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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICHOCOPV RESOIUIION IE',1 CHART 1.0 I.I III 1.8 ^ 11^ Ifii A .APPLIED IIVMGE Inc CM DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CANADA Hon. W. J. Roche, Minisler. \V. \V Cory, C.M.G , Deputy Sfinialer. PUBLICATIONS (IF TIIK Dominion Observatory OTTAWA W. F. Kin.;, C.M.G., LI..D., Direct,) Vol. Ill, No. 5 i i Hit Orbit of the Spectroscopic Binary a Trianguli ■T W. E. HARPER, M.A. 8'j:J28— 1 O T T A W A •ioVKIlNMENT PuiNTINc: HirtEAU 191,-) • ■• * ' L ORIMT or THK SPlATIiOSCOI'IC BIXAKV a TRIAXCiULI. in W . K. HAIil'EH, M.A. his star (o^l'' 17"V 5= +2',)° (Hi ) I was announced as a s])cctrosropit unary in /./.■/,■ (ihsi inilni!/ HiiUiliu /."/> I'roin tl liata oi' which ina\- 1 ic nicasiin's of six jilatcs, tlir )(' seen ni iahic II. \ lie >tar was phu'r.l on our oi)scrvinn list in Januarv, lill.'i, ai 111 twcntv -pcctrotiTains had Ik'cii sccunMl in IDi:] and 1!)1 1 l)cf. ore an uncstisiation ol Its Ilic 1 (iihif was undcnakcn hy the writer. T ilTi i(> s])ectruin is of tyjK' I".'); uie: u-e (hITuse anil ili-dehned and (onsecitiently the measured vel Of 1 tie: may he considerahly in error. When the twenty phites had l)een reduced without any .trreater ranj^e in velocity heinjr found tli in that announced on liscovery. it was f(>lt tlial if the p.eriod was to he ol)lained, ti len res\iits ipon whicii more (h'pendence could l>e phiced than that furnished hy a single luKe at least two plat! plate would h:ne to he secured. ( 'oiLseciuently it was decided to n each, time the star was spectroy;raphed and tliis i)rocedure has heen carried out t!ie iiresent autumn. Tlu- star is of j.liotographic ma-nitude II, and :!0 minutes or less with tlie single-prism is suflicient 'o gel a nieasurahle plate. In all eighly-tive ])lal( on ^rvd 27 emulsion have 1 leen secured am upon these the dett rmination of the orhit is hasc-d. Owing to the uncertain character of the lines, the wave-lengths iiave not heen corrected in the ciiMomar\ manner of e(iiiating the residuals to zero, hut all the data regarding the lines are given in Tahle I. 'Die residuals are given in the sen^e, mean minus measured. Were the corresponding corrections made, the agreement of .Mime of the ol)srrvations with the curve would I'e sligiiijy imiiroved, hut on tlie whole no rnatorial ditTerenc(> in tin- elements would he ])roduced. it '^ \ ' 114 riHl-K ATKINS (IF TIIK DOMINION OUSKlf VATOliY . TABLF. 