PROBLEMS OF THE FUTURE STATE. A Series of Sermons. Delivered in Emmanuel Reformed Episcopal Church, Ottawa, Ontario. BY WILLIAM H. COOPER, A.M. D.D., OFFICIATING MINISTER. 1 s a 2 . OTTAWA. Printed by C. W. Mitchell, 6, 8 and lO Elgin Street. »>i, *■!■ ■'i /\ff 1^ ^. /!' jy-' I /3 74^ PROBLEMS OF THE FUTURE STATE. I A Series ot Sermons. Delivered in Emmanuel Reformed Episcopal Church, Ottawa, Ontario. \ WILLIAM H. COOPER, A.M. D.D., ! - OFFICIATING MINISTER. X 8 8 2 OTTAWA. Printed by C. ^A/^. Miiohell, 6, 8 and lO Elgin Street, Ottawa, Nov. 14th, 1882. Rev. Dr. Cooper, Dear Sir : IFe, your friends, who have xvith great pleasu:e heard your Sermons on (he "Problems of the Future Stofe" respectfully request timr publication in pamphlet form. We know that they did much good, and excited much interest : and we wish to have them preserved. Rev. J. J. Johnson. George May. R. W. Maktin. Francis Hunter. J. Hervey Sjpencer, Robert Switzer. ^ E. B. Botterell. Thomas Taylor. John B. Simpson. Saml. Thompson. T. D. KiRBY. Ottawa, Nov. 16th, 1882. Dtar Brethren : In the trust that, with the Divine blessing, the Sermons alluded to may prove conducive to prayerful searching of the Scriptures, and profitable meditation, I cheerfully put them, forth ; and remain. Yours, in tht love of Christ, W. H. Cooper. PROBLEiS OF THE FUTURE STATE. A Series of Sermons. Delivered in Emmanual Reformed Episcopal Church, Ottawa, Ontario. -BT- WILLIAM H. COOPER, A.M. D.D., . OFFICIATING MINISTER, 1882. HADES: OR, THE PLACE OF DEPARTED SPIRITS, And it came to pass that the bej^i^ar died, and that hs was carried away by the angels into Abraham's bosom : and the rich man also died, and wa« buried ; and in Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and leeth Abraham afar oft, and LaEarus ia his k< snm. And he cried and eaid. Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send I^azirus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue : for I am in anguish in this dame. But Abraham »aid, son, rrmem- ber that thou in thy life time receivedst thy good things, and io kke manner Lazarus evil things : but now he is com- forted and thou art in anguish. And besides all thii, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed : that they who would pa^s from hence to you may rot be able : and t hat none may rross over from thence to us. (Revised Veraicm) Lnke XVI, 22-26. The future destiny of the soul is a sub- ject in which we cannot all but feel interested. It should not be treated crudely or rashly, but only with our beat thought No idle discussiiin is that upon :which I propose to enter ; no question of fancy naetaphysics or of purely specula- tive theology — although, with the latter we shall have, probably, somewhat to do. Indeed, no discussion can properly be regarded as an idle one w hich has to do, seriously and soberly, with our eternal destinies Fortunately, we have a sure word of Xrod — a written and Divine Revelation — wbeteunto we shall ever do well ti take heed : and consistency demands of thos-e of us wio profess to believe in tha*; Word that our opinions should be made to har- monise with its clear and explicit decla- . rations, and by '*ci*ar and orpUcit " I would be understood to mean such rend- -erings of i:he original Scriptures as the best scholarship of the day will accept -and sanction. I holdthose Scriptures to be 4he final standard of appeal as to all ques- tions of Christian doctrine ; and that no view should l)e held or maintained, either from press and pulpit, which to say the least, fs out of harmony therewith. At the same time, I would enter a sc^ienin demurrer against the claim of infallibility for any man's private interpretations. It is evident to the thoughtful observer that great confusion of idea exists in re^rd to the state after death. And I thmk that a most reprehenpible loocenest of eiipression has been indulged m from the pulpit. . Views have been enunciated, with the greatest confidence, which would not bear the test, forope moment, of even our English version of the Scrip- tures. In proof of this apparently some- what wholesale statement, I need only remind you that it is very extensive^ taught that the soul, at death, paeaee immediately to heaven or hell, the interme- diate state of Sfieol amongst *,he Hebrewt, and Hndee amongst the Greeks, both signifying the invisible p^ace, or abode, of the disembodied (^ead, being entirely ignored. And thi'« leaching prevails, it seemn to me, for fea' of tlie bug bear of Purgatory — an idea in no wise connected, of U'^cessity. with Hades. Souls are not purified through the instrumeutality of material fire : the conception is too gross to be believed ; and has no warrant in Inspired Scripture. The spiritual man is often purified thr ' the pucess of afflie- tion, and is cleansed and sanctified Ihro' the operation of the Hvyly Ghost. It is evident furthermore, that the immediate transfer of the soul, at death, to either Heaven or Hell, cannot be taught in t* e scriptures ; and for this . reason— that it involves the grossest inconsistency, in that it would call dowa fr«m Hraven, and place at the bar -of judgment, the saints of Ood who for ages have been enjoying the everlasting rest ! With what propriety — it might well be asked — could the Redeemer say to thofe on his right hand, " c(»ne ye blessed of my Fisher, inherU the Kingdom prepared JT Problem* of (he Fufiire Slate. n i for yon," they having alreattv, aD[)(mition metis no argu- ment. \N e are duplex in na ure, if not triplex. VVe consiHt of iw* ly, mind and soul, as some discriminnti-. VVe consiat not of soul alone, nor of body alone, but of both in union, or combined, ^tdea h, a Sf-pantion tak>'H plsee : thn body returni to the earth ; sinks into ocean's deajtths ; or is scatterod br adcast as ashes to the four winds rf Hraven ; the soul separated, for a time, from it-i tene- ment, enters into }{adts, the Invisible World, or. as St. Fetp*" calls it, the prison, (2 Peter, III I!)), or p/aceof safe-ko' ping, of sppirate or departed spirits, tht-re to await the morning of the Resurrection. I tavestid that tlie body i» not the man ; neither is the soul, but "Christ TiiK FIRST FRUITS." What means this •xpression ? When, early on the morning of the first day of the week, the two fiithful Marys went to the sepulchre, ex^>ecting there to find the Lord, they encountered, in the place of the dead two shiuing ones, who said to them, "why seek ye the living among the dead ? He is not here, but is risen. (Luke XXIV, 5.) And afterwards, when he cnme and stood in the midst of the disciples, they were afraid, thinking it a spirit, when, to re-aesure them, be «aid. " htndle me for a ppirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have." (v. 39.) That same body, after dwelling amongst them the mystic forty days, ascended op to heaven, and now dwells, in figure, at the riglit hand of God, — i.e, in his unspeakable glcry. "Christ the first fruits!" So also shall we dwell with him — if faithful — our bodies and souls alike immortal. At sound of the archangle's trump will occur the General Jail Delivery. That is to say. Hades will be empHed of its tenants of disembodied souk, both bad and good alike ; and those souls will be united again, each to their correspond- ing bodies, now prepared, by a nurade ©f the Almighty power ef God, for that new and entirely different state of exist- ence, either of weal or woe, upon which they are about to enter. The itlentity of the man again complete, but lost while suspended by death, we shall stand before the great white Throne, there to receive the award of the Judgnoeat — ^the wicked to receive tneir sentence of pun- ishment, in company with the devil and h 8 angels ; the righteous to join the (J»'n"raT Assembly and < hurchof the tirst born whose nuniei tiro wra this other one of the General Judgment. Rut for my part, I caniut on incorrupt oil, the mortal imtnort ility. Thereupon the soul iw ets tho body, and the body the soul, ar d thus the integrity of the m^n is consunuuated ; and that not, as bef> re, f r a limited period of 20, 50 or 70 years, but/or all Etn-nUt/. VVe shall die no more, if fortunut^ enough to escape the '* Meeoiut" death, but be etjual to the artge's. And thi- reunion mus' tvi- dently be thut of eaih soul to its covres- pocding body, as existing here < n earth» lor otherwise it wou'd not he a resnrrec- • tif n bnt a new creation The Apo->tle — with as Inspired authoriry — is mrjst explicit on this point. He silences at once all cavil. ing against the ResurreC' tion of mankind declaring that < bri«t shall change our vile bodies — not abolish the present one, nor substitue another, but, " shall ch use is called liellrKj to th s day, .>nd the covers of books (in Lane ister) by the same name , so he literal import ©I th- oiiginal word Hades was formerly well expressed by it. So far. then, aa the text is concerned instead of contirmii g the theory of an imnudiate transition from this state of exis ei ce to either heaven or hell, as we now u derstand the ialter, it is undoubt- edly opposed to it. Ar^d liere I would quote the eminf nt Dr. Chalmers. " 1 th.nk it very impres- Biv< " — he remarks — *■ when Samuel com- plains o* having been disquieted, and wht n he tells Saul that he and hia sons should be with him on the morrow — ali in harmnuy with tlif iloctrine of auintermedi- atr llwlrn, irfifrr fJif iliMf)iihinlifil ^piritHt)/ inrii iliif/l nil the iluji uj tin' n shrrxtioii." On rtfle>i< n, it wdl liave to be luucvded . that the panics in t|ue»tion weie in the same p'ace or region, iua much as that tilt y ronrrrnfd tiiijrther. It wdl turdy not be inaintaiuMl that a soul in heavin cnuld by any possdjiiity, hold intercourse with a soul in hell ! They are in th.? same place a< the or'ginal also compels ui to understand, but in »epnratf. tlirinlons of that place. Tdere could be no passing Irom one part of the common i)naou, or plavf o/n(t/f kfcpiiiij, to the i thur. Tne expres lou "Abraham's bosom," ia evidently, to my m nd, a tignre di not- ing a dger.i of happihess. grtat ui doubt- • edy, but inferior to that of Heiven. Abraham was. a ter all, a man ; a weak one 111 H< iiK respects, judg'i^it from our btand-poii t, and therefure not allog ther a titling t\pe of that