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Mapa, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely Included in one exposure ara filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams iSlustrate the method: Lea cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmte it des taux de rMuctlon diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atra reproduit an un seul ciichA, II est fllmA A partir da I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en baa, en prenant la nombre d'Imagas nAcessalra. Lea diagrammas sulvants lllustrent la m«thoda. ' ^^^^^^^^m^^^^^m^^^^m. • '---■*. , I ■1' -.' ■■ >f ■. AW*' BEGULATJONS 'SSS^ <>BANGE INSTITUTION, •f n . ■BI.S in TM oouKT aovM sxa««nui, vrnn «*iiiaM> OGLE R, eOWAN, £•«. DffHMjp <A|kwl MaMtr, V- iw '^';<#»*' A ti. (MM*aiiirali«fi< upon *kt 1«I|«M« *f *•'•*•■*• ?*^i5L; _i of BrllM Borfh Amrrtta. i.f»W%> » << » im t («i<H MlW'* ** )rpii1]p nra«4 arer*tor>, Abtbv* McCftUiir, iN^^t ■rt«fc«M(»|i VppcrCaamt*. ,4 MMOCKrUJCMi 1830. '•-^•k- ■ir^- 1 ': • ff ■ - 5 ',t ^ b h • • • . '^ •^ i-.i b« ' •• . • 1 ■ ■ • ^t-:/: vi?-- 'Hi M ■( ■ ■•■•' , # ^v <«. ,■ ? amA|r» ^ ^>:^ L'* LOS^GE, v>«^ •«» '*N*' . ♦:: (Wr BBmsp NOBTH AMERICA. , ""^k fe •M. I QIUQtD OFFKERS FOR. THE TEAR IU9. V/" GTQIMi tMUM&ir^ -^ w^^ -* •^:, ^ TiM Righl WonbipM, Hi* Royal UigkMM PsfifCB KBiraf* "1^ AmoiTUiiDnkkolCumlMriaad ■n«lTWioldal«^K.O.*e.Mli; ^k IT. JAMM' r4|.ACE, LOMDOn. • < ^^'|pl||»ii(>it WoniHpful Oms R. ""mifi.TwMlilL. T -.**! :4 4 r«nll^ WiiAiA«BDaTOB.|bvibR»JNiM# ^ ^ Th« Ri|M WortUrfel Aijixahobk »i» Ml «) W, raoTBiTANT-aiLi., rBBxa : '.'ft*--''-'.', j Dtfuty OnmS Secretary, ■),: tj^yuHi^^^'^:-' ' The lUgbt WonUpful Abtbdk McCucanJ ^' 'Tba Ri|ht WonUpfal Rwr. RowiiiaTM Kuli; A. 1. TOiraS, ■■OCKTIt.t.B : .■.■#>*f:. k*.--'' TIM ' RaT,F»x.uukAi 4, A '^ fi.t% ^ '-. ^,A ^J*al ' ^ A ■' - < ' *''^'' ^"^ ^^ti ."i/jfciS lnin!l li' '•'^ W^ 0^^ r 0^ 1 I ) * 1 v.. » \ ^ live flU^B^K^^H^ j^^^Smh^^^^^H^^R^H^P^SwiI'^jH »..■-'''* !';#.; ^ 1 ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^H Jaf Jj^BRMW^fifyBljiiHJ^ v. - '■■,'^: ><' • ( .♦1 I p V * a ■1 tf k/. T^'^^'-n ^-lA-..^^;^ JM:%|S^ '^ 1 « . / ! ',.is ^^IN:^ ' 't m i#|t- tf';^-'"^:' iV ^. rfiA W^' >■ ')» ■ P -;^*^4^ y Ir* %W .r'^ nommAxr o/ a. oiUyd lodoi:, ^^^ ,^ ^«^^ „^ Hli ar.r« ih« Dukt of Gordon ^"V N'.bia M.r. of clJ.nS;^ »>Kh« Hon. E.rl ONeHI, HlihtHon.E.rlofA|db»)ro«.|, Rl Hon. Vi,-|. Mounlmorre. Kl. Hoo. Viscount Pra„kfo„ Rr. Ho., Lbrrf K.nyon, ' Bir Hirconri I,ee», B»rt. Sir A. DKncer^ Barl, Sir r^"i^- "•>•••»"♦• «ir Henrr Brook. B»rf. Co»onelW,ll,am Varner. «"<»»y »ft»«»eM, Em. M. Pi * '■ . *■ Colonol RoehfofJ, M.P. tiaaeril Sanoden, Her. H. L. Si. Oeorga, John D. Ecclei, Eiq. Samuel T. Poller, Eiq. Adam Tyrrell, Eiq. Tasker K.„. E«,7 . •lamai Vernrr, E»q. yiiliem 3. Brown, Eit' - K«<r. G«orge M. \V.«r H«T. Daolil Kallooo, ■ Her. John Lieioo CroeW*. Rer. Roborl Youn(. A. B. Chefwoode Euitacis, Em. Majgr CbatirotM). ■<* ,. <» If .«» -jH l-i •v ■♦'''■• . ' ■-^•■>^k'^-'^^ IIULES k REGULATtOffS, OBJECT9 Awv rt^CifXXB w tm SOCrfcTT. , Ttiii Atfoeiatino h furaied iff pereoM detiroM of aopporlinf, to (he at«KHl nf ilieir power, ihe principle* and preciice of th« FrottMani Relt^ion ; to maintain lli* Laws and Conntittitioa off toe coaotry, ^Sori a«ai*(an«f to 4i*^lM$^i mefabef* of ih« or- 4tr, and otberwiM (iromole tuch lattdable and beoarolMitHjWf-^ fKMaa, M mtf tend to the doa orderiof of lUMciMa, M CbrMam^ ehariry. W« a<an<itai(a aho in booor of Kia( Willwai lb* IILPriitttfof 4>raaffe, «rbo*« nania we bear, aod ^h'^if/jhamotul MeiApry