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Almon*s Debates, • • * • ..*•.•>.•• 1 1 Anacharsis* Travels, ..••... . ^i^. * • • Anderson's History of Commerce,*. • • .. . . • Ander|pn's History of FrancI,. . . • .«. ... » Annaiad, on the Government of India^.'..*;'.;'' ;lv. Annual Register, auid Indexes complete, from 1758 to 1835, . .\. ••..••.•• • • • • • • • • • f *^ Arnot's Criminal TOals in ScotlartJ, . . . .^^ . 1 * » * * » p • . 1 - h i! 1 Von. Ashley, on Attachment in London, , 1 Atkinson's Chancery Practice, l Atkinson's Sugden's Acts, and Real Proper- ty Acts, i 1 ' Ayeen Akbery, or Institutes of the Emperor Akber, , , , , , , 2. RCMAEKf. V / ■M . ' i \ ••»'#«l»» w- VoLi. KCMAKKt. . 1 . 1 r- . I )r . 2. .■■ Voti. [ Babbage, on Machinery ,...., , . 1 Bacon's Abridgement of (he Law,. .•...%• 8 Bacon's, Lorti— Worli«, ...,..., 10 [Barrington's Observations on the ipore An- cient Statutes, \ ,, 1 jBateman's Turnpike Acts, * 1- Beam^'s Glanville, , 1 Beaumont's Law o( Insurjince, &:c 1 Beawes'ILex Mercatoria, (in one). .,...,., 2 Beccaria, on Cfimes and Punishments, by Voltaire, 1 ]| Beldam's Laws of Protestant Dissenters,. . • 1 Bellamy's History o(! all Religions,. 1 Bell, on the'Law oflKotland, 1 Bennet, on tbeMasterr (in Chancery) Office, 1 [^entham's Defence of Usury,. ........... 1 Berrey's Real Property Acts, . ^ I Betham's, Sir W. Feudal and Parliamentary Dignities, , . 1 Bever, on the Rortian Law, 1 Bisset's Reign of George III, 6 Blackstone's Commentaries, by Hovenden, Blair's Chronological History, ........... I Blair's Lectures, . ..................... <^ JtsiaiT s jsermons, ...................... o Boone's Book of Churches and Sects,. .... ] B\>sanquet's New Rules of Pleadings,. ... , 1 Brahiwell, onBills in the House of Commons, I Brenton's Naval History, 2 Bridgeman's Legal Bibliography, ........ 1 "^ ~ ■ — '. — ' ■ " ' ReMAIlKt. I ,. ' {' •••••• 1 Vol.. 12 Bridgcwaif r Treaijiei. (containing) Bell, dnihe Hand, Buckland'i Geology and Mineralogy, 2 Chalmers, oo the adaptation of Eit«r- nal Nature to the Moral and Intel- lectual Constitution of Man 2 Kidd, on the Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition V of Man, I ;^ Kirby, on the History, Habits, and Instincts of Animals,. 2 Prout'i Chemistry, Meteorology, and Digestion, ^ j Roget, on Animal and\Vegetable Physiology, j Brougham's Colonial Policy,... * 9 Browne's Chancery Practice. , . 2 Brown, on the Characteristics, . . . .,,-,, . i Brown's, Sir Thomas— Works. . . .;.'.*'* * ' 1 Brydge's, Sir E.— Autobiography, .;.,,.' 2 Burke's, Edmund-History of the Roman Law, , Burke's, Edmund— Speeches, . .' .' ' .' .*.' .' .' ' * ] Burke's, Edmund— Works,. ....