CIHM Microfiche Series (■Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographles) Canadian Inatituta for Hiatorical Microraproductiona / Inatitut Canadian da microraproductiona hiatorlquaa ©1994 ran*:. ;w TMhnicat and BiM»... been .oLZl: ^ ful, and melodiou. phra.e. intended to le«l the .tudeat to an «»,wl.tlon of Z^ .e.Un the c,a„ room of the Toronto«ory of M«.lc with n.0.. J^; TORONTO, September 1901. PuiliaAjrit Note. nrovIdJ' "T'"''/''! ""* """"•" "'"'''^ '"™''*"- The remaining ™n.ber. wiU material adapted to the atudy of Intermediate and Advanced grade. ^f^^l^i-x CONSERVATORY SIGHT- SINGING METHOD. NAMES OF LINR8 AND SPACES. pOABCDEPOA ~S~c NAMES OP NOTES AND T..EIR RELATIVE VALUES. n hole note. »»-«». \ C - i ^ OV TABLE OP KBY-SIQNATURES. »Al»KtB!»F0OD A B -a « "C the fourth degrae of the «wl.. ""* "" Ench ™.jor «cal« contain, .even tone. n„„ed «i ft.ll„w.:« /,„ V?* Jft /b Soi la Ti A«.hnwninthefolIawi„gdi.g»mth.interv.lof.„„Ut«naoce««hetw..nJ6-/5, .«, n Do' wmihneit semitone .1 I — =t — — : " y ■ ■ B A "j o *» »w «rf /<» Hol la « *»' « to an/ yh •W /I? i^o W.R.«0?8M r,„ A, , . '^^^^'^' ^^ TIME.8IONATURE8. fnnr btntit in a mtanmn ' Sixk-ttinam«0HMn>. 'Vo/«:_ Th. upp«rfigur, lndl«t«th- *.*,*#r o' b-.t. l„ . .h. no„.,alu, of b«.,. '" ^ " "'•""'• ^''"« 'J" lower l„dl,M„ 1. ^xeroises on the Tonic Chord. *-^^^^^^^^^^ *' ^^^^^^^^^^m "■^^W^^ 7. 8. ^^^ 9. ^^^^^^ • m W B. * C'» A83 Tonic and Dominant Chords. X*. " I mil iimii Ml III innij attiiitrdrm a mrdamrmr d m r d H m r d JJJiJ.I ^- ^*n jj j d r m H m r d 84. %h. it t i W\ I ' Ml " l| ' I 1 1 I IT "^ Jl I I II jT l^ tat ri JJJ i i 'i fi i I' The Divided Beat. »7. 88. j*tiri nil rjii I I lljj I ij t d a r ^^^l II I M I ij III I * m r m d a r t ^ ^^ «»-^^ ^ a lit r d m a d m ^ 80.^ J l| 'I I l|| J II I- || I Jl rf a m r d d r m 81. ^ I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 U I I I I I d ' m d W. R. « C? 883 83. 84. 35. t a d * die ^^^^^^m "••^^^ 87. * » d m r t Tbnic, Dominant and Subdominant Chords / « ^^^^^ *^^^^^^^^ ^ B. A C9 8M "■^^^^^^^^^m #^^^^^^^^^ 44. ^^^^^^^^^^ f ''''' i; J I' ' M ^^^^^^^^m 45. Half -beat Continuation. ^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ r LL Ui x^^^ i^==f^^^^fei-Lc= jy Ji.^^^^ 47. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^g W.R.AC9 8tt Two.Part Studies. 10 Compound Duple Time. i'J. J. I 60. r"" I 'ill' I 'm 1 1 1 || I "i p ' J I J. J. ..J "i- f^TTTI ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^ I" 'ill" J ^^4^^ ••• 1*11 ^ 1 II I I M mi III Ii|j ^^^^ -zfca ^^^^ n:j~Cij~T^~^ N^^^^^p '" j ' II I'll ii I 'ii| |i I 'i f'T~rrnT^m ^^^^ W. R. « C? 8S8 O t '^^^ GREAT STAVE in both okh. _ ,„ „^ f,„ni„, "i "^^>' •>" ™"«ii. .hup. .aj nu, ... ' ri« 67. 68. W. R. « C9 835 12 ,« 'HkM r i rrr | ^p'r|rr | r'f | f rr|r'r|f' n r i «. '^Ms M r -c y^n r> V I ^J^ r "K" r i 78 M(U,/r F'iLf . frxfV ^p. I 7s. *A«»i^'j i r ^ |- fif I fir [ ijr ir. i ^- i s ^^^^^-^-flr r r r'r r r un rpn 74 •S^ r- i rjuT , 1 r nrxTr h^^ The Sharpens 1 Fourtb, FE. fej J * ^ 31= /e zz=^ 76. I S^ J J LH g> ^ i ^ ^ ^ s /e a I #=== m fe ft P 1 yk « M i i-i ^ ■ I J f M I J J II W. R. * C? 8SS ;s?