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Tous lea autrea axamplaires originaux sont filmte en commandant par la pramlAre page qui eomporte une ampreinte d'impreaaion ou d'illuatration at en terminant par la damlAre page qui eomporte une telle empreinte. Un dee symbolea sulvants apparaitra sur la demiAre imege de cheque microfiche, selon le caa: la symbols — » signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbole y signifie "FIN". Lea cartea, planches, tableaux, ate, pauvent dtre fllmto A dee taux da rMuqtion diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour itrm raproduit en un seul cliche, il est film« d partir de I'angie sup4rieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en baa. en prenant le nombre d'Imagea nteassaire. Lea diagrammes suivants lliuatrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 • 6 H CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS, RULES OF ORDER, ETC., JIOWJIRD LOOSE, ^o. 58, I.O.O.p,, Under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ontm'io, ^trathr0g : Evans Brothers, Publishers. 1891. :::^£^n^ CHRt^TBl^ JIElWfiEf^S. Henry Nicholson. Edward Kinder. - George Wood. A. G. McIntosh. Hugh McColl. John Gibbard. ^^^t^^^ PAST Ct^A1«lDS. !S. 1. Henry Nicholson, July, 2. Edward Kinder Jan., 3. Hugh McColl, July, 4. Wm. Chalmers, Jan., 6. F. L. Harrison, July, 6. John R. Clarke, Jan., 7. J. C. Cooper, July, 8. Hector Urquhart, Jan., 9. D. M. Telford, July, 10. Jas. Fullerton, - Jan., 11. Chas. Grbbnaway, July, 12 Geo. M. FranciS, Jan., 13. J. W. Baskerville, July, 14. P. H. Johnson, • Jan., 15. W. H. Ewer, July, 16. Wm. Frasrr, > Jan., 17. Jas. Robbs, July, 18. John Robson, Jan., 19. H. Urquhart, July, 20. John Lynam, Jan., 21. Rich. Wallace, July, 22. Jas. D. Bowley, - Jan., 23. Geo. Wilson, July, 24. F. W. Meek, Jan., 25. Dan. Jones, • July, 26. Isaac Wilkinson, - Jan., 27. L. Corkindalb, July, 28. P. H. Johnson, Jan,, 29. T. M. Campbell, July, 80. W. S. MURDOCK, - Jan., 81. W. B. Wilkinson, July, 32. W. H. Moore, • Jan.. 33. J. Murdock, July, 34. W. T. GUNN, Jan., 35. W. H. Pykb, July, 36. E. J. Moore, Jan., 37. R. F. Richardson, July, 38. R. J. AvMRY, Jan., 39. D. Graham, - July, 40. Dr. a. S. Thompson, Jan., 41. W. L. Challoner, July, 42. Wm. Fbrgusson, • Jan., 1870. 1871. 1871. 1872. 1872. 1873. 1873. 1874. 1874. 1875. 1875. 1876. 1876. 1877. 1877. 1878. 1878. 1879. 1879. 1880. 1880. 1881. 1881. 1882. 1882. 1883. 1883. 1884. 1884. 1885. 1885. 1886. 1886. 1887. 1887. 1888. 1888. 1889. 1889. 1890. 1899. 1891. o-o. fc I » V Pl^^flC^. Odd Fellowship having increased so rapidly and spread its organ izEition from the Atlantic far out on the bosoiik of the Pacific, within a few years, has natuniUy attracted the attention of nearly all classes of the community. Seventy -one years have scarcely passed since the birth of American Odd Fellowship, and now over six hundred thousand men are among its votaries. It cannot be said that its rapid growth was the result of accident, or in consequence of of its novelty ; for it was solely because of its adaptation to the wants of mankind. Odd Fellowship teaches in the most beautiful and forcible manner the all-important lesson of Fraternity— that all men are of one family, and are therefore brethren. The great duties of our Order by and through which we aim to improve and exalt the charac- ter of our members, are five in number : 1st, To visit the sick. 2nd, To relieve the distressed. 3rd, To bury the dead. 4th, To educate the orphan. 5th, To aid the widow. And in obed- ience to these commands about one million of dollars have been expended during the past year for these noble purposes. Yet Odd Fellowship is not a mere beneficial society, having for its single purpose the relief of its members in the struggles incident to human society. It seeks 6 PREFACE. to improve and elevate the character of man- to imbue him with proper conceptions of his capabihties for good, to enlighten his mind, and to enlarge the sphere of his affections. It there- fore commends itself alike to the high, the low, the rich and the poor, as one of the noblest chari- ties the world ever saw. The principles of Odd Fellowship are those of humanity and religion ; its object is to promote the general cood of mankind, ctnd spread abroad the light of morality and knowledge ; it not only be.,efits the common cause of philanthropy, but insures to its members in the hour of adver- sity and tribulation a source of safety and com- fort that none can destroy. The ties that bind us together are never sun- dered ; our claims of brotherhood are only dissolved by death—no, not even death can rend them— they descend to the widow and orphan. The language of our Order is more potent than any strain of eloquence that ever fell upon the ear. A stranger, penniless and friendless in a foreign land, breathes its tones, and his neces- sities are relieved. Sickness comes and lays its paralysing hand upon him, and though no friends or relatives are near, a brother of the *' Mystic lie administers to his wants and soothes his distresses. The sick among our own brethren are not left to the cold hand of public charity ; they are visited, and their wants provided for, out of the funds they themselves have contribu- ted to raise, and which, in time of need, they can honorably claim without the humiliation of suing for public or individual relief, from which PREFACE. of man — ons of his mind, and It there- , the low, »lest chari- ■e those of promote ad abroad e ; it not a-nthropy, of adver- and com- ever sun- are only 1 can rend i orphan. e potent fell upon sndless in lis neces- 1 lays its lo friends *' Mystic othes his brethren charity ; ided for, 3ontribu- ed, they iation of m which 4 the freeborn mind recoils with disdain, until overwhelmed in insufferable want and misery. We are obliged, if need be, to perform the last solemn office to the remains of a departed brother, and see them consigned with respectful decency to the bosom of our mother earth. To the living our fraternal solicitude is no less exercised. It is our enjoined duty to watch over the conduct of brethren, even in their com- mon intercourse with men, as well as one with another ; and to remonstrate with those who wander from the paths of rectitude or trespass upon the rules of morality. It has been said that ours is a secret Order, and that secrecy is disconsonant with innocence. True it is, that we are in part a secret society ; but is secrecy a crime ? The world itself, the universe, the God of eternal truth, are surround- ed with an impenetrable veil that no mortal eye ever pierced ; and shall it be denied that these exist because their secrets are not revealed at our bidding ? Shall we pronounce them evil be- cause their operations are hidden from our view and above our comprehension ? So far from secrecy being an abjection to our Order, we claim it as a recommendation. It is the mystic tie that binds us together in indissol- uble brotherhood, prompting us to deeds of brotherly love and benevolence ; it comes and entwines itself around our fraternity, like the refreshing yet invisible breeze that at summer noontide fans our burning forehead, invigorat- ing the system with its coolness, and gladdening our hearts with its freshness and purity. In 8 PREFACE. this respect we have the sanction of aL'es. We challenge any one to point out a single nation or people whose career is sketched on the pai^e of SrZ- ''"'''"^'^^''•? there did not exist secret St tutions. ^o go further, there is not an en- of^thrJlol^''^T'?1"* "^^ ^^^«*^"« °" the face ot the globe, that does not permit its legislative ckT'^'p" '''^^'' themselves into secret cTn cidve Ji,ven in our own country, under our own constitution, the legislative bodies can close months ' ^1^ ''^ ^^" "^'"y^' ^«^ ^^«ks, for months, concocting measures of vital importance of tiZ^'^T P?P"l^t»«"' and should any member ot that body dare to reveal its operations he would subject himself to the severest ceisure, if not to expulsion. To be initiated as a member of our Order is dark^»"lTrPr'^' "to take a leap in the aark. ihe fundamental principles of the Or- c!IZ% ^^""'^ ur' "^^'^^ ' ^ts deeds are not con- cealed from public scrutiny ; while the Consti- rLT.f^li^^u' ^^^,"' ^^^^^ty are within the reach of all who wish to examine them. But then, our mysteries within the inner veil of our a tars, that none except members of the frater^ IW trn.r'"''**!^ to tehold ; solemn and sub- Iime^truths are there inculcated that have never ^rnv^^.i,^^^ T ^^ ^^y «^^« those who have proved themselves worthy of the sacred trust. 