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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Thope too largo to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the uppbr left hand corner, left to right and cop to bottom, as many frames as required. *ie following diagrams illustrate the method Les cart(-;>, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour 6tre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcesseire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 TORC I ^ eMv^ /I; \- >^W^.„VED MUTIIMEl'IlML TABLES. WITH 4 4 THE COM»»^^St9v I' I (^ I ^ ^ * RRIXTEJD BY W3f. STAlVTi No, 29, St, John-.:trcet^ m^tt^>mmm^mtiif ^*mttt>mtM.Mmim~^ I ^ «.' TORC ( t* T?j ~%- ■% -.*.% A COLLEGTIOH or ARITHMETICAL TABLE8, NUMERATION* - Units •...t« « .•••^•.••^ Tens • ;^j Hundreds .•.•.••«•.•.. f* •.•..32i Thousands... 4,321 Tens of Thousands .54,321 Hundreds of Thousand? 654,321 MilUons 7,654,321 Tens of Millions 87,654,321 Hundreds of MiiUons ^987,654,321 Thousands oi Millions ?T,987,654,32l Tens of Thousands of MilUon821,987,654,32^ Huiids. of Thous. of Millions 321,987,654,321 ROMAN NUMBERS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. II. HI. IV. V. VI. VII. fl2 13 14 15 16 17 18 8 VIII.:i9 9 IX. 10 X. 11 XI. 20 25 30 XII. 135 XXXV. 90 XC XIII. '40 XL. 100 c. XIV. 45 XLV. 200 CC. XV. 50 L. 300 CCC. XVI. 55 LV. 400 CCCC. XVII. 60 LX. 500 I). XVIII 65 LXV. 600 DC. XIX. 70 LXX. 700 DCC, XX. 73 LXXV. 800 DCCC. XXV 80 LXXX. ,900 DCCCO XXX. 85 LXXXV ilOOO M. •1 ADDITION. TOW 2X5 3 4 5 6 7 Si 9 10 11 12 5 6 >*» S 9 10 11 12 13 14 5>!J3 = 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 W4 --^ 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 9 4X6 = 10 7 11 8 12 9 13 10 14 11 15 12 If) 5 5 X 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6X6 = 7 8 9 10 11 12 = 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 13 14 15 J6 17 18 7X 7 = 14 8 15 9 16 10 17 1 1 18 12 19 8X 8= 16 9 17 10 18 11 19 12 20 9X9 = X 9 = 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 X 10 — 11 X II 12 12 X 12 = 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 22 23 24 Addition and Sthiiadwn Tablet- 7X 7 = 14 8 15 9 16 10 17 11 18 12 19 8X S: = 16 9 17 10 18 11 19 12 20 )X 9 = = 18 10 19 JI 20 12 21 >< 10 = : 20 11 21 12 22 < 11 - 22 12 23 1 12.= 24 1 2 3 5 4 5 7 6 8 7 9~ 8 10 " 9 2 4 6 11 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 6 7 ^ 9 10 11 12 13 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 10 11 \t 13 14 15 16 17 9 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 To use the Table in Addition :— take the greater of the two fi2;ures whQgj|sum is sought m tne upper line, and tne lesser on the jeU hand column ; in the same line with this, and underneath the other, the sum sought for will be found. For instance, if I want to