^^ ^^IF'—wy; W.B.ACOggj ■■mfr'vj:^'w%- It A'ote:^ The 8harp«ned Fourth in indicated by a nalnral i\) wh«n the k«y.algnatuT» contalna or more flatg. one »»■ Y 1, J u m p r\y. 84. V^^TtXJ i I '''i ; ''i | | i | i ~i 'i I I I I I |i| II ' I I '^ ^' ' 'I I ' 85. y-U-L J -V J.;ii ij jj 'iii i^^iUAj # ^ .IJ J IJ i lj: ^^ 8«. ^* piJ-^-^A^-f-^ ^^ ^^ >J / I I I I I I I i !i J I f l| J^ I ^^^ / -» ! » I| J U J ^ 88.^^^ ^ I J r^ 3 -«-*- ^ W. K. « C? 8S8 I one # t^ "■^^^^^^^^ The Flattened Seventh, TA. 92. # ^^^ /a / ^^m "^^^^^^^^^ W. R. « C? 8S8 *^r»#TFr V. le 95. I ''' 1 1 ' III 1 1,, I \\fAnjuu^ m W ^\ I H. I I jl I I I M I |^_j f ^ ^ J ^^^^^^^^ J I III I J -I I ' I J J i|ji ^^ T y ii ii j'j l| |J"l I'l h J .1,,^ ^ ^^^^bM 100. ill II ' M i[irjTTinii 'i *^M /a /a -' ^ J|iJ 'i i J-Uli-xi J U=j^ W. R.*C9 8!|S 101. -♦ /* *• 1*^' I I nil ' 'h ' I |j|M| ' | | I i ll jj The Divided Beat. Quartew loa. 108. ' ^^^^^f^f i\n ( l \ , \f ^ ^ r < jij i'fff ' ijuSjlMiM^^^s '"^ ^^^nj^^n nwjM .^ 105. 'f* I M' I J ^11 J,'" ^.Jii^^ f f m h. jj'^'^ f ^^ ^m 106. ^ ■ J J'^' f Cj l l Ji I Jl,.^_iifp 107. ^^1 . 1 p-gj. | J H | " j-^-^n-JV-i 1 1 I l^^ 1^^ W. B.«C?8SS IH 108. TheF-Clef.(jiM,c/^) ^^^^^^^ W. R. « C? 8S3 114. m f^i-Mf^-i^^ ^^ ^^m ^ ^m ^m ^ ^^ us.< ^ a rt ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ s: ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ 116. ' W. R. « C? 83« 20 Evening. ^ , Moderato. The Silver Lake. w: R. *c9 8as iy>;4f!r-*'*i «j""£i'- .M ..^.x^^, ^■-; :., .v.„:*u.. ■ •- i,. 81 I' I' ( f ^^ hite mUb gieain.lng, And the white breeze ia host in ing, And the ■igh - ing, As it Bplen-dour Greet their ^^^^^ r'P - pl«8 liugh - ing in the S waits pla J. to cid bear us from the mir - ror with an '■f r t t f f 8M ■.^fS ■O'.- The Harp that onoe through Tara's Halls. Adagio. js66. 1. The Z. No harp that onea thro* mora to -riiatrand ^ t.i J J 1 — Ta . nit halb The w •ool of ma . aie Wp of Ta - ^ ^ ^^ trr eruc. Ta . ra'a walla As bnaka ai night, Ite I , — — — lue"*, iw tf that Boul were tale of TO . in ^^ ^ j i' , hearts that once beat W ^ , w pm. ^^^ - Dfapt break., To show that rtiU she J- pnt. ^ P f more, lives. W R. A C? 689 ■1®*?' -^ ;.*« The Rosebud. 1. Once a hoy a 2. Then he said, "I'll S. But, the wil - ful ^ J iJ i ^^ rose . bud saw, phick thee off, lad, he tore .J J> J. ^^ f^=f= Rose - bud in the Rose . bud in_ the Rose ■ bud from its T ^ hea-ther; hea-tbe^" hea . ther J^ Twas 80 fresh and Rose . bud said, "But Rose . bud tom'd and i J^ T ^^ 4 ^ young and bri^t: Btiaig^ he rim_ in I can ating, And will leave thee Btoi* »-g»in, And he had_ to T=rr Rose-bud, rose - bud, Rose, bud, rose . bud, Rose . bud, rose - bud. ^-u. rr- rose -bad red, rose-bud red, rose-bud red, b^^^^ri^ Rnaa k..J ^ . { ' Rose-bud, sweetest trea - sure Rose-bud, doubtful trea - sure Rose-bud, eost-Iy trea J^ sure. i -f~rm W R. A C9 Mt >:^;^d su O who wiU o'er the Downs so tree? Moderato. J. 112. who will 0' saw her bow'r at prom-iB'd her to W the down^Io free, Jho Ju L^ ' C ' >Wr at twi-light grey 'Twan ™.