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 iMy dear friends^ — 
 ' Bron.'ht bv the -oocl provldcnoc of a jrrfioioiis God to tho 
 .„;;.mM^ ot unotlJ year, T.feel a <!-- to aaan3ss . 
 .ew worci., a. 1 havo aonc on previous occasions, to ym ^v h o 
 ^TJ under mv pastoral charge. Not that I have any now 
 fhini to say un'V) vou, more or bettor than yon hear froni the 
 puWt^;- S.1 b^tU CO Sabbath, or in onr private meet.ngs 
 St Ton- >wn hou^es. Bnt, knowin,^ that all tins ,s too apt to 
 n Hke but ; short stay in our memories, I ^von d endeavonr 
 Tf t may be, to impress more firmly on yonr mmds. some of 
 h^;Ln.ndeverLtin,trnths.hich it -/7^/^%^,^^ 
 times to inculcate-Avhh earnest prayer, tha the .^P'^'J «* 
 V:S, the only infallible Teacher, may g-^V ^^ -^^^r^^^^^ 
 unon yonr hearts. I am the more encouraged to do tin. 
 Xn u Its oi past experience, proving the advantage of pre- 
 « nt n" n a more permanent form, the advico exhorta- 
 • r^hich are oriUy dcli^.red in the --- ^^X ^^^ 
 tration*' They ^vill be read, not only wlnle the AMitir lives 
 and mcnes from day to day, but, probably with even deeper 
 interest, wlicii lie is (lend and gone. . 
 While residinK, as I did for tvventy-seven years n my 
 o,.vcr- oll>o-forunme., parish of Lunenburg, to wlnel, tl,e full 
 V gor and fVe:d,noss oV my early missionary W^™' ^'r^^C 
 several ti.aes ,,nt forth such pastoral '"W^^'f "'''«/;"; 
 sent and when I havo since paid my annua ^ iMts to my 
 oWfries there, I have frequently found within the leaves 
 rf thei " biWes c.;refully preserved, those mementoes ot our 
 affectionate connexion as pastor and people 
 Two years have passed away sirce my last ^ew Icars 
 „l'thi.liisl„.p'a'hii|u'l. J^'.'"'?. ",".•' ;"' jiu.v a soul 
 U„n,W. li.K-. i» >."W -'-"f, J' . tr overt* i"-' wc-M. 
 seaK.-l ..,. unto tlu. .1'"'^'™*=",;. !,£ Lamc-l/nml lu- 
 -i-oyou >t '-"y ;>,;■■ ,^'^,',':,vs bi-ssi,,., i.c-,, y.m i-- 
 othiT 1110,1119, 1 m.iy inroivn , . ^, 
 of you, Iwouiastill stinei ^^^ 
 t„ke ^-■™': .°\ ';;;"J ' o "make our i-alli.i? ai„l election 
 tunc luwliieli "i aie.iui i„(or,-stin<' reliit on. now 
 >arc,"{-niin'Knl how soon '' ■''',,';" '„ |,^,„i „f .leatli. 
 .iibsUting between '"- "-y'",^ ''',;' Ueavour so u. 
 wliieli ^""'■^"■"■>;f2i d.{-of"va,- e, tliatwhen it is over, 
 use what remain* of oui da. ''■-', ^,„^„„, ,,e,.c, may 
 you and 1 who liave so often ^sb^^ ^^_^,j „, 
 be pcruuttcd o .loin in ''="""> ,„,,,„„,.e,, „.,, who stand on 
 theChurch trium,. laiit ahne 1' ' ""^"^ ^^^j ,„ ,„. 
 „,e walls of our Zion a,,d w ho -u 1; fo y>n^^^^^ ^^__^.^^^ 
 commit ed '» ?" '' .r^^.^e lly '• take heed to our 
 years, shoiiW we the nioice., J j^ ; , , j,,,ort our 
 try, that we may u « "■ /^^l™ „,,=„ ,„ realise this 
 day of wvirk is. 1 '^^ ^ "'' ,^,,^ ,,,,„ ,,„,",, eon permitted 
 more and more s *::r <^ , ™:, ,„d to spend more than 
 to live more than sixtysix >■-•"', . J, ministry ol 
 forty of these (alas ! how -P-;^ ' . ,,fi !^, ™„t be ne,- 
 the Word and S'^crameu ',. ^ ^^^^-^ „^^ „f t,,,,^ tliinss. 
 ligentto put you -'»^»,,';,'™'^™, ,lished in the present 
 :''T \^e. I tl 1 it m-t as louB as I am iu Ih.s 
 t^.^ stiJV up ',• puUins y- m^- 
 TTro^iLis- tJi"i«s*- t^rct.,!.!". 
