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 or THE 
 '& y/h. 
 By the Rev. GEORGE PATTERS6N,/D.D. 
 AOTHOB or "MEJCom or Jambs M-Ghkoor, D.D.," "MEMmns or Johmstom 
 AND Mathbson," "The Dootrinb c7 the Tui.i.y, cxDErLviKO 
 Halifax, N. E. • v & w. McKINLAY. St. John, N. B. : J. & A. MoMIJ.LAV. 

 ■iMcotyp-jd bj Morrimn A Son, UontnaL 
 By those for whom this work is intended, no apology 
 for the undertaking^ will bo deemed necessary. As to the 
 manner in which it has been accomplished, however, the 
 author deems eome explanations due to hims3lf and his 
 readers. First, he feels it but right to mention the diffi- 
 culties in the way of obtaining correct information, par- 
 ticularly regarding the early Bettlement of the county. 
 With the exception of copies of grants and oimilar papers, 
 preserved in the public records, there is scarcely a docu- 
 ment of that period i" \ii8tenco, and these servo very 
 imperfectly to give us uix insight into the life of the early 
 settlers. "Wo are thus indebted for all our knowledge of that 
 era, almost entirely to unwritten sources, and the difRoulty 
 of obtaining exact information in this way, can only be 
 understood by those, who have made an attempt of the 
 same kind. 
 The author must, however, here acknowledge valuable 
 aid from a writer, whoso name is unknown to him, who 
 under the signature of ♦• Philo-antiquarius," published in 
 the first volume of the Colonial Patriot, a series of letters 
 on the early history of Pictou. These letters lie has 
 quoted fully, but they do not enter largely into details, 
 and wnon they do, they are not always accurate. 
 It is but due to himself to say, that he has spared no 
 effort to gain information. He has ransacked the County 
 and Provincial records, and teased officials with his 
 enquiries ; he has plodded his weary way through news- 
 paper files, and, works of Colonial history ; ho has inter- ' 
 rogated Micmacs, and, as the Scotch would say, " cxpis- 
 cated " every old man and woman ho has met with in the 
 county for years ; he has also conducted a largo corres- 
 pondence, and visited varjaug sections of the country in 
 search of facts. To arrive at the exact truth, ho has 
 labored as conscientiously, as if he were writing the history 
 of Europe ; and though he can scarcely hope, that his 
 work will be found free from all errors, yet he belieTes 
 that these will not be material. 
 Farther, as to the execution of the work, he desires to 
 say that the plan adopted has been, to present as full an 
 account of the early sottlers of the county and tho pio- 
 neers in ea'^h section of it, with as vivid a picture of their 
 toils, as in his power, even to the exclusion of informa- 
 tion that might be desired, regarding more recent events. 
 This course has been followed, partly on the general 
 ground, that these things being longer past, are now more 
 properly the subjects of history, partly because he con- 
 siders that portion of our annals as most worthy of notice, 
 but especially, because the information regarding it, 
 depends on oral tradition, which in another generation 
 would be lost altogether. 
 In this course he has also had a special object in view. 
 Of those who have hitherto professed to write the History 
 of Nova Scotia, none have yet attempted fully to delineate 
 tho period of British colonization ; and yet the author 
 regards this as the most important era in the past of the 
 Province. He has, therefore, attempted to depict tho life 
 of tho early settlers in Pictou, — to give, as far as he can, 
 the very form and pressure of the age ; and as what 
 occurred in one county, was, in a largo measure, " repeti- 
 tion of what took place in another, he hopes that his work 
 will thus serve, as a contribution to the illustration of that 
 era in our colonial history. 
 It is too well known that the history of the county has 
 been disfigured by i^ainful controversies. These could 
 scarcely bo ignored in a history like this, but tho treat- 
 ment of them, it will be readily seen, must be a work of 
 difficulty and exceeding delicacy. The course which he 
 has adopted, has been to pass over all contentious of a 
 personal character, but where there seemed questions of 
 importance at issue, to point them out clearly and can- 
 didly. And though he could not help, to some extent, 
 viewing these from his own standpoint, yet it has been 
 his aim to look at them from all sides, to endeavour to 
 arrive at the exact truth regarding them, and to judge 
 charitably, where his convictions would lead him to con- 
 There only remains the duty, which the author has 
 great pleasure in discharging, of acknowledging the aid 
 received from varioiis parties in his undertaking. Of tne"- 
 public officials, who were always ready to facilitate his 
 enquiries, he desires to mention, — in Halifax, Messrs. "W. 
 A. Hendry, late of the Crown Land Department, Thomas 
 Robertson, Provincial Secretary's office, Venables, of the 
 Legislative Library ; and in Pictoti, Messrs. David ^Mathe- 
 6on, Clerk of the Peaco and Protlionotary;, and John Fer- 
 guson, IiPgistrar of Deeds. Ho must also record his obli- 
 gations to Itev. S. T. Rand, for much of the information 
 m the second chapter regarding tho Micmacs, to T. B. 
 Akius, Esq., of Halifax, for access to works of tho early 
 French voyagers, to Dr. J. W. Dawson, and Ed. Gilpin, 
 jr., Esq., for information as to tho geology and mineralogy 
 of the county, to Thomas Millar, Esq., of Truro, for aid 
 in enquiries in Colchester, to tho officers of tho different 
 coal companies, especially Thomas Blenkinsop, Jesse 
 Hoyt, Roderick McDougall, George Ilaltio and J. P. Law- 
 son, Esqs , for information regarding tho different collie- 
 ries ; and, for various personal reminiscences, to Messrs. 
 Robert Patterson, George Glennie, W. H. Harris and Jas. 
 Hepburn of Pictou, John McKay, Esq., of New Glasgow, 
 and among tho departed, Mr. John Douglass of Middle 
 River, James I\IcGregor, Esq., of New (jiurigow, and his 
 late father. To the following he u specially indebted for 
 tho information regavding the settlements under-men- 
 tioned: to Rev. H. B. McKay, for River John, Toney 
 River and Cape John Shore ; Rev. "William Grant for 
 Eo-rltown and West BrancL River John ; Rev. J. \Yatson, 
 for New Annan; Rev. D. i3 Blair, for Blue Mountain, 
 Barneys River and Garden of Eden ; Rev. Robert Cum- 
 ming, for St. Marys ; and IMr. William Eraser, for Pictou 
 Island. Ho has largely adopted their words and inter- 
 woven them with his own narrative. Many others have 
 rendered him aid, of which ho is fully sensible, who, he 
 trusts, will accept this general acknowledgment. 
 Neio Glasgow. N. S., Feby., 1877. 
 r. I 
 Boundaries — Divisions —Coast and Ilarbours — Interior — Geological 
 Structure — Natural History — Name 
 Early visitors — Micmac occupation — Hi mains — Names— Their wara 
 French Settlements — Remains found— Removal of French— Peace with 
 Indians — Vessel stranded at Carriboo 37 
 Schemes for settling Nova Scotia — Philadelphia Company and their , 
 grant — Arrival of first settlers — Their labours — Social condition ... 46 
 Hector's voyngo and arrival — DifRculties of settlers — Progress — Settlers 
 from Dumfries, on I'rinco Edward Inland and removal to Pictou . . 79 
 American Revolutionary War — Effects on Trade — Vessels captured — 
 Indian gathtring — "Malignant" — Slavery — First settlement at 
 Mcrigomish 98 
 Eighty-second Regiment — Eighty-fourth — Upper settlement, East River — 
 Other arrivals — First settlers of Tatamagoucho and River John — 
 Dr. McGregor's arrival 114 
trs 24 
 their i 
 ion . . . 46 
 ictou.. 79 
 DR. H'OHEQOR'a EAHLY LABOUBS — 1786-1789. 
 State of Society — First churches — Pastoral labours — Redemption of slaves 
 — Missionary journeys 186 
 Oovernor Patterson's grant— Commencement of town — First ship-building 
 —Immigration— Pictou made a separate district 151 
 Jrench Revolutionary War and trade — Rev. Duncan Ross — Population- 
 Social condition — Hunting — Micmacs — First contested election — 
 Discovery of coal 168 
 Building jail — Stocks — Collecting taxes — Sessions regulations — Inferior 
 Court — Supreme Court — First trial for murder 190 
 Large immigration — Dunoon's passengers — New settlements — Mount 
 Thom, McLennans Mount, New Lairg, &c 222 
 Timber trade — Drinking — Edward Mortimer and others — War times — 
 Travelling — Dr. McCulloch — First Bible Society — Rev. John 
 Mitchell — Rev. Wm. Patrick — New Glasgow commenced 244 
 New pcttlements — Dalhousio Mountain, Earltown, Blue Mountain, St. 
 Marys, &c 275 
 FROM THE PKAOB '' I i. THE FIVA.VCIAL CRISIS OF 1825-6 — 1815-1826. 
 Effects of peace — Year of the mice — Year of (rost — Agricultural improve- 
 ment — Murders — Business men — Financial critis — Religious 
 fiocieties — Religious divisions 292 
 Higher seminary projected — Commenced — Opposition— Dr. McCulloch's 
 labours — Native preachers — Institution remodelled — Decay and 
 fall 321 
 Trade — Jotliam Blanchard and I'ictou Patriot — First Temperance Society 
 — Improved roads and travelling — Dr. McGregor's death — Election 
 of J 830— First steam navigation — L. and S. Society 363 
 First coal mining — Coal field — General Mining Association — Acadia 
 Company — Intercolonial — Nova Scotia Company — Vale — Iron 
 ores 30» 
 Piciou r.s a separate county — Shipbuilding and Capt. McKenzie — Trade, 
 agriculture and manufactures — Religiaus denominations — 
 Conclusion 423 
 Appendix. 44^ 
 The County of Pictou lies on the Northern Shore of 
 the Straits of Northumberland, along w hich, it presents a 
 leni^th of about fifty miles. It extends into the interior to 
 a distance of over twenty miles, being bounded on the 
 South, by the County of Guysborough, on the East by the 
 County of Antigonish, and on the "West by the County of 
 Colchester. When originally set olFin the year 1792, from 
 Colchester as a separate district, its boundaries were thus 
 described : " Beginning four miles eastward of David 
 Archibald's house, at Salmon liiver, between Truro and 
 Pictou, as the road now runs, from thence to run north, 
 four degrees west, (by the Magnet,) to the shore of Tat- 
 amagouche harbour, thence from said place of beginning, 
 to run south twenty-seven degrees east, to the southern 
 line of the District of Colchester ; thence east by the said 
 line to the western line of the County of Sydney, includ- 
 ing all the lands to the eastward and northward of said 
 lines, within the (then) District of Colchester." ]More 
 exactly its limits are thus described, " commencing at the 
 boundary of the County of Colchester, at the Gulf of 
 St. Lawrence, thence south four degrees east 19 miles. 
 thence south twenty degrees east 26 miles, thence east 25 
 miles, thence north 26 miles to the shore." 
 Tho following are the Latitudes and Longitudes of 
 leading points, determined by a series of observations by 
 officers of H. M. Navy, in the year 1828. 
 Lat. Long. 
 Pictou Island South Side 45 47 52 62 37 33 
 Pictou Harbour 45 41 56 62 42 .... 
 Pictou Academy 45 40 20 62 44 28 
 It is divided into three townships, Pictou, Egerton 
 and Maxwelton. The first of these embraces the western 
 part of the county, from the Colchester County line to the 
 harbour of Pictou. It is separated from the Township of 
 Egerton, by a line commencing at Boat Harbour and run- 
 ning thence south 54 ® west, till it reaches East River, at 
 what is called the Big Gut, and by another line commenc- 
 ing at Doctor's Island, at the point between the Middle 
 and West Rivers, and thence south 30 degrees west 19 
 miles, to the Colchester County line. The Township of 
 Egerton embraces all the central portions of tho county, 
 and is bounded on the west by the Township of Pictou, 
 as just mentioned, and on the east is separated from tho 
 Township of Maxwelton, by a line commencing at the 
 bridge at Sutherlands River, and thence running south to 
 the Guysborough County line. The Township of Max- 
 welton includes the remaining part of the county. 
 Its estimated area is as follows : — 
 . Pictou Township 215,360 Acres 
 Egerton " 239,600 
 Maxwelton " 222,400 
 Its coast is indented by several harbours, of which 
 the mcH important is Pictou, about the centre of its sea- 
 '>u v.t which is the largest, and by far, the best har- 
 . ;! o \ii Northern shore of Nova Scotia. It has a bar 
 at its mouth with twenty feet of water on it at low tide. 
 Th entrance is narrow, but within it expands into a very 
 large and capacious basin, ha^ang from five to nine fa- 
 thoms of water, whore a largo navy might ride in perfect 
 safety, and with muddy bottom, affording superior hold- 
 ing ground. Its main disadvantage is that it is frozen 
 over from the middle or end of December to the beginning 
 or end of April. Three fine streams, after winding through 
 a fertile district, fall into it, known as the East, Middle 
 and "West Rivers, the first navigable for small vessels for 
 five miles from its mouth. 
 A short distance to the westward is the small har- 
 bour of Carriboo, ^ formed between the main land and two 
 islands, named respectively Big and Little Carriboo. 
 This name is said to have arisen, from some of the first ex- 
 plorers, having seen a herd of caribou on ttie east point of 
 what is now the Big Island, but which was then a head- 
 land connected with the shore, and which they thence 
 called Caribou Point. This harbour has two principal en- 
 trances, one between the two islands, the other much nar- 
 rower but deeper, between the smaller and the mainland. 
 "When the first settlers arrived this was the only entrance, 
 what is now the wide entrance being then a sandbeach, 
 over which the sea was beginning to make its way. It 
 has, however, continued its encroachments, till it has en- 
 tirely separated between the two islands, making a pass- 
 ago half a mile wide with four feet of water on it at low 
 tide. "Within the memory of the first settlers the sea has 
 alsocut across the beach, which connected what is now the 
 Big Island with the land, and thus formed a third entrance, 
 which, however, is still shallow, f And further changes are 
 • Such is tho Bpelling now coraaionly adopted, though the name of the an- 
 imal is generally spelled Caribou. 
 t The late James Harris used to say that when he first visited tbo island, ho 
 could cross hctwecn them by wading to tho knee, and ho remembered tho Grot 
 stcrm which cut occms the beach connecting tho Big Island with the land. 
 If I 
 li 1- 
 going on. At two if not three places on the Big Island, which 
 were once meadows, cutting considerable qiiantitcs of hay, 
 are now only narrow sand beaches, which the sea is wear- 
 ing away, and which it will soon cut through, and thus 
 conrert it into three or four islands. In the days of the 
 Pictou timber trade, vessels of considerable size loaded in 
 this harbour, but it is now but little used. Two small 
 streams dignified as Big and Little Carriboo Rivers, unite 
 their waters about three quarters of a mile from the har- 
 bor into which they flow in a deep channel. About 15 miles 
 farther to the westward, is the only other harbour on that 
 side of the county, viz : — River John, being the estuary 
 of the river so named. This harbour is not large and not 
 well sheltered, being exposed to northerly winds, but it 
 has for many years been the seat of a large shipbuilding 
 trade. The River John, (in Micmac Cajje-Boogwek, i. e., 
 flowing through a wilderness, *) flowing into it, drains a 
 large tract of country. Between these two harbours a 
 small stream known as Toney River, with several brooks 
 empty into the Strait. 
 Proceeding from Pictou Harbour eastward, along the 
 coast, we pass some small harbours, known as Chance, Boat 
 and Little Harbours, and then meet Merigomish, formed by 
 what is called the Big Island of Merigomish, which, how- 
 ever, is connected at its eastern end with the mainland by a 
 sand-beach a mile and a half long. Here seems originally to 
 have been the entrance to the harbour. The early French 
 explorers in the 17th century speak of this as the entrance, 
 but represent it as becoming choked with sand, so that 
 only small vessels could enter, and that only at high-tide. 
 When the first English settlers arrived, the old Indians 
 could recollect when there was suflicient water to afford 
 passage for their canoes. Now, however, it is a sand beach 
 from an eighth to a cjuarter of a mile wide, and for some 
 • From. Cajjahf to be alone. 
 distance along the centre, judging by the eye, about 30 feet 
 high, covered with a coarse grass and a few plants, such 
 as will grow in that situation. The entrance is now at 
 the west end of the Island, and my opinion is that originally 
 this was connected with the land, but that the sea here 
 cut a new entrance, that in consequence the tidal and 
 river waters flowing in this course, the stream at the east 
 end became too sluggish to keep the passage there clear of 
 the sand accumulating at its mouth, and thus led ultim- 
 ately to its being closed up. Even yet a very heavy storm 
 will make a passage across it. 
 The i^resent entrance has a bar with 14 feet at low wa- 
 ter, formed by rocky shoals running out from the points 
 on each side. Within, however, it is a large and safe har- 
 bour. Once inside, the mariner flnds himself well shel- 
 tered, but it has this disadvantage, that from the bend in 
 the channel, turning round the end of the Island, the same 
 wind by which sailing vessels can enter, will not bring 
 them up to the upper parts of the harbour. It contains a 
 number of islands, varying in size from a few acres to a 
 square mile in extent. Into it ilow as we joroceed easterly, 
 Sutherlands, French and Barneys Eivcrs. 
 Beside the islands already mentioned and some smaller 
 ones, there lies off the coast at a distance of about eight 
 miles from the entrance of Pictou Harbour, Pictou Island, 
 about five miles long from east to west, with an average 
 breadth of about a mile and three quarters. From each end 
 reefs run out to a considerable distance. 
 The coast has few dangers for navigation, and these are 
 largely, obviated by light houses. Approaching from the 
 cast, the mariner first sights Pictou Island light, which is 
 situated on the south-east point of the Island, showing a 
 white iixcd light, 52 feet above sea levol, and visible 11 
 miles, from a square white biiilding. Then comes Pictou 
 Harbour light on the south side of the entrance. It is a 
 white fixed light, with a small red light below, 05 feet 
 above sea level, visible 12 miles. Tbe building is octago- 
 nal, painted in red and white vertical stripes. Farther to 
 the northward and westward is Big Carriboo Island light, 
 situated on the north-east end of the Island, a white re- 
 volving light, showing its greatest brilliancy every JSiin- 
 ute, 85 feet above high water, and visible 10 miles from a 
 square white building. 
 The coast is generally low, scarcely in any place form- 
 ing cliffs, " the Roaring Bull," a point four miles to the 
 eastward of Pictou Harbour, making the nearest approach 
 to one. Both inside and outside the harbours, it is being 
 gradually worn away, the sandstone, which forms the 
 underlying rock, readily yielding to the influence of the 
 waves. At Middle River Point, those who can remember 
 a period of about fifty years, estimate that in that time 
 about 200 feet of the shore has been carried away. The 
 Island there is not now half the size it was within their 
 recollection, and a small island on the Middle River haa 
 in the same time been entirely carried away, except a few 
 stones visible at low water. At Abercromby Point, resi- 
 dents calculate that about sixty feet of the bank has been 
 carried away. 
 This wasting goes on with greatest rapidity under the 
 influence of north-east winds, which cause our highest 
 tides, and drive the water with great force, particularly 
 against the shores on the south side of the Harbour. In 
 this way the banks are undermined, and the frost and 
 rain bring down the superincumbent soil, which is 
 washed away by the waves and tides. 
 In Merigomish the same thing is observed. Mr. Wm. 
 Dunn, an intelligent resident, estimates that during 
 a period of about fifty years, from sixty to a hundred feet 
 of shore has been carried away on the point formerly 
 occupied by Mr. James Crerar, and in the cove on the 
 front of his own farm. The old ship yard is now almost 
 entirely covered with water, so that where the bow of the 
 vessel rested on the " ways," is now about high water 
 On the open coast the wasting must be greater. "We 
 have already referred to the changes going on at Carriboo 
 Island. But Pictou Island is weiring away with perhaps 
 greater rapidity, though at one [point toward the south- 
 east side, a sand beach is making. The old Indians spoke 
 of a time, when the passage between it and Carriboo 
 Island, now five and three quarter miles wide, was com- 
 paratively narrow. At Cole's Point, near the entrance of 
 the harbour, about thirty yards of a bank twenty or thirty 
 feet high has been carried away within a short time, and 
 its foundation is now a shingly beach. Since the light 
 house was built in 1884, about 200 yards of the eastern 
 side of the beach on which it stands, then yielding a 
 coarse hay, is now under water, and had not a break- 
 water been erected, protecting that building on three 
 sides, it would have been swept away some time ago. 
 At the same time, however, the beach has been making 
 toward the west. 
 The beach on the north side has also been diminishing, 
 though not with the same rapidity. It is calculated that 
 during the same period it has narrowed to the extent of 
 fifty yards. One great storm carried away about a quarter 
 of an acre in one place. On examination of the ground 
 laid bare, there were found roots of ash trees as they had 
 grown, and with them the skeleton of a bear. The sand, 
 however, after a time again covered the spot. 
 On the other hand, the land covered by the estuaries 
 of the rivers, and the shallower parts of the harbour are 
 gradually rising. On the "West Jtiver, by the calculation 
 of those who can remember fifty years, the flats have 
 risen over eighteen inches. At Middle River Point, be- 
 tween the island and the shore, it has filled up to the 
 extent of about eighteen inches, and where it was once 
 too soft to walk on, it is now so hard, that a horse and cart 
 1/ i 
 may bo driven over it. On the Middle River, similar 
 changes have been noted as in progress. Not only are 
 the marshes rising, bnt a channel formerly largely used 
 by boats, for which the regular landing place was at 
 Lochoad's, is now filled np. In like munnor what the 
 residents knew as *' the long pool " i3 now iillcd with 
 gravel, and generally tha creeks on both rivers are 
 estimated as having risen to about the same extent as 
 the surrounding flats. 
 In the harbour the flats from Middle River point to the 
 channel, are estimated to have risen about a foot in the 
 last fifty years, while residents at Abercromby Point esti- 
 mate that those off that point have risen at least two feet. 
 The East River, from its greater size carrying down a 
 greater amount of soil, will naturally account for this. 
 Thirty years ago it was considered, that vessels drawing 
 nineteen feet of water might safely load at the loading 
 ground at the mouth of the East River, but since that time 
 a ford has arisen further down, over which, previous to 
 the late dredging operations, it was difficult to take 
 vessels drawing over fifteen. Indeed it is maintained that 
 every part of the harbour, even the channel itself, is 
 becoming shallower. In former years vessels drawing 
 twenty-four feet of water passed over the bar outside the 
 harbour, but this cannot be done now. 
 In Merigomish the same thing is noticed, particularly 
 in the eastern portion of the harbour, between French 
 and Barneys Rivers. Residents have observed that the 
 flats are widening and the water upon them becoming 
 more shallow. The bottom, too, consists of a rich, soft, 
 fine mud, extending up, to the beai h itself, evidently 
 brought down by the rivers. On Barneys River from 
 the bridge downward, where people forty or fifty years 
 ago went freely in their canoes, is now in grass. 
 Along the shore the land is level and not elevated, but 
 in the interior ranges of hills extend in every direction, 
 which, with the various river valleys, by which it is 
 traversed, present scenery of the most beautiful, though 
 not of the grandest description. Some of these hills, such 
 as Frasers Mountain, Green Hill, Mount Thorn or Fitz- 
 patricks Mountain, exhibit prospects which in richness and 
 variety, of sea and land, hill ond dale, river and shore, 
 field and forest, will compare with any in America. On 
 the western boundary the hills rise to greater elevation, 
 being a continuation of the Cobequid Mountains, while a 
 similar range, not so high, but more rugged in outline, and 
 regarded as a continuation of the South Mountains of 
 Kings and Annapolis Counties, traverses the southern por- 
 tion of it, and is continued in the Antigonish Mountains. 
 It has few lakes, compared with some of the other 
 counties of the Province, and these are all small. . The 
 principal are Eden, Brora, Sutherlands, and McDonalds 
 Lakes, in the southern portion of Maxwelton township. 
 The others, though small, add in some places a pleasing 
 variety to the landscape. 
 In the descent of the streams are some pretty cascades, 
 the largest of which and the only one which may be called 
 grand, is on Sutherlands River, about two and a half 
 miles from its mouth. The stream is here about 100 feet 
 wide. In the centre a large rock, on which is a little soil, 
 bearing a few scrubby trees, divides it into two, and each 
 portion descends by three stages to a pool at the bottom. 
 But just below, a perpendicular precipice, which on the 
 left bank rises high over the fall, projects nearly half-way 
 across, so that the parted streams as they reunite arc forced 
 through a narrow gorge. 
 It has but little marsh land, and none to compare in 
 fertility with the dyked marshes of the Bay of Fundy, 
 but along its rivers and brooks is much intervale, and 
 meadow land of excellent quality, while much of the 
 upland, even to the summits of the hills, is fertile. 
 Indeed with the exception of a tract extending from the 
it -^ m 
 ! i 
 head of the West River to the County of Guysborough, 
 and some smaller portions elsewhere, the whole is capabla 
 of cultivation. Forest fires have, however, in some 
 instances rendered considerable tracts for a time com- 
 paratively barren. Perhaps the largest extent of land 
 of this kind Ues between the Albion Mines and Middle 
 Its geological structure may be described in general 
 terms as follows : Across the whole southern side of the 
 county extends a range of hills of Upper Silurian forma- 
 tion, composed principally of beds of quartzite and slates, 
 the latter varying much in colour and texture with 
 masses and dykes of syenite and greenstone. This band 
 which commences on the east at Cape Porcupine and 
 Cape G-eorge, is about fifteen miles broad from the east 
 side of the County, till it approaches the East Eiver, when 
 it suddenly bends to the south, allowing the carboniferous 
 strata to extend far up into the valley of the river. Far- 
 ther west it again widens and so continues beyond the 
 boundaries of the county. Eocks of the same formation 
 are also found further north on its western border, where 
 the Eastern Cobequid hills enter the county at Mount 
 Thom and adjacent hills. In an economical point of 
 view, these rocks derive their chief importance from their 
 valuable iron ores, but a large part of them are covered 
 with a fertile soil. 
 At the base of these hills are lower carboniferous rocks, 
 chiefly sandstones and conglomerates, over and associated 
 with which, is a series of reddish and grey sandstones and 
 shales, with thick beds of limestones and gypsum, the 
 latter not of the economic importance, of those of Hants 
 County. These can be traced from the upper part of the 
 "West Eiver, eastward to the East Eiver, along the valley 
 of which, they enter in the form of narrow bay into the 
 Metamorphic District to the Southward. Eastward of 
 this they continue to skirt the older hills, until they reach 
 the Gulf of St. Lawrence, at Arisaig, beyond the bounds of 
 the county. 
 To the northward of these older members of the system, 
 there is in some places, especially on the East River, a 
 large development of the productive or middle coal mea- 
 sures, which we shall have occasion to notice more parti- 
 cularly hereafter. The remaining portion of the county, 
 stretching along the straits of Northumberland, consists of 
 newer carboniferous rocks, supposed by Dr. Dawson, to 
 belong to the upper coal measures, or pcrmo-carboniferous 
 series. These formations afford in a great number of 
 places grey freestones, much esteemed for architectural 
 purposes, and also suited for the manufacture of grind- 
 stones. Copper ores are found at various localities, the 
 principal being Oarriboo river, the West River a little 
 below Durham, the East River a few miles above the 
 Albion Mines, and River John near the village, but none 
 yet in quantities to be of economic value. 
 Its Natural History need not further be particularly 
 described, as its flora and fauna are the same with the 
 other portions [of the Province. The Beaver has become 
 extinct, though the effects of his labours may yet be seen 
 in various places. Most other wild animals have become 
 scarcer, and some, as the Fisher and Marten, are nearly if 
 not quite extinct. "We may mention, however, that the 
 Skunk and the Raccoon are recent arrivals. The first ap- 
 pearance of the former was a noted event about fifty years 
 ago. A young man from the Middle River was on his 
 way to the East, to attend a sacramental service ; crossing 
 the wilderness land lying between the rivers, he saw an 
 unknown animal, which he attacked vigorously, and with 
 results ahixt may bo imagined. He proceeded on his 
 journey, but as he approached the groups surrounding the 
 church, met the averted faces even of friends, and was 
 obliged to return home and bury his clothes. Other scones 
 of a sipilar kind took place in other quarters. 
 The waters along our shores exhibit similar changes in 
 their inhabitants within the historic period. AVhen 
 European voyagers first visitod our coast, the Walrus was 
 still found in this latitude ; and within the memory of 
 persons still living, the Seal was in such abundance as to 
 be each spring a regular object of pursuit. The first 
 visitors to Pictou describe in glowing terms the size and 
 abundance of the oysters, to be found in our harbour, and 
 the shell heaps on the site of old Indian encampments, 
 corroborate their statements, but now scarcely any are to 
 be found, and these are but small, I am also informed 
 that the clams, which are but little used, are not only 
 becoming fewer in number, but smaller in size. 
 As to its vegetable productions, occasionally a rare 
 specimen may be found. A short distance from the road 
 up Sutherlands River, toward Antigonish, stands a solitary 
 specimen of a species of spruce, which is not found any 
 where in this part of the Province at least. And I have 
 heard of other instances o{ trees being found, belonging 
 to species not known to exist anywhere near. Many 
 plants have been introduced by colonists, which have 
 spread and become wild. The introduction of one pre- 
 sents some circumstances of interest. A vessel landing 
 ballast at Mortimer's wharf, a few stalks of a species of 
 ragweed, known in Scotland among the common people 
 as Stinking Willie, were thrown out with it. They had 
 been pulled by some cultivator in the old country and 
 thrown among stones, and with them conveyed to the 
 hold of the vessel, and thus transported across the Atlantic. 
 Some of the seeds took root on the shore, and some fifty 
 years ago the late John Taylor pointed out the plants and 
 warned some bystanders of their character. They laughed 
 at him, and he took no trouble in the matter, but he after- 
 ward often expressed his regret that he had not himself 
 set to work and rooted them out, which he might readily 
 have done. About forty years ago, a Highland servant 
 of my father's, pointed out to me a larg-e bunch of it on 
 the shore of the side of the point toward the town. At 
 that time, farmers being interested in getting rid of the 
 oxeyed daisy aiid other weeds, he remarked that he was 
 mistaken if they did not find ere long that that would be 
 more troublesome thaii any with which they were con- 
 tending. Since that time, it has not only occupied all the 
 highways round the town and proved troublesome in the 
 fields of the fairmers there, but it has spread to the 
 extremities of the county, an'l beyond it. I have seen it 
 at Carriboo Island on the north shore, at Tatamagouche to 
 the west, well up the East and Middle Rivers to the 
 southward, and I have pulled a stalk of it on the road by 
 Lochaber Lake to the east. 
 Its meteorology exhibits little of interest as distinct 
 from the other portions of the Province. Like the rest of 
 the north coast it present a remarkable contrast to the 
 southern, in its almost entire freedom from fog. The 
 mean and extreme temperatures are, however, higher there 
 than here, owing specially to the influence of the Gulf 
 stream. The ice which comes down from the north in 
 spring lingers long off" our coast, cooling the air, so as to 
 retard vegetation and impart a rawness to the east winds 
 at that season, which is trying to the health, particularly 
 of persons under any pulmonary weakness. The autumn, 
 however, is much finer than on the south coast, there being 
 much less wet weather, and the southerly gales of that 
 season being felt less severely. 
 The name Pictou was supposed by many to have been 
 a corruption of Poictou, the name of an old Province of 
 France, and to have originated with the French. In 
 many documents of the early part of this century, even 
 Government plans, it is so spelled, and the old Highland 
 settlers pronounced it in this way. I have heard of 
 educated persons in Pictou, who maintained that this was 
 the proper name, and spelled it so in their correspondence. 
 li I 
 But this is a mistake. The name appears spelled as we 
 spell it in the writings of the earliest French voyagers, 
 and there can be little doubt that it is formed from the 
 Indian name, which, according to Mr. Rand, is Pictook. 
 The k at the end of Micmac names, he says, marks what 
 grammarians call the locative case, expressing at or in. 
 The French generally dropped the k. Thus we have 
 Chebooktoo for Chebooktook, and so Pictou for Pictouck, 
 the ou being originally sounded as in French. 
 As most of the Indian names are descriptive, attempts 
 have been made to discover the meaning of this, but as 
 yet we do not think that certainty has been reached. Some 
 hare supposed that the word is analogous to Buctou, pro- 
 perly Booktook, which means a harbour, or more properly 
 a bay or arm of the sea ; but this is used only with a 
 prefix, as in Chebooktou, Richibookiou, Chedabooktou, &c. 
 Mr. Eand explains the word differently. He says that 
 the word Pict means an explosion of gas, and he sup- 
 poses the name to have originated from the escape of gas 
 at the East River from the coal lying below. "Whenever 
 the noun ends in the sound of kt, the regular form of the 
 case locative is the addition of ook. Thus nebookt means 
 woods, nebooktook " in the woods,'' and thus Pict becomes 
 Pictook, and the k being dropped, as just mentioned, we 
 have the name Pictou. It may appear presumptuous to 
 express any doubt regarding a point of Micmac philology, 
 on which Mr. Rand is satisfied. Yet it appears to us a 
 serious objection to his view, that the phenomenon to 
 which he refers was only seen at the East River, to which 
 the Indians gave another name {ApcJiechkumooch — waakade, 
 or ducklnnd) while it seems certain that the name Pic- 
 touck T^'as applied specially to the harbour, where no such 
 phenomenon exists. 
 Others again have supposed, that it is a corruption of 
 the Micmac word, Bucto, which signifies fire. That this 
 was the derivation of the name, was a common opinion 
 tiinong the early settlors, and I find it asserted by Peter 
 Toney, now about the oldest of the Micmacs in Pictou, and 
 by others of the tribe. Their story or tradition is, that at one 
 time there had been a large encampment up the "West River. 
 On one occasion they all left in their canoes on a cruise 
 down the harbour. During their short absence, the whole 
 encampment was burned up, and also the woods for a con- 
 siderable distance around. No person could tell how the 
 lire originated. They always spoke of the event as the 
 " Miskeak Bucfo,'" or big fire, which naturally became asso- 
 ciated with the place. "When the whites came, hearing the 
 Micmacs speak of it in this way, they corrupted the name 
 and called the whole north side of the harbour, Pictou, 
 because according to this learned Micmac, they could not 
 pronounce it aright. Others adopting the same derivation, 
 have supposed the name to have been given in conse- 
 quence of a large fire, at what is now the East River 
 mines. "When coal was first discovered there, it was 
 covered with from four to six feet of burnt clay and ashes, 
 over which large hemlock trees were growing, and I am 
 informed that the Indians had traditionary accounts of a fire, 
 which continued burning there for some length of time. 
 This view I regard as entirely a supposition, and would 
 consider Mr. Toney's much more probable, on this ground 
 if on no other, that the name was originally given not to 
 the Mines but to the north side of the harbour. But Mr. 
 Rand assorts, that the difference between the words is too 
 decided, to admit of this being the correct derivation. 
 Another meaning was given by Philo Antiquarius, and 
 also by the lato Mr. Howe, as derived from a Micmac. It 
 is that it means anything like ajar or bottle, which has a 
 narrow mouth and widens aft:^rward. Wo have never 
 received this from Micmacs, but when we have suggested 
 it to them in the form of a loading question, they have 
 assented to it, whether to ploaso us or because it was correct, 
 may not be quite certain. This would well represent tha 
 shape of the harbour, and could it be shown to be in: 
 accordance with the Micmac language, we would deem it 
 preferable to the others. But when such difference of 
 opinion exists among the learned, we are obliged to leave 
 the matter unsettled. 
 It is now known that these coasts were risited by the- 
 Breton and Basque fisheiir ^n during the sixteenth century, 
 and that they traded \^ah the aborigines, supplying 
 them with various implements in exchange for their furs. 
 It is probable that iictor bar'' u? was then well known 
 to these hardy mariners. The only fact, however, known 
 to us which seem to afford evidence of their presence, was 
 the discovery by Henry Poole, Esq., on the 17th March,. 
 1860, of a piece of wood three and a half feet below the 
 surface of the ground, while the men were engaged in 
 cutting a drain, on what is now the Acadia Company's 
 area at the Albion Mines. This piece of wood, three feet 
 long, showed marks of having been cut by an axe, w^hile 
 the trees growing above the spot were two feet in diame* 
 ter, and he counted 230 rings of annual growth in the 
 hemlock tree cut down just over it. 
 The first recorded notices of Pictou, however, are to be 
 found in the voyages of the early French visitors, in the 
 early part of the 17th century. We may here give a 
 description of its shores from an account published in the 
 year 1672, by Monsieur Denys, appointed Governor of the 
 Gulf of St. Lawrence in the year 1654. 
 " Starting from Cape St. Louis (now Cape George), ten. 
 d by the 
 leir furs. 
 1 known 
 r, known 
 jnce, was 
 1 March^ 
 elow the 
 ^aged in 
 ;hree feet 
 :e, while 
 n diame- 
 th in the 
 are to be 
 s, in the 
 i give a 
 }d in the 
 or of the 
 leagues thence we come to a small river, whose entrance 
 has a bar, which sometimes closes it, when the weather is 
 stormy and the sea piles up the sand at its mouth, but 
 when the river swells it passes over and makes an open- 
 ing. Only small sloops can enter this river, and it does 
 not run deep into the countiy, which is tolerably fine and 
 covered with trees." This we take to be the eastern end 
 of the Big Island of Merigomish. " Proceeding westward 
 for about a dozen leagues the coast is nothing but a rugged 
 mass, with the exception of several openings of different 
 dimensions. The land round about is low, it appears 
 fertile, and is covered with fine trees, among which I 
 noticed quantities of oak." 
 The following is his description of Pictou harbour, or, 
 as he calls it, the river of Pictou : — " Passing these you 
 find a large opening, where there are several cliffs by the 
 side of low headlands or meadows, in which are numer- 
 ous ponds, where there is so great an abundance of all 
 kinds of game that it is surprising, and if the game there 
 is abundant, the earth is not less beneficent. All the 
 trees there are very fine and large. There are oaks, 
 maples, cedars, pines, firs and every kind of wood. The 
 large river is right at the entrance, and the sloops go from 
 seven to eight leagues within, after which you meet with 
 a small island covered with the same wood, farther than 
 which you cannot proceed without canoes. The country 
 on both sides of the river, for the space of a league toward 
 its source, is covered with pines, large and small, and 
 they are fine trees, as they were down below. There are 
 also along its sides, creeks and " cul de sacs," with mea- 
 dows, where the chase is capital." 
 " A league and a half up the river there is a large har- 
 bour (we suppose at South Pictou) where you may find 
 large quantities of excellent oysters ; some, in one place, 
 are nearly all round, and deeper in the harbour they are 
 monstrous. Among them are some larger than a shoe and 
nearly the same shape, and they are all very fat and of 
 good taste. And at the entrance of this river, toward the 
 right, half a league from its mouth, there is also a large 
 bay, which runs nearly three leagues into the land, and 
 contains a number of islands, and on both sides you find 
 meadows and game in abundance." For some of these 
 details Mr. Denys seems to have drawn on his imagination. 
 "When first visited by Europeans this, like the rest of 
 the Province, was inhabited by the Micmac (properly 
 Miggumac) tribe of Indians, a branch of the jjreat Algon- 
 quin race, which included all the tribes along the 
 Atlantic coast from Virginia to Labrador. Of these the 
 Micmacs were one of the most powerful, occupying not 
 only Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, but the 
 whole eastern and northern coasts of New Brunswick and 
 the south side of the St. Lawrence for some distance from 
 its mouth. This extensive territory, known to the abo- 
 rigines as Miggumahgee,* Micmacland, or country of the 
 Micmacs, was, and indeed is yet, divided into districts, 
 inhabited by tribes, or subdivisions of the race, each under 
 its separate chief, who acknowledged the chief of Oona- 
 mahgee, or Cape Breton as their head, his superiority, 
 however, consisting in little more than his being umpire 
 in case of any dispute between the other chiefs, and pre- 
 siding at any general council. Of these divisions, Pictou 
 was the centre of the district extending along the north 
 shore of Nova Scotia, those belonging to it being known 
 as Pectougawak, or Pictonians. f Merigomish, however, 
 seems to have been their head quarters. 
 This was a favorable position for them. It was near 
 the fishery in the G-ulf ; the islands abounded in wild 
 • The classical reader may observe in the termination of this and other 
 names the Greek word ge, land or country. 
 t The others were, besides Cape Breton, Memramcook, and Restigouche to 
 the north, and Eskegawaage, from Canso to Halifax, Sigunikt or Cape Negro, 
 and Eespoogwit or Cape Chigaecto, seiven in all. 
 fowl, the rivers swarmed with fish, and the woods in the 
 rear were plentifully stocked with game. Their principal 
 place of encampment was at the foot of Barneys River, on 
 the east side, where they had, when the English settlers 
 arrived, some clearings on which they raised a little 
 Indian com and a few beans. Other places around, such 
 as the Big Island, some of the smaller islands in the har- 
 bour, and some of the jwints on the shore, were also sites of 
 their encampments, as may yet be seen by the quantities 
 of shells of oysters and other shelliish found on the 
 land, and the stone hatchets and arrow heads still occa- 
 sionally picked up. Their burying ground, when the 
 English settled, and for how long previous we know not, 
 was near the west end of the Big Island on the south side, 
 a short distance east of Savage Point.=^ This they used 
 till about forty years ago, and here stood a number of 
 crosses till a recent period. But all the Indians of the 
 county now bury on Chapel Island or Indian Island, an 
 island in the harbour donated to them by Governor 
 In the map accompanying Charlevoix's work, the mouth 
 of the East River is marked as the site of an Indian village. 
 This must have been situated on the east side, nearly 
 opposite the loading ground, on the farm of the late Jas. 
 McKay, now in possession of J.^^McGregor and McKenzie. 
 There, close by the river, is a beautiful flat, like a piece of 
 intervale, but higher and very slightly rounded, bounded 
 in the rear by a bank, by w^hich the land rises abruptly to 
 a higher level. Here the land was clear when the English 
 settlers arrived, and for some time after, when it was 
 ploughed, various articles were turned up, such as broken 
 pieces of crockery, a gun barrel, and on one occasion a 
 • This was so called from a Captain Savage, of Truro, who had died while 
 his vessel was lying there, and was buried in the sand on the shore. Either 
 his vessel or another, named the Betty, drifted ashore on the point of the 
 island opposite, which has since been called Point Betty Island. 
 pewter basin, about eight inches in diameter, with a narrow 
 rim, also five or six table spoons, while around have 
 been found quite a number of stone hatchets, and oyster 
 shells are abundant. Thesu facts show that this place 
 was occupied by them, both before and after the arrival of 
 The opposite side of the river gives evidence of similar 
 occupancy, in particular a field on the farm of William 
 Dunbar, on being ploughed, has been found covered with 
 oyster shells. 
 On a point a little lower down the river was another 
 burying place. Here stood at the arrival of the English 
 settlers, and until a recent period, a large iron cross, about 
 ten feet high. Hence the place is still known as Indian. 
 Cross Point, though the locality is known among the 
 Micmacs, as Soogunagade^ or rotting place. 
 Here the Indians buried till a few years ago. Many of 
 the graves can still be traced by the rows of flat stones, by 
 which they were originally covered, which have now 
 sunk to the level of the ground or perhaps were always 
 in that position, and are partly overgrown with grass. 
 The water is wasting away the bank, so that human bones 
 may be found exposed on the shore. 
 Frasers Point, particularly on the farm of Mr. Hugh 
 Eraser, and ^Middle River Point, especially at McKay's 
 farm, by the shells which the plough turns up, and the 
 stone implements formerly found in abundance, and still 
 occasionally obtained, are shown to have been also places 
 of frequent resort. 
 The decaying remnant of the Micmac tribe look back 
 * An impression has prevailed that this was a French settlement, and it 
 has even been supposed that some embankments at the Big Gut, a little fur- 
 ther up were their work. One hut was found by the English settlers at the 
 latter point, but all the other facts indicate the occupancy of the place by 
 Micmacs, while the slightest examination of the embankments referred to, 
 show that they were not raised by the hand of man, but by the tide assisted, 
 probably by ice along the shores of the creek. 
 on the period referred to as the golden age of their race. 
 Then they held undisputed possession of all these regions, 
 and were a terror to surrounding tribes. They could muster 
 by thousands. They were at peace among themselves, 
 drunkenness was unknown, and the various European 
 diseases, by which they have since been swept away, were 
 unheard of. The land abounded with game and the 
 waters teemed with fish. The forest sheltered them from 
 the Btorm, and skins of animals afforded the warmest 
 covering by night and by day. " My father," said an old 
 Indian, " have coat outside beaver, inside otter." Thus 
 speaks tradition, and in some respects truly, though it 
 would not be difl&cult from what we know of savage life, 
 to find another side to the picture. 
 Though divided into small tribes they could combine 
 to prosecute wars, in which they were frequently engag- 
 ed with the natives of Maine and New Hampshire, and 
 with the Iroquois and the Mohawks of the St. Lawrence. 
 The wkrs with the latter occupied a prominent place in 
 the traditions of the Micmacs of Pictou, and they preserve 
 the memory of fierce battles, fought in the neighborhood 
 I have lately had evidence that these traditions are not 
 without foundation. Mr. Donald McG-regor of the Big 
 Island, in ploughing a spot in his field, where the vegeta- 
 tion was ranker than usual, turned up a human skull. 
 On examination there was found a mass of human bones 
 much decayed, among them a skull, transfixed by a flint 
 arrow head, which yet remained in its place. Along with 
 these remains were a large number of ancient implements, 
 stone axes, flint arrow heads, etc., but none of them 
 giving evidence of intercourse with Europeans. The 
 transfixed skull, and the whole appearance of the place, 
 plainly showed that here the bodies of those who had 
 fallen in some battle, have been heaped together, "in 
 one red burial blent." 
 I visited the place in 1874. The spot is small, not more 
 than eight or ten feet in diameter, and as soon as the 
 ground is turned, it will at once be distinguished from 
 the surrounding soil, being a loose black mould, contain- 
 ing fragments of bone, so decayed that they can be crushed 
 between the fingers, all, no doubt, once the flesh and 
 blood of brave warriors. This pit, if it can be called 
 such, is very shallow, being not more than fifteen to 
 twenty inches deep. At the bottom I found decayed 
 fragments of the birch bark, in which, according to the 
 custom of the ancient Micmacs, the dead were laid. 
 Below this was a hard subsoil, which plainly had never 
 been disturbed. The shallowness of the pit also indicates 
 that this burial took place previous to the coming of 
 Europeans, when sharpened sticks of wood were their 
 only instruments of digging. 
 The ground had been so thoroughly dug over before my 
 visit, that it was impossible to ascertain anything as to 
 the arrangements of the bodies, and nearly all the imple- 
 ments had been carried away ; but I found a stone axe, 
 which bore the evidence of having been ground to a sharp 
 edge, probably immediately before the encounter in which 
 its owner fell, some fragments of very rude pottery, and a 
 broken tobacco pipe, made of a piece of very finely grained 
 granite rock, the shaping and polishing as well as the 
 drilling of the bowl and stem of which, must have 
 involved much labour. 
 On examining the ground around, we found that it 
 was the site of an ancient cemetery, in which we founds 
 in addition to such implements as already mentioned, 
 bone spearheads and small copper knives. The burying 
 ground used by the Micmacs till about forty years ago was 
 about half a mile further to the west, but the place we 
 refer to is evidently much older. Indeed, some of the 
 remains seemed to indicate that they belonged to another 
 race, a people of small size, like the Esquimaux. That 
 the Algonquin race came from the south-west is now 
 the received opinion of American Antiquarians, and there 
 are also strong reasons to believe, that the Esquimaux 
 occupied the shores of North America, to a point much 
 farther south than they now do. Charlevoix describes the 
 Micmacs in his day, as maintaining a constant warfare 
 <vith them, and the probability is that tho former on first 
 occupying this region, drove the latter before them, and 
 these remains may be the relics of their conflicts. 
 One curious fact was manifest in this cemetery, which 
 has not hitherto been noticed in connection with Micmac 
 customs, viz., the use of fire in some way in connection 
 with the dead. Some of the graves give no indication of 
 this, and in one I was able to trace tho position in whick 
 the body had lain, viz., on its side in a crouching posture. 
 But in other cases the remains were mixed with ashes, 
 small pieces of charcoal -^iid burnt earth, showing ILo use 
 if fire for some unexplained purpose. In another I 
 ound just a quantity of ashes with small fragments of 
 Durut bones, none of them an inch long. The whole had 
 been carefully buried, and were probably tho remains of 
 some captive whom they had burned. 
 We may add that here, as elsewhere, every prominent 
 object, whether hil.' or river, streamlet or lake, headland 
 or island, had its appropriate designation in their lan- 
 guage, which is still in use among them. A few of these 
 names, with the meanings, so far as we have been 
 furnished, we subjoin : — 
 English Names. 
 Pictou iBland 
 Moody's Point 
 C'arriboo Harbour . . 
 Green Hill 
 Miemae Names. 
 Poogunipkechk . . 
 Mallcgomichk . . . 
 Comagun .... 
 Espakumegck . . . 
 A hardwood grove. 
 A decoy place, where they 
 Bet duck decoys. 
 High land. 
Englith Ifatnu. 
 Mount Thom 
 Middle Bivcr 
 Woe* River 
 East Biver 
 Saw Mill Brook. 
 Fisher's Grant. . 
 Roger's Hill 
 Narrow entrance of Cariboo 
 Toney River 
 Shore between Carriboo and 
 Little Harbour 
 Sutherland's Island 
 Morrison's (?) Island 
 Point Betty Island 
 Miemae Name*. 
 Neoicheboogwek, . 
 Nimnokunaagunikt. . 
 Bucto taagun. . 
 Munbegweck . . 
 Coondawaakado . . . 
 Tumakunawaakade . 
 A mountain chain. 
 Straight flowing. 
 Clear water. 
 Saw mill brook. 
 Rotting place, so called 
 from the old Indian 
 burying groimd. 
 Black birch grove. 
 Running into the bushes 
 place, from Tedootkin» 
 desink, «he rushes into 
 the bushes." 
 Spark of fire. 
 Running straight up. 
 Little Harbour. 
 A stone quarry. 
 Pipe stone place 
 Beaver place. 
 Mr. Hand tells us that the Micmacs regard themselves 
 as the bravest and best of the Indian nations, and boast of 
 success even over the Mohawks. But we know that till 
 very recently the name of a Mohawk, was sufficient to 
 excite the most abject terror in the mind of a Micmac. Tell 
 him that there was a Mohawk at any place, and he would 
 rather than pass it, go miles round even to reach his 
 home. So late as our boyhood, it was an amusement even 
 for children to frighten the Indians by some tale of Mo- 
 hawks, and they never seemed to get over the feeling of 
 alarm, which their name inspired, and we believe they 
 are not yet free from it. f 
 One incident of these wars seems well established, viz., 
 the loss by drowning of a large number of warriors of the 
 " Pamdun is a mountain chain, and Camdun a mountain peak. It is inter- 
 esting to note hero the word dun, a hill, which both i n Gaelic and Anglo- 
 Saxon and cognate langiiageij denotes a hill, which appears in so many Scot- 
 tish names, Dunheld, Dunblane, Dunvegan, i,c., also in Dumbarton, Dumfries, 
 Ac, and another form of which we have in the English Downs. 
 t Mr. H. B. Lowden who hr^ so long kept the lightboose, informs me that 
 if a strsAge canoe is seen passing tiie entrance of the harbour, the Indians 
 wiU still come enquiring anxiously about it, and showing fears of an invaaioa 
 of their old foes. 
 Mohawk tribe at the little entrance of Carriboo harbour. 
 As we have been able to gather the facts of the story, the 
 Micmacs had concealed themselves in the woods on Little 
 Carriboo Island. Between this and the main land the 
 passage is very narrow, not 200 yards wide. The Mo- 
 hawks had detected the hiding place of the Micmacs, and 
 supposing that they might readily, by wading or swim- 
 ming, pass that distance, resolved to cross by night and 
 attack tiieir enemies while they were asleep. But the 
 tide is too powerful for any man to swim across it. The 
 Mohawks, not knowing this, plunged in, and the tide 
 ebbing at the time, they were swept away. In the morn- 
 ing the returning tide brought back their dead bodies, each 
 with tomahawk tied on his head. The Micmacs coming 
 out of their place of concealment, were filled with joy at the 
 sight of their dead foes, and danced in triumph for their 
 deliverance. At the time of the arrival of the English 
 settlers the affair was still fresh in the memory of the 
 Micmacs, and was represented as having taken place only 
 a short time before, during the wars between the English 
 and the French. The late James Harris mentioned that he 
 found two or three iron tomahawks in the sand on the 
 shore of Little Carriboo Island, which at the time were 
 regarded as having belonged to the Mohawks. The place 
 is still named by ^he Micmacs Tedootkesit, meaning the 
 place of running to the bushes, from the Micmacs taking 
 refuge in the woods.* 
 • An old rceidcnt in the neighborhood informed \w that as near as he could 
 guesg, about fifty-six years ago, or in the year 1820, an old squaw, one of the 
 most reliable ho had k.-<own, told him the story, adding that sho wns the first 
 to discover what had happened. She was at the time a little girl. In the 
 morning, as soon as she had awakened, she had gone to the shcre, and there 
 saw the dead Lcdics. The wind, she said, had been easterly, which would 
 have helped to bring them back to land. Sho immediately rr.n had. to tell 
 her father, and soon the whole band were at the shore, rejoicing ci cr their 
 fallen foes. L tpposing she were seventy years of age when Khe told the story, 
 «nd ten when the affair occurred, this would make the date of it 17C0, clout 
 the lime wo had supposed. 
 As illustrative of these times, we shall give a tradition- 
 ary account of the conclusion of the last war with th„* 
 Canibas, as the Micmacs call them, the tribe of Indiana 
 inhabiting Maine, and extending up to the St. Lawrence, 
 now usually known as the Abenakis. This was related 
 by Peter Toney and taken down by Mr. Rand, and we 
 have reason to believe that the main facts are correct : — 
 " There had existed for sometime a state of hostility 
 between the Canibas and the Micmacs. Two parties of 
 the former, led by two brothers, had come down to Fictou 
 and had fortified themselves in two block houses, at Little 
 Harbour. These block houses were constructed of logs^ 
 raised up around a vault first dug in the ground. The 
 buildings were covered over, had each a heavy door, and 
 were quite a safe fortification in Indian warfare. At the 
 mouth of Barneys Eiver, near the site of the burying^ 
 ground, the Micmacs were entrenched in a similar fort.'**^ 
 " There was no fighting for some weeks. The parties 
 kept a careful eye upon, each other ; there was no friendly" 
 intercourse between them, but there was no actual conflict.. 
 " One night a party of the Micmacs went out '* torching " 
 (catching fish by torchlight). They were watched by the 
 Canibas, who ascertained that they did not return to their 
 fort after they returned to the shore, but lay down on the 
 bank, about midway between the fortifications of the 
 hostile parties. This was too powerful a temptation to be 
 resisted. Two canoes came upon them, filled with armed 
 men. They were surprised and butchered, except two, 
 who effected their escape. 
 " These had rushed to the water and swam for life, and 
 * Tho old Indian fortifications were a sort of palisaded enclosures, formed 
 of trees and stakes driven into the ground between them, with branches of 
 trees interlaced. In times of war tho women and children were always kept 
 in such fortifications. After obtaining axes from Europeans they may have 
 constructed one like a block house, as here mentioned. There is a sort of dim^ 
 tradition of a French fort at Merigomish. We ar j satisfied that this is a mis- 
 take, but probably the idea rose from a Micmac fortification of this kind. 
 ith th- 
 Eind we 
 set : — 
 irties of 
 J Fictou 
 at Little 
 of logs^ 
 id. The 
 loor, and 
 At the 
 ar fort.* 
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 >rching '* 
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 to their 
 n on the 
 of the 
 ion to be 
 h armed 
 ept two, 
 life, and 
 res, formed 
 jranches of 
 Iways kept 
 y may have 
 sort of dim: 
 is is a mis- 
 were hotly pursued. But passing a place where a tree 
 had fallen over into the water from the bank, and lay 
 there with a quantity of eelgrass piled and lodged upon 
 it, they took refuge under the eelgrass and under the tree, 
 and their pursuers missed them in the darkness. After 
 the search was abandoned and the canoes had returned, 
 the two men camo forth from their hiding place and 
 hastened home to spread the alarm. 
 " Their dead companions had been scalped and their 
 bodies consumed by firo. This news roused all the war- 
 riors, and they resolved immediately to attack the party 
 that had committed the outrage and avenge it. They i ad 
 a small vessel lying inside the long bar that makes out at 
 Merigomish. This was immediately emptied of its ballast, 
 drawn across the Big Island beach, filled with men, 
 arms and ammunition (for it was since the advent of the 
 French), and immediately moved up to the forts of the 
 Canibas, where it was run ashore. The party was led by 
 a "keenap," a "brave," named Thunder, or Caktoogow, 
 or, as this name first rendered into French and then 
 transferred back into Indian, has come down, Toonale 
 (Tonnerre). They ran the vessel ashore, and, in his 
 eagerness for the encounter, the chief jumped into the sea, 
 swam ashore and rushed upon the fort without waiting 
 for his men. 
 "Being a mighty Powwow, as well as a warrior, ho 
 could render himself invisible and invulnerable, and they 
 fell before him, as we would say, like the Philistines 
 before Samson and his jaw bone of an ass. 
 " Having despatched them all he piled their bodies into 
 the building and set fire to it, serving them as they had 
 served his friends. When all was accomplished, his 
 wrath was appeased. 
 " He then, at the head of his men, walked up towards 
 the other fort without any hostile display, and the Abenaki 
 chief directed his men to open the door for them and 
 admit them in a peaceful manner. This chief had taken 
 no part in the fray. He had disapproved of the attack 
 upon the torching party, and had endeavored to dissuade 
 the other from it. So when Toonale entered his fort there 
 was no display of hostility. After their mutual saluta- 
 tion, Toonale dryly remarked, 'Our boys have been at 
 play over yonder.'* 'Serve them right,' answers the 
 chief, ' I told them not to do as they did. 1 told them it 
 would be the death of us all.' 
 " It is now proposed that they shall make peace and 
 live in amity for the future. A feast is made accordingly 
 and they celebrate it together. After the eating comes the 
 games. They toss the alkestakun — the Indian dice. They 
 run, they play ball. A pole is raised at the edge of a 
 void space, some three hundred yards across. The par- 
 ties arrange themselves four or five on each side. The 
 ball is thrown into the air, and all hands dart toward it 
 to catch it. He who succeeds in catching it before it 
 strikes the ground darts away to the pole, all on the oppo- 
 site side pursuing him, and if they can catch him before 
 ho reaches the pole, his party loses, and the one who 
 seizes him throws up the ball and another plunge is made 
 after it ; it is seized and the fortunate party dashes oflf 
 again for the pole, and the excitement is kept up amid 
 shouts and bursts of laughter, until the game is finished. 
 "This kind of game at ball is called Uooadijik.^ 
 Another kind is called Wolchamaadijik, the ball being 
 knocked along on the ground. ' Did they not wrestle ? ' 
 I enquired of my friend Peter. ' Oh, no,' was the reply. 
 ♦Wrestling is apt to lead to a quarrel, and they would not, 
 imder the circumstances, run any risk on that score.' 
 " In all the games the Micmacs get the victory. And, 
 if they are impartial historians, they usually beat in their 
 wars with the other tribes and with the whites. Unfor- 
 * Compare 2 Sam. 3, 14 
 Innately we have not the records of the opposite parties of 
 Mohawks and Abenakis, but if we may judge from what 
 takes place among other nations, their accounts would 
 present a very different view. 
 " But, to return to the fort at Little Harbour. After the 
 games were ended, the Caniba chief gives the word 
 Novgooelnumook, ' Now pay the stakes.' A large blanket 
 is spread out to receive them, and the Canibas strip them- 
 selves of their ornaments and cast them in. The follow- 
 ing articles were enumerated by the historian : Meehootaale, 
 epauletts, Pugnlaky breastplates, Neskumunul, brooches, 
 Nasaboodakun, noserings, Nasogwadakunul, linger-rings, 
 Nasunegunul, a sort of large collar loaded with ornaments, 
 more like a jacket than a collar; Epelakunul, hair binders, 
 Egatepesoon, garters, sometimes, as in the present case, 
 made of silver; Ahgwesunahel^ hat-bands. These arti- 
 cles were piled in and the blanket filled so full that they 
 could scarcely tie it. Then another was put down and 
 filled as full. After this the Canibas returned to their 
 own country. A lasting peace had been concluded, which 
 has never yet been violated, and it is not likely it ever 
 will be." 
 The period of Micmac ascendancy in Nova Scotia, was 
 followed by the time of its colonization by the French, 
 and of contention between them and the English for its 
 possession. But at this time Pictou is scarcely ever men- 
 tioned. When we consider the resources of the county, 
 and the skill of the French in availing themselves of all 
 II f 
 the advantages of the country, it seems quite surprising 
 that they had done so little here. But the .coal and other 
 mineral resources were in the interior and unknown. 
 Cape Breton was more convenient for the fisheries, and, 
 for agriculture, they had been led by their experience of 
 the richness of the marshes of the Bay of Fundy, to seek 
 that kind of land, of which there is little in Fictou, and 
 that of inferior quality. Besides they had made consider- 
 able settlement at Tatamagouche, which, being nearer 
 than Pictou to Truro, was the point of communication by 
 water, between their settlements on the Basin of Minas^ 
 and Ihose in Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton. 
 At all events there is not a county in the Province, in 
 which they have left fewer trac ' of their presence than 
 in Pictou. 
 Halyburton says, " The French had made a few incon- 
 siderable settlements here previous to the peace of 1763, 
 but upon the reduction of Canada they deserted them^ 
 and in a few years they were again covered with wood." 
 All we know of their presence here is by what the first 
 English settlers found on their arrival. We thus learn 
 that their largest settlement was on ihe big island of 
 Merigomish. A small channel which makes off" from the 
 main one there, is still known as the French Channel. 
 It has good water and is well sheltered, and is said to 
 have been used by them for running into with their small 
 shallops, in which they prosecuted the fisheries or traded 
 with the other French settlements. At the head of this 
 were found the remains of several dwellings. "Within 
 the memory of persons still living, the foundations of 
 seven or eight could still be traced. There was but little 
 land cleared ; but there were gardens or orchards, the 
 bushes in which continued to bear for many years. A 
 variety of articles were picked up here, shovels, knives^ 
 spoons, crockery and a few coins. Towards the west of 
 the island the remains were seen of a similar settlement^ 
 and among other articles found was the debris of a forge, 
 with axes unfinished and one in the tongs. 
 They had also a small settlement at the mouth of the 
 French Kiver, from which it derives its name. Here also 
 various articles have been picked up. 
 A few also had settled at the upper part of Little Har- 
 bour, where they also seem to have been employed in 
 fishing. The first English settlers found there the remains 
 of their old dwelling houses. An old man, in 1873, 
 informed me that in his boyhood he had picked up beads 
 and other articles among the ruins, and that some of the 
 first settlers had told him that they had found a brass 
 kettle under almost every chimney. A well was found 
 on what was afterward Lauder's farm, which was long 
 afterward known as the French well. Some traces of 
 them were also found at the harbour of Pictou. A log 
 shanty stood at the mouth of the Middle Eiver, and 
 another on the East River. Some pine had been cut down 
 at the Town Gut and along the stream upward, and the 
 spot where Barrie's (late Dickson's) mill now stands, 
 selected as the site of a mill. The remains of a cellar, 
 which had been well constructed with logs was, for a 
 length of time, to be seen about half way between the 
 Town Gut Bridge and Browns Point. 
 At what has long been known as the Burying Ground 
 Point, inside the entrance of the harbour, on the north 
 side, now known as Seaview Cemetery, was found a saw- 
 pit fallen in, with a log upon it in which the whip saw, 
 much rusted, still remained. It is believed by many, on 
 the assertion of some Micmacs, that this was used as a 
 burying ground by the French, and in the faith of this 
 several Roman Catholics have been buried there, and with 
 their Protestant neighbors sleep their last sleep in peace. 
 The remains of two or three huts were also found near 
 this point toward the entrance of the harbour. 
 Evidence of their presence was also found at Garriboo. 
 The remains of three houses were found on the island^ 
 and of three or four on the mainland ; one at Rod. McLeod's 
 and another at Three Brooks, now Weir's place. Here 
 they had fenced the marsh and used it for pasturing and 
 feeding a few cattle, but they had very little land cleared. 
 They are generally spoken of as having been principally 
 engaged in fishing, but the tradition is that the shores of 
 this harbour then abounded with large oak, which they 
 cut and shipped to Louisburg, where it was largely used 
 in the construction of the city, and probably also in ship- 
 Various remains have been found at different places in 
 the county, which tell ^e tale of the presence of visitors 
 at this period, but which afford us scarcely any further 
 information regarding them. The hilt of a sword, with 
 only a small portion of the blade remaining, and supposed 
 from its appearance, to have been French, was picked up 
 on Carriboo Island, and some soldiers' buttons on the 
 mainland, near the entrance of Carriboo Harbour. Twa 
 muskets, with bayonets attached, were dug up at Fraserar 
 Point, and the remains of some guns, so decayed that both 
 wood and iron fell to pieces when handled, were turned 
 up by the plough near the Beaches. 
 , The late Mr. Hugh Fraser, some time after he had 
 settled at Middle River Point, turned up with the plough 
 parts of a human skeleton, alongside of which he found 
 a sword, still of such excellent temper that the point 
 could be bent to touch the hilt. Alas for military glory ! 
 It was taken to a blacksmith's shop and there made into 
 knives for splitting mackerel. "When digging the bank 
 at the east side of the West River for the erection of the 
 bridge at Durham, the workmen came upon the bones of 
 a very larg 3 man, covered with a flat stone. In digging 
 a well at Dunbar's, near South Pictou, a skeleton was 
 found about eighteen inches below the surface ; the bones 
 were of small size, and were supposed to have belonged 
ones oi 
 to a young person or a female. Other remains of the 
 same kind have been found at other places, all telling of 
 visitors previous to the English settlement. " Only this 
 and nothing more." 
 Such arc all the facts we have been able, after diligent 
 enquiry, to collect regarding the French settlement of 
 Pictou. "We had despaired of ever being able to know 
 anything of those of whom these remains speak. Unex- 
 pectedly, however, we have become able to give the name 
 of at least one settler. A number of years ago Charles 
 McGee, of Merigomish, coming from the Strait of Canso, 
 as he passed Big Tracadie, lodged at the house of a Mr. 
 Petitpas ; during the evening, finding that he was from 
 Merigomish, the conversation turned on the original 
 French settlement, when he learned that Mr. P's father 
 had been one of the settlers there, and his mother, who 
 was then very old and infirm, said, that if able to go to 
 the place, she could yet show them where she had buried 
 a large brass kettle, containing a number of household 
 Of this era, tradition has preserved some faint reminis- 
 cence of a fight between an English and a French man- 
 of-war in the harbor. But the details are given in such 
 difierent and even contradictory ways, that while I have 
 little doubt of some such afiair having taken place, I am 
 unable to give the particulars. The first settlers found 
 in one tree back of the town a piece of chain-shot, and in 
 another a cannon-ball lodged, which they considered as 
 evidence of such an encounter. According to tradition, 
 the French had some guns landed and mounted on the 
 battery hill. 
 There is also a tradition of the capture, off" Pictou island, 
 of a valuable French vessel on the way down fromi 
 Quebec. Word had been received of the saiUng of such a 
 vessel, and accordingly one or two English vessels laid in 
 wait under the island till she made her appearance, when 
 m 1 
 I --ir; 
 ^ '■■!; 
 they put ont and captured her, but the whole is inyolved 
 in obscurity. 
 At what time they left Pictou, cannot be determined 
 exactly. At the time of the expulsion of the Acadians 
 from the district around Truro, then known as Cobequid, 
 •Colonel Monckton was ordered to send a detachment to 
 Tatamagouche, to demolish all the houses they found 
 there, together with all the shallops, boats, canoes, or ves- 
 sels of any kind, etc. ; and to give " particular orders for 
 entirely destroying and demolishing the villages of 
 Jediacko (Shediac), Ramsack (now Wallace), etc." How 
 far these injunctions t^ ere carried out, we have no infor- 
 mation. It is not likely that those employed came as far 
 east as Pictou, but certain it is that all the French settle- 
 ments along the Forth Shore of Nova Scotia were aban- 
 doned shortly after, and the circumstances in which 
 articles were found leave little doubt that their departure 
 was hurried. It is said that those driven out moved 
 eastward, and formed the settlements of Tracadie and 
 Harbour Bushie, in the County of Antigonish. 
 As there were no English inhabitants in Pictou during 
 the period referred to, this county was the scene of none 
 of the atrocities inflicted by the Indians on the early Eng- 
 lish settlements, though there is little doubt that the 
 Micmacs in this quarter had their share with their 
 brethren in the war carried on under the instigation oi 
 the French against the English in other parts of the Pro- 
 vince. But in the year 1761, on the 15th October, as 
 stated by Mr. Murdoch, a treaty of peace was signed in 
 council with Janneoville Pectougawack (meaning Pictou- 
 man), chief of the Indians of Pictouck and Malagoniche 
 ^Merigomish), and the way was thus opened for the 
 peaceable occupation of the place by English settlers. 
 "We have not been able to find the record of this treaty, 
 said Mr. Murdoch could not direct us to the source of his 
 information. The name is not Micmac, and we believe 
 it is either a misprint or that the Micmacs have corrupted 
 the French name. At all events, we believe that the 
 party was the same person afterward known as Capt. 
 Toncy. He is said to have been a Frenchman, who had 
 adopted the mode of life of the Aborigines, and had 
 acquired such influence over them that he was regarded 
 as a high chief, — that he spoke French well and English 
 tolerably, besides Micmac, — that he has dined at the 
 Governor's table and was able to conduct himself w^ith 
 the politeness of a Parisian. He was the ancestor of the 
 present Toney family among the Micmacs, and they 
 assert that the treaty was made by him in the name of 
 the tribe — that on the part of the English, gun and bay- 
 onet, and on the-part of the Micmacs, tomahawk, bow and 
 arrow, were solemnly buried in one grave on the Citadel 
 Hill, at Halifax, the latter weapons underneath. Perhaps 
 the name as given by Murdoch may have been a mis- 
 reading for Toneyville. "We may add, that from him 
 Toney River derives its name, but how it came to be 
 connected with him we have not been able to ascertain. 
 One incident, however, we shall give as connected with 
 this period, which we believe to be well established. 
 Among the first English settlers it was received as a well- 
 known fact, that a French war vessel had escaped from 
 Louisburg during the siege, containing treasure, and that 
 she had been chased into Carriboo Harbor. The entrance 
 being narrow, and the English probably not acquainted 
 with the navigation, did not venture to pursue. As she 
 did not come out, and could not be seen, it was supposed 
 that she had gone ashore in some creek. Accordingly, 
 soon after the arrival of the first English settlers. Dr. Har- 
 ris an^^ his brother Matthew resolved on a search for her. 
 They set out in a log canoe and paddled down the har- 
 bor and round the coast to Carriboo Harbor, thence along 
 the south shore of the harbor till they reached Carriboo 
 JJiver, then up that stream to where it forks. Here they; 
 1 ' t 
 i . 
 resolved to separate, each following a branch of the river, 
 agreeing that if either should succeed, ho should sound a 
 horn to call his brother. Matthew took the Little Eiver, 
 which joins the main stream at a course nearly at right 
 angles with it. On going round the point formed by 
 their juncture, he had proceeded but a short distance 
 when, in a little cove, ut what is now George Morrison's 
 place, he suddenly came upon the object of their search, 
 snugly beached. The channel of the river is deep, but 
 somewhat crooked, and those on board must have been 
 thoroughly acquainted with it to have brought her here, 
 and to have selected this spot to run her ashore. So 
 completely concealed was she by the bend in the shore 
 and intervening woods, that Harris was within ten yards 
 of her before she was seen. 
 He immediately blew his horn, when his brother came, 
 and they gave a cursory examination of their prize. She 
 was a sloop, a neat and trim vessel. She had been 
 armed, but the cannon were out of her, it was supposed, 
 having been thrown overboard. All her rigging still 
 remained on her. 
 From the position in which she lay, they supposed 
 that there would . be no difficulty in getting her off, 
 and they left, intending to return speedily with pro- 
 per appliances for the purpose. On arrival home, they 
 freely made known their discovery, but before they could 
 return, the Indians had set fire to her. "When spoken to 
 about their conduct, they explained that she had been 
 left in their charge by the French owners, with instruc- 
 tions not to touch her unless the English discovered 
 her, but if they did, to burn her at once, which they did.'*^ 
 • Aljout fifty years ago James A. Harris, of Cartiboo Island, a son of 
 Matthew, and who frequently told this story as he received it from his father, 
 pointed out to his son James the keel and some of the timbers still standing. 
 One who was present tried them with his axe, and pronounced them to be of 
 American white oak. Probably some remaiofi of her might yet be found in 
 the mud. 
 It is certain that vessels escaped from Louisbnrg with 
 treasure during the siege, and there is strong reason to 
 believe that this had contained valuables, which those on 
 board, when they abandoned her, could not carry away 
 and concealed. About the year 1802 a vessel one evening 
 came to anchor off the mouth of the harbour, and a boat 
 with a strong crew put off from her, and was seen going 
 up the river. It was not seen to return, but early 
 the next morning the vessel got under weigh and 
 departed. Shortly after, some of the people going up 
 the river found, at the head of the tide, a place bearing 
 all the marks of their having been at work. There was 
 a hole from four to six feet square, and not very deep, 
 perhaps four feet, with hand-spokes, whose position 
 showed that they had been used in prying something 
 like a chest out of the bottom of the hole. 
 It is said that on examination the trees around were 
 found to have upon them marks pointing in the direction 
 of where the hole was. This place is at some distance 
 from the place where the vessel was ashore, and on the 
 other branch of the river, but we can easily understand 
 the wisdom of seeking such a place of concealment. 
 A settler who lived near, is reputed to have found a 
 large sum of money. There have been various stories 
 of the French burying money, which have led parties 
 foolishly to dig in various places. That in the hurry of 
 leaving and in the expectation of returning, they some- 
 times buried some of their possessions, we have reason toi 
 believe, but it was little money they had to bury, and 
 ^^ hat they had they carried away. "We are generally 
 incredulous regarding all stories of money found, but the 
 ir 'brmation we have received, leads us to give some credit 
 to this case. A son of the settler referred to, told a gentle- 
 man who reported the case to me, that it was true — that he 
 and his sister, both then children, first found the money 
 under a stanp, that it consisted entirely of old coins. 
i! I l 
 strange to him, but whether French or not he did not 
 know ; that they told their father of it, who gathered 
 them, but gave them none of it. The Btory commonly 
 received is that he took it to his merchant who shipped :t 
 to England, both agreeing; to say nothing about the mat- 
 ter lest government should claim the amount. The 
 merchant in the meantime supplied the settler abundantly 
 with articles for his family, but afterward failed, so that 
 they received little more for their find. Other facts that 
 we have, give probability to the story. 
 I li !< 
 During the war on this continent between the English 
 and French, which resulted in the taking of Louisbtirg 
 and Quebec, and was terminated by the peace of 1768, 
 the settlement of Nova Scotia engaged considerable atten- 
 tion in the old colonies. About the years 1760 and 1761 
 a considerable number of persons removed from different 
 parts of New England and settled several townships in 
 the western parts of the Province. So little, however, was 
 known of Pictou at this time, that in a description of '• the 
 several towns in the Province, with the lands compre- 
 hended ill and bordering on said towns," drawn up by 
 ihe Surveyor General in the year 1762, by order of 
 Lieutenant-Governor Belcher, for the information of the 
 Home Government, it is stated that " from Tatamagouche 
 to the Gut of CaTiso there is no harbour, but a good road 
 under the Isle Poitee (Pictou Island). No inhabitant ever 
 settled in thia part of the coi.ntry, and consequently no 
 kind of improvement." 
 At the conclusion of the war, a large number of influen- 
 tial i)ersonK, not only in the New England States, but in 
 other of the Old Colonies, took up tie subject of the 
 colonization of the Province, and it is in this way that 
 Pictou first comes into notice in the early settlement of 
 Nova Scotia. Their views are thus stated in a letter from 
 the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province to the Lords 
 Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, dated 30th 
 April, 1765 :— 
 << By th« late arrival of several persons from Pennsylvania, New Jersey and 
 some of the nc:.,hbouring coloniefi, we have the prospect of having this 
 Province Koon peopled by the accession of many settlers from these parts. 
 " These persons have come on behalf of several associations of commercial 
 people and others in goocl circumstances, to view the country and examine 
 what advantages the settlement and cultivation of it may produce. By their 
 Itccounts the considerablo numbers of Germans annually imported in the 
 Colonies from whence they come, has so overstocked the good lands, and 
 those situated within any convenient distance of navigation, that not only 
 many of them have lately been obliged to move into Carolina and Virginia, 
 j;)ut that there are also now numbers of useless persons among them. And 
 this is not the only motive they have for making settlements in this country 
 for the merchants in those parts ore much at a loss to provide an export in 
 return for the British commodities, and, therefore, have turned their thoughts 
 to this Province for fish and hemp, to produce which, of the best kind and 
 greatest abundance, notliing but a sufficiency oi luVuutiiig people is wanting, 
 and thus those people being employed, they will be sufficiently prevented 
 from any attention to manufa.?ture8. 
 " And indedd, my Lords, w ;at seems to promise the certain acquisition of 
 these great udmntages from the present applications, is that these settlements 
 are to be undertaken by people of very sufficient and able circumstances, who 
 propose the establishment of many German families, by which means the 
 annual current of Germans to Ameiicn will very suddenly bo diverted into 
 this Province, from whence it must receive a very considemblo degree of 
 strength, for these frugal, laborious and industrious people will not only improve 
 and enrich their property, but pertinaciously defend it. 
 " Among the several persons who have arrived hero with a vie\,^ to these 
 undertakings is Mr. Alexander McNutt, who has frequently attended at your 
 Lordships' Board. His applications arc of a very considerable degree and 
 extcpt, .nd ho produces many letters from the associations I have before men- 
 tioned, so icitiug him, in the most pressing manner, to use his utmost 
 endeavours to procure for them the tracts of land for which they apply, and on 
 such conditions as ho had obtained at your Lordships' Board tho 27th 
 February, 1761, for all such settlers as he would introduce into this Province." 
 I ''il 
 1; S': 
 II li 
 When we remember that at this time the whole of 
 what is now the Western States was still open for settle- 
 mentj it seems curious to find parties in the Middle States 
 a century ago representing the good soil there as already 
 overstocked, and in consequence seeking land in Nova 
 Scotia. Accomi)anying this representation was a list of 
 firms or companies, to the number of fifteen, among 
 whom we notice James Lyon, of Trenton, and " Dr. 
 Franklin & Co.," who sought grants of land, some of 
 100,000 acres and some of 200,000, making altogether 
 2,000,000 acres. The Dr. Franklin mentioned here is we 
 believe the great Benjamin, who was at that time influen- 
 tial in England and interested in the settlement of this 
 Province. In a petition on their behalf, McNutt says, 
 " that he did engage with several persons in Ireland, 
 Pennsylvania, Virginia, and other parts of His Majesty's 
 dominions, to provide lands in this Province on the terms 
 contained in his proposals, for the settlement of as many 
 families as they would furnish ; that the several persons 
 so engaging with him had been at considerable expense 
 and trouble to fulfil their engagement by procuring 
 many families for that purpose, who are now waiting 
 with much anxiety and impatience to transport them- 
 selves to this Province." 
 Among the speculators at that time engaged in taking 
 up land and bringing settlers to the Province, jione was 
 more active than Mr. McNuft, who is styled by Halybur- 
 ton "an enthusiastic adventurer from the North of 
 Ireland," who had already been the means of settling 
 Truro, Onslo\^^ and Londonderry.* 
 The result of these applications was, that in June of 
 that yoar it was agreed in Council to reserve 200,000 
 acres for a company consisting of the Kev. James Lyon, 
 • He was also engaged ofterward in settling portions of the County of 
 8hclburne. At the close of bis life ho resided on an island there, still 
 called McNutts Island, and was drowned crossing to the shore. 
 McNutt, and thirteen othPTd. priiicipally residing in the 
 city of Philadelphia, of land " between Onslow, Truro, 
 and the lands granted to Colonel DesBarres at Tatama- 
 gouche." In July, on their representing that they had 
 at considerable expense and fatigue viewed the 200,000 
 acres reserved for them, and found that there was not the 
 quantity applied for there, it was resolved that they 
 should have " liberty to chooso the aforesaid quantity 
 between Tatamagouche and Picto.^* 
 At the same time 1,000,000 was reserved for McNutt 
 and his associates at various places, among which is a 
 block of 100,000 acres at Pictou. 
 At this period land was being granted by order of the 
 British Government to various individuals, principally 
 officers of the army and navy, for services during the 
 war. It was in this way that two years later the whole 
 of Prince Edward Island was granted in one day. 
 Accordingly, on the 15th of October, five grants passed 
 nominally for 20,000 acres each, though in reality 
 containing much more, embracing the whole eastern half 
 of the county. 
 In accordance with the resolutions above mentioned, 
 there was a lot of 100,000 acres granted on the same day 
 to McNutt and some of his friends, and on the 31st 
 another nominally for 200,000 acres to the Philadelphia 
 Company, commonly known as the Phila "''^Iphia Grant, 
 to which we shall have occasion more ^^ -*rticularly to 
 refer presently. Thus in one month, and principally in 
 one day, a district not exactly coinciding with the county 
 of Pictou, but embracing the larger portion of it, and also 
 a large part of the comity of Colchester, was granted to 
 individuals, the most of it to speculators. 
 The names of the grantees of the first five mentioned 
 lots are John Major, John Ilenerker, John Haygens 
 (afterward corrected Godhard Huygens), John Fisher, 
 and John "Wentworth. Major's grant fronted on Merigo- 

 ' P 
 f i 
 mish Harbor, at its eastern end. To the west of this lay 
 Henerker's lot. In the rear of these and extending still 
 further westward, was Ihiygens'. Of these i>arties we 
 know nothing. The only mention of their names we 
 have seen is in a memorial from Sir John Wentworth, in 
 which he petitions against the escheating of these grants, 
 " on behalf of the most noble Duchess Dowager of 
 Chandois and Sir John Henerker, Bart., and member of 
 the British Parliament, heirs and proprietors of certain 
 lands at Picton and Merigomish, formerly granted to 
 John Henerker and Godhard Huygens." 
 Fisher, we have heard, was a major in the army. 
 Wentworth, in a memorial at the close of the American 
 war, says,'" That your memorialist and said John Fisher 
 were in His Majesty's service in America, and in conse- 
 quence of their fidelity, and zeal in their duty, were 
 proscribed and exiled from the United States of America, 
 their extensive property in Nev; England confiscated, 
 and their means of improving their estate at Pictou 
 considerably diminished." By letters at that date, it 
 appears that he was then residing in London. His grant 
 is now only interesting as having given its name to that 
 part of the south side of the harbor immediately fronting 
 upon the town ; but to show how lands were granted at 
 that time, we may give the description of the grant. It 
 is as follows : 
 " Beginning at the north-east coiner of McNutt's land, at a cove on the ca«t 
 Bide of I'll, ton Harbor, and running south 47°, cast 45G chains on said M/ Nutt's 
 hmd, thence south 808 chains on the same, thence cast T4 chains on lot No. 
 1 (Iluj-gcns grant), thence north GOO chains on lot No. 3 (Wcntworth grant), 
 thence cast till it meets Merigomish Harbor, thence along the sea-coast and 
 harbor of Pictou to the first mentioned boundary, including tlie islands in the 
 harbor of Merigomish." 
 We may mention that the portions of these? grants on 
 the shore nearly coincide with what was afterward called 
 the 82nd grant. "Westward of Henerker's lot, and fronting 
 on the western part of Merigomish harbor, was what is 
 still known as the "Wentworth grant. Of all the grants 
 given in that October, this is the only one which was not 
 <;scheated. As it is thus the oldest grant in the county, 
 we may give its boundaries as originally described : 
 " Beginning at a cove in Mcrigomish harbor, boundid on lot No. 2 (Fishet'a 
 grant), and to run west 56 chains, thence south COO chains (or 7 J UMles) on 
 suid lot, thence cast 352 chains on lot No. 1 (Hiiygons), thence north 648 
 chains (over 10 miles) on let No. 4 (Hcncrker'n lot) to Jlerigomish harbor, 
 thence to be bounded I y raid harbor to the first mentioned liouudary." 
 "Wentworth, afterward Sir John, was a native of New 
 Hampshire, afterward Governor of that Province, and at 
 a later jieriod of Nova Scotia (1792 — 1808). He was at 
 that time Surveyor of His Majesty's woods in North 
 America, an office which he continued to hold till the 
 American Revolution, after which he held the same 
 position in the remaining Provinces, 
 The conditions of these grants were the same, viz.: that 
 the grantees should pay a quit rent of one farthing per 
 acre for the one-half within five years, and the whole to 
 be payable within ten years ; and secondly, to settle Pro- 
 testant settlers upon it in the proportion of one i^erson to 
 every 200 acres within ten years from the date of their 
 grant. These conditions were never fulfilled, and, so far 
 as we know, no effort was made for that purpose by any 
 of the parties except Wentworth, at a period, however, 
 after the time fixed ; and, as already mentioned, all the 
 grants except his were escheated. 
 "We may mention here that the only mines reserved on 
 these lands were gold, silver and coal, so that the picsent 
 owners of the Wentworth grant are proprietors of all 
 other minerals they can find on their land and already 
 portions of it have been found to be rich in iron ore. 
 On the same day with the date of these grants another 
 passed to Mr. Alexander McNutt, William Caldwell, 
 Arthur Vance and Richard Caldwell, of a tract of land : 
 " Beginning at a cove on the east side of Pictou Hhrbour (this must have 
 been near the mouth of the East Biver) and running south 47'\ oast 550 chains. 
52 ' 
 thence Bouth 1,040 chains (13 miles), thence west 872 (nearly 11 miles), thenco' 
 north till it meets the innermost rirer of Pictou, tbcuce bounded by said 
 river and harbour of Pictou to first mentioned boundary. Also one otber 
 piece beginning at a point bearing north 33 cost, from the little island in the 
 harbour of Pictou (this was at Brown's Point), and running north to the sea 
 shore (near Itoddicks, Carriboo), thence to be bounded by the seashore and 
 harbour of Pictou to the first mentioned boundar}-, including Pictou Island." 
 This was afterward known as the Irish grant. Of the 
 parties to it, except McNutt, all we know is that they are 
 said to belong to Londonderry, in Ireland. It will be seen 
 that it embraced all the southern and western shores of 
 the harbour from Fishers Grant round to the West River^ 
 and the land into the interior to the southward to ; dis- 
 tance of about 20 miles, embracing both banks of the 
 East and Middle Rivers and the west side of the "W"es.. to 
 the distance of about a mile above Durham. It also 
 ombraeed the block on which the town now stands, com- 
 mencing at Browns Point and extended round the coast 
 to Carriboo. 
 It will also be seen that it covered nearly all the most 
 desirable portions of the harbour, and had the first settle- 
 ment been upon it, the effort might have been more 
 successful, and much of the suffering afterward experi- 
 enced might have been avoided. 
 But the grant, which is of special interest, as connected 
 with the early history of Pictou, was the last one men- 
 tioned as having passed at that time, usually known as 
 the Philadelphia grant. It is dated the 31st October, and 
 it is to Edmund Crawley, Esq., (for 20,000 acres) the Rev. 
 James Lyon, John Rhea, Richard Stockton, George Bryan, 
 William Symonds, John Wykoff, Isaac Wykoff, Jonathan 
 Smith, Andrew Ilodge, John Bayard, Thomas Harris, 
 Robert Harris, and David Rhea for 180,000 acres. 
 Of these grantees Lyon and the Harrises will come 
 under our notice again. Ot ;he others, we know nothing 
 except that they resided in Philadelphia, from which 
 •circumstance the company and the grant derived their 
 name. The following is the description of their land : 
 " Beginning at tho southwest bounds of lands granted to Joseph Frederick 
 Wallet Des Barres, and running thenco west 550 chains on iingranted landfl, 
 thence south 580 chains on ungranted lands, and on tho township of London- 
 derry, thence cast 800 chains on the township of Onclow, thenco south 900 
 -chains on Sts.id township and on ungranted lands, thenco 1,000 chains on 
 ungrantt'd lands, thence north 932 chains, more or less, till it meets tho west- 
 ernmost river of Fictou, thenco the course of the said rirer on the north side, 
 till it m?etB the westernmost boundary of land granted to Alexander McNutt 
 «ud associates, thence running nortii on said lands till it meets the seashore, 
 thence the course of tho seashcro till it Jieets the northeast boundary of lands 
 granted to J. F. \V. Des Barres aforesaid, thenco on his eastern boundary 480 
 chains, on said lands to the first mentioned boundary ; together with the 
 islands adjacent, containing on tho whole 200,000 acres, more or less. 
 ■<In manner and form following, viz.: one equal undivided tenth part to 
 Edmund Crawley, Esq., and the remaining nine-tenths to and among the 
 others mentioned." 
 The line of the Des Barres grant referred to, commenced 
 at Point Brule, between two and three miles to the west 
 of the present county line, so that the Philadelphia grant 
 included not only the greater portion of the township of 
 Pictou, but a large portion of the county of Colchester, 
 including part of the River John road settlement to Point 
 Brule, a large part of New Annan, the whole of Earltown 
 and Kemptown, with a considerable portion of Stewiacke. 
 In fact, it would have made a county of itself. 
 But it will also be seen that on Pictou Harbour it had a 
 very small frontage on the water, including only that part 
 of the shore from Browns Point to the head of the harbour. 
 All the shore from Browns Point eastward round to 
 Carriboo had been obtained by McNutt. This naturally 
 belonged to the Philadelphia Company's grant, and it 
 plainly appears that, while acting for his friends in Phil- 
 adelphia, he had also been acthig for himself and some 
 others, and had managed very uniairly to get this into his 
 own hands. This we know was afterwards the subject 
 of bitter complaint against him, we have no doubt, justly, 
 and, as we shall presently see, it was a great obstacle in 
 the way of the settlement of the place. 
 The conditions of these two grants are somewhat 
 curious. They were, first, that the giantees should pay a. 
 quit rent the same as on the other grants. Secondly, that 
 they plant, cultivate, improve or enclose one-third part 
 within ten years ; one other-third part within twenty 
 years, and the other one-third within thirty years ; other- 
 wise, such portions as are not improved to be forfeited. 
 These tei-ms we think simply impossible to be fulfilled. 
 Thirdly, they were to plant, within ten years from the 
 date of the grant, one rood of every 1,000 acres with hemp,, 
 and to keep a like quantity of land planted during the 
 successive years. This condition is in a good many grants 
 of the time. It probably originated in the desire of the 
 British Government to be independent of foreign nations, 
 in providing cordage for her marine. But though this is 
 the condition on which so much land in the Province i» 
 held, yet, as the late L. Doyle remarked in the Legislature, 
 there is now not sufiicient raised in the Province for crim- 
 inal purposes. The last condition was, that they were to 
 settle one-fourth of the land within one year after the 31st 
 day of November next, in the proportion of one Protestant 
 person to every 200 acres ; one other fourth within two 
 years ; one other fourth within three years, and the 
 remaining fourth within four years, or the land so unset-: 
 tied should revert to the Crown. The last condition was 
 an excellent one, and had it been carried out to any extent, 
 it would have tended to the rapid settlement of the 
 country. But the time allowed was too short. Altogether, 
 the terms were unreasonably severe. For five months the 
 agents had remained seeking better terms, and then, as 
 the Grovernor says, " it was with great difficulty they sub- 
 mitted to these terms, which they thought severe, and it 
 was -with reluctance they were granted, because they were 
 not strictly conformable to the King's intentions," and 
 they only accepted them on condition that they should. 
 be at liberty to avail themselves of such better terms as. 
 could be obtained by representations to the Home Gov- 
 It does not appear that McNutt made any attempt to 
 settle his land, and the grant was consequently escheated 
 in the year 1770, but not until the first settlement had 
 been made by the Philadelphia Company, and till his 
 grant had proved an obstacle to their progress. The 
 Philadelphia Company, however, seemed determined 
 honestly to carry out their engagement as far as practicable. 
 In a memorial to the Governor, dated 21st August, 1766, 
 they represent that '* they have received many disapi)oint- 
 ments, in their intentions of settling the lands granted to 
 them between Pictou and the townships of Onslow and 
 Truro, by the misrepresentations of one Mr. Anthill, who 
 had represented the country as rocky, barren and unfit 
 for improvement, and likewise made very injurious repre- 
 sentations of the Government of this Province, all which 
 very much prejudiced the persons who had engaged to 
 settle the lands. That they had likewise met with a very 
 great disappointment, on finding that a considerable part 
 of the harbour of Pictou, by some mistake in the survey, 
 was not granted to them, as they expected, all which, 
 with many obstructions from the scarcity of money and 
 the stagnation of trade, occasioned by the Stamp Act 
 taking place at that time, rendered them incapable of 
 making any settlements this year, as intended." In con- 
 sequence of this, they were allowed to the 1st of June 
 following to settle the first portion of settlers. 
 On the 5th of May, 17G7, seven of the Company, George 
 Bryan, "William Symonds, Andrew Hodge, Robert Harris, 
 John Bayard, and John Smith, all of Philadelphia, and 
 Thomas Harris, of Baltimore County, in the Province of 
 Maryland, executed a power of attorney to John "WykofF, of 
 Philadelx)hiii, merchant, and Dr. John Harris, of Baltimore 
 County, empowering them to grant and sell, in the name 
 of the Company, their land, on such terms as they sliould 
 Bee fit. The Rev. James Lyon, v7ho was already in the 
 Province, afterward executed a similar paper to Harris. 
 They also despatched a small brig, called the Hope, 
 Captain Hull, of Rhode Island, with six families of settlers 
 and supplies of provisions for their use. These families 
 consisted of Dr. Harris, the agent and wife, Robert 
 Patterson, who came as a surveyor for the Company, 
 his wife and five children, the eldest nine years old, 
 and the youngest only three months ; James McCabe, 
 wife and six children; John Rogers, wife and four 
 children; Henry Cumminger, wife and four or five 
 children, and a sixth family whoso name is uncer- 
 tain. Besides these, Patterson had with him a convict 
 servant. It was customary at that time in the old 
 colonies to sell criminals sentenced to penal servitude, to 
 serve out their sentence in a position similar to that of 
 slaves, to any who might be willing to buy them. Pat- 
 terson had bought this man for a term of seven years, 
 which, we may here observe, ho fully served. Thus the 
 company consisted of twelve heads of families, about 
 twenty children, and one convict servant, and possibly 
 one or two colored slaves. 
 The Hope sailed from Philadelphia toward the end of 
 May, and called at Halifax to obtain information regarding 
 the coast round to Pictou. Harris's power of attorney is 
 attested there on the 3rd June. Leaving Halifax after 
 a few days' stay, they reached tho harbor of Pictou 
 on the 10th of June. The people of Truro had heard of 
 their coming, and five or six young men set out through 
 the woods to meet them and aid in commencing opera- 
 tions. Of theso we have heard the names of Samuel 
 Archibald, father of the late S. Gr. "W. Archibald, John 
 Otterson, Thomas Troop, and Ephraim Howard. The 
 two latter we notice from the circumstance that, in 
 passing the mountains on the western border of tho 
 county, they named the one Mount Thorn and the other 
 I ^ 
 Mount Ephraim, after themselves, names which they 
 have retained to this day.* They reached the harbor 
 the same afternoon that tho vessel arrived, and made 
 large fires on the shore about Beck's place to attract her 
 up. Those on board saw the fires and supposed that 
 they were made by savages, of whom they naturally 
 «tood in terror. The vessel accordingly stood off and on 
 till next morning, and the company deliberated whether 
 to resist or submit to their mercy. Like true English- 
 men, they chose tho bolder alternative. 
 During the night their number was increased by Mrs. 
 Harris giving birth to a son, afterward known as Clerk 
 Tommy, having filled the situation of Clerk of tho Peace 
 and Prothonotary for some years. He died in 1809, and 
 was buried in Pictou graveyard, where a monument stood 
 till recently to his memory, on which he was described as 
 *• the first descendant of an Englishman born in Pictou." 
 The next morning they saw the Truro party coming 
 along the shore, and by their spy-glasses, discovered, to 
 their joy, that they were whites, and as the vessel stood 
 in toward the shore, they heard the cheerful hail of friends. 
 That day they landed at tho point just above the Town 
 Gut, which had been SGlected as the site of a town, as the 
 part of the Company's grant nearest to the entrance of th^ 
 harbour. The prospect was indeed dreary enough. One 
 unbroken forest covered the whole surface of the country 
 to the water's edge. "What is now tho lower part of the 
 town was then an alder swamp. All around stood the 
 mighty monarchs of the wood in all their primeval 
 grandeur, tho evergreens spreading a sombre covering 
 over the plains and up the hills, relieved by tho lighter 
 shade of the deciduous trees, with hero and there some 
 tall spruce rising like a black minaret or spire above its 
 fellows. But chiefly conspicuous to the eye of the obser- 
 * Somo think that Mt. Thorn derived its name from Thomas Aichibald, 
 hut the tradition we hare followed we think well founded. 
 ' M 
„lffi ::!i 
 ver wero \he tasselled heads of the white pines, for which 
 Pictou was afterwards so long distingviishod — their 
 straight stems towering to the height of 150 or 200 foet, 
 •' like masts of somo hiigL> admiral." ^ Some of tho early 
 grants roseircd all pino trees ovor two loot in diamotor, 
 " suitable for His M.ojosty's navy," l)ut herr within sight 
 might be seen probably enough to havo i:iiiytod all tho 
 ships, not only of His Britannic Majesty, but of all the 
 navies in Christendom. The scene was one on which tho 
 eye of Iho lover of nature might have gazed with delight, 
 but it is needless to say that these settlors looked upon 
 tho matter with more practical eyes. Tho interminable 
 forest only presented itself to them as an injuporablo 
 obstacle to their labours, and their hearts sanlc as thoy 
 contempli;txl the idea of wre&ting a subsist _>nc(> from tho 
 soil so encumbered. 
 Knowing tho hostility which tho Indiana had main- 
 tained to tho English almost up ta that period, and tho 
 cruelties which they practiced upon the infant settlements ; 
 familiar, too, with the talo of th?ir atrocities in the colonies 
 which they had left, their mindrj wero filled with fear of 
 the savages. Nor was this without reason. Tho French 
 were not yet without hopo of regaining their ancient 
 power over this land by the expulsion of the English, 
 and with this view were still intriguing with the Indians. 
 During the two years previous the latter held meetings in 
 a hostilo spirit, and on tho last of these occasions had 
 declared their intention not to allow any settlement at 
 Pictou, on the north shore of tho Province, f 
 • In the days of tho pine timbi^r trado, a tree that would not square a foot 
 to tho length cf sixty foet would bo considered a small tree, not worth taking, 
 while somt times they stood so close together that tho lumberers could not 
 take them all, lest in felling them they would break by falling across one 
 t " The last year they showed how capable tho French are of drawing them 
 together whenever they think proper, which they actually did by some means 
 unknown to the Government, for tho whole body of Indians wero collected 
 "When we add that there was not one English settler on 
 the north shore of the Province, from the Strait of Canso 
 to Bay Verte, or perhaps, even to Miramichi, wo may pic- 
 ture the loneliness of the little band, and need not wonder 
 that their hearts snnk within them at the prospci t of tho 
 toils and dangers before them. 
 What rendered this disappointment greater was, that 
 highly coloured representations had been made to them of 
 the country to which they were coming ; siich as, that 
 they could get sugar off the trees, in fact, they had come 
 with such ideas of tho place as are now entertained by 
 the emigrant to California. The advantages of those who, 
 in the years immediately previous, had removed from tho 
 old colonics and taken possession of tho clearances of tho 
 French, and who had exchanged tho rocky and barren 
 shores of Now England for the rich marshes of the Bay 
 of Fundy, had excited high expectations regarding Nova 
 Scotia. Tho more bitter, therefore, was their disappoint- 
 ment at the dreary prospect before them. After 'hey 
 landed, Mrs. Patterson used to tell, that she leaned her 
 head against a tree, which stood for many a year after, 
 and thought that if there was a broken-hearted creaturo 
 on the face of the earth, she was the one. As she looked 
 from every part of tbo Province, and assembled on an island called Madame, 
 to tho north East of Canso, and not far from tho head of La Brador, and as 
 they passed through the difftrent townships to their rendezvous they declared 
 they were to meet French forces and threatened to destroy tho settlements 
 when they should return. This alarmed the inhabitants to so great a degreo 
 that for several weeks together they were kept in continual apprehension, and 
 some part of the time even in arms ; and with diiQculty this body of Indians 
 were dispersed, partly by the influence of some gentlemen, and partly upon 
 finding themselves deceived in their expected support from the French. 
 " This year they have assembled in like manner, although not in so great a 
 body, but with tho samo disposition, and some of them have, in addition, 
 declared they will not allow any settlemenls to be made at Pictou, and that part of 
 the coast of this continent which Mes nearest St. Peters ; but they dispersed 
 upon the Government sending for a Canadian priest who officiates in tho Bay 
 of Chaleurs." — Letter of Lieutenant-Governor, dated 3rd September, 1766. 
 li r. 
 upon hor liUlo ones Icfl, HhrltdrlrHH in Ihocrupl wildf^moHH, 
 amon^ Hii.va'^vH (Ircmcd nlill nioro cniol, kHo could only 
 rViuy; to licr Inisliiind with llio cry, "Oh, Ilohnri, takn mo 
 back." So di.scoiiraj^rid w«'ro i\w whole band wilh th(? 
 sluld of imillcrH, (hat iho most of ilu^m wcro dcfminincd 
 to rclurn in Ihc vckncI whicli I'voiif^hl. Ihcni ; buf tho 
 capl.'iin, jillrr liMidiiifv liin pnNKc:iL;'..irN nntl HUpplics,Hlipp(Kl 
 oul, ol" lh<' li.'irbouv in ihcni]Uihl and loll, (hem to their ialo, 
 pi(^])ably with the concurrfnco ol' tho a^ont. 
 Wo havo no i)!irticular account ol" tho Hul)8C(]Uont 
 proceedings, but lh(! lew IiicIh wo havo j^lcancd wo shall 
 put toj^ollior as connectedly ns in our power. Tho first 
 night on shore they npent under tho t/cos, without oven 
 a camp to sheitiM* them, l)ut tho woa'her was :varm and 
 they did not sull'er from lh<^ cxpoHuro. Their tirst caro, 
 olcoiUNe, was to i>rovi<le some Khclter, which they did by 
 the erection ol' rude iiuis. Tho ngents ol' tho company 
 proceeded to lay out a town vvln^re ihcy had landed. A 
 half acni was assii^ned to (»ach I'amily, No. 1 being 
 McCabe's. At that ]ioint the trees wero not larf^e. Ho 
 immodiatoly set to work ;ind cleared hin hall' acre, and hii 
 descendants boast that ho cut down tito first tree in l*ictou. 
 lie had brouf^ht wilh him what Ihcy called a mattock, a 
 heavy instrument, on one side an axe and on tho other a 
 prubbinjjf hoe. TnsU^ad oi' chopping down tho troo, his 
 l)raclice was to take away tho oarlh from the main roots and 
 cut oil all the smaller ones, and then cilher leave it to fall 
 by tlie wind or drai^ it down and out of root. In this 
 way he <leared his lot, aiul instead of burninj^ the trees, ho 
 haided tlicm out to the tide, He was so ])rompt that 
 to reward him he was assigned another half acre. Ho 
 planted his lot with potatoes without ploughing, just 
 placing tho seed under tho moss, which had not been 
 burned, and which ho supposed would serve for manure, 
 Tho land at this point was inferior, and not having been 
 prepared, only a few weakly sprouts appeared, and in tho 
 fn)l tlio tuhors wore not larj^erihun potatoo ImIIh. Whnthor 
 the olhdVfj planted moro or fared bcltrif that Hoason, wo 
 havo not awortnined, Imt not likely they did. 
 j\ round thin ftoint a {dot wan reMerve'l lor a town, and 
 hence llin creek cIomo ])y ]\m over Klnce been known as 
 tho Towit (Jut. Farm lots were ansit^iKul to each Kottler. 
 Palti^rHon, afterward the Hquire, had hifi whero his eldeht 
 son, John, afterward resided, and where hi.s f:,Toat f^rand- 
 Bon, llesiry, and tho FullartoiiH now live, about two miles 
 from txiwn. Tho reraainu of hi.s orchard are Ktill ntandinij. 
 McCaho ^ot his whoro W. Kvana now lives, about five 
 milcH from town, and another where tho late Georijo 
 Murray lived below Durham. Ihit ho was a lionian 
 Catholic, and tho company's /rrant bound them to settlu 
 their land with Proteatants, and hcnco the deed of \\h 
 lots io in IiIh wife's namo. He had been partly educated 
 for a priest, and raana<Ted to ^'ain in thir way an influenco 
 over tho Indians, who pointed out to him the ])lac(' wherj 
 ho took up his land a.s rich, which it proved to be. 
 John Ilogors took ui) hi.s land on Jfogors Hill, which 
 derived its namo from him, whero his f^randson recently 
 lived. Tho situation \h a beautiful one, beint,' nearly at 
 tho summit of tho hill. But it seems singular that, with 
 all tho shore luiocoupietl, h<! should havo gone so far back ; 
 but tho la)id there was rich, with a line lay, and it wa.s 
 on tho blazed path to Truro, which he supposed would 
 bo tho road to Haliiax. Some of tho ap[)lo trees raisr;d 
 from seed which ho brought with him from Maryland 
 are utill standing. 
 ' Among tho first effortpj of tho settlors was tho Ojjoning 
 of a road, or rather blazing a path, to Truro. It is 
 claimed that this was done by Thomas ArchibaM, John 
 Otterson, of Truro, and John Ilogcrs, tho cornp;).ss their 
 only guide. The road left tho shore at tho head of Pir tou 
 harbor, above Evan."?, place, and went over Kog.;rs hill, 
 following nearly the course of the present road through 