„..!.[** Burke's, John-History of the' CommonersV ^ Burke's, John~-Peerage and Baronetage,.. \ Burlamaqui's Principles of Law,. 2 Burns' Ecclesiastical Law.. . . . . . , .\' * * * * .' 4 Burns' Justice of the Peace,. ...,..,. g r 4 12 3 RCMAM*- ■/v; . ,- ' Vol* Calendar to PIcadingt in Chancery, a Calendar lo the Inquiiitioni, Post Mortem, &c. in Lancaster, ••••••••.,,,,, 1 ! CampDelPi Lives of the Admirali, 9 Carver's Travels In North America, ..,.!* 1 Catal(%ue of the Harleian M.S.S. 4 Catalogue of the Lansdowne M.&S, in the British Museum ,.^^ 1 Chalmers' English Poets, aj Chambers, on Estates and Teourev,. . . . • . 1 Chandler's Debates, , ./, 23 Chappel's Hudson's Bay, and Newfoundland, 2 Charlevoix's Voy aces, ...... a Chitty's Collection ofStatuteg, ., 2 Chitty's Commercial Law,... ,,., 4 Chitty's Law of Nations,... | ^y'^ Law of Nations, by De Vattel 1 Chitty's Medical jurisprudence 1 Chitty's Practice of the Law, , . . . . 3 Claims for War Losses-^M.S.S , e Clarendon and Rochester Corre8|)ondence,. . 2 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 6 Clarke's Dr. E. D.-Travels„ ........,, 4 C ark's Colonial Law .....;^ , Clark and Finnely'g Reports of Cases in the House of Lords, from 1831 to 1835,. ..^ 2 Clarkson's Life of Penn; 2 Cockburn and Rowe's Election Cases, . ,* \ .' .* 1 Collyer's Law of Partnerstiip , . . . '. *. \ y Commentary on Real Property Acts, &c. . . 1 Commons Debates. .... . m RuuBsa. '-■'I ''W M-;'-w; *( * • ' -— ^ — . - • ^ Vol.* Cook'i, Captain — Voy^gei, ,....,,,„,.. 7 Cook'i, Dr. G — Churcli of Scoilanif, 3 Cook'f, Dr. G — Reformailon in Scotland,. . 3 Cooper, on the Public Recordi, 2- Cooper*f Proceeding! in Parliament, 1 Corbett and DanieU' Election Cnsei, ,...., 1 Cottu, on Criminal Jurisprudence, . .*...,, 1 Court Kalendar for 1837, 1 Coie*i Houie'^oif Austri/, /. 3 Crantt's History of Gre^nlaDd,. 2 Crevier'i Roman Emperori , . ^^ , 10 Criticiims on the Bar, ....,...;,. l Cromwell's Memoirs of Oliver Cimnivell, . , 1 Cruise, on Dignities,.^ i \ R ■■»««■•. \ t Vol.*. Rcit«Mi«. 7 - 3 s, 3 2 1 * 1 T 1 1 3 ■ ' 2 -'-—'- * , - - 10 ■ 1 ;' 1 j : 1 •<-w VoLt. Dairy mple, on Feudal Property, , ,■,.♦, , , , ,1 Dalrymple*! Aiinali o( Scotland, . . « . .ty . • 3 Dairy mple's Memoiri,. «..•.,..•....• J. • 3 Debrett*! Baronetage, . , , , , , l Debrett'i Peerage, ^ 1 De Foe*i Hiitory of the Union,. ..<.,..,,, 1 De La Croix, on Conititutions, i • . ,. 2 Delpino'i Spanish Dictionary, . « » 1 De Pradt, on the Colonies,. .•••••....... 1 Design! di Palladiaj^ ,.,, ,/ 6 ,De Tocqueville's Democracy in America, j^. 