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Those too large to be entirely included in one eiiposure ere fHmed beginning in the upper left hend comer, left to right and top to boRom. as many frames es required. The following diegrams illustrate the method: 12 3 1 2 4 5 L'MMnplaIr* fUrnA f ut raproduH gric« A l« 0in4ro«it* d«: BibllothiqiM national* du Canada Las imagaa suivantaa ont *ti raproduitat avac la plua grand soin. eompta tanu da la eandition at da la nattatd da raaampiaira filmd. at an eonformitd avae laa condWona du contrat da •Hinagat Laa aaamplairaa originaiM dont la couvartura an papiar aat imprimda sont fllmda 9n eemmancant par la pramiar plat at an tarminant Mit par la d a m l4ra pag* qui comporta una amprainta dlmpraaaien ou dlHuatration. soit par la sacond plat, aalon la eaa. Taua laa autraa aaamplairaa orlginaua tont fUmia an commandant par la pramMra pag* qui eomporta una amprainta dlmpraaaien eu d'Uluatration at an tarminant par la damiAra paga qui eomporta uita taila amprainta. Mn das aymbolaa suivanta apparaltra sur la damiAra imaga da ehaqua microfieha. talon la caa: la •ymbola -^ signifia "A 8UIVRE". la aymboia ▼ signifia "PIN". Laa cartaa. planchaa. tablaaux. ate., pauvant Atra filmte A daa tauji da rMuetion diff Arants. Lorsqua la document act trap grand pour Atra raproduit wn un saul ciichA. 11 ast filmA A partir da I'angla supAriaur gaueha. da gaucha A droita. at da haut an baa. an pranant la nombra d'imagaa nAcasaaira. Las diagrammas tuivants iliuatrant la mAthoda. 2 3 5 6 ■"OUmOM TBT CHMT (ANSI and SO TEST CHAUT No. 2) 1.0 1.1 Itt lit IM m 1 U i C/j.3 /99"i- St ^ SMJM ONPS FOt MBV DITBE EASTERN PIOVnCES AND HUnSH COLOnU n W. L. ORAHAM. B.SJL The nmiiiMr silot in dittricta where labour ia acarce and expuvive, i* the mort profitable method of auH>leineiiting paaturea from the end of June. When the ailo ia not uaed or where greeu feed ia preferred the soiliug crop method ia recoramended. Reaulta at the Dominior Experimental Farma and elsewhere would aeem to indicate: a lf a lf a , vetchea, peaa, oata, clover and com aa the moat suitable cropa for tlie pnrpoae. Dairjr farmers are, therefore, recommended to prepare and feed about aa foUowa for each ten cowa in their herd: — 1. CloTer, one acre: To have been aown with the mixture of peas and oata the iwerioua year aa deacribed below. Feed off June 20 to July 15. 5. Peaa and oata, one-half acre: Sow 1 bushel peafc, H buahala oata and 5 ponnda red clover aeed about the first week in May, or earlier if poaaible. Feed off July IS to 81. 3. Peaa and oata, one-half acre: Sow same mixture on another half acre about third week in May. Feed off August 1 to 16. 4. Com, one-half acre: Sow 10 pounda Longfellow (or other amall variety) in hiUa 36 inches apart each way, or in drills 42 inches apart. Sow third wedi: in May or as early aa possible. Sow on well drained land, clover sod manured at rate of twenty loada (tona) per acre. Feed off Auguat 15 to 30. 6. Com, one-half acre: Sow 12 pounda Wiaconain No. 7 (or other medium variety) same way as above. Feed off in September. For the average 100-acre dairy farm the foregoing soiling crops can be readily managed in a three-year rotation and combined with a four-year (main) rotation advantageoualy. The three-year rotation would thus proride feed for summer and rutumn and a amall amount of pasture. The four-year rotation area would supply forage for winter and spring, and pasture for apring and summer. The following diagram will indicate what might be the arrangement of the fields and the cropa thereon. In the case of a 100-acre farm where in addition to orchards, gardena, etc, about 60 acres could be brought under the plough, fields Ml, M2, M3, and M4 would be under the four-year rotation and would be ciopped as indicated. Fields SI, S2, and SS would be under the three-year rotation and would be cropped aa indicated. Expluwtion of Signa on INafnic.. A — Dwelling-house. B— Shed. C — Poultry-house. D — Horse stable. E — Implement shed. F — Cow bam, feed room and siloa. G — ^Pig-pens. DOMINION EXPERIMENTAL FARMS. J. H. GRI8DALE, B.Agr., W. L. GRAHAM, B.8.A., Director. Astt. Field Husbandinan. EZHIBITIOir CIBCTJIAB Vo. 67. ##l l^il 1)M . Cms • mmmwtt. XHr • ftMM. •••• W Um.* iM* • <Mta, m ill W Uwav, 1917 .mg. •Mariir •!«•». If ■• ' mv •* fMMN. in« - Cam • Mau*t. IWO • NT • •ktoriy •iMrtr IW'taM ft tau. lM<«)trM ft AXfitm U*Un ia fall. fr^NM ft tou. lfW4M« ft «»tt. 1N7-Cl«tr ft Alfklto »Mt<tM. IM-Cam • mamnt, m^-H^t ft Oil*. imidtlmw ftAlMfa. I«U-ci«»«r ft ftltUfft MMw*. l*)r<Mm - MMTCft. 1st*-*— * •■*•••••« M«««r ft ufur* t inyi^iww ft Mfftifn: Ml .-11 «. IflT* e»ni • MMftft. 1»U.- ftMte. Ifif.* Mnt - •kltfly «l«*«r> 1«M- N*r or Httuif . »M. BUITABLe ABKANOEMEMT AMD B0TATI0K8 FOB A 100-ACIE DAIBT FAKll. PublUhftd by authority of Hon. MARTIN BURRKLL, Miniator of AsrieuHuro, Ottawa, Ont. litfjtM