 ^aTim., IV. ;. liCoi. IV. ir. 
 ;;;.;;;,;,. lo luwc those Hm,,-. ,.lwnys I,, rcmc.,n1n-..,ce. 
 If e'er mv heart forgot 
 Your welfare or your woe. 
 Let everv jov tliis lu'urt for^^akc, 
 And every {,'ripf o'erflow ! 
 Let ,nc romuul y,™. in t'l>e flrs. place "f f ;> "l™-'^^' '^;';i 
 lu-ib.nulmco ofthe -ift.s ^vc arc too apt to forget the l..ra 
 ouf O v^ BU'Ssh.^^ are daily flowing in upon us and 
 \sWu'h they all procco.!. AVe require - hue upon Ime au pre 
 n thnt l,l.-'t luu.l wliov,. G,„l i. Irnly knowl, ■^. «']"> the 
 ", u.dul ana a happy hm,l-n,me -o^= »»' J J^'^^;^, ,:,^: 
 w do ^vUle world. Th.- climate temperate, and "O <■'«>'»""« 
 r„ t.d.h as to be the lren»eu. refuge from peHde.^e to ta. 
 Whahitants of southern »"'\"'<;-.^^:""-V:"r:pi,.ranTde. 
 nuukes swallowing t.p whole c.t.c^. -^ " J" '^^ ' "; i,,,!;^. 
 kt:^:r:z ^:':o miM^X.i:t:^- - -^ 
 , ThJbe" "rQueens, that we hardly know - •- ^"J"-^ 
 . .dl Protec cd hv the Army ciul ^avy of Li.f;-anil, not 
 tr.e, no 'y^' f.rvnnred Every man can worship (jod 
 country is more ia\ourLu. u y^^j _^ . 
 ♦ 2 rctcr, !• 1'-'. II- 
 t Rom. XII. 1. t I«aiah XXVllI. 10. 
 >^ PsiUm XXI. 6. 
n SEW YE*.ll*8 ADDRKS3. 
 ^r^ ■.:.';.;, ana pl.KU iVom ...c heart .In, n.o.od sor- 
 Om.\val..r. s«,tr,n with ii.l. iunun.^n. , o. (nr <^'-^y";^ 
 ,ho imM'ious .nctiiU in abnn.Un.o, rivnlln.f! (•'>">'■''"' ''^^'^ 
 ta Out of onr l.ills o„r pcopio (ll;r sonn-U,.:.;.' l..'m:r tlult, 
 , (• 1 ,, o c<i-in(r.r to evils like tliesc. a»^'4Mv *"'■ 
 thus ar uei-ii a siiaTigw ui «-vi n,,.„,,i ..r- the iu-ih 
 the people tlutt arc in .nch a .,»c ; yea, ^^ff^^^'l^^, 
 ,Oi^ wlin l("vo the Lorn tor in n ^«<>*i« ^"^ 
 :1 ,:!;,; 'r^-ut .ear.t Not (or -;'-;f-7,---,„ ::; : 
 all our inorems and .11 ^^^^^ '^ s'.voavors, Sabbath 
 *Dout.YlII. t PBalm CXLiV 15. Eomans XL 
 I General TliankigiviDtJ. 
 encL-blast.P.,^ tho fotulcst hopcc of parent, and fn. m^.., nn.l 
 roM in^^ so,.i..rv of n.uny >vlu. ,ni,ht olhorw... bo >ts br., 
 ^Zt vanl a.ul aid ia th. <.xpulsiou of tl. . , 
 of Satun fn.n. a.uon^st us. The Bcv<>n <U,y.l. that wore in 
 Mary r^a^Muht;.. oamiot have boon worse than the d.moa ol 
 riSp^nn.-.,-!!... love of intoxioa.iu, drink wh.h po.soss^ 
 too many of our uhl an.l youn-. Lot us pray tao Lonl U^ 
 cist this A.V..IAUN out from ou. lan.l. l.s luuno . 
