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Original copias in printad papar covars ara filma-i baginning with tha front covar and anding on tha last paga with a printad or iiiustratad impras- sion. or tha back covar whan appropriata. All othar original copias ara filmad baginning on tha first paga with a printad or iiiustratad impras- sion. and anding on tha last paga with a printad or iiiustratad imprassion. Las axamplairas originaux dont la couvartura an papiar ast imprim*a sont film*s an commandant par la pramiar plat at an tarminant soit par la darni*ra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'imprass.d. ffon. Sec. Rev. K. J. Wcuaon. Welldon, Rev. J)r a 10 Wclldon, Rev. E. J 2 20 4 4 TOMBBIDOB WELLS. Hon. Sec. Rev. R. Whltelock. neresford, Mrs. (2 yrs ) I 10 1 10 Urown, Miss (3 yrs.) ..3 3 3 3 Bromby, Rev. T. J., (2yeari) 10 10 Kaye, Miss F. (8 yean) ft fi 4 19 4 Ifl Uonatlom 4 19 9 18 DIOCESE OF CARLISLE. AMBLESIDE. ' Hon. See., Rev. H. J. Marleu. Coll. by Miss Arnold- Arnold, W. T. Esq Arnold, Mrs Arnold, MlsB....>a.> .. Bell, Rev. CD Cropper, Mrs. J. W Callender, Rev. 11 Forster, Mrs Hiley, Mrs Marlen, Rev. H. J Morse, Miss Fedder, MIsa Pedder, Mrs. John .. QulUinans, the Miss . . . . Richardson , Lady BOWDEN. Hon, Sec. Powell, Rev. J. W J.& L 13 1 !0 1 6 5 00 10 10 10 1 5 Smith, Miss Sums under 5« 2 C Donation 2 G 11 8 — 2 6 II 10 6 10 OjStangcr, J. Esq Stanger, Mrs Troutbeck, Rev. J..... Wake,Coll KESWICK. Hon. Sec. Rev. H. M. .Short. A. M. D. O. Rev Favell, Mrs Short, Rev. H. M. and Mr:) 10 1 2 2 2 80 a 2 10 6 I 9 6 C NEWTON-IN-CAETMELL. Hon. Sec. Q. Lewlhwaite, Esq. Lewlhwalto, O. Esq., Res- toration of chancel of Trinity Church, Kew Westminster 8 DIOCESE OF CHESTEE. 2 12 U 2 12 6 CONGLETON. Hon. Sec, Rev. J. Oakdcn. Losh, Rev. J Wilbralium, R. Esq., (2ycarsi Williams, Rev. £. (2 yrs.) , CHESTER. ffon. Sec. Rev. C. Bowen. Rlomfleld, Rev. Canon.. 10 C 4 4 I 6 14 6 1 1 Harrison, Mr. M. Kllner, Rev. J. M. Shepheard, Mrs. . Expenses 10 0, 10 I o' KNOWSLEY. Per Rev. W. L. Flelden. Moiety of sum collected at Missionary sale 10 Flelden, Rev. W. h. . . 1 ^ Q QjSt. Clair, Hon. Miss.... 1 2 0| 8 0' HDYTON. Hon, Sec. Rev. E. Asliton. Asliton.Rev. F.llis .,,, .Ishton, Miss L Do. Female Education 1 Friend, A Gardner, Mrs S. O. deY T. R.S.Mrs 12 Donatioiu I LIVERPOOL. Q I Hon, Sec. Rev. C. H. Barton, M.A. ; Treasurer. J. J. Rowe, Esq. : Coll. after Sermon at 0! St. Philip's 19 8 a I Bally, L. B. Esq 8 60 1 10 Bushby, T. A. Kgq ft 50 Bushell, C. Esq 110 Calder, J. Esq 110 CastellAin, A. Esq 6. Collett, M. W. Esq 110 Cotesworth, C. Esq 110 Cox, E. W.Esq 1 00 Cox. Jmnea. Em ,,11 3 ff 6 10 6 19 8 10 I 19 10 IN ENGLAND. DGE. D'v I w V .i;j/%V ::"r*r ', ' :'! BBIGHTOK. Hon, Sec. John AUfree, Esq. Coll. after Sermons at Trinity Chapel 17 18 AUfree, John Esq Chichester, Earl of J011C8, Mrs McSwinoy AIlss Don Ann. Don. £«.d . £ i.d. £i.d 1 Langton, Charles, Esq. 3 3 I Lawrence, K. Esq 1 Lyne, Jospph, Esq 8 Loxda'.e, 0. H. Esq. .. 1 Marriott, J. Esq 1 Moss. O.W. Esq 1 Mnrdoch, J. Esq 1 I'hIpps.C. P. Esq II Prowse, J. Esq 1 Rankin, It. Esq 1 Rawson, P. Esq 80 Roberts, R. Esq Rogers, P. Esq Rowe,0. Esq Rowe, W. Esq • • 10 00 Kowo, J. J. Esq • • 1 1 Saunders, Charles, Esq. • • 8 8 Segor,n. Esq • • 1 1 Swalnson,J. Esq Ann. £*.d. 1 1 1 1 3 8 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 S 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 8 1 1 8 3 1 1 TInley, O. A. Esq Tinloy, R. J. Esq Torr, J. Esq Tyrer, Wm. and Jas. . . Walker, P. Esq Whitehouae, T. L. Esq. Zwilchenbart, R. Jun. Per Rev. C. H. Burton— Bland, Miss Bowes, Miss H Turner, Rer. Dr. D. .. Don. Ann, £t.d.£*.d. 110 .. 110 .. 110 4 .. 1 .. 1 4 1 I Receipt Book 81 fi 3 94 10 ..0 1 81 4 9 IIS 14 3 DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER. Collection. 17 18 1 2 1 10 16 17 18 1 88 18 CHICHESTER. Hon. See. Very Rev. the Dean of Chichester. Per Mrs. Hook- Anonymous 1 Uavies, Captain .... 10 ALNWICK. lion. Sec. Rev. W. J. Coolcy. Antrobus, Rev. E. (Twl- zell) 10 Burnet, R. Esq .. 10 Carr, Ralph, Esq. (Hedgeley) 100 Cooley, Rev. W. J 10 Smith, M. Esq 10 Thompson, Rev. O, S. (Acklington) 110 Thorp, Mrs. (Alnwick) .. 10 Thorp, Rev. C. (EUlng- ham Turnbull, Mrs. AYCLIFFE. Hon. Sec. Rev. J. D. Eade. Eadti. Rev.J D 110 Eade, The Misses 110 French, Mrs SO Frencb.Mias 6 I)uko, Mrs. S Oibblngs, Mrs Ilalsted Mrs. C Powell, Miss ........ Pralt, Mrs 1 Roberts, Miss ...,-. I For Olrls' Collegiate Sch. Contribution, per Miss Ucrsee b 2 6 2 3 6 2 CHAILET. Hon. See. Rev. F. R, Hepburn. Contributions, perS.P.Q. Hepburn, Rev. F. R. 1 Ditto (Box) 3 10 3 DIOCESE OP DUEHAM. Smith, Mrs. DARLINGTON. Hoi!. Sec. Rov. J. O. Pearson. Hoslcwood, Dr. Wm Pearsoi:. Rev. J. O 10 10 1 DURHAM. lion. Sec. Rev. J. Cundill. Coll. after Meeting ... .31 83 University Union — per Rev. W. H. Purcbas 8 17 6 84 5 e EASTBOURNE. Backhouse, Miss HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS. Hon. Sec. Rev. H. Jarvia. Cotton, Miss 2 3 Ditto (for Female In- firmary) 3 Ditto (for Female Col- lege) 3 Dunne, Dr .. I Frier, Miss 1 Ooodall, Mrs. Jarvis, Rev.H Donations I .. 