 i I 
 H i 
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 Hogcrs settlement, beyond the Six and Eight Alile brooks. 
 I have hern informed that the first course was by the 
 North Mountain and down the North Eiver to Truro, 
 whii h if, rej^ardod by many as the shortest line between 
 iho two i^laces. But there were difficulties by that route, 
 and a line was oj^ened over Mount Thom, for which 
 Thomas Archibald has always got the credit, which 
 continued to be the regular line of communication 
 between the two places till about iho year 1831. After 
 rea-^hing the summit, it descended till it struck the 
 Salmon River, which it crossed at Kt ptown, thence 
 proceeding along the north side of the river, along the 
 upland, till within about f'^ur luiles of Truro, and the 
 remaining j^art of the distance along the intervale. 
 It seems even at this early period to have been regu- 
 larly laid out and duly measured. We find in the deeds 
 given shortly after such desciii^tions as the following : — 
 " At the Kouth-west corner of land laid out on the Coby 
 quid Road, between iho three and four mile trees." 
 " Another lying on Cobyquid Road, beginning at a stake 
 and stones near the eight mile camp, thence westwardly 
 on said road a mile and a quarter." At what time this 
 road was laid out we are uncertain, but think it was the 
 6umm;n- they arrived. It may be mentioned that the 
 various streams on the west side of the West River derived 
 their names from the distance on this road from the point 
 of departure. Thus Forl)es Brook was long known as 
 th" Half-mile Brook, and so we have the Four, Six and 
 Eight-mile Brooks. It may bo added that the farthest-up 
 settlor on the Truro sido for a long time was Thomas 
 Archibald, generally known as Uncle Tom, whose house 
 was long the home of ihe traveller. 
 " In addition," says Philo Antiquarivis, " to the difficul- 
 ties already mentioned, they were constrained to submit 
 to many indignities from the aborigines, who viewed 
 their operations with no friendly eye. These considered 
 the settlers as usurpers o{ their natrral rights, who had 
 cncroachod on their undoubted property ; and it required 
 not a moderate portion oi skill on the part of the civilized 
 to gain the good-will oi the savage, nor inconsiderable 
 prudence to establish i'lis amicableness when formed." 
 We have heard, for example, of a white man taking a (iiih 
 from the river, and an Indian taking it from him, saying 
 it was not his. They would enter the houses of the 
 settlers, and help themselves to the cakes that the women 
 might be baking on the hearth, or other j^rovisions, with 
 threat ^ning gestures. The settlers cultivated their friend- 
 ship hj such means as playing draughts, wrestling or by 
 what was perhaps more eflective, drinking fire water with 
 them. And though the Indians were fond of working on 
 ihcir fears, when they could do so, they do .not se«nn to 
 have intended to do them any serious injury. In face, 
 through I ki-iidness, they became attached to some of the 
 settlers, anvi showed them great kindness. iStill incidents 
 sometimes occurred which showed that they were not to 
 be trifl' d with, and that their old savage nature might be 
 revived. A young man, wrestling with an Indian, Ijy a 
 dextrous movement, which his opponent thought unfair, 
 tripped him. The Indian was very cross, and sometime 
 after, the young man going to the Middle River, whera 
 the former had his camp, his sc[ua\v came out and earnestly 
 warned him away, saying that her husband would kill 
 him if he found him there. 
 " During the summer months the settlers experienced 
 little inconvenience from the weather, but they found tha 
 winter much more severe and of longer continuance than 
 i '1 their native clime. They were consequently ill prepared 
 to meet its blasts, and sulTercd intensely from its inclem- 
 "As their provisions diminished, they directed their 
 enquiries to the internal resources of the country, and this 
 investigation was amply recompensed by discovering the 
 • ii 
 I!! li 
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 forest to be plentifully inhabited by different species of 
 wild animals. In hunting these, the settler usually had 
 the Indian for an associate, and his faithful dog for a 
 follower. Among the several kinds of animals, none were 
 more valuable or abundant than the moose. The hunter, 
 in endeavoring to procure these, was subjected to much 
 fatigue, having frequently to pursue one of them a w^hole 
 day, with the probability of not overtaking it at the end.'^t' 
 If, however, he were fortunate enough to catch it, the 
 quantity of excellent venison it produced might have been 
 deemed an equivalent for the labor of the chase, but, 
 besides, its skin, when properly prepared, was valued at 
 ten shillings, and was advantageously bartered for neces- 
 saries to traders, who were accustomed to run into the 
 harbour with small crafts. ' 
 " Necessity is truly the mother of art. Congregated as 
 the early inhabitants of this district were, in a place which 
 was devoid of every conveniency, where the most common 
 and indisponsible commodities were wanting, their ( reativo 
 powers were laid under heavy contribution, in order to 
 provide for the deficiency, and their inventive genius was 
 called into ceaseless operation in constructing articles for 
 household use, in forming implements of husbandry, and 
 making instruments for hunting. They thus became more 
 ingenious and more fertile in resources — what, in America, 
 is called more ' handy ' — than if living in older inhabited 
 In the following spring they found it necessary to pro- 
 ceed to Truro for seed ; the journey required three days 
 to go and as many to return. They returned, bearing 
 each a bag of seed potatoes on his back. The labour of 
 such a journey through trackless and intricate forests, 
 carrying a burden, we can scarcely estimate. That year 
 they planted the seed thus brought, and succeeded in 
 * The late Jamts Patterson told the writer of starting one back of the town,, 
 and killing it in descending the southern side of Green Hill.. 
 raising a quantity of good potatoes, bnt not sufficient for 
 their subsistence, so that winter had not much more than 
 begun before their supply was exhausted. 
 The following year they again went to Truro for a sup- 
 ply, but this time they cut the eyes out with a penknife, 
 by which they could carry a large supply, and that season 
 they raised enough for their subsistence during the follow- 
 ing winter. 
 TVe subjoin slightly abridged, a return of the population 
 at the close of the year 1709, which is, probably, the first 
 census taken in this place, from which it wdll bo seen 
 that besides the settlers wo have mentioned there had 
 arrived here, in 17G7 or 17G8, the families of Robert 
 McFadden, the Rev. James Lyon, and Barnabas McG-ee, 
 and that the first of these left in 17G9. By this return it 
 appears also that nine families arrived in that year, but 
 only five remained. Some of these were from Truro and 
 some w^ere from Philadelphia. Of those from Truro 
 "William Kennedy deserves special notice. He was one of 
 the grantees of Truro, but sold out there in 17(38, and 
 obtained a lot in Pictou, at the Saw Mill Brook, extending 
 in front from the mouth of tho brook up the harbour, now 
 the McK^enzies' property. Here he made a clearing long 
 known as Kennedy's Clearing, or Kennedy's Hill. On 
 that stream he, in 1769, erected the first saw mill in the 
 county, which was the first frame building in Pictou. On 
 the 2Sth of September, 1774, ho deeds "half of saw^ mill 
 now built on a stream now known by the name of tho ]\Iill 
 Brook."' Two years later he returned to Truro, and in 17F0 
 settloil in Stowiacke, whsro he was the first settler. 
 Moses Bluisdoll also came from Truro. He «( ttled on the 
 lot ^^in^^ occupied by the Becks, at the head of the harbour, 
 but afterward removed to the eastern part of the Province. 
 Of those who came from Pennsylvania w^e are certain 
 of the names of only two — Matthew Harris and Barnabas 
 McGree. The former was an elder brother of the Doctor, 
 iiiS!3r3Lfi!jii;iii:ii -iSsa 
 and settled on the farm now owned by George Davidson, 
 about five miles from town. The remains of his cellar 
 may still be seen near the shore, cind the apple trees 
 which he planted are still growing, and, if properly cared 
 for, might still yield good fruit. We may here mention 
 that all the American settlers planted fruit trees, and 
 originally of good quality, especially the apple trees. 
 The settlers that arrived afterward, being chiefly from 
 the Highlands of Scotland, paid no attention to the raising 
 of fruit, and their children after them showed the same 
 spirit, so that among them even yet but a few have 
 orchards of any account. McGee was a native of the 
 North of Ireland, who had emigrated to Pennsylvania or 
 Maryland, and there married a London woman. He had 
 his land on Rogers Hill, but being dissatisfied with the 
 want of frontage on the shore, he gave it up and was 
 afterward the first settler in Merigomish. 
 Thus during this year 67 souls had arrived and 4 
 children had been bom, but 36 had removed, and oae had 
 died, leaving the net population 84. 
 The return of produce raised in that year exhibits 64 
 bushels of wheat, 60 of oats, *J of rye, 8 of barley, 6 of pease, 
 and some flax, potatoes not given. "When we consider that 
 this was the result of the labors of six families at most, 
 in what we may regard as the second year of their labors 
 m the forest, the progress made, we think, was creditable. 
 Their show of cattle under the circu] nstances is very 
 good, viz., 6 horses, 16 oxen, 16 cows, 16 young cattle, 
 37 sheep, and 10 swine. "We also find thus early the 
 commencement of our Marine, for Dr. Harris is credited 
 with owning a fishing-boat and a small vessel, and 
 Kennedy had a saw-mill. 
 Of those in the above list, Henry Cumminger, who had 
 originally come in the Hope, afterward removed, and 
 Nathan Smith, "William Aiken and Thomas Skead seem 
 scarcely to have made any settlement. Other settlers also 
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 arrived, among them, it is said, two or three from Cum^ 
 berland. 01' these, one was named James Fulton, and 
 another, we believe, was named Watson. Fulton was born 
 in Ireland in the year 1726, and with his wife and family- 
 emigrated to Halifax in 1761. lie went first to Lahave 
 and afterward to Cumberland, whence ho removed to 
 Pictou. His name appears in the list of town officers of 
 the latter place in 1775, but ho removed shortly after to 
 the lower village of Truro. " In removing from Pictou 
 to Truro," says Miller, " they underwent great hardships; 
 they had then to travel through the woods without any 
 roads, and carry their stuff and their children on their 
 backs. This journey occupied the whole of the week, 
 although they had the assistance of several men. While 
 on their way there came on a snow storm which caused 
 them much suffering, as they had to stop in the woods 
 for five nights, and one night in particular, their fire- 
 works being damp, they could get no fire for some time, 
 and were in danger of perishing." Watson lived on the 
 west side of West River, and died there, and his farm 
 was afterward purchased by Robert Stewart. His family 
 moved away. 
 Of the settlers who arrived, some took up land of the- 
 Philadelphia company, and occupied the west side of the 
 West River, nearly up to the ten mile house ; others 
 had their lots assigned to them in the rear, but discour- 
 aged by their location in the woods, they either moved 
 away or squatted in other places round the harbour,, 
 without titles. Besides those already mentioned, we find 
 the name of Jonas Earl, who had his farm to the west 
 of Watson's, already mentioned ; and Isaiah Horton, who 
 lived to the east of him, besides others, some of whose 
 names are given in the following list of town. ofS.CDrfi, 
 which may be inserted as a curiosity : 
 11- ' r'llf 
 V Onslow Sessions, 
 FEnniARY Term, 1775. 
 A list of Town OfTiccrs for the townsliip of rictou : 
 Clerk of the District John Harris. 
 Overseers of tiie Toor Rolxrt Mersom, John Harris, James Fulton. 
 Overseers of the Road Mntlhew Ilarriu, Willinm Ktnnctly. 
 Surveyors of Lumber Moses rilaisdell, William Aikin. 
 Constable William Aikin. 
 Clerk of the Market James Fulton. 
 Culler of Fish Abraham Slater. ' 
 Approved and cstablishpd by the Sessions. 
 (Signed,) NOAH MILLER, 
 Clerk of the Peace. 
 One other settler is deserving of notice, yiz., James 
 Davidson. Ho was a native of Edinburgh, where ho 
 married and the first of his family was born. He 
 emigrated from Scotland in the same vessel in whl«:h the 
 Rev. Mr. Cock brought out his family. Soon alter he came 
 to Pictou. He took up a considerable quantity of land, 
 but specially claims attention as being the first school- 
 master in Pictou, the school-house being situated at Lyons 
 Brook. He also deserves notice as being a pious man, 
 who first cared for the spiritual interests of the settlers. 
 He collected the children on the Sabbath day for religious 
 intHtruction, so that Lyons Brook is known as the site of 
 the first Sabbath school in the County, and probably in 
 the Province, established even before Raikes began that 
 movement, which made these institutions part of the 
 regular machinery of the Christian Church. " Here," says 
 'ihe editor of the " Colonial -Patriot," " this worthy man 
 •taught school seven days of the week, and, to our shame 
 be it spoken, the Sabbath was more sanctified then, when 
 there was no place of worship, except tlie school-house 
 where James Pavidson taught and prayed, than it is now, 
 when churches are in abundaiico, even at our doors." 
 Partly from want of a minister in Pictou, and partly from 
 friendship for Mr. Cock, he removed to Truro about the 
 year 1776, and settled at Old Barns, where he died, leaving 
 no sons, but several daughters, whose descendants ax& 
 still numerous in Colchester. 
 "VYo must remark here, however, that though these first 
 settlers had a number of hardships to endure, yet they 
 never suffered actual want of the necessaries of life. This 
 was owing partly to the arrangements of the Company^ 
 end partly to their own industry and skill. The Company, 
 had sent a supply of provisions, wo believe, for two years. 
 The settlers were acquainted with American life, and 
 soon learned to avail themselves of the resources of 
 the forest. The coasts abounded, particularly in spring 
 and fall, with fowl, so little disturbed by man, that they 
 were shot or even snared with little trouble and in great 
 numbers. ='<' Fish were abundant, the most valuable of 
 which was the salmon, which came into the rivers in 
 great numbers, as one said to me, " as thick as the smelts 
 do now." I have heard old people describe them even 
 at a later period, coming in such numbers into the West 
 River, that at a narrow place they would seem almost 
 jammed together, so that one would think he could walk 
 upon them. These they not only caught for their own 
 use, but salted for exportation. 
 As they cleared the land, they were able to grow crops, 
 potatoes never failing to yield a bountiful return ; if only 
 as much of the potatoe as had a sprout were planted. 
 But perhaps their chief resource was the wood of the 
 forest. The pine they split into four feet clapboards, 
 and they manufactured staves from the oak and ash^ both 
 of which found a market in the old colonies. 
 Squire Patterson had brought a large supply of goods, 
 with which he traded with both the Indians and the 
 settlers. The former he supplied with guns, ammunition, 
 * I have heard James Patterson tell of even sometime later, going to the 
 Beaches in the month of March with his gun, and, after being away a day or 
 ttwo, sending home for a horse and sled, which he brought home loaded with, 
 ^vild geese, which they salted down for their summer provision. 
 clothing, &c., in exchange for furs, or sometimes for food, 
 and the settlers he supplied with various articles, taking 
 the produce of their labor in return. Small trading 
 vessels from the old colonibs, employed principally in 
 fishing, brought them supplies, receiving in exchange 
 their fish, fur, and lumber. With all the toil and hardship 
 connected with their life, there must have been something 
 fascinating about it. The father of the Harrises having • 
 visited his sons, endeavored to persuade them to return 
 to Pennsylvania, but they refused. 
 Of their social life at this period we have little further 
 information. The peculiar circumstances of the first birth 
 have preserved the remembrance of it. Wc may add that 
 Dr. Harris' daughter, afterward Mrs. Robert Cock, born in 
 1769, was the first female child born in Pictouof English 
 parentage. Of marriages we have no record ; but we find 
 in the foregoing return mention of one death, in the family 
 of Oughterson, probably his wife, as he is returned as alone 
 in his family. Probably there were more, as before the 
 arrival of the Hector passengers, there was a burying 
 ground. This, which was the first in the county, was on 
 thn farm owned by John Patterson, Squire's son. It was 
 situated to the west of his house, the same in which his 
 son Charles lived. The ground has long since been 
 ploughed over, and the spot cannot now be distinguished.* 
 "We may say here that the people were generally serious 
 and religiously inclined, most of them being Presbyterians, 
 and the others, with one exception. New England Puritans. 
 It is said that there were sixteen families in Pictou on 
 the arrival of the Hector in 1775, but of these only six 
 remained, and we shall conclude this chapter with a more 
 • A woman who came to reside iu that neighl)orhood, not knowing there 
 had been a burying ground there, took hold of a stake and, working with it in 
 the ground, struck something that sounded hollow. She ran home to tell that 
 Bhe had found what must be money. Further information, however, led to 
 the conclusion that it must have been a coifiu. ' 
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 particulaT notice of these. Especial ly deserving of attention 
 is Eobert Patterson, made a magistrate in 1774, and hence 
 long known as Squire Patterson. He was a native of 
 Renfrew, in Scotland, but had for some time been in tho 
 Old Colonies, residing, at least part of the time, at a place 
 called Cross Eoads, in the State of Maryland, about 14 miles 
 south of the Penusylvania line, now called Churchville, 
 a small place in the midst of a rich agricultural district. 
 Here also the Harrises resided. He had for some time 
 been employed as a pedler, and also, I have been informed, 
 OS a sutler to the army, previous to the peace of 1763. 
 He was for many years tho leading man in Pictou, laid 
 out all the first lots, surveyed all the early grants, and 
 "was prominent in all the public affairs of the place. '* On 
 account of his steady adhesion to the soil and interests of 
 Pictou ; on account of his disposition and ability at all 
 times to relieve the distressed, and on various other 
 accounts, he fairly earned the title of Fatiier of Pictou, 
 As such he was loved and esteeme<^by the inhabitants 
 during his life." * 
 His first location was, as we have seen, about two miles 
 from town ; but he afterwards obtained from McNutt a 
 claim, after- '.rd confirmed by Governor Patterson, to a 
 lot a little above Mortimers Point, where he built the first 
 frame house in Pictou. There he continued to live till 
 his death, which took place on the 20th September, 1808. 
 His remains were interred in the old burying ground at 
 Durham. We shall have occasion to refer to him again. 
 Mrs. Patterson died March 6th, 1812. 
 Of his children who were with him in the Hope, his 
 eldest, known afterward as John Patterson, second, lived 
 about two miles from town. He was an Elder in the 
 Presbyterian Church, and died 8th May, 1820. He left a 
 • Editor Colonial Patriot. — An eight-day clock, brought vith him in th« 
 Bope, is in the possession of a great grand daughter, Mrs. A. P. Eois, and 
 •till marks the hours. t 
 large family, but there are now few of his descendants 
 living. The second James wilJ still be remembered in 
 Picton. Ho settled to the west of the town, where the 
 remains of his old orchard still exist. He also was for 
 many years an Elder in the Church, and died May 14th, 
 1857, iged 96. The third, David, lived above Mortimers 
 Point. He and his brother James usually worked together, 
 and their houses were the next frame houses in Pictou 
 after their father's. He died September 2Gth, 1844. The 
 Squire had two daughters also on board the Hope, Sarah, 
 afterward Mrs. Mortimer, and Margaret, afterward Mrs. 
 Pagan. Of the children bo^-n after his arrival, Thomas 
 settled on Carriboo Island, and George was one of the 
 early settlers in Merigomish, where, and elsewhere, he 
 has left numerous descendants. 
 The Harrises, Matthew and John, were of the Scotch- 
 Irish race, their ancestors, Edward Harris and Flora 
 Douglas, having left Ayrshire, in Scotland, in the reign of 
 Charles II., or James II., losing a fine estate for their 
 attachment to Presbyterian worship. They settled near 
 Raphoe, in the County of Donegal, Ireland. 
 Thomas, grandson of Edward and father of Matthew 
 and John, and an older son, Robert, were members of the 
 Philadelphia company. He was then described as of the 
 county of Baltimore, Maryland, and his son as Doctor of 
 Medicine, Philadelphia. He died in Elizabethtown, 
 Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, on the 4th December, 
 1801, at the ago of lOG, having seen three centuries. 
 John was the younger son, but had most to do with 
 the settlement of Pictou. Ho Was bom July ICth, 1739. 
 He acted as attorney of the Philadelphia company in 
 disposing of their land, and a host of deeds are recorded 
 from him, of lots not only along the West River and Rogers 
 Hill, but at Carriboo, Cape John, River John, and other 
 places. He was the first magistrate in the district, 
 having baen appointed in 1769. He was first registrar of 
 ■ '4\t 
 deeds, -and held' other public offices. He lived near 
 Browns Point, on a lot purchased from McNutt, and 
 confirmed to him by Governor Patterson, the same which 
 has since been occupied by his son Thomas and his 
 descendants. He, however, removed to Onslow about 
 the year 1778, where he was clerk of the peace for some 
 years, represented Truro in the House of Assembly from 
 1779 to 1785, celebrated marriages and was otherwise a 
 public man. He died in Truro April 9th, 1802, through 
 a fall from his horse. His descendants are numerous, a 
 considerable number being in Colchester and some in 
 Pictou, his eldest son Thomas having settled at the Town 
 Gut, and his youngest, dohn W., having been long High 
 Sheriff of the county. 
 Matthew Harris was born on the 12th January, 1735, 
 according to a statement received from the United States, 
 though his age as published at the time of his death» 
 would make the date of his birth four years earlier.* 
 Of his family, the eldest, Thomas, was a surveyor, 
 and laid out 'much of the land in this and the neighboring* 
 county of Colchester. He divided the back lands of the 
 township of Truro undor the wr*^ of partition and made 
 a plan of them,' dated August 12th, 1788, which is still 
 in use, and was for twenty years Sheriff of Pictou. 
 Another son died unmarried ; a third was lost at sea. 
 coming round from Halifax ; a fourth, Kobert, studied 
 medicine and lived on his father's place, but afterward 
 removed to Philadelphia, where he died ; a fifth son, 
 James, settled on Carriboo Island, and has left numerous 
 descendants, and his youngest son removed to Pennsyl- 
 ** " Died, at Pictou, December 9, Mr. Matthew Harrin, aged 88 years, the last 
 bead of a family of the first settlers from the State (province) of Punnsylvaf 
 Dia. In the year 1763 (should be 1769) removed to Pictou, which at that 
 period was a rude, uncultivated wild, inhabited only by a few wandering^ 
 Indians and four families who arrived there shortly before from the same 
 place. He has left 9 children, 40 grandchildren, and 30 great-grandchildren.** 
 JVinoqMfper, 1829. 
 vania. Of his daughters, one was married to John 
 Patterson (deacon), hereafter to be noticed. The others 
 were also married, but their descendants have nearly all 
 removed from this county.* 
 James McCabe was a native of Belfast, who emigrated 
 to the old colonies. He there married Ann Pettigrew, a 
 North of Ireland Presbyterian. He was a Koman CathoUc 
 himself, but not a very strict one. He was too fond of 
 the good things of this life to regard Lent or the other 
 fasts of that Church, and cared little for her holydays. 
 He attended Dr. McGregor's preaching, but never 
 became a decided convert. He had with him in the 
 Hope two sons, John and James, and four daughters. 
 The sons afterward married, and had, the one thirteen and 
 the other eleven children, or two dozen between them, 
 whose descendants are widely scattered. His four 
 daughters were married, one to a Watson and another to 
 a Snow, both of whom removed to the United States ; a 
 third to Kobert Gerrard, but died when only 26 years of 
 age, and the fourth to Owen McKowen, or McEwau. 
 John Hogers was a native of Scotland, brought up in 
 Glasgow, where he married, his wife's name being Ritchie. 
 * We may here remark that the Harris family to which these two brothers 
 belonged is very widely spread through the United States. A gentleman of 
 the connection has sent mo a genealogical chart containing the names of 425 
 persons, and adds, " leaving hundreds and CT«n thousands of whom I know 
 little or nothing." He farther remarks, '■ Taken as a whole they represent 
 a very respectable body of people, none of them very distinguished either for 
 wealth or genius, but nearly all of good character and fair respectability. Of 
 the 42S names given, about 40 are those of professional men, while several 
 others have "General," "Colonel," "Judge," or other title attached, and quite a 
 number have been liberally e'ducated. One was a mimber of the Legislature 
 of Pennsylvania at the time of the Revolution, an active participant in the 
 •fiifiirs of church and state of the day, and one who had particularly distin« 
 guished himself by his efforts to abolish slavery in that State ; and left a name 
 behind him for patriarchal wisdom and goodness. For many generations 
 christian faith and Uto have been manifested among them, several being elders 
 •Dd pillan in the Presbyterian Chnrcb, from attachment to which their anc«s> 
 ton wex« driven from Scotland." 
 Ho thence removed to MaiyUrid. He never assumed 
 much prominence in the settlement of Pictou, but was a 
 quiet, industrious ai\d inoffonsivo, and wo have reason to 
 believe, a gfood man, as have been many of his descend- 
 ants. Ho left one daughter and four sons, of whom all 
 but the youngest son were in the Hope. His eldest son, 
 James, lived on the farm, since owned by Alexander 
 McKay and Rae, above the Town Gut. His second son, 
 John, lived and died on his father's homestsad. His third 
 son, David, went to River John, where his descendants 
 are numerous. His youngest son died comparatively early. 
 Baniabas McGoe, we have already mentioned. He was 
 lost, with his eldest son, going down to Newfoundland, 
 His descendants aro still in Merigomish. 
 The Rev. James Lyon appears as one of the Phila- 
 delphia company. In the petition from the inhabitants of 
 Pictou, in the year 1784, they say, "The Philadelphia 
 company made provision for, and sent, a minister, viz.: 
 the Rev. James Lyon, at its firsf settlement, yet he did not 
 continue among us, which very much discouraged the 
 people and was exceedingly detrimental to the settling of 
 tha place." It would appear from this that the company 
 had been mindful of the spiritual wants of the settlers. 
 In fact we have reason to believe that the zeal manifested 
 at that time in the old colonies in the settlement of the 
 Province, was induced partly by motives of religion, par- 
 ticularly a desire that these regions where French Popery 
 had hitherto prevailed, should now be occupied by sound 
 Protestantism. Mr. Lyon was regularly ordained by the 
 Presbytery of New Brunswick, in New Jersey, and came 
 to the Province in the fall of 1764 or early in 17C5, and 
 was the first Presbyterian Minister in the Province of 
 whom we have any account. In the latter year he was in 
 Halifax. By the return which we have published, he 
 appears to have been residing here with his family since 
 1769. He has given his name to Lyons Brook, about 
 three miles from the town of Pictou. At different dates, 
 from 1767 to 1772, we find his name in deeds as of 
 Onslow, which was then the place where the public 
 business of that district was transacted, and after that we 
 find him described as of Machias, in the State of Maine. 
 "Wo have been informed that the lot of land about two 
 miles from town, now occupied by Mr. Daniel ]!.IeKenzie, 
 had been set apart as a glebe, and that there was a 
 burying-ground upon it. After the Philadelphia com- 
 pany's grant was escheated, it was granted by Sir John 
 C. Sherbrooke to Dr. McCulloch. 
 We have thus, with considerable labor, gathered all 
 the facts within our reach regarding this fii-st attempt at 
 the settlement of Pictou. The result is by no means 
 proportionate to the effort. "We have been minute in the 
 details, as being the first attempt of the kind, and amid 
 diflBculties which might have appalled the stoutcRt heart, 
 we deemed it proper to presers'^c everything wo can .earn 
 of the early actors in these scenes. None of the settle- 
 ments in Nova Scotia had such obstacles to encounter as 
 that of Pictou. At Halifax and Lunenburg colonization 
 began under the superintendence of Government, which 
 also expended large sums in j)roviding for the wants of 
 the settlers. Those again who came to settle the town- 
 ships along the Bay of Fundy.in Annapolis, Kings, Hants, 
 Colchester, and Cumberland countii-3, entered at once 
 upon the rich marshes prepared to their hands by the 
 French Acadians. But the first settlers in Pictou came 
 to a country covered with heavy forest, without an acre 
 cleared, and after a little were thrown on their own 
 resources. We must admire the heroism with which they 
 entered upon their work, the energy with which they 
 so bravely combatted the difficulties in their path, and 
 the perseverance by which they at length happily sur- 
 mounted them. 
 The results for the first six years, it will be seen, were 
 very small. The great cause of this was the unfortunate 
 position of the Philadelphia grant, in having ivithin its 
 hounds no place in the harhour suitable for a town, and 
 so little frontage on the shore. This spoiled the efforts 
 honestly made for the settlement of the place, and frus- 
 trated, as we shall see, the next great effort made toward 
 that end in 1778. In that year came the ship Hector with 
 emigrants, mostly from the Highlands of Scotland. From 
 that the efiective settlement of the place may be dated. 
 The event w?is important and deserves commemoration. 
 But the first honor is due to the little company who 
 arrived here previously, who cut down the first trees, 
 erected the first huts, run the first lines, cleared the first 
 land, and planted the first seed — the little band of pioneers 
 who, in their little brig, with its well omened name, the 
 Hope, first planted the standard of British colonization 
 upon our northern coast; and the true natal day of Pictou 
 is the 10th of June, when she first dropped anchor in our 
 harbour, or the 11th, when her precious cargo first set 
 foot on our shores. 
 *' What noble cotinge mntt tlieir hearti Imye fired. 
 How great the ardour wbicb their gouls inspired, 
 Who leaving far beyond their native p^ain 
 Have tonght a home beyond the western main; 
 And braved the perils of the stormy seas 
 In search of wealth, of frcedcm, and of case. 
 Oh, none eon tell, but they who sadly share, 
 The bosom's anguish, and its wild despair, 
 . What dire distress awaits the hardy bands, 
 That rentnre first on bleak and desert lands ; 
 ' bow great the pain, toe danger and the toil 
 Which mark the first mde culture of the soil. 
 When looking round, the lonely setUcr sees 
 His home amid a wilderness cf trees ; 
 How sinks his heart in tbosn deep solitudes, 
 Where not a voice upon his ear intrudes ; 
 t7here solemn silence all the waste pen-ades, 
 • Heightening the horror of its gloomy shades ; 
 Save where the nturdy woodman's strokes resound 
 That strew the fallen forest on tho ground." 
 Bitinff Vaiagt, By H. Golobiotb. 
 HER PASSENGERS— 1773-1776. 
 Some of the shares of the Philadelphia company were 
 transferred, so that the celebrated Dr. Witherspoon 
 became one of the proprietors,')!^ and John Pagan, a 
 merchant of Greenock, became the purchaser of three 
 undivided shares. They seem at that time to have 
 been combined in promoting the settlement of the old 
 colonies. "We find the ship Hector, which was owned 
 by Pagan, in the year 1770 arriving in Boston with 
 Scottish emigrants, and there is a deed on record in the 
 Pictou registry office, after the American Revolutionary 
 war, from Witherspoon, conveying to Pagan all the land 
 of the former in Pictou, in exchange for the lands of the 
 latter in the United States, f 
 To carry out the original obligations of their grant, the 
 proprietors offered liberal terms for the settlement of it. 
 They employed an agent named John Eoss, with whom 
 they agreed to give each settler that he might bring from 
 Scotland, a free passage, a farm lot, and a year's provi- 
 sions. Eoss went to the Highlands, and, drawing a 
 glowing picture of the land and the advantages offered, 
 many, knowing nothing of the difficulties of settling a^ 
 new country, and allured by the prospect of owning a 
 * Dr. Witherspoon is sometimes represented as the projector of the Vhila- 
 dclphia company's scheme, but bis name docs not appear among the first 
 members of the company. 
 t In a petition against the escheat of the grant, Pagan's son alleges that 
 the father and sons sent out altogether about 800 souls ; that they had spent 
 £280 sterling in provisions, and altogether bad ez^endfid about X600 stetling 
 in settling the grant. 
 farm, eagerly embraced his proposals. Tho Hector was 
 chartered to convey them to Pictoii. She •was under tho 
 command of John Spears as master, James Orr being 
 first mate, and John Anderson second. Three families 
 and five young men embarked in her at Greenock, 
 ■whence she sailed for Loch Broom, in Eoss-shire, where 
 she received tho rest of her passengers, amounting in all 
 to thirty-three families and twenty-five unman-ied men, 
 beside the agent. The number of souls is stated in ono 
 account as 18J>, in another as 170, while Governor Leggo, 
 on their arrival, speaks of them in round numbers as 200. 
 In tho beginning of July, 1773, they finally bade adieu 
 to their native land.'**' As they were leaving, a piper 
 came on board, who had not engaged his passage. Tho 
 captain ordered him ashore, when tho passengers inter- 
 ceded, offering to share their rations with him in exchange 
 for his music. At their request, he was allowed to 
 remain. There was not ono person on board who hcd 
 ever crossed the Atlantic, except ono sailor. Though 
 hearts doubtless were saddened as they parted from 
 kindred, and as their native hills faded from their vision, 
 yet hope beat high in every bosom, and for a time all 
 went cheerily among the pilgrims. Song, music, wrest- 
 ling, dancing, and iher amusements relieved the tedium 
 of a sea voyage. But the passage was destined to be a 
 long and painful one. The Hector was an old Dutch 
 ship, and a dull sailor. Passengers said that they could 
 with their hands pick the rotten wood out of her sides. 
 When they arrived off the coast of Newfoundland, they 
 met with a severe gale, which drove them so far back 
 that they were a fortnight before they were again as far 
 forward. The accommodations on board were poor and 
 the provisions of inferior quality, perhaps not worse than 
 * Pbilo Antiq. says on tho 10th July, but the universal statement among th& 
 old settlers is, that they were eleven weoka on tbe passage, which would, 
 make the date of sailing ist of July. 
 in emigrant ressels of the time. Small-pox and dysen- 
 tery broke out on board, so that eighteen, most of them 
 children, died on the passage and were committed to the 
 '^eop. The former disease was brought on board by a 
 mother and child, both of whom afterward lived to a 
 great age. And one child was born, afterward the late 
 Mrs. Page, of Truro. As the voyage was prolonged, their 
 stock of provisions and water became low. For some 
 time before arrival, they were put on an allowance of 
 Tvater, the scarcity of which, with the salt provisions, was 
 a great privation. During the voyage the oatcake sup- 
 plied to the passengers became mouldy, and the i)as8en- 
 gcrs often threw away pieces of it or other food. Hugh 
 McLcod was in the habit of gathering up all these frag- 
 ments and putting them into a large sack, and the last 
 two days of their voyage, they were glad to avail them- 
 selves of this refuse food. 
 At length all the troubles and dangers of the voyage 
 -were surmounted, and on the 15th of September, t'iiis 
 pioneer band of Scottish emigrants arrived in the harbour 
 of Pictou, and the Hector droppsd anchor opposite where 
 the town of Pictou now stands. Previous to her arrival, 
 as we have seen, the Indians had been somewhat trouble- 
 43ome to the f ottlers ; if not positively dangerous, they at 
 least gave annoyance, and the whites, from their small 
 numbers, were kept in considerable alarm. It was even 
 reported, that there was a plot among them at that time 
 t«> cut off the whole settlement, which we have seen was 
 the only one on the north shore of the Province. When 
 the word was received of the coming of the Hector with 
 Highland emigrants, the whites, in reply to threats of the 
 Indians, told them that the Highlanders were coming — 
 tbe same men they had seen in p3tticoats at the taldng of 
 Quebec. Sure enough the Hector appeared. Her sides 
 being painted, according to the old fashion, in imitation 
 >^f gunports, helped to induce the impression that she was 
 a man-of-war. The Highland dress was then proscribed^ 
 but was carefully preserved and fondly cherished by the 
 Highlanders, and in honour of the occasion the young- 
 men had arrayed themselves in their kilts, with akein 
 dhUy and some with broadswords. As she drcpped anchor 
 the piper blew his pipes to their utmost power ; its thrill* 
 ing sounds then first startling the echoes among the silent 
 solitudes of our forest. All the Micmacs fled in terror 
 and were not seen for some time, so that trouble with the 
 Indians was never heard of again.'N' 
 "We may here remark the importance of the arrival of 
 the Hector to these Lower Provinces. With her passen* 
 gers may be said to have commenced the really effective 
 settlement of Pictou. But this was not all : the Hector 
 was the first emigrant vessel from Scotland to Pictou, or 
 even these Lower Provinces. That stream of Scottish 
 immigration which, in after years, flowed, not only over 
 the county of Pictou, but over much of the eastern part 
 of the Province, Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island, por- 
 tions of New Brunswick, and even the Upper Provinces, 
 began with this voyage, and even, in a largo measure, 
 originated with it, for it was by the representations of 
 those on board to their friends, that others followed, and 
 so the stream deepened and widened in succeeding years. 
 We venture to say that there is no one element in the 
 population of these Lower Provinces, upon which their 
 social, moral and religious condition has depended more 
 than upon its Scottish immigrants, and of these that band 
 in the Hector were the pioneers and vanguard. We may 
 mention here that after returning to Scotland from this 
 voyage she was condemned, and went to sea no more. 
 Truly her work was done. 
 The first care was to provide for the sick. One woman, 
 * W« do not bolicTO that there was really any plot of the kind. It was 
 good fun for the Indians to frighten the white people, and we believe the^f 
 laised the reports for that purpose; 
 wife of Hugh McLeod, afterward of West River, had juat 
 died of smallpox ; the body was sent ashore in a boat and 
 buried, we believe, at the burying ground already men- 
 tioned. Several were sick ; some dying. The resident 
 settlers did what was in their power to provide for their 
 wants, and with the supply of fresh provisions most soon 
 recovered their health, though some, I cannot learu how 
 many, died on board the vessel. 
 If the expectations of these people had been excited by 
 the prospect of an estate in America, their hopes were 
 lowered by the sight that met their view as +hey 
 crowded on the deck of tho vessel to see their future 
 home. One unbroken forest still covered the whole land, 
 with the exception of a few patches on the shore between 
 Browns Point and the hen 3 r. the harbour. 
 But if the first view of matters was discouraging, worse 
 was in store for them. Squire Patterson and Dr. Harris, 
 the agents of the company, lived near Browns Point, 
 nearly a mile above the town, and had erected a small 
 store, in which they kept ihr supplies of the company, 
 though even there the woods were scarcely broken. Here 
 the immigrants were landed without provisions and with- 
 out shelter, except as with the assistance of those here 
 before them, they erected rude camps for themselves, 
 their wives and their little ones. However glad to be 
 relieved from the confinement of shipboard, bitter were 
 the feelings of disappointment, with which they contrasted 
 the expectations they had entertained of a free farm and 
 plenty in America, with the reality before them. We need 
 not wonder to hear of some sitting down and giving way 
 to bitter weeping. The arrival of such a number swept 
 the place like a torrent of all the provisions it contained 
 and left it nearly destitute. The few settlers previously 
 here could not have provided food for one-third of the 
 number for any time, and it was too late in the season to 
 raise any crops that year. 
 In the meantime they began to select their future 
 homes. The company had the land laid out in regular 
 blocks, named A, B, &c., which were subdivided into 
 lots regularly numbered. But here the fact to which we 
 have already adverted, of the small frontage of their 
 grant on the harbour, spoiled the whole of this well meant 
 and not ill contrived eJQTort at settlement. "When the Hec- 
 tor arrived, all the shore of their grant was occupied, and 
 her passengers were taken back one, two or three miles,* 
 and there, amid the primeval forest they were invited to 
 settle. Never did there seem to be offered to men such 
 an utter mockery. The gigantic trees would have seemed 
 to any person a serious difficulty in their way, but to men 
 unaccustomed to clearing the wood in America, and 
 unskilled in the use of the axe, the work seemed hopeless. 
 "Without roads or even paths, and unprovided with com- 
 passes, they were liable to be lost in the forest and they 
 were afraid of Indians and wild beasts. Even if these 
 difficulties could have been removed, they saw that they 
 would be shut out there, from what must hereafter form 
 a large part of their subsistence, viz.: the Hsh in the har- 
 bour and rivers. "We have heard of McCabe taking some 
 of them back to where he promised to show them good 
 land, which they might take up, when, looking round on 
 the big trees, they only asked, with an air of helplessness, 
 that he would take them back to the shore. 
 In consequence of these circumstances they all refused 
 to settle on the company's land, and when a supply of 
 provisions arrived the agents refused to give thom any. A 
 jealousy arose between them and the American settlers. 
 Ross and the company quarrelled. They refused his 
 demands and soon after he abandoned the passengers he 
 had brought out. A few who had a little money. 
 * Each division of lots was a mile in length from the shore, and so tho lots 
 on the north side of the harbour still are, the side lines running north and 
 aouth by coinpass. 
 y of 
 bought provisions for a time or even exchanged clothes for 
 food, but the majority had absolutely nothing" to buy with ; 
 and the little that the others had was soon exhausted, so 
 that they were loft without provisions and entirely desti- 
 tute of means to provide for themselves. 
 Driven to extremity they insisted oti ha^'^ng the sup- 
 plies sent by the company. On one occasion Donald 
 McDonald and Colin Douglas were in the store claiming 
 a supply ; being rather pressing the agent ordered them 
 out ; they refused to go, when he threatened to lock them 
 in. As they still refused he w*jnt out and attempted to 
 lock the door, when Donald drew his dirk, an article 
 which many of them then wore, and drove it in before 
 the bolt. Finally they resolved to take the provisions by 
 force. They seized both Squire Patterson and Dr. Harris, 
 tied them and took their guns, which they hid at some 
 distance, told them that they must have the food for their 
 families, that they were willing to pay for them when 
 they were able. They then proceeded to weigh and mea- 
 sure the various articles ; they took account of what each 
 man received, which they left. Roderick McKay, father 
 of our late custos, a man of great energy and determina- 
 tion, and who in this and all the proceedings of the time, 
 was recognized by the Highlanders os their leader, 
 was left to release the prisoners. After a sufficient time 
 had elapsed to enable the rest to get to a safe distance, 
 he undid the ropes by which they were tied, and having 
 informed them where their guns would be found, got out 
 of the way himself. 
 Intelligence was despatched to Halifax, that the High- 
 landers were in rebellion, with a request for assistance. 
 We may suppose that at a time when the scenes of " the 
 forty-five" were still fresh in memory, this was heard with 
 dismay. Report says that orders were despatched to one 
 of the Archibalds of Truro, usually known as Captain 
 Tom, or Uncle Tom, to march his company of militia to 
 Pictou to suppreers the rebellion. He received the order 
 with the most nnmilitary reply, " I will do no such thing ; 
 I know the Highlanders, and if .they are fairly treated 
 there will be no trouble with them." Representations of 
 the true state of the case were sent to Halifax. Lord 
 William Campbell, whose term of service, as Governor, 
 had just expired, was still there, and interested himself 
 on behalf of the immigrants as his countrymen, so that 
 orders came from the Government to let them have the 
 provisions. We may add here,iaat Squire Patterson used 
 to say afterward, that the Highlanders, who had arrived 
 in poverty, had paid him every farthing that he had 
 trusted them, but he had lost two hundred pounds by 
 his good friend the Governor of Prince Edward Island. 
 Beset with such difficulties and with winter approach- 
 ing, the majority of the immigrants removed to Truro 
 and ploces adjacent, to obtain by their labour food for 
 their families. A few settled at Londonderry, at a place 
 which has since been known as Highland Village. Some 
 went to Halifax, and some even to Windsor and Com- 
 waliis. Not only men, but mothers of families, hired 
 out, and their children, male and female, they bound 
 out for service, till they should come of age. Some went 
 that season, and others not till the spring following. One 
 man stayed till the musquitoes made their appearance in 
 the following summer, when, thinking it a judgment, 
 he left. The majority of them, however, returned in 
 subsequent years. The number who remained is stated 
 at seventy, and for a time, particularly during the fol- 
 lowing winter, they endured almost incredible hardships. 
 Not having taken up land, they remained at Browns 
 Point, with only rude huts, covered with branches or 
 the bark of trees to shelter them from the cold, of the 
 severity of which they had previously no conception. To 
 obtain food for their families [ihej had to proceed to 
 Truro, through a trackless forest and in deep snow, and 
 "there obtaining a bushel or two of potatoes, and perhaps 
 « little flour, in exchange for their labour, they had to 
 return, carrying this little supply on their backs or 
 ■dragging it on a handsled. 
 The labor of this we can scarcely estimate. One 
 bushel of potatoes was a sufficient load for a man to carry 
 ihat distance. One who boasted of his strength under- 
 took to carry two and started off with his load quite 
 jauntily. The Highlanders have a Gaelic proverb, that 
 a sheep the first mile will be a cow the second, meaning 
 that a burden which a man can carry easily a short 
 •distance will be intolerable afterward; and so this man 
 found, for before he had reached half way to Pictou he 
 was glad to get quit of part of his load. Then there was 
 the climbing of stiff braes or the descending steep banks, 
 the crossing of brooks on a single tree, or the sinking in 
 wet or boggy ground, or in winter in deep snow ; this 
 continuing for three days, involving two nights camping 
 in the woods. Even the potatoes they did get were 
 inferior, being of a kind known as Spanish potatoes, large 
 :and soft, like a kind known some years ago as yams, or 
 like some of the coarse kinds still used for feeding cattle. 
 Sometimes they froze on their backs, but even so, whea 
 roasted in the ashes or sliced and roasted on the coals, 
 they were heartily relished. No wonder that some of 
 those who had gone through these scenes, could not bear 
 in after life to see even the peeling of a potatoe thrown 
 into the fire. 
 Perhaps, however, a better idea of their privations may 
 be gained by giving a few incidents of this period. Two 
 young men set off for Halifax. They could get so little 
 provisions w^hen they left, and had so little on the way, 
 that they were scarcely able to travel from weakness, and 
 •when they reached Gays River they were nearly ready 
 lo give up altogether. But there they saw a lot of fine 
 4rout, strung on a rod, hung on a bush. They hesitated 
 whether to take them or not. They thought they 
 belonged to the Indians, who they feared would come 
 after them and kill them. They, therefore, left them and 
 went on a short distance, when, finding that from their 
 weakness they would not be able to prosecute their 
 journey, they returned to where they had left the trout. 
 ' Each put it upon the other to take them. At last the 
 claims of hunger prevailed and they proceeded to make a 
 meal of them. They afterward discovered that they had 
 been caught by two sportsmen from Halifax, who had 
 disputed who should carry them, and finally left them,, 
 where, in the kind providence of God, they afforded a- 
 meal for the hungry travellers. 
 The late Alex. Fraser, elder, of Middle River, when 
 only a lad of about sixteen, carried a younger sister to 
 Truro on his back, while the only food he had for the 
 whole journey was the tail of an eel. 
 One or two incidents of this family, though at a some- 
 what later date, may be given. Hugh, a younger brother 
 of the last, and who was one of the last survivors of the 
 Hector, told the writer that on one occasion his father, 
 having exhausted every other means of obtaining a 
 supply of food for his family, cut down a birch tree and 
 boiled the buds, which he gave them to eat. He then 
 went to a heap where Horton, one of the old settlers, had 
 buried some potatoes, and took out some. Before ha 
 could inform the owner of what he had done, some of his 
 neighbors maliciously did so, when Horton merely 
 ' replied that he thanked God he had them there for the 
 poor old man's family. 
 On one occasion, when the husband and eldest son had 
 gone to Truro for provisions, everything in the shape of 
 food for the younger children was exhausted, except one- 
 hen, which the mother finally killed. She boiled it in 
 salt water for the benefit of the salt, with a quantity of 
 weeds or herbs, which she had collected, and of the 
 natnre of which she was entirely ignorant, which she 
 served up for them with the flesh of the hen. But not 
 long after the children found the hen's nest with ten eggs,, 
 some of which she cooked for their next meal and the 
 rest she retained till her husband's return. 
 On another occasion, the men of the family had brought 
 home a supply of potatoes, from Truro, for seed, but 
 after planting them and enclosing the ground, they were 
 so much in want before going back, that they had to dig 
 up some of the splits to use for food. Some time after, 
 having earned as much money as would buy a cow, 
 Alexander was sent to Colchester to make the purchase ; 
 but having fallen in with his brother Simon, who had 
 been bound out, and finding him dissatisfied, he applied 
 the money to the purchase of his time. On arriving 
 home, on his mother meeting him, her first enquiry was 
 " Have you got the cow ?" " No, but I have brought 
 Simon instead," was the reply. " "Well, poor as I am," 
 said the mother, "I would rather see Simon than the 
 cow." The girl whom this same Alexander afterward 
 married, was bound out in Truro, and served till she was 
 eighteen years of age. 
 These few incidents, most of them in the history of 
 one family, and that one of the few which had arrived 
 with some means, will give an idea of what they endured 
 for the first few years. All were in the same condition, 
 and none could help another. The remembrance of 
 those days sunk deep into the minds of that generation, 
 and long after, the narration, of the scenes through which 
 they had passed, beguiled many a winter eve, as they sat 
 by their, now, comfortable firesides. 
 To return to our narrative. That winter the first death 
 occurred among the immigrants, a child of Donald 
 McDonald, who was buried at John Patterson's (second)) 
 place, already mentioned ; and the first birth occurred, & 
 son of Alexander Fraser, afterward of Middle EiYei» 
 named David, afterward Captain Fraser, who lived at 
 what is now Evans' place, about five miles from town. 
 In Ihe following spring they applied themselves 
 earnestly to provide for the wants of themselves and their 
 families. Thongh tinaecustomed to the use of the axe 
 and the employments peculiar to a new country, yet, 
 except in this respect, never were immigrants better 
 adapted to the work of settling in the wilderness. They 
 were children of the mountain and the flood. They were 
 accustomed to coarse food, inured to hardship in its 
 roughest form, and were not easily dismayed by difficulties. 
 ** They accordingly exerted every energy, and sought out 
 suitable spots on which to settle. In their enquiries after 
 these, they were enabled to judge of the virgin mould 
 from the growth and species of wood. "Where high and 
 bulky black birch, ash, rock maple, elm or oak was 
 discovered, the land was accounted to be of a strong and 
 superior kind. They explored the different rivers, which 
 abounded with fish; and finding the soil near their banks 
 to be the most fertile, and capable of being more easily 
 improved than that of higher lands, they seated themselves 
 tipon it." * 
 Difficulties were thrown in the way of their getting 
 their grant, principally, we presume, through the opposi- 
 tion of the agents of the Philadelphia Company, by whom 
 they had been brought out. The first grant was to 
 Donald Cameron, who had been a soldier in the Fraser 
 Highlanders at the taking of Quebec. His lot was situated 
 at the Albion Mines, being the same lot afterward purchased 
 by Dr. McGregor. It is dated 8th February, 1775, and 
 beside the condition of payment of quit rent, as in the 
 other grants, contains the following : — 
 « That the grantee, his heirs or assigns, shall clear and work, within three 
 jears, three acres for every fifty granted, in that part of the land which he 
 shall judge most convenient and advantageous,ror clear and drain three acres 
 Philo Antiquarios. 
 cf fwampy or annken ground, or draic three acres of; marsh, if uaj such be 
 wilbin the bounds ofthis grant, or put and keep on his lands, within throo 
 years from the date hereof, three neat cattle, to be continued upon the land 
 imtil three acres for every fifty be fully cleared and improved. 
 « But if no part of the said tract be fit for present cultivation, without 
 mannring and improving the same, then this grantee, his heirs and assigns 
 shall bo obliged, within three years from the date hereof, to erect on some 
 part of said landn dwelling house, to contain twenty feet in length by sixteen 
 feet in breadth, and to put on said land three neat cattle for every fifty acres, 
 or if the said grantee, his heirs or assigns, shall, within three years after the 
 passing of this grant, begin to employ thereon, and so to continue to work 
 for three years then next ensuing, in digging any stone quarry or any other 
 mine, one good and able hand for every 100 acres of such tract, it shall be 
 accounted a sufficient seeding, planting, cultivation and improvemeni , and 
 every three acres which shall be cleared and worked as aforesaid ; and every 
 three acres which shall bo cleared and drained as aforesaid, shall be accounted 
 • sufficient seeding, planting, eiiltivation and improvement, to save for ever 
 from forfeiture fifty acres in every part of the tract hereby granted." 
 The rest of the Hector passengers, who remained in 
 Pictou, occupied land on the three rivers, especially the 
 intervales, on what had been McNutt's grant, which 
 was now escheated. They did not, however, obtain a title 
 to it for some time. As late as the 22nd January, 1781, 
 they complained, in a petition to the government, that a 
 grant had been often promised but never received. At 
 last it was issued on the 26th of August, 1733. It contains 
 the names of forty-four persons, some of whom had 
 arrived from other quarters after the Hector, conveying 
 the lots on which they had been located, the size of the 
 lots being regulated by the number of their families. The 
 conditions were the same as in Cameron's grant, and the 
 mines reserved are gold, silver, lead, copper and coals. 
 iWe append a list of the grantees with the number of acres 
 received by each and notices of the situation of their 
 lots. (Appendix A.) 
 In the meantime they were energetically using the 
 means in their power to supply the wants of their fami' 
 lies. They learned to hunt moose. Timber of the finest 
 jquality abounded, and they soon could split staves or the 
 1 .7: 
long shingles formerly mentioned, with their neighbours. 
 Small vessels came from the old colonies, which supplied 
 them with necessaries in exchange for these articles. 
 Seeing the majestic trees on every side, and knowing- 
 the value of timber in Groat Britain, they formed the 
 idea of preparing a quantity for exportation. Unskilled 
 in the use of the axe, they invited a company of hewera 
 from Truro, and with their aid prepared, during the 
 summer, a sufficient quantity of squared pine to load a ves- 
 sel, which had been condemned in Prince Edward Island 
 and purchased by Governor Patterson. This was the.first 
 timber ever shipped from Pictou, and the commencement 
 of that wood trade afterward carried on so extensively 
 from this port. 
 It is just to say that the Indians, as soon as the mutual 
 terror had subsided, treated them with much kindness. 
 From them they learned to make and use snow-shoes, to* 
 call moose', and other arts of forest life. From them they 
 often received supplies of provisions. One old man used 
 to say that the sweetest meal ho ever ate was provided 
 and prepared by them. Hunger, we presume, was the 
 sauce. The Indians were indeed sometimes disposed to 
 make use of the terror which they knew their name and 
 appearance inspired, particularly among the weaker sex,, 
 to secure their object ; but it is due to that unhappy race 
 to say, that from the time of the arrival of the Hector, they 
 never gave the settlers any serious molestation, and gene- 
 rally showed them real kindness, which, when the tables 
 Iwere turned, so that the whites had plenty and they 
 'were needy, has not always been reciprocated. 
 During that summer they also prepared to occupy the 
 land which they had selected, but could get little, if any^ 
 ready for crop that season, and in the fall the majority, 
 even of those who had remained, disheartened at ihe 
 prospect of another such winter as the past, left for 
 Colchester or other places. By a return made on the Ist 
 Jmiaary following (1775), the following were the familien 
 «nd unmarried men on the settlement at that date :, 
 FauHiIES. — Johu Rogers, Bobcrt PAttcnon, William McKenzic, Alex. Rom, 
 Kenneth McClut:heoB, Wm. McCrackcu, Abram Slater, Muses Blaisdull, Wm. 
 Scnncdy, Colin McEenzio, Jamcn McCabc, Jamea Daridson, Bar. McOce. 
 UmfABKiKD Men. — John Hall, Juhn Patterson, Oeorgo McConncll, Joseph 
 Richards, J&moH Hathorue, Thomas Troop. 
 The whole population consisted of 23 men, 14 women, 
 21 boys, and 20 girls; total, 78. The produce raised in 
 that year was 260 bushels wheat, 13 of rye, 5G of peas, 36 
 of barley, 100 of oats, and 840 lbs. of flax. The farm 
 stock consisted of 13 oxen, 13 cows, 15 young neat cattle, 
 25 sheep, and 1 swine. There were manufactured 17,000 
 feet of boards, and Squire Patterson was the owner of a 
 sloop or schooner. 
 Of the above list over five or six were Hector passen- 
 gers. The return seems imperfect. At all events, quite 
 a number returned the following season (1775). As the 
 law of the Province then allowed a representative to each 
 township having 50 families, wo find a return in that 
 year by Dr. Harris, showing that Pictou contained the 
 required number. (See Appendix B.) 
 That year their circumstances continued to improve 
 and some crop was raised, though not sufficient for their 
 subsistence ; and still there were the same weary jour- 
 neys to Truro for necessaries. They were, however, 
 acquiring more skill in availing themselves of the 
 resources around them. The moose afforded them a 
 supply of meat for the winter, and the rivers plentifully 
 supplied them with fish, and they learned to make sugar 
 from the juice of the maple. One mode of laying up a 
 supply of food for winter was, to dig a large quantity of 
 clams in the autumn, pile them in a heap on the shore, 
 and then cover them with sand, though they were some- 
 times in winter obliged to cut through ice a foot or 
 more in thickness to get at them. 
 ! >•• 
 ■I ■ 
 • Wd fiiVe isnlie appendix a list of the Hector passengers, 
 with notices of their places of settlement, and history, so 
 &r as known. (See Appendix C.) 
 Though still poor enough, they were provided with at 
 least the necessaries of life, when they were again tried 
 by the arrival of a class poorer than themselves. Induce- 
 ments having been held out by some of the proprietors of 
 Prince Edward Island (then called St. John) to parties in 
 Scotland to settle their land, John Smith and Wellwood 
 Waugh, then resident in Lockerby, in Dumfriesshire, sold 
 out their property, and chartered a small vessel to carry 
 thither their families and any others who might join them. 
 They accordingly arrived at Georgetown, or Three Rivers, 
 in the year 1774, and were followed by others a few 
 months later. 
 They commenced a settlement with fair prospects of 
 success, when their hopes were blighted by a remarkable 
 visitation. Diereville, a French writer, in a work published 
 in 1699, says : — ** The Island of St. John is stated to be 
 visited every seven years by swarms of locusts or field 
 mice, alternately — never together. After they ravage the 
 land, they precipitate themselves into the sea." There is 
 no evidence of any such regularity in this visitation of 
 mice, but later writers speak of it as recurring on the 
 Island at longer or shorter intervals, and there was one 
 of the kind some years later in Nova Scotia, though now 
 it is unknown. At all events, it came upon the new 
 settlers, to whom we have referred, in full force. These 
 animals swarmed everywhere, and consumed everything 
 eatable, even the potatoes in the ground.* 
 The new settlers would have had difficulties enougK 
 under any crcumstances, but this filled their cup to the 
 brim, and during the eighteen months that they remained 
 there, they endured all the miseries of famine. For three 
 * In Bome houses at West River are still preserved bppks of which tiift 
 leather on the coven has been gnawed by them* 
 months in summer, they subsisted on lobEders and other 
 shell fish, which they gathered on the shore. In the 
 spring they had obtained from Tatamagouche a few pota* 
 toes for seed, but the mice devoured them in the ground, 
 and everything else in the shape of crop, so that when 
 winter came, they were on the verge of starvation. An 
 old woman in my congregation, though a strong child 
 and with a constitution which carried her to ninety year*'- 
 of age, told me that when she was two years of age, she 
 was not able to walk from weakness, owing to want of 
 food. One boy died, it is supposed from eating some 
 herbs which were injurious or poisonous. Waugh had 
 brought a supply of provisions and other articles, so 
 that the first summer they 'did not suffer much, but at the 
 end of the second season, he had all his goods in the store 
 of a man named Brine, who traded with the small fishing 
 vessels from the colonies. A number of these vessel; 
 happened to be in the harbour, and before returning 
 home the crews came ashore for a carousal. The Ameri- 
 can Revolution was just commencing, and they were leav- 
 ing with the idea of not returning, expecting when they 
 reached their homes to serve either as soldiers or sailors. 
 Before going on board they plundered Brine's warehouse 
 of all it contained, carrying off all Waugh's property. 
 That winter they would have perished, were it not for 
 a French settlement some miles distant, from which they 
 received supplies, principally of potatoes, in exchange for 
 the clothing they had brought with them from Scotland, 
 until they scarcelv retained sufiicient to clothe themselves 
 decently. From scarcity of food the men became reduced ^ 
 to such a state of weakness, and the snow was so deep, 
 that they became at last scarcely able to carry back pro- 
 visions for their families, and when, with slow steps and 
 heavy labour, they brought them home, such was the 
 state of weakness in which they had left their children, 
 they trembled to enter their dwelling, lest they should 
 find thou dead, and sometimes waited at the door, listen- 
 ing for any sound that might indicate that they were 
 Having heard that there was food in Ficton, they, in 
 spring (1776), sent one of their number (the late David 
 Stewart) to enquire into the state of matters there. 
 Some of the American settlers had brought slaves, one of 
 whom had been sold in Truro by his owner, who brought 
 home part at least of the procaeds in wheat, which he 
 was consuming in his family when Stewart arrived and 
 lodged in his house. The latter, amid all his troubles,, 
 retained some measure of cheerfulness, and on his return: 
 his friends gathered round him to hear his report. 
 " Well, what sort of a place is Pictou ?" was the enquiry. 
 " Oh, an awful place," was the reply, in a very solemn 
 tone. *' How ?" it was again asked. He replied, •• I 
 stayed with a man who was just eating the last of his 
 nigger." Such was their own condition on the verge of 
 starvation, that for a minute they actually supposed that 
 the people of Pictou were reduced to such a state from 
 hunger as to have devoured the flesh of their colored 
 Having explained the true state of the case, his report 
 was on the whole so favorable, that they were glad to 
 exchange total want in Prince Edward Island for the 
 partial supply to be found in Pictou. About fifteen 
 families accordingly moved over, of whom seven settled 
 on the West River. When they arrived, the only break 
 in the woods on the west side of the West Eiver was 
 * One old woman, living in 1831, used to tell that for three months her 
 children had neither bread nor potatoes. During that time their food was 
 principally shell-fish and boiled beech leaves. One calamity she described as 
 having tiicd them severely. They bad brought with them iron pots, but not 
 knowing the severity of the frost in this country, had left water in them, by 
 the freezing of which they were cracked. In their circumstances, believing 
 that they could not obtain others nearer than Scotland, and seeing no hope of 
 obtaining them there, she said that the loss was next to the loss of a child. 
 vrhere the Rev. George Roddick now resides. Four 
 -settled on the Middle River and two on the East River. 
 The John Smith who came with Wangh removed to 
 Truro. Ho first visited that place to have his child 
 baptized und to hear the gospel, camping in the woods 
 between Ficton and that place. In the fall ho brought 
 •over part of his movables, carrying a large two cwt. 
 anvil to Truro on a horse, which ho hired from Squire 
 Patterson. Wellwood Waugh settled on what has since 
 been known as Dunoons farm. Ho used to toll that ho 
 left the Island with only a bucket of clams for the support 
 of himself and family ; that tn lay after his arrival in 
 Fictou he went to the woods ..o make staves, and was 
 4iblA to make a living for them ever after. His step- 
 ibrother, William Campbell, then a young man, who came 
 Vfiih. him, settled on the farm next above. 
 Though the Highlanders were ready to extend their 
 vronted hospitality to the new comers, and did so, to the 
 best of their ability, yet, having barely sufficient for the 
 support of their own families, such an influx pressed 
 heavily upon them. Though these people arrived here 
 in such destitution, they were among the most valuable 
 of the early sectlers of this country, and their descendants 
 to this day are among the most respectable members of 
 the community. 
 We give in an appendix a list of these settlers, with, 
 notices of their places of settlement. (Appendix D.) 
 ■ 4 
 - »;v.^, 
 The breaking out of the American Revolutionary War 
 at first subjected the settlers to serious inconvenience. 
 They had hitherto received most of their supplies by 
 trading vessels from the Old Colonies, which received in. 
 exchange the proceeds of their labour, especially fish, fur 
 and lumber. This trade, however, was now stopped, and 
 the want of it was at first severely felt. Even salt could 
 not be obtained, and in summer the settlers might bo seen. 
 for days boiling down sea wo tor to obtair. a supply of thifip 
 necessary. But the war soon had an oniivoninginfluenctr 
 upon tho trade of the Province. Halifax was chosen as 
 the chief depot for the British Navy in this Hemisphere. 
 Large sums of money were expended on tho dockyard ; 
 Tess^ls of all classes were there annually refitted, and 
 employment was given to artizans. A largo military force 
 was kept at Halifax, and there was, in consequence, a 
 larger circulation of money, in the advantage of which 
 the country districts shared. 
 The following is ^iven as the price received by the 
 aettlers for their wood : — 
 1775. 1776. 
 Squared Pine, per ton Oft, 12s. OcL 
 Hardwood, « IBs. 208. 
 Barrel Btaves, per M 258. 60l. 
 Hhd. " « 358. VOi. 
 The settlers in Pictou were for a time, however, still 
 at a loss for British goods, but in the year 1779, John 
 Patterson went to Scotland and brought a supply, and 
 £rom that time continued to trade. 
 But the American -war had another effect, in the division 
 l^hich it occaRioned between the new and the old settlers. 
 The Scotch were loyally attached to the British Govern- 
 ment. But, with the cxceptiorf of Squire Patterson, most 
 of the American settlers strongly sympathised with the 
 American cause. Murdoch, in his history of Nova Scotia, 
 tries to make it appear that those who came to this Province 
 from the Old Colonies, and settled various townships before 
 the American Revolutionary "War, were at this time loyal. 
 From the facts that have come to our knowledge regarding 
 these people in Colchester, and the few settlers in Pictou, 
 wo can assert most positively that they generally sympa- 
 thized with the Americans, and that a number were ready 
 to manifest their sympathy by taking arms, if there had 
 appeared a favourable prospect of thereby serving the 
 cause. And when this seemed hopeless, they manifested 
 their spirit in more harmless ways, as in the refusal of tea, 
 of which the good wives could sometimes only secretly 
 brew a small quantity for private indulgence, and moro 
 X)ermanently in the names, which their children have 
 carried down to our own day — the Adamses, the Burkes, 
 and the George Washingtons, the latter of which, however, 
 it was found more convenient to change into John 
 "Washington or George "William. 
 In Pictou, it will surprise many of the present generation 
 to hoar, the feeling was quite violent. A circular was 
 addressed to the magistrates throughout the Province, 
 requiring them to bo " watchful and attentive to the 
 behaviour of the people in your county, and that you 
 will apprehend any person or ijersons who shall be guilty 
 of any opposition to the King's authority and Government, 
 and send them properly guarded to Halifax." The 
 Inhabitants were ordered to take the oath of allegiance, and 
 magistrates were required to furnish lists of those who 
 complied and those who did not. 
 Patterson, who had been made a magistrate in 1774, was 
 i ** 
 ' - ia 
 actire and zealous, perhaps more so than wise, in carrying 
 out these instructions. He started for Halifax, intending 
 to get copies of the oath required, for the purpose of 
 imposing it upon the inhabitants. "When he reached Truro, 
 his |)urpose becoming known, one of the Archibalds 
 invited him to his house, and took him to a private room 
 where, drawing out a pistol, by its persuasive inJUuence, 
 he induced him to return home. 
 The squire also attempted to arrest some of the old 
 settlers, who had openly declared their determination to 
 swear no oath of allegiance, while the others endeav- 
 oured to conceal them. Wo have heard, for example, of 
 Horton being obliged to hide under a haystack. On the 
 other hand, their passions became so excited that they 
 threatened to murder him. So serious did the danger 
 become that his older sons were obliged several times to 
 hide him in the woods, taking him over to Frasers Point 
 for the purpose.* Matthew Harris, having had some dis- 
 pute with Squire Patterson, regarding some business in 
 which they had been engaged together in Maryland, 
 started thither in the heat of the American war. While 
 in Halifax the circumstance exciting suspicion, or perhaps, 
 in consequence of his giving too free expression to his 
 63rmpathy for the American cause, he was arrested as a 
 spy, and placed in the care of a guard of soldiers, who 
 went into an inner room of a tavern to drink, leaving 
 him to move about on his parole. While he was calmly 
 walking on the platform, a woman rushed in where they 
 were, exclaiming, "Your prisoner is escaping." They 
 rushed out, half intoxicated, and one of them struck him 
 over the head with a weapon he had in his hands, cutting 
 him very severely. He was detained in custody till 
 evidence was obtained from Pictou that he was a peacefal 
 * Wo bad heard of thi8, but regarded it as an exaggeration. The familj of 
 James, one of hia sons referred to, asseits positively that their fJather fro- 
 quentlj mentioned it to them as a &ci 
 Tesident. The old man was Christian enough to say, in 
 after life, that he could forgivre everybody except that 
 A few incidents connected with the war, as affecting 
 the County of Pictou, may here be given. The iirst was 
 tho capture of a vessel at Merigomish by an American 
 privateer, which took place near the beginning of the war, 
 probably in the spring of 1770. She was not a large ves-' 
 sel, but was loaded with a valuable cargo of "West India 
 produce. The previous fall she had been on her way to 
 Quebec, but being too late to get up the St. Lawrence, she 
 made Merigomish harbour, where she remained in the icei 
 all V ter. The captain and crew landed, and from the 
 scarcity of provisions, some of the latter went to Truro or 
 Halifax. One of the settlers, named Earl, went off, it was 
 supposed to the States, and with the design of giving 
 information which might lead to her captuie. At all 
 events, early in spring, as soon as the gulf was clear of 
 ice from the Strait of Canso, a vessel appeared off Meri- 
 gomish. Those in charge of the vessel in the harbour, 
 suspected her purpose, and commenced conveying to the 
 shore and hiding in the woods articles of value that could 
 easily be removed. Soon, however, parties from the 
 strange vessel came on board and took possession of her. 
 James and David Patterson had been making oak staves 
 on the land near where she lay. The captors, to prevent 
 the word circulating, or any attempt to frustrate their 
 purpose, sent a boat on shore, with a crew, who seized 
 them and carried them on board their vessel, where they 
 were put in irons. The captors then set to work to get * 
 the vessel to sea. When they got her well out into the 
 gulf they released the two brothers. There was some 
 difficulty in unloosing the handcuffs on David's hands, 
 when one of the men struck it with a marlin spike to 
 break it, and in so doing smashed his thumb, which bore 
 evidence of the fact till his death. They then put the 
 ' ■^;" 
 ^wo brotheiB into a small boat with a few biscciits and 4 
 9mall earthen jar, called a coggie, of sugar, to find thei? 
 way back to port as best they might. |n the meantime 
 word had circulated of the capture, and as it was expected 
 the privateer would come to the harbour, the inhabitants 
 collected with every old musket and fowling-piece, pre- 
 pared to offer a sturdy resistance to the enemy. They 
 assembled at the Battery Hill and soon saw a small boat 
 coming up the harbour, which they eagerly watched, and 
 as it approached they saw in it two men, whom, as it 
 drew near, they recognized as the Pattersons, who had 
 thus made their way to port. 
 The next incident was the capture of Captain Lowden'9 
 vessel in the harbour in 1777. Haliburton speaks of it as 
 effected by rebels from Machias, who came from Cumber- 
 land. The information I have gathered attributes the 
 work to the American settlers in Pictou, and some friends 
 in Truro. It is certain that they were in the plot. At all 
 events, the circumstances of the capture are as follows : — 
 The vessel was loading with timber for the British 
 market. A time was chosen v/hen the crew were absent 
 with the boat for part of the cargo. The captain was 
 invited to the house of "W. "Waugh, where a number of 
 them were gathered. "Waugh was an old Scotch 
 Covenanter, and from rigid adherence to the principles of 
 that body, would not swear allegiance to the British 
 Crown, nnd though afterward he was in the employment 
 of the Government, yet, at this time, seemingly from the 
 common fact of their not taking these oaths, sympathized 
 with the Americans. The Captain went without suspicion, 
 leaving the ship in charge of the mate. During his visit, 
 at a given signal, the company gathered round him, 
 informed him that he was a prisoner, and commanded him 
 to deliver up his arms. " Gentlemen," said he, " I am 
 very sorry to say I have no arms," was his reply, in atone 
 of indignation at their treachery. In the meantime, a, 
 strong party, fully armed, proceeded fo the i^sel, and 
 £nding scarcely any person ou board, easily took possession 
 •of her, and made the mate a prisoner, confining him in 
 the cabin. They then placed sentries on deck. Some time 
 4ifter, the rest of the crew came on board, and as they did so, 
 they were made prisoners and confined in the forecastle. 
 Some of the captors then took a boat belonging to the 
 ship and proceeded up the East River. On their way they " 
 met Roderick McKay and his brother Donald coming 
 -down the river wilh a boat-load of staves. They gave no 
 hint of their object, but encouraged the McKays to 
 proceed to the vessel. They then continued on their way 
 to Roderick's place. He had erected a blacksmith's forge, 
 and had it duly stocked. They plundered it of everything 
 worth taking away, loading their boat with his tools, iron, 
 v^c. In the meantime, the McKays had proceeded to the 
 Tessel. As Roderick mounted the deck, he saw the sentries 
 with their muskets on their shoulders, and beforo he could 
 "take in the situation, one of them tapped him on the 
 ■ shoulder, saying he was a prisoner. His reply was a tap 
 <-on the face with the back of his hand. The sentry 
 l>rought down his musket and told him he was serious. 
 Roderick was obliged to yield, and both he and Donald 
 were taken to the eabin as prisoners. 
 After some time the party who had gone up the East 
 ^iver returned, their boat laden with the plunder of 
 Roderick's forge. They came on board, leaving the boat 
 alongside, which afterward sank with its contents, and 
 remains to this day beneath the waters of the harbor. 
 They then proceeded to celebrate their success by a night 
 -of carousal. "When they became pretty well under the 
 influence of liquor, Roderick, with his usual determina- 
 "tion, wished to take the ship and urged his brother 
 Donald to join him in the attempt. His plan was that 
 ih. J should make a sudden rush up the cabin stairs to 
 it^e deck ; that he should seize the sentry and pitch him 
 overboard, while Donald shotild with an axe stand over 
 the companion and not allow any of them to come up. 
 Donald, however, was a quiet, peaceable man and refusedl 
 to join in a scheme involving the danger of bloodshed^ 
 and Kodcrick could not communicate with the mate.. 
 He was deeply disappointed and used to say that if the* 
 mate had had two words of Gaelic, they would have- 
 retaken the ship that night. 
 The McKays wore soon set at liberty, and the captors^, 
 anxious at once to secure their prize, sailed as soon as- 
 they could for Bay Verte, where the Americans for a- 
 time had possession, taking Dr. Harris, under a certain 
 kind of compulsion, with the mate and part of the* 
 crew, to navigate the vessel. Information of these pro- 
 ceedings was immediately sent to Halifax, the late John 
 Crockett and Colin Douglas being the messengers. They 
 proceeded on foot to Shubenacadie, and finding tho; 
 rivers very high and difficult to cross^ they employed' an: 
 Indian to proceed by the lakes and deliver the letter,* 
 which he did. 
 After the sailing of the vessel, Capt. Lowden was: 
 released and started for Charlottetown in a canoe. Ho; 
 found there a man-of-war, under the command of Lieut.. 
 Keppel, which immediately started in pursuit. In the- 
 meantime, the captors had reached Bay Verte, but 
 finding that the American invaders had retired, they, on. 
 the approach of the man-of-war, abandoned the vessel' 
 and took to the woods, where it is supposed many or 
 them perished. One reached the settlements in Colchester,, 
 after having eaten the upper leather of his boots, and died 
 soon after. Th'^ mate took charge of the vessel and. 
 hailed th^ . v-i" as she was about to fire, when 
 Capt. L« ' , ^' K ' vas on board the latter, knew his. 
 voice. J lie , -^ • 'as taken charge of by the com- 
 mander, wh>cj,^^ w . . the harbor of Fictou, threatening: 
 vengeance on all who had any share in the afiair. All 
 "Waugh's goods were seized and sold,* and such was the 
 feeling against him amongst the old settlers, that he left 
 the place and afterward settled at "Waugh's River, Tata- 
 magouche, to which he gave his name. It may be 
 mentioned here, however, that not only did he afterward 
 act the part of a loyal subject, but the communication, 
 between Halifax and Prince Edward Island being through 
 Tatamagouche, he was employed by Government as their 
 conrrier between that place and Truro. 
 The affair of Capt. Lowden's vessel, I have no doubt, 
 mado the place too hot for the settlers, who S3rmpathized 
 with the American cause, and was one reason for their 
 removal. Some whom I have been able to trace, moved 
 eastward without selling their farms, and we may hero 
 mention an incident which occurred at this time^ 
 Matthew Harris embarked with his family in a vessel 
 intending to remove to Guysborough. But while on. 
 their passage thither, they fell in with an American 
 privateer. Those on board were unwilling to lower 
 the British flag, when the privateer fired a shot ahead 
 and another astern of her. Upon this, one of the men 
 hauled down their colors and the vessel was brought to. 
 The captain of the privateer came on board in great 
 wrath. An infant child of Harris was sick and laid upon 
 the deck, wrapt in a blanket. The captain struck the 
 bundle with his sword, not knowing what was in it. 
 The mother sprang forward, saying, " You have killed 
 my child." The captain immediately calmed down, 
 asking what the child was doing there, and shortly 
 after left, taking only a few tubs of butter that were 
 on deck. 
 During the war American privateers were on the coast, 
 but had very little effect on Pictou. One of the Hector 
 passengers, who had moved to Halifax and there earned 
 ■ 1.!:! 
 * Another tradition i&j% that this tvas done by the officers and crew of tha 
 Malignant when in Pictou as hereafter mentioned. This may he correct. 
 f ome money, mairied and came to Picton by land, but 
 put all bis Ihin^s into a vessel to come round by watei. 
 She was captured and he lost his little all. One camo 
 into the haibour, and the alarm was given, and the settlerei 
 began to gather to repel the intruder, when one of the 
 American settlers went out to her and urged that there 
 were only in the place a few Scottish settlers commencing 
 in the woods, not having anything worth taking away, 
 and that all they could do was to bum Squire Patterson's 
 house. In consequence of his representations they sailed, 
 taking only a boat belonging to Waugh. 
 "What excited the greatest alarm, however, during the 
 war was a large gathering of Indians, it is said, from 
 Miramichi to Cape Breton, i)robably a grand council of 
 the whole Micmac tribe, which took place at Frasers 
 Point in 1779. In that year some Indians at the former 
 place, in the American interest, having plundered the 
 inhabitants, a British man-of-war seized sixteen of them, 
 of whom twelve were carried to Quebec as hostages 
 and afterward brought to Halifax. This led to a grand 
 gathering of the Indians. For several days they were 
 assembled to the number of several hundreds and the 
 design of the meeting was believed to be, to consult 
 on the question of joining in the war against the English. 
 To this they were probably instigated by French agents. 
 The settlers were much alarmed, but the Indians dis- 
 persed quietly. 
 Another incident which excited some attention in Pic- 
 tou at this time was the wreck of the Malignant, which 
 took place near the close of the war.* She was a man-of- 
 war, bound to Quebec, and was wrecked late in the fall, 
 at a place ever since known as Malignant Cove. The crew 
 came to Pictou and were provided for through the wiAter 
 by the efforts of Squire Patterson, as far as circumstancejl 
 ifvould permit. 
 To finish what we have to say here regarding the s^- 
 tiers in Pictou from the old colonies, we may here advert 
 to another circumstance in connection with them. Some 
 of those who came to Pictou, as well as other parts of the 
 Province, had brought slaves with them, and as a curiosity 
 of the time wo shall insert here a copy of a document, 
 which is on recoid in the office of the llegistrar of Deeds 
 in Truro : 
 Bo it known to all men, that I, Matthew Harris, of Pictou, in his Majesties^ 
 Province of Nova Scotia, yeoman, have bargained and sold unto Matthew 
 Archibald, of Truro, within said Province, tanner, and I do by these presents 
 bargain, sell, alien, and forever make over to him, the said Matthew Archi- 
 bald, his heirs and afsignx, all the right, piopcrty, title or interest, I now 
 have, or at any timo hereafter can prett^nd to have, to one Negroe boy, named 
 Abram, now about twelve years of age, who was born of my Negro slave in 
 my house in Maryland, for and in considcmtion of the sum of fifty pounds, 
 •cnrrency, to mo in hand paid by the said Matthew Archibald, or secured tob« 
 paid, aud I do by these presence, for myself, my heirs, and assigns for ever, 
 'quit claim to my Negroe boy, now in possession of said Matthew Archibald. 
 In testimony of which I have to this bill of sale set my hand and seal, thif 
 29d8y of July, Anno Dom., 1779, in the 19th ytax of his Majesties' reign. 
 Truro, County of Halifax. 
 Mattw. Hasbu. 
 Signed, Sealed, and Delivered ' 
 in presence of 
 David AncmBALD, Js. Peace. 
 The following, however, which we find in the records 
 of Pictou, is still more curious : 
 Enow all men by these presents that I, Archibald Allardice, of the Pro> 
 vince of Nova Scotia, mariner, for and in considemtion of the sum of forty 
 pounds currency to mo in hand paid by Dr. John Harris, of Truro, havo made, 
 over, nnd sold, and bargained, and by these presents do bargain, make over, 
 and sell to the aforesaid Dr. John Harris, one negro man named Sambo, aged 
 twenty-five years or thereabouts, and also one brown mare, and her coll now sucking. 
 To have and to hold the said negro man and mare with her coll, as his property, 
 for and in security of the obove sum of money until paid with lawful interest. 
 And at the payment of the above mentioned sum with interest and expenses, 
 the aforesaid Doctor John Harris is by these presents firmly bound to deliver 
 up to the aforesaid Archibald Allardice, the said negro man, named Sambo, 
 \rith the mare and colt (casualties excepted). Dut if the said negro man, maro- 
 Qr colt, should die before the said money should be paid, then in such propor> 
 tion, T, the said Archibald Allardice, promise to make good the deficiency to 
 ike uid Doctor John Harris. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand 
 and lea], this tenth daj of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousandl 
 seven hundred and eighty-six, and in the twenty-sixth of our Sovereign Lord, 
 George the Third's Beign. 
 Archibald Allardice, l. s. 
 Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of 
 James Phillips, 
 Ilobcrt Dunn. 
 f' Truro, August 26th, 1786, Bccorded on the oath of James Phillips. 
 John Harris, D. It. 
 Along the margin the following words were written : « Assignment to 
 Thomas Harris, 20th day of April, 1 791 ." 
 per John Harris, D. R. 
 We have not heard of any cases of those in Pictou 
 who owned slaves ill-treating them. On the contrary, 
 a poor woman who had belonged to Matthew Harris, 
 and obtained her freedom, used to confess that her life 
 had never been so free from anxiety as when living 
 with him ; but in other places tradition has preserved 
 the remembrance of some cruel deeds, showing the 
 character of the system. We have heard, for example, 
 of a negro slave in Truro, who was so treated by his 
 master, that several times he ran away, usually making 
 for Fictou. On one occasion his master having caught 
 him, cut a hole through the lower lobe of his ear through 
 which he passed the end of a whip lash, and knotting it, 
 he mounted his horse and rode off, dragging after him in 
 that way the poor man, who shortly after died, it was 
 believed, in a large measure through the treatment he had 
 At this time the first settlement was made in Merigo- 
 mish by Barnabas McGee. As we have already men- 
 tioned, he had first taken up land on Rogers Hill, but 
 dissatisfied with its distance from the shore, he removed 
 to Barneys Eiver, which took its name from him. Here 
 he settled in the fall of 1776 or spring of 1777 ; his 
 daughter Mary, afterward Mrs. Gillies, the first child of 
 English descent bom in Merigomish, being born in May: 
 of the latter year.'N' The harbour and coast then swarmed 
 with fish, particularly the salmon. The islands were 
 visited by great flocks of geese and other wild fowl, while 
 moose were plenty in the woods, so that he had no diffi- 
 culty in providing at least flesh for his family. The 
 Indians were then numerous, their chief place of encamp- 
 ment being on the west side of his farm, and his child- 
 ren, from want of associates, made playmates of their little i 
 Micmac neighbours. " 
 He was soon aher joined by G-eorge Morrison, who 
 settled on the adjoining lot to the west. Ho had origin- 
 ally come in the Hector. Ho was a strong and determined 
 man. On one occasion, being from home, a number of 
 Indians came to his house, made his wife cook whatever 
 they saw in the house that they desired, would not 
 allow his children to the fire, and otherwise frightened the 
 family. On his return, hearing of their behaviour, he 
 immediately started in a rage for the Indian encampment, 
 and meeting some of the offenders, he attacked them, in 
 detail, with his fists, giving them a hearty drubbing as a 
 hint for better behaviour in the future. The next day the 
 whole band had decamped. 
 They were joined soon after by Walter Murray. He 
 had been originally a soldier and had served in India, but 
 had emigrated to Nova Scotia in the Hector. He first 
 settled on the East River, but now removed to Merigo- 
 mish, where he took up land on the east side of Barneys 
 River, McQ-ee taking him, with his family and household 
 goods,, in a boat round the coast. In commencing their 
 labours, Murray and Morrison each carried a bushel of 
 potatoes on their backs from Truro. They took the eyes -• 
 out of them, for seed, with a knife or a quill, retaining 
 the rest for food, so that, as they used to say, each planted 
 his bushel and ate it. 
 • Wo may add that his son Charles, bora the 24th Norember, 1778, wuth* 
 first English male child bom there. Ho died in the autumn of 1876. 
 ! l^he Ber. Mr. Oock, on one of his visits to Picton^ 
 extended his journey to Merigoinish, and preached the 
 first sermon in the settlement, in Morrison's house, cither 
 in 1788 or 1784, probably the latter, and at the same timo 
 baptized all the young children. 
 At the period at which we have now arrived, the 
 following may bo regarded as a view of Pictou : A few 
 settlers were thinly scattered along the north side of tho 
 harbor, from below tho town to the head of tho harbor„ 
 and on both sides of the "West River, as far up as tho late 
 Deacon McLean's place. There was one family on Rogers. 
 Hill, three or four on the Middle River, and some others 
 on the intervale of the East River from StoUarton nearly 
 tip to Fish Pools, and there were three families in 
 Merigomish. Altogether, the x>opulation might be from. 
 200 to 250. 
 "We append a return to Government of the men capable 
 of bearing arms, made at this date. (Appendix E.) 
 We may here give some account of the social condition 
 of the inhabitants at this time. " The society of Pictou,**" 
 ■ays Philo Antiquarius, *' down to the moment of which 
 we are now treating, might be viewed as one family, whero! 
 the children were all under the immediate superintendence- 
 of a good parent. One venerable settler had heretofor.^ 
 presided over the others, advising them to discharge their 
 various duties, and impressing upon them the necessii' y 
 of honesty, unanimity and industry, while they, v^'ith. 
 confidence, looked to him as their best director, and yielded 
 in most cases obedience to his counsels." Squire Patterson, 
 teferred to in this extract, is described as short and thick- 
 set, one of those men sometimes said to be as broad as they 
 are long, with a free and pleasant manner, and was highly 
 esteemed. From his skill in business he was very 
 influential, indeed, a sort of factotum for all the settlers, 
 even celebrating their marriages, notices of the 8a:.iic being- 
 poisted np for three weeks as a substitute for the 
 proclamation of banns. 
 Along with him we must notice " John Patterson, 
 commonly known as Deacon Patterson, and, after his 
 death, as the old Deacon, from the circumstance of his 
 eldest son of the same name being also an Elder in tho 
 Church. Ho has been called the Father of tho Town of 
 Pietou, from his having been the means of fixing tho 
 town on its present site. But tho old Deacon merited tho 
 title of Father of Pietou on other accounts. For many 
 years after he came, there was neither law nor lawyers. In 
 those happy times men took tho Scriptural modo of settling 
 disputes. They were not afraid to leave tho adjustment of 
 " tho things that pertain to this life " to their conscientious 
 neighbors. These two old patriarchs, tho Squire and the 
 Deacon, famed as they were for integrity and sound sense, 
 became the general peace-makers. None dared or wished 
 to gainsay their decisions. Generally when two men in 
 any place are upon an equality, tho disposition to be first, 
 80 universally distributed among men, crcstes feuds 
 between them, and the public good is left in tho back 
 ground, and the public peace disturbed. The two good 
 men of whom we are speaking formed an honorable 
 exception from that common occurrence. They lived 
 together, not merely on good terms, but a pattern of warm 
 and inflexible friendship. "* 
 Tho most of the Highlanders were very ignorant. Very 
 few of them could read, and books were unknown among 
 them. The Dumfries settlers were much more intelligent 
 in religion and everything else. They had brought with 
 them a few religious books from Scotland, some of which 
 were lost in Prince Edward Island, but the rest were 
 carefully read. In the year 1779, John Patterson brought 
 a supply of books from Scotland. Before leaving the old 
 country, he had built a ron^e of small houses for working 
 * E/^tor Colonial PatrM. 
 i. ople, on what was called a thirty-nine year tack, that is, 
 a lease for that period, the buildings at the end of the 
 term reverting to the proprietor. "When he returned, his 
 rents had accumulated to about £S0 sterling, a good portion 
 of which he laid out in books, among which was a plentiful 
 supply of the New England primer, which was distributed 
 [ among the young, and the contentg of which they soon 
 learned. Of teachers, I have noi; heard the names of any, 
 after James Davidson left, about the year 1776. 
 The people, however, were all religiously educated and 
 desirous of religious ordinances, and some of them 
 decidedly pious. They met together on the Sabbath day, 
 Robert Marshall, known afterward as Deacon Marshall, 
 holding what was called a reading for the Engliuh, and 
 Colin Douglass doing the same in Gaelic. The exercises 
 at these meetings consisted of praise and prayer, and 
 especially, as their name indicated, the reading of the 
 Scriptures and religious books. Marshall was a man of 
 strong powers of mind, well informed, especially in 
 theology, and particularly distinguished by the boldness 
 with which he rebuked sin. Ho is said some years later 
 to have reproved the Governor for travelling on Sabbath. 
 They also received occasional ministerial service. The 
 Rev. Daniel Cock, of Truro, and the Rev. David Smith, 
 of Londonderry, visited them, Mr. Smith only once or 
 twice, but Mr. Cock several times. "We cannot tell the 
 date of the first visit of cither of them, but know that the 
 latter visited them each summer for several years, spend- 
 ing a week or two among them preaching in private 
 houses, or in the open air, and baptizing their children. 
 The people considered themselves under his ministry, and 
 went on foot to Truro to be present at his communions, 
 and some of them carrying their children through on 
 their backs to be baptized by him there. This was done 
 by a people who had so little English that they could 
 scarcely have understood any sermon in that language. 
 ' 1 
 "This may be judpfed from an incident that occurred 
 •.«ome years later. A Highlander, living in Truro, attended 
 Mr. Cock's preaching. The latter one day took as his 
 text the words " Fools make a mock of sin." The 
 former bore the sermon patiently, but said afterward, 
 ^' Mr. Cock needn't have talked so about moccasins; 
 Mr. McGregor wore them many a time." 
 They were also visited by travelling preachers, the 
 mo:t important of whom was Henry AUine, so noted 
 in the early religious history of the western part of the 
 Province. In his journal ho says, under date July 25th, 
 1782 : " Got to a place called Picto, where I had no 
 thought of making any stay, out finding the Spirit to 
 attend my preaching, I staid there thirteen days and 
 preached in all the different parts of the settlement. I 
 found four Christians in this place, who were greatly 
 revived and rejoiced that the Gospel was sent among 
 The Rov. James Bennet, itinerant missionary of the 
 •Churc'h of England, also visited this place. "We have 
 never heard his name mentioned by the old settlers; 
 but Mr. Aikin, in his sketch of the rise and progress of 
 the Church of England in British North America, says 
 that in 1775 he visited the eastern harbors of the Pro- 
 vince, and at Tatamagouche administered the Lord's 
 Supper to 28 communicants; that in 1780 he again 
 visited Pictou and Tatamagouche, and on his return lost 
 his way in the woods. 
 During the war the price of timber rose, and the trade 
 in it from Pictou increased. During each year three or 
 four cargoes were shipped to Great Britain. It was at 
 this time that Capt. Lowden, afterward an active vodxi 
 in the county, first commenced trading to this port 
 ARRIVAL OF DR. m'qregor. — 1783-1786. 
 The next accession of settlers to the county, and the 
 largest it had yet received, was at the peace of 1783. 
 These, however, were not loyalists from the revolted 
 colonies, as in some other counties. It might have been, 
 well for them and for the county, had they occupied sucIl 
 a rich district as Pictou, instead of the rocky shores of 
 our southern coast. The most who came here were dis- 
 banded soldiers, with a few families who had emigrated, 
 from the old country about that timo. The largest body^ 
 of them were of the 82nd, or Hamilton Eegiment, as it 
 WQS called. The main body had been employed in gar- 
 rison duty in Halifax, with the exception of an expedition, 
 to Casco Bay, in the State of Maine, under General 
 McLean. Another portion were employed in the Southern. 
 States, at least some of the men saw severe service there. 
 The most important event, however, which befell the 
 regiment was, the loss by shipwreck of a transport on 
 the coast, near New York, when, of three hundred men 
 on board, only eighteen were saved, who were taken off 
 the rigging, to which they had clung for some time. 
 Being disbanded in Halifax at the close of the war, a 
 large tract of land was set apart for them in Pictou, prin- 
 cipally 6f the grants of Fisher and others, which had just 
 been escheated, in spite of the efforts of Wentworth, who 
 strove to maintain the titles of the old grantees, but only 
 succeeded in upholding his own. This tract, which has 
 since been so well known in the county as the b2nd grant, 
 embraced the shore on the south side of the harbour, at 
 Frasers Point, and from the upper part of Fishers Grant 
 ftronnd the coast, almost to the eastern extremity of the 
 county, including Fishers Grant, Chance Harbour, Little 
 Harbour and Merigomish, with the exception of the "Want- 
 worth grant and of some smaller grants previously made 
 at Barneys Eiver, and extending into the interior to the 
 depth of three or four miles. It was said to *' contain in 
 the whole 26,030 acres, allowance being made for a town 
 plot, common, glebe and schools, and for other public 
 uses." It was divided as follows : to the Colonel, (Robert- 
 son, of Struan, in Perthshire,) the Big Island, hence often 
 known as Eobertsons Island, estimated at 1,500 acres, 
 though in reality containing considerably more ; to Capt. 
 Fraser, 700 acres at Frasers Point, which obtained its 
 name from him ; to four other officers, 500 acres each ; to 
 another, 300 acres ; to thirty-two non-commissioned 
 officers, 200 acres each ; to two others, 150 acres each, and 
 to 120 privates, 100 acres each. The following is the 
 description of the grant, which is dated 15th February, 
 1785 : 
 " Six certain several lots or tracts of land, containing on the whole 22,600 
 "One tract beginning at west boundary of land granted to Sbbert Patterson, 
 near tho head of Merigomish harbour, thence to run south by the magnet 373 
 chains of 4 rods each, thence west 120 chains, thence south 38 chains, thence 
 west 109 chains, thenco south 2G chains, thence west 187 chains, 60 links, <a 
 until it comes to Wentworth grant ; thenco north 276 chains to the harbom 
 aforesaid ; thenco by the several courses of tho said harbour, running cast up 
 to the grant made to Robert Patterson as aforesaid ; thence crossing on thai 
 lino to tho west side said harbour, and mnuing west down the harbour and 
 round tho sea-coast, running east to the bound first -mentioned, containing 
 11,388 acres. Also, ono other tract beginning at a stake and stones on the 
 west point of tho entrance into the harbour of Merigomish, thence to ran 
 couth 48 <^ west 300 chains, thence north 78 <=' west 10? chains, thenco north 
 12 chains, thence north 45 ^ west 48 chains, to the harbour of Fictou ; thence 
 bounded by tho several courses of the said harbour and sea-shore, running 
 cast to tho bounds first mentioned, containing 12,000 acres. Als>.v one othei 
 tract beginning at the point between East and Middle Rivers in Ficton har- 
 bour, thence to ran south 66 <^ west 43 chaius, thence south 67 chains, thence 
 cast till it comes to tho East River aforesaid, thence bounded by tho several 
 courses of the shore to tho bound first mentioned, containing SOO acres, 
 hereby cnmted wholly to the said Colin McDonald. Also, one other tract, 
 beginning at the first mentioned bound of tbe last described tract, thence to 
 ran south 65 ^ west 43 chains, thence south 104 chains, thence north 85 o 
 west till it comes to the harbour of Pictou, thence bounded by the 'several 
 courses of the said harbour to the bounds first mentioned, containing 700 
 acres, hereby granted wholly to the said John Froser. Also, one other tract, 
 beginning at the northern bound of lands granted Archibald Allardyco, on 
 the aforesaid harbour of Pictou, thence to run south 85 ^ cast 153 chains, or 
 until it comes to lands granted to Hod. McKay, thence north 48 chninti, thence 
 west 34 chains, thence south 3 chains 50 links, thence north 85 ° west to tho 
 harbour, and by tho several courses of the said harbour to tho bound first 
 mentionod, containing 500 acres, hereby granted to tho said Donnct Fcnu- 
 cone. Also, one other tract beginning 28 chains to tho cast of land granted to 
 R. Putterson aforesaid, thence to run south 140 chnins, thenco east 75 chains, 
 thence north to the sea-bLore, tb<fnco running wcstwardly by tho several 
 courses of the sco-shore to tho bound first menticacd, containing 950 acres, 
 and containing in the whole of the aforesaid tract of laud, 26,030 acres of 
 land , allowance being made for a town plot, common, glebe and school, and 
 for other public uses, excepting always the land marked on the plan as 
 reserved, and being oil wilderness land." 
 Tho ground reserved for a town was at Fishers 
 Grant, which was laid out to contain every public 
 convenience, and was duly named "Walmsley, but as 
 our readers are aware, it was a town only in name, 
 and we venture to say that even its name is entirely 
 unknown to the majority of the young generation of 
 By the tenure of the grant, " all mines of gold, silver, 
 copper, lead, and coals" were reserved, and also an " entire 
 right to all His Majesty's subjects to fish on the coasts 
 of the tract hereby granted, where it butts upon the 
 sea-shore." We hop 8, therefore, none of those resident 
 on the grant will aitempt to hinder any of the lieges of 
 Queen Victoria from this privilege. It proceeds : " also 
 fcaving and reserving to His Majesty, his heirs and 
 successors, all white or other pine trees of the growth 
 of twenty-five inches diameter and upwards, at twelve 
 inches off the earth, and if such trees shall be so cut 
 or felled without license for so doing, either from the 
 Surveyor-General of the "Woods or his deputy, or from 
 the Governor of the Province for the time being, the 

 lot or share of land on which said trees shall be so cut, 
 shall be forfeited and the lands revert to His Majesty, 
 his heirs and successors." Surely with such a penalty 
 nobody on that grant has ever cut down any big pine 
 trees on his lot, and surely Her Majes!y, as the lawful 
 heir of George the Third, must have a largo reserve of 
 masts for her navy. But somehow we don't see them 
 there nowadays. 
 The grantees were also required to pay a quit rent 
 of two shillings sterling for every hundred acres on the 
 Feast of St. Michael (which we may inform our ignorant 
 readers is on the 29th September) in every year, the 
 first payment on the first term after the expiration of 
 ten years from the date hereof. There were also the 
 same conditions as to working as in Cameron's grant. 
 Wo have given the conditions of the various early 
 grants, as curious exhibitions of the ideas of the time, but 
 it is to be observed that those issued at the same period 
 in the other counties were in the same terms. At this 
 time, however, a condition was inserted, not in previous 
 grants, as follows : — " If the land hereby given and 
 granted shall, at any time or times hereafter, come into 
 the possession and tenure of any person or persons what- 
 ever, inhabitants of our said Province of Nova Scotia, 
 either by virtue of any deed of sale, conveyance, 
 enfeoffment, or exchange, or by gift, inheritance, descent, 
 or marriage," (most likely, we think, it would at some 
 time in some one of these ways), " such person or persons 
 being inhabitants, as aforesaid, shall, within twelve months 
 after his, her, or their entry, take the oaths prescribed by 
 i.nv, and make and subscribe the following declaration, 
 that is to say: — * I, , do promise and 
 declare that I will maintain and defend, to the 
 utmost of my power, the authority of the King in 
 his Parliament, as the Supremo Legislature of this 
 Province,' before some of the magistrates of the said 
 pravince, and such declaration and certificate of the 
 ^^gistrate that such oaths have been i</i£en, being recorded 
 i^ the Secretary's office of the said Province, the person 
 or persons so taking the oaths aforesaid, and making and 
 subscribing the said declaration, shall be deemed the 
 lawful possessor or possessors of the land hereby granted*" 
 |f this were not done within twelve months, the grant 
 was to be void. We hope all our friends in Merigomish 
 and the other settlements upon this grant, have carefully 
 dtttended to this, otherwise, they ^ee what a certainty 
 tjijueTe is of their losing their lands. 
 The land was surveyed by Squir-t Patterson and a son 
 ^ tbe Surveyor-General, anc; dlv^esd into lots, which 
 yrero duly numbered. The men were drawn up on the 
 Barrack Square in Halifax, aud ch \:ic.u. drew his lot 
 \^Y number. 
 7he attempts made in the Colonies to fprm settlements 
 l^y disbanded soldiers have not generally been very 
 (j^UQcessful. Governor Lawrence, writing sopietime 
 previously to the Lords of Trade and ipiantations on tlii^ 
 lEiubject, says : — " According to my ideas pf the military, 
 yrhich I oiOFer with all possible deference a;id submission, 
 they are the least qualified, froni theJr occupation f^ 
 Bpl^i \ of any men living, to establish a new country, 
 whei ^ they must encounter difficulties with whiphi they 
 are altogether unacquainted." This was soon realized 
 in the present attempt. Some came and looked at the 
 land they had drawn, and without cutting a tree upon it, 
 returned to Halifax and re-enlisted. Others sold out for 
 trifling sums. The county records, for 1785 particularly, 
 contain a number of transfers of their lots, sometimes 
 "with their right to a town lot and their share pf 
 provisions," for sums of four and five pounds. A number 
 never sold, and their land has since be^n unoccupied, or 
 occupied without title. 
 Still a good number came to settle their grants, somo 