^ ^ * ""* '"*•' « e,r to come ft fi^^liTu «"•"'■ •^"'» "J «u« I twi-light grey, 'Twag guard, ed ,»vb and '«n«e at ni.rht.W..h con,.nMle« b«ve a^d come at night, Wth ride, 8ura true, M who will up and Mw her bow'r at br^i o7dbTwa8'«;aH^ t^ gal-la^t bapd wi.hHwo«,in ha^rPa?]:?, p^ ^^ Ibrl more! The thro': I Hei" he hag var. lets they were 8S9 V^«fe^, o I Soft fhroagh the fading Light. ». Soft thro- the f« light, J. Arm. of the for. J t«.; ». Fold. ih«„.„... we.. ry wings, Fold, then, your rrTfr Palis the twi.Iightli p„.p,, „j„ «ockthe rert-lew winds to ileep- Trou-bled heart and bu - »y brain | JlAI i i J ' ^ Par o'er the Si - lent the "Best, rest," the o«r the wa-ters bright b-.L . / !. > ' I ■ J i i ^ - ters bright birds and bees for - est sings, Flits a sun . lit Sink in slum . ber Rest from care and sail deep. pain. Tr~r aU the air, "Til-*, .i i« 1:Z;'£ Bve . ning sounds, thro' Lis - ten to her ^^ pp ^S^^q§ r=f=f *-•« - gen I 'Neath his watch -ful W. R. « C? 833 iflik.^ 3B Hymn. crem. Shads not its Mil 'J : i ^^ glo. rioua ray, fl Lot there be I I I I I I ^^ light! men. mf 2. Thou Who didst come to bring On Thjr redeeming wing Healing and eight, Health to the sick in mind, Sight to the inly -blind, now, to all mankind. Let there be light! cr. JBT mf 3. Spirit of truth and love, Life-giving, Holy Dove. Speed forth Thy flight! pen Move on the waters' face. Bearing the lamp of grace, And, in earth's darkest jy Let there be light! /»* Holy and Blessed Three, Glorious Trinity, Wisdom, Love, Might, or. Boundless as ocean's tide. Rolling in fnllest pride. Through the world, far and wide jsr Let there be light! Amen. P WR.* 09 833 r '••■■: _ _ . -li^^^ ■ i.vr-'.WWS».iV •MSi ST Eanter Hymn. m I. Js.BUa ^^ ^ 3 Christ ia J: n^ ,'i''|iL|i|m^| rwen to . dqr, | Al . - le - J=^ ^ lu . 33= =8: f 2. Hymns of praise then let us sing Unto Christ, our heavenly King, ff}f Who cadured the Cross and grave. Sinners to redeem and save. Alleluia. tnf 3. But the pains which He endured y Our salvation have procured; Jf Now above the pky He's King, Where the angels ever sing. Alleluia! Amen. W R. * C? 83.1 W'^^ •8 Chant. Thy . kmgdom I com.. Thy will b. don. In I ..rth. .. « M. i„ | ha.T.n Give U8 this day our I daily I bread. A««»forgi,«uaourdobt»,.8lwefor.|-givourldebtor.. n^ ^rti7n^".'trJ/"T'''"''-'-'*''''°' ^-^^ ««-'-"-'•- fro™,..,,: -I/- ^or thin. ,.th.kingdoa.. and the power,, and th. I glory. For ,.v.r. , A.,.n.en Chant. Pialm CXIX. Teach n.e,OLord.theway',ofn.y,«t.tu*e.,lland'IehaUlkeepit,unto.tha,end Oive me understanding, and'l8haimt.epTly,lawHTOa I«hJi .'"'".. 7 ''"**• whole . . I heart * "V ■ Jaw, ii ysa, I shaU observe it , with my I lr,dT!;iT'"ji^'''"'''''''''"'"'^'''»^'j™^--*-'*"-'«ood. Behold. I ha^ tong'edUfl^. Tiv,p^p^,,^,,.„,^ , j^ ^^^«^^^^^^ W.R.A09 8U Scripture Sentence. •• Rm^u^ -/k-^r^'r^ : f'-t^.v;-": mjf^/ •*wiA^ -,