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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 il a a a :* f a Spavins on Horses tiy FELI/JWS* LEEIMINOS" ESSENCE. ^ C^^j3ESISS-K^ BARNES'S NEW BRUNSWICK ALMANACK, FOR THE YEAH OF OUH LORD 188 BEING THE SECOND YEAR AFTER LEAP YEAR, AND THE I'ORTT-FIFTH YEAR OF THE KEIGN OP QUEEN VICTOIUA. t ■ CONTAiyiNQ GENERAL INTELLIGENCE, STATISTICAL INFORMATION, &c. p! 9 J! H Pi? Bil 3 ^' rt.' P 3 > n o c<- l-H B en a SAINT JOHN, N. B. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY BARNES AND COMPANY, 82 Prince William Street. Groceries and Previsions at J. HOKNCASTLE'S, ludiantown, M'aO r.' 40 3 Ringbones on Horses try FEDLOWS' LEEMINQS' ESSENCE. a 3 a a cc I ao .2 "S o (in o o s I o 18 EQUATION OF TIME — ECLIPSKH. 1882. 1 EQUATION OF TIME FOE APPARENT NOON-1882. | 3D Jan. e SI. Feb. ^Sl. 1 Mar. Apr ill © SI. © .S7. May June. ©M. July ©-S7. Aug. ©.S7. Sept. Oct. Nov. &JPt. Deo. Ft. 1 1 M. S. M. 8, 3 54 13 51 M. H. M. H. 12 31 3 54 M. H. 3 03 M. H. 2 28 M. H. _, 3 32 M. H. () 05 M. H. 0/08 M. H. 10 21 M. H. 10 19 M. 8. 10 46 2 4 22 13 59 12 19 3 3G 3 10 2 19 .3 43 () 01 27 10 40 10 19 10 23 :i 4 49 14 on 12 OG 3 18 3 17 2 09 3 51 5 50 4(i 10 .59 10 20 9 59 4 5 17 14 11 11 52 3 00 3 23 1 59 4 05 5 51 1 m 11 17 10 1!» 9 35 5 5 44 14 15 11 39 2 42 3 29 1 49 4 k; 5 45 1 20 11 35 16 17 9 10 G G 10 14 19 11 25 2 25 3 U 1 38 4 26 5 39 1 40 11 .53 10 15 8 45 7 G 3G 14 23 11 10 2 07 3 38 1 27 4 38 5 32 2 00 12 09 10 11 8 19 8 7 01,14 25 10 55 1 50 3 42 1 16 4 45 5 25 2 20 12 20 16 07 7 53 9 7 2G 14 27 10 40 1 34 3 45 1 05 4 54 5 17 2 40 12 43 16 02 7 20 10 7 50 14 27 10 24 1 17 3 48 53 5 03 5 08 3 07 12 59 15 .50 G 58 11 8 14,14 28 10 08 1 01 3 50 41 5 11 4 59 3 28 13 14 15 50 6 31 12 8 37 14 27 9 152 45 3 52 29 5 19 4 49 3 49 13 29 15 42 6 02 13 9 00 14 2G 9 30 29 3 53 16 5 27 4 39 4 10 13 43 15 34 5 34 14 9 22 14 23 9 19 11 3 53 04 5 34 1 28 4 31 13 o7 15 24 5 05 15 9 43 14 21 9 02 0/ 01 3 53 ©s 09 5 40 4 17 4 52 14 10 15 14 4 30 16 10 04 14 17 8 45 15 3 52 22 5 40 4 05 5 13 14 23 15 04 4 07 17 10 24 14 13 8 27 30 3 50 35 5 52 3 53 5 34 14 35 14 .52 3 37 18 10 43 14 08 8 10 43 3 48 48 5 57 3 40 5 55 14 47 14 39 3 08 19 11 02 14 02 7 52 57 3 4G 1 01 01 3 27 10 14 58 14 20 2 38 iO li 20 13 5G 7 34 1 10 3 43 1 14 05 3 13 37 15 08 14 12 2 09 21 11 37 13 49 7 16 1 22 3 39 1 27 08 2 58 58 15 18 13 .57 1 39 22 11 53 13 41 6 58 1 34 3 35 1 40 11 2 43 7 19 15 27 13 41 1 m 23 12 09 13 33 6 40 1 40 3 30 1 .^>3 13 2 28 7 40 15 35 13 25 .39 24 12 24 13 24 6 21 1 57 3 25 2 00 14 2 12 8 01 15 43 13 07 0!) 25 12 37 13 15 G 03 2 08 3 20 2 19 15 1 5() 8 22 15 50 12 49 ©8 20 2(> 12 50 13 05 5 44 2 18 3 14 2 32 10 1 40 8 ^ 15 .50 12 31 ro 27 13 03 12 54 5 25 2 28 3 07 2 44 15 1 23 9 w 10 02 12 11 1 20 28 13 14 12 43 5 07 2 38 3 00 2 50 14 1 05 9 22 16 07 11 51 1 49 29 13 25 4 49 2 47 2 53 3 08 13 47 9 42 10 11 11 30 2 18 30 13 34 • • ■ . 4 31 2 55 2 45 3 20 Oil 29 10 02 10 14 11 08 2 48 31 13 43' . . . . ' 4 12 .... 2 30 .... () OS 11 .... 10 17 .... 3 17 Note. — When the Sur. i.s slow, Equation to be added to aj )parent time. When the Sun is fast, Equation to be subtracted from a\ iparent time. ECLIPSES, 1882. In the year 1882 there will be two Eclipses, both of the Sun. Also a tran- Bit of Venus across the Sun's disc. 1. A Total Eclipse of the Sun. May ITth, invisible in New Brur Begins on th« earth generally, May lith. Oh. JJ7m. 51s., St. John Mear iswick. I Time, in Longitude UA. a5m. East of Greenwich, and Latitude, 4d. Otim. North. Central Eclipse begins generally. May 17th, Ih. a»m. 21s. in Loii 3d. 07m. West of Greenwich, and Latitude lOd. :Wm. North. gitude Central Echpse at noon, May 17th, 2h. Kim. 45s., a.m. St. Johr 1 Mean Time will be in Longitude 63d. 46m. East of Greenwich, and Latitu de:i8d. 49m. North. Central Eclipse ends generalb''. May 17th, 4h. 51ni. 27s., A. m. E uds on the Earth generally, May 17th, 5h. 55m. 57s., a. m. Mill and Steamboat Supplies a*i >. HOBNCASTIE'B, Indiantown, NCE. HORNER'S ANTI BILIOUS PILLS oxoel all others. [1882. Deo. 10 4(; 10 2a I) nit 9 '.ir> I 1> 10 8 4r> 8 li) 7 5;^ 7 2(i 6 58 fi 31 02 5 34 5 05 apparent apparent so a tran- unswick. an Time, 1. North, ongltude hn Mean tude ;i8d. Ends on 1882.] ECLII'SES— dlURtlir CALKNDAH. 10 Tlie line of the C'entral Eclipse will begin at the mountain range of Guinea, cro.sslng Africa via the Great Desert, the Red Sea. at it.s Northern end, Persia. Uokhai'a and the Empire, ending in the North Pacific Ocean in Latitude 25d. :M)in. North, and Longitude VWd. .5(ini. East of Greenwich. 2. All. Annular Kvlipse of the Sun, Novembei" lOtli, IKH^J, invisible in New Brunswick. Begins on the Earth generally. November 10th. "ih. .'jHm. Oils. p. m. St. John Mean Time In Longitude, 1 U»d. 15m. East of (ircenwich, and Latitude, 5.Md. :{Hm. North. Central Eclipse begins generally, NovomlxM- lOtli, 511. 04m. .Ifts., in Longi- tude 12Sd. IHm. East, and Latitude Id. .'Uhn. South. Central Eclipse at noon. 7h. 02m. 0:)s., St. .hihn Mean Time, will be in Longitude 175d. ;Wm. West, and Latitudes Sil)d. ■Jtim. South. C«fntral Eclipse ends generally, November IDth nt Kh. 50m. 15s. i'. M. Ends on Earth generally. !)h. ijTm. JJls. p. m. Tlie line of the Central ICclipse begins at the eastern side of the Celebes Island, skirting the southern edge of New Guinea, ci-ossing the centre of New Caledonia, and ends in the South I'acific Ocean in Longitude 105d. 49m. West, and Latitude JJld. 15m. East. A Transit of Venus across the Sun's disc, December (ith, 1882, visible in New Brunswick. External contact at Ingress, December (ith. Internal contact at Ingress, " Leapt distance of Centres, " Internal contact at Egress, " External contact at Egress, '* At the time of Ingress and Egress, respectively, the Sun will be in the zenith at the places whose positions are "' Latitude, 22d. 41 m., S. Sth. 31m. Oh. .52m. 3i)m. Oh ;^h. ■ ih. 42s., A, M. (Ws., '• 4rs.. p. M. 2rm. 3Is.. 47m. 51s., Longitude, aid. 10m., W.l :i<)d. 1.5m., W. ! 120d, 125d, (hn., W. f 11m., W.J of Greenwich. 22d. 41in. 22d. 4;hu. 22d. 4;hn., S. Principal Articles of the Calendar for tlie Year, 1882, Golden Number, 2 Epact 11 Solar Cycle 15 Dominical Letter, A Roman Indication, 10 •Jidian Period 0595 The year .'VMrJ of the .Jewish Era conunences September 14th, 1882. Itamadan (Montn of Abstinence observed by the Turks) commences on July 17th, 1882. The year 13tK) of the Mohammedan Era commences on November 12th, 1882. Brief Ohuroh Calendar. DAYS. 1 nOLY DAYS. DAYS. HOLY DAYS. Sat., Jan. 1 Circumcision. Fni., Apr. 7 Good Friday. Fri., " (i Epiphany. |SUN., " !) Easter Sunday. Sun., Feb. 5 Septuagesima. :SuN., " l(i Low Simday. Sun., " 1» Quinfiuagesima. Ash Wednesday. |SuN., May 14 Rogation Sunday. Wkd., " 22 Thur., " 18 Ascension Day, Pentecost, Whit Smi. Sun., " 2« Quadragesima, 1st :SUN., " 28 Sunday in Lent. Sun., June 4 Trinity Sunday. Sat., Mar. 25 Annunciation, Lady IThub., " 8 Corpus Christi. 1 l>ay.| Sun., Dec. 3 l&t Sunday hi Advent. Sun., Apr. 8 Palm Sunday. i iMoN., " 25 Christmas Daj'. 1 CO p o o o 2 c P P 3 o CO ? p o 73 o «^ 1> ■1 3 p p o (P O o p own. Lime, Plaster, Cement, Hair.and Brick, at J. KORNCASTLE'S. Use ENAMELLINE for the Teeth. 20 LlfJlIT HOl.SKS. [1882. Public Holidays, Anniversaries, &c. VI C eg > o t. { C I a ■ cs ; o| Si 4) i -M I « I N«'\v Y»'ai"s Day., lamiai-y 1 Siiiiit 1 )avi(l iMarcn 1 St. J'atrick '• 17 Easier Alonday April HI Faster Tii(S(Uiy " 11 St.. (i»'()r!i: I'riiicc of Wales Hirthdaj' Nov. St. Andrew's Day, •* .TO C'liri.stmas lloliclays Dec. !i(i, iI7 The Seasons Saint Jolin Mean Time. Vornal Eciuinox, Sun enten* Arie.s, March liOth, at Ih. p. M., at the same time Earth enters Lilira. Suninier Solstice, Snn enters Cancer, June Slst, at Ohs, a. m.. at the same time Earth enters Caprieornus. Autumnal Eis., W. Every minute and 4.'j seconds; light, 1'4 min.; dark. y> min. Tower, octagonal, vertical stripes, red and white. Fog Whistle oifW. side, sounds in fogs and snoivstorms 10 seconds in every minute. Visible IK miles. Cape'St. Man/, N. .S'.— East side of Bay, latitude N., 44d. .'im. 20s.; longi- tude W., WJd. 12m. lOs. Flasli light, alternate red and white, at intervals of 30' seconds. White octagonal tower, 103 feet above high water mark. Visible 17 miles clear weather. Brier Mand, N. ,S'.— N. W. point, latitude. N.,44d. 14m. 57s.; latitude, W., (Mkl. 2;hn. 30s. Fixed white light, visible 13 miles. Octagonal white light- house. 92 feet above high water mark. Tinware, Tin, Zinc, and Sheet Iron, at J. HOBNCASTLE'S. 1882. June ao tb Oft) it a» *• SJS July 1 S«ii)t. 04J N..V. !) •' m ec. »• vme lime he same the same , A. M., at les in the ITardinp:, s, KiKiial J. Mit- s. Steam ENraJSTTMAN'S f'OTTOTT MTXTURE for CouRhw. lark. 25a. | al, white r. i t 40 feet ' , a hlast ' seconds 1. 31s. N. : rower m lies S. by I B, during j ids dura- j five sec- : I vide, iM. j seconds; | , red and ' ) seconds i s. ; iongi- | ntervals er mark. tude, W., ite light- 3'S. 1882.] LKIHT IIOUSBS. 21 steam Fnf: Whislh' nii N. W. of Uiicr Island, south side of IJKhtliouse, sounds during fliick und fog^y weather as fc'lows ; IJiast of I seconds. Interval of I " Hlast of I Interval of I JJlastof I Interval of Id Boar's n< (1(1. .V. .S'.- r)()feet. from edge of cliff, on S. entrance to Pet it*- Passage; latitude, N. lid. ^'tni. IC.s. ; longitude. W. (iliil. l:hn, Os. Kevolviiig red and wliite alternately, every minute. Lighthouse, white, snuare, Vt) feet alKive high water nuirk. Visible 1 1 miles. Point I'rim, N. ^'.— S. point of entrance to Annapolis Hasin; latitude, N. lid. 11m. :ils. ; longitude, W. (iiul. 17m. 'Ms. Fixed white light, visible i:] miles. Vertical red and white strijjed, squart^ tower. I'fi feet above high water mark. Fog whistle on rrim Point, somuls H .Keconds in each minute, making an interval of 52 seconds between each blast. Port \Villie Spencer, iV. 7?.— On pitch of Cape, latitude, N. 45(1. 12m. 30s. ; longi- tude, W. (55d. 5-lm. Os. Revolving red and white alteruatt ly. at intervals of 45 seconds. VisiVjle ;J0 miles. White square building, w'.th tower 207 feet above high water. Partridge Island light by compubs N. W. by W. % W., northerly distance being ()J<r.— Latitude, N. 45d. 14m. 20s.; longi- tude, W. (i(id. 3m. 20s. Fixed white light. Visible 20 miles. Tower, vertical red and white strii)es. list feet above high water. Steam Whistle on Island sounds for 10 seconds in every minute. A bell buoy near east side of I'artridge Island reef. St John Harbor.— "End of Bar, latitude, N. 45d. 1.5m. 10s. ; longitude, Wid. 3m. 40s. Fixed white light. Visible 10 miles. Lighthouse, vertical black and white stripes, 35 feet above high water. Lepreau.i: — On Point, latitude N. 15d. 3m. 40s. : longitude, W. Olid 2^'m. 3'.>s. Two fixed whiti' lights. Visible 15 miles. !l yards apart. 81 auu 5^1 feet above high wattn- mark. Tower octagonal, stri|)cd horizontally red and white. Fog Whistle on Point, in thick weather sounds twice each niin- p P 5" s a* a 73 c 3 P W o 3 n O o 3 p > 3 Paints, Oils, and Varnishes, at Jo HOBNCASTLE'S, Indiantown. 'V ^ FELLOWS' DYSrKrRTA TliTTKRS f.if ITonrtburii. 22 LIOIIT nol\SES. [1882. lite, flrnt Kiviiif; a hlasl of fivi- hi'coiuIh duration witli an interval of five Hfconds; tJicn a blast of (Ivt- sccond.s duration, with au interval of 15 sec- ondH to ooniplctM the niinntc, South Wrxt Wolfe Island. On S. E. Point of the island, latitude N., 44d. .Vim. ;i()s. ; loiiRitiuU' W., Odd. ihu. lOs. White revolving? li^ht every IJ^ minutes. Visil)l(' 17 to :iO ndies. House, white, sciuare, wooden. Ill 'feet above hit?h water. 7^'ffwc //r///)o)-.- Fixed white liKht. Visible 10 miles. Latit>ide N., ■l.'kl. :hn. l.')s. ; ionffitud" (Kid. Mm. W. Tower, square wooden building, painted white, t.') feet above high water. HlisH Inland.— Wetit end of island, S. side of we8t«'rn entrance to Bliss Harbor, latitude N., iM. Im. ir)s. Fixed red light. Visible la miles. White scjuare wooden building, t.") feet above high water. / Vrt Point- ( // Ktnng).— White lighthouse. Fixed green light. Latitude, l.Vl, 2m. iWs., N.; longitude, (Mid. .'j:)m. JJOs., W. Lctite Paumge.-Vo^ Ti-umpet on Mascabin I'oint. Latitude, 4rxl. 2m. 2()8., N, Longitude, (iiid. .Wm. 8()s., W. During thick weather, fogs and snowstorms, the trumpet will sound blasts of seven seconds' duration, with intervals of thirty seconds between them. It can be heard two or three miles, and six to seven with, the wind. The building Is square, with a coal shed attached, and is painted white. Head Harbor (Canipobello Island).— N. point, latitude N., 44d. .'>Tm. 408.; longitude W., (i«d. .')4m. 10s. Fixed white light. Visible 1.5 miles clear weather. Octagonal tower, white, with red cross, o4 feet above high water. Fog Trumpet at the North Point of Head Harbor, on the island of Campo- bello, in the Count.v of Charlotte. Latitude N.. 44d. .57m. 408., Longitude W., ()n\. oIh. A Fog Whistle giving two Itlusts of five seconds each per minute. In! er- val between blasts, H minutes and \2 seconds. Little JRiver.—ihx an Island at the entrance of the river. A fixed white light varied by flashes every !H) seconds, 10 feet above high water, visible ll miles. liivhihncto Head fAifht.- Thin is a fixed whlt(! liglit, situated on Richi- bucto II«>ad. Northmnberland Strait, in the (Uilf of Saint IjOwrence. The light is placed at an elevation of 70 fet^t above higli water, and should be seen in clear weather fron\ a distance of 11 miles. The illuminating op- paratus is dioptric or by lenses of the fourth order. The tower is snuare, about .')() feet from base to vane, painted white, and stands in lat. w deg. ■'«»m. lOs. N. : long. (U deg. i:hn. :^0s. W. of Greenwich. }iirliil)Hcto Harhor Kaiiffe, Linhtn.— Two range light towers, erected by the (loyernment of Tanada close to the present day beacons upon the South Beach, at the entrance to the Richibucto River, Kent County, N. B. The front building is on the outside of the bank. It is of wood, painted white, and consists of a square, -W feet high to vane on lantern, witli dwelling attached. Latitude N., 4()d.;42m. 'ISs. Longitude W., tt4d. 46m. lOs. The light is fixed white catoptric, elevated 40 feet above high water mark, and should be visible 12 miles. The back tower is distant W. by S. ^ S. ;iO« feet from the front one. It is an open framed square tower, 43 feet high to vane on lantern, and] is also painted white. The light is fixed red catoptric, elevated 44 feet above high water mark, and should be visi- ble 12 miles. These two lights are intended to replace the day beocons, and in one lead through the channel over the bar at the mouth of the river. Rest igouche River Range Lights.— The buildings are all square towers, built of wood, painted white; they are 22 feet in height from base to top of ventilator, and shows fixed white catoptric lights. 1. Dalhousie Itange Lights, Restigouche County, New Brunswick.— The Front Tower is placed on the public wharf. The light is elevated 'M feet above high water mark. Latitude N., 48d. 4m. 40s. Longitude W., 6fkl. 22m. ;308. The Back Tower is placed on Montgomery Island. The light is elevated 27 feet above high water mark. 2. Oak Point Range Lights, County of Bonaventure, Province of Que- bec—The Front ToAver shows two lights, one east and the other west, elevated 40 feet above high water mark. Latitude N., 48d. 2m. 408. Long. W., tttid. ;36m. 308. The Back Tower shows light elevated 4.^) feet above high water mark, and ranges with the Front Tower as a guide to vessels cross- ing the Traverse. 3. Campbellton Range Lights, Restigouche County, New Brunswick.— The Front Tower is placed on a pier beside the railway wharf; the light is elevated 24 feet above high water mark, Latitude N., 48d. Om. SOs. liongitude W., 66d. 39m. 40s. The Back Tower is placed on Mr. Moffat's wharf. The light is elevated 2-1 feet above high water mark. Hnu Island Range Lights.— Tvfo Range Lights have been erected upon Hay Island, Miramichi Bay, Northumberland County, N. B., to enable ves- sels, in seeking shelter, to clear the point of the shoal off the east end of the island. Latitude N., 47d. 1 Im. 10a. Longitude W., 65■ CO a 2i a o •-3 PQ s 24 LKillT HOl'HKS. [1882. liKlit i . (I\('(l wliito fill opt rk', clcvfttt'd :)ti feet ulx-vf liiRli wator mark, niul sliniild 1)1) visil)Ic It miles in llic (liii'ction of (Iw I'Hii^^f. Tlic tower is a s(|iimi' wooden one :H) t'oi-t liJKli from its Iuvhu to tho vaiio on the lantern, and is itaiidcd \vhit«'. 'I'iic Kufk itaiiKe MRlit is dislunl l.O.Vl feet N. VV. by W. from the front one; (lie liuildiii)^ i.s similar, 'it feet \i\iih. and hIiowh u li^lit uIho Himllar, eliivuted II feet above Id^'ii water, and visible 1;! milew. /''or Isliind I'lmiiv Jjiulit.t.- 'i'lie Beacon liiKlitHoii tlie North Went end of [•'ox Island, Miiamielu May. N. JJ., have been moved, and a third liwht added, and the lij^lit.s as now nn'ani^ed are in operation. All hIiow fixed while lipids, wlueh should be visil)le H nuies, from lanterns hoisted on masts; at the base of (!aeli mast is a .shed painted white. One of the Lights is situated within KM) feet of the most northerly point of the island. It is elevated r>(^ feet above hiRh water mark, and has a post to feet hiKh, Latitude N., 17(1. Hni. ns, I.onKitnde W., (ir.d. iim. iJOs. Tiip second liKht is distant l.O.")! feet S, E.i^jK. front the first named, and ha i)ost '" W. fit.m •Vi feet al)ove water mark, with a post JiH feet hifjh The first and second in line ranj^e N. W.^jW. into the old Ilorseshoo Channel. The llrst and third in lino range N. E, through Portage Island Channel. The second and third in line range A\ . by N., leading to the Upper Buoy of Horsi'slioo Shoal. Cape JoiiriiiKtin, Stroif.'i of Nortliinnhcfhind. —lAtituCiaAGd. lOni. Oh. N. I^ongitude .'ilm. Os. W.— Visible from all points of approaeh from S. E. around by N. to \V. The Light House is an octagonal wooden pyramidal huildii •. painted white, 10 feet high, elevated 72 feet above high water, and stands (i(i feet from the extremity of the clilT. The Keeper's house, a one and a half story wooden buililing, painted white, is situated 50 feet to the westward of tl.c Light House. (iiiouc Lake, Mincoii. JsUind, Baij den C)ialcurs.—A revolving white light, elevated 10 feet abcjve high water, and showing a flash evei*y ndnute, is exhibited at this lighthouse, and is seen at a iiistance of upwards of 10 will 1)0 Hi feet above water mark, w ith a post ^W feet high, 'I'he third light is distant '.i.")l feet H. W. from the named, and will be miles. The lighting' apparatus has two faces, and makes a complete revo- lution every two nunutes. The tower is a square wooden building, !J8 feet high, with a dwelling attached, and painted white. The illuniinating a])paratus is catoptric. tieron Island, lidii dri ClKdcurs.— Thin light is a flxcd white light, ele- vated (jti feet above high water, is visil)le from all points seaward, and in clear weather is seen at a distance of 12 miles. Tne tower is a square wooden building, ^0 feet high, and painted white. The illuminating appa- ratus is catoptric. Cdvaquct Island, Baydes C/toJeitns-.— Square tower on keeper's dwelling. While. Miscou Fog Whistle.— A Steam Fog Whistle has been erected on Miscou Isi-aiid, at the entrance of the IJa.y of Chaleur. The whistle Is sounded twice in each minute. Shediac Beacon Lights.— Two lights on Point du Chene wharf, in the Harbor of Shediac. Latitude. 4()d. 14m. 20s.. N. Longitude, fi4d. ;^lm. 08.,W, Point Escuniinac Light.— Thisi lighthouse is situated in Miramiclii Bay. North latitude. 47d. 'Im". 3()3. West longitude, did. SOm. ;J0s. It is a fixed bright light, elevated lO feet above higli water. A third order French di<)l)tric lighting apparatus has lieen placed on this tower, which is visible for twenty-five miles. Mi.HcuH Maud Light.— This is situated on Birch Point. North latitude, 4Hd. Im. Os. West longitude. Old. ;Jm. Os. It is a fixed red light, elevated seventy-nine feet above higli water. .S7ic'd/ocLu//i/.j'.— On Point du Chene Wharf, in the summer, north lati- tude lOd. 1 Im. aOs. West longitude, (Ud. Sim. Os. It is a fixed white light. Two fixed white Beacon liights on Shediac Island, visible ten miles. Miramichi i^iuer.— Lighthouse on Portage Island. Fixed white light, elevated — feet above high water. Two Beacon Lights on Preston's Beach, about five miles above Escu- minac Light. Two Beacon Lights at Oak Point. Two Beacon Lights at (Jranfs. Fixed white lights. Visible ten miles. Ploughs and Plough Castings at J. HOBNCASTLE'S. 4 For nad niood tnko flOI.DKN KLIXIU. 1882.] HATKS OK I'lLOTAOK. 25 liijjliMiouNf at Kliipp«>>,'aii (liilly has been removed from Taylor's Inland, oil tiM' Koiitliw»'Ht, lo Alexander I'oliit, on tli« northeast sldo of tlit' «»n- lranc»» to llir (iully. LalitiuU' N., JTd. Kiiii. ■«»«. Loii>,'itudt' W.. (>ld. :«lin. ■Sm. Tho 'iKlit is a flxeil whito catoptric li>flit, t-lovatod ;W foet al)(;v«i liiKh wfttt^r, ami slioiild l»«i visiMf 11 miles from ail uointH seaward. The tower (•onslHts as lieretofoii; of a scpiaru woodwii liiiildiiiK, 'Ml feet hiRh from base to vano on lantern, painteil white. A small lixlit- consistinK of a lantern. iioisU^d ou a pole, to show also a fixed white liglit, lias been eKtabliHh«d tHl feet S. VV. I)y \V. from tlic main li^ht. It is <'1evated siU feet above hlKh \val«'r, and should be seen !t miles in the dlroelion of tlie ran)?e. The two li(hn /.;V//^^'^. -(Jreen Head. Sand Point, Oak Point. No Man's Kriend, Oromocto Shoals, Wilmot's MlulT. Cox's Poii\t, Robertson's Point, l'"anjoys Point, Grand Lake, Mus(|uash Island, and Hendry Farm, \Vo8h- udeniuak Lake. Visible ten miles. Pilotage District of the Port of Saint John, RATES OF PILOTAdK. INWARDS. First District.— From Partridge Island to Musquash Head, bearing North West, One Dollar per foot. Second District. From Musquash Head to Point Lepreaux, boariu^? North West, One Dollar and Twenty-five cents per foot. Third District.— Vvom I'oint Ii«'preaux to North Head of fJrand Manan, bearing North West, or North Channel, i>earing South East, One Dollar and T'lfty cents per foot. Fourth District. --Vvom the Noi-th Head of Cirand Manan, or Tforth Chan- nel, as aforesaid, to Machius Seal Island, bearing South, or BrifT Inland, bearing South East. One Dollar and Seventy-live cents per foot. Fifth District. ~¥voxn the outside limit of the Fourth District to a !>*,»» ml ranging witti Mount Desert and Cape Sable, Seal Island "leariiifj Nxr/li West and South East, being the outside limits of thi 'ilottt>. ■ District, Two Dollars and Twenty-five cents per foot. Ol'TWAUDS. Pilotage from the Harbor of the Port of St. .lohn to outside of Pui'tflJ; ' Island, One Dollar and Twenty-five cents per foot. Pilotage down the Day of Fundy, when re(Hiin'd. nliall be Two Dollars per foot over and above the One Dollar and Twenty the Dotnin '<« of Canada, 150 tons and under, and all ves- sel-, outward boi 't beyond i»»e First District. f i-i 9 'B 3 a o 9 3 1 s CM o o p 1 t a (t S a r* U O &* d W Sole and Up per Leather at T. HOSNCASTLE'S, Indiantown. BARKER'S QUININE WINE and IRON Is the Genuine. i o •-J 02 a be H P4 > o O u a S CO d 2 > O CO a "3 S E.-TRACT PROM BY-LAWS. Section 7.— The Pilot pilotivig a vessel from sea shall be entitled to pilot her to sea when she next leaves port, and should the master or owner re- (luire the services of the pilot down the Bay of Fundy, to perform this service as well, unless in either case on complaint of the master, owner or agent of the said vessel, the Pilotage Authorities direct otherwise, and in case the master of such vessel shall engage any other person to pilot his vessel down the Bay, he shall be liable to pay to the I*ilotage Authorities the full pilotage dues for such service, for the "benefit of the pilot so entitled, and shall also be subjec'^ to a penalty not exceeding forty dollars. Section 2.— Provided always, that it shall be at the option of the Pilotage Authorities to license such persona for the first year after passing such ex- amination to pilot only vessels not exceeding 500 tons register nor 12 feet draft water The followinfr are Licensed Pilots : Thos. Traynor, Richard Cline, J. L. C Sherrard, John Sproul, Geo. P. Mulherrin, Samuel Rutherford. Daniel Mul- herrin, Daniel Daie;y^, James S. Spears, James McPartland, Charles Daley James Reed, jr., Richard Scott, .John Scott, Samuel L. Sutton, Wm. Millar, Henry Thomas, Jr.mes Doyle, Alfred Cline, Michael Garrity, James Mur- ray, Wm. Quinn, ]'atrick Oonlin, John Tliomas, Henry Spears, E. J. Flet- cher, Bartholomew Rogers, John Spears (^rd), William Scott, Pat- rick Traynor, Robert Thomas, Thos. John Stone, Joseph Doherty, Wm. Lahey, James Cassserley, James E. Mantle, John Spears (Sud), Philip Geo. Doody, John Traynor. John McAnulty, for Musquash. Eates of Wharfage. Established hy Act 5 Vict. c. 39, in the City of Saint John and Parish of Portland. For every decked vessel or woodboat of the burthen of 40 tons and under, 30c. per day; above 10 and under 50 tons, "loc. ; above fifty and under 60 tons, 40c. ; above 60 and under 70 tons, 45c. ; above 70 and under 80 tons, 50c. ; above 80 and under !M) tons, 55c. ; above 90 and under 100 tons, 60c. ; above KX) and under 120 tons, 70c. ; above 120 and under 150 tons, 80c. ; above 1.50 and under ISO tons, 00c. ; above IHO and i;nder 2(X) tons, $1.(K); above 200 and under 220 tons, 11.10; above 220 and under 240 tons, 1.20; and and and and and and and and and and under 260 tons, under ;W() tons, under 340 tons, under ;380 tons, under 4,50 tons. l.'iO\ above 1..5(); above 1.70; above l.!H); above 2.25; above for every additional 50 <^oiis. 2«)0 :-}(K) 340 •.m 450 under under under under under 280 320 360 400 500 tons, tons, tons, tons, tons. 1.40: 1.60; 1.80; 2.00; 2.50; above 210 above 280 above 320 above iHW above 400 and 25c. Top Wharfage. Established by Act 13 Vict. c. H, in the City of Saint John, and Parish of Portland. Anchors and chains of all kinds, per ton, one shilling and threepence; barrels of flour, bread and meal, and all other barrels under 224 lbs. weight each, one halfpenny; half barrels, firkins, and kegs of all kinds, each one farthing; barrels of salt, provisions and pickled fish, each, one penny, bal- last, per t^'u, sixpence; bricks, per thousand, one shilling; bales and boxes of merchandize, each, fourpence; boxes of soap or candles, weighing 112 lbs. or less, each, one farthing; boxes weighing over 112 lbs. each, one half- penny; boxes of smoked herrings, each, one farthing; copper and composi- tion bars, bolts, sheets, spikes, and nails, per ton, one shilling ; coals (except Anthracite), per chaldron, fourpence; coals. Anthracite, per chaldron, threepence ; carriages and coaches, each, sixpence ; chalk, per ton, sixpence : cattle, viz.. bulls, oxen and cows, each, sixpence; heifers, calves, sheep and lambs, each, one penny; coffee, cocoa, nuts and filberts, in bags, per bag, one halfpenny; salt, in bags, each, one halfpenny; dried fish, per quintal, one halfpenny;, in boxes of KK) feef, each, one half penny ; glass, smaller packages, each, one farthing; hogsheads of liquors and liquids, Pegs, Shoe Nails and Lasts at J. HOBNCASTLE'S. fcvery Traveller should have a bottle of FELLOWS' SPEEDY RELtEP. [1882. 1882.] A D VEBTISEMKNTS. 27 BUY YOUR 1^. FOR CASH . And Save Money ! T.M. Carpenter & Co., DEALERS IN P"5 aiami m m> o J FAMiLi mmm Fruits, Provisions, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. MAIN STREET, opposite Adelaide Road, TOWN OF PORTLAND. i^^ Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. ...^1 » 2 a ^ §• 3 39 GO O <1 (t f a s i n O o 3 § > p > > »* S CO I 93 French Fronts and English Kip at J. HOBNGASTLE'S, Indiantown. II' For Sore Eyes use FELLOWS' EYE OINTMENT. 28 SLIPPAGE, MARKET TOLLS, ET<\ [1882. each, fourpence; hay, screwed, per ton, one shilling; hay, unscrewed per ton, one sliilling and sixpence; hides, green,e ach, one half penny ; hides, dry, each, one farthing; hides, in bales, per bale, sixpence; hemp, cordage *,"J^P'''^"^^' P^i'ton, one shilling; hollow ware and castings, per ton, one shilling and threepence; hampers, each, one penny; horses, mnros and geldings, each, sixpence; hogsheads of lime and dry fish, each, threepenoe; iron, in bars, bolts, sheets, plates, nails, spikes and pigs, per ton, one shil- ling; lumber, per thousand feet, superficial, sixpence; lead, in bar, sheet, shot, pigs and pipes, per ton, one shilling; molasses, per hogshead, four- pence; molasses, per puncheon, fourpence; molasses, per tierce, three- pence; puncheons, of all kinds, not herein otherwise provided for, each, fourpence; pipes of liquids and liquors, each, sixpence; quarter casks of all kinds, each, twopence; raisins, in box, per box, one lialrpenny; raisins m smaller packages, each, one farthing; sugar, in hogshead) ," each six- pence; salt, in bulk, grain and roots of all kinds, per hundred bushels, one shilling and sixpence; slate, per ton, sixpence: stone, per ton, sixpence; .sjpelter, per ton, one shilhng; lea, in boxes, each, one penny: timber of all kinds, undressed, per ton, sixpence; tierces of sugar, or of gother articles not herein enumerated, each, fourpence; waggons, buggies, gigs, and other vehicles, each, threepence; zinc, in sheets, bar, block, nails and spikes, per ton, one shilling All empty packages to pay half the rates of full packages: and on all goods, wares and merchandize, not hereinbefore enumerated and rated, to pay at the rate of one shilling per ton weight or measurement, at the option of the collector, proprietor, or lessee of the wharves where the sanle is placed. V :■ iECarbour Master's Fees. fe'l « «; On vessels -iO tons and under .50 tons, 'jOc. : vessels of 50 and under 75 tons, rSc; ~5 and under 1(X) tons, $1.00; KX) and under 150 tons, 1.25; 1.50 and under 200 tons, 1.50; 200 and under 300 tons, 2.00; JMX) and under 1(H) tons, 2.,50; 400 tons and under 500 tons, 8.00; .500 tons and under 5.50 tons, 3.50 ; 550 tons and under GOO tons, 3.75; and 25 cents for every additional 50 tons. Fish Market Dues. For every Salmon, 3c; Codfish, Pollock, Bass or Shad, each, Ic; halibut, not exceeding 20 lbs, 2c; exceeding 20 lbs, and every 20 lbs, 2c; every Lob- ster, Ic ; dozen of Haddock, 3c ; every 100 of Gaspereaux, Alewives, Her- ringB, or other small fish, 3c. " « »" ; * ►' | Bates of Slippage at the Oorporatioa Slip. All decked vessels, same rates as foi- wharfage, woodboats, or other boats, or undecked vessels, having standing masts, and all scows, and not lying at the wharves^on either side of the Slips, to pay the following rates: Eveiy Woodboat of sufflcimt burthen to carry 10 cords of wood or under SO.fiO Ditto Ditto upwards of 10 cords, and not more than 15 . . 1.00 Ditto Ditto upwards of 15 cords, and not more than 20.. 1.50 Ditto Ditto upwards of 20 cords 2.00 The above is to be paid each trip; and if any stich vessel remains over six days, an additifnial duty to be paid of from 50 cents to f 1 daily, accord- ing to'the burthen. Other boats and vessels without decks, and having fixed or standing masts, and all scows, to pay ;iOc each trip, and :i0c addi- tional per day, if suffered to remain over three days. Market Tolls. Beef, per quarter, 4 cents; Hogs of 200 lbs or under, 4c, and every addi- tional lOf) lbs Ic; Sheep, I^amb, Goat or Veal, per carcass, each, ic; Butter, tub, pail, .iar or firkin, of 10 lbs and under, 2c; every additional 10 lbs, Ic; Butter in "rolls, and lard in cakes, for every 10 lbs, or under. 2c ; Tallow, for GrindBtones and Piztures at !• HOENCASTLE'S. Summer Complaints use FELLOWS' SPEEDY RELIEF. 1882.] MARKER TOLLS, RATES, ETC 29 evtny 10 lbs, or under, Ic; Cheese, for every 10 lbs, or under, Ic; Potatoes, per 1(K) lbs, or under, Sc; Turnips, per 100 lbs, Ic; Oysters, in tubs or other vessels, per gallon, 2c; do, in shell, per bushel, 2c; Turkeys, eaclj, Ic; (Jeese each, Ic; Pigeons, per dozen, Ic; Partridges, Fowls or Ducks, per pair, Ic; Flour or Meal, per 100 lbs, 2c; Oats, per 100 lbs, 2c; Peas and Beans, per 100 lbs, .'ic; Ham, Sl'oulders and Bacon, per piece, Ic; Eggs, for every 10 dozen, or under, Ic; Beets, Carrots, and Parsnips, per KM) lb«, He; Apples, per 100 lbs, .'Jc; Plums, per 100 los, Sc; cherries, per box, Uc; Cucumbei-s, per dozen, Ic; Fish, smoked, per 100, 2c; Sugar, maple, for 10 lbs, or under, Ic; eveiy additional 10 lbs, Ic; Socks and Mits, per dozen pair, 8c; Yarn, woolen, per lb, Ic; Corn, green, per dozen, J.^c; Peas and Beans, green, per 1(K) lbs, 5c; Onions, per 100 lbs, 'ic: Cabbages, per dozen, 4c; Berries, for .5 quart pail, Ic; do, for 10 quart pail. 2c; Moose, Cariboo and Bear, per quarter. 4c; Deer, per quarter, 2c; Hides. Ox or Cow, each, ic; Skins, Sheep, eacli2c; Skins, Calf, tanned or untanned, each, 2c; Wool, per lb. Ic; Feathers, pei" lb, Ic; Salmon, each, 2c. All other articles not enu- merated, 2 cents on each dollar of value. Tolls at the Hay Market. Hay, per cwt. Ic, Straw, per cwt, i^c; Shingles, per M, 4c; Cedar Posts, per dozen, 4c; Wood, per cord, 4c; Juniper, per ton, 4c; Spars, to 9 inch, each,*2c; do, over » inch, each, 4c; Planks, per M, ii2c\ Boards, per M, Hie. Hardwofid, Ash, Bii'ch, Maple, or other hardwood logs, each, 2c; Staves, hardwood, per 1(X), 2c; do, softwood, per 100, J^c; Hoop Poles, per 1(X), Ic. Every load not exceeding one thousand pounds weight, 80c; and 2c for every additional hundred-weight— payable, half by the seller, and half by the Purchaser. Time for G-oing Through the Falls. The Falls are level or still water at about three ami a half hours on the /()(«/, and about two anle four times iu,twenty-four hours, abo\xt ten or fifteen minutes each time. No other rule can be given, as much depends on the floods in the lliver Saint John, and the time of hit,'h water or full sea, which is t)ften hastened by hiyh winds, and in proportion to the height of them. TIME BALL. The Time Ball (m Northern Tower of the Custom House Building, will be hoisted half its elevatitm each day (Sundays e.xcepted) at fifteen minutes before one f>'clock. At one minute before one o'clock it will ha hoi.sted its full length; and at one o'clock, mean time, the Ball will be clrop])ed, A Chronometer, keejjing correct Greenwich time, should then shi»w .'ih. 24m. 1.5s., and the diiference between this and the time shown by a Chnmometer, is its trud error on Greenwich time at the moment. As the above hour of one o'clock, when the Ball drops, rep- resents oh. 24m. 15s. at Greenwich, the errin' of i. Chronometer may be ascertained, no matter where the ship is lying. Masters of vessels arriving at St. John shcmld compare their Chronometers by the Time Ball, as it will enable tlioni to get the sea rate, which frequently varies from harbor rates. IjatitUfle 4.5d. Kim. 42s. North ; Longitude in time, 4h. 24m. l.5s. West of Greenwich. GEORGE HUTCHINSON, DlBEf'TOR. o n Pi » N M P f 3S' n CO n 3 o o CD 9 Carpenter's Tools at J. HOBNCASTLE'S, Indiantown, BARKER'S EMULSION of NORWA.Y COD LIVER OIL for Conaumptlon. a ^ .2 'So a o u to o a> I 0) »1> Ifcl O 6 O o s s, I 01 30 BATB8 OP CARTAGE. [1882 Kates of Cartage in the City of Saint John. ARTICLES AND WEIGHT. For a load of Wood (Quarter of a Cord), - For a load of Coals (Half a Clialdron), For a load containing; 1350 lb<). of Qrain, Salt, Potatoes, or any other articles measured at loading or unloading, except Coals, For a pipe of Wine, Oin, or lirandy, and houaing within the door of the first floor. For a puncheon of Rum, or a tierce of Sugar, from 7 to 10 cwt., and housing. For a puncheon of Molasses, a hogshead of Sugar, of lUcwt. or upnrards, or a hogshead of Tobacco, and housing, ... For a hogshead or puncheon of Cider, or a load of Dried Fish, of 15 cwt., and storing. For a load of Shingles, Hoop Poles, Head ing. Staves, Treenails, Smoked Fish iii boxes, Salmon in kits, Ury Goods, or a load of any other article not herein mentioned, or a hogs head of Lime, or a hogshead or crate of Karth- enware, or two tierces of Earthenware, a hogshead of Dried Fish, two tierces of ColTee, or quantity in bags not exceeding 12 cwt., or a load containing C bags Salt, say about 1:^0 lbs., or a Ir ,d containing 6 brls. Flour, or 5 brls of Sugar, i-ish. Beef, Pork, Turpentine, Cider, or half a ton of Iron, or the same quantity of Cordage in coil not exceeding 4 cwt., or a load of any articles not herein mentioned, For a 01 gallon cask of Wine, Hum, Gin, Brandy, Molasses, or Porter, or for a load of Sand, Gravel, or Stonei), or a load of 4 brls. of any Spirituous Liquor or Molasso , - For Cables and Cordage, in coils above a 3wt., or if to coil, per ton, or if for Hay loose. per ton. For Hay, screwed, per ton, .... For Bricks, per thousand, .... For Lumber, per Uiousand feet. For the carriage of any article or articles not exceeding half a load, . . . . DISTRICTS Ibt.i 2d. |8d. !4th. i5th. Oth. $ c, ( c. $ c. 1$ c. $ c. $ c If. 25 17 60 30 40 25 18 20! 