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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre film^s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsqua le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche h droite, et de haut an bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants iilustrent la m^thode. irrata to pelure n A a 32X 1 2 3 m 1 2 3 4 5 6 i *» ^ H W V k it It i5^^ ITERS' LIST, 1888. Schedule of Post Offices. \.: _>\ 1 Jasper ; 2 New\,liss ; 3 Smith's Falls ; 4 Toledo ; 5 Lombardy ; GStoonto^ / 7 CkyiUe; 8 Greenbush ; 9 Easton's Corners ; 10 Pembrofeei It FnSyilL ; 12 Fannersviile ; 13 Delta ; 14 Addison ;lo Plum Hollow ; IG Glen Buell • 17 Carlet-.n Place ; 18 Whitehurst ; 19 Merrick ville ; 20 Rock Spring ; 21 Perth ; 22 Ottawa ; 23 Kemptville. ,^ . , . Pollin<' Sab Division No. l.-Co.nprising Lots Nu.nber. . to 19 inclusive in the Ist 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th Concessions, and the fr.mt half of Lots Nos 13 to 15 inclusive, and all Lots Nos. l6 to 19 inclusive in the Gth Con. Pari- l.-IV-vnis entitled to Vote at both Municipal Elections and Elect- ions to thu Legislative Assembly. 8 Bell, William 19 Bolton, William 28 Bruce, Robert 29 Bruce, Jonas E. 34 Baldwin. Michael 35;Bald\vin, William 3G'Burrow3 William 37 Bradford, William 38Baldwu\, .James 41 Bern, James 4G Ballontyne, Elliott 44jBrown, George 47 Bern, John 48 Bern, James Description. 49 50 wr 19 p of 11 and 12 p IG, 17 and 18 ,p IG, 17 and 18 p 7 and 9 p 7 and 9 r5 r6 w h of f 6 f 9 P 4 and 5 f G r9 r9 3 2 G& G& 3& 3& 3 % % 3 2 I < 6 n c © 1^ Connerty, John A. Coniierty, James G. 51 {Connerty. Alexande.- 53{C('Ughlan, Thimias, sr. 54 Coughlan, Thomas, jr. 5G Coad, Robert 02 Coad, J ames 68Cauley, John 71 Coghlan, David 72iCoad,' George 78fer)ad3( Thomas 74 Ooaji, John ^•,75iChe8t. r, Thomas ^76|Connerty, William Coolidge, Sdas E. Coolidge, Herbert 9|Connerty, John 80Connorty, Joseph Owner Owner Owner Landhl's Son Ownpr Landhl's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Landhl's Son 77 78 7^ 10 10 f 10 16 IG 16 p 17 and 18 eh 19 eh 18 e c 16 p 16 and 17 p 16 and 17 p r 6 pf 4 pf 4 pf 4 10 10 3i&4 3«&4 4 6 6 4 5 3 13 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 Owner ( )wner Owner Owner Landhl's Owner Owner Owner Owner Occupant Owner Landhl's Owner Owner Owner Occupant Owner lOwner Son Son 2 c c , ^■« POLLINCx SUB-DIVISION LOT. NO. 1. NAME. 143 144 145 147 Fer<,'uson, Robert Fitzyemld, Tlioiuas FitzKerald, John Fer<,'iison, Alber., 82|Fitztrerald, Tii,.,„as II. «3 Fitzgern!.', Dnniel 84 Fitzgerald, Hu^rh E. 152 153 164 ' Hoodfellow, Robert '< GooilfeJIovv, Jainus Goodfellovv. Willard 159GiIe, Reuben l«OGile, Arfhur J^5 Grant, Alexander 107 Gaston, Robert, sr. 1(J8 Gastf)n, Robert, ii' 160 Gaston, E.Iuard 170,Graham, Joseph C 187 Good, Thoinas 177 Hunter, Robert 185 Hal], John 186 Hall, Samuel 188 Hart, Patrick 180 Hannah, .James J91 Hall, Thomas 192 Hall, .John 1041 Hunter, John, sr. JOl'Baley, William 102lDaley, Charles 10O|Da«g, Edward 106 Dagg, Robert 10/,Dagg, Abraham llOlDriver, Wdliam, jr. llljDriver, William, sr. 112 Driver, John 118 Evans, Thomas llJjEvans, Robert 120 Edgar, John 127 Ferguson, William, sr. 120 Forgie, John ISlJFergiison, Joim 140iFranklin, Robert 141 Franklin, William oh 14 e h 14 P 17 and 18 P 17 and 18 P 17 and 18 w h 10 eh 7 eh 7 P 6 and 8 7 w h 8 ,1 p8 f 18 f 18 pf 5 p 5 and i- 8 and 9 r 8 and 9 p 18 and 19 CON. Description. 4 4 6 6 6 4 k 4 Owner Owner ()vvner Owner JLandhl's S(m| Owner Occupant Owner j Owner Owner (Owner 1 I 2 1&2 1 1 4 3&4 4 4,5 & 5 15 5 Owner Owner Owner r)wner Owner Owner Occupant Owner Owner Owner |Owner jOwner Ovvner 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 5 5 4 3 2 2 Owner Owner iLiindhl's Son jOwjier i Owner Owner (Occupant Owner Owner Occupant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner jOwner jOwner jOvvnor iOwner 2 2 4 4 4 1 1 1 3 3 5 5 3 5 3 3 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 3 3 o It 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 4 3 16 10 1 1 1 1 4 c ^; 195] 107 108 205 184 '8 L POLLING SUB-DIVTSION NO. 1. 2 2 4 4 4 1 1 1 . o NAME. m 195 Hunter. Thomas 107 llislop, Walter 198Hutton, .lolni 205S Hitchcock, Silas 184! Hart, William 278 ftimet, Albert LOT. ])t 18 and 19 f 8 w h f 7 p 11,12,13 and 16 w h f 12 f 15 and 10 204 Jones, William 20():Ja(iuof;, William 200Ljames, John 211: James, Samuel 212.T()hn8ton, William 21'}Ljohp»t()n, Georye j 214;Johnst(m, Joseph j 215>Johnstou llol)ort ohnaton, David j Kerr, Thomas Knapp, Daniel Kinch, Ktlward \inch, John nch, Ilichard inch, E/ra, CON. Dkscuiption. 225Luclsay, Ji'lm J. sr. 227iLuckay, John J. jr. 228,Luckay, Samuel 229,Lo\vman, Michael 230,Lees(jn, Richard 234!Lyle, William 235;Lyle, Amos 23(j'LaFnince, Joseph 121 Lockwood, Elgin 192 Lemax, John 193 Mercier, John 210 McEwen, James J. 237 Morriey, John 238 Mooreliouso, Joseph 240 McEwen, P<'ter 244 McKen/.ie, William 248 Mackay, John 249 Murphy, James 261 McSpadden, Joseph 255 Moorehouse, William 257 McKim, Jlichard 258 McGillivray, Alexander p 11,12,13 and 15 p f 14 vvh9 w h 9 e h 8 and 9 e h 8 and 9 p 12 and 13 p 12 and 13 G vvh8 eh 5 c 11 iindl2 e 11 and 12 c 10 vv h 10 and 11 p 14, 15 and IG p 14 and 15 p 14 and 15 f 12 P4 f 10 f 10 p 7 and 8 p 13 and 14 r 7 and 8 r8 w h 9 p 8 and 9 pf 17 .1 |f 15 pl3 j !]) r 10 and 11 jf 18 !p f 17 jr 5 'p 4 and 5 6 Oh' O 5 4 4 4 4 5 & 5&6 Owner 4 0\vncr 1 Owner 1 Tenant 2 Owner 2 Tenant 2 Owner 2, Owner 2 Tenant 1 Landhl'a Son 1 (^wner 1 Owner 1 Owner 2 Landhl's Son 2 Owner i Owner 1 Tenant I Owner 2 Landhl's Son 2 Owner 2 Owner 2 i) 5 3&4 3 & 4 1 it 2 1 &2 3 5&C 4 3 1 1 4 5 4 2 1 4 Owner Owner )ccupant Owner Owner Owner Landhl's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner 'Owner 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 21 5 1 1 # 4 I ^ ^'^y^^ SUB-DIVISION hi). 1. c c „• NAME. LOT 2G0 McKonzio, Huch S'^'^S'',^^"-*"'' Alexander 2(»2:McGi]livrHy, John 263,M()ran, George 264{Mornn, Willia,,, 265! Moore, Alexander 200 Moorehouse, Eusbius 271 Mack le, David 277|Mercier, Martin 2e0 Morrisey, Willium 221 Morriaey, Martin, sr. 282|01m8tead, Ambrose 283.0Imstead. Gideon 284,0'Mara, Thomas 286,0'Mara, VViJliam 253,0'Connell. Patrick, sr. 254,0'Connell, Patrick, jr 256 O'Ounnell, Michael 293}Price, William 294 Price, John 29(),PurceIl, James 297iPurceII, R„bert 298 Purcell, John 299 Puree]], Edward 300,PurcelJ, John J. 301jPierce, Francis 302;Patterson, Peter 303|Parker, Andrew 304jParker, Al)ram 305:Parker, Charles 306 Ryland, Thomas 313 Ryan, William 314 Rockey, Abram 316 Ronan, William 317 Ronan, James 318 Ronan, Michael 321 Rice, William 322 Rice, Robert 323 Rice, George 324 Riddle, George 329 Ross, Andrew j e h f 9 J 1)7 j r 6 j 9 13 and 18 [> 13 and 18 j rll II c 7 j ' 17 j n5 and 10 j vv h 5 P 8, 9 and 10 j P4 {» 4 and 5 p 11 I'll p 4 and p 4 and p 4 and j p 13 and 16 j p 13 and 10 j P 16, 17 and 20 j P 16, 17 and 20 j P 10, 17 and 20 p 10 and 14 p 10 and 14 lo and 16 p 19 and 20 p 14 and 15 P 14 and 15 p 14 and 15 I 335 Stei)hcns, Henry 349 Stewart, Ansley p4 pf 13 P 12 and 13 p 13 p 13 p 13 r7 r7 f 8 f 6 p 13 and 15 6 6 |3 ll 4&5 5 4 & 5 Owner [Owner Owner Owner Landhl's S( Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner )n 4 Owner 4 Owner |1 it 2 Owner 1 & 2 lOccnpant 4,5it6,0'vner 4,5 it 6 Landhl's S(m 4,5 & 6 Landhl's Son 4 & 5 [Owner * * 5 jOocupant 1,2 it 3|0h ner 1,2 it t^ Owner 1,2 a- 3, Owner 3 it 4 Owner 3 it 4 Landhl's S(m 3 Tenant \^ Owner 4 Owner 4 I-andhl's Son (4 Landhl's Son I 3 3 4 4 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 5 5&6 2 it 3 &3 ife3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 J w pl2 .i |r p 12 2 12 12 2 3 1 2&3 2 4 it 5 Owner Owjier Owner Owner Landhl's Son Landhl's Son Owner Landhl's Son Owner Owner Owner 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 Owner j 3 Owner I 2 TOLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. L ft NAME. 360'Sherinan, Philo. 