w« hold in reverance, tending as he did, uiAltr DWiM VrvriimBO^, In th« oT«rlbraw of the most oppreuive bigotry, and Uie reai w lion of the p«ta form of Religiuo and Liberty, aatabMahed i*lbit country ; we rerere tb« roamor; of ibat imiBortal PrioM. tHHt only a* a Patriot, a Gonatitutional Monarch, and a Hero, but a» a irne'ChrMiint and bo|Mtn the aHopiio«*f kit nane, to mimi- lale bit virtaaa, by oMtnlaininc RcligiOto ttiUlbwt MTMBMilin or (renohing upon the rights of any. ?. Wc ir* exot<>«iT«ly ■ Protestiiiit Aaaociatioli, mmt he <le iiiil ta« every tpe«ie* of inioleraaf*, wa 0iiiM po awijl <Mir ^rMberbood, whoni wa do not believ* (o'b* iamvabir fMf I tar dr f«rae«iitiog any person at a«oMint o^lki« 1l4ii| for wftptoUMi tmcMtUm «• baw« tmt t umi tk« i Suefaonly ar* (he priaciples and th* tliiUieli^ t>( oat I WMi M* (be intMel, tb« (rMtor, and (h« leMl^Mi kafV t/tfi abip; rihafteotion, iimnartfliiy, or trMnoA,'ean 6lii lii'^ fcldtag- filace beneath iba wing* of our 8fioeia(imi \ our cnttmbM*- Sp oulf roond tbcfit, and view tba brotbarbooid witfa kbiMat prMe'r, «t*r princip<«« are neither poval •*r twf«l lm* l M I I ^kf ar* IMk good old {|rii>rjple« of !<>«< ; fhay aae tboae wKMtkufM fi#J| ^lorlal'Williani to rielory and to boobt ; llHty ^nii. ' ^aiteld Great Britain to tb« higbMf piiM«fi4)f .ikfe jJI H bu jl IMKown ; (hay are ibM* which baw geH»|MJt^ i>f «yftj age aod io *tmfy M(iom| 1IM9 1 «aied by our Diviae fUdeAmar; tfciy Vifhtly aiidertiood and iroty praotiead. ;,^ jrarlb;" and teaNy !••« ut la Mnt k>»w^jjjjrtwg||P<M> ' i^wnk«4«MMiNi^ trttibUag, tai •j4 . . '*tkCS n-0 w ^:¥-: fk. >•* V y BJ: i' ]* RULK8 b RCOVLMIOKS (# .' ^^^ B*^lMpMlw««*Miw«t«ter* aiMLvMMMMIjbr Iim Alwidlify Makar, yfadnetive at IhoM liTsly amt hapf^ frmhi, rifli M a u tt m •ltd abad l a w a le hi* eomminds ; ■ fimt mwi m*ihn faillt in tiM 8«TMar af Uia warM, eenvioecd th»t h« ta ttM oaly Mediatmr )>•• iwa^a liaAil crcalara, and ao oflfandad Cra«tor, hii'4i*po*i«ion ahonM h* iMivaaa ahd compauioflala, an4 Ma b«hlVlniir kind •ml MMiliaiaty ^-k* itiould b« in enamy to Mvafa braialitj and §^fy apaelaa of •nokfiiiian condiMM ; a lo*ar of raiioMi and im- ptofutg aociety, failbAillj racarding (ha Proieatant RaiifioltaMl aiticeral; deiiroat to propogate it« precepts, (i. e.) chariif and good trill l« ail men. Zaaloua in proMotiog Ibe hoaovr, bay»p»i- ««aa, awl praa^rit; of hi* Kin|; and covnlr; ; hearliljr daai w > of MiceMa in ihota pnniiilt, jet convineed iMt Qod ahMa«|a (rant tMMi ; ha liioald hatre an hatred of ciinla|p ami «»eaf<^[f, andvf takioK Ilia name of God in ram ; k« tbaaM Mfo ■It^MlN ' ti<nitia« of diacoorafing them among hi* bralhres, and nbMrVba' aMialy of all periOB* addicted to ihoae 'thamariil praoltcei ; prw- dMcaahooM giiid* all Wm actic^nc taaiparanre, lobriety, and batBMly dirapt W* conduct ; and iba laudable objaei* of lh« ,A*> .^p M alKu b« Ik* ■miTca of hia andeavoarai If J . ...•-,-.^.., ' :'yim OBLIOATIOK OF AIT <»KJUfa£MAW. * ' ll^ A B, do soleouily and roluntarUy swear, . djjgtlwiU, totheutnftottoi mf p.ower,.support and defend has vreMBt Majesty, Kinc Gkiorge, ailftttuf lawful Heirs and successors, m the tor- «v#;(nty of GreaiBritain, Ireland aitd t|M dooi»- oiOBt tbereottto belonginff, so long i»4)e, she, cpflif^, ihall sapport and mamtaSii tjlell^ tenant Religion, wid the Laws of this Omb- try ;— ihiit I wOl, when kwfblljr called on, ':0- .tkt the Ciril and MflitarT powers in the jfllt • mbd lawfal discharge ^ their official di|tie%:|fi. impelling and sttbdoidg erery entviff;'!