28 28 80 83 20, 22 25 C3: 65| 68 33! 35 87 15 20 48, 45 28 80 48 83 18 20 28 23 25 OOil 05';! 10 !50l 54| 57 80| 85! 00 60, 65j 70 101 13 15 28 I 15 60 75 25 28 86, 37 28 70 40 50 85 25 30 I 21 64 I 00 80 30 73 42 53 88 28 83 7th. (Sth, ♦ c'l c, 80i 33 40' 42 83 75 45 55 40 85 78' 47 I I 58: 80 35 88 83 18 20 1 25,1 80 67 1 70 1 05 1 10 65 90 28 1 85 73 I 1 1.V, 95 I I' 25 28;; For Household Furniture, without reference to distances, single horse load, 75c. ; more one horse, $1.50 ; and when agreement is by the hcur, single teams, 50c., double team, $1. The First Dlatnct to comprise all that part of the City lying between and within the North side of Union Street, the East side of Prince William Street, and the South side of Duke Street. Second DUtrUt to comprise all that part of the City outside of the First Dis- trict, which lies between and within the East side of Mill Street, near the City ine, North side of Pond Street, East side of Peel Street, North side of Carleton Street, East side of Coburg and Charlotte Streets, and South side ot Queen Street. Third Vintnet to comprise all that part of the City outside of the Second Dis- trict, that lies between and within the City line on the North, the East side of Dorchester Street, North side of Hazen Street, East side of Garden Street, North- erly side of Paddock Street, Easterly side of Waterloo Street, East side of Sidney Street, nd South side of Saint James Street. Fourt/t District to comprise all that part of the City outside of the Third Dis* trict, that lies between and within the City line on the North, to the Westward of J, HOBNGASTLE, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Indiantown, nsumptlon, BARKER'S QUININE WINE Is the only Genuine. [1882 ohn. 1 Std. 7th. Sth. > c. » e. ^ c. 2R 87 30 78 42 30i 8,*5 40l 42 83 75 45 53 55 40 28 83 85 78' I 58: 43 80 35 88 8S 25,1 80 1 ai 6Ti 70 051 10 65 9U 73 I 1 ^:> 95 88 2 5 28 nad, 75c. ; ;Ie teams, nreen and ' treet, and First Dis- r the City Carle ton n Street, cond Dig. St side of t, North- of Sidney hird Dis< itward of 1882.] RATES OF FEREIAOE. 31 line at right angles to the said City line, and which strilces the intersection of the Easterly line of Coburg with the Northerly line of Hazen Street, the Easterly side of Coburg Street, Northeily side of CliiT Street, Westerly side of Waterloo Street, Northerly s'Je of Richmond Street, Easterly side of Brussels Street, Eas- terly side of Carmarthen Street, and Southerly side of Main Street. ^Jlh District to coini>riae &\l that i)&rt ot the City outside of the Fourth Dis- trict, that lies between and within the City line on the North, the Southerly line of the Qeneral Public Hospital Grounds, the Northerly side of Jordan's Alley (so called), lying between Waterloo and Urussels Streets, Easterly side of Brussels Street, Northerly side of Clarence Street, Easterly side of Saint Patrick Street, Easterly side of Wentworth Street, and Southerly side ol Main Street. Sixth Ditstnct to comprise all that part of the City outside of the Fifth District, which lies between and within the Northerly side of Clarence Street, Easterly side of Saint David Street, East side of Pitt Street, and South side of Main Street. Seventh District to comprise all that part of the City lying to the South of the South side of Main Street, and to the East of the East side of Pitt and Saint David Streets, and to the South of the North side of Clarence Street. ElghVh Dintrict to comprise all that part of Uie City lying to the Northward of the North side of Clarence Stroet, to the Eanward of the East side of Brussels Street, and Northward of the Northerly side of the said Jordan's Alley, and Northward of the Southerly line and bound of the General Public Hospital Grounds. Bates of Ferriage across the Harbour of St. John. PRINX'ESS STUEET FERRY. Foot passengers, 3 cents each ; Discount Tickets, 50 for One Dollar ; children under 12 years of age, and school boys and girls over 12 years j of age, going to and from school only, and sewing girls, 2 cents single tickets, CO cents per month ; clerks under 21 years of age, and appren- tices, 3 cents single ticket, $1.25 per month ; horse, ox, or other large animal, 5 cents single ticket ; single waggon, cart, dray, sled, or other one horse vehicle, 4 cents single ticket; single waggon, gig, or sleigh, with horse and driver, 10 cents single ticket, 15 for $1; single cart, dray, sled, or other one horse vehicle for hauling purposes, with horse and driver, 9 cents single ticket, 15 for$l; double waggon or sled, for hauling purposes, with horses and driver, 13 cts., single ticket, 13 for |l ; if load over 4000 lbs., for every additional 200 lbs, 1 cent ; double waggon or carriage, for conveying passengers, including horses and driver, 15 cents; one barrel, 2 cents; bag, containing two bushels, 2 cents; firkin, keg, or box, of about came size, 1 cent; cask of lime, four cents; pipe, hogshead, or puncheon, 15 cents; every lOJ lbs of other freight, 1 cent. CoRPOEATiON Anchorage. — Vessels not exceeding 50 tons, 75c.; 50 to 100 tons, |1 ; 100 to 150 tons, $1.25, 150 to 200 tons, |1.60; 200 to 250 tons, |1.75; 250 to 800 tons, $2; 800 to 850 tons, $2.25: 850 to 400 tons, $2.50; 400 to 450 tons, 12.75; 450 to 500 tons, $3 ; 500 to 560 tons, $3.25; 550 to 600 tons, $3.50 ; 600 to 650 tons, $3.75 ; 650 to 700 tons, $t ; 700 to 750 tons, $4.25 ; 750 to 800 tons, $4.50 ; 800 to 850 tons, $4.75 ; 850 to 900 tons, $5; 900 to 950 tons, $5.25; 950 to lUOO tons, $5.5<\ and 25c. for each additional 50 tons. Pony Carts, Express Carts, and Express Waggons. For loading, carrying, and housing any goods, or any other article, from the Market Slip, in King's and Queen's Wards, or from any other place within the limits of the first district, to any other place within the said several five districts, the rates of pi ices are as follows : For the first district, lOc; second district, 12c; third district, 14c; fourth dis- trict, 16c; fifth district, 18c; sixth district, 20c; seventh district, 2^0; eighth district, 24c. o g S. B c o D 5- i o B > f CO g- B w wn, Tar, Pitch, nnd Oakum at J. HOBNCAMTLE'H. FELLOWS' SPEEDY RELIEF has no equal. o O H < > 6 n < 2S 20 63 as 48 3d. 4tii. 5th. Cth. i7th, I c. I c, 18i 8o! 22' i 45 2b' 28 80 18 20 20 23| 25 I I 001 051 10 50j 54 57 80 85| 90 60 65' 70 10 l.S; 15 20 88 26 68 88 48 83 I c. 2S 85 28 70 40 60 85 $ c. $ c. 251 28 37 40 SO 73 42 33 76 45 531 55 I I 88 40 28 25 28 15 60 95 75 18 30 1 20 I 00 80 20 28 80 83 85 1 25,1 80 67 70 1 05 1 10 S5l 90 28 25 The First District to comprise all that part of Carleton lying north of Rodney \ street, and west of Front Row. I The SecondPiatrict to comprise that space lying beyond the first District north- j ward of Rodney street, extending west to Ludlow street. | The Tkird District to comprise the space lying beyond the seccnd Dintrict northward of Rodney street, extending west to Watson street. I The Fourth. District to comprise the space lying beyond the third District north, ward of Rodney street, extending west to the City line. The FifUi District to comprise the space lying south of Rodney street, and east of Maine street. I The Sixth District to comprise the space lying beyond the fifth District, and be- ; yond the south line of Rodney street, and extending west to Ludlow street, and ; to the north side of Germain street. | The Seveiitfi District to comprise all the space lying beyond the sixth District. For Handcartmen and Porters for loading and carrying any articles on any handcart, and housing according to the following scale : — For the First District, Scents; Second District, G cents; Third District, 7 cents; Fourth District, 8 cento; Fifth District, 9 cents; Sixth District, 10 cents; Seventh District, 11 cents. Kooflng Fitch and Sheathing Felt a| J. UOltNCASTLE'S* 1882. i. PH. Cth. ;7th. C. 1 c'l c. 23 85 25 37 28 40 28 80 33 70 73i 75 1 40 42 46 60 1 531 65 1 36 88 40 BARKER'S WORM LOZENOES will cxire Worms in Children. 25 28 80 80 20 G\ 00 80 I 20 33 85 1 25,1 80 67 1 70 1 051 10 85' 90 2^1 25 of Rodney | strict north- j [nd Dintrict Istrlct north- let, and east I ^ict, and be- 1 ' street, and ] jcth District. Icles on any li-st District, I District, 8 Bt, 11 cents. 1882.] ADVEllTISRMENTS. 33 Cotton Manufactures Awjirded the Oxly Medal given at tlie Centennial Exhibition for Canadian Yarns, and the (Iold Medal, for Cotton CJoods, at the Dominion Exhibition at Mon- treal, and First Pf^tzer at Toronto, Hamilton and London Exhibitions of 1880. - CX30Cj - ISTos- 5 -bo lO, WHITE, BLUE, ORANCE&CREEN, made of good American Cotton with great care, cor- rectly nnmbered, and warranted full length and weight. mnm CMPEi WASP MAI>EofNo. 10 YAHWS, TWTSTBB, White, Eed, Green, Blue, Brown and Orange, ALL FAST COLORS. Each 51b. bundle contains 10,000 yards in length, and will make a length of Carpet in proportion to the num- ber of ends in width. In various widths and qualities. FMNCY WOVE SHIRTINGS In Checks and Stripes, warranted to wear better than any similar goods in the Market. > b Q (6 1) > o n o m CO >* lubricating tind Burning Oils at J. HOBNCASTLE',^, luaianton-n. UNIVERSAL LINIMENT ia the Farmers' Friend. I a 5 « 9 I O I 2 •a 'a I 34 ADVEUTISEMENTS. [.882. VAMMW , OOff MAffl » lift 1 tt In all Numbers and Colors. Put up in 2 oz, Balls. 2 lbs, in each box, MADE FROM THE FINEST LONG STAPLED (COTTON, SE- LECTED ESPECIAIiLY FOJt THE PUllPOSK. THIS KNITTING COTTON IS VERY (CAREFULLY SPUN AND WILL BE FOUND TO BE EVENLY MADE AND CORRECT- LY NUMBERED. Particular care is taken to have the Dyeing and Bleaching perfectly done, and FULL WEIGHT IN EVERY BALL. -♦♦♦- Special Attention is directed to our m mmAmw^M w 1mm f Suitable for Manufacturers of Hosiery. Better than any other makes, and so acknowledged by all who have used them. These Goods are supplied to all the Firrt Class Manufacturers in the Dominion. Our Goods are sold by us to the Wholesale Trade only, from whom Country merchants can always obtain them by ask- ing especially for them. Nil ii«iiwi@i ^©mn muM, ST. JOHN, N. B. TaUow rncktng ana Cotton VTmte at ^, HOBN€ASTI.E*S< ■hi* GOLDEN ELIXIR will Cure Kidnoj- Complaint. [.882. Balls. 'ON, SE- THIS eaching o 9 mn any d them, acturers e onlv, by aBK- m ? CALENDAR. 35 1882. ] JANUARY has Thirty-One Days. U 882. Phasks of the aioox. Full Moon, 1th tlivy, (ih. aim. IHa. a. m. W.WN. Apopee. Last Quarter, lath day. 11 li. a:hn. ().').s. a. m. W.J^S. rth day, 12h. r. m. New Moon, 19th day. Oh. IDm. iSs. i'. m. Kt>uth. Perigee. First Quarter, 2(;th day, ;Jh. 20m. ais. a. m. N W. hy N. 9()th day, 9h. a, u. • l^ ANNIVER8AHIKS, FESTIVALS, m 4 U ^A P OCCUIIKKNCES, &C. =°2 "i »« 12 CircumciHion. [S n. ill. " ' 11 M. H M. SETS. H. M. 1 Su . 2(1 Sunday after Christni--^. 23 00 7 46 4 22 4m48 arms 8m58 2 Mo (1) V. Schdolh inst. N.B. .^72. 22 55 7 45 4 23 5 46 arms 9 30 a Tu Equity Hilt., Kim/s Co. C'unrl. 22 4:) 7 45 4 24 6 28 Ijrest 10 25 4 W Eiuption of Vesuvius, 18G8. 22 43 7 45 4 25 7 13 brest 11 13 5 Th Duke of York tl. 1827. utormy 22 36 7 45 4 26 UISE8 brest 11 53 G Fri Epinhany. Bible Society instituted, 1804 22 2917 45 4 27 7e17 heart Oe45 7 Sat 22 22 7 44 4 29 8 17 heart 1 21 8 Su 1st Sunday after Ejaphany. 22 14 7 44 4 30 9 16 bwla 1 53 9 Mo (8)P. Alb.VictorWalenb. 186t. 22 05 7 44 4 3i 10 16 bwls 2 25 10 Tu St. John A: West Civ. , d; Yoi-k Co. 21 57 74434 32 11 15 bwls 2 57 11 W (10)Pen.po8t(Eng.)1840. [Cts 21 47 7 43 4 33 MORN rein? 3 31 12 Th Cor. Q. Eliza. 1559. <0 cold 21 38 7 43 4 34 16 reins 4 11 18 Fri St. Hillary. hi(ih winds. 21 28 7 42 4 30 1 19 seers 4 58 14 Sat Alphonso Kin^'of Spain, 1874 2d Sunday after Epiphany. 21 17 7 42 4 37 2 24 sacra 5 58 15 Su 21 06 7 41 4 .38 3 32 seers 7 16 16 Mo Gibbon, historian, died, 1759. 2) 55 7 41 4 39 4 37 thigs 8 33 17 Tu York N. P. Sit. Kent d; Sun. Co. 20 43 7 40 4 41 5 39 thigs 9 23 18 W Old Twelfth Day. [Courts. 20 31 7 39 4 42 6 34 knee 10 12 19 Th First Eng. Parliament, 1265. 20 19 7 38 4 44 SETS knee 11 07 iO Fri St. Fabian. hkih tides. 20 06 7 37 4 45 61.1s legs 11 52 21 Sat St. Agues. snow or rain. 19 52 7 36' 4 47 7 35 legs MOKN 22 Su 3rd Sunday after Ei)iph.iny. 19 39 7 35 4 48 8 54 feet 1 00 23 Mo (22) Byron born, 1783. 19 25 7 34 4 .5010 08 feet 1 47 24 'J\i St.John,North. li-QoceisCo. Cts. 19 10 7 33 4 52 11 22 face 2 32 2.^) W Robert Burns born, 1759. 18 56 7 32 4 53 mokn face 3 15 26 Th Sydney, N. S.Wales, fd. 1788. 18 41 7 31 4 55 31 neck 3 59 27 Fri Audubon d. 1851. snmvlstoi'mij 18 25 7 30 4 56 1 39 neck 4 49 28 Sat Paris surrendered, 1871. 18 10 7 29 4 57 2 41 arms 5 48 29 Su 4th Sunday after Epiphany. 17 53 7 28 4 59 3 39 arms 7 09 30 Mo K. Charles I. beheaded, 1649. 17 37 7 27,5 00 4 30 arms 8 34 31) Tu Equity Sittings. 17 20 7 26,5 02 5 15 brest 9 25 I, iC- F. BUIiPUJE cCr CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN IRON, STEEL, TINPLATES, AND METALS GENERALLY. OF] FICE AND WAREHOUSE, DOCK STREET, ST . JOHN, N. B. ^i Ldvertisements in detail under Months Ms irch, May, July, September and November. .. ■_ ■■■■^, . — ■ — - -* • i H O t> p I ■s n ■-! P f ra P » > B S m B CD The Best Vnlne In Teas, ut J. lI01tN€A»TLI^*S Orucci-y, Imllantowu. GOLDEN ELIXIR Puiifles tho Dlood. s be < H P4 -1 > p 13 4> •r a 3 t/; •a I 3 1— I r-. a cc OJ i o o 30 f'ALRNDAU. im.] FEBRUARY has Twenty-Eight Days. [I88a. PiiAHKH f IP THio Moon. Full INIooii. ;!nl day. lli. ■V.lm. irw. a. m. S. S. W. Lust giuiih'i'. nth (lav. Hi. '»m. ^Ns. a. m. S. S. E. Nt'w Moon, irili (lav, lOli. 'S>m. ^M.s. v., it. N. N. W, Fii-st Quarter, ^Itli clay. tmin. 5.»7.s. i'. m. S. l)y E. Apogee. 4th (lav. 7h. A. M. Terigee. irth day, lOh. p. m. 'j^ w " Ui l-% 75 w ^ K t'-- 1 w 2 'I'h A I'^ri 4 Sat 5 S.i i> Mo 7 'I'll 8 W (» Th 10 I'Vi 11 Sat 12 Su IS Mo 11 Tu 15 W 1() 'I'll 17 Yx\ 18 Sat 1!» Su 20 Mo 21 Tu 22 W 23 'th 24 Kii 25 Sat 20 Su 27 Mo 28 Tu ANNIVKRHAIUKS, I'KSTIVALH, ()C'('timi;NC'K,S, &('. St. Hridyet. ( 'amllt^nuis Day. Span.ln(|.aliol.l81.']. hmnlfrml (ialvani(l.l7'.!0. inilexKU'iiulS. Sei)tuagesiiua Sunday. (;imvle.s IL died, Ki'.K). SitiD-cnw (h)i(rt, Tcniis. Lord Mayi; assas.siuated, 1S72 (!()l(l Friday, ISC.l. (^uecn Victoria mar. 1840. ( 'old Wednesday. LS.57. r((iii Se.\ai,'esima Sunday. and Ktlian Allan died, storiiii/ St. Valentine, lilack.^tone died, 1780. Dr. Kane died, 18.57. Luther died, 15()4. fair and Extreme IIi;//t I'idr.f. frotiti/ t^uin(ma^'ehinia. Shrove Sun. Leo Xlll. elected Pope, 1878. Shrove Tuthsday. Ash Wednenday. (22) Washington born, 1732. St. (2(i) Thos. Moore d. 1852. fair (Quadragesima. 1st Sun. in Lent Longfellow born 1807. (Causes Kings Co. Cir. Dir. and Math 17 H) \{\ K) 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 J> 9 n 8 8 03 4(; 2!t 11 53 31 10 57 37 18 58 31) i;^^ 58 37 17 50 35 13 52 30 08 40 24 02 40 17 M. 25 24 23 22 21 20 ID 18 17 15 14 13 11 10 0!) 07 00 04 03 01 50 58 56 55 53 51 49 47 H M. 03 04 05 0(i 07 08 10 11 12 14 15 17 18 20 21 23 24 20 27 29 31 32 34 35 37 38 39 40 1r, Ji P ^ H. M HETS 5m53 6 2G 54 lll.SES 8k07 9 00 10 07 11 09 MOHN 11 1 10 2 10 3 21 4 17 5 07 5 50 SKTS 0k24 7 42 8 58 10 12 11 25 MOIIN 30 :'-2 25 12 53 breHt heart heart heart bWin bwls reina reiiiH reinH seers seers thigs thigs knee knee legs legs feet feet face face neck neck arms arms arms brest orest d H. M. 10m 15 11 00 11 40 Ok27 58 1 28 1 58 2 30 3 00 3 34 4 17 5 13 27 7 59 9 21 9 54 10 47 11 30 MORN 42 24 07 48 31 17 5 15 6 29 8 O^i H a QC H > \ S 30 § S S P^ ^ H H FERRY LANDINCi, INDIANTOWN. SAI NT JOHN, N. B. All Goods will be sold at moderate prices, and delivered on board Steamers or other vessels free of charge. Country produce taken in exchange^ for Goods, and, if consigned, wiJl receive special attention PHILIP NASE LEONARD T. NASE. Nails a» Q % B 8 02 I. & F. BURPEB & CO., BEG to call the attention of those who use IRON in any I'urm to their HEAVY STOCK, including : PIG IRON— 111 Scotch and Londonderry. BAR IRAN ^ '^ Welsh Bolt, English Best Refined { Londonderry, Lowmoor and Swede. Boiler Plate, Tnbes, Rivets, Tank and Angle Iron. SHEET IRON— Coin'on & Galvanized, Russia & R.G, Bf uskcs, Brooms, rnUs and Tubs at J. IIOBNCASTLE'S. w UNIVERflAL Ih the fltandonl T.inimont. to > 6 «0 •I I i *^ I en O ■)-> )i. l.Jm. iriH. p. m. W. by HMH Kli-Ht Qimrti'r. 2M\ day, 'ih. .'llni. -'Mn. a. m. N. W.^ IVriKC*'. irjlhduy, 111. Apoi,'ned, 1713. Handel died, 1759. Princess Beatrice born, 1857. (14) Pres. Lincoln assas. 1805. Low Sunday. B. Frankhn, died, 1790. fair American Kevolution, 1775. St. Alphege. Napoleon llL born, 1808. Rush. d. war ay't Turkey, 1877 (23) Shakespeare b. 15G4,d. 1016 2d Sun. aft. Piaster. St.Georyo Cromwell lK)rn, 1599. St. John undKent Cotinty Courts Cook Id. Bot. Bay, 1770. stonni/ Pre.s. Grant born 1822. Mutiny of the Bounty, 1789. Emp. of Russia born, 1818. 3rd Sunday after Easter. y, yj M , f'-^ i'. r?i /i'2 8 * 5" ia 00 S a^j 2^ OQ Q « s »< _ H. M. f 11 M. H M. METH '4 35 5 45 23 4m2G bwls 4 58 5 43 () 24 4 40 bwlu 5 21 5 41 () 20 5 06 roiuB 5 41 5 39 (i 27 UIBEH rouiH <; 07 5 37 (J 28 8e58 seers (i 30 5 36 6 29 10 02 seers () 52 5 33 6 31 11 04 thigs 7 15 5 31 32 12 00 thih's 7 37 5 29 33 M(JUN thigs 7 5!> 5 27 6 34 51 knee 8 22 5 20 (i 30 1 38 knee 8 43 5 24 37 2 16 legs 9 05 5 22 38 2 51 legB 9 27 5 21 6 39 3 24 feet 9 48 5 19 41 3 56 feet 10 09 5 17 (5 42 4 27 face 10 31 5 15 43 5 01 face 10 52 5 14 G 44 SETS neck n 13 5 13 G 45 8e56 neck 11 33 5 11 G 47 9 59 arms 11 54 5 09 G 48 10 56 arms 12 14 5 08 (J 49 11 42 brest 12 34 5 00 G 51 MOI'N brest 12 54 5 04 6 52 23 brest 13 14 5 03 tJ 53 68 heart 13 33 5 01 G 54 1 27 heart 13 52 4 69 G 56 1 53 bwls 14 11 4 58 G 57 2 19 bwls 14 30 4 67 6 58 2 44 bwls 14 48 4 55 6 59 3 08 rems H. M. lOMOi 10 42 U 17 11 46 0k31 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 25 9 59 10 49 11 32 MORN 16 59 42 19 05 54 47 03 87 12 51 38 37 40 18 32 1 2 3 3 4 5 51 7 11 8 18 9 14 Wheat, Oats, Timothy, Clover and Garden S E E X) S , »osc handlins) a large 4 and HAMS durini; the above ALSO (]>iirnose handlins) a laree quantity of . PORK and HAMS durine^ " Month— All very cneap. Ferry Landing, Indiantown, St. John,N. B. r i ^^ 5 J Ciardeaancl Field Seeds at J. HORNCASTLE'g, Indiantown < Pearl Wliito Teeth ubo ENAMELLINfi. CALENHAll. 30 I 1882.] MAY Las Thirty-One Days. [1882. I'tlAMKM OK TlIK MooN. Full Moon, .Srd day. 111. Oflui. .'Ws. a. m. W. 8. W. rerlflft'o. liOHt Uuarter, loth day, 8h. lOm. a7H. a. m. K. W. by 8. lath day, llh. p. Nt'W M(K)ii, lUh day, -'Jli. llHin 'JIh. a. m. N. K. A|ioK(!e. First Quarter, !.Mth tlay, 8h. l«iu, 15h. v. m. 8. W. by 8. tf5th clay, 6h. A. 1 2 3 4 5 (i 7 8 !> 10 11 12 l.S 14 15 10 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 2.'> 2() 27 28 29 30 31 Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sot Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W ANNIVEKHAHIKH, FESTIVALS, OCCUIIUENCES, &C. [N Q. Victoria lOiiipra. Iiulitt,l87(i Equitii SUtintfx. JaniaiuadiHc;.1495. cofUnhowcrK TicoiuleroKa cap., 1775. [la Nauoleon I. died, 1821. ndii (7)Nap<,l. I. made (!oiihu1 1802 4th Sun. after Easter. John Stuart Mill died, 1873. St. John and Carleton cir. Courts Am. Pac. 11. R. fin. 18G9. rain (9)Treaty Washington, 1871. to Ld Stratford beli.l(J41.(7t(U)f/c- Pope Pius IX. boru,17y2. abk. liogation Sunday. O'Connell died, 1847. C/mrlotte circuit court. (19) L. Gov. L. A. Wilmot,d. 78 AscensionDav, cold fvcq. shown (18) Landing LoyaliHtu, 1783. T. Carleton,!.. G ov. N. B. ,1780, Sunday after Ascension. Columbus died 150(5. Loss of the Admiral, 1874 9.yictoriubyni.i819. I'rincess Helena b. 1840. xvind S St. Augustine. or S. W. Calvin died, 1504. Pentecost. Whit Sunday. Cor. stone City Hall laid, 1878. Equity Sittin4js in St. John. Mutiny, Lucknow, 1857. itVI ' *» '/ ' ' 15 15 li'. 10 10 10 1(J 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 23 20 ?0 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 07 25 42 00 17 34 51 07 23 39 55 10 25 39 54 08 21 35 48 00 13 23 30 le 58 09 10 29 38 48 50'4 HM. 54 52 51 49 48 47 45 44 •13 42 40 39 38 30 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 «^*» 25 24 24 23 23 22 22 H H M. Ol 02 03 04 00 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 H. M. SETH 3m33 4 03 RIHK.S 8 5(J 10 11 55 49 30 MOKN 17 53 20 50 20 57 32 10 8ETH 8e43 9 34 10 10 11 11 19 57 28 5 if MOIIN 24 44 10 34 02 32 08 reins seers seers seers thigH thigs knee knee legs legs feet feet face face neck neck neck aiTiis arms brest brest heart heart heart bwls bwls reins reins reins seers seers H. M. IOmUO 10 37 11 14 Oe04 39 18 69 41 32 31 37 6 54 8 03 9 07 'ST) 10 27 11 10 11 58 0m20 03 45 2 25 3 04 51 39 34 6 30 7 46 8 46 9 25 9 58 STEEL- Thos. Firth & Son's Ex- tra Cast Steel r<»r AXES, TOOLS, DRILLS, TAPS AND DIES, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, COLD CHISELS, MOWING MACHINE SECTIONS, &c. Spear & Jackson's War- ranted Steel For CARRIAGE SPRINGS, RAILWAY SPRINGS, SLEIGH SHOES, TIRES, TOE CALKS, SHAFTS, SPINDLES, BLOCKS, &c. 9 g? c o a n B' a o o 5 I > I FarmlDg Iniplcnicuts in Creat Variety at J. HOKNCASTLE'S. FELLOWS' SPEEDY RELIEP' is'a great Pain Killer. a at a o Ph ■t-l c 01 e4 Oh •d O; s c OJ d c cs o c W 03 o Oh O O .d 3 a ^E, Perigee. Last Quarter, 8th day, Oh. 4.5m. OOs. p. m. N.W. by NJ^N. Tth day, 2h. A. M. New Moon. i5th day, 2h. ()8m. .51s. p. m. S.W. by S.J^S. Apogee. First Quarter, i!;ird day, Ih. 36m. .5:3s. p. m. E. S. E. 21st daj", at midnight. iTh 2Fri 3 Sat 4Su 5 Mo () Tu 7 W 8'Th Fri lOlSat 11 Su 12 Mo 13 I'u 14W 1.5 Th 16Fri 17 Sat 18 Su 19 Mo 20 Tu 21 W 22 Th 2SFri 24 'Sat 25;Su 26Mo 27 Tu 28,W 29 Th 30Fri ANNIVKBSAIUES, FKSTIVALS, OCCURRENCKS, &C, ! ' (^ka mjcnhlc to fa ir. [N. Howe's naval victory, 1794. ' Gordon riots, 1780. Jeff. Davis born, 1808, Trinity Sunday. ; Massacre at Allaliabad, 1857. \E(j[uiti/SitL YorAd- West. Co. cts First reform biil pas. Eng. 1832 ('orpus Christie. verijraiiii/ Chas. Dickens died, 1870. Big liethel fight, 1861. | St.Bamabas, :W. C. Bryant died, 1878. ■Sup. crt. terms. Char. Co. crt. 'Battle of Marengo, 1800. i Berlin Cong. net, 1878. cha n5 M H M. 35 35: 3G 37 37 38 39 40 22 4 24 25 27 27 27 27 27 2(j 24 23 20 18 15 17 17 17 17 1() IG 10 17 17 17 17 17 IS 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 40 46 46 46 46 46 46 H. M. BETS 3M.52 RISES 9e34 10 18 10 56 11 28 12 00 MOBN 30 59 30 07 47 3 33 SETS 8e14 8 53 9 28 9 58 10 21 10 48 11 12 11 37 MORN A OQ 31 1 05 1 43 2 32 3 28 2 ►J S Pi thigs thigs knee knee legs legs feet feet feet face face neck neck arms arms brest brest brest heart heart bwls bwls bwls reins reins seers seers thigs thigs thigs H. M. 10H41 11 23 0e23 05 48 36 24 20 19 6 24 7 34 8 40 9 25 10 10 11 01 11 45 Om09 47 29 05 42 19 01 45 (i 34 7 47 8 50 9 25 10 11 X CO < o 09 S o: u hi SUPEKPIIOSPIIITE OF L131E. i: V. Farming Iiiipleinouts, &c. AT BOTTOM PKICES. Ferry Lsiiifliiig, IiuUaiitowii, St. Joim, N. B, J. IIOUKtAHTLi:, IiKllaiitowii, Ageiil, for J. Harriw rf; to. FELLOWS' DYSPEPSIA BITTERS for Jaundice. CALENDAR. 41 1882.] JULY has Thirty-One Days. [1882. Phases of the Moon. Full Moon, 1st day, Ih. ^ Im 02s. a. m. S. W.UW. Last Qua: ier, Ttli day. 5h. 27m. :Ws. p.m. N.^\V. New Moon, 15th day. 2h. :J7in. O-'is. a. m. N. E.14N. rirst Quarter, 'Sird day, Sh. 5;im. 15s. a. m. North. Full Moon, :mh day, !)h. 37m. 15s. a. m. N. W. by N. Peripee. 8rd day, Ua. p. M. Apogee. 19th day, 4h. ^. M. Perigee. 31st day, 8h. p. m. .'"•i <. T. W >' W a a^ — — . — iSat 2Su 3 Mo 4Tn 5W OTh 1 7Fri i 8Sat i uSu ; 10 Mo i 11 Tu jl2W 13 Th ,14 Fri ANNIVEUSAUIEa, FKSTIVVLS, OCCUllBftNCES, &C. I 15 Sat KVSu 17 Mo 18 Tu 19 W 20 Th 21 Fri 22 Sat 23 Su 24 Mo 25 Tu 26 W 27 Til 28 Fri 29 Sat 30 Six 311 Mo [N. Dominion Canada estab. 18(57 4th Sunday aft. 'J'rinity. fair (2)Presidt. Gariield ass'as. 1881 Eq. ait. Qu. ,Sun. cir. ,Kcnt, King (5)Pr. Helena m. 1806. [Cy.fte Daguerre died, 1851. Edward I. died, 1307. Montreal fire, 1200 hs. bt. 1852 5th Sunday aiter Trinity, fair Columbus born, 1447. Kinqs,Alb, cir. , Carl. GIouc. Co. Battle of Aughrim, 1691. [cts. Richard Cromwell died, 1712. Expl. Thunderer,77 lives 1. 1876 St. Swithen. culd, frequent 6thSun. after Trinity, shoiocrs Cawnpore cajitured, 1857 West, cir., Eesti. County courts Brit. Cohimbia en.confed.l871 Robert Bums died, 1796. Battle of Bidl Run, 1861, St. :N[ary Magdalene. 7th Sun. aft. Trinity, rainu d; Eng.took Gibral.,1701. ^cindi/ St.^ohn and North. Co. courts. St. Anne, mother Virgin Mary Atlantic Cable sue. laid, 1866. Battle of Talavera, 1809. WilliamWilberforce died,] 833 Trinity. cJiamjcable Wo » w M Q 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 R.R.Conv.Portland,Me.,1850|18 ' H 07 4 03 4 58 4 534 48 4 42 4 36 4 29 4 224 154 074 594 504 414 32 4 224 12 4 02:4 514 404 29 4 174 05 4 52 4 40 4 26 4 i;u 59 4 45 4 314 16 4 M. 21 O ^ H. M. 22 7 22'7 2317 24|7 25 7 267 27i7 27,7 M. lUSES 46 J 8e24 45 iS 54 45 9 4510 4410 4411 4411 31 03 23 04 36 43 MORN 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 3(J 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4() 47 47 1 2 3 4 39 SETS 39 7e58 8 26 8 9 9 43. 43t 42' 42! 41; 40: 09 47 30 18 11 07 38! 37 36 35i 52 16 41 34 10 05 33 10 33 32 11 03 SI 11 38 31 llOHN 30 22 1 2 3 26 RI.SES 25 1 8e02 29 28 27 13 12 20 knee knee legs legs feet feet face face neck neck arms arms brept brest brest heart heart bwls bwls b>yls reins reins seers seers seers thigs thigs knee kree legs legs H. M. IImOO 11 44 0e5] 1 H8 2 2L 3 12 4 02 4 54 5 55 7 05 8 19 9 09 9 59 10 51 11 35 BIORN 32 1 08 1 41 2 15 48 22 00 55 38 49 8 07 9 17 9 49 10 41 11 30 ( ClIAKCOAL I. C, I. C. W., I. X., I. X. X., TIN PLATES. -! D. C, D. W. C., and D. X. ( COKE, I. C. , for Canniug Purposes. TERNE PLATES— Commonly called ROOFING TIN. SHEET IRON— Common and Galvanized, R. G. and Russia. SHEET ZINC and SPELTER. Sheet Lead and Pig Lead. SHEET COPPER— also COPPER BOLTS and INGOTS. MMrwnw \ BRIGHT ANNEATED and COPPERED IRON. niKli. . BESSEMER STEEL. i e. a O o B 13 (I O o 9f a I a (3 O en CG 3 a a. B a a- CO a n o S llnylng TooIm in Cireiit Viiriety at .1. UORNt'ASTLE 8, ffrr Lame Horses try FELLOWS' LEEMINGS' ESSENCE. 42 OALENDiB. 1882. ] AUaUST has Thirty-One Days. [1882. Phases of the Moon. Last Quarter, 5tli clay, llh. 48m. 45s. p. m. East Apofj^ee. New Moon, 13th day, 'Ih. 45m. 4.'5s. P. m. W. by S.'%S. 16th day 5h. A. U. First Quarter, aist day, «li. 30in. Sis. v. m. S. WMi^. Perigee. Full Moon, 2m\ day. 4h. Sim. ais. p. m. N. E. by I^i^N. -mh day, 4h. A. M. ANNIVEU8AKIKS, FESTIVALS, OCOUKUENCKS, &C. Lammas Day. [N Eqnitii Sittings. Battle Plevna, 1877. Battle of Ever.shaiii. 1265. Geor^'e Canning died, 1827. St. Thomas. fair 9th Snn. after Trinity. Ben Jonson died, 1G37. St. John Circuit court. Capt, Marryatt died, 1848. (8)Cor. St. QuSqMethCh. 1. 1878 Battle of Cummersdorf, 1759. (13) Old liamnias Day. 10th Sun. after T'inity. fair Dean Bnckleyfeeol. )died,i850 Napoleon I. born, 1709. ('anatlianstook Detroit, 1812, Great comet, 1082. Earl Russell died, 1878. St. Lawrence. 11th Sunday after Trinity. Adam Clark die(l,1832. raimiif Bat.Bo8wothtield,148.5. jy/nc^.S Treatyof Prague, 1800. orSW St.BarthoIoi!>e\v. An .^rMnvf. £0 Q (26) Princess Alice died, 1878, P. Albert,Q. Consort born,1819 12th Sunday after Trinity. St. Augustine, B. of Hippo, fatr Restigouchc Oir.crt. Highiidea I Peace with China, 1842. 'John Bunyan died, 1088. 18 17 17 17 10 10 1(5 10 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 13 13 l.i 12 12 12 11 11 n, 10 10 10 9 9 8 8 01 4( 3() 15 58 42 25 08 51 34 16 58 40 21 03 44 25 05 40 20 06 4(i 26 05 45 24 03 42 21 58 37 H M. 49 50 51 52 lA H M. 56 57 58 59 00 02 03 Oi 0; 06 08 09 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 25 23 21 19 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 09 07 04 03 01 59 58 56 55 53 51 50 •18 46 44 42 41 39 37 35 H. BI.! KISESi 3E351eet 9 06 feet 39 face 12 face 40! neck 29 neck 9 10 10 11 MOBNarms 16: arms 07 arms OSbrest 59ibrest 59 heart H. M. 0e35 1 2 2 3 SETS I heart 6E.56i heart 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 22bwls 46bwls 10 reins 36 reins 05 reins 38 seers 17, seers 11 03 thigs 11 57 thigs MOitis knee 58 knee 2 07 knee 3 22 legs RISES legs 7e04 feet 7 37 feet 8 11 face 21 06 51 36 27 2i; 6 46 8 01 9 16 9 49 10 39 11 20 11 54 0m13 43 15 45 16 47 3 20 03 56 06 34 8 53 9 27 10 19 11 08 11 53 IeOO IP- Isr.A.SE & SOIT IMPOHTBRS AND DEALERS I^: ' ^""^^iJonf ^;.'''*^^***<*9,^'. *1«""'» M«al» Pork. Fish, Nails Cordage, Criiidstones, Paints, Oils, Haying Tools, harden Seeds, &c, FERRY LANDING, INDIANTOWN, SAINT JOHN, N. B All Goods will be sold at moderate prices, and delivered on board !?l^.r„T.?L«l^l!«i7„«^««l^.r.r^« of eha.5ge... Counti^PrSe taken in ••"ceive special attentlo" LEONARD T. NASE. "%XKS'- •"■^ U cJnS.iXSii, SSpTaieS Grindstones and Fixtures at J. HORNCASTLE'S. 19 Tu 20 W 21 Th 1 22 Fri . 23 Sat ; 24 Su ; 25 Mo { 26 Tu . 27 W . 28 Th ; 29 Fri { 30 Sat S Pimples on the Face take GOLDEN ELIXIR. CALENDAR. 43 1882. ] SEPTEMBEB has Thirty Days. [1882. Phases of the Moon. Last Quarter, 4th day. 9h. Wm. 57s. a. m. S. W. by W.^W. Apogee. New Moon, 12th day, 8h. 34m. 31s. A. m. E. S. E 12th day, 91i. A. M. First Quarter. 20th day. Oh. 03m. 3!»3. A. m. N. E. Perigee. New Moon, yTth day, th. 45m. 39s. A. m. S. by W.J^W. 36tli day, 3h. p. m. Q ^ anniversaries, festivals, occurrp:nces, &c. Oi P o / D CO ^ » H M. H M. » CO H. M. BISKS moon's PLACE. HIGH water. [N H. M. 1 Fri Bat. Sedan, 1870. 8 16 5 26 6 34 8e48 face 1e44 2 Sat Great fire in London, 1660. 7 54 5 27 6 ,82 9 29 neck 2 28 3 Su 13th Sunday after Trinity. 7 32 5 28 6 30 10 15 neck 3 11 4 Mo Frnch. Rep. dec 1870. chamje- 7 10 5 29 6 28 11 05 arms 4 00 5 Tu Oloucester circuit court, able. 6 48 5 30 6 26 11 59 arms 4 57 fi W Malta captured, 1800. 6 25 5 32 6 24 morn brest 6 10 7 Th St. Enurchus. 6 03 5 33 6 22 55 brest 7 42 8 Fri Nativity of Virgin Mary. 5 40 5 34 6 20 1 53 heart 8 57 9 Sat Battle of Flodden Field, 1513. 5 18 5 36 6 19 2 52 heart 9 29 10 Su 14th Sunday after Trinity. 4 55 5 37 6 17 3 51 heart 10 18 11 Mo Lady Palmerston died, 1800. 4 32 5 38 6 15 4 51 bwls 10 58 12 Tu North, dr. , West. co. Ex. court 4 09 U 39 6 13 SETS bwls 11 30 13 VV Eng. t. Que., 1759. changcnbfc. Holy Cross. Duke W. d. 1852. 3 46 5 40 6 11 6el4 reins MORN 14 Th 3 23 5 42 6 09 6 42 reins 14 15 Fri Brunei died, 1859. 3 00 5 43 6 07 7 09 reins 45 Ifi Sat Burning of Moscow, 1812. 2 37 5 45 6 05 7 40 seers 1 15 17 Su 15th Sunday after Trinity. 2 14 5 47 6 03 8 1() seers 1 4(J 18 Mo Dr. Johnson, b. 1709, d. 1784. 1 1)0 5 48 6 01 8 59 thigs 2 18 19 Tu President GarHeld died, 1881. 1 27 5 49 5 59 9 39 thigs 2 49 20 W Madaioaska circuit court. 1 04 5 50 5 58 10 46 thigs 3 33 21 Th St Matthew. chnnyechh. 40 5 51 5 56 11 49 knee 4 26 22 Fri Autumn begins 12h. P. m. [N 17 5 52 5 54 MORN knee 5 87 23 Sat Madam Malibrand. 1836. [S 06 5 53 5 52 58 legs 7 09 24 Su 16th Sunday after Trinity. 30 5 54 5 50 2 11 legs 8 27 25 Mo Seige of Paris com. 1870. 53 5 55 5 48 3 27 feet 9 12 26 Tu Kent and Victo. circuit courts. 1 17 5 57 5 46 4 44 feet 9 58 27 W Highest tides of season. Fair. 1 40 5 58 5 44 rises face 10 ^6 28 Th Battle of Marathon B. C. 400 2 03 5 59 5 42 6e43 face 11 29 29 Fri St. Michael. Mich'knas Day. 2 27 6 00 5 40 7 24 neck Oe37 30 Sat St. Jerome. 2 50 6 01 5 39 8 08 neck 1 19 .„ ( BOLT AND RIGGING IRON, GALV. AND BLACK SPIKE, Q-{ CLINCH RINGS, OAKUM, TAR, PITCH AND ROSIN, ^ { CHAINS AND ANCHORS, &o., &c., ) < ANVILS, BELLOWS AND VICES. HORSE SHOES AND 1 NAILS, &c. , ( SPRINGS AND AXLES, OVAL, HALF OVAL \ AND HAIF ROUND IRON TIRE AND SLEIGH I SHOE STEEL BOLTS, &c. ^ . I At I. & F. BURPEE Sl CO.'S. rji O t § o o S p s § O i > o I (I a ^ Blnstlng and CIniipourtcr, Hhut, Ac, at HORN€ASTIiii*S. spavins on Horses try FELLOWS' LEEMINGS" ESSENCE. aJ 9 . c s .2 0) :0 O U g o 44 CALENDAR. 1882. ] OCTOBEB has Thirty-One Days. [188;>. Phases of the Moon. Last Quarter, Sd day, i)h. r>3in. 09s. p. M. E. N. E. Apogee. New Moon, lath day, Ih. 37m. 0!»s. a. m. N. N. E. 9th day, Ih. p. H. First Quarter, 19th day, Th. 30m. 15s. p. m. S. S. W. Perigee. Full Moon, 2«th day, lOh. 09m. 21s. a. m. N.AV. by N.J^N. 25th day, Ih. a. m. 1 CO w •r w ISu 2 Mo 3 Tu 4,W 5Th 6Fri 7 Sat 8Su 9Mo 10 Tu IIW 12 Th 13,Fri i4Sat 15Su 16 Mo 17 Tu 18 W 19, Th 20Fri 21 Sat 22 Su 23 Mo 24 Tu 25W 26' Th 27 Fii 28 Sat 29 Su 30 Mo 31!Tu ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, &C. [S 17th Sunday after Tiinity. Channing died, 1842. Equity Sitt. York, Kinysco. cts. Mrs. Gatty d. 1873. raini/. Jon. Edwards b. 1703. fair. Faith. Great fii-e, Chicago, 1871. 18th Sunday after Trinity. (8) Gt. Miramichi fire, 1825. Supreme court terms. Sunburif county court. Stephenson, eng. d. 1859. fair America discovered, 1492. Battle of Hastings, 10(j(3, 19th Sun. aft. Trinity. House of Par.(Eng.) iVnt, 1834 Queens and North, county courts St. Luke, Evangelist. Swift died, 1745. fair to rain Fire Port., N.B., 1877. ifivind Bat. Trafalgar, 1805. S.orS. W. 20th Sunday after Trinity. Irish Rebellion, KJil. Dii: fkMat. causes. St. John, K'n t St. Crispan. [ Sunhury circuit court. rainy Captain Cook b. 1728 to fair St. Simon and St. Jude. 2l8t Sunday after 1'rinity. Tower of London burnt, 1821. All Hallows Eve. 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 P3 01 HM. H 13 G 03 5 37 6 04 5 00 05 5 23 6 06 5 46 6 07 5 09 6 09 5 32 6 10 5 55 6 11 5 18 6 13 5 41 6 14 5 04 6 15 5 26 6 16 5 49 6 18 5 11 6 20 5 34 6 21 5 56 6 22 5 18 6 24 5 40 G 25 5 02 27 5 23 6 28 5 45 fi 29 5 06 ti 30 4 27 6 32 4 48 « 33 4 09 G 35 4 29 G 36 4 50 G 37 4 10 G 38 4 30 G 40 4 .50 G 41 4 09 G 43:4 M. 36 34 32 30 28 27 25 23 21 20 18 16 14 12 11 09 07 05 04 02 00 59 57 55 54 52 51 49 48 46 45 o * H. M. RISES 8e59 9 53 10 49 11 47 MORN 44 46 44 43 41 40 SETS 5e34 6 18 58 46 40 9 40 10 45 11 45 MORN 1 06 2 20 3 35 4 51 RISES 5E57 6 46 7 41 8 38 9 »7 arms arms brest brest brest heart heart bwls bwls bwls reins reins seers seers seers thigs thigs knee knee legs legs feet feet face face neck neck arms arms arms brest H. M. 2e03 2 47 32 41 Oil 8 23 9 22 9 47 10 27 11 11 00 31 MORN 17 47 20 53 28 13 07 l.S 6 41 8 00 9 05 9 33 10 21 11 0:J 11 52 (je5'.) 