355 Stowart, James 367 Shanka, James, sr. 358Snank8, James, jr. 369 Shanka, Micliael 148 Scales, Richard 178 Simpson, James 3G0 Tweedy, Robert 3(51 Tweedy, Ephraini 3(J2iTa!4gart, Anuissa 3(53iTaylor, Henry 304Tate. Benjamin 365 Wiiyht, James 366 Wright, William N. 376|Wri^'l t, John 317iWar(l, J«)hn 316' Warren. Josepli LOT. p{19 p 12 and 13 p 10, 11 and 12 p 10, 11 and 12 p 10, 11 and 12 p 19 and 20 p8 18 18 16 18 p 17 and 18 f 13 and 14 ,f 13 and 14 ,6 e r 7 wf 6 CON. Description. < 6 flu 4 3 & 4 '2 & 3 I 2 & 3 I 2 & 3 4,6 & 6 I 2 2 1 &2 3 4 Owner Owner Owner Landhl's Son Landhl's Son Occupant Occupant Tenant Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Occupant Owner Owner Owner Part 2 -Pem.ns entitled to Vote at Munic ipal Elections only. 69 Challies, Charlotte 70Coghlan, Alice 130 Forgie, Catherine 142 Ferguson, Mary Ferguson, Annie 14(i 190 199 176 2(58 320 354 Hannah, Margaret HutU)n, Margaret Love, Amelia Murphy, Elizabeth Ralph, Laura Stewart, Elizabeth r 19 w h 17 p 13 and 14 eh 18 p r 4 p7 ehf7 eh5 f 11 if 6 Ip 12 and 13 ^ Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 4 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 6 3 4 4 2 2 1 1 9 Part. 3— Persons entitled to sembly only. Vote at Electicms to the Legislative It l3 4 1 262 Landrum, Richard ip r 13 yk Wage Earner! 2 c i VOTERS' LIST, 1888. -^^/^-^/^i ^ o /X^- Schedule of Post Offices. ^•« NAME. 1 Ali^y, Geortfo 4 B«ll, S,v.,niL-l sv. 5 Boll, John <> Hell, .fames 7lB('ll, Samuel sr. OlBeiiMett, Jaiiie.s 1l5 Biennen, Mielwiel UiBniee, John VV 16[Bnioe, Henry H5 Biillaitl, Burton 17; Burnett, .lolui. jr. IS BrigLfinsIiiiw, Cimrle LOT. CON. iDKSCKri'TION-. oo ,7 ]es 20 Bellamy. Olianev 21 Bellaniv, Warren 22;Bellainy, Oenrt^u 23 Buclianan, Malcolm, sr. 24Bue!)anan, Malcolm, jr. 25; Buchanan, Daniel 20 Burnett. .John, sr. 27;'Burnnett, William 30,'Blanc])ar(l, Chancy .'^l|B!anchard. Hiiaiii 32iBianchard, Albert 33;Barker, Frank 39jBurns, James 43 Bulger, Michael 45 Beecher, N. H. 115 27<» i.l 24 ami 25 24 and 25 f 20 J) 24 and 25 r 20 f 23 V 1 21 V I 21 vi 43 p 21 and 22 V I 31 20 and 27 2(5 and 27 2(5 and 27 -> h 27 e h 27 w h V 23 4 A 5 4 it 5 4 2 k 4 27 Bnckly, Robert Bennett, John 52 Carey, John 55'C«)ad', Abraham w s 29 f 28 f 28 w30 p 15, 21 and V 1 30 V 1 38, 46. 47 p 27 and 28 r24 SzA 22 2 2 5 it 487 4 & (J r 28 Si. other pre's 2 p20, 21 and 22 5,()it7 1 a. Owner 4 Owner ' 4 Occuj)ant 4 Owner \ 4 Owner 4 Own«!r 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Tenant 4 Tenant 4 Owner ! 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Landhl's Son 4 Owner 4 Landhl's Soq 4 Owner i Owjier 4 Landhl's Son 4 Owner 5 Occupant 5 TeniMit 6 Owner 5 Owner 4 Occupant 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Tenant 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 d . . o (50 03 (55 (5(5 (57 81 82 83 84 85 8(5 87 88 1)2 ".)3 «M 1>7 1)8 1»!) 100 103 104 108 100 113 114 110 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2. a . o ^ NAME. nTCairnoa, James, sr. 58 Cfiinies. Jatnoa, jr. fiUICornell, S. S. Cornell, Stanley S. Coatl, (Jeor^o, sr. Crummy, Richard Clark, Stephen Ciissels, William Coad, fJettrgu (50 o;i ()5 81 Dunham, (i. W. Drunimond, .Jamos Druuuiioiul. John DerriL', .John Derri*,', .lames DeVVolf, Isaac Derbysharo, Matthew Donwvan, Patrick Drummontl, VV. .1. Dempsey, .James Dodd, VVilliam Dodd, Ocors^e Dodd, Richard S. Dodd, William E. Dack, William Dack, .lames K. Dermody, .Tames Dcrmody, Stephen li;{|l)onovan, Micliad 114 Donovan, .Jeremiah 82 83 84 Sb 8() 87 88 92 i>;5 94 07 98 9!) 