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Les details de cet exemplaire qui sont peut-i^tre uniques du point de vue bibliographique, qui peuvent modifier une image reproduite, ou qui peuvent exiger une modification dans la mMhode normale de f ilmage sont indiquis ci-dessous. □ Coloured pages/ Pages de couleur □ Pages damaged/ Pages endommagies Fy] Pages restored and/or laminated/ D Pages restaur^es et/ou pellicul^es Pages discoloured, stained or foxed/ Pages d6color6es, tacheties ou piqu6es n Pages detached/ Pages ddtachdes 0Showthrough/ Transparence I I Quality of print varies/ Quality indgale de I'impression Includes supplementary material/ Comprend du materiel suppl1<» WVME !sible, a little less orcupation thaii during the examination, or cross examination of a witness; whicli enabled the jiainter to show, with more propriety, the faces of some gentlemeiij whose backs would otherwise have been turned towards the spectator. It appears in the Journals of the day, that the persons most exertine themselves, previously to the Queen's leaving her Chair in the House, at half past twelve o'clock, were, the Right Honourable the Lord Chan- cellor, Lord Amherst, Lord Fahnouthj Lord Ellenl>o- routih, and the Earl Grey, who is checking the prolixity of the interpreter, the Marchese Spinetti, desirous to proceed with the examiaatioa o( the witness. NUMERICAL REFERENCE JO TUT PICTURE of the QUEENS TRIAL. NOS. I 2 3 4 5 t> 7 8 9 10 n 12 Ut 14 15 16 17 18 PLATE I. GuUertf on fhe Rujht fland of the Ifom> Duke of Richmond Duke of Kutlaud Lord Grantbaui Earl of \ t.rulaiii Earl of Mansfield Earl Manvers Earl of Enniskilleu Earl of Bradford Marquis of Bath H. R. H. The Dnke of Clarence Lord Hill Earl of Limerick Earl of Browulow ** Earl of Dartmouth Lord Viscount Falmoutli Earl of Galloway Earl of Harewood Mr. W Wright (door keeper) *m \ m&: wmm ^ M-.^ — Ml:miH'tfY' \ 9 VLATE II. Below the. liar. \\) Lieutenant Colonel VV. (i. Macerf'iio) 20 I. A. Pt|. (one of the S()licit(M>. for th. Crown; 21 Honorable George Howard 22 M. E. Phonuis, Es(| Arebiteet, M. A, S. L. and \1 A IT (,is a Reporter) 23 Cliarles Maine Yonnii', Esq, 24 Chal. H. Ot;!,., Es.,. 25 Charles llayten Esq. 2i\ Honorable Robert Smith 27 Earl of Clanwilliani 28 Earl Gower 20 Editor of the Times 30 f*. Mudford Esq. Editor oi tb (Jon lei 31 Sir Christopher Retbinson (Ring's Advoeate. &.e. (Jcr ) 32 James Parke, Esf|. 