1 44 2 2ti m Hi H H TARRED AND DRY. SHEATHING PAPER, CHEAP AT THE STCKE OF :f. 3sr.A.SE & sojsr. Feny Landing, Indiantown, St. John, N. B. , 26 ;27 28 29 30 Sat Su Mo Tu VV Th Btoves and Stove Pipe at J. HOBNCASTI.£'S, Indiantown IRlngbones on Horsos try FELLOWS' LEEMINOS" ESSENCE. u H. M. 2e03 2 47 3 35 4 32 5 41 7 Oil 8 23 9 '22 9 47 10 27 11 00 11 31 MOKN 17 47 20 53 28 13 07 l.s 6 41 8 OO 9 05 9 33 10 21 11 0!) 11 52 (je5'.» 1 44 2 2ti jsr. CALENDAR. 45 1885. ] NOVEMBER has Thirty Days. [1882. Phases op the Moon. Last Quarter, 2ncl day, 8h. iiSm. :J!ts. p. m. N. W.^W. New Moon, 10th day, (ih. 55nn. 21s. p. m. W.^N. First Quarter. 18th day, 4h. 17iti. 1.58. a. m. N. W. byN. Full Moon, 24th day, i)h. :^8m. 1.5s. p. m. S. E. by S. Apogee, flth day, 2h. A. M. Perigee. 22th day, :Jh. > m. 1 w 2Th 3Fri 4 Sat 5au (5 Mo 7 Tu .SW UTh 10 Fri ll:Sat 12Sii 13' Mo 14Tu 15 W KJTh 17 Fri l.SSat i;»iSu 20 Mo 21 Tu 22 W 23 Th 124 ')r, ANNIVERSARIES, KESTIVALH, i -^ OCCURRENCES, &C. so Q 2 =° ^ J: 32 . 1 H. M. [S 2(j 27 28 1 29 30 Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th All Sainta Day. All Souls. cliamjeahh (5) Gunpowder plot. George Peabody died, 18G9, 22d Sunday aftter Trinity. St. Leonard. Equitii sitt. Gloit. county court Trenf affair, 1861. Prince of Wales born, 1841. Milton died, 1674. ra in if mind St. Martin— Martinmas. 6 B cii P. a o O B o K ei 40 (JALKNDATl. m2. ] DECEMBER has Thirty-One Days. [1882. Phases op the Moon. Last Quarter, 2(1 day. lOh. 82m. ma. a. m. W. by S.US. New Moon, lOth day. llh. 13in. 21s. a. m. N. by W.MW. First Quarter, 17th day. Oh. ]5in. 03h. p. m. E.WS. Full Moon, aith day, llh. 16ni. .51s. a. m. N. by W.K.W. Apogee. M day, tth. p. m. Perigee. 18th day, 3h. p. m. Apogee. 3l8t day, «h. p. m. ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 IC 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su ANNIVEUSAniES, FESTIVALS, OCCURBENC'liH, &C. Princess of Wales born, 1844 Ci. Adelaide tl. 1K49. Cold and Ist Sun. in Advent. hi{/hwindi Carlyle born, 1795. [Ex. rrts Equity SiUiis. Victor iaC'ountij (t- St. Nicholivs. St. Ambrose. [ce])tion. Vatican (Jouncil, 18G9. Con- Gustavus Adolphus born,1594 2(i Sunday in Advent, eohl d- Alez. Dnmas d. 1870. hic/h ivinds West, and Car!. Coiinti/ courts. St.Lucy.Dean Stanley b, 1810 Prince Consort died. 18(51. to General Wayne died, 1796. Boston tea party, 1773. 3d Sunday in Advent, snoio or Slavery abol.inU.S.1802. rain Dom Pedro II. E. Brazil b. 1825 Napoleor. III. Presid. 1848. St. Thomas. Wint.bejf.Cli. p.m Landed at Plymouth, 1G20. Sir Isaac Newton born, 1042. 4th Sunday in Advent, cold (Christmas Day. tO hih. p. M. Ih. p. M. LA fih. p. M. bi «^, H. M. 3e34 4 24 5 m: 6 18'i 7 2!): 8 82 : 9 11 9 no; 10 31 11 12 11 48 MORN 4enezer K. Herrington, Jacob Ross, Thomas Hayes. C. Kain, Deputy (>lerk of the Market, Kings Square. John McGuire, Clerk of the Fisli Market, Duke Street. Licensed Auctioneers. — W. Albert Lockhart, George E. Snider, Stewart & White, Edward Maher, W. D. W. Hubbard, Thomas B. Hanington, Wm. Lorimer, Robt. W. Lowe and Edward H. Lester. ^ortwardens.— Augustus C^uick, Oliver Emery, Samuel K. Wilson, Thomas S. Adams, William Blank, Jacob D. McDonald, John Rud- dock, James O. Stcckhouse, Duncan Robertson, J(»hn Jenkins. Charles S. Taylor, Port or Harbour Master. Alexander Reed, Clerk to Harbour Master. Joseph O'Brien, Harbour Inspector. Light House Keeper at Partridge Island.— James Wilson. At the Beacon. —Timothy Clark. Steam Whistle. —James Wilson, Engineer ; W. Cameron, Assistant Engineer. Robert J. Leonard and Augustus t^uick, Commissioners, to settle disputes relative to Dockage, Wharfage and Cranage. mntlow (ans» ami Vntty al J, UOBN€ASTLK*8, Indlanroun, FELLOWS' DYSPEffilA HITTERS for IToartbnrn. 1882.J CITY AND COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN. 40 Allen McLean, Shipping Master. AHHeHSors of TaxeH. — Uriah Drake, John Wilson and W. F. Bnnting. C'«»llectorH of Wharfage and Slippage.— At Union Street Slip, Mari- tune Warehousing Company. At North Kodney Wharf, (T> 73 lamps, Lamp Chlmnlcs uud LanteruH at J, HORNCASTLE 'S, 5 P" UNIVERSAL iM the Standard Liniment. I 50 FIUE DEI'AllT.VfKNT— MUNK'H'ALITY. [1882. FIRE DEPARTMENT.-(East Side). A. Chii'Man Smith, Chief Engineer. George riake, EuKineer, District No. 1. CJeorye Drake, Engineer, District No. 2. John Wilson, Engineer, T)i8trict No. 3. Air.„,»x,^.mM., -Mr. 1 /«*•„ \ j James T. Magee, Foreman. Weli.inoton, No. 1 -('Str.)..| ^^^^^^^^^.^ j^j^^,^^^ AHStHtant Foremrn. TTMinv No 2 - Nf r-impr ^ i William t^iigley. Foreman. UNION, NO. J. (Htearaer.). . . ^ j^j^^^ jj llobertson. Assist. Foreman. ) /U4... \ I Willinm CnmminL', Foreman. '^^"•^|E(1 ExTlNuniSHEK,No.3.-v..x.,^j,,,^^^^^,, ,^1^^^^^ Assistant Foreman. Hook and Ladder C'ompanv.— John Jackson, Foreman. FIRE Dl<:rARTMENT.— (West Side). .■ ; . Gideon Spraote, Chief Engineer. Western Star, No. 7.— Joseph O. Craft, Engineer. Princk of Wales, No. 8.- William Wheaton, Engineer, Hook and Ladder Company. - D. W. Clark. City of Saint John Fire Alarm Telegraph. NO. 2. a. 4. 5. 6. r» <, 8. ft. U. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 2\. 23. 24. 25. LOCALITY OP BOXES. No. 2 Engine House, KingSq. No. 3 Engine House, Uuion-st. Cor. Sewell and (Jarden-sts. Cor. Mill and Union-sts. Police Station, Market Square. Cor. Pond and Mill-Hts. Foot of (iarden sti-eet. Foot of Union street ^EastV Cor. Peter and Waterloo-sts. Cor. St. Patrick and Union sts. Cor. Brussels and Richmond-sts. Everitt's Foundry. Bi-ussels-st. Cor. Brussels and Hanover-sta. Cor. Brunswick and Erin-sts. Cor. Union and Cai'marthen-sts, Waterloo, opposite Golden-st. Cor. Germani and Church-sts. Cor. Princess and Charlotte-sts. Cor. Duke and Germain-sta. NO. 5i7. JiH. •il. ■•i2. *1. ■ir^. 3(5. 3r. ;«. 41. 42. 43. 4.5. 4«. .51. .52. 53. 01. I^OCALITY OP BOXES. Cor. Priuce Wm. & Princess-sts. Head of King street, King sq. Cor. Duke and Pi-ince Wm.-8l.s. t.'ov. King and IMtt-sts. Cor. Duke and Sydney-sts. Cor. Wentworth & Pifncess-sts. Queen-st., bet. Ger. & Char. -sts. Cor. Queen and C'armarthen-sts. Cor. St. James and Sydney-stS. C'or, Orange and Carmarthen-sts. Cor. St. James & Prince Wm.-sts, Cor. Pitt and Duke-sts. Cor. Main and Carmarthen-sts. Cor. Britain and Charlotte-sts. Cor. Pitt and St. James-sts. City Road, near Skating Rink. Pond-st. n. Fleming's Foundi-y. Tisdale's Comer, South Wharf. City Hospital. ■1 Municipality of the City and County of Saint John, COUNTY COUNCIL, ORGANIZED JUNE 6th, 1S77. WARDEN. Shadrach Holly, Chairman of the Town of Portland. COUNTY COUNCILLORS : I EX officio. F f 3 3 3 Q 9 o o 3 •a Horse Shoes ami Nails at IIORNCAS TLE'g. IfTT^ FELLOWft" SPEEDY REIJEF ig a jfreat Pain KUler. s ,4 0; 05 52 (ITY ANI» i'oUNTY OF MAINT JOHN. [1882. Chilrttiiiii A lidlicrtMon, .IjviviH WiImou, JunieH K. JiurneH, (jiilherti Munldcli, IJtibort 1). McArtliiir, 'I'Iikhuim Dtile, ChurluH F. Baker, Williiiiii W'.illaci' (Siiii(i)inn, Xatlifiiii>!l 11. 1 plijiiii, William M..liirvi», CharloH A. Kveritt, Hainiu'I V. Matthcu^t (JfdiLfo \V. (Jfinw, I'riaii DralvO, JiuneH (iilhraith, (Jeo. ' l'\ llanliii!,', AKai)li(J. ItlakHlt'c, William Peterw, Aaron ArniHtroiig, ' |)avi(l II. Mumo, .laiiitM 'riiomnsdii, Samut'l Devenne, Hr., ThuinoHl Sullivan, .lanios 'P. Kcnnciiv, Jamoi .MauHon, John Mullin, Cliris. JVIiiiiay, Sliadraoli Hnjly, William K. liiinliuK', JunieH McNichol, jr., t Sfott, .liilm A. Kane, UoWrt Fair, tlo William itovlMiron-ii, KoDt A. MtA'uuuht, Mdwanl H. OH. l\ %:i ostcr, Kilwunl (J. Clinch. JaniCH Holh Marshal J). AuHtin, Alfxamler J)uff, .lameH (i. Jordan, (ieorge Thnni|iH()n, lluhort S. Cowan, Panit'l .F. Mullin, John Kerr, Wm. F. J5utt, Jnlm Mullin, William li.'inuie, A n,'oniery, ]J. II. liawrence, (ieor;,a' A. Barker, ThomaH Davidson, Geo. i F. Smith, JamoH Manchester, W. A. Honeywell, John R. Kigby, Cor. J. lloi'^'jin, A. 'P. Dunn, John S. Hull, GeharduH Clowes Carmen, C.P,' C , .1. 11 Armstiong, Harris Allan, C'harles McLauchlan, jr., John' Nut,'oiit, A. McDermott, William (Jirvaii. M. W. Maher, A D. G. j Vamvart, Charle.s Masters, Freeman W. Wisdom, G. G. Boyne, Wm , A. Kiiij,', J. C. Robertson and Justus Ci. Tiake. | Clerk of the Peace. Henry W. i<'rith, Esq. j Deputy Clerk of the Peace. — H. Lawrence Sturdee, Esq. 'l Juuye of the County (.*ourt.- -Cliarles Watters, Esq. M. McDonald, ; Esfi., (Uerk. ' I; Clerk of the Circuits.- John Willett, Ehcj. Hijj;h Sheriff. — James A. Hardiny, Es(i ; John Rankin, Deputy Sheriif and Keeper of the Gaol ; Mr. Adam Clarke, Turnkey. Coroners.— S. Z. Earle, M. D. ; William Ruddock, M. D.; James Robinson, J. P., John R. Rigby, ,T, P.; John Jordan, J. P. County Treasurer. — Thomas M. Reed, Esq. . , . Auditor of (^.mty Accounts. — Richard Whiteside, Esq. Judge of Probfites. —Charles N. Skinner. Registrar of Deeds and Wil's and Registrar of Probates. — W. Chip | lan Drury, Vjuq. Andrew H. Crookshank, Esq., Deputy Registrar. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. - -Jacob H. Mosher, and W.Albert Lockhai-t, Esqs. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court. — The! several Attorneys i)ractising in the City and County. .1 Commissioner for taking Affidavits m the Supreme Court, Province of Quebec. —H. W. Frith, Barrister-at-Law. Official Assignee under the Insolvent Act of 1875. — Ezekiel McLeod. Dr. William Bayard, Ccmimissitmer of Indian Reserves, under Act Vict. c. 45. _ Counaissioner of Wrecks. — R. J. Ijeonard. Comuiissicmers of Alms House, Work House and Iniii-mary. — ^David Send to IIOlt.^i'ASTLirA, Indltintowu, for t'aialognc. man FKLLUW8' DYSl'El'HlA UITrEttS lor Jaundice. 1882.] T(»VVN OF PORTLAND. 53 Tftpley, Ohtuniian ; Wui. HawkoH, Allen Mclioan, A. Chipnian Smith, Wni. A. (jninton, JauieH ( J«!r(iw und Juiuj'h L. Dunn, FiWirH. JanicH (!hriH*'«, M. J)., PhyHician. Wni. C'unnin;(bani, Keeix";. Boa I) OK vom thk City and (!ointy ok St. John. Wni. Bayairl, M. D., (Chairman ; R. W, Thome, ("lerk ; Hon. .JudKO Wat- tern, Ueo. V. Nowlin, John FlewollinK, .Tames Holly, John H. TarkH, S. Z. Karle, M. I) , James A. Clarke, R. N. KniKlit, (I. A. Barker, A. C'hipman Smith, Kh(|h. Boyle Travern, M. D. Ollke— Ritchie'H BuilditiK, PrinccHH Street. VinitlnK' PhyHician, Port of St. John.— W. S. Hanlinj,'. (■OMMI8SI0NK11S nV Sr.Al'nHTKR HoUSKH IN AND I'OH THE CoiNTY OK St. John.— John Mauee, Chairman ; ( 'hristian A. Rol)ert«on, William A. M en It n ! CO o I- 9 o O o Shelf Hardware o& all kinds at J. lIORNt'ASTIiE*^. Lame Horses try FELLOWS" LEEMINGS' ESSENCE. 4) o a 2 12 o << a "t t> f (-1 a B n O o •d 9 B Grocery Warehouse, '* Lome " Hotel, Indiantown* HORNERS ANTI BILIOUS PILLS excel all others. 58 GLOUL'E.STEU. [1882. Issuers of Marriage Licenses.-Cieorge S Grimmer (St. Audrewa), Thos. Barry (St. (leorge\ John Farmer (Canipobello), Rev. Mr. Covert (Grand Mauan), George Hill, M. V. P. (St. Stepheu). MUNICIPALITY OK CHAIILOTTK. , . ', Warden.— Thomas F Odell, Esq. Seerelary.— George S Grimmer, Esq. Treasurer.— William Whitloek, Esq. Auditor.— W L' 11 Grimmer. , _,. Councillors.— St Andrews: Thomas T Odell and Robert Stephenson. St James: William Douglas and George W Peakes. St Stephen: Marcus Up- ton and H Getcliell. St David: J. A. Moore and Thomas Cottrell. bt 1 at- rick: J \^' Stevenson and James McMillan. St Croix: James Russell and David Johnson. St George : K P Gillmour and Judson Seely. Dumbarton: Neil McDermott and Robert McKinney. West Isles: A J Loyd and James MLord. Clarendon: JS Magee and Archibald Nixon. Dufferin: Law- rence Barter and (} S Hannah. Grand Manan: Dr Noyes and W Daggett. Campobello: Joseph A Taylor and Colonel James Brown. Lepreaux: H P Reynolds and O Hanson. Penufleld: W N B\ickhout and L Holms. Town St Stephen: George N Lindsay. Town Milltown: WW Graham. Town Upper Mills : D Porter. COUNTY OF GLOUt^ESTER. Judge of the (bounty Court.— Wm. Wilkinson, Esq. T. DesBi-isay. Clerk. Justices of the Peace.— Hon. John Ferguson, John Clip.' ners, William Taylor, .Joseph Sewell, John Meahan, George Smith, John E. O'Brien, Charles Meahan, James Smith, Robert Brown, Hon. Robert Young, Wm. Davidson, James (i. C. Blackball, Hilaron Ache, John Foley, Henry Augus- tine McCullough, William Ferguson, I'atrick Whalen. John Lewis Legere, Heni-y A. Sormony, Kemiedy F. Burns, John Kerr, Francis Scott, Mark Dev- ereaux, Adam Sntlierland, Patrick J. Foley, Anthony Ralney, Jas. McGin- ley, Robert C. Caie, Gustave Dumas, Jonathan Doran, Thomas Hall, Thos. Beadreau, Joseph L. Bishop, Samuel C. Napier, Thomas Seaton, Theotine Blanchard, Onesimus Blanchard, Bernard Commeau, Jerome Roy, Francis Mealian, Charles Carlin, James Thomson, Tliomas Loane, ji-., Jos. Polrer, Francis Alexander, John Young, Patrick Ryan, Augustus S. Sutherland, Nathan Richey, Justinian Savoy, Wm. Walsh, William Napier, Phillip Rive, Robert Armstrong, Juste Hache. William Alexander, Prospere E. Paulin, Robt. Moody, Henry W. Baldwin, Murdoch Harper. James Hickson, Thos. A. Harris, John Miller, Samuel Gammon, sr., Chas. Boss, Albert T. Carter, Richard Dawson, D. Gustavus McLauchlin, Thomas Aliier, Martin Hache, Joseph Sewell, jr., William Archer, Alexander Morrison, Edw. Hornbrook. Jeremiah Muzerall, Peter DeGrace, Jerome Boudreau, Charles F. Brisson, Alexander Boyd, John Archer, Richard Miller, Francis J. McManus, John Nichol, Joseph Roy, sr., Richard Everard Hutchinson; Sylvanus Cormier, James Barry, jr. James R. Landry, Peter U. Landry, Sylvester Theriau, John Hoi-nibrook, Oliver Robichaud, Richard Young, John Curry, Stephen Clancy, John Morrison, John Chalmers, jr., .John Power, Adolphe Ache, John Jagoe, Hugh Galbraith. Alexis Landiy, Patrick Foley, sr., Thomas Cabot, Pliillip McNally, Camille Godin, Philemon Boudreau, John J. Rear- don, J. J. O'Hern, Francis Walsh, Lawrence R. Doucett, .John Young, jr., Alexander R. Yonng, Edward R. Losier, Louis Legere, Romain N. Robi- cheaud, Peter Landry, sr., Oliver Theriau, Jeremiah Fitzi)atrick, Peter P. Hachey, Richard Smyth and William W. Smyth, Esiiuires. Clerk of the Circuits.— Theophilus DesBrisay, Esq. High Sheriff.— Laman R. Doucett. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls.— Theophilus DesBrisay, Esq. Surrogate.— Henry W. Baldwin, Esq. Registrar of Probates. • -D. G. Maclauchlan, Esq. Registrar of Deeds and Wills.— Henry W. Baldwin, Esq. Stipendary Magistrate.- -D. Gustavus Maclauchlan, Esq. Stipendary Magistrate at Caraquet.— Martin Hache, Es(i. Coronors.— .Joseph Sewell, Wm. Ferguson, I). G. Maclauchlan, James G. (.'. Blackball, Gideon M. Duncan, M.T)., and R. E, Hutchison. Master of the Ctrammar School.— George M. Mersereau, B.A. Ntirxo^v ttud »lili> Axi'H at J. llOKNiASTLr^i. Use ENAMELLINE for the Teeth. >■; Trustees and Directors of the Grammar School.— Theophilus DesBrisay, Hon. John Ferguson, John KeiT and James Hickson. Barristers and Attornies.— Theophilus DesBrisay, D. Oustavus Maclauch- I Ian and T. Swayne DesBrisay, Esqs. Notaries Public— Theophilus DesBrisay, D. Gustavus Maclauchlan, T. Swayne DesBrisay and Henry W. Baldwin, Esqs. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court.— The Barris- ters and Attornies practising in the County, aud Hon. Robert Young, Jos. G. C. Blackball, John Young, John Kerr and Henry A. Sormony, Esqs. Issuer of Marriage Licences.— Henry W. Baldwin, Esq. Commissioner under Act 38 Vict., Chaps. 4 and .5.— John Kerr, Esq. Fishery Officers.— Bathurst, James Hickson ; Caraquet, Juste Hache. Agent for Lloyds.— Henry W. Baldwin, Esq., Bathurst. I Members of Board for the Management of Tracadie Lazaretto.— Hon. AVm. Wedderburn, Hon. Pierre A. Landry and Hon. Michael Adams. Auctioneers.— William Taylor, Hon. Robert Young, Henry W. Baldwin, : John Kerr, Phillip Rive, Prospere E. Poulin, John E. Baldwin and Robert iiB. Vail. ' Collector of Customs.— William J. O'Brien. ! I Vice-Consul Norway and SWeeden.— John Sivewright, Esq. ii Commissioners of Parisli Courts.— Beresford, Bernard Commeau and ;i John Curry; Bathurst, D. O. Maclauchlan; NewBandon, John Foley and i: John Hornibrook: Caraquet, Martin Hache and James G. C. Blackball; < Shippegan, Jonathan Doran and Henry A. Sormony ; lukerman, Joseph j; Sewell; Saumarez, William Archer. |i MUNICIPALITY OF GLOUCESTEU. I Secreta,ry and Treasurer.— John Sivewright, Esq. jl Auditor.— John E. Baldwin, Esq. I I Councillors.— Bathurst, John E. O'Brien and Samuel Melancon ; Beres- I ford. John Chalmers, jr., and John Aube: New Bandon, John Hornibrook i and Ubald Landry; Caraquet. Joseph Sawell, jr., and Juste Hache; Inker- i j man, William Walsh and James Barry, jr. ; Shippegan, Francis W. Alexan- der and John DeGrace; Saumarez, John Ycning and — LeBreton. COUNTY OF KI5J^fT. Judge of the County Court.— Hon. Bliss Botsford. James D. Phinney, Justices of the Peace.— Thomas W. Bliss, Hon. David Wark, William Han- ington, Reuben Johnson, Lawrence McLaren, James Burns, James Girvan, Terence Curran, John Jardine jr. John Robertson, John Brait, Horatio Smith, Louis B Allan, Charles Goselen. Luke Johnson, Amant Bourgeois, sr., Jas. Lucas, Alexander MuWilliams, Stephen Briggs, Robert Brown Thos. Stevenson, John Stevenson. Edwaitl Walker, Alexander Gjrvan, Kenneth B Forbes,;John Ford, Owen McInenO', Pierce Quilty, John Harnett, Theo- pliilus Bilodeau, Qiarles Correy, Samuel Girouard, Simon Allen, Michael McFadden, Herbert Irving, Thomas Richardson, Alexande^i; Robertson, Robert Chalmers, Thaddeus Gallant, Andrew Bourgeois, Thos. Porner, Thomas Coates, Robert Cutler, John C Ross, John T Cale. John Potter, Gerhardus Peter Daii Hannah, h^m^^y^x *^«».»v^, ^-^..^^ ^ , - -- •., x- -r. . . i. -t James Sowerby, John Sutton, Nicholas Muzeroll. Peter Robicheau, Jas. Harnett, Oliver LeBlanc, Ambrose Girouard, John McKee, Jaddus Goquon, Daniel Robicheaud William Bowser, jr, Angus McLean, Andrew Dunn, Rob- ert Clark, Anthony Roach, R. Hutchinson, Joseph Bernard, Robert Doug- las, Robert Main, Isaac W. Doherty, Eustache Melancon, W. B. Weldon, William Johnston (Cocaigne), Vincent Bourk, Bernard Gorman Lazar Gunnimou, John Dickinson, Edmund Hutchm.son, John Taylor, Robert Do- herty, Charles Y. Walker, John Murray, James F. Atkinson, Benjamui F, Hailey,Thos. Anderson, Benj. F. Wetmore, Alexander Leishmati, David W. Grierson, J. P. Caie, Peter Tibidean, Lazare Daigle, Samuel M. Girouard, Maxim D. Cormier, Jas. McNavin, Adams G. McLellan, Rich. Sutton, be- hastian Babineau, Michael Savie, Jude LeBlanc, Peter N. Mezerall, Pac- iflque N. Belliveau, Le^e O. Bailey, Robt. E. Atkinson, Jean F. Richard, \ (t) I B B B Jot Oats and Feed go to HOBNCABTLE'S, ladiantown. ENGLISHMAN'S COUGH MIXTURE for Couglis. 60 KINOS. [1882. Henri' T. Warman, James Brown, James Morton, Jolui Cochran, John Harnett, Tliomas Dunlop, Jean Francois and R. P. Leger, JLsqs. Clerk of the Clrcuits.-Robert Hntchinson, Esq. High Sheriflf.— Antoine Girouarii, Esq. ,-, ^ , ■ !?.„ Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls.-Robt. Hutchinsou, Esq. Collector of Customs.— John Rusk, Esq. Judge of Probates.- James D. Phinney, Esq. Registrar of Probates.— Robert Caie, Esq. ,„. t-. Registrar of Deeds and Wills.— Thomas Wetmore Bliss, Esq. . Issuer of Marriage Licenses.— Robert Hutchinson, Esq. Stipendary Magistrate.— Thomas W. Bliss, Esq. InspectorofSchools.— Valentine Landrf, Esq. t^i,„„*«„ Coroners.-Horatio B. Smith, Isaac W. fioherty, M.D., WUliam Johnston, James C. Moody, M.D„ Damiea Bourgeois, Ruflno A. D'OUaqui and Alex. P. Landry. M.D. ^. ,.*,,,, * Notaries Public- The Attormes practising in the County. Swedish and Norwegian Vice-Consul.— Robert Hutchinson, Esq. Auctioneers.-Richard Sutton, Jacob P>rgU8on, Welton Wheaton, Na- thaniel Hutchinson, Edmund Hutchinson, John T. Caie, William J. bmitn, John Robertson, William B. Deacon and Robert Phinney. Game Warden.— W. Wheaton. MUNICIPALITY OF KENT. Warden.— C. Y. Walker. Secretary.-G. V. Mclnerney. . , .^ , ^ , r • • * ■«• i Councillors.-Richibucto, Daniel O Leary and Gordon Livingston; Wel- lington, Patrick Gratten and Damien Gallant; Weldford, C. Y. Walker and Anthony Roach; St. Louis, Joseph L. Richard and Francis M. Richard; Carleton, Patrick Flanagan and Frank Curran : Acadieville, Urbain John- son and Hilaire Daigle; Harcourt, Andrew Dunn and E. B. Buckerfleld. COUNTY OF KINGS. Alfred E. McLeod, Judge of the County Court.— Charles Watters, Esq. Esfi. Clerk. 1 Justices of the Peace.— A. C. Evanson, John C. Price, Robert McCuUy, i Craven Langstroth, Elias S. Freeze, Weeden Fowler, D. M. Campbell, Elijah i A. Perkins. Walter B. Scovll, James W. Nowlan, Samuel Foster, John H. I Wright, J. D. Micheau Keator. R. S. Foster. Nelson Arnold, William Pear- i son. William A. Stockton, William B. McKiel, AViUiam McLeod, Philo M. j Raymond, Nathaniel Belyea. William Buchanan, John O. Dann. James Cookson, Zebulon Connor, James A. Fenwick, AVilliam Keith, George H. ' Wallace, John Erb, John Mclntyre, Daniel McLachlan. John Urquhart, Wilham S. Teakles, Robert Morrison. William Baskin, T. Oliver Arnold, I John C. Godard, William Deniston, Joseph D. Baxter, George Flewelling, i George Barnes. David McKenzie, Henry Piers, jr., Isaac Famkner, Joshua C. Upham, Peter Brennan, Peter Dunn, John McLeod, Patrick McBriarity, John Carroll. Nathaniel H. Deveber, George Holmes Kierstead, J. Murray Nftse, William S. Frost. Simeon Hatfield White, John Moore, Oswell N. Price, Murray B. Keitli, Ebenezer Stockton, James Campbell, Nicholas P. Wannamake, James W. Smith, William Barnes, David Smith, James Doug- las, Henry AV. Purdy, Conad J. Hendicks, Benjamin Gray, John M. Ray- mond, William Thomas, Lewis Folkins, Caleb Fenwick, James A. Sinnott, Charles Hazen, Charles M. Hunt. CJeorge Whitfield Sharp, Justus Henry, Gray, Daniel C. Perkins, G. Hudson Flewelling, Andrew McVey, William J. M. Woodman, Gilbert Perry. James Mills. Abram M. Mabee, John E. B. Mc- Cready, Levi N. Shan>. Miles Jenkins, James Miles, John M. Stockton Jas. J. Brien, John E. Ryan, James E. Moore. Michael Hanley, Alexander Mc- Leod,: Charles Snodgrass, Thomas Warrell, RoV)ert Simpson, John Linton, James Kingston, Amasa Kennedy, George Inch, David Eloyd, John S. Frazee, C. Douglass Fairweather, C. LemulCoates. Roland M. Morton, Peter Snider, Henry S. Parlee, John Mills, James W. Freeze, James Gordon, .John W. Cookson, Joseph H. Dickson, William H. White, James Pickett. Felix McGuire, D. Beverley Hatfield. J. A. Smith Kierstead, Abraham B. Hayes, Charles J, Keith. Samuel C. Thorne, William H, Creigeton, Edward M. Chambers. John O'Shea, Samul E. Frost. John Davidson, Daniel. P. Camp- Wrapping Paper and Twines, cheap, at HOBNCASTLE'S, FELLOWS' DYSPEPSIA BITTERS for Jaundice. nston, ,i f Alex. £ bfU. George T. Seely. Thomas Soutlier. (Jeorge Ogilvie, Robert PoUey, Dan. Rouertson, Robert Mylea, James W. ?'reez(\ .Joseph MeBay, Andrew Mal- cohu, George A. "Wonleii, Patrick W. Ryan, Thos. Kierstead. Justus VVetmore, Wiliiam D. Fowler, Jolui 11. Mace. W, MelJae, J. Trneman, John Crawford, H. W. FolJcins, T. Price, S. T. Holder, W. A. Williams. Howard Holder, J. E. Petei-s and R. Mcl'herson, Esiis. Stipendiary Magistrate.— George H. Wallace, E.sq. ("lerk of the Circuits.— John H. Cother, Esq. High Sheriff.— Samuel N. Freeze, Esq. Keeper of the Rolls, Judge of Probates and Clei-k of the Peace.— George Otty, Esq. llegistrar of Probates.— James Cookson, Esq. Registrar of Deeds.— George Barnes, Esq. (!oronei-s.— A. C. Evanson. James Wetmore, Jr., Adino Paddock, O. I'urdy, Rufus A. Stockton, John WiLson, John M. Raymond. Allan Me- Leod, George Rix Price, William Keith, Robert J. I^numt, M. 1)., Wm. H. McKeel, L. N. Sharp, Foster McFarlane, M. D. Joshua Burnett, M.D.. Robert Morrison, Dr. Jiisenh, H. McMonagle, William Keith, John Brady, M.D., Robert. B. Vail, William Fairweathei-, Peter Brennan, William Bu, ohauan, J. E. B. McCready, James Fenwick, Frederick M.cPlierson D, Beverley Hatfield, John H. Raymond, James A. Moore, D J. McLellan, I'eter Campbell, Rolla A. Ford, George H. Johnson, M.D., Chas. Murray, M. 1).. John H. Ryan, M.D., James A. Moore, D. T. McLellan, Joshua Oldfleld and J. Faulkner. Commissioners for taking Affldavits and Bail in the Supi-eme Court.- -A. (;. Evanson, John C. Price. S. Foster, J. W. Nowlan. Philo M. Raymond, Jas. Cookson, Nelson Arnold and George Barnes, Esqrs. Issuers of Marriage Licenses.— William Baskin, James Cookson, Wm. Fairweather, Charles M. Hunt, S. N. Freeze and Andrew McAfee, Esqrs. Auctioneers.— E. S. Freeze, William H. White, E. Peikins, Samuel Freeze, Gilbert, Titus, Gilford Cougle, BenjaminSproule, Abraham Johnson, jr., William Keith, James E. Fryers, Isaac Pearson, John D. Mabee, Joseph D. Baxter, Joseph Belyea, T. G. barnes, W. M. Teakles, Sanuiel Gosline, Noah Keith, WiUiam A. Stockton, J. McNaught, Thomas Matthewson, J. Sharp. B. L. Crawford, G. Downey, D. M. Johnson. Douglas Fairweather, Samuel Foster, James W. Nowlan. John E. Ryan and G. H. Whiting, 1 Trustees of Grammar School.— Rev. W. W. Walker, J. D. M. Keator, John Fie welling, James A. Fenwick, James Cookson and Peter Brennan. Teacher of Grammar School.— John Raymond. Commissioners of Parish Civil Courts.— Wm. Buchanan, Esq.. Westfleld; Wm. McKiel, Esq., Greenwich; John Mclntyre, Esq., Kars; John Wood- ward, Esq., Rothesay; J. D. Micheau Keator, Esq., Hampton; J. Douglas Baxter, Esq., Norton; Wiiliam J. Brittain, Esq., Springfield; Wm. Barnes, Esq., Upham; Weeden Fowler, Esq., Hammond; , Esq., |Waterford; Elias S. Freeze. Esq., Card well; Wm. Keith, Esq., Havelock; I Caleb Fenwick, Esq., Studholm. i Kings County Board of Trade.— James Domville, M. P., President; I . , Vice-President; John Flewelling, Treasurer; Thomas 1 W. Lee, Secretary. Council— W. A. Smith, Alfred Markham, J. M. Stock- ton, John Sheck,"j. Manning. J. C. Price, W. B. Scovil, S. B. Raymond, John Flewelling, George Flewelling, J. C. Upham, Thomas Worref, John Mills, David Smith, Richard Titus, J. Woodward, G. H. FlewelUng, B. Mills, J. M. I Cookson. D. W. Belyea. John Linton. Wm. McLeod, A. M. Mabee. J. D. Baxtei', Wm. Frost, Robert Marshall, James E. Fenwick, George H. White, Samuel Fo.ster and Wm. B. McKiel. I Board of Arbitrators.— George Barnes, John M. Raymond, J. A. Fenwick, ' Robert E. MjLeod and W. T. Brittain. Game Warden— 0. R. Arnold. MUNICIPALITY OF KINGS. Warden. , Esq. Secretary -Treasurer.— Geo. Otty, Esq. Councillors.— Rothesay, W. Titus and H. G. Fowler and Allan C. Otty. Upham, Gilbert Cardwell, John Murray and John Moore. ■ Sussex, Isaac Bonnell and E. B. Beer. Studhohn, David Sinnott and A. J. I Keirstead. Westfleld^. W. Caulfleld and N. H. DeVeber. Hampton, Geo. I L. Taylor, M. D., and Fred. M. Sproul. Norton, A. B. Hayes and E. J. Bax- f ^ o (T CO p p ft » p ft p o [P o o v> o c s p< o o 3 P a ! Q I H S > ! P I S i'tmned Ciopas in grcRt vurlcly at J. 1I0BNCA.STLG*8, Every Familj' Rhoukl have FELLOWS' SPEEDY RELIEF. S o O 9) B o tt I 73 a S a 03 V ♦J s a £ ter. Oreenwich, S. A. Whelpley and A. M. Mabee. Havelock, Ehenezer Stockton and Clias. I. Keith. Hamniond, R. W. Forsyth and Roljt. Miles. Klnpstoii. John (). Dunn and Roht. Williams. Kai-s, Miles Jenkins and W. Helms. SprinKflt^ld, J. A. S. Keirstead and 0. U. Scovil. Watorford, Jas. A. Moore and John Brannen. 001^ NTY OF M ADA W ASK A. Judge of the County Court.— James O. Stevens, Esq. A. Rainsford Bal- loch. Clerk. Justices ofth'jPeace. John F.Rice, Ililalr Pellitier. Auf?ure Bernier, Flo rent l<\>ui'nier, Peter Midland, Joseph Martin, (Jeorge A. Boia, S. C. Hudon, John Lynch, Ilenrv- (Japon. Joseph Albert, Francis Levesque, Levlte Ther- iault. Dr. Xavier Bcrniei-, T. M. Richards, P. A. Babin, D. O. Burgoin, Ra- pliael Albert, H. Rossignal, Magloire Albert, I'rudent Oagon, Mathias Nadoau, R. 8. Pelletier, James Smith, Vital F. Thibideau, Cyril Poitras, Michael LaBell, Stephen Hufey, Thomas Chasse, K. T. Byram, John Hartt, J. T. Hodgson, John Lynch (St. Basil). Victoria Albert, Maglorie Hebert, P. C). Byram, Abraham Pen-on, Honoro Cyr, Barry A. IMant, Jesse Baker, I)enis Cyr. Placide Albert, Docite Nadeau, Theophile Levesque, Xavier Periault, Basil Beaulier, Beloni R. Vlolette, Cypriaii Pelletier, Basil Martin, Xavier Vlolette, F, Louser, Isidore Burgoin, Hiliare Cyr, Docite Micheaud, and Onesime Bellefluer, Esqniivs. High Sheriff.— J. Francis Rice, Esq. Clerk of the Peace.— A. Rainsford Balloch, Esq. Clerk of the Circuits.—Barry R, Plant, Esq. Judge of Probates.— Barry R. Plant. Esq. Barristers and Attornies.— A. Rainsford Balloch and Barry R. Plant, Esqs. Notaiy Public— A. Rainsford Balloch, Esq. Registrar of Probates.— Hilair Pellitier, Esq. Registrar of Wills and Deeds.- Jlilair Pellitier, Esq. Coronei-s.— John Lynch, S. C. Hudon, Edwin Akerley, Mathias Nadeau and Hilair Pellitier, Esqs. Commissioners to Solemnize Marriage.— J. T. Hodgson, Edwin Akerley and Enoch Baker, Esqs. Issuei-s of Marriage Licenses.— Thomas Emmerson. Stephen Ilafey and P. O. Byram, Esqs. Conmiissioners for taking Aflfldavits to be read in the Supreme Court.— A. Rainsford Balloch. Barry R. IMant and John T. Hodgson. Parish Court Commissioners.— St. Francis. R. S. Pellitier. St. HiUlaire, Honore Cyr. Madawaska. B. R. Plant. St. Ja('que, Thomas Chasse. St. Basil, Henry Gngon. St. Ann, Abraham Perron. St. Leonard, D. O. Bur- goine. Free Grant Couunlssloner for Micheaud Settlement.— Docite Micheaud, Esquire. Game Warden.— A. Rainsford Balloch, Esq. MUNICIPALITY OF MADAWASKA. Warden.— John T. Ilogdson, Esq. Secretary.— A. Rainsford Ballocn. Esq. Treasurer.- Alexis Cyr, Esq. Auditor.— Hilair Pellitier, Esq. Councillors.— St. Francis, Mathias Nadeau and Docite Nadeau; St. Hll- alre. Raphael All)ert and Hilair Cyr; Madawaska, John T. Hodgson and Maxim Martin; St. Jacque. David Rouseau and Baptist Guimond; St. Basil, Levite Theriault and Placide Albert; St. Leonard, Beloni R. Vlolette and Basil Beaulieu; St. Ann, Denis Cyr and Raymond Thibldean. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. I Judge of the County Court.— Hon. W Wilkinson. Samuel Thorn- ! son, J]sq, Clerk. I Justices of the Peace,— Richard Hutchison, Peter Mitchell, William Muirhead, John McRae, Hiram Freeze, John Williston, John Fallen, Burk Archibald, William M Kelly, John Lawlor, Alexander K Mc- Pocket Knives at J. HORN€ASTLE*S, Indlantown. ENAMELLINE will Whiten tlic Teeth. Doiigall, George A Blair, Thomas F Gillespie, John Noonan, William Park, James Fish, Neil Gordon, David Johnstone, Robert Falconer, Georye Burchill, Alexander Saunders, Duncan Davidson, John John- ston (Tabusiiitac), Alexander Logyie (Burnt Chinch), John Fairley, William Swim, Peter Ksson, John Nevin, Charles Sar^'ent, Jesse G Hardinj,', llobei-t K Call, Alexander Jassimine, William Falconer, Vital Allan, James T (JritKn, Jacob C (Jough, Adam D Sliereff, Michael Searle, William Williston, Jabez B Snowl)all, William Mason, jr, John G Layton, Enoch Flett, John Caie, Bartholomew Stapleton, John Brown, liichard Hockiii, William Murray, Arthiu' Wright, Ma- lachi Dwyer, Francos J Letson, Joseph K (Joggm, Hugh Holt, ifames Edgar, Donald McLauchlan, William McRae, Avard Hutchison, Chas (' Watt, Francis E Williston, Robert Brown, Harvey Finney, Patrick li'arrel, William Ennis, Thomas Ambrose, James Magee, John Mc- Naughton, John McKay, James Fitzpatrick, William G Creighton, Prudence Robicheau, Mathew Savoy, Duncan Morrison, Robert Whitney, David Summers, William McKay, Justus Furleigh, Alex- ander Mills, James Graham, Daniel McMillan, J ohn McLaggan, John Curran, Robert Swim, J«)hn Arbo, Alexander Dermott, R(»bert Jor- dan, William TUndorhilI,jr, Charles Donalds, Charles B Lyons, John Sullivan, Maurice O'Donnell, John McC'ormack, Thomas H Flaighler, Robert Johnson, sr, Rich.ard Davidson, Frances ]''raser, John Maltby, l)onald McBeath, Robert Loggie, jr, Ral})h Fayle, Enoch Bemford, Lewis Dunphy, John Scovill, John Campbell, John Newman, William Hartt, Francis H McKnight, sr, John R Nicholson, William C Jones, Roliert liean, John Johnston (Najian), Jnnies Johnson, William S Brown, John Rice, James llobinson, Alexander McKenzie, Henry Swim, David Baniford, John O'Brien, Alfred (' Smith, Thonias Troy, C Millar, Augustin A Richard, Alexander Sutherland, James Somers, David Petrie, Edward R Whitney, Francis Jardine, John Ellis, John McTavish, Patrick Murphy, Jasper Maddox, George Sutherlaiid, Alex- ander Atchison, Jared Tozer, Thomas Bailey Williston, Patrick Fitz- patrick, George Fowlie, Thomas Phclan, William McNaughton, jr, John McDonald (Little branch, Glenelg,), Daniel Crimmin, George B Fraser, George Petre, Joseph Simpson, Romain Savoy, James liowie (Oak Point), Lavis P Robicheau, Alexander Martin, Charles Fish, John Ferguson, Charles Bowen, John Sadlicr, John C Miller, E Lee Street, Samuel Mcf Uilly, William Wvse, John Frothingham, Michael S Benson, Edward Dalton, John Fish, Joseph Chaplin, James lirown, T H Vye, R Robinson (Nelson), M Savoy, James Harnett, J Buckley, J Kelly, (> S Ramsey and George Stephens, Esqs, Clerk of the Circuits.— Samuel Thomson, Esq, Q C. High Sheriif.-John Shireff, Eaq. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls.— Samuel Thomson, Esq, Q C. Judge of Probates.— Samuel Thomson, Esq, Q C. Registrar.— J B Eraser, Esq. Registrar of Deeds and Wills.— John Lawlor, Esq. Coroners.— Allp,n A Davidson, Robert B Wasson, Edward Rogers, John S Benson, John Thompson, M D, B N T Underbill, Elijah Fow- ler, C C Watt, James Patterson, William C Creighton, John Fallen, M D, William J G Dawson, M D, John Pond, John Johnston, Joseph Chaplin, William P Bishop, J H Freeman, M D, Phineas Willist«m, John McCurdy, M D, Alfred C Smith, M D, Daniel McMillan and J McDonald, Esqs. C'»talosiie» Alullcrt tree on Ai>pllcnf|on. For Dad nioocl take fi OLDEN ETJXin. OS S OFEEXS. [1882. Honr.Tclni K Jlanii.-t..n ami I: I'' A'.''""'^' ^'"""A:.. , ,, , , t^ . , iHHuei'Hof Mairiiii^'o riict'iiscs.— S lliuiiiHim, hlijah lowlerftnd Daiuol McMillan, ICs<|s. ,., , ., ,. ,, ('uimuiHMioiK'r fur Tarish Court, Chatham.— (.eorgo B ln. Prussian, Edward Hut- chinson, Ks({. ,r 1 . T^ T. Chatham (iasli,L,'ht Company.— Richard Hockm, Esq, Preaident; William Muirlieail and Dr J Palleii, lOsiis, Directors. United States Consular Aj,'ent.— II R Call, Esc]. MUNICIPALITY OF NORTHUMBEULANO. Warden.— John P Burchill. Secretary-Treasm-er.— S Clawson, C^ C. Councillors.— Ludlow, John J Pond, Kenneth Cameron; BUssfield, Samuel Freeze, Enoch liamford ; lilackvilie, William T ll^nderhill, Edward Hays ; North Esk, Anthony Ailams, .Tasper Maddock ; South Esk, William J Brown, Jared 'I'ozer ; Derby, John Bett«, James Robinson; Nelson, John O'Brien, John P P>\uchill ; Newcastle, Pat- rick Hays, James Brown, ; Chatham, Andrew H Johnson, William Lawlor ; Glenelj<, James Fitzpatrick, William McNauyhton ; Hard- wick, George Fowler, Jerenaah Sullivan ; Alnwick, Romain Savoy, Robert Loygie. COUNTY OF (QUEENS. Judge of the County Court. —James Steadman, Esq. J R Currey, Esq., Clerk. Justices of the Peace. — John McLean, George W Hoben, Charles Keith, Charles P Wetmore, Jose])h B Perkins, Joseph Coy, John B. Earle, John Goldfinch, Daniel N Smith, Gilbert I'erry, Charles E Langan, Alexander Case, Benjamin Boal, Jesse Clark, William Malone, Francis Woods, Walter S Butler, John J West, Thomas W. Carpenter, Isaac B Bunnell, W H White, James Humphreys, George Smith, Henry Todd, R P Yeamans, Gilbert Wiggins, T Leonard, Charles Murray, Robert Phillips, James Pearson, John Corbett, Ebenezer Williams, Allen McDonald, Charles Stewart, George E McLean, George N Golding, Thomas E McDonald, George Simpson, Isaac C Burpee, Nathaniel B C!ottle, George McDonald, Samuel L Peters, Benjamin S Palmer, John Inch, Thonas Hetherington, Joseph Hoben, James Quinn, George Mills, Robert Slipp, Josepl Pennery, George Worden, Daniel Palmer, Daniel C Stilwell, Duncan McLean, Charles F Cody, A Judson Estabrooks, Richard G Barton, James Reid, T William Perry, William V White, George Colwell, Peter Knight, Micah Y Cox, Sanmel M Starkey, George Baird, John H Kelly, Charles Perkins, Archibald Caii)enter, James Wilson, C H Kingston, .