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Tous les autres exemp.. .„s originaux sont filmds en commengant par la premidre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte uno telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole -<^ signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbols V signifie "FIN ". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s d das tau;< de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de I'anglo supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, e-i prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 6 6 ' I INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. General Instructions (No. 2.) To The £ug;inccriug {^taft". It IS important that a uniform system be adopted in staking out the work, making measurements, entering field notes, preparing and preserving exact records of every thing done. The undersigned, therefore, re- quests that the following instructions shall be carried into effect : — 1. For the purpose of measurement and record the nie canii. Line of Railway will be considered as runninpr Easter- ""' ''•""'**■ ly and Westerly, and that side of it nearest the River St. Lawrence, Bay Chaleur, and the Gulf of St. Law- rence, will invariablv be considered and desic>:nated " The Nortli Side." The opposite and inland side '• The South Side." 2. All Profiles or Longitudinal Sections will be vnmn. plotted so as to face the South, thus placing the Westerly end at the left hand, and the Easterly end at the right hand. 3. All Cross Sections will be plotted to face the ( ross West. The measuremonts north of the Centre Line '"''*'* °"' will be left, those south of the Centre Line right. 4. All Field Notes must be clearly and distinctly Fk'id not«.. made in pencil, copies will be made in ink; but the original notes must on no account be inked or changed in any way, only reduced loels or other figures cal- culated in the office, should be entered in ink in field books. I'Meld books should contain the name of the person by whom the measurements and notes are made. He will invariably accom])any the notes with ample explanations, so that any other Engineer could easily find the locality, and understand tlie whole at Datum I evels. IScnch Alarkxi. Ucforpnct' Stakes. 2 a glance. The dates on which the measurements are made should also be entered. 6. The same general Datum should be carried throughout the whole Line ; but as this may at present be found impracticable or inconvenient, each District Engineer will only be required to see that a uniform Datum is adopted on the several Divisions of the work within his District. When the levels meet at the ends of Districts, the exact differences will be as- certained, and placed on record. 6. The first duty of the Division Engineer will be to establish, with perfect accuracy, Bench Marks and Reference Stakes throughout the Contract under his immediate charge. 7. Bench Marks should be established about everv 1000 feet, and always at the two-ends of heavy cut- tings, for easy reference ; and positions should be selected for them so that they will not be destroyed in the clearing of the Railway lands. They should be numbered consecutively on each contract, and their numbers and heights above datum distinctly and per- manently marked thereon with blue paint, and on timber with a cooper's-marking tool. Where the line does not pass through timbered land, and no suitable object can be had convenient to the work for Bench Marks, substantial posts must be sunk in the ground at least o feet, and completely prevented from being raised by the frost, 8. Reference Stakes should be placed at least at the beginning and end of each curve, and on tangents at every 20 chains ; their object is to facilitate the finding of the centre line in the event of the stakes being destroyed by fire or otherwise. They should be placed at an angle of 45° to the lino of tangents, and at even distances of say 100 feet from the centre stake, at the intersection of diagonal lines connect- ing them, as in Fig. 1. Whore the Railway runs along the edge of a River, or for uny other reason, Reference Stakes can only be placed at one side of the line ; they should be driven as shown in Fig. 2 : the intermediate Stakes being placed exactly at right angles with the centre line, and respectively 30, 60, and 100 feet from it. *' Fig. 2. Fig. 1. - #< s>. •^. ^X *>• •A. *?.