1 hey have remained there for ages— hallowed archives in the sanctuary of our temple-and have never crossed its portal ; and there We hope wli^r^' ^^^y "^"^ ^^^^ ^«»"^"^ unsullied, inviolate, and untarnished. ' i gioii acti and is o] den' shal hanr shal PREFACE 9 ages. We le nation or he page of exist secret not an en- n the face legislative lecret con- fer our own can close kveeks, for niportance ly member ations, he censure, if 4 i Our Order is the handmaid of virtue and reli- gion, and it must flourish. It calls into life and action the best and holiest feelings of our nature, and success must crown our efforts. Our course is onward, and we may look forward with confi- dence to a day, not far distant, when our Society shall find an abiding place in every village and hamlet in our land, and the smoke of our altars shall go up from a thousand hills. Order is ap in the ►f the Or- e not con- le Consti- ^ithin the em. But eil of our tie frater- and sub- si ve liever i^ho have ed trust, hallowed iple— and B \ve hope msullied. COl^STITlJTIOl^. PREAMBLE. By the authority vested in it by its Charter, a,nd by the laws and usages of the Order, the Grand Lodge of Ontario, of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, hereby ordains the follow- ing as the CONSTITUTION of all Subordinate Lodges working under its immediate jurisdic- tion : TITLES AND POWERS. 1. — This Lodge shall be constituted of at least five members of the Third Degree, or Degree of Truth, and shall be hailed and entitled Howard Lodge, No. 58, I. 0. O. F., of Ontario, and shall possess the full powers and privileges of a Sub- ordinate Lodge, holding a legal, unreclaimed and valid Charter, duly granted and formally presented by the Grand Lodge of Ontario, MEMBERSHIP. 2.— Candidates for membership, by initiation, in this Lodge, must be free, white males, of not less than twenty-one years of age, of good moral character, and in sound health, and resident within the jurisdiction of this Lodge. 3. — Every application for membership must be submitted in writing in the form provided by the Sovereign Grand Lodge, and must be ac- 12 CONSTITUTION. ii companied by a reference to at least two other members of the Lodge, and a certificate of good health from a physician selected by the Lodge on the form provided by the Grand Lodge. ' 4.— The application so made shall be referred to a committee of three members, two of whom shall be appointed by the N. G., and one by the V. G who shall report thereon at the next regular meeting unless excused by a two- thirds vote of the members present, or unless the application be withdrawn by the proposer. 5.— A ballot shall be taken on the application immediately after the presentation of such re port when, if less than three black balls be tound, the candidate shall be accepted ; if three or more, he shall be rejected, and so declared • ^^^^^^^y^P^^Position fee prepaid by him shall be ^•T'^^y ^^o*her or Ancient Oddfellow, desir- ous of joining this Lodge, must present a With- drawal Card or Dismissal Certificate from the Lodge of which he was previously a member and his application shall then be disposed of according to the above regulations, provided that, m case of the application of a brother, who, wrchiii SIX months previous to such appli- cation has been a member of a Lodge which has merged into or united with this Lodge, the vote balToT^'"'' *^ ^^ceive shall be a majority vote by .il'I^^Y candidate requiring admission more tx.a,n tiiii teen weeks after his election must be again proposed and balloted for, as in the case of a new candidate. I I iii CONSTITUTION. 13 two other ite of good bhe Lodge, lodge. be referred of whom one by the the next two- thirds unless the >oser. application f such re- : balls be 1 ; if three declared ; n shall be low, desir- t a With- from the member, sposed of provided brother, ich appli- which has , the vote Y vote by lion more on must IS in the 8. — The rejection of any candidate for mem- bership shall be immediately intimated to every Subordinate Lodge in the city, town or village in which such rejection takes place. 9. — No candidate for membership by initia- tion, who has been rejected can again be pro- posed until at least six months after his rejection^ 10. — No person shall be admitted to honorary membership in this Lodge, nor hold membership in this or any other Subordinate Lodge in this Order at the same time. 11. — No proposition for membership, either by initiation or by card, shall be received or acted upon, if the applicant's residence be out of this jurisdiction (without the consent of the Grand Master of the jurisdiction in which he resides), nor if his residence be nearer to any other Lodge by the. nearest travelled route, unless consent of the latter be obtained ; and in the event of the violation of this clause, this Lodge shall pay over all fees received from such applicant to the Lodge within whose jurisdiction he resided, and shall also be liable to suspen- sion by the Grand Lodge or Grand Master. 12. — This Constitution for the government of Subordinate Lodges, and the By-Laws and Rules of Order made thereunder, and the Con- stitution and By-Laws and Rules of Order of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, shall constitute the contract between the Order and each mem- ber thereof ; and every member from the time of his initiation or admission by card, and so long as he continues in membership in the Order, shall be bound by every clause and article i 14 CONSTITUTION. therein contained, and shall be subject thereto in every particular. 13.— Every member shall sign the Constitu- tion and By-Laws of this Lodge on his admis- sion thereto, but such signature shall not be necessary for the authentication of the aforesaid contract, which contract is complete by the member's initiation or admission by card, such admission by card dating always from the time that he has been accepted by vote of this Lodge ; and every member shall be subject to the said laws as aforesaid, although he may not have signed his name thereto. DEGREES. 14.— Every member previous to his receiving any of the degrees shall present a certificate from the P. S. that he is not in arrears to the Lodge, and that he has paid all charges for the said degree ; after which he shall be balloted for. Balloting shall be had when the Lodge IS open in the Third Degree, and one ballot shall be taken for all the Degrees for which he has applied. 15-— K> on such ballot, three or more black balls appear, the applicant shall be rejected, otherwise he shall be considered eligible, and shall be admitted to the Degree or Degrees ap- plied for. In case of rejection he shall not be again balloted for to receive the Degrees unless two weeks' notice is given immediately preced- ing the meeting at which such ballot is taken. CARDS. 16. —Any member in good standing and clear CONSTITUTION. 15 ct thereto s Constitu- iiis admis- lU not be e aforesaid te by the card, such 1 the time lis Lodge ; the said not have receiving certificate ars to the es for the } balloted the Lodge allot shall ch he has lore black rejected, 2;ible, and 5grees ap- ill not be ses unless y preced- 3 taken. and clear -5 of the books, desiring to withdraw from this Lodge, may signify such desire either personally in open Lodge or by a letter addressed to the Secretary, whereupon the Lodge shall proceed to a ballot, with ball ballots, and a majority vote of the members present shall be necessary to the granting of such Withdrawal Card. If a majority of the members present refuse to grant such Card, the applicant therefor jnay tender a written resignation of his membership, and shall be entitled to receive from the Secre- tary under the seal of the Lodge, a certificate that he has resigned membership, and such cer- tificate shall be sufficient evidence that the member was in good standing at the time of his resignation ; provided that, upon the refusal of the Card, the member applying for the same shall have the right of appeal to the Grand Lodge. 17. — Any member of this Lodge in good stand- ing and free from all charges shall oe entitled to a Visiting Card on payment of all dues for the period for which said Card h required, and of a fee not exceeding fifty cents. During recess of the Lodge such Card may be issued by the N. G. and Secretary. RE-ADMISSION. 18. — Should any member receiving a With- drawal Card from this Lodge apply within twelve months thereafter to be re-admitted to membership and be accepted, the Lodge may ruiliiU Hi ills lavui tiic ciii/ittiiu- ICC, ui any j/vi- tion thereof. %■ 16 CONSTITUTION. ELECTIVE OFFICERS. 1 ^tSTi-^^3? elective <3fficers of this Lodge shall be Noble Grand, Vice-Grand, Recording Secre tary, Fetmanent Secretary and Treasurer. of ??'7^,? b>;other shall be eligible for the office ot JN G until he has served a term as V. G nor of -v. G. until he has served a term in som; are7thfT?' Tn^**^"* ? ^^^^P^^"^' has at tamed the Third Degree and is in good standing. All officers shall be eligible for re election. 21. -Nomination for the Elective offices shall inlTw r^X f '\" *r "^^^^i"«« »«^t preced- ing that fixed for the elections thereto, and no nominee shall be balloted for who has not stn^ he rn« V Z^'''^''T *" ^"^"^P* ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ which ne may be named. ^t^^^I^ll^^^f'''' ""^ ?^^"^'^ «h^" t^ke place at the last regular meeting in each term. If for uLftn2 ' P'^' 7 ^J*^^ ^«^«« ^^ R-Prese- sh«lTV. -^ Grand Lodge, only one member sha 1 be m nomination, such member shall be declared electa by acclamation; should there be two or more candidates duly nominated, the members present shall proceed to elect one of good standing shall be entitled to vote. «h«n^^ majority of all the legal votes cast shall be necessary to election. Should there be ballot tL''^"^'*.^ ^^t' P^^^^' ^^^d ^f*«r each ballot the nanie of each candidate who may have received the smallest number of votes, a J well CONSTITUTION. 17 Lodge shall [•ding Secre- isurer. ■or the office ti as V. G., srm in some ain, has at- 5d standing, 'ction. offices shall ext preced- ito, and no s not signi- ;e for which take place rm. If for Represen- le member jr shall be ould there nated, the ect one of 11 embers in e. votes cast d there be I new bal- ifter each ► may have 3, as well 4 as those who shall receive no votes, shall be withdrawn. APPOINTED OFFICERS. 24.— The appointed Officers of this Lodge shall be VV., C, 0. G., L G., R. 8. N. G., L. S. N. G., ^ R. S. V. G., L. S. V. G., R. S. S. and L. S. S., I and the Lodge may at its option add a Chaplain. 25.— These Officers shall be appointed by the N. G., immediately after his installation, except the R. S. V. G. and L. S. V. G., \^'ho shall be appointed at the same time by the V. G. 26. — All members appointed as Officers must be in good standing and must have attained to the Third Degree. 27. — The N. G. with the consent of the Lodge, may appoint as O. G. a brother of the Third Degree belonging to any other Lodge in this jurisdiction. 28.— This Lodge may at any time elect a Physician, Solicitor, or other officer required for the operation of the legitimate work of the Lodge, but the person so elected, shall not, as such officer, be subject to any of the laws of the Order relating to membership, qualification, or m honors, and may be elected under a by-law, ^ resolution, or in any manner and at any time ♦ that the Lodge may decide. INSTALLATIO^. I 29.— The Officers of this Lodge shall be instal- I led at the first regular meeting in the term for ^ which they have been elected or appointed, except that the installation of an officer chosen 18 CONSTITUTION. : 1 , I to fill a vacancy may take place on the night of his election or appointment. An officer re elect- ed or re-appointed must be again installed. VACANCIES IN OFFICE. 30. --Any office, the occupant of which may have been absent without satisfactory excuse trom three successive regular meetings, may be declared vacant by vote of the Lodge, on a motion to that eflfect, provided notice of such motion has been given at the regular meeting previous to that at which the vote is to be taken 31 —Any vacancy in office by resignation death or otherwise, shall be filled by election o^ appointment as the case may be. In the case of elective officers, the election may take place on the second night of non« ^"P"- Committee, with thf .m^Y Convener of the C," of thes^ rules '*'*' '"'""""ng *" "Form f.omVe^rti^'^S-L^'':/'. Jithin "^ --" onrecelp't'of S';ra"in''d!f' ^°'"'"'"- «•>-"- piration of the tim» i^ •!":?^' "'■ *' the ex^ reasonable dilgLl 'all '"'*"'' • *'>«^«f°^ with mittee, to attend whichtL'"*^""* "^ ^^^ ^om- shall be served with II. *"e accuser or accused be found, or byTeater*' """"«• '^ "^ey can place of resideLe Iccidinrt':;'.?^ '^''' »""'' W one we, pHor ^Ti^^ S'^t^af i"gs by leave 'of Cffli^J^r'' *''«>• Proceed- the?fadta| orXpedfi'^^r'^f "■"" ^^^ according to "Fwrn 'p • *^'°"u''{ .*''* ebarge, Panied b^ an accurate r^'cord „/";?"• ^ '«"='''"' o«':Xce^taST-1eti^w^rS'e «hall be «ub..Tt:dtr S t1^J:':'vf 'ch =^" "*" » reason- lALS. the same to be personally or by residence. The r seal the dupli- Convener of the rding to "Form hin one week large and speci- ^r to the same btee, by either in "Form E." tnmittee shall, or at the ex- iherefor, with g of the Com- er or accused '6, if they can tt their usual Form D," at xed for trial, m and Secre- *1 proceed by esses on their ^leir proceed - ;e shall state the charge, 1 be accom- 3ir proceed- Jr with the trial, which in a reaeon- PROCEDURE ON TRIALS. 31 ttem ""IhnH "; l\' '""'t ^'^« ^^^"^ submitted to them. Should there be a minority report it ZL ^tLrThf' '^ - --"ar ma';.ne?a?the should show Z "^""'"^ "^ ^^^ ^^"^"^i^*«« the^ai'tL';^:^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ --^-^^ -^ theVisi^^rtlS.'^'^^ '^ ^^^'^^ P^^^^' -d witnesser""^ '''''^''''' ''^ ^""' subscribed by the exhlbitt^^ documentary evidence, marked as .n?^^'7-^*'!u^"'^'."^ of the Committee shall be entered m the minutes by the Secretary, who shall forthwith notify both parties that the report has been submitted, and all parties shall be entitled to a copy thereof. nJ.^^A'"!-^^ ^""^^^ ^^^" ^""^^ "P the report for consideration at the regular meeting to be held two weeks after it has been submitted, and may amend, affirm or reverse the finding of the Com mittee upon any one or all of the allegations in the charge or their ruling thereon. noHfii'AT^KM!''^' decision of the lodge shall be dLtely ^ ^ *^^ Secretary, imme- r.iiinl^*7.?'*^®^ P*'**^ !^^y *PP^*1 from the de- cision of the lodge to the Grand Lodge, within three months from the action of the loL'pTwe on liie lodge shall transmit to the Gr°and Sec- retary a copy of all the proceedings regularly 32 PROCEDURE ON TRIALS. certitied, upon receiving the costs and charcjes of copying and mailing the same. Form A. -CHARGE AND SPECIFICATIONS. To Lodjfe No 1. 0.0. F. ; Lod3e^r'^''''^'H^''' t '""T^'^' i" ^ood standing- of fnH ' ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^'y charge Bro. A. B Sf Iru/^fk ■^- • • 7^^*^ conduct unbecoming' an OddfeV- Stances, and continue with further specifications F.nh Contrary to the laws and usuajjea of the Order ^""^ (Siitned.) '8.3. Form B. -NOTICE OP CHARGE TO THE ACCUSED. ate) IS speciflcations preierr'ed"gat:t'tou ir' "' ''"''" ""' Fraternally, Secretary. Form C.-NOTICE TO CONVENER OF COMMITTEE. (Date) 18 To Bro ^•■•• I enclose you a charge preferred by . aL^ainst ; •.• \vhich charge waa referred to " ' ' ^^'"^^ ,,..enameo,xG» .xiui, of whiy the f^ecretary, the Presiding Officer, or the lodge. IV. No question shall be put by the Presiding Officer, unless regularly moved and seconded ; nor be open for consideration until so put ; and, when put, no other motion shall be received, unless it be a motion — 1. To adjourn ; 2. To lay on the table ; 3. To put the previous question ; 4. To postpone ; 5. To refer ; or 6. To amend. Is 40 RULES OF ORDER. Ihese several motions, if made, shall have precedence in the order above stated, and the first, second and third thereof, shall be decided without debate. *u^^ J^® Previous Question shall be put from the Chair, only after it shall have been ascer- tamed that the call therefor is sustained by a majority of the members of the lodge present, and shall then always be put in the words tollowmg: ''Shall the question he now put^" which words shall be understood to have refer- ence to whatever question may be pending im- mediately before such call for the previous question may h^ve been made. VI. If the vote of the Lodge, taken pursuant to such call for the previous question, be in the affirmative, the Presiding Officer shall thereupon torthwith put to vote the question so pending, immediately before such call, and shall allow no amendment or further debate thereon ; and if on the other hand, the vote of the Lodge be in the negative, the Presiding Officer shall be thereby precluded from putting to vote, during the remainder of the current term, the question pending as aforesaid. VII. Any member may require the division ot a question, when the sense will admit of it. VIIL When a blank is to be filled, the ques- tion shall first be taken on the highest sum or number, or longest or latest time proposed. ^■^j ^*^® ^^^^ and Nays shall be taken and recorded on the call of any member, duly seconded. ^ RULES OP ORDER. 