know how many 9 and 6 are, 1 look for 9 on the first line, and on the same row of figures with 6 on the left hand column, stands 15, the sum re- quired. To use this table in Subtraction; if you want to subtract a lesser sum from a greater, find the lesser sum in the left-hand column and in that row of figures you will find the greater, at the top of which column is the remainder. For instance— 8 from 14, at the top will be found the sum requircdj> 6» ^il WtftTiPLICATlON TABLE, ty^ 'area! ClP S^^^ 3— 6 3— 9 Q ,o o I'^l 2-12 2—14 4- 8 4-1 o f- 3 ^-'^ 3-18 3-2? 5-10 5-5 t J i-M 4-24 4-S .6-12 6-8 ?~~f? f~^^ ^-30 1.5^ 7-1-' 7-21 ?~?| ?-30 6-36 6-42 ", 8-24 8 S I~^^ ~-42' ^^ ,9-18 9-27 9 S t'M 8-48 llO— 20 JO- ^nlin . ^—45 9—54 M?4? ti"i rs ?-» - *? timacrl U >; ?— ^SS 10 times .1 are 10, ^- 20 3- 30, 4- 40 5~ 50 6— 60 7— 70 8-80 9-90 10—100, 11— iiol 12—120 TABLE, S|'6 times i 2-12 i 3-18 4—24 5—30 6—36 7—42 8—48 9—54 '0—60 il-66 12—72 i«ern2iiiii;;) e^^ lareJ2 22 I 2- 24 3— 36 4— 48 5— 60 . 6~ 72 77 7-84 88 8— 96 99 9—108 10 10-120 2i 11-^132 32 1 12— 144! 33 44 55 66 2 C^GOTfCOt^COCJOCMGO^ 2 I -^^ r-vOOOOOOOOO O |C5 ^ a*^*!^ OD c- CO ^ '^ CO CO ^-^ O o 00 I lo^ G> O QO 'X^ ^^ G<^ O CO ^ c5 (X) '^ O CO G^l cc '^'o o ©^ 1 SScOCOTiiri«iOCOOr-| ;::S ^ o^ ©.^ GO CO TT xj* -o kO $p >l ^.^iiiBO* >M<iai^»^T>^*<fc-< .,,,1 - ■ ■ »■»- ■■ ■ ■ iiii 1^1 ■u m ii M M " I ■ 1 ^^ ■■ ■V^ "5.^ ^ COGOCOO^QO^JJgg^a »-N(MG0<3viGOGO^'^'^ CO O <M O QO -- ;:f J^ O CO CO tjO I ,— < 1-^ 1-^ O^ <M G^^ GO CO 0*^ ^ CO GO o c>i ^ ^ CO o o^ ;^ ^^1 ,-H »-^ 1-H »— I T— » Gv| Cxf Ql Qi^ii ■Mta>JW#i^~> 1-1 <S0G0'^>OCpt^C0OO^^ MONEY. Farthings. \ I'enee. Shilliufft. 1\ d. d. s. d. s. £ s. 4 ar( 3 1 12 are 1 20 are 1 6 . . U 18 . . 16 30 . . 1 10 8 . . 2 24 . . 2 40 . . 2 10 . . n 30 . . 2 6 50 . . 2 10 12 .. 3 36 . . 3 60 .. 3 14 .. 3.} 42 . . 3 6 70 . . 3 10 16 . . 4 48 . . 4 80 . . 4 J8 . . 4i 54 . . 4 6 90 . . 4 10 20 . . 5 ! 60 . . 5 100 . . 5 St " 5i' 66 . . 5 6 110 .. 5 10 ^R . . ,6 72 . . 6 120 ..60 .26 . . , 6A 78 . . 6 6 rsir ..610 '^8 . . , : «4 . . 7 0|I40 ..70 . 7^, 90 .. 7 6T150 .. 7 10 30 . . •34' t < . 8 m . . 8 160 . . 8 34 . . J^AJIOS ., 9 0;i70 ... 8 10 36 . . 9 120 . . 10 0:180 ..9 38 . . n 132 ..11 0'l90 .. 9 10 40 • .10 144 . . 12 0;200 . . 10 42 . . 10| 156 . . 13 250 . . 12 IQ; 44 , .11 168 .. 14 300 ..l^ 46 . .m 180 . . 15 350 .^.17 10 48 . .12 240 . .20 0,400 .'v:W -^ ^ t f»^-^rt|| illingt. £ «. are 1 . . 1 10 .. 2 .. ? 10 .. 3 .. 3 10 . . 4 . . 4 10 .. 5 .. 5 10 .. 6 .. 6 10 .. 7 .. 7 10 :. 8 ... 8 10 .. 9 .. 9 10 .. 10 .. 12 10 . . 1^. {) f© M s PRACTirE. Parts of a Pound 10 C.isequa, to • • » o 5 4 3 4 2 6 • • • • • • • • <* Uhalf. 1 -third. l-fourth 1 -fif th* l-sixtb* l-eigbtl^ 1-ten ? " ....Mwelfth 8 i 3 1 l-sixteentU, 1-tvvent lethf^ Of a Shilling iV 9 6 6 4 2 6 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • 1 'I • • • • • • • • • • • 9 • • • • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • ••••• • • • 3-jourths. 