•■•■■ ^o-. ■fi SJ ia CD Station or ;^ ' Centre Stake, ^ V O. * •^ "yT- y , f 9. Plugs 3 inches diameter and 12 inches long^fewnce should be driven level with the surface ground at the foot of al) Reference Stakes, and a nail in the head of each Plug should show the exact horizontal distance intended from the Centre Stake. All Centre Stakes and Reference Stakes should have their tops painted . blue in order that they may readily be distinguished! ' 10. Tables of Bench Marks and Reference Stakes, ]l^]^^^^- describing exactly their position and in the case of the former giving their numbers and elevation above the general Datum of the District, must he made out, and copies filed in the Division and District Offices. The position, numbers, and height of Bench Marks, should also be entered on the working profiles at the nearest station points. 11. So soon as the Centre Line has been carefully defined on the ground, and Reference and Bencn Marks established, in accordance with the above in- g^fiii?* structions, it will be the duty of the Engineer in charge to make a longitudinal Section or working Profile, to accomplish which with accuracy a "Plug" must be driven at the foot of and imme<iiately in front of each centre stake (or station). The Plug will be made level with the surface of the ground, and upon it the level- ling rod must be held when levels are taken. 12. The working Profile will be made on drawing paper to a scale of 200 feet horizontal, and 20 feot )-i Working rrcfilos. ; CentTP Stakes. Cross Sec'H Cross Sec'n Liue8. vertical. The gradients will be drawn with great care by the District Engineer, and, after being approved by the Chief Engineer, and finally adopted, they will be shown by a blue line ; the working Profile will be completed by drawing vertical pink lines at every 100 feet, on one side of which will be neatly written in black figures the height of the surface of the ground above datum, as ascertained by the levels taken on the Pluu'S, and on the other side the height of formation level, as calculated. At each' change of gradient, the vertical lines will be in blue, and the height of forma- tion level written in the same color. Ihe difference between the height of surface and formation level, ascertained as above, will give the height or depth of cutting or filling, as the case may be, at each Station or Centre Stake. 13. Each Centre Stake, which will have the dis- tance marked thereon, according to the actual chairing thus, 304, must also have distinctly marked on the op- posite side the height or depth of the Plug above or below formation level, to indicate the depth of cutting or height of filling; thus. Cut 10.05 or Fill 4.79, 14. The next proceeding will be to make Cross Sections. These will be taken at least at every 100 feet Station, whether in cuttings or embankments, and also at a, sufficient number of intermediate points, wherever a change in the ground takes place, so as to insure a ])erfectly accurate record of the various in- equalities of the original surface. 15. At these intermediate points Centre Stakes will be driven, and the chaining marked thereon ; one side thus, 304+27 ; and on the other side, the cutting or filling as the case may be ; thus Cut 40.60 or Fill 7.80. 16. The lines of the Cross-Sections must be set out exactly at right angles to the centre line on tangents ; and on curved portions at right angles to the tangent of the curve. These lines must be determined by in- strumental means (say by a cross staff' with a line of sights at least eight inches long.) Two stakes will be driven on each side of the centre line, one at 30 feet and the other at 60 feet, measured very carefully, on a horizontal line. In very deep cuttings or high em- I » I 11 >e >0 n d e n e )f t. bankments another stake at 90 feet or more may be put in. These will serve to define the line of Cross Sections and be useful for future reference, should the |]^t'?on centre stakes be renioved. The numbers of the centre ^*"''®^- stakes should be marked on the west side of the 60 feet stakes, and the distance from the centre line should be marked on all the stakes on the sides facing the centre line. 17. The levels on these Cross Sections should be taken in the same manner as those on the longitudinal line, ahvays commencing on a Bench Mark, and using the same Datum, the levels should be continued ^''^'''• through a scries of Cross Sections (taking care to enter the number of station and distance from centre line, north or south, opposite each point taken), till another Bench Mark is reached, on which a level must be taken to test the accuracy of the whole series, and so on to the next Bench Mark. 18. In all Cross Sections a level should be taken on each side of centre line, immediately under or over the edge of road bed, to facilitate the calculations of areas; that is to say, if the base of cuttings be 30 feet and embankments 18 feet, levels should be taken at 15 feet from the centre line, in the one case, and nine feet in the other. Levels should also be taken at every point where there is a sudden change in the surftxce of the ground. 19. When these field operations are completed, the Datum of each Cross Section will be reduced to forma- iron level on the Centre line at the point where each Cross Section is taken ; and the relative heights of all points on the Cross Section, above or below this level, will be computed, and entered, together with the dis- tances from the Centre Line, in a Book (form No. 3) prepared for that purpose, and of which an example IS here given. En some cases it may be more con- venient to take the levels for Cross Sections from the Plugs driven on the centre line ; but in every instance they must be reduced to formation level as a Latum^ and so recorded in Book No. 3. All distances must be made on horizontal lines, and measurements and calculations of every kind must be made with as much accuracy as possible. Datum of Cross Sec'8. vSection Book Centre Line assumed to extend from West to East, and Cross Sect ions from North to Soidh. Formation Level at intersections is the Datum of each Cross Section. * " ■ — — — — ■ — Distance or Station. Station. Stiition. Si.itlon. 1 Station. Station. i 201 202 203 203+50 203+75 C'hauge of ] \ Gradient or rise per 100 feet. Level. Level. Change. 1 per 100. 1 per 100. Surface 393 , 25 393 60 394.00 393 . 55 392 . 25 Forraation.... 393.00 393.00 393.00 392.50 392 25 Cutting Filling 0,25 0.60 1.00 1.05 • \ I' t s-g 1 • &I - t3 2 e 8 "I 2 1 f •" * » 2 a s>s 5 TRE tcol rmat role UNI umn ion 1 roun 30 —8.00 40 —18.00 ^ ' O, 3 -. - : 1 %h 30 +5.50 30 +0.20 (18) — e.oo 30 — 15.00 4 2fi= Ail S§-2 M 30 —1.10 m +4.00 1 (9) 0.00 9 — 1.00 (S) —10.00 (si OS north re to thus( (16) 0.00 15 +4 00 G + 1.00 6 0.00 9 —6.00 -1-0.25 +0.60 + 1.00 +1.05 0.00 J >+3 J2^^ H 1^ 15 + 1.00 15 +3.00 10 +2.00 15 +3.20 6 +2.00 ( g % 1% ^ (24) -f-6.00 (27) +H.00 15 +2.50 (19^8) +3.20 15 +3.30 • 1 < « ^ ,^ l§ i " B 30 +11.60 40 + 10.00 (28.6) +9.00 30 +6.00 (21) +4.00 1 ^g 5 i oEg a; i 40 +8.50 ■ 3^ «* o y ■! ! o-S. ij , 1- s i g| !" ' &2 1 North to ction. I •1 Station. station. SttitioD. Station. Station. Station. 204 205 206 207 207+40 208 1 per 100. I per 100. 1 per 100. 1 per 100. 1 per 100. 1 per iOO. 390.20 380 00 375 00 377.50 383.00 385 00 392 . 00 391.00 390.00 389.00 388+60 388. CO 1.80 11.00 16.00 11.50 5.60 3.00 30 —12.00 45 —18.00 60 —34 00 60 —36 40 — 20 00 30 -12.00 (wlb) -7.00 ..*— V y-^ (82.1) —15.40 (48) —26.00 (49.5) —27.00 (83) —16.00 (m) -9.00 9 —5.20 9 —9.60 9 —13.00 9 —14.60 9 —12.00 9 —7.00 5 —3.00 —1.80 —11.00 —15.00 —11.60 5.60 —3.00 <I> 0.00 9 —13.40 9 —16.50 9 —16.00 9 -5.00 9 —2.00 20 +1.00 m -16.00 (§) —16.00 m —14.00 (16) —4.00 kuj) —1.40 45 —12.00 45 —14.20 45 -12.00 30 1 -7,00 20 0.00 30 +2.00 Spction Book. Attested Copies. Plotting Croas Sect's Slope Btalces Ditto. Gullet stalids. 8 20. This Book must be filled up so that it will form a complete and accurate record of all the longi- tudinal and transverse measurements and levels on each Division or Contract ; in the upper portion of each page must be entered in the proper place the chaining to every Station and intermediate point on the Centre line, each change of gradient and the rate of inclination, the height of surface as well as Forma- tion level at each Station and intermediate point, and the depth of Cutting or height of Filling at each Point. The lower part of the page will have every Cross Section regularly entered, giving in each case the distances north and south of the Centre line, and the height above or the depth below formation level. The Slope Stakes will also be designated. Three ac- curate copies of the Section Book will be required, one for the Division, a second for the District, and a third for the head Office. Each copy must be made from the original notes, and afterwards compared with each other to ensuie accuracy ; and they must also be properly attested and dated. Tables of Bench Marks and Reference Stakes (see clause 10) must be given at the beginning of each copy of the Section Books. 