41 X. After any question, except that of indefi- nite postponement or the previous question, may have been decided, any two members hav- ing voted in the majority, may, at the same or next regular meeting, move for a reconsideration thereof ; but no discussion on the main question shall be allowed upon such motion. XI. Any question decided by the Lodge shall not again be brought before it, otherwise than by reconsideration, as provided in the foregoing rule, unless notice thereof shall have been given at the meeting immediately preceding ; and such notice shall not be received during the term in which the question has been decided. XII. Every member shall have the privilege of speaking twice on any question, but not oftener, unless by permission of the Presiding Otficer. XIII. Any Brother intending to speak on a question shall rise in his place and respectfully address the Presiding Officer, confining himself to the question, and avoiding personalities ; and should more than one Brother rise to speak at the same time, the Presiding Officer shall deter- mine which is entitled to the floor. XIV. The Presiding Officer, or any member, may call a brother to order while speaking ; and in such case, the debate shall be forthwith sus- pended, and the Brother so called to order shall not proceed until the point of order thus raised be determined, nor speak upon such point of order unless it be to make necessary explanation or appeal from the decision of the Chair. w ni'l 42 RULES OP ORDER. XV. Ill all cases where a member may appeal from the decision of the Chair, he shall use the words following, and none other, unless it be for necessary explanation: *'^.6r., / respectfully appeal from the decimon of the Chair to the Lodge," and the Lodge shall, after such explan- ation from the Presiding Officer as he shall deem necessary, proceed forthwith to consider and vote upon the question : '* Will the Lodge sus- tain the decision of the Chair ? " XVI. Any Brother who may have been called to order for manifestation of temper, or im- proper feeling, must apologize to the Lodge or to any aggrieved party, if required to do so by the Presiding Officer, and shaK not speak again on the pending question, except to explain or apologize, unless specially permitted to do so by the Presiding Offiicer. XVII. The Presiding Officer of the Lodge may, at any time, require all members present to vote upon any pending question, or may excuse any member or members from so doing. XVIII. Brothers, not members of this Lodge, may address the Lodge on receiving permission to that eflfect from the Presiding Officer. XIX. No Brother shall retire while the Lodge is open, without the permission of the Presiding Officer. XX. A motion to suspend or alter the order of Procedure, as contained in Rule II, for the Oil, Oiiiy carried by a vote of not less than two -thirds of the members present and voting thereon ; but ly appeal . use the s it be for spect/uUy •r to the h explan- lall deem ider and odge aus- RULES OP ORDER. 43 no motion to suspend or alter such Order of Procedure for a longer term shall at any time be put to vote. XXI. These Rules, or any part thereof, shall only be altered, amended, suspended, or annul- led (except in the case provided for by Rule XX), by action of the Grand Lodge of Ontario. }en called , or im- Lodge or do so bv )ak again Kplain or do so by le Lodge 8 present or may 30 doing. is Lodge, irmission p. he Lodge Presiding ;he order '.f for the -thirds of eon ; but BY H LtAWS. MEMBERSHIP. 1. — One week's notice shall be given, verbally in open Lodge, of intention to propose a Candi- date for Membership. 2. — No application for Membership shall be made known to any person, except a Member of ;.his Order, until after the same shall have been determined favorably by election. 3. — Application for Membership shall be in the prescribed form, and accompanied by the sum of Three Dollars ($3), which sum shall be placed to the credit of the Candidate's initiation fee, provided he appear for initiation within thirteen (13) weeks; otherwise such deposit shall be placed to the credit of the General Fund ; but in the event of rejection it shall be returned to the Candidate. 4. — Crndidates for admission into this Lodge must be examined by the Lodge Physician. Physician's Certificate, on the Form provided by the Grand Lodge, must accompany the report of Committee on Character, whose duty it shall be to procure the same from the Physician. 5. — Every Brother, on his admission to the T ,v^l,v.£v ^U-^n r-C — — . .4- *._ .,u:-i_ 1 — ij.-. j-iui-ige, aiiciii oigu ixn cigrtjuniunt Lu UiUiuu uy its C'onstitution and By-laws, and to pay all legal demands againsc him, so long as he shall remain BY-LAWS. 45 verbally a Caiicli- shall be ember of ave been all be in i by the shall be nitiation a within deposit General shall be is Lodge hysician. vided by report of ; shall be n to the I- 1 .'J.-. Lu uy lis all legal 11 remain a member thereof ; and shall give his place of residenc^e to the P. S. ; and whenever he changes his residence, he shall notify the P. S. of such change or forfeit his claim to the attention of the Visiting Committee. 6.— A Brother shall not enter or retire from the Lodge during initiation or conferring degrees unless on special business of the Lodge, without the consent of the N. G., and then only in urgent cases, nor will he be allowed at any time to leave his seat, or the Lodge Room, without the consent of the N. G. 7._In balloting for Members, the ballot box shall be placed in full view of the N. G. , and the result having been inspected by the N. G. , the Warden shall proceed with it to the chair of the V. G., who, having inspected the same, shall announce whether the ballot is favorable or un- favorable, and the N. G. shall declare the result to the Lodge. MEETINGS. 8.— This Lodge shall hold its Regular Meet- ings every Wednesday evening, at the hour of 8 o'clock. The N. G. may summon a Special Meeting whenever he shall deem it necessary, or when requested to do so by five Members in good standing ; provided always that not less than eight hours' notice of the time and object be given bv the Secretary, by means of a print- ed or written circular, to every Brother of the Lodge residing in town. 9. —Five Members shaii constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, at any Regular or Special Meeting. 46 BY-LAWS. i; I: 10.— No business other than that for which each Meeting may be specially called shall be discussed at such Meeting. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. U.— Before proceeding to open the poll for an Election of Officers, the N. G. shall appoint two Brothers of the Degree of Truth, in good standing, to be tellers, whose duty it shall be to guard the ballot box, to count the votes given and to make the return thereof to the N. G. and to the Lodge. 12.— In balloting for the Elective officers of the Lodge, and for Delegates to the Grand Lodge, or other officers, when more than one Candidate is in nomination, the names of the respective candidates shall be written upon the ballots and the election shall in other respects be conducted as provided by the Constitution. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. 13.— Jt shall be the duty of the Junior P. G. to attend regularly the Meetings of the Lodge, to act as sitting P.G. for the term of six months ; to deliver the charge of that office at initiation, or to see that the same be done by a P. G. or N. G. ; and to perform all other duties pertain- ing to his Office. . 14.— It shall be the duty of the N. G. to pre- side in the Lodge ; to enforce a due observance of the Constitution and By-Laws, and proper respect for the Grand Lodge ; to see that all the Officers of the Lodge and" the members of the Committees perform their respective duties as BY-LAWS. 47 for which d shall be e poll for 11 appoint , in good ; shall be otes given N. G. and officers of he Grand than one es of the upon the ' respects stitution< iior P. G. le Lodge, <. months ; nitiation, P. G. or i pertain - r. to pre- Dservance i proper at all the rs of the duties as enjoined by the respective Charges and Laws ; to take care that all fines, not requiring a vote of the Lodge for their imposition, be punctually charged on the books of the P. S. ; tc exercise a vigilant supervision in regard to all irregulari- ties subjecting Brothers to Fines or other Pen- alties, at the vote of the Lodge ; to bring the same before the Lodge whenever known to him, without fear or favor ; to take charge of the Charter of the Lodge ; to have it always in the Lodge while in session ; to summon Special Meetings whenever he may consider it necessary, or requested to do so by any five members of the Lodge in good standing ; to appoint all officers and Committees, not otherwise provided for ; to fill by appointment all vacancies occurring in Committees or in offices originally filled by his appointment ; to examine the ballot box after every ballot for members ; to ascertain and an- nounce to the R. S. the result of all balloting and votes ; to give the casting vote in case of a tie on any question, except those decided by ballot; to present a copy of the Constitution and By-laws to each brother on admission ; to ascertain from the P. S. his receipts since last Lodge night, and announce the same to the Lodge ; to cause the R. S. to invite Brothers to attend the Funeral of any Brother, for whom the Lodge may be chargeable with a Funeral Benefit ; to take charge of such Funeral in the absence of competent relatives ; to receive the amount and regulate the disbursements ; to draw upon the Treasurer for all sums voted by the Lodge, or necessary for the payment of any Benefits due under these Laws ; to act as Chair- m 48 BY-LAWS. TT! man of the Visiting Committee, and, in the ab- sence of any Elective Officer, o>' other office,- ap- pomte,! by the N. G., he shall appoint a q.X such officer ; he shall perform all other duties VuT^'^.u^^f"' ''y '^^ Constitution, or By-laws of the Lodge, or by the Char« '^'^ «• to «««i«t ine N. t,. and m his absence to take his Chair except during an initiation, visitation of (Jrand Officers, or other miportant occasion, when he may cause the same to be done by a P G -to appoint his own Supporters, and the minority of all Committees on Character ; to assist in exam- inations of the ballots in elections for member- ship ; to act as a member of the Visiting Com- mittee, and whenever the N. G. is absent to act as Chairman thereof ; to take special charge of othiT.