10 6 8 .... 6 11 2 NEWCASTLE. Hon. See. Rev. T. Brutton. Treasurer Ralph Brown, Esq., Coll. after Meeting ....10 13 3 Moore, Rev. J. H Pollard, Jos. Esq. (6 years) 6 3 3 Donations 15 13 3 8 15 2 13 3 17 15 3 SEAHAM HABBOUB. Hon, Sec. CoU. after Meeting .... 3 6 7 STOCKTON-ON-TEES. Hon, Sec. Coll. after Sermon and Heettng 15 C 8 CAMBB1D0R. Hon, See. Rev. J. Martin. Don. Ann, Ui.d.£t.d. Coll. nt Great St. Mary's 4 19 7 Coll. at tho Town Hall 8 14 Dunlop,Mr.(Trln.Coll.) Collected bx 1 10 Kly, The very Rev. the Dean of 1 Klng,Lady,(Madlngley) I King. MUs 10 Swalnson, Rev. Profbs- ■or 5 Temple, Mr 10 WhlttlnK, Rev. W. H.. . 1 23 10 7 Expenccs 8 S SO II 7 BIT. Hon. See, Rev. J. H. Henderson. Henderson, Rev. J. H. ., 110 CONTRIBUTIONS DIOCESE OF ELY. HOPTON. Hon, 8*0, Rev. Henry Dawson. Don, Ann. £i.d. £t,d. Dawson, Rev. Henry .. .. 10 Dawson, Mis 10 Dawson, Miss 10 Friend, by Mrs Rutton .. 100 Wyld, Miss, Chilton .. .. 100 Coll. by Mrs. Brooke— Dutton,Mrs 10 Itutton.Mlss 4 Banyard, Mrs Bcnslcy, Mrs 9 Brooke, Mrs 16 Clarke, Mrs 1 Jacques, Isabella .... 00 Scott.Mrs 1 Walton,Mlss 1 6 Woolard, Mr 8 Wright, Mrs 2 Coll. by Mr.Cox In ponce 7 10 1 14 1 4 no Donations 1 14 1 fi 14 1 HXJNDON. Don, Ann. &»,d,&i.d. Stodilart. Rev. R. W. . . 1 HOUanTON REGIS. Hon. See. Contributions per Rev. H.B.Smyth 1 7 9 MELCHBOUBNE. Higham Feireri, Bent, Rev. R. P. (coll. by) 8 WISTOW. Hon, See. Rev. J. Woodruff. Woodruff, Rev. J.(2yrs.) 6 05 00 Donations 5 00 10 DIOCESE OF EXETER. BBOAnCLYST. Todd, Rev. R. U Do. (for Female F.Uu- cation) 10 10 EXETER. Hon, See, Rev. a. H. O. Shield. Treaturer, Wm. BucUnKham, Esq. EUacombc, M Iss Ditto, Indian MUslun MAMHEAD. Hon, Sec. Hon. and Rev. H. H. Courtenay. Conrtcnay, Hon. and Rev. 11. H Courtenay, Lady A. M. Ellis, Mrs. J Ellis, Mrs. R 1 2 3 1 10 6 5 2 10 WEST TEIGNMOUTH. Hon, See, and Treaturer. Rev. Joseph Birch, M.A. Abbot, C. 11. P Esq 100 llamlyn, Miss 110 Molr, Mrs 100 Neate, Miss 10 Richards, Mi!>s 100 Stnoks, Miss K. M 110 Smith, John, Esq 10 Smith, Mrs. J 10 Smith, Miss J. H 10 Vnux.B. Esq 5 5 7 12 Donation 5 00 ■ I DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER AND BRISTOL. BRISTOL AKD CLIFTOX. „~, o,„ i R«v. N. Pocock. Hon, Sees, j uev. f. C. Skey. Treasurer. C. Cave, Esq. A Lady, per S. P. O. . . 2 10 CHELTENHAM. Hon. Sec. Rev. W. IX. Hutchinson, Abercromble, the Misses .. 2 00 Cooke, Mrs 1 00 Hare, Miss 10 6 Huxley, Mrs 15 Mlddlemasa, W. Esq 100 Peel, Mrs. •••••••■...• ., l 10 Bcott.Mlss 15 Stauton.Mra. 10 SUuita»,MlM I 00 Sunday-school Class («►.. Philip and St. Jimcs') 18 Wlison, Rev. ". H 10 6 Wilson, Mrs 100 18 10 12 Donation 18 WINCnCOMB. Hon See. Coll. by Mrs. Dent,, Sudely Castle, who guarantees £20 annually. Biyrless, Mrs. (Sale of Photographs) .. 10 Bucklebnrst, Mi>8 .... Booth, Miss Calrow, Miss Ditto, (coll. by) .... Cox, Mr. (Hlitlei), Sale of Pholographs Dent, Mrs Foll.Mrs Holland, Mrs xHoUand, Miss A Holland, Miss F Holland, Miss O Holland, Miss J Nash, Miss Sale of work by National School Children, pro- ceeds of Mlssny. Stall* I 10 10 10 13 8 15 I 10 10 30 2 6 10 6 4 8 U 20 IN £ NO LAND. 9 DIOUESE OF HEFLFORD. Don, Ann. tn.ri. £f.(/. 10 BE0I3. I 7 BNE. reri. r)6 7. IrafT. .) 6 5 8 00 10 MOUTH • •rr. IJev • • 1 • • 1 1 a • I • • 1 • • 1 • • 1 1 (> • • 10 10 10 6 5 7 12 !•••«•• 5 13 12 I 10 10 10 IS 8 15 1 10 10 30 2 6 I 5 nEBEFOBD. Hon. See. Uev. W. C. Fowlo, Don nulli MIm Flelilcn, Lleut.-Col. .. Kowie, Hcv. W. C G089, Bcv. J Jacson, Kov. E Kltiif, MIgf • Lambert, Rnv. W. H. . . Maplctuft, Mr Musgrave, Uov. Cunon . Weitropp, Uev. C. J... ... Ann, d. £ I. d. 6 10 1 1 A I 1 1 I 1 6 13 6 BOSS. Hon, Seo. Coiitrtbutlon, por 9. P.O. Hall, W. H. K»q Don, Ann. £t.d.&ii,d. 10 fl SALOP DISTBICr. Hon, Seo Rev O. C. Oul«e. Iteddocs, Miiii ('arr, Uev. U Olifford, Uev. J 1 1 10 3 Don, Ann, £ «. d. £ *, d, GuliP, Rev. O. C — 9 00 OuImo, MIm J — too Ditto fcoll. by) I Ouisc, MUsK 100 Uanllii?, Mils SO Slado, Rev. 100 Suluglmry, Rev. 1 10 Warlnif, Vcn. Archd 2 00 Warter, Uev. K 100 1 12 17 Donntlou I 13 17 nOCESE OF LICHFIELD. ASHFOBD. Hon. See, John SleJgli, Eaq. CuU. after Sermon .... 3 13 3 Ditto Meeting BAKEWBLL. Hon. Seo, John Sleigh, Esq. Coll. after Sermons ..10 8 10 Ditto MeotiiiK. Nunns, Miss lleports Sankoy, Uev. W. T. Slioiijtono, Miss ... Smith, MlasS Shipton, Mr. T. ... Watson, Mn. J. ... Winkfleld, Uov. P.. . WInkfleld, Mrs. R. . 4 10 10 5 5 10 5 Donations , 3 II HANBURT. 7 T 8 ,3117 10 19 7 BUXTON. Hon. Sec, John Sleigh, Esq. Coll. after Sermon ....13 6 7 Anonymous ...10 22 6 7 BLUBTON. Hon. Sec. Coll. after Sermon .... 17 CAVEBSWALL. Hon. See, Coll. after Sermon .... 