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 General Linear Differential Equation 

 PRESS or 
 ■ AI.TI«0««. 
 The formation of functions, associated with differential equa- 
 tions and analogous to the invariants of algebraic quantics, has 
 occupied the attention of several mathematicians for some years, 
 because of their great value in leading to practical as well as 
 theoretical solutions of such equations. 
 Starting with the work of M. Laguerre and of Professor 
 Brioschi, M. Halphen, in two important memoirs,* indicated a 
 method for the formation of invariants, but involving very diffi- 
 cult analysis. He derived the two simplest invariants for the 
 cubic and quartic and such derivatives as may be deduced from 
 them. For this purpose he, by means of the transformation 
 Y=ye '• , brings the equation to a form having zero for 
 the coefficient of the second term. 
 Meauwhile Mr. Forsyth, starting with the letter of Professor 
 Brioschi, prepared a very valuable memoir,']' in which, by means 
 of the following transformations, he obtains a canonical form in 
 which the coefficients of both the second and third terms vanish. 
 This may be stated as follows : 
 When the linear differential equation 
 ^ P, = o 
 *" M^moire snr U redaction des ^qaationrdiSerentielles lin^aires auz 
 formes integrables" (M/moiru du Savanti £tr»ngtrt. Vol. aS, No. i, 
 301 pp., 1880). Also, " Sur les invarients d«s Equations differentielles 
 lintfaires du quatriime ordre " [,Acta Mcitk., Vol. 3, 1883, pp. 3>5'-38o). 
 f " Invariants, Covariants and Quotient DerivatiTCS associated with 
 Linear Differential Equations."— /VI*/m«/;Ii'm/ TrantaetiMu •ftht Royal 
 Sttitty of Ltndtn, Vol. 179 (1888), A, pp. 377-489. 
has its dependent variable y transformed to « by the equation 
 V = «A A being a function of x and its independent variable 
 changed from x to z, where z and A are determined by 
 3 — *-» — > 
 = f-'. 
 /> ^ = o, 
 dx* ^ n+ I 
 the transformed in « is in the canonical form 
 dz'-* ^ 
 + Qn = 0, 
 ( — ) being the binomial coefficient ^pr^zTf] ' 
 The coefficients P and Q of these equations are «« connecteji 
 that there exist « - 2 algebraically independent functions a (^) 
 of the coefficients P and their derivatives which are such that 
 when the same function »,(*) is formed of the coefficients Q and 
 their derivatives, the equation 
 e,ix) = ij^y^aiz) (3) 
 is identically satisfied. For this form of the differential equa- 
 r=<r— 8 
 M^)=Q, + ^ ^£^ (-»)'«'. 
 <»r,» — 
 ff — I U - 2 1 2ff - .^Tlll 
 Thus e,{z) is independent of the order of the equat^n. In 
 this z is completely determined by equations (0 and (2). But 
 there may be difficulties in the way of solving (2). and thus it « 
 desirable to form the invariants for the uncanomcal form of the 
 ***ForThis purpose Mr. Forsyth establishes relations between 
 the coefficients /> and Q for tt»e case in which . being arbjt^ 
 is given the value x + c;«. where . is so small tnat the square 
; by the equation 
 pendent variable 
 nined by 
 . + Q,-o, 
 I are so connected 
 int functions S {x) 
 lich are such that, 
 coefficients Q and 
 : differential equa- 
 the equation. In 
 5(1) and (2). But 
 ig (2), and thus it is 
 nonical form of the 
 ;s relations between 
 har, being arbitrary, 
 lall that the square 
 and higher powers may be neglected, and ii is an arbitrary non- 
 constant function oix. These relations are expressed thus : 
 , (nut — 1 r ,! 
 {nis-o-i) + s + o-i}P> J^_r+'i] 
 These relations are fully developed in Mr. Forsyth's memoir ; 
 also in Dr. Craig's excellent work* they will be found, and such 
 a general treatment of the whole subject of differential equations 
 and differential quantics as makes the work an invaluable help 
 and guide to any student of the subject. 
 Then we derive 
 \i-{r + s-).!.'\-s.p/£^, 
 m=i imlr — m +!!''■ 
 tir-m + l// 
 - *=3i— 1 r ,1 
 The only invariants that have been formed, so far as I know, 
 are ^i , *« , *. , <'« and ^, , where ^, is the invariant of the rth order 
 of an equation of order n. 
 In Section I of this thesis the general invariant 0, is con- 
 sidered, and it is there shown that in the non-linear part every 
 term is of the form ABC. Where ^ is a number, ^ is a 
 function of P, and its derivatives, and C ?> L\n invariant or the 
 derivative of an invariant with suffix diffennf from s by an even 
 number. When s is even C may be a number. 
 Section II deals with the coefficients of (f„ giving some 
 * Treatise on Linear Differential Equations. By Thomas Craig, Ph.D. 
 Vol. I. 
 general expreMtons by which they may be calculated for any 
 value of i. . . J • 
 Section III treats of associate variables and associate equa- 
 tions, showing which are identical and which may not be. 
 Dr Craig having discovered that the condition for the self- 
 adiointness of the sextic and octic was that their invariants with 
 odd suffix all vanish, suggested to me the general theorem 
 announced in his treatise, pp. 293-295. The proof given at that 
 time only applied to equations in Mr. Forsyth's canonical form. 
 By aid of what is established in Section I, it is shown to apply 
 also to equations in any form. ... , , 
 A fuller history of the subject will be found in the works to 
 which reference has been made. ^ ^ . . . u j 
 This paper was not only suggested by Dr. Craig, but has had 
 his valuable criticism. 
Iculated for any 
 i associate equa- 
 nay not be. 
 tion for the self- 
 ir invariants with 
 general theorem 
 roof given at that 
 s canonical form. 
 ; shown to apply 
 d in the works to 
 >aig,but hashad 
 Section I. 
 The Form of the General Linear Prime Invariant t*,. 
 Since (i, has only a linear part when Z', vanishes, its form must 
 be as follows ; 
 [AP. 4- BF.., + (:/>:'-,+ . . . + fWi-" 1 
 + [/», {a.«._, + «.^.- . + «i^'-. + • • • + «.-.A-*' I ] 
 + in \ *.«.-» + *4K -. + ... + ^ -.''i'"" { ] 
 + [p';s ^A-« +<:.<*:-.+... +f.-./'i—'n 
 + [P\) rfA-4 +</.»:-.+... +''.-,/'i'-/'(] 
 + \.K\ \ 
 + [etc J 
 + [etc ] 
 etc., etc 
 In this (r) is the differential index, so that 
 The sum of the suffixes and differential indices, it will be 
 noticed, equals s for every term ; that is, B, possesses a kind of 
 homogeneity.* s is called the index or dimension number of 
 0,; the dimension number of /'J"'<T-« being 
 Denoting the terms within the square parenthesis by L, «, ^, r* 
 i, etc., then », = Z, + « + ^ + r + « + • . • 
 The notation used here will be nearly that used by Mr. 
 Forsyth, but to simplify the work the m's and their derivatives 
 arising from b=ix + sii will be dropped, that is, they will be 
 « Philoaophical Transactions, Vol. 179 (1888) A, pp. 391-92. 
 treated as unity, when the result will not be changed by doing 
 so. Also Z^"' = -J I will be considered = with P, 
 The general form of the terms in Z. is 
 I shall now show that when * is odd each of the numerical 
 coefficients a,,b,,c,,dn, etc., of the non-linear part of «, equals 
 From page 4 of the introduction we have 
 identically satisfied. If in the right member of this identity the 
 Q'i and their derivatives are replaced by their values in terms 
 of the /"s and their derivatives, as expressed by formulae (5) 
 and (6) (page 5, introduction), then the terms of dimension ' s ' 
 in each member cancel, those of dimension ' j — i ' furnish the 
 numerical coefficients in the linear part L, and there remain 
 terms of dimension equal to and less than s — 2 with which we 
 may determine the coefficients of the non-linear part. 