- "''"'" ^'"^ N- ^•' ""^ t° perfonn^such M« !.«f " ^^^/l^'^frP''^^''"'''"* ^y *e Charges of his office and the Usages of the Order. „n'?'~^*f''''" ^i^" ''"ty °^ 'he R. S. to keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the TlTf * 'i . *tu^ r'^^'f 8* "f ''"d keep in safety, the Seal of the Lodge ; to keep carefully, and in good order, all Books, Papers, and other T.lf^^ belonging to his Office, and to deliver tne same to his successor in lit^ «^^^ q^^^„ . x. fill up all Certificates and Cards Irantedlo the i^odge ; to write and duly despatch, and copy BY-LAWS. 49 in the ab- officer ap- t a quali- duties of ler duties tution, or arg«)s and make or ly debate •peal from . to assist lis Chair, of GraiK] when he -*. G. ; to inority of in exani- member- ip: Com- nt to act tiarge of •rm such larges of to keep s of the 1 safety, lly, and d other deliver i to the id copy into the letter book, all communications ordered l)y this Lodge, and to read the same at the next regular meeting under the head of unfinished business ; to punctually issue all notices requir- ed by order of the N. G. or of the Lodge ; to in- form all candidates of their election or rejection when the proposer of such candidate declines to do so, but without disclosing any other fact or circumstance connected therewith ; to examine the Black book in reference to all nominations for Membership, and acquaint the Committee on Character with the result of such examina- tion ; to fill out for the Chairman of such Com- mittee a notice containing the names of the Com- mittee, and also that of the Candidate and referees; to preserve and file all written resolutions, motions, accounts and reports, upon which action has been taken by the Lodge ; to keep written up in good order, all books placed in his charge, and to carefully preserve all papers left with him ; to attest all warrants for moneys ordered to be paid at regular meetings ; to advise the P. S. of all votes of the Lodge im- posing any assessment, or imposing or remitting any fine ; and also all fines otherwise incurred by any Brother ; and shall, at the second meet- ing in each month, enter upon the minutes of the Subordinate Lodge a statement containing the name of every Brother who received Degrees at the last Degree Meeting, and also what Degree or Degrees he then received, and to record the same in a separate book ; and to per- form ail such other duties, consistent with his office, as may be required of him by the Lodge or his Charge of Office. * 50 BY-LAWS. i i 17.— It shall be the duty of the P. 8. to keep just aiKl true accounts between the Lodtre and Its Members; to charge and collect punctually all Dues, Charges, Assessments and Fines ; to notify every Brother by means of a written or printed circular, mailed to his address, at least two weeks previous to the close of each quarter of the amount of his arrears, and the amount of regular dues for the three months in advance • to call the special attention of every Brother owing dues for eleven or seventeen calender months, as the case may be, to the provisions ot these laws in such cases, by means of written or printed notice, to be mailed to his address • to advise the N. G. from time to time of the' names of all Brothers owing dues for twelve oc eighteen calendar months to the end that such provisions may be punctually carried into effect ; to receive all moneys due the Lodge, and pay over the same forthwith to the Treasurer, tak- mg his receipt for the same ; to furnish the Lodge, at the first meeting in each term with a written statement of all moneys received by him during the past term ; to have his books written up tor the Finance Committee, within twenty- tour hours of the last meeting in each term ; to deliver up in good order, for his successor, all books, papers, and other pioperty pertaining to his othce ; to make out at the end of each term tor the Grand Lodge, a full return of the pro- ceedings of the Lodge during the term. 18.— It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive from the P, 8. all mone^rp. of the Lod-e and carefully take charge of and deal"with tlTe same, in such a manner as may be required by 8. to keep Lodge and punctually I Fines ; to written or 88, at least .ch quarter, ) amount of II advance ; -y Brother n calender provisions of written is address ; me of the twelve oc i that such into effect ; I, and pay lurer, tak- irnish the rm with a '^ed by him ks written n twenty - term ; to lessor, all taining to ach term, the pro- • asurer to with the luired by BY-LAWS. 51 the By-laws of the Lodge, or by any vote of the Lodge, duly passed in conformity therewitii ; to pay all warrants signed by the N. G. on account of benefits due under these laws, and also all other warrants signed by the N.U. or R.S., but none others ; to keep a correct account of all tnoneys coming into his hands ; to advise the P. S. punctually of the state of his books whenever the said P. 8. may require the ' vying of an As- sessment under these Laws ; to lay before the Lodge a statement of its Receipts and Disburse- ments, at the first regular meeting in each term ; to have his books written up for the Finance Committee within twenty -four hours after the last regular meeting in each term ; and to de- liver up when legally called upon, all moneys, bonds, papers, books and other property of the Lodge, which may be in his possession or charge, to his successor in office, or to any other Broth- er or Brothers whom the Lodge may appoint to receive the same. Prior to his installation in office the Treasurer shall give to the N.G, or V. G., or the Lodge, as the case may be, a bond with two sureties, to be approved by the Lodge, for the term for which he may serve, subject to such penalties and on such conditions as, from time to time, may be prescribed by the Lodge. 19. — There shall be three Trustees of this Lodge, who shall, at the t^econd meeting in Jan- uary in each year be elected by ballot, whose term of office shall, after first election, be three vears. one to retire a.nnua.llv All mnn*i\7« nvpr 1100 shall be paid over by the Treasurer to the Trustees at the end of each term. The Trustees shall deposit the funds in some Chartered Bank, f i 52 BY-LAWS. or invest as the Lodge may direct. AH Broth- ers elected as Trustees must be members of the Degree of Iruth at the time of their election. , 21.— The Chaplain shall assist in opening and of his Offic *^^' ^''^'^^'^^"^ *° *^® requirements 22.— Every Officer who may be required to state his duties, or to deliver any charge in the Lodge, shall commit his part to memory within two weeks after his installation. DISMISSAL OF OFFICERS. 23.— Any Officer charged with official miscon- duct may be suspended or dismissed from office by a vote of two-thirds of the Brothers of the Lodge present and voting on any motion to that effect ; provided always that he has first receiv- ed a tair trial, according to clauses 58-68 of the Constitution. COMMITTEES. 24 —The N.G. on the night of his installation shall appoint (subject to the approval of the Lodge) the following Standing Committees, to serve for the current term, viz.: A Visiting, a finance, and a Property Committee. ' VISITING COMMITTEE. 25.— The Visiting Committee shall consist of seven members, of whom the N.G. and V.G shall be two, ex officio. *^- -- °;-'*" "c i^im aucy or each member of this Committee (on the day set apart for him) to visit every sick Brother of this Lodge, after BY-LAWS. 53 AH Broth- ibers of the election. peniiig and quirements equired to argein the 3ry within ial miscon- rom office, ers of the ion to that rst receiv- i-68 of the istallation val of the littees, to isiting, a consist of and V.G. lember of for him) Ige, after receiving information of his illness (provided he be in the Town of Strathroy), and to render him such necessary aid as the law provides or the Lodge directs. 