^^M IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. #. ■*€ :/j 1.0 I.I ■ 50 '" ^ m 2.2 18 1.25 1.4 \6 _ ^ = .^ 6" ► Vi ^ w Photograplhic Sciences Corporation A s \ :\ ,v \ LV 6^ '<> ^*Gcin"ot'S'be-S-Rdiusted-S-VV)''on!S^^ O (J < W It ^ is ^ Noiseless ^ in ^ Operation i^xid Solid as a StationaTu "Rail ■\KIYi.eTi Closed. ^Ei;^iEiEiE3^iEi^iE\SE^i3^:ii^3KEaszcE^:^^:^i 323CS ^oracarar^ lara'? ^UTrlS • TW^KOe rOl Steel, Millie AND WROUGHT IRC Itiiis^Sifnpletip^^oi) AND WELL FINISH SiE:^iSiE:^5^3 :««3 •IS rTW^T^Oe rOF=« l^ '1 [, Mqlleqble > WROUGHT IRON 9K»3E99E pa 1-3 M <^ p— ( U3 )plefi9^^oi)Struetio9 ID WELL FINISHED. 1 Furnishedoto^theoTrade IN STANDARD SEATS, Any size desired. Ironed complete, ready to attach to Buggy Box. i With any Grade of Top. ^ With or without Trimmings. A SAMPLE SEAT, Fully Ironed will be sent on Trial upon Application. ^ '^&^ '* SEND FOR PRICES. r.^^.^.JBL^^ tf^^^-^i^^-^^,^ i\ iHJK 1^1 ^l^l fr I <^£3K3^^3B -^■^ ^ 7 I y J^ y y r r J' r ^ f r r r .r r r j r / r t y^ r r T® t&|t O^IPIPOM© ^'S'ki n r 'W W ' Wig 'f ' j:^y y^^^y y:y y^^ ^ ^^' -♦-^^>-«C"*- POINTERS. I ]I]n presenting you Avith this circular I would re- 3 ^ spectfull y call your attention to the construction of the Seat and rail : I St.— The wear plate on end of seat being rivited to projecting iron on back of seat takes the place of the ordinary corner irons, which makes a strong seat which cannot give way at back corner. 2nd.— The shifting rail is made of the best Lamoor iron, and has one hole punched through it near goose- neck, whereby it is secured to sliding-block, t)ie back of rail having studs so as to secure adjustable hooks, which keeps rail in place. One of said studs has two nuts on it so as to allow hook to be raised or low^ered to allow it to move free underneath projecting iron, which keeps top from tipping forward when opposite side is moved back. At the same time adjustable hooks guides shifting rail when closed, and securely fastens top at rear corners. 3rd.— Adjustr.ble stops on back of seat are set in far enough from corner of seat to allow sufficient spring on shifting rail to keep lever tight when closed in place, said adjustable .stop having a slot so that it can be moved in or out to make more or less spring on rail. R y^j!Kjs^2 E ::^rJs::^m-j^^sg!^t\ 4th.— The bolt going through shifting-rail at goose- neck, is^crewed into top part of sliding-block, allow- mil t^^rn on said bolt^The bottom part of sliding- block being secured on same boH l\v_ an ut^ which should be screwed perfectly tight. When properly adjusted it cannot work loose or rattle. For Price List Address J.O.CAI^l^OLI -^•BOX: 489,'^ Giaelioli, Cginetd-gi. I I I ;s:^:szsz^3SZs:^s^es:iC%.;2^3^S3Ci g3is:£^:E3&x:m: