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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes ou les planches trop grandes pour dtre reproduites en un seul clichd sont filmdes d partir de Tangle sup6rieure gauche, de gaurhe d droite et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Le diagramme suivant illustre la m6thode : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 If. ' _ THE EREDERICTON Baptist ChdrcK' ITS MEMBERS AND OFFICE-BEARERa • 1883. ITS Work, its History, its Doctrines and , Covenant, etc CoMj'iLED BY H, C, CREED, A. M, ^ FREDERICTON: H- A. CROPLEV, STEAM PRINTER. « CAPITAL" OFFICE 1883, ^^ s \ ^-r . ' Fredericton Baptist Church. ORGANIZED JANUARY i, 1814. (Dffite-garcv.^. PASTOR. RKV. FREDERICK D. CRAWLEY. DEACOxNS. WILLIAM SEWELL, HON A. F. RANDOLPH J). W. ESTABROOKS, T. H. RAND, D. C. L ' WILLIAM COOPER, JOHN W. SPURDEN. ' CLERK. HERBERT C. CREED. TREASURER. ALLAN H. F. RANDOLPH. ORGANIST. MLSS CLARA WHEELER. CHORISTER. M. S. HALL. CURATOR. N. T. WHEELER. SEXTON. CHARLES PARSONS. 4 n^EDL'RicroN irArrisr churck, ^^(IttUu ^\ttiw\0 oi the (thuulu Piil'lic Worship on the Lord's Day at 1 1 a. m. aixl 6. 30 p. 111, Prayer Meetings on Tuesday and Friday evenings, at 7. 30 or S o'clock, according to the season ; alteo, ow wSiraday morning at 9. 30. Communion of the LonVs Supper on the evening of the first Sunday in each month. Monthly Conference of the Church on the Friday evening preceding the first Sunday in the month. Alissionary Prayer Meeting on the Monday following the first Sunday in the month. Collections are taken at the public services on Sunday in aid of the current expenses of the Church, including the Pastor's salary. On the first Sunday in November, February^ May and August, however, the collections, both morning and evening, go toward the various benevolent funds of the denomination. A collection in aid of the poor of the Church is taken monthly at the time of the Communion. ORGANIZED 1822. Superintendent — ^John W. Spurden. Librarian — ^J. Burpee McAlpine. Secretaiy — William Russell. Organist — Mrs. J. Z. Currie. Statistics of School for 1882-83. — No. of scholars enrolled, 218. Average attendance, 156. No. in adult Bible Class, 15. No. in Primary Class, 30. No. of teachers enrolled, 16. Average attendance, 14. No. of volumes in Library, about 200. FRKDKRICTON HAI'TIST CHURCH. (^m^Ue^ of the (ghuitli ^nopcmi. Hon. a. F. Randolph, CAairma,i, Hon. Judge Steadman, William Cooper, Chas. L. IIartt, Richard H. Phillips, Se'cre^^ry. gmmniil (Sommitta of the (Churrlu The Deacons. ^'mm' (ffiommitto on (&\xmh %Voxk. constituted by resolutions adopted JAN. 17, 1877, AND DEC. 19, 1881. J'n'sii^en t~MRs. A. F. Randolph. Sc'cre^ary-~\lRS. T. H. Rand. Trmsurcr—MRs. R. H. Phillips. Meetings are held monthly. ORGANIZED AUGUST, 1870. /'rm'^d'w/— Mrs. C. Spurden. Sdcre^ary-Trmsurer—MissE. J. Phillips. Regular meetings are held on the Tuesday followintr the first Sunday in each month. FRKDERICTON r.Ai'TIST CHURCH. ORCiANIZED SEPT. I, 1880. President— MK'i. Dr. Currik. Secretary — Mrs. H. G. Esty. Treaszirer—Miii^ MAGCiiE Portkr. Regular meetings are held on the second Saturday in eacli month. €xttatt ftom the Sittttual ^^jrart U X)xt %^^m)Xim\ FOR THE YEAR ENDED MAY 31, 1883. MEMBERSHIP. No. of members this year (May 31) 309 " " reported last year 319 No. baptized during the year 4 " received by letter from other churches 2 Gain No. of members died 7 joined other churches in the Convention 4 joined Baptist churches elsewhere 5 <( i( Loss. Net decrease . . . CHURCH PROPERTY AND FINANCES. 16 10 Value of House of Worship About $18,000 00 No. of sittings in do 800 Value of Parsonage 2,500 00 Amount contributed and paid by the church for local purposes 7> I97 83 FREDERICTON HAPTIST CHURCH. 7 Amount raised by the Churcli for the Convention Fund, /. e., for Home and Forei^m Missions, Education, etc., $738 -2 Other moneys raised (for Foreij^n Missions by the Woman's M. A. Society), 30 qo Note.— The amount raised for local purposes is made up of $1,128.58 for salaries and current expenses, $4,685.95 for the Building Fund, $1,318.37 raised by the ladies for building and furnishing, and $64.95 ^oi' the poor of the Church. Local purposes $7,197 83 Denominational objects 753 72 '^^t''^' $7,966 55 ^Iplinbetirat p.$t of Pcmber^ of the ff huvch, September 30, 1883. I. RESIDENT IN FREDERICTON AND VICINITY. ' \B-Received by baptisvi. L -Received by letter. E- Received on experience. U -Received at the union of the two churches. ] Atherton, Emma B. '75 Habbitt., Thomas E. H. 'sS; l! '80 " Mrs. T. E. L. -go Kenjamin H. L. '80 Amanda A. H '80 Kabbitt, Mrs. Wm. (Amelia Currie) Babbitt, Annie Isabel I'ailey, Robert S. " Mrs. R. S. Beckwith, Mrs. W. H. Minnie Mary Emily l^lizzard, Mrs. E. Holter, Mrs. fJeorge " Sarah Kvadley, William n. '66 B. *8o H. '80 15. '55 K. '70 E. '76 H. 'So H. '80 L. '41 JJ- '73 P.. '74 v.. "76 Brown, Mrs. Arnold (Ida Manzer) P>urden, Mrs, James, .Sr. Carter, (ieorge D. '' Mrs.c;. I). John Case, Richard Chase, Mrs. G. M. Chestnut, Mrs. Henrj' Clark, Mrs. Elijah M. Alice Clark, Thomas Mrs. Thomas Clark, Edgar L. Collis, Robert Cooper, William Kate B. -76 L. '67 B. '76 B. '76 B. '76 P.. '76 B. '76 L. '68 B. '66 E. '78 B. '78 L. '83 B. '49 B. '76 Cowperthvvaite, Mrs. (dism) E. '78 8 FRKDERICTON P.APTIST CHURCH, K Coy, Mrs. Asa 15. " Have lock H. " Minnie IJ. Creed, Herbert C. L. " Mrs. H. C. L. Croscup, Ceorge K. L. Crouse, Lewis L. " Mrs. Lewis H. " Nancy L. Currey, J. Albert L. CJurrie, Allison H. <.'urrie, Thomas L. Mrs. Thomas L. JohnZ,, M. 1), H. " Mrs. J. Z. (Nellie M. Ksty) H. Will arc! H " CeorgeW. L Darlington, Mrs. Julia P» Dayton, Mrs. (Martha Cliff) B Delong, James ]*, Joshua ■ H, Dunphy, Mrs. Isabella U Katnian, Mrs. J. D. L Effie M. \\ Phfiibe A. Kdmonds, Mrs. James Kstabrooks, Charles '« Mrs. Charles " David W. •* Mrs. D. W. Elijah Mrs. Elijah I'-sty, Frank " Henry G. " Mns. H. (;. (Emma Spurden) " William Fletcher, (leorge W. Mrs. (;.W. (former- ly Mrs. Ham- mond) L. '73 George, Mrs. D. F. L. '73 (iilbert, James L. '74 Cough Mrs. Martin F>. '58 " Alice B. '76 (iregory, Mrs. W. O. L. >8 Uuiou, Mrs. John L. '59 *' Mrs. Wilmot B. '55 " Maggie H. B. '80 (iunter, Mrs. J. U. L. '74 Hagerman, Mrs. Moses L. '74 Hall, Moses S. B. '73 Harding, Mrs. J. (i. Pi. '41 Harris, James L. '71 B L E E U U E E P. P, B. B. B- 29 •70 74 '82 !74 .74 74 '77 '70 .'74 67 '66 .'76 .'65 .'66 . '80 .'76 ■ '76 .•69 . '80 . '80 . 'So .;63 • 73 .69 . 69 • '73 • '73 . '76 .'76 '74 •76 •78 Hartt, Charles L. B. \i Eugenia A. L. '77 Haviland, Mrs. Jas, L. '74 Hay, (George H. L. '79 " Mrs. O. H. L. '79 Hovey, Stephen J. L. '78 " Belle B. '76 Lizzie B. '76 Hughes, Rev. J}. N. L. '76 *' Mrs. B. N. L. '76 Hunt, Mrs. (i. C. B. '40 Ingraham, C. S. U. '69 James, N. B. L. '80 " Mrs. N. B. L. "So Johnson, May B. '82 Jones, Mrs. Thos. (F.ucy Hartt) B. "41 " Mary Ann L. '80 Keirstead, Mrs. Jos. E. B. '72 Keith, Mrs. D. A. (Phccbe Magee) L. '78 Kincaid, Ida B. '82 Leonard, Edith B. '75 Maria B. '75 Libby, Tena B. '70 Lowry, Mrs. M. A. ( [essie McAlpine) * B. '80 Mabee, Fannie B. '80 William B. '76 Manzer, Charles L. '73 Mrs. Harding B. '73 Parker ^ B. '76 McAlpine, J. Burpee E. '80 Emma B. '80 Maud B. '80 McCorqiiindale, Jemima B. '76 McDonald, Charles B. '76 Odber B.'79 Mrs. O. (former- ly Mrs. Miller) B. '74 Mclntyre, Mrs. Abraham B. '76 McMichael, Priscilla B. '73 McNaliy, James G. L. '71 Mrs. J. G L. '74 Nettie B. '76 McNeil, Elizabeth B. '81 Mead, William L. '74 " Mrs. William ^ L. '74 Mersereau, Mrs. Catherine L. '73 Miles, Mr.s. John L. '78 Moore, Amelia B. '70 Murdock, Mrs. Mary E. '73 Murray, Mrs. Maria E. '73 Harry B. '76 Nicholson, Mrs. M. A. B. '79 FREDERICTON HAPTIST CHURCH. H. ' 80 B. 80 B. 76 L. 73 «. '73 B. •76 E. '80 B. •80 B. •80 B. •76 B. •76 B. '79 »B. '74 B. '76 B. >3 L. '71 I.. 74 B. •76 B. '81 L. 74 L > 1. .'73 L '78 B '70 E .'73 E .'73 B .'76 B 79 (1 r.irker, Peter Parsons, Charles " Alice Phair, Mrs. J- H. Phillips, Mrs. J. P. A. Elizabeth Richard H. . Mrs R H. " Maggie Pickarcl, Mrs (1. I'orter, Mrs. T H. *' Maggie B. F. VVayland Rand, Theodore H., D.C E. '■' Mrs,T. H, Randolph, Hon. A. F. Mrs. A. F, Allan H. F. Rice, Hattie Rosborough, Lilly Russell, Mrs. John Rebecca William Emma Sewell, William " Mrs, Wm. " Mrs. O. (formerlv Mrs. Sarah Pace) Sharp, Mrs. Emmeline " Eliza Sherwood, Joseph X It B. '42 Showery, Mrs. Ann B. 4' T-, '78 vSimmons, Charles W, B. •80 B. '80 Smith, Aaron E. •72 E. '73 " Charles A. L. [74 B. '41 '* Nathaniel B '70 B. '55 Mary Ann B. '70 B. '62 Spurden, Mrs. Charles L. '44 E. '73 John W, B. '66 B. '76 Mrs. J. W. (Ida B. '71 Esty) B. '66 E. '70 Eliya B. •62 B. '76 Tailor, Jesse W. L. '74 B. '80 Tapley, Amelia B, '80 E. ]72 'J'odd, Mrs. Murray U. '69 E. '72 Turner, Mrs. (J VV, B. '58 B '66 Vandine, Mrs, Dow L. '61 L, '58 Westal, Charles B. ,'48 B. '80 Wheeler, Nicholas '!'. L. '60 B. '80 Mrs. N. T. L. '60 B. '76 Clara B. '80 1:. '66 " Minnie B, '80 B. ;66 Wiley, Mrs. John B, '70 B. '70 " Lucy B. ;76 B. '76 Winter, Robert B. '^41 B. '25 " Mrs, Robert L. '74 E. '73 Wisely, Sarah B. '53 " Alice Lee B. '80 B. '76 Yerxa, Abram D. U. '69 L. '71 " Mrs A. D, U. '69 B. •76 " (iertrude B. '70 L. '77 " Mrs. Barclay B. '82 II. RKSSDKNT IN OTHER PLACKS. Adams, Mrs. Frederick (Amanda Nason B. '59, Arnold, Maggie Jane B* 75 Babbitt, Sophia B. '55, P.eckwith, Rev. W. H E. '76, P.etts, Jane E. '58, Black, Mrs. Kate S., M. D B. '80, liolter, Elizabeth B. '55, I'rown, Mrs. (Sophia Densmore). . .E. '73, Carroll, Elizabeth B. '78. •Chase, George Milton <■ L. '73, Cliff, Mrs. Dr. (uee Yerxa) E. '70, Colton, Mrs. Andrew E. '65, Colwell, Mrs. Capt. (Fannie Sewell)B. '53, Cooper, (jeorge B. '55, Frederick B. '70, Cumming, Mrs. Jacob L. '63, Davidson, Mrs. George B. '55, Davis, Robert H B. '80, " Mrs. R. H E. '80, New Maryland, York Co. Brooklyn, N. Y. Machiasport, Maine. M iramichi, N. B. Eos Angeles, California. Cardigan. Andover, Victoria Countj'. Manitoba. Boston, Mass. Washington, D. C. St. John, N. B. San Francisco, California. Kansas City, Missouri. Maine. Cardigan, York Co. (dism.) Andover, Victoria County. lO FKKDKRKTOK liAPTIS'f CHURCH. I i I)ickson, Mary C R- '74. Dudley, John C- B. '74. ' •' Mrs. John C B. '74, Boston, Mass. " Lizzie B. '74, United States. ' •* Mrs. Abigail B. '76, Woodstock, N. B. Dykeman, W. (1 L. '75, Lower Queensbury, York Co. Kllis, Mrs. f. H L. '76, Charlestovvn, Mass. '• H.Hertrand , B. '76, Acadia College, N. S. Kllsworth, Mrs. Wm. (Lilly Winter)B. '70. Estabrooks, Charles E. '73, Canning, Queen's County. Mrs. Charles E. '73, Esty, Annie B. '76, Nashwaaksis, York County- Kales, Lucy B. '70. Fisher, Mrs. Chas. (Eliz. Magee;. . H. '70, Nashwaak, York County. Fowler, Fanny B. '53, Nurtondale, York County, Isaac. B. '76, (iarcelon, Vlariamne. . . ., B. 'Sc, Oak Bay, Charlotte County. (Iraham, Sarah B. '76, United States- Creen, Sanuiel B. '53, Woodstock, N.B- • " John B. "72. (iunter, Adolphus C., M. D B. '70, Charlestown, Mass. Mrs. Jane L. '74. " Ida B. '76, Queensbury, York County. Haines, John L B. '58, 345 E. Forty-ninth St., N. Y, Mrs. John T B. '58, " Hallett, Mrs. (Sarah Huestis) L. "59, Douglas, York County. Harding, Mrs. Frederick B. '76, Upper Maugerville, Sun. Co. Alice M B. '80, " (ieorge B- '765 " " Frederick B. '67' St. John, N. B. " James A B. '67, Harris, Rev. D. F L. '77, Newcastle, (irand Lake. " Mrs. Aaron I,. '75. Haw, Miss B. '66. Hendry, Mrs. C. T. (nee Wright). .B. '58, Florenceviller Carleton Co- Jewett, Mrs. Dr. Henry M. (Minnie Wiley) B. '76, Woodstock, N. B. Jones, Mrs. Joseph B. '42, Wolfvillc, N- S. Kelly, Mrs. Sarah A. E. '76. Knapp, Mrs. Angus (Su an Haud). B. '62. United States. r.eek,. Mrs. Chris. (Isadore Currie I. B. '76, Cambridge, Mass. Leonard, Annie B. '80, Boston. Hessie, B. '80,. ^'• McLeodr Lizzie .B. '67, United States- McMillan* Mrs. Daniel (Amy Wright) B. '63, Boiestown, Miramichi- McNally, Mrs. Daniel (formerly Mrs. E. Gordon) B. '55, St. John, N. B, " J. R B.'67r Boston. *' Mrs. J..R. (Eliza Burpee).... B. '70, " ^ Mitchell, \fr^. John B L. '74, California. Murray, Frederick ''.. "76, Allison, Mass. • Morgan, John B B. 80, Acadia CoJlegt*, X- S. Niles,. Sarah B. '76. Xorrici, ( icnce .