick, Lucas &* Spencer Cook Cratty, Bros. & Ashcraft, cor. La Salle anf* ''*^ar!'f?on Street* Doolittle, Mcivtey. k Tolman, 920, Cham, i *" ci. Idng. John Dunn, 't o, Ivx^chigan A v. Flower, Smith, & Musgrave, 403, First National Bank Building* Mason Bros., 94, Washington St, Wm. Nunn, Chicago Opera Ho, Windes & Sullivan, 702, Opera House Building St, Clair J. J. Rafter -Will .., Hill, Haven, & Hill Peoria Cratty Bros. & Fuller, 111, North Jefferson Street. Adams F. M. McCann Atoki Muso Pure* BurU Ceda CouE Dave Dee] Dubi Siou \^^ LAW DIRECTORY. 15 United States of America— Illinois— con<mt««rf. Town. Couotj. Name. Rockf oi-d Winnebago Marshall & Taggart Springfield Sangamon Brown, Wheeler, & Brown i, junr. Indiana. Evansviile Vanderburgh Fort Wayne , Indianopolis Oarvin & Cunningham Inglehart & Taylor Allen W. P. Breen J. M. Robinson Marion J. E. Florea, 13, Talbot and New Block Gray & Gray, Wright Block Morris, Newberger, & Curtis, 1 4 to 17. Fletcher's Bank Bldng. liitter & Ritter, Wright Block ^ La Fayette Tippecanoe F.W.Chase New Albany Floyd C. L. & H. E. Jewett Terre Haute Vigo Allen & Henry S. H. Hamill cer ;raft, cor, >n Street* Tolman, Idng. jan Av. jrave, 403, Building* ingtou St, 3pera Ho, 02, Opera. I Atoka . . . Muscogee Purcell Burlington Cedar Rapids .. Council Bluffs , , Daveni)ort Des Moines Dubuque .. Sioux City Indian Territory. Nation. Choctaw J. S. Standley Creek Clifford L. Jackson Shepard & Shepard ( ikasaw Hutchin & Humphrey Iowa. County. Des Moines La Monte Cowles Smyth, Rumple, k Lake* Linn Upton C. Blake Pottawattamie Burke, Hewitt, & Casady Flickinger Bros. Scott W.C.Putnam Polk Cummins & Wright Dudley & Coffin Spurier, Coffin, & Dowell Dubuque ......... Henderson, Hurd, Daniels, <^ Kiesel Woodbury S. M. Marah A. S. Wilson 16 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL United States of America,— continued. Kansas. Town. County. Name. Atchison Atchison Smith & Solomon Waggener, Martin, & Orr Fort Scott Bourbon D. F. Campbell Kansas City Wyandotte Sam. Maher Scroggs & Gibson Leavenworth ... Leavenworth ... J. W. Haussermann •Topeka Shawnee E.A.Austin A. Bergen Rossington, Smith, & Dallas Wichita Sedgwick J. M. Balderson Hallowell and Hume •Covington . . Lexington Louisville ... . Kentucky. Kenton C. H. Fisk Shaw & Davidson Fayette Breckinridge & Shelby R A. Thornton Jetfei-son Bullitt & Sheild Kinkead & Kinkead Young & Trabue Baton Rouge Kew Oileans. Shreveport LOUSIANA. East Baton Rouge J. W. Burgess * Orleans G. A. Breaux, 5, Carondelet St. H. H. Hall, 17 '5, Common Street Merrick & Merrick, 29, Caron- delet Street A. J. Murphy 29, Camp Street Caddo Alexander & Blanchard Maine. Bangor .. Lewiston Portland Penobscot Androscoggin . . Guuiberland B. C. Additon H. L. Mitchell W. W Bolster Drew & Roberts Coombs k Neal Locke & Locke Strout, Gage, & Strout LAW DIRECTORY. 17 rr )allas adelet St. ion Street 9, Caron- tip Street I United Bt&teB— continued. Maryland. Town. County. Name. Bal' .more Baltimore Elliott & Hoffman, Fayette St. ^L^^^'A AAAA^^B,^' ♦iil*».*» R. G. Keene, Morse Building, East Fayette Stieet Pollard & Sappington, 209, St. Paul Street E. Harvie Smith, 17, North St. Stewart & Stewart, 213, St. Paul Street Cumberland Alleghany Ben. A. Richmond Haggerbtown . . . Washington Armstrong & Scott Massachusetts. Bustoii Suffolk Allen, Lont(, & Hemenway, 5, * * \^ KJ w S^ J^^ ••■«•« «■* v*« Tremont Street Church & Pratt, 9, Franklin St. Herbert & Quincy, 19, Milk St. Hyde, Dickinson, & Howe, 78, Equitable Building D. C. Linscott, 85, Devonshire St. W. F. & W. S. Slocum, 257, Washington Street Stearns & Butler, 24 1, Washing- ton Street Rrocton Plymouth W. A. Reed Lowell Middlesex W. H. Anderson Lvnn Essex H. F. Hurlburt Sal"in Kgsex Charles Sewall ^7Clii 'ill • • • ..•.■»•• Springfield Hampden E. P. Kendrick, 394. Main St. D. E. Webster, 431, Main Street Taunton Bristol S. M. Thomas Worcester Worcester B. W. Potter Rice, Kirg, k Rice MiCHK .IAN. Bay City Bay Simonson, Oillett,& Courtwright Detroit Wayne Dickinson, Thuiber, k Steven- SOD, 149, Jefferson Avenue Griffin, Warner, k Hunt, 33, Campau Building Mechem k Beaumont, 60, Buhl Block 18 BRITISH, FORRIGN, AND COLONIAL United States— Michigran—con^mMerf. Town. County. Name. "DetrcM Wayne George W. Radford, Moffat Block East Saginaw ... Sagmaw AV. H. Sweet Grand Rapids . . . Kent John T. Miller Taggart k Denison Jackson Jackson Lodge, Sprague, k Ashley Muskegon Muskegon Henry H. Holt Minnesota. Duluth St. Louis Cash & Williams Mahon & Howard Minneapolis Hennepin Byers <fe Augir, 514, Bank of Minneapolis G. F. Edwards, Bank of Com- merce Buildiug Ferguson & Kneeland, 532, Boston Block Keith, Evans, Thompson, k Fairchild, Century Block Rea, Miller, Torrance, Guaranty Loan Building Young Nye k Taylor, Guaranty JiOan Building Davis, Kellogg, k Severance, 84 to 87, Court Block Lusk, Bunn, k Hadley, Bank of Minnesota Building Sanborn k Sanborn, National Ger : Am : Bank Building Berry k Morey St. Paul Ramsay St. Winona Winona .. . Mississipri. Meridian Lauderdale Cochran <fe Boreman Houston k Woods Natchez Adams T.J.Carson Vicksburg Warren T.R.Foster Miller, Smith, & Hirsh Missouri. Hannibal Marion Wm. H. Fisher Kansas City Jackson Brown, Chapman, k Brown, 424, Main Street LAW DIRECTORY. 19 United States— Missouri— contmwed. Town. County. Name. Kansas City Jackson Knight Bros., 57, Hheidlfey Bldg. S. C. McPherrin, Main Street Peak, Yeager, & Ball, New York Life Building Sedalia Pettis Both well & Jaynes St. Joseph Buchanan Lancaster, Hall, & Pike, 316, Francis Street Stauber & Crandall, German American Bank Building St Louis . T. P. Bashaw, 418i, Olive Street Carr k Carr, 421, Chesnut St. Fowler k Fowler, Bank of Com- merce Building Johnson & Johnson, Temple Building H. M. Pollard, Am. Central Bank Building Springfield Greene Boyd k Delaney Jas. W. Silsby Butte City Helena .... Montana. Silver Bow F. T. McBride Lewis & Clark ... M. Bullard T. E. Crutcher Beatrice Hastings Lincoln . . , Nebraska City Omaha Carson City . . Virginia City Nebraska. Gage Hazlett, Bates, & Le Hane Adams Dilworth, Smith, & Dilworth Lancaster Harwood, Ames, & Kelly I^mb, Ricketts, & Wilson Otoe John B. Van Dyke I )cmgla8 Breckenridge, Breckenridge, & Crofoot, New York Life Bldg. Congdon, Clarkson, & Hunt, 1324, Farnam Street Charles Offutt, Omaha National Bank Building Nevada. Ormsby. Storey James D. Torreyson F. M. Huffaker C. E. Mack C 2 1 20 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL United QtOttes— continued. New Hampshire. Town. County. Name. Concord Merrimack Bingham & Mitchell Dover Stafford .... Nashua Hillsborough Joseph S. Matthews John Kivel E. B. Gould Camden... . Elizabeth .. Jersey City Newark Now Brunswick Paterson Trenton. New Jersey. Camden Bergen & Bergen Lewis Starr Union E S. Atwater P. H. Gilhooly Hudson Bedle, Muirhead, McGee, & Bedle, Jun., 1, Exchange Place Parmly, Olendorf, & Fisk, 243, Washington Street J. H. Potts, 1, Montgomery St. Essex Guild & Lum S. B. Jackson Middlesex Woodbridge, Strong, & Sons Passaic John H. Reynolds Albert A. Wilcox Mercer A. G. Richey & Son Geo. D. Scudder Alliuquerque Las Vegas Santa Fe .... New Mexico. Bernalillo R. W. D. Bryan V. A. Greenleaf San Miguel Columbus Moise Santa Fd G. W. iiuaebel New York. Albany .« Albany Mead <fe Hatt, 86, State Street N. B. Spalding, 44, Tweddle Building Auburn Cayuga E. C. Aiken, 91, Genese Street Biughampton ... Broome Geo. F. Lyon Brooklyn Kings W. W. Butcher, 26, Court St. Buft'aio Erie Hull & Stuart, 50, Agency Buildiu'^ Geo. W. Parkhurst, 298, Main Street LAW DIRECTORY. 21 se, & Place , 243, ry St. ns reet v'eddle treet St. •genoy Main United States— New Yor^— continued. Town. County. Buffalo Erie Name. Elmira Cheraung Niagara Orange Lockport Newburgh . New York City. Oswego Oswego . Poughkeepsie ... Dutchcs.s Rochester Monroe ... Syracuse Onondaga Troy Rensselaer Utica Oneida Yonkers Westchester Swift, Weaver, & Marcus, 276 Main Street Wadsworth, B'lackmon, & Wads- worth, 13i, East Swan Street Diven & Redficld You mans & Moss Joshua Gaskill Round & Chatterton D. J. Bannatyne, 206, Broadway J. A. Barratt, LL.B., 11 Pine St. Biesen k Knauth, 229, Broadway Gilbert Elliott, 206, Broadway Francis Forbes, 137, Broadway Fowler & Fowler, Temple Court Hess, Townsend, & McClelland, 40, Wall Street Moore & Wallace, 102, Broadway Nettleton & Mills, 117,Broadway Parsons, Shepard, & Ogden, 111, Broadway Sharp & AUeman, 206, Broad- way (see Philadelphia) Ten Eych & Remington (Sand- ford, R. Ten Eych, Vice-Presi- dent and Secretary United States Law Association, and James H. Remington, Presi- dent thereof), 271, Broadway White,Coxe, Stratton,& Sessions, World Building S. M. Coon E. Crummey Gilbert & Arnold Garlock & Beach Parker, Drake, & Parker Thomas Hogan Wilson, Kellogg, & Wells Davenport & Hollister Doolittle & Hazard Ellis and Harrigan North Carolina. Asheville Buncombe Moore & Merrick Raleigh Wake Strong, Gray, & Stamps 22 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL New York— North Carohna.— continued. Name. Town. County. Wilmington New HanoTer ... Thomas W. Strange WinBton Forsy th Pattert-on & Yoates North Dakota. Fargo Grand Forks Cass Francis & Southard Stone, Newman, & Resser Grand Forks . . . Bosard and Corliss Akron . . . . Canton Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus , Dayton Findlay Sandusky .. Springfield Toledo Youngatown Zauesville ... Ohio. Summit Chas. S. Cobbs Stark Clark & Ambler Hamilton Bateman & Harper, Walnut St. H, Douglass, cur. Fourth and Main Streets Harmon, Colston, Goldsmith, & Hoadly, 35, West Fourth St. King, Thompson, Richards, Thompson, & Ernst, Chamber of Commerce Build' ug H. P. Lloyd, 57, Johnston Bldg. Otto Pfleger, 40, Johnston Building Cuyahoga Kerruish, Chapman, & Kerruish, 16, Blackstone Building Le Blond & Williams, 52, Wilt- shire Building Sherman, Hoyt, & Dustin, Su- perior Street White, Johnson, k McCashn, 26, Blackstone Building Franklin E. L. 1 )ewitt Outhwaite, Linn, k McNagh- ten Montgomery ... Gottschall & Brown Charles D. Iddings Young & Yfmng Hancock Burket & Burket Erie J. G. Bigelow Clark Cochran & Kodgers Keifer & Keifer Lucas Waite & Snider Mahoning Chas. R. Truesdale Muskingum H. S. Moody LAW DIKECTORY. 23 United States- coneniue*/. Oklahoma Territory. Town. County. Name. Guthrie Logan ^- ^' S'ik^'L OUahoma Oklahoma* C. A. Galbraith L. Guthrie Oregon. Portland Multnomah Walter W. Bretherton roruana ^^^^p^^^ Bellinger, Mallory, & Simon Silverstone, Murphy, and Brodie Salem Marion John A. Carson Pennsylvania. Allegheny City. Allentown Altoona Chester , Erie ... Allegheny Lehigh ... Blair Delaware Erie Harrisburg Dauphin Ijancaster . . . . Norristown Philadelphia Tjancaster . . . . Montgomery. I'hiladelphia G. D. Riddle C. J. Erdman It. E. Wright & Sou J. S. Leiaenring Orlando Harvey Allen & Rosenzweig Theo. A. Lamb E. B. Mitchell Eugene Snyder J. B. Kaufman G. N. Corson Biddle & Ward, 505, Chesuut St. H. M. & H. T. Dechert, 511, Drexel Building John S. Dove, Jr., 425, Walnut Street Hanuis, Parrish, k Williams, 526, Drexel Building Patterson & Patterson, 600, Girard Building Sharp & AUeman (Isaac S. Sharp and S. H. AUeman, Commer- cial and Insurance Law-Spe- cialities, Compilers of " Sharp & Alleman's Lawyers and Bankers' Directory"), 603 to 605, Chesnut Street W. G. Smith, 505, Chesnut St. West & Rommel, 425, Walnut Street 24 BRITk'n, rOREIGN, AND COLONIAL United States— Pennsylvannia- continued. Town. Connty. Name. Pittsburgh Allegheny A. C. Johnston, 408, Grant St. Johnston & Johnston, 88, Dia- mond Street Kennedy & Smith 117, Diamond Street W. M. Price, 116, Diamond St. Williams & WUliams, 81, Dia- mond Street Pottville Schuylkill W. F. Shepperd Reading; Berks D. H. Wingerd Scran ton Lackawanna J. M. C. Ranck AVilliamsport ... Lycoming J.K.Hays McCormick & McCormick Wilkes Barre . . . Luzerne J. R. Scouton York York ... A. N. Green \ Rhode Island. Newport Newport P. J. Galvin. Providence Providence Ballou & Jackson, 4, Way bosset Street Wilson k Jenckea, Butler Ex- change South Carolina. Charleston Charleston J. F. Ficken, 54, Broad Street Simons, Siegling & Cappelmann, 93, Broad Street Smythe & Lee, 7, Broad Street Columbia Richland Clark & Muller Greenville Greenville' Cothran, Wells, Ansel & Cothran Dcadwood.. Sioux Falls Yankton . . South Dakota. liawreuce Martin & Mason Minnehaha Bailey & Stoddard McMartin & Carland Yankton R. B. Tripp Tennessee. Chattanooga Hamilton Stehpens, Van V'alkenburg, & Carswell Wheeler & McDermott i.AW DI RECTO HT, 25 United States— Tennessee— contiHucd. Town. County, Name. Knoxville Knox Webb & McClung Memphis Shelby R. D. Jordan ].Iille) & Gillham Nashville Davidson J. W. Bonner, 23, Baxter Court Merritt & Acklen, 310, North College Street Texas. Austin Travis S. A. Posey Walton, Hill & Walton Dallas Dallas McCormick & Spence Kearby k McCoy Fort Worth Tarrant Harris & Harris Stanley, Spoonts, & Meek Galveston Galveston W. B. Lockhart Houston Harris A. J. Barr San Antonio Bexar S.M.Ellis Shook, & Vander Hoeven Waco McLennan Flint, Downs & Flint Ogden City . . . . Salt Lake City. Montpelier Burlington Rutland Utah. Weber A. Perrin Salt Lake Hoge & Burmestcr, 236, South Main Street Shepard, Grove & Shepard, Wasatch Block Vermont. Washington H. W. Kemp Chittenden J.W.Russell A. G. Whittemore Rutland P. R. Kendall liynchburg Norfolk Petersburgh Richmond . . . Virginia. Campbell Edward S. Brown Norfolk R. H. Baker & Son White & Garnett Dinwiddle Geo. S. Bernard Henrico Lyons, Slater & Montague, 28, Shafers Building Pcgraui & Stfirigiellow, llOa, Main Street 2o BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL United States -Virgrinia-co/i<e/iu«/. Town. Richmond ... County. Name, R(;anoke Staunton Olympia Seattle . Henrico B. Iland Wellford, E. Main Strwet Roanoke Smith & King AuguaU R. P. Beil Washington. Thurston M. A. Root lliua Emmons & Emmons Wiestling & Wiestling Sookane W. M. Ridpath Pierce Ballard & Norris Knight k l^letcher H. H. Sharp Whatcom Whatcom HHrris, Black, & Leaming Spokane Falls Tacoma Huntingdon . . Parkersburg . . . Wheeling West Virginia. Cabell Simms & Enslow Wood t)ave D. Johnson Ohio Caldwell & Caldwell Erskine & Allison Robert White Eau Claire . Fond-du-Lac La Crosse .... Milwaukie. Oahkosh Racine Sheboygan ... West Superior Cheyenne City. Laramie C'ity . Wisconsin. Eau Claire V.W.James Fond-du-Lac ... Colmau, Sutherland & Hmer La Crosse Losey & Woodward Winter, Esch & Winter Milwaukie Bloodgood, Bloodgood & Kemper, 102, Wisconsin Street Van Dyke & Van Dyke, 395, Eas /Water Street Winkler, Flanders, Smith, Bot- tum & Vilas, Mitchell Bldng. Winnebago Weisbrod & Harshaw Racine Dodge & Fish Sheboygan Paul T. Krez Douglas Winsor & Wiusor Wyoming. Laramie Potter & Burke Albany S. W. Downey LAW DIRECTOUY. 