4 6 HAND8W0BTH. Hon. Sec. Bot. O. D. Boyle. Boxes 1 6 7 Barrows, Mrs. J Boyle, Rev. O. D Boyle, Mrs. O. D Danby.Mrs Fenwick, Miss F. .. Hasluck, Miss a.D Johnstone, Mrs. I'alng,Mrs M.8 „ 10 Nunns, Mrs... ,..,.,.., .. 5 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 1 10 1 10 Contribution, per Rev. J. R. Foot 4 LOXaSTONE. Hon, Sec. John Sleigh, Esq. Coll. after Sermon .... 3 LONGTON. Hon. Seo. Coll. aRer Sermon. .. . 1 17 11 NEWCASTLE-UNDEB-LTNE. Hon Sec. Coll. after Sermon .... 18 5 STAFFOBD. Hon. Seo. and Treas, Thos. Salt, Esq. Salt, Miss .. .. 1 10 SMETHWICK. Hon. Sec. ' Offertory Coll. per Rev. K. Addenbrook 8 17 8T0NY-MIDDLET0N. Hon, Seo. John Sleigh, Esq. Smith, Rev. Urban .... 1 SHBBWSBUBT DISTBICT. Hon. Sec. Rev. O. 0. Guise. Kielding, Hon. Rev. C. .. 10 Haycock, Miss 100 Hornby. Rev. R 2 00 Jenkins, Mrs. R 1 10 Kennedy, Rev. Dr 100 Liidy'g Coll. pe!- Rev. T. B.Lloyd 6 Lloyd, Rev. T. O .11 MIcklethwalte, Miss . . . . 11 I'arry, E.Esq 10 I'elham, Rev. A 10 Simpson, Rev. J. H 10 Stansfleld, Mrs 10 Whytehead, H. Y. Esq. .. 8 Douation C 6 12 13 6 6U 13 e TETTENHALL. Hon, Sec. IIardlng,Rev.J.W.(Toug) .. 10 TIDESWELL. Bon. Sec. John Sleigh, Esq. Coll. after Sermon ....2 6 3 TBENTHAM. Hon. Sec. Coll. after Sermon .... 6 04 WALSALL. Hon, Sec. Coll. after Meeting .... 1 1 00 Uatlierton, Lady 1 13 \% 10 BOSTON. Hon. Seo, Rev. O. B. Blenkln. Treasurer, T. Garat, Esq. Don. Ann. £s.d.S, s. d. Blenkln, Rev. G. U. (Vicar) 110 CoUU, Mr» 10 Edward?. Kev. T. L 10 mend, A 10 Garflt, J. H. Esq 10 Garflt. Thos. K.sq 1 10 Gee, Mrs. Brothertoft Hall .. 110 Oldrlrt, Rev. J. H 110 Roy, Rev. «. (Sklrbeck) .. 5 Scratton, Rev. G 110 Ptmpsnn. B.S. Esq 110 Tuckwell, Rev Lewis.. .. 110 'White, Mrs. (Sklrbeck) .. 10 10 2 GAINSBOEOUGn. lion. Sec. Rev. W. A. Frith. Anonymous (2 years) . . 2 Anderson, Miss E. „ .. Bartlett, Rev. J. T. „ . . Brackcnbury, Mrs. „ . . Buddicom, Mrs. „ .. Burton, Mr. F. M. „ .. Charters, Rev. K.H.„ .. Clements, Rev J.. „ .. Cross, Mr. C ,, •• Puigan, Mrs „ •• Runn, Mrs „ .« Fretwell,Mr R.D. „ .. Frith. Rev. W. A Hannam, Mr „ .. Heaton, Mrs „ .. 1 I I 1 5 10 10 2 1 10 Don. Ann. fs.d.& a. d. -.. 4 10 .. a 8 10 10 CONTRIBUTIONS DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. Hutton.W. E8q.(2yr8.) Keeling, Rev. W.G.„ .. Maw, M. Esq „ . . !»piiik3, Mr „ .. Stan well. Miss , ., Stephenson, Mr. 1. „ . . 2 U 21 2 E-xpcnses oo 1 14 • 1 14 22 1»» GREAT GRIMSBY. Hon. Sec. Contributions, per S. P.O. A Fr'end ]0 Collection 2 oo Moody, Mrs lo 3 GRASBT. Hon. Sec. Contributions, per Rev. C. Turner 2 1 LINCOIN. Bon. Sec. Rev. E. Wilson. Boothby, Rev. II. B. fLlssingtnn) Brld','es, Rev. B. O. (Blankney) 1 1 1 Cookson, Miss ........ De Grey & Ripon, Earl De Grey & Ripon, Lady Dale, Mrs. Thurston .. Fardell, Mrs Moss, Wm. Esq Nevlle, Bv. H .( Wlokenby ) Sngden, Miss (coll. by) V atkln. Rev. Dr. (Stix- would) Wilson, Rev. Edward . . Wilson's, Miss Edith, (coll. box) 10 10 Ward, Miss (coll. by)— Beevor, Mrs 10 Blat', A. K. Esq 10 Blair, Mrs 10 Brooke.MlssA 10 Crofts, Miss 4 6 C. W 15 6 6 Lloyd, Mrs. H 10 Penrose, Miss 10 Perry, Rev. G 10 Do n. Ann, &s. d.& s.d. 5 00 5 00 5 1 1 10 1 1 10 6 00 1 1 1 00 Donations 20 10 10 28 4 20 10 10 43 14 10 LOFTH. Hon. Sec. Rev. J. G. Smyth. Allott,Rev. J ., Locock, B. Esq Locock, Miss .. Smyth, Rev. J. O 1 10 7 11 DIOCESE OF LONDON. CLAPTON, ST. JAMES. Coll. after Sermon by Mr. Dundas 30 ontributlons,perS P.O. 4 11 Jeir, Rev. Q. 1 1 Donations 30 4 1 1 31 6 II ENFIELD. Hon. Sec. Rev. A. Weir, D.C.L. Ooodchlld, Mrs 1 1 Ilarman, Rev. J 1 Henry, David, Esq 1 Jackson, J. H. Esq. . . 1 Jones, A. Esq 1 10 Meyer, James, Esq. . . 1 Riimsay, Mrs 1 1 Russell, J. E. P. Esq. .. 1 Vpward,Mr8 . 1 Vliipr, Rev, 0. B. P. ., 1 V'clr, Hev.Dr 1 1 12 1 HARROW. Rev. J. HendnU 6 niGHGATE. Hon. Sec. Rev. C. B. Dalton. ContiibutIons,per S.P.G. Bromehead,Rev.A.C. 5 J. C 6 10 liOENSEY, ST. James's, (muswell hill.) Hon. Sec. (Nintributions, per S.P.G. Browell, Rl'v. J 110 LOTHBUET, ST. MAEGABET's. Crowdcn, Rev. C. (for N. Westminster) 1 Crowden. Mis«, & fr ien(ts (lor N. Weslm' lister) 5 6 NOTTING-HILL, ST. JOHN S. Hon. Sec. Letchworth, H. F. Esq. 2 Kirby, Mrs 10 Powell, Mrs. (Palace Gardens) 10 Powell, W. Esq 10 2 20 10 2 22 10 PADDINGTON, ST. JOHN's. Hon. Sec. Rev. W. C. Risley. •iffertory 27 6 3 Special for rebuilding Holy Trinity 15 Rev. W. C. Risley'B Card— Gtilett, Mrs 110 Ilorsley, Mi88 M 100 A Lady who feels that her oympathiea have been too exclusively enlisted In home works 1 RIsley, .>. B. Esq 10 RMey, Rev. W. C, Juiir 110 IN ENGLAND. 11 Don. An.t. £s.d.£ s.d. • • .. 5 00 irl .. 6 Ay .. 5 • • .. 1 1 ■ • • • 10 • • .. 1 1 by) • • 10 y> .. 6 00 X- • • .. 1 1 • • .. 1 th, • • 10 10 • • 10 .. 1 .. 1 • • 10 • • 4 6 ..It 5 6 • ■ 10 • • 10 • • 10 10 10 28 4 ....ao 10 10 43 14 10 a. Smytli, • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • 1 1 10 6 1 7 110 ST. John's. [. 