27. — It shall be the duty of the Chairman of this Committee to make such arrangements that sick Brothers of this Lodge, if in the Town of Strathroy, shall be visited at least once a day during illness, by one or more members of this Committee, except in case of a contagious dis- ease. After the first week's illness, the Lodge may provide a nurse each alternate night if re- quired, in no case to exceed twelve nights' nursing for any one sickness, except by special vote of the Lodge. In the event of a Brother of another Lodge, residing in Strathroy, being taken sick, the Visiting Committee shall be guided by the By-laws of the l-.odge to which the sick Brother belongs. FINANCE COMMITTEE. 28. — The Finance Committee shall consist of three Members, whose duty it shall be to inspect and report upon all accounts referred to them by the Lodge, at or before the regular meeting next following ; and shall audit the books and accounts of the P.S. and T. at the end of each semi-annual term, and make a written report thereon ; also, a report in full of the financial afifairs of the Lodge at the second reg- ular meeting in each term ; and audit the with the receipt or expenditure of moneys of the Lodge. 54 BY-LAWS. PROPERTY COMMITTEE. 29. -The Property Committee shall consist of K ?fu"VT^.®''^' including the VVarden-who snail be Chairman thereof— whose duty it shall be to take charge of the regalia and other effects 1 *^^^odge, not especially entrusted to partic- ular Officers or to other Committees ; to pro- cure such articles as may be necessary, or as the Lodge may direct; to cause all repairs to be made to the regalias, or other Lodge property, as to them mjiy see fit, or the Lodge direct ; and to make a full, written report of their proceedinMS at the last meeting in each term. 30.— This Committee shall in no case expend a greater sum in any one term than ^10, with- out the consent of the Lodge in regular form. COMMITTEE ON CHARACTER. 31.— It shall be the duty of all Committees on Character to ascertain carefully, the age, state ot health profession, habits, and character of the candidates referred to them ; and to make Meedn '^^^''" to the Lodge at the next Regular DISMISSAL OF COMMITTEES. 32.— Any Committee, or Member or Members ot Committee, failing to discharge their duties to the satisfaction of the Lodge, may he dis- charged therefrom by vote of the Lodge to that ^ftect ; and every Committee, or Member or Members tnerfinf fhno riic^Uo^r— i ~u„ii j?--^i With surrender, on demand to that effect, to the iN. Cr., or such Brother or Brothers as the Lodge consist of 3en — who y it shall ler effects to partic- ; to pro- or as the -irs to be )perty, as t ; and to 3ceediniiS 3 expend 10, with- form. ittees on ge, state racter of .make Regular Members r duties ' be dis- to that Tiber or il forth - t, to the e Lodge BY-LAWS. 55 may appoint, all uooks, papers, moneys, and other properties of the l^odge which may be in his or their hands. ADMISSION FEES. 33. — Every person admitted a member of this Lodge, either by initiation or as Ancient Odd Fellow, shall, previous to his admission, pay into its funds an admission fee as follows : Froni the age of 21 to 35 years, |8 ; and from 35 to 40, the said fee shall be further augmented 50 cents for each additional year ; and from 40 to 45, $1 for each additional year ; and from 45 to 50, |2 for each additional year ; over 50, |3 for each additional year. 34. — Every brother admitted as a member of this Lodge by deposit of card from any other Lodge, shall, previous to his admission, pay into its funds an admission fee as follows : From the age of 21 to 35 years, $5 ; and from 35 to 40, the said sum shall be further augmented 50 cents for each additional year ; and from 40 to 45, $1 for each additional year ; and from 45 to 50, $2 for each additional year ; over 50, |3 for each addi- tional year. CONTRIBUTIONS. 35. — The regular contribution to be paid by every brother of the Lodge, who was a member previous to the passing of this By-law, 17th February, 1875, into its funds, shall be at the rate of $1.50 per quarter, and no brother shall, on any account, be excused from such payment, which shall be due and payable in advance, at the first regular meeting in each quarter. 's 56 BY-LAWS. -■I] i ; 36.— Every member hereafter admitted in this Lodge shall pay into its funds, according to his age at the time of admission, at the rate follow- ing : Afire. 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Quarterly. Annually. ^' " 16 00 6 20 6 20 6 40 6 40 6 60 6 80 6 80 50 55 55 60 60 65 70 70 75 75 80 85 90 95 95 7 7 7 7 7 7 00 00 20 40 60 80 80 Age. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Quarterly. Annually $2 00 2 05 2 2 2 10 15 20 2 30 2 35 2 40 2 50 2 55 2 65 2 70 2 80 2 90 3 00 $S 00 8 20 8 40 8 60 8 80 9 20 9 40 9 60 10 00 10 20 10 60 10 80 11 20 11 60 12 00 Which shall be due and payable in advance at tne first regular meeting in each quarter. OTHER CHARGES. 37.— The charges for Degrees in this Lodge shall be |3 for each of the three Degrees. The amount of such charges must be deposited in the hands of the P. S. before any brother can be bal- loted for to obtaiH a Certificate entitling him to receive such Degrees, but shall be returned by the P. S. should such Candidate be refused. ^u^^'^F*^«®r®''y Visiting or Withdrawal Card there shall be a charge of 30 cents. Ex'^ired Visiting Cards must be returned before a^new one will be granted. ed in this ng to his e follow- Annually. 18 00 8 20 8 40 8 60 8 80 9 20 9 40 9 60 10 00 10 20 10 60 10 80 11 20 11 60 12 00 'ance at r. J liodge js. The d in the 1 be bal- 5 him to rned by ied. al Card e a new BY-LAWS. ASSESSMENTS. 57 39. — Whenever any Benefit or Benefits, may become due and payable, from either of the funds of this Lodge in the course of any one quarter, if the books of the Lodge do not show sufficient amount to the credit of such Fund to meet such benefit, then the P, S. shall forthwith raise, in aid of such Fund, by an Assessment to be laid in equal proportions upon all the mem- bers of the Lodge, the amount necessary to meet such Benefit or Benefits. INVESTMENT OF FUNDS. 40. — Investment of all monies of the Lodge which it may not be deemed necessary to keep in the immediate charge of the Treasurer to meet ordinary disbursements, shall be made in and by the name of the Lodge, otherwise in the names of the Trustees of the Lodge, from time to time, in such manner and with such security as the Lodge may require ; provided always that no part of the Funds shall be loaned to any Member of the Order. All evidences or certifi- cates of such investments shall be kept by the Trustees, and all dividends, interest, or other income accruing therefrom shall be duly de- manded and received by them. 41. — All monies of the Lodge, not invested as aforesaid, shall remain in the hands of the Treasurer, subject to the By-laws and Orders of the Lodge. 4.Q ^f\ ir»rkfir»n in n.nxr xnrttxr rftln.f.incr tn f.nfi -— , »,-. ,.;.,^....,. ,.. —'-J '-—J • o -- investment of the funds of this Lodge, as pro- vided by the By-laws, shall be put to vote at 1 " rr n 'H 58 BY-LAWS. any meeting, whether regular or special, unless two weeks' notice of such motion has been given by the mover ; nor shall any motion for the ap- propriation of money (other than for the general purposes of the Lodge and for therelief of mem- bers of this or distant Lodges) be put to vote, unless two weeks' notice has been given and a written or printed copy of such motion sent to the address of every member. Nor shall any such motion for the investment or appropriation of money be carried unless two-thirds of the members present vote in its favor. SICK BENEFITS. 4S.— Every Brother who has been a member ot this Lodge for the space of six months, and IS m good standing, if rendered incapable of fol- lowing his usual or other attainable occupation by sickness or disability (not occasioned by drunkenness or other immoral conduct on his part), or by reason of infirmity from old age, having no available means of support, shall be entitled to receive from the General Fund for the first week's sickness, the sum of ten cents, unless by a special vote of the Lodge; for the second, and following weeks, if he has ob- tained the Degree of Truth, |3 per week, and u P^i ^^^^ *^ Brothers who have not obtained that degree, and a fractional of the above rates for a fractional part of a week's sickness after the farst week. A member admitted on an un- expired withdrawal card shall be entitled to benefits immediately^ ^ . . bership. ^.1 j-r\^li to muiu- ,•■ ^■■ BY-LAWS. 59 il, unless een given r the ap- e general fof mem- to vote, sn and a I sent to hall any )priation s of the member ;hs, and le of fol- upation )ned by '> on his old age, ihall be and for n cents, ?e ; for has ob- jk, and btained ''e rates 88 after an un- tied to ) mem- 44.— Whenever any benefit shall accrue to the account of a Brother, payment shall be required therefrom of such quarterly dues as may be chargeable to the close of the then current quarter. ^ 45.