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Tous les autres exemplaires origineux sont filmte en commenpant par la premiere page qui comporte une smpreints d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derni^re page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un dee symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le caa: le symbols — •• signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvunt dtre filmte d dee taux de rMuction diff«rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filrn^ d partir de I'angle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le rombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 /^u CONSTITUTE BY-LAWS AND OF ST. MALACHI'S otal ^btihtnq mulief ^ocidg ORaANIZED DECEMBER 20th, 1868. Revised December llth, 1S77, ST. JOHN, N. B. : PailNTTED AT THB HERALD OFPICB, GEIUHiAIN STREET. 1877. •■^■' #n AFPROVISD, f J. SWEENY, Bishop of St. John. Bptscopal Palace, I December 11th, 1877. \ 1 ■ ■* COlSrSTITTJTIOlSr. I. i ARTICLE I. —Name. This Organization shall be known as the Saint Malachi'vS Total Abstinence Relief Society. ARTICLE IL— Object. Its object shall be the general adoption and encouragement of the principles and practice of Total Abstinence. ARTICLE III. —Membership. . Sec. 1. No pei^iB belonging to any other Temperance organization can become a member of this Society. - Sec. 2. Any person selling intoxicating liquors on his own account, shall not be eligible as a member of this Society. Sec. 3. Any person who is not of the Catholic religion, of good moral standing, free from dis- ease, and willing to abide by the Constitution Vt'ii and By-Laws, cannot become a irieniber of this Society. Sec. 4. The Board of Officers reserve to themselves the right of decision on the foregoing l^oints. ARTICLE IV.— Offic'eks. The officers of this Society shall be a Spiritual Director, President, Senior and Junior Vice- Presidents, Recording Secretary, Assistant Re- cording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Assistant Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at- Arms, and a Committee of two members for each Ward of the City (east side,) and two for the Special Ward. ARTICLE V. — Election op Officers. Sec. 1. The Spiritual Director shall be a clergyman appointed by the Bishop of this Dio- cese. The other officers shall be elected by the members at the Annual Meetings. AU elections shall be by ballot. Sec. 2. Should any office become vacant be- fore the expiration of the term, a member shall be elected thereto, at the next regular meetino- Sec. 3. Ko member sliall be eligible for ollice unless he have been at least six months in the Society, and have paid all his dues up to period of election. ARTICLE VI.— Duties of Officers. Sec. 1. The Spiritual Director shall adminis- ter the Total Abstinence Pledge to each member on his initiation ; and shall be consulted on all matters of importance. Sec. 2. The President shall preside at the meetings ; shall preserve order thereat ; shall de- cide all points of order (subject to appeal to the Society), and shaU maintain the observance of the rules. Sec. 3. When the President is absent, the next senior officer shall occupy the chair and perform his duties. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep a correct record of all business of the Society, and keep a correct roll of all members of the Society, in a book to be kept for that purpose, with the dates of their admission, resignation, or otherwise ; call roll of officers and committees ; read Minutes of preceding meeting, 6 and submit, at each annual meeting, a written statement recapitulating the business done by the Society during the year then ending, and showing its relative standing ; and give such other infoi-mation as may be required by the Society; in his absence the Assistant Recording Secretary shall perform his duties. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Financial Secretary to keep the account of each member of the Society, to receive all initiation fees, dues and fines, and pay the same over to the Treasurer at each meeting, he taking ;i receipt for the same, in a book to be kept for that purpose, and to re- port quarterly at the semi-monthly meetings oi- sluUI pav iiil,, fT fund, the .„.. of Twenty cents .nolth,; ftec. o. The dues of sick members (unless itf x:;f ^''^" '- '^'-^^^ ^- t^e- 1 ARTICLE III. -Bekkhts. &P utual Dn.ectoV every Saturday for the ben fil of the Imng and dead ,no„,bers of the Socie;^ »ec. ^. A Low Mms will bo offered for everv oum or ivvo JJollars per vveeir nr^f exceeding eight weeks in any twelve n.^ntt. the Soit ^ T '^""'"^ "^ ""y ''''*"^1 member the Society shall expend, as relief, in money or Iwenty DoUars, to defray funeral expenses «.e Recording Secretary shall, upon being noti- fied, give notice through the public press of the W and place of the funeral ; and L men be will be expected to attend the same. 12 See. 0. N., person sliall be entitled to benefits unless he have liAon « ^„ i "(-utms least «V ... ^"'^'' member for at least SIX successive months, and have paid hi, dues m full for that period. ^ * Sec. 7. Any member whose dues are three Tof :r r™'r •"* ^^'^^ -^ ^^ ^^t blT hts of .actual members, unless such member hp -ok, when he shall be dealt with as akL! provided,) or absent from the city ^ wht'evt t?1'"i" "'^'' '^*'' ''« discontinued ^^enever the funds are insufficient to meet such ARTICLE IV. -Fines Sec. 1. All Officers and Committees absent from regularly called meetings shall be finrd Twenty-five cents, unless they show a eoodl^ reasonable cause for such absence ^ ""^ -:: !f .";^::t;:t^r lit:; ?rnrr" "^ ^'^^ ^'-™--^an%:t:; ARTICLE V.-MIHCELLANB017.S. Con!!