glo.ious abode herein believers shall enjoy th ■ more immediate presence of tii d hereafter. Lazarus then, 1 apprehend, was in the enjoyment of a sweet and comfort Ui,', but withal impeifect andantn ipa ory lea.iza- liou of the coming bliss of ILavtii. Uivcs, on the other hai d, lifted up his »yes in t. rments. Tne original word is a i-tr. nj^ one meaning tortuied, as it were, I think, by r. ub ouj reco.b ctions of the pa^t and sore appreh* nsions cf the future Comfort, then, and it» reveise : peace, bappimss, bliss, although in liiintcd deg'ee, and their ojjpos.tes, are all in- volved in the Scriptuie idea of liie place in which tne soul-< of Lazarns and the rich man wert^ conhned, in expedition of the Resuriectiim. In that sectii n, so to speak, «f the invisible w>iH in which was the soul of Lazarns, — and w ich may be dencminate \ the Paradise oj the hlcnt — repose the sou s of all who have died in the Lord trom ihe days of ligh'eoiis Abel even u> til now, Enoch anc! El jah most pn bab y n t exce[.ted — most probably, I say, for, as we are reminded by Bishop Hobart, (p 52), "no man "— sa s our bless' d Lord — "hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the son of man who is in heaven." " Er.och and El jah were trans- lated accoidintj to the foiegoing d' clara- lion ( f our Lord, not to that heaven to which Christ hath ascended, and to which he will fi ally exalt his eaints ; but to some separate abode of bhsHedness and peace." Peter a'so in his great apeech at Jerusalem on the da\ of Pentecost used this remark- ab'e expression : David is not ascended into the heaveiiH (ActsIL 34); where, then, was his soul if not in Hades ? Prohlrm$ qf tfie Future StaU. ■ Paradiae it not Heaven, altboas^h very oommnnly •upiWMd to be, bat an inter- mfilinte plncf of htUa thnianiuaa " Abra* ham's bosom.'' Thi^ mav, perhip*. •eein to some a startling propusition. We will examine it, thertforo. "TiiiH DAY," said our Lord to the dving thief, " Shatt thou he with me in Pnraili^i'. That was "Oood Friday," or the day of the Crujiflxion; and yet, after he had arisen, he said to Mary. " touch me not, for I am not yet oAreiuled to my Father." His departure into Huaven diil nnt take place un^.il f'>rty days after bis Resurrection. What became, then, of his promise, and how was il fulfilled, for assuredly it was not violated ? A daring theologian he must nee is be, who in view of this fact should athrm that Paradise is Heaven, and notnw intermediate condition. Well a'ks my frieaH the Rev. Jos. D, Wilson, in a recent treatise on Hades, " Was the Saviour's gracious promise nothing more than that both He and the thief should be buried ? Certainly not! Ho must have referred to some condition of the soul." (p 93 ) I shall show, hereafter, that during the interval betwe-in his Crucifixion and Resurrection, — or, as we should say, on the Saturday, the soul ol the Redeemer, he taking with him in fulfilment of His prom se, the soul of the penitent thief, visited Paradise—in other word"*, that Sart of the nether regions or place of eparted spins which in the interpolated Creed is signified by the word *' hell," and fromMhieh Laxarus conversed with Dives as we see from the text. The reason of his visit there may form the subjeot of a future discourse. We tthould always let Scrip' ure speak, and not s«-ek to force our own construe* tiooo upon the Inspired Word. It is not our Revelation to eaeh other, but that t>f (rod to uf. It teaches God's truth : and if we would but divest ourselves of pre- conceived notions, opinions and preju- dices, we should find that its revelations are fre((uently, and in reality, the very ouposite of what we had expected. No Church tradition should be allowed for one moment to set itself up in rivalry with the Word of God. Whilst, however, I s^and for corr-ct- ness of phraseolofzy in teaching of so im- portant a subject as that of the Future State and deprecate the looseness of ex- pression which has been indu'ged in by not a few , I would remind you, in sum- miog up, that after all, the presence of the Saviour is that which, to the h<»l ever, will constitute the bliss of our hereafter. "I am going to Heaven soon " said a little boy, " and then I shall gpe Jesus, and be with Him forever," " But." said the missionary, who was visiting him on his death-bed. " if Jesus were to leave Heaven, what would you do?" "I would follow Him." " But if he went to Hell, what would you do then ?" rejoined his interrogator, to me, as it seems, not wisely, " Ah ! " was the reponse, "there is no Hell where Jesus is : His presence is Heaven." PROBLEMS OF THE FUTURE STATE. II. Th« l^Mipanr, Worship, Md BlUi oriIeaT«a. After these things I saw, and behold a great miiltittide which no man could number, nut of every nation, of all tribes and peoples and tongues standing before the throne and before the Lamb, arrayed in white roben, and palma in their hands ; and they cry with a great voice, saying, Salvation to our <»od who sitteth on the throne, aad unto the Lamb. And all the angels were standing round about the throne, and about the elders, and the four living creaturefi ; and they fell before the throne on their faces, and worahip{)ed God, saying, Amen : Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might be unto our (iod for ever and ever. Amen. And one of the elders answered, saying to nie. These which are arrayed in the white robes, who are they, and whence came they ? And I say uuto him. My Lord, thou knowest. And he said to me. These are they which came out of the great tribulation, and they washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of God ; and they serve him day and night in his temple : and he that sitteth on the throne snaU spread his tabernacle over them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore ; neither shall the sun strike upon them, nor any heat : for the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall be their 8he|)- herd, and shall guide them unto fountains of waters of lite : and God shall wipe away ail tears from their eyes. (Revised Version) Rev. VII, 9-17. We bury the hodif, but not the soul. When we lay away our friends in the repulsive grave, and heap sods on the cotfin, we do not cover up the t:fiaracter, nor do we hide from the exp* rience of mankind the blessed example of a consis- tent and beaatiful (Christian life. I like not that word death as commonly applied to man, for it is so apt to prove misleading. When we speak of dying, we speak of but a part, ard ^hat an infe- rior part, too, not by any means of the entire man. The flesh and blood, the bone and sinew, die and become dast ; not so the spirit' That lives on. Nor does the body even, perish : for, a6 I reau the Scriptures, we are taught therein to held and believe that so much of this fleshly body of ours shall survive dissolu- tion as to constitute the germ of that infinitely nobler spiritual body which shall be given to us at the Resurrection. What the changes may be to constitute that spiritual body out of the remains of this, is not revealed. But identity vriW be preserved. That much we know. I shall treat th« text as having refer- ence to neither the past nor lo the present, but to the futtirr condition of the Lord's saints. It is through attributing to it a present rather than a prospective sense that many interpreters, as I conceive, have erred. I hold that the departed in Christ are in a separate state of blissful expectancy, rather than positive enjoy- ment, of the glory to be revealed. Their spirits are in Hades now, — or Paradise, if you like that word better — for the simple reason that the assumption of their res- urrection bodies is a necessary precursor ef their entrance into Heaven. And it were the sheerest anach ronism for our Ijr rd to say, .as we are premonivshed he shall say at the General Judgment, to those on His right hand, " come ye blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom," upon whose blessedness they Aarf entered years before. Either we must give up the doctrine of the resurrection of the body as alto- gether a misconception of the teachings of Revelation, or we must hold to the doctrine of an intermediate Hades, or place of blissful repose of God's saints, wherein they await, as the Apostle speaks, the adoption, to wit, the redemp- tion of their bodies. And I would have you remember that the inspired Apostle in speaking of that redemption, or re-as- suming, or more literally, buying back, far from speaking nonsense, must have known full well whereof he did affirm. Nothing short of unmitigated ignorance could lead us to suppose that those who for ages have enjoyed the supreme bliss of that place which the fScriptures denom- inate Heaven, shoulu, after the lapse of those ages, come down to earth for the purpose of carrying their bodies back to Heaven ! At sound of the Archangel's trump, I hold, the cerements of the grave will be unlorsed, the gates of Hades will be unclosed, and then the throne set, the books opened, and J udgment pronounced, those on the right hand will enter the mansions prepared for them by the Father, to be thereafter forever with the Lord. Now, I am not willing to yield 'he doctrine of the Resurrection of the boay, despite the ridicule* and contempt which have been poured upon it by would be Scientists and would be Theologians. Prollems of the Future Slate. Witboiit that key, the Apostle I'aul's grand I Cor.. XV, were to me an unmpan- ins; riddle. So the expression, "Christ tlie iirst-fruita" in particular. And the words of our Lord recorded by St. John, (v. '_'!