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The following diegrema illuatrata the method: • • Lea'cartea. planchea. tabliaux. etc.. peuvent Atre. fiimis A des taux da rAduction diff Arants. Loraqua la document aat trap grOnd pour Atra raprodult en un aaul clichA. il eat fllmA A^partir da Tangle supArleur geuche. do geuche A drolte.^ ^et do heut en bee. en prenant- ^ nombra d'imageo nAcasseire. Laa diagrdmmes solvents illustrent le mAthode. ^ 1 <• ^2' ■' ■' . 3 12 6 32X V 4.- .'^•' . '• ''%'"^ip' ■t . I . ,•♦ lANING AND MATCHING MACHINES. -:o:- "NajB, 4 pair 7 in. feed Rolls, double cylinder, and bealdirtg attachment, planes 24 in. wide, 6 in. thick, nmtches 14 in. wide, - - | r - No. 0, double Hurtace, without ujatql^ersi^ beading ■ attachment, - ■ - ■ /) ;\ , " " No. 1, 3 pair 7 in. feed rolls?, planes|24in.\ wideband 6 in. thick, matchen 14 in. wid(|, - No. 1, with double cylinder and beaming attachment. No. 1, singlesurface.-without matchers and beadii^« attachment, - - - . - - r " No. 1, double surface, without nmtcher8 and beading attachment, - - - - - - - j No. IJ, 4 pair 6 in. feed rolls, double^cylin Frizerrwith Counter Shaft, ^ - - - - Ironwork for Shaper— for wood frame, - . - - Counter Shaft for D itto, "■ .-•;■•..-" .. " • ■'^•" BLIND Machines. " ' The Ellis Bhnd Slat Tenoning Machine, Blind Slat Tenoning Machine, improved. Blind Stile Boring and Morticing-Machme, - Blind Slat Wiring Machine— hand, ; p - Blind Slat Wiring Machine— foot, $100 no 200 110 45 * 20 00 00 00 00 00 oo; .V $ m 00 i)0 00 lao 00 15!00 .25^00 MITREING, MORTICING ANP BORING MACHINES. I * Mitreing Machine— hand, - if' - - Mitreing Machine— foot, -* "V ■ " Mitreing Machine— for picture frames, - - No. I Morticing? Machine— footi -^ - - •No. 2 Morticing Machine—foot, * - , - No. 1 Morticing Machine—power, - '/ Ko. I Morticing Machin'e— with bonng apparatus, Horizontal two Spindle Boring & Morticing Machm^,, Vertical Boring Machine, with three Spmdlesr - , Large Boring Machine, with adjustable Spmdles to] ^ bore from top and bottom, - . - - - Post Boring Machine, - - ^ " " " * DOOR Tenoning Machines. No. 1 Tenoning Machine, with double heads and double cope, - - " , " , ', ', No. I Tenoning Machine, with double heaiis and single cope, -. - - " - " No. 2 TenoniWg Machine, with double cope, -^ No. 2 Tenoni^lig Machine, with s ingle cope, - BAND, SCROLL & SAWING MACHINES. Scroll Saw, - r - - - Scroll Saw— iron work for wood frame, Eureka Scroll -Saw— jron or wood top, - Rip-Saw Table, wood top, - • - ^' Rip Saw Table, iron top, - * - * . Rip-Saw Table, iron top, with cutting off and nrntre sawing attachment, - « ~ " ^ 1 15 00 23 00 .•i5 00 45 00 25 00 160 00 190 00 145 00 175 00 ; 250 00 i 25 00 j $300 00 'I 275 00 200 00 185 00 $ 80 00 25 00 125 liO yO 00 115 00 130 00 rr.'iffir4«iin& Dowel Machine, with 3 heads,! 1 U No. I Rod Pin & Dowel Machine— power feed, • No. 2 Rod P,rn & Dowel Machine, with 3 heads, fit Eave Trough Knife, ■ - ; - " Emery Grinding Machine, for two wheels, - Counter Shaft for Ditto, r ^^^ - ; V ,' Emery Grindiijg Machine, double, for tour wheels. Counter Shaft for Ditto, - - - - " ;. L„-— • ' " • ' . .. • 45 00 85 00 33 00 42 00 14 00 38 00 14 00 30 00 12 00 312 00 260 00 300 00 250 00 288 00 238 00 2 50 35 00 65 00 25 00 dl2 00 10 00 10 00. 