-B- "67- KRKDKRICTON IJAPTIST CHURCH. II Parlee, Lillian 13. '80, Tay Creek, N'ork County. J'ayson, Kdna L. '83, St. John. Perley, Susan H. '76. Phillips, Kdward R B. '76, New York City. Piers, Mrs. Jane (nee Barker) B. '55, King's County. JMummer, Jane L. '75- Porter, Christina B. '76. ** 'Theodore H B. '76, Acadia College, \. .S. Kuddick, Mrs. W. W. (Mary Russell) . • .B. "63, 149 Charles St., Boston. Saunders, Samuel H. '55, North Cambridge, Mass. sScribner, Mrs. Caroline B. '41, Fredericton June, Sunb. Co. Sevvell, Mary A. A. M B. 40, South Ryegate,Cal.Co.,Ver. *' Mrs. Nelson (Hannah P>ab- bitt) B. '58, Maugerville, Sunbury Co. Seely, Alfred L. '76, St. John. Mrs. Alfred L. '76, *' .Sloat, Delia B. '74. .Smart, Nathan B. '70, St. (ieorge, X. B. Smith, Mrs. Israel . B. '76, Carleton, St. John. vStarratt, W. W. P B. '80, Elgin. Albert Coimty. Steeves, Belle .* B. '80, Buctouche, Kent County. Stickles, Mrs. Fred, (formerly Mrs. Wm. Wilkins) B. '55, Osseo, Henn'n. Co., Minn. .Strickland, Mrs. David L. '30, Portage, York County. .Suthorland, Mrs. Sarah E L. '72, Sheffield, Sunbury. Thompson, Rachel B. '59. 'J'ibbits, Mrs. Frances (we-i' Riiig)..B. '40, Andover, Victoria County. Todd, Thomas. B. '70, Narrows, Queens County, Turner, Mrs. John B. 66, Riviere du Loup, Que. *'■ Mrs. J. C. (E. A. Esty) . . .B. '41, Clayton, Michigan. " Chalmers B. '76 St. John. Upton, Mrs. Abagial ~ . . B. '53, Lakeville Cor., Sunb. Co. Waller, Mrs. (formerly Mrs. Bruce) B. '55, Watson, James L. '71, Boston, Mass. " John i^- '53 St. Francis, Mad. Co. Weeks, William J B. '33, Dartmouth, N. S. Whelpley, Ida B. '75, Carleton, St. John, Woodruff, Mrs. A. L. (Annie Beck- with) E. '80, Machias, Me. Wojds, Mrs. Margaret B. '76. Yandall, Calel) A Iv. '74, St. John. Mrs. C. A B. '80, " Yeaman.s, Lizzie B. '82. MALK. FEMALK. TOTALS. Resident 67 128 195 Non-Rcsident 33 78 • iii 100 2q6 306 N. B. — Errors ajid omissions in this list are due to imperfect information. 12 FRKDKRICTON BAPTlSf CHURCH. I . PemataWc €vt\\i^ in the liiisitovij of the tfUurdt aud of the ^aptiisit iutcveisit iu Jrcdcrictow. 1792. — Mrst Baptism in Frederictcjn, so far as is known. Two or three colored persons immersed by David George, a colored preacher, from Shelburne, N. S., who had received from the Lieutenant Governor, in the same year, a liceni>e to preach to the people. 1802. — February 14th. Elder T. S. Hanling and Eldei K. Estabrooks preached "in the Play House (on Waterloo Kou ) to a very great audience," and the former baptized six per- sons — probably the first white persons baptized in this town. 1813. — Jarvis Ring, William Wilmot, Amasa Coy, H. Alline Hartt, and others, began to build a house in which the little company of Baptists in Fredericton might meetl for the worship of God. 1814. — January 1st. The Baptist Church in Iredericton was organized by Elder Elijah Estabrooks. Thirteen persons besides himself met for the purpose at the house of Jarvis. Ring. The Meeting House was occupied in April following,, and completed soon after. It stood on the north side of King Street, below Regent Street, where a three storied tene- ment house now stands. 1822. — A Sunday School was organized in connection with the Church. 1824-25. --Fifty persons were baptized by Elders David James, Duncan Dunbar, Robert Scott and David Harris. 1 83 1. — ^John Moss Cold well, one of the Deacons of the Church, was drowned by the upsetting of a canoe while crossing the river (May 27). 1834. — The N. B. Baptist Education Society commenced the erection of the Fredericton Seminary. A "Domestic Missionary Society " was formed in Ficderictou. FREDKRICTON HAFTIST CHURCH. 13 1839. — The first day of January was kept " as a day of fasting and prayer." This was the be<;inning of the custom still observed, of meeting for thanksgiving and prayer on New Year's Day, The new Meeting House was commenced this year. 1840. — The neiv House of Worship was opened, Nov. 8tli. Rev. I. E. Bill preached the dedication sermon. In the spring, 21 persons were baptized by Rev. W. li. Beckwith. 