 Io.ion,* for man., arc the vioos and abor,naatK,n.s vuth 
 l^laih he InvoMs ti;; .nU of his vieti.n, rcn.b;nn^unMnl .n, 
 to "commit all iniquity wU. . t^ . ^ '- ^« 
 dopth to vvhioli that monster -/u . mav vut loa-l i s slave, cM^n 
 r^lLry, snioido, and nmrdo.; Is .km. -^ a c.vuj. 
 thou for'cvorv ohristiun to -ird hi.nsolf to the l.-ht wit.i 
 !'^ enou.y of all ri,ht.oasnoss" ^ Shal -e st.vnd by 
 and soe th. Lwcr of our oommnnity ''^-l-^^^^^^IJ^ ^^^v 
 .troyer, mid not lift op our hand a^'a.nsi Im. ? .Shall wc . 
 iu .he ;pi.-it <.f Calu, '' am 1 my brolhov s ko jor ^ ^^ 
 him -o m as ho likcB, I oan't help U. l.aihoi let us ny 
 Xt^^ur advioe, entreaty, and above a1^, -»• --"f^X^ 
 Ac "Let IS oxhort one another dady •-/hde u is (.a!l< . 
 tlay 1^ any bo bard.uo.l through tin. do-oitlulnoss o 
 1 ''§ -A word spoken in due season, bow ^'ood is , » 
 I ot us deny ourselves what we porhaps might tempo no y 
 ^e,forthLako of some w.ak l>7ther who has not cq.ud 
 power over bimsolf, according to the spirit o St laid, . lo 
 Ivd - it is -ood neither to oat llesli nor to dnnk wn,e, not 
 ^ihin^ vhorobv thy brotlior stuuibioth or is ollbndod or is 
 pilule w^ak/'^f io---^i-^--^'^^^M-;:--^^;;^^t 
 .oul from the road to ruin, .uroiy you ^viH reap a riol n- 
 ward, far, far, ox.-eeding the oost of your I lav t 
 l^n a tei^HH'-^-- "^^^" ^'"^ thivty-throe years, i c. I lia.e o 
 th It period abstained, for the sake of otbers, Innn wnat 1 
 i 1^ have used innooontly myself; and thou, i, m otb.r re- 
 "ma-t when 1 look back 1 find, alas ' too much to la.nent I 
 J^ ev^r bad cause to bo tbankful that Iwas kd t^t^ike ^^ 
 ,,. . . i» 1. V o + Kiih. IV. 10. t Acts Xni. 10. 
 ^ Ui'v IX. 11. Mark V . y. x fipn. * » • ^i" + 
 ,•,„,„ ro»,l. I''''P'=r",?:-l nit be ory-for ii ^vl■cu you 
 arc passed ixwiiy. . „™™tion. we fiiul mivny eauses of 
 .l-m-ujng to «« <;-,," f-::ie,s of Go,! wo l.avc en- 
 lliaukfulness. ^ '""Vr" ,,„ ^„,,viie ministrations of the 
 i„,ed „nm.crr„j,tedly . c P.M.C ^^^^^ ^_^^ .,„, aiffieuly 
 Church, smcc i last a(mu.^.«-«j » ,..inph nvoss in, , each 
 Ls becL, .0 fina roovn - ^-;- , . ^T^'^.'^^^u, V,y God'. 
 Sunday, to ,loui m out ^^ ^^"'l'- ' , .„„o\.ea. bv the evec- 
 blessing, .Lis diffleulty wll :;I:^Y^^^J^^^a of suff.cient 
 ,;„„ of a suitable \-'^'^"'^'^'^^ ou" present numbers, 
 <.„paeily to eon.aju at '"^ *" ;\,,°",,,P o,„ai„e,l : and T 
 Some noble eontrdn..mnslmNea^.e.^y ^^ 
 ,,ave no doubt, that a ^"f ,, ^\' j™ ' d „,f„,^ „f ,l,e poor 
 n„,e the glory of <;«\-,^ j ' ,,X' ™'m«nity at large, will 
 and the strangeT, and ml ed t t 
 l,c so blest of U.m, as »" ™'^' " ^ , „;„^ ..^ars, through 
 trust, espeeially, .ha >-'^,';; '",;.:, The benefits of a Free 
 the kindness of yovir 1*'^' "V; ^'} J,,,;^,,, ,,iii now show your 
 Churel, for >-"-f f ,- l,^.? ty To, to the very- 
 estimation of sueh a 1"'*"^"'=' 7 1 „„„,! object whioli 
 ntmost of yonr abdi.y, »»,";/>»," u.'iK-h (i know that 
 he has .aken lu hand. ">"".,• x „ive, pleuteously. 