— If the Brother be a non-resident, it shall be necessary that a statement or statements of his case, setting forth the nature of his sickness or disability, and the time of its commencement and duration, be transmitted within four weeks of its commencement to the N.G, of this Lodge certified by the N.G. of the Lodge nearest to the place where he may be for the time resident or detained, and under the seal of such Lodge ; or, if he be not near any Lodge, by a Justice of the of the Peace, or a Clergyman, or a licensed Physician, and such Brother shall thereupon re- ceive the Benefit provided by the preceding By- laws. 46.— No Brother while undercharges duly pre- ferred against him on any matter pertaining to the right to Benefits shall be entitled to any such Benefits, but if afterwards acquitted in due course, he shall be then forthwith entitled to receive any Benefit or Benefits which but for such charges would have become payable to him while the same were pending. 47.— No Brother shall be entitled to any Ben- efit from sickness commencing while under dis- abilities. FUNERAL BENEFITS. 48. — On the decease of any Brother in good standing in this Lodge, the sum of |30 shall be allowed as a Funeral Benefit. <'ii. il ]iitl 60 BY-LA V/S. 49. — On the decease of the wife of any Broth- er in good standing, he shall receive the sum of $15 to assist in defiaying her funeral expenses. 50. — The widow of any deceased bona fide member in good standing, and who was not in- debted to the Lodge for more than one quarter's dues at the commencement of such sickness or disability, which resulted in or was the cause of death shall receive from the fund of this Lodge within one month after his death, an amount equal to what the deceased Brother had paid in- to the funds of the Lodge as dues while continu- ously a member. 51 — Should any deceased Brother leave no widow then any amount due under the aboVfe conditions shall be paid to his orphan children. 52. — Should the family of a deceased Brother be in need of a protector or guardian, the Lodge shall, to the best of its power, protect and assist them, and endeavor to place them in such a pos- ition as to enable them to be useful to themselves and to society. RELIEF IN SPECIAL CASES. 53.— Whenever it may become known that any Brother of this Lodge has been reduced to a state of pecuniary distress by any sudden and unlooked for dispensation, his case shall be re- ferred to a Special Committee of three Brothers, whose duty it shall be to examine into to the same, and report to the Lodge whether any and what sum in their opinion should be granted for relief and it shall be competent for the Lodge by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the BY-LAWS. 61 y Broth - e sum of xpenses. ona fide not in* quarter's kness or cause of s Lodge amount paid in- continu- eave no le aboVfe hildren. Brother le Lodge [id assist 3h a pos- ^mselves wn that uced to len and I be re- rothers, to the iny and granted e Lodge of the Brothers present, to grant him any sum not ex- ceeding $50. 54. — If a member of a distant Lodge apply for relief, on the presentation of his Card, his case shall be referred to the N.G., and two or more members who have attained the Degree of Truth, who shall examine him, and if satisfied they shall be at liberty to contribute at once a sum not exceeding five dollars. They shall report their action to the Lodge at the next regular meeting, wlien, if necessary, such further sum may be granted as shall be deemed proper — not exceeding $10. FINES. 55. — Any Ofl&cer of the Lodge or member of Committee neglecting to perform his duty, and failing to give a satisfactory excuse, may be fined such sum as the Lodge may see fit, not ex- deeding $2. 56.— All fines incurred by Brothers, or impos- ed by the Lodge, shall be forthwith charged by the P.S. to the account of the Brother incurring them, and shall become due and payable, in all respects, as though they formed part of the reg- ular quarterly dues for the ensuing quarter. SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION. 57. — Any Brother being twelve calendar months in arrears, shall, on due report thereof to the Lodge, be declared by the N. G. to be >.- vrt ATT* 62.— All Officers shall wear the the regalia of fi^ BY-LAWS. 63 for six iber of nguage charges Lodge him in areaent admis- mse in Order; in any lorable moral- } land, meni- y vote ippear jmber- up all ni, as kS pre- II dis- iation T due r pun- Ly de- ccurs, lia of their respective offices while present in the Lodge, and all members may wear the regalia of the highest degree they have attained. DEGREES. 63. — Application for Degrees, and balloting thereon shall be made in the liodge while open in the Degree of Truth. 64. — On the rejection of any application for Degrees, the charge obtained for the same shall be at once refunded, or placed to the Brother's credit as he may desire. CARDS. 65. — The Lodge may by vote grant a Visiting Card to any Brother in good standing on his paying up all dues accruing during the period for which this card is desired, including the fee for the Card. Withdrawal Cards shall be bal- loted for, after the applicant has paid all dues and charges to date — including the fee for the Card ; and if a majority of white balls appear, shall be granted. REFRESHMENTS. 66. — All spirituous, vinous and malt liquors shall be excluded from the Lodge Room, and ante-rooms, when under the control of this Lodge. AMENDMENTS. 67. — No motion to appeal, suspend or amend these By-laws or any part thereof, shall be put to vote until the same shall have been read in Lodge at three consecutive regular meetings ; 64 BY-LAWS. \i' nor shall the consideration of, or voting tipon, any such motion be postponed after such third reading, unless by a majority vote of the Lodge ; nor shall such motion be declared to prevail un- less, upon the linal division thereon, two- thirds of tlie Brothers present and voting shall vote in favor of it. ADOPTION. At a regular meeting of Howard Lodge, No. 68, held at Strathroy, Ont., on the 3rd day of June, 1891, It was Resolved,— That the foregoing Con- stitution, By-laws, and Rules of Order come in- to force and effect from and after the 1st day of July, 189L 11 ' » PRAYERS. 65 Pt^AYEt^S. OPENING PRAYER. Almighty God, Our Creator and Preserver, we invoke Thy blessing upon the members of this Lodge, and our entire Brotherhood. May we be ever faithful to the principles of our be- loved Order, so that benevolence and charity may be promoted. Bless the widow and orphan, and all in affliction or distress, and relieve their necessities. "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. Amen." CLOSING prayer. Almighty Father, we pray Thee to bless whatever of good we have accomplished at this time, and forgive what we have done amiss. We now commend ourselves to Thy care and protection. The Lord bless us and keep ub. The Lord lift up His fatherly countenance upon us, and give us peace, now and evermore. Ambn. 66 FORMS. OFFICIAL REPORT OF VISITING COMMITTEE. To the N.G., Officers and Brethren of Ho>^'ard Lodge, wo. Oo, ^•U.O. c.^ We, your Committee, beg to report the sickness of liro • o • T3 c s c S2 2 OS < l« ^ I— 1 be ^ a; « ■ • • I .N.G. .V.G. 1 ^Committee. J Remarks. APPLICATION FOR BENEFITS IN SICKNESS.* T<> th® N G., V.G., Officers and Brethren of Howard Lodge, No. 58, I.O.O.F., of Strathroy, Ont : Brbthren - On the day of last (as former- ly reported to you) I was prostrated by a severe illness, and disabled from following my occuniition until . last. I send the certificate of my "physician, and the state mert of the N.G. of the Lodge of this I therefore claim benefits f or .... weeks. If granted. please pay to , whobe reeeipt will be as my own. Fraternally yours, *Thi8 form to be followed when residing at a distance from Strathroy. To t Lo Th proft him ] tendi he w Totl Lo Ha the. pers and ^ corn such [Seal FORMS. physician's certificate. 67 ••• •• loM .... To the N. G., V. G., Officers and Brethren of Howard Lodge, No. 58, I.O.O.F., of Strathroy, Ont.: This certifies that I was called to visit Mr professionally, on the. .. .day of last, and found him prostrated by a [severe] attack of I have at- tended him from that to the present time, and know that he was unable to attend to his usual occupation before M.D. N. G.'S STATEMENT. .18. To the N. G., V. G., Officers and Brethren of Howard Lodge, No. 58, I.O.O.P., of Strathroy, Ont.: Having visited Bro during his illness, (on the — day of and again on the ) and being personally acquainted with Dr as a man of honor and veracity, I have no doubt the above statements are correct, and that Bro is entitled to benefits for weeks, so far as disability to labor constitutes such claim. Fraternally, in F., L. andT., [Seal of Lodge.] N. G. Attest: [ ] Secretary. h 68 LIST OF LODGES. mST OF LiODGES. Lodge. Brock Cataraqui Otonabee Union Phoenix Rose Chatham Eureka El^in Erie Gore Samaritan , . St. Mary's Forest City Rondeau .