1841. — Sixty-tive persons were baptized by Rev. 1. E. Bill. 1842. — Rev. F. W. Miles, Pastor of the Church, died iu Fredericton, Feb. 1st., in the 37th year of his age. 1852. — Rev. S. Elder, Pastor of the Church, died at Philadelphia, IVIay 23, having gone to the United States three weeks before, for the benefit of his health. Seventy- four members reported. 1855 — Forty-three persons were baptized and received into' the Church by Revds. George Seely and C. Spurden. 1856. — Nine Trustees were elected by the Church, to be a body corporate, under the general Act of Incorporation, passed 1855. 1862. — The old pulpit and pews, originally in the Meet- ing House on King Street, were removed from the Vestry. One hundred and thirty-four members reported. 1867. — ^ Seventeen members withdrew from the Church (in October), on letters of dismission, for the purpose of uniting with the newly organized *' Queen Street Chiuxh.''^ 1869. — A. union w^i'i effected (May 3) between the old Church aud the Queen Street Church. The principle oi free seats was adopted, and the doors were taken off the pews. It was decided that the term of office of all the office- bearers of the Church, except the Pastor, should be annual, subject to re-election. 1870.— Special me^'tings continued every evening for fourteen weeks ; Elder Knapp was here for two weeks. 14 FREDERICTON BAPTIST CHURCH. 'Vhirty-four persons were baptized by Kev. C. Goodspeed. A Womati's Missionary Aid Society was formed here (in August) by Miss Maria Norris,. afterwards Mrs. W. F. Armstrong. 1871. — The annual election of deacons and other officers of the Church was abolished. The ** weekly offering" system was adopted. 1872. — The building of the Parsonage was commenced in May. One hundred and ninty-three members reported. 1876. — Sixty-nine persons were baptized by Revds. T. H. Porter and B. N. Hughes. ,Kev. Charles Spurden, D. D., died January 13. 1878. — Alterations and repairs made in the House of Worship, including the removal of the old pulpit and of the square pews on the sides, the painting of the walls and color- ing of the ceiling, introduction of furnaces for heating, etc. ^Uoo (cost about $1,000). Hazaar held in the Skating Rink on the 24th o( May ; net proceeds about $1100. The principle of allotment of sittings was adopted June 10. 1879. — Improvements made in the Parsonage. The Con- vention Plan for the maintenance of denominational objects was adopted by this Church in October. » 1880. — Union Meetings were held in the different churches in the city (not Episcopal), in rotation for two months fol- lowing the " Week of Prayer ;" D. L. Chubbuck, evangel- ist, was the leader. The Pastor of this Church, Rev. A. J. Stevens, died March 15th. Forty persons were added by baptism during the year, of whom 8 were baptized by the Pastor, and the others by Revds. B. N. Hughes (li), W.H. l^.eckwith (2), A. J. Padelford (5), I. E. Bill (7), and F. D. Crawley (7). The Vestry was enlarged in June. 1881. — The House of Worship was raised, enlarged and remodelled, at a cost of about $4,400 (work began April 4). 1882. — (March 9th) The House of Worship was destroyed iJli. i Rew-T H, Povtcr cii*ct |88(, N<?«^-i6. FRKDKRICTON HAPTfST CFiURCH. r; l)y fire. Corner-stone (; the new buiUlin- laid September rst. Membership of the Church, at this date, 318, of whom 106 are non-residents. 1883.— The New Church edifice opened for public wor- ship, Nov. II. The Sunday services of the Church have been held in the City Hall, and other meetings in the vestry of the Free Baptist Church for about twenty months past Peetinfl.^ of gaiJti.ot ^^.^adatiojt^ \m\ ff onvcntion in Jt^tletkton, The Association of N. S. and N. B., met here in 1817. The Association of N. B. met here in 1832, 1837 and 1842. The Western Association of N. B. met here in 1854, 1859 and 1872. The Convention of the Maritime l>rovinces met herein 1848 1870 and 1878.; 3tame^ of the ©vicinal Pnnbev.^ of the OThuvrh, *William Wilmot, *B:benezer F:stabrooks, *[ohn Marsh n-heophilus Ring, *Jarvis Ring, Henry Alline Ilartt, facol', King, *Hannah Cromwell, Olive Ring, Deborah Hartt! Ann iM-aser, Amasa Coy, and Robert Fraser. The first ten were dismissed from the Church at Water- boiough, of which those marked [*J were among the oricdnal members (in 1800). To these thirteen, Sarah Cypher'and Mary Cunther were added by letter in March, 1814. I ! 