 ,l,i, i, not tl>e ease fe'""";' ,. ; ^ ^.l^ li,? ,„ live of that 
 K you have h..le, cV, yo ^1 lu^^ »■ .^ ^. ^ ,^^;„^ , „,, . 
 !!"'-^'-. ™' £"'if"t b " vUling mind, .here ongh. fob,, 
 ful giver, t i' . " rcncetable amotmt eontnbutedl) 
 in the aggregate, a ™.'^>/','J": jt ,uildiu- fund, especially 
 our present ^"n'-'f " '™',, ° ;^7by instalments in two 
 «l,e;,itisknown.hat . maylH paul - ,^ ^^ ^,„^^^ „,,! 
 years. I hope you ^^^ "" '"^•;;'; V „ of your earnings as 
 ■onseientiously set apart »>'< ' P"' "°^„ „„f, ,.„„ children in 
 you spare, Ibr what. ..chjon,^^^^^. ^^ ^_^^^_ ^^^^ .^ 
 ':!^:t;:::S^A ^-^^ves, ;it win .» ,a gre.^.^ 
 ' M.:cdce.xi.i: tn.ror.ix.:. 
KEW year's ADDllES.^. 
 „,ilted to 8PC, m f\nce ol t c n ^^ ^^^^ ^^ 
 „ l.itl."'o -'',;;'£:" "br^ronife ,„ i„ ,a,c.. 
 ,,,,,,,Uf anxious i^l--^^ terms, witLut 
 -0-y-^-^SCiHiu.^^^J^ltVt Sale.^^ Court, 
 tinue to come, >^'^^\""^^\^ "^,- ,^.,J .j^jg; found a blessmg to 
 ,ere I ^^^V)!! cnW , " ha" '' nm in vain and laboured 
 their sou s ^.^^^^^ f ^^^^h services if you can. I mv. 
 '" ^'^'"'i^ nf rnedcct by some, of the mormn^ ot the 
 often spok.n «[ ^^ ^^V'"^^/^^^^ of the loss you sus- 
 '"'''''^ T^f tl^S^ vo f io unto (U if you absent your- 
 tam, and «f |l\y . ^ .^^^ ;,, ,^,, p,ime of His day, and only 
 solves from His < hun li 1 1 la \ ^^ i^^.„,cmber to kee]. 
 ^^''^'^J'u^^t^'^^- and not a part of it THE Sabbath da>, tic ^^^^ ^,^^^ ^re un- 
 ,,ercly Of course I do^ -^^ ! ^ i^^^ilic^ from attend- 
 avoidably hindered by he cai^^^^^^^ ^,,^^^^ aoyour 
 l„.n- both services. l^;\\f "^ ' /„,i to vour ovvn Bouls. 
 auty to your God and ^^^ ^^^ f ;^X Sabbath morn, and 
 if vou willingly lounge away the c u > .^ g^^tiug 
 begin the sacred work of the ^^ '> ^ ^ ^-^^^' ^^ ,,^,, f, 
 in: I believe some are ^^P^, f '^"^^ ^^^J,, „^, ,eady on the 
 Stiturday. Let }Our ruic ^ , , ^j ^^„ he/ore. 
 ,lone - «-'f <^V^^^t -a ^« -a et-a. to J. as'wcli 
 Kcmember too, tliat >oui seiv.i tmttin'- more upon 
 ,. you, and tluu you a.-e .o™^^^ I „„ 
 ihein on tlio Lords c'.aj ttiaa j , ^^,. 