|» lIOKN€ASTLE, Efilabllshfd 1854, ludlantoMii. DARKER'fi QUININE WINE and IRON Ih the Genuine. 1882.] QUEENS. G5 Mo«eH S Moore, (\arcy KHtabrnoks, William Ifawkhnrst, Thoman O'Uonnell, Peter Iiin>,'loy, Abraliam L IJailey, Inaac B McGreyor. JanieH (iardiner, (Jeorye Duiiii, (t \l Vinueut, John S IJelvea, Sainuei Martin, Jlenry J DuVernet, Howard Alward, CJeorKO Kirkpatrick. John W Foshay, (»eorge I* Ilogau, 1[ J Clarke, William Weston, T M Wetmore, Henry McCVeedy, Archibald McAllister, Freeman Alward, Alward J I'arkhill, Keed Slinn, VV J Nickerwm, and J W lloberts, Thonms Harrinon, William lillcy, David liong, Jamea H Ita/.elwood, EsriH. High Sheriff.- -William Howe, Kh Ki(;llard^*on. HampHtt-ad, AiiiaHa Merritt ami Ucnjainin Clark. Petornvill*!, IVter JiitiKl«v and William Tillcy, CiuiniiiK, 'leHsr < lark and K I' YeouiaiiH. Wickliani, Inaac W Car- pouter aud Leonard S Vanwart. <'OUNTY()F KESTlGOriJHK ' -ludgc of tlic County Court.— VVillmui WilkiiiHon, Enq. J. 8,: Morse, Es(i , Clerk. JuHtices ol' the IVace.— Ath iii Fer^aison, AVillium lluiniltoii. •John L'Uican, John McNair, .lohii .McMillan, John McMillan, jr., John Gillies, Uohert Ferguson. C'harh^H Murray, J*atrick Doyle, Donald McAlist(!r,William Hamilton, 2n(l, Patrick Doyle,; jr., John Mureliy, Ale.xantler Laing, Archibald McKeny,ie,| William Mott, David Sadlier, Jo.seph Windsor, Thomas Kerr, • David Ritchie, jr., Peter Hamilton, jr., James IJitchic, Malcolm Patterson, Jolin Quinn, An(lr(;w ilarvie, William Jamieson,; David Duncan, jr., John Adams, jr., Paul Dcvereaux, Lawrence Lepoint, (Jeorge White, James !S. Alorse, Adam Duncan, Hugh Miller, Angus McLean, jr. xVlexander Stewart, Thojnas Hayes,: James McMillan, Angus L. Sinclair, John Dawson, Patrick, L'Uican, John Gereau. Alexander ^IcKay, Archibah' hisholin,; James \i. ^McKcnzie, John Alowatt, John Jardinc, J ' MofHt.j James Duff Bain, John McNicsh Greuroiid and J Gcrow, I Esquires. j High Sheriff.— William H. Phillips, Esq. | (Merk of the Circuits. — James S. Morse, Esq. ! Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls. --James S. Morse, Es(i. i Surrogate.— James S. ], Es(p Registrar of Deeds and Wills.— John Barbaric, Esq. Registrar of Probates.— John Barbaric. Esq. Supervisors of Roads.— Robert Sinclair, James Jamieson and John CuUigan, Esqs. Issuer of Marriage Licenses.— J. C. Barberie, Esq. Commi.s.sioners for taking Bail in the Supreme Court.— Charles Murray (Campbelllon), William Montgomery, Esqs. Commissioners for Parish Courts.— David Sadlier, Dalhousic: VVilliam .Mott, Addington; John McMillan, Colborne; Andrew Harvie, Durham. Revenue Ollk-ers.— Port of Dalhousie, William Montgomery, Collector of C\istoms; E. L Stewart, Waiter, Searcher, ami Locker. Preventive Officers, William Jamieson, Dalhousie; James [McMillan, New Mills; William Dovle, Jac(iuet River. Campbellton, John Jardine, Deputy Treasurer ; A. R. Chamber lain. Waiter, Searcher, tVc. Ct)roners.— James S. Morse, Allen McKendrick, William Dis Jt nOKAii'AHXlii;, i'heup Oruccry !!>torc, ludlttulon'u. J*or doro typ» use FELLOWS' EYE DiNtMENT. 1882.] SUNBUHY. 07 brow, M. I)., Siiniuol Shaw, M. D., Victor J. A. Vernon, M. I)., iind (ieorgc A. IJaUolin. Fishery Wardens, —Williimi .Mi\Millan, Alexaiidcr Mcl'herson and John Mowat (Dee Side). Teacher of the Graniniar School, — Alcxiiiuler Koss. Auctioneers.— -William Mowatt, .1. S. .Alorse, liobcrt Moffat and David Sadlier. Hestigouchc Agricultural Society.— William ^Montgomery, President; John Murchieand Alcxantier Dickie, Vice Presidents; Alexander Stewart, Secretary-Treasurer. Game Warden. — Dr. William Grey Disl)row. MUNICITAUTY OF RESTIUOUCUB. Secretary.— Henr^' A. Jolinston, Esc]. Treasurer. — Wilham Montgomery, Esq. Auditor.— David Ritchie, Esci. Councillors. — Dalhousic, Alexander Stewart and Thomas Ras- sett; Addingtou, Cluuies W. Murray and William W. Doherty; Colborne, George H. White and Donald Kerr; Durham, John CuUiganand Archibald McLean. COUNTY OF Sl'NBURY. George Judge of the County Court. — James Steadman, Es(( J. Bliss, Clerk. Justices of the Pcace.—IIon. Robert I. mean Wilniot, Thomas A. Bcckwith, William lloyt, Thomas TS. Gilbert, Thomas Ilartt, John Glasier, Charles Tnicey, Charles J. Railcy, Stephen P. Estabrooks, Charles Brown, John Slmnions, (fharles Burpee, Thomas Wright, Robert Linton, Henry P. Bridges, Isaac Tay- lor, James Mitchell, Martin Adams, William E. Hoyt, John C. Seely, Charles II. Clowes, Jonathan Bridges, A. Addison Ster- ling, Archibald Harrison, Charles Duffy, Charles D. O. Curry. John Henry DeWitt, Jeremiah Tracey, James Miller, James E. Simmons, William 31cLean, John Stone, William E. Perley, Adam Noble, Fred W. Bailey, George N. H. Harding, AVilliam Harrison, David II. Smith, Thomas P.Taylor, Amos Thompson, George Grass, Amasa Carr, W. A. Smith, Orran Smith, Thomas Bridges, jr., Charles Knox, Thomas McC-affery, David ^lorrow, AVilliani Currie, Parker Glasier, Joseph Whittaker, Douglas Chase, George F. Estabrooks, George Lindsay, Richard Hughes, Daniel T. Reese, John E. Smith, Avard Burpee, William Alcorn, Dennis McCluskc^, Daniel McKcn/.ic. Rain.sford W. Foster, John Reese, Patrick Coleman, John T. 3lilcs, Edwin Street, Charles Baker, John Sowers, Frederick D. Smith, William Harrison, John D. Wilmot, George AV. Hobcn, Isaac Stephen- son, James Shields, Constautine McNeill, James Kirkpatrick, Alfred Bunker, Samuel L. Sleep, Alexander L. Matthews, James Fowler, James Hamilton, James S. Raymond, James Alexander McGee, Daniel Haslem, Thomas B. Roberts, David Duplissey, Jonas Clarkson, Thomas E. Smith, Arthur Graham and Geo. Armstrong, Esqs. w J I lI01ii\€iiiTL£, ImUantoM'n, sells Hardware €iicai> fur t'asb, Summer Complaints use FELLOWS' SPEElDY RELIEF. a* In a en O Ph ■M a . .j. m. iianmgton, J. W. Chapman, Robt. Smith. John Blacklock. Colin VanBuskirk. Ralph Siddall. nc, Charles Somers. Clement Burk. Nelson O. Trites, Wm. Dixon. Edward C. Gooden. William Dobson, John Irvine. Uulhler'9 llunlnurc ut J, UVKK€A»TLE'», Ifiainntown. i'ELLOWS' BPEEDV RfiLlfiF has lio equdi. Wilson, M. D:, Dorchester; Howard D.. Charters, Moncton; S. S. Wilniot, Salisbury; Wm. B. Deacon, Shodiac; and the Judge ot the County Court in the Province. Notaries Public. -Sir A. J, Smith, D. L. Hanington, Charles E. Kiiapp, .1. 13. Peck, A. J. Hicknian, Dofchester. A. D. Richard, Sackville; D. Haning- ton.W. J. Gilbert, Wni, H. Deacon and N. A. Laudiy, Shediao; Bliss Botsford, Charles Holstead. Harvey Atkinson and R, B. Smith, Moncton; Chris. Milner and H. A. Powell, Sackville; B. S. Reed, Dorchester. Conmiissi oners of Parish Civil Courts.— J. Wortman and Lovell Lewis, Moncton; George Chapman, Salisbury; Wnl. B. Deacon and F. G. Harsh- man, Shediac; S. G. Gdbert and M. F. Richards, Dorchester; Wm. Duncan and Patrick Hebert, Botsford; Sand, Sharp and Chapnelle Silliker, West- morland; William T, George and Walter Canill, Sackville; Thomas Herritt, Petitcodiac. Commissioner of Sewers for Frosty Hollow Marsh, Sackville.— James Lowerison. Commissioners of Sewers for Fox Creek Marsh, Moncton.— David Burke and Florian Whit^. I'ommissionei-s of Sewers. Great Canal, Parishes of Westmorland and Sackville.— Silas D. Copp and Timothy Richardson, Connnissioners of Sewers, Barochois Marsh, Shediac— Dominic Budrot and Mark Budrot. Commissioner of Sewers for Missiguash Marsh.— Hiram Trenliolm. Commissioners of Sewers, Mill Creeek Marsh, Sackville. — lluf us Bulmer. Commissioners of Sewers, Etter. Aboicleau Marsh, Sackville ami Westmorland. — Bradley Etter, Isaac Lowerison, and Nelson Buhner. Auctioneers. — Wm. Lawrence, Silas Crane Charters, and J. Weldon Chapman (Dorchester), W. J. M. Hanington, and William B. Deacon (Shediac), Robt. Hallctt and Jesse L. Bent (Sackville), Jacob Wortman (Moncton), liobcrt Moffatt (Salisbury). Issuers of Marriage Licenses.— S. W. Tlngley (Dorchester), and R. A. Borden (Monctmi). K. B. C. Weldon. Grannnar School Teacher. — A. Denton. Inteiim Assignee under Insolvent Act, 1875. —C A. Steeves. (lame Warden.- Richard C. Boxall Board of Health, Moncton.— R. Gordon Baxter, M.D., D. A. Duffy, E. 3Ic- Sweeney, Josei)h Crandall and William CJwaii. I'eters Combination Lock Company, Monciin. -lewis Carvell, Jas. Mc- .VUister, W. V. Dening, A. E. Peters, P. S. Arcliibald, J. J. Wallace and H, T. Stevens, Directors. Ml'NICIPALlTY OF WESTMORLAND. , COUNTY OF YORK. Jiulffc of the County Court.— Jus. Stcadman, Esq. Chas. II. B. Fisher Clerk erton, Calvni L. Goodspeed, John Hea, jun., Moses Hillman, Hezekiab Cronkhito, Thomas Temple, Thomas Herbert, Lewis H. Iluestis, John S. Barker, Samuel A. Akerley, Wm. C.Brown, Geo.W. Knox, Alexander TobavcoM, nbulCMilv uu«IKclull, ut J- IIOKN€. i 73 3 BARKER'S WORM LOZENGES will cure Worms in Children. d be < H !» c aJ s o o o C o 3 CO 4< O a; 2 o c 01 loody, George Nevers, Wm. Gibson, Henry Rogers, Thos. Davis, Wm. Vhitehead, Constantine Connelly, Archibald McLean, Wm, Jamieson, reo. Lester, John A. Beckwith.Satnl. Daj^ton, I. Atherton, W. C Joslin,, M Whitehead Geo , , . John L. Grant, Thos. B'. Saunders, Benj. II. Clayton, Bernard Elliott, George il. Maxin, James Sutherland, Geo. A. Perley, William Wilson, John Anderson, George Risteen, George Estey, William H. Murray. Joseph Reed, Solomon Vail, William Calder, Nicholas T. Wheeler, Wm. Roach, Robert Robinson, Thomas Miles, James E. Smith, Zebulon Currie, Andrew, Richard Bellamy, Asa Dow, Hiram Dow, Alex. Thompson, Alexander Gibson, Lewis Fisher, Jesse Parent, David Pugh, Jesse Christy, William. CUirkson, Asa D. Brooks, Edward H. Hartley, William Dunham, James D. Mclvay, John'L. Fletcher, John Griffith, James Johnston, William S Esty, George Hatt, Charles L. Uartt, Stephen Boone, Wm. Grieve, George Ingraham, AtUlingtou E. Clifl", Samuel Colter, James llenry, William Boyd, Asa Mitchell, James Parent, Michael Doherty, Levorit Estabrooks, Charles McCormack, Leo- nard Yerxa, Geo. Foster, David Douglas, Henry Boone, Chas. McGib- bou, Hiram H. Veysey, Wm. Foster, Adam Jackson, John Rutherford, Geo. Coulter, David R. Thomas, Jeremiah Meaher, John W. Barker, Henry McFarlane, Alexander Bennett, George Clements, Benjamin Yerxa, William C. Joslin, John L. Guat, Hugh McKav, S. F. Grosver- nor, John Taylor, Joel Millar, Alexander McLean, Peter D. Keyes, Samuel Yerxa, William H. Biden, Richard Long, Benjamin Atherton, Calvin t^stabrooks, Thos. F. Barker, John Davidson, James M. Brown, John B. Grant, James Vorxa, Norman Hallett, William McKay, C. U. S. Cronkite, Jeremiah Howland, Alfred Bartlctt, A. 8. Hoyt, William J. Wiggins, David Lindsav, Thomas McVey, J as. K. Pinder, Robert Sloot James W. Ebbett, Benjamin R. Burt, John Riuliards, John MuBean, sen., David Richards, Wm. Tomlinsou, Saml. K. Nason, Edward Speer, Alex. Foster, George Hagerman, Thos. Gillmor, Frank Watson, Wm. E. Johnstone, Odber Dunphy, Alex. Munro, Thomas Morris, John Lyons, Thos. Coburn, Luther Goodspeed, Whitman Estev, Wm. Fisher. Chas. 8. Ingraham, John Oliver, Benjamin N. Goodspeed, George S. Terrill, James W. Jewett, George Byrams, Michael Yerxa, sen., George H. Vanwart, William T. Howe, E. 1). Estabrooks, Luke Lawson, John Shields, William Inch, J. R. Garden, John Swan, A. Charters, William Hay, S. Wilkinson, llichanl Junes, Gouri,'e L. Hoyt, James Bird, Zopher B. Dunphy, Jolin (.'. Murray, John IHiichey, Alanson Mc, Nally, W. Harvey Lawrence, Abraham McKeeu, Edward E. Merri- thew, Abraham I'.rewer, sr., Frederick W. CUonieiits, Daniel H. Hart- ley, Adonijah Morehouse, Thomas Trail, C^harles Heustis and Judson Crunter, A.J. Bunn, 1'. Mcl'eake, C. J. Tozer, Daniel A. Estey, Jas. T. Maston, Kobert Hains, jr, Louis Mazerail, Herbert Estey, A. B. Avery, George Hcnvhuul, John Pagan, Archibald Charters, llobert Macklin, G. Ward Merrithew, William Murphy, Joseph Noble, Jesse Barker, Henry A. Donelsou, Joseph T. Masten, James Gamber, James Wisley, Andrew Anderson, A. D. Whitehead, liichard Jones, William . , . nmty dkcritf. W. Long. Keeper of the liolh and Clerk of the Peace —W. VauWart, Esq. ^Vtrcojfrt^e.— (tL'orge F. 11. Mincliin, E».iuirc. Jicffistrar of rrolHUes.—]>'vMn:\ii A. 11. Strutton, Es(iuiro. Sugar iiud 41olu»»v», ilicui>, at J, H01l.\t'A!!iTLK'!». UNIVERSAL LINIMENT is the Farmei-fi* Friend. 1882.] YOUK. 73 liegintrar of Deedf and IFi//*.— Abraham D. Yeixa, Esquire. Rol)t Mooro, Esquire, Deputy. Coroners. — Juilah Hammond, Jolm Mar.^hall, Thomas Brown, S. D. Miii'pherson, Tlieodore (I Brown, David Little, Hiram Dow. Geo. Nevers P',s(niires. judge of Pt'obatcK. — G. F. H. iiinchin, Ei^quire. Collector of RoyaUica. — Jame.s Henry, Es(juiro. Commimoner for taking Bail in the Supreme Court. — Daniel Gal- lagher, Esquire. Comtninsioners for taking AffidavHii in the Supreme Court. The several Attorneys practising in the County. Commissioner under Garnishee Act, 38 Viet., cap. 4 and 5. John L. Marsh, Esquire. ('uininixsiouer of the Aims and Work House. — Daniel Brown W. W. King, Jailor. ' Benjamin It. Burt, Ew]., Commis.'iioner Tarish of Douglas Civil Court. CORPORATION OF FREDERICTON. G. Freo Fisher, Esquire, Mayor. Charles W. Beekwith, Es(iuire, City Clerk. John Edwards, Esciuire, City Treasurer. James F. McMui-ray, Esquire, City Auditor. j- Wellington Ward. Aloermen, ( (t, F. Athert(m, Es Kings Ward. of Japtain Leigh, Esquire. John Woodward, City Marshall. William Grieves, Road Master. David C^irrier, Wharfinger. Elijah Clark, Esquire, Commissioner of the Alms House. Jolm Woodward, Server of City Tax Notices, and Collector Miscellaneous Licenses. Martin Nf)wlinj Keeijer City Hall. As.sesjJORS.— H. S. Estey, Chairman ; James Farrell and George A. Cliff. Bevisors. —Aldermen Moore, Leigh, McPherson, Simmons and Farrell. TursTEES OF Schools.— A j>pointed by Gm-ernment : A. F. Ran- dolph, Chairman ; J. L. Inches and Dr. Coulthard. Aj)pointed by City Council : Wesley Vanwart, A. A. Sterling, Patrick Dever and S. D. McPherson. 5" re W I § C3 IB D < ft) 05 (-»■ O n o 05 CO p B B 5' ''I % B B J n » ll ^ \\ B Orooeries and FrovisiQns at J. HOBNCABTLE'S, Indiantown. OOLPEN ELIXIR will Ctire Kldnoy Complaint. 4i> be < > 6 p s o o o w s !^ a a cc 2 a so a 74 YOKR. [188L'. Police Depaktmknt. — John L. Marsh, Enquire, Police Magistrate; John Riuliards and John McDouald, Esquires, Sitting Magistrates; 7Wimn«n— John Woodward, Sergeant ; Richardson Boone and Jiis, Christie. ^ . , t, . FiKE Departmkxt.— Andrew Lipsctt, Chief Engineer ; John Maxwell, Assistant Engineer. Alexandria Steam Fire Engini Comjiany.No. 1. J. B. Hawthorne, Captain ; James White, Engineer, Frederieton Steam Fire Engine fJompany, No. 2, Jolin E. Perks, Captain. Gordon Kelly, Engineer. No. 3. Hand Engine, Janus llodgers, Captain. No. 4. Hand Engine, Henry Pollock, Captain. Fire Protection CoMrANV.— JanieH Fowler, Captain. Hook and Ladder Company. -A. (i. Edgecombe, Caj)tain. DRO'EUS.—John E. Boone, John Woodward. Richai'dstui Boone, James Christie. Auctioneers. — Ja?. L. Beverley, Joseph Myahrall, Geo. A Perlcv, W. n. Kriel, Geo. B. Peters, G. B. Vanwart, B. R. Burt, J. Littlelielil, Alexander Hay, Samuel Blair, Geoige L. Boyt, William G. Hatcli, i Edward Lowej E. Estabrooks, Thomas McVey, Wm. Whitehead and Hezekiah Cronkhite. SL'HVEyoR.s OF Llmber. -Wilmot Guiou, Thomas Paisley, W. 11. Turner, Alfred Turner, Peter Haining, N. T. Wheeler, David Currier, Geo. Parker, F. H. Berry, L. A. Estey, R. McNally, R. Boone, A. W. Fleming a ad John Stirling. i Cyrus W. Burt, Inspector of i;jhingles. ' Surveyors of Wood and Coal. — Wilmot Guiou, Thomas Pai.sley, Thomas Howell, D. Currier, W. R. Turner, Jesse Waters, Peter Hainiug, ('has. L. Richards and Jas. T. Wheeler. Surveyor of Ice. — D. Currier. Fence Viewers.— II. Doherty, W. McKay, P. Fitzpatrick, D. Kenny and M. Lawlor. City En<4ineer. — A. G. Beckwith, C. E., Esquire. Fredericton Skatino Club.— Thos. Temple, President, Hon. John A. Beckwith, John Pickard, M. P., and A. F. Randolph, Es(|., Directors. John L. March, Esq., Solicitor. John Richards, Esq., Secretary-Treasurer. Fredericton Society of St. Andrew.— W. Brydon Jack, D. C. T^., President ; Hon. J. J. Eraser, Ist Vice-President ; James R. Howie, 2d Vice-President ; H. Mathewson, Secretary-Treas. ; Rev. John M. Brooke, D. D., Chaplain ; Robert Thorburn, Marshal ; 1). Hossack, Piper. Y. M. ('. As.sociATioN. — Georq e F. Atherton, President; J. W. S,)Uidin, Geo. F. Atherton and Samuel Rosborough, Vice-Presidents; John J. Weddell, Rec. Secretary ; Dr. H. Coburn, Cor. Secretary ! A. Lottiraer, Treasurer. Committee of Management.- -A. W. Fleming, C. H. B, Fisher, J. Bebbingtoii, Dr. Atherton, Dr. Coulthard, (J. W. Schleyer, J. A. Curry, H. LeB. Smith, M. S. HalJ, M. Lemont, Prof. l\ivet and (i. W. Fenwick. Mt'NICIPALlTY OF YORK. Warden. — John Rutherford. Secretary-Treasurer.— H. B. Rainsford. Auditor. — J. \. Vanwart. Councillors.— Bright, J. H. Jewett and Tho.sf. Coburn; Canterbury. Alonzo Duo and Geo. Jamieson ; Douglas, Thos. Coatea and W. E. Hill and Steamboat Supplies at J. HORNCASTL£*S^ Indiantown, GOLDEN EIJXIR rurilh^s the Blood. isher, .1. J. A. and ( ; . I 1882.] ROYAL FAMILY— CABINET MINISTERS. 75 Johnston; D\iuifrieH, M. Doheity and II. A. Davidson; Kiny^clear, John ('. Murraj' and 13. A. Everett ; Manners Sutton, J), (ilendenning and Joku llutherft»rd; New Maryland, Daviil Tiii)si'tt and S. K. >;a.>■ H O (i a n B CO o tr p Lime, Plaster, Cement, Hair and Brick, at J. HORNCASTLE'S. 1 -ELLOWS" DYSPEPSIA BITTERS will Ciire Indigestion. c i\ < I a ^' H 6 o o c B 1 S 0) 01 CO e: § .a I 70 DOMINION OF «'ANAI)A. [1882 ! vv the Coll »uieH-- Karl i»f KhuKoiley. Secretary <»f State for War— lit. | Hon Hnl>t'll (conmioidy calletl the Maniiiis «>f Ijorne,) Kni^dit of the Most Ancient anil Most iS'ohle Ortler of the I'histle ; ; Knii,dit (J rand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order i i)f"st. Micliai-l an of Ontario. His Honf)r Hon. THEODORE ROBITAILLE, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of (Quebec. His Honor Hon. ADAMS G. ARCHIBALD, C. M. G., Liexitenant- (rovernor of the Province of Nova Scotia. His Honor Hon. ROBERT DUNCAN WILMOT, Lieutenant-Gov- ernor of the Province of New Brunswick. His Honor Hon. N. H. HAVILAND, Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island. Tinware, Tin, Zinc> and Sheet Iron, at J. HOBNCA8TL£'9. UNIVERSAL Is the Standard Liniment. 1882.] * PROVIN<'E OK NEW lUlUNSWIOK. 77 HiH Honor Hon. JOSEPH E. CAUCHON, Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba. His Honor Hon. ALBERT NORTON RICHARDS, Liciitenant-Gov- ernor of Britiwli Columbia. '■ His Honor Hon. DAVID LAIRD, P. C, Lieutenant-Governor of the Noith-West Territories. ^ PEOVINOE OE NEW BRUNSWICK. His Honor the Hon ROBERT DUNCAN WILMOT, Lieutenant- Ciovernor of tlie Province of New BruuHwick. Henry Wilmot, Esq., Private Secretary to the Lieut.-Governor. Captain Alfred ¥. Street, Aide-de-Canip. 1 1 EXECITIVE COLNtlL. Hon. Robert Young, President. Hon. William Wedderburn, Provincial Sccretaiy ; Hon. John James ! | Fraser, Attorney-General; Hon. Michael Adjunw, Surveyor-General; j ; Hon. Pierre Landry, Chief Commissioner Board of Works; Hon. J. >\ H. Crawford, Solicitor-General; Hon, W. E. Perley, Hon. D. li. Haninjiton and Hon. Robert Marshall, without ottice. II 1-E(USLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon. A. McL. Seely, President. Hon. William Hamilton, Hon. D. Hanington, Hon. Robert Young, Hon. John Lewis, Hon. Thomas R. Jones, Hon. 15. Beveridge, Hon. C. Mclnerney, Hem. William Lindsay, Hon. Archibald Harrison, Harl White Teeth use ENAMELLINE. 78 COURTS. [1882. County «)f (^tioens. Walter S. llutlev, Syplier'n Cove, Grand Luke, via Shefiield ; Francis Woods, Welsfonl. , , ,^ „ . „,, ' Connty of RestiK<'"che.~J. Cunanl Harl>ane, Dalhousie; IhomnK, F. Keniiy, Dalliounio. „ , . ;. ,> i . Cltyr.f St Jolin.— Hon. William WedderlmiTi, Iredencton; Kohert Marshall, St. John. , , ,, x , ,»r.,.. County of St. John David McTiellan, l'.)rtlftml, St. John ; William Filler, St. John; 1{. J. Uitchie, St. John; Edward Will Ih, St. John, County of Sunlnny.- Hon. William E. Perlcy, Blissville ; Jainen S. White, Oromocto. ( !omity of Victoria. William PeveridL^e, Tobiiiue. (bounty of Westmorland.- Aniasa K. Killam, M(mcton ; Him. rierri' A. liandry, Fredericton ; Hon. Daniel L. Hanington, Dmchcater ; Joseph li. IMack, Sackville. County of York. Andrew C. lUair, Fredericton; Fred. P. Thom|i- son, Fredericton ; Hon. John JamcM Fraser, Fredericton ; Georye J. Colter, Mouth Keswick. oKFit'KKs OF House of assembly. George J. IMiss, Esq., Clerk ; John Kichards, Emi., AsHistant Clerk ; Harry lleckwith, E-s*!., Seryeant-at- Arms ; Kev. JoHcph McLeitd, Chaplain; C. W. Beckwith and John Black, Esfjs., En^TOHsing Clerks. OFFICEKS OF THE C'UOWN. ^ Hon. William Wedderburn, Receiver-General and Provincial Sccre- jljtary; Hon. John James Fraser, Attorney-General; William Jack, •3 ji Esc'i., Advocate-lieneral ; William Henry Tuck, D.C.L., Cleik of tlu % \ Crown; James S. Beek, Ksi[., Auditm-Ger.eral ; J. W. Smith, Esij , Deputy Provincial Secretary and Deputy l\eceiver-General ; Andrew Inches, Esq. , l^eputy Surveyor-General. Queen's Counsel.— Hon. John II. (iray, Hon. A. J. Smith, Hon. Charles N. Skinner, David S. Kerr, (Jeor^e D. Street, James J. Kayo, Lewis r. Fisher, G. S. Grimmer, William Wilkinson, P>. Lester Peters, John James Fra?cr, William .la^k, Wm. II. Tuck, Charles W. Woldon, William Wcdderburn and F. E. Harkcr, FiS(|uircs. s I •4 I I M •s .3 Hon. 1'. Secretary. COURTS. SUritKMK COUllT OF JLOICATUUK. ■ i.i> MOAUI) OF WOUKS. A. Lanlry, Chief Commissioner; T. B. Winslow, Es«i.,; ChirfJ,isHcc.—lhm. John C. Allen, ISth October, 1875. o W'ur.s.— Hon. John VV. Weldon, 30th November, 18«>5; Hon A. vlainsford Wetmore, 2oth May, 1870; Hon. Charles Diitt', I'Jtii October, 1875; Hon. Acaliis L. Palmer, Judge iu E(iuity, May JlOth. l«ri); Hon. (i. E. Kinc^, i)cccnil)cr, 1880. William U. Tuck, E.-^(iuire, \'lerk of the Crown ; William^ Carniaii, Esquire, Clerk of thoTleas aiul Clerk in Equity; T. Carlcton Allen. Deputy Clerk in E(|uitv. I Irisa] F. Kt ( orm Locks, Knobs, and Hinges at J. HOSNGASTLE'S. FELLOWS' SPEEDY RELtEF is a great Pain Killer. 1882.] CONSULH. 79 CLEUKH OF THE C'lUCUITS. nnway, jwi,, ijiouceHter ; t IiiuIoh W, ISeckwith, J';s»j., Simbury ; V. KcrtHon, KHq., Victoria ; lijirry 11. Plant, Kh(i., Ma(lawa«ka. UornTS KOR TIIK IMIOU.VTK OV WM,I,S, AM» ORANTINO AI>MINISTnATIONS. The Probate Court for the ('i(y ami County of St. John, is hold every Fridiiy at three o'eloek at' the llegi^try Olfiee; and the like Court ill the other Couiitiis of the Province, is held at the times specially appointed by the respective Judges. COURT OF niVORCK AM) MATRIMONIAL CAUSKS. Honorable A. U. Wetmort', Judge; F. A. Il.Straton, Esq., Registrar. COURT OF TICK ADMIRALTY. Hon. Chas. ^V alters, JuositionsrespectinK the Earth, and will, by simple inspection, show the observer what kind ot weather will most probably follow the entrance of the Moon into any of its quarters, and that so near tl\f truth as to be seldom found to fail. If the new moon, the flrst quart" . (he full moon.or the las ( i;uarttr happer I\ SUiViMER. IN WINTi 2. Between midnight and 2 I in the morninK- \ 2anci 4 iiiiirniner. '. , 4 and (i " Hands 8 and 10 " 10 and 1^' '• . , .4t 12 noon and i r. m. . Between 2 and 4 p. m. . 4 and p. m. . . . H and 8 p. m. - 8 and 10 p. m. . . -10 and midnipht. Fair Cold, Irequent showers. Rain Wind and Rain. Changeable. Frequent She were, i Very rainy. . Changeable. Fair Fair, if wind N. W. 1 Rainy, if S. or S. 'W do do do Fair Hard frost, unless the wind beS. or W. ■ Snow and stormy. , I Rain. |l Stormy. Cold rain, if wind be , W., snow if E. ;| Cold and high ;Vind. ': Snow <,r rain. Fair and mild. Fair. Fair and frosty if wind ' N. or N. E. Rain or snow, if 8. S. W. ditto. Fair a-id frostv. OnsBnvATioNs.-The nearer the tiiiie of the Moon's change to noon or i midnight, the mor!3 nearly will the result necord with the prediction. ' The space for » his calculation v><:cupie8 from ten at night till two next morning. The Moon's change, first quarter full and last quai ter, liappening during , six of the afternoon hours. /. r., fronk four to ten, may be followea by fair weather; but this is mostly dependent on the wind, as is noted in the table II 1 m riM hi' ; 1 : 1 . ■ >> ; ^ : J • , 5 : Ok : < a' • W 1 . 1 gji . :> ■<: • .;* i^ ; 1 1 . ' I li '"^ 1 H 1' « ■ '1 r" ■ ■ S! ■ ca td ■ U. Sole and Upper Leather at J. HOBNCASTLJB'S, Indiantown. Ume Horses try FELLOWS' LEEMIN(»H' EBHEKC'E. 1882.] COURTH. 81 TLMEH OF HULDINU SEVERAL COUHTK HEUEINAFTEH MENTlONEDi DUmNO YEAH IHHiJ. I S.-Nisil*ri«sSittiiiKs. Cir.— Circuit tVmrt. Co.— Couiitv I'onrt. I L. liAHt. M.— >l<)iulu.v. T.— Tuesday. W.— W'ednesday. Ex.— For Return of I'LvftMiliniis only. ? Pegs, Bhpe Nails and Lasts. at J. HOBNCASTLE'S. i Pimples on the Face take (JOLDEN ELIXIR. 82 lURRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS. [1882. EOLL OF BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS. [OimERVE.—TImflc whose names arc printed in Italics arc eitlier not residing or not practising in tliis Province.] j NAMKS. James S/mnnon ]\[{)rse Cliarlcs V. VVelmore, . . . . WiIImiu WUc;/, . . . . William Carman, . . . . Timothy II. Wetmorc, IJ.C.L, Samuel llalletl; Whitlock Richard Carman, Charles A. Ilardinj?, William Jack, Q. C, George F. H. Miuchin, George Dixon Street, Q. C, . . I Samuel Gay, Robert Barn/ Dickey, . . . . j lion. W. Hunter Odell, A. 11. Stephen 11. liitchings, I Christopher Milner. . . . . i David Shank Kerr, Q. C, . ( David Lewis Dibblee. A. B., j JanxeK W/iite Fitters, A. B. . . . ' George liotsford, WUliam Jlolsford ChandUr, John D. ICiiinear, Ohavl(8 Waller Wardlaw, Martin Bent Palmer, Francis \. H. Straton, Jnmes Stanley Morse, Theophilus De.sbrisay, Snmud ./. 8covil, A.Ii., . . , Williimi li. M. Hurtis, . . . William Tyiuj Peters, Andrew V. JU'ack, Jamen A. JIardiiuj, Allan A. Davidson, Q C„ .. James Peters Wetmorc, . . . Thomas T. Wi/er, James J. Kaye, Q. C, Edward 11. Wihnot, A M. Lewis P. Fisher Q.'c, William M. JJoirt^ Charles Doherty, ' Humphrey T. Gilbert Thotuns C. Chapman, William James Gilbert, George Ottv, Sir Albert J. Smith, QC. James OdMl, A. Ji., Thomas W. Bliss, A 30 32 34 do do do l-S.Vi II) Fol). 1S14 11 July, 23 17 July, 15 Oct., 15 Julv, 18 July, IGOct.., 11 Feb., 13 Oct., do. 12 Oct., do. 7 Feb., 18 July, 1835 d. do. 17 Oct., do. 17 Oct. 18(i3 6 Feb., 3f; 11 Feb., 3() 11 Feb., 1837 17 June, 37 14 Oct., lU Feb., do 13 Oct., !• Feb., flo IT) June, 12 Oct., 13 June, 17 Oct., do 17 Oct. do 17 Oct., 4 Feb., 14 Oct., 18 June, 13 Oct., 13 Oct., 9 Feb., do 12 Oct., 13 June, G Feb., I do ' OFeK. Admitted IJarrister. llesidonce. 37 38 do 35 3!) do 31) do 40 40 do 40 do 40 41 41 do 41 do 43 do do 44 451 doi 4r) 1!) Fel). 1814 14 July, 25' 17 JulV, 20 5 Feb., 2« 10 July, 30 IG July, 31 17 do. 32; 11 Feb., 34 » Feb., 35 10 Oct., 34 15 Oct., 85 9 Feb., 87. 7 do. 35 8 Feb., 88 12 Oct., 37 1 do. do.. 12 Oct. 1887 11 Feb., 37 do. do. 11 Feb.,- 1837 3 Feb, 42 14 Oct., 37. 13 June, 40 C Feb., 40 15 Oct., do 4 Feb., 41 do do 11 June, 40 14 Oct., 41 16 June, do 13 Oct., do do do 13 Oct., 42 do do 13 Oct., 42 9 Feb., 43 13 Oct., 42 17 June, do 13 Oct., 42! 13 Oct., 43 Feb 45] do do 10 Oct., do 15 Oct., do 4 Feb., 47 5 Feb., 40 17 June, 48 Nova Scotia. Fredericton. Riv. de Chute. Fredericton. Gagetown. St. Andrews. Chatham. Ga^etown. Saint John. Fredericton. St. Andrews. Hopewell. Nova Scotia. Fredericton. Saint Stephen. Dorchester. Saint John. Woodstock. Saint John. Fredericton. Arichat, C. B. Nova Scotia. New York. Hopewell. Fredericton. Restigoucbe. Hathurst. New Vork. Saint John. Kings Co. Saint John Saint John. Newcastle. Fredericton. Saint John. Fredericton. Woodstock. P. E. Island. Saint John. do. Dorchester. Shediac. Jlaniptou. Dorchester. Nova Scotia. Kichibucto. French Fronta and EngUsh Kip at J. HORNCABTLE'S Indiantown. I ' Spavins'.on Horses ti-y FELLOWS' LEEmNOS' ESSENCE. 1882. J BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEY.-^. 83 NAME3. Admitted Attorney. i l>ou(fla« 2i. Stevens, .... I , Sntntiel Ji. Davidson, jl John Henry Phuir, . .. 1 1 George Hare, .... ' , Albert T. D. McEhmu Jiimea K. Curry, Mrtander Thommn JUnl William, Henry Hatietoay,.. Ward Ohipmnn Drury, A.Jl., Sivniuel '1 hoiupson, I (Jeorge J. Bliss, \ Fre/lerick Coder, .... William H Jiuckerjield, .... I ; 0. Skeffington Grimmer, Q.C. I! Henry W. Frith, Hon. Peter Mitcheli, .... \ Geo. G. Gilberi, A. U 1 Edward Jack, . . . . j H. Lester Peters, Q. C, ....I Daniel Fcrf/HHon, j Edward B. Chandler, .... John C. Winslow, .... , William W. Street, A. B., Kobert Hutchinson. .... John James Fraser, Q.C, . . litrhjamin G. Gray, ^l. li., Lewis J. AlmoD, .... I). Uustavus Macltinclilun, Charles W. Weldon, Q. C, Alexander Ballentine, .... Hurd Peters, AM., W'dluim P. Dole, A. It.. .... dames J. Kerr, .... John L. Marsh, Jun., A. B., William Henry Tuck, Q. C, Charles J. Sayre, Gtorge Frederick ffill, William Wedderburn, Q Joseph B. Peck, James H, Macshanv, .... , Charles E. Knnpp, .... Charles N. Skinner Q. C, . . George Sidney Smith, A. B., Daniel L. Hanington Benjamin R. Stcren.xon, A . B., Henry Bartlett Bainsford, John Augustus Wright, A. B. .{nwtt Iiot>'f'ord Chandler, . . , . ■ 'f. Gray Merri\.t, F. E. Barker, D.C.L.,Q. C, Charles Allison Pock, William Munson Jarvis, Joseph C. Barberie, .... C, 16 Oct., do IG Oct., 5 Feb., do 11 June, 15 Oct., do do l(» 4 Feb., 10 June, do U Oct., do do do 14 Oct., 12 Oct., 7 Feb , do 13 June, do Oct,, do do Oct., 12 June, Oct., 7 Feb., 10 June, do Oct., April, 13 Oct., Feb., April, Feb., Oct., do Feb, June, ,14 Oct., June, do 1 Apri I 1 Apri do June, : do Apri April Oct., Admitted Barrister. Residence. I 1845 do 1S45 4« do 40 do 14 Oct., 1847; United States. do do' California. 14 Oct., 184': Fredencton. do do do 47 47 48 50 do 50 do 50 do do 3 Feb do 13 June, 12 Oct., do! 13 <>o do 14 do do! 12 Oct., 4; 1 10 Feb., 47|15 June, do Oct., do do 12 Oct., 13 June, Oct., 7 Feb., 10 April, Feb., 12 June, Oct., do 27 Oct., 5(»j27 0ct., 51 1 10 June, 51 Oct., 5i.'] Oct., do June, do do do Oct, do June do 1!) Oct 48: New Bnms'k. do; Brit. Columbia 4H|Qagetowu. doSt. Andrews do Saint John. 47, do. 4>-- Newcastle. 45>,Fredericton. do, Australia. .,,'' Westmorland. 4!tiSt. Stephen. doiSaint John, do Montreal. 48 Saint John. 50 Charlotte. 50 Saint John. 52; Chatham. 61 1 Dorche.«>ter. 66; Woodstock. 51;Fredcrictoa. 52 Kichibucto. do Fredericlon. 61 Halifax, N. S. 51;Saint John. 58; Bathurst. 52|Saint John. 5.'i Saiut John. 58| do. do' do. Amherst. Fredericton. 55 Saint John. 5<); Kichibucto. St. Stephen. 1858 Saint John, doi Dorchester, dol Halifax. (>o Dorchester. do'SaiBt John. r) Feb. 1) Feb., 17 June, do 17 June, fune 11 June do U Oct., M Oct, do 10 Feb., 10 Feb., 3,i9 0ct,, *'i|ll Feb., do [11 Feb., 64 !, fi4|i3 0ct. do I April, do, t)4 do do 65 j do; do 8 Feb., 8 July, April, do do 6'> U) April, do, do 65110 June, do Oct., do 16 Oct., 65 1 do do doi. "..;;;■■ do|ii Oct.,' do 12 Oct., do 11 Oct., do ;, do i2 Oct., do|i5 0ct., •■"■» lOFeb., (m! ' do ii .June, do, do 67 11 June, ''•"11 June 67 June do, do "7 1 14 Oct., ■)7 14 Oct., (»4,Fredcricton. 64 1 United States. g4{Saint John. . .jShediac. (34'Fredencton. 65[ Woodstock, do'tredericton. do !'• E. Idlaod. (]5 Moncton. (54 do. (ICiRichibucto. .._ Arostook, g5 Sussex Vale. 6G,St. Stephen. (}fi Fredericton. 6,5 Saint John. G5I do. do do. 6(; Ottawa, J Australia, 07 Frederictou. do Richibucto. United States. "(57 Fredericton. do do. do Saint George. 57 Saint John, do' do. 7o:S.aiiit John. (57 Toronto. (i7 Saint Jolin. do New York, 16 Oct., 10 June, 9 June, , . ' Hopewell. 67 Woodstock. (57 Saint John. hi ^"it. Joii!!. New York. (•,7'Saint John. 67 Ignited Stuto.-*. 68 Fredericton. Dorchester. do. Saint John. eslSaint John. 6S;Saint John. 68 Saint John. 6S| do. do' Newcastle. C8| Fredericton. 68 Saint John. i''\!i\ do ti'J Suint John. Carpenter '• Tools at J. HOEWCABTLE'S, Indiantown. HORNKR'S ANTI BILIOUS PILLS excel all otliei-a. 1882.] BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS. 85 NAMKS. «.. B. U. tJeorge Fred'k. Fisher, Alex. W. Bftird, Joshuu Cliaudler, A. H., . . . Stephen H. Appleby, ('hurleH II. Lugrtn, A. 11. ... (Jcorge H. Kteadiniui, WiUicm JJ. MciSweeny, . . . William C. Miliier, Drtiiiel C. Courser, LL.B li. Richmond llurrisoD, A. li. Charles A. Stockton, LIj. B. .lames I). Phinney, A. B John Russell Armstrong, . . . John Kerr, Gtonje II. Mullin, LL. li, . Alcjr. HUixov Thoiiijjsoii, Edward R. Gregory, Lfj. Montesquieu McDonald, John Willet, Thomas VV. Peters, LL.B Pierre A. LundrVv Lemuel J. Tweedie, James Mitchell, A. M. James G. Stevens, Jr, A Henry Ililyai'd, LL.B, Robert 0. Stockton, LL Kdwurd T. C Knowles, . . . Melbourne McMonagle, Burry R. Plant, A. liainsford Balloch, Robert A. Borden, A. Pi., . . . George W. Burbidge, A. W., William Piigsley, A. B., . . . Charles Abner Macdonuld, . William B. Wallace, I Allen Otty P^arle, I Philip Palmer, Caleb T. Fox, I.eander A. White, ./. Arthur Fuirwmthtr, 1 Willidin If. Dhksiitt, James Alfred Vanwart, A. ; Wesley Vanwart, A. M., ... George F. Baird, George A. Henderson, Thomas Medley Wetmore ,. , George Bliss Seely, i Allison B. Connell, LL.B., . . [ Henry Turner, : George E. Fairwoather, .. j (ieorge B. Fraser, ; .Iur>8i 2 Feb., tiSiUOct., do] 23 April, fi9 12 April, 15 June, 15 Jun*, 09jll Oct., dO| do do; do 69:11 Oct., dO| do do do 69 do 69 70 do do do do do do 71 do do do do do 71 do do do 8 Feb., 8 Feb., doil5 June, do; 12 Oct., do do do do do 20 Feb., 8 April, 20 Feb., do do do 27 J>uie, do do 24 Oct., 721 -.iS June, do 127 Oct., 73|27 June, doj8 Feb., do'27 June, do' ... do 73 do 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 S Fob do 13 Feb., do 13 Feb., do 19 Oct., 26 June, 8 Feb., iU Oct , do 74 23 Oct., (;9|Fredericto0, ()9 Saint John. 70 Dorchester. (',9 Woodstock. 70 Frederictou. . , . Moncion. 7(' I Halifax. 7< jSackville. 70' Woodstock. 7(l|'>aint John, doj do. doj'tichibucto. 70|.'>aint John, doi do. do Boston. 71 Frederictou. 71 Saint John, 71 do. 71 1 do. do' do. do Dorchester, do Mewcustto. do -"it. Stephen, do do. 721 Saint John, do St. John, do Sdint John, do -^t. Stephen, do Vfadawuska. do do. 72 Moncton do Saint John, do do. 72 Saint John. 73 do. 73 do. 74' do, 75 Gage'own. 74 Oent,r'villeOC . . . Sauit John. do. 75 Fredericton. do do. 75 Saint John, do do. 7'"> traj,'et<>wn. do Saint John, do ' Woodstock. . . . iSaint John. 75' do. 75 I Chatham. doiSaint John, do do. 751 St. JohiL s It I _. J, iIO&NCASTLE, Wholesale and Betail Orooer, Indiantown. Use ENAMELLINE for the Teeth. i I X o c s s e « e 0) o ■ -a I W ill 8G IJAUUISTKKS AM> ATTORNEYS. [1882. NAMKS. 