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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 h\^ >*Sl V"M^-~ZJ-;-.. Li4<>i/e'wt @i:<>ei^ oi Moz^c^c^^^ FRIENDLY SOCIETY. INC50RPORATED UNDER THE FRIENDLY SOCIETIES' ACTS. **S.H.C.IVI.'N- STRATFORD, ^JA^ffel.^l- mvw- **I884,*^^ CANADA. ,' r-\ (<:^=^ LrENERAL LaWS.^:::=^ He Firm ! nor lot corruption ply • Twlfle round your hearts indissoluble chains, The steel of Brutus burst the grosai r bunds By Cucaar cast o'er Rome ; but still remained The soft, enchanting fetters of the mind, And other Ctesars rose. Determined, hold Your Indejendonco ; for that, once destroyed, Unfounded freedom is a niorninK dream, That flits terial from the spreading eye.~TiioM80N. ;l STKATFOKU : PUBUBHBD AND SoLD BY THK EXECUTIVE OOUNOIL. 1884. Printed by James Robb at Tiic: Herald Printing House. FRIENDLY SOCIETY. INCORPORATED UNDER THE FRIENDLY SOCIETIES' ACTS. ^ hv *> -HCS.H.O.M.** STRATFORD, VJfeft^^tt^t" ^1884,** CANADA. (^^=^N General Laws. ^ Be Firm I nor let corruption sly Twine round your hearts Indissoluble ohains, The steel of Brutus burst the grosser bands Bv Coeaar cast o'er Rome ; but still remained The soft, enchanting fetters of the mind. And other (Caesars rose. Determined, hold Your independence ; for that ouoe destroyed, Unfounded freedom is a mominK dream. That tilts eerial from the spreading eye.— THOMSON. STRATFORD : Published and Sold by the ExECtrrivB Council. 1884, H5;5;o mV ^0™ERS <- OF •> THE -^ S. H. C.^ p^>^^ Four//^ Executive Council, Stratford, JAM ES FOOT, H. C R J. BENNETT. H. S. C. R J. G. SCOTT, H. C. T. W WILLUMS. H. C. S. R. THORNE. H C. S. W. T. B. BENNETT, H. C J. W G.NURSEY, H.C.S B J. A. ANDERSON, H. C. J. B. Trustees. W. p. R. STREET E. K. BARNSDALK JOHN BEAM AN. Auditors. A. TATTERSALL. J. S. WILLIAMS. CHAS. LANNINO. Conductor of the Ancient Forester. WILL J. VALE. Office of the Executive Council. STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Council Meetings. FIRST WlPT»'Mi?aT»*\7a T».i. -^^ STRATFORD. ^^'^'^'^ ^ BlU2i a^^^) PREFACE. rd. RESTERS' " Vhvn it no man hnt OcA hath put many excellenl thinqa in his posaeasion to he used, improved, and managed by nim for the common good and inteiest; for men are made for Society and mutueil fellowshi]^. We are not bom for ourselves alone, but every man hat tome right andintereit tn us, andno man can live happily in this world exempted or privileged from being, in his place, tome way be^ie/icial and use- ful," -Dn. Calauv's Sbrmons. IN AUOUST, 1831, Fifty fears ago. the last preface to the General Laws was written. It was then that the Order was founded ander the na>pe of the "Anolent Order of Foresters." with a wide and liberal constitution which has stood the test of half a oentury without having undergone any material organic change, and during ttiat long period of years has been oEpocialy free from secessions to form other Sooietfes. In contrast of this, the "Ancient Order of Royal Foresters." of which our Order was an outcome, has long since ceased to exist— only a few isolcted Courts of the origical body being found in secluded Sartsof the west Riding of Yorkshire, England. For this favorable position, ao credit must be given to the early and earnest workers in the cause for their Judgement and foresight in laying the foundations of the Order's Constitution upon broad. Just and catholic princTples—so essential to the good working of a common Fraternity composed of persons of all religious creeds and political opinions. In the long interval of time above referred to, the progress and spread of the Order has been msst remarkable. It now comprises considerably more than half a million of benefit Members, and has Courts established over nearly the whole of the United Kingdom, in most of the British Colonies, and in Foreign Countries. The Order, liko a happy and prosperous State, is indebted for much of its success to the wise and salutary Laws under which it has been governed and regulated. In this respect it had been singularly sccessful in its enactments at various stages of its existenoe, to meet the varying requirements of a growing Fraternity. The Subsidiary High Court for the Dominion of Canada was organized October 24th 1881, in accordance with a resolution passed at the High Conrt meeting of the Order on Wednesday, August 3rd, 1881, in the ancient Boro h of Nortnainpton, England. Much might be said upon the advantages which accrue from becoming Members— sumce it to sav that the Qrder is net an abstraction but a reality. It Is a Society of men united together for the attainment of a two-fold ohJect— moral and social ; the moral standing first, as out of the moral status social con- sequences flow. Upon these grounds it is an essential that the members who compose the Order shall be the healthy and the honest- the temperate and the true. The foundation of the Society— the tie that binds its members togrethei— must necessarily be promotive of the social advantages of those within the sphere of its influence : 'or the object of the Order, ana its Immediate aim and ultimate end. are those of mutual and social assistance. It is scarcely possible for a man to be a member of an Order, confederated together for these praiseworthy purposes, without derlvln* for himself Indivi- dual advantages; not merely of a pecuniary kind, when sickness requires the aid of the Funds to which ha has contributed, but also of a moral and intAlIoc- tual nature. To cultivate our kindly sympathies, to inouioate brotherly love, and render it a rule of life to foster feelings of commiseration for all suffering fron alfllction or in distress, and to develop the principle of charity in all the relationships of life must be accordant with and promotive of the highest moral- ity. He, who a? a member, learns his lesspp aright, and allows the principles o:i wnich it is based to have their t^itimate Inflaenoe on his conduct and action j. dunot but be elevated both in a sboial acid moral sense, above those iv PREFACE. who neglect the opportunities for mutual aid within their reach and who Uveas i^^fi" ^*^ created for himself alone. The lessons of mutual regard and of aocial aid which contact with the Order cannot but teach, must of necessity ren- oer the recipient a better husband, a more intelligent and kindly father and a I^,.«™^®r ^'*^4^"''*^,^"^ Vl?,®''^! citizen. The practice of Benevolence can never be fllttrft«fT^'^-r.^'^^,?''*''"i'?^>.^"'«»^'°»o' Charity can never lead to ntlrjrf^K^ ^^?^.^K Geniality and kindness in our Court-rooms cannot degener- 2;l^?^??™'^^''^yji.'^>°'"?i.'^"i^^®"'^''i''e which is formed by association and EI^^ :2 sympathize with sutfenng and distress, can never lake delight in. or ^nST^,.* ♦°*"^ °' P*^i* 15^ wiguish to those whom it ia a privilege to protect, onH?«^K*^*°?,'^°^'*'^*"£^>'<^.J^«'*'<'*»' advantages, therefore, of the Order ?h«^^™ii""^°'^*°*49?-p**''*Jl.°''^'^^y'"?"8t manifest themselves throughout all Iht ™™locati9ns of life. The man who has served in the Court room will know van^m^"«?H°i^K®'^'S"°®.^°'*J^"^A9*.'^*°<*'y?o™°^and.and make a better ser- InS »h»**'*^®' ^'J.*"^^® ^^° °>®^« blindlv, and renders cervice unintelligently ; hnn«?2^";!?^^°^*!u®'^S'^*'*'®?^'^**^'i'f*y*°'*»e Court, called to the pface oi fnr ^L^H*^ P"^®"^ ^y **»?.?f.?F choice of his brethren, will not be the less qualifled for posltiens of responsibility over his fellow-men in the outer world. H„tj^2'^*J^l*'*®'^'°'*,v'TR?*'^'^«""y°a'»reo' 1*8 constitution, its objects, its amies, and its responsibilliies, must encourage the moral. 8«cial. and intellectual Kh«*l°' those connected with the Order ; and It becomes^ si!^?^! duty upon oi.H^^ K»*^? !J? ^t^^l J? ^^^^T keeping, to guard that honor with a jealous care, fhf ru,, t"*"^'"^ *!^** it receives no tarnish from their actions as Foresters in the Court-room, or from their actlont as Individuals moving in general society. ino-l'rf^^^'^^^a'il^r?®'^ of Foresters having taken high rank as one of the lead- In^ i„f»m'^ SocietiM of the world. Is especially commendable to the provident ifa «l^*^"*?®"' workin^en of our country, who, by enrolling themselves under iJL fi^f^ 1 ® watchword, can exercise the gift of self-government and of sponta- ?,fSHvn^nH'^aV'hi^K?l.T:2^°K^*y •'l*^'=«°» °', the^Dominion are naturalirand ♦lia '^J?*??^' f* tl»e birthrightof a free people and the best security of its liber- ;{,«!" D«^® importance ol Friendly Societies generaUy, we cannot conclude this Preface more appropriately than in the words ef one of our great livinjr statesmen, who in an utterance at a Friendly Society gathering, said : ..i„*'l?.?***°^*^*'"®*°^^^o°*®ti«8*'®c*"''e they are so thoroughly and abso- ..!?tely spontaneous. They represent the character of the neople, and in one of Its best and most oleasing aspects. I would almost say-f do not wish to use ..?;?£. *^"**?u°\"**^®''y' °^ *?7 language of exaggeration ; but sUU I must ven- ..kJ5. J?!'*^"^^"^* ** '2P* ** &)cietie8 of this class, justly constituted and honestly worked, continue to form a broad and marked future in English society, the country is not likely to go very far or hopelessly wrong." a„ 7^^ '^® Ancient Order of Foresters, as one of the great family of Friendly Societies, may nobly do its part in the great work which lies before it. and be a power of usefulness in disseminating the benefits it l^as undertaken to bestow, must be the earnest prayer of every true Forester. Jab Foot. J. Bennett. J. Q. fiOOTT. W- Williams. R. Thorne, T. B. Bennett. COUKCTLCHAMBER8, J. A. AWDBHSON. Stratfbrd, September. 