 „,V„id .but tteve arc niany .;"'7^,;j'^,':,e morning scr- 
 „.,v„r allowed the opporU m^ t^ ^ ' „ ,"^Vcdnc.lay nigl. 
 vice in our churches. 1 Utn, ^r*"" . ^ j >,ave 
 :;:ice might be much ^<^"^^ .f ^,7; ^ ^ess of the world, 
 aUvays tut that sucli ^V^^^^^ ^^^ll^ the heart fron. 
 niidvvay between he Sun a,^^^^^^^ ^J^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ pre- 
 being overcharged wuh the <-ai^^ o exercises of the pre- 
 Hv.rve the impressions producedJ>> tlie^ excrcia ^^ i- _ 
 • * ITorXXII. 2. t null.. 10. tCol.lV.O. 
 NEW year's address. 
 vious Lord's (lay. Aiul such, I find, is the experience ot 
 many who attend on tlic week days. me hope that the. 
 New year will tind more of you thus seeking m dod s house 
 the renewal of your reli-ious feelin-s, amid the bustle and 
 en-a-ements of vour daily life, which are so to blunt 
 the cd<a' of your atleetions for better tlnngs. Suffer tin- 
 word ol exhortation also, in reference to the holy Commu- 
 nion True, our communicants increase every year; but 
 feelin.'- the sncredncss of the duty and the greatness of the 
 privile-e of doing as our blessed Lord has commanded, al- 
 most with his dying breath, in renunnbrauce of his cro,<s 
 andpa-,:oa, and'his precious blood-sheddnig ; feelmg, too. 
 th'it leavin-^ this unvloue, we lack a most important and in- 
 dispensable'Uem, in the work of our salvation— I cannot 
 cease t.> i)ut you in mind of your duty m this particular 
 also Where are tho-^e who have been co.ilirmed at variour* 
 time's in our Cliupel ? Many have not yet - returned to give 
 olory toGod,"* and seek strength to perform their vows, 
 by closer communion with the great author of spiritual lit»>.. 
 How often do we say to you, in the beautiful words oi th.- 
 Church, "1 bid you in the name of God, 1 call you in 
 (^hri^t's'b<'half, I exhort you as you love your own salvat^ion. 
 that you will be partakers of this lioly communion, f -ti»t' 
 alas, too many hear these searching calls m vain, and wc 
 8ee tlK» h 'oks of far more who turn away from the heav^enlv 
 teast, tluui faces of those who remain. INIay the Lord 
 hasten the time when we shall no longer lament that -so 
 few come to the solemn feasts" t of the Church, and may 
 this new-born vear be a witness of the desired improvement 
 iu this resr)ect also. But while thus urging you to greater 
 attention to outward duties, I trust I will not be misunder- 
 stood as dwelling too much on the 'Murm of godlmess, i? to 
 'the;t of its life and power. I lu^'-e 1 need not say 
 that spiritual, vital godliness, is our constant theme ; and 
 you will bear me witness, I think, that from our pu pU 
 .•Christ crucilie.l" is held up as your only foundation, llis 
 i-i.d.teousness t.s your only sutlicieiit robe, and llis spirit a. 
 •ill essential to ever> thought, word and work of your who..- 
 M.ukcXXU. IS. t Coram. Office. t^nm-I-4- ^, Tim. 111.5. 

 Niiw year's addkess- 
 lives. Without (his, .ai outward o^^^j^ll^^^^^Jjf ^ 
 •' the sounding brans or the tuikhn- cynd.aL liut ^llll, wt 
 .i'havethroutwurd lorn, in our Vf^^r.;-^!!^^^;^^ 
 Crod to Lrlve cxproBsiou to the niwnrd spirit, ^vuh ^^\mAi lie. 
