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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichi, il est i\\m6 A partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^ I J. ^^4^*^ c^-,^ /C^p\^i ACTS RELATING TO CONFERRING o» DIYIOTTY DEGEEES BY Metropolitan Bishop of the Cj jrch of England IN Canada. ^ MONTBEAL: GAZETTE FEINTING COMPANY. 1891. I se ! J K'C i ti z% tr{\ / J ACTS OF PEOVINCBS RELATING TO CONFERRING OP DIVINITY DEGREES KV Metropolitan Bishop of the Church of England IN Canada. MONTREAL: GAZETTE PRINTING COMPANY. 1891. ) i >#-. ' DIVINITY DEGREES. * , The committee of the Provincial Synod to whom was remitted the duty of procuring the legislation necessary to give effect tothereportof the joint committee on Divinity Degrees, beg leave to report : That as instructed they gave notice of application to the Dominion Parliament, for an Act to enable the Metropolitan Bishop of the Ecclesiasti- cal Province of Canada to confer certain degrees in Divinity ; but after consultation with the Hon. the Minister of Jus- tice, they were advised by that gentleman that the matter was within the control of the Local Legislatures of the different Provinces. Application was then at once made to the Provincial Legislatures, and the following bills were passed enabling the Metropolitan to confer such degrees in each of the different Provinces. Geo. W. Allan, C. W. E. Body, R. W. Heneker, Richard White, J y Committee. I • t. I » 1 )> PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. 53 Vi c. [1890. 1 An Act to enable the Metropolitan Rishop of the Churrh of England, in the Ecclesiastical Provinco of Canada, to con- fer certain Degrees in Divinity. WHEREAS, the bishops, clergy and laity, members of the Pioambie. Church of h]ng]and, assembled in provincial synod of the ecclesiastical province of Canada, have by their i)etition represented : That the various universities and theological col- leges in connection with the said Church of England, in the difi'erent Proviu(;i's of Canada, comprised within the limits of the said ecclesiastical province, viz., the University of Kings' College, in the Province of Nova Scotia; the University of Bishops' College, Lennoxville, in the Province of Quebei- ; the University of Trinity College, Toronto, in the Province of On- tario ; Huron College, London ; and Wycliffe College, Toronto, in the Province of Ontario ; and the Montreal Diocesan Theo- logical College, in the Province of Quebec, have agreed to the establishment of a common board of examiners for divinity degrees, composed of representatives from each of the said uni- versities and colleges, and have undertaken each and severally to recognize and formally to appoint, in the manner required by their regulations and by-laws, the said examining board thus constituted to act for them in all matters appertaining to the degrees of the Fa(;ulty of Divinity, within the said eccle- < siastical province ; and that the said provincial synod have by canon established such common board of examiners so agreed upon by the said universities and colleges ; and, whereas, the said provincial synod have prayed for the passing of an Act to conier upon the Metropolitan Bishop of the said ecclesiastical province power to confer degrees in divinity by himself or his representative within the said Province of Ontario, and so far as the legislative jurisdiction of the said province extends (in addition to the powers already existing under their several charters, for conferring such degrees in the said universities), 6 r upon caiididiitcs who have passed the said ))oard of examiners ; aud, whereas, it is expedient to grant the prayer ol' the said petition ; Theretore, Tier Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — Mntro|i()litaii binhop ill Caniiilii em- powered to oonler ilenrees in divinity. 1. The Bishop of the Church of Enghiud in the ecclesiastical Province of Canada, who shall hold for the time being the oliice of Metropolitan of the said ecclesiastical province, is hereby created a corporation sole, with the power to confer the degrees of Bachelor and Doctor of Divinity, by himself or his represei ative, within the said Province of Ontario, and so far as the legislative jurisdiction of the said Province extends, upon such candidates only as have received the certiticate of the board of examiners, established as aforesaid (by canon of the said provincial synod for the purpose of holding examina- tions for such degrees), that the said candidates have success- fully passed the examinations and performed all the other exercises required for such degrees. 2, Nothing herein contained shall be held to confer upon the metn"Hdkan^'^ -^ *^^' P^wcr of Conferring degrees .ywre (lvj;ni aUs, or pro honoris causa. Honorary defereps not to I PROVINCE OF OUKBEC. 