2 10 10 10 8 20 10 2 22 10 P. JOHN S. Usley. 27 6 3 15 a- .. 1 .. 1 1 () 1 10 .. I 1 Don. Ann, &i.d.£ a. J. Uussell.Mrg 10 BuBsell, Miss 10 U Stewart, Mrs 1 10 Stewart, E.0 100 Stewart,L 100 8tewart,M 100 Stewart, Mrs 8 MlM L. Stopford'B Card— A.W.F 1 1 Variou 18 2 Card of Miss Hawes— Bum, Mrs 2 6 Coinage, Mrs 5 Comage, Miss 16 Coinage, .Mrs. Edward 10 Hawes, R.Hgq 10 liawes, Mrs 15 Hawes, Miss 10 Harrison, Mrs 2 Lucas, Miss 2 Morse, Mrs 2 Palmer, Eev. J. Howard 2 6 Pliillips, Mrs. GeorKO 2 6 Playne, Mrs. Geo. F. 1 1 Smith, Mrs. Payne . . 5 Smitli, Miss J.N 2 6 Shearman, Miss .... 1 Small sums 13 Winter, Mrs 5 48 15 5 4 3 CoU.andDon 48 15 5 52 18 5 PADDINGTON, TBINITY. nan Sea i "®^- ^- Walsham, Hon. aecs. ^^^^ _ jj^^^^jg Don. Ann. £s.d.£i.d. Contribntions, per 8.P.O. Mrs. J. C. UoU's CliUdreu I TWICKENHAM. Hon. See. Kov. O. B. Twining. Uunter.Mrs 110 Hunter, the Misses ii 2 Hunter, Miss A. (Stone- bridge) 2 2 Page, Miss (Weedon).. .. 5 Twining, Kev. U. B 110 Winter, Itev. J. S. (Weedon) 10 Winter, Mrs. (WeeJon; .. 5 7 6 Expenses 2 7 4 WIMBLEDON. Hon. Sec. Bev. U. W. Uaygortli. Don. Ann ' ' £ s.d. £ s.d. Anonjrnious 5 Burrell, J. Esq 1 10 Clarlie. Mrs. F 10 Uevas, T. Ksi] 10 6 Eastwood, Mrs 10 Oai diner, Mrs 5 Haygarih, Mrs. W 10 Hunter,U. Esq 10 Love, Mrs 6 Naish, Miss 10 Peaclie, Miss 10 Peeic, II. W. Esq 20 Penfold, Mrs 1 10 Reeves, J. Esq 5 00 Sandford, Miss 5 Smith, Miss C 5 Stilwell,J. P. Esq 1 Toynbee, Mrs 5 Wiilson, Mrs. W. J. .. 10 6 Webb, Mrs 5 S9 18 5 Donations 39 18 40 3 DIOCESE OF MANCHESTER. BUEY. Hon. Sec. Kev. B. Westerman. Hornby, Mrs Hatchinson, Mr. J HutchiP'^^u, Miss Hutci.inson, Miss J Hutcliinxon, Mr. (St. Jolm's School) Openshaw, Mr. A I'llklugton, Mr. J.(4 yrs.) . . PUI(ington, Miss 8. A Smith, Mr. W Wilker, Mr. O. O Wallier, Miss Westerman, Kov. E 10 1 10 10 5 1 1 4 4 1 1 5 1 1 10 li 16 BIBCH. Hon. Sec. Contribution, per 8. P. 6.— T. C 5 KIBEHAM. BIrlcy, Mrs. Luugton ^CarrHiiI) 5 LEVEE BEIDGE, BOLTON. Hon. Sec. Itev. S. Pagan. Barlow, Miss .. 10 Children's OlTering .... 7 Fletcher, John, ."^sq 2 00 Gray, Lleut.-Co.l. M.P. .. 1 00 DIOCESE OP NOEWICH. Grny, Mrs Langshaw, Migor I'agan, Mrs I'ayau, Rev. S Donation 1 1 10 1 7 7 BOCHDALE. Hon. Sec. Bev. J. W. I arlier. Lancashire, Mr. T. II... 10 Lancashire, Miss 5 Taylor, Miss Ellen .... 46 1 DISS. Bon. Sec. Eev. C. R. Manning. Amyot,'T. E. Esq 100 Amyot, Miss (2 years) . . . 1 U Hrowne, Mrs. (ooU. by) 17 6 Elvington, Rer. C. R 110 Farrow, 0. Esq.* 10 Freie, O. £. Esq 100 Frere, Mrs 100 Frcre, Rev. H. T 110 France, Rov. 11 Manning, Rev. C. R. I 1 17 6 8 3 Donitluu 17 6 6 FAEENHAM. »/.« c««. i ^^^- M. A. Atkinson. ^""•'^'^''^-lliev.C.St.D.Moxun. Atkinson, Itev. M.A. . . Broadwood, Miss Campbell, R. Esq Lee, Kev. II. T Phayre, Rev. R Warner, U. Lee, Esi... Expenses . f '0H 12 GABVBSTON. Eon. See. Don, Ann. £ s, (I. £ s. d, Valpy, Rev. F. E. J 4 IPSWICH. W/.,. • 5 5 , 1 1 • 2 2 U • • 1 1 17 5 10 6 I. Hips. 10 1 u 5 1 1 2 16 m. .. s .. 1 .. 2 00 .. 4 .. 2 11 ... 10 21 IN ENGLAND. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 15 Ci.STLi:TON SHBEBOBNE. Bon. dec. Dr. Borrott. Borrctt, Dr Borrett, Mrs Dilfby, Mrs. Wliigfldd Don. Ann. &s.d.& s. d. 10 10 2 2 Small sums ..., 4 2 1 Donatloas 2 60 8 6 DEVIZES. Hrni. Sec. Rev. B. C. Dowdlnff. Butcher, Mrs Butcher, Miss Dowdinsr, Rev. B. C P-.:.:., Rev. A 10 Smith, Mrs 10 10 10 I Donation 10 2 10 10 3 DILTON MARSH. Hon. Sec. Contribution, per Rev. C.F.Hyde 4 18 4 SALISBITET DIOCESAN ASSO- CIATION. AnCHDEACONRY OF DoBSET. ir/,» c/.,.. i Archdeacon Sanctuary. ^'"'•'''"'*- iRev.A. Codd. Beaminster. Bonchier, R. Esq. (deed.; lirostcr, R. E«q Buck, Miss Codd, Rev. A Coombs, Mr. E Coombs, Elizabeth .... Cox, P. Esq Hatchings, Rev. R. S. .. Huxtable, Rev. n. C. .. Kcddlc, Misses Knight, Mr. R Malan, Mrs. 10 6 6 10 5 4 10 10 s 6 10 Don. Ann. &s.d £s.d. Marryat, Lleut.-Col. ..1 O. S 10 Pomery, Sa'.-ah 4 Rooke, Rev. I'reb 2 20 Rooko, Mrs 10 Kooke, Miss SO Sanctuary, Archde.icon .. 10 By ditto— Eraser, Rov. Preb. . . Osmond, Mr. (coll. by) 3 Style, Mr. (Salisbury) Style, Miss Spring, Rice, Hon. and Rev. A Still. Mrs Stud ley, Mrs. J Wildcm, Anne Wildern, James ic Mrj. 2 1 10 5 10 6 10 4 Donations 5 12 3 10 5 Blandford. Barrett, Rev. R Lridporl. Good, Mrs Lee, Rev. M Newberry, Mrs Spooner, Mr..... Dorchester. 17 12 10 10 6 10 2 6 5 1 2 6 Bond, Rev. Prcby. .. Procter, Rev. C. P. .. Skinner, C. Esq Smith, Rev. R Ward, Rev. W.P. .. Corfe Castle. Coll. after Meeting at Corfe Castle 6 Ditto do. at Swanagc Donations I 10 10 12 14 15 8 U Studland. Col', per Bov. J. Alston 5 3 SUMMARY. ' ■ Don. Ann. &».d.& s. d. Bcamlnrter 5 u 12 8 10 itlandford 10 Bridport 120 Dorchester. 13 Corfe Castle *l 9 StU'Uand 5 SO 19 1 -25 16 4 Kzpcnses 110 18 9 6 44 6 10 SUTTON WALDHON. Hon. See. Von. Arch. Huxtable. Huxtahio, Arch. (2 yrs.) 5 8 Huxtable, Mrs. (2 yrj.) 5 5 10 Donations. WEYMOUTH. 10 ... 