21. From these Books the Cross Sections will be plotted on ruled paper, on a scale of 20 feet to an inch, vertical and horizontal, except in s])ecial cases, such as rock or other difficult work, when they will be plotted on a scale of 10 feet to an inch on paper ruled to that scale. A blue line to be ruled from top to bottom of the page to denote the centre line. 22. On these Cross Sections the formation line and slopes will be drawn in red lines, and from these the distances of the slope stakes from the centre line can be ascertained with sufficient accuracy for ground of a tolerably uniforui and level surface ; but in all cases the position of slope stakes should be verified by the level, and the e.xact distances so ascertained should be entered in Book No. 3, thus, S.S. 20, or (20). 23. Stakes must also be firmly driven at these points, and the distance distinctly marked on the side lacing the centre line, thus, S.S. 30. 24. In staking out Gullets for Contractors, the Gullet stakes should be set out for a rock slope of i i f the 9 to 1. The Contractor will work to these in the lirst place, and save himself time and trouble in the event of any of the cuttings turning out" rock. Should cunets. there be no rock the earth slopes will afterw^ards be taken out. Should rocli occur in part, a berm will be left, as described in the specification. When the rock is laid bare, its surface must be levelled over, and its height at a sufficient number of points, recorded in the Section Books and on the Cross Sections. 25. When it becomes necessary to take earth from pj}^,";"'''"^ liorrowing pits, the ground, before it is broken, must be carefully staked out, in squares of from 10 to 30 feet, according to the nature of the surface, the levels taken with reference to the general datum, and the whole particulars entered in the field books, 26. In all Cuttings of magnitude strong Plugs about three inches diameter, and say 30 inches long, {i[^^° bound on the upper end with iron, should be driven in the solid ground to formations level at the entrance of the Cuttings, 9 feet distant from, and at right angles to the centre line ; the position and level of these Plugs being carefully noted in the field book. These Stakes \v\\\ be found useful as rough reference and Grade Stakes during the construction of the work. 27. In preparing plans all existing objects as roads, buildings, tonces, &c., should be drawn in black lines. Water should be indicated by a blue tint. Works to ISSl he constructed as deviations of Roads and Streams, v^oiWi^*- also the centre line of the Railway and the boundary line of lands required should be shown m red lines. In Profiles the surface of the ground should be black, and references to existing objects, or works such as Roads, streams, Villages, should be written in black. All works to be constructed such as Rridges, Culverts, &c., should be shown or written in red. 28. Reports will be required periodically, not only from the District Engineers, but from the Division i)V Contract Engineers, Inspectors and others. It is therefore inq)oi-tant that members of the Engineering Staft* should keep an Official Diary, entering therein every circumstance connected with the works which may come under their observation. Books will be Diaric8 to be be kept. provided for these Diaries, and further instructions given, with regard to the regular reports, which will M(fi)?^ieH. be required. The object of these Reports and Diaries is to show the progress made from time to time in construction, on every District and Contract, and to place on record accurate information respecting the commencement of structures, the progress and char- acter of all works, as well as the dates, when they were staked out, the force employed, directions given, the weather, difficulties met with and overcome, and every other circumstance relating to the execution of the Railway Works. SANDFORD FLExMING, Chief Engineer. Intercolonial Railway Office, Halifax, 25th March, 1869. t I * i