 Remembering the convention Pl"^ =. /*,, formulae (5) and 
 (6) are included in 
 ^• = /'i'>ii-(r-Hj)./i'| 
 r = o, I, 2, 3 . . . i 
 Also, difTerentiating the invariants, we find 
anged by doing 
 i,2....f— 2. (a) 
 >f the numerical 
 part of ff, equals 
 this identity the 
 r values in terms 
 by formulae (5) 
 of dimension ' s ' 
 — 1 ' furnish the 
 nd there remain 
 2 with which we 
 T part, 
 jrmulae (5) and 
 + 1) 
 r-m + l) 
 • + »)( 
 t, 3- 
 . S 
 ■ (7) 
 Then i^. = /». (I - 2t//) - ? + ' «//", 
 I?, = /»,(!- 6t/i') - i5e//'/» - 4 (« + 9) ^m'"/** 
 - 5 (« + 4)'/^"'/'. - *(3« + 7) '/^'•"/'. - " -;^ " 5*/^"*. 
 'g = />; (1 _ 3.//) _ 2.m"/> - "-±i c/.'^ 
 -^^ = />i" (I - 6*//) - gei/'P: - ^^ti."'P, 
 - « ^ )6jr«"iP. + (« + 5) m"'^.{ - a (« + *M^ 
 etc. ... etc. 
 From these follow 
 iK = /»; ) I - 2r./i'} - r/>;-' "J ^ .m'«. 
 If /^,"«*i*_-«" be a term in S., then will the term -^ ^^I, 
 be multiplied by (/)' or (i — siit), and 
 = (I + «y) I P'," (I - seja') - 9«m"^.' 
 «=«-• r X — 5! 
 |(.-x)(.-4-»») +»f i^i-'.M'"-*— *]• 
 In this equation the terms oif dimension ' s ' cancel and — e 
 is a factor of the remaining terms, so that when every term in 
 S, is treated in this way, all terms of dimension ' s ' cancel each 
 other and the remainder is divisible by — t. Denoting by HL 
 the remainder of the linear part A by H, the remainder of the 
 (ti \ ** • 
 — j the binomial coefficient jp(:^zry\' 
 also omitting the /x's and dividing by — e, we get 
 jiL^Al"^ />._.+ '-^.in+ I + 2is- 2)/'._, + etc.1 
 L "* 2.3. -J 
 + Bis- I P.-1 + .'•}+'•' 
 1? rf«— 
 ;» L»*'«— 4"""*' 
 X — 4 — »» ! 
 J ' cancel and — e 
 den every term in 
 )n ' * ' cancel each 
 Denoting by RL 
 i remainder of the 
 efficient yrf^ZTrl' 
 f- 2)/»_, + etc.J 
 • "J T • • • 
 ,. x=l,2,3...* 
 + C [{s-2)P,-^ + ... + Y7^{ 2 (j - 2) + ij />;_, 
 +;i:{r^)"-^'S-(s)}(^-'' >" 
 for the first three terras of B,. Replacing A, B, C, etc., by their 
 s s.s — I .s— 2 
 values ((a) p. 8) I, - -|^ , ^"^ •/_ ^ , etc., the (r + i)9t 
 term gives 
 ,_ y s\s—2\2s—r—2\ 
 ^ ^' 2. r! J— r! J— r — i ! 2^—3! 
 f ( s — r \ n + I X — r~ I 
 \v-r) 2 X — r+i 
 x = r + i,r + 2, 
 as a remainder. By giving r all values o, i, 2, 3, ... (10) ex- 
 presses the whole of HL. 
 *«= P, [J (*- 3) «A-. + «*)*-4.<'.-« + (2*-7)<^.-*l + etc.] 
 r = X — 2 J , 
 with similar expressions for the other parts, Urt R^, etc. Suppose 
 that the coefficient of /»<!», in RL is A^(n + i) + A + C 
 Then the general forms 
 (->'T iimi'^XB^) ^^ <" ^-'"'^ 
 r = », w + I, ... X — I, 
 (-.)' H>-)(^Fi-^-)(r^-.>"-'-'"' 
 r.= w, » + I, • . . X — I. 
 will, when expanded, give A^, B^ and C respectively. In these 
 i^l.-AZL^ is the reciprocal of f^^^). Thus A is found 
 to be 
 L f z^— »>— 
 2... 2f — X — 2 
 X — W+I 
 X— t;— I 
 X — V\ 
 S — V — I 
 + 25-z>-4---2Y'~''='-z^-3 
 j — t; — I . s — V— 2 
 X —V—l\ ' ^ 1.2 
 2S — X .2S — X — I . . . 2S — X — 2 
 X S-V-l...S-x+_2 ^ ^^^ 
 ^ X — V — 2! 
 \ (S — X + V — I ... J — I 
 j - ^ [ 's-v+i\ 
 S — V — 1 . . . S — x\ 
 X — v\ 
 S — V — I . , . S — X 
 X — V — I 
 Use the upper or lower signs according as x — » is odd dr 
 even. To obtain this result expand 
 «* (I — ;r)— — ' = jc'-Cs — v- i)x' 
 + a «*-... -(-I) i,_t,_2l^ 
^t — »l I 
 + 1, ... X — I, 
 lively. In these 
 Thus A is found 
 V — I 
 X — V—l 
 V — I . S — V— 2 
 ~ I . 2 
 — X — 2 
 S— * \-V . . . ^— I 
 X — v\ 
 . . . S — I 
 13 X — 3; is odd dr 
 w-ii^_. ?-(») 
 'SiB^irWriini* wnnw wiwiMni 
 .j_,v-.-.) == ^ + (25 _ X _ 2) -i 
 X — V + 112S — X — 2\ 
 Differentiating the last equation, 
 — 2X~ 
 •(I -AT)-"-'-" 
 _ (2* - X - 2) X-* (I - *)-<»'-'-' 
 _ — I _ 25— X — 2 
 + . . . x—V—l 
 + ... 
 + + 
 3 ! 2 J — X — 3 ! 
 V — 2 ! 
 — t/+i ! 25— X— 3! 
 The coefficient of Jf""* in the product of the right members 
 of (a) and (b) is the series of terms in square parenthesis in the 
 expression of Ai above, and the coefficient of x"— in the pro- 
 duct of the left members is the quantity within square paren- 
 thesis in the final value given for A^. 
 Bx is found by putting (i - x)— — * and (i - xy—'-* equal 
 to their expansions and taking the coefficients of *"-•+* from 
 the product of the left members and also from the product of 
 the right members. Then 
 ^^~^~^^''\^)\v^)\2S-i) ~2V [_~~ X-V+ l~~ 
 If in these expressions fory4i, Bi and G, » is made equal to 
 zero, then for all odd values of x 
 Ar = o = Bx + Q, (II) 
 while for even values of X 
 ."^a^^/Ut^/ I („) 
 j^______^ („ + I) + ___ J j 
 For v= I 
 A, (« + i) + ^, + Q 
 and X increased by unity, ^i (« + 1) + ^i + Q becomes the 
 same as in (12) multiplied by ^ . Then in HL, if JFbe 
 the coefficient of Z'. _ , when x is even, 
 - W. 