1881, •'£ gathe; theref errors tratio advisi with I forbid societ AlAR> thori posse as rei ( and I iut; a ( Certi necee ( mod* may of th ( same ( dinal I Cour I Subo I effed Subs sary juris I of th with tatio meet and) GENERAL LAWS. and who live as regard and of jf necessity ren- r father, and a ice can never be I never lead to cannot degener- association and ke delight in, or liege to protect, !, of the Order, throughout all room will know ke a better ser- unintelligentlv : the place of he less qualified orld. its obtjects, its and intellectual icred duty upon 1 a jealous care, as Foresters in general society. mo of the lead- the provident temselves under Dt and of sponta- i naturally and irity of its liber- ;annot conclude ur great living said: ghlr and abso- E),and in one of lOt wish to use still I must ven- ionstituted and :ure In English Pong." ily of Friendly >re it, and be a iken to bestow. 3. rr. ION. "All governments and societies of men do, in the progress ef long time, gather an irregularity, and wear away much of their primitive institution. And, therefore, the true wisdom of all ages hath been to review, at fit periods, thoae errors, defects and excesses that have insensibly crept into the public adminis- tration ; to brush the dust off the wheels, and oil them again ; or, if it be found advisable, to choose a set of new ones. And this reformation is most easily, and with the least disturbance, to be effected by society itself, no single man being forbidden by any magistrate to mend his own manners, and. much more, all societies having the iibercy to bring themselves within compass.' — a~"»«"w Marvel. "—Andrew ARTICLE I. SUBSIDIARY HIGH COURT POWERS. Sec. l~The Subsidiary High Court is the source of all legitimate au- thority of the Ancient Order of Foresters, in the Dominion of Canada. It possesses exclusive jurisdiction and power, subject, however, to suoh laws as reserve certain rights to the High Court of the Order. (a.) To establish, regulate and control the forms, ceremonies, written and unwritten work and to provide for the safe keeping and uniform teach- ing and dissemination of the same. (b.) To provide and furnish all Lecture Books, Dispensations, Emblems Certificates, Clearances, and such other goods or paraphernalia as may be necessary for the uniform working of the Order. (c.) To provide for the distribution of all passwords, and regulate the mode and manner of using the same, and to prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to secure the safe and easy intercourse and identification of the brethren. (d.) To establish the Order in the Dominion of Canada, where the same has not been instituted. (e.) To provide a revenue, by means of a per capita tax on •ach Subor- dinate Court, and charges for sup: ''f>s furnished. (f.) To provide for aunual « -( other returns from each Subordinate Court under its jurisdiction. (g.) To hear and determine through its final arbitrators all apneals from Subordinate Courts, in accordance with the regulations of the Oruer. (h.) To enaot laws and regulations of general application to carry into "efifect the foregoing, and all other powers reserved by these laws, to the Subsidiary High Court or its Executive Council, and such as may be neces- sary to enforce its legitimate authority over Subordinate Courts under its jurisdiction. _ , , (i.) To grant commissions to D.O.R'a. ; to define the Territorial extent of their juruidiction ; to grant dispensations tp Subordinate Courts not within the territorial jurisdiction oi any i^isMiot, aud to provide a consti- tution for each Subordinate Court. Sbo. 2.— All laws and alterations in laws, made at the High Court meeting of each year, shall come into effect on the 1st October following, and other reaolutiona of the Subsidiary High Court not intended to be em- 8 GENERAL LAWS. If n ARTICLE II. *■ „ How C©\STI'^-,TED " Sub Chief ^nger. " M Court Treasurer, " " Secretary, " " Senior Woodward, ". .. Junior Woodward, " Senioi Beadle, and 11 "II Junior Beadle Court h..i.g 30O „.a J? .J ha\rt'J'?£ '•? «"d »^ ^ .ffl.'T"'i'J' "•• Ckief Biiiwr Sub CM.f B° '""'i«'««l> of AehLui S Sr^r K? t^3^^^^S :l^^etl^ ffdav'J^T"* ''•« -edrnUaK ttesTc^R K ^^^'^ ^^^'^g^^te shaU hrst day -meeting or be fined one Zllar '^- ^^ ^^ *^^ ^^'^^k on the in. any qu^lifr^tCrSc"^ '•"""^^ *** ^- -'^ -'y - deter^in ARTICLE III. « ELKCTIOXS. «rlctto„hiohTi;et^;(?^'fj,X°''E 1'°^ '.•'"Court, formin, «, b^ more^than on. meml.r tr.L or»,!\t r„';!.;5^^^^^ igs of the Sub- a summoned Court to be ' new Courts. le S. H. C. 18 ite, and any (atea to aaoh in the place ct delegatts, of delegates Bietary, and ie is a Scan- legate shall lock OB the J determin I biennially io a choice, he name of ig shall be S( the Dis- hat on the '»8 of not resnita to lesidence, Courts in of votes, 5 to be re- GENERAL LAWS 7 Seated rntil some nominee to each has a majority of votes. The votiug iu burts iu all cases to be at a summoned meeting, and to be by ballot. Skc. 3. — In the event of a vacancy taking place in the E.G. for the time being, by the death, suspension, expulsion or resignation of one or more of its members, such vacancy shall be filled up by the other members of the E.C. present at a meetin(( of the E.C., specially called for the pur- po83. The person chosen to fill the vacancy bring a resident of the District where the E.C. may be locate<l and otherwise duly quaUfied. Sec. 4. — The newly elected H.C.R., Treasurer and Secretary, to attend the tS.H.C. for installation the remaining members of the E.C. to be instal- led by the H.C.R. at the first convened meeting of the £.C. ARTICLE IV. THE EXECOTIVK COUNCIL. Sec, 1. — Ths oflBccrs of the S.H.C., for the time being, shall constitute the Executive Council, whose duty it shall be to enforce the laws of the Order, and shall have authority, by a two-thirds vote, to suspend from the Order anv member or Court that may wilfully violate or refuse compliancti with such laws or any regulations made and adopted by the said 8.H.C., but the accused shall in all cases have a bearing in their cause, why he or they should not be suspertded, receiving at least 21 days' notice of the time and place of such hearing. Saspension of a n. ember shall also suspend him fr3m all benefits of the Court to which he belongs ; in case of a Court being suspended it shall be suspended from all benefits, and for snch length ot time as they refuse to comply with said laws md regulations, and until he or they be reinstated by the E.C, and the further duty of the E.G. shall be the granting of Dispensations to Courts, the sale ot booke, laws, clear- ances, certificates and such other goods appertaininK to the Order as may be sanctioned by the S.H.C. ; and the E.G. shall transmit to Courts duly entitled to receive them, the quarterly password, and the annup' travelling password ; and shall keep a proper and correct account of the receipts and expenditure of the S.H.C. funds. Sec, 2.— No member of the Executive Council shall be allowed, direct- ly or indirectly, to estimate tor or supply any goods required by the E.G., for the purpose of the Order, or be elected on any committee during the time he may hold office as one ot the s^id E.C. Sec. 3. — That all accounts owiar^ by Courts to the £.C. shall be paid within thirty dayo after the eud of each quarter ; any Court not complying with this law shall be fined a sum not exceeding three dollars, except in cases of new Courts which have not been established twelve months. Sec. 4. — The profit on all goods and merchandise, except Dispensations, sold by the E. C, shall not exceed twenty-five per cent of the relline price. Sec. &. — The B.C. shall hold its meetings monthly and oftner if neces- sary, for transaction of business, at such time as may be most convenient. Sec. 6. The income and the expenditure of the E. C. shall be printed iu the annual reports, which shall be issued within one month after the clo&e of the S. H. C. meeting, and said reports shall be sold to members of the ri ii 8 GENERAL LAWS. If c%'y"ofelc£ a^^^eptS t':icr^^^^^ for'^Ltra copies oftKe^oVte;^^^^^^^^ AH orders previous to date of issue. **"' *° ^^^ ^' ^' *» '«a^*' »"« 'nonth 8uciJ-r7^tt''°'"°'' """^^ ""' '^'^- ^- ••'*» bo published in the next ARTICLE V. SESSIONS. Au,u«taJ;^h';,fce\^tS^^: rc'ty^reac^nr ^ '''' '^"^'^^^ °^ mine.and adjourn its sittings ?^m day todavuS SuZI''^ session 'deter- before it shall have been dispoVed of ^ ^""°*'" *° ^ brought Sec 2. -No delegate shall be allowed to leave thn S w r- « • the conclusion of its sittinc unlesR hi. ho- « * j^' *"'• Previous to meetin,, to do so. Any d? eaSte hPiL ?k ^"*' PffW'ared sanction oi the HhalJ be fined 25 centrtot inflated b?th«T* '^'''^^"'J^'^ve at roU-call the 8. H. C. Fund, th^ roll to be ctlled^aJ thi^^'^^'^^ °®°''*' «°^ P*'<* *» the session. *'*"*'* ** '''« commencement and close of thanl"noe^i7fi?e'/ea2: ^' ''**" ""* ""''' ^° °°^ °'*y' *°^° «' -i^^Ke of tener ARTICLE VI. COMMITTEES. meeting : ^'~'^^' '°"°'''°'^ Committees shall be appointed at each S. H. C. Committee on Credentials and Returns. " Finance. " Printing. " State qf the Order. " Mileage and Per Diem. " Apneals. ir Endowment. A J " 1. L ^^ *°<* Judiciary. ARTICLE VIL DOTIKS OF OFFICERS ~ii r^T'I^ ouimuisTOroa, lumot aii fines for riolatinn> n'f fK^Jl'T "'"" '""" all drafts for the payment of monevs unrllii L!,. ^ ,^ '*''■» sign by him pursuant S law He Thfljrh*v„ ti ^»°"!"«nt« required to be signed Biiiary Sigh Surt isTfiuaHr divided exn.nM*'"'' '^''^ ^h«never the Sub- cisiou. up^nalldoubtfuOtitVr;^^^^^^^^^^ red to purchaf e a •eof. All orders leab*. oue month shed in the next 4th Tuesday of ? session 'deter- !ss to be brought I. C. previous to lanction oi the ave at roll-call Br, and paid to at and close of ' village of teaer t each S. H. C. : shall require. )r*. ietings of the fhnf. nil 1. farra iM laws, sign d to be signed ever the Sub- lot. His de- te Courts and GENERAL LAWS. 9 SfiS*?:.'tK^^^°*'"'\'yr"P'"'.*"l°«""'>n» ">at have not been clearlv da defined in the General Laws shall stand at the decision of thT wf^tf n ^f * «nt!l reversed or altered by the High Court The HP R «L?f*' ^^"^f decisions to the High Court at its fnnuJlmeeting w£ ihev ihXh* *" fe'cSnr't! ^"^^^ ^'"™^'*-'' -'^ .halTCKtr sateUsl S tlT^ defin'ed'as^olijr: TL'fey.^^hfllS7h?'^^^^^ ^."^f ^ of his duties, and in the absence of the HP wlnn^.