16 FREDERICTOX BAPTIST CHURCH. ' I I • llwmbet of P^mbrvisi attded Irtj ^apttisim pearly. 1814—0 1831— 1848 6 i86<; 18 1 5—0 18-^2—0 1849—8 1866—20 1816 i 833- 13 1850— I 1867- -16 1817-i 1818- L No ^^34 2 1851— 1868 I <ecord. ^^^^ ^ 1852-3 1869--0 I8I9- ] veeuiu. jg^(^__^ 1853-18 1870—34 1 820—0 1837—2 1854—0 1871- 6 I82I / No 1838 8 1855—43 1872—12 1822 \ 1 ■lecord. 1839 — 5 1856-3 1873—9 1823—0 1840—23 1857—2 1874 — 12 1824—28 1841—65 1858—20 u 1875- 9 1825—22 1842—10 1859—7 1876 69 1826 I 1843—0 i860 — I 1877— I 1827 I i8/|4 — 1861— 1878 4 1828-3 1845—0 1862- -6 , 1879-6 1829—14 1846 — 1863-5 1880—40 1830 8 1847—0 1864- ) 1881 2 1882 4 Total, 445 iiii&taviral ^tmH of ffihuvrtt mtxtm. PASTORS. Elijah Estabrooks, 1814 . Th<eo. SJVIanliiig, 1820-23 Charles Tupper, 1825 David n arris, 1 826-29 Rol>ert Davis, 1830-31 Fi^lerick W. Miles, 1834-40 In^raham E. Bill, 1840-42 William Hall, 1843-44 J. D, Caswell, 1852-54 George Seely, 1855-56 H. P. Guilford, 1857-58 J. C. Hiird, M.D., *i86o-67 Chas. Spurden. D. 1). , 1867-69 Theodore H. Porter, 1870-78 A. Judson Stevens, 1878-80 Fred'k D. Crawley, 1880 Samuel Elder, 1845-52 * With an intermission of about eighteen months, 1864-66. 1" D' 5j9aro(en. <xyv.ct T. H.Portet- i/oece co-poutot'i -for otbcu^ -fiy^ FRKDERICTON lUPTIST CHURCH. 17 William Wilmot, Jarvis King, Aiuasa Coy, William S. Estey, John M. Coldwell, Asa Coy, I. C. Watson. J. P. A. Phillips, John T. Smith, DKACONS. 1814-29 I John L. Haines, "" 1 8 14-44 William Sewell, 1814-7,0 1830-81 1830-31 ti83o-74 1848-66 1848-51 1859-65 John (kiiou, I). W. Estabrooks, William Cooper, A. F. Randolph, Thomas T. Coy, Theodore H. Rand, John W. Spurden, ' With an interval of two years, 1829-31. f With two intervals, 1854-59 and i869-'7i. 1859.70 1859 1859-67 1870 1870 i8f* ^f 1871-80 1876 1876 'iRKASlJRKRS. Jarvis Ring, 1814 Zehulon Currey, 1826 Asa Coy, 1830, 1836 Z. C. (iahel, 1S33 J- I^ ('ale, 1848 Rev. C. Spurden, 1855 (.-has. 13. Lincoln, 1857 '' From July, 1859, to Nov., as the property of the Church Trustees. John T. Smith, John L. Maines, Ceo. C. Hunt, John L. Haines, K. H. Phillips, John W. Spurden, A. H. F. Randolph, 1862, all the business was ]:)Iaced in charge ^1858 1862 1863 1869 1870 1871 1882 as well of the Theophilus Ring, William S. Estey, Richard H. Phillios, (M-KRKS. 1814 1823 1869 Chas. L. Hartt, Herbert C. Creed 1871 1878 CLKRKS OF HCSINESS MEKTINGS. W. H. Need ham, Asa Coy, Samuel W. Pahhitt, ^■. A. Hartt, h J^ (iale. 1835 1 841 1844 T. R. Estey, Chas. K Lincoln, Geo. C. Hunt, Cj. L. Shaw, 1847 I R. H. Phillips, 1848 1855 1857 1859 1865.71 iii I I i8 FRKDERICTON IIAPTIST CHURCH. SI'PKRINTKNDKNTS OK SUNDAY SCHOOI.. 1822, William Wilmot. > Samuel Currie. J J. T. Smith. 1840, Z. G. Gabel. 1846, Asa Coy. 1848, Rev. S. Elder. 1857, J. C. Watson. i860, Rev. J. C, Hurd. 1865, Calvin Goodspeed. 1866, J. E. Hopper. 1867, Rev. Dr, Spurden. 1869, C. S. Ingraham. 1 87-, Rev. Dr, Spurden. 1874, Herbert C, Creed. 1878, J. W. Spurden. , ijijiii hi jl I I i'l i 111; |l in iii III BAPTIST MINISTERS WHO WERE AT ANY TIME MEMBERS OF THE KREDERICTON CHURCH, OR WERE LICENSED OR ORDAINED IN FREDERICTON. Jarvis Ring, member 1814 to 184-. Ordained 1847. R. E. Burpee, baptized by Robert Davis, 1829. Mission- ary to Burinah in 1845. William Hall, received in 1842 ; licensed and ordained. Sanford Boyce, ordained in 1842 as evangelist. Samuel Elder, ordained pastor in 1845. Isaiah Wallace, bapt. by Samuel Elder in 1848 ; licensed in 1852. , J. H. Hughes, (licentiate) member 1852-53. * Charles H. Corey, member 1853-55. A. H. Munro, meml:)er 1854-57; licensed in 1854. James White, licensed in 1854, [Ordained at Lubeck, Maine, 1856.] John Goucher, member 1855—; licensed in G. Fred. Currie, baptized by Dr. Hurd in 1862-. B. F. Rattray, member 1863. [Previously a Free Baptist minister.] J. E. Hopper, member in 1869, Ordained in 1867. E. M. Keirstead, baptized by T. H. Porter in 1871 ; licensed in 1874. UL FRKDERigTON i{Ai»TlST CHURCH. 