1. l.lNl.S I Sl.l) IN (V lUlANcri.I. Mp.iii Mean Mrall Mean WavP- Times T.itil Nmiii'rii-nl Aluihraic ;' Wavc- Tinu's Total Niiiiifriral Algrbraic tcnRth. Moasuri'd. Wi'iRht . Hi'sidii;.!. Uf.-idual. Length. Mt'ji.'^urpd. Weight . Kc'sichial. Hi'.-idiial. 4o72 15l) 13 5 12 + 5-4 42;i(; 107 U 5 12- 1 t c. 4.")4!t-7W'' 4:{ 10 0-4 +:t:i 42:« :t2s ;ts 17 7 -21 1 isi 1(H) 21 10 10 2 -:is ii4220MW 00 H2 () 5 -17 41()4',IJ7 4 7 "i +2-4 ''I21.")(i(is 25 12 i;i-7 -111 4:W5'2SI'. Hi S 10 s -2 ,,420:M01 5 (> 1 +0.(i 4;«2(KIC. (12 20 7 li +2-(i .410S-(i.iN 40 17 01 -0 ',) 4:i40 ttM M -,1 -I :i ''lli:!(i.".s 57 27 0-5 + 11 4:VJ "i ■ (i:is ')'i 21 11 -7 ,1101 siKi 7:f 3S 7() +:m 42m)-7:i.'> 31 i:i SO + 2 |1071-7:W :!2 i:( 101 -10 42'.K)l',t5 10 4 10 1 4 1-7 |lioc.;i-7:i(i :!7 15 10 :< + 00 4271 ^I'lO () :! 71 -2-4 |'l04.-iS.-|l t t ;i(i 7-4 + 2-0 42(iO()l(l ,") 2 .-,0 +:i-4 |4(Kr) 4S.-1 24 10 10 5 - 5 7 4250-61(5 8 4 8(> -l..i Tlio first ten jiliitcs wore inado witli th(> siiifili^-prisni spcctrofiraph I, v.liosp (lisporsion at //> is '.V.i-i A jicr iniiiiniotiT; tlic iioxt two with the singlc-prisrn la, dispersion at Hy, 54- 5 A i)er inilhinetre ; and the remainder with the single-prism I' at present in use, whose dispersion at tiic same region is ,32-iSA \wr millimetre. The ])eri()d is found from tlie Se])t('mher and October, 191"), observa- ti)iis to be about 1 ■ 74 days. Our \'M',> and 1014 observations change this to l-7;i().') days. To bring the l>ick observations into the best agreement —.'illowance iieing inad(> for the eiiuation of light -this \alue was fiirtlur changed to r7.'5()')2 days which s(>ems to be the only l)ernii.ssible value. As about .'{()()() revolutions ha\e taken place in the interval between the dates of the first and last jilates, the fifth decimal place in the period should be significant. The Lick observations are more positi\(' than our own by abmit ."> km. In (|uite a number of stars of late, we find our own ot)servatioi>s from 'A to ."> km. more lu^gative than those of the I.ick observatory. There is a pos.sibility in this case OIIBII C|||> ;| ic;,! (.||„| ''A'' ill tlic \('l(icily (if the >\>lciii, ■■'■■^ <'ur l!ti:{ oli.