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'1 I i BT-LA¥ No. 18, OF THE MONICIPAUTY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORWICH, Firing the terms and conditions on which License may he obtained for keeping Houses of Public Enter-i taimnent within said Township, 8)'c. WHEREAS by an Act of the Parliament of this Province, passed in the fourteenth year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled, " An Act to amend the Laws relative to Tavern License in Upper Canada," thereby vesting in the Municipal authorities thereof the power of fixing the number of Taverns, Beer Shops, and other houses or places of public entertainment, where wines and spirituous or fermented liquors are sold, or prohibiting such houses or places in the said Municipalities respectively, and of prescribing the conditions on which the same may be obtained and held, and the duty which shall be paid thereon^ over and above that imposed on persons keeping such houses, and retailing wines and spirituous liquors therein, by Act of the Parliament of Great Britain, passed in the fourteenth year of the Reign of King George the Xhird, intituled, " An Act to establish a fund towards further defraying the charges of the administration of Justice and the support of the Civil Government within the Province of Quebec, in North America :" — Therefore be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Norwich, constituted and assembled under and by virtue of an Act of the Par- liament of this Province, intituled, " An Act to provide by one general Law for the erection of Municipal Corporations, and the establishment of regulations of J Po)Jce, in and for the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Townships and Villages in Upper Canada," and it ia hereby enacted under the authority of the same, That any person desirous of obtaining a License to keep an Inn or house of public entertainment within said Township of Norwich, to retail wines and spirituous liquors to be drunk therein, shall, before the issue of such License, comply with, and constantly keep and maintain, the following rules, regulations and restric- tions, that is to say : — Firstly— Eyexy Innkeeper shall provide convenient apartments in their respective dwellings, and be pre- pared at all times for the reception and comfortable accommodation oi travellers ; and provide good open or enclosed sheds, (free of charge,) sufficient to admit at the same time four two-horse teams ; and also good stabling for at least eight horses, and good lock-up barn or driving-house for the safe-keeping of horses, cattle, carriages or goods, that may be therein deposited, and have at all times in attendance some fit and proper person to take charge of the same. Secondly — To provide and keep at least four good, clean, comfortably clothed beds, for the use of travellers, or other than those for the use of the family. . Thirdly — No Innkeeper, his wife, child, man or maid servant, or other person about the premises, shall sell or give any intoxicating liquor to any person known by common report to be a common drunkard, or allow him, her or them, to drink such liquor on his or her premises ; or take in exchange for liquor any kind of property from such person known, as aforesaid, to be a common drunkard. Fourthly — No gaming at cards, dice, raffling, or other unlawful, immoral or disorderly conduct, shall be suf- I fered or allowed in any Inn, as aforesaid, or other place belonging thereto; neither shall any unnecessary tippling or drinking be allowed or practised, especially on the Sabbath, or by the Innkeeper himself. II. And be it fur titer enacted, That each and every Innkeeper in the Villages of Norwich ville and Otterville shall pay for License to keep the same for the term of one year from and after the last of February now next ensuing, in addition to the duty imposed by the said Act of Parliament of Great Britain, the sum of four pounds five shillings, Halifax currency ; and in any other place within the said Township, the sum of two pounds, Halifax currency, in addition to the duty imposed by the Act last aforesaid. III. And be it further enacted, That if any Inn- keeper, after having obtained a License to keep the same, shall fail constantly to keep and maintain the rules, regulations and conditions imposed by this By-Law, such Innkeeper shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five shillings, nor more than five pounds, currency, with costs of conviction.and collectlor and such offender may be convicted on the oath or afiii ma- tion of one credible witness other than the informer or prosecutor, before any one or more of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace acting within the Township ; the penalty awarded by such Justice or Justices, with legal costs, may be levied (if not forthwith paid) by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of such offender, by warrant under the hand and seal of any one of said Justices, returning the overplus (if any) to the proper owner, after deducting the penalty and legal charges; and in default of goods and chattels to satisfy such fine and costs awarded as aforesaid, such offender shall be committed to the County Gaol at Woodstock, for any term not to exceed twenty days, if said fine and costs be not sooner paid. IV. And be it further enacted, That all fines levied and collected under and by virtue of this By-Law, shall be forthwith paid over to the Township Treasurer, and form and be part of the Township Fund. [Passed in Council, 3lst December, 1850.] GARRY V. D. LONG, Reeve. r Moses Mott, Town Clerk. BY-LAW N«. 