^'" ^^^ discharge other duties pertaining tJ that officl ' '^" P'*"^' '^°** P*"***'"* ^^ H r^ mktlT?''® *^"*^ °^ ^^^ Secretary shall be to keep all books of the S to the satisfaction of th7s H.C.^Trustees."^ ^ °' """"^ P"""""' Sec. 4.— He shall receive as compensation for hia sprnVo. +u» -. ^ r .even cents ner mcmoer per annum, which may be increS bv th« ^u n m^.jng from time to time as circum'stance. an Jthe growTof Itd^r ma^y «««f ?ffi" ^~I^^ Secretary shall, at each meeting of the E C transffir ^ri Sjittf^i^etr t'oT^sS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ oash^-r?;ea t; at He shall be fined $5 for each and eve?; negiec? of duty 'CZ I '1^1''^"^'' be hable to removal for ineificie^cy. w^lfuffeglct of&sc^nducf '•''^"'' .halfKde\7y?d\V're"s.RT""''''^«°°''^ and effects of the Order ARTICLE VIIL SCRHIUIARY moil COURT TRE\St7RFR oH?.^%l'--Th«f»?dsofthoS.H.C.shanbepSSt^ hands of thn S.H.C. Treasurer, who shall eive bonds to the Trustees for f hi f-.u*? .... -.jr .:xc o.xl.u. ranger, ana oouutersigjed by the S.H.C. Secretory ARTICLE IX. TKITSTKRS Sec. L-There shall be three Trustees of the S.H.C. elected at each 10 GENERAL LAW8. III fl: 'i session thereof, who shall be responaible for all funds of the 8 ft C and In whose names the bonds of the Treasurer and Secretary slull be rive" and they shall invest, subject to the apDroval of th^ V' p ik * t - ARTICLE X. AUDITORS. cl,„ii'''''T. f "'n*T ^''*" ^^ ^'®°*«^ a* «a°'» meeting of the S H C who J2 per day for the they are actually employed at the audit bcsidea mileage, and hotel expenses at the rate of SI per day. ARTICLE XI. MEALS. Each Subordinate Court shall have its own :)rivat<» snaJ ^ith fi,„ number of the Court, and the name of the toT^ferelr is fi'ld aJi commuuicatton from a Court shall be acknowrdjed wLh hi ' „n? fh impression of the seal upon it. J^or the purpS^ofuiriSitval Court seals shall be procured thiough the h. C uniioimity all Court . ARTldLEXIL FINAL AKBITBATOHS. fron':Sh'bTJS:t?^u?h tmSirto K2:ffi;i^.s'"^"c' ""'^'i? be eligible who has not held offi..e in his DisSt ,11 ol nu-"*-. J^" ""** «•'*" retary of a Court, or served on the E C \^; nlSTh^m^^h ^'^^'h "" "^ '^^'"■ sion, or resignation of an arbitrator shall brfill^? Jnbv*^theFr T'^l" remainder of the firm. In the event of anv a nnnl ^nh ^ ^",'' -^^'^ pursuaut to.the second section 'of'thTs' lawTei" ^''d 1^'^ and a deposit of $10 paid, they shall appoint dy^-^^latts^^^^^^ venient for suoh^cha\e. comraintyo^'pTLTi^^ clear days notice to the committee to ait «n.l nri;,,,],- .„7 «*"'" snan gi\e 1 1^ also to the plaintiff and defenTanTto app^^^^^^^^ •^"T' '^"^» of the appeal, charge or complaint to^KvSwkl 3 notice T^^ party ...ay be al owe<l two persons to assist him in Ton uSng h's case nm vidfd saoh members are financ al members of th,.Ar<i„,. u. ** |"8 case, pro- Arbitration Comn.ittce so summ^nrdTraUbL'Vott^h'oSd^rtr Ic" ness, suspension, or expulsion nr «»» ^fi,« .,. -..'"'?'; a^atn, sick- be appointed by the EC. to"fiirur^suuTi vn J^-t"' "tk'"^' Arouralur shail the hearing of the case. a.;;iV;um 'oFV;;' SS .^ If S.'tv occupied in travelling and hearing the case. The K G ^ 0'»''».'lay 6 tiuio to pay «,ll expensi'H. the S.rt.C., and ' shall be gived, C, the surplus rreasuiy or Bartk itiDg^ or the E. C. he S.H.C. who the financial con- for their services i audit, besides seal, with the is held, and no 'h lias not the mity all Court tiiian iial inonber No oiiu sliall if Ranker or Sec- h death, suupcii- the E.G. for the »e or complaint, fied to the E.G., s from the list of mmittee, to hear t placi most con- luil shall give It ou the cus«', anU mittee. A copy h notice. Rich ng his case, pro- lould any o» the iigh death, sick- Arbitrator Khaii ninittee bliali iw lace selected for each day 8 tiuio .\y Ul expenses. GENERAL LAWS. n 1 •?'''<•■ "ir'^^® functions of the Final Arbitrators shall be to hear um% jl^ecide hnally upon any dispute, complaint, or appeal l>etw.e» members of ^.ourts of one District and another member or Court in another District - any charge, complanit or appeal by a member or Court against any act of* District done by its officer under the Rules and Regulations of the Order - any appeal by a court or member, or person claiming mi»account of h meni- .f'y^'n°l • .® ^««»."^n »«• jesolution of a District Arbitration Committi-e oi ot a District meeting ; and any appeal by one District against the deci- rSwd^to fi- *"°*''*'" I^'8'''ct. and such other niatteis as nmy be properly bemf'h^ H;r^° i""^'!^".' f^'P*''"'- ,'''^P"*«*. ^'a""« or complaint shall l)e I eaid by the tinal Arbitrators, unless notice of cho same ha« beejv given i» the K.C. within three months of the date of the grievance, complaint or de- TaZ f '!*'m ,"?''I"<J'\"°' "^^^ *«» ^"""'^ «l'all have been inade by the plainUff, towards the payment of any costs or fine Wldcli' may be adjudged against him. v-o ui ««« wincn oU^r^n;!',; ^ ~'^'" ^'""^ «»;^'*.'"a*o™ «•'*" »'ave power to confirm, rescind, or alter any decis^ion or resolution appealed against, and to levy a fine not ex- ceeding ten dollars for non-appearance of the appellant, and to give judir- iT^ fo»- costs for witness and other expenses of the Comn.ittee AIMe- ^ cisions of the Final ^Vrbitrators to be conclusive and binding upon all parties ]TlT^ ^Z^f °^ ;"'''"'■ ^PP'^J^'- '^"'' ^'''^ «"*'J ^''"»' Arbitrates shaK^ power to call for all napera or documents relati>e to the c^irc or crises under consideration, should the same in opinion of the said Arbitrators beconw *iG jcssdry • ARTICLE XIIL RETCRNS TO TIIH SmslDIAnY lllf.n COUUT. % , ?T- '-TheSeoretary of every Subordinate Court, shall up to the- If the Ordei ^"''P'**''' '""'' i"f"''"^tion as may be required for the purpose Si-c. -'.--Any Subordinate Court knowingly making an imjorrect re- turn, or neglecting to transmit it to the E C , by the -ilnt day of January oUowing, shall be hned one dollar, to be paid to the S.II f^ tin " "« 'J Mie to be paid within thix^e month. «ft..r intliction. The Court to b^ sus- lieuded until the iine is paid and the return made, ARTICLE XIV. TKUiyretiiiAi, kisthiit*. Sec-. 1 . -That a District shall he constituted of one binder the juriadicticn of the S.H C. Skc. 'J. _Af. flw. H n VT «f I. T^ i-. i> • ,, • . . shall be a resident men.her of the District ov«r which he has to preMdeand be recommended by the delegates from that District, whose duties it .hall be to open new Courts in his District when instructc.l bo to- do by th« h tl P''««"^° o^'c^' all meetings of the District- Arbitration Oominittc-. U have a g-^neral ov srsiijht of the Courts in his District; tv> .eport Vwy or more Courts '; i GENEBjiL WWS Seo 1 An iSi, '.•' °°' *? T""'*" °' ""> ^""o Court. " cteS Zv «;• """'^ P"?««?"e. .h.n b. appo'SeSTt eich S H.' raTavrJ„x:„r£°?„frF'^rr'"^ D C rL ,?«!.. 1- V ''^ heariiw has been served in writing bv the Sl.M*„°r'iVn't".°l5"J^"„7 *' «»-""V .. .he Court .5 S fcufliuess transacted in any" Cw'orGomnS«Vr"^ '"'■ '^'7'«*°« t^-« member of tiio Order. Oomnnttee to any person other than a J^hov%~SdliruZ"'^J\^^^^^^^^ P<^"o„ on behalf of a wjuow or next of kin, u>ftlHng a charge, complaint, clai^n,. * and n- iera when instrnctedl sm and travelling tions of the E. C. 3erning the Order, hould any financial % sufficient number the E.G. and the AD.S.C.R. Bhall tin^s of Arbitratioa h sickness or other I investigated. The Court. onsisting of eight 5ry Court in a Dis- ioted at each S.H. hrough death, sus- all be filled up by D.C.R. shall pre- 10 vote, except the crested in any case lall preside, and he case be adjudica or unless fourteen in writing by the Court to which >e to hear and de- , or co.Tiplaint, in Order, between a or Court of the 3 District against i, for violation of ition of Rules or ieding^l, the re- nalty not within Any appeal by a Court of a member or istrict Officer for peal a£(aiust any s own authority, mior which may tlio charaotor or I. Divulging tko ion other than a on behalf of a plaint, claiiiv <*^ GENERAL LAWS. 1# ;appeal, as above, shall give notice of the same in writine, to the District •Cf.R., within three calender months of the discovery of the alleged offence^ or date of the act appealed against, or such charge, complaint, claim, of ^appeal shall not be entertained, nor unless the claimant, complainant, or appellant makes a d <poait of $5 towards any fine or expenses that the con*' mittee in their verdict may record against them. A copy of the charoe, •complaint, claim or appeal, duly signed by the District C.R., shall o« served upon the Secretary of the Court to which defaadant l^lengs, at least fourteen clear days previous to the date upon which the Committe* are summoned to sit. The said deposit to be forfeited to the S.U.C. Maa- agement Fund if the complainant or appellant wilfully neglect to appear^ or if the charge, complaint, claim, or appeal, be proved frivolous or vexa^ ttous. If the defendant neglects to appear, judgment shall be recorded against )iim by default and the Committee shall be empowered to fine him any sum not exceeding 915 for dltich neglect, if not caused by illness, dnifr certified. Skc. 6. — That this Committee shall have power to refer a case back U^ the Court dr Court Committee for a decision upon its merits,in the event of any informality having prevented it being tried, and that this Committee shall have power to confirm, rescind, or alter any decision which may bet appealed against, and to inflict fines for the violation of the Rules and Lawr, •and to charge the plaintiff or defendant with the whole or any part of the expenses of the Committee, or 6i witnesses in a case. The expense neces- sary for conducting the case shall be provided by the S. H. C. who sh^ charge the same to the plaintiff or defendant, and. that the District Arbitra- tion Committee shall not be called out unless the necessary expenses have been guaranteed by the plaintiff or defendant to the satisfaction of the IX. C. R. Territerihl Districts to be as follows (subject to additions) : Middlesex and Elariu District — Lendon, London East, Loudon Wesf^ London South, and St. Thomas. Oxford District — Woodstock and Ingersoll. Wentworth District — Hamilton and Dundas. Perth and Huron District— Stratford, St. Marys, Mitchell, Seafortft^ and Mt. Forest. Durham and OitaVio District — Oshawa and Bowmanville. Y^ork District — Toronto, Parkdale, and Woodbrldge. (frey aud Sinicoe District — Meaford, Owen Sound, and Barrie. Kent District — Chatham and Buckhorn. Hoohelaga District— Montreal. Waterloo and Weilingtoa District — Gait, Guolph, Prc&t JU, and Hillfr^ jj. 1 Lambton District — Point Edward and SainfAi Essex District — ^ Windsor. Brant District — Brantford and Paris. Bruc»* District — Kincardine. .Selkirk District — Winnipeg. Garleton District — Ottawa. JLiucolu District— Niagara 1 sill. u GENERAL LAWS. ARTICLE XV. SfrDORDINATK (--OURTS. eoMtitute u fi«criu.i tor the transact m. nf ^„ •• ^'^^" ^^'e members shair to preside: a/.d if only Hvo .SKu,'° ,!!,"' 1'"'*' »>*'''"^"'«< one q.mlifie.l *hall be made unless by unanSua consSt * "PP'opriation of .noney i« June an.l December of each ye«? and iniuS]''" '^1 '"l^ '"^"""S "^^^^t Jti,^.,. -••.""