 S — X 
 is the coefficient of ^_«_i. 
 W hen v = x — 2,\etAi(n+i) + Bi+Cihe denoted by a„ . 
 The following are the values of -<4, , Bi and Ci when » = x — 2 J 
 ^'-^-"'^ [^)\x-i]{2S-3) J-xfl.J-x.4 
 2J — X— I . 2f— X— 2 . 2J— 2X + 3. x— i 
 2.6 ~ 
 '■. = (-)-'(TX£fXiI^,) 
 2S—X—2. y— 2« — 2.x— I 
 2.6 ~ 
 Now, when the whole remainder is considered, the coefficient 
 of each of the (/'i*2j^)'s must be zero. Let us now consider 
 those terms of dimension x — 2. They will be foiind only in 
 ^ If 
 XL and /?a. The coefficient of /*._, is — oj, + —J— «i. This 
 equals zero, and when v=o and x = 2 
 «■■ = i (l)('-^)(sii)«« - 3X» + ■) + •• - 5- + 61. 
 The coefficient of /^_, is, by (13). 
 — V — a, + — ^— tf» 
 *— 2 
 a, = o. 
 «+ 1 
 The coefficient of P'.Lt is 
 6 * ^ 6 'V 2 y 4 . 2* - 3 
 i;,.ijpi^iiiSi4..^''!:Wi'./iM^'.^^. .• ' ■ ■ 
WTBi l M liiii i n i'\t ^'« ttiMOBM imtam fi ^ aM .'m 
 Q becomes the 
 iiin/?Aif IVbt 
 -1- (13) 
 e denoted by a^. 
 , wheni'=* — 2: 
 . 2S—*—l.2S~ x 
 2S—2* + $.x—l 
 — 2«— 2.x— I 
 .6 ""• 
 'ed, the coefficient 
 i us now consider 
 be foiind only in 
 . n + i 
 Ot. This 
 + J»-5* + 6}. 
 + (f-2).(i-3)}. 
 « + I 
 — flw 
 Substituting for Ot and «,« their values, 
 «• = J^ (i)(-l ') ^ (-'"^ .X..-5)+.-4..-5}. 
 Calling the three terms whose sum gave the coefficient of P','_^ 
 i, II, K, then the coefficient of /*i?., is 
 "^ a, + -'^ -I + -f~4ri-^ " - «» = "» + ^1 + /^. + ''i. 
 say. The last three terms reduce to zero ; therefore 
 a, = 0. 
 The coefficient of /*i*i, = », + ^» + /^i + «i., say 
 s — ^.s — 6 
 4 . 2J — 9 
 .«!— «1. = 0. 
 Reducing this, 
 *• = ='^i^ \i-6!j-6!2J-3!3!2 
 — 6 / *!.r— 2! 2f — 12! \, , , X, , 
 + s — 6.s — 'j\. 
 Similarly th may be shown equal to zero and 
 — 6 j!* — 2!2*— 16! , , , .. -. 
 «• = ^+7 2.3i^-8i.-8!2.-3l ^^^" -^ ^^^"' - 9^ 
 + 5 — 8. J — 9}. 
 Had the terms in the coefficient of PSii been denoted by 
 *4-^ Ot, a,, A,, Ai, and Ox,, then those giving a, would be 
 6 • 2.2J— 15 * 4.2J— 13 • * 
 6 . 2*— 1 1 
 It thus appears that A., ju,, ct have a relation between them 
 similar to >l„ /nt, r* and K%ih,«rx, etc.,^and if we follow the same 
 law the coefficient of i^ri becomes 
 + 1 ,/ Ml + lf *U— 2I2J— X — 2/— 2! 
 2J— 2x.2f— 2X— 2.i9fl, , 
 where ^ = 2* — 4/ — i and 
 0, =t {/>(« + 0(2* -2p-l) + is- 2P){S -2P- l)K 
 2/ = 2, 4, 6 ... X — I or X. 
 Also a, would equal zero when x is odd, and when * is even 
 *" «+ 1 2.3l5-x!5-x!2j--3! V2 '^ 
 To prove that this law holds, consider the series 
 / = (- I)" [(« + I) 4T7-7rr:rx -TT 
 • — 2 ! 2* — X ! 
 ! X — 2 ! 2J — 3 1 
 J ! J _^ zr— X — 1 ! (25 — 2«)( J — 2x + 3) 
 ^rr—x ! 5 — x— i!x — 2!2J— 3! 
 ^ ! ^ — 2 ! 2.? - X — 2 ! (3f - 2x - 2)(2.y - 2x)(s - X + i) 
 4!^ — x!5 — x+ l!x — 2!25— 3! 
 5 ! J — 2 ! 2J — X — 2^ — 2 ! 
 2S — 2X 
 4!x — 2^!* — x!j — x + i!2*~3! 
 X 2J — 2X + 2 . 2J — 4^ — I . <?/, 
 2/ = 2, 4, 6 ... X — 1 or X. 
 The first three terms are what A . ^1 and Q become when v is 
 made equal to x — 2. As the series is to be shown to be equal 
 - . S\S—2\2S — 2X — 2 1 
 to zero, the common factor (—1)" a\s — x\s — x + it 2s — ^i 
 may be omitted. Then 
 -;?• . 2J — X — /^ — I . . . 2S — 2X — I 
 77^^+ 2! 
 / 2^ — x-jg- \ _ 25 - 
 2S-.-jr 2S-.-^- l ^ (^ + 2) = ^ (^). (X4) 
 x—g+ 2.x— g + 1 
 The series to be considered now becomes 
 dwhen * is even 
 ){2S -x-l) 
 2 ! 2 J — 3 ! 
 2X){S ■ 
 — X 
 + 1) 
 S — 2X 
 .25 — 
 — I. 
 'i become when v is 
 shown to be equal 
 2 1 2J — 2« — 2 1 
 r — X + I ! 2J — 3 ! 
 . . . 2f — 2X — I 
 .2;ir(^). say. 
 i) = x(jr)' (14) 
 / (4) . 25 — X . 2J — * — I . 2J — X — 2 . 2J — X — 3 . (« + l) 
 — ;f (4) . 25 — X — 1 . 2J — X — 2 . 25 — X — 3 . 25 — 2x . 5 — 2x + 3 
 + ;f (4) . 25 — X — 2 . 25 — X — 3 . 25 — 2x . 5 — X + 1 . 35 — 2x — 2 
 — ;|r(4).25— 2X.25— 2X +JI.25— 5(n(25— 3) + 5* — 35 + 3) 
 — ;f (6) . 25— 2X . 25 — 2X + 2 . 25 — 9 (2« . (25 — 5) + 5* - 55 + lo) 
 — /(8).25— 2X.25— 2X + 2 . 25 — 13 (3«. (25— 7) + 5*— 75+21) 
 — /(2^+2).25 — 2X.25— 2x +2. 25 — 4/— l{/» (25 — 2/— l) 
 + 5» - (2/ + 1)5 +/(2^ + I)}, 
 2/ = X — I or X. 
 Consider the coefficient of n, 
 ;^ (4) [25 — X . 25 — X — I . 25 — X — 2 . 25 — X — 3 
 — 25 — 2x . 25 — 2X + 2 . 25 — 5 . 25 — 3] 
 = ;?« [8^ — 4* (2« .+ 3) + * (* + 11)] X — 2 . X — 3 
 =:x — 2.x — 3./(4) Ji.say, 
 = 25 - X ^ 4 . 25 — X - 5 Jvir (6) by (14). 