>), and the corresponding passage in I>aniel,XlI.2 stating that "th-y that are in the tombs shall come forth, some to the resurrection of life, others to the res- tirrpr i in of Judgment, or condemnation," can hare no meaning other than a resur- rection of bodies sepulchred, since souIh ea.not be buried. The dry bones in Ez'ikiel's vis'on symbolize undoubtedly, in my judgment, the same great truth. •* It is time indeed," I say with Dr. Ebrard, " that this biblical doctrine of the state after death were again prea hed to congregations : for the common, hard and truly u^c^iptural doctrine '' — as he well styles it — "whieh knows nothing fnrlher after death than happiness or comlemn'ition, is, in its practical effects, equally mischievious with the Roman doctrine of Purgatory, in which .a trace of the doctrine of Sheol, but only a cari- catured trace of it, is contained." Notes on Heb., p. 347. Audit were well, that if but occasionally, the clause, " He descended into the pla^e of departed spirits," be repeated with the creed, as sanctioned by our Church. " Death," — says Bishop Burgess, — no mean authority — "leads the just thro' the intermed ate Paradise, through the joyful reunion of the Resurrection, and thro' the blessed award of the last day, to all which we are taught to name most fully Heaven and the life eternal." Last Enemy, p. .S25. But to proceed to the text. I remark, in the first place : L THAT THE RKDEEMED IN GLORY ARK A :WCrLnTCDINOUS COMPANY. *' I saw a great company which no raan could n>imber, out of every nation, and of all tribes and peoples and tongues stinrljng before t}\°r throne and l^efore the Lamb, arrayed in white robes, a' d palms in their hands." Of we should as'^id too great literality in the consideration of this des- eripti'>n. The ceulral idea is that vast will bo the host of God'S redeemed. The whito robea may symbolize the righteoHsnes? of the saints. And gorge- ous indeed will be that assemblage. I suppo-sa that, to add to its splendor, there will be the angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim, those shining ones, the Jjord'a winged niessen-iters. In the context, or rather the 14lh cnap., the multitude of the sealed are called an hundred and forty-four thousand, that is, twelve thousand members of cash of the twelve tribes of Israel ; but that would be the merest fragment of the heavenlj' host — for there a'-e so many more that it is said "no man could number them." I do not know how to reconcile our Lord's description of his own as a "little flock " to whom it is the Father's good pleasure t.) give the Kingdom with thi» description of ihe bos'; of Heaven, unles» he is to be undertaood as instituting » compa'isoi between the sef-mingly few who accepted and the multitude who rejected him. But nevertheless, and with a 1 that sad di-count, the numbers of the redeemed will be not a few. Many will be there whom we in our short- sightedness, expected not to see. All along the ages God has had a Church ; and by His Spirit has been constantly gathering members into the fold. How many He will yet gather iu before the end shall come, we are not told, nor is it necessary that we should know. From Abel to Abraham ; from him ta Malachi ; from Christ to Juhn. and from John till HOW, what a mighty stream of the Lord's saints have been sweeping onwards and upwards from amongst every kindred and tongue and nation under Heaven ! And they will all be there. Oh, what a mighty phalanx of patriarchs and prophets, apostles and. evangelists, martyrs and confessors shall we behold, my brethren, when we get to Heaven ; and what mighty volumes of praise shall roll upwards from that throng, to the throne of God ! Timid women who for Christ alone were valiant ; strong-minded, noble men, who endured reproach and contumely in the Master's cause, and thought not even, their lives dear unto them, it only by their sacrifice they might finish their course acceptably and win their crown, oh, what hosts oi the.^e shall we behold f Confessors of whom the world was not worthy ! True men and women who endur- ed with patience ail that the ingenuity of the wicked, prompted by Satan, could do to their hurt — all the fiery darts that could be burled against them ; those barbed arrows ef ealmnny, detra- ction a d persecution that must bring the quivering fiesh away whenever you woiild extract them ! There shall we see crowds horn the poor and despised of earth — those who slept upon wretched pallets, dwelt in miserable hovels, who day by day ate the bread of poverty, and by n'ght watered t>'eir eoueh with tears, but whose sins were washed away in the ocean of the Redeemer's blood — their hearts stead- fast with God. There we shall Sfe the atiiicted and distressed, though no longer Tilt Coriqinni/, Woiship, and Bliss of ILaven. Kick ; the forloru and the fri€n(Iles«i ; the despised and the outcast, but not of God — men and women 'vho waded through the waters and forced their way through the fires to reach their crown, or who endured the biting pangs of penury and want, rather than accept the glittering wages, together with the dread retribu- tions of fiin. And fain would I trust that we shall see there also not a few of the high and raighty, the rich and the noble, the illus- trious and the talented of earth : for the^e, too, are all God's children. Kings have been bad, and nobles profligate, and the wealthy wicked : but there have been some to reliere their class from execration. Not all are vile, 1 trust, no ! not even the great majority. There was an Edward VI amongst the Kings ; and there is a Victoria. There wasaColigny amongst the nobles, and there are a Cavan and a Shaftsbury There was an Anios Lawrence amonj^st the wealthy ; and there are — I will no sy who or hoiv many, who I trust, nay know, give largely and freely to the L rd's Tre tsury. Rank and influence, weal' hand talents, are not, nor ought they to be, in them- selves, a bar to any man's advaucemciit, nor the means of such advancement to a seat in the Kingdom of Heaven. God forbid that we should seek to narrow its portals to exclude either rich or poor, even though it were within our power. Let what is oT the earth p' rish with the earth, whilst he who has employed his means, talents, influence, be they great or small, for the advancement of the Master's cause, will meet due reward in the day when the Redeemer siall come to make up His jewels. And then, I doabt not, will be brought to limpany of the Redeemed ! To say nothing of the babes who have died in infan y, uutasted by them the cup of sin « hich thewi>rld administers to its votaries — U' t counting those cherubs numerous as the stars of the milky way, what crowds shall be there of those who had repented thfm of their sins ]>efore their day of grace was past and gone ; and Oh, what greetings and congratulatings of long separated friends ! And the boys and girls of our Sunday Schools, the young in years and not old in sin, and the pati- ent Belf-sacrificing Ttacheis, how many shall be there ? A grand army of Chris- tian soldiers, a glorious band ! But amid the whole, conspicuous above all the rest, I think we shall see Abel and Noah, Enoch and Elijah, Abraham and Isaac, Jacob, David, Daniel, and many more of God's Old Testament saints. And of the New, there will be the blessed evangelists, and ardent Peter, and the magnificent Paul, but pre-emin- ently the beloved apostle John. And of a later day, there will be a grind procession filing heavenward, of men leaders in the camps of Israel who will t/(en see eye to eye ; but who could not, or would not, walk together when here on earth. And they wdl then, I think, feel ashamed of the trifles which separ- ated them in the Church below, There we shall see Latimer, him of the coat of frieze ; and Ridl<^y, of the courtly robe. And Jerome, also ; and good old Wickliff, "the morning stai ; " Me'an- thon, the gentle ; and Huss, and Cn»nmer, and Ridley, all of wh m so bravely endured the fire. Pas-irg along, we shall' catch sight of the Sixth Edward, and Simeon and Cecii!, Bickersteth and Chalmers, John Newton and Cowpcr, of the 8 eet Oliiey Hymns ; and also Venn. There we shall see Wilberforce and Hal- dane, Owen and Richard Baxter, him of "The Saints' Rest;" Duddridge and Scott, Cummins and Mcllvaine, the judicious Hooker, and the saintly Beveridge, and the VVebleys, and g^and old Whitfield, and Jndsun, and Brainerd, and Henry, Martin that other sainted one : but I can not stop to name other than the few, not Protestants alone, but Romanists too, notwithstanding the corruptions of their Church, will contribute of their numbers to swell the grand total of the heavenly host — Feuelon and Massiilon not amongst the least. That is a jaun* diced medium through which we too often view things now. Bigotry and exclusiveness, prejudice a d intolerance — those wretched barriers between C^hr stians ! will all be swept away ; and we shall see things and men as they were aini are, not as they seemed. The quest'on will be then, not who has had most zeal for sect, but who most love for Clirist, most zeal for souls, most care for the g'ory of God and wel- fare of his fellow men, I borrow the language of one of the m st eloquent wri era of hia day: " Dwellers on the Mississippi and Mis- souri, and in the back woods of Canada and the prairies of the West, are there. Millions from the Andes and the isles of the Pacific, from the mountains of Problems of the Future State, Thibet and the cities of China, from every jungle of India and from every , pagoda of mndostan, the untutored Arab ana the uncultivated Druse, and the * tribes of the weary fool,' the children of Salem are there, * * and ^ugustine and Luther are there alao, and many we in our uncharitablenesa, or bigotry, or excluaiveneas, or ignorance, excluded from Heaven, will be there alao ; and our aires and sonn and babes and parents will be there, completed circles never again to be broken, and their united voices will give utterance to their deep and enduring gratitude " Vnto Him that loved va, and ^cashed us from our sinx in his own blood, and that hath made us kings and priests unto God, even the Father; to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.*' Cumminga Apoc Sketches, Ist series, p.p. 28, 9. II, BUT SOME WILL BE ABSENT ! And here the Theologian is confronted "with a dffionlty the most tremendous which conld possibly beset him. The difficulty is this. Perhaps when we shall come to look around in the courts of Heaven, should we in God's mercy ever reach them, same of ua may miss a parent, father, brother, siater, or child, from amongst the glorified. We look again and again with painful eagerness, but we look, alas ! in vain. The loved one is not there ! Now that conviction, we might think, ca'inot but give us pain. But in Heaven there can be no pain, for the text asserts that there will be no tears there. How reconcile this contradictim ? How can one be man and not mourn the lost oon dition of i baent friends ; and where mourning is how can there be perfect bliss ? The thoughtful Burgess attempts to meet this difficulty, but lo my mind unsuccessfully, with the suggestion of " simple, humble faith in that aH-provid- ing wisdom which can enable the human soul to forget all which it might be dis- tressed to remember, can Jill it with all joyous and holy meditations and can in a thousand tvays preserve the flowers of memory without it" thorns.'