• '• "'v "'"«-o me occupant of wh BUccwsivA .-.m.i ' -.— ■•™ declared vacant by a vote of the cot rf Z ^ V- '/«" '^•' '"eetings may b« «oticeofsuchmnL„hlKL. !.:T' '°V "'"t'on'to ti.ut effect, provide*l «otice of ;u7h moTio; has^ bee rgiZ'Eo'he'S"'*"^''"' effect.'-p^ovLleri at wbich the vote i« taken. If^v "clncv in fffi '''" 'r?f!"« P'«^*«"" *« that «« provMed, and membe.s so IK L|^ L^%ff ^' '""'^ ^>' ♦-•'e««on tl.e office provided they co...Vete ,he ter! ''.f «"»'","' »« the privileges of tiUtheofficeof Chief iLnZ^^who as n«^^^ ^^ '^'*A' ^> f«II term of six ,..o..thH, «i\her . h sown or anv A"/'"' r'""'" ^"'"^ ^"'^ ^he *..cmber he elicihle to Hll onv office who i«nn7«''^- 9°"'*' "°'' «''^^' ""V *haU be allowed to office o^ L'wgh This l^St A """' "\"-»'»'e- ofdepositHK his ev.^nf ' M'"' "' "'^."""•ition or on the n L'ht -.., v...^ ...o ^..ruiiiuue, except suci Ota new Court, when he mav h,iv« «-h« «..;,.;! ■-■—"■'• "^^ vn ti e openiui; «f a new Court shall Sr.dUrq-SficatS'to^f''''"^ "P°" ^''^^ '^P«""'« In the District, or the S.II.C. ^"'""^"'*""" *» "C'^upy any superior office .^hSytTs'^^fa^oTotfior:^^^^^^^^^^ Court who is under fcer). nor unless heT,e of good moml chrrSeL *'' ,"'• *"u ''""°'«'-V "'^m- froo, disease, that no pers^beSted a .Sbern?^'"^ ?'**'• ««"* ^'«« apd dumb, partially paralyzed, or who ha« loathe .f,„ 1 ^',^'1 ^^° " ^'''^ •ight of au eye, or who is sufTering f .on, a rZt r« T t '""' °'J^""'^' o^' n^ember). Any member knowingly J odoZJoV!*''P''"' '^" ''"""''a'-y contrary to this law shall be fined So £ h« 3 I*^?«T:""S a candidate wspectable person be allow ed to boon.^^ I*"* *° "'« «• "C- fund. Any •f 18 years, by paying not less tSan «T to ?h. m""'*""^ "^''"^^'" '^ ^^ the a^i Aave no claim oS the fundV^f the Court or^ ^^ «>'all that of Treasurer or TrustL L « -X'?'-^ - '^ •' '?-'^'-""y ^^''-'^ «'^-^«n«^ ■ofc render him eligible to hold anv offiprnTL'^^T ^"^'"V'"* ''owever. shall Ioi^e<l to vote upon ««/<! Slo.?a«Sni fuT«^,'""' j'V"^''" »«t be al- Any financial me.uber .^ become arhmlr...^"'^ u"*^ Z"""'''^' Fun », *»y giving notice at a &« Ji.fla" €6^72 « "^ "l'^ own_ Court ccntributions, a.-,ea.H, fines (if «ny)^and bv TnT *^-f; "^^ P«ving all oaniedandpaying^a t JL^f.^ o'^L^Z^ t" t J^Si^ut^ ued by the E.C. embers.and shalt e members shaU" ins; one q.mlififid liatiou ot monev B provided -n the 8t meeting nieht first meeting iii. Iinve been absent neetings may be; effect, provided previous to that iilhd by election he privileges of II be eligible U> te otfice for the t, nor shaJj any uid no member ' ir on the night Oil tl e opening, ■lected as Chief it. Tile service on the opcnint; superior office who is under honorary mem- ealtb, aad free der who is deaf oot or hand, or IS an honorary ig a candidate 0. fund. Any sr if of the ajro xnd. He shall . ly otlice except however, shall hall not be al- iincral Fun "g, lis own Court by paying all 1 btiui^ duly the Manage- GENERAL LAWS. 1ft mcHt Fund of the Coutt. Every application for membership must bo accompanied with one dollar as proposition fee. Courts shall have the priv- ilege and option ot admitting persons ab 16 years of age, provided they have been members of a Foresters' Juvenile Society for twelve months im- mediately preceding their attaining the full age of 16 years, on payment of the same entrance fee and rate of contributions as charged to members of 18 years of age, or if the Court may so desire, with lower contributions and beneHts for the intermediary time up to 18 years of age, such persons to b« called probationary members, and, until they arrive to the lull age of 13 yeaj-s, to be snbject to the following conditions:— (I) Not to be admitted into a Court during Court hours. (2) To fill no office in the Coiut. (3) To receive no signs or passwords, and (4) Not to pass through the Initiatory tycremony. In all cases of admission a certificate of Birth shall be pre- sented. *^ Bi;<!. "i- Any member who has lost a leg, arm, or an eye during the tinu he was u member of the Society, and who may hare been expelled or •Hspended iwclvo months, may, if under 45 years of age, upon the produc- tion of a medical certilicate, and with the sanction of the E.C. be permitted to join any Court as a new member. Skc. 6.— Should a Juvenile Forester lose a leg. arm, or an eye durin({ the time he belongs to a Juvenile Foresters' Society, he shall be eligible to join any Court of the Order that is wiUlnp' to accept him. Sw; 7.— Applications for initiation must We signed by the petitioner, stating his age, rcfidence and occupation, and endorsed by two members io good standing, who are members of the Court he desires to enter. Su3h applieatiou must be entered in the minutes, and the petition referred to a committer ot three for investigation (neither of whom shall have recom- mended him), whose duty it shall ))e to report on the character and qualifi- cation of the petitioner. At the next regular meeting the proposer or Mconder of the applicant shall produce a medical certificate of health, and, if approved by the Court he shall be balloted for by seci et ball ballot, and if three or more black balls appear in the ballot the candidate shall be rejected, and if approved nr y be admitted on the following Court n<ght. When a candidate has been rejected he shall not be again froposed in any Court Botil the expiration of six months from date of rejection. Seo. 8.— Any Subordinate Court may receive clenrnnccR from the date of oiwumg, and may grant clearances one year from the date of opening. Sko. 9.— Every Court shall appoint, if possible, a legally registered medical pfaotitioner, in actual practice, tor the examination of candidates and attendance on eick numbers, _ Sro. 10— Should a member of the Order when residimr at a distance of . nve iiiUes or upwards from his Court fall sick, ho shall send a certificate Irom some qualified* medical practitioner, magistrate or clergyman to the Secretary ot his Courr., who shall request any Court of the Order (provided that there is a Court near the sick member) to visit and pay the sick mem- ber his sick pay, and failing to do so, the Court being saticHed that the inetnl)er is a financial mcmlier of the Order, may pay the member's sick al- lowance for two weeks, which amount shall be repaid by the Court to 16 GENERAL LAWS. «uch authority if corrfct within o-ff^'.^P*"*. previous to receiving made forth«8ame. or brfiSbdo^edX^r''^ * ^^ '^^'"'^"'l J^" ^^ ^urt which has pail the anowanco If lh« ^'"•'? 5°" ^ ^« P^'^ to the Jwlongs has been susperidedexDelTed i h.L^""'"' *° '^hich tfie member the amount from the^S. & F Fund A Lr^^^'i, "P- ^^^ S-"C- shall pay quired in all cases of sickness whithm./""'°"'^*'' l^^V ^^^H be\^f been declared off the funds and a flSl.^f^ occur after a member has pay advanced. Should a member S^t^r.'*" "^'^^ the Court for sick from his Court, and desirTs The aStenct J ! ' 1•''^'''T '""«« ^'"'ore la the neifichborhood. he shlll be allowed suoh n-i^f'"*' °^?«'" °^ » ^oart by 8uch medical ofFoer. and K dS th. -^ ''^''^"P.?" ''*^'"«a°««P*«l Courta8maybepaidbvmemh«r/fhl ^* / "-^""^ contributions into the be compellecf to pay t7tElT„ed?caf Xer "^rK^ which time he shall l^ member, whether he has theiem'ces of J;nfh n' ^^^S ^*'"'"'' '^"d every or not, and who lives thrernX or mL* ?*''^'"u^°';.''' ^^"''S^o'* t*'*" hisowi emptfromanypaymenfofcontribiUr,stn'^thl^ be eV? . whatsoever unless tK,n^„t!- *? ""^'at*^ or admited under any Dreten«* which shall no Te less ?hai isftL^^^^ ^^« «»«»" haveLr^dT entrance fees : ^^ *' ^^^^ '° *he following graduated scaW 18 years, and not exceeding 25 §2 50 30 " " " 30- •......'.". "^3 00 35 ;; " 3o 4 00 s ^ " ' •' •• S::::::::- ?^ Jothe's^k'.nd'^CnLarFltwhth^'h^^ T'? '' «0"t"but!on. AGES ' ~S iT-iS . ^ AT LAST BIRTH- DAY. S. ds F. CONTRIBTJTroNa PER FORTNIGHT. AGES AT LAST BIRTH- DAY. 18, 19. 20, 21.... 22, 23. 24.... 25, 28, 27... 28. 29, 30.... 31, .32.... 33, 34.... 35. 36 . . . $0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 37, 38. 39, 40. S. & F. COXTRIBCTIONS I'ER FORTNl«HT. 41 42.... 44."??., $0 24 25 26 27 28 29 4 T/,'u>:\s,tTj»,'? -rt^sr .ti» 10 ue less than 8 cehts, and not more than 12 :han two week's •urt ({iving an- I'ance shall re- lis to receiving nand has been ; be paid to the ich the member H.C. shall pay )ay shall be re- a member has I Court for sick se miles or more icer of a Coart being accepted itions into the le he shall not irt; and every on than his own >m, may be ex- .. !er of his Coart r any pretence ivebeen paid, uated scale of oontribatfooB than the fol- jsary : GENBBiAt LAWS. 17 . & F. ilBUTIONS ORTXIOHT. 