 Take from this 
 ;f (6) . 25 — 2X . 25 — 2x + 2 . 25 — 9 . 25 — 5 . 2i 
 and the second remainder is 
 ;f(6)x-4.x-5.[i25»-65(2x + 5) + x(x + 29)] 
 = X — 4. X — 5 .;f (6) 4„ say. 
 This equab 
 25 — X — 6 . 25 — X — 7 . ;if (8) J, by ( 14). 
 Take from this the next term of the series, 
 ;f (8) . 25 — 2X . 25 — 2X + 2 . 25 — 13 . 25 — 7 . 3 ; 
 the remainder is " 
 x-6.x-7;f(8;[l65»-85(2x.+ 7) + x(x + 55)] 
 = 25 — X — 8. 25 — X — 9 ./ (10) J,, say. 
 Supposing this law to hold for all differences till the (m— i)th, 
 it can be shown to hold for the mth. The (m — i)th is 
 X + 2 - 2W.X + 1 - 2«.;^(2«)[4W5*- 2»m(2x + 3« - l) 
 + X (x + 4W' + aw - I)] = z(2« + 2) ^—1 
 2j — X — 2»» . 2J — X — am — I. 
 Taking from this 
 there remains 
 - 2 (W + l)(2x + 2W + I) + x(x + 4«' + 6»» + I)] 
 = « - 2m . X - 2WI - lAf (2»» + a) J, ; 
 that is, the mth difference is the same function of m as the 
 /^-,_ i)th is of »» — I. .. , , ,^ _ 
 When 2W = 2/ = X - I or X the subtrahend is the last term 
 of the series and the difference vanishes. , Thus we see the 
 coefficient ofn in the series vanishes. .»/•«;. 
 The algebraic sum of the first four terms mdependent ot n is 
 X- 2.x-3;?(4)[2^--**(2x + 8) + icw(x + 1) 
 then by (14) it equals 
 Jj2« — X — 4.2J — X — 5. ;ifC6). 
 Taking from this 
 ;^(6) 2J - ax . 2J - 2x + 2 . 2* — 9 • *• - 5* + 1° 
 there remains 
 „.6)x-4.x-s[a**-(« + «)^ + (i4«+25)*-«(« + 29)] 
 If the (m - i)th difference be 
 x-2». + 2.x-aw + i./(a«.)[ai*-(ax + 4«)^+{2«(2«+i) 
 + 2(m - i)(2i« + i)}*-x(x + 4»»»' - 2*«- ^>J' 
 which we will denote by <^ (« - 1) ; then the »ith is 
 <&(«- i)-z(2'«+2)[2J-2x.25- ax + a. a*- 4»»- I 
 = y (aw + 2).x - 2m. X - 2m - i[2«»- i*(ax + 4(»» +0 
 4-{3x(2m+3) + 2»»(2'"+3)}*-«(«+4»»*+6»»+0J 
 J (2x + 2m—i) 
 (2IW + 2) -^.-i 
 --1.2S — /^m — t. 
 + 4»»' + 6»t + i)] 
 ction of m as the 
 nd is the last term 
 , Thus we see the 
 ndependent of n is 
 t + i) 
 2.x — 3Xt^i'^^y> 
 t» - 54 + 10 
 »-25)i-x(* + 29)] 
 + ^m* — 2m- i)]. 
 tie mth is 
 + a . 2* — 4*** ~" * 
 l)j + «»(2»»+l)}] 
 a* (2x + 4 (»» + i) 
 This vanishes when 2m = x or x — i, and also completes the 
 Thus the whole series has been shown to vanish whatever be 
 the value of x. (15) 
 Assuming that <!« = o when x is odd, and 
 — 6 *!j— 2!2J — 2x! f X / , x/ \ 
 = W+i 2.3\s-.\s-.\2S-3\ |y("+0(2^-x-1) 
 + (f - x)(f - X - I) } 
 for all even values of x less than 221/ + i> then it may be shown 
 to be true when x = 2w + i and 2W + 2. The coefficient of 
 /'i-tolii in HL is a,„+ti and if Mi represent the value of «« 
 when X is even, and N^ represent the expression 
 SIS — 2\2S — T 
 2\t\s — TlS — T — l\2S— ^l' 
 i. e. the coefficient of PlV.r in L, then the whole coefficient of 
 Pi*:^ii'U is 
 ^- a^+, + «,.„+, - iM\Nf-V + MINT--,* + MvNtLV 
 + . . . + i«/;jNri_..] ^^ 
 Now <h.*m+\ is the sum of the first three terms of F, and the 
 following terms are those of Talso; for taking any one of them, 
 it becomes, when written in full, 
 6 «+i s\s — 2\2s — 4^ 
 « + I ( 
 2.3u-2^u-2^!2.:::i! ^*(«+')(«-^^-») 
 -'+(s — 2g)(s — 22— i)] 
 S — 2gl S — 22 — 2 \2S — 2W—28 — Z 
 2\2W — 22 + l\ S — 2W — l\ S — 2W — 2\ 2S — ^ — ^\ 
 S\ S — 2\ 2S — 2W — 22 — x\ . 0, 
 =s — , , i 3 5 f 2S — AW 
 \\ 2W — 22 -^ l\ S . 2W — l!*— 2ZC!2f— 3! ^ 
 X 2J — 4W + 2 . 2J — 4« — 1, 
[ill ■ 1 
 II ! 
 i ,;i 
 which coincides with the last terms of 1' when « = aw + i and 
 m:=/>. Thus the coefficient of P!^i.t i consists of ^^-g— «.. + 1 
 plus a series of terms which vanish by (15) ; then 
 The coefficient of /*!!!'», -1 is 
 + . . . + ^;.^.'-i-] = o- 
 r gives all the terms in this expression when x = 2a/ + 2, 
 excepting the first or "^ a,.+.. But the last term M\J^]-,. 
 is the second last in F when x = 2a; + 2, 2/ = 2, 4 • • • aw + 2. 
 Taking T from the above coefficient, -g- Of+i 5- ^•''+« 
 is the coefficient, since r = o always. And as this must vanish. 
 Thus (16) shows that if for any odd value of « and all lower 
 odd values a. = o, then «.+. = o. and (17) shows that if for 
 any even value and all lower even values a,= M'n, then 
 «« + ! = J^'n + t' 
 On pages 14 and 15 it is shown that «. = o for x = 3. 5. 7 and 
 a ^; for X = 2, 4, 6. 8. Therefore it follows that (16) and 
 (17) are true for all values of o'. 
 It foUows. then, that in 9, the row of terms designated a, of 
 which Pt is a factor, contains no invariant or derivative of the 
 This is also the case for the terms entering in the row desig- 
 nated /9 and of which Pi is a factor, for the term /\^.-4 is found 
 only in Ra and Hfi. Its coefficient is 
 2*4 + (2J — 7)<»«; 
 A _ g^-7 - 
 X = 2W + 1 and 
 tS OI — z — <»iif + l 
 hen x = 2w + 2, 
 = 2, 4 ... aw + 2- 
 } this must vanish, 
 [>f X and all lower 
 I shows that if for 
 = J/;, then 
 > for X = 3, 5. 7 and 
 3WS that (16) and 
 ns designated a, of 
 : derivative of the 
 J in the row desijj- 
 irm /».^.-« is found 
 Any term as /'■^i-';", * being odd, could appear only in i?a 
 and i?/9, and as it does not appear in Ha it cannot in H^, 
 The coefficient of Pt^ir^i;" is 
 a*„ + (« - i)(aj - a« - 3) a», = o. (19) 
 The terms of dimension s— i and of form Pt'^Z, can appear 
 only in 7P/9 and Hy, and when * is odd no such term appears 
 in /?/9 ; therefore it does not enter into Xr. 