-/;- "^"^ '""'"'"''• "-^f^^ing to *»bide by the Constitution, By-Laws, or Rules, or guilty of any \. 13 im.s(lo.neanor calculated to discredit tlie S„ciotv shall, upon proof thereof, be subject to censure' or expulsion, as a majority of the members pre- sent, at any regular )neeting, may determine. !sec. 2. All members expelled the Society shall, upon re-admission, be subject to the rules for the initiation of members. Sec. 3. All members expelled, when indebted to the Society, shall, when re-admitted, be held responsible for the amount due at the date of expulsion. Sec. 4. The Ward Committees shall, each in turn, as called by the Secretary, collect at the doors on public lecture nights ; and the others ahall preserve order in the hall. Sec. 5. On the Second Sunday of each month a Public Lecture will be delivered under the auspices and for the benefit of the Society Such lectures to be attended by all members wearing their badges. Sec. 6. Business done on Lecture nights shall be confined to administering the pledge, initiation of, and receiving the dues from members and the reception of reports from committees. Sec. 7. All members are requested to attend 14 the |,n},jie nieotiii^^s mul eneoiimoe, )>y uJl ^k,,^,;. We means, tlie i>riiici])lf.s and practice of Total Abstinence. Sec. 8. All bills shall be paid out of the funds of the Society. , Sec. 9. "SJie Treasurer is tlie only person who can pay any bill, and he shall require the sanc- tion of this Society for all bills so paid, unless it be an order for relief. Sec. 10. No dues shall be refunded to any person leaving the Society, let the cause be what it will. Sec. 11. All members nominated for any office shall be elected by ballot, unless there is no opposition. Sec. 12. Every member, on paying his initia- tion fee, will receive a Register Ticket, which he ' will present at the regular meetings to have registered thereon, by the Financial Secretary, his payments of monthly dues. Sec. 13. On the decease of any member, the Committee of the Ward in whieh he resided shall, if necessary, ascertain from the Financial Secretary whether he was in good standing on the books, and, if such be the case, to report the same to the Recording Secretary, 15 5 8ec. 14. All the members shall go to Confes- sion and Communion at least twice a year. Sec. 15. The Recording Secretary shall audit ' all accounts of the Society. Sec. 16. A Gas Committee of two members shall be appointed each year at the ^innual elec- tion. , * t* Sec. 17. In the event of the Society's meet- ings being suspended, the President, or in his absence the next senior officer, is hereby held— six months after the last regular meeting— to call a meeting of all the members, not in arrears at the time of suspension, for the purpose of voting and delivering to some charitable Institu- tion or Society, under the patronage of the Bishop, all moneys remaining in the hands of the Treasurer, after the payment of all bills and expenses contracted thereto by the Society. Sec. 18. The Society shall have, according to their discretion, the right to deal with all cases and circumstances not herein provided for. RULES OF ORDER. 1. The Chairman shall not make or second any motion, nor Shall he vote on any question except in case of a tie 2. When a member speaks or offers a motion, he shall rise i.j his place and respectfully address the Chair 3 When two or more members rise at the same time, the Chairman shall decide who has the floor 4 When a member is called to order, he shall take his seat until the point is decided. 5. A nioUon shall be seconded, and afterwards repeated from the Chair, before it is dobatod. 6 A member who shall have madea motion may, by consent Of the seconder, withdraw or alter it before it is discussed ; but comZc^. '"' """'""'' ■'""' ""^ '""'^" " ">« <>**'« has 7. Wlien a question is under debate, the only motions in or- der shall be: 1st, to amend; 2nd, to amend an amendmen" Srd, to adjourn ; 4th, to lie on the table ; 6tl., the previous to mlTde.' *'"' *" '^'""'"'' ' ""' '" ''"" "^ " e;,„mittee78th! a t^/-'"*';"^ "* ""' """'■'''"'" "' '"« "^"airman to put or not a motion when an amendment of the nature of a full and nfhlJ^"""" °' ^^J""™"*-' Shall take precedence of all or »^e^~: *"" " ""* '" *" '""'""^ *""«"' ""'«''<' u la \Micii the prcviouH .iutstion i« moved and seconded, it ^^" . r; "^ ''''' '"''"' "''"" "^^ "^^^" ^"««ti«" be now put If this 18 carried, all further debate or amendments 8hal! be precluded, and the question put without delay, com- mencing: with the amendments (if any) first, and concluding with the orig-inal motion. 11. A motion of reconsideration shall not be in order, unless niadcV a member who had previously voted with the majorit v. 12. When the Chairman's decision of the result of a vote "is questioned, the Recordinj,^ Secretary shall count the votes and report to the Chair the number of affirmative and negative votes. ^ 13. A motion affecting the funds to the extent of Twenty Dollars or more, shall not be in order unless notice of such motion be grivcn at a preceding- meeting. 14. No member shall be allowed to speak more than twice and not longer than five minutes at a time upon any subject unless by leave of the Chairman. f ■ ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Lecture. • 2. Initiation of Members. 3. Roll Call of Officers and Committees. 4. Roll Call of Members, Quarterly. 5. Reading of Minutes. 6. Payment of Dues. 7. Report of Standing Committees. 8. Quarterly Official Reports. 9. Annual Report of Secretary. 10. Reports of Special Comiiiittees. 11. Bills against the Society presented. 12. Adjourned Business. 13. Election of Officers and Conniaiitees. 14. Miscellaneous business. 15. Receipts of the Evening. 16. Adjournment.