2 Dictionnarie d'Histoire Naturelle, . . . i . . . • 4 Disney's Election Law, &tc , l Dodd's DoubtruL<^ue«tion8 in Elections, Sec. 1 Doddridge's Antiquities, and Power of Par- liaments, .••.,• . ^. I Doqnosday Introduction, &c. . ; 2 Doomsday Supplement and Indei,. ....... 2 Douglas's Summary of North America,. ... 2 Dow's Hindoostan, ...........,,., .^ . , . ,^ Drake's Essays,. . I . .... .^. ........... . 6 Dugald Stuart's Works, 3 Dugdale's Ancient Usage of Arms, 1 Du Halde's China, 2 Du Higg's King's lnos--Ire|and, ...... ^ . . 1 Dunlop, oit Scotch Poor Law, l Dupiir's Commercial Power of Great Britain, 2 RimUk*. / .. c ■■•t: ■)->l il ■«.. --rT^l- 8 £ fT Vols. jEdinburgh Review, and Indexes, complete, ' I from 1802 to 1837. .. «« I '> '' ..66 Edits et Ordannances,G- lo jEdwards* West Indies^ , , , 3 JEgremont's Law of Highw^js,. . . ..*. . ■;'*.' 1 JEle^ant Extracts, ................_ ^^^ 3 ^ents of Criticism.. ................. 3* EWs, on Private Bills,.. , Elsyisge's Manner of holding Parliaments,. . 1 [Encyclopedia Brittanica. Encyclopedia, French, Planches, &c.. ..... 36 Evans', J.— Political fnstitutions,. ; . ., . . . j [Evans', T. E.-Sketch of Chri^Uen D Ji^IiU^ nations, ....... ' >^ ; ' , Evelyn's Memoirs.. . j . . . . . .:.:;... . ... . 5- ExcerptaeRptulisFiniura. ..;....,,.... , Rbmahki. I' 1 ■■! l; n 11 '. ( VOLI. Fell's Life of Fox, •...•••..••••••« 2 Fergusson*s Moral and Political Science, • • . 2 Fines, « 1 Finnely's Law of Elections, • . * 1 Finnely's Reform Acts, &:c. ............. 1 Fortescue, by Amos, — (De^Laudibus legem- Anglta)..4 1 Fox's Life, by Trotter,. , . ; 1 J* oTx s S^peecne8, ......•.••••.....•*...• t> f'roissart's Chronicles, .•••••.. ; • • • 2 Fuller's Wortbiesi, • • • • •., ••••••• • •• • • • 2 If r' . 1 /A :■ ^ y VI I'' \- \ '^-r^-tim .'('I* 4n»6 "•*...■ ■■-^ I Gale's Law Amendment Act, a & 4 Wm. 4, . GelPs Tour through the Morea,. \ , , 1 I Gentlemen's Magazine, New Series, X834 to 1 R17 X Gibbon's Rome, ......•••••, Gifford's Life of Pitt,. .. .........*.. ^ Gillie's Greece, ........... . . ... ..... .^ Gillie's Hl«toj^\r of the World,. ........ , . . Gisborne's Survey of the Christian Religion, Godson's Law of Patents and Copy Rights, 1 Graham's United States, . ............... 8 Greenough's Geology, . ..,.....,. .... ... I Gri^ory's Essays, .....,...,..,..,,.... 2 Greg8on,'on Savings Banks, &c.. ........ 1 Grotius' Law of Nations, ; , 3 Gunning's Law of Tolls, .....;..„ 1 Rbmarki. 14 i- 15 \ -■ . ^ ■ ■ 1 l^pw. RKMAKKt. Hale's, Sir Matlhew— Jurisdiction of the * House of Lords, . ; id I Hale's, Sir Maitiiew — Life, by Williams,. .. '1 ~ Halhed's Code of Geiitoo Laws, 1 Halifax, on the Civil Law, by Geldart, .... 1 ■ / Hallam's Constitutional Histor^y of Eng- . land, ...... ..?....... . 