^ Last Enemy, p. 289. •' The Flowers of Memort Withottt ITS Thorns ! " A solution, I fear, more beautifully poetical than soundly theo- logical. Have we any rpaso" to believe, from Scripture, that God will work such a tremedous change in our moral nature as is here suggested, on our transfer- ence to the Eternal World ? On the contrary, have we not reason to think tnat as we are here, we shall be very much there — but iimji^Y improved editions, not essentially other wom^n or other men ? We shall moat certainly carry our natural affections with us into the Eter- nal World, or Heaven were no Heaven to us. Shall we all who have fought the good fight together here below, meet agam as strangers on the golden streets ? Are theiy to be no rapturous recognitions there ? Shall Luther not know Melanc- thon ? Shall Ridley not recognize Lat- imer? Will that sorrowing mother who wept such scalding tears when they hid away h-r little darling with face of marble beneath that cold, dank mould, not clasp it to her arms again on reaching the farther shore ? Shall I not meet my children ? This is either fact or rhetoric, scripture or poetry. Which ? And if mere fiction— if, after all, there are to be no recognitions of friends in Heaven, what mean those consolations which the minister of religion profi^sses to adminis- ter in the Master's name to bursting hearts, in their hour of sorrow ? If nothing, then he too is a sham and a fraud ! but if not auch, there muat in bis Cistimate be recognition. And if recognition of friends, then a cognizance of their absence. There is no avoiding that conclusion. I have a theory, to me clear, distinct and satisfactory, on this most important subject : but shall leave you to form your own. III. I pa?8 on to notice briefly, the OCCUPATION OF THE REDEEMED. For doubtless t'lere will be occupation, and that of the highest and noblest char- acter of which we can possibly conceive. The metaphorical language of the 'axt is proof of that. " Fiaurea," sr.ys some one, "have no vaiue except as they express realitied. " That there will be mus c in Hea.'en, I doubt not, and a'so that there will be worship — and such music as we have never heard, auch wcTship as we have never rendered. What mean those mysterious words of the Redee-rer : "/ will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until I driuk it new with yon in My Father's Kingdom."^. I think Mith the author already quoted, that " He surely pointed forward ti some scene of holy joy from which they might look back to that sacramental east, and recognize the unity of the cup on earth with the cup above." Th5 anthems of Heaven ! The new song of the Redeemed ! The throne, the Lamb, the vast army of the saved ! Shall we chant those anthems ? Shall we i^ing that song? Let us look well to it betimes, brethren beloved, that our names be written in the Book of Life ! PROBLEMS OF THE FUTURE STATE. , For the earnest expectation of the crea- ture waiteth f(jr the manifestation of tlie «pns of God.— Rom. Vlli 19, ,. Various and conflicticg are the con- atructioDs which have l^een put ujjon this passage. Perhaps there are few more difficult, aod in regard to which there exists greater difference of opinion. The trouble arises out of the varying opinions of the Commentators as to the right interpretation of the term 'creature' in the text. Some understand by it tlce uHwle vhihk creation^ including both the Kingdoms of aiimate and inanimate nature, and coneeuuently under the former head, man alike in his civilized and savage, in a Christian and Heathen state, together with all the lower animals ; and under the the latter, every variety of form of matter. This is the opinion held by Olshauseu, Bloomfield and others, and for which the former has been rather severely handled by one our soundest commentators. — Turner. Others, again, maintain that the Apnstle speaks oi JX moral creation, i.e., of Christians, or the Christian Church converted from Judaism to Heathenism: but to this view there are, to my mind, insuperable objections. Lastly, there are those who would compromise and understand by the " creature " or " creation " of this passage, all intelli- gent and sentient creation — all who are capable of the passions spoken of by the Apostle, and so of course the whole human race. Of these various interpretations, and they can all show illustrious names in their support — I hold, with Chalmers, to the first. The Apostle, by a bold figure or metonymy, speaks of inanimate nature as of an intelligent or sentient being in a state of bondage, gro. ning and travailing for its redemption. This style is not unknown to Scripture. " The morning stars sang together " we read in Job, and the Psalmist calls upon the floods to " clap their hands, and the hills to rejoice before the Lord. " • " The creature " — says the Apostle — " was made subject to vanity " — that is, if we understand him of man, to "a frail, unhappy, miserable condition ; " and if The Futura Reeognttlon of God's Children. '1, •%ti l«i(!i of inanimate mattor, "to do.r?ngement- and disorder. Tlie idea seems to be that this eprtb is not what it was, nor what it was' designed to be. Sin has cnrked. it :. everywhere, in storm and earihouake^. volcanoe and miasma, we seem to per- ceive the consequences of that curse. It yields only to labor ; hereit isobstin- , ately barren ; yonder it gives briars ar;d thorns. Everything has its ei:emy, both in the kingdoms of animate and. of inanimate nature. The beasts, fishes--, and reptiles prey upon each other. And in the vegetable world, blight and mildew, the worm, the drought, the flood, seem continually on the watch to ruin and destroy. Nature ap]iears at war- with nature. Beautiful though it be, it is a beauty which has been marred ;. and from this marred condition I can understand the Apostle as re]iiesentiug' the whole, in his magnificent rhetoirc,. as groaning to be redeemed. And that it will be redeemed, restored to its' pristine beauty and perfection, I think- there ia good teason to believe from' Scripture. That the curse will be re- moved, the earth yield spontaneously and become even yet more beautiftil' than before the fall of man, seems fore-, shadowed in more than one text. That a time shall come when nothing shall hurt nor destroy in the Lord's holy, mountain, is the declaration of an. inspired prophet. And St. Peter,, quoting that i)rophet, speaks of Chris- tians as " looking for new heavens and' a new earth in which dwellieth right- eousness," My subject now is, however, and' more particularly, Ihe Future recognitvm^ of the Lcvd's saints. And this recognition' " 1 think we may safely argue from the' declarfc-ion of the Apostle that "the earnest expectation of the creature Waiteth for' the manifestation of the sons of God." 1. I need scarcely attempt to prove that we shall know our friends in Heaven. And yet, strange to say, there is a wonderful obtuseness of per- ception in regard to this subject. People are constantly found who seem to doubt it. One woi^d think it must be eyident if ; //{• Prohlemt of the Future State. thi.t we can not be divested of our identity, by the mere fact of trans- lation hence to the world of spirits. The casket may be destroyed ; but the jewel it contained remains imperish- able. 2. The very general prevalence of a doctrine may, I think, be regarded as a strong presumption in favor of its truth. Of course given the condition that the doctrine itself shall not be in conflici with either sound reason or inspired Revelation. That a belief in Future Recognition has been .leld in all agb^i by the great majority of man- kind, seems beyond dispute. — See Ap- pendix A. The faith, strong and simple, of many heathen men in the reality of a future state of existence, I am constrained to say might well put to shame some who live in this day of superior illumination, because gospel truth [ 4. W®. ^^^ the same idea of future recognition amongst Mohammedans, Jews, Christians and our own North American Indians of by gone days. The Hindoos, we know, believe this doctrine : in the davs of iMtee the wife was immolated on the funeral pyre, in hope of rejoining her departed husband. Amongst the ancient Danes, it was a practiee for slaves, subjects and friends of the deceased, to destroy them- selves, in order that they might serve in the other world those whom they loved and respectwi in this. Harbaugh p. 34. 