 raniying in the fall of 1783, others in the spring of 1784, 
 .«nd thus the "whole shore of the eastern part of tho 
 county was in some measure occupied. A large proportion 
 of these settlers were reckless and prolligate, but a 
 number proved steady and industrious, and from them 
 are descended many of the most prominent and useful 
 r^embers of society in the county at the present day. The 
 most of them were Scotch, and of these the majority wore 
 Lowlanders ; but a number were Highlanders, of whom 
 a considerable proportion were Catholics, principally 
 from tho Island of Barra, who had enlisted under that 
 persuajsive influence which Highland Lairds were accus- 
 tomed to exercise over their dependants. A number of 
 these afterward removed into t^e neighboring county of 
 Antigonish. We give in the appendix a list of gran^tees, 
 with such notices of them as we have been able to obtain. 
 ^Appendix F.) 
 We must now notice another band who arrived — 
 ■ some of them at this time, and others not till a little 
 later, who first occupied the upper settlement of the 
 East Kiver. These belonged to Ihe 84th Eegiment, 
 known at that time as the Eoyal Highland emigrants. 
 It consisted of two battalions, originally embodied in, 
 the y^ar 1775, though not numbered as the 84th till 
 the year 1778, when each battalion was raised to 1,000 
 men. Their uniform was the full Highland garb, with 
 purses made of raccoon instead of badgers* skins. The 
 officers wore the broadsword and dirk, and the men a 
 half basket sword. The first battalion was raised among 
 the discharged men of the 42nd, Fraser's, and Mont- 
 gomery's Highlanders, who had settled in Canada or 
 the old colonies at the peace of 17C3. It was stationed 
 ; at Quebec, under the command of Col. Allan McLean, 
 where it did good service in defence of that post, and 
 was thus the principal means of preserving the Pro- 
 'ixince .to .the British crown. The other battalion wai^, 
 Hi I 
 I ., I;fl 
 i n 
 raised principally among immigrants arriying in the? 
 United States or Nova Scotia. At the time the war 
 broke out, a large number were on their way from-- 
 Scotland to settle in various parls of the old colonies. - 
 In some instances the vessels were boarded from a- 
 man-of-war before arrival.* After arrival they were- 
 induced partly by threats and partly by persuasion, to- 
 enlist for the war, which was expected to be of short: 
 duration. They were not only in poverty, but many 
 wore in debt for their passage, and they were now" 
 told that, by enlisting, they would have their debts- 
 paid, have plenty food as well a? full pay, and would' 
 receive for each head of a family 200 acres of land and" 
 50 more for «ach child, " as soon as the present unna- 
 tural rebellion is suppressed," while, in the event of 
 refusal, there was presented the alternative of going to 
 jail to pay their debts. Under these circumstances, 
 most of the able-bodied enlisted, in some instance* 
 fathers and sons serving together. Their wives and 
 children were brought to Halifax, hearing the cannon, 
 of Bunker Hill on the passage. 
 This battalion was under the command of Col. Small- 
 Stewart, in his history of the Highland clans and regi- 
 ments, says : " No chief of former days ever more firmly 
 secured the attachment of his clun, and no chief certainly 
 ever deserved it better. "With an enthusiastic and 
 almost romantic love of his country and countrymen, it 
 seemed as if the principal object of his life had been to- 
 servo them and promote their prosperity. Equally 
 brave in leading them in the field, and kind, just, and 
 conciliating in quarters, they would have indeed been 
 ungrateful, if they had regarded him otherwise than 
 fVey did. There was not an instance of desertion in. 
 * Tbo tradition in several families is, that they were captured by a British* 
 man-of-war. I do not understand how this could be. A number were oou 
 their way to Virginia. 
 ihe battalion. Five companies remained in Nova Scotia 
 daring Iho war. The other five joined General Clinton 
 and Lord Cornwallis to the southward. At Eutaw 
 Spring's, the Grenadier company was in the battalion, 
 which, as Col. Alex. Stewart, of the 3rd Regiment, states 
 in his despatches, drove all before them." 
 That portion of the regiment which remained in Nova 
 Scotia, was stationed at Halifax, Windsor and Cumber- 
 laud, and the men were distinguished by their good 
 behaviour, in which they presented a remarkable <:ontrast 
 to the rest of the army at that time. 
 At the close of the war, both battalions were disbanded* 
 The first battalion settled in Canada, the second in Nova 
 Scotia, The transports, with the flank companies, from 
 the Southern army were ordered to Halifax, where the 
 men were to be discharged, but owing to the violence of 
 the weather, and a consequent loss of reckoning, they 
 made the Islands of St. Nevis and St. Kitts, which 
 delayed their final reduction till 1784. The largest por- 
 tion of the battalion obtained their land in Hants County^ 
 where they formed the township of Douglass, but a num- 
 ber of them settled on the upper settlement of the East 
 Eiver. The first who came was James Eraser (Big) who,, 
 in company with Donald McKay, the elder, followed the 
 river up till he reached the intervale, a little below St. 
 Paul's Church, where his grandson Donald resides, which 
 he chose as his future home. We may mention that 
 intervale land was then eagerly sought, and that it was 
 this that principally attracted the settlers to such a dist- 
 ance from the shore. Accordingly he and fifteen of his 
 comrades took up a tract of 3,400 acres, extending along 
 both sides of the river,* on the east side, from Finlay 
 • Tbo discharges wo have seen are dated 10th April, 1784, but the grant i» 
 dated 3rd November, 1785. There was, however, always delay in the issu* 
 of the old grants. Curiously enough I could find no record of this in the: 
 Crown Land office at Hali&s, Jt wo* surye]ri.'d and the lots laid off by Sqoir* 
 1 \hq 
 I ' I 
 Frier's, a little below Springril^ to a little above Samuel 
 Cameron, Esq.'s house, and on the west side, from John 
 li'orbes' to James Fraser's (CuUoden). This grant, usually 
 Icnowu on the East River, as " the soldiers' grant," is in 
 the same terms with that of the 82nd. The settlers also 
 received a town lot at Fishers Grant and a supply of 
 They made a beginning of settlement here, as near as 
 we can ascertain, in the summer of 1784. We may 
 say of these as well as those of the same class who 
 settled on the West Branch, that they were very different 
 from disbanded soldiers in general, being sober and indus- 
 ^rioYis, ^nd many pf them serious. But they had for some 
 ^me great hardships to endure. Till they made a blaze, 
 th^re was no path to the neighbouring settlement. AH 
 i^eir seed i^nd supplies for thei^ families, they were obliged 
 to ct^rry on their backs, or in winter, to drag on bandslods. 
 i^^d from their secHusion from the rest of the settlemeut. 
 they were for a time exposed to peculiar privations. We 
 appoud a list qi these grantees with notices of them. (■A-P' 
 pendi^ Q-.) 
 j^Lboui the same time with the occupation of the East 
 !!Pranch, or a little after, the West Branch was occupied, 
 principally by men of the same regiment. The first to 
 make their way thither were David McLean afterwards 
 [^squire, and John Fraser, who made their way along the 
 hed of the river to the falls, at Gray's Mills, where they 
 spent the night sleeping in the open air. Their grant 
 however did not come out for some time after. The one 
 in use is dated 13th December 1797, and includes a num- 
 ber of other parties, who had settled on other parts of the 
 river. This grant is not on record, but there is one regis- 
 tered for the same quantity of land with nearly the same 
 names, dated 1st April 1793. Wo subjoin a list of the 
 grantees with brief notices of them. (Appendix B.) 
 The some summer (1784) there arrived at Hali&l ^ 
 Tassel vnth immigianto, of whom some eight families, all 
 Highlanders, removed to Pictou, all of whom, so far as \?e 
 know, settled on the East River. Perhaps the most no- 
 tigeablo of these were Thomas Frt^ser, who settled nearly 
 opposite where New Glasgow now stands, and who was 
 long known as Deacon Thomas, and John Robertson who 
 was the first settler at Churchville. A list of these settlers so 
 far as we have been able to obtain, we subjoin. (Appendix I.) 
 About the same time a number of others, who had 
 «Qrved during the war, settled in various parts of the 
 couuty. Thus we find Lieutenant Gordon, who lived at 
 Mortimers Point, hence for some time after known as Gor- 
 dons Point, Henry Burnside, a native of Glasgow, who 
 had served ten years in the 42nd Regiment, who joined 
 the i^eitlers on West Branch, taking up the farm since 
 occupied by Peter Ross, Esq., Robert and Joseph McDo- 
 nald, brothers, who settled on Barneys River ; and William 
 MpEay, Archibald Gray and Dalgliesh, who had served 
 in one of the Highland Regiments, and Donald McGillivray, 
 who h{^d been a dragoou, all of whom settled on the lower 
 part of the Eight Mile Brook ; Samuel Cameron, who had 
 l>9en ^ light horseman, and who settled at Merigomish, 
 and Gregor McGregor, a native of Perthshire, who had 
 also served in the army and now settled at Barneys River. 
 There oame also others of those whom we have mentioned 
 as having been on their way to the United States when the 
 war broke out, among whom may be named Alpin Grant, 
 who, we believe, belonged to the 84th, and who settled 
 below the town, where Capt. Foote now lives, the McMil- 
 lans, (though one son William served his full time as a 
 soldier in the Cavalry and did not arrive for some time 
 after) and James McDonald and John McKenzie, of West 
 River, who had bei-^n employed in Halifax during the war, 
 the former as a tailor to the troops, and the latter as a 
 carpenter. To these we may add James Chisholm, a son 
 of a parish minister in the North of Scotland, who had 
 ' Is I 
 been on the staff of Oen. Washington, but finding his 
 Highland conntrymen generally taking the other side, 
 deserted and had a price set on his head. 
 About the same time, Governor Wentworth made efforts 
 to settle his grant. In a letter written in the year 1783, 
 to prevent process of escheat against him, he says, " I had 
 made an agreement with agents of li?0 families in Con- 
 necticut, all loyaHsts, and churchmen, with their mission- 
 aries, to remove upon our lands in the spring next, to giro 
 them alternate lots of 100 acres, and something more to 
 the missionary and one or two principals among them. 
 They are dissatislied with their present Government, are 
 well recommended, and determined to sell their present 
 This scheme was never carried out, but at this tiine to 
 secure his grant from forfeiture, ho offered liberal terms 
 to those who should occupy it. Several embraced his 
 proposals, the first of whom was Mr. John Sutherland. 
 He had immigrated a young man in the Hector, and 
 removed to "Windsor, where ho marviod. After this ho 
 returned to Pictou, he and his wife travelling on foot, and 
 carrying that distance an iron pot, as the beginning of 
 house furnishing. After being a short time on the East 
 Kiver, he removed about the year 1785, and settled at the 
 mouth of Sutherland's River, which received its name 
 from him, on the farm still occupied by his descendants. 
 Among others, who settled on the Wentworth Grant 
 about this time, we may mention Alex. McDonald, (Garty) 
 who had been a soldier in one of the Highland Kegiments 
 during the war, and three brothers, George, Charles and 
 Joseph Roy, who had just emigrated from Scotland. 
 The most important accession to that settlement at that 
 time was Nicholas Purdy (properly Puidue, that being 
 his mother's name), Olding. Both by his father and 
 mother's side he belonged to families of some rank in the 
 County of Kent, England. He was well educated, had 
 studied for the bar, and commenced practising in the 
 State of New York, where ho had married, when the war 
 broke out. Ho took the British side, though his father- 
 in-law took the opposite, and joined one of the loyal 
 A -an regiments, and served throughout the war as a 
 chasseur, or light horseman, with great credit. At the 
 €nd of the war ho removed \o Halifax, and commenced 
 practising law, and might have attained to the highest , 
 honors of his profession. But ho had received a wound 
 in the head, which hod been trepanned, and rendered 
 him unfit for the excitement of the bar and the social 
 habits of the time. Ho had drawn his land at Sheet 
 Harbor, but, not liking the situation, he, at tho solicitation 
 of Governor Wentworth, removed to Point Betty, where 
 he spent the rest of hi.s life. He was for many years a 
 man"istrate, and on the list of lawyers, though he did not 
 p^ so much, and, in his old age, recognized as the father 
 o^ Bar of Nova Scotia. 
 The large influx of settlers produced important changes 
 upon the state of the community. Perhaps the most 
 important was the injury done to its morality, by the largo 
 number of drunken profligates, discharged from the army, 
 a fact which will come under our notice hereafter. 
 Another circumstance must here be mentioned. From 
 the large influx of male settlers, there was such a scarcity of 
 the gentler sex, as wo now hoar of at the first settlement of 
 some of the "Western States. An old woman in the author's 
 congregation used to say that she recollected the time 
 when there was " only one girl in all Pictou " — marriage- ' 
 able, of course, she meant. Why that one remained in * 
 the market, wo regret that we omitted to enquire, but 
 presume that it was because she was " owre young to 
 marry yet." But extreme youth was not always a 
 protection. A case is well authenticated of a woman who 
 was married when she was fourteen years of age, and had 
 six childron before she was twenty. "What a contrast to 
 our present degenerate race ! Men then travelled, like 
 Jacob, long distances for wives, and married tliem with 
 as little previous acquaintance as an Oriental. A vessel 
 having arrived in Halifax with immigrants, three young 
 men on the East Iliver set off through the woods to the 
 city. On their arrival, they went among the newly 
 arrived, and each selecting the girl whose appearance 
 caught his fancy, at once made proposals to her. We 
 suppose it must have been through the persuasive 
 influence of the G-aelic language, but, at all events, the 
 fair ones yielded, went home with men they had never 
 Seen before, and proved faithful and, we have no doubt, 
 happy wives. One reason given for so many of the 82nd 
 men leaving was that they could not get wives in Pictou. 
 "We must here notice another class of settlers who, 
 ri.bout this time, commenced in Eiver John, and as their 
 history is somewhat peculiar and interesting, we shall 
 give it at some length. They were originally from the 
 town of Montbeliard (pronounced Mong bilyar) which 
 formerly formed part of the dominions of the Duke of 
 "Wurtemburg, but which was annexed to France by the 
 ami>ition and treachery of Louis XIV, after the treaty of 
 Nimeguen, in 1679.* 
 In the third volume of D'Aubigne's History of the Refor- 
 mation will be found an interesting account of the intro- 
 duction of the Reformation into this place, by Farel, in 
 the year 1524. His labours were successful ; a large 
 number embraced that system which also spread through 
 * " The lato-trcaties had ceded to France sereral important cities and dis- 
 tricts, 'with the dependencies belonging to th«m.' This vague expression 
 opened a wide field to the grasping ambition of Louis. He proceeded to 
 institute courts called Chambrea da reunion, for the purpose of ascertidning 
 what dependencies had appertained at any former period to the territories tiow 
 annexed to France, and by this ingenioos device ho soon added to his domi- 
 nions no less than twenty towns, wrested from neighbouring princes, includ- 
 ing Saarbiuck, Luzembuig, Deux-ponti and Montbelianl."->5mi(A'« Biriory 
 qf Fntnet. 
 the suTTonnding districts. Soon after their annexation to 
 France, came the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in the 
 year 1685, which let loose the floodgates of suffering npon 
 the Reformed Church of France. But in that act the dis- 
 tricts referred to, were excepted, and the Protestants for 
 some time suffered no molestation, owing to the stipula- 
 tions of the Treaty by which they were annexed. But 
 after a time the Lutherans in the annexed Provinces were 
 exposed to the same sufferings as their Reformed neigh- 
 bours, and the remembrance of these is still handed down 
 among their descendants in this country. One incident 
 connected with their emigration may be mentioned. 
 Orders had been given that one of their chapels should 
 be taken away from them and handed over to the Roman- 
 ists. Fifty young men, among whom were George Tattrio 
 and Peter Millard, assembled at it, armed only with 
 stones, prepared to resist. A detachment of troops was 
 Bent against them, with a priest at their head. He warned 
 the party gathered of the uselessness of resistance. They, 
 however, refused to yield, when a section of the troops 
 were ordered to fire, which they did, killing two and 
 wounding others, among whom was G-eorge Tattrie, who 
 received a ball in i he fleshy part of the leg. The order to 
 fire was answered by a volley of stones, by which some 
 of the soldiers were badly injured, and, it was said, one 
 killed. The Protestants were again summoned to surren- 
 der, but refused, until the priest called on the whole 
 detachment to ftre, when they submitted, and saw the 
 house where their fathers had worshipped given to their 
 As soon as his wound was healed, George Tattrie,* 
 who we may here mention, had previously been ^t "id'rench 
 soldier, and fought at the battle of Fontenoy Millard, 
 and most of the party joined a body of their fellow-coun- 
 • In 1873 I conversed with a son of his, over ninety years of ago, from, 
 irhsm I received these particulars, as I had received them some years before. 
 trymen, who were preparing to emigrate to Nova Scotia, 
 ill response to the invitations, which had been addressed to 
 Protestants on the Continent by the British Government, 
 offering liberal terms to those who should settle in this 
 Province. They came down the Rhine and took shipping 
 at Rotterdam for England, in the year 1752. They 
 landed at Portsmouth, and for a time were left in destitu- 
 tion by those who had brought them there. But their 
 case was taken up by the British Government, by whom 
 ihey wore despatched in four vessels, two for South Caro- 
 lina and two for Halifax. Those who came in the latter 
 reached their destination in the following spring, and 
 were landed at Georges Island, to the number of 224. 
 Prom Halifax they proceeded to Lunenburg, where they 
 endured the hardships and dangers of the first settlers. 
 After the peace of 17G3, Col. DesBarres, a countryman 
 of theirs, and a son of one of their old Protestant minis- 
 ters, who had entered the British military service, and 
 who had served at the taking of Louisburg and Quebec, 
 being, it is said, one of the officers in whose arms "Wolfe 
 fell, and who was afterward successively Governor of 
 Cape Breton and Prince Edward Island,^* had obtained 
 a grant of a large tract of land at Tatamagouche, 
 extending from Point Brule along the shore westvvardly, 
 some distance beyond the present village. By his 
 persuasion, a number of them were induced to settle 
 there. Accordingly, eleven removed from Lunenburg 
 with their families in or about the year 1771. Tho 
 names of these were George Tattrie, who settled on tho 
 French River at what is now Donaldsons place ; George 
 Gratto; David Langill, who settled on what has since 
 been known as Lombards place, and his son John 
 • Old Mrs. Mattitall, who liTcd whera the village of Tatamagoncho is now 
 Bitaated, had been his nuno. When he was Oovemor of Prince Edward 
 Island she went to see .him. He took her to Goreixunoiit House and showed 
 her erery kindness. 
 James Lang-ill, then mandod, who also sottlecl on tho 
 French Itiver; Matthew Lang-ill, his ])rother, James 
 Uigncy and George Mattitall, who located themselves 
 where the villag-o now is, and at th'.> same time, or 
 perhaps a little later, Peter Millard, who settled at the 
 point below Mrs. CampbeH'w, and John Millard, who 
 settled next him to the v est. There were three other 
 settlers who did not remain ; Ledurney, who settled 
 where Wangh afterward lived, John Lowe and John 
 "When they arrived they found the indications of 
 what had once been a ilourishing French settlement. 
 A considerable extent of land on the shores of the bay 
 and harbor, from tho church to McCulley's, had been 
 cleared by them, and their furrows were still visible. 
 The intervales both on French and "Waughs Rivers 
 had also been cultivated, and on tho former they had 
 been extracting and attempting to smelt tho copper ore. 
 The remains of no less than five mills were found ; one 
 on Mill Brook, one at Blockhouse Bridge, one at Mur- 
 dochs, one on tho main French River, and ono at 
 Goosar, Traces also of a graveyard, with crosses still 
 standing at the head of tho graves, and of a Romish 
 chapel, were to be seen between what is now Mr. Wm. 
 Campbell's field and the schoolhouse. The first settlers 
 for a time endurod great hardships. A supply of imple- 
 ments and provisions was to have been sent round to 
 them in a vessel, but she never arrived. They had to 
 carry wheat and potatoes on their backs from Truro, 
 the former article costing them twelve shillings per 
 bushel and tho price of the latter being proportional. 
 They frequently resorted to a plant growing on tho 
 marsh, which, when boiled, mado a palatable sort of 
 greens. But they had the benefit of the clearings mado 
 by the Acadian French, those on the intervales being 
 particularly rich, from which they soon derived a com- 
 li ■ 
 fortable subsistence, and they were soon joined "by others 
 of their countrymen from Lunenburg. 
 But Dos Barres was unwilling to soil his land and 
 wished to keep th;i sjttlers as tenants. This, of course,, 
 they did not like, when ther«) was so much land around, 
 which might bo had in full ownership. Accordingly, as 
 the young men of lhes3 families grew up they began to 
 look elsewhere, and were attracted by the land in River 
 John, then knawn as Deception lliver, and, as near as wo 
 can ascertain, in the year 17S5, four young families, viz.: 
 George Patriquin, John Patiiquin, James Gratto and 
 George Langill, son of John James, above mentioned^ 
 took up their abode there. =i*= Following the plan which, 
 had been adopted at Lunenburg, especially from fear of 
 the Indians, of living in a town and having their farm 
 lots outside, they laid out for themselves small lots at 
 what is called Smiths Point, and where they intended 
 also building a blockhouse. They took up land for farm- 
 ing purposes, but for several years continued to live 
 together at Smiths Point, thus strengthening each other's 
 hands, and overcoming the feeling of loneliness, incident 
 to the situation of the new settler. 
 John Patriquin took up and occupied for a number of 
 yea.rs the farm owned afterward by the late Alexander 
 McKenzie, Esq., and from him the point where the ship- 
 yard is, now occupied by Charles McLennan, Esq., was 
 known as Johns Point. It is supposed by some that 
 the river received its present name from him. It was for 
 a length of time known as "Johns lliver," and on the 
 communion cups of the Presbyterian congregation of 
 River John, it is so named ; but before the English settle- 
 • Tlio land here belonged to the Philadelphia Company, and the first deed 
 on record is dated 25tU July, 178C, and u to James Gratto, (John) James 
 Langill, George (Frederick) Langi'; .ohn (Frederick) Patiiquin, Ocorgo 
 Pakiqttin and Georgo Tattrie, of lana uoscribed as " lying on a river and bay 
 known Ly the name of Deception Hirer, near Capo Jean, beginning about a. 
 luilo north from the entrance of said river on west Bide," ice. 
 ment tho cape, at the entrance, was known as Cap Jean, 
 or Cape John and in Des Barros' chart published in 1770, 
 the estuary of the river is called " Harbour or River John." 
 This John Patriquin again removed to Tatamagouche, 
 but several of his family afterward returned to Eiver 
 George Patriquin took up his farm adjoining John's to 
 the north, whore Thomas Mitchell now resides. He had 
 four sons, James, who settled in New Annan, David and 
 George, both of whom settled on the road leading to 
 Earl town, and Frederick, who, when five years of age, 
 was stolen by the Indians. This was a very severe trial 
 to the afflicted parents, who mourned over their loss 
 during their lifetime, between hope and despair, the 
 feeling still lingering in their minds that, probably by 
 b3me event in Providence, their darling might be restored 
 to them again. Whenever the^' h'^ard of any white person 
 among the Indians, they would make enquiry, but no 
 tidings of the lost were ever received. His daughter 
 Phebo, universally known as aunt Phebe, wife of Joseph 
 Langill, Brook, was the first white child born in River 
 John. James Gratto, a son of George Gratto, one of the 
 first settlers in Tatamagouche, took up his farm beyond 
 Smiths Point. He left two sons, George and Matthew, 
 and his descendants etill occupy part of the old property. 
 The last of the four first settlers of River John was 
 Gcorgo Langill. He was a grandson of David, or John 
 David Langill, already mentioned, as one of the first set- 
 tlers of Tatamagouche, whoso widely scattered family we 
 shall presently notice. 
 Five years later or about the year 1790, the settlers in 
 Eiver John were joined by the families of George Joudry, 
 who settled next above him, by Georgo Bigney, son of 
 James mentioned as one of the first settlers of Tatama- 
 gouche, who settled where Thomas Bigney now resides, 
 and Mattitall and George Langill, only son of Matthew 
 li ' 
 1 ■ i 
 1 'ii 
 Langill, already mentioned, as one of the first settlers of 
 Tatamagouche. lie obtained John Patriquin's place by- 
 exchange. His father Matthew, who had been a light 
 horseman in the French army, came afterward to lUvor 
 John, and died there at the age of 7G, and was the first 
 person buried in the old graveyard, his tombstone bearing 
 the date 1800. 
 At a later date, Louis Tattrie, son of George already 
 mentioned, settled on the Tatamagouche road, and others 
 from Tatamagouche, and two brothers Perrin, Cluistopher 
 and George, came direct from Lunenburg. 
 Wo must now notice, however, the fam.iy of (John) Da- 
 Tid Langill. By his first marriage, he had one son, John 
 James, who, as we have mentioned, settled with him on 
 the French TJiver. He had fivo sons, George, David, 
 James, Joseph and Frederick. This George was, as wo 
 have seen, one of the first settlers of River John, but ho 
 remained only a few years, and then removed to New 
 Annan, and the Langills, in that quarter, are descended 
 from him. Frederick removed to the United States, and 
 the other three settled in Eiver John. David is the ances- 
 tor of the Miller Langills, and James and Joseph settled 
 on the Mill Brook, where their descendants are still.nume- 
 (John) David Langill, by his second marriage, had no 
 children. He was married a third time to a woman, who 
 had a son previously, who assumed the name of Langill, 
 and who settled at Point Brule, where he became the 
 ancestor of the Langills in that quarter. 
 By this third marriage, David Langill had (1) Nicholas, 
 who went to the United States and was never heard from, 
 (2) John David, (3) John George, (4) John Frederick, and 
 (5) John Louis.* These four all settled on the shore from 
 * Amoug the German-i in Lunouburg, it was a practice not uncommon till 
 recently, and perhaps still existing, to give encli son in a family tho same first 
 name and to distinguish them by their second names. 
 River John toward Tatamajrouche, about the year 1792. 
 John G-eorge was long an elder in the Presbyterian Church, 
 and was regarded as a man that feared God with all his 
 house. His son Ephraim was also an elder for 8G years, 
 and now his grandson Ephraim is also an elder. One son 
 of John Louis, David, has also long been an elder in the 
 Presbyterian Church, and is now the oldest member of 
 The old people spoke a corrupt dialect of French, but 
 with a German tone and accent, as the inhabitants of 
 Alsace and neighboring districts do till the present day. 
 But they understood pure French ; some of them could 
 read it fluently, and they could also understand the 
 patois of the Acadians. Some of them also had Bibles 
 and other books in that language. But amiong the 
 present generation it has nearly died out. Indeed, 
 in their general character, they show more of the staid- 
 iisss of the German than the vivacity of the Frenchman. 
 The large accessions to the population of the district 
 induced in 1783 and 1784 an effort to obtain the services 
 of a settled clergyman. A meeting of the inhabitants 
 was accordingly held in the fall of the latter year 
 with that view, when it was agreed to apply to Scot- 
 land for the services of a Presbyterian minister. For 
 his support they a^eed to " raise £%0 per annum for 
 the first and second years, jCOO per annum for the third 
 and fourth years, and thereafter jBIOO currency, that is, 
 ^90 sterling annually, — one-half thereof in cash and the 
 other in prodace ; and if Providence sliould smile upon 
 the settlement and their industry, to mjike additions to 
 that sum." They also agreed to build a house and barn 
 for their minister, and that he should have a glebe, and 
 that they should clear so much of it, from time to time, 
 for his encouragement. A committee was appointed, 
 consisting of llobert Patterson (the Squire), John Pat- 
 terson (deacon), of the harbor, as it was then called, 
 1 it| 
 I 1 
 ; 4 
 Wflliam Smith, of "West IJirer, Kobcrt Marshall, of 
 Middle Iiiver, and Donald McKay, of the East, to act 
 for them in obtaining a minister. A petition, drawn up 
 by Ml". Cock, was accordingly signed by them and 
 entrusted to John Buchanan, Sen., and John Pagan, 
 respectable inhabitants of Greenock, with authority to 
 ''present it to any Presbyterian Church Court with which 
 they were likely to be successful. 
 It was accordingly presented to the Greneral Associate 
 Synod of Scotland, then usually known as the Antiburgher 
 Synod, at their meeting in Spring, 1786, and as the 
 result, the Eev. James, afterward Dr., McGregor was 
 appointed to proceed to Pictou. He accordingly, ou the 
 4th June, set sail from Greenock, in the brig Lily, for 
 Halifax, where he arrived on the 11th July, and the 
 same week came to Truro, travelling on horseback. 
 There was something like a road for eleven miles from 
 Halifax, but beyond that there was only a narrow 
 avenue through the woods, on which the trees had beeu 
 cut down and sometimes cut across and rolled to one 
 side. The ground was generally so soft that even at 
 midsummer, as it was then, the horses sank to their 
 knees in mud and water, and as each horse put his 
 foot where his predecessor had, the path became a 
 regular succession of deep holes, such as one may see in 
 a road recently made in deep snow. 
 From Truro there was only a blaze, but men were then 
 employed in opening the road, which, however, consisted 
 only in cutting down the trees along the line of travel. 
 On the 21st he left Truro, and arrived at George 
 McConnell's, now the ten-mile farm, and then the nearest 
 clearing to Truro. On the following morning he was 
 taken in a canoe to the harbour. His impression he thus 
 describes: — "When I looked round the shores of the 
 harbour I was greatly disappointed and cast down, for 
 there was scaiceJy anylhing to be seen but woods growing 
 down to the water's edge. Here and thero a mean timber 
 hut was visible in a small clearing, which appeared no 
 bigger than a garden, compared to the woods. Nowhere 
 could I see two houses without some wood between 
 On the following day ho commenced his labors by 
 preaching in Squire Patterson's barn. He thus describes 
 the event : — 
 " The Squire gave orders to lay slabs and planks in Ins lam for scats to tLo 
 •tfongregation ; and tcforo eleven o'clock next morning I saw the peoplo 
 gathering to bear the GoBpel from tbe lips of a stranger, and n stranger who 
 felt few of its consolations, and bad but little bcpo of communicating them 
 to bis bearers. None came by land except certain families who lived a few! 
 miles to the right and left of Squire Patterson's. Those who camo from the 
 south side of the harbor and from the river, had to ccmo iu Lcats or canoes,! 
 containing from one to seven or eight persons. The congregation, liowevcr,' 
 was not large ; for numb^ .s could not get ready tbcir craft, the notice was so ' 
 short. I observed that the conduct of some ot them, coming from tho shore 
 to the bam, was as if thej had never beard of a Saubath. I beard loud 
 talking and laughing, and singing and whistling, even before they reached' 
 tho shore. They behaved, however, with decency so long as I continued tO' 
 speak, and some of them were evidently much affected. I endeavored to, 
 explain to them in the forencon In English, ' This is a faithful saying, and' 
 ^worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus camo into the world to save 
 sinners ;' and in tho afternoon, in Gaelic, <Tbc Son cf jMuu is como to seek 
 and to save that which is lost.' Tho first words which I heard, after 
 pronouncing the blessing, were from a gentleman of tho ani^y calling to hia 
 companions, « Come, ccne, let us go to the grog shop ;' but instead of going 
 with him, they camo toward mo to bid mo welcome to the setUcmcat, aoj. ho 
 came himself at last." • 
 In the same vessel with Dr. McGregor arrived one who 
 was afterward well known in tho county, viz., AYilliam 
 Eraser, surveyor. Having traversed tho eastern part of 
 the Province about this time, ho says : — " In 1787 there 
 were only four or five houses from Salmon Ivivcr to 
 Antigonish. To tho eastward of tho East Iviver there was 
 not even a blaze on a tree. There was not one inhabitant 
 on the Cape Breton sido of the Gut of Canso, and but one 
 on tho Nova Scotia side. In 17SS there was one house at 
 iShip Harbour. I may add that from Pictou to Cocaigue, 
 .'If i 
 ,, Hi 
 . ' ;h 
 there were but four or five families at River John; a 
 few more at Tatamagoucho ; some refugees at AVallace^ 
 and but one at Bay Verte. At Miramichi there were but 
 five families." 
 'Wo may add here, that by a return to Government,^ 
 signed by John Fraser and Eobert Patterson, dated 8th 
 June, 1786, the following was the amount of farm stock 
 in Pictou and Merigomish : — 
 :luxaU Cattle. 
 DR. m'oregou's early labours.— 1786-1788 
 Hitherto we have had great difficulty in getting any- 
 thing like clear information regarding the state of eociety 
 among the early settlers, but Dr. McG-regor, in his auto- 
 biography, has given a very vivid picture of the con- 
 dition of the country at this period. "Wo have already 
 published this in another form, but it is necessary, for 
 the completeness of our present work, to give, at least, 
 a condensed view of the state of matters as he found 
 them, and of his early labours. 
 •' As for our population," ho says, •' Pictou did not con- 
 tain 500 souls ; if Merigomish be included, I suppose 
 they would amount to a few more." These were settled 
 principally along Ihe intervales of the three rivers, and 
 thinly along the shore from Fishers Grant to Merigo- 
 mish. The Fite of the town was still covered with 
 woods. The majority of the settlers, having commenced 
 within the previous two years, were in extreme poverty. 
 Squire Patterson's house was the only framed one- 
 Of tho rest, but seven or eight had two fire-places. 
 The most were of round logs, with moss KtuiTcd in 
 between ihem, and plastered with clay, while Iho roof 
 was formed of tho bark of trees cut in pieces of equal 
 length, disposed in regular tiers, tho ends and edges 
 overlapping, and kept in position by poles running tho 
 whole length of the building, placed on tho ends of each 
 range of bark, and fastened at tho ends to tho building- 
 by means of withs. Their furniture was of tho rudest 
 description, a block of wood, or a rude bench, serving 
 for chair or table. Food was commonly serv'cd up in 
 wooden dishes or in wooden plates, except when discard- 
 ing such luxuries, they gathered round tho pot of pota- 
 toes on tho middle of tho floor. Among the new comersr 
 at least, straw formed tho only bed. Money was tjcarccly 
 seen, and almost all trado was by barter, wheat and 
 maple sugar being the principal circulating medium. 
 "Not a loaf could bo afforded of our own wheat. 
 There was no mill to grind it. "We had an imitation flour 
 by the hand-mill, but of oatmills we had not a semblance." 
 These hand-mills, or querns, were in almost every house. 
 They consisted of two stones, about two feet in diameter ; 
 the lower was fixed, and the upper surface " picked, " 
 as millers say, and a pintle of iron inserted in tho centre. 
 The upper stone T'as heavier, being about ten inches 
 thick, with a hole in the centre through which iho jnntlo 
 in the lower stone passed, and by which, also, the grain 
 to be ground was introduced. The lower end of an 
 upright I le was fastened to tho upper Esurfaco of this 
 stone, near its outer edge, Avhile the upper end was fixed 
 in a cross piece of wood between the upper beams of the 
 house. The operator seizing the upright polo in one 
 hand, whirled the upper ctone by means of it with a 
 rapidity according to his strength, at the same time, with 
 the other hand, i)utting tho grain into the hole in tho 
 centre. John Patterson made an i m provemeut upon them» 
 1 <'i 
 1 'in I 
 i Ml 
 "by putting a rim round them and a spout at ono Bid(% so 
 that tho Hour might como off tho stono at ono place. 
 This was afterward sifted and mado wholosome broad. 
 " Grinding on tho hand-mill was so laboiioua that it was 
 let alone till necessity impelled to it. This was tho otxa- 
 sion of saving much wheat, for many a meal was mado 
 without bread on account of tho troublo of grinding."* 
 " There was not a merchant in tho district, nor any who 
 commonly kept goods for sale, or made the third of his 
 living by tho sale of goods. Little schooners came round 
 in tho summer with some nocrssary articles, to which tho 
 people repaired in their canoes, and got a few things, for 
 which tlioy exchanged a little produce. Sometimes John 
 Patterson got a ft w pounds' worth more than he needed, 
 and afterward cold them. "Wo had scarcely any trades- 
 men of any kind." 
 " There was net a foot of road in the district. There 
 was a path from tho "West to the Middle l?iver, and from 
 tho Middle Eiver to tho East, but no path from any of tho 
 rivers to the harbor. "Wo had not a dozen of horses,! and 
 • Mention is made of a grist mill of Kennedy's in tho census of 1774, but 
 itmuttbnvc worked but frr n Miort time, if it ever worked nt all, as bo 
 returned to Truro in 177(!. Certainly, at this time, there was none in opera- 
 tion, and the tradition is, that tho first application of any other power than 
 tho hand-mill to grinding was ly tho erection of a windmill by John Patter- 
 son, at Nonvay Point, where ho then lived. Tho wheat which tho settlers 
 exchanged with tho merchants for goods, was shipped to Halifax and ground 
 at a mill at Dartmouth. 
 f William Frascr, surveyor, says that in 1787 there was only four or fivo 
 borBCS between Salmon River and Antigonish. Though there were horses in 
 tho settlement, they were still rare enough to bo objects of wonder and dread 
 to tho rising generation in somo places. Wo havo heard John McLean, of 
 West Pkivcr, tell of tho first horse ho ever euw, lie had heard of a mnn in tho 
 neighborhood having got such on animal, and not long after, being down on 
 tho intervale, ho was struck with terror at the sudden appearance of a bugo 
 beast, which ho concluded must bo tho aforesaid horse. IIo retained his 
 faculties sufficiently to consider whether it would bo better immediately to 
 take to flight, but concluded that if ho did so it might lead tho animal to 
 forsuo him. He, therefore, glided away quietly, till ho got some bushes 
 for rarriaj^e, neither sleighs nor gigs." These roads, if 
 they can bo called such, served scan^oly any other purpose 
 than to prevent the traveller going astray. Though there 
 were inconveniences in travelling by them from their 
 roughness owing to stones or roots, from the branches of 
 trees which crossed the path, or from wet and boggy 
 ground, yet old people have assured me, that from the soft 
 moss, with which the ground was covered, walking on 
 them was easier and less fatiguing than on an ordinary road. 
 Over most of the district, however, there was not even this 
 convenience. The most there was to direct the traveller 
 between one settlement and another was a " blaze," which 
 ^e presume all our readers know means a chip taken ofF the 
 sides of the trees along the line of travel. The chief of 
 the travel on land was along the shore or the banks of the 
 rivers, which were often incumbered with trees and stones, 
 and at other places presented bogs, the crossing of which 
 was most inconvenient, or creeks which required a long 
 circuit round, or brooks, which it was necessary to ascend 
 for some distance, to a convenient places of crossing. In 
 winter, the regular mode of conveyance was the snow 
 shoe. It is certain, that whether more snow fell then than 
 now, it lay more continuously through the winter, and 
 as winter advanced, was of greater depth than is now com- 
 monly seen, rendering this at that time the only possible 
 way of travelling. In summer, canoes were largely used 
 ill ( ■r,£;<jiiig harbours and streams on passing along these 
 shores. These were what are in the west called dugouts, 
 being « Mistructed of a section of a largo pino tree, hol- 
 iiotwecu liimse'f and the liorso, when ho <ook to hia heels and ran with a'-l 
 his miglit till ho roachc<l homo. Tho late John Douglass, of Middle River, 
 nsed to tull, with equal interest, of the first horse he saw. It belonged to a 
 man from Truro, who lUcd at his father's house. John, returning homo 
 from a short absence, was surprised at seeing such an animal tied to a tree. 
 While peeping curiously at it from behind another tree, ho was still more 
 purprised to see a t-trango min, who came out of the bouse, mount upon hia 
 back and ride away. 
 " 'I 
■;| : 
 lowed out and properly shaped. These were lar^'e and 
 capable of cany ing four or five persons with perfect safety, 
 but from the uniskilfulnesy of many of the settlers, who 
 had not been accustomed to them, accidents frequently 
 " It was no little diHcoin as'v^raeiit to mo that I saw 
 scarcely any books among" the p;>ople. Those who spoke 
 English had indeed a few, which ihey brought with 
 them from their former abodes ; but scarcely one of them 
 had got any addition to his stock since. Almost all of 
 them had a Bible, and it was to be seen with some of tho 
 Highlanders who could not read. Few of them indeed 
 could read a word. There was no school in the place. 
 Squire Patterson had built a small house and hired a 
 teacher for a few months now and then for his own 
 children. In three, or perhaps four, other places three 
 or four of the nearest neighbors had united and hired a 
 teacher for a few months at different times, and this 
 • I have been Knrprisetl in tracing the history of families of tho early inhabi- 
 tants, to find so many cases of drowniug ly the upsetting of canoes or falling 
 through tlie ice. On one occasion at the Jiidillo River three men were 
 drowned in attempting to save a woman. She was a Mrs. Cummingcr, who 
 lived on the cast side. She was on her way to town by tho ice en foot, when, 
 for some reason unknown, she took a wrong course and went over to tho oppo- 
 Bite side, where tho ice was had. When opposite what is now Blairs place, it 
 gave way under her ; her cries attracted the attention of three men, who wcro 
 woiUing in tho woods, two named Eoss and one named McLean, who immedi- 
 ately proce< dcd to her assistance. They cut poles which they laid upon tho ice, 
 and on wMdi they walked out towards her, hut when close to her, stepping 
 on the outer ends of the poles, on the edge of the water, tho ice gave way, and 
 they were plunged in. Their cries in turn nvtractcd the attention of two ether 
 men, tho late Samuel Archibald and a Mr. Ilinglcy, who wore going to town 
 on skates. Owing to tlic state of t he ice on that side the river, they had to mako 
 oconsidcrablc detourto reach the place, so that wh';n vhcy arrived the v/oman 
 and two of tho men had sunk. Tho third was supporting himself on his polo 
 which he held in an upright position, but just as vliey approached ho let go 
 and disappeared. Tho next day tlic whole four Lodies were taken out of tho 
 one hole. The three men were all young, had not been long in this country ; 
 two were brothers, the third a coUl^i.'}, and one of them had only been ahoQt 
 eix weeks married. 
 Tvas a great cxcTtion. "What was more disco iiraginj^, I 
 could not see a situation in Pieton where a school 
 could be maintained for a year, so thin and scattered 
 was the poi)ulation. Besides, many of the Highlanders 
 were perfectly indifferent about education, for neither 
 themselves nor any of their ancestors had ever tasted its 
 pleasure or its profit. But afterwards I found thai 
 rhildieu mad^ quicker progress in the small and tem- 
 porary schools, with which the people were obliged to 
 content themselves, than they did at home in largo and 
 stationary schools ; and I found it easier than I had 
 thought, to rouse tho Highlanders to attend to the educa- 
 tion of their children, so far as to read the Bible." 
 Dr. McGregor, wo may hero observe, was a native of; 
 Perthshire, born at what is now tho village of St. Fillans, 
 at the foot of the romantic Loch Earne, inDecem-ber, 1759. 
 His father had been brought to the knowledge of the 
 Saviour under the celebrated Ebenezer Erskine, when a 
 young man laboring near Stirling. He returned to his 
 native parish, to bo an earnest friend of the Gospel, and 
 continued active in promoting its extension during the 
 rest of his life. His fc on was early devoted to the Tniniistiy, 
 and, possessing strong natural powers, an earnest spirit 
 and active habits, he passed through his college curriculum 
 at Edinburgh with credit, studied theology under William 
 Moncrieff, at Alloa, then professor in tho Antiburgher 
 branch of tho Secession, and was in due course licensed 
 to preach the Gospel. Believing that duty coiled him to 
 preach the Gospol to his Highland countrymen, he gave 
 him. -"If to tho study of their language, and became a most 
 aeoomi.litehed Gaelic scholar. Ho not only si:)oke it with 
 ease and flueniy, but wrote it with precision and elegance, 
 so that befor(^ leaving Scotland he had been employed in 
 preparing a corrected version of tho Gaelic Scriptures. 
 We may here observe that ho had somewhat of a poetical 
 ffe?.aus, and in his later years, with a desire to beucHt his 
 I ' 
 countrymen, he prepared a small volume of Gaelic poems, 
 in •which he exhibited the doctrines of the Crospel, in verse,, 
 adapted to the sweetest melodies of his native land. The 
 work is still popular in many parts of the Highlands. 
 Now commenced that course of protracted and ener- 
 getic labors, which endeared him to the hearts of the 
 people of that generation, which established the moral 
 and spiritual character of the county and built up the 
 Presbytorian cause through the eastern parts of the Pro- 
 vince and in the other Maritime colonies. "Wo have in 
 another work described these labors at some length, but 
 as his history is for some time the history of Pictou, a 
 brief account of them is necessary in this place. 
 On the second Sabbath after his arrival (July 80) 
 preaching was at the East Eiver, at the head of the 
 tide, a little below the present Albion Mines, and he 
 complains that the conduct of those in attendance "was 
 as disorderly as before. " Their singing and whistling, 
 and laughing and bawling, filled my mind with amaze- 
 ment and perplexity. I took occasion to warn them of 
 the sin and danger of such conduct." During the 
 service one man stood up and, in a loud and angry 
 voice, told him that he was good for nothing and did 
 not deserve the name of a minister, and that he would 
 never pay him a shilling, as he had refused to baptize 
 his child. 
 The following Sabbath he preached at the lower part 
 of the Middle Eiver, at what was then Alexander Fra- 
 sers place, near where Samuel Fraser'fc) house stands. 
 Service was under the shade of a largo elm tree. At first 
 it was contemplated to erect one church here, as being 
 central for the whole district. This idea, however, was 
 soon abandoned, and it was resolved to erect two, one on 
 the East River and the other on the "West. 
 During the summer preaching continued thus alter- 
 nately, with some improvement in the conduct of the 
 people, but not very decided, till the cold weather led 
 the gentlemen, of the army to dispense with their 
 presence. He remarks that though public worship was 
 conducted in the open air till they were compelled by 
 cold to go into houses, they were never disturbed by a. 
 Early in October he first visited the upper settlement 
 of the East Eiver. The only mode of travelling to this 
 quarter was by walking along the edge of the river till 
 thoy came to a brook, and then ascending it till they 
 reached a place where it could be crossed. His first 
 sermon was preached at James McDonalds intervale, 
 under the shade of a large tree. " On iSabbath," he says, 
 " they came all to hear me with wonder and joy ; for they 
 had not indulged the hope cf ever seeing a minister in 
 their settlement. They had very poor accommodations.. 
 I had to sleep on a little straw on the floor." 
 A little before wintc^ set in he paid his iirst visit to' 
 Merigomish, preaching und visiting. The people solicited 
 a share of services, and for about thirty years he continued 
 to give a portion of his labors to that settlement. To 
 attend his ministry, a number were in the habit of 
 travelling to his church at the lower settlement of the 
 East Eiver, going in canoes to the head of ^ t harbor, and 
 thence on foot through the woods to the chii.'-ch. It was 
 not, however, till two years t'l'ter, that thoy wore fully 
 organized as a congregation, by the ordination of Eiders, 
 the first beincr Wolter Murrsiv, .Tnhii i^tnall, qv'\ George 
 Koy. ^ " , 
 The winter following was the severest known among 
 the early settlers for many years. It set in on the 15th 
 November. There had been snow previous, which had 
 melted, but what fell on that day remained till the middle 
 of April, and some of it till the month of May. Before the 
 end of the month, the harbour was wufficiently frozen for 
 persons to cross on the ice. " When winter came on," ho 
 t iM 
 continues, " preacbing was in private houses. Pcoplo 
 could not sit in a house without fire, and they could not 
 travel far. It was thf reforc agreed, that I should preach 
 two sabbaths at tho East Eiver, two upon tho Harbour, 
 two upon tho West Kivcr, and iwo upon tho Middle Ri- 
 ver, and then renew tho circle till tho warm weather 
 should return. Tho Upper Settlement of the East Eiver, 
 being unprovided with snow-shoes, were excluded 
 through tho whole winter from all communication with 
 tho rest of the pcoplo, as cfFectually as if they had bolong- 
 ed to another world, excepting one visit by two young men, 
 who made a sort of snow-shoes of small tough withes, 
 plaited and interwoven in snow-shoe frames. This cir- 
 culating plan of preaching was no little inconvenience to 
 mc. For six weeks in eight, I was from home almost 
 totally deprived of my books and all accommodation for 
 study, often changing my lodging and lixposed to frequent 
 and excessive cold. But it had this advantage, that it 
 gave me an easier opportunity of visiting and examining 
 the congregation, than I could otherwise have had, for I 
 got these duties performed in each portion between the 
 two Sabbaths on which I was there." 
 With this winter began his regular course of family 
 visitation, and catechetical instruction. " I resolved not 
 to confine my visitations to Presbyterians, but to include 
 all of every denomination, who would make me welcome ; 
 for I viewed them as sheep without a shepherd. Tho 
 purport of my visitations was to awaken them to a sight 
 of their sinful and dangerous state, to direct them to 
 Christ, to exhort them to be diligent to grow in religious 
 knowledge, and to set up the worship of God in tho 
 family and closet, morning and evening. I did not pass 
 a house, and although I was not cordially welcomed by 
 all, my visits were productive of more good than .1 
 expected ; and I trust they were the means of bringing to 
 Christ several who were not Presbyterians." He also. 
 annually held meetings in each section of the congrega- 
 tion, at which young and old were duly catechised accord- 
 ing to the old Scottish mode. 
 This course of labour, both in preaching, visiting and 
 catechising, ho regularly fulfilled over the whole district 
 during the nine years ho was solo minister of Pictou. 
 With the state of traveling as we have described it, it 
 may be understood that this involved a large amount of 
 toil. " I had to learn," he says, *' to walk on snow-shoes 
 in winter, and to paddlo a canoe in summer, and to cross 
 brooks and swamps upon trees overturned or broken by 
 the wind, and to camp in the w^oods all night — for there 
 is no travelling the woods at night, where tlioro is no 
 road." But ho possessed an ardent temperament, and an 
 active, wiry frame. People have said, that they never 
 saw one brought up in the old country, become so good a 
 traveller on snow-shoes, and such were his powers of 
 endurance, that he outdid many who were accustomed to 
 labour and travelling in the forest. 
 He w^as also subjected to serious privations. For weeks 
 ho was from home, and in the poor huts of ihc settlers, 
 he suffered extreme cold and had to partake of the x>oore8t 
 fare. Often the plank was his only bed, and a potatoe his 
 fare, but never did he complain. Cheerfully he went in 
 tmd out amouff them, cheering thorn with the message of 
 The effects of his labors soon began to appear. The 
 people gene -ally began to awake to the subject of religion, 
 many were :bund turning to the Lord, and a great change 
 in their religious habits passed over the whole population. 
 Family worship, and family religious instruction became 
 almost universal, and people flocked from all quarters to 
 attend on the preaching of the word, young women even 
 walking in summer from the West to the East River, a 
 distance of ten miles or more, for that purpose. When the 
 settlers thus became in earnest on the subject of religion, 
 ,i ^ ■; I 
 ^■' Mil 
. 146 
 a most bitter feeling of opposition was raised against bins 
 by a set of profligates, at the head of whom were the retired 
 army officers. These men were living in drunkenness 
 and disregard of the marriage tie. The Dr. as in duty 
 bound, spoke to them about their conduct, and induced 
 one to reform, but the rest were hardened.* As the 
 influence of his labours was felt, the people reprobated 
 their conduct in the plainest language. Besides they had 
 hoped to exercise over the soldieis the same authority 
 as previously, but now as ho says, "time, intercourse 
 with the other settlers and doubtless an increase of kno^^ 
 ledge, induced them to withdraw their subjection." O 
 this he had to boar tho blame, and their animosity 
 against him was excited to such a pitch, that before the 
 end of tho first winter they threatened to shoot him, and 
 bum tho house in which he lodged. The following 
 winter they held a meeting with a view to send him 
 bound to tho Governor, hoping that their mere word 
 would be sufficient to procure his banishment. But, as 
 he says, they went fast to destruction, and on tho breaking 
 out of the French war in 1793, all tho drunken among 
 the old soldiers enlisted, so that he could look upon 
 Pictou as purged. 
 He also labored to promote the educational and social 
 interests of tho community. Parents receiving Baptism 
 for their children were put under pledges, to give them 
 as good an cJiicatioii as their circumstances would per- 
 mit. He encouraged them in establishing schools, and 
 when established, frequently visited them. And though 
 • Ono of them, who lived on Robortson's Island, had bought a soldier's 
 wife from her husband (for selling wives was ono of tho venerated institutions 
 of the olden time), and was so jealous, that when he left home, he was in the 
 habit of taking her out in his boat and .. iving her on a small island off the 
 main one. Dr. McGregor urged upon hi>ii the duty of separating from her. 
 " But what will become of the children." " Oh " said tho Doctor, " You 
 should do your duty, and lcat.e them to the care ofL. Providence." " They 
 would be the better of my help," 
 for a length of time they were poor enough, they were 
 the means of giving the young at least the elements of 
 Among the settlers there were three, who had been 
 ordained elders before leaving Scotland, Thomas Fraser 
 and Simon Fraser, In the parish of Kirkhill, and Alex- 
 ander Fraser (Mc Andrew), in the jparish of Kilmorack. 
 These were called to exercise their office here, and soon 
 after, the following were elected, and on the 6th of May, 
 of the following year, were ordained, viz. : Donald McKay 
 and Peter Grant for the East River ; Robert Marshall and 
 Kenneth Fraser for the Middle River ; John McLean and 
 Hugh Fraser for the West, and John Fatterson for the 
 Harbor. These first elders, from all we have heard of them, 
 were men eminent in godliness, and a large propor- 
 tion of their descendants now occupy positions of use- 
 fulness in the community and are active members of the 
 This summer (1787) were built the first two churches 
 in the country. *' During this month" (July), he says, 
 '* the men were chiefly engaged in building the two 
 meeting houses ; but, instead of employing contractors to 
 build them, thoy agreed to divide the work into a number 
 of lots, and appointed a party of themselves to every lot. 
 One party cut the logs and hauled them to the site ; 
 another hewed them and laid them in their place ; a third 
 provided boards for the roof and floors ; a fourth provided 
 the shingles ; those who were joiners were appointed to 
 make the doors and windows, and those who did not 
 care to work provided the glass and nails. Moss was 
 stuffed between the logs to keep out the wind and rain ; 
 but neither was one of them seated otherwise than by logs 
 laid where seats should be. Public worship was con- 
 ducted in the open air all this summer, and part of har- 
 vest, till the churches were finished, and we had the came 
 kind Provjldence preserving us from wind and rain and 
 ' Mil 
 it . : ' 
 tempest as wo had last year; but no sooner were the 
 honses built than great rain came on the Sabbath." 
 " Such were the first two churches of Pictou, and for a 
 while they had no pulpits, purely because they could 
 make a shift without them, and when they were made 
 they were not of mahogany, but of the white pine of 
 Pictou." Those two churches wero some thirty-fivo or 
 forty foet long, by twenty-five or thirty wide. The only 
 seats in them at first were logs of wood or slabs sup- 
 ported on blocks ; there was a gallery, or rather, an upper 
 story, with a floor seated in a similar manner, to which 
 the young went up by a ladder. The one on the East 
 River was situated on the west side of the river, a short 
 distance above New Glasgow, on a rising ground between 
 the old burying ground and the lino of the present rail- 
 road. The one at Loch Broom was situated near the head 
 of the harbour, on the farm then owned by William 
 M«Kenzic, still held by his descendants. It was situated 
 near the shore, close by the brook that there enters the 
 •' As soon as the meeting-houses were built, the i^eople 
 set themselves to make roads to them, that they might be 
 as accessible as possible by land ; but these roads were 
 nothing more than very narrow openings through the 
 woods, by cutting down the bushes and trees that lay in 
 their line of direction, and laying logs, with the upper 
 side hewed, along swampy places and over brooks which 
 could not be passed dry, by way of a bridge. The stumps 
 and roots, the heights and hollows, were left as they had 
 been. The chief advantage of this was that it prevented 
 people from going astray in the woods. During winter 
 the roads and meeting houses both were totally useless, 
 for the preaching was in dwelling-houses where there 
 was a fire." 
 It was in November following that he received the first 
 payment of stipend. He should have received jC40 in cash 
 and as much more in produce ; but he actually Teceive<l 
 only £27 of the former, and about £Z0 of the latter. And 
 yet, of this £2T, about i;20 was cxi)ended in an act of 
 charity, wrhich, wo venture to say, has rarely been 
 surpassed, and which, as connected with the early social 
 state of the Province, we must hero notice. As already 
 mentioned, some of the settlers from the old colonies had 
 brought with them slaves, and retained them as such for 
 a number of years. Among others, the late Matthew 
 Harris was the owner of a colored girl, afterward known 
 as Die Mingo, and a mulatto man, named Martin. The 
 question of the slave trade had, just previous to the Doctor's 
 leaving Scotland, begun to ogitate the public mind of 
 Britain. His feelings had been warmly enlisted on the 
 subject, and ho now interested himself in securing 
 their freedom. For this purpose, he actually agreed to 
 pay £50 for the redemption of Die, and of the £21 he 
 received in money the first year, i;20 was paid toward 
 this object, and for a year or two a portion of his produce 
 receipts went to pay the balance. He also persuaded 
 Harris to give Martin his pardon, after a period of good 
 service. He also relieved a woman, who was in bondage 
 for a term of years, paymg £9 or iJlO for her freedom, and, 
 in addition, aided in supporting and educating her 
 Fired with zeal on this subject, he soon after wrote a 
 severe letter to a clergyman in a neighboring district, who 
 held a black woman as a slave. This letter, enlarged, 
 was published in pamphlet form in the following year, 
 and led to an epistolary controversy. 
 In the year following (1788,) the Sacrament of the 
 Lord's Supper was dispensed for the first time in Pictou. 
 The spot selected was a beautiful piece of intervale on the 
 Middle Biver, partially shaded by an overhanging bank. 
 This was chosen however as central for the whole district, 
 and as accessible by boats from the harbour and coast. 
 1 >t t!'* 
 Hero the ordinance was observed with all the si^rvices 
 then customary in Scotland. These were all perfonned 
 by Dr. McGregor himself, who preached every day from 
 Thursday till Monday, both in Gaelic and English, The 
 number of communicants was 130 In this spot the 
 supper was observed annually and with the same solem- 
 nities, during* the whole time, that he was solo minister in 
 Pictou, and people came from long distances, even from 
 the Countv of Hants, to attend them. 
 Th3 same summer he commenced that series of 
 missionary labors, which rendered I\is name so venerated 
 and beloved among the older settlements throughout 
 these Ijower Provinces. There was not at that time 
 another minister of any denomination on the north shore 
 of Nova Scolia or Cape Breton, and not a Presbyterian 
 minister, and scarcely any other in New Brunswick or 
 P. E. Island, and from this date, for a period of forty 
 years, he employed a portion of every summer, and 
 oven of winter, in visiting the settlements throughout 
 these regions. For this work he possessed the highest 
 qualifications. From the first loving the gospel, all 
 the energies of a very ardent nature were aroused, 
 as he saw the destitute condition of those who dwelt 
 Bolitarily in the woods, and his preaching grew in* 
 impressiveness and power, so that it would be impossible 
 to convince the old settlers that there ever came to 
 America one so eloquent. He possessed the special gift 
 of directing conversation into religious channels, so that 
 whatever subject was started, he gave it a pious turn. 
 When ho visited a settlement all gathered, and days and 
 nights were spent for weeks together, in preaching, pray- 
 ing, religious conversation, and travelling from place to 
 place. In this way he traversed the eastern part of Nova 
 Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton, and New 
 Brunswick, and was the means of founding or cherishing 
 in their infancy all the older Presbyterian congregations 
 Ihroughoiit this widely extended territory. In this work 
 he spared no fatigue, and readily ondured hardship, find- 
 ing pleasure in the work, and the richest reward in tho 
 joyful reception of tho gospel by the solitary dweller in 
 the wood. 
 The Highlanders having now Purmonntcd the first 
 difficulty of settlement and, above all, having tho gospel 
 preached in their native tongue, now invited their rela- 
 tions over from Scotland, and they continued to arrive in 
 greater or less numbers till all those portions of tho 
 county most desirable for settlement wore occupied. 
 Others who had settled in other parts of tho Province 
 were so attracted by his preaching, that they sold their, 
 farms and removed to Pictou to enjoy his miiiiatiy. 
 WAR, 1789—1793. 
 l!Ve must now, howe^'er, give some account of the 
 •origin of the town. "We have already mentioned that on 
 the arrival of the first settlers, a town was laid out above 
 the Town Gut, and another afterward at Fishers Grant ; 
 but at neither of these places was one ever built. Its 
 being located on its present site, was owing to old John 
 Patterson. "We have already mentioned that at the time 
 of the issue of the first grants, the block on which the 
 town stands, embracing the shore from Browns Point 
 round to Carriboo, had been reserved out of the Philadelphia 
 Company's Grant, and given to Col. McNutt and his 
'; ffiir 
 1 , i 
 associates. The grant of the latter, however, was escheated 
 in the year 1770, and an order of survey issued in favor of 
 Eichard "Williams, described as "late lieutenant in the 
 80th Regiment," and said to have served at the taking of 
 Louisburg and Quebec, for this block and another on the 
 Middle River, extending from Middle River Point up to 
 Kerrs, a distance of ten miles along its banks, and one 
 mile back, the rear line to run parallel with tho river, 
 the lirst said to contain 6,000 acres, but in reality containing 
 10,000 ; the second estimated at the same amount, but 
 also considerably in excesa 
 Tho grant is dated 21st January, 177G. The conditions 
 as to pine trees, fisheries, quit rents, and reserves of 
 minerals, are tho same as in tho 82nd Grant, and tho 
 conditions as to working are tho same as in Camerons. 
 But it contains the following additional clause, Ihtit tho 
 grantee shall " settle one person upon it for every hundred 
 acres, and the settlers to be introduced to bo Protestants, 
 from such parts of Europe as aro not in His JMajesty's 
 Dominions, or such persons as have resided within Ilis 
 Majesty's Dominions in America for two years, antocedcnt 
 to the date of the grant." This exhibits an idea that was 
 prevalent at this time, of the danger of the British Isles 
 being depopulated by cmip^ration, in consequence of which 
 parties were bound to settle their grants with Protestants 
 from abroad. 
 This grant was transferred to "Walter Patterson, Esq.^ 
 who came out in 1770 as Governor of Prince Edward 
 Island, but who had previously been a judge in the 
 province of Maryland, and was, we believe, originally 
 from the North of Ireland. According to tradition, which 
 there is every reason to believe well founded, tho title 
 passed to him in the following manner : Riding one day 
 ho accidentally met "Williams, with whom he entered into 
 conversation, when the latter said, " I have a lot of land 
 in Pictou ; what will you give mefor it ?" " I'll give youi 
 this horse," was the half joking reply. " "Will you givo 
 saddle and bridle ?" was the next enquiry. •* Yes." 
 •• Then jump off." lie did so, when the other mounted, 
 and thus the bargain was completed. At nil evonts, 
 Governor Patterson became the possessor, as it was found 
 afterward, without any proper conveyance, and at the 
 date of our history began selling portions of his land.*. 
 He also laid out a town, which he called Coleraine, to the 
 eastward of what is still known as Coleraine street. 
 According to his plan, it was to contain various public 
 conveniences, the ground at the foot of that street being 
 reserved for a public landing, and a lot near set apart for 
 a market. Jlence, the wharf there has been till recently, 
 and wo suppose is by some yet, known as the Market 
 Slip. TLis, however, like previous efforts, was for some 
 time at least a town only on paper.* 
 On the 10th September, 1787, for the sum of £Q2 10s., 
 he deeds to John Patterson 150 acres, afterward purchased 
 and occupied by Mortimer, at the Point ; and another lot 
 • \Vc may here give the subsequent history of this grant : Patterson, whilo 
 on the island, sold portions loth of the part on the Middle River and at tho 
 town, Ly his agent, Lieutenant Gordon, already referred to ; hut his title being 
 doubtful, persons squatted on various portions cf his land, particularly on tho 
 Middle River, and somo who purchased one lot took possestiion of another, 
 "We have seen deeds running in something like the following strain : "Whereas 
 I have made improvements on tho land of Governor Patterson, at such a place, 
 I hereby give all my right, title and interest in tho said lot of land," &c, 
 Patterson became involved in debt to Messrs. Cochrane, then leading merch- 
 ants in Ilalifaz, doing business at what has since been known as Cochranc'a 
 Comer, where the Dominion public offices now stand. In consequence, after 
 he left tho Province, they sold his property under a judgment, and one of them ■ 
 became the purchaser, and hence this grant has since been usually known as tho ' 
 Cochrane Grant. But there was, for some time, a difficulty about the title, 
 partly in consequence of want of proof of a transfer from Williams to Patter- 
 eon, but partly also, we believe, from some irrcgul.'^rity in tho legal proceed- 
 ings of Cochrane against the latter, and squatters resisted attempts to cj3ct 
 them. One of Patterson's heirs camo some years after, claiming the land, 
 with whom Cochrane compromised. After this his title was generally con- 
 ceded, and he sold the rest of the land, but a good deal having [previously 
 been occupied, the parties held it by possession. 
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 of 100 acres, described as follows : " Beginning at p stake 
 and stones at the west corner of a town lot, thence run- 
 ning north 320 porches, from thence west 60 perches, 
 thence south 320 perches, thence cdgc the different cou^nes 
 of the harbour to the place of beginning." The front of 
 this lot embraced the central portions of the town, extend- 
 ' ing from Coleraine street westwardly to the market. A 
 settler named, we believe, Kennedy, had previously 
 squatted on a portion of this, having made a small chop- 
 ping, and erected a shanty on the face cf the hill, below 
 Dr. Johnston's house, so that the deac m had to buy out 
 liis claim. 
 13 y the terms of the deed, the ground along the shore, 
 to the width of forty feet, was reserved for a highway, 
 and this became the front or lower street of the town, 
 from the west end as far as Grlennies. This will explain 
 its sinuous course. To this point the south side of the 
 street was originally water lots, and all the buildings now 
 upon it are upon made ground. The ground near 
 Meagher's slip was regular bog, through which logs were 
 laid to form a pathway. At Glennies the coast took a 
 turn to the. southward, with a somewhat high bank, 
 forming a cove, which was long used for the reception of 
 timber. From this point the deacon run a street in a 
 straight line to Coleraine street, although there was a road 
 round the shore to the Battery Point, within the memory 
 of many still living. 
 In the previous winter (1Y87) the wood had been cut on 
 ' part of the ground where the town now stands, and Patter- 
 son removed from Mortimer's Point to where his grandson, 
 A. J. Patterson, now resides. He next commenced divid- 
 ing the front of his land into small building lots, which 
 he sold at low rates. These, however, were conveyed 
 upon the condition that the purchasers should build upon 
 them, and under a per ilty for every year in which 
 this was not done. Thus, in his ledger we find, iu 
 1805, one man charged, "To 7J years' damaj^es for not 
 building one house ;" and in another case we find the 
 following entry, *' To 5 years you did not build on the 
 l-A, at 6s., £1 5s." Those lots are described as in the 
 town of New Paisloy,=^ doubtless, so named aflt^r his 
 native town. Among the iirst lots, of which the deed is 
 recorded, is one to James Dunn, of the lot on which the 
 lloyal Oak Hotel lately stood, on which ho erected the first 
 tavern in the town,t just behind where that building 
 lately stood. 
 The Deacon having been originally a carpenter, 
 commonctid now the erection of small buildings to sell or 
 let to tradesmen, and it is in this way that the town 
 was fixed on its prescn', hUq. "We have been unable to 
 ascertain whore the first house was built, but believe 
 that it was on the street leading down to I^Iessrs. Yorston's 
 wharf At all events, one that still stands there was 
 among the first. It was originally occupied by him as a 
 store, afterward by his sons, John and Abraham, in the 
 same way ; again, for a length of time a.", a cooper's shop, 
 and now as a sailir.akers. The timber v/as cut on the site 
 of the lower part of the town. This is, without doubt, 
 the oldest house in town. On repairing it lately, the 
 carpenters found that the frame was entirely of hard 
 wood, oak, ash, or beech. The date oferection of the first 
 house was either 1789 or 1790, Dr. McGregor says in r.ne 
 place, " There was not a single house for years after I 
 came here. The town was for some years without a 
 single inhabitant; then there was a shod with one 
 • We may here notice the variety of iiatnt>s ficlectod for the town or dis- 
 trict. BcBidcs the deacon, wc find in old documents, tlic townsliip of Alexan- 
 dria, the township of Doncgall, Tdgnmoutl:, SoutLampton, AValmslcy and 
 f Wc read, however, the name of Francis Hogg, tavern keeper, before tliis 
 <1atc, and, as wo have seen, the grog shop was in full blast, before Dr. 
 McGregor's arrival. The eUc, however, of these estAbUBhxaciits we do not 
 family ; then another with it, and so on, till it became 
 what wo see it now." In his narrative he says: — "I 
 think it was in this year (1790) that the first house in 
 Pictou was built. It was some years without a second." 
 Philo Antiquarius, speaking of the year 1789, says : — 
 " Two or three houses were also erected about this period 
 on the spot which was cleared the preceding" year. 
 Families were soon attracted, buildings wer<^ run up, and, 
 ere the lapse of much time, a respectable ha .Jet rose into 
 He also built a wharf, the fi ' in the town, on the site 
 of what, afterward coming into possession of his son, also 
 an Elder in the Church, long continued to be known as 
 the Deacons Wharf, now Yorstons. It was described as 
 consisting at first of three logs, but afterward a more 
 respectable structure was erected. We may add, that he 
 always showed an earnest and hopeful interest in the 
 pro;;ress of the pl-^ce, and a most enterprising spirit in 
 undertaking measures for this end. 
 Thus it was to the sagacity and public spirit of John 
 Patterson that the town rose upon its present site. The 
 question has been raised whero it ought to have been. 
 Richard Smith maintained that it should have been on the 
 south side of the harbor, at Abercrombia or Frasers Point. 
 With tho knowledge we now have of the mineral wealth 
 of the East Eivcr, raucn may bo said in favor of that 
 looality. But the fact that after attempts to build a town 
 elsewhere, tlio deacona site held its own, even though 
 opposed by Mortimer, shows that something may be said 
 in its favor. Under any circumstances, its nearness to 
 the entrance of the harbour would have almost neces- 
 sitated the erection of a town somewhere in that neigh- 
 borhood. One unfortunate mistake ho committed, though 
 a natural one in the circumstances ; that is, in taking the 
 road originally laid out round the tihore as the basis from 
 which to lay off lots and other streets. The side lines of 
 the original lots run from t]ie harbor on a due north and 
 south course, and had tho cross streets been laid off at 
 right angles to these, the inconvenience which the subse- 
 Vjuent inhabitants have suffe.'cd from the want of square 
 corners, would have been avoided. 
 We may add, that tho first teacher in town, so far as wo 
 have been able to ascertain, was Peter Grant. When his 
 father, Alpin Grant, settled in Pictou in 1784, he remained 
 with a friend in Halifax, where he was educated ; and on 
 coming to Pictou, about the year 1703, he opened a 
 school and continued to teach for six years. In the year 
 3 800 he took up land at Scotch Hill and removed thither 
 the following season, where he resided till his death. In 
 ihe year 1802 we fmd S. L. Newcomb teaching, though 
 probably 'or a , hort time.* Then, for some time, George 
 Glennie occii; 'ed his place. He was a graduate of Aber- 
 deen College, a superior scholar, and did much to form 
 the lainds of the youth of that generation. 
 Philo Antiquarius says, " a vessel was launched from 
 the point above the Gut in the year 1788," he does not 
 say by whom, but the manner in whieh ho speaks seems 
 to imply, that it was the first built in the harbour, but 
 the tradition is that the lirst in the harbour, was 
 built by Thomas Copeland, on the site of what is now 
 Dr. Johnstons wharf — that she was what was called 
 a snow, that is a two-masted vessel, with another small 
 mast abaft the mainmast, to which a trysail was attached, 
 and that tho first built in the county, a schooner called 
 the Ann, was built previously at Merigomish, for John 
 Paiterson. The date we cannot ascertain, but it must 
 ' Mr. Nowcomli mariiwl a daiighlir of Matthew Harris, and had a fHmilr, 
 POTcral of whom wtrc once well known in Pictou and Cumhcrlaiid. One son, 
 Simon, after long sailing out of Pirtou to tho West Indies and elsewhere, as a 
 captftin, serred in the Texan war of indepondcnce, and obtained a large grant 
 c'f land there. He persuadiKl his brother Thomap, then a promising lawyer in 
 ^'utoberland, to remove thither, where he died, and his son was lately Secrc- 
 l*Ty of that State. 
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 have been abont this time. In a ledg'er of his in om 
 possession, which however was not his first, we hayc 
 " an account of things sent to the vessel, November 21st, 
 1Y89," so that it must have been built before that time, 
 though probably not long. Farther on she is called " the 
 schooner" and Jerry Palmer appears to have been the 
 name of her first commander. Small vessels howevei 
 were owned previously. In the year 1784, we find 
 recorded a bill of sale to Hugh Dunoon from Barnabas 
 McGree, of " the good shallop .Nancy," and by the returns 
 already quoted. Dr. Harris appears as owning a schooner 
 or sloop in 17G9, and Sviuiro Patterson another in 1774. 
 About the same time arrived a number of persons, who 
 occupied prominent places in connection with the early 
 progress of Pictou, the most important of whom was 
 Edward Mortimer, who is said to havo arrived in 1788, 
 but to whom we shall have occasion to refer fully in a 
 subsequent chapter. Captain Lowden also at thie time 
 removed with his family to this country. 
 At this time also came the Coi)elands. Alexander and 
 Thomas were brothers, natives of CastL; Douglass, in the 
 County of Dumfries, and for some time did business in 
 Halifax. They brought out two cousins, Samuel and 
 Nathaniel, also cousins of each other, whom they had in 
 their employment. A story has been commonly told of 
 their making money by purchasing at the sale of an 
 American prize some kegs of nails, which, however, were 
 found to contain dollars in the centre. Their descendants 
 discredit this, and tell a story of an opposite 'character, 
 viz., that during the American war, Plalifax being menaced 
 by some American armed a'. ssels, which had plundered 
 other places, they had buried their money in their garden, 
 but afterward could not find it, and circumstances led 
 them to suspect a neighboring family of having discoAcred 
 their secret and stolen their treasure. This, and some 
 other losses, led them to remove to Pictou, where they 
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 obtained the farm lot west of John Patterson's, including 
 what has since been the western part of Abraham 
 Patterson's farm and the lot of Matthew Patterson. They 
 built a wharf at what has since been known as Smiths 
 Wharf, the second in the town, and commenced business 
 there. Alexander and Samuel (father of Robert S.) died in 
 Pictou, the latter being- the first buried in the Pictou 
 cemetery, about the year 1807, the cemetery at Durham ' 
 being previously used by all on the north side of the 
 harbour. Their families removed to Merigomish, as 
 did also Thomas and Nathaniel. They all settled on 
 lands, which they had purchased from 82nd men, in 
 most instances for a mere trifle. 
 About the same time came Robert Pagan. He was a 
 son of John Pagan, already mentioned as one of the 
 proprietors of the Philadelphia grant, and owner of the 
 Hector. Ho was in Pictou as early as 1789. In that year 
 we find a deed to himself and his brother Thomas, 
 described as merchants, from AValter Patterson, Governor 
 of P. E. Island, of " Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the town of 
 Coleraine," described as " beginning at a stake and pile 
 of stones upon the shore or bank of the harbour of 
 Pictou aforesaid, at the south-east corner of lot No. 1, in 
 said town, and 117 feet east from the boundary lino 
 between lands granted to John Patterson, senr. of Pictou 
 aforesaid, and the said town of Coleraine." This was at 
 the head of ihe Mining Companys wharf and extending 
 westerly to Crichton's wharf, and his house was on the 
 site ot that recently occupied by Mr. Boggs. He married 
 a daughter of Squire Patterson and engaged in business, 
 bat was not very successful. He was a man of excellent 
 education, and filled several offices with credit, the 
 highest being that of Judge of the Court of Common 
 Pleas. He died 8rd December, 1812. None of his 
 descendants are in the county. 
 Hugh Dunoon, after doing business in Halifax, removed 
 : i:. 
 1 ■« 
 to Pici^ou about the same time. He was a native of the 
 parish of Killearnan, in the county of Inyerness, of which 
 palish his father and brother were successively ministers. 
 He took up land on the East lliver, as early as 1784, and 
 we find him soon after living in Merigomish, where ho 
 had bought out the rights of some of the 82nd men. He 
 built a mill on Hogans brook, the first in that part of the 
 county, and carried on business there. He afterward 
 removed to Pictou, where he lived about a mile below 
 the town, where Mr. Fogo now resides. Subsequently 
 he occupied a prominent place in the public affairs of the 
 County, filling a number of olTices. He w^as for many 
 years a Judge of the Inferior Court, Deputy Registrar of 
 Deeds, Collector of Customs and Custos of the Disti'ict. 
 He died the 24th March, 1830, aged 74. 
 John Dawson was hero as early as 1701, his marriage 
 having tak(?n place in that year, but he will bo more 
 appropriately noticed elsewhere. 
 "We give a plan of the town .nt this time, copied from 
 one in 1 ho possession of the late Peter Crerar, Esq., which 
 will exhibit at a glance its progress to this period.^ 
 In the meantime the rural settlements were receiving 
 settlers, especially from the Highlands of Scotland, among 
 ifiiom wo may mention Martin McDonald, w^ho arrived 
 in 1787, and settled at Knoydai t, to which he gave the 
 name from his iiative place ; and Alex. McKenzie from 
 near Inverness, who, after serving eight years in the army, 
 settled with Archibald Cameron, on Irish Mountain, where 
 they had been preceded In Patrick Finner, an Irishman. 
 In iho year 1788 or 1780 came a number of Lowland 
 Scotch, imnripally from Dumfries, who settled in various 
 parts of the country. Among these may be mentioned 
 John Cassidy, who settled on McLcnnan's Brook ; William 
 • For this plan we are indebteil to the kindness of J. 8. Arnison, Esq., 
 Sandyford Hotisc, Newcastle-tipon-T.vno. The date of it is not given, bnt it 
 ifl before iTOt and after 1790. 

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 Munsie, who was the first settler on Green Hill, on the 
 farm still occupied by his descendants ; Robert Sturgeon, 
 who settled on the south side of the hill ; "William Porter, 
 who Settled on the Middle Eiver ; John McGill, afterward 
 of West Eiver, and David McCoull, of Green Hill. 
 "We may here give a notice of a visit to Pictou in the 
 summer of 1787, of Sir John Wentworth, afterward Gov- 
 ernor of the Province, and at that time Surveyor General 
 of "Woods and Forests in British America, as given in a 
 letter of his, dated JOth January, 1788 : 
 '•Continue J toward Miramiclii, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Being over- 
 taken with a hard gale of wind, and my boat, under 13 tons, unahlc to live in 
 such cross-combing seas, we attempted Mcrigomish harbour in the night, and 
 were soon on the sands ; the tide rising we got off and rode out the night in a 
 little pool between two rcefd. The next day, at high water, we went over all 
 into the harbour, which is very safe, and, with a pilot, of easy access for a 
 ship of four or five hundred tons. Contrary winds detained mo here and at 
 Pictou (which is still a deeper harbour) for fourteen days, during which time 
 I travelled into the woods from ten to twelve miles round, surveyed timber 
 for the settlers and that proper to be reser\'ed for His Majesty's service. In 
 this district is some good pine timber, but the longest and best has been cut 
 nway by the Acadians and first English settlers, to whom that part of the 
 country has been granted for some time. On the harbours and rivers of Mcri- 
 gomish and Pictou there was, formerly, the best growth of oak and pino ; 
 some still remains, and I have taken every measure to prcser^-e the best of the 
 latter, and have no doubt it will come into His Majesty's scruce, should any 
 contract b« extended to these Provinces. 
 " We sailed from Pictou the first possible moment, and mot a very heavy 
 sea, with which we contended until sunset, when the wind arose suddenly at 
 southeast and obliged us to take shelter in Johns Harbour, to leeward of a 
 rocky reef We rode out the night, but at daylight were obliged to slip our 
 cable, and rim up the river, where the t; le suddenly ncnpcd on the change of 
 the wind, and we were five iays unloading provisions Rnd ballast, perching 
 out a channel, near five miles, and recovering the anchor. In this time I 
 explored the adjacent woods, and found some good pine timber. Those unfit 
 for the King's service I have granted license for to the settlers, who have 
 promised to preserve those marked for reservation." 
 "W have given the above for the purpose specially of 
 noticing the claims, which it had long been attempted 
 to maintain, of reserving the large timber for the use of 
 the British Government. "Wentworth had been Surveyor 
 General of "Woods for all the British Dominions in Amer- 
:1 I 
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 ica, and, till the commencement of the American Ilovohi- 
 tionary "War, residing in New Hampshire ; after that he- 
 retained the same office in the remaining British Pro- 
 vinces. The attempts to enforce this claim had prod*uced 
 great disturbance in the old colonies, and was one of the 
 causes of the discontent, which led to their separation 
 Irom the mother country. In this Province it had been 
 a hindrance to its settlement, as it had been necessary to 
 communicate with him in New Hampshire, as Governor 
 Legge complained, before grants were issued to settlers. 
 Yet, notwithstanding these things, and the utter absurdity 
 of expecting settlers to clear their land and leave the big 
 trees standing, Wentworth came to Nova Scotia, seeming 
 to regard it almost as the chief end of his creation, to 
 enforce this and every other arbitrary claim, that had ever 
 been set up on behalf of the crown. As late as the year 
 1804, we find timber seized as cut in violation of this 
 claim, and only released on the parties paying a certain 
 sum as damages, and instructions issued that " the timber 
 be surveyed on their lots and such as are fit for masts, 
 yards or bowsprits marked * I. a TV.,' also some of the best 
 to cut into planks for the King's service. These to be 
 faithfully preserved, then the rest to be free to the party." 
 Again, in the year 1806, we find timber seized, which, 
 however, "Wentworth instructed his agents to release on 
 the party paying the sum of .£12, " which sum is to be 
 applied, under your care and direction, toward building 
 a bridge at the head of Carriboo Kiver, on the new road 
 now t» be made leading from Pictou to Carriboo Harbor." 
 "We do not know that this claim was ever directly 
 abandoned. To a very late period surveyors, in making 
 their return of the survey of Crown lands, were accus- 
 tomed to report that there was no timber upon it fit for 
 the use of His Majesty's navy. But no such old fossil as 
 "Wentworth ever governed us again, and it died a natural 
 In the summer of 1791 arrived two vessels loaded with 
 emigrants, mostly lloman Catholics, from the Western 
 Islands of Scotland. They arrived so late in the season 
 that few could provide houses for their families before 
 winter. The old settlers, at the solicitation ol their 
 pastor, received them with the most open-hearted hospi- 
 tality. Hundreds of them received the best shelter that 
 the inhabitants could afford — such as could pay, at a very 
 moderate price, and they that could not, for nothing. 
 For a time they commenced settling in Pictou, and a 
 number of them went to hear Dr. McG-regor preach, but 
 Priest McEachran came over from Prince Edward Island 
 and persuaded them to go beyond the reach of Protestant 
 influence. They accordingly left their settlements in 
 Pictou, some of them with great reluctance, and took up 
 land along the Grulf shore, a few in Pictou county, but 
 the majority in Antigonish county. Some, however, went 
 to Cape Breton. Among this class there is cherished to 
 this day a fe vent and grateful recollection of the kind- 
 ness of Dr. McGregor and his people. But the Dr. 
 complained that they proved dangerous guests, by foolish 
 and profane conversation, and particularly by their tales 
 of superstition, and that the evil influence of such close 
 intercourse with them was felt upon his congregation 
 long after. 
 A few of these, however, Were Protestants, or became 
 so, and settled permanently in the county. Among these 
 may be mentioned John McKinnon, Lauchlan McLean, 
 Angus McQuarrie, and Alexander McMillan, and others, 
 who settled on the east branch of East River. All was 
 woods above what is now Samuel Camerons place, except 
 where Charles Mcintosh, who had settled where David 
 Mcintosh now lives, and on the west side, where John 
 Fraser, who had come from Strathspey in 1788, had 
 commenced. There was only a blaze to the lower settle*- 
 ment. The salmon in the river were still exceedingly 

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 plentiful, and gasper^anz so abundant that as many as 
 fifteen barrels were taken in a single night, whieh they 
 often were not able to use for want of salt. Such was 
 the difficulty of obtaining other conveniences, that they 
 were obliged in summer to carry their produce on their 
 backs to New Glasgow, and thence transport it by means 
 of canoes to Pietou ; or, in winter, drag it on hand sleds 
 the whole distance. There they sometimes had to give a 
 bushel of wheat in exchange for a bushel of salt. They 
 adopted another plan, however, of getting their pork to 
 market. They drove the animals to Fishers Q-rant, where 
 they obtained the use of a slaughter house, and then 
 butchering them, they disposed of the meat to the 
 merchants for such goods as they required. 
 James Grant, who had originally settled at what is 
 now called Grahams Pond, Carriboo, was induced by the 
 settlers, who wanted a grist mill, to move up. He erected 
 the first grist mill in the settlement, a little below the site 
 of the mills, since occupied by his sons and grandsons, 
 near Sprir.^ille. The first mill above Springville was 
 erected at Sunny Brae, by Hugh Fraser, about 1805, 
 where the mill still is. 
 There was then no church, and preaching was, in 
 winter time, in houses, particularly Charles Mcintosh's, 
 and in summer, when the weather was wet, in barns, but 
 when fine, by the river side. The first church was built 
 at Grants Lake, to accommodate both branches of the 
 rrver, ond was of logs. 
 Such was the progress of settlement that in that year 
 the population of Pietou was estimated at 1,300 souls. 
 In the first settlement every man was obliged to act as 
 artizan for his own family. Now, however, mechanics 
 were attracted, who attended to their own employments. 
 The increased population created a demand for various 
 articles which led to trade. Roads, as they were called, 
 were opened, though as yet none of them were fit for a 
 wheel carriage, bein;g mere bridle paths. The price of 
 land increased, and farms partially made brought what 
 would now be considered fair prices. 
 In !May, 1792, "Wentworth became Lient.-Grovornor of 
 the Provincp, and that summer visited various portions 
 of the provinco. His visit to Pictou is thus noticed in 
 Murdoch's history: "Friday, Sept. 21, Lieut.-Governor 
 Wentvvorth sailed in the armed schooner Diligent, for 
 Pictou, having gone on board under a salute of thirteen 
 guns. He arriv d at Pictou, on the evening of "Wednes- 
 day, the 3rd of October, and landed on the 4th. He 
 received an addrers, signed by 30 persons. They stated 
 that 500 men there had agreed to work on the road to 
 Halifax. Ho returned by land by way of Musquodoboit, 
 and it was stated that the road from Pictou to Musquodo- 
 boit was now open for horses and cattle." William Fraser 
 (surveyor) says of this visit, that he came to Pictou, 
 bringing plenty of provisions, axes and hoes, bought 
 with the proceeds of a Government lottery, and that the 
 new settlers were called to meet at William McKay's, 
 for the purpose of receiving them according to their need. 
 There seems to have been at this time much ado about 
 this road. After His Excellency's return to Halifax he 
 and his lady gave a ball and supper, described in the 
 gazette of the day, as " altogether the most brilliant and 
 sumptuous entertainment ever given in this country." 
 The writer adds. "Among other ornaments, which were 
 altogether superb, there were exact representations of 
 Messrs. Hartshome & Tremaine's new Flour-mill and of 
 the Wind-mill on the common. The model of the new 
 Light-house, at Shelburne, was incomparable, and the 
 tract oj the new road from Pictou uas delineated in the most 
 ingenious and surprising manner, as was the representa- 
 tion of our fisheries," &c. Haliburton in. his history also 
 says, under the year 1792, " Great Pictou road opened,'* 
 and has been followed by others. 
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 The idea of a shorter route from Halifax to Pictou than 
 by Truro has been often entertained. At a later period 6ir 
 James Kempt projected one by Stewiacke, Middle River, 
 and Loch Broom. It seems that at this time the plan of 
 a road by Musquodoboit had been so far carried out, that 
 cattle and horses could pass over it. But, strange to say, 
 for a length of time we could not find, even among our 
 oldest inhabitants, any person who knew anything about 
 this great road. It is, however, noticed in the early 
 county records as tho Governors Road. The fact is, 
 that notwithstanding the great flourish of trumpets about 
 the opening of it, nothing more was done to it, and the 
 old route by Truro continued to be the one generally 
 Hitherto Pictou formed a part of the district of Col- 
 chester or CobyCjUid, as it was commonly called, and all 
 its municipal business was transacted at Onslow, where 
 the Court of Sessions met. There also was the place of 
 holding the poll, for the election of representatives. The 
 increase of population, and the inconvenience of attending 
 such a distance, led the inhabitants of Pictou, to petition 
 "to be relie\x.d from attendance there. Accordingly in 
 this year an act of the Legislature was passed, forming 
 Pictou into a separate district, defining its boundaries as 
 WG have already given them, and appointing the Court 
 of General Sessions of the Peace and Inferior Court of 
 Common Pleas, to be held at VValmsley, on the 3rd 
 Tuesday of January and 3rd Tuesday of July. It was also 
 ordered, that a poll should be opened here, on the occasion 
 of the election of representatives for the County of 
 The changes which this introduced we shall no ice 
 hereafter. In the meantime we give a copy of Deacon 
 Patterson's account of charges and receipts for the poor 
 of tho district at this period : 
 The Poor Dr. to John Patlerion, Senr. 
 t787^To 1 blanket to a sick man at James Carmichacl's JCOIO 
 To rum and other things by Mr. Abercromby for 
 burien of the above man at James Carmichacl's 10 
 1789.— Nov. 16,— To 88. payd to James Dun by order of the .. 8 
 To stocks by order of do 15 
 To ^ gallon rum by order of the Justisses, omit- 
 ted January, 17 SO 4 
 1791— Dec. 19.— To 2 yds. blue cloth at 8s. and 2.^ lbs blister steel, 
 at is. 2d 18 7 
 To 1 pair blankets by Pagan f... 10 
 To 1 coverlet by Mr. Mortimer 12 6 
 To 1 cape 28. and 1 lb— by do Is 3 
 To 1 pair shoes by do 10 
 1792— To Butting, surrayin, colecting and comiseion on timber 
 this year lo 
 1793— Toa weedow womanW R 15 10 
 To Lachlan McDonald, gulf oil 8 
 To Mrs. Patterson Dowry for gaill lot 110 
 £9 19 3 
 Contra, Credit, July, 1792. 
 To i of 1 log by James McKay, Mr. Pagan 4 6 
 To J of log by James Reid for Mr. Mortimer 2 
 To ^ of log Frank Carmichael & Campbell for do 3 G 
 To drift timber by Mr. Pagan 7 
 To do do delivered to Mr. Copeland, Amount 1 13 7 
 To 1 log McQuarry for do 3 
 Neat proccds of the above £2 4 7 
 The spelling of our worthy grandfather is not always 
 in accordance with Johnston or "Webster, but as we like 
 originality, we have given it in its primitive form. The 
 logs of timber used in payment of poor tax would seem 
 rather a cumbrous cun'ency. When the poor asked for 
 bread, to give them a stick of wood, scarcely seemed 
 Christian charity. It does not appear that the district 
 was very prompt in meeting his expenditures, but he has 
 left a name behind him, especially for kindness to the 
 ! i 
 In a 
 i list 
 i -HI 
 ELECTION, 1793—1799, 
 III the year 1793, as we presume all our readers know, 
 commenced the French Revolutionary War. One of the 
 first effects of this upon the County of Pictou was, that 
 the Governor raising a regiment, a number of the 
 disbanded soldiers who had settled in Pictou, took the 
 opportunity of enlisting. As Dr. McGregor describes 
 them, '* All the drunken and profligate," while none of 
 the sober and industrious, either of the soldiers or the 
 other settlers, followed their example. 
 Before this time the timber trade had been carried on» 
 and was '»f some importance to the infant settlement. 
 The first effect of the war was a slight reduction in the 
 price of timber ; but this was soon succeeded by its rijiug 
 to an unprecedented height, and with this came a rapid 
 increase in the trade from Pictou, which was at its height, 
 as we shall see presently, from about the year 1800 to 
 the year 1820. 
 At this time, too, ship building was being carried on to 
 some extent, Captain Lowden's efforts in that respect 
 being specially worthy of notice. Indeed, he may be 
 considered the father of the ship building art in Pictou. 
 He was a native of the south of Scotland, and had 
 commenced trading to Pictou during the American 
 Revolutionar / War. Previous to this, he had been fifteen 
 years in Russia, and also employed in carrying convicts 
 to Virginia. In the year 1788, he removed with his 
 family to Pictou. Ho first located himselt near the 
 Harrows, at the East River, whore he erected a windmill 
 at what has since been known as Windmill Point, and 
 commenced ship building there. But soon after ho 
 removed to town, where he occupied a two-storey building 
 of John Patterson's, on the site of Messrs. Yorston's store, 
 the lower as a dwelling house, and the upper with goods, 
 which he exchanged for timber. lie also built a wharf, 
 on the site of what has since been known as the Mininir 
 Companys Wharf, and commenced ship building there. 
 The whole eastern part of the town, from Ives' store to 
 the Battery Hill, was covered with a fine growth of hard- 
 wood, and the timber necessary for the work was cut 
 close by his yard, or, afterward, on the top of the Deacons 
 Hill, whence it was slid down on the snow to the 
 shore, and, when once set in. motion, it may be supposed^ 
 went with terrific rapidity. He erected a building on the 
 east side of Coleraine street, which he used for boarding 
 his men, but which was commonly known as the Salt 
 House. Some years later he erected a windmill on a round 
 hill near the head of the wharf, long after known as 
 Windmill Hill, but which has now been carried away in 
 levelling the ground near the Custom House. This mill 
 was well constructed, had a large amount of machinery 
 in her, and for some time did a large amount of work^ 
 both in sawing and grinding. 
 He continued for a number of years the business of 
 ship building, h !s vessels being sent to Britain for a 
 market, and was rather noted in the Province for his 
 skill. Of one of his vessels we copy from Murdoch's 
 History the following notice : 
 " rictou, October 23, 1798. 
 " YcBt.TcIay was launched here, l.y Messrs. Lowdens, the ship Haitiet, burthen 
 COO tons. She is pierced for 24 guns, and supposed to bo the largest and 
 finest ship built in this Province. Her bottom is composed of oak and black 
 birch timber, and her upper works, beamf, &c., totally of pitch pine ; on 
 account of which mode of construction, she is said to bo little inferior in 
 quality to British built ships; and does peculiar credit, not only to this 
 growing settlement, but to the ProTiace at larj^c.'' 
 J - • fW 
 [ ;l 
 , ; '1; 
 •i|- Ml 
 This we presume was the vessel known as Capt. 
 Lowdens " big ship." She was commanded by his son 
 David. She was mounted with four real guns, the rest 
 being what were called " quakers." Cn her first voyage, 
 she fell in with what was supposed to have been an 
 enemy's privateer. The captain, backed by a determined 
 Scotch crew, determined to fight rather than be taken. 
 The other vessel, however, kept shy of them, and at 
 night disappeared. 
 Another of his vessels he called the ♦' Prince Edward " 
 after the Duke of Kent, then in Halifax, who sent a sum 
 of il60 to purchase a set of colours for her. 
 He had four sons engaged in business, first with him 
 xipd afterward on their own account, Robert, who 
 afterward removed to Merigomish, where his descendants 
 still are, David who afterward lived at the Beaches, 
 where his sons still reside, Thomas, whose house still 
 stands near the head of the public wharf, and "William, 
 usually known as Bishop Lowden, long regarded as one of 
 the characters of the place. Ho was a splendid scholar, 
 knowing the classics and several modern languages, even 
 acquiring the Gaelic. But owing, it was said to his being 
 crossed in love in early life, he became partially insane. 
 For years ho never washed, and went about in a greasy 
 coat, which made him the object of sport to the young. In 
 his lodgings he pored over his books, and in later years, 
 gave himself to the composition of an English grammar, 
 which he succeeded in getting printed in the United States. 
 The year 1795 was noted among the early settlers as 
 the date of the arrival of a second minister to share the 
 toils of Dr. McGregor, the late Rev. Dui\can Ross. The 
 settlement of a single minister would not now be regarded 
 as involving very important results to a county ; but at 
 the time it was regarded as of sufficient interest to call 
 forth rejoicing, and in many devout thanksgiving — in 
 fact, to form an era in the history of the settlers 
 ! i' k 
 Mr. Ross was a native of the parish of Tarbert, liossshire, 
 but at an early period of life, he removed with his parents 
 to Aljrth, in Forfarshire. He received his Latin education 
 at the parochial school of that town, after which he passed 
 through the usual curriculum at Edinburgh University. 
 He studied theology under Prefes.sor Bruce at "Whitburn, 
 and was, on the 20th January, 179"). ordained by the 
 Presbytery of Forfar. In June he arrired in Pictou, by 
 way of New York and Halifax, along with the Rev. John 
 Brown, afterward of Londonderry. They assisted Mr. 
 McGregor at the dispensation of tho Lord's Supper, and 
 thereafter these ministers formed the first Presbytery of 
 Pictou, under the name of " The Associate Presbytery of 
 Pictou." Their first meeting was held in Robert 
 ^larshall's barn, as central for the whole district. It 
 stood near the road from New Glasgow to ^Middle River, 
 on the ascent of the hill to the west of the bridge across 
 McCuUoch's Brook, and on the left-hand side of the road 
 as you go westwardly. 
 Immediately after, Mr. Ross was called as assibtant to 
 Dr. McGregor, and until the year 1801 they were jointly 
 ministers of all Pictou, though Dr. McGregor labored 
 principally on the East River, and Mr. Ross on the "West. 
 In that year it was agreed to divide the congregation 
 into three, the East River, with Merigomish, under the 
 charge of Dr. McGregor ; the "West River, with Middle 
 River and Rogers Hill, under Mr. Ross ; and the Harbour 
 and Fishers Grant to form a third, to be supplied by the 
 ministers of the other congregations, till they should 
 obtain one of their own. This arrangement continued 
 till the arrival of Dr. McCuUoch. 
 Mr. Ross was a man of a very clear and logical mind 
 and strong natural powers ; he could sc j,rcely be called a 
 popular preacher, but by intelligent persons, his pulpit 
 ministrations were highly relished for their clearness, 
 •variety and solidity of matter, and oftentimes ingenious 
 1 ' *•■ f 
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 ' '\ 
 ' ■ [■ 
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 •* ' 
 I ' \' 
 ^' s 
 i ill 
 and striking illustrations, while, among^ his ministerial 
 brethren, for sonnduess of judgment, knowledge of 
 Church matters, and intellectual capacity, ho took rank 
 among the " first three." 
 In private pastoral work ho was laborious and faithful, 
 visiting and catechising over the whole of his extensive 
 charge to tlie end of his life, llo also laboured for the 
 advancement of the general interests of his people, 
 especially by cncoiiraging education, and promoting 
 agricultural improvement among them. T?he influence 
 of his example and recommendations was, in a variety of 
 forms, perceptible among them, so that they became dis- 
 tinguished among our rural population for their intelli- 
 gence and public spirit As we shall see, ho was also 
 the first in the Province to found and support temperance 
 He did not write much for the press. His principal pub- 
 lications were on the Baptist controversy, in which ho 
 showed himself a vigorous thinker and acute controver- 
 sialist. He also contributed to the newspaper press, 
 especially the Acadian Recorder and Colonial Patriot. He 
 was a man of much quiet humour, one or two specimens 
 of which may be given. Mr. Mortimer once meeting 
 him riding on horseback, with a spur on one foot, said, 
 " ^r. Ross, is one side of your horse slower than the 
 other, that you have a spur only on one foot ?" '* Oh, 
 yes," said Mr. Ross, "one side will get along without 
 spurs as fast as the other will with all the spurring I 
 can give it." Meeting the late Jotham Blanchard, the 
 latter began playfully to tease him about hb hat, which 
 w^as of rather more than the usual breadth of brim. Mr. 
 Ross replied, " Oh, Mr. Blanchard, you need not be so 
 hard, it is only an error of the head, not of the heart." 
 Some of his sayings of mingled wit and wisdom still float 
 among the people of that part of the country, of which 
 the following may serve as examples : Hearing amandes- 
'H - 
 cribed as '* hard and honest/' he said *' that generally 
 meant hardly honest." Again, he was accustomed to 
 say, " that he had tried three ways of living ; the first 
 was to buy just what he wanted, but he found that 
 would not answer ; ho then tried only buying what he 
 could not do without, but did not find that to answer 
 either. lie then. tried only buying what he could pay 
 for, and that he founa to answer well." These may serve 
 to illustrate a wit which, if not sparkling, was genuine, 
 and which, combined with his affability and intelligenco, 
 rendered him a genial companion. 
 In bodily stature he was below the middle size, broad 
 and strongly made, and during the latter years of his life, 
 inclining to corpulency. His appearance in the pulpit, 
 especially at that period, was particularly clerical, his 
 long whitu hair contributing not a little to the effect. He 
 died on tht •25th October, 1834, after a short illness. 
 As society was now fully organized, and the community 
 had assumed a settled form, we may here pause to give a 
 brief view of the social and material condition of the 
 population at this time. 
 As to origin, the large majority were from the Highlands 
 of Scotland. On the East Kiver, when Dr. McGregor 
 came, there were only two settlers who were not, and 
 these were Lowland Scotch. In the other settlements 
 there was a larger infusion of other nationalities; but in 
 all, with the exception of River John, the majority were 
 Scotch. The Gaelic language was everywhere heard; 
 the customs of their fatherland overyw^here seen, and its 
 memories and traditions — in some instances, even its* 
 superstitions — fondly cherished. Some had been old 
 enough to have been " out " in the Forty-five ; many, at 
 least, remembered CuUoden ; the sympathies of the 
 majority were with Bonnie Prince Charlie, while all the 
 older generation had their reminiscences of the scenes of 
 that day. A few others had served under "Wolfe, and had 
 i : 
I !' 
 their tales of Louisbiirg and Quebec, while many mor€ 
 had been in the service of the British Government during 
 the American Revolutionary War, and were full of hatred 
 of " the Rebels." 
 The Highlanders, as settlers, have been pronounced 
 unsurpassed for encountering the first difficulties of a 
 settlement in a new country, but inferior to some other 
 people in progressivoness. Accustomed to extreme 
 poverty, they readily endure hardship ; but it is said that 
 they are apt to bo content with a condition, but little 
 beyond what they had previously enjoyed, and do not 
 show the same eagerness for farther progress that others 
 do This has, to some extent, been the case where they 
 have settled by themselves, but where they have been 
 mixed with others, there is so much of the spirit ot 
 emulation in them, that they will soon compete with 
 their neighbors in almost anything. 
 Physically the inhabitants were generally a superior 
 class. An unusual proportion, both of the Highlanders 
 and Lowlanders> were remarkably stout, strong men* 
 This was no doubt in part owing to the fact, that it is the 
 most adventurous who first emigrate, and they generally 
 possess a good measure of physical vigour. But wo 
 cannot help thinking, that the tremendous drafts on the 
 able bodied in the Highlands, to supply the British army^ 
 for more than fifty years previous to 1815, so much 
 greater in proportion than in any other part of the empire, 
 materially weakened the vigour of the race. Certain it is 
 that the late immigration from the Highlands would not 
 compare physically, with the first settlers of this county 
 from the same quarter. 
 At this time, the population were scattered principally 
 along the shores of the harbour, and the coast thence to 
 the eastern extremity of the county, and along the banks. 
. .-1 
 of the rivers, "wherever there was intervale, there the 
 settler bcin^ attracted, as the eagle to the carcass. Only 
 in a few instances, had settlers gone back from the rivers. 
 William Mathcson had settled on Rogers Hill, John 
 Rogers farther up, William Munsie and John Blaikie 
 were on Oreen Hill, and on the East River two or three 
 settlers were on McLellans brook, Angus Campbell and 
 perhaps one or two others were on Scotch Hill, but we 
 know of none others, who at this time lived away from 
 the shore or the banks of the rivers. And so scattered were 
 they, that distances of from half a mile to three or four, 
 commonly intervened between their resi- 'ences. 
 They had now, however, reached that position in vhich 
 they had plenty to eat. The lands chosen were > od, and 
 when the wood was burned, produced plentifully ; 1 'ut 
 from the largo bize of the trees, tbo clearing inv'>h ;d 
 much l:.l>or, and the stumps were left, so that there 
 was yet but little ploughing. The most of the ciop 
 was still covered with the hoe, but even with such 
 husbandry, potatoes, wheat and other crops never failed 
 to yield an abundant return. Fish in the river were still 
 abundant. A net set at the end of the Deacons Wharf 
 has been found in the morning sunk to the bottom with 
 the multitude offish, and salmon and gaspereaux thronged 
 the rivers, so that, even without the produce of hunting, 
 to which we shall presently refer, the inhabitants were 
 abundantly provided with the means of subsistence. But 
 in regard to other conveniences, they were still deficient. 
 Their houses were still generally of logs, small, and 
 containing few elegances. Some British cloths were 
 imported, but generally people were clothed in what they 
 manufactured from their own wool or flax. As to their 
 feet, all ages and sexes carried them a great part of the 
 year in a state bare enough to appear in before an Eastern 
 king. When the severity of the weather rendered 
 necessary some additional covering, it was generally a 
 I m 
 Taw-hiclo moccasin. "Ht Store luxuries woro littlo used. What 
 would the prosent f^oneration ihiuk, of Mr. lilortimor 
 hrinu:ini]f home in a small j^reen })iv;^ all the ti'a needed for 
 a seasons trade in Pietou ! There Avas consequently an 
 iiynoranco of the i>roper mode of using it, \vlii(!h somo- 
 times led to amusinj^ misfakes. A party of men who had 
 fifono from home on somo work 071 which they wcro 
 enj^aii^ed, took about half a i>ouud with them. Delivering 
 it to the woman with whom they were staying, to prepare 
 the beverage for them, they were surprised to ho treated 
 to a black and nauseous draught, which they were 
 unable to drink, and, on enquiry, found that sho had 
 boiled the whole at once. And there is an instance well 
 established of a woman just arrived from tho Highlands, 
 who, wishing to show her gratitude to a person who had 
 kindly entertained her on arrival, boiled a half-pound of 
 green tea, which she had bought before leaving S<'otland, 
 as a great rarity, and, throwing away the liquor, served 
 up the leaves, as a special entertainment. Her chagrin 
 on learning her mistake may bo imagined. Much later, a 
 man said, " "Wo bought a i^ound of tea ; it cost eight 
 shillings, but it did us eight years." 
 Horses were still few, so that tho most of the travelling 
 was on foot. But those who were becoming moro inde- 
 pendent in their circumstances, were beginning to use 
 them more for travelling to any distance, and " riding 
 double," or pillion riding, as it is called in some places, for 
 business of more family interest was becoming an insti- 
 tution. And a cozy way it was, for tho good man and his 
 wife to proceed thus to kirk or market, or tho lad with his 
 • A woman who nrrivod hero in 1T95, told mc tbat in attending tho SacrA- 
 mcnt, wearing a good pair of hhoes, Bho was told to take good caro cf them, 
 AS sho would never sco another pair. John JlcCabe, coming homo from 
 Halifax in the month of October, staid nil night in a hut, which had been 
 erected at Mount Them, at what is now McKay's place. On getting up in tho 
 morning, ho found tho ground covered with Bnow, whilo hia feet were bare, 
 and hia legs covered only by pants, made from flax spun and woven at homo. 
 lass, to rural merrymaking. Years were yet to pass before 
 there would bo a single carriage in the district, and long 
 after that, this was the common mode of travelling. Wo 
 doubt not, many of the older generation still retain some 
 pleasant associations of •' riding double." 
 Wo may remark, thi't with all the cold and even 
 hardship endured, the i)eople wen? generally remarkably 
 healthy and vii^orous. In the country, consumption was 
 almost unknown. Persons have told us of growing up 
 to twenty years of age, without knowing a cnse in their 
 neighbourhood. Infant mortality was rare, compared 
 with what it is now. In settlements with which we are 
 familiar, large families were reared on almost every farm, 
 it being quite common to find cases of ten or twelve 
 children, all growing up to maturity. Their little houses, 
 comparatively open, and heated by large open fire places, 
 had the benefit of the purest air, and were much more 
 conducive to health, than more comfortable but ill 
 ventilated dwellings, heated by close stoves ; while in 
 summer, women as well as men working much in the 
 open air, they were just the class to rear a stalwart race. 
 Hunting was still largely followed, particularlv by the 
 young men brought up in the country, some of whom 
 equalled the Micmacs in skill and endurance. The 
 moose was the chief object of pursuit. Two modes of 
 hunting were principally followed, the one was in 
 September by calling, that is, imitating the cry of the 
 female, so as to attract the male within gunshot; the 
 other, and that chiefly adopted, was by running them 
 down on snow-shoes in the months of February and 
 March. Their pace is a trot peculiar to the animal. 
 It is said that they neither gallop nor leap, l)ut the dispro- 
 portionate length of the forelegs, enables them to step 
 with the greater eas« over fallen trees or other obstacles. 
 When the snow is light, they sweep through it without 
 difficulty, and as their power of endurance is great, it was at 
' ''l 
 r I 
 such times no easy matter to run them down, but when the 
 snow became deep, and especially, in the month of March, 
 when, by the sun thawing the surface of it by day, and 
 this freezing by night, a crust was formed, they were 
 readily overtaken, and afforded a good supply of coarse 
 but well flavoured meat. "VVhen it was inconvenient to 
 remove it at the time, the hunters were in the habit of 
 making a trough, in which they would deposit it, and 
 putting a cover upon it, to preserve it from bears leave it 
 till they found it convenient to bring it home. 
 Among the men of this period, there are two specially 
 worthy of notice as hunters. The first is John McCabe. 
 In the chase, particularly in the pursuit of the moose, he 
 manifested both the skill and the enthusiasm of the child- 
 ren of the forest. Catching sight of a recent track, he 
 became all excitement ; his bundle, and perhaps his coat, 
 was thrown away, and even with the thermometer near 
 zero, freely perspiring with his efforts, he pressed on till 
 within gunshot. One or two incidents which befell him 
 may here be given. 
 On one occasion he had shot a moose, which lay appar- 
 ently helpless, though not dead ; his companion urged 
 him to kill it outright ; he refused, saying that it would 
 get cold too soon for skinning. They began digging a 
 hole with their snow-shoes to prepare a place for a fire, 
 when suddenly the moose sprang to his feet and rushed 
 at him with the utmost fury. They had not reloaded their 
 guns, and he had only time to take refuge behind a tree. 
 The moose pursued him, and for some time he kept run- 
 ning round the tree. He could make j quicker turn 
 than the aniiial, and was thus enabled to baffle him, till 
 his companion got his gun loaded and shot the creature. 
 On another occasion, having shot a large mooGe, he, as 
 night came on, wrapped himself carefully in the skin 
 and laid down to rest. In the night the fire went out 
 and he slept the sleep of the wearied hunter. On awaken- 
 ing in the morning he found the skin frozen solid, jind so 
 tightly round him, that he could move neither hand nor 
 foot. He rolled about for some time, helplessly struggling 
 to get one hand freed sufficiently to get hold of his kniio, 
 which he managed to do, but only after considerable 
 effort, and then cut himself free. 
 On another occasion, returning to his camp, he stood 
 his gun alongside of it, and stooping down to enter by a 
 low door, out came a bear, snuffing. The two were 
 frightened about equally. He ran back, forgetting his 
 gun, while the bear took to his heels, and befare he 
 recovered his presence of mind, was beyond his reach. 
 On another occasion, a whole flock of wild cats came 
 round his camp. They climbed upon it and ran round it, 
 making a continual howling through the night. There 
 seemed to him, from their noise, to be as many as twenty 
 of them. He kept his fire burning, and watched till 
 dawn. Toward morning they all left, and on examina- 
 tion he found the snow round his camp beaten, as it 
 would have been by a flock of sheep round a barn. 
 The other was Simon Fraser of Middle River. He 
 would sometimes spend weeks in the woods, usually 
 with the Indians, who regarded him as their equal, if not 
 their superior, in all the arts of forest life. He killed 
 twenty-seven moose in one year, so that he earned the 
 title, which ho sometimes received, of Nimrod. He was 
 the first to make his way through the woods from Middle 
 River to Stewiacke, and blazed the first path between 
 these places. He moved to Port Hood, where he took 
 \\p a large grant of land. Having quarrelled with his 
 wife, he left in a small vessel, in which he had been trad- 
 ing, professedly for Newfoundland, but privately declar- 
 ing to some of his most intimate friends that ho would 
 never return. He was accompanied by his son, a young 
 lad, and by a Cape Breton Frenchman. They were 
 never heard of by the public, but I am assured that the 
 Ml i 
 1 ii 
 family received communicatious, which led theni to 
 believe that he was living at the Northwest, and it is 
 believed that he is the same Simon Fraser who, in the 
 year 1804, first explored the country from the Saskatche- 
 wan to the Fraser River, to which he gave his name, and 
 who established, on behalf of the Hudson Bay Company, 
 the first trading post in British Columbia, a short dist- 
 ance from the great bend of that river. 
 There was a smaller kind of hunters, of which, almost 
 every settlement had its specimen, viz.: men who spent 
 much of their time in hunting or snaring the smaller 
 kinds of animals, especially for their fur, and to whom 
 the catching of a black or grey fox was one of the prizes 
 of life. 
 The bears were numerous, and gave great trouble, as 
 the settlers began to keep farm stock, carrying off pigs, 
 sheep and calves. Some were largo enough, however, to 
 attack cattle. Indeed, the settlers regarded them as of two 
 kinds, which they distinguished as cow bears and sheep 
 bears, the only distinction between them, except their 
 size, being that the smaller had a stripe around the nose 
 of a grey color, which, in the larger, was black ; but we 
 presume that they were the same species, differing only 
 in age or size. At all events, the larger were able to 
 carry off cows. I have heard of one springing across a 
 brook, carrying a good-sized heifer. When killed, the 
 meat dressed would sometimes weigh between five and 
 six hundred pounds. The cattle, however, learned to 
 resist thei • attacks. On being alarmed by the sight or 
 sound of one, they would run together and take position 
 like the spokes of a wheel, with faces outward, and heads 
 in the attitude of attack. In some places near the woods 
 in the interior, where these animals were numerous, by 
 imitating the noise of a bear, the cattle would immediately 
 run together and assume this position. McG-regor 
 says that the largest and most spirited bull is soon 
 1 ; l-oKi 
 vanquished and killed by a full-grown bear ; but I have 
 heard instances of their maintaining successfully a single 
 combat with bruin. A man on the East Kiver had 
 brought home from fcjhubenacadie a very large animal of 
 this kind. Missing him one day, he went in search of 
 him, and found that ho had maintained a fierce conflict 
 with a bear, and finally had killed his foe. Few of the 
 old settlers, and, indeed, few of the old men of the present 
 generation, but could tell of bear hunts, of losing pigs or 
 sheep, or even cows, by them, or of catching them in traps. 
 These, at first, were constructed of logs, so placed, that 
 when the animal pulled at the bait, they fell across his 
 back. Afterward large spring, traps were used, and we 
 may observe, that the settlers regarded bears as superior 
 in intelligence to most wild animals. 
 It was rarely that they attacked a man. The only 
 instance we have heard of, was in the case of the late 
 Alexander Cameron, Loch Broom. He had gone out to 
 look after his sheep, ainong which bruin had been regal- 
 ing himself, wher. b • met a very large bear, which 
 immediately ran at him. To escape he commenced climb- 
 ing a tree. It was a good sized spruce, straight and clear 
 of limbs for about forty f-^et. The bear followed, and 
 overtaking him, caught his heel in his mouth and com- 
 menced dragging him down the tree. When about twelve 
 feet from the bottom of it, the barkle, by which, accord- 
 ing to the fa.^hion of the times, the shoe was fastened, 
 gave way, and <ho. bear wa.3 precij>itated to the ground. 
 Enraged, he tore the shoe to atoms, and again climbed 
 the tree in i>ursuit of Cameron. The latter succeeded in 
 getting among the branches, and having broken ofi" a 
 dead limb, struck with it at the bear's eyes as he 
 came near. Between this and the approach of others at 
 his call<,bruin retired. But one was caught in a trap a 
 day or two after, with the eye badly torn, supposed to 
 have bcM?u the same. 
 : ii 
 The most amusing bear story wo have heard, however, 
 was an incident that occurred to the late "William Clark, 
 whose family arrangements were considerably disturbed 
 one morning by a bear, suddenly and without notice or 
 invitation, coming down the chimney, as his wife was 
 preparing breakfast. His house was built against a bank, 
 with a shed roof. The bear had been attracted by the 
 smell of the viands cooking, and came upon the roof, 
 making his way toward the chimney, which according to 
 the fashion in those days, was very large. Just as he 
 came to it, David Stewart, who lived close by, and had 
 been watching him with his gun fired. The ball went 
 light through his heart, and making one jump, he came 
 flop down tl»o chimney to the no small surprise of the 
 i.'.imatps of the hous«»hold. " Fac, it gave us a start," said 
 the old man, as he told the story, which we can readily 
 Strange as it may appear, the pigs became so fierce as 
 in some instancas to maintain a conflict with a bear 
 They were allo^v^d to roam the woods during the 
 summer, feeding as they could. After the nuts began to 
 fall in the autumn, they became in a short time very fat, 
 and by that time they were so wild, that it was dangerous 
 to approach them. They would turn on a man. Even 
 a good sized dog could do little or nothing with them. 
 If he attempted to seize them by the ear, he was in danger 
 of being ripped up by their tusks, with which they would 
 inflict very severe wounds, so that the common way of 
 them was by shooting them. Of their 
 maintaining a conflict with a bear, the following instances 
 we believe well authenticated. On one occasion, a bear 
 came into a pasture of J^mes McCab(!, West River, v/herc 
 there was a veiy large pig, which gave him battle and 
 maintained the conflict gallantly for some time. The 
 contest issued, like many an engagement among wiser 
 beings, in great loss to both i^arties. The pig was so 
 badly injured, that he slowly made his way up to the 
 front of the house and there laid down and died, while 
 the bear was either unable or afraid to pursue. On 
 another occasion, near the same place, a bear came out of 
 the woods into a field, where were a number of pigs, 
 who combined their forces to give him battle. They were 
 Uterally too many for him. Finding himself unable to 
 cope with their superior numbers, he sprang on to a large 
 stump. One of the boldest of his enemies, however, 
 executing a dexterous flank movement, charged upon, 
 him in that position, and dislodged him, when being 
 attacked by the whole pack, he was eventually torn to 
 We mnst, however, notice the Aborigines in their 
 relations to the settlers. We have already mentioned 
 that they sometimes gave trouble to the first inhabitants. 
 That they ever contemplated any serious injury to the 
 English is not probable. Their boast is that when they 
 made a treaty of peace by burying the hatchet, it has 
 never been broken by them. Knowing the terror which 
 their name and appearance inspired, they took pleasure in 
 frightening people who showed any fear of them. The 
 late Deacon McLean, of West River, used to tell that when 
 a little boy, going down to an encampment of Indians, 
 near his father's house, one of them came up to him, and 
 assuming a fierce look, said : — " Supposum me killum you 
 — scalpum," and, taking out his knife, he brandished it 
 over his head, dancing round him, sounding his w^arwhoop, 
 and frightening him generally. In the same way, they 
 would take advantage of the absence of the men, to extort 
 from the fears of the women what supplies they fancied, 
 though in this, sometimes the mother wit of our good 
 foremothers proved a match for their cunning. On one 
 occasion, an Indian having entered a house where a 
 woman was alone, and being rather threatening, she 
 immediately went to another part of the house, and calling 
 1 ,1 v'S 
 **' ''l 
 '■ 1 1 
 ' 'in 
 i 4 
1 1 
 '. id 
 her husband loudly by name, let a roll of leather, -which 
 happened to bo on a bench, fall on the floor. Before she 
 returned, the Indian was off. Mrs. Roderick McKay was 
 a woman of great firmness and strength of mind. She 
 never yielded to them, and when they came to her house, 
 she would order them round, and scold them if they 
 attempted too much freedom. On one occasion, some of 
 ihem coming in, asked her, "What news ? " She replied, 
 " Ah, ha, great news ; there is another regiment of soldiers 
 arrived at Halifax, and Indians must now behave them- 
 selves." They were quiet, and soon went away, and 
 shortly there came an invitation to the whites, to attend a 
 feast provided for them by their red brethren. It was 
 accepted, and on going to the place appointed, they found 
 provided every variety of provision, which the sea or the 
 forest afforded, fish, flesh and fowl, which they requested 
 the whites to cook in their own way. This was intended 
 as a grand peace offering, and as such was accepted. 
 The Government did what it could to gain their good 
 will by annual supplies, particularly of blankets and a 
 Idnd of coarse blue cloth, usually known as Indian «loth; 
 but they doubtless retained a lingering attachment to the 
 old French, and, there is reason to believe, that had there 
 been a prosi)ect of the French again having possession of 
 these regions, they might have been roused to renewed 
 hostilities. At times, too, particularly about the years 
 1804-8, there was considerable agitation among them ; 
 gatherings of different tribes at Quebec, at which Mic- 
 macs were present, and among those returning, hopes were 
 freely expressed of a French invasion. In 1808, Judge 
 Monk, Superintendent of Ir iian affairs, writes on the 
 report of Mr. Dunoon and others, through the Province : 
 « That the Indians expect the Province will be invaded, and that it appears 
 generally to be their intention, in case of such an event, to remain neutral 
 until they can form an opinion of the strength of the enemy, and then (in 
 their own words) to join the strongest party. 
 II That seTeial Indians went last autumn from Fictou to Quebec, as it was 
 ! ' ! 
 nndentooil, to establish a commtniication with tho Indiaus of Cannds,— that 
 two Nova Scotia Indians, who had been for some time in Canada, had rc-turaed 
 to this ProTlnco lost summer, and informed a man employed in tho Indian 
 Department, that there were many Indians from tho United States with the 
 Canada Indians, and much talk of war with them, — that in the district of 
 Pictou somo Indians havo declared they will not accept of anything from 
 Government, as they expect the country will soon be invaded and conquered ; 
 and one of them was heard to say, that in case of war he and a few others 
 would scalp all Pictou .in two nights." 
 The last was, of course, bravado, yet the circumstances 
 were sufficient to excile apprehensions, and rendered it 
 prudent for the Government to take precautions against 
 hostilities. As a general rule, however, they were kind 
 to the whites ; oftentimes they supplied the first settlers 
 with food, and frequently I have heard old i)€ople speak 
 gratefully of their kindness. It was their characteristic, 
 to manifest strong feelings of gratitude to those who 
 treated them well, but equally strong feelings of animosity 
 against those who treated them with injustice or harsh- 
 ness, though a sense of the superior power of tho white 
 man kept them from any violent acts of revenge.* 
 Indeed, when we consider the manner in which they 
 were deprived of their lands, and the unfeeling manner 
 in which they have often been treated, it is wonderful 
 that they have been so quiet and free from deeds of vio- 
 It is, perhaps, more surprising that they have been so 
 honest. How easy it would be for them to steal our sheep 
 or cattle as they wander in the woods, or to purloin articles 
 • The only instance of this '.ind which we have heard, which threatened 
 fieriouF consequences, was an afifair between Lulan and Rod. McKay. Soon ' 
 nft«r the arrival of the latter, he had in some way seriously offended tho former, 
 who came all the way from Merigomish to tho East River to shoot him. It 
 was night when he arrived, and McKay was nt worl^in his forge. Lulan looked 
 in but as ho saw tho glare of the fire on his face, and the sparks flying from 
 the anvil, and heard the reverberation of his blows, ho became scared, and his 
 hands could not perform their enterprise. For long after the two were good 
 friends, and Lulan used to tell the btory, groiiliically descnbing hisiccliogs, 
 " Sartin, me taut yea debbil." 
 Iti: : 
 from OUT bam yards; and yet an act of theft is rare 
 among them ; and when such has occurred, the othor8 
 have generally surrendered the guilty io justice. Squire 
 Patterson and others of the first comers gained their 
 confidence, and as an instance of his tact and their sense 
 of justice we may give the following incident : On one 
 occasion Simon Fraser going down the ice met Fatlass, 
 who pointed his gun at him. Fraser immediately went 
 to him, took the gun out of his hand, and dashed it to 
 pieces on the ice. Patlass went to the Squire for redress, 
 who issued a summons, and directed him to bring as 
 many Indians as he could to the trial. They came, and 
 the Squire heard the whole case, — Simon defending him- 
 self on the ground, that he thought Fatlass was going to 
 shoot him, and the latter maintaining that what he did 
 was in fun. The Squire said he had no jury, and must 
 have one. He, therefore, selected five or six Indians to 
 whose judgment he committed the case. The result 
 was, that they gave a verdict against Patlass. 
 "When the English came, the Indians had several places, 
 where they had clearings and cultivated a few vegetables, 
 as beans and Indian corn, but the Government, in 
 granting the land, made no reserve of such rights. "We 
 do find it ordered, on the 18th December, 1783, that " a 
 license be granted to Paul Chackegonouet, Chief of the 
 tribe of Pictou Indians, for them to occupy the land they 
 have settled upon, on the south-east branch of the harbor 
 or Eiver Merigomish or Port Luttrell, with liberty of 
 hunting and fishing in the woods, rivers and lakes of 
 that district." But the land was not reserved in giving 
 grants to settlers, and the Indians were gradually worked 
 out of all their claims. Some settlers honestly bought 
 out all their rights, and had no trouble with them after- 
 ward. "Walter Murray, in Merigomish, finding them 
 coming and planting corn, even w^here he had planted 
 Ms potatoes, fi.nally agreed to pay them five pounds to 
 rolinquish all claims, which they accepted, and never 
 troubled him again. Donald Frasor, McLellans Brook, 
 paid Lilian a bushel of wheat annually, and was accus- 
 tomed to speak of him as his landlord. Thus they were 
 gradually deprived of all places of this kind. The last 
 we know of was the front of the farm at Middle lliver 
 Point, since owned by William McKay. This had been 
 one of their places of encampment, from the time of the 
 arrival of the first English settlers. It was on Cochrane's 
 grant, tho title to which was in dispute. Here they had 
 some five or six acres cleared, each having his own patch, 
 on which he raised potatoes and beans, and with fish olTal 
 and the refuse of their camps, it was very rich. "Within 
 the memory of persons living, they even raised a little 
 wheat. Parties who attempted to settle, they drove off. 
 On one occasion, a person came and built a house in their 
 absence. Having left to bring his family, the Indians 
 returned, and when they saw the intrusive dwelling, they 
 gathered brush round it, which they set on fire, causing 
 a great conflagration, around which they danced and 
 yelled as long as it lasted. Through Mortimer's influence, 
 McKay was allowed to remain on the land, and gradually 
 obtained possession of their little plots. 
 The only land in tho county, so far as we have been 
 able to ascertain, reserved for them in Government grants 
 is a small lot at their burying ground, at tho mouth of 
 the East Kiver, but this they sold to tho late James Car- 
 michael, with the exception of the burying ground itself. 
 The Sessions, however, have purchased a lot for them 
 inside the beaches, which they now occupy. The only other 
 land to which they lay claim are two islands in Morigomish 
 Harbour, one, on which their chapel and burying ground 
 are, known as Indian Island, and another claimed by 
 Peter Toney, both of which are said to have been giA'^en 
 them by Governor "Wentworth, but attempts have been 
 made to dispossess them of the latter. 
 ' ! It; 
 Every year, usually in the month of September, they 
 assembled in large numbers from Prince Edward Island, 
 Antigonish and other places, their usual place of rendez- 
 vous being either Erasers Point or Middle Hirer Point. 
 A person brought up at the latter place, has told mo that 
 he has counted one hundred canoes at one time drawn 
 up on the shore, and it was said that they would some- 
 limes number one hundred and fifty. Sometimes two 
 days would bo spent in racing or similar amusements. At 
 night came feasting. My informant on one occasion, when 
 a boy, spent an evening at one of these entertainments. 
 Ho says they had twelve barrels of porridge prepared, 
 which the squaws served out to the men, ladling it into 
 dishes that, he supposed, would hold near a peck each. 
 Two moose were also served up on the occasion, and also a 
 quantity of boiled barley. Afterward they had various 
 plays and games, but the last night they spent in singing 
 and praying. These gatherings continued yearly till a 
 vessel with small pox was sent to quarantine at the mouth 
 of the Middle River, about the year 1838. They have 
 now a similar gathering annually, in the month of July, 
 on Indian Island, Merigomish. All assemble in their 
 best attire, and after mass, and the celebration of any 
 marriages that may be coming off, the rest of the day is 
 spent in feasting and dancing. As to the latter we are 
 informed, that they have adopted the common Scotch 
 figure of eight reel, in which men and women join. 
 A common amusement was to get the Indians to dance 
 the war dance. At weddings or other occasions, where 
 they might be present in numbers, for a share of the good 
 things going, they would go through all the scenes of 
 war, even to the scalping and torturing their prisoners. 
 They acted the whole so perfectly, and their appearance 
 in doing so was so frightful, that women and timorous 
 persons would sometimes get thoroughly scared. 
 Among the Indians two were particularly noted, and 
« I 
 are still remembered by the older generation, viz. : Patlass 
 and Lulan. The former was particularly distinguished 
 for his skill in draugtits, so that his death was announced 
 in a Halifax paper, as that of " the celebrated draughts 
 player." At this game, it is a question whether ho was ever 
 beaten. "When he met a stranger, he would allow him to 
 win the first game, but then he would induce him to play 
 for a wager, which was all he wanted to show his skill. 
 He was also noted for that grim humour, characteristic 
 of the red man. On one occasion a sea captain had 
 brought a fighting cock ashore, and set it fighting with 
 one belonging to the town. Patlass came along, where 
 a number of persi ' . were standing looking on. After 
 looking at the scene for a few minutes, he seized one of 
 the combatants, and walked off with it. The captain 
 called out angrily after him to come back, asking him 
 what he was about. *' Take him to jail, fightin' on the 
 streets," was Patlass' reply. On another occasion Mortimer 
 met him on the wharf, smoking one of the long clay pipes 
 then in use. The former being disposed to cultivate 
 familiarity with all classes, asked him for a smoke. 
 Patlass handed him the pipe, when Mr. M., taking a 
 s'^k handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the stem carefully, 
 before putting it into his mouth. When he had finished 
 smoking, he returned it to Patlass who, holding it up, 
 immediately broke two or three inches off the stem, 
 saying, " Dat more better, Missa Mortimer." The follow- 
 ing joke is often told, but we believe that Patlass was the 
 real author of it. He was coming from Halifax and by 
 the time he arrived at Shubenacadie, his supply of rum 
 was exhausted. Applying at a tavern there for a supply, 
 he was charged at a much higher rate than in Halifax. 
 He grumbled at the price, when the tavern keeper said, 
 alluding so the cost of license, it costs me as much to sell 
 a puncheon of nun as to keep a cow. " No eatum as 
 much hay, but sartin drinkum more water, " w^as the 
 Indians rojoindcr. llownw drowmnl noav Middh? IJivcr 
 Toint, on Iho 1st, So]>t(>nil)('r IS'JT. 
 Lul!«i\ was (>r n milder disposil ion, ihon«i,h rcjiidcd io 
 hav»> ])(>('n II ••rcul wiurior in liisyoulli. IltMisc*! lobonst 
 that lu» had n'alix'd nin('iynin(> pcrHons, thon};li Ihcri^ 
 Nvas i>rol)aI»ly sonn» bonnro in lliis. llo\viiHrulli(»r l)(>low 
 llu> middlt^ lieiuld, l>ul siraiijfhl and broad-shonld^Tcd, and 
 in his later years torpnleni lor an Indian. He was the 
 nii'ati.s at on<» time ol'savinc^ l!»o lil'e of the writers n'raiul- 
 luther, old ,Iohn Patterson. The latl»>r was crossin*;' tl. ^ 
 ice, wlien it i::av(> way, and he fell into the water. The 
 Indians pnt ont io \\\a help, and NueceeiU'd in reiscninfjf 
 liini, hilt lie wa.s insensible for a lime, and wlu'n lie 
 reeovored, he I'onnd hinuselfin alari»v tub in Lnlan's eanj]>. 
 Lulan was tner alter freely entertained at my f^rand- 
 I'athev's licnu \ of which lie did not fail to tako advanlat;;*'. 
 As an instanei* of the attachment, indnced by kindiu'ss, 
 we may m(Mitit>n an ii < ident that oecnrreil at, my grand- 
 father's funeral. It beinij; customary thcMi to hand licpior 
 round to all i^rosent. some was ollered to l^idan, who 
 replied: "Mo no drinkem loni*' time, but bleov take some 
 to-day ; me most dead jjfrief my friend." Aft<'r my 
 grandfather's death, liowovcr, lie continued to expect 
 from my grandmother the same attention as in liis life 
 time. " ;Mo save your liusband's life," was tho appeal 
 which ho siipposed would never lose its edicaey, which 
 ho rendered more impressive by adding i>articulars : 
 " "Walk out on thin boards ; only head and arms out of 
 water; most lose my own life save his." And after her 
 death, their sons' store was laid under contribution on tho 
 same ground. 
 He died about tho year 1827, when he was said to 
 have been in his 07th year, so that he must have nearly 
 reached manhood when Halifax was founded, and been 
 in full vigor when Louisburg and Quebec surrendered. 
 His son is still well remembered as Jim Lulan. He had 
 NOTTK'wlmt of Iho dry linmor of Homo of Iho rmv. Mr. 
 (/nruiicliiicl Imd built a v<'hs«'1, wlii<h, in honor of tlio old 
 Chior, lin called llui Lilian. Homo porHonw, icasin;^ lii.s 
 son, Niiid lo liiitj Uiul. lie oti^ht !o nnikn licr a ]>r<'K('iil oja 
 wl. <»l colors. " TJfj^li ! " said .linj, '• nic l»iiild l)ij.,f canoe, 
 mil il, Old Carniirhael." 
 H|>eakin,Lf of llie wil of lh(« Indiann, we. iriay j,nv<'. an 
 instance, wliic li w.ih lonfj;' a Hlfindinj^ .j"'<f' "I J^iclonians 
 iif.5ainHt their nei<^hl»orK in (JolchcHtcr. Some Indiani-i 
 })ein<^- iifler /^ecHe in Hprinf.^, isliot one which ft-ll on the i<;e. 
 Seeing" that it, <(Mild not esoajM", they did not ^o lor it at 
 onco, wlien nonu^ persoim coming alont^ in a Kleij^h i)icked 
 it up. Tim Indians, liowovor, came up and claimed it. 
 The others rej'used to ^ivo it \\p, sayint? that th(!y lia<l 
 shot it. " Where you I'rom ? " said an Indian. " I«'rom 
 Truro," wiiH th(^ reply. " Sartiii ))leov so; IMctou num no 
 shoot dead ^oose." 
 .Amtlhor, tisually known as Heelle John, is c.sf)ecially 
 worthy ol' notice, as liavin«^])een the owner ol" a shallop. It- 
 was built on the lii^ Island of Meriiromisli, in a small cove 
 ;it the liead ol' the French channel, and ibr some time h(! 
 traded in lier. 
 As to their nundiers, wo liave no doubt that the views 
 entertain<Hl ])y many and expressed by themselves, rej^ard- 
 u\q; the larj^e numbers ol" the Af)origines in this and other 
 parts f)f North America, aro ^^reatly exagfjeratt'd. On the 
 other hand, the assertion made by some who have studied 
 the suljject, thattho Indians in these quarters are now a.s 
 ]iumerous as ever they were, is not correct, as to this part 
 of the country. In the year 1775, a return was made ]>y 
 Dr. Harris, })y which they were cstimat«.'d at 8G5. This 
 may not have been an exact census, but could not be far 
 from the truth. Yet in the report of the Indian branch of 
 the Department of the Secretary of State for the Province.", 
 1872, the number in the County of Pictou is estimated at 
 125, and in Antigonish at 93, while Colchester has only 
 p. !) 
 i \ 
 31. This agrees "with the recollection of the old people, 
 who speak of seeing 40 or 60 of them travelling together, 
 or of 60 camps in one place. Before the first of these 
 periods, there is a tradition of a great mortality among them 
 by small pox. During the war against the English, a 
 number of ihem had killed and scalped a family sick with 
 the disease, by which they caught the infection, which 
 spread through the tribe. It was their practice, as soon 
 as one felt himself unwell, to plunge into the water, and 
 all who did so died. 
 Since the period referred to, the free use of fire water, 
 the diminished supply of food to be obtained by fishing 
 and hunting, and epidemics at different times, have dimi- 
 nished their numbers. But of late there has been an im- 
 provement among them. Their supplies of food from 
 their old resources having failed, they have been engaged 
 in industrial employments, such as cooperage, and supply- 
 ing the markets with fresh fish, in which, from their 
 activity and skill, they can earn a more regular and better 
 living than formerly. "We believe, too, that both from the 
 laws against selling liquor to them, and their own sense 
 of the evils which it has brought upon their race, there is 
 now much less drinking among them than years ago, and 
 that not only are they better off) but their numbers are 
 beginning to recruit. 
 The Government, at various times, have projected mea- 
 sures with the view of inducing them to adop^ more 
 settled habits. With this view a series of queries wag 
 addressed, in the year 1800, by Judge Monk, the Superin- 
 tendent of Indian affairs, to leading men in the different 
 sections of the Province, seeking information regarding 
 their willingness to adopt the employments of civilized 
 life, or to have their children receive education or train- 
 ing in useful arts. Mr. Mortimer replies for Pictou, and 
 to the enquiry : " Are there any who have shown a dispo- 
 sition to settle, or who have taken up trades ?" He says. 
 *• Joseph Purnall has made sereral attempts to settle by 
 planting potatoes, Indian corn, beans, &c. Indeed, the 
 greater part of the Indians who frequent this quarter have 
 shown a disposition to settle, by planting a little, as above, 
 in sereral parts of this district. An Indian from ' Mathews 
 Vineyard,' named Samuel Oakum, who has married into 
 this tribe, is a tolerable mechanic in several branches, 
 particularly coopering and rigging vessels, and is also a 
 pretty good sailor." Proposals were also made to teach 
 the women knitting and spinning. 
 It is but just to add that the benevolent of this county, 
 from Dr. McGregor downward, have been interested in 
 the improvement of their social and spiritual condition. 
 On various occasions attempts were made to educate 
 young Indians, but these failed, partly from their own 
 repugnance to the restraints of civilized life, and partly 
 from the opposition of thoir spiritual guides. In the year 
 1828, a society was formed in Pictou, called the Indian 
 Civilization Society. I^ut all these efforts produced no 
 l>€rmanent result. 
 The year 1709 is notable in the historyof the county as 
 that in which the first contested election was held within 
 its bounds. From the first settlement of Ilaliftix, society 
 embraced churchmen and dissenters, and thus contained 
 all the material for "Whig and Tory parties. The Ameri- 
 can Revolutionary war, and the influx of Loyalisis, the 
 majority of whom were Tories and high churchmen, 
 tended to strength<?n the hands of power, and repress 
 everything like popular influence. Still there had been a 
 growing feeling of opposition to the irresponsible power 
 of the Provincial rulers, and an increasing desire to bring 
 the Crovernment under the control of public opinion. 
 This state of feeling, which afterward swelled to a flood, 
 under the guidance of S. G-. W. Archibald and Joseph 
 Howe, first found expression in this election, and had for 
 its exponent and apostle, "VV. Cottnam Tonge, said to have 
I,. ' _m m 
 11 ■' 
 been a man of brilliant talents, an eloquent speaker, and! 
 having many qualities fitted to make him a popular leader. 
 At all events, he Tvas now the tribune of the people and 
 everything that was bad in the eyes of Sir John Went- 
 worth and his official clique. To their no small annoy- 
 ance, he now offered for the County of Halifax, (which 
 then embraced what now forms the Counties of Halifax, 
 Colchester and Pictou) against the old members, Michael 
 "Wallace, Lawrence Hartshorne, Charles Morris and James 
 Stewart (afterward Judge Stewart), who were friends of 
 the Government, and who had issued a card jointly, ap- 
 pealing to the electors, though afterward they denied that 
 there was any combination among them. 
 Another element, however, had perhaps more influence in 
 the country. The representation of the county had hitherto 
 been in the hands of the town of Halifax, and, indeed, of 
 the Government officials. A feeling, however, was grow- 
 ing up through the rural districts, that their views were 
 little understood and imperfectly represented at the 
 Capital ; and through Colchester and Pictou, there was a 
 strong desire to have local members. Accordingly, the 
 people of these districts generally combined in favour of 
 Edward Mortimer of Pictou, and James Fulton of Lon- 
 donderry, and united with the friends of Tonge inJIalifax, 
 to oppose the Government candidates, 
 The poll opened at Halifax on the 13th November, and 
 closed on the 23rd. It was then adjourned to Onslow, 
 where it continued for two days. It was thence adjourned 
 to the town plot of "Walmsley, as it was called, at Fishers 
 Grant, where it opened on the 5th December, in the barn 
 of James McPherson. By consent of the candidates, the 
 last day's polling was at the East Kiver, where it finally 
 closed on the 13th December. In Halifax, the country 
 candidates received very little support, and Tonge, though 
 receiving more, was still far behind the Government can- 
 didates, but Colchester and Pictou went almost unanim- 
.i?-i ' !; if- 
 ously for their local members, and at the same time gave 
 large majorities for Tonge, so that the three were tri- 
 umphantly elected, and with them, the highest on the 
 poll of the Government candidates. The result of this 
 election to the Province was a systematic attack upon the 
 old irresponsible regime, which, however, produced little 
 The election however had a special importance for t!ie 
 County of Pictou, as it was the origin of those party feuds, 
 for which it has since been noted. The opposition to 
 Mortimer formed the nucleus of a party, formed partly on 
 political and partly on personal grounds. The division 
 thus formed was fostered in after years by various 
 circumstances, and unfortunately became mixed with 
 ecclesiastical, we can scarcely call them religious, differ- 
 ences, which gave intensity to the feelings excited, 
 Mr. "Wallace, who was defeated, was at that time 
 treasurer of the Province, had been for some time a 
 member of the House and became so again, by the unseat- 
 ing of Tonge, for want of a freehold in the county. He 
 was afterward a member of Council, and several times 
 administered the Government in the absence of the 
 Lieut. Governor. He was a native of Scotland, but had 
 emigrated to the Sou.thern States, where he had been 
 doing business as a merchant, but, on the American 
 Revolutionary war breaking out, he espoused the side ol 
 the British Government, and removed to Halifax, where 
 he was engaged in business, till he became Provincial 
 Treasurer. He was thus described in one of the Halifax 
 papers at a later period. " He is one of those who think 
 the King can do no wrong, that the British constitution is 
 the most perfect fabric the world ever saw. He hates a 
 radical as he hates Satan himself. He would, if he had 
 the power, shake all the liberals in the world over the 
 crater of Vesuvius, but his heart would be too kind, to 
 let them ' fa' in.' When he was a member of the 
 I '"I 
 \ 1 
 Assembly mahy yeats ago, his opponents used to take" 
 advantage of the irritability of his disposition, and gene- 
 rally put him in such a passion, as to deprive him of the 
 power of speech. He was once sitting on the bench of 
 the Inferior Court, and was engaged in some calculation 
 of damages, when one of the counsel for the parties 
 uttered something, which grated on the old man's ears, 
 and forgetting for a moment the dignity of his ofl&ce, he 
 abruptly asked, ' What's that you say, you rascal ? ' " 
 He was distinguished even in tho8' days of irresponsi- 
 ble power, for his adherence to arbitrary ijrinciples, and 
 his hatred of everything like popular rights. On one 
 occasion the Speaker of the Assembly having presented 
 an Appropriation Bill, which had passed both branches of 
 the Legislature, to Dr. Croke administering the Govern- 
 ment, the latter said, " I do not assent to this Bill," and 
 three days after summoned the House, and addressed 
 them in a speech in which he told thom, that the Govern- 
 ment would appropriate the revenue of the Province more 
 beneficially and economically, than the Assembly had 
 provided for by their bill, " after which", as the journals 
 of the House say, " Mr. Speaker offered to address his 
 Honour the President, but was prevented in a turbulent 
 and violent manner, by the Hon. Michael "Wallace, acting 
 President of His Majesty's Council, who declared the 
 House prorogued." And on the President consulting the 
 Council whether ho should not draw warrants on the 
 Treasurer, without an Appropriation Bill of the Assembly, 
 Wallace alone voted in favour of the proposal.=^ At a 
 later date, the House of Assembly having made some en- 
 <^uiries regarding the revenue received from the coal 
 lines, Wallace rei^lied that the disposal of it "v^as none of 
 i'eir business. 
 But we have here to do with him as his influence 
 •Murdoch's History, III, 288, 293. 
 affected Pictou. He took his defeat with a keenness that 
 we can now scarcely understand, and Mortimer having 
 given free expression to feelings of triumph, natural under 
 the circumstances, he publicly vowed revenge. From 
 that time his course was one of unrelenting hostility not 
 only to Mortimer, but to the leading men in Pictou, both 
 in church and state. Those being the days of irresponsi- 
 ble Executive power, and from his offices being always 
 influential, and at times administering the Government, 
 he had the machinery of Government very much under 
 his control, and was ever ready to exercise it for their 
 annoyance, and to nurture the personal and party feelings 
 that had begun at this election. Years after even the 
 descendants! of those who opposed him, might be driven 
 from his office with passionate execrations, while for a 
 man to quairel with his minister was tiufficient to entitle 
 him to official favour. 
 He is said to have kept a book containing black and 
 white lists, of every man in Pictou at the time of the 
 elect ion. "W hen any application was made to Government 
 from parties in Pictou, his first care was to examine these 
 lists, to see what had been the conduct of the parties at 
 that time, and treat them accordingly. On one occasion, 
 a road having been laid out in such a way as to do a great 
 deal of damage to a man's intervale, a petition was for- 
 warded to Government, to have its course altered. On 
 applying to Mr. Wallace, he asked if the course in which 
 they proposed taking the road would suit the public as 
 well. The parties said that they thought it would suit 
 better. He began making a favourable reply, but on 
 glancing over the petition, and observing the name of the 
 party interested, he stopped and exclaimed, " John D — ." 
 Reaching down his black book and finding the name, he 
 said, *' Take it where it was laid out, if it should go 
 through his house." He, however, afterward relented. 
 The following incident, which I received from my father. 
 I ill 
 1 ■ 
 1 i i' 
 , 198 
 however, will show that he could remember favours as 
 well as injuries. Among those in Pictou who voted for 
 "Wallace was his father, old John Patterson. Some years 
 after, my father and his brothers applied to Government 
 for a grant of Crown lands. At that time there was an 
 unwillingness to grant land in quantities, in consequence 
 of parties taking it up on speculation. On applying to 
 Mr. "Wallace, he asked who they were. They said they 
 were the sons of John Patterson, deacon. " Sons of Old 
 John Patterson ! Oh, yes, you'll get your land," was the 
 immediate rejoinder. Other parties having applied about 
 the same time, they were told to " go to Mortimer, and 
 let him get them land." 
 An incident may be mentioned in connection with the 
 close of the poll, as illustrative of the progress of the 
 country. On the last day of the election. Dr. McGregor 
 entertained the candidates and some strangers at dinner, 
 and made for them a fire of coal. This was considered 
 quite a novelty, and an important event for the Province. 
 It was only the year previous that coal had been discov- 
 ered on a brook, passing in rear of his and "William 
 McKay's lots. "William Fraser (surveyor) in that year 
 carried a sample to Halifax to the Governor, Sir John 
 "Wentworth, who sent him with it to Admiral Sawyer, 
 who ordered a small cargo to be sent to Halifax, which 
 was done, but it did not prove of good quality. Soon 
 after the Dr. and some of his neighbours took out licenses 
 from Government to dig coal, but undoubtedly he was 
 the first to use it as fuel. He first opened a pit on what is 
 still known as the McGregor seam, discovered on his 
 own land, and used the coal in his house. This would 
 be as early as 1801 or '2. From that time he regularly, 
 in the fall of the year, got out his winter's supply, and 
 sometimes sold some. Previously the blacksmiths had 
 used charcoal, but now John McKay, of Pictou, com- 
 menced sending lighters up the liver, and took the coal 
 ^0 Pictou for use in his smithy, and the other blacksmiths 
 soon followed the same course. 
 ' 'I 
 ' '1 
 As we hare mentioned in a previous chapter, Picton 
 Avas, in the year 1792, set apart from Colchester as a 
 separate district. One of the first steps taken in conse- 
 quence, was the erection of a jail. It stood on 
 the lot now occupied by the establishment of James 
 D. B. Fraser & Sons. The lower part of the 
 building, forming the cellar storey, was built of 
 stone, with grated windows. The upper was of logs, 
 and clap-boarded on the outside. This contained at the 
 one end rooms for the jailor ; at the other, a lock-up for 
 prisoners. Below were cells, in which criminals were 
 confined, the more desperate in irons. It was built by 
 John Patterson, and the following account at this time, 
 including this and other items, may be given as a curiosity : 
 The Magittratet of Pictou Dr. to John PattertoPf Sr. 
 Brought forward JE8 IDs. 3d ; To interest lOs. 6d £9 17 9 
 1 793— Captain Allardice, broak hinges and other damages 10 
 James Carmichael, 30s. for goiu with tbo jury laying out 
 roads 1 10 
 Thomas Harris, Senr., order for laying out roads 2 
 James Dun, for the use of his house some years for M. Mingo 13 10 
 To help to build the town brige 10 
 Building the gain 87 
 To Mr. Morlimer for provisions for a sailor 17 
 To goods by Mr. Dawson to the poor, by the c^rerseers 1 15 7 
 To James Dun for stocks, Handcuf^), lock, stove, &c., jury 
 box 1 15 6 
 To John Patterson, Senr., for three terms store rent 2 
n f. 
 To Bobeit Lowden, for Clerk of the Sessions 1?03 2 10 
 To Do Do 1792 6 
 To Taking of and Beparing and Putting on the Gaill lock, 
 broke by Mitlan 3 6 
 To 1 Double Faddlock Replaced for 1 Destroyed by Mr. 
 Mirian 4 
 To Darid McCoull, for cutting Cobequit Boad ISIO'O 
 To colecting, Storage, urastage in and out of 94X, in Grain, 
 Butter & Shouger at Ten per cent O 
 To colecting £20 at Pive per cent 10 0' 
 £183 11 4 
 Contra, 'Credit. 
 Brought forward > • 2 
 1794— From James Dun, collector 15 6 
 From Alexr Robertson, do ... 12 9 
 John Brownfield, do 6 12 
 ,' John McKenzie, do 13 17 
 James Briden, do 10 1 
 From clerk, Augt. 20 1 13 
 From Do Deer. 29 1 lo 
 From Duncan McEenzie 20 7 
 From Robert Lowden 2 10 
 From Mr. Mortimer, Previous Tax for 1792 6 6 
 From Mr. Scot, in grain for Road 3 16 
 From John McDonald, Road Tax in orders 4 6 
 To Thomas Copland's Noat i lo 
 To William Fraser Noat 2 1 
 To Joseph Scot's Noat 2 16 
 ^rom James Dun, License i 15 
 From George Roy, Colector 4 2 
 'constables Colin McKay £4 Ss. 7d., Duncan Cameron £2 
 140. Ij^ 6 19 
 £121 7 1} 
 The stocks stood in front of the jail, and for many years 
 were used for the punishment of offenders. In our 
 younger days a pair stood on the east side of George 
 street, but were not then used. 
 Dr. McGregor says that on his arrival, " As for lawyers,, 
 there was such good neighborhood, that we never expected 
 to need a lawyer or a court housCi" But the above account 
 shows that these days had passed ; that they had use for 
 a jail, and that on one occasion its occupant had been so 
 dissatisfied with the accommodation, that he had taken 
 forcible measures to be relieved from it. 
 By the act erecting Pictou into a separate district, a 
 Court of General Sessions of the Peace and Inferior Court 
 of Common Pleas, was appointed to be held at "Walmsley, 
 on the 8rd Tuesday of January and 3rd Tuesday of July. 
 The Eecords of the Sessions for the first few years have 
 been lost. The first book commences with January term 
 1797, held before, Hugh Dunoon, Robert Pagan, John 
 Dawson, Nicholas P. Olding and Edward Mortimer, 
 Esquires. These, we may observe, were the leading 
 justices of the county for many years. An account of the 
 business done, will afi'ord some interesting information 
 regarding the state of the county. 
 First comes a large number of regulations, regarding 
 animals of the male kind going at large, which we need 
 not particularly specify. But we may remark, that the 
 establishment of pounds in various parts of the district, 
 and regulations for impounding cattle, occupy a large 
 space in their proceedings in subsequent years.* 
 Then we find regulations regarding the preservation of 
 the salmon fisheries, manifesting a care and wisdom^ 
 which we would not have expected at that early period. 
 « That no person shall sett a salmon net, seine or wear more than two- 
 thirds across the channel at low water, in any of the rivers within this dis- 
 * Thus we find, in 1802, the various pounds located as follows : 
 « Harbour Where it now is. 
 Above the Town Gutt At a brook above John Patterson, Junr'a. 
 Fishers Grant At James McPhersons. 
 West Eivcr. ...•••• At Hugh Fraser's Brook. 
 Middle Biver At Joseph Crocketts. 
 Fast Tviver, west side At Donald McNaughton's Brook. 
 East Biver, east side At Alex. McLeans. 
 McLellan's Brook At William Frasers. 
 East Branch East Biver At Alex. Grants. 
 West Branch « At James Camerons. 
 Little Harbour At Alex. McQueens." 