27 ). Main ig Hiner MEXICO (Eepublic of). LeycU P r act it iomn termed " Licenckidon." Town Name. Cordova Haf. Herrera Mexico City Pablo Martinez del Rio, Calle Medina Emilio Velasco, Bajos de San Augustim, ^o. 1 These two Licenciados are legal adviaera to the British Legation. Orizsabo P. Mendizabel Puebla Rafael launsa Queretaro M. Vasquez San Louis Potoai J. H, Bausen Vera Cruz L. M. Alcolea c Kemper, }t yke, 395, iiith, Bot- 11 Bldng. 28 BRITISH, FOREIOX, AND COLONIAL ASIA. CHINA. Town. Hong Kong Shanghai Name. Dennys & Mossop (Heniy L. Dennya & Wm. H. R. Mossop), Solicitors, Attornies, Notaries, 16, Bank Buildings John.son, Stokes & Master (Alfred Bulmer Johnson, Crown Solicitor ; Alfr»>d P. Stokes & Godfrey C. C. Master), Solit itors, Attornies and Notaries, Supreme Court House "SVotton & Deacon (Wm. Wotton & Victor H. Deacon), Solicitors, Attcruies and Notaries, 29, Queen's Road "\V. V. Drumraond, Barrister (English Bar) Hiram S. Wilkinson, Barrister (English Bar), Crown Advocate H. Browett, Solicitor and Advocate Charles Dowdall, Solicitor and Advocate Robert V.. Wainewright, Solicitor and Advocate Tokio Yokohama JAPAN. Rokinchiro Masujima, Barrister (Member of English and Japanese Bars) K. Hatoyama, Solicitor H. Luzuki, Solicitor H. C, Litchfield, Barrister (Member of English Bar) John F. Lowder, Barrister (Member of English Bar) Ambrose B. Walford, Eurrister (Member of English Bar) T. O. Kauiuia, Solicit ji* N. Otsuka Solicitor These Banisters practice aa Solicitors and Advocatea. LAW DIRECTORY. 29 Asia — continued. SI AM (South-Eastern Asia). Town. Name. Bangkok T B. Michel! \.F. Page Luang Ratana-Yati G. C, De Souza All the above are Member* of the English B*r and practice as aoiiuitors and AdvocivU* in the hritiah CoMular Courts. W. A. G. Tillehe, Attorney of the Supreme Courts of Singapore a'^d Ceylon, and practices iu the British Consular Courts a k Wm. Notaries, T Johnson, St Godfrey i Notaries, Victor H. jtariea, 29, iar), Crown vocate •of English Bar) riglish Bar) of English LcLvocatea. CYPRUS (Island in the Mediterranean Sea). A. O. Liwcelle-s, Member of the English Bar TURKEY IN ASIA (See Turkey in Furope) INDIA. Town. Agra Allahabad Bombay . . , Presidency. Bengal Name. N.W. Province8 Bombay H. A. Morion, Pleader R. C. Saunders, Solicitor T. K. Shircore, Solicitor Crawford, Burder, Buckland & Bay ley (Leslie Crawford, Henry C. Burder, Herbert W. Buckland & Vernon B. F. Bay ley), Solicitors and Notaries Conn>y & Brown (Augustus A. (\)nroy & Ric'^ard S. Brown), Solicitors anu '<'otaries, (Jraigie, Lynch & Owen (Adair Craigie, Christopher H. Lynch & Francis A, Owen), SoHcitors and Notaries Little, Smith & Nicholson (Frede- rick A. Little, Solicitor to Government of Bombay and Public Pnjsecutor, Frederick Yorke Smith, M.A., & Eustace Ferrers Nicholson), Solicitors and Notaries 30 BRITISH, FOREIGN, ANP COLONIAL India — eontinurd. Town. Presidency. Calcutta Bengal Oawnpore Bengal . Lahore Punjaub Madras... Madras Mysore Madras Ootacamund Madras Secunderabad ... Decoan U. Basu, Solicitor, 1, Old Post Offic. Street Beeby & Butter (Geo. Osmond Beeby), Solicitor, 10, Hastings Street A. St. John Carruthers, Solicitor and Notary Morgan & Co. (Wra. Alex. Clarke, George B. McNair, Pliilip F. F. Hedger & Charles T. Geddes), Solicitors and Notaries, 1, Hastings Street Orr, Uobertsoti k Burton (John (^ave Orr, Win. T. M. Bobert- 8on & K. F. Jiurton), Solicitors and NotarieB, 6, Old Post Office Street Bemfry & '^ose (Henry Hamil- ton Rerafry, and Wm. Grant Rose), Solicitors and Notarie.". Cable Address, " Remfry, Cal- cutta E. F. C. Greenway, Solicitor C. G. Sutherland, Attorney and Pleader Barclay, Morgan, & OrT (Ernest Barclay, Government Solici- tor, Wm. Morgan, and Suther- land Orr), Solicitors and No- taries Branson & Branson. Solicitors .1. T. Logan, Solicitor Fred. Rowlandson, LL.B., Solici- tor Wilson k King (Charles ^^ m. Wilson and Henry C. King), Solicitors and Notaries Wilson k King, Solicitors and Notaries Barclay, Morgan, k Orr (see Madras') Smith k Wilkins, Solicitors A. W. Forbes^ Pleader Old Poat D. Osmond I, Hastings 8, Solicitor rm. Alex. . McNair, ■ & Charles litors and rs Street rton (John M. Kobert- ), Solicitors Old Post iry Hamil- Vm. Grant (i Notaries, emfry, Cal- lolicitor ,torney and 3rT (Ernest ent Solici- md Suther- rs and No- LAW DIRECTORY. 31 BRITISH BURMAH. Town. Name. Maulmein G. Dawson, Advocate \V. H. Sutherland, Advocate Pegu J. C. Dias, Advocate Rangoon H. R. Fagan, Solicitor, Merchant Street Wm. H. P. Okedon, SoHcitor, 3:ird Street E, W. B. Summers, Solicitor, Shafra;i.Road (/. H. Wheeler, Solicitor, Barr Street CEYLOK Colombo Julias & Creasy (Villiers A. Julius, Harry Creasy, Krank Liesching, and Lionel P. Fisher), Solicitors, Proctors, and Notaries Kandy Julius k Creasy (see Colombo) MAURITIUS (Island, Indian Ocean). Port Louis Henry Bertin, Attorney (praotisen in H.B.M. Consu- lar Court) STRAITS SETTLEMENTS (Malay Peninsula). Singapore ... Donaldson & Burkinshaw (Alexander L. Donaldson & the Hon. John Burkinshaw, M.L.C.\ Solicitors and Notaries Drew k Napier (Alfred H. Drew, LL.B., k Walter John Napier), Solicitors k Notaries Solicitors r L.B.,Solici- larles Wm. y C. King), aries licitors and fc Orr (see )licitor8 er 32 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL WEST INDIES. 1 Iff BARBADOES. Town. Name. Bridcetowu Carrington & Sealy, Solicitors bndgetowu ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^,^^^ Solicitors Fleming Brothers, SoUoitors CUBA. Havanna Tomas Granada, Concordia 99. Procurador "^''^""^ Victoriano Llama, Aquila 44. Procurador Martanzas B. M. Toaca, Procurador CURACOA. Curagoa Dr. Chumaceiro, Procurador JAMAICA. KiuBstowu .... Anderson & Watson, Solicitors Notaries and Patent Kingswvu Agents, Foreign Members of British Institute of Patent Agents .... a ^^ Burke & Gray (S. C. Burke, Assistant Attorney General, and W. B. Gray, Crown Solicitor) Wolfe k Milholland, Solicitors WINDWARD AND LEEWARD ISLANDS. Antitrua H. G. H. Berkeley (Member of English Bar) ^^'^'^ua , Member of English Bar ) ?jTul J. e; M. SaWi (Member of English Bar) St Wnt'".::.. F. C. W. l>urra«t (Member -f ^^"gl\«\P;^^). Trinidad A. E. Hendrickson (Member of English Bar) ^ ""^'**'* • ■ ■ LA Wharton (Member of English Bar) I LAW DIRECTORY. 83 AUSTRALASIA. md Patent istitute of Attorney tor) DS. lar) nr) 3ar) FIJI (South Pacific). Town. Name, «^uva J. H. Garrick, Barrister and Solicitor C. H. H. Irvine, Barrister and Solicitor P. S. Solomon, Barrister and Solicitor NEW SOUTH WALES. SolicHors and Attorneys. Those marked " n " are aho Notaries. Albury Fleming & Chauncy (Q. F. Fleming & W. S. Chauncy) Wilkinson & Wilkinson (J. & C. M. WilkinBon) Armidale John A. McDonald, N. Bathurst Mcintosh & Co. (John N. Mcintosh, J. H. Molntoah & Geo. Pinnock) S. W. Webb Broken Hill Clark & Hall (C. Clark & A. H. Hall) Justin McCarthy Cowra Garden & Edwards (Fred. Garden & A. S. Edwards) Goulburn A. M. Betts, N. Davidson & Johnson (J. Davidson, N., & E. W. H. Johnson) Grafton Norrie & McGuren (Frank Norrie & F. McGuren) Inverell H. L. Forster, N. Lismore AUingham & Somerville (E. W^ AUingham & G. B. Somerville) J. C. Mcintosh Newcastle Wm. H. Baker T. F. Low, N. Thompson & Windeyer (R. W. Thompson, N,, Mem. Legislative Assembly, & Julian Windeyer, N.) Sydney Carruthers & Hawkins (Hon. J. H. Carruthers Mem. Leg. Ass., & W. E. Hawkins), 122, Pitt St. Fitzhardinge, Son, & Houston (J. F. Fitzhardinge, W. Fitzharuinge, k A, J. t^ Houston), 77, Pitt Street 34 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL -New South WalQ&— continued. Name. Austral€ieia- Town. ^vdnev Gould & Shaw (Hon. A. J. Gould, Mem. Leg. Ass., ^^ "^"^^y & A. G. V. Shaw), 114, Pitt Street R. H. Levien, Mem. Leg. Ass., 180, Philip Street Hon. W. H. Pigott, N. (Mem. Leg. Council), Fitz Evan Chambers, Castlereagh Street Russell & Sons (Wm. Russell, Wm. Russell, Jun., N & E. H. T. Russell), 359, George Street Frederick Wm. Walker, N., Commissioner for Oaths for the Supreme Courts of the Colonies of New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, W es- teru Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, India, Canada, and Cape of Good Hope, 36, Castlereagh Street Tamworth John Patterson W V Tribe Wagga Wagga ... Heath & Mitchelson (H. 0. Heath & H. E. Mitchel- son) -r^ ^ T^ X West Maitland... Mullen & Fox (W. H. Mullen & F. E. Fox) R. A. Young, N. Windsor Hon. Wm. Walker, Mem. Leg. Council WoUongong John Elliott, N. J. R. Muir ,r nr • 4 N Young Gordon & Moriarty (J. Gordon & M. Moriarty) QUEENSLAND. Solicitors and Attorneys. Those marked " N " are also Notaries. Brisbane Daly & Schacht (Thos. W. Daly, Crown Prosecutor, & H. Schacht, B.A.) xr ., r t u Hart & Flower (Graham L. Hart, N., & John H. Roberts & Roberts (Daniel Foley Roberts, N.) • J. N. Robinson H. L. E. Ruthning, N. Bundaberg ^- ,^- 5,""^^?^^^' ^• Charters Towers Luke W. Marsland Geo. H. Nauuton Cooktown J. V. S. Barnett ri^mnie Francis J. Power Ipswich' .... Charles Frederick Chubb. N. Maryborough ... Thomas Morton N. Henry Walker, N. Rockhampton ... R«es R. Joues, N. KocKuampv Charles S. Dick-Melbourne, N. Daly & Norris (Rich. Norris, B.A.) AuJ Toov Towi Adel Bun Clar GaAs Jam Kad Kap Lau Moo Mt. Mt. Porl Por1 Stra Ter( LAW DIRECTORY. 35 Australasia— Queensland— conemwcrf. Town. Name. Toowoomba C. W. Hamilton C. H. B. Mackay Townsville Edwin Norrw, N, G. A. Roberts & Len (Geo. A. Roberts, N., & Jacob Len, N.) SOUTH AUSTEALIA. Solicitors and Attorneys. Those marked " N " are also Notaries. Adelaide Dashwood & Varley (Charles G. Varley, N.), King William Street G. & J. Downer, N., King William Street Gordon, Nesbitt, & Bright (J. H. Gordon, N., E. P. Nesbitt, T. R. Bright, N., & James Gordon, N.) Knox, G Wynne, & Hargrave, N., Windsor Chambers, Victoria Square Labatt & Son (Geo. Augustus Labatt, N., & S. B. Labatt), Insurance Chambers, King William St. Macdiarmid, Joyner, & Piper, N., Pirie Street W. & T. Pope (William Pope, N., & Thus. Pope, N.), Eagle Chambers, King William Street Symon Bakewell & Co. (J. H. Symon, J. W. Bake- well, W. Symon, P. R. Stow, & L. Bakewell), 69, Selborne Chambers, Pirie Street Upton, Gill, & Heming, N., King William Street Burra Daniel Spencer Packard Clare M. Badger Gawler William Rowe Lewis, N. Samuel Bruce Rudall, N. Jamestown Fleming, Baucaut, & Ashton,'N. Kadina S.R.Page Kapunda William Hoare Benham, N. Laura Scott & Durston (Douglas C. Scott, & S. B. Durston) Moonta Henry Walter Uffindell, N. Mt. Barker Loiiis Von Doussa, N. Mt. Gambier ... Davison & Daniel, N. Port Adelaide ... Dempster, Webb, & Dempster, N. Port Augusta ... Villeneuve, F. Smith, N. Strathalbyn .... Edward Jones Tucker Terowie Peter Peudlebury 36 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL ll TASMANIA. Solicitors and Attorneys. Those marked " n." are also Notaries. Town. Name. Burme (North- | rY],^^^ j, Crisp West Coast) ) " . ■, „ y -n Hobart Crisp & Crisp (David ii risp and Samuel Percy Crisp, Comr. of the t: ..^.i erne Courts of Queens- land, New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia, and New Zealaad) Dobson, Mitchell, & Allport (Hy. Dobson, N.. John Mitchell, & Cecil Allport) Ellistoue & Featherstone Launceston Douglas & Collins Alfred Green J. B. Waldron Zeehan (Silver j xjrquhart, Stuart, & Omant Fields) S VICTORIA. Soliciton and Advocates. Those marked " n. " are also Notaries. Ballarat Cuthbert & Co. (Hon. Henry Cuthbert, Mem. Leg. Council, J.P.) Nevitt & Robinson (Horatio A. Nevitt, N., and Thomas Robinson) Castlemaine Fras. K. Best Geelong T. C. Harwood Taylor, Buckland, & Gates (Chas. E. Gates, N., Joseph H. Grey, k R. S. Whiting) Hamilton Louis Horwitz ,„r. « ,j a^x Melbourne Attenborough, Nunn, & Smith (VVinfaeld Att«n- borough, N., E. J. B. Nunn, & Chas. L. Smith), 461, Collins Street Crisp, Lewis, & Hedderwick (Robert Edward Lewis, Henry Hedderwick, N., & W. J. Fookes) Henry Hale Budd, Collins Street Henry P. Fergie, N., 84,- Chancery Lane Hadeu Smith, Terry, & James (R. Haden Smith. N., George H. Terry, & Cyril F. James), 48, Temple Ct. Thomas James Wyburn, N., 46, Elizabeth Street Sandhurst v^mxiiCB v>uiicu C. T. Kennedy Seymour E. Giles LAW DIRECTORY. 