93 J3 3i l_ rtobftrt Harry Smith, Joseph Howo Dickson, . Fredericlt Herbert McKiel, Jas. Roach McMonauile, LL I Hugh lluvelock McLcun, .. Henry A. Forster, Uichurd F. Quigley, LL.H., Miles B. Dixon, William A. Park. Michael Samuel Henson, .. Ed. I'erley Williston, A. H. John Hlack, Humphrey (iilltert, Thomas McMillaD, Clarence W. Treadwoll, . . William A. Kus^ell, John H. Cother, Harvey Atkinson, Oeorji,'e Herbert Lee, A.M. George Dickson Otty, Wilimm Watsdn Allen, .. Andrew 11. Johnson, George C. Coster, Amoii A Wilson, Charles H. Master.s, J hn 1). Williams, A Steevfs, Jtmp/i A. Iftoi'in, (■harJos A. FnhmT, W. B. Chiin.ller, L.I..15..., William Wil^ioii, li. A. Liiwlor, W. W. Wells, K. H. McAlpino, A. K. McLt.Ml, 11. r. McCivcin, Jr., Charles O'Duniiell, Williani A. Trm-niun, William V. Keirtsou, Hem V li. Kninierson, . . . Albert S. White, Stephen Hand, Jamus Ambrose Hannah , . Robert McLeod, Burtons. Read, r,.l..B.,... I)i!unis B. (Jalla^dier, John McAlister, Eilmund (leorye Kaye, . . . CJeorye P. Thomas, Adam A. Rankine, Francis .]. Duffy, Wm. lly. Katheu-ay. John T. Harrin;.(toii, Admitted Attorni'V. li A. M. 22 Oct., I do I du do 1.3 Feb., do do •23 Aprd, do IP June, do 2:i Oct., do do do do 2 Feb., 11 Feb., do do do do 20 April, do do 21 Oct., do ri!, 10 June, 24 April, do 24 April, do L>4 April, do do 74 do do do 76 do do do do do do 7i. do do do do 7rt 7(! du do do do 7fi do do 7(i do do do do do Admilted HurrJMter. llesidonco. 1 1 23 Oct., 24 Oct., ;W Oct., 2:3 Oct., 14 Feb., "do 24 April, do 14 Oct., . 1*J June, 24 Oct., do 1» Feb., do 24 Oct., 8 Feb., do do d.) do do 21 April, do do 7 Feb., V.) June, 12 13 12 2;JOct., do do IC. I'Vb., 77 20 7S 78 do Aniil, do 10 June, do 21 April tlo] do 7S» do HO 24 April. dol do! 7r> MonctoD. 7() Dorchouter. 75 Saint John. 75 Sussex. 7(1 Saint John. . . . Shediac. do Saint John, dr do. do Newcastle. . . . Chatham, do Xowcaatle. 7()i FrederictoD. 77 *lo 7 do 80 7!) 78 7!t 78 do 80 Dorchester. Stunt John. Sussex. St. John. Woodstock. Sackville. (irand Falls. Dorchusier. Sussex. St. John. 80 St. John. 80 Dorchester. 80 Andover. 80 Campbells m. St. John. Moncton. Monctttn. 80 St. John, do. ('hathnni. Tftir, Pitch, nud Onknm nt J. IIOIt!VrASTlR*N. ENGMSIIMAN'S COUGH MIXTURE for Coughs. 1882.] EC!(;LESIASTI0AL. 87 NAMES. AdmitUHl Admitted Attorm«y. i Banister. .L.Ii NarcisHe A. Landry, L.L.B AinbroHC D. Richard, L. I iJi Henry A. Towell, B. A (Jeorge V.McInerney, L T. Swayne DesBiisay, .... William Hazen, jr., .lithn Ji. (.'oKtigaii, Williamson Fislier, Ti.L.Ii. . ! J i ugh Matheaon, iiunry H. James, TIavelock Coy, A. M., JameB Devlin, .... James P. Mitchell, .... John 11. Maltby, William A. Quinn, lY'nwick W. Travis, .... Arthur I. Truenian, M, A.,. (leorge A. Davis, L.L.B.,. . . Richard B. Adams,,. Allan A. Davidson, jr., . . . . Hiram G. Betts, . . . . W. ( '. Hazen Grimmer, .Tames Kay, . . . . Uavid Tapley, . . . . U. H. Davis, .... William K. Rnssel, . . . . James Straton, . . . . William D. Mclieod, .luhn J. Forest, . . . . David J. Welsh, Abraham B. Walker, LL.B. Frank H. Tuck, Charles K. Suniner,LL.B. . . Robert lieckwith. 18 23 24 April, do 24 June, 24 June, do do 7{>|20 Oct, doi2r> June, do U) Feb, do|23 Oct, dojSO Oct, dol.... . do 4 Feb, 80 14 Feb, do 14 Feb, do 14 Feb, 80-20 April, do 23 June, (••>21 Jime, rchester. EOOLESIASTIOAL. THE CHl'RC'H OF ENGLAND. Hisiioj'— Most. Rev. John Medley, I) D., Metropolitan of Ciinada. FrciU'rictoii. The Uight Ileverend H. Tully Kingdon, Coadjutor Bishop, Frafericton. Alt'ximiler, Uev. F., Sub-Denn, rallie- (Iriil, Fredericton, and MlsBlonury at New Maryland. AInion, U»!v. F. H., Rector, Richibueto. ArniHlrong, Uev. (horKe M., Keftor, St. .Mark, Saint .Tiihn. Armstrong, Uov. W., Rector St, .Tbhu-h, Saint Joliii. ArniBlrong, Rev. W, B., Rector, Wol- lord. Barber, Rev. H. H., Rector, Sliediac. BI1h8, Kev. 1). M., Itoctor, Westmorland. Brigstocke, Ui'v. Canoi),.Uecl«)r, Trinity St. .John. Caniplx'll, Rev. .7. R., MisKJonary tit. Martin's. KwuniiK rilth nn«l HIiralliiiiK 1 Vlt iil J. HO«M'.4STLE'*«. FFJXOWS" DYSPEPSIA BITTERS for Heartburn. < Si > ci p < 6 O u I 88 FX'Cl.KSIASriC'AL. [1882. Covert, Ht-'V. W. S.. Missionary, Griind Maimn. . DcVflMT, Ht'v. CaiKiii. Uoclor, hi. raul, I'ortlaii.l.- (Ki'aii Hmal). Dowling, Itcv. TlKMuloro K., Jtt'clor. Cnrleton, SI. .loliii. KU'welliiiK Kev. J. E., Missionary. Wicklow. ^ ,.. , Flewt'Ilin^,'. Rev. Ernest?., Missionary, Hay dii Vin. F..rsytl\, lUv. Uavl.i, Ueetor,( liathain - (Rural iVan.) rt Fowlt-r, Hi'V. W. L.'15., Rt'ctor, l'r"»fc ^ I William ami Dumrriox. Greer, Rev. \V. Missionary, Riirton. 51 Hoadley, Rev. .Vril>.. I'urale, Hainp- I ton. . ,r Uaiifor.l, Rev. ti. J.. Missmnary. I p ham. , ^_ Hansen, Rev. Neils M., Missionary, New Denmarli. Hartiii, Rev. Tlionias, Retired Rector. Cunterliury. Hovt, Kev. L. A., Missionary, Andover. Ililtz, Rev.AuKVistiis F..Rettor,1)erl)y. Jaffrev, Ret'. W., Missionary, St. Mary's. Ketelmm, Rev. Canon, 1>. D., Rector, M. Andrews. Lockward. Rev. J.. Missionary, NX a 2 j; terford. ^ Love. Rev. O., Reelor. Kink'selear. ^ !( Matliers, Rev. R., Warden Wissinv Or- i3 '; nlian Asylum. -a II MeKiel, Rev. W. LeU., Rector, Dougla^^ § i and Bri{»lit.—(I>ean Rural) 3 I'Meillev, Rev. Canon, Reetor, Sussex. % :; Millidkt*, Rf^'- •!• ^-^ Missionary. St. C \ David. 5 I Neales, Rev. II. H.. Rector, Riclnnond, Neales, Rev. .1.. Rector, (^ragetown Neales. Kev. T., Hector, Woodstock- (I)eaii Rural). j^l Ne\vnhain,Rev. O. S.. St. Marys St •lohn OS I'ickett, liev. D. W., Missionary, Oreen- Ij wicli an., Mitwitmury, I, i^taidey. H Itoberts, Kev. O. O., Rector, Fredorlcton. ,, Kusliton, llev. Josepli, Rector, Saint ; Steplien. '; Scliofleld. Hev. (Jeorge, Rector, SimIost Rev. The Melroi)olitan ; Vice-Presidents, Frederick A. Wiggins, Esquire, Hon. Sir Leonard Tilley, C.H., Rev. Canon Scovil, Ph.D., William M. Jarvis, Esquire. Hon. R. I). Wilinot, Lieut.-tjoveriior. Hon. Chief Justice Allen, Rev. (i. M. Armstrong, William Carman, II. W. Frith, O. A. Schofleltl and Rev.Canon DeVeber. Es(js.; Treasurer, (}. E. Fairweather, Esq. ; Secretary, Rfcv. Canon Ketchum, D.l).; Auditors, C. H. Fairweather and (i. W. Whitney, Esqs. Hoard of Home Missions— The Ki>;ht Reverend the Lord Bisliop (ex officio). The Right Revereiul the Coadjutor Bishop. Rev. Canon Partridge, ; Rev. G. M. Armstrong. Rev. Canon DeVeber. M.A., Rev. Canon Brigstocke, \. M. A.. Rev. Canon Ketchum (ex officio) and O. E Fairwea ther. ex officio), T. W. Daniel. W. M. Jarvis. O. A. Schofleld. H. W. Frith, E. R. Chandler. R. T. Clincli and (i. E. Fenety, Esquires. George A. Schofleld, Esq., Secretary i Tallo>v Packing nn«l Cotton Waste at .1. HOKNCAHTLE'H. Eveiy Family should hare FELLOWS' 8PEiirard, Cormier, and Roy, iMemramcook; Rev. F. II. Collerette, Quaco; Rev. P. Bradley, Cape Bald ; Kev. J. Ouellet, St. Marj', Buctuucixt ; Rev. J. Michaud, ISuctouche; Father Doucet, Barachois; Rev. F. Lavoie, Grand Digne and Shediae; Rev. Mr. Bazoge, Cocalgne; Rev. F. X. Cormier, Kingston; Rev. W. E. (laynor, Riuhmoud; Uev. J. McDuTltt, Industrial School, Silver Falls, St. John. DIOCESK OF CHATHAM. Right Rev. James Rookrh, D.D., Bishop of Chatham, Rcr. Mr. BannoD, Rev. Al. Joj'ce; St, Putncks C'hiucli, Chatham, Very Uev. Michael Egan, V, 0.; Rev. Renous Bml^'e, llev. J. Cirtor; nho, the Indian Mission ; Newcastle. Rev. Patrick W. Dixon ; Upper Bay de Vin, N. C, Rev. Hilariou Doucet ; St. Louis, Kent, Rev. Marcellus F. Richards, Rev. K. R. Dixon, Rev. L. ('. D' Amour ; Richibucto, St. Charles Borromeo; Lower Bartibogue, Rev. Wm. A. Moriasay ; Neijnac ('orner, Rev. Jose Theberg ; Tr-Acadie, Rev. Joseph A. Babineau, Rev. Luke Allan ; I'okemouche, Rev. Stanislaus J. Dt)ucet ; Shippe^'an, Jlev. Joseph Joseph 'rrudelle; C'ara 90 ECCLESIASTICAL. [1882. FREDKntfTON niSTRIOT, Rkv. Edwtn Evans, Cluiimmn. Kr.v. W. W. Com-itts, Sccrctarn. FredeH'tvn, E«l\viii Evans, .1. W. Wadinun. Ji'hu/Hclear, Henry J. Clarke MdruiwiUe, Wahlron W. Rrewer. dibudn, J«>lin S. Allen. Aei^himtak, Jnlin (Jokfsniith. Stonhi/. Frederic Dlaek. Boktttoivn, .lohn K. KhiK. Ke»u;ict, James Crisp. Sli^vM, Robert S. Crisp. Oogetown, William Ilurrisoii. Wotulstork; \V. W. Colpitiji. Catifcrhuri/. Wm. H, I'eppeit*. JiuAv-onviUe, M. U. Kniglit: V. AV. Harrison. lihlimoml, Ethvin C. Turner. FlorfnceviUe, Alfred E. Lera^e, lOdwin Mill.s. Andovei-, Thomas Allen. Upper Keut. Henry I'enna. Arthnrcttc. A. II. U. Shrewsbury. HISUMIC'HI DlfiTHrCT. lUy. S. T. Tkki), Chiiirnwn. I!kv. I. N. Chdtham. SfephtMi T. Teed. Xevrastle. I'arlver. ?.'/t7<«7/«(to, Isane Howie. ^Vr»;>erPfri{.r, One to be sent Saiiiuel Howard. Tnhusintdi: Clement Williams. Jiathurit, Richard W Weddall. CanqiMlton, Cyrus S. Wells. KACKVILLK DISTKICT. PAiiKEn, Src.rctarif, Derby, Isaac N. Bay du Vin. llEv. T. MAiwHAr.t., SccretariiJ n.T). Educational ItvditHtion, Charlvn' Rkv. 11. Duncan, Chairman. 5acittJi//^, .Job Shenton. H. Pieknrd Stewart, I). 1)., Tlu olof^ieal Proft'ssor: .lolin Uiuwash, A. M., Professor of Natural Kciencrc; ' avui Kennedy. S.l)., I'rineii'al Ladies' Academy; Charles H. Paisley. A.M., Principal Male Aeademy. TantriiiKtr, . J'oivt d" Btttf, (Jeo. W. I'^ishcr. Daie VerU, HoJ)ert Wilson. Bnyfivld. Wm. J. Kirliy. Moiu'Um, l{oiitert Huncan. (■'(;«e/f/r//f'. Chai les Manaton. Sficdtac, Tliomas Hielvs. l)r(;i,AS('HAT'MA\, Chiiiriiian. I{i:v. ( St.StephfiK Howard Spra^'Ut W. Dt'TCHEU, Sccretarii. A.M., Charles W. Dutcher. 3f illtoion, AqxiM LiiCiis. Saint xiiulnwn, Douj^las Chapman. President of the (\)nferenet'. i .v. Pavid'M, Klias Slackford. Muwt Javiejt, Septimus E. C'olwell. Jiocalnx, William Wass. Deer Idand, John F. ICstey. \ CLEIUJ Y:\1EN of THE PRESBVTEKIAN CHURCH OF CANADA IN THE PROVINCE Ol- NKW RRL'NSWICK. i Prfshyt ry ofStiintJohn. — John M. Brooke, 1). P., retired, and A. J. Jlowatt, , .St. Pavils, Fredericton; A. DonaM, retirerl. James Uennet, 1). 1)., Saint John's Church, Saint John. Lewis Jack, Springflelil. Wiu. Millen, Bocabec, etc. David Maclise, U. I)., Calvin Church, St. John. D. McUae, A. M., U.I)., Saint Stephen's Ciiurch, Saint John. J. Mc-. Douglastown. W^illiam Fop'. Tabubintac. ji UEKOKMEb PRESllYTEUIAN CIIUKCH OF IKELAND. ■ Ij i, St. John, Thos. McFall. J. U. Lawson, Barncsville, St. Martins, and Black !■ lUver; Millstreain and Watson SeltkMncnt, vacant. {' >Vln«low iilHHH iiiKl I'utiy at J, UOKXi'A»TLK'S, ludtttntoHn. For Bail Blood take OOLDEN ELIXIIl. 1882.] ErCLKSIAHTICAL. 01 HA1*TIST rONVKNTlOX OKTIfK MAKTTIMK TKOVINCKS. OKKtCKHH OK TMK ("ONVKNTION. Orgnnizod A. I). IHtii. Theodore H. Ranil, D. C L.. FredoHcton, N. B.. Prcsidt>nf. A. Simpson. K8q..C'avendl8h,l*.E.I.,Vk;ePii'sidf'nt. Rfv.E.M.KitMsteacKB. A.. Windsor, N. S.. Secretary. Rev. J. O. (4atos, Moncton, N. U., Asst.-Secrctarv. 0. W. Saunders, Esq., Yarmouth. N. S., Trfasiirer. Ahu T. Morse, Lawrence- town, N. S., Asslstont-Treasurer. FINANCIi f^OMMlTTEK. Rev. 0. E. Day, M. D.. Yarmouth. N.S. ; .Tohu March. Esci., St. Jolin. X. B. ; Rev. D. O. McDonald. Charlottetown. V. E. I '• ITNIVKRSITY OF ACADIA COLLEGR. Board of Governors, Rev. A. \V. Sawj'er, D. D., President of the ('ollege, er offrio, MemberH whone term of offic« expires in lS8ii, Rev. Geo. Armstrong, A. M. ; Rev. E. M. vSaunders, A. M. ; Rev. S. W. Dc- Blois, A. M. ; Rev. 1. E. Bill, D. D.; Rev. Edward llickson, A.M.; Murk Curry, Esq Members whose term of office expires in l.S8(), T, H. Rami, Esq.. D. V. L.; B. H. Eaton, Esq., ,\. M.; 1). Rupert Eaton, E«<(^ Avara Longley, Esquire, M. P.; .John R. Calhoun, Esquire, M. T. P.; A. F. Randolph, Esq. Members wliose term of office expires iu 1889, C. F. Clinch, E.s.i.; Rev. S. 1>. Kemptou, A.M.; Eon. I). McN. Parker, M. D. ; J. H. Uardinf;. Esq. ; liev. J. Manning, A. J3.; llev. T. A. Higi.'ins, A.M. Rev. H. W. DcBlois, A.M., Secretary; A. DeW. Barss, Esq., M. D., Treasurer. IIORTON COLLKOIATE AfADEMV. lliis Academy is under the control of the Boanl of al ; Mrs. A.W. Armstrong, French and (Jerman : Miss Carrie W'niddcn, English and Latin ; Miss Augusta J. Dodge, Music ; Miss lOliza Harding, Painting and Draw- ing. Miss Harding, Matron ; Mr. and Mrs. U. Kedey, Steward and Matron of Male Department. Term Time—The First Term begins on the first Wednesday iu Sep- tember, and ends on the Friday of the week preceding (hristmas. The Second Term begins on the First Thursday after January 4th, and ends on the First Thursday in June. General Remarks The necessary exi)ense for a young lady for a year, exclusive of Music and DravviiiLr, will not exceed Sl.'iO.OO. Phe average expensi? for young men does not exceed .SllO.OO. BOARD OF FOKEION .MISSIONS. lion. A. McL. Seely, Cliainuan Secretary ; Rev. J. M. Crnrnp, 1). D, Secretary Treasurer ; Corresponding Mi'uihers wliose term of oflRce exi)ires in \>^-i. Ucv. K. Hick»on, A. IM., Rev. .1. K. Uo))ptT, A. M A.W. Madters, Es(i., J. March, Esc]., 0. F. Clincli. Vj*\\. Mem l)ers term of office expires in llSHi. Hon. A. McL. Seely, Rev. .J. 31. Cramp, D.D., Rev. G. O. dates, A. M., Rev. D. A. Sltele, A. M.. — — Members whose whose term of office expires in 1KH|. Rev. O. K. Day, M.I)., Rev. W.A.Corey, J. U.lIardlng.Esq., Rev. I. K. Utll, D.D., Rev K.W. Kelly, A.B. I 3 o -1 a 9. ■J. LiiuipM, liHniii C'htniiileM iiiul LaulcriiH at IIOK.X'.iMTLE'S. IJAHKEU S gUIN'JNI"'' WINK rtnd IRON Ih the (ieuulne. k t B S 9 e H P4 > !)2 Kn r.KSlASTKAL, [1882. WOMANS' MISSIONAHY Ml) SOCIKTY. C'fiitnil Hoiinl for Novn Scotia, Ili'iul«|iiftrtt'rK nt Flalifax. Mtk. J. I''. Tar HoiiH. Pn'Hidi'iit: Mrs. M. H. H»'l>lt'ii, Hei- yTicnsun'r: Mi-h. K. M. Saiin«lt>rs. Mra. A. I-. Smilli, Mrs. ,1. W. Maiiniiijr. Mrs. (J. (,'liipiiiaii. Mrs. U. T. Harlf. u.... I E< 1.....^.... M..., V M. .11.. III! 1. 1 Miuu Uul.loii Mrs. .1. F'aniiiliiuson. .Mrs. N, McHniiald. Miss Sf l«l»'ii. (.'t'litral Hoard for .N't'w Hrmiswirk. Hfathiiiarters in St. .John. MrH. U»'o. l>mdmMi. rii'sldrnf; Airs. .Iulm Marcli. Sccn'tary: Mrs. William Allwood. Trcasiirfr: Mrs. .lolui Harding' ^lr«- Win Scott. Mrs. David Vincent. Mrs, ("raft. y\.vs. .1. V. MarsttMs Miss Kiizaltcth Kj. nciuu inuii. » n.«'-i n-niiu m . .iiino ^iiiii.! . v'Hi|Ff r, Sei-retarv; .1. hesHrsay, C'liarlottetown. Treasnrer: Mrs. I.vdia Kehnrninn. Mrs Stewart Burns. Mis. .laeoh Wade, .Mi'-sM. .1. Crawford. .Miss Mary C\ L, 1 m:... I ....:.. oi...... <>. HOME MISSIONS. Kev, ({. K. Day. M. P.. Vlce-Chairnian: Scliminan. Miss Amuf Slifuriuan UOAIJD Ot" .\.('. Holiliii -. Ks(|,. Cliaiiiuan: ... .. ... ... .-...,. .... ... Hev. .V. Coliooii. ('orrespondiiiK^ei retaiy and Treasurer: W. .\. (.'. Randall. Ks(|.. M. l>., Kei'iirdiuK Seeretarx .Members whose tern\ of ofilce e.xiiires in ItW'.V Kev. H. N rarry, I'earl !•. Kiniiy, Arthiu- Simpson, K.s(|., John .March, Ksii., .\. S. ."Miu-ray. Ksi|. Members term of offlce expircH in ISKt. .\. ('. Kobhin-^. Ks,|.. Kcv. (i. K. Day. M. D.. (". W. Sanders. Esq.. >Y. R. l)otv. Ksii , Rev. .V. Ciiiioon. .\. M. Members whose term of offlee expires in IH'^I, >N . A. C Randall. M.D . .lanies*. rosby, Ksq,, Rev, J, A. Gordon, Rev. A. H. Lttvers. Rev .lohr. Clarlv. j MlNlsTKin.M. KDUCATION HOARD. Memhers \vho>e term > ttice e.xpires in lSS2, Kev. Ts.iiati Walhuc, ! A, M., .F. J. Hostwick. !;• v. I), (i, McDonald. Member.^ who«*eterm of ottice expires in lS.s:<, Uev. S, :'. Kemptoii, A, M., .T. W. Barss, Ks(i.. James McDon.-vld. r.^^fj., M. P. 1'. Members whose term of office expire.- in 1^S4. C. V. Katon, K>.,., Hev. A. W. Sawyer, I), D,, Rev. S, W. DelUois 1>, 1), llo.VHI) OK Jl.\NAi;1:M.\NT ok MtNISIKUI.VI. RKI.IRK .\Nr» AID KIND. Members wh.'xe term of othce expires in 1S.S2, IJev K Hick.son, A M, Hev .John A (.Jonloii, l{ev I' .V .Steele, A M. Members whose term of (itHee exjiires in l^^;{, He\ K MSaunder.", .V M. Hev ,T W Mannin_'. .V U, S Selden, Ks:e Heckwith. Haveloek : T. Hlaikadar. Harvey : A. Chipmon. Hoix- well . W, \V. t'orey. Salisbury : K. C Toiey. I'etitcodiac ; D. L. (_'ari»entt r. Point MidKie : .1. W. I'arpenier. New Horton ; J. Cooaibe.s. t'umberlaii'l Point ; .1. E. Fillmore, T\n tie treek : .1. (iammon. (J. \^. tJates, Moncton : .1 (ioMrup. Coverdale ; (ieo. K. tiood. Sackvilh- ; M. tJross. Hillsboro" ; ,Ja- Herritt. II Hams. Havdock : E. H. Howe. Mom-ton : E. Hopper, Daw«*'ti Settlement ;,l. H. Hup:hes. Havcloi-k : O. Keith. SpriuKhill : M. I..ewis. (.'orn Ridp' : A H. McDonald. Narrows : D. McKeen. Sackville : S. C. Moor-' Demoiselle (reek : 1. .1. Skinner. Alma : Solomon Smith. M pleton : (i. NV Spriiiper. .lenisep: : .1 tv Stea. Katninn, Fn'th'Hctoii: \V, M. EdwnnlH, ItliHsvillo. MIrainlolil: Hfiiry Halns, ntiialxifr: I>. I*. Harris, Newcastle, (J. ],.: .1. (J. Harvi'v. Cfiitn-vilic; A. H. Ilayward, Kockland; Cliarh's Hnidfr- son. .Iarks«»nvilf»'; K. HickNoii, (•arh't«>ii. St. .Folin; tii'urKt' Howard, Hicli- iiiiiiid; B. N. HtiKli«'«. St. Mary's, Y. Co. : U«'MJaiHiii.Jewt>tt, Ilartlaiid; IVUt Kni^lit, L. OueenHlmrv; II. Lewis, .lenisaleiii: W. I). Man/.er, St. Mary's, Y. Co.: T. Tl Porter, Kredericton; P. t). Reese, I'pner Keswiek; W. C. ttide- (»iit. St. l>a\.d: T. W. Sc mders. Priiico William; OcorRe Seely, Woodstock ; II. J, Shaw, Hartland; , y. Todd. (iOK<'l<'wn; Thomas Todd, Woodstixk; \V. A. Troop. Newcastle, (J. L. ; J. Fl. Tiipp»'r. (^iieeiisbury; .1. W. 8. Youns. Jack8ontown. Licentiates. -R.Khhett. Portland; M. P. KinK, Chipman; Thomofi Mc- Donnld. Dehec .Innction: (i. L. Price, Ludlow; I). V. Stilwell, Scotch Town; J. \V. IIlKKlns, Cmnberlaud Hay. HOLTHKUN ASSOCIATION. Hev. I. E.Bill, I) D..St. Martins; I tavid Crandall.W. T.Corey, Sprinpfleld; W. A. Corey. Portland, Thoma.s W.t'rawley, St Andrews. Herbert Foshay. SiLssex; .I.E. Hopper. K. W. Kdlv. St. John; E. Kiei-stead. Collina Comer; H. \V. Kier«tead. Ilninpton; H..l)ert Mntih. Uothecay; W. C. Rideont. Oak Bay: .lames Spencer. St. .John; Peter SpraKK. Sprin>;fleld; .lames Trindde. iviinfleld; W. E. Vickery, iMiffeHn; .V. Washburn. St. Martins; W. M. Weeks, St. .John. Licentiates T. P. Pavies.; .lames S. Mav. Portland: B. N. Nobles. SprihKtleld: W. F. Parker. Newton The •. In.; (ieo. R. White, St. Martins. I.W.Corey, Acadia Collect'; Henry March, Willow (.« rove; F.M.Young. St.tieorge; A. tJand)le. St. (leorge. I ('()\(iKK(iATI()XAL CHIKCH. OFFICERS OF THE CONGKEOATIONAL UNION OF NOVA SCOTIA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Rev. J. W. Cox, Chairman; Rev. J. Shi pperly, Secretary; Rev. Alex. MudtfCgor, Missionary Secretary ; Rev. Joseph Barker, Statistical Sec- retary ; James Woodrow, Esi*!., Treasurer. ( 'oniniittee : Rev. Simeon .Sykes, and Messrs. Freeman Dennis, K. S. Williams, (. . H. iJearborn, .\. K. Clements, and William Anderson. CONCUECJATIONAL LADIES' AIO SOCII^TY. Mrs. .1. W. Cox. President; Mrs. .\.lex. Mctiregor ond Miss. I. (i. Tupjter, Vice Presitlents; Mis.s Burpee, Secretary; Mrs. J. Demiis, Treasiu-er. CONOREOATIONAL CHUHCIIES IN NKW BKUNSWICK. .Snint John, N. II., Rev. Addison Blanchard ; SheffleUl, Rev. Joseph Itarker ; I Keswick Ridge, mid Ciirdisran, R-v. J^imeon Sykes ; Florenccville, ; I Milltown, X. B., Rev. E. L. Davies j fONlJRECJATlONAL CHCKCIIKS IN NOVA SCOTIA. I Vnrmoulh, N. F., Rev. Alex. MacRrcgor ; CornwalliH, N. .^., Rev. Enoch Bar- ker; Chebogue, N. S., Rev. Jiiine'i .'Jhipinilty ; Liverpool, N. .'<., ; I MHitland. ; Noel, and Seltniili, Kev. J. NV. Cox; Milton, N. S.. I ; Kconomy. Rev. E. Hose; Pleasant River, ; Mnncliester, Rev. Jacob Whitman ;' .Marjfaree Rev. William Peacock. FREE C MKISTIAX BAITIST CHURCH. Rev. J. E. R«Mul. Moderator, Keswick. York County. Rev (i. A. Hartley. Aa.-!istant Moderator, Carleton, St. .John. Uev. (t. W. Mcl)ouald. CorreBponilinR Secretary, Woodstock, ('arletoii I'ounty. Major Vince. RecordiuK Secretary, Woodstock, Carleton County. Dr. Burnett. Assistant Secretary. Willium IV'teid, Kcqiiire, Treasurer, Saint John. Dr. L. N. Sharp, Auditor. c: 7i o t 3 S ft 3 O -6 •/I 3* 73 C 3 S o 3 o > I I 3 llontc MhocM tiitil XnllM iil IIOU.\i'A8TLE'H. For Sore Eyefc use FELLOWS' EYE 01 NTMENT. c t £ a 3 c C8 B a< e c 6 C3 'i o 92 RXECUTIVK OF fONKKIlKNCK. Ucv. J. E. Ht'Uil, e'littlriiinn; Major Vincc. Hocrt'tAry ; lli'vs. (J. A Ilortlty. Joaepli McLeotI, A. Tiiylor, <». W. McDouald, and W. Pet-erH, Ewj. MINI.STEKS. 11 RcTS. Edward Weyman, AiHtliaqiii. K.C.: W. K. PfniiiiiKtoii, Soiithnm|)i .n;, Esekiel8lp|)(>rell,Si)iiuTvilIi'. ('.('; Jo*. Nolile, rttrtlutui, Kt. John: Jacob Uunter, Kridericloii; Denjamin Merria, Otnabog; Alexander Taylor, Traivy'H Mills; Robert French, Millstrt'ani ; John Perry, Victoria Corner; William KInghoru, Na»hw»a!ii»; «>. A. Hartley, C»lleton,^»alnt John; Thom'i8 0onnor,Soiiiervillf, C.>' ; John McKentie, Jerusalem; J. T. l*nraon», 8t. Jonn; J. N. Barnci, Ucnvir Harbor, Ch. Co.; Stephen E. Curry, Lowrr Southampton; Thomai S. Vanwart, Watcrvjllc. I'arU'ton County; William Drown, (Irand Harbor, (tranil Oeorge W. McDonald, Woodstock, C. 0. ; J. E. Keud, Keswick ; 0. T. Hartley, Upper Woodstock ; Joseph McLeod, Krederlcton ; Aaron Kinney, Moiictcin; El^ah Gray, Ccnti-rvilli>. C. Co. ; C. T. Phlllipi, Sussex; E. Oarrity, Lincoln: John !<. Jones, Caverhili ; John Gravinor, Ihistol, C. Co. ; T. W. Carpenter, WIckhHm; H. Colpittsi, Jacksonvillo; J. Henderson, Andover, V.O ; 8. H. ^Ve.v may. MoMoton; O. M. Dubar, .Jaclcsonvilli': W. DeA'are, Ilartlaml; J. Wesley (;iark. Aiiohaqui. K. Co.: lU-iiry Hartt, Nortli ilca<], (}raiul Mauan, (.'ii.c, John Uoheitson, Norton Station, K.t!. ; J. .1. Barnes, Salisbury; (}. B. Trnf ton. Eel River: C. F. lUdeout, Ipper Kent, C.C; A. Trofton, Haiupstem! IIOMK MISSION SOClEi'V OF THE F. C. DAPTIST8 OF N. D. Rer. IIenr> Hartt. President; Uevs. J. N. Barnes, J. (jraviiior and (i F AUierton, V.h(\.. Vice-Presidents; Kev. (i. A. Hartley, Corresponding Secretary; Rev. A. Taylor. Utcordlnf? Secretary ; Kev. .1. T. Parsons, Treasurer; B. S I'almer. Auditor. Executive Committee — Revs. W. Kingliorn, J. Noble and W. Petei-s. W. Clark, Es. .lolm Peny, J. Hendernnn and .1 .1 Barnes. Vice Presidents; Rev. .1. Mel^eod. Corresponding Secretary; Revo M. Bubar, Recording Secretary; AVm. Peters, Esq., Treasurer; Dr. Musurovr, Esq., Auditor. Executive Committee— Revs. .1. E. Reud, B. Merritt, A. Klniity. (i. A. Hartley and T. S. Vanwart, and R. E. .McLeod, J, A. Vanwart and K. (' Fre«'ze, Esqs.. and the Secretaries and Treasurer. F. C. BAPTIST SABBATH SCHOOL CONVKNTIOX. Rev. (!. W. McDonald President; all the Elders of Confercuce, "Vice-Presidents; Kev. V. li. Scrihner, Ivsq llecordiny Secretary ; i). C. Freeze, Esq., H. S. Agent; Rev. (;. T. Hartley, Treaaurtr; Execu- tive Committee— .lolm \. Owens, (Udeon Melieoil, HukU Davis, S. C. Stewart, John Kinihall, Esqs., Kev. S. E, Ciirry and W. J. Doucett. F. C. BAPTIST ministers' UELJEF FUND. Kev. A. Kinney, President; Kevs. A. Tayhir and.). MoKen/.ie, Vice- Presidents; J. T. Parsons, KecordiUK Secretary; 11. E. MauJittxl. Esq., Treasurer; Rev W DeWarc, Auditor. y. C. BAl'TIST BOARD OF MANAGERS. B. S. Palmer, Ks.|., If.vmpstoad, Chairman; Rev. O. A. Haillt).' Carluton, St. John, Secretary; D. W. Clark, JOsfj., (,'arletoii, St. .Jnlni,, Treasurer. KI.DEIt.s' CUNKKHENCE. Rev. (J. AV. Macdonald, Cliairman, Rev, 0. A. Hartley, Secretary. ScuU to J. HOK.M 4siTLC'.S,ln(llantonii, for i'litiiloguv. Hummer Complaints use FELLOWH* Rl'ERDY IlELlEf*. 18«2.] EDUCATIONAL. m CHRISTIANS, OR DISCIPLES OF CHRIST. Duke Street— Kli«r .'Keiwick, N. U — (JiT«!iilaw, Paint John, N. n.— Cohurg Street— Klder T. H. Capp. George Qarraty. Deer IsIkhiI, N. It —Klder W. F. Hughe*. Klder Henry Hooiio. Li'telf- Eldfi-.l. A. (ialfs, Klder l( MIKMIONAHY nOAHIl. KlihT F. ('. Ford. Clinlrnian. K. ('. Bowers, Trcasiiici-. J. E. Banu-H, Secretary. Elder Howard Murray. MiHHioniiry. Educational Department of the Province, pROfiNOiAL IloAiin or KnucATioN.— The Governor, the Merubeii of the Kxeriitive Council, the I'reniderit of thu Uuiverslty of New Iirunflwi«k, and the Chief Siiper- lotendeiit of Education. CiiiBf SumRiNTBNDENT Of EDUCATION.— Theodorc H. Rand. Eh.. Northumherlan, W. P. Dole, A. H , Saint .lohn P. O., Saint .lolm. No. li, I. H. (hikes. AH.. St. Stephen P. O., Charlotte. No. r. EUlon Mullin. B. A., Fredi-rictDii P. ().. York. No. H, W. U. (Jaunce. H, A., Woodstock P. <).. Carlrton. Provisciai. KxA.\tiNERs OK Tkacmkhs.— W. Urydoi'.e Jack, D. C. L., Examiner In fichool .Management, &c. Thomas Harrison, LL. I). .Examiner in Mathetnaltcs. Loring W. Uailty, Ph. I)., Kxaminer in History and Oeograpliy. 11. S HiidKes. M.A , Examiner in Languagej, JLc. MADRAS SCHOOL, Thb Govibnor AMD Tbustkeh or TUB Madras School in Nkw Bronswick.— The Lord Uishop of the DIoceBe; the Members of Her Majesty'^ Council; the Jud^e of the Court of Vice Admiralty ; the ."Speaker of the Ifnuse of Assembly ; tho Mayor and Recorder of Saint John; the Rector and Churchwardens of Trinity Church, Saint John; together with Simeon Jones and (}. Sidney Smith, Ksquires. H. Lawrance Sturdee, Esquire, Clerk and Treasurer. UNIVKHSITY OK NiW BRUNSWICK. Visitor on behalf of Her Majesty — !"' Monor the Lieutenant Governor. CoHPOUATioN AMD Mkmbkrs o» '^^ .. « - W. Ilrydone Jack, D. C. L., President; lion. David Wark. Hon. A IxIuL bce'y Alfred 1). Atlierton, M. D., Ezeklel McLeod, li. L. B. Hon. Arc a!(i J' rvtf n, Theodore H. Rnnd, D. C. L., Hon. Chief Justice Alien. Allnn '. r)„vi.: i»ii V.nq., Boyle Travcrs, M.D., Frederic K. Harker, D. »^. L., and \\ ilttivi • ^'tijr' f ■. jr.. B. C. L. Registrar And TreHSiiri".~'M'«rar)! H ilmot, A. M. Professor of Matli :: . '.ic.-, > iIuim! nilosnphy and Astronomy — William Bry- 1 dont Jar*^, L . 0. L., » ivuc.-^t.! .;. -'ii listry and Natural Science— Loring W. Hai- I ley, 1;.. D., Professor of English Lritrature, Logic ami Metaphysics— Thomas liar- rl^>on, LL. D. Professor of Classical Literature ami History— II. H Brid^P*', M. A. Professor of French Language ami Literature— Francis P. Rivet. I Examiners for Degrees— Rev. Charles II. Paisley, A. M. ; Rev. G. Goodridge I Roberts, A. M. ; William Crocket, A. .M. Examiners in Civil Law— Chief Jus- I tice Allen and P. E. Darker, D. C. L. Collroiatr Sciiooi., Fredericton.— Head Master, George Robert Parkin, A. M. Second Master— .IiL". T. Ilorsman, A.U. Instructor in French— Francis P. Rivet. F. C. D. EDUCATION SUCIKTV OF N. D. AND N. S. President, E. 0. Freeze, Esquire; Vice-Presidents, Rev. J. Noble and V>. W. McCready ; Secretary, Rev. .loscph McLeod; Treasurer, Dr. Burnett. Directors— Rev. B. Merritt, Gideon McLeod, Esq , Rev. J. Perry, G. W. Boyer, Esq., and Dr. Burnett. ! 5' B 2. 't » s- ^licirUunhvurc ufiill kludHUt J. UVltXCiiiTLE'M. '4 13 s a a V < 9 6 p 01 1 98 "2 e c I. t a 93 c i I Barker s kimulsion «>f norww vov livkr on, forconsuinption. [188*J. 1»G HANKS. BIOUNT ALLISON WK8LKVAN COLLE«!E, SACKVILLK, N. U. coitpoRATtoN 1^X1- W:i. I5oAiii> OK Tiii'STKKS AND (iovK.KNou,^.- Kcv. .1. MfMiirmj', Clinlrman; Jn^lali Wood, K.-ifi., A. >!.. Trcn.'• I>-. iiw. C. .Stewart, U. !)., Kev. Jiinif!i Tnylor, Itcv. A. W. Nicolson, Kev. Jolin Latlicrn, Kev W. |[. lEcartz, Henry II. Allison, t'si]., Jojopli rriclianl, Ksq, -lames D. Dixon, E.>*(|, David Alllaon, Ksq., LL. I)., Jas. U. Inch. K.sq., M,. D.. .Iiiinis Hurl. Ksq.. Jos*'i)li I,. Ulack.;Ks(|.. M. 1'. W. iukJ R«-v. .John I?iir\vnsli. A. M. ExEciTivE Co-MMiTTKh:.— .las. I >. Di.VDii. K.s(i.. Oiainnnii. Hfv. .loliii Hiir wash. A. JI.. St'iMotai-v. Hi-v, C St«'\vait. I). D.. Hi>v. H. ricknnl. D. !>,. R.'v. 1». Knuu'dv. S. T." 1)..R<'V. C. H. Tnislcy. A. M.. Henry)?. Allison. Ks.i, Ja.s. H. Inrli. E.s(i.. LL. D.. .losiah Wood. E.s(i.. .V. M.. andJoseph 1,. Riack, Esq.. .M.;l'. I'. Thk. Ai.CM.M SociKTY.— .1. B. Snowball. E-sq.. ,sid»'nts. R»'.\. H. W. Ilt-nrtz. Wmi. F. (it'orgc Secretary Treas.. .1. V. .Miison. Esq. Mor.NT .Vu.isoN Wesmcyan !Mai.k A( aiucmy. Prini-iiml. Roy. ('lias, H ' Paisley. M. A. raoiilty— Hev. ('has. 11. Paisley. .M. A.. Latin and Fniidi: Thoinji.sf.n T. DaYJs, H A.. Matlieniatics: .lolin .V. Smith, R. A., Conunt-r fini and Enplish Department: Piofes.sor Wm. .lost. Department of Music. MorNT .Vmjson \\ Kst.KYAX Ladiks' Acadkmv. ReY. DttYid Kennedy. It. D.. Prinei|)al; Miss ^I. 1>. 1). Wilson. Precept Roard of Instruction. ReY. DaYid Kennedy, M. .V.. S. T. D.. English Literature : Miss Elln L. Harncs, niK'it''" '*'iv'l'«'niatics and Latin : Mile Malthieu. Relies lettres and Freiicli : Fm,'lisli D1. L. A M. L. A.. Drawintc. Painlinj'. etc Music ;Mis.s M. E. IMckard. M. Music. BANKS. IUnk ok Montkk.u.. Capitiil .S1-J,(H)0,0()0. KeserYc Fund ¥r),r'(H),- 00!). I'resideut, Charles V. Smithcrs. (ienural Man;».;,'er, \V. J. Buchanan. .Vssi.^tant ( ienenil M.ana.Ljer and Chief Inspector, A. .M. r- nifler. Saint Jolin Branch. K. C. Jones, Mana^'er. ,\. Jf. iu-(hlniiu>. Accountant. C. J. \l. Kerr, Telh-r. Thomas |). Uedford, Disconnt Clerk. J. F. Dorau, CiHectiou ('Icrk. H. P. I'ikc, licd^'er Ktcpcr. licH. Develiei. Clerk. J. L. Wilson, M essen,i,'er. Hranclu's. Moncton, ( 'liatliam and Nevs "astle. IVvNK OK liuiTisii NonTU Ami-.hica. Office, Tjondon, Eii;,'l;iii(l. Capital, i:l,0()n,(X)OSt(riin-. (*l,>i(M;.0i;(;,(;7). Head Office in, Montreal. ( Jencral Mauaj^'er, J^. I.*. (Jrindley. Saint Joliii Office, W. K. Collier, Manaj,''''"' •'. .1. Morrison, Accoinitaiit. C. K. Kurlnii,'. Teller. John Cholditch, W. C. W.dl.-ice, F. A. Davies, Clerks. Williiun Maher, Messen^'er. Rank ok Ni;w l^ni nswick. Saint John. Capital, One Milli'>ii. President, J. I). j,cwiu, K.s(|. Vice-President, Tliouuis (Jilhert, Ks<|. Cashier, William (Jii van. (J. .\. Scludield, Accountant. C. Caniji- hell. Corre.spondinvr Clerk. J. ClauMiu, T. W. Seeds and Barclay Boyd, Tellers. S. ( lirvau, .1. M. I)ickan. ISchoHeld, Clerks. W. Pattisonand iv. Pattisnu, Me,i.senj,'ers. Dirci t^r- J. D. Lewin, J. V., Th..mas W. Daniel, Charles H. F;ni weather, Henry ^'au■.,dli^n, Thomas (Jiltiert and .Fohn "N'eats. Solirii m (I. Sydney Smith. I >i,-- ford. l)ireStiTIJ:',S, liiHliiiilonii. fl8K. u. M 1882.] BARKER'S QUININE WINE Is tho only aeiuiine. BANKS. U7 Hank ok Nova Scotca.— Heiwl OHico, Halifax, N. S. —Authorized iiiiil j>uiltiii.soii, A-'tut. Daniel Waters, Acco\n»tant. J. K. Narraway, Tt lh*r. J. }|. Lombard, , V. W. Daniel, T. IJ. Blair, ('lerltH. (Jeo. Tlmnispon, MeNHen^jer. rK(»l'l.K'« liANK OK Xi:\v liitUNswicK. ( 'ai.ital, >!120,()00. Manager, A. J\ Kandolph. Ciwliier, .lohn W. Spunliln. Accountant, 1). Leo U:ilili.t. UeceivinH roller, JIenry(J. Kutoy. PayiuK Teller, liyron ('oulthard. Diwcount Clerk, t'liarl»"> H. Lee. AleHMcnyer, Daniel Hichftrdfi Sa[NT Stki'HKN.s J5ANK. Capital, i#liOO,000. Acounnilated profits, SSO.OOO. Presi.leut, F. II. T.kM. Jnhii K. (Jrant, ( aHJiier. DoMINroN (JoVKKNMKNT SaVINcJS I5aNK, SaINT JoIIX. It. \V. ' CrcHiksliiink. As^islant Keceivor (Jenernl, Manaj,"'!", Jalnes 1!)ii)inson .ml F. G. Ji'»'.'.i»n, Accountant. (J. F. .Sancton, Teller, S. H. Patterwui, CleiK, 'I'hos. H. liaWHon, MeHswnurer. Office hours from 10 to 3; Satunl.iy 10 to 1. Agents. Hathnrst, W. J. O'Hrien. ( Imtham, D. Fert;uMan. Dalhousie, W. Mov.i>,'omL'ry. l)orc;}iester, J. Hickman. Fieiletictou, A. F. Street. Newcastle, U. B. Hiuldow. Hichibticto, .lohn KuHk. Hillrihoro', R. K. Stevens. St. Andrew's, (\ M. (iove. .Woodstock, D. F. Merritt. !Moncton, J. Crandall. HANKtNi;ctou'h Okkkk, Saint John. Hon. John .McMillan, Inspector, Wni. I'aisley, Secretary; Wm. C. W'hittaker, Aet;ountant; Wilham 1«. ' Avery, Walter Kowau and W. Hatch, Clerks; William Bannister, ^ . .M('ssen},'er. (I. F. Everett, Money Order Department. Post Okkick, St. John. S. J. Kinj,', Postmaster; James Wtxid- row. Assistant PostmitstAjr ; M. J. J'otter, W. A. Black, H. P. Otty, i;. C. McTntvre, A. McNichol, J. S. Fla;,dor, A. W. Keed, Joseph \V. H.;ittey, J. \\f. Kin,^^ B. 1). Woodn.w, \l. A. Handin, P. (i. McGuire, riinnias Jenkins, J, H. Bitchie, J. P. Bell, .1. -li. Finen, A. Tlumipscm and Maxwell, ( 'lerks ; (Jeorge Bell, Office Keeper ; ilames Leetch, Superintendent liCtter Cariers ; Kohert McLauichlin, William Youny, .1. F. Witliers, Caleb Belyea, (». W. Plmuplon, William Lane, John < '.impl)ell. James McMauus and John Beandsh, Letter Carriers ; Henry Mowe, Fireman. Railway Mail Ci,khk«.— F. W. Blizzard, J. McM. Hunter, V. A. Kstey, (Jeor^e M. Ryan, W. St.arkie, J. Philips W. .1. Wehlon, J. R. Piilj,'eon, Geo. A. Barker, A. . (Jross, 1). I'rice, H. Wathan, J. Millar, <'. A. Miirray and D. >KKtv»drick. I posta(;k. All letters sent t<» any part oj the Dominion or I'nited States are lialtle to a ITiuform Rate of three rents per half ounce, accordin:^' to the following,' scale : - .\ letter not exceeding half ounce in wii},dit 3 cts A K'tter exceedin;,' half ounce and nut exceeding one oimce >' A letter exceeding' one ounce, and not exceediny: one ounce anroii IjetterH, one cent per half o\uice, an<) niUHt be \>\\- I>aid. liettciN for the United HtatOH nuint Ite prepai*! one rate, or they will n«)t bo forw.uilt'd. lii^'tti TH po-itt'd for dt'livery within th'' Doniiiiiou, niuHt be pre])aid .it lenKt oiiL- rate of |^osta.^'t', otherwise tlif.\' will not I)e forwarded. l.ATKS OK 1'()STA(;K (»N I.KTTKUS KOIl HIWTIrtll AND KOllEION tOI'NTUIE.S. AuKtria. inchidiuLr Hunyary, HeU'iuin, Di-niuark, in eents. Fiji Islands, 7 ets. .lava, 10 it-. New Zealand, l*i ets. Sandwieli Islands, J cts. Sierra Leone, 10 ' ts. 'N'^ia N'eW York. ( 'uba, "t ets. .lani.'iica, ;") ets. Porto l?ico, r> cts St. Thomas, St. dohn and St. ('mix, (l))ini.sli) f) cts. Other places in West Indies. IT) cts. Mayti and San l!omin^'o, 7 ets. Via Halifax, .lamaie.i, 10 cts. Ilavti and San Donuiih'i), 10 cent' St. Thomas, 10 cts. Other I'laees in West Tutlies 10 rent«. French l*o.s.s(.'ssioiis, by all routes, Ittcts. Porto IJico, via New York. 7\ ets. St. Tlioiua*!, via New York, T) ets. Trinidad, 10 cts. I'ropayment of letters and other mail matter must be made by ,> is- ta;re .'^tamji. Stanijis can l>e obtain»^d of the foUowint,' sizes of any "f thettutliori/ed dealers : ."vc., lc.,2c.,3e., .">e., (Ic., lOe., r_*.U'.,and I.m-. eai Ii. Ive^risteied Letters. Letters intended to Iw rcK'istered, when a 1- dressed to iiliu'cs in ( 'an.ada, luust be |)fcpaid by stamp, 2 cents eacli. To the I'nited States, ."> cents each, in ailditioii to the postjV;,'e rate. For Newfoundland, rejjfistered letters, 2 cents. Other artielew ."> ctiit- in ;wldition to the jMista^ie. .VU U-tters for re^dstration sho\dd licposti'il l."> minutes l>cfoie tlie hour of closing' ordinary mails, and in the cveniiu' ' previous to '.» o'clock. }'or Knj^dish piaih. Utters niiist 1h! rcj,'iHt'• ' minutes before the time of closiiiL'. Canada Post ( 'arils, Ic. cai'h. I' Post Cards, 2u. e.'ich. Po^l ' Hands, I for ."• cents, or !s!l.2'> p«'r humlreii. Stamped Knvelo|>es are for sale as follows : One Cent Stamped I.n \cli ,K' at the rate of .*1..'K( per hundred, oi' 10 for IM cents. Tliio I Cent St.ampcd Ku\elopo, small size, .^».;{:) per hundred; lar^e si,'.', II >!;<.;{•■( per hiinilrod. Smaller ipi.-vntities as foUows :— 1 for 4 cents; '.' 1 1 fo» 7 eetit** ; ."• for 17 cents, eti:. J- HORNCASTUE'S Hardware Store, old ataad, ^ndiantowa. I lLVRKER'8 WORM LOZENdKfl will euro Wcnus in Children. 1883.] POST OFPICB. 99; I'oHt ('anlK at one cent each may be Kent to any address in Canada or Uniteer pouml, j,'nmH weight, which must be prepaiil by puldisher at the tune of Htstin^'. Sucli new;sj)!ipcrs and periodicals must be issued ut>t les8 1; ri'(iuently tlian f»nce per moiitli. NewHpj«.