 11 1 1 
 trict, nor nearer to that of his ncighbour'a than ihe distance of fifty yarJs, to 
 bo measured in the direction of tho tide or stream. 
 " And that no pcraon or persona shall fish salmon in any manner of way 
 vhatoTcr within thiu district after tho 19th day of October, on transgresHion 
 the not to bo forfeited, and a ftno of twenty shillings to bo loviod of tho same, 
 or from tho goods and chattels of tho offender, the same to bo disposed of as 
 in the case of boars (i. e. one-half to the informer, and one-half to the over- 
 seers of tho poor,) no prosucntion to bo without the complaint is made within 
 ten days after tho offunco id committed, tho selno or net to be seized whilo in 
 the water, and carried immediately to a Justice of tho Peace, who is to Judge 
 of tho offence, and if tho seine or net is returned by the owner or any persons, 
 the fine is to be doubled, any proprietor or householder may prosecute said 
 <* Also, that no person or persons within this district shall fish salmon with 
 A spear or by sweeping with a net or seine, under tho penalty of £5 for every 
 offence, said fine to bo disposed of as in tho regulations respecting boars. 
 " Also presented and ordered that no person or persons shall fish salmon 
 with net, spear or otherwise in that part of tho Middle River between Archi- 
 bald and Taylor's Mill-dam and Alexander Fraser, Sr.'s., under the penalty of 
 £10 for each and every offence, one moiety to the prosecutor, and the other 
 moiety to the overseers of tho poor, for the use of tho poor. And that no 
 person or persons shall catch any salmon fish, in either of tho two pools at the 
 foot of the falls, on tho West Branch East Biver, and also in tho pool at the 
 foot of tho falls on the West River of Pictou, about two miles abovo William 
 McKenzio's, under a penalty of 408., to be disposed of as in tho last case." 
 For the killing of a bear a premium of twenty shillings 
 is allowed on. presentation of the muzzle. This was 
 afterward reduced to ten shillings. 
 Then comes an order to •' tar every poll from 16 upward 
 three shillings, every horse one year old and oxen and 
 cows four years old three pence, every sheep one year 
 old one half-penny each, every 100 -icres of land, three 
 pence per hundred, for the making and repairing high- 
 ways within this District, the respective overseers and 
 committees to lay out the work as formerly, in the most 
 needfull places on the publick highways in the different 
 settlements within this District." 
 The roads then existing, for which ovierseers were 
 appointed are named as follows, viz., *' Fishers Grant, 
 West River, Middle Eiver, "West Side East River, East 
 Side East River, East Branch from Colin McKenzie to 
 Peter Finnors, Upper Settlement, "West Branch, Little 
 Harbour, Above the Town Gutt, Merigomish, Gulph. " 
 But at this meeting steps were taken for the opening of 
 the roads from " John Bin ikies on the hill (at what is now 
 the Cross Roads Green Hill) unto Charles Blaikies on tho 
 West River," and " from Charles Blaikies to the mouth of 
 the Middle River," and *' from Alex. McLean's upper lino 
 on tho East River to the head of the tide," and a Special 
 Sessions was appointed to *• lay out a road from liobert 
 Marshalls to Hugh Frasers." 
 In regard to the collecting ot taxen, we find the fol- 
 lowing : 
 " Presented and ordered that John Patterson, scnr., be allowed ten pir cent, 
 for being Treasurer, and collecting the tax assessed in tho jcar one thousand 
 seven hundred and ninetj-flre, and likewise charge no leakage or wcastago ou 
 any oi tho pro<luce that ho receives, but to be accountablo to the District for 
 the whole as he receives it." 
 The taxes were generally paid in grain or maple sugar, 
 and were received by local collectors, who brought it to 
 him, but we find in July the same year, that it was 
 " Presented and ordered that John Brownfield bo allowed tho sum of twelve 
 shillings and six pence for bringing wheat and oats from Merigomish to Pictou 
 (o satisfy the jail tax." 
 The following are all the other items of expenditure : 
 " Also ordered that Mr. Patrick McKay be allowed the sum of iivo shillings 
 for the use of his house for a Grand Jury room this present term, by an order 
 upon the Town Treasurer. 
 " Also presented and ordered that the sum of twenty shillings be allowed to 
 Edward Mortimer, Esquire, for tho use of his house as a Court House, cuttin 
 and Hauling fire-wood, putting on fires, &c., &c., by an order on the ' 
 Similar bills were allowed in subsequent years, the 
 places of meeting being John Patterson's store, William 
 Lyndsay's tavern, or other places. 
 The business was concluded by a criminal trial, the 
 full record of which we must present to our readers. 
 \ H 
 *■• t 
 " For |>ctty Iniveny. 
 *' (Ibnkuai. flRMtoNS or Titig I'lDArig, 
 Jim'y Term, 1707. 
 " Tub Kino 
 Peter 'J'lHlM'd, 
 Hoplilik 'J'nrlictt, 
 Ifnnniili, alia» Itono. 
 "Tlio prinononi linviuK boen lnotiglit forwiml nntl arraingcil nt tlio bar, 
 witncHBOg Rworii nnd iivterniRHtod, T!«o C'nint Iiiiving ooiiKidcnHl tlio ovldonco, 
 and tlm parties being foiiiul guilty, do ftdjmlgo tlio wliolo of them bo stripped 
 naked from tho luiddio «pwanin niid roceivo am follown, viz : Peter Turbolt 
 Ihirty-iiino Imdien, Sopbin Tnrbett, Ibirty-niiio IkhIioh, mid llunnnh alias lloso, 
 thirty lanhei on tho naked llody by tho liiindH of tlio proper oflleerH, nnd bo 
 thonco committed to Pnson, until! tho Court think it prnetieablo tu baniuh 
 them out of thix Pistriet, it being now nn intenHo eeiiNon. 
 " PietMi, January 18tb, 1 T'J7. 
 «' Jiin'y IfiUi, 1 TOT. IsKucd n wftrnint unto Jiunes Croeket, William Uobcrt- 
 son mid WiUimu Friwer, constables, to take tho three negroes and strip them 
 from tho middio upwards, and whip them as Kpeeilk'd in tho acntonco, &c. 
 which warrant wan .f turned Executed to-duy. 
 " Wlliam Fmsor, oro of tho constables, who being nppoiuted to assist In 
 whippin;;; the negroes, refused to aesist, was lined by tho Court ia tho sum of 
 forty shillings. 
 " Ills Majesty's Genenil Quarter Sessions of tho Poaco for the District oi 
 Pictou stands adjourned until next term. 
 D'y Clerk of tho Pottoe." 
 " Vivant Rex et Retina." 
 Wc may mention that tho punishment of flogging 
 continuod to be inflicted for years after. The last case 
 took place in the year 1S22. A person, residing ne/ir tho 
 Town Gut, having lost his wife, bought a full mourning 
 suit. A darky stole the same, and having arrayed himself 
 in the whole, even to hat and crape, started for Truro, 
 but was arrested in this genteel rig, and was flogged, tied 
 to a cannon, which still stood in Ov.r younger days at 
 Yorston's corner, though on other occasions parties were 
 tied to a cart. 
 At the July term we find the name of Robert Lowden 
 as an aildiiional Jusiico, and iho following added to iho 
 Tognlalions regarding »alrnon I'lHhing : 
 •' No Hoitlor to buy or bnrtor Rnlmnn flsli, Knit or frcHli, from uny Indian or 
 IntlinnH vrithin wM Diiitrkt, from iiinrtncnUi iltiy of Oi:t<ihc>r, 17i)V, to tlio 
 niiu'teonth «liiy of May, tin<lrr n pcnnHy of tt-n poiindfi, ouu-tinSf to tho i)ro(ic- 
 riitor, tlio alluT Imlf to tho oviifHiicrH of Iho p«M)r." 
 Tho jail Ncoms to liavo engaged attention, for wo lind 
 tho following order: i 
 ••That tho Lower iitory of (ho Jnil (orrhr to lio floornd with two Inch 
 j)lRnk in tlio yimt l79t ho»ion« iiwoy) 1)0 now floored with four inch pilch pino 
 piunit, witli pitcli pino (diioprrn laid n|)on Hhmc, tlio Klcrpcru to ho fmir inched 
 illicit nnd Nik itu iiPN deep, flvo itt nunil)cr, iiio planic io lio npil^rd (o tlin 
 HlocprrH, with ni)il<cH t^iglit itw lies lon^ — liliowiso tlifit tiio jiiil lio ciujilmiirdcd 
 wiUi wiwcd clniiiioanJH, tlio first Ptrolic to ho 1 J incJi planlt ronml Iho foimdiu 
 lionH ; corncrH, doorH nnd winddwn to ho itmd with wcnthcr hounln on 
 (III h end, tho wholo to ho finiNliod hy tlio .'iOtli Octoher in a workmanlilto 
 manner — tlint.Iohn rnlterHon, Ronr., and Win. Lowden, Rcnr., iio inRportf^rH U) 
 Hi'o tho work carrii'd on — uIho (hat D.'iniol ]\Ii Kiiy, Wni. MonRicnrnrid Thotnns 
 l'ni3(!r, carpenter, lie n coniniittoo (o hcc that it ho fininlicd in n workmanljko 
 nmnntr nnd (hut tho Rnmo !)o randnetl (o (ho h)tvcHt hiddcr nt Mr. John 
 I'aderHou's Rtoro, nn TncHdiiy, llio Htli diiy <i( ;\ii(:;nst Mxt at 12 o'( lock, 
 nisridian, and that David Lowden, John rattcr-Km, Juiir , and Ininran Carn.ron 
 iio a committeo to vnndiio (ho Manic — also ordcrr;d, (hat (Ik; f hik of tho I'ca' o 
 advrrtiso tlio uhovo in tlio nioKt piihlic placcH on tho Ifarhonr of rictoti, WcHt, 
 Middle and East Rivcrn, Mcrigoniuh and (inlph." 
 Tho following additional items of expondituro passed : 
 •'Also presented nml ordered, that ThomaH HarriH, j'lnr,, hn allowed tho 
 mini of tlireo poiindn (iirrency for h in HcrvieeH as f'hrk fif the Peace for tho 
 year onnthouHand scvcm hundred and ninnly-Hcveri." 
 " I.ikewiso preRcnted and ordered (hat Thf.man IfaniH, Rcnr., ho alh'wod tiio 
 Slim of two pounds <'iirrency liy an firdcr on tho TrcaHiirer fur receivinp, 
 victualling and attending pcrwonH in jai! in Ihc year 17'j7." 
 As to the assessment for tho year, it was now ordered 
 "That XHO currency ho raJKcd in tlio l)islri( t, tlu' Hiimc. to ho afipropriutod * 
 (o (ho making nnd repairing a certain road hading from Mr. George AfcCon- 
 neH'H unto Truro, as far as (bo lino of the Diftrict of I'ictoii, and XOO for 
 defraying District churgcR." 
 Considering tho stato of ihc rountry at this time, wo 
 regard tho above vote for tho Truro road as exceedingly 
 creditable. Tho raising of tnc amount, however, was 
 f tl 
 I II 
 afterwards deferred till the year 1799, at the January term 
 in which year it was resolved, that 
 " All the license money now on hand, due or that may become due li^iLre 
 the Ist day of July next, and not already appropriated, he added to tL« J(i40, 
 the overseers to straighten the crooks as they may sec most beneficial for th« 
 benefit of the public. Also that the Xl9 9s 6d in the Treasury, hfAng the 
 sum allowed the District for the express purpose of making roads, out of the 
 sum raised hero as Provincial taxes, be also laid out on such road. And 
 further provided that in case any part of the X140 to be levied be n<yt paid 
 before July the amount be borrowed, so that the work may be dont before 
 David Archibald was selected as commissioner, to have, 
 with John Archibald, of Truro, the whole manitgement. 
 He was to be paid Ts. 6d. per day, and to give his 
 obligation to the Court to see the money laid out for 
 repairing said road in the most advantageous manner. It 
 was at the same ordeved that it " be made 12 feet wide, 
 clear of every incumbrance whatever and to be thrown 
 up from each side where it may be necessary." 
 The collecting this tax however was a work of time. 
 For years we find in John Patterson's ledger, charges to 
 the settlers of " Cobyquid Hoad Tax." 
 In the year following, the business was so similar that 
 we need not repeat, but a few items of a different nature 
 may be given. Thus in regard to salmon fishing we have 
 the following in the year 1798 : 
 « That no person or persons within this district shall set or leave a net or 
 seine in any of the rivers within this district, from Saturday at 12 o'clock, 
 noon, until Monday following at 12 o'clock noon, and for each and every 
 ofi'ence, upon the oath of one credible witness, shall pay a fine of 408. And 
 also that no person or persons shall chase, follow or drive fish into nets, or 
 8einc3 in any manner of way whatever in any of the rivers within this District, 
 nor be seen carrying a salmon spear near any of the rivers within this District 
 during the fishing season, and for every offence on conviction by the oath of 
 one credible witness, shall pay a fine of £2 currency." 
 "We also find in the year ? 805, orders for a fish-gate at 
 Archibald's mill-dam. Middle Eiver, to be only one foot 
 high from the bottom of the river in front of the dam 
 and three and a-half feet on the back, four feet wide in 
 passage — according to the frame given by David Archi- 
 bald so as to allow passage at all seasons. 
 In the same year we find the following : 
 " It is ordered that Samuel Copeland, James McPherson, (Fishers Grant) 
 Hugh Fraser, Sr., East River, and Alexander Chisholm (Gulph) be taken cog- 
 nizance of for not doing their duty as overseers of thistles for the year 1TS7." 
 " That no person or persons within this District shall carry any unbroken 
 flax into Lis, her or their swelling house within the District, nor suffer the 
 game io be done, and on conviction by the cath of one credible witness, 
 shall pay a fine of £5, the same to be applied as in the case of boars." 
 " That Act 21 George III. be put in execution, to call out the inhabitants 
 after deep falls of snow, with their horses, oxen and sleds, in order that the 
 road be rendered passable." 
 " Also that all proprietors, agents or present possessors of lands in this Dis- 
 trict shall cause to be cut down uU thistles growing on such lands, on or 
 before the twenty-eighth day of July instant, and likewise all inspectors neg- 
 lecting their duty, as also every person cr persons refusing obedience to said 
 regulation, shall bo dealt with as the law directs." 
 " Also ordered that this regulation shall be published in the most public 
 places within this District." 
 Criminals still required attention for the same year we 
 "Ordered that Mr. William Lowden, Senr., be empowered to get a good 
 and sufficient pair of stocks made for this District in the cheapest manner 
 possible, on or before the fifteenth day of January, 1799, and to be delivered 
 to the sheriff or jailor, to be by him deposited in the jail, unless otherwise 
 directed by the magistrates, the expense to bo defrayed by an order on the 
 These did not seem to last long, for at the July term, 
 1804, we find an order, that two pairs of stocks be made, 
 one for Merigomish, and one for the Harbour of Pictou. 
 Again in 1805, we find it ordered : 
 " That a board fence bo built at the front of the District Jail, sufficient to 
 prevent any communiation from persons on the outside to them within said 
 jail, the fence to be about eight feet high and twelve feet from the front of 
 the jail." 
 Then as to expenditure we find the following 
 District of Pictou Dr. to John Patterson. 
 1797— To premiums paid the Indians for the killing 4 bears £i 
 To premiums paid the English for killing 3 bears at 20s. each 
 «..^ ■t.^.^u,...., ■ 
 ■1, ,n 
 i ii 
 I'll ill nil: 
 To setting up and taking down the Justices benches July 
 term 1797 5 
 €ourt House, Benches and Firewood Ibr the Court and G. 
 Jury Jany. 1708 10 
 Premium paid Jas Cameron for liilling a bear 1 
 £9 5 
 True Bill, 
 Dat^d McLian, 
 Foreman, G. J. 
 " Presented and ordered that Edward Mortimer be allowed out of the Trea- 
 sury thj sum of 17s. on account of goods delivered a poor sailor, and also the 
 sum of 3s. and 4d., on account of tread delivered the negroes, while in jail, 
 amounting in the whole to one pound and fourpenco. 
 "Also 18s. to John McKay for making three pairs handcuffs and repair- 
 ing a lock in the jail." 
 The tendency of municipal expense is to increase, and 
 hence we find, that the salary of the Clerk of the Peace, 
 which was .£3 in 1797 was in 1800 raised to £4, and his 
 successor received £5. But there was p^reat delay in 
 collecting taxes, and salaries were long in arrears. Thus 
 we find in 1803, the Court ordering " the i;70 which was 
 voted by the grand jury in 1801, for defraying public 
 charges be raised immediately, the late emigrants, who have 
 been only two years in this settlement to be exempted." 
 And in the same year in July, i)20 10s. was voted to 
 Thomas Harris, for his services as clerk since 1799. 
 Of regulations of a general nature we may insert the 
 17CJ. " Presented and ordered that cognizance be taken of all persons within 
 the District, guilty of not clearing away all putrid fish, meat or other nuisance 
 from about their houses, stores or wharfs, which may bo the means of causing 
 an olTensivc air, and be prejudicial to the health of the inhabitants of the 
 1804. " That the law of this Province respecting shipping throwing their 
 ballast overboard below high water mark, be put in force." 
 The following however we do not regard as so 
 commendable. In the year 1801, it was resolved to 
 ** memorialize Government and the Legislature for 
 authority that there might be three public fairs estab- 
 r. I 
 iished within this District, viz., on the Harbour of Pictou, 
 the week following the Court ("Wednesday) ; the second 
 on the East River, handy to the public road of the Lower 
 Settlement on the West Side, the last week of September; 
 the third on the large beach at the east end of Merigomish, 
 on "Wednesday preceding that of East River." These fairs 
 continued to a late period, the principal being held at 
 David Marshalls, now Horns, place. Middle River. But 
 they were little more than scenes of drinking. 
 The first notice of a ferry is in 1807, when we find 
 "John Foster licensed to keep ferry at Fishers Grant, 
 that he shall not charge moro than 15d. for a single 
 person, 9d. apiece for four, (Jd. apiece over four, and for 
 swimming across oxen or horses Is. 6d. per head." 
 Again we have various orders against parties violating 
 sound morality, such as the following : 
 1799 — <( That Mr. M. betaken cognizance of for selling with a half bushel 
 said to be small, and neither branded or sealed." 
 1800—" Also presented, that inquiry be made into the conduct of Mrs. G. 
 for keeping a honso of bad fame, as reported." 
 1801 — " Also presented and ordered, that the laws of this Province con- 
 cerning vagrants, be duly put in execution, and that no person of suspicious 
 character be allowed to come into the District, without producing a proper 
 certificate, nor any person from places infected with contagious diseases be 
 allowed to come into this District." 
 " That A. M. be fined in the sum of two shillings for swearing, the same 
 being for the use of the poor, and also that J. H. be fined in the sum of two 
 shillings for most notorious swearing." 
 1804 — " That G. P. and A. G., young men in this place, who lead immoral 
 and scandalous lives, such as getting drunk, cursing, blaspheming the name 
 of God, fighting and insulting sober people, be bound over to keep the peace, 
 from July term 1804." 
 " On the presentment ot the grand jury, it is ordered, that A. C. and D. L 
 be fined the sum of five shillings each for being intoxicated with liquor and 
 Sometimes a jury was empannelled and criminals tried 
 under a regular indictment. Thus in 1805, wo find an 
 indictment against S. L. N. for assault on Mr. Mortimer, 
 ^u which the jury found him not guilty. 
 •t !■ 
 i ■^'•^i!! ^ i 
 Tho annual acticii on the laying out of roads snow 
 something of the progress of the country. Thus at the 
 July term 1797, wo find an order for "inspecting the 
 road from "West to East Branch passing James Grants mill ;" 
 at the January term 1798, we find a committee appointed 
 to lay out a road from the harbour to Scotch Hill, Angus 
 Campbell, Wm. Fraser, Hector McQuarrie and Duncan 
 Cameron being then mentioned as residents at the latter 
 place, one to lay out road up McLellans Brook to Peter Fra- 
 sers, and another to lay out a road from Fishers Grant ta 
 Little Harbour : and the road along the West River was 
 confirmed 'v.th le following luminous description. 
 " Beginning at a gate on the publick highway, at the 
 foot of Anthony ^''^cLc^i^ns intervale, from thence crossing 
 the river and loading up the river, on the road now 
 occupied, and continuing its course as far as a pair of bar^ 
 at Robert Stewarts, from thence to go to the Southward, 
 of the road now occupied, until it strikes the old road on 
 the bank of the river, at a small piece of Intervale, and 
 from thence to continue along the old road, until it joins 
 the road already established." At the same meeting, a 
 return was made of *' the road on the East River from 
 Donald Erasers to the Governors Road." In the following 
 January term, we find the road from the West to the 
 East River confirmed, but it is not till 1805, that we find 
 a committee " to lay out a road from Hugh Erasers East 
 River to Fishers Grant." 
 For the better protection of the roads we find the 
 following orders : 
 " 1799. That all gates on the King's highways be removed, and the high- 
 ways be cleared of every incumbrance whatever." 
 " Also that a committee bo appointed to inspect the road leading from 
 Archibald's Mills to John Blaikies, as there are many obstructions on said 
 road, by which the public is much injured." 
 " 1802. Presented by John McEenzie, overseer of road'i for the West River, 
 ihat there are a number of windfalls on the road between tlie Sawmill Brook 
 and Ed. McLean's. It is ordered, that the said John McEenzie may clear tho 
 'Windfalls out of said road, or employ who he may think proper, and the said 
 . the 
 ear tho 
 person or persons be exempted so much of their statute labor for the present 
 year, as they may be employed in performing the same." 
 The granting of licenses for the sale of intoxicating 
 liquors occupied the attention of the Court from the first 
 All the merchants received license to sell liquor by retail. 
 At the very first meeting, we find license granted to " Ed. 
 Mortimer to retail spirituous liquors for the term of six 
 months, he yielding obedience unto the laws of the 
 Province." And there were always one or more " taverns 
 or places of public entertainment " in town and several in 
 the country. Thus in 1799 the list is — 
 Pictou Harbour Wm. Lyndsay* and Jas. Dun. 
 West River Georfje McConnell. 
 Merigomlsh Robert Smith. 
 Gulph Wm. McGregor. 
 It is evident that all the travelling of those days would 
 not require so many places of entertainment, and that 
 they must have drawn largely for their support on the 
 inhabitants. Still we find them increasing, for in the 
 year 1801, it was resolved, " That not exceeding two 
 tavern licenses be granted to innkeepers on the Harbour 
 of Pictou, and only two within Merigomish, also that one 
 be granted to some person residing on each of the three 
 rivers in Pictou, and also one on the Grulph." The year 
 previous there had been four licences granted at the 
 Troubles however would arise from breaches of the 
 law. Thus in 1798 we find parties summoned to a special 
 sessions in John Patterson's store, for retailing spirituous 
 liquors, and in the year previous, the following present- 
 ment of the Grrand Jury : — 
 " On the presentment of Yo Grand Jury, it is ordered, that J. D. be sum- 
 moned, to attend the General Sessions of ♦^^he Peace, to give an account of his 
 conduct, for tho retailing spirituous liquors, contrary to the intent and 
 * He was from Scotland and built the house long known as Mrs. O'Neill's 
 tiiycm, where ho followed the same employment. His house was frequently 
 tlie place of meeting of the Sebsions. 
 •* I:t 
 r ^ 
 1'; ■ 
 meaning of the laws of the Province, aa appears }<y the evidence, on the trial 
 of three negroes on the 18th Januat)', 1797, for petty larcenv, one of said 
 negroes having carried a pawn or pawns to the h( use of the said J. ]J. on the 
 Lord's Day, and in exchange thereof, received spirituous liquors to a small 
 amount in proportion to the article lodged." 
 In the year 1800, the first bridge was built across the 
 Town Gut, by John Patterson. Our readers may have an 
 idea of the inconvenience of travelling-, if they just reflect 
 on the fact, that there was not previously a bridge of any 
 size in the whole county. Arrangements were made for 
 crossing small streams by felling trees across them. Some- 
 times a single tree was used, on which a traveller might 
 cross on foot, but sometimes two or three might bo placed 
 together, which formed a rude bridge, not only more con- 
 venient for the foot traveller, but over which a horse 
 might pass. But commonly the streams were crossed by 
 fording where shallow, and often this involved a consi- 
 derable circuit, while the deeper required canoes. 
 The bridge now constructed was built on wooden 
 pillars, with stringers from one to another the whole dis- 
 tance from shore to shore, the present embankment not 
 having been made till the next bridge was built, about the 
 years 1818-20, and the channel in the centre having since 
 that time been cut out by the waters thus confined. It 
 was a creditable structure for the time. "VYo give the 
 Deacon's account, from which it appears that it was built 
 partly by subscription on the part of those in town, and 
 partly by the Sessions, without any Grovernment aid. 
 The Magiitrates of Pictou Dr. to John Patterson, Senr. 
 for Builden a Brigu over the Town Gut, July 15, 1800 X60 
 1803 — July To 3 years Intrest on Thirty pounds 5 8 
 1805 — To 2 years Intrest on Twenty pounds 2 8 
 1808 — To 3 years Intrest on Ten pounds 116 
 £69 12 
 Contra credit July 15 
 1800— by the Treasurer JEl 10 
 hy Bobert Patterson Esq 2 
 > dis- 
 5 8 
 2 8 
 1 IG 
 9 12 
 by John Patterson Scnr •> o 
 l>y Thomas Harris Junr 2 10 
 Vy Edward Mortimer 2 
 l»y Robert & Thomas Pagans 2 
 by Donald WcKenzlc 1 
 liy John Dawsson 2 o 
 hy David Patterson 1 o o 
 liy James Patterson 10 
 l)y John Patterson Junr 2 lo 
 Ly James McDonald 10 
 liy Vfm Campbell C 3 
 1801— April 1 1 by John Clark by Mr Daiisson 5 <) 
 1801— by Edward McLean 10 
 May 1802 James Patterson by Mr Dausson 10 
 1803 — March to one order on the clerk Lichens money lo 
 Augt to pay by William Murdock 5 
 1804 — By John McKenzie 1 o 
 Augt 1805 To one order of Thomas Harris Junr for lo 
 JEjO 11 3 
 It will thus be seen that at the time of the Deacon's 
 death in 1808, eight years after the work wcs done, there 
 was still a considerable part of the amount remaining 
 About the same time other bridges were engaging at- 
 tention. At the July term, 1801, the License money, 
 amounting to «£17 4s., was ordered " to be expended, XIO 
 on the bridge over James McKay's Gut, East River, 
 £S to assist building a bridge over the East IJiver of 
 Merigomish, and £^ 4 for a bridge over French Iviver." 
 In the year 1803 the first bridge at New Glasgow was 
 built, about a hundred yards above the site of the present 
 one, but it was all carried away the following winter. 
 The next bridge there was built by Eobert Grant, miller, 
 on piers, the portions of which below water have formed 
 the foundations of all the bridges that have since been 
 built there. 
 In the same year we find it ordered that " all the statute 
 labour for this present year, from Anthony Cultons on the 
 East River of Pictou on both sides, downwards, including 
 - iJl 
 1 1 
 i! I' 
 t; : 
 4 ; 
 L' 1 'li '^<' 
 1 ^ < i-r^ 
 Fishers Grant, be laid out in erecting a bridge across 
 McKays Q-ut, and also the deficient labour on Fishers 
 Grant for last year be laid out on the same, and to be begun 
 on the first of July next." 
 In July term of that year, i)20 of license money was 
 voted "to assist in erecting a bridge orer the Middle 
 River, but in case the above bridge will be built by Govern- 
 ment money, the above to be expended otherwise." 
 In the year 1804, wo find it voted " that the bridge on 
 the Saw-mill Brook, on the road leading faom the Har- 
 bour to the "West Eiver, be railed, the same to be paid out 
 of the public Treasury." It was also agreed to expend so 
 much of the public money as may be necessary for re- 
 pairing the bridge on McCulloch's Brook, Middle River. 
 These votes show that these had been previously erected. 
 As showing the progress of expenditure, we give the 
 amounts voted at February term, 1808 , — 
 Gut P-idge £ 60 
 James McKays Gut Bridge 25 
 Public wharf 10 
 Saw Mill Bridge 50 
 Purchasing a lot for court house 30 
 Extra contingencies 125 
 Overseers of poor for the use of the poor SO 
 Altogether, an examination of these records impresses 
 one very favorably, regarding the business habits and 
 capacity, of those who first administered our county af- 
 fairs. One who remembers them, says of those we have 
 named. " They were all men of education and refine- 
 ment, and their gentlemanly deportment and dignified 
 manner induced a high respect for the bench, and gave a 
 tone of order and refinement to society." "We may add, 
 that considering all the circumstances, the records were 
 kept by the clerk, Thomas Harris, in a very creditable 
 manner. ^ 
 ty af- 
 ave a 
 The Inferior Court, as it was commonly called, or 
 Court of Common Pleas, though issuing process to any 
 part of the Province, trying titles to land, and indeed 
 doing the same work as the Supreme Court, with the 
 exception of the higher criminal business, was not 
 presided over by a legal mind. It was not till the year 
 1824, that the act was passed, by which a lawyer was to 
 be appointed the presiding judge and also President of 
 the Court of Sessions, an act which at the time was very 
 unpopular. Even then he was to be aided by two lay 
 justices. At this time however all the judges were lay- 
 men. The first book of Records of the Court now 
 existing commences with the year 1804. The first 
 Judges of the Court were Hugh Dunoon, Robert Pagan, 
 and either then or a little later, John Dawson and Edward 
 Mortimer. One who remembered them on the bench, 
 says, " They all commanded respect. The former were 
 in education superior to the last, but from natural gifts ho 
 after all exerted the most influence." * 
 Besides the Inferior Court, there was established in 
 each county by an act of the Legislature, a court known 
 as the Commissioners Court, consisting at first of five, and 
 afterward of three, comniissioneTs, which met monthly 
 for the trial of cases of debt, up to a certain amount. Of 
 this court in Pictou, Mortimer was the head and almost 
 the body. The system did not continue long. 
 The first meeting of the Supreme Court of which we 
 find a record, took place on the second Tuesday of June, 
 1806, George Henry Monk being the presiding judge. It 
 * The following is a list, so for as we' have been able to make it up, of all 
 who occupied the office till the abolitiou of the Court : 
 Hugh Dunoon, John Dawson, Robert Pagan, Edward Mortimer, A. McDonald, 
 George Smith, Robert Lowden, Andrew McCara, James Skinner, William 
 Mortimer, Abraham Patterson. Under the act of 1824, Jarcd I. Chipmaa 
 was appointed tirst justice for the eastern part of the Province. He died on 
 2nd June, 1832, and was succeeded by William Q. Sawerp, who filled tba 
 office till the abolition of the Court. 
 ' i 
 "was usual at that timo for two judges to attend, but, he 
 being the only judge of the Supremo Court present, the 
 judges of the Inferior Court, Hugh Dunoon, John Utuvson, 
 and Kobert Pagan sat with him as associates. In tho 
 following years. Judge Monk usually presided, with either 
 f Brenton Halliburton or Foster Hutchinson as his associate. 
 Thomas Harris (clerk) was the first Deputy Prothonotary, 
 and his cousin, Thomas Harris, tho surveyor, was sheriff 
 at this lime. Tho court sat onco a year, till the year 
 181G, from which time it met twice a year, in Juno and 
 There being no court house, the first sittings of the 
 Sui)reme Court were held in a building on the west side 
 of George Street, a little below Church Street, now, wo 
 believe, Dr. Kirkwood's barn, but then a carpenter's shoi). 
 To the lower end, it was said, was sometimes a pig pen, 
 which even extended under the building. The late D. 
 Fraser used to say, that ho was foreman of the first jury. 
 On his describing tho place of meeting, one asked him, 
 " "Where was your jury room ? " He replied, " "When 
 allowed to retire to make up our verdict, we went to a 
 grove in McGreorgo's jiasture," which was near the site 
 of the Episcopal church, In this or places not much 
 better, the Court continued to meet, till the erection of 
 the court house in the year 1813. 
 The first movement for the erection of a court house 
 was at the January Sessions, in 1801, when it was 
 resolved, " That a proper piece of ground to build a proper 
 court house on near to the Blacksmiths sho^), on the north 
 side of Pictou Harbour, be purchased from the owner. 
 And as AValmsley is a very inconvenient place to hold a 
 court at, Government ought be immediately memorialized 
 to confirm the above spot, where the court house is to be 
 built, and Sir John "Wentworth to give a name to the 
 At a meeting of Sessions, presided over by judge Monk, 
 at the firot sitting ol" (ho Supremo Court, it was "ordorcd 
 that cJC200 be assessed lor erecting court house," but this 
 was not done that year, and accordingly in the following 
 year, (1807) the Court resolved, that, "the (Irand Jury 
 not having assessed the amount necessary, the district bo 
 amerced i;i50, which appears necessary for di'fraying the 
 District debts and charges, with JC200 formerly for court 
 house." In the estimates for 1808 appears X'30 for 
 "purchasing a lot for court house." It was not however 
 till the year 1813, that the building was erected, being 
 that now known as the old court house. 
 The only lawyer resident in town at this time was 
 John Fraser, a son of Capt. Eraser, already referred to. 
 He was also the first collector of customs and was hence 
 usually known as Collector Fraser. A numb< r of eminent 
 lawyers began to attend, among whom S. G. "W. Archi- 
 bald was especially noticed, but there were also such men 
 as Chandler, S. B. Robie and "W". H. O. Halliburton, who 
 interested the people by their eloquence or amused them 
 by their flashes of wit. 
 "We may at this place give the names of the officers 
 of the Court till the present time. The offices of 
 clerk of the Peace and Prothonotary have in this county 
 always been held by the same person. Thomas Harris 
 died in 1809, but we find George Smith holding these 
 offices from 1806 till 1809. Walter Patterson succeeded, 
 and continued to hold both positions till his death in 
 1821. At his death, his brother Archibald was in office 
 for a few months, when Dr. James Skinner ')^ was 
 appointed. He died in 183G, and was succeeded by his 
 son, James Skinner, Jr., who died in 18G1, and was 
 succeeded by David Matheson. 
 • Dr. Skinner was a son of the Rev. Donald Skinner, parish minister of 
 Ardnamurcban, and grandson of Hugh McLtan of Kingarlock, Argylesbire. 
 He was for years active not only as a physician, but in the public business of 
 the county. 
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 Thomas Harris, Sr., was deputy shorifF till 1811, when 
 he w^fts succeeded by the lato John "W. Harris, who 
 continued in oflice till the county was divided in 1886, 
 when the Government appointed J. J. Sawyer, who had 
 formerly been High Sheriff of the united county of 
 Halifax, to bo High Sheriff of the throe counties of Halifax, 
 Colchester and Pictou, and Mr. Harris was appointed his 
 Deputy. But when the Legislature met, the House of 
 Assembly set their faces against this plurality system, and 
 in the following year, he was appointed High Sheriff, 
 which ofRco ho continued to hold till 1857, when his son, 
 "Wm. H. Harris, succeeded him. 
 In connexion with this, we may here notice the first 
 trial for murder in this county. The crime was com- 
 mitted on the 26th May, 1811, by a man named Mcintosh. 
 Ho had been originally a tradesman, but took up the 
 idea of going into business. Ho went to Halifax and 
 obtained a supply of goods, which ho put on board a 
 schooner to bring around to Pictou, but was detained all 
 winter in Guysborough. Giving himself out as a person 
 of some importance, ho succeeded in marrying there a 
 lady, renowned for her beauty. Arriving in Pictou in 
 spring, he commenced merchandizing, and flourished 
 while the goods lasted; but when they were done ho found 
 himself in debt. His creditors had him arrested, when a 
 friend, named Dougald McDonald, obtained his release by 
 becoming security for his appearance at court. "When the 
 time arrived, however, he failed to appear. The judge 
 told his bailsman to take him wherever ho could find 
 him. The latter accordingly went with the sheriff to try 
 to seize him. Mcintosh shut himself in his house, which 
 stood on the east side of Yorstons wharf, a little below 
 where Hamilton's bakery now stands. McDonald took a 
 crowbar and commenced prying open the door. As soon 
 as he had it partially open, Mcintosh fired a blunderbuss 
 ;.' ' 'i 
 at him, tho contents of which lodged in hiH body, ko that 
 ho bled to death in an hour or two. 
 Tho magistrateH met and immediately issued a warrant 
 for the arrest of Mcintosh. But ho armed himself and 
 defied any one to arrest him, threatening death to every 
 person who should touch him. Leaving his house, ho 
 crept under tho wharf, and perching upon some of the 
 lugs, it was no easy matter to dislodge him, and almost 
 every person was afraid to venture near. At length, John 
 Sylvester, of Middle River, a fearless old man-of-war man, 
 undertook, with another, to make him prisoner. Taking 
 a pistol, ho went under tho wharf, and, immediately pre- 
 senting it, ordered Mcintosh to come down, threatening 
 to fire if he did not do so at once. Seeing his determina- 
 tion, tho latter surrendered. 
 Mcintosh was arraigned for murder at the Supreme 
 Court, on tho 3rd of August, 1811, and his trial came on 
 in due course on tho 6th, before Judge Monk. There 
 being then no proper court house, the trial took place in 
 the old Presbyterian church. As this was the first case 
 of the kind in Pictou, great interest was excited, and the 
 house was crowded. Trials were not conducted in so 
 tedious a manner as they are now, but this was prolonged 
 well into the night, so that the closing address was 
 delivered by candlelight. R. J. Uniackc, the Attorney- 
 General, conducted the case for the Crown, and tho 
 prisoner was defended by Halliburton and Chipman, who 
 set up as a defence that an Englishman's house was his 
 castle, and that he had a right to defend it against any 
 person breaking in. The Attorney-General closed the 
 case in a manner that excited general admiration. Ho 
 had taken no notes either of the evider ce or the addresses 
 of the opposing counsel. But with his marvellous mem- 
 ory, he omitted no fact bearing on the case, and no point 
 in the-objections of the defense, disposing of all opposition 
 with consummate ability. Mcintosh was accordingly 
 r\' I 
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 condemned, and on the 7th sentenced to be executed. But 
 while he lay in prison, the jubilee of George III. was 
 proclaimed, and he was pardoned. Daring his imprison- 
 ment, he seemed affected by his situation, and every 
 Sabbath sent a request for the prayers of the church. 
 But on obtaining his freedom all his concern vanished. 
 He afterward went to St. John, where he was drowned. 
 His widow married in the United States a very wealthy 
 man, and was living till recently. 
 "We may add here that in subsequent years, the county 
 suffered much from litigation, especially regarding 
 boundary lines, owing in a great measure to the manner 
 in which the surveys for the early grants were conducted. 
 Sometimes the surveyors were incompetent, but more 
 frequently the system was to blame. The one rule 
 adopted was to give more land than was named. Some 
 of this was put down, as " allowance for j-oads, &c.," 
 while such excuses as slack chainage or hilly land formed 
 pretexts for farther additions. But besides this, surveyors 
 exorcised a sort of princely liberality, as it was regarded, 
 in giving as if the land were their own, a considerable 
 surplus. This was deemed kindness to the settlers, but 
 from the disputes which these extra quantities produced, 
 it would have been a real kindness to the county if each 
 man's quantity had been exactly measured. Then some- 
 times the lines were not run round the whole lot, but 
 merely corners set, and the courses marked, and thus the 
 settlor was often left to his own conscience how much 
 he would appropriate. Again grants were given nomin- 
 ally for a certain amount, but to a certain boundary or 
 some other gTant, without the distance being measured, 
 though it might include an additional quantity, as large 
 as was originally intended. Then the possessor of the 
 next grant might consider himself equally entitled to the 
 land between them, and perhaps would get a surveyor 
 to run his lines, so as to interfere with the other's. Or 
 sometimes a second surveyor coming on the same lot, 
 instead of endeavouring to trace the line, made by his 
 predecessor, would make a new one of his own. Such 
 proceedings led to endless disputes, with the worst results. 
 Two neighbours have gone to law about a piece of land 
 till both lost their farms. "We have known a litigious 
 man ruin himself, and two neighbours in succession, 
 upon the same adjoining lot. Then family connexions , 
 and friends would take sides in the quarrel, and the strife 
 thus extend through a whole community. 
 Trials were not then the tedious affairs they are now. 
 The judge took brief notes of tho evidence, without 
 delaying the examination, there was little squabbling over 
 the putting a question, by which so much time is now 
 spent, and lawyers as well as judges acted as gentlemen. 
 Hence the trial of a cause, was often considered by many 
 " as good as a play." 
 Of all the lawyers who attended the court, Archibald 
 stood preeminent. At a later date, Johnston was his 
 equal in knowledge of law, but Archibald was always 
 unrivalled in his tact and skill in managing a jury. 
 When all other means failed, he would laugh them out of 
 a verdict. In private he was celebrated for a constant 
 flow of genial humour, but sometimes he had the laugh 
 turned against him. An old Highlander on the "West 
 River, who had been much at law, but was still in 
 comfortable circumstances, had frequently invited him to 
 stay at his house, when travelling that way. Mr. A. at 
 length accepted the invitation. His horse was fed and 
 himself welcomed to the house, and soon a savoury dinner 
 was prepared, the principal part of which was a little pig, 
 known as a roaster. Hungry from travelling, he relished 
 it heartily, and when he had eaten, was loud in his 
 praises of the delicacy, and of his host's hospitality, but 
 at length made the unfortunate remark, " But you don't 
 kill all your pigs so young? " *' Ah ! " said the old man, 
 •'no kill her at all ; she pe drooned i' the brook ! " 
 «• si; 
 WK-'fS. ft: ':<•%' 
 fiiiifc Sil-: 
 1 i -i^' 
 The first years of this century brought large accessions 
 to this country by immigration, principally from the High- 
 lands of Scotland. Every year at least two or three 
 vessels arrived with passengers, who gradually filled up 
 the interior of the county, and spread to the neighbour- 
 ing districts. It was at this time that the Highland 
 proprietor.'} were clearing their estates of the small tenants, 
 with the view of turning their property into large sheep 
 farms or deer forests, a policy involving suffering and 
 hardship to many an humble family, but which has given 
 to these and other colonies, some of their most deserving 
 population, and ultimately proved to the advantage of the 
 ejected themselves. The largest accession, which Pictou 
 received in this way, was in the years from 1801 to 1805, 
 as many as 1,800 souls landing in a single season, and at 
 this time several new settlements were formed. 
 When they arrived in Pictou, they were taken into the 
 houses of the previous settlers, who were sometimes 
 relatives or old acquaintances ; but, whether or not, the 
 new comers found a truly Highland welcome, or, what 
 was even better, a Christian exemplification of the precept, 
 " Be not forgetful to entertain strangers," till they could 
 select their own location. Indeed, the notice of the arrival 
 of an emigrant vessel brought people from all quarters, 
 to enquire for relatives on board, whom they took to their 
 homes, or \> find acquaintances or persons from their 
 native districts, or even strangers, to whom they would 
 fireely extend the same hospitalities. 
 The new comers received freely, but made the best 
 return in their power by their labour, till they could 
 obtain a lot for themselves. Sometimes, indeed, they hired 
 for some time, before they settled upon their own land, the 
 young especially often remaining for years in the houses 
 of their kind entertainers. As soon as they had obtained 
 an allotment of a piece of Government land, the old 
 settlers near combined, in helping them to erect an humble 
 habitation and to make their first clearing. The house 
 was generally built of round logs, 15 to 20 feet long, 
 undressed, the seams between which were closed with 
 moss or clay. "When their circumstances improved, larger 
 houses, perhaps iramed, but oftener of squared logs, were 
 constructed ; but in the meantime they had a home, which 
 the hand of power had not allowed them in their native 
 land, and which, though poor enough, was better than 
 was possessed by the poorer peasantry of many parts of 
 Britain and Ireland. 
 The same assistance was readily given in making their 
 first clearing. An axe and a hoe were considered the 
 only implements, necessary to commence a farm in the 
 woods, and even these were often supplied in charity. A 
 path was blazed or partially cleared from the residence of 
 the nearest settler, and the goods of the new comer 
 transported on the backs of men or horses. Neighbours 
 gathered to cut down a portion of the forest round their 
 dwelling. The trees were felled, lopped and cut into 
 lengths, then set fire to, and thus the branches and small 
 wood was consumed. The logs were then piled in heaps^ 
 •and burnt, or rolled away for fencing, while the stumps 
 were left to decay. This was very disagreeable and 
 fatiguing work, but it was performed in the joy of having 
 a home for themselves and their children, which no lord- 
 ling could touch, and in the gladsome anticipation of future 
 independence. Women and children aided in gathering 
 and burning rubbish, or other work suited to their strength. 
 ' Ml 
 in I ■ 
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i ■;• 
 When the ground was sufficiently cleared, wheat was 
 sown and covered with the hoe. Potatoes were planted 
 in round hollows four or five inches deep, in which from 
 three to iive sets were placed. Thus the first season, 
 which might be the year after their arrival, or perhaps 
 the second or third, they might have from two to six 
 acres under crop. The vegetable mould, formed by the 
 leaves of successive years, and the ashes left from the 
 burnt wood, rendered the soil very fruitful, and the new 
 settler never failed to reap a bountiful return for the 
 amount sown. Potatoes, it was supposed, would never 
 fail. Such was the commencement made by hundreds at 
 this time in this and other places in the Maritime Provinces. 
 They often felt discouragement enough, particularly as in 
 many cases they had come out under highly colored 
 representations of the country.* But many of these, who 
 thus commenced in the woods in destitution, afterward 
 became independent, and loft their families in comfortable 
 circumstances, and had reason to bless the selfishness of 
 Lairds and Dukes, who had tiimed them out of the little 
 holdings, possessed by their fathers for generations, and 
 pulled the roof tree from ofi" their humble homes. 
 We may mention, that in the same manner, the sons 
 and daughters of the old settlers in many instances com- 
 menced life. When the youth reached manhood, he 
 either received a portion of his father's land, or took up 
 crown land for himself, and erecting his log house, readily 
 found some rustic maid, not afraid of labor, or of spoiling 
 her complexion by exposure to the sun, ready to share 
 * One of the scvtiers on the Four Mile Brook having been engaged one day 
 hacking at the big trees, which grew on his lot, with all the awkwardness of 
 a Scotchman, becoming tired, sat down, and losing heart altogether, began to 
 cry. nis wife coming out, asked what was the matter. He told her his feel- 
 ings. She immediately returned to the house, put on an old coat of his, and 
 coming back seized the axe and commenced an attack upon a tree. He burst 
 oi't laughing, took heart again, was never so discouraged afterwards, and ulti- 
 mately became independent. 
 his joys and sorrows, his trials and successes. Duly yoked 
 to bear the burdens of life together, they wont to their 
 humble log house perhaps on foot, or at best "riding 
 double." Such was the style in which sixty or seventy 
 years ago, the majority of brides were brought home. 
 Commencing life however with stout hearts and in the 
 fear of God, they enjoyed their full share of domestic bliss, 
 and reared a race, who for vigor and worth, may shame 
 their degenerate successors. 
 We must now, however, give some account of the 
 commencement of the settlements formed at this time, 
 either by young men brought up in the country, or by 
 these immigrants. 
 The first clearing on Mill Brook was made by Thomas 
 and John Frascr, sons of Kenneth Fraser, Middle River, 
 either in the year 1800 or 1801. They went up the bed 
 of the brook, from where Kerr's mill now stands, carrying 
 their supplies and implements, and erected a camp on 
 what is now "Wallace Monroe's farm. They chopped and 
 cleared on that same place, and having put in some seed, 
 they left for the summer and returned in the fall to gather 
 the proceeds. The bears were so numerous, that they did 
 not venture out of their camp after night, even to the 
 brook for water. Being in the habit of returning on 
 Saturday to their father's homestead, on Middle River, 
 they used on leaving to set a bear trap, baited with the 
 remains of their week's provisions, and very commonly 
 found one secured on Monday morning. Hence the place 
 was long known as Bear Brook. Having got their land 
 surveyed and divided, Thomas built a small house on his 
 side of the lot, on the lower part of what is now his son 
 Richard's farm. He had been married, and while they 
 were at work his wife used to come up to cook for them, 
 and perhaps help otherwibe, but remaining most of the 
 time at Green Hill. But now, probably in the year 1802, 
 he came with his family to reside here. They came up 
 ■ ■ ;i! 
i if 
 the brook on foot, carrying their eldest child, between ono 
 and two years of age, and their articles of household gear. 
 In some parts of the brook there were small patches of 
 intervale, over which they passed ; but where the banks 
 were steeji and close together, they were obliged to walk 
 along the rocky bed of the brook, until they came near 
 their home. Hero there is a pretty fall, perhaps forty feet 
 in height, where the water d«ashes over a steep declivity into 
 a narrow gorge. The banks just below the fall rise some 
 fifteen or twenty feet higher than the fall, and so steep 
 that it is impossible to ascend them. They were thus 
 obliged to climb the face of the fall, which they were able 
 to do, as the water inclines to one side. Up this they 
 carried their child and all their utensils. 
 Soon after a path was blazed to the Middle Eiver, at 
 what is now "William Munroe's place. There was not 
 a settler above them, nor for a considerable distance on 
 either side. They were followed shortly after by Alex- 
 ander Ross, who came to Pictou in the year 1802, and 
 settled where his son Kenneth now resides, Alexander 
 McDonald, who arrived in the following year, and Eobert 
 Gordon w^ho came about the same time. 
 Seven or eight years after settling there, Thomas Eraser 
 put up a mill in the gorge below the fall. He built no 
 dam, but introduced the water into the mill directly from 
 the fall, by a short race. He made a sort of road along 
 the bank on one side, to the mill, but it was still difficult 
 getting up and down from it, and a few years after a 
 freshet carried the whole away. After this he built a mill 
 above the fall, where he had not only stones for grinding 
 wheat, but had the second oatmill in the county, about 
 the year 1817 or 1818. 
 In the year 1801 came out two vessels, full of pas- 
 sengers, broiight out by Hugh Dunoon, Esq. He made 
 representations similar to those, by which interested 
 parties have often deluded people across the Atlantic,. 
 such as that the same tree would yield them soap, sugar 
 and fuel, or that they might get sugar from the tree, and 
 gather tea at its roots. One vessel, chartered by him, 
 called the Sarah, brought out 700 souls, though two 
 children being counted as one, and infants in arms going 
 free, they were reckoned as 500 passengers. They were 
 crowded together, and their rations were scanty in quan- 
 tity, as well as inferior in quality. Small - pox and 
 whooping-cough broke out among them, so that the ship 
 might be said to have realized the horrors of the Middle 
 Passage. They were thirteen weeks on the voyage, 
 having sailed in June, and not having reached Pictou 
 till September, and in that time forty-seven died. During 
 the passage they were boarded by a man-of-war, which 
 pressed 25 of the able bodied passengers, but on Dunoon 
 going on board, and representing himself as a Government 
 agent, they were released. "When the vessel arrived in 
 Pictou, sickness still prevailed, so that she was kept in 
 quarantine at the Beaches for some time. 
 The other vessel, called the Pigeon, sailed later, but 
 arrived befor her. She was a small vessel, and had only 
 a small number of passengers. 
 Of those on board these vessels a number were Roman 
 Catholics, most of whom removed to Antigonish or places 
 further East. The others took up land in various places, 
 forming new settlements or filling up the older ones. 
 Some of these formed the first settlement on Mount Thom. 
 Among these were Alexander Stewart (afterward known 
 as Post), John McLean, Kenneth McLeod, John Urquhart, 
 "Wm. McDonald, Alex. Chisholm, John Fraser, Hugh 
 Cameron, Alexander Cameron and James Fraser. The 
 land had previously been laid out in lots, and each selected 
 his, but there was no settler further up than Dalgliesh, 
 at what is now Robertsons place, on the Eight 
 Mile Brook. Alexander Stewart kindled the first fire 
 on Mount Thom, on the evening of 31st December 
 if i 
 (New Year's eve) of that year. His house was 
 on the old Halifax Koad, where he afterward kept a public 
 house, and where his son Murdoch has since resided. He 
 had, of course, only a rude hut in the woods. His wife, 
 as she gazed through the partially open roof at the waving 
 tree-tops overshadowing them, and within, at her shiver- 
 ing little ones clinging round her, and thought of the 
 comforts she had left behind in the old land, declared her 
 wish to be back in Scotland, if it were even to be in a 
 Soon after he became mail-courier to Halifax. Q-eorge 
 McConner, at the Ten Mile House, owned a horse, and 
 so did David Archibald, at Salmon River, but between 
 these two places there was not another, and for years he 
 made his trips on foot, carrying the mail on his back, 
 or sometimes in his vest pocket, and, at the proper season, 
 carrying a gun to shoot any partridges which might cross 
 his path. His trips were made regularly, though not so 
 frequently as, in these days of railroads, would be deemed 
 satisfactory, being in fact only once a month, his remun- 
 eration being at the rate of ten shillings for each trip. 
 Some time after he purchased a little black pony, on 
 which he made his trips fortnightly, and this continued 
 to be the mode of conveyance for several years. 
 Of those brought out by Dunoon, another body occupied 
 McLennans Mountain. This was so named from the 
 brook, which runs by it, which received its name from 
 the first settler at its mouth. There were upon the brook 
 at this time the following settlers : Thomas TurnbuU, 
 John Fraser (Squire), "William Fraser, Elder, son of Simon 
 the first Elder. Alexander and Peter Fraser, sons of 
 Mc Andrew, John Fraser, son of Simon (Basin), vrho was 
 suffocated by the fumes of charcoal in his own cellar, an^ 
 John and James Cassidy. 
 On the banks of this stream, the limestone is cavernous 
 and contains numerous deep interstices. One of these on 
 the farm owned by Peter Fraser, forms an entrance to 
 what is known as " the cave." It is at the foot of a hill, 
 and by stooping the visitor may enter this " dark retreat." 
 There he finds himself in an apartment about one 
 hundred feet in length, and on an average six feet wide. 
 A small stream of pure sweet water flows along its floor, 
 beautiful stalactites hung from the roof, which have now 
 generally been removed by visitors, and the rude masonry 
 of the walls is only equalled by the projecting masses, 
 which seem ready to fall from above. From this chamber 
 narrow passages lead to other chambers, which have 
 never been explored. At one time the owner spent hijs 
 summers here, having laid a floor at the entrance, and 
 having fitted it up with a door and window. Here the 
 visitor was welcome to his scanty accommodation, but he 
 has long since been removed to a still narrower house. 
 Orders were now issued by Government to William 
 Fraser to survey the land on the mountain, and to divide 
 it into lots for the new comers. This being done, a band 
 of twenty-three of them occupied the whole block, each 
 selecting his lot. This would probably be the year after 
 arrival. Most if not all of them were from Lord Lovats 
 country, near Inverness. A list of them will be found 
 below.* "With them there settled one person brought up 
 in the country, viz, Simon Fraser, deacon Thomas' son. 
 Although the country had improved much since the 
 first settlers came, and trade was now brisk, yet we may 
 well suppose that a number of persons from the old 
 country, who had never handled an axe, settling down in 
 the midst of an unbroken forest, without roads or other 
 * List of first settlers on McLennan's Mountain : — Don. McDonald (tailor), 
 Donald McDonald, James Fraser, Grant, William McLean, Finlay 
 McDonald (piper), Donald Fraser, Finlay McDonald (carpenter), James 
 Cameron, Thomas Cameron, John Fraser (Buie), Alexander Cameron, Finlay 
 Mcintosh, Alexander Fraser (weaver), James Fraser (Bann), Hugh Cameron, 
 Alexander McDonald, John Fraser, Peter Stewart, James Fraser, John McBae, 
 Donald McPherson, Angus Fraser (Deacon). 
 conveniences, had before them a task requiring stout 
 hearts, and for years involving toil and sacrifice. Somo 
 of the tales of their ignorance of the country are rather 
 amusing. The following is too good to bo lost. They 
 were much afraid of the bear. On one occasion, one of 
 them being in the woods saw a porcupine on a tree, and 
 at once concluded that it was the dreaded foe. Ho there- 
 fore at once gave the alarm to his neighbours. All the men 
 near and some of the women gathered without delay. 
 One of them had a gun, which was put in requisition. 
 Thus armed they advanced boldly, but with duo caution 
 to meet the monster. Nino shots were fired at him, by 
 which he was at length laid low. Inspired by curiosity, 
 and in the proud consciousness of their victory, they pro- 
 ceeded to examine their vainquished foe, but found matter 
 of still greater astonishment, in tho manner in which the 
 quills stuck in their hands, 
 Tho stories they had been told about getting sugar off 
 the trees led to some amusing mistakes, with them and 
 others of tho new comers. On ono occasion, after tho 
 landing of a company of emigrants, a number of them 
 were put to sleep in a barn near town. Early in the 
 morning, when the children awoke, they were heard 
 saying to each other, " Come, let us go out and see if we'll 
 get some sugar on the trees." Ono woman asked to be 
 shown the trees from which it was obtained. "When this 
 was done , she picked otF some of tho bark with her fingers 
 and commenced chewing it, expecting to enjoy the 
 saccharine juice. After they had learned how it wrn 
 made, one man, as the season for sugar making advai 
 finding the supply of sap beginning to fail, fasten a 
 strong withe round a tree, under which he drove a wedy o 
 tightly, determined to squeeze out of it the last drop of juice. 
 Yet these men, in this and other places, surmounted the 
 difficulties of settlement, and became independent in their 
 Others of Iho Dunoon passengifers settled in various parts 
 of the county. Archibald McKay and Donald Cameron, 
 from near Inverness, settled on Frasors Mountain. Three 
 other settlors, however, were there before thorn, Donald 
 McKay (Squire's son), who was the first, William Fraser 
 ^surveyor) and Charles Brown. 
 A number of those who came this year, occupied the 
 upper part of tho East Branch East River. Among these 
 were Donald Kennedy, Robert Mcintosh, James Chis- 
 liolm (blacksmith), John McDonald, Duncan McDonald, 
 Archibald Campbell, John McDonald, John Thomson 
 Alexander Thomson, and John Grant, the most of them 
 from Olen Urquhart, and in the years immediately 
 following, they wore joined by others. Some years after, 
 Duncan McDonald, then an old man, was lost in the 
 "woods, with his grandson. The latter followed the county 
 lino, and, after three days travelling without food, came 
 out upon tho settlement. The old man took a different 
 course, and after a search by the inhabitants, was found 
 dead, after five days' absence. 
 In the year 1802, came "William Cummings, from near 
 Inverness in the following year settled on what is called 
 the Blanchard Road, and commenced the Blanchard settle- 
 ment. This road was originally cut out by Colonel Blan- 
 chard of Truro, to reach a large grant of his at Lochabcr, 
 in the County of Antigonish. 
 In the year 1801, and in others about the same period, 
 Captain Lowden also brought out a number of persons 
 from the south of Scotland. Some of these came to work at 
 his vessels, but others as settlers. Among these may bo 
 mentioned Robert Bone, Greorgo Reid, afterward of Green 
 Hill, James Gordon and Samuel Wilson. 
 James Gordon was a cartwright, who is worthy of 
 notice as having made tho first fanners ever in use 
 in Pictou. They were built in the year 1803 for 
 Captain Lowden 
 who had brought out the irons from 
 ■ % 