5. The belief in a future re-union with the departed in the woiid of spirits was, in fact, and is, a universal bebef. How it came to be so, unless founded in truth, I most leave others to determine. Let us now see whether the doctnne meets with any countenance from the JSacred Scriptures. As deduced from the Bible,,however,.it is rather inferen- tial than dogmatical. On this point I quote Bishop Burgess : "That it should evBr have been doubted whether the inhabitants of the spiritual world recognize each other in lliat abode, is but an example of the •wide influence of unbelief, suggesting the strangest dimness wherever the Scriptures had not spoken in the most explicit words, even though the obvious reaaun for which the words bad not been spoken was, that to speak thfem was needless. Why should not the departed recognize and be recognized ? How can tlu;ir very nature and being be so utterly changed that they should be able to exist in the same world, to remember, and to be a general assembly^ a church, a society, without recognition f If the future life is the sequel, and re- . suit, and retribution of the present, how can recognition foil ? Not a step can we proceed, not a conception can we form, not a statement of divine revelation can we clearly embrace in our contemplations of the future iife^ without admitting or involving the necessity of mutual recognition as well as mutual remembrance and affection. Were Moses and Elias unknown Uy each other? Did the Martyrs below the altar utter the same cry, without knowing the history of their com* panions, each a stranger amongst strangers? Was Abraham a stranger to Lazarus, or was Lazarus seen and known by the rich man only ? Oould those who watch for suuls render account for them with joy or grief, and yet not know their doom ? Could Christian converts be the "glory and joy " of an Apostle at the coming of the Lord if He knew them not ? Could the Patriarchs be seen in the kingdom of God by none but those who should be shut out ? All proceeds on the sup- position of just such knowledge there as here. It is probable, indeed, that the human soui must always clothe itself with form, even in the separate state ; and such a form would bear the same impress which had been given to the mortal body. There is no extra- vagance in the wish of Dr. Randolph to know Cowper above from his picture here, or in the same thought as express- ed in the verses of Southey on the portrait of Heber." Last Enemy p,p 287,8. One has written thus : — " I count the hope no day-dream of the mind. No vision fair of transitory hue, The souls of tlioee whom onee on earth we knew. And loved, aud walked with in communion kind. Departed tience, again in heaven to find." Mant. p. 96. Tea ! it is no " day-dream," no fond delusi(/n,. that which tells us that our departed friends are not lost to us, though, as we are accustomed to say. "dead.*' We shfdl see them again in the spirit worM ; know tbem, and be known. They have disappeared, for the time, from view ; but we shall be- hold them again, in a higher and better atmosphere than this. 6. There is no great truth which has VA^ The Future Recognition ((f Oocfa Children. fl not been perverted, and no good thing which has not been counterfeited. It is often difficult to discriminate between paste and diamond ; the genuine bank- note, and the spurious. Almost every- thing is imitated in this age of shams. Wooden houses are brick faced ; brick houses stone faced ; and even " The Church " has fallen into the habit of deception, with her ship-loads of wood of the true cross, and nones of Saints and of the Virgin, her winking Madon- nas, and her St. Januarius liquefactions ! And so with modern Spiritism. It iiaa seized hold of, and perverted, and Abused, and made ridiculous, a great truth, to such an extent that, by a natural revulsion, men are nearly ready to deny the spiritual factor in religion altogether. S&j more, it is even dan- gerous for the pulpit to advocate the rweet, 'comforting, and enobling doctrine of these sermons, lest the mad- dog cry of "Spiritualist!" should be raised incontinently. Neverthelesa, the truth must be spoken. What it that truth ? is a question of the deepest interest to intelligent Christians. _ 7. A sober authority, aroues the jMjssi- bility of the nearness, and even some- times the actual apparition, of our departed friends, from the universality of the persuasion. And I have thought when reading of Christs' walking on the sea, when the disciples "supposed," we are told, "that they had seen a Spirit," and of hia tefiing them to handle him, " because a spirit has not flesh and bones as they saw H^m have " —l have thoiTghf that were such appari- tions an impossibility, the Holy Spirit would not have permitted the saered writers to set these impressions down without some mark of censure actual or implied. " It is his angel," said the frightened disciples^ when Peter stood before the gate, after his miraculous escape from prison. If this be super- stition, men may make the most of it I Were it not that necromancy is so plainly forbidden in God's Word, I should be willing even to inve?tigate the phenomena of so-called "Spiritism.'* ** An universal belief like this "—says the able v :- already quoted— "ia not sufficieuuj explained by an univer- sal Jongiug for communion with the d^pirted. Its foundation is rather in tsdi! actual discourse which our spirits 'hold with the dead, and which they ieem to hold with us, when their images are before us in our solitary contem- plations, our reveries andourdreaius.'^ "Thoughts of a deceased friend" — he goes on to say —"become sometimes and in some mental constitutions, so vivid for a moment, that the difference between recollection and present reality is all but imperceptible. The departed spirit seems even present to the inward eye ; his influence is actually and most powerfully felt ; may he not be indeed near, thouj^a invisible 7 " This is strongly put — perhaps too much so ? For my part, Mrithout cast- ing any reflection upon the soundneat of the bishops judgment, I freely con- fess to a want of such experiences. But, to proceed : " Wesley," he re- marks, "who knew Swedenborg, and believed him insane, has spoken of his own clear conviction that the strong impression on his own mind of the images of deceased friends at particular momeui^, was produced by their actual invisible presence. Oberlin supposed that for manv years he enjoyed intimate communications with the dead." And he continues thus : " that the appear- ance, visible as well as invisible, of the dead, is possible, the instances related in the Bible are decisive^ That ther ' have ever appeared to the outward eye, except in those instances, can scarcely be proved from history, to the satis- faction of the i>keptical or even of the indiflerent. That, however, the strong- est sense of their influence, as if they were present, has often been impressed upon the mind, in those st&tesin which visible objects have least control, is con- firmed by ten thousand testimonies." "There is no difficulty in believing," —flays Mr. Harbaugh, who has written well and beautifully on this subject — " that, on the part of saints in Heaven^- an acq,uaintance with us is kept up.- We have lost them for a time, but they have not lost us. As they have gone higher, they have capacities and privil- eges which we, who are still beneath them, have not ; and this may extend to a oonstant oversight and interest Ir us, This sense is as natural as any other to the passage. Then shall I knov everk as I amknmm. * * * Wie_ have reason, and' also intunations of Scripture, to confirm us in the' l}elief' that our sainted friends are bending an interested eye of love over us in all our earthly pilgrimage— that they keep up a tender and affectionate acquaintance 12 Prohlems of the Future State. •\ -Jit with us. and stand ready when we fail on eaitn, to receive us into the arms of holy and eternal love at the very gates of * * Paradise. Or mast we believe that they are less interested in us than the rich man was for his breth- ren ? " "We live in the midst and under the constant power of myterious unseen influence.-", which strongly declare the fact, that we are in a sphere of existence influenced by a higher world, and undei the attention of higher intelligences, who are ever drawing us to themselves ; and soon as the separa- tion of soul and body — the natural and finite from the spiritual and infinite — ahall take place iu death, we shall dis- cover at once how awiully and sweetly near we have always been to the dead, and how much we shared their atfection- ate sympathies." 1 iiave drawn thus copiously from the writings of others, and those of no mean reputation, that my own opinion might not stand alone ; and now, in conclusion, I would speak a few words to the bereaved, who form the great majority of most congregatio ^s. 8. Our friends live, my dear brethren ; and we shall see them again, having departed in Christ, on the instant of our casting off the garments of the flesh. "The earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifesta- tion of the sons of God." Thus would i interpret that text : their manifesta- tion to our (j^uickened vision after we too have passed through the grave and gate of death. Our spirits long for that reunion. From the innermost depths of our souls there is ever gushing up a flood of desire for their companionship, which cannot be ({uenched short of actual fruition. Our departed friends! Our sainted dead ! Yes : we shall see them again, embrace them again, love them again in that land where separations shall be no more, and where all tears shall be wiped away. The Holy Spirit has enjoined us " conerning them that fall asleep," that we sorrow not as those who " have no hope ; " and that, I think, lie would not have done, were we not to meet our loVed ones in the bright spirit land. ' Weep not, then, for your friends' who Wve died in the Lord. Separated '' are they from us, but onlv lor a time. " Separated," I said. Perhaps not even that? Who shall say that the all-wise disposer of events may not have removed them hence un purpose that they should min-. ister tu and help us onward on our pil- grimage to the better world? Who knows but that their spirits still surround and hover near us, a glorious hapj y band of " witnt'sses," to cheer us on our way to Heaven, to pour the soothing balm' of comfort into the troubled spirit, and to animate with the hope of tnat glori- ous rest of the saints of God ? Ye mothers bereaved ! dry up your tears : weep for yourselves — if weep you must, but not for your departed little" ones. The Christ hath told us that, " their angels do always behold the face' of our Father who is in Heaven." Surely you would not withdraw them from that august presence? A lady,; sober-minded and Christian, once told, me "it seemed as though the spirit of ' ^ her darling daughter never left her — so conscious was she of its presence ! " And she was thereby comforted. Brethien, one and all, not lung shall, we be separated from those dear ones" of our kindred who have gone before us to the spirit land, and entered into rest. We shall recognize and be recog- nized, should we continue faithful, at the marriage supper of the Lamb, And we shall know them not as strangers, but as tee knew them ivften ori earth. Every faculty of thesoul^iuick- ened ; every bright feature of the char- acter, and for aught I know, of the person even, improved and beautified ; ' brighter, holier, better editions of what we knew them here, superior every way to what once they were, and mara now. . Infirmities of the flesh and spirit all. left behind, and yet identity preserved ! I am not quite sure but that grief may still find place, though chastened and submissive, because of the conscious absence of those not in Christ : as to . that, let us trust in God. 