 When X is even, the coefficient of /'i^i-M*' is 
 5^,. + (2K - 3)(5 - « — 2) *„ = o. (ao) 
 In this way it is' easy to see, by taking one row after another, 
 that the non-linear part ofB, contains no term having 0i,'lK as a 
 factor when x is odd. (21) 
 From this it follows that if all the invariants of a diflferential 
 equation with even suffix vanish, the linear part of each vanishes. 
 The same is true for those with odd suffix. (22) 
Section II. 
 Thb Coefficients of B,. 
 tf, has, as we have seen, a linear part expressed by 
 rmt — 
 "f NlP^r, 
 Then follow a series of terms 
 expressed generally by 
 6 — [Sr] j|j-alaj-4«i ) 
 {x(«+iXaJ-2«-0 + ('-2x)(*-a*-i)}»i!li;") 
 'nil meaning the greatest integer in '-^ . Then follow 
 F>, {dA-i + *.*"-• + *•**-• + -"^ 
 + Pli {cA-4 + (**>"-* + c^sY-, + . . .} 
 + /n" {efi>.-, + *.«i'^. + «..*r-» + • • •} 
 + •• V 
 These are expressed generally by 
 Hy.e^fi."-*' + /'i'-'" 2:" " q^B^tu'-*^ 
 = a, 4, 6 . . • etc. 
 ised by 
 .. + ...} 
 P':ir. (as) 
 Then follow 
 + ...} 
 + ...} 
 + . ..} 
 = 2, 4, 6 . . • etc. 
 If any two coniccutive rows be considered, for which (w = /*), 
 the remaii'.der arising from them will contain a term ^ 
 found nowhere else, because all rows preceding these have /T' 
 as a factor where v < n, and rows following them have a re- 
 mainder in which the index of *,_„ cannot be as great as 
 (ax — At — 3). This remainder is 
 r *~' i 
 + ^/>jM-.) + . . . +1 "r «„<><•==•'-" 
 r= 2* — fi— 2 
 + . . . + terms of lower dimension 1 £ ^ ^w^i-wc" " 
 r = ax — M — 3 • 
 Equating the coeiBScient of the term Pir^eirLu"'*^ to zero we 
 In this X is any number and fi any of the values of v, so that 
 the coefficients g^ of any row may be expressed in terms of 
 those of the preceding row, viz. ««. 
 (25) when simplified gives 
 /»+ I 
 (4 + f^)9 
 _ (2X — M — 2)(2S —2x — ti— 3) ■■ 
 Making m = o, i, 2, 3 • • • this gives 
 4. 1 .*,. = - (2X - 2)(25 - 2x - 3)a„ 
 5 . 2 . f« = - (2X - 3)(2J - 2* - 4) *« 
 6. 3. if„ = — (2x - 4X25 - 2x - 5)f„ 
 • •• »..••• 
 (m+i)(4 + /')?.« =- (2«-/*-2X2*-2«-/*-3)«««- 
 Equating the product of the right members to the product of 
 the left gives 
 ft+l!M + 4l ( ilu^i 2X-2J25-2X-3! ^^g^ 
 ?«• J\ '^ ■' 2x— /I— 3 ! 2*— 2x— /i— 4 1 
 The ^'s being coefficients in the row multiplied by PiT+J^ it 
 is seen that the coefficient of any term of the form Pi«'»i*ii*-" 
 may be expressed in terms of the a'a. Writing this coefficient, 
 for brevity, W^"*-" , then 
 2x — 2 ! 2f — 2X — 3!fiJ — 2!2J — 4x' 
 d\d + ^\2x—9—2\2S—2x — S—i\2S-3\s—2x\S—2xl2 
 ' • (27) 
 There still remain terms of the form 
 Here a, 6, c, d, etc., are indices expressing powers of the 
 factors to which they are attached. (a*^^«Oir' » the coeffi- 
 cient of the term having such indices, powers and suffix s — 2x. 
values of v, so that 
 ressed in terms of 
 2x — /* — 3) 
 - 3) ««« 
 J2J— 2x— /t— 3)«»ic. 
 rs to the product of 
 ""3' ^. a>.. (26) 
 tiplied by Pr+" it 
 e form Pi«'»i*^*-" 
 ting this coefficient, 
 IxlS — 2x! 2 
 ' • (27) 
 «+ I . 
 sing powers of the 
 ■•i*e')ir' is the coeffi- 
 •rs and suffix s — 2x. 
 Throughout the whole invariant the order of the factors will be 
 taken so that _ _ _ _ 
 «<)?<>'<*<«. etc. (28) 
 2x = »» + a(a + 2) + *(/S + 2) + tf(r+2) 1 (^q) 
 + rf(a+2)+<f(« + 2)+ ... J ■ ^"^ 
 The numerical value of (a'/S»r°^cOir» is found by equating 
 the coefficient of />i"'"-PiP''/'r"/*i*''/'i"*"*^i^«»n*e remainder 
 to zero. 
 It is 
 +(«-'i9'r-^.-»e+«+2)i:' ^^nrrlr' (^•+^+«) 
 + («'^-y^e->e + /S + 2)i:'*^^f±|f (2e+6 + i9) 
 + («'/?r-'*'e— e+r+2)i:> yffilf (2e + 6 + r) 
 + («-|9»r'^-V-'e + «+2)i:>^;t^' (2c+6 + «) 
 + (a^^fS't' - •2e + 2)}:' /'."^/;, (3* + 6) 
 e!e + 3! 
 ., »» + e + 2 
 WIe + 3! 
 {(e + 3)(*-2«) + »»} 
 =0. (30) 
 5^ 2'(ori.+.2'(«rr-«*«-*)'"^7r^ 
 jT — e + 2 Y = ..2x 
 — 2(a + * + c + rf+ *)'— 2» + 2 \\\ 
 (t)ri.+i is the numerical coefficient of /»i"»i^,_._,. 
 oACidiitx take all values consistent with e^ < e, and 
 ai + *i + ^i + </i + #1 = the constant (a + * + ^ + rf+ * — i). 

 I, .! 
 (<^^f9*t—^y^ stands for the numerical coefficient of 
 r = 2x — a (fli + *i + A + <^ + *i + ») 
 - « - a,a - *i/J - Ar - «^* — (^» + 0«- 
 In the coefficient (a'./S».r'«3*>«'0ii*— -r ^ is to be changed to 
 ,_,_„_. 2. When * - 2x = 2 the terms that must be added 
 are easily recognized. r iHaiu-») t« 
 For an example, let us find the coefficient of Pl»lr!L*, - in 
 |- («+l)(o0ft''-'"+O + O + O+O+(</2)8r-"" — 
 2x — lO . 2x — II 
 » + I 
 + ?_+i [(o).((/)li-r."'+(o)i«(oP)«r-%">+(o)i*>(oP)li«-."> 
 + ... + (o)i5'-.i"(tf)w] = o. 
 This states that 
 n + I times the coefficient of /1»i*iu"' 
 + twice the coefficient of P\PWlu*'^ 
 ^ a«-io.2«-ii (y_^_ 12) times the coefficient of 7n<?il».. 