})errt posted for (.'ity delivery will ( 'arriers^ unl not bo (lelivercil by Letter = dess prepaid by Htamp. Transient Newsiiajiers and Periodicals addressed to places iu ( V nada, ap U K Newfoundland and I'nited States. On all newspapers ami I'criodicab other thantliose specified above, the ])osta^'e rate will l)e one cent per 1 ET. ounces in weijjht, which must be |irei)aid by postage stamp. J NewH|mi)er8 and Periodicals puldished not less freciueutly than (Hicl^ ' x a month and weighing less than one ounce maj'be posted singly, if pre- g |iiiid by iMwtftge stamp one half cent each. 5" Newspapers published in the Ihiitt^I KiM,L;dom, and remailed by g- News Agents to regular subscribers, may be i emailed T'ree. This will g .ipjily to Newspapers only, and not to Pcrioiiicals. ^ AllscKI-l.ANKors I'osTAF. Mattek. Painplilf. , Occasional Publica- ^ tiiins. Printed Circulaix, Pri(;es Current, Hant, Printer's Proofs, Maps anpectlon. Such books, ii;i|»ers, returns, itc, must m»t be accjmpaniwl § liy any instructions or directions. Bank notices, advics of goods in ^ transit and personal notices are liable to letter rate because intended C for the information of a piuticidar peison. Legal and commeicial 3- i^'Miei-s are liable to letter rate of postage iiidess sent bj- parcel post, s and the excejttions abo\e given to matter of that class are restricted to = d!^<•^lnentH H|»ecified, such as ileeds and insurance poliidcs. ^ The rate of postage (Ui Sei-ds, Cuttings, liidlts and Hoots is one cent '< Y>-v I ounces, the weight of a pack;igi' not to exceed 4 His. ^ r.ooK I'ackkts. Passing between places in the Dominion of ('anada ^ "ito and from Newfoundland, ami not e.xci'cdiiig ."> lbs. in weiglil, 2 ft. 5. in length and I foot in breadth, must In- prepaitl l>y postage stamp at « tilt; ratt of one cent per 1 oz. Hook I'ackets posted for delivery in the _ Dominion cannot be registered. ^ | Tlie limit of weight of Hook Packets to the Cnitcd Kingdom is ."ilb.'.. ^ < onnnercial papers, 4 lbs, (i oz. Look I'ackets for FraMce, < iermany, ^ Italy, ikdgiinn, Netherlands, Po-.tugal. the Azores, Madeira Den- Jg mark and Switzerland, must not c.M'ced I lb-;., (! oz. in weight, and 21 r-^ inches in length or 12 in breadth. | I'ArrKUN ANIt ^AMI'I.i: I'lisT. I I Canada. Patterns and samples of merch.indise, not exceeding 21 oz. :1 ^ ill weight, when )»osted in Canada for places within Canada or New- Oroflory Warehouse, " L"rne " Hotel, Indiantown. 100 DNiVERSAli iJNiMEN'f in the Farinera' Friend. ^OftT OFFICE. ~ ~i [1882. oUiidl.iTul, niuHt ])•• prepaid Ity ixwta^'H stwip ftt the rate of One (Viit XT I oiuu-fs wi'iK'ht, .and i>ut up in siuii a luanupr iw to a cont«. (!(.. 8 do. 12 d(t. dy affixin;,' a 5 eeiit registered letter stamp thereto, in addition to the poHtage. Parcels cannot he transmitted hy p(tst to an)' idace beyond the limits of the Domininn of ( 'anada. nor can any parce) lie forwarded t«t Uritisii (•(ihimhia or Manitoba (\Viunii>e^' e\ce|)ted), via the United State , which exceeds in weight the limit of 2 lli.s. ;{ ox.. ParcelH for Wiiinipi- of 1 lbs, weight can be trunsmittefl. JKtXKV OHDKIIS. Commissions. On orders jiayable in Nov.i Hcot'a, New Brunswick, I'rince Edward Islaml, Ontario, Cjlueln'e, Manitoba, or British Cohnn bia ; Not exceedi.ij,' •*'l, 2 leiits. Over SI anil up t. M) ( eiits. No single order, payable in the Dimiiii- ion, can be ^(ranted for iiinie than ••<1(K). On onlers payal>l<' in Xewfounilland : Not exceedin.if l'"t sterliiii,', 2i cent*. Over tTt and up to tlO. oD cents. Over t'lO and up to tl"), 7.". centH. Over t'l'taad tip to t'2(», -SI. No .^in.rl'3 order on Newfoutil laud can' be granted for more than i.*2() sterliu;,'. On orders payable in the United Kin^'dom : Not excocdiiiK 1*2 l(k Htcrlin;,', 20 cents. K.xceedinj,' ft2 10s., and not exceeding t'."i sterlin},', 40 centn. do to do t'7 10s, 4 K) cents, d.t t'7 1 Oh. iIo tlO 80 cents. On orders ].ayable in British India: Not exceedin;,' t2 sterliiii,', il ) cents. < )ver t2 ami up to t"t, 00 cuts. ( )ver t."i and u]t to t'7, !H) ceiil,-. Over t7 anil up til t'lo, Ni.2i>. No sin^de order on British Indiacin be ^'ranted for miMc than t'lO sterlin;,'. Oil orders payaliie in the I'nited States: Not exccedin;.,' SIO, 10 cent . I'.xceeilin.,' !~<10, ;in 1 not exceeedin.,' S20, '10 cents, do .'520, ,1„ s:m, .W cents, do .SO, do stO, 40 cents, do ^40, do !t>;"»0, ."lO cents. ^ ! Nt) sin,de order to b.- v'ljuit" ! on the United Kin;;dom f» t ^; jt'«y orders f"i thene rtiiniH may h.' i, ivvnund. Xitrron iiiul !«lili> Axi .•« tit J IIOKK4 in! 3,i.*«. H ' 1882.] UOLDEN ELIXIR will Kidney Compliiiut. 101 ' No oril«rs to he (rrniiteil timlfr any juvUmu'*', unlcftw tlio f'hriHtian iiMil IVoper Nanii'H are HUitplied. The Christinu n.;>iiOH of marrieil wo- I men to he t,'i\'''n, ami not tliose nf theii hunhani'iM. I ManiOH of parties, ])hieos and sums to In* wri'.ten in thu phiinest |mwi- | silile manner. As there are sevei.d lue.ilitie.^ of the same name, Ito- niitters must he eareful to intheato whieh of [hem tliey mean. For this ])urpoMe, the Province, County, or State in whieh tlie paying oftice is situated must invariahly be su|iplied. .'{S Victoria, chap. 7, nee. 21, enacts tliat " It shall h' a miwleamennor ; '' for any Postnumter or other pei-xon authorized to issue Money Orders, i ■■ to issue any Money Order without h.-ivinu' previously received the " purchase money, o»' sum payable therefor ; " and Sec. 'J'.t enacts that " every pei*soii who aids, abets, counsels or procures the commission " iif any such mi.sdeameanor as aforesaid, shall be ^'nilty of a misde- , " nieanor and puninhable its a ))rincipal offender." Tiiu ]ierNon to whom an order is paya!ile, can have it paid to a secontl persou by writing,' on it, " i"ay to the onler of (the lUiUie of tlie second |»orsoii to fill the blank), for value rei-eived. Persons reniittin;^' moiu",' should obtain a Money Onler, aH the |)e- |i.iitnient is not rcHponsihle for the loss of .-i li-ttei' containing' money ; ;uir lie sent wiihout le^i.stration. No notice is take]i of any Jinre^'isteretl leiter. Dominion Finance Department St. John. William Seely, Dominion Auditor. K. W. ('licstiiut, Clerk. Immigration Department. Samuel (lardner, Ksquire, Doiniiiioii ImmlKratioii Oftlcer Tor New Hruns- wifk: Tlie Deputy Treasurers at the out-l'oits of the Province a^-t as I>OMIMON lU'll.DI.NO nOARD. liiMiilKration ()fllcei-H. .lames U. Kuel, Ks(|uire, ('ollect4>r of ('u<ctorH of FloiU'and Meal Jeivniiah Harrison, Thomas Kankiiie. C. II Kalrueatiier, (J. S and (leo. Morrison. H.KaminerH of InH)icclors of Tickled Ki.-li ami Kisli (>il-(!e(». S. DeForest. (!ill)ert Iteut. William Harbour, .lames Wilson, of Tortlaiid. an(l Frank Noldc. jr.. of Carleloii. Kxaminers of Inspectors of beathe! and K.uv Hides William I'eters. W. K. Vroom. Ja.s. l{ol»inso>i, Duvid Cohvelland Francis Collins. CUSTOMS. PORT OP HA! NT .lOII.V. Jamt>H K. Kuel, Esq.. Collictitr tiuil Hefiiiitrnr of Shii>itiini. Harrison. .\. Marlier. hi Warehituse Department, .lolui Sandall. .\ Atchison. Ill l,on>c Room. er, il. IVSundall and Keith Mcasnier tmtl Surveyor of Sliiiis. .(nines Harlnn-. In Statistical DepnitnuMit. li. .\. VradcnlmrK'li AppialHers of Dutiable ArticU's.— E. I,. Thorne, Chief Appraiser; Allan McHeath and Holwrt Sheraton. AsulKtant Appiai.scrs; \.\\ Stevens. Clerk; .lulm Kolstun, I'ackei-. ^ o 3 CO I For Oats snct Feed ^oto HORNOASTI'E'S, Indaiotown, OOLDEN Ef JXTR I'liriflra thP*nioo. RiiiiltT and bunl J. Oleeson, Clerks. fJjiUK«'i"« ji'kI I'lnof ofiii-t'.- Edwin N. S. HU-wiirt, (iauKw; Suimu'l Hobiii- sdii. Assistant (iauK'T; Tinudliy Murphy. Sivuipler. Ai-. Tidf Siii-vi'vor Williimi .loliiiston. .\i-tinj,' Wiiilcis and St*ni('!i»'is. .laiiu's KlewwcllInK, I'aul Daley and Jolni liuinpliri'\°.s. SupciintcndtMil of Wurfhonsi's. Isaac Olivn. (Afting*. WaivhouHi' Lockfis, T. lUiHtin. W. I'arU'toii. W. H. Olive, JaineH Williams, CliarifsPidK.'i.n. M. H. Ow.-ns and T. B. Foley. Tide Wttitfi-s. •|'.( ). Sundail. ( .W. C'owun. U. J. McAdoo, H. O. Hunt. ActV, Williani A. I{o»)inson, ,1. olive. Jr., W. P'orsyth, ,1, M. ¥. Whiting, Wilson L. [)ol)l)in. William Farren. Henry KiKl»y and P. J. O'Keefe. Hoafmcn. -H<»heit Fnllon and (JeorK*" I'riee. Suli-l'olleetors. I'ort of Leiireau.K. («. K. llau.son. " •■ Miis(|uash. -A. T. Dunn.\.- (ieorpe H. Wallaee Julin W. ( iidlip, I'^squi E. Island. lUTurRST. VV. .1. OHrieii. Sub-folleetor. New IJandon -Fat rick .1. Folt'V. ('A.Ml'ollKl.LO. .1. FaiMicr. SuhCollectoi-, (Jrand >lanaii— T. Wouster. t'AHAyi'K.rri;.- (i. C. Hiackhall. Sul) Collector. Traca.iie— >l. \'l Hourji:eois. t'uAruAM. Dnnii'l Ferf^uson. DAi.uotsiK.— Win. Mont>joiner\ . Siili Collcc'or. ('anipl)t'llton- J. .lai-dine. DoiK'HKsTKii.— .lohii Hickman. Sul) ("ollcctor. Uockland~l{. 15. (^uaco.- .losenli Carson, re, Inspe'.-«o.- or Customs for New BruuKwiok and P. Chapn'.ai FltKOKUKTON. (iKAM) Falls. Sul)-Collcctoi iied.*ll. Sub Collector Ilartt. ]lii,i,siioitor(Ui. SubColl.Tloi \. \'\ street, F. W. ISiown. , .Vialover — (Jeor^e , Edniunston John W. V. Stevens. . Harvey W.T. Iteid. ' Stib Cr)llector. Alma K. Wri;,'hl. *! McNdamJinction. Samuel Watts. (■01J..E(.T()R8. I MoNfTON'.— James Robertson. I .Vew(a.stle.— K. B. Hatldow. HicMiHicTo. -John Rusk. Sub I'ollector, Buctouche— RolM>rt I)>iu>?la.s. Sub-Collector, CocalKne— A. K. Dysari. Sub-Collector. Richmond 8tatinn- i H. Kirkpatriok. St. .\.vi)KKW8. — C. M. (Jove. Sub '\)llector. West Isles— H. T. ; Di.xon. Sr. (iKoKuK. --James McKay. ' St. Stkpiik.v.— H. Wel)ber. Shii'I'koan.- II. A. Hurmany. ! SuKuiAC. -W, C. Hanington. Sackvii.i.k. — James Dix(m. Sid)-Coliector. North Jo^gins — Kufus Cole. Sui)-C(dlector, Bay Veiie- Wni. Prescott. WooiwTocK.— D. F. Merritt. Sul) "ollector, Richmond Ktation J. Kirkpatrick. Sub-Collector, CentrevHle -Hy. T Scholev. I.N'LAND REVENUE. Daniel C. Perkins. Collector. John N. Moore. Accpuntant. (leo. Travis, Deptity Collector, .fohii F. (laiioUK, John Frederickwin ami James >Ia.son E.vcis" ( Jlllicrs siii-i'oi,i,Ef;T(>iis. Dorcln-ster. John Hickman. Ht. Stephen, \. II. Hill. Fredericton. Hobt. Atherton. Sackville. .Jas. D. Dickson, fct. .Vndrews. C >I. (iovc. Woodstock.— 'Vm. Dibble. Thomas Ilanford. Inspector for New Brunswick. W. F. Best. Analytical ''i.t.iuiHt. TARIFF CUSTOM DUTIES. A id Suloliiiric ... Sul;diMric and Nictric AcMs in a combined state, ail val. 20 | Acetic. .,.. .... .»..12cplK .... .Up II) ■ kJ. 20 p ct Wrapping Paper ttud Twines, cheap, at H0RNC8TI,E'8, f FEIJ.OWS' DYSPEPSIA niTTKRS will owo IndlKOfttinn. 1882.] TARIFF CUSTOM nTTTIRS. 103 20 pet ACIDS- CitMlNI'Kl). ^ruriatic Jind Nitric, ad valorem. . . IJiit Curhoysuiul Dt'iuijolinflcontuiniuj,' acidn, vinct,'ar or other liiiuiiiri shall he Hultjoct to thosaine duty as if onil)ty. .... .... .... Agricultural IinpleiuentM, not herein otherwiso provided fitr, ad val .... . . . .2r( p ct .\lt', l)oor and port(;r, when imported in bottles (hix quart or twelve pint bottles tn be held to cttleH, .... ... .... 10c p I j .\iiinudH, living, of all kindrt not elsewh»MeHi»ecifiefl, except prohibition.^* of horned cattle from Unitett States, to staud nntil repealed by order in council, ad val 20 p ct .Vrtiticial Flowei-s and Feathers, ad val, . . . .25 p ct Asphaltum, mineral, ad val. .... . . . .10 p ct A;,'aric, .... .... .... Free. Abates, nnmanufiu;tured, .... do .Mk.'inet root, .... .... do .Uoes,. . .... , . . . .... do .\l\uuinum, .... .... .... do Aluiu, .... .... .... do .Aiiiliergris, .... .... .... t excuedin.L.' three m»»nths, for the ])uri)ose of exhibition or conijtetition for i)rizes offered by any agricidtural or other association. (But a bon(I shall first be ;,'iven in accordau'"^ with re^,'ulations to be pre- scrilied by the Minister of Cdstoms, with the condition tliat the full duty to which sucii animals would other- wise be liable, shall be i>aid in case of their sale in Canada, or if not re-exported within the time specified in such Ixmd) ... ... .Viiiiiials for the im|)roven)ent of stock, viz.: horscH, cattle, sheep and swine, iukUm- ret,'ulations to lie uuide by the Treasury Board ami apiu'oved by the (Jovernor in Council, .... .... .\)uiato, liquid or solid, .... .... .Vmiato, wed, .... .... • • • • .Aiichors, .... .... .... .Viitimony, .... .... .... Aslie.s, iK»t, ])e;ul and soda, .... .... Apparel, wearing' and other |)ersonal and householtl effects, not merchandise, of British stibjects dyiaij,' abroad but ilomiciled in ( 'anada, .... .Atl'oI, dust, .... .... • . • . .AiljoIh, crude, .... ... Aisenic, .... .... • • ■ • Arseniate of aniline, .... .... .... .Vrticles for the use of the (jitvernor-deneral, .... Articles for the use of foreiyn Consuls (ieneral, .... do do do do do do do do do do do do do do «'aiiiient. TAHIFF ( I'HTOM lU'TlEM. [1882. do do do I I I < s ArtioleH imported l»y and for tho iiso of tlie Dominion (lOViMniiu'iit, or any of Dopaitnu'uts thoreof, or for the Senate or Houwe of ConnnoiiM, . . ... .Free. Annyand Navy and ('jvnan, nor Tiibles, nrayer-l)ooks, psalm and hymn Iwtoks, ad val 15 p ct Jlritish eopyrij'ht works, rejjfints of, ad val. 1 ... .15 p ct and in addition thereto, .... ) 12.J p^ct Bibles, ])rayer-books. psalm anels of every description, advei-tisiiij,' pictures or pictorial .show cards or bills, a!'.i2,50 each and ail val. 15 j) liilliard Tables, over four feet .six inches by nine feet, a specific duty of ... , !>!25 each and ad val. 15 \> Billiard Tables, with pockets, five feet six inches by eleven feet or muler, a specific duty of .... }?;i5 eacli and ad vaL 15 p Billiard Tables, all over five feet six inches by eleven feet, a specific (h»ty «>f. . . «40 each and a«l val. 15 p Each tal)le to include twelve cues, and one set of four balls, with markers, cloths and cphcs, but no pool ballH, Babbit luetal, ad val., .... . . . . 10 p ct t Fooket Knives at J. HOBNCASTL£'S, Indiantown. Pearl White Teoth nae ENAMETJJNE. 1882.J TAIIIFF niHTOM Dl'TIK.S. 105 ]\\v*\ ( 'afji'H of all kiiidH, ml val.. ... 30 p ct JJhickin^,', HhiHJ, niul HhointikcTH' ink, ahu;kiiif<, hariieHH, as iinuiuiiiioratctl, ... .20 p ct Bin mill, cla.sHtHl as perfimieii HpiritM, s^l.lK) p ifal and a«I val 30 d ct I'.UIlADSTrKFS. viz.: * liarley, .... .,,. . . . .l.l c p Iwh r.uckwheat, .... 10 c p Iwh I lulian ( '(•rii .... . . . . 7.\ c !> 1 wh OatH, .... ...lOcplmh Kico, .... I i; p II) Kye, .... 10 p Iwli Wheat, .... .... ...IftcpbHh I'eaBe, 10 c p \m\\ Beana, 15 c p Iwh I^iickwheat meal or Hour, .... } c p Ih ( 'ornineal, ... .... 40 c n hil Oatmeal, .... .\c p 11) Mya flour, .'lO c p brl Wheat flour, .... .... . . . .50 c p hrl |{ict» and HaK<» flour, .... .... 2 c p lb hiifk for IxiildiuK', 'wl val.. .... ... .20 p ct MrooiitH and hruHhoH, ad val., .... ... .25 p ct Gutter, 4c p Hi liiittonH and button nioulds of hU kind^, aisMiuth, metallic, .... .... .... do il'ltiny cloths .... .... .... do liiines, crude and not manufactiu'ed, burned, calcine<|, t,'round or Hteamed, .... .... do l>iiiie-diiHt and bone-ash tor manufacture of plio.'^phates and fertilizers, .... .... .... do I'xirax, .... .... .... do I'oluuy, spPcimeuH of, . . . . , . .... do lUistles, .... ■ .... .... do i'limstone, crude, or in roll or flour, .... .... do liriuj moulds for .i,'"ld beaters, .... .... do liiomiue, .... .... .... do iW'uiim Corn, .... .... .... do liiiehu leaves, .... .,.. .... do l!nl!ion, K*dd and silver, .... do r>tirt,'undy i)itch, .... .... .... d«) |{iur stones in blocks, rough or unmanufactured, and not bound up into niillstunes, .... .... do Cluiidles, tullow ... 2 c 1) lb ( 'amlles, ])arafline, \va.\, .... 5 o p II) : AH other candles, includin,^' sperm, ad val , ... .25 p i-t <'ntitl<»xuofc .^tilled free un .ipplirntlou. IOC F?:r.I.OWS' SPEEDY RELIEF U'n crroat Pain Klllor. TAIIIKF CUSmM ItUTIKH. [1882. I ( "lUiH or piickftj,'*'!* madf of tin or otlitr umtt'rial, contttiniiik' [ tirth of any liiii'l iwliiiittuil froc of duty under liny ox- j iMtinK law oi' tro!it> , ui't <'.\('t'edinK' oni' quait in con- tentH, on« trnt atul a-lialf on ouch can or jiackaj^e ; ! and wlu'n oxiecdin;,' ont' miivit, iiii itdditional duty of ' one ctMit uuil a-lialf for eat-ii additioiiiil <|uart uv froc- i tional i)art tlu'ivof. I CarriaKeH. \va^,';,'ons, railway oars and carriat't'-t, hU'IkIih, | wlioelharrowrt, and otlu-r like artirlen, ad val. . . . .;{0 |> ct Cement, raw, or in .sti>nt' from the <|'iarry, of thirteen cn- l)ic feet (Moe stono), .... ....Sip ton Cement, hunit and iin^TiMind, 7.^c p 100 lli.s Cement, hydraulic, or water lime, ground, ineludinKl»il><., 40 c p brl Cement, in l)nlk or in liar's, '.» c p l)Hh Cement, I'ortlanil or Homan, ....20pct Cheese. .... ... .... 3 c p lb Chicory, raw or >,'reen, .... ... 3 c p lb Chicory, or other root or vp;,'etable UMcd as fa snimtitute i(.r coffee, kiln ilrit-d, roasted or ground, .... 4 c i> lb China and |)orcelain ware, ad val ... .25 |t ct | Clocks and paitH tliereof, .... ... .35 n ct. Coal, anthracite, 50 c p ton of 2,000 lbs C(»al, bituminous, r»0 c p ton of 2,000 lbs Coal tar and coal pitch, lul val., .... ....10]ict Cocoa nuts, .... .... ....SUp 100 Wlien from place of j,'rowth direct to ('anadian ports, .W c per 100 ('OCoa paste and chocolate, not sweetened, :ul val., . . . .20 p ct Cocoa paste and other preparations of cocoa, containing' suf,'ar, C<»coft Matting, ('otfee, K'een, Coffee, roasted or stitiites for. 1 c p lb and ad val 25 p c ....25 pet .... .... 2 c p lb round, and all imitations of and Htd)- ... .... ... .3 c p lb Coffee, from the I'i'ited States, an additional duty of. . . .10 p ct Coke, .... .... ....f^pct Combs, for and toilet of all kinds, ad val., . . . .25 p ct Clipper, old and scrap, in pi\'s, liars, rods, bolts, in^'ots, sheets and slieathinj,' not jflanished or coated ; cupper wire, round or flat; and copper seaudess drawing tul)- iuK, ad val., 10 p ct Copper rivets and burrs, and all manufactures tif copper not elsewliere specilied, ad val ... ..'tO p ct Cordaj,'e, for slii|)s' purposes, ad val.,. ... . . . .10 p ot. Manilla marline, when not imported forshipH' p'rpose«20 pet Cordage, all other, ad val., .... . . . .20 p ct Corks, and other manufactures of cork wood or cork bark, ad val. 20 p cl Carpets, includin;,' Dutch and 'I'aiiestry, and not else- where specihed, . . .... . . . .20 p ct COTTON, MANCFACTCIiKS OK, VIZ.: tJrey or unbleached and lileached cottons, sheetingK, drills, ducks, cotton, or cotton flamiels, n»>t stained, jiainted, or printed, ad val., 1 c p .s(i yd and 15 j* ct All cotton jeans, denims, drillings, bedtickings, ging- hains, nlaids, cotton, or canton Haiiiiels, diu-ks and drills, dyed or colored, checked and striped shirtinys, .1. IIOUXi'.iMTLf;. EstiibliHlicd IK5t, liidluulonn. FKIXOWS' DYSPEPSIA niTTERft f.-.r JrtuiidU*. 1882.] TAHIKF (I'MTOM IH'TIK.H 107 COTTON MAMKACTUIIKS ('oniiniki). cnttoniuloH, piuitalnoii HtiitTs, and ^'otuls of like tic- ^ Kcriiitiiin chcukctl reKattiw, ud val., . . . .20 p ct Aiul If Itleacht'tl, dyt'il t»r cnlnrcd, ivd val., ',ir p lli ami 15 p All cotton wiuldin^, )iattiii^, liattn and vv.irpM, car]u't- warpH, knittiuK-yarn, hoMiny-yani, an<( tlier cotton yarns umlfr nuniluT forty, not lili'jwli d, ily«»l or i colored, ad val. . . ... *2 c a ll» and lo p Cotton >varp, on )»eaniH, ad val., .... 1 c p yd and 15 j* (!ottou HeainliMS bau'H, ad vul. , .... 2 o p lb anil 15 p i Cotton Hhirtw ami (IrawerM, woven or made on franien, and all cotton hoHiery, ad val., . ... ... .31 \t ct Cotton Hcwiii^,' thread, on spools, ad val , ... .20 p ct ' Cotton Hewinj,' thread, in haidvH, ad val., . . . .12.\ p ct Cotton duck, or canvas of hemp ortla.x, and sail twine, when to be used for boats' or ships' sails, ad vul., , . 5 p ct I CrapeH of uU kinds, ad val., ... . . . .20 p ct ^ Cottim, for oiled windowdjlin inches wide, .... .... . . . . 10 p ct j I All clothing, of any material, not elsewhere speciHed, including' corsets, ad val., .... liO p ct .VU manufactures of cotton, not elsewhere HjteciKed, ad val. 20 p ct Carriages of travellers and carriages laden with merchan- I disc, and >»ot to include circus troupes nor hawkers, j under regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of ( 'ustoms. .... .... .... Kroe. Cabinets of c*ins, medals and other collections of antiipiities, do Cants, as models for the use of .schools of design, .... do C'ornelian, unmanufactured, .... .... do Canvas for numufacture of Hoor oil-(;loth, not less than I forty-five inches wide, mid not pressed nor calendered, Caoutchouc, unmaiiufacturetl, .... ' Cat-gut strings or gut c»»rd for musical instriuuents, .... ' Coke, when used in Canada nuvnufactories only, .... t Cat-gut or whip-g»it, unmanufactureil, . . .... < 'lialK anti clitf-stone, tmmanufactureil, . . .... Cliamomile Howers ; ('hlorideof lime; Cinnabar < 'itrons, an«l rimls of, in brine for candying ; (Jlays, .... < 'lothing, donations of, for charitable purposes, .... < 'nl>alt, ore of; C«»chinenl, .... .... Cocoa, bean, shell anil nilis, .... .••• Coins, goM and silver, excejtt I'nited States silver coin.. . Counniution plate, and plated ware for iise in churches.. . . < -lir and coir yarn ; Colcothar, » ^^ Karthenware.whice, granite or iron-stone ware, and LX. ^ or cream-colored ware, ad val , . . . . . . . . 30 p c« Electro-plated ware (See plated ware). Emery wheels, ad val. .... 2o p ct Essences, viz : Of apple, pear, pineapple, raspberry, straw- . berry, and other fniita, and vanilia, ad val. UM p I g and 20 p ct <]ssential oils for manufacturing purjjoses, ad val 20 p ct Excelsior for upholsterers' use, ad val n . . .20 p ct Free, do •9 ! I p. £ a c» •s a , ^' -3 s a 3 CO I I 49 5 ■2 u a o I do do do ,. do .15 p ct . 25 p ct .20 pet Embossed books for the blind, .... Emerj', . • • • • ' • " " " " ' * Entomology, specimens of, ... • • • • Esparto, or Spanish grass, and other grasses, and puljj of, for the manufacture of i)ai»er, Extract of logwood, Feathers, ostrich and vulture, undressed, ad val. Featheis, osti-ich and vulture, dres.sed, ad val. Fire-brick or tiles, for lining stoves and furnaces, ad val. Fish, fre.sli, salted or smoked, except lish free of duty, as ])rovided bv the Treaty of Washington, 1 c p lb Fishing rods, .ul val .... " .... . . . . 30 p ct Fire-proof paint, dry, . . .... J c p lb Flax fibre, scutched". ... - .... .... 1 c p lb Hackled, .... .... .... 2 c p lb Flax, tow of, scutched or green, A e p lb Flaxseed, .... .... ....lOcpUsh Flag stones, dressed .... .... . . . .$1..50 p ton Fruits, dried, viz. : Ai)ples, .... .... 2 c p lb j Currants, dates, figs, i»lums, prunes, raisins, and all I other not ol.scwhere specified, ad val. . . . .25 p ct FRI IT, GREEN, VIZ.: Ai)]>les, .... .... ....40cpbri Blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries and strawberries 2 c p qt Cherries and currants, .... . . . . 1 c p qt Cranberries, plums and quinces, 30 c p bsh Grapes, 2 c p lb Peaches, .... 40 c p bsh i Oranges and lemons, ad val . . . .20 p ct ' Fruits in air-tight cans, including cans, sweetened, 3 c p lb " " " not sweetened 2 c p lb ; Fruits, preserved in brandy or other spirits, ... .$1.00 p I g ! Fur .skins, >li essed, ad val. , 15 p ct Caps, hats, niuflfs, tippets, capes, coats, cloaks, and other n.anufactures of fur, ad val., . . . . . .25 p ct Furniture, house, cabinet or office, finished or in parts, including hair, spring and other matresses, show cases. caskets and coffins of any material, lul val., Felt, adhesive, for sheathing ve.ssels, Fire clay, .... Fil)re, Mexican, .... Fibre, vegetable, for manufacturing puri)oses, Fibrilla, .a5pct Free, do do do do J. HOK!i€.4STLE, fbcap Ciroeery Store, Iudli|Utomt, Pimples on the Fdce take GOLDEN ELIXIR. do do do do do do do do Fish bait, ... .... ....Free. Fish Oil, and fish of all kinds, including lobsters and oys- ters, the produce of the fisheries of the United States (except fish of the inland lakes and of tlie livers falling,' into them, and fish preserved in oil), That cans in which they may be jjacked are charge- able with duty at the rate of l.'.ots per (juart from the can. The following articles, when the nattn-al products or manufacture of the Colony of Newfoundland, viz. : Fish, fresh, dried, salted or smoked; tisli oil and all products of fish ; seal oil ; animals of all kinds, Fish hooks, nets and seines, and lines and twines, for the use of the fisheries, but not to include sporting tackle or hooks with flies or trawling spocms, .... Fur skins, of all kinds, not dressed in any manner, .... Flint, flints, and ground flint stones, Folia digitalis, .... .... .... Fossils, .... .... .... Fuller's earth, .... .... GLASS, AND MANUFACTURES OF, VIZ.: Carboys and demijohns, pressed, moulded and cut glass bottles and decanters, flasks and phials of every des- cription; telegraph and lightning-ro:l insulators; and fruit jars and glass balls, ad val., 80 p ct Lamp and gas-lamp. shades, lami)s and lamp chimneys, globes for lanterns, lamps and gas-lights, ad val 30 p ct Ornamented, figured and enamelled stained glass, stained, tinted, jiainted and vitrified glass, and stained glass windows, figured, enamelled and ob- scured white glass, ad val 30 p ct Silvered plate, ad vaL ■ 25 p ct Common and colorless window glass, imitation porce- lain shades, and colored glass not figured, painted, enamelled or engraved, ad val 20 p ct All other glass and manufactures of glass not herein otherwise provided for, ad val ... .20 p ct (41oves and mitts, of cotton, leather, silk, woollen, or any other material, ad val. . . . .25 p ct (xold and silver leaf, ad val. .... . . . .25 p ct (JUNPOWDER AND OTHER EXPLOSIVES, VIZ : Gun, rifle and sporting powtler, in ke;,'s, half-kegs, or quarter-kegs, and other simihir ])ackages, o Cannon and musket powder in kegs and l)arrels, 4 C'anister powder, in pound and half-poin>d tins 15 Blasting and mining powder, _ • • • • .... 3 Giant T)Owder, dualin, dynamite and other explosives in which nitro-glycerine is a constituent i)art, .... and ad val 20 j) ct Nitro-glycerine .... 10 c p lb and ad val. 20 ]• ct Provided that a draw-back of one and a-half cents [>er lK)und may be allowed and paid on all blasting i)ow- der actually used by miners in the Province of ' British CNdiimbia, thiring the three years next after the first day in April, 1S80. Gutta-percha, manufactures of, ad val. . . 25 [) ct plb plb plb p lb plb M O 04 o if O o 3 3 3 3 n t* 5" s S. K w o E f 9 3 9 J. IIORKCASTlif; BayH and sells Flour for Cash Low. Simvins on Horses try FELLOWS' LEEMINGS' ESSENCE. 110 TARIFF CUSTOM DUTIES. [1882.' Free, tlo do do do do do do do , do . do .20i)ct .25 p ct .10 pet . 3cpll) 6 c p lb Free, do do do do Gentian I'oot, • • • ■ • • • ■ Gingens root, .... -j i •* •' Glass, bent for manufacture of show-cases, provided it is not made in Canada, • • • • Gold-beaters' moulds and gold-lieater^^' skins, Grease and grease scrap, for manufacture of soa]), Gravels, .... • • • • • • ■ • Guano, and other animal and vegetable manures, Gums, amber, Arabic, Australian, Briti-sh, copal, domar, mastic, sandarac, shellac and tragacanth, ^ Gut, and worm gut, mamifactured and unmanufactured, & i for whip and other cord, Gutta-percha, crude Gypsum, crude (sulphate of lime), Hair, curled, ad val. ... .... . . Hats, caps and Ijonnets, not elsewhere specified, ad val. H.'itters' plush of silk or cotton, ad val. . . Honey, bees', in the comb or otherwise. . Ho])S, 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ Hair, angola, buffalo and bison, camel, goat, hog, horse and human, cleaned or uncleaued, but not curled or otherwise m.anufactured. .... Hatters' furs, not on the skin, .... .... Hemlock Bark, Hemp, undressed, .... .... Hides, raw, whether dry, waited, or jnckled, .... Horses, cattle, sheei> and swine, for the improvement of stock, under regulations to be made by the Treasury Board and approved by the Gov. -(General in Council, Hoofs, horn and horn tips, Hyoscamus, or henbane leaf, .... .... I Il>rDIA-RUBBEK,, viz.: boots and shoes, and other man- ufactures, of, ad val., 25 p ct IRON, AND MANUFACTURES OF, VIZ.: Pig, Old and scrap, .... In .slabs, blooms, loops or billets, ])uddled or not, and muck or puddled bars or Ijillets, ad val. , .... 10 In bars, rolled or hanimered, including flats, rounds and square;?, nail and spike, rods, and all other iron not otherwise provided for, ad val., . . . .17A p ct Rolled round wire rods, in coils under half an inch in diameter, ad val.. .... . . . .10 p ct Iron rails or railway bars for railways or tramways, ad val. 15 Railway fish-plates, frogs, frog-poines, chairs and lin- ger- bars, ad val. , .... 17h p ct Tin-plates, ad val., . . . .10 p ct Bai'd and hoop, sheet-smoothed or polished, coated or galvanized and common or black, number seventeen gauge or thinner, boiler plate, and Canada plates, ad val.124 Iron and steel wire, galvanized or not, ad Ntal., ... .15 p ct Stoves and other castings, not elsewhere specified, ad val. , 25 Gas, water, and soil pipes of cast iron, ad val. , 25 p ct ('ar wheels aud axles, of steel, or of iron and steel, ad val., 25 Rolled beams, iron aud steel, channels and angle and do do do .$2 ton ton p ct pet ]) ct p ct ]) ct T iron, ad val. .12A p ct Farming Implements in great variety at J. HOBNOASTLE'S. Rii^bones on Horses try FELLOWS' LEEMINGS' ESSENCE. 1882.] TARIFF CUSTOM DUTIES. Ill IRON, AND MANUFACTURES OF-Continued. Iron bridges and structural iron work, malleable iron castings and iron safes, and doors for safes and vaults, ad val. , . . . . .... 25 p ct Mill-irons and mill-cranks, and wrought forgings, for mills and locomotives, or parts thereof, weighing 25 jMunds or more, ad val., .... 20 p ct Lcicomotive engines and stationary, fire, or other steam engines and boilers, and other machinery composed wholly or in part of iron, ad val., ... .25 p ct Locomotive tires of steel, or Bessemer steel in the rough, ad val., .... . . . .19 p ct Wrought iron tubing, plain, not threaded, coupled or otherwise manufactured, .... ....15 pet Bedsteads, and other iron furniture and ornamental iron wo.ik and wire work, ad val., . . . .25 ji ct Skates and locks of all kinds, ad va!., 30 p ct Tinned, glazed or enamelled hollow ware, of cast or wrought iron, ad val.. .... . . . .25 p ct Hardware, viz. : Builders' cabinet-makers', upholster- ers', carriage-makers', saddlers', and undertakers', including coffin trimmings of metal, ad val., 30 p ct Bolts, washers and rivets, ad val., . . . . . .30 }» ct Tacks, brads and sprigs, Hungarian and clout nails, ad val., 30 p ct Horse-shoes and horse-shoe nails, ad val., 30 p ct Iron wire nails, called " Pointes de I'aris," ad val., . .30 p ct Iron and steel screws, commonly called ' ' wood screws," ad val., 35 p ct Scales, balances, and weighing beams, ad val,, 30 p ct Uhain cables over 9-16ths inch in diameter, whether shackled, or swivelled, or not, ad val., .... 5 p ct Nails and spikes, cut, ^c p lb and ad val 10 p ct Nails and spikes, wrought and pressed, whether gal- vanized or not, . . f c p lb and ad val. 10 p ct Composition nails and spikes and sheathing nails, ad val. 20 p ct Nuts, Ic p lb and ad val. 10 p ct Sewing machines, whole, or heads, er parts of heads of Sewmg machines, ii<2 each and ad val. 20 p ct Ink, for writing, ad val. , .... Ice, . . .... .... India rubber, unmanufactured, .... Indian hempi(crude duck), Indigo; Iris, on-is root, ' .... Istle, or timpico fibre, . . .'. y ' , Ivory and ivory nuts, unmanufactured. Ivory veneers, sawn only, not planed or polished. Iron masts for ships, of parts of, Jewellery, and manufactures of gold and silver, ad val Jute, manufactures of, ad val., • • • • , ; Jalap, root, .',"..■ ' Junk, old, ' ' .;•'•• ■. Jute-butts; Jute, ' Kelp ; Kryolite, Lard, tried or rendered, Lard, untried, .... ■•■■■■' 25 p ct Free. .... do .... do .... do .... do .... do , .... do .... do 1.,.. 20 pet ....20 pet Free. . .... do , .... do ....2cplb ....l^cplb w o a P b CO e-i :^. a n re B CO •? 8- f o 1 ^■ a a- a o CD 9 IiCat||i^r^^nd^ ^li9e Fiu<|iii£9 »k J. |I|»KK€A$TK,I::;$| Ii|dlanL(|o>v n. HORNER'S ANTI BILIOUS PILLS excel all othere. c xn 112 TARIFF CUSTOM DUTIES. u e OS a s 05 09 s o a; a (3 o [1882. Lead, old and scrap, .... ... .40c p 100 ll)s , In pigs, bars, blocks and sheets, 00c p 100 lbs Lead i)ipe and lead shot anu all manufactureH of lead, not^ ^ ^ otherwise specified, ad val,, .... . . . .25 p ct i Leather board, .... . . . .25 p ct i| Boot and shoe counter.^, made from leather board, .... Ac per paii' Leather, sole, tanned, Init rough or undressed,'ad val 15 p ct Morrocco skins, tanned, but rough or undressed, ad val , 10 p ct Sole leather and bolting leather, tanned, but not waxed; | and all upper leather and French kid, ad val., 15 p ct i Ticather, as above dressed and waxed, ad val., 20 p ct Japanned, patent or enamelled leather, ad val., 20 p ct All other leather and skins tanned, not elsewhere spe- I cified, ad val, 20 p ct Boots and shoes and other manufactures of leather, including gloves and mitts, and leather belting, ad val., 25 j) it Liquorice paste, extract of, formanufacturingimrposes, ad val., 20 pet Stick extract or confection, ad val Ic p lb and 20 )) ct Lithographic stones, not engraved, ad val , 20 p ct Lac — dye, crude .seed, Imtton, stick and shell, Free. Liquorice root, .... do Lava, unmanufactured, .... .... do Leeches; Litharge; .... .... do Litmus and all lichens, prei)ared and not prepared, .... do Lemons, and rinds of , in brine, for candying, do Logs and roimd unmanufactured tlnd)er, not elsewhere provided for, .... .... .... do Lumber and timber, plank and boards, sawn, of boxwood, cherry, walnut, chestnut, mahogany, pitchpine, rose- wood, sandalwood, Spanish aedar, oak, hickory, and whitewood, not shaped, planed or otherwise manfac'd, do Locomotives and railway passenger, baggage and freight cars, being the propei-ty of railway companies in the United States, running upon any line of road crossing the fi'ontier, so long as Canadian locomotives and cars are admitted free, under sindlar circumstances, in the United States, under regulations to lie prescribed by the Minister of Customs, .... .... do Malt, up(m entry for warehouse, subject to Excise Regu- lations, .... .... 15 c p bsh Malt, extract of, for medicinal purposes, ad val. , . . . . 25 p ct Machine card clotliing, ad val., .... 25 p ct Marble, in blocks from the (|uarry, in the rough, Oi' sawn on two sides only, and not specially shaped, contain- ing 15 cubic feet, or over, ad val. . . . .10 [) ct Marble slabs sawn oji not more than two sides, ad val. 15 p ct Marble blocks and slabs sawn on more than two sides, ad al., .... . . . .20 p ct Finished Marble, and all mauufivctures of marble not I elsewhere specified, ad val., 30 p ct Meats, fresh or salted, on actual weight as received in C!anada, except shoulders, sides, bacons and hams 1 c p lb Shoulders, sides, bacons and hams, fresh, salted, dried or smoked, 2 c )> lb Poultry and game of all kinds, ad val., 20 p ct All other dried or smoked meats, or meats preserved Puiravr's llnra^rurc nt J 110KM'A^»'rLE'l!», lii 6 n < I I I O •a s I a s « I ■♦J I s a S to Si o -2 -s •a 'S & CZ3 114 TARIFF CUSTOM DUTIES. [1882. And in addition tliereto, on tJie fair market value tLureof, ad val. .... ....15 pet Organs, piite organs, and wets or parts of sets of reeds, for cabinet organs, ad val., . , . .25 p ct Oysters in can.s, from the United States, the dixty on the cans, .... ....licprit Oak Bark, .... Free. ( )aknm, .... .... .... do Oil cake, cotton seed cake, i)alm nut cake and meal, do Oils, cocoamit and i)alni, in their natural state, do Oranges and rinds of, in brine, for candying, .... do Ores of metals of all kinds, .... .... do Osiers, ... .... .... do Oxalic acid, .... .... .... do Paintings, drawings, enr^avings and prints, ad val., 20 p ct Paints and colors, ground in oil or any other liquid, ad val., 25 p ct Paints and colors, not elsewhere specified, ad val., . .20 p ct White and red lead, dry, also dry white zinc, ad val., 5 p ct Paris green, dry, ad val., 10 p ct Paper-hangings, or wall i)aper, ad val., 30 p ct Paper, calendered, ad val., .... 