'We shall know our friends, then, for what can hinder ? Weep not therefore, \ 1 say, to the mourning and bereaved. We shall meet again in that bright land of pure delight : . r* Where Saints immortal reign (where) T Infinite day excludes the ni^t, «^ -i And pleasures huiush pain. •; Let us prepare to meet them i^^^, deeds of holiness, and lives of faith;,, '1/ ;v;* g.: PROBLEMS OF THE FUTURE STATE. IV, NinUtering Spt-'ta. '»".- Therefore let us also, seeing vx are com- paused about irith so great a cloud of witucsAiS, lay usiile every v:eiqht, and the sin ^ehiijl doth .so easily beset us, and let us run xcith patience tJie race that is set before us. — ^Revised version), Heb. xii. 1. Are they not all ministerinij spirits, sent forth to do service for the sake of thern, that sJtall inlierit Salvation -. — Ibid i. 14. That the Pulpit is dull is often charged ; and perhaps the charge is not altogether without foundation ? There are debates in Parliament, or in Con- gress, and political harrangues, which are also dull ; and legal arguments, and news-paper editorials ! Let their auth- ors throw the stones ! In regard to the first named, people say that it is ever the same old, old story ; and this is sometimes made a pretext for non-atteudp.uce in the Sanc- tuary. But this ca.n be only true, in the sense of a lack of interesting topics, when the rich mine of inspired truth is suffered to remain un worked by him who is set to " divide " it to the Lord's people. There are subjects almost innumer- able, and which come j^roperly within the province of the preacher, and yet are seldom or never discussed in the Christian Pulpit. The text treats of one such, and in regard to which I do not remember ever listening to a sermon within the whole range of my experi- ence. Assuredly if some wells run dry, it is not through lack of water, but the will to use it. I do not advocate sensationalism. " There was much grass in the place : " " Old shoes and clouted," are poor texts for sermons. All terts should contain something as a key-note which shall lead the congregation to expect a season of profi^taW e meditation. Solcmyi trifling sliould, of all kinds of trifling, be most earnestly deprecated, It were almost the assertion of a truism to say that the themes of the Eternal World, the great mystery of man's future, as well as the many mysteries of his present, the actual condition and future occupation of the Saints of God, with their correla- tives, — it were superfluous almost to say that topics such as these should never be treated v/ith other than the profoundest . everence, when not with awe. There is a habit of explaining away the Scriptures, metaphorizing the plainest statements, and glossing the most express declarations of the Word, and with which I have but little patience ; for which I have no respect. The text has fared thus at the hands of this class of would be expounders of the Lively Oracles. We have been gravely told that the " cloud of wit- nesses " here spoken of means the band of inspired writers of the Old Testa- ment, and with about as much warranty as had the surgeons in attendance upon the late martyred President of the United States who pronounced that terrible pus-pocket, or cavity, the original wound ! The autopsy revealed, however, how greatly they were mis- taken : just as will the autopsy of sound judgment and of a correct Bib- lical ex egesi?, the great error of those who forget the wholesome Canon that, when not opposed to reason, Revelation, or common sense, the Scriptures should always be received in their plain, hleral and grammatical acceptation. What right have we, for example, to take the prophecies in which future blessings are distinctly promised to the present outcast Israel, and make Zion signify the Christian Church, and then cooly appropriate to the Jewish people the curses and denunciations?'^ And what more right have we to say that the " cloud of witnesses " of this inter- esting text does not mean what the words seem evidently intended to ex- press — a vast host of departed saints, but a cloud of testimony, the record of their example? Surely the Apostle Paul, who was a scholar, not an igno- ramus, could have found words to express his meaning ? he would never have confounded " testimony " with the witnesses themselves ! I grant, and candidly, that I find here a difficulty so strong as to forbid my enforcing the interpretation of this sermon with any the least approach to dogmatism. If the doctrine of Hades, advocated in this series of discourses. 14 X. ^.. Probkms of Uie Future State, be the true one : that in to say, if it l)e true that the spirits of the dejiarted in Christ do not immediately at death enter into Heaven, but are detained in Paradise awaiting the remmption of thxir bodies at thv. Resurrectioi: then how could they b*- so far nresent as to sur- round us V o are till here on earth ? This is the difficulty stated in all its force ; and I can not solve it even to my own, and probably therefore not to your entire satisfaction. The truu scientist, however, will always be ready to recognize a fact, no matter how stub- bornly it may bear upon any precon- ceivea theory of his own. And he will yield his theory, in the face of plain and unanswerable demonstration. So should the Theologist. He is not piit to state theorems, or to establish hypo- theses, but to "rightly divide," so far as in him may lie, " the word of truth." The two ideas in q^uestion may not be antagonistic, after all. Who shall say that the Hades of Scripture may not be an expression so wide of signiti- cation as to include the possibility if not the absolute fact of spirit communi- cation, at least that of spirit supervision of the career of such of us as remain still on earth ? It is a sweet and com- forting idea, to say the least. And we shoula beware, I think, of reducing our religion to the level of a cold, dry, hard, unfeeling materialism. WhUst avoiding superstition and fanaticism, we can not yield our hold of the Poetical. We know that Moses and Elijah appeared to the Lord on the Mount uf his transfiguration, and we know from the record that Samuel was called up 1 -y the witch of Endor, after his decease ; and that he actually appeared before Saul. By what means he manifested himself to the guilty monarch we are not informed ; but certain it is that it was a bad man and a bad woman who did the necromancing, and that such practices are forbidden by God in His Holy Word. (Is. viii. 19, 20.) In this Epistle to the Hebrews the Apostle Paul — presumably the author —-devotes the wnole of his first chapter to angels and their ministry. Why do we hear so seldom about this subject of angelic ministration from the Christian Pmpit 1 Why must it be ever the same hard, dry, didactic teaching ? Should men be so anxious to preserve a repu- tation for orthodoxy that they must needs be ev<'r harping upon dogma, and treading in the same old groove, to the neglect of topics of the deepest interest, as all those (juestions are which relate to the spiritual life of man ? Is not all or eveiy Scripture inspired of God profitable for instruction in righteous- ness ? Why, then, should we harp upor some, and overlook others / '• We are compassed about," or sur- rounded " with a cloud of witnesses," says the Apostle, in one place ; and there are " ministering spirits " — or angels, (from the context) " sent forth to do service for the heirs of salvation," he tells us, in another. The question arises : are these two separate and dis- tinct classes of beings ; or are they one and the same ? I think ttiey are not the same ; and for the reason that the one class is represented as in the passive act of K-itnessiiKj how we acquit ourselves in the conflict with sin, whilst the other class occupy the attitude of helpers, or ministrants — as doing service. I shall speak of them accoraingly, as different individuals. The Apostle speaks of a cloud — a classical metaphor for a vast assembly, a great multitude, a mighty host of witnesses, — "martyrs," it is literally, the martyr being one who has sealed with his blood his witness or testimony to the faith. We are surrounded with this host of sainted confessors of God's truth. Not necessarily by any friends or relatives of ours according to the flesh : I do not say that, for which the passage does not seem to afford war- ranty, but a cloud of martyrs or wit- nesses, whatever this may mean. It does seem to mean, beyond reas- onable controversy, the saints of God ! The Apostle devotes considerable portion of the preceeding chapter to the enumeration of a portion of the glorious host of the Lord's redeemed, whom He represents, by a figure drawn from the Olympian games, as standing upon the race course intent upon the efforts of the competitors for the prize ; a crowd pressing in upon the racers, so to speak, in their anxiety, just as we see now on occasions of equestrian or pedestrian games. But he only names a few, for time would fail, he says, to tell of all of them— those invisible spec- tators of the conflict being waged by their brethren who are still in the flesh. Mini^ering Spiritg* IS The paaaagft clearly indicates, to my mind at I'^aut, tUal we of the Church militant, we >vho ire still runners in the Christian . ", v" \\'ho have yet to win the heavenly c iwn, arc surround- ed by an innumerable iiott — albeit indistinguishable by mortal ye — of the spirits of the just made perfect ; the spirita of men and women who have toiled and fought, and sutfered oblo (uy and derision, i)ain aud jiersecution, in the good Mas^ter's cause, many of them sealing ultimately their unswerving tes- timony with thfiir blood ! Thej^e encom- pass us as though a cloud ; they look upon us with an interest the most intense. They watch our every move- ment ; see every muscle-strain as we press onward, every relaxation of the thews and sinews, as, discouraged or losing faith, we, for the time, draw back. Aud watching us so inteutly, in the nature of things, they are cheered by our successes, saddened by our de- fections. But these