37 %ries. Liel Percy Queens- Western N.. John WESTERN ACJSTEALIA. Barristers, Solicitors, db Attorneys. Those marked " n. " arc also Notaries, Town. Name. Albany S.J. Haynes R. T. Robinson Perth Edward George S. Hare Parker & Parker (Stephen H. Parker, N., and George Parker) Stone & Burt (Frank M. Stone, & Septimus Burt, • Q.C.) NEW ZEALAND. Barristers and Solicitors. Those marked " N " are also Notaries. otaries. tfem. Leg. , N., and 3ateB, N., lid Atten- L. Smith), ard Lewis, Smith. N., Temple C't. 1 Street Auckland Hesketh k Richmond (Edwin Hesketh, N.) Hill & Mahony (Walter J. Hill & E. Mahony) Telegraphic Address, "Cognitor, Auckland" Whitaker & Russell (Thomas Buddie, N., & Charles E. Button, N. ) Christchurch .. Garrick; Cowlishaw, & Fisher (Wm. Patten Cow lishaw, N., & James B. Fisher, N., Commissioners for Oaths for New South Wales and Queensland) Harper & Co. (Leonard Harper, N., George Harper, and Thos. W. Maude) T. S. Weston & Co. (Thos. Shailer Weston) Dunedin Kenyon & Hosking (Edmond P, Kenyon, N., & John H. Hosking) Smith, Chapman, Sinclair, & White (Fred. R. Chap- man, John R. Sinclair, N., & John White) Stanford & Milne (R. L. Stanford & W. I). Milne) Stout & Mondy (Sir Robert Stout & Geo. Mondy) Wellington Bell, Gully, & Izard (Francis H. Dillon Bell, N., Hugh Gully, & Charles H. Izard) Buckley, Stafford, & Treadwell (Patrick A. Buckley, N., Edward Stafford, & Charlen H. Treadwell) New Plymouth Clement Wm. Govett Oliver Samuel Napier Henry Arthur Cornf ord Geo. Edmund Lee Nelson Adams & Kingdon (Percy B. Adams, & Charles J. Harley) 38 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL Australasia— New Zealand- continued. Town. Name. Nelson Fell & Atkinson (Charles Yates Fell, & Arthur S. Atkinson) HA^VAIIAN ISLANDS (North Pacific Ocean). Honolulu Cecil Brown, Barrister and Solicitor, Merchants' St. James M. Monserrat, Barrister and Solicitor, Mer- chants' Street LAW DIRECTORY. S9 EUKOPE. AUSTKIA, AUSTRO-HUNGARY, AND HUNGARY. Each of the followi'ng Practitioners is qwdified as a Barrister and Solicitor, and is termed " Hofund Gerichts advokat." Town. Name. Brunn Dr. Mathias Zach Budapest Dr. Ignaz Briill Dr. Franz Chorin Fiume Dr. Heinrichs Sachs Gratz Dr. Monzo Schreiner Innsbruck Dr. Carl Walter Cracow Dr. !Michael Tchheider Lemberg Dr. Ferdinand von Kratter Prague Dr. Ignaz Wien Salzburg Dr. Josef Stigler Vienna Dr. L. Lichtenstern, 1. Helfersdorfer Strasse 11. Dr. Maximilian Strauss (Practitioner in all Austrian Courts and Agent for all legal business in Auetro- Hungary), Schottenring, No. 14 Dr. Carl von Tarnoczy, 1. Rauheusteingasse, 3. Trieste Dr. J. Tonicelli Dr. Anton Vidacovich BELGIUM. Legal Practitioners termed " Avocats." Alost Jules Eyerman Victor Van Wambeke Antwern F. Delvaux, 6, Rue Kipdorf A. Maeterlinck, 1, Rue des Dominicaines Brussels T. E. Jeffes, Solicitor and British Vioe-Coneul, 35, >"» o G. Leclercq, 22, Rue Crespel Ghent L. Varlen, 2, Rue du Compromis If I 40 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL Europe — Belgiuin— contlnwd. Town. Name. Libge Van Marche, 30, Rue de Clarisses Lou vain A. Peemaus, 102, Rue du Canal F. Smolders, 24, Rue du Beriot Malinee Victor Fris, 17, Rue d'Egraont Egide Ketelaers, Rue du Serment Namur H. Bribosia Ostend M. Montargie, 3, Rue des Cardnage Tournay A. Ason, 3, Marche au Beurre A. Lefebvre, 11, Rue de I'Hopital, Notre Dame CHANNEL ISLANDS. Jersey. St. Heliers E. Bindt Renouf, Solic'tor, 4, Royal Square Francis Hawksford, B A., Solicitor P. A. Roissier, Crown Solicitor, Royal Court Chambs. Guernsey. John B. Marquand, Solicitor and Notary, 29, High Street DENMARK. Copenhagen H. B. Halkier, "Hoisterets Advocate," 58, Gothers- gade Octavius Hansen, " Hoisterets Advocate," 16, Wal- kendorfsgade (Member of the Landsting) A. H. F. Klubien, "Hoisterets Advocate," 43, Bredgade C. C. V. Liche, " Hoisterets Advocate," 30, Bred- gade (Pi'esident of the Landsting) S. Nellerman, " Hoisterets Advocate," 20, Fredriks- holm Kanal C. H. Shav?,*' Hoisterets Advocate ' 9,Kjobmagergade The luternatiunal Bureau, of which Hofman Ban^, of 5. Raadhustrade, is Director, is a useful institution, undertaking enquiries and ooliection of debts in casss where the employ- meut of an advocate would be out of place. Elsinore A. Holsoe, Overtsagf 6rer F. Jensen, Procurator S. Madsen, Sagf6rer Frederikehavn / P. B. Nielsen, Sagforer (Jutland) .. \ Petersen, Sagf6rer LAW DIRECTOIIV. 41 Europe— Denmark— <^oH</7i«frf. Town. N'iinie. Nyborg Fr. Lersay, SagMrer Chr. Quirtt, Sagf6ri'r FRANCE. Town. Aix Amiens . Avignon Besanyon Bordeaux Dep;irtinent. Bouches dullhone Somme Vancluse Name. Doubs . Gironde Boulogne . ... Pas -dv -Calais ... Brest . . . , Finist^rre Clermont Ferraud 1 Puy de dome . . . Dieppe Dijon . . . . Seine Inf^i ieure ... Coted'Or Grenoble .... Is^re Havre Seine Infdrieure Limoges . . . . Haute Vieune . . . Ltous .... du Rhone M. Barreme, Avocat M. Langier, Avoud M. Beraud, Notaire M. A. Deberly, Avocat M. Dauvergne, Avoue M. Bastide, Avocat M. Dervien, Notaire M. Louis Bouvard, Avocat M. Bcelhe, Avou6 M. Louvot, Notaire M. Barroy, Avou(^, 87, Rue St. Catherine M. Alfred Laroze, Avocat, 16 Rue de Lerme M. Peyrelongue, Notaire MM. Lumley & Lumley, English Solicitors M. Wm. Peperdine, Avocat M. Le Guen, Avocnt M. AUuard, Avoud M. Ricard, Avocat M. Tavrot, Notaire M. P. Lebourgeois, Avocat M. Delamarche, Avoud M. Jolibois, Avocat M. Durandeau, Notaire M. Guignier, Avoud M. (Juegmard, Avocat M. Durand, Notaire M. L. Penlevey, A^,'ocat M. J. J. ('iKuiffour, Avocat M. Soulignac, Avoud M. Paul Trillat, Licencid en droit, avoue pres le tribunal civil, agrde au tribunal de commerce, 2 Place du Chai'ge M. Marietion Goones, Avocai, 11, Rue Const'intine 42 BRlTiail, FOREIGN, ANJ COLONIAL » Marseilte jiiouchea mil ( Rhone ... \ Europe— France— eon^mticrf. Town. Department. Name. Lyons du Rhone M. Robin Louis, Avocat, 56, Rue de r Hotel de Ville M. Guillot, Notaire, 10, Rue St. Pierre M. Carbarroux, Avoud, 43, Rue Terreol M. Galifrd, Avoud, 17, Rue ' Paradis M. Qouve, Avoud, 11, Rue Ven- ture M. Autran, Avocat, 6, Rue Ven- ture M. Sabatier, Notaire, 17, Rue Paradis Montpellier Herault M. Rouvier, Avou^i M. Vallat, Avocat M. Kort, Notaire M. Cappatti, Avoud M. Barralis, Avocat Mr. A. S. Brown, English Solici- tor M. Pineau, Notaire M. Cambacides, Avoud M. Clanzel, Avocat M. Arramy, Notaire Napoleon F. Argles, English Solicitor, 16, Place \ dome Thomas Barclay, LL.B., French and International Lawyer, 17, Rue Pasquier Leopold Goiraud, M.P., Avoud, 16, Place Vendome Sewell & Maugham, English Solicitors (J. T. B. Sewell, L.L.M, Solicitor to British Embassy ,& Chas. 0. Maugham, LL.B., Licencid en droit), 54, Faubourg St. Houord M. Berton, Avoud M. Sdchet, Avocat St. Etienne Loire M. Pauly, Avoud \r^ T)BlftPrtrads- Avocj^t M. Point, Notaire Toulon Var M. Barbarouse, Avoud Nice Alpes Maritimes Nimes Gard Paris Poitiers Vienne LAW DIRECTORY. 43 , 56, Rue , Rue St. 43, Rue 17, Rue Hue Ven- due Ven- 17, Rue ah Solid- English iome ., French wyer, 17, , Avou^, , Sewell, ) British [augharn, .roit), 54, Europe — France— amt limed. Town. Department. Toulon Var TouUiuse Haute Garonne Name. M. Roland, Avocat M. Brest, Notaire M. Sourcade, Avou6 M. Qaftary, Avocat M. Roussell, Notaire GERMANY. Each of the undermentioned is qualified as a " ItechtsanwcUl," and should be so addressed. Those marked " N." are also Notaries. State. Name. Town. Aix-la-Cha- ) pelle or > Prussia Dr. T. L. Schmitz Aachen I Altenburg SaxeAltenburg... Justizrath Frank, N. Berlin Prussia W. Bading, N., 45, Kronen- strasse Eugen Cohn, 30, Spandauer- strasse Bremen ... Bremen Dr. Th. Henschen, N. Dr. Balle Breslau Prussian Silesia Dr. Berkowitz Paul Hein Brunswick Brunswick Dr. Huch, N. Dr. Engelbrecht, N. Carlsruhe or | -j, , i Dr. Friedberg Karlsruhe ... \ | Karl Kuhn Chemnitz Saxony Justizrath Ulbrich, N. Cologne Prussia Dr. Adler Dr. Schmitz Dantzic Prussia Darmstadt Hesse Darmstadt Dessau Anhalt Dresden Saxony Dusseldorf Prussia Johannes Behrendt Justizrath Martiny, N. Dr. Reis Dr. Seibert Dr. Medious, N. Dr. Schlegel Dr. F. H. A. Lehmann Dr. Robert Becker Justizrath Bloem Elberfeld- j Ijcif men ) Frankfort -on- the-Main ... Prussia Justizrath Zurhellen Hesse Nassau ) Dr. Ernst Auerbach (Prussia)... \ Justizrath Dr. Humser, N. i ^^ BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL 1 Europe— Germany — continued. Eur i Town. State Name. Frankfort Brandenburg ) Dr. Klbckner, N. GR] (Prussia)... ) Justizrath Pezenburg, N. Fiirth Bavaria Dr. Schmidt S Dr. Wittelschoefer Gotha Saxe Coburg | and Gotha J Dr. Beck, N. Dr. T. Kunreuther, N. Halle Prussia Dr. Rueffer Hamburg ... Hamburg Dr. Berthow Dr. Samson 1 Hanover . . . Hanover Dr. Heiliger, N. Konigflburg 1 Leipzig Prussia Dr. Krautz, N. Saxony Justizrath Ochme, N. I Lubeck t:. Lubeck Dr. Brehmer, N. Dr. Peacock, N. i 1= Magdeburg Prussia Justizrath Kretschmann, N. ll Mannheim... Baden .. Joseph Geissmar Aber ; Meiningen... Saxe Meinin gen Dr. Bartenstein * Mentz Hesse Darmstadt Dr. Brenner Metz Alsace Lorraine , Dr. E. Muller :| Munich ...... Bavaria Dr. H. Blattner Dr. Carl DUrk Dr. Mosbauer Acer 1 Nuremburg Bavaria Dr. Held Dr. Stapf Oldenburg Oldenburg Di\ Bargraann Aide Posen ...... Pose:> Dr. Lewinski, N. Potsdam . . . Brande nburg . . . Dr. Friedlander, N, ■ Dr. Legeler, N. Schwerin .. Mecklenburg Schwerin ... Dr. Alesser, N. Asht 1 Stettin Pomeranic Dr. Delbruck Justizrath Furbach, N. 1 Strasburg . . . Alsace Lorraine Dr. Blumstein it Stuttgart ... Wurtemburg Dr. Schmahl 1 Dr. Weidemann Barr 1 • WUrzburg Bavaria Dr. Frendenthal 1 Dr. Gottlieb Full Barr Fi 11 GIBRALTAR. 1 George F. Cornwall, Q.C., Barrister and Solicitor. P H Pi.sani Barristpr .ind Soiitntor Batl LAW DIRECTORY. 45 "EiMVO^pe— continued. GREAT BRITAIN (including England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, and The Isle of Man). ENGLAND AND WALES. Legal Practitioners qualified as Solicitors. The figures after the name denote the year of admission. " N " signifies Notary. Couuty. ... G lamorgaushire Accrington Lancashire Aldersliot Ashton- under Lyne Hampshire Towu. Couuty. Name. Aberdare Glamorganshire Howell & Williams (F. R. Howell, 1871, & Rees Williams, 1878) Thomas Phillips & Son (Thos. Phillips,1871, & W.D. Phillips, 1890) A. H. Aitken, 1882 Withers & Hargreaves (J. N. Withers, 1878, and John Har- greaves, 1884) W. E. Foster, 1869 Holiest, Mason, & Nash (Richd. Mason, 1854, & John R. Nash, 1867) Lancashire Brooks, Marshall, Brooks, & Gor- don (John Brooks, 1839, W. Marshall, 1854, J. H. Brooks 1877, andT. H. Gordon, B.A , 1872) John Whitworth, 1879 Barnsley Yorkshire Henry Horsfield, N., 1873 Bury & Walker (Reginald Bury 1863, and H. M. Walker, 1889) Barrow-in- | Lancashire T. Postlethwaite & Son (Thos Furness \ Postlethwaite, J 841, & Wm Po.stlethwaite 1872) William Williams, 1868 Bath Somerset Inman, Adam, & Thring (Wm. (\ lyf. Aaatn. LL.B-. 1880, & C. B. Thring, B.A., 1884) ' 46 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAIi Europe —England— continued. Town. County. Nama. Bath Somerset Payne & Fuller (Edward New - ton Fuller, LL.B., 1878) Bedford Bedfordshire Whyley & Piper (Mark Whyley, 1856, & J. P. Piper, M.A., 1862) ■Rirkenhead .... Cheshire Wm. E. Cave, 1864 BirKenneaa ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ Moore, 1846, & Fras. S. Moore. 1886) BirminKham ... Warwick Beale & Co. (Jas. S. Beale 1864, isirmingua ^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^ p Young, 1873, A. G. Beale, 1885, & J. A. Marigold, 1885) Ryland, Martiueau, & Co. (Sir Thomas Martineau, 1851, J. B. Carslake, B.A., 1871, F. S. Goodwin, 1875, & Ernest Mar- tineau, M. A., 1886)^ Wm. Shakespeare, 1860 Alfred Walter, 1855 Wright & Marshall (Arthur Wright, 1863, and Arthur Wright, Jun., 1886) Blackburn Lancashire Wm. E. L. Gaine, 1875 JilacKDurn.. Robinson & Son (A. Robinson, 1854, & Hy. J. Robinson, 1868) L. & W. Wilkinson (William Wilkinson, M.A., 1856) Bnlton Lancashire Holden & Holden (Chas. H. ^''^^'''' Holden, 1864, A. T. Holden, 1874, & H. S. Ferguson. 1870) R. & R. C. Winder (Robert Winder, 1859, k R. C. Winder, 1886) Boston .... Lincolnshire .. Millington k Simpson (R. W. ^ Millington, 1865, & J. M. Simpson, 1874) Rmdford ... Yorkshire Latimer J. De Vere Darlington, ^'^*'*^ 1872, Vice Consul for Spain Hutchinson & Son (James Gwynne Hutchinson, 1858, k C. H. Q. Hutchinson, 1880) 1 LAW DIRECTORY. 4T 'ard New- 878) k Whyley, per, M.A., R. Bendle ' Fras. S. eale, 1864, , P. Young, !, 1885, & 5) &Co. (Sir 1851, J. B. ?71, F. S. Srnest Mar- 60 1 (Arthur nd Arthur 15 A. & Hy. J. 1 (William 856) (Chas. H. T. Holden, ;usou, 1870) er (Robert , C. Winder, ion (R. W. , & J. M. Darlington, for Spain on (James jon, 1858, & jon, 1880) Europe —England— continued. Town. County. Bradford Yorkshire Brighton Sussex Bristol Gloucestershire Buckingham Buckinghamshire Burnley Lancashire Bury St. Edmunds Suffolk Cambridge Cambridgeshire Canterbury Kent Cardiff Glamorganshire Carlisle Cumberland Carmarthen ...... Carmarthenshire Cftrnarvon Carnarvonshire Name. Wade, fiilbrough, Booth & Co. (John H. Wade, J.P., 1852, Jas. W. Bilbrough, 1870, J. E Booth, 1873, H. T. Wade, 1885, & W. E. Tetley, 1882) Joseph E. Bush, 1872 Fred. S. Champion, 1862 Edward A. Bigg, M.A., 1867 Brittan, Livett & Miller (Alfred Brittan, 1845, & Charles Mil- ler, 1877) Fussell & Co. (G. J. C. Prichard, 1854, Wm. Henderson, 1871, John Wall, 1881, k E. Ger- rish, M.A., 1887) Charles Edward Wright, 1871 Henry Small, 1851 Robert Eyes Fox, 1883 Thos. Nowell, 1864 Charles Denton Leech & Soa (Charles Denton Leech, 1841, & Charles Denton Leech, Jun. , 1877) Eaden & Knowles (John F. Eaden, 1875, & Philip S. Knowles, 1867) Wm. Peed, 1864 Reginald Mackenzie Mercer, 1878 Mowll & Mowll (E. W. Mowir 1871, & H. M. Mowll, 1881) Robert Young Evans, 1875 Grover & Grover (Hy. S. Grover^ 1867, & M. H. Grover, 1882) Edmund Bernard Reece, 1862 Dobinson & Watson (Hy. Dobin- son, 1846, Thos. Watson, 1867, & Wm. Dobinson, M.A., 1884> Horace B. Lonsdale, 1876 Barker, Morris, & Barker (J. H. Barker, 1851, N., E. H. Morris. 1875, & T. W. Barker,, 1886) Chas. A. Jones, 1872 Hugh Jones & Co. (Lewis Reea Thomas, 1873) %- 48 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL Europe— England— co7ifmwerf. Town. County. Chatham Kent Cheltenham Glouce-stershire Chester Cheshire Colchester Essex. Coventry AVanvickshire ^revve .••• Cheshire Croydon Surrey . Darlington Durham Derby Derbyshire Devonport Devonshire Uewsbury Yorkshire Name. Basset & Boucher (Jas. Basset, 1854, & F. C. Boucher, 1886) Geo. Winch, 1864 Brydges & Mellersh (Ed. Thomas BryHges, 1850, Wm. H. Mel- lersh, 1866, & G. E. Brydges, 1885) James Wm. Gabb, 1864 Ernest Brassey, 1877 Potts, Potts, & Gardner* (Regi- nald Potts, 1878, H. Potts, 1886, & Edwin Gardner, 1886) Howard, Ellison, & Morton (Wm. Howard, 1875, Osborne J. Ellison, 1883, & Cecil H. Morton, 1882) Jones & Son (Hy. Wm. Jones, 1874) Browetts (Thos. Browett, 1844, Wm. T. Browett, 1880, & Walter Browett, 1882) Twist & Sous (Fred. Twist, 1862, & Geo. F. Twist, 1866) Frederick Cooke, 1863 Thos. Latham, 1879 Chas. M. Elborough, 1874 John S. Streeter, 1868 T. M. Barron & Smith (Thomas Metcalfe Barron, 1875, Mayor c»f Darlington, & Albert W. Smith, 1885) . John Close, 1877 J. & H. F. Gadsby & Coxon (Harry F. Gadsby, 1876, & Thos. W. Coxon, B. A., 1883) Wra. Harvey Whiston, 1865 . Thos. H. Gill, Jun., LL.B., 1885 Venning & Goldsmith (J. J. E. Venning, 1858, & John P. Goldsmith, 1868) . Pidgway & Ridgway (Alfred Rid^.