19 K. W. Kelly, baptized by T. H. Porter in 1872 : licensed in 1874. Joseph Cahill, member, 1872-75 ; licensed in 1873. Calvin Currie, baptized by T. H. Porter in 1872 : licensed in 1876. K. N. Hughes, member since 1876. W. H, lieckwith, member since 1876, IX P. Harris, member since 1877. See also the list of Pastors of the Church. Miss Carrie A. Hammond, missionary to the Teliicrus ^vas baptized by Rev. T. H, Porter in 1871, and was a member 01 this Church nearly four years. to I'KKDERlCrON HAl'TIST CHURCH. I. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were written under divine inspiration ; that they are the only infallible guide of faith and practice ; and that they teach the following among other important truths. II. There is one only living and true God, the Creator of all, who is a spirit, infinite in every natural and moral per- fection, and who has revealed Himself as the Everlasting Father, manifested Himself in the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son, and shown forth His grace and power through the Holy and Divine vSpirit. HI. Man was created holy, but by wilfully transgressing the law of his Maker, he fell from that state and exposed himself to the consequences and just penalties of sin ; and, as an effect of this apostacy, all mankind possess a degener- ate nature, disinclined to holiness and prone to evil. IV. It is the purpose of God to save a people ft)r His glory from the state of iniquity and condemnation in which all men are found, which salvation is promised to all who will have it, through the perfect righteousness and atonement of Jesus Christ, whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation for sins through faith in His blood, and in whom alone eter- nal life is to be secured. V. By the operation of the Holy Spirit, men are led to true repentance and faith in the Saviour, thus becoming new crea- tures in Christ ; and all who are thus regenerated will be surely kept, by the power of God, unto eternal salvation, to which they were chosen, by His grace, before the foundation of the world. VI. This divine choice or election is perfectly consistent with man's free agency, and comprehends all the means in con- FREl)b:i<ICTON llArriST CIIURCM. 21 nectioii with the end ; it utterly excludes bonstinj^', promotes humility, prayer and i)raist, encouraj^cs Christian activity, and is ascertained by its effects in those who believe the (iospel. VII. Baptism and tiie Lord's Supper are ordinances insti- tuted by Christ, to be observed by Mis Church until His second cominp^. The only proper subjects for these ordin- ances are professed believers ; baptism is nothing; else than immersion in water in the name of the Lord, and, as the initiatory rite of the church, "is a pre-requisite to communion at the Lord's table. VII [. According to the example of the early Christians and of the church in all acres, the first day of the week is to be observed as the Lord's Day or Christian Sabbath, on which day, and at other convenient times, God's people should assemble for public and social worship. IX. There will b» a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust, when the Lord Jesus Christ shall come to judge the world in righteousness. The finally impenitent will be driven away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous will be received into eternal glory and happiness. (ffi0V^ttttttt* We do now, in the ])resence of the great, all-seeing and most glorious God, and before angels and men, give up our- selves to the Lord Jehovah, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and own Him this day to be our God, our Father, our Saviour and our Leader, and receive Him as our portion for ever. We give up ourselves to the Lord J(isus Christ, and engage to adhere to Him as the head ot His jieople in the covenant 22 KRKDEKICTON BAPTIST CHURCH. of grace, and rely on Mim as our Prophet, Priest ami Kinj;;, to bring us to eternal blessedness. We acknowledge our everlasting and indispensaljle obliga- tions to glorify Clod, by living a holy, righteous and godly