^mif may sedc to diatorb or inure tbe^Ko^t^wt^. Phitestint Reli|rion, or tNts Coiin|ty it^l eral ; and that I will ever hol^ laer^cli vQgnie of onr gloriOtts deliverert IfliM ITlBiaiii Hb 8rd, Piioee of Onnge, In gfialACj^ Al iffflnbfia Tfic OBAirai iNflmvnoif. nee : of whom I sol i''^ .r(if*ln-«|y power) promise ^ ... .„ .^_,Awer) to celebrate hb vtctorjr over James, afthe Boyne, in Irtland, en liiii'li|i day of July, (O. S.) m Serj teaV, by M«h b'lliig with my. Brethren in their Lodge AooiBa or elsewhere, aa may be determined on by a JHBJority of the Lodge to which I may beloME. V 1 swear that I am not, was not, nor erer ^A be, a Roman Catholic of Papist ; that I wllltt* bide bvr,and support (he Regulations andL«W^ ^the Institution, 1 v«i[ear that I have not, to my\ mff^ledge or belief been proposed, and r^«ct- ed m, or expelled from any Ovange Lodge^ and lastly, I swear that I will ahrayi eonceal, iUI|d . ^ever will rereal* in any way whatsoever, th» signs, words and tokens, of mutual recogi^CiOlk that are now about to be priratehrtQiallkW^icIl^ te|d t6 me, unless I shall be drty aiiOwil iW I so to do, by the prober AuthMttiB»^ tUv' Orange rnstitution,ofwlriehlittiiMMi^'|ifMrt: io iMeome a Member. *-. >rrv • 1, k,'M,ik volaniarily aad ittMttraty Ito aiflM, wofia, aad lahana, of a ParphHtHht^ mWm a* waH a« frnai all other*, tab* ava fwi "' pia Order, MMie** | tbalt ba dwiy aaiboft— d ie them, b* Hm pwfOT AvtborHiaa hi the f^iMla (Miifl Oranga fnatitntian. , - .1 oMiaATian ttrA nitmmm''Mn»n«m _U A. B, twear, that I do not awdaMaattllaiaBa fW:aRy pn*aia or parsaaaj rataiasMM or adaanti MI'ltia Aattinrhy wit^ wMehl •«( hi*««MI-* paapatr baftaview aad a aat fcit y '- "^ ? irt*». tTtr """ ""^ ■ Maaf^hcr Ltf*?'l ■f^mm: jMr -' ' P"*P*' ixnavioar aa« a aw wt y la tt* U 'MiiL .iv.lrW T'-'^'f^iyMa, aiMt to eairt««g|iMi!ab*araaaaa MSBT , :t'^ilE .f-'Mmm «l the ^n^umW^ •»!• M^ iWr.-.^iM 1 :'-'*NH»rl«*aar <|iM f will iMtOaHifo bv.ira ¥ f • RULES It REOULATIOXS Cff OaLIOATIQM or A (■rilBTAM'. I, A. B, do iwtjiir, itiai I will hUhfMj ptfrvt tVit ^_^_ ind all other dooii|iieiir« of tho Lorlf a, ibti may be eoinmitwA to oij ebarK« ; that I will not mTMlf, lifii or Mai, or rant* lo b* ilfoed. or ■ialed, not UoJ l)i« Ijoclffe icxl, to that it ni«y h*.«f> fliad lo aay forKcd paper, or irreguUr Oranffeman'i Certifto«li^'^t'';" >nd iaallr, ihal I will deliver up all the prnprrly of the LodfB '\% wb«n roqMetM* by the Ma*Ur aod olbor Oflloeri M (»^o. OBLIOATIUN or A TMCAIIVRKn. -• * ' I, A. B, do awear, that I will failliriilly preierre atl moni<««t . •(b«r properly, thai I may raoeirb fur ihe uie of my I^odge, MMl that I will fairly aecoiinl for lh« atine, when requatUd Mi lo 4o by the Matter and (ha Officers of (he Lod(e. OILIGATIOn or A COMMITTCRMAN. I, A. B, do lulemnly inraar, ihai I will •nereiaa the f^Ht^^ 1«^«', fanetiont, and diK.iei of a comnnitieo mao, faithfully, oMK •eientimialy, and impArtially ; that I will u»e whalOfer iiiflnMlMr " I may poiimt, for the benefit of my Lodye partioiilarly ; and fenerally for the intereat of the Ord«r, to lb« beat of mjr tkiU ■owledge, and euDioc. P-Mfal RUr^GS for Ihe GOVEKNMENT of ihia Inttiiulioa. iM. Thii Society shall be called the Or«n|e Inititalion ft British North America ; and ilie adinitsioa of ill Members shall ke regiiUled in strlot accordance wUh Ihe ** Qnalifieations " harein b«fora stated.jhe Society never lo bo connected with any objdRt of % merely parly or fhottous nature. Cd. All Candidates desirous of admission, shall be eerlifled to b« 18 yeara of age, and must be proposed by on«, and aeeofi- AtA bv another Member, at one meelinf , aod admitted or r»- jecttfi'at » svbsaquent on* ; — no alcciion or admiaaioa to laira . £1m#, mWas one of bis vouchers be present, and one negstive •xehide, ia which lailar case, Ihe cause of eomplifni to b« fsboiilted lo the Committee of t'le Lodge. . 