 Sootlanil. As \\\o\ wiyvo llio otily scl in Iho plnoo, ihoy 
 WMMO <MU'vi<Ml »l>()u( oviT n oivottil .»r liMl niiloN, lull llu'v 
 hivvo ronlinuod lo do thily t»> Ojo inrscnt duy, innl imiy 
 1)0 N(»on in Iho posNOswion oT iho ('M\)ii(iirn ^:ran(lH(>nH nt Iho 
 llortchois. AVo Irioil Uio\u in Novoinl>or, 1H7(), imd lomul 
 thorn likoly lo do g'>od work Tor yoiiVH, il' iiol to Avoiir iml; 
 nnolhov nouovnlion ol" Ihoir dosi;«'noinlo ruooossoin. 
 Tho yoar 1S(>i! wilnossod ll»o lurival ol' a lav^•o inuiihoT 
 of oiuig'vanls. In Iho nionlh oT Aim\if<l, JHO lan<lod, 
 n.nii cos oT Iho Islnnd of Ibarra, and all J?on»an (\Uh(tlioH. 
 As tlioy had hvon acctjsloniod lo Iho iiNh«MioN, (lovornor 
 \\^onl\vovlh looalod (honi lor a linio on Tioloti IhIu:uI, and 
 tlio shovoN ailjaooni, hut Ihoy all niovoil away oaslward to 
 Aulijjonish or Capo lirolon. A ninnhor of rroloNlaids 
 also arvivod, who sotllod in vavions pliioos, Imi woaronot 
 intbrmod oTany NoUlomont Tormod i»ylhoni, 
 l>no who avrivod in Ihis yoar Ihus doNorilx^s tho Niato 
 of tho town at (hat \>ori.od. Novlli of Front stro«>t tnul 
 east of Oolovaino s(r«'ol, down lo vVlpin U ranis, was 
 oovorod with good hardwood, and poopio out their tiro- 
 wood thoro. Tho farthest east honst* in Iho town was 
 Mr. ra^irtu's, alviUtdy monti«>nod. Thoro was ijowdon'is 
 salt house on the east side of ColtMaino fslroot. On the 
 latter Dunn had his tavern, hatk of whore tho IJoyal Oak 
 stood. Thomas Fraser, carpenter, had a house whore St. 
 Andrews Church stands, and a ship oarpoutor named 
 Young had a small log house oi>posite. Following Water 
 street westwardly, Joseph llcisg had a log house on tho 
 site of his stone building, lately taken down. Then John 
 Dawson had his house, store and wharf, in roar of what 
 is now the Taylor House. On tho site of Messrs. Yorston's 
 store, Captain Lowden had his dwelling and store in ono 
 building. On George t^treet was McQeorgo's tavern, on 
 tlie site of the property lately owmed by John rroudfoot. 
 On Yorston's "Wharf was John Patterson's store, still 
 standing, and John McKay "s blacksmith shoi>. On the 
 »ifo of fbo (Irn^ nforo of .Thum'h I). H. FraNrr h Hon, wnw 
 ihn jiiil. Williiim LyiMlnny l<«'|»l, ri fnvnru on Mm siln of 
 wlnil liiiH Ninco ln'cn Min. ('iinHTtniH Inn. In fronh of 
 lliiN wiiH llin o|M'n nhort', llio liilo r«»niin(r up (,o llio oitponiht 
 ftido ol' llic roiul, mimI f«oiii«>liiin'H <»v('r il.^^ 'Wt Uu« <'n<l oi' 
 thiN to Oh* «>aNl, .1. (lonndl hiid a Htnnll \<>^ Iioiinp. 
 TlunnitN IliM'tiH (Nlirriil) hiul a sniall Iioiihm on tlio Inno 
 back ol' dm rHlabliHlinirnl, nl' thn htU) I'rirr I'lrown. Th'-n 
 TTcIior IlonkiiarU had a I(hI l»onno, nnar wIhto thn h>t<» 
 II. Jtatlon, Kh«|., rcwidod. JIc wns a (liK'tiiscy tnan, vvfio 
 vv<Mit out, ilHhin^ in Hninni(>r in his «< ho((n«'r, whi<h wji« 
 thou iho only vchsc! owufd in I'icton. Iln had a wharf 
 near th'f niU* of whnm tho pout ollicd now iR,' with aHniaU 
 fifth houHo upon il. Iloro Nfunotinn-H Nnnill vnnwclH wcro 
 built. WoHtward Oopohind had a barn wlu^ro tho irnirkot 
 houHo now iH, iu ono ond of which H. L. Ncwcomb wa» 
 tcachinj^ school. IJcyond waH a lino haylicld. The only 
 bviilding to tlu5 west was (-oprland's houwo and «ioro on 
 tho ftamo Nile, and indeed partly tho Ramo buildinjr as 
 occupied l)y John Cnrar, Krj\. JIo had a wharf, whero 
 Dr. .TohuNtou'w now Ih, and a wniall on.- about where the 
 property (if the late . I ainijH Dawson was. Farther back 
 John ratt^rKou had erected his Iiouko and made a Hinall 
 clearing on the top of his hill, iiear where his grandson, 
 A. J. Patterson, resides. Tho hill was thou bo steep, that 
 on certain ])arts of it, he was obliged to make stf-jjs. On 
 tho north side of Church Street, then called Queen sir«!et, 
 at the corner of George Stnict, he, 'ad erected what was 
 usually known as the Old J {arracks. It consisted of a 
 range of small dwellings united. It had three doors 
 with a tenement on each side, making six in all. 
 In tho year 1808, it was staUid that there were />000 
 inhabitants in Pictou, and that 1000 more w(!re expected 
 * Ab Into as tho jrcar 1820, thero wore Btoncs placed along Water street near 
 Meagher's Slip, to enable pasaengcru to pass dry shod at high water. Whea 
 the tide was in, it formed a pond to the north of the ttreet. 
 ;f i| 
k ' 
 that season. On the 6th August, the Lieut. Governor 
 wrote that 845 had arrived. Of the immigration of this 
 year the voyage of one vessel was long remembered. 
 She was called the Favourite, of Kirkcaldy, and was 
 commanded by a Capt. Ballantync. She sailed from 
 TJllapoll, without a clearance, and arrived in Pictou on 
 the 3rd August, having made the passage in five weeks 
 and three days, being regarded then and for some time 
 after as the quickest ever made. She had 500 passengers 
 on board, and landed one more than she took on board, 
 one birth and no death having taken place on the 
 voyage. But almost immediately after the passengers' 
 goods had been landed, she sank in the harbour. Such a 
 strange occurrence might well excite enquiry as to its cause^ 
 and as we have received, from a most reliable and worthy 
 old man, who when young was a passenger on board, a 
 veritable account of the whole particulars, we shall give 
 them as we have received them. It appears that shortly 
 before the vessel left, one man who came in her was out 
 one evening looking after his cows, when he saw a little 
 creature like a rabbit going round to them, and sucking 
 the milk from them. He immediately took his gun, and 
 tried to shoot it, but found it impossible to do so. Sus- 
 pecting the cause, he put a silver six ponce into the gun, 
 and again fired, when the creature limped of, leaving 
 traces of blood in its track. The next day he made 
 enquiries, if there were any person in the parish hurt, and 
 sure enough found, that one old woman was confined 
 to tae house, by some injury she had received. He called 
 at her residence, but could not see her. On his engaging 
 his passage in the Favourite, she was heard to declare, 
 that with him on board the vessel would never reach 
 America. In consequence of this, the passengers applied 
 to the authorities to have her confined, until the vessel 
 fihould arrive. As we have seen, she had a remarkably 
 quick passage, and when on the banks of Newfoundland, 
 1 t 
 thoy spoke a vessel homeward-bound. On the arrival of 
 the latter, the captain said that they might let her go, as 
 the Favourite was doubtless safe in Pictou by that time. 
 They did so, but my readers may judge, just soon enough. 
 But this is a sceptical age. The tendency now is to 
 attribute all such events to natural causes. Hence on 
 conversing with an elderly lady m my congregation, who 
 had been a passenger on board, and asking her how the 
 vessel happened to sink, she said, " Oh, tliei/ took the 
 ballast out of her,^ as if that would account for such an 
 event. We wish that every reader who thinks it would, 
 had seen the indignation, with which our first informant 
 reproved the incredulity of one, who doubted the posses- 
 sion of such supernatural powers. " What, don't you 
 believe your Bible ?'"* 
 There was not then a settler on the Four or Six mile 
 Brook, except James Barrio, a native of Perthshire, who 
 had settled there only the year before, where the mills are. 
 The mos of that section of the county was now occupied 
 by these immigrants. In the following year they com- 
 menced operations. In that year Alexander McKenzie 
 made the first clearing on the Four Mile Brook. There 
 was then no settler above John Rogers' place, low 
 Alex. McLellan's. He was jo'*ned by Donald McKenzie, 
 Murdoch Innis and others. 3n the Six Mile Brook, 
 McBeath, who afterward removed to New Brunswick, 
 Murdoch Sutherland, William Gunn, Donald Sutherland 
 and George Sutherland settled about the same time, and 
 on the Eight Mile Brook, Hugh Sutherland, Murdoch 
 Munroe and Alexander Graham, besides others whose 
 names wo have not received. About the same time 
 arrived William Munroo and Hugh McPherson, who had 
 served in Lord Reay's Fencibles. f 
 • Ho was kind enough to 8ny for our comfort, that there were no witches ia 
 America. This, however, is hy no means admitted by others. 
 t As this regiment yielded so many settlers to Pictou, wc may mention, 
■;' B>i ' 
 t , 
 S It. 
 A number of those who arrived this year settled at 
 Rogers Hill. There was not till that time, a settler 
 between McCaras place and River John. But we have 
 failed to obtain any particulars of interest. 
 Of those who came this year, however, a number were 
 from the parish of Lairg, in Sutherlandshire, who took 
 up land farther up the Middle River, and formed a new 
 settlement which they called New Lairg, after the name 
 of their native parish. Among these were Angus McLeod 
 and John McLeod, and perhaps some others, who settled 
 there soon after arrival. The same year, or about that 
 time, arrived Donald Murray, Hugh Murray, John Murray, 
 John McKay and John McKenzie, who had served in 
 Lord Reay's Fencibles in the suppression of the insurrec- 
 tion in Ireland, who settled around them. In subsequent 
 years, others took up land till they got so far on the way 
 to Stewiacke that the soil became poor, and a number of 
 them abandoned it. 
 . On the 4th of July the same year arrived ihe brig 
 Alexander, of Stornoway, owned by a Mr. Mclvor of that 
 place, with passengers mostly from the Lewis. The 
 captain died on the passage, and the owner, who was on 
 board, took sick, when the vessel was taken charge of bj'' 
 that it was raised in that portion of Sutherlandshire, known as LordBeays coun- 
 try, and embodied in the year 1795. They were soon after sent to Ireland, where 
 they saw some hard scenes during the rebellion. Stewart, in his History of 
 the Highland Begiments, says : " Such was their good conduct, that Lord 
 Lake had his own guard formed of them, to whom he became so much attached, 
 that he seldom passed any guard or post, without alighting from his horse, 
 going among and holding conversation with them. At the defeat of Castle- 
 bar, he frequently exclaimed, ' If I had my brave and honest Beays here, this 
 would not have happened.' At Tara Hill on the 26th May, 1 798, three com- 
 panies of the Beays, under a spirited and judicious veteran. Captain Hector 
 McLean, supported by two troops of yeomanry, drove back and scattered a 
 body of rebels, who were in great force on this strong and elevated position. 
 Bo conciliatory was their conduct, that where they were quartered, tho 
 inhabitants were quiet and apparently less disaffected thaa elsewhere. Thojr 
 were disbanded in 1802." 
 i I 
 Mr. David McGregor, father of John McGregor, after- 
 ward M. P. for Glasgow, and Secretary to the Board of 
 Trade, but then a child. The vessel returned the following 
 year with another cargo of passengers from the same 
 place. They were encamped for a time in the woods to 
 the north of Front St., but the majority of them moved to 
 the Gulf shore of Wallace, where they commenced a 
 settlement, but a number settled in different parts of 
 this county. 
 The first settlement on the back shore was made about 
 the year 1803, between Toney Eiver and Cape John, by 
 George Mclvor and Allan Munroe, Highlanders from the 
 Island of Lewis, the former of whom afterward removed 
 to Cape Breton. About the same year, Norman McLeod 
 settled on Toney Biver, where he was the first settler, 
 who afterward moved further along the shore, and Donald 
 McLeod, both of them from the same island. About the 
 same time Roderick McDonald and Alexander McDonald 
 settled on the shore, the former of whom, however, after- 
 ward removed to "Wallace. In the year 1810, John 
 Stromberg, a Swede, settled farther toward the cape, and 
 a man named Smith, on what is now Skinner's farm, about 
 the same time. 
 This section of the country was distinguished by its 
 splendid pine. One of the first settlers on Carriboo River 
 loaded three vessels from his own land with white pine 
 timber. About the year 1810, James Mills, a gentleman from 
 England, erected largo mills on Toney River, and vessels 
 loaded at its entrance for Great Britain. But no part of 
 the county exhibited such an extent of superior pitch 
 pine. In some places, nothing could be seen but its 
 peculiar foliage. Trees rose clear of limbs to a consider- 
 able height, and, though never equalling in size some 
 other wood, yet were large compared with anything now 
 to be seen. The writer's father has told of getting into 
 a grove of this kind, where every tree squared fourteen 
 ■■:•'. i 
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 inches clear of sap, which, however, in no case exceeded 
 an inch in thickness. 
 From Rogers Hill settlement was gradually creeping 
 westward. James Filzpatrick, a native of the North of 
 Ireland, settled on the hill, which has since received the 
 name of Fitzpatricks Mountain, which presents one of 
 the finest prospects in the Province, embracing the 
 whole country between it and the shore, and the coast 
 from Pictou to Eiver John, with the Straits of Northum- 
 berland and Prince Edward Island. Andrew McCara, 
 Esq., settled further out on the farm now )ccupied by 
 Duncan McLeod, as early as the year 1800, He was a 
 Lowland Scotchman, who had received a collegiate 
 education, being a fellow student of Dr. McGregor. He 
 had emigrated to Philadelphia, whence he was driven out 
 by one of those terrible visitations of yellow fever, which 
 then sometimes desolated American cities as far north as 
 New York. Many persons wondered that a man of his 
 education, should have contented himself with his situa- 
 tion in the woods at Rogers Hill. On one occasion he 
 was visited by some old friends from Philadelphia, who 
 used all their influence to induce him to return. On 
 their representing the advantages enjoyed there, he 
 replied, " Yes, but you've got the yellow fever there." 
 They went on to state this and the other point of superi- 
 ority of Pennsylvania, and this and the other disadvan- 
 tage of Nova Scotia, but to each argument of the kind, 
 the old man had but the one reply, " Yes, but you've got 
 the yellow fever there." 
 At length land was taken up on the "West Branch River 
 John, the first settler being Rod. McKenzie, who made the 
 first smoke there in the year 1805. His son Murdoch erect- 
 ed the first mill theve. "When the Philadelphia Company's 
 grant was escheated. Dr. Harris having died previously, 
 GoYomment agreed to give each of his children a certain 
 amount of crown land wherever they might select. One 
 daughter, married to Johu Moore of Truro, received her 
 portion on the "West Branch River John, and settled there 
 in the year 1812. A year later they were joined by 
 Thomas McKay from Eogart in Sutherlandshire, and two 
 years later by Donald and "William Murray from the same 
 parish, and Henry Marshall, originally from Germany. 
 Of this settlement we may say hero, that the first school- 
 house was erectel in the year 1825, that the first preach- 
 ing was by the Rev. Hugh McLeod, of Saltsprings, but 
 the first minister, who supplied them regularly, was the 
 Rev. "William Sutherland of Earltown. The first church 
 was built in the year 1 837, being the same occupied at 
 A number of those who immigrated at this time, settled 
 in Carriboo, on the Cochrane grant. Previous to this, 
 John and Thomas Harris, sons of Matthew, had erected a 
 saw mill on Little Carriboo River, and about this time 
 James erected another on the Big Branch, but, not having 
 secured his title to the land, another party came in before 
 him and obtained a grant of it, so that ho abandoned it, 
 when he was about ready to commence work. A short 
 time before, Thomas Patterson, son of the Squire, and 
 one of the Rogers, made the first settlement on Carriboo 
 Island, the former on the place afterward purchased by 
 Donald McKenzie, and now occupied by his son Roderick, 
 and the latter on the place since occupied by Hector and 
 John McKenzie. Patterson was drowned in the year 
 1806, under melancholy circumstances, as thus described 
 by his son, the Rev. R. S. Patterson. 
 " I remember yet my father's death. I was then ' 
 between five and six yeary old. "Wc had been to Pictou, 
 and were returning home to Carriboo Island. My mother 
 had a frightful dream the night before, and refused to go 
 with my father in the boat. He and a sailor went in her. 
 They had a couple of cannons for some vessels, of which 
 there were a number in Carriboo harbour at that time. It 
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 • 240 
 was war time, and merchant vessels took some guns to 
 defend themselves against privateers. My mother and I, 
 with a ser\'ant girl, who assisted to carry my youngest 
 brother, David, who was then an infant, walked through 
 the woods over the peninsula, and crossed to the island in 
 a flat. On arriving at home, we saw the boat in which 
 my father and the sailor were, coming up the harbour. 
 A few moments after we looked, and no boat was to bo 
 seen. Search was made, but she was not found for some 
 time. The body of the sailor was found about nine 
 days after, and it was ascertained, that the boat had upset 
 and sunk. Her masts were seen at low water." 
 The new comers occupied the Cochrane Grant, without 
 title, and after they had surmounted the first difficulties, 
 Cochrane made an attempt to dispossess them. He 
 employed several of the ablest lawyers in the Province. 
 I'inding the title defective, he, doubtless under legal advice, 
 went round among the settlers with a lawyer, kindly 
 offering them leases, which, through the " Oily Gammon " 
 powers of persuasion of the latter, some were induced to 
 accept. The causes came on for trial at the Supreme Court, 
 when the late Judge "Wilkins, who presided, scouted 
 Governor Patterson's title, ridiculed the horse and saddle 
 transfer, and denounced the lawyer's conduct, in deceiving 
 ignorant people into acknowledging Cochrane's title by 
 taking leases from him. This led to a furious altercation 
 between the judge and the plaintiff's attorney, the late J. W. 
 Johnston. So angry did each become, and so violent was 
 their language, that the audience looked on in amazement, 
 some almost in terror, and that night it was fully expected, 
 that the affair would end in a duel between the lawyer 
 and a friend of the judge on his behalf. The course 
 of the judge produced somewhat of a sensation, and 
 excited the indignation of parties in Halifax, who threat- 
 ened to take measures for his dismissal, but the lawyer 
 was obliged to apologize. The result of the case, however, 
 was that a number of the settlers compromised by pa3ring 
 Cochrane a small sum, but others firmly resisted all his 
 claims, and their heirs or assigns hold the land undisturbed 
 to this day. 
 "We may mention here that the usual place of burial 
 for the people of this settlement is at a point inside the 
 Beaches, known as Burying Ground Point. Some suppose 
 it to have been a French cemetery, but others connect the 
 commencement of it with a solitary man, usually known 
 as Martin Day, who lived there. No person knew whence 
 he came or anything about him. He had but little inter- 
 course with any person, and few desired intercourse with 
 him. Indeed, he was generally supposed to have been 
 an old pirate. Finally he was found dead in his house, 
 and his body was buried near. 
 In the year 1805, a vessel arrived with passengers from 
 •G-airloch in Ross-shire. Three of them, Philip McDonald, 
 Alex. McKenzie and Donald McPherson, took up land on 
 what they called Gairloch Brook, after their native parish, 
 and commenced the settlement of Gairloch. About the 
 same time David Ferguson settled there. 
 We may mention that among the immigrants of these 
 years were some then young, who have since occupied a 
 prominent place in the affairs of the county. Among 
 these may be named the Hon. John Holmes, who came, a 
 lad of thirttteu, in 1803, the Hon. James Fraser, who came, 
 a child, in 1804, and John McKay, Esq., stipendiary magis- 
 trate of New Glasgow, who came, a boy of twelve, in 1805. 
 For some years later Pictou continued to be the Point 
 D'appni for vessels with Scottish emigrants to the shores 
 of the Gulf, but now the most desirable localities in the 
 county being occupied, and the rich lands of other 
 counties, particularly of Cape Breton, attracting attention, 
 a large proportion of those v/ho landed here lound their 
 vray thither, or to Prince Edward Island, or even New 
 I ;. 
 "Wo may here observe that the business of cariying' 
 emigrants was at this time often conducted in a very- 
 reprehensible manner. McGrregor thus describes it : 
 " Men of broken fortune or unprincipled adventurers, 
 were generally the persons who have been engaged in 
 the traffic, long known by the emphatic cognomen of 
 the " "White slave trade," of transporting emigrants to 
 America. They travelled over the country among the 
 labouring classes, allured them by flattering, and com- 
 monly false accounts of the N ew World, to decide on emi- 
 grating, and to pay half of the passage money in advance. 
 A ship of the worst elass, ill found with materials, and 
 most uncomfortably accommodated, was chartered to 
 proceed to a certain port, where the passengers embarked. 
 Crowded closely in the hold, the provisions and water 
 indifferent, and often unwholesome and scanty, inhaling 
 the foul air generated by filth and dirt, typhus fever was 
 almost inevitably produced, and as is too well-known 
 many of the paesengers usually became its victims."=*^ 
 The results was that the British Parliament was obliged 
 to interfere and passed stringent regulations on the 
 subject. These, however, were often evaded, and some 
 years later, one of the worst cases of the kind occurred 
 in connection with the emigration to Pictou. An indivi- 
 dual engaged in the business, induced a number of persons 
 in the Highlands to sell off their cattle and other goods, 
 and give him the money. But when they reached the 
 port, whence they were to sail, no vessel was provided. 
 Their condition was described as heart-rending, and the 
 heartless deceiver was brought before the Sheriff and 
 was sent for a time to taste the sweets of prison life. But 
 a case perhaps even worse than this followed almost 
 immediately after. A number of passengers were shipped 
 in a small vessel from the North of Scotland. Soon after 
 * Hist. B. N. America I. 457. 
 sailing, she met -with a storm, in consequence of which 
 she put back to Stromness. By this time they had 
 I)artially examined their supply of provisions, and now a 
 complete examination took place, with results to fill all 
 honest minds with astonishment and indignation. Casks, 
 labelled bread, were found to haye two layers on top, 
 while the centre was filled with rotten potatoes, stones, 
 straw and earth, and casks labelled pork had one layer 
 on top and rotten fish below. In fact, had the vessel not 
 put back in time, those on board must have perished. 
 The result was that the owner of the vessel, who, however, 
 was innocent in the matter, having only chartered her, 
 was subjected to a penalty of jGSOO. "When the vessel 
 arrived in Pictou, some of the passengers revealed these 
 fagts, when the man had the effrontery to prosecute 
 them before the Supreme Court for libel. The facts were 
 clearly proved, and the jury did not take a long time to 
 give a verdict for the defendants. He also prosecuted 
 Kobert Patterson, Esq., for taking their deposition, but 
 the jury without leaving the box, threw out the case. 
 Tho period which we are now to consider is noted, as 
 that in which the timber trade from Pictou was at its 
 height, though it had begun some years previously, and 
 continued on a diminished scale for some years later. 
 "When the first settlers arrived, the whole of the county 
 was covered with timber of the finest quality. O^ this 
 the white pine was particularly prominent, but oak and 
 the various kinds of hardwood, were found of large size 
 and in great abundance, alike down to the very margin 
 of the sea, and up to the very summits of the highest hills. 
 From the first settlement, this had proved one of the 
 most valuable resources of the inhabitants. From the year 
 1774, when the first cargo of squared timber was shipped 
 to Britain, the trade in that article had continued to 
 increase, and after the closing of the Baltic against British 
 commerce, the price rose to an unprecedented height, and 
 the trade from Pictou increased proportionaUy. In the 
 year 1803, about fifty vessels were loaded here with timber 
 for Britain, and in the period from 1800 to 1820, it was 
 calculated that the exports from Pictou, of which timber 
 was the principal, amounted on an average to iJ100,000 
 sterling per annum. It is to be observed, however, that 
 this included trade from the outports as well, Pictou 
 being the only port of entry for the North Shore of this 
 Province. Still it was the centre of the whole trade, and 
 the larger portion was from the harbour itself. 
 And now the cutting, hewing, hauling, rafting, and 
 shipping of ton timber, became for some years almost tho 
 one business of tho people of Pictou, Thi; farmer not 
 only spent his time in winter in cutting and preparing it, 
 but also much of tho spring and summer in rafting and 
 shipping it. As to his fields he thought only of hastily 
 committing his seed to the ground in spring, and gathering 
 at harvest time what crop had chosen to grow, and paid 
 no attention to manuring, rotation or other improvements 
 in agriculture, in some instances the dung being allowed 
 to accumulate round the stables, till the sills rotted, and 
 it became a question whether it were easier to removo 
 the mass or the barn, unless where an individual with 
 more foresight, had erected his building by a running 
 stream, which served to carry away the filth. 
 "While however lumbering was the business of Pictou 
 at this time, yet even the partial attention, whic people 
 gave to their farms, brought plentiful returns. The soil 
 was so rich, that in many places people took crop after 
 crop of wheat, it might be to tho number of a dozen, and 
 in one case of which I have been told, of seventeen, in 
 succession. The abundant crops of potatoes enabled the 
 farmers to feed large numbers of swine, and tho high 
 prices of all kinds of produce, especially of cattle, in 
 consequence of ibe war, rendered it a time of unbounded 
 prosperity to the agricultural jiopulation. 
 The lumbering business proved most injurious to tho 
 social habits and moral condition of the community. It 
 brought a large influx of population of a very loose 
 character, and it had its usual demoralizing elfects upon 
 the residents. Most of the farmers had wood on thei? 
 farms, so near their dwellings that they could make 
 timber without removing from their homes, but many 
 adopted tho system of living in the woods in winter, as 
 still practised in the great lumbering districts of Canada. 
 In the autumn a number of men uniting would go to tho 
 i 1 
 woods with a supply ofi^roTisiGns, orocl a riulo ciimp in 
 which (hey spout tlio wintor, with Iho ex(Oi>tioii of visits 
 to the sottlomouts lor ilio sui)ply of noccssarios, ol" which 
 rum was tloeniod iho most important, jiiid was commonly 
 iho lirst cxhauviod. Thoy then ])rooce<lod to cut down 
 ti'.nbor, to squaro and haul it to tho noii^hboring streams. 
 In tho spriii!>-, when Iho molting' ol' tho snow caused a 
 largo rising of tho rivors, tho lumber was Iloatod down 
 to tho tide, wlu ro it was formed into rafts, and transported 
 to the i)laco of shipment This mode of living, separated 
 for a time from tho l.umanizing influence of civilized 
 society, tends to bruta'izo men; while the exposure to 
 cold and wet, particularly in river driving, forms a strong 
 temptation to hard drinking, and tends to break down 
 tho strongest constitution. 
 Another evil soon appeared. Tho first settlers had had 
 a hard struggle to obtain the necessaries of life, but ijow 
 in the life time of those, who made iho first inroads upon 
 the forests, and endured such hardships as we have 
 formerly described, money became so plenty, that people 
 lost all moderation or economy in the use of it, and an era 
 of extravagance trod closely upon tho heels oi an era of 
 privation. " The farmer," says Dr. McGregor, *' neglected 
 his farm and went to square timber. Tho consequence 
 was, that he had to go to the merchant to buy provisions, 
 and the merchant persuaded him that he needed many 
 other things beside provisions. If the farmer scrupled 
 to buy more superfluities, he would ask him, ' AVhy do 
 you hesitate ? You know that a stick of timber will pay 
 it.' Thus a taste for vanity and expensive living was 
 introduced among us." " "We have suflered from emigrants 
 settling among us from difTerent parts of tho Highlands, 
 but more from merchants and traders from England and 
 the North of Scotland. The ignorance and superstition 
 of the foiuicr have not done us so much evil, as tho 
 avarice, the luxiTr5% the bhow, and the glittering toys of 
 the latter." 
 Bnf Iho fTTonf ovil, wo mii^Hit almost say llio f^^rchi 
 cliitrMchM'ifjfic ol" 1h(* iimos, was llic j.!;r<"»< ''xtcnJ io which 
 rviiii was cons'iiinrd. The lirsl s(>HI»«rs used v(»ry litllc, in 
 J'acl Ijad not th«» moans ol" ^cttin*^ it in any f(iiantitio8. 
 But Iho oxtent to which it was now used sct.'ms absolutely 
 The liabit of drinkini^ was most •]>i'*'Val('nt amonj^ tho 
 lumborors. AVo have heard for exaitiple, of a man beinj^ 
 omployed tbroui^h the winter at five sliillini^s a day, with 
 an allowance ol" two «>'lasses ol" liquor, l)ut yet bein;:^ in debt 
 in si)rijis!', althoujrh the momw had j^one tor litth^ else l>ut 
 rum. When a lumberini? party went to the woods, it 
 was customary to initiate their proceed inji^R with a carouse, 
 which mijjht make such an inroad viimn their supply of 
 liquor, as to render an early visit to the settlement neces- 
 Bary to have it replenished. When they did fi;oi to work, 
 they daily consumed quantities, which, if they had been 
 using some modern liquors, would have quickly prepared 
 them for the undertaker, while at intervals their labours 
 "Were arrested for the enjoyment of a carouse, which might 
 last two or three days. Thus in spring thoy still found 
 themselves in debt to the merchants, from whom they had 
 received their supplies in autumn,andtheonly course that 
 seemed open, was to go through the name process the next 
 season, with a fresh supply of articles from the merchant, 
 which he was very ready to afford, with the view of 
 obtaining their timber. In this way many farms were 
 mortgaged and never redeemed. 
 But though drinking was specially prevalent among 
 the lumberers, yet all classes were tiffected l^y it. In the 
 most moral s«?ttiement.s, cA-ery third or fourth family would 
 have a puncheon of mm, for the supply of themselves 
 and neighbours. In some iustances, where there were a 
 number of sons in a family approaching manhood, the 
 whole might be consumed with very little assistance 
 from others. In one large settlement, it was calculated 
 on one occasion, that there had been introdticed in the fall 
 at the rate of half a pnncheon for each family, and before 
 eprini^ the supply of some was exhausted. I have heard 
 of a tradesman at his bench taking his glass regularly 
 every hour. A person who worked in a shipyard told me^ 
 that the allowance to each workman from the employer 
 was three glasses a day, while he was confident that on 
 an average each man drank as many more. A member 
 of my congregation told me of himself and others working 
 at a job for ten days or a fo. night in the heat of summer 
 drinking each thoir quart bottle of rum a day, and not at 
 the iime feelir '^ the worse of it, though^atthe close of that 
 period, they felt unfit for work of any kind for the next 
 week or two. Men, not content with a glass, would 
 sometimes drink a half pint at a time, or even a pint, and 
 I knew a man who at one time undertook to drink a whole 
 quart at onco, and did so, but it nearly cost him his life. 
 He was in such a state that his friends were summoned to- 
 lii*n as dying, but he recovered and lived for years, 
 drinking to the end, though he never attempted such a 
 feat as that again. 
 If these be regarded as extreme cases, yet the habitual 
 use of liquor was common among all classes. The minister 
 took his dram as regularly as parishioners. The elder sold 
 liquor. No respectable person thought of sitting down 
 to dinner without the decanter on one corner of the table. 
 The poorest would have felt hurt, if a friend called and 
 ho hac^v no liquor to give him. No workman was employed 
 wituo^.t his daily allowance, and that commonly not less 
 than two glasses. As likely it was three, and even that 
 quantity was often supplemented by an additional allow- 
 ance on private account. No bargain was consummated 
 without a dram. On all occasions of public cojicourse, 
 liquoi flowed freely, and scenes of family interest, births, 
 burials and biiaiu-a were consecrated in a similar manner, =i^ 
 • A well-to-do farmer haviugf died, bis nepbew wa» •seen going homo from 
 while the \ isits to the shore of the sailors from the shijj- 
 ping in poit made the streets frequently scenes-of drunk- 
 enness and riot. But how the same habits prevailed 
 among the genteel, may appear from the fact of a lady 
 boasting, that the Hquor bill for her house amounted to 
 iI400 per annuni. 
 It must bo said that the pure "West India rum then 
 drunk, did not produce such injurious consequences as 
 the liquor now in use. It had not the same maddening 
 eflfect at the moment, nor did it produce such evil results 
 afterward. Hence men lived to old.a^e, after the con- 
 sumption of liquors to an amount that now seems 
 incredible. Stil^ this drinking was a tremendous evil, 
 and the period we are describing was such, that those 
 ■vho can remember it regard it as the worst morally that 
 Pictou has seen before or since. "Well might Dr. McG-regor 
 say, " Once in a day I could not have believed that all 
 the vices in the world would have done so much damage 
 in Pictou, as I have seen drunkenness alone do within 
 these few years." It may be observed that a similar state 
 of things widely prevailed at the time throughout 
 It might have been expected, that the prosperity of this 
 period, would at least have had an important influence 
 upon the improvement of the country. But it would be 
 difficult to find in any land, an example of such prosperity, 
 leaving so few permanent results for good even upon its 
 material progress. The land was depreciated in value, 
 hia funeral under the influence of liquor. On being remonstrated with, ho 
 replied, " Ah, its not every day I have an undo John buried." It having 
 been the regular practice even among the most sober, that at a funeral every 
 man Bhould take two glasses, one on his arrival and one on the procession 
 starting, Dr. McGregor, on one occasion, addressing those assembled, urged 
 that henceforth they should be content with only one. Scarcely had ho 
 finished, when an old elder, whose conservative notions had been hurt by tho 
 proposal, stK'pped up to tho table, filled a glass, and as he raised it to bis 
 lips said, "Ilere's to the man that svilLtako hi'* two glasses," and then drank 
 it off. 
 ii '■ , I 
 by having the valuable timber removed from i!:. without 
 its being cleared or rendered fit for the plough, while a 
 ruinous system of farming impoverished the land already 
 under cultivation. Farms, in which the soil was origin- 
 ally excellent, became thoroughly exhausted, and the 
 evils of this state of things have to some extent continued 
 io the present day. Merchants fared no better. Partly 
 owing to the credit system, and partly to the changes in 
 the price of timber, most of them were unsuccessful in 
 the end. 
 Of the trade carried on in this county at this period, 
 by far the largest portion was in the hands of Edward 
 Mortimer, and this is the proper place for a more extended 
 notice of him. He was a native of Keith, Banflshire, 
 Scotland. He arrived in this country, as many a Scottish 
 youth has gone abroad, with only his own energy and 
 steady habits for his fortune. I have heard of his once 
 speaking in depreciating terms of this country, in presence 
 of old John Patterson, who immediately replied, "Ye 
 needna talk when ye came to it, I dinna ken whether ye 
 had twa shirts, but I ken ye hadna two jackets." It is of 
 course all the more creditable, that by liis energy and 
 skill, he in a short time became the foremost man in Pictou, 
 or in the eastern i)art of the Province, lie iirst visited 
 this place about the year 1788, employed by the lirm of 
 Liddells, in Halifax, in a schooner trading round the 
 coast. Soon after he commenced business here, at first in 
 partnership with them, but soon after on his own account. 
 «.IIo first located himself a little above the i)oint, which 
 has so long gone by his name, on the front of Squire Pat- 
 terson's lot, whose daughter ho married. Here he put up 
 a small building, intended i'or boih houso and store, of 
 which the cellar car slill be traced, and also built a 
 wharf, of which portions of the foundation are still visible, 
 Afterward he removed to the point, near the stone house, 
 where he had his dwelling house and stores close by the 
 shore, and where he built two long wharves out to deep 
 water, the remains of which can still be seen.^ 
 He is said to have been a man of commanding presence, 
 tall, broad-shouldered and portly — as one from Britain 
 described him, with " the appearance of a great man, and 
 the address of a great man." Indeed, he was manifestly 
 a born leader of men, and one that would have exercised 
 a commanding influence, in any society into which he 
 might enter. But ho must have been a man of first-rate 
 business capacity, for he now had nearly the whole trade 
 of the place in his hands, and by his influence the trade 
 of the Gulf was concentrated at Pictou. Persons still 
 living can recollect, when the point above the town, 
 where he did business, presented every season a forest of 
 masts. He is said to have loaded 80 vessels in one year, 
 not, however, all in Pictou harbour, but many in sur- 
 rounding ports, his business extending to Bay Yerte and 
 Prince Edward Island. His book-keeper stated, that in 
 one season, in seven successive weeks, he shipped timber 
 to the value of Xo5,000, or at the rate of c£o,000 per week. 
 Though the timber trade was his principal business, 
 yet he did also a large business in the fisheries. The 
 Arichat and other fishermen came here for their supplies, 
 and traded their fish. At that time seals were still taken 
 in considerable numbers in the Gulf, and ' the oil was 
 manufactured in James Patterson's Cove, so that at the 
 proper season, when the wind blew upon the town, the 
 inhabitants were regaled with what fishermen would 
 regard as a savory odour. 
 To so large an extent was the business of the place in ^ 
 his hands, that he regarded any person commencing a 
 ** After his removal his old house was regarded as haunted, it w.is said persons 
 who attempted to stay in it being frightened out of it hy a noise as of the 
 rolling of barrels, and persons who approached from the water seeing it lighted 
 up, but when they landed finding all in darkness. The stone house waa 
 erected only a short time before his death. ^ 
 h 1 
 wm SI 
 general trade, as an intruder npon his legitimate domain, 
 and ho did not hesitate to use measures to crush him, 
 •which now would not bo considered fair between rnan 
 and man. For example, after men had a2freed to give 
 their timber or produce to other pariips, he would have 
 no hesitation in persuading them, or concussing them into 
 giving it to him. 
 By the system of credit whirh prevailed, he had almost 
 every inhabitant of the county in his books, and thus, in 
 a measure, under his control, and business was then 
 conducted, so as if possible to keep them in that position. 
 Not only were goods pressed upon them, but they wcro 
 kept in ignorance of tho state of their accounts, as a means 
 of securirg a continuance of their custom. For a debtor 
 to demand a settlement, seemed to indicate an intention 
 of dealing with some other party, and to prevent this, the 
 policy — not of Mortimer alone, however — was to keep 
 his name in tho ledger. 
 His influence, however, especially with tho country 
 people, was largely owing to his frank manner and real 
 kindness of heart. He celebrated many of their marriages» 
 as the dissenting ministers were not allowed to marry by 
 license, and on such occasions he and Mrs. M. danced 
 with the common people, and mingled freely with all 
 ranks, in a manner that gained their good will. Besides, 
 he was a man ever ready to do a favor. The poor and 
 the friendless were freely helped, and ever after retained 
 a grateful recollection of such services. We have con- 
 versed frequently with country people, who recollected 
 that period, and their general testimony was, that in any 
 difficulty, they had only to apply to Mortimer to receive 
 ready help. Though he wished to have people in his 
 books, and loved the power that this gave him, yet ho 
 was never disposed to deal harshly with them. On tho 
 contrary, his inclination was rather to act the Lord 
 Bountiful. And it was only after his death, when his. 
 estate came to be settled up, that the people felt the evils 
 of the credit system, uuder which they had become so 
 deeply involved. 
 From the time of his election in 1799 till his death in 
 1819, ho continued to represent the County of Halifax. 
 His natural gifts gave him great weight in the Legisla- 
 ture, at a time when personal inlluenco was more potent 
 than it is now. This power he used earnestly for the 
 interests of Pictou, and the liberal grants which he 
 obtained for local improvements, caused him to be regarded 
 as a public benefactor, people looking to him almost as if 
 the money came from his own i^ocket. In other districts, 
 parties used to apply to him, when wanting Legislative 
 assistance, and were accustomed to say, that he was better 
 for them than their own members. 
 Though opposed by Wallace, he also gained such 
 influence over successive Governors, that generally all 
 local patronage was entirely at his disposal. The Earl of 
 Dalhousie, after his death, said, " I found in the late Mr. 
 Mortimer a country gentleman, whose liberal mind and 
 patriotic principles were an honor and a blessing to his 
 neighborhood. To him I gave my confidence, with 
 authority to use the power vested in me to the fullest 
 extent, except as being subject to my confirmation. With 
 his zealous assistance and influence, I know that astonish- 
 ing progress has been made in opening the forest land." 
 It is not surprising, under all these circumstances, that 
 he should be entitled King of Pictou.^ It must bo said 
 of him, that he was a sincere and earnest worker for the 
 good of the county and of the Province. He was liberal 
 in giving and hearty in promoting measures for the public 
 weal. His fault was his love of power, but if ambition 
 * .\ w ^g once wrote a humourous prodiKtion, entitled, " Chronicles of Pic- 
 tou," wliich began Bomcwlmt in tlic following terms, "There was a King iu 
 the East and his name was Edwa»;iu8, and ho was tho chief of the tribe of the 
 Pattersonians, and he ruleth the Tictonians with a rod of iron." . 
 I ''4 
 be tho last weaknoss of noble minds, we may excuse the 
 manifestation of it in one naturally so fitted to rule over 
 men, and who was by circumstances placed in such a 
 commanding position. And wo may be thankful that 
 such power was in tho hands of one who, on the whole, 
 used it so well. 
 Tho result of his business was that he rapidly accu- 
 mulated a large fortune. In a few years, he counted 
 himself worth .£100,000, we doubt not the largest fortune 
 acquired in the same time in Nova Scotia. But, alas! 
 scarcely could a case occur more strikingly indicating the 
 instability of earthly greatness. He was cut down in the 
 prime of his days in the year 1819, after two or three 
 days illness, when about 50 years of age, and his estate 
 actually proved insolvent. Legacies for religious and 
 charitable purposes were never paid, and a portion reserved 
 of his real estate as dower, afforded a moderate co-^pctence 
 to his widow. Wo have never fully ascertained the causes 
 of this, but know that one was the disastrous failure 
 of the firm of Liddells, and perhaps another was the want 
 of his master mind in settling his affairs. He never had 
 any children. He died 10th October, 1819, and his tomb- 
 stone has the following inscription : 
 Sacred to thb Memory • 
 Who departed this life, 10th October, MDCCCXIX, 
 In the fifty-second year of his age. 
 Ho was »* 
 ' A native of Keith, in the shire of Banff, 
 North Britain. 
 In early life he removed to this Province, 
 Occupying himself in mercantile pursuits. 
 He acquired a reputation honourable to himself, 
 Concentrated in the Poi-t of Pictou, 
 The greater part of the trade of the adjacent coasts. 
 For twenty-years 
 He represented the County of Halifax 
 In the General Assembly of the Province, 
 And during this long period, 
 His public conduct 
 Founded upon enlightened and liberal principles. 
 Gained him the confidence 
 Kot only 
 Of his constituents but of the Province at large. 
 He was also * 
 A Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 
 And for many years 
 Chief Magistrate of Pictou, 
 In the discharge of the duties of these offices. 
 As well as in his private capacity, 
 A strenuous promoter of the good order and peace 
 of Fociety, 
 To his public exertions. 
 The Pictou Academy is deeply indebted. 
 These and his private munificence 
 Have rendered him its principal founder. 
 In Pictou 
 He is remembered as the poor man's friend. 
 The inhabitants of the Province at large, 
 Retain a grateful recollection 
 of his valuable services. 
 Of those in the same [line of business with Mortimer 
 at this time, the principal were John Dawson and Thomas 
 Davison. The former was a native of the parish of 
 Irongray, in the County of Dumfries. He was a man of 
 education and mind, and tilled several public situations 
 creditably. He bought the lot on Water street, to the cast ( 
 of the road leading to Yorstons Wharf. There he erected < 
 a large two-storey house, nearly on the site of the Taylor 
 House, with two wings to the north. In front of this 
 property he built a wharf, which has disappeared. John 
 Patterson built an extension from the end of his wharf 
 at right angles to the eastward, leaving a narrow passage 
 between it and Dawson's wharf. Inside of this, there 
 ',! I 
 •was thus formed what wafi called the dock, in which lioats 
 and even schooners were safely moored. At that time 
 all the trade along shore was by boats, the settlers bring- 
 ing their produce and carrying away goods from the 
 merchants in the same way. In this way for some years 
 a larger portion of the country trade was concentrated at 
 this point. Dawson's health having failed, he sold out 
 his business to his son-in-law, William Kidston, afterward 
 of Halifax, and removed to a iarm two miles out of town 
 on the "West River road, where he died on the 2nd 
 January, 1815, aged 54. 
 Thomas Danson was originally from Londonderry, 
 N. S. He erected the house on the north-west corner of 
 Oeorge and Water street. He was for a time an active 
 man in church and state. 
 At this time William Matheson began business. He at 
 first started peddling, we have been told, on a loan of i;20. 
 He afterwards sold his farm at Rogers Hill and removed 
 to West River, where he did a country trade, exchanging 
 goods for timber and country produce, but taking care to 
 risk nothing in ships, shii)-building or shipping timber, 
 so that he could say that all he had ever lost by sea was 
 one hat. Cautiously proceeding thus, he accumulated 
 money, and was the only man of that period who came 
 out of it with anything like a fortune. In his later years, 
 he was distinguished by his gifts for religious purposes, 
 and at his death he devoted the larger portion of his pro- 
 perty to the British and Foreign Bible Society, and to 
 the Seminary of the Presbyterian Church. 
 At this period a number of others were attracted to 
 Pictou, and did bu^ness for a time. Among these may 
 be mentioned Hector McLean, who had married a 
 daughter of Captain Fraser, of the 82nd. He was heir to 
 the estate of Kiugarloch, in Scotland, which he sold, and, 
 investing the proceeds in goods, he commenced on the 
 Deacons Wharf, in company with his brother-in-law, 
 Simon Fraser. IIo failed, howevev, some time after. He 
 "built the hoiiRO in which John K. Noonan now resides. 
 As to many others who attempted business, then and 
 afterward, we cannot do bettor than t^ive the incture, 
 drawn by the author of the letters of Mephibosheth 
 Stepsure, of the career of Solomon Gosling.''*' 
 "About thirty yeara ago, liU father David left him very woU to do ; and 
 Solomon, who at thst time was a brisk yoimg man, had tbo prospect, by using 
 little industry, of living ns comfortably an any in the town. Koon after 
 the death of old David, ho was marritd and a likelier couple were not often 
 to lie Been. But unluckily for them both, when Solomon went to Halifax in 
 tho wintrj" Polly went along with him to boII her turkeys and sen the fashions ; 
 and from thpit day tho Goslings had never a day to do well. Sulomon wa« 
 never very fond of hard work. At tho samo time ho could not be accused of 
 idlenep"?. IIo was always a very good neighbour ; and at every burial or barn 
 raian^, Solomon was sot down as ono who would bo sure to b't there. By these 
 means ho gradually contracted tho habit of running about ; which left Lis 
 own premises in on unpromising plight. Polly, too, by seeing tho fashions, 
 liad learnt to bo genteel ; and for tho sake of a littlo show, both lessened the 
 thrift of the family, and added to tho oatlay ; so that, between ono thing and 
 another, Solomon began to be hampered, and bad more calls than comforters. 
 " Thongh Goose Iliil farm, from want cf industry, had not been productive, 
 it was still a property of considerable value : and i i occurred to Solomon, thai, 
 converted into goods, it would yield more prompt and lucmtivo returns, than 
 by any modo of agriculture. Full of the idea, accordingly, my neighbour 
 weut to town ; and, by mortgaging his property to Calibogup, tho West India 
 merchant, he returned with a general assortment, suited to the wants of the 
 When a merchant lays in his goods, he naturally consults tho taste of his 
 customers. Bolomou's, accordingly, rousisted chiefly of West India produce, 
 gin, brandy, tobacco, and a few chests of tea. I'or tho yonugster?, he had 
 provided an assortment of superfine broadcloths, and fancy muslins, ready 
 made boots, whips, spurs, and a great variety of gum flowers and other articles 
 which come under the general denomination of notions. 
 " ^V'hen all these things wero arranged, (hey had !i very pritty appearance. 
 For a number of weeks, little was talked of, but Mr Gt^sling's store ; lor Buch 
 he Lad now become by becoming a mercliaut ; little was to be seen, but my 
 • These letters were from the pen of Dr. Thomas McCuUoch, and were 
 originally published in the Acadian Recorder for 1821 and '22. As may Ijo 
 judged from tho aboro spceimen, they are light satiric sketches of rural lifo 
 at the time, and in regard to its follies, so held the mirror up to nature, that 
 ■we know no work from which wo can obtain a better idea of the state of 
 society in Nova Scotia at that period. 
 I? • 

 '» Ki 122 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 873-4503 
 *6 ^<j^ ^^ j^ ^ 

 neighboim riding tbithcr to buy, and rctnrning with bargains ; and during th» 
 course of tho day, long lines of horses, fastened to every accessible post of 
 the fences, rendered an entrance to his house almost impracticable. By these 
 means, the general appearance of tho town soon underwent a complete rero- 
 Intion. Homespun and homely faro were to bo found only with n few hard, 
 fisted old folks, whoso ideas could never rise above labor and saving. The 
 rest appeared so r^rit and genteel upon Sundays, that even tho Rev. Mr. 
 Drone, though I did not seo that his flock had enabled him to exchange bis 
 own habiliments for Mr. Gosling's supcrilnc, expressed his satis&ction by bis 
 oomploccnt looks. 
 " }'r. Oosling, too, had in reality, considerably improved his circumstances. 
 The greater part of my neighbours being already in debt to old Ledger 
 and other traders about ; and considering that if they took their money to 
 these, it would only go to their credit, carried it to Mr. Gosling's store ; so 
 that by those means he was soon ablo to clear off a number of his old encum- 
 brances, and to carry to market as much cash as established his credit. 
 " Among traders pnnctualityof payment begets confidence in tho seller ; and 
 the credit which this affords to tho purchaccr, is generally followed by an 
 enlargement of orders. My neighbour returned with n much greater supply \ 
 and here his roverbcs commenced. Credit could not bo refused to good cus- 
 tomers who liod brought their money to tho store. Those, also, who formerljt 
 showed tbe^r good will by bringing their cash, proved their present cordiality 
 by taking large credits. But when the time for returning to tho market for 
 ■applies arrived, Mr. Oosling had nothing to take tfakher but his books. 
 These, it is true, had an imposing appearance. They contained debts to a 
 largo amount ; and my neighbour assured his creditors, that, when they were 
 collected, ho would bo able to pay them all honourably, and have a largo 
 reversion to himself. But, when his accounts wero made out, many youag 
 men who owed him largo sums, had gono to Possamaqrioddy ; and of those who 
 remained, tho greater part had moitgagcd their farms to Mr. Ledger and the 
 other old traders ; and now canied their ready money to Jerry Oawpus, who 
 had just commenced trader by selling his form. In short, nothing remained 
 for Mr. Gosling but the bodies or labours of his debtors ; and these last they 
 all declared themselves very willing to give. 
 « About this time it happened that vessels were giving a great price ; and it 
 naturally occurred to my neighbour, that, by tho labour which ho could com- 
 mand, ho might build a couple. These, accordingly, were put upon the stocks. 
 But labour in payment of debt, goes on heavily ; and besides, when vessels 
 were giving two prices, nobody would work without double wages ; so that 
 tho vessels, liko the ark, saw many summers and winters. In tho meantime 
 peace came, and those who owned vessels were glad to get rid of them at any 
 price. By dint of perseverance, however, Mr. Gosling's wore finished ; but 
 they had scarcely touched tho water, when they wero attached by Mr. Hemp, 
 who at tho same time declared, that, when they were sold, he would lose fifty 
 per cent upon his account for the rigging. Buch was my neighbour's case ;, 
 when, happening, as I havo already mentioned, to step into Parson Drone's, I 
 found that Mr. Gosling Lad been telling bis ailments, and was receiving the 
 reverend old gentleman's ordinary, clerical consolation. * What can't be cured, 
 must be endured ; let us have patience.' 
 "Til tell you what it is, parson,' replied my neighbour, 'patience may do 
 well enough for those who have plenty ; but it won't do for mo. Callibogus 
 has foreclosed the mortiiago ; my vessels are attached ; and my books are of no 
 more value than a rottan pumpkin. After struggling hard to supply the coun« 
 try with goods, and to bring up a family so as to bo a credit to the town, tho 
 country has brought us to ruin. I won't submit to it. I won't seo my son 
 Behoboaui, poor fellow, working lib" a slave upon the roads, with his coat 
 turned into a jacket, nnd tho elbows clouted with the tails. My girls were not 
 sent to Mrs. M'Cucklc's boarding school to learn to scrub floors. Tho truth 
 is, parson, the country uoes not dcscrv ~ to bo lived in. There is neither 
 trade nor money in it, and i)roduco gives nothing It is only fit for Indians' 
 and emigrants from Scotland, who wcro starving at homo. It is timo for me 
 to go clKcwhcrc, and carry my family to a placu that presents better prospects 
 to young folks.' 
 *' Ii^ reply, the parson was beginning to exhort Mr. Gosling to beware of 
 tlie miirmurings of tho wicked ; when .Tauk Catchpole, tho constable, stepped 
 in to say that tho sheriff would bo glad to speak with Mr. Gosling at the 
 door. 6ur sheriff is a very hospitable gentleman ; and when any of his 
 neighbours are in hardship, ho will call upon them, and even insist upon 
 their making his house their homo. Nor did I ever know any shy folks get- 
 ting off with an excuse. As it occurred to me, therefore, that Mr. Gosling 
 might not come back for the parson's admonition, I returned home ; and soon 
 learned that my neighbour had really gone elsewhere, and made a settlement 
 in tho very place where Sampson turned miller." 
 The large number of vessels loading every summer at 
 this port during this period, rendered it a favorite hunting 
 ground for the press gang. For several years, scarce a 
 summer passed without a visit of this kind, and many 
 exciting scenes were the result. No sooner did a man-of- 
 "war cutter appear in sight, than it proved a signal for the 
 boats to put off from/ tho ships, carrying their crews to 
 the land, who hastily betook themselves to the bushes, 
 which were then close upon tho town. " I have wit- 
 nessed," says one, '• tho desperate race between the pursuer 
 and pursued, and observed both parties land, tho former 
 somewhat behind ; and it was a thrilling moment, when 
 the press gang, with Iheir cutlasses flashing in the sun, 
 and firearms discharging, followed close upon the flying 
 I ill 
 ^i ijl 
 sailors. The firearms did little harm, and were, perhaps, 
 not intended to be deadly. The sailors generally escaped 
 to the woods. On one occasion a large force of seamen 
 came from their retreat, each armed with a cudgel, and 
 drove the man-of-war boat from the wharf. The com- 
 mander threatened to bring the armed cutter up to the 
 ^ town and take revenge. He did not, however, execute 
 his threat, perhaps considering that discretion was the 
 better part of valor." 
 On another occasion, some sailors taking refuge in a 
 store of Mortimer's, their pursuers fired two shots through 
 the door after them. Mortimer complained to the Admi- 
 ral, and such was his influence, that the officer in com- 
 mand was reprimanded and ordered to apologize to him. 
 He however only replied, that he could accept no apology 
 for the act, as it was not an affront to him, but human 
 life that had been endangered. 
 Among the visitors, was a Capt. Elm, a regular old 
 sea dog,'who more than once beat off a press gang, and it 
 is said on one occasion, knocked a hole in the bottom of a 
 man-of-war's boat, coming -Jong side his ship. 
 On one occasion an embargo had been declared, and a 
 convoy promised to protect the fleet to their destination. 
 About fifty vessels were assembled, and were delayed a 
 good part of the summer. One of the Captains died, 
 and the funeral was a very pretty sight. The boats of 
 all the ships were formed in line and with colours at half 
 mast, followed in regular procession the remains to the 
 shore. They were landed at the Deacons wharf, and the 
 sailors, all dressed in their best, followed them to the 
 grave yard, where till recently a painted board marked 
 the last resting-place of Capt. Sturm of the ship Symmetry. 
 The event however, connected with the press gang, 
 which made most noise, was the pressing of two landsmen, 
 Edward Crae and Matthew Allan, in the year 1808. They 
 were two stout men, Allan being notorious as a bruiser. 
 Thoy had made themselves obnoxious to persons at 
 Oarriboo, -who occupied the Cochrane ^ant as squatters, 
 by cutting timber on it ; and hence their capture was not 
 objected to by some, and it was even believed, that it had 
 been instigated by these parties. It took place on the 
 day of a general muster, when the whole adult population 
 were in town, and produced great excitement. They 
 were taken on board ship and carried to the West Indies. 
 When the House of Assembly met, they voted the 
 proceeding oppressive and illegal, and requested tho 
 Governor to interfere in their behalf, which he promised 
 to do ; but before the order arrived in the West Indies 
 for their relief, they had effected their escape by swim- 
 ming ashore at Antigua. 
 Except, however, in its effects on trade, little was seen 
 or directly felt in Pictou of the war. Annually the 
 militia were called out, Urst for company drill in the 
 different sections of the county, then for general muster 
 and battahon drill, usually at or near town, and commonly 
 in Mr. Mortimer's field. Many thus attained considerable 
 knowledge of military exercises, and they were even 
 exercised in target firing with muskets. These occasions 
 were to the youth scenes of amusement, and, alas, too 
 often of drunkenness. In the year 1807, a portion of 
 them were drafted to Halifax, and for some time were 
 employed there, doing garrison duty, cutting fascines and 
 erecting a palisade around tho town. One who served 
 with them at this time told me of another purpose, which 
 their presence in Halifax served. A regiment was 
 stationed there, composed of men who had been com- 
 promised in the Irish Rebellion, and who had enlisted to 
 save their lives. Suoh was the desperate character of 
 many of them, that until tho militia arrived, their own 
 officers were afraid to trust them in Iho town. 
 Besides the ordinary militia, however, there was formed 
 at this time, in Pictou town, a company of yolunteof 
 . 4 
 artillery, which was put through a regular r-ystem of 
 drill, and attained to a respectable measure of efficiency. 
 This company continued for years after to turn out and 
 lire salutes on public occasions, even to a period within 
 our own recollection. 
 During the later period of the war, particularly 
 after the Americans had joined the foes of England, 
 vessels loading were obliged to wait for a man-of-war, as 
 convoy, until sometimes there would be as many as 
 fifty of them in the harbour at one time. So long were 
 thoy obliged to wait that in some instances an adventurous 
 captain stole out of the harbor, went to England, dis- 
 charged cargo and returned before the rest sailed. "Wo 
 have only heard of one Pictou vessel captured. It was 
 a schooner or brigantine commanded by Captain David 
 Fraser, whom we have already mentioned as the first 
 child born to the Hector passengers, and as an illustration 
 of war times, we may here give some account of his 
 "When about twenty years of age he went to Halifax, 
 and thence to sea. Afterward wo find him sailing out of 
 the United States, and having risen to bo mate of an 
 ocean-going vessel. "While in this position, he was taken 
 by the Algerines, and the whole crew kept in close con- 
 finement. Fever or plague broke out among them, of 
 which one after another died. The survivors were obliged 
 to bury iheir companions, only a tort of wooden she vol 
 being allowed them for the purpose, with which they 
 scooped out a shallow pit in the sand. At last he was 
 the only survivor. He was then given or sold as a slave 
 to an old woman, to whom he was compelled to do all 
 hffr drudgery. His old clothes became worn to tatters, 
 and his skin blistered by the sun, but she allowed him 
 no new supply. In this condition he obtained from a 
 vessel a piece of an old sail, with which he made a sort 
 of garment, more expressive of the ingenuity of the 
 maker than of fashionable elegance. Suspicions being 
 allayed, so that he was not -watched very closely, he one 
 night swam out to a British vessel off the coast. He was 
 taken on board, supplied with clothing and taken away 
 in her. Falling in with an American vessel, in which the 
 mate had died, the captain engaged him to supply his 
 place. Thus he arrived back in Virginia, when the 
 captain refused to pay him his wages. Fraser, however, 
 having been previously in the American service, suc- 
 <;eeded in compelling him to do so. 
 He next engaged in the secret trade carried on by the 
 Americans with Europe, and for a time was successful, 
 but finally his vessel was captured by one of Bonaparte's 
 cruisers, when she had on board three barrels of dollars, 
 one of which belonged to himself. He was deprived of 
 all and made an appeal to the Emperor, pleading that the 
 Americans and French were not at war, but rereivyd the 
 reply, " When I jiay the other bills of thr, Americans, 
 I will pay that too ! " 
 From France he made his way to Stockholm, and thence 
 to England, where he married. Soon after he returned 
 to Pictou, with his wife and one child, after he had been 
 just twenty years absent. Here he received the command 
 of the vessel referred to, which was owned by Mr. 
 Mortimer. But his ill luck seemed to follow him, for she 
 was captured by Commodore Rogers, of the American 
 navy. After a few things were taken out of her, she was 
 by his orders set on fire. The crew were taken prisoners 
 to Salem, but he made his escape and travelling by land, 
 reached British territory, and the crew obtained their 
 liberty the next spring by the return of peace. The 
 vessel had originally been an American prize, and fitted 
 np more handsomely than was usual in colonial vessels 
 at that time. "When she was about to sail, one of his 
 friends expressing sympathy for those who had lost her,' 
 he replied, " Oh, it's just the fortune of war." After hia 
 It, ri 
 ^ m 
 5- ; i'SI 
 : .:m 
 r : f: 
 1 i 
 return home, he was describing, in the presence of th» 
 same friend, her capture by Commodore Uogers, and 
 expressing his indignation at seeing her burning. '* Oh," 
 said his friend, "it's just the fortune of war." " 
 the fortune of war," was his irreverent reply. 
 This war brought to the county a number of coloured, 
 people, who had been originally slaves in Virginia, but 
 who had escaped to the British fleet in Chesapeake Bay. 
 John Currie, who only died in 1876, used to tell of swim- 
 ming out to a man-of-war in a shower of bullets. Several 
 families settled in the neighbourhood of the Town Gut 
 stream, but nearly all have since moved to other places- 
 At this period commenced the making of roads fit for 
 carriages, the first being that towards Halifax over Mount 
 Thom. The troubles of travellers previously are thu» 
 amusingly sketched by a writer in the Acadian Recorder^ 
 in the year 1826 : 
 " Many a story have I heard from my father, of the disasters which befell 
 iravcllcrii in his time, when there was only one road in the Province deserv-^ 
 ing the name, viz.: that from Halifax to Windsor and Annapolis. And with 
 wonder I have heard him tell, that it cost as much as would pave it all over 
 with dollars. The people of the best settlements found their way to this- 
 road or to one another by a blaze ; that is a mark made on a trunk of a tree 
 hero and there, in the proper course, tor the purpose of directing travellers ; 
 but, in the younger settlements, travellers had to provide pocket compasses, 
 and guessing their course, find their way through the forest, much in the 6am» 
 way as sailors do along the sea. 
 <' In going by the compass, the traveller sometimes, wfduly mistaking his 
 course, missed entirely the intended settlement) and came in upon another, or 
 missed all settlements, and travelled on, till he lost all hope of seeing a house, 
 in which case he often believed the compass itself went wrong, and discredits 
 I ing it, he would wander he knew not whither. Sometimes the traveller would 
 be confounded desperately, for the compass needle would obstinately refuse to 
 traverse, and ho could not know east from west, north from south. 
 " Travelling by a blaze was little better. Ho told us strange things of 
 losing the blaze, and tho impossibility of finding it again, of striking out a 
 straightforward course, independent of the blaze, and yet, by and by, coming 
 upon their own track again, — of tho snow being so driven against the trees 
 as to hide the blaze, and causing frequent stops to rub it off, — of its being so 
 deep as to cover the blaze, and causing frequent stops to dig away tho snow 
 in order to discoTer it, — of travellers being benighted by such stops, and lo<lg- 
 lug in the fcrcst, where they had to kindle largo firca on the top of tho anow five 
 or six fbct deep, and there (dismal to bo told t) one aide next tho fire was 
 roasted and the other frozen. I have heard him tell of experienced travellers, 
 who in such a case would kindle two fires, at a proper diatance from one 
 another, and lie down between them, and thua enjoy themselves luxuriously 
 between two fires. In those days swamps were avoided as intolerable. The 
 steep mountain sides wore preferable, hence there are still muny hills on our 
 roads, which might now be easily avoided. 
 « I hav« heard him tell of great dangers and hair-breadth escapes from 
 drowning, in crossing brookn and livers swollen with unexpected rains ; for 
 in those days no juurncy would bo uudurtakcu immediately after «, heavy 
 rain. He had himself went different times for two or three days nearly fast- 
 ing, until the subsiding of the water rendered the road passable. lie told of 
 horses awagging in swamps almost to tho ears, and of tho great difficulty of 
 their riders. There were few taverus, but every man who had a hut was hos- 
 Any roads hitherto made were merely bridle paths. 
 But now through Mr. Mortimer's influence in the Legis- 
 lature, liberal grants were obtained, and by means of 
 these, and sums voted from the county funds, the road 
 over Mount Thom was cleared of roots, and somewhat 
 cast up. It was still rough and soft enough, but carriages 
 could pass over it. Similar operations had been going 
 on from the Truro side, and the two parties met at Salmon 
 River, and celebrated tho completion of the work in the 
 manner usual in those times. This we suppose would bo 
 about the year 1810. In the year previous. Sir Q-eorge 
 Prevost, the Governor, visited Pictou accompanied by 
 Michael Wallace and L. H. Hood, Esqs., and his A. D. C. 
 Capt. Prevost. Miller, in his " Record of the first settlers 
 of Colchester," speaks of this as the first occasion of a four 
 ■wheeled carriage, passing through Truro. But it did not 
 come to Pictou, for the Governor and his party all arrived 
 there on horseback. The first wheeled carriage that ever 
 came to Pictou, is said to have been brought through, a 
 year or two l^ter, by Judge Monk, when attending the 
 Supreme Court. Soon after, Mr. Mortimer imported a 
 two wheeled carriage, which was the ' fijst owned in 
 ' »• 
 I I,-;'-' 
 , Hi 
 i m 
 The late Mr. Matheson, however, used to boast, that he 
 liad taken the first loaded team over the road. It was on 
 this wise : Mortimer's supply of tobacco had become 
 exhausted, and the other merchants were supposed to be 
 in a similar situation. It being winter, no supply could 
 bo got by water. He thereibro started by land with a 
 rudo sled, and returned with a puncheon of leaf tobacco, 
 which was the only kind used then. The runners were 
 not shod wnth iron, and so rough was the road, that he 
 "wore out three wooden shoeings. 
 In making roads at first, the circumstances above 
 described rendered it absolutely necessary that they 
 should be made on the high grounds. The lower lands 
 in the driest seasons were troublesome, and in wet seasons, 
 impracticable. Hence the first settlers, in choosing a line 
 of road, simply selected the highest hills they could find, 
 and made their way from one to another, where they 
 could find the least low ground to traverse. When 
 improvements began to be made, it was natural to make 
 them upon the lines in use, especially as settlors had 
 located themselves beside them. But now when large 
 sums were being expended in making roads, it was 
 certainly sLort-sighted policy, not to have sought some- 
 thing like level lines. By not doing so, much money was 
 spent upon roads, which, as far as general travel was 
 concerned, had to be abandoned, and from the interests 
 of so many persons involved, it was difficult afterward to 
 change for a better. Every miller, every blacksmith an 1 
 every tavern keeper would fight hard against its removal. 
 Hence for many years the road to Halifax w^ent over the 
 summit of Mount Thom in this county, and beyond it 
 others as steep, such as Half-Moon Hill, Black Rock, &c., 
 while the other roads were constructed on the same prin- 
 ciple. Thus the road to the east climbed Green Hill at its 
 steepest part, and went over the whole length of Frasers 
 Mountain, besides a number of hills not so lofty. 
 Tarning now to the ecclesiastical affairs of the period 
 under review, wo notice that in the year 1803, Pictou 
 received an accession of one who had afterward a more 
 thai* Provincial reputation, and one to whom, in some 
 respects, Pictou is more indebted than to any other 
 individual. We allude to the Rev. (afterward Dr.) Thomas 
 McCulloch. He was a native of the parish of Neilston, 
 Renfrewshire, Scotland. lie received his philosophical 
 education at ihe University of Glasgow, studied theology 
 at "Whitburn, under Professor Bruce, and was ordained 
 as minister of a congregation in Stewarton, Ayrshire, but 
 did not long remain there. Ho arrived in Pictou in tho 
 month of November, 1803, with his wife and family, on 
 his way to Prince Edward Island. Owing to tho lateness 
 of tho season, he was unable to obtain a passage thither 
 that fall, and was engaged for ihe winter to supply the 
 congregation of tho " Harbour," as it was called. In the 
 following spring, he was called to bo their pastor, and 
 inducted on the Gth June, tho very day that parties came 
 from Prince Edward Island to take him over. 
 At that time the town, ae, it was beginning to be called, 
 consisted as we have seen of sixteen or eighteen buildings, 
 ineluding barns, a blacksmith shop and the jail, closely 
 environed by tho woods. There w^as no church, but a 
 place was fitted up in a shed of Captain Lowden's, on 
 Windmill Hill, where service w^as held in summer, but 
 in winter time it was in private houses, most frequently 
 in the "big room" of McGeorge's tavern, which stood 
 on tho west side of George street, on the site of tho long 
 building erected by the late John Proudfoot, and which, ' 
 we may hero remark, was long one of the institutions of 
 the place. That fall (1804) the frame of the church was 
 erected on part of tho same lot on which Prince Street 
 Church now stands, but fronting down Margaret Street. 
 It had a small belfry and in it a small bell, which has had 
 rather a curious history. It was originally a ship's bell, 
 I' i''i 
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 but was stolen Irom Mortimers Point and carried to 
 Miramichi, where it was reco^ized by a gentleman who 
 had been in Mr. Mortimer's employment, and restored. 
 It was presented to the church, and continued to be used 
 till about the year 1822, when it became cracked, and was 
 sent to Scotland to bo recast. It was at the same time 
 enlarged, and afterward presented to the college, where 
 it is still in use, while the congregation ordered a larger 
 one, for which, in the year 1824, they put a spire upon 
 their church. 
 The sphere of Dr. McGulloch's labours, as far as his 
 congregation was concerned, was but limited. His was 
 a mind, however, which in any place must have made its 
 influence felt beyond the single spot where he might be 
 located. As early as the year 1805, he projected an insti- 
 tution for the higher branches of education, especially for 
 the benefit of dissenters, and particularly with the view 
 of training a native ministry; but the scheme was not 
 carried out, though it was not lost sight of. But of this 
 we shall speak fully in another chapter. 
 From as early a period as 1807-8, we find him contribut- 
 ing to the public press ; but circumstances soon brought 
 him before the public in a discussion, which established 
 his reputation as having no superior, perhaps no equal, in 
 the Province, in learning, literary skill and controversial 
 power. A controversy had arisen between the Church of 
 England Bishop and the Rev. Edmund Burke, afterward 
 Roman Catholic Bishop, a man of great learning, as well 
 as an able writer. "We have not seen the writings of 
 either party, but it was generally agreed that the former 
 was not a match for his antagonist, when Dr. McCuUoch 
 took up the cudgels, and, after some preliminary 
 skirmishing, joined battle in a large 12mo. volume, pub- 
 lished in Edinburgh in the year 1808, entitled " Popery 
 condemned by Scripture and the Fathers ; being a refu- 
 tation of the principal Popish doctrines and assertions. 
 maintained in the remarks on the Rev. Mr. Stanser's 
 examination of the Rev. Mr. Burke's • Letter of Instruc- 
 tions to the Catholic Missionaries of M ova Scotia,' and in 
 the reply to the Rev. Mr. Cochrane's fifth and last letter 
 to Mr. Burke." 
 This produced a rejoinder from Dr. Burko, who was in 
 every way ** a foeman worthy of his steel," and to this 
 Dr. McCulloch again replied in a volume even larger* 
 than the first, entitled "Popery again Condemned hy 
 Scripture and the Fathers; being a reply tc a part of th. 
 Popish doctrines and assertions contained in the remarks 
 on the Refutation, and in the Review of Dr. Coch " ne's 
 letter by Edmund Burke, V.G., Que." To this, Dr. 
 Burke attempteu. no reply. These two volumes, far 
 learning a^d ability, excel anything wo know of pro- 
 duced in the colonies. A portion of them has only a 
 temporary interest, as connected with the controversy 
 with Bishop Burke. But much the larger part is of 
 permanent value, as a discussion of the great questions at 
 issue between Protestants and Romanists. 
 Of his labors in connection with education we must 
 reserve an account for another chapter. 
 The year 1808 witnessed another accession to the 
 ministry of this county, in the Rev. John Mitchell, who 
 settled in River John, taking the oversight of the people 
 in that and the neighboring settlement of Tatamagouche. 
 Mr. M. was a native of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, born in the 
 year 1765. He was m early life a rope-maker, and had 
 not received a classical edueation, but animated by an 
 earnest desire to preach the gospel, he entered Hoxton* 
 Academy, when about thirty years of age. 
 In the year 1808 he was sent out to Quebec by the 
 London Missionary Society. In the autumn of that year 
 he removed to New Carlisle, on the Bay Chaleur, where 
 he had his home for s^yeral years. Here he married 
 Miss Shearer, a member of a Loyalist family, that had 
 I'.;. I 
 ; I ' 
 boon oblitfod (o osonpo IVoni <lvo Dnihnl Slult'H (Itiiinn; ihe 
 w«r, \vitli ll»o loHN oI'hU (hoir propovly, roarliin^^ JliitiHh 
 (orritovy, iiiulor \\\o fiiiidaiioo ol' two liulituir*, onoli of 
 whom ravrioil n ohiM. 
 lu Iho Hunnnor ol' IHO.M, ho \mthM-look n, lotii)' tnlwHionary 
 tonv llu'otiii'h N<'\v lJnn»8\viok «iul Novtv H«oHii, in it»n 
 cotWBo oTwhioh ho visilod Piotou ami inof*t of Jlio soiUo- 
 monts ttioup,' Iho ooasl. In aiihnnu ho roiuovcil to 
 Anihorst, whoro ho rontiimod (o hihov lor isomo yoaiH. 
 In (ho yoav 1S08, h<» rciuovocl (o Iv'ivor .lohii, whoro ho 
 hihoroil for a yoar w ilhi^ul ooiuioclioii with any ooch'si- 
 OMtioal body in tho I'rovinoo. Hut in llio IbUowinw; yoar, 
 ihou«h (»rignially a Coni^rojiationaliMt, lio joinoil Ihn 
 Pivjibytory of Pictou. 
 At tho tiuio of Mr. Mitchoirn Hotth.nnont in IMoton, 
 thero woro hrty lainiHos in Kivor John, only throo 
 Eng'Iiish, namod AVovst. llinos, and (Jannnon. Horo he 
 continuod to hibor wilh all »liliu"onoo and faithl'ulnoNS 
 among" his ilook, pursuing tho usual routino of a PrKHby- 
 teriau ministor's dutios. Ihit ho also extended his labors 
 to Trttamagoucho, which booamo ]mrt of his regular 
 chavgo. Thoro was no road worthy of tho name botw^'on 
 the two places, and consoquently lh«» travelling beiweou 
 Ihom involviHl severe labor. So?hi> time after. wh(Mi New 
 Annan was settled, ho extended his labors to that settle- 
 ment. In the work of tho ministry over this Held, much 
 of which was in a wild, unculiivaled state, ho underwent 
 much bodily latigue, but ho did it with the greatest 
 In the year 182G Tatamagouohe and New Annan were 
 formed into a distinct congregation, when his labours 
 became much less severe, lie enjoyed excellent health 
 till near his end. A violent attack of gravel terminated 
 in his death on the 8th May, 1841, when he w^as in tho 
 7t)th year of his ago. ^ 
 '* Mr. Mitchell was above the ordinary size, well formed 
 ttinl Bliinwy,ol'n, luircioinplcxion and (!h»M3rl'ul conn ton ancf. 
 Alihoii^h Ijm nuido iio pnitniiNions to oxtoiit of lonrnin^, 
 ho wiiH aiMito ninl poHHcsNod ol" a rowpoctal»lo sliaro of 
 gonornl inrontiatioit. Itowa^agood man, and hm motnory 
 iw niurli and juHtljr rovoi'od." 
 Ill llio y(»ar IHIH, wan forniod tho iirni IHblo Rooioty in 
 I'iclon. Jl WttH llin Ro<!()nd in tlio Provinco or in IWitiHh 
 Aniori«;a, Ihat in Trnro having boon tho lirHt. Hut lor 
 Bovorai yoniH ]irovionH, through tho /oal of Dr. MoUrogor 
 contrilmtions had boon iorwardod to tho Hotiety, This 
 had boon dono nn oarly an tho yoar 1808, «o that it is 
 admittod, that i\m lirNt (rontrilnition to it« funds from any 
 British colony, camo from Pictou. W« find tho Hoorotary 
 in a lottor of 4th Juno, J 800, acknowledging^ a storling 
 bill for X80, and referring to one proviouwly H(!nt for .CG4. 
 Thoso sumH wore ])rot)ably in part for iJibhjH sold, but in 
 part alwo wore a free contril)ntion. For the better 
 I>romotion of tho objoctH of tho Institution, it waHdofimed 
 advisablo to organij!*? an auxiliary society. A mooting 
 was accordingly hold for tho purpoHo in tho old Wc«t 
 River church, on tho 10th day of April, of tluH year. 
 Tho Eov. Dr. McClrogor preached from I. Tim., iii., 1., and 
 a soci(!ty was formed, embracing tho wholo county, with 
 Ed. Mortimer, President, and a committee of directors, 
 conwisting of so many from each congrwgation. In tho 
 first year, they remitted £lli to th(5 parent society, of 
 which £50 was a free oontribution, and £25 for tho 
 purchase of Bibles and Testaments. In the second year, 
 £50 was sent as a free contribution, and in tho third £15. 
 In Subsequent years tho amounts diminished, but still 
 something was done annually, and to this day the Insti- 
 tution has been supported more liberally in the County 
 of Pictou, than in any other county in th<j Province. 
 In the year 1815, Pictou received its fifth minister, the 
 Rev. "William Patrick. He was a native of tho parish of 
 Kilsyth, County of Stirling, Scotland. In Jiis younger 
 i' .i i 
 V' ■ 
years he "was brought up in the Reformed Presbyterian 
 Church, but connecting himself with the Secession 
 Church, he studied theology under the Rev. Archibald 
 Uruce, of "Whitburn. He was for a number of years 
 minister of a congregation in Lockerby, Scotland. On 
 his arrival he was cordially called by the people of Meri- 
 gomish, and inducted as their pastor on the fifth of 
 From that time he diligently performed all the duties 
 of the pastoral office over that district, until increasing 
 infirmity obliged him first to diminish his labours, and 
 finally to relinquish them altogether. On the Yth May, 
 1844, the Rev. A. P. Miller was ordained as his colleague, 
 after which he performed no public service. His weak- 
 ness gradually increased, till suddenly, on being seized 
 with a fit of sickness, which his exhausted constitution 
 could not sustain, he calmly expired on the evening of 
 26th November, 1844, in the TSrd year of his age. 
 "We may here give a few miscellaneous items connected 
 with this period. The following weather notes from Dr. 
 McGregor's " Memorabilia," may be of some interest : 
 " In 1802 the winter was remarkably mild, all along till March 22nd, and 
 then it grew severer in proportion as it was expected to depart, so that the 
 beginning of May was more wintry than January. Littlo snow foil and it 
 continued short, because of frequent thaws till March. March 22nd was moro 
 stormy than any preceding day. On April, cth, I crossed the river on very 
 good ice. I could not cross the harbour in a boat April 18 th. On April 27th 
 and 28th, was the greatest storm of unow that had come through the wholo 
 winter. There was also a considerable storm on May 4th and 5th, and the 
 wind almost constantly from the north till May 3l8t. Thcro was much snow 
 in the woods on May 9th. Ploughing was begun od May Cth, 7th and 8th 
 No wheat was sown till May 11th. Pi ovondcr was so scarce that some could, 
 not plough for want of food for the oxcl . It was the sickliest season that I 
 remember. The principal complaint wat a kind of pleurisy, owing, I sup- 
 pose to the uncommonly changeable state of the weather. 
 <' In 1807, on the night of February 10th was a dreadful storm of wind and 
 rain, which broke open the harbour, so that boats could pass and repass next 
 morning, but on the next morning again, the harbour was frozen over. Tho 
 bridge of the Middle Itiver was carried off and the bridge of the East River 
 injured by the storm. Boats were passing and repassing between MortlmeiB 
 and Froscrs Point the last week of February. On Fobraarjr 24th the riTcr 
 could not bo crossed on the ice." 
 Ill the year 1807, the district was divided into three 
 townships, Pictou, Egerton and Maxwelton, the bounda- 
 lies of which have been already given. 
 On the 12th November 1813, took place what was long 
 remembered as the big storm. Many buildings weroi 
 unroofed, in some instances, the roofs being carried bodily'' 
 to some distance. Forests over a large extent of country 
 were levelled as completely as they would be in a chop- 
 ping frolic. Its severity lasted only a little over two hours, 
 when there was a complete calm. Of its power in Halifax, 
 Haliburton says, " It commenced in Halifax at 5 o'clock 
 P. M., from the south east, and blew with extraordinary 
 violence till seven. Upwards of 70 vessels wore driven on 
 shore, sunk or materially injured, and many lives lost." 
 About this time an attempt was made to manufacture 
 salt from the saline springs, which rise from the Lower 
 Carboniferous rocks, at the foot of Mount Thom, and 
 which give the name of Saltsprings to that settlement. 
 The projectors were in England, and sent out an agent to 
 superintend operations. He sank a shaft 200 feet deep, 
 as if searching for the bed of salt. But from the position 
 of the pit every body was satisfied, that it was in the 
 wrong place. One man remonstrated with him, but he 
 replied that ho was getting JGSOO a year to find it, but he 
 would receive so much, naming a larger sum, if he did 
 not. A large quantity of iron was sent out to construct 
 saltpans. It was hauled up at great expense, but the 
 next spring it was all sold for old iron, the company having 
 failed or ceased operations. About ten years later, parties 
 commenced manufacturing salt from the brine of the 
 spring. It proved of good quality, but they soon aban- 
 doned the work. 
 On the 26th of May, 1814, intelligence having arrived 
 of the entry of the Allies into Paris and the abdication of 
 I m 
 Napoleon, a salute of 21 guns was fired from the Bat- 
 tery, and in the evening the town was illuminated and 
 bonfires kindled on the surrounding heights. 
 The close of this period was signalized by the com- 
 mencement of New Glasgow. A lot containing 600 
 acres, extending in front from 11. S. McCurdy's store to 
 below the new burying ground, had been originally 
 granted to John McKcnzio (the captain's father), but was 
 by him sold to Alex. McKay, the squire's son, for ^£20. 
 He employed Wm. Fraser (surveyor) to lay off the front 
 in acre and half-aorc lots. He gave a lot at the bank, to- 
 the south of where the bridge is now, to a man named 
 Chisholm, usually known as Daddy Chisholm, who built 
 upon it a small log-house on the bank of the brook. Hero 
 he and his wife (he had no children) lived and for a time 
 were the only inhabitants of New Glasgow. About the 
 year 1809 the late James Carmichael bought from McKay 
 the lot adjoining, to the east, and erected a log building 
 on the site at present occupied by his son's stone building, 
 and commenced business in partnership with a Scotchman 
 named Argo. This house was burned down in the year 
 1811, after which Mr. C. built another on the same site 
 and resumed business, but by himself. He first traded 
 with the people for ton timber, but afterward took butter, 
 pork, and other farm produce. In the next period he was 
 one of the most active merchants of the county, but here 
 wc may say of him that he was a man distinguished by 
 his kindness of heart, his public spirit, and his readiness 
 for every good work 
 Soon after, Donald McKay bought what is now Bells 
 corner, and erected a blacksmith shop, where the shop of 
 James Fraser & Son now stands ; and Hugh Fraser 
 bought the lot between it and the bridge, on the same 
 side, and commenced business there. Kenneth McAskill, 
 a tailor, purchased the corner on the opposite side of 
 Provost street. The first inn was kept by Angus Ohis- 
 holm, in the corner house now occupied by Henderson, 
 whore for long one of the old 'i winging signs invited the 
 traveller to enter and be refreshed. The first two-story 
 building in New Glasgow was James McGregor's, now 
 the Sheffield house, but it was not built till several years 
 • I 
 The depression of business in Britain at the close of the 
 ^^ar brought a large immigration to this Province ; and 
 in the years immediately following a largo number arrived 
 at Pictou, of whom a large proportion removed to other 
 places, but a good number settled in various parts of the 
 county, filling up the settlements already formed and 
 forming a few^ new ones. The latter we shall here notice. 
 At this period Dalhousie Mountain was settled. A 
 largo grant had been taken up there some years previous 
 by persons in different parts of the country, under the 
 idea that the soil was of very superior quality. Two of 
 them gave each fifty acres gratis to Peter Arthur, a native 
 of the Orkneys, on condition of his settling there. He 
 accepted the offer, and located himself in the woods five 
 or six miles from any settler, the nearest being at what 
 was recently occupied by Mr. Charles Rogers. There, 
 for months, he would not see the face of a human being. 
 He built a log barn without the assistance of a single 
 At the conclusion of the French war, the prices of farm 
 stock in Britain fell to one-half their former rates, which 
 led to a large emigration from the Lowlands of Scotland. 
 A nnmber of these (among whom may be mentioned five 
 brothers Kae — John, George, William, James, and 
 Eobert — and John Adamson), all from Dumfriesshire, 
 settled on Dalhousio Mountain aljovit this time (1815-17). 
 The land was covered with heavy hardwood timber, and 
 they entertained high hopes, which were strengthened 
 by the first few crops, which were good owing to the 
 burning of the hardwood upon it. liut the land proved 
 rocky, the soil shallow and soon exhausted. The snow, 
 too, in winter was deeper than in other parts of the 
 county, and lay longer in spring. Their crops, too, 
 suffered injury from frost. So that while, from their 
 thorough Scotch industry, some of them did well, and all 
 earned a subsistence, yet a number found it prudent to 
 abandon their farms, so that places on which considerable 
 labour had been cjcpended, and comfortable buildings 
 erected, are now unoccupied. 
 About the same time, a number of persons came from 
 the Lowlands, particularly Dumfriesshire, and settled in 
 various places. They were distinguished by steady 
 industry and rigid economy, and they generally not only 
 made a living but saved money. As an example of their 
 sturdy energy, the following may be given. Three 
 brothers Halliday settled between the Middle River and 
 the Wust Branch East Eiver. For five or six years all 
 their cultivation was by the lioo. But at length one of 
 them having a piece of land sufiiciently cleared, wa:j 
 desirous of getting it ploughed. For this purpose, he 
 brought a pair of oxen, plough and necessary gear, from 
 Kerrs, on the Middle River, through the woods, over three 
 miles, in the following fashion : He fastened the yoke to 
 the horns of one ox and the chain on those of the other, 
 and getting a boy to drive them, he put the plough on his 
 own shoulders and carried it all that distance. Of their 