-crvMlioiis Iia\,. |iki r .isc ,iciiialic.illy |)ul;tlr licliiiitc ic case A siiniMiary (if the (iliscrvati oils will iiiiw lie fiivcii. T rockoiicd fniiii (he prriasiniii (inally (Icicrniincd, ,1. |). 2.1 1 l,."i."i_>-7i;s phases ;iro I hi' trill' pcridd I -T.ili.VJ d .\ <'(iualiiiii (hie t(i tlic vi'locitv of tl (•>>. llsiiiu; foi-icctiiiii is ap|)lird til each I'm- ihr lifihl IC sy.^icin. That diic t I the earth' oihit is iii'Klijrihlc. Ii 1 aSSIJ-Ilillfr wciirhls |o t|„, p|;,|,.. ,„,, ycd and iither coiid It inns as we r IC icsiiliials arc scaled fruiii the curve and are a| the lirst decinial i)lacc in tl •prnxjniately cnrrect tii I) I km. Whili iclocitics has heen retail icd I lirniiiiliiiut, It would have been siiflieienl to have rounded tlieni olT to the nearest k as greater dcpoiulciicc cannot i)c placod upon them. ii.i: II. I.ICK ()li.SKHV.\TI(l.\S Ol- a THI.WCII.I. iSc; )i !»: ••••♦ 116 Fl Bl.K AIKIN.- H V , I \U1,1 Ml (illAWA n|l,-l.H\ \ I IONS (il ii IlilVM.I II |>l,„r dlwivn' 5317 r M2R H rititil V .WTl (■ STlfi S745 r>755 5770 577S 580S 5S4S 5Sfil 5K67 5R7S 5884 5919 5929 <»40 6351 7150 7151 71tit> 71ft7 7173 7174 7190 7191 7in« 7197 7'>()5 7206 7212 7213 7217 7218 7223 7224 7232 7233 7235 72;w 7:4.i 7:H' "HBII ny UIK M'K, lR...M,,n, BINAIO a Ili'ANt.lU. lAH- 117 •>l I VW.\ "n>l,U\ATI(iN.< o: ,K T|(|AN(,( 1.1 <,,„.i..,lnl. Plalr Dhsprvir* 7254 (• 7260 C 7261 (• 7265 p., 7273 Y 727) Y 727X 11 72h:! I( 72S) II 7-.'!tt ^ 7295 ■\ TMM (■ 7;!n.-. (■ 7.ill 11 7312 H 7319 \ 7320 > 7348 H 7349 H 73r>0 II 7353 (' 7354 (• 7357 Y 73.W y 7362 \ 7365 \ 73fi« \ 731)8 II 7369 H 7377 (• 7380 II 7386 II 7387 II 7388 II 7392 H 7393 H 7394 II 7398 r 7399 r 7400 r S'pi 15 Si'[il 17 Sept 17 S,.pt 17 Sept '>l Scpf 21 S,.p, 21 Scpl , 22 Sept . 22 Sfpl . 2H SrpI 28 Srpi . 29 Is.-pt. 29 ">r|it. 30 Scpl . 30 Oct 3 Del 3 Oit 16 Oct. 16 iOct Hi Oct 211 Oct 20 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oc, 2t Oct 26 Oct 26 Oct 28 Oct 2K Niiv, 5 Nov. ti Niiv. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 10 Nov 12 Nov, 12 Nov. 2 Nov •2 Nov. '2 Oatp \'.l\- ■ lilhati ll.iv <; M T 2.420.756 .S25 75S (;72 7.58- 697 7.')8 917 762 .■.(Mi 762 111 6 762 WK) 763 5H6 763 (iOS 769 ii33 769 ■ 6.-i7 770 792 770 812 771 Im9 771 iiS3 774 til 5 774 6:i5 7S7-.535 7S7 ■ 673 7ST (i95 791 7.'i I , ", + 11 — .5 ■ .'