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New vbric 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 -Phone (716) 288 -5989 -Fox ■ ■ ■ ' . j-i. ^1^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ s| •'•'t' /,;<*; SERMON ■-•■:•■::■■ ■, ' .y. :'''-: M ^' .-^■ ' 1 B Pkeaohei) in S. Makk's Ohuucii, T■> \ r r. / t }. Rig l^t ecus ness Exalteth a NQti<^ HkoVI'.RIIS XK'. ^^.\. 'rotlay i>«a Uirtlnlay. On Wliit.siJiV Day wi- ki'pi il>c Islrlljilny of the Cliristian Clninli. Last Kiinday ml- ki-pl llio liirtlnlay of S. Joliu .l!aiiti>t, a piyiH'Inr of riL^litaMisiu'ss. [ Why, it may In- askcil, ili» we kcrp liirtluby^ ? I JTi,. 1 think the thief reason is t() express o;ir liehef in Divine I'ru- iitlence—that Goil riileth in the Ktiiijilonis of nun (l»an. ii. 17, 35i .^i)- /\s often as wc celelirale a hirthtlay, we rejeei <'ii;inie. ami re<():4ni/e r that i^eneration ! .And so Ioiil; as thi;y are S|»are(l to us, how on each anniversary ou;4lil we to show , ir li»ve and veneration tor titose who founil a wilderm ss, anil li-ft a jiarden of Kden. who made for us a har)italtle, desirable, • pKasant. laml, anvl, if they are deacl, tlied leaving us their L^ood Mamm and The result of riveir self tlenyiii,:;, loyalty and labour I illie United l'an|tire Loyalists, one <'lass of these brave pioneers, have passed away, their children, are •iiearly all ,;4o:ie, and their i^rantl ('hildii'ii have lived to inidtjle aj^e. and beyond it, to hand'on tor the next i^eneralion their two .ureal trailitiona| principles, (lodliness an -a birthday, it is the anniversary of the birth of the mother country of many of you. All of you born in (!anada ; under twentv seven vears old are natives of the Dominion of ('anada. m n S??'.'*' f^[>^''it, at any ''>• 'xnli L/j.per ' "^;»« variety '">nsekc.vpcT.s •""'(':uMc;irc >• and desire ^«- U-hat /s- "•-'»'"l(us,. '■'liaiioii ' > ". »iii,;, ,s ■ ,'''"•■>•' U|),> . *■■■"■' ,'s (;.t,i. . "*<':in\\. ''••nasAve fwivfars. '"iilxfietJ 'o /Iro... : ■ ''M>*»d,i„ \ , ■ ■ ■ ■ . \; • ■ .- ■ •I ■ ! - >'i»try .^ s:rva-o. O'l Was ^. .1^ Nor of ■."'s! — - — ■ ^-j_..- ■<-1 SL'area . ■' ■-' 'tones ^' r and ^■1 ade IS . '■^' '>>' . »'.i,'ra- '■'1 tfade will Ihifliiatc ; coinparalivc clcvatiun ami «li|)rcssii>n will he e\iHrui>iv«l. Ilut on the whole prii^resHaMd peaf'e and pU'iity liave lieen our lot, and tliiriii;^ this i|iiarter of a centiiryoiiriiDiintr) has iieen ^rathially hettunin,:; more and more •onsolidati.'d uit(» one honio^mi'ous whole ; with die iip- spiin^iiig «)f a nC'w^jeiieration, and the adinistiire c)!' loreijijin elements liy immr^ralion, we are ni|»ied liy virviun- sUineeH, \\c have the. sat isf^n ion of knowHV^ liuil wy are j;einhj; io U' more and more an importanl IVittcir in the iont!>o>iiioii ol the ^naltst empire the worlil has seen. We^n.iy indeed he pron*! Io a^ kiLOAled^e the little islaiHl over the Atlanlie as oar lieaii, hut we are at tlie same tinv eons ions that, together with" India, AtriTa, and Aiisiralia, we »<>n- " stitute the^hodv, ol' this mi;4nili.v"t realm, and thai we are so siitiaUvl as , necessarily to he the most vitally nnporlaiU |>arlorihat realm, rminin;;, as we do, the greatest ma^^a/.ine (»1 iin|>erial siippiy. and the most dnei I and sate ehannel of impiria| < oinmiiiHiation. All hi)nt)ur, then, to those, whose pauiolihui .nuidid hy far rea; hmj^ wisdom saA the oppoitilnily and impri)veit U twenty seven' years a.