90 24 26 26 27 23 29 'Oents per member per fortnight. Sick pay to be paid by Conrta for2B weeks, $4 00. Sick pay for further 26 weeks to be paid by the S. HLOL, ^.00, and reduced sick pay of $2.00 per week as long as the member re- mains sick to be paid from the S.H.C. Sick Fund. Funeral benefit at death of member shall he $100, and tuneral benefit at death of member's wife Hhall be $50, to be paid from the S.H.C. Funeral Fund. In the event of a member dying his "'-lovv may contribute the sum of $1 per annam to the S.H.C. Funeral Fu *vhen her heirs or nominee shall, receive the member's wife's funeral ai.owanee at hei death. ms as neoea- lore than 12 Sec. 13. — That a registration fee of one dollar be paid tor every member returned to the S.H.C, and a levy of fifty cents per member per half year for each member returned as financial upon the return sheet of the Court, such registration fee and levy to be placed to the credit of the S.H.C. Funeral Fund and paid frdm the S. and F. Fund of the Coart. Eadk Court shaU make a return quatterl" up to the first day of January, Apri^ . July and Octobet of the name, age, occupation, whether married or single^ and date of ' initiation of each new made member that has been admittedl 4uring the previous quarter, likewise, the names of all members admitted hy clearance, also those who have left by clearance or expulsion (the reason for expulsion to be assigned), and any who have been suspended for non-pay- ment of contribution, and any suspended members who may have been re- instated or single members who may have been married during the qaarter, Buch return to. be sent into the S.H.C.S. Within fifteen days ot the end of the quarter. Any Court ueglectins to comply with the above shall tw fined o.ia dollar. All members not returned by their Courts as suspended* expelled, or dead, shall be charged in all S.H.C. levies as financial mena- bers. A momber shall become free and entitled to his own or wife's funeral benefit at the expiration of 12 months after his iuitiation, aud to half the funeral benefits at the expiration of six months after his initiation, provided he be not a suspended member. All legal claims upon the S.H.C. Funeral Fund shall be presented to the 8.H.C.S., accompanied with a medical certificate of death, and a statement "igned by the C.R. and Secretary cer- tifying to the deceased member's financial standing in the Court, tad. If found to be in acoordaqce with the* laws, he shall issue a cheque for pay- ment of the same. All courts having claims for reduced sick pay shul make such claim immediately after the 1st of January, April, July or October, to the S.H.C.S., when if the claim be found correct, the S.H.CL*^ ehall discharge the same.' All documents produced to bear the Court Seal and officer's signature, and the surgeon's last certificate prior to the claiin being made. Court Secretaries shall notify the S.H.C. Secretary within 14- days from the time of placing the member on the S.H.C. S. A F. Fund, Sbc. 14. — When a member becomes suspended from the benefit* of his Court through non-payment of contributions, and such contribations d# ■ot exceed twelve months, he may rejoin the order as a reinstated member only, and in the same Court, in accordance with Sec. 16 of this law, bat if the arrears of contributions of such suspended member exceed twelve months he shall rejoin the order as a new member only, i\ad in any Ooart* II J III ViJf IS GENERAJ. LAWS. i !' hv } ' ^.'^'^f-tiAL LAWS » ^l7Crr.£?oYi:^Srtr& ^^'^^ -. P^-n who ha« pre- State, of America, shall beXwVd Eo . • °'"A°" °* ^'''"^'^a or the Unft?d «;«eptasanhouorarymembe Souttiir"*.-" ^^i'^^-" ^» another cS •Mla-tamembe. :but i„ tC event «."k"" °' '''' ^«"'-» "^ '^hi^^^^^^^ . AhaU be m ftie power of the E C uVhl n T^ »'»nctiou being ^vithheld i? ^•pplicatipaof theCou.t wiHi'n^^ grant such Jnction „poa »Mou 8 Why their sanction is withhp,M a % '" Piodiicing satfsfactoiir their reasons for withhohling Their «- .f"^"-^ ^r' «««l^«tiug toforwanl CBartandtheOrrlerforaperiSof 1$ 'ir'S, ""'J*''- «»^P«nsion fro n hia «ent of his contributions oV fines „.^^ calender months through non nav! l"'«;«rP*»'-°':*'°'-ofhisS.rro;oftCEr ""'"'^ any :S ^iTLiiZ^"'' C^J"-* -hall o^loDt a rn.« oI.„.,.. .... - , n^» «P"'"! ?"=P°nf2e<' from the benefifc«' i^TZ-^ ^^""ii'g when a, member ■""tofcoufcributions, butnoruIeSh ''^ '^" Court through nonnaSf m who has pre* * or the United another Court «rt of which he «ng withheld it; sanction npoa . provided the )g satfsfactory iug to forward lender month tlie case may yi'Jfir for the i;y to this law "j.H.C. fund ; informing the one doKar and oiirt has been I by tlie E.G.,. dolated, lion from his "gh non-pay- iny decision,, rbitration or ^ Arbitration. I'd re months Order in any direction, or nber and of >f his Conrfc Secjetury of >f ft member, 1 12 calender shall be so shall exceed that he ia in lefits ot his pliance with Committee, ny Court of > a. member h non pay- efits to any licted upon and not be GENERAL LAWS. 19^ Sku. 19. — Ifpny member desires to sevtr his connectioa with a Court othvrwiee *ihan through suspeusion by non-payment of his coutiibutiona, he shall be allowed to do so by serving in person, or by proxy, a written iiotiv'c ot withdrawal upon the O.K. at any Court meeting, such notice to be attestetl by a member of the Court, and to expire upon the following monthly Court meeting, up to which date all arrears must bo paid; then his membership shall bo recorded in the minute book as cancelled, and after which record he shall cease to have any claim upon the funds of the Court. Members who may withdraw from a Court under the notice allowed by this scstiou shall only rejoin the Order as new members, and Section 16 of this Article shall notapply to members who give notice of withdrawl, unles ; they fail to pay the arrears due at the termination of the notice, and the failure to pay such arrears shall thereby cancel the notice and reuder a new one necessary. '^ Seo. 20.— The funds of all Courts shall be divided into three sectiona. First, Sick and Funeral ; second, Mauagement ; third, Benevolent or Con- tingent, and these funds siialtuol be used for any other purpose whatever. ^Ec. 21.— rEach Suborilinate Court shall, at its tirst meeiiug in January or as soon thereafter as possible, in each year, elect or appoint an Arbitra- tion Committee tf twelve financial members, eight of whom shall coustitute a quorum for business. They shall try all cases, hear all charges and ap- peals impurtiallv, and present their r<^commeudations, securely sealed, to- the Couii. Should aiiy member of the Committee become disquaiihcd to act, the Court shall have the power to till the vacancy at a reguUr meeting. Kveiy brother or offio«r prctering a charge or uonipkiuc, or making un ap- peal us abo.e shall giye notice of the same in writing to the CK. of the Court within three month!* after the discovery of the allogi.d otlence ap- pealed against, or suuli charge, complaint or appeal bhali nut be eutertained- uor unless the complainant or appellant makes a leposit of two doUais to- wards any Hue or expense that the committee may record in their verdict, against him. A copy of the charge, complaint or appeal, duly signed bv the Secretary, and haviig the seal of the Court, shall be served upon the defendant, or at his residence, at lease 14 day. previous to the date upoa which the committee are summoned to sit. The said deposit to be forteitcd to the Court if the complainaut or appellant wilfully lu-glect to appear, or if the charge, complaint or appeal be proved frivolous or vexatious ; and if the defendant neglect to appear, unless caused by illness, duly certified,, judgment shall t^ recorded against him by default, and the coihmittee shall be empowered to tine him in any pum, not exceeding five dollars, for an ?)i neglect to appear, and als3 to charge either plaintiff or defendant with the whole or any of the expenses of the conmittee, or of witnesses in a case. "^/'Ka*; ^kpt* ^Hft i^ffosislAM w Ti'^'^f'irH ;':V stis^ t.iti^ 0>i!i!n'iitit^s iTi&v (siiL)^t2Ct: to con* tirmation by the Court) dirict that the defendant be expelled, suspended or fined, or be fined and suspended, and that he pay the costs of the commit- tee and witnesses. The tine to be paid to the court in all cases. The plain- tifToi' deteuilant shall have the right to appoint any member of the Order,. iu gtMul standing, to appear as counsel on thiir behalf. The evidence sliali- ubikH be taken down iu writing and signed by the witnesses 2. S. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Roll 0.11 of OfflseK. Propositions, lo ?,°°^ »"li Welfare. 8«c 25— That ^''°""« '^ourt. ARTICLE XVI „ 8,0. l.-ZTt,Z''rr°:V °' '"'"°«»--- ooob™. ^iieVtl-;, .,-''. ";^"l'f"l'rH I" "■S°«<1 lirWm "nuLS't'l"' ■"""•"■."d GENERAL LAWS. 2t ere ia a balano* nediatelr make ch deficiencies. >ther Court, {ft •provided they 5 Court which ei?e of mak- owu Court; to be incor^ ler Societies tter formed within air i, .''* ♦.