CIHM Microfiche Series (IMonographs) ICIVIH Collection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Instituta for Historical IMicroraproductions / Institut Canadian da microraproductions historiquas Technical and Bibliographic Notes / Notes techniques et bibliographiques The Institute has attempted to obtain the t>est originai copy available for filming. Features of this copy which may be bibliographically unique, which may alter any of the images in the reproduction, or which may significantly change tiie usual method of filming are checked below. n Coloured covers / Couverture de couleur Covers damaged / Couverture endommag^ Covers restored and/or laminated / Couverture restaurde et/ou pellicula D D D D D a n Cover title missing / Le titre de couverture manque Coloured maps / Cartes g6ographiq;:?M l<- for tliis |>tir|i(i^i') NVIk'ii the rows iirc rffiuiml two tVrt :i|Mrt. oni- turn of llii' iiiiplctiirnt will mark Iwrlvr rowx, uiul tlic liiiii' r<-i|iiir)><| to mark iiiit an acrt' should not cxcct'd oiM' hour. Thr lines ^o markfil provi'il much mon- lUM'iiratc than those muih- with the marker su|i; miI with many -rcders. It can l>c UM-d to ad< antaKc lor markiiiK rows of corn, for phintitiK out calthaKcs. tomatoes and the like, and has heeii found particularly useful for marking the lines for planting potatoes, when the sinvie horse, double furrow plouxli is used. After the land ha^ l)eeii tiiialiy prepared for seedinK, j"'K- 'f'' pluf'd at measured intervals, at either end of the plot, to indicate the centre or wheel track for each turn of the marker: a 'triiiK is then tiKhteni-d from the fir!*t ]h% at either end of the plot, to ni\e the first wheel track. It will he found iidvim- tHKcou.s to have two lent^ths of string in use. or the us.sistance of -i Imiv at one ei. witli ihc rriipinit iittui'liiiiint. The reapiiiK attachment is >ho\vii in use in the accompanyiiift photograph when oats w<'re heinn '''it : it is undouhtedly a labour .savinji device, and one that iiiiuhl he more (jeiierally used to udvaiita)ce for small plots, and on small ranches where a hinder cannot he obtained. It has been found particularly useful for cuttiiiK i-xperiinental ])lots of grain. The attachment can be obtained from most of the makers of mowers, at a small cost, and is easily attacheil.