3 Hallam's Middle Ages, ^ Hallidayg History of the House of Guelpli,. . 1 ' ■■■ ■ Hannay, on Usury Laws, &c, 1 * Hargrave's State Trials,. ............... 6 Haslewood, ontilhancery Reform,,. 1 Hatsell s Precedents, 4 Hearnes' Journey to the Northern Ocean,., 1 Heber's India, ,,....... ....--... .^ 3 2 ■ . Heineccius' Universal Law, by Turnbull, . . Henry's History of Great Britain, «(|^.. ... . 12 Herbert's Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancery, 1 Hertsletl's Commercial l^reaties, 3 Hey wood, on Borough Elections,. ........ 1 Heywood, on County Elections,. ......... 1 History of the Reformation, ............. i Holy Bible....... .;........ ....^*.... Hboke's Roman' History, . , ... ....... .v. 1 11 Horsley's Biblical Criticism,. 4 Hough, on Courts Martial,. ............. Howard's Laws of the Colonies,, . . . . ..... I > 2 ~ * Howard, on Prisons, ....... .'^ ......... . 1 Hughson's Privileges of London, 1 Humboldt's Personal Narrative,. ......... 7 i I ij^ '"V 16 -kJX / li Vols. Remarks. Hume's History of England— Smollefs, and Adolphus* continuation, le Hume*s^Law8 of the Customs, i Humphrey's Law of Real Property, l Humphrey, on General Registry, i Hutchins^'i Massachusett's Bay,. .... . ^.' 3" Huttou't philosophical Dictionary, ..... . * , 2 \ 1 ./ : •if- QLSr Re 16 1 1 1 3 2 17 Inquisiiionum Cancellaria Hibernia Kepor- torium, Inquisitionum PosUmortem Calendarium, . . Inquisitionum Retornalarum Abbreviatio, . . ■*^ ■« " :U^ u V Vols. RiM*Mt. I ,,-.i^ ^ • i ^ 18 "{^WjE^W^-'^-W. •Wi / J t <» . . ■■ ■ ■■ ■'■ ■; •■' % . ; • ■ ■ -^j ■ '•'■" ■> ■: ■"' ■ ■ ,'■■ wwwimfa— pf 19 1 I 3 i 1 James' Military Occurrences wrlli Canada and the Uiiiifd States, ... ^» 2 '< James' Naval Occurrences with Canada and i the Uniie<l States, ^ Jameson's Sysleni of Mineralogy, Jennings, on Tohacco, Jeremy, on Chancery Jurisdiction, .....! '. '. Johnson's Dictionary^ ^ 2 Johnson's Works. . m ' '^» 12 Johnston's Spanish Institutes, i Joplin, on Political Economy, and Banking, I Joplin, on the Currency Question, i Journal of Assembly, Lower Canada. Journal of Assembly, Upper Canada. Journal of H«»nse of Commons, loo Journal of House of Lords— (2 vols, never received.) , 69 Journal of Legislative Council, L. Canada! Journal of Legislative Council* U. Canada, Justinian's Institutes, I Voi.l. I Rr.MAHK». i 9 V. Kamet' Sketches of Man, .•.#.•.»#••.••• * Kelli«ni'8 Hrition^(Pleai of iN Crown). . . 1 Kelly'f, P.— Cambiti .1 1 KeH/«, J. B.— Lnw of Uaiiry, 1 Kennedy, on Juriei, &ic....«. .^ 1 Key lo boMi IIiiuapi of Parliamew, I King^i Life of Locke,. . • • ** ***y '** ^ Knapp'8 Privy Council Cases, IsS^to 1836, 2 ■ ^t, ■ ■> ■^ '^ \ \. V. S; . r 23 La Hontan's Norili America, , , . 