20, Of the Munioipality of tho Township of Norwich, To regulate and define more clearly the Duties of certain Township Officers therein named, and to limit the amount of Fees or Salary to he paid to certain Officers, S^c. WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to regu- late and define more clearly the duties of certain Township officers, and also to limit the amount of fees or salary to be paid to certain officers hereinafter named, and to provide for the punishment of the same, in case of neglect or refusal to perform the duties of their respective offices : Therefore he it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Norwich, constituted and assembled under and by virtue of an Act of the Parliament of this Province, intituled, " An Act to provide by one general Law for the erec- tion of Municipal Corporations, and the establishment of regulations of Police in and for the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Town ".'ps and Villages in Upper Canada," and it is hereby enacted under the authority of the same. That the Assessors appointed, or hereafter to be appointed by this Council, are hereby authorized and required to perform all the duties required of Assessors by any Act of Parliament now in force, or any By-Law of this Council, and return the Assess- ment Roll so made, to the Clerk of said Township, on or before the tenth day of April in each year ; for the faithful performance of which they shall each be entitled to, and paid out of the Townshiip funds, the sum of eight pounds five shillings, currency, annually. II. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of every Collector appointed by the Municipal Council aforesaid, and they and each of them are hereby required, upon receiving the Tax Roll for the then cnrrent year, to proceed to collect the taxes therein mentioned ; and for that purpose shall call once at least on the party taxed, or at the usual place of his residence, if within said Township, and shall demand payment of the taxes charged on the property of such party ; and if not paid within fourteen days from and after such demand so made, the Collector shall levy the same, with legal costs, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the party who ought to pay the same, or of an^- goods or chattels in his or her pos- session, wherever the same may be found, within the County of Oxford, by warrant under the hand and seal of any Magistrate acting within said County; and said Magistrates are hereby required to grant such warrant, when lawfully demanded; and said Collector shall give public notice of the day of sale, and the name of party whose property is to be sold,' at least six days previous to the day of sale, by adver- tisement to be posted up in three of the most public places in said Township; and such sale shall be by public auction ; and if the property distrained shall be sold for more than the whole amount of taxes and costs, the overplus shall be returned to the lawful owner. III. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the Collector for the time being to collect the taxes levied in any previous year, and which may remain due and unpaid, in the "same manner, and by the same means, as he would collect taxes for the then current year. IV. And be it further enacted, That every Collector sball, ou or before such tune as shall be appointed by the aforesaid County Cou'icil, pay over all monies that can be collected by him, (except his own per centage.) to the Treasurer of said Township ; for (he true performance of which, said Collector shall, before receiving his Tax Holl, give a bond with at least two good sureties ; said bond shall be executed and delivered to said Township Clerk on or before the first day of July in each year, to be by the ^aid Clerk laid before the Council for its approval ; and said Collector shall be entitled to, and may retain four per cent out of all monies collected by him, as compensation for collection, and no more. V. And he it furtlier enacted, That the Township Auditors shall be entitled to, and paid out of the Township fund, the sum of one pound currency, each, annually, for the faithful discharge of the duties of their office as Auditors. VI. And he it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the several Overseers of Highways within said Township, and they are hereby authorized and required, to superintend, make and keep in repair, the Highways, Roads and IJridges that may be allotted to each of them by this Council. VII. And he it further enacted, That this Council shall hold a special session between the fifteenth day of April and the tenth day of May in each year, giving sufficient notice thereof, requiring the attendance of said Overseers, for the purpose of furnishing each his Road Warrant; and every Overseer, after having received such Warrant, shall notify