10 00 20 Hon. See. Addison, Rev. J. D I 10 Allen, Mrs 1 1 2 2 WILTON HOUSE MISSION FUND. ( Rev. D. Olivier (Wilton). Hon. Sees. XRkv. T. Carey ;F>fleld, (. Bavaiit). Everard, Mi«s 1 10 Flverard, Miss 110 Cordon, Rev. Canon .. .. 100 Morrison, A. Esq 5 Nightingale, J. C. Esq. .. 1 00 Salisbury, Bishop of 5 Stockwell, Rev. J. S 110 15 3 DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER. EAST DULWICH. Bon. Sec. Coll. after Sermon by Bev. M. Biggs 11 GUILDFORD. Bon. Sec. Rev. John Wenham. Cliandler, Rev. J 100 Oay,Rev. A. W I 00 Ihrupp, Miss 110 Ditto (Coll. by) 10 4 Wenham,Rev.J ^ 100 10 4 4 10 Donation 10 4 4 11 4 TECKHAM. Hon. Sec. Rev. M. Biggs. Capel,Miss 10 Colven, Mrs 10 6 Hooper, Miss 10 M.L., per Rev. M. Biggs 1 Mohun, Mrs 1 10 Morfee, Master 3 Plummer,Mr8 110 Prince, Mrs 110 Meeting 2 OO Church Boxes 4 10 Collections by the Rev. M. Biggs and Friends 7 12 6 Borland, Misses Mary and Lizzie 6 5 Oastledino, Mrs 7 3 16 Don. Ann, £ s. Lawson, Rev. R 1 10 RUGBY. Hon. Sec. J. M. Wilson, EIi»8... Jennings, Miss . Johnson, Miss . Layborn, Mrs. . Norlli, Mrs. ... Ragenan, Mrs. . Sandwlili, Mrs.. Sandwlth. Miss. Stewart, Mi-s . 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 20 Donations .') 14 9 . . 20 5 STOKESLET. Ooll. after Meeting .... 2 18 3 Jackson, Miss 1 Newton, Mlsj fcoU. by) for Holy Trinity Ch.)— Barker, Mary Ann . . 10 Earlc, Uov. F 2 Fcndall, Mrs 2 6 Fendall, Miss 2 6 J. O.S.N 4 Marwood, Mrs 10 M. (box) 7 Made up 17 Kewton, Mrs 2U Newton, Benny .... 6 Newton, Willy Newton, Eva 1 Newton, Mary 3 Newton, Lilly 3 Newton, Laura 2 1 Newton, Fanny .... lo Newton, Carry 1 Newton's, Mrs. Xurso 2 Norman, Mrs 10 Reed, Mrs Stockport, Sarali .... 5 18 3 31 15 3 1 EDINBtTROH. Hon. flee. Rev. C. C. ChevaUler. Treasurer, Samuel Hay, Esq, Atkinson, Mrs 1 00 Cliarterls, Lady C 1 Dundas, Miss Louisa (3 years) 1 10 Dundas, Miss Mary (3 years) 1 10 Dundas, Miss Adela (2 years) 15 Forbes, Miss .. 100 Forbes, Miss E 1 Lidy, A 100 Lumsden,Mrs 2 20 Montgomery, Rev. J. F. . . 10 Montgomery, Mrs I 10 Mowbray, Miss E 6 Donation 1 17 8 1 00 18 8 Due to Treasurer from last acct. 1 17 8 Overpaid to Bank 2 17 10 TfllRSK. Coll. after Meeting ....IC 10 7 YARM. Coll. after Sermon .... 3 00 SCOTLAND. Prlnglo, Mrs. (Vair) ..1 Ramsey, Very Kcv. Dean .. 10 Stuart, John, Esq 1 Trotter, Mrs. (2 years) . .. 2 00 Watson, Miss 5 GLASGOW. iron. Sec. Rev. B. S. Oldham. Campl)ell,SirA.J.Bart. .. 2 Friend, A 2 00 Ditto 5 McEwen, Alex. Esq 2 10 R. F 2 10 Robertson, Mrs. R.T 110 Sharpe, James, Esq I I Smith, Miss Agnes ... . .. 100 2 15 2 U Donations 2 15 11 17 18 CONTRIBUTIONS IRELAND. DIOCESE OF AExUAGH AND CLOGHEE. ABMAOH. Hon. See. Hcv. W. U, Qnlllemard, The College, Armagh. Don. Ann. £ s d. Hs.d .. 10 .. 3 .. 10 Bacon, Mrs. •.••....•• Clermont, Lord Cope, Mrs. (Drumllly) . Cope, Mfg. (lioughall Manor) I Disney, Rev. E. 6 1 Ellis, Major 2 Ellts.Capt 1 Kills, Mrs 1 ElUs, Miss 1 Oardner, Mr. Jnmes .. 10 Gulllemard, liev. W. II. .. 2 00 Irwin, Kev. A 2 Irwin, Rev. C. King. . . . 10 Kldd, Mrs Mauleverer, Miss 1 Prentice, H. Esq Rice, Rev. C. U Ring wood. Rev. F. II,. U 5 1 10 2 2 Donations 4 17 17 4 SI 17 EXEMPT JURISDICTION OF NEWRY AND MOBNE. r/„ . o -. ( Very Rcv.Denn of Dromore ''""•S'^*- 1 Rev. Francis King. Don. Ann. V £.s.d. £s.d. Coll. by Mrs. Bagot— Bagot, Mrs 1 Clarke, Miss E S Coll. by Miss Browne— Browne, R. J. Esq, . . 2 C Browne, Mrs. R. J. .. 26 Browne, Miss 2 6 Browne, Mrs. (senior) 2 Dickenson, Miss .... a 6 Reld, Miss I Smyth, Mis S Waring, Mrs 2 6 Coll. by Master R. J. Jolmstono- - Oraliam, Jnmes .... • • 2 Greer, Edward • • 2 G Johnstone, R. J • • 2 6 renton, Frederick .. • • 1 G Wadham, A , , 2 Coll, by Miss McCullougU- — McCuUougb, Mr ■ • .1 McCullougli, Mrs • • 3 Don. Ann. £ s. d. £ .1. It. McCiiIlougl), Margaret k 1 McCullough, Judith.. 1 McCiillough, Rosetta 1 n McCullough, J. W... 1 Coll. by Miss Thomson- Carter, Miss 2 6 Horner, Francis, Esq. 6 Thompson, Miss .... 10 Thompson, Miss H. .. S 1'homson, Mrs 6 U Tliomson, Miss .... fi Tliomson, Miss N. .. 2 6 Coll. by Miss Wallace— McCamley, Miss .... 1 Wallace, Miss 2 Wallace, Miss I 2 r> Williams, Mrs 2 6 Wright, Mrs 2 6 S 11 G '-}■ DIOCESE OF COEK, CLOYNE, AND EOSS. President of the Committee. THE LORD BISHOP OF CORK, CLOYNE, AND ROSS. Secretaries. HEV. R. O. IklADDEN, M.A. ST. PATRICK'S PLACE. REV. H. JELETT, LM.A, AHINAGII RECTORY, KILLANARDISH, Treasurer. REV. Tl. J. O'BRIEN, LL.D. Richmond House. CORK. Anonymons Beaufort, Rev. W. A Cork, Vcn. Archdn. of. . . . Day, Rev, W. T Foley, Rev. R. P Goliock, Rev. T. H Gregg, Rev. R Jellett, Rev. H Madden, Rev. S. O, . . . . Mangan, Rev. W Martin, Rev. T. W Sherrard, Rev. W St. Nicholas' Collection- Anonymous SO Bernard, Mrs 10 Chattertou, H. A. ..I Chatterton, Ab. T. ..1 Oooper,A 100 Clare, S 10 Danckert, J 2 £dwards,C.C 10 General Fund 2 5 5 10 6 6 1 10 6 6 10 Qoold, P .5 Harvey, R.T 10 Hornibrook, M is ^ . . . . .