2 Laing's History of Scotland, 3 Landman's Gazetteer 1 LawLi^t,.. 1 Law Magazine, . . ,. 17 Laws of Upper Canada, j Le Breton's Tbouglils on Prison's, &c.. . . . 1 L?n»priere's Classical Dictionary,. . ..... ;. 1 Lewis and Clarke's Travels,. ...] 1 i^x ScriptaofihelsleofMan,.... .. . 1 Leyden'8 Afi ica, ..,,,.[] 2 Lingard's History of England 14 Lister's Election Law, he 1 Locke's Works........... \ 9 Loudon's Encyclopedja of Agriculture, .... i Lownde's Index to the Statutes, . . . 1 Ludlow's Memoirs, V. . . . . / 1 Lyell's Geology, / 4 Lyncli's Legal Institutions of Ireland,. . .... i Remark*. ■\^ i- 1^*,^1 ,««£^1 rx:.« 24 'rr< **' ■•'' .rial t^^-- 7 m V / flll- \^ • ;■•■.. V ^ [ ■■"'_■;■'•■ r; "' ' -V- . '!& i ■ ::i ^\ 'llj ■ :■ ;^V -■ ■■" . ^:'' "^^ , ;,. ■ ' ;. ' ^ ■ . . ; ■'.'■ ." s 25 Malcolm's Central India, , , , , MaIcoln<^India, Male, on the Law of Elections, Make Brun'fi Geography, Manual of Parliamentary Practice,. ....... Marten's Laws of Nations, by Cobbet, Martin's, R. M — British Colonies, ....... Martin's. T.-Life of Bacon,. .... . . ,. . . . Maughan's Laws of Literary Property, &;c. Mayor's Universal History,. Mayor's Voyages and Travels,. .......... McAdam, on Roads, and Road Making, . . . . McCulloch's Commercial Dictionary,. ..... McCulloch's Geology of Rocks,. . . . ..... . McDiarmid's Lives of British Statesmen,. .. Mcintosh's History of the Revolution of 1688, Mcintosh, on the Law of Nature and Nations, . ^ , , . McKenna's Civil Code of Napoleon, ...... McKenzie's Voyages from Montreal to the Pacific Ocean, McPherson's Annals of Commerce Memoirs of the House of the Medici,. . .... Middleton's Life of Cicero,. Millar, on English Government Mills' British India...... Milner's Church History. ,. ...^. . Milner's continuation, by Scott,. . . jV.:-.'. ./ Mirror^f Parliament,. . .... ....... /. ... Montage, on Capital Punishment*;. Vols. 2 2 1 10 1 I 5 1 1 25 28 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 4 6 3 33 3 Remarks. ': •I 1: '.•'. 26 n^^--:i I Vols. Montesquieu's Works/. 4 Morton, on Lactation^, i Moshiem's Ecclesiastical History,. ......... 6 Kpmakks. Neal'i Neibti Nicol Nona Norte ■■■■ r • i : P', ' — """ — r~~ ■':.-.■ — :~ '~~'. — ~~ — : ^ ~~~' — ~. — . •■ . . ;., A. 27 OLS. 4 1 G Kpmakks, Voi.». I Rr.MAUK!!. Neal's History of the Puritans, J. ........ , '^ j Neibuhr's Rome, ^ , . . J 2 Nicolas' Tables, Calendars; he- ...... 1 Nonarum Inqiiisitiones in Curia Scaccarii,. . 1 Norton, on the City of I iondoPi .......... I / A • ■ ''■ '' ■■■ :■*■-,. ft ■ ■ ;■ > '. ; '■*■■"■'■■ ■ i- .■'.-..