all persons within his Road Section liable to nerform Statute Labor, B *l! i,. ! I- h] ?kher verbally or in writing, (if in writing, to be left at h,s usual place of residence,) giving at least three days notice of the tin.e and place to perform said labor,, and also to demand of every male inhabitant residing ,„ his Road Section, over twenty-one and under sixty years of age, and not otherwise assessed the performance of two days' labor, giving them a like notice. VIII. And be k further enacted. That every person liable to perform Statute Labor, either in person or by an able-bodied man in his or her stead, is hereby required, under the direction of the Overseer acting for the Road Section, to work faithfully and diligently on said Road, and shall bring such tools or implements usetul for that purpose as he may be the owner of, and directed by said Overseer to bring, for and during the time such person may be liable to work on said Road allowing eight hours to each day's work, exclusive of' the time of going to and returning from the place of work ; and that every person owning a team of one. or more horses or yoke of o^en, shall furnish, on every day to be appointed by the Overseer, a waggon, cart plough, scraper, or other implement, and team/and an able-bodied man to drive tlje same ; whi(?h said drivei; and team, with any carriage or implement attached to said team by direction of said Overseer,' shall be allowed for two days' work for every eight hours so employed-j and if any laborer or driver shall neglect or refuse to work faithfully, or to carry sufficient loads, it shall be the duty of said Overseer to discharge such laborer or driver ; and such laborer or person furnishing such team, shall be liable to the same forfeiture to Which every such person wnnlH liqTrah«'='« h'-A -«-.i- i-» ♦ attended, or such team and driver not have been sent. u IX. And be it further enacted, That every persoli liable to perform Statute Labor in any Road Section within said Township, who shall neglect or refuse to perform the same, after having been duly notified, as aforesaid, either in person or by an able-bodied man in his or her stead, with such team, waggon, cart, plough, scraper or other implement, as he may be the owner of, and required by the said Overseer, at the time and place appointed, shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten shillings currency, for each and every day so omitted to be performed ; and any person directed to appear without team, waggon, cart, plough or scraper, but with any other tool or in ^ement that he may the owner of, and directed by said Overseer to bring, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five shillings, currency, fine for each and every day omitted to be performed, to be recovered on complaint of said Overseer, by warrant under the hand and seal of any Magistrate acting within said Township, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels df the person so offending, rendering the bverpliis (if any) to the proper owner, after deducting the penalty and legal charges attending such distress and sale ; which said fine or fines shall be taken in lieu of such day or days work. X. And be it further endcted, That if the name of any person vl^hich should have been inserted on the Assessment Roll shall have been omitted by the Assessor, such person shall lievertheless be liable to jperform Statute Labor the same as if no such omission had taken place, and said Overseers are hereby required to insert the saine in their Road Warrant. XL And be it further enacted, That when any ■^/verseer Sxxaii orvier any person on txie ilignway lOr the purpose of performing Statute Labor, and sucli 12 1 i m ;!d to retail wines and spirituous iiquo^s therein : Provided always, that no such certificate shall be granted till; M « ! 111! 16 after the said Inspectors have thoroughly inspected the premises of the appHcant Said certificate, when granted, may be in the form following: — VVh, the iin.lersigiieil Itisppcfyis of houses of public entertnin- meiil for the Township < f Norwidi, d,, hriehy rerjify Imt - , (here nam.- the person.) is eniitlcd lo a Lionseto keep an Jnn or house if public entertainm.'iit in the house whereiji he now resides, within said Township of Norwich, upon payment K. the Revenue Ii.-'•'*«'• enacted, That aU persons desirous of obtaining a certificate for the purpose of keeping a house of pubUc entertainment from year to year, shall make apphcation to the said Inspectors at their annual meetmgs. '^ ^<^'"^i'dtmeanipas,edinCounca,i2nddayofFaruary.mi. TRUMAN WILCOX, Reeve. M. MoTT, Totcnship Clerk hi"' liiil I • : I BY-LAV No. 22, OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORWICH, To amend a certain By -haw therein named, and to extend the promsions thereof. WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to amend and extend the provisions of a certain By-Law of this Council, numbered fourteen, prescribing the conditions upon which Groceries may be licensed : Therefore he it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Norwich, constituted and assembled under and by virtue of an Act of the Parliament of this Province, intituled, " An Act to provide by one general law for the erection of