 success we may give an example. The late Thomas Kerr, 
 of Middle River, and James Roddick, having served theii 
 time together as millwrights, came out in the same vessel. 
 Mr. Kerr described their position when they landed as 
 follows ; " I had just half a sovereign and Roddick had 
 just aughteen pence, and he bought half a pun' o' tobacco 
 wi' it." Yot they died worth some thoueands of pounds 
 in property and money. 
 It is proper hero to give a short notice of the early 
 settlement of Earltown, which commenced about the same 
 time, for although it is beyond the bounds of the County, 
 it is both as to its origin and population closely connected 
 with this County. We may mention that tho settlement 
 embraces that portion of the County of Colchester lying 
 between the east line ot the township of Oiislow and the 
 Pictou County line. It was first surveyed in the year 
 1817, by Alex. Miller, who gave it its name, in compliment 
 to the Earl of Dalhousie, then Governor of the Province. 
 The first settlers were Donald Mcintosh and Angus 
 Sutherland, who took up their residence in the unbroken 
 forest in the year 1813. The next to join them was Alex. 
 McKay (tailor). Others followed soon after, among whom 
 may be mentioned George Ross, Robert Murray, John 
 Sutherland (father of the Rev. Alex. Sutherland), who 
 afterwards moved to Rogers Hill, Paul McDonald, John 
 McKay, Peter Murray, John McKay (miller, father of 
 Rev. Neil McKay), William Murray (father of Revs. 
 William and Robart Murray), R. Murray (tailor), William 
 McKay, &c. 
 Of the early sttlers, nearly all came from Sutherland- 
 fchire, chiefly from the parishes of Rogart, Lairg and 
 Clyne. There were families from Inverness, two or 
 three from Ross, and three or four from Caithness. All 
 the original sittlers spoke the Gaelic language, and it is 
 still generally used by their descendants. Indeed, it is 
 more generally spoken in Earltown than in any part of 
 ■■. ■ 
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 Nova Scotia proper. Still it received some admixture of 
 others, for while it had old soldiers who, in the Highland 
 regiments, had gone through the Peninsular "War, and at 
 least one who had fought at Waterloo, it at the same time 
 had a foreigner, who had been in the same battle under 
 Napoleon, and the two, instead of being ready to embrace 
 as brothers, were rather disposed t(^fight their battles over 
 Like all who take up their abode in the woods, the first 
 settlers had many difficulties to encounter. They were 
 for years without a grist mill. Dnring that time they got 
 their grain ground partly by tht» liandmill, and partly at 
 a grist mill at the West Branch River John. As there 
 were no roads to the West Branch, and they had no horses, 
 they were compelled to carry their grain on their backs to 
 and from the mill, over a rough track. John McKay, known 
 as the miller, put up the first grist mill, at a fall fifty feet 
 high, resembling the Fall of Foyers in Scotland. The 
 mill-stones that were used in it were taken from the West 
 Branch, a distance of fourteen miles, on a drag hauled by 
 36 sturdy Highlanders. Mr. McKay, we may here 
 observe, was proverbial for his kindness to the new settlers, 
 and his hospitality, which was shared b)» many a stranger. 
 The early settlers were strong, industrious and econo- 
 mical. They were poor at first, but with great persever- 
 ance, they made themselves comfortable homes. There 
 are men in Earltown to-day, who settled forty years ago 
 in the woods without a guinea in their pocids, who have 
 fine houses, large barns, excellent farms and considerable 
 sums at interest. The inhabitants at that time were all 
 connected with the Church of Scotland, but for several 
 years they were without a minister. In consequence of 
 this, persons sometimes carried their children to Pictou, a 
 distance of twenty-five miles, to be baptized. They were 
 occasionally visited by a Minister of the Church of Scot- 
 land, and on such occasions it was not uncommon to see 
 liim baptize twenty or thirty children at once. Rev. "W. 
 Sutherland was the lirst minister who settled at Earl- 
 town. He was never called or inducted into the congre- 
 gation, but remained ministering to a few who adhered 
 to him till his death. The Rev. Alexander Sutherland, 
 of the Free Chiirch of Scotland, was the first minister 
 who was called by the people, and ordained in the place. 
 He was settled in the year 1845. Though the people 
 were for years without a minister, they did not forsake 
 the assembling of themselves together. There were 
 among them men eminent as Christians, intimately 
 acquainted with the truths of religion, and able to express 
 themselves in a manner fitted to edify others. " The 
 Men," as they w^ere called, held meetings regularly each 
 Sabbath in the several parts of the settlement, and 
 were the means of maintaining vital godliness among 
 the people. 
 About the same time, the settlement of New Annan 
 began. It lies about seven miles to the south of Tatama- 
 gouche, in the County of Colchester, and forms an oblong 
 square about ten miles long by seven wide. The first 
 settler there was Mr. John Bell, a native of Annandale, 
 in Dumfriesshire, Scotland. He emigrated to Nova Scotia 
 in 1806, but did not settle in New Annan till the year 
 1815. For some years previous to this, he had worked in 
 Tatamagouche, but attracted by this seemingly fertile, 
 and withal somewhat romantic district, with its well 
 wooded hills, he selected as his future home a place on 
 the banks of the French River, and about the centre of 
 the present settlement — quite a pleasant, pretty spot, and ^ 
 occupied by his descendants to this day. Here he cut the 
 first tree, and erected the first house, of course a log one, 
 in New Annan, to which he removed his family. For 
 fiix long and dreary years he dwelt alone i:: !^ie wilderness. 
 During all that time his nearest neighbor was six miles 
 distant, but others followed. Speedily William Scott, 
 ' ' i ,;: 
 ft i 
 t f' 
 f : II 
 James McGreorge, Thomas Swan, and Mr. Byers, all from 
 the same district in Scotland, and Mr. James Munro, took 
 np positions near him. 
 Mr. Boll was a pious man, and so -were the others, and 
 they therefore soon felt the want of public worship. The- 
 nearest place of preaching was Tatamagouche, to which 
 ' the Rev. Mr. Mitchell, of River John, gave part of his 
 services. Many a day the more vigorous of them trod 
 their seven miles on a Sabbath morning, over hills, through 
 marshes, (covered with fallen trees, and across the French 
 River to hear the Gospel. But all could not travel such 
 a distance, or surmount such difficulties. Mr. Bell 
 therefore and a few others formed themselves into a 
 prayer meeting, and held worship in a school house near 
 Mr. Bell's, for such as were unable or unwilling to travel . 
 to Tatamagouche. 
 After a time Mr. Mitchell extended his labors to New 
 Annan, giving them occasional supply. But his visits 
 were valued all the more for their rarity. At that time- 
 there was not the semblance of a road about New 
 Annan, or even Tatamagouche. He had to travel by 
 the seashore or blazed paths through the woods. Several 
 of the young men were in the habit of going to meet 
 him on his journeys, and now grey-haired sires, tell of 
 their exploits, as skating down French River and along^ 
 Tatamagouche Bay, to attend on sacramental occasions 
 at River John. 
 From their sturdy Scotch industry and frugality,, 
 these settlers soon attained to comparative coxafort, and 
 many of their descendants are in good circumstances. 
 But though the district has a considerable amount of 
 good soil, yet portions of the hills, which appeared to 
 be rich, and which, when first cleared, gave good crops, 
 were found iii a few years to lose their fertility. The 
 population is estimated at between twelve and fifteen 
 hundred. As in many other places, the majority of th& 
 young of both sexes go abroad when thuy reach the 
 age of eighteen or twenty. 
 To the same period belongs the settlement of Fictou 
 Island. It is about five miles long and on an average 
 about a mile and three quarters wide, and contains an 
 area of 326{J acres. It lies off Pictou Harbour, a little to 
 the northward, the east end being distant about ten miles 
 from its entrance, and the west end live and three quar- 
 ters miles from Big Carriboo Liland light house. It has 
 no harbour even for a boat. Toward the east end, the 
 land rises to the height of about 160 feet, but in other 
 parts it is occupied by sw^amps. The soil is fertile, being 
 generally a sandy loam, and yields good crops of hay, 
 grain and the vegetables of temperate climates, but there 
 is no fruit raised upon it, partly we have no doubt, 
 because the exposure to sea air is unfavourable to its 
 culture, but partly, we believe, from want of attention on 
 the part of the inhabitants. The only wild animals are 
 the fox, the rabbit and the musk ^at. There are no 
 squirrels, rats or toads, and the frogs are but little larger 
 than grasshoppers. As to serpents it is as free from them 
 as old Ireland itself. 
 One or two incidents connected with the island previous 
 to its settlement may here be given. On one occasion an 
 Indian and his squaw in proceeding from Prince Edward 
 Island to Pictou landed at Rogers Beach, and remained 
 for the night. In the morning the unfaithful husband 
 sent her into the woods for something to repsiir his canoe. 
 But after «be left, ho started with it, and landed at Carri- 
 boo, where he asserted that his wife had died on P. B. 
 Island, and that he had buried her on the beach. This 
 was in the beginning of winter. The unfortunate woman 
 erected for herself a rude hut in the woods, where she 
 subsisted all winter on shellfish and rabbits, clothing 
 herself and covering her hut with the skins of the latter. 
 In the following spring, she was res ued by some Indians^ 
 ■ 't^ 
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 who had disbelieved the deserter's story. It is said that 
 ho was burned by the other Indians. 
 The island containing originally some good wood, the 
 late John Brown of Browns Point and another man, 
 spent a winter on the island making staves. Their supply 
 of provisions ))ecamo exhausted before the ice broke up, 
 and they resolved on making the perilous attempt of 
 crossing on the rotten ice and open water to Carriboo. The 
 inhabitants of that place seeing their situation camo tu 
 their assistance, and they wore rescued. 
 For two successive springs, two men named Campbell, 
 and Patterson of Pictou were burning lime on the island, for 
 which they brought coal from a small seam on Carriboo 
 Island. On one of their trips to Pictou, they were nearly 
 suffocated, by the sea breaking over their boat and slak- 
 ing the limo. 
 The island was originally granted to Admiral Sir 
 Alexander Cochrane. In the year 1814, he sent 
 William Cumming as his agent to settle the island. 
 He was accompanied or soon followed by three families, 
 named Boyd, Hogan and Morris, all four being from 
 In 1819 John McDonald, Donald McDonald and Charles 
 Campbell arrived. In the following year Kenneth 
 McKenzie, who had served in the 78th Highlanders, pur- 
 chase "^ the property of Cumming, and acted as agent. 
 These were all Highlanders, and there soon arose a strife 
 between them and the Irish, which became so bitter as to 
 sometimes leave marks of violence on the persons of the 
 contending parties. Probably in conseqvience of this, the 
 Irish soon after left the Island. Just before they did so, 
 a fire broke out, which consumed the greater part of the 
 forest, the origin of which was attributed to the wife of 
 one of them. 
 Shortly after, John McDonald (2nd) and Hugh McCallum 
 Arrived, and they were soon followed by several of their 
 relatives. The population is now 120, 67 males and 72 
 Wo now turn to notice the projyress of settlement on 
 the other side of the county. William McKenzie, a native 
 of Sutherlandshire, who had emi|i?rated in the year 1808, 
 and had first settled at Lower Barneys lliver, removed 
 to the Upper Settlement in the year 1807, where he was 
 the first settler. Ho was the father of the surveyors, und 
 located himself at Kenzieville, where his sons still live. 
 Donald Robertson, who had emigrated from Perthshire 
 in the year 1801, and at first settlad. at the foot of the 
 river, removed in '^ ' 9 to the Upper Settlement, and took 
 up his abode near j. IcKonzie'g, about a mile farther down 
 the river. About this time (1819-21), Angus McKay, 
 the elder, a native of the parish of Clyne, Sutherlandshire, 
 and with him Simon Bannerman, Gordon Bannerman, 
 old John Sutherland, of the kilt, a man who never wore 
 trousers in his life, with his family, who were numerous, 
 and several others, all from Sutherlandshire, settled in 
 the upper woods of Barneys River. There were also a 
 few Lowlanders, among whom may be mentioned 
 "William Irving, from Dumfriesshire, who settled at Barneys 
 Iviver in the year 1820, who has left a large number of 
 descendants there. 
 It may be mentioned that in the years just previous, 
 (1810-1816), James Haggart,.from the parish of Kenmore, 
 in Perthshire, with others from Blair Athole, settled in 
 the valley of Piedmont. This name was given to it 
 afterward by the Rev. Dugald McKeichan, the first 
 minister of Barneys River, from its situation at the foot of 
 a range of hills. James Mappel settled in Marshy Hope, 
 a valley in the Antigonish Mountains, leading into 
 Antigonish County, where Angus McDonald now lives. 
 "When his neighbours were in the habit of advising him 
 to leave that marshy place, because the frost injured all 
 his crops, his uniform reply was, ** I hope it will improve." 
 ■ i! 
 "I I'lf 
 ■ i i:i 
 J . 
 t H 
 Hence his neighbours Liade the remark, that his hope was 
 a marshy hope, from which circumstance arose the name 
 of the Valley. John McLean (the poet) settled at East 
 Branch of Barneys Itivcr, and after a time removed to 
 Antigonish County. Ho was a native of the Island of 
 Between the years 1830 and 1840, a number of other 
 families came from the counties of Sutherland and Perth, 
 and took up land in the same settlement, among whom 
 were John McDonald, the weaver, and his brother 
 Duncan, James Forbes William Sutherland, Donald 
 Bruce, James Leadbettcr, John Bannerman, Donald 
 McKay, Robert Ferguson, besides others. 
 "William Urquhart, from Glen Urquhart in Scotland, 
 settled at Blue JMountains soon after the year 1815, and 
 was the first settler there. William Ross, the elder, came 
 out from the same parish and joined him in the year 1818. 
 He was the first who n-ave the name "Blue Mountain" 
 to that district of country. Along with him came Rode- 
 rick McDougald, Sonr., John Austen, and others ; and in 
 the year 1820, came Donald Campbell, John Munroe, and 
 others, who settled at Mooso River. About the same 
 time also other families, McLarens from Argyleshire, Ken- 
 nedys and McDougalls from the Island of Mull, settled 
 on the old St. Marys Road. 
 The i)eoplc of the Blue Mountain are chiefly from Grlen 
 Urquhart, and the neighborhood of Boauly and Kirkhill, 
 in Inverness, with a few from Ross-shire and a few from 
 the Lowlands, among whom may be mentioned the 
 Mcikle family, descendanis of James Meiklo, Senr., who 
 came from the South of Scotland near the English border. 
 Sometime after 1880, William McDonald from Caithness 
 came to the Grarden of Eden and took up his abode there. 
 Ho was called the " Adam " of the garden, because he 
 was tho first settler and the oldest man there. Alonjj 
 with him came his sons, John, Alexander, and George, 
 also his son-in-law William Miller, and he was followed 
 by others from Caithness and Ross-shire. 
 At the beginning of this period, the district of St. 
 Marys was attracting a good deal of attention, as a 
 desirable jilace or settlement, and quite a number of per- 
 sons moved thither from this county. It was specially 
 noted for its magnificent timber, extensive intervales, 
 rivers teeming with fish, and the abundance of game in the * 
 forest. The very first settlers were from Truro, who built 
 the first house in Grlenelg in 1801, but the great body of 
 those who followed were from Pictou. In the year 1810, 
 William Kirk, one of the old 82nd, removed from Green 
 Hill and settled at Glenelg, and in the same year, John 
 McLean and his son James came from West River and 
 settled at Stillwater. In 1813, Alexander Hattio moved 
 over and settled on the East River of St. Marys, about 
 two miles beyond the county line, and in the year follow- 
 ing, McKenzie from Green Hill settled at the head of 
 At the same period, Caledonia was settled, almost 
 entirely by Pictonians. In the year 1810, Angus McDonald 
 moved over and settled in Lower Caledonia. His posterity 
 are now numerous along the river. About the same time, 
 Simon Fraser, located himself near him, but he subse- 
 quently moved to Glenelg. In 1812, Donald Cameron 
 came over from Green Hill and settled in Middle Cald^do- 
 nia, and in the same year, John McDonald from West 
 Branch, East River, took up land in the same vicinity. 
 In 1814, Angus, John and Noil McQuarrio, took up land.s 
 still farther up. They had come from Scotland ia 1810, 
 but had been living in Church viilo. Others from Pictou 
 followed, but these may be given as the pioneers. 
 A part of the East River of St. Marys belongs to Pictou 
 County, and we must now more particularly notice its 
 early settlement, which began at this period. The land 
 had been previously granted by Government to David 
f ' 
 Archibald, previously of Truro, then of Sherbrooke, and 
 others, in blocks of 2000 acres each. The grantees however 
 did not settle or make any improvements upon their lots, 
 and the actual settlers had to buy from them. 
 The first man who crossed the water shed with hi» 
 family, to settle on the East River of St. Marys, on the 
 Pictou side of it, was Mr. Alexander McKay. He came 
 over from Fish Pools in July, 1815, taking with him his 
 wife and seven children. From "Webster Mills, McLen- 
 nans Mountain, to St. Marys, a distance of 22 miles, was 
 an unbroken forest, with a bridle path through it for half 
 the distance, and only a blaze for the rest. The only 
 possible modes of travel were on horseback or on foot. 
 Four horses were secured for the journey. The larger 
 children were lashed on the backs of the horses, with the 
 luggage, while the smaller were carried in the arms of 
 their parents or of the drivers, who trudged along on foot. 
 One of the horses belonged to Mr. McKay, but soon after 
 the poor brute, being tired of the lonely life in the forest, 
 set out to return to the haunts of civilization, but lost 
 sight of the blaze, or in confidence in its own superior 
 wisdom, took a straighter course and perished in a swamp. 
 It was five or six years after before McKay could obtain 
 another, not altogether however from the objections of 
 the animal to live in such a solitude. 
 Later in the same summer (1815), three others followed 
 in McKay's steps, and settled farther down the river, viz., 
 John McBain, John Mathcson and Hugh Fraser, and 
 later still in the season, Angus Cameron arrived, adding 
 the fifth family to the little community. McBain and 
 Cameron settled on the west side of the river, the others 
 on the east. By the last running of the county line, 
 McBain's land on one side of the river, and Fraser's on the 
 other, are thrown into Guysborough County. "We may 
 add that at this time there were but three sel tiers about 
 Glenelg Lake, and only one farther up the river. 
 The traveller passing through this section of country 
 at the present day, admires its broad, fertile, and well- 
 cultivated intervales, hemmed in by ridges of forest-clad 
 hills, and dotted by feathery elms. But a grander sight 
 met the gaze of the early pioneers, from the brow of the 
 mountain they had to cross in reaching it. On the west 
 of the river down to the margin of the valley, was a pine 
 forest, which stretched away without a break to the 
 Musquodoboit River, while to the north and east a sea of 
 rolling hills extended in the direction of liameys River 
 and Lochaber, Much of this forest remains, the glory of 
 the hills, to this day. Tbo timber of the valley is said to 
 have been very large. Elms three and four feet through 
 an up without knot or limb, for 50 or 60 feet, and maples^ 
 oaks, and birches of equal or greater size, with hero and 
 there a giant pine, covered its surface, and seemed to smilo 
 defiance upon the puny efforts of the feeble band, now 
 attempting to dispossess these monarchs of the forest, that 
 had occupied the ground undisturbed for centuries. 
 All these pioneers had visited the locality several times 
 before taking up their abode there, and had done some 
 chopping and burning, had erected rude huts, and that 
 spring had planted a few potatoes. That year, however, 
 as we shall see presently, was the year of the mice, and 
 thus their only crop became the prey of these creatures. 
 The larger tubers they scooped out, eating or carrying 
 away the contents, and the smaller they dragged to 
 their holes in stumps and logs. The following spring, 
 the settlers carried their seed from McLennans Mountain, 
 except a little that they brought from Lochaber, nearly 
 as far. But this again was Ihe year of the frost, so 
 that they were doomed to reap no harvest, except a 
 little fodder for their cattle. We may add that for many 
 years, until the forests were well cleared away, the frost 
 continued to be very destructive along the valley. In 
 consequence, for the first five or six years, they had little 
 i . 
 'f w 
 tread of any kind. Even alter their clearings enlarged, 
 and the frost and mildew became less destructive, they 
 still had many hardships to endure. For years they had 
 to dry their oats in pots, and shell them with their feet 
 in barrels and boxes, and then carry the groats on their 
 backs, or in winter drag them on handsleds, to Archibald's 
 mill at Glenelg to be ground. 
 But otherwise they did not want for food. The river 
 swarmed with fish, especially trout, salmon and gaspe- 
 reaux. Eels also were abundant, but they were regarded 
 rather as an enemy, for unless the nets were watched, they 
 would eat the salmon in them as soon as they were caught. 
 They would do this in a way that was always a marvel 
 to those who were witnesses of the feat. They would eat 
 the whole fish except the skin and the backbone, turning 
 the skin inside out without breaking a single joint of the 
 latter. Moose and Caribou were numerous, and partridges 
 and rabbits were snared or looped, and often proved an 
 acceptable addition to their larder. Even the porcupine 
 sometimes found its wav to their table. Bears were verv 
 numerous, but having abundance of food in the forest, 
 very considerately abstained from disturbing the settlers 
 for a number of years. . 
 In subsequent years, settlers continued to arrive. In 
 1817, another Angus Cameron came over from McLennans 
 Mount, and settled on the East side of the river between 
 McK,j.y and Fraser. In 1821, he was followed by Alex- 
 ander Sutherland, who located himself farther up the 
 river. In 1826, James Cameron removed from McLennans 
 Mount, and occupied the place vacated by John Matheson, 
 who had left. The same year John Hattie settled on the 
 "West ride of the river. In 1831, three families of Gunns 
 arrived from Scotland and occupied lands, between McKay 
 and Sutherland. 
 Among tho hardships to which these people were ex- 
 posed, particular mention must be made of the want of a 
 road. "When they first settled here, they had above 
 twenty miles of forest to traverse to reach a neighboring 
 settlement, and one incident may illustrate the inconven- 
 ience oi such a situation. Twenty years after their 
 settlement, a young man, whose head is now white with 
 the s.:.ows of age, had exchanged his solitary life lor the 
 social, and had erected his humble log home, but, not 
 many weeks after his marriage, discovered that house- 
 keeping was inconvenient without dishes. So he set out 
 on his snowshoes for New Glasgow, and there purchased 
 ■a set of cooking utensils, consisting of an oven, two x>ots, 
 a kettle, two teapots, a half dozen cups and saucers, a 
 half dozen plates of large size, with as many smaller ones, 
 and a half dozen knives and forks. He succeeded in 
 getting these conveyed on a sled, as far as there was any 
 thing of a road, or to within twelve miles of his home. 
 He then donned his snowshoes, fastened all the above 
 mentioned articles about his persdjn, and though heavily 
 laden, he never came home with lighter heaii, to meet 
 the partner of his life. * 
 Not until Captain McKenzie became member for Pictou 
 in 1855, and in the year following obtained a grant for a 
 road from the Garden of Eden to St. Marys, was it pos- 
 sible to ride in a wheeled vehicle, between these two 
 places. Even in winter it was long before a sleigh road 
 was opened. The fathers still tell of the way in which 
 they used to fasten two poles to a horse after the fashion 
 of shafts, with the loW«r ends trailing behind, and kept 
 together by a cross piece, and with long wooden pins 
 driven into the upper side, on which they laid their pork, 
 which they dragged in this manner to the Garden. 
 Even down the river toward Glenelg, there was no pos- 
 sible road to market or mill, for fifteen years after they 
 settled here. In the winter the hand-sleigh, and in the 
 fiummer the canoe, when the river was sufiiciently 
 '! m 
 erwDllen, were the only means of conveying burdens^ 
 excepting on shoulder or horseback. 
 Of the first settlers, Alex. McKay, the pioneer, doservcQ 
 special mention, as probably possessing the greatest 
 amount of strength and activity combined, of any man 
 that was ever in the County. He was a son of Alex. 
 McKay, whose name appears among the immigrants of 
 1784, and was born near Beauly, Inverness. IIo came 
 with his father to this Province, when a boy of about 12 
 years of age. On liie passage, ho performed a feat which 
 showed his daring and dexterity. He and auomer boy 
 having climbed up the mast, two sailors followed with 
 ropes, intending to tie them. One of them caught the 
 other boy, but McKay seizing the top-mast stay, swung 
 himself from it by his hands, and then passed hand over 
 hand to the other mast, by which he descended to the 
 deck, while the bystanders looked on in terror. 
 "When a young man, he chased and caught a caribou 
 calf The Indians have a saying regarding the young of 
 the animal, "one day old, Indian catch him, two days 
 old, dog catch him, three days old Mundous himself no 
 catch him." However McKay being in the woods with 
 some others, they started a herd, and this calf became 
 separated from the rest. He pursued it, endeavouring to 
 drive it in a direction the opposite from that in which its 
 companions had gone, at the same time watching lest the 
 dam should turn upon him. After a short chase it tripped 
 in crossing a tree, and fell, and in an instant he was upon 
 it. He took the animal homo where it became quite 
 tame. He afterwards exchanged it for a heifer with Squire 
 McKay, v-'ho sent it as a present to the Governor, Sir 
 Jc' ii *'>^'rrth, receiving in return a present of 2000 
 - ; 1^ .>^ i in St. Marys. It was afterward sent to the 
 -ion, where it continued for several yeari^ 
 animal of the kind in that collection. 
 Many stories are told of his mingled physical power 
 being t,^.. : 
■ff', ■ 
 and dexterity in his mature years. We give a specimen. 
 A bull had become wild, and was shut up in a bam, 
 where none dared to approach him. McKay was sent for. 
 On arrival ho gave orders to open the door, while he stood 
 beside it. As the animal rushed out, he seized him by 
 the horns, threw him on his back and held him as long as 
 necessary. He was much engaged in lumbering, but 
 neither river-driving nor the other concomitants of that 
 mode of life, ever seemed to affect his constitution. When 
 between 80 and 90 years old, ho could mow his swathe 
 with younger men, and he lived to be 97 years of age. 
 All the settlers were economical, industrious and 
 religious. About the year 1826, they hired Hugh Cameron, 
 subsequently of Went worth Grant, as their first teacher, 
 and about the same time, they started a sabbath school ; 
 and with slight interruptions, both haye been continued 
 since with the happiest results. 
 The first minister who preached to them was the Rev. 
 Dr. McGregor, who about the year 1817, in one of his 
 missionary excursions to Glenelg and Sherbrooke passed 
 up the bed of the river on horseback. But with the 
 exception of McKay, all the settlers adhered to the Church 
 of Scotland. At the Disruption, the majority joined the 
 Free church, and obtained a portion of the services of the 
 Rev. Alex. Campbell of Lochaber. Two small churches 
 were built, but now the people have all united with the 
 Presbyterian church in Canada, and have erected a larger 
 and more comfortable place of worship; 
 • ] • : . f'. ■■:■ 
 ', .f 
 1815 ■ 182a 
 ■ J1 
 It ' 
 tFp to this period the history of the county had 
 been one of continued and for some time rapid progress. 
 Population and wealth had increased at a rate, which, 
 compared with what has since been seen in the "Western 
 States, might even be considered slow, but which at that 
 time was regarded as quite remarkable. From this time 
 forward however for some years, its progress was very 
 slow, and indeed in some respects it seemed for a time to 
 have been stationary, or even to have retrograded. In 
 the town of Pictou or its neighbourhood, proi>erty sold as 
 high in 1816, as it did forty years later, and some farms 
 brought larger sums at the former period, than they would 
 now, and from that time there has been more or less 
 emigration from Pictou, many especially of the young 
 going abroad. 
 The first interruption to its continued prosperity was 
 by the peace of 1816. The change largely affected the 
 whole Province. The author ,of Agricola's letters thus 
 describes it : — . ^ 
 " During the war, money here arising from the expenditure of the British 
 Government, and from the sale of the rich cargoes and ships, which were daily 
 ) brought in by our cruizers, was not only in brisk circulation, but in great 
 abundance. The ships of war, which lay in the harbours, the various 
 establishments of dockyard, ordnance and barracks, the strangers who resorted 
 hither on commercial speculation, contributed to create an uncommon demand 
 for all sorts of produce ; and as these were before inadequate to the ordinary 
 wants of the community, they fell now infinilely short of the extraordinary 
 consumption, to which the exigency of the times gave rise. During the whole 
 cf this period, the prices obtained by the occupier of lands for whatever he 
 could bring to market, were prodigiously high and far outran the cost of 
 prodnction. Hoy sold atfrom ten to twelve pounds par ton, and was frequently 
 at fifteen ; beef and mutton varied from 8d. to lOd. per pound ; potatoes^ 
 tnrnips, and beets were oftencr above than below 58. per bushel, and all 
 vegetables were exorbitant in like proportion. During this unprecedented 
 prosperity, no exertion was needed hj tho farming body to cam a subsistence. 
 The rewards of the most moderate labour wcro so ample, that they begat habits 
 of indolence and luxury ; but excited not to new energy or a more spirited 
 cultivation. Our landholdern, satisfied with the enormous prices they obtained 
 for beef and hay, and trusting that the springs of wealth, which flowed so 
 copiously, would bo perennial, discerned not the dark cloud at a distance, 
 which was gathering round to overcast their horizon. Peace came and at once 
 dried all the sources of this' artificial prosperity. Beal estate fell almost in an 
 instant, trade declined, land produce was lowered by the effects of this general 
 depression, and in about two years after the ratification of the treaty of Paris, 
 an universal gloom had settled over the Province." 
 As the County of Pictou was less dependant on the -war 
 expenditure, than some other parts of the Province, and 
 as the inhabitants had relied more on trade than on 
 agriculture, the effects of the peace were not so disastrous 
 or so immediate, r«s have been described, but still the effects 
 were felt to a considerable extent. The rural population 
 however were especially discouraged by two calamities 
 which came upon the county at this period in successive 
 years (1815-16), which we shall now notice. 
 The former year was long distinguished in this, as well 
 as in the neighbouring counties of Colchester and Anti- ^ 
 gonish, as "the year of the mice." This was a most'/i vvt-'' 
 destructive visitation, from which this portion of the ^^^ 
 country suffered from these seemingly insignificant 
 animals. During the previous season they did not appear 
 in any unusual numbers. But at the end of "Winter, 
 they were so numerous as to trouble the sugar makers, 
 by fouling their troughs for gathering sap, and before 
 planting was over, tho woods and fields alike swarmed 
 with them. They were of the large species of field 
 mouse, still sometimes seen in the country, but which, has 
 never since been very numerous. 
 They were very destructive and actually fierce. If 
 pursued, when hard pressed, they would stand at bay 
 ; ■i» 
 If <, I 
 rising upon their hind legs, setting their t;eth and 
 squealing fiercely. A farmer on whom I could rely told 
 me, that having after planting, spread out some barley to 
 dry in the sun before his door, in a little while he saw it 
 covered with them. lie let the cat out among them, but 
 they actually turned upon her and fought her. 
 The late sown grain and the seed potatoes sufiered 
 from them ;* but it was when the grain began to ripen, 
 that their destructiveness became especially manifest. 
 They then attacked it in such numbers, that all means 
 were unavailing to arrest their ravages. They have been 
 known to cut down an acre in three days, so that whole 
 fields were destroyed in a short time. One would nip a 
 stalk off a little above the ground, and if instead of falling 
 over, the end sank to the ground, leaving it still upright, 
 he would bite it oft farther up, until it either fell over, or 
 the ear came within his reach, when he would devour all 
 the grain. Over acres on acres, they loft not a stalk 
 standing, not a grain of wheat, to reward the labours of 
 the farmer. They burrowed in the ground and consumed 
 the potatoes. Cats, dogs, and martens gorged themselves 
 to repletion upon them, but with little seeming diminu- 
 tion of their numbers. Trenches were dug and filled 
 with water, but they formed but a slight barrier to their 
 They passed away as rapidly as they came. In the 
 Autumn, as the weather became colder, they became 
 languid, scarcely able to crawl. One could trample them 
 under his feet and finally they died in hundreds, so that 
 they could be gathered in heaps, and their putrefying 
 carcases might be found in some places in such numbers 
 as to taint the air. At Cape George they went to the 
 * A man in Meri,';omi8h had made a clearing oat at Piedmont in the woods. 
 He carried out four bushels of oats to sow. On commencing, they came in 
 fiwarms eating the grain as he sowed it. After continuing a while, he threw 
 the whole to them in disgust, and returned home. 
 water, and there died, forming a ridge like seaweed along 
 ihe edge of the sea, and codfish were caught off the 
 coast with carcases in their maws. 
 Notwithstanding the unprecedented prosperity, which 
 the country had enjoyed for about twenty years, such 
 were the Kpendthrift habits engendered during that 
 period, that the people were not prepared to meet such a 
 calamity, and it was therefore felt very severely. But it 
 was followed by what was long known as " the year of 
 the frost," which left a large portion of the inhabitants 
 in a suffering condition. The year 1816 was known 
 throughout the northern parts of this Continent, and also 
 in Europe, as "the year without a Summer." In tho 
 Northern States, frost, ice, and snow were common in 
 June. Snow fell to the depth of ten inches in Vermont, 
 seven in Maine, and three in Central New York. On the 
 5th July, ice was formed of the thickness of common 
 window glass throughout New England, New York, and 
 some parts of Pennsylvania. In August ice was formed 
 half an inch thick. Indian corn was so frozen that the 
 greater part was cut down for fodder. Indeed almost 
 every green thing was destroyed. A similar state of 
 things existed in England. During the whole season, 
 the sun's rays seemed to be destitute of heat. All nature 
 seemed to be clad in a sable hue. The average whole- 
 sale price of flour during that year in Philadelphia was 
 $13 per barrel. The average price of wheat in England 
 was 97s. per quarter. 
 Here the frost was hard in the woods in the month of 
 June, provisions were high and from the destruction of 
 crops tho previous year by the mice, many were suffering, 
 and nearly all the farmers were put to some inconve- 
 nience, for want of food for their families. Alexander 
 Grant (miller), of the East River, went to Halifax to obtain 
 a supply. He there bought 70 barrels flour, for which he 
 had to pay .£3 per barrel. On his way back on the 5th 
• ^il9M*»^<^*,v 
 June, he stayed all night at a tayem between Halifax 
 and TruTO, and in the morning the ground was frozen 
 so hard, that it carried his horse. The flour came round 
 by water, and he went down to town to bring it up the 
 East River, which he did on a coal lighter. On his way 
 up on the 16th, ho saw a man trying to harrow his 
 ground, where he had sowed some grain, and wearing a 
 great coat in consequence of the cold. That night being 
 Saturday, he put the flour into a barn owned by the lato 
 James Carmichacl, Esq., who had shortly before begun ta 
 do business, where New Glasgow now stands. On 
 Monday morning, before ho reached the spot, there were 
 as many assembled, as there were barrels of flour, and 
 no sooner was the door opened, than a rush was made, 
 and each man seized a barrel, asking no questions as to 
 price, and it was -with some difficulty that he saved one 
 for his own family. 
 In the same year, Mr. Grant and his brother Robert^ 
 erected the first oatmill in Nova Scotia, probably the first 
 in B. N. America, on the site still occupied in the same 
 way, and known as Grant's Mills. Very little oatmeal 
 had been used previously. Small quantities were some- 
 times brought out in vessels, and sometimes the country 
 people manufactured a little in a coarse way, by roasting 
 the grains in a large pot and afterwards separating and 
 grinding the groats. But now Mr. Grant /constructed a 
 regular oatmill driven by water, of which tlio gear was- 
 made by a millwright, named Duff. It was : /.:'il, however, 
 somewhat rude in structure. Instead of iron over the 
 kiln, the grain was supported on wooden slats, the edges 
 of which were bevelled on the lower side, and there were 
 no fanners. Indeed fanners were not then commonly 
 used even by the farmers. Hence after the grain had 
 been dried, they were obliged to carry it to the top of a 
 hill near, and piously wait till Providence sent a wind 
 sufficient to separate the shells from the kernels. But 
 the next year, he constracted fanners driven by the mill. 
 At this time agriculture seems to have engaged attention, 
 and accordingly, the first agricultural society in the rural 
 districts of the Province, w mk formed on the 1st January, 
 1817, at "West River. This was before the publication of 
 the letters of John Young, under the signature of Agricola. 
 A meeting was held some time before, at which the 
 resolution wad adopted, to " form a society for the improve- 
 ment of agriculture, to bo called ' The West River 
 Farming Society.' " Accordingly the Society was regu- 
 larly organized at that date, 20 persons joining, and the 
 following being elected office bearers : — Rev. Duncan Ross» 
 President ; Robert Stewart, Vice-President ; Donald Fraser, 
 Treasurer ; John Bonnyman, Secretary ; David McCoull, 
 John Oliver, Anthony Smith, George McDonald, John 
 McLean, Jonathan Blanchard, Committee. They seem 
 to have had a poet among them also, for in the front of 
 their minute book, the following appears as their motto :— > 
 Let this be held the farmers' creed, 
 I For stock seek out tho choicest breed, 
 > \ ■ In peace and plenty let them feed. 
 Your lands sow with tho best of seed, 
 Let it not dung nor dretising want, 
 ' .' .' And then provisions won't be scant. •' 
 By the rules then adopted, each member was to pay 5s. 
 entry money and Is. 3d. quarterly ; no persons were 
 to be admitted but farmers and freeholders of good moral 
 character. And to insure continued good behaviour, it 
 was enacted, that " if any member shall curse or swear 
 or use any indecent language, or introduce any subject 
 inconsistent with the business of the Sodiety, he shall be 
 fined by tho President and a majority of the members 
 present, in a sum not exceeding Ss." 
 The Society was to meet quarterly, and at each meeting 
 a topic or topics, connected with rural economy, was to 
 be discussed, " each member to come prepared either with 
 a written essay, or to speak on the subject,*' the question 
 selected for the first quarterly meeting in April, being, 
 " "What is the best method of preparing and increasing 
 manure ? " It served to elicit differences of opinion, for 
 one man rose and said, that " instead of finding ways of 
 making more, he wished they would find some way of 
 getting quit o' it, for it was just a bother about his bam." 
 The Society continued to hold quarterly meetings, and 
 to discuss agricultural topics. In the year 1818, they lield 
 a ploughing match in Mr. Mortimer's field, said to have 
 been the first ever held in the Province. They imported 
 seed grain, agricultural implements, and Ayrshire cattle. 
 They also held some cattle shows, at which prizes were 
 gi ,-en for the best stock. They also gave prizes for the 
 best acre of wheat and other crops, the greatest amount 
 under summer fallow, and " to the person who should 
 stump and plough fit for crop the greatest quantity of 
 land never ploughed before, not more than three stumps 
 per acre left on the land, and all stones that materially 
 obstruct the operation of ploughing and harrowing to be 
 removed, the quantity to be not less than two acres." In 
 April, 1824, they offered ^7 10s., in addition to the Legis- 
 lative grant, for a flax mill. Anthony Smith, Esq., 
 undertook to erect one. It was commenced that year, 
 and in the following he received a prize for it, being the 
 first of the kind erected in the Province. It did not 
 however work long, as it did not receive sufficient 
 employment to maintain it. 
 In the year 1819 the name was changed to the Pictou 
 Agricultural Society, and Ed. Mortimer elected President, 
 and some time after we find them presenting the Eev. 
 Duncan Ross with a new plough, •* to be one of "Wllkies 
 best, as an expression of their sense of hisjservicep to the 
 cause of agriculture." 
 In the year 1820, we find a notice of a similar society 
 on the East "River, of which Dr. McQ-regor was Secretary. 
 Others were formed in ofher parts of the conirtry, and 
 continued for some time, aided by grants from the Central 
 Board, and had considerable effect in improving the 
 habils of our farmers, 
 In the year 1819, the whole community was shocked 
 by the most dreadful murder probably ever committed in 
 the Province, — viz., that by Donald Campbell of his father^ 
 and stepmother. He was a simple ignorant man, but not 
 previously regarded as violent or cruel. He was an only 
 son, but his father had taken a second wife, and he was 
 afraid, that in consequence he would lose his share of the 
 paternal estate. This led him to form the design of 
 destroying thom both. Up till the time of committing the 
 deed, he hawi given no such indications of hostility to 
 them, as to excite any alarm. He lived at Earltown, but 
 on the day before the commission of the deed, he was in 
 town, and on his way back, called at his father's house, 
 which stood on what is now Dinwoodies farm, and there 
 obtained refreshments. He then started on his way 
 homeward, calling at houses on his way as iar as Wost 
 Branch River John, with the design doubtless of producing 
 the impression, that he had gone home. But when night 
 came, he retraced his steps towards his father's house, 
 which was a small one constructed of logs. Arriving 
 theie, he fastened the door by moans of withes attached to 
 the handle of the latch, and then set it on fire, while his 
 father and stepmother wei e asleep. They were awakened 
 by the fire, and succeeded in forcing the door open. They 
 then commenced removing their things from the house, 
 uttering at the same time loud cries for assistance. Donald ' 
 was on the watch, and as his father was coming out with 
 a large iron pot, he struck him with a heavy suck, and 
 pushed him back into the house, where his b^nes were 
 found next day. 
 His step mother succeeded in getting out. She was a 
 stout strocg woman and it was thought, that if she had 
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 liad fair play, she wt'Tiic!. have mastered him, but he 
 struck her on the head with his dreadful bludgeon, and 
 then drew her to the fire to cast her in. She was a heavy 
 woman and either from her weight, or being alarmed 
 before he accomplished his purpose, he only succeeded in 
 putting her partially into the flames ; and in doing so, 
 was somewhat scorched himself, a fact which afterward 
 told against him on the trial. 
 In the meantime, their cries had brought to the scene a 
 neighbour named Mcintosh, who blew his horn to give 
 notice of his coming. As he approached, Donald ran 
 away. Mcintosh saw his retreating figure, but did not 
 suspect who it was, indeed supposed he had seen a ghost. 
 He found Mrs. Campbell dead, and her body partly 
 burned. He dragged it out of the fire, but was too late 
 to save anything out of the house. He also found a little 
 dog of Donald's at the spot, a circumstance which after- 
 ward excited suspicion. 
 Mrs. Campbell was buried without an inquest, although 
 her brother, the late Angus Campbell, elder, Scotch Hill, 
 at her funeral declared his belief that she had been mur- 
 dered. A number of circumstances excited suspicion, 
 and Donald was arrested. His stepmother's body was 
 exhumed, and, on examination by the late Dr. Johnston, 
 the marks upon it, left no doubt, that her death had been 
 caused by violence. The stick was found with his 
 father's blood and grey hairs upon it, and was afterwards 
 produced in Court. A button was picked up, and on 
 examination it was found to correspond with those on his 
 coat, from which there was one missing. A gun flint was 
 picked up on the spot, and a brother-in-law recognized it 
 by a private mark, as one he had lent him just before the 
 murder, and Campbell's gun was found without a flint. 
 It was supposed that he had intended to blioot his parents, 
 but that the flint had dropped out, and in the dark he 
 could not find it, the great avenger having left it to cry 
 from the gToand against him. Parties te&tified to seeing 
 him at yarious points on the road or taking to the woods 
 before and after the fire. S. Gr. W. Archibald, who con- 
 ducted the prosecntion, took a large sheet of foolscap 
 paper, and marking one point as the site of the honse, and 
 others at proper distances, to indicate the different points at 
 which he had been seen, held it up before the jury, and 
 showed how exactly the times of his being seen, coincided 
 with the view of his going to and from his fathers house, 
 though he denied haying been near it that night. The 
 whole circumstances left no doubt of his guilt, and 
 accordingly at the September term of the Supreme Court, 
 he was found guilty and sentenced to be executed. 
 The sentence was carried out at the scene of his crime, 
 the gallows being erected on the site of his father's 
 honse. He was taken from the jail in Fictou in a cart, to 
 Rogers Hill Church, which was as far as a wheeled 
 carriage could go, guarded by a body of militia drafted from 
 the several companies, and attended by several clergymen. 
 There the fetters being removed from liis legs, he walked 
 the rest of the way under the same escort. Before his 
 execution, he confessed his crime, but showed little 
 appearance of contrition, although Dr. McGregor and the 
 other ministers used all the means in their power, to bring 
 him to a sense of his conduct and repentance for it. A 
 large concourse assembled at the execution, and just 
 before it took place, Dr. McGregor offered a prayer, which, 
 from its earnestness and tenderness, lingered in the minds 
 of most who heard it, while memory remained. But he 
 was obliged to turn away in sadness, with the words " ' 
 Donald, I believe nothing will ever melt your heart." 
 The execution was superintended by the High Sheiiff 
 of Halifax, but was clumsily effected. When he gave 
 the signal, the executioner attempted to draw the bolt, 
 but it only slowly yielded to his efforts, and when the 
 trap door fell with the unfortunate man, the knot 6lipi>ed 
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 rormd to the back of his neck, which remained unbroken, 
 eo that he slowly choked to death. As the rope untwisted, 
 he swung round with his face to the bpcctators on one 
 side, and then as it recoiled, to those on the other, while 
 his heavy breathing could be heard over the crowd, and, 
 it was said, the pulsations of his heart, but perhaps rather, 
 the heaving of his chest, could be seen by those near, 
 presenting a spectacle, which led many present, never to 
 see another execution. 
 We may here mention, that thore have since been two 
 executions in the county. The first was Neil McFadyan 
 for the murder of James Kerr. In the fall of 1847, they 
 had travelled together from Bay Ghaleur to Pictou. 
 Eerr's friends, not hearing from him, became anxious, 
 and in spring enquiries were set on foot, when he was 
 traced in company with McFadyan till near the house of 
 the latter at Blue Mountain. The attention of parties in 
 the neighbourhood was attracted by a stench from a 
 neighboring wood, and on a search, part of a human body 
 and clothes were found, which were identified as those 
 of Kerr. Farther examination brought out a mass of 
 circumstantial evidence, which left no doubt of 
 McFadyan's guilt. And on trial before Judge Bliss, at the 
 October term of the Supreme Court, he was condemned 
 and sentenced to be executed. He was a bold, hardened 
 villain, with no want of intelligence. The execution 
 took place near the Beaches on the lot owned by the 
 public, and used on occasions as a lazaretto. It was 
 ordered to take place between ten and two o'clock. He 
 was taken to the ground earlier than the hour intended. 
 "While they were waiting, it being a raw, cold day, late 
 in the fall of the year, he said to the Sheriff, sb rugging 
 his shoulders, *' It's cold here ; you may as well put me 
 through at once." 
 The other was the case of John McPhail for the murder 
 of his wife. He was a poor, simple creature, who kept a 
 low groggery back of the Albion Mines, on the> roaa to 
 the Middle Eiver. His -wifo and he drank, and while 
 both were under the influence of liquor, he beat her over 
 the head and other parts of the body with a pick handle, 
 even breaking her arm, so that she died. He was 
 convicted principally on the evidence of his own child. 
 A criminal, who gave more trouble than either, and 
 excited more alarm in the county, was a man named Jack 
 Hines. He was an Englishman, who had come here and 
 married in this county. He was a strong man and a 
 great bully, so that he became a terror to the neighbour- 
 hood. He was at length arrested, tried and found guilty 
 of burglary. The penalty at that time was death, but the 
 jury recommended him to mercy. The judge however 
 was bound to pronounce the sentence. The recommen- 
 dation to mercy had to be forwarded to London, for the 
 consideration of the Home Government, and such was the 
 irregularity of communication, that though forwarded in 
 February, an answer was not received till October, during 
 which time he was kept in prison, his elbows kept close 
 by his side, by means of a chain across the back attached 
 to each. A pardon having arrived, there was considerable 
 alarm at the prospect of his release, particularly among 
 some of the magistrates, residing out of town. They 
 therefore told him, that the condition of his pardon was, 
 that he should leave the district. He was accordingly 
 escorted to Mount I'hom across the line, and left to pursue 
 his way further as he pleased. Three nights after he 
 robbed a store near Truro. He was arrested and on trial 
 was sentenced to the workhouse in Halifax, but not long 
 after made his escape. 
 "We must now notice the trade of Piotou during the 
 period we are reviewing. After the conclusion of the war, 
 the timber trade still continued, though on a diminished 
 scale, and we may here notice some of those engaged in 
 it. Next to Mortimer, must be mentioned George Smith. 
 Il0"was a native of Scotland, w^ believe of Banff, and was 
 taken into partnership by Mr. Mortimer, their business 
 being conducted under the name of Edward Mortimer & 
 Co. After the death of the latter the business was oon- 
 ducted by Mr. Smith and William Mortimer, a nephew of 
 Edward's, under the name of Smith, Mortimer & Go. 
 Afterward, however, they dissolved partnership and each 
 of them did business separately, "^oi some years they 
 were the most influential business men in Fictou. Mr. 
 Smith represented the County of Halifax, from Mr. 
 Mortimer's death in 1819 till the year 1836, when the 
 County was divided, afie- which he represented the 
 County of Pictou till tLe y ci k 1838, when he was appointed 
 to ihe Legislative Council. Mr. Smith was a i^an of fine 
 presence and a gentleman . ^ th o'A school. He was an 
 able business man, and succeeded, as far as it was possible 
 for one man in the advanced state of the country to do, to 
 the place and influence of Mortimer. I'he misfortunes of 
 his later years obscured all his former glory, and almost 
 blotted from memory the services of his early career. It 
 is therefore due to him to say, that at this period he was 
 an active merchant, and did much for the business of the 
 port — that he filled several public offices, judge of Probate, 
 judge of the Superior Court, and Custos of the County 
 in a most creditable manner, and that as a member 
 of the Legislature, he commanded the highest respect, 
 and was largely influential in promoting the interests of 
 < We may also notice John and Abraham Patterson, sons 
 of old John Patterson. They began business in Pictou 
 about the year 1815. Mortimer said when he heard of 
 their commencing, that he was more afraid of those two 
 young men, than of any persons that had ever begun 
 business in Pictou. Though during the preceding years 
 of prosperity, others had engaged in merchandizing, he 
 still regarded any person attemptiQg general trade, as an 
 intruder upon his legitimate domain, and he employed 
 his power to defeat their enterprise. 
 But in a short time, by their energy, and the confidence 
 which they had inspired by their honorable dealings, 
 they were doing a business, in its extent iDerhaps not. 
 surpassed by any in the eastern part of the Province. 
 Their trade consisted principally in shipping timber to 
 Britain, the fisheries, and the "West India trade. In 
 timber the article most in demand was squared pine, 
 which was still obtained in considerable quantities in 
 Pictou and the outports. They were not engaged largely 
 in shipbuilding, their operations being confined princi- 
 pally to the building of small vessels for the fisheries or 
 the "West India trade. In fishing, the mode of doing 
 business was to send to the various places to which the 
 finny tribes chiefly resorted, small vessels, loaded with 
 barrels, salt, and supplies of goods, such as fishermen 
 required, in charge either of one of the firm or an agent, 
 who exchanged these articles for fish. In this way they 
 prosecuted the fishery the whole season, commencing 
 with the G-aspereaux in Spring, then following succes- 
 jsively the spring mackerel and the spring herring, the 
 codfish and salmon, the fall herring and fall mackerel. 
 In this way their business extended as far as Richibucto 
 on the North, Kustico on the North coast of Prince 
 Edward Island, Margarie and Cheticamp on the North 
 coast of Cape Breton, and Causo on the South shore of 
 Nova Scotia. At that time fish were taken in quantities 
 which now seem almost incredible, five hundred barrels 
 of mackerel at a single haul being considered a good, 
 but not an extraordinary catch. Oftentimes they could 
 not be cured, and heaps containing hundreds of barrels 
 were left to rot upon the shore. The fishermen were 
 generally a reckless set, depending on taking by a 
 single haul enough to keep them for six months, and 
 were dependant upon traders, for the sujxply of most 
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 of the necessaries of life. The fish brought back 
 in these expeditions, was 8hipi)ed, along with various 
 kinds of lumber to the West Indies, and the vessels 
 brought back return cargoes of "West India produce. Ini 
 this trade the brothers continued for a number of years- 
 Doubtless there are many enterprising men in Pictou at 
 the present day, but where is all this business now ? 
 Por the decline of the timber trade, there is a good reason 
 in the exhaustion of the supply, but why should not the 
 fisheries be carried on from Pictou, as well as from ports, 
 more distant from the places frequented by the^e finnjr 
 In their business dealings the two brothers were muck 
 esteemed. "We have met in distant places in Cape Breton, 
 and along the south shore of the Province, persons who 
 looked back with the kindliest recollections to the days» 
 when they traded to these quarters, and spoke with the 
 warmest feelings of respect for themselves personally. 
 They retired from business in the year 1832. The 
 older, so long known as " the deacon," many in Pictou. 
 will still remember. A man of but few words, he was 
 ready for every good work. In the congregation he was 
 the deacon and the manager, never putting himself for- 
 ward, but always having work laid upon him, and doing 
 it as naturally as if taking his meals, — a man of such 
 entire negation of self, that ne never seemed to feel that 
 he was doing anything, yet the man to whom everybody 
 looked when anything was to be done. Such was he in 
 every society with which he was connected. He filled 
 also public situations with honor to himself and advan- 
 tage to others. He was a trustee of the Pictou Academy 
 from its foundation, and for many years its treasurer. 
 He was also treasurer to the Synod of the Presbyterian 
 Church of Nova Scotia, when, however, the keeping of 
 its accounts, and the disbursement of its funds, was not 
 a matter of great labor. G-uileless in character, lovable 
 in nature and unasstnning in all that he did, he passed 
 away not only without an enemy, but amid universal 
 expressions of profound respect. He died April, 1847. 
 Abraham, though in his later years living in a great 
 measure retired from public life, was at this time for years 
 one of the most prominent men in Pictou. In the year 
 1815 or '16, he was appointed a justice of the peace, 
 which at that time involved something, having been 
 recommended to the position by the unanimous voice of 
 a public meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Pictou, 
 and filled the office for more than fifty years. He was 
 also a judge of the Inferior Court, at the time of the 
 abolition of that tribunal, in the public movements of 
 his time, he for many a day bore an honorable part. He 
 died June, 1867. 
 The meeting for the election of magistrates referred to, 
 took place at Taylor's Tavern, on the east side of the 
 street leading to Yorstons Wharf, his biggest room being 
 prepared for the purpose, when besides Mr. P., his brother, 
 Walter, Robert Patterson, and, we believe, Robert McKay, 
 were chosen, and in due course were appointed by 
 Government. The meeting was harmonious, and not 
 less so, when the nominations being over, one gentleman 
 arose and said, " Mr. Chairman, I have another motion to 
 propose." Attention being directed to him, he added, " I 
 move that we now call for liquors all round." There is 
 no record of the result, but we venture to say that the 
 motion was carried, nem: con., and, unlike many a better 
 resolution, was immediately carried into execution. 
 Robert Patterson here mentioned, was usually known as 
 Black Bob, to distinguish him from two cousins of the same 
 name, his title being derived from the colour of his hair, 
 all being grandsons of Squire Patterson. He lived above 
 Dr. McCulloch's place on the old road, was now in busi- 
 ness, and afterward an active magistrate. 
 Walter Patterson was the third son of John Patterson. 
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 Few now remember him, but these few are always touched 
 with tenderness, as they speak of him. By those who 
 knew him, he is described as the ablest and finest of the 
 first generation, that grew up in the town. He was a 
 notary public, and filled such important oflices as Olerk 
 of the Peace, Prothonotary, and Clerk of the Commis- 
 sioners' Court, besides more private ones, as Secretary of 
 the Friendly Society. As has been said, wherever 
 accuracy and good business habits were wanted, Walter 
 Patterson was the man. He was specially beloved for 
 his social habits. Though distinguished by a sobriety 
 unusual for the times, yet a genial humor that never 
 wounded, rendered him the joy of any circle he entered. 
 He died in 1821, at Plymouth, England. 
 Among the other merchants of this period we may 
 mention James Dawson. He was a native of Banff, and 
 at first did business as a saddler, but afterward commenced 
 trading, fo"" lowing the course we have already described 
 in ship building, shipping timber, the fisheries and the 
 "West India trade. Finding trade prospering, he sent for 
 his brother Robert, in partnership with whom he carried 
 on business for some time, both saddling and merchan- 
 dizing. But after a time they separated and each did 
 business on his own account. The commercial changes 
 of 1825-26, which we shall more particularly describe 
 presently, involved him in pecuniary embarrassment. 
 Being connected by marriage with Mr. Boyd, of the firm 
 of Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, he was through them led 
 to engage in the bookselling business, the first in the 
 Province out of Halifax who did so. Encumbered with • 
 the debts of his previous business, which he had under- 
 taken to pay with interest, he continued to prosecute it 
 though without any very large profit to himself, main- 
 taining A bookstore, which for many years surpassed those 
 in Halifax, dealers there giving their attention mainly to 
 stationery. In this way he was the means of circulating 
 much healthful literature, and thus of promoting the 
 progress of knowledge in the county and beyond. Ho 
 was actively engaged in the religious societies of the day, 
 and, though not having the knack of gaining popularity, 
 he in these and other ways served his generation. Ho 
 died at the residence of his son, Dr. J. W. Dawson of 
 Montreal. His brother also was for many years a pro- 
 minent man, especially in the religious movements of the 
 day. Vlo might also mention Robert McKay, Esqr., who, 
 after the death of Mortimer, with whom he had been 
 clerk, commenced business at River John, where ho was 
 successful for a time, but succumbed to the commercial 
 storm just referred to. Ho was afterward shipping agent 
 at South Pictou for the General Mining Association, and 
 succeeded Mr. Smith as Gustos of the county. 
 At this time commenced Henry Hatton. His father, 
 Robert Hatton, was a lawyer, who emigrated from Ireland 
 and settled in Pictou about the year 1813. Pis son first 
 commenced business in one of the wings of John Dawson's 
 building, but afterward had a large set of buildings, at 
 what is now South Market St., but which was then not 
 built up, and was known as Hattons wharf. Ho was 
 afterward one of the largest shipbuilders in the county, 
 and for several years represented the township of Pictou 
 in the Assembly. 
 "We may here mention a system of trade not uncommon 
 at this time. Captains of vessels brought out supplies of 
 goods, or sometimes solid specie, which they exchanged for 
 timber. Of these the most deserving of notice is Stephen 
 ^Lowrey, of Newcastle, Eng., who, afterward becoming a 
 shipowner, traded with his vessels to Pictou to a con- 
 siderably later period, and who, entering into partnership 
 with the late James Purves, under the name of Stephen 
 Lowrey & Co.. did a large business in shi]? building at 
 the head of Purves' wharf. 
 Trade being now thri\'ing, a number of the merchants 
 combined to build a vessel, to be a regular trader between 
 Pictou and tho old country. She was a brig called the 
 Enterprise, and was built by Thomas Lowdtn, who had 
 a good reputation as a shipbuilder. Sho was launched in 
 August, 1820, and tho occasion was celebraled by a ball 
 on board. She was a square box of a thing, carrying a 
 large cargo for her tonnage, and always proving a safe 
 and successful vessel, though a diill sailer. 8he continued 
 to make her regular trips twice a year, bringing out 
 British goods and taking back timber, till the crash of 
 1825-6, when she was sold. Thereafter she was employed 
 in carrying coals from Newcastle to London, and was so 
 engaged twenty years later, and may be yet. 
 The timber trade had declined both from the peace, 
 and the diminution of the supply, but it was still of 
 importance ; and with the shipbuilding and other business 
 still carried on, and the improvement in agriculture, still 
 brought a fair measure of prosperity to the county, when 
 there came the terrible financial crisis of 1825 and '2G in 
 the mother country, which resulted in severe losses to all 
 e<igaged in timber and shipping, whether there or here, 
 and the utter bankruptcy of many. To show its opera- 
 tion, we may mention, that vessels which in the early 
 part of 1825 brought illS IDs. per ton, in the following 
 year would not bring £Q, and men, who shipped cargoes 
 of timber to England, were brought in debt for the freight. 
 In St John, N. B., the day tho intelligence of these changes 
 arrived, was long known as Black Monday. Strong men 
 wept, as in one day they found the work of a life-time 
 swept away. A firm, that in the previous year, had 
 shipped a hvmdred cargoes, now became bankrupt. In 
 Pictou all the merchants suffered severely. Some had 
 large stocks of timber on hand, which they had bought at 
 high rates, but which were now unsaleable at any 
 price. It lay in the rivers and outports for some time, 
 till theouter portion was decayed or worm eaten, when 
 it had to bo hewn over aj^aiii. Yet even al'ter this 
 expense, and with the quantity thus diminished, it sold 
 for half the price per ton that it originally cost, tjlomo 
 became bankrupt, others never recovered from the blow, 
 and for a time the trade of the jjort was laid prostrate. 
 This period is marked by the formation of societies of 
 a religious or benevolent character. The most interesting 
 of these is the Pictou Sabbath School Society. The first 
 Sabbath School in the county, on the modern system, was 
 commenced in town by the late James and Robert Daw- 
 eon, according to the statement of the former, in the year 
 1814. They were joined soon after by John Geddie, Sr. 
 But it was now determined to form a society, for the pro- 
 motion of Sabbath Schools generally. Accordingly a 
 meeting w^as held for the purpose, on the " jth March, 
 1822, in ihe old Court House, and a resolution was 
 adopted, to form such a society " having for its object the 
 encouragement, union and increase of Sabbath Schools." 
 The rules were also agreed to, by which a payment of 2s 
 and 6d annually, was to constitute membership for a year^ 
 and 20s for life. Meetings of the Society were to be held 
 on the second Tuesdays of May, August, November and 
 February, the last being the annual meeting. In town 
 ihe teachers were to meet monthly, and in the country 
 Ihey were recommended to meet as often as possible. In 
 all cases they were to bestow their labor gratis. In the year 
 following, it was reported that there were 29 schools, with 
 1,000 pupils, in connection with the Society. The insti- 
 fitution was for some years in vigorous operation, collect- 
 ing funds to import books, sending agents through the 
 country districts to establish new schools and to stimulate 
 old ones, and in circulating religious literature, suited to 
 the young. In the year 1827 we find reported as in con- 
 nection with the Society, 77 schools, with 2,{>35 pupils 
 and 198 teachers; also, that there had been imported 
 books to the value of i:i04 Gs lOd. sterling, and that the 
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 mnnber circulated was 6,950, besides the libraries attached 
 to many of, the schools. Its last report that we have 
 seen noticed, was in the year 1833, being the eleventh. 
 In the year 1823, the Bible Society was re-organized» 
 From its first formation in 1818, it had scarcely ever met. 
 The plan upon which it had been formed, of one Society 
 for the county, with so many directors from each congre- 
 gation, had not been found convenient in practice. Still 
 these directors had collected money in their several 
 quarters, which was yearly remitted to the parent insti- 
 tution, by Dr. McGregor, who also ordered and circulated 
 Bibles, and generally did the business of the Society. 
 But interest having fallen off, after some solicitation from 
 him, the Society was now re-organized on its present 
 basis, as the Pictou Auxiliary of the British & Foreign 
 Bible Society, with Mr. James Dawson as secretary and 
 About the same time, the first subscription library in. 
 the county was formed in town. A public meeting wa» 
 held for the purpose, presided over by Dr. McCuUoch,. 
 who urged the importance of the proposal. The first 
 importation of books was made in the spring of 1822. 
 The institution continued for some thirty years, and 
 during that time its books increased, until they formed a. 
 very respectable collection, the circulation of which did 
 much for the promotion of intelligence and literary taste ; 
 but unfortunately interest in it declined, and it was- 
 finally dissolved and the books scattered. 
 Another institution of this period, which however w© 
 cannot commend, must be noticed. We allude to the 
 Ballast Pier. From the number of vessels arriving in 
 ballast, the discharge of which in lighters involved much 
 labor and expense, a number of persons forrned the idea, 
 that it would ba a profitable speculation to build a wharf 
 on the edge of the channel, at which vessels might 
 directly discharge. They also expected to fill in from it 
 to the Deacons Wharf, and to make money by the lots 
 to be reclaimed from the water. At the same time, the 
 magistrates fearing injury to the harbour, by the manner 
 in which ballast was being discharged, obtained in the 
 year 1819 an Act of the Legislature, authorizing the Court 
 of Sessions to make regulations for the good of commerce 
 and the preservation of the harbour. In this act they 
 were empowered to •' fix such places in the harbour as 
 shall be most convenient and proper for ships and vessels 
 to discharge th^ir ballast, and to make such agreement as 
 may bo needful and necessary with persons, for erecting 
 and building wharves and other conveniences, for such 
 ships and vessels to discharge their ballast upon," &c. 
 Accordingly they contracted with this company to build 
 such a wharf as mentioned, giving them the exclusive 
 right to receive ballast on it for the next ten years, and 
 empowering them to levy a remuneration of 8d. per ton 
 register on every vessel so discharging. The wharf was 
 accordingly constructed, and till the year 1824 vessels 
 discharged there. But by this time the folly of the 
 scheme began to appear. The wharf, from the wood of 
 which it was built decaying, began to spread, and its 
 contents to be discharged into the channel. The company,, 
 who had lost money by their speculation, wished to have 
 their power extended to twenty years, but the magistrates 
 refused, although they for a time permitted'a practice not 
 really any wiser, of vessels drawing up opposite the 
 Battery Point and discharging their ballast there. The 
 result is, that what was to fill the pockets of the projectors, 
 net only proved a bad business for them, but remains an 
 unsightly ruin, and an injury to the harboar. Sir James 
 Kempt on visiting Pictou, when he came in sight of the 
 hurbour, seeing the ballast pier, asked what that was. 
 On being told, he said, " You have spoiled your harbour,'^ 
 and to some extent this h&s been the case. 
 In an ecclesiastical point of view, the period we are 
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 now reYiewing, reqtiires special notice, as that of the 
 commencement of those religious divisions, for which the 
 county has been since somewhat noted. The first 
 ministers of the county were from what was then known 
 as the Antiburgher branch of the Secession, but in teach- 
 ing their people, they never introduced the peculiarities 
 which divided Presbyterians in Scotland. The large 
 majority of their original hearers were from the Established 
 Church of Scotland, but they were glad to get the gospel, 
 And, served as they were by inen of superior powers, who 
 cheerfully endured toil and privation for their spiritual 
 ^ood, raising no question as to Establishment or Secession, 
 they not only fell in with their ministry, but became devot- 
 edly attached to them. There was thus entire harmony 
 throughout the county, except as here and there 
 opposition might be raised to a minister, by an individual 
 •of a litigious disposition. Afterward when every settle- 
 ment was disturbed by strife, those who could remember 
 this period, often looked back uixjn it with fond regret. 
 At the same time, there was no union among the 
 Presbyterians throughout the Province. When Dr. 
 McQ-regor arrived, like so many Scotchmen since, he 
 thought that the difference which separated them in the 
 old country, should be maintained here, and refused to 
 unite with the Presbytery of Truro. " Taught by 
 experience," he says, " that the peculiar rules of church 
 communion observed in Scotland could not apply here, 
 they offered to me the right hand of fellowship, which I, 
 destitute of their teaching, did not accept." This want of 
 union at first did little posilivcharm, as the congregations 
 were separated, sometimes by wide tracts of wilderness, 
 and there being little intercourse between them. In no 
 case were two congregations maintained in the same 
 place, or a congregation split in two, by any question 
 which divided Presbyterians in the mother country. But 
 as intercourse increased, the inconsistency of their posiUon 
 'became apparent. The members of their congregations 
 passed from one to the other, and were received withont 
 question and without scruple, and yet the ministers 
 remained apart; and thus too, although the ministers 
 were personally friendly, there was lost the benefit of 
 united action. 
 They had somatimes met to consult on matters of 
 -common interest, and to some extent co-operated in 
 promoting tba Redeemer's Kingdom. But now the state 
 of matters pressed itself upon their attention, sc that after 
 mutual intercourse and consultation, it was resolved to 
 form a union, on the simple basis of the Westminster 
 Confession of Faith, leaving all the questions, which 
 •divided Presbyterians in Scotland, as matters of forbear- 
 ance. One measure, which at this time tended to bring 
 this about was the Collegiate Institution, at this time 
 projected in Pictou. The greatness of the undertaking in 
 their circumstances, and yet the pressing call for such an 
 institution, in consequence of the deficient supply of 
 ministers from abroad, rendered combined action 
 necessary, to its successful establishment and maintenance. 
 The union was accordingly consummated in July 1817, 
 the name adopted for the united body being, " the 
 Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia," and caused great 
 joy. It embraced all the Presbyterian ministers in the 
 Province) including two or three originally from the 
 Church of Scotland, with the exception of liev. A. Gray 
 of Halifax, the constitution of whose congregation 
 prevented his joining, but who remained on friendly 
 terms with its ministers, and co-operated with them in 
 their work as long as he lived. 
 This was the first of the Presbyterian unions, and was 
 on a liberal basis. Its immediate results were happy. It 
 was a leading cause of the union, which was accomplished 
 in Scotland, between the two branches of the Secession 
 in 1820, and at home, the Synod addressed itself energeti- 
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 cally to its work. But looking upon it with the light, 
 which time throws upon events, we can now see that the 
 good men who accomplished it, were simply at least sixty 
 years before their age, for in this 1877, we cannot enjoy 
 the general union at which they aimed, and which they 
 fondly hoped they had achieved. Already a cloud, 
 seemingly no bigger than a man's hand, appeared on the 
 horizon, and soon the commencement of strife proved as 
 the letting out of waters. 
 We have already mentioned the commencement of party 
 division in Pictou after the election of 1799. But from an 
 early period an ecclesiastical element mingled with the 
 personal and political feelings then excited. Mortimer was 
 most friendly with the Secession ministers, while "Wallace 
 and the official party regarded a dissenter as a rebel, or 
 worse, if such could be. Any man therefore who took 
 offence at his minister became the friend of "Wallace, and 
 any one opposed to Mortimer was apt to quarrel with the 
 church. Thus the two elements became mixed, and a parly 
 gradually sprang up opposed to the leading men both in 
 Church and State. 
 In the years that followed, as wfl have seen, there was 
 a large inllux of settlers, from the Highlands and Islands 
 of Scotland, very ignorant, only a minority able to read, 
 yet like most people coming from j;he old country then 
 and long after, looking with great contempt on ministers 
 and every thing else in America, and this in proportion 
 to their ignorance. Jn the Highlands, the Secession 
 church was known only by report and that unfavourable ; 
 and while, with few exceptions, the old settlers, who 
 knew by experience the labours ol their first ministers, 
 and had a grateful recollection of the manner in which 
 they had shared their privations, warmly adhered to 
 them, the new cclaQts began to decry them, as not 
 preaching the gospel and to clamour for ministers of the 
 Church of Scotland. The payment of stipend was to them 
 a grievance previously unknown, and Ihey regarded it as 
 one of the glories of the Establishment to be free from it, 
 and they expected by getting ministers of that body to 
 enjoy the same immunities here. Those immigrants had 
 now filled up the back settlements, so that the ministers 
 here were unable properly to supply them with minis- 
 terial service. J3ut knowing the natural prejudices of 
 these people and being anxious to obtain for them minis- 
 ters to their liking, and at the same time having learned 
 to disregard the distinctions among the Presbyterians in 
 Scotland, if they could obtain men of the right stamp, 
 they applied to the leading ministers of the church of 
 Scotland in the Highlands, such as Dr. Stewart, of 
 Dingwall and Mcintosh of Tain, to obtain ministers of 
 that body to supply the wants of the settlers, still desiring 
 and hoping to keep the Presbyterians here together as one 
 body. These men fully approved of the union, and were 
 anxious to meet ihe wishes of Dr. McGregor and his 
 friends, but alter a good deal of enquiry, they were 
 obliged to write, that they could not get men to come, 
 upon whom they could depend. 
 Just at this time others arrived, who adopted a different 
 policy. The first minister of the Church of Scotland who 
 remained in the county was the Rev. Donald A. Fraser, 
 who arrived here in the year 1817. Ho was a native of 
 the Island of Mull, of which his father was the parish 
 minister. Being from the Church of Scotland, he was 
 eagerly laid hold of by those who had been dissatisfied 
 with the ministers here. Soon after he settled at 
 McLennans Mountain, where there were at that time 
 about forty families. There the next year a frame church, 
 capable of seating 600 persons, was erected, and alongside 
 sof it, a log house for himself and his wife. This was the 
 first church in ihe county, built in connection with the 
 Church of Scotland, and we may ^ ay in the Province, for 
 although there have been some others older, they were 
 ^1 1 •' 
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 not originally built in that connection. A year later, 
 another was built on Frasers Mountain, about six miles, 
 distant from that on McLennans Mountain, and two from 
 New Glasi^ow, which then could scarcely be said to 
 exist, and Mr. Eraser preached at these places alternately, 
 giving also some supply to Blue Mountain, and preaching 
 occasionally in other places, where parties were forming 
 in connection with the Church of Scotland. There were 
 at arst only twenty-five families at Frasers Mountain, 
 but they became the nucleus of the congregation of ISt. 
 Andrews, New Glasgow. In lue year 1828, the church 
 was hauled down there, and placed on the lot on which 
 their present place of worship stands. 
 But a person who at this time made more disturbance 
 and excitement was Norman McLeod, who arrived in 
 Pictou about the year 1818. Qe was not only not 
 connected with any religious body, but denounced them 
 all, even going so far as to say there was not a minister 
 of Christ in the whole establishment. Those who have 
 heard him at Ihis time, describe his preaching as consisting 
 of torrents of abuse against all religious bodies, and even 
 against individuals, the like of which they had never 
 heard, and which were perfectly indescribable. He had 
 never been licensed or ordained, but regarded himself as 
 under higher influences than the ministers of any church. 
 •* I am so full of the Holy Ghost, that my coat will not 
 button on me," he said once in a sermon, as he made the 
 attempt to bring the two sides together in front.^ 
 But though so wilily fanatical, he was a man of great 
 pov/er, and gained an influence over a large portion of 
 the Highlanders, such as no man in the county possessed. 
 As Dr. McGregor said, " he will get three hearers to Mr. 
 • Ho did not seem to be always so favored. A gentleman told me that on 
 one occasion be went to where he was preaching in a barn. As he passed the 
 open barn door, McLeod stopped and said, "as soon as I saw that man, tb& 
 Spirit refuficd mo utterance." 
 Fraser's one, and the people will go much fui-ther to heaT 
 him, than any minister in Pictou." He took up his 
 residence at Middle River, and the people of the upper 
 part of the river, Lairg and neighborhood, who had 
 hitherto been under the ministry of Mr. Ross, generally 
 followed him, so that the latter relinquished to him 
 his church at Middle River, which we may remark stood 
 at McKerr's intervale. But his influence extended to 
 many in almost every part of the county, and by his 
 followers he was regarded with unbounded devotion. 
 After a time, however, a number became dissatisfied, 
 when they found that he would not give them baptism 
 for their children. Indeed during his lifetime, he found 
 very few whom he considered qualified to receive the 
 ordinance, and we are not certain if he found any to 
 whom he would administer the Lord's Supper. He 
 then induced a number of those over whom lie retained 
 his influence, to emigrate, and for this purpose to build a 
 vessel at Middle River Point, which he called the A.rk. 
 In this they left, and afterwards formed the settlement ol 
 St. Anns, in Cape Breton.* Many in the county still 
 remained his attached adherents, and were usually known 
 as Normanites, and almost as long as he remained in the 
 Province, when he visited Pictou they attended him 
 wherever he went. It is but just to say, that these were 
 regarded as among the most moral and religious of our 
 Highland population. 
 In the year 1824, the Rev. Kenneth John McKenzie 
 arrived in Pictou, and commenced his ministry among tho 
 * At St. Anns he labored for uiany ytiCirs, maintaining an unbounded evray 
 over his adherents, which was used in favor of temperance and sound morality, 
 but also wo must say in nurturing a fanatical Pharisaism. He published a 
 Tulume of some size, styled Normauism, besides minor publications. When 
 an old man, he induced a number of his people again to emigrate, and for 
 this purpose to build a vessel. In ibis they proceeded to Australia, and 
 theuco to New Zealand, where he died. 
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 adherents of the Kirk in town. He was a native of 
 Stornoway, and a man of superior talents. He at first 
 preached in the court-house, but Ihat summer, St. Andrews 
 church was begun, and as soon as the outside was finish- 
 ed, service was held in it, the audience being seated on, 
 rude benches. 
 Up till this time, Mr. Fraser had been on friendly terms 
 with Dr. McGregor, and though the spirit of contention 
 had been rising, it was still hoped that permanent division 
 would have been avoided. But from this time ho broke 
 off all association with him, refusing even the hospitalities 
 of his house, at which he had been a frequent visitor. 
 Thenceforward he and Mr. McKeuzie devoted their 
 energies to completing the work of division. As the 
 people had been hitherto under the pastoral care of 
 ministers of the Secession, this carried strife into every 
 part of the county, and often into families. From the 
 position of parties in the old country at that time, this 
 division was probably unavoidable, but from the manner 
 in which it originated here, and other circumstances, 
 the feelings excited were very violent, and the results 
 Other ministers of the body followed. The people of 
 Gairloch andSaltsprings obtained the Rev. Hugh McLeod. 
 Highlanders can stand a good deal in their minister, if he 
 be of the true Church of Scotland, but he was more than 
 they could stand, and after a few years they got rid of 
 him, at the expense of a lawsuit. He went to Demerara, 
 where he died, on the 10th May, 1832. In the year 1827, 
 the Eev. John McEae, became minister of those who 
 adhered to the Church of Scotland, at the Upper Settle- 
 ment of the East River, where he continued till the 
 disruption, when he returned to Scotland. The Rev. 
 Dugald McKeichan, settled in Barneys River the same 
 year, but only remained there three years. He returned in 
 1840, but also wepit to Scotland ot the disruption. Rev 
 Mr. McOaulay was the first minister of Rogers Hill. Ho 
 is »aid to have been a relation of the historian. He removed 
 to Prince Edward Island, where he relinquished the 
 ministry, and was for years one of the ablest members of 
 the Legislature 
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 We must now turn back, to give an account of the 
 efforts of Dr. McCulloch on behalf of education, and of 
 the discussions, political and ecclesiastical, connected 
 with the subject, which at one time occupied so prominent 
 a place in the history of the county. 
 The want of ministers to occupy the numerous destitute 
 settlements of the Province, had from an early period 
 engaged the attention of those already in the field, and 
 they sent urgent appeals to the bodies in Scotland, from 
 which they had come, for additional laborers. The 
 supplies thus received, however, were always irregular 
 and inadequate, and hence was almost forced upon their 
 attention, the question of the possibility of training young 
 men for the ministry in this country. Under the influence 
 of suoh considerations. Dr. McCulloch, as we have men- 
 tioned, as early as the year 1805, only two years after his 
 arrival, projected an institution for the purpose of giving 
 instruction ii. the higher branches of education — which 
 would thus meet the object of the Presbytery, by giving 
 young men desirous of entering the Gospel ministry, that 
 literary and scientific culture, which the Presbyterian 
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 Ohnrch has sought in its ministers, and at the same time 
 afford the benefit of liberal studies to all who chose to 
 avail themselves of them. 
 In that year, a society was formed for the establish- 
 ment of 6uch an institution, and subscriptions were taken 
 throughout the district. The following is a copy of the 
 ' heading of the one on the East River, the others, wo 
 presume, being in the same terms : — 
 "We, the subscribers, hereby declare our approbation of the Society 
 formed in Fictou, for establishing a college of learning in this district. Wo 
 are persuaded that such an institution would have a powerful influence to 
 promote the interests of society, both by disseminating general knowledge, 
 correcting the vices oi youth, and instilling into their minds the principles of 
 virtue. That this design may therefore bo carried into effect, we bind and 
 oblige ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to pay tho 
 sams respectively subscribed by us, one-third part on the first Tuesday of 
 May, 1806, another third part on tho first Tuesday of May, 1807, and the 
 remaining third part on the first Tuesday of May, 1808, to such person or 
 persons as the society shall appoint for transacting their business." 
 This was headed by Dr. McGregor, with a subscription 
 of £20, " provided the Harbour congregation pay me tho 
 sixteen pounds which they owe me." Others follow 
 with subscriptions of i)10, the whole amount in that 
 settlement being £126, ($500). Writing at this time, Dr. 
 McGregor says " The increasing demand for ministers 
 seems to intimate the necessity of raising them in this 
 country. The great expense of everything here renders 
 this undertaking next to hopeless in our circumstances, 
 yet Mr. McCuUoch, who started tho idea, has sanguine 
 nopes. Pictou people have subscribed about iJl^OOO, a 
 « more liberal subscription than they are well able to pay. 
 We expect some money from the Province Treasury if we 
 give our seminary & little name, as not rivalling lb» 
 University, : which Government has established. We 
 expect great assistance from Britain and Ireland. We 
 intend to send Mr. McCulloch home to beg." 
 The project was not carried into execution at that time. 
 As far as obtaining Provincial aid, or even the legislation 
 iWJcessaTy for establishing snch an institntion, with 
 "Wentworth governor and Wtillace at his back, we suspect 
 that any expectations were found hopeless. Such a 
 scheme would only appear to them as favoring a nest of 
 pestilent disloyalty, which ought to be crushed as the 
 serpent's brood. The country too was not in a state to 
 support such a measure. 
 The idea however was not lost sight of, and with a 
 view to its ultimate realization, the ministers took charge 
 of promising young men, to whom they gave instruction, 
 in the way of preparing them for entering such an 
 institution, and at the same time raised funds to aid in 
 supporting them. In the year 1814, we find Mr. Ross 
 teaching five boys Latin and Greek, with a view to the 
 ministry. Dr. McGregor also did something in the same 
 way. In the meantime Dr. McCuUoch, partly to improve 
 his circumstances, for like most of the ministers of that 
 period, he was imperfectly supported by his congregation, 
 and partly with the view of raising the standard of 
 education in the district, about this time opened a school 
 of a higher class; and when in 1811, the Government 
 passed an Act granting jBIOO per annum for a Grammar 
 School in each county, and in the districts of Colchester, 
 Pictou and Yarmouth, he obtained the grant for the one 
 under his charge, and held it for a number of years. The 
 building in which he taught, stood nearly opposite his 
 gate on the old road out of town to the west. "We may 
 observe here that it continued to be used in the same way, 
 *'ll the winter of 1824, when it was hauled down to the lot, 
 on which the engine house is i^ow built. The ground 
 was boggy, and it was placed on a foundation built up of 
 squared logs, a few feet above the ground. After this it 
 still continued to be used as a Grammar School, constantly 
 till the year 1832, and again some years later. 
 The number and progress of the young men attending 
 this institution, and studying in other quarters, revived 
 the idea ^f a college ; and accordingly under the leader- 
 ship of Dr. McCulloch, and the cordial approval of the 
 Governor having been first obtaiued, a Society was formed 
 for the establishment of such a seminary on a liberal 
 basis. As Mortimer was then a power in the Legislature, 
 and Sir John Coapo Sherbrooke, the Governor, the most 
 independent ruler that was ever at the head of cur affairs, 
 success was confidently anticipated. Accordingly on the 
 petition of Dr. McGregor and others, both in Pictou and 
 elsewhere, an act of incorporation was. granted to the 
 trustees in the year 1816. 
 At this time we should observe, that the only institution 
 in the Province at that time for the higher education was 
 the college at Windsor. It was established by an Act of 
 the Legislature of Nova Scotia, about the ^ear 1790, 
 which at^the same time provided <£400 sterling a year (as 
 currency then was — i)444, or $1,776,) permanently for its 
 support. The only restriction in the Act was that the 
 president should be in holy orders in the Church of 
 England. Subsequently a royal charter was obtained, 
 by which the institution was designated " Kin^^'s College," 
 and the governors thereof authorized to pass statutes or 
 by-laws for its govemment, which they did. in reality. 
 One of them ran thus : 
 " No member of the University shall frequent the Romish Mass, or the 
 meeting-houses of Presbyterians, Baptists or Methodists, or the conventicles 
 or places of worship of any other dissenters from the Church of England, or 
 whore divine service shall not be performed according to the liturgy of the 
 Church of England, or shall be present at any seditious or rebellious meetings." 
 Independent of the bigotry of this, the conjunction 
 the first and last clauses is expressive. But another rai. 
 « No degree shall bo confcn'ed, till the candidate shall have taken the oaths 
 of allegiance, supremacy and obedience to the statutes of the University ; and 
 shall have subscribed the thirty-nine articles of the Church of England, and 
 the three articles contained in the thirty-ninth canon of the Synod of London, 
 beld in the year of our Lord, 1603." 
 Tho institution was modelled on tho plan of the 
 University of Oxford. The students were obliged, at a 
 heavy expense, to reside within its walls, and its whole 
 management was such, as would have excluded tho i^reat 
 majority of the youth of the Province, even had its 
 statutes been more liberal.* 
 It is noto 8aid that these statutes i\erer were approved 
 of by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who on the contrary 
 expressed his disapproval of thus limiting to a small 
 jwrtion of the community, the benefits of an institution 
 established by Government for the benefit of all, and was 
 even determined to expunge ihe obnoxious laws ; but 
 that part of the trustees prevented the alti^ration. But 
 these were the dominant party of the Institution, and 
 these statements only present in a stronger light the 
 bigotry of those, who in spite of representations ftrom such 
 a quarter, retained such regulations. Nothing was said 
 at this time by the friends of the Institution about there 
 being anything wrong about these statutes. For years 
 after the Pictou Academy began, they were maintained 
 in full force. Charles K. Fairbanks, one of the most 
 brilliant public men that ever graced the Legislature of 
 Nova Scotia, stated, in one of the debates on tho Pictou 
 Academy, that he had been educated at Kings College, 
 but because he could not swallow the tests, he had been 
 refused a degree. We may add here, that while thus 
 restricted to about a fifth of the population, it had been 
 receiving, besides the grant of i5444 from the Legislature 
 of Nova Scotia, illOOO sterling from the British Govern- 
 ment annually since the year 1802. 
 "With these arrangements the people were not satisfied, 
 but scattered as they were, the majority struggling for 
 the ne ossaries of life, and few of them thinking of 
 • T. C. Hallibartoo, ia one of his speeches on the Pictou Academy, as re- 
 ported, said that it cost a young man £120 per annum to live at Windsor 
 College, and only £20 at Pictou. 
 ! li' 
 collegiate education for their children, little had been 
 said, and nothings had been done, to effect a change. But 
 the proposal to establish an institution ca a liberal basis, 
 was generally hailed with satisfaction. The bill for the 
 incorporation of the trustees, was introduced into the 
 House by Mr. Chipmaii, a Baptist, and seconded by Mr. 
 "Wells, and passed unanimously. "Wo think it worth 
 while giving the names of the original trustees. They 
 were, Edward Mortimer, Revs. Duncan Ross and Thomas 
 McCull'jch, Thomas Davidson, George Smith, Robert 
 Lowden, Revs. "William Patrick, James McGregor, 
 Archibald Gray, and James Robson, S. G. "W. Archibald, 
 and James Foreman. 
 The intention was to found an institution specially for 
 Dissenters, not indeed excluding Churchmen, but as 
 Kings College was entirely under the control of the 
 latter, it was expected that only the former would take 
 advantage of the new institution, or combine in its 
 support. Still they wished it equally free to all, and the 
 act of incorporation was introduced into the Assembly 
 and passed there without any tests whatever. 
 But the leaders of the Church of England, who were 
 then dominant in the Council, took alarm at the idea of 
 such an institution, which they judged would form a 
 rallying point for Dissenters against the Church. They 
 were willing, or at least the liberal minded among them 
 were, to allow Presbyterians to have an institution, in 
 which they might give their children such education as 
 they could, but they feared the establishment of a college, 
 which, combining Dissenters in its support, might 
 become the successful rival of Kings. In consequence of 
 this, when the bill was introduced into the Upper House, 
 they introduced a series Ot" tests of a very offensive and 
 vexatious character. Evury new trustee was to be either 
 a member of the Church of England, or cf the Presbyterian 
 religion (not church, for that title was not conceded to 

 auch a body), and on his election, a majority of the 
 trustees present mnst sign a formal certificate to that 
 effect, and forward it to the Lieutenant Governor. Ho 
 must also appear before the Supreme Court, and, if not of 
 the Church of England, make the following declaration : 
 *' I, A..B., appointed one of the Trustees of the Pictou 
 Academy, do declare that I do profess the Presbyterian 
 religion, as the same is declared in the Westminster Con- 
 fession of Faith." Until he did this, ho could not legally 
 act as trustee. Moreover, ho was required to do this 
 every three ^--ears, or his office became vacant. The same 
 tests were to be applied to every person appointed a 
 teacher, and he also was required to appear before the 
 Supreme Court, and make a similar declaration. The 
 trustees were also prevented from holding any property 
 outside the District of Pictou. 
 The House of Assembly were obliged either to submit 
 to these amendments, or lose the bill, and they reluctantly 
 agreed to them. This act. to which a suspending clause 
 had been appended, afterwards received the t*anction of 
 the Prince Regent, and become law. By this act the 
 Trustees were empowered to pass by-laws and fill up 
 vacancies in the board, subject to the approval of the 
 Governor for the time being. Sometime afterward a 
 charter of incorporation, in pursuance of the act, and under 
 the great seal of the Province, passed to the Trustees. 
 It should have been mentioned, that to avoid exciting 
 the jealousy of the friends of Kings C ollege, who were 
 really all powerful in the Government, it was resolved 
 not to seek the right of conferring degrees or the other 
 privileges of a college. Hence the name Pictou Academy, 
 though from the first it was intended to impart the educa- 
 tion usual in colleges. 
 To establish such an institution under the circumstan- 
 ces, was a task simply herculean. A large portion of the 
 population in the rural districts were still struggling with. 
 the difficulties of a first settlement, and as to education, 
 few thought of seeking for their children more than the 
 ordinary training of a common school. Even that in many 
 places WBS difficult to obtain, and when obtained very 
 inferior. A large proportion of the inhabitants, did not 
 feel the necessity of any thing better, and many did not 
 value education at all. The population was sparse, and 
 the several portions had but little communication with one 
 another or with the capital. The tests introduced by the 
 council threw the institution into the hands of the Pres- 
 byterians, and as they then consisted only of about twenty 
 congregations, most of these in thinly settled districts and 
 the members in humble circumstances, it will be perceived,, 
 that the Dr. had entered upon an undertaking, requiring 
 a large amount of that faith, which can remove mountains. 
 Nevertheless the trustees addressed themselves to their 
 work with great energy. They immediately proceeded 
 to raise money by subscription, beginning with about 
 JB400 among themselves, for the purchase of land and the 
 erection of a suitable building. In this way they collected 
 about jei,000 ($4,000) a large sum under the circum- 
 stances. The following is the heading of the list : 
 " We, the subscribers, desirous of affording our concurrence and assistance 
 to the society formed in Pictou, for providing the means of instruction in the 
 branches of a liberal education, which arc not taught in the Provincial 
 Oi-ammar Schools, hereby bind and oblige ourselves, our heirs and assigns to 
 pay to the Treasurer of the society for the time being, the sums annexed to 
 our respective signatures, the same to be paid when the society shall judge, 
 that a sum has been subscribed sufficient to enter upon the execution of tho 
 said plan." 
 This is commenced by Moirimer, with a subscription 
 of iJlOO, who is followed by the three ministers, Messrs. 
 McG-regor, Ross and McCuUoch, for sums of £50 each. 
 Altogether in the town je628 was subscribed. 
 Dr. McCuUoch was chosen its first president^ and before 
 the building was erected, teaching began. The first 
 classes were opened, as near as we can ascertain, in tha 
 fall of 1817. A room was fitted up in one end of the 
 house, in which the late Peter Crerar, Esq., resided, the 
 other being occupied by the Rev. John McKinlay. Here 
 plain pine desks were erected, so shaky, that on one 
 occasion a Highland student, intent on taking notes, found 
 it so difficult under the movements of his fellow-students, 
 that, his patience being exhausted, he exclaimed, " Please ,. 
 master, they're shaking the dask on me." In this fashion 
 was begun the iirst attempt at free liberal education in these 
 Provinces. "VVe give below a list of the first students.* 
 Soon after the building was completed, and the classes 
 were transferred to it. After the practice of some of the 
 Scottish Universiiies, students were now required to wear 
 red gowns. These were made of light merino, and for 
 the next twenty years these bright scarlet insignia of 
 learning were one of the features of our town, reminding 
 the Scotchman of the ancient seats of learning of his 
 native land. 
 From this time, Dr. McCulloch's life was devoted to the 
 interests of the institution. The largest part of the 
 teaching devolved on him,. and that under the most on- 
 favourable circumstances. The late Jotham Blanchard 
 thus wrote of his efforts, during the infancy of the 
 institution : 
 " Of his daily labours and nightly vigils^ after taking 
 charge of the Institution, I am surelv a competent witness. 
 I was one of his first students, and have often seen him, 
 at 8 o'clock of a winter morning, enter his desk in a state 
 of exhaustion, which too plainly showed the labours of 
 • List of first students at Plctou Academy : — R. S. Patterson, John McLean, 
 John L. Murdoch, Angus McGillivray, Hugh Ross, Hugh Dunbar, James 
 McGregor, Michael McCuIloch, Charles Fraser, Benjamin Diclcson, William 
 Dickson, David Fraser, Edward Harris, Jotham Blanchard, Thomas Forman, 
 Forman, Charles Archibald, David Sawers, John J. Sawyer, Duncan 
 McDonald, John McDonald, Hugh Fraser, Archibald Patterson. 
 Perhaps these were not all present tho first term, but they were ia 
 attendance with the first class, who passed through the Instit-atixui. 
 I I 
 the night. To this those "who are acquainted with the 
 jsnbject will give credence, when I state that his share of 
 the course was, besides Greek and Hebrew, Logic, Moral 
 Philosophy and Natural Philosophy. In each of these 
 sciences, he drew out a system for himself, which was of 
 course the results of much reading and much thought. 
 "When I add to this account of his daily labours, the 
 repairs and additions which were necessary to a half- 
 worn apparatus, and which none but himself could make, 
 I am almost afraid my testimony will be doubted. And 
 for the first five or six years of the institution, let it be 
 remembered, he had charge of a congregation, and regu- 
 larly preached twice a day, save when over-exertion 
 €nded in sickness." 
 His first co-laboi*er was the Uev. John McKinlay. He 
 was a native of Stirlingshire, Scotland, who came to this 
 country in the-summer of 1817. Dr. McCuUoch having 
 given up the Grammar School, to take chaise of the 
 Academy, Mr. McKinlay succeeded him in the former. 
 Teaching in it part of the day, and aided there by an 
 assistant, he also became teacher ot classics and mathe- 
 matics in the Academy, a position for which he was well 
 qualified, by the accuracy as well as the extent of his 
 scholarship. He-continued to hold this position till the 
 year 1824, when Dr. McCulloch having resigned the 
 charge of the congregation at Pictou, he was ordained as 
 his successor on the 11th of August, 1824, and was 
 succeeded in the Academy by Mr. Michael McCulloch, 
 who had previously been the second teacher in the 
 Grammar Schoql. 
 But during the whole existence of the institution. Dr. 
 McCulloch was its life and soul. As long as he continued 
 in connection with it, he taught logic, moral and natural 
 philosophy. Divers as were the branches devolving upon 
 him, ho taught them all efficiently. I have since had an 
 opportunity of knowing something- of the professors in 
 Edinburgh University, but never till 1 saw them did I 
 know the greatness of Dr. McCulloch. Wo doubt not 
 every professor there would have excelled him in his 
 own particular field, but I believe there was no man in 
 that institution, who could have made the same appearance 
 in all the branches taught that ho did. The same view 
 was expressed to me by Dr. Dawson. Ho had a multi- 
 farious learning, so that he might bo regarded as a whole 
 senatus academicus. He could have taken any branch 
 included in the faculties of Arts and Theology, and 
 taught it in a respectable and efficient manner, I may 
 add, that his intellect was of that peculiar clearness, that 
 whatever he knew, he knew accurately and distinctly. 
 The teaching of the branches named however, was 
 only a small part of the work which devolved upon him. 
 Besides the charge of a congregation till the year 1824, 
 he took an active part in the business of the Synod of the 
 Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia, and most of the 
 public documents of the body came from his pen. As 
 fioon as the first class of students was sufficiently advanced, 
 he was requested by the Synod to take charge of their 
 studies in theology. To his other labors was added the 
 instructing of these young men in Hebrew and theology. 
 We may add here that he was a superior Hebrew scholar, 
 and as such almost entirely self taught. 
 But his labours were chiefly increased by the opposition 
 wJiich the institution met with. This, as forming an 
 important chapter in the history of Nova Scotia, as well 
 as of the county, we must now notice. The trustees 
 finding the amount insufficient to complete the building 
 and provide other necessaries, in 1818 petitioned Lord 
 Dalhousie, then Governor, " to recommend a grant of 
 money from the piiblic funds of the Province to assist 
 them in erecting a suitable building, or for such other 
 pa:'])0sc8 as might be necessary in establishing said 
 ! ■■ 
 1 il 
 Academy." His Lordship recommended the object to the 
 Assembly by the following message : — 
 " The institution of an academy at Pictou, appears to 
 me to promise advantages of education, highly favorable 
 to the whole eastern part of this Province, and I there- 
 fore recommend the accompanying petition of the trustees 
 of that academy to your favorable consideration." 
 Upon this message, the House, with only four dissen- 
 tients, passed a resolution for J0500 to the trust ^es, to be 
 drawn for, as soon as they had expended £l,ij )0 from 
 private subscription ; to this resolution the Counci. efused 
 In 1819 a similar vote passed the House, and was 
 sanctioned in Council. The trustees continued to make 
 an annual application for money, and during the next 
 four years— 1820, 1821, 1822 and 1823— they received in 
 all from the public funds i;i,300. 
 For several reasons, the trustees about this time began 
 to fear that the death of friends in the Council, and the 
 increase of an influence in that body, which had always 
 been opposed to the institution, might at some period 
 deprive them of public support, and the possibility of 
 this event they found injuriously to affect their arrange- 
 ments. They therefore petitioned for a permanent en- 
 dowment, and the Representative Branch, without a 
 division, passed one to the extent of .£400 a year. This 
 bill the Council rejected. 
 In 1824 the Assembly passed another and similar bill, 
 which was also lost in the Council. A vote of ^£400 for 
 that year was then passed in the Lower and agreed to in 
 the Upper House. * 
 The Academy had ii)W proved itself by its work. 
 Several young men had completed their studies, and 
 were coming forward to take their places in various 
 professions, with good promise of usefulness. In that 
 year, seven young men. having completed a course of 
 study for the ministry in connection with the Presbyterian 
 Church, were licensed to preach the gospel. As these 
 were the first native preachers ever sent forth by that 
 body, in any of these Provinces, and as they were all 
 brought up in Pictou, we may give their names. They 
 were John L. Murdoch, John McLean, R. S. Patterson, 
 Angus McGrillivray, Hugh Eoss, Hugh Dunbar and 
 Duncan McDonald. Thai autumn, three of these, viz. : 
 Messrs. McLean, Murdoch and Patterson proceeded to 
 Scotland, and preached with acceptance in the pulpits of 
 various Dissenting ministers ; and having undergone an 
 examination by Professors "Walker, Sandford, Jardine, 
 Miller, Milne and Meikleham, professors in the University 
 of Glasgow, as to their scholastic attainments, they 
 received the degree of A. M. from that institution. 
 The trustees of the Pictou Academy now felt, that they 
 were entitled to appeal to the Legislature, on behalf of 
 the institution, as no longer an experiment, but as having 
 its character established. They accordingly in 1825, 
 petitioned the Legislature lor the removal of tests, for an 
 enlargement of their powers and for a permanent grant. 
 "We have not a copy of the petition, but presume the 
 enlargement of powers, meant the right of conferring 
 degrees. The petition was referred in the Assembly to a 
 committee, of which Charles R, Fairbanks, Esq., then 
 Solicitor G-eneral, was chairman, which reported as 
 follows : 
 " The Committee are of opinion that the Pictou Academy is a highly useful 
 Institution, conducted on an excellent system, that of the Scotch Universities, 
 and pccxiliarly adapted to meet the wants, and accords with the aentimcnts of 
 the majority of the Province in regard to the higher branches of education. 
 That its establishment and support has been and will continue to be a favorite 
 object with the greater part of the Dissenters in the Province, on account of 
 its total exemption from any disqualifications to students, originating in 
 religious distinctions, and for the careful attention, which its conductors have 
 manifested for the morals of those who attend it. That the attainment of a 
 eonnd classical education, and of a competent kn )wledge of the other branches 
 of science, commonly taught in the higher Bchools, is brought down to tho 
 ir :• Hi 
 I 111 
 11 I 
 ill III; 
 means and ability of those, who, if the Academy did not exist, would be wholly 
 unable to provide these advanta{,-cs for their children. And lastly, that the 
 Institution possesses decided advantages, in many respects to those students 
 who are destined to the ministry in the Presbyterian and other Dissenting 
 Churches, and is for this object, indispensably necessary, if these are to be 
 supplied by the youth of the Province. 
 <' Beferring to the exclusive Scotch character of the population of th& 
 Eastern part of the Province, and to their known, and perhaps laudable, 
 partiality and attachment to the Institutions of the country, whence they haro 
 originated, and regarding also the great and rapidly increasing population of 
 that quarter, the Committee consider, there exists a fair claim on the part of 
 Pictou, for support to this Academy, for which so decided an interest is there 
 manifest, out of that General Revenue, to which they so largely contribute ; 
 and as from the evidence before them and other considerations, the Com- 
 mittee aro obliged to believe, that this Institution will be attended by a class 
 of persons, who, on various accounts, are, and will be, incapable of prosecuting 
 their studies at Kings College, Windsor, or in the institution of doubtful and 
 tmcerlain stability now forming in Halifax, they have deemed it their duty 
 under the clearest convictions of the invaluable benefits, which Education con- 
 fers on a country, to recommend the Pictou Academy to the continued support 
 and fostering care of the Oeneral Assembly. 
 " And believing the honorary Collegiate Distinctions to be highly useful, 
 as incitements to the emulation and diligence of students, and to bo the 
 means of extending the respectability, and character and influence of the 
 institution ; while the incapacity to grant them possesses a tendency injurious, 
 and perhaps discreditable to it, the Committee cannot perceive any substantial 
 reason, for refusing to allow these privileges to the Academy. 
 i< The Committee therefore report that in their opinion, it is expedient to 
 provide, by an act of the General Assembly, for a permanent allowance to tho 
 Trustees of the Pictou Academy, of the sum of £400 from the Treasury, and 
 for bestowing upon it, with full exemption from all tests now required of its 
 Trustees, the name, distinctions and privileges of a college as known in 
 Scotland. These the Committee believe will remove all impediments to tha 
 advancement and prosperity of this Seminary, give it stability and considenw 
 tion, and justify its supporters in bestowing that assistance, which the doubt 
 of its permanence now renders it prudent to withhold." 
 ^Upon this report the House first passed a vote of j6400,. 
 which received the assent of the Council. It then 
 proceeded to pass a permanent bill for a like sum, but, 
 after two readings, it was delayed until the next session, 
 on account of the absence of the Governor, and the 
 supposed want of power in the President to give his. 
 assent. This supposed want of power was simply 
 pretence. "Wallace, the Administrator of the Government, 
 never had any scruples about want of power, when it 
 was a question of rewarding one of his creatures. Then 
 he could exercise the powers of his position, in a way that 
 the Governor himself would scarcely have done ; but a 
 measure of those Pictou Dissenters, why it was simply 
 flaunting the red flag in his face. i 
 In 1826, the Assembly passed another permanent bill, 
 to which the Council refused their assent. The Assembly 
 then appointed a committee to search the Journals of the 
 Council, who reported, that in favor of the bill there were 
 four, Mr. Morris, Judges Stewart and Halliburton, and 
 the Master of the Rolls, and against it, five, the Lord 
 Bishop, and Messrs. Wallace, Jeffrey, Binney, and Prescott. 
 The committee also reported, that the minority had entered 
 a protest against the dismissal of the bill. This document 
 wo must present entire. But we may mention here, that 
 during the Session, the Assembly passed the usual vote 
 of £400, which received the assent of the Council. 
 DATED 22nd march, 1826. 
 * 1. Because we thiDk that the Dissenters in this Province, who compose 
 more than four-fifths of its population, hare entitled themselves to the favor- 
 able conbideration of the Legislature, by their orderly, steady and loyal 
 conduct, and the cheerful support which they have so long given to His 
 llajesty's Government in Nova Scotia. 
 "2. Because we think that when j£400 sterling have been annually paid, 
 for thirty-six years past, out of the revenue of this country, for the support of 4 
 a college, which confines its academical honors to members of the Established 
 Church, who pay but one-fifth of the revenue of this country, the Dissenters, 
 who pay the other four-fifths, are entitled to at least an equal sum to support 
 an institution in which their children can derive the benefit of a liberal 
 " 3. Because we do not think that the objection, which has been urged to 
 the permanent establishment of such an institution in a remote part of the 
 Province, as Pictou has been termed, ought to have any weight when the 
 ir!i ■mill 
 general visheB of the DiHsenters have been expressed, by tfaeir RepresentatiTes 
 ia three successive Sessionii in the House of Assembly, in favor of that 
 situation, where the great body of the Dissenters reside, and where, out of a 
 population of 12,000 persons, not 100 members of the Established Church 
 could be found. 
 « 4. Because we think the Bill, which His Majesty's Council have now 
 determined to reject, is free from the objections to which the other Bills for 
 endowing the Fictou Academy were liable, as the Institution is by this Bill 
 placed sufficiently under the control of the Qovcrnment, by empowering the 
 Governor to nominate so large a portion of the trustees, and thereby securing 
 the Province against the future introduction of teachers into that seminary, 
 whose principles might be inimical to our political institutions. 
 « 6. Because we are convinced that the public feeling, which has been so 
 strongly expressed in favor of the Fictou Academy, will still continue to 
 manifest itself, and defeat all the cfTorts of its opponents to destroy the 
 institution ; it will therefore continue to exist, notwithstanding the rejection 
 of the present Bill, — but Oovernment will not have that salutary influence 
 over it which it would acquire if this Bill were passed into a law. 
 << 6. Because, as members of the Established Church, we fuel that the best 
 interests of that Church will be consulted by manifcbting a spirit of liberality 
 to our fellow christians who dissent from us, — that even policy, independent 
 of higher motives, dictates to us as a minority, the advantages of conciliating 
 the Dissenters, and showing to them that we feel that the Church of England 
 has nothing to fear from the diffusion of knowledge. 
 " 7. Because we value highly that harmony and good understanding, which, 
 without the compromise of principle, has so long prevailed among Christians 
 of all denominations in this Province ; and wo fear, that the rejection of this 
 Bill, while the annual allowance to the College at Windsor is continued, will 
 excite a spirit of hostility to the Established Church among the Dissenters, 
 which will seriously disturb the peace of the country, as upwards of 30 years 
 experience has convinced all of us, who enter this Protest, that every attempt 
 to give or retain exclusive ijrivileges to the Church of England, has invariably 
 operated to its disadvantage. If the clergymen of that church will exert 
 themselves with tempered zeal, the purity of its precepts, the beauty of ita 
 liturgy, and the libera'ity of its sentiments, will insure its extension among the 
 people of this Province, unless their feelings are so roused against it by any 
 injudicious measures, on the part of the Government or the Legislature, to 
 give to it advantages, to which so large a portion of the population think that 
 it is not entitled. 
 , 8. B. ROBIB. 
 "We must now, however, refer to the nature and source 
 of the opposition, which the institution encountered during 
 these and subsequent years. This will appear, in part, 
 from the preceding document; but we must explain, 
 farther, that the Church of England Bishop — the second 
 Bishop Inglis — not only had a seat in the Council, but 
 was one of its most active members, not merely in mat- 
 ters which might interest him as a churchman, but in 
 public affairs generally. Having often the car of gover- 
 nors, he was a power behind the throne. Ho was a man 
 of ability and an astute politician, but specially an able 
 and persevering worker for the Church of England. 
 None would have had any right to object to this, had his 
 efforts been regulated by a due regard to the rights of 
 others. But he was trained in the most intolerant school ; 
 and instead of relying for the progress of his church on 
 the influence of her principles and practice, and the zeal 
 and piety of her ministers and members, he devoted a large 
 share of his energies to maintaining her exclusive pri- 
 vileges and political supremacy, as an established church. 
 The maintenance of Windsor College was essential to 
 his object. Had he sought this without seeking any 
 exclusive rights, it would never have met with a word of 
 objection ; but, notwithstanding that four-fifths of the 
 population were excluded from its benefits, there was 
 yet no word of removing the tests. As for giving them 
 any sharo in the management of an institution established 
 by G-overnment for the benefit of all, why such a thought 
 could scarcely ever be supposed to enter his mind ! And 
 now, when they dared to establish such an institution for 
 Ihemsclros, his jealousy was excited against it, not only 
 a.s lively to foster the evils of dissent, but as likely to form 
 a rival to Kings College. His views are at least partially 
 ivvcalcd, in the following extract of a letter published in 
 Ihc report of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 
 for the year 1823 :— 
 ■T 5 
 « At Plctou an Academy, or college a> it is called, haa been built, at which 
 there are now about twenty students. Much pains have been talccn to make 
 it attractiro by its Philosophical Apparatus and lectures in tho sciences, and 
 the residence is agreeable to the students, as they lodge in private houses, at 
 moderate expense and free from restraints. Tho Institution owes its rise 
 partly to tho difficulties and embarrassments, which have oppressed Kings 
 College, Windsor, and partly to tho zeal of tho Presbyterian ministers, who 
 have tho solo charge of it. It is supported chiefly by an annual grant from 
 the Provincial Legislature, and is likely to ritt or decay as the College at Windtor 
 U depreeeed or advanced." 
 In these days of religious equality, and of good feeling 
 among religious denominations, it is scarcely possible to 
 realize the state of matters which existed then, the 
 inferior position of Dissenters, the prejudices with which 
 they were regarded even by sensible men, and the diffi- 
 culties therefore which were thrown in the Doctor's way, 
 at every stage of his efforts on behalf of the Pictou 
 Academy. Many believed that a Dissenter must neces- 
 sarily be disloyal. In the year 1809, on the visit of Sir 
 Gkorge Prevost, the Governor, to Pictou, some parties 
 made representations to him regarding the Doctor's 
 loyalty, in consequence of which he felt it worth while 
 to send to Government a lengthy defence, with a certificate- 
 signed by Hugh Dunoon and the other magistrates, that 
 he regularly prayed for the King. In one of the debates 
 of the Assembly, R. J. TJniacke, Jr., on some report he 
 had heard of the principles of the Antiburghers, said that 
 ihey ought to be looked after. "When Wallace was 
 administering the Government, representations were 
 forwarded to him, accusing the trustees of disloyal 
 principles. When they applied to him for a copy of the 
 charges, he acknowledged having received such a paper, 
 but refused to give a copy of it. This state of things as 
 affecting the Academy, is thus described by T. C. HaJi- 
 burton in one of his speeches : — 
 " There is much to regret, sir, in the state of public afiairs in this province, 
 and there are few colonies which present such a singular spectacle. There 
 are a few individuals in Halifax, who direct public opinion, and who not only^ 
 influence but control all publo measures. Seated in the capital, they govern 
 the movements of all the dlflfcrent parts ; as they touch the springs the wires 
 move, and simultaneously ariso the puppets in the different counties and 
 towns, play the part assigned to them, and re-echo the Rounds which havo 
 1)Cen breathed into them. The smiles of episcopacy, the frowns of the treasury, 
 and the patronage of official interest, have a powerful effect, when brought to 
 bear upon any one object. There is also u wide difference between the success 
 of any measure, when called for by the people, and when advocated by thia 
 party. Any project however absurd or extravagant, when required by the 
 latter, to bo carried into effect, has friends without number, but if the people 
 solicit, it is viewed with ca'ition ; you hear it whispered on all sides, it will 
 offend such a person, it will not bo acceptable in u certain quarter, and you are 
 advised to be silent, as it may affeet your personal interests, or draw down 
 upon you a displeasure, which may retard your own advancement. Tho war 
 cry of church and state has been raised against this persecuted institution, and 
 it is laid on all sides, it will militate against the interests of the Kstablisbed 
 Church and of Kings College at Windsor. 
 " I am a member of the Church of England, and admire and revere it ; I 
 shall continue so, and though I disapprove of tho intemperate zeal of some of 
 its friends, I shall live and die a member of that church. I ha\ also the 
 honour of being a graduate of Kings College, and am a warm friend of that 
 invaluable establishment. As such, sir, if there were any prejudices among 
 tho members of either, against tho Pictou Academy, because it is tho resort 
 of children of dissenters, or if it was viewed by those with distrust, as a 
 sectarian institution, I ought to know something of those prejudices. It is 
 tho misfortune of the church, and we all deeply lament it, that one or two 
 unworthy members of it, have sought promotion through the paths of slander, 
 and political intrigne, and have constantly represented Dissenters as disloyal 
 and disaffected people. The value of these gentlemen has unfortunately been 
 estimated on the other side of tho water by their zeal ; and as they have 
 uniformly reported sectarianism, as they arc pleased to call it, synonymous 
 with revolt and rebellion, the dependence of the colony has been absurdly 
 thought, to bo alone supported by these staunch friends ; and honor and 
 promotion await their laudablo exertions. 
 "1 will never consent that this seminary of education for Dissenters, shall 
 be crushed to gratify the bigotry of a few individuals in this town, who have 
 originated, fostered, and supported, all the opposition to Pictou Academy. 
 I do not mean to say, that they directly influence those gentlemen in this 
 house, who oppose the bill, but their influence reaches to people who are not 
 conscious of it themselves. They arc in a situation to give a tone to public 
 opinion ; few men take the trouble of forming just conclusions on any subject 
 but adopt the sentiments of those, whose judgments they respect. In this 
 manner they hint, « ambitious Scotchmen at Pictou,' ' sour sectarians,' « disloyal 
 people,' ' opposed to church and state,' their hints circulate from one to 
 another, men hear it, they know not where, adopt it, they know not how ; and 
 finally give it as their own opinion ; until you find honest and honourable 
 -i it 
 men, as you have heard to-<lay, pronouncing a judgment, evidently tinctured 
 by tho breath of poison, which they tliemseivcs aro wholly unconscious of 
 having inhaled. 
 " In ono of tho reports made to the Society for tho Propagation of tho 
 Gospel in foreign parts, we find the following culogium ou Dissenters : ' It can 
 bo clearly substantiated, Uiut in exact proportion to tho influcnco of tho 
 established religion, will be tho immovable loyalty of tho inhabitants of tho 
 province.' — It would bo difficult to find in public annals, such another 
 abominable libel on Dissenters ; it is said tho person who made it, was onco 
 your chaplain. Had I been a member of tho Assembly at tho time, I would 
 have moved to have him publicly censured at tho bar of tho house ; he 
 di'seived to have been placed in the custody of the Sergcant-at-Arms, to have 
 been deprived of his gown, and shoul'i have been admonished to ' go and sin 
 no more.' " 
 At the starting of tho Pictou Academy, tho Bishop and 
 his friends had succeeded in placing such restrictions 
 upon it, as were likely to render it a small affair. But now 
 that in spite of this, it was proving successful, his whole 
 influence in the Legislature was employed against it. 
 He was sure of AV^allace's help to do any thing against the 
 wishes of those Pictou Dissenters, and with two or three 
 placemen he was able to command a majority in the Upper 
 House to defeat its claims. It will be seen that in. that 
 year, (182G) it was only by his casting vote that tho bill 
 was rejected.^' 
 In the course which the Bishop and his party adopted, 
 he was acting against the opinions of the best, the ablest, 
 and certainly the most liberal minded members of his own 
 church. This will ax>pear from the foregoing protest, all 
 • It is curious to not3 the position of these men to the public treasury. The 
 Bishops salary was jE2000, i^tcrling wu believe, largely through tho liberality 
 of the British Government, with jCI 50 for travelling expenses, besides other 
 pfrqui-'jiies, even it was said to a share of the royalty on coal ; Jeffrey had 
 ±'2000 sterling ; Binney was Collector of Excise, and Wallace Treasurer^ ou 
 what were large salaries for the times. Yet these four men, receiving among 
 them annually fifteen or twenty times tho whole sum asked for advanced 
 education for four fifths of the population, could, with the aid of one other 
 councillor, defeat the almost unanimous wishes of the country and their 
 representatives in f is regard. An objection was even made that Dr. 
 McCulloch was receiving two hundred pounds a yearl 
• and their 
 the signers to which belonged to that body. The same 
 spirit was shown in tho Assembly, where Episcopalians, 
 as T. C. Halliburton, were among tho most earnest advo- 
 cates of the Pictou Institution. And probably a majority 
 of that cliurch throughout the country, would have shown 
 the same spirit. Eut the Bishop and his clique were 
 In the meantime tho friends of the Institution had put 
 forth vigorous efforts for its maintenance. The Synod oi 
 the Presbyterian Church had tak<n up its support in 
 earnest, and subscriptions, liberal for the times and 
 circumstances, wore made in its congregations, though 
 always the largest amount came from the members of the 
 body in Pictou. Though anticipating, we may say here 
 that up to the year 1830, about ^£5,000 was thus raised, 
 of which about i)3,000 was expended on building, library 
 and philosophical apparatus. Mach of this was from 
 Ladies' Penny-a-week Societies, and sometimes from men, 
 who, not having money, brought their produce to the 
 stores, to pay their subscriptions. The very opposition 
 which the Institution encountered, only intensified the 
 earnestness of its friends. 
 That year Dr. McCulloch visited Scotland. He 
 addressed the Synod of tho United Secession Church, 
 which unanimously recorded it as their opinion " that the 
 Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia and the Pictou Insti- 
 tution have strong claims on the sympathy and liberality 
 of the Presbyterian and other churches in Britain, and of 
 associations for religious purposes, and especially of the 
 United Secession Church." They also issued a reconi" 
 mendation to the congi'ogations under their inspection to 
 make a collection, without delay, in aid of the funds of 
 the Pictou Academical Institution, and they appointed a 
 committee to prepare a short statement of the claims of 
 the Institution, to bo read from the pulpit of each 
 congregation, when the collection was intimated, and also 
 uk ■ 
 to consider wliat further measures might be adopted, for 
 jjromoting the interests of our sister church in Nova 
 A society was formed in Crlasgow, entitled •' The 
 Glasgow Society for promoting the interests of Religion 
 and Lberal Education in the North American Colonies," 
 and including in the committee of management, several 
 influential laymen and minister- of different denominations. 
 The students attending the Theological Hall of the United 
 Secession Church, pledged themselves to raise the sum 
 of £200, and as lue result of these efforts, considerable 
 sums were remitted in subsequent years in aid of the 
 By these means a library, deemed respectable at the 
 time, was coll scted, and a philosophical apparatus, and 
 latet a chemical apparatus, partly the Doctor's own pro- 
 perty, the first in these Lower Provinces, were added, and 
 in spite of adverse influences, the institution was gaining 
 Up to this period, the opposition to the Institution had 
 come from tho leaders of a dominant church, and was sO 
 clearly the expression of narrow-minded exclusiveness — 
 Bo opposed even to the sense of justice of the best 
 members of that body, that if nothing else had interfered, 
 it must in the progress of events have been swept away 
 by the rising tide of public sentiment. But now its 
 friends were to be taken in flank, and the institution to 
 encounter an opposition more intense, and ultimately 
 more fatal, from men of the same religious name. 
 AVe are far from desirous of reviving old quarrels, but 
 it is necessary to our history, to give the facts of the con- 
 troversy in its new phase. The founders of the institution 
 while desirous of establishing it on a liberal basis, and to 
 give in it such a training as would fit our youth for 
 usefulness in any sphere, attached special importance to 
 it, as a means of educating young men for the Gospel 
 ministry. Indeed the difficulty of obtaining ministers to 
 supply the destitute parts of the Province, was one and 
 perhaps the leading cause, which led them to found such 
 an institution. Tho Presbyterian Synod had taken up its 
 support on the same ground, and with this view Dr. 
 McG-regor and the other ministers had appealed to their 
 people, and enlisted their sympathies on its behalf 
 "When the ministers of the Church of Scotland 
 commenced the movement, forming an organization in 
 connection with that body, they found the Institution 
 ready to seiid out its first company of native preachers. 
 They came with that contempt, which it was customary 
 then and long after, for old country people to entertain 
 for fv. nothing colonial. The idea of training some of the 
 natives 4 the backwoods for ministers, seemed to them 
 supremely ridiculous, and when they commenced preach- 
 ing they decried them in the strongest terms. They also 
 looked upon Seceders with that disdain, with which the 
 members of the Established Church at that time generally 
 regarded that body. They could not see that in this 
 country they hold no more favoured position. But they 
 were not long in seeing that the Presbyterian Church of 
 Nova Scotia, composed principally of Seceders, who were 
 in the Province before them, had a firm footing in the 
 country, and that such an institution, by providing 
 ministers in the Province, was giving them a great 
 advantage, an advantage, it is true, equally open to all, 
 but of which they had no intention of availing themselves. 
 Hence they took a position against it, as favouring the 
 Seceders in opposition to the Kirk of Scotland. 
 In the year 1826, Messrs. Fraser and McKenzie held an 
 interview with the Trustees. At this meeting they ob- 
 jected to the teaching of the higher branches in tho 
 Institution, and proposed substantially, that it should be 
 converted into Grammar School. To this of course the 
 Trustees could not accede, and Messrs, F. and McK. left, 
 (' ■i'ii: 
 intimating that as the Trustees would not adopt their 
 views, they would henceforth meet with their most deter- 
 mined opposition. 
 Accordingly by their exertions, for the next few years 
 petitions were forwarded to the Legislature, signed by their 
 adherents asking for a change in the Institution, a change 
 which amounted to an entire destruction of it, as far as the 
 objects of its founders were concerned. They alleged 
 that the teaching of the higher branches was a violation 
 of its charter, and complained that English grammar^ 
 elocution, bookkeeping, navigation, geography and the 
 elements of the classics, were not taught in the Institution, 
 and they asked for their introduction. 
 To this it was replied, that the Institution had never 
 been intended to teach these branches. It was shown that 
 the original petition, on which the charter was granted, was 
 distinctly for the establishment of an institution for teach- 
 ing the branches not taught in the Grammar Schools of 
 the Province — that the charter was given with this view 
 — that the subscription list was in the same terms, and 
 the money raised expressly for this purpose — that its by- 
 laws, which defined the course of instruction, had been 
 according to law submitted to the Governor, and ap- 
 proved by him — that the Legislature perfectly understood 
 this, as for seven years after the establishment of the 
 Institution, they had made a liberal grant to a Grammar 
 School along side of it, and that a Committee of the As- 
 sembly, after a thorough examination, had expressed the 
 highest approval of the system of education adopted. 
 Therefore to employ the funds of the Institution in teach- 
 ing the branches of an ordinary English education, was 
 destroying the Institution:, as far as its original purpose 
 was concerned, and was entirely unnecessary as there was 
 a Grammar School, in which these branches were effici- 
 ently taught within a few rods of the building. 
 It was objected farther that the Institution, in terms of 
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 the charter, ought to be under the management of i^ersons 
 belonging either to the Church of England, or the establish- 
 ed Church of Scotland, but that instead of this it had with 
 a few exceptions, fallen into the hands of Seceders from 
 the latter, who had adopted the present course of ins- 
 truction, not suited to the circumstances of the Province, 
 to forward their favourite design of raising ministers for 
 their own connection, and that a divinity class had been 
 introduced avowedly for this object, which gave the 
 Academy a sectarian appearance. 
 To this it was replied, that according to the charter, 
 the Trustees must be members of the Church of England 
 or Presbyterians — that the Trustees had taken the test 
 once in every three years though it had been forced upon 
 them,— that the Trustees had always been anxious to 
 have as full a representation of different religious bodies 
 at their Board, as in their power — that they had elected 
 Mr. Eraser a trustee soon after his arrival in this country 
 — that the Rev. Archibald Gray, minister of the Church 
 of Scotland, as well as Mr. Foreman, a member of his 
 congregation, had been a trustee from the commencement 
 of the Institution, had signed the first petition for its 
 establishment, and every one jjresented by the trustees 
 during his lifetime, and that they had also invited me mbers 
 of the Council to become Trustees — that as to education, 
 the Institution was conducted on the princii)les of the 
 Glasgow University, that the education given was 
 restricted to such branches as were required for all the 
 learned professions — and as to the Divinity class, that it 
 was quite disconnected with the Institution. The 
 Trustees had granted the use of a class room for the 
 purpose, but agreed to extend the same favor to any other 
 denomination. Dr. McCuUoch further olTered to rt^moA-e 
 this class to his own house. But his opponents demanded 
 that he should relinquish it altogether. This he 
 positively refused. 
 The opposition from these sources involved Dr. 
 McOuUoch in a vast amount of labour. His pen was 
 constantly employed, in various ways, in representations 
 to the Legislature, appeals to the Presbyterian congrega- 
 tions, and carrying on a scarcely interrupted controversy 
 in the press. Besides these labours, he visited 
 Halifax and the leading towns in the Lower Provinces, 
 delivering popular lectures on science, especially 
 chemistry, with a design of awakening an interest in 
 education. These lectures were among the first of the 
 kind in British North America. With tlie assistance of 
 his family, he collected a Museum of Natural History, 
 which was the finest in the Province at the time. 
 Audubon pronounced the collection of native birds to 
 be the finest, or among the finest he had ever seen. To 
 the discredit of Nova Scotia, be it said, it was allowed to 
 be sold abroad. By these controversies the feelings of 
 parties were excited to a degree, which it is now scarcely 
 possible to realize. The members of the Presbyterian 
 Church looked upon the Institution, as that upon which 
 the progress and prosperity of their church depended, 
 and all their most sacred feelings were roused in its 
 support ; while the adherents of the other body, taught to 
 regard it as an institution against the Church of Scotland, 
 through the strength of their best feelings toward their 
 mother church, were roused to the most violent opposition. 
 And the strife became deeply intensified, by becoming 
 mixed with the political struggles of the day. 
 We must now return to the history of the question 
 in the Legislature. In 1827, the trustees again petitioned 
 for the abolition of tests, and for a permanent endowment; 
 but owing to the absence of Mr. Smith, the Pictou member 
 for the County of Halifax, and the person who took the 
 lead in the business of the Academy in the House, no 
 permanent bill was introduced. But now the majority 
 of Council were emboldened to go farther than ever in 
 their opposition to the Institution. There can be no doubi 
 that the opposition in Pictou was fomented, perhaps 
 instigated, by the official party in Halifax, but now they 
 took advantage of this division, as an excuse for refusing 
 Li 11 aid to the Academy. They could now turn round 
 and say, agree among yourselves. Hitherto the opponents 
 of the Institution, had generally after a fight allowed the 
 vote to pass each year, though refusing to make it 
 permanent. This was anything but satisfactory. For 
 trustees to engage teachers, and teachers to accept 
 engagements, on the iaith of a grant, for which annually 
 they were at the mercy of the deadly foes of the 
 Institution, was a position which none would willingly 
 occupy, and it was unjust, when Windsor had its grant 
 secured permanently. 
 But now, when the House passed the usual vote of 
 JE400, the Council negatived it, and in a paper sent to the 
 Assembly, gravely assigned as their reason, that " measures 
 have been adopted by a majority of the trustees to excite 
 a spirit of hostility to the Established Church," and to 
 render "Windsor College unpopular on account of its 
 restrictions ; and they declared their determination not 
 to consent to any grant, while the Institution remained 
 under the management of the present trustees. The 
 House then voted £B00 for the current year's expenses, 
 and dClOO for the partial discharge of the pecuniary 
 engagements of the trustees ; this also the Council 
 rejected. A resolution was then passed in the Assembly 
 placing c£400 at the discretionary disposal of the Governor 
 for the benefit of the Institution ; to this the Council 
 assented. The Governor issued a commission. Judge 
 Chipnian chairman, to examine into the state and 
 proceedings of the Institution, and the result after 
 deliberate enquiry, was a most favour a})le report, which 
 caused the Governor instantly to give his warrant for 
 the money. 
T Twr* 
 J 1 :; i'>' 
 1 I 
 ; ! 
 The history of the legislation of the following yeors we 
 give in Mr. Blanchard's words : " In 1828, another per- 
 manent bill passed the Lower House, and was lost in 
 Council. Next day the House passed another permanent 
 bill, with some alteration of the provisions. To this, the 
 Council sent down several amendments, or, more properly 
 speaking, a very voluminous bill of quite a different 
 nature. It is sufficient to mention, that Dr. McCuUoch, 
 the principal, was j)ersonally excluded from the trust. 
 All the trustees were to be removed, and others appointed 
 in their place by the Governor, and the Institution was to 
 be reduced to the level of a Grammar School, or something 
 lower. The House of course refused to concur in the 
 amendments, and the bill was lost. 
 " The House then voted ilSOO to be placed at i-^e dis- 
 cretionary disposal of the Governor, towards discharging 
 the debts of the institution. This was sent to the Council 
 and lost. There were only four nays. Next day the 
 Assembly resolved, that if His Excellency the Governor 
 should judge it i)roper to aid the Trustees, to the extent 
 of jGSOO towards the payments of their debts, the House 
 would provide for it at its next session. Next morning, 
 however, the friends of the Institution, thought it was 
 going too far thus to overlook the Council altogether, and 
 upon reading their journals, moved the insertion of the 
 words, " with the advice of His Majesty's Council." After 
 the rising of the House, the Governor called upon the 
 Council for their advice, and they advised to withhold the 
 money, and it was accordingly withheld. 
 " To ascertain the proceedings of the Council with 
 regt.rd to the permanent bill, a Committee of the House 
 searched their journals, and reported that sixteen petitions 
 from various portions of the Province, had been presented 
 to the Council, praying their assent to a permanent en- 
 dowment of the Academy, and it was also reported that 
 there were four nays in Council to the rejection of the bill. 
 " In 1820, a permanent endowment passed the House, 
 but was lost in Council. The usual vote of i;400 was 
 also passed and also lost in Council. In 1830 a similar 
 bill and a similar vote passed the Assembly, but were both 
 lost in Council. 
 " In 1831, a Committee of ten was appointed in the 
 Assembly, to report a bill respecting the Institution, and 
 they introduced one which passed the House, and was 
 sent to the Council. They returned it with several 
 amendments, but these being connected with money, and 
 so an infringement of the privileges of the House were 
 not considered. The House then passed a resolution of 
 i540O ; while the resolution was under discussion, several 
 members who were opposed to the bill, expressed their 
 consent to the vote for that year, and one of them i)roposed 
 that the word " unanimous " should bo prefixed to the reso- 
 lution, in order that the Council might know the unanimity 
 of the House, and be perhaps thereby induced to acquiesce 
 in its wishes. The word " unanimous " was prefixed by 
 the consent of a full House, but failed to produce the 
 expected efiect. The resolution came back disagreed to. 
 " In concluding this naked history of the Parliamentary 
 proceedings relative to the Academy, the following facts 
 are recurred to as particularly worthy of remark. The 
 House of Assembly passed eight resolutions granting 
 money to the Institution, which were negatived, or des- 
 troyed by amendments. 
 " During the fifteen years since the Academy was found- 
 ed, there have been four General Assemblies, and in each 
 of these, there was always a very largo majority in favor 
 of the Institution. The bills and votes for annual allow- 
 ances often passed without a division, sometimes against 
 minorities of four or five, and on the last occasion, 
 These proceedings led to debates in the House, 
 conducted with great ability. It was in these discussions. 
y ---™ 
 1 !^ 
 and those which arose out of them on the constitutional 
 powers of the House of Assembly, that S. G. "W. Archibald, 
 then speaker, established his character as one of the finest 
 orators of the day, while perhaps not less able, and little 
 less eloquent, were the addresses of T. C. Ilaliburton and 
 C. R. Fairbanks on the same side, while Alexander 
 Stewart on the opposite did what could be done to cover 
 a bad cause. 
 But the issue was what those in power little expected. 
 The Council it is true had manifested their power in 
 defeating the wishes of the House on a money question^ 
 strongly expressed for a dozen years, and their intolerant 
 exclusiveness, in refusing an act of the commonest justice 
 to the whole dissenting population, and the Bishop might 
 feel as if he could smile defiance upon all foes. Indeed 
 the Council seemed determined to exercise their power 
 in very wantonness, for they now negatived a grant 
 passed in the House for Horton Academy, and even 
 refused the small sum of £B0 to the Pictou G-rammar 
 But these things were but the beginning of the end of 
 the whole system of the irresponsible power of cliques 
 and compacts. The discussions on the Pictou Academy 
 raised the whole question of the Council's constitutional 
 rights, and there were men now to claim for the Assembly 
 that control of money matters, which, according to the 
 British Constitution, belongs to the people's represen- 
 tatives. The temper too of both the House and country 
 was being roused, by the manner in which the Council 
 had exercised their powers, and men were now found 
 boldly to cry out to have the whole concern swept away^ 
 or its Constitution radically changed. We will give one 
 example of this. On the 19th March, 1829, Mr. Hartshorne^ 
 one of the minority, moved that the House appoint a 
 committee to confer with the Council, and instruct them 
 to concur with the Council's bill of the preceding year. 
 n ' 
 Then Mr. Haliburtoii, after indignantly repudiating the 
 idea, that after seven bills had been passed by the 
 Assembly and rejected by the Council, the views of the 
 latter should now be thrust upon them, proposed that the 
 resolution should lie on the table, and that instead, the 
 members should agree to resolve themselves into a 
 committee on the general state of the Province, and to 
 prepare an address to His Majesty, humbly soliciting him 
 to remove from his Council those who filled public offices^ 
 or to give them a Legislative Council, and afterward made 
 the following remarks : — 
 " Will any man eay that this is not necessary ? or that it would not be a 
 desirable amendment of our local government ? Will any man say that wo, 
 the forty members hero assembled from all parts of Nova Scotia, do not bring 
 together a greater body of local and topographical knowledge than any 
 similar number of men residing in Halifax 7 Or will it be denied that twelvo 
 or fourteen gentlemen appointed by the King, from different counties in Nova 
 Scotia, to a Legislative Council, could not better subserve the interests of 
 Nova Hcotia than the same number of people in Halifax ? It has been said 
 that this country is a peaceable, quiet country, and is well governed. I admit 
 that it has been a quiet and exemplary Province, but, sir, it is owing to the 
 temperance, prudence, good sense and forbearance of this House, and the 
 morality of the people for many years past. But as to our local government, 
 the structure and frame of it is essentially defective. Is it possible that any man 
 can assert that where the Legislative Council consists of the same persons as 
 the Privy Council, and the latter is composed of all our public officers, 
 whereby the servants of the public become its masters, that such a form of 
 government is perfect, or that men so situated, unless equal to angels, could 
 in the nature of things give satisfaction 7 Is it possible to affirm that a 
 council separate and apart from the Privy Council, but appointed by the King 
 boxn the country, would not bo infinitely preferable ? " 
 And then after a scathing rebuke of the Bishop for his 
 treatment of Dr. McCuUoch, as well as some other of his 
 friends, he concluded : — 
 " I turn from them and him to this House and say, consider of this matter, 
 and petition the King, cither to remove the public officers fed and paid by 
 the Province, from the Privy Council, or to grant us a Legislative Council. 
 That there does exist a necessity for this measure, no man can doubt who 
 understands the state of our affairs." 
 Though the Assembly was thus coming to learn and 
 assert its rights, there was still wanting the firmness to 
 1.0 jria II 
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 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4S03 

 take a firm stand in the maintenance of them. Had they 
 done 80 on this question, and simply had this grant or 
 given no supply at all, the contest would perhaps haye 
 come sooner, but the victory would have been more easily 
 won, and with less loss and trouble to the country than 
 in the contest which was soon after forced upon them. 
 But the members had always objects, for which they 
 wanted money votes, and the House resorted to a system 
 of manoeuvering, to obtain the consent of the Council even 
 for grants necessary for public improvement, and the 
 latter could always secure their measures, and in every 
 collision with the House had hitherto been succebsfnl. 
 And even the author of the above bold words, under the 
 influence of a judgeship, quietly subsided into the most 
 compliant of placemen. But freedom's battle was now 
 begun, and when the next iight came, the Council found 
 itself engaged in a vain struggle for life, and passed away, 
 "unwept, unhonoured and unsung;" and 'in the new 
 order of things, the people of Nova Scotia took good care 
 that no Bishop managed our civil affairs. 
 It was perhaps unfortxmate for the Academy, that it 
 was mixed up with these political questions, but this 
 position was forced upon its friends by the course of its 
 During the time that the annual grant was withheld, 
 the friends of the Institution rallied nobly to its support. 
 In one year friends in Hahfax subscribed jCoOO towards 
 it. At one meeting in Pictou a subscription was opened, 
 which the next day amounted to iJ181.5s. ($725). Had 
 it been a time of prosperity in the country, the zeal of its 
 friends was such, that it might have been maintained 
 without Government aid, and sometimes Dr. McCulloch 
 proposed, that the Presbyterian Church should take the 
 matter into their own hands, and leave the Legislature 
 alone. But it was a time of great depression and scarcity 
 of money, and subscriptions were insulEcient, so that debt 
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 was accumulating upon the Trustees. The Council 
 remaining obstinate, they resolved to lay their grievances 
 before the Home Government. This had been threatened 
 before, but the Bishop and the Council had hitherto had 
 the ear of the authorities at Downing Street, and the^ 
 smiled contempt on such a proposal. But they had to 
 deal with men, who knew their rights and had the boldness 
 to assert them, and who had confidence in the justice of 
 the British Government. Accordingly in the year 1831, 
 Jotham Blanchard, Esq., was sent to Britain as their 
 agent. He addressed the United Secession Synod, which, 
 after hearing his statements, resolved to strengthen his 
 hands, by presenting an address to the King on behalf oi 
 his mission, and otherwise to aid in the promotion of his 
 views. He then presented to Lord Goderich, then Co- 
 lonial Secretary, a long memorial giving a full history of 
 the Institution and its claims, which was confirmed by a 
 variety of documents. Some members of Council were in 
 London at the time, from whom His Lordship sought 
 explanations, but they had to make the excuse, that 
 they had not with them the documents necessary to 
 reply to it. 
 The result was a despatch from the Colonial Secretary 
 to the Lieut. Governor, of which the following are extracts : 
 " The arrival of Mr. Blanchard in this country, with a memorial upon the 
 subject of the Fictou Academy, has called my particular attention to that 
 question, which seems to be almost the only topic calculated to interrupt the 
 harmony and good understanding, which in general prevails between the 
 different branches of the Legislature, and throughout the Province at large. 
 <' Unless, however, some means be found of adjusting the differences, which 
 have arisen upon this subject, I fear it may swell into an affair of some mag- 
 nitude, and threaten injurious consequences, which it might not be easy to 
 avert. His Majesty's Government, therefore, feel most anxious that this 
 cause of internal dissension should be removed, and that a bill should b« 
 passed, which might give to the Pictou Academy that permanent pecuniary 
 assistance from the public revenue, to the grant of which the Assembly 
 attaches so much importance ; and I have no hesitation in submitting to yoa 
 my opitiion, that it would be most unfortunate, if the passing of such a bill 
 tfionld be fruitmted, by attempting to annex to it conditions as to the con> 
 ■titatioB of the Body of Trusteea, to vhich there is but little reason to expect- 
 that the ABsembly vould be prepared to agree. 
 « It may, I think, well be donbted whether, considering the nature of the 
 Institution and the great variety of religious opinions, which may be enter* 
 tained by those who attend it, any benefit would result from placing the 
 Qianagement of it, in the hands of a Board of Trustees composed of persons 
 holding ofBcial situations under Government, who might thereby become, in 
 , the discharge of their duties, most inconveniently mixed up with questions in 
 which they could not interfere with advantage. The veto which the Governor 
 now possesses upon the appointment of new trustees when vacancies occur,, 
 seems to afford n sufficient guarantee against the introduction into the Board 
 of improper persons ; and although it can hardly be expected, that any board 
 of management could at all times give unqualified satisfaction to every one, 
 j^et BO long as the Asseibbly, representing all classes of persons in the com«: 
 munity, should not deem any fresh Legislative interference necessary, it 
 might &irly be inferred that the Institution was not improperly conducted y 
 at all events, it is obvious at the present moment that the public at large are 
 not desiroviK of any material change in its management. 
 <* Whilst, however, I cannot say that I see reason to participate iu the 
 grounds npon which the Council have rejected a bill for a permanent grant, I 
 should, of coarse, deem it to bo more satisfactory if the measure were adopted 
 in such a manner as to meet and conciliate the feelings and wishes of both 
 parties. Your object will therefore be to endeavor to bring about, by the 
 •XBrciae of all proper means of persuasion on your part, such a state of feeling 
 upon the subject as may lead to that result. All will then see that His 
 Majesty's Government at home, and the individual who represents His Majesty 
 in the colony, have no other object in view than the good of the Province, 
 and the harmony and contentment of all classes of His Majesty's subjects." 
 This was a pretty severe rap on the knuckles of the 
 old ladies, and most unexpected from such a quarter. 
 With such instructions to the Governor, and such a plain 
 expression of sentiment regarding the conduct of the 
 Council, had the friends of the Institution now stood firm, 
 we believe they might have gained all they had sought. 
 ' But the House was disposed to conpromise, and thus 
 threw away the fruits of victory. Mr. Archibald now 
 introduced a bill, the principal provisions of which were, 
 that the Institution should be under the management of 
 a board of twelve trustees, seven of the old trustees, to be 
 elected by themselves, four to be appointed by the. 
 Q-overnor, (these it was intended should be appointed; 
 ^om tho party in Fictou opposed to the Institution), and 
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 the Roman Catholic Bishop. The Institution was to 
 consist of a higher and lower department, the higher to 
 teach the branches already taught, and the lower to teach 
 those usually taught in the Grammar schools. The 
 trustees however might obtain any suitable house in any 
 part of Pictou, separate from the Academy for the lower 
 dirision, which was to be commenced, as soon as funds 
 had been raised by private subscription, tuition fees or 
 otherwise to provide a salary of iJlOO a year. There was 
 to be no Theological class taught in the Academy, but 
 this was not to prevent any professor teaching any such 
 class in any other part of the town of Pictou. The sum 
 of iJ400 a year was granted for ten years, of which je250 
 was to be paid to Dr. McCulloch, as principal, while he 
 continued in office, the rest to be for the benefit of the 
 Academy, as the trustees might direct. 
 This bill was an attempt fairly to meet the views of all 
 parties. The proportion of the trustees allowed to the 
 old funds of the Institution, was what Mr. McKenzie 
 professed himself willing to agree to. It preserved the 
 teaching of the higher branches, which its friends had 
 \teen so long endeavoring to build up, and it at the 
 ftame time sought to meet the views of its opponents asl 
 to the lower branches. But Mr. McKenzie was no more 
 reconciled than ever. It still made provision for main- 
 taining the higher branches, and thus the Seceders might 
 stili educate ministers in Nova Scotia, and he accordingly 
 appealed to the Council against the measure. 
 " The manifest aim," he complained to them, " and 
 effect of the Bill, is the appropriation of i;400 a year out 
 of the public revenue, to gratify the ambitious views of a 
 particiilar sect, to whom a combination of circumstances^ 
 and the injurious union of the three districts of thi» 
 county, has given a temporary ascendancy and a degree 
 of political influence, to which tl^eir relative numbers 
 and strength in the districts of Halifax and Pictou, by 
\'. ;.:IU 
 no means entitles them. It is an ascendancy, which 
 tramples under foot the just rights, and sets at naught 
 the moderate demands of the other classes of His Majesty's 
 loyal subjects and which in seeking to perpetuate itself, 
 has led to consequences of which none are more fully 
 aware than the members of your Hon. Board. The 
 Academy has been declared by the Key. Principal, to Jae 
 subservient to the propagation of the gospel, that is, as 
 is apparent from his printed memorial of 1826, containing 
 this passage, • to the education of preachers for the body 
 of Presbyterian Seceders.' The political and religious 
 influence of this sect is thus to be extended and confirmed 
 at the public cost, and to the injury and depression of the 
 Kirk of Scotland, and of all other denominations of 
 Christians." * 
 Mr. McKenzie therefore demanded, that ^100 or ^150 
 of the grant, should be appropriated expressly to the 
 teaching of the lower branches, of which proposal Dr. 
 McGulloch said : 
 " He knows what education is. He knows what is taught in the Picton 
 Academy. If he thinks that the several bnmches are not taught, let him 
 show it to this Honourable Board. If they are taught, I ask him to specify 
 any seminary upon earth, where so much instruction is given for £400 Nova 
 Scotia currency. Yet from this sum he would abstract XlOO or £l 60, leaving 
 at fiirthest JC300 to keep the building in repair, to pay the interest of debt, 
 amounting to, perhaps, £1200, and to maintain the teachers. The governors 
 of Kings' expend, I believe, not less than XI, 000 sterling on education. In 
 the Pictou Academy the system of instruction is, at least, as extensive, and I 
 * To this, Dr. McCuUooh's reply was easy, that as the benefits of the 
 Institution were equally accessible to all, injustice was done to none, and 
 that its course was restricted to those branches of education, which every 
 civilised community has accounted necessary alike fo. all the learned profes- 
 sion. If he supported the Institution as subservient to the Propagation of 
 the Gospel, because he believed the interests of religion required a native 
 Oiinistry, he sought to promote its efficiency equally iu subservience to moro 
 fenural purposes. If Mr. McEenzie preferred teaching his people to depend on 
 Scotland, he had no right to complain of others who pursued a different 
 policy. At all events, instruction In Theology Ibrmed no pari of the ooorso 
 d( initmction at the Aoadomy. 