3d, Any person wirhing to boooma a Member, mtMt be ad- ipittad into ihe Lodge nearest his place of abode, or have a Meoronsaodfation from (hat Lodge, that ha is a proper parson, kafora he csut be admitted into any other. ,■ 4lh. Each Lodge shall have a Master and Deputy Mastar, a fl*^ 4ialary, Treasurer, and five Cooimiiteaineit ; the Master (o Nr •pttoimtd by the lodge ; Tha Oopilty Maater, Secretary, TteaaoMr ••4 let CMnaniltoaroan by i%a Master, whl|(lw approbafionofthi {todn : tbasaoeod Couiinitieeman by tiM Hr.sl, and so on idl thai; tm mit w of five be comple(ed. , The appoiiHmeM to all thoaa o(^ ^HJtH, to ukapUoa at the first tegular inapiBfg ra.Daoembar, for ••• 74«ftMWMttcii»s tb* fint day »t JmkmiJ^mmllmt ;^-S ' Tm names of parsons rrjscieil in, or eipallud from aH^ ^ftMlfe af this Boeisty, shall lis forthwith sriii to the Distiiot ^Master, witb tha abjections lo such permns, in order that Ihe 'District Master nisy oommnnlcale the jtamo tf the (liand t/tf^fip i ■ M ihow who are unfit for oite f^tdge, mutt le^o fur every other. ' tlih. All fjodget shall make rslnrni to theX^tttrirt Master, of tf>e nunibeit, naiiiss, and pluce of i^botla pTlfteir r«s()eotiM Mombert, every It Months. 7th. In oriler to eiiahliih a fund to defray lh« vnrions and . ttaeesasry espeiMes oftheOrsnd Lodge, tha sum of one poniij •fcall be anonally paid by each LoOf^e lo the District Mastar ll be by him transmitted (o Ihe Grand lAidge : mid the sum offin shillingi snniially, from every Grnnd OUicer and manib«r0(M« Grand Committee, &c, which iiibtt'ilpiion ini<st ba paM tin' or ,. knfove the It! tiay of January, in i>vrry year. *tth. All persons to b« ■tibordi|iai<> to Ihe Master, M MMiH ■tiding for him, who shall have f. pnwer of fining «l| nabr- derly persons, to any amoont not exre<«<ltiif; i thillioKS. 9tb. Any disputr ariting, not providtJ fur hy the rulrt is to Ht daeid«d by Ihe Officers of the Lodge, aod Ihe parlies uiii>( abnja ky Ibair decisnn on pain of expiiMon, saving the tight of appeal in the first iiisianoe to Ihe Diilrict Maitrr, <erondly, In Ihr C<i|M^ tf tf raodMaster ; and fiiiallyi |o ike Grand Lodge, (he da^jpw ^ which must be coaMotive iil all caars. ■ . j" lOth. No boaiaesa«Bn be trMsacir.d yMWt while Ihe |lod|e akail be regularly open, and Maaer, su|J^^O| drink, ihidhWtri ke introduced during Itiat pavtiid. iBL 1 1 Ih. A> the laws of Reiififn and meral^jPleiild be nln«rve4 «itl» paaaliar allenli^n Vf atf MAmbi^rt of this society, it i«^fer>- kiddan, aadar pain of iMfni; fload, that any person shall, (4» account, be guilty of fwrofans vweafiog or cursing or uttn Ridecorotis or Offensiire laaguaga, rw otherwise drportrnt^.h aonlrary to iko " Qaml^tartiont ;" and should aoy mrmlje^ gniily ofan aggravated repalitioiw^erdiie^caatian,'o4'inc •r any «f Hioae offtwcvii, the pefMa so offbiNKng, ahHll M^^MMf^ ad or suspended, as a majorilv ||M|Lod|^iay think pifflen' ' i l«i». A confidential TyJTlWingWWyuh Ladgtf, Airini; Ihii periods it may be opani^ * "*^*^ !? ' ! IM«. Mo Lodgtl tkn he held 'Wt&mtSjt WArtsit' fnm rt>* •nand Lpdga, eouMtafahmwit ky ^lutt^Mm-^niai 9^i ''Jin" ' I *" Jmnlrt . 'I i !"Ti itfi '^^!"v th» Mm^, >• ika Ol il P li ilii i IMHn WammiHiM HgK i»a|Wf two pwia^ll. ■%'•; ■:■■'■ ■■«' -'^ . - »|t|h. Tka iHMmtl^M in British NdHk ilmaH«^«^ iMM^ \ /titfidad info |>iw4«|krWib« Couaty Grand Masiiar, ao M Want '■ m^amr M m f JNmm* « 1 1 ifrtjtfteaiw ttir^i«Mtt*«^ HBkllo biNiOMt. • -,,/.r^,y^ ^ „;.'