100 103 104 108 109 IKi 117 122 123 Edgar, Samuel Edfj;ar, .1. M. Eaton, Thomas Eaton. Horatio 12 Foster, John 132 Ferguson, .lohn 133 Fer«,'uson, Charles 134 Ferguson, William 13.5 Ferguson, George 1.30 Frayne, Henry 138 Frayne, Saunders, jr. 149 Frayne, Saunders, sr. 150 Frayne, Henry H. 151 Garvin, Thom.as LOT. CON. f 23 5 f 23 |6 V 1 29 & other pr's!? V 1 29 & other pr's 7 V 122 w h 29 V 1 13 and p 25 8 (I f 25 e h 20 Dbsuription. V 140 7 28 6 28 B p r 29 4 p r 29 4 V 1 5() 6 V 1 C and 7 7 e c 29 6 e h 29 p 23,24, 25 and 20 p f 20 w h 20 w h 20 pr20 p 27 and 28 p 27 and 28 r 27 f 27 P 27 p 27 and 28 2,3 & 4 5 5 5 5 3 3 2 2 4 4 p 18, 21 and 22 p 18, 21 and 22 p 19 and 21 p 19 and 21 1.35 . f 29 f 29 f 29 pf 29 p 23, 24 and 25 pf 28 p 23, 24 and 25 p 23, 24 and 25 p 29 and 30 Owner Landhl's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Occupant Owner Owner Occupant Tenant Owner Occupant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 6 4 4 4 12 4 4 4 5 4 Owner Landhl's Son Owner Owner 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3&4 3&4 3&4 &2 &2 &2 3 it 4 Tenant' Owner Landhl's Son Owner ( )wner Owner Owner Owner Landhl's Son Owner 4 4 4 4 4 21 5 5 5 ^ *' m 8 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2. a NAME. 155 Ourvin, Willinm 15(;|finrviii, Miclmol 157{(JarviM, Pmnk 15a Gibson, John 161 (irrth.iin, .Jaines 1(52 Gardiner, John 1*53 (iardiner, VVilhai.i 1(>4 Gardiner, James H. 1(50 Groy, Charlos, sr, 01 Grey, Cliarles, jr. 171 Holmes, John 1731 Hart, Alexander 175:Hafrron, Poter 17(i,FL.ffron, Owen 179 Healy, Anthony 182 Hutton, James 183 Hewitt, William 200 Hunter, John 201 Hunter. John G. 202 Hillis, Thomas 207 Jones, Thom»i« 208 Jordan, Francis 216 Kin<.', James 217 K^tshum, Alvin 218 Kerr, George 219 Kilborn, R. K. 220 Kil born, George 221 Kilborn, Remington 222 Kennedy, John 328 Kinch, James 224 Love, Alexander 231 Lock wood, Walter 239 Marshall, Noah 241 Ma^juire, Peter, sr. 242 Maguire, Peter, jr. 243 Maguire, B. J. 245 McCrum, Robert 250 Mooney, Robert 252 McAndrew, John 253 McAndrew, William LOT. p 28 and 29 p 28 and 29 p 28 and 29 p 2« and 28 w s 2(i p 26 I) 26 J) 26 p w h 21 w h22 p 25 and 26 r28 r22 w h 29 |) 24 and 25 137 w h 27 V 1 23 vl 23 /I 14,15,1(),17|,25 CON. DKNCniPTlON, 3&4 3 it 4 3&4 3 2 1& 1 & 1 & pf25 p22 V 1 27 vl 27 e h f 21 V I 33 and 48 27 27 pf 24 r 19 and 20 4 6 4 ft 3 6 3 6 6 vl28 w h 20 1 4 & f>th'r pre's p 25 and 26 p 25 and 26 V 1 12 and 29 • 1 8 .«ind 9 ) 20 and 27 p 29 and 30 p 29 and 30 7 7 2 2 2 &7 &5 &6 &5 Owner Landhl's Sfm Land hi 'h Son Owner | Owner Owner I I-andhl's Son Landhl's Son Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner's Son Owner Owner Owner Occupant Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Landhl's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Occupant i O 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A t 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 — — -•5 >N. d — ^ 4 >n 4 jii 4 4 5 5 Jii )n 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 i TOLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 2. 