^0 Langley, Miss 2 6 Mahoney, T. H 5 i* Marks, Mrs AG Marks, W.0 2 6 McMullen, J. W 10 Morrogh, H, H 1 10 O'Brien, Rev. Dr, .. I O'Donovan, The .... 1 00 B. A 4 Russell, Mrs 2 6 Seward, Mrs. tc Ikliss 1 ^ Webster, Rev, C 10 Wilson, Rev. A, B. . . 5 White, Mrs, Preston 2 White, Miss Preston f> Coll. by Miss M. Dowden— Bird, Mrs. Col SO Browne, Mrs 16 Crooke, Mrs. B 2 6 Good, Mrs. W 1 Friend, A 1 (I Friend, A poor 6 Friends, Two 2 Warren, Rev. R 6 White, Miss 5 Coll. by Mrs. McCord— Atkins, Miss ........ Carleton, Miss 5 Cummins, Miss S. . . 2 6 Gossett, Major 1 Harris, Miss 2 6 Lane, James 10 McCord, Rev. G. and Mi-8 6 Sleade, Mrs. (Queens- town 1 Meade, Miss S. H. .. 1 Meade, Rev, R 10 Robinson, Mrs 2 Smythe,Mrs 6 22 16 6 G 10 Expenses .,..• 1 23 7 6 88 85 Don. Ann. £a.d. £ s. II. et ..' 1 • ■ • 1 ta .. 1 • •• 1 • • 20 q. .. 6 • • • 10 • • • 5 • • • 5 • • • S • ■ • 26 • • • I • • * 2 • • • 2 6 • • • 2 6 • •• 2 6 6 11 Q IN ENGLAND. DIOCESE OF DOWN AND CONNOR AND DEOMORE. President of Committee. THE LOnO BISHOP OF DOWN AND CONNOR AND DROMORB. ' Hon. See.— RRV. t. campbell, Richmond, belb^ast. Treasurer.-JOSEPii j. murphy, esq. college square, Belfast. 19 BELFAST. Cullimore, Miss .... CuUlmorc, MIm J. .. Kwart. Wni. and Son Hamilton, Miss .... Hamilton, Miss Ellen Hannay, Rev. R Kinahan, F. Esq Murpby, Joseph J. Esq, Don, Ann, £ s. d, £ .1. d. 10 10 .. 6 2 6 2 6 .. 10 .. 10 .. 6 Marphy, Isaac J. Esq. (2 yeari!) Oulton, John, Esq Purdon, C. Esq. M.D. Smytbe, Rev. E Stewart, Dr Thompson, Wm. Esq... Valentine, Thos. Esq... Coll. by Miss Hill— Johnstone, Mrs. W. J. M'llwalne, Rev. Wm. 1 r Don, Ann £ s. a. £ s. d. 10 1 00 2 10 Moore, The Misses Ktewart, Mrs Wright, Mrs 1 Wright, Miss Wright, Miss A Wright, MlssL Don. Ann £.i.d, £s.d. 10 2 5 S S Donations. 3 34 16 6 3 27 10 DIOCESE OF DUBLIN, &c. FroBideut-His grace the archbishop of dublin. Committee- right HON. the lord MAYOR. YEN. the ARCHN. OF DUBLIN. REV. DR. BUTCHER, F.T.C.D. rev. C. M. FLEURY, D.D. REV. R. S. BROOKE. BEV. B. M'DONNELL. REV. W. J. STUBBS, F.T.C.D. REV. W. 8. GUINNESS. REV. BEAVER BLACKER. REV. EDWARD WHATELY. REV. E. B. MOERAN, D.D. REV. THOMAS TWIGG. REV. DOMINICK A. BROWNE. REV. MAURICE DB BURGH. BEV. GEORGE J. SCOTT. BEV. H. VERE WHITE. GEORGE WOODS MAUN8ELL, ESQ. WILLIAM FRY, ESQ. AUGUSTUS ARTHUR, ESQ. J. TUFFNELL, ESQ., M.R.C.S.L JAMES ORTON, ESQ. THOMAS DISNEY, ESQ. Hon. Secretaries* REV. THOMAS TWIGG, SWORDS, DUBLIN. REV. W. H. FERRAR, F.T.C.D. REV. R. T. SMITH, 7, HADDIN'GTON ROAD, JOLLIFFE TUFFNELL, ESQ., M.R.C.S.I. 6, LOWER MOUNT STREET. Don. Contrlbatlon, per S.P.G 100 Hcott, Rev. J. G 1 10 Smith, Miss A. £. (Amnmult) ....0 2 6 10 6 1 00 1 10 2 S 2 10 6 G 1 g 1 S3 7 6 S3 8 5 20 CONTRIDUTIONS. I SUMMARY. FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 18(1.). Place. Diocese. Hon. Secretary or Treasurer. Alnwick Durham Ainblcsldo Carlisle Armagh Armagh, &c. .. Asbford Ltclifleld AycllfTe Durham Aylesbury Oxford Bakewell Lichfield Bath Uath and Wells Beenham Yallance Oxford Uelchamp Walter Rochester Belfast Down, &c .... Colls, and Dons. & s. d. Rev. J. Coolcy Rev. II. J. Marlen 2 6 Rev. W. II. Gulllemard 4 John Slclgli, Esq 5 2 10 Rev. J. D.Eade Rev. II. 0. Calverloy John Sleigh, Esq la 10 10 H. D. Skrine, Esq. 7V«a« 33 6 Beverley York Bexley , Canterbury.... Bilsdale York Birch Manchester .... Bishops' Stortford Rochester .... Blurton Lichfield . . Boston Lincoln.... Bowden Chester.... Brentwood ' Rochester.. Brighton Chichester Bristol and Clifton Gloucester Rev. J. M. Bt. CIcre Raymond . . . . / Rev. T. Campbell ) o n n t J. J. Murphy, Esq. Treas J " " " j Rev. J. B. Blrtwhlstle ) , ,„ - \K.Vfy\le,Zaq. Treas ( ' *" ' 10 Rev. J. Menet (Rev. O. B. Blenkln . ( T. Garflt, Esq. Treas, 17 13 6 17 3 18 1 Broad Clyst Exeter Bury Manchester, Buxton Lichfield ... Cambridge Ely John Alfree, Esq 17 Rev. N. Pocock ) Rev. J.C. Skey \ 2 10 C. Cave, Esq. Treas ) Canterbury Canterbury.... Costleton Sherborne Salisbury Caverswall Lichfleld Challey Chlchustcr . . . . Cheltenham Olouc. & Bristol Chester Chester Chichester Clilcliester .... Clapton, St. James London Colchester Rochester Congleton Chester Rev. B. Westennan , John Sleigh, Esq. ... Rev. J. Martin I Rev, D. Butler ..... ( Rev. I. R. Maynard , Dr. Burrelt 10 "g 7 U 7 10 22 20 Kev.F. H. Hepburn Rev. W. H. Hutchinson Re V. C. Bowon Very Rev. tiio Dean of Cliiclicstcr Cork Cork, &c.. Coventry Worcester Darlington Durham .. Devizes Salisbury . . Dilton Marsh Salisbury.. Diss Korwich .. Dover Canterbury Dublin Dublin.... Durham Durham .. Eastbourne Ciilchester EastDulwlch Winchester EastMaiUng Canterbury. Edinburgh .. Edinburgh Ely Ely Enfield London.... Exeter Exeter...., / Rev. F. T. Drake IJ. Inglis, Esq Rev. J. Oakdcn f Rev. S. 0. Madden I Rev. II. Jcliett, M.A , I Kev. J. II. O'Brien, Treas. Rev. H. Temple , Rev. J. O. rearson