22^ p ct Paper, ruled, ad val., 25 p ct Paper of all kiids, not elsewhere specified, ad val. . .20 p ct Envelopes, ano all manufactures of paper, not other- wise specific; , ad val., .... . . . . 25 p ct Paper, union collar cloth, in sheets, not shapen, ad val., 10 p ct Mill loatd, not straw board, .ad val., . . . .10 p ct ! Collars, cuffs and shirt fronts of paper, linen or cotton, ad val 30 pet j Pencils, lead, in wood or otherwise, aci val., 25 p ct | PERFUMERY, INCLUDING TOILET PREPARATIONT,VIZ.;l Hair oils, tooth and other powders, and washes, poma- ! turns, pastes and all other perfumed preparations, | used for the hair, mouth or skin, ad val., 30 p ct i Phosphor bronze, in blocks, bars, sheets and wire, ad val. 10 p ct PIANOFORTES, VIZ. : All square pianofortes, whether round-cornered or not, not over seven octaves, $25 each On, all other square pianofortes, .... J530 eaeli On upright pianofoi-tes, $.30 each On concert, semi-concert, or parlor grand piaTiofortes,i50 each and in addition thereto, ad val. , 15 p ct Parts of inanos, ad val., 25 p ct Pitch (coal), and coal tar, ad val., .... 10 p ct Plants, viz.: — Fruit, shade, lawn and ornamental trees, shrubs and plants, ad val. , 20 p ct Plaster of Paris, or gypsum ground, specific, 10c p 100 lb Pli'.8ter of Paris, calcined or manufactured, ... .15c p 100 lb Barrel of not over 300 pounds, 45c p brl Plated ware, electro-plated and gilt of all kinds, ad val., 30 p ct Plates engraved on wood, and on steel, or other metal, ad val. 20 p ct Playing-cards, ad val. , 30 p ct Plumbago, ad val., 10 p ct All manufactures of Plumbago, not elsewhere speci- fied, ad val., .... .... ....20 pet Tobaccos, 'vnioles»|e»H4Retiitl»nt .p. llOBl^CiiSTIiE'S, Inainnfown. FELLOWS' DYSPErSLV TITTERS for Heartburn. 1882.] TARIFF (lUSTOIVr DUTIES. 115 I'diiuulfH, French, or flctwer odorH prcsf^'-ved in fat or oil for the purpose of conserviii}? the o(h»rs of flowerH wliich do not bear the heat of distilhvtitin, when imjjorted in tins of not Ichu than ten poinidH each, ad val., , . , .1.') p ct Printinj,' presscB of all kinds, ad val., 10 j) ct I'roprietary medicines,'comnionly called patent niedicinoH, or any medicine or preparation of whicli the recipe is kept secret, or the ingredients whereof are kept secret, reconimen(ied by advertisement, bill or lal)el, for the relief of any disorder or ailment: in li([nid form, ad val., .')0 p ct All other, ad val. , .... . . . 2.5 p ct rnmella, and cotton and woollen netting, for boots, shoe8 and glovas, ad val. , 10 p ct Pumice srone, ground or powdered, ad val., 20 p ct I'litty, aer waste or clip- ings, and waste of any kind, lit only feu- manufactiu-e of paper, .... .... Kattans and reeds, unmanufactured, .... . . . . Rennet, raw or i)repared, .... Kesin, .... • .... .... llhuljarb root, .... .... do do do do . do . do . do . do . do . do (h) . do .20 pet .20 pet . 10 i> ct Free, do do do do ? Sails for boats and ships, also tents and awnings, ad val.. 25 p ct Salt (except salt imported from the United Kingdom, or any British possession, or imported for the use of the sea or gulf fisheries, which shall be free of dutv), in bulk, .... .... ' .... 8 c p 100 lbs In bags, barrels and other packages, 12 c ji 100 lbs Saltpetre, avd val. , . . . . 20 p ct Sand-paper, glass, and emery paper, ad val., 20 p ct Seeds, viz. :— Flower, garden, field, and other seeds, for agricultural purposes, when in bulk or in large par- cels, ad val., 15 p ct When put up in small papers or parcels, ad val., 25 p ct Groceries and Provisions at J. HOBNCASTLE'S, Indiantown. Evci-y Family slioiiUl have FELLOWS' SPEEDY RELIEF. a) 3 P C s w o o o 111 o •d §. 3 -a IIG TARIFF CUSTOM DUTIES. [188*2. Seo(l, iniiHtanl, unKromul, ad val., 15 p ot (iromid, ml viil .... 25 j) ct Shink'K'H, auilt in any foreigu country, whetlier Hteaiii or nailin;,' ven.sels, on application for Canaclia?' vej'ister, on the fair market value of the hull, riKK'o^'. uiacliinery, and .all apuurtcnances, ad val 10 p ct Silk in the gvini, not niore advanced than 8in{,'le3, tram and thrown orf,'anzine, and raw spun silk, not colored, «d val. l'^ p ct Sewing ailk and silk twist, ad val 25 p ct Silk velvets and all manufactureH of silk, or of which silk \H the e!)inponent part of chief value, not elsewhere Hpccilied, except church vetttments, ad val. . . . .30 p ct Silver, rolled, and (Jernian silver, in nheets, ad val 10 p ct Slate; of all kinds, and manufactures of, not otherwise specifiel, Jid val, . . 25 p ct Slate mantels, ad val. . . 30 p ct School and writing slates, ad val 25 p ct Soup, common brown anil yellow, not perfumed, IJ c p lb Soap, eastile .-ind white, .... 2 c p lb Soap, perfumed or toilet, ad val., .... 30 p ct Spelter, in blocks or pigs, :k1 val., 10 p ct Spices, viz. : ( Jinger and spices of all kinds (e.xcept nutmegs and mace), unground, ad val., 20 p ct Uround, ad val .... 25 p ct Nutmegs and mace, ad val. 25 p ct Starch, including farina, corn starch or flour, and all pre- l)ava;ions having the (pialities of starch, .... Spirits and strong waters not having been sweetened or nd.xed with any article so that the degree of strength thereof cannot be ascertained by Sykes' hydrometer, for every Imperial gallon of the strength of proof by such hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater or less strength thnu the strength of proof, and for every greater or less quantity than a gallon, viz.: — (ieneva gin, rum, whiskey and unenumerated articles of like kinds, $1.32J p I g Brandy, $1.45 p I g " Old Tom " gin, in bulk, .... .... $1.82^ p I g Spirits sweetened or mixed so that the degree of strength cannot be ascertained as aforesaid, viz. : — llum-shrub, cordials, schiedam schnapps, tafia, bit- ters and unenumerated articles of like kinds, $1.90 pig Spirits and strong waters not elsewhere specified, $1.90 pig Spirits and strong waters imported into Canada mixed with any ingredient or ingredients, and although thereby coming under, the denomination of prepara- tory medicines, tinctures, essences, extracts, or any '^♦^^her denomination not elsewhere specified, shall be, iicvertheless, deemed spirits or strong waters, and subject to duty as such, ....$1.90plg Cologne water and perfumed spirits, in bottles or flasks not weighing more than four ounces each, ad vaL 40 p ct C-ologne water and perfumed spirits in bottles, flasks and other jmckage ; weighing more than four ounces each, .... $1.90 pig and ad val 30 p ct 2cplb VXW and Steamboat Supplies at J. ?0BNCA8TI'£'8, Indiantown* ENAMK^LLINE will Whiten tho Tt'eth. 1882.] TARIFF CUSTOM DUTIES. 117 Wincfl of all kinds, except sparkling wineH, includiu},' ginger, orange, lemon, Htrawberry, raspberry, elder ancicurrantwinea, containing twenty-six i)er cent, or lesH of Bpiritb of the Htreni,'th of proof by Sykes' hydrometer, imported in wood ov in bottles (six quart or twelve pint bottles to be held to contain an Imperial gallon, .... 25 c p I g And lor eacn degree of strength in exceps of twenty- six percent, of sj^irits as aforesaid, until the strength reaches forty per cent, of proof spirits, .... 3 c p I g And in addition thereto, ad val, 30 p ct Champagne and all other sparkling wines in bottles containing each not more than a (|uart and more than one pint, §3 p doz bot Containing not more than a pint each and more than one-half pint, ilji^ p doz bot Containing one-half i)int each or less, 75 c p doz bot Bottles containing more tlian one quart each shall pay in addition to three dollars per dozen bottles on the quantity in excess of one quart per bottle, the quarts and pints in each case being old wine measure, at the rate of ... ....81.50plg In addition to the above specific duty there shall be un ad val. duty of, 30 p ct Bnt any lic^uors imported under the name of wine, and contaimng more than fortjr per cent, of spirits of the strength of proof by Sykes' hydrometer shall be rated for duty as imenumerated spirits. Stationary of all kinds not elsewhere specified, ad val 20 p ct Steel, and manufacturers of, viz. : On and after the first day of January, 1883, steel in ingots, bars, sheets and coils, and railway bars or rails and fish plates, ad val 10 p ct Shovels^ spades, hoes, hay, manure and potato forks; rakes and rake teeth; carpenters', coopers', cabinet makers', and all other mechanics' tools, including files, edge tools of every description, axes, scythes, and saws of all kind", ad val. 30 p ct Firearms, viz. : Muskets, rifles, pistols and shot guns; cutlery, and all manufactures of steel, and of iron and steel, not elsewhere specified, ad val. 20 p ct Knife blades or knife blanks, in the rough, unhandled, for use by electro-platers, ad val . . . . 10 p ct Sterotypes and electrotypes of standard books, ad val 10 p ct Sterotypes and electrotypes for commercial blanks and ad- vertisements, ad val. 20 p cti STONE, VIZ.: Hough freestene, sandstone, and all other building stone, except marble from the quarry, not hammered or chiseled, of thirteen cubic feet, $1,00 p ton Water limestone or cement stone (see cement), Sl.OO p ton Grindstones, ^ $2.00 p ton Dressed freestone, and all other building stone except marble, and all manufactures of stone of granite, ad va.1. 20 p ct D" o a n (6 f I n 9 O o B "S a Lime' Plaster, Cement, Hair and Brick, at J. H0BNGA8TLE'S< Fur Rnd Kltxul take GOLDEN ELIXIR. 118 TAKII'M" ('l'ST<)5r IHTIKS. [188'J. SlTfJAHH, SYRI^PS AND MOLASSES: Su^'ar nbove number fomteon, Dutcli stundarti, In color, .... .... 1 c i» II) and ad val. 35 p ot Sii^'ar t(jnal to number nine, and not above number foiwteen, JJutch Htandard, .... 'iC. p lb and ad val. '-\0 \\ ct Su^'ur bolow number nine, Dutch Htandaril, ic plbA ad val. SO pet Provided that the lul fnfdiriii duty sliall he levied and collected on «U),'ar anroduction, upon the fair nuir- ket value thereof, including' ex|)ort duty, or other govern- ment tax, at the jjlace of purchase, without any addition for the costs of hogsheailH or other packages, or oth-tr char;,'es and cxptinses, prior to shipment, anything con- tained in section Thirty-four of the Act Forty Victoria. Chai)ter Ten, to the contrary notwithstanding ; the said section nevertheless remaining in force as to regulations to be made under it, in (iasos where the sugar or melado is not imported direct from the country of growth or pro- duction. Syrups, cane juice, refined syrup, sugar-house syrup, fi c p lb ami syrup of sugar, syrup of molasses or sorghum, ad vftl.30 p ct Melado, cone ?ntrated melado, concentrated cane juice, concentrated molasse.s, concentrated beet-root juice, and concrete, .... .... ^ c p lb and ad val 30 p ct Molasses, if used for refining, clarifying or rectifying purposes, or for the manufacture of sugar, when imported direct from the country of growth and production, ad val. .... . . . .25 p ct And for the same purposes when not imported direct from the country of growth and production, nd val. 30 p ct Molasses when not so used, when imported direct from the country of gi'owth and production, ad vai 15 p ct And when not impf)rted direct from the country of growth and production, .... ....20 pet Sugar candy, brown or wliite, and confectionery, ... .1 c p lb and ad val. 35 pet (Jlucose or grape sugar, to be classed and rated for duty a^ sugar according to grade by Dutch standard in color. (llucose syrup, A c P lb and ad val. 35 p ct Salt, imported from the United Kingdom or any British ])ossession, or imported for the use of the sea or gulf Ksheries, .... .... .... Saffron and .safHower, and extract of ... . .... Saffron cake, .... .... .... Sal ammoniac, .... .... Sal Soda, Sand, .... .... .... Sea-weed, not elsewhere sjiecified, ,, .... .... ■ Senna, in leaves, .... .... Silex, or crystalized quartz, .... .... Silk, raw or as reeled from the cocoon, not being doubled, twisted or advanced in manufacture in any way, silk cocoons and silk waste, .... Free, do do do do do do do do do do Tinware, Tin, Zinc, and Sheet Iron, at J, KOHNCA STI.£'S. BARKER'S QUININE WINE and IRON iR the Oenutne. IHB'J.J TAKIKK I'l'.STo.VI Dl'TIKS. 110 SkiMH, imd for, ad vaL 20 p ct Treble ingrain, three-ply and two-ply carpets, com- posed wholly of wool, 10 c p sq yd and ad val. 20 p ct Two-ply and three-ply ingrain carpets, of which the M'arp is composed wholly of cotton, or other material than wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat or other like animals, 5 c p sq yd and ad val. 20 p ct Felt for boots and shoes and skirts, wnen imported by the manr.factureis for use in their factories, ad val. 15 p ct Felt for glove linings, and endless felt for paper makers, when imported by the manufacturers fur use in their factories, ad val 10 p ct Iiocks. Knobs, and Hinges at J. H0BITCA8TLi;'S, For Sore Eyes use FELLOWS' EYE OINTMENt. 120 20 p ct bsh bsh b 20 pet pirn g 1882.] DUTIES OF EXCISE. 121 Whips, ad val, 25 p ct Wire cloth, of brass and copper, ad val. 20 p ct Wool, class one, viz.: Leicester, Cotswold, Lincolnshire, South Down combing wools, or wools known as lustre wools, and other like combing wools such as are grown in Canada, ... .3 c p lb Whiting or whitening. . .... Free. Whalebone, unmanufactured, .... .... do Whale-oil, in casks from on ship-board, and in the condi« tion in which it was first landed, .... do Willow for basket-makers. .... do Wire rigging for ships and vessels, .... do Woolen rags, do Wool, unmanufactured, hair of the alpaca, goat and other like animals, not elsewhere specified, do Yellow metal, in bolts, bars, and for sheathing, .... do Zinc, in pigs, blocks, and sheets, ad val. 10 p ct Seamless drawn tubing, ad val 10 p ct Mamifactures of zinc, not elsewhere specified, ad val. 2-5 p ct !'; Oils, Coal and Kerosene, to be tested by fi ash-fire test at not less than 120°, and at gravity of 62° Fht. \ Oak extract, Free. All goods not enumerated in this Act as charged with any duty of '! Customs, and not declared free of duty bv this Act, shall be charged I with a duty of twenty per cent, ad valorum^ when imported into ,' Canada, or taken out of the warehouse for consumption therein. I j The following articles shall be prohibited to be imported under a i! penalty of two hundred dollars, together with the forfeiture of the ij parcel or package of eoods in which the sanae may be found, viz. : — \\ Books, printed papers, drawings, paintings, prints, photographs or re- ' presentations of any kind of a treasonable or seditious, or of an immoral or indecent character. Coin, base or counterfeit. EXPORT DUTIES. .Sliiugle bolts, per cord of 128 cubic feet, Spruce logs, per M. feet, Piue logs, per M. feet M 00 . 1 00 .. 1 00 DUTIES OF EXCISE. Malt Tobacco, ....... SpiritSj ....... Canadian Twist Tobacco, manufactured, . Canadian Leaf Tobacco, .... Foreign " " ' Vinegar, ...... Cigars. ...... Beer, made from any other substance than malt, Methjiated Spirits, . . . . • _ INSPECTION OF PETROLEUTVI. i Foreveiy package of Canadian Petroleum or Naptha containing more than ten, but not more than fifty gallons, . . 10 cents, i For every paclf age of Canadian Petroleum or Naptha containing ^ ^ \, more than five and not more than ten gallons, . . 5 ' Ic. per lb. 20c. 81.00 per proof gall. 4c. per lb. 4c. per lb. aoc. " 4 cts. per proof gall. 40c. per lb. 4c. per gall. 15 cents 11 Ploughs and Plough GaBtings at J. HORNCASTLE'S. Summer Complaints use FELLOWS' SPEEDY RELIEF. a H ft s o o •a c 5 a o o be ei a O) a o n ., President ; Thomas W. Daniel, Esq., John Fisher, Esq., Wni. Elder, A. M., Edward Sears, John Wishart, Charles Patton, Henry Vau^'hau and James McMillan, Esfjs., Vice-Presidents; R. Cruik- shank, Esq., Treasurer; Tliomas Maclellan, Esq., Secretary; Deposi- taries, J. & A. McMillan ; T. B. Barker, S. D. Berton, Hon. Jdhn Boyd, Joseph Bullock, Joshua Clawson, J. A. Estey, James Flewwil- liug, J. E. Irvine, Charles F. Kinnear, Matthew Lindsay, Ja,s. Lojjraii, William Peters, Joseph Prichard, Gr. Robertson, T. S. Simms and ('•. W. ^Vhitney, Esqs., Committee; John Toland, Esq., Agent. | It is i)articularly requested that all communications be addressed to ! the Secretary^ and all remittances made to the Treasurer. Carleton Branch Bible Society-.— D. W. Clark, President; Ii?,i,ac; ( )live, John ( -hristopher, T. McKilligan, Esqs. , Vice-Presidents ; A. C. A. Salter, Secretary-Treasurer; Committee, E. J. Wetmore, G. W. '[ Holder, W. J. Clark, John Dickson, J. W. Brittain, John Lewis, L. ;! L. Sharp,. Esqs. ij St. John Young Men'.s Christian Association.— LeBaron Eots-'^ ford, M. D., President; T. "W. Daniel, J. E. Irvine, John March, J. O. Miller, (ieorge F. Burpee, and Matthew Lindsay, Es(|s., Vice-Presidents ; James A. Gauld, General Secretary ; Geo. A. Hen- | t'erson. Recording Secretary ; Joshua Clawson, Corresponding Seire- l Sole and Upper Leather at J. HOBNGASTLE^S, Indiantown, BARKER'S EMULSION of NORWAY COD LIVER OIL for Consumption. 1882.] ASSOCIATIONS. 123 otsfonl, I'j Will. I! Henry ' Cruik- ' Deixisi- .tohii ewwil- L(v4an, ami ('. ;; Ig.iac;i ntH ; A. : , (Jr. W. eww, I', i •n Bots-' arcli, <^ Heu- tary ; J. McA. Hatchings, Treasurer j Mana^lnj,' Committee, H. B. Jackson, J. S. Mamie, J. Y. McDennott, a. B. Patterson, W. ¥. Coleman, M. D., H. B. White, J. A. Likely, T. J, (). Earle, M. D., Charles Macmichael, R. W. Crookshank, E. T. C. Knowlew, John Stewart, J. L. Thorne, John K. Donald, ¥. H. Jordan, Edwin Frost, J. G. Forbes, R. Cruikshank, C. H. Hutchin^'s. Building oi>en every week-day from 8 a. m. to 10 P. >r. Citizens and strangers are most cordially invited to visit the Building and become familiar with the work of the Association, and the advantages it oifers to young men. Membership Fee, !?2 per year. Evangelical Alliance.— Joseph Prichard, President; James Mc- Millan, T. W. Daniel, Henry Vaughan, Rev. G. M. Armstrong, Le- Baron Botsford, M. D, Vice-Presidents; Rev. 1>. Macrae, D. D., Corresiwnding Secretary ; Sydney B. Patterson, Secretary-Treasurer ; Matthew Lindsay, H. B. White, Hon. John Boyd, all Clergymen con- nected with the Alliance, and the Officers, ex officio. Chubch of England Institute.- Rev. Can(m Brigstock, President; Kurd Peters, Vice-President ; Council, Rev. F. S. Sill, M. Chamber- lain, Dr. Walker, W. C. Drury, R. P. Starr, W. A. Maclauchlan, Charlas A. Macdonald, W. D. Mills, H. W. Frith and George A. Schofield. St. John Building Society.— Directors, C. N. Skinner, President, James Christie, M. D. , Vice-President ; Alexander Duff, Managing Director; Gilbert Murdwh, W. Christie, M. D., A. Sinclair, R. Chip- man Skinner, William Pugsley, jr , Solicitors ; A. Christie, St. John, Thomas Glendenning, Moncton ; N. A. Cliff, Fredericton, Surveyors ; ' Thomas Reid, Secretary-Treasurer ; Bank of New Brunswick, Banker. ' Provincial Building Society.— Directors, W. P. Butt, President; I W. K. Crawford, Vice-President ; A. A. Stockton, Jas. H. McAvity, ! W. H. Hay ward, C. P. Clarke ; F. S. Sharpe, Secretary-Treasurer. I Irish Friendly Society.— Richard O'Brien, President ; Denis ' Coholan, Vice-President; James Barry, Recording Secretary; Robert \ ('(ilenian, Financial Secretary ; Patrick McAvoy, Treasurer ; M. F. ! Ritchie, Librarian ; James Minnehan, Assistant Librarian ; John Pat- j ton, John O'Neill and Robert C. Buike, Audit Couunittee ; R. J. ' Ritchie, M. P. P., M. W. Maher, and Edward Lantalum, Trustees. Meets every Tuesday evening in Hamilton's Hall, Corner Union and : C'oburg Streets. St. John Agricultural Society.— J. B. Mamm, President ; Thos. ['< Davidson, R. Thompson, S. S. Hall, John Jordai>, James liCe, Vice- Presidents ; A. C. Fairweather, Treasurer ; A. M. Ma^ee, Recording \ Secretary; James Barber, Correspimding Secretaxy; Thomas David- i son, Lawrence Donovan, John Magee, S. S. Hall. J. B. Hamni, Thos. j Clarke, John Jordan, W. W. Clarke, F. W. Hat'heway, Hon. Robert 1, Marshall, A. M. Magee, James Lee, W. Shaw, James Friuk, V. S., i H. J. Ward, B. Hevenor, R. Thompson, R. McLean, A. T. Dunn, D. ] Maj,'ee, D. B. Warner and F. Green, Directors. I Council of Phy'sicians and Surgeons ov New Buux.swick.— Wm. j Bayanl, M. I)., Henry C. Preston, M. D., A. Chipmau Smith, M. D., IT. Clowes Brown, M.D., Edwin A. Vail, M.D., Boyle Travels, M.D., Ijawrence McLaren, M. D., George A. Hamilton, M. D., and Alfred B. Atherton, M. D. (6 a S. &: a O' o B p P.. m 3 If- icr; ;^ 1 I (W ■ 3 a- r> a o B «< Fegi, Shoo Nails and Lasts at J. liORNCASTLE'S, BARKER S QUININE WlNE is the only Genuine. o es m >> at o S s s e3 s o eg ^ O* <1> I a o a ! O i "^ P I & ■ HH S CO Carpenter's Tools at J. JiOBNGASTLE'S, Indiantown, BARKEB'S WORM LOZENGES will cure Wcrms in Children. 120 ASSO(!I/VTIOXS. [1882. Nkw BRi'NswrcK SiEAMSHir Company. —(Limited). -(!apital, $1,-; 000,000. DirectoiH : Hon. I, Burpee, Jeremiah Harrison, Simeon Joiieis, ThoH. {''urlon^', Howard D. Troop, ]iol)ert Stewart, of Stewart | Bros., London, James Vau),'han, of Vaiighan Bros., Liverpool. | Saint John Boi/r and Nut Company.— Direct*)r«: Messrs. BelaJ Lawrence (President), James E. White, Geo. F. Burpee, S. Hayward < and L. H. Young. C. A. Whiteside, Secretary-Treasurer. | Saint Stephen Cotton Mill.— Capital, .f.500,000. — Directors: Pre- , sident, James Murchie; Treasurer, Lewis Dexter; A. D. Lockwood, ! Charles D. Owen and L. G. Downes. ' Saint John Rural Cemetery Cosfpany. — Directors— John Magee' j President; James Reid, T. W. Daniel, Wm. Thomson, W. Jack, John i H. Parks, heB. Botsford, M. D., S. S, Hall, John Hegan, Jas. L. ! Dunn, A. C. Jardine, Richard Thompson, John Magee ; G. Sidney ' Smith, Secretary-Treasurer; John C'ruikshank, Resident Superin- tendent. Office, Prince William Street. 1 GuRENWooi) (Cemetery (-ompany.— Directors— Isaac Noble, Presi- ! dent; Fred. P. Linde, R. N. Knight, D. W. Clark, Jarvis Wilson, George H. Clark, A. C. A Salter; George F. Harding, Secretary- Treasurer. The Eastern Marine Insurance Company of St. John, N. B.— John Tucker, I'isq., President; Chas. F. Kinnear, Vice-President, i Directors-Sir. Albert J. Smith, K. C, M. G., M. P., Charles W. Weldon, M. P. , (.1. C. , Henry Jack, E.sq , Lambton L. L. Sevens, Com. R. N., J. DeWolf Spurr, Es(i., Wesley Van wart, Esq. Offices, No. 88 Prince William Street. M. B. Edwards, Secretary. Saint John Gas Lidht Company.— Robert Blair, President; Hon. John Boyd, Ch.arles Patton, John H. Parks, John Sears, D. Caldwell) j James L. Dunn, J. Wishart, James Dyall, Directors ; Robex't lilain Mau.ager ; George Ellis, Secretary ; George Peters, Clerk. i JoGGiNs Coal Mining Association— Directors, J. E. Irvine, Pres- ident; Alexander Barnhill, L. H. Vaughan, "R. Cruikshank; Henry Duff ell, jr., Secretary-Treasurer. Dominion Safety Fund Life Association. — Incor|)orated for the pur])ose of providing the protection of Life Insurance upon the Safety Fund and Etputable Assessment System. Capital, $120,000. Pro- visional Directors, James De Wolfe Si)urr, James T. Steeves, M. I)., William Henry Thome, Thomas Temple, Foster McFarland, M. 1)., Hon. Charles N, Skinner, Charles F. Clinch. James De Wolfe Spurr, President; James T. Steeves, M. D., Vice-Pre.sident ; Thonas A. Chipman, Secretary; Foster McFarland, M. D., Medical Superinten- dent. Applications received through Agents, or by the Secretary at ' the Head OfHce. Agents wanted for the City and County of St. John. Office, Nos. 2{) and 30, Pugsley's Building, cor. Princess and Prince William Street, St. John, N. B. New BRUNs^vIeK Poultry ani) Pet Stock Association.- Col. A. Blaine, President ; S. A Wetraore, Vice-President, St. John ; Rev. D. M. Bliss, Westmorland Point ; W. B. Moiris, St. Andrews ; C. K. Grosvenor, Canterbury, York Co ; Alexander Stewart, Dalhousie ; L J, HQ^NCASTLE, Wholesale ^nd Beta)! Qrocer, Indiantown, UNIVERSAL LINIMENT Is the Fanners' Friend. 1882.] HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. 12; J. Fowler, (Queen's Co ; L. J. Almon, Kiiig'n Co ; H. W. Wilwon, Sec- retary ; Win. Snider, Treasurer. Mechanics' Inhtitutk.— THok A, Rankine, President ; E. J. Brass and James Fleming, Vice-Presidents ; T. 13. Hanington, Recording Secretary ; D. P. Chisholm, Corresponding Secretar.y ; (t. \V. Whitney Treasurer ; (i. Murdoch, S. Alward, Dudne Breeze, Alex. Rankine, s! Orothers, John H. Parks, K. R. Moore, A. J. Lordly, A. Gilmour James Christie, M. D., Geo. F, Matthew and Geo. C. Lawrence! Directors. C, C. Parker, Curator. Board of Trade.— T. W. Daniel, President ; Charles Masters, Vice-President. Council— John H. Parks, John Magee, James A. Harding, R. P. Starr, Simeon Jones, John McMillan, Andre Gushing' Jer. Harrison, W. H. 'J'horne, Thos. R. Jones, James Holly, W. E. Vroom, W. F. Hathaway, R. Cruikshauk, S. S. Hall, J. Murray Kay. Peter Clinch, Secretary. Council Fish and Game Protection Society of New Brunswick. —James A. Harding, High Sheriff, President ; James I. Fellows, Ist Vice-President ; J. De Wolfe Spurr, 2nd Vice-President ; S. S. Hall, Dr. John Berryman, T. Otty Crookshank, C. A. Robertson, O. T. Stone, Count DeBury, J. H. PuUen, F. B. Hazen, G. Rainnie, L. J. Almon, J. W. richolson; G. C. Coster, Secretary; G. E. Snider, Treasurer. Intercolonial Railway Insurance Association. —President, David Pottinger, Chief Superintendent, Moncton. Vice-President, William G. Robertson, Station Master, St. John. W. T. Huggan, First Clerk, Acct's Office, Moncton, Secretary. J. J. Wallace, Traffic Auditor, Moncton, Treasurer. Executive Committee, Thos. Foot, Accountant, Moncton, H. A. Whitney, Mechanical Superintendent, Moncton, A. Busby, Division Superintendent, Moncton, John Sutton, Chief Clerk Mechanical Department, Moncton, James Coleman, District Super- intendent, Truro. District Secretaries, D. A. Sinclair, Foreman Me- chanical Department, St. John, David White, Car Inspector, Truro, H. C. Davison, Time Keeper, Merhaaical Department, Moncton, J. E. Price, Chief Train Despatcher, Campbellton, Joseph Unsworth, Foreman Mechanical Department, River DuLoup. HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. General Public Hospital.— Commissioners, William Bayard, M. D., President; R. W. Crookshank, Vice-President; Hon. Robert Marahall, Treasurer; G..H. Clarke and M. W. Maher ; R.Percy Crookshank, M. D. , Secretary, Resident Physician and Superinten- ] dent ; Physicians, G. A. Hamilton,'M. D., Sylvester Z. Earle, M. D., 1 Lucius C. Allison, M. D., James Christie, M. D., J. D. White, M. D. Thomas Walker, M. D.; Eye and Ear Department, W. F. Coleman, M. D., M. R. C. S , England, Surgeon; Mrs. Higgins, Matron. Kent Marine Hospital. --For the Relief of Sick and Disabled Sea- men at St. John. — John Wishart and Charles McLaughlan, Commis- sioners ; Charles Ward, Sesretary-Treasurer; LeBanm Botsford, M. D. Physician ; William Andrew Barnes, Steward. Provincial Lunatic Asylum.— Hon. Messrs. Landry, ^Marshall, At- torney-General, Provincial Secretary and W.E. Perley, Commissioners; R. W. Crookshank, Secretary; James T. Steeves, M. D., Superinten- dent; A, McVey, Clerk. o 3 Pi O <> 2 n (t O o Q $ rt> a o a Jm^, IMtch,»nd Oakum at J. HOK^CAi^TIiil'H. mm GOLDEN ELIXIR will Cure Kidney Complaint. 128 INTEECOLONIAL llAILWAY. [1882. £ St. John Puotestant Orphan Asymm.— Directors, S. D. Bertoii, President ; Hon. Robert MarHhall, Treasurer ; Rev. William Arm- strong, Secretary ; A. Everitt, Rev. G. M. Anxistrong, J, W. Nichol- son, G. W. Whitney, Andrew Gilmour, Hon. John Boyd, Thomas McAvity, W. W. Turnbull, J. E. Irvine, R. V. Starr, Simeon Jones, Edward Sears, jr., and all Protestant clergymen residing in the City. Ladies Committee, Mrs. W. W. Turnbull, President; Miss Hunt, Treasiuer ; Mrs. R. P. Starr, Assistant Treasurer ; Mrs. G. ^V. Wliitney, Secretary ; Miss Murray, Assistant Secretai-y. General Committee, Mrs. James McFarlane, Mrs. J. Hegan, Mrs. William Breeze, Mrs. James Lawton, Mrs. J. L. Dunn, Mrs. T. A. Ranking, Mrs, James Kaye, Mrs. John Boyd, Mrs. R, W. C/rookshank, Mrs. George McLeod, Mrs. A. Everitt, Mrs. Snider. Miss Frost, Matron. WiGGiN.s Male Orphan Institution.— Governors, Hon. J. 1). ' Lewin, T. W. Daniel, Rev. F. H, J. Brigstocke, B. Lester Peters, G. ! Sidney Smith, Hon. J. W. Weldon, H. W. Frith, Hurd Peters ; James L^. Thomas, Secretary-Treasurer. Home for Aged Female.s.— T. W. Daniel, President; Rev. G. M. Armstrong, George Thomas, Hon. Robert Marshall, M. E. C, John H. Parks, H. Lawrence Sturdee, R. W. Crookshank, LeBaron Bots-' ford, M. D., Mrs. J, R. Armstrong, Mrs. Troop, Mrs. Sturdee, Mrs. Daniel, Mrs. James E. Barnes, Mrs. McLeod, Mrs. R. W. Crook- shank, Mrs. William Thomson, Mrs. Pritchard, Mrs. G. M. Armstrong, Mrs. Temple, Mrs. Masters, Mrs. H. Vaughau, Miss Crookshank and Mrs. J. L. Dunn, Directors. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. | Chief Engineer, C. Schreiber, Ottawa. D. Pottinger, Chief Superintendent, Moncton. James Coleman, Division Superintendent. A. Busby, u i. , j P. S. Archibald, Engineer. Thomas Foot, Accountant. ■ H. A. Whitney, Mechanical Superintendent. ' T. V. Coolce, General Storekeeper. J. J. Wallace, Traffic Auditor, Moncton, N. B. C. D. Thomson, Cashier. i E. T. Trites, Paymaster. Geo. Taylor, General Fi-eight and Passenger Agent. Season tickets are issued. Return Tickets at one and a half first class fare, good to return day after issue, excepting to HaUfax, which are good for four days. STATIONS, DISTANCES AND RATES OF PASSAGE. ST. JOHN TO HALIFAX. HILBS. St. John, . 3 Cold Brook, 4 Brookville, 6 Torryburn, 7 Rlvei-side, . 9 Rothesay. . 12 Quispamsis, 17 Nauwigewauk, . 22 Hampton, . 96 Passekeag, 27 Bloomfleld, ;W Norton, 39 Apohaqui, . FARES. MILES. PARES. $0 00 $0 00 44 09 06 47 12 08 51 18 12 55 21 14 60 27 18 6n Jones, j the City, i t; Miss I rs. G. W. ' General" William i Bankine, nk, Mrs. 'I , Matron. n. J. 1). Peters, G. b; JaineH ev. G. M. C, John ,ron Bots- ' dee, Mrs. ^. Crook- rmatrong, ihank ami first class h are good FARES. 1 32 S8 1 41 W 1 M 1 U-2 1 65 1 10 1 80 1 *) 1 98 1 »i 3 13 1 i'i J28 1 .V,' J 37 1 m J (57 1 7H } 73 1H2 } 88 1 92 \ 00 3 00 MILES. PARES. 101 Meadow Brook, .83 00 $2 00 105 Shedlac. . . 3 00 2 (K) 107 Point DuChene, . 3 00 2 00 108 Menn-anicook, . . 3 00 2 00 IIH Dorchester, . 3 24 2 16 127 Sackvllle, . . 3 56 2 :i8 131 Aulao,'. . 3 M 2 « 137 Amherst, . . 3 76 2 51 141 Nappan, . . 3 84 2 m 145 Maccan, . 3 92 2 61 ]4!t Athol, . . 4 00 2 67 \rA Spring Hill, Ifil Salt SprinKs, 165 River Philip. . 4 09 2 73 . 4 20 2 80 . 4 24 2-3 167 Oxford, . 4 27 2 ...) 171 Thomson, . . 4 34 2 90 179 Greenville, . 4 44 2 96 181 Westchester, . 4 45 2 97 184 Wentworth, , 4 51 3 01 189 Folly Lake, . 4 56 3 04 197 Londonderry, . 4 72 3 15 202 Debert, . 4 82 3 21 206 Belmont, . . 4 90 3 27 214 Truro, . 5 02 3 35 266 Pictou, . 5 86 3 91 2(W Pictou Landing . 5 W 3 90 1117 MILES. 264 Fisher's (J rant, 257 New Glasgow, 254 Stellarton, . 219 Hopewell, . 243 Glengarry, . 2;M West River, 227 Riversdale, 22:^ Union, 218 Valley, 218 Johnstons, 222 Brookrteld, 227 Polly Bog, . 231 Stewlacke, . 2:M Shubenacadie, 239 Milford, . 246 Elmsdale, . 248 Enfield, 2.52 Oakflekl, . 25^3 Grand Lake, 2.55 Wellington, 2J)2 Windsor Jiuiction, 2()4 Rocky Lake, 267 Bedford, . 272 Four Mile House, 270 Halifax, . FARES. $5 m 5 72 5 66 5 61 5 49 5 :i5 5 25 5 17 5 10 5 10 5 15 5 25 5 30 5 39 5 45 5 55 5 59 5 64 5 65 5 68 5 81 5 83 5 88 5 m 6 00 ^i 89 3 81 3 78 3 74 3 6(i 57 50 45 40 3 40 3 4:i 3 50 3 53 8 3 3 3 60 70 73 7B 77 3 79 3 87 3 89 3 92 3 wr 4 00 CO ft MILES. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. -NORTH SHORE. FARES. MILES. FARES. }>7 Berry's Mills, 108 Canaan, 117 Coal Branch. 126 Weldford, . 137 Ferris, . 146 Carleton, 158 Barnaby River, Kil Chathain Junction, 161 Chatham, . 164 Derby, . 167 Newcastle, . 177 Beaver Brook, 188 Bartibogue, 108 Red Pine, . 211 Bathurst, . 223 Petit Roche, 231 Belledune. . 240 Jacquet River, 250 New Mills, . 256 Charlo, 266 Dalhousie. . 274 Campbellton, 287 Metapedia, 297 Millstream, . 808 Assametquaghan, 322 Causapscal,. *i5 Amqui, 344 Cedar Hall, 350 Sayabec, 361 Tartague, 371 Little Metis, m) St. Flavie, :W8 St. Luce, 398 Rimouski, $2 91 . 3 00 . 3 27 . 3 M . 3 76 94 15 20 .50 2ii 27 41 55 74 96 5 V, 5 30 5 46 5 62 5 70 5 m 5 98 6 22 6 37 6 54 6 78 7 01 7 16 7 28 7 48 7 65 7 75 7 87 7 98 $1 94 2 00 2 18 2 36 2 51 2 6;^ 2 77 2 80 3 00 2 82 2 85 2 94 3 00 3 16 3 31 3 45 3 Ki 3 64 3 75 3 80 3 91 3 99 4 15 4 25 4 36 4 52 4 67 4 77 4 85 4 99 5 10 5 17 5 24 5 32 408 417 427 436 447 455 457 463 469 475 480 im 489 493 498 505 513 516 520 525 528 5;i2 535 542 548 551 5,56 560 m] 574 578 582 587 588 Bic, ... 88 24 St. Fabien, . . . 8 51 St. Simon, . . . 8 81 Trois Pistoles, . . 9 08 Isle Verte, . . . 9 41 St. Arsene, . . . 9 65 Cacouna, . . . 9 71 Riviere DuLoup, . 9 89 Notre dame duPo'ge.lO 07 St. Alexandre, . 10 25 St. Andre, . . 10 40 Ste. Helene, . 10 49 St. Paschal, . 10 67 St. Philippe de Neri, 10 79 Riviere Ouelle, . 10 94 Ste. Anne, . . 11 00 St. Roch, . . 11 15 Elgin Road, . 11 24 St. Jean P. Joli, 11 m Trois Saumons. . 11 51 Llslet, . . 11 58 L'Anse a Gile, . 11 66 Cape St. Ignace, 11 72 St. Thomas, . 11 86 St. Pierre, . . 11 t»8 St. Francois, . 12 04 St. Valier, . . 12 12 St. Michel, . . 12 18 St. Charles, . 12 25 St. Henri, . . 12 :« St. Jean Chrys, . 12 43 Chaudiere, . . 12 47 Hadlow, . . 12 54 Point Levi, . . 12 55 $5 50 5 68 5 88 6 06 6 28 6 44 6 48 660 6 72 6 84 6 94 7 00 7 12 7 20 7 30 7 34 7 44 7 50 7 58 7 68 7 73 7 78 7 82 7 91 8 00 8 03 8 Oi> 8 13 8 18 8 26 8 29 8 32 8 37 8 37 D 2. o ! S a c 5 s o o 3 p 9 '< > V a er* I Tallew Pncking and Cotton Waste at J. HOKNCASTLE'S. FELLOWS' DYSPEPSIA BITTERS will Cure Indl«eBtlon. 130 8T. JOHN AND MAINE— SCUD. [IHH'J. tup: 8T. JOHN AND MAINE RAILWAY CO., Fonnfrlif the European . sion from | i Icket ARt. lere a con- d, BoHtoii, : ,he United on and nt i.y for St. iriboo and FARES. '■ 81 13; 1 !f)i 1 * 1 *) 1 4« 1 !t:l 'i 11! .■! (W 9. 2(1 Class. 4 00 5 :>a MILES. FAUKS. i ;, at eij,'lit iber, every 1882. J TKI.ElJllAril COMPANIES, 131 April, Miiy unci to June Ifitli, every Monday, WetlncHday and Saturday ; returninj,' Hanie day. From June l.'ith, and during' July, Au^nist and Septemljor, on Mon- day, WedncHday and Friday; returning Tuewday, Thursday and Satinxiay. October, N(.veml)er, and uj) to T)ecenil)er, every Monday Wednesday and Saturday ; returnin-,' nanu' day. C'onnectnj-,' at Annapolis with TraiUH for and from Kent- ville, Windsor, Halifax, &c. Ccmnectin},' at Digby with Western Comities Uuilway for and from Yannouth, &c. NEW BRUNSWICK RAILWAY. F 1. TflAAc Burpee, Managing Director. AlkredSkkly, Assist. Su.jt. ami Treas. E. R. Buupee, Superintendent. MILES. () Gibson, - 1 St. Mary's, - - a Douglas. - 5} SiHinghill, - 10 Rockland, - Vi Keswick, - 1()J Cardigan, - 1T| Jjowrencts 19J ZeaJand, - Stoneridge, Bumside, - UpiJer Keswick, Burt Lake, ;^tij Hainsville, m Mlllville, - 41 Wootlstock Road, - 4'^ Nackawic, 48 Fails Brook, 52 Woodstock Junction, 22i PARKS. $0 (K) 0.5 10 20 3.5 40 55 (H) Vm 75 m »0 ■ 1 05 1 20 - t 25 1 ;i5 1 40 1 55 1 70 Woodstock Branch. .57 Newburgh, ■ $1 m lit) Riverside, - ■ 1 (»5 <)1 Northampton, - • 2 00 (>:ii Woodstock, - 2 05 MILES. 