\ Avon Excelsior Frontier Mount Zion Unity Dominion Canada Otter Bissell Covenant Nia*rara Falls Collingwood Fidelity Queen City of On- tario Maple Leaf Howard King-ston Corinthian Huron Barrie Victoria Friendship Flor'e Nightingale Exeter No. Location. Night of Meeting. 9 Brockville Tuesday. , 10 Kingston Tuesday 13 Peterboroigh Monday 16 St. Catharines Monday 22 Oshawa Tuesday 28 Amherstburg Wednesday 29 Chatham Tuesday 30 London Tuesday 32 St. Thomas Friday 33 Port Burwell Thursday 3* Brantford Monday 35 Ingersoll Thursday 36 St. Mary's Tuesday 38 London Monday 40 Blenheim Friday 41 Stratford Wednesday 44 Hamilton Thursday 46 Windsor Wednesday 46 Newbury Thursday 47 Hamilton Wednesday 48 London Wednesday 49 Toronto Friday 50 Tilsonburg Monday 51 Mitchell Friday 52 Toronto Tuesday 53 Niagara Falls . . . Tuesday 64 Collingwood Thursday 55 Seaforth Wednesday 56 Toronto Monday 57 Orangeville Thursday 58 Strathroy Wednesiay 69 Kingston Friday 61 Oshawa Thursday 62 Goderich Thursday 63 Barrie Monday 64 Hamilton Alt'te Tuesdays 65 Petrolia Friday 66 Bowman ville Wednesday 67 Exeter Tuesday LIST OF LODGES. 69 Lodge No. Location North Star 68 Stayner Hope 69 Harrietaville Lucan 70 Lucan The Toronto 71 Toronto. Night of Meeting , . Friday . . Saturday ..Tuesday Monday Eastern Star 72 Whitby Tuesday Fergus 73 Fergus Tuesday Bothwell 74 Bothwell Tuesday Warriner 75 Port Perry Monday St. Thomas 76 St. Thomas Wednesday Oxford 77 Ingersoll Monday Durham 78 Port Hope Tuesday Nipissing 79 Uxbridge Wednesday Amity 80 Prescott Thursday Belleville 81 Belleville Thursday Beavsr 82 Ruthven Tuesday Clinton 83 Clinton Tuesday Walkerton 84 Walkerton Friday Constellation — 85 Burgessville Tuesday Napanee 86 Napanee Tuesday Empire 87 St. Catharines . . . .Thursday Olive Branch .... 88 Woodstock Monday Reliance 80 Guelph Monday Ivy 90 Parkhill Thuisday Grand River 91 Paris Thursday Milton 92 Milton Tuesday Western City 93 Chatham Monday Aylmer 94 Aylmer Tuesday Nith 96 New Hamburg Thursday Grand Union . . . , 97 Berlin Friday Minto 98 Harriston Friday Lindsay 100 Lindsay Monday Golden Star 101 Brampton Thursday Deseronto, 102 Deseronto Wednesday Cataract 103 Niagara Falls S . .Thursday Crescent . 104 Hamilton Friday Manilla 105 Manilla Monday St. Clair 106 Point Edward . . . .Thursday Waterloo 107 Gait Monday Royal Oak 108 Forest Monday Orion 109 Georgetown Monday Laurel 110 Toronto Alt'te Mondays Peterborough 111 Lucknow ... .Thursday Lucknow 112 Peterborough Friday Trenton 113 Trenton Wednesday 70 LIST OF LODGES. Lodge No. Location Night of Meetino- Gananoque ill Gananoque Monday Harmony 116 Brantford Tuesday Naomi 116 Markham Monday Valley City 117 Dundas Wednesday Maitland 119 Wingham Thursday Sydenham Valley. . 120 Wallaceburg Friday ' f f xon • •.;, • 121 Ailsa Craig Wednesday Streetsville 122 Streetsville Friday P/esden 124 Dresden Monday Stella 125 Carleton Place . . . .Friday Sarnia 126 Sarnia Tueslay Mizpah 127 Belk.ille Monday JJjs*?? 128 Waterdown . . 2nd & 4th Mondays Charity 129 Sunderland Monday Liyingstone 130 Thorold Tuesday Marion 131 Renfrew Monday Oakville 132 OakviUe Monday Glencoe 133 Glencoe . Tuesday g"ent 134 Welland Tuesday Peaceful Dove. ... 136 Cannington Thursday Cobourg 146 Cobourg Friday St. Lawrence ... 137 Brockville Thursday Ancaster 138 Ancaster Monday parnet 139 Mount Forest .... Tuesday Leamington 140 L*>amington Alt'te fhursd'ys Concord 142 Kingsville Friday Bay of Quinte ... 143 Picton Wednesday Ridgetown 144 Ridgetown Wednesday ^ivian 146 Arnprior Tuesday " ^ooel 147 Wyoming Alt'te Mondays Aurora 148 Aurora Tuesday western Star .... 149 Brussels Thursday Sycamore 151 Arkona Tuesday Hayden 152 Norwich Friday Wildey 153 Granton Wednesday Alpha 154 Almonte Monday Brougham 155 Whiteyale Thursday Pyramid 156 Newmarket Tuesday Thamesville 157 Thamesyille Thursday Progress 158 Guelph Thursday Oak Leaf 159 Hamilton Alt'te Tuesdays Listowel 160 Listowel Tuesday Simcoe 161 Simcoe Friday Oriental 163 Cornwall . . Monday LIST OF LODGES. 71 Romeo'^^^ ?2i «f H°*''*5'^n Nijfht of Meetin g S""^^" 164 Stratford Tuesday S?f *hoven 165 Erooklin FrTdaV ";iS*"''8^h 167 Hillsburgh Friday Sutton 168 Sutton Mondav Grey 169 Durham ... .mS ?f"«/o •.. 170 Port Elgin Say ^">«*0" 171 Alliston Friday Penetangore 172 Kincardine Tuesday Enjerald 173 Dunnville . Tulsday Dolman 174 Avr wl/i ^j Montana ::: m ^Voxeter* :.:::: -.Srav"" Madoc 179 Madoc Mondav Owen Sound igfl Owen Sound. . . .' .*. Wednesdav Tec'umseh 182 OttervilJe MonSay Teeswater 183 Teeswater V/Pdnesd«v germania 184 Waterloo Tuesdav " ?"f ^".n 18« Flesherton . . 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Cambridge 188 Preston Wednesdav Parry Sound 189 Parry Sound . . ... .Monday i^'^^^S; 191 Jarvis Monday Howick 192Gorrie Tuesday Albert : 194 Toronto ....Friday^ S^erone 195 Woodville Tuesday l^o^^^^ce 190 Florence Monda/ Minerva 197 Hamilton Alt. Wednesd'vs Weston 200 Weston Tuesdays ^ §t^on : 201 Port Oolborne .... Wednekiay Silver Star 202 Milverton Friday Pembroke 203 Pembroke Tuesday Acton 204 Acton Friday Ahirim 205 Paisley Tuesday Silver City 206 Tiverton Friday Egremont 207 Kerwood Friday ^; i%"k 209 Millbank Wednesday Brucefield 210 Brucefield Friday ^"y • • 211 Dorchester Stat'n .Tuesday Afivll. 212 Napanee Thursday Clifford 214 Clifford Friday Freestone 215 Beamsville Monday S^"^^'"? „ • • • 216 Elmira Wednesday Mount Brydges .. 217 Mount Brydges ..Friday Enterprise^ 218 Essex Centre ....Thursday .. 219 waubaushene ...Thursday i v^eorgliili aSiy II 72 ^^1 Lodge No. ^^H f Woodslee . 220 ^^1 Chesley . 221 ^^H 1 Hensall . 223 ^^H Ottawa 224 ^^H Merlin . 220 ^^H Sauble . 227 ^^H International . . . '^28 H^l Embro Star . 229 ^^H Prince of Wales . . 230 ^H Klora . 231 ^H Equity . . . 232 ^^B Hanover . 233 ^^H Ilderton . 234 ^^H Waterf ord . 235 ^^B Acorn . 236 ^^H Farmersville . 237 ^^H Stirliniaf 239 ^^1 Carleton . 240 I^H Rideau . 241 ^^1 Wilton . 242 ^^1 Thornbur/ . 243 ^^1 Port Arthur . 244 ^H Mallory town . 245 ^^H Orillia . 246 ^^1 Gordon . 247 ^H CamplwUford . . . . 248 ^^H Beaverton . 249 ^^1 Ridgely . 250 ^n Bracebridge . 261 ^H| Floral . 252 ^^H Caledonia . 253 ^^B Alba . 254 ^^H Tottenham . 255 ^H Grand Valley . . . . 256 ^^1 Credit . 267 ^^1 Thamesf ord . 258 ^H Lynden . 259 ^^p Meaford . 260 ^^H Gold Hill ....... . 261 Norwood . 262 ^^^■i East Toronto . . . . 203 Fraternity . 264 Delta . 266 ■. JuessanaDie . aoo LIST OF LODGES. Location Night of Meeting. South Woodslee . . Saturday Chesley Friday Hensall Friday Ottawa Monday , Merlin Thursday Tara Friday Intern'l Bridge . . Thursday Embro Tuesday Toronto Tuesday Elora Thursday Uagarsville Wednesday Hanover Wednesday Ilderton Ist &.3rd Thursdays Waterforti Thursday Camlachie Tuesday Farmersville Wednesday Stirling Wednesday Ottawa Thursday Smith's Falls Monday Toronto Tuesday Thornbury Friday Port Arthur Wednesday Mallorytown — Wednesday Orillia Monday Palmerston Thursday Campbeliford . . . .Tuesday Beaverton Monday Oil Springs Monday Braoebridge Monday Toronto Monday Caledonia Is* & 3rd Friday Pekenham Thursday Tottenham Wednesday Grand Valley Friday Erin Alt'te Tuesdays Thamesf ord Thursday Lynden Alt.Wednesd'ys Meaford Wednesday Rat Portage Thursday Norwood Tuesday ' East Toronto Tuesday Perth Monday Delta Tuesday Chapleau Tuesday ] Algo Stan Woo Lans Nort Lake Hast Midi Fair: Shea Lam Boot Gren LIST OF LODGES. 73 Lodge Aldfoma ... Stanley . . . Woodstock Lausdowne North Bay . Lakeview . Hastings . Midland . . . Fairy Sheard . . . Lambton . Bockli£fe . Grenville . No Location Night of Meeting. 267 Ft. William, West.. 268 Lanark Thursday 269 Woodstock Friday 270 Lansdowne Tuesday 271 North Bay Tuesday 272 W.Toronto J'nct'n. Friday 273 Hastings 27i Midland Friday 275 Huntsville Monday 276 New Dundee Wednesday 277 Brigden Monday 278 Ottawa Thursday 279 Kemptville ■¥"■*■) •.■•■"4 74 INDEX. H^DEX. Preface - - Paure. Constitution 11 Preamble - -' • 11 Titles and Powers 11 Membership Degrees Cards •• 11 14 14 Re-Admission 15 Elective Officers . 16 Appointed Officers Installation - 17 17 Vacancies in Office 18 Duties and Powers of Officers - 18 Sessions 18 Terms - . 20 Returns 20 Contributions -■ 21 Disbursements 22 Penalties • 24 Trials - 24 By-Ltv vs Amendments to 27 28 Rules of Procedure on Trials 29 Evidence and Witnesses - 35 Rules of Order - 38 By-Laws - . 44 Membership Meetings Election of Officers to 44 46 46 INDEX. 75 Patre. 11 11 11 11 14 14 15 16 17 17 18 18 18 20 20 21 22 24 24 27 28 29 35 38 44 44 45 46 Duties of Officers Dismissal of Officers - Committees Visiting Committee - Finance Committee Property Committee - Committee on Character Dismissal of Committees Admission Fees - Contributions Other Charges - Assessments Investment of Funds Sick Benefits Fun3ral Benefits * Relief in Special Cases Fines - Suspension and Expulsion Regalia Degrees - ■ Cards - Refreshments Amendments Adoption Prayers Blank rorms - List of Lodges Page. 46 52 52 52 63 54 54 54 55 55 56 57 57 58 59 60 61 61 62 63 63 63 63 64 65 66 68