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 trast, not inferior in qnality ; but when it is proposed to giant to the latter 
 £360, he eagerly solicits to talio £90 for the lower branches. The result is 
 certain destruction." 
 Mr. McKcnzie also persisted in requiring the lower 
 branches to be in the same building. To this its friends 
 were strongly opposed. •' There are," said Mr. Archibald 
 in his speech, •* but four rooms in the present building, 
 one devoted to the library, one to the philosophical 
 apparatus, a third is the class room, and the fourth 
 oontained the museum. To introduce a grammar school 
 into the College is to destroy it. The higher branches 
 could not be taught amidst the noise and tumult of a 
 common school ; and if young boys were allowed to 
 range through the library, museum, and depositary of 
 philosophical apparatus, these would shortly be destroyed." 
 All Mr. McKenzie's views wert conceded. The clause 
 allowing the lower branches to be taught in a separate 
 building was struck out of the bill, and iJlOO of the 
 annual grant was expressly appropriated to their support, 
 and both departments were to be compressed into one 
 building with four rooms. Mr. McKenzie pledged 
 himself that he and his party would raiuC "penny for 
 peny " with the others, to maintain the Institution ; and 
 he with Revds. D. A. Fraser, and John McRae, and David 
 Crichton, Esq., were added to the trust. 
 From this time, the finger of decay may be said to have 
 been upon it. It did some good work, and some of its 
 best students were educated after this. The old friends 
 still came forth from time to time liberally for its support. 
 But there was a blight upon it. External war had been 
 exchanged for internal strife. Hitherto the trustees were 
 united, but now what the one party wished to build, the 
 other laboured to destroy. The lower branches r^ere 
 taught for a time efficiently by G-eorge A. Blanchard, but 
 afterward were committed to a friend and countryman of 
 Mr. McKenzie, under whose management the teaching of 
 I i 
 them VfM discontinued, simply from want of pupils. la 
 the meantime, the trnstees were becoming embarrassed in 
 bearing the expense of the upper department. In conse- 
 quence, the second teacher's classes were closed. Friends 
 became disheartened, and in the uncertainty as to the 
 future of the Institution, young men were discouraged 
 from preparing to enter it. 
 Under these circumstances, in the year 1838, an Act 
 passed the Legislature, transferring Dr. McGuUoch and 
 X200 of the grant to Dalhousie College. The ministers 
 of the Church of Scotland now argued that the founder 
 of the Institution, in proposing as his model the University 
 of Edinburgh, meant the institution to be in connection 
 with the Church of Scotland, and though they could not 
 exclude Dr. MoCuUoch, they succeeded, through their 
 influence with Sir Colin Campbell, the Governor, in 
 getting members of their own body appointed to the 
 other chairs, to the exclusion of better men. Mr. 
 Crawley, who was one of the rejected, immediately 
 commenced the agitation, which resulted in the establish- 
 ment of Acadia College. 
 The Pictou Academy was subsequently remodelled as 
 an Academy or High School, and as such has been doing 
 good work. And the higher education in Nova Scotia 
 has ever since been inextricably muddled. 
 Wo have thus fully noticed the Pictou Academy and 
 the discussions connected with it, as these involved 
 important results to the Province : 
 In the first place, it was the means-of training a goodly 
 number of men for stations of usefulness, both in Church 
 and State, which they have filled in a highly creditable 
 manner, many of whom could not otherwise have had 
 more than a common school education. Among those 
 who gave themselves to the gospel ministry, we need 
 only mention such men as John McLean, J. L. Murdoch^ 
 E. S. Patterson, John Campbell, Drs. Boss, McCuUochk 
 McGregor and G-eddie. To law and politics, it gave amonff 
 •others, Sir T. D. Archibald, baron of the English Court 
 •of Exchequer ; Judge Bitchie, now of the Supreme Court 
 of Canada, lately Chief Justice of New Brunswick ; Sir 
 Hugh Hoyles, Chief Justice of Newfoundland ; A. G. 
 Archibald, Gorernor of Nova Scotia ; Judge Young, of 
 dharlottetown, P. E. I. ; Judge Blanchard, George B. 
 Young, &c., &c. Among its students who followed the 
 liealing art, we may mention Dr. W. B. Grant, Professor 
 of Anatomy in Pennsylvania Medical College, and among 
 ^scientific men. Dr. J. W. Dawson, Principal of McGiU 
 College, Montreal. 
 ' Secondly. It largely advanced the cause of general 
 •education and diffused a taste for literature and science. 
 The* number of men it educated, with their general 
 influence, the schools that they taught, the numbers ol 
 others partially taught, the popular scientific lectures of 
 Dr. McCulloch, the general air which such an institution 
 •diffuses around it, and even the discussions to which it 
 gave rise, made it the means of diffusing intelligence ^d 
 4 desire for knowledge, among all classes of the com- 
 munity, bebond any institution of its time, and we might 
 almost say since. The illiberality of those who imposed 
 tests upon it, in some measure limited its influence to 
 Presbyterians. But persons of all denominations attended 
 it, and by the discussions of which it was the subject, 
 ■and in other ways, these bodies were excited to an 
 interest in the same cause. 
 Thirdly. It was in the contests, of which it was the 
 subject, that the equal rights of all classes to public 
 education were secured. "What sane man in our day 
 ivould advocate the maintenance of only one institution, 
 from which only one fifth of the population should derive 
 any benefit ? 
 Lastly, As we have seen, it was in the same contests, 
 that the movement began, in which the government of 
 1 ( 
 the country by irresiJonsible cliques was broken, and the 
 Province secured the true force of representative insti- 
 If the Institution cost money, it will be difficult to find 
 one that gave as much in return for as little. But its 
 ^benefits cannijt be reckoned by any money value. One 
 John McLean was worth more to a Province a hundred 
 fold, than all that it ever cost. If there was strife about 
 it, this was only because it was attacked. All was har- 
 mony when it was founded, and for years after, but it was 
 assailed and of course defended. 
 "We may add here, that as Dr. McCuUoch's exertions in 
 connexion with the Institution, directed young men to 
 the ministry, the county has ever since given a large| pror 
 portion of the best of her sons to that sacred employment, 
 than any population of the same size in the Dominion, a 
 circumstance probably in part owing to old Scotch train- 
 ing. We give a list in the Appendix, which contains the 
 names of about a hundred, of whom seven have received 
 the degree of Doctor of Divinity, and seven have been 
 missionaries to the Heathen (Appendix J.) Probably there 
 are others, whose names we have not ascertained. 
 "We have already mentioned that Dr. McCuUoch from 
 an early date after his arrival, contributed to the Acadian 
 Recorder. In that paper first appeared some ot his 
 writings, which have since been published separately. 
 Among these was a tale or sketch of colonial life, called 
 " William," which, with another of the same kind named 
 " Melville," was published in Edinburgh in the year 
 1826, under the title " Colonial Gleanings." In that 
 journal, several of his writings on local controversies, 
 ecclesiastical and educational, first appeared. In it also 
 in the years 1822-23, as we have already mentioned, he 
 published a series of light and amusing sketches of the 
 social habits of the people of Nova Scotia at the time„ 
 particularly tn the rural districts. These were thrown off 
 by him hastily as a sort of relaxation from engrossing 
 labours, but they arc so graphic, that in every part of 
 the Province, persons were found that were regarded as 
 the originals of the characters which ho had delineated. 
 Some others of his writings were published in pamphlet 
 form, t.mong which may be mentioned the following : — 
 « The prosperity of the Church in troublous times." A sermon preached 
 inPictou. Halifax: 1814. pp.24. 
 "Words of peace; being an address delivered to the congregation of 
 Halifax, in connection with the Presbyterian Church of Nora Scotia, in con- 
 sequence of some congregational disputes." Halifax: 1817. pp.16. ISmo. 
 *<The nature and uses of a liberal education." Illustrated. A lecture. 
 1818. pp. 34. 8vo. 
 After his death his theological lectures were published 
 in the year 1849, at Glasgow, in a volume of 270 pages, 
 12itLO., under the title, " Calvinism the doctrine of the 
 Scriptures, or a Scriptural account of the ruin and recovery 
 of fallen man, and a review of the principal objections, 
 which have been advanced against the Calvinistic 
 Dr. McGuUoeh continued to labour in Dalhousie 
 Oollege, with some measure of success, but was ill 
 supported in his work. The toils and anxieties of past 
 years had broken down his constitution, and rendered 
 him prematurely old, though his energetic spirit still bore 
 him through bodily infirmities ; yet all his energy was 
 not sufficient to establish a new institution, against the 
 weight of incapable colleagues, insufficient appliances, 
 and half-hearted support. He died at Halifax in 1848, in 
 the 67th year of his age. His remains rest in the old 
 Pictou cemetery, where some years later his students 
 erected a monument to his memory. 
 The Kev. John McKinlay, his associate in his first 
 effi:>rts to establish the Pictou Academy, continued from 
 the. year 1824 till his death, on the 20th October, 1860, to 
 minister to the congregation in Pictou, now known as 
 Prince Street Church. He was a man well read, a diligent 
 ' i! 
 m i 
 V ! 
 student, a faithful pastor, and a man of peaceful disposition, 
 «nd he passed away amid expressions of universal respect. 
 The Rev. Donald A. Fraser, in the year 1887, removed to 
 Lunenburg, from which place, in 1842, he removed to St. 
 Johns, Newfoundland, where he founded St. Andrew's 
 Church and congregation there in connection with the 
 Church of Scotland. There he died much respected, on 
 the 7th February, 1845. It is but due to him to say, that 
 removed from the scene of strife in Pictou, he saw matters 
 in a different light, and acknowledged his mistake, in the 
 part which he had taken in dividing the Presbyterian 
 interest. He had not been long in Lunenburg till he 
 found himself a Dissenter, haughtily treated as such, and 
 obliged to employ the energies, which he had previously 
 employed against his fellow Presbyterians and their 
 Institution, against the arrogant pretensions of Episcopacy. 
 On one of his first visits to Pictou, after leaving it, he 
 •aid to a leading member of the Presbyterian Church, 
 " You used to tell us that in the course we adopted in 
 Pictou, we were making ourselves the tools of the Bishop 
 and his party. I never saw it till I left Pictou, but I see 
 it now." He spoke and wrote in favour of union, and 
 strongly condemned the virulence, with which his 
 late colleagues carried on their controversy against the 
 Fietou Academy. But the waters of strife had been let 
 out, and he was powerless to arrest them. 
 The Rev. Ken. J. McKenzie continued to minister to 
 the Congregation of St. Andrews Church, Pictou, till the 
 'year 1837. His conduct grieved the hearts of the pious in 
 his own congregation, and he then relinquished the mi- 
 nistry altogether. " In the winter following, a vacancy 
 occurred in the representation of the county, by the 
 •levation of Mr. Smith to the Legislative Council, and he 
 became a candidate for the position. He was opposed by 
 Thomas Dickson, Esq., was defeated, and died a few weeks 
 We have omitted all reference to the personalities, which 
 narked the deplorable controversies, in which these men 
 were engaged, but as to the questions of issue, it would 
 be foolish and wrong, not to employ the light of experi- 
 ence, to judge of the wisdom of the policy of the respectire 
 parties. We venture to say, that never did time, which 
 tests all things, more thoroughly determine any question, 
 than it has vindicated the wisdom of the course adopted ^ 
 by the Presbyterian ministers, in endeo^-r firing to establish 
 A collegiate Institution, witL a special vir v to the training 
 of a native ministry, and the unwisdom of the opposite. 
 Wo need not enter into particnla ■ '^^ TL« hist'^x/of the 
 tw<> ehuTches aince tells the tale., 
 The financial crisis of 1825-6, described in our last 
 <)hapter, left the county in a very depressed condition, 
 fitill the various branches of business, which had 
 pveviously occupied our public men, continued, though 
 «n a diminished scale, — and to those formerly mentioned 
 ■as engaged in them, we may add the names of John 
 Taylor and David Crichton, first in partnership, and ' 
 afterward separately. Soon however these began to fail. 
 Owing to the destructive manner in which the fisheries 
 had been conducted, the fish visited our shores in greatly 
 diminished numbers, and sometimes did not return to 
 their old haunts at all, so that the trade fell off. About 
 the year 1838, the fishing trade from Fictou ceased, and 
 though there have been attempts made since to reviye it, 
 these have not proved successful. The West India trade 
 tvas carried on under some disadvantages from Pictou, 
 from the harbour being closed in winter, and from the 
 fact of its not being a free port. As the iisheries failed 
 and the supply of good lumber diminished, this trade 
 came to an end about the same time. 
 Public attention was now directed to the obtaining for 
 Pictou the privileges of a Free Port. Some explanation 
 may be necessary on this subject for readers of the present 
 day. In the colonization of America, all the European 
 powers acted upon the idea, of making the colonies yield 
 the utmost possible advantage to the mother country, and 
 that often with little regard to the rights of the colonists. 
 Great Britain, though distinguished for justice and 
 magnaminity, as compared with other nations, long 
 maintained a commercial system, narrow and selfish, 
 alike unjust to the colonies and injurious to both. Up 
 till the year 1825, her policy aimed at prevent" ag her 
 colonial dependencies having any trade, except with the 
 mother country or with one another. But in that year, 
 Mr. Huskisson, then President of the Board of Trade, 
 passed his memorable act, by which the colonies were 
 allowed to trade with foreign countries, which reciprocated 
 the favour — an act which may be regarded as the eman* 
 cipation of the colonies, and from which a new era in theit 
 history may be dated. Still the privilege was limited to 
 some ports, known as Free Ports, of which Halifax was 
 ' the only one in this Province. Under this system, if 
 Pictou wished to export a cargo of any article, except 
 fish, to a foreign country, it had to be sent to Halifax, 
 unloaded there, reshipped and then cleared from that port» 
 So all return cargoes of any description from foreign 
 countries, had to be landed at Halifax, reloaded there, and 
 thence cleared for Pictou, involving not only expense, 
 but sometimes such a loss of time, as might prevent 
 arrival for a whole winter. Thus the merchants here 
 were rirtually excluded from the trade with the Foreign 
 West India Islands, South America, or the Mediterranean, 
 which were the best markets for fish ; and as to the 
 United States, a cargo of flour could only be iriported by 
 landing it at Halifax, and a few hundred chaldrons of 
 coal that were sent thither, had to be trans-shipped in the 
 same manner. Foreign yessels were also prevented from 
 coming to Pictou, 
 "Wemay suppose that the Halifax merchants had enough 
 of human nature in them, to wish to retain for their port 
 the monopoly which this afforded, and henoe their 
 opposition was long given to the extension of the Free 
 Port system to the outports. The first movement to 
 obtain this privilege for Pictou was now made, by the 
 calling of a public meeting, which was held in the Court 
 House, on the 8th January, 1828, when it was resolved 
 unanimously, " That it is the opinion of this meeting, that 
 it will be a great advantage to the trade, commerce, 
 fisheries and agriculture of the Port and District of Pictou 
 and the neighbouring harbours and places situate in the 
 Gulf of St. Lawrence, that the Port of Pictou be placed 
 on the footing of a Free Port, under the provisions of the 
 Act of the Imperial Parliament, 6 George IV., chap. 1 14." 
 It was also resolved to petition the King to that effect 
 The petition was accordingly forwarded, with another to 
 the Lieutenant Governor, asking him to recommend its 
 prayer. Before the petition reached Britain, however, 
 Pictou and Sydney were declared Free Ports, through 
 the influence of the General Mining Association. But 
 the petition of the inhabitants, which prayed that Pictou 
 should be made a free warehousing port, was refused, on 
 the ground that it had already been made a Free Port. 
 Even this, however, excited in the minds of people here 
 the most glowing visions, as to the future prosperity of 
 the place. " Stranger things have happened," said one, 
 it m 
 " than that the horses of the Governor General of India 
 should yet travel on Pictou iron, paid for by direct 
 importation of East India goods into Pictou Harbour," 
 and the first arrival under the new system was thus 
 hailed in the Colonial Patriot, of 21st May, 1828 : — 
 '< With much pleasnro we record the arriral of the schooner Lovely Hope, 
 from Boston, with a cargo of flour, corn, &c. This is tho first arrival under 
 the free port order, and it is creditable to tho enterprise of Messrs. O. L. Do 
 Blois k Co., the merchants who so quickly arailcd themselves of the new 
 system. • • We sincerely hope the cargo of this vessel will yield a liberal 
 return to the consignees. We think the present an important era in the 
 history of Pictou, and doubt not the Lovely Hope is the harbinger of much 
 good to come." 
 The timber trade had now sunk to a low position. 
 The finer qualities of wood were exhausted. All the pine 
 fit for shipment was gone, and what little was left, was 
 to be found only in the more remote parts of the county, 
 was generally small in size and needed for home con* 
 sumption. Pitch pine of value was not to be found. 
 Instead of the splendid oak, which yielded abundant 
 supplies of hogshead staves or timber for shipment, were 
 to be found only a few small trees of second growth, 
 scarcely sufficient to supply our own population with 
 those articles, for which it was specially desired. There 
 only remained the spruce and birch. For some years 
 considerable was done in manufacturing the former into 
 deals and battens, and in shipping them to Britain, but 
 since about the year 1840 even that has come to an end,, 
 owing to the eachaustion of the supply. Birch timber 
 continued to be drawn from the interior, and still forms 
 an article of export. 
 The financial crisis of 1825-6 for a time nearly 
 destroyed the ship-building business, but it soon began to 
 revive and in subsequent years was carried on with much 
 energy. But at that time, most if not all the vessels built 
 were built to sell. After the close of the West India 
 trade, there was scarcely a vessel of any size owned in 
 the county and kept in regular emplo3rnient. Even thd 
 building of them was carried on under disadvantages. 
 The leading merchants had been left in debt by the 
 events of those years, and others who began had but little 
 capital. Hence the work was carried on by means of 
 advances from parties in the old country. This involved 
 expenses for commission, interest, &c. Then the vessels 
 were sent to Britain for sale. Even if sold immediately, 
 and at good prices, such were the charges, that very often 
 the builder was as deeply in debt as when he began. 
 But frequently they remained for a time unsold, with 
 expenses eating up their value, and then they might be 
 thrown upon the market at a time when prices were low, 
 in which case they might not realize first cost. This 
 business proved fatal to nearly all who were concerned 
 in it, as we shall notice more particularly in our next 
 chapter. A number of those however, who at this time 
 began business with little or no capital and on the 
 smallest scale, have since become the wealthy men of the 
 Owing to these circumstances, the closing years of the 
 period we are now reviewing, were about the poorest the 
 country has experienced since its first settlement. Farmers, 
 owing to the credit system, and their giving so much of 
 their attention to timber, were in the merchants books. 
 Now that resource was gone. Their farms had been 
 neglected, and from constant cropping did not yield as 
 formerly. Crops too failed from other causes. The 
 Hessian fly injured the wheat, and a disease afiected the 
 potatoes, BO that they did not grow as formerly, sometimes ' 
 the seed not coming up at all. There was little demand 
 for farm produce, and no cash market. Merchants 
 received it in exchange for goods at low prices. The 
 pork, butter, etc., thus received was shipped principally to 
 Halifax, Miramichi; or Newfoundland, and cattle were 
 sometimes driven across Mouat Thorn to Halifax, fre* 
 5 !i 
 qnently realizing but a small return. The ship timber, 
 or other produce of the forest, which they traded with the 
 merchant, were paid for in goods dear in price and often 
 trashy in quality, so that the farmers were so destitute of 
 cash, that it used to be said they could only look for as 
 much as would pay their taxes and stipends, though too 
 commonly they sought to pay the latter, either in some 
 other way or not at all. 
 "We now turn from business matters to notice some 
 other matters connected with this period. In the year 
 1827, the first newspaper published in the Province out of 
 Halifax, was started in Fictou. It was called the Colonial 
 Patriot, and was published by "William Milne, in partner- 
 ship with J. S. Gunnabell of Halifax, but its establishment 
 was mainly owing to Jotham Blanchard, Esq., who for 
 several years edited it anonymously. The important part 
 which the paper played in our Provincial history, as well 
 as the character and services of its editor, entitle them to 
 special notice in this work. Mr. Blanchard was bom at 
 Peterboro, N. H., on the 13th March, 1800. His grand- 
 father, Jotham, usually known as Gol. Blanchard, had left 
 the United States at the close of the Revolutionary war, 
 from loyalty to the British crown, and settled at Truro. 
 His son, Jonathan, remained behind and married there, 
 and Jotham was his eldest child. When he was fifteen 
 months old, his parents removed with him to Truro, 
 where the old people with their family were still residing. 
 !Here from accident or sickness he incurred permanent 
 lameness, and probably from the same cause his constitu- 
 tion was feeble and ill fitted for the labour, to which he 
 was impelled by his active mind. After he was able to 
 go about, his father provided a pony for him to attend 
 school, or go where called. Some years later, the family 
 removed to the "West River, where the father purchased 
 G«orge McGonnell's farm and put up* the large house, so 
 long known as the Ten Mile House, where he for several 
 years kept an inn. Afterward they removed to Fictou 
 town, wher • Jotham completed his education at the 
 Pictou Academy, being one of the first class of students 
 at that institution. He studied law under Thomas ' 
 Dickson, Esq., and was admitted to the bar on the 18th 
 October, 1821. In his profession, he soon established his 
 character as an able lawyer and an eloquent pleader, but 
 at the same time was noted as always discouraging - 
 litigation, at a time when there was so much disposition 
 to it.* 
 The first number of the Patriot was issued on the 7th 
 December, 1827, and had for its motto, •• Pro .rege, pro 
 patria." In exposition of this, the editor said : — 
 " In politics we shall sido with the most liberal system. Our motto, if 
 rightly understood, conveys our sentiments. We reverence the British Con- 
 stitution, and honor the king as its head, hut feel assured that the best way 
 of showing true regard for the king is by advancing the interests of his 
 subjects. All governments are designed for the general good of tho psoplo, 
 and that government deserves most praise, which most effectually succeeds in : 
 this object ; and we boldly assert, ihat he who pretends to support the dignity 
 of the government and the honor of the crown, at the expanse of th« general 
 happiness, alike commits treason against the king and his subjects ; — he betrays 
 the people and dishonors their sovereign. 
 " Respecting our Provincial politics, we can only say that wo shall advocate . 
 what we consider sound and just principles ; and if we find the government 
 or any branch of it deviating from these, we shall not fail to proclaim it. 
 This determination, we are well aware, would be ridiculed by the members of 
 Government, were it to travel so for as to meet their eyes, but neither their 
 scorn nor our own weakness shall deter us from this course of conduct, being 
 convinced that it forms no excuse for permitting obnoxious measures to pass 
 * An instance of this was given by a gentleman then holding a humble 
 position in the printing office. He was one day waiting upon Mr. B. for 
 *' copy." While the latter was driving his pen with great vigor, a country- 
 man came into the office. Scarcely lifting his head, Mr. B. asked his errand. 
 The man replied that a certain person had sued him for debt. " And do you 
 owe him?" said Mr. B., while the pen went with undiminished rapidity. 
 The man mumbled an uncertain reply. " Do you owe him ? " said Mr. B., 
 more sternly. " Well, perhaps I do," tho man drawled out. << Then go and 
 pay him," was the reply, while the pen never stopped in its career. The m«a 
 slowly retired, glancing back with a mixture of wonder and curiosity, at this 
 new specimen of legal advice, 
 In Bilencfl, that obserration upon them is attended vrith no immediate result?. 
 It is an important point, to keep the eyes of the people open to their own 
 interests, and thus convince the Qoremmcnt that ihey know when their 
 rights arc overlooked. This is the safest and surest mode of preventing and 
 rectifying mal-adniinistration, though we must confess that in the latter cast^ 
 the process is tedious. It has, however, proved successful in Britain, where 
 ancient prejudices and their abettors have been forced to yield to the increase 
 of knowledge, and the consequent march of liberal principles. 
 " With our cotemporary editors, wo shall carefully cultivate the most 
 friendly feelings, but onr public duty is paramount to private inclination, and 
 if we find them betraying the people's rights, or inculcating excessive servility, 
 we must not be backward in exposing their errors, and reminding them of 
 their duty as sentinels of the public interests. 
 " The peculiarities of our religious tenets we do not think proper at present 
 to divulge. . . While men do not cherish religious views subversive of 
 the order of society, or inimical to the great and leading principles of our 
 glorious constitution, we think it the very acme of injustice that hero should 
 be civil distinctions on account of religious opinions. Influenced by these 
 sentiments, wo shall never hesitate to strike in our feeble lance against any 
 man — bo he friend or foe, for us or against us — whom we shall find prostrating 
 the landmarks of his neighbor's rights.* 
 " Having witnessed the beneficial effects resulting from an unshackled press 
 in Britain, we shall always advocate the same system here. 
 « Wo will discuss the interests of Pictou. We shall at all times, however, 
 when opportunity permits, be happy to raise our voice in behalf of the whole 
 Province of Nora Scotia, without reference to east or west, north or south ; 
 and even beyond the limits of our own Province, our humble efforts shall 
 always be at the command of our sister colonies, when we think their just 
 rights attacked or disregarded, or in danger of being compromised by the 
 negligence or inertness of the great body of the people, or the adroitness or 
 power of the few. 
 " Our infant establishment is the first of the kind in the country, and we do 
 hope that the friends of general improvement in all parts of it will, by the 
 kindness of their smiles, brighten us into a vigorous existence. The town 
 has advocates in abundance, and papers in abundance, — we shall endeavor to 
 advocate the peculiar interests of the country." 
 These sentiments seem innocent enough, and in the 
 present day would alarm no person, but they covered 
 principles, which at that time were considered by those 
 in iwwer as dangerous, if not altogether subversive of 
 * In explanation of this paragraph, it is only necessary to remind onr 
 readers, that Catholic emancipation was at that time still one of the great 
 questions of the day. 
 society. Referring" to this in the second number, the 
 editor says : — 
 " Before setting out with so open an aTowal of our principles, vro perfectly 
 knew tlmt tlio voice of slander would follow our track, and that wo should be 
 chart^cd with disloyalty and radicalism. This has been the refuge of all the 
 supporters of existing abuses and new oppressions, since the world began. 
 I'haraoh, no doubt, considered Moses a great radical. William Tell was a 
 radical ; the sturdy barons who forced Magna Charta from King John were 
 rillainons radicals ; so were Luther and John Knox ; and they were a radical 
 crew, to be sure, who drove the last of the Stuarts from England's throne. 
 In later times Chathfrn, and Burke, and Fox, and Brougham have all been 
 charged with disloyalty and radicalism by the advocates of gray-haired abuses. 
 If we, then, of the Colonial Patriot, suffer from the same species of slander, 
 we shall suffer in good company, and we prefer suffering in a good cause to 
 propperity in a bad one." 
 These were the days when the Council of XII., com- 
 bining executive and legislative functions, sitting in 
 secret, all, with scarcely an exception. Churchmen and 
 residents of Halifax, and nearly all placemen,* most, if 
 not all of them, decent men in their -waj, but trained in 
 the narrowest school of political sentiment, full of the 
 highest notions of arbitrary power, ruled the country 
 with undisputed authority. Successive Governors had 
 been but tools in their hands, and the House of Assembly, 
 in any attempt hitherto made to assert its independence, 
 had been obliged, whenever it came into collision with 
 their high mightinesses at the other end of the building, to 
 succumb by a threat of the latter of refusing to do busi- 
 ness with that branch of the Legislatuio. The Council 
 too seemed to feel under no obligation, to adopt ^ny 
 measures for the improvement of the Province, so that 
 for anything of that kind the country was indebted 
 either to the persistent efforts of the Assembly, or to the 
 independent judgment and energy of such a G-overnor, as 
 Sir J. C. Sherbrooke or Sir James Kempt, yet were jealous 
 of anything that seemed in the remotest degree to affect 
 * In «nb8eqi\ent collisions with the Council, it was stated that ten ont of 
 the twelve were paid officials of Goyernment. 
 their own dignity, and. resented it as subversive of the 
 British Constitution or treason to the Sovereign. Only 
 the winter previous, they had rejected a measure of the 
 House for increased aid to common schools, and when 
 such an uniDatriotic, if not unconstitutional, exercise of 
 power, provoked the author of the measure, T. C. Hali- 
 burton, to describe them as twelve old women, one in 
 lawn sleeves (alluding to the Bishop), the House was 
 called to account, and from fear of consequences, and 
 contrary to their own judgment, meekly bowed to 
 reprimand the author of the speech. Moreover, the 
 majority of the Council having scarcely been outside the 
 town of Halifax,* the country was to them of so little 
 account, that any attempt on the part of the inhabitants 
 to discuss their proceedings, they would have regarded 
 almost as we might suppose a farmer, to regard a criticism 
 on his style of farming, from the sheep in his back 
 pasture. Indeed, the Attorney-G^eneral described the 
 members of the House, particularly referring to those 
 from the country, as the Caribous. 
 - Such were the circumstances in which the Colonial 
 Patriot was issued, as the advocate of liberal politics. The 
 newspapers of Halifax were devoted to the news of the 
 day, containing only some common-place remarks on 
 public events, and discreetly silent regarding official 
 doings. But Mr. B. had entered keenly into the political 
 discussions of the mother country, on the subject of 
 popular rights, on which at that time feeling there was 
 running high. Im^jressed with the much greater subser- 
 viance of the people in general to the few in power, which 
 existed here, he threw his whole soul into the work of 
 securing for the popular will, that control over public 
 affairs, for which the Eeformers in Britain in another 
 shape were contending. Those measures of reform in 
 * It wag asserted afterward in one of the newspapers of the day, that some 
 of them had never crossed Sackville Bridge, ten miles out of Halifaz. 
 colonial administration, which the popular party in 
 Canada and Nova Scotia afterward succeeded in carrying, 
 the " Colonial Patriot " toas the Jirst paper in the Lower 
 Provinces to advocate. 
 Mr. B. wielded the pen of a ready writer. He wrote 
 rapidly, but his writings were marked by great vigour 
 and independence. He had the assistance, however, of 
 other pens, lay and clerical, and the paper soon began to 
 excite public attention. The political questions of the 
 day were then mixed up with the Pictou Academy 
 dispute, which was in fact the battle ground of party, 
 and the Patriot was ever the fearless advocate of the 
 The principles of the paper and the frea spirit in which 
 it assailed G-overnment abuses, soon brought it into 
 notice. Its radical, or as they were then deemed, 
 revolutionary views, were received in some places with 
 horror. "We recollect of hearing of an old Scotch 
 minister, a Seceder too, who, hearing Mr. B. advocate in 
 his earnest way his political views, lifted up his hands 
 in holy amazement, and exclaimed, " daring innovator." 
 In Halifax particularly, the Patriot created no small stir, 
 especially in official circles. The style of writing in it 
 would not appear very violent, as compared with the 
 political writing to which we are now accustomed, nor 
 its sentiments very extreme, but at the time they were so 
 unusual, and such was the general sycophancy to men in 
 power, that they produced quite a sensation. It was read 
 But the paper was to receive attention from higher 
 quarters. A few weeks after its commencement, an 
 article, which appeared in it from the pen of a correspon- 
 dent, was regarded as rank treason by the powers that be. 
 It is said that the matter was seriously debated in the 
 Council of XII., and that the feeling was general, if not 
 unanimous, in favour of bringing the author to condign 
 punishment. Milne received notice of an intended 
 prosecution for libel, and the Attorney-General's son, R. 
 J. Uniacke, Jun., entering the House with the paper in 
 his hand, and, as Blanchard described him, " with all the 
 greatness of a full-blown bladder," declared those con- 
 nected with it to bo dangerous persons — that they had 
 violated parliamentary privileges, and that ho would 
 never move another resolution in the House, unless it 
 would avenge the insult by calling them to account. It 
 was proposed not only to prosecute the proprietor for 
 libel, but to bring him in custody to the bar of the House. 
 The writer of the article had submitted it to Mr. B. as a 
 lawyer, instructing him not to publish it, if it were 
 libellous, and the latter was satisfied that there was no 
 danger on that point, but for some time Milne expected 
 that the House might take the last step proposed. But the 
 majority of the House stood firm against Uniacke's denun- 
 ciations, which were no doubt inspired by Government. 
 There was much anxiety on the part of the authorities, 
 to find out the authorship of the obnoxious article, which 
 they were disposed to attribute to Dr. McCulloch. But 
 as the real author afterward freely acknowledged his 
 work, and when liberal principles had triumphed, rather 
 took credit for it, we violate no confidence in saying, that 
 it was written by the late Rev. Thomas Trotter, of 
 Antigonish. "We may add, that instead of containing 
 anything violent, it would now be considered calm and 
 logical. Its oflfence was, that it questioned the constitu- 
 tional right of the Council, to act as they were doing 
 regarding money questions. 
 But a circumstance, which gave Mr. Blanchard and the 
 paper special notoriety, was the publication of what was 
 called " the Canadian letter." There being at that time 
 much political agitation in the Upper Provinces, their con- 
 dition and affairs occupied a prominent place in the 
 Patriot's discussions. The very first number strongly 
 condemned as unconstitutional, the course taken by Lord 
 Dalhousie, in rejecting Mr. Fapineau as speaker, when 
 elected by the Assembly, and Mr. B. continued warmly 
 to support the course taken by that body in adhering to 
 their choice ; and maintained that if the people were true 
 to themselves, they must triumph in the end. He was 
 for a time a warm admirer of Mr. Papineau, though, like 
 the rest of the Nova Scotia Reformers, he would had ho 
 ]ived, have condemned the course taken by him and his 
 compatriots in the outbreak of 1837. 
 Not long after the report of the proceedings of the 
 Canadian Parliament, in which Mr. P. was a second time 
 lejected, reached this Province, an extract from a private 
 letter from a gentleman in Nova Scotia, was published in 
 the " Canadian Spectator,'' in which the spirit of the popular 
 party was applauded, assurance was given that whatever 
 the enslaved press of the Province might say upon the 
 subject, the great majority of the people, who knew the 
 merits of the conflict, thought well of the objects they had 
 in view, and in general of the means thoy took to accom- 
 plish them. It was stated, that while in the Legislature 
 of this Province, theio was a growing spirit of indepen- 
 dence, there was still far too much servility to those 
 in power, and though the existing state of things in Canada 
 was much to be deprecated, it was desirable that some of 
 the same spirit should come our way. "A moderate 
 quantity of it now might supercede the necessity of more 
 hereafter. As prevention is preferable to remedy, I am 
 in hopes a little of it will creep our way, before a greater 
 share of it will bo required." And what was no doubt 
 considered more dreadful, in reply to the accusation of 
 the popular party being the disturbers of the peace, ho 
 maintained that " Lord Dalhousie, by stretching doubtful 
 prerogatives to their utmost limits, and unnecessarily 
 irritating the people, has made himself the public dis- 
I f 
 (' : 
 i \ 
 The extract was copied into the Halifax papers and the 
 writer of it was denounced as a political libeller, not fit to 
 crawl on free soil, and his opinions characterized as dio- 
 loyal and dangerous. As " the writer of the C.Sinadian 
 letter, " which had been addressed to Mr, Leslie, member 
 for Montreal, Mr. Blanchard defended the extract, but 
 denied the legitimacy of the inferences drawn from it. 
 Such was the feeling excited in high circles, that Mr. B. 
 did not trust the office with the knowledge of the author- 
 ship of what he wrote, but employed a friend as scribe^ 
 in whoso handwriting the manuscript went to the 
 Mr. Joseph Howe, at that time editor and publisher of 
 the Nova Scotian, was prominent among the assailants of 
 the principles, which "the writer of the Canadian letter " 
 advocated, and a somewhat fierce controversy was main- 
 tained for a time, which did more for the elucidation of 
 the principles of liberal government, and their introduction 
 into this Province, than any thing that had hitherto trans- 
 pired. Mr. Howe was then a young man, just beginnings 
 his career as a journalist. His early writings gave indi- 
 cations of the talents he possessed, although he had not 
 reflected deeply on political questions. Ho was naturally 
 connected with the official party, his father having been 
 both Queens Printer and Postmaster General, and hi» 
 elder brother succeeding to both offices ; and indeed was 
 regarded as the chosen champion of the party. But the 
 result of his controversy with Mr. B. and the other 
 writers, who came to the aid of the latter, was that he 
 become a convert to the views, which at that iime he de- 
 nounced, but in the advocacy of which he afterward 
 became so prominent and so celebrated. He has been 
 known to say, that he received his first impressions of 
 liberal politics from Jotham Blanchard. He did not 
 approve of them at first, but the more he thought upon 
 I and the 
 not fit to 
 d as dio- 
 ract, but 
 . from it. 
 at Mr. B. 
 B author- 
 is scribe^ 
 \, to the 
 ►lisher of 
 ailants of 
 ,n letter " 
 'as main- 
 dation of 
 rto trans- 
 [avo indi- 
 had not 
 ing been 
 and hi& 
 deed was 
 But the 
 the other 
 ,s that he 
 me he de- 
 has been 
 essions of 
 did not 
 ight upon. 
 them, the better he liked them, till he embraced them 
 fully, and devoted his life to their establishment.* 
 The maintaining of a country paper at that period was 
 no easy matter. Even for many years after, it was with 
 difficulty that a publisher could make cuds meet, but of 
 course at that time the difficulties were much greater. 
 The population likely to support it was but small, the 
 country was not in a very prosperous condition, the habits 
 of payment were very irregular, the publisher in Pictou 
 wa vot a practical printer, and patriotism was not then 
 thu ^^aying business it has since become. At all events a 
 long time had not elapsed, till the publisher found himself 
 in jail for debt, In an editorial the situation was thus 
 humourously described : 
 « We do not know what our readcrn may think of it, but for our own 
 part, wo can honestly declare, that it has affected us more than if we had 
 beard of the incarceration of every other expounder of news in the Province. 
 For subscribers to be in our debt is bad enough, but for patriots like us, who 
 have been grumbling for them immeasurably, to bo shut up in the prison 
 house, because they have not paid us, while they arc Koing at large, is almost 
 beyond the cnduremcnt of flesh and blood. Anybody but ourselves would 
 have long ago delivered them to the judge ; and sure are we, that had they 
 fallen into the hands of such a prompt and righteous dispenser of justice as 
 ovs old Treasurer, he would have made them down with their dollars on the 
 «pot, and given them a good pounding to boot. 
 " If our subscribers cannot pay us, wo give them this notice, that they must 
 find us an equivalent. Let them only recommend us to His Majesty's Council, 
 and get us into some moderate ofScc, which will help us out of our scrapes. 
 We are not ambitious men, we assure them. With such a salary as Mr. 
 Jeffrey's wo will bo perfectly contented to bo publicans and crave nobody. 
 Though we may now and then take a race after the smugglers for fun, not one 
 of our subscribers need lengthen his steps. 
 "Some of our subscribers seem to think that if, like our old Treasurer, they 
 say that they have no money in their chest, wo are very well off. But we do 
 assure them that we are not very well off. Such a thing was never known of 
 patriots since the world began. Had wo twelve thousand pounds lying past 
 us to the good, our subscribers would have something like reason upon their 
 * Entering the Patriot office when on a visit to Pictou at the time of the 
 election of 1830, he laughingly remarked, " The Pictou scribblers (so he used 
 to call the writers in the Patriot) have converted me from the error of my 
 i 'f 
 tf i 
 ■Ido; liiit (ipon (ho word of honrot pntrlotR, wo ponltlvcly «lo(!lurn tlint wn 
 Imvo not linlf (lint mim in our poHBCHRion, mitl to (lio bout of our Knowlcdga 
 ttixl iM-licf, nro not lllu'ly to Imvo it hcfcro next inontliiK of AnHoinMy.* 
 " Wlu'ii wo wt'io dragfjcd <o Jiill, wo hnd no dowlit of n upocdy dollvprnnco. 
 Wo woro pcrfi'itly coii(i(loiit (lint im noon oh ourconflncninnt wiih known, tliero 
 would bo n rnKliing (o hco uh, wliich woiild far outdo anything of (lio kintl 
 iliftt lind «'V('r occurred in tho Proviuco. Wo snid to oursclvco, tliat if tho largo 
 hullofU and Mr, Hurry had cadi a thoumind visitorH, |iatrioti<, Htiih kh wo, tnunt 
 have (on thouKnnd nt Icunt. Hut (>xi'o|it ii few of our crcdit'irf), who cnllod to 
 ' cn<iuiro wlion wo would i)ay (luni, nut a rn-aturo canio near )ih. 
 " It in vrry lltUo to (ho credit of our RuhmriltcrH, (hat wo are in (ho hamU of 
 tho Bheriff. Wo will not thereforo allow (hcn> any lon^i-r to affront 
 thcmsolvcH. And wo give (hem thii* notice, that (hero nro only twowayg: 
 cithor (hoy nuiKt Bond uh their money, ur como and livo with uh. In tho lost 
 coso wo iihall haro them under our own vyo, and if, between tho treadmill 
 and lirenkinK Rdines for tho Btreetn by woy of relaxation, wo «lo not work it 
 out of th>m, wo shall havo ourselves to blnnio. Hy (heno mennH wo will 
 ( dlcct an much nn will pay all our conniderato creditors; and when wo And 
 that (hero in nothing nioro to bu got, wo will send for ^ho individual who for 
 tiiu pure purpot :< of annoyance, has been persuadsd to |)ut uh in jail, and liko 
 honest gentlemen that wo are, surrendering to him all thai wo have, that is to 
 say, all our debln which have becomo bad through his jjlacing us in conflne- 
 mont, wo will walk out, antl prosecuto tho pa(riot trade with rudouhled vigor. 
 If bo expects tho favor of councillora and their creatures by crusliing us, ho 
 is likely (o find that ho haa caught a Tartar. Wo wore not born so far north 
 for nothing, and wo assure our friends that aftor coming all tho way from 
 Abeniecn f for their benefit, they will not find us so easily piit down." 
 But tho darkest cloud wo are told has a silver lining. 
 Above all, no circumstances can bo so desperate as to bo 
 beyond woman's sympathy, and tho darkest scenes of lifo 
 will bo bright with tho light which shines not on sea or 
 shore, if cheered by her smile. So did tho poor printer 
 find it. The SherilFhad a fair <''aughter, whose pity was 
 moved by his hapless condition. Our prosaic history 
 ''cannot adequately tell how pity passed into deeper 
 feelings, but at all events so well was tho enforced leisure 
 of tho prison employed, that when he again went forth to 
 • Tho allusion in this paragraph is to tho accounts of the Treasurer, which 
 shov.'ed a balance of twelve thousand pounds in favor of the Province, while 
 applicants sometimes were roughly turned away with tho declaration that 
 there was ni money. 
 t Mr. Milne's native place. 
 iiro that wo 
 ■ knowlcdga 
 nown, thcro 
 of ilio kind 
 , if tho Iftrgo 
 RH wo, mnnt 
 lio cullfld to 
 tlin hands of 
 r to iiffiont 
 r two wftys ; 
 In tho lost 
 M treadmill 
 not work it 
 ans wo will 
 hen wo And 
 [liml who for 
 ail, and liko 
 v(<, that iH to 
 I in conflne- 
 mhlcd vigor. 
 Hliing us, ho 
 80 far north 
 10 way from 
 3r lining. 
 ) as to bo 
 nos of life 
 on sea or 
 )r printer 
 pity was 
 c history 
 o deeper 
 ed leisure 
 it forth to 
 isurcr, which 
 ovincc, while 
 laration that 
 liberty, it wa« nnder bonds whi( h, we su])poso now after 
 nearly lifty yoars of wedded Julias ho has no dcsiro 
 to see dissolved. 
 To relieves him from his embarrassmont, aufl to continue 
 tho i)ul)lication of tho pap(!r, whirh had now become 
 popular amoni^ tho friends of lib(<ral i)o!iticH, a number of 
 gentlemen combined, and subscribing Ihf! requisite funds, 
 took the concern undcjr their own management. For 
 four or live years longer, tho paper contijiued the same 
 IK)litical course, Mr. Bknchard acting as editor the greater 
 part of the time. 
 Tho course which Mr. Blanchard pursued excited 
 against him much personal hostility. In the press he was 
 accused of assailing all that is respectable, and subverting 
 tho very foundations of society, and his private character 
 was attacked in ways that would outdo even our present 
 political newspapers. To this however was added burn- 
 ing in cflTigy, a proceeding whi(;h Mr. Blanchard noticed in 
 the fcllowing manner, duly honouring the more prominent 
 actors in the scene, by giving their names : 
 « A number of tho merchants and other rcnpcctablo inhahitanti did ns tho 
 honour on Thursday night, to bum us in cfHi:y in the middle of tho town. 
 Mr. , merchant and all his tlrrks, and (naming some otherx,)and about 
 100 other most respectable gentlemen, all assembled and performed in a most 
 gontlomanly style tho noble feat of burning our effigy. The blaze was so good, 
 that many persons thought a liouse was on fire, particularly as these gentle- 
 men were BO careful of the property of the town, that tluy bawled fire most 
 yociferously, to warn all, that gentlemen were employing that element for 
 gentlemanly purposes. 
 " Wc cannot adequately express our ^Tatitiide to these numerous merchants 
 and other gentlemen for this signal honour. To be ranked with Pope*, and 
 Kings, and Dukes and Goveraorg is an honour, which does not como tho way 
 every day to editors. 
 " Wo must regret one or two mi.shaps that occurred. Mr. , whosa 
 clerk had tho honour of carrying the effi^'y (and it wa.s an honour even to Iw) 
 the jackass or packhorsc of us, the Editors of tlic J'alriol) mistook for 
 an intruder, and belaboured him very severely, and oceoKioned tho loss of his 
 hut. However, in so' laudable a work as honouring us, a few wounds and tho 
 loss of a hat were trivial misfortunes. If will call upon us, we shall 
 sympathize with his sufferings, and contribute to tho purchase of a bat. Wo 
 do not wish to bo honoured free of expense." 
 This was followed by a gentleman publicly spitting in 
 his face. Mr. Blanchard being feeble, and his assailant 
 being attended by others, supposed ready to proceed to 
 personal violence, was unable to resent the result, though 
 a friend did so the next day. 
 Considering the hostility, of which Mr. Blanchard was 
 the object, we are naturally led to enquire, whether there 
 was any cause for this in his personal character. After 
 careful enquiry we must say, that, as far as we can learn, 
 the opposition arose entirely from his political course. 
 His life was pure, he was a genial companion and a fir. 
 friend. But the fact is, that at that time the very idea o» 
 criticising the proceedings of those in power, was not 
 only so new, but was so contrary to the arbitrary 
 principles then prevalent, that it was held as sedition and 
 rebellion. "It has long been a crime,'* he says in one 
 article, " to stand up in the Assembly and advocate the 
 rights of the people, or to say that they have rights. It 
 is a crime to establish a paper under the hated name of 
 Patriot. It is a crime to subscribe for such a paper. It is 
 a crime to treat of public men and measures according to 
 their deserts. It is a crime to call public functionaries to 
 account, and to hint that tax gatherers and smuggler 
 seizers may not be immaculate in official duties, and 
 infallible in legislative conduct." And this was all the 
 more intolerable, when it came from one " from such a 
 remote part of the Province as Pictou." In fact, his real 
 offence was the political position which he assumed. 
 "When Mr. Howe advocated the same views afterward, 
 he was assailed with equal bitterness, and with similar 
 In the year 1830, came the great conflict between the 
 Council and the Assembly. The history of this does not 
 belong to our present work. But the state of the question 
 may be given. In the year 182G, the Assembly had passed 
 a revenue bill, by which the duty on foreign brandy was 
 raised from Is. to Is. aud 4d. This duty was at first col- 
 lected, but the oflSicials having discovered a flaw in. the 
 wording of the act, had not collected the extra duty for 
 seyeral years. So little control had the Assembly over 
 the financial affairs of the Prov^ince, that this was not 
 discovered till now. They immediately determined to 
 have the error rectified, and sent a bill to the Council 
 imposing the extra 4d. This was sent back rejected, at 
 four o'clock on the day on which the revenue bills expired ; 
 and next morning Honourable Councillors, in the midst 
 of a blinding snow storm, were busy taking out of ware- 
 house large quantities of spirits, which they had there in 
 bond. The House of Assembly immediately passed an- 
 other bill, which was also rejected by the Council, who 
 now assumed an attitude on the subject, to which the 
 Assembly felt they could not submit, without sacrificing 
 the time honoured rights, which belonged to them as the 
 Representatives of the people. The result was that no 
 revenue was collected that year. The Assembly was dis- 
 solved, and a new election took place that fall amid much 
 excitement. In Halifax city, the Council carried things 
 their own way, but the county was the subject of a keen 
 contest. Mr. Blanchard became a candidate along with 
 Messrs. "William Lawson, S. G. W. Archibald, and G-eorge 
 Smith, as the friends of the Assembly, while the Govern- 
 ment candidates were, Messrs. Hugh Hartshorne, J. A. 
 Barry, J. L. Starr and Henry Blackadar. 
 There was not the same party discipline as now, when 
 men, even Christian men, vote for the candidate of their 
 party, whatever his capacity or even whatever his charac- 
 ter. Every candidate had to depend largely on his personal 
 influence and popularity. The Government too were 
 nearly all powerful in the city of Halifax. For a young 
 man from the country, like Mr. B., without wealth or 
 influence in the capital, personally almost unknown there, 
 to seek election as representative of the Metropolitan 
 1, f 
 county, was a bold undertaking, and almost enough to 
 give the old ladies fits. But as a candidate, he made a 
 good imjjression upon independent men. His note booki» 
 still in existence shew him to have cultivated his mind, 
 by diligent study of the writings of the best poets and 
 orators of Britain and Ireland. He had also been interested 
 in the modern political discussions of the mother coun- 
 try, and now his speeches attracted attention. But such 
 was the hostility of the Government party to him, that 
 in Halifax he was insulted, which however only rendered 
 his friends in the country more determined in their efforts 
 on his behalf. Even in Pictou they would not allow him 
 to be heard on the hustings, while the gentleman wha 
 proposed him, Adams Archibald, Esq., of Musquodoboit, 
 one of the greatest natural geniuses the Province ever 
 produced, was soon after dismissed from the commission 
 of the peace. 
 The election for the County of Halifax caused much 
 excitement throughout the Province. In Pictou the 
 political question was mixed with the religious division 
 that had been growing up, and with the feelings that had 
 been excited regarding the Pictou Academy, so that party 
 feeling reached an unprecedented height; and this 
 election, ever since known as the big election, witnessed 
 deplorable scenes of violence, pitched battles being fought, 
 sticks freely used and one man killed. 
 Mr. Blanchard was returned with the other popular 
 candidates, and for five years proved an energetic member 
 of the House. It is generally said, that he disappointed 
 expectation. This may be true in part, but it is easily ac- 
 counted for. Perhaps the expectations of his friends were 
 too high. "Wg may add that the House proved rather a 
 subservient one. True there were only eight returned as 
 Government supporters ; but when the Council swallowed 
 the revenue bill, which they had rejected the year before, 
 members of the House seemed inclined to rest and be 
 ! U^^ 

 thankful. The loss to the Province by the late collision 
 with the Council, seemed to make them tremble at the 
 thought of another. And then and more especially his 
 health failed. 
 Still while his strength remained, his voice was ever 
 raised on behalf of any measure, which promised to 
 advance the public interests. The subject which engaged 
 his most energetic efforts, was the Pictou Academy. - 
 The Government still continuing hostile, he was as wo 
 have seen, in the year 1831 sent by its friends to Britain to 
 lay its claims before the Home Grovernment. 
 He also succeeded in carrying some important measures, 
 among which was an act for the relief of honest insolvent 
 debtors. Up to this date, any one creditor could retain 
 a debtor in gaol after the surrender of all his property,, 
 by supplying eight pounds of bread a week for his main- 
 tenance ; and persons were found ready to use this power, 
 in the hope of leading the friends of the unfortunate to 
 pay the claim, in order to obtain his release. This power 
 was now taken away, and two magistrates had power to 
 order the discharge of an insolvent, where without fraud 
 he gave up all his property. He also advocated the 
 abolition of imprisonment for debt altogether, but the 
 country was not prepared for such a measure. He had 
 studied the works of Brougham and others of the school 
 of English law reformers, and advocated some of their 
 measures here, among others the conferring of equity 
 jurisdiction upon the Supreme Court. But it required 
 twenty years to prepare for the introduction of this grand 
 improvement in legal procedure. Out of the House he^ 
 still supported measures for public improvement. Among 
 these may be mentioned the establishment of circulating 
 libraries. After his return from Britain, where he had 
 seen the system in operation, he spent a good deal of 
 effort in endeavoring to have it introduced into our 
 rural districts, but not with much permanent result. 
 '1 ■'■III ■ 
 His labours were too great for his bodily strength. In 
 the session of 1836, the last of that House, he travelled to 
 Halifax in a covered sleigh, in which a small stove was 
 fitted up for his accommodation, and was able to attend 
 to local county business at his rooms, but was unable to 
 occupy his place in the House. In the year 1838, his 
 mind also gave way, and he sunk into a state of mental 
 imbecility, from which he never recoA'ered. He died 13th 
 July, 1840. 
 "We may mention here +hat Alexander Lawson was an 
 apprentice in the Patriot office, and afterward established 
 and still conducts the Yarmouth Herald, the first 
 successful venture in newspaper printing, in the Western 
 part of Nova Scotia, and long the only supporter of the 
 popular party in that section of the country. 
 We may here give the subsequent history of the 
 newspaper press in Pictou. On the 31st August, 1832, 
 Mr. Milne commenced publishing from the Patriot office, 
 a small weekly paper for the young, called The Juvenile 
 Entertainer, at the rate of 5s. per annum. It continued 
 for a year or two to give selections of interesting reading 
 for the young, and was a creditable effisrt for the time, 
 being the first of the kind in the Province. 
 The Government party in the year 1831 established a 
 paper in opposition to the Patriot, called the Pictou 
 Observer, of which the Eev. Kenneth John MoKenzie was 
 the editor, or in which he was at least the ablest writer. 
 The Patriot expired about the year 1838, and the Observer 
 followed it to the same bourne. 
 In the year 1836, Mr. James Dawson purchased the 
 press and types of the old Patriot, and commenced a 
 paper «alled the Bee, and soon after the 'Observer was 
 resuscitated by Mr. Roderick McDonald, a native of 
 Stornoway, who had taught the lower branches in the 
 Pictou Academy. He removed to Ontario, and the paper 
 became defunct. In the year 1840, the Bee was bought 
 out by Mr. John Stiles who established in its place the 
 Mechanic and Farmer. In 1842 the Presbyterian Banner 
 "was established under the editorship of the Rev. James, 
 aiow Dr. Ross, But in 1843 both these papers were 
 merged in the Eastern Chronicle^ which has continued to 
 the present day. In this ofl&co was trained E. M. 
 McDonald, who became its editor and proprietor, and 
 afterward Queen's Printer, and with Hon. William 
 Oaryie, established the Halifax Citizen and became 
 member of tho Dominion Legislature, and died Collector 
 of Customs for Halifax. The Observer, ailer a short 
 suspension, was revived by Mr. A. McCoubray, of St. 
 Johns, Newfoundland, Martin I. "Wilkins, Esq., being its 
 editor or chief contributor, but again became defunct. 
 In its place was established fc,9 Colonial Standard, wl^ch 
 still continues. 
 "We have already described the rum drinking of former 
 times, but have now to notice the commencement of a 
 movement for the suppression of its evils. The necessity 
 of some measure of the kind may be inferred from the 
 following facts : In the year 1825, there were imported 
 into the Province '753,786 gallons of rum, besides 30,000 
 gallons of wine, and several thousand gallons of gin and 
 brandy, to which the quantities smuggled, and what 
 was made in the Province required to be added. "When 
 we consider that the population of the Province was 
 estimated at 120,000, it will be seen, that even allowing 
 for what was exported, the consumption might well be 
 regarded as truly alarming. Again, in the year 1830, 
 there were entered at the Pictou custom house 73,994 
 gallons of ardent spirits, and it was calculated that what 
 of this was exported, would be equalled by the product 
 of domestic distillation. The population of the county, 
 by the census of 1827, was scarcely 14,000. Allowing for 
 increase, the consumption would still be about five gallons 
 for every man, woman, and child, the cost of which could 
 not be less than $60,000, or $20 for every family, and $4 
 for every individual. 
 The evils of this had been long felt. But hitherto good 
 men believed, that the use of ardent spirits in moderation 
 was beneficial and even necessary, but now was started 
 the idea of total abstinence from thera as a beverage, and 
 to the "West River belongs the honor of having formed 
 the first society on this basis in Nova Scotia, the second 
 in British America, one in Ontario having been organized 
 a few months earlier. The Boston Recorder had been 
 circulated for some time in the settlement, and had 
 rendered the people there familiar with the subjoct. The 
 first movement however for the formation of a society^ 
 took place at one of the quarterly meetings of the Agri- 
 cultural Society. These meetings had lost their interest, 
 and the attendance at them was small. "When therefore 
 the members met in October, 1827, there being little 
 doing, Mr. George McDonald moved that they form a 
 Temperance Society. The Rev. Duncan Ross immedi- 
 ately seconded the proposal. The only other supporter 
 at the meeting was Mr. Donald McLeod, and from these 
 three the movement originated. The next to join them 
 was Mr. David McLeod. These four held several private 
 meetings, and at length arrangements were made for the 
 public organization of the Society, which took place at 
 the next meeting of the Agricultural Society, in January, 
 1828, when 12 persons signed a temperance pledge.* The 
 following is a copy of it : — 
 • We have given the above dates, as we received them from the late George 
 McDonald. The claim of the West River Society to be the first in the 
 Province was for a time disputed, on behalf of the Beavor Biver Society, in 
 the County of Yarmouth. The matter was discussed forty years ago, when 
 the parties were alive and the records in existence, and it was then clearly 
 proved that the former was the first. Wo regret, that the Society's book has 
 disappeared within a short period, so that we are indeA)ted to tradition for the 
 above dates, more particularly as Rev. Mr. Campbell, in his history of Yarmouth 
 County, in ignorance of these facts, has revived the claim of the Beaver River 
 > <* We whoso names are hereunto annexed, bulicving that the use of ardont 
 spirits is not only useless but hurtful to the social, civil and religious interests 
 of men, agree that we will not use them, unless in case of bodily hurt or 
 sickness, that wo will not, as an article of luxury or living, traffic in them, 
 nor will wo proride them for the entertainment of our friends, or for persona 
 in our employment, and in all suitable ways we will discountenance the use 
 of them throughout the country." 
 The movement excited great opposition, and the mem- 
 bers had to encounter no small amount of ridicule, if not 
 "vrorse. It was then considered impossible to do any work, 
 particularly any job requiring a number of men, without 
 rum, and an opportunity came, to test the principles and 
 power in this respect of the friends of the new moyement. 
 One of them had the frame of a bam to raise. At that 
 time it was customary, to make the timber of frames very 
 heavy, and in raising them, first to lift the whole of one 
 side, and ihen of the other, by main strength. For this 
 of course, in the case of a building of any size, there would 
 be required a large number of men. On this occasion, all 
 the neighbours as usual assembled, and all the Temper- 
 ance men for some distance round. The others however 
 refused all assistance, if there was to be no liquor ; and the 
 friends of the new movement, having said, that in that 
 case they would raise it without their aid, were left to try 
 their strength. But on attempting to raise the side, they 
 found themselves unable to move it, and after they were 
 fairly beaten, and endured no end of jibes from the other 
 Society. There is still however sufficient evidence to show its groundlessness. 
 Mr. Ebenezer McLeod, who was for some time Secretary of the West River 
 Society, not only remembers the old discussion, but from his recollection is 
 able to affirm, that that Society was formed as early as the date given by Mr. 
 McDonald. The Rev. Dr. Blaikio of Boston testifies, that ho was teaching at 
 West River in 1828, and in that year joined the society, which was already 
 organized. Again in the Colonial Patriot of date I7th September, 1828, 
 the editor, urging the formation of such societies, says, " We are happy to 
 state that one has been organized at the West River in this district, and would 
 recommend to the officebearers the propriety of publishing its constitution." 
 But by Mr. Campbell's own statement, the Beaver River Society was not 
 formed before April 26th, 1829. 
 I ' 
!. ■ V 
 party* ^^^ latter laid bold, pnt the whole np at the double 
 quick, and ihen had their dram from a supply which they 
 had privately brought. 
 On another occasion, at the raising of the frame of a mill 
 at Six Mile Brook, the two parties quarrelled, and as 
 neither would yield, and neither was strong enough to 
 do the work alone, they separated for that day, without 
 its being accomplished. 
 This state of things did not continue, for in the CoIoniUl 
 Patriot of 17th September 1828, we find the following : 
 " On Friday last, the frame of a large dwelling house, the property of George 
 McDonald, was erected withont the nso cf rum. In lien of it, ale and beer 
 were used, so that the work was completed in a superior manner, while neither 
 abtisive language nor profane swearing was heard, no black eyes nor drunken 
 men seen, bnt peace and friendship pervading the concourie. That this 
 change of custom will bo followed in future, (at least to a great degree) may 
 bo reasonably expected, since it tends not only to promote the harmony, 
 health and respectability, of those who assemble on such occasions, but tho 
 interests of the builder. Ten or twclro years ago, he must have used almosk 
 as many gallons of the mighty rum, in erecting a frame of similar dimensions, 
 and for this not unfrcquently have his name stationed on the wrong side of 
 some ledger, whence it may not be so readily erased, as some purchasers of 
 spirits allow themselves to believe." 
 19 ot content with the promotion of the cause in his 
 own congregation, Mr. Eoss advocated it in the public 
 press, pled in private with his brethren in the ministry 
 on its behalf, and preached and lectured on the subject 
 in their congregations, as he had opportunity. It was not, 
 however, till the year 1830, that the first movement was 
 made for the formation of a society in the town. It began 
 with a sermon on the subject preached by him in the 
 old Presbyterian Church. The discourse gave consider- 
 able offence, and even as the audience retired, some gave 
 audible expression to their dissatisfaction, in such sayings 
 as, " he might have given us something else than the like 
 of that," &c. This was followed by a private meeting 
 at the house of Mr. James Dawson, when he, the Rev. 
 James Eobson, James Hepburn, Francis Beattie and 
 fa mill 
 and as 
 mgh to 
 ' of George 
 le and beer 
 lie neither 
 yc drunken 
 That this 
 !grce) njay 
 3 liarmonf, 
 ns, but tho 
 scd almost 
 )ng side of 
 rchasers of 
 3 in his 
 3 public 
 was not, 
 lent was 
 It began 
 1 in the 
 me gave 
 L sayings 
 the like 
 the Uev. 
 ttie and 
 three or four others, associated themselves under a 
 temperance pledge. They held several private meetings, 
 and after some time agreed to call a public meeting, for 
 the purpose of more formally organizing their Society. 
 This took place on the 15th March following, in the old 
 court house. It was well attended, but largely by people 
 opposed to tho movement, among whom were a number 
 of rowdyish characters, who occupied the back part of 
 the room, and who had been put forward by tho rum 
 interest to mako disturbance. They had got a well 
 known negro, named John Peters, well primed with 
 liquor, as their chosen instrument to spoil tho meeting. 
 Accordingly, when Mr. Dawson had spoken in advocacy 
 of the proposed Society, they set John forward to have his 
 say. " Fine man, Missa Dawson, go into "West Ingy 
 trade — bring hun'eds puncheons of rum, mako plenty 
 money," &c. This rejoiced the rabble, who supported 
 the speech by a volley of eggs at Mr. Dawson. A mer- 
 chant of tho place then arose and spoke at considerable 
 length against the proposal, when tho laugh was rather 
 turned on him and his friends, by their chosen champion, 
 Peters, exclaiming, •* I secken Missa 's motion, dem's 
 my sentiments." The friends of temperance, however, 
 succeeded in adopting a constitution for their Society and 
 opening a book for subscribers, and a few days after it 
 "was announced that it had received forty-four signatures. 
 "We have no list of names, nor of ths first office-bearers, 
 but we know that from this time it received the support 
 of some of the most respectable members of tho com- 
 munity, among whom Jotham Blanchard deserves special 
 The following from the Patriot of June 26, 1830, how- 
 ever, shows that the cause had been making progress : — 
 " Wo barely noticed, seyeral weeks ago, a launch of a tcsbcI from the yard 
 of John Qordon, Jun., another native Nova Scotian. Wo wero well pleasMl 
 irith tho name (Patriot), of conno, but wo were better pleased to Icarn, that 
 ; ' ■ I 
 i I 
 ■he waa built and launched without tho uso of ardont spiritfl. Wo have since 
 learned tiiat she was sailed to Newfoundland and gold, and still no spirits 
 About a year elapsed before another public meeting 
 "Was attempted, when a lecture was announced to take 
 place in the old Grammar School house, by Jotham 
 "Blanchard. But ho had not above two dozen of hearers, 
 as he expressed it, not as many as the pages he had 
 written. No iurther attempt was made at any public 
 demonstration, till October of the following year (1833), 
 when the Rev. John McLean delivered a lecture in tho 
 old court house. The attendance was large, the audience 
 respectable and orderly, and from tho eloquence of the 
 speaker and the strength of his facts and arguments, tho 
 lecture made a profound impression. A vote was passed 
 requesting its publication, which took place a few months 
 after. From that time temperance has had a firm hold 
 in the town, though we can recollect a time after this, 
 when there was still scarcely a shop in town which had 
 not over its door the words "spirituous liquors by 
 "We may add that for the purpose of combined effort 
 on behalf of the object, a Central Society, composed of 
 representatives from tho various Temperance Societies in 
 the County, was formed on the 7th March, 1832, and 
 called the Pictou Temperance Union. 
 "Wo must now refar to the mail arrangements and im- 
 provements in trav cO made at this period. Ezra "Witter, 
 who had removed from the western part of the Province, 
 and settled at Biblo Hill, Truro, where he engaged in 
 carriage building, commenced about the year 1815 carry- 
 ing the mail from Halifax to Truro ; and in conjunction 
 with him, Jacob Lynds, carried it from Truro to Pictou. 
 For some years they used a chaise drawn by a single 
 horse, but afterward drove a double seated waggon, carry- 
 ing three or 'our passengers, drawn by two horses, making 
 ive Binoo 
 o Kpiriti 
 le had 
 in tho 
 of the 
 nts, tho 
 1 passed 
 rm hold 
 ter this, 
 ich had 
 lors by 
 d effort 
 )osed of 
 ieties in 
 32, and 
 and im- 
 'aged in 
 5 carry- 
 L single 
 n, carry- 
 one trip each way every week, tho journey being per- 
 formed in two days or two and a half. They continued 
 in this way till 1828. The following is their advertisement 
 in that year : 
 To rnn oncu n week between Halifax and Pictoq, 
 By E. WiTTKR and J. Ltnds. 
 rpUE public aro retpcctfully informad that nntil the middle of Novembar, 
 X tho subscribers intcnda to run a weekly Stage, which will accommodato 
 tout passengers between Halifax and Pictou. It will start from Mr. Boyle*! 
 in Halifax, every Tuesday morning, at seven o'clock, reach Truro on Wednes* 
 day at 7 a. u. and arrive in Pictou at 8 in tho evening. It will leave PictoQ 
 one hour after tho arrival of the packet from Prince Edward Island, and arrive 
 in town on Saturday afternoon. Tho fare to or from Pictou will be JC2,and 
 every oxortioa will be used to insure comfort and security to passengers, and 
 their baggage, of which each will be entitled to carry 20 lbs. — Apply in Pic- 
 tou to Mr. Robert Dawson— in Haliiax to Mr. A. Boyle, where any other 
 information will be given. 
 Juno 18. 
 lu that year a comxjany was formed of persons in 
 Pictou and Truro, with one or two in Halifax, called the 
 Eastern Stage Coach Company, to run a line of coaches 
 between Halifax and Pictou. In the following year (1829) 
 they began with a heavy double seated waggon, drawn 
 by two horses, which made the journey in two days and 
 then, with the same horses and driver, returned on the 
 iwo following. They then erected a frame over this, 
 which was covered with canvas on top and had curtains 
 at the sides. Tho next year the company Was enlarged, 
 and their carriages were drawn by three or sometimes 
 four horses, though often in changing, it was only trans- 
 ferring them from the pole to the lead. They also put on 
 double sets of horses, and they now left Halifax and 
 Pictou, on the same day, making three trips a week each 
 way. Proper coaches were put on, though not we 
 believe till a year or two later. 
 This arrangement continued under various proprietors, 
 and sometimes with opposition lines, till the year 1842, 
 < f 

 whon HiVrtm UyHo pttvchrtnod <ho oRlnhUwhiinMif, Ihptt 
 utaily oonrhos. lotwin^- riclou \\i 4 oNloi'K ortrh \vo»'h tiny 
 in Unnloi»t\ U\ oijihioon houvn, juTonliHti 1m (hn roiulw mid 
 otlvi»v civouinRlimros. Tliis nvvnhfi'omvHl ('oitlltmod ilU 
 iho <»v.il<liMn- '^'"tl^o vnilioml. 
 Whon \\w «ti\iio l»omt\u <o vun, (ho vtmtl wnnl ovjm* Ihn 
 luiilvosl hills, Inti nh«ml thi« (init* rominriuMMl lln> pyBl«»m 
 of va!\Kinjv lovx^l linoB of vimd. Th»» orotUl orjnnn^t»miltt|f 
 tUo now om or vortil innklnfi", i« »l<<'^ <<> f^i'" .^JunoM Keiiii»l, 
 iUon Liou<<^nnni-UovvMnov. llo wiib not Iomh* lu Nova 
 ^^oo(il^ till ho hoyini <o nso his inllnonco to rthnnp;o iho 
 xv^holo RyRlom oV n>rtd oxpondilnto. tlo oniployrMi Mi'. 
 CtHMjiV Whiinvrto, UR snvvoyov on I ho onHlorn voml, tunl 
 whon ho ro^vniod ihut ho hrtil Tonnd ii lino with n riwo of 
 not mow thivn ono {\>\^{ in ihirty, |>ooplo latighud «t hint. 
 Tho oommonoonvont of h»n»l voiuls \v«r niniio lilonjjf tho 
 Uvft(\d l.nko in 18'28. rrovionsl/ (ho loml hnd jfouo 
 nMxuvl tho hnsin, hnt now {\w roml wns (akon (o I)ttrlnioutl\ 
 shovtoninni" tho ilivstanoo somo niilos, yVhont tho sumo 
 timo tho work ot lovolUng- boj^ivn in Pioion. Hiv ,TnineB 
 \vawing- ovcv Monnt Thoni, lii» oyo wt onconaw ihi^ viilloy 
 Wlow, whorv* a lovx^l lino might bo miBily ohtiilnod. 
 i^"HM\ At\tn* tho work of oUoration hogmi, and about tho 
 yoar 1S,'V2, tho pivsont lino, by which it wrh said tho 
 Cil-ovornov " oi\x?umrentod Mount Thorn," was coini)lotod. 
 It still, ho\vxno\\ croesod tho Six Milo Brook at (.laBs'a 
 placo on what was oallod tho Kompt llridjjfo, in honour of 
 him. and oamo out at tho Wovst Kivor at Mrs. Brown'n 
 plaiv. Tho work of altoratiou oontiuuod, till in tho yotti* 
 1S40 tho whole lino was completed. 
 VTo may add hero that it was still somo timo boforo tho 
 proeees was complotcd, in n^jj^ard to tho road toward thd 
 east. About tho year 1847, tho road from Now Glasgow 
 round Frasors Mouutaiu waa made ; in tho year 1860 tiio 
rnw\ ni Mio fnok r»f flf»»nfi Hill wn« cfrmpMf'fl.nrifl In (ftfid 
 tlm roitd In Aiillif«»i(lsli liy Ifm IVffirslry lloim Vfill'-y wnn 
 OppiHMl. l'f'('vi(Mt«ly llio lrfiVf>llf'M Jti liiftf, <Ilrf«<!Hofi hrwl 
 only llio I lioioo ola Idiii^ toiukI l»y llin (full' Slif»rn, r,r n 
 t(»(td fpii luilpfl M)iorl,f»r, Ixif. N(!ftr(M^ly fif. lor r!nrrlnjjr''K, oyer 
 iho AtliitroiiiHil IVToiiiilnhiH. 
 Oji llin MnI Mdrdi, IRIIO, dlort ])r. .f. MtiUt^ifirt, nnd wtt 
 may uny, llml. no trinii Wfi« ever moro warfrily lov"'! whil« 
 ho IIv»mI, iKir iMoiM <|M(;'|ily rriourrH'l w)i<'n ho <Ik!(I. 
 lltllnlt'»>«lM of Ikhiioh wcni lill''(| wifli W''<'|Mrit( nl- th^ 
 liil,f«llit(»ii('o ol' lii« «1ojmr(,iir«», nnd r»r l>f»y(»ri<l Iho )kiuiuU 
 oi" (ho roimly, iiiultitiKh'H uumruod him m n f'niUtr and 
 friniid. On Iho Haliirduy rollowifiif, (lovont rnon < arriwl 
 liltn tn hlH iMtriiil ntid irmdo i^ront, lamontftlloTi ovor him. 
 IUh (uii'TmI wrt^ Iho lftr|[(OHt Ihnl, Imd ovor hoori in Iho corinty, 
 and Wilh nil Iho inoreaso of population, profmhiy larpror 
 limn any pinoo, jt Imufi; ewlimatcd Ihal, Ihoro woro 2,000 
 prosont. A inonnnipni was oroctod lo his moTnory, wilh 
 tho roliowint? InHcriplion, a ^'fpy ^'f whioh was )(t}yi 
 rraincd in tnaiiy houflow tiiroti[:;houfc. tho f^mniy. Hut ifc 
 lias boot! roplttcod by another : 
 "AH A TUinnTB 
 Of AmoiUiHkrn M(tAnn ftm thh mkmor? frp Tffs tAva 
 JAMKR MAOanEQOn, D.h., 
 T1m< flmt Prol!^i'te^l(^n mlnlntof of thin dinfrl'f, wh<» fVjxirfwJ £h}ii Pf^, SfwcTir 
 n, Iflno, in tlio YlNiye«r of hlfiM^n, ftod tho4'!5hof his ministry, thi»tr/mb«ton» 
 wnii ereoled by n n»ral»flr of thcm<», who oherinh a f(rntcfal ro.m'!mbr%nc<> of hkl 
 Apoaldlio rorI Rtvl Mmntn of lovo. 
 When tho onrly nettleni r>f Plctoii rouM ftffwl to a mlnlKt'^r of th's H^fpcl 
 llttlo cIro IhR'i A pnrtltipatlon of th'ir hftr<1«hip<*, hn tnnt in hi* lot with tho 
 dontlttito, boramn t<i them a pAttfirn of pstiftnt «ndijrAncf«, an'l f^hf-.^rfA th'^m 
 with tho tidings of dAlvntion, Lilio Him vhom ho nerred, ho w<5iit «iy>«}t 
 dolog good. Neither toil nor privation deterred him from hi» Ma«t»;r*« work, 
 and tho ptcoauro of tho Lord prodpcmd In hl» hand. IIo liv^od to witn^wj th<» 
 iiicccRN of his labours In tho erection of niimeroni thnrchf*, awl In tb« 
 flitabllshmotit of* Sciair ary, flrom which tb«so charches conld \m prorided 
 trltb roUgiouf Inatructon. Though to highly hortoored of th« Lord, tew h*T« 
i )i| 
 exceeded him la Christian humility ; save in the cross of our Lord Jesns 
 Christ, he gloried In nothing ; and as a public teacher, combining instruction 
 with example, ho approved himself to bo a follower of them who through 
 £Euth and patience now inherit the promises." 
 The year 1831 was marked by the commencement of 
 steam navigation from the port of Picton, and, indeed, on 
 the coast of British America. The pioneer boat in this 
 trade was built at Three Rivers, on the Lower St. 
 Lawrence, for a company formed in Quebec the pre- 
 vious year and was called the Royal William. She was 
 of 1,000 tons burden, and had engines of 180 horse 
 power. This was considered enormous in those days, 
 and in all the ports she visited she was regarded as a 
 wonder. She was intended to ply between Quebec and 
 various ports in the Lower Provinces, in /act to do the 
 work that the Gulf Ports and other lines of steamers are 
 now doing, and was aided by the Canadian Q-overnment. 
 She made her first trip in August, arriving in Halifax on 
 the Slst, in seven days from Quebec, having been de- 
 tained in Miramichi two days. Crowds assembled on 
 the wharves, with almost the feelings that the appearance 
 of the Great Eastern would now excite. She arrived in 
 Pictou on the 3rd September, and we still remember 
 the excitement which her presence created. She made 
 several trips that season, ending her voyage in Halifax, 
 as required by the act giving her a subsidy. Her first 
 summer's work showed the folly of her builders. Not 
 only was she far larger than was needed, but she was 
 fitted up in a style of elegance, that would compare with 
 ""the floating palaces of the Hudson or tlw Sound. On 
 her first arrival, the editor of the Patriot pointed out the 
 mistake that had been committed, and while advocating 
 the enterprise, urged that the company should get a boat 
 one qiiarter of the size, and fitted up in a substantial but 
 plain style. 
 The next year it was arranged, that she should run 
 regularly to Pictou, the Legislature having agreed to give 
 t III 
 lOrd Jesos 
 9 through 
 nent of 
 Leed, on 
 in this 
 wex St. 
 tho pre- 
 5he was 
 36 days, 
 ed as a 
 ibec and 
 ) do tho 
 nets arc 
 ilifax on 
 been de- 
 ibled on 
 rived in 
 le made 
 Her first 
 rs. Not 
 she was 
 are with 
 nd. On 
 out the 
 3t a boat 
 itial but 
 raid rnn 
 to give 
 the subsidy on voyages terminating here. But on her 
 first trip she left while cholera was raging in Quebec, 
 and when she arrived in Miramichi, she had the disease 
 on board, and was sent to quarantine, where the engineer 
 died. Afterward she only made one or two trips that 
 The next spring she was sold. Her original cost was 
 ^617,000, but now she did not bring one-third of tho 
 amount. Her new owners sent her one or two trips on 
 the old route, but finally determined to send her to Britain. 
 She arrived here on the 13th August, on her way thither 
 and cleared again on tho 17th for London,^'*' where she 
 safely arrived, being the first steamship to make the entire 
 passage across the Atlantic under steam. Previously 
 several vessels had crossed partially by the aid of steam, 
 but these made their way principally by sails, steam being 
 used only when a wind was wanting, and even then only 
 at a low rate of speed. But now a Canadian built ship, 
 sailing from Pictou, first proved the practicability of ocean 
 steam navigation, and introduced a new era in the trade 
 of the world. 
 In the year 1832, tho G-eneral Mining Association pur- 
 chased tho steamer ** Pocahontas," which commenced to 
 ply between Pictou and Charlotte Town, sometimes going 
 as far as Miramichi. She was commanded by David 
 Davidson and made her first trip on the 11th May. In tho 
 year following, they sent a large steamer called tho " Cape 
 Breton," which commenced to ply between Pictou and 
 Miramichi, on which route she was employed for some 
 Another institution formed near the close of this period 
 deserves notice here. "Wo refer to the Pictou Literary 
 • « Cleared, l7th. Ship Boyal William, McDougall, London, Coal, Natural 
 curiosities and spars, hj W. Mortimer." — Patriot, Anjust 20th, 1833. 

 and Scientific Society. It originated with the following 
 paper : 
 *< We, the andersigned, agree to meet at Mr. Blanchard's class room, ia the 
 Pictou Academy, on Monday evening, December 8tb, 1834, at seven o'clock, to 
 mako arrangements respecting the formation of a literary society, such as may 
 bo considered most beneficial to the interests of all concerned. 
 " W. J. Anderson, O. A. Blanchard, W. B. Chandler, Daniel Dickson, David 
 Matheson, Joseph Chipman, James Fogo, Jas. Vf. McCulloch, Wm. Burton, 
 Edward Boach, Jas. Furves, Gcorgo S. Harris, Wm. Gordon, John B. Davison, 
 James Primrose, David Crichton, C. Martin, James Johnston, Bobert Corbet, 
 Michael McCulloch, G. M. Johnston, A. P. Boss, Charles Elliott." 
 Accordingly a meeting was held at the time appointed, 
 James Primrose, Esq., in the chair, and George ti. Harris, 
 Secretary, when it was resolved that " the meeting form 
 themselves into a society, to bo called the Pictou Literary 
 and Scientific Society." The object was stated to be 
 " the mutual improvement of its members in the sciences 
 and general literature," and it was agreed that this object 
 may be best attained by the delivery of lectures or essays 
 on literary and scientific subjects, which afterward may 
 form topics of discussion. 
 The first lecture was delivered on the 16th of the same 
 month, by Dr. "W". J. Anderson, on phrenology. There 
 were some present who had read the discussions in the 
 Edinburgh Review on the subject, and the lecture was 
 followed by an animated debate, which was cctntinued at 
 the next meeting, when Dr. Martin gave an $t, dress on 
 the brain. That winter lectures were delivered fort- 
 nightly, ten in all. 
 The Society continued in existence for twenty-one 
 years. During this time, it had every winter a course of 
 lectures, sometimes fortnightly and sometimes weekly. 
 From the Pictou Academy there had been difiuseda taste 
 for literature and science, and many of the lectures were 
 of a high character. Several clergymen, such as Dr. 
 McCulloch, Mr. Trotter, Mr. McKinlay, and Mr. Elliott 
 lectured with more or less frequency. Conspicuous 
 among'the lay lecturers were J. D. B. Fraser and J. W". 
 Dawson, The former generally lectured on chemistry or 
 some kindred subjects, and he showed a skill in 
 experiments, which rendered his lectures highly interest- 
 ing and popular. Mr. (now Dr.) Dawson delivsred his 
 first lecture in April, 1836, the subject being geology. 
 Though then a young man, he already gave evidence of 
 that attention to natural science, in which he has since 
 attained so much distinction. Afterward he frequently 
 lectured on that and other branches of natural science. 
 The medical men, such as Drs. Anderson, Ghipman, and 
 Martin, lectured on scientific subjects kindred to their 
 profession ; members of the legal fraternity, such as 
 Daniel Dickson, James Fogo, G-eorge A. Blanchard,' John 
 MoKinlay, and Hiram Blanchard, discoursed on a variety 
 of general subjects, while mercantile men, such as T. G-. 
 Taylor and Charles Hobson, and others, contributed their 
 share to the usefulness of tho Institution. Altogether, 
 the lectures were in a style superior to anything in the 
 Province. By those who had an opportunity of judging, 
 they were pronounced in general of a higher character, 
 even than those delivered in the Halifax Mechanics' 
 Institute. They were frequently followed by discussions, 
 often animated, sometimes even exciting, giving rise to 
 displays of wit or oratory, or eliciting valuable informa- 
 tion. The society afibrded many an evening's instructive 
 entertainment. But from various causes, interest in it 
 declined, and it finally expired, its last meeting having 
 been held on the 12th April, 1855. 
 To this account of a creditable eifort for the diffusion 
 of the light of knowledge, we may add as a close to this 
 chapter, that the lighthouse at the Beaches was finished 
 in the year 1833, that the lantern was raised to its place 
 in August of that year, and it was first lighted on the Ist 
 of March. 1834. 
 '. f 
 CHAPTER rnii. 
 Since the failure of the timber trade, perhaps nothing 
 has been so important to the progress of the county, as 
 the Coal Mining, carried on first by the General Mining 
 Association, and later by other companies, "which have 
 made Fictou up till this time the greatest coal producer in 
 British \merica, it having been only during a few years 
 8 iiput jtd by Cape Breton. We have already mentioned 
 the discovery of coal in 1798, Dr. McQ-regor's exhibiting a 
 tire Oi '<• to ^c candidates at the election of 1799, and the 
 first efforts at coal mining. "We shall now proceed to give 
 the history and present condition of this industry in the 
 In the year 1807, John McKay, son of the Squire, 
 usually known as Collier, obtained a license to dig for 
 the inhabitants, and at a later date, to export. He and his 
 father commenced working a sipall three feet seam on the 
 farm of the latter, but it soon became exhausted. They 
 then searched further and found what has since been known 
 as the " Big Seam," though they did not know its value. 
 John continued to w^ork at this for some time, selling it 
 at the pit's mouth and sending it down the river in lighters. 
 A demand sprang up for it during the war, to supply the 
 garrison, navy and inhabitants of Halifax. In the year 
 1815, we find 650 chaldrons exported. After the peace, 
 the price fell to half its former rate. Owing to this and 
 perhaps other causes, McKay failed, and was imprisoned,, 
 and his property seized by Hartshome of Halifax, who had 
 been supplying him. The workmen being unpaid, the 
 latter tried to compromise with them, but they persisted 
 in claiming full payment of what was due. Mr. Adam. 
 CaTT, who waff one of them, joined with Mortimer, and by 
 his influence, the Government were induced to let the 
 mines to the highest bidder, and in that way they obtained 
 the lease in the year 1818. They worked together till 
 Mortimer's death in the following year, when on the 3rd 
 November, the lease was transferred to George Smith 
 and William Liddell, on the following terms, the Mine 
 on the west side the river for a rent of i)260 and 3s. per '* 
 chaldron for all raised over 400, and that on the East side 
 the river, for i£110. We may mention, that this last has 
 never been found productive of good coal. It is the same 
 that a few years ago was opened by the German Company. 
 Smith and Garr worked in partnership, but after a time 
 separated, when the latter got the whole into his possession, 
 and continued to mine, raising the coal by horse power, 
 soUing it at the pit mouth, and carting it to the river, 
 where it was sent away in lighters. 
 Of these years, we may give a statement of the amount 
 of coal raised, as reported to Government. 
 1818 2820 chaldrons. 
 1820 2609 « 
 1821 1370 " 
 1822 - 2004 " 
 1823 1725 " 
 1824 - 2261 «♦ 
 1825 2801 «« 
 1827 2523 " 
 In the year 1825, the home Government leased all the" 
 reserved mines of Nova Scotia for sixty years to the Duke 
 of York, excepting, of course, those which had been * 
 already leased to other parties. Sir James Kempt, in 
 laying before the Council correspondence on the subject, 
 intimated that he was authorized to state, that the reserved 
 profits of the mines would be applied to the benefit of the 
 country. This was a transaction which no person in the 
 present day will defend, and which subsequent British 
 5 t 
 ministers ha^'e acknowledged themselves unable to justify. 
 It had this compensating effect, however, that it introduced 
 into the country a wealthy company, at a time when the 
 same capital could not have been easily obtained. The 
 Duke's lease was transferred to Messrs. Rundell, Bridge 
 and Rundell, the celebrated London Jewellers, in pay- 
 ment of his debts, and from them to the General Mining 
 Association, in whicli, I believe, they were large 
 shareholders. Tho company had been formed, as the 
 name imports, for mining purposes generally, and, I have 
 been informed, did attempt the working of mines in. 
 South America. But for a length of time, their attention 
 has been confined to tho coal mines of Sydney and Fictou. 
 On obtaining their lease, they sent an agent to the 
 Province to explore for mines, and, on his report, resolved 
 to commence operations at the East River. They purchased 
 Mr. Carr's lease, and having about the same time become 
 X>ossossors of the rights of the lessees of the Sydney Mines, 
 they thus came into possession of all the mines and 
 minerals in the Province, with the exception of what 
 might be found on a few old grants, on which there had 
 been no reserve. Early in the isummer of 1827, they sent 
 out Mr. Richard Smith, intending to commence operations 
 both in ooal and iron mining. In June a vessel arrived 
 in Pictou, bringing machinery and implements, with 
 colliers, engineers and mechanics. 
 On the 11th June, tho Lieutenant-G-overnor issued a 
 proclamation, calling on the officers of Government, 
 magistrates and proprietors of land, to give every facility 
 to Mr. Smith in carrying on his operations. He accord- 
 ingly made all necessary arrangements for working on a 
 large scale. He purchased the farms of Dr. McGregor, 
 "William McKay, and Colin McKay, commenced sinking 
 new shafts, 212 feet, and erecting the proper machinery 
 for working on a large scale and in a more scientific 
 manner than hitherto. On the 6th September, their first 
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 coal was raised, and in the month of December, he had a 
 steam engine in operation, the first ever erected in the 
 Province. The event was thus noticed in the local paper 
 of ihe day : — 
 « Tho same day on trhich our first number appeared (December 7th, 1827) 
 another event happened which we may with great propriety, hail as the 
 harbinger of illimitable prosperity to Fictou, of great utility to tho wholo 
 ProTlnco, and we might fairly add to the British North American colonies. 
 On Friday last, for the first time in Nova Scotia, tho immense power of stoam 
 was brought into successful requisition at the Albion Minrs on tha East 
 Biycr. Let us rejoice that this district is tho favoured scene of its first 
 operation. The engine is of 20 horse power, and tho perfection of its first 
 operations evidence the skill of the engineer. The Company's works will now 
 proceed with redoubled celerity and vigour. Their progress, though retarded 
 by the selfishness and overreaching disposition of individuals, has surpassed 
 ihe imagination of individuals." 
 Before describing the Company's operations farther, we 
 must give a brief account of the position and structure of 
 the coal fields of this county. As formerly mentioned, 
 the southern portion of the county is occupied by rocks of 
 Silurian or other formations of the older geologic eras. 
 At their northern base are found Lower Carboniferous 
 rocks, with limestone and gypsum. Then come the 
 Newer Carboniferous, or coal measures, occupying the 
 whole front of the county. These, however, are divided 
 by a remarkable formation, known as the Great Conglo- 
 merate, which extends in an east and west direction, 
 crossing the East River below New Glasgow, the Middle 
 Eiver at the bridge near Alma, and the West Hiver near 
 Durham, and forming the eminences of Frasers Mountain 
 and Green Hill. To the north of this range some small 
 seams of coal have been found, at Carriboo, Merigomish 
 and the south side of Pictou Harbour, but none largo 
 enough for profitable working, and it is yet a question 
 whether any may be expected. Dr. Dawson regards the 
 rocks as of the upper coal measures, or Permo-carboni- 
 ferous, and therefore not productive, though he expresses 
 a hope that good workable beds may yet be found at 
 greater depth. 26 
 I i 
 !,•■ J 
 At present, however, ieillthe valuable coal seams known, 
 are found on the south side of the Conglomerate, and near 
 its base in the great coal basin of the East River, and its 
 extensions eastward and westward. Of these, the most 
 important is that commonly known as the big seam or 
 the main seam, the enormous size of which is one of the 
 most remarkable phenomena of the field, in which 
 respect we do not know that it is paralleled in the world. 
 It is from this that most of the coal yet mined has been 
 taken. The whole thickness of the seam vertically is 40 
 feet, or a little over, but in a line perpendicular to the 
 dip 88 or 89. This, however, is not all good coal, there 
 being several bands of ironstone through it, and some 
 portions of the coal are inferior. Dr. Dawson, who is 
 moderate in his calculations, says that at least 24 feet of 
 good coal may be taken out of it. 
 A cubic foot of this ooal, according to the same authority, 
 weighs about 82 lbs., rather less than 28 feet being equal 
 to a ton of coal. Hence, a square mile of this seam 
 would yield in round numbers 23,000,000 tons. — This 
 ooal is a highly bituminous baking coal, and is shown by 
 Professor Johnston's trials to possess high qualities as a 
 steam producer, one pound being capable of converting 
 7.46 to 7.48 pounds of water into steam. — The greatest 
 objection to it is, that it contains a considerable quantity 
 of light, bulky ashes. Hence, it is not so much esteemed 
 for domestic use, as the better qualities of Sydney coal. 
 But otherwise it possesses very high qualities. It bums 
 long, gives a large amount of heat, is free from.sulphur, 
 and remains alight much longer than most other coal. 
 Next in importance to the main seam, is what is com- 
 monly called the deep seam, about 150 feet below the 
 first. It is altogether about 25 feet in vertical thickness, 
 but it also is divided by ironstone and impure coal into 
 three layers of good coal, making together, according to 
 Dr. Dawson, about twelve feet in thickness. The quality 
 of some portions of this seam, is superior even to that of 
 the main seam, but these layers prevent its being mined 
 so economically, but only its nearness to so large a seam 
 prevents its being worked extensively. 
 Next in value, though not next in order, is -what is 
 know n as the McQ-regor seam, which lies at a depth of 
 about 280 feet below the deep seam. It is about twelve ^ 
 feet thick. The two upper veins, amounting together to 
 nearly six feet, have been worked, and found to be of 
 good quality, though requiring care in removing the 
 shaly band which separates them. 
 About five feet above this, there is a small seam, between 
 three and four feet thick, of good quality. Between this 
 and the deep seam are two other small seams, each about 
 four feet in thickness. These would be valuable else- 
 where, but in the presence of such large seams, we need 
 not expect them to be worked for a length of time. 
 About 240 feet below the McGregor seam, is a peculiar 
 bed known as the " Stellar " * or oil coal, so called from 
 its peculiar scintillations in burning, which some time 
 ago attracted attention for its yield of oil. The following 
 is its arrangement and composition : — 
 it. in. 
 Inferior bitominoQS cool .^. 1 2 
 6il coal • i 8 
 Bituminous shale 2 
 The central portions of this have been found to yield 
 120 gallons of oil to the ton ; it and the shale top-ether, 75 
 These seams all lie conformably. At the southern 
 outcrop on which working commenced, they dip to the 
 northeast at an angle of about 20 degrees, and the strike 
 is about north-west. 
 Lately another seam has been discovered overlying the 
 * Hence the natte Stellarton has been given to the village adjacent. 
 t I 
 main Befam. It is found on tho northom part of tho coal 
 field, probably to the base of the Conglomerate. It is 
 said to be five feet nine inches thick, of pnre coal of good 
 quality, but so far as we are awaro, the seam hap ' been 
 explored, nor the coal analysed. 
 Having thus described the position and characteristics 
 of the different seams, we return to the operations of the 
 General Mining Association, 
 To get their coal to market, they constructed a railroad 
 from their works to a point a little below New Glasgow, 
 on which they hauled the coal by horses. Here shoots 
 were erected, and vessels drawing not moro than six feet 
 of water were loaded. To load larger vessels, they 
 constructed lighters, in which the coal was conveyed to 
 the Loading Ground, as it is called, at the mouth of the 
 In the Patriot of January 28, 1829, the progrei hese 
 works is thus noted : — 
 << The progress of the Mining Company appears to be daily becoming more 
 important. The foundry is in successful operation, and railways (rails) are 
 now casting, and will be ready for laying down in tho spring, for the purpose 
 of facilitating tho conveyance of the coals to the navigable part of the river. 
 A considerable addition to the number of lighters to be employed on the river, 
 will be made in the course of the winter, and a wharf or place of deposit at 
 this town, which will contain several thousand chaldrons of coal for exporta- 
 tion, is contracted for. It iaalso gratifying to learn, that orders have been 
 received by the late packet to build two steamboats (the machinery for which 
 will arrive in spring), one of thirty horse-power, for the river navigation, and 
 one of 100 horse-power for the purpose of coasting and carrying the coals to 
 The foundry was under the charge of a man named 
 Onions, but did not do inuch till the arrival of W. H. 
 Davies, Esq., in 1830, to take charge of it, and who may 
 be regarded as the father of the iron foundry business in 
 Nova Scotia. The boilers for the foundry and pit engines 
 were put together, at John McKay's blacksmith shop, 
 near where Russell's now stands, the plates and rivets 
 having been brought out from England. They were then 
 pushed over the wharf, to the amazement of most people, 
 who expected such immense articles to go to the bottom. 
 But they lioated lightly, and were towed up the East 
 River, as far as the water would bear them, when they 
 were landed on the intervale and dragged on rollers to 
 their place. 
 A wharf was built at Pictou, long known as the miners 
 wharf, and for a time coal kept there, bat a depot there 
 was found unnecessary and unprofitable. As mentioned 
 above, the hull of a small steamer, intended to be used 
 for towing lighters and vessels, was launched from the 
 shipyard of Mr. George Foster, Fishers Grant, on the 19th 
 August following. She was called the " Richard {Smith." 
 She was towed up the river, where she remained all 
 winter receiving her machinery, and did not commence 
 her work till the following summer. The Patriot of July 
 17th, 1830, contains the following announcement : " We 
 stop the press to announce that the Steamboat ' Richard 
 Smith ' has just appeared in the harbour for the first time." 
 It being the first time a steamer was seen on these waters, 
 the whole town turned out to see the marvellous specta- 
 cle. She was at first commanded by Gapt. McKenzie 
 and continued for some time to ply on the harbour. 
 This plan of loading being slow and tedious, they next 
 resolved on deepening the river. For this purpose they 
 obtained an .act of the Legislature, giving them full 
 authority over the river, so that no vessel drawing over 
 six feet of water was to enter without their permission, 
 and only by paying toll to them. But, in passing the 
 act, the Assembly, which had resented the act of the 
 British Government, in transferring our mines and mi- 
 nerals, added a clause to the efiect, that the bill was not 
 to be construed, as admitting the right of the home au- 
 thorities, to dispose of our mines in the way they had done 
 In consequence of this, the act was disallowed at Downing 
 Street, and, at the same time, a feeling of opposition rising 

