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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont film^s en commandant par la premidre page qui comporte une empreinta d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de chaque microfiche, selon le cas: le symboie — »- signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand '^our dtre reproduit en un seui clich6, il est filmd A partir de I'angie supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 yc'yc/tn.^^c. VC>^JL BT-LA^WS Son OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CONTAINING THE PRINCIPAL BY-LAWS OFTHE^-ORPOR^TIOX (IN FORCE, UP TO DECEMBER. 1877. WITH THHR AMENDMENTS-THOSE CONSIDERED OBSOLETE^ OR NOT GENERALLY REQUIRED FOR REFERENCE, NOP BEING INCLUD- ED IN THIS REVISE. Mfm. ^oble §ttiledge, ^squire, garden. Pri«t«l by Wesley & Kiko, u the "Northern Advan.k" Pri.,tinK and Publjghing Home, Dunlop Street ie77. ! twm imi( ►i'lW <»-. I^i <)Mv -!/ « . U- 7 REVISED BY-LAWS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE (![0ttttt]| 0f ^inn[0^, t'ONTAININO THE PRINCIPAL BY-LAWS OF THE C()Hi>OK\TI()\ (IN FaRCE) UP TO DFX'EMRER; 1877/ WITH tS AMENDMENTS-THOSE CONSIDERED OBSOLETE OR NOT GENERALLY REQUIRED FOR REFERENCE, NOT BEING INCLUD- ED IN THIS REVISE. ^xn. ^oble §utledge, ^squire, garden. Printed by Weh,,by & K„o. ^t the "Northern Advan-.k - Printing an.l Publishing House, Duulop Street. " 1877. REPORT Of Special Committe on Revision or By-Law« Corporation or the County op Simcok. or Tin To the Warden and Members of the Council, d'c. The Special Committee appointed to revise and consolidate tl.e By- Laws of this County, Beg to Report : That they have duly examined the several By-Laws from the year 1864 up to the present time, and have also compared those of former revisions with later enactments in order that the rela- tions one with the other may be clearly observed ; and such Bv • Laws still remain in force, they advise should be printed in ex- tenso, while those that have become obsolete or amended be enumera,ted merely by a tabular heading in the index prepared, as useful only for a casual reference. In preparing such Index your Committee have pursued the former method adopted by the Committee of 1804 and 1873 showing the date of each By-Law and its peculiar title, but met many of the former revision which had become obsolete by Par- liamentary enactments and others amended by recent By-Laws which they have expunged from the present revision, and would suggest that m case this revision of the By-Laws meets with your approval that 400 copies be printed for the use of the Council, the officei-s connected with the Corporation cenerallv and the Magistrates of the County. In order to complete the work of consolidation referred to. your Committee submit the accompenying By-Law, No. 282 for your approval. ' All which is respectfully submitted. W. C. LITTLE, „ ^ WM NOBLE RUTLEDOE. Committee Room, Barrie, ) October 16, 1877. J "EVISED BY-LAWS OF THB (Souncil of the §orporat ion OF THK «f<»««tg o( ^mm. Dec 2<)th BY-LAW No. X. By-Law TO Provide for the~17k,v« a SmcoE AND Huron Union RA.Lro- ^^'^ "" "" Ontario, OF .£50,000_,88uiNo DebenturL r ^'''"'^''^' '^ ''«^ s^** SECURING Payment of the samk! ™^^ '^^°^^''' ^"^ of Efr^^itoeTnTSlr^ -r''-« the wate. of the .Ontario, SrcoraK^r fe "5'^^. ^ *^« ^-<^o- for the constiuction of a RaHn^^l ?i. ^°'°" Ka>'road Company " at and for the sum of £6 250 ^r Jf '''"^^ ,*''" ^^^"^t^' ^^ Simie >-"-t : That within twt yeft'Cd a h..?f *^' ^T'^^ ^«"<>wing,t niencement. the said Railroad shouW '^^^^'■'"? t^« period of com n^ent the bonds of the Counev of ^iTP^t'' ' *"^'"«i» P«^^ pounds: the private suLscrSns of h'°' .^^*^ '^°"««'»' guaranteed hy the 6 per cent Cls of th^ ? ^^^^ °^ ''^^onto thousand pounds, thestock of the Lin '"''. "'''"P''^^ f^*- fifty dred and fifty thousand pounds wtK^' "*,?«'• f«r one hun^ ter; the sum of seveiHy-five thonZ *^« P^vileges of the char- city of Toronto in aid of the wo kl''??.^' ^""«' ^^'^^ by the men debentures, or in the stock of Ibro '^^ ^"'''"''^ ^^ «oVem the contractors, or as may heveJtirZ ^°™fT»3^. ** the option ^f And wh^r^jtu^ T^:y.,''V^^^ ^ agreed ^'"01 part and beh.Tf, ^^dTsTr^a's leZZ'i^iTT^^^'' «" *h"r the terms of the said proposals ^'''*^' ^^^ *^«". accepted t I n F t c s a REVISED BY-LAWS, S ation Ontario, * THE SUM 3UNT, AND he waters JO the ad- Directoi-s ompanjr," >f Simcoe )wing, to ' of com- ginpay- housand Toronto for fifty le hnn- he char- l by the Cfovern- Jtion of n their ccepted v(fu/ Wt«.rw,, aUo under and by virtue of provisionH of (^rtain Actsof the Prov.ncml LegiHiaturo. a.uhori.y' h.u. U,on ^ive.? to Municipal Corporations to lake stock in the sanu, Kaih-oad to an amount not oxceding fifty thonsan,! ,K.und« ; and to isane .h W tures for such sUn^k. provi.Hng for the payment in sncT m 2 and way as to the said Municipal Corin.ration shall seem Zir- Af,d whereas, also, resolutions have already been passed bv the Municpa Council of the County of Simcoe, to the'S that it was expedient, for the general welfare of the County that ai«l should be extc-ndod tow„,d the construction of the said roJi Ami whereas also, .t is now deemed proper and desirable and It .3 the intention of the Municipal CouLil of the County of'slm coe to «8«.„t m the const, uction and forwarding of the said m d by takmg Stock to the am..unt of fifty thousand poun in t e Z nl^".^"''' ?""°°«r^ "»'•«» Union Kailroud Co,npani"" on U^e cond. .ons he.-emafter expressed, and pi-oviding for' the ° ment of the same by the issue of Del>ent,ue8. payable in mainer and in terms hereinafter declare.|, and iu coidLmit^w h the provisions following : » That the said Municipal Coundl of ho County of S.mcoe shall fake Stock in the said '^' Ontano Sim^ !!So"n"l'7hV';rn^''""'' ^°"'f*""^'" t« the amoun 'of£50 of £50 00 1 Tv '"""'"T '^ *!»« County to the *ud amou^ of £50 000 shall be prepared, payable in 20 yeai-s, bearing inter- est a the rate of G ,>er cent, per annum, such interest being al able half-year y. and that such Debentures should 1^ lodgm^ tlfe hands of he County Treanurer, to be by h-m issued fi-onriime to time, at, by and upon the written order of the WaX o? t^ Municipal Council of th« County of, for the uZ £ein^ that such order sh,UI b.3 given by the said Warden of thTM^ ^?1. nl^'l^l^'^" County of Simcoe, urn^n the written certificate h2 ^^'f ,E»g''»««'- «'"I'J»:y«d in ^he construction of Jhe work being hi^t had and obtained, tc, ; . eflect that certain fixed amountjshave been actually expenued on the s,uue, to wf that ri'TJv^TrA''"*^'"''^" shall have been laid our and ex pended by the Contractors n the actual lavim/down nH^ «""«*- £2'oo;;ln "f r r "■''. r = ''^^^ ^^^^ Xat^f^rhtr:; £2 000 in debentures «hall be issued ; the remainder of such d^ bentures sball De issued at a like ratio, of one-fifth, upon suth oflSotoO del' 'r' '"'^^'frr' ^ "'^'■«'^'^' unti/ thTfuH .„ ot £oO 000 debeiituKS shall have been issued ; that any nrotits which may apise during the construction of the work, and' TmtU the road is cornpleted, shall go to and be paid to the said Ontario Simcoe and Huron Union Kailroad ConLnv •" thTthJv f £250 000 balance shall be paid in Gov c 1 .U ^r in U,e stock of the Company, ns maybe agreed u,. on between the Directors and Con-rax^tors employed on said .md .177 f. members of the Council i,e .ppo'.nid, as coml' I'rs t ^'Z plete the contract on ili« im.r nf tl>" ="-1 iw- :-^ . /. "' ^^P'". coe and Union Union Railroad Company," which sai.i f \ r..„Mo sionei. shall retain their a, pointment'^unS tlTe cl "l^rfX agreed upon, and eutoied into, and shall have full power to tram- J'™*!) Br LAW*. act all and evorv »»•« « "''''''^^^ _ -Ivo- that taetcTieV oCc:,''"!?,r ^f-^'^^Ctint tW oonHtructioa sr.J oornplet.oT ^f*/. ''"' *'°'^'-"'^ into, for ILe down the same on th™wXal *"%?'' '*•*''••"''''; «'«! I«y n^ other manner ourryinir m.T!t "'•'l^ ""^ '^'*« Simcm, and in Ivl * feet and undonbtcS * ""' *''«""'^ -"^"•^t ; bo full, 1 ^ ;:7 Muo„„t„f ^,,0,000, ,„7«lle rl"';""""' ""!«'«■"« to Th,' 'hereof, wi,i ,„„,;, Zmo^., ,T'^ ^'"'"' f""' «'« i«u n^ .on™.p«,Hbleh,,f.,Jf;™» •' «»' ^ »f 6 percent,,,: ;f ' the payment of the uJSZu ^Tl "' «'"*" »>« sufficient fo; »We on the Debentu.J^^Th^.t'1:^" '""""^ ""'^ becorpS! *b0Te purpoBo. '^'""'^ '^all or may be issued for the o our Lord 1867, 1868. fr/ra JTsV'''^'' ""' ^ '" ^^e ye«« whi^rn*" «''«"b««"fficL;?forthe' T'^^''"^'^:^' «"ch Lm™ whchBhall accrue and become Lvlh.« P*^'"^"* of the interest shall or may be issued for thT„k!^ ^'^ *''« Debentures whiTh ment of one-tenth part of Se ^^' ^'''P^^*'' ^^^ «'«« for the av 000, of said Debeniures ''' P"""?**^ "«"ey, of the said!£S" 1 *o the «tock wtiHfy tliein- into. for the : «'!y the authorUy if th. same"", That the ^^ Brulge called theN:.rro«R Hri.lge. on Lake Simcoe. be and is here- by assumed as a C.unty Work, under the authority of the Counties of Simcoe and Ontario. ^ I''*s8ed June -'.t. IS59, BBVI8BD BY-LAWS. BY-LAW No. XC. By Law ro ASSUME, in conne^n with the Cn^^n^.n,, - THE United Counties of York Ind P.., r^^'''' ^*' OVER THE West Br.nch o£:i^^Z.lT^,,'^^ ^"^^^" the West Branch nfTl,!w^.'^i''^?"'^' That the Bridge over York zs::^^'^^^:^^ttX''::t « *t"k'*' ^r'*^- «^ and is herebv assumprl «! Tr' . * Gwillmibury Bridge, be and in con]«lct7on " 4 the r " ^^"''^' ""^^^^ *^« ^»*^«W of York and Peel Corporat.on ot the United CountieJ And be it further enacted. That thJa n., r l ,. into operation until a ai-,Vn«r R t ^'^'^By Law shall not come the coUaJivl^ruiiita s.:/„nj;.nxr-^ '■^ Passed Oct'r 17, 1860. BY-LAW No. CIL By-Law -«---« J- Ap;^.me.x op certain Oppicehs AND SERVANTS, AND THEIR SALARIES l^t SerrR V' r;^"~°^: «--« --^ - foUows :_ Treasurer. "Robert T Si.'" •*^P°'°'^'' ^"*^ *'°'**^""«d County ' Henry CVelw?cke°f '' "'*^l"*/^ *"^ *'°"*'""^^ ^°»"*y Clerk. Surveyor. ChristonW Wi. *'PP°'°*^« »»d continued County spector of WeSl i.d mT '^ ^I'Pointed and continued In- leVis appoin^S^'^d e^S^^^^^ B«anls- na^"ed; fo^ h"e te L'S 7ltr\°^^«^ ^---"^'^--ft- Hee Report of his or her duty as such nffi P^'for'nance and fulfilment of FinancScom- Treaanrfl.. +kY ^ ***^®'" or servant, viz :_The Counts initteeofjan. i^'^easnrei, the sum of twelve hundred dnla-c J v^ounty 18S2. County Clerk ths nnm «#• +k """oiea doi ars per annum ; the County Surve'vor fh^ . f ^ ^,""'^'''^ ^«"*»« I'^'' «»""«, the . annum^; thrCouH Ho Z t """" ^'"".^''^ ""^ ^^^^^^ '^«"-« P«' forty dollars per anmrtl^^^^^^^ one hundred and As^a.e^„ded annun, . the LctTpI^e'^Keeter 7^^^^^^ rf^ June per annum-of Bradford, thirty Slars-anZir;/'*'*'\^°"''™ •w. law. dollars each, to be n«id Lif „ oojiars-and all others twenty Bridge fortv In/ ^^^*'"^^' the Keeper of the Narrows ' Messenger the sit of' Tn"' ^*^ P"'^ «emi-ann«ally ; tL thesesJon'ofZcouLr^""*"' «% cents per day during .Jj^' „^^^ Treasurer shall retain his own ««!-". o^^ . KV^e^of It nITwsT^] *'^ iook-"P-ho«B"e kee;;:;s'Sdih: funds in his hands "^" ^'^^"' ^"''■*'''^^' *'"* «^ *''« County av list one doll«r La for each day', checking and attendance t .urn of oT dollar and this By-Law shall be sufficient warrant to the Treasurer to Pay the allowance out of the fund now provided for that ol^Lt. ^ ^ M Officers » follows : — led County nued County lued County ntiuued In- Irs. Beards- >er. James ; hereinafter ilfilment of 'he County nnum ; the nnum ; the dollars per undred and dollors per )rty dollars irs twenty 3 Narrows ually; the ay during 4 1 Lt pa J- cucii rs and the le County led. BY-LAW No. CXV. By-Law respecting the Appointment mr- sItt» t„„ Ut° '^tT'?'"" °'"";Co»a~f SrncM eimote „ follow, - 1st. The rieasmers of the several Townshin Mm^„- i- J^ '~ iM. All Siib-Tressurers of Shcool Monies andall .,.„1, .t be hereafter ap|»iQted, shall lav beforeThrro^n. T}- "'''^"^ or before the fmirth M„nd.y ta J« ,Z io ^h ^ Auditors, on . cor«t and true .„„„„t, with the SssarrvtrhersTo'''"^' the reeeipts and expenditm^es of School Moofes will, Jh. °"'°« re^nTSrirttt^n^d'^oXt^ff'^*^^^^^ thit'c„r,?r:t?or'^ °'"'' "'"" •"' ^" "»'•■"'- - 'le na^a of 10 BEVISBD BY-LAWS. BY-LAW No. CVIir. AND HtJHON TlNInv Pa„„^.^ >. »JNTARIo, SlMCOE BRN RaTLWAV OBCa^aT '''^'^' ^^^ '"^ ^'^°«"'- o represent the stock at Jh«RT ???• '^"" ^ **^^ ^"•«*=*«'' *« this B,.Law ai he^b; :^*;Sd' *^' *'"' '"^"* ^"'^ '"-"^"g «>f I'assed Oct'r 17. 1860. BY-LAW No. CXL BY-LAW ---^^Z-l^^^^^ P..e mora. County, to sell, or ext^ format orTo^'''"". 'whatsoever, in this dise. goods, chatteJ8,orpe^Li ' nLV7"^^^ soever on Sunday nofr do or^^^f' """ ""^ """^ "'***« ^*'»*- businesa or work.^of Hs her orThS 'ir *7 ^'""'^^^ '^''^rs, icrs or Her MajestyV mS' ^Jir n *"'"« (conveying travel- works of chariti!:i^/JeSytX't^r^ '''' ''''''''-' ^^ Hquo^, (-tt^eL^p^^^^^^^^^ t intoxicating atlret^ceV!::^^^^^^ nal purposes, sSd byTlice^d J5-* f '^^^^^'^^ for medici^ Justice>the pL^is'p^du^rby Sf v^dTorl^ ^^ .Y ^ to use improper or profane language in Inv t7ver^ • ^^"'^' °'* or house of entertainment, or Sy street or ^^1™' T' S^'^^^''^' this Coun' - on Sunday ^ ^'^ P"'''*^ PJ««e within cricke;, skitUet' b^l, tctt'ttvTth''^"^? *^ ^'^^ ** "-^H blewith dice or ot Wise or t^r '' '''''^ S*™« > «^ *« g*''"- back. or in carriagefor veWclelf^^^^^^^ ""^ ^"^^ ^^ «^ '-™- wi:;g £rg!o^L%r:ro;w ^^l^lCrZ a- dt± ^? "-"^^-" or othef finainn -~ „__ /_, P^' °'^-"*® ^^^ cai^y any gun or vifl« nientioned'p°„rpo8e8 SJcTin^rf ' "^' f. •*"»?' *°''*be above perty from anv wnlf i!^ ^^^^"''^ °^ ^'« ^^ ber life or pro- R2VISED BY-LAWS. 11 or ALL THE I ON BEHALF IRIO, SlMCOE ■ HE NORTH- 9 follows : — Director to J said Com - f this Coun- illy entitled, meaning of MC MOBALS follows :— '^er, in this , merchant- state what- Idly labors, ing travel- cines, and itoxicating ' ordinary or is sold ; for medici- r, or by a agent), or 1, grocery, ce within t marbles, or to gam- r on horse ce or play it fishing, lestry any ivild fowl, tn or rifle he above 'e or pro- of prey) 5th It shall not be lawful to sell or give intoxicating drinks of any sort to any apprentice, servant, idiot, insane person, or child withm this County, with the consent of the master, legal protection, physician, or parent of such person or child. 6th. It shall not be lawful for any parson to post or circulate any indecent placards, writings or pictures, or write any indecent words, or make any indecent pictures or drawings on any walls or fences, or any other place whatsoever, or to circulate the same withm this County. 7th. It shall not be lawful for any person to utter or use any profane oath, or any obscene, indecent, blasphemous, or grossly insulting language in any of the streets or public places or high- ways within this County. 8th. It shall! not be lawful for any person to be drunk, or guilty of any drunkenue-is or disorderly conduct in any street, hicfh- way, or public place within this County. ° 9th. It shall not be lawful for any person indecently to ex- pose his or her person, or be guilty of and indecent, immoral, or scandalous behaviour, in any street, highway, or public place with- in this County. 10th. It shall not be lawful for any person to bathe, or inde- cently expose his or her person by washing in any waters within this County, lying or running near any public highway or dwell- ing house, between the hours of six o'clock in the morning and eight o'clock in the evening, unless provided with, and clothed in a proper bathing dress sufficient to prevent any indecent exposure of the pei-son. 1 1th. It shall not be lawful for the owner or person in charge of any stud-horse ti allow or permit the trying or covering of any mare or mares in any oflfeusively exposed place in this County. 12th. It shall not be iiwful for any person to disturb or an- noy any meeting held for divine worship, or for the improvement or social and intellectual entertainment of the inhabitants by making a noise in or near said meetings, or in any other way disturbing the same within this County. 13th. Any person or persons guilty of a violation of any of the provisions of this By-Law, shall, upon conviction before any Justice or Justicesof tire Peace havingjarisdictioninthe said County be liable to a fine of not more than Twenty Dollars, with costs, on conviction, to be collected by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said offender or offenders ; and in case no goods and chattels are found belonging to the sa\d offender or offenders as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for any such Justice or Justices of the Peace to commit the o^ender or offenders to the common Gaol within the said Bounty of Simeoe, for a period of not more than twenty days with or without hard labor, as the Justice or Justices may d«terinine, unless the fine and all costs are sooner paid. t itu, Aii fines and peualtlos Imposed and collected under and by virtue of this By-Law shall be f^id to the County Treasurer and shall form part of the funds )r the County. ' -^f*^" ^^ By-Laws contrary to the true intent and meaning Of this By-Law are hereby repealed. 12 i'asscrl July 8. 18(i2. REVISED BY LAWS. BY-LAW No. CXXa By-Law to Establish a CERTAT^'poAn ,« a ^ the County of the Township of Adjala i„ th« P .! ? ' IV^^ ^'^^ concession of for a road fo? the ZLTcaL^T'^ of Sxmcoe. as is required lino between the townshL nf M ^ '1'*:"" '""« ^'^ ^^^ Town- of piece of land SontrainiWd^^ tY"^ ""^ '""«'«*^"g line for its centre, namelv comm? ^' ^""^ ^.'