^o. So far as rauada antl ( Ireat hrilain ii^ic ion eriuil, the e\|)erimi-nl has ireen a niarkeil smix'ss. imperial intv erjsts, and Imperial p<).vei', liave luen wonderfiiity advant m«»'rely hii,- of Ids travels where he will iiol hnd hiinst j^ •the sentimental idea of I'.iiuiiivs power, hut h)f|jP a< tnal d'>i»in;«ion of I'.rilish law ; so that to l)e a ilnllsli siilije l means far more' |i*;rsonal free- dom and dejinity in any jtart of the world than the iiossessidii of Ronian eili/.enship in die pioudtsl tlays of ivpuhluan or ini|)erial Rome. Tliere are indiiaiions at die preseiu iiiiie of a still farther advaiue lovvaids'the ijnih alion of iiUerests amrjn.n the widespTead meudKi-sof llie t»rilish l-aupire. and in tiVe (! ) ifereme wliieh is ilovV laiiiL; held at Ottawa we see assemhled to;^;'edier lenivseinalives iiot on'y of Ciieat Ihitain and (!anada, imt also of .\iistralia, and r.ismahi.i, and New /ealaml, and ihei'ape of (lood f lope, thrivin.i; and sliirtly <)ffshoms Irom the" Wkl pareii^il stock, taking eoimsel for iiuitnal eniojiai;ement and heli', and for jpacc ()f twenty seveii yea r.s\ It rs tlu^-diily of ns aH, 1 tliink, to hope and i)ray that the resiilt of liiis Conference may lie su(h a i^-AmMilete ami lasrtittj^ ' consolidation of Ciieaiernrilain, as may, under (iod's j^or>d Providence he l)encficial, not - only to the countries ihrectly inleresteil, hut to the. Avholc world. It is no small hoiiour to our (■.o'lmrry that it should he -chosen as the place for such a mcetini,', and it is no iloul.tfiil indication of the importance of Canada that U should he the theatre of dehherations arH;::^.'*' full of trS.:'!!!!:::'"^'^^ X , , '^^ 'I'^' »amc time icT/L^. ^ " example of ., , '; ': '^^r«?"^'" '" ^' «reat rhj; wou,, ',;::' /^';>^«'-'; "e,u„o:eKi,i^or;""' ^""' '"^ iKSart/erve, ; '"'"' ';""r' "'^■"^•'^''- ''-'t I . ^irt^ ^ ""' HiM.solf w , .t ;""'"- ^'r ^*-"^''l «- return 'jZ';"'?'^^'^'^'' '•' P-re ^vo,ulerA,l„r^ks M Jf""'^ ''" '''-'re. con • ;^. • ^^'"-'^ ^^ J"claM(-ioly cvid..i,,-..c. f . "*^''' '''e pajies f.fi.ic / *'"' *Vit- •I- M<.«4";t;; ; ; ,^::/f.i"^^ •.'"I '™ wj; ,' 1 :v «'«Xm^ the ehie/ideror^V '' ^^'^"^•^'^ --^^^^^^^ nmr^er oJ this uym L^J'"''''''^ ''»•"' tri,nn,,hin.r To i; •""" -""^' *"ad ^f»vl,atn,ayL^^n!^'''''J"«'«'''«rcl.^"^ The . \ - *" "*^'a|'st' Icjis con- : m « t I Y I i i ■>;-\-- ,.^!iP X ^. ?i •il -5- kI then take '*l"><-'ss and 'oiitiiun. to ^f this '•sli, not h a inire »<>t leave al)iitioM. Ic hohj •tion is power 'erfect -Ijrist, ly, l»iit '^ pas- ici.sni» •s the lortal years hiad Tlie an«H; . ' thel, con. ^w — * . f npicuouH, instances, we have seen, time and ttnie aniin, tlie workiiiK of tbii »amc spirit of rampant uiUeinpered mm ialisn», and are made to feci how helpless the Chureh is to aUay the storni.Jo the ralMnj* of wlii« h she has too much eontrduited. One nielan«h«)ly feature «if.lhe i»revailinn gotllessness of our time is the/(re(|iieneen marked by strife.and even bloodshed. And nO wonder, for the world has to l)e sulnlued to the olnjdience of Christ, and ^brld- liness fights long, and