 in the country against such a monopoly, the company did 
 not renew their application for similar power. They 
 continued, therefore, to ship their coal in the manner 
 described for several years, but the demand was greater 
 than they could supply, and the long delay of vessels in 
 receiving their cargoes, was a great discouragement to the 
 trade. In the meantime, the use of locomotives on rail- 
 roads had been tried successfully in England. According- 
 ly it was resolved to build a railroad from the East River 
 to the Loading Ground, for the conveyance of their coal 
 in that way. The road was laid out and operations com- 
 menced in the year 1836. 
 The surveys and plans were made by Peter Crerar, Esq. 
 "When they were sent to Britain, it was proposed to send 
 out an engineer to superintend the consti action of it. 
 But on his plans being submitted to a competent engineer, 
 the latter said that they needed no better superintendent 
 than the man who prepared them. In consequence, the 
 supervision of the work was entrusted to him, although 
 ho had never seen a railroad, and he accomplished it 
 satisfactorily. It was opened in the year 1839, when the 
 first locomotives in British America ran upon it. There 
 were three of them, built by Timothy Hackworth, who 
 competed with Stevenson at the first trial of locomotive 
 engines in England. They were of great power, but 
 slow. They continued doing their duty regularly till 
 lately, when one of them was taken down, but the other 
 two are still at work. 
 The opening of the railroad was made the occasion of 
 general rejoicing. The two steamers, Pocahontas and 
 Albion, with lighters attached, each carried from Pictou 
 about 1,000 persons to New Glasgow, whence they were 
 taken by train to the mines. Crowds of people on 
 horseback and on foot were here assembled from all 
 parts of the county. Here a procession was formed of 
 the various trades, the Masonic lodges, the Pictou Volun- 
 teer Artillery Company, and visitors moxinted, with bands 
 of music and pipers at intervols, and various banners, 
 marched to New Glasgow and back again, when the 
 Artillery Company fired a salute. A train of waggons, 
 fitted up to receive passengers, had beeii attached to 
 each engine, and, being filled with the crowd, now made 
 the first trip to New Glasgow and back again, giving a 
 new sensation to multitudes. 
 On their return, a feast was given to the employees of 
 the Company, ior which 1,100 lbs. of beef and mutton, 
 with corresponding quantities of other articles, were 
 provided ; a dinner was given to invited guests, and the 
 night was spent in general festivity. 
 This railroad, we may mention, was six miles long, 
 and so nearly straight that the least radius of any of its 
 curves was 1300 feet. Its width was 18 feet. The 
 estimated quantity of excavation was 400,000 cubic yards. 
 At the terminus was a wharf 1600 feet long by 24 feet 
 broad, commanding a fall of 17 feet above high water 
 level at the shoots. The rails were of malleable iron, and 
 the estimated cost $160,000. 
 The first operations of the General Mining Association 
 were on the low ground, close by the East River, where 
 an engine pit was sunk to the depth of 400 feet, and 
 about 260 yards from the outcrop. Here they mined for 
 some time 12 feet of the upper part of the main seam, the 
 lower being regarded as inferior, over a tract of about 
 800 yards to the west and 250 yards to the east, aiid 
 covering an area of about 40 acres. In working to the 
 eastward, however, the coal was found to deteriorate in 
 quality. On the 29th December, 1832, at an early hour 
 in the morning, the works wt^3 discovered to be on fire. 
 On the day preceding, nearly 100 miners and 14 valuable 
 horses had been at work in their several places in the 
 I>its. The men retired from their work between 5 and 6 
 p. m., leaving the horses as usual in the places provided 
 for their accommodation under ground. On the follo^ving• 
 morning, when the men assembled for work, to their 
 consternation they found several of the shafts emitting^ 
 dense volumes of smoke. Immediately the Mines' bailiff, 
 with iwo other persons, descended one of the ventilating 
 shafts, when the works were discovered to be on fire in 
 several places, and all the horses dead from sulfocation. 
 The intensity of the fire obliged them to ke a hasty 
 retreat to the surface, and immediately on i. eir reporting 
 the state of things, the manager instantly set all hands to 
 work to cover the mouths of the pits, hoping by prevent- 
 ing the circulation of air, to stifle the flames. The pits 
 were thus left covered for several weeks. When they 
 were again opened, it was found that the fire had done 
 extensive injury, and was still slowly burning. Having 
 originated in the lower rooms, it was fortunately confined 
 to that part of the works, and to the prompt closing of 
 the pits must bo attributed the saving of the upper. But 
 as this had proved ineffectual for the total suppression of 
 the fire, the managers were reluctantly compelled, 
 toward the end of April following, to introduce the waters 
 of the East River. This proved successful, but it required 
 the power of their steam machinery for pumping, working 
 night and day till the 14th December, to clear the pits of 
 An examination of the works led to the belief that the 
 fire was the work of malice and design. An investigation 
 took place under the direction of the Solicitor-G-eneral, 
 William Hill, Esq., when a mass of testimony was taken, 
 which left no doubt of the fact. Large rewards were 
 offered for the discovery of the guilty, but they were 
 never detected. 
 Several other fires occurred, but one in October, 1839, 
 exceeded all the rest in severity. The heat was so intense 
 that it melted the iron chains which were used for hoisting 
 the coal out of the pits. These workings were in 
 consequence abandoned, and have since been known as 
 the Burnt Mines. 
 Farther to the dip, other shafts were sunk, now known 
 as the Old Bye Pits, and others 960 yards to the west, 
 known as the Dalhouse Pits ; and also one nearer the 
 outcrop, known as the " Cage Pit," was sunk to the Deep 
 Searn, which it reached at a depth of about 300 feet. 
 From the first of these, the workings were considerably 
 extended east and west, the upper part of the main seam 
 only being mined. In some wordings to the dip of these, 
 an accident occurred in May, 1861, which rendered it 
 necessary to let in the water to extinguish the fire. An 
 attempt was made to get into these workings in 1862. 
 But such was their condition, and another fire having 
 occurred in 1868, they were abandoned, and this district 
 has received the name of the " Crushed Mines." 
 From the Dalhousie pits the main seam continued to 
 be worked in its entire thickness, the lower portion being 
 much improved in quality, and from the Cage Pit the 
 deep seam still continues to be mined in its entire height. 
 During the year 1866, a new shaft was sunk to the face 
 of the west workings. A steam engine for hoisting wae 
 erected, and a railway between the pit and the main lin'3 
 constructed. But from some unexplained cause, this pit, 
 known as the Foster Pit, was found to be on fire in May, 
 1869. The place in which it was first seen was not 
 being worked, but was near those in operation. Imme- 
 diate steps were taken to extinguish the fire, but the 
 rapid accumulation of smoke so overpowered the work- 
 men, that they were obliged to resort to the plan of 
 excluding the air, by closing the top of the shafts, and all 
 other places by which it could enter the mine. The coal 
 at this part of the seam had been found to deteriorate, and 
 from the state of the mine in consequence of the accident, 
 it has since been abandoned. This so affected the 
 Dalhousie Pit, that it too was abandoned shortly after. 
 • il 
 4 1 
 The last pit sunk by the Association is known as the 
 Foord pit, which, in the costliness and efficiency of its 
 equipments, is said to be unequalled in America. "We 
 may therefore gire a particular description of it. The 
 hoisting shaft strikes the ^main seam at a depth of 960 
 feet, but to the bottom of the seam it is 1,000 feet. Its 
 size is 12 feet by 9 feet 6 inches, inside the lining ; and it 
 is divided into two compartments, with cross stays and 
 slides, passing perpendicular to the sides of the shaft, and 
 bolted to the cross stays, where the cages work in. The 
 ciiges are double decked, each cage holding four boxes, 
 and each box containing 12 cwt. coal. The winding 
 engine is a double horizontal one, with cylinders of 36 
 inches in diameter and 5 feet stroke, and nominally of 160 
 horse-power, though capable of working contjiderably 
 above this. The winding drum is 18 feet diametex, with 
 two six inch iron wire ropes, which pass from the drum 
 over two large pulley wheels 14 feet in diameter, which is 
 elevated on a strong wooden frame, 30 feet above the top 
 of the shaft. The ropes pass over the pulleys and connect 
 to the cages. When the engine is put in motion, one of 
 the cages goes down with empty boxes, and the other 
 comes up with full ones. On reaching ihe surface, the 
 boxes are passed to the screens, where the slack is 
 separated, and the ooal passes into the cars ready for 
 The pumping pit is 40 feet deeper. It is provided 
 with an engine, known as the Cornish pumping engine, 
 with a cylinder 52 inches in diameter, and a stroke of 
 9 feet, and nominally 260 horse-power. There are three 
 sets of pumps, 18 inches in diameter, two what are called 
 bucket pumps, the third known as a ram or forcing 
 pump. At each stroke 100 gallons of water are brought 
 ;> the surface, and the engine works 7 strokes a minute 
 and 10 hours each day. 
 The winding and pumping engiaes are supplied with 
 steam from 10 large boilers, each 35 feet long and 5 feet 
 6 inches in diameter. "When the mine is in full working 
 order, it will produce 1,000 tons of coal per day. 
 The ventilation is produced by a G-uibal fan, 30 feet in 
 diameter and 2 feet wide, an instrument closely resembling 
 a steamer's paddle wheel. It is placed at the mouth of 
 what is known as the fan pit, which is 600 feet deep, and 
 is driven by an engine of 70-horso power. The engine is 
 supplied with steam from two boilers, each 25 feet long 
 and 5 feet 6 inches in diameter. The air goes down by 
 the winding and pumping shafts, circulates through all 
 the works, making a course, it has been calculated, of 7 
 miles in length, and is expelled by this fan, which produces 
 a current of air equal to 60,000 cubic feet in a minute. 
 This is tested m the pits every day. 
 The Foord x>it coal is noted for its excellent quality, for 
 generating steam, for making gas and for making coke. 
 There are at present 42 coke ovens, each 11 feet in 
 diameter, making coke night and day from the slack coal, 
 and a large addition to their number is contemplated. 
 The coke is of superior quality for smelting iron ore, and 
 is now used for that purpose at the Londonderry Mines. 
 From the Foord pit a drift level, 600 yards long, has 
 been run to the deep seam, and by it and the Cage pit 
 that seam is now mined. 
 The system of working pursued from the commence- 
 ment of the colliery has been continued, with some 
 modifications in the size of the pillars, which from the 
 thickness of the seam, and its declination, often proved 
 inadequate, and led to crushing of the workings. The 
 bords are driven eighteen wide, and parallel to the levels. 
 They are turned out of balance ways or headings, which 
 are put up to the full rise at intervals of 150 yards, the 
 width of the pillars between being eight or ten yards. 
 These balance ways are used to bring the coal down to 
 the horse road, on the principle of a self-acting incline ; 
 the only difference being that the loaded bogie raises the 
 empty tub to the respective bord ends, and it is in its 
 turn taken back by a tub of coal, which exceeds it in 
 weight. The herds are driven in opposite directions 
 from these inclines, to shorten the putting. 
 The Company's works gathered around them a large 
 population. They own about four hundred houses, 
 which are occupied by their employees. These, with 
 the residences and places of business of others who have 
 been attracted hither, form a large village, which now 
 contains fivo ''lurches : two Presbyterian, one Episcopal, 
 one Wesleyan Methodist and one Eoman Catholic. The 
 population around these works necessarily made a demand 
 for farm produce, and afforded a ready cash market for 
 it, and this has been a great convenience to the rural 
 districts around. 
 In the year 1872, the G&ixcral Mining Association sold 
 all their rights in the mines at Pictou to a new company, 
 known as the Halifax Company, of which Sir G-eorge 
 Elliott is chairman. 
 In the year 1856, the monopoly of the General Mining 
 Association was abolished, they retaining in Pictou four 
 square miles where they might select. The area, as 
 chosen by themselves, extends from the Albion Mines to 
 the upper part of New Glasgow, a distance of about two 
 miles, embracing the ground on both sides of the river, 
 but extending a greater distance to the west than to the 
 east of it. Exploration for coal immediately became 
 active, and in this work the late James D. B, Fraser, Esq., 
 of Pictou, deserves special notice. He took out rights 
 of search in the neighborhood of the General Mining 
 Association's area, to the west and south. From the 
 strike of the large seams toward the west, it was to be 
 expected that they would appear to the westward toward 
 the Middle River, but for a time even scientific men were 
 baffled in tracing their course, and some came to the 
 eoQclusion that they became exhausted in that direction. 
 Mr. Fraser spent a good deal of time and money in his 
 explorations, but failed to find the Big Seam. 
 Finding, however, the Stellar coal, he ran two slopes 
 into it, one 2 15 feet, the other 204, and commenced shipping 
 it, along with its accompanying oil shale, to Boston, 
 where there was manufactured from it oil of good illumi- 
 nating quality. But the discovery of the oil wells of 
 Canada and the United States, so lowered the price, that 
 it was found impossible to compete with them. The work 
 was therefore abandoned, and until either the supply 
 from the oil wells diminishes, or other uses are discovered 
 for oil, this vein is not likely to be again worked. He also 
 formed a company, of which the principal shareholders are 
 in New York, called the Acadia Company, which com- 
 menced working the McGregor seam, at the place origi- 
 nally worked by the Doctor. They spent a considerable 
 sum in erecting buildings, and providing the plant neces- 
 sary for carrying on extensive operations, when a fine 
 seam of coal, since known as the Acadia Seam, was 
 discovered about two miles to the south west of the Albion 
 Seam, where the Nova Scotia, company's works now are, 
 which geologists regard as the equivalent of the main 
 seam. We believe the credit is due to Mr. James Fraser, 
 Mount William, of being the real discoverer, though a 
 Connecticut yankee, named Trumax French, reaped the 
 fruits. Mr. John Campbell, by careful exploration, con- 
 ducted in Ku scientific manner, traced it farther to the 
 south. It was now found that about a mile and a half to 
 the westward of the East River, the seams suddenly* 
 turned to the southward, and the line of outcrop continued 
 for more than a mile in that direction, forming a sort of 
 bay, which now forms the area of the Intercolonial Com- 
 pany. It was then found again to strike to the north-west 
 towards the Middle River; then turning again toward 
 New Glasgow, it has been again found with high dips to 
 I i 
 the southward nearly opposite the town. "The East 
 River coal area," says Dr. Dawson, •• between that river 
 and the Middle Kiver, wonld thus appear to constitute 
 an irregular trough, with a deep bay to the southward." 
 The seams in this direction, though regarded by geolo- 
 gists as the continuation of the seams on the East Kiver, 
 are considerably changed. Thus the Acadia seam has a 
 thickness of about twenty feet, of whic^i from sixteen to 
 eighteen is good coal. 
 It will thus be seen, that as compared with the main 
 seam at the Albion, it is diminished in thickness, but 
 improved in quality. On the Intercolonial area, the " deep 
 seam" has also been discovered with a thickness at right 
 angles to the bed of eleven feet, and other beds, supposed 
 to be the equivalents of the other beds on the East Eiver. 
 The discovery of the continuation of the coal seams 
 towards the Middle Eiver formed a new era in coal 
 mining in this county. The Acadia Company, abandoning 
 nearly, if not quite entirely, all operations on the McGregor 
 seam, on the area south of the General Mining Associa- 
 tion's, commenced operations on the main seam on thoir 
 area to the west, and for some years exceeded even the 
 old company in the amount of coal raised. They built a 
 railroad connecting their works with the Government 
 line, and have sent their coal for shipment over it to Fishers 
 Grant, a distance of about 13 miles. 
 Their slopes are now 1,675 feet deep, on an incline of 22 
 degrees. Levels have been driven to the boundary lines 
 on either side of thoir area, and the seam is found to be 
 remarkably regular, not a single dislocation or disturb- 
 ance having been encountered in any direction. At 
 present, the Acadia colliery employs 180 men and 20 boys, 
 and produces 400 tons of coal per day, which is greatly 
 below its actual working capacity. 
 The quality of their coal is excellent, having been tested 
 for a gteat variety of purposes, and with the most 
 le of 22 
 to be 
 |0 boys, 
 satisfactory results. The mine is admirably equipped 
 with all the best and most approved appliances foi 
 securing the safety of life and property in mines, and the 
 •works have been remarkably free from accidents. 
 Mr. John Campbell, who had first traced the coal 
 seams to the southward, and obtained a lease of an area 
 in that direction, sold his rights to a company in Montreal, . 
 of which G. A. Drummond, Esq., was president, called 
 the Intercolonial Company. They immediately com- 
 menced developing their property. In the year 18CI8, 
 two slopes were sunk to the dip of the large seam, 
 usually known as the Acadia seam, and a pair of winding 
 engines erected at their mouth. About 14,000 tons were 
 mined the same year, and a large amount of preparatory 
 work done. A railway about six miles long was con* 
 structed to the Middle River, where they had built 
 wharves, and provided all the conveniences necessary 
 for shipping coal in quantities. The railway was 
 opened on the 1st of October. The ballasting, however, 
 was not then completed, and from the lateness of the 
 season, only between two and three thousand tons could 
 be shipped. They have since erected a short lino from 
 their works to the Government road, by which they are 
 enabled to send coal to Halifax and places along the line 
 of the Intercolonial Eailroad. 
 In the year 1869, the colliery, under the management of 
 the late James Dunn, Esq., was fully equipped with 
 everything necessary for the production, transportation 
 and shipment of coal, and under the improved markets of 
 the following years, the company's business rapidly 
 increased, so that in 1872 their sales amounted to 105,645 
 tons, their shipments ranking second in the Province, the 
 Acadia Company alone exceeding them. 
 In 1873, the markets still further improved, and 
 elaborate preparations were made in the mines for a 
 heavy production. A large stock of coal was banked on 
 ■I M 
 the surface and about 7,000 tons stowed in the upper 
 workings of the mine. In all a greater quantity was on 
 hand than that possessed by any other company, when 
 the spring trade opened, with every prospect of a sue* 
 cessful year's business. But just as the shipping season 
 opened, the terrible explosion took place, by which many 
 lives were lost, the pit set on fire, much of their plant 
 destroyed and their operations suspended. The follow- 
 ing account of it is taken from the report of the Inspector 
 of Mines : — 
 " Early in May the shipping had already become vigor- 
 ous, when a strike of the colliers for certain privileges 
 and higher rates of wages closed the workings. After a 
 week's intermission, an agreement was made with the 
 men and they resumed work on the 18th. About noon on 
 that day, a shot fired in one of the low levels on the south 
 side of the pit ignited the coal. Every exertion was made, 
 to put out the fire, but the peculiarly broken condition of 
 the face of the level prevented the men from attacking 
 the flame, where the burning gas directly issued in great 
 volume from the solid coal. The fire spread rapidly, and 
 as it was soon evident that the chances of subduing it 
 were small, an order was issued that all the hands, who 
 were disinclined to assist at the fire, should leave the pit. 
 Many had previously left, having been driven out of their 
 bords, by the smoke. The boys, all except one, had gone 
 up, and of the rest, all but about a dozen men who 
 remained with Eichardson, the overman, at the fire, left 
 the lowest landing to walk up the slope. Kichardson and 
 his men, who so heroically remained ta battle with the 
 fire, so long as there was the slightest hope of success, 
 must soon have followed to endeavor to check as speedily 
 as possible the progress of the flames, and save the pit by 
 closing all openings. No attempt to do this was, however, 
 made, for before many of the men who were in the slope 
 had time to escape, an explosion of gast unexampled on 
 this continent for violence, occurred, dealing on all sides 
 death and destruction. The force of the explosion was so 
 great, that the wooden rope rollers were torn from tho 
 track and hurled out of the slope, as from the month of a 
 cannon, falling in the woods some two hundred yards back 
 of the bankhead. Great baulks of timber 14 feet long, by 
 9 inches through, were cast up out of the Campbell pit to 
 So great a height that on falling, they struck the ground 
 with such force as to fracture them, and the rush of air 
 swept away as would a hurricane the exposed roof of the 
 bankhead. Many explosions took place during ihe after- 
 noon, and the second occurring about two hours after tho 
 first, killed four volunteers, who were nobly endeavoring 
 to rescue some men then known to be alive at the bottom 
 of the pumping pit. By the second explosion, the ven- 
 tilation was thoroughly destroyed, and as hopes could no 
 longer be entertained that any life still existed in the mine, 
 all the preparations to explore the workings were then 
 abandoned, and attention alone directed to saving pro- 
 perty. The violence and frequency of the explosions, 
 struck terror into the hearts of all who rushed to the scene, 
 and paralyzed the efforts of those who sought to close the 
 openings. All the available water was turned in to cut 
 off the lower workings, and effectually seal the bottom of 
 the pumping pit. Still the fire raged, despite of every 
 exertion, for 36 hours, and the flames shot up with a fierce 
 roar to the height of from thirty to forty feet from the 
 many openings along the crop. Two days passed before 
 the men engaged in filling the openings had effectually 
 sealed this fiery grave of fifty-five of their comrades. 
 ** The workings remained closed luitil the end of Octo- 
 ber, when one of the slopes was opened, and air nUowed 
 to circulate between it and an opening made by a fall near 
 the rise. At the end of a fortnight, and just when appear- 
 ances seemed to warrant preparations being made to 
 re-open the workings in a regular manner, the return air 
 r t! 
 , f! ill 
 !< Jll 
 !,, U\ 
 i; ill 
 !3 .ii 
 showed nnqnestionable signs, that the fresh air was find«- 
 ing its way into places, where the heat was still sufficiently 
 intense to cause combustion of the coal or the bituminous 
 shales of the roof. In consequence the pit was again 
 The total number of lives lost was sixty, among whom 
 was Mr. Dunn, the manager, of whom 81 wejre married 
 men, 28 single men and 1 boy, leaving 29 widows, 80 
 orphan children, besides parents dependant on the lost 
 Contributions to the amount of about $23,000 were made 
 in various parts of the Dominion and the United States 
 for their relief. 
 To keep a small business going, a pit some 70 feet deep 
 was sunk to the south of No. 2 slope. In the fall of 1878, 
 a new manager, Mr.' Robert Simpson, M. E., arrived from 
 Glasgow and xuider his supervision a new slope was 
 driven to the south of the old workings, and winding ma- 
 chinery there erected. Subsequently he conducted the 
 re-opening of the two original slopes — an operation in- 
 volving great skill and expense, but one successfully 
 consummated, the most of the exploded workings being 
 recovered in 1875 and safety in restoring the remainder 
 assured. The most of ihe water has now (1876) been 
 pumped out, the workings cleared of debris, and recon- 
 structed thoroughly, so that the colliery now, with its three 
 working inclines, is in a better position for a large out-put 
 than ever it was before. A fan 20 feet diametui '^- ^eet 
 •1^ ^tion of the 
 ^875 and 
 wide, on the Guibal principle, for the 
 underground workings, was erected 
 proved a complete success. 
 Mr. French, who had obtained the lease of an area of 
 three-and-half square miles, where the exteiibion of the 
 seams in this direction was first discovered, worked for 
 a time spending money uselessly, but his rights were 
 transferred to a company, composed of persons principally 
 resident in New Haven, Connecticut. In 1869, the7 
 commenced building a railway from their mine to the 
 Middle River, a distance of six miles ; and in July, 1871, 
 they had it completed, with shipping wharf, and com- 
 menced shipping coal. On this railroad the most 
 noticeable feature is the high bridge across McCulloch's 
 Brook. It is a trestle work, built of Southern pine, 
 imported for the purpose. It is 400 feet long, consisting 
 of four spans of 100 feet each. The middle span is 78 
 feet above the bed of the brook. 
 The works of these three collieries being in immediate 
 proximity, a village has sprung up named Westville, of 
 which the growth has been more rapid, than that of any 
 place known to me in these provinces. The laud here, 
 owing principally to heavy fires, was so barren that one 
 man, who owned fifty acres, after clearing some of it, 
 offered the whole for the cow ; and a lot of 100 acres, on 
 part of which is now situated the Acadia Company's 
 works, was willed to the Fictou Academy, in payment of 
 a subscription of five pounds. In 1866, 1 visited the spot. 
 Part was covered with wood, but part seemed too barren 
 oven for that. Having been severely burnt over, it 
 produced only small bushes. Some men were then 
 engaged in erecting a hut, of round poles cut almost on 
 its site. In 1875, a census was taken, when the village 
 was found to contain a population of 2,500, with three 
 churches — ^two Presbyterian, of large size, and a small 
 Methodist ; and a Koman Catholic chapel is now building. 
 But a great mistake was made at the outset, in the 
 ground not having been properly laid out. The conse- 
 quence is that the buildings have been placed in most 
 admired disorder. 
 These four companies are all that are in successful 
 operation on the west side of the East Eiver. Another 
 company, known as the Montreal Company, established 
 by Mr. Eobert G. Haliburton, sank a shaft just opposite 
 New Glasgow, on an area owned by them, which thus 
 lies at the north side of the coal field, and near the base 
 of the Conglomerate. Here they found the coal of good 
 quality, but lying at a very steep angle, and abounding 
 in inflammable gas. But nothing has since been done to 
 developo the property. 
 Before the commencement of the General Mining As- 
 sociation's operations, a seam was opened on the east sido 
 of the river, and after the abolition of the Mining Com- 
 panys operations, it was again opened by the Pictcu 
 Mining Company. The coal was found to be inferior in 
 quality, and a continuance of the deterioration having 
 been ascertaiiied by a shaft sunk farther to the east, all 
 operations were abandoned, though Mr. Rutherford ex- 
 presses his opinion, that it may not continue far into the 
 Considerable labor and means have been expcLded in 
 endeavors to trace the course of the seams further east. 
 The result has been the discovery of several beds of coal ; 
 but the field, on examination, has been found so intricate, 
 the measures so disturbed and broken, that their extent 
 and position, as well as their relation to the other seams, 
 are as yet involved in some uncertainty. "We shall, 
 however, give a brief summary of the facts ascertained. 
 Immediately behind New Glasgow two seams have 
 been opened, the lower known as the Stewart seam, up- 
 wards of three feet in thickness, and the upper »s the 
 Richardson, 2 feet 9 inches, both of which are regarded 
 geologically as overlaying the main seam. The last of 
 them has been partially mined by a company, known as 
 the " Crown Brick Coal and Pottery Company," which 
 was formed for the purpose of working an extensive de- 
 posit of fire clay found here. Though the seam was small, 
 the coal was found to bo of excellent quality. The com- 
 pany, however, has been for some time in a state of 
 snspenderi animation. 
 About a mile further east, two seams have been dis- 
 covered about 8 1*2 and 4 1-2 feet thick, and another 
 larger. But here a large fault is found to cross the field, 
 and the whole measures are so broken, that very little has 
 been done in the way of mining upon them. 
 Farther east, at what was known as the Marsh, four 
 young men named McBeans, two of them brothers, and 
 cousins of the other two, also brothers, took out rights of 
 search. They were at the time possessed of but limited 
 means, but they spent time and labour and T^hat means 
 they had, iu exploring their area, and in opening some 
 veins found on it. Their enterprise in due time met with 
 its reward. The examination of the field by Sir William 
 Logan, proved that their lease covered valuable seams of 
 considerable extent. It was accordingly purchased by a 
 Company in Montreal, known as the " Yale Coal Iron and 
 Manufacturing Company," of which Sir Hugh Allan is 
 president. Since 1872, under the able management of J. 
 B. Moore, Esq., the vice-president, and J. P. Lawson, 
 engineer, they have provided and erected everyihing ne- 
 cessary for mining and shipping coal on an extensive 
 This colliery is situate about six miles to the eastward 
 ot New Glasgow, on a seam formerly known as the 
 McBean area. It contains three square miles, or 1,920 
 acres. There are five known workable seams of coal on 
 it, which are found in descending order, as follows : The 
 uppermost of the series is the " Captains seam," a good 
 coal well liked for domest'c purposes. It measures three 
 feet six inches in verticel thickness. Seventy-five feet 
 below is the " Mill Bace seam," so named from being 
 first discovered in the mill race below Jas. McDonald's 
 saw mill. It is not quite so good coal. It is three feet 
 thick, with impurities. Over sixty feet below is the 
 ** Geo. McKay seam." This is a good seam of eoal, well 
 Uked both for steam and domestic purposes. It measured 
 in three openings, 3 feet 9 inches, 4 feet, and 4 feet 10 
' •'•il 
 inches in vertical thickness. A small seam of oil shale of 
 uncertain size and value, about eight inches in the centre 
 of the seam, is very rich, but it gets poor as you go from 
 the centre. Next is " The Six Feet seam." It ia not 
 quite so good coal, but is purer to the dip. 
 About 1,450 feet across the measures behind th© above 
 seam, is the " McBean seam." It is a good coal, both for 
 steam and domestic purposes. It measures seven feet of 
 vertical thickness. Two small seams are found, about 
 200 feet across the measures from the McBean seam. 
 They are too small to work. The vale colliery is placed 
 on the McBean seam, into which two slopes, one sixteen 
 feet wide (the main slope), the other eight feet wide 
 (a travelling and pumping slope), are driven on the 
 dip of the seam, from which the levels are driven in 
 the coal. A pair of winding engines, 12 inch cylinder 
 and 18 inch stroke, built at the Acadia foundry, New 
 Grlasgow, have been erected in front of the Main Slope, 
 and a double acting steam plunger plump, also made at 
 the Acadia foundry, is placed at the foot of the pumping 
 slope, which throws the water to the surface and drains 
 the mine. 
 A railroad six miles long, leading -from the colliery and 
 joining the Intercolonial Railroad at New Glasgow, with 
 all the necessary sidings, has been constructed by the 
 Company. From New Glasgow the coal is conveyed 
 dver the Intercolonial Railway to the Pictou Landing, 
 where it is shipped. 
 \ . The works of the Yale Colliery were started in the 
 ' woods, in the fall of 1872. A few trains of coal were run 
 over the railroad to Halifax in the fall and winter of 
 1873-4 ; and in 1874, the out-put of merchantable coal 
 was about 89,000 tons, the dull state of the markets 
 keeping the mine idle one-half of the months of September 
 And October, two-thiids of November and all December. 
 Workshops for carpenters and blacksmiths, and an 
 office and store, have been erected at a convenient distance 
 from tlie works. A number of miners' houses have also 
 been erected by the Company, in all about ninety build- 
 ings. To the north of the Company's property, the land 
 is regularly laid out in building lots. A good many of 
 these have been sold, and quite a neat village has sprung 
 up, "with stores, halls and dwellings, and a numbei 
 are in course of erection. As the situation is picturesque, 
 the Vale will be one of the prettiest villages in the 
 eastern part of the Province. During the year 1876, a 
 Presbyterian church has been built and a pastor ordained. 
 Messrs. Mitchell .& Barton have an aero or two of the 
 McBean seam, at the north-east corner cf the McBean 
 lease. There is only coal enough there to supply the 
 inhabitants with their winter's fuel for a short time. 
 Between the Vale Colliery works and New Glasgow, 
 and extending southwardly for some distance is all good 
 coal measures, and doubtless containing valuable seams ; 
 and it is more than probable that should the coal trade 
 revive, other valuable works will be started upon them. 
 It will thus be seen that we have now five large 
 companies in vigorous operation, in mining and shipping 
 •coal. It only remains to giv^e a few s.'atistics, showing 
 the amount of their work. 
 The following is a statement in tons of the sales by 
 counties for the lasb ur years : 
 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 
 Cumberland 14,153 26,345 49,599 60,744 
 Pictou 388,417 334,984 357,920 337,102 
 Cape Breton 380,273 520,189 337,000 304,702 • 
 Other counties. .. 31,070 588 4,588 4,047 
 Total 785,814 881,106 749,127 706,795 . ' 
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 When the General Mining Association commenced 
 operations, they designed to work the iron as well as the 
 coal deposits known to exist on the East Bivcr. They 
 quarried ore from a bed now known as the Bknchard 
 bed, and collected a quantity of Limonite about the 
 banks of the river, near Springville. They also erected 
 a blast furnace at the Albion mines, for the purpose 
 of smelting these ores. But those in charge, accustomed 
 to English ores and English fuel, did not understand how 
 to manage ores of a different character. They declared 
 that the ore was too rich, and, the company not having 
 discovered the bed of Limonite, the work was abandoned. 
 Some iron, however, was produced, which, in combined 
 hardness and toughness, excelled anything known. 
 When quartz crushing began at the gold mines, and iron 
 possessing these qualities was specially required for 
 stampers, parties gathered up the lumps that had been 
 thrown away at the old blast furnace at the Albion 
 mines, and they found it superior for the purpose to any 
 iron that could be obtained from any other quarter. 
 During the last few years, attention has again been 
 directed to the subject, and careful explorations have 
 been carried on, under the direction of competent 
 scientific men. The result has been, to show the existence 
 in this connty ot a variety of iron deposits, of great 
 extent, and superior quality. Geologically, these lie 
 among the Upper Silurian and Lower Carboniferous 
 rocks, which we have formerly mentioned, as traversing 
 the interior and southern portions of the county. We 
 shall briefly notice the principal of these. Among the 
 most important is a great bed of Bed Hematite, v/hioh is 
 most extensively developed at Blanchard, near the East 
 Branch of the East Biver of Fictou, and on the upper part 
 of Sutherlands Biver. The ore bed is an enormous 
 deposit, varying in width from fifteen to thirty feet, and 
 where it has been opened up, affords from ten to twenty 
 feet in thickness of good ore. This bed has been traced 
 for several miles, and rises into some of the higher 
 elevations of the country. At Sutherlands River, it is 
 found at an elevation of 400 feet above its bed, and its 
 position will allow the extraction of millions of tons above 
 water level, by the simplest operation of the miner. 
 Though not one of the richest ores in the district, its great 
 quantity and accessibility render it of great value. The 
 analyses made of it, show a percentage of metal varying 
 from 43 to 54 per cent. The foreign matter is principally 
 Silica and the proportions of Phosphorus and Sulphur 
 are very small. The principal < 'posures of this bed, are 
 distant only twelve miles from tht. great collieries of the 
 East River of Fictou, and less than ten miles from the 
 Halifax and Pictou Railway, while the extension of the 
 latter eastward will pass close by its- outcrop at 
 Sutherlands River. 
 At Sutherlands River, about three miles from Meri- 
 gomish Harbour, is a valuable deposit of Spathic Iron ore 
 or Siderite, occurring in Lower Carboniferous sandstones, 
 and varying in thickness from six feet six inches to ten 
 feet six inches. It affords from 42 to 43 per cent of iron, 
 and contains from 2 to 8 per cent of manganese. This bed 
 is only four miles distant from the " Vale " colliery. 
 At the junction of the Lower Carboniferous and Upper 
 Silurian rocks, in the valley of the East River, near 
 Springville, is a vein of Limonite of exceeding richness and 
 value. It varies in width from five to twenty-one feet, 
 and the ore is of the finest quality, affording from 62 to 
 66 per cent of metallic iron. A similar vein has been 
 opened near Glengarry station. 
 Besides these, a large vein of Specular iron ore, similar 
 to thai at Londonderry, occurring in similar conditions, 
 and supposed to be A continuation of it, has been traced 
 from New Lairg, near' Glengarry, eastward to near the 
 East Branch of the East River. A bout a, mile to the "West 
 of this stream, it has been examined, and thence explored 
 for two miles, following the course of a high hill, and its 
 width was found to vary from five to twenty feet. 
 The ore is a nearly pure peroxide of iron, containing from 
 64 to 69 per cent of metal, and great quantities could be 
 €a8ily taken out from the outcrop of the vein. 
 There are also other veins of less importance. Clay 
 Ironstones also occur in many parts of the coal field, but 
 no attention has hitherto been given to them as sources of 
 iron ore. It may be anticipated that should the richer 
 ores be worked, they may be rendered available in con- 
 nection with them. 
 It will thus be seen, that these explorations have shown 
 that from Glengarry to Merigomish, a course of over 20 
 miles, there extends a series of iron ore deposits, of good 
 quality and mors than usual dimensions. The ferriferous 
 rocks extend westerly into Colchester, and though these 
 have not been explored, yet small veins of Specular ore 
 are found on the upper part of the Middle and West 
 Rivers. It is probable also, that they will be found in 
 the opposite direction toward Antigonish county. 
 As the presence of a cheap flux is important for the 
 manufacture of iron, we may add that limestone is found 
 in every part of this section of country. Abundance of fire 
 clay also of superior quality, is found in various places. 
 Moulding sand also is plentiful on the East River and 
 its tributaries. The best known deposit is near the 
 mouth of McLellans Brook, which has for years supplied 
 our local foundries. 
 It will thus be seen, that in its rich iron ore, in the im- 
 mediate vicinity of coal, Pictou possesses the elements of 
 national prosperity. The course hitherto pursue^ of 
 raising coal to export, is simply a waste of our natural 
 resources. Let it be employed in developing the treasures 
 of the rocks, and the couniy, we may say, the Province, 
 will enter upon a boundless career of progress. 
 TIME, 1836—1876. 
 In the year 1886, the Act erecting Pictou into a separate 
 county, came into operation. By that Act, it received 
 two representatives for the county and one fo rthe town- 
 ship of Pictou. The first election under the now 
 arrangement took place that season, when by a compromise 
 between parties, G-eorge Smith and John Holmes, Esquires, 
 were returned for the former, and, after a contest, Henry 
 Hatton, Esquire, for the latter. On the remodelling of 
 the Council in 1838, Mr. Smith was elevated to a scat in 
 that body, and Thomas Dickson was elected in his place. 
 At this first county election, Mr. Holmes first came into 
 public life. From that time till incapacitated by old age^ 
 a few months before his death, in 1476, he occupied a 
 prominent place in our county and provincial politics, 
 having been for several years member of the House oi 
 Assembly, then a member of the Legislative Council, and, 
 at the adoption of the Confederation Act, one of the first 
 S'mators from Nova Scotia. His public course was that 
 cf an honest, thorough-going true blue Tory. At a very 
 late period of his life, and, we suppose, to the last, he 
 ^declared his admiration of the Government of the old 
 Council of XII., and his detestation of responsible govern- 
 ment. His father having taken the lead in forming a 
 body in connection with the Church of Scotland, ho 
 succeeded to his influence, and both in the civil and 
 ecclesiastical movements of the members of that body, 
 wielded the influence of a Highland Chief in the days of 
 We append a list of members of the different branches 
 of our Legislature to the present time. (Appendix K.) 
 The present period presents few events calling for 
 special notice. In the year 1843, the disruption of the 
 Church of Scotland took place, and was followed the 
 next year by a similar division in Nova Scotia. Of the 
 Presbytery of Pictou, in connection with the Church of 
 Scotland, only one minister, the Rev. John Stewart, then 
 of St. Andrew's Church, New Glasgow, adhered to the 
 Free Church. Of the rest, all returned to Scotland to 
 occupy the vacant parish churches, with the exception 
 of the Rev. Alex. McGillivray, of McLennan's Mount, 
 who, it was said, by accident missed a presentation. 
 Congregations were formed in various parts of the county 
 in connection with the Free Church. That portion of 
 St. Andrew's Church, New Glasgow, which adhered to 
 their minister, formed the congregation of Knox Church, 
 which has since amalgamated with the congregation ot 
 Primitive Church in that town. The people of Blue 
 Mountain and the Garden of Eden generally, and a 
 majority of the people of Barney's River, joined the Free 
 Church, and obtained as their first minister the Rev. D. B. 
 Blair, in the year 1848. Congregations were also formed 
 at Pictou, Rogers Hill, "West Branch River Jonn, Earl- 
 town and Saltsprings. The Rev. Alex. Sutherland, who 
 had been brought up at Rogers Hill, but had completed 
 his studies in Edinburgh, returned from Scotland, and 
 became minister of Earltown and West Branch River 
 John in 1846. Shortly after, the Rev. Murdoch Suther- 
 land became minister of Pictou and Rogers Hill. He 
 was greatly esteemed, but his career was short. 
 The large majority of the adherents of the Church of 
 "Scotland remained in their old connexion, and for ten 
 years received very little ministerial service. The folly 
 of depending on Scotland for ministers, was now apparent, 
 and, as the body was not iu a position to educate young 
 men in this country, they sent a nural;er of promising 
 natives to be educated in Scotland, and from their return, 
 the revival of that body may bo dated. The first of these 
 were the Revds. Alex. McLean, Alex. McKay, George M. 
 Grant, "William McMillan, Simon McGregor and John 
 Cameron, all natives of Pictou. 
 In the year 1867, just one hundred years after the arrival 
 of the first settlers, the railroad from Halifax to Fictou was 
 completed. It had been for some time open to Truro, and 
 this had somewhat changed the trade, especially of the 
 rural districts of the county, large quantities of agricultural 
 produce being sent over land to Halifax, thus making im- 
 proved markets for our farmers. The effect of the 
 completion of it, by the increased facilities which it 
 affords for communication with the rest of the continent, 
 it is unnecessary to point out. 
 "We shall now briefly review the various branches of 
 business in the county during this period. 
 At the commencement of the period, ship building was 
 carried on with considerable activity, and so continued for 
 a time, so that in one year, forty vessels were registered 
 as built in Pictou, and its outports, including Tatama- 
 gouohe. But these were, with scarce an exception, built 
 to sell, and under the ruinous system described in our last 
 chapter. The result was that about the year 1841, the 
 leading ship-builders, and a number who were engaged 
 in it on a smaller scale, became bankrupt 
 Since that time a new system has been pursued. Per- 
 sons build vessels to own and sail them, and the business 
 has proved highly profitable, and, until the prepent 
 depression, was rapidly progressive. Nearly every trader 
 in Pictou, New Glasgow and the outports, as well as 
 many tradesmen, have at least shares in ships, and a large 
 fleet of vessels of superior character, is now owned in this 
 county and is found in the carrying trade of the world. 
 The following is a statement of the vessels registered at 
 Pictou : — 
 8 Ships measuring 8 .428 
 24 Barques « 14.337 
 4 Barqucntines measuring 1 . 040 
 1 Brig " 236 
 19 Brigantincs « 4.956 
 31 Schooners " 1.573 
 6 Steamers <* 162 
 Total vessels ... 93 Total tonnage 30 . 732 
 This however does not represent the whole tonnage of 
 the Port, several vessels partially or entirely owned here 
 being registered elsewhere. " The County of Pictou " for 
 example, one of our largest traders and entirely owned 
 in the county, being registered at Glasgow. 
 Another change in the system of shipbuilding must be 
 noticed. Building vessels for sale was simply building 
 vessels of inferior quality. So much was this the case, 
 that our colonial built vessels got a bad reputation, from 
 which they have scarcely yet recovered, and of all colonial 
 vessels, those of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island 
 were the lowest in the scale. There were other evils 
 connected with the system, not the least of which was 
 the frauds connected with insurance. To hear of one of 
 these vessels, perhaps, on her first voyage being wrecked,^ 
 often gave its owner pleasure, which he scarcely affected 
 to conceal. 
 With ihe building of vessels for the use of the owners, 
 commenced an era of improvement in the quality of the 
 vessels built, so that now the character of our vessels will 
 compare with those either of the other Provinces, or of' 
 any portion of the world. 
 In this good work, Captain G-eorge McKenzie, of New 
 Glasgow, deserves special mention. If Captain Lowden 
 was the father of the old ship building trade in Pictou, 
 Captain McKenzie was the father of the modem system, 
 and though we did not intend particularly to refer to the 
 living, or to those who, though departed, belong to the 
 present period, yet we think the position he held in 
 reference to this important part of the business of Pictou, 
 as well OS the character of the man himself, entitles hin^ 
 to a full notice. 
 Ho was born in Halifax, in December, 1798. His 
 father died in 1802, and his mother removed with her 
 five children to Fishers Grant in the same year. When 
 he grow up to youthful manhood, he turned his attention 
 to chipping and ship building, for which he appeared to 
 have a natural talent In 1821, he and John Eeid, of 
 Littlo Harbor, built a schooner of 45 tons at Boat Harbor, 
 in which he shortly afterwards took a trip to the "West 
 Indies. She was called the " James William." The two 
 men hewed the timber, took it from the woods, and did 
 all the work of building themselves. An event 
 happened when he was about nineteen years of 
 age, which had the cfieet of bringing him into promi- 
 nence among ship builders. A vessel built at some point 
 near the Beaches was being launched, when she stuck. 
 Those engaged about her spent a great deal of labour, 
 used all the mechanical appliances at their command, and 
 exhausted their ingenuity in efforts to get her off", and 
 finally gave up the work in despair, and from her 
 position, it was feared that she would break up before 
 spring, when George McKenzie volunteered to get her off" 
 and succeeded in doing so at the next tide. From that 
 time ho was a " marked man." In 1824 ho went with 
 Robert McKay, of Pictou, to superintend work in his yard 
 and continued with him about three years. In superin- 
 tending tho launching of a vessel for Mr. McKay at River 
 John, he had tho misfortune to get one of his thighs 
 broken. He then sailed for some time as master, both to 
 the West Indies and to Britain. In the year 1829, we find 
 him in command of a brig called the " Two Sisters," owned 
 by his brother-in-law, James Carmichael, Esq., and his 
 brother John, then doing business in partnership. In her 
 ho went up to Glasgow, and she was then noticed as tho 
 largest vessel, that up to that date had gone so far up the 
 Clyde. On her return, it was noticed in tho Pictou 
 paper, as something good, that she had made tho round 
 trip in twelve weeks. Ho then settled down in business 
 in New Glasgow, where ho first built a schooner of 100 
 tons, and then a trader for Almon, of Halifax. Tho "Sally," 
 a barque of 350 tons, one-half being owned by Henry 
 Hatton, of Pictou, was his next venture. From this ho 
 advanced to building vessels of 600 tons, and then to 
 others of 800, which were thought wonders for a time, 
 but not content with this, he soon was building uhiH 
 larger. In 1850 he launched the " Hamilton Campbell 
 Kidston" of 1,400 tons. In launching her, the launch 
 ways spread, and her stem took the mud, when half way 
 down the launchways. The spectators beheld Iho 
 accident with dismay, women w< ot, but the captain was 
 as calm as a summer eve. He quietly walked round her 
 as if nothing had happened, and then told his men to go 
 home and return at such an hour, as they could do 
 nothing till the tide changed. At the appointed time he 
 set them to work, and in a short time had her safely 
 afloat. Considering the position of the vessel, the 
 shallowness of the water, and the appliances available, 
 this was almost as great a feat as the launching of the 
 •' Great Eastern." When she arrived in Glasgow, her 
 appearance there created quite a sensation, she being tho 
 largest vessel that up to that time had sailed up the 
 Clyde. In 1854 he built the " Sebastopol " and the 
 " Magna Charta," the latter attracting great attention as 
 the largest vessel built in the Province. Others of his 
 vessels were well known, as the " Sesostris," the 
 "Catherine Glen," the "John McKenzie " and the 
 « George." The " County of Pictou," built in 1865, was 
 the last vessel built by him. She is still afloat, and ha» 
 been remarkably successful. 
 So well was he known in old Glasgow, that a number of 
 gentlemen, connected with the trade of that port, presented 
 him with a service of jolatc as a token of their esteem. 
 Captain McKenzic was one of the first to see the evils 
 of the old system of building vessels to sell. And, although 
 from his character as a ship-builder, he obtained contracts 
 for building at remunerative rates, he gave particular 
 attention to running his vessels, some of which as the 
 "Sesostris" a. id the "John McKenzie " were well known, 
 and thus leu the way in the formation of that large carry- 
 ing trade, vhich forms such an important part of the 
 induBtries of the county. 
 "We believe too that it w^ill be universally conceded, 
 that Captain Mckenzie took the lead in building vessels 
 of a superior class, and that largely to him is owing the 
 vast improvement in the character of our ships, of which 
 now we have no reason to be ashamed, comparing them 
 with those either of other Provinces or of any portion of 
 the world. 
 1 During a period of forty years, C-apt. McKenzie went 
 to sea more or less, and in this he soon developed his 
 character. As a commander, he was daring, clear headed, 
 calm even under the most difficult circumstances, prompt 
 in deciding upon hi^: plans, and energetic in having them 
 executed. When he commenced going to sea it was the 
 ordinary practice to carry only a moderate amount of 
 , canvas and to take in sail at night, if the wind was any 
 wise fresh, so as not to have to rouse the men during the 
 night to lessen sail, should it blow harder, and if there 
 was any appearance of a blow, even the upper yards were 
 lowered, Capt. McKenzie soon pursued a diflferent 
 course. He availed himself of all the sail his vessel could 
 carry, and thought not of lowering his yards or taking in 
 Bail, because night was coming on. Doubtless by this- 
 time, others were adopting the same system, but at first 
 it appeared so strang-e to safe going old fogies, that some 
 times they thought him mad. Though commanding 
 vessels of all sizes from the coasting schooner to IliQ 1400 
 ton ship, and in all latitudes, and that for the period of 
 about forty years, he was only wrecked once, and then lost 
 but one man. What is however perhaps more worthy of 
 notice was, that in all that time he never lost a man over- 
 board. Once indeed when in Harbour, (at Savannah 
 Harbor we believe) a man fell overboard. The Captain, 
 though he oould not swim himself, Jumped overboard 
 after him, which induced others to follow his example, 
 and they were both saved. But at sea, in taking in sail, 
 or any of the other ways in which this accident occurs, 
 he never lost a man, and as he heard of such cases, he 
 could not avoid giving expressions to feelings of mingled 
 disgust and indignation, as he could only regard them as 
 resulting from bad management. 
 Much of his energy he infused into those around him. 
 Full of patriotism, he was not only anxious to advance the 
 welfare of the Province, but it was his delight to bring 
 forward Nova Scotians, and particularly young Pictonians 
 to command his ships or to fill stations of usefulness. The 
 sons of the farmer or the widow, in his hands were soon 
 in command of his big ships, and proved successful com- 
 manders, ever speaking of him with affection. 
 His manner in command was slightly brusque and im- 
 perative, but no man was ever more distinguished by the 
 spirit of kindness and readiness to help others. In fact he 
 was too open handed, too free in buying, too ready in 
 distributing, to have been a thorough going money making 
 man. In consequence of this, as well as from heavy losses 
 experienced at different times, while always having a 
 competence, he did better for others than for himself, and 
 many a one has reason to remember his seasonable help. 
 He died in the winter of 187C. 

 "■ 'i 
 <■ 5 
 At the commencement of this period, there was still an 
 export of deals and battens, which continued for a few 
 years, but now not only is pine imported, but there is not 
 enough of spruce lumber prodaced, for the consumption 
 of the county, and a considorabio quantity, especially in 
 the form of flooring, is annually imported. The saw- 
 mills, of which by the census there are 78, are employed 
 principally in sawing hemlock into boards and shingles, 
 with a little spruce and some hardwood plank. The only 
 article of wooc' now exported is squared birch timber, 
 and as a great part of the southern portion of the county 
 if till covered with forest, on a soil of which a large 
 amount is unfit for cultivation, this trade may continue 
 for some time, and at all events there is iiere a perennial 
 source of supply of hardwood, to meet the ordinary 
 purposes of our own population. 
 The failure of the timber trado, as well as other 
 circumstances, has led to greater attention to their farms, 
 on the part of our rural population. The farming is not 
 any where yet of a high order, but it is very different 
 from what it was forty years ago. There is every where 
 attention to improved modes of culture, and th i introduc- 
 tion of better stock. Machinery is being generally used. 
 There was not at the beginning of this period a threshing 
 machine in the county. My father introduced one about 
 the year 1840. It was literally a one horse power, on 
 the tread-mill principle. There was not another at that 
 time in the county. =**= Now these are universally in use, 
 as well as mowing machines and other improved imple 
 ments. At the same time the markets have be n so 
 favourable for farm produce, that, notwithstanding the 
 failure of the potato crop, and the very general destruc- 
 tion of the wheat crop for some years by the wheat 
 • Mr. Donald McLeod, of West River, erected one some years before on n 
 nnall stream on bis farm. The power did very well, but the threshing part 
 did not succeed. 
 it ,1 
 ling part 
 midf^e, in nothing has the county been more distinguished 
 duri'ig this period than by the progress, which the 
 farn ing population have made in comfort and independ- 
 ence. At the beginning of this period, there were few 
 farmers, who were not in the merchants' books, generally 
 for considerable amounts. The credit system was still 
 almost universal. The farmer was thought to do well, 
 and was reckoned a good customer, who in the fall 
 brought a sufficient amount of pork and other produce to 
 reduce his account to a moderate figure. But now 
 this mode of trading has largely passed away. Farmers 
 now generally sell their produce for cash, or exchange it 
 for necessaries at the store, and can generally do so at 
 prices, at which they would once have thought themselves 
 set up altogether. 
 Their improved circumstances appear in their dress, 
 their dwellings, and the conveniences by which they are 
 surrounded. At the beginning of this period milled 
 cloth was but little used, and while the better class of 
 farmers had at least a Sunday dress of English cloth, the 
 large majority were clad in homespun, undressed and 
 dyed at home. Wc need not describe the change produced 
 by the general use of fulled cloth. The younger genera- 
 tion will scarcely remember the old blue-dye coats, so 
 characteristic of many parts of the country, and 
 occasionally so odoriferous under a summer shower ; and 
 we can scarcely tell the time when we have seen a 
 countryman come to town with his feet encased in raw 
 hide moccasins. 
 At the beginning of this period, there were a few old- 
 fashioned chaises, but these only among the better class 
 of farmers in the older settlements. In the new they 
 were almost unknown, and the roads were scarcely fit for 
 them to traverse. Hence we might see a countryman 
 come to town with a conveyance, which we shall not 
 attempt to describe, his horse garnished with a straw 
 collar, a straw saddle, all kept in place by hair ropes. 
 Now it is a poor farmer who cannot drive his pair well 
 harnessed at farm work, or who does not own a comfort- 
 able carriage for riding to church on Sabbath, or for trarel 
 on week days. By the census, it exceeded every other 
 county in the Province in the number of light carriages 
 '^and vehicles for transport, the number of the former 
 being 4,596, of the latter 7,246. 
 This improvement has been most apparent in the 
 newer settlements. In these the people then generally 
 lived in log houses with few conveniences, but now, 
 largely through their greater economy, and partly through 
 their being on good soil, they are as independent in their 
 circumstances as the people of any part of the country. 
 Farming is still the leading industry of the county, the 
 number engaged in it according to the census of 1871, 
 being more than equal to the number employed in all 
 other lines of business. Thus we find that 5154 are 
 classed as agricultural, while the rest are classed as 
 follows : 
 Commercial 699 
 Domestic 452 
 Industrial 2,611 
 Professional 346 
 Not classified 693 
 Of these 488 were miners, 369 carpenters, 298 mariners, 
 257 blacksmiths, 202 shipbuilders, 172 teachers, 105 
 tailors, 37 foundrymen, 34 clergymen and 5 booksellers, 
 there being 20 in Halifax, and only 11 in all the rest of 
 the Province, eight counties having none. 
 Wo may here give a statement of its agrivMxltural 
 products as compared with other counties. By the census 
 of 1871 there were produced the previous year as follows : 
 Bush, wheat. Oats. Other grain. Potatoes. Tons hay. 
 7G,42G 4G9,8G8 64,937 415,524 32,334 
 In wheat and oats, it largely exceeded any other county, 
 Cumberland cominj? next to it in the former, with 47,395, 
 and Inverness in the latter, with 276,330. In other grain, 
 it was exceeded by Lunenburg, which while only raising 
 2,661 bushels of wheat, and 22,447 of oats, produced 
 67,957 of barley and 13,109 of rye, by Cumberland, which 
 produced 64,023 of buckwheat, and Colchester, which 
 produced 43,995 of the same grain and 18,294 of barley. 
 In potatoes and hay, it was exceeded by Kings, Annapolis, 
 Cumberland and Colchester. In the production of butter, 
 it exceeded every other county, the amount being 
 804,661 lbs., Colche=-ter coming next with 625,026. In 
 cheese it was exceeded by Kings, Annapolis, Antigonish 
 and Inverness, though it is i)robable that the proportions 
 will have since been altered, as four cheese factories have 
 been erected in the county, one at "West River, one at 
 Gairloch, one at Eiver John and one at Barney's River. 
 In cloth, it largely excels every other county, the amount 
 being 183,008 yards, Inverness coming next with 138,998. 
 The following is a statement of farm stock owned in 
 the county : ; . : 
 Milch cows. 
 homed cattle. 
 In horses and milch cows it ranks first, Colchester 
 coming next in the former, and Inverness in the latter. 
 In other horned cattle and sheep, it was slightly exceeded 
 by Inverness, and in swine by Kings, Inverness and 
 Altogether we may set down Pictou as the first agricul- 
 tural county in the Province, the only one which can 
 compete with it being Kings. In fruitgrowing, however, 
 it is only seventh, being exceeded by Kings, Annapolis, 
 Lunenburg, Digby, Hants and Cumberland. 
 In manufactures, the only one in which as a county 
 we can take credit for great progress, is tanning leather. 
 |IJI (J; 
 II u 
 J?h. it 
 "We had tanners from an early period, but the business 
 has been so developed during this period, that now 
 Pictoa manufactures almost as much leather, as the other 
 seventeen counties of the Province put together. Wo 
 give the figures : — 
 Best of the Province. 
 Valao of Raw 
 Value of Articles 
 Fair progress has been made in wooUeii manufactures. 
 The first application of any but hand power to this, was 
 by the erection of a carding machine at Middle River by 
 a Mr. Humphrey, of New Brunswick, in a mill owned by 
 the late Isaac Archibald, about the year 1822. The year 
 after it was erected, Mr. Archibald bought it and carried 
 on the business himself The first fulling mill was 
 established three or four years after, by James Farnham, 
 of Truro, and Edward and Stillman Lippencott, under 
 the name of Lippencott, Farnham & Co., at what is now 
 Roddicks Mills, below Durham, then owned by the Rev. 
 Duncan Ross and G-eorge McDonald. They carried on 
 dyeing in connection with it. But they had only the 
 privilege of the waste water, and, after a time, finding 
 that insufficient for their purposes, they, in the year 1829, 
 removed to the Six Mile Brook, and set up a mill, where 
 F. Miller & Co.'s establishment is now, at which place 
 the business of cloth dressing has ever since been 
 conducted. The first spinning machine and power loom 
 were set up by Mr. James Grant, near Springville. There 
 are now, besides carding machines and fulling mills, four 
 other establishments, where the whole business of manu- 
 facturing cloth from the wool is carried on, Messrs. G-eorge 
 Kerr & Sons', Middle River ; Messrs. Frasers', Rocklin,. 
 Middle River ; Messrs. McDonalds', Hopewell, and Messrs. 
 F. Miller & Co.'s, Six Mile Brook. These are mainly 
 driven by water, but some of them have steam as. 
 Manufactures of wooden ware are yet in their infancy. 
 John Fraser, of Grreen Hill, has a rake factory, and 
 Messrs. Nute Bros., and Messrs. Gumming Bros., both of 
 New Glasgow, have established factories, driven by steam, 
 for the production of furniture, and Messrs. Samuel 
 Archibald & Co. have an establishment for the manufac- 
 ture of rakes and other implements, and also of furniture, 
 at Watervale, "West River. The first successful application 
 of steam to mills in the county was at the Clarence Mills, 
 Pictou, established by James Primrose, Esquire. It was 
 employed in driving a grist mill, a carding machine, and 
 in sawing, planing, and other work in wood. 
 In the manufacture of iron, besides the Albion Mines 
 Foundry, previously established, three others are now in 
 successful operation, Messrs. Davies', in Pictou, Messrs. 
 Erasers' and the Acadia Foundry, in New Glasgow ; and 
 the Nova Scotia Forge Company by the ai>plication of 
 steam power, is doing a large business in the i^roduction 
 of wrought iron for various purposes, and Mr. ConoUy at 
 Middle River has a small axe factory, which has produced 
 implements of the finest quality. 
 Little is done in developing the beautiful free stone so 
 abundant in the county. There was at the time of the 
 census only one establishment for the manufacture of 
 grindstones, Mr. Robert McNeil's, at Quarry Island, Meri- 
 gomish, the products of which was valued at $4,500. 
 Some stone is quarried for buildings, and, particularly at 
 the Eight Mile Brook, some is taken out for monuments 
 and other work requiring a fine polish. 
 Though we deem the manufacturing interest in Pictou 
 small, compared with what it might be, yet it is larger 
 than that of any county in the Province, except Halifax, 
 which includes the city. By the census, the value of the 
 products of all its industrial establishments was $1,273,018, 
 while that of Hants, which came next, was only $836,503. 
 The period we have been considering has been marked 
 by a large emigiation from the county, the majority of the 
 young of both sexes in the rural districts, going abroad as 
 they reach maturity. In the year 1848 or '49, a number 
 were attracted to Australia, who were generally unsuc- 
 cessful. SincF that time, California has been the great 
 attraction for young men, and service in the New England 
 towns for young womeu. But our Pictou boys are to be 
 found in every part of the world. Some, under the law, 
 by which not only proj^hets, but other good men, are not 
 without honour save in their own country, reaching the 
 upper rungs of the ladder, the majority by industry 
 attaining a competence, which they might have done at 
 home, and many, alas, making shipwreck of earthly 
 prospects, and even of conscience and a good name. 
 "We add a statement of the Dpuiation at dififereut 
 periods : — 
 Census of 1817 6,73? 
 " 1827 13,949 
 « 1838 21,449 
 « 1861 28,785 
 « 1871 = , 32,114 
 We think, however, that there was manifestly an 
 imperfection in the first return , that with the 
 immigration of previous years, the population must have 
 been greater, and that with the state of business from 
 1817 to 1827, there could not have been such an increase 
 in that period as indicated by the census. Such was the 
 progress, that at the time of that census, it was only 
 V exceeded in population by Halifax and Annapolis, which, 
 however, then included Digby, and e^^er since it has been 
 the largest in population of the rural counties. 
 We have had occasion in the course of our history, to 
 refer particularly to the Presbyterian Chu oh and 
 Presbyterian ministers. This has not been from any 
 denominational prejudice, but simply because they have 
 been so closely connected with the past progress of the 
-: i 
 county, that a history of Pictou without reference to 
 them, would bs like the play of Hamlet, with the part of 
 Hamlet omitted. It is proper, however, to give some 
 notice of the early history of the other Churches in the 
 Among the 82nd men were several Roman Catholics, 
 who settled in Merigomish, and, as we have seen, in the 
 years 1791 and 1802, a large number of Scotch Catholics 
 arrived, who settled along the G-ulf shore, part of them 
 in this county, and part of them in Antigonish. They 
 received their first church service from the Rev. Mr. 
 Jones, of Halifax, who performed a mission among them, 
 but the first resident priest was the Rev. James McDonald, 
 who lived at the Gulf, but ministered on both sides of 
 the county line. We do not know the date of his arrival, 
 but he was here as early as 1793. He offended his people 
 by advising them to attend Dr. McGregor's preaching, 
 and otherwise showing disrespect for his own Church, so 
 that he was obliged to take refuge from their wrath in 
 "Walter Murray's house. They then gave out that he was 
 crazy, and he was sent up to Quebec to a monastery, from 
 which he never returned. 
 He was succeeded by the Rev. Alexander McDonald, 
 who settled at Arisaig about 1800, and officiated among 
 the same people from that time till his death. Through 
 the influence oi Mortimer, he was made a magistrate. He 
 died in Halifax on 15th April, 1816, in the 62nd year of 
 his age, and his people carried his remains through the 
 woods all the way to Arisaig. In 1810, the first regular 
 church was erected at Arisaig, though they had a i^lace 
 of meeting previously. 
 He was succeeded by the Rev. Colin Grant. In the 
 year 1834, the church at Baillies Brook was erected, and 
 in the year 1869, that settlement was formed into a 
 separate parish, with the Rev. Simon McGregor, D.D., as 
 their first priest. 
 . .it 
 I i' ?! 
 I" ' ' h 
 yjifWi ill 
 The chapel in town was commenced in the year 1823, 
 when the frame was erected, without, however, any 
 rafters. It stood on the west side of Chapel Street. The 
 next year the rafters were juit on, but in a gale soon after 
 were blown down. The most zealous Catholic in town 
 at that time was an Irishman, named Thomas Jones, who 
 kept a grog shop. About forty pounds were now collected, 
 principally among Protestants, to aid them in finishing 
 the building. But Jones having got the amount into his 
 hands, withdrew the light of his countenance from Pictou 
 altogether, and departed to some more congenial region. 
 From this, together with the smallness of their numbers, 
 and their humble circumstances, their church long 
 remained unfinished. 
 The first priest stationed in Pictou was the Rev. Mr. 
 Boland, who arrived in town in the autumn of the year 
 The present church at Merigomish was built in the 
 year 1865, but they had a small one for many years 
 The few Episcopalians among the early settlers in 
 Pictou generally fell in with the Presbyterian ministers. 
 Their first organization was owing principally to the late 
 Dr. Johnston and Robert Hatton, Senr. The latter was a 
 lawyer, a native of Dublin, who came to Pictou with his 
 family in the year 1813. Through his influence, Col. 
 Cochrane had presented the Society for the Propagation 
 of the G-ospel, with the lot on which the church now 
 stands, then valued at ^6150. He himself put up the 
 frame in the year 1824. About three years after the 
 church was finished, mainly through the exertions of his 
 son, Henry, and consecrated on the 16th April, 1829, by 
 Bishop Inglis. In the year 1847, it was lengthened by 
 an addition of seventeen feet and a new spire erected. A 
 transept was added in 1866. In the year 1832, Pictou 
 District was erected into a parish under the name of St. 
 James by order of the Governor in Council on the 
 petition of the clergyman, church wardens and vestry. 
 Among the first clergymen who visited them, was the 
 Rev. Dr. Gray, then of Sackville, wo believe. He was 
 here in 1814, as we learn from a marriage celebrated by 
 him in that year. Previous to 1830, they were visited by 
 the Rev. W. B. King, then a teacher in Windsor College 
 during vacations, and by the Rev. Mr. Burnyeat, who 
 visited them two or three time a year, holding service in 
 the old court house. 
 The Rev. Charles Elliott, who came to this Province in 
 the year 1829, under the appointment of the Society for 
 the Propagation of the Gospel, was employed for some 
 time as a travelling missionary, and Pictou was included 
 in his district. In the year 1832, however, he finr^Uy 
 settled here. He was a B. A. of St. Edmunds Hall, 
 Oxford, was admitted a deacon, in the Chapel Royal of 
 St. James Palace, on the 14th June, 1829, by the Bishop 
 of London. Ho was ordained a priest in Nova Scotia in 
 St. Johns Church, Cornwallis, by Bishop Inglis, on the 
 27th June, 1830. He was admitted Rector of St. James 
 Church, Pictou, on the 23rd April, 1834, by the same 
 Bishop, the first church wardens being Henry Hatton and 
 Robert Hockin. The whole county was then his parish, 
 and he preached regularly once a month at the Albion 
 Mines, and also at River John, and visited "Wallace, 
 Pugwash and Tatamagouche, and occasionally even Cape 
 Breton. He was a man of amiable disposition and gentle 
 manner, and labouring diligently but quietly in his own 
 calling, he gained the affection of his* own church and 
 the respect of the community. 
 On the 12th July, 1849, a meeting was held at the 
 Albion Mines, at which it was decided to erect a church 
 for public worship, according to the rites and ceremonies 
 of the Church of England. For this purpose, i5175 were 
 subscribed by the inhabitants, and ill 25 given by the 

 1^ 12.8 
 U. 1.6 
 ■• 6" 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14S80 
 (716) 872-4503 
 General Mining Association. T* j building was began 
 soon after, and completed about J '"'% 1851. That district 
 was erected into a separate parislv vjider the name of 
 Christ Church, Albion Mines, by a decree of the Kight 
 Reverend Hibbert, Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, bearing 
 date 24th March, 1852, at or about which time, the Her. 
 Joseph Forsythe, missionary of the Society for the 
 Propagation of the Gospel, took charge, "W. H. Davies and 
 Henry Poole, Esquires, being the first churchwardens. 
 The Church and burial ground wero consecrated in the 
 latter part of September of that year. 
 In the year 1865, the Rev. M. Eaulback was appointed 
 first curate of Eiver John, and in October of that year, 
 Mr. Elliott went to England, where he died at his 
 residence, Falkland House, Painswick, Gloucestershire, 
 on the 27th September, 1871. 
 The first Baptist Society in the county was organized 
 on the principles of the Scotch Baptists, or Disciples, as 
 they caU themselves, who are distinguished from others 
 t>f the name, by rejecting the office of the ministry, all the 
 members using their gifts for edification, and by the 
 observance of the ordinance of the Lords Supper every 
 Lords day. The society was founded by James Murray, 
 who came to Pictou in 1811, and afterward moved to 
 Biver John. Here on the 18th June 1815, the day of the 
 battle of Waterloo, ho baptized two persons, and on the 
 same day dispensed the communion. Since that day with 
 the exception of a few very stormy days, they have not 
 failed to meet on the first day of the week to break bread. 
 They now number 40 members, and are the only society 
 of this order on the north coast of the Province. 
 The first society of the regular Baptists was formed in 
 Merigomish, in the year 1838. Two years previous, the 
 Rev. George Richardson passing through the settlement, 
 preached at Thomson Carmichaels, Barneys River. Mrs. 
 Alex: Meldrum was present, andattributed her conversion 
 to the sermon. On his return, a few months later, she 
 was baptized by him. In the followins^ spring he again 
 came to Barneys lliver, when her husband, Mr. Peter 
 McEwan and Mrs. Fogan were also baptized. These 
 with Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael, Mr. and Mrs. Crandall, 
 then resident in the settlement, formed the first Baptist 
 Church, Mr. Peter McEwan being ordained deacon. From 
 that time to the present, about 40 have been added to the 
 church, but from deaths and removals, the membership 
 is now only 14. They have a meeting-house at Barneys 
 Kiver, commenced in the summer of 1874, but they have 
 never had a settled minister. 
 The first Wesleyan Methodist Society in the county 
 originated with some dissentients in the congregation of 
 the Rev. Mr. Mitchell, River John. They were organized 
 into a society by the Rev. Mr. Snowball, then on the 
 "Wallace Circuit, in the year 1822. Previous to that they 
 had been visited by local preachers, the first of whom 
 was Mr. Andrew Hurley. They built their first church 
 in 1824, and since that time. River John has been one of 
 the regular Methodist circuits. 
 About the year 1845, a society and congregation was 
 formed at the Albion Mines, by the Rev. Richard Weddall, 
 consisting principally of miners, who had come from 
 England. "Wesleyan ministers had previously preached 
 to them. A church and parsonage were subsequently 
 built, and more recently a small church at "Westville in 
 connection with the same circuit. 
 A society has also been formed in Pictou, principally 
 composed of parties who had previously been connected 
 with the Evangelical Union, as they call themselves in 
 Scotland, but usually laiown as Morrisonians. They had 
 previously been under the pastoral care of the Rev. Alex. 
 Mc Arthur, who adopted the sentiments of Swedenborg 
 After several changes, they connected themselves with 
 the Wesleyans. 
 -- "^ 
 For many years there was in town a small society of 
 Friends, consisting, however, almost entirely of the 
 family of Jas. Eitchin, an Englishman, who kept a watch- 
 maker's shop on Water Street. In the case of each watch 
 which he repaired, he placed a paper with the following :— - 
 « Behold, oh, mortal man I 
 How quick tho moments fly ; 
 Our life ia ever on the wirg, 
 Prepare, prepare to die." — Jambs KiTOHnr. 
 With this solemn warning of this old worthy, we might 
 appropriately close our work, but we may add a state- 
 ment of the relative numbers of the different religious 
 bodies in the county at the date of the last census : 
 PresbTterian Chnreh of the 
 Lower Provinces 14,105 
 Church of Scotland 12,250 
 Roman CaI! oltcs 2,065 
 Church of Eagland 1,470 
 Wesleyan Methodist. 
 All others 
 Our work is done. It has taken time and trouble. 
 But it has been pleasant, and we trust not unprofitable. 
 Especially do we feel satisfaction, in being the instrument 
 of rendering an act of justice to the sturdy pioneers, who 
 first ir^ided oar forests and prepared homes for us in the 
 wilderness. The present and future generations, in this 
 county, and beyond it, have great reason to be profoundly 
 grateful for the sturdy energy and moral worth of the 
 mass of those, who first peopled our county, as well as 
 for the intelligence and public spirit of those, who were 
 the leaders of society at its formation, and particularly for 
 the high talents and the devoted Christian zeal of James 
 McGregor, Duncan Soss and Thomas McGnllooh, who 
 first planted the gospel among us, and who moulded the 
 moral and religious, and we may add, largely the 
 intellectual character of our population. It only remains 
 that Pictonians at home and abroad, while thankful to 
 Go<l for what they were, and profiting even by their 
 errors, preserve the noble heritage of steady habits, and 
 sound religious principles, received from them, and 
 transmit the same to the race that is to come. 
 David Stewart 300 acres 
 OM WB8T Rivn. 
 John McKenzie, 600 ; Hugh Fraser, 400 ; 
 William McLellan, — > ; James McDonald, 200 ; James McLellan, 100 ; 
 Charles Blalkie, 300, and in an after dirision 250 a'^res, 550 in all ; Robert 
 Patterson, 300, and in an after division, 180, 600 in ail ; James McCabe, 300 ; 
 Alex. Cameron, — . All these lots are still occupied by descendants of the 
 grantees, with the exception of Charles Blaikie's, which was situated opposite 
 Durham, and Robert Patterson's, which was forther down the river. 
 Alex. Fraser, 100 acres, where Samuel Fraser now resides ; Alex. Ross, jr., 
 too acres, just below ; then above following up the stream, John Smith, 330 ; 
 Robert Marshall, 350 ; James McCuIloch, 240 ; Aler. Ross, 300, an after 
 division to Alex. Fraser, sr., 400 (on the rear of which Westville is now 
 situated) ; Alex. Fraser, jr., 100 ; John Crockett, 600 ; Simon Fraser, 600 ; 
 Donald McDonald, 360 ; David Urquhart, 250 ; Kenneth Fraser, 450 ; James 
 McLeod, 150. 
 Walter Murray, 280 acres (adjoining Indian burying-ground)i and 70 acres 
 in an after division. Then following up stream : James McKay, ?0 ; Donald 
 McKay, jr., 80 ; John Sutherland, 180, and 70 in an after division ; Rod. 
 McKay, sr., 300, and an after divinion, 60 ; James Hays, — ; Hugh McKay, 
 100 ; Alex. McKay, 100 ; Heirs of Donald McLellan, 260, (then a blank, where 
 New Glasgow is now situated) ; Hugh Fraser, 400, and an after division, 100 ; 
 Wm. McLeod, 80 ; John McLellan, 200 ; Thomas Tumbull, 220, and in an 
 after division, 180 ; Wm. McLeod, 210, and in an after division, 60 ; Alex. 
 McLean, — ; Colin McKensie, 370. 
 Donald Cameron, 100 acres, at Loading Ground -, Jame8 Grant, 400, at 
 Basin ; Colin McKay, 400 ; Wm. McKay, 550 ; Donald Cameron, 100 ; Donald 
 McKay, sr., 450 ; Donald Cameron, a goro lot ; Anthony Culton, S04. These 
 extended from below the mines to some distance aboTe them. 
 " Jonai Earl, Robt. Watson, Robt. Watson, jr., Daniel Earl, Daniel Earl, Jr., 
 Jas. Watson, Isaiah Horton, f atrick Beny, Wm. Aikin, John F'tlton, James 
 Fulton, John Patterson, George McOonnell, Mat. Harris, Robt. Harris, John 
 Rogers, Wm. McKenzie, Wm. McCrackea, Abram Slater, Moses Blaisdell, 
 Wra. Kennedy, Jas. Davidson, John MoCabe, Bar. McOce, John Wall, Colin 
 McKenzie, Alex. Ross, Donald McDonald, Wm. McLeod, Walter Murraf, Thos. 
 Fraser, Alox. Frascr, Wm. McKaj, Hagh Fraser, Alex. Faulkner, Colin McKay, 
 Colin Douglass, James Campbell, Thomas Troop, James Hawthorn, Joseph 
 Qlen, John McLennan, Ken. McClutcheon, Hugh Fraser, John Ross, George 
 Morrison, Robt. Jones, Don. Cameron, Rod. McKay, Robt. Sims, Peter 
 Hawthorn, John McLellan. — November 8,1775. (Signed) John Harris." A 
 number of these, set down as families, however were unmarried men at this 
 time. Upon this a petition was presented to the Governor to issu? a writ for 
 the election of a representative, but the request was not granted. 
 Mb. Scott and Fault. Unknown. 
 Gboboi Mobrisom and Fault. From Banff, obtained grant on west sido- 
 of Barneys River, where ho settled. An island there still called Morrisons 
 Island. Left one daughter, married to David Ballantyne, Cape George. 
 John Pattbrson. Fully referred to in the history. 
 Gborgb McConnsll. Settled on West River, at Ten Mile House. His 
 descendants numerous in this and adjacent counties. 
 Amdrbw Main and Fault. A native of Dunfermline. Settled at Noel, where 
 his descendants still reside. 
 Anobiw Wbblbt. Unknown. 
 • This list was drawn up about forty years ago by the late Williaa 
 McKenzie, Loch Broom. ^ 
 CaARua Frasir. A Highlander, though shipping at Glasgow. Lived at 
 ComwuUis; afterward mariiud and settled at Fishers Grant, where ho 
 bought out a soldier of the 82nd. Hod one son and two daughters, whose 
 descendants arc on West Hirer and elsewhere. 
 John Stewart. Unknown. 
 tViLLiAU McELat and Family. Afterword Squire McKay ; settled on the East 
 Hirer, where the Mines now are. Died 2nd March, 1828, aged 97, when his 
 death was thus noticed in the Colonial Patriot : — " For a great many ycara 
 he was a leading man among his countrymen. His house was always open 
 and his table welcome to trarellcrs and neighbours. The proverbial hospitality 
 of Highlanders was never more fully exemplified than by Squire McKay, 
 and in these early times his liberality must hare prevented or alleviated the 
 wants of many of his fellow men. He went to bed in his usual health, and 
 was found dead about half &n hour after." Had in the "Hector" four 
 children: 1. DotuUd, who was tho first settler on Frasers Mountain. His 
 son, William McKay, tho surreyor, was the author of a map of Nora Scotia, 
 published in London, which has supplied intbrmation for all the map 
 makers since. 2. Alexander y who afterward owned the land where New 
 Glasgow is now situated. 3. Jamei, who settl'<d opposite the Loading Ground 
 on the East Rirer. 4. A daughter, Sarah, married to William Fraser, 
 Burreyor. He had two sons bom in this country, John usually known as 
 Collier, and William, who iaheiited his father's property, where tho Halifax 
 Company's works now are, but who afterwards mored to McLennans Brook, 
 and a daughter married to John McKay. 
 BoDBRiCK McKat and Fawlt. He and three brothers, all of whom came to 
 Pictou, were natires of Beauly, in Inremesshire. Ho tooK up land at the 
 East Rirer, where his grandson, J. C. McKay, now lives, being one of tho first 
 fire who settled on the East River, the others being William McKay, Colin 
 McKay, Donald Cameron, and his brother, Donald McKay. Ho was a 
 blacksmith by trade, and through the influence of some of his wife's friends, 
 afterward obtained a situation as head of the blacksmiths' work in the dock- 
 yard at Halifiix. He and his wife travelled thither through tho woods on 
 foot, each carrying a child. Under his direction was made and placed tho 
 chain, which, during the war, was stretched across tho north-west arm, to 
 prerent the entrance of hostile resscls. He was a man of middle height, but 
 thick-set and strongly built, distinguished for actirity, determination and 
 fertility in resources. His character may be seen from incidents already gircn, 
 but one that took place before learing Scotland, was deemed by his country- 
 men still more worthy of admiration. Tho gaugers had seized some whiskey 
 which did not belong to them. Indignant at such an invasion of the r'^hts 
 of property, ho interposed, and, perhaps, using some needful violence to theso 
 myrmidons of Saxon oppression, rescued it from their unworthy hands. 
 Bo little, however, was his prowess appreciated by the Sassenach bodies, he 
 was for this lodged in • Jail in Inremeas. His firee-boni spirit chafed under 
 fooh rettnUiiti, puiicsUurly Id • cause so good, and he was soon contriTing 
 schemes to secure bis liberation. Having ingratiated himself with the Jailer, 
 he sent him one day to procure a quantity of ale and also of whiskey, in 
 Older duly to cement their friendship. The Jailer on his return, advaucing into 
 the cell with both hands full, Bodericlc stepped behind him and out at the 
 door. Closing It after him, he locked it and carried off tho key, which 
 somo say he brought to America with him. The irst of these feats would 
 have given him an honorable place in the hearts of his countrymen, hut the 
 latter, added to it, was sufficient to make him their idol for ever. We suppose 
 that some in this effeminate age will scarcely regard such affairs as creditable. 
 But similar qualities, exercised for much worse purposes, have rendered Bob 
 Boy the admiration of all lady readers of Sir Walter Scott, and his grave to be 
 ▼idted with veneration, even by Boyalty. 
 When In Halifiuc ho gained notoriety by another feat. An officer was 
 paying some attention to a female inmate of his house, of which ho did not 
 approve. Boderick meeting them together near the Citadel Hill, upbraided 
 him for his conduct, when the latter drew his sword, and before the former 
 was aware, struck him a cruel blow on tho head, cutting him so severely 
 that he felt some of tho effects as long as ho lived. Telling the officer that 
 he would meet him in an hour, ho got bis head dressed, and prepared within 
 the time, stood before him with a good ash stick. The officer drew his 
 sword, and a combat enraed, but Boderick was not only an adept in all 
 Highland games, but like many Highlanders of that time, was acquainted 
 with the sword exercise, and though his stick bore tho marks of the officer's 
 sword cuts, he soon disarmed him, and repaid him heartily for his former 
 eowardly attack. He afterwards returned to his fiurm on the East River, where 
 he died. One daughter, with him in the " Hector," was afterward married 
 to Dr. McOregor. The rest of his fiuiily were bom in this country. One 
 daughter, mother of tho late J. D. B. Fraser, Esq., our late custos, Robert 
 McKay, Esq., his son. 
 CoLnf MoKat AMD Fault. Served in the Fraser Highlanders at the taking 
 of Louisburg and Quebec. Settled on the East River below the Mines. Few 
 of his descendants thero. <* McKay brothers," of Liverpool, O. B., his grandsons. 
 Hnan Fbasib and Fahilt. The following is a copy of a certificate in the 
 possession of a grandson : " These do certify that the Bearer Hugh Fraser, 
 Weaver, a married man was born of honest Parents in this Parish of Kiltarlity, 
 where he has resided from his Infancy and behaved soberly and honestly free 
 of any public scandal. So that now when he with his Wife and Family are 
 to remove from our bounds we are at freedom to declare that wo know no 
 reason why they may not be received into any Christian Society or Congrega- 
 tion where Providence may order their Lot. Given at Kiltarlity this 29th day 
 of June, 1773 yean and attested in name of the Kirk Session by 
 " Malcom Nicoljoh, Minister." 
 Settled on MoLellans Brook. Had three children in the '< Hector "— 
 1, Dowtald, known as Donald Miller ; 3, /mw, married to Cameron, Merigomish, 
 try. One 
 and 3, Mary, married to John Fraecr, Meiigomish. One aon, John, long 
 known as John Squire, having been taken sick with small-pox, did not arrive 
 for some years after. Rev. Wm. Frascr, Bondhead, Ont., a grandson. 
 Donald Caubsox and Family. The only Romin Catholic among the 
 passengers, had also scrrcd at the taking of Qiiobcc, settled on the East River 
 where the Mines now are, on the farm afterward owned by Dr. McGregor. He 
 was drowned in the river. His family removed to Antigonish county. 
 Donald McDonald and Family. Settled on the Middle River, where his 
 descendants ore numerous. Had two children in the " Hector," the eldest, 
 Marion, aged 10, afterword married to Alex. Fras'.T Elder (Middle River), the 
 second, Naueij, who died the winter after arrival, and an orphan niece, Mary 
 Forbes, afterward married to Wm. McLeod, who settled at McLellans Brook. 
 Colin Douglass and Famuv. Lost two children on the passage. His 
 eldest daughter survived, afterward married to Peter Frascr, McLellans Moun- 
 tain. Settled at Middle River, one son long known as Deacon Douglass. 
 Hiroa Fraser and Family. Settled at West River about twelve miles from 
 town, afterward an elder. His descendants numerous. 
 Alkxandeb Fbasbb and Family. Settled at Middle River, where and at 
 various other places his descendants are numerous. He is said to have been 
 connected with Lord Lovat, and the family were largely involved in tho 
 rising of forty-five. Had three brothers fighting for Prince Charlie at 
 Culloden, of whom two were killed ; was too young to serve himself, but 
 followed them, and saw at least part of the scenes of that day. Afterward 
 married Marion Campbell, youngest daughter of the Laird of Skriegh, in 
 Inverness, who had raised a troop to fight for Prince Charlie, and at Culloden 
 was wounded. After the battle he was set up against a wall by the English 
 soldiers to be fired at. Missing him, one of them said, " Tou poor devil, 
 you're ordained to live for some mischief," and struck him on the face with 
 his musket, knocking out his eye. His wife found him among the dead and 
 wounded, and though with the loss, it is said, of a leg, an arm, and an eye, he 
 survived for some years. 
 Fraser was in comfortable circumstances, when an instance of saxon 
 oppression led him to seek for freedom in America. His horses and cart 
 were seized by gnagers, with some whiskey that they were carrying. What 
 Highlander's soul will not boil, even at the hearing of such an outrage. The 
 seizers took their plunder to Inverness, where they had it cared for at an inn, 
 and then proceeded to enjoy themselves drinking. When they were 
 comfortably disposed of for the night, the sUble lad, who was a relation of 
 Fraser's, took the horses and cart out, and driving across tho country, restored 
 them to the proper owner, who lost no time in taking them to some other 
 part of tho country, where he disposed of them as well as he could, and, 
 determined to stay no longer in a country, where he was subjected to such 
 treatment, was the first to engage a passage in the <■ Hector." 
 He settled on the Middle Biver, where Samuel Fraser now resides. He had 
 Ave children in the « Hector." 1. Alexander, who occupied his father's farm, 
 If! f 
 and WM afterwud an Elder. 2. Simon, partlcularljr referred to in the historj. 
 8. Catherine, married first to Alexander TLo»», afterward to John Fraaoi 
 (Squire.) 4. Iiahella, married to David McLean, Esri., West Branch, East 
 lUrer. B. Ilugh, settled at Middle Birer Point, and the last surriror but one 
 of the <■ Hector " passengers. 
 After arrival bo had two sonS; David, the first child bora to the Highlanders 
 after arrival, and WMiam, the first child Iwm on the Middle River. 
 Jambs Grant and Fault. Lived for some time In Kings County; first 
 settled at Grahams Pond, Carril)oo ; afterward moved to Upper Settlement, 
 East River; father of Alexander Grant, miller, and Robert Grant, Elder; 
 grandfather of Dr. W. B. Grant, Professor of Anatomy in Pennsylvania 
 Medical College. One daughter married to John Sutherland, Butherlands 
 River ; another to McNeil, who removed into Antigonish County, and another 
 to Fraser. The eldest eon remained in the old country, and it is believed 
 afterward emigrated to tho United States. The supposition of the family is 
 that he was the ancestor of President Grant. 
 Donald Mdnroi, went to Halifax, where ho married, and had one son, 
 Henry. Afterward settled at West Branch, East River, where ho died, and 
 was tho first buried there. His descendants numerous in that neighborhood. 
 Donald Mo . Name illegible, and history unknown. 
 ntOH look bboom. 
 John Ross, agent. History unknown. 
 Alix. Cameron and Family. Was nearly eighteen yean of age at the time 
 of the rising in 1745. There was some badge, which the Highlanders were 
 allowed to wear on their bonnets, on arriving at that age, as a sign of man> 
 hood. His brothers followed tho Prince, but he being only seventeen years of 
 age, was required to remain at home, where he was employed in herding. But 
 drawn by the crowd who followed the Highland army to CuUoden, he left his 
 charge to accompany them. When he returned, his master being very angry, 
 " went for him" to chastise him. He ran and his master pursued. The latter 
 finding him too nimble, stooped down to pick up a stone to throw at lum, 
 and in doing so wounded himself with his dirk in the leg, so that ho was 
 obliged to remain for some time in hiding, lest he should be taken as Iiaving 
 been at Culloden, by the soldiers who wore s.,oaring the country, killing any 
 wounded stragglers from tho field. Cameron settled at Loch Broom, to 
 I which he gave tho name of his native parish. He died on the 15th August, 
 1831, when he must have been at least 103 years of age. Ho had two children 
 in the " Hector"— 1, Alacander, long an elder in the church, and 2, Christiana, 
 afterward married to Alex. McKay, New Glasgow, and several children bom 
 after arrival. 
 Albx. Ross and Fahilt. Ho and his wifis advanced in life at arrival. 
 Parents of the next. 
 Albx. Ross and Family. Settled at Middle River, at what has since been 
 known as Olivers farm. Died when only 35 years of age, the youngest of any 
 •of ih« tend. Believo the following his children : 1, Donald, who occupied hii 
 father's form, but afterward moved to Ohio ; 2, Alexander, who settled at 
 Middle Hirer Point ; 3, a daughter maiTicd to Archibald Chiaholm, East 
 Hirer, and another married to Blair, East Hirer. 
 Colin McEenzib and Fahilt. Settled on East River, a1)out a mile aboro 
 New Olosgow on the farm immediately aboro John McLcllans. Said to have 
 lived to K4. Had ono child on board, Duncan, whodiedin IsVl, in his 100th 
 .year, the last surriror of the band. 
 John Munroi and Familt. History unknown. 
 EiMNiTH McRiTOHiE AND Fauilt. Probally the same whose name appears 
 .in early lists as Kenneth McCIutcheon, but know not what became of him. 
 WauAM MoEiMzn, an intelligent man, who had enjoyed a better education 
 than the rest, and who had been engaged as schoolmaster for the party, ai 
 they expected to settle together. He settled at Loch Broom, where some of 
 Jiis descendants still are. 
 John MoObioob. History unknown. 
 John MoLkllan. Settled abore New Glasgow, at the month of McLellans 
 Brook, and gare his name to that stream and MeLellans Mount. Properly 
 the name howercr was McLennan, the two being quite distinct in Gaelic. 
 WiLLiAX McLuLAN. Belatirc of the last, settled at West Hirer, where some 
 ■of his descendants still are. 
 Alxxandir MoLkan. Settled at East Hirer, above Irishtown. One son 
 ^settled on McLennans Mountain, where his descendants still are. 
 AiiiXANDKB Faloonib. Settled near Hopewell. 
 Donald MoEat, afterward the Elder, brother of Roderick. Settled at the 
 East Hirer, just abore the Mines. His house on the same site as that now 
 •occupied by his grandson, Duncan. Another brother, Hugh, came afterward, 
 but died without a family. 
 Abobibald Cbisholx. Bellered to be the same person who settled at East 
 Hirer, after haring serred in the 84th Regiment. 
 Cbablis Mathbson. History unknown. 
 BoBiBT SiK. After residing for some time in Fictou, tetnoved to New 
 3rnnswick. Nerer married. 
 Alixandis MoExNzn. History unknown. 
 Thokas Fbasib. History unknown. i 
 nee been 
 stof aof 
 rnou bdthbrlandsbirb. 
 EiNNXTH Fbabbb AND Fahilt. First settled at Londonderry, bat afterward 
 mored to Ficton, whero he settled on Middle Hirer, abore the bridge at 
 Squire McLeod's. His descendants numerous on Green Hill, Mill Brook, 
 Hogers Hill, Ac. 
 WuLiAif Fbasib and Fault. History unknown. 
 Romoved to Londondeny, where hUdoMend- 
 fettled in Morigomish, wlioro a number of 
 One daughter. 
 •ntsBtill ore. 
 Waltir MtntniT and Fakily. 
 his descendants still are. 
 Datid Urqitbart and Fahily. Settled at Londonderry, 
 the late Mrs. Thomas Davidson, afterward resided in Pictou. 
 Jauis McLbod and Family. Settled at Middle River on the farm which 
 has descended to his relative, Oeorge McLcod, Esq , he having no chiidren of 
 his own. 
 Hugh MoLeod and Family. His wife died as the vessel arrived. Had 
 three daughters on board, one of whom married in Cornwallis ; another after- 
 ward Mrs. Donald Ross, and the third afterward Mrs. Shiels. Settlrd on West 
 Biver. Married the widow of Alexander McLeod, by whom he had one son, 
 David, long a highly esteemed Elder there. 
 Alexander McLeod and Family. Was drowned in the Shuljenacadie. 
 Had three sons on board ; one died in the harbour after the vessel's arrival ; 
 another died unmarried ; the third, the late Donald McLeod, settled at West 
 River, on a taxm still occupied by his descendants. 
 John McKay and Family. History unknown. 
 Philip McLiod amd Family. Uncertain. 
 Donald MoEsnzii and Family. I believe settled at Shubenacadie. , 
 Alex. MoKixcix and Family. History unknown. 
 John Sutherland and Family. History unknown. 
 William Matheson and Family. First settled at Londonderry, but after 
 Dr. McGregor came to Pictou, removed and settled at Rogers Hill, where John 
 T. Matheson now resides. The eldest son, John, afterward the elder at 
 Rogers Hill, was three years of age when they landed. His second, born after 
 arrival, the lata William Matheson, Esq. 
 Donald Grant. History unknown. 
 Donald Graham. History unknown. 
 John MoEay, piper. History unknown. 
 William MoEay. Went to work with McCabe, one of the old settlers, and 
 thence got the name of McCabe, by which his descendants are still dis- 
 tinguished. Was drowned in the East River by falling from a canoe. 
 John Buthbrland. Removed to Windsor, where he married. Retuming^ 
 settled at the mouth of Sutherlands river, which derived its name from him. 
 Anous MoEenzie. Then only sixteen years of age. Removed to Windsor, 
 where he married. Returning to Pictou some years after, he settled first al 
 the Beaches on the farm afterward owned by the Lowdens, and afterward oa 
 Green Hill, when some of his descendants still kk. 
 f 1 
 CBAiti.is Blaiku. Settled oa east side of the river, oppoaitD Durham, on 
 the farm now belonging to David Matheaon. 
 David Stiwart. Settled farther up on aamo side, where his descendants 
 Btill reside. 
 Anthony MoLbllam. Settled on -west ^ido of the < • "-, just at Durham. 
 William Clark. Settled above Lim on same side ut the river, where his 
 descendants still reside. 
 JosiPH Richard. On same side of the rivr jelow klio Tei AAe House, 
 where Ims descendants still are. 
 Jo&:f MoLiAi. Settled where his son, the late John .V' Lean, Elder, lived ; 
 was one of the first Elders ordained by Dr. iiicGi -gor; the Itev. John 
 McLean, of Rlchibucto, his grandson, and John S. McLean, of Halifax, his 
 great grandson. 
 William Smith. Father of late Anthony Smitlj, Esq. ; settled near the Tea 
 Mile House. 
 Robert Marshall. Afterward the Elder. His house stood close by the 
 bridge crossing McCullochs Brook, close by the road leading to Middle 
 John Crookrtt. Settled where his grandson, W. P. Crockett, now lives. 
 RoBBRT Brtdonb. Settled farther up the river. 
 John Smith. Had come out to Prince Edward Island as agent for some of 
 the proprietors, earlier than the other settlers. Ho settled on the property 
 since owned by Thomas Horn ; was drowned, it is said, with a daughter, Mrs. 
 McCuUoch, and her child, which they were taking to PIctou to have baptiied, 
 and another woman. 
 Thomas Turnbdll. Settled on McLennans Brook. 
 Anthony Culton. SeUled above the Mines. 
 Besides these, we have already mentioned Wellwood Waugh,^ with whom 
 came a half-brother, William Campbell, then a young man, who settled on 
 the ftavk above him, a little below the town. 
 AU-theie have left numerous «teicendants in various places. 
 <* James Omnt, Williaai Campbell, Robert JoDes,* Wm. McCracken, Oeoigo 
 McConnell, John Patterson, sen., James Patterson, David Patterson, John 
 Patteiaon, jr., John Rogers, sen., James Rogers, John Borers, jr., David Rogers, 
 James McCabe, John McCabe, Anthony McLellan, James McLellan, Ed. McLean, 
 Joseph Ritchie, William Clark, John McLean, Wm. Smith, David Stuart, John 
 McEenxie, Hugh Fraser, Wm. McLellan, James McDonald, Charles Blaikie, 
 John Blaikie, James Watson, Alex. Cameron, Colin Douglass, Don. McDonald, 
 Robt. Breading (Brydcn), John Breading, Alex. Ross, sr., Alex. Ross, jr., James 
 McCuUoch, Robt. Marshall, John Marshall, John Crockett, John Crockett, jr., 
 Alex. Fraser, Alex. Fraser, jr., Simon Fraser, Colin McKay, Rod. McKay, jr., 
 James McKay, Donald McKay, Donald McKay, jr., Donald Cameron, Anthony 
 Culton, John Culton, Colin McKenzie, Alex. McLean, John Sutherland, Thos. 
 TumbuU, John McLellan, Wm. McLeod, Hugh Eraser, sr., James Fraser, 
 Esaias Horton, Stoatly Horton, Morton (Walter) Murray; George Morrison, 
 Barnabas McOee. 
 " The above is a true list, given -under my hand at Halifax, 12 February, 
 1783. Robt. Pattibsoh, Captain." 
 The above begins at Carriboo, and passes up the harbour, and round Uio 
 three rivers to Medgomish. 
 Col. Alix. RoBiBTSoir. Obtained the big island of Merigomish as his shne, 
 lience sometimes known as Robertson's Island. Never lived on it himself, 
 but seme relatives of the name settled upon it. Employed an agent, who 
 built a large house on it, which he called Struan House. At his death, his 
 property in this county descended to bis nephew, Oliphant, of Gask. 
 Capt. John Frabib. Lived at Frasers Point, appointed a magistrate 
 October 15tb, 1784. His wife and two sons followed him from Scotland, one 
 of the latter, John, being afterward known as Collector Fraser, the other, Simon, 
 * This was a Welshman, who had served both at the capture of Fort Beau 
 Sejour and Quebec, and lived About a mile below the town. He died on- 
 called also Major, and sometimeB Colonel Fiaser, afterward employed in 
 bringing out passengers. 
 AiiKZ. McDonald. Unknown. 
 CouN McDonald. I believe the same that known as Cole McDonald, who 
 lived on the Big Island, near what is still known as Coles Brook. 
 DoNNBT Fenccans. His land located to the west of Frasers Point, but his 
 history unknown. 
 These three received each 600 acres. 
 John MoNkil. Beccived 300 acres, bat history unknown. 
 Cbables Abbucklbs. A native of Falkirk, moved afterward to the Ponds. 
 Married to a daughter of B. McQee. His descendants numerous. 
 David Ballanttne. Removed to Cape Cteorge, where his descendants are 
 GiOROE Brown. Settled on Frasers Mountain. 
 John Brownfield. A native of Derry, in Ireland, and a Presbyterian, died near 
 French Biver, where his desceudants still are. 
 James CABiacaAXL. A native of Perthshire. His descendants well known. 
 SoBERT Duinr. A native of Glasgow, settled on the property now owned and 
 occupied by his sons. 
 John Fbaber. A Highlander from Inverness. One of 1 8 who survived out of 
 • detachment of 111 men, employed in the Southern States during the war, 
 the rest having been cut off by fever. Ho lived at Fishers Grant, where he 
 was one of the first ciders of Picton congregation. Afterward removed to 
 French Bivcr, where his descendants still are. 
 Dbitbt Gilurs. Believe the same as James Gillies, who lived where R. S. 
 Copeland now resides, afterward removed to Big Island, where his descendants 
 Jahes Peacock. Lived near Chance Harbour, but do not know what became 
 <of him. 
 John Robson. From being able to bleed, and his skill otherwise, he was 
 QBually known as Dr. Bobson. His descendant^ still there. 
 Charles Robinson, properly Robertson Was a son of the proprietor of the 
 estate of Lude, at the foot of the Grampians. Was a student attending . 
 'College when he enlisted. One daughter, married to Robert Patterson 
 John Scott. Sold out to John Fraser, 1785. 
 Robert Smith. His lot where the Merigomish churcn now stands. His 
 desceadauts still there. 
 David Simpson. Had been a student at college, but he and some others 
 facving iadolged in " a spree," some eighteen of them found themselves la 
 the moraing with the Kinit'i shilling in their pockets, llieir professon 
 endeavored to obtain their discharge, but without success. From his educa- 
 tion, he obtained some office in the regiment. His lot, on which his 
 descendants still live, the farthest up in Mcrigomish, in the grant. He was 
 afterward employed as a schoolmaster in several parts of the county. 
 RoBiBT Stewart. Usually known as Smashcm, from this being a favorite 
 expression in describing battle scenes. Ho acted as agent for Col. Robertson, 
 and lived an the Big Island, at a point which has since received the name of 
 Smashems Head. 
 Robert Miller, Oerrard Cullen, heirs of John Eves, John Fowler, John Foot, 
 Thomas Loggan, Archibald Long, John Morton, Alexander McEinnon, John 
 McNeil, Jun., George Oswald, James Robertson, Alexander Stewart, James 
 Struthers, William McYie, William West, Archibald Wilson. Binboxj 
 John Baulu. A native ofSutherlandshire; afterward took np land at the 
 mouth of Baiilies Brook, which received its name from him. 
 AaomBALD Caheron. History unknown. 
 Andrew Anderson. A native of East Lothian, and the first settler on 
 Andersons Mountain. Died 3rd August, 1845. 
 John Bradaw (properly Brady). Sold out. 
 David Booqet. Died at Fishers Grant, leaving no family. 
 DcNOAN CmsHOLH. Removcd to Baiilies Brook, where his descendants Btill 
 WiLLiAV Cahpin or Campdbn. Sold out and removed to Truro. 
 John Collt. Suppose the same who afterward settled on Middle River^ 
 where his descendants still are. A native of Elgin. 
 Jambs Dansey or Deupsbt. An Irishman ; settled at French River Bridge. 
 His descendants still there. 
 British Freedom. Strange as this name is, there is in the Registrar's oiBce 
 in Pictou a deed from him of his lot, under this inspiring name. Hence I 
 presume that he moved away. 
 Hardin Fbrdinand. A very stout, well-made Irishman, who afterward 
 enlisted in Governor Wentworth's Regiment. 
 Thomas Flemmino or Flebman. Sold out and removed away. 
 Robert Ferret, properly Gbrrard. An Irishman; afterward removed to 
 Rogers HUl. 
 1 Albxandbr Gordon. " Died at Fishers Grant on the 18tb inst, after an 
 illness of eight days, which he bore with resignation to the divine will, for 
 which he has always been exemplary, Mr. Alexander Gordon, ag^ed 80 yea^^ 
 learlng a drele of relatires and friends to moam their loss. He was of the 
 old 82nd Begiment,audone of the «arlie8t settlers in the district of Picton." — 
 Bee, Angpst aist, 1836. 
 Joan Ites. a native of Nottingham, England, but marrisd in the Kort;h of 
 Ireland. Died in Halifox, and his children, the eldest, the late George Ives, 
 Elder, then 12 yeara of age, came to take possession of their lot at Fishers 
 Giant. His descendants well known. 
 WiLLiAH KiBK. Afterwards removed to St. Marys, where his descendants 
 are numerous. A grandson in the Dominion Legislature. 
 Abdbxw Mdirhbad. a Lowland Scotchman ; first settled at the Ponds. 
 His descendants at Little Harbour and other places. 
 HvoH MoCartht. a tailor. Sold ont and removed to Truro. 
 JoHM MoDoDOALL. Blacksmlth in the Begiment. Lived at Fishers Grant. 
 The ferrymen, Donald and William, his sons. 
 Axons HcQuBBN. A native of the Isle of Skye ; settled at Little Harbour ; 
 a number of his descendants still in that neighbourhood. Donald McDonald 
 (Lochaber), Donald McDonald (Bann), Angus McDonald. These four the 
 first settlers in Little Harbour. 
 Charlis MoKinnon. From the Isle of Barra. Moved to Baillies Brook 
 where his descendants still are. 
 John MoNul, Donald MoNbil, Muroocb McNeil, Matthbw MoNbil, Johv 
 McNeil, Jun. Isle of Barra men, most of whom removed to Antigonish 
 John and Jahbs MoPhebson. Settled at Fishers Grant ; John dead in 1 785. 
 James at his death described as a native of Badenoch. Their descendants 
 ■till there. 
 WiLLiAH Robinson. A Scotchman. His descendants settled there. 
 WiLUAM Sharp. Died at the Beaches. 
 William Stkptoh. Married to Ives' widow, lived at lower part of Fishers 
 John Small. Afterward the Elder, belonged to the Grenadier company. 
 One of the 18 saved from the wreck of the Transport. For some time in 
 an American prison, but with fifteen others made his escape ; and passing 
 through the American lines reached a British man-of-war. But afterward 
 drowned near his own house, at apart of the harbour of which it was said that 
 he knew every foot as well as his own farm. 
 Jambs TRtTSSTATB, properly Truesdale. Sold out and removed to Truro. 
 Jumes Arthur, Wm. Adams, William Bilboa, William Branon, Michael 
 Branon, George Brown, Charles Brown, John Brown, Archr^^ild Cameron, 
 Robt Clawson, Finlay Campbell, Donald Campbell, sr., Donald Campbell, jr., 
 Alex. Campbell, Matthew Campbell, John Chisholm, Archibald Cochrane, 
 Thomas Connelly, Bobt. Dewar, John Diokson, Alex. Plckion, Dennis Dirk- 
^ 462 
 ham, lAwrence Donnochie, Charlas Dunce, Francis Qobbiel, Angus McDonald 
 2nd, Angus McDonald 3rd, Peter McDonald, John McDonald, Roderick 
 McDonald, William Oowc, Peter Gowe, Richard Griffin, James Gibes, Robert 
 Gardner, Patricic Hajrno, or Kane, Archibald Henderson, Wm. Hodges, John 
 Holmes, Patrick Hunt, John Ives, Wm. Jack, Alex. King, Alex. Kennedy, John 
 Little, John Lunn, Wm. Lamplash, Peter Lamplash, I'honus Matheson, John 
 Mnnro, Hugh Miller, John Muir, John Morton, Samuel McBawc, Neil 
 McCallum, John McCladdy, Bryan McDermaid, Archibald McGary, John 
 McGillirray, Alex. McEenzio, Robert McKenzie, Alexander McLean, Ewan 
 McLean, Alexander McLean, Samuel McLean, John McLeod, Kenneth 
 McLeod, John Patterson, William Riddle, Robert Reid, Thomas Ryan, George 
 Robertson, Alex. Shaw, Charles Stewart, Darid Skervine, John Sovereign, 
 Patrick Skey, James Struthers, John Scott, John Stevenson, Matthew Talbot, 
 Thomas Townsend, Robt. Thyne, Wm. Wood, Thomas Wood, John Wright, 
 Robt. Warren. Unknown. 
 We find also in the County Records, the names of the following as soldiers 
 of the 82nd, whose names arj not in the grant, viz. : John Mcllvain, Robert 
 Irvin, Wm. McKay, John McGarvie, Wm. Hogan, George Osborne, Thomas 
 Crowe, as selling out their lots. There wcro others also who occupied theirs, 
 inch as Owen McEwan, or McKowan, a native of the County of Down, whoso 
 descendants are numerous. 
 DovALD CjutERON. 150 acrcs. With his brothers, Finlay and Samuel, after- 
 wurd mentioned, were natives of the parish of Crquhart. Served 8 years and 
 4 months. His son, Duncan, long the elder, was a drummer boy in the 
 regiment, having served two years, and being fifteen years of age at his 
 disc' juge. 
 Albx. Caiuron. 100. 
 Robt. Clark. 100. 
 FiBLAT Cambron. 400. EuHsted in Canada with the view of joining his 
 friends in Nova Scotia. Returned thither to bring his family at the peace. 
 Was drowned shortly after his arrival, along with John Chisholm at tha 
 Samubl CAHBRoxJr. 100 acres. ^ 
 Jmu Frasir (Big). 350 acres. A native of Stratbglass. Settled vheiv 
 hid grandson Donald, lives, a little below St. Pauls. 
 PsTKR GtUN-" The first older in this settlement. 
 Jahbs McDonald. Long the Elder ; said to have been the strongest man 
 in the Begiment. Bemoved to the London district of Ontario. Hon. Jame» 
 McDonald his grandson. 
 Hugh MoDonau). 100. 
 Jaub Fbasir, 2nd. Usually known as CuUoden; 100 acres; farChest-ap- 
 settler on that side. His descendants there still. Bev. James W. Fnuicr 
 descended from him. 
 DcNCAN McDonald. 100 acres. 
 John McDonald. 250 acres; brother of James. 
 Sakdkl Caubon. 303 acres; brother of Donald and Finlay, already 
 John CmsHOLif, Sen. 300 . A Boman Catholic from Strathglass ; drowned 
 with F. Cameron, as mentioned ; father of Mrs. John McKenzie, Sen., West 
 John Chisholv, Jun. 200 acres. Son of the last. 
 John McDonald, 2nd. 250 acres. 
 "WiLLiAK Fhasib. 350 acres. From Inverness, land situate at Big Brook, 
 now owned by his grandchildren. 
 JoBK' McEat. 300. U 
 John Bobbrtson. 450. At Churchvill^. 
 Wm. Bobbrtson. 200. Son of the laatj also near Churchville. 
 John Frasbr. 300. From Inverness, Springville, now occupied by Holmes 
 and others. 
 Thos. Frasbb. 200. From Inverness. An elder and noted for piety. Hi« 
 lot was at the head of the West BnAich. 
 Thos. McEihui. 100. Settled near Fish Poola. 
 Datid MoLiam. 600. A seigwnt in the tarmy, or as some say m petty 
 officer in the navy. Was captured by the Spaniards, and afterward exchuiged 
 as a prisoner. Ho was a better scholar than usually found among the settlers, 
 was a surveyor, a magistrate, an elder in the church, and a leading man in 
 that section of the county. 
 Alkx. Cahiron. 300. 
 HsoTOR McLiAH. 400. From Inverness. Land still occupied by his 
 John Forbss. 400. From Inverness. Land on East Branch Biver. 
 Alix. MoLaan. 600. Brother of Hector. Land opposito Steltarton, part 
 of it still occupied by his descendants. 
 Thos. Frabbr, jr. 100. 
 Jab. McLbllan. 600. From Inverness. Land above the Fish Pools, on the 
 opposite side or the river, occupied by his descendants. 
 DoHALD CmsHOLM. 350. From Btrathglass, originally a Catholic, but 
 became a Presbyterian. St. Columbas church built on part of his fi&rm. 
 BoBT. Ddnbab. 450 
 Albx. DraBAR. 200 
 Wh. Dunbar. 300 
 Jakbs Cambbon. 300. 
 John MoDouoall. 250 
 John Chisholu. 300. 
 Donald CmsBOLM, jun. 
 BoBBRT Clark. 150. 
 by Mr. Thomas Fraser. 
 Donald Shaw. 300. 
 Albxandbb MoIntosh. 
 Three brothers from Inverness. All we believe 
 in the 84th. Their land still occupied by their 
 Of the 84th. Land still occupied by his dc- 
 In the Begistrar's book, " J. M. Douglass." 
 400. From Inverness. Land occupied by his 
 Of the 84th, but moved away. Land now occupied 
 From Inverness. Land occupied by his grandsons. 
 500. From Inverness. His land now partly 
 occupied by Hopewell Village. 
 John MoLbllan. 100. From Inverness. Land occupied by D. H. McLean 
 and James Fraser. 
 The most of those marked as from Inverness were from the parish of 
 Urquhart, in that county, and served in the 84th. In the record of the grant, 
 dated Ist April, 1793, thsre are the additional names of Colin Bobinson, 
 William Bobinson, William McEensie, William Bobertson, heirs of John 
 Forbes, Hugh Dunooii, and ThomaB Fraaer, but Hector AkcLean's is omitted. 
 Tbomab Fraber. a native of Kirkhill Parish. Settled nenviy opposite 
 New Glasgow, wliero lie was known as Deacon Tiiomt?, and Lis dcoccndints 
 are still so distinguished. 
 ITiLMAU Fraser (Ogg). Settled just above him. 
 FnAssn. Usually known as " Imsin." 
 Albxandir McEat. A brother of Roderick and Donald, already mentioned 
 as passengers in tho Hector. Had served in tho Fraser Highlanders at the 
 capture of Louisburg and Quebec. Near tho latter place received a ball in 
 his leg, which he carried till his death. Was a very powerful man. Lived 
 t") bo 07 ycori of age, and almost to the last, a reference to the campaign at 
 Quebec would stir up his blood. Settled near Fish Pools, where his son lately 
 Thouas MoKbnzie. Settled near Fish Pools, where Thomas Grant now 
 Alexanoer Fraser or PIoAndrew. From the parish of Eilmorack. Settled 
 at McLcllans Drook, but did not live long. 
 SiHov Fraser. Also an Elder. Settled on McLellans Brook, where his 
 SOD, William, filled the same ofiBce for fifty'years. 
 Jons KoBKRTsoN. A brother-in-law of Roderick and Donald McKay. 
 Tbo first settler at Churcbville. His drst clearing was made where John 
 Robertson, miller, now resides. 
 There was also a family of Frasers, who came, we believe, with this band. 
 The father died, the widow married William Dunbar, and the only son 
 moved into Antigonish County. 
 B«yne.E. 8 | Haxborri'^E.I, 
 Blaikie, Alex., D. D.- Boston. 
 Cameron, John Elmsdale, N. S. 
 " John Dacoon. Sootla'd. 
 " D. W Ontario. 
 *' J.U Sonris. P. E. I. 
 PRBSBTTEniAN— (continued.) 
 Cameron, Alex Riverside, N.S. 
 Hubert J Scotland. 
 " Alex. II Ilcckston, Ont. 
 Campbell, John Sberbrooke, N.S. 
 " John Scotland. 
 " D.K United States. 
 Camming, Thomas Stellarton, N.6U 
 .GlenelK, N.S. 
 ) Now 
 S London, P.E.I. 
 Tfmsnnmi AH. —Continued. 
 Camming, Robert. 
 Dunbar, Hush 
 Falconer, Alex Trinidad. 
 Forreit, John Halifax, N. S. 
 Fraaer, Wm. Bor.dhoad, Ont. 
 *' Simon United States. 
 •' I. W Rogers Hill, N.S. 
 Oeddie, John, D. D | New^HeWaes. 
 Gordon, D. M Ottawa. 
 " John Paisley, Ont. 
 Grant, George M HalTax, N. S. 
 " Charles M Glasgow. 
 •• D-....«k T { Missionary to 
 Kenneth, J \^^^ Ucbri'^os. 
 •• Ed Btewiaokc, N. 8. 
 •• Wm Karltown, N.S. 
 Gonn, Adam Kennetoook, N.S. 
 •• S. G St. Peters, P.E,I. 
 Livingston, John Dundee, Ont. 
 Matheson.J.W | ^ew UebJfdo" . 
 HeWille. Peter Kincardine, NB. 
 Millar, £. D Shelbume, N. S. 
 „ . ^,^ ) Missionary 
 Morton, John j ^^ Trinidad. 
 Murdoch. John L Windsor, N. S. 
 Murray, Isaac, D. D Cavendish, PlI* 
 " James A London, Ont. 
 " James D N. South Wales. 
 '• John D . . .•.Buotouohe,If.B. 
 " John Sydney,C.B. 
 " British Columbia 
 MoBean, Alex Halifax. N. S. 
 MoCuUoch, Wm.,D. D. .Truro, N. 8. 
 MoDonald, F. R Scotland. 
 " D Nottawasaga, On. 
 McQiUivray, Angus. .... Springville, N.S . 
 J.D Newport, N. S. 
 " Daniel Orockvillo. 
 McGregor. P. G., D. D- Halifax, N. S. 
 „ Simon British Columbia 
 McKentie, Alex Goderich, Ont. 
 *' Kenneth Baddeck, C. B. 
 w T nr ( Missionary to 
 ''• ** JNewUebndjs. 
 McKay, H- B River John, '.3. 
 " J. McG Economy, N.S. 
 " Alex Eldon,Ont 
 " A. W StreeUville, Ont. 
 " Kenneth Richmond, N. B. 
 McLean, John Richibuoto, N.B. 
 " Alex Belfast. P.E.I. 
 pRiaiTTiRiAN. — Continued. 
 " James Londonderry, N3 
 " John D Miss'y to Japan* 
 McLeod, John M j Ch|irh)ttetown» 
 McMillan, Wm East River. 
 " John Truro, 
 McQuarrie, Hector Wingham, Ont* 
 " A.N Quebec. 
 McRae, Donald St. John, N. B. 
 Patterson, R. S Bodoque, P.E-I. 
 " George, D.D. Green Hill, N.S. 
 " Isaac United States. 
 Richard, James Wostport, N. S. 
 Robertson, Hugh A iN^eS"iia«. 
 Roddick, George West River, N.S> 
 Ron-s, Hugh Tatamagouche. 
 " James, D . D 11 alifax. 
 " Ebeneser Londonderry, NS 
 " Walter Beckwilh, Ont. 
 " Donald Lnncastcr, Ont. 
 » William \ Prino^ Williaitt 
 Simpson, L»ac j Musjiu-doboit, 
 Sutherland, Alex Longwood, Ont 
 " Wm Strathburn, Ont. 
 " George ....N. South Wales. 
 J.A.P St. Croix, N. 8. 
 '* John M Pugwash. 
 McLeod, - 
 .United states. 
 .United States. 
 Beattio, Francis New Brunswick. 
 Clark, John United States. 
 Campbell. " 
 Gunn, •' 
 Shaw, P. B. IshuJd. 
 Bums, J, 
 Wilkins, L- M 
 McGregor, D. M Morigomish. 
 McKinnon, Donald Cape Breton. 
 Some of these were not bom in Picton, tbongh brought up here ; but them 
 might be added others, as Revs. A. O. Forbes and J. D. Forbes, bom in tlil» 
 County, though brought up elsewhere. 
 1840 to 1843. County : John IIolmcH and Henry Ulackadur. 
 Townnhip: llenrjr Hutton. 
 1843 to 1847. Counhj: John IIolmcH and George R. Young. 
 Township: Gcorgo Smith, elected in 1843, but nnseated in 
 1844, when Henry lilackadar elected for remainder of 
 1847 to IflBi. County : Gcorgo R. Young and Andrew Robertson. 
 Townthip : Henry Blackodur. 
 1S51 to 1855. County: John Holmca and Rol)ert Murray. 
 Towtahip : Martin I. Wilkins. 
 1855 to 1859. County: George McKcnsio and A. 0. McDonald. 
 Townihip : Martin I. Wilkins. 
 1859 to 1863. Pattern Diitnct: George McKenzio and A. C. McDonald. 
 Weitem do: A. 0. McDonald and R. P. Grant. 
 1863 to 18G7. Eastern District : James McDonald and James Fraser. 
 Western do: Alexander McKay and Donald Fraacr. 
 lions. George Smith, David Cricbton, and John Holmes. 
 iisiiBERS or nocsB or commons 
 1867 to 1872. James W. Carmicbael. 
 1872 to 1873. Robert Doull and James McDonald. 
 1873. James W. Carmicbael and John A. Dawson. 
 1767 to 1876. Hon. John Holmes. 
 1877. Hon. R. P. Grant. 
 '' HOUSI or ASgEHBlY. 
 1867 to 1871. Dr. George Murray, R. 8. Copeland, and M. I. WIlkinB. 
 1871. Simon H. Holmes, Alexander McKay, and Hugh J. CamerOQ. 
 Hon. James Eraser. 
^ ■ 
 I 3Sr IDE X 
 Ibeoakis , 34 
 Academy Fictou 322 et teg. 
 Acadia Coal Company 413 et teq. 
 Agriculture 43G 
 Agricultural, first Society 29G 
 Albion Mines 412 
 Alline, Rev. H 113 
 American War, first 08 
 " Settlers 00 
 Archibald, 8. O. W 221 
 Artilloiy Company 261 
 Baillic, John 4C0 
 Baillies Drook 4C0 
 Ballast Pier 312 
 Baptists 44G 
 Barneys River 108 283 
 Beaches. 15 
 Bears 80 
 "Bee" 384 
 Bennct, Rov. James 113 
 Bible Society, first, 271 
 " Reorganized 312 
 Blanchard Settlement 231 
 DIanchard, Jotham 353 3G8 et teq. 
 Blue Mountain 284 
 Boundaries of County 9 
 Burke, Rev. Ed 268 
 Cameron, Alexander 454 
 " Donald 00 
 Campbell, John 413 
 « Donald, murder by. .. 209 
 Gape John 237 
 Garmichael, James 274 
 Carriboo 11 230 
 Carr, Adam 398 
 Censns, first, C7, later 442 
 Cheese Factories 439 
 Churches, first 147 
 Churchvlllo 123 
 Clearing Land 223 
 Coal 108 309 423 
 Coast 14 
 Cochrono Grant 153 240 
 Cock, Rev. Daniel no 112 
 "Colonial Standard" 385 
 Copolands 153 
 Council of XII 332 371 
 Court, Inferior 2I6 
 " Buprome 2I6 
 Court Iloune 2I6 
 Crerar, Peter. . s. 406 
 Crichton, David 303 
 Crown Brick Coal k Pottery Co. . 420 
 Dalhousio, Earl of 253 331 
 Dalhousie Mountain 275 
 Davidson, James 69 
 " Thomas 256 
 Dawson, John IGO 256 
 " James 309 
 " Robert 309 
 Dcnyg, M., description by 24 
 DesBarres, Col. J. F. W 53 128 
 Dumfries Immigrants 91 IGO 
 231 276 457 
 Dunoon, Hugh 159 226 
 Earltown 277 
 East Branch East River 121 
 1G3 231 460 
 " Eastern Chronicle " 385 
 Eden, Garden of 284 
 Eighty-second Regiment... 116 456 
 •« Grant 116 
 Eighty-fourth Regiment... 119 460 
 Eight Mile Brook 123 
 Elders, fiat 133 
 Elettlon of 1799 193 
 « 1830 380 
 Elliott, Rev. C harks 445 
 EuKland, Church cf 444 
 Emigration, how conduutcd. . .. 241 
 « Enterprisf," brig 300 
 FalrUnks, C. R 333 
 Foils 17 
 Fanners, first 231 
 " Fuvouritc," voyage of the 234 
 Fisher, John's Omnt CO 
 FlsheriL'S 305 
 Fitzpatrkk, Jnmes 238 
 Flogging 204 
 Foord i>it 410 
 Four Mile Brook 235 
 Frascr, Alexander 183 454 
 " David 262 
 " Rev. Donald A.. 317 343 362 
 •• Jnrocs D. B 412 
 '« John 460 
 " » (Collector) M7 
 •' Simon 178 
 «« William (surveyor) 136 
 Free Stone 441 
 Free Church disruption 429 
 Free Port, Pictou made 365 
 French 24 38 42 43 
 Friends' Society of 449 
 Frost, year of 295 
 Gairloch settled 241 
 General Mining Association .... 400 
 Geology of county 18 
 Godoricb. Lord, despatch from . . 353 
 Grant, Peter 157 
 Grants, first 49 
 Halibnrton, T. C 338 351 
 Harris family 73 75 
 « Dr. John 73 
 « Matthew 74 100 
 Harris Thomas, Sr 74 
 '« Thomas, Jr 67 216 
 Hattos, Henry 309 
 « Hector". 19«tuq. 
 " passengers 81 etMtq. 400 
 Hines 303 
 Holmes, Hon. John 428 
 «' Hope," brig 66 e( m^. 
 Houquard, H 233 
 Howe, Hon. Joseph 376 
 Indians (See Micmacs) 
 Ingiis, Bishop 337 
 Intercolonial Coal Company. .. , 415 
 Iron ores 425 
 Iron Foundiies 441 
 Jail erected , 199 
 Kennedy, Wm 65 
 Knoydnrt 169 
 Lakes 17 
 Langills 13J 
 Legislatures, members of 467 
 Library, subscription 312 
 Lightliouses 14 397 
 L. & S. Society 396 
 Lowdcn, Capt 102 169 
 Lowrcy, Capt 309 
 Lulan 190 
 Lyon, Rev. James 76 
 McCabe, James 60 75 
 " John 178 
 McCara, A 238 
 McCullocb, Dr. Thomas 266 321 el leq^ 
 " Michael 330 
 McDonald, Rev. James 443 
 « « Alex 443 
 " Dougald murdered... 218 
 McFadyan, murder by 302 
 McGee, Bar 65 108 
 McGregor, Dr. James. .134 et uq. 392 
 Mcintosh, murder by 213 
 McKay, Alex., sen 467 
 « " jun 286 .290 
 " John (Collier) 398 
 « Robert 309 
 '< Roderick 85, 103, 451 
 « WiUiam 461 
 MoKonsio, Cnptain Ocorgo 431 
 <' Rlv. Kvnneth J..310 
 343 355 362 
 McKinlay, R<;v John 330 301 
 McLean, Hector 25C 
 UcLuod, Rfv Norman 318 
 " » Hugh 320 
 McLcnnanH Ikook 228 
 " Mount 228 
 McNutt, Col 48 
 McPhail, John 302 
 Mail Carrying 228 307 
 "Malignant" 106 
 Manufactures 440 
 Marshy Hopo 284 
 Mathcson, William 266 
 MerigomiHh 12 1C8 
 Mice, in Prince Edward Ivland . . 04 
 " year of 293 
 Micmac8..26e<wjr. 42 58 91 106 
 183 186 188 102 
 Mill Brook 225 
 Millfl, James 237 
 Milno, William 368 
 Militia 261 
 Ministers 467 
 Mitchell, Rev. John 269 
 Mohawks 32 
 Montbiliards 126 
 Moose Hunting 177 
 Morrison, Ocorge 100 
 Mortimc:-, Edward 260 el teq- 
 « William 303 
 Mountains 17 
 Mount Thorn settled 227 
 Murray, Walter 109 
 Name of Pictou 21 
 Natural Hislcry 19 
 New Annan 279 
 New Glasgow 274 
 Now Lairg 236 
 Nova Scotia Coal Company 418 
 Oat Mill, first .-.....:... 296 
 « second 22 
 " Obscnrer," Pictou 884 
 Olding, N. P 134 
 Pagan, John 70 
 " Robert 160 
 PatlaKS 180 
 Patrick, Rev. William 271 
 Patterson, Abraham 304 
 <• Governor 163 
 <* James and David. . .. 73 
 " John (deacon).. Ill 154 
 ** John (second) 72 
 « John (third) 306 
 u Robert (squire) 56 70 00 
 « Robert (black) 307 
 « Walter 307 
 P«iace, effects of 292 
 Petitpas, M 41 
 Philadelphia Company. ... 62 «< uq. 
 Pictou Island 13 18 281 
 Piedmont 283 
 Point Betty Island 27 
 Poor, Account for 107 
 Pounds 201 
 Picsbytery of Pictou, first 171 
 Press Gangs 259 
 Privateers, American 105 
 Prothoilotarics 217 
 Railroad, A Mines 406 
 M Halifax and Pictou.. 430 
 River John 12 130 
 Roads 61 202 205 210 264 392 
 Robertson, Col. Alex 115 460 
 Rogers, John 75 
 Roman Catholic Immigration. . . 163 
 " Church 443 
 Ross, Rev. Duncan 171 
 " John 70 
 « Royal William " 394 
 Rum Drinking 247 
 Sabbath School, firbt GO 
 «• Society for 311 
 Salmon Regulations 201 206 
 gSaltsprings 273 
 . . 
 • • 
 , , 
 . . 
 . , 
 . . 
 . . 
 , , 
 Savago, Captain 27 
 fit. Marys 285 
 fiuwmlll, nrst C5 
 Scaviow Cemetery 30 241 
 ScBgionM, Court of 201 
 Sheriffs 218 
 iihip Building ico 430 
 Slilpping 431 
 Simpson, David 4C1 
 Six Milo Broolc 235 
 Slavery io7 148 
 Smith, lion. Oeorge 303 
 Stage (?oacli 391 
 fitellar Coal 413 
 <' E: psures" Letters 257 300 
 48i 11 Navigation 394 
 Stewart, Alex. (Post) 227 
 Stoclis 200, 207 
 Sutherland, John 124 
 Tatamagoache i^g 
 Tattrie, Georgo 127 
 Temperance Societies 386 
 Timber 02 98 244 360 43C 
 Toncy, Captain 42 
 Toncy River 43 237 
 Tongo, W. Cottnam 193 
 Town, (Irst laid off 61 
 Town, present, commcnecd 1 4 
 Town Uut bridge 212 
 Township boundaries 10 
 Union of Presbyterians 31ft 
 Vale Collitiy 422 
 Wttlloco, Hon. M 195 
 Walmcsley 116 
 Wauph, W 94 
 Wcntwortb, Sir John... tH 124 161 
 West Branch East Iliver. . . 122 461 
 " River John 238 
 West India Trade 306 
 Wcstvillo 419 
 Williams, Richard 162 
 Witherspoon, Dr 79 
 Windsor College 324 
 After the greater part of the foregoing work was printed, we received the 
 following statement, as made by the late James Patterson : — 
 "When the "Hector" arrived herein 1773, there were but nine huts in 
 the whole of the present connty, viz., one at Howlets (a little above Norway 
 House), just new, occupied by Robert Patterson ; one at John Brown's farm, 
 oecopicd by Dr. Harris ; one ot James Rae's, occupied by John Rogers ; one 
 at Saw Mill, occupied by Kennedy and Blaisdell ; one at Eraser's farm (now 
 Evans' ), by James McCabo ; one at Dunoon's farm, on the hill, by Mr. Earl ; 
 one at David I^owden's farm, by Mr. Watson ; one at West River, at Davidson's 
 farm, by Mr. Aitliin; one at West River, nt Beck's farm, by Barney McQee." 
 We arc Ratislied that this is imperfect, as Matthew Harris was certainly hero 
 in 1773; alro Hoi ton, and probably some others. Watson lived, and soon 
 after died, at West River, where Robert Stewart now lives. It would seem 
 .nlso that the place where wo mentioned John Rogers as having located 
 himself on Rogers Hill, was not where ho first lived. We may have made a 
 mistake at page 102, in describing the seizure of Captain Lowden as having 
 taken place in the house of Mr. Wangh. The gentleman who gave us the 
 history, the late Robert McKay, Esq., and who received it from Captain 
 Lowden himself, said that it took place in the house of the man who lived 
 on Dunoon's farm. Waugh, wo knew, lived there, but Earl, who was a koea 
 American sympathiser, may Lave been still there, and it may have taken 
 place in his house. 
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