6i5 Vic. [1890. r * An Act to enable the Metropolitan Bishop of the Church of England, in the ecclesiastical Province of Canada, to confer certain degrees in Divinity in the Province of Quebec. WHEREAS, the bishops, clergy and laity, members of the Church of England, assembled in provincial synod of the ecclesiastical Province of Canada, have, by their petition, represented : — That the various universities aud theological colleges, in connection with the Church of England in the different Pro- 4 \ ■*i^Li vinoes of Canada, comprised within tho limit of the said eccle- siastical province, namely : The University of King's Collejrt», iu the Provinee of Nova Scotia; the University of Bishop's College, Lennoxville, in the Province of Qnebei ; the Univer- sity of Trinity College, Toronto, in the Province of Ontario; Huron College, London ; and Wyciilfe College, Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, and the Montreal Diocesan Theological College, in the Province of Que])ei-, have agreed to the estab- lishment of a common board of examiners for Divinity degrees composed of representatives from each ot the said universities and ( olleges, to be appointed in the manner required by their regulations and by-laws, and that the said Provincial Synod has, by canon, v..a})lished such common board of examiners so agreed upon by the said universities and colleges; And. whereas, the said Provincial Synod has prayed for the par^sing of an act to confer upon the Metropolitan liishop of the said ecclesiastical province power to conJer degrees in Divinity by himself or his representative, within the Province of Quebec, upon candidates who have passed the said board of examiners ; and, whereas, it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition ; Therefore, Her Maji^sty, by and with the advice and consent of the l^egislature of Quebec, enacts as follows : — 1. The Bishop of the Church of England, iu the ecclesiasti- cal Province of Canada, who shall hold, for the time being, the olhce of Metropolitan of the said ecclesiastical province, is hereby created a corporation sole, with the power to confer, within the Province of Quebec, the degrees of Bachelor of Divinity and Doctor of Divinity, by himself or his representa- tive, upon such candidates only as have received the certificate of the board of examiners, established by the canon of the Provincial Synod of the ecclesiastical Province of Canada, for the purpose of holding examinations for such degrees, to the efl'ect that the said candidates have successfully passed the examinations, and performed all the other exercises required * for such degrees. Nothing in this act shall be held to confer upon the Metro- politan the power of conferring degrees, /wre c^e^'-mYaifis or pro honoris causd, or to limit the existing rights of any university or college. 2. This act shall come into force in the day of its sanction. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. An Act to enable the Metropolitan Bishop of the Church of England, in the ecclesiastical Province of Canada, to confer certain degrees in Bivinity in the Province of New Brunswick. WHEREAS the bishops, clorgy, and laity, members of the Church of England, sembled in provincial synod of the ecclesiastical Province of Canada, have, by their petition represented : That the various universities and theological coll(\ges, in connection with the Church of England in the dilierent Pro- vinces of Canada, comprised within the limit of the said ecclesiastical Province, namely : the University of King's Col- lege iu the Province of Nova Scotia, the Univcrsi y of Bishop's College, Lennoxville, in the Province of Quebec, the Univer- sity of Trinity College, Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, Huron College, London, and the Montreal Diocesan Theologi- cal College, in the Province of Quebec, and Wycliffe College, Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, have agreed to the estab- lishment of a common board of examiners for Divinity degrees composed of representatives from each of the said universities and colleges, to be appointed in the manner required by their regulations and by-laws, and that the said Provincial synod has, by canon, established such common board of examiners so agreed upon by the said universities and colleges. And whereas the said Provinc^ial synod has prayed for the passing of an a(.t to confer upon the Metropolitan bishop of the said ecclesiastical Province, power to confer degrees in Divinity by himself or his representative, within the Province of New Brunswick, and so far as the Legislative jurisdiction of the said Province of New Brunswick extends, and in addi- tion to the powers already existing under their several charters for conferring such degrees in the several universities upon candidates who have passed the said board of examiners ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition ; therefore, the Lieutenant Grovernor, Legislative Council, and Assembly, enacts as follows : 9 1. The Bishop oi" the C;hui(^h ol' England, iu the et^desiasli- cal Province of Canada, who whall hold, for the; time being, the office of Metropolitan of the said ecclesiastical Province, is hereby created a corporation sole, with the power to confi^r within the Province of New Brunswick, so far as the Legisla- tive jurisdiction of the said Province extends, the degrees of Bachelor of Divinity and Doctor of Divinity, by himself or his representative, upon such candidates only as havt received the certificate of the board of examiners, established by the canon of the Provincial synod of the ecclesiastical Province of Can- ada, for the purpose of holding examinations for such degrees, to the effect that the said candidates have successfully passed the examinations, and perfoimed nil the other exercises required for such degrees. 