254 McC.ivtliy, Eu<.'onu L'[>!) MuClure, Aloxjindur 'JC.7 Murpliv, Mattlunv L*2 295 Pratt, Etliu I'ratt, Wilton Porciv!)', Hiiiry Patterson, Dolorma Parka, David Parker, Nelson .Willold), .John 308 llabl), Samuel 30!)'Rabb, David aiO{Rape, Thomas ailiRape, Michael 312 Robh, David 315;Robinson, John L. .325 Read, Arthur Robinson, William Riley, Archibald 327 330 3|Ste\vart, Robert 332 S(iymour, Henry, sr. 333 Seymour, William 334 Seymour, Henry, jr. 336 Seymour, Joseph, ir, 337 Sin^rleton, Thomas 338 Stratton, George r39|Seyinour, Joseph, sr. .340lSeymouv. James p Hi and 17 p 30 p 24 and 25 f 22 p 22 I 1 23 p 22 and 23 e b r PJ p f 20 r 24 p f 20 p 23, 24 and 25 2 & 3 7 5 It «> l7 11 l3 2 1 &2 Owner Owner idwner |Owner ^()wner ( )ccu[»ant i( )wner [Owner |Owner (Hvner Tenant p f 28 1 p f 22 7 V 1 p 49, 53 and 55 OB 28 V 1 52 vl52 V 1 .'I r20 V 1 22 and 39 p 20 and 21 p 23 f 28 £28 f 23 f 23 r 23 and. ih'r p r 20 and 21 p r 23 p r 19 and 20 & 6 '3 & 4 3&4 6 Tenant ( )wner (liwner Owner lOwner Owner's Son Tenant (^wnor Owner Owner jOwner Owner 4 5 4 4 1 4 7 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 pr's4 2 G 2 r30andoth'r pr's5 Occupant Owner Landhl's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 p r 22 w h 25 e w h 25 e w h 25 w h 24 V 1 32 vl 2 24 24 6 « 7 5 i5 Occupant Owner Landhl's Son Landhl'a Son Owner Owner Occupant i Owner 'Landhl's Son 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 H I I 10 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2. 341iStrikefo()t. Frank 342 Seymour, Robert 343Seyin(mr, Robert,, .7. 344,StUHrt, Robe:-t 34oSii)ith, Wallace 34<; SLiuson, H. N. 347!Srratton, ,J(.hii J. 348 Sfcratton, Geor<;e S. 351 Strikefoot, Daniel 352;Sniith, John 353;Sniith, Michael 35U,Seyniour, John 274 Taylor, Joseph 308 Wood, C. A. 3(>9| Williams, D. C. 370 Whitmarsh, John E 371 Whiiinjr, Henry 372 Wiltsie, Richard 373 Wood, Charles, sr. 374 Wood, Albert 375! Wood, James H. 377|Whitinf?, John 232|Weatherhoad, Miles 233 We atherliead, Jacob J J r 30 r 30 f 25 p w h Ip w h p r 20 f 20 30 e h 29 2(i p 21 and 27 p 23 and 24 }) 23 and 24 r23 CON. Descrii'tion. 3 (j (J 4 3 a 6 G o & 6 5 J ] J J p 20 e h f 24 p r 22 127 V 1 11 \v30 29 29 30 and other pro's p r 19 and 20 w h 20 w h 20 Owner Owner jTenant |0\vner Owner |Owner |Owner Owner Tenant Occupant Landhl's Son Owner 7 6 6 f t t 2 1 4 7 Tenant Tenant Owner Householder Owner Owner . wner « Owner Ortner Owner Tenant Occupant 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Part 2 -Pers..ns enti tled to Vote atM^^iddpi^Elections only. 4 4 ii 4 5 r u 5 5 4 4 4 2|Abbott, Margaret 10Buli,'er, Rosa A. 42 Bulger, Ann C4 ChalHes, Sarah A. 124 Ferguson, Eliza Ann 172 Holmes, Martha 174 Holmes, Laticia 180 Hart, Mary 181 Hamilton, Jane 193 Hoskins, Annie 289 Percival, Sarah Jane 331 R'ley, Margaret 307 Wood, Prudence ^H 6 a; VOTERS' LIST, 1888. ^^ W?/^6^^^^ *r unwipaLiiu # Schedule of Post Offices. 1 .laspor ; 2 Newbliss ; \\ Smith's Falls ; 4 Toledo ; 5 Lnnibardy ; Almonte; 7 Brockyillo ; S Greenbush ; 9 Easton's Corners ; 10 Pembroke ; 11 Frankyille ; 12 Farmersviile ; 13 Delta ; 14 Addison ; 15 Plum Hollow ; IGGlen Hnell ; 17 Carlet'-n Place ; 18 VVhitehurst ; 19 Merrickville ; 20 Rock Spring ; 21 Perth ; 22 Ottawa ; 23 Keinptville. Polling Sub Division No. 3. — Comprisirig Lots Numbers 19 to 30. inclusive, in the 7th, 8th, 9th and lObh Concessions, less the front half of Lots Nos. 20 to 27 inclusive, in the 7th Concession. Pari 1. — Pej-s >ns entitled to Vote at both Municipal Elections and Elect- i.ms to the Legislative Assembly. c , 1 $5 ' ! < " ^ NAME. % , LOT. CON. Dkschiption. d 4« ^ 1 Arnold, Harold f21 3 Owner 11 2| Arnold, George 1 r 22 9 Tenant 11 40 Burns, Andrew pf22 7 Owner 4 19 Blake, James p 20 9 Owner 11 20 Brown, Wesley j p 24 and 25 7&9 Owner 11 21 Brown, Thomas p r 21 10 Owner 11 22 Brennan, .1. C. f 21 9 Owner 22 23 Berthwick, .John j r21 10 Owner 11 24 Brown, Lyman j oh 21 10 Owner 11 70 Bell, Win. .J. f 23 10 Owner 6 25 Coad, Josej)!! 