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The other circiiinstances of the case are irrelevant for my present purpose. A medical man practising in the parish having been called upon to perform an autopsy, deposed to the presence of a gunshot wound of the left orbit, passing in a direction obliquely upwards to the vertex, and an appearance resembling a burn of the left cheek ; also a very extensive comminuted depressed fracture of the skull without accompanying hemorrhage. A partial examination only was made, the brain not being removed. About twenty grains of shot were found near the vertex. The opinion given was to the effect that the gunshot was acci- dental and had caused death, but that after death the head had been subjected to violence, leading to the fracture of the skull. This finding not being satisfactory to the jury, an examination of the body was ordered, and I happened to be the person selected to perform it. The only really suspicious element in the case was the distance from the body at which the gun was found, but this was subse- quently reconciled with the theory of accidental death by the deposition of a body of Oblat Fathers from a neighbouring monastery, who, while out taking a walk in the afternoon of the day following the tragedy, and twenty-four hours previous to the finding of the body by the deceased's relatives, saw the gun lying on the plank beneath which the body lay. These gentle- men did not feel at liberty to mention the fact of their having seen the body at all until about a week later. This explanation of the gun being found at a distance from the body was compatible with a theory of accidental death, and the experimental evidence that a gunshot could produce all the in- juries found in the deceased of course disposed of the idea of injury to the skull being due in any part to blows on the head inflicted after death, and led subsequently to a verdict of acci- dental death being rendered. ' ' I i I r '«>t**5,': W' iXf* 8 KBPORT OF THE REEXAMINATION OF THE BODY OF GEORGE CLAY. \ Hxamination made on the premises of Mr.. Armstrong ^ under- taker J ofLachine, at 3 p.m. on April 25 * In the report of the previous autopsy a statement was made to the effect that there was a burn on tho loft cheek. I was not able to find any trace of this at the time when I made tlie second autopsy. The explanation of this apparent discrepancy probably is that the appearance described us a burn wtts due to blackening of t le face by soot from the powder-sui&ke. This might be mistaken for a burn. The soot had probably been washed off by the undertaker in laying out the body. In my experi- ments with gunshot wounds of dead bodies I found always extensive blackening of the skin from smoke, but no burning. A vertex and in the region of the left temple. On pressing lightly with the hands, the cranial bones could be felt to move and crepi- tate on one another. Owing to the previous examination having disturbed the relation of the parts I was unable to determine what the exact position of the bones had been immediately after the injury as a direct consequence of it. r.'he scalp was reflected in the usual manner after making an incision from behind the ears passing over the vertex. The scalp was found to be remarkably thick and dense. It showed no trace of external injury. The tissues between the scalp and the bone showed nothing abnormal except a slight amount of ccchymosis in the left parietal region, near the vertex. After removing the skull-cap by sawing around it below the level of the orbit, the brain was examined. All the pieces of bone were carefully preserved, but it was subsequently found that the portions of bones corresponding to the left lower parietal and frontal regions were missing. Whether this was due- to their having been removed at the first examination and not re- placed I am unable to say. From the appearance of the soft tissues in this region it appeared as if the injury to the bones had been more severe in this region than elsewhere. The dura mater, especially in the anterior portion of the falx, appeared to be much lacerated, but the disturbance due to the previous examination made it impossible to state how much of this laceration was due to the effects of the gunshot. From beneath the skull-cap and in the brain tissue near the vertex I removed 48 grains of No. 4 shot. Most of the grains were much flattened. They weighed altogether half an ounce. Some of the grains were found in the fissures caused by the fractures in the bone. The brain was found to be firm and in good condition ; it had not been removed or disturbed at the previous examination. It showed a lacerated area of between two and four inches in dia- meter, extending obliquely upwards and backwards from the left orbit to the vertex. The laceration was confined to the neighbourhood of the median line, and involved the anterior ex- tremity of the corpus callosum and the inner surface of both ■t'"-' •^•1 1% ■ft. ^£>^^' hemispheres anteriorly. The left hemisphere was more exten- sively lacerated than the right, but the inner frontal and orbital lobes on both sides were almost completely disintegrated. There was very little hemorrhage along the course of the wound, and no large blood-clot was seen. The brain tissue con- tained a considerable