2. Nothing in this act shall be held to confer upon the Metropolitan the power of conferring degrees, jure (Hgnihitis or pro honoris caifsa, or to limit the existing rights of any uni- versity or college'. ->. This act shall come into force the day of its sanction. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. An Act to enable the Metropolitan Bishop of the Church of England, in the ecclesiastical Province of Canada, to con- fer certain degrees in Divinity in the Province of Nova Scotia. WHEREAS, the bishops, clergy and laity, members of the Church of England, assembled in Provincial Synod of the ecclesiastical Province of Canada, have by their petition represented : — That the various universities and theological colleges in connection with the Church of England, in the different pro- vinces of Canada, comprised within the limit of the said eccle- siastical province, namely, the University of King's College, in the Province of Nova Scotia, the University of Bishop's College, Lennoxville, in the Province of (Quebec, the Univer- . 10 sity of Trinity College, Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, Huron College, London, and the Montreal Dioc^esan Theologi- cal College, in the Province of Quebec, and Wycliffe College, in the Province of ( )ntario, have agreed to the establishment of a common board of examiners for Divinity degrees, (Com- posed of representatives from each of the said universities and colleges, to be appointed in the manner required by their re- gulations and by-laws, and that the said Provincial Synod has, hj canon, established such common board of examiners so agreed upon by the said universities and colleges : And whereas, the said Provincial Synod has prayed for the passing of an Act to confer upon the Metropolitan Bishop of the said <?cclesiastical province, power to confer degrees in Divinity by himself or his representative, within the Province of Nova Scotia, and so far as the Legislative jurisdiction of the said Province of Nova Scotia extends, and in addition to the powers already existing under their several charters for conferring such degrees in the several universities upon can- didates who have passed the said board of examiners ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition. Be it therefore enacted by the Grovernor, Council and As- sembly as follows : — 1. The Bishop of the Church of England in the ecclesiasti- cal Province of Canada, who shall hold, for the time being, the office of Metropolitan of the said ecclesiastical province, is hereby created a corporation sole, wiih the power to confer, within the Province of Nova Scotia, so far as the Legislative jurisdiction of the said province extends, the degrees of Bache- lor of Divinity and Doctor of Divinity, by himself or his re- presentative, upon such candidates only as have received the certificate of the board of examiners, established by the canon of the Provincial Synod of the ecclesiastical Province of Canada, for the purpose of holding examinations for such de- grees, to the effect that the said candidates have successfully passed the examinations, and performed all the other exercises required for such degrees. 2. Nothing in this Act shall be held to confer upon the Metropolitan the power of conferring degrees, Jure (lignitatis 11 or pro honoris causa, or to limit the existing rights of any uni- versity or college. This Act shall have lull ibrce and effect so long as the reso- lution set forth in the Schedule remains in full force, if at any time the Board of Governors of King's College, Windsor, shall rescind such resolution then this Act shall thereupon cease and determine. March 25th, 1890. Then passed in Council. ROBT. BOAK, President. March 20th, 1800. Then passed in the House of Assembly. M. J. POWER, Speaker. I certify the foregoing to be a true copy of an Act passed by the Legislature of Nova Scotia, on the fifteenth day of April, 1890. JOHN W. OUSELEY, Clerk. House of Assembly. - SCHEDULE. Governors King's College, Windsor : Secketauy's Office, Halifax, N.S , 5th March, 1890. T hereby certify that the writing is a true copy of a resolu- tion adopted by the Board of Grovernors of " King's College, Windsor," at a meeting held at Halifax, on Thursday, the 9th day of January, A.l)., 1890. (Signed,) I . J. WILSON, Secretary of Governors K. C. W. "WT^ 12 RESOLUTION. Whoreas, a lioard of examiners has been appointed under the provisions of the eanou of Provineial Synod on Degrees in Divinity, to whieh canon this University has assented, and on wliith board of examiners this University is represented. Tile re lore, resolved that this Hoard of Governors hereby re- scind the ap])oiiitment of examiners for degrees in Divinity now acling, and appoint in its stead the said board appointed umler the said canon, said appointment to date from the time when the canon takes eHect. f ^^^•mwrnmrnrnKmrntimm h ^ 'M M