 [^^vle o'u souls, and thus we mo^^ ^ ^dorify God with our 
 Mi^and our'spivits -hieh are His 'f ^^ ITV^^ 
 friends, he mindful of the three n;reat tlnngs,-! -ut J udg 
 'Z^i u;d Eternity , -the greatest that can ^^^^^l^^^ 
 of mortal man. Prepare to uKu-t them ! To t , end ^^^r. 
 nnd m-xv t and then you ^^ill he ready for anythmg. \V iMt 
 G^l^ aU: (^d togeLr we not put asvmder. ^eg.u 
 .mtinue, Ld end eaeh day c^ this .>ew year, -;;^;; f ^ ^ 
 follow it, with prayer to the 1 ather ol K^J^^ • -^ ^^^^ "^^l 
 nro^ner for time or eternity, d you negleet this great prui 
 K^fwhih Christ has purchased lor us. God ,s -ore ready 
 o"g ve than we are to ask. An. pray ni yo-V -'y^/^;. 
 win he to them as a morning and evenmg J -- mf. 1 
 nromote re--.daritv and love m your household , it may m 
 Slu^^L/^rations to eome ; it wilt down the^jv^- . 
 (^.od who "blesseth the habitation ot the., u.t. s At eAt } 
 meal h that blessing be invoked, and tluud.s given to the 
 Zt ri^v dcr^ Wmild that every house in this eity wc.e 
 an house of prayer. 1 lien int u , 
 and wat<-hmen would be neede,! no more. And la^hc^^ o a 
 f PUvwt <1woll in vou r ehly in all wisdom. || ^^aicn in^ 
 It i ll.e .•l>a.-l.T of all l,„,,.s im- .-l^ I. » our only 
 "fU-aara ll,v,H,Kl. H- suaros of llus ^"''"' -;' '''l j^ ,', ,;. 
 .. li,;i,t .o oar feet aad as '' ™P, ° ,'- J;;:^ ;• , „„ '^It! 
 ^.i;':;,!^;:^ U :JX ;»« W^an^arl .. U, „. co„,,a™. 
 an 1 all tm m o .,^ '^'it^ive the world, and ae- 
 :::^ my vs hrm ^h^^temity ; hold it last ; eherish it in your 
 s devoutly rc^id it every day of every year ; and do th.^ 
 r::!V-e of^>u, "old meLnd mahlens, youiig men «nd 
 TroTxiIT.l. t cor. XI.-... t Matt. XXVI. 41. 
 sr.iv vF.An's apdbes?. 
 .■hiiai-cn "• Let no scoffs or jibc!. make you ashumed of 
 Mle o-'afraicl to rca.l it. lelt it., auU.or bo a.luuncd of yo 
 , ' c day wl,o„ .1,. book, sball bo opcod or J'''^™-; 
 voor soulit Tl'"' blessed book w.H novo. d,e J '" ^ 
 'vivod tbc attacks oftlio infidel in ajres piust. It imII ontlnt 
 lem s n. It is translated now into IM lattguaKCS, and 
 It" fortU by millions for the conversion of the .vorld. 
 '■'r^.ndtw/tT.eL^plain'and unpretending pages, which 
 nJy U. t e a n,at I shall be permitted to send a.nong ym, 
 r'vonr cdificatl,:a. allow me to say one wwd to oachof the 
 cdas'scs under which you are all compri.-ied. lo my oiaci 
 rXon who, like „,^self. are .-omiuded by p-ev hatrs ,f not 
 1,T our infirmities, tliat our race is nearly run, 1 ^^oul.l say, 
 '.',."■[ , p he loi us of vmir mind,"i trim your amps, look 
 hack foi cause of humiliation, forward for awakening and 
 si";, ubiects of thought, atul upward to the Latnb of God 
 ,^"e blood alone call wash away the shortcomings of the 
 r;yea s that arc gone, and inspire the hope of accep an e 
 for vour ;.ouls. " Be sober, grave, temperate sound in faith, 
 cha ity! in patience." M, younger friends, of whoni so 
 any of both' sexes throng onr Chapel, " be sober m.nde 
 Sug your duties, as sons and daughters bn^hers and 
 sisters as these are laid down in Holy hcriplitre. 5 
 Pa'enTs' " bring up ^our children in the nurture and 
 admonition of tlio i.ord." Leave them not to tl'«>n«^l«'- 5^' 
 uo many do, but train them by precept and CKample (the 
 ;::st;j;4rlui teaching) in the way tl-y ^Uould go and when 
 tbev are old they will not depart from it. Insnboutin.xtion. 