^ay, 1872, & Chas. A Ridgway, 18/6) LAW DIRECTORY. 49 Europe— England - continued. Town. County. Doucaster Yorkshire Dover ,. Kent Dudley Worcestershire Durham Durham Eastbourne Sussex Exeter Devonshire Festiniog . Gateshead Merionethshire, Durham Gloucester Gloucestershire Great Grimsby.. Lincolnshire Halifax Yorkshire Name. Atkinson & Son (Wm. Ernest Atkinson, 1874) John G. Nicholson. 1877 Fielding & Son (Geo. Fielding, 1849, & Ernest C. Fielding, 1876) Sydenham Payn, 1867 Richard Lucas, 1876 Watts & Jobson (Ed. P. Jobson, 1878) Ernest F. Whitehouse, 1866 Graham & Shepherd (John Graham, 1860, & Andrew T. Shepherd, 1876) Watson & Smith (Alfred O. Smith, 1873, & Alfred O. Smith, Jun., 1886) Arthur C. Hillman, 1882 Langham & Son (James G. Langham, 1845, & Ed. 0. Langham, LL.M., 1879) R. T. & H. Campion (Robert T. Campion, 1848, & Hy. Cam- pion, 1886) Wm. Ed. Gray, 1874 Arthur E. Ward, 1875 Geo. Hy. Ellis, 1875 Shaftoe Robson, 1865 Ryott & Swan (Wm. H. Ryott, 1875, and John C. Swan, 1885) Jones & Blakeway (F. W. Jones, 1869, J. A. Jones, 1874, and G. S. Blakeway, 1876) Charles Scott, B.A., 1866 Grange & Wintringham (Wm. Grange, 1849, John Wintring- ham, 1861, E. L. Grange, M.A., LL.M., 1884, and J. F. Wintringham, 1889) Samuel T. Haddolsey, 1863 Keighley Walton, 1869 Wavell, Son, & Marshall (E 11. Wavell. 1830. E. M. Wnvcll, Junr., 1865, & H. Mareliall, 1880) E 50 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL H Europe —England— continued. Town. County. Halifax Yorkshire Hanley Staffordshire Hereford Herefordshire Huddersfield Yorkshire Hull Yorkshire Hyde Cheshire Ipswich Suffolk ., Jarrow Durham Keighley Yorkshire Kendall Westmoreland . Kidderminster . . . Worcestershire Lancaster. Lancashire .... Name. Joseph Walshaw, 1872 W. & H. Bishop (W. H. Bishop, 1866, and H. E. Bishop, 1890) Challinors (Arthur Challinor, 1875, and E. W. S. Challinor, 1881) E. A. Paine, 1870 James Davies, 1846 James, Bodenham, & James (J. G. James, 1845, and F. R. James, 1879) Owen & Bailey (Hely Owen, B.A., 1885, & David James Bailey, 1886) Rollit & Sons (Sir Albert Kaye RoUit, 1863, LL.D., D C.L , J. P., M.P., Arthur Rollit, 1871, & T. F. Farrell, B.A., 1878) E. S. Wilson & Sons (E. S. Wilson, 1845, & E. J. Wilson, M.A., 1877) John H. Brooke, 187()" Daniel & Son (R. S. Daniel, 1867) Jackaman & Sons (William B. Jackaman, 1854, & H. M Jackaman, 1864) Henry T. Duncan, 1865 W. E. O. Scott, 1876 W. & G. Burr & Co. (Geo. Burr 1863, T. H. Burr, 1873, & J W. Craven, 1884) Arnold k Greenwood (H. Arnold, 1853, & R. H. Greenwood, 1876) Bolton & Bolton (John Bolton, 1863, & J. E. Bolton, 1889) , Fred. Burcher, 1868 James Morton, 1857 , Swainson, Son, k Roper (Thos. js«7p_inson 1834 Wm. Swain- Bon, 1863, and'w. O. Roper, 1877, N.). LAW DIRECTORY. 51 . Bishop, op, 1890) ]!hallinor, ^hallinor, Tames (J. 1(1 F. R. ly Owen, id James )ert Kaye ., DC.L, ir Rollit, fell, B.A., as (E. S. J. Wilson, ». Daniel, William B. fe H. M 35 Geo. Burr 1873, k J H. Arnold, Jreenwood, hn Bolton, m, 1889) iper (Thos. 'm. Swain - O. Roper, Europe— England— con^tnwed. Town. County. Lancaster Lancashire Leamington Warwickshire ... Leeds Yorkshire Leicester Leicestershire Lincoln Lincolnshire Liverpool Lancashire LlandafiF Glamorganshire Llanelly Carmarthenshire London London.. .. E 2 Name. Henry J. J. Thompson, 1869 H. Cousett Paspman, 1859 Thomas Marshall, M.A., 1860 Middleton & Sons (Arthur Middleton, 1872, & G. Middle- ton, 1889) Sir Geo. W. Morrison, 1876 Turner & Turner (Thos. Turner, 1861, N., and H. Turner, 1890) Leonard H. West, LL.B., 1887 Ingram and Moore (Thos. In- gram, 1833. and A. P. Moore, B.C.L., 1887) R. G. Toller & Sons (R. Toller, 1827, G. Toller, 1866, & R. S. Toller, 1871) Thos. Watts, 1860 Danby & Son (J. W. Danby, 1837, & W. B. Danby, 1877) Tweed, Stephen, & Dashper (John T. Tweed, 1845, R. A. Stephen, 1875, & G. J. Das- hper, 1878) Cleaver, Holden, Gamett & Cleaver (R. S. Cleaver, 1867, W. S. Holden, 1874, C. Gar- uett, 1874, &A. J. Cleaver, 1882) Walter Codd, LL.D., 1873, N. Gamon, Farmer, & Gamon (John Gamon, 1860, N., & R. Far- mer, 1876, N.) Shuttleworth & Cummins (Ar- thur Shuttleworth, 1884, & G. B. Cummins, 1874) Waldron & Son (Clement Wal- drou, 1850, & C. R. Waldron. 1878) Wm. Howell, 1868, N. David Randell, M.P., 1877 Edward Bromley, 1849, 43, Bed- ford Row, W.C. .n-uguBLuS x'x'cu. Loe, iooy, i4, Hart Street, Bloomsbury. W.C. 52 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL Europe— England— confmwcd. Town. County. London London lii ^li Name. CoUyer-Bristow, Russell, & Hill (Andrew A. Collyer-Bristow, 1848, Frank Milner Russell, 1866, & Chas. Watson Hill, 1873), 4, Bedford Row, W.C. G. L. P. Eyre & Co. (Geo. L. P. Eyre, 1840, Commissioner for Oaths for State of New York, Parliamentary and American Law Agent), 1, John Street, Bedford Row, W.C. Field, Roscoe, & Co. (Henry Roscoe, 1856, Basil Field, B.A., 1860, Commissioner for Affts. for South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, & Victoria, Hy. Jas. Francis, 1858, & F. W. Emery, 1882), Agents in Appeals before the Privy Council, and Colonial Ijaw Agents, 36, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. Frere, Forster, & Co (Bartle John Laurie Frere, 1836, Wm. Stewart Forster, 1867, Geo. Edgar Frere, 1869, Lewin Chas. Cholmeley, B.A., 1882, Edward T. Gurdon, M.A., 1883, & Geo. Wm. Rowe, 1877, Telegraphic address, "Jay Pen," London), 28, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Geo. Astell Hall, 1869, 8, Gray's Inn Square, W.C. Kime & Hammond (William Richard Augustine Kime, 1875, Commissioner for Oaths for Irish Courts and Office for Registry of Deeds in Ireland, Commissioner of the High Courts of Judicature at Fort William, Bengal, Allahabad, Nortfa-Westem Provinces of India and Madras, Commis- sioner appointed under Act 31, of 1854, of the Governor- Bu Lon LAW DIRECTORY. 53 , & Hill Bristow, Russell, on Hill, V, W.C. eo. L. P. oner for ;w York, Lmerican 1 Street, (Henry I Field, oner for lUstralia, asmania, Francis, 7, 1882), efore the Colonial oln's Inn rtle John ), Wm. 67, Geo. , Lewin A., 1882, 1, M.A., . Rowe, address, on), 28, 8, Gray's (William Kime, for Oaths Office for Ireland, he High 1 at Fort llahabad, dnces of Commis- ider Act Jovernor- Burope— England- cowtrnMcd. Town. Coiinty. London London Name. General of India in Council to take acknowledgments of married women in respect of property in India, Com- missioner of the Supreme Courts of the Colonies of Vic- toria, Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia, Nova Scotia, Cape of Good Hope, Tasmania, Hong Kong, and Shanghai, & Henry Rossi Hammond, 1880, Commis- sioner for Oaths for Irish Courts and Office for Registry of Deeds in Ireland), Agents in Appeals before the Privy Council, Parliamentary Agents, Irish, Scotch, American, Colo- nial, and Foreign Law Agents, Telegraphic Address, " Vicesi- mus, London," Telephone No. 2671, 30a, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. Lawford, Waterhouse & Law- ford (Jas. Wm. Waterhouse, 1855, Commissioner for Affi- davits and Acknowledgments for Bengal, Indian Law Agent, & Godfrey Lawford, 1877), 28, Austin Friars, E.C. Lewis & Lewis (George Henry Lewis, 1856, Commissioner for Affidavits for Victoria), 10, and 11, Ely Place, E.C, Tele- phone No. 6674 Maples, Teesdale & Co. (Fredk. Maples, 1840, Wm. Maples, 1867, & Edmund T. M. Tees- dale, 1880), Parliamentary Agents, 6, Fredericks Place, Old Jewry, E.C. Mullens & Bosanquet (Waiter H. Bosanquet, 1862), 11, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. 54 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL Europe— England— continued. Town. County. London London i I Longton Sta fifordshire . Luton Bedfordshire. Lynn Norfolk Macclesfield Cheshire Iilaidstone Kent Manchester Lancashire. Name. Patersons, Snow, Bloxam, & Kinder (Wm. B. Paterson 1841, Harry Snow, 1863 Francis R. T. Bloxam, 1874 & Frank Kinder, 1878), 25 Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. Joseph Plaskitt, 1854, 19, Lin- coln's Inn Fields, W.C. Robbins, Billing & Co, (Charles Bobbins, 1873, Commissioner for AfiBdavits, &c., for Cape of Good Hope, & Samuel Billing, 1874, Parliamentary and general Law Agents, Tele- graphic Address, " Fiden- ter, London," Surrey House, Victoria Embankment, W.C. Whites & Co. (John White, 1847, & John White, jun., 1887), 28, Budge Row, B.C. Chas. Adderley, 1856 Geo. C. Kent, 1875 Geo. Bailey, 1851 Neve & Beck (Walter Neve, 1867, & F. W. Beck, 1887) Sir L. W. Jarvis & Son (Chas. J. E. Jarvis, 18o4) Fred. Hy. Partridge, 1872 Mair & Blunt (Wm. Mair, 1870, & Chas. Blunt, 1874) John F. May, 1866 Brentian >*; ^I'rner (John Bren- nan, .. . < las. Turner, 188i Fenwic h, '^ ming, M.A., 1870 Cooper & Sons (John Cooper, 1850, Hy. S. Cooper, 1868, Chas. J. Cooper, 1876, N., Commissioner for Oaths for Bengal and Bombav. & Wm. F. Cooper, 1884) John Thomas Doyle, 1875, U.S. Vice -Consul Henry Happold, 1883 LAW DIRECTORY. 65 Europe— England -coHtmMcrf. Town. County. Manchester . . . Lancashire Margate Merthyr Tydfil., Kent ..... Glamorganshire Middlesborough Yorksh Ire Newcastle - under- Lyme Newcastle- upon-Tyne Staflfordshire. Northumberland Newport Newport Northampton Norwich Isle of Wight . Monmouthshire { Northamp- I tonshire.. Norfolk = . Name. Samuel Kay & Son (Samupl Kay, 1839, & John C. Kay, M.A., 1873) Slater, Heelis, & Co. (William Slater, 1852, & James Heelis, 1866) Wm. Hy. Welsh, 1883 G. Foord-Kelcey, 1873 Lewis & Jones (David Rees Lewis, 1866, & J. J. Jones, 1868) L. Reynolds, B.A., 1884 Thomas Lewis White, 1866 Belk & Cochrane (J. T. Belk, 1859, N. , & 0. H. Cochrane, M.A.,1884) John R. Stubbs, 1860, N. Dutton & Son (Wm. H. Button, 1849, and F. W. Dutton, B.A., 1882) T. & E Slaney (Thomas Slaney, 1873, & Edwd. Slaney, 1877) Griffith & Co. (G. F. Boyd, B.A., 1874, & H. B. Thomson, 1881) Leadbitter & Harvey (H. Cran- mer Harvey, M.A., 1869) Newlands & Newlands (Charles W. Newlands, 1879, & R. W. C. Newlands, 1885) Arthur S. Estcourt, LL.B., 1879 R. Roach Pittis, 1873 John C Llewellin, M.A., 1882 Lyne & Co. (C. R. Lyne, 1871, & Horace S. Lyne, 1883) Albert A. Newman, 1877 Dennis & Faulkner (John Joseph Faulkner, LL.D., 1870) Tomalin & Walkor (Wm. Toma- lin, 1855, & Wm. A. Walker, 1888) Overhnrv & Steward (Walter Overbury, 1863, N., & C. Steward, 1887) E. Palgrave Simpson, 1862 56 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL Europe -Bngl&nd— continued. Town. County. N(^rwich . . . Nottingham Nc^rfolk jS"ottingham8hire Oldham Lancashire Oxford Oxfordshire Pembroke and Pembroke Docks Penzance Pembrokeshire , Cornwall ...... Peterborough Plymouth .... Northamp- tonshire . . Devonshire Portsmouth Hampshire Preston Lancashire Name. Francis A Back (Edward C. Francis, B.A., 1862, & W. H. Back, 1878) Enfield & Co. (Richard Enfield, 1841, & II. H. Enfield, M.A., 1880) Lucas & Rorke (C. E. W. Lucas, 1877, & G. S. Rorke. 1887; Samuel Geo. Johnson, 1854 R. & J. H. Ascroft (Robert As- croft, 1869 &Ja8. H. Ascroft, B.A., 1885) Hesketh Booth, 1872 Abraham Nicholson, 1882 Joseph W. Bickerton, M.A.. 1871 Percival Walsh, 1860 W. 0. Hulm, 1861 Robert Lock, M.A., 1874 Poriase, Milton, & Borlase (John P. Milton, 1864, & Walter H. Borlase, 1876, N.) Wellington Dale, 1876, N. Henry C. Gaches, B.A., 1877 Henry W. Gaf es, 1877 Cleverton & Son, (F. W. Clever- ton, 1865) G. Gidley k Son (Gustavus Gid- ley, 1843, and B. Gidley, 1877) Wer*? & Fripp (Nicholas Were, 1837, N., k H. J. Fripp, M.A., 1888) Thomas Wolferstan, 1865, N. Albert Addison, 1872 Harvey & Harvey (E.J. Harvey, 185b, Admiralty I^aw Agent for the Ports of Port.'tmouth, & A. G. Harvey, 1879) Edmund '^albot Palmer, 187P W. A. & K, Ascroft (William Ascruft, U'55, Alfred E. As- croft, 1871, & R. W. Asf^roft, B.C.L., 1884) Eu; PreH Rea( Reig Rod Roct Rotb Ryd( St. i Salfo Saliij LAW DIRECTORY. 57 M.A., \ Europe —England— '">n«intted. Town. County. Preston Lancashire J Reading Berka, Reigate Surrey Rochdale Lancashire , Rochester Kent Rotherham Yorkahir'^ Ryde... Isle of Wight St. Helens Lancashire Salford Lancashire Salisbury Wiltshire Name. Wm. Bluckhurst, 1860 Shuttleworth S': Cummins (Ar- thur ShuHlewv-^rth, 1884, k Geo. B. Cummins, 1874) Blandy, Witherington & Co. (W. F. Blandy, M.A., 1851, Duncan H. Witherington, 1871, & W. C. Blandy, M.A., 1885) H. k C. Collins (Hy. Collins, 1861, & Charles Collins, 1872) Clair J. Greece, LL.D., 1855 J. M. Head, F.R.G.S., 1865 Brierley & Hudson (Hy, Brier- ley, J.P., 1869, & J. A. Hudson, 1884) Jacksons, Godby, & Collins (Geo. Jackson, 1876, Robt. Godby, 1871, & Geo. L. Collins, 1881) Zachary Mellor, 1860 Hayward & Smith (William Hayward, 1839, & F. F. Smith • 1878) M. S. Stephens & Son (Adolphus F. W. Stephens, 1870) H. H. Hickmott, 1880 F. Farker Rhodes, 1867 James Eldridge & Sons (Jas. Eldridge, 1832, R. F. Eldridge, 1865, & Jas. Eldridge, Jun., 1878) Thomas Brewis, 1861 Oppenheim & Malkin (H. S. Oppenheim, 1868, & James Malkin, 1881) Crofton & Craven (Hy. T. Crof- ton, 1870) Christopher J. Dibb, 1861 Hodding <& Jackson (Francis Hodding, 1865, N., & W. H. Jackson, 1834) H. Macdouald & Maiden (D. J, K. Macdonald, F.A., 1864, N.. & A. R. Maiden, B.A., lo77) 58 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL Europe— England— continued. Town. County. Scarborough . . . Yorkshire Sheffield Yorkshire .... Shields, South ... Durham .. Shrewsbury Shropshire Southampton ... Hampshire Souihport Lancashire Statford Staflfordshire . Stftiejbridge Cheshire Siockport Cheshire Name. Tate, Cook, k Fowler (Wm. J. Cook, 1873, & Wm. H. Fowler, 1879) Watts & Kitching (John S. Kitching, 1881) Broonihead,Wightman, & Moore, (R. P. Bromhead Colton-Fox, 1858, N., A. Wightman, 1865, and E. T. Moore, 1869) J. W. Pye- Smith, 1863 B. Wake & Co. (H. 0. Maxfield, 1881, & A. E. Maxfield, 1877) Webster & Styring (George E. Webster, 1865, N., & Robert Styring, 1875) John J. Wheat, 1846 Mabane & Graham (T.G. Mabane, 1866, & R. W. Graham, 1879) John Mason Moore, 1859 Robert Purvis, 1866, N. Francis Nevett, 1861 Peele & Peele (E. C. Peele, 1868, and Wm. C. C. Peele, 1888) Harfeld & Son (Bernard Har- field, 1879) H. S. D. Page, 1874, N. Wm. Perkins, Hepherd, & Win- stanley (Wm. Perkins, 1859, W. H. Hepherd, 1878, & H. Winstanley, 1879) Brighouse, Brighouse, & Jones (Samuel Brighouse, 1871, Hy. Brighouse, 1874, & F. A. Jones, 1882) Welsby & Smallshaw (John Smallshaw, 1873, N.). Morgan, Jordan k Co. (Wm. Morgan, 1862, & Hy. H. Jor- dan, 1886) Chas. H. Iwynam, 1868 Buckley & Miller (Noaji i/uck- ley, 1856, & J. Miller, 1871) Joseph Hyde» 1876 Joseph Qrundey, 1873 LAW DIRECTORY. 