> RULES k REGULATIONS or « «>gMl,**rfic*i, mmf !»•«• I^ih. V.trM OUtr'"-! «(<nll %-\tr a Ottfrirt Miliar, In b* tpildWA \tA bv iliB Contiiy Uraorl MaMrr, for on« /Mr, eooimvitoing «h* l«t. d»T of J"n'i.»»y. !>'i"'i>llv. Ifllb. l).irii>s iliB ■'■•rnrr, aii^^MrHirnn or nnn-ap(.nlntm«ft( tf'.^ a Duliio' .M:><fr, ili«i A>iiinr Maiirr ihNlt «c( for Ilia limr. ^■ 170). Rirli Cniint]^ •hall hava • Ornnri Ma*tar, la be nbOMn bv IhA Uraiifi IyH)|^, a< in annual inaa<in|. IRih The f>r<iA(l IiiHlf«> «hall meat onoa In ovary y«ir—Ti:te on rha H^coml Toawlay in Jimo i anrt prncted lo alrcl Mtr fba year, aOranH M«*ier, DapiHr Orand Mnoier, Oran<< Trrainrf.r, ^ • Dopn)/ Orand Traato^r, Orand RerrvfxrT, Dtipiity Grand B%- craiary, UritndC'hKplain, Drpulf Uraail Chaplain. Mambartpf Iha Ornnit Cnmmillrr, (Tminly Orand >1n^lar«, apd Hnnorar|' inftaaher^ of Itia Grand I<i)>l(!n ; ilif> p«r(nn« anitdnd (o til aM vo!« on ihi»«n nora«i«ni, are, ilie P.m Grand Officeri, Couol/ CJrand Mauler*. Diilricl' Mn^ieri, M^alor^, and~Pait MaMar|«f Ij'idijiM, and ptr«nrn who fi b»rn rofed lliinoj.iry Metnhe 19th. The (}r»iiil Sncr»lan^n4>»<T>*p«ly, ahallat an.T ••< wh^n rf^Mircd liy lh««' y>r\v\:'^fMSS Mai'cr, or hy a raqaiaitkm frofn-li i>foii>h«'r« of iho rtraiiT^TOd^e, lammoii • nia«iiii( »f • elt»^r^*nc?. \'l day nonr^ Iwmu ei«rn. ^ , t'Jiti. Any Mnmliffr wtio ahallstiih^rrlha Tire pnnitdl atMiMr limr, <b»tl he a^jK-niher ..f thr (l^nd Lodfta for lif*» ; and any m«rt(Mr «rhn Hhall tiili<irrilf^ nnaMiind par aonom, nhall alan b« » iii-mhcr of the Cirand l.ndgf, dhrinc Iha yaar^ha thall ao t«b- rr^Sf. »iiph pAf«on< iii eterj oaia to ba approvad of by ib« Grand Offifer*. 21st. District Muler* ahnll *i«if ibe UTTeral LodfM wilhin §l|^ir rfvprclira Dialrirtt, as uflen as eooraniant, — ai laaM oaoa fn rvf ry vrar. 2:1. No m^mlicr lopmpnte any pernon for admiMion, hot turn ^< on rompettnl aeqwti'-t'r'ff, he shall Terily baNara lo ha « fOnrril, ii<.|| roniliioled Clrislian, 1 ()<)M>««inir a alcadfail belief irt ihe If.ly Trinity, a* liaM hy thfryattad Chureh of Uraat Britain Rt'd Ireland. ' . • e:l<«. A 11 (} '■an<l Omcer^ j<(. bt'^emhllrt of erary Lodg||IIW7 may vi<n, and '>e r-iitilled to ail aift vote therein. •J4;h. Tbrre »h«ll be two dejraaa in tlU At<Htrialioi»->Ti««tl« ■t'freei of an Or.in^inan, and of a Pur|>la OfangamaatKll i!«iiiA to he ronimiinicated in ea.nh Larifi^M the proper A« ' ity prOMdina. niim<-ly, iba Praaidini, Fi«D]ltMWMM, or itmm^&f. rommilid-inan Ihni praeent, hM that mi ol^tr paryoit, a4*«|*'#'-^ Of and Offiter of the Grand Lodge, «h«H b« alMMio ittMat* wi^t; lAKOi: INSTITUTKMI. 'Ifit m^ «r ^ZTtltT preieiH* •hat«»a<"; «• .11 Warrant. mwt m^ r^'. T .!S!hr7mnr- .«,ho»..iaM"'» »^«''« «'••«" '^«" •'"*•• .n:?h'ttJt:r:;d"r,MXr.he o,d^r ;;;n;|--; - ■...K. .n.1 nra>iilRn1i<in »iM»(dd l>a <»a*rr«r7» »" "•■ liimoM re«.ilart1y •"•' "T""'" '"> ,.,,,„ „^ ,rf>rred for in. fciiftlei M altera, and Pre«idrnl« of "'*"«"• "''A,,^ „„,„, rrr„<..ion.nd,-id.ne..n '!J'tV'"'^,V7«,Xrt ^f^n.^^^' who -..Hhar. Ihr po«r of «».n« -I ,tr:'^;\],riZ^fn^mm^ ««««»« them f.fiho..,l»te^rad"««) "" "*"•"• ••**'^"'^.; i„^|||ia Grand Lodge. ^ liaCandMbie ft.r AriMi* ih.ll >- introdored »«•''•*" '^^ bftthrrn, •!*J5«T". „ , B,we,-with the H«H.h ef Bagnlf^ '■K3ll7rtr*l*ttr^tt.a Brrlhren all .ii>.n« (««»'••> «* fctheifpM»t,-lhaM*rtar|h» 3|7 ., irtn-fcathfta, whom ii^fmjtmn\ntt 7 lami^aEii-^A B, a worthy frtaml. witTltH— Whiil do Toa fi"» "» y"" "•"«' ' f|i»y(|on*t!a*-thaWordof«od. * li«T»oaoc»a-Wa*». - J. * MatTaa-Whai i« Mni oihaf fcoofc ? ^_ A«aekU«l. lB4»'a-ThaB««k of ReMli<«<"»«»V ..