Municipal Corporations, and the establishment of regulations of Police, in and for the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Townships and Villages in Upper Canada," and it is hereby enacted under the authority of the same, That every person desirous of keeping a house of public entertainment, wherein to retail ale, beer, cider, or any other manu- factured beverage, (which said house is commonly called a Grocery,) shall comply with, and constantly be governed by, the following Regulations, that is to say :— First — Every such person as aforesaid shall pay to the Treasurer of said Township the sum of two pounds, currency, whose receipt for such sum, received for that purpose, shall be a sufficient License to keep such Grocery for the term of one year, which term lit Siiail commence on the first ^\y of January in each year. p^ hi I'll rti;i iii! Mr 20 Second^'No ardent spirits of any kind shall be sold in any Grocery, either directly or indirectly, or drank therein, or in anyplace belonging thereto ; no gambling, profane swearing, or drinking to excess, or any other immoral or disorderly conduct, shall be suffered or allowed, in any Grocery, as aforesaid, or about the premises. Third^AW Groceries shall be kept closed during the Sabbath days against entertaining the public ; and no ale, beer, cider or other liquor, shall be sold therein on said days. II. And be it further enacted, That all such Gro- ceries as aforesaid, shall be subject to examination by the Inspectors of Houses of Public Entertainment for said Township, who are hereby required to inspect and examine the same, as often as they may think proper, for the purpose of ascertaining whether said Groceries are kept in accordance with the foregoing requirements, or that th«> necessary Licenses have been obtained ; and it is further enacted, that any one of said Inspectors are authorized to ask or demand of any person keeping a Grocery within said Township to see such License, which all such persons are required to show to said Inspector, if they have any. III. And be it further enacted, That if any person is found keeping a Grocery without a License, as aforesaid, or contrary to any other of the foregoing requirements, said Inspectors shall report such delin- quents to the proper authority, that they may be dealt with accordingly. IV. And be it further enacted. That for the con- travention or evasion of any of the requirements of this By-Law, in regard to the keeping and management 21 of said Groceries, the person or persons so offending shall be liable, upon conviction thereof, to a penalty of not less than five shillings, nor more than five pounds, currency, with legal costs; to be levied, if not forthwith paid, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender, by warrant, under the hand and seal of a Magistrate, rendering the overplus, if any, to the proper owner, after deducting the penalty and costs ; and in default of distress, said offender may be com- mitted to the Gaol at Woodstock, for any term not to exceed twenty days, or until fine and costs are paid. V. And he it further enacted. That this By-Law shall be and remain in force until altered or repealed by competent authority, anything in any other By-Law to the contrary notwithstanding. [Passed in Council, 21th February, 1861.] TRUMAN WILCOX, Reeve. AL MoTT, ToiOnship Clerk T ! BY-LAW Ifl. 24, OS the Municipality of the Township of Norwich, To empoiof^ the inhabitants of the Totmship of Norwich to commute for, instead of performing Statute Labour. TFHEREAS it is necessary to give every person the privilege of paying in money the amount they may be hable for, instead of performing Statute Labour on the public h\^\iw^ys:-Therefore he it enacted hy the MunicipaHty of the Township of Norwich, con- stituted and assembled under and by virtue of an Act of the Parliament of this Province, intituled, "An Act to provide by one general law for the erection of Municipal Corporations, and the establishment of regulations of Police in and for the several Counties Cities, Towns, Townliips and Villages in Upper Canada," and it is hereby enacted under the authority aforesaid. That each and every inhabitant within the said Township Hable to perform Statute Labour, shall be relea 8d from performing the same, by pay.'ng to the Overseer of Highways for the Road Sectio^ \v which they may reside, the sum of two shilling.-. , ' .' sixpence, currency, for each day's labour liable to be performed, within twenty-four hours after being notified by said Ovprseer to work on the Road ; for which money the li.! Overseer shall give a receipt if required, whic .haii be sufficient to prevent any party from b^u^,. .?,ied upo. [br Statute Labour during the year for which it was given. 