^^^"g ^^^ foUomng chains and twent;-n"r£kslToT V^' distance of th. J between lot lot number tt^n'yLand'L'T *'' '"'^'^^ ''"« on the cent>-e on the Towr.I,n7w '"'^ twenty-seven, northerly north four deg J^\S^it/e^ tht * I'' ^^"^' *^«"«^ eight links more or less • S^Pnol L!li ''^"'"^ *"d thirty- minutes west, four chains anS^orrv'^f'' "T^^"'' ^'^'''' *^*^^^ said Townline.' at the diaW nortCT W't^ P^ T*'"^ °'^ number twenty-six and twTntv-seven S ,\^¥ ^"^« between nine links, more or oas Sf Jlu *^'' ''''*""» »nd ninety- minutes eU BL":hainVnte"^7el^Th:nt*"^K'TT^^'^^ grees east, four chains and fiftl K I ' ^^ "°''*^ *^«'vo de- forty three degrees Ztrminutswi't 7Z "I ''" ' *^"*=« ""•"^'^ more or less ; thence north fiftlTr' f ''^*'°' *"*^ ^^t^ ""H and forty links. totL^ntre oftCl nT""^.^^'*' '^"^ "hains tance southerly from th^e diviHion 1 ^7 »^'»«. *^»d at the dis- twenty-seven and twonty-etht Tp f "'' ^^^""'^ ^«*« °»»ber being the bearings o7Z^r^^^t't tlnT/^'r ^"^ ^^^-^ ^'^^s, an acre and thr^roods "^ '■''^^' containing about tioMe^ Towii^t^'^^^reVMi: i^j^irr - ^ 'zr highway within this County. ^**J*^*' *" * P"blic BY-LAW No. CXXJV\ For Confirhixo By-Law NoTTo of the Mitmcipal Corpop ATION OF THE To^shiP OF Ixiis.r "'°^" W. ""%|X'%lw%tr^'^^ ^^^P^"^*^- ^^^'^^ Township of Innis- da; o^ February r?^« «eventy-nine, ai.d passed on the second and conditionsTerdn lnJLlr'"f ."'ir^' ''^'' "" *^^« t'^rms Northern Kailway Company ^J Sn *.' *^". ^-poration of the the public road or Lvw^f"! 5„ ^.^f "^^' '^^ ? P"''* «r Portion of tanguishene or Bradford fen„'^ '+r' ''"""•'"7*;" ^"Owu us the lone- ly described ; an^wherea^ W ,t " ^f^ ^^^^ein^t^r particular- -ection of the 54th d^anSr' ^J^*''««f^°°d sub-section of the 343rd Canada, it is necesBary^ i^ cal^K ^""""'f^^''^ Statutes of Upper necessary, in case the road stopped up be a part of ro AVOID CER- Coiinty of swicke, E q., concession of 8 is required n the Town- i consisting he following nee of three division line h northerly ono ; thence and thirty- grees thirty e centre oif lie between nd ninety- egress forty twelve de- lence north fifty links, bree chains at the dis- ts number Jfty links, ning about as a devia- i a public REVISED BY-LAWS. 13 ' CORPOR- ' of Innis- e second ight hun- he terms »n of the >ortion of •he Pene- irticnlar- he 343rd >f Upper I part of any original allowance for road, that the By Law of the Council of the township stopping up the same, and providing for the sale thereof, should be conHrined by the County Council of the County in which the Township is situated, at an ordinary session of the County Council, held not sooner than three rtonths, nor later than one year, after the passing thereof And whereas it is sup- posed that the road so stopped up as aforesaid was part of an original allowance for road ; and whereas this is an ordinary ses- sion of the County Council of Simcoe, held not sooner than three months nor later than one year next after the passing of the said By-Law number seventy-nine ; and whereas it has been deemed expedient that the said By-Law should be confirmed by this Council, therefore the Municipal Corporation of the County of Simcoe, enacts as follows : Ist. That the said in part recited By-Law of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Innisfil, numbered seventy-nine, and passed on the second day of February, in the year of Lord' one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, for stopping up that part or portion of the puolic road or highway, or road allowance, called and known at the Penetanguishene or Bradford Road' which runs or passes through the Station yard or grounds of, or belonging to, or usually known as the station grounds, at the stii- tion or depot of the said Northern Ra Iway Company of Canada, at or near to the town of Barrie aforesaid, and known as the Barrie Station, and which is within the limits of the said station grounds or yard, and which may be known or described as follows— that is to say: commencing on the southern limit of the said road al- lowance, at the part where it interaects the northern boundary of the said station grounds of the said Railway Company ; thence southerly along the southern limit of the said load, two thousand 1 nks, more or less, to the point where it intersects the southern boundary of the said station yard ; thence easterly two hundred and eighty links, more or less, to the point where the northern J'mit of the said road intersects the southern boundary of the said yard ; thence nor hwesterly, along the northern limit of tlie said road two thousand and one hundred links, more or less, to the point where it intersects the northern boundary of the said station yard ; thence northwesterly one hundred and fifty links, more or less, to the place of beginning ; and for the sale and conveyance of the said piece or part of the public road, highway, or road allow- ance, to the Northern Railway of Canada, on tha terms and con- ditions in the said By-Law mentioned, be, and the same is hereby confirmed. BY-LAW No. CXXV. To Establish a certain Road in the Townships ok Oro AND MkdoNTE, to AVOID CERTAIN lIiLLS ON THE ToWN- ?'''® '"'.•' •'""'' LINE BETWEEN SAID TOWNSHIPS. "^' ^^^' ___ ' Whereas it is necessary to establish a certain line of road des- 14 REVISED BY-LAWS. cribed by diagram aud report of Henry a^^^^^^ick^~^^Z^~^ said Henry CreswickT Tr,„ • !u ^ °^ '"'"''* surveyed by the being 8ixt7feet Se anfr^"' V^" '"'^t''" ^*' *^« ^''^^ ^^ ^oad, tion T- ' """^ '^ ^''^^'^ ^y *he folloNving descrip- Starting easterly fourchain fiftv linkq f.-^m f i.» cession line, between the 2n 1 anW^q ^ /i ■ ''*'°*''® ''^ <^on- renfi-a^ nf +1,1^ i- , " **"** ^'"'^ Concession of Oro • on +!,<. centid of the Townlme between Medonto and Orn nn. ' inenciui? south SS® "iV oaa^ 7 i ^'*'''*''"^, ai^a Uro. Thence coni- 35' east 7 h^in- ^n r i ' ^^'''^**«» ^0 links ; thence south 82 = on p , ? '^^^^ ^^ links;. thence north 52 o 37' f.i.«f is„i • 90 links; then north 43 => 20' P««^ 9 ^L- q r .^'^^'^'^S chains 1 ° 5' west 2 f.h«Jna «Q f''®»»^2 chains 3 Imks; then north Townline in the centrT thin S ' '!'^^'t'^ ^'S'^^ intersects the north62 l^easT 45 ch2f nTf ^'^^ ««"*'•« «f Townline east 18 Ph.lnoTi- 1 , °' ^° '^"'^^i *hen north 27© 24' east, lb chains 6 links; then north 77© 15^ ea,^ \\„u ■ l links: then south ^Qo ik'^ . ^ , . *^ ^*^''> !•* chains 8 89 o 25^ east Tchaina 2oTn\ .t*'°' ^V''^'^^^ ^"^'^ «°"th „i> • -T ,. , ' cnams zu links; then south 78© fiO" oao+ a tei «'^''J""' r*'?8 ''->'"'"''= ; then nortb 52 = 3^4 J'assed Jail. IHtil, BY-LAW No. CXXXI. offhe^ourtvT?^*^'.^''"""'^" ^'^'^^ several Corporations ottheCountyof Simcoetopay overand account for all moaies cttat^da';""*^' *" ''"^" ^^^^^^ ^^«*-'--' onorbSorea The Corporation of the County of Simcoe enacts as follows :~ .J!^' ?** *^® ''*"''"' Collectors of Taxes in this County shall collected, to the Treasurer of their respective corporations, on ^ before the Thirtieth of day April, in each and every vean ^n Z cordance with section 103 of the Consolidated Statutes, UppTr Canada, chapter 65, as amended bv section Iv! of .^7 V-V-^ chapter 20. ' ' ^ '^'""«» 2nd. That By Law No. 114, and all other By-Laws of this REVISED BT-LAWS. 16 Esquire. PL. > Townline be- ountif ofSim- ryeyed bj the line of road, )viring descrip- jjntre of Con- Oro j on the Thence com- 56 south 82 ° iist, 18 chains • ; then north 10' east, 5 Medonte and n the centiie links; then utersects the of Townline th 27 « 24' 13 chains 8 then south 50' east, 3 2® 30' east, ine betw* ii follow each orpo rations all monies or before a follows : — ounty shall es by them ions, on or oar, in ac- es, Upper iws of this are hereby BY-LAW No. CXXXVIIL To Confirm By-Law No. 87 of the Municipal Corporation OF THE Township of Tnnisfil Whereas the Corporation of the Township of Innisfil, in llie |'rss,..i .iuho County of Siracoe, by the council of said township, did on the ^' "*'"• 18th day of January, A. D. 1864, in due form of law, pass a cer- tain By-Law of the said Corporation, numbering 87, and entitled a By 1 aw for the stopping hj> and sale thereof of a certain portion of original allowance for road, known as the Old Mill Road, forme'-ly running and leading to the Long Bridge and Tollendal Mills, in the said township of Innisfil, and for the sale and con- veyance of the said ftiece or part of the public road and highway or road allowance, nnto William Cox, Esq., J. P., and it in expe- dient to confirm the same, pursuant to the statute in that behalf. Therefore the Corporation of the County of Simcoe by < he Council thereof, doth, under the Municipal law of Upper Canada, enact that from and after the passing of this By-Law the said By Law No. 87 of the Corporation of the township of Innisfil, so numbered and entitled as aforesaid, shall be, a^>d the same is hereby confirmed. BY-LAW No. CXLL To Confirm jBy-Law No. 109 of the Corporation of the Township of Tecumseth. Whereas, the Corporation of the Township of Tecumseth, in the County of Simcoe, did on the tenth day of December, A.D. 1864, pass a By-Law numbered 109, providing for the sale of a certain portion of road allowance to one George Andrew Nolan, of the said Township of 'ftcumseth, for the purpose of better enabling him to erect a Grist Mill, and it is expedient that this Council should confirm the same. Therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, enacts : That from and after the pas-'ng of this By-Law, the said By- Law of the Corporation of It amseth shall ^, and is, hereby confirmed. BY-LAW No. CXLIII. To Repeal By Law Number 140. Whereas, it is expedient and necessary to repeal By-Law nnm- bered one hundred and foity of this corpoialiou, auiLuri/ing tlm sale and disjK)'al of I'orty-seven thousand pounds of the stock held by the Municipal Corporation of the County of Simcoe in the Northern Railway of Canada, to the Toronto atd Georgian Bay Canal Company. II- 16 REVISED BY-TiAW8. \, Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Cor[) ration of the^ County of Simcoe, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that the By-Law numbered one hundred and forty of this Corporation auchoriziug the sale an I disposal of forty-seven thousand pounds of the stock held by the Municipal Corpo-ation of the County of Simcoe in the Northern Railway of Canada, to the Toronto and Georgian Bay (Janal Company, be, and the same is hereby repealed. And be it further enacted, that this By-Law shall come into force, and have effect, immediately after the passing hereof. BY-LA.W No CXLIX. To Confirm By-Law No. 116 op the Corporation of the Township of Tecumseth. Whereas the Corporation of the Township of Tecnmseth, in the County of Simcoe did on the Srd day of February, A.D. 1866, pass a By-Lttw numbered 116, for the purpose of stopping up and conveying to one William Hammell, a resident of the said Town- ship, an old roadallowauce passing through the Soutb-East quarter of Lot No 8, in the 7th Concession, of said Township of Tecum- seth, and it is deemed expedient to confirm the same. Therefore the Council of the Corpori-tion of the County of Simcoe enacts : „ -r -j u That from and after the passing of this By-Law, the said Ky- Law of the Corporation of Teoumaeth shall be, and his hereby confirmed. BY LAW No. CLTII. - To Incorporate the Village of Orillia, and provide a PLACE for the holding THE FiRST ELECTION, AND AP- POINTING THE Returning Officer thereof. Whereas, by a Census Return of The Village of Orillia, duly taken and certified to, it appeai-s that said Village contains the requisite number of Inhabitants to entitle it to separate Corpor- ate powei-s ; and, whereas a Petition bas been presented to this Corporation from one hundred and twenty-two of the Freeholders and Householders of said Village, praying that a By-Law be passed by this Council to erect the said Village into an Incorpor- ated Village, and, whereas it is expedient to p; east"'>" chains, 88 Unks ; then north, 82 ° , east 4 chains, 26 links; then north, 66 <= ; east, I chain, 17 liuks, more or less, to the eastern 18 REVUBD BY-LAWS. u „^.n»<.f Tot No 9 in the 8th Concession of Miilinur. Then " BY-LAW No. CLVII. • A By Law to Provide fob the Coksolidation of the Pre- ^ ^.^^K^rSTL debt of the C0U.TV OF .MOO. A.. TH. s:r i^Ti: oTaTe^ ^E^E^r debe^tcr.. WK^ea. it has been deemed expedient by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe *<> .^^^^ extenTon of existing debt of said County, and to provide for '^ll^^^^:^^ the same a term of tifteea years from the present time Dy ''''''::r:l:.:zr::l^^tz^.^r.. exiting deu ofs^d Co^ltTon"^ eUl,000 «Uof which is alr^^y^^^^^^^^ Sinking Fund, with the exception ^'Jf fg'^oSo rLentW g^^^^^ b^ bearing six per cent, interest and *»^« '{f.f^^^^^^^ J^ Baid Corporation for *»>« «r««'7 ,f ,Ji' ^terest in ^^^^ debt paid has not yet been expended, and all the "^^e'-est in sai H np to the present time, and provided for to the Slst December, 'Tnd whereas if the said existing debt is so consolidated and ex tended for the said term of fifteen yeais a sum ot ^73 000, w^ be required to cover the whole including ^f^^*^?;^"^, g^^^^^^ wanted as a new loan to cover the grant for the Drill ^^ps. »«« Teetie deficiency which will necessarily ar^« Xr:Swill old Debentures falling due in three years into those which wiJl ^nd wl^^l^riTum of #9,300 would requii. to b« levied - nuallv for the purpose of forming a sinking fund to pay the pnn- dpal and inte?est'of the said $73 000 on maturity ; and whe^s the whole rateable property of the County, according to the last LeS and eq^alize'd Tsse'ssment Rolls, amount^ an aggregate 1 ^ -.f «7 9A<^ 63S • and on that sum a special rate ot one mm lid tht?2il?"4e dollar would be required to -neet the .urn °' g'?Ul.S:!!r;e.:^°^£ Co„„oa of the Corj.r.tion of tbo , 15e It tnereiore eim^ ^^ .^ i.„_k„ »T,ant«,l by the authority of Uounty or simcoc, »iiu xu i= ..^..— v -. s \ 'That it shall be lawful for the Treasurer of the said County nf S^^ivl fo rJse by way of loan from any person or persons, bldv or b^diTcor^iItel who may be willing to advance the ^^e I'pon frcredit of the Debentu.^8 hereinafter mentioned, a BVTIUD BY-LAWI. 19 [ulmur. TLen s ; then Bopth, , west 4 chains . Then nortli, wins, 98 HnkH, . 8, in the 8th 5 said northern itaining by ail- ae more or less, I OF THE Pbe- MCOE, AND THB D OP FIICTKEN ,p Debentorks. e Council of the (late the present the extension of present time by ing debt of said provided for by the railroad debt, jently granted by , but which sum in said debt paid e 31st December, isoUdated and ex- of 173,000, will 00, which will be ) Drill Sheds, and in converting the those which will e to be levied an- d to pay the prin- rity ; and whereas jording to the last nt to an aggregate al rate of one mill d to meet the sum Corporation of the V the authority of of the said County person or persons, ng to advance the lafter mentioned, a sum not exceeding in the \ hdlf Beventy-t|ir»>e thousand dollars, and to cause the same to bo paid into the TreaHiiry of the County of Sinicoe, for the purpose and with the object a>>ovo recited, anJi Hubject to the furtlier provisions herein contained. 2. That it hIihII be iHwful for the Wardary and July in each year, at the office of the Bank of Toronto, or some other Bank in Toronto. 5. Tlitt for the purpose of form' ig a sinking fund for the ])ay- ment of tj^e said debentures, and the interest at the rate afore- Said, to beco me due thereon, an equal special rate of one and three- tenth mills in the dollar, on the last equalized asssesfnient rclls* for said County, shall, in addition to all o' her rates, be raised, levied and collected, in each year upon all the rateable property in the said County, during tlie continuance of the said debentures or any of them. This By-Law shall take effect immedit>tely after the passing tliereof. BY-LAW No. CLX. A By-Law ro appoint a Commissioner to execute and en- force Orders and By Laws op the Council of the Corporation op the County op Simcoe, relative to Township Boundary Lines not assumed by the CorNTV Council, and for FaXimo the Allowance to be paid such Commissioner. The Corporation of the County of Simcoe enacts as follows : 1. That Henry Creswicke, Esquiie, County Surveyor, be a Commissioner to execute and enforce any and all Ordei-s aiid By- Laws that have been, or may be passed or made, by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, relative to Township Boundary Lines, not assumed by the County Council, in accord- ance with the provisions of Section number three hundred and forty one of the Municipal Institutions Act. •.. . .it»l. ,r,,:.,K7 'm cfiH TTcvi tx-ixxs. pntu tu Lite saiu \^0inmiRSI0Q61' out of the funds of the County, a per diem allowance of $4 00, for each day that he the saicj Commissioner shall be necessarily engaged in performing services required of him as such Commis- sioner. ' 20 BtVIICO »Y JAWS. BY-LiW No. CLX I. When 'U a, Bv-Xaw numbpro-^ 120, was p«H8«a by the C of an old road allnvanco on [.ot No. 8, in the 7th ConcoHnion of Hai' 'n3i.?otor or Overseer of Highways, to cause to be published i, t .'^s • -ne month in a newspaper published withm the Cor nci jtu .f the Town of Collingwood, a sutBc'ent notice to all r -,< 'iS owing or ■> ^upying lands on such roads, stieets, lanes or hiehviys, requiring them within one month after such no', ice, to • cut down or remove all Trees from twenty five feet on each sde of allowance of road on sucli sLieets, roads, laues Oi Highways, . except as hereinbefore provided for. 4. And be it further enacted, by the authority of the same, that in default of any pardon or persons owning or occupying any lands sither side of such roads, stieets, lanes or highways, neglecting ' on ir tlie C'' f, are hereby lit'^ij ti'i fcwonty- I. i.'