■ -'1 k ' ' ' i" t ■: ■ t } ■ .'ii ■ ■■■:( / I 1 1 — ' ■ ■ ■ . . ■ ■-■ ' " ■ ". -:'''- ■■ ■ ; 'v \ ■■; ! : A. ■ \ ■ ■' i *. „ . ■■ ■ " ■■ ■ -\ '■ ■■' "■■■ \' ■ ,■;. " •■ - ^i .•!_ --— - :-——■'------- V- ,o . , .i - . :. ." ' ■ . ' -v ' : : ■ ■■:.■ -: . .' ■. ■■ ■ . .\. ■>" ■ .-.^v. .■ ''■*:' ' ' ';'"^^'--^-^'^^^J 4k ., ■ ry ■ 'ig^^^:-.- ., .. ; .::.....■.- ■■•• 1 Ii ■ ■■o^' •■ .*• •.■««. mmitm JS m Oldfie Ord, < Orme, ^ 29 I-/ Vols. Oldfield, on Parlianien(St • . ««^ • • 1 Ord, on Usury, \. . . 1 Or me, on the Law of lEllections, . «....«••• 1, I Remarks. 1 A ■i ■ .««lsMlli)i •^.•, 3Q ir — ./ / f *•'' ■■' \ r~~-. 31 VoLi. Remark*. Pa.\ey\ Evideilces of Christianity, 2 Paley's Hnra Paulina, .....; 1 Paley^^ Works and Illustrations,. ......... 6 Palgrave's Rise andJ*rogres8 of the English Coinniouwealth 2 Parliamentary History, •..•• 24 Parliamentary Register, 91 Parliamentary Writs, .................. 2 \ Peckwell, on Elections, 2 : Peel 8 iliCts,^ ....•..•.*•.........••••• * [ Philips*, I. — Inland Navigation, Philips\ S. — ^tate Trials, • Pinkerton^s Atlas, ..................... Pinkerton^s Geography, • ............... Placita dd .quo Warranto, *..... • Placitorum Abbr^viatio,. • . > . . • Playfair^s Chronology, Plutarch's Lives, by Wrangham. . . . .... . . Potter's. Antiquities of Greece, . . • .. .. .... Pownall, on the Colonies^. ......... .\ . . . Poynter, on Ecclesiastical Courts, &tc.. . . ,\^ Pratt^s Court of Requests, P/ce's Election Guide,. Price, on the Picturesque, Proceedings in Chancery, ^ ' Proceedings of the Privy Council of England, 5 ' Provis' Menai and Conway Bridges, ...... 1 Puffendorf's Law of Nations,. ..... ...... I 1 2 1. ; 2i 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 3 1 •^ 32 ^' . - 1- V ' • - .' 1 • - ■ y i : ■'■ 4#' r* . ■" ■ ■'■ ' 0- . } ? ■■ ■ 1 » ■ # ..-_ . -"-— -. __ -_ .-_ ^. <*■..-■■■ ;-.!«.-.■ ;*::, ' .- -,_ . ■'■■- 1 .:-:t .:;■:,;;,;..■ '''' -'-'M -'"'■'' ■.^?=' -^ » " •w 3a Vol,!.! llCM^RM. Quarterly Review, and Indexes, complete, (Voni 1809 to 1837, 58 ({iiin, on Banking, ., 1 ,,. . . w'--> r-wv^ I 1^- j^ ..14 / .'.f - : Rotu * . ""- . . .; t' '■ Rotu :■;"■' ■ ■ " ■ . ' ■" '' ■ -' • Rotu Rolu ■ -■■ -■■ ■ ■ ■ ', '■ ■ ■ \ ' Rotu AJ ■'■ . ■' Rntii ■■ -^ lai : .-'■■■■■ r ». ■ , ;. ■ W'-'r -■ \ i^:'-:^--^ •■•■-; ' • k \ 35 Vm.i. RlMAHKt. 3 1 1 1 1 I 5 I 2 4 4 lUpiii's History of Knglnnd, anil Tiiidairi continuation, * •••••• Regiglrum Mwgni Sigilli, • • . Report of Cnnnda Commillee, in Home of Commons, 1 828, • . . . llepori on Cliancery Commission, h^c., .... Report on Emigration, 1826 to 1827,.