^^'•^T**', Mi««T«»— Ara Totf arqiiainiad WHh tb« W"" ""w^ InTaonixcKa— We are. .^._A.fi»«u? M AiTsa- l)o you now a«l la canfnrmlty la l*»i R«»« *" KS:"VdJ!lVw Wi««r«»*.CandM.ral rrl«»-.wMl 'v'3SB;-^':y"-:"r^ •»• ' -^ - •* '^^'^^ yowjHHr'iNMac i* linn. -"*™"- friend, Knael An**. •.cv'' DranKernan gdth. Nu warMni to ba at(*aittad. I|||^ - jb*|, |ir t*> 'al(V !-'■■'■■■ E'riend, Knael il*^*- ..;.^> ._ . _ ^ ,^ m,,,*^ k iKMtUl OiyMrMifkth onto thy N(» Raiwatwnri ► •»••! I lo»ro "pnn I5"W5 '«.; It. V 4- nULBS k REOULAYrOlfS «#' •h* 1A^ri^ bioiulu ,„ r.iMh out of E,Tnl • IhM .^w . .1 -^. •'-r. For "i, i, :C1 'Lit', tl'^y. "I* "":•>'•'" •".'« ¥• w r«»hp.W :„ jr*!«rA'»«' A- h. "rd from ,1., b.rJoniiHT. MurvH noe, my hrf.|T;f*n. if murifcrir: .„d J" know lhir.T'""JL*'""'. '''•'»"'«'"'• '» ^ It b)7.i."irhi. I fr n.r^JTnd*:.''* 't I'T '•■^.'^''' '-•-"•^ children, l.-t ,„ J^b^,,,^JriSl "?•»"'»»"'? Mf liuh. •nd W,i.|| a,.*a our iLarl, b.for- I.!""^ 7^*7. "f "•" **"'*>' k SSrrf oerstt. ^ ' ' '^ *' '"• ''» '*' "t H, 19, 17, 18, J» Here ilm (n\f, SlCif-r,?'" " '^•-f'^ '-mk^iian^. Almighty God, Judge of all men, to #hoiK all hearU. be open and from whom no seoret*, ^e hid, look down, we beseech thee, unoit m who are now assembled l^eneath thv iK jee.ng eye ; Thou hateat the deceitful heart: to ihee, the false tongue m an abomination fistrengthea jg, then, we im^ore the«, tbaf .i tit f V/-*: ORANGE I r«8TlTt7Tt01f. lii w nftt <i^ avoi^ falsehood, and clcaf • Hl^ Ibat wnilil i*. true: dispdae ua to brotherly lore and Christian Charity, to be true' and idlhful to our firethren in all just actions'^ and as we do rtow receive .this dear friend in- to our benevoI#<it and loyal associsition, maj^ we be admitted into thy Heavenly Kingdom ; ; \ in thy nanwt.and looking to thy proviaenee^^ | to iKrect ua to what is right, we do now re^ ceite this thf aervant to a nierabership in oar society, trusting tliat thou wilt so guide antl (fovem his heart and actions, tlial be may ong continue jan ornanietii to our associa- 'tion, and a/irrrtand stedfu^siiipporttf of tby Cnurch and Peaple — AMiiiiK;jt ? \.^J /'' The Cnndidatt tkalt.thtn riM. and ikt MmflltaUii- ' "^ Mailer, — W« reoeiT«th«e, dear Brolbor, into die and L*oy*l ^uoclaijoa of Oringemeo, irniing itiat nbid* k deroled irrrant »( Qod, ■ («Df beli^er in (li* Bdfttli Cbriit, a faiihful lubjee'l nf our Kjng, and xipporier of oar dilution: keep thou bfn% in ihs PrutcMant Fiilb ; rfi'ake I the' fri«nd of all pious and jwnceabta men, aroidlnt atri ■rekin^ bcnernlflnpa : siow |o laka oflT^nca, and ufT«ring nm^ III (ba nauia of tlia Brolherhood, I bid ifaa welcome, and pra that thou niayetl long cooimne aimon^ lt>ean, a ivortby Oranya- A , man, foauiig Ond and loving llw Brstliarhoc^ huooutiog tiiaj^utjk King antTinaindifliaK lb* Law. . ' '""*'' Tba'Signs and I^H-wnrd»>of Iha AwtaUtian thall ibVn ba ««mmuiii4i(«d to the qew Brotbter 'crordinfr ttf mfp, after <ir%Xth . '' Mte Clinplai^ or t^roiher appointed, shall\tny-r*f UHirjjh.to Gfti In Ai*/high«l, and on aarth p«ac«, §004 viil to»atibiMMi|#.m^ . ' Luka, t e. 14 ». ■ . ' ^ " -Ty."^ ,•■, Xha^llfalhai' thill iheq make obaitMkiM (0 thefXaMr, l«4^ tiU -wiMntiak'a tbeiir aeaia. > ) ' , ' kll'f "^) bjr ONkll uf lb* Right Worifaipruf the ^'■■i-;': . i^-jiMiM: :A*^ MUTBcaoif, Grand giii IIJP fUW. A. ■■•■>■ >^;" ';#>■ % '. ''«!... ''Mum «ffh« IntroducUnn to I^^P*"Tf\Mfr. 't.^!^* ttMlhw i» to b« iiitiodiic«d, the T;|jh'I|w tnt vM^. 