-t.ji''-, '-;'e or oIji? y.'u Town of rubbery, orchard, iinent or protec- the duty of such ie to be published within the Cor ent notice to all , stieets, laaos or jr such no 'ice, to feet on each s'de Vk « 0*» «*»<> ■■Ttfi nC3 Ur lllguTTKjrrJi of the same, that cupyingany lands ;hway3, neglecting REVIHED BYLAWa. 31 or refusing to comply wiili the requinummtH of such notiin, it niiiill and uiay l)e lawful for the Town IuH|)ector or other Oveseei of IlighwayM, aftor dun notice has Ixiou given, to nter upon the lands of such person or pttrsons, and cut down, or cause to be cut down, and roinovo or sell such treeH or timber as may 1h) found within t*vt nty-tive feet on H,tch sideof sucli ro.ids, streets, lanes or highwHV'i, < xcept as hereinlwiAire provided for. ft. And br it Surlhur enacted, that all expenses or other clmr;,'e8 inoiurod i:i carrying out the provisions of this By-Law. shall be asuun.wl iml |)aid by the Treasurer of the Corporation of the siid Town of Ooliingwood, out of the funds belonging to the said towm, 6. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, Tliat this By-Law shall come into force, and have effect, immediately from and after the passing thereof. BY-LAW No. CLXVII. Whereon, a By-Law numbered I'M], was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of West Gwillimbnry, on the first day of June A.D. lS(i7, for the purpose of e8tal)lishing a certain line of road between Lots 20 and 21, in the 15th Conces- sion of tl.e said Township of West Gwillimbiry. And it is deemed necessary and expedieut to confirm the same by a By-Law of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe. Bo it therefore enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That By-Law number I.3G of the Corporation of the Township of West Gwillimbnry, herein referred to, shall be and is hereby confirmed. BY-LAW Xo. CLXIX. To Provide for the Separation of the Townships of Tiny AND T\y; for tub erection of Tay into a separate Municipality, and for the Appointment ov a Returning Officer, &c. Whereas, it appears that the Township of Tay being tho junior Township of tho incorporate union of Tiny and Tay, has over one hundred resident freeholders Jind householders on its Assessment Roll, as last finally revised, uad is accordingly entitled to be erect- ed into a separate Municipality, And whereas certain of the inhabitants of said junior Township have petitioned for the jtassige of a By-Law to carry said separa- tion into effect Be it therefore enacted by the Cor|i> )ration of the County of H'.mcoo, m Coitaeil aageiabled, Thut upou, from and after the tirat day of January next, the said Township of Tay shall become de- tached from said Union with the Township of Tiny, and shall be- come a separate Municioality in pursuance of tho provisions of the Statute in that behalf. 22 BEVIilED BY-LAWS. ! 1 That the first annual electiou of Councillors in and for said Township of Tay, shall be held at the Cooiraon School House, m School Section number three of said Township. . That Charles Ross, of said Township of Tay, shall be and is hereby appointed the Returning Officer to hold said fii-st election. BY-LAW No. CLXX. To Pbovide for the Separation of the Townships of Mor- rison AND Muskoka; for the erection of Muskoka into •a separate Municipality, and for the holding the first EJECTION, AND APPOINTING THE RETURNING OFFICER THERE- FOR Whereas it appears that the Township of Muskoka, being the iunior Township of the incorporate union of Townships of Mor- rison and Muskoka, has over one hundred resident freeholders and, householders on its last revised Assessment Roll, as last finally revised, and is accordingly entitled to lie erected into a separate ^ And whereas certain of the inhabitants of said junior Township have petitioned for the passage of a By-Law to carry such separa- tion into effect, . „ , r^ . • e tu« Be it therefore enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Sinicoe in Council assembled That from and after the first day of January next, the said Township of Muskoka shall become a separate Municipality, in pursuance of the provisions ot the Statute in that behalf. , That the first election of Peeve and Councillors, m and for said Township of Muskoka, shall be held at McCabes School House, being Section No. 1 of said Township of Muskoka. That J. B. Browning. Esq., of the said Township, shall be, and he is hereby appointed the Returning Officer to hold tha said first election. BY-LAW No. CLXXIV. For the Appointment of a certain Officer or Servant, and HIS Salary. The Corporation of the County of Siracoe enacts as follows : Joseph Leslie is appointed " Messenger," at a salary of one dol- lar and fifty cents per day during the Session of the Council. All By-Laws contrary hereto and hereby repealed. BY-LAW No. CLXXV. Respecting the Salary of"T certain County Official, namely the Gaol Physician. The Corporation of the County of Simcoe enacts as follows : and for said lool House, in lall be and is 1 first election. IHIPS OF MoR- kluSKOKA INTO ING THE FIRST iFFICER THERE- oka, being the nships of Mor- freeholdera and as last finally into a separate unior Township rry such separa- irporation of the m and after the Muskoka shall he provisions ot }, in and for said s School House, a. ip, shall be, and old the said first OR Servant, and ts as follows : salary of one dol- the Council, lied. 3UNTY Official, icts as follows : REVISED BT-LAW8. 23 There shall be paid to the Graol Suro;eon or physician, for the due and faitlifiil performance and fulfilment of his duty as sueh officer, the sum of tyfJ hundred dollars per annum. All By-Laws contrary hereto and hereby repealed. BY-LAW No. CLXXVI. Respecting Disorderly Houses or Houses WITHIN the County of Simcoe. of Ill-Fame W/iereas it is deemed nece-'sary to provide for the suppression of Houses of TU-Fame within this County, the same being a pub- lic nuisance, Be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of tlic County of Simcoe, in Council assembled, by and under the authority of the 29th and 30th Victoria, cap. 51, sec. 28t, sub sec. 4, the follow- ing : 1. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to keep a disorderly house or house of ill-fame within this County. 2. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to frequent or be at any disorderly house or house of ill-fame within this County. 3. VVhon Inspectors or resident ratejjayers have good reason to believe that any person or persons are keeping a disorderly house or house of ill fame within this County, such Inspector shall, or ratepayer may, lay an information against the said person sus- pected of keeping such houses, and upon such information being laid, the Magistrate taking the same may issue his summons ordering the parties complained of to appear before hira or some other Justice or Justices having jurisdiction in the County, or his warrant to arrest the parties complained of, and all other parties found in such disorderly house or house of ill-fame ; and any con- stable or other peace officer sImU, when in possession of such warrant, enter such disorderly house or house of ill-fame by night or by day, and bring the parties found there before any Magistrate having jurisdiction in the said County. 4. Any person or persons found guilty of any breach of the provisions of this By-Law shall, upon conviction before any Jus- tice or Justices of the Peace having jurisdiction in the said County, be liable to a fine of not more than twenty dollars, nor less than one dollar, with costs, on conviction, to be collected by distress and sale of the goods and chattels ot said offender or offenders, or, at the discretion of such Justice or Justices of the Peace, in default of immediate payment of the fine so inflicted with costs, it shall be lawful for such Justice or Justices to forth with commit the said offender or offenders to the Lock-up House of the Municipality wherein the said offence or offences have been committed, for any time not exceeding seven days, or to the Common Gaol of the County of Simcoe^ for a period not excsedi^" twenty days, with or without hard labor, as the justice or justices may determine, unless the tine and all costs be sooner paid. 6. All fines collected by the authority of this By-Law shall be paid to the County Treasurer, and shall form part ot the funds of the County. BY-LAW No. CLXXVIT. Foa THE Appointment of a Surgeon to t,he Gaol op this County. If The Corporation of the County of Simcop enacts as follows : That Dr. Arthur Ardigh be, and is hereby appointed to the office of Surgeon of the G ol of this County. BY-LAW No. CLXXX. A By-Law to dispense with the Levy op the Tax on Dogs, WITHIN THE County of Simcoe. Whereas by an Act paesed in the Second Sessions of the first Parliament ol the Province of Ontario, entitled "An Act to amend the Act imposing a Tax on Dogs, and for the protection of Sheep," authoritv has been given to County Councils to dispense with the levy of the Tax on Dogs ; and whereas it is deemed ex- pedient to dispense with the levy of the said Tax, The Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe enacts : That from and after the passing of this By Law, the tax impos- ed on dogs and bitches by the Act herein referred to, shall not be levied in any Municipality, within the County of Simcoe. BY-LAW No. CLXXXV. To Confirm By-Law No. 43, op the Township of Essa. Whereas, a By-Law numbered 43 was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Essa, on the 27th day of March, A..D. 1869, to establish a certain road running partly be- tween lota 19 and 20, in the 5th Concession of the said Township of Essa, and partly on said lot 20, and also partly on lots 20 and •21, in Ihri 6th Concession, to avoid certain hills and ravines, and it is deemed advisable and necessary to confirm the same by a By- Law of the Cor^ration of the County of Simcoe. Be it therefore enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, in Council assembled, and it is hereby en- acted by the authority of the same, That By-Law No. 43, of the Corporation of the Township of Essa, herein referred to, shall be, and the same ia hereby confirm- ed. BY-LAW No. CLXXXVIIT. Fo;b the purpose of Erecting the Townships op Watt and Cardwell, in the District of Muskoka, into a Munici- pality. Whereas certain inhabitants of the unincorporated Township of Watt have by Petition addressed the Corporation of the County lOL OF THIS s follows : iuted to the 'ax on Dogs, i of the first "An Act to I protection of 8 to dispense s deemed ex- inicoe enacts : he tax iinpos- », shall not be imcoe. P OF EssA. the Council of s 27th day of ling partly be- said Township n lots 20 and 1 ravines, a;nd same by a By- I!orporation of t is hereby en- e Township of lereby contirm- OF Watt and [TO a jWunici- ed Township of of the County REVISED BY-LAWS. 25 of Simcoe m council assembled, praying to' be erected into a municipal Corporation, and it is expedient to grant their request • J/ierefore, the CJouncil of the Corporation of the County of himcoe, m council assembled, under the provisions of the Munici- pal Institutions Act of Upper Canada enacts as follows : 1. That from and after the passing of this By Law the unincor- porated Townships of Watt and Cardwell, within the County of himcoe, shall be and are hereby united and incorporated for muni- cipal purj)oses. 2. That Watt shall be the senior and Card well the junior Town ship of snch union. 3. That the municipality shall be known and described as the municipahty of the United Townships of Watt and Cardwell +. That the first meeting of the nomination and election of Keeve and Councillor shall be held at Raymond, in the townshin 1)1 Watt. 1 5. That Frederick Richardson, of the Township of Watt shall \)e the retur ning officer for holding said nominat ion and election. BY-LAW No. CLXXXXirT For the Sale of the West Half of Lot Number Two in THE First Concession of the Township of Org in 'the County of Simcoe. Whereas the Corporation of the County of Simcoe are the own- ereof the West half of Lot N.. 2, in the 1st Concession of the i ownship of Oro, m the County of Simcoe, containing one hundred acres, more or And whereas it would be to the advantage of the said County of Simcoe that the said lot of land should be disposed of by the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, And whereas one George McLean, of the Township of Oro has offered for the said lot of land the sum of Three Thousand Dollai-s being a fair value for the same, ' And whereas the Corporation of the County of Simcoe deem it advisable that the offer of the said George McLean should be ac- cepted, Be it therefore enacted by the Corporation of the Countv of {^imcoe, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same as lollows : ' I ' Thac the said lot of land be and is hereby sold to the said George McLean, for the said sum of three thousand dollars, so offered W him as aforesaid, the sum of one thousand dollars to be paid cash down at the time of tiie execution of the deed of the said lot to tht- said George McLean, and the balance secured by mortgage on said lot, in accordance with the recommendation of a Repo'rt of the iStandiner Committee on fJnnntv Pi> ..„*■„_„:,.„ j.„ _ .-i , •; , ,, ,,' ~, -■ ~-"i .,-! '-"^rrtug tu aitui pro- posed sale J and the Wai den and Clerk of the Corporation are hereby empowered to sign, seal, execute and deliver, for the said Corporation, a deed of the said land, to the said George McLean which shall contain a proviso or condition that the said George McLean is to take the said land subject to the rights if any of the party now in possession of the said lot. ' 26 REVISED BY-LAWS. ( BY-LA.W No. CLXXXXIV. To Confirm By-Law No. 27, of the Township of Monck/ Whereas, a By Law numbered 27, was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Monck, tor the purpose of stopping up and sale to Hugh C. McMurray of certain portions of the original allowance for road, being part of the Concession Line between lots 5 and 6, Concession A., and for the stopping up and sale to Heniy Peroival, of a certain portion of the original roail allowance, between Concession 4" and 5, and adjacent to lot 3 on Concession 5 ; and it is exj^dient to confirm the same, pursuant to the Statute in that behalf. Therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the County of SiiTicoe enacts : That from and after the passing of this By Law, that the saiil By-Law No. 27, of the Corporation of the Township of Monck, shall be and the same is hereby confirmed. BY-LA.W No. CLXXXXV. A By-Law to Establish Certain Public Fairs in the- County OF SiHCOE. Wheneaa Petitions have been presented by the inhabitants of the Unincorporated Village ot Creemore, Alliston, Cookstown, Thornton and Ballycroy, praying for the establishment of Public Fairs, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of the Legis- lature of Ontario, entitled "An Act to faciiiate the establishment of Public Fairs, and to provide for the regulation thereof." And Whereas, each of the said petitions were signed by fifty qualified electora, and in accordance with the provisions of the said recited Act. And, Whereas, it is deemed expedient to grant the prayer of the said petitions. Be it therejwe Enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Sinjcoe, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, as follows : • 1 . A Public Fair shall be held in the Village of Creemore , in the Township of Nottawasaga, on the second Monday in January, April, July and October, in each and every year. 2. A Public Fair shall bo held at the Village of Alliston, on the first Tuesday of the months of January, April, July and October in each year. 3. A Public Fair shall be lield in the Village of Cookstown, on the first Thursday of the months of Jiinuary, April, July and October, in each year. 4. A Public Fair shall be held in the Village of Thornton, on the first Wednesday of the months of January, April, July and October, in each yeai'. 5. A Public Fair shall be held in the Village of Ballycroy, on the first day of January, April. July and October, in each and 3F MoNCK.' he Council of ) purpose of" n portions of cession Linn iping up and riginal rjail to lot 3 uu le, pursuant » County of hat the Raid I of Mouck, SEVISED BY-LAWS. 27 THE- County ihabitants of Cookstown, at of Public F the Legis- stablishment ireof." ned by fifty isions of the le prayer of trporation of he authority Creemore , in Y in January, Alliston, on 11, July and Cookstown, ril, July and rbornton, on il, July and 3allycroy, on in each and every year ; but should any of the said days fall on Sunday, then, and in that case, the Fair shall be held ou the following Monday. 6. That the said Fairs shall be held for the purpose of buying, selling, bartering and exchanging of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, and articles of Agricultural Productions and requirements. 7. That the said Fairs shall be opened at the hour of 9 o'clock in the forenoon, and close at the hour of 5 o'clock in the after- noon. 8. All persons selling, buying, bartering or exchanging, at said Fairs, shall arrange their Stock, Produce or Articles in such manner, other and place as the person who shall be appointed by the County Council shall direct, 9. The said Fairs shall be held at such places in the said Vil- lages resjjectively as the person who shall l)e a[)pointed by the County Council shall direct. 