(!,;■■*, : -i.i.e8 ac-: all meet- iuflict all le a H.O. i»ey8, and He shall confirm- ent with lischarge «f his duties, and in preserving order and decorum in the Court. He shall preside oVer all meetings in the absence of the C. R., and for the time be- ing be inv'-ste<l with the same power and authority, and be subject to the same pecatdes and liabilities as though he was the C. R. He shall assist 'in th" iLntuilio" of new members, and perform such other duties as may bo or'jii,is.aut «::- uis office, and as prescribed by the Ritual, General and aiiu Couru Lawn. S?, ' 4. — The Treasurer shall take charge of the funds of the Court, and pay all drafts properly presented to him for payment, which shall be signed by at least the O. R. and Secretary, and the seal of the Court attached. He shall deposit the funds in such manner and give snch security for the faithful performpnce of his duties as the Constitution and By-Laws of his Court shall provide. It shall be incumbent upon him to attend all meetings of the Court, and to receive from the Secretary ali moneys paid to said Court, and give a receipt therefor. Sec. 5. — The Secretary shall take note of the proceedings of each Court and Standing Committee meeting, and keep a true, correct and full re- cord thereof in a book provided for that purpose ; make out all notices, conduct correspondence, keep true and correct accounts between the Courts and its members, and S.H.C. post the members' accounts after each meeting, draw all drafts for the payment of money, and affix the seal thereto, j,nd to all other documents requiring the impression of such seal, make all necessary returns to the S.H.C, including full quarterly returns upon a form to be supplied by the E. C. for the purpose, with the names of all expelled members with the reasons for their expulsion (such names to be published in the Annual Report together with the reasons for^ their expulsion), keep a full and complete record of the name, age, residence and occupation of each member of the Court, date and cause of leaving;, death, and such ether particulars which may be required by law, and per- form such other and further duties as may be consistent with his office, and as prescribed by the General and Court Laws, He shall ;ive such security for the faithful performance of his duties as the Court anall deter- mine, Skc, 6, — The Woodwards shall each visit the sick at least once in each week, and perform such other duties as may be , consistent with the office, and as prescribed by the Court laws.' Seo, 7.— Tht Senior Beadle shall be stationed at the portal of the inner door, and his duties shall be to attend to the alarm and receive the pass- word. When necessary the Junior Beadle to be stationed outside the portal. They shall perform such other duties as the Ritual and Laws may require. Sec. 8. — TheTrustee& (neither of whom shall be Secretary nor Treasurer of the Court) shall have general supervision over the funds and ' properties *»* ^l^rt ("v..,^4^ \vhft!i not incornorated. and in coniuuction with the CtRe^ Secretary and Treasurer, shall attend to and invest the funds of the Court in such bank or securities as the laws of the Court may provide, and the Court may determine. It shall also be incumbent upon them to from time to time see that the proper bonds are executed according to law, and that Ji -the I t ^^ENERAL LAVVS Shall make out a detailed lenort iopo™ J -^ , <|eemed necessary. Thcv cxammation. the charrman of 8ucr„.?l^ ^'^^ ^^^ '•«»"'' of tS open Court, at the mee«*r'""f ""^ '""'' "»''»t'"''« nation ^^VtheprpS of e":: ,?r;;L''s5f ^ -ne,„«io7;f "tT^/r their duties, all offlnoV-.f *.,!7;""^^/''« sa.d committee to fully perfum, f-^r duti;;:';iiXr:f'S,:'S;l;"^^"^ s^'^^o;,;;;.;;;:^^ fSl^pSt ' , ;• "" — Courts niav rriako at^nh ^a i-l- .s|^..w .„«_ 4, i^'- -tree: ^S^ 'or a„v farther „ff»„..,„'„%»».i,,/»^.e.^^^^^^^^^^^ of Ms'ronrT „ J '' a financial member bs leffXS""r "'^^ <leter.nine. ' "'f ^onrt, and be in reoelnf nt o,- i '^Ka'iy declared on the Sick 7<^ii„i . AKTICLE X\ II. ' •^K'^l.-:No Court shall grant'iXr ''l.EAnA\(!ES. ■ancc unless it slialJ hare be ■on ostab- ifficient responsi- ^posited in asme the Laws of this he members of iifc the acconiit« cessary. They result of t!:cir e shall read fn f their exami- fully perfann rol any books, .'iodoiuits and ^iforo the said the refusal of . suspended or iiember of the Jnditioii of all nd, fillnpthe ^e shall per- timed as the I »'ay be coii- Je. He shall ipon by him- , and impose 'lent of their vny Stibordi- is assembled lat has l)oen 3 is Hnislicd, it, or unlcRs 'A lie shall, 'position, bn $»0.00, and determine. i^ick Fund ' Court to nmoiuit as h'an(3e, and ^ainplianoe t'cn ostab- GENERAL LAWS. « 'lished twelve months. Applications for clearances shall be made, either personally or in writin?, to the Court, and a clearance shall thereupoa be granted, provided the 'neinber has been initiated twelve months, is dear upon the uooks, ie free from all charccs made or pondincr, and there be do other valid objection. A member drawing a clearance must deposit the same in some legal Court within three months from its date. Sec. 2. Any member drawing his clearance shall pay his dues op to date of such clearance, and the Court granting the same uhaiil pay all law- ful claims accruing within and during twelve calender months from saM date, under such rules and regulations as the Court may provide. No Court to'be allowed to accept clearances from members whose asje exceedc. 45 years, exceot Courts under the jurisdiction of the S.H.G of C^ada, who may accept clearances from members under the same jurisdiction, up to 50 years of age. Sec. .3. — Should any Court refuse to accept the clearance of a member, said member shall be allowed one calender mouth troiu the date of such re- fusal, except members iu a foreissn country, when three mouths shall be allowed to return the same to his own Court, which Cuurt sbi>ll be boaud to receive the same. ^ Sec 4. — Any member holding a clearance for a longer period thau six months shaM be suspended from the benefits of his Coui*ti. and it not re- turned at the end of twelve mouths from its date he shall only be permitted to join the Order as a new member. Skc. 5. — When a Court under the jurisdiction o' tiie S.H.C. of the Da- minion of Canada r.ccepts a clearance, it shall infoini the Court grantiug such clearance of the rate at wliioh it accepted within 30 days, or be Oac<t $1, to be paid to the S.H C fund. Should the Caurt from which the brother drew his clearance break up before the. expiration o* 12 monttis, then the sick pay shall be paid by the S.H.C. uutil tlie 12 months have expired. Skc. 6. — All Courts under the jurisdiction of the S.H.C. of the Dominion of Canada shall recognize all clearances issued by th« H. C of the Order, or any S H.C. working under the same, eubjeot; however, to the foregoing provisions. Courts may accept clearances from any Omrt under the jurisdiction of the S.H.C. at the same rate of contributioos as the meniber paid into the Court from which he drew sucli clearance, an«l any Court accepting a'clearance from a Court under the jurisdiction of the S.H.C, shall not be charged registration fee for such member. Skc. 7. — A clearance shall be renewed if lost or destroyed accidentally, upon satisfactory evidence being adduced from the holder and applicant to the Court. Any clearance .uay be revoked by the Court that issued it previous to being accepted by another Court, at any time for cause appear- ing, and when so revoked for the purpose of impeach ment and trial, the perbou iioUiiiig ttuoli oieaiHiioe niiuii L« siibjeut lu tL" <Jinu'l su far as txm- oerns said impeachment and trial. Refusal to comply jvith proper citation iu this conncetion shall constitute contempt. Sec 8. — In the event of a clearance being refused to a meralKjr, it «hall be in the power of the E. C. to grant such olsarancc upon the nppii- A4 ARTICLE XVIII. Sec 1 1a <5 I, ^*'^'^Q^«NT CO0RTS. ARTICLE XIX. S«c. 1-_I„ order r'"" T ''™'^' ^^^^ ^«tEOAms. C' fc, VaVe"fh*"' *''"' ^'^^ aS" JSI H i^ constituenta or the Order at anyTguiaror «n ^'- T' "' '"^P'-'^^^hing any oHts offl^^^^^^ f'^ Subordinate ▼oto in their rn»r,„:r;.^" >.^' ^- ^- > Or C. 11. shall n.,f n- »„ «-.r *- ,- . . _ the Court to y reasons why I their reasons he same being dissolved, and I.e. for the fol-, jlectin^ or r^- uts or resoln- or refusing to he Subsidiary eting without i membership er SHspension npliance with ?inal Arbitra- nonths be er- ' comply with msible to his ' trust, and se of power, , where the 3 term of his T the Order Subordinate lisdemeanor c;"iJty, im- ■0, may call iiest beiu^j or Subordi- the time of respective ill as soon or officers put to the I by law, ut mitiga- oenehal laws, article xx. FIXES. ^ Sec. 1. -Any Court, or member of the Order riolatinu any rule for which tnlVi\TJ(t''''AV^'''^'L'^'^^\^ «««d "«t l«s,thSn oVe dolllr nor more than five dollars, and that all fines inflicted for violation of kwa shaU be paid into the Court by which he fine was inflicted. taEo. 2, -In the event of any fine inflicted under these laws, or under tiia be ntlflS«r'r*''^*"« paid -within four months from the' date of such bemj? inflicted, the Court, or member failing to pay withi« the tiin« specified shall be suspended from all benefits of^the Or^e^r. until such flnoT. ARTICLE XXL BUSINESS OX SUXDAYS XOT ALT.OWKD. ARTICLE XXII. NAME OF TUB OROKR XOT TO BE USED BTf MEMBERS FOR THEIR OWI^ j - PECUNIARY BENEFIT. No member or members shall use the name, emblems or Initfols of the der ,n connection with fetes or any kind of eAtertainmont for S oi? own ARTICLE XXUI. '' . ' BRINQINO AX OFFICER, BROTHER, OR THE ORDER INTO CONTEMPT. Should a Court, oflicer, or brother print, publish, or circulate nnv article, or by any means whatsoever act so as oLnranrCouJt cSbSw contempt, unless a suffictent cause can be shown for so doina shSll on proof being m«de thereof, be fined, suspended or expelbd at tS^ dl8?itiS' of the Arbitration Comipitte. by which the charge may be heard. ' ARTICLE XXIV. , ,, PRI^'lLEOE OF MEMBERS, ETC. - i • • tu • ^^^' \'T-^^J member or members who voted in the mfnorltv affalnili heir Court bj^king up or seceding from tho Ordef; or agSns? their cSSJS Jt ."^nT"* n-^'T rP'"."'* for noncompliauoo with the laws or decuJin boio^ .nade^luH^eoKXe'stnjSgS^a; n:;:mS'of^S,^^ iJ'S^ event of .their not being afilo to obtain admisaiou luto any o he! Cfourt bv olearance in cohSequence of ill health or over M(e, they s&all wy their oon^ trihutlons thi-ough th« medium of a Court in thei? locality Ke IC tud is CMC of iii9kn«s« or <l««tk thoir sick p»y Mid foMlfl a^iw^V.' ■ 26 • members voting ia the n'iuoritv «t oii""®'"*^''^^' o»' »" «'»« event of eiVhfc mdei- a new di8pen8atiohXaSflir««l'^*''°'?*^«y formerly belcJed ;un,,^ provi«lou^,lK^"„f^^t;i»^^^^^^^^ to vail tbcmselvc "f i t aUhe «a{ue place ia "'hfrt ho Jo" ^^2^? ^^^^ t^^' *''« «'"« ^^eing" bers reside at a distauee of overfivon.n *i ' , '^ ^""'" ""eiiiber or ii.ein I .ont .8 to make ti.eir h.ten«o„?kr,ow^to Z "'"" ^ '*""^^'«'' two ^aSr '•e authorized to supply oroBer o\T^ *''" P""'^'" officer*, who sliall Council, to memberK^JSg thtrnr"' ""'''''''' ''^ ^^c E^ecut" no^4i;ctf;/to~apX'Sia^h?J!'"