33 I)r Adam 34 Sii .lobn Siuiileton Copley (Solieitor (ieneral) ij5 Sir Rol)erl ( ilford (Attorney General) 36 W. S. Gurney (Short-band WmU'x) 37 Theodore Majoeehi (the Witufss under examination) 38 The Mareh^sc Spmetti (Interpretei) 39 Henr\ Cowptr, Esq. (Clerk of the House of Lord-) Where the Rtpuncrs <»t their rrspeetive papers were place i»f Atlnd Eiil Diyhy Loi'd \ is( o'liit Exiijoutli Earl of W'cstinurduiid 11 70 71 11 7:i 7» 7o 7(") 77 7S 7!) S(| HI XI s;i HI 85 H« S7 H8 Lom) V'is(«iunt Melville Vlanpiis of" L(»tltiau l>uk( <•( Poitlaiid Diikt el lieanl.tit liislni|> of" LlaiHJ.it} K.irl (t| lirJdgewiiter Unki ot Wflliiit^rton, ^t( . i>c( . vSc( K.irl ol AylostonI Lord ( olville IJisliop of liaritfor liishop of Worcester Hisliop of Clu'stcr Lord \ is(oniU Sididotitli riurl natlmisi ^iatl ot ILnrowby Fiarl * .luilgi; Garrow * Lonl St. Helen's The Right Honorahlc th. Lord Cha.urllur, (E.ui ot Eh Ion) Lorii Ilovvrird of Ethnghani nenjannn Cnrrcy Esq. (ad.htionaj (;|.,U, A>.,s,;„n a. lal.le) LokJ Chief JustKi Oalliia * Vlarrjuis of Aihsbury Earl (jlrey Sir ¥ JJunietl, M. V * at tt|( lob lof, m S ■x?.'- 'W'' .. J"::: f 1» \{l', Sir Charles t (Kki'ivM M. P. |(M> .loliii (ioorgc- l^ainhton l^^<|. 'I F- * 107 L MuKniis ut Worct'ster, M. P * IK) H.moral.l. W UimIk M. P * I I I H<»uoiiil)l« VV l\msonhy, II J Hisliop ot Kly * li;i Sanuii'l VV Inthread lvs(|. M I*. • I 14 F.arl t)i Klessiii^'ton 11.") l.urd Uolle I K; Earl (»f Mount ti«l,uecuml)e I I 7 Karl ot Lauiic rdale lis Lady Anne ilamilton, (Maul ol Hoiioi) II!) THE Ql KKN |*2() Mar(piis of Lan^downe 121 Karl of Poujfrct * 122 Diiko ot Huckinuhani I2:i Dukeof St. Albans 124 Earl of Damloy 125 Earl Grosvenor 120 Earl of nonoughiaoro 127 His Royal Highness the Duke of dlovicester 12« Lord Calthorpc I2l» Sir Wilhaui Scott, (now Lord Stowell) * KiO Honorable G. Anson, M, V It LSI Lui.l .luliii Rush. II. M. r I.i'i lloiioi.tltjr I). Kimiiiud \SA L.Md lioliiiiui l.'M .VlaiijiliN of Aiiplcsiy l.'{') Lord Klirtihomiiiili I. if' Lord Hu^ot i:*" Matthew Wo,.,l r.s,,. \i V ' i;js Lo.d John I'if/rov, M V * : U\ I tl Hi Ih't 14 ( U.) « 17 I'LATii IN Galkrif on thf. Lif'l U)l<:iit: Earl of I Knbij^h Iluke ol NoithumlH rl.iiid * Lord JJayTiing Right HouorahU C. Arhullinoi, uiii thr st.p. I, admi: i" the (falkry PLATi;. V 14M liarl ol Ciirnurvon 119 Earl f»J V\ arwick 150 luirl N'«bon 1 / / f^ :■■,';■/.■' ir'ii^'' Kiiff- I '1. i 14 * 1", t 15 I.M Eail of (, liiio l.')i Lonl Kiiitr 1 ."),•{ Duke <)t Loiiistci lol l-di-fl Erskiur 155 ihiUr of li.ult(»nl 15(5 Iviri of Rosslyu J.) 7 Mill ! ForteH( uc 15S Eiirl of Hos, hrrry 15! J Earl of (io>sfor«l ]{]{) Lord Dccilmrst attcmlintr Ins I'litli. r. tti. Kit Eiii 1 of Coventry Hr2 Marquis of Downshir* \iV,i Earl of l-ssfx MM Lord Vincount llfrtford 1(55 Marquis of Evttc i H\(\ Earl of Bcssl)«a-ouj:li Kw Ihiko. of Hamilton and Brandon I(>IS E^arl ol Tlianc^i [iVJ Lord CI in ton 170 Earl of Alhcniarlo 171 Lord Vlvanley 17-2 l^arl of M(n-ley I7;i Lord Andn'rsf 174 Earl of Driawarr 175 Earl Co«|»cr 17() Lord Viscoinit Clifdon 16 177 I7S 1 7V« IHU 181 Diiki oiAvi:vll Duke ut'Ciratton Lord (iuvdyr, (J.ord Hiah Cliiiiuhcrlaiiri Kdid Auikluud Lord Vixoniit (jranville Lord I) aero Lord (iienville lu thr Box- of the Gentknwn Usher