^.. . .. Report on Nuvigation and Trade of Brhisli Colonies, Revolutions in Portugal,. Revolutions in Spain, t • ; • . • Richardson's Zoilogy of North America, . . Robertson's History of America,. Robertson's History of Charles V.. ...... . Robertson's History of Scotland, . ., 3 Rochefaucaull's Travels, 4 Rogers, on Elections, 1 Rolliu's Ancient History, 8 Roscoe's Life of Leo X- .•••......••*-•• > " Roscoe's Life of Lorenzo De MStlW,, . .... 3 Rotuli Cuf ia Regis, ..... "-. . ........••#• ^ Rotuli de Oblatis, et Ifinibus,. . . . . . . . • • . • 1 Rotuli Hundredorum, 2 Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum, ........... Rotuli Litterarum Patentium,. ........... X Rotuli Normannia, ..,.......•••••••••• Rotuli Scotia, Rotuloruin Originalium 'in Curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio, , Rotuloriim Patentium et Clausarurh Cancel^ 1 ■ 4 2 I laria Hibernia Calendarium,. . . . .••■.. . ■m "» de \ou». Ruffheilid*s Staaites. Rules for FrieocJIy ^pcieties,. .,....;....., Russel's Modern Europe, ......... o Rutherford, on Natural Law. ......'. 2 Rymer'sFoedcra...;.... ^ ^: ) ItRMM) \nh< . ■ , .. ■, - "" ■ , - ■ ■ \ ■ .'-■..■ Stephe Steuar : ' Stewai .,"■■ Stoke* -■■'.■ L- ■.■ -• Stuart, /■ > ■ »L Swift's t ■ ' . ■-' " ' /■^i-'-'^s. •; ■'. • ' : ■ ' ( ;. I. '»' "■■ r ".-■'■:. ' ■ ■'■■ .•■,■; ' ,■ -■ « ..w . L '■ ( 37 •'.■•». Rem. MIS. I a „ I 1 ' . Voi<s. SHden's Works,. . . . . .. . . . ., . .. i Senator, or Clareiidoii's Parliamenlary Ghro- Sowcll's New StJUiKcs and Rules, . . , . . . . . . 1 Shakspeare's Pla>s, "v . . . . . . . . . 21 Shelford's Law of Mortmain, 1 Slinidan's dictionary, 2. Sherwood, on Private Bills, kc.,\ . . ; . . , ^, I ^inyji's Woahh of Nations, .. . , . . . *. 1 Somers', Lord— l^racts, by Sir Waller Scott, 13 Somhey's Hook of the Church, 2 Soiithey's Colloquies, . . . . . , . . . . 2 Southey's Life of Nelson, . ........ .. 2 Southey's Life of Wesley,. .... . . . . . . . ... 2 Southey*s Peninsular War,. .... ...... ... 6 Stackhouse's Bible,. . . . . ........ ,...,. . . 3 Standing Oi-ders of the House of Commons, from 1685 to 1836, i Statutes ancl Rules of Court, 1830 to 1834,'. . 1 Statutes at Large, from Magna Charta to 6th fV m. i V .....••...«.. .^i ^ , «..,...,..». 31 Statutes of the Realm, and Indexes, complete, 1 1 Statutes of Upper Canada, 4 Stephens* Criminal Law, , l Steuart's Works, , 6 Stewart's Sketches of the Highlanders,. . ... 2 Stoke's Constitution of the Colonies, . i . ... 1 Stuart, on the Laws of Scotland, 1 Swift's Works,. 19 Rrmark<i. %■ •>' ■^T:f9^^'vwm WKf ■ Mil "T. 41, \ mwM YCd 38 <33> :;«■ ,,./*' ■■■•■'■ 39 Tamlyn's .Treaiise on Lands Entailed, &c.. . Tancred*s Quo Warranto, ,.,..... Tayler's Book of Rights,, Tayler's Civil Law, Theobald's Law Amendment Act, &£c.. . . . . Tomline's Law Dictionary,. , . , , Tredgold, on RaiUroads and Carriages, . . . Turner's, Sharon— History of the Anglo- Saxons, 3 Tjiirner's, Sharon, History of Edward, Mary, "^^ and Elizabeth, .........