 .Xlience to' parents, self-will, -«'ivcness muler pro^r 
 ■luthorilv, arc too prevalent among us, and they .tre c^ Is 
 bo traced, perhaps, to the too great slackness of parental 
 control Tle'^ souf of Eli made tliemse ves vde.tcc.^sc 
 r c,^ a;»c,i them nol. See tliat your '-■'"W™" f"",""'^ '" 
 he r t"endance at the Sunday school, and at Church ; an 
 keep em, as much as possible, from that wors of al 
 schL -t he streets-full as, alas! these are, of sights, and 
 sounds, and companions, destructive of all that is good. 
 * Psalm CXLV III. 12. 
 t Rev. XX. 10. + TituB II. 2. ^Ibid fi. 
 NKW vkak's ADimuss. 
 n„.ba,Hls n,>.l wives '. T)o not lor.ot .™"^ "^ 1""^ . ,'^", ; 
 love an,l to .■l,<.-isl,, iu si.-kness »"'V"/rK.''f " avs 
 ,l„Uh. Aim at a co„ncxi,m, uot ...crely f'"' '''* ^1" .'"> '^„ 
 ,l,i, mortal life, but for the cudl.-^^s ages of f " 'X- "^ 
 helpers in the road to l,eaven,-.o « J"' ' ™ ', "^'^tK-e 
 ,.„„a«eive to read over, now and then, that ''"'"l'' "' ff^^';- 
 whieh conr,eerated yonr anion, perhaps scores ot >™" »;°- 
 Vud for all of you, old and young, marned and sntg e, 
 „,v heart's desire and prayer to (iod, is, thai you nn.y be 
 "ive I would have you all, wholesome examples, u. every 
 rt toi™ .f life, lovers 'of your eonn.ry, h.vcrs ot on.^^^ 
 adornin" the doctrine of God, yonr Sav.our, m all things. 
 S above all, 1 most ardently desire "-^ J^^;;^" / ,r^ 
 whose eves are turned towards me, m onr th.apel, trom 
 Sund .V to Sund-ty, mav there be trained for Heaven. 1 
 'ft n 'in all seri.Jn'snes. ask myself ^1- qnesUon as I se 
 von , assin^ out of those doors to your homes— Have lie^e 
 ^1 rr'^eonfe been duly fed to-d.ay? . "-.--""/ Tnd arc 
 christian thought been awakeued ... "'«'■• ^"1. -^"I * '^ 
 nnv now carrviug away from th.s sanctuary of t.od, oiie 
 profit" vie impression ? 'Crs is the duty of sovvn.g the see. 
 yours it is to see to it .hat you be " doers ol th« word, and 
 ""'5" Loni'bless yo.. and keep you, may the Lord lift 
 np the 1 "ht o 1 is conn.cance, and make His (ace .0 
 u'pou, and give you peace, now and lor evermore, .s the 
 earuest prayer ot ^_^^^ ^jj..,^-,^,,^,, minister, 
 Halifax, New Year's Day, 1865. 
 The r,?sl.op's Free Chapel in Argylo Street (Salem) 
 «ra7opencd on Sunday 2n.l September, 1855. The follow- 
 ing .statement of duties since performed, in connexion with 
 ■it,''may be interesting to the reader, and will shew the prac- 
 tical rcpults of this first experiment of the Free Church sys- 
 tem in Halifax : — 
 IJapti,,,,,. nurlaU. M.rri.Sf.. r,.tor.l ^^r-.bH^ 
 Totalto thecnd of 1802, ) fj28 172 76 12,992 1818 
 as m my last address 5 j ,,53 207 
 I^Ibgi::::::::::::::: 93 11 _32 2^1 _288 
 7l7 237 122 17,155 2313 
 CommunicantB in 1850 ^^ 
 Do. Dec. 31,1804 200 
 Sunday Scholars on the books -^'JJ 
 No. of Teachers, Jnale :|^ 
 Do. female ^^ 
 Time hantcns on ; yc lonj:?ing saints 
 Now raise your voices liigU, 
 And ma?;nity that sovereijrn love 
 AVhich shows salvation nigh. 
 A a time departs, salvation comes, 
 Each moment brings it near ; 
 Then wcloome each declining day, 
 Welcome each dosing year. 
 Not many years their conrsc shall run, 
 Not many mornings rise, 
 Ere all it's glories stand revealed 
 To our transported eyes. 