( -2S 7 - 3 6 - 160 -12li -12 4 -15 .s -10 3 - 6 7 -lis - 98 -14 2 -17 3 -20 1 -21 6 -20 6 -17 3 - 11 6 -22 + 6 -23 1 -28 3 -20S -12 I) -16 4 -lis -22 8 -14 3 -20 5 » .. . ...nnon; .; = f;|h.„„; „ , Ha,p„; P , p. . Park«; P" - ,1. H. Pl„ket.; V The dftaiir.1 measuros of the plato.s are now Kivcii. Wcmhi 1 3 3 5 4 3 6 6 6 4 4 O (• - 2 3 + 6 3 - 3 9 + III - 9^l + 3^8 + 33 - 3 4 - 2 9 + 3 1 - 2 - 1 - 2 3 + 3 5 -t- 5() + 6 2 - 4 6 - 3 5 - 05 + 2^4 - 4 1 -I- 5 () 4 3 2 + 4 - 18 - 4 - 3 3 + 3 9 - 6 - 4-s +-3 7 - 6 5 - .">■■* + 5 - ((■S 4- 85 ¥ 3 2 !::! ^'ounfi. 89328— 2 i lis nm 1' \ I I'lN" ' ir iiii: 1)11 MlMiiN iiH,-l li\ A I'llO . Ml. A: ,1 l;l„-> (U cf llUANi.l 1.1 1.;.".-' i«>i> Unl --■m li«i-, 1- \\,.,ulit-l Ciirv Vi.| \\t •(-;!.->■ :i| ; -i 10 Jj 1 I- .'i 1 1 ! iiii'. 1 1 t ■! + Hit ; 1 ; II Vrl 4:1:1.. V Id I I +--.V. .-,i'.7 1 ■■.US, ;ii 75 ll-l! -iH-:(, J I'l ;i - i.'i :, •it)-.'! - 4--J IS ■ja 11 \.i w 1 •.:Mi it II -•.Ml) :tl ■M-2 .•.'T-4 ;i:).4 J VrliMMl.v IlV -• UliUir OF JilK SI'KCTHOSCUI' «' KINAKV a llilAN(,n.I. 119 ■i."i'ir,t', l.'illi 7ii() i:i.V.' iKlii i:tH) ti;ii ■I.T.Tili.N 4'.'!Hi 7:!."i 1-'71 7i.(l tlUI S!KI 1071 7:u 401," h:i| urn:. IV, WMlilil,.! Hadial \l|lM]IV MKASIRIIS Ol- a TRIAXCrLI— ( 'ontinuttt. V.I. \Vl \>-\. • 11. Ill I -l:i Hi. I i:m -41-7 ; 17 :i| 1 - 17 1 -.'it 1 (1 -32 (I -;ti 7 I'.il '1 -'4 I - 41 s.' :!.'! (I V,I V,.| \\t 24 1 \.l \\i : + I- J + ; + + 8-6 40 O .'(■.■:i O'lt Sh 14.1 + l(i 4 + 1(» I I U it \VI + l;t-(; nus + 24 -H + ■20 + l(jli +;«•>■!« + 24 (i + ls. + :t7- HJ< !t + 2 I 2 ;)7 - JU 20 + 02 2H MX) \i* IJll PLTBLv-.-.iONh OF THE IH.MINU.N OBSKKN ATOliY. MEASURES OF a TUlANC.l U -r,)»/<^«.'i Vf'M 0,!40 (iii.'l 71."i ', '•1 • :■ +n;i-ti +4;j s J 5 i;oi •>:: + iSU ' ■'" 1 -;t:t \ V.'ir, js,; ♦ •J4 4 ' - ;«i 1 ; -.I" 2 4 4:1111 i.-;i 1 -I'l '. ; +:Mti 5 1 + .rj 1 '' ^4:1 ti -42 r. -2f. <.ii 1 -:*)-2 J 4;vj.''. ii;is 1 + 10 I 1 i - 42 7 -;if.i, ; - .'12 7 4.;'«t Tii.'i 4.;71 7iill t IS 1 1 •t-17 1 3 +2s.n . :«l ■. -.■):( .'i, '. -44 ti 5 4j:!r> 1117 ,;mi; i + 1(1 4 !-•:! 4 4 ;«i 1 -;t7 1 1 4.::i:i :vjs 4>2(i M'lll i-'S 1' 1 ♦ iU'J: ; . i;i .-., 1 \ \ '^^^ ' ii2 ' 1 H'.l '.1 i -41 >. 5 41!lK li'iK 1 f4»'.ll S + ;{4 1 s + 2.P '.P , 4- 111 It S 4- •>■>,■. 1 -.-■OH i .-,12 i 17 1.' i - ;w t 11 •- J 1 41(11 WMI . ■_"> 1 i ^: '. 1071 7:i:i ;is 2 ; 41)Ik! iriti 4ui:. sra 1 IS ti, ; , :il 71 i ) 2S ' ' • J 1 s ; 11 i< ' .