10. That no person shall Be allowed to sell or dispose of any Wares, Merchandise, or any matter or thing other than as afore- said, within or on the grounds set apart for such Fairs, or within the distance of two miles from the same, unless at the usual place of business of such person or persons ; nor shall any Horseracing, Footracing, or any other games of Gambling, be allowed, on or within the distance of two miles of stid grounds, on the days on which such fairs shall be held. 11. Any person or persons guilty of any infraction or breach of any of the provisions of this By-Law, shall, upon conviction be- fore any Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction in the village, on view or on the oath of any credible witness forfeit and pay a jienalty, in the discretion of the Justice, not exceeding Twenty Dollars, nor less than Two Dollars, and, in default of payment of such penalty and costs, forthwith, or within such time as such Jus- tice shall appoint, said Justice shall is? .\e his distress warrant, to levy the same off the offender or offender's goods and chattels ; and, in case of insufficient distress to satisfy such penalty and costs, it shall and may be lawful for such Justice to commit the offenders to the Common Gaol of this County for any period not exceeding twenty one day^, nor less than ten days, unless such penalty and costs shall l)e sooner paid. That the following persons, namely— Dr. McManus, of Not- tawasaga; Levi N. Crossley, of Alliston; R. T. Banting of (Jooks- town ; Stewart WrigHt, of Innisfil; and Peter Smal', of Adjala; be appointed to carry oi t the provisions of this By-Law, in the places at which they reside respectively, and that all future appointments under this Section, be made by resolution or resolu- tions of the County Council. That this By-Liw shall come into effect immediately after the passing thereof. BY-LAW No. CXCVI. To Establish a Monthly Fair in the Town opCollingwood. Whereas, by an Act of Parliament, of the Province of Ontario, REVISED BV-LAW8. f 1 K I' ' il 51 said Act it is oaacted t\Z h7n f """"S^^-^^^on thereof," and bv tors of the Municipali;;,7a:e Xr to ,tr' ^/^^'^"^Jifi^d Elec- J'oJdmg of Public Fairs in airy'TownshiD VMr' ^^ ^^p-^^ t'"^' separate from the County "^^^n^hip, \ HJage, or Town not Town of CoIlinRwood that itZ j- *^'® Municipality of tho to the public to'esSsh PublirSt r' ^'fi '^ ^' "«««-' »,ngwood. Therefore, the Council of tie On 'l-^ ^"^" «^ ^"J" C'oonty of Simcoe enacts as Slls-^^°'"*'^^ "*' *^« ^'^i'' pid^^^"Sl^5':^n:: ^reestablished in the Public Fair. * ' ' "'"t the same shall be a Free other place as the Council of the Zjt^^''°°''' °' «' ^"'''^ time be resolution appoiirt *^*^ ^^^ T««^n '"ny from time to ThLSy^^^tdri'rth'^^^'S" ^'^^ -- ^l^all be upon the second Agncultural productiLs^and ^^^em^Z'" ^'"'^' ^•«"«' ^^^ tering^o^tct^LVi^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 6. That Williat Lain be anpoS 7 "''^''f '" *^« ^^^^ F'^""- of this By-Law be carried cm, t,Tnd?hat 111%' ^' *'^" P'"^^^^'^-^ nnder this dau.e shall be bv Resolution ntLr'""^ «PPointments 7. All pei^ons buying sSlin' htfr -^^^^ ^"""*^ ^«"n«il- said Kair shall arrange tlleir Jf^k Jr ar?' ."' '^'^'""^'^^S at the order and place as the person who nha it '" '■'''^ "''^""e'-. Council of the Cor. oration of thr«l] n appomted by the 8. That it shall LtCia^f,!^^^^^^^ -gaee in, or part in any Ho^rTcUT". "'• '""^"« *'> o h«r game or gambling on said MaSp^' ^r*^""^' «•• *^nv 'listanceofonehalfmifeofsnphVn L. . "°'^'' "'^ ^^thin the days of such fair. ""^ ™^''^^* S'-^^^ds on the dav or Justice or Justices of the S of LTp 'T''^'"'' ^^^^^^^ ««v credible witness, forfeit and Z at thl r ""*^ °" '^^'^'^^^^ «f one or Justices convicting, a In'Z not rr^^^^^ '^''^ "^''^tice and in default of payT^entthe^offtf^"^^^^^ ^^«"ty Dollars lawful for the JnUZV^^:''Zt:^^^^^ '^''' ""'^ "^3^ b^ under his hand and seal, to levy%heS u"'"^ "^ ^*^'''''*"t d^^tr., ,..,eofthe;ffende?^^ and costs by said to commit the offender or offset to fhe' V'''""^ ^^"•^- this County for any period not exceedra T . ''™"'*'' ^*«^ «♦" the penalty and costs are sooner paS°^ Twenty-one day«, nniess REVISED BY-LAWS. 20 establishment sreof," and by •y in the Pro- ualified Elec- By-Law the r Town not petition from )ality of t}io be beneficial 3wn of Col- of the said ished in the J I be a Free und, East of o: at such oi time to I the second g. selling, -Pigs, and B said Fair, provisions Jointments Oouncil. ng at the I manner, d by the ct. ersons to > or any thin the ! day or of any of fore any 'h of one Justice Dollars, may bo warrant !osts bv Cuatttils, »lty and g afore- Gaol of I, unless 10. This By-I,l o„ ,1,: .S ^iVrof L ^""T" " ''"n"-'"".- the »ai., B»^ i„ . J Jr:;/ji*:;;:i2 """" -"" "•-' •Ired and seventyone. ^ ^' °"'' """'""'"I «'ghl lum- BV-LAW No. Oct. W/„rea9 it is iieep3.sai-y under tlia At^i ftf *k„ t ■ i . Ontario, entitled "An Act to imomve .L n ^«««'»'"'» »' ™a.- Soliools of the Provim,o „f On ari, " , "'""t ""'' ''"""- rnUio «oh„ol, and Exa^r^I "f"^,;., 'SC^'Hrtht allowancM to bo made to such Inspector ' '"' """ Jettrfou?::""" ■" "" °"i»""- °f "» co„„t, „f si.. J|:?^KiiX^£--r^d:Ki^-r^- .vSLXI"^rnk^o''oran?j..«est- S^°"'' ■'?-'^'- a„ Exa.„i.e. of Te^herf T^l^I^iTjr ^2 That tlie remuneration to be paid to earh nf H,« c„: i t shall be Ave dolla,, for each ScLl t^adTr'. ,'e cLr'e ofTd iT spectoi-s respectively ^uAi^t} oi saia lu- That no allowance shall be made to such Inspectors for travel linjj expenses or otherwise. t"^^wi» lor travel - A.D^IsTL ^^ ^''' '^'" *'^' '^"''* ^'^ *'^^ fi''^^ d'^y of J"ly, k BY-LAW No. CCIII. Establishing a High School in Keenansville. ^JofZllZ^Z^^''' es^SshaHighSdioolinthe Vil- SiLttrctstSLw": «^*'-^-P-^- of the Count, of That there shall be a High School established in the Villa..e of REVISKD BY LAWS. 31 7 thea next en- 1 is hereimiftei- yv>Ar two mein lall retire from the said Board I hold office fo ■ Q causing such held after the all be appoint- ■' of i./o Tru8 ill his consent. Jg shall hold rovided. into foice an«l nd eight hiin- egis'ature of a and Gram- Inspectors of ind to fix the iinfcy ofSiin- Inspector for or the North or, Messrs. I are hereby ols for the [I Inspectors J of said In- I for travel - y of July, LLE. nthe Vil- County of Village of Keenansville, and the boundaries of the same shall be aii follows : From lots 1 to 4, inclusive, in the fith, Oth. 7th and 8th Coticeb- sions Township of Tecumseth, and from lot No. 1 to 2, indusve, in 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Concestions of the Township of Adjula. The Trustees for the said School shall be P. Small, G. P. Hughes, John Kelly, James E. Morrow, Perry McCarthy aud John C'olgan, seu'r. And, be it enacted, that the Trustees of such High School shall continue in office as such Trustee! until the Slst day of January thence next ensuing unless a vacancy occurs, for which provision is hereafter made; and, on the said day of January, i;i each year, two members of such Board of Trustees, for the time being, shall retire from the said Board in order of their appointment. Aud, be it enacted, that any occasional vacancy in the said Boaid and the pereon appointed to fill such vacancy, shall hold office for the unexpired part of the term for which the person causing such had been appointed to servo. And, be it enacted, that, at the firet meeting to be held after the hi-st day of January, in each year, two Trustees shall be ap- |)ointed to till vacancies caused by the annual retirement of two Trustees, as aforesaid ; but any retiring Trustee may, with his conse t, be re-appointed, and all Trustees, for the time being, shall hold office until their successors are appointed, as herein ])rovided. And. be it enacted, that this By-Law shall come into force and have eflect from and after the passing thereof. BY-LAW No. CCIV. A By-Law to Establish a Public Fair in the Unincorpor- ated Village op Stayner, in this Coukty. Whereas a Petition has been presented by the inhabitants of the Unincorporated Village of Stayner, praying for the establish- ment of a Public Quarterly Fair in said Village, in accordance with the provi'^ions ol the Act of the Legislature of Ontario, en- titled '• An Act to facilitate the establishment of Public Fairs, and provide for the reuulation thereof." And W/tereas the said Petition was signed by fifty qualified eleotoi"S, and in accordance the provisions of the said recited Act. And Whereas it is deemed expedient to grant the prayer of said Petition. Be it therefore enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same : That a Public Fair shall be held in the said Unincorporated Village of Stayner, in the Township of Nottawasa :;a, on the Se- cond Tuesday in the months of January, April, July and October, in each and every year. That said Fair shall be held and oonductad in accordance with .32. KEVISEO BYLAWS. the provmions contained in Rir l a„, i , "===========^-~ tioa; and; fu.the... rhat Ilex'; Z "77 '"'/*;''"" ^-f'^'"'*- ■Stayner, l.„, and in hereby 2, „1 . ]^ *"*'' "^ *''« ^i"«g« of contnine.! in said liyCl n 2r m "'""^ °"' "'« I"-°^«''"« •said Fairs. ' "'unber 195, respecting the holding ot the?eo1 ^"'"^ ^^-^--'-n take cHect on and afoer the passing Br-LAW No. ca\[. ^^ To INOOBPORATE THE Vir.LAf^T^- Stayvfr av. PLACE FUR HOLDING TUB first V. ZJ ' '^^ ^HOVIDE A THE RetURMNO OkFICEK TilTBEFmr ' ^""'^ '^«'''Oi«TINc, rW^, by a Census RetumsTf the Villaa« .f e. taken and certified to. it ^pp.arH thi Lij vT ^**^""''' ^'"'-^ i-equ.8.te n-nnbercfinhabUantsto entiUeT ^" '""*;""'' *''^ ute posvera, and where,i« a petition has ' '" •"^^P'^'-'^t" corpor- Oorporat on from one JnuulrJd and tl i f J M " V'^^^^^t^i to this Householders of said Village pr^yLlt'Tf ^'•««'^°''1«'^ ""'i I'.V this Council to erect th; S^^ff ViM ^^^'^ ^^ V^^ed Village, aid whereas ,t is ^3^1^''" '""^ x?" I"co. piratetl I'"rpose, therefore the Cound of til P ''"'' l^^"^'"'' ^"^rsuch of Sin.coe enacts as follows" Corporation of ,,'.. County iJiJ^^":^^: "' '*'^^"" ^^"1--^ -thin the fbiWing I'iut of Lot 24 in the lat r«n c XT Part of Lot 23 in the 2nd " ^^^'^-'^-S^^, Whole Lot 24 in Part of Lot 25 in Part of Lot 23 in the 3rd Part of Lot 2+ in « Part of Lot 25 in «« (( 25 50 200 «5 68i 65 Acres ^"d containing in all not more than Five HnndrpdT "^r'' ,^:rorth^:yl;::n;^^^^^ Hall in said Village, and that a! M 'l' le^oU ^4" ''L^,^K^"»- 18 hereby appointed Retnrnincr Officer forii^-^.' ^^''^ **« «^d This By-Law shall take effecfr ^^'''['^'''S the mme. thereof. "''^ ^**^^* xuimediately after the passing BY-LAW No. CCXII. I'o PlEpeal a Portion of By Law Vr. inn TIO. OF THE C^^;;^^, l','^Z "- COBPORA- IFAereo*, it is expedient that so much of R v T xr , . . Corporation of the County of Si^T l^w"^ ^''- ^^5 of the ty oi oimcoe, as relates to the Fair of nEviHEi) ar-LAwa. 8ft tlii« Corpora- IB Village of lie provisions the holding o^ the passing PHOVIDE A APPOJNTIXU <*y»er, duly Jntiiind the ■rate corpor- itcfl to this holders and l>e passed ficoi porateccepL when the Hrstdayofthe aforesaid ujonths may hrtppen to fall on Thursday, then and in such case on the First Wednesday of such months. 2 The said Fair shall be h^ld and conducted in accordance with the provisions contained in By-Law number 195 of the Corpora- tion, relating to Public Fair^:. 3 That George Sheplie"d, Esq., of the Township of Mulmur, be and is hereby appoitited to carry oat the several provisions contaitied in said By-Law number 195, respectinir the holding of Public Fairn. 4 That the first Fair in the aforesaid Village of Primrose, shall be held on the Secoud Wednesday of the month of March, being the l2th day of said month. 5 That this By Law shall take eflfect from and after the pass- ing thereof. Si REVISED Bf-LAWS. M BYLAW CCXVf ExPLAiNiNo By-Law Nr. 211, Incorporating Stayneh. Whereas By-Law No. 211, and entitled "By-Uw fo r„.«. pomto the V.lkK« of Stayner. 4c." pansed on the Xentv S?v?h duy of Juno, in the year of ()„r r^.l, One Thonlnd S' Hi „ dred and Seventy-Two a certain portion of th« TownHhifof Not' tawasagawas erected into an Incorporated V.||a!r« r,.!..*- the said TownHhip of Nottawasaga, aLd which w!:^^ he vT lage 01 otayner. "' And whereas doubts have arisen as to the s.ifficiencv of the descrMjtion of part of the land includ ,d within the boS'* of . d^J^btr *^'' " "' "" '''"^""' ""' "'"'^'"•"•^ '" remove^Hid Be it *>herefore enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County ot Simcoe, in Council aa-e.nbled ; and it isKbT^n acted by the authority of the same, that part of Lot No '4 in the iust Concession ot Nottawasaga, mentioned in said By ll" included m the Village of «toyner, is that part of said L.lZ' :nr 0"? of To T on^rV ■;^— -^ atteliiLtt angle ot lot JMo. 24, on the farst concessiun of Nott^was^r.^ • thence easterly on the northern limit of said lot eiirhf I ' thirty-three and a half links ; thence sont^ errand ^1 lei tS^ the western hm.t of said lot thirty chains more or Ts o « number twenty three ; thence westerly and parallel wi h the northern limit of said Lot No. 23 eight chains thirfl th j a-half liiiks to the blind line U^tween ?he fil^Tt Id tlfrn^e"' 8 ons ; thence southerly on said blind line seven chains titty I ,^' hence westerly through Lot number 23, on the second c.fc es iorl ine, parrallel with the northern limit of said Lot number twent" three, sixty-six ch. ins sixty-seven liuks more or less to the conces 8ion line between the second ai.d third concession ; thence on the same parallel and westerly on the said conces .ion line one ch tin- tlT T*f.!'^""'^ ^T'^"' ^'''^''^'' northern limit of lot nmn-' ber twenty-three, on the third concession, eight chains th?r y three links and a-half; thence northerly and parallel with the HntTo tT 1° Tl '"' "T'"'" *-«"<^y-^hree. siven chains Hf'y links to the line between lots numbers twenty-three an 1 twenty- four; thence northerly and parallel with the eastern limit of lot number twenty four, on the third co.,ce,Hsioa. twenty two cha ns and ^fy links; hence westerly and parallel with the no.thera limit ot lot number twenty-four lifty-eight chains thirty-tC and a half links to the blind line between the third a-id fou fch conc-essions; thence northerly on said blind line seven chnins and fatty links to the road allowance between lots twenty four and twenty-hve; thence northerly across said road allowance between lots twenty-four and twenty-hve; thence northerly across said " ■Vu,"' j"7- '■" " """" ""^ °^^ '^^"'" ' *^encB northerly on said b ind line seven chains and tifty hnks; thence easterly and parallel with the northern limit of lot number twentv-iile fatty-six chains sixty-seven iiuks ; thence northerly and parallel with the eastern limit of lot number twenty-five fifteen chains • RBVIIEO BT-Li.Wt, 30 Stavner. , iw to Incnr- Tweaty-Mixth d Kight Hiin- nHhi|, of Not- ', «[) irt from iilled the Vi|. ciency of the bonndiry of remove said )rpomtion of it* hereby >=,n- 't No. 24, ill aid By Law, wid li)t des- e north west ott*>(a ; sight chairtH arallel with less to Jot I wiih the y thi-ee and ond conces- i tifty 1 nk.s, d concession il'ertwenty- • the conees- ence on the one oh iiq ; of lot nn ra- ins thirty. 1 with the hairis tifty n I tweuty- imit of lot two chains s northern lirty-three id fourth Jhainsi and ' foiu' and :e between cross said northerly B easterly irent\r-tive id parallel tn chains ; thence parallel and eaaterlv with the uoi them limit of lot mini ber twenty.five, t»m chains to the cinconsion Una between the sfi- cjnd and thinl concesnioim ; th'Hiuo across siid concession line, and eft8t««ily on the same parallel, one chain ; thence easterly and parallel with the northern boundary of lo- np.inber twenty-fivf , on the second concession, twenty (h ee chains thirty-threj and a-half links; thence southerly and parallel with the westen l)oiindary of lot number twenty-Hve in the second conceshion, fif- teen chains ; thence easterly and parallel with the norlhrtrn limit of sa d lot numl>er twenty-five forty-three chains thirty three and H-half links to the blind lino between the first and second conces- sions ; thence so-ther y . n the said blind line seven chains and fifty Jinks to the road allowance l)etwepn lots numlwrs twenty- four and twenty five ; thence on the said blind line southerly across the road allowance one chain to the [)lace of commence- ment. And it is hereby declared that the said parts of said lots so hereinbefore mentioned and described were the portions thereof mentioned and incorporated as the Village of Stayner in and by the said By-Law numt>er 211. That this By-Law shall take effect immediately after the pass- ing thereof. BY-LAW No. CCXVIL Bv-Law respecting the Salaries of certain Officers in THIS County. The Corporation of the County of Siracoe enacts as follows : There shall be paid to the CoiiDty Clerk the sum of Six Hun- dred Dollars per annum. Theie shall be paiil to the Court House Keeper the sum of Two Hundred Dollars per annum. All By-Laws contniry here'o, are hereby repealed. This By-Law shall come into force and take effdct, fr im and after the First day of Janu iry, A. D. 1873. BV-LAW No. CCXVIIL Foa THE Appointment op a Solicitob for ruE County of SiMCOB. Whereas it has been found expedient to appoint a Solicitor for the County of Simcoe — Theiefore, the Council »f the (corporation of the County of Simcoe, in Council assenibitsd, hereby enacts : That Messrs. MoCaithv & McCarthy shall be, and they are hereby appointed Solicitois lor the <^ounty of Simcoe. That this By Law shall oome into force, and have effect from and after the passing thereof. 36 RKVI8ED BY-LAWS. BY-LAW No. CCXIX. close of the year A D' 187-1 "'" '" '"™ "1' «« Hw SilcoTet'tf.: fSlo::'. °'' *' °°'P°~«°» ->' "■» Coa„ty of BY-LAW No. CCXX. Rar:rSoint l;tron"S."^ll*- -^ NoKh-Western case fiftv persons at CtZTlLl \ f'"^' r'''"^ '- ^hat, iu Roll as FLholders, oLifieJ « In^ '.^ '^u ''''''* Assessment . County affected, do S on f h« r Th'"" *^^ ?