14 RULES Si REGULATIONS OF THE ORANGE L-^STIttm^ 1» ik* r<MMn,4lft<ir4iim jliro Pa^>lomeu, than lb*t*A 8|M>RiiArt aT fit^ Lirutliut, eitrb b«*riiig a puiple rod, decur»M4 Ml it* tufi WMll OraKKd^bborit; aaU iMltfeou them III* BrolMrJlimMir, earrf> iii'i; in both ImwU tli« Bible, «u(b lb* Book of tbnOraag* Rule* mid R«gubiiqii» placed I heron ; oa, iii» fltlertog ibe rooui a Cbaplaiii, or ill bi» itbaiiiice, a UruUiCr »p]ioiut«d bjr Um Multr, " Wa li»»e a tlrtin^; oily ; >alr'lK>n with Qod appoint for walh •n<r liulwjrkij " Oiiea ye iba guiesi tlf^t llio ri|(hleoua oatioo \vbi<-li kcf'pvib jJ^a (ruib may euier iu. Tliuii wilt kaep Um ia perl'uci |ieace, who»e iiiincl ii tiajred on lliee, baoaUM balmted in lliee ; Tiuil jo in IU« Lurd for ever, lur iu tti* Lord Jahofatl 19 ereilnsiiiiK slreii|fllH'' Ita. 2A c. 1,3, 3, 4, ?a. — " Th« ramjpnt ol lirnel slmll no) do iiiiquiijr,-oor >pcvk lies; iwilbar shall a dc- ceittul tofifiu) \va fouitd to thvirniuiitli, Cnrihtr aiiall faad aa4 U* <i<iwn, «iid iiuiia aliall make lUeiu'al'rani.'' 2e(b. S. c. 15 v. ( Uuiiiig Hie reading ui ihcsu vertas, ibe brotiieraball stand ■( lb* r^ul uf the T-tble — lh<i Breihrco all .itaodiii|^ and »(rielljr (ilcnt.) AlAHTkiR — Bratliren, what itu yuu dasire? - A^rnwcR — Our desiie unl re(juekt is, ibal thit worlhy. Brothar may be adTanrrd lo the degree ul' a Purple Oraogfliiian. M ASTCH — Do yuu believe lliai Im bath, sine* bis adntisaion iflltt dn. .4«i»oiaiiiui, c»iiduoied binuetf, in all rasp^ta, aaatriM Brother OrannPiniin uti^bt to liu.' .* A^sw^Il — We du lioliovo »o. M ASTKH — D.-uiher, du you of ydltr nvrn Trea will dasirs to b* adiiiiKwi r.ito lliu Order ol' Purple OV»nK*inea ? A^kwaa — 1 ilu, nod respecirully request iba aama. ,M tsieu — I'lirpleineii, biiiiff lo me uur Brother. ( lie sliail llieii be ^lougbt by bis iwu Sponsois, befor* Iha blaster; Iba Tyirr reiiriiig lo llie door, and ibe two BrolhaiS stuii'tiiiK, one ar cacli side, at ibe centre of the labia. ) During; this, lite (hii/ilair ,, flrofker appointed, thall my— -" In that day thnll i(i<f Itr.inch of the Lvr<l be beautiful and ((biriuiit, and lin^ fniil ij Ibe earilo thHil be excellent for tUani rtmt have fM-api-d out ofiHrael. iml the Lord willcreata upau evrr|r dwt-lliii;: plure of iMounl^Ziun, and upon her ai*«ml>MN, a rbiudniid iiiii<>k« by day, and lii>- sliiniiii^of a flama of flrakiy ni;;bi, ft>r on all the K'<>ry ilieru »li»ll be a defence." I«a. 4 9^5. [Tlio Broiiitjf kitail ihen koeel ua bis ri|fht koae, am) (ha Matter sbi^ll inrrsl lutn aiUi a ptrplaiaab, and aHcIl dMiMlpM B« may ke cunveoieot.] r Ttien tk« Chttplnin or ftrothtr appointtd, Mhalt imf-^ **il<'hi>ld, (be itnne which (hare laid before JaaiMM ; upwi •tt^^on^, *hall be aeran eye*; Itehold,! willungrara tba grav- Jax tiiatewf, Mtiib (hit I^^ of Unttt, mi I *iU raowfc (b« WtMiili* of that LwmJ in on*- day. " Z«*' ' '; 'hand* <>' E^nh. run to and fro Ihroimh Uia whole "•""•,•- ^^ (j„,^* boli- " U thai day .ball there b- "•'"" '^i^,'^,"! J,dN hou«. .ball S^X bell, before th. * Iter " 1^ U .^ SO *• ^^,„, „^ , ^i,h He tbal hotdelU !»"- •«7„„*'''*,den CaodUa.." Rev- ^ v^iilketb bi the midslof the seven joiu . "V'^U }oLn->vM to every ordinance ot^n.^n i.'0^;^^^J^ ^ X..a* unto them that ..a -"'.^^j^";,, do well. For ao i* S^doer*. and for the pr«H.; ,f '^,7,1''' : y »»"' «»;"•"" ""' the will of Woo. that with w""-*-;^*. H^^'J^ !:,.,.g ^ur Uberiy iKnoraiic* of f^l»h «"'" ' .«? l.^^ie servant* of tioD. ^ Hon- L a cloak of «««''""r'^/,^rb • hL,VrFe>ir UoD. Ho-our -Drotu.;. .boo h.« »-.« :^:^z^'^^'^ f„„..d -aotioH ; •"•"^'^ • wt PJS^A u!rof Sur I.