 + ^+JL times a number of terms = a 
 Any one of these last terms, as (o)^' Wi?-"."' . « "S* «S « f"" 
 thus: The coefficient of /Vi«. times the coefficient of /1»i«u+'« 
 in the invariant »i*i.. , -,„t^ 
 As another example, find the coefficient of /»J/>i»> /^i" '^-•«- 
 2x = m + 23, tf = 2,3 = 3.f = 2, 
 o = o, i? = I, t = 3, rr = 1 . 3 . 5 . • • a« — *7. 
tefficient of 
 r=jf + It — 
 r — d,9 — (,ei+ i)«. 
 ; is to be changed to 
 \ that must be added 
 Qt of Pjoi^r."'. In 
 ? = 6, 
 y sz 2* — 12 — ff. 
 10) Jl 
 - 12) 
 coefficient of 71<?i^».. 
 JT."' , is written in full 
 Efficient of /1#i*iu+'. 
 , 5 . . . 2x — 17' 
 ^^-^ (o^i'3')i:' + (o^»*3 . 5)i:' (2 . 6 + o) 
 + r4i(3-6 + 0(<^i'3.6)J:' 
 + ^, (2.6 + 3)(o^i'8)i:' 
 + HLZl^ (6i - lox - 23)(6'i'3X+-^* 
 Mt I Ol 
 + ^[(3)i" {(o»i»3)&ri»+(|)c(o^i'3)l?!-. 
 + (rfi«2)ffL.} + (3)S{(<^i*3)l!?rr 
 + ^A) C(o«i»3)ir-." + (f) C(6'i'2)irrr 
 + (-^) C(o*i3)irr." + [■^)c(.c^i'2)&=i> 
 + (A) c(o'i*)irr.« f (-J) C(tf3)i?'-. 
 + (-2-) C(o*i2)irL. + (f ) C(o»i*)i:L,} 
 + (3)8' { i^i*3)Szii 4- (^) C (o»i»3)i?rJ| 
 + (f ) C(rfi'2)i?rj| + (^) C(o*i3)i?rA' 
 +(f ) C(tf3)i?-a + (-^) C(o«i2)tfzS 
 + ("f ) c (tf lOirr ji + (f ) c (o^2)&=ii 
 + (-5-) C(o*0&r}i> (^) C(o*i)!i-u} 
 + ■ 
 (3)r--u»' {(o^i)'*' + (oT'} + (3)ar-»i'» {(o*)}] 
 • =o. (33) 
 In this r varies, being =y\-it — m always, and C also 
 varies. The term (3)?4(|-)(o^2)&-" ^ea^ t^* coefficient of 
 /»i"<>i*lu times the coefficient of /»JPi'«i*l.*Vu in the invariant 
 ^riu multiplied by (-2-) C- r = m - 5 + 9 - w = 4. and C 
 is the numerical coefficient of P\PfP^^ in * 
 Thus every term in the invariant #, has been considered, and 
 by (23), (24) and (27) every coefficient has been expressed by 
 simple formulae in terms of * and n excepting those represented 
 by (30), and they are expressed in terms of preceding coefficients. 
xrays, and C >1bo 
 the coefficient of 
 •!n« in the invariant 
 ) — m = 4i and C 
 een considered, and 
 been expressed by 
 ig those represented 
 ■eceding coefficients. 
 Section III. 
 Associate Equations and Associate Variables. 
 In the memoir previously referred to, Mr. Forsyth shows 
 that in connection with any differential equation Ai of order 
 n there are n — 2 other equations, A,, A,, A^, . . . A,^i, whose 
 variables are formed as follows : Let ih, »,,«,,...«. be solu- 
 tions of ^], then if we take any two «a, »^, the determinant 
 I uxu^ 
 is a solution of At. Generally if we take any x of the «'s and 
 form a determinant 
 Uy . . . U, 
 l^f • • • **» 
 «ir-« »],«-" <-** 
 = ««, 
 where a, /9, ^ . . . x are any x of the numbers i, 2, 3 . . . n, then 
 a. will be a solution of A,. As there are f — j combinations of 
 n tiiingB X at a time, there will he [— ] variables a. satisfying an 
 equation A, of order ( -^j. A, will be called the (x — i)th 
 associate equation, and the variables a. the (x — i)th associate 
 variables. These variables a« are particular and linearly inde- 
 pendent solutions of ^.. v4,_i is the Lagrangian adjoint equa- 
 tion. a« may be written (<^/' . . . »<"~")f or, as we are not 
 concerned with which suffixes are taken, 0123 ... (x — i), then 
5" ... n — i'"-*') or 01234 ...(« — 2), 
 a.= («/9') = di, a« = (a/8'r"0=oi23. 
 The number of these « (-^) • 
 «._i=("3 4 5 
 while (i2'3"4"' • • • »»""') °f '234 • • • (» - >) 
 is the non.vanishing constant J. To illustrate what follows I 
 shall first take a particular case, n = 5. Then i4i will be 
 «"> + lof ,»" + 5f 4«' + ffi« = o- (34a) 
 «. «..«..««.«. are the five independent solutions ; then «,=oi. 
 o and I being the differential indices of the diagonal of the 
 determinant formed with any two of the u'a and their first de- 
 rivatives, then 
 ^ = fli =02, 
 Oi' =03 + I2,_ 
 a'," = 04 jf 2.I3,_ _ 
 fl^ = 3. 14 + 2. 23 + OS- 
 Substituting for u" in 05 its value from (35), 
 «i«) = 3 . 14 + 2 . 23 — io<p,62 — 5f .01, 
 ar + lOfiPS + S*"*®! = 3 • 14 + 2 . 23 = J4, say. 
 Difierenriating, __ _ _ 
 5 . 24 + 3 . I5J= ^. = 5i:*4 -.3 • lo^'." + 3<P.oi, 
 Ji-3«».«« = J»=5-24-30f«i^ _^ _ 
 il= 5.34 - 30(^1" + W) + 5- 25_ _ 
 = 5 . 34 - 30 (fii2 + f,i3) + 5 {5fi^2 + *'»o2}> 
 5i _ 5^,«i = 5 . 34 + (25«^* - 3^.) " - 3PV»]Z= '*' say- 
 ii = (25fi - SOfi') " + (25f « - 30W 13 _ 
 — 30f,Ci4 + ^) + 5-35 
 = (25fi - 30p'i') la + (50v»*^6o<pi) 13 
 + aSfiC**— 3'H). _ 
 y.~io?.5.-5f.«i' = -(5f.-25?'* + 30fi')i2 _ 
 + f50f4-6ofi) 13-60^,14- 
 .(«— 2), 
 rhat follows I 
 , will be 
 ; then«i=oi. 
 agonal of the 
 their first de- 
 *, say. 
 i5_ _ 
 f^2 + f.02}, 
 ,13 = *•• say- 
 ?i)i3 _ 
 + 23) + 5- 35 
 pi) 13 
 + 5V.(«i'-") 
 kI) 13 — 60V.I4- 
 iV^Fif ■ii^fPif^«RW/?lvs- 
 -YS - (s^P. - 25^« + 30fl'). >'=(50f«-6o^i), Z=-6o?.. 
 and ' , 
 4 — tOftSi — 5f »«i = h' 
 J. = -X'i2 + yi3 + ^14, (35) 
 y, = A"i2 + (A'+ r)i3 + (K+Z')i4+ r23 + Z(24 + T5) 
 ' — "7 ** — -f (4 + 2f,at) J 
 y. =. [x" + 2 ^) 12 + (2^' + r '+ 1') r3 
 + (-^+^+'?")H + (-^ + n23 
 + (-^' - ^(M + 15) 
 (Ji + 2?',fl,). 