121 8 Owner 11 33 Cowles, George r30 10 Owner 12 34 Crummy, Richard p 27 and 28 9 Owner 11 35 Crummy, Henry j f 27 10 Owner 11 41 Church, Joel j eh 19 8 Owner 11 44 Cochrane, Joseph p22 8 Owner 11 50 Covey, James Y. j f 21 9 Owner 11 51 Clarlison, William f 21 9 Owner 11 06 Cochrane, John p 21 9 Ttaant 11 1 57 Davis, S. S. j f 21 9 Owner 11 58 Dowsley, William £21 9 Owner 11 62 Dixon, G. A. p 21 9 Owner 11 63 Dixon, M. L, p 21 9 Occupant 11 64 Dowsley, David j p 20 and 21 9 Owner 11 6D Dowsley, Norman R. 0-. p Zi. •> Owner 12 90 Dunham, Matthew j p 23 and 20 '7 Owner 4 12 POLLING SUB-DIVISION N(J. 95 91 0(i 201 202 207 Dunham, Daniel sr. Dunham, Morton L Dunhain, Daniel jr. Davison, Stewart Davison. .Fcjhn Dovvsley, Ralph. 07 Ennis, Wm. 08 Eaton, David H. ()*) Eulon, (Jeorge 72 Eaton, Wm. 7^5 Elliot, Anilrev^ 74'Erris 124 Greenwood, TIjos. 3 Holmes, George 115JHowe, Chas. E. 117|Hanse, Wm. 121|riealey, Francis 122 Healey, Frank 123 Holmes, Richard. 128 Hewitt, James 131 Hendeison, Thomas 132 Henderson, Wm. 133|Holden, Charles E. 134 Holmes, Ansom G. 135 Hanton, Richard jr. 105 Holmes, Uruce 140 Ireland, David M. 141 Ireland, Darius 142 Ireland, Fred 143 Ireland, Frank r 24 and 20 p 23 and 20 r 24 and 20 p 24 p 24 p 21 er21 r 28 £23 f 20 £21 £21 h 30 p 28 and 29 £29 r 24 r 21 p r 22 p r 22 p 21 r27 20 9 10 10 9 9 9 8 ;/ & 8 '8 jlO j8 !7 '7 8 10 9 r 22 ;9 r 27 110 c 29 and oth'r pr's'lO V 30 8 r 29 8 r 20 9 £22 10 £20 10 £ 20 10 p 21 9 e r 20 9 £18' 10 1 .'50 8 P^2 p 24 and 25 ip 24 and 25 p 24 and 25 Owner Landhl's Son Landhl's Son Tenant Landhl's Son Tenant Ow)ior Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Landhl's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant 4 4 4 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 4 4 11 11 4 4 Tenant Owner Occupant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Landhl's Owner Owner Owner Owner Son 11 12 11 13 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 13 Owner 11 Owner H Landhl's Sonjll Landhl's Son'll 153 154 155 KiO 1()2 Ki.M l(i4| J 05 100 14(i 147 148 < PION, 6 oJ 4 Son 4 Son 4 11 Son Jl 11 11 12 11 11 11 4 4 11 It 11 13 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 II IS 11 11 11 11 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. '.). 13 ir,:{ Johnston, William 154 Iiulson, Vincent 155 !uH;iieaveretl, J. B. 2(Kl'ilieaverett, Cliiivle.s 'iOiJjLeehy, S..lon 204 Leehv, Herhi-rt 205|Leeliy, Charles 20(i'liivin!j;aton, ^'^'in. 207jLivinifaton, Lawaoii 20S'Liviniiston, Morton 200jLoiicka, Kaney 210jLoncka, John lo:} 2:w 215 Leav.>n!tt, (I. M. Lal'ontaine, Alex. Mackie, James 2Ui!Mackie, Alex. jr. 2.'}0i Mitchell, Wm. 2;n Mitchell, J. W. 2X> Mackie, Robt. l'M> Mott, (leors^cj 2:57 Mont and ;50 r 20 r :!0 p r 22 p 28, 21) and 150 p 28, 20 and ;50 p 28 and :}0 r 29 and 30 p 21 p 21 s r ;;o s 20 anwner Owner Owner Owner Occupant w f 20 f n 24 r29 r29 r 21 P 19 and 20 p 21 e h 22 & oth'r pr's ef 19 c29 w28 8 9 10 10 10 10 m 10 10 9 8 9 10 p21 w 3o; w 28* 29 and 30 w 28, 29 and 30 f 22 8 H & 9 8 & 9 10 Owner Landhl's Owner Owner Occupant Tenant Son Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner 'Jwner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner /Tenant 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 4 4 4 11 11 11 11 Ow 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 »'uer Tenant Owner Occupant Owner Tenant 4 11 11 11 11 11 I c iz; POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 3. IB «1 d ?i 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 4 4 4 4 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 Part 2 —Persona entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections only. i3 'A NAME, 75 Feeney, Mary 110 120 161 lys) 211 217 218 261 Howe, Lucy A. Healey, Mary Johnston, Eliza Leaverett, Elizabeth Mont<^oniery, Eleanor Mackie, Vina L. Mott, Maria McCrea, Sarah LOT. 268 Parker, Mrs. R. 281 290 Steen, Eliza Steacy, Mary Ann f 28 r27 r30 p 19 and 21 1 24 r 23 8 w f 30 p 30 pf 25 p 21 r 19 and 21 p 21 lef 19 CON. Dksckiption. 