5^ Europe— England— co7i<t?iMerf. Town. County. Stockport Cheshire Stockton-on-Tees Durham Stoke-upou-Trent Staffordshire . . Stroud Gloucestershire, Sunderland Durham Swansea Glamorganshire Taunton Somersetshire Tor4Uuy Devonshire Name. Johnson & Johuiv»ii (Thos. W. Johnson, 1879, & C. F. John- son, 1882) Geo. I^. Vaughan, 1874 Dodc)% & Co. (Matthew B. Dodds, M.A., 1878, J.P., & Fred. L. Dodds, M.A., 1881) Laugley & Elliott (W. C. Lang- ley, 1875, & E. R. Elliott, 1881) W. & R. Bi?^ op ,Wm. H. Bishop, 1866, & H. E. Bishop, 1890) Keary, Marshall, & Ashwell (J, C. Marshall, 1861, & J. B. Ashwell. 1878) Croome, Ball & Smith (F. H. Croome, 1862, A. J. M. Ball, 1875, & R. H. Smith, 1876) Winterbotham & Sons (F. Win- terbotham, 1882, k L. D. Winterbotham, 1886) R. K. A. Ellis, B.A., 1862 Graham k Shepherd (John Graham, 1860, k A. T. Shep- herd, 1876) Kidson, McKenzie, k Kidson (A. G. McKenzie, 1866, T. C. McKenzie, 1867, k W. A. Kidson, 1876) Hartland, Isaac, k Watkins (David Isaac, 1877, k H. H. Watkins, 1890) Stricks k Bellingham (Edward Strick, LL.B., 1839, N., E. N. Bellingham, 1855, k T. N. T. Strick, 1874, N.) John Thomas, 1874 Thomas Meyler, 1852 Pinchard k Alms (J. H. B. Pinchard, 1855, & E. T. Alms) Hooper k Wolleii (i5. Hooper, 1851, N., J. W. G. WoUen, 1860, k H. D. Hooper, M.A., 1883) 60 BRITISH, FOREIGN, 'Europe — England — continued. Town, County. Truro Cornwall 1 AND COTONIAL Name. Arthur E. Adams, 1878 Smith, Paul, a Archer (R. M. Paul, M.A., 1866, & A. A. Archer, 1876) Thomas Bubs, 1876 Eu Wre Tuubridge Wells Kent Yar I Wakefield Yorks Walsall Staflfordahire . Warrington Lducashire West Lromwich Whitehaven StafiFord shire ... Cumberland Wigan Winchester Lancashire Hampshire Wolverhampton Staffordshire. Worcester Worcestershire , Wrexham Denbighshire ... Stone, Simpson, & Son (F. W. Stone, 1862, Thos. F. Simpson, 1850, & A. S. Simpson, 1881) Dixons & Home (W. V. Dixon, 1873, & W. F. L. Home, B.A., 1872) Leatham& Co. (Claude Leatham, 1878) Pelham P. Maitland, 1875 Duignau & Elliot (W. H. Duig- nan, 1846, & G. D. Elliot, 1875) Stanley & Jackson (Thos. H. Stanley, 1864, & H. H. Jack- son, 1886) Wm. H. Brook, 1869 H. B. ^\ hite & Son (H. B. White, 1856, N., & Q. F. F. White, 1886) Alfred Caddick, 1863 Harold Walker, 1884 John Collins, 1861 John Webster, 1854 T. Bennison Rowe, 1880 E. Douglas Godwin, 1865 Clarke & Harris (Spencer Clarke, 1862, & R. G. Harris, 1389) Fowler & Laugley (The Rt. Hon. H. H. Fowler, M.P., 1852, & F. T. Langley, 1874) Riley, Kettle, & Landor (W. Cooke Kettle, LL.M., 1884, & R. H. Landor, 1884) Hughes & Brown (William P. Hughes, 1859, & George F. S. Brown, E.A., 1878) Wm. Booth Hnlme, 1875 Acton, Bury, & Acton (Thos. B. Acton, 1857, Thos. Bury, 1866, k Thos. A. Acton, 1884) LAW DIRECTORY. 61 Europe— England— co?i<mwcd. • (R. M. & A. A. 1 (F. W. Simpson, m, 1881) ^. Dixon, •ne, B.A., Leatham, 576 H. Duig- ). Elliot, rhos. H. H. Jack- B. White, ^ White, D 65 it Clarke, , 1389) Rt. Hon. , 1852, & idor (W. ,, 1884, & illiam P. jrge F. S. (Tho8. R iry, 1866, 184) Town. Wrexham ... County. Denbighshire Yarmouth (Great) Norfolk York Yorkshire Name. Evan Morris & Co. (L. Hugh- Jones, 1885, & Francis H. Hawkins, LL.D., 1886) Diver & Preston (Chas, Diver,. 1859, N., & G. F. D. Preston,. 1882) John F. Waters, 1871 Geo. McGuire, 1884 J. & R. Holtby (Rob, Holtby,. 1862, Commissioner for Aus- tralia) Munby & Scott (F. J. Munby,. 1860, & H. Venn Scott, 1875) Smithson & Teaadale (Robt. E. Smithson, 1837, & John Teas- dale, M.A., 1878) IRELAND. Legal Practitioners qualified as Solicitors. The figures after the name denote year of admission. Town. County. Name. Antrim Armagh Athlone. Athy .. . Ballina Ballyshannon Bandon Antrim Alexander O'Rorke & Son (Alex. O'Rorke, 1839, & Ambrose E. O'Rorke, 1874> Armagh James Duff, 1887 Wm. A. Simpson, 1886 Roscommon James W. Fair, 1855 W. B. Kelly, 1875 Kildare Kilbride & Kilbride (Valentine Kilbride, 1877, & P. J. Kil- bride, 1887) Mayo J. W. F. Garvey, B.A., 1881 S. C. McCormick, 1854 Donegal Dane & Todd (Robert A. R. Todd, 1880) Alfred Stubbs, M.A., LL.B., 1876, Silver Medallist Incor- porated Law Society of Ire- laud Cork Patrick McCarthy, 1879 Geo. K. Sherlock, 1859 62 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL Europe— Ireland— con<mwc(i. Town. County. Belfast Antrim Boyle <Jarlow Carrickfergus . . Carrick-on-Suir Cashel Roscommon Carlow Antrim Tipperary ... Tipperary ... Oastlebar <Javan . . . •Clonmel Mayo . . . Cavan ... Tipperary <'qleraine Londonderry €ork Cork Drogheda Donegal Louth . Name. Charles W. S. Higginson, 1878 L' Estrange <fe Brett ^Thomas L'Estrange, 1847, & Charles H. Brett, 1861) G. L. MacLaine & Co. (G. L. MacLaine, 1858, & Omar C. Nelson, 1878) McLean, Boyle, & McLean (James McLean, 1861, Robert E. M. McLean, M.A., 1884, & John McLean, 1889) McErlean & Thompson (Andrew, McErlean, 1873, & James Thompson, 1887) Philip C. P. McDermot, 1884 Charles H. Thorp; 1874 Robert J. Porter, 1879 J. F. M. O'Sullivan, 1883 Patrick Cahill, 1881 Hugh J. Sayers, 1872 Myles J, Jordan, 1885 Alfred B. Kelly, 1857 Richard Allen, 1874 Hugh P. Kennedy, 1865 Edward Burke, 1878, Silver Medallist, LL.S.L F. P. Tydd & Co. (Fras. P. Tydd, 1839, & F. E. Tydd, LL.B., 1876) Crookshank & Leech (Robert Crookshank, 1847, & Hunt W. Leech, B.A., 1869, Gold Medallist, I.L.S.I.) Daniel McLaughlin, 1877, Silver Medallist, LL.S.L Robert Deyos, 1876 Maurice Healy, M.P., 1882 J. & W. G. Lane (W. G. Lane, 1868, Silver Medallist, LL.S.F.) Henry S. Noblett, 1855, N. W. Ronan & Son (Walter B. Ronan, Jun., 1883) Patrick M. Gallaghei", 1873 P. N. Murphy, 1886 H. J. Daly, M.A., 1884 Eu Dul Dui Dm Dm Em Em Ga] Kii: Lai Lin Lor LAW DIRECTORY. 63 n, 1878 ^Thomas ; Charles >. (G. L. Oiuar C. McLean L, Robert , 1884, & (Andrew ; James , 1884 }3 , Silver P. Tydd, , LL.B., (Robert & Hunt 39, Gold 7, Silver 182 3. Lane, LL.S.F.) N. alter B. 573 ,f Europe - Irelebud— continued. Town. Connty. Dublin City Dublin Dundalk Louth Dungannon Tyrone .... Dungarvon Waterford Ennis Clare Enniskillen Fermanagh Galway Gal way Kilkenny Kilkenny Lame Antrim.. Limerick Limerick Londonderry . . . Londonderry Name. Patrick A. Chance, M.P., 1882, Silver Medallist, LL.S.L, Eng- lish, Scotch, & Foreign Law Agent, 12, Westmoreland Street. Telegraphic Address, " Chance, Dublin " Daniel O'C. Miley, 1882, Eng- Law Agent, 16, Dame St. Orpens & Sweeny (R. H. M. Orpen, A.M., 1850, A. H. Orpen, A.M., 1852, & J. Sweeny, 1844), 33, Anglesea Street Robert A. B. Dickie, 1879 Michael Moynagh, LL.B., 1870 John A. Quinn, 1885 Daniel O'Connell, 1848 E. P. Williams, LL.D., 1889, Gold Medallist, LL.S.L Timothy Bunton, 1853 Michael Macnamara, 1842 Joseph Alexander, 1846 J. F. Mayne, LL.D., 1890 Blake & Kenny (James W. Blake, 1864, & Thos. M. Kenny, A.B., 1880) Redmond McDonagh, M.A., 1886 Robert Stephens, 1855 Michael Buggy, 1881 James Poe, 1850 McNeil & Williams (John A. Williams, 1886) Wm. M. Beauchamp, 1869 Blackall, Jones, & Son (Henry Blackall, 1873) Dundon & Doyle (John Dundon, 1868, & James A. Doyle, 1884) Sellors & Fitt (Michael Sellers, 1855, & F. M. Fitt, 1887) Colquhoun & Son (David M. Colquhoun, 1855) R. H. Todd, LL.D., 1874 Robert A. Wilson, 1877 64 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL i i Bur ope —Ireland — con^mwcd. Town. County. Lurgan Armagh Name, Johnston (W. H. D, 1873, & C. Johnston. Monaghan Monaghan Mullingar Westmeath IXtmn Kildare •• New Ross Wexford Newry Down Queenstown Cork Sligo Sligo Strabane Tyrone Tralee Kerry Waterf ord W'aterf ord . Wexford Wexford Wicklow Wicklovv Youghal Cork Moore & Moore, 1888) D. C. Rushe, B.A., 1878 Wm. Mooney & Son (William Mooney, J.P., 1847, & E. Mooney, 1881) Stephen J. Brown, A.M., 1875 Can- & Son (Edward Carr, 1831, & Elliot W. Carr, 1868) John H. Moore, 1876 Savage & Armstrong (J. J. W. Savage, B.A., 1887, & T. T. W. Armstrong, 1890) A. H. Allen & Son (A. H. Allen, Junr., 1877) Fred. A. Fenton, 1 889 Wm. R. Fenton, 1874 Jeremiah McCarthy, 1884 John Colquhoun, 1857 Thos. E. Nelson, LL.D., 1884 McGillycuddy & Morphy (D. De C. McGillycuddy, 1862, & C. J. Morphy, 1876) Jeremiah W. Roche, 1873 J. & C. Ambrose (Chas. Ambrose, LL.D., 1877) Dobbyn, Tandy, & M'Coy (R. Dobbyn, 1851, S. M. Tandy, 1855, & A. S. M'Coy, 1876, Silver Medallist, I.L.S.I.). Little & Elgee (S. Little, 1844, R. W. Elgee, 1860, & R. W. Elgee, Junr., 1890) Tnomas J. Healy, 1888 Martin Huggard, 1865 Joseph E. Mulhall, 1884 J. Hodnett & Son (Wm. Hod- nett, 1878) Bu Abe Alio Abri Ayr Bani Brid Bun Dalli Dun Dua 1:1^ LAW DIRECTORY. 65 Europe— continued. SCOTLAND. t Alloa Clackmannan Abroath Certified Legal Practitioners (Solicitors of the Supreme Court, Writers to the Siynet, d'c.J. " N." after a uame shews that practitioner is a Notary Public. Town. County. Name. Aberdeen Aberd. <m Allan, Buckley, Allan, & Milne (Gfo. Allan, N., J. Buckley * Allan, & George Milne > DavidKon & Garden (A. Davidson, & J. M. Garden, N.) Hugh McLennan, N. Thomson & Ross (John Thom- son & James Ross, N.) Evving and Cuthbert (F. G. Ewing & James Cuthbert) Forfar Chapel & Alexander (David Chapel, N., & W. Alexander, N.) J. k W. Macdonald (W. K. Mac- donald, N.) Ayr W. W. ^ J. Pollock ( W. Pollock, N.) Silver & Young (John Silver, N., & Thomas Young, N.) Bantf" Banff Geo. Francis, N. Bridge of Allan . . . Stirling Hill & Why te (R. A. Hill, N., & R. Whyte) Burntisland Fife Stien Pithie, N. Dalkeith Mid LotLian Gray & Handy side -Robert Handyside, N.) Dumbarton Dumbarton Paterson & Buchannan (Walter Buchannan, N.) MacFarlan & Thomson (Robt. Macfarlan, N., &W. B.Thom- son) Dumfries ,,..,,., Dumfries ......... Dinwiddie k. Ferguson (J. B. Dinwiddie, N., & A. M. Fergu- son) Primrose & Gordon (W. Prim- rose, N., & J. Primrose, N.) Ayr 66 BKITISII, FOREIGN, AxND COLONIAL ! I .1 Europe— Scotland— coHfmuerf. Towu. County. I>unbar Hiiddingtoii , Fermo, & WilliajiiHon T. Ferine, W. H. Ferme, Dundee Forfar Dunforruline. Edinburgh Fife Elgin Elgin .. Falkirk • Stirling Forfar Forfar Forres Elgin, Galashields Selkirk Name Ferme (W. & T. M. Williamson, N.) Alexander Agnew, N. Sliiell k Small (W. T. Currie, N.) Thomas Thornton, Son, & Co. (TLjmas Thornton, N., k W. Thornton, N.) A. IJurt, N. Gorrie & Honeyman (Daniel Gorrie k G. Honeyman, N.) Gillt'S[)ie k Pat' rson (fcjir John (iillespit, K.B., N., Thoa. Patterson, N.,& H. E. Jtichard- son, N.) T. & W. A. Mclaren (Thos. McLaren, N., k Arthur J^ahy) Menzies, Bruce-Low, k Thomson (Robert Menzies, N., E. Bruce- Low, M.A., B.L., k W. Thom- son, M.A., LL.B.) David L. Shand, N. Traquair, Dickson, k (Wm. Traquair,Wm jun., W. T. Dickson 8. Maclaren) Young & Roxburgh (E. D. Young & J. F. Roxburgh, LL.B.) Cameron & Allan (A. Cameron. ^ ., & J. Allan, N.) James Aitken, N. Jas. Wilson & Sons (Jas. Wilson N., J. M. Wilson, B.L., k D. M. Wilson, B.L.) Wra. Gordon, N. J. k A. W. Myles Myles & R. F. LL.B.) R. ■'k R. Urquhart (Robt. Urqu- hart, N., & R. Urquhart, jun.. N.) James Pike, N. W. A. k . Rutherford (A. Rutherford, N.) McLaren T'aquair, o£ Thou. & Co. fX. W. Myles, M.A., I I LAW DIRECTORY. C7 V^illiajiiHon ^. Ferme, ,N.) Jurrie, N.) on, k Co. N., & W. 1 (Daniel nan, N.) (t>ir Johu !^., Thos. i. Hichard- Bu (Thos. lur Jjtahy) ; Thomson , E. Ihuce- W. Thom- McLaren . T'aquair, , oc Tho8. . D. Young Cameron. as. Wilson L., & D. M. Oo. fX. w. 'les, M.A., ^bt. Urqu- ihart, jun., srford (A. Europe- Scotland— '•07i«m«erZ. Town. County. Glasgow City ... Greenock Henfi ew Hawick Roxburgh Inverness Inverness Kilmarnock Ayr Kirkcaldy l^ife Linlithgow Linlithgow Montrose Forfar Paisley Renfrew Name. Jameson, Maclae, & Baird fRobt. Jaiiieson, N., A. C. Maclae, & A. F. Baird) MacLeod <Sc MacLeod (Peter MacLeod, N.,& J. M. MacLeod M.A.) ►Sir James I). Marwick, LL.D.. N. Thomas Stout, M:.A., B.L., N. T. C. Young k Son (Thoma« G. Young, M.A., LL.B.) J. C. Smith, Macdonald, & Crawford (Geo. Macdonald, N., & J. W. Crawford, N.) Fyfe k Murray (J. P. Fyfe, N., k R. S. Murray, N.) W. k R. li. Sliearer ^Wm. Shearer, N., & G. B. Shearer, M.A., LL.B., N.) Grier k Carniichael (Geo. Grier, N., & J. R. Carmichael, N.) Geo. & Jas. Oliver (John Oliver, N., Elliot Oliver, k J. J. Oliver, N.) A. P. & R. Hay (A. P. Hay, N., & R. Hay) Stewart, Rule, & Burns (W. T. Rule, N., k \Vm. Burns) David Can'uthers, N. J. k J. Sturrock (John Sturrock, X.) James Wyllie, N. A. k J. L. Junes (Andrew Innes, N., k J. L. Innes) Gibson & Spears "(W. R. Spears, N., & W. L. Macindoe, M.A., LL.B., N.) J. & W. Russell (Jas. Russell, N., k Wm. Russell) Buruess & Dickson (A. Dickson, K) Myers & Wills (D. Crombie Wills, N.) Hart & Abercrombie (C >. Hart, N., k John AbercroL.bie, N.) 68 BRlTIr^IT, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL Europe— Scotland— co?it/%?.uerf. Town. Cauiity. Paisley Renfrew Name. Perth Perth MacRobertri, Son, & Hutchmson (Thos. MacRobert, Tbos. Mac- Robert, Jun., N., k AN'm. Hutchhison^ T b aitoiv Held, N. Charles H. Forbes, N. Jameson & Mackay (M. Jameson, N., D. M. Mackay, & M. Jame- son, jun.) Thomas & Macleish (J. Thomas^ N., & W. Macleish, N.) Selkirk Selkirk J. G. Chalmers, N. Lang & Steedman (John Steed- man, N.) Stirling Stirling Thomas S. Galbraith, N. A. & J. Jenkins (A. Jenkins, & John Jenkins, N.) Charles Wingate Stranraer Wigtown Hugh Adair, N. Wm. Black, N. Thurso Caithness Brims & Mackay (J. Brims, N.,. & A. Mackay) 1 ISLE OF MAN (Mona) (Island of Great Britain in Irish Sea). Practitioners who are advocates of the Manx Bar. "n" after (t name signifies that 'practitioner is a Notary Public. Town. Xame. Castletown Gell & Gell (Sir James Gell & James S. Gell) Henry Evans Gelling, N. Douglas T. C. Callow & Sons (T. C. Callow, N., C. T. C. Callow, & H. B. C. Callow) Dickinson & Keen (Wm. F. Dickinson, N., & Thomasi Keen) J. A. Malrea, B.A., N. (Member of the English Bar) Peel John Kelly, N. Albert E. La Mothe, N. Ram8<;y J. M. Cruickshank, N. Chas. Baxiks Nelson, N. Europe - continued. LAW DIRECTORY. 