 , /v/. ^ ^^' YZ\ — 
 -\-^ + 5 ^ »5 lo 30 
 Now we have four equations, (35). (36). (37). (38). by which 
 (12), (13) and (14) can be eliminated, leaving 
 *' ~5 30 ' 
 -« + 5 10 
 y + x. 
 r' + 2A" + ^. Z"-Y'^\X 
 30 - 
 rz'"- !>:::_ 3^1 
 30 J 
 an equation in «., its derivatives, and ^^f^^J^'^^f,^?^^ 
 the a)efficient8 of (34a). It » <>f *»>« ««"* ^"^^'"^ *«"* ^*"**'' 
 " + 2X' 
 . (38) 
 ;8), by which 
 _ 21 
 ' _ y - - A" 
 2 2 
 derived from 
 :r and linear, 
 and is the first associate of (34a). To obtain the second asso- 
 ciate, let uf represent the second associate variables. Then 
 w =6l2, 
 u/ =013, 
 «^' = 014 + 023, 
 a^" = 2 . 024 + 123 — ioy>, 012, 
 «^" + lofjzw = T, = 2 . 024 + 123, 
 rj = 3 . 124 + 2 . 634 + 2 . 5^4 0I2, 
 tJ — iof«ze> = 3. 124 + 2. 034 = T«, aay, 
 ^« = 5 • '34 + 3 . 125 + 2 . 035, 
 tJ + 3f»»' — lOf^ie/ = 5 . 134 + 20<P, 023 = T,, say, 
 ^» = 5 • 234 + 6oy, 123 + 2oyl 023 
 _^ ■— SVtit/ + loy.r,, 
 ^•+ 5f.«^ — lOf.T, = 5 . 234 + 6oiP. 123 + 2oyi 023 = r,. 
 Proceeding thus, four equations are obtained from which 
 024, 023 and 124 can be eliminated. The result is 
 A'{' + 
 ZxZ\ y,z. 
 30 • 
 5 10 
 n + Xu 
 z,z\ -^ 
 30 J 
 l'l" + 3A'i' + 
 7/ ^ 
 Z'i -Y[ — ^ 
 "^w_ Jl yii_ 3X'r\ 
 ' 2^» ~r 
 30 J 
 where JT, = 5^?, — 20<»J', K = 50^?^ — 140^; , Z = 6of,. 
 (40) is also of the tenth order and linear. 
 The third associate is the adjoint equation. It is 
 The first associate of this adjoint equation may be obtained 
 from (39) by writing in it 
 — Vt for v%> 
 5^4 — 20f i for 5^P4 . 
 A little examination will show that these transformations among 
 the coefficients, which change A, into A and A, mio A,, also 
 transforms A, into A, and A, into ^,, and in particular, 
 s^ St, s„ Su, X, VandZ 
 into T„T„T.,T,„X,, K.andZ, 
 respectively and vice versa. Then for the quintic at least it 
 follows that the rth associate of an equation is the^h associate 
 of the adjoint equation when 
 Preparatory to extending this theorem to the flth.c, it will be 
 well to consider it in a different way. 
 l(a,A, represent the first associate variable of the third asso- 
 ciate equation, and a.^. the (r- Ost associate variable of the 
 (i — i)st associate equation, then 
 . 1 (I2'3"4"')(.-6'S"9"') 
 If » = 5, then 6. 9, 8 will be 2, 4. 3. say, and the above 
 '^'°'"'' (23'4")(i5'2"3"'4'^) = --.(^3'4"). _ 
 where a, is the non-vanishing constant. Thena,-*^^ = CotA^, C 
 is a constant. Take « = 6. ^ is the adjoint Then 
 (I2'3"4"'5''), (12'3"4"'6"). (I2'3"5"'6") 
 12'3"4'"54. (12'3"4"'6'7. (I2'3"5"'6'^)' 
 (12'3'V"5'T. ("'3"4"'6")". (i?'3"5"'6'T 
 = fl;(i2'3") or «i^i^*» 
 ins among 
 o j4i , also 
 at least it 
 ii associate 
 :, it will be 
 third asso- 
 ible of the 
 the above 
 = Ca,Au C 
 a,/4, = CotAi, 
 where C= the constant J'. The general theorem 
 for all values of x and k for which x + -l= »; that is, the *- i)at 
 assocate variable of the adjoint equation is a constant multiple 
 of the (A-i)st associate variables of the original equation when 
 ««/^,_, is 
 C23'4"5"' . . . »"-"). (ISV'S'" . - «- I'— ', «(— )) 
 (I3V'5"'6" . . . »- ,<— ), «<-«),.. . 
 (I2'3" . . . x_ x'«-«', * + i(«-i) ^ ." J,(.-i)) 
 (23'4"5"' . . . «'—')'. dsV's'" ...» - i<— >, «'—))'. 
 ( )' . / ' y 
 (23'4"5"' . . . »'—•)''. (13V5'" . . . «"-')"'. 
 (23'4"5"' . . . «'— ')'«-", ... 
 (I2'3" . . . , _ i(«-«», , + i(.-.) ^ ^ ^ „(.-,,)„-„ 
 This is a determinant of order *. In the third and lower 
 rows each constituent equals the sum of a number of terms all 
 but one of which will contain «<•'. and substituting for thii its 
 mulLrnf'^' '•?•'"'"*"' equation, the terms arf seento^L 
 multiples of preceding rows and may be omitted. Each con- 
 deSJis ir ''"" '"* "'""^ °^ 1' ""^ '^^ --i"««»« 
 I'— ', 2'-», 3(-«), 4(.-.)...,,.-., 
 I'"-', a'—', 3'—'. 4'—' . . . «'"-' 
 i'"~"'. a'— ', 3'"-'. 4'"-"...«'"-«' 
 Having found a proof showing that <i,/^._, = fl.-.'^.J""' 
 was not, in general, true, I used it for the case when v=i, 
 when it is true that a.^._. = a._.^.J— . But this follows 
 immediately from Section 6, Chapter V, of Determinants, by 
 R. F. Scott. Then we conclude that for all values of * the 
 (x — i)8t associate variable of an equation is a constant multiple 
 of the (« — X — i)8t associate variable of its adjoint equa- 
 tion. ^ ^ (45) 
 When yii is self-adjoint, A,-i = A, and then 
 or all equations of complementary rank associate to a self-adjoint 
 equation are equal. (^o) 
 The associate equations A» and /f,-, are said to be of com- 
 plementary rank. 
 The question arises, does this hold for other associate equa- 
 tions of complementary rank, i. e. for any equation does 
 Turning to equations (39) and (40), make 
 y, =0 and fi = 5ff«» 
 then (39) reduces to an equation of the ninth order, there being 
 a linear relation between the a's. But /«, or (40) does not 
 a,/4, is now a non-vaniahing constant and cannot be a solution 
 ofAr Therefore a,^, does not equal ai.4,. (47) 
 . I 
 « ^ 
 Sech'0/i IV. 
 Conditions for the Sblf-Adjointness of Differential 
 Any equation is sdf-adjoint when its invariants with odd 
 suffix vanish. 
 Let r be the order of the equation. The relations which 
 exist between the coefficients are 
 + (^)/'iV+... « = i.2.3....r J 
 These relations follow from those given by Dr. Craig in his 
 treatise, pp. 490-493. For example, take the sextic (y), p. 491, 
 and (r)', p. 492. In order that it may be sdf-adjoint, 
 P. = P^3P, + 6P'>, 
 or generally, 
 (-.)■/>... =--r(-»-(^)/'fi.-.. 