« '""'"^^.'^ «^ "'^ Provi.i«us of tins law "ot be aUoweKS reS f he ** '"''^''^d" °«tLe8 &c 8ha U ^n;rii:rfa-^^^^^ ;:^; M s^er -« '- -« i^-""."p oJ t^co^ Xif t z^ ^y'\%OrL,^^^^^^ or have been 8„«pe„,ed Court Fund, •hall be roingtated In ^L^f"^'^" contributing to the S Cc,urt rules, Provi./ed ti.ey dUot eLe JS'i'^'^"'!' "^^ P'«">i«ed in « iir ('"k? "-•''■'•^"tr* ahall fal due on tt .iSr '*f "'' ,'" '^''- '"'. '^'^ cu.tributb,a ha^e'b^;;,;^;:;^^;,^:;;^,^'^- ":^r« i-»"pay ;; ? hui" '; ^;:. le evcut of eiyhfc ey shall be re- 'inerly belciifted the E. C. shall ch renewed dis- authority con- eaiini^ the simc ■ the iniHoiity niselvcs of tho dor mouths lu he time being, iiiiber oriiieiij. ed two caleiidrr «i», who shall the Executive s of tliis law, ices, &c., shall f the S.H.U., y against Ida he shall pay him, and the 1 be expelled >en suspended to the Hii^h ibers are first 8.H.C. all the for sick and mber or mem- kand Funeral '. and cvt-ry privilogos of ioiin that he th the sniiic liiscd in his Art. I,-), 8ic. nouth. Thj thoeontribu- Miouths in its, Ulid ijy(, _hut if till' ivo Council the Exegn- GENERAL LAWS, ' W of ftiokness a notfl of the Court, with aeal affixed, and | medical oartiaoat*. stating that the member is sick and uifible to follow His employment, shall be forwarded to the EKecutive Council, such note or certificate to be rer ported every fourtepn days during the time the member may ooutinne ill. ARTICLE XXV. COrRT.S OE SOCIETIES JOI.NIVO THE 3. H. 0. o „^f*^',*- Any Court already in existence may connect itself with thfl S.H.C., by application to the E.C, upon a form to be supplied therewith. I i^^^^ * ' **^*'' hereafter be organized within the jurisdiction 'of the S.H.C. and opened, shall only be so cpened by and upon the authority of a dispensation for that purpose, iaaued by, through and under the P. H. C. or its E.C. Sec. 2. ~Ui>on application being made for a dispensation to any Court by the founders of a new Cuurt, infoimatiion shall be given relative to the costs to wiiich they will be liable, nor shall any person or persons become chargeable to a new Court in any way, whose age is beyond the scale laid down, and that two ofKcers be sutHcient to open any nei^ Court. Tlie of- ficers to be allowed 3?2.00 per day, with travelling e.xpenses, as opening fee, wb je expenses shall bo paid by the new Court to the E.C. Any Court requiring the attendaace of a C.R or other parties, alter opening, .'^hall pay their expenses according to the above scale, Skc: 3.— No Court shall be Donnitted to sever its conne-jtlon with the S.H.C, except by permission of a three fourths vote of the deleoatea as- sembled at any S.H.C. mectinp, and pursuant to the laws thereof, and then only upon payment by said Court of all liabilities existing against it upon the books of the 8.H.C., and provided further that said Court so de- siring to sever its connection with, the S.H.C, shall give notice, in writiag, of such intention, to the E.C, at least three months prior to the next H.H. C. meeting, and provided furthermore that said Court be in good staikllng in the Order at the date of the last mentioned meeting. ARTICLE XX YI. COMMUNKlAHIOS'H 'J-O THK H.II.C. Sw. I.— All communications to the S.H.C. or the EC. shall oomo through Courts which the seal of the Court attached thereto. Skc. 2.- -Communications from any other source in any otiier form, or fi om any individual member or members of the Order may not be recognizttd or rcplie<i to, except however as to membei-s of H.C liiok and funeral fund. ARTICLE XXVn. WHBKI-; THKUK 18 NO J'ROVlMION |N' ^'JIK !:<.H.«'. tSYC^, In case any question or subject shall arise in the S.H.C, ov in a subor- dinate Court for the determination of iruch que«tion or subject there b« no provslon made by or contained in the S.H.C. or the'bylaws of a 8ulMjr- diaato (>)urt, resort shall be imd to the ceneral laws of the Order if there bo any proviiaions therein contained which will affect tho quoatlon or Buh- joot matter that may be under couBidcratlon, GENBRAJ. LAWS. ARTICLE XXVlir. ^^^thron^^ZXmeT^:^^,^^^ '"«'»*>«r for the benefit, o£ Hs reaolution o?deci8ion o?hU Cour ho s ^^ "°«-7>VPHance wUh any' Jee auoh member shall not be^Sitle?! f'n o^'' °*'.*" Arbitration Commit- S» 2' ''^ *''* ^'■''•'■' at'mission into his own or any ^V^^^oTTc^S^JSTet^^^ 't r^^'^^ ^om the mem- &' »»»»" *b»t mto irhich he was flri? nronf. '?*^ *''" ^'•^•'- '" a^y Sr brother persuade another to lla^rJ^h n^^?^^*'^ '^ » member or ihould a transfer himself to anoth« Court ^auZl '"^J'''^ ''« "'"^ hcCTLd lejjliPniVe^^^^^^^^ any person not duly and hTsh'i^ZVbTe^Ar' ~^^^^^ Jon not a memLrYnrob^o ion mtde" n I X^''^. ""^^ ^»<>-" "o at t be held amenable to and suffer thesamin-fi? ^"^^ ^""'^ misdemeanor Ind &nor^°^, '*'■«*''«'• »' •««h SrtTuilfv Sf*^/" "..'""y ^ customary o shall not be allowed to speak onTnV^ J Sf . a similar irregularity and C. R or vote of the Court ""^ '"^^'«* «^»'hout permission of tho a triarhad b^?ofeP"„ti:Te^i^^^^^^^^^^^ '"«*«*«<» "PO" a brother after Committe« of his Court. ^''' °^ «'"'*y "^^-^lered by tho Arbitration ARTICLK X'*'''^ -5- °-^- ^SSSf I ?■ p. ...n . p. pose of securing to youths betwA«n Jk '^°™**«f«« Sooiet es for the nZ GENERAL LAWS. 29 benefits of his anoe with any ation Commit- is own or any torn tho mem- r in any other r or should a Y bcIoo« and or every such at« or brother )urt that the such aolicita- not duly and moot especi* wd, he shall u to any per- sion of a can- all pay a fine be C. R. and ler in or out ^e Senior or f Ranger, he iction «f hia rother make hia Order to ive dollars, in any other all its laws, kte either or meanor and iistomary to iJarity, and Blon of tho other after Arbitration Ul be per- * the pur- teen yeara 9 entrano* fc« for admisaion into the Order and the EndowiBcnt Vuml of iiift Order. These funds shall in no way interfere with anrl shall be kept separate and distinct from all other funds, and in no case shall a Court iucur any liabil- ity for members of a Juvenile Society. Sec. 2.— The E. C. shall alone furnish such societiesVith dispensations, lecture books, and reKaiia suitable therefor. Sec. 3.— That each existing juvenile branch, and all juvcniU branchea hereinafter organized, shall procure from the E. C. a Dispensation, Rituals and Officer's Cards, and be under the jurisdiction of the S. H. C. ' Sec. 4. — All juvenile branches shall have the privilege of grantinf clearances to juvenile members from one branch to another in Canada, upon a form aupplietl by Uw K. C. ARTICLE XXX. ■CONHTRUCTIOX OF XERM.S. Whei-ever the word "month" occui-s in those laws it shall mean calen- der month, but shall not ofFeot Court rules adoptinfr the lunar month, and wherever the word suspended or buspenslon occurs it shall mean that the persons for the time ceases to have the privilege of membership. The word member shall n^an a person contributing to the funds of a Court for sick and funeral allowance, and a word in the singular number shall be applic- able to the plural, and a word in the plural also be applicable to the singu- lar. The word wife shall mean one wife only, the word district shall moan territorial district. Travelling expenses to .neau railway fare, and hotel expenses to mean $1.09 per day. ARTICLE XXXI. UMITATION OF DI8CRETI0NAIIT FINES. Sec. 1.— Any Court or member of the Order violating any of its rules for which there is no penalty specified shall be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than ^.'j.OO, and all fines inflicted for violation 6f General Lawd shall (except otheiwiee ordered) be paid into the S.H.C. Fund. Sec. 2 — The infliction of Fines for the violation of laws does not legalize the aot, but the law shall still be carried out as thouj(h no fine had been inflicted. Sec. 3.— In the event ot any finu inflicted under these laws, or under the rules of a Court, not being paid within three calendor months from the date of such fine being inflicted, the Court or member failing to pay with- in the time specified, except otherwise provided, shall be suspended from all benefits of the Or<{er, or Court, until the fine is paid. Sec. 4.— Any Court may subscribe from the Management o: Benevo- lent Funds thereof to any hospital or infirmary such sum, atinually, as may be decided upon at a summoned meetine of the Court, as necessary for the purpose of securing to the members of the Court so coatributing the beno- nts of such hospital or infirmary, according to its rules. Sec. ii.— Should any (Trustee, Treasurer or Secretary of any Court be removed from or resign his oflRce, and refufie or neglect to deliver up assign ^^ ^ OKNERAL LAWS. ment, such Trustee Treasure? oVC./^V'lf^*'.^°'"™'***« «^ Maiage- whichhewasamember ShoufnA- **'*''*"^^^^^ '" *he branch ©f the &r' „^Jr[nlternr4erw^^^^^ acknowledged neutrality of no Court or members aha"? take nirt ^as Jo?!'*'"' •'' ''""«•''"« '''■«*^«- gathering, or in any other wavforfh?:.^ foresters, n, any meeting or or sectarian religious objected bnt hIIT'^ or promotion of tomary attendance of member; In tUrlS^ 'H''''^ ^PP'^ '«'''« «"«• of worship in connecHonw th aHn[vZ"tLH.eW "''"''' "* ''"^ P'^'^ when such attendance is in aid of soZ 3 J iuf«.n> r^'"'.- *"" **" ^'^^^^o"" of an unsectarian nature. ^ hospital, mhrniary or charity ARTICLE XXXII. CAXVASSIXG PR4»HIBITEI>. any brother in auv Court nf fCn ^ *** investigation, ne ther shall himself or any S else tor a^iv^fff' °' ''"yir^*"-^ «'««• canvass either for member actinr«ontmr; to th'sU sSl,**' :^^" ^ r^^ ^"^ <=''^"* ^^ be disqualified. ""*"• "P<*° sat's^aotoiy proof thorecf, ARTICLE XXXIII. ALTERATION OF LAWS. less FesSfa^t^'^leg^^^^^^^ 'aws shall be made un- addition, alteration of ameXe S5 f,« 9^ "^^ 'T.*"'^- . ^°"«« «f «"«'' later than the 30th of May of 3 Zn^ % ^''l'"'''}^'^ ^ the H. C. S. not .Seal an.l be attested LytTcsLr.X the rT?