69 itchinison )os. Mac- & ^Vm. JamesoUj M. Jame- Thomas, ■) n Steed- r nkins, & rims, N. ' after a 11) C. T. C. I Thomas ;lish Bar) GREECE Legal Practitioner termed Aivyyo^m = ^ cocat. '^''''°- Name. ^^^^'"^ Miltiade C. Rhalh , Legal Af^ vibcr to Biitish Consu- late. Legal matters i dertaken throughout ^ , Greece, 65, Hue du Strade Corfu L Trevigas LarisHa Arist. T • tron NaupliP Get )rges I 'ejos THcala .. . Let uidaK Clotzian •Zante N. Minotos HOLLAJ^D, OR THE NETHEELANDS. Leyol Pru'titionrrs termed " Advocaats.'^ Amsterdam Dr. E. N. Rahusen Di\ Aug. Philips Batavia Dr. Matlaint Pont Dr. P'ock ^lushiiig (The Seat of the Court is at : idde^burg) Middleburg Dr. Hock Dr. Lucasse Rotterdam Dr. J. C. Reepraaker Dr. A. J. Bik The Hague ... Dr. Vliclander Hein Dr V. Thorbeck Dr. E. N. de Bramo Utrecht Dr. A. A. Pit Dr. Bolhuys 70 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL Europe —conimwed. HUNGARY— See AUSTRIA. m m ITALY (including Sicily and Sardinia). Legal Practitioners qiuilified as " Awocati.^' Town. Name. Alexandria Francesco Grillo Ancona Carlo Ferroni Guisepi)e Marcellini Bergamo Alessandro Locatelli Brescia Eugenio Damioli Brindisi Antonio Montagua Elba (Island of) Rodolfo Mauganaro Pietro Eraditi Florence Pietro Biagini, 24, Piazza D'Azeglio Odoardo Luchini (Member of the Chamber of Deputies), 81, Via Ghibellina Co a. Pietro Puccioui (Member of the Senate), 2,, Via de Servi Antonio Saunini (Legal Adviser to H.B.M. Consu- late), 15, Borgo de Greci Gtu-oa Enrico Blusa, 19, Via San Bernardo Dr. Ricconi, 7, Piazza Gristiniani Leghorn Olinto Fernandez, 1 3, Via della Madonna Ottorino Giera, 14, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele C. Rivolti, 50, Via Vittorio Emanuele Lucca Achille Pucci Milan Pietro Curati (Legal Adviser to H.B.M. Consulate), 11, Via Pantano Bassano Gabba, 8, Via Annunciata Palermo (Sicily Eduardo Lo Monaco-Pizzuto, 87, Via Cavour Rome Carlo Mari, 1 1 , Piazza Fiammetta Senatore Augusto Pierantoni (Professor of Inter- national Law in the University of Rome), Via Venti Settembre Turin Enrico Cavaglia Ambrogio Prato Yenice Cav. Antonio Baschiera, San Moise Ascensione Com. Leopoldo Bizio, Santa Marina Com. Edoardo Deodati, San Stafano 'I LAW DIRECTORY. 71 Europe— Italy— con«w7/.'' Town. jjame. Verona Cav. I u ^i Cos- ,)nl. Cagliari Francesco Doneddu, 1 , Via Corte d' Appello Hon. Enrico Laj (Professor of Law and M,P.), 1, Piazza Coustituzione Sastian Qiaconio Sechi-Pieroni Stefano Siglienti. MALTi\. "^^Jetta Alfred Carbone, Solicitor and Notary, 111, vStrada San Paolo Achille Micallef, Solicitor and Notary, 110, Strada San Paolo NOEWAY. Legal Practitioners termed " Sagfdrers." Bergen Carl Bergh Christiana Berg & Lous, 19, Kongensgade H. S. Dahl, 25, Kongensgade C. M. Hansen, 3, Prindsensgade A. Schiauder, 24, Dronuingensgade. Schweigaard & Kliugenl)erg, 26, Prindsensgade Drammen F. Bang Th. Thome Trondhjem Sverre Kliugenberg POETUGAL. Lisbon Dr. Frederico Augusto Franco de Castro, Solicita- dor, 128, Rua de St. Juliao Oporto H. Grant, Portuguese Jjegal Agent and Translator, Telegrams, " Grant, Oporto " Jos^ Pereira Salgado, Solicitador 72 BRITISH, FOREIGX, AND COLONIAL Europe —con<m/j«rf. 'SIA. Legal p. lutioners, Avocats. Town. Name. Abo Gustaf Schybergson Astrakhan D. Ivan Ooloubkov K'i"Sn?) ...} Forselles & Wasastjerna Jansson and Sundman Jiiraslave Conrad Troitsky Kazan Mitrofan Alex. Doublitsky Eugene Theo. Mesterghazi Kiev Joseph Franz Dinovsky Nicol Paul Orlov Mitau H. Seraphim Moacow Alex. Greg. Costenetsky Ivan Semen Couriloff Prince Alexander Ouroussoff Adolphe Tolch Nijni Novgorod Alex. N. Memorsky Michael Vieusky Odessa Michael De Antonini, Licencie en droit Advocate, in the Court of Appeal and before the Tribunal of Commerce at Odessa, 11, Karantinnaia Revel W. Adelheim Carl KrusiS Riga Heinrick Gilrgens, Doctor of Lav^^s Baron Cr. F::'eytag-Loringhoven St. Peter.sburgh L. A. Gantover W. N. Gerard Robt, A. P. King (Advocate to H.B.M. Embassy and Consulate) D. L. Kreutzer W. D. Spasovitch Samara Eugene Alex. Tionrot Saratov Eugene A. Bernard Sebastopol Lazar Rissnikoff Isaak Novik Taganrog Marino Cladas (Advocate, &c., practising on the Taganrog Circuit, comprising Restov-on-Don, Azov, Mariople, and Berdiausk) Tiflis Alexander Karabegotf Dr. Opotchinin Bu War Wilr Alici Ban Cadi Grai Mad Mali Pair: Is Sevi Vale All Fair Gefl Got! LAW DIRECTORY. 73 'i Europe — Russia — continued. Town. Name. Warsaw Henry Brunner »' Filip Flamra Both the above are employed by H. B.M. Consulate Wilna Henry C. Bernatovitch Gustav von Miller SPAIK Legal "practitioners qualified as " procuradores. Alicante Enrique Ramas Barcelona Richardo Barrett Josd Moncayo Cadiz Miguel Andrades Josd Maria Martinez Granada Vicente Espa Lopez Jiminez Madrid Lucio R. Alvarez, Argensok, 8 Angel Calvo, Relatores, 5 D. M. De Diego, Arco de Santa Maria Eduardo Rodenas, President of the Ci\dl and Mer cantile Law Division of. Royal Adademy of Juris prudence, Puebla, 11 Malaga R. M. Sanches Duran, Alamos, 27 . Miguel Irmena Alamos, 39 Palrna(Balearic ) Rafael Clar Islands) ... ( Eugenio Lopez Seville Josd Plaza Go"zidez Valencia T. Merteus SWEDEN. Legal practitioners termed ^' Advokats." All the following are .Members of " The Swedish Practising Lawyers Association." Falm Qustaf Ihrman Gefle C. M. Florman Gothenburg Emil Wolff, Legal Adviser to the Swedish State Bank at Gothenburgh Dr. Th. Wolff 74 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL Europe Sweden— continued. Town. Name. Helsingborg J. T. Wennerberg Jdnkoping Alex. Cronholm Kristianstad ... Gustaf Eintze Lund . Albert Broomd Malmo Chr. Hommerberg C. H. Loven Norrkoping Nils Strahle Stockholm O. A. Brckman L. G. Herlitz Not. Pub. Henrik Santesson Ed. Sparre Upsala KarlThuumau SWITZERLAND. Legal Practitioners qualified as *' avocats." Basle Dr. H. Christ Dr. R. Temme Berne Dr. Brunner F. Hofer Chur ( Coire) T. T. Dedual W. Wold Lausanne Rambert k Prdlaz (L. Rambert & A. Pr^laz), 9, Place St. Francois Gaulis & Boiceau (E Gaulis tS: C. Boiceau), 6, Grand- Chene Luzern Dr. John Winkler Dr. T. Weibel Schaffhausen ... Dr. G Schoch Zurich Professor Dr. Meili, Bahnhofstrarjse Dr. F. Ryf, 16, Bahnhofstra.sse TUEKEY (including Bulgaria, Eoumania, Servia, AND Syria). Legal Practitioners termed " advocati*' — " avocats." Adrianopolis ... C. Alexanian, Licencie en droit de I'ecole de Con- stantinople C. Callias, Doctor of Laws V^laz), 9, iceau), 6, CRVIA, LAW DIRECTORY. 75 Europe —Turkey —co?iti/iMcrf. Town. Name. Aleppo Belgrade (Servia) Beyrout (Syria) Bucharest (Rou- mania) Constantinople . . . Asman Chukri Effendi Giorgi Kaiat Marco Stoyanovitch Milan Marcovitch (Legal Advisei- to the Germau Legation) Selim Achon Pierre Malham^ G. Cristide, 53, Dionisie Str. G. Duca, 4, Batistea Str. D. A. Mavrodin, 6, Fontanel Str. Th. Rosetti, 80, Poverei Str. M. Schina, 14, Regala Str. Geo. H. Clifton (Solicitor & Advocate in the British Supreme Consular Courts) Mizzi & Co. ,Dr. LbaIb F. Mizzi, LL.D., & Dr. G. Couteaux, Advocates in all Consular k Native Courts) Damascus Francis Chiha Louis Gibran C«alatz(Roumauia) Petru Botzau Costin Varlan Philippolis ^Bul- G. Yourkonhoff garia I Nedicleff Salonica The^odore Georgiadds (Member of both Ottoman and European Bar, practising before both Ottoman and European Consulates) Const. S. Tattis (Doctor of Laws, Member of Otto- man and European Bar) Samos C. Joannides P. Lecatis Scutari Mehmed AH Bey Hussen Etfendi Smyrna P. Boubli A. Jaba Sophia (Bulgaria; R. Radoslavoff M Franghia Synope Ibrahim p. Etfendi . Adjem Zadd M. Etfendi de Con- pi to ar V hi B Ji ai 0£ 81 01 la G 77 APPENDIX. AFFIDAVITS, DECLARATIONS, and AFFIRMATIONS FOR USE IN ENGLAND. BEFORE WHOM TO BE TAKEN. In Scotland, Ireland, or the Channel Islands, or in any place abroad under the Dominion of Her Majesty before any Judge, Court, Notary Public, or any person lawfully authorizetl to administer oaths in any such place. In Foreign parts but of the Dominion of Her Majesty before any British Ambassador, Minister, Charge" d'Affaires,' Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent, and any other person deriving his authority to administer oaths in such country from a British source (see 52 Vict., c. 10, s.s. 3 and 6), also before a Judge of The High Court of a Foreign Country under the Seal of such Court. If an affidavit, &c., is sworn or taken before any person authorized by the law of a Foreign Country to administer oaths, a certificate that such person was duly qualified to take such oath must be "igiied by a British Consul or Vice-Consul, or verified by the Sep! ri The High Court of the Country. With reference to Germany it must be pointed out that the law in force prohibits any person whether in the Diplomatic Service of any other Country or not to administer an oath who has not been duly authorized so to do by the German Government. I 78 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL APPEALS TO THE HER MAJESTY'S COUNCIL. JUDICIAL COMMITTEE OF MOST HONOURABLE PRIVY The fullovving hliori iiisti uutions aiul advice are intended for the assistance of Colonial Solicitors and Agents : In each case Lhe appeal is regulated as to procedure by some Act of the particular Colony or Dominion, or by instructions issued to the Governor of such Colony or Dominion, or by an Order in Council, though it is not within the scope of these instructions to deal with such a large subject as the rules applicable to each Colony or Dominion. Should the Colonial Agent have any doubt as to the pro- cedure, a copy of the rules and regulations applying to the Court appealed frcnn, can be obtained for him from the Colonial Office by the English Agent. In the first place, the Colonial Agent should be satisfied that he has exhausted every right to appeal entertained in the Colony or Dominion ; it is also advisable to apply to the Court appealed from for leave to appeal ro the Privy Council, even though a doubt exist as to whether such Court has power to grant it. I need scarcely suggest that in many cases it is obviously to the appellant's advantage to take the opinion of Counsel in England as to the advisability of appealing. When forwarding instructions to England the appellant's or respondent's Agent should send a Power of Attorney, fni- powering the donee of the same to act for the appellant or respondent, for though a Power of Attorney may not be strictly necessary when the person instructed here is a practicing Solicitor, still it is the safer course, as it avoids all (question as to the authority of the English Agent. The following form of Power of Attorney may be adopted by the appellant : — " Know all men by those presents that I [wo] [insert name or names in fulll of [insert full address and (lualiticationj do [and LAW DIRECTORY. 79 each of us doth] hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint [insert full name, address, and description of the donee of the power] to be my [our] true and lawful Attorney for me [us] in my [our] name [or names] as my [our] Attorney to appear and my [our] person [persons] represent in an Appeal now depending in Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council in England from a Decree [Judgment or Order or as the case may be], dated the ^^y 9^ .^ 189 , being regular appeal Number [state number if record boars any] of The [proper title of Court appealed from] m which I [we] the above-named [set out name or names] am [are]appellant [appellants] and [set out name of respondent] IS respondent, and for me [us an<l each of us], and in my [our] name [or names] or in his own name os aforesaid, to enter an appearance oefore the said Privy Council, or any Judicial Com- ruitteo thereof, and in manner aforesaid, or in the name of my [our] Counsel, to prepare and lodge a case, and do all such acts, deeds, matters, and things in connection therewith as my [our] said Attorney may deem necessary or proper, and to make such apphcation or applications to the said Privy Council, or any Judicial Committee thereof, as in the prosecution of the said appeal my [our] said Attorney may deem expedient, or may be advised, with full power and authority from time to time to appoint any barrister or barris'.ers, agent or agents, or other person or persons, to do, execute ana perform all or any of the matters and things aforesaid, and the same appointment or appointments at pleasure to revoke, and fresh appointments to make, and generally to do execute, and perform all such acts, deeds, matters, or things in the premises as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I [we] myself [ourselves] could do if personally present and did the same in my [our] own proper person [persons]. And all and what- soever my [our] said Attorney may do. or lawfully cause to be done in the premises I [we] hereby covenant with the said [donee of power] to allow, ratify, and confirm. In witness whereof I [wo] have hereunto set my [our] hand [hands , and seal [.-.ieals] this <layof 189 fill- Signed, sealed, and delivered by the said at in the presence of A. B. Address Dcjjcriptioa This Power must be under seal, and it is advisable to liave same executed before, and atteste([ by a Notary Pulilic, or an affidavit of due execution thereof, made by the attesting witness befcjre a Notary Public and annexed to the Power, the Power being duly stamped according to the law in force where executed. 