 If the equation had been written with binomial coefficients 
 this would become 
 If we call 6 — X, f» and divide (— j it becomes 
 (- lyPm = /*. ~ mPi,_^ + ~, etc. 
 It is not difficult to see that this will hold for any equation. 
 First, let » be odd, then 
 o=2/'.-«/'i_. + (^)n'-.-(-|)/'l"-.+ -.etc. (48) 
 2^.= 2/>.-,./>._. + ^^(-f )/>:'_, 
 _ n-2\2n-5\ (n\ 
 2« — 3\2/ 2« — 3\2/ L 
 •Thus it is seen that (48) — 2^, contains neither P, nor Pi-i, 
 and that (48) - 2©,— (— ] ~~z- ^--« '* without the first two 
 pair of terms m Pn, P'n-i, Pll-t, Pi!'-,, and from 
 (4») -». - (t) ^3 «- (f)M(i^) "'-• 
 the first three pairs of terms disappear. By subtracting certain 
 multiples of the invariants and their derivatives from (48) the 
 terms continue to disappear in pairs. The multiplier of ^il'iv 
 would be 2 (^)(^)( ,^ _';_, ) = ^K> say. 
 From what precedes, especially (22) and (23), we know 
 the coefficient of Pj^„ in (48) is (j~\ , 
 the coefficient of /*i'!L'i« in 2i%^, is 
 the coefficient of Pi'l'„ in 2M^J,'_, is 
.etc. (48) 
 + ... 
 .4 + • . • • 
 , nor PUi, 
 lie first two 
 5) -* 
 ting certain 
 )m (48) the 
 • • • 
 • • • 
 the coefficient of P<«'« in 2M„ev^„ is 
 '^' U - 2^K^;r^ri^^\ 2n-^^-^ = M,C, say. 
 It will now be shown that 
 (-^^) = i>^" "■'=-^7zy 
 = t^aCa, 
 m r — " — I ! 2« — 2X — 2 ! 2M — 1 . 2X ! 
 "•oto — j— i — r 
 2»\n — 2X—l ! 2M — I ! ' 
 Witf, = »— ii2"-2«-4!2«-5.2;t! 
 2 ! 2« — 3 ! 2X — 2 ! « — 2x — I 1 ' 
 m^„ = .' Jl") «— I ! «-2 . «-3 . . . n—2x . 2«-4<r-i 
 \ 2cr / 2«— 2<r— I . 2«— 2(r— 2 . . . 2»— 2<r— 2x— I * 
 When « = I, m,c„ has a zero factor in the numerator for all 
 values of <r except «r = a The series reduces to 
 tftoCo = 
 — 2x — I ! 
 — 2x — I ! 
 = I. 
 For n = 2 the series has no zero factor, if ir = o or i, and 
 reduces to 
 — 2* — 2 1 3 2x — 2 ! 2x . 2z — I 
 + ; , _ ,^ 
 2« — I ! 2 
 3.2.I.2X— 3 
 Similarly for « = 3, 4, 5. 
 For « = 2x the series is m,c, _ 2x — i ! 2 
 For n=- 2x — I the series is 
 2x — I I 2 
 — W«<', + tftK^iCn^i ■=: 
 2X — 2 ! 2X ! 
 = I. 
 2* — 2 ! 2* — I ! 2 2x — 3 ! 2 
 n-r = I. 

 For « = X — I, 
 2x ! 2x — 3 , ,^, X — 2l« + ll 
 2X — 3 ! 3 ! 
 2X ! 2x — 
 2x — 2 ! : 
 _ 2x 1 2x ! 2« — 1 1 
 *«•''• - " 4!2x-4!7!2x-7 
 «.^ , 2x!2x-7.2x! 
 *«''^'-*'2!2x-2!2x-5!5l^ ^^' 
 (- 1)-. 
 • • • 
 • • • • 
 • ■ • • 
 • • • 
 2x ! 2x ! 2x — 9 , .,_, 
 .,.....-, = «(f)(^)^x- 5 (-i)-S 
 »io«'o — »«,_i^,_» +• i^Ci — »»,_|f«_, + ntjCt 1- , etc. 
 forms a series which is equal to unity. This is seen by taking 
 the coefficient of y+* from each member of the equation in 
 which (i —yy 4- (i + J')*" is written equal to its expansion 
 (-^)— ^-(Ty-(lV-(Tk-(fy 
 + . . . +(f )y-* - ( j)y— + ( j)y--2«y-+y". 
 + ... + 8(|:)y + 7(f)y + ... + 4(^^)y + ... 
 The coefficient ofy *^* in the product of the right members 
 {^(?)-=(t)(?)-*(?X?) -'(yXi)^-- 
 which is the series [£«££-'(. ,).. The coefficient ofy + • in 
 2*(i _j,)(i — y)'«-« is 
 .io*"'''='' (49) 
 Then for all velues of « in like manner the same result will 
 follow, and thus the coefficient of />i«!'^ in (48) 
 = ^Mfin + 2Jif,ei_, + 2Af,e]r_, + .,. + 2jif,ei,*i>^, (50) 
 of ^.!.'°K*'-*"* °^^----' '" th«J«« series is found from that 
 of /»<«'„ by giving a the same values and changing 2x to a« + i. 
 and therefore this also equals ( " ] 
 ouH"- '^''*^ " /r°' *•** 8^*"*'"** ""^'^t'O" between the coeffi- 
 cients IS expressed by 
 .re^ '[.(50 
 thitVcxV^ '™'^ *"" ?*' *^* *''"° « ^ ^^J**' 't "^y be shown 
 (50 = #._.+ ^.ei'_. + JV^eiL, + . . . + AT _,»i.-.,. (32) 
 wh^n V" • '"^*"»°*« '" (50) and (52) have odd suffixes. Then 
 when the invariants with odd suffixes vanish (48) equals zero! 
 ''*^— ■"*"""T'W[n « i»iii i B[w[mrw»f iiii 
■>»Mfta»fctiruw«iM<c*y^Maittiaw'.»aMflMa : QUN^b^rMdhUSi^iM'a 
 and also (51) equals zero, and the conditions for self-adjointness 
 are satisfied, and the proposition with which this section begins 
 is established. 
 It is to be noticed, however, that an equation may be self- 
 adjoint when its invariants with odd suffix do not vanish, but 
 satisfy the linear relation expressed by equating the right mem- 
 bers of (50) and (52) to zero, which is equivalent to saying that 
 (47a) and (57) are satisfied. 
««ii»i*.-,«(#fi'.«ssa«asB»»«*SBS»«' -«?»!^i 
 (1 begins 
 be self- 
 lish, but 
 bt mem- 
 ing that 
 George Frederic Metzler, the son of George Frederic and 
 Nancy Ann (Shannon) Metzler, was born July 17, 1853, at 
 Westbrook, County of Frontenac, Ont., Canada. His early 
 education was received at the Odessa public schools and at 
 different high schools. His collegiate education was received 
 at.Albert College, Belleville, Ont. (now consolidated with Vic- 
 toria College and federated with Toronto College in Toronto 
 University). At Albert College he took the degree A. B. in 
 1880, and the degree M. A. in 1883. He has taught going on 
 two years in public schools, two years in high school, one year 
 as head-master, and was called to teach in Albert College in 
 1881. He entered Johns Hopkins University October, 1884, 
 remained one session, entered again 1887. He taught in Ma- 
 rietta College, Ohio, 1889-90. The present year he spent in 
 Baltimore preparing for the degree Ph. D. His studies have 
 been in mathematics, astronomy and physics. 
 Baltimobb, Md., 1890-91. 