«••*»"" ^^ ^he tition do define the poTtuL oT hf aI^ ''* •^"'f '' '^"^ ''^ «"«'' P"' asked to grant such aid and . ^^"'"'^'Pnlities that maAe tioners to%id in the cltntSo72 ^,'""f ^' *^« P^^^" Bonusto the said Con.pfnVtrthlt t-n '' ^>^ g'--"tin, a amount which they so .lesire to i^nf ^ ^ ?'^; ''"'' ''^'''^»? t^e for, the Conncil orsnrMuliS I'T ,,*" '''^ assessed there- submit said By-Law to the vn 1 T. "^ ''." I"*''** « ^^ Law and portion of the^ru:;ji;:,'^:;tfifed " '''^*«'"^^- °^ *'- the amount so petitioned for bvfinphP '"f Jl^^^^!""' f"r raising of the Municipality. The issue of tt n f "'l'"'' '"/'"''' P^''**"" pality. payable in Wen y ye'^^^r 'e,rHer'o "? '^ *'" ^""'°'- inent8,and for the delive^ tT^r o/ihe' H U '"«''^'- amount of said Bonus at the tinZ li , debentures for the said petition, and for assessint , , ^" "'^ terms , specified in prope';.y lying witL^ThTSorl'S^S^JliJ-^^ -*-^'« nual speoal rate suificient to include rSint: J J'^'^' **" «»- payment of the Debentures wilhlmerl' t ^i?""' '"^ ^'^^ - And, whereas, a petition has been n..»lnl,"\„ ,, ^ Councu oi the Uonnty of Si,ncoe by «pwards';f fiftv t" l"^"""*^ the persons so rated on fho I,.c,^ a "H"'aras oi titty at least of Co„„t,of 8i,„c„e hereinH^erTtluS'L*:.;- '°° °' "■" REVISED BY-LAWS. 37 AL By-Laws' ' various By- ce up to the County of Laws of this I>- 1873, be fD NoRTH- )0, BY WAY :crAL Rate fED THEBE- th-Western That, ill V^ssessrnent ion of the ty niiinici- n such pe- at may be 'the peti- afrantinj,' a *ting the ised there- Law and ers of the r raising h portion 3 Munioi- »1 instal- 3S for the 'o'fied in I rateable f» , an an- 'r the re- County least of ^holders, oi the The Township of West Qwilliinbirry. " " Tecuniseih. " '" Adjala. " " Mulnmr. " " Tossorontio. *' " Essa. " " Vespra. " " Snnnidale. " " Nottawasaga. The Town of Barrie. And the Town of Collingwood, expressing the desire of tlio petitioners to aid in the construction of said R>ulway, by granting a Bonus for that purpose to the ex- tent of $300,000, and to be assessed therefor, and detining the por- tion of the Municipality affecteil by such grant, and within wliich the property of the petitioners is situated, as above set forth, and praying this Council to pass a By-Law for raising the amount so petitioned for by the issue of Debentures of the Municipality, and for assessing and levying upon all the rateable property within the section above defined, an annual special rate sufficient to in- clude a Sinking Fund for the repayment of such Debentures and interest And, wherea"*, it is the duty of this Council to pass such By- Law, and to subm t the same to the ratepayers of such section. And, whereas, it will be nece.ssary, for this purpose, for the j)ortion of the \Iunicipality above defined, to raise the sum of $30t(,000 and interest, in manner hereinafter appettring. And, whereas it will require to be raised annually, by special rate, the sum of $26,487 for the payment of the said Debentures and interest, as hereinafter mentioned. And, whereas, the amount of the whole rateable property of the Municipality of the County of Simcoe, irrespective of any future increase of the same, and also irrespective of any future income to be derived from the tempor- ary investment of the Sinking Fund, according to the last revised and equalized Assessment Roll of the said County of Simc6e is 112,558,141. And whereas, the amount of the whole x-ateable property in that portion of faid County above described, irrespec- tive of any increiise of the same, and also, irrespective of any in- come in the nature of Tolls, or from the temporary investment of the Sinking Fund hereinafter mentioned, according to the last revised and equalized Asse'^sment Rolls, is as under : — Township of West Gwillimbury $1,05G,G84 " Tecnmseth 1,442.161 " Adjala 389,387 " Mulmur 575,673 " Tossorontio , .'^66,076 " Essa 761^680 " Vespra 451,840 '* Sunnidale 380,493 " Nottawasaga 1,210,915 Town of Barrre 600,000 \ 36 , REVISED BY-LAWS. Town of 00111^^^^^^'^^^'^'''^^'"^''^====^========^=^ ** '320440 Total And as to the VilJa^eoTi ," ' *7,655,269 B"ch Township o(l7ulll''C''y'^?^^'^-^^ the limits of sau Rolls were so equali^^?he val..^ T/r'T'*^*"^ ^•"''^ *h. within its liouts being deducted «nH ^^^ '"^'^'^^'^ P^^P^^'ty the rateable propert/of lucrsectLn J??^?','?.^"'^^^'^^! '^'^^^^ the existing debt o( the Cn,,JTf^- *^ ^^^ ^^^' And whereas and $37.26^0 for intlS^^.'^^ pS^tfonor"h\*''''^ ^or princirai; And whereas there is no exisdnolhf ^u^ '"*"''"«'^'« ^^ ««•'•«*«• «bove defined, and lying wi hKe k ^ ^'r*'"" '^^'^'^^ ^"""^y Xitr--" - ^« ^^^^^t:^z:rd M^ilf^l^ii^^ ^t of an, of the said lirgwood and the Township'of Noltlwlgl"^ "' ^""" '^'^^ ^«^- of^;:^:i:tdis&rs?-^^ interest is i„ arrear. And whereas thl'-^*^ '^""'"^ **^ ^''i^^h of Collingwood is $+8,C00 for nrrdnJl ""r^:*^ ''"^* ^^t^^^ Town no portion of which interest ICrreal '"^ ^'^ ''^ ^°^ "•^•■-*' is *6t00 t7^!!:j.?;t a1,d^ of Nottawasaga which interest 'is in ^Trear An/wLtas'°for^ "^ r*'"^ «^ and raising a sufficient fund to pay theTrJ; • P^^'"«*''« '"terest mafter mentioned for payment 1t wH^ '^'*' "' *^« *'™« ^ere- rate of three mills and dfty hu'ndrelthi nf^""^-.? ^^^""^ *""»'»^ all other rates to be levied in each tf * '"'" ^'^ «ddition to perty i. the said above ts^Z^IZ^VllV'^ ""^^^'^ "- of s'L-foi'^^^^-^--^ 'y ^^- ^^^^7^^::;:^ extent of |300,000, and i^order t ^ ^^^ ^^'"^ ^''"^^^^ ^« the lawful for the warden of he slid cZ? *^« «"'«""' it shall be quired to issue Debenture, ,oth« .*^' *"*^ ^"^ " hereby re- not less than #100 each which D^lTf'^' ""^ *^^'^'OuO in sums the seal of the said MuniciZal Cofn.^'''"^ "^""^^ '»« ««*'«d ^ith Warden, and countersigtTby^he Trr*^ >« «'8"«d ^y the said Hoction of the County on account of Jhr^^u' ""*^ '''^^'' ^^"'^^ the ^ 2 That the said DebenW 'hafui '^^^ "'^ ^^«»«d. of the Bauk of Toronto, i„ S Town^fT'^^'^'^^"^!^ "* t^^^ oMce in the amounts following, that is to say :^'"'^' ^* *''« *^"»^« ««*i On the First day of January, ]874 On the " day of " ' lu,^ $8,000.00 On the « (Jay of « ^07^ 9,0C0.00 On the " day of « JgJJ 9000.00 < -n the " day of " IRia'^ ' i.OuO.OO On the " day of u \?1°> l'*,000.00 On the « day of " iLn' ^2 000.00 ' On the " day of «« f fi« ? ^ ^^.OOO.OO - • ^^^^> 1-^000.00 REVISED BY-LAWS. 39 -320 440 ♦7/)55,2G9 the limits of ted since ths ble property i7,501 leaves knd whereas, for principal, is in arrear f the County save and ex- ty as above of the said rie and Col- rrie is $58,- rs of which >f the Town or interest, Jttawasaga portion of he interest time here- al annual iddition to beable pra- of Simcoe. fie County ion of the '^ay to the t shall be lereby re- in sums led with the said lefine the 1. the office nes ajid »ao.oo co.oo 00.00 00.00 00.00 30.00 >0.00'- )0.00 On the day of 1882, 14,000 00 On the '" day of " 1883, 14,000.00 On the " day of ' " 1884, 14,000.00 On the " dayof " 1885, 1G,(JOO.OO On the " dayof « 1886 •••.... 17,000.00 On the " dayof " 1887, 18,000.00 On the " dayof " 1888 19,000.00 On the " dayof " 188S), 10.000.00 On the " dayof « 1S90, 22,000.00 On the " dayof " 1891, 22,000.00 On the " dav of « 1 892, 24,000.00 On the " da'yof " 1893 17,000.00 and shall have attached to them coupons for the payment of interest. 3 That the said Del)er.ture8 shall bear interest at and after the mte of six per cent, per annum from the date thereof, which in- terest sliall be payable on the First days-of January and July in each year, at the office of the B,« ak of Toronto aforesaid 4 That for the purpose of forming a Sinking Fund for the pay- ment of the said Debentures, and the at the rate afore- said to become due thereon, an eq iil special rate of three mills and fifty hundredths of a mill in the dollar shall, ia a^iditio i to all other rates, be raised, levied and collqcted in each year upon all rateable property within the section of the County above de- fined, during the continuance of the said Debentures, or any of taem. ^ i • o t • Provided always, and it is hereby declared that this By-Law- is passed subject to the following stipulations and conditions, viz ; That the said Debentures shall be deposited within six weeks after the final passing of tliis By-Law, with Trustees, as provided by the Charter of the Company; but it is expressly stipulate! and agreed that before such Debeniures shall be deposited, the said Company shall deliver to the said Corporation of the County of Simcoe an agreement to the effect that the Trustees shiUl not be at liberty to pay over the proceeds of such Debentures except for work actually done, or materials provided therefor, within the Umits of the County of Simcoe and then only pro rata in the proportion that the said Bonus of $3o0,000 bears to the bona fide contract price for the construction and completion of the road within said County, (save and except the part or portion thereof between the Town of Barrie and the Northern terminus on the Georgian Bay,) on the Certificate of the Engineer, as provided for in the said Act of Incorporation. Th t this By-Law shall take effect and come into operation, upon the birst day of July next, (1873) And, be it further enacted, tiiat the votea of the electors of the noition of the Municioalitv above defiaed, shall be tiken upon this By-Law as follows namely, at the places hereinafter men- tioned and referred to in the notice appended to this By-Law, being the places at which the election of members of Council are held, on the Thirtieth day of May, instant, (1873), at the hour of Nine o'clock in the forenoon, and ending at Five o clock m the 40 REVISED BY-LAWS. afternoon of the same dav and fhaf n, e ii ~ ~ ~- be Returning Officers to ta^te trtSTir™""^ '''' > Place op Voting and RETURNmo Officers ter'8 House - Ja,„es Wi W S l)fr.*«^",,l^«binHon ; Car- Mr^Townley's House - Zalria^Evanl""''"'"'^'^ ^°^°-' I^en:~t~'ta''Ltt7''^""t^, ^^"' Tottenham- Turner. 3rd Division Tpn::7?^°l!| ^^"' Renville -Ed ward McGinnes. 4tL E o7 VV^^,. ^''^^^ , Clarksville -William phen Washburn. 57 Divlionp', ^-^^'L'"^ House-Ste- George Dinwoody. ^'^'«'on -Fisher's School House- Aont. Rogois. 2nd BiS-I^..!i ;.rJl, .t'^^^^ ^-- - Samuel Kee. 8rd Division -Ivy School R ilo"«e -Richard Mc- 4th Division-Angus Sch^ool HoutilZ^^^^^ ^''^^"^l^- Suuni:, and - -v ". iuay, aioresaid. And above deflned wilUe 'utZ:W»S^ I'^lT f^ """ M"nioi,,,lity oa the said TMnie.l. D,,, „f M„7inLu,, fte t„7„r"'^ nine s REVISED BY-LAWS. 41 g persons shall cei: FICERS. a ; LawrenceV lobinson ; Car- lson's Corner; Tottenham — ville— Etiwrtnl nlle -William f Hon«e— Ste- ool House — larte. Jool House — locl House — Kirkp&trick. — Parson D. )ei-t J Little, Laniont. "ise - Samuel Ki chard Mc- ; McDonald, liee. er Hislop. Cniemoro — ill's Corners Dunedin — on — Francis ■«ge~J. A. 3ath. 2nd J. McPhee. Kenze St, hitebread. Lawrepce. «t Ward — oposed By- Council of )tibHcn'\ou ''prise, and ^- ^ho. said (i in the said. And inicipality '^e named r of nine o'clock in the forenoon, and ending at 5 o'clock in tjie afternoon of the same day. Dated at Barrie, this 2nd day of May, 1873. K T. BANTI.N'G, Co. Clerk, Co. Simcoe. BY-LAW No. CCXXL Tc Appoint a Director on behalf ok this Council, on the PIamiltun AND No TU-WEsTifiit.v Kailway, and the Appoint- ment OP A TrUSTEB. in accordance with the PKOVISIONS OF THE Statutes of Ontario, Oh\pter 55 Sect 22. Whereas, it is necessary aurl ex[)edient to appoint a Director on the Hamilton and North- Western Railway, and to aj)p.)int a Ti'Mstee in accordance with the provisions of the Statute. The 3^ *J^« Council theprayer'^fS/.titfor '""''^''^^'"'^' *° --P^3^ -th SilttXl^Z^-'' '' ''' ^^^'^^••"*^°" °*- '^^ ^--t^ of be;'a.:Sitere^^;^^^^^^^^^^ o^ Alliston, shall purpose herein d^eclared ' ^'"'"' Enumerator, for the BY-LAW No. CCXXX. Whereas, by a census return"^be vilWe of AUisfn^ ^ i taken and certified to, it appears th«t liF n ^"'*'^o°' ^^^'r requisite number of inhabiLntetolmiM •f/'""^*' contains the powers. innaoitants to entitle li to separate corporate T:etit":j;v:s*ru:e° r ° j*?-!-- A'""- ""p- Sin,c„., enacts „ fZw, • ° Corpo«t.oa of the CouBtj, „f ship of Tecmreth ?C « f/f ^•°.*^ concession of the Town- the'west hToftin^mSront^inTur?"' ''^•""* ^-^'^^^ the east half of the ™t hLnf In. f ^«««e««ion of Essa ; concessionof Essa Thew-/i i*-^'*u'"'^',°"«' ^° *^« fi"^* one, in the first concession of F ""^ T "^'*^? °^ ^«* """^^er half of the east haForioLfnS'*' ^^""T^ ^'^ °^ '^^ ^' Essa ; broken lot n„mbef thrv^^*""'' II! '^' ^""l* ^^'^^^^^^o" ^^ the Township of Adll^ 1? tr '" *.u' ''«*'*^ concession of acres of the east haJfSlot'nK ^O'?*^^ «»sterly twenty-one of f.h« T.^.!?" _f L""°* number one, m the seventh conc»L,n„ butted a'nd bouidel and mav 'l^ v"'"' '^1 f^"*^ °"« ^^^''^^'-'r^ the.o„therly limitXiS aZri;st;rfij;Tn^^^^^^^ J REVISED BY-LAWS. 4d UMEHATOR, TO ORATED VlL- SPOHATION OK householders of this Cor- bo erect the necessary, to the Council comply with > County of liston, shall tor, for the liston, duly contains the ie corporate /orporat;on, ouseholders lis Counc.U, ich purpose County of i following nbers one, Ives of lots the Town- ast half of of Essa ; the first ot number r the east icession of icession of wenty-one concession acres are is to say : iber one, irds along m; thence northwards in a line parallel to the easterly limit of said lot» f lurteen chains ; thence eastwards on a line p:irallel to the south" erly limit of said lot, fourtaen cimins to the placg of beginning' and containing in all not more than five hundred acres, shall be» and is hereby erected into an Incorporated Village, uuder the nauieof the "Village of Alliston." 2. It is further euacted by the authority aforesaid, that the first municipal election for the said village shall be held in the Temperance Hall, in the said village, and that John Gilbert shall be, and is hereby appjinted Returning Oificer for holding the same This By Law shall take effect immediately after the passing thereof. BY-LAW No. CCXXXI. Whereas a By-Law numbered one hundred and ninety-seven was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Collingwood, on the Eleventh day of May, A.D. 1874, for the purpose of opening and extending Market Street, in the Centre Ward in the said Town of Oolhngwood, to a lane in Reserve "H,'' and to open and widen said lane to St. Paul and St. Marie Streets, in the said town. And whereas it Is deemed necessary and expedient to confirm the same by a By-Law of the Corporation of the County of Siracoe, Be it therefore enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, and it is hereby enacted by the authority o{ the same, That By-Law number one httndred and ninety-seven of the Couucil of the Corporation ot the Town of Collingwood, herein referred to, shall be and is hereby coutirmedk And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that this By-Law shall come into force and have effect from and after the passing thereof. BY-LAW No. CCXXXTI. To Repeal part of By-Law No. 216 op this Corporation for THE purpose op INCREASING THE SaLAKY OP THE CoUNTY Whereas the labore of the County C''?rk have been greatly in- creased by reason of the rapid increase of the County, as well as by additional duties impoised by recent legislative enactments. And whereas it is deemed expedient under such circumstances to increase the remuneration of that oliicial, Tnorefore the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe hereby enacts : — 1. That the Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe 44 ■ifi KEVISED BT-LAWS. to the ».id oflice of Sttl S*° °^ "" "" ■''"''" »«'""■""« BY-LAW No. CCXXXVr. JJy-Law ADOPTING Rules roR th. Guidavce op the Covsm OF THE COUNTV OK SlHCOE. ''"''''"^ Corporation of,lre>U„,l ,evel,^-i"e -^ °"' ''"■^ '""' "'"""""1 'ight 3. That all for,„er R„k, .^, ,„d ,i, ,,„, „^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ BY-LAW No. CCXXXVIL of the same ' " " ^'"^^ '="''»'"l •>/ 'he authority all amendments relating the J/o k! the County of Suncoe, and BY-LAW No. CCXXXVIIL To Regulate the Lice~sino of Auctioneers H .w. ^AUS AND OTHEK., FOK THE_Cou.TTrSlIlCOE. "'' '^"^■ :^':^^iS^:^i::^ entitled. of Simcoe," ■IT " , • ^^ ^ • -lo recriiiMfft t,h« i.i/./.»,o;„- -e REVISED BY-LAWS. 45 Uflly. as re- ies pertainin<^ poiHtion, and aniiig o: this 'e effect from lainy thereof. iE Council Joration of letter "A," ^ '' be, and ncil of the ect on the isand eight y repealed . ^AW Nuiu- i rospect- ratiou of authority r One, re- iicoe, and ereby re- 75. ts, Pbd- entitled, bioueers, 3imcoe," pass a of auc- persons Therefore, the Council of the Coq)oration of the County of Simcoe, enacts as follows : — 1. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to act AH auctioneers, or to sell, or put up for sale, or attempt to sell, any goods, wares, meroliandlsu or effects, by public auction, or by what is known as Dutch Auction, or to act as a seller or sellers, of what is commonly known as Pools, at Races, or Orames, "or to put \ip for sale, or atteiiipt to sell the iirsi or any choice with respect to a Horse at any Horse Races, or of a Boat (ittmy Boat Race or Regttta, or of any [)erson or thin<; at any (iame, by public auction, or otherwise to act, or assume to act, as an auctioneer, within the County of Sitncoe,* unless duly licensed in that behalf, as hereinafter is provided. 