Rev. B.C. Dowding , e 9 2 IH * • 4 11 1 5 9 SO 22 13 , Rev. C. R. Manning ( Rev. J. Puckle ( Rev. J. Hampton Rev. T. Twigg and oliiers Rev. J. Cundili 7 5 18 I'o 4 IH 4 17 1 S 2 W4 I II (1 5 9 Fakenham Norwich .. Gainsborough Lincoln.... Oarveston Norwich .. Glasgow Edinburgh Grasby Lincoln,... ( Rev. C. C, Chevallicr ) ' ( 8. Hay, Esq., Treas j Rev. I. II. llenilcrson , Rev. A. Weir, D.C.r, (Rev. G. H.O. Shield ) I W. Buckingham, Esq., Treas. .. ] i Rev, M. A, Atkinson j I Rev, C. St. De Moxon j Rev. W. A. Frith 1 Rev. R. 8. Oldliam 2 11 4 l.t 1 Ann. Hubs. £ .1. d. C G 11 8 17 17 8 13 6 11 10 10 10 2) 24 10 6 3 5 10 3 13 10 a 2 5 10 11 16 I Irt 12 4 1 1 8 17 5 14 C 1 10 1 2 10 8 3 1 10 i; 10 10 1 I 12 1 9 3 7 3 21 2 9 2 CONTIUDUTIONS. 21 Ann, £ g. if. C 6 11 8 17 17 3 6 13 11 19 10 10 8) 2i 10 6 3 A 10 3 13 10 2 2 5 11 10 I 1 1 8 17 sua G 1 10 I 12 10 is 3 10 10 10 1 1 3 2 2 Place. Diocese. lion. Secretary or Ti ciisurer. GraveioiKt nochOKtcr Rot. C. E. It. Robinson (treat Drliiiiitiy Llnculn Great Marlow ... Oxford Orcinstead Koclieitur Rev. P. Ilay Guildford Wliicheiter . . . . Ucv. J. Wciilmin Ilalstead Colh. and Doni, £ .1. a. A 7 7 A A 10 Rochester O. 1>. Ardcii, Esq ISIS 4 , 8 11 6 Ann. Subs. £ t. (f. 4 16 8 A 4 24 7 8 n Vi Hanbary Llchfleld Handtworth Lichfield Rov. G. I). Roylo Harrow London u Hastings and St. Leonards .... Chichester .... Rot. II. Jarvls 600 Hereford Hereford Rot. \V. C. Fowle HerneBay Canterbury.... SAG HIghfleld York A HIghgato London Rbt. C. R. Dalton 10 High Wych Rochester .... Rot. H. F. Johnsoi 17 Ilopton Ely RcT. U. Uawson 1 14 I 4 Hornsoy, St. James Loudon . . 1 Houghton Regis Ely 1 7 Hundou Ely 1 Hurley ... Oxford Rct. A. R. Wray Iluyton Chester Rev. K. Ashton 110 ipswioh Korwich — IScTiHiR^Kce.;;''::;:::::::::} •• Keswlrk Carlisle Rev. II. M. Short KIrkliain Manchester... Knowsley Chester 5 12 A 1 1 8 1 13 G 9 G Leamington Worcester .... Rev. Dr. BIckmore A8 Lee Newbury 22 9 Newcastle. 18 a IS 9 A U 2 Oxford J Rev. P. M. Satikcy I Rev. H. W. Majendle, Treas ) Durlmm ' "*^' '' homas Bruttoii I i s i > 4 94 10 7 11 1 2 10 14 I 1 3 .3 All li 23 8 G 3 2 A 1 I 27 17 20 10 1 1 4 6 4 3 Rev. .T. W. Parker Rev. H. N. Phillips Rev. E. Berthon . . 11 1 10 1 1 AGO A 18 2 16 3 3 10 6 4 2 22 CONTRIBUTIONS. Plaet. R Kugl Ryd [by Baltf bury Dioottan AnoohiUon. . BMinlnitar Blandlbrd Bridport CorftCuUe Dorchester Stodland Salop Dlitriot BetUe Shrewibary DUtrlot Bmethwlck Staflbrd Btockton-on-Teei Btokesley Btony Middleton Stubbtngs Sutton Waldron Surbiton St. Mark Swaffbam Terrlngtoii Tettenhall Tbirsk Tldeswell Tonbrldge Tonbrldge Wells Trentham Twickenham Wallsall AVells West Teignmouth Weymouth wnton House Wimbledon WInchcomb Winchester WItham WIstow Woodford Yarm Dioctu. Treaturtr. /T'd Worcester .... J. M. Wilson, Esq 8 o' o' Winchester.... Rev. J. 8. Barrow iSub*. £ «. d, 12 6 8 f^Sallsbnry {Anhdeaeon Sanotnary. Rev. A.Codd I- 8 95 18 4 Yarmouth . Yatton ... Yeadon ... Yoxford . . . General List. , Hereford Sipon . Lichfield , Lichfield Lichfield Durham York Lichfield Oxford Salisbury Winchester .... Norwich Norwich Lichfield York ........ Lichfield Canterbury .... Canterbury .... Lichfield London , Lichfield Bath and WeUs Exeter Salisbury Salisbury London Glouc. & Bristol Winchester .... Kocheater Ely Voterborough .. York Norwich Bath and Wells Blpon Norwich Rev. O. 0. Oolie ,,., l Rev. W. F. Pearson Rev. O. C. Ottise Thomas Salt, Esq.. John Sleigh, Esq. 8 10 6 I 8 Yen. Archd. Huxtable 10 3 Rev. S. Kvcrord a IG John Sleigh, Esq 2 Rev. K. J. Wolldon Rev. B. Whttelock 4 Rev. 0. B. Twining . • • 6 8 17 • • 18 8 1 4 6 • * 16 7 3 19**0 4 Rev. Prcb. Fagan Rev. Joseph Birch, M.A. 12 Rev. Dacrcs Olivier . . , Rev. H. W. Haygarth , b 8 S 39 18 Rev. W. Williams 2 Rev. J. Bramston 10 Rev. J. Woodruff 6 Rev. C.Smyth 3 ( Rev. J. W. Colvin \ .. I J. Biightwln, Esq. Treas ( "' 3 ( Rev. S. M. Weslhorpe ( II. M. Doughty, Esq. Treas. 1S6 1 • • 19 8 10 4 12 17 10 4 12 18 8 1 1 10 1 4 4 4 19 7 4 1 7 12 Ifi 3 '6 20 H 18 n 5 7 5 60 8 « • 268 £1,210 19 7 1,262 3 8 Deduct- Amount brought from General List in last Report which it is ascertained belongs to 1865 11 8 Error In amount of subscriptions from Newbury given credit for last year 2 11 9 Expenses deducted by Bankers out of subscriptions patdtothem 2 10 13 15 3 1,197 4 4 2,460 8 // f(- 1'. .//■■ Ann. Subi. A I, d. la g 6 9 9A 10 4 19 17 10 4 13 IS 6 1 1 10 1 4 4 4 19 7 4 1 7 13 IS 3 3( 8 18 n 5 7 s SO 8 6 I 3 8 197 4 4 ■00 8 i CO so 03 Hi « o e e eeee ae e e 01 ee e e 9190 23 |i|B|| So a C S •fi "P " •<1 Ph (S U i^ to 0*41 •OK) X n I f f ■n 1 ! 1 I a) " s ^9 • ^ ^ go •24 CONTBIBUTIOWS. K- M APPENDIX. CoUected by the Eev. J. Sheetshanks, Rector of New Westminster, for the Westmmster . •. Mission. £ s. d Mrs. Laxon 10 Mrs. Tlbblts 10 Mrs.Powell 10 MI»8Uounic 1 11 6 St. Michael's Scliool 10 Mr.Sargeant 10 Kev.C. Fuller 1 1 Anon (through Mr. Pegs?) . . 