2-lhirds. l-half. 1-tliird. 1 -fourth. 1 -sixth. 1-°ighth. .l-tweiflh. 1-sixteentli. I -twenty-fourth. l-forty-eighlh. TOK ■ TH. i, 10 q. Paris of a Penny ■ I . * 3-fourths. i ...* 1-balf. 1 . . . i . . . i . « . . l-fourth. cwt. q. Parts of a Ton. 10 ... * 1-half. 6 ..... i ..... i I'fourthi 4 1-fifth. 2 2 . i , . . . 1-eighth. 1^ 2 1-tenthi 2 .. i..* 1-half. 1 * l-fourth» 14 1-eighth. 16 ...^.. .^ .... 1-seventl. lb. Parts of a Quarter. 14 1-half. 7 . * « . . l-fourth. 4 l-seventh 3| l-«ighth. -fourths. -half. -fourth. n. t. l-half. 1 -fourths 1 -fifth. 1-eighth. 1-tenthi l-half. 1-fourth* 1-eighth. I -seventh trter. l-half. " 1-fourth. l-seventh 1-eighth. 11 TROY WEIGHT. 24 grains .are 1 pennyweight. 20 pennyweights 1 ounce. 12 ounces 1 pound. By this weip;ht, Jewels, Gold, Silver, Sec, iose weiphed. N B.— Fourteen ounces, eleren penny-^ weights^ fifteen and a half grains troy, are equal to a pound avoirdupois. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 16 drams ii....are 1 ounce. 16 ounces ^ pound. 14 pounds -.. i stone. 28 pounds .- 1 quarter. 4 quarters • 1 hundred; 20 hundreds 1 to". Bread, butter, cheese, flesh, grocery wares* and all goods that have waste, are weighed by this. WOOL WEIGHT. 7 pounds i . . . iare 1 clore. 2 cloves or 14 lbs 1 stone 2 stones or 28 lbs 1 tod» / . y !/ » ii TORC 11 ' 12 6i lods . * * >^ I ^^^^y; 2 weys ] ^^^^* . }2 sacks. .• ••»• 1 I fist. IS B— In some places,seven tods make ond ivey ; and two hundred a forty ptunds 1 .^ack APOTHECAUIES' WEIGHT/ 20 srains are 1 scrup'e. 3 Scruples I'J'-am. 8 drams J """c^/ 12 ounces , • ^ P"."u1' w Medicines arc mixed by Uiis weight, bu! iflrugs are bought b y avoir dupois. LONG MEASURE. 3 barleycorns ...... are 1 '"ich. 4 inches :.. Ihand. 12 inches^ ••• } '°°V 3 feet 1 y^'"''- 2 yards or'6 feet 1 fathom. 5i yards,.. • 1 F;ole -cd or -ere ^ 40 poles... 1 furlong. 8 furlongs or 1760 yds.. 1 mile. _ ' • Smiles 1 league. 69i miles. • • • • ; ^ '^'^^'^f;. ,„k^ 360 cf rs. are the circumference ol the globe. Uy this measure, distance of places, or any tiling having length only is measured. 13 1 wey» 1 sack* 1 last. 1 tods make onf I ptunds 1 J^ack] V V height/ 1 scruple. 1 dram. 1 ounce- 1 pound. ii3 ^veight, but ois. :iE. inch. hand. toot. yard. fathom, polcsrod or ♦^erc furlong. mile. ' ' league. degree. nee of the globe. of placesj or any casured. COAL MEASURE. i 'i. ....are 1 bushels 4 pecks ^ ^^^y^ :^ bushels -^ ichauiron. »>l^«s^f' , 1 ticore. I chaldrons ' VV_ ' * CLOTH MEASURE- , . ^,„, are I nail. \ 'n^^cs 1 quitrter. "^ii^s- \ yard. qyy^^^^^^^^ 1 ell Lti'^lu-h. q^i^^^^'*^ 1 ell Fbmish. ^ quarters ^ ^^^ French. English. DRY MEASURE. ».-•.