are not the only spectators of our trials and suflerings, our strug- glings and our victories. Tiie inspired writer tells us also, in, terms unmis- takable—although interrogatively put, as is often the fashion of Scripture when implying an affirmative, — that God's angels are charged with the duty of ministering to or doing service for God's children — for those, that is to say, who "shall inherit salvation." Ask me not concerning the nature of those ministrations, for, on that point, God's word is silent ; and we may not be wise above what is written. The fact of angelic ministrations towards the human race is a fact indubitable. They watch over us, I doubt not, from the cradle to the grave ; in our hours of gladness and in our hours of sorrow ; in sickness and in health ; in prosperity and in adversity. They stand by us —those blessed " messengers " of God ! to strengthen and sustain in the fierce hour of temptation, to comfort and support in the trying moment of dis- solution ! We wonder at the faith and constancy of the martyrs : and seem to think that, because the love of so many waxes cold in our day, this age would prove barren of victims for the Master, were it to become one of fierce and fiery persecu- tion. But we should not forget those ministering spirits — those angelic mes- sengers commissioned from the throne of Jehovah. Invisible to the eye of flesh, it wa-> their mission, as I believe, to give strength and support to the vlrooping hearts of those otherwise weak men and women who were called, in the ali-wiae Providence of God, aud in the defence and confirma- tion of the faith, to pass through the lires of martyrdom, What but such an influtmce could have imparted to its victims, strength to endure the dark- ness and the daiapiie.s«, the chains aud hunger ol the oolls of the Inquisition ? Who but an angelic visitant could have inspired tl "> soul to resist the tempting bribe of liberty, aud to suffer willmgly the excruciating agonies of the rack, the wheel, or any other of the manifold and most devilish forms of torture ? Had not the blessed Christ sent His messengers, would they not have counted their lives dear and refused to .surrender them, when, seemingly, all was to be lost, and nothing gained, by that surrender? And are there not times, in our own •experience, when the spiiit seems moved, as by an exterior power, to meet some extraordinary emergency ? Are you not conscious, fr»^,quently, of an influence which you can not account for? au ihlluence warning, almost, as it were, in audible tones, of impending danger, and urging to its avoidance ? Never was liiere a greater fallacy than that of the [lopular proverb, " second thoughts best.'' For my part, I have generalTy found that my first impulse was apt to be the true one. Whence come those impulses ? Say you they are the original product of one's own mdependent mind ? And what is that reply but a mere begging of the q uestion ? God carries on His work in the human soul through the instrumentality of means of His own providing. Un- doubtedly He has endowed each soul with certain powers of volition or free agency, in order to that soul's responsi- bility. But He has made it responsive to the touch of His own divinely appointed agents, just as the chords of the harp or the lute respond to the touch, when not almost the breath, of the skilled practitioner ; or as the flower opens its petals to the sun-beam ; or, as the electric current flashes across a continent, at will of its manipulator. 16 ProbUfAA of thf Fufttrf Stale. angels, of " not sent But I shall perhaps be told this theory of angelic ministration contlicts with the doctrine of the Holv Spirit ^ that it would supersede that fepirit's agency in the hearts of men in the great work of the aoul's salvation ? I need only say, in renly, that if the objection be valid, the onjector must be wiser than was the inspired Apostle ! "Are they "— t. f., the whom He is discoursing, forth to do service " — as the Revised Version renders " for the sake of them that shall inherit salvation ; " God works by means, alike in his Kingdom of nature and of grace : and he can -therefore^ and does, employ subordinate agencies in the accomplishment of His purposes of mercy and of goodness towards the world. I come, lastly, in this connection, to consider a point of the deejiest interest to thoughtful Christians — the nuestion oi whther our frumfls depart) d have any knowltdge of wriat is taking place liere on earth ? Speculation on religious subjects is not wrong, provided it be k». )t -within due bounds, and do not degenerate into dogmatism. I am impatient of those, as already intimated, who would alto- gether eliminate the poetical from oxir theology, and especially of those who are so rigidly ortnodox as to bcjid back- wards, forgetting that they are not in- fallible, and that wtiat to one servant of the Master may seem althogether the right view, to another equally devoted may not be so. Tho legitimate Freedom of the Press has been already secured to us. The Freedom of the Pulpit, which ought to be no less dear, is yet a thing of the futiirr.. I know of more than one Minister in the " ortho- dox " ranks, of various denominations, who confess to the holding certain views on mooted points, but say they " dore not preach them I " Is there one single sentence in all Scripture which would warrant the belief that at death our be- loved departed cease from all interest in us ? And is there a single scripture which would authorize the statement that they know nothing of our hopes and fears, our joys and sorrows ? And if the Bible teaches no such negation, is not the subject legitimate matter of discussion ? Surely the presumption is not unreasonable that, unless simul- taneously with the death of the body, the soul or spirit also Incomes insensi- ble — and no Scripture that I know of gives sanction to thit idea — a conscious redeemed soul must, in the disem- bodied state, take not only interest, but a most deep and tender interest in the progress heavenwards of the dear ones left behind it in tho flesh ? Selfish in- deed must the heart be, which, its own felicity assured, should feel no earnest concern in regard to tho felicity of others ! We stand in the midst of a world of awful mystery. Could the veil be with- drawn, I do not doubt we should find the material — wondrous though that be — but as nothing in comparison of the immaterial or spiritual. There are more chariots and horses of fire than those which carried Elijah the Erophet in that whirlwind up to [eaven ! This circumambient atmos- phere. Oh, could we but penetrate its mysteries ! Should it be Hades, huw peopled with innumerable throngs of God's redeemed, and what le«'ions of angelic ministants flying to and fro on their errands of love and mercy ! However that may be, it is not suppos- able that our Heavenly Father, who loves His redeemed children with a love which is inexpressible, should deny them the sweet consolation of knowing the progress in Christian grace and heavenly meetness which is being made by the friends whom they have left behind on earth. I do believe they know of it ; and cannot but take com- fort in the thought. — Sd- Appendix B. To believe that those who nave enter- ed into rest, and who therefore know its blessedness, mi\y be permitted to watch over us and help as, can do no hanu ; and may be productive, under the Divine guidance, of no little good. That conviction may inspire to • deeds of love and mercy — to the foisaking all that may grieve the Holy Spirit, or bring reproach upon the sacred cause of our dear Master. That thought may lead us to desire pleasures which are not of earth, but which are at God's right hand forever more. Wherefore, then, my brethren, " see- ing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin whicn doth 80 easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." PROBLEMS OF THE FUTURE STATE. Th« Nea*«>ii of Rfttvenut Wt«t %ni Wknr* U lit uil Who Mlmll Inhabit it I Sincf the fifi/innintf d/ Ihe imrli/ m*u hnri' ikA hfiinl, nor fwrvflt^d ft// thf >ar, tteil/nr ImIIi ttiK d that when the Chief Shep herd shall be manifested t* ey shoald rec'ive the crown of ahry that fadeth not away (I Pet , v. 4). Ani Su- Paul, that lerandeat of men, rejoiced in the oonvictitn that there was laid ap for him a crown of righteoDRnees, which the Lord, the righteoufi jndge, should give to hi n at that day, and not riy to him, he adds, but also loall the,mthit love His appearing {2 T m, \v 8). Therelore I siy we all may reach Heaven wha will, but on certain «pecifio and not unreasonable conditions The crown of plory will furmount the brows et all who shall comply with the terms of ita attainment, for obvieualy there must be terms and conditions. Heaven, it ehould he remembered, is the reward of the faith and patience and perseverance of the Lord's Miinta. It is no cage of unclean birds. Clearly, the principle of selection must obt'hlrm» of thi' Futitrt Htate^ Lord. Nothing md (apArAla him from tat lov* of Ohritt. Lot p«raIution of thia Qeihly frame baa neceatiarily auK^t to do with oar ■oala' heaven ia moat prepoaterona. Tr«e, the animal spirita are often %nd atrinaaly afT'iuted by the ilia which athict the body, but the aoul which )xw% a well founded hope oo Chriat the Rook of Auos, will oot be affeotfld even by the thaudera of the jalginent day itaelf. The bodyorumblea into dtiat ; tbe aoul livea oo in anbroken oontinuity. Again: II. WhkreisUeavkn? itmaybeaaked, halt it locality f 1. That it ia HOiuwhe^re in space cannot, I think, b«) doubted, for we read of it aa occupied, aad oooupied by apirita, and theae have form and identity by which they may be known, which were impoaai- ble apart from apace. Bat if it l>9 ob- jected that God cannot be localized, I answer that the objection ia bat in p«rt legitimate, for, while Ood ia everywhere in Hia o^n aniverse, even in the very caxrema of Hell, we read of him aa *' dwelling in the Heavena " That ia a very different idea from the anperatition belonging to a paat age, but utterly nnwortby of the present, which would looaliza Him in a few orumbe of bread or drops of wine, at t'ae beck of a so-called " priest," standing before a so-called "altar." Oar fathers repudiated that fantasy centuries