<....... 2 Turner's, Sharoh — History of England,^. ... 5 Turner'.sSharon— History of Henry VHL. . 2 Vols. Kemarkii. M X, 2 1 v'U ,.:Te^^^*- ijnmnimitMlim- jX'''f'M!f '^.^^wm>%^^% 40 "^y ■ v.- Vertot's 1 Voltaire'j ■■■■^ A '" 1 , ., . .^.. ■ '• . .- . " ■ , ■.;■■'■'■ "■•>•■..'■■ * ■i. -■. :.^- •■'■:-.^'.:. ; ^' ■■-■ $:• - 1- '::-['<' ' '■■■■-■^ V^'^'^- ■■^■^.•: ■i' . -:, .;•■.-■■. .■•■' • V * * . . ' ■ f J. ■ ■ . ■■"'■ ' •■ - , -^ ■ . "f i ''■; -, , ■ . ■■ ' ■ : ..■■'■ B . ■ > '■■'■' "•''' ■■• ■ v>*- ■ ■ " : ■ ■ ■ *' ... ■ ' ■■ ^ -. i-- . >^; V ■. _ ; .;■. )■ . ■ ^'. ■■'■■■' ' 1 ■ ft ' ■ - \ V ■ • ^ - ' •?". ■.\.-. . . ■ \ 1. ■ . „.. ■■* ■ ■. . m^^r '. *V . 1, r 41 v^VOLS. Vertot'8 Rornaii Republic, . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 2 Voltaire's Age of Lewis XIV. . . , , 2 Remarks. -^y s. . F -\ ■ v- "^ » ymmm-^'~%iWfm% r - 42 1 ■■/'■ ■"/'■ rr 1 r: »A — ._ ,■.'-'; ..-V - ... ♦' - .^ - ^> %':■::] ■ . ■*■ ■ ■,.■-' -' i ,v . ■ „ '^ -. ■. * ■■ 'V "■' . N . »' ' .■' ■'■ '--—---';-..' :.._.... 'k, ■ .; '.,•,■ ■3: ■:,i ''" . « ^^^ 1^ ^ ' k '',.»■■ V 1 43 ■/,r.» VoLi. Rbmakm. WalUer^g Key to Classical Pronunciation, , . 1 Ward^s Law of Nations, ............ ^ .. . 1 Watkiiis' Conveyancing, by MeniHeld,. ... 1 Watson V Life oV Philip llL. \, 2 Wei wood's Memoirs, i.. .... . 1 Whitelock's Memorials-^Edition 1^32, .... I Willcocks, on Municij(^al Corporatiolns,'. .... Wilson's Histor^ of Egypt,. . . . . , ;. . .... . Winterbothum's History of America, . . .^. . . Wisset, on Hemp, . . . ... .••.... ... . . . ii . Woqid, on Hail-rouds, .^ ... .1. • . .^ . . .... Woddpufie's Insolvent Acts, he, . . . ... . . Wooliych's Law of Arrests, ............. Woolrych's Life of Coke,. , V * . . . •^ Woolr^ch's Life of Jefferys, * . . . . • .... . i . >,. Woolrych, on Capital Punishments,. . ..... Woolrych's Series of Lord Chancellors, &c. 01 Ji^ngianci,'. %»»<»»»»»» * . ............ x Wordsworth's ILaw oC Elections,. .... . . ; », 1 Wynne's Eunomus.. , . . , . , , . , . . » ...... 2 1 3 - * 4 • 1 v 1 • 1 • •- : V . - . i / . iv .f«w-*i - ymmi^^.'^i 44 * • ■• ; ■*••;. .-■ t, » ' I . * • K^TaN'roN-PRrNTM. / -,.' / -Jr* i^i- ^ > "> ■" '1 , ' ^.'y. . ■„t • ; '■ • 1 ■,.#;v: ■ ^; ■'} ' ■ 4': , •' •' . *, ■ .■■; . ■ s 1 ^ / / M ( * .i / m r • ' * , -./ . Tj' ▼ .■ . ' y' ,'■ \ • " > ■' •■ ■. 1/ ^ ■. ■ , " : ■■>" ■■ . • • * / ■-■ " - ' , *' '■-•■- - —----* ■" — -•, ■ ' '■ • .J, .- ■ * :' • ■ f •;■ .V: "-.: '■-//■ • _ . 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