10 8 Owner Owner Owner 10 Owner 8 7 10 10 9 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 8 & 9 Owner 8 10 Owner Owner d 0^ 12 11 11 11 4 12 11 11 11 11 11 Pakt. 3— Persona entitled to Vote at Elections to the Lestislative Asr- senilily only. 250' Richards, John 122 110 IWat^e Earner! 11 4 11 U 11 11 11 VOTERS' LIST, 1888. Schedule of Post Offices. 1 Jasper ; 2 Nowhliss ; .'J Sinitli's Falls ;4 Toledo ; L(.ii.liar Division No. 4. -Co, uprising Lots Nuinhors 4 to 18. inclusive. in tlie ()th, 7tli, Htli, J)tli and 10th Cons., less the front half of L..ts Nos.' 1.'} to ID inclusive, and all ol Lots Nos. 1(1 to 10 inclusive, in the r»th Con. PAHr l.~ I'ers )n.s entitled to Vote at l.oth Municipal Elec'ionsand Eleei- iori-^ to ihe I.enislalive Assembly. c .1 yf - — — \'< ^'w NAME. O Si LOT. CON. DKS('i:ii"rioN. I ^ aJ_ 4 Arnold, Rohc^rt ,1 r i) & 7 Owner 9 r> AltiiMUs, (ji'ort^'e p 12anceu|)ant 11 14 Brnwn, B S. .1 f 10 1 Ownei' 11 ir. P.aker, Thos., sr. f 10 10 Owner Jl K; I'.aker, Charles f 10 10 Occniiaiit 11 17' Balf, Patrick ^ j 13 I Ort'uer 11 no ■ Calahan, John j w h 5 e Own(*r 1 37 Cavanayh, .lames fhl7 10 (j wner 11 38 Caviinayh, .losejjh f h 17 10 Landhl's Son 11 30 Craiif, William r 18 9 Owner 11 40'Crai,ir, Austin r 18 9 Landld's Son 11 42 ov'ss, Hiram p 14,15&10ot r p's 7 &8 Owner 11 43 Cross, Rufus j p 14,]5A:l()ot'rp's 7 & 8 Owiuu' Jl 20:Cole, Archiluild, j p 1.5 and l(i 10 Owner 11 27 Cole, Ambrose p 1.') .•ind 1(5 10 Landhl's Son n 28 Campbell, Cerge, sr. 4 10 Owner 20 20 Campltell, (Jeort, , jr. * i 10 Owner i 20 30 Campbell, William e h 4 <) 1 Owner 17 .32 Carley, Edward r j 8 Landhl's Son' 11 I 4 c . o 47 Co 52 Co 53 Co \< iCU II n II iL>0 I !> Ill ill 11 1 11 .lljJl 11 mil 11 11 11 m 11 \lQ 20 17 n 11 I 4 r(H-LlNr. SUB-DIVISION N(X 4. 17 5?^ NAME. a: as LOT. Connor, Thos. E. Cminor, R. H. Connoi', Thomas Cornoll, E. L. B- ir/rtj-ew*, Abralmm SBlConnor, Sklncy 47 2U\ 54lD()oliin. William 55 Dt!W(.lf, Robinscm 50 Drinkwatur, lUmjamin 5!>lDavis, William 00 Davis, Morton 01 Uavia, Watson 1 Ellis, Brittoti 78Fcr^uson, Thomas SOjFer^'uson, Robert 81 Ferguson, Thomas 85 Foster, Isaac 8l)iFoster, Albert E. 87|Fer^uson, William Si) Fre'iMiian, John 00, Freeman, Lester 02:Graham, Thcnnas 04i(iiir(Uner, James 'J5!Griiham, Hugh DOiaraham, John OS'r.raham. David r-!)(}rahani, Sanniel lOO'ciivdwooil, Joseph lOliOardiner, W. H. l)7lHannah, John 108' Norton, Nic' olas, sr. 10!> Horton, John llOiHill, George 111' Villi, James ll2iHaskin, William 11:') Hill, John lUiHill, Oeorge 125|Hornick, S. II. 12() llennesy, Dennis 127'Hanton, Joseph !p 1'} and 10 3 ;i<5 p8 j p 12 and 13 i !w h 17 \ u r 17 and 18 1 r 10 and 17 ■j !r 4 j Sp n and 15 'p and 15 p 5) and 15 i f 10 eh 7 w h 7 f4 9 9 p 5 and w h 17 wh 17 r m P 8 and 9 p8 p8 ]) 12 p 12 f 4 3 p 12 and 14 pa 5 5 !p5 .IP? Ip 7 and 8 .i ^ ^ ^ 'i w h 7 and 8 CON. Dksckiption. |8 I'i: 9 Owner 8 iV 9 Owner 8 iV 9 Oceupant 10 Owner it 7 Owner 8 Owner 10 < 6 7 111 11 123 11 U !( »\vner 10 jOwner Ls jOwner l7,S&9()wner 7,S&9Landhl's Soi, 11 7,S it 9 Landhl's Son 11 11 11 11 '11 10 9 7 8 6 6 8 8 8 lOwner 20 Occnpant Owner Owner Owner 11 9 9 1 uidhl's Son| 1 11 11 Owner xenant LandhVs Sonlll 10 7&8 7 7 8 8 7 & 7 7 10 10 8 8 8 8it 8& 7 U)wner lOwner Osvner ()wner jOwner Owner ()wner Owner 11 9 9 9 11 I'i! 11 iLandhl's Son (")wner ,()ccui)ant Owner 9 8 20 11 Landhl's Son 11 jOwner jOwner Landhl's Son Owner Owner ,9 it lOlOwncr 11 11 11 9 1 11 I 18 POLLING 8UB DIVISION NO. 4. 130 Hunt, William 1.