23 II. And be it further enacted, That so much of B)'-Law No. 7, passed by this Council on (lie eleventh day of March, 1860, that may be in^'onsisteul with the provisions of this By-Law, are hereby declared to be repealed. [Passed in Council, 23rd May, 1851.] TRUMAN WILCOX, lieeve. M. MoTT, Township Clerk. ''i ii i III • i m BY-LA¥ No. 25, Of the Municipality of the Township of Norwich, To alter and amend the provisions of By-Law No 5 ^n regard to the running at large of Horses, CaitlJ, hheep and Swine, and to provide for Impounding the same, and other things hereinafter mentioned. TyHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to alter y and amend the provisions of a former By-Law of this Council, numbered five, in regard to the running at large of certain animals hereinafter named, and to provide for Impounding the same if found running at large contrary to the provisions hereinafter contained • and also to limit the amount of fines to be demanded by Pound Keepers, as well as fees and charges to be paid for Impounding and feeding animals while Impounded -.— Therefore be it enactedh^ the Municipal Council of the Township of Norwich, constituted and assembled under anr' by virtue of an Act of the Par- liament of this Province, intituled, "An Act to provide by one general law for the erection of Municipal Corporations, and the establishment of regulations of Police, in and for the several Counties, Cities, Towns Townships and Villages in Upper Canada," and it is' hereby enacted under the authority of the same, That no horses of any description, bulls over one year old, rams and boars over three months old, shall be allowed ' to run at large or on the common, and that no cattle or swine be allowed to run loose around any store, gnstnnill or tavern ; and no hog or pig of any descrip- tion be allowed to run loose on the common within s 25' one mile of any Village, and that none be allowed ttf ran at large under fifty pounds weight, within the Township of Norwich. II And be it further enacted, That for every entire horse, over one year old, found > running at large oa the common, the owner thereof shall be liable to a fine of one- pound, currency, for each and every offence ; and any person finding such horse loose on the common, or any of the animals named in, or running, at large contrary to, the next preceding section of this By-Law, are hereby authorized to impound them, or any of them, . in the nearest Pound ; and the owneiv of any horse, other than an entire horse, or bull, boar, or ram, shall be hafole to a fin-e of ten shillings, currency, and for each head of other cattle or swine the sum» of five shillings, currency, fine for each and every, offence ; and the said animals shall remain impounded/ until the fine and costs be paid, or until otherwise lawfully disposed of ' III. AM be it further enacted,- That it 'shall be the duty of each and every Pound-Keeper within said- Township, and they are hereby required, to receive all animals that may be delivered to them for the purpose- of being impounded, and provide for, and take such care, and charge such fees, as are set forth in the- annexed schedule, that is to say : — For receiving every entire horse into Pound,- the sum of 2s.> 6d. Fflv receiving every other horse 3 s. 3d. Do.' do. bull Is. 3d. Do. do. ram Is. 3d. Do:- do. boar, ...... ..^ , Is. 3d. . mi I III m ,i'!l| Pi 26 For receiving every ox, cow, or young cattle, per head " ' ^^ , For receiving hogs, the lot, one oi'more.' .' '. '. ll 3d. ' *»«»,«,, «r Provlnder ,. „e »ive„ ,„ An.maU Impounded. ''° ThZto""' '' "" "' '""' '"^' " S-- ^Val Cattle four years old and upwards, 20 lbs. do. do. Cattle under four years old 15 lbs. do. do islieep. ^, 11 , , TT , 4 lD.s. do. do. Hogs three months old and upwards, 1 quart of wheat rye, corn or pease. Hogs under three months old i pi„t of do. do. The above specified quantity of provinder shall be given to each and every animal, as specified, per day or as much as they will eat, and as much water as they will require to drink, morning and evening, each day. Price of Provinder. Hay at the rate of •?„ ^j txr/ , ^s- 6a- per cwt. Wheat do. ... . /l« n^ ^^ i, i i T> 4s. Od. per bushel. Kye, corn or pease, do .35. od. do. For notifying three freeholders or householders to view fence and appraise damages is. 3d. t or advertismg according to law 2s. Od For selling and making returns ' * ' '3s. od. For postponement of sale and re- advertising! '. !2s. Od. For selling after postponement, and making '"^"^^•••- 3s. Od. IV. And be it further enacted. That when any persons are called upon by the Pound Keeper either to view fence or appraise damages, or both, and such :\ sSs:~.-#f 27 persons shall attend agreeable to such notice, and discharge the duties required of them according to law, they shall each be entitled to and paid the sum of three shillings and ninepence, currency, for their services. V. And be it further enacted, That a lawful fence shall be five feet high, and well filled from the ground with rails or poles, and either locked at the corners of the panels, or staked and ridered ; and if a board or picket fence, the space between the boards or pickets not to exceed four inches. « VI. A?id he it further enacted, That so much of By-Law No. 5, passed by this Council 11th March, 1850, or anything in any other By-Law that may be inconsistent with the provisions of this By-Law, are hereby declared to be repealed. VIL And be it further enacted. That no cattle of any description be allowed to run on the common, from the first day of December till after the tenth day of April. [Read a third time in Council, and passed, 9t7t day of May, 1861.] TRUMAN WILCOX, Reeve. M. MoTT, Township Clerk ''•ff