2. That it shall not be lawful for any jjerson to act as or follow th;) calling or pursuit of a Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty Cha[)man, within the County of Simcoe ; nor shall it be lawful for any person who has not become a permanent resident within the said County of Simcoe to carry on a petty trade or petty trades, at any place or jilaces within the said County ; nor shall it be lawful for any person to carry on a petty irade or trades, who go from place to place, or to other men's houses, on foot, or with any animal, bearing cr drawing goods, wares or merchandize foi- sale, or in or with any boat, vessel, or other craft, or othei wise carry good*, ware- or merchandize for sale, within the said County, without being duly licensed therefor, as hereinaftei provided : provided, always, that nothing herein contained shall be taken to prohibit any person from hawking or pedling any goods, wares or mer- chandize the growth, ]jroduce or manufacture of this Province. 3. Such licenses, which shall be issued for one year from the date thereof, shall be issued by the County Treasurer, on the &]>- plication of the County (Jlerk, and, on receipt of the sums here- inafter set forth, as payable for the same respectively less the sum of One Dollar, which the County Clerk is hereljy authorized to retain thereout, as, and for his fee in connection with the grant- ing thereof ; and it shall be, and is hereby made the duty of the said Clerk to report to the Council of this Corporation, at each regular Session thereof, the number of Licenses issued since the last return made by him, the nature or description of such Licenses, the names of the parties to whom issued, together with the amounts* therefor. 4. That the following amounts respectively shall be [)ayable by each applicant for a License, that is to say : — For an Auctioneer's License by a jierson who shall produce and leave with the Clerk a Certificate from the Mayor of a Town, or the Reeve or Clerk of a Township or Village within the County of Simcoe, or of a Justice of the Peace in and for the said County that he or she is a bona-Jide Resident and Ratepayer of the said County, the sum of Twelve Dollars. For an Auctioneer s License for ainy other person, the sura of Thirty Dollars. For a Hawker, or Pedlar, or Petty Chapman s License, author- izing"the holder to travel on foot only, or in an open Boat, or other open Craft, the sum of Six Dollai-s. For a Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty Chapman's License, authoriz- 46 BKVISKD BT-UWS. ^^^^'^mL'JZZZ'^J^lr^^ oruutl,ori.ingtho tmvelHng wit). Dollars. ' ' °^^^^ ^«"«* «* burden, the sum of Six For a License ^.ottlnJZt'^^^ ^^''-• any peraon who is not a wrmLlZa^A ^ *• ^^^^y *'"«J« by the sum of Twenty DoHa^s ''"^^"^ ^^'*»^" ^^'^^ -°»nfc/ a p!rn wh"o?;orfltX^^^^^ r^"^ °" °^ •* P«">^'*-de by on foot, the si of sS DoUaS^ ^ '^'^ "'' *° "*^«' ™«"'» ^ouj. o4i^^j;^rrrit;!l::^;;rrr«- -^t-c,. to the true intent and meaning S^^sXi^LS?^'' «''«»'^ing aWe demand on that behalf by any Resident nT'.l' -^^ /^*^°"- exhibit his License, authorizi^ o" permiZ^^^^ '*''^ ^.''"°*^'' calling, carrying on the trade o^.h^thT?^ ^"iV*** ®'""'<>'^» t^® Hhe is exercisini, carryL Jon o^ doll '^\''" *^ "» ^'^'^'^ ''^ ««• .Hhal. »-«bJeet^ J^heT/nX^heS^^^^^ ^--^^ sionsoTttTytrsVji'r ^ ^-ch oTj^y^o'f the provi- pay a fine of Stt^^tn E^^^Tlf"" *^"'"*^*' "" ^^^^ ««•«"«« Dollars. ^'«''* ^°^^*"' nor more than Fifty «hall fo™ part of the Uountv fnn,r ^ TreMurer, and the aame which event the whole amount shall hlJ-^ **'® ^^^^^ i*^ Ti^a8;:rer for the use of the County ^ '*''"' *^ '^* ^°""^^ 8. And be it further enacted • That «» t xt «/v, . repealed save and except so much ther!of^7/°',^^l"^'*by force at the passing thereof, and nrovfdS Z ^^'^ll ^^'^^ '"^ ses hei-etoforeissu^ thereunder oHn o^' „ ^''''^'!V *^*'/" ^^''- validand effectual until bh^endof tJ T* *'?"''^^^' '^«" »>« was or were issued. ^ **'"" ^*"' ^^»«1» the same theU'"^^"'""^^"*^'^ ««"-* ^'•°°> '-d after the paseing iji; BY-LAW No. CCXL. To Provide for the Payment~Twentv-five Dnrx Reward TO ANY PERSON IN the Coustv nl « ^''^"' ^' * Where ^J^C'^ ^J^ --"tht BITISED BY- LAWS. 47 «8t of burden, ravelling witli • sum of Six lae, authoriz- '-five Dollars. 'tty trade by t the County, tty trade by lien's houses n any trade, Jd according , on reason - Jaid County, e'-trcise the which he or ult thereof, the provi- 3ach offence than Fifty or pi-osecu- id the same aer or pro- e same, in he County J is hereby By-Law in t all licen- 3f, shall be the same e passing RS AS A ON THE OF THE SiMCOE. s'^ard of thin the County of Simcoe, who shall cause the arrest and .conviction of Miiy (terson or persons guilty of Hoi'se Stealing, within the said County of Simcoe : Be it therefore enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Siuicoo and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same : That, from and after the passing of this By-Law, the County Treasurer shall pay over out of the general funds of the County, on the order of the Court or Judge, to each and Vvery [K.-son prese ting such order, and who has caused the ar- rest and conviction of any person or persons guilty of Horse Stealing within the said County of Simcoe, the sum of Twenty- Kive i^oUrtrs of the lawful money of Canada Aud, be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that this By-Law shall come into force and have effect from and after the passing thereof. BY-LAW No. CCXLL To Establish a QuarteiLY Fair in the Town of Obillia. Whereas, by an Act of Parliament of the Province of Ontario, .'U Vic, cap. 21, entitled, "An Act to facilitate the establish- ment of Public Fairs, and to provide for the regulation thereof," and by said Act it is enacted that the Council of each County in the Province of Ontario shall, on petition of at least fifty quali- fied electors ot the municipality having power to authorize by By« Law the holding of Public Fairs in any Township, Town or Vil- lage, not separate from the County : And, whereas, it is represented to this Council, by petition froui upwards of fifty qualified electors of the Municipality of the Town of Orillia, and it is exi)edient and would be beneficial to the publia to establish a Public Fair in the said Town of Orillia : Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the said County of Simcoe enacts as follows : — 1. That a Public Fair shall be held, and is hei-eby cstAblisheti in the said Town of Orillia, and that the same shall be a Free Public Fair. 2. That such Fair shall be held on the Market Grounds, in the said Town of Orillia, or at such other place as the Council of the said Town may from time to time b' resolution appoint. 3. That the time for holding the same shall be on the first Wednesday of the months of February, April, July and October. 4. The Fair shall be held for the purpose of buying, selling, bartering and exchanging of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, and agri- cultural productions and requirements. 5. No fee shall be charged or demanded for buying, selling, l>artering or exchanging any such animals or articles in the said Fair. 6. That William Stark be appointed to see that the provisions of this By-Law be carried out, and that all i'ui-ther apjiointments under this clause shMl be by resolution of the County CounciL 48 RKVI8ED BV-LAWS. d..stance of on. half nule of h .^^^^^^^ "^ ^i^'"'" th. days of 8uch Fair. """^ fe'iounds, on tlje day or 9. TJiHt any ,,ei.son or persons cniltv of ..„„ • <• • of the proviH onH of .his By Si f ^ '"f'-^*^*"*" "^ any •i..); Justice or .InstiooH of the Peace "ft 1 1''""" ,'""^''^*'"" ''«*"«•« OHth of onH credible witnesn forfek 1 "' ^"""*»'' "" ^^'^ otHaid JuHticeorJuHticerrouvcL '"''."' *''" '''**^''-'^*'«" Twenty Dolhu-H, an.l. in dX, t .l Sv. '""f '^ ""* ^'^-^'''i^' Hhall and n.ay b^ law'ful for t « ^u Z '"' '''r'"''"'' *'"''^''^^'^''. i' i«sue a warrant under hia hand an 1'.! .'T'"^'^^ ^^''''''>'^^^' *" «»'! costs by distress and S le of the i' . "^ "'" ^^'••' ''«""Jtv '^>-i chattels; and in casol^^o seLientl?"; '' "'' ""■^'"•''^••«' 8«'>d« i'-mlty and costs, it shall Tl n 'b*' 1'""? 5" T'^^y '^' '^--^ convicting aforesaid to e..n t b« nH T "' ^"'' ''"' -'""tice CoMunon Gaol of this vZ^ r afv ."' -"'i "'^''"•^^'•« **^ *»- twenty-one days, unless said pena tv a L'"""'"*^ ""' exceeding 10. This By-Law Hhall cl e?n f fi"^ ""''"' T ''*"°"«'- 1^"*^- and the passing of the Ze '"^ '^"'" «^«^* ^''O'" BY-LAW No CCXLIl. ~^ ' To PhoVIDE for the PAYMI.'M7lrT'„ ScHOOLSWiTHmTHECourTVOFSlMcoE ^''^"""'^ "*' ^'^*"« Whereas it is necessary and~^edien^ f-. the payment of the travellin./ TZTnT ""^^ ''' '^»'"° ^O'' Other ciai.ns of the «evJ; I'^n^ir,^:; I7,^"r' «f— y, and County of Sin,coe, and to uuthoS he County 'ir' "'*^'^" '''' the saine out of the general funds of the C.tty '*""''" '° P*^^ «e It theiefore enacted l.v d,. i< , ^""'"y • the County of SxnK^e/^ndTt it he^:r'' ''i't C°''P°-t-n of of the same :_ ' ^ "^ ^""^''^ ^^'^cted by the authority Tre'suit'ilt^^ht/^^^^^^^^^^ this By Law, the County School Inspectors, in uSdi .it ^ iTotW le !'", '''''"' P"^'^' pay over to the said In8uecto,-« M ^"7,? .^^^ai claims or charges, of Fifty Cents per annu 7^ ^^ 1^^"''^^!,""" or allowance and in their respective school dS ' ''i^''"' '" ^^e County, sum of Fifty CeLs shlir^t UeT S^r''"' '^'.^'^^ ''''' ''- REVJ8RD UYLAW8. 49 "'«»'% atil,,. |<<'*^li riiiiiuior, intcd hy thM )ol viaitod as the law r deed of conveyance' the said road allowance mentioned in said By-Law, to Messi-s Smith & Ball, Lumbermen- And, whereas, it is ne. essary and expedient to conHrm said By Law, ' Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Countv of Simcoe euacts : - That from and after the pissing of this By Law By-Law number 27 of the Corporation of Orillia and Matchedash shall be, and the same is hereby confirmed. BY-LAW No. CCXLVL To Repeal and Amend part of By-Law No. 241. Whereas it has been found necessary and expedient to repeal section No. 3 of By Law No. 241 of this Corporation for the purpose of altering the days of holding the Quarterly Fair in the lown 01 Urulia : Therefore the Council o*f the Corporation of the Countv of ainicoe hereby enacts : — • 1. That section No. 3 of By-Law No. 241 be, and the same is hereby repealed, and the following substituted therefor •— .» That the said Quarterly Fair be held on the 2nd Wednesday in the months of March, June, September and December, in each and every year. 2. That this By-r^w shall come into force and have effect from and after the passing thereof. BY-LAW No. CCXLVIL For the purpose op appointing a Census Enumerator to ASCERTAIN THE POPULATION OF THE UNINCORPOKATED ' VIL- LAGE OP PeNETANGUISHENE, WITH A VIEW TO THE INCORPORATION THEREOF. • Whereas a certain petition of the ratepayers of the village of Penetangmshene, laid before the Council of this Corporation praying that th^ necessary steps be taken to erect the said-. village into a separate corporation. And it is necessary, for that purpose that a Census Enumerator be appointed by this CouncU and It 18 deemed exijedient to comply with the prayer of said petition : *^ ■^ Therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the Countv of oimcoe enacts as follows : That Walter J. Keating, Es^q., of the said Village of Penetan- gmshene, shall be, and is hereby appointed as such Census Enume- rator, tor th9 purposes herein declai-ed. REVISED BY-LAWS. 51 opposite the jion of the Council of convey the i allowance iUiubei-inen: oniirm said County of lis By Law, Matchedash 241. to repeal on for the Fair in the County of le same is :— " That ay in the each and effect from RATOR, TO FED VlL-- JPOHATION village of rporation, the said- ^ for that Council, r of said 'ounty of Penetan- is Enuiue- BY-LAW No. CCXLVIII. By-Law Constituting the Village of Penetanguisiiene, in THE Townships of Tiny and'Tay, in the County of Sim- cob, AN Incobpohated Villaoe, and defining the Limits. Whereas, over one hundred resident Freeholders and House- holders (one half of whom are Freeholdera) of the ' niiicorporated Village at present as the Villajje of Penetanguishene. in the Township of Tiny and Tay, in the County of Simcoe, have, by Petition to the Council of the County of Simcoe, petitioned that the said Village may be erected into an Incorporated Village, apari from the said Townships of Tiny and Tay : And, whereas under the direction and with the approval of the County Council, a Census has been taken by Walter J. Keat- ing, Esquire, of the number of inhabitajits contained withia the limits which aie hereinafter described and provided, to be erected in^io an Incorporated Village, and by such Census duly passed before the said Cjunty Council it is shown that tha said limits contain eight hundred and forty-one inhabitants; Be it therefore enacted by the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, and the said Council hereby enacts as follows : 1. That the following limits, that is to say : The town plot ot the unincorporated village of Penetanguishene, in the Townships of Tiny and Tay, as laid out under the direction and by the Crown Lands Department, and as now recorded in the Crown Lands Department of Ontario, and which said town plot contains in all four hundred and seventy-two acres, more or less, be erected and constituted into an Incorporated Village separate and apart fiom the Townships of Tiity aud Tav, under and subject to the several provisions of the Municipal Acts of the Province of On- tario. , . T) T 2. That the said Village, incorporated by thin By-Law, is hereby incorporated by the name of Penetanguishene. 3 That the first election for Resve and Councillor for the Vil- lage ot Penetanguishene shall be held in the Town Hall, Pene- targuishene, on the day and in the manner provided for the annual Municipal Elections, under the Municipal Acts of the Province of Ontario. 4. That Walter J. Keating, Esq., is hereby appointed the Ke- turning Officer to hold the said first election. 5. That this By-Law shall take effect from and after the pass- ing thereof. BY LAW No. CCXLIX. To Establish a Quarterly Fair in the Village of New Lowell. Whereas, by an* Act of Parliament of the Province of Ontario, 34 Vic, cap. 21, entitled. "An Act to facilitate the establish- ment of Public Fairs, and to provide for the regulation thereof," and by said Act it is enacted that the Council of each County in 62 REVISED BY-LAWS. the holding of Public Fairs in any Township. Town or Vi) lage, not separate from the County : ^ ^'' And, whereas, it is represented to this Cnnnpn K« *-x- mmnpWs of fifty qu'^lified electors of ^hrMunlaC'c? Therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the said Cnnn^. of Simcoe enacts as follows • ^ *"^""*^ 2. That such Fair shfill be held on Lot No. 2, North Side nf Creemore Street, in said Village. ^® ''^^ 3 That the time for holding the sam^ shall be on the second Wednesday in March, June, September and December in Teh 4 The Fair shall be held for the purpose of buying sellin.. bartering and exchanging of > cattle, hoi-ses, sheep, pigramrtat cultural prodTictions and requirements. ^ ^' ^ 5 No fee shall be charged or demanded for buvine splUn„ Wtenng or exchanging nny such animals or artiZ ^' tlL ^^fd nf!v''^*'p*^"^"u ^^" be appointed to see that the provision, of this Bj-Law be carried out, and th*t all further aunoZmlnf under this clause shall be by resolution of the ct^itfS S" *" 7 All persons buying, selling, bartering or exchanging at the said Fair, shall arrange their sUck o^ aiTicles in sS^maHne^ order and, lace as the pei^on who shall be appointed bvth^ 8. That It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to en- gage in. or take part in. any horse-racing, foot-mcing o^ Z £nro?r„/hat""f '^y "^? ^^^'^ ^^'""'^«' -""h", Zl d"y:7sfch Ftir ' '' ""' '"' ^^'^"'^^^ «" ^»^« ^ay or 9. That any pei-son or persons guilty of any infraction of anv of the provisions of this By-Law, shall, upon conviction before anv Justice or Justices of the Peace of the said County, on thJolth of one credible witness, foi feit and pay. at the discretion of 8a Ju Mce or Justices convicting, a penalty not exceeding twent dollars, and in default of payment thereof forthwith, it^shaU ami may be lawful for the Justice convicting aforesaid to'iss. e a war rant under his hnnd and seal to levy the said penalty Id cos s by distress and sale of the offender or offende Jgoods and chat- tels, and, m case no sufficient distress to satisfy .he said penaltv and costs, it ah»\] unrl «,..., k« i„.„a.i r-_ .i •'. .. " pnuaii,) aforesaid to commit the offender or offenders to the Common (S of this County for any j,eviod not exceeding^ twenty one davs unless said penalty and costs are sooner paid ^ ' 10. This By-Law shall come into force and effect from and after the passing of the same. REVISED BY-LAWa. sri t fifty qunli- horize by By 'own or Vil- by petition laicipality of id would be tt the Village said County ' established le shall be a rth Side of 1 the second »er, in e«ch ng, selling, ', and agii- ng, selling, in the saitl 5 provisions pointmenti* Council. ?ing at the ch manner, bed by thti irect. ons to en- ng or any within the he day or n of any of before any th« Oath on of said ig twenty 5 shall and sne a war- und costs and chat- d penalty convicting imon Gaol one days, from and BY-LAW No. CCLIV. Whereas it is necessary and expedient to amend By-Law No. ' 236, in so far as the same relates to Rule 47 "A," by the addition to the said Risle of the Railway Committee as one of the Standing Committees of this Council : Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, though the Council, enacts as follows : 1. That there shall be added to Rule 47 "A," in addition to the Standing Committees already ment oned therein, a Railwsiy Committee to consist of not less then three members. 