5(1 Havelock, (il Hartland, ()5 Peel, - 71J Florenceville, 74j Kent, - 77j Bath, - HU Bumfrau. - 825 Kearney V, W) Upper Kent, mi Munlac, - 97' Perth, 97i Audover, - 10;j Aroostook, PARES. - $1 HO - 2 (X) - 2 10 - 2 m 107 no 117 122 Aroostook R. Aroostook Falls, Fort Fairfield, - East Lyndon, - Coribou, R. Ill J Limestone, 121J Grand Falls, 184} St. Leonards, 151 Green River, 1.55J St. Basil, - 160J Edmunstone, 2 HO 2 90 3 15 3 20 3 35 $3 50 3 (K) 3 80 _3_95 $:i (iS 3 95 4 .35 4 85 5 01 5 15 Telegraph Companies. Westejin Union Teleguaph Co.— Dr. Norwiu Green, President ; (leneral Thomas T. Kckert, General Manager ; A. li. Brewer, Secre- tary ; R. H. Rochester, Treasurer, New York. li. T. Clinch, Superintendent Maritime Provinces ; T. M. Robin.son, Manager, St. John, N. B., office ; Alex. E. Hoyt, Manager, Halifax, N. S. , office ; W. F. Snyder, Manager, North Sydney, C. B. office. of Offices of the We.steni Union Telegraph Company in the Maritime Provinces.— Albert Mines, N B ; Albion Mines, N S ; Am- herst, N S ; Anagance, N B ; Audover, N B ; Annapolis, N S ; Antigonish, N S ; A])ohaqui, N B ; Arichat, C B ; Athol, N S ; Avondale, N S ; Aylesford, N S ; Barrington, N S ; Bear River, N S; Bedford, N S ; Berwick, N S ; Big Pond, C B ; Bloomfield, N B ; Bridgetown, N S ; Bridgewater, N S ; Brookfield, N S ; Brooklyn, N S ; Canning, N S : Canso, N S ; Canterbury, N B ; Carleton, N B ; o S. o a o (V 3 3 fD B O 1 •d 3 eh VII. ITiniloM^ Class nna Fntt^ At J, II<»RN€A8TI.E*», IndlnntoMn. Pearl Teeth use ENAMELLINE. M icton .hiiK'tinii, N li ; (Jilwnii, N H; (Jrnml FuUh, N B; Great Vil- hvge, N S ; (ircenville X H ; (iuvHl)<>ro', N H ; Halifax, N S ; HauiptMU, N B ; Il!vntsj)()rt, N S ; Hiiitland, N B ; Harvey, Albert (;<.., N I!; Harvey, York Co., N i'. ; Hawkenbury, C B ; Hillsboro, N B ; Hcpe- well Citnier, N Ji ; Hopewell, N rt ; riorton Landing, N S ; Hoyt, X li ; Iniliaiitown, N B ; Iron Mines, N H ; Isaac's Harbor, N S ; Jed- (lore, N S; Jordan Biver, N S; Kentville. N S ; KingHi)ort, NS; Lawrencetown, N S ; Linyan, (' li ; Little (Jlace Bay, OB; LiveriKM.l, NS; Lockeport, N S; Londonderry Station, N S; Lower Canjinl, N S; Luiienbnrir, N S; Mabon, V B ; MacAdam Junction, N 15: Maccan, N S ; Alahone Bay, X S ; IVIaitland, N S ; Marie J(»He|)li, N S ; Melrose, N S ; Meniranicook, N ]i ; Meteyhan, N S ; MiddU-tdii, X S; Mill Village, N S; Mount Tniacke, N S; Moncton, X 15; Musciuash, N B ; Musijuodoboit, N S ; Nauwigewauk, N B ; New (41asj,'<.w, N S; N'.rth Sydney, C B; Norton, N B; Oxford, N S; ' Painsec Junction, N B ; Passekeag, N B ; Parrsboro', N S ; Penitb- I Bquis, N li ; Petitcodiac, NB; Pictou, N S, Pictou Landiny, NS; ' Point du ("bene, N J J ; Point Lepreaux, N B ; Port HastinKs, li; ! Port Hood, (' li : Port Mnlgrave, N S ; Port Williams, N S ; Pubnif >, i N S ; Pu!,'wash, N S ; Richmond, N S ; River Philij), N S ; Rivers. I dale, N S ; Rothesay, N B ; Sackville, N B ; St. Amlrewa, N B ; St. (xeorge, N B; St. John, N B ; St. Leonards, N B ; St. Margarets JBay, N S; St. Peter's, C B; St. Ste|)hen, N B; Salisbury, N 15; ^ Shediac, N li ; Sheet Harbor, N S ; Shelburne, N S ; Sherbrooke, > j S ; Ship Harbor, N S ; Shubenacadie, N S ; Spring Hill Mines, N S ; Stellarton, N S; Stewiacke, N S;, N B; Sydnev, (" B; I Sydney Mines, C B ; Tangier, N S ; Tatamagouche, N S ; Ihoinsdii, ; N S i Torbav, N S ; Truro, N S ; Wallace, N S ; Waterville, N S ; Waveriv, N S ; Welsford, N B ; Wentworth, N S ; Westtielil, |N B; West River, N S; Westville, N S; Weymouth, NS ; Why. j cocomah, C li ; Windsor, N S ; Windsor Junotion, N S ; Wolfville, ; N S ; Woodstock, N B ; Yarmouth, N S; Kingston, N S. The Great Nouth-Wekteun Tkleoraph Gomp'y.— Head Quarters, Toronto, Ontario.- -E. Wiman, President; H. P. Dwight, Geneml Manager ; F. Roper, Secretary ; Arthur Cox, Trea.surer. Offices of the Great North- Western Telegraph Company in New Brunswick. — Barnaby River, Baitibog-ue, Bathufst, Batnurst Stutiim, Beaver Brook, Belledune, Berry's Mills, Buctouche, C/amij|)elltoii, Canaan, C.xraquette, (Jarleton Station, (I. C. R. ) Charlo, Chathiiiii, Clifton, ((iloucester Co.) Coal Branch, (I. C. R.) Dalhousie, Ferris. Forest, Grand Anse, Jacquet River, Kingston, (Kent Co.) Koiichi- bougiiac, Madisco, Miraniichi, Newcastle, New Mills, Petit Ruclie, Pokemouche, Red Pine, Richibucto, St. Peters, Shippegan, Tracadie, Weldford, (Kent Co.) New Brln-swick Eltctric Telegraph Co.— Chas. W. Weldon, M. P., President ; T. M. Robinson, Secretary ; R. T. Clinch, Treasmer. The lines of thi.-i Company are leased to the Western Union Tele. graph Co. The Headquarters of the (Jompany are at Rothesay, N.B. Anolo-Aiierican Telegraph Co. (Limited). — Headquarters, Lon- don. H. Weaver, General Manager ; T. C. Jame-s, Su])erinteinlriut, Charlottetown, P. E. I. l4iuips, Ltiiiip Cliiniiilett HiMl l4(nterpg ot IIOKXC^STLK'i^* fRLLOWS' SPEEDY REI.TEF' is a RmH Tadi Killed 1882.] MASONIC. 133 Offices of the Anyl i-Ainoncan Telegni|)h ('(unpany (Liuiitetl) Maritime I'rovince.s : New HruiiHwiclt Ray Verte, Cape Tonne I'. K. iHlaud— All)ert(»n, Bidefonl, Capo TraverHe, CanliL'an, Cii inter liiver, Kensington, Montague, Mt. Stewart. North VViltsliire, Port Hill, iioyalty Junction, St PeterV, SotiriH, Siinimerhido, Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. officp:rs of the m. w. ghand lodge. li M. W. Grand Master, Hon. Eenj. R. Stevenson, St. Andrews, I R. W. Deimty Grand Master, - - Henry DulTell. - - - - St. .John. JlR. W. Senior Grand Warden, - - Henry A. White, - - - Sussex. t R. W. Junior Grand Warden, - - Thomas T. Beveridffe, - Andover. ' V. W. Grand Chaplain, - - - - Kev. Chas. S. Medley. - Sussex. V. W. Grand Treasurer, ... - .Tames McNichol, jun., St. .John. V. W. Grand Secretaiy, - - . - AVilliam F. Bunting,- - St. John. W. Senior Grand Deacon, . - Wiliiam A. Park, - . - Newcastle. W. Jtmior Grand Deacon, - - David F. Jlerritt. - - . Woodstock. W. Grand Director Ceremonie.-*, Freeman W. Wisdom, St. .John. W. Asst. G. Director Cer«»monies, Wiliiam H. B. Sadleir, St. John. W. Grand Sword Bearer, - - (Jeorge \ckman, - - - Moncton. W. Grand Standard Bearer,- - Hari-y Beckwith, - - - Fredericton. I W. Grand Organist, - - - . George F. DeVine. . . St. .John. W. Grand Pursuivant,. - - . James Adam, - - - . St. .John. W. Grand Steward, Arthur Everitt, - - - St. John. W. " " Alexander McKay - . Dorchester. ' W. " '• Richard M. Pinder, . - Fredericton. W. " " Henry Graham, . - - St. Stephen. W. " *' Isaac O. Beattey, - - Carleton. , W. " '• J. Lee Flewelling. - . Clifton. W. " *' Matt. L. Macfarland. - Portland. W. " " Charles P. Wannan, • Hillsboro. \V. " " David T. Johnston, . - Chathanj. 1 \V. " " John W. Patterson, - . Salisbury. V\'. " " Alex. R. Cami)l)eII. - - St. Johii. W. " " John McKendriek, - - Campbellton. Grand Tyler, Dingee Scribner, - - St. John. Hoard of Gknebal Pvtbposes.— M. W. Benj. R. Stevenson, Grand Master. I R. W. B. Lester Petei-s, Past (irand Master. R. W. Robert T. Clinch, Past lUrand Master. R. W. William Wedderburn, Past (irand Master. R. W. Jnhu V. Ellis, Past Grand Master. R. W. Robert Marshall, Past Grand Master. R. W. Henry Duflfell, l>eputy Grand Master, (President). R. W. Heniy A. Wlilte, Senior Grand Warden. R. W. Thomas T. Beveridge, .luiiior Grand Warden. R. W. William F. Bunting, Grand Secretary, (Secre- tary). R. W. Edward Willis. V. M. .James McNichol. jr. W. 'f. Nlsbet Robertson. W. WilUam J. Logan, (Vice-President). W. John A. Watson. W. Robert J. McAdoo. R. W. Edwin J. Wetmore. W. John D. Short. W. Tliomas A. Godsoe. W. Robert J. Melvin. LODGES. Albion Lodge, No. 1.— Meets first Friday in each month, at the jMa.sonic Hall, St. John. T. Amos Godsoe, W. M. T. Nisbet Robertson. Secretary. ; St. John's Lodge, No. 2.— Meets First Tuesday, in each month, at "the Masonic Hall, St. John. William H. B. Sadleir, W. M. Hiram G. Betts, Secretary'. Hibeniia Lodge, No. .'5.— Meets second Tuesday in each month, at the Masonic Hall, St. John. William J. Logan, W. M. (Jordon G. Boyne, ' SeiTetary. Sussex Lotlge, No. 4. —Meets Thursday on or after each full moon, at Dor- chester, Westmorland County. Alexander McKay, W. M. Edmund A. ] i ( 'hartere, Secretaiy. House niul Mnrluc Clocks, J. IIOUKt'ASTLE'S, ludlnnlonu. 1991 iFELLOWS' DYSPEPSIA BITTERS for Jaimdlcd. d o >-» 4> H < s ;3 01 u » o Ph 3 C 3 S3 0; S 3 o .a o +-» a CO St. 3Iark's Lodge, No. 5.— Meets first Thursday in each month, at St. Andrews, Charlotte County. WiUiam D. Hartt, W. M. George F, Stickney. Secretary. Hu-am Lodge. No. 6.— Meets first Thursday in each tnonth, at the City of Fredericton. Richard M. Finder, W. M. Hari-y Beckwith, Secretary. Sussex Lodge, No. 7.— Meets fii"st Wednesday in each month, at St. Ste- phen, Charlotte County. Julius T. Whitlock, W. M. George F. Finder, Secretary. Carleton Union Lodge. Nd. 8.— Meets firet Thursday in each month, at Carleton, City of Saint John. Isaac O. Beatteay, W. M. Richard H. Mc- Williams, Secretarj-. Midian Lodge. No. O.-MeetS second Tuesday in each month, at Clifton. Kings County. ,1. Lee Flewelling, W. M. David P. Wetmore, Secretarj-. Union Lod^e of Portland, No. 10.— Meets third Thursday in each raontli, at the Masonic Hall, St. John. John A. Watson, W. M. John Henderson. Secretary. Woodstock Lodge, No. 11.— Meets first Wednesday in each month, at Woodstock, Carleton County. David F. Merritt, W. M. Charles N. Scott. Secretary. St. George Lodge, No. 12.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, at St. George, Cliarlotte County. George Farquharson, W. M. L. B. Messenett Secretary. Corinthian Lodge, No. 13.— Meets second Wednesday in each month, at Hampton Station, Kings County. George L. Taylor, w. M. Heniy Hallet. Secretary. Alley Lodge, No. 14. —Meets first Thursday in each month, at Upper Mills, Chai'lotte County. David M. Porter, W. M. Rev. M. King, Seci'etarv. Howard Lodge, No. Ui. — Meets first Tuesday in each month, at Hillsboro", Albert County. Charles P. Warman, W. M. John A. Beatty, Secretary. St. Andrew Lodge. No. 16.— 3Ieets Monday, on or after each full moon. at Richibucto, Kent County. Dr. James C. Moody, W. M. Thomas Wet- more BUss, Secretary. Northinnberland Lodge, No. I*'.— Meets second Tuesday in each month, at Newcastle. Northumberland County. Charles E. Fish, W. M. William Masson, Secretary. Miramichi Lodge, No. 18.— Meets third Tuesday In each month, at Chat- ham, Northimil-erland County. David T. Johnstone, W. M. Thomas F. Gillespie, Secreta. >'• Leinster Lodgt No. 10.— Meets second Friday in each month, at the Ma- sonic Hall, St. John. W. Watson Allen, W. M. Henry J. Thorne, Sec'y. Salisbury Lodge, No 20.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, at Salis- bury, Westmorland County. John W. Pattereon, W. M. James Bentley, Secretary. Zion Lodge, No. 21.— Meets first Wednesday in each month, at Sussex, Kings County. Joseph R. Tyrell, W. M. Alfred F,. McLeod, Secretary. New Bninswick Lodge, No. 22.— Meets second Thursday in each niontli, at the Masonic Hall, St. John. Alexander R. Campbell, W. M. Stephen K. F. James, Secretary. Keith Lodge, No. 2;i— Meets first Wednesday In each month, at Moncton, Westmorland County. George Acknian, VV. M, R. Thompson Tayloi-, Secretary. Zetland Lodge, No. 24.— Meets third Wednesday in each month, at Shi'- diac. Westmodand County. Ambrose H. Newman, W. M. Wm. B. Dea- con. Secretary. Restigouche I odge. No. 2.5. —Meets Tuesday, on or after each full moon, at Dalhousie, Restigouche County. William G. Disbrcv, W. M, Henry A. Johnson, Secretary. Victoria Lodge, No. 2fi. —Meets second Thursday in each month, at Mill stream, Charlotte County. George F. Todd, W. M. Robt. Ray, Seer, ary, St. John Lodge, No. 27.— Meets Thursday, on or after each full moon, at Bathurst, Gloucester County. Robert Miller, W. M. Charles H. Mann, Secretary. Lebanon Lodge, No. 28.-— Meets second Monday in each month at >aok ville , Westmorland Cou: ity. Harvey Phinney, W. M. Blair Estai^.ookH. Secretary. Horse 8lioc» and KhIIm nt HORN€ASTlE'S. L«ime Horses try FELLOWS* LEEMINGS' ESSENCti. 1882.] ODD FELLOWS. 136 St. Martins Lodge, No. ;30.— Meets first Wednesday in each month , at St. \ Martins, St. John. Jacob H. Mosher, W. M. William E. Skillen, Secretary, I Benjamin i^odge, No. 81.— Meeti: on or after eaeh full moon, at Andover, Victoria County. Albert D. Olmstead, W. M. J. Allan Perley, Secre; rvry, Campbellton Lodge, No. 32.— Meets second Friday in each month, at Canipbellton, Restigouche County. John McKendrick, W. M. William D. Doherty, Secretaiy, Alexandria Lodge, No. 33.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, at St. Mary's, York County. Daniel S. Doughf rty, W. M. Edgar Hanson, Sec'y. Albert Lodge, No. ;W.~Meets third Tu *sday in each month at Hopewell, Corner, Albert County. John E. Monigomeiy, W. M. Rufus P. Steeves, Secretary. Knights of Pythias. Officers of the Suprkme Lodge, Knights of Pythias.— Supreme i Chancellor, Judge (t. W. Lindsay, of Maryland. Supreme Vice- , Chancellor, Jud^e John P. Linton, Pennsylvania. Sui)veme Prelate, Kev, W. Bryce Thompson, Tenue.s.see. Supreme Master of the Ex- chequer, John P. Stunrrihan, Indiana. Supreme Keeper of the Records and Seal, Josejih B. Dowdall, Ohio. Supreme Master-at-Arms, 1 J. Rufus Smith, West Viij^inia. Supreme Inner Guard, G. B. Sliaw, Wisconsin. Supreme Outer Guard, John W, Thomson, District of ; C!()lumbia. Deputy Supreme Chancellor for the Province of New Brunswick. — James Moulson, St. John, N. B. LODGES IN NEW BRUNSWICK. New Brunswick Lod;.,'e, No. 1, and Union Lodge, No. 2, St. John, X. B. Meets in Ring' s Building, Germain Street. Westmorland Lodge, No. 3, of Moncton, N. B. I Frontier Lodge, No. 4, of Saint Stephen, N. B. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Okficers. — John Richards, Fredericttm, N.B., Right Worthy Grand Master. J. W. TurnbuU, Vale Colliery, N. S. , Deputy Grand Mas- ter. J. A. Gourlie, Summerside, P. E. I., Grand Warden. J. C. P. I^razee, Halifax, N. S., Grand Secretary. H. A. Taylor, Halifax, N. S., Grand Treasurer. Andre Cu.shing, St. John, N. B., and John Pringle, Pictou, N. S., Grand Representatives. Theo. L. Chappelie, Charlotteto\vn, P. E. I., Grand Marshal. Duncan Campbell, New (lla.sifow, N. S., Grand Conductor. F, W. Masters, St. John, N. B., Grand Gua.rdian. George H. Simmons, Fredericton, N. B., Grand Herald, C. C. Carleton, jr., Souris, P. E. L, Grand Chaplain. R. W. Grand Lodge of the Lower Provinces of B. N. A. will hold , its next Annual Communication in Moncton, N. B., on the second Wednesday in August, 1882. LODGES in new BRUNSWICK. Pioneer Lodge, No. 9, St. John, N. B. Meets on Friday. Beacon Lodge, No. 12, St. John, N. B. Meets on Tuesday. Victoria Lodge, No. 13, Fredericton, N. B. Meets on Monday. Peerless Lodge, No. 19, Portland, N. B. Meets on Wednesday. Prince Albert Lodge, No. 2(i, Moncton, N. B. Meets on Wedues- I (lay. I Siloam Lodge, No. 29, St. John, N. B. Meets on Monday. Bend to J. HOKXCASTLE'S, ludluutonu, I'ur t'lilulogiic. IPiniples on the Face take OOLDE!^ ELIXIR. 136 TEMPERANCE. [1882. II.' S O Q tn (0 o a ID (3 § Valley Lodge, No. 33, Sussex, N. B. Meets on Tuesday. St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 37, St. John, N. B. Meets on Thursday. Carleton Lodf,'e, No, 41, Woodstock, Carletou County, N. B. Meets on Tuesday. Milicete Encampment, St. John, N. _ B. Meets First and Tliird Thursdays in each Month. Andre Cushinj,', Esq., Deputy Grand Sire for the Lower Provinces. Union Degree Lodge, No. 1, St. John, N. B. Meets on the First and Third Wednesdays in each month. Temperance Orga,nizations. INDEPENDENT ORDER OP GOOD TEMPLAUS. Officers of the Grand Lodge.- James Watts, G. W. C. T., Wood- stock. Fred J, Todd, G. W. ('., Fredericton. Mrs. M. N. Gibson, G. W. V. T., Woodstock : Samuel Galbraith, G. W. Secretay, St. John; P. O. McFarlane, G. W. Treastirer, Douglas, York County ; Rev. J. McG. McKay, G. W. Chai)lain, Woodstock ; Calvin Powers, C. S. J. Templar, St. John ; Frank Steeves, Sury, G. W. Marshal, Hillsboro ; Mrs. W. Q. Shaw, L. (j^uard, Woodstock ; George Pugh, Sentinel, Fredericton; Mrs. J. McWha, Assistant Secretary, Woodstock; P. R, Colpitis, D. Marshal, Forest Glen, Westmorland County. UNITED TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION. Provincial Lodge <»f New Brunswick. - -James S. Beek, President, Fredericton,York County. Louisa Bulyea, Vice-President, Gagetown, Queens Co. R. T. Bal)bitt, Secretary-Treasurer, (iagetown, Queens i Co. Rev. A. B. McDonald, Chaplain, ('ambridge. Queens Co. A. E. { Wall, Financier, Sackville, Westmorland Co. G. Ward Merrithew, ' Recoi-der, Mouth KesAvick, York Co. D. Presley, Marshal, Monctoii, Westmorland Co. Miss Annie B. Babbit, Deputy Marshal, Gagetown, , Queens Co. Reverdy Steeves, Guard, Moncton, Westmorland Co. i Jacob R. Pidgeon, Past President, Indiantown, St. John. I GRAND DIVISION SONS OP TEMPERANCE. | Ezekiel McLeod, St. John, G. W. P. W. J. Robinson, Monctmi, G. W. A. S. B. Patterson, St. John, G. Scribe. L. R. Moore, Hope- well, Albert County, G. Treasurer. H. T. Colpitis, St. Martins, G. j Chaplain. J. J. Waring, Millford, G. Conductor. R. A. C. Brown, I Portland, G. Sentinel. Jlobt. Bell, Sackville, P. G. W. P. The next semi-annual session will be held on the evening of the last ; Wednesday in January, 1882, with Crystal Sti'eaui Division, in Sail;?- , bury, Westmorland County. i SAINT JOHN TEMPERANCE REFORM CLUB. ' C. R. Ray, President, J. W. Harrington, 1st Vice President, Jared j Green, 2nd V. ]'., J. Williard Smith, 3rd V. P., J. McNally, 4«h V. P., Fred S.andall, Dth V. P., B. Fairey, Secretary; Fred Venning, Assis- tant Secretary ; Fred Langan, Financial Secretary ; R. B. Belyeii. Assistant Financial Secretary ; J. McNally, Treasurer ; Rev. John Read, Chaplain. Shelf Hnran arc ol'all kinds nt J. HORN€ASTI.E'!>». Spavins on Horses try FELI.OWS' LEEMINGS' ESSENCE. 1882.] TEMPERANCE. 13: THE N. B. WOMEN S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. Mrs. John March, St. John, President ; Mrs. W. W. TurnbuU, St- John, Mrs. Davifl Vincent, Carleton, Mrs. Dunham, Portland, Mrs. Hamuel Watts, Woodstock, Mrs. Phillips, Fredericton, Mrs. Todd, St. Stei>hen, Vice Presidents ; Mrs. Steadnian, Fredericton, Secretary ; Miss Jane Lockhart, St. John, Treasurer ; Miss Ella Thome, Freder- icton, Auditor. CATHOLIC TOTAL ABSTINENCE UNION OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Officers: Rev. A. Ouellet, St. John, Spiritual Dir. ; R. J. Ritchie, M. P. P., St. John, Pres. ; J. Meagher, Fredericton, 1st Vice-Pres.; E. Babin, Moncton, 2nd Vice-President; Thos. O'Riley, Carleton, Re- cording Secretary; J. P. McGrory, Portland, Corresponding Secretary; T, B. Foley, St. John, Financial Secretary; T. J-Jourke, Portland, Treasurer; T. McSorley, Sergt-at-Arms. Local Deputies — St. Malachi's Society, St. John, P. Gleeson; St. Dunstan's Fredericton, J. E. Perks ; Father Matth^iw^ssociation, St. John, P. McCarthy ; St. Patrick's, Carleton, T. Donovan ;St. Peter's, Portland, D. O'Neill ; St. Mary's, Cork Settlement, Wm. Murphy ; Immaculate Conception Cadets, St. John. P. J. Gleeson ; St. Patrick's, Milltown, D. C. Crowley ; Ht. Patrick's, Muscjuash, P. P. Bryne ; St. Peter's Cadets, Portland, J, Boden ; St. Aloysius Associa- tion, Portland, J. Berry ; St. Patrick's Cadets, Milltown, H. McGar- rigle ; St. Bernard's, Monctim, Hugh Hamilton ; St. Rose, Fairville, J. J. Holland ; St. Alphonsus, Hampton, Cornelius Sullivan. ST. malachi's total ABSTINENCE RELIEF SOCIETY. Officers — Rev. H. A. Meahan, Spiritual Director ; Patrick Moran, President; T. M. Wisted, Senior Vice-President; John McTravis, Junior Vice-President ; Robert Coleman, Recording Secretary ; Timothy Murphy, Assistant do ; James McManus, Financial Secre- tary ; Dennis McGrath, Assistant do ; John McCarthy, Treasurer ; Daniel A. McDonald, Sergt-at-Arms. FATHER MATTHEW ASSOCIATION. Rev. A. Ouellet, Spiritual Director ; P. McCarthy, President ; J. Stanton, First Vice-President ; J. Regan, Second Vice-President ; J. Murphy, Rec. Secretary : E.. Gorman, Cor. Secretary ; R. Walsh, Financial Secretary ; T. Collins, Treas. ; M. Henretti, Librarian ; W. Kirk, Assistant do. ; Rev. A. Ouillet, J . Condon and P. Tole, Trus- tees. CADETS OF IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. John L. Duffy, President ; John McDonough, Vice-President ; J. (iallivan, Rec. Sec. ; J. Halpin, Fin. Sec. ; H. P. Travers, Treas. ; F. Powers and J. Powers, Conductors. Rev. H. A. Meahan, Spirit- ual Directoi'. ST. Peter's t. a. b. society. Rev Wm O'Leary, Spiritual Direct P McElroy, jr., 1st Vice-President "" T F Tighe, Rec. Sec'y ; James B , ^. — . , ^ v... Cor Sec'y ; O Sullivan, Treas ; D Rooney, Ass't do ; John Duross, Sert.'t-at-Arms ; David McColgan, Librarian ; D Nagle, Ass't do. . i , B O 3 i 2 CO en c c e+ C » in o s: (B 1 !-♦• P 3 O tD iTb O Mi o P 2 o o 3 •8 P S CO i > an; 3 13 Carriage Stock at Jt HOIIi\€AJI(l'|i|}(S« AtdMntoMii. wm. Ringbones on Horses try FELLOWS' LEEMINGS' ESSENCE. 138 ORAXOEMEN. [1882 I 3 CO I r) 01 w V 1 c i CO a t I •3 5 Si ST. AL0Y8IUS ASSOCIATION, PORTIjAND. Rev WmO'Iifeary, Spiritual Director ; John McGowan, President ; A T Moore, 1st Vice President ; F McCarthy, 2nd Vice-President j John Boden, llec Sec'y ; J L Kerr, Financial Sec'y ; A Hayes, Ass't do ; E J Doherty, Cor Sec'y ; John Donnelly, Treas ; Wm McCready, Li- brarian ; M Power, Ass't do ; Jas Fitzgerald, Sergt-at-Arms. ST. PETER'8 cadets, rORTLAND. J Boden, President ; F McCarthy, Vice-President ; B J Currain, Rec Sec'v ; James Boden, Financial Sec'y j D Doherty, TreasJ; G Garnet, Sergt-at-Arms. ST. PATRICK'S SOCIETY, CARLETON. Very Rev T Connolly, V G, President ; T Donovan, 1st Vice-Presi- dent ; Robert Ward, 2nd do ; Thos O'Reilly, Rec Sec'y : John Connor, Financial Sec'x ;, Daniel Coughlan, Treas ; T Keleher, Sergt-at-Arnis. Loyal Orange Association. R. W. GRAND LODGE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. R. W. Grand Master, Wm. Wilson, Fredericton. Deputy Grand Masters, A. J. Armstrong, St. John, John B. Grieves, Fredericton. Grand Chaplain, Georce Baird, Bairdsville. Grand Treasurer, Samuel Devenne, sr., Portland. Grand Secretary, T. A. Kinnear, Shediac. Deputv Grand Secretary, Davenport R. White, Gibson. Grand Lee- ! turer, James Elliott, Portland. Grand Director of Ceremonies, Win. A. King, St. John. Deputy Grand Chaplains, Rev. W. E. Vickery, Ch. Co., James H. McMann, Springfield, A. Cleland, St. Stephen, Wm. Rox borough, Fairville, Henry McAfee, Moncton, J. Kerr, r«)rt- land, Alfred Bunker, Garry, George H. Baldwin, Dumbarton, Wm. DeVenne, St. John, Wm. Atcheson, St. Stephen, D. S. Duplisa, Fred- ericton Junction, W. A. McFate, St. John, Wm. H. White, Gibson, Moses White, Gibson, F, T. McCausland, Fredericton, George Roljin- son, St. Stephen. LODGES IN THE CITY. Vemer Lodge, No. 1, meets first and third Tuesdays in each month. Eldon Lodge, No. 2, meets second and fourth Tuesdays in each month. York Lodge, No. 3, meets first and third Thursdays^ ineach month. Enniskillen Lodge, No. 7, meets second Thursday in each month. Johnston Lodge, No. 24, meets first and third Mondays in each month. Havelock Lodge, No. 27, meets second Monday in each month, True Blue Lodge, No. 11, meets first Wednesday in each month, Carleton. Wellington Lodge, No. 21, meets last Monday in each month, Port- land. Dominion Lodge, No. 141, meets first Monday in each month, Port- land. Country Produce sold by J. HORNCASTLf!. HORNER'S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS excel all others. 1882.] MILITIA. 139 AMERICAN LEGION OF HONOR. Dufferin Council, 302. — O. L. Nowlin, Commander. Vice-Com- mander, F. R. Titus. ThoH. Walker, M. D., Past Commander. W. Frank Hatheway, Orator. H. J. B. Pitts, Secretary. Win. R. Rus- sell, Treasurer. Alex. McNichol, Collector. G. Gordon Boyne, {'haplain. George R. Cochrane, (iuide. George Kerr Berton, War- den. Henry Dunbrack, Sentry. Thomas Walker, Medical Exami- ner. Thomas Walker, M. D., P. W. Snider, J. C. Bowman, Trustees. Carleton Legion. — John B. Wilmot, Command 3r. H. J. Olive, Vice-Commantler. George F. Harding, Past Jommander. W. Watson Allen, Orator; Rev R W Weddall, Chaplain; W D Baskin, Treasurer; J Chip Olive, Collector ; Andrew Davis, Secretai-y ; J D White, M D, Medical Examiner ; C B Lockhart, Warden ; VVm Dunlavy, Guide ; W E Erskine, Sentry. Staff of the Militia. MILITARY DISTRICT NO. 8, PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Deputy Adjutant General CommaLding, Lieut-Colonel John B. Taylor. District Paymaster and Storekeeper— Lt. Col. W. T. Baird, 19th Jan. '09. 62nd ST. JOHN BATTALION OF INFANTRY. Lieutenant Colonel Arbuthnot Blaine, 8 Sept. '70. Major, Henry David Likely, 9th March, '77. Captains — William Farren, Slh-d July; James Devlin, 23nd July, '75; Edward T. Sturdee, nth May, '70; Frederick H. Hartt, 19th Jan. '77; Alban Thomas, 28th Jan. '81; ^Y. C. Magee, 20th December, '80. 1st Lieutenants— Arthur C. J. Sorrel, J: P. Hegan, 24th June, '81; Kilgour Shives, 7th March, '78; Osboru Blois, prov., 11th June, '81 : H. A. Godard, 34th June, '81 ; A. I. Trueman, 24th June, '81. 2nd Lieutenants— R. D. Woodrow, 3rd June, '81; Cyrus G. Gregory, 24th June, '81 ; Geo. A. Fraser, 24th June, "81 ; John McRobie, 5th Aug. '81. Paymaster— Michael VV.^Iaher, m, 23rd July, '74. Adjutant— Hugh Havelock McLean, capt, 19th Jan. '77. Quartermaster— John Stewart Hall, 17th Jan. '77. Surgeon— Sylvester Z. Earle, M. D., s. 12th April, '72. Assistant Surgeon— M. S. McFarlane, 24th June, '81. 67th carleton LIGHT INFANTRY. Lieutenant-Colonel— Charles R. Upton, 20th October, 'GO. Majors— Chas. W. Raymond, 1 c. 10th Sept. '00; Richard Ben j. Ketchum, 1 c. 10th May, '72. Captains— Isaac F. Adams, 10th July, '71 ; John J. Hoyt, 10th '74; J. Slawson Carvell, 21st April, '75; Charles E. Beckwith, 1st June, '77. o «• o 03 cr cr 3 J. H09NC4STL£'S Hardware Store, old stand, Indiantown. Uflo ENAMELLINE for the Teeth. *-> ■u a tn tn a o u m v 4^ t^ t^ a> o l-H 1) ,=5 s s o IB 01 fa o 6 u 01 o a CIS 3 0> .1 u a; > o a; 140 MILITIA. [1882 Licutcnants- -.Tohn T. Flotclicv. 19th Oct. 70; Kobcrt Kirk iilv, '71; Isa McNinch, 10th July, 71; Charles Garden, l^tJi.Julv. 7:2; Jiobort Vince, 24th April, 74; Charles A. AVest. 1st .Alay, '71; John W. Achima, 39th Dec. 70; Alex- ander j^Iar([uis, ])rov., 20tli April, '77. 2nd Lieutenants — AVni. Wallace llemi)liill. 3()lli July. 71; Chas. Ferguson, 10th July, 71; liconurd Hardin^-. 12th July, "~2; Simon McLeod, 24lh April. "74 ; Woodward ^V. Atkinson, 18th April, 78; C. B. Wheeler; Leander A. While, 11th July; '79; J. W. Williams, 8th April, 'HI. Payni! .ster — Johu D.Kek'huni, ni. (hou.) 10th Sept. 'Gi). Adjutant — Tohr. !). Baird, eupt., 19th May, 71 (Quartermaster — ITnniilton Emery, lOth Sept. '69. Sur.u'eou— Charles Pitt Connell. M. D., 22nd April, "70. Assistant Sui';i:eon — Thos. Taylor Bcveridge, 15th July, ' '7:i. risT YORK BATTALION OF INFAHTRY. Lieutenant Colonel — lohn Lolhrop 3Iarsh, 3rd Nov. '71. IMajor — Jeremiah Staples. Captains— Samuel L. Wilkinson, m, 10th Sept. '69; Thomas Alexander, m, 27th Sept. '(i;); Jesse Christy, 10th May, '72; Thomas G. Logtrie; W. A. IJarker. Lieutenants— Geo. A. Iloyt, 12th Nov., '09; R. M. Finder, 30th May, '7i); Andrew Waugh, 23rd April, '73. 2nd Lieutenants— Jared Boone, jNIarch, 7-'); Joseph W. Alexander, prov., 12th July, 72; W. A. Alexander, 30th May, 79; D. Hazen; W. AVil- kinson, yrd .June, '81; F. Bird, 24th June, '81. Paymaster — Bt. Major A. G. Beckwith, 3rd June, '81. Adjutant— T. W. Howe, 3rd June, '81. Quartermaster — Andrew Lipselt, 25th Feb., '76. Surgeon— T. C. Brown, 3rd June, '81. Assistant Surgeon— J. Z. (,'urry, 3rd June, '81. r8RD NORTHUMBERLAND, N.B., BATTALION OF INFANTRY. iMajor, Samuel U. McCuUy. commanding. Captains— Hugh Cameron, 4th Aug. '71; AVilliam Fenton, 1st Aug., '73; William Hutchinson, 2Gth Sept., '73; William Me- Naiighton, 12th April, '77; Alexander McKnight, 6th Sept., '78. Lieutenants— Peter Loggie, 1st Aug., '73; James Potts, 2(jth Sept,, '73; Thomas George McKay, prov., 22nd May, 74; James Chapman, prov., 31st Sept., '74. 2nd Lieutenants— Robert AIc- Naughton, prov., Cth Feb., '09; Alexander J. Loggie, prov., 1st Aug., '73; Adams McLellan. prov., 2Gth Sept., '73; James Came- ron, prov., 23rd May. '74; William ;McKnight, prov., Cth Sept. Paymaster — Lemuel J. Tweedie, Gth Sept., '72. Adjutant— Alexander Templeton, 2nd June, '76. Quartermaster— James Grav, It., 14th April, '70. Surgeon.— William Fallen BLshop, M. D., April 14th, '70. Grocery Warehouse, " Lome " Hotel, Indiantown. ENQLISHMAN'S COUGH MIXTTJUE for Coughs. 1882.] MILITIA- ADDENDA. 141 HUSSARS. ' Uppi ratriaequi Fidelis. , (cc 1st) ad .Inly, '«!. "HI. John Russell Armstronj?, 8th regiment cavalry Organizetl G. O. m)th April, \HK). Motto, Lieutenant-Colonel, James Domvilie, M. P Majors— Alfred Mai'kham, (e c 1st) ;;Jd July (c c 1st, c c 2d, and m s 2d) 2 July, 'HI. No, 1 Troop, Hampton— Captain . Lieutenant Frederick Milled(?e Sproul, c c 2d, 3d June, '81. 2d Lieutenant, Frederick Ureen, p 19th July, '81. No. 2 Troop, Hammond River— Captain William Lanprstroth, (c c 2d) 19th April, 'HI. Lieutenant, George Otty Dickson Otty. (c c 2d) l«th April, 'H\. 2d Lieutenant, Manners Sutton Earle, (c c 2d) l!)th August, '81. No. 3 Troop, Apohaqui— Captain Charles H. Foshay p (ith April, "71. Lieu- tenant, George H, Sharp (c c 2d M. S. 2d) (ith April, "I'l. 2d Lieutenant, Thomas Lee Peters, c c 2d .3d June, '81 No. 4 Troop, Upham— Captain David James Fowler, c c 2d & ni. s. 2d 11th December, "77. Lieutenant, Frederick (iass, c c 2d :)A June, '81. 2d Lieutenant, Geoi-ge William Fowler, e c 2d 3d June, '81. No. .5 Troop, Johnston, Q. Co.— Captain Thomas H. Pearson, g f o & c c 2d 21st February, 'Wi. Lieutenant, Alexander Frederick Carmichael, c c 2d 3d June, '81. 2d Lieutenant, Thomas E. Alfred Pearson, c c 2d, 24th June, '81. No. t) Troop, Shediac, W. Co.— Captain Henry A. Scovil. g f o 28th Sept. "77. Lieutenant Joshua Upham Fowler, m s 2nd, 18 June, '75. No 7 Troop, Springfield.— Captain Wil'iam J. Brittain, g f o, 21 June, 'fi.5. Lieutenant Heni-y Montgomery Campbell, g s 2nd, m s 2nd, 19 Aug., '81. 2d Lieutenant William Greenslade Scovil, p 3t ' Paymastei", Ward Chipman Drury, 30 April, 3rd June, "81. 69, paym 3 Jxme, ""68, hony in. 30 April, '79. Adjutant, Robert William Otty, q f o. cc 1st, 30 April,'U9, bfc m June 4,'71. Quarter Master. Henry Hallett, m s 2d, 10 Sept., 'G9, hony m 10 Sept., '79. Surgeon, Beverly McMonagle, M. D., 4 June, "80. Assistant Surgeon, Robert Leonard Botsford, M. D., 3 June, '81, Vertinarj' Surgeon, James Henry Frink, D. V. S., 7th Maj', '80. NEW BRUNSWICK ENGINEERS. 2nd Lieutenant, Twining Hartt, commanding BRIGHTON ENGINEERS— Carleton County. Captain— Brevet Major D. McLeod Vince: 1st Lieutenant -John Roger Tompkins; 2nd Lieutenant— Allison B. Connell. ADDENDA. KiNos County. — Additional Justices - Samuel T. Morton, John Goggin, John Buchanan and Martin Freeze. Commissioner Civil Court, Kingston, weather. Municipal Council.— Warden, David S. Sinnott. Councillors: Cardwell, John Moore and J. E. B. McCready; Greenwich, J. A. Whelply and Abraham Mabee; Ilavelock, Charles I. Keith and J. S. Mace; Hampton, Dr. G. S. Taylor and F. M. Sproul; Hammond, R. W. Forsyth and James Douglas; Kingston, J. O. Dunn and R. C. Williams; Kars, Wm. Helms and D. Mills; Norton, A. B. Hayes and W. H. Baxter; Rothesay, J. Nixon and C. Prince; Studholm, A. J. Kierstead and David Sinnott; Sussex, E. B. Beer and II. A. AVhite; Springtield, J. A. -\ Kierstead and G. G. G. Scovil ; Upham, G. W. Titus and H. (4. Fowler; Westfield, J. W. Caulfield and W. H. Waters; - Christopher Smith, H. Burns, James T. C. D. Fair- Waterford, J. A. Moore and W. IT. Creighton. o a n o 3 O 3 O 3 a (.*■ a & t o (0 c -J (Tl p. a" s p c s 3. < i H a Narroiv nud Ship Axes at J. HOKNCASTLE'S. mt ENAMELLINE will Whiten the Teeth. ill I xi I a 142 INDEX. [1882. INDEX. PAGE. Associatii>nH, &c. , 122 Addenda, Kingw C-o 141 Brief Church Calendar, . 19 Barristers and Attorneys, 82 Baptist Convention Officers HI Baptist Clergymen, t'2 Banks, 9() C!orporati()n,Anchorage, . . . . 31 Calendar Pages, :^r)-40 County St. John, ol County Albert, 54 CJounty Carleton, 55 County Charlotte, 57 County Gloucester, 58 County Kent, 51) County Kinnfs, 61 (.'ounty Madavvaska, 62 County Northumberland, 63 County Queens, 64 County Restij;ouche, 66 County Sunbury, 67 County Victoria, 68 County Westmorland, 70 County York, 71 Corporation Fredericton, 73 Cabinet Ministers, Gt. Britain, 75 Courts, KB.,. 78 Consuls and Consular Agents, 79 Congregational Ministers, 93 Customs, 101 Dominion of Canada, 7<» Disciples of Christ, 95 Dominion Finance Departm't, 101 Diities uf Excise, 121 Equation of Time, 18 Eclipses, &c., 18 Episcopalian Clergymen, 87 Educational Department, N.B. 95 Export Duties, 121 Fish Market Dues, 28 Fire Department, East Side, . . 50 Fire Department, West Side,.. 50 Fire Alarm Telegraph, City,, . . 50 Fi-ee Christian Baptist Church, 93 Harbor Master's Fees, 28 Hay Market Tolls, 29 Hospitals and Asylums, 127 Immigration Department, 101 Intercolonial Railway, 128 PAGE. I. (). O. F lar. Knights of Pythias i;i') Light Houses, Bay of Fundy,., 20 Loyal Orange Association,.. . . 138 Mari>ie& Fisheries Department 20 Market Tolls, 28 Muncipality <.'ity and County of St. John, 50 Mount Allison College, 9(1 Masonic, 133 Militia, 139 New Brvinswick Railwav Co., ..131 Officials City of St. John, 48 Officers Diocesan Ch. Society, 88 Principal Articles of Calendar, 19 Public H(»lidays, &c., 20 Pilotaj."' Districts, 25 Pon.> Cart, Express Waggons, 31 Portl'd Fire Alarm Telegraph, 53 Province of New Brunswick, . . 77 Presbyterian Clergyman, !I0 Post Office Department, 97 Rates of Pilotage, 25 Rates of Wharfage, 2G Rates of Slippage, 28 Rates of Cartage.City, 30 Rates of Fen'iage, Carleton, . . 31 Rates of Cartage, Carleton 32 Royal Family, 75 Roman Catholic Clei-gy, 89 Reformed Presbyterian C'hurch 90 Roman Catholic Temperance Associations, 137 Stamp Duties, 122 St. John & Maine Railway C«).,i;W Steamers Empress '»."d Scud, . .130 Th« Seasons .20 Top Wharfage 26 Time for going through Falls,.. 29 Time Ball, St. John 29 T«)wn of Portland, 53 Town of Woodstock, 5(5 Table for Foretelling Weather, 80 Time for holding Coui-ts, 81 Tariff Custom Duties 102 Telegraph Companies, 131 Temperance Organizations,. ...136 Wesleyan Methodist Clergy, . . 89 7o\ for Oats and Feed goto HORNCASTLE'S, Indiaotown, FELLOWS' DYSPEPSIA BITTERS for H<»artburn. 1882.] ADVERTISEMENTS. 143 HST-A-BLISHBID 1826. rs '. EANKmE & SONS, WEA IKEEI, OFFICE: 14 Mill Street, - - - St. John, N. B. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers IN AhL KIND» OF FANCY BISCUITS, Pilot, Hedinm and Navy FANCY CAKE AND PASTRY, Wedding Cake made to Order. S«le Manufacturers of the Original PHILADELPHIA SODA BISCUIT. Orders from the Country containing remittances promptly attended to. T. A. RANKINE. A. BANKINE. O 5. B e 5 s ^» B (t O 1 p. 05 O B* C B* 03 B B P B m S B O (C O o Q OJ B w Wrapping Paper and Twines, cheap, at HOBNCASTLE'S. 0> 9> a •0 I 144 Every Family inhoHld have FELLOWS' SPEEDY RETJEF. ADVERTIHEMENTH. [188'2. WILLIAM BLACK tm li ^ ^' tf -AND- a i ^J (3 9 O P * C3-E,OOEE,. DEALER IN Hemp and "i - Manilla ^r^ - TEAS, OB DUTY PAID. MAGEE BLOCK, WATER ST, SAINT JOHN, N. B. CAnneil CUmmIs In great variety at J. HOBN€ASTI£'S, EF. [1882. I t I. ^LO, ITS, &c. i ST. ( ' '». r %