-1 1 1 -41 2s 11 HI'. I-'. i 1 1 1 1 'h ''I + •-'2 •»< 17 ;ii 17 70 IJ :to ih' .11 .'T 1" _' ." ' •' • - 27 r.7 Is I 22 .'.' 11 1 Ji oti , (HI t J. t.i 1 IH \ r + 2-7 ;s > JS 2S 2H Hi„li..l V, + •.'•J - I « - f. I - 25 2 _ _ - 2ti ^> 1 ,-1 11 it.tBn (IK liiK .spEci iiO.StOPIc Hl.NAin a THI.WcrM. 121 .MKA.SlUi;s OK a rKiANorn— c 'ontinued. 4."-.' l.Vi 4:i'.i.". '.'Mi l.Uii i;:;i )J7l im IJ1>(1 .S(i() ll'.i"i ii:,s 11)71 7:i:i KMili 7.".tl KKi:, iv, \.l u \\l -4(1- 1 -12 \'.-l. , u :is.|i' Vi'l. -.'lO -37 .•CM \Vt ri:i \vi. i w \ <-l \Vi - 4-(ii -1.' -IS -'I I -It N :i:i (! -■J.".-:) ildi ■ •*) (I, -:t.i i! Id (li m»mmi \i.n.|,i..l l!,.|i-,l \,l..,,u i:i J 2 8 33 3 I J:1 ill + 20 -f 12 !J' J f ■ ) >HY. Mi:A>n!i:s (H < V riil ANCil'U— <'o"'"'""'- IIM Mil (iirv RsdU> Vrtority 4.-.7J i:.i' 4.i4!t 7iitl -:i7 '.1' 4:i'.i.'i JM' I. no i.:il i i:!'J.'i ii:;s l.'i.i'.i 7:i'i --;«■.■ 2 l.'TI 7iJi Ji. 1 4^1,(1 iilil 4j:w 1.17 4J:t.i ;ijs Ijji, sr.(i -4'. II - :«t 4 l.M." t.i'^ 4i'is i.:>v 111:1 1.'.'- 41UI N.H) .J '. 4071 7:n 4lHi;t 7.V') 404.'. (sol -liS . -ii7 Ai»)'> lv"i OHDIT (IK rm; Sl'ErJhO.-< Ul'I- 'UNAitV a iuia.nlilu. 123 MKASUKKS UF « TRIA.VGULI Coiuuuial. X 7J!s 7.'j:i 7JJ4 7J:ij 7j:f:i 7J:!.-i 72:t(i V..1. \\I \ .1 W 1 \cl \\i \rl. \\l \ ,1. W I Vcl. \\t. i.'t;i 7nr, -(i:;-!! ,' -J'l J i:.:u i:i'i • HI 1 l."i(ll lis 117 i.;!i."i jsi; ■ IJ :. I -ij 1 ; 7 7 ■'- " i l.l.'.J IK Hi 1 1 1 ; -t:. 1 ,' - Jli-7 ', - 'U \t \ lis 7, ', -4U-5 1 i:;i(i i.:;l -'-' 1 i - l.iH ; - Is s ,' - js 1 ; -17. j| ; -Is l' 1 — 27-2 ', ■t;).',-, ;: (t \ - .'. (i '. -117; ; l.''i'.l 7:;.". -mi 1 i 1 ■ -47 s t IJ7I 7(^1 - :is !t , :;:; :• 1 -.•;(i-7 ; + (1 V '. -111 1 '. -r.7i II ' -lil 8 \ v.'-iO r.n, -:u :. 1 4-.i:iillil7 -(•C'4 4-.',ci:i-js -■J7 J ; - l:i .' 11 s 1.; :, ; - J J :i '. -7lS H 1 -I'.l 3 I •i_';;tis(i(i -Ji li ; -4S IP - :i7 7 - '.1-7 ', -Jll 11 '. - i:i (1 1, -:,:, «.» 4215 (KiH -;i'ji -14 -'1 ; + 1 (1 ', [ 41(IH ()-S 1 -.•!2-.' -.■||| (1 1 -.'ilMt 1 414.i l>.-,S -ISO - i:i s ; jj 7 ; _7:j.„ I -;{ti 4 i 11(11 S'M) -:i(i 1 ', -4'.' :i U II ; Jl ',1 '. -jc. r ; -.-.:! J 1 -4(1 4 1 iiiri 71, i i:, J "J s ; ', lis ' ,,- 1, 1 liM.t 7'.); ID '1 ;,,- :; 1,1 J 4(1 r. ■n,",! Jl s 11 1 Is ' -J'tJ 1 -(•2 1 -37- 1 \ 4IHI, Is-, Is -J 1 -44 » 1 « -32ri 1 4 \\..,;l,l.,l IlM'llll j:i :.J II (II 1:; '17 If, sj - I'l 7i', .',,", lij IJ 71 v„ • Jl II . Jl 11 • J 1 II ' Jll SI • Jll s| • Jll "1 • Jll .".1 \.