3 3 Mr. Morris 1 Mr». Butler (Kenll.) Ill C. Bourne, Esq 5 PerRcv. D. A.mU(Kenil.) 1 1 MlssKandall 10 6 Mrs. C. Woodcock 2 MissKatcUff 4 MlssDcwes 3 MlBsHiorns 10 £ s. il. CHELTENHAM. Raron de Fcrriercs 5 Kcv. — Lancaster 5* The MUscs Lancaster 5 J. Walker, Esq 6 Ur.lJiirry 5 Dr Thorp 5 — Warwick, Esq 2 Miss Owen 1 Mlsa Barou 1 St. Mary Uag., Paddlngton U Kcnnlngton, (St. Mark) .... 10 Mi8» NevUle Q ! Kcnnlngton,(3t.Mary Abbotts) 30 9 Miss Richards*!!!.*!!.'!!.'!. 9 6 ij- \^,'^«n' *'11 --'" Per Mrs. Ebden .. RUGBY. 1 1 10 Rev. G. r». Wilkinson (Bi- shop's Auckland) Meeting 8 1 1 10 ! «« v. B. Richards ditto 6 4 4 MlsB Cattell 1 COATHAM. Three Sermons S3 4 1 5 1 1 2 (. 7 S ExponTerCrUnVndVriuting) 2 "7 6 ^i';°;*^v„i,a,„gon ?."? Per "u ev. — Brutoii! ! 10 Mrs. Moody (NewcasUe) .. 10 LEEDS. £ s. (I. AFalrbalrn 10 o J. Gott 10 Dr. Chadwick SOU J. M. Tennant 5 Rev. E. Jackson 5 G.Nelson & R.Barr 5 T. Tennant S T. J. Klnnear Dr.Hey 2 T.T.Dlbb i u sou 5 SCO 2 2 LINCOLN. Meeting 10 5 Expciues 1 10 8 15 8 NOTTINGHAM. Meeting 8 4 Expenses c Hi 5 12 4 YORK. Meetin? 3 6 Expenses 2 17 6 Bishop of Barhadoes 5 Mrs. Prlngle (Norwich) .... 1 Rev. — Westhorp .0 The Misses Duudas (Cleglioin)49 C.T 2 Rev. C. N. Roberts 1 Poor People (St. Peter's, Leeds) 10 AdmiralNlas 5 Rev. Thomas Bowers (Kirk- stall) 5 Miss Gregory 3 13 Miss Wetherill (Stokesby).. 15 liev. A. C. H. Luxmoor.... 1 11 Miss Luii^sden 12 Rev. C. Calverley (South Stoke) I Mrs. Chas. Calverley ,London 8 Mrs. Bushby 2 MlssSbarpe 1 Rev. J. H. WCheano 10 Ur.Spark lO O T. Rider 10 6 M. Brook 2 I Parish Church (Offertory) . . 15 10 3 Ileadlngley (Sermons) 10 II Holy Trinity ( Leeds) 13 11 Chapeltowu (Sermon) 8 16 5 Doncaster (Meetln;r) 5 10 Masboro' do 2 19 7 Bramley do 2 13 ti Parish Church (^irl8' school) 5 Ditto (boys' school) 10 Afternoon Meeting, Leeds.. 7 6 Evening ditto .. 5 10 Interest 6 10 5 145 7 Expenses 5 14 139 (5 7 Per Miss Upton 4 7 Rev. F. G. H. Smith 11 Miss Snowdon (1) 8 Miss Snowdou (2) 6 10 Mrs.AUay I 5 175 4 11 Rev. A. Clarke . WINDSOR. Sermon, Lectures II 6 10 .Mrs. Page (Woolpit) 5 llagley Church (collection) 13 Bishopstoke (Hereford meet) 10 Miss Kute Clarke 13 10 By Mrs. Haviland 8 By Miss Maychill itev. C. Glover (Cambridge) 10 Sir Fred. Rogers ."> I 10 27 7 5 10 5 10 Slough (Meeting) 3 10 S | 6ir George Barrow 1 " ■ '* ^ ' " 1 I Lady Barrow I Old Windsor (Meeting) .... 4 2 Taplow (Sermon and Mecting)10 7 Datc'het (Sermon) 3 13 Hlghgate (Meeting) 211 6 Enflcld ditto 1 I'i 8 Harrow ditto 4 4 K. Viiughan, Esq 5 6 Durlmouth (Meeting) 1 2 10 Lowct Brixhnm do 1 Torqurt/ (Sermon !S. John's) 5 12 3 Derby (Sermon ami Muethitjs) 13 11 13. £ s. ii. 10 1 10 sou sou sou sou sou sou 2 3 sou 1 u u 1 u 10 U lU u 10 G 2 T ory) .. 15 10 3 ) 10 u C 13 11 ) 8 IG 5 5 10 U 2 10 7 2 13 U school) 6 school) 10 ^COUs.. 7 6 .. 5 10 6 10 5 143 7 5 14 ISO 7 4 7 U 11 sou 6 10 U 1 S 6 < u 10 G 27 7 jeblng- [luliiie, and .... 150 itry.. SOU |s).... 10 U S 10 lei ten- 2 5 U 10 m).. 5 laiioii at St. per .... 31 .... 2 U .... 2 U rcat .... 10 14 G a S 10 I 4 dj 15 'i SllOllij 10 u 31 e ii:| Iks 1865. Oct. 17. Great Tarmonth (per Rev. J. W. Colvln.) Dec. 22. Collected by Rev. T. V. Rev. T. V. Durell (per Coutts)— Rev. T. V. Dnrell .... £ s. d. SS 10 Miss Darell 8 1866. Jan. 1. 5. 31. Miss M. V. Darell Friends 00 Meetings, half, (Vide Dec. Mr. I'ostleihwalte, Mr. Sheepshanks Bakewell (half) Vide Oct. 80,1865 . C. Crowden Miss Crowden and Mends Miss Jackson, Stokesley Rev. J. W. Colvln (Great Tarmoutta, Coll. by Mends 10 a 1 Batfa 21 10 II Deduct hair Meeting .... 5 18 Coventry (paid B.P.O.) .. 3 68 10 16 1211 14 17 a £ i.d 67 8 1 SS 13 S 1 176 1 In Mr. Sheepshanks' hands (to be divided)— Highgate Meeting .... 2 116 Entlold 1 15 8 Harrow 4 40 E. Vaughan, Esq 6 6 St. Mark's, Kennington 19 1 Hagley 13 Rev Wawn, Cheltenham 2 47 17 3 23 18 169 3 9 Seaham Harbour Durham .< Selby Oak Worcester 8 6 7 1 I II I 1 I B! I NOTICE TO HON. SECRETARIES, TREASURERS, AND FRIENDS. It will be esteemed a favour if any errors found in this Report are pointed out to one of the Secretaries. Contributors who remit money through the Banks, or the Societt FOR THE Propagation of the Gospel, will render important assistance, and prevent mistakes, if they v^U kindly, at the same time, send particulars, with list of subscribers, to the Lay Secretary, G. P. Ardbn, Esq., Halstead, Essex. It is particularly requested that, when money is paid in, the name and address of the person paying be given to the Bankers. AGENTS TO THE MISSION. MESSRS. HENDERSON AND BURNABY, 17, Gracechurch-street, London, and Victoria, Vancoa : Island ; who wUl give information about routes, passage, freight, and take charge of parcels, goods, packages, for Vancouver and Columbia. ! I LS, out to one le Society ,nd prevent jubscribere, f requested iven to the mdon, pf parcels,