80 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL It,' A Power of Attorney by a respondent will be in similar terms to the above form so far as the operative part of the same is concerned, the name of the respondent being sub- stituted for that of the appellant. By the Order in Council of the 13th June, 1853, the i)r()per officer of the Court from which the appeal comes must f()r\\cird to the Kegistrar of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council two certified printed copies, or a certified written copy of the record, this being the first step in the appeal. The Colonial Agent will have to determine whether tlie record shall be printed abroad or in England, the latter I think for many reasons the more preferable course, one being that in that case the charges therefore are included in the English Agent's Bill and allowed on Taxation to a successful appellant, whereas they are not so recoverable if the record be printed abroad. If printed abroad the proper officer should forward with the certified copies 50 additional copies. If the Colonial Agent desire? any particular Barrister retained he should notify it when sending the Power of Attorney, otherwise he should mention the nature of the appeal, when a suitable Barrister will be selected by the English Agent. The cost of appearing and retaining Counsel and notification theic^^ to Colonial Agent is £8 10s. After the printing and examination of the record will come the settling of the case, which will subsequently be printed. In heavy matters it is advisable to have the case settled by two Counsel, as it may also be if the case depends mainly on foreign law. As to the expense of an appeal, it is not possible to give a reliable estimate until the record is in the hands of the English Agent. in n similar art of the eing sub- le i)r()per t forward y Council py of the ^ther the ii I think »eing that ) English ippellant, e printed i forward Barrister Power of re of the 1 by the )tificatiuii \rill come irinted. ettled by lainly on bo give a e English LAW DIRECTORY. 81 AUTHORITIES TO SOLICITORS OR OTHERS IN ENGLAND TO ACT ON BEHALF OF THOSE ABROAD. In these cases it id desirable that the person to act should be armed with a Power of Attorney, setting forth fully the acts and things he is to do on behalf of the Donor of the Power. In the case of it being desired that proceedings be instituted on behalf of the Donor of the Power, it may be stated as a general broad rule (though there are exceptions) that when the Plaintiff, oi- all the Plaintiffs, if more than one. are resident abroad, security for costs will be ordered to be given on an application by the Defendant. When a Power of Attorney is sent for either the purpose of instituting or defending an action, full instructions and all necessary documents should accompany, and if the latter are in a foreign language, a translation thyreof in English should also be sent. A Banker's or other satisfactory reference in England is also desirable to ensure the instructions being acted upon, if sent by a person hitherto unknown to the Solicitor instructed. The following form will be found capable of being adapted to the various matters it may be desired to delegate to persons in England : — "Know all men hy these presents that I, A.B., of [address and description] do hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint CD., of [address and description] to be my true and lawful Attorney in my name and on my behalf, and as my act and deed, to [here set out fully and distinctly, with proper accompanying powers the purpose or purposes for which the Attorney i.s appointed, such as bringing or (lefending actions,receiving monies, suing for monies, giving releases or discharges therefor, cempromising claims, executing deeds, leasing or managing property, dealing with patents, forming companies under the Companies' Acts, winding up a deceased's estate, or, as the case may require, being careful to make the power large enough to embrace anything the Attorney may be required to do, or ^^hich is likely to become necessary in 82 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL the premises] and generally to do, execute, and perform any other act, deed, matter, or thin^f whatsoever in any wise relating to the premises as fully and etfectually to all intents and purposes as I might or could do in my own proper person in case these presents had not been made. And I hereby agree to allow, ratify, and confirm all and whatsoever my said Attorney shall do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents. In witness whereof I the said A. B. have hereunto set my hand and seal, this day of 189 . Signed, sealed, and delivered by n the said A.B. at '. in the presence of ) E. F., Address Description " It is advisable, to sa\e any question as to the sufficiency of the attesting witness, &c., to have Powers of Attorney executed as follows, viz., in the Colonies before a Notary Public, and in foreign parts out of Her Majesty's Dominions before a British Consular Officer, or otherwise to have an affidavit of due execution made by the attesting witness before a Notary Public or Consular Officer as aforesaid and annexed to the Power. G ei e: 01 ai A b< LAW DIRKCTOIIY. 83 ly other r to the Pes as I jresents fy, and ause to i I the day of GRANTS C LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, OR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION WITH WILL ANNEXED, TO ATTORNEY IN ENGLAND OF PERSON RESIDENT ABROAD. iiencv of Attorney Notary ^minions have an ss before annexed In the case of persoi esiding out of Enghmd who ixve entitled to a grant of Letters of Adnii'istration, or who as executor or executors are entitled to f grant of Probate of his or their Testator's Will, such persons i .ay respecti\ ly ap])fnnt an Attorney to take out Letters of Administration, or Letters of Administration witli Will annexed, in their name and on their behalf. Forms of such Powers of Attorney are as follows : — POWER OF ATTORNEY TO TAKE OUT LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION TO INTESTATE'S ESTATE IN ENGLAND. "Whereas A. B., late of [state residence fully] deceased, died on the day of 189 , at intestate, leaving surviving him C. D., his lawful widow and relict [or as the case may be] Now I the said C. D., the lawful widow and relict of the said A. B., at present residing at [full address] hereby nominate, con- stitute, and appoint E. F. , of [full address and description] to be my true and lawful Attorney for the purpose of obtaining Letters of Administration of all and singular the personal estate and effects of the said A. B. deceased, to be granted to him by the High Court of Justice in England, for my use and benefit and until I shall duly apply for and obtain Letters of Administration of the personal estate aud effects of the said deceased, to be granted to me, and I hereby promise to ratify and confirm what- ever my said Attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be doxie in the premises. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this day ot in the year of our Lord 189 ." Signed, sealed, and delivered by the said C. D. , at in the presence of G 2 } '2>. ^>. V^. BMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) '^ ^^ ^,V*4 ^ ^^v A fc % 11.25 I^|2j8 |2.5 |io "^~ IIIISII lii 1^ 1122 ■1.8 U 1 1.6 9 ^m Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WiST MAIN STREIT WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 873-4503 €3 iV :-4 .V A } J^\^ fe 8i BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY BY EXECUTORS ABROAD TO TAKE OUT LETTERS OP ADMINISTRATION WITH WILL ANNEXED, IN ENGLAND TO THEIR TESTATOR'S ESTATE. having made and duly " Whereas A. B., late of deceased, died on the day of 189 , at ' „„,„.g ^„^^ executed his last Will and Testament, bearing date the i^y of 18 , and thereof appointed C. D. and E. F. executors. Now we, the said C. D. and E.F., at present residing at ^ do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint 1^' rV ?L r X,. . , *^ ^® ^^^ <^rue and lawful Attorney for the purpose of obtaining letters of adminis- tration with the said will annexed of all and singular the personal estate anu effects of the said A. B. deceased, to be granted to him by the High Court of Justice in England, for our use and benefit and until we shall duly apply for and obtain probate of the said will, to be granted to us, and we hereby promise to ratify and confirm whatever our Attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done m the premises. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this day of in the year of our Lord 189 ." Signed, ser lad, and delivered by the said C D. and E. F., at in the presence of 1 These Powers of Attorney must be under Seal, and it u advisable to have the same executed as follows :--In the Colonies before a Notary Public, and in foreign parts out of Her Majesty's Dominions before a British Consular Officer. These Powers of Attorney are exempt from all Stamp Duty. In the case of an application for a grant of Letters of Administration with Will annexed, the original Will and Codicils should accompany the Power of Attorney. In either case all available particulars of property and debts should be sent, or where information thereof can be obtained as also formal evidence of death (time and place) duly authenticated, and in case of an intestacy particulars of the next of kin of the deceased. The amount of Probate and Admini«tration and Estate Duties should be remitted, namely, Probate and Administra- tion Duty as follows :— Where the Estate is above the value of £300 and under £500, Duty at the rate of £1 for every full 81 £ o: e: ft LAW DIRECTORY. 85 Slim of £50 and for any fractional part of £50. Where the Estate is over £500 and under £1000, £1 58. for every ;£50 or fractional part of £50. Where over £1000, £3 for every £100 or fractional part of £100. In case personal Estate passing by Will or on intestacy exceeds £10,000, a farther and additional Duty, termed " Estate " Duty, is imposec at the rate of £1 per cent. 86 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL FORMATION AND INCORPORATION OF PANIES IN ENGLAN]) UNDER THE COMPANIES' ACTS 1862 TO 1890. COM- This is a large subject, and beyond the scope of this work to deal with at length, and moreover, not likely to be of great practical value, as those resident in the United Kingdom, if they do not possess it, can easily obtain information on all points connected with it, and tliose abroad would scarcely proceed far (if at all), without the advice and opinion of an English Solicitor ; still, perhaps, the following short remarks as to the formation of a Comp£';iy limited by shares, which is the one most common, may be of some use to those abroad. Firstly as to what a Company is. The Companies' Act of 18(32 enacts (a) that no partnership of more than 10 persons is to be formed for Banking purposes unless it is registered under ihe Act, or is formed under some Act of Parliament or Letters Patent. {h) No partnership of more than 20 persons is to be formed for the acquisition of gain unless registered under the Act, or is formed under an Act of Parliament or Letters Patent, or unless it is formed for working certain mines within the juris- diction of the Stannaries. Though not bouiid to register unless its members amount to 20, yet any 7 or more persons associated for any lawful purpose for profit may be so registered. Such Companies, as a rule, are formed for the purpose of rais- ing and obtaining from the general public the Capital necessary for the object for which the Oompany has been formed by the issue and advertisement of a prospectus setting forth the amount of Capital and its distribution into shares, the names of the Directorate, a description of the undertaking^ and its dividend earning prospects. This prospectus must contain no statement of fact which the promoters ao not actually know to be correct, and must con- LAW DIRECTORY. 87 tain no statement of probabilities which they do not believe to be correct ; the date of and parties to every contract verbal or written, affecting the Company, must be set out. Further, any fraudulent statement or concealment of fact will subject the per^ ons putting the same forward to criminal proceed 'ngs. It should also be noted particularly that where a statement purporting to be a statement by, or contained in, what pur- ports to be a copy of, or extract, from a report or valuation of an engineer, valuer, accountant, or other expert, it must fairly represent the statement made by such engineer, Ac, and must be a correct and fair copy of, or extract, from the report or valuation also. Where any statement, report or valuation is made by an engineer, valuer, accountant, or other expert, it should be shown that the person making the same was competent to do so, also that where a statement purporting to be a statement made by official persons, or contained in what purports to be a copy of, or extract, from a public official docament, v xuust be a correct and fair representation of, such statement or copy of or extract, from such document. By The Directors' Liability Act, 1890, the word •' expert " includes any person whose profession gives authority to a statement made by him. The exact objects, nature, and full extent and scope of business, &c , proposed to be formed into a Company, having been determined, it will be necessary to carefully consider whether the Articles of Association contained in Table A, Schedule 1, to the Companies' Act, 1862, suit the Company proposed to be registered — this will be matter fo^ consideration by the solicitors — if not, special Articles of Association must be prepared to meet the particular case, and printed and registered with the Memorandum of Association. This Memorandum of Association of a Company limited by shares contains the following information : — (a) The name of the proposed Company, with the addition of the word " Limited " as the last word in such name. (6) The part of the United Kingdom where the registered Office of the Company is intended to be situate. (c) The objects for which the proposed Company is to be established. {d) A declaration that the liability of the members is limited. (e) The amount of Capital with which the Company proposes to be registered divided into shares of a certain fixed amount. 