2. That this By-Law shall come into force and take effect immediately after the passing thereof. To. AMEND By-Law BY-LAW No. CCLV. ' v "{00 OF THE Corporation : . Y OF SiMCOE, whicli By-Law is numbe'-ed Two Hundred and Twenty-Six, of the By- I^aws of the said Corporatioil of the Town ot Barrie : And Whereas Debentures of the said Corporation ot the Town of Barrie have been duly issued under the provis'onj of the said By Law for the said sum of Six Thousand Dollai's. And Whereas the said Corporation of the Town of B.irrie havj also passed a certain other By-Law for tJe purjiose of raising the 56 REVISED DY-LAW8. |S I i iir . tion and repair cf Public Sch^l S.'^iu ' "°"'"'' ? ^ ^^^ '^e erec • Two Hundred and Twen v SevVn' fT^' I'V'^ '' """'l>«'-«'l Corporation of the Town J BarHe ^' ^''^'''' °^ *^« «""' TotnoMtrh^'a^et^^^^^^ ^^T^*-' ^^ ^^e said the «aid last mentioned rLa'^o.'T ""l,^''' '^'' provinions of sand Dollare • ^yi^a'^. for the said sum of Twelve Thou. l.^Str?.*:;r1^';r^^^^^ «^ ^ar^e have guarantee the payment of f h7i v, ^'! C^^r, .oration should under the proviSnTof the satd Bv 1.''''' . ?^''«°*"'-«« '««»ed "nder the provisions of S-fh^ / ' T' *''" <^«"Pons thereof Four Hund'^ed and Fo.t "of f^ ?" """'^u''" ^^"'•' «* ^''^tion Statutes 30- Vieto^ olrro antti^ed'^'ln^lTr^j^^'/^ rn7w7"''''"'^"™^ ^" *^'« Province of bntt?o^ ''''''"^' .rarthrXr^fTllr^Scr'T* '^. thir-Corporation to ;Tt is therer:*elt b 'SXoIttn':f''r ^ ^^^"^' Simcoe in Council assembledT '^'''P°'^''°" ^^ ^''^ County of purpose of paylg a Debt to thP P f' ^^^^^^entures for the the sum of fe'i^e k\nsZ an^^r'^^irr^Ar""^!!^^ ^° the payment of interest on the same And ' L T "l^r*"^ ^^'' to raise the sum of Twelve ThouZ^ n«n . ^^''.'^ ^°- 227," the purchase of l.nd wtS^ect^P li: ^L^f^H^^ '^ for the erection and repair of P.-bU^ a j i u ■. ,° 'houses, and the Town of Barrie SZl^^ n "^ buddings in and for Barrie ag-in, tLVtrievy oTasse^sST". V^l ^"^" ^' Laws, respectively shall bn LnnS! f* ?i "'*''*' ^^ ^^^ «*'d By- Treusurer of the Oorpo ation o^ h^^^^^^^ '^'-^ •'°'"* •^'*^^»' ^^ *fa« surer of the said Town of r1 1 / k ''"""'^' ^"^ ''^" *he Trea- Bufficient «ecuri;es"n:vertheir\md?rtrf ''/" ^''^'^ *"^' authority of the Council of tl^^^^^^^^^ and by the auttS:dTrdr^i'^zrh ^ ^''^^ ^^''r^^"" - ^-^y to endorse on the ff J&?o? Tr'Tn "T'^^^ ^'^^^^'^'^ i«t«. following, or wordrto the iTkp J^ ! '^ ** debentures the woras " the :^thin Debentures and th r"^' "'^'"^'^ =- "' Payment of " hereby euamSbwrn^ ""'^^^^^^ tf'ereto, is and to4n Sfel^te^.trr;^^^^^^^^^^^^ eitxesand to ^ffix to each said endoLment ^^^r^f.??!^ ""T; po™ttoraV;„tSr°lrtK','?.''r''^ "■■"' •>'"" «■» Cor. REVISED BY-LAWS. 57 ' the piircbaso i for the eiec • for the said is niiijibereil ' of the 8ai ol Section ty-Eight, of 't respecting I'poration to a of Barrie, County of )ayrne?nt of >r to be is- >• 226 and ^No. 226, ' "es for the uonnting to ra, and for • No. 227," mttires for -ouses, and in and for ! Town of le said By- idit of the the Trea- foper and nd by the re hereby ^red into, the wor^s fment of lereto, in ■ Simcoe," icial capa- Cor this Cor- Coupons ized and empowered to guarantee the payment of Debentures issued by a Local Municipality within this County. 4. That nothing herein contained shall do away with or lessen the liabi ity of the Corporation of the said Town of Barrie, to pay the said Debentures and Coupons in the first instance, or in any way interfere with the riglit of this Corporation to recover from the said Corporation of the Town of Barrie, any and all sums of money they may pay or expend in consequence of guar- anteeing the said Debentures. 5. That this By-Law shall come into force and take effect im- mediately .-fter the final passing thereof. BY-LAW No. CCLXVIIL Whereas it is necessary and expedient to regulate the periods at which the Assessment shall be taken or made in the several Townships in the County of Simcoe, Theretore, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, through its Council, enacts as follows : 1. That the taking of the Assessment of the several Townships in the County of Simcoe shall be between the first day of Febru- aiy and the first day of July in each year. 2. That this By-La ^ shall come into force and take effect im- mediately after the passing thereof. BY-LAW No. CCLXIX. ,To PROVIDE FOR THE SALARY OP THE CoUNTY INSPECTOR OF Schools for South Simcoe. for the an in- South Whereas it is necessary and expedient to provide crease bo the salary of the Inspector of Schools for Riding of the County of Simcoe, Be it therefore enacted. by the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the salary of the Inspector of Public Schools for the South Riding shall be Five Dollars per School, ani a further sum of One Dollars to :nver all claims for extra services or travelling expenses in connection with his duties as such Inspector. And be it further enacted that this By-Law shall oome into force from and after the first day of October, 1876. BY-LAW No. CCLXX. To PTT Twn Sliriuir n\. rr.iis D.^.^^ r'-w Whereas it is necessary and expedient to fix the remuneration to be paid to the Chief Constable of the County of Simcoe for his services as such Chief Constable, Be it therefore resolved that the amount to be paid to the Chief 58 BEVISED BY-LAWS. u f 3;; Constable of the County of Sim'coe, each and every year for su-h ^e^vlce8 ua Chief Constable over and above all other fees and einohunonts of such office shall be Two Hundred and Fifty Dol lars i«r annum to be paid quarterly out of the general funds of this County by the County Tnasurer, And be it farther enacted that this By-Law sh^ll come into force and have effect from and after the tirst day of OctolHjr in stant. BY-LAW No. CCLXXT. To PROVIDE FOR THE SALARIES OF THE GaOLEB, TuRNKEY AN1> Matron. Whereas it is necessary and expedient to pass a By-Law for the paynient of Gaoler, Turnkey and Matron, Be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, audit is hereby enacted by the authority of the same : ^ That the salary of the Gaoler of the Cour..v Gaol of the County of Sinicoe, shall be Eight Hundred Dollars per annum • and the salaiyof the Turnkey, properly appointed as the law directs, Three Hundred Dollars per annum, and the salary of the Matron appointed as the law directs, One Hundred Dollars per annum' , over and above rooms, fuel and light in said County Gaol. ' And be it further enacted that the County Tieasurer shall pav the salaries quarterly. ' * ' And be it further enacted that this By-Law shall come into force and have effect from and after the passing thereof. BY-LAW No. CCLXXIL For thk Appointment ■>f Assistant Treasurer an the fix- ing OP THE remuneration TO BE PAID FOR HIS SERVICES. Whereas it is nf-cessary and expedient to appoint an Assistant Treasurer, whose unties shall be the same as those now performed by him as Clerk to the County Treasurer, and to fix his remune- ration for such service. Be it therefore enacted by the Co^lncil of the Corporation ef the County of Simcoe, and it is hereby enacted by the authoiitv of the ssme : — 1. That Sydney M. Sandford, Treasurer's Clerk, shall be As- sistant Treasurer of the County, and shall perform all the duties required of him by the Treasurer, and any other duties required of him by this Corporation. 2. That the salary or remuneration to be paid to the said above-named S. M. Sandford as such Assistant Treasurer, shall be the sum of Five Hundred Dollars per annum, paid quarterly. And h4 it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that this By-Law shall come into force and effect from and after the first day of October, instant. BRVISED BY-LAWS. year for siicli ler fees and I Fifty Dol- iral funds of II . come into Octolier in- 59 JRNKEY ASD By-Law for tion of the luthority of F the County m ; and the law directs, the Matron, per annum, jfaol. Br shall pay come into )f. THE FIX- RV1CB8. Assistant performed is remune- pnration ef authoi'ity ill be As- the duties i required the said sr, shall be rterly. that this the first BY-LAW No. CCLXXIIL ' For Regulating the Time of the Year for Making the County Assessment. Whereas it is necessary and expedient to regulate the jiericds at which the Assessment shall be taken in the 8e\ jral Towns, Townships and Incorporated Villages in the County of Simcoe, Thevefore, the ««« ""y »eU 2n S'""7k' • 1""r"' "f *"' "'d To'nship of Card- J! rreosurer for a« certified le from any 1 • come into : thereof, and he [)rovi8ion i s OF Watt NTO A SEPA- ' A Return- beinR the od Card well 8 to render ants of the aholdei-s of .tion of the Lssage of ii ng between if Card well •osperity of icil of the enacted by t the said mion with unicipality ehalf. }f Charles of Card- ag Officer from and NUMERICAL INDEX to BY-LAWS OF THE DISTRICT COUNCIL OK THE DISTRICT OF SIMOOE. SOHEDULC -A.. NO. nTLK. DATK. Contirming certain Powers vested in the Council upon the Councillor Imposing a Tax upon the Inhabitants of certain- School Districts To raise Three Hundred Pounds on thie secu rity of the District Funds • 4 To determine the A^llowanoe of Township Officers • Imposing a Tax upon the Inhabitants of certain School Districts • • • • • • • To confirm a certain Road through the Township of Oro • •■ ; • To Eateblish a road from the Grist Mill in Vespra to the Suonidale Road To Establish a road from the 4th to the 9th Coneession of Vespra To raise a Tax for District and Common School purposes , t^ , , ' 'tt'l' To Laying out or Altering of Public High- Feb. 17 1843 May 13 1843 May 13 1843 May 13 Aug, 10 1843 RKMAKKH. Efifete. Efifete. Efifete. Etlete. 1843 Effete. 8 10 Aug. Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Nov. 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 ways. To fix Allowance to certain District Officers To Repeal part ot By Uw Ho. 2 ■ ■ • • • -v' Imposing a Fine on Councillors absenting themselves from Sessional Duties Establishing a Road in South Orillia . . . • ■ Imposing a Tax upon the Inhabitants of per- tain School Districts Imposing a Tax of One Penny per Acre upon all Lan-is belonging to Absentees IVjToraise Taxes for District and Common School purposes . • •.• •• ••' 18 To authorize the Issuing of certain Ueben tares ','., \ "c A' Imposing a Tax on the Inhabitants of Cer- tain School Districts ... • • • • •'• . To Establish and Co"«rm a New Road in the Township of Oro ...—••• • • • ■ • Imposing a Tax on the InhaDitants of ccr tain School Districts * • ; • • ■■■^^^ To fix AUowauoe to certain District Officers To Establish two Roads, one through Me- donte, the other through South OriUia. . To Raise a Tax for District and Common Nov. 18 Nov. IH Feb 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1711844 Effete. Effete. I'^ffete. Effete. May 16 May 16 May i7 May 17 May 18 May 18 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1 1844 Nov. 14 1844 24 25 School purposes To Establish a Road in St. Vincent. Nov. 16 Nov. 16 May IS 1844 1844 1845 Repealed. Etete. Repealed. Ellete. Effete. Effete. Superseded by By Law No 55. Effete. Super'd. Aug. 13 1845 Feb. 14 1846 Effete. IKDEX^O^BV^^WH OF THE DISTBICT -I H District md *Com,nou Vincent, , (Jspi y 27 To fUise a Tax for School purposes ,., tell*- -•-•."• '""'''^■"i certa.n^«oho:iDSct^* .'°'''''*^"'« of y .r-.^ i^r^^'"^'' ^«r the';;;renir"- ■U\T ^t"j lV *''^^ District of 8imcoe "-""^"W- certaif School Znct*»'^'°""^'*'''•*« of sK ^'"'°''° ^''**°«*» i" "ertain Town- i"t;t?uiTitr' "^ ^■"""'■"- - " ^eapra, to the Town of Barrie " l,^ * 42 For raising Monejr for School purposes 'in' "*' the^Townsh.pof West Gwillhnburnadi 46 To Raise a certain sum of Money io "nur'' *" chHse^a piece of Ground in theViHa^^of 47 For appointing EiVumeratore to take thJ^*'''' 'f ''/otSX: ""'^ '"^ *^« Township-of ^'^ S ToVx^'a M^ '^^^^' ^""^ "^^^ ^"rreAt vear.. " ' ' l± TtSu^'S ^^^^^:^&±-- 'ri,„r:,^'^ !?•: *i?«"-PPoVt-of"comn.onr^^- 7 1846 Repealed. 8 1846 Superd, 1847 Super'd. 1847 Kffete. 1848JEflfete. 1848 Effete. 3 1848 3 1848 Effete. 3 1848 Super'd. 4 1848 4)1848 4 1848 Effete, 4 1848 Obsolste. 411848 511848 5(1848 Expired. NO. COUNCIL O? THE DIBTRICT OF JUMOOE. BBMARKH. I0| <3 Effete. 3 Repealed. Jj Super d. [Kffetc I Effete. Effete, yuper'd. Effete. Eiltfete. ilffete. Ittete. ffete. fete. ate. 9te. ite. er'd. NO. fi9 (to 01 62 t53 t!4 6^ m ti7 U8 (59 70 71 TITUt. DATB. REMAKKS, 72 To Establish a Road in the Township of Inuiatil To Hx the Allowance of Township Clerks and Collectors • • : To liaise Money for School purposM in the Townships of Vesprii, Tecamseth and liinistil For raising Money for School purposes in Innishl • • • • • Estiiblibhin^ a Road in the Township of Vespra . . Establishing a Road in the Township of Vetpra • • • For the Protection of Sidewalks in the Vil- lages and Towns of the Diafcrict of Simooe To Establish a certain Road and Bridge in the Township of Tecuraseth To Repeal By-Law No, 13. To Repeal Bj Law No. 10 ........ . To EsUblish a new Road in the Townsh p of Oro ■ •.• . To fix Allowance to Members ot the Uistrict CouncU • .• ,,.•;•.■; To Establish Allowances lo certain Uistnct Officers for the current year • ■ To Raise Money for School purposes, for the year 1849 • • To Raise and Levy Taxes for the current Feb. Feb. Feb. Oct. < ct. 73 74 75 year. M Oct Oct Oct. Oct. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb Feb. Fab. Feb. To Establish a Road in the Township of Orillia , ." • To Raise Money for School purposes in cer- tain Townships. . ......... • ■ To provide for the Attachment of certem Townships to each other, with the Divi- sion thereof into Wards, together with the localities in which the Election of ConncillorsshaUbeheld in such Ward, and the Returning Officers for said Seo- To Raise the sum of £10, in Union School Section, Townships of West Gwillimbury and Tecumseth, at Bond Head .... . ■ To Establish a new line of Road in theJ I Township of Oro ••••.•• • • ■■■■ ,: ■ • "°* 78 To Raise the sum of £10 m School Section No. 1, Township of Orillia 70 77 Oct. Oct. 79 80 To Raise £8 98. 7d. in School Section No. 2, -Township of Innisfil . • • • To establish a Road in the Township of Mulmur • Oct. Oct. Oct 1848 1848 1848 1848 181'' '\\\'^-i6 Etf«t«. Ette+e. EO'ete. (i (i 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 1848 1848 1848 1849 1849 1849 1849 Expired. Expired. Kffete, Super'd. Supcr'd. Effete. 1849 Effete. 1849 1849 Eff^ete. 1849 10 10 10 10 10 Repealed. Effete. 1849 1849 1849 Effete. 1849 1849 Effete. be. let«. red. ;f- I NUMEKICAL INDEX TO ^y-S«i»se8 for the present year. . 49|Requ,nng the Township Collectors ^f'the County of Simcoe to pay over and an- count for all Monies by thL collejted,*^ their Township Treasurers, on or before a certam day To tix Allowance to certain County' Officers for the year 1855 For appointment of Overseers of 'Hichwavs on the various Townlines . . K-'^'^ys io amend By-Law No. ,S7 To amend By law No. 36.. . '.' For grantinc a certain sum^for the improv'e'- ment of certain Roads To Raise and Levy Taxes for the current year .... To raise Money for School 'purposes 'for'the year 1 855 Respettinrr Hawkers," 'Pedlars' '^n'd * oth'e'r^ Trading within the County of Simcoe ... lo Raise Money for the improvement of the I f^°^ ^VJ'"'!^^"'* ^°*^1' and Town line be- tween West (iwiUimbury and Innisfil, at the Railroad Crossing, to the Western extremity of xMono and Mulmur . . . lo provide payment for Warden's expenses tor the jJresent vear ... [OcL To fix the Salaries of Countj (Mcers 'for! the current year ... j To amend By-Law No. 8, ' aiid '^ter ' th'e" 'aV- ^ " " lowance to County Councillors p^eb lo repeal certain clauses f By-Law Nj. 241 of this Council .. . .. , Feb For the appointment of Overseers* "on the! " various Town-lines j jOgij issue Debentures on the credit of the June 16 June 16 June June Oct. 19 Oct. 21 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 HEMABK8. 1854 Repealed. Super'd. Eflfete. 26 26 27 June 23 June 23 June 23 Aug. 30 1865 1855 1855 1856 1856 18.55 1855 Super'd. Super'd. Effete.' Repealed. Super'd. Effete. Repealed. Oct 21 1866 201 1855 ISffete. Effete. } 1866 Super'd. 65 ()6 67 68 71 72 To Feb. Non- Resident Land Fund r« repeal By-Law No. 64 ... . To authorize the Warden of the Co*unty"of l^^^'^J^ 'l^"^ Bebintures on the credit of the Non-Resident Land Fund, &c. ... Jo Raise and Levy Taxes for the current year } , To Raise Money for School purpos"es"fo'r" the f ""*" currentyear " ^ t„„„ 69|To fix the Salaries of Count"y Office;;! ! '. '. i XlT •" S^^rapi^oiutmcntof Overseers of Hiffhwavsi on the various Town-lines ... ...... I Jan 1 o grant a certain amount of money for the I Pernor Grammar School of the County of Simcoe. . ., ' . To Raise money for School pui•j^;e8 " for the! ""' ^*'*'"'*'-^^ June 1 11856 i l!l866 I ]'lS56 ..I185G 111866 June 13il866 Repealed. Repealed. Effete. Repealed. Repealed. Effete. I 13!l556|Effete. 13 18561 Effete. 30{l857!Su''er'd, 31 1857 31 1 1857 I9I18.57 Effete. Effe*e. Effete. NO. 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 ru£ CORPORATION OP TH& COUNTY OF SIMCOK. REMARKS. 854 854 S54 ^4 i54 Repealed. Super'd. Eflfete. 64 Super'd. Super'd. Eflfete. iiepealed. Super'd. Effete. 56 Sd >5 )5 1 Repealed. 5 Effete. Effete. Super'd. Repealed. Repealed. Effete. Repealed. Repealed. (Effete. I I Effete. i j Effete. Super'd. Effete. Effe*e. Effete. NO. TITLE. 74 /& 76 78 79 80 811 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 DATE. REMARKH. I Tune 20 20 20 1857 1857 1867 June June June Oct Oct. Oct. 23 1857 2711858 28 1858 2411858 2511868 !)