«.ilu..o... .b..uld.l be advauceJ loto the J^*^^, „„.„, „f .ervbHl ^ ill which d^nity. 7 »'-*«*;lJ*Virtt. duly empl-y"; J*^ *- as ibin* -ppor<"'""*« "'" MrhaiTaerUol causa our Mior* «p*- . cial injury , fof tb.* «,>»•• ^?fc„"' J ,b- bigbat «o ..a-d. be lo...ot in v.a«« ."'I o"M>' »"'•""; ;^ , ,., „:* nan.a of •>- ,!.« mora should T* '""^.f^."!! ':1 V,|„.,„,*. n«.bi..» Joobliuf. Forpl. nr^tbrao. 1 biJ ihaa ''"";'' "'..'^•^aruesiuoM W fo-r t .■ 7i..t ilMMiSrill rmiliiiua wHb tho jraa'or e w a?';:L;S;!ir:KiuK..odmal.lain.b.Law. ^^. [ Then Iba Ma-a, »l..U "--'^^^^Z^ZXi ValJ-^Si Ki&alad, unto ibe new P-ur».io.iwn, iba »IKH*«W i '<-• « hafiaar. wTCiu. U.r wbi. iba^.Wr.i .-»^ -'o "^f^^ lUf. 1 1. • V* * - 'i' ^'■- ■■ n ..I .i...tl tMka ObauaOM !#•• JHP" a*. 1 1. » »• • i , kh» which. tU. I^«»««" •'"»«-•»'• ?^»"" '^ Hr, and !•*• tlH»«' ••»«*^» -^^^J>ipfi,l tba l»iS«odJk;.o.d«»f **.iri|.ToTrGM»«. Ma*r«^ ^__,_^ ^„. a*T«««^. :««-'=' Sstr^irjh Jk jr A :t- ite. ii : '% PfiAJERAT COMME^rCliak >" ^J. f AliAtghty Bod and Hearenly P>OMr, wM|||% MteMiK |rro?i(lenc«, and tender marcj toward* at, wmf wwMertuWf oondiiRt thjr icrinini King VTiLtiAS, and brhi| btai wMjr ihrouch manj difflculiias, lo prctervrnt, (mm (M •tl«Mpt« of, nnr anemici M.bireaTe us uf our religion Bad hwi, #a hombl/ praita and mtigniry ihjr nio»i |>lorioii^1HiM«, (ur Ihy an<pe*kftb1o goodnet* lowanis us, eiprCMed in (hii aoi of tbjr luarc/. B« '^xtlioii Mill our mighty Protector, and leaMer oar enemi«i that delight in blood -, Infiituate and defeat thetr oounseli,' abate Uteir pride, nuuRne' their maiice, »iid cA6)Uiid their devioa*: ilran{^iUeii the tiatulf of onr Gracious f'overeign King (ifmm0k, and all ihat are |>iit in authority under bini, irilh judgment aa4 ' jnstix:?, to cut olT nil Mioh workers nl iniqnity at turn re(igi«n into rebrllioii, and I'.iiih inin fnctioo, l)i»t the* tnfiy never prcrail agninat u<, or triumph lii the ruin of thy chareh among ui||,btit that our Gracious SovHrci;;ii atiil liis realma, being preterred in " thy tr'iM religion, and liy thy mrrciliil gnodnesJl proteclH io tht , same, we may all duly nerve thee, and give fbee thanks in thy holy congreguiiun, through Jvtus Christ our I<ord — Amem. Our Falhor wliiil) art in Heaven, ballowed ba thy nam*; thy kill ,doni come; thy will be aloiie' in earth, a* it is in hearwi ; ^ire us this dny^inr' daity bread, and forgir^ut our iretpaaset, ■Mi WB rnr|;iTe llinm Ihnt Iretpass'afrstiist a* ; and lead us not into ■ lemptaiicin, but deliver us friini evil. Pbr Ihioe it the kirtgdM), ' aitd the power, and tlia glory, for ever and •rer — Ambk. PRAYER AT ClfOSimi. ^'^^ O God, whme oa-meit excellent in all ihetarth, and thy i^lory aliova the heavens, who hast so often miracuikMisly (ireteivedour Chnrrli and State friini the secrat contrivanc* and open vioi«ne« of popish conspirators, we K|«u .Jnd adore tby Oracioot MajeilT, for thy n>Rrvellniis„hiving Idodiiess to onr •htirch and natiM, M th« prater val ion JiMnr religida aid libcnrtlet ; ftnd #« hutB^f mve, that the mmnt terse of (by refeaied metaiet, tmif, re- iww and increase in us, « spirit of love and lhankfuliMa*#^' hs only Antlior; a !>pirii of st^dy allegiance to oer Otu d eiW j | ereign Lord King Qcenni: ; and a spirit of fervent S^ftrj;^ )y religion, which thoti hatt so wnnderfally reienci^i ~ 'Ad, a bktting to ni and to Aiir poMerity ; eH wbiob w» r' tnt the sake of our b^«faed I^ord and Sbtodr AoM-n. The f^raea of o«r Lord JetovlChrM, tb« »d the r«riow>hip «( U>« Holy abetH W with ytll4 M^^. n W' ■x- *■ % ^^ ^.i .■<f. 3 I " ■i^ .ir " •y» ^ <iV ;#' vS'ifT: i^'^mm