( (It IJ III 11 III I'l Hi (■i.r< Jx 's — Js ■ JS Js Js Js ILiJii.l \rlo,il. J .( J ; 1 - j:i + :i s + (1(1 a.'. 2 22 3 \4 «... • t r_M I'l BI.IC.M K'NS or llli; UtiMlNloN (lUSKK V.\ K >I(V. MK.\sri!i:S Ol (V •|l!IANC,rl.l-r„r,(/;,.,../. W.'.'i JM'i ■lii.").' I Kir. 4;mii I.:; I 4:i-i:. l■.■;^ ijTi :,;:, l.'Tl Tiill 4.':i(i liid 4J:Hi 1117 4j:i:; :;J^ IJJii Slid ll'is i.'.s n I,; I.:.-- niH vKi 1(171 7.;.i n«i:i ::•<< ml" s,-,i lilt :in \,, Curv Hi.iiiiil \'«'1(M|IV 72 IJ \,-l \\i \ ,1 U 1 ."il 'J .1,; 1 J,, I \ ,1 w i:. ■_' ' 111. : l:; ^ 1 ,;ii ,1 : is J III I'l 111 'HI I'l i;, III 7J.'p4 JO '!> \t II 1 11 11 u 1 J I - I'l 8 IS J :iJ 9 - I'l III V.I w ^:is II - 1 I 7 10 J ■J'.lll, _'li 7. Ill 111 -■JiiSI i -utt nl 1 \.-l Wl \\1 • - i:. 1; \ -Hi — 'I't '1 ' - JO S ] - » 1 ; -i;i Il i -:i:t Oj i J I ■■ is 11 111 - :i:i (■ - 211 11 - 7, :i -10 I) II, M IS II l"p (i .' :v.) 1 1 :j7 '2 v.', \ 4 1 i 21 ■( -liiil 10 u 5 ;i". so ' IS 11 Is ■2H 17 S OHBll OK rHK SPK(TK()S< (iI'K lil.NAKV lUIANdl I.I. Ml.AStlilOS ()|- :ii 117, ; - )t)(i| ; - :i7 1 i:j2.') ihjH -2!) 4! '. --■'■'! 1 r.':i 7f^) - :is-2| ; -litis: I 4.':!:! :ij,s -■.N-7i ; ! 4. '•_>(■, Hi;() -4:i.7! i — o."j .'i ; --'7 1 4 J 1,1 IK is --'4 (il ; 41!)IS (tt.S _;•;, -, 414^ ImS -52.J, ; -Ml 4101 S!HI -■■>■')■-': i -:!l 1 4071 7:):) 4(MHi-7.'ill 4'.1 1 4(14,'-, S.51 -47'.l ! -74 4 ; - 1(1 li locr, 4s."i -.i',1 1 \V.H!l,l,.,l ijx'tgi 10 lli :*) :,1 'Is \j ! Hi Its t II. HS ' ir \j f -irt * i:\ . Ciirv ■Js ■Js HadiHl \'ci ^ '.':t - • - -ji V,l, \\t \VI \Vi - II 1 I,", 4.", II'. ,-,s f I I -■-'Ol'i -14 (il ■:t2(ij -l.Vlil \.i. \vt -:iii',i tl 4 -iill -4;(:i' -liiMi 1 1 i:: \ .1 w I :« (ii ■ •-'s 'S<:; ^1 '•y 12(i I'l AlliiN.S or lllK DiiMINKiN i lIi^l•;H\ A I < iltV. mi;asiiu;.s oi a iiu \m.i 1,1— („-,//,.,„,/. 11^1 11*1 1.1,'iJ UIK. 1 ;i(i I.:; I i:;.',-, i.:;s 1J71 Ti'il IJiid iilii 4j:i:( :ij> tj-.'(l mKI rji.' I'li-* 11' IV t,:,s 111; i.-,v niii --'111 iiiTi r.i.; iiH.:: T.'.ii liii:, s.M imr, 1^:. iti< in \ t Cuiv, Uudiiil Velocil y ■:;iil \,'] \\i \,1. \\i 1.; -- J : -■ IV " -11 :. - 1- •> \.'\ \\i 1' ■- '. l.•)■:l ; -:ii 1.1 "1 11 - I'i II - Ill 1 _" 1 s -■-'O'.l 7 ; - -JH Jil 7 ; .'II 1 : -17 '. HI '.I.! 117 at) 1:. -- 1:: t 1.11 I ;;i - />. I 'I' 1:; ;i III 7.11-J \rl W !l'i \,i. \\i :ui \.L Wi \.l. iWl. -Jli 7 -2:t-7 - 271 >> ,;ii '1 :;i. 1 III 1 J'l . ; -•JO 7.: 1 • 1 ti, ; -;iNO i - -'> 7 \ - jN (1 ; -Jl II : -14 1) 1 - j'l Jii • 1.; ;;i IJ ■Jl .'