°"''l L"""* J^*'' '^' <^''"" ' have Wn approved at'a sunuSrrctSg of tf^i^ct^r"*'''' "" """* CtENERAL LAWs. » ENDOWMENT FUND. rHKAMlJLE. Thu csJablialtmint of » Mutual Relief ar Eiido^nnciit l<'iiml being a leoognized priudple in Foieatry, it is dceinedessenlial for the protection and support of the widows and orphans of deceased bro.iiers, that such a fund be oreatedy to bo known as "TiiR A. O. *\ KNj>o\vMKN"i' Frvo." It is to be under the exdnsive jurisdiction of the S.H C, to (>e managed and co>trolled by B)ard of Directors, ronsistini; of live members, to be cleoteit at each 8.H.C. meeting;; no member shall lie eligible ou the Board Mho is i\ot a member of the Endowment Fund. 8£€. 1.— The memlwrship of this fund shall consist of raeiitbers of the A.O.F., who are in good iitanding in some Subordinate Court in the Domin- ion of Canada, and membcra of foreign Courts residing within the juris- diction of the HvH.C, and not leas than 18 or more than 45 years of age. A member shall b«; considered in good staudini^ in his Court as soon as his initiation fee is paid, and so lone; as he is not in arrears to the Court to wtiich he belongs for a period exccedins; six months. Skc. 2 - Evffry membnr applying for admission to this fund must do m through the acont or Secretary of his Court, or In the case of a member uf a t'oieinu (!ourt, tiirough the Court moat cohvenl«-'t, on a blank form supplied for that purpose, and protluce a medical certificate of pood health tiom the .Surgeon of his Court, or some other regularly (fualiticd physician, both of which shall lie forward^ to the Board Secretary, together with an cnti-anco fee ot $'2 00. Honorary mcmbors shall be admitted upon the same terms as tinancial inoiiibcrs. If th'^ applicati >u is passed by the Surgcou, the upplienut shiill litj Htipplied with a cdtiHc iic of mcuilierehip. If rejcutc I the entrance feu hliuU be rulunitd. (Six;. y.—Xht' c.ipital of this fund fthall be derived from . admission fees, monthly pavin'.-nts am) accumulated interests thereon. Sec. 4.-— The followina table of rates shall b« %dopt«d for thu cveatlou att4 inaitttQuauQQ ut ihU fuad, (o b«cQUi<9 duo la cclvaitue ;^ ciENEitza urn. TABLE OF MONTHLY RATES FOR DEATH BENEFm. BETWRKK Sec. 5.— All monies received for and on behalf Af *ui. * j ^ .. deposited in bucIi bunk or bank* iu. .«oI! i i . i . '"'■ *"°^ "haU be tors, in the name of t.« A O % v^A "^'^°^^ ^^.^^"^ ^^^^ <>* Di«o^ shall be made for any hinc nS dir.^HJ'*"'^"'/^?"^^ ?"•* "^ payftieute draftB and chcci«e« muVt Ki"^* J'K^^ «\i"' this fi^d All pressed with the seal of this feml Z conv S S *"? ^^^-^^^ry and im- the signatures of the aforementimied oSL* .^i ^^?"'°' ^ow^ther with sral shall bo delivered by the BolTd to^aeri!lnt *k "ri*'-?«"on of such f..nds are deposited. And that so much of HW- f' **{"''" *° ^'''°** »««•» guiied the probable accruin"l?.b?lU.!!!"?.^l*J;:»^^"^^^ ^'.'P^V not be rc- GENERAL LAWS. 33 5?10(0 ~olo~ 71 7'i 73 74 7o 76 77 ' 78 79 80 81 82 OSS 84 85 86 88 90 02 94 96 98 1 00 1 02 1 04 1 07 Sec. 6.— The benefits to bo paid by this fund Bhall be paid by cheque or draft, payable to the person w peraons legally entitled to receive the same and be tor v\arded through the court Secretary. _ Sec. 7.— All remittances to this fund shall be sent by post office order, registered letter, or through an express company to the Secretary of the Sec. 8.— The Secretary shall keep full, complete and accurate books of account In connection with this fund, conduct the correspondence, issue all notices, and return sheets and generally perform all the duties apper- taining to his office, and he shall give seonrity for the fait ful porforinaiice of his duties in the sum of $2,000.00 and for his services e shall receive the sum of fif ' cents per annum for every member of the Fund good on the books at tha end of the year. He|«liaM *lso notify court stcreter- ies of members three months in arrears in their respective courts. Sec. 9— The Board shail at their first meeting (appoint one of their number as Treasurer, who shall deposit all monies received by him withm 24* hours, as per Sei 5 of this article, and s:.all also give security for the faithful performance of his duties in the sum of 12,000.00, and for his ser- vices he shall receive the sum of ten dollars per annum. ' ' , . Sec. 10.— The books j-ad accounts of this fund shall be audited by the S.H.C. Auditors at the annual audit of the S.H.C. accounts. Sbc. 11.— Every member of this fund who shall change his place of res- idence, shall notify the Secretary of his court within one month, and any failure to comply with this reqi irement shall be at the risk of the member. Sec. 12.— In each annual report the Board shall give the number of inertibers who have joined this fund durfng the past year, also the names of th3 members who have died, or have been suspendfed. Sec. 13.— It shall be incumbent upon the E.G. to enforce a stn«it com- pliance by courts, officers and members with the provisions ^)f this Article. Sec. 14.— Members shall nominate and desie-nate, in writing, the per- son or persons to whom thley wish the amount of the certificate paid, and shall have the right, at any time to revoke the same. Such nonrnatiou and designation to be witnessed by two persons, who shall be memters of the Order, and the seal of the CJourt attached, the same to be forwarde<« by the Secretary to the Secretary of the Board, who shall cause the same to be entered in a book provided for that purpose, and the original document to filed. In a case a member wishes to revoke his former designation, os to ' whom the mohey shall be paid, a new certificate shall be issued on pay- ment of 25 cents. ...,,.. Sec. 15.— ^Upon the death of a member of this fund the person or per- sons entitled to receive the benefits shall make out a death report and pro- duce a certificate of death and burial to the Secretary of thecoun; Jp which ' deeeased tnember belonged, which application and certificate shall be for- warded to the Secretary of the Board, who will lay the same before the Board, and if found correcu, shall issue a draft for payment of the same, the said draft to be drawn in favor ot the persons legally entitled to receive the same, provided always that the board shall have forty days after proof of death in which to settle the claim. 84 GENERAL LAWS. - '^ 8bc. 16 —Any member in unmn for four months dues to this fond 8h«II be •uspended from the benefit, of th» fund, and .hall only b? rSuSJd npon producing .medical certificate, and^^n payment of allLi^wm^i^ due byhim *t the date of hi, .u,pen.ion and Sat my have .0*™^^^ «?md''l'„' ''•°'»*^'"«'>*- The*^ecretary of the court .h^^^t^fylach member in arrear. at leaat two week, previou. to the expiration of the tonr hi. 3^i ^?"-^°y member who ahall in his declaration and at the time of mrith^I^' *®~''''*'*.^"'*Fy »' '""'h court .Hall be .npplied by the Board rn^«u »~*?:t7u"'°.'" '**' «ompliMoe wi^ the term, of thi. fandto accordance with these law., tree of oo.t« to Mid court.. ' *° menufa'id hiri*'!?**'"?^ J""°«. to comply with the form, and require Z°T£.tS:'^;^^ti:^^^:t''^'^-'' .hll be fined the?«mot Sbo. 20.— Each court shall cauw to be kept by ito Secrctarv a Mnar ate account of membemhip in. uch court of thi. fund, .Vch SoJtICIl niml'i,"""**^'^ infnnation connected therewith" plSurly the "Snatf • SS^?"» •"«*,"•>•*«?<« r' «««h member, and .Kether m/rri^ or Binme. The Secretary to receive for hi. wrvice. the .urn of ten cent. JK.r«num per member, for every member of hi, couA iTongin^^^fh; «r?wl*:i;^°^ "i!?*^" ''^'^ **"'8"*^ certificate .hall become torn. ]o.t or destroyed, on pfodwinn satisfactory evidence thereof, .ball uTsTddhS with a duplicate on pay.nent of 25 eenta. ■uppiled 1 *■ P:~^^ CMC of a death occurrinjj before .nfficient money ha. aocn mulated to pay the amount of the claim, the beneficiary shalTTeoeJJe^SSl the Mgregat. of three months' asMssment for the totll memb^SiD »i? iftute^ ?•*•" ^'^ •" ^""'i ^^^fi ^''^ averse aTrhe™grS?«V,;' t^iEiKBr^^-^^^^^^ srn.^rthi:-«ts .Ii:.^!:'t'fK**''^.^"'^'!i^"'"'°*«°'»' '"'^ be charged for ,nchiS2d Hmount; the rate according to his age at the time of making the w«>^d fff SSJnd kSli'Si! '^ ^' °°^ '''"^^ »- °'"^^ ^ -ver thVexpe^S^'lff «fh3^;™tr^''-^"r^ ."*'?" ;PP*>'°' o°« o' !*■ members to canvas, the other member, to join this fund, and for every member he obSinTiSd passes he sh»ll receive the sum of one dolUr, to be paid from this f^S. I fond shall reinatated sseumeDts )d up to the lotify each of the four td after be- he time of t aa to bia mity tend- id, and hia the Board ■ faod, in id require the sum ot jr a aenar ount shall ularly the it married ten cents Dg to the torn, lost, 9 supplied has aecn jeive only •ship, tor 45 years. I of an ex- enefioiary t amonnt ates shall .required increased le second xpenseof ivass the sins and ^und. INDEX. A»TICL1, Paob. Auditors Duties of S. H. C *0 Alteration of Laws »« Arbitrators, Final *» Business on Sundays not Allowed «^ Bringing into Contempt the Order, an Officer or Brother. 23 Constitution of 8. H. C - r- 2 Constitution of lerritorial Districts ]* " " Subordinate Conrta jo Clearances .• *J Courts or Societies joining the 8. H. C ^ Communications to the S.H. C ^ Construction of Terms *2 Canvassing Prohibited.... «» Dntieaof S. H. C. Officers H. C. R&H. C. 8 7 " " •* Treasurer ,...» 8 ♦• •• " Trustees » •• Officers Subordinate Coorts 10 Delinquent Courts » 18 Eleotiooof S. H. C. Officers « Ezoctutive Council, Duties of '• • • * Endowment Fund, Preamb'e •< *' How managed • Pine% ••• J2 Juvenile Societies or Branches ^ Limitation of Discretionary Fines 31 Making known secrets of the Order ^ Name of the Order not to be used by Itfembers 22 Privileges of Members 24 Betnms to Sub. H. C 1* Besponaibilities of Officers and Delegates 19 Subsidiary High Court Powers of 1 S. H, C. Sessionsof ; 5 " " Committees of.. «• 8 Seals, Court H Where there it no Provision in S. H. C. Laws 27 10 30 10 25 25. 6 11 14 22 27 27 29 30 8 9 9 20 24 6 7 31 32 25 28 29 38 2S 25 11 24 5 8 8 10 87