% Hiuiton, SaiiiueJ 137 Hanton, Matthias 138 Hanton, William 130 Ilanton, Richard, sr, 144 Ireland, E/ra 145 livlaiicl, Alfivd 140 Jo] ley, Audrow mOJolKy, David 151 Jt-ilry, William 152,I(.llc-y, Thomas 157|J()hiist()n, William 158 Johiistoti, Rol)(.'Vt 108'Ki3i)nody, Joshua 18lllviiicli, Isaac 275|Kilmuii'y, Bernard 184 Ln<.fan, Amhroso, sr. 187 Lcacook, SVill'am 188 Leacock, John 180 I,nir!i)i, Ambrose, jr. lOO'Lcacocis, Clo()r p (> p 12 and 15 (I it < p 12 and 115 (i A' 7 De.S('111I'TI<)N.U;' o; 7 it Owner & 8 Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Land Ill's Son Owner Landhl's S(jn Landld's Son Landhl '.^ Son Owner Owner V Owner (; 'Owner S it ;Owiier 8 8 8 I (> 10 10 10 .1 p 15 and 1(> j p 15 and 1(! .i 8 if 8 .i f 8 j 'pOand 10 !p and 10 ;r 11 and 12 r 11 and 12 j 11 s w 10 ,f 7 .i p 7 p 12 and 14 10 10 10 ll (i a 5 & C) 1 5 tfe 9 10 10 8 7 & 8 ()\MK'r ( )wn(')' Oxvner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Occupant Owner Owner Landhl's Son Owner Landhl's Son Ownctr Owner Occupant Owner (■) wner 11 11 11 n 11 11 11 20 20 20 20 2 7 2 11 11 11 11 11 1 u 11 11 14 11 20 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 < 11 11 11 * i I O -3 250 2('.0 P 'i(i3 P 2C4lP r c 11 11 11 11 11 M 11 20 20 20 7 2 11 11 11 11 11 1 11 11 11 14 11 20 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 7 11 11 11 i i \ TOLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 4. NAME. l« antiO'Niil, !lu;^h 2(>0 Pv'u'A\ Cliiirlos 2r»;) I'ooplos, llobt., ar. 2(i4 Poor. Oliver 2{'u} ToopUis Siiniuol, jv. 270 IVrciv!,!, (5cm). 27l'rorciviil, Wilhiiiu 274 lli'yni)l(ls, .lolm 2.S4 StriMit, William 2Sr) Stoanirt, .Toiuis 28(;;Stowart, Adam 287iSt.reet, -U'hn 'JSSStrei't, Nolniiniiih 2S!) SLjior, .Joliii 21);') Stfucy, Oi!(iv«4C) 2*.)4 Stf acy, .I'lliii 2'.)r) Stfacy, Willi.uu liOOStvcii, .lolni ;;()1 Scott, Alplu'us I r>04:TotU'n, ^n^c\^\\ a05',Wilaon, Sanuu'l r,07 Wilson, S. A. ;{0S Wilson, Edward A. niO Wilson, .Tolm "Vl Wilson, Isaac .2,Wilmc'r, William 313;Wilmer, xVTorton 314 Will Wiird, William 320 VVhitt!, Mattliew r7 n 4, a and 8 p 8, 9 aiul 10 f 11 f 10 17 17 .1 ;p 0. 10 and 12 j p 5 and <■' au( ill p4 f 10 c 11 jw p 11 r 15 'e 18 le 18 If. 18 Ip 13 a.nd 18 p i;*. iind IS vv t 13 \ vr 14 p 12 and 14 Ip 12 and 14 w r 12 w r 12 J 9 3,9 |w h 10 w h 10 () h c h 6 w f 10 DkSC'UII .lON.JQ 0^ Occupant •) & lO'Ownor (;,7&8()s\ner |8 (.)\vnev Owner 8&0 8 Owner Landlil'a Son jOwner Owner 120 11 11 11 9 11 11 111 0&7 6 6 6 Q f) 8 8 10 lOwnor Owner Owner ()wnor |( >vvner lOwner 'i(>wner ILandhVs S< iLandld's S( JOwner iTenant. t)vvner 1 I 1 1 11 11 .nil mil I 7 ill 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 1^ 8 Owner H Landhl's Son 11 Owner 1«5 'owner 20 ILandhl's S(m 20 Owner ,20 Owner 20 Occupant jH Owner [H Owner | -•- ILandhl's Son, 1 Owntir 1 7 1 20 I'OLLINCJ SUBDIVISION NO. 4. < Paut 2.— Persons entitled to Vote at Municip il Elect ions only. NAME. LOT. 4 CON. DEsriurnoN. (. '='^ '-A^ lo: 18 Bivlf, Minnie r 11 and 12 i 3 ( [)\vni;r 11 i 31 Cailey, .lane rO 8 Owner 11 107 Hmlnn, Mfiry Ann r 10 10 Owner 20 i 107 Konno'ly, Hester P7 7 Owner 9 1 248 McLaren, Eliza f7 8 Owner 1 11 I 257 O'Neil, EHzrt r7 t0 Owner 20 2(}1 2(5!: Price, Eleanor Price, Mary Ann |) () and 9 p (• and 9 9 % Owner Owner 11 11 30( 1 Wilson, Eliza p 12 and 14 10 Owner 111 Pah T_ ^—Persons entitled to Vote at Elections to tlit ! Legislative As- sciul)]y only. _ NONE. I Samuel Eflijar, Clerk of the ninnicii)ality of the township of Kitloy, in the'Countv of L^M^ds, doheiv1>y certify that parts one and three of the within list constitute a correct list fnr the year 1888, of all persons appearin,on all electors t;> examine the said list, and if any oinissi'ona (>r otlur errors are perceived therein, to take immediate proceed- inca to have the said errors corrected according to law. 18 The total number of pei Three Hundred ami Six. ■sons qualified to serve as jurors in said township SAMUEL EDGAR, Clerk of said Municipality. Dated this 24th day of .luly, 1888. Toledo Post Ollice. ^ ^ J^ \