.-- 1 _' 1 H 1 Jl J*- IJ 1- 1' II •Jio! -2;!-.;! -i:iU -i«-(s! tj 11 ■JO J -;ii 1 4 -4 IS 1 1 I'l S J - II J 5 -i:m J! 17) ii; () -US ^ I, ml J I I'F.IU I (IF i FIK -I'll I l; I -I MI 1(171 1(11 >:i l(lt:i s.M \\nt:l,i,.l - Mi \.|, V, \.'l u Hadinl \>loritv -I'.'l! --MO .... ,.( Jl 1 -17(M -1(1- -I ■Si -2' H I 17 (I 6 7 \rl \\ IS I' -:!(;■ 1 ;iMi i:: i.i; \VI. Wi -no \.i. \\(. Ills, :w 'i: .'(II! Is. -■-'.'> -3 iti t 12S rrpi II \ 1 1"^■- "^ lilt IJKMIMON nll.-K.KVMuHY. 4:.r.' iMi MM IIM \:\r,2 (Km t:il(ii>:ii t:vj:. ii;i^ IJTl Tiill ij."i(m;ii'>> HIT (■j:j:i ;i."< IJ'Jli sti(i ti'.'s r>.-s llC! <■'•> 41111 V.HI 4071 -t:!:? 4IHi:!-7'i'i IDC. >.M 41 Ki.' l--:. \\i ; 1071 7:i:i ' -Ji 1, '. 4l)il:i-7:>t) 401.JS.-.1 -1 , 1 1 -i.vr i 1 - T.i;, i TIM jn - JJ .Ml - n 'II .') .'iii \. .') /s "i 7^ It ;>.» \ / ■ _'.'. ■!" ■ -'2 i.-i 1 uiv — ■ J>» _"^ js l;:i,lial \.-|.Hll\ -~ Js;i - JO S - ij 11 II IJ II) I - t .,.1 1". :\ It h - 7 J 1 - 7 .".(I 7 :>l 1 .'li IK) 1 1.1 ■ ■J'< - ■ 'J*^ - 2S - II S - •-'■_' S l\ ■', )i Si » 130 I'l HI ii \ihiN- "I 1111. iH>Mi\i(i\ (iH.-KiaAiMin Ml \>l l;l .- 1 1| (t 1 l;i \\(,i I., ( ,„>,i;.i,.i \ . IIHI VpI. \\( \(1 \\l \ . 1 W 1 1 \.l W 1 V.I \\l \VI Ut \rl Wl. t.-.lll 7M IIM tim ■t:;"j iKih l.Ud li.U 4J71 rui 4J:ir, HIT ■fJiiif •:!.'-< 4JJ*i ^'-"i 4'Jl.-. IH.s M i:i |■,,■,^ nni -..111 1.; ., - 1.' Ii 1) n U 1. - !' 1 ■J t ) 1. ■ _'u J 17 1 -•1 1 1 i \V,.i«l„,.,| \"„ t'urv - IJ Ml 7 :i(i (V.I ■ -N , Rartiiil WInritv Jll ■- 'I'lic Oft.'iwn (ili,~ci\ Mtidii.-. were jiroupi'il accdnliii); In pliasr into 12 imnii.-il place- and prcliiiiiriarv clcriicnts (iliiaiiicd iiy tlii> usual graphical uu'tliod. 'I'iic.-c clcMi.'nts an- tlii' following;: «" r = 1 7:5( ).>J (lavs e = 1(1 w = ino° A' = IL' km. Max. = - 1 ■.", km Mill. = _'.") .1 km T = .]. 1). LMl l,."i.")L' nis y = -1:M'.) km. OHBIT Ol- THE SI-Kcriiosni'l. HlNAiiV „ TIUA\(,ru. ;!, 4 r>. t>. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12, rrcliiniiiMrv 1 L'i)7 1 :i.'7 . liiH ■ ."i:i 1 •7117 ■ l.-)S •279 •407 •523 ■668 •798 NORMAL PLACES. lui;il. ■.S35 I (H)7 I 1^7 1 :t.'('i 1 ;i!ll 1 ■ .")li7 ■OlS 139 ■2fi7 •383 -.528 •0.% Vllu.itN - ti-S - 2-1 - 1(1 .'i 2 7 s 14 (i 24-4 24^0 25 3 218 17-0 10-3 Wnuhi +0-3 -02 + 10 -13 +16 -11 + 1-4 -07 +0-5 -0 4 +2^7 131 o c I o-c: rri-limiimry , I Final. -1) u -0 ;i +0 1* +0 s -1 7 -0 (> -I -0 .'» -0- "J -()■ t) +1- 2 i i 1. 