life in this present world, in all our several places and rela- tions; and we engage, by the assistance of the Divine Spirit, to improve our time, strength, talents and advantages to His glory and the good of our fellow men ; promising, by Divine help, to walk as becomes those professing godliness, to main- tain the worship of God in our families, and to train up those under our care in the ways of religion and virtue. We also give up ourselves to one another in covenant, promising to act towards each other as brethren in Christ, watching over one another in the love of God, reproving, rebuking and admonishing one another for good as occasion may require. If we at any time know that any members of the church are guilty of immoral conduct, we will not expose it by telling it to others ; and if we have any personal diffi- culty with our brethren, we will not cherish enmity or speak of our grievances to others, but will faithfully labor with them, according to the direction of our Lord, that sin may be put away from among us, and that iniquity may not be harbored in the church. We engage to watch not only against the most gross sins, but also against all foolish talking and jest- ing, which are not convenient, vain disputing about words and things which gender strife, disregard of promises and engagements, tattling and backbiting, spending time idly or at improper places, and whatsoever else is contrary to sound doctrine. We promise to hold communion together in the worship of God, and in the ordinances and discipline of His church, according as we are or shall be guided by the Spirit of God in His word, — expecting that He will yet further and more gloriously open His word and the mysteries of His kingdom, — applying to the blood of the everlasting covenant FREDKRICTON BAPTIST CHURCH. T -* for the pardon of our many errors, and praying that the Lord may prepare and strengthen us for every good work to do Hisvvil, working in us that which is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. ill'! llili Ml M 24 FRKDERrCTON RAPTIST CHURCH. ADDENDUM. The services in connection with the dedication of the new church edifice^ on Sunday, nth November, 1883, were at- tended by a large concourse of people, and were of a very pleasing character. In the absence of the pastor, through illness, the dedica- tion sermon was preached by Rev. I. E. Bill, D. 1)., of St. Martins, who took for his text Isaiah 60: 7, "I will glorify the house of ray glory." Rev. J. E. Hopper, D. D., and and Rev. Henry Cross, of St. John, Rev. J. H. Hughes and Rev. Jos. McLeod (Eree Baptist), of this city, assisted in the services. Dr. Hill offered a dedicatory prayer at the close of the sermon. Dr. Rand, one of the deacons, made a brief financial statement, in the course of M'hich he said the cost of the building, furnished as it stood, was about $20,000, the greater part of which was provided for by subscriptions pay- able in four annual instalments. The ladies of the church and congregation had raised $1,000 towards the furnishing, and had pledged themselves to raise $1,200 more for the same object. Several handsome donations had been received from persons not connected with tiie body, which were ac- cepted without scruple in view of the fact that the house was free and open to all alike for the purpose for which it had been erected. In the afternoon, the preacher was Rev. H. Cross, whose text was Gen. 12: 2, "I will bless thee and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing." The sermon in the evening was preached by Rev. Dr. Hopper, from i Tim. I : 18, " War a good warfare." In addition to the ministers named above, Rev. A. J. Mowatt (Presbyterian) and Rev. P. R. Knight took part in these services. The sum of $156 was obtained from the collections during the day in aid of the Ladies' Eurnishing Eund. ^m the neiv were at- \ a very dedica- ., of St. I glorify D., and Thes and id in the close of : a brief e cost of CXK), the )ns pay- church •nishing, for the received vere ac- )use was 1 it had s, whose by name n in the 1 im. I : J. A. J. part in s during