dies hard. It would iiot matter sg on between the ambition oUhe Homan I oivtiff, and t he stirrdy spiri t of national independenoc. If you look closely into the motives a;id origin of thp strifes that have disturb- ed the peare of^he world fo,-the last thousand years, you will find most of thehi resolving themselves into this one (luestion of the Papal Supreni. acy. It IS not my purpose now to weary you with any argument on this subject but simply to say that I consider tKe claim •nlenable on any grouncr, either of Sor.ptnre, or, of true church tradition, or of universal consent, or of expediency, or of common sense practicability. Our per- ^ sonal iirteiest in it is hot^ so very great at present, but still it demands consideration and watchfuhiess, and we cannot be too careful to guard agaiij^it the similer and .yore insidious advances and aggressions wiUi which we are fflmiliar. 1 he great difficulty i$ that the Roman Church ho dvalong with considerable i^rror, much that is true, and much that' belongs not only to heiylnu to all the Catholick Church- througlmut ail . ages, rhe Church of Kiyiland and the Church of RomL- have, from the ^^iymnin^ been members-of the one whole family in heaven and earth, ' and heref<,re it cannot but l,e a cause of additional sorrow that the latter should, by her own a.t, have broken the bond of love, a-ul suspended the cuminunion which should exist between sister churches r ■■[ Prom time to time it lias been neressary for ili:- CluiKh of Iv, 4a i 1 tnprotest againfit usurpation, both in church and state; an men's memories^ ;iiid that it was no wonder if their resolve was stern and soniewha't heated with a4iger--a resolve that these things should no: iiai>pen again. It is unfortunately true that things of this sort did ha;>p.:n again, for it is very (Ufli ult to allay religious or [lolitiial aniimisities. Airl it is possible that we liave not yet seen the last of su;h atro ;ities, for the advance, of inat- erial improvement jloes not appear to. bring wuh it the increase of a ('hrisl-like :jpirit. And so we, hi tins generation, iio: only have no right to l)lame. but Ave are constrained t() pia'se, those who in such trying tinfjs fouglit for principles which .they deemed essential to t ivil and re- hgio IS hlieriy. Wo cannot hel|) adm:ring.the courage of iliose who dosed tiiv," gates of' D.rry, and their constancy in iniiintaiinig a siubborn defence fill' more than tliiw months -of danger, want, and starvatio;i. And you ■" will remeinlier that the foremost, ami bravest of the defenders of I )erry was a clergymaiv ot the Chur 'li, Nvhw <^ nnich^ h^essed inthisresDect,andhopetobe more blessed m the future, still it i,s Sihte^^^^^^^ righteousness only, which exalteth a nation, and en- sSrSe con inued Wessing of God. To you Orangemen, as forming a arSlndlmportant part of the population, we look to do your par -a a fe part-a conspicuous part-in promoting righteousness, not only by Sffor it, voting lor it, if necessary fighting for-it, but by domg L more needful and more difficult, following peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. f. j^ ^.^ C.r. THOMSON, JoiV?.RINTER, a I K.EELE ST. TORONTO-iXJNCTION. ■., ^-i- ■y> / .-x::-i "f' z^' H) tiM& (r~-^ ,-jC^^.'.'!^ / /^';