116 00 42 00 1 A inmosT XAeBi!rfl8.'M09Btia«ii.) NN'^.vv Door, Blind and Saflh Clamp, - • Dado Hetui, ' - - - Heading Turner, - . - - Band Saw Setting Machine, - - -^ Band Saw Filing Vice, ^ - - . - Wheels and Board for Ditto, - - • Band Saw Set and Filing Apparatuia, complete Hand Matching Machine, iron frame, - Patrick's Rotary Force Pump, single, -\ - Patrick's Rotary Force Piimjp, double, with Hhnt-oft", Iron Boring Machine for Agricultural Machine Shop*» Eflsery's Patent Loose PuU^, T*-^" .^ - Sh aftmg , Pulleys and^anigers, per Mu j, Sundries FOR Moulding Machines. Heads, 9 in., brass, slotted, (each)"* - - Do. 8 in., do.x... do. ^ - - - Do. Tins, do. -do. ' /- - - Do. 6 in., do. do. Do. Moulding, iron heads, brass cup^, Cutters, plain, per inch face, - - - - Cutters, Moulding, per inch face, - - , - Side Heads, brass, (each) - -' - - ' - Cylinder Knives, (each) 9 imr - ^* . - Do. do. do. 8 in., - - - - Do. do. , do. 7 in», - - . -' Do.^ do. do. 6 in., . .* - ^ Do. do. ^ do, ;4 in., \ - ^-/ - • Sundries FOR Planing Machines. Cylinder Knives, (each) 26 in., - - - - Dp. do. do. 24 in., - - - - j Do. do. do. 20 in., - - - * - Do. tlo. do. 16 in., - > - i Do. do. do. 12 in., - - Matcher Heads, brass, per pair, 6 in., for three cutters, (cutters not included,) Cutters for Ditto, (per pair heads) to work two thicknesses, . *- - -^ ,- Matcher Heads, brass (per pair,) 5 J in. diani., for two cutters, - - - - ' - Matcher Heads, brass (per pair,) 6 in, «liani., for two cuttefs, - - . , - . Cutters for Di^to, (per pair heads) to work two thicknesses, - - - - - Matcher Heads, Jron, (per pair,) ^ • - * ' Matcher Setter, 1120 00 . 18 00 120 00 12 00 6 00 10 00 HO 00 80 00 120 00 850 00 1G5 00 1 ■• ' ■ '■ ! S,11 00 -MucfHire for QriTidi ng Planei* K n i ves 15 00 14 00 12 00 7 00 35 50 8 50 2 00 1 80 I 65 1 32 88 $4 68 4 32 3 60 2 88 2 16 27 00 9 00 20 50 18 00 5 76 14 00 10 00 tror ■il ^f 1120 00 . 18 00 120 00 12 00 6 00 10 00 HO 00 80 00 120 00 H50 00 105 00 ■. ■ ■ ■■ - $17 00 a6 00 ! 14 00 i 12 00 > 7 00 35 50 8 50 2 00 1 80 1 55 1 32 88 $4 <;8 4 32 3 60 2 88 2 16 27 00 9 00 20 50 18 00 5 76 14 00 10 00 I ' W .. .. J . .- Band $A1)(^ Blades. / \ .t inch, encli, inch, eacli, irvcli, oacli/ inch, each, ^ inch, each, inch, each, U j»cji, each, U inch ^ each. V „ « 1 r •^^ '\ X^ ---:£- H. THE BQSS SAND PAPERING MACHINE. ^p^K have maik' arrangeiiieiits with .). I^. Peiiry t^ ^SSp Co., of Berlin, Wisconsin, to nmnufactairo their Boss Sand Papering Machine — the only one nianu factiuetl wliich is atlapted to all kinds of Wool! Polish- ing, .siicli as is done in Furniture, Coffin, Waggon, Carriage, Sash, Door and Blind, and Sewing Machine Factories, or any other Factory having flat surfaces to polish. ■-:.-!■'' - ! No. 1 — Sinnrle Machine, with 24 inch Sand and Brush Cylinder, - - - - - - ! ^375 00 No. 2— Single Machine,, with 30 inch Sand and; Brush Cylinder, - - - - - - 425 00 j No. 3— Sinjrle Machine, with 36 inch Sand and! ' I Brush Cylinder, -^ - - - - * - j 450 00: No. 1 — Double, has two Sand CyHnders and Brush' i Cylinder, 24 inch wi. 2— Double, luis two Saml Cyhnders an - 600 00 Terms for these Maqhines— Cash, 30 dav.s. tror jt/gia^t 'x'.Zl^e^St