= - are 1 quart 4 qunrlS ^ \ -» 11 . o .1 peck. 2 ';;a Ions . • • , I i «i , " . , . . . 1 bushcL 4 pecks \ • • • . » K, 2 1n..heU^ . • • • J«^"\"- 4bushUs . . . • icomb. ,r ■ . 14 8 bushels 1 quarter. 5 quarters 1 wey or load. 10 quarters .... * 1 last. By this measure, seeds, ro©ts, fruit,salt, lead ore, oysters, corn, and other dry goods ar^| pleasured* ^ SQUARE MEASURlg. 1 14 inches are 1 foot. 9 feet 1 yard. 30i jards • ^ PO^P- 16 poles '• ^ chain. 40poltt8 • • • • '^^^ ^ ^ ''^^^• 4 roods or 10 chaiiis • " . • 1 acre. 160 poles or 4.84U yards • • * 640 acres .•.••%-•- 272i feet arc 1 rod of brick work. By this is measured any thing having length ^nd breadth only. "^ 1 acre. I mile. CUBIC MEASURE, 1728 inches , . • • are 1 foot. --^^ 27 feet . . 282 inches . 231 inches • 268 4-5 inches 2150 inches 1 yard. 1 gallon of beer. 1 gallon of wine. 1 gallon of corn. 1 malt bushel* I'y this measure, any thing having length, breadth and thichncss, is measured. quarter, wey or loadi last. fruit,9alt, lead] Iry goods ar^l ; 1 foot, • 1 yard. « 1 polp. • 1 chain* • I rood. • 1 acre. • 1 acre. « I mile. »rk. ; having length ,i*(0 . — <p oU and. allon of beer, allon of wine. alion of ecru. lalt bushel* having length, urtd. 15 ALE AND BEER MEASURE. are pints quarts • « • • • gallons gallons . . • • • firkins kildeikins , . • . i barrel or 54 gallons barrels . r • • • barrels • 1 quart 1 gallon 1 firkin of ale. 1 firkin of beer 1 kilderkin 1 barrel 1 hogshead 1 puncheon 1 butt By this measure, ale, beer, porter and wate^- re measured. WINE MEASURE. • arc 1 pint . , 1 quart , . 1 gallon . . I anker ofrum or brandy 4.1 runlet , . 1 barrel , ♦ 1 tierce , , 1 puncheon . . 1 hof^shcad ^ . I pipe or butt ,..^^^ . - . 1 tun- ^ By this measure, all wines, spirits, cider, incgar, oP, 8cc., arc measured. ^'*^' [4 gills 4 2 pints , 4 quarts 10 gallons • .8 gallor:3 • il^ gallons % vZ gallons • 2 tijrces 13 gallons • 2 hogsheads [2 pipes m ^< i t 1 *** 10 TIME. 60 seconds 60 miriutei 24 hours . 7 days . 4 weeks • < ■'V. are I niinute 1 hour 1 dfV K, 1 week . . 1 month _ _— — • ^ ■" ik^ ^365.days 6hour?/ . •• ^ Y^^^ 'f Wrtyltays lialh September, April, June, apd November ; February hath uvenly-eight alone, And all tbe rest hath thidy-orie , Except in leap year, tlien's the; When February'., days are twenty-H MOTlbN. 60'seconds .. ..arc 1 mmuce 60 muiOles .. ..•,«> \ degree ^ 30 degrees ....•■ 1 s'S" . ^, m .lelrees . . A great circle on the Z> Motion is a &eographi.;al dmsu.n o a. d.awn round the cireutufereuces ol th- < ■■■^^l (fiV •^ ■\'' •^■; e 1 minute , 1 hour 1 (ley 1 week . 1 mojiith 1 yeai plem^>er, avember ; ty-eight alone, h thill y-one ; , lien's the lime, ays are twenty-wim 4'-.-.-. bN. .:,..; 1 minute 1 <iegr8e 1 sign , L circle on the ZiM ral division oranfH ifene^ncDs ol the eur Fv^ . . •^