^uiie June June June Jau. Jan. 29 29 23 23 24 28 29 18 19 28 28 1858 1858 1868 1858 1858 1859 1859 1859 1869 1859 1859 1869 1869 1859 18<)0 1860 73 To raise money for the improvement of the Penetanguishene Road and the Town-line between West (iwillimbury and InnisHl, and from Clover Hill oa the Town-line to the Eastern limits of the County of Grey June To Raise and Levy Taxes for the current ^yf"; ■ ••• ••• June Id listabhsh an additional Grammar School in the Town of CoUingwood For the sale and disposal of the stock held by the Municipal Council of the County of Simcoe, in the Ontario, Simcoe and -_ L Huron Union Railroad Company Oct. 77 {To appoint Commissioners on the West Gwiflimbury Plank Road Jan. For the appointment of Overseers of Hijjh- ways for the year 1858 Jan To provide for the detachment of Sunnidale from the Municipality of Vespra and Sunnidale, &c . . . June 23|l858 Appointing an Inspector of Weights and I Measures for the County of Simcoe I To Raise and Levy Taxes for the current I year 82 1 To Raise money for School purposMfor the i year 1858 .,. To amend and explain By-Law No. 76.! .... To amend By-Law No. 80 ..,...'.',. To amend By-Law No. 79 !'.!.!! To amend By Law No. 12 ..".!.'.' Oct Relating to Auctioneers, and other peiions, in the disposal of Merchandize or Effects by Public Anotion j^^ For the appointment of Overseers of High" ways on the several Town-lines Jan. To assume in connection with the County of Ontario the Narrows Bridge June To assume in connection with the Counties of York and Peel, the Bridge over the West Branch of the Holland River To amend By-Law No. 79 To Raise Money for School purposes for the year 1869 93 To Raise and Levy Taxes for the current year »4lTo repeal By-Laws Nos. 5 aod 61, and to fix, i ^ the rate of Indemnity to Members !Oct 95, To make provision for the Preservation of' the Public Morals 'oct 96 For making and keeping in Repair the seve ral County and Town-lines 97! For the Appointment of Overseers of High- ways on the Town-lines 7 , , 98 Appointing a Committee of the County Council to enter into arrangements with ..o m "«" ^'■•'^''V'iai inspectoi sof Common Gaols Jan. 28 j 1860 99 To Rair,e and levy Taxes for the current innrn^o" i J"'»e luu lo Kaiseasum of money for School pur-i i,.i „P"8««/o»- the year I860. (June lOlrRespecting Hawkers, Pedlars, and othersl trading within the County of Sim-' iJnne 22 I860 Super'd Effete. Effete. Super'd. Inoper'tive Effete. Effete. Effete. Super'd. Effete. Effete. Super'd. Effete. Obsolete. Super'd. Effete. 27 22 1860 1860 Effete. Effete. Effete. Super'd. Super'd. Super'd. Repealed. Effete. Effete. 8 OiDKX TO BY-LAWS OF THK UoUNciL OF 'UlilJ i o -♦J NO. 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 116 116 117 118 119 120 TITLB. 1>ATB. Oct'r Oct'r Oct'r Appointment of County Officers, and nxirig their salaries . Jnclenanity to Members of the Counc'il 1 ayment of Grand and Petit Jurors. . Appointing Sub Treasurers of School Monies Establishing a -econd'Eoard "of Pu'bl'ic ^ Instruction Establishing a Grammar SchJol'at Col- .lingwi)od with Board of Trustees. Oct'r 16 Authorizing the Warden to be a IW 1860 1860 1860 Oct'r 16 Oct'r 16 tor of the Northern Railway Oct'r 16 Respecting certain Koads and Bridges I ther Count's between" Townships.".'" ...!., """*^ i Qct^ -vv=j,cv;cuig ceriain Koads and Bridges ResSin'i r'"!>*'''M°'^ ''^^^' Count's Oct'r 16 Kespeetmg Roads withm the Countv ItEMARKS. Superseded Respecting the Preservation' of' Publici "*"''" '^ Morals t' 1" Respecting Hawkers and PedW;,' 'ic'. Oct'r 1? Res^P^ """ T'^'*'t"^^"S of Auctioneers Oct'r 7 H ;• ^' Aown.hip Collectors ..... Oct'r 17 RpS-"^ K!""'!5'"« ''^ Accounts, &c..iOcfr 17 Respecting the Appointment of an Ar- i bitrator ' 'o t' 17 Toattiendioe, respecting '2nd B^ardi of Public Instruction l jan'y Ofi ^^Pecting appointment of Treasurer' i R«36 Clerk, &c C. ,k ng appointment of Treasurer's Jan'y 26 1860 I860 Nil. 1860 1860 1860 I 18601 Repealed. 1860 1860 Superseded 1860 Superseded IStiOIRepealed. 18601 1860|Ob8elete. 1S61 1861 Obsolete. ro i;;y Tixes 'f;.; i86r.;;v: • v • : : • fc''o^ll^^l:?^«'L''i- 122 i 123 124 12.5 126 127 ^ 12S 129 130 131 132 1.33 June 121 I To raise money for Schools . . j June 117A|ToameDd 98, appointing a Committee to confer with Prison Inspectors 20 1361 1 Not re- I printed. 20 1862, Not re- i printed. 118b!t i r i trnsoH inspectors . . IJan'v 31 ll«B,To levy Taxes for 1862 jJan-J gj 11 9c I To raise money for School purposes . . Ij m»l o"* '■'*'^'' *^'<^ *" «"Ja''«e Gaol . . *-«iE! Respecting maintenance and Repair ;)f i fJoads and Bridges between two mun- •90 n. '*"f'»^'*'«8 '» Co. Simcoe ... - 123 !To\t2"?9'; ''':^^'' '" ^^i»i-; 186i? 1862 aii'y 3f 1862 [July 911862 Obselete. Not re printed. Not re priatfd. 134 129 135 130 136 131 ,To amend 121 respecting Repairs of certain Roads wid Bridges.. To confirm By-Law 79' of the Corpora- 125 T^ * f .Innisfil, closing a certain road loesUUish a certain road in Oro and 12fi Ir^i! i^' avoiding certain hills, &c ^^ I To levy Taxes for 1863 To levy School Monies for 1863 lo appoint Census P^nuuiPrat^r." Voj. Oraugeviile To Incorporate the Village of Orkii'ge'- 124 1127 128 July 10 i86i;. Repealed July 8 1862 i Jan'y 3l|lS63 R«peale<). June 241186.")^ June June 24 25 '^° *°"^* Orangeville to ' County ' of Wellington '' RequiringfTax CoUectors "to "pay ' over monies by a certain day . . June 25 Nov'r Nov'r Nov'r Jan'y 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1864 Not re- printed. Not re- printed. Not re- printed. Not re- Drinted. Not re- printed. NO. 137 To 138 To 1 139 To 140 1 Po 142 Le 144 Le 145 Re 146 Pr 147 An I 148 To T 150 T-e 151 l.e 15^ Ap 165 To 156 Re 1.58 Re 159 Re ( 161 Gri 163 Re 164 T/Hl 166 T0l S60 iQO 560 160 160 60 Nil. Repealed. Superseded Supenieded IJOJ Repealed. 30 i iO Obselete. JljObselete. ill IllSuper'd. Ill Not re- I printed. iZu'fot re- ! printed. y Obselete. Not 10 printed. Not re priatfii. i' kepealed. \ Repealeil. Not re- printed. Not re- printed. Not re- printed. Not re- Dfiuted. Not re- printed. NO. 137 138 139 140 142 144 145 14U 147 143 150 151 15a 155 156 1.58 159 161 163 164 166 168 171 172 173 178 179 181 182 183 184 186 187 189 190 191 193 197 198 199 202 206 206 207 208 To amend By-Law 121 (126) respecting Townlinee between Oro and .Medonte .. To confirm By Law No. 87 of Corpora- tion of Inni8fil,clr>8inf; a certain Rnad . . . To incoporate the Townships of Mor- rison and Muskoka For the sale of Railroad Stock Levying current years' Taxes Levying current year's School 'Taxes. ..... Repealing By-Law 113 .. Prohibiting th« sale of Liquors. ... .... Amending' By- Law 121 respecting the road between W fiwillirahury and Brad fo-d. To divide the Townline between Tay auw Matchedash ; Levying current year's Taxes Levying current year's School Rates Appointing Census Enumerator, Orillia . . . To raise «5,000 for D.ill Sheds Relatinj; to the Salaiy of the Warden Respecting Salaries of Officers Respecting Indemnity to Members of Council. .... ..... Granting aid to Gram.iiar Schools Relating to Auctioneers Levying current year's Taxes* • •• , Levying current year's Suhool Rates . . . . , Aid to Grammar Schoo's Levying current year' •< Taxes Levying current year's School Rates Amending By-Law 121 respecting Town lines between Essa and Tossorontio. ■ . . Amending By-Law 121 respecting Town- line of W. Gwillimbury and Innisiil. . . . Amendmg By-Law 121 re?pecting Town- lines between certain Townships Aid to Grammar Schools Levying current vear's Taxes . . . . Levying current year's School Rates Levying current year's Taxes Aid to Grammar Schools. Auditors for General Sessions Accounts. . . . Respecting Salary ^i County Clerk Levying current year's Taxes Levying current year's School Rates Aid to Grammar Schools Levying current year's Taxes Levying current year's School Rates . . . - Selling ceitain Debentures Salary of County Auditors Regulating the Licensing of Auctioneers and Pedlars, &c ... Appojtit ng High School Trustees Amen liner By-Law 202 respecting Salary of Auditorq . . ,,,,,,,. . . ., .,...,,,, Appointing Inspectors of^ Weights and Measures I DATE. KEMARKK Feb. 1 June 27 Tune Jan. June June June Jure 30 28 29 30 3t 30 Oct. 24 Jan. June •June Nov. Nov. Nov. Jan. Jan. Feb'y. '^'eb'y. June June Feb'y. June June 26 8 9 20 28 27 25 June 20 Nov. 19 Jan. Feb'y .Tune June Aug. Jan'y •Fan'y Jnne June .Tune Jan'/ June June ■Tune June Feb'y. Feb'y. 29 10 25 25 .5 2S 28 24 28 28 27 28 ?8 28 29 1 1 1864 1864 1864 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1866 186H 1866 186l> 1866 1866 18(i7 Repealed. Repealed. r:ffete. Eftete. Super'd. EfiFete. Repealed. Repealed. KfF^t Eflfete. EfiFete. Efifete. Repealed. Repealed. 1867 Repealed. EfiFete. Repealed. EfiFete. EfiFete. 1868 1 EfiFete. 1868 EfiFete. 1868 EfiFete. 186/ 1867 1867 1867 1868 Repealed. 1868 Repealed. 1869 Repealed. 1 869! Effete. 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1870 Effete. Effete. Effete. Efftte. Effete. Repealed. 1870 i Effete. June ?6 1872 1870 187J 1871 1871 1871 1871 1872 1872 209 To raise current year's Taxes 210 Appointing High School Trustees 2^14 To lew and raise School Monies currentyear ^15. Repealing By-Law 179 respecting roads be ' tw^en Tay aad Medonte June 25 1872 June 2i) .Tune 26 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 1872 1872 1873 Effete. Effete. Rffete. Effete. Effete. Repealed. Repealed. Effete. Pnnealed. Obselete by Act of Par. Fftete. Effete. Effete. 1873 Repealed. 10 iNDBI TO BY-LAWS OF TBK COUNCIL OF THE 219 '222 RKMAElfi, 224 225 226 227 22? 229 239 243 247 250 251 252 253 256 258 25$> 260 i 281 I 2()4 265 June June June June July Feb. June AmenSR^?^-^*^' ^' ^«™«' '•^vision. , r.l'Sas'S^eV'" ''' '^^'^''^^ ""^'^^^^ ,To levy School Monies for' current' veaV; .' . 1 1"" '«7 «""-ent year's Taxes . . . '. Kepeahng By-Laws 108 and 222 resp, • -iw Weights and Measures * ' ^ Appointing High 8cf,ool Tnj'Jtees' .' . . '." ' Appointing Census Enura. ..tor for Allis- 238 jTo Ibvy the t- .•nif," 'year's "t^tp. \'\ """ 234 Toievysoho.. ^^.i.J^:J^y-:::^'z> 2J5 ,W on Group.! M-t, -ipUitiesL^I. & '""' Apt,mnting High 8. .o'l Tr.i.Htee8: ' .'. .' '. ' Jan ^^"SoM ^■"^:^- *"' CUingwoo^r Appointing a Census Enumerator for Pene"| " Levying curVent ye.'r'V fasei '^V.' :'.[[' |S{!f Levying current year's School Rates .," J Eh'v= ^°'P^°*'*™ "f Weights and ^ Appointing High School Trustees. .".■.; " " " Hln Appointing Inspector of Schools for Jtfu's" Koka Uibtrict To levy on Or uped MunicipUitieVcurrent , RateforH. &N. W Ry I Respecting Inspection of Schools in Mus I Koka District. ... . r Making provision •■. rWa;d;n'8 skiary ." . ' ." i i \jTne To evy current year's Taxes ....;... j""^ To levy current year's School Rates. . . . ." " ' June Levying certain current Rates on Grouped Municipalities "rimpea ^ThS* * '^'■°'*^ ^'*'" Bradford' High I ""^ 'Oct. 7 1873lji;ffete. lObseleteb "f^ 18731 Aot of Pai ^4|l873EiJete. •'•' 1873 Effete. Obseletebv "«, 1873 Act of Par. I 2 .W3 riflfete ' »874|vgfet„^ 1674 1874 1874 27 1874 29 1876 4 1876j Effete, 1875Efffte. Effeto, .Eilete. Effete. Effete. Effete. 1875 1875 3 1875 Feb. Ffb. Effete. Effete. Obseletebv Act of Par. Effete. 267 274 279 2S0 231 1876|Inoper'tive 1 876 j Effete. I 18761 Inoper'tive » 1 1876 Repealed. 14 1876 Effete. Effete. 12 26 21 Appointing High Scho*oi*Trns"t"ee 'V.: "" !}„,*„ I.ovy current year's Taxes ... . ..." jj,,"^ J7V"^ '"' ?''Z^^^ Municipaliti'es c'n'r- rent Taxes for H. & N. W. Ry . . . t,,„„ IlXyiBi£un;in^ar;8^8chj>o^^ .[[/'jZ, 22! 1877 22 1876 1876 1876 1877 1877 1877 Effete. Effete. Not print. Not print, Not print Not print. .^ ~ "— ' '■^1 « i^w prill [/ 117A m Printed Revision is numbered 122 in By-Law Book, 119c •« .. .; iij'^ 120D '. .. \li 121R -" .. |25 122 «' .. 126 127 " i«sr3 are une saiue iu both. • ' ^>"t~, . nc Buoactjuenr r ;.,, 167 169 170 174 175 176 177 180 185 188 192 194 196 196 200 THE RBMAEH'i, irSiRffete. iObseleteh 173 Antof Pai, 73 Eifete. 73 Effete. |ObseIetebv 73, Act of Par. 73 r.ffettf, 74lKafeta EfTet*-, Kilete. Efftite. Effete. Effete. 6 Effete. 5 Effete. 5 Effete. Effete. Obseletebv Act of Par. Effete. Jjinoper'tive ij Effete. |lnoper'tive I Repealed. Effpte. Effete. [Effete. Effete. Not print. Not print, Not print Not print. ted ! tienr «-, xxo-xa-Bi: SUBJECT MATTER OF BY-LAW. Hy-Law No. 10 12 89 00 102 104 105 108 111 122 124 125 131 1.38 141 143 149 153 15'4 157 160 162 165 167 169 170 174 175 176 177 180 135 188 192 194 195 196 200 Report of Special Committee on Revision of By-Law« . . ^^% Taking £50.000 Stock in the Ontario, Huron & Siracoe Railroad '. 4 Establishing a line of Road surveyed by H. Creswicke, Esq . . 7 Assuming m connection with Co. Ontario the Narrows Bridge' 7 j^j^ ^ " " York & Peel, Bridge over Holland Resp»cting the appointment c certain' officers,' " &c'. " ' and 'their * salaries _^ „ Respecting payment of Orand and Petit Jurors ...........'... 9 '' Sub-Treasurers of School Monies, &c . . . . ". ' " " 9 Making provision for the exercise of the privileges the County 18 entitled to respecting the Stock taken in the Huron. Sim- coe and Ontario Railroad, &c i„ Respecting the Preservation of Public Morals , 1 To establish a certain Road in Adjala, to avoid certain Hill'a on Mono Town-line ... .n Oontirming By-Law No. 79 of the Corporation of Inniafil' ..." 12 Establishing a certain Road in the Township of Oro and Me- donte, to avoid Hills, Ac j.^ Requiring Collectors of the several Corporations to pay over and account for all Monies by a certain day 24 To confirm By-Law No. 87 of the Corporation of Innisfil Confirming By Law No. 109 of the Corporation of Tecumseth Repealing By-Law No. 140 ... Confirming py-Law No. 116 of the Corporation of Tecumseth Incorporating Village of Orillia, &c. , &c Establishing a Road to avoid certain hills on the Townline be- tween Tossorontior and Mulmur 17 Conso'idating the present existing debt of the County.",*.'.'.'' . 18 Appointing a Commissioner to euforce orders and By-Laws r'ela* tive to Township boun lary lines. Sec iq 15 15 15 16 16 20 20 ?1 Confirming By-Law No. 120 of the Cornoration of Tecumseth To provide for cutting down trees on lands adjoining Roads in . CoUingwood T . . , Confirming By-Law No. 136 of the Corporation ' of 'Wes't'owil'- Itmbury . Separation of Tiny and Tay, &c , . . ,'.' ..'.'..' 21 Separation of Morrison and Muskoka, &c .'."-..... 22 Appointment of a certain officer or servant, and bis salary. . .".'.' 22 Appointing the salary of the Gaol Physician .,.'.' ' 22 Respecting Disorderly Houses and Houses of 111 Fame, &c'.".'. . 2'6 Appointment of Gaol Physician, &c ' 24 Dispensing with the levy of the Tax on Dogs ..!!."! 24 Gonfirming By-Law No. 43 of the Townishij> of Essal ..!.!'.!!! 24 Erecting Watt and Card well into a Municipality, &c . . . . * 24 For the sale of the W i lot No. 2 in the Ist Con. of Oro— the Industrial Farm 25 Confirming By-Law No. 27 of the Township of Monck'.V... ...i 26 Establishing certain Public Fairs, &c * 26 " a Public Fair iv the Town of CoUingwood, &c .' .' ! ! 27 " High Schools, Ac 29 No. iixaminerH, PagW. . 'SO 204 211 212 213 21 (! 217 218 2i0 221 223 230 231 232 236 237 238 240 241 242 244 245 246 248 249 254 255 257 •260* 262 263 266 268 269 270 2/1 272 273 275 'ml ^PP'?'"*''"^ Inspectors of School M LsUbliBhing a jJich School in Ke...mn8vUle7&c . . . .„, a Puhl.c Fair in the Village ef Stayner -u Incorporating Village of Stayner ....... . ^ 1 Repealmg part of By-Law No. 1 95, etc. , respecting Public" FaVr; T a Fair in the unincorporated Village of Prim.o.* I ;iO 32 > Explaining By.LawNo:-2rf:^;;;^;::ii;: ;;&,:' ''"™""*''' S Respectrng the salaries ot .certain County Officer" . .■.:.• it, Appointing a County Holicitor . ., '^^ To aul the H. & N. W. Rv Cn with «30()VooO.'.V. Ap^inting a Director and Trustee to the Board"of'th;'H.&" N.' 35 •M-> ConfirmingBy-Law Nol's of' Orillia'and MatVhedaah* t\ Incorporating the Village of Alliston . ^, 42 43 43 276 277 47 48 4!* 4!> 50 Confirming By-Law No. 197 of "the Town'of CoilinKWood" Appertaining to the sal.iry of the Co. Clerk '"°"'"8*°*'^- By-Law adopting Rules for guidance of Co. Council ' '.V.V 11 Bv'ltw r!f ?''"«. "^^L-^r ^^ ^'^'^' *"•• a" amen.lment8 th;roto 44 For" «^v^ f '"r« V^^ Licensing of Hawkers. Pedlars. Ac . A ThlLes"*. . r. °'" ^^'^ **"""* '^^ conviction of Ho«; Establi.shing a Quarterly Fair" in Oril'lia ".'."."."■.".' j^ spTtors '^"'"""J^S Expenses and Stationery of "Schooi "inl Confirming By-Laws "es. "69." 7'o"and7rof vVatt iml Cardweh" "" Confirming By^Law^No. 27 of, OriUia and Matchedash. . .. " Amending part of By-Law N(i. 241 . . Incorporating the Village of Penetanjuiehene! .'."."!!;;:::: ., hstablislnng a Quarterly Fair.iu New Lowell ... V, Amending By-Law No. 236 relative to Rule " 47 "' "'A " rl Amending By-Law No. 200 ', Relating the salary of Co Auditors "".' r'o Relating to the salary of the Warden . . . . r1 Establishing Rule No. 53 "•• Amending By-Law No. 232 respecting cferk's salary". ". ". (guaranteeing certain Debentures of the Town of Barrie r- RegDlatmg the time for making the Assessment • r'r Appointing the salary of Inspector of Schools for South ' RidiDc* Vr Fixing the Salary of the Chief Constable ^" ^' Providing for the salaries of 3aoler, Turnkey and M*atron' ." " " Appointing an Assistant Treasurer and his salary . NftRiding '!"! .^°^ ""P""'"' "^ **'" Inspector of Schoob Indemnity to Members "of the Council". '.'."". ^o Separation of the Townships of Watt and Cardwdl. ^*d erecUaa •Shoui?be27t '^*'''***'^""'''^*"'^ • «0 .54 54 57 58 59' ii Iff' i I *%, Page, 30 ;iO »i 32 )lic Fairs 32 iiniose'. . 3.) • 34 35 3n • • • . . 3») 3. & N. • 41 41 42 d 43 43 44 thereto 44 &c .... 44 if Horse 46 47 lool In- 48 well. . . 4i> 4!> 50 51 51 58 53 53 • • • . 54 64 55 55 57 idJDg. 57 57 58 r>» i .... 59 :hools S9 59 icting 60 I t V