88 BRITISH, FOREIGN', AND COLONIAL This memorandum of Association must be signed by at least 7 persons, each of whom must write opposite to his name the number of shares he takes. Foreigners on complying with the requisitions of the Companies' Acts may obtain incorporation under them, though the principal business of the Company is intended to be carried on abroad. If the Articles in Table A above mentioned suit the Company, it may be registered without Ai-ticles, in which case the Company formed will be bound by the provisions contained in Table A. Op the registration of the Memorandum of Association of a Company, duties and fees of three kinds are payable, namely, deed stamps, fee stamps, and ad valorem duty. When sending to England with instructions or for informa- tion with a view to registering a Company limited by shares under the Companies' Acts, it is advisable for the Foreign Solicitor or Agent to give the fullest particulars and details of the undertaking, business, concession, patent, or other matter proposed to form the subject of the Company— including the title thereto, particulars of any subsidies or bounties and how guaranteed and of any other contracts or obligations, verbal or in writing, affecting the subject matter of the proposed Company, together with his own opinion or that of an expert of what the lull scope of the Company's business should embrace. Copies of any documents, plane, photographs, valuations, models or specimens should accompany as also the opinions (if any) of any experts which may have been obtained be -ing on the title to, the value and use of, or necessity for, . the probable success of such undertaking, shewing in the case of works, of a purely local character, the necessities or require- ments of the district, also information, whether any, and if so, what works of -a similar kind, and to what extent exist in the district, the length of time they have been in existence and the financial result and such other and additional information (if any) as may be necessary to enable the solicitors consulted here to deal satisfactorily with the matter, either by way of advice, the preparation of the documents necessary for register- ing the Company, drafting the prospectus, or in any other way the instructions may require. And lastly let me say that the furnishing of a full, fair and honest statement at first saves long correspondence and waste of time and innumerable difficulties afterwards. u f at least ame the of the r them, intended ompany, 3ase the 3ntained tion of a namely, informa- y shares Foreign I details )r other ipany — idles or ontracts subject lis own I of the nations, opinions be -"ing ', V. the I case of require- nd if so, it in the nee and rmation )n8ulted ' way of register- her way fair and td waste LAW DIRECTORY. 8^ / PATENTS, REGISTRATION OF, IN ENGLAND. Any New Art, new manufacture or new combination of two or more known things producing a new and useful result, or any new chemical or other process, is good subject matter for a patent, as is also any improvement on existing manufact uure,. &c., though to be new it must be unknown to the public in the United Kingdom. Any person, whether a British Subject or not, may apply for a patent, and any two persons may make a joint application for a patent. The first step is an application by the Inventor in the- following form. ^ " I (name, address and calling of inventor) do solemnly and sincerely declare that I am in possession of an invention for [insert here the title of invention as " Improvements in Bicycles or as the case may be] that I am the true and first inventor thereof and that the same is not in use by any other person or persona to the best of my knowledge and belief and I humbly pray that a patent may be granted to me for the said invention. And I make the above solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act, 1835." Declared at in the County of this day of 1892 before me [Signature and Title of Officer before whom declared] Signature of Inventor. Where the declaration is made out of the United Kingdom the words, *' and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act, 1835," must be omitted, and the same declared before a duly qualified officer [see ante Declarations taken abroad]. Where declared by more than one person the names must be: stated in the jurat thus, " Declared by the above named, A. B. and C. D." This Declaration must be accompanied by either a pro- visional or complete specification. The former mustdescr'oe the nature of the invention sufficiently to enable the comptroller t)0 BRITISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL IK -subsetiuently to say that the invention claimed by the complete ^pecihcation is substantially tiie same as that disclosed by the provisional specification, and be accompanied by drawings if required. The complete specification must particularly describe and ascertain the nature of the invention, and in what manner It IS to be performed, and must be accompanied by drawings It required, and both must commence with the Title of the invention, and in the case of a complete specification, must end with a distinct statement of the invention claimed. FORM OF PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. [Here insert title as *' Improvements in Bicycles " or as may be] I [name, address and calling of the inventor as in Declarationf <lo hereby declare the nature of my invention for " improvments «n bicycles ' to be as follows [insert short description of invention] Dated this day of 1892. [Signature of Inventor]. FORM OF COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. [Here insert title, as " Improvements in Bicycles"] I Haame, address and calling of inventor as in declaration] do hereby declare the nature of my invention for [Improvements in Bicycles or as may be] and in vjhat manner the same is to be per- formed to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement [insert full description of invention]. Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of my said invention, and in what manner the same is to be performed I declare that what I claim is [state distinctly the featuies of the novelty claimed in separate and numbered paragraphs, if possible] Dated this day of 1892. [Signature of Inventor.] If applicant does not leave a complete specification with his application, he has 9 months within which to lodge same, but no action for infringement will lie in respect of any act com- mitted before the reception of the complete specification, though the inventor can freely work and sell his invention during this period. "When completed, the protection given is the sole right ^or fourteen years of making and selling, or imnorting the article or process patented, in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man, and on the adjacent seas, subject to the Board of Trade's power to compel an inventor to giant a licence for user on such terms as the Board of Trade may think fit. The fees payable on application for provisional protection arejl, on filing complete specification therewith £3, or on filing subsequently complete specification £4. LAW DIRECTORY. 91 dc A ceitihcate of renewal before the end of 4 years from the date of patent £50, further before the end of 7 years £100,though these two latter sums may be paid by annual instalments extending from the 3rd to the 13th years (See note at foot). Where international or colonial arrangements have been made with Her Majesty's Government for the mutual protec- tion of inventions, any person applying for protection in such Country shall be entitled to a patent for his invention in the United Kingdom in, priority to other applicants, such patent to bear the date of the protection obtained in such foreign or colonial country — provided that application is made within 6 months, in this country or in counties beyond the sea, 7 months, of the date of application abroad, though no damages for infringement are recoverable before acceptance of complete specification here. The above has been written rather by way of information and for the guidance of an inventor, than to be acted upon without the assistance of such agent. From experience I should not advise an inventor, unless a very able man, to dispense with the assistance of a competent Patent Agent. To begin with, the complete specification requires the greatest care and skill to prepare, and upon its validity depends the value of the patent, and inasmuch as the invention claimed by the complete specification must be substantially the same as tliat described in the provisional one, it follows that the latter should be supervised oy a Patent Agent and made sufiiciently large to embrace all that it may be desired to claim, more particularly by the complete specification, as otherwise, how- ever clever the Patent Agent may be, he will be unable •' to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear," and cure a badly drawn and defective provisional specification. N.B. —On and after the Ist October next the order of the Board of Trade reducing the renewal and other patent fees for inven- tions will come into force, via. : Before the expiration of the fourth year, i,5 instead of £10 ; fifth year, £6 instead of £10 ; sixth year, £7 instead of £10 ; seventh year, £8 instead of £10 ; eighth year, £9 instead of £15 ; ninth year, £10 instead of £15 ; tenth year £11 instead of £20 ; eleventh year, £12 instead of £20 ; twelfth year, £13 instead of £20 ; thirteenth year £14 instead of £20. On enlargement of time for payment of renewal fees :— Not exceeding one month, £1 instead of £3 ; not exceeding two months, £3 instead of £7: not exceeding three months, £5 instead of £10. 93 INDEX. Administration, Grant of, to Attorney of party abroad Affidavits, &c., before whom to be taken abroad Africa Africa, South Alabama Allahabad America, Central North „ South ,, United States of. . . Amsterdam ... Angola Antigua Appeals to Privy Council . . . Argentine Republic Arizona Arkansas Asia Attorney, Form of Power of Auckland Australasia Australia, Southern ,, Western Austria Austro-Hungnry Authorities to Solicitors . . . Azores (Islands) Balearic Isles Barbadoes Belgium Bengal... Berlin ... Bombay Brazil ... PAGE 83 77 1 3 12 29 4 5 10 12 69 1 32 76 10 12 12 28 81 37 33 35 37 39 39 81 1 73 32 39 29 43 29 10 British Bechuanaland „ Burmah ,, Guiana ,, Honduras Brunswick, Province of New Brussels Buenos Ayres Bulgaria Calcutta California Canada Canary Islands Cape Colony Cape of Good Hope... Central America Ceylon Channel Islands Chili China Christiana Colombo Colorado Companies, Incorporation of Connecticut Constantinople Copenhagen Costa Rica Cuba Curagoa Cyprus Damascus Demerara Denmark rA.QB 3 31 10 4 6 39 10 78 30 12 5 1 3 3 4 31 40 10 28 71 31 13 86 13 75 40 4 32 32 29 75 10 40 94 BRtTISH, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL PAGE District of Columbia ... 13 Dublin 63 Ecuador 10 Edinburgh 66 Egypt 1 England 45 Fiji Islands ?3 Finland 72 Florence 70 Florida 14 France 41 Georgia ... 14 Gerinp,ny 43 Gibraltar 44 Grant of Administration to Attorney 83 Great Britain 45 Greece 69 Grenada ... ... ... 32 Griqualaml, West 3 Guernsey ... 40 Guiana, British 10 Guiana, Dutch 11 Hawaiian Islands 38 Holland 69 Honduras, British 4 Hong Kong 28 Hungary 39 Idaho 14 Illinois 14 India 29 Indian Territory 15 Indiana 15 Indies, West 32 Iowa 15 Ireland 61 Isle of Man 68 Italy 70 Jamaica 33 Japan 28 Jersey 40 Kansas ... 16 Kentucky 16 Kimberley 3 Leeward Islands Lisbon Loanda London Louis, Port ... Louisiana Lucia, St. Madagascar ... Madeira Madras Madrid Maine Malacca Malay Peninsula Malta Man, Isle of .. Manitoba Maryland Massichusetts Mauritius Melbourne Mexico V ichigan Miunesoti; Mississippi Missouri Montana Montreal Morocco Natal Nebraska Netherlands . . . Nevada New Bnxnswick, Province Newfoundland New Hampshire New Jersey ... New Mexico ... New South Wales New York New Zealand . . . North Carolina North DakotA North West Territories North Western Provinces India Norway Nova Scotia Ohio of of paor 32 71 1 61 SI 16 82 2 2 80 7S 16 31 81 71 6S 5 17 17 31 36 27 17 18 18 88 19 8 2 8 1» 6» 1» 6 6 20 20 20 33 20 37 21 22 6 3» 71 6 2% LAW DIRECTORY, 91^ of of paor 32 71 1 51 31 16 32 2 2 30 73 16 31 31 71 6» 5 17 n 31 36 27 17 18 18 88 19 8 2 a 19 69 19 6 6 20 20 20 33 20 37 21 22 6 3» 71 6 Oklahoma Territory... Ontario Oregon Ottoman Empire Pennsylvania Parag\iay Paris Patents, Registration of Petersburg, St. Port Louis Portugal Prince Edward's Island Privy Council, Appeals to Province of Manitoba ,, New Brunswick ,, Newfoundland Nova Scotia Ontario Quebec »» Prussia Punjab Quebec Queensland ... Quillimane Rhode Island... R.'~je Koamania Ri;ssia St. iTeliers ... St. lA^^^ia St. Pete«'sbur^ St. Vincent Sardinia Fjotland Seivia Shanghai Siam Sicilv Sierra Leone .. Singapore Smyrna South Africa .. „ America PAGE PAOft 23 South Australia 35 7 „ Carolina 24 23 ,, Dakota 24 74 ,, Wales, New 88 Spain 73. 93 States, United of, America... 12 11 Stockholm 7i 42 Straits Setclements 81 89 Sweden 7a 70 Switzerland 74 31 Sydney 8a 71 8 78 Syria' 76^ Tangier & 5 Tasmania 8ft 6 "^ennes8e*3 24 6 -exas 25 6 Toronto T 7 Trinidad 82 8 Tripoli 2 43 Tunis 2 30 Turkey 74 8 United Spates of America . . , 12 34 Uruguay 11 2 Utah 26. 24 Venezuela 11 70 Vermont 25. 75 Victoria 3S 72 Vienna 8» Virginia 2& 40 32 Wales 45. 72 Wales, New South 83 32 Washingtoa City la 71 Washingon State 2ft 65 West Indies 32 75 West Virginia 2a 28 Western Australia 87 29 Winnipeg 6. 70 Wisconsin 2ft 2 31 75 3 70 Wyoming 2& Yokohama 2a Zealand, New 87 22 96 APPENDIX. A::TIDAVIT3, DBCLAUATIONS, &C., BEFORE WHOM TO BE TAKEN abroad for use in england ... Appeals to Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council Authorities to Solicitors in England to act for those Abroad ■Grant of Administration by the High Court of Justice in England to Attorneys of Pebsonh Abroad ... Incorporation op Limited Companies Patents, Registration of, in England 77 78 81 83 86 89 N.B.— For the matter contained in this Appendix I am indebted to W. R.A. KiME, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature. LONDON : PRINTED BY BOWDEN, HUDSON & CO., RED LION 8TREET, HOLBOHN, W.C. TAKEN ... 77 Council 78 THOSE ... 81 iTICE IN • • • 83 ... 86 ... 89 m indebted to olicitor of the )LBOHN, W.C,