ago; altbOQgh, shame to eay it t there are those to-day who woald again fasten the exi^oded dogm) upon the venerable Anglican Chareh. I am at a loss to nnderstacd why there should be difficulty in receiving the idea of Heaven a locality — a fact of material- ity, within the domain of physios, equally positive with the existence of Jupiter or Satarn, Venus or Uranns. The telescope, it ia most true, has given wondrons reve- lations of the magnitude and the magni- ficence of God's glohoQS universe; but even that has not been able to reveal the secrets of the milky may, nor to oaloolate the distanofs of the nearsat of the Hitd atara, aa the attronnmfr will tell you. Hut when wn curne to think, %» ia moat prohtbly true in faot, that with all the wonder* thaa laid op<ole oftrod'a threat tern ule. Lik** Newton, we aaunter along piokmg uu Here and there a pnhble from the shore, ths ureat oooan of troth meanwhile lyini{ ail aneiplornd boyond ua. I doubt not that. oouM >ve V-^it aee tittim, as in prophetio viaion, we ahoqid behold myriaia upon myriads of ahining orbt p^oplmg the infinitudes of siiaoe and of which the most aecurate of all the soienovs has not oonoeived the m')at rem ite idea. Inasmuch, then, as we 09 yet know nothing in oompariHou of what yet remains to be revealed to the eye of science, Sow dare we presume to say that the idea of Heaven as a lootlity is a b tnpian figment of the imagination — a mere poetic creation ? We have picked up a aand or two from the beach, and aay th^taa are all there is of them \ We have hej'>n>e slightly acqnainted with the wonders of thia. our own aolar univerae, and from that premiae attempt the im> poasible feat of proving a negatire, predi- cating the nen-exintenoe of any other ! Moat assureiily, since God hai found place for the world» we do aee, He is of might anlfioient to the finding of room in the vast depths of spa^e for the heaven or heavens which at present we do not see* 2. Again, be it remembered that God ia personal, and not a mere abatraotion aa some would make Him. Therefore, we cannot divest ourselves of the convictioD that there mast he an intimate reUtioo between personality and locality. God's children nhall be l ▼en!" Snrelr yoQ would not limitjk to the oompuratively few whom you hare indi- o»tf>d ? W hat of the Jewa, Mohamnedana, Hindoos, and all others of the aat boat of heathens and unbelierera generally ? Shall the maltitudes with whom we daily associate, and who make no profession whatever of any other than a purely iifitnral reliKion, be forever excluded from tie heavenly inheritance ? Brethren : let os nek seek to be wise above what ia written. We are not the judgea of oar brother. It ia not for me to aay what will Lj the Ste of the unbeliev- ing Jew, or of him '«i ose mind has been steeled by education against the icfluence of Christianity, or of the man to whom the Saviour baa not been revealed ;o all hia gloriona faltneas. To hia own Master each n ill stard or fall. All will not be )ud({ed by the same rule ; that w* do know; and we are told, furthermore, that he to whom muoh is given, of him much will be required, and be to whom little, of him little. Heaven is not so much a negative as it is a positive revelation. That is to say, we are informed not so much of those wbc shall not, aa of those who ahall enter therein. In oar Father's house are many mansions, and Ood h^s a place for all according to their merits or demerits. It is a blessed truth that "the Lord knoweth them that are hia;" and that He will make due allowance where ve, in onr sbort-eightedness, might be intolerable and uncharitable. 3. But this we ito Know, on the author* ity of Scripture, that Heaven is essentially where Christ is; and that none but those who love and serve him can enter therein. And this in the eternal fitness of things, for obviously there must be harmony of feeling and of temperrment in orier to the enjoyment of the L>ivine presence, and adaptation of apirit to the surroundings of bsaven. Lacking these, it were no longer heaven— the beatific abode of the Saiota uf ('od. The irbabitanta of that place airve and «or- «hip (iod; they rajoioe in the aaunhine [ of His orinotenanoe; they rejoio in the j ft lluwahip of the Redeemer; they all aiD)( , the new vend. Tb«• fore the throne, I cannot conceive. In this ie>4()ect the church on earth cannot be regarded as the counterpart of the church in glorv, for here alas! we have difTtreooes aid recrimiuatiunf, alai!toa cften Litter ones. Here we have jeal- ouiies, mistakes, short comiigf: the aervants uf Christ, owing to the corrup> tion of the tiesh, are too like other tren, but thfre. ah! there, there will be noce of that. Seeing, as we do, through a glass darkly now, we mis> conceive and misapprehend each other; we are intolerant and overbenrii k; we take wrong views of each other's doo- trine, and do not iu£Bciently comprehend each other's motiv<)s, and so, too fre* quQDtly judge harahly and erroneously; but yonder all that is obscure will be made plain, and each Christian saved by grace will regard his brother Chrittiaa as equal to himself, equally acceptable to the same beloved Maater, none will seek pre-eminence over the other, all hearts filled to overflowing with gratitude and love. In view of the supreme delight of that most holy place, weil may we sing : "Therr* are depths of lore that I cuiBot know. Till I eross the narrow sea, There are heights of joy that I may not reach Till I rest iu peace with Tt^«e. Ob, the pure and nnsallied happiness of that blest abode of the saints of God I who but must wish that it may be his ? As stated in my opening remarks, it may most assmredly be yours and mine, pro* vided we oomoly with the conditions. If fail we shall, the fault will be oars alone— the fault of oar rebelliousness or indiffer> enoe. God is willing, and Christ is will* ing, and the Holy Spirit is willing, that we all shoald enter io. 20 Problems of the Future State, 4 Rat remember there must be fi'^ne«>B — % titoeaa of im jntatioD, and aUo of personal holiness, for without these no man can see the Lord The first hncome^ ours in the moment when we believe, the Saviour's unsullied holi nesR being acoounted unto nn for right- eousness, and th» latter eff'il ouce sown in tears: Here is the rest by mi ■ i-tr enhanced: Her? is the bAnquet rf the wint of heaven. Riches of tlory iiicorriiptii'le, Crowns, amarantliine e own- of victory, The voice of harjers hari'inar -^n their harps, The anthems of the holy cherubim, The c'.vstal river of the pirii's joy, The Bridal pa'ace of ihe Prince if Peace, The Ho leit of Holiea— Gol is here. *4i. .i .if PROBLEMS OF THE FUTURE STATE. VI. Hearen'fl Many Maiinlons. In my Fat)ier^s hmise an nutny mansions — John xiv. 2. There U no truth on which my soul more dehghta to dwell — paradoxical though it may seem to say it — than that of God'.s intiexible justice. When Abra- ham pleaded with the Lord on behalf of guilty Sodom, he said, as fearing not to be contradicted, "shall not the Judge of all the earth do right ?" — dm. xviii. 25. The position has been taken by some, to avoid certain theological dilliculties, that God's idea of justice is different from man's, — in other words, that He has one standard of justice for himself, another for us ! But that seems most unreasonable : for surely our sente of the right and the just, the good and the true, must have been implanted within us by the Almighty Creator : and therefore He neither would nor could sanction two contrary or oppos- ing measures of these properties. Such a supposition were entirely unworthy of an all-wise Being, as is our heavenly V Father. ^ Now I hold it as utterly at variance "'with all right principle, as alike un- V scriptural and unphilosophical, that •> there should be a sameness of rewards and punishments ; ihat equal felicity should, on the one hand, be conceded J to the long-tried faithful servants of I God, and to the " scarcely saved ;" and flCin the other, that equal punishment ' should be meted out to the poor weak ft victim of temptation, and to the man s who, all his life-long, has "worked 'wickedness with greediness." In the «. distribution of the awards of Eternity, : tinder the government of a righteous God, one would think regard must surely be had to the respective grades * of merit or demerit characterizing the individual. In perfect harmony with this view is the declaration of our Lord in the text ; " In my Father's house are miny mansions " — not wig mansion, then, but " many ;" not one house with but one room, but many rooms in the same house, and those many rooms hlled with diversified classes of occupants. Let us take a view of human society as existing at present in our world. There are diversified elements which go to the make-up of that society. Men are drawn together by the attractive force of similarity of feeling, by con- geniality of disposition. It were a trite remark to say that antagonistic char- acters cannot dwell together side by side in harmony. One man has a taste for high art, the beautiful, the poetical; the other is all plain matter of fact, utterly unromantic and unpoetical. One has a keen and appreciative ear for music ; the other is utterly un- moved by any " concord of sweet sounds." This Christian man delights to worship God beneath fretted arch and in vaulted aisle, surrounded by magnificent designs in architecture, the rich gorgeous light, rainbow tinted, streaming in upon him thro' painted window : and &il this, we may well say instead of detracting from, acts as adjunct to his devotional feelings and perceptions — it does to mine ; whereas that other one, utterly devoid of taste or poetry or sentiment, can worship God more pleasurably to himself, in a Barn or a Church resembling one, utterly devoid of any the least preten- sion to the comely or the beautiful. One man, again, thrives upon food which to another man would be little short of poison. This one longs for tJae frozen regions of the Arctic ; that one pines lor the latitude of the Torrid Zone. This mans genius is mechanical and practical ; thai one's suberbly un- realistic and ideal. Here we have a devotee of the classics of ancient Greece aud Kome, buried in the tomes of Homer, Thucidydes, Cicero, or Juvenal. Yonder is on