1 (•itSlltV.AIiuN KIOIATIONS roK a TKl.^NGOLl. 8. 0. 10 n 1-' Weight. ■li •t) ■ s ;i •6 ■7 •5 • s ■4 1 (KM) 1-UOO 1 (KK) 1 i ■4S7 _ ■ l 12.'1 _ •l.-)C, ll!ll r 4(17 ■itltt + ().V.> -.518 + 074 219 + 162 ■744 160 •2;!7 ■723 ■90.") 1 ■07() ■(Km ■KID ■2()tj ■h'()1// ■ Xu: - ■:;i'.»'/ ! iVJl'/' t ■.")7S = ;!■ 141),- + • i',t7(/ -.'-'ii' - ■sm = ;mv,|'/ :ri:i^r - ■'.m)s = :ir.'7r ; 71 1- \\ lirlicc 57 = + •.">} kll. SK = 4 11) km. Sr = fOL'I Su = +'M)°-')() 5T = +110,-. (l;iy 'l"lir \alMc 111' Ijiir fi;r tlic iini'iiial places was rciliiccil iVdiii 11) to (\-2. Hue -olutimi «a-- >uilici(iit. a'^ the rc^iiluals (/litaincil l>y sulisl ilut inn in ilic nli^cr\ alimi ri(uaiiiins ami liv cnniiiiil iiij: dirrcllx' from (lie cnrrcclcd I'lnnrni- ai^iifcl wiihin n '_' km, I'lr |iiiilialilr ciTor nl' a plate (■(iinpiileil I'roin the la-t two cnluniii- in the table of ul).-er\;Uii)iis, ii-iiii; the I'unnula t C (171.") S II - 1 111 «* is ±i? .") km, per SfC. No plates lia\c' luen (imitteil, i\cn tlmutili ^nme of them Wile ^niiiewliat iini|ei'e\pii^eii : nm in t"ai-l ha\ iiii: only three er fiiiir ininiltes e\pc).~ille. I !' fdiir ef the lament re-idiial-- wei'e iimilted. the piohalile error would lueiinir _' ',(, llij\\(\er, the prnKaMe rrii'r ol' .■>.") i-. \iry sati.sfac'tory considering the eliaracier of the speeirum for incasureineMt. olililT (.K niK Sl>ECni(J»tUPlC BINAKY a TIUA\(; iLr. 133 ■ir i)r()l);il)lc errors arc A l)l..t .,!■ tin. uhs,.rvatiuns is given in V\.. ]. ,|„. eireles xvifh d^irk '■'■ntn.s rep, sen,in, ,i,e l.iek ol.ervatiuns wlien ^/i-,, k,„, has I.een a,i,ie,l •" •■="•'' "I "".n,. The gnu.p...l veionties a.e shown with ,he eurve from till' hiiai elements in l-"\ir, 2. The final values of the elements, then, with ih the follow inji. /; =l-7;{(i.V_> (lays ' =-]21 +-041 o) =13.")'" •.■)() +23° -3.") K =12 10 km. • -u; km. y - -12 do km. • --m; km. -1 =11 ■().") km. /^ =l.M.-> km. T =J. I). 2,l2(),,!);i .S21 ^ -lOo '/ >in / = 2S(i,,s(l() km. 1 )()mini(in < )liserv;itorv, Ottawa, Xiivemher. IDl,"). 'a • ••4 J i I » *•'» •••' 134 I'lni.K Al IONS nl' illi; DoMlMiiN < iH>i;i{\ A I ^li^ . \ \ So' Q) Ik; 1—1 il.^ rvatioiis (jf a Triaiiuiili i" ^r-< A \ / h\oy^ 0\0^ / Dayt In.. -'— Vrlui iiy Curvt* nf a IriaiiKuli