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Tous les aurres exemplaires originaux sont fiimds en commenpant par la premidre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration at en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la darnidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols — ► signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols y signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent §tre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filmd d partir de I'angle supirieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Diamond Jubilee. ^ * # * PUBLIC SCHOOL CELEBRATION ■ JVIonday, Jane 21st, 1897. # ^ * # Proceediiv^s tiv tKe Skafm? Riivk- The pupils will assemble in the different school buildings at one o'clock, and half an hour later, accompanied by the teachers, march to the Skating Rink, where the following programme will be carried out : 1. "The Doxology," by all present. 2. Opening Prayer, Rev. J. E. Starr. 3. " The Lord's Prayer," by the pupils. 4. Chorus—" The Maple Leaf Forever." 5. Solo and Chorus— "Sixty Years a Queen." Solo by Mrs. Galloway. 6. Chorus—" The Land of the Maple." 7. Announcing the prize-winners in the Essay competitions. 8. " God Save the Queen," and waving of flags. Mr. R. Meek, Chairman of the Board of Education, will preside, and the musical part of the programme will be under the direction of Major Galloway. At the conclusion of the proceedings in the Rink building, the pupils will re- form and march to the City Park, via Union and Barrie Streets. ^■i v.n^yoAmi ,Q3 % --3l't#. 1% Iiv tKe Ctty Park. /' Programme of Sports to be held in the City Park, at 3:30 p.m. ^ In each event there will be two prizes, and all the prizes will be books. FOR PUPILS OVER 14 YEARS OF AGE. PLACE-At the Statue of Sir John Macdonald. Managers-Messrs. A. Horn, R. J. McKelvey, and R. K. Row; and Misses Hentig, Chown', Barney and Lovick. BOYS — No. I. 200 Yards' Race. No. 2. 125 Yards' Race. No. 3. Three-Legged Race. No. 4. Potato Race, 30 potatoes, i and i yard apart. GIRLS — No. 5. 125 Yards' Race. No. 6. 100 Yards' Race. No. 7. 75 Yards' Egg Race. PUPILS BETWEEN 11 AND 14 YEARS OF AGE. PLACE— Part of Park nearest Park Avenue, Bagot and West Streets. Managers- Messrs. J. G. ElHott, H. W. Newman and A. F. Newlands; and Misses Beaton; Davis, O'Shea and ElUott. BOYS — No. 8. 150 Yards' Race. No. 9. 100 Yards' Race. No. 10. Three-Legged Race, 75 Yards. No. II. Potato Race, 25 potatoes, one yard apart. GIRLS— No. 12. 125 Yards' Race. No. 13. 100 Yards' Race. No. 14. Egg Race, 50 yards. PUPILS BETWEEN 8 AND U YEARS. PLACE-Part of Park nearest Murney Tower, King and Barrie Streets. Mana- gers-Capt. Donnelly, Dr. Knight and J. G. Ettinger ; and Misses Davidson, Gill, Barry and Hilton. 4 k ^ ^ ^ M ^ M ^ ^ x BOYS — No. i^ No. i( No. i; No. i! GIRLS — No. I No. 2v No. 2; PLACE-Part ( c ( BOYS — No. No. : No. : No. : GIRLS — No. No. No. In the Egg Trustees a and kindly assi The prize 25th inst. JUBILEl Donnelly, Mr. I^^Pu; The more F 1 BOYS — No. 15. 125 Yards' Race. No. 16. 100 Yards' Race. No. 17. Three-Legged Race, 75 yards. No. 18. Potato Race, 20 potatoes, one yard apart. GIRLS — No. 19. 100 Yards' Race. No. 20. 80 Yards' Race. No. 21. Egg Race, 50 yards. PUPILS UNDER 8 YEARS OF AGE. /r^ PLACE-Part of Park near Cricket Field and corner of Park Avenue and Barrie Street. Managers-Messrs. Jos. Wilson, J. F. Swift and W. H. i Godwin; and Misses Maud Allen, Beaton, Volume and Cunning- ham. 1 BOYS — No. 22. 100 Yards' Race. No. 23. 75 Yards' Race. No. 24. Three-Legged Race, 75 yards. No. 25. Potato Race, 20 potatoes, one yard apart. - -i GIRLS — No. 26. 75 Yards' Race. No. 27. 60 Yards' Race. No. 28. Egg Race, 40 Yards. In the Egg Races each girl must supply her own egg and spoon. Trustees and teachers not named in the programme are requested to be present and kindly assist in the management of the games. The prizes will be distribnted in the Schools on the afternoon of Friday, 25th inst. JUBILEE COMMITTEE— Mr.. R. Meek, Dr. Heraid, Dr. D ie, Capt. T. Donnelly, Mr. Jno. Mclntyre. Q.C., Mr. G. Y. Chown and Mr. E. Bennett. I^-Pupils arc requested to bring Flags for use in the procession. The more Flags the better. Jt^K^l3 THE OHORUSES ■0- # **** The Maple Leaf For Ever. In days of yore from E^ritain's shore Wolfe the dnuntless hero, came And planted firm Britannia's flag On Canada s fair domain. Here may it wave, our boast, our pride, And join" ' 'n love together The Thistl ■, Shamrock, Rose entwine The Ml le Leaf for ever. CHORUS. The Maple Leaf our emblem dear, r Tht -Maple Leaf for ever. ' iod f Hve Our Queen, and Heaven bless ' 'III "Maple Leaf for .. sr. At Queenston Hei)>hts and Lundy's Lane Our brave fathers side by side For '^'■eedom, ho;i. ^sffi The rritish-iiSfe.tJu^l ist, our brag, Th . I ||lv,.Empir , too, Will .ei. ^a?d, >yUl ssnd us trade, Oh' li ty tf- ■ -o. 1 i t.je !.' .1. 1 my - j '.t is all of ".nd s . ^ plains Oh r-inada tl.ee ; Thy moi' ai' That H'"-' ■ - . i. The r.uniiiu: g.t ' ' on m n.ii 'ing streams, And sweetest meloc> Pours from the feathered songd'-'-s In t\ie spreading maple tree. ij' CHORUS. ■■X 0^■'-4e land of the maple is the land for me, Tiif home of the stalwart, the trade and the The Pose and the Thistle, the Shamrock and All bloom in one garden 'neath the maple tree. Oh Canada, dear Canada none can compare with thee ; 'Neath sunny skies the earth replies, And laughs with harvest glee, Thy winter's cheer, with air so clear ; But b'ist of all to me The summer and the sunshine, And the spreading maple tree. In Canada, dear Canada, all dwell in unity. The Saxon, Gaul and Celt agree With Scots to keep as free. Though we be four yet are we one. If danger chance to be, _ We'll boldly fight and stand for right Beneath the maple tree. ROBT. MEEK, Chairman. KINCBTOH NEWS PKINT.